On Tue, Dec 29, 2020 at 6:51 PM Yasha Karant <ykar...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Thus, unlike either the Ubuntu (including LTS) Ask Ubuntu or this SL
> list that are available without any fee with full archive access, it
> appears that to get to the RockyEL "list" much older than one calendar
> week, one must subscribe for a fee.  Such a system makes archival
> information not generally available.  If other RockyEL (e.g., #rocky )
> readers do not see the paywall message and are not paying a fee (or have
> an institutional "subscription"), please comment as to how to get the
> "archives".

It's not a paywall for users. It's a limit of using a free Slack instance
vs paid. The Rocky Linux team is already in the process of moving to a
longer term system. The slack was never meant to be permanent, as it was
initially used for gmk's HPC company. It was the easiest and most expedient
place to send people at the sudden change from Red Hat. You seem to have
quite a beef against Rocky in principle, and choose to ignore that the
project is literally brand new and was started without any advance plans.

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