On Wed, Dec 30, 2020 at 11:06 PM Yasha Karant <ykar...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Beef:  Slang.       a complaint.
>      an argument or dispute.
> I do not have a complaint, argument, or dispute with Rocky EL or any
> other distro, enthusiast, "enterprise", or supported for fee.  The
> issues are suitability, currency, hardening, and support mechanisms.  I
> can elaborate on any of these if there is interest.  It is difficult,
> but not impossible, to have a distro that does not have computer science
> and engineering professionals (not in the sense of necessarily using
> this as in the sense of a significant source of gainful employment, nor
> in the sense of formal academic diplomata -- Heaviside had no such
> diplomata, but in the sense of knowledge, understanding, and skills, of
> which Heaviside had sufficient in all three of these areas) doing the
> implementation that is suitable for "hardened" production use, including
> converting a distribution source into a functioning alternately badged
> but otherwise identical "executable" distribution.

You do have a beef. You post item after item "exposing" how Rocky is not
suitable for prime professional use, while ignoring that the project is
still developing. You post complaint after complaint about how it's a
volunteer run affair while you can only stomach using something that people
are paid specifically to do. You have the take that volunteerism is bad for
serious use, yet the whole CentOS debacle is rooted around paid Red Hat
employees scuttling the distro. Stop being pedantic and just own up to the
behavior we can see in your posts.

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