yeah, man. I think she--and Bill--picked up that whether Obama wins or loses, 
what they do this year and this week determines their own futures. It's no joke 
that a lot of Blacks (me included) are incensed at the not-so-subtle racism the 
Clintons--who were givent the title of honorary Blacks--used against Obama. 
It's less about even supporting Obama and more about the tricks they used. And 
I've heard a lot of Blacks saying that if she didn't do everythig in her power 
to make up for that, if Obama lost, they'd hold her and Bill responsible. Right 
or wrong, that's the way it is. And as time's gone on, they've realized it's 
not just Blacks, but many younger whites who don't have a sense of history and 
loyalty with the Clintons. If Hillary runs in four years or tries to run in 
even eight years, for newer generations she and Bill will be a part of history. 
And how would they like part of that historic legacy to be "that's the lady who 
helped shoot down the first serious Black presidenti
al candidate. and she's old too".

-------------- Original message -------------- 
From: Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
I admit that I, too, am flabbergasted by this, Keith. Maybe she's picked up 
something along the road in the past few weeks.

--- On Wed, 8/27/08, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Subject: [scifinoir2] OT: Wow--Hillary Moves for Barak by Acclamation
Date: Wednesday, August 27, 2008, 6:52 PM

Okay, she's gone a looooong way toward redeeming herself. Hillary 
Clintion--after several states yielded to New York--spoke for her state and the 
convention, asking that Barak Obama be declared the candidate by acclamation, 
which just took place.

Good move, good move. Although...I must admit I was enjoying the long, drawn 
out nomination speeches from each state's delegates. Always fun to hear "The 
Great State of so-and-so" brag about their luminaries, their weather, their 
role in the Revolutionary War, whatever.

Now, let's see if Bill can swallow that anger and bring it like his wife did. 
Seeing as Hillary has her eye to the future, you best believe she's told Bill 
not to screw this up for her by giving the slightest reason for people to blame 
them if Obama were to lose. I think Billy Boy will schmooze and dissemble with 
the best of 'em tonight!


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