Well, you're entitled to that opinion for sure. Speaking as a liberal, I'm 
heartened by a return to more liberal thinking. If it means we can look at 
people as people, instead of using sexual orientation and ethnicity as scare 
tactics, I'm all for it. If we can respect anyone whether they're Christian, 
Muslim, Jew, or atheist, then color me liberal. If we can return to a world 
where we talk with other nations and make decisions with them rather than try 
to push them around, then sign me up. If we can use thoughtful consideration 
rather than charging in with guns blazing, then sing hallelujah. If we can 
bring back to reality the moral Judeo-Christian points conservatives noise 
about, but then ignore--the rights to privacy, respect of all races and 
religions, loving and helping the less fortunate--then by all means, liberalism 
come back!

And I get that just throwing a Black face in office isn't in and of itself 
enough. After all, two of the worst, most destructive people in recent 
history--Clarence Thomas and Condie Rice-are Black. But symbols are 
powerful.Taking a step is powerful. Opening a door is powerful. And putting a 
man --or woman, someday--of color in the highest office in the land is a 
powerful symbol. It will change us in ways we don't even comprehend right now. 
It won't be the Second Coming, but it will move us forward as a nation, a 
people, if only a little bit.  Just as you and I benefited from our parents and 
grandparents being the first on a job, the first in a neighborhood, the first 
in a church, the first to vote, then we'll all benefit from the right man being 
the first to take the leadership of this country.

In my humble opinion.

-------------- Original message -------------- 
In a message dated 8/27/2008 7:21:13 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] writes:
used against Obama. It's less about even supporting Obama and more about the 
tricks they used. And I've heard a lot of Blacks saying that if she didn't do 
everythig in her power to make up for that, if Obama lost, they'd hold her and 
Bill responsible. Right or wrong, that's the way it is. And as time's gone on, 
they've realized it's not just Blacks, but many younger whites who don't have a 
sense of history and loyalty with the Clintons. If Hillary runs in four years 
or tries to run in even eight years, for newer generations she and Bill will be 
a part of history. And how would they like part of that historic legacy to be 
"that's the lady who helped shoot down the first serious Black presi dential 
candidate. and she's old too".
All those whites who toke african american studies course and have half black 
kids always get offended and act as if they understand. 

At the end of the day, being the first black means nothing to me. It is all 
liberal potlics that seems to end up hurtig blacks in the end. 

It's only a deal if it's where you want to go. Find your travel deal here.

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