Means that I have to break my promise to myself and catch "Traitor" when it's 
out on DVD. Since I did like the previews, I'll bite the bullet. I already see 
your meaning re: :Mission To Mars".

---------[ Received Mail Content ]----------
Subject : Re: [scifinoir2] Re: Ironman: Why They Say Terrance Howard was Fired
Date : Tue, 4 Nov 2008 10:56:16 -0500
>From : Daryle Lockhart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To :

Sadly, the role that proves Cheadle is better for this than Howard 
-- is the role nobody likes him in. In "Mission To Mars" you have 
Cheadle doing technobabble in a space suit in scenes with Gary Sinise 
and Tim Robbins. If you watch that, then watch "Traitor", you'll 
see that Cheadle's the guy. 

On Nov 4, 2008, at 10:09 AM, Martin Baxter wrote: 

> But *how* do they know that Howard couldn't handle the role? They 
> never gave him a chance. I love Cheadle's work, top to bottom, but 
> he's a dramatic actor. I can't see him fitting into what is 
> primarily an action movie. 
> ---------[ Received Mail Content ]---------- 
> Subject : Re: [scifinoir2] Re: Ironman: Why They Say Terrance 
> Howard was Fired 
> Date : Tue, 4 Nov 2008 03:47:45 EST 
> To : 
> I don't know. But I think he can do it. Especially after seeing 
> him in 
> that movie were he plays a CIA counter-agent. Still after reading 
> the article 
> does this mean that Rhodes will have a bigger role in the film now 
> that they 
> fell they have an actor that can handle it. Or will we barely see 
> him in IM2 
> no matter who plays him because of this. 
> -GTW 
> In a message dated 11/4/08 3:11:00 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: 
>> I like Cheadle but I can't see him in the role of James Rhodes... 
>> Said 
>> --- In, "Tracey de Morsella" 
>> wrote: 
>>> 'Iron Man 2': How Terrence Howard Lost His Metal 
>>> Marvel's decision to recast the role of Col. Jim Rhodes said to be a 
>>> combination of salary issues and concern about the performance 
>>> By 
>>> ;> Nicole Sperling 
>>> Nicole Sperling 
>>> Nicole Sperling 
>>> When a summer blockbuster grosses more than $300 million, putting 
>> together a 
>>> sequel is typically as simple as throwing buckets of money at your 
>> stars and 
>>> signing a few pieces of paper. That hasn't been the case with 
>>> Iron Man 2. It took 
>>> months for Marvel 
>> Studios 
>>> to lock in director Jon Favreau 
>>> for the sequel. And 
>>> reports that Don 
>>> l> Cheadle will replace Terrence Howard as Col. Jim Rhodes - a 
>> supporting 
>>> character who seemed poised for a big role in the follow-up after he 
>>> muttered ''Next time, baby'' to Iron Man's steel suit - hint that 
>> IM2 isn't 
>>> quite as infallible as the superhero at its center. 
>>> Hollywood insiders believe the exit stems from Terrence Howard 
>>> 's difficult 
>> behavior on 
>>> the set of Iron Man. But those with intimate knowledge of the 
>>> situation 
>>> suggest a far more dramatic backstory: Howard was the first actor 
>> signed to 
>>> the film and, on top of that, was the highest-paid. That's right: 
>> more than 
>>> Gwyneth Paltrow 
>> . More 
>>> than Jeff 
>> Bridges. More 
>>> than Robert Downey Jr. 
>>> And once the project fully came together, it was too late to 
>> renegotiate his 
>>> deal. It didn't help that, according to one source, Favreau and his 
>>> producers were ultimately unhappy with Howard's performance, and 
>> spent a lot 
>>> of time cutting and reshooting his scenes. (Favreau could not be 
>> reached for 
>>> comment, while Howard's publicist says: ''Terrence had a tremendous 
>>> experience working on Iron Man.'') 
>>> As such, when Favreau and screenwriter Justin Theroux 
>>> went to map out 
>> the sequel 
>>> they found themselves minimizing Howard's story line. Once Marvel 
>> learned 
>>> that Favreau was thinking of curtailing the role, the studio went 
>>> to the 
>>> actor's agents with a new and drastically reduced offer - a number 
>> that's 
>>> similar to what supporting cast members were paid for the first 
>> movie. The 
>>> agents, according to sources, were so taken aback by this new 
>>> figure - 
>>> estimated at somewhere between a 50 and 80 percent pay cut - that 
>>> they 
>>> questioned it. Why did they blanch? Multiple sources say that Marvel 
>> execs 
>>> never told Howard's reps that they had issues with the star's on-set 
>>> conduct. (Marvel would not comment for this story.) 
>>> It's unclear whether Howard's team walked away first, or if Marvel 
>> ended the 
>>> discussion at that point. Either way, the studio moved quickly to 
>>> secure 
>>> Cheadle and the story leaked out the next morning, Oct. 14. And 
>>> alas for 
>>> Howard, there will be no next time. 
>>> More from the EW archive: 
>>> Iron 
>> Man 2: 
>>> Don Cheadle's in 
>>> Terrence 
>>> Howard Breaks Silence on Iron Man 
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