On Mon, May 3, 2010 at 5:38 AM, Guillaume Cottenceau <gcott...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Thanks for the effort. For the time it's only released by you, I have
> a problem with the fact it's not clearly stated it's a fork/different
> branch from official/previous releases.

Agreed. I hadn't thought of this. My Apologies.

> You've chosen your own
> numbering (2.201) and to keep the original name, so for
> outside/distribution people it looks like just a normal upgrade (I
> already got that echo from Mandriva).

We call it Games::FrozenBubble too close?

> If there are any problems with
> your releases in stable distributions, I would not like to be
> associated with these problems, and for that I'd appreciate a naming
> change, I think "ported to CPAN" is probably not enough. I think the
> most simple would be to not do releases, leaving me some (reasonable
> amount of) time so that we try to agree on a common codebase and
> acceptable planning for the future.

We can hold back on releases for sure. That is not too hard to do :).

> By reasonable time, I can offer a
> serious review of your branch this week already and then some more
> work if needed in the following weeks.

No worries take as much time as you need.

> By acceptable planning, I think
> that everything which you'd plan to do which wouldn't hurt our
> original view of the game (including its stability for example) would
> be totally fine (for example, your refactoring plans); since we didn't
> plan many more developments and it's open source, it's normal others
> people could improve the software if they want to do; however, my only
> limit would be if you chose to implement things I'm strongly against
> to see in FB, then I'd ask for a name change.

We haven't made any logic changes in FB at all. Just porting.
We could later fix bugs but there is no game play changes in mind.

Kartik Thakore

> On Mon, May 3, 2010 at 5:24 AM, Kartik Thakore <thakore.kar...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > Hi Guillaume,
> >
> > We recently upload Frozen Bubble 2.201 to CPAN. You can see it here:
> >
> >
> http://search.cpan.org/~kthakore/Games-FrozenBubble-2.201/lib/Games/FrozenBubble.pm<http://search.cpan.org/%7Ekthakore/Games-FrozenBubble-2.201/lib/Games/FrozenBubble.pm>
> >
> > Please review let us know if we are missing anything in it. Currently
> > everything works in Linux/BSD. Everything but the server works on
> Windows.
> > And Mac is untested.
> >
> > Regards,
> > Kartik Thakore
> >
> --
> Guillaume Cottenceau - http://zarb.org/~gc/ <http://zarb.org/%7Egc/>

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