Re: [ccp4bb] Twin law definition in REFMAC5

2020-07-08 Thread Andrey Lebedev
Dear Petr

Both questions, on twin law and R-factors, are mainly questions about 
definitions and standards.

From Online Dictionary of Crystallography: "The twin law is the SET of twin 
operations mapping two individuals of a twin." 

In your P 21 21 21 example with a=b, the set contains four operations:
2-fold rotations around [110] and [-110], and rotations around [001] by 90 and 
-90 degrees. These operations can be written as k,h,-l; -k,-h,-l; -k,h,l; 
k,-h,l. Four is because there are four operations in 222 point group. All four 
are equivalent twin operations for this particular twin. Any of them can be 
taken as a REPRESENTATIVE of the twin law, but it will be incorrect use of 
terminology to say that one of then IS a twin law.  It is valid to use any of 
them in calculations.

Again, the question about R-factors for data from twinned crystal is a question 
of definition. The standard definitions of R-cryst and R-free are NOT 
applicable to such data. (Let's leave alone the discussion on whether and when 
R-factors are useful statistics).

This is because the definitions of R-cryst and R-free use the notion of  
"observed" structure amplitudes. In case of non-twinned crystal, there is 
French-Wilson procedure (implemented in truncate program), which is a de-facto 
standard (good or bad - different story) for calculating "observed" structure 
amplitudes from "observed" intensities. To calculate the "observed" intensities 
from "twinned" intensities we need yet another standard, e.g. a standard 
de-twining procedure, which does not exist. Moreover, refinement programs do 
not use de-twinning, but, other way round, fit calculated "twinned" intensities 
to "observed" "twinned" intensities. This is robust. But when it goes to 
R-factors, there is range of options.

In Refmac, "twinned" refinement can be conducted against intensities or 
structure amplitudes, however calculated. The former is in theory more robust, 
but it uses definitions of R-factors that results in higher values, especially 
when there are many weak reflections.

For bureaucratic purposes, I may suggest the option of refinement against 
structure amplitudes (obtained e.g. using truncate). That will give lower 
R?factors. Alternatively, refinement against intensities can be followed by 
refmac job with zero cycles using structure amplitudes option.


P.S. An important reminder from Garib: output mtz-file from refmac should not 
be used in subsequent refinements as input. It is only for map calculation and 
for internal use in model building pipelines. Please always use mtz-file form 
data reduction program (e.g. aimless) as input for refmac. This comment is 
especially relevant for "twin refinement".

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[ccp4bb] CCP4 on MacOS Catalina

2019-11-07 Thread Andrey Lebedev
Dear CCP4 Users

CCP4 Setup Manager and Update Manager are now functional on MacOS Catalina
in both user and administrative mode. The corrected version of Setup
Manager is now available from usual location, CCP4 Downloads

Technical details.
Previously both Setup and Update managers in admin mode were stalling at
the point when they launched external scripts. This was caused by
inconsistency between new elevation mechanism on Catalina and QProcess class
in Qt framework used in CCP4 Setup and Update Managers.

Best wishes
CCP4 core group

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[ccp4bb] CCP4-7.0 Update 70 including ARP/wARP-8.0 patch 1

2019-02-19 Thread Andrey Lebedev
Dear CCP4 Users

We would like to announce CCP4-7.0 update No 70 that includes the following.

*ARP/wARP: patch 1 for version  8.0*

Notes from Victor Lamzin, EMBL-Hamburg, Germany

News in ARP/wARP 8.0 patch 1:

Protein model building:
– Large structures up to 50,000 residues can now be handled; within this
limit the number of NCS-related copies can be up to 1000
– Both main-chain and side-chain building steps are now considerably faster
for large structures
– Output file names are customisable

Ligand building:
– Ligand validation using LigEnergy is added to all ligand-building

– Additional plots and a viewer are added

Other changes:
– Various bugs fixed in protein model building (both for MX and cryo-EM),
ligand building and webservice
– Example files have been updated

*CCP4i2: critical update*

The ccp4i2 interface will not work properly without update 70.

NB If you have already applied update 69 released last week and ccp4i2 does
not start, you will have to start CCP4 Update Manager from Terminal window
(see or from ccp4i.

*Morda: update to v.28*


Tarballs and bundles for offline CCP4 Setup Manager consisting of
and ARP/wARP 8.0 (patch 1) are available from CCP4 Downloads:

Standalone version of ARP/wARP-8.0 can be downloaded from the ARP/wARP
homepage ( or

Please report any bugs to

Many thanks for using CCP4 and ARP/wARP.

The CCP4 Core Team

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[ccp4bb] Fedora 29 breaks CCP4

2018-10-31 Thread Andrey Lebedev
Dear CCP4 users,

The recently released Fedora 29 breaks all the CCP4 graphical
components (interfaces and update manager).

This is because backward incompatibility of the fontconfig library and
possibly other libraries in Fedora 29.

The CCP4 core group working on this issue.

Meanwhile, please refrain from installing Fedora29 or upgrading
earlier Fedora version.


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[ccp4bb] ARP/wARP-8.0 + CCP4-7.0.065 joint release

2018-10-19 Thread Andrey Lebedev
Dear CCP4 Users

We would like to announce the joint release of ARP/wARP version 8.0
and CCP4-7.0.065.

ARP/wARP 8.0 provides a considerably improved performance for X-ray
crystallographic applications and it is now also capable of interpreting
cryo-EM maps at a resolution range 2.0-3.5 Å.

Installation and compatibility
-Checks for software installation have been enhanced
-32 and 64-bit platforms on OSX and Linux are supported
-ARP/wARP is fully compatible with the latest versions of CCP4 and Refmac

Protein chain tracing
-Protein chain tracing has been made faster and its memory handling
 has been improved
-DipCheck conformational space is introduced for the selection of
 the chain path
-NCS restraints are now default at resolution 1.5 Å or lower
-Loop closure can now be provided using a new module Loopy2018

Sequence docking and building
-Side chain guess and fit can now be accomplished using a new
 module SEQQY
-Handling of large structures has been enhanced and the maximum
 number of NCS copies increased to 60
-Both mono- and hetero-multimers can now be handled

DNA/RNA building
-Nucleotide chain tracing is enhanced with the addition of the
 second algorithm for phosphate detection
-Nucleotide chain tracing now proceeds in an iterative manner, as
 for protein tracing

Identification of crystallographic ligands
-Energy estimate for protein-ligand bound state is introduced
 during identification of crystallographic ligands

Solvent building
-Building of solvent structure exploits advanced features of Refmac
 including TLS and local NCS restraints.
-Solvent update can optionally be turned off providing a tool for
 model refinement with Refmac.

Building models into cryo-EM maps
-Protein and protein-nucleic acid models are built with a minimum user input
-Map over-sharpening is handled automatically
-Partial models can be completed by sequence-docking and loop building
-Models can be refined with a combined real- and reciprocal-space protocol
-A very fast secondary structure modelling option can be used separately.

An update No 65 for the CCP4-7.0 series automatically installs
ARP/wARP-8.0 on Mac OS X and Linux computers, where ARP/wARP-7.6 has
previously been installed as a part of CCP4 installation. (The
directory arp_warp_7.6 is _not_ removed , but CCP4 i1 and i2 are
switched to version 8.0). In addition, the update No 65 brings the
following changes.
* refmac5: correction to LINK records
* contact: increase MaxSelectedResidues
* dials: inclusion of mock module
* pointless: update to 1.11.6
* rabdam: update to 1.4.1
* crank2: fixes and improvements
* documentation: correction to freerflag documentation

In addition, tarballs and bundles for CCP4 Setup Manager consisting of
CCP4-7.0.065 and ARP/wARP 8.0 are available from CCP4 Downloads:

Please report any bugs to

Many thanks for using CCP4 and ARP/wARP.

The CCP4 Core Team

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[ccp4bb] Issues with update manager in ccp4 updates 52 and 53

2018-04-10 Thread Andrey Lebedev
Descriptions are now available online:
If your update manager does not start, look at No 3 and 4 - they may
relate to your case.
Best wishes

[ccp4bb] CCP4i2 on Windows: issue with update 52

2018-04-10 Thread Andrey Lebedev
Dear CCP4 Users,

The has been an issue with the CCP4 Update 52 released on 28 Feb 2018.

This will only affect I2-interface users on Windows with there CCP4
installation at version 7.0.052. (The version is shown at the very top
of the interface window). To apply new updates you will have to use
(only once) the old interface or to type "ccp4um" in CCP4-Console
window (the icon should be on your Desktop).

Apologies for any inconvenience caused and best wishes


[ccp4bb] Issue with CCP4 update 053

2018-03-20 Thread Andrey Lebedev
Dear CCP4 users.

There has been an issue with the latest CCP4 Update 53, which affects
Mac OS X and Linux users if:
- the update was installed before Sunday 18th of March 22:30 GMT
- and CCP4 installation is password-protected.

Should these apply to you, the best way to deal with the faulty update
is as follows:

(1) Start  Update Manage from the command line using sudo or as root.

For example, If CCP4 environment is sourced, the following command will work

  sudo -E ccp4um

Otherwise you will have to specify full path to ccp4um. For example,
for most of Mac OS X users, the right command will be as follows

  sudo /Applications/ccp4-7.0/bin/ccp4um

(2) In the Update Manager window:

  "Next"; uncheck the check box next to 7.0.053; "Apply".

(3) After the above two steps your CCP4 installation will be back to
normal and you will be able to reapply update 53 and to apply all
subsequent updates in a usual way.

Apologies for any inconvenience caused and best wishes

[ccp4bb] ccp4-7.0 for windows

2018-02-01 Thread Andrey Lebedev
Dear CCP4 users

A new ccp4-7.0 installer for Windows is now available:
- consolidates updates 1-50
- includes Coot and SHELX as optional components (do not forget to
register at SHELX web site).

Best wishes

Re: [ccp4bb] CCP4 series 7.0 update 045

2017-10-12 Thread Andrey Lebedev
Dear CCP4 users

There were two mistakes in my previous e-mail announcing the update 7.0.045:
- an incorrect list of platforms for which the new version of shelxe
is provided and
- an out-of-date reference to SHELX web-site.

The correct statement is as follows:

shelxe (Mac OS X, Linux 64 bits, Windows 32 and 64 bits)
• update to 2017_1
• improved chain tracing at lower than 2A resolution
• further details at

Best wishes

On 4 October 2017 at 22:16, Andrey Lebedev  wrote:
> Dear All
> updates 045 has been release.  This contains
> shelxe (Mac, Linux 64 bit)
> • update to 2017_1
> • improved chain tracing at lower than 2A resolution
> • further details at
> coot (Mac, Linux)
> • correctsions to some typos
> molrep
> • fix for bug in map read
> sfcheck
> • removed bug in reading ccp4 map
> pointless
> • 1.11.4 increase number of images from Scalepack file
> lorestr
> • fixed CCP4i2 compatibility issue with -p2 file names
> ctruncate
> • bug fixes, protect 0 value diagonal elements in hessian
> hklfile
> • bug fixes
> acedrg
> • bug fixes
> ccp4i2
> • new nautilus interface
> • lorestr: fixed difference map import
> • crank2: fixes for specific space groups
> • arpwarp: added output xyz with dummy atoms removed
> • added task interface for morda-mp
> ccp4i
> • jsrview set as the default viewer for crank2
> • fixed termination of subprocesses
> morda-mp (Mac, Linux)
> • released python wrapper and i1 interface
> crank2
> • disabling ccp4i jsrview pop-up
> • prasa fine-tuning
> • fixes for specific space groups
> • fixed flip-mem variant of charge flipping
> All the best
> CCP4 Core team

[ccp4bb] CCP4 series 7.0 update 045

2017-10-04 Thread Andrey Lebedev
Dear All

updates 045 has been release.  This contains

shelxe (Mac, Linux 64 bit)
• update to 2017_1
• improved chain tracing at lower than 2A resolution
• further details at

coot (Mac, Linux)
• correctsions to some typos

• fix for bug in map read

• removed bug in reading ccp4 map

• 1.11.4 increase number of images from Scalepack file

• fixed CCP4i2 compatibility issue with -p2 file names

• bug fixes, protect 0 value diagonal elements in hessian

• bug fixes

• bug fixes

• new nautilus interface
• lorestr: fixed difference map import
• crank2: fixes for specific space groups
• arpwarp: added output xyz with dummy atoms removed
• added task interface for morda-mp

• jsrview set as the default viewer for crank2
• fixed termination of subprocesses

morda-mp (Mac, Linux)
• released python wrapper and i1 interface

• disabling ccp4i jsrview pop-up
• prasa fine-tuning
• fixes for specific space groups
• fixed flip-mem variant of charge flipping

All the best

CCP4 Core team

[ccp4bb] ccp4 7.0 update 044

2017-08-10 Thread Andrey Lebedev
Dear All,

update 044 is out. It contains the following changes

* arcimboldo
- lite: added coiled coil mode

* ccp4i
- fixed switching between hklin files with F and I

* ccp4-progs
- pdbcur: excluded insertion of TER into non-polymer chains

* crank2
- fixed enantiomorphic space group issue

* libg
- semi-automated search modes added

* lorestr
- CCP4i2 compatibility added

* mmdb2
- changes for pdbcur TER fix

* molrep
- SAPTF improvement

All the best

CCP4 core team

[ccp4bb] Morda updates moved

2016-10-09 Thread Andrey Lebedev
Dear All

Morda update bundles have been moved to a new location on October 5 2016. To 
continue using updates for Morda installed on or before that data, please 
replace the script MoRDa_DB/update_morda with its new version from here 
 and change permissions to 
executable. You will have to rename update_morda.txt to update_morda if you 
browser adds extension .txt to downloaded text file.

Download links as well as update and installation instructions are available 
from MoRDa homepage .

Alexey and Andrey

Re: [ccp4bb] distorted NRQ in JLigand 1.0.40

2015-05-28 Thread Andrey Lebedev

Dear Kevin

The bug in refmac which was causing this is fixed in ccp4-6.5.010.
So please apply the two last updates and try again. Does it work normally now?

Best regards

On 26 May 2015, at 18:36, Kevin Jude wrote:

> Dear colleagues,
> I'm having an issue with a particular ligand in JLigand 1.0.40.  When I load 
> NRQ, the topology is correct but the bond lengths and angles are highly 
> distorted, making it uninterpretable to my eye.  A screenshot is viewable at 
> If I make some edit to the molecule and then regularize it, everything looks 
> fine.  I have not found another ligand with similar behavior.  In an older 
> version (1.0.37), this does not happen.
> On the machine with JLigand 1.0.40 (aberrant behavior), I have:
> CCP4 software suite: library version 6.5.008
> CCP4 software suite: patch level 6.5.008
> Program: refmac5; version 5.8.0107
>   --- LIBCHECK --- /Vers 5.2.02  ; 02.12.2014/
> dictionary version 5.44
> On the machine with JLigand 1.0.37 (normal behavior), I have:
> CCP4 software suite: library version 6.5.008
> CCP4 software suite: patch level 6.5.008
> Program: refmac5; version 5.8.0107
>   --- LIBCHECK --- /Vers 5.2.00  ; 12.12.2011/
> dictionary version 5.44
> Best wishes
> Kevin Jude

[ccp4bb] CCP4-6.5 Update 001

2014-12-24 Thread Andrey Lebedev
Dear CCP4 Users

An update for the CCP4-6.5 series has just been released, consisting
of the following changes
• acedrg (linux and mac):
  – added ccp4i task interface
  – further improvements
• ample (linux and mac):
  – fixed executable path
• ccp4-base (linux and mac):
  – fixed setup script to unset unnecessary system variables
• ccp4-progs (all)
  – in pdbcur, added options to remove chain or TER record
• crank2 (all)
  – fixed interaction with pdbcur
• privateer (all)
  – minor changes for i2
• libccp4 (all)
  – fixed ccp4 versioning, which, in particular, affected privateer
• xia2 (linux and mac):
  – fixed -3d option
• documentation (all)
  – updated for pdbcur and privateer
Please report any bugs to
Many thanks for using CCP4.

The CCP4 Core Team

Re: [ccp4bb] Latest BALBES database

2014-09-09 Thread Andrey Lebedev
Dear Michael

Indeed the Balbes database is three year old and there is no newer version 
However, there is a good chance that updates will be resumed this year.


On 9 Sep 2014, at 16:26, Michael Weyand wrote:

> Dear all,
> may be my google-ing capabilites are to bad, but I can not find an
> update of the Balbes model database.
> The latest tar-file from the homepage is dated 12/2011, which is more or
> less the same to the CCP4 download.
> Is there any expert who is able to guide me to a more actual version?
> Not to say that I will then be able to solve the present MR problem, but ...
> Thanks in advance!
> Regards,
> Michael

Scanned by iCritical.

[ccp4bb] CCP4-6.4.0 Update 020

2014-07-23 Thread Andrey Lebedev
Dear CCP4 Users

An update for the CCP4-6.4.0 series has just been released, consisting
of the following changes

• crank:
  – bug fix in bp3
  – update to overcome OMP problem

• ctruncate:
  – update to 1.15.9

• aimless:
  – update to 0.3.7

• pointless:
  – update to 1.9.11
  – fix for inconsistency in number of reflections read from XDS_ASCII.hkl wrt 

• blend:
  – update to 0.5.3

• ample:
  – update to accommodate new MrBUMP
  – fix for results table
  – new interface options

• mrbump:
  – minor fix to the fasta search option

Note that auto-updates work only with CCP4 6.4.0 series, therefore
please upgrade if necessary.  The Update Manager is now included in the
package so you do not need to install it separately.  In addition, all
available updates will be installed automatically if you are using Setup
Manager for CCP4 installation.

Please report any bugs to

Many thanks for using CCP4.

The CCP4 Core Team

Scanned by iCritical.

[ccp4bb] CCP4-6.4.0 Update 018

2014-06-13 Thread Andrey Lebedev
Dear CCP4 Users

An update for the CCP4-6.4.0 series has just been released, consisting
of the following changes

• refmac5 (all platforms):
  – Fixed restraints for M- and P-peptides
  – Fixed SAD scaling issue

• monomers (all):
  – Fixed description for M- and P-peptides and some other entries

• pointless (all):
  – Update to 1.9.10 fixing a long-standing bug in reindexing files with 
different (permuted) unit cells

• aimless (all):
  – Fix to explicit run definitioin

Note that auto-updates work only with CCP4 6.4.0 series, therefore
please upgrade if necessary.  The Update Manager is now included in the
package so you do not need to install it separately.  In addition, all
available updates will be installed automatically if you are using Setup
Manager for CCP4 installation.

Please report any bugs to

Many thanks for using CCP4.

The CCP4 Core Team

Scanned by iCritical.

[ccp4bb] CCP4-6.4.0 Update 017

2014-05-30 Thread Andrey Lebedev
Dear CCP4 users,

An update for the CCP4-6.4.0 series has just been released, consisting
of the following changes:

* Phaser (all platforms): Bug fixes for version 2.5.6
* Ensembler (windows): Fixed mmdb binding

Note that auto-updates work only with CCP4 6.4.0 series, therefore
please upgrade if necessary. The Update Manager is now included in the
package so you do not need to install it separately. In addition, all
available updates will be installed automatically if you are using
Setup Manager for CCP4 installation.

Please report any bugs to

Many thanks for using CCP4.

The CCP4 Core Team

Scanned by iCritical.

Re: [ccp4bb] CCP4-6.4.0 Update 010

2014-03-07 Thread Andrey Lebedev

Hi Boaz

It is 5.8.0069

And it prints the correct version for me on all platforms


On 7 Mar 2014, at 13:13, Boaz Shaanan wrote:


Is the refmac5  indeed 5.8.006? The current ccp4 version 5.8.0049.


Boaz Shaanan, Ph.D.
Dept. of Life Sciences
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Beer-Sheva 84105

Phone: 972-8-647-2220  Skype: boaz.shaanan
Fax:   972-8-647-2992 or 972-8-646-1710

From: CCP4 bulletin board [CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] on behalf of Charles Ballard 
Sent: Friday, March 07, 2014 1:10 PM
Subject: [ccp4bb] CCP4-6.4.0 Update 010

Dear CCP4 Users,

An update for the CCP4-6.4.0 series has just been released, consisting of the 
following changes

◆ ARP/wARP (Mac, Linux)
1. Fix in the use of free R flag in the ARP/wARP CCP4i interface for solvent 
2. Fix in the identification of non-crystallographic symmetry that in some 
cases led to zero target number of residues
3. Fix in recognition of secondary structural elements that in rare cases led 
to a 'bus error'
* Many thanks to Marcin Cymborowski, Carmelo Giacovazzo, Ulrich Gohlke and Vito 
Calderone for reporting these problem cases.

◆ imosflm (update to 7.1.0 for all platforms)
- Multi-lattice implementation
- Parallel processing of wedges

◆ feckless (0.0.2, all)
- Fixes several major bugs

◆ pointless (1.9.2, all)
- General update for multi-lattice

◆ ctruncate (1.13.13, all)
- Fixes negative eigenvalue exit during anisotropy analysis

◆ cnautilus (0.4, all)
- Some basic output markup and numbering of output sequences

◆ refmac5 (5.8.006, all)
- Fixes for ARP/wARP and forthcoming release of Crank2

Note that auto-updates work only with CCP4 6.4.0 series, therefore please 
upgrade if necessary.
The Update Manager is now included in the package so you do not need to install 
it separately.
In addition, all available updates will be installed automatically if you are 
using Setup Manager for CCP4 installation.

Please report any bugs to

Many thanks for using CCP4.

the CCP4 core team.

Scanned by iCritical.

[ccp4bb] CCP4-6.4.0 Update 007

2014-01-17 Thread Andrey Lebedev
Dear CCP4 Users,

An update for the CCP4-6.4.0 series has just been released, consisting of the 
following changes:

  *   pointless
 *   fixed crash when using reference data with no alternative indexing
 *   with multiple files, include columns present in any file
 *   added crash message for running out of memory
 *   fixed bug in XML graphs for ccp4i2
 *   fixed (rare) crash if there are only 2 axial reflections
  *   aimless
 *   fixed NBINS option for multiple dataset
 *   added crash message for running out of memory
 *   fixed bug in XML graphs for ccp4i2
  *   ctruncate
 *   defensive codes added to estimation of twin fraction from L-test and 
Murray-Rust plot
 *   corrected typos
  *   molrep
 *   relaxed restrictions due to cell dimensions on integration radius in 
 *   corrected beta range for LRF from 90 to 180
 *   all occupancies in xyzout are now set to 1
 *   extinct harmonic coefficients set to zero in RF
  *   ccp4i
 *   molrep: corrected nmon and added np2, nml and score widgets
 *   crunch2 and bp3: corrections for new file layout

Note that auto-updates work only with CCP4 6.4.0 series, therefore please 
upgrade if necessary.
The Update Manager is now included in the package so you do not need to install 
it separately.
In addition, all available updates will be installed automatically if you are 
using Setup Manager for CCP4 installation.

Please report any bugs to

Many thanks for using CCP4.


Scanned by iCritical.

[ccp4bb] CCP4-6.4.0 Update 006

2013-12-21 Thread Andrey Lebedev
Dear CCP4 Users,

An update for the CCP4-6.4.0 series has just been released, consisting of the 
following changes:

  *   freerflag (all platforms)
 *   added option of assigning identical Free-R flag to twin-related 
  *   QtRView (Windows)
 *   fixed report page for Phaser
  *   MrBUMP (all)
 *   fix for SCOP search results error when chain is removed for zero length
 *   added option to disable ctruncate step
 *   fixed a minor bug in the ctruncate step
  *   ViewHKL (all)
 *   bring unmerged code in line with current Pointless and Aimless
 *   print phases in degrees not radians
 *   return filetype for non-MTZ files (for ccp4i2)
 *   cope with inverted column order in mtz-file
  *   ctruncate (all)
 *   fixed missing program name in output
  *   ccp4-core (Mac, Linux)
 *   added missing legacy program xplot84driver
  *   Examples (all)
 *   corrected data files toxd_old.mtz and
 *   technical changes to run-all script and regression tests
  *   ccp4-progs
 *   (all) minor fixes in domain2chain and vectors for strict compilers
 *   (Mac, Linux) minor fixes in sapi for strict compilers
 *   (all) technical changes to ccp4-python, imosflm and zanuda scripts
  *   GUI-2 (all)
 *   technical update adding cmtzjoin and cmtzsplit programs for ccp4i2

Note that auto-updates work only with CCP4 6.4.0 series, therefore please 
upgrade if necessary.
The Update Manager is now included in the package so you do not need to install 
it separately.
In addition, all available updates will be installed automatically if you are 
using Setup Manager for CCP4 installation.

Please report any bugs to

Many thanks for using CCP4.


Scanned by iCritical.

[ccp4bb] Joint CCP4-6.4.0 and ARP/wARP-7.4 Update

2013-11-20 Thread Andrey Lebedev
Dear CCP4 users

Two new updates for the CCP4 6.4.0 series have just been released.

NB. If  your CCP4 installation was damaged by previously released update No 2, 
please read NOTES at the end of this e-mail.

Update 6.4.0-003:
This is a technical update to repair the update mechanism. You will be prompted 
to restart CCP4I after its installation. Please do it!

Update 6.4.0-004:
This is a joint CCP4 and ARP/wARP update.

The following changes will be applied to the ARP/wARP installation:

• The use of non-crystallographic symmetry for protein chain tracing has been 
enabled (it was accidentally disabled in version 7.4).
• The `SAD refinement protocol' (Murshudov et al 2011) has undergone many fixes 
and now works well.
• The routine for ligand identification has been made faster and some small 
bugs have been fixed.
• A few bugs have been fixed in the ARP/wARP installer and shell-specific 
problems sometimes occurring on Linux should now be cured.
• The manual has been updated.

The following changes will be applied to the CCP4-6.4.0 installation:

• Update (all platforms): Bug fixes; increased maximum waiting time for 
background check in CCP4I
• Molrep (all platforms): New interface.
• MrBUMP (all): a new option of model re-building after SHELXE; a fix for 
phaser_sculptor dispatcher; improved option of running jobs on a cluster
• Xia2 (windows): update to release (fixes ctruncate issue).
• Aimless (all): bug fixes.
• Pointless (all): bug fixes.
• ViewHKL (all): additional visual control to enhance weak reflections; bug 
• QtRview: Now finds Coot executable automatically (mac); bug fixes
• Ctruncate: Bug fixes
• CCP4I: Fixed path to mmcif library enabling e.g. harvesting option of old 
truncate (mac); fixed task interfaces for bp3 and crunch2 (all); now can be 
installed and used on network drive (windows)

CCP4 Core Group apologises for the temporary disruption to the update system 
and thanks you for your patience.

Many thanks for using CCP4,

Andrey Lebedev


If the update 6.4.0-002 has damaged your system and you can’t get ccp4i to 
work, please start ccp4um in manual mode:

[sudo] /path/to/ccp4-6.4.0/bin/ccp4um

and update your setup to 6.4.0-003. After that, re-start ccp4um manually again 
and install update 6.4.0-004, after which your system will be fully repaired.

Scanned by iCritical.

Re: [ccp4bb] Joint CCP4-6.4.0 and ARP/wARP-7.4 Update

2013-11-06 Thread Andrey Lebedev
Dear all

A comment to my last e-mail

If your ccp4 installation is not write-protected,
do not use sudo, just run



On 6 Nov 2013, at 14:49, Lebedev, Andrey (STFC,RAL,SC) wrote:

> Dear all
> If you had a problem similar to that Joachim and Ingo had (see below), please 
> run
> sudo /ccp4-6.4.0/bin/ccp4um
> where  is the full path to your ccp4-6.4.0 installation,
> and uninstall the last update.
> Then you can launch ccp4i and install it again as usual.
> Thanks!
> Andrey
> On 6 Nov 2013, at 13:13, Joachim Reichelt wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I just installed the update using ccp4um.
>> All I get now is:
>>> ccp4i
>> Def file /software/ccp4-6.4.0/share/ccp4i/etc/unix/configure.def
>> does not have correct file label configure
>> Def file /software/ccp4-6.4.0/share/ccp4i/etc/preferences.def.dist
>> does not have correct file label preferences
>> Error in startup script: can't read "array(MAPVIEWER_DEFAULT)": no such 
>> element in array
>>   while executing
>> "set viewercmd $array(MAPVIEWER_DEFAULT)"
>>   (procedure "set_default_mapviewer" line 9)
>>   invoked from within
>> "set_default_mapviewer $arrayname"
>>   ("preferences" arm line 2)
>>   invoked from within
>> "switch -- $taskname {
>>   directories {
>> catch {update_defdir_menu $arrayname}
>>   } configure {
>> # We over-write the user TYPEDEF_LIST with..."
>>   (procedure "InitialisePreferences" line 113)
>>   invoked from within
>> "InitialisePreferences preferences preferences"
>>   (file "/software/ccp4-6.4.0/share/ccp4i/bin/ccp4i.tcl" line 128)
>>   invoked from within
>> "source [file join $env(CCP4I_TOP) bin ccp4i.tcl]"
>>   (file "/software/ccp4-6.4.0/bin/ccp4i" line 12)
>> What went wrong?
>> Am 06.11.2013 um 13:52 schrieb Andrey Lebedev :
>>> Dear CCP4 Users
>>> An update for the CCP4-6.4.0 series has just been released. This is the 
>>> first update for both CCP4 and ARP/wARP in tandem.
>>> The ARP/wARP component of this update will be available to those Mac and 
>>> Linux users who have previously installed both packages via the CCP4 
>>> Package manager or from the joint bundle downloaded from CCP4 web-site. A 
>>> standalone ARP/wARP package including the current update can be downloaded 
>>> from the EMBL-Hamburg site at<>.
>>> The following changes will be applied to the ARP/wARP installation:
>>> • The use of non-crystallographic symmetry for protein chain tracing has 
>>> been enabled (it was accidentally disabled in version 7.4).
>>> • The `SAD refinement protocol' (Murshudov et al 2011) has undergone many 
>>> fixes and now works well.
>>> • The routine for ligand identification has been made faster and some small 
>>> bugs have been fixed.
>>> • A few bugs have been fixed in the ARP/wARP installer and shell-specific 
>>> problems sometimes occurring on Linux should now be cured.
>>> • The manual has been updated.
>>> The following changes will be applied to the CCP4-6.4.0 installation:
>>> • MrBUMP (all): a new option of model re-building after SHELXE; a fix for 
>>> phaser_sculptor dispatcher.
>>> • Xia2 (windows): update to release (fixes ctruncate issue).
>>> • aimless (all): bug fixes.
>>> • pointless (all): bug fixes.
>>> • ViewHKL (all): additional visual control to enhance weak reflections and 
>>> bug fixes.
>>> • truncate (Mac): Fixed harvesting option of old truncate.
>>> • Molrep: New interface.
>>> • Update (all): Increased maximum waiting time for background update check 
>>> in ccp4i.
>>> Andrey Lebedev
>>> --
>>> Scanned by iCritical.
>> Mit freundlichen Grüßen
>> Joachim Reichelt
>> Helmholtz-Zentrum für Infektionsforschung GmbH | Inhoffenstraße 7 | 38124 
>> Braunschweig |
>> Das HZI ist seit 2007 zertifiziertes Mitglied im "audit berufundfamilie"
>> Vorsitzende des Aufsichtsrates: MinDir’in Bärbel Brumme-Bothe, 
>> Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung
>> Stellvertreter: Rüdiger Eichel, Abteilungsleiter Niedersächsisches 
>> Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kultur
>> Geschäftsführung: Prof. Dr. Dirk Heinz; Dr. Michael Strätz
>> Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung (GmbH)
>> Sitz der Gesellschaft: Braunschweig
>> Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Braunschweig, HRB 477

Scanned by iCritical.

Re: [ccp4bb] Joint CCP4-6.4.0 and ARP/wARP-7.4 Update

2013-11-06 Thread Andrey Lebedev
Dear all

If you had a problem similar to that Joachim and Ingo had (see below), please 
sudo /ccp4-6.4.0/bin/ccp4um
where  is the full path to your ccp4-6.4.0 installation,
and uninstall the last update.

Then you can launch ccp4i and install it again as usual.



On 6 Nov 2013, at 13:13, Joachim Reichelt wrote:

> Hi,
> I just installed the update using ccp4um.
> All I get now is:
>> ccp4i
> Def file /software/ccp4-6.4.0/share/ccp4i/etc/unix/configure.def
> does not have correct file label configure
> Def file /software/ccp4-6.4.0/share/ccp4i/etc/preferences.def.dist
> does not have correct file label preferences
> Error in startup script: can't read "array(MAPVIEWER_DEFAULT)": no such 
> element in array
>while executing
> "set viewercmd $array(MAPVIEWER_DEFAULT)"
>(procedure "set_default_mapviewer" line 9)
>invoked from within
> "set_default_mapviewer $arrayname"
>("preferences" arm line 2)
>invoked from within
> "switch -- $taskname {
>directories {
>  catch {update_defdir_menu $arrayname}
>} configure {
>  # We over-write the user TYPEDEF_LIST with..."
>(procedure "InitialisePreferences" line 113)
>invoked from within
> "InitialisePreferences preferences preferences"
>(file "/software/ccp4-6.4.0/share/ccp4i/bin/ccp4i.tcl" line 128)
>invoked from within
> "source [file join $env(CCP4I_TOP) bin ccp4i.tcl]"
>(file "/software/ccp4-6.4.0/bin/ccp4i" line 12)
> What went wrong?
> Am 06.11.2013 um 13:52 schrieb Andrey Lebedev :
>> Dear CCP4 Users
>> An update for the CCP4-6.4.0 series has just been released. This is the 
>> first update for both CCP4 and ARP/wARP in tandem.
>> The ARP/wARP component of this update will be available to those Mac and 
>> Linux users who have previously installed both packages via the CCP4 Package 
>> manager or from the joint bundle downloaded from CCP4 web-site. A standalone 
>> ARP/wARP package including the current update can be downloaded from the 
>> EMBL-Hamburg site at<>.
>> The following changes will be applied to the ARP/wARP installation:
>> • The use of non-crystallographic symmetry for protein chain tracing has 
>> been enabled (it was accidentally disabled in version 7.4).
>> • The `SAD refinement protocol' (Murshudov et al 2011) has undergone many 
>> fixes and now works well.
>> • The routine for ligand identification has been made faster and some small 
>> bugs have been fixed.
>> • A few bugs have been fixed in the ARP/wARP installer and shell-specific 
>> problems sometimes occurring on Linux should now be cured.
>> • The manual has been updated.
>> The following changes will be applied to the CCP4-6.4.0 installation:
>> • MrBUMP (all): a new option of model re-building after SHELXE; a fix for 
>> phaser_sculptor dispatcher.
>> • Xia2 (windows): update to release (fixes ctruncate issue).
>> • aimless (all): bug fixes.
>> • pointless (all): bug fixes.
>> • ViewHKL (all): additional visual control to enhance weak reflections and 
>> bug fixes.
>> • truncate (Mac): Fixed harvesting option of old truncate.
>> • Molrep: New interface.
>> • Update (all): Increased maximum waiting time for background update check 
>> in ccp4i.
>> Andrey Lebedev
>> --
>> Scanned by iCritical.
> Mit freundlichen Grüßen
> Joachim Reichelt
> Helmholtz-Zentrum für Infektionsforschung GmbH | Inhoffenstraße 7 | 38124 
> Braunschweig |
> Das HZI ist seit 2007 zertifiziertes Mitglied im "audit berufundfamilie"
> Vorsitzende des Aufsichtsrates: MinDir’in Bärbel Brumme-Bothe, 
> Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung
> Stellvertreter: Rüdiger Eichel, Abteilungsleiter Niedersächsisches 
> Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kultur
> Geschäftsführung: Prof. Dr. Dirk Heinz; Dr. Michael Strätz
> Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung (GmbH)
> Sitz der Gesellschaft: Braunschweig
> Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Braunschweig, HRB 477

Scanned by iCritical.

Re: [ccp4bb] Joint CCP4-6.4.0 and ARP/wARP-7.4 Update

2013-11-06 Thread Andrey Lebedev
Hi Joachim

Thanks for reporting the problem

Please run 
sudo /software/ccp4-6.4.0/bin/ccp4um
and uninstall the last update for now.
There should be something wrong with your config files.
I'll trace what it could be and then contact you.



On 6 Nov 2013, at 13:13, Joachim Reichelt wrote:

> Hi,
> I just installed the update using ccp4um.
> All I get now is:
>> ccp4i
> Def file /software/ccp4-6.4.0/share/ccp4i/etc/unix/configure.def
> does not have correct file label configure
> Def file /software/ccp4-6.4.0/share/ccp4i/etc/preferences.def.dist
> does not have correct file label preferences
> Error in startup script: can't read "array(MAPVIEWER_DEFAULT)": no such 
> element in array
>while executing
> "set viewercmd $array(MAPVIEWER_DEFAULT)"
>(procedure "set_default_mapviewer" line 9)
>invoked from within
> "set_default_mapviewer $arrayname"
>("preferences" arm line 2)
>invoked from within
> "switch -- $taskname {
>directories {
>  catch {update_defdir_menu $arrayname}
>} configure {
>  # We over-write the user TYPEDEF_LIST with..."
>(procedure "InitialisePreferences" line 113)
>invoked from within
> "InitialisePreferences preferences preferences"
>(file "/software/ccp4-6.4.0/share/ccp4i/bin/ccp4i.tcl" line 128)
>    invoked from within
> "source [file join $env(CCP4I_TOP) bin ccp4i.tcl]"
>(file "/software/ccp4-6.4.0/bin/ccp4i" line 12)
> What went wrong?
> Am 06.11.2013 um 13:52 schrieb Andrey Lebedev :
>> Dear CCP4 Users
>> An update for the CCP4-6.4.0 series has just been released. This is the 
>> first update for both CCP4 and ARP/wARP in tandem.
>> The ARP/wARP component of this update will be available to those Mac and 
>> Linux users who have previously installed both packages via the CCP4 Package 
>> manager or from the joint bundle downloaded from CCP4 web-site. A standalone 
>> ARP/wARP package including the current update can be downloaded from the 
>> EMBL-Hamburg site at<>.
>> The following changes will be applied to the ARP/wARP installation:
>> • The use of non-crystallographic symmetry for protein chain tracing has 
>> been enabled (it was accidentally disabled in version 7.4).
>> • The `SAD refinement protocol' (Murshudov et al 2011) has undergone many 
>> fixes and now works well.
>> • The routine for ligand identification has been made faster and some small 
>> bugs have been fixed.
>> • A few bugs have been fixed in the ARP/wARP installer and shell-specific 
>> problems sometimes occurring on Linux should now be cured.
>> • The manual has been updated.
>> The following changes will be applied to the CCP4-6.4.0 installation:
>> • MrBUMP (all): a new option of model re-building after SHELXE; a fix for 
>> phaser_sculptor dispatcher.
>> • Xia2 (windows): update to release (fixes ctruncate issue).
>> • aimless (all): bug fixes.
>> • pointless (all): bug fixes.
>> • ViewHKL (all): additional visual control to enhance weak reflections and 
>> bug fixes.
>> • truncate (Mac): Fixed harvesting option of old truncate.
>> • Molrep: New interface.
>> • Update (all): Increased maximum waiting time for background update check 
>> in ccp4i.
>> Andrey Lebedev
>> --
>> Scanned by iCritical.
> Mit freundlichen Grüßen
> Joachim Reichelt
> Helmholtz-Zentrum für Infektionsforschung GmbH | Inhoffenstraße 7 | 38124 
> Braunschweig |
> Das HZI ist seit 2007 zertifiziertes Mitglied im "audit berufundfamilie"
> Vorsitzende des Aufsichtsrates: MinDir’in Bärbel Brumme-Bothe, 
> Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung
> Stellvertreter: Rüdiger Eichel, Abteilungsleiter Niedersächsisches 
> Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kultur
> Geschäftsführung: Prof. Dr. Dirk Heinz; Dr. Michael Strätz
> Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung (GmbH)
> Sitz der Gesellschaft: Braunschweig
> Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Braunschweig, HRB 477

Scanned by iCritical.

[ccp4bb] Joint CCP4-6.4.0 and ARP/wARP-7.4 Update

2013-11-06 Thread Andrey Lebedev
Dear CCP4 Users

An update for the CCP4-6.4.0 series has just been released. This is the first 
update for both CCP4 and ARP/wARP in tandem.

The ARP/wARP component of this update will be available to those Mac and Linux 
users who have previously installed both packages via the CCP4 Package manager 
or from the joint bundle downloaded from CCP4 web-site. A standalone ARP/wARP 
package including the current update can be downloaded from the EMBL-Hamburg 
site at<>.

The following changes will be applied to the ARP/wARP installation:

• The use of non-crystallographic symmetry for protein chain tracing has been 
enabled (it was accidentally disabled in version 7.4).
• The `SAD refinement protocol' (Murshudov et al 2011) has undergone many fixes 
and now works well.
• The routine for ligand identification has been made faster and some small 
bugs have been fixed.
• A few bugs have been fixed in the ARP/wARP installer and shell-specific 
problems sometimes occurring on Linux should now be cured.
• The manual has been updated.

The following changes will be applied to the CCP4-6.4.0 installation:

• MrBUMP (all): a new option of model re-building after SHELXE; a fix for 
phaser_sculptor dispatcher.
• Xia2 (windows): update to release (fixes ctruncate issue).
• aimless (all): bug fixes.
• pointless (all): bug fixes.
• ViewHKL (all): additional visual control to enhance weak reflections and bug 
• truncate (Mac): Fixed harvesting option of old truncate.
• Molrep: New interface.
• Update (all): Increased maximum waiting time for background update check in 

Andrey Lebedev

Scanned by iCritical.

[ccp4bb] CCP4-6.4.0 Update 001

2013-10-25 Thread Andrey Lebedev
Dear CCP4 Users,

An update for the new CCP4-6.4.0 series has just been released, consisting of 
the following changes:

• Qt libraries (Mac, Linux): critical fixes for some Mac OSX setups and for KDE 
• TclTk libraries (Linux): recompiled to be made functional on CentOS4
• TclTk libraries (Windows): fixes that make fresh ccp4 installation work 
without rebooting
• Coot (Mac): fixed keyboard shortcuts
• Coot (Linux): now runs from command lines without sourcing ccp4
• MrBUMP (all): fixed MAFFT option
• AMPLE (Mac, Linux): added subtask for membrane proteins; bug fixes for Mac
• Xia2 (Mac, Linux): update to Xia2 release (fixes ctruncate issue)
• QtRView (all): fixes that allow display of large summaries, e.g. from aimless
• iMosflm (Linux): fixed critical issue on 32 bit Linuxes

Note that auto-updates work only with CCP4 6.4.0 series, therefore upgrade if 
Update Manager is now included in the package so you do not need to install it 
In addition, all available updates will be installed automatically if you are 
using Setup Manager for CCP4 installation.

Please report any bugs to

Many thanks for using CCP4

Andrey Lebedev

Scanned by iCritical.

Re: [ccp4bb] mtz for zanuda - which symmetry?

2013-04-26 Thread Andrey Lebedev
Input pdb and mtz should form a valid input for refmac, hence the same cell and 
sym and merged mtz.

On 26 Apr 2013, at 09:17, Frank von Delft  wrote:

> Hi -
> For Zanuda, the mtz input it wants:  what spacegroup are the data meant to be 
> merged to?  The highest possible, potentially twinned? Or the lowest possible?
> I've looked reasonably hard (>10min on the manuals and The Google), and the 
> answer did not leap out at me at all.  Even though it seems a rather crucial 
> question - or is it not, in which case, why not, what am I missing?
> phx
Scanned by iCritical.

[ccp4bb] CCP4 Update 021

2013-04-04 Thread Andrey Lebedev
Dear CCP4 Users

A CCP4 update has just been released, consisting of the following changes.

* QtRView: corrected Prosmart result page; enabled incorporation of web-links 
into citation section

If you do not currently receive updates, consider re-installing your
CCP4 setup using the latest binary packages, which now have the CCP4 Update 
Manager (ccp4um) integrated.

Note that auto-updates will work correctly only with CCP4 release 6.3.0, 
therefore upgrade if necessary. Please report any bugs to<>

Many thanks for using CCP4

Andrey Lebedev

Scanned by iCritical.

Re: [ccp4bb] CCP4 Update 019

2013-03-26 Thread Andrey Lebedev
Dear CCP4 Users

A CCP4 update has just been released, consisting of the following changes.

* Update Manager (ccp4um), QtRView: Technical update in preparation for the 
next release
* Gesamt, Superpose: Corrections to the previous update (Now print 
superposition matrices also in fractional coordinates);
   better presentation in QtRView result viewer
* Refmac, ProSmart: Results of superposition analysis and external restraints 
are now accessible through QtRView report

If you do not currently receive updates, consider re-installing your
CCP4 setup using the latest binary packages, which now have the CCP4 Update 
Manager (ccp4um) integrated.

Note that auto-updates will work correctly only with CCP4 release 6.3.0, 
therefore upgrade if necessary. Please report any bugs to<>

Many thanks for using CCP4

Andrey Lebedev

Scanned by iCritical.

Re: [ccp4bb] qtrview command line options

2013-03-16 Thread Andrey Lebedev
After ccp4 update No 19, Log–files can be opened with qtrview from the command 

logview name.log

This also works for log-files generated with "quick scale" and "quick symmetry" 
from imosflm.

If ccp4 database entries do not exist, input and output files will not be shown 
in the viewer
(except for "quick scale" and "quick symmetry" files).



On 11 Mar 2013, at 20:06, Lebedev, Andrey (STFC,RAL,SC) wrote:

> Hi Ed
> Thank you for the suggestion.
> We are looking into this and hopefully will provide a solution soon.
> Regards
> Andrey
> On 11 Mar 2013, at 14:26, Ed Pozharski wrote:
>> Is there some way of opening a log file (specifically, the
>> pointandscale.log that imosflm bridge to scala generates) with qtrview
>> from command line?
>> I tried, of course, this
>> qtrview pointandscale.log
>> but it opens empty, no log-file. I tried qtrview -h and qtrview --help
>> and man qtrview but there is seemingly no documentation.
>> I found the source code (yes, I can google) and can deduce that
>> available options at startup are 
>> --log-file
>> --report-xml
>> --report-xrt
>> --inp-file
>> The only thing that works is 
>> qrtview --log-file pointandscale.log
>> but that only shows me the log-file itself, i.e. no graphs etc.  I
>> understand that the program was designed primarily for ccp4 gui and I
>> know loggraph (and it works).
>> By the way, checkout instructions for the qtrview repository at
>> don't work throwing this error
>> bzr: ERROR: Connection error: curl connection error (server certificate
>> verification failed. CAfile: /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt CRLfile:
>> none)
>> on 
>> Cheers,
>> Ed.
>> -- 
>> "Hurry up before we all come back to our senses!"
>>  Julian, King of Lemurs

Scanned by iCritical.

Re: [ccp4bb] CCP4 Update 019

2013-03-15 Thread Andrey Lebedev
Dear CCP4 Users

A CCP4 update has just been released, consisting of the following changes.

* Aimless: Task interface fixed in part of input customisation section
* Molrep: Improvements to scoring system and bug fixes
* Logview: Command-prompt routine for viewing individual log files with QtRView
Simply call it with path to the log file as the only parameter
* QtRView: Cosmetic improvements and changes for Logview
* Gesamt: Now prints superposition matrices also in fractional coordinates
* Superpose: Now prints superposition matrices also in fractional coordinates

If you do not currently receive updates, consider re-installing your
CCP4 setup using the latest binary packages, which now have the CCP4 Update 
Manager (ccp4um) integrated.

Note that auto-updates will work correctly only with CCP4 release 6.3.0, 
therefore upgrade if necessary. Please report any bugs to<>

Many thanks for using CCP4

Andrey Lebedev

Scanned by iCritical.

Re: [ccp4bb] [Err] Re: [ccp4bb] statistical or systematic? bias or noise?

2013-03-11 Thread Andrey Lebedev

It should stop. I'll see after sending this message.

On 11 Mar 2013, at 19:27, Ed Pozharski wrote:

> By the way, am I the only one who gets this thing with every post?  If
> anyone can ask Jin Kwang ( to either clean up his
> mailbox or unsubscribe, that would be truly appreciated.  Delete button
> is easy and fun to use, but this has been going on for quite some time.
> On Tue, 2013-03-12 at 04:16 +0900, wrote:
>> ransmit Report:
>> ߼; 5 õ Ͽ4ϴ.
>> ( / : 554 Transaction failed. 402 Local User Inbox Full
>> ( 4,61440,370609(
>> <> / 
>> User unknown   :; ڰ x =
>> Socket connect fail: 
>> DATA write fail: ޼ ۽ 
>> DATA reponse fail  : κ ޼ 
> -- 
> Bullseye!  Excellent shot, Maurice.
>  Julian, King of Lemurs.

Re: [ccp4bb] [Err] Re: [ccp4bb] statistical or systematic? bias or noise?

2013-03-11 Thread Andrey Lebedev

I've just have the same thing.
I'll write to Jin Kwang and remove him from the bb-list if he will not respond 
by tomorrow evening


On 11 Mar 2013, at 19:27, Ed Pozharski wrote:

> By the way, am I the only one who gets this thing with every post?  If
> anyone can ask Jin Kwang ( to either clean up his
> mailbox or unsubscribe, that would be truly appreciated.  Delete button
> is easy and fun to use, but this has been going on for quite some time.
> On Tue, 2013-03-12 at 04:16 +0900, wrote:
>> ransmit Report:
>> ߼; 5 õ Ͽ4ϴ.
>> ( / : 554 Transaction failed. 402 Local User Inbox Full
>> ( 4,61440,370609(
>> <> / 
>> User unknown   :; ڰ x =
>> Socket connect fail: 
>> DATA write fail: ޼ ۽ 
>> DATA reponse fail  : κ ޼ 
> -- 
> Bullseye!  Excellent shot, Maurice.
>  Julian, King of Lemurs.

Re: [ccp4bb] qtrview command line options

2013-03-11 Thread Andrey Lebedev
Hi Ed

Thank you for the suggestion.
We are looking into this and hopefully will provide a solution soon.



On 11 Mar 2013, at 14:26, Ed Pozharski wrote:

> Is there some way of opening a log file (specifically, the
> pointandscale.log that imosflm bridge to scala generates) with qtrview
> from command line?
> I tried, of course, this
> qtrview pointandscale.log
> but it opens empty, no log-file. I tried qtrview -h and qtrview --help
> and man qtrview but there is seemingly no documentation.
> I found the source code (yes, I can google) and can deduce that
> available options at startup are 
> --log-file
> --report-xml
> --report-xrt
> --inp-file
> The only thing that works is 
> qrtview --log-file pointandscale.log
> but that only shows me the log-file itself, i.e. no graphs etc.  I
> understand that the program was designed primarily for ccp4 gui and I
> know loggraph (and it works).
> By the way, checkout instructions for the qtrview repository at
> don't work throwing this error
> bzr: ERROR: Connection error: curl connection error (server certificate
> verification failed. CAfile: /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt CRLfile:
> none)
> on 
> Cheers,
> Ed.
> -- 
> "Hurry up before we all come back to our senses!"
>   Julian, King of Lemurs

Scanned by iCritical.

[ccp4bb] CCP4 Update 017

2013-02-21 Thread Andrey Lebedev
Dear CCP4 Users

A CCP4 update has just been released, consisting of the following changes.

* Geomcalc: io bug fixing in residue numbering
* Pisa: fixes for handling back slashes on windows
* Aimless: fixes in Define Run section of the aimless task interface
* Ample/MrBUMP: now runs shelxd_mp in mp mode

If you do not currently receive updates, consider re-installing your
CCP4 setup using the latest binary packages, which now have the CCP4 Update 
Manager (ccp4um) integrated.

Note that auto-updates will work correctly only with CCP4 release 6.3.0, 
therefore upgrade if necessary. Please report any bugs to<>

Many thanks for using CCP4

Andrey Lebedev

Scanned by iCritical.

[ccp4bb] CCP4 Update 014

2013-01-18 Thread Andrey Lebedev
Dear CCP4 Users

A CCP4 update has just been released, consisting of the following changes.

All systems:

 *   Ctruncate: Introduced DNA/RNA reference curve; uses flat prior on request, 
or when have tNCS or twinning
 *   Othercell: Various bug fixes
 *   PISA, QtPISA: Stability fixes and generation of Remark 350 in no-complex 
 *   PDBCur: Finish gracefully, rather than terminate, when atom selection is 
 *   PDB_Merge: Various bug fixes
 *   Xia2: Correction to Ctruncate wrapper

Linux and Mac only: *)

 *   Aimless: Various bug fixes
 *   Pointless: Correction for XDS input
 *   Scala: Corrected output for CC(1/2)

 *)  Corresponding changes for Windows have been already included in update No 

Windows only:

 *   Phaser.ensembler: Corrected path to syminfo.lib

If you do not currently receive updates, consider re-installing your CCP4 setup 
using the latest binary packages, which now have CCP4 Update manager (ccp4um) 

Note that auto-updates will work correctly only with CCP4 release 6.3.0, 
therefore upgrade if necessary. Please report any bugs to<>

Many thanks for using CCP4.

Andrey Lebedev

Scanned by iCritical.

[ccp4bb] CCP4 6.3.0 update 011

2012-12-14 Thread Andrey Lebedev
Dear CCP4 Users,

A CCP4 update has just been released, consisting of the following changes:

* Aimless: Improvements to the CCP4i interface to Aimless
* MrBUMP: Some changes to the output for compatibility with QtRView
* Xia2: Updated to version
* Areaimol: Fix for already allocated array problem
* CCP4 update: Modifications required for integration in the next CCP4 Release

Specific changes for Windows platforms include:

* Sortmtz: Fixes making big data sets treatable
* CCP4 update: Fixes related to system security

The easiest way to obtain the update is to install the CCP4 update client, if 
you have not done so already. Details on how to install the CCP4 Update Manager 
are available from:

Note that auto-updates will work correctly only with CCP4 release 6.3.0, 
therefore upgrade if necessary. Please report any bugs to<>.

Many thanks for using CCP4,

Andrey Lebedev

Scanned by iCritical.

[ccp4bb] CCP4 update 6.3.0 008

2012-10-20 Thread Andrey Lebedev
Dear CCP4 Users,

A CCP4 update has just been released, consisting of the following changes:

*  Arp/Warp: fixes problem with overwriting modules.def file by other 
updates; enables Arp/Warp tasks in ccp4i (OS X and Linux)
*  Phaser: added DLL files missing in the previous update (Windows)
*  Pointless: fixed option "Choose solution ... by Space group name" for 
non-standard settings, e.g. P21 2 21 (all platforms)
*  Zanuda: fixed problem with MSE atoms defined as HETATM in pdb-files (all 

The easiest way to obtain the update is to install the CCP4 update 
client<>, if you have not done 
so already. Note that autoupdates will work correctly only with CCP4 release 
6.3.0, therefore upgrade if necessary. Report bugs to<>.

Many thanks for using CCP4,

Andrey Lebedev

Scanned by iCritical.

Re: [ccp4bb] P4132 vs. F23

2012-05-29 Thread Andrey Lebedev
Hi Mike.

I would be more careful about "incorrect" space group. Yes, sometimes 
auto-indexing gives strange results.
However, in your case two sets of crystals differ by two factors, diffraction 
quality and space group.
Therefore it seems more likely that you have two crystal forms.
Could you please send me log-files from pointless or ctruncate? Then I would be 
able to say something more definite.



On 28 May 2012, at 08:46, Mike John wrote:

Hi, All,

we got many datasets from crystals of our protein. when the crystal has high 
quality, it will be indexed as F23 (correct space group). While diffracting 
poorer, it will be indexed as incorrect space group  P4132. The crystals are 
twined. My question is:
Given twinning, why the correct space group F23 will be indexed as an incorrect 
space group P4132 for most of our crystals (most crystals has poorer quality)? 
Theoretical analysis of twin operator and symmetry operator to connect F23 and 
P4132 would be highly appreciated. Thanks


Re: [ccp4bb] copy FreeR - maintain resolution

2012-04-12 Thread Andrey Lebedev
Hi Tim

I did not try it myself but it seems to be what you need:
- import free-R flag from higher-resolution mtz as usual
- remove reflections with missing FP:


On 12 Apr 2012, at 10:00, Tim Gruene wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Dear all,
> I would like to copy the freeR-flags from B.mtz to A.mtz. B.mtz has
> higher resolution.
> As far as I can tell the ccp4 utilities for doing so extend the
> resolution from A to match the resolution of B which results in mtzdmp
> displaying the wrong resolution of the data which I find very annoying.
> Is there a tool or switch to freerflag which only tags those
> reflections which are actually present in A?
> I am aware of the 'resolution' keyword in most of those programs but
> this is not what I want, because it might still alter the reflection list.
> Cheers,
> Tim
> - -- 
> - --
> Dr Tim Gruene
> Institut fuer anorganische Chemie
> Tammannstr. 4
> D-37077 Goettingen
> GPG Key ID = A46BEE1A
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)
> Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -
> iD8DBQFPhpmzUxlJ7aRr7hoRAqxFAKCtWQyPxjoh/YeNQOU/vPnwJDdTcQCeJp5R
> krRZlS1cYIwlUOOfqKH2pvw=
> =FJYt

Re: [ccp4bb] How to make covalent bond in COOT

2011-12-07 Thread Andrey Lebedev
On 7 Dec 2011, at 10:08, Paul Emsley wrote:

> On 07/12/11 09:47, Tim Gruene wrote:
>> if you want coot to refine the bond length, you have to rename the
>> residue to some name coot does not yet understand and create a cif-file
>> which includes the restraints of the residue, the ligand, and the bond
>> between the two.
> JLigand is the way to do this.
> (the interface to JLigand will be in Coot 0.7).
> Paul

It will be also possible to launch JLigand from CCP4 GUI starting from 

Currently JLigand and tutorials can be downloaded from here:
or from here:

Re: [ccp4bb] ccp4 on Win7 'clipper::Message_fatal'

2011-12-06 Thread Andrey Lebedev
Yes, you are right, both "-hklin" and "-mtzin" are valid option keys.

I have reproduced your error message.
The problem is in the command line option "-colout yap-ii-77-73".

Now I must check what happens on Linux.
Meanwhile a quick fix for you: use no more than 10 characters in the box
"Modifier to append to column labels".

Does this recipe work for you?


On 6 Dec 2011, at 14:51, Yuri wrote:

> The thing is, I did not run any command myself. I was using the GUI. So the 
> command was written for me.
> Thats why I thought it was really odd that this may be a wrong command.
> Obviuosly the GUI for RedHat works.
> Best,
> On Tue, 6 Dec 2011 13:14:36 +, wrote:
>> Hi Yuri
>> Perhaps you have used incorrect command line keys.
>> I have installed ccp4 using Marcins script on my Windows 7 Virtual Box.
>> Then I used ccp4i to run ctruncate with my test case.
>> "Run > Run & View Com File" showed the following command:
>> ctruncate -mtzin
>> "C:/Users/andrey/Desktop/HemH_tutorial/test_scala1.mtz" -mtzout
>> "C:/Ccp4Temp/HemH_4_1_mtz.tmp" -colin "/*/*/\[IMEAN,SIGIMEAN\]"
>> -colano "/*/*/\[I(+),SIGI(+),I(-),SIGI(-)\]"
>> This is different from yours (-mtzin, not -hklin):
>>> ctruncate -hklin "C:/Ccp4Temp/oye1_77-73_3_1_mtz.tmp" -hklout 
>>> "C:/Ccp4Temp/oye1_77-73_3_3_mtz.tmp" -colin "/*/*/\[IMEAN,SIGIMEAN\]" 
>>> -colano "/*/*/\[I(+),SIGI(+),I(-),SIGI(-)\]" -colout yap-ii-77-73 -nres 400
>> Please try using ccp4i or try -mtzin instead of -hklin.
>> Does it work?
>> Andrey
>> On 6 Dec 2011, at 01:24, Yuri Pompeu wrote:
>>> Dear Developers,
>>> I was trying to get ccp4 up and running on a Windows7 pc, and even though 
>>> the installation proceeds smoothly,
>>> I cant get any task to finish succesfully.
>>> Below is what the log file has to say about it.
>>> I saw someone having trouble with the windows install as well. I have the 
>>> installation packaged posted by Marcin installed.
>>> Thanks for any help
>>> * Information from CCP4Interface script
>>> ***
>>> The program run with command: ctruncate -hklin 
>>> "C:/Ccp4Temp/oye1_77-73_3_1_mtz.tmp" -hklout 
>>> "C:/Ccp4Temp/oye1_77-73_3_3_mtz.tmp" -colin "/*/*/\[IMEAN,SIGIMEAN\]" 
>>> -colano "/*/*/\[I(+),SIGI(+),I(-),SIGI(-)\]" -colout yap-ii-77-73 -nres 400
>>> has failed with error message
>>> CCP4MTZfile - internal error
>>> This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual 
>>> way.
>>> Please contact the application's support team for more information.
>>> terminate called after throwing an instance of 'clipper::Message_fatal'
>>> ***
>>> #CCP4I TERMINATION STATUS 0 "CCP4MTZfile - internal error  This application 
>>> has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way. Please contact 
>>> the application's support team for more information. terminate called after 
>>> throwing an instance of 'clipper::Message_fatal'"
>>> #CCP4I TERMINATION TIME 05 Dec 2011  20:19:00
>>> #CCP4I MESSAGE Task failed
> -- 
> Yuri Pompeu

Re: [ccp4bb] ccp4 on Win7 'clipper::Message_fatal'

2011-12-06 Thread Andrey Lebedev
Hi Yuri

Perhaps you have used incorrect command line keys.

I have installed ccp4 using Marcins script on my Windows 7 Virtual Box.
Then I used ccp4i to run ctruncate with my test case.
"Run > Run & View Com File" showed the following command:
ctruncate -mtzin "C:/Users/andrey/Desktop/HemH_tutorial/test_scala1.mtz" 
-mtzout "C:/Ccp4Temp/HemH_4_1_mtz.tmp" -colin "/*/*/\[IMEAN,SIGIMEAN\]" -colano 

This is different from yours (-mtzin, not -hklin):
> ctruncate -hklin "C:/Ccp4Temp/oye1_77-73_3_1_mtz.tmp" -hklout 
> "C:/Ccp4Temp/oye1_77-73_3_3_mtz.tmp" -colin "/*/*/\[IMEAN,SIGIMEAN\]" -colano 
> "/*/*/\[I(+),SIGI(+),I(-),SIGI(-)\]" -colout yap-ii-77-73 -nres 400

Please try using ccp4i or try -mtzin instead of -hklin.
Does it work?


On 6 Dec 2011, at 01:24, Yuri Pompeu wrote:

> Dear Developers,
> I was trying to get ccp4 up and running on a Windows7 pc, and even though the 
> installation proceeds smoothly, 
> I cant get any task to finish succesfully.
> Below is what the log file has to say about it.
> I saw someone having trouble with the windows install as well. I have the 
> installation packaged posted by Marcin installed.
> Thanks for any help
> * Information from CCP4Interface script
> ***
> The program run with command: ctruncate -hklin 
> "C:/Ccp4Temp/oye1_77-73_3_1_mtz.tmp" -hklout 
> "C:/Ccp4Temp/oye1_77-73_3_3_mtz.tmp" -colin "/*/*/\[IMEAN,SIGIMEAN\]" -colano 
> "/*/*/\[I(+),SIGI(+),I(-),SIGI(-)\]" -colout yap-ii-77-73 -nres 400  
> has failed with error message
> CCP4MTZfile - internal error
> This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way.
> Please contact the application's support team for more information.
> terminate called after throwing an instance of 'clipper::Message_fatal'
> ***
> #CCP4I TERMINATION STATUS 0 "CCP4MTZfile - internal error  This application 
> has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way. Please contact 
> the application's support team for more information. terminate called after 
> throwing an instance of 'clipper::Message_fatal'"
> #CCP4I TERMINATION TIME 05 Dec 2011  20:19:00
> #CCP4I MESSAGE Task failed

Re: [ccp4bb] Ligand Protein Connection

2011-09-30 Thread Andrey Lebedev
Hi Sam

Except for torsion angles, here is a good tutorial for you (the second one)


On 29 Sep 2011, at 22:12, Sam Arnosti wrote:

> Hi every one
> I have a problem with docking my ligand into the electron density map and 
> make the connections ( bonds ) with the protein.
> It is a Lysine residue that makes a Schiff Base with a long chain aldehyde.
> I do not know how to make the bonds and control the torsion angles of the 
> ligand.
> I am using the CCP4 and Coot program for refining.
> Thanks
> Sam

Re: [ccp4bb] **Possible spam**[ccp4bb] Superpose, SSM

2011-09-27 Thread Andrey Lebedev
Hi Matthias

Thank you for your report.
This is a genuine bug, lsqkab puts "\015\015\012" in the end of line instead of 
We will try to fix it.


On 26 Sep 2011, at 20:42, Matthias Zebisch wrote:

> Dear CCP4 users,
> I am using the ccp4i version 6.2.0 under windows 7. I've come across a 
> problem with superpose.
> The outputfile appears to have additional line feeds (see picture) which, 
> however are not seen in the windows notepad.
> The structure can also be opened in coot and pymol. However, it is not 
> possible to use it within CCP4, eg. for a subsequent superposition.
> Is this problem known to anybody and is there a simple workaround available? 
> I need to compare hell of a lot of relative domain orientations...
> I did not have this problem on a second computer with ccp4 6.1.2. When I 
> updated to 6.2.0, the situation was as described above.
> Any help will be highly appreciated,
> Thanks, Matthias

Re: [ccp4bb] Automatic LINK generation

2011-03-11 Thread Andrey Lebedev
Dear Hailiang

There are several protein-sugar and sugar-sugar link defined in the standard 
refmac library.

You may try running refmac with the default options with the input pdb file in 
- sugar residues included,
- no LINK record are specified.

If all required links are in the refmac's library, the refinement will work,
and the output PDB will contain the LINK records, e.g.

In the log file you will see:
  WARNING : link: NAG<-->NAG is without link_id
link will be created with covalent bond only. Bond= 1.430
  WARNING : link:NAG-ASN  is found dist = 1.427 ideal_dist= 1.439
ch:AA   res: 341  ASN  at:ND2 .->Aj   res:1539  NAG  at:C1  

  WARNING : link:BETA1-4  is found dist = 1.430 ideal_dist= 1.439
ch:Aj   res:1539  NAG  at:O4  .->Ak   res:1540  NAG  at:C1  
The last two warnings actually mean that everything is fine.
Ignore the first warning, as it is overridden by the third one.

All the best