[CGUYS] Finland: Broadband Is a Legal Right - BusinessWeek

2009-10-21 Thread TPiwowar

"People need broadband connections to live normal lives"


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[CGUYS] Comcast Devises Another Excuse to Limit Customer Access

2009-10-21 Thread TPiwowar

Comcast Unveils Comprehensive “Constant Guard” Internet Security Program

"As part of this effort, starting today in Denver, CO, Comcast will  
begin to trial an in-browser notification “Service Notice”, which  
will alert customers whose computers appear to be infected with a bot  
(or virus) and request that they go to the Anti-Virus Center and  
follow a set of instructions to assist with removing the bot from  
their computer and thereby prevent it from spreading to other users.   
This feature and the other components of the Constant Guard Security  
program are provided for no additional charge to Comcast High-Speed  
Internet customers."

My bet is that if you are using torrents or other services that  
compete with Comcast business they will pepper you with notices to  
such as extent that you won't be able to use the service. Effectively  
a DOS attack in sheep's clothing.

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Re: [CGUYS] Super Wow!

2009-10-21 Thread TPiwowar

On Oct 21, 2009, at 11:20 AM Oct 21, Chris Dunford wrote:
Yes, it can be purchased now, but it's not intended for personal  
use and is expensive ($12,500). So, no, it is not more "M$ vaporware".

Will we see Lauren running out of a Best Buy with one in the next  
edition of Laptop Hunters?

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Re: [CGUYS] Super Wow!

2009-10-21 Thread TPiwowar

On Oct 20, 2009, at 9:11 PM Oct 20, Mark A. Metz wrote:


I assume this can be currently purchased for a reasonable amount of  
money? Or is it more M$ vaporware?

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Re: [CGUYS] COMPUTERGUYS-L Digest - 10 Sep 2009 - Special issue (#2009-870)

2009-09-17 Thread TPiwowar

On Sep 17, 2009, at 3:21 PM Sep 17, Fred Holmes wrote:
If one doesn't like what the faceless corporate bureaucrat decides,  
one can drop the insurance and go with someone else.  With  
government, there is no choice -- no place to escape to.

I can think of lots of places. Have you been denied a passport?

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Re: [CGUYS] Hype Cycle Graph

2009-09-17 Thread TPiwowar

On Sep 17, 2009, at 6:27 AM Sep 17, Snyder, Mark - IdM (IS) wrote:
They are just two-dimensional; plain x-y axis: just expectations  
over time to wide-spread adoption. They did not prove to be very  

and I always took these charts with a large grain of salt.

I was quite fascinated by the hype axis. What a thing to keep track of!

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Re: [CGUYS] Pogue Feeling Sorry for M$

2009-09-17 Thread TPiwowar

On Sep 17, 2009, at 6:42 AM Sep 17, Snyder, Mark - IdM (IS) wrote:

I think Tom's point is that mighty M$ has a major marketing failure on
their hands.  David Pogue also said: "All right, then: so why  

Thank you Mark, that is precisely my point.

Equally remarkable is the inability of some of us to see how  
remarkable the Zune is.

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[CGUYS] Vista -- Help Needed with Read Only Flag

2009-09-17 Thread TPiwowar
XP had the unfortunate habit of setting the read-only flag of files  
copied to CDs. Copying such files back to the hard drive left the  
read-only flag set. I had to go to Properties to uncheck the read- 
only box before I could edit the files.

Today I did same with Vista. Again the problem with the read-only  
flag. Except this time after I uncheck the read-only box (and press  
Apply etc), I find that the files continues to be read only. When I  
reopen Properties I find the read-only box has been rechecked. I go  
round and round several times, but the read-only flag can not be  
disabled. Why is is so persistent? How do I get to edit my files?

Any suggestions?

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[CGUYS] Hype Cycle Graph

2009-09-16 Thread TPiwowar


Cool graphic that takes a bit of work to figure out. Plots the hype  
level (expectations) vs time vs time to adoption. I'm not sure I get  
the 2 time scales yet. Anybody got an insight here?

At the very peak of the hype curve they put Project Natal and mark it  
as 5 to 10 years to reality.

Closest to reality is Presence. I guess that is this: http:// 
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Presence_information and I don't see that this  
is interesting enough to even mention. Anyone to enlighten me?

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Re: [CGUYS] Mac alternative spell checker

2009-09-15 Thread TPiwowar

On Sep 15, 2009, at 11:41 AM Sep 15, Jordan wrote:
I'm looking into a better spell checker than the one that comes on  
the Mac. Sometimes the one on the Mac does a lousy job of guessing  
what I'm looking for.


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Re: [CGUYS] Microsoft to Drop Zunes - PC World

2009-09-13 Thread TPiwowar

On Sep 13, 2009, at 7:26 PM Sep 13, Chris Dunford wrote:
Well, if there were a new iPod that rendered the older ones  
entirely obsolete, I guess I'd say something like, "That makes sense."

Except that is not the case. Other than that, you are fine.

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Re: [CGUYS] Microsoft to Drop Zunes - PC World

2009-09-13 Thread TPiwowar

On Sep 13, 2009, at 2:20 PM Sep 13, Chris Dunford wrote:
A headline worthy of Fox Nation. Any reasonable person would have  
written, "Microsoft To Discontinue Older Zune Models".

What would you be saying if Apple were to dump its entire line,  
except for one model?

Of course you want to focus on the messenger, not the message.

This move is a big deal. I bet the one model will soon become the no  

Anyone think they will try buying Palm?

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[CGUYS] Microsoft to Drop Zunes - PC World

2009-09-13 Thread TPiwowar

Should I be polite and refrain from saying "I told you so."

Great photo here...

"Microsoft said it will continue to offer the flash Zune 4GB, 8GB and  
16GB devices and the 80GB and 120GB hard-drive devices until they are  
sold out. "

That could take years, unless they cut the price to near $zero.

Barron's reports analysts suggesting that M$ buy Palm to get a clean  

That would be terrible, Palm is just starting to get its act together  
and would be a nice alternative for the iPhone. A future that gives  
us a choice of iPhone, Palm Pre, or Androids would be a very good  
three way race. If M$ were to swallow up Palm and crap it up, as they  
always do, it would be a far less interesting future.

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Re: [CGUYS] the moon

2009-09-12 Thread TPiwowar

On Sep 12, 2009, at 7:13 AM Sep 12, Chris Dunford wrote:
Like what? I'm not trying to be a smart-ass, it's a serious  
question. I've yet to read about any really important research that  
is going on in the space station and that couldn't be done any  
other way.

Isn't this just another socialist boondoggle? Should not space be  
left for the likes of Disney, Virgin, Microsoft, and the Sirius  
Cybernetic Company?

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Re: [CGUYS] Intensive Care Unit...

2009-09-11 Thread TPiwowar

On Sep 11, 2009, at 11:44 AM Sep 11, Steve at Verizon wrote:

t.piwowar wrote:
Nonesense. What are you comparing that number to? Your pay check?  
Properly you look at it as percent of GDP. A proper analysis is  
here: http://zfacts.com/metaPage/lib/National-Debt-GDP-L.gif

This was the Bush party line when he grew the National Debt.

Should we stop doing the math properly just because Bush did it  
properly too?

Your logic continues to be cracked.

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Re: [CGUYS] Intensive Care Unit...

2009-09-11 Thread TPiwowar

On Sep 11, 2009, at 9:15 AM Sep 11, mike wrote:
Socialism is a word like any other, a construct of humans and  
Neither good nor bad, Tom is being mighty ignorant here since both  
the nazi
and soviets called themselves and acted in great part in a  
socialistic way.

Another demonstration of piss poor logic. These evil doers did a lot  
of things, as did Reagan and Bush. Their hearts beat. Blood flowed  
through their veins. They breathed in air. By your logic all these  
activities should be condemned by virtue of guilt by association.

If you truly believe what you wrote you need to promptly stop all of  
the above.

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Re: [CGUYS] COMPUTERGUYS-L Digest - 10 Sep 2009 - Special issue (#2009-870)

2009-09-11 Thread TPiwowar

On Sep 11, 2009, at 10:47 AM Sep 11, mike wrote:
When they can't argue facts, the Democrats will argue spelling  

Or call names.

You have not presented any facts, just lots of con/neocon fantasy  
shibboleths. You have not been able to process any of the real-world  
facts that have been presented nor do simple math. In this case use  
of the word "idiot" is not name calling, it is an objective clinical  
assessment. You are wasting everybody's time.

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Re: [CGUYS] COMPUTERGUYS-L Digest - 10 Sep 2009 - Special issue (#2009-870)

2009-09-11 Thread TPiwowar

On Sep 11, 2009, at 12:06 PM Sep 11, Steve at Verizon wrote:

But this is White House projections!!! See:

That is a projection of the debt. What is the GDP increase expected  
to be over the same period?

I'll give you a hint: What is one divided by one, genius?

About the only thing this discussion is proving is that cons/neocons  
are idiots. No that is not name calling. It is just the objective  
fact. You can't get your facts straight and you can't do simple math.

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Re: [CGUYS] Intensive Care Unit...

2009-09-06 Thread TPiwowar

On Sep 6, 2009, at 11:45 AM Sep 6, mike wrote:
If gov't programs aren't supposed to make money, can we at least  
ask they

don't LOSE so much?

Simple. Just raise taxes.

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Re: [CGUYS] Intensive Care Unit...

2009-09-06 Thread TPiwowar

On Sep 6, 2009, at 3:04 AM Sep 6, Jeff Miles wrote:
Does anyone really stop and think what the post office does on a  
daily basis? I have yet to find a privet company that has worked as  
efficiently and consistently. And, being governmentally run, the  
post office's goal isn't to make a profit. No government program is  
run to make a profit.

Alas, the wing nuts forced the Post Office to be spun off to operate  
as a non-governmental quasi-business. That is when a lot of the  
problems at the Post Office started. Their mission was unchanged, but  
revenue sources were cut and strict limits were imposed on what they  
could charge. No thought was given to the essential societal function  
that the Post Office provides. It is a tribute to their managers that  
the Post Office continues to do a fairly good job.

This is standard wing-nut strategy to make government look bad. They  
stack the deck against the organization so that they can use it as a  
whipping boy in support of their bizarre, unworkable political  
philosophies. Now as Obama gradually fixes their mess people are  
already forgetting the terrible Bush-Cheney ideological mis- 
management that got us into our current economic situation. Note that  
while millions of middle-class Americans lose their jobs, the  
American oligarchs continue to pay themselves $100,000,000 bonuses.  
And for the upcoming G8 meeting it has already been announced that  
the US will oppose putting a lid on the oligarchs. Even a US  
President is unable to stand against them.

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Re: [CGUYS] Intensive Care Unit...

2009-09-06 Thread TPiwowar

On Sep 6, 2009, at 3:11 AM Sep 6, Jeff Miles wrote:
Why do people insist on defending these mafioso type companies that  
do nothing but steal from them and then turn and complain about the  
government wasting money? This kind of thought just baffles the  
shit out of me.

It baffles the shit out of me too. Why do they defend predatory  
monopolists who amass huge fortunes by overcharging for inferior  
software? And then applaud when $Bs of ill-gotten funds are sent out  
of the country to pay for Communist-style health care for the  
foreigners that they hate with such passion.

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Re: [CGUYS] Intensive Care Unit...

2009-09-06 Thread TPiwowar

On Sep 6, 2009, at 8:50 AM Sep 6, phartz...@gmail.com wrote:

The finger biter should be thankful that Mr. Rice was not one of the
numerous anti-reform types who carry firearms to these events.

"65-year-old William Rice, who is covered under the Medicare program,  
was taken to an area hospital."

I hope he stuck to his guns and refused Communist-funded treatment.

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Re: [CGUYS] Intensive Care Unit...

2009-09-06 Thread TPiwowar

On Sep 6, 2009, at 8:52 AM Sep 6, Rev. Stewart Marshall wrote:
DHL is the three letter name you are looking for German and has  
closed up shop for a lot of things.  (If I remember they are the  
ones who closed up shop on an Ohio town?)

DHL is going out of business because it was doing a terrible job. The  
foreign owners seemed unable to put an effective management team in  
place in the USA. Their service was horribly unreliable. Instead of  
working harder at fixing the problem they just decided to give up.  
The German stock holders of the parent company really should give  
their German managers the heave ho. DHL was a huge operation and they  
just pissed it away. Shockingly bad management.

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Re: [CGUYS] MacFriendly webhost recommendation

2009-09-06 Thread TPiwowar

On Sep 6, 2009, at 12:53 AM Sep 6, chrper...@aol.com wrote:
Looking at my accounts, though, I find that one runs through May of  
2010, and the other through October of 2010, so it may be a bit  
before I actually make a switch. But I want to be sure, before I  
switch, that I only have to do this one time!

Most hosts will accept cancellations on a 30 or 90 day basis,  
depending on their billing cycle. Are you looking at your agreement  
with the hosting service or at the expiration date of your domain  
registration? These are two very different things.

You will probably want a few months overlap between the two services  
so that you can migrate at your leisure. AT the time of your  
switchover you will want identical websites on both services to give  
you continuity of presence as your new IP propagates through.

My $10/month hosting service (1and1) includes three domain  
registrations with the $10 plan. So when I migrated to a new host I  
just had 1and1 take over as my registrar too. That saved me money  
over having to pay for a separate registration. Then I simply  
informed my old hosting service that they were history.

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Re: [CGUYS] Intensive Care Unit...

2009-09-05 Thread TPiwowar

On Sep 5, 2009, at 5:18 PM Sep 5, Marcio wrote:

Well... he has been quite helpful to me...

Don't bother arguing with this bunch. What they have inflicted on  
this List in recent months is much like what the USA has had  
inflicted on it in recent weeks of wild attacks against rational  
health care. I don't know if you have been following any of this from  
afar, doctor, but it has been crazy. No rationality, just insults.  
Very sad. They even call me Hitler so I'm feeling in good company  
with President Obama.

I think it best to take the lead from our esteemed Representative  
from Massachusetts...


He starts by asking: "What planet are you on?"

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Re: [CGUYS] MacFriendly web host recommendation

2009-09-05 Thread TPiwowar

On Sep 5, 2009, at 4:49 PM Sep 5, chrper...@aol.com wrote:
When I asked for help with this via a "trouble ticket," it took  
about 5 1/2 hours to get the lists accessible again.

I would not consider that to be bad service. To get a report sent in  
by email fixed within a few hours is good. There is a good chance  
that switching another hosting service would give you even worse  
service. Though I would prefer a service provider that does provide  
phone support.

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Re: [CGUYS] Mac friendly web host recommendation

2009-09-05 Thread TPiwowar

On Sep 5, 2009, at 12:32 PM Sep 5, Tony B wrote:

Good point. Mail issues are often not your host's fault at all.
Rather, some overactive spam filter somewhere. We've been banned from
AOL longer than we've been allowed.

My meaning was completely the opposite. Badly-run email servers are  
the responsibility of the hosting service. When the hosting service  
does not do their jobs right they facilitate spammers.

It is not hard to stay on AOL's good side. AOL has lots of online  
material and tools to facilitate being a good emailer. If you are the  
server admin you can even sign up to have AOL forward all emails it  
bounces to you. AOL works hard to keep spam under control and to play  
well with others. If you are banned from AOL I would take a long hard  
look at your hosting service.

Consider how long this list has been in existence and how many times  
you have seen spam here. AOL has done a great job. It is the  
Comcasts, Coxes, and Verizons that cause us problems.

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Re: [CGUYS] Mac friendly web host recommendation

2009-09-05 Thread TPiwowar
I'm currently troubleshooting email non-delivery for a client. One of  
their important vendors can't send them email reliably. I found the  
vendor's host's email server blacklisted by backscatter.org. Vendor  
reports spending "hours" on the phone with GoDaddy with no resolution.

Before selecting a host I would check out their mail servers at  
http://www.dnsbl.info/ to see if they run a sloppy shop. This site  
will chack an IP against a long list of blacklists.

Do folks know any other good ways to check out a host?

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Re: [CGUYS] Mac friendly web host recommendation

2009-09-05 Thread TPiwowar

On Sep 5, 2009, at 11:22 AM Sep 5, chad evans wyatt wrote:
Not sure where you are, here in the DC area, Heller Information  
Services is responsive, consistent, reliable.  http://info.his.com/

Not what it once was. They seem to have outsourced their support. I  
get too many "I don't knows" and "we'll call you backs" from them  
these days. The techs are clearly not local, but not from India  
either. Questions sent via email get ignored.

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Re: [CGUYS] Mac friendly web host recommendation

2009-09-05 Thread TPiwowar

On Sep 5, 2009, at 9:42 AM Sep 5, chrper...@aol.com wrote:
I am very unhappy with my current webhost. They have no phone  
access when problems arise, and lately they've been causing  
problems with mail list access and web host issues as well.

To be fair you need to tell us the host you find so terrible. Hosts  
who provide bad service will get away with it if you don't share your  

I know this has been discussed before, but I can't seem to find the  
archived posts. I would like a local host if possible, but I  
definitely am interested in dealing with a Mac friendly host, and  
one with phone help available, at least during business hours.

These days I find that the typical good hosting service is  
sufficiently Mac friendly that I don't need to look for any special  
Mac attention. If the service runs on Apache servers you can expect  
both Macs and PCs to be handled about equally. After all the Web  
belongs to Unix, not M$. So just avoid clueless hosting services that  
litter their home pages with M$ trademarks.

I'm doing very well with a big hosting company: 1and1.com.  They are  
international so their call centers span the globe. That means I can  
get help 24/7/365. In most cases the service from the distant call  
centers is just fine and when I call it is not to ask easy questions.  
Calls usually get answered by a human tech after just a few rings.  
The first person you speak to will be a tech and not a level-1 type  
who just does triage. The first person you speak to will probably be  
the last person you speak to. The basic service is priced low and is  
completely adequate. Their control panel lets me manage my accounts  
very easily. They have extensive online help. They offer lots of  
extra services as part of the basic package. While they also offer M$- 
based services to appeal to the ignorant masses, their Unix-based  
services are M$ free. Their help files treat M$ and Apple OSs  

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Re: [CGUYS] M$ Minions Rush to the Ramparts

2009-09-04 Thread TPiwowar

On Sep 3, 2009, at 8:20 PM Sep 3, Mike wrote:
Might want to actually read the link you posted, it gave fairly  
detailed and valid reasons for not switching. Unless no application  
support on the mac for the companies main business isn't validi  
suppose they could change what they do for a living to fit into the  
mac mold instead of using the best tool for the job.

"We made poor choices and painted ourselves into a corner" is not a  
valid excuse.

"We are too lazy to learn new software" is not a valid excuse.
"Our users are stupid" is probably just projection.
"Doesn't support our 034 keypunches" isn't a valid excuse either.
This was sorry bunch of underachievers.

Also interesting how quickly they were able to come to these deep  
conclusions. Unless they had lined up at the Apple Store there is no  
way they could have examined the software before making their  
pronouncements. Of course if you were to ask these bozos about a M$  
OS that has not yet shipped I'm sure they would tell you how  
wonderful it is.

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Re: [CGUYS] Searching in browser history

2009-09-04 Thread TPiwowar

On Sep 4, 2009, at 9:17 AM Sep 4, Chris Dunford wrote:
Has anyone run across seen an IE add-on (or a separate product)  
that will look for text in the pages that are in the history list?  
I found one ("History Search"), but it hasn't been updated in a long
time, the publisher has vanished, and I'd be very surprised if it  
still works.

The most recent issue of Safari uses a cover-flow type display to  
browse History. Too bad that your contract with M$ forbids your using  
it. Perhaps IE 9 or 10 will provide you with a poor copy. Hold your  

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Re: [CGUYS] Guys and GPS

2009-09-04 Thread TPiwowar

On Sep 4, 2009, at 9:02 AM Sep 4, Art Clemons wrote:
Too many people rely on them, even when it doesn't make sense to do  

Someone (not me) came to work very tired last Monday morning. They  
had made a long trip. Halfway back to home someone had fiddled with  
the GPS and the infernal machine started giving them directions back  
to where they had started the day. They dutifully followed directions.

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Re: [CGUYS] Variable Weight Typefaces?

2009-09-04 Thread TPiwowar

On Sep 3, 2009, at 8:22 PM Sep 3, Mike wrote:
Sorry, i went by what you wrote in your post, next time I won't  
just take your word for it. Bad MS, bad.

Sometimes good (e.g. mice). Usually not (e.g. Vista). Why are you so  
afraid to see things clearly?

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Re: [CGUYS] What really happens to the computers we recycle?

2009-09-01 Thread TPiwowar

On Sep 1, 2009, at 11:40 AM Sep 1, Jordan wrote:
We've had 8 years, really many more since it started before Reagan,  
of tearing down regulations. It doesn't work.(like we didn't  
already know that) Look where we are now. We need freedom for  
people, not freedom of corporations to take advantage of people.

Criminals usually think they are in the right and it is the cops who  
have it all wrong. Just look at Dick Cheney's latest pronouncements.

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Re: [CGUYS] Intensive Care Unit...

2009-09-01 Thread TPiwowar

On Sep 1, 2009, at 10:06 AM Sep 1, Rev. Stewart Marshall wrote:

Depends on what he is comfortable with.

I just wiped a drive this a.m. and reinstalled M$'s latest good OS:  
Win XP.

Why provide Apple with more fodder for its commercials?

M$ is making its usual promises for the next OS, but I suspect it  
will be just another episode of Charlie Brown trying to kick that  

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Re: [CGUYS] Intensive Care Unit...

2009-09-01 Thread TPiwowar

On Sep 1, 2009, at 2:51 PM Sep 1, db wrote:
We all ... most of us anyway ... just wish you would do the easy  
and more inexpensive thing by leaving that boat anchor on the  
bottom where it now rests and belongs for all eternity and just get  
a computer off the shelf that is current and works.

Are you suggesting that Marcio do something illegal with his  
hardware? PCs are toxic waste!

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Re: [CGUYS] Snow Leopard Review

2009-08-29 Thread TPiwowar

On Aug 29, 2009, at 1:14 PM, mike wrote:
Apple continues to rely on the honor system for Mac OS X. Not only  
does Snow Leopard not

require the entry of any serial numbers...

We leave the thieving, lying, & cheating to our WFBs.

Have you seen the latest ad/demo of Mac's moral superiority?


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[CGUYS] Apple's Answer to Laptop Hunters

2009-08-29 Thread TPiwowar

As usual, a hoot!


"When you are ready to compromise, you call me."

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Re: [CGUYS] Mac Transition to 64-Bit

2009-08-26 Thread TPiwowar

On Aug 26, 2009, at 7:30 AM, Snyder, Mark - IdM (IS) wrote:
Not sure why you're flailing on this.  Mac OS 10.6, Snow Leopard,  
can be

set to load 64-bit, every time, if desired, or left to the default, to
load the 32-bit kernel.  Windows users must install one or the other.
This is not a huge difference.  Why split hairs?

Sure is a huge difference. Reinstalling Windows is not quick and will  
probably mess up many installed apps. Not something that is done  
lightly. Definitely not something you would want to switch back and  

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Re: [CGUYS] Mac Transition to 64-Bit

2009-08-26 Thread TPiwowar

On Aug 26, 2009, at 7:49 AM, Jeff Wright wrote:
And Windows has been 64-bit for several years now.  The problem has  
been in

driver support and app compatibility, no surprise there.

Precisely. Apple knows that some drivers won't work right with the 64  
kernel, but it doesn't know if you have such drivers. It suspects  
that you probably do so the default is 32 bit. You can try 64 by  
starting up with the "6" and "4" keys depressed and from then on it  
will run with the 64 kernel. If you run into trouble you restart with  
"3" and "2" depressed and that puts you back to a 32 kernel. A very  
elegant solution to a problem that gave Vista users conniptions.

What I don't understand is why WFBs have such a hard time  
understanding something so simple.

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Re: [CGUYS] Mac Transition to 64-Bit

2009-08-26 Thread TPiwowar

On Aug 26, 2009, at 12:43 PM, Mark A. Metz wrote:
I have a Vista 64 machine that runs Photoshop CS4 at 64 bit.  It  
runs Photoshop 7 at 32 bit.  It even runs older apps at 16 bit, I  
think.  So even though the OS is 64 bit, and I realize that means I  
can run 64 bit apps., it doesn't limit my running whatever I want,  
right?  And I don't have to reboot to a 32 bit environment to do it.

That's running in application space. A very different environment  
than the kernel.

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Re: [CGUYS] Mac Transition to 64-Bit

2009-08-26 Thread TPiwowar

On Aug 26, 2009, at 5:55 PM, Tony B wrote:

In fact, I asked about this on the list a while back. "How can I
ensure that PAE is turned on so I know my WinXP is using all 6gb of my
ram". It was only much later I discovered the consumer versions of
Windows don't include PAE, and so are limited to 4gb ram.

Are you saying memory access is crippled unless one buys a higher- 
priced version?

Why am I not surprised?

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Re: [CGUYS] Sudden Mac OS X V4 Inefficiency

2009-08-26 Thread TPiwowar

On Aug 25, 2009, at 10:15 PM, Arnold Kee wrote:

Are there gremlins out to get me?


all of a sudden, it now acts really slowly and fails to connect  
with my wireless network consistently

Have you cleared the browser's cache files? A corrupt cache happens  
suddenly and will slow things down considerably.

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Re: [CGUYS] Google's Sorry

2009-08-25 Thread TPiwowar

On Aug 25, 2009, at 7:47 PM, Richard P. wrote:

Is this legit? Has anyone else seen this before?

Yes. If you are making lost of searches quickly Google may think you  
are a computer and wants proof that you are human.

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Re: [CGUYS] Mac Transition to 64-Bit

2009-08-25 Thread TPiwowar

On Aug 25, 2009, at 3:42 PM, mike wrote:

MS has not because no that they are running 64bit or

Got it. Official M$ line is that 64-bit is useless, something that  
"no one would notice".

You think we are stupid?

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Re: [CGUYS] Mac Transition to 64-Bit

2009-08-25 Thread TPiwowar

On Aug 25, 2009, at 4:36 PM, Rich Schinnell wrote:

Oh pleeese! A half-baked WFB spouting about the wonderfulness of  
Vista plus claims that X.6 is somehow a copy of M$'s yet to be  
released OS. Tell us about how Apple got into Steve's TimeMachine,  
zapped into the future, and came back with copies of M$ innovative  
work. (They also returned with a deed to a bridge to Brooklyn.)

WFBs apparently have not yet figured out that Apple's TimeMachine is  
a backup program.

Read the comments that follow this article. Lots of them:

"I'm not even a Mac user and even I can see this article is biased  

"If there was only 1 or 2 errors here, I would try to write something  
to shed light on those error, but as it is, the whole article is so  
hopelessly biased and misleading that I feel like the best thing for  
me to do would be to write a very pointed suggestion to the author  
that he amend this article with an apology and promise to do his  
homework before he ever does this kind of bashing again..."

"As you say, there are no 'issues' in this article to respond to,  
only outright lies and distortions which do not in themselves merit  
much of a response. What is far more interesting than the article's  
content is the dishonesty of the author himself and the willingness  
of IW to condone it."

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Re: [CGUYS] Mac Transition to 64-Bit

2009-08-25 Thread TPiwowar

On Aug 25, 2009, at 3:35 PM, Tony B wrote:

So you're saying if I install OSX 32 bit today, then change my mobo
and CPU, I can simply switch to 64 bit next year? Just throw a switch
and no OS reinstall will be required? Nice, if true.

The OS loads either the 32 or 64-bit kernel at startup. Default is  
32. At some point the default will be 64. This doesn't paint  
customers into a corner. Yes very nice -- typical Apple engineering.

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Re: [CGUYS] Mac Transition to 64-Bit

2009-08-25 Thread TPiwowar

On Aug 25, 2009, at 2:52 PM, Tony B wrote:

So now you're saying the only difference is the new Mac OS will
combine both 64 and 32 bit versions in the same package, and the
installer must choose 64 bit manually. Win7 will come in two different
binaries, and the installer must use the correct one.

So Apple has prepared to ease its customers through a transition,  
while M$ has not. OS X.6 is designed to run in either 32 or 64 mode  
and to easily switch between them as customer's needs require. This  
is a good example of the difference between the two companies.

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[CGUYS] A Lifeline to Frustrated PC Users

2009-08-25 Thread TPiwowar


Parallels Desktop Switch to Mac Edition Offers Lifeline to Frustrated  
PC Users

"Switching from PC to Mac is on the rise: analyst reports on  
operating system market share show that Mac OS X market growth comes  
at the expense of Windows’ market share. While the overall PC  
industry saw declines of 3% for the quarter ending in June 2009,  
Apple sales were up 4% year over year¹. According to Apple’s Q309  
report, half of the Macs sold were to customers who had never owned a  
Mac before²."

"The growth in switching is partially due to the ease-of-use and cool  
capabilities of the Mac," said Serguei Beloussov, CEO of Parallels.  
"However, users don’t want to lose the data they have accumulated and  
the applications they are already familiar with. Building on our  
proven track record of Mac innovation, we have addressed this concern  
and made learning the new operating system even simpler through  
interactive on-demand tutorials. These are combined with intelligent  
moving tools and our industry-leading Parallels Desktop for Mac,  
which offers the greatest performance and stability for running  
Windows seamlessly on Mac."

Golly, there is hope for the future.

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Re: [CGUYS] Asking for prepaid cell phone recommendation

2009-08-25 Thread TPiwowar

On Aug 25, 2009, at 1:00 PM, rleesimon wrote:

 I just had a 4 min conversation with
their customer service and with that ...as I rarely if ever text, I  
got that

off halving my internet monthly charge, dropped to 550min/mo reducing
another chunk, was able to retain my more that 5000 minutes of roll  
over and
got unlim nite/mobile-mobile covering all my calls to my wife &  
other family

members who have at&t.  Monthly down to around 70 which is same as 2
crickets would cost, so

With Cricket Respekt and other competition I guess the fat and happy  
cell companies are now having to cut deals with their customers too.

Someday there may be an iPhone in my future! (I know, Win 7 will be  
out before then.)

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Re: [CGUYS] Mac Transition to 64-Bit

2009-08-25 Thread TPiwowar

On Aug 25, 2009, at 1:45 PM, mike wrote:

You are kicking me off the list for asking?  Nice.

Cue the violins.

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Re: [CGUYS] Mac Transition to 64-Bit

2009-08-25 Thread TPiwowar

On Aug 25, 2009, at 11:04 AM, Rev. Stewart Marshall wrote:

Not too far I already have pre-orders in for a few copies.

Yes I saw, M$ wanted to be paid 3 months ahead on the promise of  
delivering an operating system and the faithful got their credit  
cards out.

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Re: [CGUYS] Mac Transition to 64-Bit

2009-08-25 Thread TPiwowar

On Aug 25, 2009, at 11:34 AM, mike wrote:

Was someone asking?

Then butt out. You are not invited to this conversation.

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Re: [CGUYS] Mac Transition to 64-Bit

2009-08-25 Thread TPiwowar

On Aug 25, 2009, at 11:54 AM, Tony B wrote:

Now I see - basically because the OS is still 32 bit itself.

You don't see all that well (why am I not surprised?).

OS X.6 is set to run a 32-bit kernel as the default. It can be set to  
run a 64-bit kernel or you can just press the "6" and "4" keys during  

Reasons why have already been described.

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[CGUYS] Mac Transition to 64-Bit

2009-08-25 Thread TPiwowar
This explains a lot. Some things run in 32 bit, some in 64 bit. It  
all depends.


"There is a lot of confusion about the fact that Snow Leopard starts  
by default with a 32-bit kernel even though nearly everything else is  
64-bit (according to Apple all system applications except DVD Player,  
Front Row, Grapher, and iTunes have been rewritten in 64-bit)."

"Snow Leopard is 64-bit for all users with a 64-bit CPU. The  
applications are, the memory space is. The ONLY THING that doesn't  
load into 64-bit - ON PURPOSE - is the kernel!"

"The problem is compatibility with third-party drivers. Some programs  
are so deeply intertwined with the OS that they reach deeply into its  
bowels and modify its core, the kernel - these drivers are called  
kernel extensions (or kext)."

BTW, the new Mac OS ships this Friday.

M$'s Vista replacement is still way out there in the future.

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Re: [CGUYS] Asking for prepaid cell phone recommendation

2009-08-24 Thread TPiwowar

On Aug 24, 2009, at 1:07 PM, Tony B wrote:
Actually, that's $8.33/mo the first year. Hard to say how long you  

keep renewing minutes after that as the networks change and to get the
better coverage you may need a new phone.

Need to read the fine print on the plan and ask questions. With T- 
Mobile you get "Gold" status after you have spent $100 and that  
status does not expire. So you buy a $100 card immediately and your  
are "Gold." The $100 card comes with 200 bonus minutes and "Gold"  
customers get bonus minutes with every subsequent purchase, no matter  
how small. If you have "Gold" status any purchase extends all your  
minutes for a year. So you could buy a $10 card once a year to keep  
all your minutes. After spending the initial $100 you could go for  
years with annual $10 purchases. Used this way my T-Mobile phone is  
costing me about $75/year. I buy minutes for $100 or $50 in alternate  

If you want o be really frugal you can find T-Mobile minutes sold at  
a discount on the Internet. You can easily get 3% off and sometimes 7%.

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Re: [CGUYS] Logmein

2009-08-23 Thread TPiwowar

On Aug 23, 2009, at 3:21 PM, Jordan wrote:
db or anyone else, how did the logmein work for you, and are there  
any other programs like that, that work for the Mac?

Screen sharing is part of OS X.5 (Leopard). Works over the local  
network or with a VPN or MobileMe.

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[CGUYS] REJECTED [Was: Apple Answers the FCC’s Questi ons]

2009-08-23 Thread TPiwowar

On Aug 23, 2009, at 11:00 AM, Alvin Auerbach wrote:
Your  message cannot  be  distributed  to the  COMPUTERGUYS-L  list  
because  it
exceeds the maximum message size of 225 lines. The size of your  
message was 350


Congratulations on being the first to be so rejected. This limit has  
been in force for several years. I probably should lower it further,  
possibly to 100 lines. You should be giving us a link to long  
documents, not pasting them whole into emails.

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Re: [CGUYS] iMac problem

2009-08-23 Thread TPiwowar

On Aug 23, 2009, at 10:50 AM, Jordan wrote:
I think I had tried that at one point last night, but in any case,  
it didn't start it just now when I did it.

That suggests that it is probably not a hard drive problem.

I don't know if I dreamed it up or read it somewhere but I just  
held down the start button until the light on the front started  
flashing, then it let out a long beeep and started!

Good. I think that reset the power management unit. That definitely  
could have caused the problem you describe.

I used Disk Utility to verify the internal disk and the external  
firewire disk and they both check out fine. I had a feeling this  
was a logic problem, or something other than hard drive.


Please suggest what next steps to take to find out what went wrong.  
What hardware tests? What logs to read?

You are done. Nothing more to check. Nothing more to do. It is  
unlikely you will see this problem again.

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Re: [CGUYS] Mysterious iChat / AIM messages transcripts appearing on iMac desktop ?

2009-08-23 Thread TPiwowar

On Aug 23, 2009, at 10:33 AM, Reid Katan wrote:
What I was wondering is, basically, do Macs come with iChat/AIM  
accounts set up? That seems like something he would have to enable.  
I've had my iBook for about a year so far (bought refurbed with OSX. 
4 from Geeks.com) and no one has tried to iChat with me. . .hmm,  
maybe that's saying more about me than my computer. )-:

Not set up, but starting iChat will start a sign up process. You  
answer a few questions and you have an account set up for you,.

It is not like the old days when it took several days of reading  
manuals, downloading software, patching, configuring, cursing.  
reinstalling, reconfiguring, and more cursing.

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Re: [CGUYS] WSJ.com | Why AT&T Killed Google Voice

2009-08-23 Thread TPiwowar

On Aug 23, 2009, at 1:35 PM, Mike wrote:

So you know google is lying...how do you know that?

The issue is not Google or Apple lying. It is you trying to insert  
misinformation into the account of what transpired.

GV was not rejected by Apple. It was not approved. The two are not  
the same.

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Re: [CGUYS] WSJ.com | Why AT&T Killed Google Voice

2009-08-23 Thread TPiwowar

On Aug 22, 2009, at 4:40 PM, mike wrote:
Everything is the fault of those damn neomircrosofticons eh?  How  
you manage

to bring your made up boogey men into everything is amazing.

On Aug 22, 2009, at 5:58 PM, Jeff Wright wrote:
You first feign outrage over Google Voice and then almost  
immediately fold
like a cheap chair and spew a "they're just so misunderstood"  
defense of


Arguing with you guys is like trying to have a conversation with a  
coffee table. Fortunately there were many other posts that were  
thoughtful about this very interesting situation. Hang it up.

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Re: [CGUYS] Mysterious iChat / AIM messages transcripts appearing on iMac desktop ?

2009-08-23 Thread TPiwowar

On Aug 23, 2009, at 8:14 AM, Reid Katan wrote:

How else would he have iChat and AIM accounts going?

iChat uses the AIM network. So no surprise there.

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Re: [CGUYS] Mysterious iChat / AIM messages transcripts appearing on iMac desktop ?

2009-08-23 Thread TPiwowar

On Aug 22, 2009, at 11:44 PM, db wrote:
Currently he has no use whatsoever for iChat (he's just learning to  
mouse about, read emails etc... he hasn't even sent an email  
yet...) and I'd like to make sure his computer and iChat are secure  
and impervious to more of the same.


"You can set various levels of privacy in iChat that determine who  
can chat with you. To set your privacy level, go to Preferences and  
choose the Accounts pane and then the Security tab. You can choose  
from any of these five options:

* Allow anyone
* Allow people on my Buddy List
* Allow specific people
* Block everyone
* Block specific people

Anyone who is allowed to chat with you can also see your availability  
(available / away / offline). Anyone who is blocked will always see  
you as offline."

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Re: [CGUYS] [Fwd: PCMag Analysis: Apple, AT&T and Google Voice]

2009-08-23 Thread TPiwowar

On Aug 22, 2009, at 8:23 PM, b_s-wilk wrote:

Their argument sounds oddly plaintive: Apple "spent a lot of time and
effort" developing their phone interface, so they don't like that  

"replac[es] the iPhone's core mobile telephone functionality and Apple
user interface with its own user interface for telephone calls, text
messaging and voicemail."

Saying "don't like" is extrapolating too far. More accurate would be  
saying that it is something that needs to be thought through.

Looking back in history, some credit the success of the Apple II  
computer solely to the invention of the VisiCalc spreadsheet, because  
it turned the Apple II into a serious business tool.

I think Apple needs to decide whether the iPhone is better for them  
as a computing platform or as a delivery mechanism for AT&T services.  
Right now Apple is getting huge payments from AT&T, which makes  
sticking with AT&T very tempting. If Google could match the AT&T cash  
flow it would be easier for Apple to open up the platform to Google  
(and others).

Long term Apple has to figure out a way to capture a share of the  
income streams that the iPhone is enabling. That would allow Apple to  
open the iPhone to all comers on an equal basis. Doing this would  
make many customers and carriers very happy, but would make AT&T very  
unhappy. Open access would likely assure the long term dominance of  
the iPhone. AT&T's lock on the iPhone is one of the iPhone's few weak  

I think the GoogleVoice app is forcing Apple to do some heavy  
thinking sooner than it had anticipated. Apple may leave Google  
hanging for a long time as it tries to work out the many  
implications. We are going to see just how smart Apple really is.

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Re: [CGUYS] iMac problem

2009-08-23 Thread TPiwowar

On Aug 22, 2009, at 9:50 PM, Jordan wrote:
My 2 year old intel iMac won't boot. I got a grey kernel crash  
screen yesterday, but it restarted and ran fine in the evening so I  
didn't take any time to investigate. This evening it started  
strangely, displayed properly, but would not run Eye TV. I tried to  
restart it and now all it does is play the audio crescendo, sounds  
like it reads the hard drive for a moment and then does nothing  
else. No display.
I put the OS DVD in and started, holding C, and it makes noises  
like it's reading the DVD but gives up in a few moments.

I tried resetting the NVRAM, but it won't reset it. No beeps.

Instead of starting up with Command-C, do the same with Command- 
Option-Shift-Delete held down. If you succeed with startup it would  
indicate a hardware problem with the disk drive.

The drive is easy to swap out on that model (if I'm guessing your  
model right). Restoring from your TimeMachine backup will get you  
back running quickly.

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Re: [CGUYS] WSJ.com | Why AT&T Killed Google Voice

2009-08-22 Thread TPiwowar
Apple's response to the DOJ inquiry looks a lot more plausible than  
the explanations proffered by the conspiracy theorists. In a  
nutshell, adding Google Voice to an iPhone significantly changes the  
operation of the iPhone. It replaces so many of the iPhone's  
functions that it left Apple wondering if the result was still an  

Apple claims that it did not reject Google Voice, but that it merely  
delayed its approval and kicked the decision upstairs to a senior  
management committee. They need some time to sort it out.

In a sense this is like the situation when right-wing wackos edit a  
film to meet their "higher standards" and then try to redistribute  
the film. The courts have ruled this illegal. The creator if the work  
has the right to control what is in the work. If the creator wants to  
issue a censored version it is their right to do so, but a third  
party may not do it.

Here Apple has to decide what is essential about their iPhone and to  
what degree they will allow third parties to change the essential  
nature of their creation. There are good arguments to be made on  
either side of this issue. I can understand Apple being unable to  
make a snap judgement on this one.

If the extensive changes made to the iPhone by Google Voice break  
some of the functionality of the iPhone will customers blame Apple or  
Google? Who has to make repairs?


The best of all worlds might be to have Apple and Google work  
together to make this work.

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Re: [CGUYS] HDDs and vibrators was: Slow Dell startup

2009-08-22 Thread TPiwowar

On Aug 22, 2009, at 2:12 PM, Tony B wrote:
No, you will have a hard time convincing me a fan of any type could  
enough to cause an r/w error on a drive. But be aware - cosmic rays  
cause errors. Not as many as 'normal' causes, but surely it  
happens. Anyway,
that's what chkdsk is for. If my systems crash suddenly for any  
reason, I

run a full chkdsk on all the drives afterwards.

Worrying that fan vibration might damage the data on the drive is  
definitely obsessive compulsive behavior. If the vibration were that  
severe you would not be wanting to be in the same room with this  
computer. A quick solution to fan noise is to unplug the fan or stick  
a fork in its blades. Of course, an obsessive compulsive person would  
then go bonkers because the fan was not running.

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Re: [CGUYS] WSJ.com | Why AT&T Killed Google Voice

2009-08-22 Thread TPiwowar
It is truly strange to see the WSJ arguing the benefits of a free  

This is, of course, another manifestation of the network neutrality  
debate. It is bad for society to allow the carriers to impose bizarre  
restrictions on what devices can generate data packets on their  
networks and what those data packets can contain.

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Re: [CGUYS] drupal for only 10 million

2009-08-20 Thread TPiwowar

On Aug 20, 2009, at 1:50 PM, mike wrote:

It wasn't just the degree that set
Dvorak off, it was also Kundra's behavior during an appearance at I  
was in front of some senators.  His basic point being the guy was  
full of BS

web 2.0 doubletalk that makes no sense when actually analyzed.

Web 2.0 is hardly doubletalk. Perhaps it is just a future that some  
geezers have trouble comprehending?

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2009-08-20 Thread TPiwowar

On Aug 20, 2009, at 9:04 AM, Jordan wrote:
I think Google is doing the a good job of making its Groups, on- 
line apps, and other tools accessible and easy to use, but as the  
article suggests, control and security are difficult and complicated.

Is that fair? The article says "In other words, the security settings  
are there, they just have to be used. " It is common for applications  
to have such security settings turned off by default because having  
them on by default would cause too many tech support calls.

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Re: [CGUYS] drupal for only 10 million

2009-08-19 Thread TPiwowar

On Aug 19, 2009, at 5:30 PM, John Duncan Yoyo wrote:

Dvorak was more annoyed with the quality of the school he went to.

U Md has a very good Computer Science program. It is the best in this  
area, which has lots of schools with CS departments.

Kundra has also demonstrated the ability to think independently and  
innovate. When someone can do that I'm not going to be looking at his  

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Re: [CGUYS] Computer gadgets in cars

2009-08-19 Thread TPiwowar

iPhone tries to make everybody happy...


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2009-08-19 Thread TPiwowar
"Continuing its effort to differentiate its online applications from  
Microsoft Office though collaborative capabilities, Google (NSDQ:  
GOOG) on Tuesday made it possible to share calendars, documents, and  
sites among Google Groups members. "

Google Enables Document Sharing Among Groups

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Re: [CGUYS] Zune HD TV Interface Makes It a Media Center For Your Pocket

2009-08-19 Thread TPiwowar

On Aug 18, 2009, at 9:21 PM, Chris Dunford wrote:
A failure that hasn't been released yet? Interesting point of view.  
Perhaps we should wait just a bit.

You have to be smart enough to come in out of the rain to understand  
the concept. Standing there until you are soaked and sneezing is not  

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Re: [CGUYS] Flush With Cash and Fearing Rules, Major Carriers Tell Rural America to Get Lost

2009-08-18 Thread TPiwowar

On Aug 18, 2009, at 7:30 PM, Eric S. Sande wrote:

In case you missed this:

Wow I did!

"Approximately 11,000 Verizon employees will switch to working for  
Frontier, Verizon said."

Verizon is bailing completely on those farmers. I never would have  

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Re: [CGUYS] Zune HD TV Interface Makes It a Media Center For Your Pocket

2009-08-18 Thread TPiwowar

Another perspective on why Zune HD is a failure...

"Bad Idea #5. Go one better. As the rise and fall of Friendfeed  
indicates, copying the basic functionality of a successful  
application (Twitter, in this case) and adding a few new features --  
doing the same thing slightly "better" from some perspective --  
doesn't usually lead to attracting many users away from the copied  

It takes a radical recast of functionality -- a revolutionary  
increase in capabilities, or a new paradigm of use -- to get people  
to drop something they have been happily using and to adopt some  
alternative, especially when they are connected to many other users  
by the application. But you'd better expect to see "better  
mousetraps" of all descriptions continue to appear -- and then fade  

Five Common Pitfalls of Web Applications

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[CGUYS] Flush With Cash and Fearing Rules, Major Carriers Tell Rural America to Get Lost

2009-08-18 Thread TPiwowar
Looks like rural America will get to keep its guns and religion, but  
it ain't gonna get no DSL.


"The Obama administration made a national priority of spreading high- 
speed Internet access to every American home and offered stimulus  
money to help companies pay for it, but the biggest network operators  
are staying away from the program. "

"All three say they are flush with cash, enough to upgrade and expand  
their broadband networks on their own."

Where did all this money come from that they can so cavalierly pass  
on $4.7 billion. Are we being overcharged?

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Re: [CGUYS] Disk geometry error - solved but not cured

2009-08-18 Thread TPiwowar

On Aug 18, 2009, at 2:41 PM, Tony B wrote:
Maybe I'm just misunderstanding, but I think you're wrong here. In  
the old
days disk imaging may have done bit for bit clones, but these days  
they use

compression, and they ignore empty spaces on the disk. So they have no
trouble copying a partition to a different size disk. i.e., Last  
week I
'restored' my Vista 50gb partition to a brand new 75gb partition.  
It does

not look like a 50gb partition to the OS.

Some of us like to have choices. You are describing a different  
choice as if it were the only way to do it. There are times when a  
bit-for-bit copy is just the ticket.

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Re: [CGUYS] Subject: drupal for only 10 million

2009-08-18 Thread TPiwowar

On Aug 18, 2009, at 11:31 AM, mike wrote:
Hold on, you need to give some warning so I can get my hip boots on  

you start shoveling this much high end shite.

You just go wallow in it. The rest of can go on with the work of good  

P.S Don't miss utah.gov for eye-popping good design.

P.P.S. Note that none of the best sites use M$ crapware.

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Re: [CGUYS] Disk geometry error - solved but not cured

2009-08-18 Thread TPiwowar

On Aug 18, 2009, at 11:18 AM, Tony B wrote:

I guess what I'm saying is this explanation doesn't make sense to me.
Do you have a link for further reading? Or is this just another reason
not to use Acronis?

Nothing wrong with Acronis. Different methods of copying are  
appropriate in different cases. You need to use the right tool and  
the right settings for the particular job.

Making a bit-for-bit copy is going to give you an exact replica. If  
somebody has messed with track zero the copied drive will have the  
exact same modification. A bit-for-bit copy of a 100GB drive onto a  
500GB platter will still look like a 100GB drive. To get the "lost"  
400GB you will need to go back and mess with the drive some more or  
use a different copy method.

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Re: [CGUYS] Consumer Level Rechargeable Battery Technology

2009-08-18 Thread TPiwowar

On Aug 18, 2009, at 12:41 PM, John Settle wrote:
Anyone have any charger/battery technology (Brand) combinations  
that work well?

Sanyo Eneloop 

Rayovac Hybrid
Kodak Pre-Charged
Duracell Pre Charged

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Re: [CGUYS] Subject: drupal for only 10 million

2009-08-18 Thread TPiwowar
Looks like the price tag ($18M) is for 5 years of work with an  
ambitious mission statement and new content constantly added. Our  
cons/neocons had made it sound like it was for a weekend's work. They  
lied to us for 8 years and I guess it is hard to break a habit.

"Agencies are starting to see that government needs to be part of  
this larger information ecosystem," said Sheila Campbell, co- 
chairwoman of the Federal Web Managers Council. "Managing the Web  
isn't just managing the Web site. It means putting the content out  
where people are on the Web."

Great dot-gov Web Sites 2009

Go visit these government sites and enjoy a job well done!

Don't miss the contrast between the really good government sites and  
the shabby GCN site. Do note "aspx" at the end of the GCN URL.  
(ASP.NET is a web application framework developed and marketed by  
Microsoft.  Ho, ho, ho.)

I have analyzed the code of some of these dot-gov sites and, as I  
wrote before, they are very well crafted. Lots to learn from their  

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Re: [CGUYS] Zune HD TV Interface Makes It a Media Center For Your Pocket

2009-08-17 Thread TPiwowar

On Aug 17, 2009, at 6:49 PM, Jeff Wright wrote:
Seriously?  You're comparing a product with an established  
ecosystem (thanks
largely to the iPhone, not the Touch) to one that isn't even for  
sale yet?

You completely ignore the question I asked and substitute a straw-man  
in its stead. Quite intellectually dishonest.

Of course you don't want to discuss if such applications will run in  
the Zune HD.

Why an I I'm not surprised?

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Re: [CGUYS] Subject: drupal for only 10 million

2009-08-17 Thread TPiwowar

On Aug 17, 2009, at 9:17 PM, Allen Firstenberg wrote:

I'm not Tom, but I'll give the #1 reason to avoid drupal:  PHP
And they do have serious problems with it.  Very serious problems.   
PHP is a

security nightmare of epic proportions.

That is a bunch of crap. Product of the same propaganda machine that  
cranks out false stories about OS X. PHP is a programming language.  
Just like any other programming language, if you don't code securely  
you don't get a secure application.

"While flaws in the language itself account for a very small  
percentage the total, the problems with PHP underscore the difficulty  
that developers--many of them amateurs--have in locking down  
applications written in the language, said Peter Mell, senior  
computer scientist for the NIST and the program manager for the  
National Vulnerability Database."  --  http://www.securityfocus.com/ 

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Re: [CGUYS] drupal for only 10 million

2009-08-17 Thread TPiwowar

On Aug 17, 2009, at 5:48 PM, mike wrote:
It's not with drupal, it's the fact they are using prebuilt systems  
their website...should be SAVING money...what this website would  
have cost

25 million otherwise?

Precisely, using high-quality open-source frameworks like drupal is  
going to sage the government lots of money.

A very smart move.

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Re: [CGUYS] drupal for only 10 million

2009-08-17 Thread TPiwowar

On Aug 17, 2009, at 8:05 PM, Chris Dunford wrote:
The software infrastructure for the web site. The web site wasn't  
the whole project. Unless I misunderstand what drupal provides,  
aren't you leaving out the whole rest of the project?

Of course they are leaving out the majority of the project.

To say that drupal is the whole project would be like saying that an  
applications framework is the whole of an application and that any  
software written with it is of little value. It misunderstands where  
the bulk of the development work is.

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Re: [CGUYS] drupal for only 10 million

2009-08-17 Thread TPiwowar

On Aug 17, 2009, at 8:12 PM, John Duncan Yoyo wrote:
John C. Dvorak was going off about this on the No Agenda podcast he  
with Adam Curry.  Curry is a little too tinfoil hat for my tastes  
but can be
amusing in his paranoia.  #121 is all about questioning the  
credentials of

our nations CIOs.

I was wondering how long it would be before someone executed a  
hatchet job on Kundra. He is a smart and independent thinker. The  
quality of what he did in DC is obvious to me just as a user of  
systems he put in place. He is not a M$ lapdog. He was driving DC to  
replace M$ Office with Google Docs. As I've noted before the quality  
of these new government websites has greatly impressed me. Clearly he  
is a dangerous person.

Here is a fact check on the accusation that he did not have a  
Master's in IT, it was easy to confirm that he does...


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Re: [CGUYS] Zune HD TV Interface Makes It a Media Center For Your Pocket

2009-08-17 Thread TPiwowar

On Aug 17, 2009, at 6:39 PM, Jeff Wright wrote:
I believe I already stated that both mfrs make exaggerated claims  
on battery

life, at least that's what I've seen from reports of field testing the
battery life on the Touch.

The old argument "Everybody's doing it so why can't I?"

In truth, reviewers report Apple's estimates to be quite conservative.

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Re: [CGUYS] drupal for only 10 million

2009-08-17 Thread TPiwowar

On Aug 17, 2009, at 4:35 PM, mike wrote:
Yeah open source...free.  Half the work was already done for them.   
Not only
was this company taking an existing website and merely rebuilding  
it, they
are using pre built tools to do it.  What are they doing exactly  
for ten
million?  Oh that's right, with the new transparency that info is  

So what is your beef with drupal?

We are waiting...

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Re: [CGUYS] drupal for only 10 million

2009-08-17 Thread TPiwowar

On Aug 17, 2009, at 1:24 PM, mike wrote:
Reports indicate that new multimillion dollar website is being done  
drupal.  Whoever sold this load of hogcrap to our government really  
made out

on our dime.

Other than it not being from M$, what is your objection to drupal? It  
is a very good open-source CMS.

I'm really happy to see the new government websites using high- 
quality open-source like drupal and jQuery.

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Re: [CGUYS] Verizon smtp and Port 25

2009-08-17 Thread TPiwowar

On Aug 17, 2009, at 12:57 PM, Fred Holmes wrote:
Can anyone tell me whether Verizon FIOS (or DSL) service does  
this?  (in Annandale / northern VA)

I use port 25 on Verizon DSL and do not use their SMTP server. It is  
not blocked.

With some other ISPs I use port 26 or 587.

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Re: [CGUYS] Zune HD TV Interface Makes It a Media Center For Your Pocket

2009-08-17 Thread TPiwowar

On Aug 17, 2009, at 8:57 AM, phartz...@gmail.com wrote:

The "HD" in HD Radio stands for hybrid digital, not high definition.

Stands for Hokey Dokey.

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Re: [CGUYS] Zune HD TV Interface Makes It a Media Center For Your Pocket

2009-08-17 Thread TPiwowar


""With TomTom for iPhone, millions of iPhone users can now benefit  
from the same easy-to-use and intuitive interface, turn-by-turn  
spoken navigation and unique routing technology that our 30 million  
portable navigation device users rely on every day," said Corinne  
Vigreux, managing director of TomTom."



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Re: [CGUYS] Zune HD TV Interface Makes It a Media Center For Your Pocket

2009-08-17 Thread TPiwowar

"The comment is derived from a general consensus by analysts that  
Microsoft's portable media player missed its mark, and doesn't look  
to gain any ground in its battle against Apple's iPhone and iPod  
Touch anytime soon."

"The market reception for Zune is so disappointing that many  
retailers have even stopped selling it altogether," he said.


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Re: [CGUYS] Zune HD TV Interface Makes It a Media Center For Your Pocket

2009-08-16 Thread TPiwowar

On Aug 16, 2009, at 3:51 PM, Eric S. Sande wrote:
But I'm pretty experienced and I can tell if what I'm hearing is a  

versus a pile of pony crap.

Are you denigrating MP3 or iPods? Have you listened to an Apple  
lossless file on an iPod?

"Apple's lossless compression makes iTunes an audiophile's delight "
"I tested Apple Lossless Encoding using some of my favorite  
audiophile CDs, including a few from Reference Recordings, maker of  
some of the highest-quality CDs I've ever heard. I heard absolutely  
no difference in the sound of the CD vs. the sound of the iTunes  
compressed version using Apple Lossless Encoding. "


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Re: [CGUYS] Zune HD TV Interface Makes It a Media Center For Your Pocket

2009-08-16 Thread TPiwowar

On Aug 16, 2009, at 1:18 PM, Eric S. Sande wrote:

It would be good to see what you object to specifically with Zune,
not that I generally care about mass market crap, anyway.

Someone else said it, but I will repeat it once again because it is  
so brilliantly succinct...

"M$ is skating to where the puck was, not where it will be."

Is this too difficult a concept for WFBs to wrap their brains around?  
Do they know nothing about hockey?

If M$ were to price this poor, belated copy of somebody else's work  
at $99 it might have some merit, just for being cheap. Priced as it  
is, one might as well buy a refurb of the real thing.

The Zune HD 16GB will sell for $219
   $159 Refurbished iPod touch, 8GB (first generation). Apple  
Certified. 1-year warranty. Free shipping.
   $279 Refurbished iPod touch, 32GB (first generation). Apple  
Certified. 1-year warranty. Free shipping.

I'm waiting with great interest to see what Apple will roll out about  
the same time that the Zune HD is supposed to go on sale. I'm sure it  
will be far more interesting. It won't be a copy of somebody else's  

Why are you wasting your time defending such mediocrity?

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Re: [CGUYS] Zune HD TV Interface Makes It a Media Center For Your Pocket

2009-08-16 Thread TPiwowar

On Aug 15, 2009, at 8:55 PM, Chris Dunford wrote:
As you know, he has been asked repeatedly for this information. I  
asked him at least three times in the last Zune thread to provide  
reasons why Zune is "vastly inferior" and got no response beyond  
the usual. This is a question that won't be answered with any logic.

I think Sarah Palin joined the List under an assumed name.

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Re: [CGUYS] Zune HD TV Interface Makes It a Media Center For Your Pocket

2009-08-15 Thread TPiwowar

On Aug 15, 2009, at 4:27 PM, Jeff Wright wrote:

-Original Message-
From: TPiwowar

I'll stick with my own bigotry, ignorance and confirmation bias.

Note that our WFBs are now manufacturing false posts to further their  
evil disinformation campaign.

Can't prevail on the facts.
Can't prevail on the merits.
The days when M$ could prevail through dirty tricks are long gone.

I'll stick with: "M$ is skating to where the puck was, not where it  
will be."

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