Re: [Cryptography] Broken RNG renders gov't-issued smartcards easily hackable.

2013-10-14 Thread Jerry Leichter
On Oct 13, 2013, at 1:04 PM, Ray Dillinger wrote:
>>> This is despite meeting (for some inscrutable definition of "meeting")
>>> FIPS 140-2 Level 2 and Common Criteria standards.  These standards
>>> require steps that were clearly not done here.  Yet, validation
>>> certificates were issued.
>> This is a misunderstanding of the CC certification and FIPS validation 
>> processes:
>> the certificates were issued *under the condition* that the software/system 
>> built on it uses/implements the RNG tests mandated. The software didn't, 
>> invalidating the results of the certifications.
> Either way, it boils down to "tests were supposed to be done or conditions
> were supposed to be met, and producing the darn cards with those 
> certifications
> asserted amounts to stating outright that they were, and yet they were not."
> All you're saying here is that the certifying agencies are not the ones
> stating outright that the tests were done.
How could they?  The certification has to stop at some point; it can't trace 
the systems all the way to end users.  What was certified as a box that would 
work a certain way given certain conditions.  The box was used in a different 
way.  Why is it surprising that the certification was useless?  Let's consider 
a simple encryption box:  Key goes in top, cleartext goes in left; ciphertext 
comes out right.  There's an implicit assumption that you don't simply discard 
the ciphertext and send the plaintext on to the next subsystem in line.  No 
certification can possibly check that; or that, say, you don't post all your 
keys on your website immediately after generating them.

>  I can accept that, but it does
> not change the situation or result, except perhaps in terms of the placement
> of blame. I *still* hope they bill the people responsible for doing the tests
> on the first generation of cards for the cost of their replacement.
That depends on what they were supposed to test, and whether they did test that 
correctly.  A FIPS/Common Criteria Certification is handed a "box" implementing 
the protocol and a whole bunch of paperwork describing how it's designed, how 
it works internally, and how it's intended to be used.  If it passes, what 
passes it the exact design certified, used as described.  There are way too 
many possible system built out of certified modules for it to be reasonable to 
expect the certification to encompass them all.

I will remark that, having been involved in one certification effort, I think 
they offer little, especially for software - they get at some reasonable issues 
for hardware designs.  Still, we don't currently have much of anything better.  
Hundreds of eyeballs may have been on the Linux code, but we still ended up 
fielding a system with a completely crippled RNG and not noticing for months.  
Still, if you expect the impossible from a process, you make any improvement 
impossible.  Formal verification, where possible, can be very powerful - but it 
will also have to focus on some well-defined subsystem, and all the effort will 
be "wasted" if the subsystem is used in a way that doesn't meet the necessary 
-- Jerry

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] Crypto Standards v.s. Engineering habits - Was: NIST about to weaken SHA3?

2013-10-12 Thread Jerry Leichter
On Oct 11, 2013, at 11:09 PM, James A. Donald wrote:
>> Right now we've got a TCP startup, and a TLS startup.  It's pretty messy.  
>> Adding another startup inside isn't likely to gain popularity.
> The problem is that layering creates round trips, and as cpus get ever 
> faster, and pipes ever fatter, round trips become a bigger an bigger problem. 
>  Legend has it that each additional round trip decreases usage of your web 
> site by twenty percent, though I am unaware of any evidence on this.
The research is on time delays, which you could easily enough convert to round 
trips.  The numbers are nowhere near 20%, but are significant if you have many 

-- Jerry

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] Key stretching

2013-10-11 Thread Jerry Leichter
On Oct 11, 2013, at 11:26 AM, Phillip Hallam-Baker  wrote:
> Quick question, anyone got a good scheme for key stretching?
> I have this scheme for managing private keys that involves storing them as 
> encrypted PKCS#8 blobs in the cloud.
> AES128 seems a little on the weak side for this but there are (rare) 
> circumstances where a user is going to need to type in the key for recovery 
> purposes so I don't want more than 128 bits of key to type in (I am betting 
> that 128 bits is going to be sufficient to the end of Moore's law).
> So the answer is to use AES 256 and stretch the key, but how? I could just 
> repeat the key:
> K = k + k
> Related key attacks make me a little nervous though. Maybe:
The related key attacks out there require keys that differ in a couple of bits. 
 If k and k' aren't related, k+k and k'+k' won't be either.

> K = (k + 01234567) XOR SHA512 (k)
Let's step back a moment and think about attacks:

1.  Brute force.  No public key-stretching algorithm can help, since the 
attacker will brute-force the k's, computing the corresponding K's as he goes.
2.  Analytic attack against AES128 that doesn't extend, in general, to AES256.  
Without knowing the nature of the attack, it's impossible to estimate whether 
knowing that the key has some particular form would allow the attack to extend. 
If so ... what forms?
3.  Analytic attack against AES256.  A recognizable form for keys - e.g., k+k - 
might conceivably help, but it seems like a minor thing.

Realistically, k+k, or k padded with 0's, or SHA256(k), are probably equally 
strong except under any attacks specifically concocted to target them (e.g., 
suppose it turns out that there just happens to be an analytic attack against 
AES256 for keys with more than 3/4's of the bits equal to 0).

Since you're describing a situation in which performance is not an issue, you 
might as well use SHA256(k) - whitening the key can't hurt.

-- Jerry

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] prism-proof email in the degenerate case

2013-10-10 Thread Jerry Leichter
On Oct 10, 2013, at 11:58 AM, "R. Hirschfeld"  wrote:
> Very silly but trivial to "implement" so I went ahead and did so:
> To send a prism-proof email, encrypt it for your recipient and send it
> to
Nice!  I like it.

A couple of comments:

1.  Obviously, this has scaling problems.  The interesting question is how to 
extend it while retaining the good properties.  If participants are willing to 
be identified to within 1/k of all the users of the system (a set which will 
itself remain hidden by the system), choosing one of k servers based on a hash 
of the recipient would work.  (A concerned recipient could, of course, check 
servers that he knows can't possibly have his mail.)  Can one do better?

2.  The system provides complete security for recipients (all you can tell 
about a recipient is that he can potentially receive messages - though the 
design has to be careful so that a recipient doesn't, for example, release 
timing information depending on whether his decryption succeeded or not).  
However, the protection is more limited for senders.  A sender can hide its 
activity by simply sending random "messages", which of course no one will ever 
be able to decrypt.  Of course, that adds yet more load to the entire system.

3.  Since there's no acknowledgement when a message is picked up, the number of 
messages in the system grows without bound.  As you suggest, the service will 
have to throw out messages after some time - but that's a "blind" process which 
may discard a message a slow receiver hasn't had a chance to pick up while 
keeping one that was picked up a long time ago.  One way around this, for 
cooperative senders:  When creating a message, the sender selects a random R 
and appends tag Hash(R).  Anyone may later send a "you may delete message R" 
message.  A sender computes Hash(R), finds any message with that tag, and 
discards it.  (It will still want to delete messages that are old, but it may 
be able to define "old" as a larger value if enough of the senders are 

Since an observer can already tell who created the message with tag H(R), it 
would normally be the original sender who deletes his messages.  Perhaps he 
knows they are no longer important; or perhaps he received an application-level 
acknowledgement message from the recipient.
-- Jerry

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] AES-256- More NIST-y? paranoia

2013-10-09 Thread Jerry Leichter
On Oct 8, 2013, at 6:10 PM, Arnold Reinhold wrote:

> On Oct 7, 2013, at 12:55 PM, Jerry Leichter wrote:
>> On Oct 7, 2013, at 11:45 AM, Arnold Reinhold  wrote:
>>> If we are going to always use a construction like AES(KDF(key)), as Nico 
>>> suggests, why not go further and use a KDF with variable length output like 
>>> Keccak to replace the AES key schedule? And instead of making provisions to 
>>> drop in a different cipher should a weakness be discovered in AES,  make 
>>> the number of AES (and maybe KDF) rounds a negotiated parameter.  Given 
>>> that x86 and ARM now have AES round instructions, other cipher algorithms 
>>> are unlikely to catch up in performance in the foreseeable future, even 
>>> with an higher AES round count. Increasing round count is effortless 
>>> compared to deploying a new cipher algorithm, even if provision is made the 
>>> protocol. Dropping such provisions (at least in new designs) simplifies 
>>> everything and simplicity is good for security.
>> That's a really nice idea.  It has a non-obvious advantage:  Suppose the AES 
>> round instructions (or the round key computations instructions) have been 
>> "spiked" to leak information in some non-obvious way - e.g., they cause a 
>> power glitch that someone with the knowledge of what to look for can use to 
>> read of some of the key bits.  The round key computation instructions 
>> obviously have direct access to the actual key, while the round computation 
>> instructions have access to the round keys, and with the standard round 
>> function, given the round keys it's possible to determine the actual key.
>> If, on the other hand, you use a cryptographically secure transformation 
>> from key to round key, and avoid the built-in round key instructions 
>> entirely; and you use CTR mode, so that the round computation instructions 
>> never see the actual data; then AES round computation functions have nothing 
>> useful to leak (unless they are leaking all their output, which would 
>> require a huge data rate and would be easily noticed).  This also means that 
>> even if the round instructions are implemented in software which allows for 
>> side-channel attacks (i.e., it uses an optimized table instruction against 
>> which cache attacks work), there's no useful data to *be* leaked.
> At least in the Intel AES instruction set, the encode and decode instruction 
> have access to each round key except the first. So they could leak that data, 
> and it's at least conceivable that one can recover the first round key from 
> later ones (perhaps this has been analyzed?).  Knowing all the round keys of 
> course enables one to decode the data.  Still, this greatly increases the 
> volume o data that must be leaked and if any instructions are currently 
> "spiked," it is most likely the round key generation assist instruction. One 
> could include an IV in the initial hash, so no information could be gained 
> about the key itself.  This would work with AES(KDF(key+IV)) as well, 
> however. 
>> So this is a mode for safely using possibly rigged hardware.  (Of course 
>> there are many other ways the hardware could be rigged to work against you.  
>> But with their intended use, hardware encryption instructions have a huge 
>> target painted on them.)
>> Of course, Keccak itself, in this mode, would have access to the real key.  
>> However, it would at least for now be implemented in software, and it's 
>> designed to be implementable without exposing side-channel attacks.
>> There are two questions that need to be looked at:
>> 1.  Is AES used with (essentially) random round keys secure?  At what level 
>> of security?  One would think so, but this needs to be looked at carefully.
> The fact that the round keys are simply xor'd with the AES state at the start 
> of each round suggest this likely secure. One would have to examine the KDF 
> to make sure the there is nothing comparable to the related key attacks on 
> the AES key set up. 
>> 2.  Is the performance acceptable?
> The comparison would be to AES(KDF(key)). And in how many applications is key 
> agility critical?
>> BTW, some of the other SHA-3 proposals use the AES round transformation as a 
>> primitive, so could also potentially be used in generating a secure round 
>> key schedule.  That might (or might not) put security-critical information 
>> back into the hardware instructions.
>> If Keccak becomes th

[Cryptography] Always a weakest link

2013-10-08 Thread Jerry Leichter
The article is about security in the large, not cryptography specifically, but
 points out that many companies think that they are increasing their security 
by blocking access to sites they consider risky - only to have their users 
migrate to less well known sites doing the same thing - and those less well 
known sites are often considerably riskier.

My favorite quote:  "One customer found a user who sent out a million tweets in 
a day, but in reality, its compromised systems were exporting data 140 
characters at a time via the tweets."

-- Jerry

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] Crypto Standards v.s. Engineering habits - Was: NIST about to weaken SHA3?

2013-10-08 Thread Jerry Leichter
On Oct 8, 2013, at 1:11 AM, Bill Frantz  wrote:
>> If we can't select ciphersuites that we are sure we will always be 
>> comfortable with (for at least some forseeable lifetime) then we urgently 
>> need the ability to *stop* using them at some point.  The examples of MD5 
>> and RC4 make that pretty clear.
>> Ceasing to use one particular encryption algorithm in something like SSL/TLS 
>> should be the easiest case--we don't have to worry about old 
>> signatures/certificates using the outdated algorithm or anything.  And yet 
>> we can't reliably do even that.
> We seriously need to consider what the design lifespan of our crypto suites 
> is in real life. That data should be communicated to hardware and software 
> designers so they know what kind of update schedule needs to be supported. 
> Users of the resulting systems need to know that the crypto standards have a 
> limited life so they can include update in their installation planning.
This would make a great April Fool's RFC, to go along with the classic "evil 
bit".  :-(

There are embedded systems that are impractical to update and have expected 
lifetimes measured in decades.  RFID chips include cryptography, are completely 
un-updatable, and have no real limit on their lifetimes - the percentage of the 
population represented by any given "vintage" of chips will drop continuously, 
but it will never go to zero.  We are rapidly entering a world in which devices 
with similar characteristics will, in sheer numbers, dominate the ecosystem - 
see the remote-controllable Phillips Hue light bulbs 
 as an early example.  (Oh, and there's been an attack against them:  
The response from Phillips to that article says "In developing Hue we have used 
industry standard encryption and authentication techni
 ques  [O]ur main advice to customers is that they take steps to ensure 
they are secured from malicious attacks at a network level."

Even in the PC world, where updates are a part of life, makers eventually stop 
producing them for older products.  Windows XP, as of about 10 months ago, was 
running on 1/4 of all PC's - many 100's of millions of PC's.  About 9 months 
from now, Microsoft will ship its final security update for XP.  Many perfectly 
good PC's will stay on XP forever because even if there was the will and staff 
to upgrade, recent versions of Windows won't run on their hardware.

In the Mac world, hardware in general tends to live longer, and there's plenty 
of hardware still running that can't run recent OS's.  Apple pretty much only 
does patches for at most 3 versions of the OS (with a new version roughly every 
year).  The Linux world isn't really much different except that it's less 
likely to drop support for old hardware, and because it tends to be used by a 
more techie audience who are more likely to upgrade, the percentages probably 
look better, at least for PC's.  (But there are antique versions of Linux 
hidden away in all kinds of "appliances" that no one ever upgrades.)

I'm afraid the reality is that we have to design for a world in which some 
devices will be running very old versions of code, speaking only very old 
versions of protocols, pretty much forever.  In such a world, newer devices 
either need to shield their older brethren from the sad realities or relegate 
them to low-risk activities by refusing to engage in high-risk transactions 
with them.  It's by no means clear how one would do this, but there really 
aren't any other realistic alternatives.
-- Jerry

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] Sha3

2013-10-07 Thread Jerry Leichter
On Oct 7, 2013, at 6:04 PM, "Philipp Gühring"  wrote:
>> it makes no sense for a hash function:  If the attacker can specify
>> something about the input, he ... knows something about the input!  
> Yes, but since it's standardized, it's public knowledge, and just knowing
> the padding does not give you any other knowledge about the rest.
You're assuming what the argument is claiming to prove.

> What might be though is that Keccak could have some hidden internal
> backdoor function (which I think is very unlikely given what I read about
> it until now, I am just speaking hypothetically) that reduces the
> effective output size, if and only if the input has certain bits at the end.
Well, sure, such a thing *might* exist, though there's no (publicly) known 
technique for embedding such a thing in the kind of combinatorial mixing 
permutation that's at the base of Keccak and pretty much every hash function 
and block encryption function since DES - though the basic idea goes back to 
Shannon in the 1940's.

I will say that the Keccak analysis shows both the strength and the weakness of 
the current (public) state of the art.  Before differential cryptography, 
pretty much everything in this area was guesswork.  In the last 30-40 years 
(depending on whether you want to start with IBM's unpublished knowledge of the 
technique going back, according to Coppersmith, to 1974, or from Biham and 
Shamir's rediscovery and publication in the late 1980's), the basic idea has 
been expanded to a variety of related attacks, with very sophisticated modeling 
of exactly what you can expect to get from attacks under different 
circumstances.  The Keccak analysis goes through a whole bunch of these.  They 
make a pretty convincing argument that (a) no known attack can get anything 
much out of Keccak; (b) it's unlikely that there's an attack along the same 
general lines as currently know attacks that will work against it either.

The problem - and it's an open problem for the whole field - is that none of 
this gets at the question of whether there is some completely different kind of 
attack that would slice right through Keccak or AES or any particular 
algorithm, or any particular class of algorithms.  If you compare the situation 
to that in asymmetric crypto, our asymmetric algorithms are based on clean, 
simple mathematical structures about which we can prove a great deal, but that 
have buried within them particular problems that we believe, on fairly strong 
if hardly completely dispositive evidence, are hard.  For symmetric algorithms, 
we pretty much *rely* on the lack of any simple mathematical structure - which, 
in a Kolmogorov-complexity-style argument, just means there appear to be no 
short descriptions in tractable terms of what these transformations do.  For 
example, if you write the transformations down as Boolean formulas in CNF or 
DNF, the results are extremely large, with irregular, highly inter-twined 
terms.  Without that, various Boolean solvers would quickly cut them to ribbons.

In some sense, DC and related techniques say "OK, the complexity of the 
function itself is high, but if I look at the differentials, I can find some 
patterns that are simple enough to work with."

If there's an attack, it's likely to be based on something other than Boolean 
formulas written out in any form we currently work with, or anything based on 
differentials.  It's likely to come out of a representation entirely different 
from anything anyone has thought of.  You'd need that to do key recovery; you'd 
also need it to embed a back door (like a sensitivity to certain input 
patterns).  The fact that no one has found such a thing (publicly, at least) 
doesn't mean it can't exist; we just don't know what we don't know.  Surprising 
results like this have appeared before; in a sense, all of mathematics is about 
finding simple, tractable representations that turn impossible problems into 
soluble ones.
-- Jerry

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] Crypto Standards v.s. Engineering habits - Was: NIST about to weaken SHA3?

2013-10-07 Thread Jerry Leichter
On Oct 7, 2013, at 12:45 PM, Ray Dillinger  wrote:
> Can we do anything ...[to make it possible to remove old algorithms]? If the 
> protocol allows correction (particularly remote or automated correction) of 
> an entity using a weak crypto primitive, that opens up a whole new set of 
> attacks on strong primitives.
> We'd like the answer to be that people will decline to communicate with you 
> if you use a weak system,  but honestly when was the last time you had that 
> degree of choice in from whom you get exactly the content and services you 
> need?
> Can we even make renegotiating the cipher suite inconveniently long or heavy 
> so defaulting weak becomes progressively more costly as more people default 
> strong? That opens up denial of service attacks, and besides it makes it 
> painful to be the first to default strong.
> Can a check for a revoked signature for the cipher's security help? That 
> makes the CA into a point of control.
> Anybody got a practical idea?
I don't see how there can be any solution to this.  Slow renegotiation doesn't 
affect users until it gets to the point where they feel the "something is 
broken"; at that point, the result to them is indistinguishable from just 
refusing connections with the old suites.  And of course what's broken is never 
*their* software, it's the other guy's - and given the alternative, they'll go 
to someone who isn't as insistent that their potential customers "do it the 
right way".  So you'll just set off a race to the bottom.

Revoking signatures ... well, just how effect are "bad signature" warnings 
today?  People learn - in fact, are often *taught* - to click through them.  If 
software refuses to let them do that, they'll look for other software.

Ultimately, I think you have to look at this as an economic issue.  The only 
reason to change your software is if the cost of changing is lower than the 
estimated future cost of *not* changing.  Most users (rightly) estimate that 
the chance of them losing much is very low.  You can change that estimate by 
imposing a cost on them, but in a world of competitive suppliers (and consumer 
protection laws) that's usually not practical.

It's actually interesting to consider the single counter-example out there;  
The iOS world (and to a slightly less degree, the OSX world).  Apple doesn't 
force iOS users to upgrade their existing hardware (and sometimes it's 
"obsolete" and isn't software-upgradeable) but in fact iOS users upgrade very 
quickly.  (iOS 7 exceeded 50% of installations within 7 days - a faster ramp 
than iOS 6.  Based on past patterns, iOS 7 will be in the high 90's in a fairly 
short time.)  No other software comes anywhere close to that.  Moving from iOS 
6 to iOS 7 is immensely more disruptive than moving to a new browser version 
(say) that drops support for a vulnerable encryption algorithm.  And yet huge 
numbers of people do it.  Clearly it's because of the new things in iOS 7 - and 
yet Microsoft still has a huge population of users on XP.

I think the real take-away here is that getting upgrades into the field is a 
technical problem only at the margins.  It has to do with people's attitudes in 
subtle ways that Apple has captured and others have not.  (Unanswerable 
question:  If the handset makers and the Telco vendors didn't make it so hard - 
often impossible - to upgrade, what would the market penetration numbers for 
different Android versions look like?)

-- Jerry

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] AES-256- More NIST-y? paranoia

2013-10-07 Thread Jerry Leichter
On Oct 7, 2013, at 11:45 AM, Arnold Reinhold  wrote:
> If we are going to always use a construction like AES(KDF(key)), as Nico 
> suggests, why not go further and use a KDF with variable length output like 
> Keccak to replace the AES key schedule? And instead of making provisions to 
> drop in a different cipher should a weakness be discovered in AES,  make the 
> number of AES (and maybe KDF) rounds a negotiated parameter.  Given that x86 
> and ARM now have AES round instructions, other cipher algorithms are unlikely 
> to catch up in performance in the foreseeable future, even with an higher AES 
> round count. Increasing round count is effortless compared to deploying a new 
> cipher algorithm, even if provision is made the protocol. Dropping such 
> provisions (at least in new designs) simplifies everything and simplicity is 
> good for security.
That's a really nice idea.  It has a non-obvious advantage:  Suppose the AES 
round instructions (or the round key computations instructions) have been 
"spiked" to leak information in some non-obvious way - e.g., they cause a power 
glitch that someone with the knowledge of what to look for can use to read of 
some of the key bits.  The round key computation instructions obviously have 
direct access to the actual key, while the round computation instructions have 
access to the round keys, and with the standard round function, given the round 
keys it's possible to determine the actual key.

If, on the other hand, you use a cryptographically secure transformation from 
key to round key, and avoid the built-in round key instructions entirely; and 
you use CTR mode, so that the round computation instructions never see the 
actual data; then AES round computation functions have nothing useful to leak 
(unless they are leaking all their output, which would require a huge data rate 
and would be easily noticed).  This also means that even if the round 
instructions are implemented in software which allows for side-channel attacks 
(i.e., it uses an optimized table instruction against which cache attacks 
work), there's no useful data to *be* leaked.

So this is a mode for safely using possibly rigged hardware.  (Of course there 
are many other ways the hardware could be rigged to work against you.  But with 
their intended use, hardware encryption instructions have a huge target painted 
on them.)

Of course, Keccak itself, in this mode, would have access to the real key.  
However, it would at least for now be implemented in software, and it's 
designed to be implementable without exposing side-channel attacks.

There are two questions that need to be looked at:

1.  Is AES used with (essentially) random round keys secure?  At what level of 
security?  One would think so, but this needs to be looked at carefully.
2.  Is the performance acceptable?

BTW, some of the other SHA-3 proposals use the AES round transformation as a 
primitive, so could also potentially be used in generating a secure round key 
schedule.  That might (or might not) put security-critical information back 
into the hardware instructions.

If Keccak becomes the standard, we can expect to see a hardware Keccak-f 
implementation (the inner transformation that is the basis of each Keeccak 
round) at some point.  Could that be used in a way that doesn't give it the 
ability to leak critical information?
-- Jerry

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] Universal security measures for crypto primitives

2013-10-07 Thread Jerry Leichter
On Oct 7, 2013, at 1:43 AM, Peter Gutmann  wrote:
> Given the recent debate about security levels for different key sizes, the
> following paper by Lenstra, Kleinjung, and Thome may be of interest:
>  "Universal security from bits and mips to pools, lakes and beyond"
> From now on I think anyone who wants to argue about resistance to NSA attack
> should be required to rate their pet scheme in terms of
> neerslagverdampingsenergiebehoeftezekerheid (although I'm tempted to suggest
> the alternative tausendliterbierverdampfungssicherheit, it'd be too easy to
> cheat on that one).

While the paper is a nicely written joke, it does get at a fundamental point:  
We are rapidly approaching *physical* limits on cryptographically-relevant 

I've mentioned here in the past that I did a very rough, back-of-the envelope 
estimate of the ultimate limits on computation imposed by quantum mechanics.  I 
decided to ask a friend who actually knows the physics whether a better 
estimate was possible.  I'm still working to understand what he described, but 
here's the crux:  Suppose you want an answer to your computation within 100 
years.  Then your computations must fall in a sphere of space-time that has 
spatial radius 100 light years and time radius 100 years.  (This is a gross 
overestimate, but we're looking for an ultimate bound so why not keep the 
computation simple.)  Then:  "...fundamental limits will let you make about 
3*10^94 ~ 2^315 [bit] flips and store about 2^315 bits, in your century / 
light-century sphere."  Note that this gives you both a limit on computation 
(bit flips) and a limit on memory (total bits), so time/memory tradeoffs are 
accounted for.

This is based on the best current understanding we have of QM.  Granted, things 
can always change - but any theory that works even vaguely like the way QM 
works will impose *some* such limit.
-- Jerry

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] Sha3

2013-10-07 Thread Jerry Leichter
On Oct 6, 2013, at 11:41 PM, John Kelsey wrote:
> ...They're making this argument by pointing out that you could simply stick 
> the fixed extra padding bits on the end of a message you processed with the 
> original Keccak spec, and you would get the same result as what they are 
> doing.  So if there is any problem introduced by sticking those extra bits at 
> the end of the message before doing the old padding scheme, an attacker could 
> have caused that same problem on the original Keccak by just sticking those 
> extra bits on the end of messages before processing them with Keccak.  
This style of argument makes sense for encryption functions, where it's a 
chosen plaintext attack, since the goal is to determine the key.  But it makes 
no sense for a hash function:  If the attacker can specify something about the 
input, he ... knows something about the input!  You need to argue that he knows 
*no more than that* after looking at the output than he did before.

While both Ben and I are convinced that in fact the suffix can't "affect 
security", the *specific wording* doesn't really give an argument for why.

-- Jerry

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] Crypto Standards v.s. Engineering habits - Was: NIST about to weaken SHA3?

2013-10-07 Thread Jerry Leichter
On Oct 5, 2013, at 9:29 PM, John Kelsey wrote:
> One thing that seems clear to me:  When you talk about algorithm flexibility 
> in a protocol or product, most people think you are talking about the ability 
> to add algorithms.  Really, you are talking more about the ability to 
> *remove* algorithms.  We still have stuff using MD5 and RC4 (and we'll 
> probably have stuff using dual ec drbg years from now) because while our 
> standards have lots of options and it's usually easy to add new ones, it's 
> very hard to take any away.  
Q.  How did God create the world in only 6 days?
A.  No installed base.
-- Jerry

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] Sha3

2013-10-07 Thread Jerry Leichter
On Oct 5, 2013, at 6:12 PM, Ben Laurie wrote:
> I have to take issue with this:
> "The security is not reduced by adding these suffixes, as this is only
> restricting the input space compared to the original Keccak. If there
> is no security problem on Keccak(M), there is no security problem on
> Keccak(M|suffix), as the latter is included in the former."
I also found the argument here unconvincing.  After all, Keccak restricted to 
the set of strings of the form M|suffix reveals that it's input ends with 
"suffix", which the original Keccak did not.  The problem is with the vague 
nature of "no security problem".

To really get at this, I suspect you have to make some statement saying that 
your expectation about last |suffix| bits of the output is the same before and 
after you see the Keccak output, given your prior expectation about those bits. 
 But of course that's clearly the kind of statement you need *in general*:  
Keccak("Hello world") is some fixed value, and if you see it, your expectation 
that the input was "Hello world" will get close to 1 as you receive more output 

> In other words, I have to also make an argument about the nature of
> the suffix and how it can't have been chosen s.t. it influences the
> output in a useful way.
If the nature of the suffix and how it's chosen could affect Keccak's output in 
some predictable way, it would be secure.  Keccak's security is defined in 
terms of indistinguishability from a sponge with the same internal construction 
but a random round function (chosen from some appropriate class).  A random 
function won't show any particular interactions with chosen suffixes, so Keccak 
had better not either.

> I suspect I should agree with the conclusion, but I can't agree with
> the reasoning.
Yes, it would be nice to see this argued more fully.

-- Jerry

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] System level security in "low end" environments

2013-10-06 Thread Jerry Leichter
On Oct 5, 2013, at 2:00 PM, John Gilmore wrote:
>> b.  There are low-end environments where performance really does
>> matter.  Those often have rather different properties than other
>> environments--for example, RAM or ROM (for program code and S-boxes)
>> may be at a premium.
> Such environments are getting very rare these days.  For example, an
> electrical engineer friend of mine was recently working on designing a
> cheap aimable mirror, to be deployed by the thousands to aim sunlight
> at a collector.  He discovered that connectors and wires are more
> expensive than processor chips these days!...
He had a big advantage:  He had access to power, since the system has to run 
the motors (which probably require an order of magnitude or more power than all 
his electronics).  These days, the limits on many devices are expressible in 
watts/"compute" for some measure of "compute".  But less often noticed (because 
most designers are handed a fixed device and have to run with it) dynamic RAM 
also draws power, even if you aren't doing any computation.  (Apple, at least, 
appears to have become very aware of this early on and designs their phones to 
make do with what most people would consider to be very small amounts of RAM - 
though perhaps not those of us who grew up in 16-bit-processor days. :-)  Some 
other makers didn't include this consideration in their designs, built with 
larger RAM's - sometimes even advertising that as a plus - and paid for it in 
reduced battery life.)

A couple of years back, I listened to a talk about where the next generation of 
wireless communications will be.  Historically, every so many years, we move up 
a decade (as in factor of 10) in the frequencies we use to build our 
communications devices.  We're approaching the final such move, to the edge of 
the TeraHertz range.  (Another factor of 10 gets you to stuff that's more like 
infrared than radio - useful, but in very different ways.)  What's of course 
great about moving to higher frequencies is that you get much more bandwidth - 
there's 10 times as much bandwidth from 10GHz to 100GHz as there was from DC up 
to 10GHz.  And the power required to transmit at a given bit rate goes down 
with the bandwidth, and further since near-THz radiation is highly directional 
you're not spewing it out over a sphere - it goes pretty much only where it's 
needed.  So devices operating in the near-THz range will require really tiny 
amounts of power.  Also, they will be very small, as the 
 wavelengths are comparable to the size of a chip.  In fact, the talk showed 
pictures of classic antenna geometries - dipoles, Yagi's - etched directly onto 

Near-THz frequencies are highly directional, so you need active tracking - but 
the "computes" to do that can go on chip along with the antennas they control.  
You'd guess (at least I did until I learned better) that such signals don't 
travel far, but in fact you have choices there:  There are bands in which air 
absorption is high, which is ideal for, say, a WiFi replacement (which would 
have some degree of inherent security as the signal would die off very 
rapidly).  There are other bands that have quite low air absorption.  None of 
these frequencies are likely to propagate far through many common building 
materials, however.  So we're looking at designs with tiny, extremely low 
powered, active repeaters all over the place.  (I visualize a little device you 
stick on a window that uses solar power to communicate with a box on a pole 
outside, and then internally to similar scattered devices to fill your house 
with an extremely high speed Internet connection.)

The talk I heard was from a university group doing "engineering 
characterization" - i.e., this stuff was out of the lab and at the point where 
you could construct samples easily; the job now was to come up with all the 
design rules and tradeoff tables and simulation techniques that you need before 
you can build commercial products.  They thought this might be "5G" telephone 
technology.  Expect to see the first glimmers in, say, 5 years.

Anyway, this is (a) a confirmation of your point that computational elements 
are now so cheap that components like wires are worth replacing; but (b) unlike 
the case with the mirror controllers, we'll want to build these things in large 
numbers and scatter them all over the place, so they will have to make do with 
very small amounts of power.  (For the first inkling of what this is like, 
think of RFID chips - already out there in the billions.)

So, no, I don't think you can assume that efficiency considerations will go 
away.  If you want pervasive security in your pervasive compute architecture, 
you're going to have to figure out how make it work when many of the nodes in 
your architecture are tiny and can't afford to drain power run complicated 
-- Jerry


Re: [Cryptography] Sha3

2013-10-05 Thread Jerry Leichter
On Oct 5, 2013, at 11:54 AM, wrote:
> Jerry Leichter wrote:
>> Currently we have SHA-128 and SHA-256, >but exactly why one should choose 
>> one or >the other has never been clear - SHA-256 is >somewhat more 
>> expensive, but I can't >think of any examples where SHA-128 >would be 
>> practical but SHA-256 would not.  >In practice, when CPU is thought to be an 
>> >issue (rightly or wrongly), people have >gone with RC4 - standards be 
>> damned.
> SHA-224/256 (there is no SHA-128) use 32-bit words, SHA-384/512 uses 64-bit 
> words. That difference is indeed a very big deal in embedded device 
> applications. SHA-3 uses only 64-bit words, which will likely preclude it 
> being used in most embedded devices for the foreseeable future. 
Oops - acronym confusion between brain and keyboard.  I meant to talk about 
AES-128 and AES-256.
-- Jerry

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] AES-256- More NIST-y? paranoia

2013-10-05 Thread Jerry Leichter
On Oct 4, 2013, at 12:20 PM, Ray Dillinger wrote:
> So, it seems that instead of AES256(key) the cipher in practice should be
> AES256(SHA256(key)).
> Is it not the case that (assuming SHA256 is not broken) this defines a cipher
> effectively immune to the related-key attack?

Yes, but think about how you would fit it into the question I raised:

- If this is the primitive black box that does a single block
  encryption, you've about doubled the cost and you've got this
  messy combined thing you probably won't want to call a "primitive".
- If you say "well, I'll take the overall key and replace it by
  its hash", you're defining a (probably good) protocol.  But
  once you're defining a protocol, you might as well just specify
  random keys and forget about the hash.

Pinning down where the primitive ends and the protocol is tricky and ultimately 
of little value.  The takeaway is that crypto algorithms have to be used with 
caution.  Even a perfect block cipher, if used in "the most obvious way" (ECB 
mode), reveals when it has been given identical inputs.  Which is why it's been 
argued that any encryption primitive (at some level) has to be probabilistic, 
so that identical inputs don't produce identical outputs.  (Note that this 
implies that output must always be larger then the input!) Still, we have 
attainable models in which no semantic information about the input leaks (given 
random keys).  Related key attacks rely on a different model which has nothing 
much to do with practical usage but are obvious from a purely theoretical point 
of view:  OK, we've insulated ourselves from attacks via the plaintext input, 
how about the key?

More broadly there are plenty of attacks (probably including most of the 
related key attacks; I haven't looked closely enough to be sure) that are based 
on weaknesses in key scheduling.  If you're going to make a cryptographic hash 
function a fundamental part of your block cipher, why not use it to generate 
round keys?  The only reason I know of - and in practical terms it's not a 
trivial one - is the substantial performance hit.

-- Jerry

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] encoding formats should not be committee'ised

2013-10-05 Thread Jerry Leichter
On Oct 3, 2013, at 7:33 PM, Phillip Hallam-Baker  wrote:
> XML was not intended to be easy to read, it was designed to be less painful 
> to work with than SGML, that is all
More to the point, it was designed to be a *markup* format.  The markup is 
metadata describing various semantic attributes of the data.  If you mark up a 
document, typically almost all the bytes are data, not metadata!

TeX and the -roff's are markup formats, though at a low level.  LaTeX moves 
to a higher level.  The markup commands in TeX or roff or LaTeX documents 
are typically a couple of percent of the entire file.  You can typically read 
the content, simply ignoring the markup, with little trouble.  In fact, there 
are programs around at least for TeX and LaTeX that strip out all the markup so 
that you can read the content as "just plain text".  You can typically get the 
gist with little trouble.

If you look at what XML actually ended up being used for, in many cases nearly 
the entire damn "document" is ... "markup"!  The "data being marked up" becomes 
essentially vestigial.  Strip out the XML and nothing is left.  In and of 
itself, there may be nothing wrong with this.  But it's why I object to the use 
of "markup language" to describe many contemporary uses of XML.  It leads you 
to think you're getting something very different from what you actually do get. 
 (The XML world has a habit of using words in unexpected ways.  I had the 
damnedest time understanding much of the writing emanating from this world 
until I realized that when the XML world say "semantics", you should read it as 
"syntax".  That key unlocks many otherwise-mysterious statements.)

-- Jerry

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] Sha3

2013-10-05 Thread Jerry Leichter
On Oct 1, 2013, at 5:34 AM, Ray Dillinger  wrote:
> What I don't understand here is why the process of selecting a standard 
> algorithm for cryptographic primitives is so highly focused on speed. 
If you're going to choose a single standard cryptographic algorithm, you have 
to consider all the places it will be used.  These range from very busy front 
ends - where people to this day complain (perhaps with little justification, 
but they believe that for them it's a problem) that doing an RSA operation per 
incoming connection is too expensive (and larger keys will only make it worse), 
to phones (where power requirements are more of an issue than raw speed) to 
various embedded devices (where people still use cheap devices because every 
penny counts) to all kinds of devices that have to run for a long time off a 
local battery or even off of microwatts of power transferred to an unpowered 
device by a reader.
> We have machines that are fast enough now that while speed isn't a non issue, 
> it is no longer nearly as important as the process is giving it precedence 
> for.
We do have such machines, but we also have - and will have, for the foreseeable 
future - machines for which this is *not* the case.

Deciding on where to draw the line and say "I don't care if you can support 
this algorithm in a sensor designed to be put in a capsule and swallowed to 
transmit pictures of the GI tract for medical analysis" is not a scientific 
question; it's a policy question.

> Our biggest problem now is security,  not speed. I believe that it's a bit 
> silly to aim for a minimum acceptable security achievable within the context 
> of speed while experience shows that each new class of attacks is usually 
> first seen against some limited form of the cipher or found to be effective 
> only if the cipher is not carried out to a longer process.  
The only problem with this argument is that "the biggest problem" is hard to 
pin down.  There's little evidence that the symmetric algorithms we have today 
are significant problems.  There is some evidence that some of the asymmetric 
algorithms may have problems due to key size, or deliberate subversion.  Fixing 
the first of these does induce significant costs; fixing the second first of 
all requires some knowledge of the nature of the subversion.  But beyond all 
this the "biggest problems" we've seen have to do with other components, like 
random number generators, protocols, infiltration of trusted systems, and so 
on.  None of these is amenable to defense by removing constraints on 
performance.  (The standardized random number generator that "ignored 
performance to be really secure" turned out to be anything but!)

We're actually moving in an interesting direction.  At one time, the cost of 
decent crypto algorithms was high enough to be an issue for most hardware.  DES 
at the speed of the original 10Mb/sec Ethernet was an significant engineering 
accomplishment!  These days, even the lowest end "traditional computer" has 
plenty of spare CPU to run even fairly expensive algorithms - but at the same 
time we're pushing more and more into a world of tiny, low-powered machines 
everywhere.  The ratio of speed and supportable power consumption and memory 
between the average "large" machine and the average "tiny" machine is wider 
than it's ever been.  At the low end, the exposure is different:  An attacker 
typically has to be physically close to even talk to the device, there are only 
a small number of communications partners, and any given device has relatively 
little information within it.  Perhaps a lower level of security is appropriate 
in such situations.  (Of course, as we've seen with SCA
 DA systems, there's a temptation to just put these things directly on the 
Internet - in which case all these assumptions fail.  A higher-level problem:  
If you take this approach, you need to make sure that the devices are only 
accessible through a gateway with sufficient power to run stronger algorithms.  
How do you do that?)

So perhaps the assumption that needs to be reconsidered is that we can design a 
single algorithm suitable across the entire spectrum.  Currently we have 
SHA-128 and SHA-256, but exactly why one should choose one or the other has 
never been clear - SHA-256 is somewhat more expensive, but I can't think of any 
examples where SHA-128 would be practical but SHA-256 would not.  In practice, 
when CPU is thought to be an issue (rightly or wrongly), people have gone with 
RC4 - standards be damned.

It is worth noting that NSA seems to produce suites of algorithms optimized for 
particular uses and targeted for different levels of security.  Maybe it's time 
for a similar approach in public standards.

-- Jerry

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] AES-256- More NIST-y? paranoia

2013-10-03 Thread Jerry Leichter
On Oct 3, 2013, at 10:09 AM, Brian Gladman  wrote:
>> Leaving aside the question of whether anyone "weakened" it, is it
>> true that AES-256 provides comparable security to AES-128?
> I may be wrong about this, but if you are talking about the theoretical
> strength of AES-256, then I am not aware of any attacks against it that
> come even remotely close to reducing its effective key length to 128
> bits.  So my answer would be 'no'.
There are *related key* attacks against full AES-192 and AES-256 with 
complexity  2^119. reports on improved 
versions of these attacks against *reduced round variants" of AES-256; for a 
10-round variant of AES-256 (the same number of rounds as AES-128), the attacks 
have complexity 2^45 (under a "strong related sub-key" attack).

None of these attacks gain any advantage when applied to AES-128.

As *practical attacks today*, these are of no interest - related key attacks 
only apply in rather unrealistic scenarios, even a 2^119 strength is way beyond 
any realistic attack, and no one would use a reduced-round version of AES-256.

As a *theoretical checkpoint on the strength of AES* ... the abstract says the 
results "raise[s] serious concern about the remaining safety margin offered by 
the AES family of cryptosystems".

The contact author on this paper, BTW, is Adi Shamir.

> But, having said that, I consider the use of AES-256 in place of AES-128
> to be driven more by marketing hype than by reality.  The theoreticaal
> strength of modern cryptographic algorithms is the least of our worries
> in producing practical secure systems.
100% agreement.
-- Jerry

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] encoding formats should not be committee'ized

2013-10-02 Thread Jerry Leichter
On Oct 2, 2013, at 10:46 AM, Viktor Dukhovni  wrote:
>> Text encodings are easy to read but very difficult to specify
>> boundaries in without ambiguity.
> Yes, and not just boundaries.
Always keep in mind - when you argue for "easy readability" - that one of 
COBOL's design goals was for programs to be readable and understandable by 
non-programmers.  (There's an *immense* amount of history and sociology and 
assumptions about how businesses should be managed hidden under that goal.  One 
could write a large article, and probably a book, starting from there.)

My favorite more recent example of the pitfalls is TL1, a language and protocol 
used to managed high-end telecom equipment.  TL1 has a completely rigorous 
syntax definition, but is supposed to be readable.  This leads to such 
wonderful features as that SPACE is syntactically significant, and SPACE SPACE 
sometimes means something different from just SPACE.  I have no idea if TL1 
messages have a well-defined canonical form.  I doubt it.

Correct TL1 parsers are complicated and if you need one it's generally best to 
bite the bullet and pay to buy one from an established vendor.   Alternatively, 
you can go to;
 and pay $728 for a document that appears to be less than 50 pages long.  Oh, 
and you "may wish to refer" to 6 other documents available at similarly 
reasonable prices.
-- Jerry

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] AES-256- More NIST-y? paranoia

2013-10-02 Thread Jerry Leichter
On Oct 1, 2013, at 5:58 PM, Peter Fairbrother wrote:
> [and why doesn't AES-256 have 256-bit blocks???]
Because there's no security advantage, but a practical disadvantage.

When blocks are small enough, the birthday paradox may imply repeated blocks 
after too short a time to be comfortable.  Whether this matters to you actually 
depends on how you use the cipher.  If you're using CBC, for example, you don't 
want to ever see a repeated block used with a single key.  With 64-bit blocks 
(as in DES), you expect to see a repetition after 2^32 blocks or 2^38 bytes, 
which in a modern network is something that might actually come up.

A 128-bit block won't see a collision for 2^64 blocks or 2^71 bytes, which is 
unlikely to be an issue any time in the foreseeable future.

Note that many other modes are immune to this particular issue.  For example, 
CTR mode with a 64-bit block won't repeat until you've used it for 2^64 blocks 
(though you would probably want to rekey earlier just to be safe).

I know of no other vulnerability that are related to the block size, though 
they may be out there; I'd love to learn about them.

On the other hand, using different block sizes keeps you from easily 
substituting one cipher for another.  Interchanging AES-128 and AES-256 - or 
substituting in some entirely different cipher with the same block size - is 
straightforward.  (The changed key length can be painful, but since keys are 
fairly small anyway you can just reserve key space large enough for any cipher 
you might be interested int.)  Changing the block size affects much more code 
and may require changes to the protocol (e.g., you might need to reserve more 
bits to represent the length of a short final block).

-- Jerry

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] Passwords

2013-10-02 Thread Jerry Leichter
On Oct 1, 2013, at 5:10 PM, Jeffrey Schiller wrote:
> A friend of mine who used to build submarines once told me that the first 
> time the sub is submerged, the folks who built it are on board. :-)
Indeed.  A friend served on nuclear subs; I heard about that practice from him. 
 (The same practice is followed after any significant refit.)  It inspired my 
-- Jerry

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] Crypto Standards v.s. Engineering habits - Was: NIST about to weaken SHA3?

2013-10-02 Thread Jerry Leichter
On Oct 1, 2013, at 12:27 PM, Dirk-Willem van Gulik wrote:
>> It's clear what "10x stronger than needed" means for a support beam:  We're 
>> pretty good at modeling the forces on a beam and we know how strong beams of 
>> given sizes are.  
> Actually - do we ? I picked this example as it is one of those where this 'we 
> know' falls apart on closer examination. Wood varies a lot; and our ratings 
> are very rough. We drill holes through it; use hugely varying ways to 
> glue/weld/etc. And we liberally apply safety factors everywhere; and a lot of 
> 'otherwise it does not feel right' throughout. And in all fairness - while 
> you can get a bunch of engineers to agree that 'it is strong enough' - they'd 
> argue endlessly and have 'it depends' sort of answers when you ask them "how 
> strong is it 'really'" ?
[Getting away from crypto, but ... ]  Having recently had significant work done 
on my house, I've seen this kind of thing close up.

There are three levels of construction.  If you're putting together a small 
garden shed, "it looks right" is generally enough - at least if it's someone 
with sufficient experience.  If you're talking non-load-bearing walls, or even 
some that bear fairly small loads, you follow standards - use 2x4's, space them 
36" apart, use doubled 2x4's over openings like windows and doors, don't cut 
holes larger than some limit - and you'll be fine (based on what I saw, you 
could cut a hole large enough for a water supply, but not for a water drain 
pipe).  Methods of attachment are also specified.  These standards - enforced 
by building codes - are deliberately chosen with large safety margins so that 
you don't need to do any detailed calculations.  They are inherently safe over 
some broad range of sizes of a constructed object.

Beyond that, you get into the realm of computation.  I needed a long open span, 
which was accomplished with an LV beam (engineered wood - LV is Layered 
Veneer).  The beam was supporting a good piece of the house's roof, so the 
actual forces needed to be calculated.  LV beams come in multiple sizes, and 
the strengths are well characterized.  In this case, we would not have wanted 
the architect/structural engineer to just build in a larger margin of safety:  
There was limited space in the attic to get this into place, and if we chose 
too large an LV beam "just for good measure", it wouldn't fit.  Alternatively, 
we could have added a vertical support beam "just to be sure" - but it would 
have disrupted the kitchen.  (A larger LV beam would also have cost more money, 
though with only one beam, the percentage it would have added to the total cost 
would have been small.  On a larger project - or, if we'd had to go with a 
steel beam if no LV beam of appropriate size and strength exi
 sted - the cost increase could have been significant.)

The larger the construction project, the tighter the limits on this stuff.  I 
used to work with a former structural engineer, and he repeated some of the 
"bad example" stories they are taught.  A famous case a number of years back 
involved a hotel in, I believe, Kansas City.  The hotel had a large, open 
atrium, with two levels of concrete "skyways" for walking above.  The "skyways" 
were hung from the roof.  As the structural engineer specified their 
attachment, a long threaded steel rod ran from the roof, through one skyway - 
with the skyway held on by a nut - and then down to the second skyway, also 
held on by a nut.  The builder, realizing that he would have to thread the nut 
for the upper skyway up many feet of rod, made a "minor" change:  He instead 
used two threaded rods, one from roof to upper skyway, one from upper skyway to 
lower skyway.  It's all the same, right?  Well, no:  In the original design, 
the upper nut holds the weight of just the upper skyway.  In the modi
 fied version, it holds the weight of *both* skyways.  The upper fastening 
failed, the structure collapsed, and as I recall several people on the skyways 
at the time were killed.  So ... not even a factor of two safety margin there.  
(The take-away from the story as delivered to future structural engineers was 
*not* that there wasn't a large enough safety margin - the calculations were 
accurate and well within the margins used in building such structures.  The 
issue was that no one checked that the structure was actually built as 

I'll leave it to others to decide whether, and how, these lessons apply to 
crypto design.
-- Jerry

The cryptography mailing list

[Cryptography] Passwords

2013-10-01 Thread Jerry Leichter
On Oct 1, 2013, at 4:13 PM, Peter Fairbrother wrote:
> And as to passwords being near end-of-life? Rubbish. Keep the password 
> database secure, give the user a username and only three password attempts, 
> and all your GPUs and ASIC farms are worth nothing.

I've (half-)jokingly suggested that any business maintaining a database of 
usernames and passwords must, by law, include within that database, under a set 
of fixed fake user names using exactly the same format and algorithms as is 
used for all other user accounts, such things as (a) the business's bank 
account data, including account numbers and full authentication information; 
(b) similar information about the top executives in the company and everyone on 
the management chain who has any responsibility for the database.  Once that 
information is in the database, the business can protect it or not, as they 
wish.  Let them sink or swim along with their users.

-- Jerry

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] encoding formats should not be committee'ized

2013-10-01 Thread Jerry Leichter
On Oct 1, 2013, at 12:28 PM, "James A. Donald"  wrote:
>>> Further, google is unhappy that too-clever-code gives too-clever 
>>> programmers too much power, and has prohibited its employees from ever 
>>> doing something like protobufs again.
>> Got any documentation for this assertion?
> The google style guide prohibits too-clever code.  protobufs and gmock is 
> too-clever code.
To be blunt, you have no idea what you're talking about.

I worked at Google until a short time ago; Ben Laurie still does.  Both of us 
have written, submitted, and reviewed substantial amounts of code in the Google 
code base.  Do you really want to continue to argue with us about what the 
Google Style Guide is actually understood within Google?

-- Jerry

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] Crypto Standards v.s. Engineering habits - Was: NIST about to weaken SHA3?

2013-10-01 Thread Jerry Leichter
On Oct 1, 2013, at 3:29 AM, Dirk-Willem van Gulik  wrote:
> ...I do note that in crypto (possibly driven by the perceived expense of too 
> many bits) we tend to very carefully observe the various bit lengths found in 
> 800-78-3, 800-131A , etc etc. And rarely go much beyond it*.
> While in a lot of other fields - it is very common for 'run of the mill' 
> constructions; such as when calculating a floor, wooden support beam, a 
> joist, to take the various standards and liberally apply safety factors. A 
> factor 10 or 20x too strong is quite common *especially* in 'consumer' 
> constructions  
It's clear what "10x stronger than needed" means for a support beam:  We're 
pretty good at modeling the forces on a beam and we know how strong beams of 
given sizes are.  We have *no* models for "the strength of a crypto system" 
that would allow one to meaningfully make such comparisons in general.  It's 
like asking that houses be constructed to survive intact even when hit by the 
Enterprise's tractor beam.

Oh, if you're talking brute force, sure, 129 bits takes twice as long as 128 
bits.  But even attacking a 128-bit cipher by brute force is way beyond 
anything we can even sketch today, and 256 bits is getting into "if you could 
use the whole known universe as a computer it would talk you more than the life 
of the universe" territory.

If, on the other hand, you're talking analytic attacks, there's no way to know 
ahead of time what matters.  The ultimate example of this occurred back when 
brute force attacks against DES, at 56 bits, were clearly on the horizon - so 
people proposed throwing away the key schedule and making the key the full 
expanded schedule of 448 bits, or whatever it came to.  Many times more secure 
- except then differential cryptography was (re-)discovered and it turned out 
that 448-bit DES was no stronger than 56-bit DES.

There are three places I can think of where the notion of "adding a safety 
factor" makes sense today; perhaps someone can add to the list, but I doubt it 
will grow significantly longer:

1.  Adding a bit to the key size when that key size is small enough;
2.  Using multiple encryption with different mechanisms and independent keys;
3.  Adding rounds to a round-based symmetric encryptor of the design we 
currently use pretty universally (multiple S and P transforms with some keying 
information mixed in per round, repeated for multiple rounds).  In a good 
cipher designed according to our best practices today, the best attacks we know 
of extend to some number of rounds and then just die - i.e., after some number 
of rounds they do no better than brute force.  Adding a few more beyond that 
makes sense.  But ... if you think adding many more beyond that makes sense, 
you're into tin-foil hat territory.  We understand what certain attacks look 
like and we understand how they (fail to) extend beyond some number of rounds - 
but the next attack down the pike, about which we have no theory, might not be 
sensitive to the number of rounds at all.

These arguments apply to some other primitives as well, particularly hash 
functions.  They *don't* apply to asymmetric cryptography, except perhaps for 
case 2 above - though it may not be so easy to apply.  For asymmetric crypto, 
the attacks are all algorithmic and mathematical in nature, and the game is 
-- Jerry

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] PRISM-Proofing and PRISM-Hardening

2013-10-01 Thread Jerry Leichter
On Sep 30, 2013, at 9:01 PM, "d.nix"  wrote:
> It's also worth pointing out that common browser ad blocking / script
> blocking / and site redirection add-on's and plugins (NoScript,
> AdBlockPlus, Ghostery, etc...) can interfere with the identification
> image display. My bank uses this sort of technology and it took me a
> while to identify exactly which plug-in was blocking the security
> image and then time to sort out an exception rule to not block it.
> The point being - end users *will* install plug-ins and extensions
> that may interfere with your verification tools.
It goes beyond that.  A company named Iovation sells a service that's supposed 
to check a fingerprint of your machine against a database so that someone like 
a bank can determine if your login is supposed to come from this machine.  (It 
also leaves behind a cookie, and may blacklist some addresses).  Anyway, the 
result is a connection to "iesnare.something" when you go to your bank.  I run 
a Little Snitch on my Mac's; it reports and ask for approval for unknown 
connections.  So I see alerts pop up when I go to my bank and similar sites.  
Sometimes I block the connection, sometimes I let it through.  (Actually, it 
doesn't seem to affect the site's behavior either way.)

-- Jerry

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] encoding formats should not be committee'ized

2013-10-01 Thread Jerry Leichter
On Sep 30, 2013, at 8:10 PM, James A. Donald wrote:
> We have a complie to generate C code from ASN.1 code
> Google has a compiler to generate C code from protobufs source
> The ASN.1 compiler is open source.  Google's compiler is not.  BSD 3-clause license.

> Further, google is unhappy that too-clever-code gives too-clever programmers 
> too much power, and has prohibited its employees from ever doing something 
> like protobufs again.
I have no idea what this means.  I can tell you with certainty that all kinds 
of clever code is being developed and deployed within Google (though I can't 
give you any details, of course).  Some of it may eventually get described in 
the open literature; some of it may be open-sourced.

Personally, I have no deep objections to ASN.1 - though much of its complexity 
has been proved unnecessary by the usage of other, much simpler, approaches, 
like protobufs.  Still, once you have compiler for it, it doesn't really matter 
all that much either way.  For crypto algorithms, you're unlikely to want or 
need the more obscure corners.

Do keep in mind, however, that having just a way to generate C from ASN.1 no 
longer covers much of the necessary space, as there are now many popular 
languages that are no C-like.  Some are easy to bind to C libraries (e.g., 
Python); others are much more difficult (e.g., Java).  For ease of use, you 
really want generators that produce code well integrated into the target 
language, no some barely functional glued-together thing.

-- Jerry

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] check-summed keys in secret ciphers?

2013-09-30 Thread Jerry Leichter
On Sep 30, 2013, at 4:16 AM, ianG  wrote:
> I'm not really understanding the need for checksums on keys.  I can sort of 
> see the battlefield requirement that comms equipment that is stolen can't 
> then be utilized in either a direct sense (listening in) or re-sold to some 
> other theater.
I'm *guessing* that this is what checksums are for, but I don't actually 
*know*.  (People used to wonder why NSA asked that DES keys be checksummed - 
the original IBM Lucifer algorithm used a full 64-bit key, while DES required 
parity bits on each byte.  On the one hand, this decreased the key size from 64 
to 56 bits; on the other, it turns out that under differential crypto attack, 
DES only provides about 56 bits of security anyway.  NSA, based on what we saw 
in the Clipper chip, seems to like running crypto algorithms "tight":  Just as 
much effective security as the key size implies, exactly enough rounds to 
attain it, etc.  So *maybe* that was why they asked for 56-bit keys.  Or maybe 
they wanted to make brute force attacks easier for themselves.)

> But it still doesn't quite work.  It seems antithetical to NSA's obsession 
> with security at Suite A levels, if they are worried about the gear being 
> snatched, they shouldn't have secret algorithms in them at all.
This reminds me of the signature line someone used for years:  A boat in a 
harbor is safe, but that's not what boats are for.  In some cases you need to 
communicate securely with someone who's "in harm's way", so any security device 
you give him is also "in harm's way".  This is hardly a new problem.  Back in 
WW I, code books on ships had lead covers and anyone who had access to them had 
an obligation to see they were tossed overboard if the ship was about to fall 
into enemy hands.  Attackers tried very hard to get to the code book before it 
could be tossed.

Embassies need to be able to communicate at very high levels of security.  They 
are normally considered quite secure, but quiet attacks against them do occur.  
(There are some interesting stories of such things in Peter Wright's 
Spycatcher, which tells the story of his career in MI5.  If you haven't read it 
- get a copy right now.)  And of course people always look at the seizure of 
the US embassy in Iran.  I don't know if any crypto equipment was compromised, 
but it has been reported that the Iranians were able, by dint of a huge amount 
of manual labor, to piece back together shredded documents.  (This lead to an 
upgrade of shredders not just by the State Department but in the market at 
large, which came to demand cross-cut shredders, which cut the paper into 
longitudinal strips, but then cut across the strips to produce pieces no more 
than an inch or so long.  Those probably could be re-assembled using 
computerized techniques - originally developed to re-assemble old parchm
 ents like the Dead Sea Scrolls.)

Today, there are multiple layers of protection.  The equipment is designed to 
zero out any embedded keys if tampered with.  (This is common even in the 
commercial market for things like ATM's.)  A variety of techniques are used to 
make it hard to reverse-engineer the equipment.  (In fact, even FIPS 
certification of hardware requires some of these measures.)  At the extreme, 
operators of equipment are supposed to destroy it to prevent its capture.  
(There was a case a number of years back of a military plane that was forced by 
mechanical trouble to land in China.  A big question was how much of the 
equipment had been destroyed.  There are similar cases even today with ships, 
in which people on board take axes to the equipment.)

> Using checksums also doesn't make sense, as once the checksum algorithm is 
> recovered, the protection is dead.
The hardware is considered hard to break into, and one hopes it's usually 
destroyed.  The military, and apparently the NSA, believes in defense in depth. 
 If someone manages to get the checksum algorithm out, the probably have the 
crypto algorithm, too.

> I would have thought a HMAC approach would be better, but this then brings in 
> the need for a centralised key distro approach.
Why HMAC?  If you mean a keyed MAC ... it's not better.   But a true signature 
would mean that even completely breaking a captured device doesn't help you 
generate valid keys.  (Of course, you can modify the device - or a cloned copy 
- to skip the key signature check - hence my question as to whether one could 
create a crypto system that *inherently* had the properties that signed keys 
naively provide.)

>  Ok, so that is typically how battlefield codes work -- one set for everyone 
> -- but I would have thought they'd have moved on from the delivery SPOF by 
> now.
In a hierarchical organization, centralized means of control are considered 
important.  There was an analysis of the (bad) cryptography in "secure" radios 
for police and fire departments, and it mainly relied on distribution of keys 
from a central source.

> ...It also 

Re: [Cryptography] RSA recommends against use of its own products.

2013-09-29 Thread Jerry Leichter
On Sep 26, 2013, at 7:54 PM, Phillip Hallam-Baker wrote:
> ...[W]ho on earth thought DER encoding was necessary or anything other than 
> incredible stupidity?...
It's standard.  :-)

We've been through two rounds of standard data interchange representations:

1.  Network connections are slow, memory is limited and expensive, we can't 
afford any extra overhead.  Hence DER.
2.  Network connections are fast, memory is cheap, we don't have to worry about 
them - toss in every last feature anyone could possibly want.  Hence XML.

Starting from opposite extremes, committees of standards experts managed to 
produce results that are too complex and too difficult for anyone to get right 
- and which in cryptographic contexts manage to share the same problem of 
multiple representations that make signing such a joy.

BTW, the *idea* behind DER isn't inherently bad - but the way it ended up is 
another story.  For a comparison, look at the encodings Knuth came up with in 
the TeX world.  Both dvi and pk files are extremely compact binary 
representations - but correct encoders and decoders for them are plentiful.  
(And it's not as if the Internet world hasn't come up with complex, difficult 
encodings when the need arose - see IDNA.)

-- Jerry

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] RSA equivalent key length/strength

2013-09-29 Thread Jerry Leichter
On Sep 28, 2013, at 3:06 PM, ianG wrote:
>> Problem with the NSA is that its Jekyll and Hyde. There is the good side
>> trying to improve security and the dark side trying to break it. Which
>> side did the push for EC come from?
> What's in Suite A?  Will probably illuminate that question...
The actual algorithms are classified, and about all that's leaked about them, 
as far as I can determine in a quick search, is the names of some of them, and 
general properties of a subset of those - e.g., according to Wikipedia, BATON 
is a block cipher with a key length of 320 bits (160 of them checksum bits - 
I'd guess that this is an overt way for NSA to control who can use stolen 
equipment, as it will presumably refuse to operate at all with an invalid key). 
 It looks as if much of this kind of information comes from public descriptions 
of equipment sold to the government that implements these algorithms, though a 
bit of the information (in particular, the name BATON and its key and block 
sizes) has made it into published standards via algorithm specifiers.  cryptome 
has a few leaked documents as well - again, one showing BATON mentioned in 
Congressional testimony about Clipper.

Cryptographic challenge:  If you have a sealed, tamper-proof box that 
implements, say, BATON, you can easily have it refuse to work if the key 
presented doesn't checksum correctly.  In fact, you'd likely have it destroy 
itself if presented with too many invalid keys.  NSA has always been really big 
about using such sealed modules for their own algorithms.  (The FIPS specs were 
clearly drafted by people who think in these terms.  If you're looking at them 
while trying to get software certified, many of the provisions look very 
peculiar.  OK, no one expects your software to be potted in epoxy ("opaque in 
the ultraviolet" - or was it infrared?); but they do expect various kinds of 
isolation that just affect the blocks on a picture of your software's 
implementation; they have no meaningful effect on security, which unlike 
hardware can't enforce any boundaries between the blocks.)

Anyway, this approach obviously depends on the ability of the hardware to 
resist attacks.  Can one design an algorithm which is inherently secure against 
such attacks?  For example, can one design an algorithm that's strong when used 
with valid keys but either outright fails (e.g., produces indexes into 
something like S-boxes that are out of range) or is easily invertible if used 
with invalid keys (e.g., has a key schedule that with invalid keys produces all 
0's after a certain small number of rounds)?  You'd need something akin to 
asymmetric cryptography to prevent anyone from reverse-engineering the checksum 
algorithm from the encryption algorithm, but I know of no fundamental reason 
why that couldn't be done.
-- Jerry

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] RSA recommends against use of its own products.

2013-09-25 Thread Jerry Leichter
On Sep 25, 2013, at 12:31 PM, ianG  wrote:

> Hi Jerry,
> I appreciate the devil's advocate approach here, it has helped to get my 
> thoughts in order!  Thanks!

> My conclusion is:  avoid all USA, Inc, providers of cryptographic products.
In favor off ... who?

We already know that GCHQ is at least as heavily into this monitoring business 
as NSA, so British providers are out.  The French have been playing the "oh, 
we're shocked, shocked that there's spying going on" game - but they have a 
long history of their own.  It's been reported for many years that all Air 
France seats are bugged by the French security services and the information 
recorded has been used to help French economic interests.  And even if you 
don't think a particular security service has been going after in-country 
suppliers, recall decades of US spiking of the Swiss Crypto AG machines.

It's a really, really difficult problem.  For deterministic algorithms, in 
principle, you can sandbox the implementation (both physically and in software) 
and compare inputs and outputs to a specification.  That leaves you to worry 
about (a) holes in the specification itself; (b) physical leakage of extra 
information (Tempest-like).  Both of these can be dealt with and you can gain 
any degree of assurance you consider necessary, at least in principle.  Sure, 
someone can spike your hardware - but if it only does what the spec says it's 
supposed to do, what does that gain them?  (Storing some of your secrets within 
the sandboxed system does them no good if they can't get the information out.  
Of course, physical security is essential, or your attacker will just walk the 
system, with all its contained information, out the door!)

For probabilistic algorithms - choosing a random number is, of course, the 
simplest example - it's much, much harder.  You're pretty much forced to rely 
on some mathematics and other analysis - testing can't help you much.

There are really no absolutes; you really have to think about who you want to 
protect yourself from and how much you are willing to spend, because there's no 
limit on how much you *could* do.  Build your own foundry?  Create your own 
circuit synthesis code?  You very quickly get yourself into a domain where only 
a handful of companies or countries can even begin to go.

My take on this:  I don't much worry about attacks against general-purpose 
hardware.  The difficulty of modifying a processor so that you can tell when 
it's implementing a cipher and then do something useful about it seems 
insurmountable.  The exception is when the hardware actually gets into the 
crypto game - e.g., the Intel AES extensions and the random number generator.  
If you're going to use these, you need to do so in a way that's secure even if 
those features are spiked - e.g., use the random number generator only as one 
of a couple of sources.

Still, *much* more worrisome are the badly implemented, insecure extensions to 
allow remote control of the hardware, which are being discussed in a separate 
thread here.  These are really scary - there's no protection against an 
attacker who can send a magic packet to your network interface and execute code 
with full privileges.

Code, at least for symmetric cryptography primitives and modes, is simple 
enough that you can find it all over the place.  Realistically, the worst 
attacks against implementations these days are timing attacks.  Bernstein's 
ciphers have the advantage of being inherently secure against these, showing 
that this is possible (even if you don't necessarily trust his particular 

Denker's ideas about how to get random numbers whose safety is based on 
physical principles are great.  You do have to be careful of the hardware and 
software you use, but since the hardware is designed for entirely different 
purposes (A/D sound converters) it's unlikely anyone has, or really could, 
spike them all.

It's the asymmetric algorithms and implementations that seem to be the most 
vulnerable.  They are complex and difficult to get right, much less to get both 
efficient *and* right, and protocols that use them generally need to be 
probabilistic - so "black box testing" isn't feasible.  At the same time, they 
have rich mathematical structures in which we know things can be hidden.  (In 
the symmetric case, the algorithms are generally have little mathematical 
structure, and we *assume* nothing can be hidden in there - but who can really 
say with absolute confidence.)  I had a long debate here earlier on this 
subject, and my own conclusions remain:  Use symmetric crypto as little as you 
possibly can.  (What would be really, really nice is something like DH key 
exchange without all the mathematical structure.)

-- Jerry

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] The hypothetical random number generator backdoor

2013-09-25 Thread Jerry Leichter
On Sep 24, 2013, at 6:11 PM, Gerardus Hendricks  wrote:
> I'm assuming you're talking about DUAL_EC_DBRG. ... According to the 
> researchers from Microsoft, exploiting this would require
> at most 32 bytes of the PRNG output to reveal the internal state, thus
> revealing all random numbers generated with the same instantiation of the
> PRNG from that moment on.  Would I be correct to say that backdoors with such 
> properties cannot exist in PRNGs based on symmetric crypto or hashing 
> functions?
Well, that depends on how they are used and what you believe about the 

If you use encryption in counter mode - E(k,counter), where k is random - then 
the assumption that the generated values are random is, as I remarked in 
another comment, pretty much equivalent to the indistinguishability assumptions 
that are commonly made about symmetric cryptographic algorithms.  If you don't 
think you have an appropriately secure symmetric cipher to work with ... it's 
not clear just what you're going to *do* with your random numbers anyway.

It's harder to know what to make of hashing approaches because it depends on 
the hash algorithm and what you believe about *it*.  For most uses, a 
cryptographic hash function just has to prevent first- and second-preimage 
attacks.  If that's all you are willing to assume your hash function provides, 
it's enough for the standard, intended uses of such hashes, but not enough to 
prove much more.  (For example, nothing in these two assumptions, on its own, 
says that the hash function can't always produce an output whose first bit is 
0.)  People generally do assume more, but you really have to be explicit.

>> Either way, the question is how to stop this side channel attack. One
> simple way would be to encrypt the nonces from the RNG under a secret
> key
>> generated in some other fashion.
> That seems silly. You are just shifting the responsibility from the PRNG
> to the cipher and its (random) key/seed. In any case, the result is just a
> new, needlessly complex PRNG, since you might just as well encrypt zeroes.
Indeed - though you could safely reuse the random key in counter mode up to 
some limit determined by the security guarantees of the cipher, and if the 
encryption function lives up to its guarantees, you'll still be secure.  
"Stretching" a short random key into a long effectively random sequence is 
exactly what symmetric encryption functions *do*!
-- Jerry

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] The hypothetical random number generator backdoor

2013-09-25 Thread Jerry Leichter
On Sep 24, 2013, at 7:53 PM, Phillip Hallam-Baker wrote:
> There are three ways a RNG can fail
> 1) Insufficient randomness in the input
> 2) Losing randomness as a result of the random transformation
> 3) Leaking bits through an intentional or unintentional side channel
> What I was concerned about in the above was (3).
> I prefer the hashing approaches. While it is possible that there is a matched 
> set of weaknesses, I find that implausible.
Then I'm mystified by your proposal.

If enough bits are leaked to make it possible to feed all possible values of 
the generated value R into whatever algorithm uses them (and, of course, 
recognize when you've hit the right one), then the extra cost of instead 
replacing each such value R with R XOR H(R) is trivial.  No fixed 
transformation can help here - it's no different from using an RNG with problem 
1 and whitening its output:  It now looks strong, but isn't.  (In fact, in 
terms of "black box" behavior to someone who doesn't know about the limited 
randomness/internal loss/side channel, these three weaknesses are functionally 
equivalent - and are subject to exactly the same attacks.)

The encryption approach - replacing R by E(k,R) - helps exactly because the key 
it uses is unknown to the attacker.  As I said before, this approach is fine, 
but:  Where does this magic random key come from; and given that you have a way 
to generate it, why not use that way to generate R directly rather than playing 
games with code you don't trust?

-- Jerry

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] RSA recommends against use of its own products.

2013-09-25 Thread Jerry Leichter
On Sep 23, 2013, at 4:20 AM, ianG  wrote:
>>> RSA today declared its own BSAFE toolkit and all versions of its
>>> Data Protection Manager insecure...
> Etc.  Yes, we expect the company to declare itself near white, and the press 
> to declare it blacker than the ace of spaces.
> Meanwhile, this list is about those who know how to analyse this sort of 
> stuff, independently.  So...

>> ...  But they made Dual EC DRBG the default ...
> I don't see a lot of distance between choosing Dual_EC as default, and the 
> conclusion that BSAFE & user-systems are insecure.
The conclusion it leads to is that *if used in the default mode*, it's (well, 
it *may be*) unsafe.  We know no more today about the quality of the 
implementation than we did yesterday.  (In fact, while I consider it a weak 
argument ... if NSA had managed to sneak something into the code making it 
insecure, they wouldn't have needed to make a *visible* change - changing the 
default.  So perhaps we have better reason to believe the rest of the code is 
OK today than we did yesterday.)

> The question that remains is, was it an innocent mistake, or were they 
> influenced by NSA?
a)  How would knowing this change the actions you take today?
b)  You've posed two alternatives as if they were the only ones.  At the time 
this default was chosen (2005 or thereabouts), it was *not* a "mistake".  Dual 
EC DRBG was in a just-published NIST standard.  ECC was "hot" as the best of 
the new stuff - with endorsements not just from NSA but from academic 
researchers.  Dual EC DRBG came with a self-test suite, so could guard itself 
against a variety of attacks and other problems.  Really, the only mark against 
it *at the time* was that it was slower than the other methods - but we've 
learned that trading speed for security is not a good way to go, so that was 
not dispositive.

Since we know (or at least very strongly suspect) that the addition of Dual EC 
DRBG to the NIST standards was influenced by NSA, the question of whether RSA 
was also influenced is meaningless:  If NSA had not gotten it into the 
standard, RSA would probably not have implemented it.  If you're asking whether 
NSA directly influenced RSA to make it the default - I doubt it.  They had 
plenty of indirect ways to accomplish the same ends (by influencing the terms 
of government purchases to make that a requirement or a strong suggestion) 
without leaving a trail behind.

> We don't have much solid evidence on that.  But we can draw the dots, and a 
> reasonable judgement can fill the missing pieces in.
And?  It's cool for discussion, but has absolutely nothing to do with whether 
(a) BSAFE is, indeed, safe if you use the current default (we assume not, at 
least against NSA); (b) BSAFE is safe if you *change* the default (most will 
likely assume so); (c) users of BSAFE or BSAFE-based products should make sure 
the default is not used in products they build or use (if they're worried about 
NSA, sure) (d) implementors and users of other crypto libraries should change 
what they are doing (avoid Dual EC DRBG - but we already knew that).

-- Jerry

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] The hypothetical random number generator backdoor

2013-09-25 Thread Jerry Leichter
On Sep 22, 2013, at 8:09 PM, Phillip Hallam-Baker  wrote:
> I was thinking about this and it occurred to me that it is fairly easy to get 
> a public SSL server to provide a client with a session key - just ask to 
> start a session.
> Which suggests that maybe the backdoor [for an NSA-spiked random number 
> generator] is of the form that ... you get a lot of nonces [maybe just one] 
> from the random number generator ... and that allows the [next one to be 
> predicted more easily or even the] seed to be unearthed.  One simple way [to 
> stop this] would be to encrypt the nonces from the RNG under a secret key 
> generated in some other fashion. 
> nonce = E (R, k)
> Or hashing the RNG output and XORing with it 
> nonce = R  XOR H(R)
You shifted from "random value" to "nonce".  Given the severe effects on 
security that using a "nonce" - a value that is simply never repeated in a 
given cryptographic context; it may be predictable, even fixed - to a "random 
value", one needs to be careful about the language.  (There's another layer as 
well, partly captured by "unpredictable value" but not really:  Is it a value 
that we must plan on the adversary learning at some point, even though he 
couldn't predict it up front, or must it remain secret?  The random values in 
PFS are only effective in providing forward security if they remain secret 

Anyway, everything you are talking about here is *supposed* to be a random 
value.  Using E(R,k) is a slightly complicated way of using a standard PRNG:  
The output of a block cipher in counter mode.  Given (a) the security of the 
encryption under standard assumptions; (b) the secrecy and randomness of k; the 
result is a good PRNG.  (In fact, this is pretty much exactly one of the 
Indistinguishability assumptions.  There are subtly different forms of those 
around, but typically the randomness of input is irrelevant - these are 
semantic security assumptions so knowing something about the input can't help 
you.)  Putting R in there can't hurt, and if the way you got R really is random 
then even if k leaks or E turns out to be weak, you're still safe.  However ... 
where does k come from?  To be able to use any of the properties of E, k itself 
must be chosen at random.  If you use the same generator as way use to find R, 
it's not clear that this is much stronger than R itself.  If 
 you have some assured way of getting a random k - why not use it for R itself? 
 (This might be worth it if you can generate a k you believe in but only at a 
much lower rate than you can generate an R directly.  Then you can "stretch" k 
over a number of R values.  But I'd really think long and hard about what 
you're assuming about the various components.)

BTW, one thing you *must not* do is have k and the session key relate to each 
other in any simple way.

For hash and XOR ... no standard property of any hash function tells you 
anything about the properties of R XOR H(R).  Granted, for the hash functions 
we generally use, it probably has about the same properties; but it won't have 
any more than that.  (If you look at the structure of classic iterated hashes, 
the last thing H did was compute S = S + R(S), where S was the internal state 
and R was the round function.  Since R is usually invertible, this is the only 
step that actually makes the whole thing non-invertible.  Your more-or-less 
repetition of the same operation probably neither helps more hinders.)

At least if we assume the standard properties, it's hard to get R from H(R) - 
but an attacker in a position to try a large but (to him) tractable number of 
guesses for R can readily check them all.  Using R XOR H(R) makes it no harder 
for him to try that brute force search.  I much prefer the encryption approach.

-- Jerry

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] What is Intel® Core™ vPro™ Technology Animation

2013-09-24 Thread Jerry Leichter
On Sep 22, 2013, at 7:56 PM, d.nix wrote:
> ...If for example, the paper regarding manipulating the RNG circuit by
> alternate chip doping is valid, then an adversary with deep pockets
> and vast resources might well be able remotely target specific systems
> on demand. Possibly even air gapped ones if this function is
> controllable via a 3G signal as I have read elsewhere.
> Or perhaps just outright reroute and tap information prior to
> encryption, or subtly corrupt things in other ways such that processes
> fail or leak data
You started off concerned about misuse of a "remote override" function that 
Intel deliberately puts on the chips - a valid concern - but now have wandered 
off into arbitrary chip modifications.  Those, too, are perhaps valid concerns 
- but they've been concerns for many years.  Nothing new here, except that the 
deeper we look, the more ways we find to hide attacks within the hardware.

That said, the doping paper, if I understood the suggestion correctly, 
discussed a way to modify individual chips, not whole runs of them.  
(Presumably you could modify whole runs by spiking the production process, but 
that would be difficult to hide:  Chip manufacturing is by its nature a very 
tightly controlled process, and an extra step isn't something that people would 
miss.  It would probably even show up in the very tightly watched yield 
statistics:  The extra step would delay wafers on the line, which would cause 
the yield to drop.  The beauty of the doping attack is that it's undetectable - 
at least right now; for every attack, a defense; for every defense, an attack.  
But exactly how one might make the *implementation* of the attack undetectable 
isn't at all clear.)

> H. Maybe time to pull my old 1996 SGI R10K and R4400 boxes out of
> storage. For a few *very* dedicated and air gapped tasks they might be
> a small measure of worthwhile trouble.
You'll be amazed at how slow they now seem

Still, it raises the question:  If you can't trust your microprocessor chips, 
what do you do?  One possible answer:  Build yourself a processor out of MSI 
chips.  We used to do that, not so long ago, and got respectable performance 
(if not, perhaps, on anything like today's scale).  An MSI chip doesn't have 
enough intrinsic computation to provide much of a hook for an attack.  Oh, 
sure, the hardware could be spiked - but to do *what*?  Any given type of MSI 
chip could go into many different points of many different circuit topologies, 
and won't see enough of the data to do much anyway.  There may be some 
interface issues:  This stuff might not be fast enough to deal with modern 
memory chips.  (How would you attack a memory chip?  Certainly possible if 
you're make a targeted attack - you can slip in a small processor in the design 
to do all kinds of nasty things.  But commercial of the shelf memory chips are 
built right up to the edge of what we can make, so you can't change a
 ll that much.)

Some stuff is probably just impossible with this level of technology.  I doubt 
you can build a Gig-E Ethernet interface without large-scale integration.  You 
can certainly do the original 10 Mb/sec - after all, people did!  I have no 
idea if you could get to 100 Mb/sec.

Do people still make bit-slice chips?  Are they at a low-enough level to not be 
a plausible attack vector?

You could certainly build a respectable mail server this way - though it's 
probably not doing 2048-bit RSA at a usable speed.

We've been talking about crypto (math) and coding (software).  Frankly, I, 
personally, have no need to worry about someone attacking my hardware, and 
that's probably true of most people.  But it's *not* true of everyone.  So 
thinking about how to build "harder to attack" hardware is probably worth the 
-- Jerry

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] What is Intel® Core™ vPro™ Technology Animation

2013-09-24 Thread Jerry Leichter
On Sep 21, 2013, at 10:05 PM, d.nix wrote:
> Hah hah hah. Uh, reading between the lines, color me *skeptical* that
> this is really what it claims to be, given the current understanding
> of things...
The question isn't whether it's what it claims to be.  It is that.  But is it's 
*more* than it claims to be.

There are a whole bunch of things in recent Intel chips to provide 
manageability and security.  And there are cases where this is very valuable 
and necessary - e.g., if you have a large cluster or processors, it's good to 
be able to remotely configure them no matter what state they are in.  There are 
many similar examples.  If it's *your* hardware, *your* ability to control it, 
in detail, is a good thing.  (Yes, if you've been lent the hardware by your 
employer, it's the *employer* who's the owner, not you, and it's the *employer* 
who can do what he likes.  This has always been the case to a large degree.  If 
it makes you uncomfortable - buy your own machine, don't use your work machine 
for non-work things.)

The *theory* is that the owner can enable or disable these features, and has 
the keys to access them if enabled.  What we don't know is whether anyone else 
has a back-door key.  The phrase I always use to describe such situations is 
"if there's a mode, there's a failure mode".  Such technology could have been 
present in previous generations of chips, completely invisibly - but it would 
have required significant effort on Intel's part with no real payback.  But 
once Intel is adding this stuff anyway ... well, it's only a small effort to 
provide a special additional back door access.

-- Jerry

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] RSA recommends against use of its own products.

2013-09-22 Thread Jerry Leichter
On Sep 20, 2013, at 2:08 PM, Ray Dillinger wrote:
> More fuel for the fire...
> RSA today declared its own BSAFE toolkit and all versions of its
> Data Protection Manager insecure, recommending that all customers
> immediately discontinue use of these products
Wow.  You took as holy writ on a technical matter a pronouncement of the 
general press.  And not just of the general press, but of RT, a Russian 
publication with a clear pro-Russian anti-American bias.  (Not that they don't 
deliver useful information - I've read them in the past, along with Al Jazeera 
and, on the flip side, The Debka Files.  They are all valid and useful members 
of the press, but their points of view, AKA biases, are hardly a secret.)

The original article in Wired is still a bit sensationalistic, but at least it 
gets the facts right.

BSAFE is a group of related libraries of crypto primitives that RSA has sold 
for many years.  They generally implement everything in the relevant standards, 
and sometimes go beyond that and include stuff that seems to be widely accepted 
and used.  Naturally, they also use the same libraries in some packaged 
products they sell.  

As far as I know, the BSAFE implementations have been reasonably well thought 
of over the years.  In my experience, they are conservatively written - they 
won't be the fastest possible implementations, but they'll hold their own, and 
they probably are relatively bug-free.  A big sales advantage is that they come 
with FIPS certifications.  For whatever you think those are actually worth, 
they are required for all kinds of purposes, especially if you sell products to 
the government.

I remember looking at BSAFE for use in a product I worked on many years ago.  
We ended up deciding it was too expensive and used a combination of open source 
code and some stuff we wrote ourselves.  The company was eventually acquired by 
EMC (which also owns RSA), and I suspect our code was eventually replaced with 
BSAFE code.

Since Dual EC DRBG was in the NIST standards, BSAFE provided an implementation 
- along with five other random number generators.  But they made Dual EC DRBG 
the default, for reasons they haven't really explained beyond "in 2004 [when 
these implementations were first done] elliptic curve algorithms were becoming 
the rage and were considered to have advantages over other algorithms"

I'd guess that no one remembers now, six or more years later, exactly how Dual 
EC DRBG came to be the default.  We now suspect that a certain government 
agency probably worked to tip the scales.  Whether it was directly through some 
contacts at RSA, or indirectly - big government client says they want to buy 
the product but it must be "safe by default", and "Dual EC DRBG is what our 
security guys say is safe" - who knows; but the effect is the same.  (If there 
are any other default choices in BSAFE, they would be worth a close look.  
Influencing choices at this level would have huge leverage for a non-existent 

Anyway, RSA has *not* recommended that people stop using BSAFE.  They've 
recommended that they stop using *Dual DC DRBG*, and instead select one of the 
other algorithms.  For their own embedded products, RSA will have to do the 
work.  Existing customers most likely will have to change their source code and 
ship a new release - few are likely to make the RNG externally controllable.  
Presumably RSA will also issue new versions of the BSAFE products in which the 
default is different.  But it'll take years to clean all this stuff up.
-- Jerry

The cryptography mailing list

[Cryptography] Some (limited) info about Apple A7 security for fingerprints, keychains

2013-09-18 Thread Jerry Leichter
A level beyond marketing talk, but nowhere near technical detail.  Still a bit 
more than has been previously described.  Links to some perhap

There's a link to an ARM site with a reasonable overview of the ARM TEE 
(Trusted Execution Environment) - which Apple's "Secure Enclave" may (or may 
not) be based on.

Referring back to a point Perry made a while back:  TEE mode runs its own 
specialized "secure" OS.  That would seem to be an ideal target for 
-- Jerry

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] The paranoid approach to crypto-plumbing

2013-09-17 Thread Jerry Leichter
On Sep 17, 2013, at 6:21 PM, John Kelsey  wrote:
>> I confess I'm not sure what the current state of research is on MAC
>> then Encrypt vs. Encrypt then MAC -- you may want to check on that.
> Encrypt then MAC has a couple of big advantages centering around the idea 
> that you don't have to worry about reaction attacks, where I send you a 
> possibly malformed ciphertext and your response (error message, acceptance, 
> or even time differences in when you send an error message) tells me 
> something about your secret internal state.  
On a purely practical level, to reject a damaged message, with decrypt-then-MAC 
(ordering things on the receiver's side...) I have to pay the cost of a 
decryption plus a MAC computation; with MAC-then-decrypt, I only pay the cost 
of the MAC.  On top of this, decryption is often more expensive than MAC 
computation.  So decrypt-then-MAC makes DOS attacks easier.

One could also imagine side-channel attacks triggered by chosen ciphertext.  
Decrypt-then-MAC allows an attacker to trigger them; MAC-then-decrypt does not. 
(Attacks on MAC's seems somewhat less likely to be data dependent, but who 
knows for sure.  In any case, even if you had such an attack, it would get you 
the authentication key - and at that point you would be able to *start* your 
attack not the decryption key.

MAC'ing the actual data always seemed more "logical" to me, but once you look 
at the actual situation, it no longer seems like the right thing to do.

-- Jerry

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] PRISM-Proofing and PRISM-Hardening

2013-09-17 Thread Jerry Leichter
On Sep 17, 2013, at 5:31 PM, Viktor Dukhovni  wrote:
> ...And indeed the FUD around the NIST EC curves is rather unfortunate.
> Is secp256r1 better or worse than 1024-bit EDH?
Given our state of knowledge both of the mathematics, and of games NSA has been 
playing, I don't believe anyone can give a meaningful answer to that question.  
There's a second, related question:  How are attacks on the two systems 
correlated?  If one falls, do we need to lower our estimate of the strength of 
the other?  In the case of an attack using a practical quantum computer, "very 
strongly correlated"; in the case of improvements along the lines of current 
integer factoring algorithms, "not very strongly correlated".  Over all, one 
has to make guesses.  I'd put them as "somewhat correlated".

-- Jerry

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] The paranoid approach to crypto-plumbing

2013-09-17 Thread Jerry Leichter
On Sep 17, 2013, at 5:49 AM, ianG  wrote:
>> I wish there was a term for this sort of design in encryption systems
>> beyond just "defense in depth". AFAICT there is not such a term.
>> How about the Failsafe Principle? ;)
> A good question.  In my work, I've generally modelled it such that the entire 
> system still works if one algorithm fails totally.  But I don't have a name 
> for that approach.
How about the X Property (Trust No One - with a different slant on "One")?

-- Jerry :-)

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] paranoid cryptoplumbing is a probably not defending the weakest point

2013-09-17 Thread Jerry Leichter
On Sep 17, 2013, at 11:54 AM, "Perry E. Metzger"  wrote:
> I'd like to note quite strongly that (with certain exceptions like
> RC4) the odds of wholesale failures in ciphers seem rather small
> compared to the odds of systems problems like bad random number
> generators, sabotaged accelerator hardware, stolen keys, etc., and a
> smart attacker goes for the points of weakness
Actually, I think there is a potentially interesting issue here:  RC4 is faster 
and requires significantly fewer resources than modern block ciphers.  As a 
result, people would really like to use it - and actually they *will* continue 
to use it even in the face of the known attacks (which, *so far*, are hardly 
fatal except in specialized settings).

So ... is there some simple way of combining RC4 with *something* that 
maintains the performance while retaining the speed?  How about two separate 
RC4's (with independent keys) XOR'ed together?  That would still be 
considerably faster than AES.

There appear to be two general classes of known attacks:

1.  The initial key setup doesn't produce enough randomness;
2.  There are long-term biases in the output bytes.

The first of these can be eliminated by using AES to generate values to 
scramble the internal state.  The second can be hidden by doing post-whitening, 
XOR'ing in a byte from AES in (say) counter mode.  If you use a given byte 64 
times, then use the next byte of the output, you pay 1/64 the cost of actually 
using AES in counter mode, but any bias in the output would have to play out 
over a 64-byte segment.  (Actually, if you use ideas from other stream ciphers, 
changing the whitening every 64 bytes probably isn't right - you want the 
attacker to have to guess where the changeovers take place.  There are many 
ways to do that.)

Of course, don't take any of the above and go build code.  It's just 
speculation and likely has serious problems.  I toss it out to illustrate the 
idea.  Whether it's actually worthwhile ... I doubt it, but it's worth thinking 

-- Jerry

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] The paranoid approach to crypto-plumbing

2013-09-16 Thread Jerry Leichter
On Sep 16, 2013, at 6:20 PM, Bill Frantz wrote:
>> Joux's paper "Multicollisions in iterated hash functions" 
>> shows that "finding ... r-tuples of messages that all hash to the same value 
>> is not much harder than finding ... pairs of messages".  This has some 
>> surprising implications.  In particular, Joux uses it to show that, if F(X) 
>> and G(X) are cryptographic hash functions, then H(X) = F(X) || G(X) (|| is 
>> concatenation) is about as hard as the harder of F and G - but no harder.
> This kind of result is why us crypto plumbers should always consult real 
> cryptographers. :-)
Yes, this is the kind of thing that makes crypto fun.

The feeling these days among those who do such work is that unless you're going 
to use a specialized combined encryption and authentication mode, you might as 
well use counter mode (with, of course, required authentication).  For the 
encryption part, counter mode with multiple ciphers and independent keys has 
the nice property that it's trivially as strong as the strongest of the 
constituents.  (Proof:  If all the ciphers except one are cracked, the attacker 
is left with a known-plaintext attack against the remaining one.  The need for 
independent keys is clear since if I use two copies of the same cipher with the 
same key, I end up sending plaintext!  You'd need some strong independence 
statements about the ciphers in the set if you want to reuse keys.  Deriving 
them from a common key with a one-way hash function is probably safe in 
practice, though you'd now need some strong statements about the hash function 
to get any theoretical result.  Why rely on such things when you 
 don't need to?)

It's not immediately clear to me what the right procedure for multiple 
authentication is.
-- Jerry

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] The paranoid approach to crypto-plumbing

2013-09-16 Thread Jerry Leichter
On Sep 16, 2013, at 12:44 PM, Bill Frantz  wrote:
> After Rijndael was selected as AES, someone suggested the really paranoid 
> should super encrypt with all 5 finalests in the competition. Five level 
> super encryption is probably overkill, but two or three levels can offer some 
> real advantages. So consider simple combinations of techniques which are at 
> least as secure as the better of them
This is trickier than it looks.

Joux's paper "Multicollisions in iterated hash functions"
shows that "finding ... r-tuples of messages that all hash to the same value is 
not much harder than finding ... pairs of messages".  This has some surprising 
implications.  In particular, Joux uses it to show that, if F(X) and G(X) are 
cryptographic hash functions, then H(X) = F(X) || G(X) (|| is concatenation) is 
about as hard as the harder of F and G - but no harder.

That's not to say that it's not possible to combine multiple instances of 
cryptographic primitives in a way that significantly increases security.  But, 
as many people found when they tried to find a way to use DES as a primitive to 
construction an encryption function with a wider key or with a bigger block 
size, it's not easy - and certainly not if you want to get reasonable 
-- Jerry

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] real random numbers

2013-09-15 Thread Jerry Leichter
On Sep 14, 2013, at 5:38 PM, Kent Borg wrote:
>> Things like clock skew are usually nothing but squish ... not reliably 
>> predictable, but also not reliably unpredictable. I'm not interested in 
>> squish, and I'm not interested in speculation about things that "might" be 
>> random. 
> I see "theoretical" the enemy of the "good" here.
> The term "squish" is entertaining, but be careful that once you paint away 
> with your broad brush that you don't dismiss engineering realities that 
> matter.

> And once we have built such vaguely secure systems, why reject entropy 
> sources within those systems, merely because they you think they look like 
> "squish"?  If there is a random component, why toss it out?  You seem to 
> respect using hashing to condition and stretch entropy--though why any 
> existing hash shouldn't also fall to your "squish" generalization, I don't 
> know.
You've completely missed what Denker was getting at with "squish".  "Squish" 
never applies to a fully characterized, deterministic component like a hash.  
"Squish" is an "unknown unknown":  Data that you don't understand, so you think 
it might be random, but you really can't be sure.  Consider the example he 
responded to, that comparing the clocks on the CPU and on the sound card 
"should be usable" as a source of randomness.  If you dig in to what "should be 
usable" means here, it comes down to:  Both clocks show some degree of random 
variation, and the random variation is uncorrelated.  That might be true - or 
it might not:  Perhaps there's some path you haven't thought of through the 
power supply that tends to synchronize the two.  Lack of imagination on the 
analyst's part does not equate to lack of correlation (or other failure modes) 
on the system's part!  (In fact, the world is full of unexpected couplings 
between nominally independent events.  I've debugged and fought f
 ailures in systems built on the unsupported assumption that "things will 
smooth out on average".  They are always unexpected, and can be difficult to 
find after the fact.  And ... people don't seem to learn the lesson:  The next 
system makes the same bad assumptions.)

As Denker said:  Adding "squish" as a source of confusion in a well implemented 
mixer is at worst harmless - if you want to do it, go ahead.  But adding it as 
a source of an entropy estimate is wrong.  Either you have some way of 
estimating the entropy based on real physical modeling, or you're just making 
things up - and "just making things up" is not the way to build a secure system.
   -- Jerry

The cryptography mailing list

[Cryptography] Credit for Trusting Trust

2013-09-14 Thread Jerry Leichter
> ...The goal is to defeat the Thompson attack -- Thompson trojans [the classic
> attack described in Ken Thompson's "On Trusting Trust" where the compiler 
> inserts code into login and into itself]
Just to give credit where credit is due:  Ken Thompson didn't invent this 
attack, and cites the originators - Paul Karger and Roger Schell, way back in 
1974, 10 years before Thompson.  (Thompson may have produced the first working 
example.)  Karger and Schell's work was done for the Air Force as part of an 
analysis of the security of Multics.  I never met Roger Schell, but I knew Paul 
at DEC back in the mid 70's.  Not realizing his connection with the underlying 
ideas, I showed him Thompson's paper.  Paul explained how to counter it by 
examining the compiler output (not practical except in specialized 
circumstances) but never brought up his own role.

Sadly, he died too young in 2010.  He deserves to be credited.

The full details can be found on David A. Wheeler's page at  (Wheeler's 2005 dissertation provides 
a complete solution to the problem; he cites Henry Spencer for suggesting the 
idea underlying his formal treatment back in 1998.)

-- Jerry

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] Thoughts on hardware randomness sources

2013-09-14 Thread Jerry Leichter
On Sep 12, 2013, at 11:06 PM, Marcus D. Leech wrote:
> There are a class of hyper-cheap USB audio dongles with very uncomplicated 
> mixer models.  A small flotilla of those might get you some fault-tolerance.
>  My main thought on such things relates to servers, where power consumption 
> isn't really much of an issue
I'm not sure what servers you're talking about here.

If by server you mean one of those things in a rack at Amazon or Google or 
Rackspace - power consumption, and its consequence, cooling - is *the* major 
issue these days.  Also, the servers used in such data centers don't have 
multiple free USB inputs - they may not have any.

If by server you mean some quite low-power box in someone's home ... power is 
again an issue.  People want these things small, fan-free, and dead reliable.  
And they are increasingly aware of the electric bills always-on devices produce.

About the only "server" for which power is not an issue is one of those 
extra-large desktops that small businesses use.

-- Jerry

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] About those fingerprints ...

2013-09-13 Thread Jerry Leichter
[Perry - this is likely getting too far off-topic, but I've included the list 
just in case you feel otherwise.  -- J]

On Sep 12, 2013, at 12:53 AM, Andrew W. Donoho  wrote:

> On Sep 11, 2013, at 12:13 , Jerry Leichter  wrote:
>> On Sep 11, 2013, at 9:16 AM, "Andrew W. Donoho"  wrote:
>>> Yesterday, Apple made the bold, unaudited claim that it will never save the 
>>> fingerprint data outside of the A7 chip.
>> By announcing it publicly, they put themselves on the line for lawsuits and 
>> regulatory actions all over the world if they've lied.
>> Realistically, what would you audit?  All the hardware?  All the software, 
>> including all subsequent versions?
> Jerry,
>   First I would audit that their open source security libraries, which 
> every app has to use, are the same as I can compile from sources.
Well ... there's an interesting point here.  If it's an open source library - 
what stops you from auditing it today?

On OSX, at least, if I were to worry about this, I'd just replace the libraries 
with my own compiled versions.  Apple has a long history of being really slow 
about updating the versions of open source software they use.  Things have 
gotten a bit better, but often through an odd path:  Apple gave up on 
maintaining their own release of Java and dumped the responsibility back on 
Oracle (who've been doing a pretty miserable job on the security front).  For 
the last couple of years, Apple distributed a X client which was always behind 
the times - and there was an open source effort, XQuartz, which provided more 
up to date versions.  Recently, Apple decided to have people pull down the 
XQuartz version.  (For both Java and X, they make the process very 
straightforward for users - but the important point is that they're simply 
giving you access to someone else's code.)  They've gone this way with a 
non-open source component as well, of course - Flash.  They never built it 
  now they don't even give you help in downloading it.

But ... suppose you replaced, say, OpenSSL with your own audited copy.  There 
are plenty of ways for code that *uses* it to leak information, or just misuse 
the library.  On top of that, we're mainly talking user-level code.  Much of 
the privileged code is closed source.

So ... I'm not sure were auditing gets you.  If you're really concerned about 
security, you need to use trusted code throughout.  A perfectly reasonable 
choice, perhaps - though having regularly used both Linux and MacOS, I'd much 
rather use MacOS (and give up on some level of trustworthiness) for many kinds 
of things.  (There are other things - mainly having to do with development and 
data analysis - that I'd rather do on Linux.)

> Second, the keychain on iOS devices is entirely too mysterious for this iOS 
> developer. This needs some public light shone on it. What exactly is the 
> relationship between the software stack and the ARM TPM-equivalent.
I agree with you.  I really wish they'd make (much) more information available 
about this.  But none of this is open source.  I've seen some analysis done by 
people who seem to know their stuff, and the way keys are *currently* kept on 
iOS devices is pretty good:  They are encrypted using device-specific data 
that's hard to get off the device, and the decrypted versions are destroyed 
when the device locks.  But there are inherent limits as what can be done here: 
 If you want the device to keep receiving mail when it's locked, you have to 
keep the keys used to connect to mail servers around even when it's locked.

> Third, in iOS 7, I can make a single line change and start syncing my 
> customer's keychain data through iCloud. At WWDC this year, Apple did not 
> disclose how they keep these keys secure. (As it is a busy conference, I may 
> have missed it.)
Keychain syncing was part of the old .Mac stuff, and in that case it was clear: 
They simply synced the keychain files.  As I said, there is some information 
out there about how those are secured, and as best I've been able to determine, 
they are OK.  I wish more information was available.

It's not clear whether iCloud will do something different.  Apparently Apple 
removed keychain syncing from the final pre-release version of iOS 7 - it's now 
marked as "coming soon".  The suspicion is that in the post-Snowden era, they 
decided they need to do something more to get people to trust it.  (Or, I 
suppose, they may actually have found a bug)  We'll see what happens when 
they finally turn it on.

> Fourth, does Apple everywhere use the same crypto libraries as developers are 
> required to use?
Developers aren't *required* to use any particular API's.  Could there be some 

Re: [Cryptography] Killing two IV related birds with one stone

2013-09-11 Thread Jerry Leichter
On Sep 11, 2013, at 6:51 PM, Perry E. Metzger wrote:
> It occurs to me that specifying IVs for CBC mode in protocols
> like IPsec, TLS, etc. be generated by using a block cipher in counter
> mode and that the IVs be implicit rather than transmitted kills two
> birds with one stone.
Of course, now you're going to need to agree on two keys - one for the main 
cipher, one of the IV-generating cipher.  Seems like a great deal of trouble to 
go to to rescue a mode with few advantages.  (Perry and I exchanged some 
private mail on this subject.  He claims CBC has an advantage over CTR because 
CTR allows you to deterministically modify the plaintext "under" the 
encryption.  I used to favor CBC for that reason as well, though in fact you 
can modify the text anyway by replaying a previous block - it's just harder to 
control.  I've become convinced, though, the CBC without authentication is way 
too insecure to use.  Once you require authentication, CBC has no advantages I 
can see over CTR.)

But if you insist on CBC ... it's not clear to me whether the attack in 
Rogoway's paper goes through once authentication is added.  If it doesn't, E(0) 
does just fine (and of course doesn't have to be transmitted).

> ...Note that if you still transmit the IVs, a misimplemented client
> could still interoperate with a malicious counterparty that did not
> use the enforced method for IV calculation. If you don't transmit
> the IVs at all but calculate them, the system will not interoperate if
> the implicit IVs aren't calculated the same way by both sides, thus
> ensuring that the covert channel is closed.
Ah, but where did the session and IV-generating keys come from?  The same 
random generator you now don't trust to directly give you an IV?

-- Jerry

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] Random number generation influenced, HW RNG

2013-09-11 Thread Jerry Leichter
On Sep 11, 2013, at 1:22 PM, Perry E. Metzger  wrote:
>> Let us consider that source of colored noise with which we are most 
>> familiar:  The human voice.  Efforts to realistically simulate a
>> human voice have not been very successful.  The most successful
>> approach has been the ransom note approach
> I don't think this is true
It isn't.  See

On the underlying issue of whether a software model of a hardware RNG could be 
accurate enough for ... some not-quite-specified purpose:  Gate-level 
simulation of circuits is a simple off-the-shelf technology.  If the randomness 
is coming from below that, you need more accurate simulations, but *no one* 
builds a chip these days without building a detailed physical model running in 
a simulator first.  The cost of getting it wrong would be way too large.  Some 
levels of the simulation use public information; at some depth, you probably 
get into process details that would be closely held.

Since it's not clear exactly how you would use this detailed model to, say, 
audit a real hardware generator, it's not clear just how detailed a model you 
would need.
-- Jerry

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] Why prefer symmetric crypto over public key crypto?

2013-09-11 Thread Jerry Leichter
On Sep 11, 2013, at 1:53 AM, zooko  wrote:
> DJB's Ed25519 takes [using message context as part of random number 
> generation one step further, and makes the nonce determined *solely* by the 
> message and the secret key, avoiding the PRNG part altogether:
This is not *necessarily* safe.  In another thread, we discussed whether 
choosing the IV for CBC mode by encrypting 0 with the session key was 
sufficient to meet the randomness requirements.  It turns out it does not.  I 
won't repeat the link to Rogoway's paper on the subject, where he shows that 
using this technique is strictly weaker than using a true random IV.

That doesn't mean the way it's done in Ed25519 is unsafe, just that you cannot 
generically assume that computing a random value from existing private 
information is safe.
-- Jerry

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] Availability of plaintext/ciphertext pairs (was Re: In the face of "cooperative" end-points, PFS doesn't help)

2013-09-11 Thread Jerry Leichter
On Sep 11, 2013, at 5:57 PM, Nemo  wrote:
>> The older literature requires that the IV be "unpredictable" (an
>> ill-defined term), but in fact if you want any kind of security proofs
>> for CBC, it must actually be random.
> Wrong, according to the Rogaway paper you cited.  Pull up
> and read the last
> paragraph of section I.6 (pages 20-21).  Excerpt:
>We concur, without trying to formally show theorems, that all of the
>SP 800-38A modes that are secure as probabilistic encryption schemes
>-- namely, CBC, CFB, and OFB -- will remain secure if the IV is not
>perfectly random, but only unguessable.
The real problem is that "unpredictable" has no definition.  E(0) with the 
session key is "unpredictable" to an attacker, but as the paper shows, it 
cannot safely be used for the IV.  Rogoway specifically says that if what you 
mean by "unpredictable" is "random but biased" (very informally), then you lose 
some security in proportion to the degree of bias:  "A quantitative statement 
of such results would “give up” in the ind$ advantage an amount proportional to 
the ε(q, t) value defined above."

>>> I do not think we will too find much guidance from the academic side on 
>>> [secret IV's], because they tend to "assume a can opener"... Er, I mean a 
>>> "secure block cipher"... And given that assumption, all of the usual modes 
>>> are provably secure with cleartext IVs.
>> Incorrect on multiple levels.  See the paper I mentioned in my
>> response to Perry.
> If you are going to call me wrong in a public forum, please have the
> courtesy to be specific. My statement was, in fact, correct in every
> detail.
> To rephrase:
I actually have no problem with your rephrased statement.  My concern was the 
apparently flippant dismissal of all "academic" work as "assuming a can 
opener".  Yes, there's some like that.  There's also some that shows how given 
weaker assumptions you can create a provably secure block cipher (though in 
practice it's not clear to me that any real block cipher is really created that 
way).  Beyond that, "provably secure" is slippery - there are many, many 
notions of security.  Rogoway's paper gives a particular definition for 
"secure" and does indeed show that if you have a random IV, CBC attains it.  
But he also points out that that's a very weak definition of "secure" - but 
without authentication, you can't get any more.

Do I wish we had a way to prove something secure without assumptions beyond 
basic mathematics?  Absolutely; everyone would love to see that.  But we have 
no idea how to do it.  All we can do is follow the traditional path of 
mathematics and (a) make the assumptions as clear, simple, limited, and 
"obvious" as possible; (b) show what happens as the assumptions are relaxed or, 
sometimes, strengthened.  That's what you find in the good cryptographic work.  
(BTW, if you think I'm defending my own work here - far from it.  I left 
academia and theoretical work behind a very long time ago - I've been a 
nuts-and-bolts systems guy for decades.)

On the matter of a secret IV:  It can't actually help much.  Any suffix of a 
CBC encryption (treated as a sequence of blocks, not bytes) is itself a valid 
CBC encryption.  Considered on its own, it has a secret IV; considered in the 
context of the immediately preceding block, it has a non-secret IV.  So a 
secret IV *at most* protects the very first block of the message.  I doubt 
anyone has tried to formalized just how much it might help simply because it's 
so small. 

-- Jerry

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] About those fingerprints ...

2013-09-11 Thread Jerry Leichter
On Sep 11, 2013, at 1:44 PM, Tim Dierks  wrote:
> When it comes to litigation or actual examination, it's been demonstrated 
> again and again that people can hide behind their own definitions of terms 
> that you thought were self-evident. For example, the NSA's definition of 
> "target", "collect", etc., which fly in the fact of common understanding, and 
> exploit the loopholes in English discourse. People can lie to you without 
> actually uttering a demonstrable falsehood or exposing themselves to 
> liability, unless you have the ability to cross-example the assertions.
I wouldn't take it quite that far.  Government agencies always claim broader 
leeway than is granted to private actors - and even for NSA and friends, 
exactly how the courts will react to that language parsing isn't clear.  Even 
their pet FISA court, we now know from declassified documents, has angrily 
rejected some of this game playing - a second report of this is in today's New 
York Times.  Not that it did much good in terms of changing behavior.  And 
Congress, of course, can interpret stuff as it likes.

The standard for civil lawsuits and even more so for regulatory actions is 
quite a bit lower.  If Apple says "no fingerprint information leaves the 
phone", it's going to be interpreted that way.  Another article in today's 
Times reports that Google has had its argument that WiFi is "radio" hence not 
subject to wiretap laws soundly rejected by an appeals court.

> I don't have a precise cite for the Apple claim..., starting at about 2:20, is one 
statement.  I won't try to transcribe it here, but short of a technical paper, 
it's about a strong and direct a statement as you're going to get.  People have 
a queasy feeling about fingerprint recognition.  If Apple wants to get them to 
use it, they have to reassure them.  It's a basic result of game theory that 
the only way you can get people to believe you is to put yourself in harm's way 
if you lie.

> ...[I]s the data indirectly accessible?
What counts as indirect access?  In one sense, the answer to this question is 
yes:  You can use your fingerprint to authorize purchases - at least from the 
iTunes/App store.  It's completely unclear - and Apple really should explain - 
how the authentication flows work.  Since they promise to keep your fingerprint 
information on the phone, they can't be sending it off to their store servers.  
On the other hand, if it's a simple "go ahead and authorize a charge for user 
U" message, what's to prevent someone from faking such a message?  (In other 
words:  If the decision is made on the phone, how do you authenticate the 

> ...Unless you can cross-examine the assertions with some kind of penalty for 
> dissembling, you can't be sure that an assertion means what you think or hope 
> it means, regardless of how straightforward and direct it sounds.
Courts are not nearly as willing to let those before them hide behind 
complicated and unusual word constructions as you think - especially not when 
dealing with consumers.  It is, in fact, a standard rule of contract law that 
any ambiguity is to be interpreted contrary to the interests of the drafter.

None of this is specific to Apple.  Commerce depends on trust, enforced 
ultimately by courts of law.  The ability to govern depends on the consent of 
the governed - yes, even in dictatorships; they survive as long as enough of 
the population grudgingly accedes, and get toppled when they lose too much of 
the consent.  And consent ultimately also requires trust.

The games the intelligence community have been playing are extremely corrosive 
to that trust, which is why they are so dangerous.  But we have to get beyond 
that and not see attackers behind every door.  The guys who need to be stopped 
run the NSA and friends, not Apple or Facebook or Google - or even the Telco's.

-- Jerry

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] Availability of plaintext/ciphertext pairs (was Re: In the face of "cooperative" end-points, PFS doesn't help)

2013-09-11 Thread Jerry Leichter
On Sep 10, 2013, at 10:57 PM, ianG wrote:
> In a protocol I wrote with Zooko's help, we generate a random IV0 which is 
> shared in the key exchange.
> Then, we also move the padding from the end to the beginning, fill it with a 
> non-repeating length-determined value, and expand it to a size of 16-31 
> bytes.  This creates what is in effect an IV1 or second transmitted IV.
You should probably look at the Rogoway paper I found after Perry pushed me to 
give a reference.  Yes, CBC with a true random IV is secure, though the 
security guarantee you can get if you don't also do authentication is rather 
weak.  The additional padding almost certainly doesn't help or hurt.  (I won't 
say that any more strongly because I haven't look at the proofs.)

-- Jerry

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] About those fingerprints ...

2013-09-11 Thread Jerry Leichter
On Sep 11, 2013, at 9:16 AM, "Andrew W. Donoho"  wrote:
> Yesterday, Apple made the bold, unaudited claim that it will never save the 
> fingerprint data outside of the A7 chip.
By announcing it publicly, they put themselves on the line for lawsuits and 
regulatory actions all over the world if they've lied.

Realistically, what would you audit?  All the hardware?  All the software, 
including all subsequent versions?

This is about as strong an assurance as you could get from anything short of 
hardware and software you build yourself from very simple parts.

> Why should we trust Cook & Co.? They are subject to the laws of the land and 
> will properly respond to lawful subpoenas. What are they doing to ensure the 
> user's confidence that they cannot spread my fingerprint data to the cloud?
Apparently not enough to give *you* confidence.  But concerned as I am with 
recent revelations, it doesn't particularly concern *me* nearly as much as many 
other attack modalities.

> These questions also apply to things like keychain storage. Who has audited 
> in a public fashion that Apple actually keeps keychains secure?
There's been some very limited auditing by outsiders.  I found one paper a 
while back that teased apart the format of the file and figured out how the 
encryption worked.  It appeared to be secure (if perhaps overly complicated), 
but damned if I can find the paper again.  (Searching these days turns up tons 
of articles that center about the fact that when a keychain is unlocked, you 
can read its contents.  The vulnerability issues are subtle, but they only 
apply at all if you're on the same machine as the unlocked keychain.)

It would be a nice thing if Apple described the algorithms used to encrypt 
keychains.  Perhaps this is the time to push them - and others - to be much 
more open about their security technologies.  Apple seems to be making a point 
of *selling* on the basis of those technologies, so may be particularly 
willing/vulnerable on this front.

> How do we know whether Apple has perverted under secret court order the 
> common crypto and other libraries in every phone and iPad?...
You don't.

Then again, you don't know if Intel has been forced to include something in its 
chips that allows someone with appropriate knowledge to download and run 
privileged code on your machine.  All modern Intel server chips include a 
special management mode exactly to allow remote control over servers in a large 
datacenter, regardless of how screwed up the software, including the OS 
software, on them gets.  Who's to say there isn't some other way to get into 
that code?

Who you choose to trust and how much is ultimately your call.  There are no 
answers to your questions.
-- Jerry

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] Availability of plaintext/ciphertext pairs (was Re: In the face of "cooperative" end-points, PFS doesn't help)

2013-09-10 Thread Jerry Leichter
On Sep 10, 2013, at 7:27 PM, Nemo wrote:
>> E_0 = IV # Not transmitted
>> E_{i+1} = E(E_i XOR P_{i+1})
> Not sure what "not transmitted" means here. In typical CBC
> implementations, the IV is certainly transmitted...
Sure.  The intent was just that the ciphertext starts with E1.  IV has to be 
known to both sides, but it's part of the setup, not the ciphertext.

>> to
>> E_0 = E(IV)  # Not transmitted
>> E_{i+1} = E(E_i XOR P_{i+1})
> As written, this does nothing to deny plaintext/ciphertext pairs further
> along in the stream. Typical encrypted streams have lots of
> mostly-predictable data (think headers), not just the first 16 bytes.
That's certainly true.  On the other hand, there's no mode I know of that 
denies the attacker access to (guessed or known or even chosen, if the attacker 
has a way to influence the data sent) plaintext/ciphertext pairs = which is 
exactly why no one would even begin to consider a cipher these days unless it 
was convincingly secure against chosen ciphertext attack.  (Before roughly the 
1950's, it was the working rule that plaintext transmitted via a cryptosystem 
was never released.  Embassies receiving announcements via an enciphered 
channel would paraphrase them before making them public.)

> I agree with Perry; a reference to a paper would be nice.
I responded to Perry.

>> the known attack (whose name escapes me - it was based on an attacker
>> being able to insert a prefix to the next segment because he knows the
>> IV it will use before it gets sent)
> I think you mean BEAST.
No, something much simpler.  Consider a situation in which there's an ongoing 
exchange of messages:  Alice sends to Bob, Bob responds to Alice.  Alice uses 
CBC and just continues the CBC sequence from one message to the next.  In 
effect, this presents Eve with the initiation of a new CBC session, with a 
known IV.  Between the end of one of Alice's messages to Bob and the next, Eve 
knows the next IV.

Suppose Eve also knows a previously-transmitted plaintext block P2.  Let P1 be 
the (unknown) plaintext block immediately preceding P2.  P2 was transmitted as

C2 = E(E(P1) XOR P2)

If Eve re-inserts C2 as the first message of the response to Bob, Bob will 
decrypt it as IV XOR D(C2) == IV XOR E(P1) XOR P2.  Thus Eve gets Bob to accept 
P2 modified by XOR'ing with a known quantity - which is not supposed to be 
possible in a secure mode.

BTW, this reveals an interesting and little-mentioned assumption about CBC:  
That Eve can't insert a ciphertext block between two of Alice's in the time 
between two blocks.  Probably not a good assumption on a packet network, 

The older literature requires that the IV be "unpredictable" (an ill-defined 
term), but in fact if you want any kind of security proofs for CBC, it must 
actually be random.

> Back to CBC mode and secret IVs. I do not think we will too find much
> guidance from the academic side on this, because they tend to "assume a
> can opener"... Er, I mean a "secure block cipher"... And given that
> assumption, all of the usual modes are provably secure with cleartext
> IVs.
Incorrect on multiple levels.  See the paper I mentioned in my response to 
-- Jerry

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] how could ECC params be subverted & other evidence

2013-09-10 Thread Jerry Leichter
On Sep 10, 2013, at 5:45 PM, Perry E. Metzger  wrote:
>> [DBRG] seemed like a really weird place to put a backdoor, because
>> it was insanely slow, and it seemed unlikely to get any significant
>> use.
> As an aside, this is just the instance we know about, partially
> because they screwed up, partially because the New York Times saw fit
> to let us have confirmation of what was suspected in public
Also keep in mind that we're not seeing the full documents exfiltrated by 
Snowden.  Snowden may have marked some material as "not for public release" 
when he gave it to the papers; the papers themselves go over it; and the papers 
have told us that they also talk to the government and sometimes are asked not 
to release certain material - though they may ignore the request.  I would also 
assume that the newspapers have gotten some technically competent people 
involved to advise them as well.

It's possible that the original documents hinted at other places that the the 
NSA mounted such attacks.  This is getting very close to "means and methods", 
and the government may have requested that none of this be released.  But the 
newspapers could well have pushed back and decided that the fact of such 
attacks is too important to suppress completely, so they compromised by only 
mentioning an attack with little practical import.

-- Jerry

PS  After the harassment of David Miranda in the UK, Glenn Greenwald responded 
that in retaliation he would now release even more material than he had 
previously planned.  And, in fact, there's been some recent trend for the 
material leaked to be more specific.  I have my doubts that personal pique 
should have a role in the journalistic process, but Greenwald is only human. 

We're in an unprecedented situation - though one much discussed in many spy 
thriller and science fiction books in the past - where a small group of 
individuals has (apparently well protected) access to information that can do 
really serious damage to a large organization.  One wonders if the intelligence 
community has quite come to grips with what a dangerous position they have 
found themselves in.

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] Availability of plaintext/ciphertext pairs (was Re: In the face of "cooperative" end-points, PFS doesn't help)

2013-09-10 Thread Jerry Leichter
On Sep 10, 2013, at 12:43 PM, Nemo  wrote:
> "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n" is exactly 16 bytes, or one AES block. If the IV is
> sent in the clear -- which it is -- that is one plaintext-ciphertext
> pair right there for every HTTPS connection.
Phil Rogoway has a paper somewhere discussing the right way to implement 
cryptographic modes and API's.  In particular, he recommends changing the 
definition of CBC from:

E_0 = IV # Not transmitted
E_{i+1} = E(E_i XOR P_{i+1})


E_0 = E(IV)  # Not transmitted
E_{i+1} = E(E_i XOR P_{i+1})

This eliminates known plaintext in the first block.  If you use this definition 
for chained CBC - where you use the final block of a segment as the IV for the 
next segment - it also eliminates the known attack (whose name escapes me - it 
was based on an attacker being able to insert a prefix to the next segment 
because he knows the IV it will use before it gets sent) that even caused 
problems for CBC modes in either SSH or TLS.

Beyond this, it changes the requirements on the IV as provided by the user from 
"random" to "never repeated for any given key" - an easier requirement that's 
much less likely to be accidentally violated.

The cost of this is one extra block encryption at each end of the link, per CBC 
segment - pretty trivial.  When I implemented a protocol that relied on CBC, I 
made this the exposed primitive.  When I later learned of the prefix attack, I 
was gratified to see that my code was already immune.

It actually amazes me that anyone uses the raw IV for the first XOR any more.

-- Jerry

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] Availability of plaintext/ciphertext pairs (was Re: In the face of "cooperative" end-points, PFS doesn't help)

2013-09-10 Thread Jerry Leichter
On Sep 10, 2013, at 5:49 PM, "Perry E. Metzger"  wrote:
>> Phil Rogoway has a paper somewhere discussing the right way to
>> implement cryptographic modes and API's.
> It would be useful to get a URL for it.
>> In particular, he recommends changing the definition of
>> E_0 = E(IV)  # Not transmitted
>> E_{i+1} = E(E_i XOR P_{i+1})
> You make no mention there of whether the key used to encrypt the IV
> is the same as that used for the plaintext.
As I recall the proposal, it was the same key.  (Generating a different one for 
this purpose is pointless - it would have to be random, in which case you might 
as well generate the IV randomly.)

> I presume if you need a lot of IVs (see protocols like IPsec), and have 
> enough key material, a second key might be of value for that -- but I don't 
> know what all the ins and outs are, and would prefer to read the literature...
I searched around but couldn't find it; the proposal apparently was not 
Rogoway's.  It apparently appears in NIST 800-38A (2001), with no citation.  In 
searching around, I came across a recent, unpublished paper by Rogoway:
That paper - which does detailed analyses of a large number of modes - 
indicates that more recent work has shown that this technique for choosing an 
IV is *not* secure (against a certain class of attacks) and recommends against 
using it.

I highly recommend that paper.  In fact, I highly recommend everything Rogoway 
has written.  We've been discussing authentication and session key exchange - 
he and Bellare wrote about the problem in 1993 giving provably secure 
algorithms for the 2-party case, and two years later extending the work to the 
3-party case.
-- Jerry

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] The One True Cipher Suite

2013-09-10 Thread Jerry Leichter
On Sep 9, 2013, at 12:00 PM, Phillip Hallam-Baker wrote:
> Steve Bellovin has made the same argument and I agree with it. Proliferation 
> of cipher suites is not helpful. 
> The point I make is that adding a strong cipher does not make you more 
> secure. Only removing the option of using weak ciphers makes you more secure.
I'm not so sure I agree.  You have to consider the monoculture problem, 
combined with the threat you are defending against.

The large burst of discussion on this list was set off by Perry's request for 
ways to protect against the kinds of broad-scale, gather-everything attacks 
that Snowden has told us the NSA is doing.  So consider things from the side of 
someone attempting to mount this kind of attack:

1.  If everyone uses the same cipher, the attacker need only attack that one 
2.  If there are thousands of ciphers in use, the attacker needs to attack some 
large fraction of them.

As a defender, if I go route 1, I'd better be really, really, really sure that 
my cipher won't fall to any attacks over its operational lifetime - which, if 
it's really universal, will extend many years *even beyond a point where a 
weakness is found*.

On the other hand, even if most of the ciphers in my suite are only moderately 
strong, the chance of any particular one of them having been compromised is 

This is an *ensemble* argument, not an *individual* argument.  If I'm facing an 
attacker who is concentrating on my messages in particular, then I want the 
strongest cipher I can find.

Another way of looking at this is that Many Ciphers trades higher partial 
failure probabilities for lower total/catastrophic failure probabilities.

Two things are definitely true, however:

1.  If you don't remove ciphers that are found to be bad, you will eventually 
pollute your ensemble to the point of uselessness.  If you want to go the "many 
different ciphers" approach, you *must* have an effective way to do this.

2.  There must be a large set of potentially good ciphers out there to choose 
from.  I contend that we're actually in a position to create reasonably good 
block ciphers fairly easily.  Look at the AES process.  Of the 15 round 1 
candidates, a full third made it to the final round - which means that no 
significant attacks against them were known.  Some of the rejected ones failed 
due to minor "certificational" weaknesses - weaknesses that should certainly 
lead you not to want to choose them as "the One True Cipher", but which would 
in and of themselves not render breaking them trivial.  And, frankly, for most 
purposes, any of the five finalists would have been fine - much of the final 
choice was made for performance reasons.  (And, considering Dan Bernstein's 
work on timing attacks based on table lookups, the performance choices made bad 
assumptions about actual hardware!)

I see no reason not to double-encrypt, using different keys and any two 
algorithms from the ensemble.  Yes, meet-in-the-middle attacks mean this isn't 
nearly as strong as you might naively think, but it ups the resource demands on 
the attacker much more than on the defender.

Now, you can argue that AES - the only cipher really in the running for the One 
True Symmetric Cipher position at the moment - is so strong that worrying about 
attacks on it is pointless - the weaknesses are elsewhere.  I'm on the fence 
about that; it's hard to know.  But if you're going to argue for One True 
Cipher, you must be explicit about this (inherently unprovable) assumption; 
without it your argument fails.

The situation is much more worse for the asymmetric case:  We only have a few 
alternatives available and there are many correlations among their potential 
weaknesses, so the Many Ciphers approach isn't currently practical, so there's 
really nothing to debate at this point.

Finally, I'll point out that what we know publicly about NSA practices says 
that (a) they believe in multiple ciphers for different purposes; (b) they 
believe in the strength of AES, but only up to a certain point.  At this point, 
I'd be very leery of taking anything NSA says or reveals about it practices at 
face value, but there it is.
-- Jerry

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] Techniques for malevolent crypto hardware

2013-09-10 Thread Jerry Leichter
On Sep 9, 2013, at 9:17 AM, Kent Borg wrote:
>> Which brings into the light the question:  Just *why* have so many random 
>> number generators proved to be so weak.
> Your three cases left off an important one: Not bothering to seed the PRNG at 
> all.  I think the Java/Android cryptographic (!) library bug that just came 
> up was an instance of that.
> I think the root of the problem is that programs are written, and bugs 
> squashed, until the program works. Maybe throw some additional testing at it 
> if we are being thorough, but then business pressures and boredom says ship 
> it.
> That won't catch a PRNG that wasn't seeded, nor a hashed password that wasn't 
> salted, the unprotected URL, the SQL injection path, buffer overflow, etc.
Good observations, but I think you're being too pessimistic.  All the examples 
you give *could* be tested - but not by "ignorant black box testing" - testing 
that ignores not just what's inside the box, but the actual requirements on 
what the box is supposed to produce.  A non-seeded PRNG, and even one seeded 
with a very small amount of entropy, will be caught by a test that runs 
multiple instances of the PRNG from the system starting state and ensures that 
the ensemble of first outputs (and, for good measure, the first *couple* of 
outputs) has the right statistics.  Similarly, a test that inserts the same 
password into multiple instances of the same system in the same state can check 
that the hashed versions have the right statistics.  No, these can't catch 
deliberate attack code which produces random-looking values that the attacker 
can predict - no test can.  But it will catch a broad class of common errors.

The others aren't cryptographic issues and require different approaches.

The fact that there are bad testing practices - and that those bad practices 
are used all too often - doesn't mean there aren't good practices, and that 
they could not be applied.  Where the testing is bad because of ignorance of 
what is actually important and how to test for it, learning from the failures 
of the past is the way forward - which was exactly the point of "PRMG failures" 
-- Jerry

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] Market demands for security (was Re: Opening Discussion: Speculation on "BULLRUN")

2013-09-09 Thread Jerry Leichter
On Sep 8, 2013, at 6:49 PM, Phillip Hallam-Baker wrote:
> ...The moral is that we have to find other market reasons to use security. 
> For example simplifying administration of endpoints. I do not argue like some 
> do that there is no market for security so we should give up, I argue that 
> there is little market for something that only provides security and so to 
> sell security we have to attach it to something they want
Quote from the chairman of a Fortune 50 company to a company I used to work 
for, made in the context of a talk to the top people at that company*:  "I 
don't want to buy security products.  I want to buy secure products."

This really captures the situation in a nutshell.  And it's a conundrum for all 
the techies with cool security technologies they want to sell.  Security isn't 
a product; it's a feature.  If there is a place in the world for companies 
selling security solutions, it's as suppliers to those producing something that 
fills some other need - not as suppliers to end users.

-- Jerry

*It's obvious from public facts about me that the company "receiving" this word 
of wisdom was EMC; but I'll leave the other company anonymous.

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] Impossible trapdoor systems (was Re: Opening Discussion: Speculation on "BULLRUN")

2013-09-09 Thread Jerry Leichter
On Sep 8, 2013, at 8:37 PM, James A. Donald wrote:
>> Your magic key must then take any block of N bits and magically
>> produce the corresponding plaintext when any given ciphertext
>> might correspond to many, many different plaintexts depending
>> on the key
> Suppose that the mappings from 2^N plaintexts to 2^N ciphertexts are not 
> random, but rather orderly, so that given one element of the map, one can 
> predict all the other elements of the map.
> Suppose, for example the effect of encryption was to map a 128 bit block to a 
> group, map the key to the group, add the key to the block, and map back
Before our current level of understanding of block ciphers, people actually 
raised - and investigated - the question of whether the DES operations formed a 
group.  (You can do this computationally with reasonable resources.  The answer 
is that it isn't.)  I don't think anyone has repeated the particular experiment 
with the current crop of block ciphers; but then I expect the details of their 
construction, and the attacks they are already explicitly built to avoid, would 
rule out the possibility.  But I don't know.

Stepping back, what you are considering is the possibility that there's a 
structure in the block cipher such that if you have some internal information, 
and you have some collection of plaintext/ciphertext pairs with respect to a 
given key, you can predict other (perhaps all) such pairs.  This is just 
another way of saying there's a ciphertext/known plaintext/chosen plaintext/ 
chosen ciphertext attack, depending on your assumptions about how that 
collection of pairs must be created.  That it's conveniently expressible as 
some kind of mathematical structure on the mappings generated by the cipher for 
a given key is neither here nor there.

Such a thing would contradict everything we think we know about block ciphers. 
Sure, it *could* happen - but I'd put it way, way down the list of possibles.

-- Jerry

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] Usage models (was Re: In the face of "cooperative" end-points, PFS doesn't help)

2013-09-09 Thread Jerry Leichter
On Sep 8, 2013, at 11:41 PM, james hughes wrote:
>>> In summary, it would appear that the most viable solution is to make
>> I don't see how it's possible to make any real progress within the existing 
>> cloud model, so I'm with you 100% here.  (I've said the same earlier.)
> Could cloud computing be a red herring? Banks and phone companies all give up 
> personal information to governments (Verizon?) and have been doing this long 
> before and long after cloud computing was a fad
It's a matter of context.  For data I'm deliberately sharing with some company 
- sure, cloud is fine.  As I mentioned elsewhere, if the NSA wants to spend 
huge resources to break in to my purchasing transactions with Amazon, I may 
care as a citizen that they are wasting their money - but as a personal matter, 
it's not all that much of a big deal, as that information is already being 
gathered, aggregated, bought, and sold on a mass basis.  If they want to know 
about my buying habits and financial transactions, Axciom can sell them all 
they need for a couple of bucks.

On the other hand, I don't want them recording my chats or email or phone 
conversations.  It's *that* stuff that is "out in the cloud" these days, and as 
long as it remains out there in a form that someone other than I and those I'm 
communicating with can decrypt, it's subject to attacks - attacks so pervasive 
that I don't see how you could ever built a system (technical or legal) to 
protect against them.  The only way to win is not to play.

-- Jerry

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] Points of compromise

2013-09-09 Thread Jerry Leichter
On Sep 8, 2013, at 1:53 PM, Phillip Hallam-Baker wrote:

> I was asked to provide a list of potential points of compromise by a 
> concerned party. I list the following so far as possible/likely:
It's not clear to me what kinds of compromises you're considering.  You've 
produced a list of a number of possibilities, but not even mentioned whole 
classes of them - e.g., back doors in ECC.

I've expanded, however, on one element of your list.
> 2) Covert channel in Cryptographic accelerator hardware.
> It is possible that cryptographic accelerators have covert channels leaking 
> the private key through TLS (packet alignment, field ordering, timing, etc.) 
> or in key generation (kleptography of the RSA modulus a la Motti Young). 
There are two sides to a compromise in accelerator hardware:  Grabbing the 
information, and exfiltrating it.  The examples you give - and much discussion, 
because its fun to consider such stuff - look at clever ways to exfiltrate 
stolen information along with the data it refers to.

However, to a patient attacker with large resources, a different approach is 
easier:  Have the planted hardware gather up keys and exfiltrate them when it 
can.  The attacker builds up a large database of possible keys - many millions, 
even billions, of keys - but still even an exhaustive search against that 
database is many orders of magnitude easier than an exhaustive search on an 
entire keyspace, and quite plausible - consider Venona.  In addition, the 
database can be searched intelligently based on spatial/temporal/organizational 
"closeness" to the message being attacked.

An attack of this sort means you need local memory in the device - pretty cheap 
these days, though of course it depends on the device - and some way of 
exfiltrating that data later.  There are many ways one might do that, from the 
high tech (when asked to encrypt a message with a particular key, or bound to a 
particular target, instead encrypt - with some other key - and send - to some 
other target - the data to be exfiltrated) to low (pay someone with physical 
access to plug a USB stick into the device periodically).

-- Jerry

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] Techniques for malevolent crypto hardware

2013-09-08 Thread Jerry Leichter
On Sep 8, 2013, at 9:15 PM, Perry E. Metzger wrote:
>> I don't see the big worry about how hard it is to generate random 
>> numbers unless:
> Lenstra, Heninger and others have both shown mass breaks of keys based
> on random number generator flaws in the field. Random number
> generators have been the source of a huge number of breaks over time.
> Perhaps you don't see the big worry, but real world experience says
> it is something everyone else should worry about anyway.
Which brings into the light the question:  Just *why* have so many random 
number generators proved to be so weak.  If we knew the past trouble spots, we 
could try to avoid them, or at least pay special care to them during reviews, 
in the future.

I'm going entirely off of memory here and a better, more data-driven approach, 
might be worth doing, but I can think of three broad classes of root causes of 
past breaks:

1.  The designers just plain didn't understand the problem and used some 
obvious - and, in retrospect, obviously wrong - technique.  (For example, they 
didn't understand the concept of entropy and simply fed a low-entropy source 
into a whitener of some kind - often MD5 or SHA-1.  The result can *look* 
impressively random, but is cryptographically worthless.)

2.  The entropy available from the sources used was much less, at least in some 
circumstances (e.g., at startup) than the designers assumed.

3.  The code used in good random sources can look "strange" to programmers not 
familiar with it, and may even look buggy.  Sometimes good generators get 
ruined by later programmers who "clean up the code".

-- Jerry

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] Der Spiegel: "NSA Can Spy on Smart Phone Data"

2013-09-08 Thread Jerry Leichter
Apparently this was just a "teaser" article.  The following is apparently the 
full story:  I can't tell for 
sure - it's the German original, and my German is non-existent.

-- Jerry

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] In the face of "cooperative" end-points, PFS doesn't help

2013-09-08 Thread Jerry Leichter
On Sep 8, 2013, at 7:16 PM, james hughes wrote:
> Let me suggest the following. 
> With RSA, a single quiet "donation" by the site and it's done. The situation 
> becomes totally passive and there is no possibility knowing what has been
> read.  The system administrator could even do this without the executives 
> knowing.
An additional helper:  Re-keying.  Suppose you send out a new public key, 
signed with your old one, once a week.  Keep the chain of replacements posted 
publicly so that someone who hasn't connected to you in a while can confirm the 
entire sequence from the last public key he knew to the current one.  If 
someone sends you a message with an invalid key (whether it was ever actually 
valid or not - it makes no difference), you just send them an update.

An attacker *could* sent out a fake update with your signature, but that would 
be detected almost immediately.  So a one-time "donation" is now good for a 
week.  Sure, the leaker can keep leaking - but the cost is now considerably
greater, and ongoing.
-- Jerry

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] Usage models (was Re: In the face of "cooperative" end-points, PFS doesn't help)

2013-09-08 Thread Jerry Leichter
On Sep 8, 2013, at 3:51 PM, Perry E. Metzger wrote:
>> Even for one-to-one discussions, these days, people want
>> transparent movement across their hardware.  If I'm in a chat
>> session on my laptop and leave the house, I'd like to be able to
>> continue on my phone.  How do I hand off the conversation - and the
>> keys?
> I wrote about this a couple of weeks ago, see:
> In summary, it would appear that the most viable solution is to make
> the end-to-end encryption endpoint a piece of hardware the user owns
> (say the oft mentioned $50 Raspberry Pi class machine on their home
> net) and let the user interact with it over an encrypted connection
> (say running a normal protocol like Jabber client to server
> protocol over TLS, or IMAP over TLS, or https: and a web client.)
> It is a compromise, but one that fits with the usage pattern almost
> everyone has gotten used to. It cannot be done with the existing
> cloud model, though -- the user needs to own the box or we can't
> simultaneously maintain current protocols (and thus current clients)
> and current usage patterns.
I don't see how it's possible to make any real progress within the existing 
cloud model, so I'm with you 100% here.  (I've said the same earlier.)

What's hard is making this so simple and transparent that anyone can do it 
without thinking about it.  Again, think of the iMessage model:  If Apple 
hadn't larded it up with extra features (that, granted, most of its users 
probably want), we would today have tens of millions of people exchanging 
end-to-end, private messages without doing anything special or even thinking 
about it.  (Yes, Apple could have been forced to weaken it after the fact - but 
it would have had to be by sending an update that broke the software.)

Apple has built some surprisingly well protected stuff (along with some really 
broken stuff).  There's an analysis somewhere out there of how iOS device 
backups work.  Apple gives you a choice of an "encrypted" or an "unencrypted" 
backup.  Bizarrely, the "unencrypted" one actually has some of the most 
sensitive data encrypted using secret information *locked into the device 
itself* - where it would take significant hardware hacking (as far as anyone 
knows) to get at it; in an encrypted backup, this information is decrypted by 
the device, then encrypted with the backup key.  So in some ways, it's 
*stronger* - an "unencrypted" backup can only be restored to the iOS device 
that created it, while if you know the password, an "encrypted" backup can be 
restored to any device - which is the point.  (Actually, you can restore an 
"unencrypted" backup to a new device, too, but the most sensitive items - e.g., 
stored passwords - are lost as the information to access them is present only
  in the old device.)  You'd never really know any of this from Apple's 
extremely sparse documentation, mind you - it took someone hacking at the 
implementation to figure it out.

I don't agree, at all, with the claim that users are not interested in privacy 
or security.  But (a) they often don't know how exposed they are - something 
the Snowden papers are educating many about; (b) they don't know how to judge 
what's secure and what isn't (gee, can any of us, post-Snowden?); (c) 
especially given the previous two items, but even without them, there's a limit 
to how much crap they'll put up with.  The bar for perceived quality and 
simplicity of interface these days is - thanks mainly to Apple - incredibly 
high.  Techies may bitch and moan that this is all just surface glitz, that 
what's important is underneath - but if you want to reach beyond a small 
coterie of hackers, you have to get that stuff right.

-- Jerry

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] Der Spiegel: "NSA Can Spy on Smart Phone Data"

2013-09-08 Thread Jerry Leichter
On Sep 8, 2013, at 6:09 PM, Perry E. Metzger wrote:
> Not very surprising given everything else, but I thought I would
> forward the link. It more or less contends that the NSA has exploits
> for all major smartphones, which should not be surprising

A remarkably poor article.  Just what does "gain access to" mean?  There are 
boxes sold to law enforcement (but never, of course, to the bad guys) that 
claim they can get access to any phone out there.  If it's unlocked, everything 
is there for the taking; if it's locked, *some* of it is hard to get to, but 
most isn't.  Same goes for Android.

The article mentions that if they can get access to a machine the iPhone syncs 
with, they can get into the iPhone.  Well golly gee.  There was an attack 
reported just in the last couple of weeks in which someone built an attack into 
a fake charger!  Grab a charge at a public charger, get infected for  your 
trouble.  Apple's fixed that in the next release by prompting the user for 
permission whenever an unfamiliar device asks for connection.  But if you're in 
the machine the user normally connects to, that won't help.  Nothing, really, 
will help.

Really, for the common phones out there, the NSA could easily learn how to do 
this stuff with a quick Google search - and maybe paying a couple of thousand 
bucks to some of the companies that do it for a living.

The article then goes on to say the NSA can get SMS texts.  No kidding - so can 
the local cops.  It's all unencrypted, and the Telco's are only too happy to 
cooperate with govmint' agencies.

The only real news in the whole business is that they claim to have gotten into 
Blackberry's mail system.  It's implied that they bought an employee with the 
access needed to weaken things for them.
-- Jerry

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] Why prefer symmetric crypto over public key crypto?

2013-09-08 Thread Jerry Leichter
On Sep 8, 2013, at 1:08 PM, Jerry Leichter wrote:

> On Sep 8, 2013, at 1:06 PM, Jerry Leichter wrote:
>> There was a proposal out there based on something very much like this to 
>> create tamper-evident signatures
Jonathan Katz found the paper I was thinking of -
-- Jerry

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] In the face of "cooperative" end-points, PFS doesn't help

2013-09-08 Thread Jerry Leichter
On Sep 7, 2013, at 11:16 PM, Marcus D. Leech wrote:
> Jeff Schiller pointed out a little while ago that the crypto-engineering 
> community have largely failed to make end-to-end encryption easy to use.  
> There are reasons for that, some technical, some political, but it is 
> absolutely true that end-to-end encryption, for those cases where "end to 
> end" is the obvious and natural model, has not significantly materialized on 
> the Internet.  Relatively speaking, a handful of crypto-nerds use end-to-end 
> schemes for e-mail and chat clients, and so on, but the vast majority of the 
> Internet user-space?  Not so much.
I agree, but the situation is complicated.  Consider chat.  If it's one-to-one, 
end-to-end encryption is pretty simple and could be made simple to use; but 
people also want to chat rooms, which are a much more complicated key 
management problem - unless you let the server do the encryption.  Do you 
enable it only for one-to-one conversations?  Provide different interfaces for 
one-to-one and chat room discussions?

Even for one-to-one discussions, these days, people want transparent movement 
across their hardware.  If I'm in a chat session on my laptop and leave the 
house, I'd like to be able to continue on my phone.  How do I hand off the 
conversation - and the keys?  (What this actually shows is the complexity of 
defining "the endpoint".  From the protocol's point of view, the endpoint is 
first my laptop, then my phone.  From the user's point of view, the endpoint is 
 the user!  How do we reconcile these points of view?  Or does the difference 
go away if we assume the endpoint is always the phone, since it's always with 
me anyway?)

The same kinds of questions arise for other communications modalities, but are 
often more complex.  One-to-one voice?  Sure, we could easily end-to-end 
encrypt that.  But these days everyone expects to do conference calls.  
Handling those is quite a bit more complex.

There does appear to be some consumer interest here.  Apple found it worthwhile 
to advertise that iMessage - which is used in a completely transparent way, you 
don't even have to opt in for it to replace SMS for iOS to iOS messages - is 
end-to-end encrypted.  (And, it appears that it *is* end-to-end encrypted - but 
unfortunately key establishment protocols leave Apple with the keys - which 
allows them to provide useful services, like making your chat logs visible on 
brand new hardware, but also leaves holes of course.)  Silent Circle, among 
others, makes their living off of selling end-to-end encrypted chat sessions, 
but they've got a tiny, tiny fraction of the customer base Apple has.

I think you first need to decide *exactly* what services you're going to 
provide in a secure fashion, and then what customers are willing to do without 
(multi-party support, easy movement to new devices, backwards compatibility 
perhaps) before you can begin to design something new with any chance of 
-- Jerry

-- Jerry

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] Why prefer symmetric crypto over public key crypto?

2013-09-08 Thread Jerry Leichter
On Sep 8, 2013, at 1:06 PM, Jerry Leichter wrote:
> There was a proposal out there based on something very much like this to 
> create tamper-evident signatures.  I forget the details - it was a couple of 
> years ago - but the idea was that every time you sign something, you modify 
> your key in some random way, resulting in signatures that are still 
> verifiably yours, but also contain the new random modification.  Beyond that, 
> I don't recall how it worked - it was quite clever... ah, here it is:  
Spoke too quickly - that paper is something else entirely.  I still can't 
locate the one I was thinking of.
-- Jerry

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] Why prefer symmetric crypto over public key crypto?

2013-09-08 Thread Jerry Leichter
On Sep 8, 2013, at 10:45 AM, Ray Dillinger wrote:
>> Pairwise shared secrets are just about the only thing that scales
>> worse than public key distribution by way of PGP key fingerprints on
>> business cards.  
>> If we want secure crypto that can be used by everyone, with minimal
>> trust, public key is the only way to do it.
>> One pretty sensible thing to do is to remember keys established in
>> previous sessions, and use those combined with the next session.
> You've answered your own conundrum!
> Of course the idea of remembering keys established in previous
> sessions and using them combined with keys negotiated in the next
> session is a scalable way of establishing and updating pairwise
> shared secrets
It's even better than you make out.  If Eve does manage to get hold of the 
Alice's current keys, and uses them to communicate with Bob, *after the 
communication, Bob will have updated his keys - but Alice will not have*.  The 
next time they communicate, they'll know they've been compromised.  That is, 
this is tamper-evident cryptography.

There was a proposal out there based on something very much like this to create 
tamper-evident signatures.  I forget the details - it was a couple of years ago 
- but the idea was that every time you sign something, you modify your key in 
some random way, resulting in signatures that are still verifiably yours, but 
also contain the new random modification.  Beyond that, I don't recall how it 
worked - it was quite clever... ah, here it is:
-- Jerry

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] Opening Discussion: Speculation on "BULLRUN"

2013-09-08 Thread Jerry Leichter
On Sep 7, 2013, at 11:45 PM, John Kelsey wrote:

> Let's suppose I design a block cipher such that, with a randomly generated 
> key and 10,000 known plaintexts, I can recover that key At this point, 
> what I have is a trapdoor one-way function.  You generate a random key K and 
> then compute E(K,i) for i = 1 to 1.  The output of the one-way function 
> is the ciphertext.  The input is K.  If nobody can break the cipher, then 
> this is a one-way funciton.  If only I, who designed it, can break it, then 
> it's a trapdoor one-way function At this point, I have a perfectly fine 
> public key encryption system.  To send me a message, choose a random K, use 
> it to encrypt 1 through 1, and then send me the actual message encrypted 
> after that in K.  If nobody but me can break the system, then this cipher 
> works as my public key.
OK, let's look at this another way.  The broader argument being made here 
breaks down into three propositions:

1.  If you have a way to "spike" a block cipher based on embedding a secret in 
it, you can a way to create something with the formal properties of a public 
key cryptosystem - i.e., there is a function E(P) which anyone can compute on 
any plaintext P, but given E(P), only you can invert to recover P.

2.  Something with the formal properties of a public key cryptosystem can be 
used as a *practical* public key cryptosystem.

3.  A practical public-key cryptosystem is much more valuable than a way to 
embed a secret in a block cipher, so if anyone came up with the latter, they 
would certainly use it to create the former, as it's been "the holy grail" of 
cryptography for many years to come up with a public key system that didn't 
depend on complex mathematics with uncertain properties.

If we assume these three propositions, and looks around us and observe the lack 
of the appropriate kinds of public key systems, we can certainly conclude that 
no one knows how to embed a secret in a block cipher.

Proposition 1, which is all you specifically address, is certainly true.  I 
claim that Propositions 2 and 3 are clearly false.

In fact, Proposition 3 isn't even vaguely mathematical - it's some kind of 
statement about the values that cryptographers assign to different kinds of 
primitives and to publication.  It's quite true that if anyone in the academic 
world were to come up with a way to create a practical public key cryptosystem 
without a dependence on factoring or DLP, they would publish to much acclaim.  
(Of course, there *are* a couple of such systems known - they were published 
years ago - but no one uses them for various reasons.  So "acclaim" ... well, 
maybe.)  Then again, an academic cryptographer who discovered a way to hide a 
secret in a block cipher would certainly publish - it would be really 
significant work.  So we never needed this whole chain of propositions to begin 
with:  It's self-evidently true that no one in the public community knows how 
to embed a secret in a block cipher.

But ... since we're talking *values*, what are NSA's values?  Would *they* have 
any reason to publish if they found a way to embed a secret in a block cipher? 
Hell, no!  Why would they want to give away such valuable knowledge?  Would 
they produce a private-key system based on their breakthrough?  Maybe, for 
internal use.  How would we ever know?

But let's talk mathematics, not psychology and politics.  You've given a 
description of a kind of back door that *would* produce a practical public key 
system.  But I've elsewhere pointed out that there are all kinds of back doors. 
 Suppose that my back door reduces the effective key size of AES to 40 bits.  
Even 20+ years ago, NSA was willing to export 40-bit crypto; presumably they 
were willing to do the brute-force computation to break it.  Today, it would be 
a piece of cake.  But would a public-key system that requires around 2^40 
operations to encrypt be *practical*?  Even today, I doubt it.  And if you're 
willing to do 2^40 operations, are you willing to do 2^56?  With specialized 
hardware, that, too, has been easy for years.  NSA can certainly have that 
specialized hardware for code breaking - will you buy it for encryption?

> The assumption that matters here is that you know enough cryptanalysis that 
> it would be hard to hide a practical attack from you.  If you don't know 
> about differential cryptanalysis, I can do the master key cryptosystem, but 
> only until you learn about it, at which point you will break my cipher.
In fact, this is an example I was going to give:  In a world in which 
differential crypto isn't known, it *is* a secret that's a back door.  Before 
DC was published, people seriously proposed strengthening DES by using a 
448-bit (I think that's the number) key - just toss the round key computation 
mechanism and provide all the keying for all the rounds.  If that had been 
widely used, NSA would have been able to break it use DC.

Of course we know about DC.

Re: [Cryptography] Why prefer symmetric crypto over public key crypto?

2013-09-08 Thread Jerry Leichter
On Sep 7, 2013, at 11:06 PM, Christian Huitema wrote:

>> Pairwise shared secrets are just about the only thing that scales worse than 
>> public key distribution by way of PGP key fingerprints on business cards.  > 
>> The equivalent of CAs in an all-symmetric world is KDCs  If we want 
>> secure crypto that can be used by everyone, with minimal trust, public key 
>> is the only way to do it.  
> I am certainly not going to advocate Internet-scale KDC. But what if the 
> application does not need to scale more than a "network of friends?"
Indeed, that was exactly what I had in mind when I suggested we might want to 
do without private key cryptography on another stream.

Not every problem needs to be solved on Internet scale.  In designing and 
building cryptographic systems simplicity of design, limitation to purpose, and 
humility are usually more important the universality.  Most of the email 
conversations I have are with people I've corresponded with in the past, or 
somehow related to people I've corresponded with in the past.  In the first 
case, I already have their keys - the only really meaningful notion of "the 
right key" is key continuity (combined with implied verification if we also 
have other channels of communication - if someone manages to slip me a bogus 
key for someone who I talk to every day, I'm going to figure that out very 
quickly.)  In the second case - e.g., an email address from a From field in a 
message on this list - the best I can possibly hope for initially is that I can 
be certain I'm corresponding with whoever sent that message to the list.  
There's no way I can bind that to a particular person in the real world wit
 hout something more.

Universal schemes, when (not if - there's no a single widely fielded system 
that hasn't been found to have serious bugs over its operation lifetime, and I 
don't expect to see one in *my* lifetime) they fail, lead to universal attacks. 
 I need some kind of universal scheme for setting up secure connections to buy 
something from a vendor I never used before, but frankly the NSA doesn't need 
to break into anything to get that information - the vendor, my bank, my CC 
company, credit agencies are call collecting and selling it anyway.

The other thing to keep in mind - and I've come back to this point repeatedly - 
is that the world we are now designing for is very different from the world of 
the mid- to late-1990's when the current schemes were designed.  Disk is so 
large and so cheap that any constraint in the old designs that was based on a 
statement like "doing this would require the user to keep n^2 keys pairs, which 
is too much" just doesn't make any sense any more - certainly not for 
individuals, not even for small organizations:  If n is determined by the 
number of correspondents you have, then squaring it still gives you a small 
number relative to current disk sizes.  Beyond that, everyone today (or in the 
near future) can be assumed to carry with them computing power that rivals or 
exceeds the fastest machines available back in the day - and to have an 
always-on network connection whose speed rivals that of *backbone* links back 

Yes, there are real issues about how much you can trust that computer you carry 
around with you - but after the recent revelations, is the situation all that 
different for the servers you talk to, the routers in the network between you, 
the crypto accelerators many of the services use - hell, every piece of 
hardware and software.  For most people, that will always be the situation:  
They will not be in a position to check their hardware, much less build their 
own stuff from the ground up.  In this situation, about all you can do is try 
to present attackers with as many *different* targets as possible, so that they 
need to split their efforts.  It's guerrilla warfare instead of a massed army.

-- Jerry

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] Symmetric cipher + Backdoor = Public Key System

2013-09-08 Thread Jerry Leichter
On Sep 7, 2013, at 7:56 PM, Perry E. Metzger wrote:
>> I'm not as yet seeing that a block cipher with a backdoor is a public 
>> key system,
> Then read the Blaze & Feigenbaum paper I posted a link to. It makes a
> very good case for that, one that Jerry unaccountably does not seem to
> believe. Blaze seemed to still believe the result as of a few days ago.
I've given quite a bit of argument as to why the result doesn't really say what 
it seems to say.  Feel free to respond to the actual counterexamples I gave, 
rather than simply say I "unaccountably" don't believe the paper.

-- Jerry

The cryptography mailing list

[Cryptography] New task for the NSA

2013-09-07 Thread Jerry Leichter
The NY Times has done a couple of reports over the last couple of months about 
the incomprehensibility of hospital bills, even to those within the industry - 
and the refusal of hospitals to discuss their charge rates, claiming that what 
they will bill you for a treatment is "proprietary".

Clearly, it's time to sic the NSA on the medical care system's billing offices. 
 Let them do something really useful for a change!

-- Jerry :-)

The cryptography mailing list

[Cryptography] How to get really paranoid

2013-09-07 Thread Jerry Leichter
So I'm reading some of the recent threads here, and all of a sudden, 
warns me of a problem with a cert.  I have an old, essentially unused, Yahoo 
email address that came along for free when I got DSL from AT&T years ago.  As 
with all my email connections, I require SSL - which may be about as effective 
as tossing salt over my shoulder, but hey, it's still the best we've got.  It's 
been working fine - well, the servers are noticeably slow - for years.  All of 
a sudden, I'm told by that it can't verify the cert for connecting to because it was signed by an unknown authority.  Its signer 
is DigiCert - it's a "DigiCert High Assurance CA-3" signing certificate.  
Expires on November 13 of this year.

Bizarre.  Time to replenish my stocks of aluminum foil.  :-)

-- Jerry

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] Protecting Private Keys

2013-09-07 Thread Jerry Leichter
On Sep 7, 2013, at 10:20 AM, Jeffrey I. Schiller wrote:
> One of the most obvious ways to compromise a cryptographic system is
> to get the keys. This is a particular risk in TLS/SSL when PFS is not
> used. Consider a large scale site (read: Google, Facebook, etc.) that
> uses SSL. The private keys of the relevant certificates needs to be
> literally on hundreds if not thousands of systems. Chances are they
> are not encrypted on those systems so those systems can auto-restart
> without human intervention. Those systems also break
> periodically. What happens to the broken pieces, say a broken hard
> drive?
I can tell you, in broad terms, what happens at Google:  The disks are 
physically destroyed, on site.  Every disk is tracked from cradle to grave - 
checked into the datacenter, where it receives a unique ID; checked in and out 
of the machine, carts that are used to move devices around datacenters 
(otherwise a great way to lose track of something), various secure storage 
facilities (on site), and on to eventual destruction.  No drive that was ever 
plugged into a live machine ever leaves its data center in a condition that the 
data on it is recoverable.  (This despite the fact that in many cases the data 
on the disk is already encrypted.)

Actual long-term key storage is done in a relatively small of locations.  And 
there are various other tricks to make it hard to get information out of a 
machine should you somehow get it out of the facility, and to make it hard to 
sneak a machine of your own *into* the facility.

While Google's particular approaches are unique, other large-scale providers 
who are concerned about security do the same general kind of thing.  I seem to 
recall seeing a description of how Facebook similarly tracks and manages disk 
drives, for example.

It would be nice if there were some published standards for such things and a 
third-party auditing mechanism.
-- Jerry

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] Opening Discussion: Speculation on "BULLRUN"

2013-09-07 Thread Jerry Leichter
On Sep 7, 2013, at 12:31 AM, Jon Callas wrote:
>> I'm sorry, but this is just nonsense.  You're starting with informal, rough 
>> definitions and claiming a mathematical theorem.
> Actually, I'm doing the opposite. I'm starting with a theorem and arguing 
> informally from there
Actually, if you look at the papers cited, *they* are themselves informal.  The 
fundamental thing they are lacking is a definition of what would constitute a 
"master key".  Let's see if we can formalize this a bit:

We're given a block cipher E(K,P) and a corresponding decryption algorithm 
D(K,C).  The system has a master key M such that D(E(K,P),M) == P.  This is 
what a "master key" does in a traditional lock-and-key system, so unless we see 
some other definition, it's what we have to start with.  Is there such a 
system?  Sure, trivially.  Given any block cipher E'/D', I simply define E(K,P) 
= E'(M,K) || E'(K,P).  (I can optimize the extra length by leaking one randomly 
chosen bit of E'(M,K) per block.  It won't take long for the whole key to be 
transmitted.)  OK, where's the public key system?

So maybe there isn't *one* master key, but let's go to the extreme and say 
there is one unique master per user key, based on some secret information S.  
That is:  Given K, there is a function F(S,K) which produces a *different* key 
K', with the property that D(K,C) == D(K',C).  Or maybe, as in public key 
systems, you start with S and some random bits and produce a matched pair K and 
K'  But how is this a "master key" system?  If I wasn't "present at the birth" 
of the K that produced the cyphertext I have in hand ... to get K' now, I need 
K (first form) or S and the random bits (second form), which also gives me K 
directly.  So what have I gained?

I can construct a system of the first form trivially:  Just use an n-bit key 
but ignore the first bit completely.  There are now two keys, one with a 
leading 0, one with a leading 1.  Constructing a system of the second form 
shouldn't be hard, though I haven't done it.  In either case, it's 
uninteresting - my "master key" is as hard to get at as the original key.

I'm not sure exactly where to go next.  Let's try to modify some constraints.  
Eliminate directly hiding the key in the output by requiring that E(K,.) be a 
bijection.  There can't possibly be a single master key M, since if there were, 
what could D(M,E(M,0...0)) be?  It must be E(K,0...0) for any possible K, so 
E(K,0...0) must be constant - and in fact E must be constant.  Not very 
interesting.  In fact, a counting argument shows that there must be as many M's 
as there are K's.  It looks as we're back to the two-fold mapping on keys 
situation.  But as before ... how could this work?

In fact, it *could* work.  Suppose I use a modified form of E() which ignores 
all but the first 40 bits of K - but I don't know that E is doing this.  I can 
use any (say, 128-bit) key I like, and to someone not in on the secret, a brute 
force attack is impossible.  But someone who knows the secret simply sets all 
but the first 40 bits to 0 and has an easy attack.

*Modified forms (which hid what was happening to some degree) of such things 
were actually done in the days of export controls!*  IBM patented and sold such 
a thing under the name CDMF 
  I worked on adding cryptography to a product back in those days, and we had 
to come up with a way to be able to export our stuff.  I talked to IBM about 
licensing CDMF, but they wanted an absurd amount of money.  (What you were 
actually paying for wasn't the algorithm so much as that NSA had already 
approved products using it for export.)  We didn't want to pay, and I designed 
my own algorithm to do the same thing.  It was a silly problem to have to 
solve, but I was rather proud of the solution - I could probably find my spec 
if anyone cares.  It was also never implemented, first because this was right 
around the time the crypto export controls got loosened; a
 nd second because we ended up deciding we didn't need crypto anyway.  We came 
back and did it very differently much later.  My two fun memories from the 
experience:  (a) Receiving a FAX from NSA - I still have it somewhere; (b) 
being told at one point that we might need someone with crypto clearance to 
work on this stuff with NSA, and one of my co-workers chiming in with "Well, I 
used to have it.  Unfortunately it was from the KGB."

Anyway ... yes, I can implement such a thing - but there's still no public key 
system here.

So ... would *you* like to take a stab at pinning down a definition relative to 
which the theorem you rely on makes sense?

-- Jerry

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] XORing plaintext with ciphertext

2013-09-07 Thread Jerry Leichter
On Sep 7, 2013, at 4:13 AM, Jon Callas wrote:
>> Take the plaintext and the ciphertext, and XOR them together.  Does the 
>> result reveal anything about the key or the painttext?
> It better not. That would be a break of amazing simplicity that transcends 
> broken. 
The question is much more subtle than that, getting deep into how to define a 
the security of a cipher.

Consider a very simplified and limited, but standard, way you'd want to state a 
security result:  A Turing machine with an oracle for computing the encryption 
of any input with any key, when given as input the cyphertext and allowed to 
run for time T polynomial in the size of the key, has no more than an 
probability P less than (something depending on the key size) of guessing any 
given bit of the plaintext.  (OK, I fudged on how you want to state the 
probability - writing this stuff in English rather than mathematical symbols 
rapidly becomes unworkable.)  The fundamental piece of that statement is in 
"given as input..." part:  If the input contains the key itself, then obviously 
the machine has no problem at all producing the plaintext!  Similarly, of 
course, if the input contains the plaintext, the machine has an even easier 
time of it.

You can, and people long ago did, strengthen the requirements.  They allow for 
probabilistic machines as an obvious first step.  Beyond that, you want 
semantic security:  Not only shouldn't the attacking machine be unable to get 
an advantage on any particular bit of plaintext; it shouldn't be able to get an 
advantage on, say, the XOR of the first two bits.  Ultimately, you want so say 
that given any boolean function F, the machine's a postiori probability of 
guessing F(cleartext) should be identical (within some bounds) to its a priori 
probability of guessing F(cleartext).  Since it's hard to get a handle on the 
prior probability, another way to say pretty much the same thing is that the 
probability of a correct guess for F(cleartext) is the same whether the machine 
is given the ciphertext, or a random sequence of bits.  If you push this a bit 
further, you get definitions related to indistinguishability:  The machine is 
simply expected to say "the input is the result of apply
 ing the cipher to some plaintext" or "the input is random"; it shouldn't even 
be able to get an advantage on *that* simple question.

This sounds like a very strong security property (and it is) - but it says 
*nothing at all* about the OP's question!  It can't, because the machine *can't 
compute the XOR of the plaintext and the ciphertext*.  If we *give* it that 
information ... we've just given it the plaintext!

I can't, in fact, think of any way to model the OP's question.  The closest I 
can come is:  If E(K,P) defines a strong cipher (with respect to any of the 
variety of definitions out there), does E'(K,P) = E(K,P) XOR P *also* define a 
strong cipher?  One would think the answer is yes, just on general principles: 
To someone who doesn't know K and P, E(K,P) is "indistinguishable from random 
noise", so E'(K,P) should be the same.  And yet there remains the problem that 
it's not a value that can be computed without knowing P, so it doesn't fit into 
the usual definitional/proof frameworks.  Can anyone point to a proof?

The reason I'm not willing to write this off as "obvious" is an actual failure 
in a very different circumstance.  There was work done at DEC SRC many years 
ago on a system that used a fingerprint function to uniquely identify modules.  
The fingerprints were long enough to avoid the birthday paradox, and were 
computed based on the result of a long series of coin tosses whose results were 
baked into the code.  There was a proof that the fingerprint "looked random".  
And yet, fairly soon after the system went into production, collisions started 
to appear.  They were eventually tracked down to a "merge fingerprints" 
operation, which took the fingerprints of two modules and produces a 
fingerprint of the pair by some simple technique like concatenating the inputs 
and fingerprinting that.  Unfortunately, that operation *violated the 
assumptions of the theorem*.  The theorem said that the outputs of the 
fingerprint operation would look random *if chosen "without knowledge" of the 
 n tosses*.  But the inputs were outputs of the same algorithm, hence "had 
knowledge" of the coin tosses.  (And ... I just found the reference to this.  
See, documentation 
of the Fingerprint interface, page 42.)

-- Jerry

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] Opening Discussion: Speculation on "BULLRUN"

2013-09-06 Thread Jerry Leichter
On Sep 6, 2013, at 8:58 PM, Jon Callas wrote:
>>  I've long suspected that NSA might want this kind of property for some of 
>> its own systems:  In some cases, it completely controls key generation and 
>> distribution, so can make sure the system as fielded only uses "good" keys.  
>> If the algorithm leaks without the key generation tricks leaking, it's not 
>> just useless to whoever grabs onto it - it's positively hazardous.  The gun 
>> that always blows up when the bad guy tries to shoot it
> We know as a mathematical theorem that a block cipher with a back door *is* a 
> public-key system.
I'm sorry, but this is just nonsense.  You're starting with informal, rough 
definitions and claiming a mathematical theorem.

> It is a very, very, very valuable thing, and suggests other mathematical 
> secrets about hitherto unknown ways to make fast, secure public key systems. 
I said all this before.  A back door doesn't have to be fast.  It doesn't have 
to be implementable using amounts of memory that are practical for a fielded 
system.  It may require all kinds of expensive pre-computation to be useful at 
all.  It just has to allow practical attacks.  A back door that reduced the 
effective key size of AES to 40 bits would amount to an effective break of AES, 
but would be "a public key system" only in some very technical and 
uninteresting sense.

And none of this is relevant to whether one could have a system with many weak 
keys.  Some kind of structure in the round computation structure would be an 
obvious place to look.

In fact, now that I think of it, here's a rough example of such a system:  Take 
any secure round-based block cipher and decide that you're not going to use a 
round computation at all - you'll let the user specify the full expanded 
per-round key.  (People proposed doing this with DES as a way of getting beyond 
the 56-bit key size.  It didn't work - DES is inherently good for no more than 
56 bits, more or less.  In general doing this with any decent block cipher 
won't make it any stronger.  But that's not the point of the example.)  There 
are now many weak keys - all kinds of repetitive structures allow for slide 
attacks, for example.  Every bad way of designing a round computation 
corresponds to a set of weak full keys.  On the other hand, for a certain 
subset of the keys - those that could have been produced by the original (good) 
round computation - it's *exactly* the original cipher, with *exactly* the 
original security guarantees.  If I carefully use only keys from that se
 t, I've lost nothing (other than wasted space for a key longer than it needs 
to be).

So now I have a block cipher that has two sets of keys.  One set makes it as 
secure as the original cipher; one set makes it easy to break - my back door.  
Have I just invented a new public key system?
-- Jerry

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] Opening Discussion: Speculation on "BULLRUN"

2013-09-06 Thread Jerry Leichter
Following up on my own posting:
> [The NSA] want to buy COTS because it's much cheap, and COTS is based on 
> standards.  So they have two contradictory constraints:  They want the stuff 
> they buy secure, but they want to be able to break in to exactly the same 
> stuff when anyone else buys it.  [Y]ou have to explain how the goal in NSA's 
> budget [of influencing the commercial crypto community to move in directions 
> NSA can attack] could be carried out in a way consistent with the two 
> constraints.
So here's a thought experiment for a particular approach:  Imagine that it's 
the case that half of all possible AES keys are actually "pseudo-weak", in the 
sense that if you use one of them, some NSA cryptanalytic technique can recover 
the rest of your key with "acceptable (to NSA)" effort.  Their attack fails for 
the other half of all possible keys.  Further, imagine that NSA has a 
recognizer for pseudo-weak keys.  Then their next step is simple:  Get the 
crypto industry to use AES with good, randomizing key generation techniques.  
Make sure that there is more than one approved key generation technique, 
ideally even a way for new techniques to be added in later versions of the 
standard, so that approved implementations have to allow for a choice, leading 
them to separate key generation from key usage.  For the stuff *they* use, add 
another choice, which starts with one of the others and simply rejects 
pseudo-weak keys (or modifies them in some way to produce strong keys.)  T

- Half of all messages the world sends are open to attack by NSA until the COTS 
producers learn of the attack and modify their fielded systems;
- All messages NSA is responsible for are secure, even if the attack becomes 
known to other cryptanalytic services.

I would think NSA would be very happy with such a state of affairs.  (If they 
could arrange it that 255/256 keys are pseudo-weak - well, so much the better.)

Is such an attack against AES *plausible*?  I'd have to say no.  But if you 
were on the stand as an expert witness and were asked under cross-examination 
"Is this *possible*?", I contend the only answer you could give is "I suppose 
so" (with tone and body language trying to signal to the jury that you're being 
forced to give an answer that's true but you don't in your gut believe it).

Could an encryption algorithm be explicitly designed to have properties like 
this?  I don't know of any, but it seems possible.  I've long suspected that 
NSA might want this kind of property for some of its own systems:  In some 
cases, it completely controls key generation and distribution, so can make sure 
the system as fielded only uses "good" keys.  If the algorithm leaks without 
the key generation tricks leaking, it's not just useless to whoever grabs onto 
it - it's positively hazardous.  The gun that always blows up when the bad guy 
tries to shoot it
-- Jerry

The cryptography mailing list

[Cryptography] Bruce Schneier has gotten seriously spooked

2013-09-06 Thread Jerry Leichter
A response he wrote as part of a discussion at

Q: "Could the NSA be intercepting downloads of open-source encryption software 
and silently replacing these with their own versions?"

A: (Schneier) Yes, I believe so.
-- Jerry

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] Sabotaged hardware (was Re: Opening Discussion: Speculation on "BULLRUN")

2013-09-06 Thread Jerry Leichter
On Sep 6, 2013, at 11:37 AM, John Ioannidis wrote:
> I'm a lot more worried about FDE (full disk encryption) features on modern 
> disk drives, for all the obvious reasons.
If you're talking about the FDE features built into disk drives - I don't know 
anyone who seriously trusts it.  Every "secure disk" that's been analyzed has 
been found to be "secured" with amateur-level crypto.  I seem to recall one 
that advertised itself as using AES (you know, military-grade encryption) which 
did something like:  Encrypt the key with AES, then XOR with the result to 
"encrypt" all the data.  Yes, it does indeed "use" AES

There's very little to be gained, and a huge amount to be lost, be leaving the 
crypto to the drive, and whatever proprietary, hacked-up code the bit-twiddlers 
who do driver firmware decide to toss in to meet the marketing requirement of 
being able to say they are secure.  Maybe when they rely on a published 
standard, *and* provide a test mode so I can check to see that what they wrote 
to the surface is what the standard says should be there, I might change my 
mind.  At least them, I'd be worrying about deliberate attacks (which, if you 
can get into the supply chain are trivial - there's tons of space to hide away 
a copy of the key), rather than the nonsense we have today.

> And if I wanted to be truly paranoid, I'd worry about HSMs to
Now, wouldn't compromising HSM's be sweet.  Not that many vendors make HSM's, 
and they are exactly the guys who already have a close relationship with the CI 
(crypto-industrial) complex
-- Jerry

> /ji

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] Aside on random numbers (was Re: Opening Discussion: Speculation on "BULLRUN")

2013-09-06 Thread Jerry Leichter
On Sep 6, 2013, at 10:03 AM, Perry E. Metzger wrote:
> Naively, one could take a picture of the dice and OCR it. However,
> one doesn't actually need to OCR the dice -- simply hashing the
> pixels from the image will have at least as much entropy if the
> position of the dice is recognizable from the image
> One could write an  app to do this, but of course the phone is
> not exactly a secure platform to begin with...
Ah, but that highlights an essential difference between OCR'ing the image and 
just hashing it:  I can easily check, with my own eyes, that the OCR app is 
really doing what it claims to be doing.  I have no hope of checking the 
hash-based app.  A whole class of attacks is closed off by the OCR technique.

It's not that there aren't other attacks.  The phone could, for example, leak 
the generated values, sending them off to Big Brother.  That kind of attack 
would, if done correctly, be virtually impossible to detect.  On the other 
hand, it's not nearly as valuable as a biased generation attack - Big Brother 
would receive streams of random die tosses with little context about what the 
resulting values would be used for or how they would be used.  Appropriately 
targeted attacks might work - "I know Metzger regenerates his keys on the 3rd 
of every month at about 8:00 AM, so let's use the values he scans at around 
that time as guesses for his base random values" - but we're talking quite a 
bit of difficulty here - and the more people use the app, and the more often 
they make it a habit to toss and scan dice and just discard the results, the 
more difficult it becomes.
-- Jerry

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] Opening Discussion: Speculation on "BULLRUN"

2013-09-06 Thread Jerry Leichter
On Sep 6, 2013, at 7:28 AM, Jerry Leichter wrote:
> ...Much of what you say later in the message is that the way we are using 
> symmetric-key systems (CA's and such)...
Argh!  And this is why I dislike using "symmetric" and "asymmetric" to describe 
cryptosystems:  In English, the distinction is way too brittle.  Just a 
one-letter difference - and in including or not the letter physically right 
next to the "s".
-- Jerry :-)

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] Opening Discussion: Speculation on "BULLRUN"

2013-09-06 Thread Jerry Leichter
>> Perhaps it's time to move away from public-key entirely!  We have a classic 
>> paper - Needham and Schroeder, maybe? - showing that private key can do 
>> anything public key can; it's just more complicated and less efficient.
> Not really. The Needham-Schroeder you're thinking of is the essence of 
> Kerberos, and while Kerberos is a very nice thing, it's hardly a replacement 
> for public key.
> If you use a Needham-Schroeder/Kerberos style system with symmetric key 
> systems, you end up with all of the trust problems, but on steroids
I don't think we're really in disagreement here.  Much of what you say later in 
the message is that the way we are using symmetric-key systems (CA's and such), 
and the way browsers work, are fundamentally wrong, and need to be changed.  
And that's really the point:  The system we have is all of a piece, and 
incremental changes, sadly, can only go so far.  We need to re-think things 
from the ground up.  And I'll stand by my contention that we need to re-examine 
things we think we know, based on analyses done 30 years ago.  Good theorems 
are forever, but design choices apply those theorems to real-world 
circumstances.  So much has changed, both on the technical front and on 
non-technical fronts, that the basis for those design choices has fundamentally 

Getting major changes fielded in the Internet is extremely difficult - see 
IPv6.  If it can be done at all, it will take years.  But the alternative of 
continuing on the path we're on seems less desirable every day.

-- Jerry

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] Can you backdoor a symmetric cipher (was Re: Opening Discussion: Speculation on "BULLRUN")

2013-09-06 Thread Jerry Leichter
>> It is probably very difficult, possibly impossible in practice, to
>> backdoor a symmetric cipher. For evidence, I direct you to this old
>> paper by Blaze, Feigenbaum and Leighton:
> There is also a theorem somewhere (I am forgetting where) that says that if 
> you have a block cipher with a back door, then it is also a public key 
> cipher  The real question there is whether someone who had such a thing 
> would want to be remembered by history as the inventor of the most 
> significant PK system the world has ever seen, or a backdoored cipher.
Well, if that "someone" were the NSA, they might well be very happy to be 
remembered as the guy who made it possible break in to much of the world's 

However, I find this argument unconvincing.  It has the feel of a standard 
reduction, but isn't, because the reduction is to a known problem that's widely 
thought to be difficult - it's to a vaguely defined, broad class of problems, 
"designing a much faster public key system".  Just because the construction 
gives you something like a public key system, doesn't mean if gives you 
anything practical for use that way.  For example, suppose the master key works 
- but only for 1/2^k possible cleartext blocks, or even 1/2^k possible keys.  
This makes it useless as a public-key system even for very small k, but quite 
useful to an attacker even for larger k.

Or suppose the master key works on all messages and keys, but is inefficient, 
requiring large amounts of time or memory, or the pre-computation of large 
lookup tables.  Here's a thought experiment:  Suppose differential 
cryptanalysis were known only to you, and you were in a position to influence 
the choice of S-boxes for a cryptosystem.  Your "master key" would be the 
knowledge that DC would work very effectively against the system - but it would 
still require a lot of time and memory to do so.  You'd even have a leg up on 
everyone else because you'd know the differentials to use up front - though 
that's a trivial advantage, since once you know to look for them, finding them 
is easy enough.  In fact, as far as I know, no one has had any reason to pose 
questions like:  Could you choose S-boxes that allow some kind of 
pre-computation step to make application of DC to messages much faster?  DC 
requires gathering up a large number of plaintext/cyphertext pairs; eventually, 
you f
 ind examples of you can use.  But could there be some way of producing pairs 
so that success is more likely to come earlier?  Could it be that there's some 
pre-secret that allows computation both of those tables and and of the S-boxes, 
such that given only the S-boxes, finding the pre-secret and the tables isn't 
practical?  Once DC was known and it was found the NSA had actually 
strengthened DES's S-boxes to protect against it, no one really looked into 
such issues - basically, who cared?

If you really want to think in tin-hat terms, consider linear cryptanalysis.  
While DES was strong against DC, it was quite weak against LC.  People 
interpreted this as meaning that NSA didn't know about LC.  But ... maybe out 
in Area 51, or wherever Langley does work with alien technologies, they knew 
about LC *all along*, and *deliberately* made DES weak against it!  (Why LC and 
not DC?  Because as we subsequently learned from Don Coppersmith, DC was 
already known in the non-NSA community, and the NSA knew that it was known.)

Please keep in mind that I'm not proposing that NSA actually did anything like 
this for any widely-used cryptosystem.  I don't even see how they could have 
with respect to, say, AES, since they had no hand in the design of the 
algorithm or the choice of constants.  The only thing I'm arguing here is that 
the "theorems" that say such a thing could never happen prove nothing of the 
-- Jerry

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] Opening Discussion: Speculation on "BULLRUN"

2013-09-05 Thread Jerry Leichter
>> Another interesting goal:  "Shape worldwide commercial cryptography 
>> marketplace to make it more tractable to advanced cryptanalytic capabilities 
>> being developed by NSA/CSS." ... This makes any NSA recommendation 
>> *extremely* suspect.  As far as I can see, the bit push NSA is making these 
>> days is toward ECC with some particular curves.  Makes you wonder.
> Yes, but. The reason we are using those curves is because they want them for 
> products they buy. 
They want to buy COTS because it's much cheap, and COTS is based on standards.  
So they have two contradictory constraints:  They want the stuff they buy 
secure, but they want to be able to break in to exactly the same stuff when 
anyone else buys it.  The time-honored way to do that is to embed some secret 
in the design of the system.  NSA, knowing the secret, can break in; no one 
else can.  There have been claims in this direction since NSA changed the 
S-boxes in DES.  For DES, we now know that was to protect against differential 
cryptanalysis.  No one's ever shown a really convincing case of such an 
embedded secret hack being done ... but now if you claim it can't happen, you 
have to explain how the goal in NSA's budget could be carried out in a way 
consistent with the two constraints.  Damned if I know

>> (I know for a fact that NSA has been interested in this area of mathematics 
>> for a *very* long time:  A mathematician I knew working in the area of 
>> algebraic curves (of which elliptic curves are an example) was recruited by 
>> - and went to - NSA in about 1975
> I think it might even go deeper than that. ECC was invented in the civilian 
> world by Victor Miller and Neal Koblitz (independently) in 1985, so they've 
> been planning for breaking it even a decade before its invention. 
I'm not sure exactly what you're trying to say.  Yes, Miller and Koblitz are 
the inventors of publicly known ECC, and a number of people (Diffie, Hellman, 
Merkle, Rivest, Shamir, Adelman) are the inventors of publicly known public-key 
cryptography.  But in fact we now know that Ellis, Cocks, and Williamson at 
GCHQ anticipated their public key cryptography work by several years - but in 

I think the odds are extremely high that NSA was looking at cryptography based 
on algebraic curves well before Miller and Koblitz.  Exactly what they had 
developed, there's no way to know.  But of course if you want to do good 
cryptography, you also have to do cryptanalysis.  So, yes, it's quite possible 
that NSA was breaking ECC a decade before its (public) invention.  :-)

-- Jerry

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] Opening Discussion: Speculation on "BULLRUN"

2013-09-05 Thread Jerry Leichter
On Sep 5, 2013, at 10:19 PM, Jon Callas wrote:
> I don't disagree by any means, but I've been through brittleness with both 
> discrete log and RSA, and it seems like only a month ago that people were 
> screeching to get off RSA over to ECC to avert the "cryptocalypse." And that 
> the ostensible reason was that there are new discrete log attacks -- which 
> was just from Mars and I thought that that proved the people didn't know what 
> they were talking about. Oh, wait, it *was* only a month ago! Silly me.
> "Crypto experts issue a call to arms to avert the cryptopocalypse"
> Discrete log has brittleness. RSA has brittleness. ECC is discrete log over a 
> finite field that's hard to understand. It all sucks.
Perhaps it's time to move away from public-key entirely!  We have a classic 
paper - Needham and Schroeder, maybe? - showing that private key can do 
anything public key can; it's just more complicated and less efficient.

Not only are the techniques brittle and increasingly under suspicion, but in
practice almost all of our public key crypto inherently relies on CA's - a 
structure that's just *full* of well-known problems and vulnerabilities.  
Public key *seems to* distribute the risk - you "just get the other guy's 
public key" and you can then communicate with him safely.  But in practice it 
*centralizes* risks:  In CA's, in single magic numbers that if revealed allow 
complete compromise for all connections to a host (and we now suspect they 
*are* being revealed.)

We need to re-think everything about how we do cryptography.  Many decisions 
were made based on hardware limitations of 20 and more years ago.  "More 
efficient" claims from the 1980's often mean nothing today.  Many decisions 
assumed trust models (like CA's) that we know are completely unrealistic.  
Mobile is very different from the server-to-server and dumb-client-to-server 
models that were all anyone thought about the time.  (Just look at SSL:  It has 
the inherent assumption that the server *must* be authenticated, but the client 
... well, that's optional and rarely done.)  None of the work then anticipated 
the kinds of attacks that are practical today.

I pointed out in another message that today, mobile endpoints potentially have 
access to excellent sources of randomness, while servers have great difficulty 
getting good random numbers.  This is the kind of fundamental change that needs 
to inform new designs.
-- Jerry

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] Opening Discussion: Speculation on "BULLRUN"

2013-09-05 Thread Jerry Leichter
The actual documents - some of which the Times published with few redactions - 
are worthy of a close look, as they contain information beyond what the 
reporters decided to put into the main story.  For example, at,
 the following goal appears for FY 2013 appears:  "Complete enabling for 
[redacted] encryption chips used in Virtual Public Network and Web encryption 
devices".  The Times adds the following note:  "Large Internet companies use 
dedicated hardware to scramble traffic before it is sent. In 2013, the agency 
planned to be able to decode traffic that was encoded by one of these two 
encryption chips, either by working with the manufacturers of the chips to 
insert back doors or by exploiting a security flaw in the chips' design."  It's 
never been clear whether these kinds of notes are just guesses by the 
reporters, come from their own sources, or com
 e from Snowden himself.  The Washington Post got burned on one they wrote.  
But in this case, it's hard to come up with an alternative explanation.

Another interesting goal:  "Shape worldwide commercial cryptography marketplace 
to make it more tractable to advanced cryptanalytic capabilities being 
developed by NSA/CSS."  Elsewhere, "enabling access" and "exploiting systems of 
interest" and "inserting vulnerabilities".  These are all side-channel attacks. 
 I see no other reference to "cryptanalysis", so I would take this statement at 
face value:  NSA has techniques for doing cryptanalysis on certain 
algorithms/protocols out there, but not all, and they would like to steer 
public cryptography into whatever areas they have attacks against.  This makes 
any NSA recommendation *extremely* suspect.  As far as I can see, the bit push 
NSA is making these days is toward ECC with some particular curves.  Makes you 
wonder.  (I know for a fact that NSA has been interested in this area of 
mathematics for a *very* long time:  A mathematician I knew working in the area 
of algebraic curves (of which elliptic curves are an example) was re
 cruited by - and went to - NSA in about 1975.  I heard indirectly from him 
after he was at NSA, where he apparently joined an active community of people 
with related interests.  This is a decade before the first public suggestion 
that elliptic curves might be useful in cryptography.  (But maybe NSA was just 
doing a public service, advancing the mathematics of algebraic curves.)

NSA has two separate roles:  Protect American communications, and break into 
the communications of adversaries.  Just this one example shows that either (a) 
the latter part of the mission has come to dominate the former; or (b) the 
current definition of an adversary has become so broad as to include pretty 
much everyone.

Now, the NSA will say:  Only *we* can make use of these back doors.  But given 
the ease with which Snowden got access to so much information ... why should we 
believe they can keep such secrets?
-- Jerry

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] Opening Discussion: Speculation on "BULLRUN"

2013-09-05 Thread Jerry Leichter
On Sep 5, 2013, at 7:14 PM, John Kelsey wrote:
> My broader question is, how the hell did a sysadmin in Hawaii get hold of 
> something that had to be super secret?  He must have been stealing files from 
> some very high ranking people.  
This has bothered me from the beginning.  Even the first leaks involved 
material that you would expect to only be available to highly trusted people 
*well up in the organization* - they were slides selling capabilities to 
managers and unlikely to be shown to typical employees, cleared or not.  My 
immediate impression was that we were looking at some disgruntled higher-up.

The fact that these are coming from a sysadmin - who would never have reason to 
get legitimate access to pretty much *any* of the material leaked so far - is a 
confirmation of a complete breakdown of NSA's internal controls.  They seem to 
know how to do cryptography and cryptanalysis and all that stuff - but basic 
security and separation of privileges and internal monitoring ... that seems to 
be something they are just missing.

Manning got to see all kinds of material that wasn't directly related to his 
job because the operational stuff was *deliberately* opened up in an attempt to 
get better analysis.  While he obviously wasn't supposed to leak the stuff, he 
was authorized to look at it.  I doubt the same could be said of Snowden.  
Hell, when I had a data center manager working for me, we all understood that 
just because root access *let* you look at everyone's files, you were not 
*authorized* to do so without permission.

One of the things that must be keeping the NSA guys up night after night is:  
If Snowden could get away with this much without detection, who's to say what 
the Chinese or the Russians or who knows who else have managed to get?  Have 
they "spiked the spikers", grabbing the best stuff the NSA manages to find?

-- Jerry

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] Opening Discussion: Speculation on "BULLRUN"

2013-09-05 Thread Jerry Leichter
[This drifts from the thread topic; feel free to attach a different subject 
line to it]

On Sep 5, 2013, at 4:41 PM, Perry E. Metzger wrote:
> 3) I would not be surprised if random number generator problems in a
> variety of equipment and software were not a very obvious target,
> whether those problems were intentionally added or not.
Random number generators make for a very interesting target.  Getting decent 
amounts of entropy on conventional machines is very difficult.  Servers have 
almost no random variation in their environments; desktops somewhat more; 
modern laptops, yet more.  Virtualization - now extremely common on the server 
side - makes things even harder.  But even laptops don't have much.  So we're 
left trying to distill "enough" randomness for security - a process that's 
error-prone and difficult to check.

So ... along comes Intel with a nice offer:  Built-in randomness on their 
latest chips.  Directly accessible to virtual machines, solving the very 
difficult problems they pose.  The techniques used to generate that randomness 
are published.  But ... how could anyone outside a few chip designers at Intel 
possibly check that the algorithm wasn't, in some way, spiked?  For that 
matter, how could anyone really even check that the outputs of the hardware Get 
Random Value instruction were really generated by the published algorithm?

Randomness is particularly tricky because there's really no way to test for a 
spiked random number generator (unless it's badly spiked, of course).  Hell, 
every encryption algorithm is judged by its ability to generate streams of bits 
that are indistinguishable from random bits (unless you know the key).

Now, absolutely, this is speculation.  I know of no reason to believe that the 
NSA, or anyone else, has influenced the way Intel generates randomness; or that 
there is anything at all wrong with Intel's implementation.  But if you're 
looking for places an organization like the NSA would really love to insert 
itself - well, it's hard to pick a better one.

Interestingly, though, there's good news here as well.  While it's hard to get 
at sources of entropy in things like servers, we're all carrying computers with 
excellent sources of entropy in our pockets.  Smartphones have access to a 
great deal of environmental data - accelerometers, one or two cameras, one or 
two microphones, GPS, WiFi, and cell signal information (metadata, data, signal 
strength) - more every day.  This provides a wealth of entropy, and it's hard 
to see how anyone could successfully bias more than a small fraction of it.  
Mix these together properly and you should be able to get extremely high 
quality random numbers.  Normally, we assume code on the server side is 
"better" and should take the major role in such tasks as providing randomness.  
Given what we know now about the ability of certain agencies to influence what 
runs on servers, *in general*, we need to move trust away from them.  The case 
is particularly strong in the case of randomness.

Of course, there's a whole other layer of issue introduced by the heavily 
managed nature of phone software.
-- Jerry

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] FIPS, NIST and ITAR questions

2013-09-04 Thread Jerry Leichter
On Sep 4, 2013, at 10:45 AM, Faré  wrote:
>>> Can't you trivially transform a hash into a PRNG, a PRNG into a
>>> cypher, and vice versa?
>> No.
>> Let H(X) = SHA-512(X) || SHA-512(X)
>> where '||' is concatenation.  Assuming SHA-512 is a cryptographically secure 
>> hash H trivially is as well.  (Nothing in the definition of a cryptographic 
>> hash function says anything about minimality.)  But H(X) is clearly not 
>> useful for producing a PRNG.
> Just because it's trivial to produce bogus crypto doesn't mean it's
> non-trivial to produce good crypto, given a few universal recipes.
Look, if you want to play around a produce things that look secure to you and a 
few of your buddies - feel free to go ahead.  If your system is only used by 
you and a few friends, it's unlikely anyone with the appropriate skills will 
ever care enough to attack your system, and you'll be "secure".  As always, 
"security" is mainly an *economic* question, not a purely technical one.

But if you want to play in the crypto game as it's actually played today - if 
you want something that will survive even if you use it to protect information 
that has significant value to someone willing to make the investment to get it 
from you - well, you're going to have to up your game.  You're playing at 
1980's levels.  The world has moved on - your opponents won't feel constrained 
to do the same.

-- Jerry

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] Hashes into Ciphers

2013-09-04 Thread Jerry Leichter
This first publication of differential cryptanalysis was at CRYPTO'90.  I 
highly doubt Karn analyzed his construction relative to DC.  (His post 
certainly makes no mention of it.)

At first glance - I certainly haven't worked this through - it should be 
straightforward to construct a hash will all kinds of desirable *hash* 
properties that would, in Karn's construction, produce a cipher highly 
vulnerable to DC.  (That is:  This is not a safe *generic* construction, and 
I'm not sure exactly what requirements you'd have to put on the hash in order 
to be sure you got a DC-resistant cipher.)
-- Jerry

On Sep 4, 2013, at 10:49 AM, "Perry E. Metzger"  wrote:

> On Wed, 4 Sep 2013 10:37:12 -0400 "Perry E. Metzger"
>  wrote:
>> Phil Karn described a construction for turning any hash function
>> into the core of a Feistel cipher in 1991. So far as I can tell,
>> such ciphers are actually quite secure, though impractically slow.
>> Pointers to his original sci.crypt posting would be appreciated, I
>> wasn't able to find it with a quick search.
> Answering my own question
> Note that Karn's construction need not use any particular hash
> function -- he's more or less simply describing how to use a hash
> function of any sort as the heart of a Feistel cipher.
> Perry
> -- 
> Perry E. Metzger
> ___
> The cryptography mailing list

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