Re: [CTRL] Janet Reno's Head on a Platter

1999-05-24 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

At last, Janet Reno and Clinton are getting the recognition they have

Maybe Clinton when he is out, can form a band - we would call it the
Slaughterhouse Five, and include Reno, Rubin, Clinton, Albright.and
throw in that beastly hawk General ClarkI have know REAL military
men who fought bravely in wars, some of whom did not return = one a
pilot in Viet Nam...I wonder if Clark served as well.

So, its attention and fame they wanted  and to go down in History; the
Spear of Destiny, is about to turn upon the spearman.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Red Ken?

1999-05-24 Thread Colleen Jones

Secret Conspiracy to destroy peace in Ireland

This article, written by Ken Livingstone, MP, in the Independent on 21
May 1999, is self censored because he dare not spill the beans lest the
control freak Blair uses MI5 and MI6 to discredit and ruin Mr
Livingstone.Mr Livingstone should have been Labour's Prime Minister.
MI5 and MI6 are the strong arms of the Bilderberg Group and must be
wholly Masonic.It has been reported that Home Secretary Jack Straw
is being blackmailed by MI5.   We have no real evidence of this other
than that Straw seems to have taken leave of his senses over the right
of trial by jury.We do know that MI5, using the Special Branch, was
interfering in civil litigation in 1961 when it was promoting the
interests of the Mobil Oil Company in UK courts.It has the ability
to and will blackmail anyone in the UK be they government ministers,
members of the judiciary or the man in the street who stands up for his
rights.   Blair now sups with the devil.
Being rather older than Mr Livingstone we can tell him that the Wilson
government used MI5 and MI6 in the same manner as the Thatcher
government did.Wilson was worse than Thatcher was in that he
betrayed the people who supported him.   Thatcher never did that.
Blair is currently betraying the people who voted him into power.
The Tory leader (Major) made Kinnock a European Commissioner.   Now
Blair is preparing to make a pretty useless Tory, Chris Patten, a
European Commissioner.   He will have Kinnock re-appointed.

Article starts
NO MP ever forgets his maiden speech in the House of Commons.   In my
case the memory was deeply enforced by press coverage the following
morning, with The Sun leading the press pack will a full front-page
headline: "Red Ken smears heroes".

At Prime Minister's Questions that afternoon, Mrs Thatcher
denounced my speech and then rounded on Neil Kinnock for not doing the
same.   Poor Neil made the mistake of equivocating that "while the
allegations are most probably not true...", thus prompting  a Tory MP to
proclaim that Kinnock sounded "like Klaus Barbie's defence lawyer".   As
Barbie was on trial for helping organise Hitler's genocide, this was a
trifle over the top.

The allegations I made back in July 1987 read
like a Frederick Forsyth novel.   If true they were a time bomb ticking
away at the heart of Mrs Thatcher's government, involving her closest
colleagues.   But Labour's front bench wouldn't touch them with a barge

Rumours  began to circulate that Kinnock had
been warned by MI5 that if he did pursue these claims, then damaging
stories about Labour MPs' sexual and financial peccadilloes would be
leaked to journalists.   MI5 wasn't joking.   Pictures of a married
former Labour cabinet minister in the company of two extremely
attractive Yugoslav women popped up in the gossip columns.

My allegations were that a small group of MI5 and MI6
officers conspired to wreck the cease-fire negotiated between the Labour
government and the IRA in February 1975.   Captain Robert Nairac led a
group of loyalist paramilitaries across the border into Ireland to
assassinate John Francis Green, a leading IRA figure.   A few months
later, in July 1975, Nairac again led loyalist paramilitaries, disguised
in Ulster Defence Regiment uniforms, in an attack on the Miami Showband
who were at that time Ireland's most popular group.   Three members of
the band were killed and one of the guns used at the scene was the gun
used to kill John Francis Green.   When arrested, one of the loyalist
paramilitaries was revealed to be a sergeant in the UDR.

Nairac was not at that time implicated in the incident,
but the MI5 plotters were successful.   The IRA reacted to the Miami
Showband killings by slaughtering five people in the Bayardo Bar the
following month, unleashing a wave of tit-for-tat killings that
escalated until the Northern Ireland Secretary, Merlyn Rees, terminated
the cease-fire on 12 November.

Making such allegations brought down upon my head a wave of
condemnation, not just from the Tories and the press, but also from the
Labour leadership.   In the years that followed, I submitted more than
300 questions about the "dirty" war in Ireland and after years of
denial, the government was forced to admit that the intelligence
services had engaged in a covert black propaganda campaign, code-named
Clockwork Orange.

Colin Wallace, a former Army intelligence officer who
had been one of my two key sources of information, was found to have
been framed for manslaughter and was eventually compensated.   My second
source, Captain Fred Holroyd, who worked for MI6, was discredited by
being committed to a psychiatric hospital and has never received the
compensation that is his due.

This has become relevant again because the Sunday Mirror
has published letters purportedly from Nairac to 

[CTRL] [2] Ritual Abuse Bookstore

1999-05-24 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF=""Ritual Abuse
Bookstore - History, Theory, and A
Ritual Abuse Bookstore

History, Theory, and Analysis

The New Satanists
Author: Linda Osborne Blood

This book gives information about the history of Satanism and current
Satanic groups and organizations and their links to the criminal world.
Also documents the arrest and investigation of Lt. Col. Michael Aquino
for his alleged rape and occult ritual abuse of children at the Army
day-care center in Presidio, CA..

Satanic Ritual Abuse:
A Therapist's Handbook
Author: Dee Brown

A warm, encouraging introduction to the treatment of adult survivors
written for therapists beginning work in this area. .

The Serpent and the Rainbow
Author: Wade Davis

An anthropologist explores Haitian voudoun and secret societies, and
searches for a drug that could create zombies. There is a great deal of
information about Haiti's complex society. (Contains references to Ewen
Cameron, who was funded by the CIA.) .

The Franklin Cover-Up:
Child Abuse, Satanism and Murder in Nebraska
Author: John W. de Camp

Documents evidence of relationships between banking, covert military
operations, drug smuggling, child prostitution, child pornography and
allegations of ritual child abuse. .

In the Shadow of Satan:
The Ritual Abuse of Children
(Journal of Child and Youth Care: Special Issue, 1990)
Editor: Gerry Fewster

Contains "A case of multiple life-threatening illnesses related to early
ritual abuse" by Bennet Wong and Jock McKeen; "Ritual child abuse: A
survey of symptoms and allegations" by Pamela Hudson; Satanic ritual
abuse: A cause of MPD" by George Frazer; "Differentiating between ritual
assault and sexual abuse" by Louise Edwards; and "The choice" by Gerry


Combatting Cult Mind Control
Author: Steve Hassan

The author is a counselor and former member of the Unification Church.
He explains induction techniques, 'love-bombing', brainwashing, and exit
counseling techniques.

Secret Agenda:
The United States Government, Nazi Scientists, and Project Paperclip,
1945 to 1990
Author: Linda Hunt

After World War II, the US Government illegally brought many Nazi
scientists, including psychologists and psychiatrists, into America.
Many were occultists, and many had done medical and psychological
experiments in the death camps..

Cults that Kill:
Probing the World of Occult Crime
Author: L. Kahner

Sorry, no summary available right now

Hell Ranch:
Nightmare of Voodoo, Drugs, and Death in Matamoros
Author: Clifford L. Linedecker

The story of the ritual murder of Mark Kilroy in Matamoros, Mexico by a
cult practicing Bruheria (black.magic) which combined elements of
Santeria  Palo Mayome. The sacrifice was to bring protection to drug
runners: bodies were found and cults members were apprehended,

Other Altars:
Roots and Realities of Cultic and Satanic Ritual Abuse and Multiple
Personality Disorder
Author: Craig Lockwood

Lockwood traces the 'culture of cruelty' through the centuries and shows
how ritual abuse in a direct continuation of past practcies. Really
helpful to an understanding of the history of ritual abuse. Well
documented and very complete: a truly excellent book.

Ritual Abuse:
Canada's Most Infamous Trial on Child Abuse
Author: Kevin Marron

Analysis of a case in Hamilton, Ontario, where two children accused
their parents of ritual abuse; the parents were tried and convicted.

Raising Hell:
An Encyclopedia of Devil Worship and Satanic Crime
Author: Michael Newton

Short, accurate entries on a variety of subjects and individuals: a good
reference work. There is an extensive bibliography, but unfortunately
entries are not referenced.

Cult and Ritual Abuse:
Its History, Anthropology, and Recent Discovery in Contemporary America
Authors: J R Noblitt and Pamela Perskins

Like Lockwood's "Other Altars," "Cult and Ritual Abuse" documents the
evolution of ritual abuse. There is extensive material on the False
Memory Syndrome Foundation, the media, social services, and the justice

Re: [CTRL] 2 questions

1999-05-24 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

Boats, beaches, barstools forever?  Well, fasten up your seatbelts...but
by the time you get off that barstool, you might need two stools to seat
your fanny on

Now - I had thought about that NATO bombing.and if there on NATO, as
if we did not already know...thre is an enemy who had orders to so
dotoo many boms went astray and smart bombs, well WWII pilots did a
better job without all the sophisticated stuff.

The Titans too lately blowing lest our weather here normalized
for awhile; however, sabotage? Or, is something wrong with the

Now, only a RUSSIAN KGB would want the Chinese Embassy blown apart,
which is sacred hallowed ground.  How would you like to be Russian, with
the USA giving all those nuclear secrets away to themor, how would
you like a neighborn whom you did not trust, to hold an arsenal that
could blow you to smitherins if you ever crossed he wall once by

My guess would be KGB connected to the Embassy and a lot of other
things; remember the Walker spies, set up their own KKK, and the KGB
sent out telegrams, etc., using KKK logo?And when the Walker spies
got caught, the KKK dragons all over the country, burned their robes,
and went back to sleep

Remember, Serbia is a little brother to Russiathey want to control
the Balkans, but the waters are so muddied herewell, the KGB isn't
stupidimagine, a bomb in the Chinese Embassy when America has gone
down on all fours to woo Chinaand Clinton has takes god knows how
much money from them.

I know how a lot of people in Germany felt know when Hitler murdered the
Jewish people - their guns confiscated..had this handful of men met
with our Militia, well the Storm Troopers wouldn't have lasted too
longbut,  I think you are right and that nobody could be as Stupid
as NATO.but then, what do they say.the criminal always returns
to the scene of the crimeWith Love From Albright and Clinton?


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Ritual Abuse Bookstore - Healing and Therapy

1999-05-24 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF=""Ritual Abuse
Bookstore - Healing and Therapy
Ritual Abuse Bookstore

Healing and Therapy




 Mind Control

 Other Stuff

The Courage to Heal:
A Guide for Women Survivors of Sexual Abuse
Authors: Ellen Bass and Laura Davis

The classic self-help book for survivors of sexual abuse. Every
suggestion applies to ritual abuse survivors as well. There is also a
companion workbook by Laura Davis for use in journaling.

Order The Courage to Heal

Satanic Ritual Abuse:
A Therapist's Handbook
Author: Dee Brown

A warm, encouraging introduction to the treatment of adult survivors
written for therapists beginning work in this area.

Order Satanic Ritual Abuse

Allies in Healing:
When the Person You Love Was Sexually Abused as a Child
Author: Laura Davis

For partners of sexual abuse and ritual abuse survivors, written in the
same format as "Courage to Heal." This books covers everything from the
defiition of sexual abuse to intimacy, crises, and sex.

Order Allies in Healing

The Courage to Heal Workbook
Author: Laura Davis

A companion workbook to "The Courage to Heal" for use in journaling.

Order The Courage to Heal Workbook

Resolving Sexual Abuse:
Solution-Focused Therapy and Ericksonian Hypnosis for Adult Survivors
Author: Yvonne M. Dolan

Clear, simple, practical instructions for working with different parts
of the mind -- equally valuable to multiples and non-multiples. This
book can be used both in therapy and at home.

Order Resolving Sexual Abuse

Uncovering the Mystery of MPD:
Its Shocking Origins, Its Surprising Cure
Author: J. G. Freisen

Despite the title, this is a well-written and non-sensational book
covering the diagnosis and treament of multiplicity. The last third of
the book deals with Christian theology, spiritual warfare,
distinguishing demons from alters, and exorcism.

Order Uncovering the Mystery of MPD

Ritual Child Abuse
Discovery, Diagnosis and Treatment
Author: Pamela Hudson

A survey of symptoms of child survivors of extra-familial ritual abuse
and a discussion of therapy with both agitated and 'frozen' children.
Kind, respectful, and well written.

Order Ritual Child Abuse

Satan's Children:
Case Studies in Multiple Personality
Author: Robert S. Mayer

Dr. Mayer writes from his perspective, using many case examples. He
describes his reactions, techniques, successes, and mistakes.

Order Satan's Children

The Psychology of Adolescent Satanism:
A Guide for Parents, Counselors, Clergy, and Teachers
Author: Anthony Moriarty

Moriarty discusses the developmental dynamics that underlie four
different types of teens involved in (as opposed to born into) Satanism
and provides an analysis of risk factors. He also evaluates how
communication patterns and parenting styles impact on a young person's
vulnerability to become involved in Satanism

Order The Psychology of Adolescent Satanism

Safe Passage to Healing:
A Guide for Survivors of Ritual Abuse
Author: Chrystine Oksana

The first book to be published on healing from ritual abuse, and by far
the best even today. Clear, practical, humane advice for dealing with
all aspects of recovery from ritual abuse. The format is similar to that
of "Courage to Heal."

Order Safe Passage to Healing

Reaching for the Light:
A Guide for Ritual Abuse Survivors and their Therapists
Author: Emilie Rose

A compassionate and easy to read guide for therapists just beginning to
work with ritual abuse. Clear and understandable.

Order Reaching for the Light

Multiple Personality Disorder:
Diagnosis, Clinical Features, and Treatment
Author: Colin Ross

Places multiplicity in the spectrum of dissociative disorders. The
material on treatment is respectful and contains many useful ideas.

Order Multiple Personality Disorder

Satanic Ritual Abuse:
Principles of Treatment
Author: Colin Ross

In this book, Dr. 

[CTRL] Gorbachev Attacks NATO

1999-05-24 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

Gorbachev: NATO Must Stop Bombing

BRISBANE, Australia (AP) -- Former Soviet president and Nobel Peace Prize
winner Mikhail Gorbachev on Sunday delivered a stinging message to the United
States government to stop NATO's bombing campaign in Yugoslavia.

The leader who helped end the Cold War criticized Washington for acting
``irresponsibly'' by using military force in Yugoslavia without a United
Nations mandate.

``The United States is conducting itself irresponsibly on the world stage,''
he said through an interpreter at the World Masters of Business forum in

Gorbachev, leader of the Soviet Union for five years from 1985, accused
Washington of using military power to its own advantage.

``The United States has a superiority and victory complex,'' he said.

Despite expressing concern over the economic and political crisis in Russia
under President Boris Yeltsin, Gorbachev said he hoped the country will pull
itself out of trouble.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Civilian Casualties Cost NATO Its Credibility

1999-05-24 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

NATO Blunders May Erode Support

.c The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) -- An increasing number of NATO bombing blunders against
embassies, hospitals and ethnic Albanian refugees and fighters is eroding
allied and congressional support for airstrikes after two months.

Germany is so worried the alliance might ``lose our moral ground'' that its
foreign minister was heading to Washington to talk with Secretary of State
Madeleine Albright about new diplomatic approaches to end the conflict.

Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott said Sunday the air war's mistakes unfairly
are blemishing the U.S. military, which he said has been sent on a mission in
Yugoslavia that air power alone cannot win.

From President Clinton's perspective, NATO is more unified than when the
bombing began March 24, though not without differences, he wrote in Sunday's
New York Times.

``While there may be differences in domestic circumstances, cultural ties to
the Balkans and ideas on tactics, there is no question about our unity on
goals and our will to prevail,'' he wrote.

Albright, appearing on CBS' ``Face the Nation,'' said the airstrikes
eventually would force Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic to agree to
NATO's peace terms.

Still, allies clearly have become edgy in recent days as incidents causing
civilian casualties through ``collateral damage'' or mistaken attacks piled
up this month:

Joschka Fischer, Germany's foreign minister, suggested NATO re-evaluate its
targeting strategy.

Canadian Foreign Minister Lloyd Axworthy warned that further foul-ups could
stymie delicate negotiations for a diplomatic solution.

Premier Massimo D'Alema of Italy urged a three-day cease-fire once a draft
U.N. resolution for a Kosovo peace deal is approved.

So far, 13 incidents have been claimed by Yugoslavia or admitted by NATO.
Seven were in May, with three in the past three days. As many as 312 people
have died, including ethnic Albanian civilians and members of the rebel
Kosovo Liberation Army.

``We will do everything we can in NATO ... to make sure the targets we
identify are valid military targets,'' Air Force Maj. Gen. Charles Wald said
Saturday at the Pentagon.

After about 26,000 sorties, or flights, over Yugoslavia, and about 15,000
bombs or missiles, NATO estimates that its mistake rate is less than 1

Lott, appearing on television just after Albright, said the bombing is
hurting U.S. prestige.

``Quite frankly, these little boo-boos, where you're hitting a KLA
headquarters, where you're killing innocent citizens, I think is hurting the
image of the military, which is unfair,'' Lott said.

Lott, R-Miss., said Congress should ``be supportive of the (airstrikes-only)
decision, now that the decision has been made, and hope for the best.
Absolutely. But I am very dubious about the likelihood for success just with

Lott was asked if the Senate would support sending in ground combat troops,
possibly from a force of 50,000 peacekeepers that Albright said the
administration wants to amass as quickly as possible near Kosovo.

``If you're talking about fighting their way in there, absolutely not,'' Lott
said. ``The president has repeatedly told the American people that we would
not use ground troops in a combat mode there.''

Newsweek magazine reports in this week's edition Clinton has authorized the
CIA to train ethnic Albanian rebels in sabotage and the National Security
Agency to meddle with Milosevic's international bank accounts.

In Berlin, Foreign Ministry official Ludger Volmer said ground troops are
``not a topic'' for discussion between the German foreign minister and
Albright. Their talks will focus on diplomatic areas where breakthroughs
might be possible, Volmer said.

``Diplomatic efforts are reaching a decisive point,'' he said. ``The
difficulty is that many actors must be in synch to take a courageous step.''

In advance of Fischer's arrival, Germany's ambassador to Washington, Juergen
Chrobog, said NATO must tread a fine line.

``We have to be very, very careful not to lose our moral ground,'' Chrobog
said on ABC's ``This Week.'' That has not happened so far, ``but I am afraid
it could happen,'' he said.

Axworthy, the Canadian minister, said at a conference in Norway that errant
strikes like one that damaged a Belgrade hospital Thursday ``are a serious

``They come at a time when it is very important that we accelerate and
underline the important search for a resolution of the conflict,'' Axworthy

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of 

[CTRL] Janet Reno's Head on a Platter

1999-05-24 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

 "The Senate intelligence committee chairman, Richard Shelby, R-Ala.,
said the attorney general and her top lieutenants should go.
 "Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott, R-Miss., agreed that ``heads should
roll.'' Somebody, he said, ``made some major mistakes here, and somebody
needs to be accountable.''
 "GOP presidential hopeful Sen. Bob Smith, R-N.H., said on CNN's ``Late
Edition'' that if officials ``are [found to be negligent], they are going to

 At the top of the list of "guilty" parties, yet not mentioned here, is
Bill Clinton ...

GOP Targets Reno for China Spying

.c The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Senate intelligence committee chairman said Sunday
that Attorney General Janet Reno should lose her job over the Justice
Department's failure to actively pursue suspected Chinese spying in U.S.
nuclear energy labs.

Even an administration ally, Democratic Sen. Robert Torricelli of New Jersey,
agreed Reno's job should be on the line in light of a congressional report,
due for release this week, on Chinese espionage.

A Justice Department spokesman said Reno believes she acted responsibly and
according to the Constitution.

A second Cabinet member, Energy Secretary Bill Richardson, whose department
oversees the labs, said tighter security measures were in place at the labs
and it remained unclear what secrets were stolen.

``We cannot overdramatize conclusions that are not conclusive yet,'' he said
on ABC's ``This Week.''

A select House committee under Rep. Christopher Cox, R-Calif., planned to
make public on Tuesday its findings on Chinese attempts to buy and steal U.S.
technology for rocket launching and nuclear programs.

The report's conclusions have filtered out in recent weeks: that over the
past two decades, China has obtained sensitive information about seven major
weapons in the U.S. nuclear arsenal.

Republicans said someone must take responsibility for the slow response to a
security breach at the Los Alamos nuclear weapons lab in New Mexico that
first came to light in 1995.

The Senate intelligence committee chairman, Richard Shelby, R-Ala., pointed
to Reno, saying the attorney general and her top lieutenants should go.

``I believe it's time, considering her role, or lack of role, her trying to
defend the indefensible,'' he said on CBS' ``Face the Nation.''

Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott, R-Miss., also on CBS, agreed that ``some
heads should roll.'' Somebody, he said, ``made some major mistakes here, and
somebody needs to be accountable.''

GOP presidential hopeful Sen. Bob Smith, R-N.H., said on CNN's ``Late
Edition'' that he would press for a full investigation and if officials ``are
held accountable, they are going to go to jail.''

Torricelli, on CBS, was nearly as critical, saying Reno's failure of judgment
in the Los Alamos case were ``inexplicable.''

``I think it's time for President Clinton to have a conversation with the
attorney general about her ability to perform her duties and whether or not
it is in the national interest for her to continue,'' he said.

The lawmakers specifically pointed to the Justice Department's repeated
denials of requests by the FBI to wiretap Los Alamos scientist Wen Ho Lee,
who is suspected of passing secrets to the Chinese.

The department said there were insufficient grounds for a court order to
monitor Wen, who was fired from the lab this March, three years after he
first came under suspicion.

Justice Department spokesman Myron Marlin said Reno had reviewed the decision
and fully supported it.

``The Justice Department cannot and must not authorize intrusion by the
government into the lives of its citizens when the evidence presented as in
this case fails to meet the standards established by the Constitution'' and
surveillance laws, he said.

Some Republicans have urged Reno to resign over her refusal to request
appointment of a special prosecutor to investigate alleged Chinese
contributions to Clinton's 1996 presidential campaign.

Meantime, Secretary of State Madeleine Albright expressed dismay she was not
told of the potentially major security losses until earlier this year. ``I
was not briefed. That was wrong and I made that clear and that has been
rectified,'' she said on CBS.

Cox, on NBC's ``Meet the Press,'' said Richardson has made a serious effort
to tighten security, and there had been a ``sea change'' in administration
attitudes since the middle of last year, when his committee began
investigating Chinese attempts to gain U.S. satellite and nuclear technology.

In other details from the Cox report:

Time magazine said in its latest edition that a top Defense official in 1996
warned Loral Space and Communications, which had contracted with China to
launch its satellites, not to give China any help with its problem-ridden
rocket systems without State Department permission. Loral went ahead with its
advise to China, whose rockets subsequently showed dramatic 

[CTRL] [7] From Major Jordan's Diaries

1999-05-24 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
From Major Jordan's Diaries
George Racey Jordan©1952 All rights reserved
Western Islands
395 Concord Avenue
Belmont. Massachusetts 02178
Harcourt, Brace edition published 1952
Free Enterprise edition published 1958
American Opinion edition published 1961
The Americanist Library edition published 1965
170pps — out-of-print


The Story of the "Heavy Water"

One morning in November, 1943, Colonel Kotikov protested against the manner
in which a C-47 had been packed. He showed me tiers of large bottles. The
necks and stoppers, secured with wire, protruded from wooden crates.
Alternate bottles had been loaded bottom-up, to conserve space. The Colonel
insisted that they all had to be topside up, with each bottle lashed down
separately. "We must repack," he ordered.

Though all our loading was done by a crew of American civilians, freight was
checked in the warehouse, from duplicate manifests, by a young Russian
non-com, Senior-Sergt. Andrei Vinogradsky. He was a mysterious character whom
we suspected of spying on Colonel Kotikov for my Fairbanks host, Alexei A.
Anisimov. The Sergeant seemed to understand little English, and communicated
with the airstevedores through signs and interpreters.

I gave orders to repack the cargo. It may be that Sergeant Vinogradsky
pointed to the wrong entry, or that crewmen mistook the line to which his
finger pointed. At any rate, one of them astonished me by asking: "What is
it-that heavy water stuff?"

"Heavy, water?" I echoed, for I had never heard the expression. Yes, said the
worker, that was what was listed on the manifest. Thereafter, for all of us,
such carboys were "heavy water," on this and other transports. Many times I
heard the shout: "Be careful of that heavy water!"

The fact is that the five-gallon demijohns actually contained sulfuric acid.
It was demonstrated six years later, during the Fulton Lewis broadcast of
December 6, 1949, that this misunderstanding was general. Three former
members of the Gore Field ground crew-Elmer Williams, John Kukay and Leonard
Woods-were quoted as declaring stoutly that with their own hands they had
loaded "big carboys of heavy water."

Unwittingly Colonel Kotikov helped the mistake along by asking over the phone
whether the "heavy water plane" had taken off. I said no. He directed me to
hold it and drop by his office for a bundle of papers to be handed to the
pilot. While leafing through the folder, I caught sight of the words, "heavy
water," and asked the Colonel what they meant. "Something for our new
chemical plants," came the answer.

What is popularly known as "heavy water" is technically called deuterium
oxide. It is in crystal form, not liquid.

In alleging medical and other grounds for its needs of uranium oxide and
uranium nitrate, Russia had taken care to observe an appearance of truth, for
such use is not unknown to therapeutics. It had been tried out in throat
sprays and lent its name to Uranwein, a German specific against diabetes.
Uranium oxide had been tested as an alloy for toughening steel, but it was
found difficult to handle and had erratic results. Therefore when Moscow
asked for heavy water, they let the cat out of the bag. Except for curious
experiments in retarding plant growth, heavy water boasts only one useful
property: it is the best of moderators for slowing down the speed of neutrons
in nuclear reactions.

Records in evidence[1] prove that on August 23, 1943, Hermann Rosenberg of
Chematar received an application from the Soviet Purchasing Commission for
1,000 grams of deuterium oxide. The purpose stated was "research." A supplier
was found in the Stuart Oxygen Co. of San Francisco, which shipped the
merchandise on October 30, by railway express, to Chematar's New York office.
Rosenberg forwarded the consignment to the Purchasing Commission in
Washington, which dispatched it on November 29, by way of the Pipeline to
Rasnoimport, USSR, Moscow U-1, Ruybjshova-22.

The order was packed with as much tenderness as if it had been a casket of
jewels. Forty pyrex ampoules, each containing 25 grams, were enclosed in
mailing tubes and wrapped in layers of cotton. The ampoules were divided in
lots of 10 among four cartons, which were placed, with further precautions
against damage, in a large wooden box. This was strapped and sealed. The
overall weight was 41.12 pounds, The cost of the fluid content was that of
expensive perfumes —$80 an ounce.

'Me export of heavy water to the Soviet Union was approved by a release
certificate, No. 366, dated November 15, with the signature of William C.
Moore, Division for Soviet Supply, Office of Lend-Lease Administration.

If General Groves had been consulted, the heavy water would not have left
this country. Had it been known at the time, he said, that 1,000 grams were
available, unquestionably he would have bought the treasure himself. He
added: "If it had been pure."[2] That it was between 99.7 and 

[CTRL] [2] The Right People

1999-05-24 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
The Right People - A Portrait of the American Social Establishment
Stephen Birmingham©1958, 1959, 1960, 1961, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1968
Little, Brown and Company
LCCN 68-11525
360pps. — out-of-print
Was It Ever What It Used to Be?

0F course there are very few women in Society today who lead the sort of life
that was led, just a couple of dozen years ago, by Mrs. Edward T. Stotesbury.
She received, as wedding presents from her husband, the senior Morgan partner
in Philadelphia, a simple $100,000 diamond-and-sapphire necklace and
$4,000,000 in cash to make up for it. She enjoyed such luxuries as a flotilla
of maids who were in charge of nothing but her clothes. Every afternoon Mrs.
Stotesbury would summon her wardrobe staff — who arrived carrying massive
costume books and catalogues of jewelry — to help her decide what to wear for
dinner. Even such a seemingly small task as deciding which diamond bracelet
to wear, can, when one has sixty-five, take time.

Mrs. Stotesbury's way of life, people in Society often point out, is one that
has gone the way of all 1040 forms. But it was fairly uncommon even in her
own day. Her parties were criticized as being a touch garish. A generation or
so earlier, the famous Bradley-Martin ball — where the hostess appeared in a
twenty-foot-long train, a crown, and $100,000 worth of diamonds on her
stomacher alone and Mrs. Astor managed to support $200,000 worth on her head
— drew so much criticism in the international press that the Bradley-Martins
exiled themselves to England forever. Mrs. Stotesbury's guests did not
overlook the fact that her husband had been nothing but a six-dollar-a-week
clerk before becoming one of the country's richest men. And, even at the peak
of her career as America's most spectacular hostess, Mrs. Stotesbury was not
considered a bona fide member of Society. Even so she has become, today, a
more or less permanent constellation in the social firmament. Some people
insist that it takes at least three generations for a family, starting with
nothing but money, to elevate itself to the highest Society. (Given another
three generations' time, it is also said, the same family will fritter its
way back to the ash heap.) Mrs. Stotesbury proves that an individual can be
elected to Society posthumously.

Mrs. Stotesbury's children — one is the former wife of the late General
Douglas MacArthur, and the other a former husband of Doris Duke — lead lives
of comparative quiet and obscurity, as do other members of other families
whose wealth once glittered in the public eye. The descendants of Belmonts
and Goulds and Goelets, of Biddles and Bakers and John Wanamakers have, as
real estate taxes have gone up, moved from brownstone and marble palaces on
Fifth Avenue and Rittenhouse Square, into apartments; here they achieve a
certain anonymity. The offspring of Astors, Gardners, Vanderbilts, Fishes,
Harrimans and Iselins can be found in made-over gardeners' cottages on
country estates. A number of Society people are, very quietly, doing
something that formerly would have been thought very odd indeed: they live in
places like Newport and Tuxedo Park, year round. ("The season here," says one
Tuxedo butler discreetly, "is now from January first to December

But are our great Society families languishing for lack of funds? Let us not
weep too bitterly for them. Taxes may have scaled down some families' living
habits. Quite a number of Society families are, comparatively speaking, poor.
But a number of others are just as rich as their grandfathers were, or even
richer. The late Vincent Astor, for instance, who inherited $87,200,000 in 19
12, increased his fortune — right through the Great Depression — to the point
where it amounted to $200,000,000 by the time he died in early 1959.

Money may be spent in less conspicuous ways than in making a woman topheavy
with precious stones, but it is still spent. Mrs. J. Denniston Lyon of New
York, for instance, who only recently was gathered to her ancestors, spent it
on her tiny Pekingese, Peaches. Peaches had been trained to relieve himself
in Mrs. Lyon's garden in her country place on the North Shore of Long Island.
In winter, lest Peaches be confused or disturbed by the move back to Fifth
Avenue, Mrs. Lyon directed her butler to make weekly trips out to Long
Island. There he spaded up a square of Long Island lawn and returned with it
to New York for Peaches. Peaches indeed was so particular that though he
loved to eat caramel candies, he would only eat the imported Italian ones
sold at the expensive food shop Maison Glass. Mrs. Lyon, among other
expenses, maintained a yacht anchored off Palm Beach. A year-round staff of
five was required for its maintenance. When its owner died she had not sailed
the boat, or set foot upon it, for fully fifteen years. Her house in Aiken,
South Carolina, stood similarly unvisited, though the house was ritually
opened at the 

[CTRL] Fwd: Why Ritalin Rules

1999-05-24 Thread Kris Millegan

Post Number 34: Why Ritalin Rules
Here is information which is very timely at this time.  There are a
number of discussions going on in various groups about public schools
and home schooling.  For what it is worth, here is my opinion; you can
not be a Christian, and send your children to be indoctrinated in public

I do not take drugs.  Let me be sure you understand what I just said: I
do not take ANY drugs, be they illegal or legal under the laws of man.
THEY ARE DRUGS!  An artificial construction designed for profit, and not
for anyone’s good.  So, why are these drugs being given to millions of
children on a daily basis?  Could the sole reason be profit?  And the
allways-present taxpayer to pick up the tab under the tax-farming
principles so firmly established “within” the United States?

If you really want to understand add (attention deficit disorder), study
nutrition, and in particular, study so many of the things called food,
and which are not, but which are addictive in their own right.  Start
with white flour, white sugar, and pop.  If you want a crash course in
this subject, and in law, Law, cancer and many other subjects, just read
my series.  David G.

Published by The Heritage Foundation: Why Ritalin Rules
There are stories that are mere signs of the times, and then there are
stories so emblematic of a particular time and place that they demand to
be designated cultural landmarks. Such a story was the New York Times’
front-page report on January 18 appearing under the tame, even soporific
headline, "For School Nurses, More Than Tending the Sick."

"Ritalin, Ritalin, seizure drugs, Ritalin," in the words of its
sing-song opening. "So goes the rhythm of noontime" for a typical school
nurse in East Boston "as she trots her tray
of brown plastic vials and paper water cups from class to class,
dispensing pills into
outstretched young palms." For this nurse, as for her counterparts in
middle- and
upper-middle class schools across the country, the day’s routine is now
driven by what
the Times dubs "a ticklish question," to wit: "With the number of
children across the
country taking Ritalin estimated at well over three million, more than
double the 1990
figure, who should be giving out the pills?"

"With nurses often serving more than one school at a time," the story
goes on to explain,
"the whole middle of the day can be taken up in a school-to-school
scurry to dole out
drugs." Massachusetts, for its part, has taken to having the nurse
deputize "anyone from
a principal to a secretary" to share the burden. In Florida, where the
ratio of school
nurses to students is particularly low, "many schools have clerical
workers hand out the
pills." So many pills, and so few professionals to go around. What else
are the
authorities to do?

Behold the uniquely American psychotropic universe, pediatrics zone — a
place where
"psychiatric medications in general have become more common in schools"
and where,
in particular, "Ritalin dominates." There are by now millions of stories
in orbit here, and
the particular one chosen by the Times — of how the drug has induced a
labor shortage — is no doubt an estimable entry. But for the reader
struck by some of
the facts the Times mentions only in passing — for example, that Ritalin
use more than
doubled in the first half of the decade alone, that production has
increased 700 percent
since 1990, or that the number of schoolchildren taking the drug may
now, by some
estimates, be approaching the 4 million mark — mere anecdote will only
explain so

Fortunately, at least for the curious reader, there is a great deal of
other material now
on offer, for the explosion in Ritalin consumption has been very nearly
matched by a
publishing boom dedicated to that same phenomenon. Its harbingers
include, for
example, Barbara Ingersoll’s now-classic 1988 Your Hyperactive Child,
among the
first works to popularize a drug regimen for what we now call Attention
Deficit Disorder (add, called adhd when it includes hyperactivity). Five
years later, with add diagnoses and Ritalin prescriptions already rising
steeply in the better-off neighborhoods and schools, Peter D. Kramer
helped fuel the boom with his best selling Listening to Prozac — a book
that put the phrase "cosmetic pharmacology" into the vernacular and
thereby inadvertently broke new conceptual ground for the advocates of
Ritalin. In 1994, most important, psychiatrists Edward M. Hallowell and
John J. Ratey published their own best selling Driven to Distraction:
Recognizing and Coping with Attention Deficit Disorder from Childhood to
Adulthood, a book that was perhaps the single most powerful force in the
subsequent proliferation of add diagnoses; as its opening sentence
accurately prophesied, "Once you catch on to what this syndrome is all
about, you’ll see it everywhere."

Not everyone received these soundings from the psychotropic beyond with
the same
enthusiasm. One noteworthy 

[CTRL] Fwd: CFR Bioethics

1999-05-24 Thread Kris Millegan

Sunday May 23, 1999 The Washington Post reported that an ethics panel
appointed by Council on Foreign Relations President BJ Clinton, recommended
the US government begin funding research on human embryos despite a ban
imposed against such experimentation by Congress. The ethics panel is
called the National Bioethics Advisory Commission.  The National Bioethics
Advisory Commission was established by Council on Foreign Relations member
President BJ Clinton through Executive Order #12975
0WAISaction=retrieve], and met for the first time in October 1996.

The National Bioethics Advisory Commission is a Council on Foreign Relation
extension into government. The Council on Foreign Relations is using the
National Bioethics Advisory Commission to change public policies that
govern us all to provide public funding of Council on Foreign Relations
controlled medical and university human subject experimentation and

The public policies that govern us all impose a ban by Congress on funding
research on human embryos. The Council on Foreign Relations established and
controlled  National Bioethics Advisory Commission has concluded it is
potentially unfair for Congress to continue its 4-year-old funding ban on
human embryo research. A draft version of a new National Bioethics Advisory
Commission report calls for legislation to allow federally-financed
researchers to conduct studies on leftover embryos from fertility clinics
if the  embryos were no longer wanted by the parents who made them.

Gary Ellis, director of the National Institute of Health's Office for
protection from Research Risks told an University of Minnesota audience,
that the chief "catalytic event" in creation of the new National Bioethics
Advisory Commission was 1993 publicity regarding 1940s experiments during
which plutonium was injected into human subjects.

When Council on Foreign Relations member President BJ Clinton needed
someone to chair the National Bioethics Advisory Commission that would
provide "guidance to federal agencies on the ethical conduct of current and
future human biological and behavioral research," he chose Council on
Foreign Relations member Harold Tafler Shapiro.

Council on Foreign Relations member Shapiro is President of Princeton
University and Professor of Economics and Public Affairs. He earned a
Bachelors Degree in Commerce from McGill University in Canada, and a M.A.
and Ph.D. in economics from Princeton University.

Council on Foreign Relations member John Gibbons, assistant to Council on
Foreign Relations member President BJ Clinton for science and Technology,

"The President's selection of President Shapiro to head the
National Bioethics Advisory Commission is the best possible barometer of
the importance that the White House attaches to these issues, Dr. Shapiro
is a respected scholar and leader whose thoughtful contributions have
helped shape public policy in science and education, and his willingness to
accept this appointment is a guarantor that the commission's work will be
thorough and deliberate."

Council on Foreign Relations member Shapiro has had previous experience in
Washington, D.C., and a long-standing interest in medical issues. He served
on Council on Foreign Relations member President Bush's Council of Advisors
on Science and Technology from 1990 to 1992, and he chaired the Institute
of Medicine's Committee on Employer-Based Health Benefits. Former chair of
the executive board of the University of Michigan Hospitals, he is
currently a trustee of the University of Pennsylvania Medical Center and a
director of Dow Chemical Co. He is also chair of the board of trustees of
the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation and a trustee of the Universities Research

In February of 1997, following reports of the successful cloning of a
sheep, Council on Foreign Relations President BJ Clinton asked the National
Bioethics Advisory Commission to review the profound ethical issues raised
by the possible cloning of human beings. On June 9, 1997, Council on
Foreign Relations member Commission Chair Harold Shapiro, presented the
Commission report to the President.  The Commission found unanimously that
it is morally unacceptable for anyone to attempt to create a child with the
technology used to create Dolly the sheep.

The Commission also found that the new technology may have many
agricultural and medical benefits, including the development of medicines,
therapies for diseases such as cancer, cystic fibrosis, and diabetes, and
prospects for repair and regeneration of human tissues. The Commission
concluded that the cloning of DNA, cells, tissues, and non-human animals
--using somatic cell nuclear transfer and other cloning techniques --is not
ethically problematic when conducted in compliance with existing
regulations and guidelines.

Acting on the Commission's key recommendation, Council on Foreign Relations

[CTRL] Fwd: Antiwar-List: on PBS News Hour Monday

1999-05-24 Thread Colleen Jones

Dear Supporter, will be featured in a story on the antiwar movement on PBS News
Hour with Jim Lehrer (formerly MacNeil/Lehrer) Monday, May 24.  This show
is broadcast on all PBS TV stations and many NPR radio stations nationwide.
 Check local listings for times. Webmaster Eric Garris was interviewed for three hours by the
PBS film crew last week, and we expect the website to be featured
prominently in the story.

Don't forget to watch!

Monday, May 24
PBS News Hour with Jim Lehrer
Check local listings for times

Re: [CTRL] Why GUNS are here to stay.

1999-05-24 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

 But I want to see what happens when guns are out of the equation. And it
looks like we'll soon find out.

Dream on.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] Why GUNS are here to stay.

1999-05-24 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

What is real is the astronomical number of gunshot tragedies every single

What EXACTLY is that number? be specific. Cite your sources.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Enervation?

1999-05-24 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

From the SundayHerald (UK)

Stray bombs raise doubts over Nato's military strength

By David Wragg
Publication Date: May 23 1999

THE Nato bomb which missed a Serb barracks and struck a hospital's
maternity wing may be an indication of the way in which the war in
the Balkans is evolving. Hardly a week goes by without a bomb or
missile missing its target and killing civilians. Neutral Sweden and
Switzerland have now been added to the countries angered by
accidental damage to an embassy or a diplomatic residence.

Operations over the former Yugoslavia have highlighted a growing
shortage of ammunition, most marked among the so-called "smart"
munitions - those which should guarantee accuracy. Collateral damage
has been a real problem throughout due to poor weather and the desire
to avoid Nato losses, which has forced aircraft to aim from the
relatively high altitude of 15,000ft.

Now there are questions over the Boeing AH-64 Apache attack
helicopters. Supposedly one of the most potent weapons systems
available, and essential if ground forces are to be dep loyed, it
cannot carry a full warload at 10,000ft to fly over Yugoslavia's
mountains. More than 60 of these aircraft are on order for the
British Army.

The United States Air Force has received emergency funding to convert
92 air-launched cruise missiles from nuclear to conventional
warheads, to replace those already expended in the campaign, at a
cost of $5.1 million. The USAF is pressing for the work to be speeded
up and demanding similar treatment for another 230 missiles. The
Royal Navy also wants quicker deliveries of its submarine-launched
Tomahawk cruise missiles, which have been fired more quickly than can
be replaced by deliveries of two a month.

On Monday, in The Herald, Ian Bruce drew attention to the Ministry of
Defence's request to Saudi Arabia for the "loan" of 1,000lb bombs
supplied under the terms of the Al Yamamah arms contract.

The growing shortage of muni tions exposes the weaknesses of many
Nato powers. Successive defence budget cuts - with that for the UK
being cut by the equivalent of £6 billion to £22bn in real terms
since 1990 - have undermined effectiveness. Rather than cut units and
manpower, hidden cuts such as ammunition procurement have been an
easy option.

The problem arises because of the high cost of smart wea pons. A
cruise missile costs upwards of £650,000, with the Royal Navy
spending £150 million on 65 Tomahawk cruise missiles and the
expensive conversion of an initial four nuclear submarines to carry

Suppliers are cagey about discussing prices, but a typical "dumb"
bomb could cost between £5000 and £20,000, depending on size and type
of explosives, with a laser-guided weapon costing more than double

There have been undeclared cuts in capability. It was known that the
Royal Navy would keep just two of its three Invincible-class aircraft
carriers operational, but the two Sea Harrier squadrons were cut from
eight aircraft to seven without ann ouncement or debate.
Operationally, this means just three pairs of aircraft are available
at any one time, with one held in reserve.

With Illustrious in the Gulf, Invincible in the Adriatic, and Ark
Royal starting a two-year refit at Rosyth, the carrier force is under

Nato membership of former Warsaw Pact countries, Poland, Hungary and
the Czech Republic, has simply added forces short of up-to-date
equipment, having been cut off from Russian supplies for some years.
Nato needs to help these nations to re-equip and retrain to Nato

The alliance is now in the embarrassing position of failing to cope
with a regional conflict. There have always been differences in
commitment amongst the partners, with Denmark and Belgium seldom
meeting Nato expectations, while France was also outside the command
structure for many years.

What is worrying is the revelation that Nato is now far weaker than
had been supposed, with potentially disastrous consequences for any
war on the ground.

From TheNewAustralian

   Telling it like it isPictureThe New Australian

Deconstructing Clinton
with the Pinocchio test

By James Henry
No. 120,  24-30 May 1999

Deconstructing Clinton is a lot easier than parsing sentences.
Language has its own structure and rules, what we call grammar and
syntax. It is these things that allow us to communicate efficiently
with each other, even when we are not schooled in the rules of
language. But in Clinton's post-modernist world there are no rules
because there is no reality. Existence is a matter of opinion and
reality is what I think it ought to be. In such a world facts are
fiction and fiction is reality with each reality being as good as any
other. Hence whatever I say happened even if it didn't happen because
reality is subjective.

But if reality is subjective what of morality? Simple. Morality is
whatever I say it is. This leads to the ultimate in relativism in
which even 

[CTRL] (Fwd) Why Ritalin Rules

1999-05-24 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded Message Follows ---
Date sent:  Sun, 23 May 1999 09:42:13 -0700
From:   David Gould [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:Why Ritalin Rules

Post Number 34: Why Ritalin Rules
Here is information which is very timely at this time.  There are a
number of discussions going on in various groups about public schools
and home schooling.  For what it is worth, here is my opinion; you can
not be a Christian, and send your children to be indoctrinated in public

I do not take drugs.  Let me be sure you understand what I just said: I
do not take ANY drugs, be they illegal or legal under the laws of man.
THEY ARE DRUGS!  An artificial construction designed for profit, and not
for anyone’s good.  So, why are these drugs being given to millions of
children on a daily basis?  Could the sole reason be profit?  And the
allways-present taxpayer to pick up the tab under the tax-farming
principles so firmly established “within” the United States?

If you really want to understand add (attention deficit disorder), study
nutrition, and in particular, study so many of the things called food,
and which are not, but which are addictive in their own right.  Start
with white flour, white sugar, and pop.  If you want a crash course in
this subject, and in law, Law, cancer and many other subjects, just read
my series.  David G.

Published by The Heritage Foundation: Why Ritalin Rules
There are stories that are mere signs of the times, and then there are
stories so emblematic of a particular time and place that they demand to
be designated cultural landmarks. Such a story was the New York Times’
front-page report on January 18 appearing under the tame, even soporific
headline, "For School Nurses, More Than Tending the Sick."

"Ritalin, Ritalin, seizure drugs, Ritalin," in the words of its
sing-song opening. "So goes the rhythm of noontime" for a typical school
nurse in East Boston "as she trots her tray
of brown plastic vials and paper water cups from class to class,
dispensing pills into
outstretched young palms." For this nurse, as for her counterparts in
middle- and
upper-middle class schools across the country, the day’s routine is now
driven by what
the Times dubs "a ticklish question," to wit: "With the number of
children across the
country taking Ritalin estimated at well over three million, more than
double the 1990
figure, who should be giving out the pills?"

"With nurses often serving more than one school at a time," the story
goes on to explain,
"the whole middle of the day can be taken up in a school-to-school
scurry to dole out
drugs." Massachusetts, for its part, has taken to having the nurse
deputize "anyone from
a principal to a secretary" to share the burden. In Florida, where the
ratio of school
nurses to students is particularly low, "many schools have clerical
workers hand out the
pills." So many pills, and so few professionals to go around. What else
are the
authorities to do?

Behold the uniquely American psychotropic universe, pediatrics zone — a
place where
"psychiatric medications in general have become more common in schools"
and where,
in particular, "Ritalin dominates." There are by now millions of stories
in orbit here, and
the particular one chosen by the Times — of how the drug has induced a
labor shortage — is no doubt an estimable entry. But for the reader
struck by some of
the facts the Times mentions only in passing — for example, that Ritalin
use more than
doubled in the first half of the decade alone, that production has
increased 700 percent
since 1990, or that the number of schoolchildren taking the drug may
now, by some
estimates, be approaching the 4 million mark — mere anecdote will only
explain so

Fortunately, at least for the curious reader, there is a great deal of
other material now
on offer, for the explosion in Ritalin consumption has been very nearly
matched by a
publishing boom dedicated to that same phenomenon. Its harbingers
include, for
example, Barbara Ingersoll’s now-classic 1988 Your Hyperactive Child,
among the
first works to popularize a drug regimen for what we now call Attention
Deficit Disorder (add, called adhd when it includes hyperactivity). Five
years later, with add diagnoses and Ritalin prescriptions already rising
steeply in the better-off neighborhoods and schools, Peter D. Kramer
helped fuel the boom with his best selling Listening to Prozac — a book
that put the phrase "cosmetic pharmacology" into the vernacular and
thereby inadvertently broke new conceptual ground for the advocates of
Ritalin. In 1994, most important, psychiatrists Edward M. Hallowell and
John J. Ratey published their own best selling Driven to Distraction:
Recognizing and Coping with Attention Deficit Disorder from Childhood to
Adulthood, a book that was perhaps the single most powerful force in the
subsequent proliferation of add 

[CTRL] Senate Tries to Regulate Entertainment Media

1999-05-24 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

 "Clinton's ties to Hollywood appeared to infuriate his Republican

 Now that the Cold War is back, should we expect a return to "censored"
cinema such as existed up until the late '50s, during the same period?

Senate approves bill aimed at Hollywood

By Christopher Stern

WASHINGTON (Variety) - The Senate Thursday approved a bill that started off
as an effort to reform the juvenile justice system and ended up becoming the
focus of a national debate on whether to blame the media or the gun industry
for a rash of high school shootings.

Democrats and gun control advocates emerged as victors after eight days of
debate, but the entertainment industry was also dealt some blows in the
legislation, approved on a vote of 73-25. The bill included a proposal,
approved 98-0, calling for a joint Federal Trade Commission and Justice
Department investigation into the degree to which Hollywood markets violent
movies to children.

The Juvenile Justice Bill, which had been kicking around the Senate more than
two years, was sent to the floor by Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott
(R-Miss.) in reaction to the April 20 massacre at Columbine High School in
Littleton, Colo., where two teenage shooters killed themselves after
murdering 12 fellow students and a teacher.

The Senate showed up Thursday for the final day of debate only to be greeted
by the news that a teenager at a suburban Atlanta high school had gone on yet
another such rampage. No one was killed at Heritage High in Conyers, Ga., but
six people were injured including four who were shot.

Senate Judiciary Chairman Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) originally wrote the
legislation in an attempt to reform the juvenile justice system with an eye
towards making it tougher for young people to commit crimes without facing
the threat of serious punishment. But as soon as the legislation became the
designated platform for Senate reaction to the Littleton massacre, it also
provided a stage for politicians to accuse the entire entertainment industry
of saturating the nation's youth with a flood of violent images in movies,
television, video games and the Internet.

Republicans led the fight against the entertainment industry, at least in
part, to deflect some of the blame away from the gun industry in the wake of
the Columbine shootings. But legislators from both sides of the aisle, not to
mention the White House, have been tough on the entertainment industry,
insisting that it is time for it to accept some accountability.

``There is still too much violence on our nation's screens, large and
small,'' said President Clinton in his May 15 radio address, adding, ``There
are still too many vulnerable children who are steeped in this culture of
violence, becoming increasingly desensitized to it and to its consequences
and, therefore, as studies show, hundreds of them are more liable to commit
violence themselves.''

Clinton toned down the message when he addressed his Hollywood fundraiser
last weekend, which raised more than $2 million. Clinton's ties to Hollywood
and his appearance in Los Angeles as the debate was going on in the Senate
appeared to infuriate his Republican rivals.

In addition to several amendments that will tighten access to guns in the
U.S., the bill also:

Requires the Justice Department and Federal Trade Commission to investigate
the entertainment industry's marketing practices. The goal is to determine if
violent movies or videogames with adult-rated content are marketed to kids.

Gives entertainment companies a limited antitrust exemption to allow them to
discuss the creation of a ``voluntary code of conduct'' to govern the amount
of sex and violence on movie, television and computer screens.

Requires the movie theaters and video stores to enforce the movie industry's
age-based content ratings.

Requires the National Institutes of Health to conduct a study into the
effects of violent images and song lyrics on the behavior of children.

In addition, the Senate passed an amendment that bans the filming of ``wanton
and gratuitous violence'' on federal property. It also bans federal agencies,
including the Department of Defense, the Coast Guard and NASA, from
cooperating with shoots that feature ``gratuitous'' violence. The proposal
passed 66-34.

The bill now goes to the House of Representatives.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as 

[CTRL] Kosovar MEN Sexually Abused by Serbs Too

1999-05-24 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

Abducted Kosovo men tell of ordeal by Serb army

By Crispian Balmer

ULCINJ, Montenegro (Reuters) - Kosovo Albanian men abducted by Yugoslav
soldiers have returned to their refugee camps here amazed to be alive but
shaken by an ordeal which included beatings and sexual humiliation.

Soldiers rounded up around 100 men as they tried to leave this small Yugoslav
republic for Albania Saturday, busing them across country to Serbia and then
back to Kosovo before unexpectedly returning them and freeing them Monday.

During their three-day ordeal, the refugees, aged between 15 and 55, said
they were beaten, robbed and, in some cases, forced to strip naked and
perform oral sex on each other.

``When they brought us back to Montenegro and I saw Montenegrin police on the
roads it was like being born a second time,'' said one 26-year-old
agricultural worker, who, like all his companions, refused to give his name.

After their release most of the men have been brought to campsites in
Montenegro's Adriatic coastal resort of Ulcinj, home to some 30,000 Kosovo
refugees. All said they now wanted a police escort out of the country.

``We won't feel safe until we have left Yugoslavia,'' said one gaunt young

Montenegro is Serbia's junior partner in the Yugoslav federation, and
although it is hostile to Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic's government
there are thousands of federal troops stationed here who take their orders
from Belgrade.

The refugees were separated from their wives and mothers on Saturday morning
when soldiers set up a random roadblock at the Albanian border.

Some 30,000 ethnic Albanian refugees have traveled safely through Montenegro
on their way to Albania over the past eight weeks. Saturday was the first
time a group had been stopped by the army.

``The soldiers told us: 'You are completely safe. We are taking you back
home','' said a 26-year-old from the southwestern Kosovo town of Istok. ``We
thought we were dead.''

As soon as the three army buses started to drive them north, the violence
started. The men said soldiers randomly hit their captives, demanding money
and jewelry.

Some refugees still had bruises on their faces, cut noses and large red
contusions across their backs Thursday.

Once they crossed into Serbia several more Serb reservists, some wearing
black masks, climbed aboard the buses.

``Me and the person next to me were forced to take off our clothes and made
to do things that I do not do with my wife,'' said a lanky youth in a black
and red track suit.

Another of the men said later that the youth had been forced to perform oral
sex. A pair of elderly men were treated similarly. ``They held knives to
their throats and laughed at them, called them homosexuals,'' said the young
man. Other refugees confirmed his story.

At first the men were taken to the small southern Serbian village of Tutin
and put in a police compound, where they were interrogated.

``They kept on saying we were members of the KLA (Kosovo Liberation Army).
But we are not, we are normal people,'' said a man from the Kosovo city of

The refugees said the police treated them well, and added that Tutin
residents gave them food.

The next day the army picked them up again and drove them into Kosovo --  but
then unexpectedly turned around and took them back to Tutin, where they spent
Sunday night.

The following morning all but five were bused to the northeastern Montenegrin
logging town of Rozaje and released without explanation. The refugees said
they knew the names of three of the five and did not know what had happened
to them.

Montenegro's pro-Western government said it was NATO bombing which forced the
buses to turn back and drive out of Kosovo. It said the men had finally been
freed because of its official protests.

The army said in a statement they detained the men because they were eligible
for Yugoslav military service and were considered potential deserters.

Far from wanting to fight for Yugoslavia, some of the refugees said their
abduction had made them think about joining the KLA.

``I would fight now, but I am the only man in our family and if I died who
would look after my mother and sisters?'' said the youth in the red and black
track suit, staring intensely at the ground.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

[CTRL] where were you, billy??

1999-05-24 Thread Peter L. Sroufe

 -Caveat Lector-


Visit me at:
The Center for Exposing Corruption in the Federal Government

Federal Government defined:
a benefit/subsidy protection racket!

-Original Message-
From: Daniel Billingsley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, May 21, 1999 5:19 AM
Subject: [conservative] Our President

From: "Daniel Billingsley" [EMAIL PROTECTED]


This week, SecDef William Cohen delivered a message to Bill Clinton
from the chiefs across the river at the Pentagon.  It seems they are
pressing Mr. Clinton to stop "cutting bait," and deploy ground troops
to secure U.S. objectives, whatever they may be, in Kosovo.

Because no "vital national interests" sufficient to place U.S. forces
in harms way have been identified, and our intervention there amounts
to little more than a monumental strategic blunder, we must find an
exit strategy that does not further diminish our degraded standing as
the world's remaining superpower.  We would hope that means blinking
hard while the Russians devise a suitable "peace plan."  But, if Mr.
Clinton's exposed-hand promise that he will not send U.S. troops to
Kosovo is as good as his oath of office, many of our uniformed
colleagues will be saying farewell to their wives and children -- some
for the last time.

As Mr. Clinton ponders whether or not to commit ground forces and
impose "peace" amid the cluster-dumb he helped create, all of America
should ponder these questions from Vietnam vets and their families.
We have selected a few from a long list provided by Col. David
Hackworth, America's most highly decorated living veteran.

"Bill, where were you when my best friend triggered a landmine and
died in my arms...? Where were you when we arrived back on American
soil, only to be cursed and have rotten eggs thrown at us?ö --Gordon

"Where were you, Mr. Clinton, in September of 1968, when my company
raced an enemy battalion to the top of a hill, sustaining 55
casualties (11 KIA, 44 wounded) along the way? But that's history! The
real question is what are you doing NOW to ensure the strength of our
military and proper treatment of our veterans of all conflicts. I pray
that we never have to endure another Vietnam. I pray for you, sir, and
may God grant you knowledge of His will as you make decisions
affecting the lives of so many." --AJ

"Where were you back when it really counted, Clinton? How about Da
Namo, Chu Lai, Tam Ky, Hiep Duc, Marble Mountain, Mon Khe, Khe Lon
Phu Bai, Hue, Qung Tri, Dong Ha, Cam Lo, Con Thien, Khe Sahn, Au Shau
valley, Laos and the DMZ? Well, as hard as it may be to believe, I was
there. As well as all points between.  I have always been and am
now a patriot who believes in our Constitution, Bill of Rights and my
country. What about you?" --Robert

"Where were you, Bill Clinton, when I was trying to give the 'Nam
veterans the respect we Korean War veterans were given? Where were you
in your golden youth, Bill Clinton, when your youthful fellow
socialist-junkie liberals partied, protested, and sought relevance in
the streets, gutters, and legislatures of this great country? 
Where were you when tens of thousands of differently committed
youngsters became men and women through the fire and fury of combat,
tens of thousands of whom became one with the earth, their bleeding a
sacred act of selflessness...  Those youngsters gave up their youth
while you enjoyed yours." --Charles

"Where were you when Ellis E. Austin was shot down over North Vietnam,
21 April 1966, two weeks before he was to retire? This three-war
veteran didn't have to serve in Vietnam but he did because he felt it
was his duty. He left behind three children and a wife." --Kelly Jo

"I know where you were, Bill! You were writing letters to tell how you
hated the military. You were overseas telling Europeans how you
disliked America. ... You were carousing with known Communists. ... In
spite of the fact that you have tried your best to staff the
government with the biggest assortment of socialists, misfits,
incompetents, idiots, perverts, thieves, and liars, I don't think you
will succeed. I firmly believe your second term is only due to an
inability of the American people to believe that someone who aspired
to be President of the United States could be so shallow and
unprincipled as you." --Dave

Give back to your community through "Grow to Give."
See homepage for details.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That 

[CTRL] Bob Enyart Builds Parallel Government at

1999-05-24 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy
As always, Caveat Lector.
A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:525160"Enyart Builds Parallel
Government at
Subject: Enyart Builds Parallel Government at
Date: Sat, May 22, 1999 9:47 PM


Greetings friends,

Remember that guy who raised $16,000 to buy O.J. Simpson's sport
jacket just so he could burn it in public? The guy who went to jail
for spanking a child? Well now he's setting up a parallel system of
government, so when Klinton's fails, his can take over. And some of
you were worried about the UN!

I respect Bob Enyart, BUT since he is against trial by jury, I cannot
support him in this. However, some of you who get into "alternate
lifestyles" might want to give this a try. Hey, diversity makes the
world go round, eh?

Ever wonder what America would be like under righteous Law?
Could you get into having Pat Schroder executed for public ally
condoning abortion? He's got a book out about the first five days of
righteous government. Yep, they were fixing to stretch old Patsy's
neck! A while back, you could read the first two days for free, but I
couldn't find that on his site this evening. Probably it's still there
someplace (big website), and you might want to look, if the following
doesn't' interest you.

Hey, how'd you like to be a judge?
That's right, folks, and you don't even need to go to law school or
join the phoney Bar Association. Just judge justly!

Wanna hang the Head Rapist in Charge for his crime?
Now's your chance to sit in judgement of Boy Klinton.
Go here:

How 'bout that smart ass OJ?
Gonna let that creep get away with murder?
Gonna let him snigger (oops) about it?
Wanna hang the bum?
Go here:

Think you know enough about the death of that little JonBenet Ramsey
girl to send her killer to Hell?
Go here:

Thinking this over, Enyart's system (it's really in place, behind the
scenes, and it's growing by leaps and bounds) might sound a little
scary at first, but what the heck: Someone who rapes or murders ought
to die. I can't say I'd condemn gays, which he does, but some of you
who go for "democracy" might want to look into it, since the majority
in America probably would like to hang them -- especially after having
a child molested, or taught about it in the government school.

Hate? Some people are just full of it! YeeeHw!
(Humanist Satanistas Beware!)


ShadowGov forums
organize for events and post information about how your event went!

It costs afortune
to catch a rapist

Updateyour protest kit

Bill Clinton rape case
O.J. Simpson murder case
JonBenet Ramsey murder case announces a dramatic plan underway to take America back.
God has helped us devise brilliant strategy to battle the enemy. And as
imprisonment in the Bible often led to victory, so the attack on my
ministry will bring the Gospel, and our battle plan, to far more people
than I've ever reached before. (For example, ABC's "Politically
Incorrect" has booked me as a guest for June 15th 1999-possibly the
It is now time to present the ShadowGov strategy to you. As you read,
keep in mind that America's moral decline means hurt, calamity and even
eternity in hell for millions. Our grandchildren will be among the
wounded. Further, America preaches the Gospel to the world, and as
America falls, billions may not hear the salvation message (Rom.
10:14-15). Also remember that many Christian leaders helped usher in
this post-Christian era by their lack of Bible understanding. (Their
absolute prohibition against judging exposes their shallow Bible
knowledge.) Thus the Christian masses have traded godly wisdom for
mindless cliches. So what can we do about this colossal disaster? What
is needed? What can be done? Brace yourself.
Rescuing a country, reviving the church, restoring the family, and
redeeming souls all depend on one factor - rightly acting upon God's
Word. Solomon said that when the righteous govern the people rejoice,
but when the wicked rule the people mourn (Prov. 27:2) All but the fool
should desire godly leaders [1 Tim 2:1-3]. But the wicked do rule. And
evil spreads. What can we do? What we need is the unthinkable: the
rebirth of America. Christians must rule America or be forced
underground. For "when the wicked arise, men hide themselves" (Prov.

•Christian families hide their form of discipline, even from their
•Some pastors are refusing to incorporate their churches.
•Fear moves the most worried to refuse Social Security numbers for their
•Millions of 


1999-05-24 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.

 -Caveat Lector-

23 May 99

According to Klein [aka Anonymous] and [Bill] Safire, both appearing on
Meet the Press, if Hillary [Klinton] runs for NY Senate, Gore has the
most lose.

Yup, Gore.

Imagine the following scenario, in February, 2000:
How do you [really] feel today, now that you're running for NY Senate,
about health care reform?

CANDIDATE HILLARY, IN ALBANY NY: I believe that the US needs serious HC
reform, something like, maybe, what Canada has! [loses 20 points]

GORE: Mr. Vice President, Hillary Clinton, who as you know is running
for Senator in NY, said the US ought to have a Canadian-style health
care system. What do you  think about your former boss' wife's belief
that we ought to have a socialized health care system?

CANDIDATE Gore: Uh, I think she's a really swell person [loses 10 points
here]. Uh, I think her ideas on HC reform are revolutionary [loses
another 10 points here]. Uh, I think she will carry on the policies of
Bill Klinton. [loses 20 points here].

And so on...I think you get the picture. Maybe, Hillary can get away
with  those kind of answers in liberalland NY, but Gore agreeing with
that in dairyland Iowa? Nope.

Prediction (23 May 99):
WINNERS: Senator Guliani, elected 2000, wins against Hillary by 20
President G.W. Bush Jr, elected 2000, wins against Gore/Bradley
ticket by 40 points

Add 'em up folks.

"The sharpest tool in the shed." --anonymous

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Tax Me to Death

1999-05-24 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF=""Laissez Faire City
Times - Volume 3 Issue 21
Laissez Faire City Times
May 24, 1999 - Volume 3, Issue 21
Editor  Chief: Emile Zola

Tax Me to Death

by Peter Topolewski

Tax time in Canada and the US came and went weeks ago. Sending in the
money "owed" government is a chore people perform blindly, obstinately,
despairingly – like Sisyphus rolling his stone up his hill, except with
a great deal more griping. As part of the entire bloody charade we put
on around tax time we, or some several of our noble independent
think-tanks, invented "tax freedom day", that is, the day celebrating
when taxpayers have earned enough money to pay their total tax bill for
the year and can begin to work for themselves.

Add to the petulant mix people like me who bother to put their disdain
for taxes into words by citing particular outrages citizens suffer under
the taxman. I tend to highlight the most ludicrous and call them unjust.
Such as,
•The fact that governments in Canada have the gall and the power to
include 28.9 cents in tax in the purchase price of a 57.4-cent liter of
gasoline, and $16.07 in tax in a $19.50 price for a bottle of liquor.
•When someone dies, the government feels it is owed a portion of the
deceased’s property for no other reason than that they are dead.
•Governments taxing successes like wealth creation, work, productivity,
and commercial activity instead of crime, stupidity, pollution,
laziness, and waste.
•The total tax burden in Canada accounts for 46 percent of the average
family’s income.

What tends to get overlooked during the day-in and day-out complaining,
and even during the compilation of my tax-whiners checklist, is the
moral issue behind the figures, indeed behind the act of taxation
itself. For the question behind the complaints should not be "what is a
fair rate of taxation?" but "by what right does the government tax my
actions and my property at all?" In other words, how is it that when I
have a shot of whiskey at the bar the government demands I pay them a
fee in order to complete the transaction? How is it that I owe them
money for a service and a transaction in which they had no part? And on
what grounds can they say that a portion of the fruits of my labor each
year belongs to them?

The grounds have been set long ago, and indeed they are there in my
words. What we overlook in our disgust is the divide we’ve created and
maintained, in our mind and in fact, between ourselves and "our"
government. Somehow in western society the democratic principle of
government for and by the people has been mentally and effectively
destroyed, so that we not only have a government over and above us, but
we also have "our money" and "government money". In Canada, for example,
it is entirely common to hear people append the solutions to most social
and economic problems by saying, "Ottawa will pick up the tab", as
though the citizens aren’t paying for anything but are rather the idiot
beneficiaries of the rulers’ noble charity. Precisely by viewing
government as a separate source of remedy for "our" problems, we give
them the authority to tax us, no matter how unjustly.

By delegating solutions we delegate responsibility and we undermine any
grounds for accusing governments of over-taxing us. And once we’ve
delegated responsibility to the government no one should act surprised
when that government, like any entity, fights for its survival. While
some citizens hold in their hearts the painfully idealistic hope that
government exists to judiciously tend to our health, welfare, education,
and defense, with our benison government’s true job and source of power
has become the re-distribution of wealth. It’s a clean and tidy little
ecology that’s developed: the single organism of society splits itself
and the people surrender, with the government’s encouragement,
increasing amounts of tax dollars on the condition the government re-di
stributes them, by spending, no matter how inefficiently.

Hollow Bitching

A recent national poll found that disgust with the level of taxation in
Canada has reached what is possibly an all-time high – 85 percent
indicated that they are upset with the taxes they pay. But surprise,
surprise, taxes are not coming down substantially any time soon. Michael
Walker, president of the Vancouver based research firm the Fraser
Institute, says this is because there is no evidence "on the part of
governments in Canada to further restrain their expenditures, which is
what would be required."


In part, because governments will do anything to keep hold of their
power. But more importantly because at the root of all the bitching
about taxes the people have no desire to end their parasitic
relationship with the government. Ralph Klein, the premier of the
Canada’s most "right-wing" 

[CTRL] Hanging Separately

1999-05-24 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF=""Laissez Faire City
Times - Volume 3 Issue 21
Laissez Faire City Times
May 24, 1999 - Volume 3, Issue 21
Editor  Chief: Emile Zola

Hanging Separately

by Sunni Maravillosa

Most individuals want to feel that they are understood and appreciated.
To feel valued, even if by only one person, satisfies something very
deep within human nature. Many individuals also define themselves in
terms of the affiliations they form with others, typically by thinking
of themselves as belonging to some group.

The strength of that affiliation varies widely among individuals. The
insecure typically cling most strongly to these ties—men acting overly
macho to prove their masculinity, hyphenated Americans clinging to
traditions from the old country, the social elite planning their guest
lists by who’s listed in the Social Register. Part of increasing those
feelings of security is categorizing people as belonging to our group
(one of "us") or not belonging to our group ("them"). The tendency to
categorize is so strong that secure individuals also do it to some
degree: it helps create a more ordered, structured world within which we
can operate and feel in control.

These two psychological phenomena can be viewed as two sides of a coin:
wanting to feel valued and accepted is normal, natural, and good; while
categorizing, if carried too far, can lead to prejudicial ideas and
acts. The two are also virtually universal. The universality of these
phenomena explain a good deal of the behavior and choices among liberty
lovers, and have particularly important implications for the freedom

What Flavor of Freedom-Lover Are You?

A newcomer to the ideas of freedom might suppose that the freedom
philosophy is relatively straightforward—one either values freedom, or
one doesn’t. Imagine such a person’s surprise when asked if they’re a
Randian; after answering affirmatively, the person is asked whether
they’re an Objectivist, and if so, are they a Kelleyite, a Peikovian, or
a general Objectivist. Irrespective of whether an individual has read
Rand, he or she might also choose to identify with one or more of the
following descriptors: libertarian; anarchist; anarcho-capitalist;
patriot, Constitutionalist; Libertarian (a member of the Libertarian
Party); libertarian Christian; free-marketeer; minarchist; sovereign
individual; classical liberal; or conservative, to name a few of the

While these labels may seem to have a good deal of overlap, suggesting
that feelings of understanding and valuing others should flow from that
common ground, that unfortunately isn’t always the case. Obviously the
Kelleyite and Peikovian Objectivists disagree with each other, else
there would not be those camps. But the Peikovian Objectivists also tend
to disvalue libertarians, particularly Libertarians, based on Rand’s
denouncement of them. Anarchists and minarchists often disagree
vehemently, based on their varying views of the proper amount of
governance by others in an individual’s life. Atheists, who can be found
amongst most of these groups, sometimes find it difficult, if not
impossible, to work with Christians who choose the same descriptive
labels, despite the huge amount of overlap in freedom-related areas.
Many look upon patriot and militia groups with suspicion or downright
hostility, labeling many of their interpretations of law and actions
toward greater freedom "patriot mythology". Almost all libertarians tend
to view the term "conservative" as describing part of our current
political-party spectrum, and fail to look beyond that to recognize that
some individuals who choose this label are actually more philosophically
aligned with freedom than the libertarians realize. Although more rare,
it’s possible for some liberals (meaning not classical liberals, but
‘liberal’ as it is normally used today) to embrace many of the values
freedom lovers do. The primary result of all this labeling and
subdividing among individuals who seem to have a good deal in common is
a proliferation of targets and incentives for in-fighting.

One of the things freedom lovers tend to point out with pride is the
number of highly intelligent individuals the freedom philosophy
attracts. Although I have no data to support that interpretation, the
idea has face validity. To be able to recognize problems with the
nation-state as a form of governance despite the unrelenting
indoctrination to the contrary, and to move beyond that to free-market
and self-governance ideas requires a fairly high capacity for abstract
thought. To communicate those ideas effectively to others also requires
abstract thinking, as well as creative thinking. This is as true of
individuals like Ayn Rand and Ludwig von Mises as it is for the activist
who thinks up clever slogans or jokes 

[CTRL] Prelude to the New World Order

1999-05-24 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy
As always, Caveat Lector.
A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:525233"Prelude to the New World Order
Subject: Prelude to the New World Order
From: Col Roberts [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sun, May 23, 1999 8:00 AM


At the turn of the century an ambitious and morally degenerate group of
financiers and industrialists in America fixed upon a long-range plan
which would ultimately deliver control of the world’s people and
resources into their hands.

The basic objective was to dismantle the Constitution of the United
States and erect in its place a world government covenant which the
Financial/Industrial cartel would command.

The F/I cabala, to achieve this objective, adopted an operational
procedure of Infiltration, Subversion, and Rebellion aimed at the
religious, economic, and social disciplines of the existing order. By
massing their wealth and influence to secretly sponsor nihilistic
doctrine, it was thought that they might capture the intellectual
leadership of church and college. Domination of pulpit and professorial
chair, they reasoned, would lead to mastery of the entire
spiritual/educational process, the corruption of mass communication
media, and the creation of a fractured rudderless society which would
serve their purposes.

Achieving political authority was an obvious prerequisite to success.
The cartel therefore, in 1912, forced a major penetration of the United
States political structure by elevating Woodrow Wilson to the
Quick to capitalize on this advantage the cabala, in the closing days of
the 1913 Congress, affected passage of three legislative acts which
emasculated the Constitution and established a political power base for
their operations. These acts were:
a.  the Sixteenth Amendment to the Constitution
b.  the Seventeenth Amendment to the Constitution
c.  the Federal Reserve Act

At one blow the cabala thus attained: a. Unlimited financing via
unlimited taxation, b. Control of the Congress by eliminating State
supervision of legislation, and c. Transfer of coinage from the Congress
to their private bank, The Federal Reserve System. Upon this
irresistible and unchallengeable base of power the cartel, in 1914,
established a “brain trust” which was to be shaped into an
instrumentality for global conquest. The organization was named THE
INQUIRY and was formed around a nucleus of members drawn from THE
INTERCOLLEGIATE SOCIETY, a socialist-oriented group of American

The Inquiry, visible structure of a covert operation, immediately began
recruiting and training an “intellectual elite” who, under the guidance
of their hidden sponsors, prepared the Covenant of the League of
Nations. The League of Nations was, of course, the long-sought world
government covenant.

When the United States Senate refused to ratify the League of Nations
plan for a world government The Inquiry was reorganized and, in 1919,
named THE COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS. (1)  CFR headquarters remained
in New York City, financial center of the world. Twenty-six years were
to elapse before the F/I cabala, through its instrument The Council on
Foreign Relations, would reach its long-range goal of world government.

The propaganda climate generated during World War Two provided the
opportunity and, on July 28, 1945, a refurbished League of Nations
Covenant with a new title - The United Nations Charter - was ratified by
a subverted U.S. Senate and the Constitution of the United States passed
into history.

In time an interlocking, international apparatus - an invisible
government of the world - was devised. Today these affiliated bodies
include the Royal Institute of International Affairs in England (which
was founded concurrently with the Council on Foreign Relations during a
dinner meeting in Paris in 1919), The Institute des Relations
Internationales in Belgium, The Danish Foreign Policy Society, The
Indian Council of World Affairs, and similar organizations in France,
Italy, Yugoslavia, Greece and Turkey.

Though the world government apparatus comprises holding company after
holding company and proliferating agencies throughout the world, the
prime corporate structure in America, and the seat of power both public
and private, is The Council on Foreign Relations bolstered by vast funds
in tax-exempt foundations. Within this membership are found the
directors and principal agents of the financial/industrial cartel who
now exercise control over the executive, legislative, and judicial
agencies of the U.S. government, and who manipulate the United Nations
world government covenant to enforce their command over the world’s
people and resources.

Having dissolved the United States of America as a sovereign nation, the
principals and heirs of the original cabala have embarked on a campaign
to coerce her citizens into a soviet animal farm. 

[CTRL] Lessons of the NATO Attack on Yugoslavia

1999-05-24 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF=""Laissez Faire City
Times - Volume 3 Issue 21
Laissez Faire City Times
May 24, 1999 - Volume 3, Issue 21
Editor  Chief: Emile Zola

Lessons of the NATO Attack on Yugoslavia

by Craig Goodrich

For a while there, some of our Best and Brightest intellectuals were
really worried about NATO's operation in Yugoslavia. In The New York
Times on Tuesday, May 11, for example, foreign affairs columnist Thomas
Friedman noted the bubble of peace hysteria that had accompanied Jesse
Jackson's return of the American prisoners and the outcry over the
bombing of the Chinese embassy in Belgrade, and asked plaintively:

Can we get back to the war now?

Well, Friedman needn't have worried. We did:

May 15, BELGRADE (Reuters) - Missiles hit towns in Serbia early
Saturday, local media said, as NATO swung into a 53rd day of air raids
on Yugoslavia undeterred by reports that scores of ethnic Albanian
refugees were killed in one bombing.

(As I write this, NATO is as usual trying to decide whether a) the
wicked Serbs are lying and actually the death of more than 80 Albanians
in Korisa, Kosovo, was due to Serb shelling, or b) the wicked Serbs are
using Albanians as human shields. Of course, when the Chinese embassy
was blown up, it took NATO's official spokesmen a while to decide that
the missiles hadn't actually been fired by the Brazilians)

Friedman continues:

... I am sorry about the Chinese Embassy, but we have no reason to be
defensive here. We are at war with the Serbian nation, and anyone
hanging around Belgrade needs to understand that. This notion that we
are only at war with one bad guy, Slobodan Milosevic (who was popularly
elected three times), is ludicrous.

"I am sorry about the Chinese Embassy, but we have no reason to be
defensive here." -- Friedman, May 11 BELGRADE, Serbia (Reuters) - Two
injured Chinese men sit in an ambulance outside the Chinese embassy
after last night's NATO air strikes early Saturday. NATO launched the
heaviest attack on Yugoslavia since the beginning of the crisis hitting
the Chinese embassy and five other locations in the Yugoslav capital.
Photo by Reuters

Passing over the obvious fact that "we" are legally not at war with
anybody, since the Congress has not declared war (NATO has no legal
power to declare war on anyone, and the UN has not even authorized a
"police action"), Friedman explains his phrase "at war with the Serbian
nation" by quoting from the May 9 Washington Post column yet another of
our Best and Brightest intellectuals, Mark Mazower, a professor of
history at Princeton. Mazower's thesis is that Milosevic genuinely
represents the Serbian people, and that therefore our quarrel is with
Serbness (or something):

The current alternatives to the Serbian strongman are, if anything, more
repugnant than he is. Yugoslavia's wild-eyed former deputy prime
minister Vuk Draskovic is no liberal and has just been pushed out of
office; Serbia's current deputy prime minister, Vojislav Seselj, is a
creepy former academic heavily implicated in war crimes in Bosnia.
Implicated as well are those army generals who have survived recent

(Eeek! Vuk Draskovic "is no liberal"! Where's my B-52?)

Well, of course, as to "war crimes in Bosnia", NATO trained the Croatian
army and provided air cover for the "ethnic cleansing" of about a
quarter of a million Serbs from Croatia and Bosnia. Does that count as
being "implicated"? But never mind; Mazower continues:

The blunt truth is that since NATO's bombings began, more Serbs than
ever support the regime's actions in Kosovo. Even if they regard the
regime as a corrupt, self-serving criminal oligarchy, ruling through
fraud and chicanery, it is their bunch of crooks, and NATO is invading
their country. Hatred of the Albanians is not something invented by
Milosevic; it has deep roots in Serbian political culture, ever since
the first Albanians were forcibly expelled from the newly independent
Serbia in 1878. While Yugoslavia existed, it was possible to believe in
ethnic coexistence as well, but this belief has been on the wane for the
last 10 years.

Notice the smooth transition in Mazower's paragraph, from "supporting
the ... actions in Kosovo" to "hatred of Albanians"; it is a virtuoso
performance in double- (or perhaps triple- ) think.
Air raid sirens, bomb detonations, screaming sounds of jet engines, have
led to a syndrome of hypertension among the pregnant women, and an
enormous rise in premature births. So the newborn babies have to depend
on the oxygen, and are placed in incubators with a very high rate of
mortality and morbidity.

But that's not the end of the tragedy. When the sirens go off, such
preemies cannot be taken to bomb shelters, because the incubators are
not portable; not here, nor anywhere else in the world. Such a situation

[CTRL] On Horse Races, Absolutes, Red Pens, and Humility

1999-05-24 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF=""Laissez Faire City
Times - Volume 3 Issue 21
Laissez Faire City Times
May 24, 1999 - Volume 3, Issue 21
Editor  Chief: Emile Zola

On Horse Races, Absolutes, Red Pens, and Humility

by Robert L. Kocher

In a recent article I argued that real world truth was much like the red
pen I was holding in my hand, and that the existence of the red pen was
the strongest possible argument for its existence. I implicitly argued
that truth is based upon reality and absolutes. Some readers argued with
me by saying evaluations based upon such simple perceptions and physical
facts were not always possible.

Maybe so. Maybe not.

Occasionally one meets someone who restores a sense of humility in one's
life. I have met several such in my lifetime. I had a friend whose mind
functioned like something out of science fiction. He drove his wife to
distraction because he would throw out the phone books. He didn't need
them because he had already seen them. In so doing, he had memorized any
number he ever expected to use. He wore a watch because people expected
him to wear one. In fact, he knew the time of day within two or three
minutes without need of a watch or clock. It wasn't a matter of him
compulsively counting hours and seconds. It was as if there was a
subconscious clock inside his head that he could refer to at will, but
was not an intrusion, or even in his awareness, when he didn't need it.
He knew the daily weather conditions in diverse parts of the country
going back four years.

There are people capable of intimidating feats of memory. Many of them
seem to come from California and appear on TV as motivational speakers
selling some kind of self-development program or something similar.
Graduate schools and college faculties abound with people whose academic
achievements are based primarily on memory. What one often sees is
people who have phenomenal memories that they parade as showpieces, but
who don't seem to think accurately, productively, or creatively.
However, this man could think and reason with absolute uncontaminated

Through study, he become one of the nation's best thoroughbred race
horse handicappers. He knew the breeding of any thoroughbred back almost
to the time of Hammurabi. He knew what horses had beaten other horses
with the same blood lines in hundreds of races. He was able to bet what
are called maiden claiming races and win with regularity. Maiden
claimers are races between horses that have either not raced before or
have never won a race and who, hence, have no record to go on except
knowledge of their breeding. That makes the races difficult to predict
and brings the odds up. For the best handicappers in the business,
that's where the challenge and money is. Few people can do it.

A good handicapper seldom bets favorites or easy races. He looks for
difficult races and long odds that other people miss. He never bets
large sums of money. Anyone who bets more than 20 dollars on a race is
an amateur. This man would, quite consistently, betting only small sums
of money, quietly win from $200 to $15,000 per day at the race track
while experienced people around him floundered around in confusion
complaining the races must be fixed, that the horses aren't running
right, you can't bet horses and win, horses are unpredictable, and so
forth. Many of them have developed "systems" which don't work. Although
they do poorly, they still rationalize their systems work, but somehow
things just go wrong.

Things don't go that far wrong. The fact is, horses, like everything
else, are absolutes. There is an absolute lawfulness, an absolute cause
and effect, absolute consequences, to how they run. There is little
ambiguity involved in horse races. This man was intelligent enough to
have figured out those absolute principles of horse races. He'd spend
the night studying a racing form. The next day he'd go to the races and
win, often not bothering to see the final races finish or cash in
winning tickets. Occasionally something would intervene, such as a horse
breaking a leg or a jockey falling off. But, on the average, he'd hit it

To that man, the future outcome of a horse race was often as observable
to him as the red pen in my hand.

The argument then becomes: if he was that good why wasn't he a
millionaire. The answer is, he was.

Absolutes vs. Self-Deception

Ambiguity and difficulty are not qualities of events. They are
face-saving terms we assign to events as white lies to hide our
humiliating limitations from ourselves when the basic principles or the
complexities of events are beyond our abilities. To declare that there
are no absolutes is an arrogant exercise in denial of one's own
limitations. People attribute their own shortcomings or desires to
events rather than to themselves. People would 

[CTRL] Pedophilia Big Tourist Draw in Thailand

1999-05-24 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

 Now, now, mustn't interfere with "the free market" ...

Thailand losing the battle against child prostitution

BANGKOK, May 20 (Kyodo) -- By: Supalak Ganjanakhundee Complaining that the
sea is dirty, the sand dark, and the sun usually on vacation elsewhere, Thai
travelers put the Bight of Bangkok beach resort Pattaya in last place for
their own holiday.

For some foreign visitors, however, Pattaya is still the place to be, despite
being -- as one Thai social worker put it -- a ''place not for tourism, but
for entertainment and commercial sex.''

Sitting on the resort's beachfront, however, is more like taking a seat in a
marketplace than relaxing beside the surf.

Sanphasit Koompraphant, director of the nongovernmental Center for the
Protection of Children's Rights, says that most beach vendors sell food and
souvenirs, there are others who carry albums filled with photos of naked

The children depicted are offered for sex with tourists for as little as a
few thousand baht (less than 100 dollars), and while sex with minors is
illegal in Thailand, few tourists are ever arrested.

Brothels offering sex with minors are outdated, and outlawed, but similar
sorts of services can be bought on the beach and in restaurants, massage
parlors, nightclubs, pubs, bars, karaoke rooms and even barber shops,
Sanphasit said.

And the age of the sex workers is becoming lower as suppliers continue to
bring in workers to meet market demand, he added.

Of an estimated 90,000 prostitutes in Thailand at the end of last year,
roughly 18,000 are under 18, according to the office of the National
Commission on Women's Affairs at the Prime Minister's Office.

Organized prostitution generates 45-60 billion baht in revenue annually, an
official at the commission said, and noted the traffickers in human beings
also import and export sex workers.

Many children found in commercial sex establishments in Bangkok and Pattaya
are not Thai, but Chinese, Myanmarese, Cambodian or Laotian.

The commission on women's affairs estimates 5,500 non-Thai children are in
the Thai prostitution racket, but many believe the real number is three times
as many.

Besides the psychological damage to children, commercial sex is also
responsible for a spread of HIV among Thais. An estimated 82.1% of 111,108
HIV-positive Thais acquired the virus through sexual intercourse, the
Ministry of Public Health said, predicting the number with HIV will increase
to more than 700,000 by 2005.

Fida Shah of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) suggested the
economic crisis in Thailand has pushed more children into commercial sex
since July 1997, but Sanphasit, an economist, says, ''No matter how good the
economy is, prostitution remains in Thailand.''

The number of prostitutes, he said, is an indicator of a social malaise.

''Generally, parents love their children and provide good care for them. But
some Thai parents, particularly in northern districts, force them to have sex
for money. They just want to show off their wealth to the neighbors, never
caring where the money comes from,'' he said.

Sanphasit, who has more than 10 years experience helping children escape from
prostitution, said the legal constraints on child prostitution are too weak
to bring it to an end.

The 1996 Prostitution Prevention and Suppression Act provides protection for
children, punishing all parties involved in child prostitution, including
parents or guardians who lure or persuade children into prostitution, brothel
owners and those who have sex with children.

But the fines and jail terms are not enough to deter violators, Sanphasit

Even though having sex with minors is a criminal act, it is not considered
serious enough for police to investigate thoroughly.

One Pattaya policeman said, ''The police have no time to play (cat and mouse)
with personal affairs, except for criminal cases.''

The Attorney General's Office has 40 cases on file of foreigners accused of
sex with minors and the number of Asians charged is growing.

Thai authorities say they particularly watch visitors from Japan, Taiwan and
South Korea, but since 1996 when Thailand launched its new prostitution law,
the attorney's office has investigated only two cases involving Japanese.

Between September and December last year, the Ministry of Justice reported no
indictments of people having sex with children, underlining the weak
enforcement of the new regulations.

But Wanchai Rojanavong, deputy director of International Cooperation at the
criminal division of the Attorney General's Office, says he hopes things will
change, at least with respect to visitors from Japan where a new law that
bans sex with minors went into force earlier this month.

Thailand ''hopes, as Japan has introduced new legislation banning child
pornography and prostitution, authorities will pay more attention to Japanese
who have sex with children'' in Thailand, he said.

Sanphasit, worried about the lack of law 

[CTRL] House Subcommittee Criticizes Administration Opposition to SAFE Act - Your right to encryption

1999-05-24 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF=""Story: House
Subcommittee Criticizes Administra
Tech Law Journal
News, records, and analysis of legislation, litigation, and
regulation affecting the computer and Internet industry

House Subcommittee Criticizes Administration Opposition to SAFE Act

(May 18, 1999) The House International Economic Policy and Trade
Subcommittee held a hearing on the SAFE Act on Tuesday afternoon, May
18. Administration officials who testified in opposition to the bill
were met with tough questions, blunt criticism, and ridicule.

Related Pages
HR 850 IH, SAFE Act.Summary of Encryption Bills.Statement of Rep.
Benjamin Gilman.Statement of William Reinsch (DOC).Statement of Ronald
Lee (DOJ).
The Safety and Freedom through Encryption (SAFE) Act, HR 850 is
sponsored is Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R-VA). The lead cosponsor is Rep. Zoe
Lofgren (D-CA). Over half of the House is also cosponsoring the bill.
The Clinton/Gore administration remains opposed.

On May 18 the House International Relations Committee's Subcommittee on
International Economic Policy and Trade held a hearing on the bill. The
first panel of witnesses included three administration representatives:
William Reinsch of the Department of Commerce, Ronald Lee of the
Department of Justice, and Barbara McNamara, of the NSA. A second panel
included supporters of the bill.

The SAFE Act, H.R. 850, has three main components. First, it affirms the
right of all Americans to use any type or strength of encryption they
choose. Second, the bill prohibits the federal government from mandating
key escrow, key recovery, or other back doors in encryption products.
Finally, the SAFE Act provides export relief to American businesses.

Reinsch stated that "with respect to H.R.850, the Administration opposes
this legislation as we did its predecessor in the last Congress."
Reinsch and the other administration representatives stated that they
want to continue export controls, and "encourage" key recovery. They
said that their reasons are crime, national security, treaty
obligations, and statutory obligations.

The administration's claim that criminals and drug dealers would use
encryption products was met with derision from subcommittee members.
Rep. William Delahunt (D-MA), who served as a prosecutor for 21 years
before being elected to Congress, admonished the administration
officials, "Let's get real." He said that "street level criminals" are
not smart enough to use encryption products.

Rep. John Cooksey (R-LA) told the administration officials that "the
sheriffs in my area are not concerned about the effects of this bill."

Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) suggested that it would not matter if drug
dealers used encryption because wiretaps of unencrypted communications
have not succeded in stopping drug trafficking. "The government for the
last twenty years has had all of this control," said Rep. Rohrabacher.
"And the drug war is a joke. You go down in any city in the United
States of America and any kid can get drugs."

When the administration officials said they opposed the bill because of
international treaty obligations under the Wassenaar agreement, Rep.
Goodlatte responded that Wassenaar is a "Swiss cheese" full of loopholes
for foreign governments. Rep. Brad Sherman (D-CA) described Wassenaar as
a "little dance" where foreign governments only "pretend to be
interested in preventing their companies from marketing strong
encryption worldwide. And, we fall for it, and are now in the process of
giving away what may be the world's most important industry to our
foreign competitors."

When the administration officials cited national security as a grounds
for opposing the SAFE Act, subcommittee members questioned their
national security priorities. Rep. Robert Menendez (D-NJ) criticized the
administration's invocation of national security to ban "freedom and
democracy" banners from the area of Camden Yards where the Baltimore
Orioles played the Cuban baseball team.

Rep. Dana

Rep. Rohrabacher pointed out that it was Ronald Lee's office at the
Department of Justice that had blocked the effort to get a wiretap on
the suspect in the Los Alamos Chinese espionage scandal. "The overall
conduct towards China is doing far more damage to our national
security," said Rep. Rohrabacher.

Rep. Rohrabacher accused the administration of "trying to strengthen the
government's control, not of other people hostile to the United States,
but trying to assert the government's control of ordinary Americans, and
American enterprise."

When the administration officials said that they wanted to "encourage"
but not "mandate" key recovery, Rep. Goodlatte accused the
administration of trying to "insidiously put key recovery into the
entire country."

The only member of the Subcommittee to defend the administration was
Rep. Benjamin Gilman (R-NY), the Chairman of the 

[CTRL] Deliberate Death of An Anarchist

1999-05-24 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF=""Laissez Faire City
Times - Volume 3 Issue 21
Laissez Faire City Times
May 24, 1999 - Volume 3, Issue 21
Editor  Chief: Emile Zola

Deliberate Death of An Anarchist

a story

by Don Lobo Tiggre

I used to be non-political, you know. Politics was such an
incomprehensible mess, and nothing I could do would change anything
anyway. I mean, I was just one guy, right? Of no importance to anyone
outside my family and a few friends. If a movie star like Robert Redford
couldn’t make much difference, I sure wasn’t going to—so why bother
trying, or even thinking about it?

I had important things to worry about, like why I was always one of
those ‘nice’ guys with lots of girl friends but never any girlfriends. I
had average all-American good looks, and was easy to talk to.
Understanding. Supportive. I was non-threatening.

And non-interesting.

Beats the hell out of me why so many girls latch on to guys who treat
them like shit…and then come to guys like me for a shoulder to cry on.

Well, I was tired of it. I wanted some action! So, on an exceptionally
clear sunny day, without a cloud in the sky—not that it mattered—I took
a deep breath of fresh air and decided to go to a dance-bar downtown
that evening, one that was rumored to be a real meat market. I ought to
be able to find somebody to have fun with… But deciding to pick up a
girl and actually doing it are not the same thing. I wasn’t sure what
I’d do once I got inside the bar. Maybe if I found a pretty girl and
treated her like shit, I’d score. On the other hand, I couldn’t just
walk up to a total stranger and start mistreating her, could I?

As it turned out, I didn’t have to do anything. I’d barely gotten a
drink and headed toward the dance floor when a girl walked right up to
me, motioning toward the dance floor with her hand.

I can tell you she was gorgeous, but what will that mean? She wasn’t
like a centerfold, her beauty wasn’t voluptuous like that. It
was…more…lithe. Fit. Energetic. It was in the way she moved as much as
in the way she looked—which was hard to tell for sure anyway with the
flashing lights and all. But she radiated a kind of power that numbed my
will. She seemed so alive!

It was hard to hear anyone over the gut-pounding music, but I thought I
heard her say, "You’ll do."

"Do for what?" I asked.

"Don’t ask. Just dance." She took the drink out of my hand and casually
tossed it under a table as we passed on our way to the dance floor. It
was weird. Not an accident. And she didn’t look drunk. She just didn’t
care what happened to the glass.

After gyrating to the latest sounds for a while, she took my hands and
put them on her body. The firmness beneath my fingers flowed as she
moved. Now, this was no slow dance—in order to avoid bouncing the wrong
way and hitting her, I had to wriggle right next to her, matching every
move. It was the most erotic experience I’d ever had: I could feel her
rippling beneath the silky fabric of her dress, the hardness of her
buttocks grinding against my pelvis. She had to have felt my sudden
erection, but she gave no sign of it, unless perhaps it was to grind
harder, faster. The smell of her sweat mingled with my own muskier
smells. It was impossible to stop her.

It was a good thing no one could hear me groan!

I don’t know how long that lasted—my sense of time got all distorted.
Eventually, she twirled out of my embrace and pulled me toward the door
with a gentle but utterly unstoppable tug of one hand. Leaving the bar
by a back door that led to a parking lot, I found that the clear day had
turned into a crystal night and the cool night air slapped me, like a
doctor encouraging a newborn to take his first breath. Only, I didn’t
know then that I was about to enter a new world, even as she was leaving
it. I took a deep breath and looked up...

The stars!

I couldn’t recall ever seeing so many stars before. "So many!" I said it
before I realized I was whispering out loud.

She looked at me oddly, perhaps surprised that I could take my eyes off
her long enough to notice the sky. "This parking lot has no lights, and
the building is blocking the few street-lights that are in front of it,
so the stars are not as washed out as they’d usually look from within a
city. It’s that, and because the moon hasn’t risen yet."

I looked back at her, more surprised than she. She didn’t look like a
science student. Or a book worm. Long dark, wavy hair, generous but not
exaggerated curves, full lips and huge eyes. She looked more like a
model, except that even though she moved gracefully and had delicate
hands with fine long fingers, she didn’t wear any makeup. She also had,
I could see now in the steady starlight, a faintly curving scar on her
left cheek. It was thin and long, folding back over itself. And there
was something 

[CTRL] OEN 5/23/99

1999-05-24 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF=""The Home Page of J. Orlin Grabbe/A
Today's Lesson From "The Purloined Letter"

by Edgar Allan Poe

"There is a game of puzzles," he resumed, "which is played upon a map.
One party playing requires another to find a given word--the name of a
town, river, state, or empire--any word, in short, upon the motley and
perplexed surface of the chart. A novice in the game generally seeks to
embarrass his opponents by giving them the most minutely lettered names;
but the adept selects such words as stretch, in large characters, from
one end of the chart to the other. These, like the over-largely lettered
signs and placards of the street, escape observation by dint of being
excessively obvious; and here the physical oversight is precisely
analogous with the moral inapprehension by which the intellect suffers
to pass unnoticed those considerations which are too obstrusively and
too palpably self-evident. But this is a point, it appears, somewhat
above or beneath the understanding of the Prefect. He never once thought
it probable, or possible, that the minister had deposited the letter
immediately beneath the nose of the whole world, by way of preventing
any portion of that world from perceiving it."
Nukes R Us

Tracking the Suspicions of China's Nuclear Spying

by Jeff Gerth and Tim Weiner

WASHINGTON -- The congressional investigation into China's suspected
theft of American technology began as a gleam in Newt Gingrich's eye.
Today, a year later, it has become the decade's deepest look into a
realm of cloaks and daggers that lives on after the cold war.
The resulting report, due to be published on Tuesday after a bitter
struggle with the White House over its release, is likely to alter
American national security and foreign policy, slow the export of
technology and thus reshape the Clinton Administration's commercial
diplomacy toward China.

While the House was torn asunder over impeachment, the five Republicans
and four Democrats on the investigating panel, led by Representative
Christopher Cox, secretly and unanimously achieved consensus. They
concluded that China has been systematically stealing information on
American nuclear warheads and missiles from the 1970's until today,
according to officials familiar with their report. Most unusually, they
agreed not to divulge their explosive findings -- and kept their word,
even as Democrats and Republicans fiercely contested the 1998 election.

The Cox committee was never expected to delve so deeply into secrets of
state. The panel was created by Gingrich, then the Speaker of the House,
to look, among other things, for possible impeachable offenses in the
Clinton Administration's policy of encouraging commercial exports to
China, which Gingrich called "a threat to the survival of the United

But last Oct. 15, the investigation took a new turn. The committee was
questioning Donald H. Rumsfeld, a former Secretary of Defense and author
of a highly classified report on missile threats commissioned by
Congress, on the subject of China's missiles.

Cox, a California Republican, asked a crucial question: How had the
Chinese managed to modernize their nuclear weapons program?

The answer was a secret, replied Rumsfeld, so highly classified that the
committee could not be told. So Cox went to the Central Intelligence
Agency, asking for inside information on China's espionage. And he got

"The committee started out going through a door, and we came into a
room, and there was more in that room than we thought there would be,"
said Representative Porter J. Goss, a Florida Republican, chairman of
the House Intelligence Committee and Cox committee member.

In that room, the committee found evidence that relentless espionage,
assiduous research and open exchanges with American scientists had saved
China incalculable time and money in its drive to build a modern nuclear
arsenal, said officials who have been told the contents of the
committee's report.

It learned of thefts of nuclear weapons information in the mid-1990's --
yet another espionage case still under investigation, whose details the
report cannot publicly disclose. It believes that Chinese spying
continues at the nation's weapons laboratories.

And it concluded that China will field a new generation of nuclear
weapons in coming years, based at least in part on stolen information,
that could alter the balance of power in Asia, especially regarding
Taiwan, which China views as a breakaway province.

"This was what Chris Cox stumbled onto as he started peeling the onion
layers back," said William Schneider Jr., a Rumsfeld commission member.
"The chairman had his eyes opened."

The secret files "opened not only Chris's eyes, but all our eyes," said
Representative Curt Weldon, a Pennsylvania Republican and Cox committee

The committee's members do not argue that the United States is
immediately threatened 

[CTRL] klintoon love child story resurfaces

1999-05-24 Thread Peter L. Sroufe

 -Caveat Lector-

["My first pledge will be to restore integrity to the White House. And I'll
fire anyone who
 has lied to the American people or the United States Congress."
--- Al Gore, in a February 2, 1988 presidential debate

So does this mean he's going to fire Clinton?]

Saturday May 22, 1:27 AM

Hillary Bio: Bill Traded Pardon for Silence on 'Love Child'

Did Bill Clinton believe he was really the father of Danny Williams, the
Little Rock teen who gained worldwide fame after reported last
November that his family wanted a presidential paternity test?

Now, thanks to Joyce Milton's new Hillary bio, "The First Partner", we may
have the answer to that question.

For the first week and a half of 1999, speculation ran wild after Internet
sleuth Matt Drudge spread the word that STAR Magazine had struck a paternity
test deal with Danny's family, obtaining DNA samples from the teen and his
mother, Bobbie Ann.

Williams' genetic code would be compared to the scant profile of Clinton's
DNA available in the FBI Lab section of the Starr Report.

The tests came back negative on Jan. 9 and media interest quickly
evaporated. Hardly anyone noticed when revealed a week later
that the FBI Lab refused to vouch for the accuracy of the presidential DNA
profile STAR Magazine had used. (See: Clinton Paternity 'Test' Called into

Now author Milton traces the curious history between Clinton and the man who
first called attention to his purported "love child", Little Rock impresario
Robert "Say" McIntosh.

In 1988, McIntosh got wind that Bobbie Ann, then a Little Rock hooker, was
telling friends her baby Danny belonged to the governor. He tried to peddle
the story to one reporter after another, finding his only success with GLOBE
Magazine, a supermarket tabloid that finally ran an expose in Feb. 1992.

The prestige press dismissed the tale but among Clinton cognoscenti,
McIntosh's claims about a presidential "love child" became the stuff of
legend, inspiring, in part, 1996's best selling book, "Primary Colors".

Author Milton reports that in 1991 McIntosh publicly claimed Clinton had
promised to grant his then-imprisoned son an early release. Young Tommy
McIntosh was serving a 50 year jail sentence on a cocaine rap.

The demand languished until Jan. 20, 1993, when the wheels of justice
suddenly became unstuck. With newly minted Arkansas Governor Jim Guy Tucker
in D.C. for Clinton's first inauguration, the honor fell to president pro
tempore of the Arkansas State Senate, Dr. Jerry Jewell. Tommy McIntosh was
sprung years before he would have normally gotten anywhere near a parole

As Milton puts it:

"Right up to the day STAR revealed the (paternity) test results, the White
House failed to issue a flat denial of the allegations. Either Clinton did
have relations with Bobbie Ann Williams at some point or, perhaps more
likely, even his closest aides were never entirely sure that they could
trust his protestations of innocence."

Tommy McIntosh's incredibly early parole, says Milton, suggests that the
Clinton camp "struck a deal with Say McIntosh in exchange for his silence."

Weeks after his son's release, McIntosh said that his bargain with Clinton
was sealed right after the election, telling the Washington Times:

"Those who question my credibility should asked themselves, 'If there was no
deal, how did this happen?' How did my son get out of prison 18 years before
he was eligible for parole?"

Good question.


Visit me at:
The Center for Exposing Corruption in the Federal Government

Federal Government defined:
a benefit/subsidy protection racket!

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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1999-05-24 Thread Kris Millegan

From: "Mike Ruppert" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Coming in the May Issue of from The Wilderness - Plus in-person appearance
in L.A. May 21, 1999 - Catherine Austin Fitts

EXCLUSIVE! Exclusive! EXLUSIVE! Exclusive!


Catherine Austin-Fitts, former Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban
Development under George Bush, former Managing Partner of the Wall Street
investment bank Dillon-Read discloses how HUD may have been a central part
of Reagan-Bush era scandals which included Iran-Contra, Savings and Loan and
the massive corruption at HUD.

Fitts will disclose how she, after being fired by Jack Kemp in 1990 for
refusing to go along with rampant corruption, later became a hugely
successful consultant for Democratic HUD Secretary Henry Cisneros. She saved
the taxpayers billions of dollars and was "nuked" again in 1996 for
developing databases and software which showed real connections between
CIA's crack cocaine and the wholesale looting of South Central L.A. through
defaulted home loans.

Catherine Austin-Fitts, using her brilliance as an investment banker who
moved billions of dollars on Wall Street, will reveal the true power of drug
money and confirm, with data the Department of Justice and HUD have been
trying to suppress, what residents of the inner cities have long suspected -
that ethnic cleansing is an American tradition and it is probably the uglier
truth behind Gay Webb's book Dark Alliance. The CIA didn't just encourage
and protect the cocaine epidemic, it most likely had a much larger and
sinister purpose - which can be empirically demonstrated!

Also in the May issue:



AVAILABLE ONLY FOR SUBSCRIBERS TO From The Wilderness by U.S. Mail. This
issue will mail on Friday, May 21, 1999. Subscriptions are $35 annually,
Payable to from The Wilderness Publications at P.O. Box 6061-350, Sherman
Oaks, CA 91413. Or call 818-788-8791.

Catherine Austin Fitts will be making a Los Angeles appearance with Mike
Ruppert on Friday, May 21, 1999 at USC. Friday May 21, 1999 OPEN COMMUNITY
MEETING, University of Southern California, Mike Ruppert with former Bush
Assistant Secretary of Housing, Catherine Austin Fitts.

TOPIC: The other half of the Gary Webb stories - ethnic cleansing in

Von Kleischmidt Center (VKC), University of Southern California, 7 -9 PM.


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Official enrollment forms and instructions on how to sign-up your community.
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ONElist:  where the world talks!
Join a new list today.


1999-05-24 Thread John Wright

 -Caveat Lector-

Dear CTRL:

I have been a subscriber for a few
months and a Conspiracy Theory Researcher
almost all my life. I have so many assertions/accusations to make
against everyone from George Bush and Jerry Ford
to my ex-wife MARTY to BOB DYLAN  (DYLAN

father of MARK TOWNLEY  - the
True Assassin of DR. MARTIN L. KING - of

PORT HURON, MICHIGAN (World Headquarters of Freemasonry!!) to the
BRITISH ROYALS - that it would be impossible
to try to describe them in a brief letter like this...

Therefore, I have just finished a website devoted entirely to listing my
(49 so far but still
growing both in content and numbers)
websites, which is:

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Clinton's Agenda for CIA in Kosovo

1999-05-24 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

Clinton OK's CIA's sabotage plan over Kosovo: Newsweek

.c Kyodo News Service

NEW YORK, May 24 (Kyodo) -- U.S. President Bill Clinton last week issued an
intelligence ''finding'' authorizing the CIA to begin secret efforts to
undermine public support for Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic, according
to the latest issue of Newsweek.

The finding would permit the CIA will train Kosovar rebels in sabotage such
as cutting telephone lines, blowing up buildings, fouling gasoline reserves
and pilfering food supplies, according to the May 31 edition of the U.S.
magazine, which quotes senior intelligence officials and sources who have
read the finding.

The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has also been instructed to conduct a
cyberwar against Milosevic using government hackers to tap into foreign banks
and, according to one U.S. official, ''diddle with Molosevic's bank
accounts,'' Newsweek reported.

Intelligence sources believe they have identified banks in several countries,
including Russia, Greece and Cyprus, where the Serb leader has hidden
millions of dollars, the magazine said.

However, the sabotage plan also entails serious problems, such as how the CIA
will find and train guerrillas without aiding the Kosovo Liberation Army,
which the administration itself labeled a terrorist organization a year ago,
it said.

Intelligence officials also worry it will be difficult to control the
U.S.-trained rebels once boot camp is over and they are set loose on
Milosevic, Newsweek said.

''At this point, it is not at all certain that the finding will ultimately be
carried out. If the grumblings from the Hill and the intelligence community
grow too loud, or if the risk-averse CIA chooses to drag its feet, the
president may opt to quietly kill the finding -- and pretend it never
existed,'' it said.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Senate Tries to Regulate Entertainment Media

1999-05-24 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

There has been much criticism of the Disney Company lately, which I
could not understand; but then, I had always loved Mickey Mouse and Walt

Today while babysitting my 1 plus old grandson, I turned on the Disney

Much to my horror, there was ( and this is sickening) an arm lying on a
floor, with blood running from underneath the body of a teenage first I thought it was HBO.

But, it was a Disney Movie.and the kid on the floor apparently was
playing a trick on his friends, one of whom took her foot, kicked him in
the face, and knocked him out.

I immediately turned the channel offstop and thing about this
scenesomeone's arm chopped off, lying on a kitchen floor, bleeding
to death...a big joke.

Is this fit programming - this was at 1 p.m, prime time for children?

What has happened to the Disney Channel.

And now I think I know what has happened; it used to be, the Disney
Channel was by subscription only; now, it is a free channelwhich
started out with all the old Disney movies, and now, it has turned into
a drug culture, homosexual and sadistic channel, attempting to
manipulate the minds of small childrn - which equates to government

Now rememberbefore Korea we had South Pacificand the Pentagon
working on how to absorb the colored race, while at the same time arming
up preparing for another Civil Warit did not work.  Martin Luther
King may have saved more lives than he realized, but gave his own as a
sacrifice.Black Nationalists were frightened into war tactics for
fear of genocide.

What is the Pentagon doing getting involved in racial problems when this
is a social problem, more easily solved by jobs and trainingbut the
Pentagon and Military might was to be put against the people.the
bayonets at the backs of Children in Little Rock, wherever that city is.

Remember the you cannot put new wine into old bottles.well, from
1960 on the children have been the victims of sadistic Nazi experiments
performed by our own government, most of which we hve not been aware.

We hold these truths to be self-evident - look at Jonesboro, Arkansas,
Littleton Colorado, and this is all the proof you need that drugs and
not guns, are the problem..the killing began with the doped up
Assassins over a thousand years ago..even then, they knew how to
turn a killer upon the public just as they do an attack dog, programmed
to kill upon command.

Cui Bono - well not the kids who are being killed, but some of those
people sittng on the shore with the big boats and docks, sure due in
Florida land...and they divy money up at the top, not the bottom in
the secret rooms of their secret societies.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Wall Street Scandals

1999-05-24 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

Wall Street's Scandals Highlight Need for Regulations

New York, May 22 (Bloomberg) -- In a bull market, Wall Street's pursuit of
profits can sometimes land securities firms and their employees on the wrong
side of the law.

This week, Merrill Lynch  Co., Morgan Stanley Dean Witter  Co., the New
York Stock Exchange and Datek Online Brokerage Services or their employees
were targeted by regulators or came under investigation for alleged illegal
activities. Overseas, Credit Suisse Group admitted obstructing Japanese

``When you have the level of entrepreneurial ferocity that you get in markets
from time to time, some people go overboard,'' said Roberta Karmel, a former
Securities and Exchange Commission commissioner who teaches securities law at
Brooklyn Law School.

The SEC has begun broadening the scope of its regulation in new and existing
segments of the financial industry. Chairman Arthur Levitt wants to nearly
double the SEC staff that searches for fraudulent online stock activity. The
SEC also expects to propose new rules to strengthen the role of independent
directors in governing mutual funds.

Self-regulatory agencies are also taking a more active role. The National
Association of Securities Dealers is considering ways to prevent misleading
ads by online brokers, and the NYSE is conducting a probe of abuses by floor

Unified Effort

``Maybe the SEC is going to be forced to unify the self- regulatory
organizations'' into a single body, said John Coffee, a professor of
securities law at Columbia University Law School.

Investors expressed confidence in the regulatory system, saying the recent
scandals are a product of competition spawned by the industry's growth during
the nine-year U.S. economic expansion and record-setting stock market.

``Financial services is as heavily regulated an industry as any in the
country,'' said Michael Holland, chairman of New York- based Holland  Co.
``It's not unusual to have eruptions like in the past week when you have this
kind of volume of activity in the business. That's what happens in bull

Karmel, the former SEC commissioner, said companies for the most part aren't
to blame, describing the recent cases as ``really rare lapses'' by
organizations that care about their integrity.

Copper Loan

The ``lapses'' that came to light this week occurred at some of Wall Street's
biggest firms:

Merrill Lynch, the biggest U.S. broker, was charged by the Commodity Futures
Trading Commission with financing one of the biggest commodities scandals.
Merrill lent $500 million to Japan's Sumitomo Corp., which manipulated the
copper market in 1995.

Merrill paid $18.1 million to settle a related, class-action lawsuit filed by
other trading firms last year. The company denied the CFTC charge.

Morgan Stanley, the No. 1 securities firm by market value, is being
investigated by New York law enforcement officials for allegedly paying
$10,000 to a witness in a case the firm brought against a former employee.

The former employee, Christian Curry, 25, was accused by Manhattan
prosecutors in August of attempting to distribute forged, racist and sexually
charged Morgan Stanley e-mails to pressure the firm into settling his
civil-rights suit against it.

Curry, who is black, has filed a $1.3 billion suit against Morgan Stanley. He
claims Morgan Stanley conspired to entrap him and have him arrested.

Prosecutors dropped the charges this week after discovering Morgan Stanley
failed to disclose it had ``ongoing negotiations'' with a witness against
Curry, C. Joseph Luethke,  over ``possible pecuniary payments.'' Luethke had
put Curry in contact with an undercover detective.

Wired Money

Morgan Stanley said it fired Curry in April 1998 for expense- account abuse,
denying his charge of discrimination. ``Our conduct and the conduct of our
employees in this matter was entirely appropriate and legal,'' the company
said in a statement.

The New York Stock Exchange case involved four former floor brokers at the
exchange, the world's biggest, and two principals of Oakford Corp., a New
York brokerage. All pleaded guilty to an illegal trading conspiracy at the

The brokers admitted maintaining secret accounts through Oakford to make
trades for themselves, a violation of conflict-of- interest rules. The
brokers split profits from the trades with Oakford principals.

The Oakford case has evolved into a broad investigation of the approximately
500 independent floor brokers who work on the NYSE floor. Federal
prosecutors, the SEC and the NYSE believe as many as 64 floor brokers, or 13
percent of the total, may have shared profits with trading customers,
according to people close to the investigations.

Additionally, the SEC is investigating how the NYSE polices floor brokers and
their trading for clients.

Datek Online Brokerage Services, the No. 4 online broker, agreed to pay
$50,000 to settle allegations it used client money to meet its own 

Re: [CTRL] How Did TV Show Know Who Would Be Next Israeli PM?

1999-05-24 Thread Localfreak

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 5/21/99 8:47:34 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Did anyone catch the beginning of the "Millennium" --executive producer
 Chris Carter's creation-- show where a scene had a news report saying
 that the new prime minister of Isreal was Barak.

 If the election happened just a few days ago, how did a TV show that's
 taped know he was going to get elected prime minister?


it was kind of obvious.Netanyahu's popularity has been wanning for a long
time, Barak was the expected winner. Still, there is a possibility that Barak
could have lost...

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] OT: Knowledge=Poverty

1999-05-24 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded Message Follows ---


 Dilbert's "Salary Theorem" states that "Engineers and scientists can
 never earn as much as business executives and sales people."

 This theorem can now be supported by a mathematical equation based on the
 following two postulates:

 Postulate 1:   Knowledge is Power.
 Postulate 2:   Time is Money.

 As every engineer knows:
   Power  =  Work / Time

 And since:
   Knowledge = Power

Time  =  Money

 It is therefore true that
  Knowledge = Work / Money

 Solving this equation for Money, we get:
  Money  =  Work / Knowledge

 Thus, as Knowledge approaches zero, Money approaches infinity, regardless
 of the amount of Work done.

 Conclusion:   The less you know, the more you make.

The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
A merely fallen enemy may rise again, but the reconciled
one is truly vanquished. -Johann Christoph Schiller,
   German Writer (1759-1805)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
It is preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that
prevents us from living freely and nobly. -Bertrand Russell
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
"Everyone has the seek, receive and impart
information and ideas through any media and regardless
of frontiers."
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Forwarded as information only; no endorsement to be presumed
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material
is distributed without charge or profit to those who have
expressed a prior interest in receiving this type of information
for non-profit research and educational purposes only.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Collosal Putty

1999-05-24 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

From TheNewStatesman (UK)

War turns our colossus to putty

Prime-ministerial dominance and allegations about control-freakery
marked years one and two of this government. Now we are witnessing,
at home and abroad, the severe limitations of prime-ministerial
power. Scotland and Wales look to new rulers, not all of them even
from the mighty Labour Party. In Belgrade, Slobodan Milosevic stands
defiant in spite of the hawkish Tony Blair. Suddenly Blair does not
seem quite the dominant figure he appeared to be only weeks ago.

You would not believe it from some of the reporting and analysis of
recent days but, as far as devolution was concerned, Blair really was
ready to give up some power. The coverage reflects a curious view of
Blair. Much of the time the media portrays him as a far-sighted
colossus who bestrides the political stage. Over devolution, however,
they depict him as a numbskull, the only person in the country
unaware of what happens when power is devolved and elections are held
under a form of proportional representation. Ever since Blair became
leader, when he was unquestionably less enthusiastic about devolution
than John Smith, there has been patronising talk of "unintended
consequences" arising from the Scottish Parliament. Now reports
suggest that the outcome of the elections have left him reeling: the
Downing Street autocrat does not like this messy coalition business
and is rarely off the phone to Donald Dewar.

Yet even my nine-year-old son knew that a coalition was likely in
Scotland (in our sad household, he also thought the single "Sexual
Healing" was entitled "Single Currency", although if you listen to
the over-produced chorus, he has a point). Blair, too, knew that
Labour would not win an overall majority in Scotland: the voting
system made some form of power-sharing almost inevitable.

Blair enjoys symbolic acts of radicalism - but wants to avoid their
practical consequences. Thus, he appointed Frank Field as social
security minister to the sound of trumpets and sacked him when he
dared to come up with proposals that bore some relation to his well-
known views. He told Lord Jenkins to go away and find a new voting
system. When he found one, though, it was kicked into the long grass
and may never be found again.

No doubt Blair would have preferred to commission a review on the
Efficacy of Coalitions in Scotland and Wales, to report back in 2003,
rather than face the real thing.

But the practical consequences of devolution were unavoidable. Blair
will be more relaxed than troubled about this. What is more, I
suspect that his project with the Liberal Democrats in London is far
from dead as a result.

The "project" is spoken of as a fully worked-out scheme, which it is
not. Blair is experimenting as he goes along, leaving all options

Only recently, I suggested that if there were no referendum on
electoral reform in this parliament (and there won't be), a new
voting system would not be in place for the election after next. But
Blair won't want to ditch the Liberal Democrats. At the last
election, Paddy Ashdown's party was part of an unbeatable informal
anti-Tory coalition. The Lib Dems performed well in the local
elections last week, while the Tories made some progress. The
electoral advantages of an informal alliance between the Liberal
Democrats and Labour against a recovering Tory party were reinforced,
rather than undermined.

Scotland and Wales will be test beds. Some of the Labour members of
the Scottish Parliament may not be enthusiastic representatives of
the new Labour model army, and the Welsh Labour group may still be
reeling from centralised interference - but what did anyone expect?
When power devolves, tensions arise.

The row over tuition fees is an early example. If Scotland does not
have tuition fees, so be it. Even in poor old centralised England,
there is considerable variation in council tax levels. This does not
mean everyone rushes off to live in areas where bills are lowest.
English students won't all head up to Scotland, either.

Other such challenging issues will come up. What will happen, for
example, if the Scottish Parliament awards nurses a higher pay rise
than in England and Wales? The answer is that a few English nurses
will move to Scotland, but not many.

You cannot have devolution and expect no divergence in policy - or
else there would be little point in having devolution. As this was
obvious before a single vote was cast last Thursday, I doubt if
ministers in London are too taken aback.

Neither devolution, nor the election results last week, challenge the
Blair aura of invincibility. It is the war in the Balkans, infinitely
less predictable, that threatens to do that.

In his recent Commons statement, Robin Cook condemned critics for
failing to focus on the intentional acts of depravity taking place in
Kosovo, rather than the unintentional ones committed by Nato. But the
air strikes were supposed to prevent the very acts 

[CTRL] (Fwd) Second ZNet Commentary...Johnstone

1999-05-24 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded Message Follows ---
From:   "Michael Albert" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:Second ZNet Commentary...Johnstone
Date sent:  Sat, 22 May 1999 22:27:49 +0100

The Shalom Commentary you received before this one is for May 23. This one
is for May 24

from Diana Johnstone

The florid and reckless war rhetoric of British Prime Minister Tony Blair
and his Foreign Secretary Robin Cook is the stuff British tabloids are made
of. Likening the latest recalcitrant foreign leader to Hitler is the sort of
thing readers on the London tube expect to find in between sex scandals and
cleavage photos. It does not go down so well on the continent, however,
where frank enthusiasm for laser-bombing alien populations has yet to become
an accepted form of mass entertainment.  Cook's "overblown language" is
almost more than one can stand to hear, Willy Wimmer, a Christian Democratic
member of the German Bundestag said recently. In an interview with the
Berliner Zeitung, he expressed worry at NATO's apparent unwillingness to
seek a negotiated settlement with Belgrade. The "very extreme positions of
foreign secretary Cook" revealed a clear attempt to drag NATO into "a major
war in the Balkans", he said.  Wimmer interpreted the desperate efforts of
several European NATO governments countries to promote negotiations as
stemming from their gradual recognition that they could find themselves in
serious trouble in the future if everything is decided by "the right of the
strongest, that is the US".

The US and Britain appear determined to force an unconditional surrrender on
Belgrade, Wimmer observed. Once the war is over, he suggested, all the
questions concerning the legal basis for NATO's war, questions currently
being shoved under the table, could come before the courts. This raised the
sharp suspicion that one of the motives for pursuing war to the bitter end
is to see to it that "international tribunals judge only one side" -- the
losing side of course.  Last week, the BBC invited people to debate the
question as to whether or not "Serbia can reform itself". Several speakers,
such as university lecturer Mark Wheeler, answered in the negative,
declaring that Serbia's collective guilt required foreign occupation and a
"denazification" process such as took place in Germany after World War II.
This of course implies unconditional surrender.  Wimmer expressed some alarm
at comparisons of Yugoslavia with Eichmann and Hitler alarming, wondering
where Europe was heading. According to the Berliner Zeitung, Wimmer did not
rule out the prospect of Washington and London carrying on their Balkan war
alone, without the rest of NATO, as they are doing in Iraq.  As vice
president of the parliamentary assembly of the Organization of Security and
Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), Wimmer has followed events leading to the NATO
bombing with a very critical eye. In particular, he was aware that European
observers did not agree that Serbian repression of "Kosovo Liberation Army"
rebels warranted a NATO attack in the first place. In his open criticism of
the war, he is not typical of the conservative side of the German political
spectrum.  Most of the opposition to the war comes from the left and the
trade union movement. Europe's largest union, IG Metall, has taken a strong
stand against the NATO bombing.

The fact that the NATO war was initially advocated by a left of center
government headed by Social Democratic chancellor Gerhard Schroeder and
Green foreign minister Joschka Fischer on "humanitarian" grounds succeeded,
in Germany as in other NATO countries with center-left governments, in
initially silencing potential opposition. Still, consternation has spread
through the rank and file of both parties. The Greens in particular have
been losing members as a result. Since Fischer has justified the bombing on
grounds that Germany has a special responsibility to combat any repetition
of "Auschwitz", the anti-war minority around the Young Green Alternative
movement is organizing a campaign to point out that Kosovo is not

Meanwhile, Gregor Gysi, leader of the Party of Democratic Socialism, heir to
the former East German communist party, voices opposition within the
Bundestag, while outside the parliament left-wing intellectuals are busy
building a new anti-war movement based on solid legal, historical and
political arguments. Opposition to NATO's war is particularly widespread in
Eastern Germany, but is growing in the West as well in view of the miserable
results of "humanitarian" bombing. The German press, although traditionally
anti-Serb in its editorials, is perhaps the most thorough of all in its
factual reporting, and thereby often neutral and fair. There is also a
relatively low circulation leftist press, including daily newspapers, all
highly critical of NATO in general and 

[CTRL] Skeptic News - Sunday #1

1999-05-24 Thread ric carter

 -Caveat Lector-

SkeptiNews 990523a - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

: Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
: Nothing contained herein is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy or meaning.
: No curmudgeons were disgruntled during the production of this bulletin.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# PLACEBO HELPS SOME DEPRESSED PEOPLE. Scientists have detected a change in
brain activity that helped some people gain remission from depression after
taking inactive "placebo" pills. The surprising finding is exactly opposite
what was found in people helped by Prozac. If scientists can find how the
placebo treatment works, it might lead to developing new therapies. Brain
underactive or overactive?

: Is your brain underworked or overloaded? What is your favorite placebo? Is
your sanity a product of nature, nurture, nonsense, alien implants, cocoa?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

the go-ahead for Russia to keep the Mir space station in orbit, provided the
gov't doesn't have to pay for it. The Kremlin said Yeltsin had approved the
govt's plans to keep the 13-year-old Mir in space longer than planned if
private money was found. Russia says it would only pay for Mir's operation
through the end of August. Mir relatively stable - more than can be said
about Yeltsin:

: Would you like to buy an orbital station? Would you just be a front for
your alien masters? Is Mir suitable for beaming mind-control rays at Terra?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Q: What do spies like? A: Sex. MELBOURNE, Aus. - What occupies the mind of
a man embroiled in the world of international espionage, facing charges that
could lead to the death penalty? If a trail left by Jean Philippe Wispel-
aere, the 28-year-old former Australian Defence Intelligence Organisation
employee charged with selling defence secrets, is a reliable indicator, the
answer is pornography, sex, body building, trainspotting, military hardware
and travel.

: Are your obsessions sufficient to qualify you for an exciting career in
the espionage biz? Would you rather spy for a gov't, corporation, religion,
revolutionary faction, cabal, publication; for humans, aliens, yourself, me?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Ball Lightings Explained? THE LAST PLACE most people would try to start a
fire is inside a tornado. But two researchers who have pulled off a similar
trick in a lab in New Zealand say their experiment may explain enigmatic
weather phenomena such as ball lightning. Fireball in breakdown region:

: Does this do away with Foo Fighter legends? Are these phenomena natural,
alien, Nazi/Commie, divine, unknowable? Are ball lightnings just seed pods?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ SACRED PLACES. An exploration of how and why places become invested with
Sacredness and how the sacred is embodied or made manifest through art and
architecture. Visit places like Giza, Egypt; Stonehenge, England; Holy
Sepulchre, Israel; Shrine at Ise, Japan; Mecca, Saudi Arabia and many other

: What's your favorite sacred place? How did it achieve sanctity? Do you act
out rituals there? Do the rituals use blood: human, animal, alien, divine?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# It's a date - our Mungo Man was here 56,000 years ago. SYDNEY - Australia
was occupied by humans at least 56,000 years ago, according to new dating
work on an ancient skeleton found at Lake Mungo in far western NSW in 1974.
Three different techniques put the dating of the skeleton at between 56,000
and 68,000 years old, and if accepted by the archaeological community it
will be the new official earliest date of occupation of Australia by human

# Mungo Man older than thought. CANBERRA - Fresh analysis of the skeletal
remains found at Lake Mungo in NSW 25 years ago indicate he may be up to
68,000 years old - making him 28,000 years older than earlier scientific
estimates. The revised dating of the remains by scientists at the Australian
National University rewrites the history of Australia's occupation and has
profound implications for worldwide debate over the origins of modern man.

: Is Australia now occupied by human beings, or just by sports fans? Is Oz
the mythical Atlantis, or Lemuria, or just a good place for rabbits? Why?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


# StarWars Episode 19.5: The Phantom Symbolism:

- Isis/Osiris mythology
# The Legend of Osiris and Isis:

Re: [CTRL] Pre-Neanderthal pelvis suggests brain prevailed over brawn

1999-05-24 Thread nurev

 -Caveat Lector-

Robert Tatman wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

 So much for rugged individualism... "The Nature article said that despite
 their 'armored car' build, the Neanderthals became extinct because they failed
 to look after each other, whereas their weaker cousins, the descendants of
 modern man, were more social and were forced to depend on each other for
 Pre-Neanderthal pelvis suggests brain prevailed over brawn

 May 21, 1999
 Web posted at: 3:09 p.m. EDT (1909 GMT)

 MADRID, Spain (AP) -- The ancestors of the Neanderthals were taller and
 heavier than previously thought, leading scientists to speculate that brawn
 over brains may have contributed to their extinction.

 Anthropologists from Madrid's Complutense University reached their conclusions
 after a five-year study of a 300,000-year-old fossil pelvis. The pelvis was
 put together from fragments found in 1994 in the key Atapuerca caves in
 northern Spain, according to the study published Thursday in the journal

 Complete pelvis fossils, which are quite rare, provide detailed information
 about the person as a whole, including dimensions, reproduction and

 Team director Juan Luis Arsuaga told the daily El Mundo that the pelvis
 belonged to a pre-Neanderthal male between 1.73 to 1.80 meters (about 6 feet)
 tall who weighed at least 100 kilograms (about 220 pounds).

 Arsuaga, co-author of the study, said the width of the pelvis suggested that
 pre-Neanderthals suffered far less pain giving birth than their direct
 descendants, or modern humans.

 The pelvis belongs to an ancestor of the classic Neanderthals that date from
 between 100,000 and 35,000 years ago, when they died out, Antonio Rosas told
 the Associated Press. Rosas is an expert in prehistoric jaw bones who has also
 worked at Atapuerca.

 "It is undoubtedly the most complete pelvis ever found from the period and an
 important contribution to the field," Rosas said.

 The Nature article said that despite their "armored car" build, the
 Neanderthals became extinct because they failed to look after each other,
 whereas their weaker cousins, the descendants of modern man, were more social
 and were forced to depend on each other for survival.

 As adults, the Atapuerca hominids had smaller brains than modern humans
 relative to body mass, adding to the brawn-over-brain theory.

 The prehistoric remains were first discovered in the Atapuerca cave in 1976,
 with full scale excavation begun in 1984. It is one of the world's best
 prehistoric sites, and is the most important from the middle-plaestecine era
 that began about 780,000 years ago and lasted for 660,000 years, Rosas said.

Well duuu

This is the reason I don't cut Libertarians and Capitalists any slack.
try to push a philosophy that is both counterintuitive and unnatural.
That is,
the supremacy of the individual. Without commenting on what kind of
tends to find this ideology attractive, I would point out that ALL the
work in, and work for their group. That group is generally the Upper
Class and
upwardly mobile wannabes.

Unfortunately that group is at odds with the rest of humanity and we
are rapidly
approaching a situation of us and them within the constraints and
parameters of
limited resources in a finite ecological system.


social animals have evolved to survive AS A GROUP.

"And it came to pass that in the last days catatonics
roamed the earth, and great monsters ruled the masses."
  Joshua II 

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


Re: [CTRL] War's Over

1999-05-24 Thread nurev

 -Caveat Lector-

Alamaine Ratliff wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-


 Picture: John DoggettPicture: John N. Doggett
 Picture: WND Exclusive Commentary
 The war is over


 Two months ago, Bill Clinton and the leaders of Europe thought they
 could launch a video game-like war in Yugoslavia that would be
 painless, casualty free and quick. Ten thousand bombs later, the
 political will to continue this senseless and tragic war is

 Let me be the first to proclaim that the War in Yugoslavia is over.
 NATO lost, Slobodan won. Oh, NATO will still drop more bombs, kill
 more civilians and make more excuses. But anything that NATO does
 from now on is only rigor mortis setting in.

 Gerhard Schroder, Chancellor of Germany, says he will prevent the use of combat 
ground troops. Gerhard, who is also Chairman of the European Union, has uttered words 
that tell Milosevic that he has won.

 Everyone knows that the air war has failed. Everyone knows that the Kosovo Albanians 
can't return to their homes. So if NATO can't use ground troops, NATO might as well 
stop the bombing and negotiate settlement with Slobo
 dan Milosevic on his terms.

 The Italian parliament has passed a resolution urging NATO to impose a 48-hour 
bombing pause after the U.N. Security Council passes a resolution outlining a peace 
settlement. A single " no" vote can kill any resolution of
  the U.N. Security Council. Russia and China are both members of the U.N. Security 
Council. Russia and China both want NATO to lose face.

 This dirty little war has empowered Russia and China to reassert their power on the 
world stage. Russia and China will insist on a "peace settlement" that will be 
acceptable to Milosevic. The war is over my friends, and N
 ATO lost.

 Italian Prime Minister Massimo D'Alema warned that public support for the NATO air 
campaign against Yugoslavia could falter if we attacked nonmilitary targets. Well, 
Mr. Prime Minister, you are too late.

 We are tired of NATO bombing hospitals. We are tired of NATO bombing embassies. We 
are tired of NATO bombing homes, apartment buildings, busses and trains. We are tired 
of NATO killing innocent civilians.

 We are tired of this war that we never wanted in the first place. We are tired of 
the big lie that if we just give NATO a few more days and a few more bombs, Slobodan 
will be broken.

 The Butcher of the Balkans has won. He has kicked most of the Kosovar
 Albanians out of Kosovo. Continued bombing of hospitals, homes,
 bridges, electricity generating plants and factories seems nothing
 less than mindless and wanton violence just for the heck of it.

 Why can't Bill Clinton make the connection between the murders in
 Littleton, Colo., and the ethnic cleansing in Kosovo? Decent law-
 abiding kids and an adult died at Columbine High School because only
 the killers and a security guard had guns. The same thing happened in
 the 1991 Luby's massacre in Killeen, Texas. If law-abiding citizens
 had the right to carry guns at Columbine and Luby's, few if any
 people would have died because they would have had the means to
 protect themselves.

 We have seen the results of right-to-carry laws in Florida, Texas and
 other parts of the nation. Nothing stops violent crime better than
 allowing law-abiding citizens to protect themselves with guns.
 However, Clinton, and now the Republican Congress, just don't get it.

 The ultimate flaw in all gun control programs is that they assume
 that criminals will obey the law. Duh. The definition of a criminal
 is someone who consciously breaks laws. Criminals love gun control
 laws. Gun control laws make it easier for criminals to abuse the law
 abiding because the only people who will obey gun control laws are
 those who don't commit crimes. When Bill Clinton promotes gun control
 legislation, he is playing into the hands of violent criminals.

 Kosovo is a perfect example of why Clinton's and Congress' dream for
 America is a living nightmare. In Kosovo, only the police and the
 Army had "legal" guns. When armed thugs told Kosovar Albanians that
 they had only ten minutes to leave their homes, the residents were
 powerless to resist. If the Albanians of Kosovo had our Second
 Amendment right to bear arms, they would have done something other
 than run when confronted with armed intruders. If the Albanians of
 Kosovo had exercised their right-to-carry, most of them would still
 be living in their homes.

 Where does this all leave us? Ethnic cleansing is over. Milosevic has
 cleansed the Kosovar Albanians. The KLA, a shadowy "terrorist"
 organization that was supposed to rise and get rid of the Serbs once
 the bombing started has been 

[CTRL] Fwd: S99-86, Day 60 (May 22, 9:30PM EDT) - A Special TiM GWBulletin on NATO's

1999-05-24 Thread Kris Millegan


The Special Truth in Media Global Watch Bulletins on NATO's war on Serbia,
such as the one enclosed below, can also be accessed at our Web site: which is being updated throughout the day.

Issue S99-86, Day 60
May 22, 1999; 9:00PM EDT


Djakovica1. NATO Hits KLA Compound, Killing Five and
Wounding 25 Albanian Rebels

Brussels   2. NATO Considers Halt to Bombing

London3. Blair Talks Tough, Is Less "Invincible" Now

London4. Mountains Ground U.S. Apaches

Hong Kong  5. China Bars U.S. Ships from Hong Kong

1. NATO Hits KLA Compound, Killing Five and Wounding 25 Albanian Rebels

DJAKOVICA, May 21 - With the kind of "support" the Kosovo Liberation Army
rebels received at 7:30AM local time on Friday May 21 from their friends
and allies at NATO, the Albanian terrorists may prefer low-tech combat
against the Yugoslav police.  By the time smoke had cleared after three
NATO bombs hit a KLA compound in Kosovo, a mile from the Albanian south
west of Djakovica, five KLA rebels lay dead and 25 were wounded.

The KLA compound was actually a former Yugoslav Army barracks taken over by
the rebels last month, the Washington Post reported today (May 22).  The
attack is an embarrassment for both NATO and the Albanian guerrillas, who
had felt confident enough of their control of the area to invite western
journalists to visit, the Post said.
TiM Ed.: This mishap is another example of "friendly fire" bungling by the
NATO "supermen" and their "precision" high-tech killing machines. On
several earlier occasions they couldn't even hit the right country, let
alone the intended military formation, as several NATO missiles exploded in
Macedonia or Bulgaria.  So far, at least five missiles had hit Bulgaria,
the last one falling in the early morning hours on May 10 near the village
Liulin, which was heard by the residents of the Sofia suburb Nadezda.

And NATO might as well draft a form letter for diplomatic apologies it is
having to send out, as its May 21 bombing in Belgrade reportedly also
slightly damaged the Indian, Israeli, Pakistani and Hungarian embassies, in
addition to the earlier damages to the Swedish and Swiss ambassadors'
residences (see S99-84, Item 1, May 20 and S99-85, Item 2, May 21).

With such "precision bombing," should the American and other NATO troops
ever move in close to the Yugoslav border, the may discover a whole new
meaning of "air support" and that oxymoron term, "friendly fire."  Just as
the KLA rebels did on May 21.

2. NATO Considers Halt to Bombing

BRUSSELS, May 21 - The all pomp and bluster NATO supreme commander, Gen.
Wesley Clark, said at the outset of the war that he was going to have the
Serbs on their knees after the first three days of bombing (see S99-58, Day
36, Item 1, Apr. 28). For, after 60 days of incessant and accelerating
bombing, the only knee pads being worn out are those used by NATO leaders
while praying for a miracle - to save them from the dead end road they have
picked out for themselves.

And small miracles are being granted, it seems. To those who still have a
dose of humility left.  NATO leaders are considering a fundamental switch
of tactics whereby the bombing of Serbia could be halted before Slobodan
Milosevic has met the alliance's five conditions for a cease fire, the
London Telegraph reported on May 21.

The move, if agreed, would represent a significant climbdown from NATO's
position that its demands must be met in full before the air campaign could
end, the Telegraph said. As diplomatic efforts to find a solution
intensified, NATO made it clear that it was seriously considering plans
advanced by Massimo D'Alema, the Italian prime minister, which involve a
cessation of bombing as soon as a United Nations Security Council
resolution on a settlement had been merely drafted. Which could happen any
time now.

Under the Italian plan, bombing would stop before Milosevic had withdrawn
any of his 40,000 troops and perhaps even before he had formally agreed to
do so, and to allow in a Nato-led peacekeeping force. The bombing would
halt before the UN resolution had been officially approved to get round the
possibility of a Chinese veto. After meeting D'Alema at the NATO
headquarters in Brussels, Javier Solana, the alliance's secretary general,
said the Italian proposal is being taken "very seriously".

Last night (May 20), Solana flew to London to meet Tony Blair and for
dinner with George Robertson, the defence secretary. The Italian plan was
understood to be one of the main items for discussion.

And at the May 20 NATO briefing in Brussels, Jamie Shea, the alliance
spokesman, hinted clearly that the D'Alema plan, or something like it, was
under active consideration. Previously, NATO had rejected any such 

[CTRL] Fwd: Triazolam - RxList Monographs

1999-05-24 Thread Colleen Jones

This and other drugs forwarded herewith are drugs used by the Military,
and the Drug Administration knows the WARNNGS and side effects of

The use of these drugs cause temporary 1968 I started
drug research just enough to find out what it could do, and then after
associating with Sirhan and Oswald, and the Assassinsmasonic cute
stuff nearly landed me in the hospital after being mickey-finned.the
waitress involved, was later murdered - and police and drug connections
were evident, with the masonic connections - but an assassin is an
assassin, and a crook is a crook, and a conspiracy is a conspiracy.

It is the drugs, not the guns.and for those that take on these
people, I just hve this to saykeep out of public places, and do not
open your door to Avon Calling, or religious cults traveling in pairs
hawking Joan of Arc statuesyes, it really happens...the Fuller Brush
man may too be your worst enemy


[CTRL] 90% Funding Cutback In Presidential Ordered Declassification Process

1999-05-24 Thread Steve Wingate

 -Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded Message Follows ---
From:   "Andrew schmitz" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:IMAGES: 90% Funding Cutback In Presidential Ordered 
Declassification Process
Date sent:  Mon, 24 May 1999 00:23:51 PDT
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

May 19, 1999

Summary of Major Provisions

H.R. 1401:
National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2000

as reported by the House Armed Services Committee May 19, 1999


Declassification of Records at DOD. The President

s Executive Order 12958
requires the declassification of all records 25 or more years old.
However, the process of reviewing the records to ensure that highly
sensitive information, such as nuclear weapons design data, is not
automatically declassified, is very costly. In fact, DOD reports that they
annually spend $200 million of operations and maintenance funds to
implement Executive Order 12958. As there are more important defense
readiness uses for OM funds, the committee recommends a provision to
limit DOD operations and maintenance spending for record declassification
to no more than $20 million during fiscal year 2000.

What a farce! It was a Dog and Pony show right from the onset and was
never meant to be a legitimate order!!!

Steve Wingate

California Director

Anomalous Images and UFO Files

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] How Can We Blame all on Guns?

1999-05-24 Thread Steve Wingate

 -Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded Message Follows ---
Date sent:  Mon, 24 May 1999 10:18:34 + (GMT)
From:   David Tilbury GNET 822 5435 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:IUFO: How Can We Blame all on Guns?
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
By Paul Harvey
Commentary Of April 27, 1999

Letters - How can we blame it all on guns?

For the life of me, I can't understand what could have gone wrong in
Littleton, Colo. If only the parents had kept their children away from the
guns, we wouldn't have had such a tragedy. Yeah, it must have been the

1. It couldn't have been because of half our children are being raised in
broken homes.

2. It couldn't have been because our children get to spend an average of 30
seconds in meaningful conversation with their parents each day. After all,
we give our children quality time.

3. It couldn't have been because we treat our children as pets and our pets
as children.

4. It couldn't have been because we place our children in day care centers
where they learn their socialization skills among their peers under the law of
the jungle while employees who have no vested interest in the children look
on and make sure that no blood is spilled.

5. It couldn't have been because we allow our children to watch, on
average, seven hours of television a day filled with the glorification of sex
and violence that isn't fit for adult consumption.

6. It couldn't have been because we allow our children to enter into virtual
worlds in which, to win the game, one must kill as many opponents as
possible in the most sadistic way possible.

7. It couldn't have been because we have sterilized and contracepted our
families down to sizes so small that the children we do have are so spoiled
with material things that they come to equate the receiving of the material
with love.

8. It couldn't have been because our children, who historically have been
seen as a blessing from God, are now being viewed as either a mistake
created when contraception fails or inconveniences that parents try to raise
in their spare time.

9. It couldn't have been because our nation is the world leader in
developing a "culture of death" in which 20 million to 30 million babies have
been killed by abortion.

10. It couldn't have been because we give two-year prison sentences to
teen-agers who kill their newborns.

11. It couldn't have been because our school systems teach the children
that they are nothing but glorified apes who have evolutionized out of some
primordial soup of mud by teaching evolution as fact and by handing out
condoms as if they were candy.

12. It couldn't have been because we teach our children that there are no
laws of morality that transcend us, that everything is relative and that
actions don't have consequences. What the heck, the president gets away
with it!

Nah, it must have been the guns.

Steve Wingate

California Director

Anomalous Images and UFO Files

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] The origins of common phrases-for fun

1999-05-24 Thread Taylor, John (JH)

 -Caveat Lector-

Life in the 1500's

Most people got married in June because they took their yearly bath in May
were still smelling pretty good by June. However, they were starting to
so brides carried a bouquet of flowers to hide the B.O.

Baths equaled a big tub filled with hot water. The man of the house had the
privilege of the nice clean water, then all the sons and other men, then the
women and the children. Last of all the babies. By then the water was so
you could actually lose someone in it. Hence the saying, "Don't throw the
out with the bath water.

Houses had thatched roofs. Thick straw, piled high, with no wood underneath.
was the only place for animals to get warm, so all the pets... dogs, cats
other small animals, mice, rats, bugs lived in the roof. When it rained it
became slippery and sometimes the animals would slip and fall off the roof.
Hence the saying, "It's raining cats and dogs."

There was nothing to stop things from falling into the house. This posed a
problem in the bedroom where bugs and other droppings could really mess up
nice clean bed. So, they found if they made beds with big posts and hung a
over the top, it addressed that problem. Hence those beautiful big 4 poster
with canopies.

The floor was dirt. Only the wealthy had something other than dirt, hence
saying "dirt poor." The wealthy had slate floors which would get slippery in
winter when wet. So they spread thresh on the floor to help keep their
As the winter wore on they kept adding more thresh until when you opened the
door it would all start slipping outside. A piece of wood was placed at the
entry way, hence a "thresh hold".

They cooked in the kitchen in a big kettle that always hung over the fire.
day they lit the fire and added things to the pot. They mostly ate
and didn't get much meat. They would eat the stew for dinner leaving
in the pot to get cold overnight and then start over the next day. Sometimes
stew had food in it that had been in there for a month. Hence the rhyme:
porridge hot, peas porridge cold, peas porridge in the pot nine days old."

Sometimes they could obtain pork and would feel really special when that
happened. When company came over, they would bring out some bacon and hang
it to
show it off. It was a sign of wealth and that a man "could really bring home
bacon." They would cut off a little to share with guests and would all sit
around and "chew the fat."

Those with money had plates made of pewter. Food with a high acid content
some of the lead to leach onto the food. This happened most often with
so they stopped eating tomatoes... for 400 years.

Most people didn't have pewter plates, but had trenchers - a piece of wood
the middle scooped out like a bowl. Trenchers were never washed and a lot of
times worms got into the wood. After eating off wormy trenchers, they would
"trench mouth."  These pieces of wood (plates) were also square rather than
round, hence the expression getting a "square meal".

Bread was divided according to status. Workers got the burnt bottom of the
the family got the middle, and guests got the top, or the "upper crust".

Lead cups were used to drink ale or whiskey. The combination would sometimes
knock them out for a couple of days. Someone walking along the road would
them for dead and prepare them for burial. They were laid out on the kitchen
table for a couple of days and the family would gather around and eat and
and wait and see if they would wake up. Hence the custom of holding a

England is old and small, and they started running out of places to bury
So, they would dig up coffins and would take their bones to a house and
the grave. In reopening these coffins, one out of 25 coffins were found to
scratch marks on the inside and they realized they had been burying people
alive. So they thought they would tie a string on their wrist and lead it
through the coffin and up through the ground and tie it to a bell. Someone
have to sit out in the graveyard all night to listen for the bell. Hence on
"graveyard shift" they would know that someone was "saved by the bell" or he
a "dead ringer".

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.


1999-05-24 Thread Taylor, John (JH)

 -Caveat Lector-

Lasker, G.E. and T. Koizumi, Eds. (1997), Symposium on The Culture of Peace
in Cooperation with UNESCO (Baden-Baden), A Publication of the International

Institute for Advanced Studies in Systems Research and Cybernetics,
Conference Proceedings.


Robert John
International Council on Human Ecology and Ethnology


The power and policy of the U.S.A. seem directed toward moving the peoples
and nations of the world into an American Union, a European Union, and an
Asian Union, and merging these into a World Union of central authority with
military power.  Yet specific limitation of central power, and retention of
optimal power by an informed electorate, were part of the concept of the
Founders of the U.S.A., as was the principle of benign neutrality and
non-interference in the affairs of other states.  Ethno-national cultures
evolve and conflict reduced by boundaries that allow for common mobilization

for defense of interests.  National boundaries and self-rule are checks upon

exploitative trans-national agencies or corporations.  Regional
confederations with minimal explicit powers should deal with regional
concerns, all subject to the ballot of individual voters.

Peace, confederation, imperium, foreign intervention, nationalism.

Prospects are future probabilities based on present indications.  With Peace

and Liberty, the probability of making the best choice among possible
is increased by considering present data, noting indications, and adding
retrospective, historical data.  Of the Pax Americana-Caveat Emptor-Let the
Buyer Beware!

Centralization of Power-Imperium

The world is under a growing imperium (definition: command not subject to
definition or limitation of function; absolute command) with unassailable
American military power.  From Japan and Okinawa, and the Northern Marianas
in the western Pacific, through the Indian Ocean, the Middle East, Europe,
the Americas and Alaska, its armed forces with fleets of warships and
warplanes patrol seas and skies, and its spy satellites look everywhere.
Every day of the year its Pentagon spends $67.4 million ($24,600,000,000 for

1997) to prepare to fight a nuclear war.  The U.S.A. is armed-and dangerous.

"We don't want to engage in a fair fight, a contemporary war of attrition,"
said Defense Secretary William S. Cohen.  "We want to dominate across the
full spectrum of conflict, so that if ever we have to fight, we will win on
our terms" (Ap. 28, 1997).

The direction in which we are being moved for the 21st century, is toward
centralization of power.  Peace, Democracy, and free enterprise are slogans
used to sell acceptance of a loss of liberty to control our futures.  NATO
and the European Union, and their extension eastward, represent European
aggregation of power under American patronage.  European military dependence

is assured through NATO command and American weapons requiring U.S. spare
parts.  Political and economic control may be maintained through the banking

system.  Ignoring the object of lesson of the Federal Reserve Bank in New
York, that-by credit control can influence elections, the European Union is
moved by the United States example and German war-guilt syndrome, towards
central banking and a single currency which, ironically, might have
eventually occurred had that war ended with a German victory!  Planned
interdependence equals loss of independence.

Headquartered in Brussels, the European Union bureaucrats draw large
for fixing the size of labels on wine bottles or the identity of a
Euro-sausage, but the centralization of power is the real issue.  And that
centralization, in sequence, facilitates the move toward global
centralization of power.  American political pressures push the European
Union to include Turkey, and then to be extended by 2010 with a free trade
zone to include the states of North Africa and the eastern Mediterranean,
with future union.

In the western hemisphere, the process is the incremental extension of free
trade zones to the whole continent, to be followed by the dissolution of
frontiers and the setting up on an American Union.  In Asia, there is the
strengthening of SEAC, and similar objectives, to form a Pacific Union.  All

these are being designed to include United States participation, including a

military element.  The economic elements (e.g. World Trade Organization) and

military forces of former states and areas, seem directed toward a master
scheme pushed by a power oligarchy, that sets "fast tracks" for enabling
legislation.  It is not a global convergence of national economic interests
or electorates demanding 'interdependence' that are the driving force, but a

power oligarchy  or imperium.  Such a "fast-track" nearly had the European
Maastricht Treaty ratified before the European electorate became aware of

How do these policies 

Re: [CTRL] Skeptic News - Saturday #1

1999-05-24 Thread Taylor, John (JH)

 -Caveat Lector-

I must say, no way in the world can I believe teachers shot students
over 30 cents - and if you have ever been in Zulu land.well, lood
what happened to Gordon (played by Charleton Heston in the movies).

Unfortunately the story is all too believable. I was told by a mine manager
who was needing to arrange help whilst in the middle of a strike( the stike
itself was over minor issues) that he struggled to get help. The people who
worked for him said that they lived in fear as it was possible in the
townships to hire an assasin for as little as R90 ($15).($100 and We could
arrange a war)

One pupil walked into a school and shot his white teacher dead, in front of
a class full of children, because he had given him marks that were too
low.(thats what i call learning experience)

Interestingly the ANC controlled TV station mentioned the killings but
failed to report that the pupils were rioting and trying to get at the
teachers. ( i dont know why they didnt  but a strange omission-but the
government has been retrenching teachers so that would have been one way of
saving costs)


PS Gordon was killed in what is now somalia not south africa.
Try the film Zulu with Michael Caine

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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1999-05-24 Thread Kris Millegan


Today's Kosovo War Dates Back to WWI

What's this Kosovo thing all about, anyway?

By F.C. Blahut

The war in Kosovo-and there's no other word for it-is far more involved than
an exercise in ethnic cleansing.

Kosovo has always been majority Albanian. It was Albanian when the Serbians

Serbians call Kosovo "Old Serbia," and their existence as a people and
sovereignty as a nation is tied to the province.

Historically, Slavs from the Caucasian Mountains (originally) arrived in the
peninsula with a Serbian presence in Vojvodina (about the same as today's
country of Serbia) documented to the seventh century. Serbians can document
their habitation in Kosovo to the ninth century and were probably there
before then.

That doesn't negate the fact that Albanians were occupying what is today
Albania (to the southwest) and Kosovo when the Serbs arrived. But Kosovo was
rugged, sparsely populated and the indigenous people tended to move around.
The Serbs, for their part, established churches, roads, towns, and so forth,
but were never the majority.


Other major Slavic incursions into the Balkans were by the Croatians and
Slovenians. Add to these a religious sect, mostly Slavic, which came from
what is today's Bulgaria, called the Bogomils. The first two settled, for
the most part, where they are today and the Bogomils in Bosnia-Herzegovina.
Now, move ahead to the 14th century and the advance of Islam. Having overrun
what is Albania proper today, the forces of the prophet advanced into Kosovo
where they were met by a Slavic Christian army composed mostly of Serbians.
The Serbians expected help from other Christians elsewhere in Europe, but
the other Christian communities adopted a "better you than us" attitude.
The upshot was that the Serbians were defeated in the crucial Battle of
Kosovo in 1389. From then to the 19th century, most of the Balkans were
controlled by the Ottoman Turks.

The Serbians were mostly restricted to Vojvodina; the Croatians and
Slovenians to where they are today; and the Bogomils converted to Islam,
hence the Islamics in Bosnia-Herzegovina today.

Moving ahead, the internal weakening of the Turkish empire, coupled with
independence movements in the peninsula and muscle-flexing by the Hapsburgs
in Austria, led to several attempts to unify what became known as the
Southern Slavs.

Yugoslavia translates loosely as "Union of Southern Slavs."
This brings us to the Balkan Wars of 1912-1913 which solved nothing, but led
to the hardening of the positions of the two major Slavic groups-the
Serbians and the Croatians.

Of the several unified entities prior to World War I, all were dominated by
Serbia, headquartered in Belgrade and run (more or less) by a Serbian king.
With the assassination of the Hapsburg Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Bosnia
came the domino effect leading to World War I.*

Following the "War to End All Wars," the victorious Allies got together at
Versailles to carve up what had been the Hapsburg and Ottoman Empires.
A leading figure was Woodrow Wilson of the United States. One of Wilson's
"Fourteen Points" was "self-determination" for all the peoples within the
conquered countries/empires.

So Yugoslavia was created, cobbling together a number of peoples who may
have looked and sounded alike to the British, Wilson and French, but who
were anything but.

The forcible union featured Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia-Herzegovina,
Montenegro and (Slavic) Macedonia. The last is to distinguish it from the
northern area of Greece which is called the same and associated with Philip
and his son, Alexander the Great.


Yugoslavia was nothing more or less than Greater Serbia, controlled from
Belgrade. Kosovo had titular autonomy, which looks good on paper but doesn't
work well in practice. The Serbs continued their centuries-long attempt to
make Kosovo what they called it-Old Serbia.

And so the situation simmered until the 1930s and war came to Europe once
again. The Axis powers moved into the Balkans, the Croatians formed their
own country under German protection and the Serbians split into two
guerrilla groups, the communist Partisans and the nationalistic Chetniks.
Since the Partisans were the puppets of the USSR's Josef Stalin, and "Uncle
Joe" was Franklin D. Roosevelt's very good buddy, the United States sold out
the Chetniks and backed the Partisans.

At the end of the war, the Serbians were rewarded with another Yugoslavia,
led by-who else?-"Tito."

To backtrack just a few years, the Partisans needed a local leader to unify
their activities and to receive and transmit orders from Moscow. So a leader
was created, called, not surprisingly, Tito (translated, "leader").
Following the war, a man emerged from the caves who identified himself as
the aforesaid "Tito" and said his name was Josip Broz.

Tito ran the country as a repressive dictatorship until his death in 1980,
when a revolving leadership plan was put into 

[CTRL] Fwd: Weekly Analysis May 24, 1999

1999-05-24 Thread Kris Millegan


Stratfor's FREE Kosovo Crisis Center -
The most comprehensive coverage of the
Kosovo Crisis anywhere on the Internet

Global Intelligence Update
Weekly Analysis May 24, 1999

Israel, Ehud Barak and the non-Revolution in Israeli Foreign


Outside of Israel, from Damascus to Washington, the election of
Ehud Barak is being hailed as the rebirth of the peace process.
The process will be reborn, but the levels of optimism are
unwarranted. The 1999 election had less to do with foreign policy
than it did with fundamental domestic issues, particularly
whether Israel is a secular or religious nation.  Even on
domestic issues, the outcome of the election was not particularly
clear.  However, given Barak's domestic agenda, he may have less
room for maneuver than foreigners think.  With Clinton urgently
in need of a foreign policy triumph in the next 18 months, this
points to increased U.S.-Israeli tension once the honeymoon is


Most outside observers welcomed the victory of Ehud Barak in
Israel's elections last week.  Everyone from the United States to
Syria welcomed the fall of Benyamin Netanyahu, who was regarded
as the main obstacle to a comprehensive peace agreement in the
Middle East.  Barak's election, it has been immediately assumed,
means greater flexibility on a host of issues, from the
management of Israel's withdrawal from Southern Lebanon to
openness to Palestinian statehood and, finally, a peace treaty
with Syria, even one involving the return of the Golan.  The
assumption has been that Barak and a government dominated by
Israel's Labor Party was more likely to reach accommodation on
these issues than had the Netanyahu-Likud government.

There is no doubt that Barak is more personally committed to
reaching an accommodation.  This does not mean that he will
succeed or that he is as flexible as outsiders might think.  But
the most important error most observers are making about the
election was that it had to do with Israel's foreign and defense
policy.  Obviously these were elements in campaign, but not as
decisive has outside observers might think or even that the
rhetoric of the campaign might indicate.  In a very real way, for
the first time in fifty years, national security was not at stake
in the election.  National identity was.

The central issue in the election was the relationship between
secularists and religionists.  Israel, like many countries in the
world, is divided into two general factions.  There are those who
see Israel as the homeland for ethnic Jews, understood as all
those who could make a genealogical claim to Jewish descent.
Beyond that, the secularists saw the State of Israel, like other
Western states, as being essentially neutral on matters of
religion.  To be somewhat more precise, it was understood that
one could be Jewish without practicing Jewish ritual law or even
believing in the Jewish God.  The state was seen as the guardian
of rights and freedoms, and in some vague sense as the heir to
some Jewish tradition, but a fundamental distinction was drawn
between Israeli citizenship and Jewish religiosity.

There were three factions that were directly responsible for the
founding of Israel.  All three were secular.  There was the
liberal democratic tradition embodied by Theodor Herzl, founder
of Zionism, who was a nationalist in the simplest sense of the
term.  There was the socialist tradition, embodied by David Ben-
Gurion, first Prime Minister, that was wholly secular.  Finally,
there was the romantic nationalist tradition, embodied by
Menachem Begin, which flirted with religion and could comfortably
ally itself with the religious, but which was not really
religious in terms of its own commitment to using Jewish law as a
substitute for secular law.

It must be remembered that the most profoundly orthodox Jews
opposed the founding of an independent, secular Israel.  Beyond
the theological claim that the creation of Israel had to be the
work of the Messiah and not of men, there was a deep suspicion to
the motives of the secularists creating Israel.  The extreme
orthodox saw the distinction between Israeli citizenship and
Jewish ethnicity on the one side, and Jewish religious practices
on the other, with the secularists importing alien teachings from
the French and American revolutions into Jewish culture.  Israel
was, in this sense, anti-Jewish.

Most of the anti-Zionist Orthodox made an interesting shift
following the founding of Israel.  They had opposed the creation
of Israel as blasphemy.  Once Israel was created, they were no
longer participating in a blasphemous act.  Israel was now a fact
and participating in its political life was not a violation of
Jewish law.  They participated deeply and effectively.  They were
aided by the fact that Israel was divided from its founding
between two factions.  On the 


1999-05-24 Thread Kris Millegan


Two more stories this week. Remember to visit the LIBERTY LIBRARY BOOKSTORE
for some of the controversial and hard-to-get books anywhere!

Who Benefits From War With Yugoslavia?

Taxpayers can expect another huge transfer of wealth from their wallets to
the coffers of the military-industrial complex.


By Warren Hough

The Clinton administration's air wars against Yugoslavia and Iraq are losing
support everywhere, except in one community: The consortium of U.S. military
contractors, who are reaping a bonanza of windfall profits from the bloodshed.

"Giant defense corporations such as Raytheon have been furiously lobbying
Congress against what they call 'crippling cutbacks' in their share of the
budget," says Dr. Vanessa Hughessen, an arms-control scholar at the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

At a reported $49 billion, the Pentagon's current procurement outlays are
"not even a shadow" of the fat Reagan years when similar programs consumed
more than $110 billion annually (in today's dollar) Raytheon President
William H. Swanson complained last December.

As a result, Raytheon's reported profits dropped by a whopping 95 percent in
the third quarter of l998 over the same period in the previous year, Swanson
But by March of this year, the "merchants of death" were in the money again,
Wall Street analysts reported.

Raytheon CEO Swanson confirmed the good news. In April, he announced that
Raytheon was suddenly looking at an "avalanche" of new defense orders worth
almost $20 billion for 1999-2000.

 The slumping stock of the troubled defense contractor soared rapidly on
such "positive developments," nearly doubling to an all-time high of $52 per
share last month.

Raytheon is the primary supplier of Tomahawk cruise missiles. Land-based
Tomahawks cost between $750,000 and $900,00 each. The Navy's version comes
in at about $1 million. But the air-launched cruise missiles are $2 million
apiece-a steep jump in cost that is typical of all advanced armaments,
defense analysts say.

The U.S. air war against Yugoslavia has expended an officially reported $17
million worth of cruise missiles every day since it began, sources have
Other mammoth military contractors are also anticipating a boom.
Lockheed-Martin says that in the wake of the Balkans crisis, funding for its
next-generation tactical fighter, the YF-22, is "just about assured."

This high-tech aircraft will be priced at $165 million each, for total
production budget of some $30 billion over the coming decade.

The Navy has been told by congressional supporters to go ahead with plans to
buy as many as 1,000 advanced F/A-18 fighter-bombers from Boeing. The total
budget, projected well into the next century, is now estimated at $81 billion.

"And these numbers are, of course, what the Pentagon charitably calls
'conservative estimates,' " warned Dr. Hughessen. "I would just call them
lies. We all know the real cost is bound to run much higher."

The Clinton administration says it will pay for its air wars from the
vaunted "budget surplus."

"This is the same 'surplus', largely a product of accounting legerdemain,
that the politicians promised us for shoring up Social Security and cutting
taxes," says financial writer Andrea Kellerman.

Clinton Critic's Plane Goes Down

The senator who ran on a platform of "God, guns and guts," showed plenty of
the latter during a recent scare.



One of President Clinton's most vocal critics in the Senate was forced to
make an emergency landing in an Oklahoma airport, on May 9 after the
propeller on his single-prop airplane flew off.

According to reports, Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.) took off from Ketchum,
Okla., where he keeps his 1979 Grumman Tiger. He was in the air for 10
minutes before he noticed "a vibration."

Inhofe told an Associated Press reporter he heard a pop and noticed that the
propeller had fallen off. Inhofe then glided the plane another eight miles
without the propeller before landing unharmed at Claremore Airport.

G.W. Curtis, a former high school classmate of the senator's, found the
propeller four miles from the airport on a country road and returned it to him.

Inhofe, who has been flying for 41 years and is a commercially rated pilot,
was traveling from northeastern Oklahoma to Oklahoma City to meet Clinton on
a tour of tornado-damaged sites in Oklahoma.

Inhofe's Press Secretary Gary Hoistma told The SPOTLIGHT: "The FBI and NTSB
are looking into it-it's unusual for a propeller to fall off of a plane."

Inhofe has been a stalwart critic of Clinton. During Clinton's impeachment
trial in the Senate, Inhofe criticized the GOP for "whimping out" when it
appeared his colleagues were backtracking in the proceedings.

After a recent trip to Albania, where he spent time with U.S. troops, Inhofe
issued a press release critical of the Clinton administration's policy in
the Balkans. 

[CTRL] OEN 5/24/99

1999-05-24 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF=""The Home Page of J. Orlin Grabbe/A
Today's Lesson From Fermat's Last Theorem

by Amir D. Aczel

Baghdad became a center of mathematics. The Arabs absorbed mathematical
ideas as well as discoveries in astronomy and other sciences from the
inhabitants of the areas they overcame. Scholars from Iran, Syria, and
Alexandria were called to Baghdad. During the reign of the caliph Al
Mamun in the early 800s, the Arabian Nights was written and many Greek
works, including Euclid's Elements, were translated into Arabic. The
caliph established a House of Wisdom in Baghdad, and one of its members
was Mohammed Ibn Musa Al-Khowarizmi. Like Euclid, Al-Khowarizmi was to
become world-renowned. Borrowing Hindu ideas and symbols for numerals,
as well as Mesopotamian concepts and Euclid's geometrical thought, Al
Khowarizmi wrote books on arithmetic and algebra. The word "algorithm"
is derived from Al-Khowarizmi. And the word "algebra" is derived from
the first words in the title of Al-Khowarizmi's most well-known book, Al
Jabr Wa'l Muqabalah. It was from this book that Europe was later to
learn the branch of mathematics called algebra. While algebraic ideas
are in the root of Diophantus' Arithmetica, the Al Jabr is more closely
related to the algebra of today. The book is concerned with
straightforward solutions of equations of first and second degree. In
Arabic, the name of the book means "restoration by transposing terms
from one side of an equation to the other"--the way first-order
equations are solved today.
Today's News

Hacking for Jesus

Clinton Signs "Finding" to Hack Milosevic Bank Accounts

Hack bank accounts? Gee, I wonder where they got this idea?

(Wonder if they'll find Hillary's bonds in Luxembourg.)

NEW YORK, May 23 /PRNewswire/ -- Senior intelligence officials tell
Newsweek that last week President Clinton issued a "finding," a highly
classified document authorizing the CIA to begin secret efforts to train
Kosovar rebels in sabotage -- age-old tricks like cutting telephone
lines and blowing up buildings -- and to conduct a cyberwar against
Slobodan Milosevic.
According to sources who have read the finding, in addition to training
the rebels, the CIA has been instructed to conduct a cyberwar against
Milosevic, using government hackers to tap into foreign banks, and, in
the words of one U.S. official, "diddle with Milosevic's bank accounts,"
Washington Correspondent Gregory Vistica reports in the May 31 issue of
Newsweek (on newsstands Monday, May 24).

The White House declined to comment on the finding, and Newsweek does
not have access to the entire document. But, Vistica reports, some
intelligence officials with knowledge of its contents worry that the
finding was put together too hastily, and that the potential
consequences haven't been fully thought out. "If they pull it off, it
will be great," says one government cyberwar expert. "If they screw it
up, they are going to be in a world of trouble."

PR Newswire, May 23, 1999

Nuclear Spying

Security Checks at Labs Stopped When Clinton Took Office

We all friends now. What's mine is yours.

After President Clinton took office, the Energy Department stopped
background checks on Chinese and Russian scientists visiting sensitive
nuclear labs, a move that intelligence professionals call "incredible."
The background checks were suspended because the Clinton administration
ordered the Energy Department to "facilitate" cooperative programs with
scientists from the two countreis.

As a result, at least 13 scientists with suspected foreign intelligence
ties were allowed into the labs without proper CIA or FBI scrutiny.

"This is, to say the least, incredible," says intelligence analyst
Sander Owen.

Five of those scientists were allowed into the Sandia lab at
Albuquerque, N.M., while eight visited the Los Alamos lab, also in New
Mexico, that U.S. officials believe has been a target of Chinese
espionage for more than 20 years, congressional investigators said.

Security checks, mandatory before 1994, were reinstated last November
amid growing worries about Chinese espionage at the government's premier
weapons labs.

While U.S. officials claim they have no evidence that nuclear secrets
were lost to any of the 4,409 Russian and Chinese visitors between 1994
and late 1998, when background checks were reinstated, they have no
guarantee information did not escape.

``As far as I am concerned, the exemptions (for background checks)
should never have been given,'' said Ed Curran, a veteran FBI official
who last year took over counterintelligence at the Energy Department.

``You have to have the information to make a decision (on access). The
lab director has to know who is on his site,'' Curran said in an
interview with The Associated Press.

The administration made it a priority after the Cold War to open up the
once highly secretive weapons labs and expand their 

[CTRL] Canada a key snooper in huge spy network - Report says alliance is able to intercept nearly any message

1999-05-24 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF=""City of
Ottawa - Ottawa Citizen Online News and
Monday May 24, 1999

Canada a key snooper in huge spy network

Report says alliance is able to intercept nearly any message

Jim Bronskill
The Ottawa Citizen

Canadian Forces Station Leitrim, south of Ottawa, intercepts diplomatic
communications and monitors satellites.
Canada belongs to a global spy network capable of snooping on virtually
every type of communication, from long-distance phone calls to Internet
e-mail, says a newly published study.

The detailed report, prepared for the European Parliament, warns that
the electronic intelligence agencies of the world's major
English-speaking countries increasingly use the information they collect
to gain an upper hand on economic rivals.

It concludes the surveillance web controlled by the UKUSA alliance --
Canada, the United States, Britain, Australia and New Zealand -- has
evolved into a highly advanced network that automatically sifts through
the vast bulk of the messages that traverse the globe daily.

"Comprehensive systems exist to access, intercept and process every
important form of communications, with few exceptions," says the report,
by Edinburgh-based researcher Duncan Campbell, a longtime observer of
the intelligence world.

Canada is represented in the alliance by the Communications Security
Establishment, an ultra-secret wing of the Defence Department with
headquarters in an Ottawa office building.

The report, Interception Capabilities 2000, was approved as a working
document by the Science and Technology Options Assessment Panel of the
European Parliament at a meeting in Strasbourg, France, earlier this

Mr. Campbell's study raises thorny questions about the scope of global
spy operations and their potential to violate privacy.

It is the latest in a string of books and articles in recent years to
shine a light on the inner workings of the shadowy UKUSA alliance.

Citing numerous sources, Mr. Campbell reveals new information about the
ECHELON computer system that helps Canada's CSE and its alliance
partners process the mountains of data collected by monitoring
satellites, microwave radio relays, undersea cables and the Internet.

The heightened scrutiny is a welcome development, said Wayne Madsen, a
senior fellow with the Washington-based Electronic Privacy Information

"I think everyone should be asking questions about their intelligence
agencies," he said. "Why do they exist, and what are they doing? The
more people that ask questions the better."

The UKUSA partnership emerged out of co-operation between members during
the Second World War, when signals intelligence, or SIGINT in spy
parlance, proved instrumental in helping the Allies triumph.

For decades the alliance's primary purpose was to monitor the military
and diplomatic communications of the Soviet Union and its East Bloc
allies. But the Cold War's end has seen a shift towards collection of
information about terrorism, organized crime and, on a more
controversial note, an increasing flow of data on economic dealings and
scientific developments.

"There is wide-ranging evidence indicating that major governments are
routinely utilizing communications intelligence to provide commercial
advantage to companies and trade," says Mr. Campbell's report.

The findings come as no surprise to Fred Stock, who says he was forced
out of CSE in 1993 after objecting to the agency's new emphasis on
economic intelligence and civilian targets.

Mr. Stock, who worked in CSE's Communications Centre in Ottawa, recalls
incoming message traffic on dealings with Mexico, France, Germany, Japan
and South Korea. The intercepted information covered negotiations on the
North American Free Trade Agreement, Chinese grain purchases, French
arms sales and Canada's boundary dispute with France over the islands of
St-Pierre-Miquelon off Newfoundland's south coast.

"To me, we shouldn't have been doing that."

Mr. Stock also maintains the agency routinely received intelligence
about environmental protest actions mounted by Greenpeace vessels on the
high seas.

Other former CSE employees have told similar stories of economic and
political spying.

As a matter of policy, the agency refuses to discuss allegations about

However, the federal government acknowledges that CSE, supported by
Canadian Forces personnel, collects and analyzes foreign communications.
"Signals intelligence provides unique and timely information on the
intentions, capabilities and activities of foreign states, organizations
or persons," says the defence department. "This intelligence is used by
policy makers to resolve issues relating to the defence of Canada, or
the conduct of its foreign affairs and trade."

CSE regularly provides information and analysis to national defence

[CTRL] May 25th Is Last Day Of Clinton's Legal War Power

1999-05-24 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy
As always, Caveat Lector.
A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:525259"May 25th Is Last Day Of
Clinton's  "Legal" War Power
Subject: May 25th Is Last Day Of Clinton's  "Legal" War Power
From: "Bill Mulcahy" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sun, May 23, 1999 10:03 AM
Message-id: 7i9g6h$2gt6$[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Washington Post: Sunday, May 23, 1999

 A 'Splendid Little War' Collides With the War Powers Act

WASHINGTON--Can the president make war on another country, even against the
will of Congress? May 25 is the last day the bombing of Yugoslavia has even
a tinge of legal authority under the War Powers Act. The next "collateral
damage" caused by the bombing campaign may be to the laws and Constitution
of the United States.
 The constitutional stew comes from a poisonous mix of presidential
arrogance and congressional partisanship. President Bill Clinton launched
the war without seeking congressional support. It was to be the North
Atlantic Treaty Organization's splendid little war, wrapped up a few days
after the bombs began falling. When Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic
responded not by surrendering but by intensifying the ethnic cleansing
campaign in Kosovo, Clinton continued the bombing. As the debacle in Kosovo
grew, GOP leaders, still embittered by the impeachment follies and led by
conservative stalwart, House Whip Tom DeLay (R-Texas), rushed to brand this
"Clinton's war."
 This produced one of the more shameless days of congressional
posturing. On April 28, a majority of the House of Representatives voted
against a declaration of war; against withdrawal from the war; for requiring
congressional approval prior to the dispatch of any ground forces; and, in a
213-213 vote, against a resolution in support of the air war. House leaders
then proceeded to work toward giving the Pentagon twice as much money as it
had asked for to pay for the war. The Senate effort was bipartisan but not
much better: Leaders of both parties agreed to a token debate before tabling
a resolution that would authorize ground forces. So the bombing proceeds not
only without the sanction of Congress but against its expressed will.
 Under the Constitution, Congress is given the power to declare war.
Over the years, particularly during the Cold War, presidents often
dispatched troops without prior authority. In the wake of Vietnam, Congress
sought to rein in executive war-making by passing the War Powers Act in
 Ironically, the resolution essentially delegates to the president the
power to make war for a limited period of time. It requires the president to
report within 48 hours after introducing U.S. forces into hostilities. If
Congress does not declare war or otherwise explicitly authorize its
continuation, the president has 60 days "to terminate any use" of U.S.
forces, with a 30-day extension, if necessary, to extricate them safely.
Under the resolution, the voting of funds for the troops does not constitute
congressional sanction for the war.
 Clinton's 60 days run out on May 25. Led by Rep. Tom Campbell (R-San
Jose), a former Stanford law professor, a bipartisan gaggle of 17
legislators, ranging from Rep. Dennis J. Kucinich (D-Ohio) on the left to
GOP heavy Bob Barr (R-Ga.) on the right, have filed suit in federal court
seeking a declaration that the continuation of the bombing is a violation of
the Constitution and laws of the United States.
 Since President Richard M. Nixon tried to veto the War Powers Act,
presidents have scorned it as an unconstitutional infringement of executive
power. But, nonetheless, every president has issued reports on the dispatch
of troops "consistent with" (not pursuant to) the War Powers Act. Most
recent conflicts--the invasions of Grenada and Panama, Clinton's strikes
against the Sudan and Afghanistan--have been over long before the 60 days
ran out. In the few cases where forces stayed longer, the president either
had congressional approval--President George Bush in the Gulf War--or worked
out a compromise with Congress that provided some color of authority--the
disastrous agreement with President Ronald Reagan to keep troops in Lebanon.
There is no prior instance where a conflict continued after Congress
explicitly voted against it.
 From Vietnam onward, the courts have been reluctant to get involved in
war-powers disputes. They've offered up more excuses than a sassy teenager
has to avoid chores. The courts want the president and Congress, the
political branches, to work this out on their own.
 Before Desert Storm, former Rep. Ronald V. Dellums and 52 other
legislators asked the court to enjoin Bush from attacking Iraq without first
gaining congressional authorization. District Court Judge Harold H. Greene
held that the legislators had standing, that the case could be decided. But
he found the case wasn't "ripe" because a majority of the Congress had not

Re: [CTRL] Skeptic News - Saturday #1

1999-05-24 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

Thank you Johnall I could remember was Gordon and thought of Caine's
Zulu, I guess

Map wise,  I still call Thailand Siam - at least I think it was Siam.

It would be nice to see an investigation into that one.teachers
shooting pupils.  This stuff is unbelievable.

So, we disarm the kids, and arm the teachers?  If that's not one for the
old PTA to mull over.

I still believe drugs answers most of the hard questions..after my
friend was threatened in Melbourne Beach (and she was MI6 and best
seller author) because she revealed drugs on a ship named RIOand a
Deputy Sheriff called upon her to warn her - it is easy to see how law
enforcement and black ops of CIA, have permitted the very, very rich to
continue to profit, at the expense of our kids.

One day bust along the coast at the homes of some of the rich and famous
with the landing docks and air strips, would stop a lot of Columbian
gold and a lot of other stuff, including gun running.

Cui Bono?   Well, I guess it is a matter of "Who Cares"perhaps it is
about time to tell our CIA, Mafia, and other professional gun runners
and drug runners, the American people just said "No".

Thanks for history is SomoliaI do not even remember where it was or


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Re: [CTRL] [Re: [CTRL] Revived Red Brigade Attacks NATO]

1999-05-24 Thread Robert Tatman

 -Caveat Lector-

  -Caveat Lector-

 In a message dated 99-05-21 15:11:13 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I'm not ruling your analysis out, Goat, but ...
 My sense is that the Red Brigades were (are?) genuinely Communist,
 but that their funding comes indirectly, via a cutout, from the Oligarchy,
 for the reasons you suggest.

 I'll buy that, for simplicity's sake.  But generally speaking, any group (of
 WHATEVER political orientation, "Right" or "Left") whose activities are used
 ("Cui bono?") to further the interests of the "Oligarchy" is ipso facto
 already under the control of individuals DIRECTLY --knowingly and
 serving the "Oligarchy," and the sincere political beliefs of OTHERS in that
 group is irrelevant except insofar as it supports the "cover."

 Thus, while there may indeed have been ideologically-committed
 Marxist-Leninist or Maoist "true believers" in the Red Brigade, certain of
 their "commanders" were in fact Rightist agents provocateurs -- with the
 result that many (or even most) of its acts of "Communist" terrorism were
 ordered by "ANTI-Communists," by NATO and the CIA,
 working through the Bush-CIA/Haig-NATO-Mafia-P2-Fascist In'l networks of the
 A similar "Communist" cover story --blaming "the Bulgarian KGB"-- was used
 the CIA in the attempted Papal "hit" by Agca (of NATO's fascist Grey Wolves
 in Turkey)
 during the same period, when the Vatican was being brought "into line" by

I agree. Obviously there would have to be a controller operating within the
group, to act as liaison to the backers and to "make suggestions for action"
at appropriate moments... The question must come up, though (and this does run
counter to Ockham's Razor, because it thoroughly complicates things), whether
the Red Brigades were *created* ex nihilo by what I call the Oligarchy
(borrowing Jack London's term from *The Iron Heel*), using naive "true
believers" as foils; or whether they were a "native" Communist group one or
more of whose leaders was coopted by the Oligarchy because the ideology served
as a useful cover.

Anent the Pope: at the risk of opening a very messy can of worms, who do you
think was responsible for the death of John Paul I? My personal guess is that
it was elements within the Curia, probably associated with Propaganda-Due.


Robert F. Tatman
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Re: [CTRL] [[CTRL] The Symbolism is the Key(Re: anakins explosive implant?)]

1999-05-24 Thread Robert Tatman

 -Caveat Lector-

Kris Millegan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  -Caveat Lector-

 from alt.conspiracy
 As always, Caveat Lector.
 A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:524976"The Symbolism is the Key(Re:
 anakins explosive implant?)
 Subject: The Symbolism is the Key(Re: anakins explosive implant?)
 From: Daniel Perez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Sat, May 22, 1999 1:38 AM
 Message-id: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 In article 7i47jl$g1o$[EMAIL PROTECTED], Simon Robbins

  Maybe they'll use it as a plot device to try and kill him when he starts
  go bad, leaving him dying and limbless and in need of life-support and the
  Vader suit...? Then again, blowing people up is not exactly an honourable
  Jedi trait and is likely deemed to "un-American" to have a hero do.

 Since Anakin Skywalker is the celluoid symbol of Osiris, then blowing
 him up with the implant would fit into the symbolic mytharc of the
 StarWars films.   Osiris died a chaotic death with the loss of limbs
 and body parts.   The same will happen to Anakin before he turns into
 Darth Vader.

Remember that the pieces of Osiris's body were gathered up by Isis and
reassembled, lacking only the penis, which was finally recovered at Byblos in
Phoenicia. This would imply that Anakin Skywalker, like the various crippled
priest-kings of numerous mythologies (cp. the Fisher-King of the Grail cycle),
is--or will be--sterile and/or impotent, and that cloning is the only way he
can reproduce.


Robert F. Tatman
Remove "nospam" from the address to reply.

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Re: [CTRL] [prj] Why the rush to sell gold?

1999-05-24 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

Remember Marcos?

Well, there was a big volcano, and heliocopters often seen descending
into this "pyramid"the gold has been stashed there for years - wanna

Jack Anderson reported this prior to Marcos departure.

The question is now, is there any activity at this volcano?   And, do
the Philipino people know.but then, I image by now Japan has bought
most of the Philipines.

That might answer the Philipono gold which has been shall we say - in


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Re: [CTRL] [prj] [Fwd: Prelude to the New World Order]

1999-05-24 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

Well I see now why these masonic orders have only been shooting Kennedys
and Popes.and do not forget the two that were poisoned.

The Pope should be warned of the treachery of the Bilderburgershe
would only add a certain amount of respect and prestigue to this
gathering of Warthog, swineherds feeding at the trough.

Remember.those that follow the path of the rose, want to see this
man fall in the open fieldas they did the Kennedys.


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Re: [CTRL] US Bombs Missiles NOT Y2K Compatible

1999-05-24 Thread Amelia Kay Edgeman

 -Caveat Lector-

And this would also apply to those of Russia and China.  China might
have some with the aid of the techology bought from our government.
China also has an excess 125 million young men.  By excess I mean ones
who will not be able to find Chinese wives because there are so many
more males born as a result of the Chinese one-child birth control law.
Parents have chosen a boy child to help support the family and so now
there is an extreme imbalance in male to female ratio of young adults.
These would make excellent soldiers without a family of their own to be
provided for by the government.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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[CTRL] (Fwd) [BRIGADE] Saving the World

1999-05-24 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded Message Follows ---
From:   "Linda Muller" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date sent:  Mon, 24 May 1999 09:53:10 -05:0
Subject:[BRIGADE] Saving the World
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dear Brigade,

"At a time when Clinton and Representative Richard Gephardt are forming a
new consensus in favor of regulated free trade, popular opinion could tilt
toward Pat Buchanan's protectionism...  Failure in Kosovo would, of course,
give any kind of internationalism a bad name. It would not necessarily spell
the end of nato, but it would doom that organization to serving as a kind of
expensive professional association for European and American generals, in
which potentially unruly Eastern Europeans could be taught manners and



The New Republic  - MAY 24, 1999
Saving the World
BY: John B. Judis

The "third way" is a political strategy identified with Bill Clinton in the United
States, Tony Blair in Great Britain, and Gerhard Schroeder in Germany. It is
a self-conscious alternative to the old left and new right. It seeks to promote
rather than hinder the creation of global capitalism but at the same time to
foster greater social equality and community within and among nations. "Its
core value," Al From, the president of the Democratic Leadership Council
(DLC), has declared, "is community." The practitioners of the Third Way have
defined it primarily as an approach to welfare reform, progressive taxation,
and vocational education, but it is also integrally related to foreign policy; and
its success or failure may be linked to the nato mission in Kosovo.

One connection is obvious. A disaster in Kosovo will imperil many of the
current nato governments. In the United States, failure could also derail Vice
President Al Gore's presidential candidacy. But there are deeper
connections that could threaten the Third Way itself. Its basic objective is to
foster social justice without fueling class resentments. In the twentieth
century, this kind of liberal communitarianism has worked best when the
United States and other democracies faced totalitarian adversaries during
World War II and the cold war--when our international commitment to
democracy fed our commitment to democracy at home. When America's
commitments have lapsed--during, for instance, the 1920s--an irresponsible
individualism has triumphed.

At a forum on the Third Way sponsored by the DLC at the end of last
month's nato conference, Clinton and Blair both drew the connection
between the Third Way and Kosovo. Blair made it the clearest. The Third
Way, Blair said, " applies internationally as well as nationally." Kosovo "is
every bit as much about our values as it is about strategic interests."
Kosovo, he argued, was about extending the concept of "active community"
from the nation to the globe.

The success of the Third Way also depends upon the creation of a
progressive bloc of nations that can carry forward its approach. This is
particularly true in global economics. The Third Way is based on the
assumption that, because of global competition, purely national economic
initiatives can often prove destructive. Trade barriers, for instance, can hinder
technological development. The corollary of this--as understood by Clinton,
Blair, and Schroeder--is that many economic and environmental ills that can't
be attacked nationally can be addressed through international organizations
and multilateral initiatives such as the World Trade Organization and the
global warming treaty. The Third Way leaders favor regulating the global
economy to avoid recurrent financial crises and a growing divergence
between rich and poor nations. At the DLC forum, Schroeder called for the
"internationalization of politics" to tame "financial speculators." Clinton
favored a new "framework" to keep international markets from "getting out of
hand." Clinton, Blair, and Schroeder have also advocated some kind of new
labor and environmental regulations.

Extending outward an "active community"--or promoting what Blair adviser
Anthony Giddens calls "cosmopolitan democracy"--also requires the creation
of a progressive bloc of nations that can act together not simply in their own
immediate interests but on behalf of a greater democratic ideal. Kosovo is
the first real test of this Third Way bloc of nations. It is a different kind of war--
waged not only to achieve stability in the Balkans but also to uphold a
standard of morality. Blair and Clinton provided much of the impetus and the
initial rationale for intervention. It is their war--and a war that epitomizes their
new political philosophy.

Success in the war, meaning at a minimum the guaranteed safe return of all
Kosovar refugees, would strengthen Clinton and Gore, Blair, and Schroeder.
It would create an important precedent for international 

Re: IUFO: US Bombs Missiles NOT Y2K Compatible

1999-05-24 Thread Andrew Gingery

Bull. Great! Another unverifiable bit of so called information. Just why should anyone 
believe this? Here's a scoop from a computer industry insider: y2k isn't going to be 
that big of a deal. Just wait a few more months and see. There will be few problems. 
The source on that is me.

 Putrefied Cow [EMAIL PROTECTED] 5/24/99 11:37:57 AM 

-  IUFO  Mailing List

A source I will keep confidential, just let me understand that one of
the reasons for this incredibly aggressive bombing and missiling of
the Yugoslavia, is the fact that most NATO missiles are not Y2K
compatible, and must be used before the year 2000.

So, there's not going to be a peace until NATO runs out of those
bombs, which I hear they are already running low on, and are asking
for more money to build new ones in the congress.

- Send "subscribe   iufo " to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
-  Posted by: Putrefied Cow [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [CTRL] [Re: [CTRL] Revived Red Brigade Attacks NATO]

1999-05-24 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 99-05-24 13:05:33 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

The question must come up, though (and this does run
counter to Ockham's Razor, because it thoroughly complicates things), whether
the Red Brigades were *created* ex nihilo by what I call the Oligarchy
(borrowing Jack London's term from *The Iron Heel*), using naive "true
believers" as foils; or whether they were a "native" Communist group one or
more of whose leaders was coopted by the Oligarchy because the ideology
served as a useful cover.

It's too much bother to create a believable group ex nihilo.  More effective
simply to co-opt one already in existence.  The latter option occurs so
regularly it's predictable.

My observation, and experience even with the local Greens, is that if any
activist group develops any following at all, almost immediately professional
infiltrators will slip into the ranks and attempt either to misdirect it
toward meaningless, irrelevant goals (often by fomenting infighting) or else
redirect it toward actions that are counterproductive and/or useful only to
someone else's hidden agenda.  I was the first among Greens locally to detect
this process at once (yuppie do-gooders are notoriously blind and gullible)
and to identify the parties responsible AND their motives (in this case, they
were covert Maoists pretending to be liberals), and I drafted the "position
paper" which our group presented to the national assembly on this subject.
(Luckily for them, I got MY political education in the '60s.)   If it isn't
an enemy or rival group, it's usually the police, the ADL, or some federal
agency.  You can take it for granted, just a fact of political life.

Anent the Pope: at the risk of opening a very messy can of worms, who do you
think was responsible for the death of John Paul I? My personal guess is that
it was elements within the Curia, probably associated with Propaganda-Due.

I'll go with your guess.  In Italian politics, you can count on "the usual

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[CTRL] Serbian Cartoonist: A Black Void

1999-05-24 Thread Mack White

 -Caveat Lector-

Sasa Rakezic
P.F. 163
26000 Pancevo
Yugoslavia (Serbia)

May 21st 1999


Today there were many detonations coming from different directions... It's
always bizarre when you hear the bombs exploding during a nice and sunny
day (even though the storm was raging in the evening). I saw the dogs down
the street standing still, taking curious positions and looking at the
direction of the NATO aircraft roar. I don't recall that they were so
sensitive to the sound of the airplanes before the bombing campaign began.
 Today, even Banatski Brestovac, a village where Gordana goes to work, was
added to the list of targeted areas! This almost sounds like a joke.
Gordana was at the fruit tree plantation at work, when the detonation shook
the ground - NATO has thrown a bomb in the fields where the Antiaircraft
Defenses were positioned (we don't even know if somebody was injured, as
the military do not provide the informations about the Army casualties).
There were reports today about the renewed NATO bombings of the complex of
buildings where the prison in Istok, in Kosovo, was placed. This time the
shelling was even more intense! At least 20 NATO  projectiles were fired,
which is a frightening number... And just as scary is the number of about
20 people killed, both prisoners and guards! When the strike was done,
domestic and foreign journalists have visited the place, but shortly after
they went away, there was another strike and prison was bombed again!!!
(They just said on the radio that - from the morning until the evening,
this target was stroked six times!!). I can't figure out the reasons behind
this drastic action at the moment, and I wonder if the reports will capture
the drama which must have been happening there
Among the more bizarre targets there was a radio transmitter and a
meteorological station in Subotica, bombed the other day... It was stupid
that NATO has destroyed the transmitter, as it belongs to a local station
Radio Subotica, which was always opposed to the state's radio propaganda.
Or are they bombing just ANY transmitter they spot? And how about the
meteorological station, more than 100 years old?! Were they producing tanks
there?! This all looks like NATO do not have much targets left after  8
weeks of bombing of this poor and exhausted country, and now they bomb
Yes, it's 8 weeks of bombing already, and one of the things that I miss is
the good old snail mail, and books and letters in my mail box. Thank god we
still got some other means of communication left, like internet,
or...dreams. Plus I can express myself through my "cartoon" self in my
comics, and that is definitely some sort of communication as well. Here's a
letter from my friend Gaian from Italy:

"Last week I dreamt I was sleeping in my bed, in Bari, and I heard deep and
noises out of the window. I opened the window, and I saw reddish lights at
the horizon. Actually, I can see the sea from the window of my room, and on
sunny days, when the sky is clear, it is possible to see the coasts of
Albania even without field-glasses. In my dream the landscape was the same,
but the strip of land was not Albania, I don't know what it was. When I saw
these lights at the horizon, I said: "Sasha, what is happening?"
And then Sasha: "Why did you call me?"
Sasha was actually in my room with me, in person, but he was his comics
character; I saw his drawing of himself, but I was not surprised by this
sight, it was all perfectly normal to me. Then the rest of the dialogue:
G: "I did not call you, you were here."
S: "I was dreaming, and you called me here."
G: "Maybe  I'm dreaming, too. Look, I don't wear a pajama when I sleep, and
now I have one, and it's so ugly!"
S: "Perhaps I called you here. Look, I am a cartoon."
G: "No, Sasha, you look pretty fine, as usual."
S: "Yes, but I must come back home now."
G: "And how shell we do that? You are the dream-travels expert.."
S: "Don't know. Try to erase me, or to keep off that pajama."
G: "Mmmmh, I'll try the first one."
And then I made a gesture with my hand, like if I were de-misting a glass.
woke up. Pretty mystic, isn't it?"

Funniest thing of all, I haven't had much interesting dreams since the war
started... I feel pretty vacant, and all that I can see in my dreams is a
big black voidI know it's too negative, but I wonder if this
phantasmagoric war reality is disturbing my ability to concentrate on
dream experiences...
Good night

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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always 

[CTRL] Serbian Cartoonist: 64 People in One House

1999-05-24 Thread Mack White

 -Caveat Lector-

Sasa Rakezic
P.F. 163
26000 Pancevo
Yugoslavia (Serbia)

May 24th 1999

Hello !
The reason why I haven't written before, or why your messages sent to me
probably bounced, is because the power plants in Serbia were exposed to
NATO bombings - they were using both "soft" and old fashioned "heavy"
bombs, and we spent past few days mostly in the dark, and during the times
when the power came up again, it wasn't possible to connect to internet

I should say that I made a mistake in my last letter, as it turned out that
the bomb that fell in the fields near Banatski Brestovac was not dropped on
the Antiaircraft Defenses, as I guessed. I saw a report about the local
tractor drivers who watched, appalled, as an aircraft has been dropping a
bomb in a soybean plant, couple of hundreds of meters away.   It seems that
it was one of the bombs which, for some reason,  were not used against the
planned target, and the NATO planes - unable to land with bombs still
attached to them - have to kick them out somewhere. A lot of the bombs
were, therefore, dropped in the Adriatic sea near Italy, Croatia and
(probably) Monte Negro, and in the fields of Macedonia, etc. Once that they
start throwing bombs, there is just no end to incidents like this, bombs
are everywhere.
The other day we visited some friends in a village near Pancevo - they told
us that during the crisis connected to NATO bombings of the industrial zone
of the town, almost all of the houses in a village were full of city people
who were trying to escape to the countryside. They spoke about their
friends who gave a shelter to the members of their  numerous family, so
that at one point there were 64 people in their humble home!!! It was too
crowded to sleep on the beds and chairs and on the floor, so mostly they
would just sit and talk throughout the night, and sleep for a few hours
during the day. When they became tired of it all,  they decided that
grown-ups should better leave and find a shelter with some other relatives,
so that there will be more space left for the children. So the house ended
up with "only" 30  kids dwelling it!!!
They said that at least 1 million people in Serbia were forced to leave
their homes, permanently or for a time beingFor a population of 10
million people, that is quite a lot.
OK, I got to try to send this while we still have the power.
Until soon

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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your lsd is not y2k compliant either

1999-05-24 Thread Anonymous

On Mon, 24 May 1999, Putrefied Cow wrote:

 Date: Mon, 24 May 1999 21:37:57 +0300 (EEST)
 From: Putrefied Cow [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Cc: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 Subject: US Bombs  Missiles NOT Y2K Compatible
 A source I will keep confidential, just let me understand that one of
 the reasons for this incredibly aggressive bombing and missiling of
 the Yugoslavia, is the fact that most NATO missiles are not Y2K
 compatible, and must be used before the year 2000.
 So, there's not going to be a peace until NATO runs out of those
 bombs, which I hear they are already running low on, and are asking
 for more money to build new ones in the congress.

your acid, crack, and crystal meth is apparently not Y2K compliant 
either.  i'd go demand a refund from the dopeman if i were you.
take a gun, shoot him in the leg - got to make sure he knows you
mean business.

-- The Fedz

[CTRL] It Takes a Village of the Damned...

1999-05-24 Thread Anon Ymous

 -Caveat Lector-

"a fish, a barrel, and a smoking gun"
for 18 May 1999. Updated every WEEKDAY.

  It Takes a Village of the Damned

It was an announcement so grim that the president needed to bite his lower
lip before
speaking. We have "a changing culture that desensitizes our children to
violence." Most
teenagers, he continued, "have seen hundreds or even thousands of murders on
in movies and in videogames before they graduate from high school." Not
then, "too many young people seem unable or unwilling to take responsibility
for their
actions, and "all too often, everyday conflicts are resolved not with words
but with

Oops, that was 1998, during the White House Conference on Youth Violence,
convened after the Springfield, Oregon, school shootings. This year, the
White House
Conference on Youth Violence convened after the Littleton, Colorado, school
and there was an awkward prelude to the teen-baiting. In the increasingly
cadences of the presidential apology-that-isn't-quite, Clinton took up the
bombing of the
Chinese embassy in Belgrade: This was a "tragic, isolated incident," whereas
"the ethnic
cleansing of Kosovo ... is a deliberate and systematic crime," which of
course can only be
resolved with weapons, not words. Now, on to the horrors of teen violence

This ham-handed moral channel-surfing is typical of the great kids scare of
the 1990s.
According to social scientist Mike Males, author of Framing Youth: Ten Myths
About the
Next Generation, in every behavioral realm in which kids are imagined to be
lawless, and lethal (and the more so the darker their pigmentation), the real
high achievers
are white, middle-aged adults. The numbers on teen crime, teen drug use, teen
teen suicide, and even teen smoking have all been on the decline (with a few
bumps) since they peaked in the early 1980s. It would seem, in fact, that the
only ironclad,
youth-culture predictor of violent and criminal behavior is landing
child-acting gigs in very
special sitcoms.

Meanwhile, as Males demonstrates, an unprecedented crime wave and moral
have overtaken the 30-to-49 set. FBI figures show that boomers were involved
three-quarters of the nation's violent crimes in 1996, and the number of 30-
49-year-olds cuffed for serious crimes of all kinds has more than tripled
since 1980 - from
450,000 to 1.5 million in 1996. At the height of school shoot-'em-up melees
last year,
on-campus fatalities worked out to four deaths a month; adults were offing
meanwhile, at the rate of six a day. And if the grown-ups seem to be
particularly jumpy,
violent, and glassy-eyed, it's probably because they're so very fucked up so
much of the
time. Emergency room visits involving thirty-somethings' drug overdoses rose
60,000 in 1980 to 200,000 in 1995; heroin and cocaine emergency cases, uh,
shot up from
10,000 to 100,000. (All these increases far outstrip even the boomers' fabled
overrepresentation in the population at large.)

Even the all-important grieving process became another platform for boomer
self-involvement. After expressing some pro forma devastation over the
Littleton victims
and their families, Generation Me returned to what it knew best: "How does
this make me
feel ... about me?" In a cross-branding triumph as ghastly as anything a
child would
encounter in the upper levels of Doom, Salon rallied to comfort grieving
Littleton voyeurs
with an excerpt from its newly published Mothers Who Think anthology - an
off-topic but
wrenchingly emotivist essay about coping with a child's death. The subtext
was just
slightly subtler than the marketing/editorial/infanticidal strategy: "If one
of those monsters
opened fire on your helpless child just think how you'd feel." Is there any
way we could
get Janet Reno and the FCC to crack down on mawkish mournography once they get
through banishing Marilyn Manson (and finding a suitable replacement)?

Not to be outdone, the right flank in the Kulturkampf adopted as its very own
saint Cassie
Bernall, the born-again teen who answered "Yes" when her Littleton assailant
asked her if
she believed in God. Weekly Standard reporter Matt Labash produced a lavishly
six-page cover profile of Bernall, culminating in the question of whether a
sporting a "What Would Jesus Do?" pin on her backpack would "enter the
pantheon of the
faith's great martyrs." Just in case this made things a tad too ambiguous, a
editorial pronounced Americans "full of astonishment at the birth of an
American martyr."

If Bernall's story seemed fresh, it was because we'd heard it so many times
Americans relish the child as an all-purpose symbolic scrim, contorted in the
reflection of
all sorts of adult anxieties. As the iron grip of Calvinism gradually
loosened in the
mid-19th century, children were no longer presumed to be automatically

[CTRL] The Monarch

1999-05-24 Thread Linda Minor

Project Monarch: Nazi Mind Control

Amidst the subtle cerebral circumvention of the gullible populace, through a
multitude of manipulated mediums, lies one of the most diabolical atrocities
perpetrated upon a segment of the human race; a form of systematic mind control
which has permeated every aspect of society for almost fifty years.

by Ron Patton

To objectively ascertain the following, one may need to re-examine preconceived
ideologies relating to the dualistic nature of mankind. Resolving the
philosophical question of whether we are inherently good or inherently evil is
tantamount in shaping our perception of reality; specifically, the spiritual
variable within the equation of life.

This exposition is substantiated by declassified U.S. government documents,
individuals formerly connected to the U.S. intelligence communities, historical
writings, researchers knowledgeable in mind control, publications from mental
health practitioners, and interviews taken from survivors unwittingly subjected
to a highly complex form of trauma-based mind control known as MONARCH
programming. A word of caution for survivors of intensively systematic mind
control and/or some form of ritualized abuse: There are numerous "triggers" in
this article. It is therefore recommended not to read it unless appropriate
support systems are in place or if you have a thoroughly reintegrated

A Brief History of Control

The Mystery Religions of ancient Egypt, Greece, India and Babylon helped lay
the foundation for occultism, meaning "hidden knowledge." One of the earliest
writings giving reference to occultism is the Egyptian Book of the Dead, a
compilation of rituals explicitly describing methods of torture and
intimidation (to create trauma), the use of potions (drugs) and the casting of
spells (hypnotism), ultimately resulting in the total enslavement of the
initiate.1 These have been the main ingredients for a part of occultism known
as Satanism, throughout the ages.

During the 13th Century, the Roman Catholic church increased and solidified its
dominion throughout Europe with the infamous Inquisition. Satanism survived
this period of persecution, deeply entrenching itself under the veil of various
esoteric groups.

In 1776, a Bavarian Jesuit by the name of Adam Weishaupt was commissioned by
the House of Rothschild to centralize the power base of the Mystery Religions
into what is commonly known as the Illuminati, meaning "Enlightened Ones." This
was an amalgamation of powerful occultic bloodlines, elite secret societies and
influential Masonic fraternities, with the desire to construct the framework
for a "New World Order."

The outward goal of this Utopia was to bring forth universal happiness to the
human race. However, their underlying intention was to gradually increase
control over the masses, thus becoming masters of the planet.

The Anglo Alliance

By the 19th century, Great Britain and Germany were recognized as the primary
geographic areas of Illuminati control. It then should be of little surprise to
know the first work in Behavioral Science research was established in England
in 1882, while much of the early medical and psychiatric techniques involved in
mind control were pioneered at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute in Germany.

The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations was set up in London in 1921 to
study the "breaking point" of humans. Kurt Lewin, a German psychologist, became
the director of the Tavistock Institute in 1932, about the same time Nazi
Germany was increasing its research into neuropsychology, parapsychology and
multi-generational occultism.

Interestingly, a progressive exchange of scientific ideas was taking place
between England and Germany, most notably in the field of eugenics: the
movement devoted to "improving" the human species through the control of
hereditary factors in mating. The nefariously enigmatic union between the two
countries was bonded, partly through the Order of the Golden Dawn, a secret
society which consisted of many high ranking officials in the

Nazi party and British aristocracy.

Top SS Nazi officer Heinrich Himmler was in charge of a scientific project
called Lebersborn, which included selective breeding and adoption of children,
a peculiarly large number of twins among them.2 The purpose of the program was
to create a super-race (Aryans) who would have total allegiance to the cause of
the Third Reich (New World Order). Much of the preliminary experimentation
concerning genetic engineering and behavior modification was conducted by Dr.
Josef Mengele at Auschwitz, where he coldly analyzed the effects of
trauma-bonding, eye-coloring and "twinning" upon his victims.

Beside the insidious surgical experimentation performed at the concentration
camp, some of the children were subjected to massive amounts of electroshock.
Sadly, many of them did not survive the brutality. Concurrently,
"brain-washing" was carried out on inmates at Dachau, who were placed 

[CTRL] The MONARCH Program --Pt. 2

1999-05-24 Thread Linda Minor

from alt.mindcontrol

Notable Names

One of the first documented cases of a MONARCH secret agent was that of the
voluptuous 1940's model, Candy Jones. The book, The Control of Candy Jones,
(Playboy Press) portrays her 12 years of intrigue and suspense as a spy for the
CIA. Jones, whose birth name is Jessica Wilcox, apparently fit the
physiological profile as to be one of the initial experiments or human guinea
pigs under the government's "scientific" project, MKULTRA.

The most publicized case of MONARCH monomania has surfaced through the book
TRANCE Formation of America: The True Life Story of a ClA Slave by Cathy
O'Brien. On the back cover it emphatically states, "Cathy O'Brien is the only
vocal and recovered survivor of the Central Intelligence Agency's MKULTRA
Project Monarch mind control operation." This documented autobiography contains
compelling accounts of O'Brien's years of unrelenting incest and eventual
introduction into Project MONARCH by her perverted father. Along with co-author
Mark PhiIlips, her rescuer and deprogrammer, Cathy covers an almost
unbelievable array of conspiratorial crime: forced prostitution (white slavery)
with those in the upper echelons of world politics, covert assignments as a
"drug mule" and courier, and the country-western music industry's relationship
with illegal CIA activities.

Paul Bonaci a courageous survivor who endured almost two decades of degradation
under Project MONARCH, has disclosed strong corroborating evidence of widescale
crimes and corruption from the municipal/state level all the way up to the
White House.17 He has testified about sexually-abused males selected from Boy's
Town in Nebraska and taken to nearby Offut AFB, where he says they were
subjected to intense MONARCH programming, directed mainly by Commander Bill
Plemmons and former Lt. Col. Michael Aquino.18 After thoroughly tormenting the
young boys into mindless oblivion, they were used (along with girls) for
pornography and prostitution with several of the nation's political and
economic power brokers. Bonnaci recalled being transported from the Air Force
base via cargo planes to McClelland AFB in California. Along with other
unfortunate adolescents and teenagers, he was driven to the elite retreat,
Bohemian Grove. The perpetrators took full advantage of these innocent victims,
committing unthinkable perversions in order to satisfy their deviant lusts.
Some victims were apparently murdered, further traumatizing already terrified
and broken children.

An insuitable actress of marginal talent (now deceased), a morally-corrupt T.V.
evangelist, a heralded former Green Beret officer and a popular country-western
singer are a few others likely having succumbed to MONARCH madness. Lee Harvey
Oswald, Sirhan-Sirhan, Charlie Manson, John Hinckley Jr., Mark Chapman, David
Koresh, Tim McVeigh and John Salvi are some notable names of infamy, strongly
suspected of being pawns who were spawned by MKULTRA.

Deprogrammers and Exposers

Dr. Corydon Hammond, a Psychologist from the University of Utah, delivered a
stunning lecture entitled "Hypnosis in MPD: Ritual Abuse" at the Fourth Annual
Eastern Regional Conference on Abuse and Multiple Personality, June 25, 1992 in
Alexandria, Virginia. He essentially confirmed the suspicions of the attentive
crowd of mental health professionals, wherein a certain percentage of their
clients had undergone mind control programming in an intensively systematic
manner. Hammond alluded to the Nazi connection, military and CIA mind control
research, Greek letter and color programming and specifically mentioned the
"Monarch Project" in relation to a form of operative conditioning.

Shortly after his ground breaking speech, he received death threats. Not
wanting to jeopardize the safety of his family, Dr. Hammond stopped
disseminating any follow-up information, until recently.

Mark Phillips, a former electronics subcontractor for the Department of
Defense, was privy to some of the top secret mind control activities
perpetrated by the U.S. government. His inquisitive demeanor, strong conscience
and heart-felt concern for Cathy O'Brien, a "Presidential Model" under Project
MONARCH, prompted him to reveal the inner-workings of this grand deception
beginning about 1991. As the story goes, he helped Ms. O'Brien escape from her
captors and was able to deprogram her in about a years time in Alaska. The
controversial Phillips has his share of critics who are skeptical of the
veracity of his claims. New Orleans therapist Valerie Wolf introduced two of
her patients before the President's Committee on Human Radiation Experiments on
March 15, 1995 in Washington D.C. The astonishing testimony made by these two
brave women included accounts of German doctors, torture, drugs, electroshock,
hypnosis and rape, besides being exposed to an undetermined amount of
radiation. Both Wolf and her patients stated they recovered the memories of
this CIA program without regression or hypnosis 

[CTRL] Fw: Remarks by LT. General Griffin (Ret.)

1999-05-24 Thread Inhabitant of the Conquered Land

 -Caveat Lector-

Whoops, another Generation of "Limited" un-constituted, undeclared war being
mismanaged by officers of the Public trust ensconced on the shore of the

The cost of liberty is eternal vigilance

"In a age of universal deceit, telling
the truth is a revolutionary act."

George Orwell
 From: Mark A. Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: LJ: Remarks by LT. General Griffin (Ret.)
 Date: Monday, May 24, 1999 3:32 PM

 Remark by Lt.Gen. Tom Griffin USA (ret.) in response to
media question this week: "Now let's see here if I
understand all this correctly.

 President Clinton has ordered our forces to engage an entrenched,
 politically motivated enemy, backed by the Russians, on their home
 ground, in a foreign civil war, in difficult terrain, with limited
 military objectives, bombing restrictions, boundary and operational
 restrictions, queasy allies, far across the ocean, with uncertain
 goals, without prior consultation with congress, the potential for
 escalation, while limiting the forces at his disposal, and the
 majority of Americans opposed to or at least uncertain about the
 value of the action being worth American lives.

 So just what was it that he was opposed to in Vietnam?"

 Submit message by sending to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Unsub info - send e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED], putting
 "unsubscribe liberty-and-justice" in the msg BODY (not subject)
 List-Owner of Liberty-and-Justice is Mike Goldman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 List Moderator is Scott Bergeson [EMAIL PROTECTED]

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Clark at Waco

1999-05-24 Thread nurev

 -Caveat Lector-


by alexander cockburn and jeffrey st. clair

  Was Clark at Waco?

 On February 28, 1993 the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and
 Firearms launched its disastrous and lethal raid on the Branch
 Dividian compound outside Waco, Texas. Even before the
 raid, members of the US Armed Forces, many of them in
 civilian dress, were around the compound.

 In the wake of the Feb 28 debacle Texas governor Anne
 Richards asked to consult with knowledgeable military
 personnel. Her request went to the US Army base at Fort
 Hood, where the commanding officer of the US Army's III
 corps referred her to the Cavalry Division of the III Corps,
 whose commander at the time was Wesley Clark.
 Subsequent congressional enquiry records that Richards met
 with Wesley Clark's number two, the assistant division
 commander, who advised her on military equipment that
 might be used in a subsequent raid. Clark's man, at Richard's
 request, also met with the head of the Texas National Guard.

 Two senior Army officers subsequently travelled to a crucial
 April 14 meeting in Washington, D.C. with Attorney General
 Janet Reno and Justice Department and FBI officials in
 which the impending April 19 attack on the compound was
 reviewed. The 186-page "Investigation into the Activities of
 Federal Law Enforcement Agencies Towards the Branch
 Davidians", prepared by the Committee on Government
 Reform and Oversight and lodged in 1996 (CR 104 749)
 does not name these two officers and at deadline
 CounterPunch has so far been unable to unearth them. One
 of these officers had reconnoitered the Branch Davidian
 compound a day earlier, on April 13. During the Justice
 Dept. meeting one of the officers told Reno that if the
 military had been called in to end a barricade situation as part
 of a military operation in a foreign country, it would focus its
 efforts on "taking out" the leader of the operation.

 Ultimately tanks from Fort Hood were used in the final
 catastrophic assault on the Branch Davidian compound on
 April 19. Certainly the Waco onslaught bears characteristics
 typical of Gen. Wesley Clark: the eagerness to take out the
 leader (viz., the Clark-ordered bombing of Milosevich's
 private residence); the utter disregard for the lives of
 innocent men, women and children; the arrogant
 miscalculations about the effects of force; disregard for law,
 whether of the Posse Comitatus Act governing military
 actions within the United States or, abroad, the purview of
 the Nuremberg laws on war crimes and attacks on civilians.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Re: [CTRL] How Can We Blame all on Guns?

1999-05-24 Thread nurev

 -Caveat Lector-

Steve Wingate wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

 --- Forwarded Message Follows ---
 Date sent:  Mon, 24 May 1999 10:18:34 + (GMT)
 From:   David Tilbury GNET 822 5435 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject:IUFO: How Can We Blame all on Guns?
 Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 By Paul Harvey
 Commentary Of April 27, 1999

 Letters - How can we blame it all on guns?

 For the life of me, I can't understand what could have gone wrong in
 Littleton, Colo. If only the parents had kept their children away from the
 guns, we wouldn't have had such a tragedy. Yeah, it must have been the

 1. It couldn't have been because of half our children are being raised in
 broken homes.

 2. It couldn't have been because our children get to spend an average of 30
 seconds in meaningful conversation with their parents each day. After all,
 we give our children quality time.

 3. It couldn't have been because we treat our children as pets and our pets
 as children.

 4. It couldn't have been because we place our children in day care centers
 where they learn their socialization skills among their peers under the law of
 the jungle while employees who have no vested interest in the children look
 on and make sure that no blood is spilled.

 5. It couldn't have been because we allow our children to watch, on
 average, seven hours of television a day filled with the glorification of sex
 and violence that isn't fit for adult consumption.

 6. It couldn't have been because we allow our children to enter into virtual
 worlds in which, to win the game, one must kill as many opponents as
 possible in the most sadistic way possible.

 7. It couldn't have been because we have sterilized and contracepted our
 families down to sizes so small that the children we do have are so spoiled
 with material things that they come to equate the receiving of the material
 with love.

 8. It couldn't have been because our children, who historically have been
 seen as a blessing from God, are now being viewed as either a mistake
 created when contraception fails or inconveniences that parents try to raise
 in their spare time.

 9. It couldn't have been because our nation is the world leader in
 developing a "culture of death" in which 20 million to 30 million babies have
 been killed by abortion.

 10. It couldn't have been because we give two-year prison sentences to
 teen-agers who kill their newborns.

 11. It couldn't have been because our school systems teach the children
 that they are nothing but glorified apes who have evolutionized out of some
 primordial soup of mud by teaching evolution as fact and by handing out
 condoms as if they were candy.

 12. It couldn't have been because we teach our children that there are no
 laws of morality that transcend us, that everything is relative and that
 actions don't have consequences. What the heck, the president gets away
 with it!

 Nah, it must have been the guns.

 Steve Wingate

 California Director

It could have been ALL these things. SO WHAT?

One can't do much in a real sense about most of the things that
may be equally culpable in the equation that resulted in a wanton

We can however, remove guns from the equation. Then if people go nuts
become immoral or enraged, it's not as devastating.

Guns will go because it's the easiest solution.

And it's about time.


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Re: [CTRL] How Can We Blame all on Guns?

1999-05-24 Thread Damian B. Cooper

 -Caveat Lector-

At 10:25 PM 5/24/99 -0700, nurev [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Guns will go because it's the easiest solution.

And it's about time.


Ummm.  You really think that popular insurrection and civil war is the
easiest solution.

The Los Angeles riots were triggered by a jury verdict perceived by a minority
of a minority to be politically unacceptable.  Los Angeles was in a state of
insurrection for days.

Gun confiscation, overt or otherwise, WILL be perceived by 50 million

It would be far more prudent and peaceable to teach liberals some tolerance
of gun ownership and the practice of minding their own business.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] How Can We Blame all on Guns?

1999-05-24 Thread Ric Carter

 -Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -

 We can however, remove guns from the equation. Then if people
 go nuts or become immoral or enraged, it's not as devastating.

Parallel: God(s) don't kill people, believers kill people.  We
can reduce religious sectarian violence by eliminating peoples'
god(s) from the equation.  Then if people go kill-crazy, they
won't have deities or demons to blame, and they can be treated
for their mental aberrations, rather than forgiven for zeal.

But: guns or gods, we're talking Theology.  True Believers in
weapons-bearing have a religious creed, that their guns were
given them by their god(s), and no mere mortal can touch their
holy armaments.  You might as well try to talk a spiritual fundy
out of their belief system.  Good luck.

  Rev. R.N. "what a friend we have in Uzi" Carter

* no pacifists were shot during the production of this message *

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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[CTRL] Praise Reno!

1999-05-24 Thread Peter L. Sroufe

 -Caveat Lector-

  Mon, May 24, 1999

 Barbara Sehr - your Guide to:
Political Humor

Praise Reno
Dateline: 12/08/97

They had come from all walks of life, by car, by plane, some by hitchhiking
across the country. Men and women together had come without solicitation to
this brave new enclave to worship a feminine but stronger arm of the law. A
law with dotted "I's," crossed "t's," and dangling Cajone's.

 "Praise Reno!"
The shouts of joy could be heard above the roar of alligators cruising their
way across the muddy Florida Everglades, ever vigilant for an interruption
in the steady vegan diet that the forces of nature had imposed. Here, just
out of harms way was a small, but growing group of human morsels that would
catch the olfactory senses of any carnivore.

"Praise Reno!"

The chants were getting louder, as the cult celebrated an incredible month
for the object of its worship. Janet Reno, a former Dade County prosecutor,
had become someone special outside this cult of jurisprudence connoisseurs
who followed her to the legal limits. Reno, unsinged by the fires of Waco or
the lava flow in Washington, DC had now become a global heroine far from the
drug-infested ports of Miami.

Members of the Reno Cult had already been boosted by a poll in Japan that
reported 78 percent of Japanese businessmen would prefer to be stranded on a
desert island with the US Attorney General. But now, Japan had accorded her
a special honor with resounding global import.

Here in the middle of the Everglades, a portable television set brought the
message home to people who had always known the good work of their icon. The
speech in Kyoto, Japan was no surprise to those who had always believed.

"For her meritorious work in reducing global warming by unitarily reducing
emissions from US special prosecutors, Janet Reno has done much to reduce
the threat of an ecological disaster," the resolution unanimously adopted in
Kyoto said. Reno accepted the award modestly, just days after she rejected
pressure to appoint still another special prosecutor to investigate campaign
finance irregularities.

"The emissions created by still another special prosecutor in Washington
would bring perilous devastation to my home state," Reno noted. "If Global
Warming were allowed to continue, it wouldn't be long before Florida loses
its snowbirds and other winter tourist trade to other states, like North

Reno told the Kyoto audience that much can still be done by the US to reduce
its hazardous levels of political emissions. She noted that these hazardous
political conditions pour out the equivalent of a "Jeep Cherokee sports
utility vehicle for every man, woman and child in Miami. " She says she will
work with other members of the Clinton administration to reduce these
emissions by:

Eliminating television advertising from political campaigns, " a major
source of obnoxious gases that peaks every four years."
Shortening the campaign season to 30 days, much like Britain and Canada.
"This will drastically reduce the level of hot air throughout the US, " Reno
Recycling current special prosecutors that can be assigned other projects.
"Kenneth Starr is already leading the charge on this," Reno said.
Dispersing members of the US House and Senate into their own districts
during Congressional seasons, and having them vote by email. "By eliminating
the high concentration of these gasses within the Washington, DC area, we
can preserve the quiet comfort that the District has come to expect.."
"Praise Reno!"

The chanters formed a circle as Reno concluded her speech. They had come
from all walks of life, by car, by plane, some by hitchhiking across the
country. Men and women together had come without solicitation to this brave
new enclave to worship a feminine but stronger arm of the law. A law with
dotted "I's," crossed "t's," and dangling Cajone's. This was the law of
Reno, and the legacy of an Attorney General chosen because she had no need
for a nanny.

As the coven of worshippers continued with their service, their hands went
into the air with each and every "Praise Reno," as all looked toward the
poster-sized color portrait that was hung from a tree. As hands were raised,
then lowered to the center of the circle, the worshippers chanted more:

Reno is Good! Reno is powerful! Praise Reno, Lord over all!
Finally, the chief cantor removed his hood, as the chant hushed. "What Reno
joined together, let no man tear asunder," said the Vice President of the
United States. "May we serve Reno for years to come."

"Praise Reno," the worshippers chanted back.


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The Center for Exposing Corruption in the Federal Government

Federal Government defined:
a benefit/subsidy protection racket!

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic

Re: [CTRL] anyone care Hispanics invading America??

1999-05-24 Thread Ric Carter

 -Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Peter L. Sroufe [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 More federal border agents sought to stem illegal tide
 JOHN GRABER / Sierra Vista Herald / May 20, 1999

 TUCSON Border Patrol are apprehending between 1,000 and 2,000 illegal
 immigrants everyday.

Oh, you mean Occupied Mexico, that third of the nation stolen by
Yanquis a century and a half ago, is being re-settled by relatives
of the prior inhabitants, who themselves stole the land from various
aboriginal [American Indian] inhabitants, who stole the land from
each other at various times.  If the Native Americans had had a
more efficient Border Patrol, to intercept the illegal immigrants
from Europe, the Americas would be a safer place, eh?

  Ric "Caucasians back to Caucasia!" Carter

* no arbitrary borders were crossed during production of this message *

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] (Clinton has never referred to America as a Republic.)

1999-05-24 Thread Peter L. Sroufe

 -Caveat Lector-

"The LAST Free American Newspaper"

"In Memory of Those Who Died In The Name of Freedom"

(July, 1997 Free American Magazine)

"The LAST Free American Newspaper"  In response to the numerous phone calls
I received from the mainstream media, including Time Magazine and the San
Diego Union, regarding the McVeigh verdict, I published the following
statement: The pre-trial publication of the government’s scenario by the
mainstream media concerning McVeigh, assured a guilty verdict. I applaud
both the grand jury that indicted him and the trial jury that found him
guilty. They did well with what information the government allowed them to
see, especially in regards to the other suspects. The Free American, far
from being anti-government, is very pro-government, so long as the
government remains committed to the Constitution. The jury system is the one
of the basic elements of our Constitutional Republic, which we support. We
do not believe crime should be condoned or supported. While McVeigh’s guilt
has been determined by a jury of his peers, I sincerely hope that the
American people will not rest until ALL of those who worked with him or
those that used him, are tracked down, apprehended and tried also. Any links
to government, domestic or foreign, or claims of government foreknowledge,
should be investigated thoroughly. I think McVeigh should be offered one
chance for life. Reveal the names of any others involved, where the money
came from and what part he played, in full view of the American people. . or
die as he was tried, alone. I urge the people of Oklahoma, and all
Americans, to support Oklahoma Representative Charles Key’s investigations
into this matter. I chastise the press for reviving the militia specter when
the trial uncovered no connection. The headlines in the Albuquerque Journal
screamed, “ Militias May Mark Date (June 2) Violently” but the story
concluded with FBI Deputy Director Weldon Kennedy stressing, . . . “They
[militias] made it clear they didn’t support him. . . .We haven’t seen any
group indicating any support for him while he was incarcerated leading up to
this trial.” You [the press - by examining the conservative right], are
looking in the wrong direction for people who want to overthrow the
legitimate government of the United States of America. If you have a problem
with the militia and the right to bear arms, repeal the Second Amendment. If
you have a problem with the truth, repeal the First. If you want to know
what the real problems are, read The Free American. Clayton R. Douglas After
reading this statement on the Charles Collins Show on Amerinet, which I
often serve as guest host (11 to 1 AM Eastern Daylight time), one caller
found that to be too harsh. While I might be sympathetic to Tim McVeigh’s
anger at the Fed’s involved in the Waco massacre, and though I urge my
readers to resist the implementation of a Communistic New World Order, I do
not believe that random acts of terrorism or the deaths of innocent people
are in any way justified and I believe they should be punished. I do not
believe that Tim McVeigh was completely innocent of any involvement. If
there were doubles and if this was a politically motivated act involving
intelligence types, he certainly played into their hands. I refuse to second
guess or criticize the jury’s verdict and The Free American will continue to
reveal as much information about other players in this drama as we possibly
can. To do otherwise is to play into the hands of those that want to
dismantle the Patriot movement and advance the concept of global governance.
I am not a proponent of violent revolution and do not believe the time has
come to take up arms against the government, but I am a strong supporter of
the Second Amendment and will fight bitterly against any type of gun control
or other communistic agendas including Central Banking and Graduated Income
Tax, both of which I believe to be unconstitutional, and am totally opposed
to any subjection of our Constitution by the U.N. Charter. To fully support
our Constitution, as I and many other veterans, law enforcement officers and
elected officials have taken an oath to do, we must speak out and take
action against any attempts to subvert or overthrow our form of government.
It demands constant vigilance. Such vigilance and such a stand cannot be
deemed illegal, no matter what the ADL, their lapdog, Morris Dees, a liberal
media and Clinton’s crooks would like for you to believe. Having said that,
let me tell you that this is the last issue of The Free American Newspaper
you will see. Too many of you have been getting this newspaper for free for
much too long. Too many of you are reticent to tell your friends you read it
or recommend that they subscribe to it. I know this to be true because our
offer to send an ounce of silver to you for referrals failed miserably. If
you are a subscriber, don’t worry. You will continue to get the same
information and the same 

[CTRL] What's the deal?

1999-05-24 Thread Shane A. Saylor, Eccentric Bard

 -Caveat Lector-

My Mom told me today she heard that the Kosovo conflict will be over in 2
mos.(this coming from the news via the US Gov't). Anybody got details on
this alleged prophecy???

Your children are taken from you by force, sent to a school of which you may
or may not approve, to study subjects you don't have to like, under teachers
that you didn't hire, and probably can't fire; and the whole system is paid
for by money extorted from you at the point of a gun.  Given that
arrangement as the structural foundation of something as important as
education, we should be surprised by the kids that DO survive public
schooling, rather than the relatively few who don't.
- Ayn Rand on public schools
ICQ: 9815080   Operator Taliesin_2 of #SacredNemeton on IRC PaganPaths

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] How Can We Blame all on Guns?

1999-05-24 Thread Mike Kathy Moxley

 -Caveat Lector-

It could have been ALL these things. SO WHAT?

One can't do much in a real sense about most of the things that
may be equally culpable in the equation that resulted in a wanton

We can however, remove guns from the equation. Then if people go nuts
become immoral or enraged, it's not as devastating.

Guns will go because it's the easiest solution.

And it's about time.


If the government ever tried to disarm the American people it would be open
season on feds, and many a gun owner would be disappointed because there
just aren't enough feds to go around.

W E   W I L L   N O T   D I S A R M !

Notice To All Politicians:

It is time to speak plainly for the good citizens and patriots of this
nation who believe unendingly in the Constitution of the United States of

Though foreign governments may disarm their subjects, we will not go down
that road.

We will not disarm and see our freedoms stripped away.  The lessons of
history are numerous, clear, and bloody.  A disarmed population inevitably
becomes an enslaved population.  A disarmed population is without power,
reduced to childlike obedience to-and dependence upon - the organs of a
parental state.  A disarmed population will lose-either piecemeal or in one
sweeping act - those basic rights for which the citizens of America risked
their lives and fortunes over 200 years ago.

We Will Not Disarm.  The right to self-protection-the internal directive of
every living creature, be it mouse or man - is the most fundamental right
of all.  It is a right that must be exercised against the predators of the
streets, against the predators hidden within agencies of law enforcement,
and against the most dangerous predators of all - those to be found in
government, whose insidious grasping for power is relentless and never-ending.

We Will Not Disarm. Not in the face of robbers, rapists and murderers who
prey upon our families and friends.  Nor in the face of police and bureau
agents who would turn a blind eye to the Constitution, who would betray the
birthright of their countrymen; nor in the face of politicians of the
lowest order-those who pander to the ignorant, the weak, the fearful, the
naive; those indebted to a virulent strain of the rich who insulate
themselves from the dangers imposed upon other Americans and then preach

We will not surrender our handguns.  We will not surrender our hunting
arms.  And we will not surrender our firearms of military pattern or
military utility, nor their proper furnishings, nor the right to buy, to
sell, or to manufacture such items. Firearms of military utility, which
serve well and nobly in times of social disturbance as tools of defense for
the law-abiding, serve also in the quiet role of prevention, against both
the criminal and the tyrannical.  An armed citizenry - the well-regulated
militia of the Second Amendment, properly armed with military firearms - is
a powerful deterrent, on both conscious and subconscious levels, to those
inclined toward governmental usurpation's.  An armed citizenry stands as a
constant reminder to those in power that,  though they may violate our
rights temporarily, they will not do so endlessly and without consequence.
And should Americans again be confronted with the necessity of - may God
forbid it - throwing off the chains of a tyrannical and suffocating regime,
firearms designed to answer the particular demands of warfare will provide
the swiftest and most decisive means to this end.

Any law which prohibits or limits a citizen's possession of firearms of
military utility or their proper furnishings, provides an open window
through which a corrupt government will crawl to steal away the remainder
of our firearms and our liberties.

Any law which prohibits or limits a citizen's possession of firearms of
military utility or their proper furnishings, being directly contrary to
the letter and spirit of the Second Amendment, is inimical to the
Constitution, to the United States of America, and to its citizens.

Now-today-we are witnessing the perilous times foreseen by the architects
of the Constitution.  These are times when our government is demanding - in
the guise of measures for the common good - the relinquishment of several
rights guaranteed to Americans in the Constitution, foremost among which is
the right to keep and bear arms for our own defense.  These are times when
our government has abdicated its primary responsibility-to provide for the
security of its citizens. Swift and sure punishment of outlaws is absent,
and in its place is offered the false remedy of disarming the law-abiding.
Where this unconstitutional action has been given the force of law, it has
failed to provide relief and has produced greater social discord.  This
discord in turn now serves as the false basis for the demand that we give
up other rights, and for the demand for more police, more agents of
bureaucratic control to enforce the 

[CTRL] ..charges of Chinese espionage were virtually sabotaged by the Democrats..

1999-05-24 Thread Peter L. Sroufe

 -Caveat Lector-

May 1998
Publisher’s Corner
by Clayton R. Douglas

 I am watching cracks appear in the major media-created facade that
covers for the lack of Constitutional government.  The reporters who pride
themselves as professionals, in the employ of the major networks and
newspapers, are starting to question the system they have so blindly
supported.  This was illustrated in a series of reports on CNN.
 First came the interview of Senator Fred Thompson on Evan and Novak..
Following that was World News and then Reliable Sources where Bernard Kalb’s
guest was Washington Post Reporter, Howard Kurtz, who authored “Spin Cycles”
,  and switch hitter, David Brock, who is now “sorry” he let the name
 “Paula” out of the bag and himself out of the closet and has apologized to
Clinton for writing the “damaging” story.
 The information that was revealed in this hour and a half is better
viewed out of sequence.
 Kurtz, who wrote the story for the Washington Post about Brock, was
obviously disgusted with Brock, who though nervous, still managed to convey
a forceful impression of an idiot.  Brock, who once wrote for the American
Spectator, was no more conservative than a cross-dresser.  He waffled on his
convictions, influenced, no doubt, by his gay, liberal buddies who managed
to convince him that Clinton is the homo’s best friend. (Editor’s Note: This
is not homo bashing.  I care little about a person’s sexual proclivities so
long as they keep it out of sight of my children, out of our schools and out
of our military.)
 It was an obvious ploy by Clnton’s crew.  How or who reached Brock is
of no significance. Kurtz’s and Kalb disgust  with Brock was apparent and he
was quickly dismissed from the show and, rightfully so, from the minds of
the American people.
 Of greater interest was the previous moments when Kalb put Kurtz on the
hotseat.  There was thinly veiled anger at Kurtz by some of his
contemporaries for revealing the truth about their meek coverage of the
White House.
 He explained the point of his book on an earlier show with Larry King;
 “The point is to explain what it is that the folks at the White House
do everyday, at every hour in terms of trying to bob and weave and what I
think of as kind of laundering the news taking sort of a greasy shirt with
all kinds of scandal stains and contradictions and presenting it to the
country as a clean white garment.
KING:  Is that their job?
KURTZ:  Of course it's their job.  It's what they get paid to do. One might
well argue that the press, the journalists, like Wolf who cover the White
House, engaging their own form of spin.  They're concerned mostly with
negative news, bad news, scandal stories all the way from Gennifer Flowers
in 1992 to the woman that you met tonight, Monica Lewinsky.  So it's almost
sort of a game between two self- absorbed groups spin and counter spin, but
it's a game that's a serious matter because it affects very much the news
that we see and hear and read.

 The other journalists were visibly upset at the way Kurtz called the
White House lies they all rebroadcast, by their proper name,  “Propaganda”,
yet were forced to admit that his book accurately portrayed the interactions
between the White House and the Press corp.

 The ironic part of CNN Saturday is: The spin story segment, regarding
the “spin” on the Lewinsky affair, was in itself, “spin”, to direct the
public attention away from the real issues about Clinton’s presidency as
revealed by Rowland Evans and Robert Novak’s conversation with Senator Fred
Thompson earlier.
 The mind has a tendency to lock on to the last news it hears while
earlier news swiftly becomes a dim memory.  On CNN Saturday,  the explosive
allegations by Thompson regarding China’s involvement in Presidential and US
politics were swiftly overshadowed by the sexual allegations against the
 Thompson’s hearings into the charges of Chinese espionage were
virtually sabotaged by the Democrats and the time limit put on Thompson’s
investigation. Fifty one witnesses either left the country or took the Fifth
to avoid answering the questions about the Chinese money.
 What was more noticeable is the total lack of news coverage regarding
Israel.  Never mentioned at any time was the substantial documentation of
Israel’s control and manipulation of U.S. politics, or our current policy
towards Iraq. Never mentioned in the media blitz organized by the President
to garner support for the bombing of Iraq, were the twenty year old UN
sanctions against Israel demanding they pull out of southern Lebanon.
 The sensationalist coverage of Clinton’s sexual proclivities has roused
little more than a ho-hum reaction among jaded Americans. The men say, “hey,
how many women have I hit on?” and the women think, “say, he’s cute compared
to the last boss I had hit on me!” It is for this reason that Starr’s
investigation  has centered on the women in Clinton’s life rather than 

[CTRL] TREATY WITH MEXICO (2-02-1848) feds paid $15 million gold for California,etc.[not stolen]

1999-05-24 Thread Peter L. Sroufe

 -Caveat Lector-

TREATY WITH MEXICO (February 2, 1848)
[By the Louisiana Purchase, Texas had become a part of the United States;
but in 1819 it had been ceded to Spain in the negotiations for Florida. Two
years later Mexico, including Texas, had become independent, and the United
States made two unsuccessful attempts to purchase Texas from Mexico. The
settlement of Texas by immigrants from the United States finally led to the
secession of Texas and its annexation by the United States, with the result
that the Mexican War broke out in May, 1846. It was closed by this treaty,
by which the United States gained not only Texas but New Mexico and Upper

The United States of America and the United Mexican States animated by a
sincere desire to put an end to the calamities of the war which unhappily
exists between the two Republics and to establish Upon a solid basis
relations of peace and friendship, which shall confer reciprocal benefits
upon the citizens of both, and assure the concord, harmony, and mutual
confidence wherein the two people should live, as good neighbors have for
that purpose appointed their respective plenipotentiaries, that is to say:
The President of the United States has appointed Nicholas P Trist, a citizen
of the United States, and the President of the Mexican Republic has
appointed Don Luis Gonzaga Cuevas, Don Bernardo Couto, and Don Miguel
Atristain, citizens of the said Republic; Who, after a reciprocal
communication of their respective full powers, have, under the protection of
Almighty God, the author of peace, arranged, agreed upon, and signed the

Treaty of Peace, Friendship, Limits, and Settlement between the United
States of America and the Mexican Republic.


There shall be firm and universal peace between the United States of America
and the Mexican Republic, and between their respective countries,
territories, cities, towns, and people, without exception of places or


Immediately upon the signature of this treaty, a convention shall be entered
into between a commissioner or commissioners appointed ~y the
General-in-chief of the forces of the United States, and such as may be
appointed by the Mexican Government, to the end that a provisional
suspension of hostilities shall take place, and that, in the places occupied
by the said forces, constitutional order may be reestablished, as regards
the political, administrative, and judicial branches, so far as this shall
be permitted by the circumstances of military occupation.


Immediately upon the ratification of the present treaty by the Government of
the United States, orders shall be transmitted to the commanders of their
land and naval forces, requiring the latter (provided this treaty shall then
have been ratified by the Government of the Mexican Republic, and the
ratifications exchanged) immediately to desist from blockading any Mexican
ports and requiring the former (under the same condition) to commence, at
the earliest moment practicable, withdrawing all troops of the United State
then in the interior of the Mexican Republic, to points that shall be
selected by common agreement, at a distance from the seaports not exceeding
thirty leagues; and such evacuation of the interior of the Republic shall be
completed with the least possible delay; the Mexican Government hereby
binding itself to afford every facility in i~ power for rendering the same
convenient to the troops, on their march and in their new positions, and for
promoting a good understanding between them and the inhabitants. In like
manner orders shall be despatched to the persons in charge of the custom
houses at all ports occupied by the forces of the United States, requiring
them (under the same condition) immediately to deliver possession of the
same to the persons authorized by the Mexican Government to receive it,
together with all bonds and evidences of debt for duties on importations and
on exportations, not yet fallen due. Moreover, a faithful and exact account
shall be made out, showing the entire amount of all duties on imports and on
exports, collected at such custom-houses, or elsewhere in Mexico, by
authority of the United States, from and after the day of ratification of
this treaty by the Government of the Mexican Republic; and also an account
of the cost of collection; and such entire amount, deducting only the cost
of collection, shall be delivered to the Mexican Government, at the city of
Mexico, within three months after the exchange of ratifications.

The evacuation of the capital of the Mexican Republic by