[CTRL] Salon: Gore's "War Room"

2000-11-12 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-



Gore's "war room"

A campaign memo outlines the vice president's extensive battle plan.

By Jake Tapper

Nov. 11, 2000 | TALLAHASSEE, Fla. -- On Friday, Gore spokesman
Douglas Hattaway told CNN, "The campaign is over." And while,
technically, the campaign to elect Al Gore president has
officially been disbanded, a new campaign has replaced it to win
the increasingly vicious contests in the courts and the court of
public opinion.

Gore has moved with speed and seriousness to deploy a staff here
and in key spots in both Florida and Washington, where this new
campaign is being waged. Replacing the official Gore campaign,
which ended Friday, is the Gore Recount Committee, a separate
entity allowed by federal laws that provide campaign committees
an opportunity, if necessary, to fund a group to work on recount

And based on a draft memo from Thursday obtained by Salon that
outlines the committee's various functions, as well as
conversations with members of the Gore Recount Committee, this
group means business. The memo even talks about a "war room,"
after the famous command center of the Clinton administration
immortalized in the documentary of the same name.

Committee officials insist they're just a short-term operation,
saying their canvassers have told them that the election should
all be over by this time next week, that after the hand-counting
of the ballots in the heavily Democratic Palm Beach, Broward and
Volusia counties, Gore should win.

But since, they argue, no one knows exactly what the overseas
absentee ballots will bring, the infrastructure they're setting
up right now could allow activities beyond the last deadline for
votes in the primary -- the last day for absentee ballots,
Friday, Nov. 17. This could allow the Democrats to continue to
wage a political, legal and public relations battle based on the
"uncounted" Palm Beach County "butterfly ballots." Or, as Bill
Daley, Gore's campaign chairman and co-chair of the recount
committee, alluded to in a press conference Thursday, it could
allow the Democrats to challenge other voting controversies in
parts of Florida where questions remain over whether ballots were
fairly counted.

"Al Gore won the popular vote, and he's ahead in the electoral
college vote," says Mark Fabiani, who ran the communications team
for the Gore campaign and will do so for the recount committee.
"It's clear from all the evidence that he won the most votes in
Florida. We're determined to have those votes counted in a speedy
and correct manner ... Hopefully, it's not going to be a very
prolonged battle. We hope with a speedy recount, Al Gore will be
ahead this time next week."

But what if he's not? Will the recount committee seek a revote in
Palm Beach County, claiming -- as they have already alleged --
that the ballots are illegal?

"We're taking this one step at a time," Fabiani says.

With the short-term target in mind, but a long-term war a
possibility, the Gore recount committee has dispatched key
members of the Gore campaign -- working with others from the
Democratic National Committee -- to Palm Beach, Tallahassee and
Washington. The infrastructure and organization of this team, not
to mention the funds necessary for its day-to-day operation,
underscores how tenaciously Gore intends to challenge the results
of the controversial, razor-thin and still as yet uncertified
victory of Gov. George W. Bush in Florida.

The operation will be co-run by Daley and former Secretary of
State Warren Christopher. Though both men returned to Washington
for the weekend, they will continue to be based, initially, in
Tallahassee, where the three-person elections certification
committee -- which consists entirely of officials who endorsed
Bush -- is supervising the state's automatic recount.

The War Room

The "war room," as it is referred to in the memo, will be run in
Washington. The shop will be headed by Gore campaign manager
Donna Brazile, as well as other senior advisers: campaign chief
of staff Chip Smith, Daley's chief of staff David Lane, Daley
deputy chief of staff Graham Streett, Daley assistant Molly
Buford and former deputy chief of staff/campaign rapid-response
staffer Monica Dixon.

Lastly, David Ginsberg, head of the Gore campaign's research
operation -- infamously referred to once by Brazile as its
"slaughterhouse" -- is heading a small staff in Washington that
will conduct research to back up claims for their case and to
refute ones made by Bushies, who no doubt have a similar
operation set up.

"War room" responsibilities, according to the draft memo obtained
by Salon, include "monitoring press, writing talking points,
writing press statements, outreach to elected's and community
leaders, coordination of communications strategy, and monitoring
state operations in Iowa, Wisconsin, Oregon, and New Mexico" --
states where the Bush campaign could begin cha

[CTRL] FN: N.M. Troopers Impound Ballots

2000-11-12 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

N.M.  Troopers Impound Ballots

Fox News
Sunday, November 12, 2000

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M.  — State police have begun impounding ballots
from Tuesday's election after Republican lawyers asked courts to
order protection for early voting and absentee ballots cast
statewide, in case they are needed for recounts or review later.

"It's not to impound all the ballots, but all the paper ballots —
the early-voting and absentee," said Albuquerque-based GOP
National Committeeman Mickey Barnett.

He said he and fellow GOP attorney Duncan Scott, his former law
partner, planned to file impoundment petitions in all 13 judicial
districts in the state to impound those ballots within their

"All it is," he said, "is to preserve the status quo — there are
no challenges, no recounts" — at least, not yet.  "Let's preserve
the record ...  let's just make sure the state police have
control of things that can move or change."

"There's no allegation whatsoever in this impoundment issue that
there's any fraud or anything," Barnett said.  "I think it's much
more pro-forma than suspicion.  I'd just like to know two weeks
from now, if something does happen, that they (the ballots) are
all there."

He said all 13 judicial districts would be served by close of
business Monday.  State police Sgt.  Royleen Ross-Weaver said
officers already have begun impounding ballots in Catron, Sierra
and Socorro counties under orders from state District Judge
Edmund Kase.

"The early and absentee voting ballots in Sierra and Catron
(counties) have been seized.  The officers are in the process of
seizing those types of ballots in Socorro County," Ross-Weaver

She said Torrance County is still in the canvassing process.
"When that process is completed, those ballots will be
transported to the 7th Judicial District Courthouse in Socorro,"
she said.

Ross-Weaver said her office is checking other state police
offices around the state to see whether any other impoundments
have occurred, but that as of 10:40 p.m. Saturday only the 7th
Judicial District impoundments had begun.

The impoundment bid was not motivated by any particular race,
although the presidential election was among those that were of
concern, Barnett said.

Republican George W.  Bush moved into a 17-vote lead Friday night
over Democrat Al Gore as 355 damaged ballots were hand-counted.
Perhaps a few hundred "in-lieu-of" absentee ballots — cast by
people who certify they did not receive requested absentee
ballots — remain to be counted statewide, but precise numbers
will not be available until at least Monday.

The impoundment petitions are being filed on behalf of GOP Court
of Appeals candidate Rita Nunez Neumann, Barnett said, explaining
that one statewide candidate like Nunez, by petitioning, would
assure the security of all the ballots statewide.

"I filed this as a Republican official," Barnett said.  Neumann,
with all precincts reporting in unofficial returns, was declared
the loser to Democrat Celia Foy Castillo, who had 53 percent of
the vote to 47 percent for Neumann.  More than 32,500 votes
separated the two candidates.

The petition filed by Scott asks the courts to order the
impoundment of "tally sheets, registration certificates, paper
ballots, absentee ballots, statements of canvass, absentee ballot
applications, absentee ballot registers and emergency paper

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] WSJ: A Blatant Conflict of Interest

2000-11-12 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Journal Opinion Online

A Blatant Conflict of Interest

Theresa LePore should recuse herself from the Palm Beach
vote-count process.

Sunday, November 12, 2000 1:03 p.m. EST

If you would like to know exactly how your next president will be
determined, read this Saturday night dispatch from the Associated

 During the manual count of votes in Palm Beach County, Fla.,
 officials switched tests mid-count to decide the validity of
 the ballots.

  In the morning, the canvassing board said that they would
 count a vote if any of the corners of the bits of paper
 punched out of the cards called "chad" were punched.

 The board then decided that they would instead use the
 "sunlight test" if they could see sun come though an
 indentation, it would count.

  About a quarter of the way through the counting, however, a
 board member determined that the light test was flawed and
 told the other members to go back to the first test.

  The change in procedures will undoubtedly slow down the hand
 count as board members had to go back and recount all of the
 votes previously counted using the new rules.

After six hours of playing Carnac the Magnificent, holding up
ballots and trying to divine the "intent" of the voters who cast
them, the three-member Palm Beach County election canvassing
commission completed its hand count of four sample precincts and
took up the question of whether they had turned up enough
"errors" using the new liberalized new standard to justify a
complete recount of the county's ballots.

County Judge Charles Burton, the commission's chairman, urged
caution. He put forth a motion to ask the Florida Secretary of
State's office for advice before proceeding with a full hand
count. But he was overruled. The vote for the complete recount,
which came after 2 a.m. today, was 2-1.

 The two other members of the canvassing board are Carol Roberts,
a county commissioner, and Theresa LePore, the county elections
supervisor. Ms. Roberts is a highly partisan Democrat who met
with President Clinton in Palm Beach last year while she was
contemplating a run for Congress. Ms. LePore, an elected
Democrat, is the designer of the infamous "butterfly ballot" that
both Democrats and impartial observers say caused confusion on
Election Day.

 Ms. LePore says she designed the ballot to make the print bigger
for seniors, the group complaining the loudest about it. But she
sent sample ballots to every voter and all candidates before the
election and didn't receive any complaints. Nonetheless, she has
come in for bitter criticism. The AP says she "might be the most
reviled Democrat in the country" because her ballot "may have
cost Al Gore the election." Ms. LePore has gone into
near-seclusion and has hired a lawyer to defend herself against

 It is for that reason that Ms. LePore should have recused
herself from the decision to launch an unprecedented hand count
of all presidential ballots in Palm Beach--and why she should
recuse herself from all subsequent decisions about this election.
She has a blatant conflict of interest. Ms. LePore has worked in
the Palm Beach election office since she was 16. As an elected
official, she obviously would like to continue in office. If she
did not approve the controversial hand count in the heavily
Democratic county, it's obvious she would have no political

 Two months ago, the same Palm Beach County election
commissioners rejected a request for a hand count in a disputed
GOP primary election for a state legislative seat seat. Beverly
Green begged for a hand count of her 13-vote loss but was
rebuffed. "It wasn't that close. The manual count is historically
when it's single digits," said Ms. LePore at the time. A state
House district is smaller than Palm Beach County, but a
single-digit margin in such a district would be the equivalent of
only about 100 votes countywide. Clearly Ms. LePore & Co. are
applying a double standard.

The decision to proceed with the hand count was made by a single
vote--Ms. LePore's. Do the American people want a single
low-level politician who fears for her job to decide who will be
the president of the United States?

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different g

[CTRL] NM: Gore Web Site Solicits Activists to Complain About Vote

2000-11-12 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Newsmax-Inside Cover

Sunday, November 12, 2000 12:01 am EST

Gore Web Site Solicits Activists to Complain About Vote

More evidence the Gore-Lieberman campaign is not interested in a
simple recount of the Florida vote: The home page of the
campaign's Web site is soliciting voter complaints from
Democratic activists in Florida and across the nation.

The Gore Web site site leads with William Daley's statement of
Nov. 11, 2000. Another headline reads: "November 7, 2000
Presidential Election Comments" asking activists to call in to
discuss problems "about your vote in Florida or elsewhere."

 Activists are asked to either e-mail their complaints or call in
to a special line, 800-579-8871.

 The line answers with a recording saying the caller has reached
"the Florida voting hotline" and asks callers to leave name,
voting precinct and phone number. A call-back is promised.
(Already we hear that Bush activists on the Web are encouraging
people to call the Gore toll-free line to complain about the
politicization of the vote process by the Gore campaign.)

 Another page on the Gore Web site details how activists can help
the Gore campaign. It reads:

 Thank you for contacting Gore/Lieberman 2000. Al Gore and Joe
Lieberman appreciate your support. If you are willing to provide
further information about your vote, please send an email to:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] or call 800-579-8871

In your email, please include the follwoing information:

 Name of voter:

 Telephone Number of voter:

 State in which problem or irregularity occurred:

 County in which problem or irregulariy occurred:

 Address of voter:

 Age of voter:

 Voting Precinct name and number (if known):

 Polling Place location (county, city, street, building, floor,
room) (if known):

 Time voter arrived at the polling place:

 1. Did you intend to vote for Gore/Lieberman but think you voted
for someone else?

 If so, please describe why you think you voted for someone other
than Gore/Lieberman:

 Did you talk to a poll worker about your concern? If so, who,
and with what results?

 2. Did you experience another problem or irregularity at the
polls or on the way to the polls on November 7?

 If so, please describe:

 Please provide full details, including name, phone number and
address of anyone who saw the problem or anyone else who you
believe experienced it.

 To whom did you report the problem? When? With what results, or
with what response?

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] WP: Philip B. Heymann: The Case for a Do-Over

2000-11-12 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

[I've always wondered what this SOB knows about VWF's death.]


"The writer, a former deputy attorney general in the Clinton
administration, is a law professor at Harvard University."

The Case for a Do-Over

The Washington Post
By Philip B. Heymann
Friday, November 10, 2000; Page A45

Despite all that is to be said for the values of promptness in
resolving a presidential election, there must be a new vote in
Palm Beach County, Fla.--a vote that might be limited to those
who voted on Tuesday. A Florida statute forbids the ballot form
that seems to have confused so many. Without that ballot, the
results in Florida probably would have been very different.

This is not a conclusion that one should come to easily. It is
not relevant that Al Gore seems to have won the national popular
vote. We must either change the systems we have for deciding who
will be president or follow them wherever they lead. In the
meantime, if we have to pay a small price in responsiveness to
voter preferences for immense rewards in stability, the cost is
infinitely worth the gain.

No ballot is perfectly clear. No voting process is perfectly
managed. Different imperfections and mistakes generally hurt or
help both candidates. The neutrality of judges is not always
trusted and, even if it were, we would probably not want the
relatively slow processes of litigation and appeals to follow
every closely contested election. So before ordering a new vote
it makes sense to place a heavy burden on the review of elections
in the form of clear illegality and its likely effect on the
electoral results. Where that burden is met, the necessary remedy
is a new vote in the local jurisdiction alone, using legal

There was, in fact, such a clear illegality and effect in Palm
Beach County: An extremely confusing ballot flatly violated the
law that Florida enacted to prevent this confusion. In a state
where the candidates are separated by hundreds of votes,
thousands in an overwhelmingly Democratic district seem to have
been misled by a confusing ballot form used only there--a form
that was directly forbidden by a Florida statute.

Thousands more appear to have caught their error quickly enough
to correct it, only to have their ballots rejected for voting for
more than one presidential candidate. There is little dispute
that these results of an illegal ballot form were (1) exactly
what the Florida statute was designed to prevent, and (2) likely
to have determined the Florida and national election.

The confusion that the Florida legislature sought to avoid was
created in this case by the location of the place where voters
register their preferences. A voter might well have concluded
that a mark to the right of the Gore box was a vote for Gore even
though, also being left of the Buchanan box, it would be a vote
for Buchanan if the mark was off-center.

But the issue is not solely that the ballot form was confusing.
It is illegal by Florida statutes designed to eliminate the
confusion that infected this election. Section 101.560 of Florida
law states: "When an electronic or electromechanical voting
system" is used, "the ballot information shall . . . be in the
order of arrangement provided for paper ballots." Section
101.27(3) repeats the same requirement.

Section 101.151 states what these requirements are. They include:
"To vote for a candidate whose name is printed on the ballot
place a cross [x] mark in the blank space at the right of the
name of the candidate. . . ." Still another provision of Florida
law, Section 101.5609(6), also makes clear Florida's concern
about such confusion, requiring the voting squares to be
consistently on the same side of each candidate's name.

The critical point is that, ignoring these requirements, the
ballot asked the voters sometimes to mark on the right, as the
law required, and sometimes on the left.

That leaves us with a choice between two paths as we try to do
the least harm to the credibility and stability of our democracy.
We can end the uncertainty as promptly as possible by abiding by
the recount of ballots, encouraging citizens to forget that the
results of the recount were shaped by a plain violation of the
law with significant effects. But that would mean that for the
next four years, a high percentage of Americans will believe that
a man who lost the popular vote and who may well have lost the
electoral vote was made president in order to avoid suspense,
uncertainty and delay. We are far too stable and dedicated a
democracy to fear the consequences of a delay of at most a few

The other and better path is to quickly order a new vote in Palm
Beach County using a ballot in the legally prescribed form. The
Constitution requires Congress to set a single date for electors
to vote, but it imposes no such requirement for the time of
choosing the electors. It hardly could, for hurricanes and
natural disasters c

[CTRL] ADG: LR company sold software that created Florida ballots

2000-11-12 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

LR company sold software that created Florida ballots


Paul Nolte of Little Rock knows a lot about chad -- the little
pieces of paper left after a punch-hole ballot is cast -- but few
people cared about it until Wednesday.

Now the president of the small Little Rock company, Election
Resources Corp., is being interviewed by such big-media players
as The New York Times, National Public Radio and MSNBC.

Nolte's company sold the software that created and counted the
punch-hole ballots in Broward and Palm Beach counties in Florida,
where Democrats are seeking hand recounts of ballots cast to
elect the next U.S.  president.

The Palm Beach County ballot, which is under extreme scrutiny for
its listing of candidates, was designed with Election Resources
Corp. software, Nolte said.

The so-called "butterfly ballot," which Nolte said is not a
common term in the industry, is being disputed because some Palm
Beach County voters claim that the ballot card is confusing and
caused votes for Al Gore to be miscast as votes for Pat Buchanan.
Such designs are coincidental, Nolte said, not intentional.

"It's not something that someone consciously decides to do,"
Nolte said.  "It's not a bad ballot design, but it always results
from space limitations."

The same style ballot was used in Saline and Hot Spring counties
and wasn't a problem, Nolte said.

Also critical to a manual recount are the hanging chad -- paper
that remains attached to the hole of punched ballots.  It can
cause errors in the election results when tabulated by automated
vote-counting equipment, officials said. "You will never get the
same numbers," said Rebecca Mercuri, a professor of computer
science at Bryn Mawr College.  "If you run thousands of these
cards through again and again, you will continue to get different
numbers that are coming up.

"An error rate of 2 percent to 5 percent, believe it or not, is
considered acceptable by most election officials...  if the error
is evenly distributed across all of the candidates."

Nolte admitted that hanging chad is a problem but said that most
ballots instruct voters to check both sides of the card to make
sure all holes are cleanly punched -- putting the responsibility
on the shoulders of the voter.

Information for this article was contributed by The Associated

This article was published on Sunday, November 12, 2000

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Bush Considers Iowa, Wisc. Recounts

2000-11-12 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

November 11, 2000

Bush Considers Iowa, Wisc. Recounts

Full story at:

Filed at 10:43 p.m. ET

As the Bush campaign challenges Democrat-backed recounts in
Florida's presidential balloting, it also is sending signals that
-- if the Florida vote continues to be contested -- it may seek
recounts in states where Al Gore appears to have narrow

The Bush campaign dispatched representatives to Des Moines to try
to assess a possible recount in Iowa, where Gore won by 5,069
votes. Possible recounts are also under consideration in New
Mexico, Wisconsin and Oregon, where absentee and mail-in ballots
are still being counted.

The Bush campaign sought a federal injunction Saturday to block
additional recounts in Florida's Palm Beach County. A day
earlier, former Secretary of State James A. Baker III, who is
George Bush's point man in the Florida election dispute, hinted
that the campaign would respond in kind in other states if the
Democrats press for further recounts in Florida.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] CHECK THIS: FR: Credibility of ballot suit claimants questioned

2000-11-12 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

On Sun, 12 Nov 2000, Ynr Chyldz Wyld wrote:

> So it makes these 3's claims to have been flummoxed by the
> ballot design all the more suspicious...one suspects this
> ballot design challenge has been in the works for some
> time...

Do you believe that these fraud accusations in several KEY states
might have been planned...maybe to "Internet-ize" all future
national elections??

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2000-11-12 Thread Rory Winter

-Caveat Lector-

--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], Rudi Flieger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Dear Friends and Comrades,

We are living in the Days of Truth. For many decades, already, we
have lived
in a Post-Capitalist world where  Technology, Social and Medical
and World Peace has been severely UNDERMINED and NULLIFIED by a
crippled and
decadent system of production which should have been ended a very
long time

As you know, I write to you from Berlin, the Heart of Europe. Do you
know that Berlin has, since the days of Marx's Internationale,
steadfastly Communist, Anarchist and Socialist? Even during the
darkest time
of Germany's Nazi occupation by that deranged Austrian drugfiend,
Shickelgrueber, and our Famous Playwright, Bertholt Brecht, Berlin
steadfastly socialist.

Anti-German attitudes, as well as all human xenophobia on Planet
Earth is
directly attributable to the corrupt and EVIL system that is much-
lauded by
the bloodsuckers of  the International Stock Exchanges and Wall
Street, the
latter which (it is well known) is the net supplier of armaments to
corner of the World.

You know, 99.9% of the Planet's current problems, such as war,
and counter-terrorism, xenophobia, gangsterism, hard drug trafficking,
pollution, the destruction of Our Planet's Biosystem and related
technological disasters can be traced back to the roots of
capitalism, a
system of production that puts usury and financial extortion before

Practically all of the problems you folk discuss on CTRL are directly
attributable to the capitalist mode of production and the distorted,
murderous anti-values which spring from it. What we all should be
doing now
is not simply to observe and reflect on the effects of capitalism but
to do

Well, BIG EARTH CHANGES are coming. Much of Amerrika will soon be
up by Massive Earthquakes and Tidal Waves. Finally, the
Babylonian/Capitalist system will be terminated by Mother Nature. It
against such impossible odds that the George Bushes and similar filth
fighting a last-ditch struggle of ultimate desperation.

America, now it is so easy to take out these criminals ... arch-
and BIGTIME SINNERS who have no other interest than to try and keep
under the control of its DEATH-RAY! Now, there is no excuse left for
any to
procrastinate and put off the inevitable: this KILLER mode of
must, by the WILL OF HUMANITY, be put down and the Planet be finally
rid of
it. In its place, we can introduce the LETS System, a friendly,
non-exploitative mode of production which can, in effect, replace


Make no mistake, My Friends, Iam talking here of NOTHIN LESS THAN THE

The coming months will see the most tremendous Climatic, Geographical,
Social and Economic Upheaval this Anti-Civilization has ever known. WE

Can We, the People of Planet Earth, now ALL CONCENTRATE SINGLE-

Liebe Freunde und Kameraden, Wir leben an den Tagen der Wahrheit. Vor
viele Dekaden bereits haben wir in einer Post-Capitalistgelebt welt,
in der
Technologie-, Sozial- und medizinischerfortschritt- und Weltfrieden
durch ein verkrüppeltes und decadent System UNTERGRABEN WORDEN und
ANNULLIERT WORDEN ist der Produktion, das einer sehr langen Zeit
worden sein sollte..., Wie Sie wissen, schreibe ich Ihnen von Berlin,
Innere von Europa. Wissen Sie auch, daß Berlin, seit den Tagen von
Internationale, gebliebener steadfastly Kommunist, Anarchist und
hat? Sogar während der dunkelsten Zeit der Besetzung Nazi
Deutschlands durch
das deranged österreichisches drugfiend, Adolf Shickelgrueber, und
berühmtes Playwright, Bertholt Brecht, Berlin blieb steadfastly
Anti-Germanhaltung, sowie aller menschliche Xenophobia auf Planet
Masse ist
direkt dem verdorbenen zuzuschreibend und SCHLECHTES System, das
durch die
bloodsuckers der internationalen Börsen und der Wall Street
viel-much-lauded, die letzte, die (es ist) der Nettolieferant der
Bewaffnungen zu jeder Ecke der Welt weithin bekannt ist. Sie wissen,
99,9% der aktuellen Probleme des Planeten, wie Krieg, Terrorismus
Kostenzähler-Terrorismus, Xenophobia, gangsterism, das harte
die Verunreinigung, die Zerstörung des Biosystems unseres Planeten
und die
in Verbindung gestandenen technologischen Unfälle können zurück zu den
Wurzeln von Kapitalismus, ein System verfolgt werden der Produktion,
setzt Wucher und finanzielle Erpres

[CTRL] Fwd: [news] Who Should Concede?

2000-11-12 Thread Kris Millegan

consortiumnews.com - http://www.consortiumnews.com

Politicians and pundits are eager for Vice President Gore to quickly
concede the presidential election to Gov. Bush and bring closure to
Election 2000.

A key argument is that Republican candidates who came close in the past --
especially Richard Nixon in 1960 and Gerald Ford in 1976 -- gracefully
accepted defeat for the "good of the country" and Gore, a Democrat, now
should do the same.

Though this argument is gaining momentum, it is based on bogus history.
The real history is that Republicans since Nixon have played extraordinary
hardball and have only conceded when they were faced with clear defeat in
the popular vote. Ford was behind by 1.7 million ballots in 1976.

Indeed, it has been the Democrats who have routinely turned the other
cheek and kept quiet when they discovered evidence of GOP dirty tricks
aimed at rigging the outcome of presidential elections. These cases go
back to Nixon's runs in 1960 and 1968 and are as recent as the 1992
match-up between Bill Clinton and George H.W. Bush.

This little-known political history can be found in a new article at
Consortiumnews.com at http://www.consortiumnews.com

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[CTRL] Fwd: [narconews] NarcoNews Projects: Bush to Concede to Gore

2000-11-12 Thread Kris Millegan

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It's Easy. It's Fun. Best of All, it's Free!

Communiqué and Analysis from the
Narco News Elections Service:

PROJECTION at 10 p.m. ET, Sunday, November 12, 2000:


(Note to working journalists: Your news agencies
will not allow you to run with this projection
yet, but please file it for second review if and when
the scenario presented here occurs.)


Although The Narco News Bulletin does not
endorse candidates, and certainly would never
support either of the hypocritical drug warriors
Al Gore or George W. Bush, we have extensively
covered election fraud matters in Mexico and the
Dominican Republic this year.

As we look upon the recount controversies underway
in the Narco-State of Florida, our analysts
are now prepared to make a projection:

George W. Bush will concede this election to
Al Gore very shortly, perhaps within a week.

The factors weighed in the NarcoNewsroom are
the following:

1. Today's revelation by Authentic Journalists
Robert W. Neill, Jr. and Preston Peet that found
Florida Governor Jeb Bush's signature on a blatant
act of absentee ballot fraud.

2. Tomorrow's Times of London report that the
FBI is already in Florida investigating a massive
case of voter fraud targetted at "black and Jewish"
voters in the Bush controlled state.

Both articles are attached for your review.

Narco News, due to technical problems, has not
posted our projection yet on our web site. However,
this communiqué and analysis may be distributed
or reprinted by others.

What does this story have to do with the narco?

Florida is a state swimming in drug money. Indeed,
99% of all dollar bills in Florida are found to have
traces of cocaine. More importantly, the sheer amount
of money that moves through Florida far surpasses the
amount of money generated legally within its economy.

Florida is the bridge to the Latin American oligarchies
from the Colombian paramilitaries to the former Cuban
upper caste to the super-rich from Venezuela who are now trying
to overthrow elected president Hugo Chávez. These networks
and the US intelligence and other agencies that permeate them
are steeped in narco-money, as a review of US federal
court documents in the Miami district quickly reveals.

Narco News sources say that these networks pumped
major money into the political campaign in Florida and
investigators are already following the narco-money

The US election system, standing naked before all América,
has suffered severe image problems in recent days. But
at the point that the narco-connection to the election
process becomes known, the crisis will explode far beyond
anything that has yet happened.

Both political parties, Democrat and Republican, have
actively recruited narco-money for this campaign. See
Michael C. Ruppert's May 2000 report:


Both parties thus have a vital interest in making
certain that the current crisis does not escalate
to reveal what Mexican columnist Carlos Ramírez wrote
this morning: "That the myth of Democracy in the
United States... is a myth."

Although both major US parties, Democrat and Republican,
are complicit in the drug war and the narco-money
trail, the weight of these facts, for simple geography,
falls more heavily on the incumbent Florida Governor
Jeb Bush, brother of the GOP candidate.

Look for George W. Bush to concede, perhaps by the end of the
week, with the most graceful "the system still works"
speech you ever heard. Both parties have an interest
in making sure the narco-money scandal does not
explode, and the Bush family's advantage in the
election -- having a member as governor of Florida --
now converts to its major disadvantage.

Already documented to have signed an act of absentee
ballot fraud, Jeb Bush faces investigation, subpoena
and possible federal indictment by the Democrat-controlled
Justice Department.

Narco News, with its experience watching how these kinds
of crises are fixed behind the scenes in the nations
of Latin America, makes an educated projection that a
similar fix is already underway in the United States.

You heard it here first;

Narco News Projects Al Gore as the Illigitimate
43rd President of the United States

We furthermore challenge the US Government to
clean up its own house before repeating its
historic and arrogant finger-pointing at Latin
America. Washington has no standing to tell the
people of the rest of América how to run their democracies.

And to the US Media, wrong in its election night
projections on Florida, we suggest the adoption of more
accurate methods of projecting the winner. More
important than exit polls in this era is that
pillar of Authentic Journalism long forgotten
by the commercially driven media: historic memory.

Al Giordano

[CTRL] To all activists: If there's to be a revote...

2000-11-12 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-


If there is to be a revote. Or a series of revotes.

Otherwise no revote should be supported. If the dolts in Florida
have had their voting rights diddled with, then how much more so
it that the case of third party voters.

The Elephants are fighting, but so can we.



CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/">ctrl

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[CTRL] Fwd: US - Elections

2000-11-12 Thread Kris Millegan

Stratfor.com's WorldView - 13 November 2000


This e-mail newsletter remains free. But subscribe to Stratfor.com
today for just $49.95 and get more global intelligence, every day.


U.S. Election Results in Foreign Policy Concerns
By George Friedman

A statistical improbability has placed the United States on the
edge of a constitutional crisis at worst and a leadership crisis at

The real danger the American election poses is that it calls into
question the legitimacy of the presidency.  Since the president is
the chief agent of U.S. foreign policy, this could destabilize the
international system.  The consequences are not trivial.

Let us review how we got into this mess.  As they have every four
years for two centuries, the American people went to the polls on
the first Tuesday in November to elect a president.  Turnout was
unexceptional.  The campaign was neither the most rancorous nor the
most enlightening.  It took place in a time of relative peace and
prosperity. Truth is, the candidates of the two major parties
agreed on more things than they disagreed, leaving genuine
divergence to the candidates of minor parties.  As elections go, it
just wasn't that important.

Despite this, or perhaps because of it, or maybe by pure accident,
the election turned out extraordinarily close to the point of
statistical improbability.  The popular vote almost evenly divided.
Vice-President Al Gore appeared to lead by 200,000 votes out of
about 100 million.  We say appeared to because no one knows what
the total would be in a national recount.  Making a mistake of two-
tenths of one percent is easy when you count 100 million ballots in
a few hours.  Nevertheless, it seems Gore won the popular vote.

However, the popular vote does not elect the U.S. president.
America's founders created a peculiar institution called the
Electoral College.  Voters do not vote directly for president but
for electors real people nominated by parties.  Whoever wins the
popular vote within a state, with a few state exceptions, has his
electors selected.  They go through a process in December, cast
their votes, which are then reported to the Senate in January,
electing the president.

The founders created the Electoral College primarily for two
reasons.  First, they distrusted the ordinary citizen to elect a
president directly.  Which is why they created this temporary
council of elders who select the next president.  Second, the
founders understood the United States is a diverse land with varied
interests and not a homogeneous entity.  Certain groups are not
very large but remain utterly essential to the nation.  Consider
farmers.  They are vital out of proportion to their small numbers.
If the political system responded only to size, it might completely
ignore their interests.  The Electoral College design forces
national candidates to pay attention to farmers' interests because
the farmers control at least some electoral votes.

Would you like to subscribe to our new services for just $49.95
each year?

The system of state-based Electoral College forgetting the human
electors for the moment also forces national candidates to break
down their message to the state level and create a national
political base from the parts.  This has two effects.  It forces
national attention on matters of local importance in all parts of
the country and selects presidents skilled at coalition building.

So, the system has its uses.  One of which was visible this week.
If the popular vote counted, the country would now be going through
a national recount, in which both sides would search for evidence
of wrong doing everywhere.  The events in West Palm Beach would
repeat in every city, town and subdivision in the country.  If you
think the current situation is weird, imagine the United States
undergoing a national orgy of recrimination.  The electoral system
has built in damage control, which the country badly needs right

The statistical improbabilities in this election are amazing.  Not
only did the popular vote virtually tie, the electoral vote count
through pure, unintended accident also equally divided.  The entire
election rested on the outcome of the vote in a single state,
Florida, where the vote was amazingly close.  But amazingly close
is not the same thing as tied.  On election night, Texas Governor
George W. Bush won by less than 2,000 votes, percentage-wise on the
order of the lead that Gore had in the national popular vote.  But
a win by a single vote constitutes a victory and determines the
recipient of a state's electoral votes.  Bush had more than a
single vote majority.  He had won the election

[CTRL] Mind Control In Tucson, AZ ?

2000-11-12 Thread Martin F. Abernathy

-Caveat Lector-

"Mental illness" or mind control ??

Shooting Spree Suspect Says "Transmitter" Controls Her

Associated Press - The Yuma Daily Sun, May 24, 1998

TUCSON - The 35 year old woman accused of going on a shooting rampage here
said she did it because there is a transmitter in her ear and "people on
satellites" told her to kill, a newspaper reported Saturday. Gracie M.
Verduzco is charged with first degree murder and four counts of attempted
murder in connection with a shooting rampage Thursday that left one man dead
and four wounded. She has a history of mental illness. "The transmitter, it
makes you. It controls your body," she told the Tucson Citizen in a jailhouse
interview. Verduzco also said she is sure she was on drugs Thursday, but she
doesn't know what kind. "I've been drugged up and on poison my whole life,"
she said from the Pima County jail. "Yeah, I think I had drugs in my body--
not of my own will."

Verduzco, who lived with her brother in Tucson, said "people on satellites
have been telling me to kill my family, kill my brother." Maxey Garcia, the
woman's former stepfather, drove her to a downtown post office Thursday
morning where she allegedly shot a man in the leg, police said. "I went to
the post office; rented a post office box and shot at some people when I went
outside," Verduzco said.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/">ctrl

To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

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[CTRL] RadTimes # 98

2000-11-12 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

RadTimes # 98 November, 2000

An informally produced compendium of vital irregularities.

"We're living in rad times!"
--Three Billion Dollar Campaign Ends in Gridlock
--Data of Little-Known Service Led to Wrong Call in Florida
--This Just In: Bush Or Gore May Win!
--Overlooked ballot box found in Florida church
--Missing ballot boxes in Dade County, FL
--Florida Sent Duplicate Ballots to Overseas Military Personnel
--Florida Declared Insane
--Africa Offers To Send 'Observers' To Help US End Poll Confusion
--Cuba Says New Elections in Florida 'reasonable,' Offers Observers
Linked stories:
*Gore campaigners bribe homeless voters with cigarettes
*California in frenzy over voter fraud
*Judge rejects ACLU lawsuit over Nader-Trader sites
*Think-tank urges Arafat to use torture for peace
*Americans say big government is number one threat
*Global Voter Frustration: The Inscrutable Art of U.S. Politicking
*Stock trading points to Bush win
*An America divided
*Waco whistleblower indicted
*Problems at Polls Prevent Hundreds from Casting Votes
*More Irregularities Alleged [Florida vote]
Begin stories:
Three Billion Dollar Campaign Ends in Gridlock

Published on Wednesday, November 8, 2000
by Mark Weisbrot

If George W. Bush becomes our next president, as appears likely, it will
prove once again that any product can be marketed. I learned this a couple
of years ago when I found some potato chips in the local convenience store
that were made with olestra. Olestra is a petroleum product-- that should
have killed it right there. I mean, who wants to eat oil, the kind that
comes out of an oil well in Saudi Arabia? It can't be digested. But the
makers of this product were required to put a warning on the package: "This
product contains olestra, which may cause anal leakage." Right there on the
package! If they could sell this to millions of people, then-- with a few
hundred million dollars for advertising-- George W. Bush was a piece of
cake. For all his flaws, Mr. W. hasn't caused any anal leakage, at least as
far as I know.

Of course this election was Al Gore's to lose, and he blew it. Sitting on
top of the nation's longest running economic expansion, unemployment at a
thirty-year low, running against someone is not sure whether Social Security
is a federal program-- the pundits surely have reason to shake their heads
and sigh. Who was it that told Al Gore he couldn't campaign on the strength
of the economy, because it was more important to distance himself from
anything having to do with Bill Clinton? And they pay these people for their

Of course, the gains from this remarkable economic growth have yet to
trickle down. Even during the current expansion, the typical wage has hardly
grown at all-- about 0.3 percent a year since 1993.

Tactical goofs aside, that is the heart of the Democrats' long-term problem:
they have abandoned their base, and replaced it with a wad of corporate cash
with which to purchase campaign commercials. Al Gore offered very little to
the majority of voters, who have literally not shared in the gains from
economic growth. Paying off the national debt over the next 12 years-- a
policy that until recently was advocated only by politicians of the extreme
right-- isn't going to do much of anything for anyone.

So most of these voters stayed home, as they have been doing since President
Clinton pushed NAFTA through Congress in 1993-- thereby giving us a
Republican Congress. The WTO and its expansion this year to include China
gave labor and its allies more reason not to vote.

There are some bright spots on the electoral screen. If George W. Bush wins
the electoral vote but Gore takes the popular vote, we may finally get rid
of the electoral college-- an institution whose main reason for existence is
its originators' fear of letting the people choose the President.

Many people fear that gridlock will result from a Congress that is closely
divided-- as well as a President who lost the popular vote. But gridlock is
not so bad, if we look at the reality of American politics today. As might
be expected after a $3 billion election extravaganza financed mainly by
corporations and rich people, the leadership of both parties has no positive

And they have a lot of harmful changes they want to make: on the Republican
side, privatizing Social Security and cutting taxes for the richest people
in the country. In the bi- partisan column, increased military spending,
more trade and commercial agreement

[CTRL] RadTimes # 99

2000-11-12 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

RadTimes # 99 November, 2000

An informally produced compendium of vital irregularities.

"We're living in rad times!"
--Voters Take to the Streets
--Judge freezes ballots until next week
--Volusia officials find two suspect bags of ballots
--Duval tosses 22,000 votes: Unusually high rate to draw closer look
--Miami Haitians say they were unable to vote Tuesday
--Gore Campaign Sharpens Legal Demands and Tone
--Bush is behaving like the U.S. version of Milosevic
Begin stories:
Voters Take to the Streets

Grass Roots Effort of Nationwide Protests Planned

By Robin Eisner

Nov. 10 - Americans will take to the streets all over the country
Saturday in a show of outrage over possible ballot irregularities in
Florida that could, they feel, keep Al Gore from becoming president.
  A grass-roots effort promoted online lists the locations of the
protests, ranging from the Civic Plaza in Albuquerque, N.M., to the
Federal Building in Baltimore, Md., to New York's Times Square and
downtown Madison, Wis.
  While local organizers of the rallies said they wouldn't
speculate on expected turnout, they said the protests were just the
  Gov. George W. Bush is leading Vice President Al Gore by fewer
than than 1,000 votes in Florida, according to a recount of votes in
66 of 67 counties. But Democrats are collecting affidavits about
alleged problems with up to 20,000 votes that had been disqualified
in the state, and are supporting legal challenges.
  If either Bush or Gore wins in Florida, the state's 25 electoral
votes would make them president - as long as each man's current
electoral count holds despite any challenges or recounts in other
  Gore won the nationwide popular vote, according to results
tallied so far - some of them unofficial - while Bush is poised to
win the Electoral College tally.

Web Used To Organize
While the administrators of the protest Web site,
named "Countercoup," 
  would not return repeated e-mails for
information about what kind of organization it was, Bob Fertik, 43,
of New York City, a spokesman for , said he was
familiar with the group, and called it a grass-roots effort. His
organization also is using the Web to collect affidavits about
possible ballot irregularities.
  The Democratic committee is not organizing these protests,
Democrats' spokesmen said.
  Repeated calls to Portia Palmer, a spokeswoman for the
Republican Party of Florida, for comment about the protests or
whether the party was planning protests itself, were not returned.
  Pro-Republican protesters have been positioning themselves
behind TV reporters, holding up signs that said things like "No Re-
Vote, Gore Concede" and "Rule of Law: Bush-Cheney"
  Bill Stevenson, 44, of Tallahassee, Fla., a supporter of Green
Party candidate Ralph Nader who has been following the e-mail string
for organization of the demonstrations said he disagreed with the
idea of the protests. "Rather than spending time protests, they
should just give the system a chance to work," he said.
  Regardless of potential fallout, protesters are still planning
to show up.
  Charlie Harger, 25, a computer consultant who lives in Jersey
City, N.J. says he is going to Times Square on Saturday at 1 p.m. and
hopes other people will be joining him. "I am getting friends
involved to come to the protest," Harger said. "I believe there was
an injustice in Florida and we have got to take a stand."

Major Cities Targeted
Andy Olsen, county supervisor for Dane County, Wis., and a Gore
supporter, said he is helping to organize the rally on the capitol
steps in Madison on Saturday. Scheduled to speak, he said, is Ed
Garvey, former progressive Democratic gubernatorial candidate in the
state, a representative from a local union, and others.
  "We are protesting the heist of the presidential election by the
Bush brothers," Olsen said, referring to Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and
Texas Gov. George W. Bush. Olsen compared the underground protest
effort in the United States to the elections in Yugoslavia, where the
people took to the streets to make sure the democratically elected
candidate took office.
  Chris Monelli, 22, a customer service manger at an Internet
company, who is a Gore supporter, said he is going to Seattle Central
Community College Saturday for a rally there and is calling for a
revote in Palm Beach County.
  Monelli said it was important that whoever gets into the White
House got there legitimately. "The way it is now is n

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] What about Lehder?

2000-11-12 Thread Kris Millegan

Dear Mr. Bowden:

I am the publisher of a small newsletter read by 13 members and the
intelligence committees of both houses of Congress along with professors at
eleven universities in the US and Canada. I will be lecturing at the USC
School of International Relations on Dec. 8 and for the Latin Studies
department of SDSU on Nov. 28th.  Your story on Pablo Escobar, extremely
well researched, does excellent justice to one aspect of the cartel's fate.

But why have you failed to mention that Carlos Lehder has been out of prison
since 1995 and living the life of Riley in Ecuador, Mexico, the Bahamas and
the United States? I am in possession of USG and other docs verifying not
only his release but his current status as an employee of the USG and I will
be writing on this shortly.

What also about the fact that, as reported by Reuters this summer, Bill
Clinton in planning on releasing Manuel Noriega at 11:59 of his

I also believe that EO 12333 was signed by Ronald Reagan in early 1982, not
by Richard Nixon.

You really did a fine job on the historical events around Escobar's death
but you left out who was masterminding the effort to "tear down the
mountain" from underneath him. That, I believe, is the real story.

Please give my regards to Dave Zucchino.


Michael C. Ruppert
"From The Wilderness"

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[CTRL] steal something day

2000-11-12 Thread Eric Stewart

-Caveat Lector-

Original Message Follows
From: Sean Fenley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: (en)  steal something day
Date: Sat, 11 Nov 2000 03:16:22 -0500 (EST)

   A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E



  November 24, 2000
 Participate by participating!

  a shameless 24-hour stealing spree!

For the past nine years, a few self-described "culture jammers" from
Adbusters Magazine have dubbed the last Friday in November "Buy Nothing

 >From their stylish home base in Vancouver's upscale suburb of Kitsilano,
the Adbusters' brain trust has encouraged conscientious citizens worldwide
to "relish [their] power as a consumer to change the economic
environment." In their words, Buy Nothing Day "[p]roves how empowering it
is to step out of the consumption stream for even a day."

The geniuses at Adbusters have managed to create the perfect feel-good,
liberal, middle-class activist non-happening. A day when the more money
you make, the more influence you have (like every other day). A day which,
by definition, is insulting to the millions of people worldwide who are
too poor or marginalized to be considered "consumers."

It's supposed to be a 24-hour moratorium on spending, but ends up being a
moralistic false-debate about whether or not you should really buy that
loaf of bread today or ... wait for it ... tomorrow!

Well, this year, while the Adbusters cult enjoys yet another Buy Nothing
Day, accompanied by their fancy posters, stickers, TV and radio
advertisements and slick webpages, a few self-described
anarcho-situationists from Montreal's East End are inaugurating Steal
Something Day.

Unlike Buy Nothing Day, when people are asked to "participate by not
 >participating," Steal Something Day demands that we "participate by
participating." Instead of downplaying or ignoring the capitalists, CEOs,
landlords, small business tyrants, bosses, PR hacks, yuppies, media
lapdogs, corporate bureaucrats, politicians and cops who are primarily
responsible for misery and exploitation in this world, Steal Something Day
demands that we steal from them, without discrimination.

The Adbusters' intellegentsia tell us that they're neither "left nor
right," and have proclaimed a non-ideological crusade against
overconsumption. Steal Something Day, on the other hand, identifies with
the historic and contemporary resistance against the causes of capitalist
exploitation, not its symptoms. If you think overconsumption is scary,
wait until you hear about capitalism and imperialism.

Unlike the misplaced Buy Nothing Day notion of consumer empowerment, Steal
Something Day promotes empowerment by urging us to collectively identify
the greedy bastards who are actually responsible for promoting misery and
boredom in this world. Instead of ignoring them, Steal Something Day
encourages us to make their lives as uncomfortable as possible.

As we like to say in Montreal: dranger les riches dans leurs niches!

And remember, we're talking about stealing, not theft. Stealing is just.
Theft is exploitative. Stealing is when you take a yuppie's BMW for a
joyride, and crash into a parked Mercedes just for the hell of it. Theft
is when you take candy from a baby's mouth. Stealing is the
re-distribution of wealth from rich to poor Theft is making profits at the
expense of the disadvantaged and the natural environment. Stealing is an
unwritten a tax on the rich. Theft is taxing the poor to subsidize the
rich. Stealing is nothing more than a tax on the rich. There is solidarity
in stealing, but property is nothing but theft.

So, don't pay for that corporate newspaper, but steal all of them from the
box. Get some friends together and go on a "shoplifting "spree at the
local chain supermarket or upscale mall. With an even larger mob, get
together and steal from the local chain book or record store. Pilfer
purses and wallets from easily identified yuppies and business persons.
Skip out on rent. Get a credit card under a fake name and don't pay. Keep
what you can use, and give away everything else in the spirit of mutual
aid that is the hallmark of Steal Something Day.

Download our detourned poster , make copies
and stick it up wherever you can. And don't forget, send your scamming and
stealing tips to us at <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.

See you next Steal Something Day which, unlike Buy Nothing Day, happens
every day of the year.

The A-Infos News Service
   News about and of interest to anarchists


[CTRL] [smygo] Lucy in the Sky, with Therapists

2000-11-12 Thread Eric Stewart

-Caveat Lector-

MANY of the psychadelic experiments being conducted in an organized way are
deliberately coercive...coercing individuals to accept social norms as
personality traits...

...in support of being selective of who you accept as an even temporary
shaman...remember...advertising, hypnotherapy, shamanism, and even magic are
all different names for roughly the same techniques of mind
control...opening a person's mind can be a therapeutic godsend...OR a
nightmare in slavery...

Original Message Follows
From: "Clore Daniel C" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [smygo] Lucy in the Sky, with Therapists
Date: Fri, 10 Nov 2000 01:26:02 -0800

Lucy In the Sky, With Therapists

by Kristen Philipkoski

2:00 a.m. Nov. 9, 2000 PST

Psychedelics such as ecstasy, LSD and mushrooms aren't just
for ravers and Deadheads. Not by a long shot.

Psychotherapists around the country say if you're using
these hallucinogenics as party drugs you're missing the
point. As psychotherapeutic agents, many researchers say,
they are an immensely valuable and untapped resource. Folks
ranging from computer executives to elderly women to church
leaders are participating in psychotherapy enhanced by
psychedelics, typically thought of as party enhancers for
teenagers or burn-outs.

"It's one of the most fascinating things happening in
psychology today," said a San Francisco clinical
psychotherapist who asked to remain anonymous. "I have no
question that in many ways it's much better psychotherapy
than I could ever do by sitting and talking. But basically I
don't choose to do that out of a fear of going to jail."

Indeed, people who facilitate and participate in
psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy are an extremely
underground and secretive bunch. The $350 to $400 sessions,
mostly done in groups, are never advertised. It's strictly
word of mouth.

There are at least seven such therapy groups in the San
Francisco Bay Area, and certainly plenty of others around
the country, whose members risk jail time in order to, they
say, explore the deepest crevasses of their minds.

The legal risks are worth the insights gained, according one
longtime client of the psychedelic sessions who asked to
remain anonymous.

"This kind of work goes to a much deeper level," she said.
"You get a whole lot more than you would in a one-hour
session with a therapist It reaches different
transpersonal levels."

They also say it's worth the possible health risks.

The first study on methylenedioxymethamphetamine, or MDMA
(better known as ecstasy), to show proof that MDMA
dangerously depletes the brain of the mood-regulating
hormone serotonin was published in Neurology in June.

Federal research has found that other drugs used in these
group therapies -- lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD),
gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB) and ketamine (also called
Special K) -- can result in confusion, memory loss, high
blood pressure, delirium, psychosis, coma and even death.

Dr. Lester Grinspoon, an associate professor of psychiatry
at Harvard Medical School who sued the DEA when it declared
ecstasy a schedule 1 controlled substance in 1985, said he
doesn't quite trust studies performed by the National
Institute of Drug Abuse.

"The NIH is a wonderful institution as a whole and truly
their interest is in science," Grinspoon said. "But the NIDA
really lost its where science is concerned and has become a
ministry of drug propaganda."

Still, researchers outside the United States have come to
similar conclusions.

Dr. Andy Parrott, of the department of psychology at the
University of East London, published a study in the medical
journal Psychopharmacology showing that young, recreational
ecstasy users had impaired memory function compared with
non-user controls.

"This drug should not be administered to humans, especially
on a repeated basis," Parrott said.

Nevertheless, many medical professionals and psychologists
say the gains outweigh the risks.

The longtime client mentioned above is also about to become
a therapist herself. She has completed her master's degree
in psychotherapy, and is in the process of completing 3,000
hours of a client-work internship necessary to become a
licensed therapist.

She has participated in about 12 psychedelic therapy
sessions in the past two years. She said she has no fear of
ill-effects from most of the drugs, although she favors more
studies of ecstasy to determine the effects of its repeated

"In terms of going into a psychotic state, that might happen
when drugs are used in very careless way, such as without a
group involved or as a party drug," she said. "(The group
therapy) is very careful both in terms of dosage and of what
they use for your particular issues."

Responsible use of psychedelics, she said, means being
sufficiently prepared for the session, having a guide on
hand at all times and knowing how to "integrate" the
experience afterward.

A typical session -- which is, pardon 

[CTRL] N16 Cincinnati Direct Action Collective

2000-11-12 Thread Eric Stewart

-Caveat Lector-

Original Message Follows
From: Michael Eisenscher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: N16 Cincinnati Direct Action Collective
Date: Fri, 3 Nov 2000 22:43:11 -0600 (CST)

Date: Sun, 22 Oct 2000 02:23:50 EDT
From: Cincinnati Direct Action Collective [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cincinnati Direct Action Collective  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: N16 - Protest the TABD - Cincinnati

Dear Fellow Activist/Organization:

Hi!  I'm writing to you from Cincinnati, site of the upcoming Protests in
Cincinnati, Ohio against the Trans Atlantic Business Dialogue. Cincinnati
was picked because it is in the middle of the midwest, a conservative city,
and is also a corporate town. Cincinnati houses the world headquarters for
Proctor & Gamble and Chiquita Banana, which are all very close to where the
TABD summit will be held. There is also a GAP and Starbucks in the same
building as the Omni Netherlands.

There are several themes with which to protest corporate globalization
while in Cincinnati.  Gap (sweatshops/old growth forest issues); Starbucks
(a living wage for coffee growers around the world!); Chiquita (worker's
rights); Proctor and Gamble (Animal Rights). But, these aren't the only
themes.  US Corporate Globalization affects so many issues: economic
justice, indigenous rights (U'wa/Zapatistas - NAFTA/FTAA/more), as a matter
of fact, so many issues we individually work on are related to

Please check   http://www.n16.org/

for more information on CDAC's plans in November (includes housing,
medical, carpool message board, TABD info, Art and Rev. and more).  We hope
you can make it to Cincinnati for N16.  If your organization would like to
endorse CDAC's (Cincinnati Direct Action Collective - N16) Call to Action
please let us know by emailing your endorsement to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please help us advertise N16 by forwarding this to your activist friends,
list servs, or by posting a link or the Call to Action (below) on your
website.  If you would like to join the list serv send a blank message to
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   We hope to see you in
November!  Please feel free to email CDAC at [EMAIL PROTECTED]



November 16-18, the Trans Atlantic Business Dialogue (TABD) will be having
their annual CEO conference in Downtown Cincinnati, Ohio at the Omni
Netherlands Hotel. European Union Parliament, U.S. congress, and more than
200 American and European CEOs and business leaders will meet to talk about
issues that impact transatlantic trade and develop recommendations on how
to best boost global trade and investment. The T.A.B.D. makes
recommendations that will set

the tone for World Trade Organization policy. Over 50% of T.A.B.D.
recommendations have been adopted for the WTO.  One such corporation in
attendance at the conference, BASF, who's plant in Cincinnati blew up in
the early 1990's killing two workers, injuring many more and also caused
millions of dollars in damage will help with these negotiations! The TABD
claims to "offer an effective framework for enhanced Cooperation between
the transatlantic business community and the governments of the EU and US.
An informal process whereby European and American companies and business
associations develop

joint EU-US trade policy recommendations, working together with the
European Commission and U.S. administration." It's plain to see that the
Trans-Atlantic Business Dialogue means more money and control in the
pockets of top CEO and

government officials so just like the WTO in Seattle and the IMF/World Bank
in Washington DC demonstrations it is time to voice our

opposition. Join together and publicize the disastrous effects of corporate
globalization to people both outside and inside the United States. We need
to converse to world economic and business leaders that we will not calmly
tolerate labor and agricultural annihilation before our eyes. What is left
before us, our only hope for a just and equal society, YOU! Start talking
to within communities about organizing affinity groups to come and converge
in Cincinnati Ohio November 15,

16, 17, 18 to make aware the growing nature of these undemocratic
institutions. Join in workshops and educational demonstrations of real
democracy where we organize from the bottom up. Our convergence upon
Cincinnati will be a symbol that we want to totally eradicate and abolish

the injustice of global economic control by a few. No longer shall human
life, animals and the environment be substituted for personal gain! Come be
apart of mass demonstrations, direct action and civil disobedience to show
the TABD that we will not tolerate their current policies of global
takeover by institutions that cater profit before people. Without a peoples
response to this matter we waive our right to practice the democratic
process and put it in

[CTRL] No matter who wins: Fill the streets of DC Jan. 20, 2001

2000-11-12 Thread Eric Stewart

-Caveat Lector-

--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "secr(MG!)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 [socialistliberty] No matter who wins - Fill the streets of
 DC - Jan 20th 2001
 Tue, 7 Nov 2000 15:11:33 -0800 (PST)
 Imani Henry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Protest the Inauguration of the Next President
(place to be announced)

Endorsers include: International Action Center,
International Concerned Family and Friends of Mumia
Abu-Jamal; the MOVE Organization; Millions for Mumia;
Free Mumia Abu-Jamal Coalition, NYC; Refuse and
Resist; Korea Truth Commission; Al-Awda Palestinian
Right To Return Coalition; Texas Death Penalty
Abolition Movement; Queers for Racial and Economic
Justice; Student Liberation Action Movement; Citizens
United for Alternatives tot he death Penalty, Jahahara
AlKebulan-Ma'at National Coalition of Blacks for
Reparations in America, Homeless Action for Necessary
Development, Writers for Mumia, Australians Against
Execution, Human Deeds for Human Needs, League of
Indigenous Sovereign Nations; Vieques Support
campaign; Haiti Support Network; California Prison
Focus; Community Organizing Center & many more.






Only the people can stop it -  Fill the Streets on Jan

On January 20, 2001, the next president of the U.S
will be inaugurated in Washington D.C. Whether it's
George W. Bush or Al Gore, one thing is certain:
executions will not stop. Whichever politicians come
or go, police brutality and racial profiling remains.
Thirty years after the Attica prison rebellion, the
racist prison-industrial complex will continue to

More than 2 million people will observe Dr. Martin
Luther King's birthday in U.S. prisons-including
political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal, who waits with
4,000 others on death row.

The people must make it clear to the next president
that the death machine must stop. No more executions.
Mumia Abu-Jamal must be granted a new trial or set

We must stop the U.S. death machine around the world.
The bullets & bombs that have murdered and maimed
hundreds of Palestinians are made in the USA. Ten
years after the bombing of Iraq began on Jan. 16,
1991, the U.S. still maintains economic sanctions that
have killed more than 1.2 million Iraqis.

The Pentagon continues to plot another Vietnam war in
Colombia, and to bomb the island of Vieques, Puerto
Rico. Along with NATO, the U.S military machine forces
colonial subjugation of the Balkans, and elsewhere in
the world.

We must stop capitalist deathonomics. U.S.
transnational corporations and banks, along with their
puppet institutions--the International Monetary Fund,
World Bank and World Trade Organization-- continue to
impose the death machine of globalization on the
world, reaping super-profits from their exploitation
of the planet while more than a billion people go
hungry, and at least 2 billion live in abject poverty.

Hundreds of millions of people throughout Africa,
Latin America and right here in the U.S. will continue
to die because capitalist greed has denied them
healthcare, shelter, jobs and other human needs.

To for more info contact:
International Action Center
39 West 14th Street, Room 206
New York, NY 10011
web: www.iacenter.org
CHECK OUT THE NEW SITE www.mumia2000.org
phone: 212 633-6646
fax: 212 633-2889

Any election in which only two individuals are allowed exposure is, by
definition, a fraud.  We are an occupied nation.


Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com.

Share information about yourself, create your own public profile at

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us 

[CTRL] Come to Cincinatti to the N16 Protests

2000-11-12 Thread Eric Stewart

-Caveat Lector-

Original Message Follows
From: "Clore Daniel C" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: [smygo] Come to Cincinatti to the N16 Protests
Date: Wed, 1 Nov 2000 23:04:24 -0600 (CST)

October 30, 2000

Come to Cincinnati to the N16 Protests!

Dear Fellow Activist/Organization:

Hi! I'm writing to you from Cincinnati, site of the upcoming
Protests in Cincinnati, Ohio against the Trans Atlantic
Business Dialogue. Cincinnati was picked because it is in
the middle of the midwest, a conservative city, and is also
a corporate town. Cincinnati houses the world headquarters
for Proctor & Gamble and Chiquita Banana, which are all very
close to where the TABD summit will be held. There is also a
GAP and Starbucks in the same building as the Omni
Netherlands. There are several themes with which to protest
corporate globalization while in Cincinnati. Gap
(sweatshops/old growth forest issues); Starbucks (a living
wage for coffee growers around the world!); Chiquita
(worker's rights); Proctor and Gamble (Animal Rights). But,
these aren't the only themes. US Corporate Globalization
affects so many issues: economic justice, indigenous rights
(U'wa/Zapatistas - NAFTA/FTAA/more), as a matter of fact, so
many issues we individually work on are related to
globalization. Please check http://www.n16.org/ for more
information on CDAC's plans in November (includes housing,
medical, carpool message board, TABD info, Art and Rev. and
more). We hope you can make it to Cincinnati for N16. If
your organization would like to endorse CDAC's (Cincinnati
Direct Action Collective - N16) Call to Action please let us
know by emailing your endorsement to
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]. Please help us advertise N16 by
forwarding this to your activist friends, list servs, or by
posting a link or the Call to Action (below) on your
website. If you would like to join the list serv send a
blank message to mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED].
We hope to see you in November! Please feel free to email
CDAC at mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]. There is also another
coalition organizing around the TABD and their webpage is


November 16-18, the Trans Atlantic Business Dialogue (TABD)
will be having their annual CEO conference in Downtown
Cincinnati, Ohio at the Omni Netherlands Hotel. European
Union Parliament, U.S. congress, and more than 200 American
and European CEOs and business leaders will meet to talk
about issues that impact transatlantic trade and develop
recommendations on how to best boost global trade and

The T.A.B.D. makes recommendations that will set the tone
for World Trade Organization policy. Over 50% of T.A.B.D.
recommendations have been adopted for the WTO. One such
corporation in attendance at the conference, BASF, who’s
plant in Cincinnati blew up in the early 1990’s killing two
workers, injuring many more and also caused millions of
dollars in damage will help with these negotiations!

The TABD claims to "offer an effective framework for
enhanced Cooperation between the transatlantic business
community and the governments of the EU and US. An informal
process whereby European and American companies and business
associations develop joint EU-US trade policy
recommendations, working together with the European
Commission and U.S. administration."

It's plain to see that the Trans-Atlantic Business Dialogue
means more money and control in the pockets of top CEO and
government officials so just like the WTO in Seattle and the
IMF/World Bank in Washington DC demonstrations it is time to
voice our opposition. Join together and publicize the
disastrous effects of corporate globalization to people both
outside and inside the United States. We need to converse to
world economic and business leaders that we will not calmly
tolerate labor and agricultural annihilation before our
eyes. What is left before us, our only hope for a just and
equal society, YOU!

Start talking to within communities about organizing
affinity groups to come and converge in Cincinnati Ohio
November 15, 16, 17, 18 to make aware the growing nature of
these undemocratic institutions. Join in workshops and
educational demonstrations of real democracy where we
organize from the bottom up. Our convergence upon Cincinnati
will be a symbol that we want to totally eradicate and
abolish the injustice of global economic control by a few.
No longer shall human life, animals and the environment be
substituted for personal gain!

Come be apart of mass demonstrations, direct action and
civil disobedience to show the TABD that we will not
tolerate their current policies of global takeover by
institutions that cater profit before people.

Without a peoples response to this matter we waive our right
to practice the democratic process and put it into the

To subscribe to th

[CTRL] some links

2000-11-12 Thread Eric Stewart

-Caveat Lector-

Climate Ark - The Premier Climate Change Portal

David Koresh and Branch Davidian Doctrines

Moorish Orthodox Church in the USA


radio sermonettes

some chaos theory

Ontological Anarchy in a Nutshell

strand three

gaia lounge

James Koehnline

Any election in which only two individuals are allowed exposure is, by
definition, a fraud.  We are an occupied nation.


Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com.

Share information about yourself, create your own public profile at

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/">ctrl

To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


[CTRL] RadTimes # 97

2000-11-12 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

RadTimes # 97 November, 2000

An informally produced compendium of vital irregularities.

"We're living in rad times!"
--Statement From Secretary James A. Baker III
--In Palm Beach, a Tidal Wave of Political Protest
--Judges have power to overturn elections
--The 2000 US election results: the constitutional crisis deepens
--Ballot designer, under fire, hires lawyer and hides out
--Florida Cops Accused of Harassing Black Voters
--Ore, NM Presidential Races Undecided
--Four other US states may recount election votes
Linked stories:
*Buchanan on the election results
*Voteless in Florida
*NAACP Says Fraudulent Calls Surface in Florida
*NAACP Alleges Voter Suppression in Florida
Begin stories:
Statement From Secretary James A. Baker III

The American people voted on November 7.  Governor George W.
Bush won 31 states with a total of 271 electoral votes.  The vote
in Florida was very close, but when it was counted, Governor Bush
was the winner.

Now, three days later, the vote in Florida has been recounted.
Over two-thirds of the state election supervisors overseeing the
recount are Democrats.

At the end of this recount, Governor Bush is still the winner,
subject only to counting the overseas ballots, which have
traditionally favored the Republican candidate.  No evidence of
vote fraud either in the original vote or in the recount has been

Now the Gore campaign is calling for yet another recount in
selective and predominantly Democratic counties where there were
unexplained large vote swings in their favor in the recount.

It appears that the Gore campaign is attempting to unduly prolong
the country's national Presidential election through endless
challenges to the results of the vote here in Florida.

Furthermore, the more often ballots are recounted, especially by
hand, the more likely it is that human errors, like lost ballots,
and other risks, will be introduced.  This frustrates the very
reason why we have moved from hand counting to machine counting.

Let me say a word specifically about the Palm Beach ballot.
There is a rule of law to be followed for elections.  The state
of Florida has established legal procedures to design, approve,
publish and, if need be, to protest ballots before the election.
The ballot was designed by a Democratic elections supervisor.
She approved it.  The Democratic Party did not question it before
the election.  This "butterfly"-type ballot was used in recent
elections in the same county under the same rules.  Again, the
Democrats did not complain.  The overwhelming majority of voters
who used the ballot understood it and cast valid votes.  Our
lawyers have confirmed the legality of this ballot, and we have
copies of the relevant Florida statute available for you to see.

The Gore campaign has also tried to make a lot of the fact that
double marked ballots are not counted.  A key principle in
America is one person, one vote.  If we have ballots with two
votes, of course we cannot count them or guess about them.
Ballots that are double-marked can't be evidence of the voter's
intent to vote one way or another.  No jurisdiction in the United
States would accept such a ballot as a valid vote, and Florida
law specifically does not.  It happens in every precinct in every
election.  And the procedure is clear: These ballots must be

We understand, and I understand personally, that it is
frustrating to lose by a narrow margin.  But it happens.  It
happened to the Republican Presidential candidates in 1960 and
1976.  Both Vice President Nixon and President Ford put the
country's interest first.  They accepted the vote for the good of
the country.

It is important that there be some finality to the election
process. What if we insisted on recounts in other states that are
very close? For example, in Wisconsin, Iowa, (and if we don't
win) New Mexico.

Let the country step back a moment, pause, and think about what's
at stake.  This may be the last chance.  There is no reasonable
end to this process if it slips away.

The purpose of our national election is to establish a
"Constitutional government," not unending legal wrangling.  We
will therefore vigorously oppose the Gore campaign's efforts to
keep recounting until it likes the result.  For the good of the
country and the sake of our standing in the world, the
campaigning should end, and the business of an orderly transition
should begin.

In Palm Beach, a Tidal Wave of Political Protest

By Sue Anne Pressley

[CTRL] RadTimes # 96

2000-11-12 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

RadTimes # 96 November, 2000

An informally produced compendium of vital irregularities.

"We're living in rad times!"
--Florida Voting Rights & Wrongs- Campaign for a Legal Election
--Florida Common Law and Election "Irregularities"
--Nobody Won!
--From impeachment to a tainted election
--A Gore Coup d'Etat?
Linked stories:
*Democrats Demand New Recounts in Florida
*Agitation Grows Over Palm Beach Ballot
*The Chilly Phone Call From Gore That Reopened the Race
Begin stories:
Florida Voting Rights & Wrongs- Campaign for a Legal Election

  Yale Law School  127 Wall Street  New Haven, CT 06511
   (203) 432-4888   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

How dare either candidate claim an election victory (or concede) before the
facts of what happened in Florida are determined? Don't let the politicians
or the pundits deprive Florida residents of their voting rights and the rest
of the country of our democratic process.

Please do your part NOW to change the tone of the debate.

Don't let the press spin this story to force a hasty solution. Any country
can have a quick result. America is special because we believe in the rule
of law and the protection of constitutional rights. Let's set an example
for the world by proceeding in a patient and dignified way. Any party or
politician that seeks to claim this election prematurely will have violated
our trust and threatened the legitimacy of our government both domestically
and internationally. It is our responsibility to hold them accountable
because we will pay the price.

Therefore, please do the following:

1) WRITE TO YOUR HOMETOWN PAPER (please see a sample op-ed piece below; feel
free to use/edit any part of it for letters to the editor, etc.)

2) CALL IN TO TALK SHOWS where you live and in Florida. You can find out
which staions there are by checking out  .



Voting Rights and Wrongs in Florida

Since Tuesday, many politicians and others have suggested that it is
inappropriate for the results of the election in Florida to be subjected
to a legal challenge. This attitude amounts to a fundamental assault on
the Voting Rights Act and the right to vote guaranteed by state and
federal constitutions.

The right to vote is the underpinning of our society. As the Supreme
Court has stated, "other rights, even the most basic, are illusory if the
right to vote is undermined." Equally important is the ability to enforce
this right to vote. During the civil rights movement, people struggled
and died not only for the right to vote itself, but also for the right to
pursue legal action if the vote was denied. What James Baker decries as
"unending legal wrangling" is the enforcement mechanism of our

It is premature for either campaign to declare victory or concede
defeat. It is neither up to Governor Bush nor Vice President Gore to
concede defeat or assume victory until the choice of the people is
clear. As the Florida Supreme Court has stated, "the real parties in
interest" in a legal challenge to the results of an election "are the
voters," not the candidates or their political parties.

There is too much at stake to let this election pass without scrutinizing
the many reports of problems in Florida:
* Thousands of voters in Palm Beach County may have been effectively
denied their right to vote due to an illegal and unnecessarily confusing
ballot design.
* Polls closed while people were still in line in Tampa.
* Voters were denied ballots on grounds that their precinct had changed.
* Some election officials refused to allow translators in voting booths
for Haitian-Americans in Miami.
* Hispanic voters in Osceola County alleged they were required to produce
two kinds of identification when only one was required.
* At least two absentee ballots have already been invalidated due to
fraudulent submission, in what may be a statewide campaign of absentee
voter fraud.

Many have said that such "irregularities" exist in every
election. Although that is unfortunately true, a systemic failure in our
election proces

Re: [CTRL] Just a little reminder about American " democracy."

2000-11-12 Thread flw

-Caveat Lector-

> It was intentionally not
>   a democracy because the Founders were well aware that a "democracy"
>   is merely a tyranny of the majority over the minority.

J2 wrote:
"What a bunch of crap. It was intentionally not a democracy because the
Founding Finaglers knew that democracy meant the weakening of their oligarchy."

What a thoughtless, foolish statement. These "democracy lovers", i.e. tyranny of
the majority advocators, are ignorant of life's realities.

Under "democracy", if the majority of Germans decided to kill all the Jews
it would be "legal". It would be the "will of the people."

Why it is preferable to be subjugated and victimized by the "majority" instead of
being victimized by an oligarchy or dictatorship is beyond rational comprehension.

The only system that protects us from tyranny is a system that minimizes the power
of Government - AKA Politicopaths and the clueless fools who march to their
demagogic drumbeat.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

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[CTRL] What Al Gore Really Did Invent

2000-11-12 Thread Eagle 1

from: Eagle 1 


This ingenious 1996 "voter mill" paid off big time. An audit by 
theaccounting firm of KPMG Peat Marwick uncovered some of theresults. 
The newly naturalized citizens who were qualified to vote bythis Gore 
project included more than 75,000 who had arrest recordswhen they applied, 
an additional 115,000 citizens whose fingerprintswere unclassifiable for 
various technical reasons and were neverrechecked, and another 61,000 people 
who were given citizenshipwithout submitting any fingerprints at all. 
Federal law requires that an alien's application for citizenship mustbe 
accompanied by a complete set of fingerprints, which must becleared by the 
FBI to determine if the applicant has a criminal record.
Schippers sent the FBI a list of 100 of these new citizens who 
hadcommitted documented heinous crimes prior to naturalization 
anddiscovered that 20 percent were arrested for serious crimes 
aftercitizenship was granted in 1996. No one knows how many thousandsof 
criminals were granted citizenship whose fingerprints were neverchecked at 
Crooked politicians have always stuffed the ballot box in 
traditionalways, but Al Gore must be given credit for one of the most 
And did Al Gore hand them cigarettes as they entered the country, 
trading them for future votes???This whole thing becomes 
sicker and sicker as it goes along!!!eagle 1
- Original Message - 
From: "Eagle Forum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, November 06, 2000 4:05 PM
Subject: What Al Gore Really Did Invent (Oct. 2000 Phyllis Schlafly Report 
- part 3)

What Al Gore Really Did Invent>  > The claim that Al Gore 
invented the internet has been a favorite target> of political jokes, but 
Al Gore's role in "reinventing" the INS is no> laughing matter. He was a 
driving force behind the perversion of> Immigration and Naturalization 
Service procedures in order to "invent"> a million votes for Clinton-Gore 
in November 1996. > > Al Gore was the Administration's point man 
in charge of the plan> developed in early 1996 to put a million aliens on 
the fast track to> citizenship even if they didn't qualify and even if 
they had criminal> records. Gore was responsible for keeping the pressure 
on INS to> make sure the aliens were naturalized by September 1, the last 
day> to register for the presidential election. > > INS 
Administrator Doris Meissner was at first reluctant to go along> with 
these shenanigans. But she finally acquiesced in Gore's plan to> remove 
alleged "bureaucratic roadblocks" to speedy naturalization. > > 
The "smoking gun" documentation came to light sort of as an aside> in the 
new book Sellout by David P. Schippers, his own story as> chief 
investigative counsel for the House impeachment of Bill Clinton.> Before 
Schippers was ordered to limit his investigations to the> Monica case, he 
had focused on the politicization of the INS. > > Schippers 
uncovered a memo written early in 1996 from Doug> Farbrother of the 
National Performance Review (NPR) to Bill Clinton> reminding the 
President that he had "asked us to expedite the> naturalization of nearly 
a million legal aliens." Farbrother set forth the> plan "to force some 
serious 'reinvention' on INS" by "appointing one of> our proven NPR 
reinventors as Deputy INS Commissioner" and> moving the existing Deputy 
elsewhere. The National Performance> Review is now called Vice President 
Al Gore's National> Partnership for Reinventing Government, according to 
its> website www.npr.gov. This confirms 
Gore's peculiar obsession with> reinventing things. > > Dr. 
Elaine Kamarck in Gore's office responded to Farbrother on> March 21, 
1996 in a solid-cap memo: "THE PRESIDENT IS SICK OF> THIS AND WANTS 
MEASURES." > > A March 22 memo to Al Gore from Doug Farbrother 
then reported> that he told INS "to waive stupid rules, move money from 
one> account to another as needed, and recruit and hire people 
locally> instead of through the slow centralized process." Farbrother 
added> that each city manager in the major cities was to be given "a 
project> budget to spend as needed." Farbrother's memo spelled out 
other> details of the plan to circumvent customary procedure: 
"delegate> hiring authority, waive extensive background investigations on 
new> employees, allow the cities 'overhire authority.'" This carried out 
the> suggestion originally made in a February 15 memo from HUD> 
Secretary Henry Cisneros to Clinton and Gore suggesting the use of> 
"volunteers" from Hispanic action groups to "process" naturalization> 
applications. > > In a subsequent fax, Farbrother wrote that he 
had instructed INS> Commissioner Doris Meissner to "get the results the 
Vice President> wants." > > In a memo addressed to Al Gore 
on March 28, Farbrother restated> the goal to "produce a million new 
citizens before 

[CTRL] How it's done: America...where anybody can become Predsident.

2000-11-12 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

  Manufacturers Admit Voting Machines

   "American elections are a fraud and a scam" is the stern
   verdict of Pat Buchanan and a deeply disturbing
   commentary on the state of democracy in America.

   Exclusive to The SPOTLIGHT

   By Christopher Bollyn

   CHICAGO—Despite acknowledging "failure rates" ranging
   from 16 percent to 28 percent, election officials here
   express no concern for the integrity of the ballot in the
   age of voting machines.

   Across the United States, in precincts from coast to coast,
   computers equipped with cellular telephony and two-way
   mo dems count the votes. These ma chines, designed and
   operated by private companies, and the laws that ushered
   in their use, have essentially disenfranchised citizen
   election judges from the vote-counting process and
   relegated them to insignificant roles as public servants
   working for private business on election night.

   Some officials concerned with elections have pondered the
   unthinkable, namely, the stealing of a presidential
   election by computer fraud in the metropolitan areas of
   key states.

   Steve White, former assistant attorney general of
   California, said, "Given the importance of the national
   election, sooner or later it will be attempted. There is a
   real reluctance to concede the gravity of the problem."

   Every official interviewed at the Illinois State Board of
   Elections was indifferent to the threat of computer vote
   fraud. Rick Fulle, assistant director of voting systems and
   25-year veteran of the board said, "You can't secure any
   computer system."

   A hand count of the votes by the election judges at the
   precinct level, before posting the results, is the only way
   to ensure that the machine tally is correct and that no
   computer fraud has been perpetrated. However, election
   officials discourage any manual audit saying that there are
   too many choices on the ballot and that a manual count
   would take too long.

   Tests of computer vote-counting systems used in Illinois
   from 1983-1987, which checked tens of thousands of
   ballots, revealed significant errors in the computer
   counting in more than 20 percent of the tests.

   Fulle said that in Illinois today there is "a 16 percent error
   rate" with ballot-counting machines. He expected
   numerous problems on election night saying "equipment
   will fail across the state."

   "I don't understand why nobody cares," Michael L. Harty,
   former Illinois director of voting systems and standards
   said. "At one point, we had tabulation errors in 28 percent
   of the systems tested, and nobody cared."

   Officials from the Illinois Board of Elections said election
   judges are only required to verify that the number of
   ballots tabulated by the machine matches the number of
   ballots counted by the judges—as if voters are only voting
   for one candidate.

   "Nothing in the [Illinois] law requires that the count be
   accurate," Fulle added.

   In this way the basic role of election judges—to count and
   verify the accuracy of the vote—has been usurped and
   compromised by election machines operated by private

   Whether it was the Precinct Ballot Counter 2100 (PBC),
   the Optech Eagle III, the Model 100 Optic Mark Reader
   (OMR), or the Votronic touch-screen system that counted
   your vote, these machines have something in common:
   they are all designed and operated by Elections Systems &
   Software, Inc. (ES&S). Each contains a two-way modem,
   allowing them to communicate—and be communicated
   with—while they are in operation.

   What is particularly troubling about these machines is the
   fact that they contain an internal modem, which enables
   anyone with a modem-equipped computer, from hackers
   and vendors to telephone company personnel and
   politicians, to access and alter the computer's tally of the

   ES&S is "the largest company in the world focusing solely

[CTRL] On Palm Beach Confusion

2000-11-12 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

By Dave Kopel of the
Independence Institute

The Palm Beach Legal Precedent

No cause for Dem squawking

According to some Florida Democrats, the particular layout of
ballots in Palm Beach was confusing to voters, and resulted in
mistaken votes for Buchanan which were actually intended for
Gore. The Florida judiciary has already addressed the issue of
post-election claims about ballot confusion, and the precedent is
unfavorable to those who want the election overturned.

In the September 10, 1974, Republican primary in Pinellas County,
several losing candidates brought a post-election suit against
county election officials. (Pinellas sits on the Gulf Coast, and
includes St. Petersburg.)

At issue was the longest ballot in Pinellas County history. To
save space so that every candidate and issue could fit on the
voting machine, the election officials had created a ballot on
which the list of candidates for some offices appeared on two
lines. In a particular race, for example, the first three
candidates, listed alphabetically, appeared on one line, and the
last two candidates, alphabetically, appeared on the next line.

A lawsuit demanding a new election was filed by candidates who
appeared on the lower line and lost. The Florida trial court
agreed. But on October 15, 1974, the Second District Court of
Appeal unanimously overturned the trial judge, and let the
original election stand. (Nelson v. Robinson, 301 So.2d 508, Fla.
Ct. App. 2d Dist., 1974.)

The Court of Appeal explained:

Keeping in mind that we are talking about a claim made after an
election, and not one which may have been enforceable before, if
a candidate appears on the ballot in such a position that he can
be found by the voters upon a responsible study of the ballot,
then such voters have been afforded a full, free and open
opportunity to make their choice for or against that particular
candidate; and the candidate himself has no constitutional right
to a particular spot on the ballot which might make the voters'
choice easier. His constitutional rights in the matter end when
his name is placed on the ballot. Thereafter, the right is in the
voters to have a fair and reasonable opportunity to find it; and
as to this, it has been observed that the constitution intended
that a voter search for the name of the candidate of his choice
and to express his of the candidate of his choice without regard
to others on the ballot. Furthermore, it assumes his ability to
read and his intelligence to indicate his choice with the degree
of care commensurate with the solemnity of the occasion.

The Court of Appeal also cited a U.S. Supreme Court case in which
the high Court explicitly and unanimously affirmed a Pennsylvania
federal court which had ruled that an unfavorable location on the
ballot was not a form of unconstitutional discrimination against
a candidate. (Gilhool v.
Chairman & Com'rs., Philadelphia Co. Bd. of Elec., 306 F.Supp.
1202 (E.D.Pa.1969), aff'd 397 U.S. 147 (1970).)

In Palm Beach this year, the ballot form was approved beforehand
by Democratic Supervisor of Elections Theresa LePore. This fact
relates directly to the Florida Court of Appeal's point that "it
has often been held that one who does not avail himself of the
opportunity to object to irregularities in the ballot prior to
the election may not object to them after."

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/">ctrl

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[CTRL] WT: Stock markets dive on Democrats' vow

2000-11-12 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

November 10, 2000

Stock markets dive on Democrats' vow

By Patrice Hill

 Stocks plummeted yesterday as Democratic Party officials
raised the specter of a prolonged legal battle over the outcome
of the presidential race in Florida.

 The Dow Jones Industrial Average nose-dived to a 288-point loss
and the Nasdaq Composite Index dropped to a 144-point loss as
Vice President Al Gore's campaign chairman, William M. Daley,
announced at an afternoon news conference that the campaign would
back citizen lawsuits contesting the outcome of the Florida vote
with the goal of proving that Mr. Gore won.

 The indexes recovered some by the end of trading, but
analysts said that as long as the legal and political battle over
the nation's highest office continues, it would be a major
stumbling block for the markets. The Dow ended down 73 points at
10,834, and the Nasdaq ended down 31 points at 3,200.

 "The Gore campaign is saying we'll fight to the end now,"
said Tim Neumann, an investment manager at Chase Asset
Management, predicting that the legal questions raised by the
Democrats will take weeks to resolve.

 The principal issue raised by Mr. Daley was that the ballots
used in Palm Beach County were confusing and caused the votes of
more than 19,000 Florida residents to be disqualified because
they mistakenly voted both for Mr. Gore and Reform Party
candidate Pat Buchanan.

 Aides to the Republican candidate, Texas Gov. George W.
Bush, signaling their intent to counter the fight in the courts,
maintained that double-voting is illegal everywhere and the votes
were properly disqualified. They added that county residents
voted heavily for Mr. Buchanan in previous primary elections.

 "Until the election result is resolved, we will have down
days," said Robert Streed, a stock portfolio manager with
Northern Trust Co. "This is a seasonally very strong period so if
this election uncertainty wasn't there we'd be looking at a
higher market. We'd be in the midst of our normal year-end

 "There's two fears," said Arthur Hogan, chief market analyst
for Jefferies & Co., who said the market went briefly into a
"free fall" during the Gore campaign's announcement.

 "First, the market absolutely abhors the unknown and that is
what is going on. We have no idea how long and drawn out this
election is going to be. Secondly, we continue to fear an
economic slowdown and the impact of an economic slowdown on
earnings and revenue growth," he said.

 The Bush aides suggested that the legal struggle might not
only be prolonged but also widened to include contests over tight
votes in other states.

 They said vote recounts may be ordered in Iowa and
Wisconsin, where Mr. Gore won narrowly, and they have raised
questions about the vote count in Albuquerque, N.M. New Mexico is
another state that Mr. Gore barely won.

 "The markets hate the uncertainty about who's going to be
the next president," said Tom Schrader, head of listed trading at
Legg Mason Wood Walker Inc. in Baltimore.

 "Until it's decided, I don't see any" catalyst for stocks to
go higher, he said. "Investors are telling me they want to lessen
their exposure to stocks and have cash on the books."

 Greg Smith, chief strategist at Prudential Securities Inc.
in New York, recommended yesterday that investors cut their
stockholdings because of the massive uncertainty created by the
unprecedented close race not only for the presidency but also for
control of both houses of Congress.

 The schism in the political races suggests that the nation
is in a state of fundamental disagreement over what to do with
the federal budget surpluses and how heavily to regulate
business, he said.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:

[CTRL] Fwd: ScienceWeek Abstracts Edition - November 10, 2000

2000-11-12 Thread Kris Millegan

-- Enclosure number 1 
SCIENCE-WEEK -- ABSTRACTS: November 10, 2000 -- Vol. 4 Number 45

Below are brief abstracts of new reports appearing in the current
issue of ScienceWeek. For information about ScienceWeek:

The current issue of ScienceWeek contains complete summaries,
explications, glossaries, background material for the following:

A new report concludes that postdocs need better mentoring,
better compensation, more information on employment
opportunities, more assistance in planning their careers, and
opportunities to learn a number of career skills.
(Physics Today November 2000)

In an extensive review, it is suggested the most viable
hypotheses for the cause of glacial/interglacial carbon dioxide
change involve the extraction of carbon from the surface ocean by
biological production, either at low or high latitudes,
necessarily allied with changes in the marine calcium carbonate
budget. (Nature 19 Oct 00 407:859)

New observations suggest that major impact events are capable of
moving rocks from the surface of Mars to the surface of Earth
without subjecting them to temperatures high enough to cause
thermal sterilization of eukarya or bacteria, and are considered
to support the hypothesis that meteorites could transfer life
between planets in the Solar System. (Science 27 Oct 00 290:791)

An analysis of the structure of ocean-based aerosols suggests
that large populations of aerosol particles may have provided an
environment for the concentration of prebiotic molecular species
and for their chemical transformation.
(Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. US 24 Oct 00 97:11864)

A new report from Germany indicates that several directors of
Kaiser Wilhelm Institutes during the Nazi era advised the Nazis
at the highest levels concerning racial policies. The journal
article reporting the new report also contains a photograph and
caption with an astonishing implication that Max Planck, contrary
to established evidence, was an active collaborator with the Nazi
regime. (Nature 19 Oct 00 407:823)

A new essay suggests that vitalism's singular place in history
rests on its attempt to reconcile two opposing needs -- the need
for analytical reasoning and the need to celebrate the mystery of
human experience, and that the life of the Swedish chemist Jon
Jacob Berzelius traced the tensions between these concerns in
dramatic detail. (Nature 12 Oct 00 407:677)



The current issue of ScienceWeek contains complete summaries,
explications, glossaries, background material for the above
reports. See http://scienceweek.com/subinfo for subscription


There is no print edition of ScienceWeek. The first issue of
SCIENCE-WEEK appeared online May 1, 1997, and it has been
published regularly each week since that date.

For subscriptions to the complete edition of ScienceWeek:

Copyright (c) 1997-2000 ScienceWeek
All Rights Reserved
US Library of Congress ISSN 1529-1472

This is the Free Abstracts Edition of ScienceWeek. If you are not
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-end file


2000-11-12 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-


>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]
Note:  We store 100's of related "conspiracy posts" at:

Date: Sunday, November 05, 2000 3:07 PM

 .“Why can't we vote the bastards out?” And the answer is, “Because we
didn't even vote the bastards in!”
http://www.votescam.com/updateswindow.html">Votescam Updates
 http://www.votescam.com/new.html">What's New
http://www.votescam.com/updateswindow.html">VOTESCAM: THE STEALING
OF AMERICA  http://www.votescam.com/updateswindow.html
The Stealing of America

This book is the culmination of a twenty five year investigation into
computer vote fraud. Journalists James and Kenneth Collier answer the
question.“Why can't we vote the bastards out?” And the answer is, “Because
we didn't even vote the bastards in!”

“Votescam” will fill in the blanks for anyone who senses their vote is
worthless, but doesn't know why. It tracks down, confronts, and calls the
names of Establishment thieves who elegantly steal the American vote for
their own profit. It comes face to face with the Supreme Court Justice who
buried the vote fraud evidence; the most powerful female publisher in
America, who won't permit her newspapers and television stations to expose
vote rigging; the Attorney General who jailed Collier rather than expose the
truth; and a cast of weak-kneed and corruptible politicians, lawyers, and
newspeople who are entangled in this massive crime and are yet to be held
accountable. The Colliers's wish was that this book be used as evidence in a
Congressional hearing.

First published in 1992, immediately banned in major chain bookstores,
“Votescam” has sold over 30,000 copies by word of mouth.

Forwarded for info and discussion from the New Paradigms Discussion List,
not necessarily endorsed by:

Lloyd Miller, Research Director for A-albionic Research a ruling
class/conspiracy research resource for the entire political-ideological
   Explore Our Archive:  

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/">ctrl

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[CTRL] Fwd: FW: Webpage on the vote fraud 2000

2000-11-12 Thread Kris Millegan

Title: FW: Webpage on the vote fraud 2000

From: Russ Kick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sun, 12 Nov 2000 12:52:36 -0800
Subject: My Webpage on the vote fraud 2000

Hi all--

I've started a Webpage to link to stories about the strange goings-on 
involving the Presidential election. Updated constantly, "The Fix Is In&
quot; links to news in mainstream, alternative, local, and non-US media.

Please check out http://www.mindpollen.com/fix.htm for tons of stories, with 
more being added all the time. If you know of stories I should link to, 
please let me know. Also, be sure to spread the word about this

Russ Kick

[CTRL] Hey Einstein, remember the Liberty?

2000-11-12 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

November 12, 2000
Cole Inquiry Provokes Bitter U.S. Dispute

Louis J. Freeh of the F.B.I. is involved
in a dispute over the Cole.


SANA, Yemen, Nov. 11 — A month after the bombing of the destroyer Cole, a
bitter dispute has erupted within the Clinton Administration over whether to
accept Yemeni limits on the American investigation here or press for a wider
ranging inquiry that F.B.I. officials believe could potentially lead to
powerful people linked to the Yemeni government itself, American officials
on both sides of the dispute say.

The dispute has become so heated, according to officials in Washington, that
it has featured sometimes personal exchanges between leading American
officials on opposing sides. Two of the principal figures in the dispute,
with sharply conflicting views, according to those officials, have been
Louis J. Freeh, the F.B.I. director, and Barbara K. Bodine, the American
ambassador to Yemen.

According to a report this week in Al Hayat, an Arab-language newspaper
published in London whose reports have accurately prefigured many
disclosures in the Cole case so far, the F.B.I. wanted the American Embassy
in Yemen to demand that the Yemeni investigation be extended to "social,
political and military figures" with close ties to the Yemeni government.
The State Department has resisted, American officials say, for fear of
alienating Yemeni government officials and souring the atmosphere
surrounding the investigation still further, and because of a reluctance to
upset an already delicate, strategic relationship with Yemen.

The Al Hayat account was indirectly confirmed by an F.B.I. official, who
said a critical aspect of the case — whether the bombers had help from
powerful figures within Yemen and if so to what extent — was difficult, if
not impossible, to determine as long as the Yemeni government decided
exclusively whom to detain and interview.

Asked about the issue, a senior State Department official in Washington
refused to comment, but said it was true that the inquiry needed to go
beyond "the first and second levels," meaning who was immediately
responsible for the attack, "all the way back to the spider in the web."

Despite the strains, senior American and Yemeni officials said in recent
days that the dispute over Yemeni limits on the F.B.I. investigation was
close to being resolved after weeks of confrontations between senior
officials of the two governments. The deal now being worked out, both
governments say, would allow the F.B.I. close access to suspects for the
first time by permitting its agents to watch Yemeni interrogators by live
television relay or through a one-way mirror, and to pass written questions
to the Yemenis.

The F.B.I. has reacted coolly to the deal, partly because decisions on whom
should be questioned would remain exclusively with the Yemenis. But by
Friday the dispute appeared to be cooling, with F.B.I. officials saying that
the Yemenis, under criticism for their seemingly reluctant cooperation so
far, had handed over a large file of transcripts from interviews in the
case, and that those, and other new evidence, included valuable details that
should help move the investigation forward.

On the Yemeni side, the American- educated prime minister, Abdel Karim
al-Iryani, said today that American officials were no longer "making an
issue" over access to suspects, having accepted that Yemen was doing its
best to solve the case and that nobody in the government of President Ali
Abdullah Saleh was involved. On the contrary, Mr. Iryani said, whoever
planned the bombing intended to damage Mr. Saleh and his government's ties
with the United States. "We are not hiding anything, and the Americans have
accepted that," he said.

Still, the new terms for the F.B.I. role appear to fall far short of the
free-ranging role the bureau demanded — and the State Department vetoed — in
an internal dispute in Washington. The dispute, American officials say, drew
in Mr. Freeh, the F.B.I. director, Ms. Bodine, the ambassador, and the White

Moreover, American officials say, the new arrangements could still fall
apart over Yemeni counterdemands for access to information on the bombing
that the F.B.I. gathers outside Yemen.

The issue, the State Department official said, was whether getting to the
people ultimately responsible for the attack, in Yemen or elsewhere, would
be more likely to be accomplished by accepting restraints on the F.B.I. that
respected Yemeni sensitivities about its sovereignty, or by pressing for
much wider access that would alienate President Saleh and other powerful
figures in Yemen, and perhaps cause them to become even less cooperative.

The State Department official was scathing about the F.B.I.'s demands,
saying the bureau lacked experience operating in countries with sharply
different cultures, ha

[CTRL] CIA Statement on Veto of Intelligence Authorization Act

2000-11-12 Thread K

-Caveat Lector-

They just won't give up will they?


 6 November 2000


 The leaking of sensitive classified information is a serious
problem that has been recognized by Congress and the

 We look forward to working with all parties to craft a new
provision that helps preserve national security while fostering the
necessary public discussion of important issues.

 Our interest all along has solely been to plug a gap in the
existing law which jeopardizes the security of the United States
and compromises our ability to protect the American people.

 Any new provision should continue to place the burden solely
on current and former U.S. officials entrusted with sensitive

* * *
Liberty has never come from the government
The history of liberty is the history of resistance
...a history of the limitation of governmental
power, not the increase of it. -- Woodrow Wilson

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Just a little reminder about American " democracy."

2000-11-12 Thread M.A. Johnson

-Caveat Lector-

One should not dare to call this a democracy since
it is not a democracy.
 You got that right.
It is supposed to be a Constitutional Republic.
No. It's supposed to be a Plutocratic Oligarchy.
Which is exactly what it is.

I realize requesting you to actually bolster the shit
you are shoveling is inane, but ... I am compelled to
do such.

Kindly explain how the Constitution -- as written -- forms
the above type of Government you imagine.

It was intentionally not a democracy because the
Founders were well aware that a "democracy" is
merely a tyranny of the majority over the minority.
What a bunch of crap. It was intentionally not a
democracy because the Founding Finaglers knew that
democracy meant the weakening of their oligarchy.

They designed a system by and for the rich, which
is inefficient at changing the status quo of the
Plutocracy. More than inefficient.
As requested above ...

Kindly explain how the Constitution -- as written -- forms
the above type of Government you imagine.

Democracy is the only way to control your elites
non violently.
Only a fool would prefer the current tyranny of
the rich, over the POSSIBLE tyranny of the majority.
A fool.


Nothing as mundane as mere evidence can be allowed to threaten
a vision so deeply satisfying.  -- Thomas Sowell

Nothing is more revolting than the majority; for it consists of
few vigorous predecessors, of knaves whoaccommodate themselves,
of weak people who assimilate themselves, and the mass that
toddles after them without knowing in the least what it wants.
-- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

A democracy is no more than an aristocracy of orators. The
people are so readily moved by demagogues that control must
be exercised by the government over speech and press. -- Thomas Hobbes

A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can
only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves
money from the Public Treasury. From that moment on, the majority
always votes for the candidate promising the most benefits from the
Public Treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses
over loose fiscal policy always followed by dictatorship.
-- Alexander Fraser Tytler

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Primakov on US election

2000-11-12 Thread K

-Caveat Lector-


 Pravda.RU:Main:More in detail

 05:03 2000-11-11

 In the course of his visit to the Penza region, leader of the
Fatherland-All Russia faction, former PM
 Yevgeny Primakov commented on the situation with the US
presidential elections. He announced that
 "the US used to teach Belarus, Russia and some other countries
how to organize fair democratic
 elections, but now there is a possibility to falsify results during the
recount." According to Primakov,
 "the US do not look properly in the face of the whole world".

Copyright ©1999 by "Pravda.RU". When reproducing our materials
in whole or in part, reference to Pravda.RU should be made.

* * *
It is the theory of all modern civilized governments
that they protect and foster the liberty of the
citizen; it is the practice of all of them to
limit its exercise, and sometimes very narrowly.
--H. L. Mencken

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] "You will have to kill all of us..."

2000-11-12 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

"[to:] [EMAIL PROTECTED]" wrote:
> -Caveat Lector-
> In a message dated 11/12/2000 10:42:00 AM Central Standard Time,
> " My prediction: This is GOING to get ugly."
> ___
> Take a moment to consider that not only is
> it "going to get ugly"but that it was planned this way.

It might get ugly, but it could NOT have been planned this way.


> Do you remember that last summer, Bill Clinton quietly
> put Janet Reno in charge of FEMA responses to domestic disturbances?
> Her appointment became effective October 1st.
> This position has always be held by the Secretary of Defenseuntil now.
> Reno's appointment to this position is really strange.
> The DoD is trained and equipped to respond to such situations.
> The paper pushers at the Dept. of Justice are not.
> Alsowhy would Clinton put Reno in this position when she, and the
> rest of his Administration are supposed to be leaving office in January?
> Why make an appointment which will only last for 3 months?
> If this election turmoil really gets ugly, we may learn the hard way
> why Clinton put Reno in charge of "responding to domestic disturbances"
> because we may have some for her to respond to.
> And at Waco, Reno proved just how effective she can be
> at managing such situations.
>  Regards to All
>  Nakano
> http://www.ctrl.org/">www.ctrl.org
> ==
> CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
> screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
> sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
> directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
> major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
> That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
> always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
> credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
> Archives Available at:
> http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html
>  http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of
>  http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/">ctrl
> To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
> To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
> Om

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [3] Killing Pablo

2000-11-12 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: http://www.killingpablo.com/content/killingpablo/philly/1047327554.htm">
Killing Pablo
Escobar's rise to power: From small-time gangster to the terror of Colombia

Pablo Escobar was arguably the richest and most violent criminal in history.
Forbes Magazine in 1989 listed him as the seventh-richest man in the world.

A small-time gangster and car thief from Medellin, the second-largest city in
Colombia, Escobar violently consolidated the cocaine industry there in the
late 1970s. Elected as an alternate to Colombia's Congress in 1983, Escobar
enjoyed widespread popularity among the poor in Colombia, especially in his
home state of Antioquia.

He turned his violent methods against the state in 1984, when Colombia began
cracking down on the cocaine exporters and extraditing them to the United
States for trial.

His campaign of murder, kidnapping, bombing and bribery from then until his
death in 1993 forced a constitutional crisis in Colombia. He cowed the
government into banning extradition, and his murder campaign against judges
and prosecutors so intimidated the nation that it abandoned trial by jury and
began appointing anonymous, "faceless" judges to prosecute crimes.

At the height of his power in the late 1980s, Escobar and his Medellin drug
cartel controlled as much as 80 percent of the multibillion-dollar export of
Colombian cocaine to the United States.

Escobar was blamed for assassinating three of the five candidates for
Colombian president in 1989, and for instigating a takeover of the Palace of
Justice in Bogota in 1986. More than 90 people died in the subsequent siege,
including 11 Supreme Court justices.

When one of Escobar's bombs brought down an Avianca Airliner in Colombia in
November 1989, killing 107 people, he became one of the most feared
terrorists in the world.

Men working for Escobar were caught that same year trying to buy Stinger
antiaircraft missiles in Miami.

A heavy pot-smoker, Escobar cultivated a relaxed, informal style with his
friends and associates, but he was so vicious to his enemies that he was
feared by everyone. In his battle with Colombian police, he placed a bounty
on the head of officers in Medellin, paying higher rewards for killing those
of greater rank. By the time of his death at age 44, Dec. 2, 1993, Escobar
was considered responsible for thousands of deaths in Colombia, yet he was
mourned publicly by large crowds in his home city.
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [2] Killing Pablo

2000-11-12 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: http://www.killingpablo.com/content/killingpablo/philly/1047327531.htm">
Killing Pablo
Escobar's escape opens a door for the Americans

By Mark Bowden

Morris D. Busby was eager to make an example of Escobar. (Akira Suwa /
Morris D. Busby, the U.S. ambassador to Colombia, was awakened by two phone
calls early Wednesday, July 22, 1992, at a house in Chevy Chase, Md., where
he and his wife were staying with friends.

The first call was to inform him that Colombian President Cesar Gaviria had
finally decided to move the drug outlaw Pablo Escobar to a new prison,
something Busby had been urging for more than a year. Shortly after that call
came another, telling him that Escobar had somehow escaped through an entire
brigade of the Colombian army.

The ambassador had spent too much time in Colombia to be surprised. He cut
his vacation short and, within hours, flew back to Bogota.

Busby believed this bad turn of events for Colombia might be just the break
he needed. Ever since he had been assigned to the embassy in Bogota the
previous year, handpicked for the assignment in large part because it had
become so dangerous, Busby had been eager to make an example of Escobar, but
was frustrated by the drug boss' deal with the government.

The most notorious drug trafficker in the world had been perched on a
spectacular Andes mountaintop, running his cocaine business surrounded and
protected by the Colombian army. Current estimates were that 70 to 80 tons of
cocaine were being shipped from Colombia to the United States every month,
and Escobar controlled the bulk of it.

Inside his custom prison, Escobar lived like a sultan. There were parties
with gourmet food and booze, beauty queens and whores. There were drugs,
water beds and elaborate sound systems. Escobar ran his narcotics empire by
phone. He ordered the murders of anyone who crossed him - including four of
Escobar's onetime associates who were tortured and killed inside prison walls
- according to one account, hung upside down and bled like steers.

At the presidential palace in Bogota the day of Escobar's escape, Busby found
President Gaviria pacing in his office with fury. Gaviria had been up all
night receiving one outrageous report after another: No assault had been made
on the prison during daylight, despite Gaviria's orders. His vice minister of
justice and his Bureau of Prisons chief had gone in themselves without
authorization to talk with Escobar, and both had been taken hostage. And,
finally, the worst of all scenarios had played out: Escobar had vanished.

It had taken more than two years, hundreds of lives, and hundreds of millions
of dollars - much of it from U.S. covert funds - to hound the murderous drug
billionaire into his surrender. Now, in one night, it had all come undone.

Waiting with Busby through the president's lamentations were Joe Toft, the
flinty Drug Enforcement Administration office chief, and Bill Wagner, the
"political secretary" who was in fact Bogota's CIA station chief.

"An entire brigade!" Gaviria shouted in amazement. "And the general allows
two officials inside the prison to talk to him! For what? To notify him that
he was going to be taken? What did he expect would happen? Such a stupid
thing! I mean, such a stupid thing!"

Gaviria was fed up. For many long months, he had resisted the entreaties of
the U.S. government. He had tried to control Escobar on his own. Now
everything had changed. The time had come, he had decided, to call in the

The agreement that had landed Escobar in his prison suite at La Cathedral the
year before was a masterpiece of duplicity. A man with the blood of thousands
on his hands was allowed to plead guilty to having introduced his cousin to a
man who had arranged a single drug shipment overseas. Escobar was to serve a
prison term and emerge a free man, all sins forgiven.

The length of the term was undetermined because prosecutors were allowed to
add new charges if they obtained evidence of further crimes - not likely, for
witnesses against Escobar typically were either bribed or murdered. In
return, the government agreed not to extradite Escobar to the United States.

Everyone knew La Cathedral was no prison. Escobar had paid to have it built
on the site of one of his favorite resort hideaways near Medellin. His fellow
prisoners were his cronies. He exercised a commanding influence over the
local government of Envigado, where it was built, and Medellin, the booming
northern city that was the base of his drug empire. In its eagerness to
strike a deal with Escobar, Bogota had ceded virtually all authority for the
"prison" to these locals.

La Cathedral was legally a state within a state. The national police, who had
lost hundreds of officers to Escobar's assassins, were forbidden to come
within 12 miles of the prison. Concern

Re: [CTRL] "You will have to kill all of us..."

2000-11-12 Thread [to:] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 11/12/2000 10:42:00 AM Central Standard Time,

" My prediction: This is GOING to get ugly."

Take a moment to consider that not only is
it "going to get ugly"but that it was planned this way.

Do you remember that last summer, Bill Clinton quietly
put Janet Reno in charge of FEMA responses to domestic disturbances?
Her appointment became effective October 1st.
This position has always be held by the Secretary of Defenseuntil now.
Reno's appointment to this position is really strange.
The DoD is trained and equipped to respond to such situations.
The paper pushers at the Dept. of Justice are not.
Alsowhy would Clinton put Reno in this position when she, and the
rest of his Administration are supposed to be leaving office in January?
Why make an appointment which will only last for 3 months?
If this election turmoil really gets ugly, we may learn the hard way
why Clinton put Reno in charge of "responding to domestic disturbances"
because we may have some for her to respond to.
And at Waco, Reno proved just how effective she can be
at managing such situations.

 Regards to All

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/">ctrl

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[CTRL] Killing Pablo

2000-11-12 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: http://www.killingpablo.com/content/killingpablo/philly/1047327534.htm">
Killing Pablo
A deadly manhunt guided by the U.S.

By Mark Bowden

Pablo Escobar terrorized Colombia with a string of bombings and
assassinations beginning in 1984.
EIGHT YEARS AGO, at the request of the Colombian government, U.S. military
and spy forces helped fund and guide a massive manhunt that ended with the
killing of Pablo Escobar, the richest cocaine trafficker in the world.

While portraying the pursuit of Escobar as essentially a Colombian operation,
the United States secretly spent millions of dollars and committed elite
soldiers, law enforcement agents and the military's most sophisticated
electronic eavesdropping unit to the chase.

The full extent of the U.S. role has never before been made public. Details
of the 15-month operation, which began during the administration of President
George Bush and continued under President Clinton, are revealed in a serial
beginning in The Inquirer today.

A two-year Inquirer investigation has found that:

The Army's top secret counterterrorism unit, Delta Force, along with a
clandestine Army electronic surveillance team, tracked the movements of
Escobar and his associates and helped plan raids by a special Colombian polic
e unit called the Search Bloc. The former American ambassador to Colombia
directed the U.S. effort with assistance from agents of the CIA, FBI, Drug
Enforcement Administration, and National Security Agency.

Midway through the operation, the Search Bloc began collaborating with
vigilantes, who assassinated Escobar's associates and relatives. U.S.
soldiers and agents said they witnessed the cooperation. The United States
continued to supply intelligence, training and planning to the Search Bloc
even as the assassinations continued.

In November 1993, Pentagon officials sought to end U.S. involvement in the
manhunt. They were concerned that American forces in Colombia were going
beyond their instructions and possibly violating a presidential directive
prohibiting American involvement in assassinations of foreign citizens. The
campaign to withdraw the U.S. personnel was stalled by a lobbying effort led
by the American ambassador in Bogota. Five weeks later, Escobar was killed by
Colombian police.

Official accounts at the time said Escobar, 44, was killed Dec. 2, 1993, in a
gun battle on a rooftop in the city of Medellin. Autopsy reports and photos
reveal that he was shot point-blank in the ear. A senior Colombian National
Police commander said Escobar was executed by a member of the Search Bloc
after being wounded. The Colombian government had said its aim was to arrest
Escobar, an indicted criminal.

The mission to track down Escobar rid Colombia of a violent menace who
threatened to topple the state. Escobar had terrorized his country beginning
in 1984 - assassinating judges, police officers, journalists and politicians.
Much of the violence was meant to coerce the Colombian government to ban
extradition of drug traffickers to the United States. Escobar was believed to
have ordered the killings of three of the five candidates for president of
Colombia in 1989.

But eliminating Escobar did nothing to stem the flow of cocaine to the United
States, and may have inadvertently contributed to the formation of "super ca
rtels" - alliances among guerrillas, growers, paramilitaries and traffickers
that today threaten the government of Colombia. Those alliances are one
target of the $1.3 billion in U.S. anti-narcotics aid to Colombia this year,
which includes 300 American troops training Colombian security forces.

American involvement in the hunt for Escobar began in 1989, when President
Bush authorized a secret military effort to help Colombia track down leaders
of the Medellin cocaine cartel. Its code name was Heavy Shadow.

Centra Spike, a top-secret Army unit that specialized in tracking people by
monitoring telephone and radio calls, was covertly sent to Colombia in August
of that year.

The sophisticated surveillance helped chase Escobar into hiding and a life on
the run. He surrendered to Colombian authorities in 1991 after negotiating a
deal that allowed him to live with his closest associates in a comfortable
"prison" built for him in his hometown of Envigado, near Medellin.

Escobar fled the prison on July 22, 1992, when Colombian authorities tried to
move him to a real prison. After he disappeared, Colombian President Cesar
Gaviria asked the United States to expand its assistance. Bush authorized the
clandestine deployment of Delta Force and other U.S. personnel, and the
multimillion-dollar effort continued during the Clinton administration until
Escobar's death.

Public statements by U.S. officials during the manhunt acknowledged that
American forces had helped train the Colombian Search Bloc. But American

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Re: powerfull groups /LTV, whats that? Who is or was Wallace,

2000-11-12 Thread Kris Millegan

--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], dawnstar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> LTV, whats that? Who is or was Wallace, and what did anyone do
> To Dawnstar,
Around 1971 Peter Dale Scott tried to publish information concerning
these individuals and was prevented from doing so.  Contact him for
the details. Ling Temco Vaught benefited financially from the war.
D.H. Byrd bought a very large position in LTV just prior to the
assasination.  Byrd started the Louisiana Civil Air Patrol where David
 Ferrie trained Lee Harvey Oswald and Barry Seal.  Malcolm Wallace
had no business being at the school book depository.  The only link
between him and Byrd is that he was an employee of Byrds good friend
and fellow Knight James Ling (a personal friend of my family when I
was a child.  On the day of the assasination the much maligned Oswald
was working for Byrd at the Texas School Book Depository Building
(Byrd property since the thirties).  An hour after the shooting Barry
Seal is flying David Ferrie out of Dallas from Redbird Airport.
Minutes into their flight they change their plan and head to Love
Field (home of Southwest Airlines)  While D.H. Byrd was from a wealthy
family and many of his friends and coinvestors in LTV were very
wealthy such as Troy Post,  I still consider these individuals to not
have been the prime motivators of the assasination.  J.F.K.s father
Joe was also a Knight of Malta. I think Jacks early Catechism lessons
stuck too well.  He knew what the CIA was all about.  He knew what the
war was all about and he knew what the Federal Reserve really was.  I
have a U.S. note which Jack had printed by the U.S. Congress.  He was
paying off the U.S. debt and was in the process of planning the demise
of the Federal Reserve.  He was in the process of investigating and
castrating the C.I.A. and he was getting us out of Vietnam.  He was in
a postion to know the ugly truth of the system and was actually going
to work for the betterment of us all.  He probably knew that he was a
marked man.  You asked who's doing something about it.  We live in a
fascist state with out a free press where whistleblowers go to prison,
where friends of Mr. Quig who fail to stop writing about the blond
ghost when told to, die quickly, where journalists like Danny
Cassolaro are killed for learning the wrong things and you want to
know who is doing something about it.  You know that no matter what
evidence any of us have we will never be discussing these things on
the nightly news.  You know that Texas will never have a real
investigation into the Murder of J.F.K.   I know for a fact that the
hearings in the 70's (house sub committee on political assainations)
had individuals on the committee who could not seem to hold onto
important evidence.  Eventually it became obvious that this was a
clean up crew responsible for finding evidence and then losing it.
Some of this evidence has been found again by Danial Hopsicker and by
a close friend of mine.  There appears nothing that we can do other
than to teach our friends and families and to avoid the traps set by
these forces.  It is the nature of man that these forces will always
be with us.  If they all died tomorrow they would be replaced in ten
years and the same sort of system would reappear.  James
> >
> > In a message dated 11/11/2000 8:36:31 PM Eastern Standard Time,
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> >
> > << A figer print of an L.T.V. employee (Malcolm
> >  Wallace) was found on a box used as the snipers nest on the sixth
> >  floor.  >>
> > Where does this come from? I've seen that there were unidentified
> > fingerprints found, but never that they'd been identified.
> > Where did you see this, please?
> > Thanks,
> > Peace,
> > Preston
> >

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[CTRL] Russia prepares for a Bush presidency

2000-11-12 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic

The Russia JournalNovember 11-17, 2000
Russia prepares for a Bush presidencyBy EKATERINA LARINAThe 
neck-and-neck and still-undecided U.S. presidential election may 
haveAmericans on edge and the rest of the world totally baffled, but 
politicaldiscussions in Russia during the week focused on the implications 
of aGeorge W. Bush presidency."A Bush victory would be positive for 
Russia," said Vyacheslav Nikonov, thepresident of Fond Politika. "For us, 
despite the Republicans' morethreatening rhetoric, things were always better 
with the Republicans thanwith the Democrats."Many others agreed, 
saying that Russia might have warmer personal feelingsfor Democratic 
contender and current Vice President Al Gore, but they thinkthat 
nonetheless, Bush could actually prove a better partner in gettingthings 
done around the world."Detente began when [Richard] Nixon was in power; 
the Cold War ended while[Ronald] Reagan was president; and START-2 was 
signed while George Bush Sr.was president," Nikonov said, referring to three 
other Republicanpresidents."But it was under [Harry] Truman that the 
Cold War began; the Cuban missilecrisis took place during [John F.] 
Kennedy's time; and the [Bill] Clintonpresidency saw an eight-year long 
worsening in Russian-American relations,"he added, naming off three 
Democratic leaders.Russian observers are unanimous in saying that a 
Republican administrationwould be less inclined than a Democratic one to 
meddle in Russia's domesticaffairs. The experts welcome even the fact that 
the Republicans would makemore demanding and pragmatic partners, saying that 
this would do more tohelp the Russians bring order to their affairs than the 
Democrats' abstractrhetoric."The harsher the demands on us, the 
quicker we'll understand that there isno easy road and that we have to work 
hard to hold on to our place underthe sun," said Fyodor Shelov-Kovedyayev, 
who was a first deputy foreignminister in the early 1990s. "There's an old 
German proverb that goes:'Sometimes, to take a step forward, all you need is 
a kick in the backside.'"Shelov-Kovedyayev has worked with both the 
Bush Sr. and Clintonadministrations. He said that the Republicans make a 
point of standing upfor issues they consider part of U.S. national 
interests, but at the sametime, they know how to respect the clearly 
motivated interests of theirpartners."If we have a clearly thought 
out and formulated national interest, whichwe can explain and justify, the 
Republicans will show respect for our pointof view," said Shelov-Kovedyayev. 
"With the Democrats, we would see a moreabstract approach, more humanitarian 
rhetoric and so on."Nikonov thought the Republicans could have more 
freedom than the Democratsin their relations with Russia. Firstly, because 
they wouldn't have to fearbeing accused of betraying national interests, and 
secondly, because thereare a number of moments that cast a shadow over 
Russia's cooperation withthe Democrats."The Republicans have a clear 
pro-American policy and are not afraid to beaccused of betraying national 
interests," he said. "At the same time,paradoxical as it may seem, it is the 
Democratic establishment that countsamong its ranks the greatest number of 
people from Eastern Europe, who havea whole range of prejudices. Most 
Republicans, meanwhile, are Anglo-Saxonsand don't feel any genetic complex 
toward Russia."Even Russia's Communists, who by definition are on the 
left of thepolitical spectrum, feel more sympathy for Bush Jr. and would 
rather see aRepublican administration in the United States, according to 
observers."The Republicans always followed a more balanced, conservative 
policy withregard to Russia, and unlike the Democrats, didn't try to meddle 
in ourdomestic affairs," said Andrei Andreyev, a spokesman for the State 
Duma'sCommunists. "As for the fact that the Republicans won't be lenient 
when itcomes to debts and loans, it's high time we learned to live according 
toour means."In his statements on the U.S. elections, President 
Vladimir Putin wascareful not to show outward sympathy for either one or 
other of thecandidates. Speaking to journalists in Rostov-on-Don, he said 
only that theUnited States "is one of our most important partners, and we 
have thereforeexamined carefully the programs of both candidates. [Both 
programs] speakclearly of developing relations with Russia, and this 
approach suits us."Other officials have also kept to a carefully neutral 
position."I can't add anything to what the president said," said 
Security Councilspokesman Vladimir Nikanorov. "We respect the choice of the 
American peopleand will work with the president they elect."Kremlin 
spokespeople repeated the official line that Russia can't andshouldn't 
comment on the choice of the American people. They also tookpleasure in 
repeating the joke that, facing the problem of having torecount votes in 
Florida, the Americans turned to Russian electoralofficials for help. The 

[CTRL] Fwd: Resume - Ed Gerck (http://www.mcg.org.br/eg.htm)

2000-11-12 Thread Kris Millegan


Edgardo Gerck, Dr. rer.nat., M. Sc., Electronic Engineer.

Ed Gerck has been at the forefront of developments in Internet security,
with five recent patents filed on Internet voting. He received his doctorate
in physics (Dr.rer.nat.) from the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet and the
Max-Planck-Institut fuer Quantenoptik in Munich, Germany, in 1983,
with maximum thesis grade (“sehr gut”). He has worked in cryptography
since 1987.  Dr. Gerck is the founder of the Meta-Certificate Group (MCG),
chief executive officer and vice-president of technology of Safevote, Inc.,
and chairman of the board of the Internet Voting Technology Alliance
(IVTA) of Washington, D.C.

Ed Gerck was appointed in 1999 to the NSI's RAB  -- Registry
Advisory Board of Network Solutions, Inc., Herndon, VA, US,
and currently serves in advisory capacities with several companies.

He has also developed methods for traceless laser erasing of conventional
signatures on paper and other media as a proof of lack of security for
conventional signatures, as well as methods for tamperproof laser
signature of documents and parts, with key-, date-and context-dependent
signatures. Documents with more than 400 pages have been laser signed,
all pages at once.

He has developed  a new laser stereolithographic thermal technique to
build accurate 3D models, a new low-cost tactile display for the
vision-impaired, a new air-gap monitoring device for large electric
rotating machines (patented, 50% with ASEA BROWN BOVERI), a new
method of high-precision laser cutting with position feedback called
geometric superpulse, new software and methods to create large (30
meters) and precise (1 mm) 3D structures by laser lamination, a new
method to measure profile depth by laser photo-thermolectric effect,
and other developments in the area of material processing, lasers and
precise control software.

His frequent cooperation work at various Internet fora, such as
e-carm, ssl-talk, ssl, cert-talk, dig-sig, sci.crypt, itanet, SEIS,
ssl-users, dig-cert, mcg-talk, trust-ref, seguranca, etc. has
resulted in leading Internet discussions on issues of security and
privacy in networks of networks.

He has done and coordinated the development of software since 1972, in
languages such as FORTRAN, ALGOL, BASIC, x86/x87 Assembler,
Pascal, C, C++, Java, Perl, PHP and others, for DOS, Windows and
Unix platforms.

He has authored more than one hundred technical papers, published in
international journals, seminar proceedings, research reports and
patents. He has also published hundreds of Internet reports, papers,
expositions and drafts, favoring the Internet as a research tool. One
of his Internet papers, "Overview of Certification Systems: X.509,CA,
PGP and SKIP" [http://www.thebell.net/papers/certover.pdf] was
downloaded more than 65,000 times in its first year and is a standard
reference on these subjects. His paper "Toward Real-World Models of
Trust: Reliance on Received Information"
has been cited in books, thesis and is a standard reference on the subject
trust -- from security systems and communication processes to social
relationships. Dr. Gerck's most recent papers on security are available
at the MCG site, at [http://www.mcg.org.br/papers.htm] and also at The
Bell [http://www.thebell.net], a newsletter on privacy and security
in Internet voting.

His current work is centered on the frontier aspects of cryptography,
information security and information theory for networks of networks
or internets.  In particular, he frequently makes the point that: (i) not
only the Internet itself but also traditional commerce, e-commerce,
management  structures,  etc. can all be recognized as internets and,
(ii) their use can be bridged by a common approach, which is an
abstract model for internet communication systems. "Coherence" emerges
as the basic property of such systems and leads to real-world based but
formal concepts of trust, information, meaning, identification,
authentication, non-repudiation, privacy, security, etc. – which are
used to define a communication theory for internets, valid for any
networks of networks.  In his "bottom-up" approach, security is not
an added-on property to information but itself part of the
communication model for internets. This goes beyond the current
technology used in X.509, PKIX, S/MIME, SSL and PGP to provide
information security to networks, which is based on the use of
authorization lists, encryption and digital signatures.  In fact,
Dr. Gerck believes that mistaking the Internet for a network is a
basic security flaw in such protocols but one which is unseen today –
though its effects pervade the Internet.

Dr. Gerck’s work in information security gained worldwide momentum
in 1997 when he began to use the Internet to publicly discuss his
"bottom-up" approach to the entire subject of PKI and Internet security,
already including some prototypes and 

[CTRL] Fwd: Safevote - News (http://www.google.com/search?q=cache:www.safevote.com/news.htm

2000-11-12 Thread Kris Millegan

This site has been removed, but is still available from Google:


This is Google's cache of http://www.safevote.com/news.htm.
Google's cache is the snapshot that we took of the page as we crawled the
The page may have changed since that time. Click here for the current page
without highlighting.

4. January 24, 2000

Safevote Discusses Security of Internet Voting with White House’s E-Commerce
WASHINGTON D.C. -- Representatives of Safevote, Inc. met last week with
President Bill Clinton’s E-Commerce Working Group, at the White House.

Safevote, Inc., of San Rafael, Calif., highlighted the differences between
e-commerce and the ability to vote over the Internet, while also announcing
its initiative to lead the industry sector to form an Internet voting
technology alliance, both as a call for furthering the discussion and for
peer review of current technologies used for Internet voting.

“The ability to vote over the Internet presents an entirely different set of
challenges than those presented by shopping or banking or even in proxy
voting on the Internet,” said Dr. Ed Gerck, vice president of technology for
Safevote. "People not familiar both with Internet technology and with public
elections might however believe that e-commerce solutions can be adapted to
Internet voting.  But that is far from true. Internet voting is dependent on
voter anonymity, secret transactions, correctness for all transactions, and
more.  For example, in credit card transactions fraud is compensated by
insurance. This situation is not acceptable in elections. Also, an auditor
must be able to reproduce the results while ensuring equally the anonymity
of the voter and the secrecy of the vote.”

The White House’s E-Commerce Working Group, overseen by Vice President Al
Gore, was formed to advise President Clinton on matters affecting
e-commerce, including Internet voting. In the United States, according to
interviews with election officials conducted by Safevote, a single vote
costs U.S. taxpayers between $1 and $7 -- in elections conducted primarily
with paper ballots. Some jurisdictions throughout the country are
considering a switch to electronic -- and ultimately, to Internet – systems.

“When you are talking about an election, fraud cannot be handled in terms of
statistical failure covered by insurance – we need a much higher level of
assurances and they need to be fail-safe,” commented Kurt Neumann, newly
appointed vice president of marketing for Safevote.

Safevote technology for Internet voting is considered to be at the leading
edge, employing multi-party decision systems. The technology provides a
comprehensive framework for Internet decision-making with applications for
voting, polling, public elections, bidding, consensus assessment and a
variety of solutions. Safevote, in San Rafael, California, can be reached at
+1-415-482-9300 or found on the Web at http://www.safevote.com

3. January 20, 2000

Brazilian Internet Voting Vendor Signs Contract
By Margret Johnston

IDG News Service, Washington Bureau

WASHINGTON (01/20/2000) - A Brazilian network security company with a
decade-long relationship with the country’s election authority has signed a
contract with the U.S. company Safevote Inc. that will give Brazilians their
first opportunity to cast ballots over the Internet in this year’s federal
election, the two companies said today.

Safevote, of San Rafael, California, will provide software tools and
protocols necessary to ensure that ballots cast over the Internet are
secure, anonymous and authenticated, Kurt Neumann, vice president of
marketing for Modulo Security Solutions, said after a symposium on the
future of Internet voting sponsored by the Brookings Institution.

In Brazil, where voting is mandatory, an estimated 90 million people are
expected to vote [electronically] in the November elections for the Senate
and the House of Representatives. That election will provide the first
opportunity for Brazilians to cast ballots over the Internet. Initially,
however, only about 200,000 absentee voters will be able to cast their
ballots over the Internet at designated voting stations.

“This will be at embassies, schools and other polling stations where there
will be a means of authenticating and monitoring the process,” Neumann said.
“You’ll have a lot of the same things you have with current system, the
difference is the votes will be transmitted over the Internet.”

Brazil this year will spend about US$200 million on expanding its electronic
voting system, including the purchase of 300,000 PCs, Neumann said. All the
machines are equipped with a network port, which will make it possible for
them to connect to the Internet in the future, he said. Though Internet
voting will be limited to absentee ballots this year, the technology Brazil

[CTRL] Europeans' Problem with Presidents: They're always Yanks

2000-11-12 Thread K

-Caveat Lector-

* * *
Good intentions will always be pleaded for every
assumption of authority.á It is hardly too
strong to say that the Constitution was made
to guard the people against the dangers
of good intentions.á There are men in all
ages who mean to govern well, but they mean
to govern.á They promise to be good masters,
but they mean to be masters. --Noah Webster

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/">ctrl

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[CTRL] Crime, the World's Biggest Free Enterprise

2000-11-12 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: http://www.globalpolicy.org/nations/corrupt/dereg.htm">
Nations and States
Crime, the World's Biggest Free Enterprise

By Jean De Maillard *

Le Monde Diplomatique

April 2000

By linking scarcity to price, the universal gospel of liberal thought teaches
that exploiting scarcity is the fountain of all wealth. It follows that the
foundation of any righteous economy is the market players' ability to get
hold of the scarce commodities that will make them rich. But what is scarce
in a world where the development of new technologies makes distance a thing
of the past and "niches" of scarcity in the tightest nooks and crannies
accessible for exploitation?

This new ability raises an important question: is it really right to produce
particular goods or services and trade in them? The free marketeers tend to
forget that, while the laws of the market do entail a degree of
self-regulation, this does not mean that society has no right, through its
elected representatives, to set the rules of the game and say what may be
traded and what may not. Without that, the only law that remains is the law
of the jungle where man is reduced to an object that can be turned into money
and marketed at will.

Sadly, the deregulation that is so much a feature of today's globalisation
has not learned any of this. Quite the reverse, it has opened up a new market
on a planetary scale, the depths of which have hardly yet been plumbed and
which people would rather not admit exists. It is in fact the dark side of
economic and financial globalisation, the constant reminder of a truth the
horrors of which people would prefer to conceal. It is the market in law,
exploited by crime. Since crime is a phenomenon inseparable from any human
community, every society, therefore, not only has the crimes it deserves, but
also those that resemble it and make it what it is. A global society claiming
to be built on the ruins of national laws without trying to rebuild social
standards on another level, changes the agora into a vast bazaar where even
governments rush to sell their regulations to the highest bidder.

The scarce thing is not, of course, crime, but what it exploits: the law,
which three developments have transformed into a market. First of all,
countries have opened their borders wider to criminal trades more than to any
other kind. Doubtless they had little choice, since the real pioneers of
globalisation, the 1960s drugs traffickers, obviously did not ask anyone's
permission before organising trade in the world's most expensive and
profitable commodity on a global scale.

But history is not without its irony, as the American authorities have found
to their cost. Worried about the revival of the heroin market in the early
1970s, which they blamed entirely on French chemists and traffickers, they
demanded that the government of the day root out the famous French
Connection, then based in Marseilles, which it did. But the only concrete
result of its elimination was to encourage secondary outbreaks all over the
world, as trafficking was taken over by the Sicilian and North American
mafias. The networks' centre of gravity then shifted to the United States,
that great trading nation and apologist of free trade. The rest we know.

What are we to learn from this? Crime has become one of the most flourishing
economic activities, run by professionals who have taken on board all the
rules of modern management. Capable of a flexibility unmatched in the formal
economy, they are able to exploit all the scarce resources offered by
economic, political and social instability anywhere in the world. They have
made it the substance of their activity and the source of their tremendous
profits. If we were asked for a brief definition of today's serious crime, it
is the ability to take advantage of the differentials produced by the
deficiencies in political, economic and social regulation anywhere in the
world and at any time.

An exodus of refugees fleeing a war-torn country is held to ransom by the
mafia-organised clandestine emigration networks. A country whose
underprivileged resort to the synthetic paradise of drugs for a few moments'
oblivion makes its thousands and millions of addicts easy prey for the
world's fortune hunters. What country is not so affected? A country where the
gap between rich and poor and social disparities are so great that the most
wretched have only their bodies to sell is swooped upon by networks of
traffickers doing a most profitable trade in human beings, be they women,
children, workers or sources of organs for transplant.

The list of social ills has become endless. Some societies are rich but have
their poor to exploit; others are poor, but have their rich to exploit them,
poverty having become the choice raw material with which to manufacture a
commodity made valuable by society's taboos. Because they are banned by laws
they are powerless to enforce.

The two other developments that ha

[CTRL] Crime, the world's biggest free enterprise - THICK AS THIEVES

2000-11-12 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: http://www.zmag.org/crimeandcapital.htm">Crime
Crime, the world's biggest free enterprise



April 2000 http://www.monde-diplomatique.fr/en/2000/04/05debrie

By allowing capital to flow unchecked from one end of the world to the other,
globalisation and abandon of sovereignty have together fostered the explosive
growth of an outlaw financial market. Indeed the engine of capitalist
expansion is now oiled by the profits of serious crime. From time to time
something is done to give the impression of waging war on the rapidly
expanding banking and tax havens. If governments really wanted to, they could
right this overnight. But though there are calls for zero tolerance of petty
crime and unemployment, nothing is being done about the big money crimes.


Financial crime is becoming less visible, periodically coming to light in one
country or another in the guise of scandals involving companies, banks,
political parties, leaders, cartels, mafias. This flood of illicit
transactions - offences under national law or international agreements - has
come to be portrayed just as accidental malfunctions of free market economics
and democracy that can be put right by something called "good governance".
But the reality is quite different. It is a coherent system closely linked to
the expansion of modern capitalism and based on an association of three
partners: governments, transnational corporations and mafias. Business is
business: financial crime is first and foremost a market, thriving and
structured, ruled by supply and demand.

Big business complicity and political laisser faire is the only way that
large-scale organized crime can launder and recycle the fabulous proceeds of
its activities. And the transnationals need the support of governments and
the neutrality of the regulatory authorities in order to consolidate their
positions, increase their profits, withstand or crush the competition, pull
off the "deal of the century" and finance their illicit operations.
Politicians are directly involved and their ability to intervene depends on
the backing and the funding that keep them in power. This collusion of
interests is an essential part of the world economy, the oil that keeps the
wheels of capitalism turning.

Three factors have combined to improve the workings of capitalism. The end of
the 1980s saw the complete liberalisation of capital movements, taking them
beyond national or international control. Then the revolution in
communications technology accelerated the expansion of financial
transactions. Finally, tax havens, that planetary archipelago of centres
specialising in the tolerance of financial crime, became more "reliable".

Revolution, said Mao Zedong, is not a dinner party. Neither is competition.
It has little to do with the tournaments of gallant knights celebrated by the
troubadours of the free market, where by the grace of God the best always
wins - the best product or the best service at the best price. As in feudal
combat, if you want to win the economic war, anything goes - and the dirtier
the better. The arsenal is well supplied with weapons: restrictive practices,
cartels, abuse of dominant position, dumping, forced sales, insider dealing
and speculation, takeovers and dismembering of competitors, fraudulent
balance sheets, rigging of accounts and transfer prices, the use of offshore
subsidiaries and shell companies to avoid and evade tax, embezzlement of
public funds, bogus contracts, corruption and backhanders, unjust enrichment
and abuse of corporate assets, surveillance and spying, blackmail and
betrayal, disregard for regulations on employment rights and trade union
freedoms, health and safety, social security, pollution and the environment
(1). Not to mention what goes on in the world's growing number of free zones,
including those in Europe and in France, where the ordinary rule of law does
not apply, especially in social, tax and financial matters (2).

Such goings on can be found in all major sectors and on all markets: arms,
oil, public works, civil aviation, air, rail and sea transport,
telecommunications, banking and insurance, chemicals and food, to name but a
few. They result in massive misappropriations of funds which disappear from
the transnationals' bona fide accounts only to resurface in some tax haven.
An incredible plunder, the full extent of which will never be known.

All this would be impossible without the power of the state and international
and regional organizations, especially their ability to keep restrictive
regulations to a minimum, to abolish or override such rules as do exist, to
paralyse inquiries and investigations or put them off indefinitely, and to
reduce or grant amnesty from any penalties. In exchange, they offer to "fund
democracy" by financing p

[CTRL] The Dead Should Be Allowed to Vote!

2000-11-12 Thread [to:] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 11/12/2000 10:49:00 AM Central Standard Time,

 Police find locked ballot box at Miami hotel.
"At the moment we don't know exactly what's in the box," the officer said.
 It was not clear how the box arrived at the hotel..."

Perhaps it is because our national elections are held
so close to Halloween and all of the "spirits" have not
realized the party is overbut it is a well-known
phenomenon that many dead people somehow rise
from their graves and vote in our elections.

Turns out that many of the people whom Jesse Jackson
is saying were "disenfranchised because of their race"
were black people trying to use the names and registrations
of deceased white people. Some of these were turned away
by workers at the polls who noticed the fraud.

Well..any time now, I'm expecting the Gore camp to
come up with the following argument:
  "If the dead can win an election, why can't the dead vote?"

After all, in the state of Missouri a dead man won a seat
in the Senate in a race coinciding with the presidential election.
If a dead former Governor (Mel Carnahan) can win an election,
it seems only fair that the dead should be allowed to vote.

 Regards to All

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/">ctrl

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[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Florida, Election Fraud and Drug Money

2000-11-12 Thread Kris Millegan

"Our Vote is that Next Tuesday, the US 'Electoral College' Declares 
One Party a Winner, and the Popular Vote Declares Another: Neither of 
Those Guys Deserve the Legitimacy of Both"

  -- The Narco News Bulletin
 November 4, 2000

Dear Colleagues,

Starting with Mike Ruppert's superb story on "The Importance
of Drug Money to the Campaign of Al Gore"...


...it now touches upon us to further document the
role of drug money specifically in the state of Florida
in this election.

I am convinced this recount business will drag on for
weeks. It will continue until one candidate or the other
publicly concedes.

We are now investigating any and all narco-money connections
to the Florida campaign.

Election Fraud, in the Dominican Republic, in Mexico,
in Colombia and elsewhere has always been exported from
the US and its embassies.

The current situation is unique because all eyes are
upon the State of Florida, a state swimming in narco-money,
where 99 percent of the dollar bills have traces of
cocaine, a state that has far more money circulating
than can possibly be documented from legal transactions,
and the state that is the economic bridge to Latin America,
through all the exiled oligarchies now in the Miami
area (Cuban, Colombian, Venezuelan, etc.); the most 
corrupt and right-wing elements of the Southern
part of the hemisphere.

Where is Mannatt this week? Coelho? His daughter?
The Texan narco-lawyers of Bush? My guess is that
plenty of them are already in Florida pushing and
pulling the vote count. We are looking to document
their locations.

Furthermore, there have been blatant election frauds
in Florida, both in the Cuban exile community and in
the 1986 gubernatorial election.

We are building a dossier in the hopes of springing
a "November Surprise" before the dust settles.

Please send any and all links, leads and thoughts.

And feel free to take off and run with any part
of this yourselves. Time is too short to hoard

A big part of Election Fraud is illegal money:
millions in cash that are distributed on the
streets, especially in urban areas, to "get out
the vote." Any leads regarding this year's

>From somewhere in a country called América,

Al Giordano
The Narco News Bulletin

-- eGroups Sponsor -~-~>
eGroups eLerts
It's Easy. It's Fun. Best of All, it's Free!

[CTRL] Any week now we'll have a new president

2000-11-12 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-


Click Here: http://www.dailytelegraph.co.uk:80/dt?ac=002830376029449&rtmo=lnFnQAot&a

tmo=22NL&pg=/00/11/12/do02.html">The Sunday Telegraph - Opinion

Any week now we'll have a new president

By Mark Steyn

 News: Now Bush calls in the Lawyers to end US farce

W ELCOME back to Campaign 2000 Election Update: America's Day Of Decision -
Day Six. Florida's having a recount of the recount. New Mexico's slipped back
into the "too close to call" column.

In Wisconsin and Iowa, the results may be challenged in court. As for Maine,
like every other state in the most technologically sophisticated society on
earth, it runs its elections like a Ladies' Aid Society rummage sale presided
over by three arthritic grannies, but at least they've managed not to
misplace the bits of paper, and they have a result: on Tuesday, voters in the
Pine Tree State rejected a ballot initiative to legalise assisted suicide -
which is bad news only because, in the event of Al Gore becoming President,
I'd been planning to drive over and avail myself of the procedure.

Meanwhile, this unprecedented constitutional crisis is beginning to look a
lot like the last unprecedented constitutional crisis. Greg Craig is back on
TV. He first showed up as the acceptable face of Bill Clinton's impeachment
team, convincingly making the case that the President was telling the truth
when he denied that he'd told the truth about whether he'd lied, and to
suggest that he lied when he lied to the grand jury about lying in the civil
deposition was quite simply untrue. After this triumph, he then turned up
representing L'il Elian Gonzalez's dad. There are 193 million lawyers in
America, but Greg gets all the good gigs. Now he's in Florida, fronting for
all those simpletons too dim to fill in a straightforward ballot but
apparently shrewd enough to keep his business card handy. No doubt they would
have called him earlier but they were bewildered by the confusing amount of
numbers on the telephone. Might be a class action suit there, too.

How determined is Al Gore in this one last all-or-nothing grab? Very. On
Thursday, campaign chairman Bill Daley made one of the most extraordinary
statements in American political history: "If the will of the people is to
prevail," he declared, "Al Gore should be awarded a victory in Florida and be
our next President." Dissatisfied with the original count, and now apparently
with the first recount, Daley - like Slobo or Ferdinand Marcos - is demanding
that they keep counting till they get a result he'll accept. Anything else
will be a travesty of a farrago. Outside in the streets, Jesse Jackson -
pardon me, "the Reverend Jesse Jackson", as he's always styled on TV, though
what with street demos and CNN appearances, he doesn't seem to have much time
for ministering these days, except for his occasional sessions as "spiritual
adviser" to Hillary and Chelsea Clinton - anyway, out in the streets, the Rev
Jesse is leading the protesters in his latest rhyme: at the Democratic
Convention, it was "More with Gore", which even the loyalest delegates seemed
to think was a bit feeble; down in Palm Beach County, he's subtly reversed
his jingle to "Gore got more" - as in votes.

The Democrat's former Secretary of State, Warren Christopher, whose somnolent
mien is assumed to be a sign of non-partisan elder statesmanship, is
complaining of "voting irregularities". Not "fraud" or "malfeasance", which
are legal concepts, but "irregularities", a sly term intentionally chosen for
its elasticity. So far the only evidence of "irregularities" that the Gore
team has offered is that some of their voters aren't up to voting - an
inevitable by-product, one would have thought, of Democratic identity-group
politics, where you round up your various clients and bus them to the polls
en masse, only to find that more than a few are incapable of remembering
their instructions. The Gore position is that the election must be decided by
letting a few hundred morons vote and re-vote and re-re-vote until they
manage to punch the right hole. Republicans may be "the stupid party" but at
least the average conservative gun-nut can put a nice clean shot through the
correct hole on his ballot from 200 yards.

Nonetheless, an "Emergency Committee of Concerned Citizens 2000" has now been
formed to take to the barricades, or at any rate to the telephone-sales
department of The New York Times. In Friday's Times, their full-page ad
declares: "There is good reason to believe that Vice-President Gore has been
elected President by a clear constitutional majority of the popular vote and
the Electoral College." Underneath the call for a re-vote in Palm Beach
County are such distinguished names as Gloria Steinem, Robert DeNiro and
Bianca Jagger, as well as Harold Evans, a British newspaper editor whom older
readers may dimly recall from 

[CTRL] Unlikely Alliance Helped Build Economic Boom

2000-11-12 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-


Click Here: http://washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A52899-2000Nov9.html">
Unlikely Alliance Helped Build Economic Boom (w…

Unlikely Alliance Helped Build Economic Boom

Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan speaks as President Clinton looks on. (AP)

Printer-Friendly Version

By Bob Woodward

Sunday, November 12, 2000; Page W08

Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan jumped at the invitation to visit the
man who would be the next president. Arkansas Gov. Bill Clinton had just won
the election in November 1992, and he wanted to reach out to the powerful Fed
chairman. So a month after the election Greenspan was asked to come to Little

Greenspan, 66, had been chairman of the Fed for five years. A lifelong
Republican, he had first been appointed by President Reagan in 1987.
President Bush had reappointed him in 1991, even though Greenspan had had a
very uneasy and contentious relationship with Bush's economic advisers. The
chairman was determined to establish a good relationship with the new
president, though Clinton was a Democrat.

With a somewhat severe face, bespectacled, a bit hunched, narrow-eyed and
pensive, Greenspan radiated gloom. He spoke in a gravelly monotone, often
cloaking his thoughts in indirect constructions reflecting the economist's
"on the one hand, on the other hand." It was almost as if his words were
scouting parties, sent out less to convey than to probe and explore.

On December 3, Greenspan took a commercial flight to Little Rock to meet with
Clinton. As they talked alone in the governor's mansion, Greenspan found
himself quite taken with the new young leader. Clinton was totally focused,
as if he had no other care in the world and unlimited time. They ranged over
topics from foreign policy to education, and Greenspan saw that Clinton's
reputation as a policy junkie was richly deserved. The president-elect seemed
not only engaged but engrossed.

Greenspan saw an opening to give an economics lesson. The short-term interest
rates that the Fed controlled were at 3 percent, as low as they could
practically go in these economic conditions, he said. But the Fed could keep
them there.

The 10-year and longer rates were an unusual 3 to 4 percentage points higher
than the short-term rate, at about 7 percent. The gap between the short-term
rate and the long-term rate, Greenspan lectured, was an inflation premium
being paid for one simple reason: The lenders of long-term money expected the
federal deficit to continue to grow and explode. They had good reason, given
the double-digit inflation of the late 1970s and the expanding budget
deficits under Reagan. They demanded the premium because of the expectation
of new inflation. The dollars they had invested would, in the future, be
worth less and less.

Perhaps no single overall economic event could do more to help the economy,
businesses and society as a whole than a drop in long-term interest rates,
Greenspan said. The Fed didn't control them — the market did. But credible
action to reduce the federal deficit would force long-term interest rates to
drop, as the markets slowly moved away from the expectation of inflation, and
could trigger a series of payoffs for the economy.

Clinton was so sincere and attentive that Greenspan continued. He outlined a
blueprint for economic recovery. Lower long-term rates would galvanize demand
for new mortgages, refinancing at more favorable rates and more consumer
loans. This would in turn result in increased consumer spending, which would
expand the economy.

As long-term rates dropped, investors would get less return on bonds and move
into the stock market instead. The market would climb — an additional payoff.
The federal deficit was so high and cumulatively unstable, Greenspan said,
that increased government spending to increase jobs — in accordance with the
traditional Keynesian model — no longer worked. The economic growth from
deficit reduction could actually increase employment — a critical third

Greenspan noted that the economy was rebounding from the brief recession of
1990-91, but there was no telling if it would last. As had happened in the
past, the recovering economy could fall on its face. Getting the long rates
down and keeping them down with a strong deficit-reduction program could
sustain and increase economic growth even more than the conservative
estimates that were circulating in the government or privately.

This conversation continued for 2 1/2 hours. Greenspan had not intended to
stay for lunch, but he did. From the beginning he sensed that Clinton was
different from the four Republican presidents Greenspan had seen up close —
Nixon, Ford, Reagan and Bush. The chairman left the meeting thinking, Either
this guy has a lot of the same views as I do, or he is the cleverest
chameleon I have ever run into.

On the five-hour trip back to Washington, Greenspan tried to assess 

[CTRL] The geek shall inherit the earth

2000-11-12 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: http://www.smh.com.au/news/0011/11/spectrum/spectrum2.html">The geek
shall inherit the earth- s…


The geek shall inherit the earth

Today's nerd or slacker has a mysterious way of turning into tomorrow's Bill
Gates ensconsed in a $100 million house on Puget Sound. Guy Rundle envisions
the new technocracy.
Going on the fairly dependable rule that next year we will be reading what
California read last year, the volume that all aspiring avatars of the new
economy should get their hands on is, of course, Thorstein Veblen's The
Engineers and the Price System. Don't be surprised if you can't find it aside
from a small "sociological classics" reissue in the '80s, it has been out of
print since the first decades of the 20th century, and is now circulating as
cybersamizdat scanned-in copy zapped from one hand-held computer to another
as an e-book.
Which is sort of appropriate, given that the principal thesis of the work is
that power in society will inevitably and totally flow to those who make the
things on which it runs. That the work is archaic, simplistic, plain wrong
and graced with more than a hint of totalitarianism has been no barrier to
the epidemic spread of its key meme that engineers, software or otherwise,
shall inherit the earth. No wonder dot-com CEOs are lapping it up with the
enthusiasm of Jesus Christ reading a biography of John the Baptist.
Until this unlikely revival of such an archaic tome the title alone is
redolent of the concerns of the pre-World War I era, with its unstinting
belief in the onward march of progress towards rationality Veblen's
reputation rested almost entirely on his 1899 classic The Theory of the
Leisure Class and its introduction of the concept of "conspicuous
consumption" to thinking about contemporary life.
Veblen was one of the first people to take the methods of anthropology that
had been developed to study traditional societies and turn them on everyday
life and values in contemporary society, and his assessment of the world of
his time is scathing in the now-traditional manner. The success of the labour
movement in raising wages and the falling costs of mass-produced consumption
goods throughout the latter half of the 19th century made it possible for a
significant number of people to spend money on non-necessary items for the
first time in history. Knick-knacks, gewgaws, deluxe goods, doodads
prosperity brought with it the creation of entire industries devoted to the
manufacture of what we now call kitsch.
It also promoted an equally vigorous cultural industry devoted to the
denunciation of such, with artists, craftworkers, radicals and conservatives
weighing in with assaults on the decadent, overloaded, sentimentalist nature
of the furnishings, art and fashion. William Morris was so horrified by the
dripping rococo and gilt excess of the products on display at London's 1851
Great Exhibition that he went off and founded the arts and crafts movement,
and Ruskin, Pugin and countless others joined the fray on his side. By the
1880s it was taken as read that an artist of any calibre would be on the side
of the angels promoting plain design and the virtues of craft and disdain for
the products of industrial civilisation.
It was Veblen's stroke of genius to recognise that the much-despised mass
consumption was not conducted for the pleasure of the objects themselves, but
purely to maintain status with other people who were consuming them.
That is not to say that consumer objects had no content. The archetypal
plaster ducks flying up the wall are a visual pun about perspective, but they
are also about domesticity, reassuring people that they are indoors. Others
have specific cultural roots the Cadillac could come only from America, the
Tamagotchi from Japan. But as these objects accumulate, they lose their
particular meaning, and people become caught in a cycle of consumption that
occurs only because everyone else is consuming, with a consequent rise in
dissatisfaction, until the latter emotion becomes dominant. Advertisers must
then resort to ever more powerful illusion to encourage people to believe
that the one product the palliative for one's jaded enthusiasms is just
around the corner.
Our world of Nike and Prozac is one that Veblen would have recognised
immediately. Getting off the merry-go-round, Veblen believed, would require a
return to the values of what he called "workmanship" a reorientation to the
values of production and activity rather than consumption.
That's where the engineers come in. As the world became steadily more reliant
on machines, Veblen believed that the makers of such would eventually come to
a sort of class consciousness about the social power they held. The big
capitalists would eventually have no choice but to turn over control of the
world to them because they would be the only ones who knew how it worked. The
advent of such a technocracy would then usher in a revolution in val

[CTRL] Police find locked ballot box at Miami hotel

2000-11-12 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: http://uk.news.yahoo.com/00/80/aovym.html">Police
find locked ballot box at Miami hotel

Saturday November 11, 6:49 PM
 Yahoo! News·

Police find locked ballot box at Miami hotel

Click to enlarge photo
MIAMI (Reuters) - Miami police on Friday found a locked ballot box from the
disputed Florida election at a downtown hotel, a police officer said on
Police Lt. Diego Ochoa was speaking at a town hall meeting called by the
National Association for the Advancement of Coloured People (NAACP) to hear
testimony of alleged irregularities in the election.
Florida's 25 electoral votes hold the key to Tuesday's election as neither
candidate can reach the 270 votes required to win the keys to the White House
without them. A recount was ordered when the state race became too close to
Ochoa, a 26-year veteran of the police department, said he came forward with
the consent of his commanding officer and arrangements were now under way for
election officials to pick up the box.
The ballot box was labelled "Number 541." It was locked and was sealed by
police with evidence paper.
"At the moment we don't know exactly what's in the box," the officer said. He
said: "We called the election departments yesterday (Friday/Veteran's Day) to
tell them. As it was a holiday no one answered. That's what I understand."
It was not clear how the box arrived at the hotel and Ochoa did not say if
there would be a criminal investigation. There were no further details. Email
this story to a friend

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Roads End

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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2000-11-12 Thread K

-Caveat Lector-


Rumor Mill News Read Only Forum
Date: Thursday, 9 November 2000, 1:10 p.m.
Several days ago, an RMNews Source contacted us and reminded
us that Representative Tom Campbell once called President
Clinton incapacitated and suggested he be removed using the 25th
Representative Campbell called the President Crazy. At this
precarious moment in our history, we need to reflect on what Tom
Campbell and others have said about President Bill Clinton. If the
men who have hurled these charges are correct, what could
President Clinton be capable of doing if Vice President Gore
refuses to concede the election?
Would President Clinton refuse to step down? Would he start
some kind of crisis which would allow him to invoke martial law,
revoke the Constitution and stay President for life?
The following is the first of several articles in which well known
Clinton aides have alluded to his mental problems.
Representative Tom Campbell (R) from San Jose, CA resigned his
seat in the House of Representatives and declared his candidacy
for Senate. His rival was Senator Diane Feinstein, the most popular
Senator California has ever known.
Why would a Congressman resign his seat in Congress to run for a
seat he knew he could never win?
An RMNews Source told Rumor Mill News that Representative
Campbell was being punished by both the Republicans and
The Democrats are punishing him for insinuating that President
Clinton is mentally incapacitated and should be removed using the
25th Amendment.
Here is the story that Rumor Mill News published at the time Tom
Campbell called the President incapacitated. To set the time frame
-- this took place the day the House voted to impeach the
President. The RMNews Source said he would find the
Congressional Record from that day and sent it. Hopefully it will
arrive today.
Tom Campbell Calls Clinton Incapacitated
and Wants Him Removed From Office
Is Campbell Talking About the 25th Amendment?
RMNews 12-19-98 This morning Speaker of the House designate,
Bob Livingston stunned the nation by unexpectedly announcing his
resignation on the floor of the House. While the nation was still
reeling from Livingston’s resignation, Representative Tom
Campbell, (R) from San Jose California, called President Clinton
"incapacitated". He said that the President has demonstrated his
incapacitation through countless examples of not being able to
understand what he has done. In other words, he cannot admit to
himself that he lied. Campbell said that there are laws in place
since 1968, which would allow Congress to remove a President
who has been deemed incapacitated.
Tom Campbell called for President Clinton to be removed due to
This sounds very much like the 25th Amendment. Was
Representative Campbell calling for the removal of President
Clinton due to mental incapacitation? Does Representative
Campbell believe President Clinton is too emotionally unstable to
be President? Is he asking Congress to remove President Clinton
by using the 25th Amendment to the Constitution?
In case you don’t know what the 25th Amendment says, here it is:
Article XXV
(Ratified February 10, 1967)
Section 1. In case of the removal of the President from efficacy or
his death or resignation, the vice President shall become President.
Sec. 2 Whenever there is a vacancy in the office of the vice
President, the President shall nominate a Vice President who shall
take office upon confirmation by a majority vote of both Houses of
Sec 3. Whenever the President transmits to the President pro
tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of
Representatives his written declaration that he is unable to
discharge the powers and duties shall be discharged by the vice
President as Acting President.
Sec 4. Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the
principal officers of the executive departments or of such other
body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President
pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of
Representatives their written declaration that the President is
unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice
President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the
office as Acting President.
Thereafter, when the President transmits to the President pro
tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of
Representatives his written declaration that no inability exists, he
shall resume the power and duties of his office unless, the Vice
President and a majority of either the principal officers of the
executive department or of such other bodies as Congress may by
law provide, transmit within four days to the President pro tempore
of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives
their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge
the powers and duties of h

[CTRL] OEN 11/12/00

2000-11-12 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: http://www.aci.net/kalliste/">The Home Page of J. Orlin

The View from Abroad

Chinese Press Scoffs at US Prez Election

If the dead can win an election, why can't the dead vote?

BEIJING, Nov 11, 2000 -- (Agence France Presse) China's state-run English
language newspaper scoffed at the U.S. electoral system, taking potshots at
U.S. democracy in a commentary Saturday.

"It is clear that the U.S. electoral system is not as fair and as perfect as
the country boasts," the China Daily said in the signed commentary titled
"Loopholes in U.S. electoral system."

The Chinese government and Chinese-language state media have refrained from
commenting on the still-undecided November 7 presidential election between
Republican candidate George W. Bush and Democrat Al Gore.

As a recount was underway in the state of Florida where the vote was too
close to call and allegations of election irregularities and threats of
lawsuits swirled, the China Daily pointed out "flaws" in the U.S. electoral

"The public's distrust of the system did not die down as the election
proceeded, but heated up," it said.

The commentary noted a lawsuit filed in Palm Beach County, Florida, by
residents who complained local ballots were "deceptive, misleading and

"Reports suggests that because of flaws in the ballot's design, people were
confused about where to put their mark," the commentary said. "It seems this
is an election smeared by stories of fraud and vote-rigging."

Thousands of Florida voters have complained about a confusing ballot paper in
the state, which they said led them to vote for the wrong person.

The commentary also pointed out the odd case in the state of Missouri where a
dead man won a seat in the Senate in a race coinciding with the presidential

Former Governor Mel Carnahan died in a plane crash on October 16 -- too late
for his name to be taken off the ballot. Unofficial results showed him
narrowly defeating incumbent Senator John Ashcroft.

Carnahan's widow, Jean Carnahan, had said earlier she would accept the post
if her late husband, a Democrat, were to win and she were appointed.

"The fact that a dead man can win a Senate seat throws the U.S. electoral
system into question," the China Daily said.

Beijing has strongly resented U.S. criticisms of the lack of democracy in
China, treating it as arrogant preaching.

The commentary is signed by a writer identified as Jin Zeqing, but his title
and background were not given.

No full result on the U.S. presidency is likely before November 17 -- when
all the absentee ballots in Florida will be counted. ((c) 2000 Agence France

Inside China Today, November 11, 2000

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] "You will have to kill all of us..."

2000-11-12 Thread K

-Caveat Lector-


"You will have to kill all of us..."
Posted By: Esclarmonde
Date: Thursday, 9 November 2000, 11:45 a.m.
In Response To: FEMA on the Brink (Esclarmonde)
A Nation Divided
(And a message to the Enemy Camp)
By J.J. Johnson - Posted: 11.08.00
If you're wondering what that upset feeling is in your stomach,
you're not alone. In my opinion, this is the calm before the storm.
Let November 7, 2000 be a red–letter day, and a black mark on
American history. The only winner of this election will be the truth;
the truth that this nation is more polarized and divided than it has
ever been. In other countries, it's at this point that the shooting
starts and the blood begins to flow in the streets. Perhaps that
explains that upset feeling in your stomach today.
This is not to be interpreted to indicate that we advocate such
actions, but if what I fear lies ahead, it's best that someone steps
forward and explains to our posterity how and why we got to this
crossroad in America. Regardless of the final result, America's
choice will remain deadlocked. There will be no negotiating, as
there is too much at stake. The party who is on the verge of losing
all power in Washington DC has a track record of ill behavior in vote
counting. There has also been a pattern for at least the last decade
of violent death and destruction that takes place when their
authority is threatened.
For what it's worth, the so-called "exit poll data" is telling the world
who is on which side in this conflict. Rural vs Urban, Young vs Old,
Black vs White, Gentile vs non-gentile, etc.
To put it simply: It's us against them.
No one wants to admit it, no one wants to say it, but that's the way
it is. According to the AP there was "... the results of the U.S.
presidential race was a lesson in democracy's messy glory - or
proof that the political system in the world's most powerful nation
might just be in need of an overhaul."
Well, to the rest of the world, the Associated Press may be right
about that "overhaul." The last major overhaul of this type cost us
about 600,000 lives back in the 19th century with primitive
weaponry. The states where many people's ancestors fought and
died for their beliefs in the Constitution led the battle of November
7, 2000 at the ballot box – showing that no matter what happens,
or what you hear on CNN, that battle is not over. In fact, the next
phase of this battle has just begun.
My prediction: This is GOING to get ugly.
Let us now candidly state these facts to the world:
We represent the side that has become the victim of "political
correctness." We are those who have been called names for
simply being who we are. We have been demonized for believing
that this nation, and the way it governs, is based on certain
principles. We are the ones who pay (by force) the majority of the
taxes in this country. We are the ones who have placed the
majority of our sons and daughters in harm's way in service of our
nation. We have been all but banned from the major media, but
they now know we exist. We watched as our basic freedoms were
being stolen from us. We fought back. We fought hard. According
to the rules that govern us, we believe we have made a major
statement to the world via the ballot box.
We have been under assault. We risk losing our right of free
expression, our right to own property, our rights of self-defense and
preservation, our right to be governed from our states rather than a
federal bureaucracy, and soon, if we do not prevail, our right to
adequate representation in our own government.
Even our history and that of our ancestors is under attack. The
democratic choice that has been made threatens to end (or at
least halt) this downward slide. Our adversaries are on the verge of
losing all the power they've held over us for the last 40 years. At
this time it appears that our adversaries, like tyrants of the past,
simply won't accept defeat and are preparing to take steps to take
this fight to the next level.
We are truly a Nation Divided.
Citizens of the world, if our side loses this battle, many of us may
not live to see what the outcome will be. We can safely predict that
your nations will soon share the same attitude about this nation
that many share today – that it is run by a tyrant, or a beast. You
will witness the military and economic power of this nation used
against you at the will of a few, not the will of the people. You will
be disarmed, disenfranchised, and taught to hate one another. You
will be forced to believe that the U.S. Government, and not our
Creator, is your caretaker and will demand complete control over
your lives. We will be vanquished.
It is for this reason, that we cannot – we shall not surrender. We
represent a people who believe in a Power Greater than Ourselves.
Today, we live with an unsettling fear. Not a fear of what our
adversaries will do, but fear of what we may h

Re: [CTRL] Just a little reminder about American " democracy."

2000-11-12 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

flw wrote:
> -Caveat Lector-
> >No matter which Big Business flunky wins the election, 75% of
> >the rest of the country's eligible voters doesn't want him.
>   >  51% didn't vote because they didn't want either one of these
> >candidates ( among other reasons ). 25% voted for Bush or Gore,
> >one of whom will lose.
>   >  Total = 75% of Americans don't want the next President.
>   >  I dare anybody to call this democracy.
> >Joshua2
>   One should not dare to call this a democracy since it is not a democracy.

You got that right.

>   It is supposed to be a Constitutional Republic.

No. It's supposed to be a Plutocratic Oligarchy. Which is exactly what it is.

> It was intentionally not
>   a democracy because the Founders were well aware that a "democracy"
>   is merely a tyranny of the majority over the minority.

What a bunch of crap. It was intentionally not a democracy because the
Founding Finaglers knew that democracy meant the weakening of their oligarchy.

They designed a system by and for the rich, which is inefficient at changing
the status quo of the Plutocracy. More than inefficient.

Democracy is the only way to control your elites non violently.

Only a fool would prefer the current tyranny of the rich, over the POSSIBLE
tyranny of the majority. A fool.


> flw
> http://www.ctrl.org/">www.ctrl.org
> ==
> CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
> screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
> sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
> directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
> major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
> That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
> always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
> credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] The REAL conspiracy behind the election farce

2000-11-12 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

tenebroust wrote:
> -Caveat Lector-
> It is my considered opinion that this election is being manipulated and engineered 
>for various reasons BUT that chief among them are these:
> 1) To get people to think that there votes are important and that THEY decide who is 
>elected to office.

This is ALWAYS true.

> 2) End apathy at the polls so that MORE people will vote, creating larger numbers 
>which are more easily manipulated.

I disagree here. Large nubers are harder to manipulate. But the main reason
I disagree is because nobody at the top really wants large turnouts, especially
Republicans. There are MANY more Democrats in the USA than there are Republicans.
When there is a large turn out it favors the Democrats.

> 3) Get people to go for direct computer voting and "instant" tabulation to "avoid" 
>error and end deadlocks and confusion.



> Mark my words if this doesn't start to come out in the weeks ahead more and more.
> "Welcome to the desert of the real."  Morpheus, in The Matrix
> "My God it's full of stars!"  Dave Bowman, in 2001: A Space
> Odyssey
> ___
> Free Unlimited Internet Access! Try it now!
> http://www.zdnet.com/downloads/altavista/index.html
> ___
> http://www.ctrl.org/">www.ctrl.org
> ==
> CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
> screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
> sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
> directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
> major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
> That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
> always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
> credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
> Archives Available at:
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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

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[CTRL] Fwd: Konformist: KN4M 11-12-2000

2000-11-12 Thread Kris Millegan

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It's Easy. It's Fun. Best of All, it's Free!

Please send as far and wide as possible.


Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist


Efforts To Blame Arab Boy's Death On Palestinians
Backfires Against Israel
By Suzanne Goldenberg in Jerusalem

Six weeks after Israel admitted that its soldiers
"probably" unleashed the rain of bullets that killed a
Palestinian boy cowering in his father's arms, a new
army attempt to avoid the blame backfired yesterday.

A bizarre propaganda campaign sought to erase the most
horrifying image of the intifada, that of Mohammed
al-Durreh, a 12-year-old boy, first terrified and then
dying in 40 minutes of Israeli gunfire.

On October 23 the army's Gaza commander, Yom Tov
Samia, supervised a re-enactment of the boy's death on
September 29 outside the Israeli army command post at
Netzarim junction. The aim was to pin the death on
Palestinian gunmen.

The event was organised by a maverick inventor, known
to Israelis for his conspiracy theories about the 1995
assassination of their prime minister, Yitzhak Rabin.
It involved the reconstruction of the bullet-scarred
wall and concrete water butt where Mohammed and his
father vainly sought shelter, later bulldozed by the
army as a "security measure".

But the attempt backfired. An embarrassed chief of
staff, Lieutenant-General Shaul Mofaz, disowned the
investigation, the newspaper Ha'aretz reported

Ophir Pines-Paz, an Israeli MP, said: "One gets the
impression that instead of genuinely confronting this
incident, the Israeli defence force has chosen to
stage a fictitious re-enactment and cover up the
incident by means of an inquiry with foregone
conclusions and the sole purpose of which is to clear
the IDF."

Today the Palestinian leader, Yasser Arafat, goes to
Washington to urge President Clinton to support an
international protection force for the West Bank and
Gaza, and to stop Israel from turning its tanks and
combat helicopters on his people.

The Israeli prime minister, Ehud Barak, will oppose
such a force when he meets Mr Clinton on Sunday. He is
expected to claim that the Palestinians have failed to
rein in protesters.

Israel's propaganda campaign follows international
demands that its soldiers be charged with war crimes
against the Palestinians, about 175 of whom have been
killed during recent weeks. Of these, more than 20
were less than 15 years old.

However, the Palestinian Authority said yesterday it
opposed a visit to the West Bank and Gaza by the UN
human rights chief, Mary Robinson, because she also
planned to meet Israeli rightwing leaders.

Two more Palestinian teenagers were shot dead by
Israeli soldiers in Gaza yesterday, when the army used
tanks and live ammunition against protesters at the
Karni border crossing. Their deaths follow the killing
of a female Israeli customs officer near the Rafah
border crossing with Egypt - the first attack claimed
by the Fatah Uprising, a rogue group from Mr Arafat's
political faction.

With the violence unabated, Israel's military remains
shaken by the attention given to Mohammed al-Durreh's

"Often a popular demonstration becomes a firefight.
This is how the Palestinians obtained the death of the
child Mohammed al-Durreh who became the symbol of this
intifada," said a senior Israeli intelligence
official. He added: "The Palestinian Authority is
exploiting his death in an almost sickening fashion."


TARGET Sweatshops Dec. 9: A Call to Action!
Sat, 11 Nov 2000

(Target, Mervyns, Daytons, Hudsons, Marshall Fields)


Protest during the Holiday Season of Conscience
Saturday, December 9th, 11am--1pm
Target in Pasadena, 777 E. Colorado Blvd. (1 block west of Lake St.,
off the 210)

The Target Corporation is profiting off the sweatshop labor of garment
workers worldwide.  In Nicaragua, Targets response to workers demands
the Chentex factory, including an 8-cent raise, was to pull
production out
of the factory.  Target has cut and run!  In Saipan, a Northern U.S.
territory, Target has yet to settle a lawsuit brought against them for
worker abuses and unpaid wages.

Stand in solidarity with Nicaraguan and Saipan workers!
Demand an end to:
- Corporations that cut and run and ignore workers demands
- Wages as low as 30 cents an hour
- 12 hour days, often six to seven days a week
- Union busting at Chentex
- Recruitment fees and contracts denying the right to organize, quit,
marry in Saipan

For more info contact:
Nicole Drake, Oxy United Students Against Sweatshops, 323/341-5847
Pam Brubaker, Mobilization for the Human Family, 805/371-9318
Marissa Nuncio, Sweatshop Watch, 213.977-7500 x2

[CTRL] Fwd: Konformist: Votescam 11-12-2000

2000-11-12 Thread Kris Millegan

-- eGroups Sponsor -~-~>
eGroups eLerts
It's Easy. It's Fun. Best of All, it's Free!

Please send as far and wide as possible.


Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

Sat, 11 Nov 2000
Robert Parry ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

As courageous Democrats like Bill Bradley are urging Al Gore to do the
bend-over thing "for the good of the country," it reminds me how
the bipartisan cover-ups of the various Republican October Surprises
1968 (the Paris peace talks), 1980 (the Iranian hostages) and 1992
Passport files, which hurt but did not destroy the Clinton candidacy).

Each time, the Democrats knew the truth but chose to keep quiet or
to false history "for the good of the country." Yet all we're hearing
now is how Nixon was a "patriot" for having accepted the election
results in

Part of our lost history also is that Nixon planned his own 1960
Surprise, the ouster or assassination of Fidel Castro but it didn't
pan out.
Then, he was faced with the reality that regardless of the
shenanigans in
Illinois and Texas, Kennedy had won the popular vote. The situation
is not at
all comparable to today.

Yet, here come the weenie Democrats again, not to mention the Jeff
Greenfield pundits who are so determined to protect the democratic
that they don't seem to care that the process is about to overturn
the will
of the American people.


Elena Goss
Letter to MSNBC:
This is our future.  This is not a game.  This is not basketball or
where an unfair call from the ref can determine the outcome of the
Where in the end people go home grumbling about the unfairness of it
all but
accepting the outcome nonetheless.  This is a democracy.  We cannot be
expected to accept this outcome.  We cannot be expected to grumble
this unfairness and move on.  There should be no uncertainty, no
in a democracy.

It is clear that in this uncertain time, the only thing that will
bring the
American people certainty is a revote in Florida.  A recount just
enough to restore America's confidence in our electoral process. If
Florida's citizens do not get an opportunity to cast their votes for
real candidate of their choice, then at least half of America's
will be doubting the legitimacy of America's President for the next

Furthermore, if Republicans are so confident that Bush won the
vote in Florida, then they should not feel threatened at all by the
of a revote.  If in fact Bush did win the electoral vote in Florida as
Republicans wish to claim, then surly a revote would show this.
need to give American citizens a bit more credit - no one is fooled
by their
attempts to sweep this issue under the rug.  It is clear that
fear the truth - the truth being that if the citizens of Florida are
the opportunity to cast their votes for the candidate of their
choice, Gore
will be victorious.

Conservatives' calls for Gore to concede are off base and I believe
unconstitutional.  It is not Gore's place to concede.  Neither Gore
nor Bush
get to decide by concession who will be the next president.  It is the
American people who decide who will be President and they decide with
votes.  In this case, the votes have been tainted by ballots in
Florida that
are questionable at best and illegal at worst.

Gore has a responsibility to the American people. It is his
to hang in there until this election has been resolved in a fair,
and legal way.  And I can see no simpler way to resolve this issue
holding a revote in Florida. It is the only way to settle the issue
once and
for all. It is the only way that we can feel confident, no matter
what the
outcome, that our next President is the President of choice - the
that was elected fairly and legally.


Friday November 10 8:56 PM ET
Palm Beach Readies for Hand Count of Ballots
By David Lawsky

WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. (Reuters) - Palm Beach County prepared on
Friday to recount a sample 4,100 ballots by hand on Saturday at the
request of Democrats and over the objection of Republicans to provide
a crucial piece in completing the U.S. presidential election puzzle.

The Democrats sought a hand vote in order to get ``the most accurate
count'' possible and in an effort to determine whether more Gore
support might be drawn from thousands of ballots declared invalid
after the initial machine count.

Democrats say the number of invalid ballots was unusually high in the
county this year, while Republicans say it was comparable to 1996. A
Reuters computation showed ballots were invalidated at a 40 percent
higher rate this year than in 1996, even after adjusting for
increases in

[CTRL] Misprision of Felony

2000-11-12 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-


>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]
Note:  We store 100's of related "conspiracy posts" at:

From: "Committee to Restore the Constitution" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Misprision of Felony
Date: Saturday, November 11, 2000 8:54 AM


Committee to Restore the Constitution, Inc, dated 11 November 2000, mailed
individually addressed letter to each Colorado State Senator and
Representative at home address.

Each is charged with `misprision of felony' for failure to enact corrective
measures to `criminalize' the men and the system engaged in a conspiracy to
overthrow the Constitution of the United States and erect a United Nations
`world government' administration on ruins of the Republic.

Text follows.
Previous letters and CRC Bulletins mailed to you have shown how usupers in
Washington D.C. have assumed undelegated powers and are seeking to transfer
further sovereign State powers to international organizations in violation
of the  Constitution of the United States.

You have received drafts of how to apply State legislative action to stop
these usurpations from destroying the provisions of the U. S. Constitution
and the rights and liberties of the people of the State of Colorado.

A CRC correspondent in Great Britain has produced documentation to show
that similar moves in England by theMembers of the British Parliament
constitute "Misprision of Treason" which is defined:
"Failure by a person not actively involved in the commission of
treason, felony or otherwise to prevent its commission or to report
the crime to the proper authorities."

The specific language of the United States Constitution might prevent
"Misprision of Treason" from applying here because we are not formally at
war. However, the other offenses listed in Webster's definition can also
constitute a criminal offense under the name of "Misprision of Felony".

The material already sent to you shows that you are the "proper
authorities" to whom exposure of the usurpation of Colorado's State power
is to be directed and who have the authority to stop the usurpations in
Colorado by State legislation.

These usurpations in Washington reflect a conspiracy to overthrow the
Constitution of the United States and the State of Colorado and erect a
United Nations World Government Administration on ruins of the American

You have received evidence on adoption of "United Nations Charter 99, A
Charter for Global Democracy" at the United Nations Millennium Assembly,
New York City, 5-9 September 2000, and introduction at this Assembly of a
"World Charter" designed to reduce Americans and their descendants to the
status of landless serfs in a United Nations World Government controlled by
alien administrators.

You have received Constitution-inspired procedures and implementing format
to apply the authority of the State in correcting violations of the
Constitution and providing criminal sanctions for the guilty. These State
legislative measures will put down the sedition against the lawful
government of Colorado that is being furthered by the usurpers.

To expedite your application of these legislative remedies you may give
"full faith and credit" to the findings of other State legislatures with
regard to the United Nations.

"Full Faith and Credit shall be given in each State to the public
Acts, Records and judicial Proceedings of every other State. And the
Congress may by general Laws prescribe the Manner in which such Acts,
Records and Proceedings shall be proved and the Effect thereof."

You have failed to honor your oath of office: "To support and defend the
Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic
... and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same...".

A failure to enact corrective measures amounts to 'complicity by silence'
in the sedition.

Such failure to act is MISPRISION OF FELONY and is a violation of Colorado law.
See affidavit attached.

Archibald E. Roberts, LtCol, AUS, ret, Director

EXHIBITS: Examples of information mailed to Colorado State Legislators
  CRC Letter, Fall 2000, with September 2000 Committee  Bulletin #446
  CRC Letter, Fall 2000 #2, October 2000 Committee Bulletin #467
  "United Nations Threat to Sovereignty" March 1998 CRC Bulletin #433
  UNITED NATIONS CHARTER 99 - A Charter for Global Democracy

COPY:   Attorney T. David Horton, Counsel
Committee to Restore the Constitution, Inc
Post Office Box 2107
Carson City   Nevada   89702

[CTRL] Smarrt Dog

2000-11-12 Thread K

-Caveat Lector-


* * *
[Bill Clinton says he will] go into deep therapy
after he leaves office," according to Lucinda
Franks,  It is not clear if that would be
"psycho" therapy or "massage" therapy. - Unknown

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/">ctrl

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Re: [CTRL] The REAL conspiracy behind the election farce

2000-11-12 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

"[to:] [EMAIL PROTECTED]" wrote:
> -Caveat Lector-
> In a message dated 11/11/2000 11:34:08 PM Central Standard Time,
>  It is my considered opinion that this election is being manipulated
> and engineered... To get people to think that their votes are important
> and that THEY decide who is elected to office.

This is not really a conspiracy specific to this case. The elites always
want us to think that our personal vote is important ( even though it is not )
because they use these elections to make us feel that we are not REALLY
living in an oligarchic Plutocracy, but a democracy where WE chose the leaders.

This time, because of the HIGHLY UNUSUAL circumstances involved in this
election, that is, the closeness of the race, the elites are simply exploiting
the situation for propaganda. Hence, Clinton and others keep repeating that
every vote counts, and we MUST believe it because here before our very eyes is
the indisputable proof. BUT THIS HAS NEVER HAPPENED BEFORE. So they are simply
drilling it into our heads so that we can feel important and continue voting
in the future for candidates they hand pick for us to choose.

Don't be fooled here. Your vote is only important because it hides the fact
that American politics is highly controlled. But not by you. This is what
passes for " consent of the governed."


> __
> You are right on target with this.
> The build-up for the present situation started with
> the phony polls in the media leading up to the election.
> One day it would be Gore with the lead,
> next day it would be Bush.
> So the public expected a very close election.
> Now they are recounting, and then recounting the recount.
> Now we are hearing about "legal challenges".
> Now we are hearing about there may be recounts in other states.
> Now we are hearing about how the Electoral College should be abolished.
> Consider this.
> Last summer, Bill Clinton quietly put Janet Reno in charge
> of FEMA responses to domestic disturbances.
> Her appointment became effective October 1st.
> This position has always be held by the Secretary of Defenseuntil now.
> Reno's appointment to this position is really strange.
> The DoD is trained and equipped to respond to such situations.
> The paper pushers at the Dept. of Justice are not.
> Alsowhy would Clinton put Reno in this position when she, and the
> rest of his Administration is supposed to be leaving office in January?
> Why make an appointment which will only last for 3 months?
> If this election turmoil really gets ugly,
> we may learn the hard way why Clinton put Reno in charge of
> responding to domestic disturbancesbecause we may have some
> for her to respond to.
> And at Waco, Reno proved just how effective she can be
> at managing such situations.
>  Regards to All
>   Nakano
> http://www.ctrl.org/">www.ctrl.org
> ==
> CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
> screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
> sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
> directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
> major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
> That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
> always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
> credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
> Archives Available at:
> http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html
>  http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of
>  http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/">ctrl
> To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
> To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
> Om

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Re: [CTRL] Press Bias Clouds Election Reporting

2000-11-12 Thread ThePiedPiper

-Caveat Lector-

Someone else gave a hypnosis that the rigging of this
election is to get votes to be registered on computers.
This article seems to give all kinds of "reasons" that
computers and a national ID card "should" be issued.
Laura Lanning~Shipton [EMAIL PROTECTED] 12 Nov 2000

K wrote:
> -Caveat Lector-
>   http://insightmag.com/archive/200012053.shtml
>  12/04/2000
> the last word
> By Paul M. Rodriguez, Managing Editor
> Press Bias Clouds Election Reporting
> It has come down to this: In the face of a potential constitutional
> crisis, press bias has fanned the flames of American discontent
> with the electoral process. Beyond the double-whammy mistakes
> on election night involving Florida, causing voters already in line to
> walk away, the press has compounded its blunders with shameful
> bias by reporting the results there out of context.
>No sooner was the election over than Democrats began
> hooting and hollering and getting massive press play concerning
> alleged irregularities in Florida that included Palm Beach County’s
> screwy butterfly ballots, designed and approved by Democrats on
> the model of those used in Chicago! Yet, as the stories continue to
> cascade, if this is mentioned it is done only as an afterthought and
> with a discernable disdain for Republicans who point it out.
>Then there’s the issue of voters who screwed up the ballots.
> The way the television mavens tell it, the alleged confusion is an
> outrage and Democrats have been wronged. But when Republicans
> respond with the facts that in previous elections similar numbers of
> ballots have been thrown out for precisely the same human errors,
> it gets nary a mention, let alone explanation in context.
>Now what about Missouri? By law no dead person can be
> considered for public office, yet hardly a mention has been made of
> how Democrats insisted on proceeding with the election of the
> deceased Mel Carnahan under a legal theory that would allow his
> widow to be appointed to fill his seat. Sure, incumbent Sen. John
> Ashcroft has said he won’t bring a legal challenge, but there are
> Republicans aplenty who are madder than hell about it. Why has
> hardly a word about this cruel trickery appeared in the general
> press?
>And what about the estimated 1 million voter-identification
> cards mailed out to immigrants in this country in predominately
> Hispanic areas (see “Chicanery Roils Election 2000,” p. 26.)?
> Where’s the outrage by the press at this White House-sponsored
> shenanigan inviting voter fraud? It’s okay to provide a constant
> drumbeat about the Florida mess but not to so much as mention
> the voter-card scam? As nearly as we can tell, the failure to report
> on the latter centers on a journalistic decision somewhere that
> exposure now would have no effect on the vote count between Al
> Gore and George W. Bush.
>Military personnel by the thousands also have complained that
> they did not receive ballots in a timely manner and/or never got
> them when requested. We suspect this would be a running news
> story if there were a hint or a whiff of possibility that absentee
> military ballots might favor Gore. But they don’t, and hence there’s
> neither daily coverage of the military absentee balloting nor so
> much as a sign of press outrage.
>We raise these issues not as political partisans but as
> loyalists to a strange notion that the role of the press is to report
> the news honestly, in context and without favor.
>Consider the polls: How many media stories created false
> impressions by suggesting that Gore was leading (or Bush was
> ahead) without ever pointing out that other polls gave far different
> results? What’s appalling is how media bias routinely skews the
> reporting of polling statistics and thus, we are told by experts,
> manipulates the body politic.
>There were stories aplenty we saw in big-city newspapers and
> on broadcast news that reported how the rich and powerful backed
> Bush. Yet stories on Gore supporters tended always to make it
> appear that, except for those crazy (but popular) actors in
> Hollywood, only the poor and the downtrodden backed the vice
> president.
>Then there was all of that worker support for Gore from the
> unions. But it turns out that more than one-third of the rank and file
> voted Republican. The tens of millions of dollars from union dues
> spent to promote Gore simply were bled off by fatly paid union
> bosses who often receive more than the so-called captains of
> industry. But routinely the press doesn’t make such distinctions.
> And we’ve come to believe this is deliberate. For example:
> Reporting on rumors about alleged Bush drug use and, lately, his
> 1976 drunk-driving conviction, has been steadily and loudly heard.
> Yet concern about Gore’s illegal drug use — allegedly even while a
> senator

[CTRL] Press Bias Clouds Election Reporting

2000-11-12 Thread K

-Caveat Lector-


the last word

By Paul M. Rodriguez, Managing Editor

Press Bias Clouds Election Reporting

It has come down to this: In the face of a potential constitutional
crisis, press bias has fanned the flames of American discontent
with the electoral process. Beyond the double-whammy mistakes
on election night involving Florida, causing voters already in line to
walk away, the press has compounded its blunders with shameful
bias by reporting the results there out of context.

   No sooner was the election over than Democrats began
hooting and hollering and getting massive press play concerning
alleged irregularities in Florida that included Palm Beach County’s
screwy butterfly ballots, designed and approved by Democrats on
the model of those used in Chicago! Yet, as the stories continue to
cascade, if this is mentioned it is done only as an afterthought and
with a discernable disdain for Republicans who point it out.

   Then there’s the issue of voters who screwed up the ballots.
The way the television mavens tell it, the alleged confusion is an
outrage and Democrats have been wronged. But when Republicans
respond with the facts that in previous elections similar numbers of
ballots have been thrown out for precisely the same human errors,
it gets nary a mention, let alone explanation in context.

   Now what about Missouri? By law no dead person can be
considered for public office, yet hardly a mention has been made of
how Democrats insisted on proceeding with the election of the
deceased Mel Carnahan under a legal theory that would allow his
widow to be appointed to fill his seat. Sure, incumbent Sen. John
Ashcroft has said he won’t bring a legal challenge, but there are
Republicans aplenty who are madder than hell about it. Why has
hardly a word about this cruel trickery appeared in the general

   And what about the estimated 1 million voter-identification
cards mailed out to immigrants in this country in predominately
Hispanic areas (see “Chicanery Roils Election 2000,” p. 26.)?
Where’s the outrage by the press at this White House-sponsored
shenanigan inviting voter fraud? It’s okay to provide a constant
drumbeat about the Florida mess but not to so much as mention
the voter-card scam? As nearly as we can tell, the failure to report
on the latter centers on a journalistic decision somewhere that
exposure now would have no effect on the vote count between Al
Gore and George W. Bush.

   Military personnel by the thousands also have complained that
they did not receive ballots in a timely manner and/or never got
them when requested. We suspect this would be a running news
story if there were a hint or a whiff of possibility that absentee
military ballots might favor Gore. But they don’t, and hence there’s
neither daily coverage of the military absentee balloting nor so
much as a sign of press outrage.

   We raise these issues not as political partisans but as
loyalists to a strange notion that the role of the press is to report
the news honestly, in context and without favor.

   Consider the polls: How many media stories created false
impressions by suggesting that Gore was leading (or Bush was
ahead) without ever pointing out that other polls gave far different
results? What’s appalling is how media bias routinely skews the
reporting of polling statistics and thus, we are told by experts,
manipulates the body politic.

   There were stories aplenty we saw in big-city newspapers and
on broadcast news that reported how the rich and powerful backed
Bush. Yet stories on Gore supporters tended always to make it
appear that, except for those crazy (but popular) actors in
Hollywood, only the poor and the downtrodden backed the vice

   Then there was all of that worker support for Gore from the
unions. But it turns out that more than one-third of the rank and file
voted Republican. The tens of millions of dollars from union dues
spent to promote Gore simply were bled off by fatly paid union
bosses who often receive more than the so-called captains of
industry. But routinely the press doesn’t make such distinctions.
And we’ve come to believe this is deliberate. For example:
Reporting on rumors about alleged Bush drug use and, lately, his
1976 drunk-driving conviction, has been steadily and loudly heard.
Yet concern about Gore’s illegal drug use — allegedly even while a
senator — gets no play. Neither does Gore’s own White House e-
mail scandal, detailed in Insight two weeks ago, not to mention
new information that clearly raises issues of lying by the vice
president and his staff (see “E-Mail Paper Trail Leads to Gore,”
Nov. 20).

   We long have thought the fact that the majority of Americans
eligible to vote do not cast ballots is a national scandal that reflects
poorly on the character of our country. But what’s worse is having a
press which, while free, has c

Re: [CTRL] CHECK THIS: FR: Credibility of ballot suit claimants questioned

2000-11-12 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 11/11/2000 10:03:06 PM Eastern Standard Time,

<< are savvy activists with political experience, not the sort of
 voters who’d be stymied by a ballot layout. Yet as the plaintiffs
 at the center of a historic suit, each plans to testify that they
 personally voted for Patrick Buchanan when they were aiming to
 vote for Al Gore. >>

The one I think should have sued was the lady who tried to get them to take a
machine that was not calibrated off line.  She went and called everywhere to
no avail.  That sounds like things are a bit screwy there.  Prudy

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Re: [CTRL] AP: Ballot designer, under fire, hires lawyer and hides out

2000-11-12 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

-Caveat Lector-

> LePore is the Palm Beach County supervisor of elections who
> designed the ballot that some Democrats say was so confusing it
> may have cost Al Gore the election.

Again, the fact that a DEMOCRAT designed the ballot makes the claim that Democrats 
were surprised by the
design on election day all the more questionable...


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Re: [CTRL] CHECK THIS: FR: Credibility of ballot suit claimants questioned

2000-11-12 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

-Caveat Lector-

> But Gaines, now a homemaker, was for several years a member of
> the Children’s Services Council, a big-budget, taxpayer-financed
> group in Palm Beach County.


>  Abigail McCarthy also claims she cast the wrong vote, but she’s
> a County Commissioner, hardly a political naïf and presumably
> someone who can navigate a ballot.


>  But Fladell, dim as he may be, is more than just the
> chiropractor which many news accounts say he is. He’s also a
> political consultant and Democratic activist,

And as I pointed out in another post, sample ballots were mailed out a week before the 
election, so it is not
a case of people suddenly being confronted with the 'zigzag design' when arriving to 
actually vote.

So it makes these 3's claims to have been flummoxed by the ballot design all the more 
suspects this ballot design challenge has been in the works for some time...


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[CTRL] RadTimes # 95

2000-11-12 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

RadTimes # 95 November, 2000

An informally produced compendium of vital irregularities.

"We're living in rad times!"
Congressman Billy Tauzin (R-LA), chairman of the House Telecommunications
Subcommittee, will be holding hearings on the network's involvement in
possible election fraud.The evidence proving the network's participation in
vote rigging (and their ownership of Voter News Service) is documented in
"Votescam: The Stealing of America". Contact his offices:1-800-352-2890 and
202-225-4031 and tell him that Victoria Collier must be a witness at this
hearing. Contact her at 212-809-9090. Thank you all. Your support is
invaluable. -- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> See also:

--Bush and Advisers Urge Gore Not to Stand in Way
--The good news of gridlock
--Bloodless coup d'etat
--Michael Moore to Kofi Annan
Linked stories:
*Polls in doubt in 3 more US states
Begin stories:
Bush and Advisers Urge Gore Not to Stand in Way

New York Times
Saturday, November 11, 2000

Bush and Advisers, Confident of a Victory in Recount, Urge Gore
Not to Stand in Way


AUSTIN, Tex., Nov. 10 — Gov. George W. Bush and his advisers said
today that they were moving forward with preparations for a new
administration and beseeched Vice President Al Gore not to stand
in their way, cautioning that legal challenges to the election
could yield wrangling without end.

Although they acknowledged that there were absentee ballots in
Florida still to be tallied, they said that a nearly complete
recount of the overwhelming majority of votes demonstrated that
Mr. Bush had won both the state and the presidency, though

"The vote here in Florida was very close, but when it was counted
Governor Bush was the winner," Mr. Bush's chief representative in
Florida, James A. Baker III, said at a news conference today.

"For the good of the country and for the sake of our standing in
the world, the campaigning should end and the business of an
orderly transition should begin," Mr. Baker, a former secretary
of state, said.

The latest results from Tuesday's election continued to show Mr.
Gore with a lead in the nationwide popular vote, by a margin of
218,441 votes. But in Florida, whose 25 electoral votes hold the
key to the outcome, Mr. Bush led by 327 votes, according to the
latest unofficial tally of votes that were recounted over the
past few days.

In their comments today, Mr. Bush and his aides tailored their
words and actions to underscore the assertion that Mr. Bush had,
essentially, won the election by winning Florida. When Mr. Bush
spoke briefly with reporters at the governor's mansion here this
afternoon, the placement of his chair and the tableau of advisers
around him evoked a meeting in the Oval Office.

"It's in our country's best interest that we plan in a
responsible way for a possible administration," said Mr. Bush,
making his first public comments in more than 48 hours.

The strain of one of the strangest weeks in the history of
American politics was obvious in his eyes, which looked tired,
and his speech, which was halting and faint.

"I am mindful that there are still votes to be counted," he
added, referring to the absentee ballots, which the Bush campaign
believes will strongly favor the Texas governor.

But, Mr. Bush said, "I think it's up to us to prepare the
groundwork for an administration that will be ready to function
on Day One."

Sitting near him were Dick Cheney, his would-be vice president,
and Andrew Card, the likely chief of staff in a Bush White House.
Both men were scheduled to meet with Mr. Bush at his ranch near
Waco this weekend.

As Mr. Bush took a tentative half- step toward the presidency,
his advisers and the vice president's aides battled over the
propriety of the manual recounts of votes in several Florida
counties that were set to begin tomorrow.

"The more often ballots are recounted, especially by hand, the
more likely it is that human errors, like lost ballots and other
risks, will be introduced," Mr. Baker said. "This frustrates the
very reason why we have moved from hand counting to machine

According to several Republican officials, the Bush campaign was
considering the possibility of seeking a legal injunction against
the recounts, but campaign officials had not reached a decision
late tonight.

The State of Florida has already conducted a mechanical recount
of votes, and the Bush and Gore campa

[CTRL] Election Fraud Indicated; Tie Too Improbable; Coup d'Etat in " delegitimizing" stage

2000-11-12 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-


>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]
Note:  We store 100's of related "conspiracy posts" at:

From: "Dick Eastman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Election Fraud Indicated; Tie Too Improbable; Coup d'Etat in " 
delegitimizing" stage
Date: Wednesday, November 08, 2000 4:38 AM

Signs of coup in progress.

Suddenly Dade County -- another impossibility --
has exclusive power over the election outcome  --
ties of a few hundred out of tens of millions

Like rolling all sevens with six hundred-sided dice. No way.

It is a Clinton coup. The only way Clinton retains retains
office in is through a "politically" unresolved tie.

We knew the election-processing computers wer vulnerable,
but we did not anticipate this kind of power play.

Too many thousand-to-one-shots -- statistically impossible.

The role of Dade County is also too suspicious, too improbable.

Janet Reno--with Cuba-China-drug-ties hales from Dade County;
her leniency as prosecutor there made Dade a druglords
haven of rest.  It is a totally corrupt environment political power
(however earnest and innocent the Florida election people
we see are -- it was the computers that were rigged.)

The recount data is fed into a Cray computer which calculates
the sum.

You've heard of garbage in garbage out.

Well this is good data in processed by garbage
software means garbage out.

Again Clinton has devil's "luck?"  Remember:  The only
way Clinton stays in is through an unresolved tie.

Suddenly Dade County -- another impossibility --
has exclusive power over the election outcome  --
ties of a few hundred out of tens of millions

No way this just happened.

It is a Clinton (Establishmentazzi) coup.

Dick Eastman
Every man is responsible to every other man.

Forwarded for info and discussion from the New Paradigms Discussion List,
not necessarily endorsed by:

Lloyd Miller, Research Director for A-albionic Research a ruling
class/conspiracy research resource for the entire political-ideological
   Explore Our Archive:  

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Re: [CTRL] Bush is Mush

2000-11-12 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

Indeed! Our Republic will survive the Bush shubs and their various hidden
seeds planted for your amusement and edification.


On 11 Nov 00, at 23:28, Jack Andrews wrote:

> Americans will have no trouble surviving the criminal attempts of the Bush
> brothers.

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