[CTRL] From Tribe to Gang

2001-03-04 Thread Chris Case

-Caveat Lector-

My old friend, W. David Kubiak, has started a website and discussion
group (of which I am a co-moderator)  called Big Medicine, whose
stated purpose is "dissecting corporate pathology".  The basic
assumption is that corporations, or Big Bodies, can be understood as
a (comparatively new) form of social organism which threaten to
dominate humanity and the planet, and whose interests are by no
means identical to, nor perhaps even consistent with, those of human

Here is an excerpt from his script for one episode of an NPR radio
program, which deals with the rise of the military class and the
concomitant imposition of hierarchy:

There are several instructive ways to look at Big Body evolution -
one that  compares their formation to so-called super-organisms in
other species, one  that envisions how they actually began to form
in early human societies, and  one that traces their increasing
diversification and dominance in modern  human culture. 

First we have to remember how really, really old we are as a species
- by latest  accounts at least 2 million years - and for 99% of that
time we lived in hunting,  gathering tribes. Now imagine the daily
flow of tribal life and how authority or  the command of attention
was distributed in your group. Tribes lived a  common life but faced
a diversity of challenges and, depending on the moment, very
different kinds of people were looked to for leadership and
direction.  When meat was scarce, the tribe looked to its most able
hunters; when crops  were needed, it looked to its savviest plant
people; when feasts were to be  prepared, the best cooks assumed
authority; when construction was required, the deftest builders led
the group; when illness struck, those with healing  talents
commanded attention; and when festivity was called for - as it very
frequently was in this world - the most inspired musicians and
dancers ruled.

In other words, the spotlight of attention and the authority it
conferred shone  on many different members of the group, depending
on the moment, the talents  available and the organic needs of the
day. Such societies not only did not  invite centralized power, they
actively resisted it with an antique social trait  that
anthropologists call counter-dominance. That is, when one member got
too  high on his horse or uppity, a few of the lads would briskly
step in and deflate  a few of his airs.

It was a natural problem. Many people who finally get attention
don't like to  let the spotlight go. You perhaps know the feeling.

When everyone's attention is upon you, they are intimately connected
to you  and expand your being, feeling of power and the reach of
your will. When  multitudes attend you, you fill all their minds and
you are magnified. When  they are diverted to another attraction,
you once become again single, solitary  and small. When the
spotlight shifts, when your moment in the limelight ends, you fall
back into a kind of social darkness - and impotence.

Most people hate the feeling, but hey, that's life. Or at least it
was life during  99% of our history.

No matter how much our tribal ancestors wished to prolong their
personal turn  on the stage, it was obvious you could not extend a
hunt, a harvest, a plague,  or even a party forever. Thus to every
person, like every biblical thing, there  was a season that came and
went in time. Problem is, there was an exception to  this wisdom, a
militant exception.

Beside their regular need for food, shelter and boogie, tribes
occasionally  required defense. Nasty or expansive neighbors could
suddenly burst on the  scene demanding instant collective response.
As in other times of specialized  need, the group looked toward its
best fighters - the strongest, the sly and the  mean - and followed
their lead until the danger was passed. Now these bully  boys may
also have felt a bit wistful when their brief taste of glory passed,
but  unlike other trades, the brutal types had recourse to a
permanent solution. If  your pre-eminent power and perks only last
as long as your fellows feel  threatened, why not prolong that
threat forever?

The deep irrefutable logic of this insight has gouged the bloody
course of  human history.  In tribal days, warrior-necessitating
jeopardy could be  extended indefinitely simply by jabbing the
neighbors occasionally -  snatching a goat or wench or scalp
whenever tranquillity got out of hand.   Since the resulting
retaliation usually fell on innocent heads, a spirit of fear  and
vengeance could build up in the tribe until they saw in the
neighbors an  implacable and relentless foe. Relentless threats are
clearly the best, because  by definition they never go away, and
thus the anxious need for perpetual  military authority is born.

This brilliant ploy changed everything - it concretized hierarchy
and  centralized rule, finally making real Big Bodies possible. It
forced neighbors  into slavery or d

[CTRL] Fwd: [GATA] AngloGold warned against pursuing Gold Fields

2001-03-04 Thread Kris Millegan

By Bob Chapman
The International Forecaster
(posted at www.LeMetropoleCafe.com)
March 3, 2001

One of our operatives in South Africa acquired the
following communication at great risk, and the
contents were so explosive he felt he had to pass it on
to us for publication. As most of you know, I lived in
southern Africa for three years and have never let our
line there fall into disuse.

We think AngloGold could well be complicitous in the
gold price-fixing scandal. The presence of a director of
J.P. Morgan on the board of AngloGold adds to the
seriousness of the allegation. Now that the following
letter has been published worldwide, we hope it will
bring to an end AngloGold's efforts to take over Gold
Fields, at least until it is determined whether there is a
conspiracy. The following communication speaks for

It would be even better if AngloGold CEO Bobby
Godsell would do the right thing and voluntarily
announce that under present circumstances any interest
AngloGold might have in Gold Fields would not be
pursued until the situation is clarified. That way the
company could assist in discovery, which would be in
the best interest of all of us.

* * *

To Mr. K. H. Williams, Marketing Director, AngloGold:

I have followed the GATA/Howe lawsuit very
carefully for some time. Through nominees and
associates we hold a very large number of Gold Fields
shares. It is clear, even to a layman, that it is in the
interest of AngloGold to effect takeovers (that this has
happened and is still happening is a fact) of gold
producers at a low gold price (effectively depressing
the market value of any such producer that is in the
sight of an AngloGold takeover).

The proof in the GATA conspiracy issue is that
AngloGold is snapping up gold producers suffering
under a manipulated gold price and effecting takeovers
at depressed market values.

The GATA conspiracy issue is not circumstantial.
AngloGold's takeover bid for Gold Fields prior to the
discovery process in the GATA/Howe lawsuit, when
an imminent rise in the gold price is in the cards and
will put Gold Fields beyond the reach of AngloGold, is
incontrovertible fact.

The conspirators and the beneficiaries of a
manipulated gold price are acting unlawfully, more
specifically when they continue to do so while these
very serious allegations are being investigated. You
need not be told that the matter is very serious. If the
conspiracy is merely based on circumstantial evidence
as you are alleging, why do you not actively support
the discovery process to get to the bottom of these
conspiracy allegations and discontinue takeover bids
under circumstances created by the conspirators and
manipulators of the gold price?

Surely AngloGold would have no objection to delaying
its takeover bid of Gold Fields until the GATA/Howe
discovery process has been completed and evidence
emerging from this discovery process has been
evaluated. The result of the discovery process will
have a positive effect on the gold price.

This result will not be in the best interest of

But it is requested that AngloGold delay its takeover
bid for Gold Fields until at least after the GATA/Howe
discovery process and the evaluation of the evidence
flowing therefrom. This discovery process will answer
very important questions in respect of the conspiracy
issue around the manipulation of the gold price. (Since
your own views are that the evidence of a gold price
manipulation is circumstantial, wait for the process to
be completed.)

If AngloGold makes a bid for Gold Fields and benefits
from an unlawful gold manipulation process,
AngloGold would be acting illegally to the prejudice
of others. Any attempt by AngloGold at this stage to
proceed with its takeover bid for Gold Fields would be
irregular and is objected to.

Your e-mail forwared to Chris Powell of GATA has a
sinister objective that is patently transparent.
AngloGold has benefitted and still is benefitting from
a manipulated gold price, enabling it to move on Gold

J.P. Morgan is no stranger to AngloGold.

This statement will further be elaborated on in due
course in the appropriate forum, if necessary.

AngloGold is hereby informed that should it proceed
with the takeover bid for Gold Fields at this stage
(prior to the GATA/Howe discovery process and the
evaluation of the evidence flowing therefrom) and
when the gold price is manipulated for the undoubted
benefit of AngloGold, legal proceedings will be
instituted against it to block any takeover bid for Gold
Fields, alternatively for legal proceedings to recover all
damages from AngloGold and its directors in respect
of an AngloGold takeover of Gold Fields at a deflated

AngloGold will have the opportunity to answer
questions under oath in a South African or
international court through which legal proceedings
will be instituted. That AngloGold is urgently pursuing
its takeover bid of Gold Fields at this stage (low gold
price and low share price) and before the disc

[CTRL] Fwd: {slick-d} Top Ten Hugh Rodham Tips for a Happy Life.

2001-03-04 Thread Aleisha Saba

>From the February 27 Late Show with David Letterman, the Top Ten Hugh
Rodham Tips for a Happy Life.
Copyright 2001 by Worldwide Pants, Inc.

10. No matter how busy you get, eat your nine square meals a day

 9. Kick Roger Clinton's ass during "Disgraced Brothers Week" on

 8. Get a good hole-punch -- you never know when you'll have to change
your belt size

 7. Try and model your relationships after Bill and Hillary...or Bill and
Monica...or Bill and Paula

 6. When anyone bumps into you and says, "Pardon me," say, "Sure, that'll
be $400,000"

 5. Try to watch a lot of that wrestlin' football

 4. If you hang with powerful in-laws, you may get in on some of that
"hot intern action"

 3. Cutting your own hair is a great way to save money

 2. Remember, things could be worse, Hillary could be your wife

 1. Take it in stride when your brother-in-law offers to pardon your
"gigantic ass"

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2001-03-04 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

The reference to Kissinger as being Zafardi - this is spelled with an S
- it is jewish, spanish connection and Maltese?

Like Zion and Sion - this s and z thing is something else.   So what is
Henry Kissinger other than the man who wants to corner the market of the
food and wants the planet for himself and his friends?

Talk of Mengele - this guy is worse than ten of them.More humane -
that old expression the Devil made me do it - for you see you are given
a choice - like Clinton's "let them get the first shot?   Then go ahead
and slaughter.

The idea is the bible will teach you right from wrong - like Sodom and
Gomorrah...now put Jerry Falwell on one side and Larry Flynt on the
other side - and you are then given a choicedrugs,  over indulgence
in sex and sodomy - and this stuff now is being directed to the kids and
they are starting early - now in elementary school to accomplish their

These evil people then if America breaks and permits this evil teaching
in the schools - well who is to blame but yourself for you had a choice,
right - free country>

Talk about mind control - it begins in the schools and it begins from
the day you are born you are programmed and monkey see, monkey do.

Now the chosen ones, those that will be taught in private schools or
religious schools = you thnk they will permit the teaching of sodomy as
beginner courses?   No - they will not.

This is being done in public schools at tax payer expense and it is all
over the world.

The Gay Pride flag may fly - but try now flying the Confederate Flag -
me, I fly the Bonnie Blue and People think it is the Dallas Cowboy

So the day will come when our children our dying that then Jerry Falwell
and his ilk will say I told you so.and those that followed Larry
Flynt an his pornography and lew and lascivicious ways = will be dying
from Aids.

Is this genocide - noyou had a choice.   It it suicide?   No, not a
shot was fired and no crime agains sodomy now in most states.   Is it

Well think again what Clinton said about Murder - the Davidians Murdered

Think David Kore(sh) would teach his followers sodomy?   No - my believe
is this - Kore(sh) had the master plan for he knew the secrets in the

The Bible is being used by the conspirators as a Master Plan for MURDER
timed and keyed to the Stars and the Testaments

Ah as Job's Coffin appears in the sky in Spring in June on into July - I
always think of the Kennedy family and the Sons of Jobmurdered by
the Sabeans.   The spies.and when the Archer takes aim on Novembe 22
- I think of the sun god lying dead at his feet at approximately
11:35.and when I think of the communist Civil Rights March staring
in 1960 for the kill - I think of the Tribe of Gad - the Overcomers for
They Shall Overthrow - pardon, Overcome was the name ofo the song was it

Oh there is music in the air but nobody listens do they .I am Black
but Comely - Black is beautiful..yes Black is beautiful - nothing
more beautiful than a beautiful white or black pedigree pure bred horse.

So - this is interesting item..maybe people see what the like to see
- others dare not look at the truth too long for it is what you call a
trip to land of Oz only some our of kids are getting stuck in the poppy

Ah but again, this is a free Society where our kids are being taught, to
murder themselves by perverted twisted people who quite honestly, want
2/3 of them dead by hook or crook - and I imagine drugs have been
contaminated too - as the NWO Prophetess said, this psuedo religious
political propagandist Jean Dixon . the filth and garbage must be
removed and we must all be cleansed with fire.

Well that old bat where she is now, I do not think she will need her fur
coat - as for Henry Kissinger - he is the most evil man in the world and
he drew out power - like let us say the Bank President who hired a bunch
of people to run his computers and he didn't even know how to go on line
- so little tails wag big dogs...this is how Henry Kissinger got in when
the two Rockefellers were knocked off - and do not think they were not
murdered, this Nelson and John for this was the beginning of the real
take over.

So are we to be the fish or the fisherman?   Maybe about time we threw
out the net and and fought back?

For it is our choice for our children - who cannot say a simple prayer
in school, but will be and are being taught that sodomy is a perfectly
normal lifestylesomehow I keep thinking about this little 8 year old
strip searched by this teacher.mother wants half million bucks.

Hope he enjoyed his expensive strip show - but the schools are now so
infested with this Gay Pride stuff - one must be careful to guard you
child..and what restroom will this "third sex" use - little boys in
the girls room and the lesbians in the boys rooms?

Maybe we can build this unisex restroom - but keep them out of the city
and state parks, ple

Re: [CTRL] Johanness/Springmeier link

2001-03-04 Thread Johannes Schmidt IV

-Caveat Lector-

On Sun, 4 Mar 2001 10:28:51 -0800 Birds <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>-Caveat Lector-
>Of course I appreciate your help!  Thanks so very much.  What do you mean by a hit?

Not the same as the Mafia. A 'hit' is a common term for a web-page impression, i.e. 
how many times people have called up that particular page. It helps you tell how many 
people are visiting your page, whether it is worthwhile or not etc. You can get more 
detailed statistics by seeing what ISPS and/or what links people followed to get there 
(that's how most banner ads calculate their earnings). It's also a guaranteed fact 
that if you put a few four letter words as an experiment, the number of hits will 
increase exponentially.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2001-03-04 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-


A-albionic Research Weekly Up-Date of 03-05-2001

From: Brian Redman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

  Conspiracy Nation -- Vol. 3  Num. 41
("Quid coniuratio est?")



My transcript of a recent episode of a public access show,
originating in Chicago, called "Broadsides". This episode
featured independent researcher Sherman Skolnick, and author Mark
Sato. Note that in the following I neither necessarily agree nor
disagree with some or all of the views expressed.

 +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +


MARK SATO [continues]:
And to give you an example: after the Nazis kind of "went

Well that's your theory that they went away.


I don't think they went away at all.

Well, they were...

I think they're still here!

..they were, allegedly, defeated.

But, of course, they *didn't* go away, precisely because the
people who sponsored the idea of eugenics didn't go away.

..a eugenics society in the United States promoting this?

By and large, the idea of eugenics has floated over to the
environmental people.


Pollution control and...

Pollution's about the same thing?

Yeah. Pollution control means population control, because the
more people you have the more pollution you have, and the more
danger we all face because there's "too many" people on the face
of the earth!

And the aristocracy, a few years ago, through one of their secret
society meetings -- the Bilderbergs or Trilateral Commission,
whatever -- say, "Hey. All you in the aristocracy! Promote
environmental. We gotta have..."

Where'd they have their conference? In Brazil or something? They
had some big conference: "Promote the Environment".

Just recently they had the Cairo Conference.

O.K. So, but what you're saying is, this is just another word for

That's right.

..to "weed out" what they feel are "inferior" people.

Now most of the environmentalists are, consider themselves
liberal. And they would be horrified of this idea that you would
*pick* the, for the most part, the people of color to get rid of
because there's "too many" people on the face of the earth. But
that, by and large, is what they *really* are saying, despite
their perhaps, ignorance...

Well they have the media on their side.

..the real meaning of their movement.

I mean, they have the media on their side. Because, I mean, who
do ya see as what I call "anchor faces", anchor people? "Blonde-
haired dummies", as I call 'em. With a few token Oriental-
Americans and a few... Like Linda Yu, over here, who's connected
with the Chinese royal family...

Well they are indeed, Sherman, they are indeed tokens. Because
the modern science... I don't really wanna call it "science". But
the modern philosophy of eugenics is, was fathered by Bertrand

What about him?

Well Bertrand Russell, who was a British (and I hesitate to use
the word "philosophy")...

I thought he was for peace? That's the only time I heard of
Bertrand Russell, I heard he was...

Well... Bertrand Russell was *for* peace -- as in, "rest in
peace" -- for most of the people of the earth. He said, "The
white population of the world will soon cease to increase. The
asiatic races will be longer, and the negroes still longer,
before their birth rate falls sufficiently to make their numbers
stable without help of war and pestilence." And of course, he
*did* mean to impose war and pestilence on the asians and the,
what he called "negroes". "Until that happens, the benefits aimed
at by socialism can only be partially realized." (He was a
socialist.) "And the less prolific races will have to defend
themselves" -- Wait a minute -- "will have to defend themselves
by methods which are disgusting, even if they are necessary."

I... He either mis-used the term socialism, in applying to
himself... But there is a certain...

Never mind, Sherman. That's a *whole* different thing. Let's not
get off on that tangent. Don't worry about... Don't worry about
Mr. Russell's mis-using the word, because he wants to mis-use the
entire planet! So don't worry about that little item.

So, in other words, he was for "peace" from the standpoint of
"rest in peace". Well all right.

Right. Now the progress of Mr. Russell's ideas wound up in a
report called "Global 2000".

Which is the title of this show.

Which is the title of this show. This big report, w

[CTRL] WND: Barak refutes testimony on calls for Rich

2001-03-04 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Barak refutes testimony on calls for Rich

By Yoav Appel and News Agencies
March, 04 2001

JERUSALEM (March 4) - Despite congressional testimony to the
contrary, the Prime Minister's Office yesterday refuted the claim
that Prime Minister Ehud Barak made three calls to then president
Bill Clinton in a bid to gain a pardon for fugitive financier
Marc Rich.

According to testimony given Thursday to the House Government
Reform Committee hearing on Clinton's 11th-hour pardons, Barak
called Clinton at least three times to urge him to pardon Rich.
Three witnesses gave the same testimony - former White House
chief of staff John Podesta, former White House counsel Beth
Nolan, and former Clinton adviser Bruce Lindsey.

But last night the Prime Minister's Office was still standing by
its the statement that Barak gave following the pardon. "The
prime minister made one call and the matter was only raised at
the end of the phone call, where Barak stressed Marc Rich's
contribution to Israeli society," a source at the Prime
Minister's Office said.

A source close to Barak expressed great surprise that people
close to Clinton have passed the responsibility for Rich's pardon
on to Israel.

"It is obvious that a marginal telephone mention did not play a
deciding role in the granting of the pardon. Even if it is
convenient to say so, it is untrue, especially when other
requests by Barak in which he invested much greater effort, like
[Jonathan] Pollard, were not granted," said the source.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] FAVISH: Blackbourne Report on Vincent Foster Death Online

2001-03-04 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sun, 04 Mar 2001 15:38:34 -0800
From: Allan Favish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Blackbourne Report on Vincent Foster Death Online

Dr. Brian Blackbourne's report to Ken Starr on Vincent Foster's death is
online through my web site.

The direct link is:


It is a 551KB PDF file.

Allan J. Favish

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Yeltsin may have proof Monica was a plant

2001-03-04 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-

On 4 Mar 2001, at 13:43, BB wrote:

> Hot Dog !!!  Somehow I just KNEW that eventually the entire monicagate
> festival would be the Republicans' fault !!!
> *
If they were going to use a plant, couldn't they have found one with a

Best Wishes

It seems to me that folks who favor heavy government regulation are
fascists, and most of them don't even know it. Americans have been
brainwashed by Hollywood into thinking fascists wear military uniforms
and have funny mustaches.  In fact, fascists can look exactly like Bill
Clinton or Alan Greenspan. ~Charlie Reese

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] FW: [CogLib] Shakespeare on Drugs

2001-03-04 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 03/03/2001 6:20:44 PM Eastern Standard Time,

 Interesting although it raises a valid question: How can you, a denier of
 Shakespeare's authorship, profess to know that the youthful dross
 attributed to Willy IS his? Perhaps a later pretender wrote the drivel
 which was subsequently alleged to be a young Shakespeare's scribblings?
 Also many great poets, and I cite Percy Bysshe Shelley as an excellent
 example, wrote the most God awful poetry when first beginning to versify.
 Many, many artists go through an awkward stage initially before they find
 their own particular style. Shelley did, Keats certainly did and it is
 entirely conceivable that Shakespeare did as well. Who knows, maybe the
 drugs in his pipe led to transcendental artistic sensibilities? (That
 could explain "The Tempest" actually)
 Jamieson >>

If drugs helped Shakespeare to transform his writing from the uninspired,
pretentious drivel he wrote at eighteen to the plays and verses now
attributed to him, we need to find out what drugs he used and see to it that
everyone has access to them.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
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[CTRL] : Barak refutes testimony on calls for Rich

2001-03-04 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Barak refutes testimony on calls for Rich

By Yoav Appel and News Agencies
March, 04 2001

JERUSALEM (March 4) - Despite congressional testimony to the
contrary, the Prime Minister's Office yesterday refuted the claim
that Prime Minister Ehud Barak made three calls to then president
Bill Clinton in a bid to gain a pardon for fugitive financier
Marc Rich.

According to testimony given Thursday to the House Government
Reform Committee hearing on Clinton's 11th-hour pardons, Barak
called Clinton at least three times to urge him to pardon Rich.
Three witnesses gave the same testimony - former White House
chief of staff John Podesta, former White House counsel Beth
Nolan, and former Clinton adviser Bruce Lindsey.

But last night the Prime Minister's Office was still standing by
its the statement that Barak gave following the pardon. "The
prime minister made one call and the matter was only raised at
the end of the phone call, where Barak stressed Marc Rich's
contribution to Israeli society," a source at the Prime
Minister's Office said.

A source close to Barak expressed great surprise that people
close to Clinton have passed the responsibility for Rich's pardon
on to Israel.

"It is obvious that a marginal telephone mention did not play a
deciding role in the granting of the pardon. Even if it is
convenient to say so, it is untrue, especially when other
requests by Barak in which he invested much greater effort, like
[Jonathan] Pollard, were not granted," said the source.

 ... and Clinton is reduced to sending Carville out to lie to Tim
Russert for him about it ...

Sunday March 4 2:02 PM ET

Clinton Aide: Barak Had Key Role in Rich Pardon


Reuters Photo

By Sue Pleming

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak played a
crucial role in former President Clinton's decision to grant a
last-minute pardon to fugitive financier Marc Rich, a close
friend of Clinton said on Sunday.

Former Clinton aide and longtime friend James Carville said the
president had been through a ``long, torturous, important
process'' with Israel to try to hammer out a Middle East peace
agreement and wanted to help Barak by granting the pardon.

``He wanted to help them (the Israelis). They wanted Rich
pardoned for reasons I can understand partially ... he made a
judgement call,'' said Carville.

``To say there is some kind of illegality here is nutty,'' added

Several of Clinton's top aides, who advised him not to pardon
Rich, have also said Clinton was influenced by Barak, who was
defeated in the Israeli prime ministerial election on Feb. 6 by
right-winger Ariel Sharon and could step down as early as this

Former White House counsel Beth Nolan told a congressional
hearing last week that it was Barak's telephone call to the Oval
Office on Jan. 19 that seemed to turn the tide in the Rich case.

Rich fled to Switzerland 17 years ago to avoid prosecution on
racketeering, wire fraud, income tax evasion and illegal oil
trading charges. Also an Israeli citizen, Rich has donated
generously to causes there. He received a pardon from Clinton on
his last day in office on Jan. 20.

``Prime Minister Barak made enormous concessions to try to get a
peace agreement. ... On the last day, he (Barak) called and said,
'I really would like you to do this (pardon Rich),' and the
president did it,'' said Carville.

Carville said he could understand why people would be critical of
Clinton's decision, but he dismissed suggestions the president
was influenced by political donors.

``If money was talking, he certainly would have pardoned Michael
Milken,'' Carville said, referring to the financier who made
millions in the junk bond industry before pleading guilty to
securities fraud in 1990.

Milken served two years in prison and had attracted high- profile
support for a pardon.

'Great Sideshow'

Carville said he believed the furor over Clinton's pardons was a
``great sideshow'' to detract from President George W. Bush (news
- web sites)'s $1.6 trillion tax cut.

The House of Representatives' Government Reform Committee, a
Senate panel and federal criminal investigators are looking into
allegations that more than $1 million in donations from Rich's
former wife, Denise, to Democratic candidates and groups may have
played a role in the pardon, as well as money given to the
Clinton presidential library.

Indiana Rep. Dan Burton (news - bio - voting record), chairman of
the House Government Reform Committee (news - web sites), told
NBC's ``Meet the Press'' there was no logical explanation for the
pardon of Rich, who fled the country and renounced his U.S.
citizenship rather than face the charges against him.

``If Mr. Rich thought he wasn't guilty, you can bet your bottom
dollar he wouldn't have given up his American citizenship and
fled the country,'' he said.

The only explanation for the pardon, sai

[CTRL] Return to Trashy Soap Opera....

2001-03-04 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Mail message

Date:Sun, Mar 4, 2001, 1:35pm Subject:Hell's Brother Has
Yet To Repay 134G

Who was the bag man?

Saba   (or was it Bag Lady?)

 Hill's Brother Has Yet To Repay 134G

  Hugh Rodham still has not returned about $134,000 of the six-
figure payday he received for lobbying former President Bill Clinton to
pardon two felons.
  Ten days after Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton's brother promised to
give the cash back, his lawyer said yesterday he had returned about
  Hugh Rodham Attorney Nancy Luque said Rodham would give back the
rest of the money "as soon as he can."
  "It's a lot of money to have to pay back," she said.
  Rodham, a Florida lawyer, accepted the money for lobbying Bill
Clinton on behalf of swindler Almon Braswell, who was pardoned, and drug
trafficker Carlos Vignali, whose sentence was reduced.
  The Clintons maintain they were unaware of Rodham's arrangements
for $434,000 in fees.
  The Clintons have told him to return the money, and Hillary
Clinton reportedly has not spoken to her brother since the
pay-for-pardon scandal broke.
  The Florida bar is probing possible misconduct by Rodham. Its
rules prohibit lawyers from collecting contingency fees in criminal
  The Washington Post reported last week that Rodham also spoke to
lawyers in
  the White House about pardons for Nora Lum and her husband, Eugene
Kung Ho Lum, who had been convicted of tax fraud.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2001-03-04 Thread DIG alfred webre

-Caveat Lector-

 Subj:   RE: [Elfrad-Group] Update - IUFO: eBOOK:ENVIRONMENTAL WAR & GLOBAL
 Date:  01-03-03 23:40:20 EST
 From:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Terracycles)

 I take back my former statement that all earthquakes are natural.  After
 reading the following article and tying this information in with Russian
 predictions of major earthquakes in Kamchatka this year, I'm ready to
 believe we're in for a lot of trouble...


See: http://www.universebooks.com/earthchanges.html
EcoNews Service - Always online for Ecology, Consciousness & Universe
Exopolitics. Vancouver, BC V6M 1V8
EcoNews http://www.ecologynews.com/
Prague  http://mujweb.cz/www/ecologynews/

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Yeltsin may have proof Monica was a plant

2001-03-04 Thread tnohava

-Caveat Lector-

There couldn't be anyway with all the resources of the GOP that they could
PLANT more women than Clinton could deal! Now we're going to hear that Mamma
"Warbucks" Rich and all her money was a plant as well.

Word has it with the success Monica has enjoyed marketing her handbags that
she plans on introducing a new line of Stained Dresses. Does anybody know
who presently has custody of the original Clinton/Lewenski Stained Dress? I
wonder how much that would bring on Ebay?

Helloo Jesse!!!

> "Among papers on his desk in the Kremlin lay a coded report from Russian
> intelligence warning that the Republicans intended to exploit Clinton's
> notorious "penchant" for young women by planting a female "provocateur" in
> his entourage.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Yeltsin may have proof Monica was a plant

2001-03-04 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Strange for Clinton knew the Mossad was tapping his line - perhaps
Yeltsin did tell him his line was being tapped?

So Yeltsin the great leader of Russia - who is also lucky to have
escaped the hangman's noose warned Clinton?

Regardless you look at the firs runs of Clinton when caught in the lie
and he could not contain his anger.he was trying to dump the little
prostitute and she would not let go.

So see these people for what and who they are.
Cui Bono?   Well Mrs. Richie Rich aka Reich got $350,000,000 - now that
is 350 million dollars in a settlement and a lot ofo this money was
virtually stolen from the American peope - so what else is new?   Isn't
Israel happy with receiving billions of dollars from us in a Bundles for
Israel program for little planes which they have been known to use
against Amrican Sailors?

So Remember the USS Cole and then wonder about the USS Liberty - most
likely this Rich holds dual citizenship (Denise) and they should deport
her as they did Meyer Lansky the man who was behind the murder of JFK?

Clinton had to be pretty stupid to permit this little sodomist to
telephone him in the privacy of his office..and of course the
company he kept was nothing of which to be proud.

As Mrs. Clinton now blames Bill for all those pardons she merely states
how disappointed she ws her brother got caugh on take for $400,000 -
what trashy people.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [radtimes] # 172

2001-03-04 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

[radtimes] # 172

An informally produced compendium of vital irregularities.

"We're living in rad times!"
Send $$ to RadTimes!!  -->  (See ** at end.)

--City bans scarves during summit, fearing protests
--Mexico Zapatistas Take Indian Rights on Tour
--Struggle for Indigenous Rights is Gaining Ground in the World
--There are bigger threats than guided missiles
--Weapon of Choice: How Terrorists Use the Web
--Zapatistas Reach Out to Other Rebels
--Activists bare all in Mexican resort to protest globalization


City bans scarves during summit, fearing protests

Anne Marie Owens and Heather Sokoloff
National Post
Ian Lindsay, The Vancouver Sun
February 26, 2001

Protesters at talks of the World Trade Organization in Seattle covered their
faces. Quebec City and the suburb of Saint-Foy have passed an anti-scarf
by-law as a security measure for the Summit of the Americas in April.

People in the Quebec City suburb of Saint-Foy could soon risk being arrested
for wearing scarves or covering up their faces.

A new by-law, which was adopted as part of security preparations for the
upcoming Summit of the Americas conference in Quebec City, is one example of
precautions being taken to squelch the activities of anti-globalization
activists and protesters who typically target these types of international

In addition to the scarf by-law, authorities plan to install a three-metre
high metal fence around several square kilometres of Quebec City and allow
only those with passes inside the perimeter. The area will be enforced by
3,000 to 5,000 police, RCMP and riot squads from across the country, and
police are freeing up 500 spots in the Quebec City prison to make room for
arrested protesters.

The by-law adopted by Saint-Foy councillors, which will be enforced during
the weeks leading up to and including the April summit, permits police to
immediately arrest someone in a crowd if even part of their face is covered.

A similar by-law is already in place in Quebec City.

If arrested, the burden of proof rests with the accused for providing a
valid excuse for covering up their faces, according to the by-law.

"I think the Quebec authorities responsible for this owe the public a pretty
full example as to why they think an extraordinary measure like that is
needed," said Alan Borovoy, general counsel of the Canadian Civil Liberties
Association. "I can imagine all sorts of perfectly logical reasons why
someone would have part of their face covered."

Mr. Borovoy says his organization grew concerned after seeing how various
cities have fought the inevitable protests and hearing how Quebec
authorities were ramping up for this particular session.

He says authorities "should not arrest, detain, search, seize or use force
beyond what is necessary to uphold the law."

The association has criticized the focus of the security tactics and urged
the federal Solicitor-General and Quebec's Public Security Minister against
using a heavy-handed and one-sided approach.

"Just as it is important to ensure the security of the summit, it is no less
important to protect the viability of the protests," said Mr. Borovoy.

"It is beginning to appear that the protesters will be quarantined miles
from the centre of conference activity ... The further away the protesters
are, the less viable their protest will be."

The April 20-22 meeting will bring together the leaders of 34 countries,
including Jean Chrétien, the Prime Minister, and George W. Bush, the U.S.
President, to discuss creating a free-trade zone covering all of North and
South America.

These gatherings have become a touchstone for anti-globalization activists,
particularly in the wake of the violence that erupted at the 1999 World
Trade Organization talks in Seattle.


Friday February 23

Mexico Zapatistas Take Indian Rights on Tour

By Lorraine Orlandi

SAN CRISTOBAL DE LAS CASAS, Mexico (Reuters) - Rebel leader
Subcommander Marcos sets out from his Chiapas stronghold on Sunday
on a journey through Mexico to the capital, where he will try to persuade
Mexican leaders to deliver rights for millions of disenfranchised Indians.

On a two-week tour through the countryside to the doors of parliament in
Mexico City, the masked rebel and two dozen fellow Zapatista commanders will
seek to rally grass-roots support and pile pressure on the government to
accept their conditions for peace in the strife-torn southern state.

The march across 12 states is seen as a challenge to new President Vicente
Fox (news - web sites), who has made concessions but not yet gone far enough
to draw the rebels back to peace talks.

[CTRL] [HardGreenHerald] # 3

2001-03-04 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

[HardGreenHerald] # 3

"Unless someone like you cares a whole lot, nothing is going to get better.
It's not."
--Dr. Seuss, 'The Lorax'

--A RadTimes production--

--Attack of the Killer Pesticides
--Pollution may save whales from Norwegian hunters
--Zero-Cut initiative splits Sierra Club
--Why we should let wolves be
--Human Testing Strikes Controversy
--Judge rules reporter does not have to name confidential source
--International Cloning Ban Signed
--Suits Against Hog Farms Prompted by Federal Inadequacies
--ELF Spikes Trees Near Eugene (OR, USA)


Attack of the Killer Pesticides

Eco-War Dispatches from The Doctors' Prescription for Healthy Living,
February 2001, Volume-5, Number-2, www.freedompressonline.com ,
by David W. Steinman, Publisher.

I've been reviewing the latest Total Diet Study results for September 2000
compiled by the Food and Drug Administration.  The total Diet Study is the
government's own monitoring data for pesticide and industrial chemical
residues detected in foods as found on grocers' shelves and on dinner
tables.  The data I've seen are so incriminating, there is possibly no
better evidence of the need for reducing our pesticide dependency and for
consumers, more than ever, to turn to organically grown foods.
I've been a consumer cop for a long time.  Nothing about these results
lends me any hope that things are getting better when it comes to
curtailing use of cancer-causing pesticides or those that may pose risks
for damage to the nervous, immune and reproductive systems.
I'm looking at the results for non-organic apples.  There were 26 samples
of apples taken.  In these samples, 244 pesticide and industrial chemical
residues were found.  That means, on average, each bite of an apple
contains more than nine different pesticide or industrial chemical
residues.  These include carcinogens such as azinphos-methyl, benomyl,
benzene, captan, dicofol, dimethoate, methy1-parathion, and propargite.
The 26 samples of raw peaches contained 195 pesticide and industrial
chemical residues.  Meahwhile, the same number of samples of fresh or
frozen boiled spinach contained 196 pesticide and industrial chemical
residues, including cancer-causing pesticides such as acephate, chlordane,
DDE, dieldrin, dimethoate, nonachlor, permethrin and toxaphene.
Fresh or frozen boiled collard greens contained 198 such residues with
especially high levels of DDE, dieldrin and endosulfan (an endocrine
disrupting chemical).
Raw celery (same number of samples) contained 179 residues with
particularly high levels of the cancer-causing pesticides acephate and
Peanut butter was the king of pesticide contamination, however, with 259
pesticide and industrial chemical residues detected, including benzene
hexachloride, dieldrin, and hexachlorobenzene.

   The Organic Alternative

We don't live in the Garden of Eden, and organically grown crops are likely
to occasionally have minor pesticide contamination, especially in cases
where residues of persistent pesticides contaminate the soil.  But much of
the contamination in the food supply today is the result of current
applications.  Based on my review of data on organic foods, they are
significantly lower in pesticide contamination.  In my book, "Diet for a
Poisoned Planet," and "The Safe Shopper's Bible" and in past issues of "The
Doctors' Prescription for Healthy Living," I have documented the many
experimental and human studies that incriminate everyday pesticide and
industrial chemical exposures as a cause of childhood and adult cancer.
Anyone who tells you that the pesticides in the food supply to which
consumers are exposed are trivial doesn't know the medical and scientific
What I am telling you is this:  organic foods should be your first choice,
especially when they are easily affordable.  For example, organically grown
apples, celery, spinach and peanut butter are extremely competitively
priced.  I'll tell you about more dangerous actors in the food supply in
upcoming reports.  It's your body, your health, and your right to care.
David W. Steinman, Publisher and Editor.


Pollution may save whales from Norwegian hunters

Friday 2, March 2001

Sea pollution could be an unlikely ally in conservationists' battle to save
the whale.
Norwegian whalers have been told Japan will not import whale meat from them
because it contains too many toxins.
Greenpeace says the blubber exports and whale hunts must now stop because
they are undermining confidence in all Norwegian seafood.
Tests have shown Norwegian w

[CTRL] Struggle in Bush gov't over Iraq

2001-03-04 Thread William Shannon

Powell visit, air raids show

Struggle in Bush gov't over Iraq

By Brian Becker
It is no accident that the first apparent foreign policy struggle taking
place inside the Bush administration concerns the deepening crisis in the
Middle East.
While U.S. foreign policy has gone through numerous strategic and tactical
shifts over the decades, one fundamental objective of U.S. policy has
remained remarkably consistent.
Since the closing days of World War II, all policy makers, presidents, and
secretaries of state and defense have agreed that the U.S. government should
exercise absolute domination over the Middle East--especially the oil-rich
Persian/Arabian Gulf region.
Two-thirds of the world's known oil reserves rest in this region. It is a
source of fabulous corporate profits. Oil constitutes the most vital
strategic resource for military and industrial power.

Meaning of Powell's tour
This fundamental fact must be kept in mind when trying to understand the
meaning of Secretary of State Gen. Colin Powell's highly publicized tour of
several Middle East countries in late February. Powell has publicly said that
the United States should modify or ease some of the economic sanctions on
Iraq, so as to rally Syria, Jordan, Egypt and other Arab regimes to support a
less severe form of economic sanctions.
Powell's attempt to reorient U.S. policy on Iraq is under attack from inside
the Bush administration.
Powell is being presented as a "dove" in a struggle with Pentagon and Bush
administration "hardliners."
Never mind that this is the same former Chief of Staff who, during the Gulf
War, went on national TV to announce that U.S. military strategy toward
Iraq's army was: "First, we are going to cut it off. Then we are going to
kill it."
When asked by a shocked reporter at the conclusion of the war/massacre, "Is
it true that 100,000 Iraqis were killed by the allied bombardment?" Powell
blandly responded, "That is not a figure that interests me very much."
What explains the shift in position from the State Department? Powell
represents a section of the U.S. establishment that is deeply worried that
growing anger against U.S./UN economic sanctions and Washington's backing of
Israeli aggression will lead to isolation or even an anti-U.S. uprising in
the region.
The Arab people are increasingly angry about the U.S.-imposed sanctions that
have killed more than 1.2 million civilians in Iraq.
For their part, the U.S. allies in the region--or to be more accurate, the
U.S. client governments in Egypt, Jordan and even Saudi Arabia--are worried
that they could face popular revolts because of their close association with
Washington's policy.

Defiance of sanctions spreading
Without an adjustment in U.S. policy, according to Powell's view, the
sanctions will completely unravel because they will be more and more
routinely ignored. Other major capitalist powers like France, Germany, Japan
and Russia also want to scrap the sanctions for their own commercial and
energy purposes.
In recent months, scores of countries have defied the U.S. and allowed
airplanes to begin flying to Baghdad. An international trade fair in Baghdad
a few weeks ago drew representatives from scores of countries eager to resume
business with Iraq.
Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright was one who feared a worldwide
backlash. Despite her hawkish orientation, Albright felt forced to announce
last September that the U.S. would refrain from carrying out military attacks
against Iraq.
Instead of stopping the anti-sanctions momentum, though, neighboring
countries immediately began to open their borders and initiate renewed trade
with Iraq, completely bypassing the UN Sanctions Committee.
Jordan, for example, recently announced it plans to create "a free trade
zone" with Iraq.

Different tactics, same objective
Powell's trip to the Middle East was designed to create the impression that
he could help the U.S. allies/clients in the region by calling for an easing
of some sanctions. He also called for Israel to "lift the siege" of the
Palestinian territories. This is language that is used by the Palestinian
But it hardly represented a new policy of live-and-let-live toward Iraq. In
his meetings with King Abdullah of Jordan, Powell insisted that the country
drop its plans for a "free-trade zone," although poverty is soaring there as
a result of reduced trade with its most important neighbor.
Powell demanded that Syrian President Bashir Assad re-seal the Iraq/Syrian
border and turn over any purported Iraqi oil revenues to the U.S.-controlled
UN Sanctions Committee. According to the newspaper Arab Jerusalem, Powell
offered to remove Syria from the U.S. "Terrorist Countries List." He offered
to support Syria's bid to become a non-permanent member of the UN Security
Council in exchange for placing an Iraq-Syria oil pipeline under UN control.
At the same time that he offered these carrots, Powell demanded that Syria

Re: [CTRL] Deputies, feds arrest Corbett couple

2001-03-04 Thread Smart News

-Caveat Lector-

Dear List,

The info below is f.y.i.

Sincerely,  Neil Brick

Deputies, feds arrest Corbett couple - An investigation continues into
activities of a white separatist group, including drugs and weapons - 3/2/01
- By Stuart Tomlinson of The Oregonian staff - "Fritz A. Springmeier, 45,
also known as Victor E. Schoff, and his wife, Patricia Springmeier, 46, are
accused of first-degree manufacture and distribution of a controlled
substance, and conspiracy to manufacture and distribute controlled
substances. They are being held in the Clackamas County Jail."

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

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[CTRL] Report: Spy Told Russians About Secret Tunnel

2001-03-04 Thread William Shannon

Report: Spy Told Russians About Secret Tunnel 

A secret tunnel the U.S. government built beneath the Russian Embassy in 
Washington may have been the most costly piece of intelligence accused spy 
Robert Philip Hanssen betrayed, The New York Times reported Sunday. According 
to unidentified intelligence and law-enforcement sources, the tunnel was part 
of a sophisticated joint FBI and National Security Agency eavesdropping 
operation used to track Soviet, and later Russian, facilities and personnel 
in the United States. The construction of the tunnel and its corresponding 
intelligence gathering operation cost several hundred million dollars, The 
Times said, which would make it the most expensive secret betrayed by 
Hanssen, the FBI agent arrested two weeks ago on espionage charges. Spokesmen 
for the FBI and the White House declined to comment on the operation in 
interviews with The Times. Hanssen, a 25-year FBI veteran and 
counterintelligence expert, was arrested last month and charged with spying 
for Moscow since 1985. The government has never publicly disclosed the 
existence of the tunnel operation, but an FBI affidavit filed in the Hanssen 
case states Hanssen "compromised an entire technical program of enormous 
value, expense and importance to the United States government." Officials 
told The Times that was a reference to the tunnel operation and related 
intelligence activities. An individual familiar with the planning of the 
tunnel operation told the Times that the tunnel construction allowed FBI 
agents to infiltrate the Soviet Embassy under the guise of contractors. 
However, the paper said details on when and how the operation was launched — 
or if it was successful in collecting useful intelligence — were not yet 
available. The embassy complex, which was built in the 1970s and 1980s, was 
not fully occupied until the 1990s as a result of a long-running dispute with 
the United States about charges that U.S. embassy buildings in Moscow had 
been bugged. The new embassy complex was not fully occupied until after the 
collapse of the Soviet Union. When the government believes Hanssen betrayed 
the tunnel operation and other U.S. efforts to monitor the Soviet Embassy 
complex could not be determined, The Times said. But current and former 
officials told The Times that a major motive behind the government's decision 
to continue searching for additional spies after the 1994 arrest of CIA 
officer Aldrich H. Ames was the growing belief that the tunnel program had 
been compromised. The tunnel and other operations targeted against the Soviet 
Embassy was among a series of damaging intelligence losses that could not be 
tracked to Ames. A secret investigative team was established to identify the 
source of the unexplained losses, which also included other technical 
intelligence programs and the 1989 tip-off to the Soviets that the F.B.I. was 
conducting an espionage investigation of a State Department official, Felix 
S. Bloch, officials said. That mole-hunt team played a critical role in the 
investigation that led to Hanssen's arrest, officials told The Times. — The 
Associated Press contributed to this report 

[CTRL] Fwd: Fritz Springmeier arrested

2001-03-04 Thread Aleisha Saba

The one story here is re Springmeier and states he used many different

I note he uses German names primarily - which is a little obvious.   His
connections to me sound a little more than just suspicious.

The informationo he puts out is nothing dangerous or new - nothing to
use phoney names about - the alleged big time drug operation sounds
strange - but the ID's he had are something else.

So what is Fritz's real name - this stuff on Satanic bloodlnes - and the
bad information of Fitzgerald line - this is staggering for the
Geraldines were one of the most famous lines in Irish History - the
Fitzgerlds (all sons of Og) were murdered by vicious vendetta - 7
hanged, drawn and quartered - St. Patrick carried the Fitzgerald Coat of
Arms ...

And this man with this satanic bloodline stuff should be assured, as a
Plantagenet and a Fitzgerald the Mormon Church already has labeled these
great Kings and Nobility as descendents of Satan and Demons - but then
who wrote the books - but the key to the Fitzgrald curse you find in the
bible - and as usual the usual suspects are involved.

So Fritz - look at his face and say do I trust this face - no way.   Is
her a German?   He seems like ones who leads the little red arrows to
groups and frankly maybe he was set up or he is part of the set up - but
if you check him out you will not find he what he pretends to be.

Like this Jewish Mafia in Columbus where Meyer Lansky would visit the
home of one - murderers, in on drugs and without a doubt behind shooting
of Larry Flynt for he was new kid on block - but the neo nazi literature
the spread some of which was in blue ink and came off the press right in
this little basement..

So what is he - just a front for drugs using White People of Christian
faith as a front - when behind you find more than just marijuana plants?

So anyway Fritz did not have the marijuana plants - this information
from APN is interesting.

I am thinking ADL is behind this stuff..and one of their big deals
lately was to try to get this Marc Rich aka Reich off the hook - ADL of
course put Christian groups on FBI Hate list and it was the ADl who told
FBI and BATf to stay home that day in Oklahoma and warned one judge
while the others were blown to hell or mutilaated and babies left in


About Fritz Springmeier
Survivors/victims, be cautious when reading the following allegations.
It can be triggering ... At the bottem of this page is the latest news I
got about Fritz. The reader be the judge ...
There are many things said by different people about Fritz Springmeier.
He wrote a number of books on trauma-based mindcontrol, creating
undetectable mindcontrolled slaves with MPD through torture. I
personally believe that the content of these books is accurate. He is
active in the therapeutic community too. Some even believe that Fritz is
allegedly used by the Illuminati one way or another, and that he is
possibly dangerous, maybe he is .. maybe he is not. At this moment,
I don't know for sure. There are those who say that Fritz himself is
possibly a Monarch victim, and I have heard from one person that Fritz
was allegedly being seen on the San Francisco Airport together with
Anton Lavey (a satanist), probably to re-capture an escaped victim.
There are however so many voices from "both sides" that it is hard to
determine what is true and what is not true. An e-mail was forwarded to
me by a friend, which was supposedly written by a mindcontrol victim
who's name and gender I will not mention to anyone. This victim says
he/she has actually lived with Fritz and Cisco for a while (Cisco
Wheeler, daughter of the late general Wheeler, an illuminati programmer
who ritually abused Cisco. Cisco is Fritz' co-author). 
The following refers to Fritz, not to Cisco . 
He/she says that the atmosphere allegedly was not very pleasant, and had
all the hallmarks of an abusive home. He/she found it a bit strange that
Fritz allegedly did not live close to his own wife, but very close to
Cisco, never leaving her out of sight. To me these accusations are very
serious of course, and I do not want to draw conclusions too soon. One
needs to be objective, not subjective. When we think subjectively, we
draw conclusions as soon as we see or hear something. This is not the
way to deal with these kind of things. And above all, we must give a
person the opportunity to explain himself. One is innocent untill proven
This alleged victim however, also is convinced that Fritz gives certain
drugs to Cisco to keep her in the condition she is in. According to this
mindcontrol victim Cisco believes she is free while in fact she is an
alleged slave of Fritz. I still need proof for this though. As I said,
there also are also some comments from the therapeutic community about
Fritz. Some say that at conferences he frequently interrupts other
speakers, and is acting like a person who knows better than anybody else
what MPD is

Re: [CTRL] Yeltsin may have proof Monica was a plant

2001-03-04 Thread BB

Hot Dog !!!  Somehow I just KNEW that eventually the
entire monicagate
festival would be the Republicans' fault !!!
radman wrote:
-Caveat Lector-
Online Journal - http://www.onlinejournal.com
03-02-01: Yeltsin may have proof Monica was a plant, and other bizarre


2001-03-04 Thread William Shannon


SUBJECT: Organization of the National Security Council SystemThis document
is the first in a series of National Security Presidential Directives.
National Security Presidential Directives shall replace both Presidential
Decision Directives and Presidential Review Directives as an instrument for
communicating presidential decisions about the national security policies
of the United States.National security includes the defense of the United
States of America, protection of our constitutional system of government,
and the advancement of United States interests around the globe. National
security also depends on America's opportunity to prosper in the world
economy. The National Security Act of 1947, as amended, established the
National Security Council to advise the President with respect to the
integration of domestic, foreign, and military policies relating to
national security. That remains its purpose. The NSC shall advise and
assist me in integrating all aspects of national security policy as it
affects the United States -- domestic, foreign, military, intelligence, and
economics (in conjunction with the National Economic Council (NEC)). The
National Security Council system is a process to coordinate executive
departments and agencies in the effective development and implementation of
those national security policies.The National Security Council (NSC) shall
have as its regular attendees (both statutory and non-statutory) the
President, the Vice President, the Secretary of State, the Secretary of the
Treasury, the Secretary of Defense, and the Assistant to the President for
National Security Affairs. The Director of Central Intelligence and the
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, as statutory advisors to the NSC,
shall also attend NSC meetings. The Chief of Staff to the President and the
Assistant to the President for Economic Policy are invited to attend any
NSC meeting. The Counsel to the President shall be consulted regarding the
agenda of NSC meetings, and shall attend any meeting when, in consultation
with the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, he deems
it appropriate. The Attorney General and the Director of the Office of
Management and Budget shall be invited to attend meetings pertaining to
their responsibilities. For the Attorney General, this includes both those
matters within the Justice Department's jurisdiction and those matters
implicating the Attorney General's responsibility under 28 U.S.C. 511 to
give his advice and opinion on questions of law when required by the
President. The heads of other executive departments and agencies, as well
as other senior officials, shall be invited to attend meetings of the NSC
when appropriate.The NSC shall meet at my direction. When I am absent from
a meeting of the NSC, at my direction the Vice President may preside. The
Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs shall be
responsible, at my direction and in consultation with the other regular
attendees of the NSC, for determining the agenda, ensuring that necessary
papers are prepared, and recording NSC actions and Presidential decisions.
When international economic issues are on the agenda of the NSC, the
Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs and the Assistant
to the President for Economic Policy shall perform these tasks in
concert.The NSC Principals Committee (NSC/PC) will continue to be the
senior interagency forum for consideration of policy issues affecting
national security, as it has since 1989. The NSC/PC shall have as its
regular attendees the Secretary of State, the Secretary of the Treasury,
the Secretary of Defense, the Chief of Staff to the President, and the
Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs (who shall serve
as chair). The Director of Central Intelligence and the Chairman of the
Joint Chiefs of Staff shall attend where issues pertaining to their
responsibilities and expertise are to be discussed. The Attorney General
and the Director of the Office of Management and Budget shall be invited to
attend meetings pertaining to their responsibilities. For the Attorney
General, this includes both those matters within the Justice Department's
jurisdiction and those matters implicating the Attorney General's
responsibility under 28 U.S.C. 511 to give his advice and opinion on
questions of law when required by the President. The Counsel to the
President shall be consulted regarding the agenda of NSC/PC meetings, and
shall attend any meeting when, in consultation with the Assistant to the
President for National Security Affairs, he deems it appropriate. When
international economic issues are on the agenda of the NSC/PC, the
Committee's regular attendees will include the Secretary of Commerce, the
United States Trade Representative, the Assistant to the President for
Economic Policy (who shall serve as chair for agenda items th

[CTRL] Russian Admiral Says Kursk Was Sunk 'By Stray Cruise Missile

2001-03-04 Thread William Shannon


Russian Admiral Says Kursk 
Was Sunk 'By Stray Cruise Missile

Christine Toomey and Mark Franchetti, Moscow

A Russian admiral close to the investigation into the sinking of the Kursk 
nuclear submarine has claimed the disaster was caused by a cruise missile 
misfired from a command vessel overseeing naval exercises.   The admiral, who 
declined to be named, told The Sunday Times: "It is 100% certain that a 
cruise missile went the wrong way." This, he said, set off a catastrophic 
chain of events that ended with huge explosions inside the submarine and the 
deaths of all 118 men on board.   According to his account, a Granit missile 
- better known by its Nato designation, Shipwreck - was fired from the 
warship Peter the Great and hit the water directly above the submarine, 30 
miles away in the Barents Sea.   The missile, equipped with a dummy warhead, 
would have disintegrated on contact with the water. However, the explosion of 
its liquid fuel could have been just enough to destabilise the submarine.   
This, in turn, is thought to have caused one of the submarine's torpedoes to 
shake loose from its mounting, leak fuel and explode. Within minutes the 
resulting fireball had set off further explosions of the Kursk's munitions, 
sending it plunging to the seabed.   The admiral said crucial documents 
relating to the incident, one of Russia's worst peacetime disasters, were 
missing.   "A lot of documents concerning the Kursk are being hidden, using 
the convenient excuse that they have been handed over to investigators into 
the accident," he said. "There are those who do not want the exact version of 
what happened to the Kursk to come out."   The latest explanation of the 
accident came as the Russian authorities faced fresh accusations of a 
cover-up. The relatives of at least 20 of the victims are taking legal action 
against the Russian state in an attempt to obtain all the facts about the 
incident.   The families want access to classified documents that could help 
to explain what caused the sinking. They also want to establish whether 
criminal proceedings can be brought against anyone deemed responsible.   "Of 
course the navy is doing everything it can to hide the truth from us," said 
Khalima Ariapova, whose husband Rashid died in the accident. "They know what 
happened but they are determined to cover it up. They think that with time 
we, the relatives, will just fade away and stop pestering them. But they are 
mistaken."   The Russian authorities have repeatedly said the results of 
their inquiry will not be made public until the Kursk is raised from the 
seabed - an operation scheduled for next summer.

[CTRL] Yeltsin may have proof Monica was a plant

2001-03-04 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

Online Journal - http://www.onlinejournal.com

03-02-01: Yeltsin may have proof Monica was a plant, and other bizarre

By Bev Conover

March 3, 2001-In another week of madness-GW Bush playing president before
a joint session of Congress, Joe Lieberman drooling to meld church and
state, and the Secret Service springing Jenna Bush's (boy?)friend from
jail-The (London) Sunday Times reported that Boris Yeltsin claims to have
received a report in 1996, before the world heard the name Monica
Lewinsky, that might have thwarted Bill Clinton's impeachment.

"Among papers on his desk in the Kremlin lay a coded report from Russian
intelligence warning that the Republicans intended to exploit Clinton's
notorious "penchant" for young women by planting a female "provocateur" in
his entourage. The aim was clear, it said-to ruin Clinton's reputation and
force him out of office," the Times reported.

In an interview with the former Russian president, Yeltsin told Times
Moscow correspondent Mark Franchetti, "I thought about telling him but it
could after all have been a normal provocation. I wasn't sure whether some
of the details were sufficiently precise. If I had warned him I could have
hurt him unnecessarily, and I didn't want to do that. I have always
believed in him and in his honesty, and I thought that Clinton could deal
with this situation himself."

Franchetti wrote that this was one of the "stranger tales recounted by the
former Russian leader in The Midnight Diaries, an account of his last four
years in office, which is published this week."

In the interview, the 69-year-old Yeltsin said he had given thought to
giving Clinton a copy of the coded report as a souvenir during a meeting
some time after the failed attempt to oust Clinton from office, then
thought better of it because he allegedly did not want to "traumatise him."

If Yeltsin is telling the truth, did he not realize he could have spared
Clinton, the people Kenneth Starr ruined post 1996 in his zeal to get the
president, and the American people the agony of a groundless impeachment
and Senate trial, not to mention the hijacking of the country, in the
aftermath, by the Bush forces?

Once again, we have to turn to a British paper-one owned by Clinton-hating
Rupert Murdoch, yet-to learn things the U.S. media choose to ignore. Don't
bet on hearing this on the nightly news or seeing it even in the back
pages of the New York Times or Washington Post, much less think anyone in
the Bush regime will ask Yeltsin for the report in order to check its
validity or that Dan Burton will convene a hearing to investigate the

The GW Bush Magic Show

Perhaps if you were down in the gutter with the corporate media and
looking up, Illusionist Bush might seem impressive. Then again, maybe not.

The bar the corporate pundits set for His Fraudulency was about as high as
the curb, but they gushed and swooned over how easily he sailed over it.
Never mind the shell game Bushie was playing with our money and how many
times over he was both spending it and giving it back or the fact that the
projected surpluses are predicated on current tax rates in a sound
economy-something George II is doing his best to destroy, the media mavens
have decided performance-as in acting-is more important than substance.

Even the Democrats, in their paltry response, didn't bother to bring up
all the things W. wants to cut-such as aid for the homeless and emergency
preparedness, among others-so he can give his fat cat friends tax cuts.

Okay, he didn't drool. He managed to limit his smirks to winks and sly
smiles that came across as "I'm screwing them and look at those dumb
Democrats applauding and giving me standing ovations."

The pundits even ballyhooed that he didn't flub his words. Are we alone in
having heard him say, "Education is not my top priority," then quickly
correct himself? Or do the corporate media go into automatic edit mode to
spare him from embarrassment? You know, pretend he didn't say it, just as
they pretend he won the election and now pretend he is the legitimate

The more sickening performance, though, was turned in by the Democrats who
shamed us by standing up for the Great Pretender and by applauding him,
instead of sitting quietly and letting him have his say or, as Rep.
Carolyn McCarthy (D-NY) did, walking out.

The Democrats may think they are playing a cagey game, but right now the
Bushistas are outmaneuvering them at every turn.

Joe Lieberman's Peculiar View of American History

Senator Joe Lieberman sounded off on religion and politics at last
Thursday's launch of the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life, a new
organization promoting "how religion shapes the ideas and institutions of
American society."

In promoting what has until now been the right wing's goal to tear down
what is left of the wall of separation between church and state, Lieberman
told the gathering, "The wall of separation has grown so beyond its

Re: [CTRL] Politics As Performance Art, Journalism As Drama Reviews

2001-03-04 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 03/03/2001 4:13:58 PM Eastern Standard Time,

<< Politics As Performance Art, Journalism As Drama Reviews

 by Norman Solomon

 Gushy reviews began as soon as George W. Bush stepped away from the podium
 the House chamber. On NBC, Tim Russert explained that the performance was
 especially impressive due to the new president's personal history of being
 podium-adverse: "I was amazed at how conversational he was tonight, and
 confident and comfortable." An analyst for ABC News marveled that Bush had
 established a "commanding presence." By the next day, the media verdict was
 in: The nation's leader is learning to make effective use of a TelePrompTer!

A really fabulous column.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Michael Pugliese/ Fritz Springmeier arrested

2001-03-04 Thread Birds

-Caveat Lector-

Thanks Michael :)

Private Mail Welcome

- Original Message -
From: bLiTz666 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Conspiracy Theory Research List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, March 03, 2001 3:09 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Michael Pugliese/ Fritz Springmeier arrested

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

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[CTRL] Johanness/Springmeier link

2001-03-04 Thread Birds

-Caveat Lector-

Of course I appreciate your help!  Thanks so very much.  What do you mean by a hit?

Private Mail Welcome

- Original Message -
From: Johannes Schmidt IV <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, March 03, 2001 4:53 AM
Subject: [CTRL] Springmeier link

-Caveat Lector-

Go to my blog


and you'll find the Yahoo/AP story link at the top!

Or follow


If you're too mean to even give me a hit after all the research I had to do.

>How do we get the item there about Fritz?
>Private Mail Welcome

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

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[CTRL] The Hanssen-Ames Connection Uncovered

2001-03-04 Thread William Shannon
The Hanssen-Ames Connection Uncovered
DEBKA-Net-Weekly © February, 2001

The American FBI veteran Robert Philip Hanssen, 56, charged Tuesday, Feb. 20 
with spying for Moscow, and the convicted CIA super-mole Aldrich Ames have a 
great deal in common that the FBI director Louis Freeh did not reveal. As 
DEBKA-Net-Weekly’s intelligence sources disclose here for the first time, 
both were recruited to the KGB’s First Chief Directorate (foreign) by the 
same pair of legendary British super-spies, Kim Philby, who defected to 
Moscow in 1961, and George Blake who lives in Moscow to this day. Ames, 
convicted in 1994 to a life sentence without parole, was a senior 
counterintelligence officer in the CIA; Hanssen filled a similar function in 
the FBI. Both climbed high in their services, got away with betraying secrets 
and double spies for decades before they were caught; their careers similarly 
straddled the crossover period between the KGB and the post-Soviet SVR; and 
both caused devastating damage.

A key date in the FBI director’s disquisition on Tuesday was 1985, when 
Hanssen was said to have been recruited to the KGB. That was also the date 
cited for Ames’s recruitment in his CIA indictment. Freeh touched on the link 
cursorily: he said Hanssen came under surveillance after Ames’s discovery as 
a result of the effort to identify additional penetrations. This comes 
nowhere near to doing justice to the relationship as it was, but it does 
indicate the long duration of the Hanssen investigation.

DEBKA-Net-Weekly’s sources maintain in this world exclusive that it was 
carried on parallel to the inquiry against Ames. Hence the great wealth of 
detail on Hanssen’s career as far back as the eighties, as presented to the 
court in Alexandria, Virginia, on Tuesday. Moreover, there is no way he could 
have kept his identity dark from the Russians; they knew exactly whom they 
were running behind the codename of “Ramon” and were also aware of the 
inquiry. What no one knows now is if he will he emulate his boss Ames and 
stay mum about the secrets of his double life, and in particular, the system 
of penetrations of which he was a part. For Ames was indeed the top dog of a 
whole army of moles, who still burrow unidentified under Western 
intelligence. He attained this pinnacle of power as head of the covert 
“Cooperative CIA/FBI Program”, America’s key counterintelligence tool in the 
eighties for recruiting double agents. As Ames himself put it in 1994 after 
he was caught: “We were putting together a basic program of establishing the 
Soviets’ modus operandi… that later built into quite a large program.”

As a senior CIA officer, he handled the agency’s spies, double spies and 
moles in foreign services in the West and East Europe. They believed they 
served Washington, while being exploited for the KGB and for Ames’s second 
master, the Chinese MSS. Hanssen kept watch for the FBI on Russian government 
embassies and missions in Washington and at UN Headquarters in New York; he 
performed his assignments on behalf of that cooperative program as Ames’s 
clandestine operational arm inside the FBI. As such, he betrayed Soviet 
embassy staff who spied for the US. Two were later executed in Moscow. 
Hanssen was therefore one of Ames’s super-moles and his vital channel into 
the US defense establishment. When the American probe began closing in on 
Hanssen, Moscow threw out veiled messages to Washington.

The US businessman Edmund Pope, convicted as an American spy in April 2000, 
was pardoned by President Putin in December 2000. That same month, Sergei 
Lebedev, head of Russia’s foreign intelligence SVR remarked out of the blue 
that the notorious British Cold War spy George Blake was still working “for 
the good of Russia”. Blake, a member of British counterintelligence from 1941 
to 1961, was sentenced to 42 years for spying for Russia. He broke out of 
prison and escaped to Moscow in 1966. Dredging up the name of this 77-year 
old relic of the Cambridge Ring certainly revived old, uneasy Cold War 
memories in Washington.

The Russians were warning the Americans indirectly: Hands off Hanssen; Ames 
is still holding his tongue and so will Hanssen. If you expose him, we have 
Blake to take the lid of a Pandora’ s Box that will hurt you and rekindle the 
old intelligence war. Moscow was spurred into action shortly after the US 
presidential election in November - for good reason. In September 1997, 
ex-president Bill Clinton called off the hunt for Ames’s moles, instructing 
CIA director George Tenet to draw a line against the past and the damage Ames 
had wrought US intelligence.

But then, George W. Bush, while still president-elect, was asked to decide 
whether to let the Hanssen inquiry take its full course. He called together a 
group made up of his father – not only a former president but also a former 
CIA director - Vice President Dick Cheney, national security adviser 
Condaleezza Rice, Attorney General Jo

[CTRL] Sympathy for the Devil . . . more on web

2001-03-04 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

 As GW Bush gains in this race and a "wave of Evil" spreads through
America, GREENWICH VILLAGE GAZETTE, in this five part investigative
  report, discovers some real  Nazi skeletons in the Bush family closet.
   Part 1: Pat coddles Hitler while GW coddles Pat
  Part 2: Bush's "great" 1936 Olympics and "great"
Nazi Professor
  Part 3: Hitler goes Wall Street and Prescott Bush roles out the
Part 4: President Bush and his seven Nazi "friends"
 Part 5: Excuse me GW, but could you pass Hitler's steak knife?

Part 1: Pat coddles Hitler while GW coddles Pat

Over year  ago, Republican Presidential candidate Pat Buchanan sparked a
political firestorm by injecting the name Adolf Hitler into the 2000
campaign. In his 1999 book "Republic, Not An Empire," Mr. Buchanan
questions the United States' role fighting Hitler during World War II and also
charged Franklin D. Roosevelt of "lying to provoke national hysteria."

For years, Mr. Buchanan has been charged, even by some members of the
Republican Party, with crossing the line with racist and anti-Semitic essays
speeches; even questioning the number of victims of the Holocaust. Mr.
Buchanan described Hitler as an "individual with great courage" in 1977.

Senator. John McCain denounced Mr. Buchanan "on principle" because Pat's
views are "so far outside of the philosophy of what America is all about."
Elizabeth Dole, who's husband, former Senator Robert Dole, lost the use of one
arm fighting in WW2, said she "was appalled by Pat Buchanan's comments" and
that they were "grossly insensitive" especially to soldiers "who gave there
to preserve freedom."

With the  outbreak of hate crimes spreading throughout the nation: the
Columbine Massacre, the shooting at a Jewish daycare center, and two separate
bombing incidents at predominately black Florida A&M,  Matthew Shepard, The
Byrd slaying; many voters are crying out for leadership on hate crimes,
especially from the presidential candidates.

On September 16 1999 front runner George W Bush left a Fort Worth hospital
after visiting victims of a mass shooting at a Texas Baptist Church. GW told
reporters that he believed "a wave of Evil" is "passing through America."

 In a interview with the Associated Press on Friday September 25th, 1999 GW
said that "I'm going to need every vote I can Get among Republicans to win the

Most would say the answer is simply votes, that the Hate Coalition is much
larger, especially within the Republican party, than many would care to
But could it be more complex then just votes? Are their other high ranking
Republicans, like the Rev Pat Robertson, Rush Limbaugh, or even GW himself
who privately hold similar views?

The Greenwich Village Gazette has been investigating 1999's "wave of evil",
months before the  uproar over Mr. Buchanan, and has discovered some similar
patterns of Nazi sympathies in GW and others in the Bush Family's past.

Continue To PART 2
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

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[CTRL] Two Major Storms Converging on East Coast

2001-03-04 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Two Major Storms Converging on East Coast

Will Dunham


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Two major storm systems -- a wet one moving through
the South and a frigid one coming down from Canada -- were on a collision
course on Saturday, threatening to create a massive snowstorm in the U.S.
Northeast and Middle Atlantic States, the like of which has not been seen
since 1966.

The National Weather Service said heavy snowfall could begin on Sunday
afternoon and evening, blanketing an area from Washington to southern Maine
with at least a foot of snow -- in some areas, even more.

Major cities including Washington, Baltimore, New York and Boston, were
``under the gun for the potential for heavy snow,'' said Michael Eckert, a
senior meteorologist with the National Weather Service.

Warmer-than-expected temperatures in the Washington area on Saturday could
mean that the region will receive more rain than heavy snowfall,
meteorologists said.

Eckert called the late-winter storm highly unusual in that it represented the
combination of two mighty weather systems.

``It's very rare. We just don't see things like this happen very often,'' he

Local officials from Virginia to New England faced the task of preparing for
the approaching storm, while people flocked to stores to buy food and
supplies. The storm had the potential to wreak havoc for air travelers and
motorists, with the possibility of businesses, schools and government offices
being closed on Monday.

``It's going to be bad,'' said Paul Kocin, a winter weather expert at The
Weather Channel, predicting that areas around Boston could get up to 30
inches. ``That doesn't happen every day.''


Eckert said the storm remained in its ``infancy stage'' on Saturday. He said
an extremely wet system coming out of Mexico had been dumping torrential
rains across Texas and the Gulf Coast region. Some areas have received up to
5 inches of rain in the past day.

Authorities posted tornado watches from southeastern Mississippi all the way
into the panhandle of Florida and southern parts of Alabama, as well as flash
flood warnings across Louisiana, southern Mississippi and southern Alabama.

Georgia was also under a severe thunderstorm warning. A National Guard C-23
Sherpa aircraft crashed in bad weather on Saturday in a field near Unadilla,
Georgia, killing all 21 people on board, although it was not confirmed that
weather conditions were a cause of the crash.

Eckert said ``a very, very deep cold-air dome'' had moved down through
eastern Canada and the Northeastern part of the United States and toward the
Great Lakes and the Ohio Valley.

``What's going to happen is they'll eventually merge into one main system,''
he said. ``You combine the extreme wetness of the system coming up from the
South with the really deep, cold air of the North, and you've got the
ingredients there for a major storm.''

The rain could begin to turn into snow toward evening on Sunday near
Washington and perhaps as far south as Richmond, Virginia, Eckert said. The
storm is then expected to track slowly northeastward up into southern New
England through Monday and into Tuesday, dumping heavy snow all the way to
Portland, Maine, he said.


Experts said the brewing storm might not be the biggest blizzard in decades
but could very well become the biggest of its kind -- a merger of two storms
into a single massive one -- in 35 years.

``This one has similarities to the storm in late January of 1966,'' Eckert
said. ``That one produced blizzard conditions over New England and New York,
and there also was quite a bit of heavy snow down into the Washington area.''

That storm blanketed a large area with 2 to 3 feet of snow, with some
locations east of Lake Ontario getting 6 feet of snow.

Eckert said the key to the magnitude of the storm would be where the rain
began to turn into snow.

He noted that one of the computer-forecasting models foresaw mostly rain in
the Middle Atlantic States, with snow falling farther west in the Appalachian
Mountains and the upper Ohio Valley.

Eckert said communities had fair notice that a major storm could be on the

``Just be ready,'' he said. ``All you can do is be prepared for how this
thing will evolve. Fortunately, we've got a lot of time. It's not like it's
something that's jumping up at us from the middle of nowhere.''

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, 

[CTRL] Fwd: Israeli Army Prepares To Further Toture Palestinians into Submission

2001-03-04 Thread William Shannon

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  News, Information, & Analysis That Governments, Interest Groups,
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 To receive MER regularly email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

JERUSALEM (AP - 2:50am ET) - A powerful bomb exploded during morning rush hour
Sunday in a crowded open-air market in the Israeli coastal city of Netanya.
Two people were killed and at least 25 wounded, including two seriously, paramedics
said.  The blast went off at about 8:55 a.m. in the center of Netanya. [Initial
reports indicate 2 Israeli dead, 35 wounded, and the Palestinian who set off
the bomb dead.]


 "...The need to "make the Palestinian ask
 himself each morning: 'why the hell did
 we start this intifada? What have we
 gained from it?'"

MID-EAST REALITIES © - www.MiddleEast.Org - Washington - 3/04:
   The Arab regimes are far too weak and co-opted to do anything serious.
The Arafat regime is far too corrupt and incompetent to do anything serious.
 The Americans are far too under the thumb of the Israeli/Jewish lobby whose
strength remains overwhelming in the U.S. -- the Arab American groups still
far too confused, innocent, and self-centered to have any significant impact
(a situation their own handlers, the Arab regimes, encourage to stay this way
for their own reasons).
   And so the Palestinian people not only suffer terribly; but the craven world
watches, the long-discredited United Nations orates, the laughable Arab League
gesticulates, and the ridiculously manipulated Muslim groups submit -- all
claiming of course to be so concerned but in reality all collectively doing
little useful and hardly anything serious.
   And now the Israeli army (supplied and backed of course by the American
army), gets ready to clamp down even further until the Palestinians are forced
once again into submission.  These two articles in today's Ha'aretz help set
the new stage:

By Amos Harel
  Ha'aretz Military Correspondent

[Ha'aretz 4 March 2001]: Two more terms have been added recently to the
acronym-studded, voluminous lexicon of Israeli rule in the West Bank and
Gaza Strip: Badatz and Tigbatz.

The first refers to blocking off roads to close escape routes for terrorists
after gunfire attacks. The second alludes to beefing-up security deployments
on roads in the territories. Anyone who has traveled recently from Hebron
toward Jerusalem during the afternoon is likely to have observed the policy
for which this second acronym stands: soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces
can be seen at each junction, and there are several armed personnel carriers
parked along roads.

Current Israeli defense tactics in the territories reenact a policy followed
more than a decade ago, when Yitzhak Mordechai served as IDF Central
Commander. As was the case then, makeshift IDF holding posts have sprouted
up in numerous West Bank flash-points. Some ten new IDF posts have appeared
in the Hebron region alone; most have been set-up on the rooftops of
Palestinian houses that are located alongside Route 60, the road which leads
to Jerusalem. The IDF has put up other posts in locales such as the "Tunnel
Road," which runs between Al Hader and the Gilo neighborhood.

The new policy has been implemented in the Ramallah area as well, with an
IDF post newly assembled at the "British Police junction," where a Jewish
resident from the Ateret settlement was wounded about a week ago. The army
has established another three posts, some featuring tanks, on route 433,
which runs between Jerusalem and Modi'in.

The practical security utility of these new roadside posts is questionable.
IDF soldiers stationed at them have themselves become the potential targets
of terror attacks. Yet the IDF is responding to perceived siege conditions,
in which the sense of safety felt by settlers and other Israelis is almost
as important as actual security. Given the current situation, in which
thousands of Israeli citizens feel threatened on the road, the IDF believes
that its new policy is an appropriate and necessary measure.

While the IDF General Staff prepares for various scenarios which might be
realized after the Sharon government takes office, it remains possible that
one major shift in the conditions in the territories could generate a faster
flow of events than top planners are anticipating.

As the Al Aqsa Intifada rages on, IDF commanders in the 

[CTRL] On the Bush Family

2001-03-04 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

On the Bush Family

On the Far Right

These leaders of the New Right include (notorious Clinton hater) Richard
Mellon Scaife, Paul Weyrich and the Coors, DeVos (Amway), Hunt (Oil), Koch
(Oil), Krieble (Loctite), Noble, Olin & Van Andel (Amway) families. In fact,
oilman George Bush Sr. comes from this very same class of people. His tenure
as CIA Director is but a small part of a long history with the Intelligence
community, which has included Richard Mellon Scaife, and the other New Right
leaders. It is highly unlikely that Bush would have been appointed CIA
Director, without some prior experience within the Agency. Indeed, there have
been reports that Bush was possibly a CIA operative since at least 1961.

What's more, the Bush Family's CIA affiliation appears to originate with the
OSS, the WWII Agency that preceded the CIA. Robert Lovett, the business
partner of Bush's father Prescott, was an OSS Officer, along with Mellon
Scaife's father Alan and their Mellon relatives. In fact, Paul Mellon was the
OSS Station Chief in London. Prescott could not (officially at least) be
involved in the OSS, since his assets were seized in 1942 under the Trading
With the Enemy Act, for collaborating with Nazi industrialists. [1] . It was
Robert Lovett and the Committee bearing his name that recommended the
creation of the CIA as the post-WWII descendant of the OSS. After the war,
Lovett and another of Prescott's business partners, Averell Harriman, were
directly involved with the CIA. Given that many of Prescott Bush's cronies
enjoyed a long association with the CIA, it is likely that Prescott was
involved with the Agency as well. (Those interested in looking more deeply
into the elite roots of the OSS and the CIA should read about Yale's "Skull
and Bones" society -- a.k.a "the Bonesmen" [2] ).

In the seventies, while George Bush Sr. was in the wings for the CIA
Directorship, Richard Mellon Scaife ran Forum World Features, a CIA front for
a European propaganda operation. There are also reports that Scaife was
likely involved in the Heritage Foundation's funding of Iran-Contra, along
with Heritage President Edwin Feulner. Contrary to what he still declares to
this day, then-Vice President Bush Sr. was clearly "in the loop" of
Iran-Contra, as Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger's notes demonstrated.
Furthermore, Admiral John Poindexter claimed that he conferred directly with
Bush about the Iran-Contra scheme. Also, Bush and his assistant Donald Gregg
communicated regularly with Felix Rodriguez, the notorious ex-CIA agent at
the heart of the Contra Supply operation [See Lawrence Walsh's "Firewall",
W.W. Norton & Co., 1997; pp. 271-272]. In recent years, the CIA Inspector
General's Report confirmed that the Contras were trafficking in cocaine,
under the watch of Oliver North and the CIA [3] . There is strong evidence
that the Contras used North's planes (financed in part by Joe Coors) for
their drug-running. Although a Congressional investigation into
Contra-Cocaine was recently concluded, there remain lingering questions about
the role North's team and the CIA played in this enterprise. [Click here to
go beyond the headlines -- What the recent Congressional Investigations
actually revealed].

During this period, both Presidents Reagan and Bush appointed Mellon Scaife
to the US Advisory Committee for Public Diplomacy, which oversaw the US
Information Agency. A key component of the White House Spin Machine, the USIA
worked hand in hand with Walter Raymond's interagency propaganda operation.
The mission of Raymond's outfit (code-named "Project Truth") was to
manipulate US public opinion in favor of the Reagan-Bush foreign policies.
[See Robert Parry's "Lost History" for details [4] ]. In 1983, the USIA's
director, Charles Z. Wick, held a fundraiser in support of the Iran-Contra
activities. With the help of Scaife's lieutenants, Wick collected over
$400,000 in private funds from the likes of the Smith Richardson and Olin
Foundations [5] . [Also, see the National Security Archive's "Iran-Contra
Collection", May 1983]. Later, Frank Shakespeare, yet another Heritage board
member, served as the USIA's Director.

Ultimately, President George Bush dealt the final blow to Independent Counsel
Lawrence Walsh's prosecution of the Iran-Contra affair. Less than a month
before leaving office, Bush pardoned Caspar Weinberger and the other
defendants awaiting trial. Bush also issued sweeping pardons to those
previously convicted ["Firewall", p. 493]. In so doing, Bush clearly abused
his Presidential power to avoid further exposure of his Iran-Contra role,
which had been definitely established by Weinberger's notes.




In the fall of 1937 a young 14 year old George Herbert Walker Bush (aka
Poppy) was entering his first year at Andover Pre

[CTRL] Inside George W.’s Secret Crypt

2001-03-04 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

March 4, 2001 | 9:27 AM

Inside George W.’s Secret Crypt

 by Ron Rosenbaum

Where is the all-girl break-in team now that we need them? Where are the
intrepid young women who had the nerve and daring to pull off one of the
great investigative coups of our era: to sneak into the triple-locked "tomb"
of Skull and Bones, the secret citadel, the sanctum sanctorum, the heart of
the heart of the Eastern Establishment, the place of weird, clandestine,
occult bonding rituals that has shaped the character of American ruling-class
figures from the 27th President, William Howard Taft, to the 41st, George
Herbert Walker Bush and perhaps the next one too: George W., Skull and Bones
1968. The place where generations of Bushes, Tafts and Buckleys and the like
lay down in coffins and spewed the secrets of their sex lives. The place
where many of America’s top spies and spy masters were initiated into their
clandestine destinies. The place where all conspiracy theories converge. The
place where the people who shaped America’s character had their character

But the superspooks of Skull and Bones had nothing on the all-girl break-in
team, which managed to outwit their security, slip into the tomb and take
pictures of each and every sacred ritual room. Including that dread enclosure
I call the "Room With the License Plates of Many States."

I know because I once held in my hands the fruits of the all-girl break-in
Skull and Bones raid. Yes, there came a time when I gazed at some glossy
black-and-white prints that revealed the innermost sanctums of perhaps the
most secrecy-shrouded interior in America, the interior of the Skull and
Bones Tomb on the Yale campus in New Haven.

It is a space that is likely to have even more attention focused on it in the
coming months because an initiate once again is poised to become President.
And because of the imminent release of a film called The Skulls transparently
based on Skull and Bones. But it was only recently that I began thinking
about the all-girl break-in team, which was, I believe, inspired by something
I’d written–the first and I think still the only outside investigation of
Skull and Bones, its secrets, its legacy, its powerful subterranean influence
on American history.

In fact, it is my belief that the all-girl break-in team might be doing W. a
favor by demystifying this black hole in his biography: the occult rituals he
engaged in twice a week in the bowels of the Skull and Bones tomb in the
crucial 21st year of his life.

In fact, if I might engage in a speculative digression about W., who was my
college classmate, though barely known to me–I have a feeling there is a part
of him that might secretly have approved of the all-girl break-in team’s act
of clandestine mischief. An irreverent spirit, something I thought I glimpsed
in a chance encounter with him and Hunter Thompson a quarter-century ago at a
Super Bowl in Houston.

I can’t recall who was hanging out with whom, but it was January 1974, it was
in the atrium of the Hyatt Regency, the Super Bowl headquarters hotel (I was
there to write about the spectacle which featured Dolphins versus Vikes that
year) and I think it was a mutual friend, a fun-loving preppy guy I knew from
college who also somehow knew Hunter and W. who brought us all together in a
room in the Hyatt. I don’t remember exactly what went on, but I do remember
coming away with a favorable impression of W.

I remember thinking he was one of the preppy types I’d always kind of liked,
the hang-loose, good-ole-boy types, many of whom took the interregnum on
careerism, which the war and the draft mandated as a cue to break out of the
mold a bit, wander off the reservation, poke into the sides of life their
trust funds otherwise might have sheltered them from. I sensed what W. liked
about Hunter Thompson was that Hunter too was another button-down good old
frat boy (once) who went weird but in a good-old-boy way.

This, in other words, was W. II, the kind of a guy who just might have seen
through all the suits and trappings of moral seriousness Skull and Bones
attempted to imbue its initiates with, one who might have seen it as a bit
silly and pompous and who might have preferred, like some of his fellow
preppy prince Hals, to spend time with Falstaffian misleaders of youth such
as Mr. Thompson.

If you think of W. I as the guy who was tapped for Skull and Bones at Yale,
W. II was a kind of counter-W. I. We know W. II was soon to be replaced,
because he’s told us he stopped doing any Bad Things in 1974. Except liquor:
It was then he turned into the hard-drinking W. III. To be succeeded in 1986
when he gave up spirits as well by the solemn and preachy W. IV we have today.

My feeling is: Bring back W. II! I have a feeling W. II saw through the whole
Skull and Bones charade, the pomposity of its ritual posturing, the
preposterousness of its occult mumbo jumbo.

By all accoun


2001-03-04 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

CONGRESS ACTION: March 4, 2001


DRILLING FOR THE FACTS: The battle for energy security has begun. On February
26, Senator Frank Murkowski (R-AK) introduced the National Energy Security
Act of 2001 (S.388), a broad-based strategy to wean this nation from its
excessive dependence on imported oil and providing for, among other things,
oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR). The usual
suspects are up in arms. Former President Jimmy Carter wonders, in effect,
how anyone can dare to propose drilling on his land. Mr. Carter apparently
thinks ANWR belongs to him. In an interview with the Associated Press, Carter
claimed "I inherited the mantle of protecting ANWR from Eisenhower". Near the
end of his presidency, Carter signed the Alaska National Interest Lands
Conservation Act, and he now apparently feels that he owns ANWR. As do the
media and environmental pressure groups now mobilizing to protect the "public
lands" of the ANWR. It has obviously never occurred to them that the "public"
in "public lands" includes more than just tree-huggers and New York City
subway strap-hangers. It includes people who drive their cars -- yes, even
SUVs -- to work, people in the Northeast who want to be able to heat their
homes without taking out a second mortgage to pay for the fuel, and people in
California who actually want to be able to turn on their lights without
facing rolling blackouts. Environmentalists are trotting out the usual
scare-mongering about how drilling in ANWR will harm the local wildlife,
especially the caribou herds. This in the face of evidence from 25 years of
oil drilling at Prudhoe Bay where, far from being harmed, caribou are
thriving, with the herds more than quadrupling in size. The same extremists
issued the same dire warnings of devastation to animal life before Prudhoe
Bay was opened to drilling. But the hallmark of environmental fanaticism is
that facts and evidence mean nothing.

Despite the apparent belief of environmental extremists, there is no such
thing as a free lunch. The public cannot have the abundant energy and
electricity that consumers want and that our economy needs without obtaining
the necessary fuel. In the case of ANWR, that means drilling for oil and gas
in 2000 out of 19 million acres of frozen tundra -- an area less than half
the size of Kennedy Airport in a vast preserve nearly two-thirds the size of
the entire state of New York. It should also mean a revival of the nearly
dead nuclear power industry, an industry and a technology that has been
driven to the edge of extinction in this country by the "no nuke" extremists.
In a related development, according to the BBC, buried in the latest
catastrophic predictions of doom from global warming, the United Nations'
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) observed that nuclear power
can help to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions. And horror of
horrors, the Los Angeles Times reports that even Californians have begun
discussing nuclear power in polite company again. As far back as 1997, even
the Washington Post opined that nuclear power might be one way to meet the
Clean Air Act and Kyoto global warming treaty goals of reduced emissions. But
the no-nuke Luddites can calm their fears -- now that nuclear power is again
being discussed by serious scientists and policy makers, the sycophantic
media will soon fall back into their rigid, politically correct orthodoxy of
denouncing nuclear energy. Nuclear power reactors are apparently just fine to
help North Korea supply their energy needs, but Americans simply cannot be
trusted to use nuclear power responsibly (recall Bill Clinton's 1994 deal to
give North Korea two nuclear reactors in exchange for their promise to
abandon their nuclear weapons program, a deal that North Korea eventually
renounced, and a deal that raised hardly a murmur among the left-wing
establishment at the time -- should we be so crass as to point out that North
Korea is a Stalinist regime of the sort so beloved by the left?).

In his AP interview Carter went on to claim that there is no energy crisis
today, and that supporters of ANWR drilling have exaggerated the energy
problems that we face. Just don't think about the high technology companies
thinking of moving out of California to other states that can actually supply
them with electricity, where they won't be charged exorbitant rates for
electricity to subsidize low rates for consumers who still think they are
entitled to something for nothing at everyone else's expense. Forget that we
have gone from depending on foreign sources for 40% of our energy needs, to
60% dependence, during Bill Clinton's tenure. Carter, of course, knows a
thing or two about energy crises -- those who remember his presidency also
remember the federal mandates to turn down thermostats and put on a sweater,
and the long lines at gas sta

[CTRL] Week Ending: 3 March 2001 / 8 Adar 5761 Part 1

2001-03-04 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Tzemach News Service - http://www.tzemach.org/fyi/

A weekly update of news and events regarding the nation and the people of

Week Ending: 3 March 2001 / 8 Adar 5761

Please feel free to forward to a friend or colleague.
To subscribe, send a blank e-mail to <[EMAIL PROTECTED] >

"And the L-rd roars from Zion and utters His voice from Jerusalem, and the
heavens and the earth tremble. But the L-rd is a refuge for His people and
a stronghold to the sons of Israel." [Joel 3.16]



:: THE TERRORISM CONTINUES: Claude Knopp, 29, of Tiberias, was killed
Thursday and eight others were injured, several severely, after a
bomb-laden taxicab exploded near the Israeli Arab village of Umm el-Fahm
at the Mei Ami junction, HA'ARETZ reported. The security sources reported
that they were on a alert Thursday morning for a car bomb which was on its
way to Tel Aviv. An emergency roadblock spotted the suspected vehicle, a
van, and police began a chase. When the terrorists saw a police roadblock
at Mei Ami blocking their way, they detonated the bomb in the vehicle.

In another attack, three Israelis were wounded - including one woman in
serious condition - when Palestinian terrorists shot at them shortly after
4 PM Tuesday. The attack occurred between the north-Jerusalem industrial
zone of Atarot and the Ofer army base, south of Ram'Allah. A similar
attack later in the afternoon near Tulkarm miraculously produced no
injuries. Palestinians shot at a passing Israeli car, but although bullets
hit the car, no one was hurt.

A Kfar Saba man killed in an orchard in Moshav Hagor on Monday. Police
first believed the dead man was the victim of a work accident. Additional
investigation revealed the man had been shot in his neck and chest. The
victim, whose name has not been cleared for release, left a wife and two

Meanwhile, Israel Defense Forces [IDF] Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Shaul Mofaz
warned Friday that security forces would step up actions to prevent terror
and apply pressure against terrorists and those who support them, HA'ARETZ
reported. In an interview on Israel Radio, Mofaz said, "If the Palestinian
Authority [PA/PLO] does not take strong action to stop the violence,
Israel will be forced to make serious preparations for the future." He
further warned, "If the PA does not act against the terror, Israel will be
forced to act in its place, through all possible channels."

the Izzadin al-Kassim faction of the Hamas terrorist organization in Gaza
on Saturday call for an escalation in attacks against Israeli targets. The
flyers that were sent to news agencies stated that immediately after Prime
Minister-elect Ariel Sharon takes office, suicide attacks will resume
inside the "Green Line," adding there are suicide bombers ready and
waiting for orders to begin attacks. The heightened security alert
following last Thursday's Wadi Ara taxi bombing is to remain in force at
least through the Purim [3 March] holiday, even in the absence of concrete
information over planned terror attacks. Additional police and even some
IDF units will patrol the Green Line and tighten checkpoints, in
additional to the beefed-up presence of security forces in public places.

The PA/PLO has recruited into the ranks of its various security
organizations a number of Hamas terrorists who were released from
Palestinian prisons in recent months. According to Israeli security
sources, these men have already taken active roles in attacks against
Israeli soldiers and civilians. Last October, days after the outbreak of
the Al Aqsa Intifada, the PA/PLO released dozens of Hamas and Islamic
Jihad terrorists that it was holding in its prisons. Many of the released
inmates had been involved in shooting attacks against Israeli targets and
in the planting of bombs. It has recently become apparent that some of
these former inmates are carrying out their activities while in the
uniform of the PA/PLO's security organizations. The PA/PLO had recruited
former inmates to its police forces before the Intifada. However, in most
cases they belonged to Fatah and had carried out attacks against Israeli
targets prior to the signing of the Oslo accords in 1993. Nearly all Hamas
and Islamic Jihad oper

[CTRL] Week Ending: 3 March 2001 / 8 Adar 5761 Part 2

2001-03-04 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

:: SHARON CABINET COMING TOGETHER: The Labor party chose Brig.-Gen. (res.)
Binyamin Ben-Eliezer, currently serving as Construction and Housing
Minister, as the man to fill the post of Defense Minister in Ariel
Sharon's new government. Ben-Eliezer said he supported Prime
Minister-elect Ariel Sharon's position that talks between Israel and the
Palestinians could resume only after a cessation of the current violence.
Ben-Eliezer is considered as 'right-wing' as you can get in the
'left-wing' Labor party. The YESHA Council (Council of Jewish Communities
in Judea and Samaria) congratulated Ben-Eliezer on his appointment: "The
Council anticipates that Ben-Eliezer and Prime Minister Sharon will bring
about the desired turnaround in Israel's defense policy, and will replace
capitulation with initiative and victory." Three of the eight Labor party
ministers are now known: aside from Ben-Eliezer, Shimon Peres will be
Minister of Foreign Affairs, and MK Shalom Simchon will be Agriculture
Minister. Sharon plans to present his new government next Wednesday

:: IDF CONSIDERS SETTLER PATROLS: The IDF is considering devising
arrangements that would give legal recognition to the security patrols
settlers have recently been conducting in YESHA. IDF sources explained to
HA'ARETZ that since the army has no practical means of preventing such
patrols, it would be preferable for them to be coordinated with the IDF
and under the IDF's control. Many settlements have begun operating
security patrols, manned by volunteers, in recent months because of the
sharp rise in shooting attacks on the roads. Some of these patrols escort
drivers only from the settlement to the main road; others accompany the
driver as far as the army roadblocks along the Green Line. Some of the
groups are fairly well-organized, providing the volunteers with helmets,
flak jackets, weapons and two-way radios; others are spontaneous
initiatives by individual settlers.

by the Jewish Agency released on Monday found that recent immigrants from
North America has found that they are overwhelmingly satisfied with their
absorption and would recommend aliya (immigration to Israel) to family and
friends, THE JERUSALEM POST reported. The study found that 74 percent of
the interviewees define their absorption in Israel as successful. While 25
percent of the participants said they would not advise their friends on
this issue one way or the other, 61 percent of the remaining 75 percent
said they would recommend aliya to friends and relatives still living in
the US or Canada. Survey participants included immigrants living in Israel
from six months to two years.

troops and vehicles around positions near the Jordanian border. US defense
sources said the deployment ordered by Iraqi President Saddam Hussein
began less than a week ago and involved thousands of soldiers from up to
six divisions as well as military vehicles and artillery. Iraqi
surface-to-surface missile batteries were not seen but were believed being
prepared for operations. This was the third time since October that Saddam
has moved troops near the Jordanian and Syrian border. In late January,
Saddam withdrew most of his troops from the western border area and
returned them to their bases in Baghdad. The Iraqi troop movement a week
ago sparked a military alert in Tel Aviv, Washington and several capitals
in the Gulf. Western diplomatic sources said that in response Israeli air
force jets flew toward Syria and US and British warplanes attacked Iraqi
targets near Mosul. The Iraqi movements were then halted.


The new Bush Jr. Administration, with the State Department breathing its
usual anti-Israel sentiment, has issued a quiet ultimatum to the Prime
Minister Elect Ariel Sharon. The gist of the threat is that Israel must
get the ‘Intifada’ (Arafat’s War of Attrition) under control in the next
few weeks, or else!

Whoa! This from a US government who has not been able to enforce sanctions
against Iraq who, in the last 8 years has allowed Saddam Hussein to
re-construct his capacity to build catastrophic weapons of mass
destruction. Do Bush, Cheney, Powell, Rice and the State Department think
they have solved the Iraq problem by having 29 planes make bombing runs on
Saddam’s command and control centers?

Since 1947 Israel has been facing unremitting attacks from the Arab
nations who aid and abet Yassir Arafat to keep the pot boiling. Israel’s
military was, indeed, capable of quelling the Palestinians’ war. Th

Re: [CTRL] WARNING: US military developing " non-lethal weapons.

2001-03-04 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

John Cone wrote:
> -Caveat Lector-
> --- Bob Stokes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: (Synopsis)
>  You have a very warped view of history.
>  You seem to forget that the Japanese wiped out
>  Pearl Harbor and murdered thousands of people both
>  military and civilian.
>  Just where do you get this hypothesis
>  that the bombings of these two cities were
> > propaganda?  It was to prevent an
> > invasion of Honshu which would have resulted in
> > millions of deaths on both sides."
> ___
> Nakano comments:
> A few historical facts.
> Franklin Roosevelt ran as the "peace candidate"
> in the 1940 election. He said: "I have said it before,
> and I say it again and againI am not about to
> send your sons to fight and die in another European
> war."  The American People were strongly against
> the U.S. entering World War 2.
> Something dramatic and shocking was needed to turn
> public opinion around.
> In about June of 1941 Roosevelt halted U.S. oil
> exports to Japan. (Denial of a strategic resource)
> Japan has no oil of its own. They were getting about
> half of their imports from the U.S. when FDR cut off
> their supply.
> That same summer or early fall, Roosevelt closed
> the Panama Canal to Japanese ships. The U.S. had
> guaranteed canal access to all nations, but FDR
> ignored that promise.
> In November of 1941, Roosevelt gave Japan an
> ultimatum to get their military forces out of
> Manchuria.
> Roosevelt was shoving and pushing Japandaring
> the Japanese to take a swing at us.
> They finally did on December 7th, 1941.
> Indeed it was a "day of infamy".
> 2,500 U.S. military personnel died in the attack
> on Pearl Harbor.
> They were sacrificed by Roosevelt in order to
> reverse public opinion about America entering
> the war.
> It worked.
> In 1 day, the American People went from 80 percent
> opposed to the warto demanding that the U.S.
> declare war.  An entire generation of young American
> men lined up at the draft board offices to enlist.
> So much for the so-called "unprovoked sneak-attack".
> As for the dropping of the atomic bombs on Japan.
> It was unnecessary.
> Nor would an invasion of Japan been necessary.
> The Japanese navy was on the bottom of the ocean.
> Every Japanese city of any consequence was in ruins.
> More people were killed in the conventional firebomb
> raids on Tokyo than were killed at either Nagasaki
> or Hiroshima.
> American naval and airpower had Japan in an
> inescapable stranglehold.
> Japan is an island nation lacking in many resources
> such as iron ore, coal, and oil.
> All we had to do was keep Japan encircled
> and wait.
> The surrender was inevitable.
> Instead, we became the only nation in history
> to use atomic weapons against another country.
> Truman ordered those bombs dropped on an already
> beatenand virtually defenseless people.
> The fact is, not a single japanese aircraft
> rose in the sky to challenge the Enola Gay B-29
> that dropped the bomb.
> They were helpless and we bombed them anyway.
> Nakano



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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Is Our Society Making You Sick?

2001-03-04 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-


February 26, 2001


 Is Our Society Making You Sick?

By Stephen Bezruchka, M.D.

Americans are obsessed with health. Just look at today's magazines, TV
shows, Web sites, self-help books--and where we put our dollars. As a
country, we make up about 4 percent of the world's total population, yet we
expend almost half of all the money spent on medical care. We should be
pretty healthy.

Yet I have always been amazed at how poorly the United States ranks in
health when compared with other countries. When I began medical school in
1970 we stood about 15th in what I call the Health Olympics, the ranking of
countries by life expectancy or infant mortality. Twenty years later we
were about 20th, and in recent years we have plunged even further to around
25th, behind almost all rich countries and a few poor ones. For the richest
and most powerful country in the world's history, this is a disgrace.

As a physician obsessed with understanding what makes groups of people
healthy, I'm dumbfounded that our low ranking doesn't raise more concern in
the medical and public-health communities. Is it because experts in these
fields don't want to question the role of medical care in producing health?
Does our focus on diseases--including the search for risk factors, cures
and specific preventive answers--stop Americans from looking at what would
really keep us well?

Research during this last decade has shown that the health of a group of
people is not affected substantially by individual behaviors such as
smoking, diet and exercise, by genetics or by the use of health care. In
countries where basic goods are readily available, people's life span
depends on the hierarchical structure of their society; that is, the size of
the gap between rich and poor.

How can hierarchy affect health? Consider the feelings that predominate in a
hierarchical situation: power, domination, coercion (if you are on top);
resignation, resentment and submission (if you are on the bottom). Compare
them with feelings in an egalitarian environment: support, friendship,
cooperation and sociability. Studies with baboons in Kenya and macaque
monkeys in captivity, both of which feature strong hierarchical
relationships, show that high-ranking animals are healthier than those
lower in the pecking order. Human population studies show additional
findings. The death rate from
heart attacks among middle-aged men is four times greater in Lithuania than
in Sweden, which is much more egalitarian.

We can learn something by looking at countries that do well in the Health
Olympics. In 1960 Japan stood 23d, but by 1977 it had overtaken all the
others in the health race.

Today, at No. 1, Japan has a life expectancy on average three and a half
years longer than the United States'. Twice as many Japanese men as
American men smoke, yet the deaths attributable to smoking are half of
ours. Why? After the second world war, the hierarchical structure of Japan
was reorganized so all citizens shared more equally in the economy. Today
Japanese CEOs make 15 to 20 times what entry-level workers make, not the
almost 500-fold difference in this country. During their recent economic
crisis, CEOs and managers in Japan took cuts in pay rather than lay off
workers. That the structure of
society is key to well-being becomes evident when we look at Japanese who
emigrate: their health declines to the level of the inhabitants of the new

Did this health-hierarchy relationship always exist--is it part of human

Archeological records from burial mounds and skeletal remains indicate that
human populations were relatively healthy before the advent of agriculture. The
development of farming allowed food to be produced in quantities and
stored, enabling someto live off the efforts of others--a hierarchy. With
agriculture, health declined, nutrition worsened and workload increased.

Why has the medical community, as well as the popular press, essentially
ignored these findings? I suspect that part of the explanation lies in
Americans' "cradle to grave" relationship with the health-care industry,
which represents one seventh of the U.S. economy.

If equality is good medicine, then what can be done to improve Americans'

Our primary goal should be to reduce today's record gap between rich and

Prescriptions for such "structural medicine" might include a tax on
consumption rather than income, or increased support for public
transportation, schools and day care, all of which would reflect a change
in how the population shares in the economy. We must put our eyes on a new
prize: doing better in the Health Olympics. The best prescription for
health is not one we will get from doctors.

Bezruchka teaches at the University of Washington's School of Public Health.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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[CTRL] Continuing traditions: Old Blue meets new

2001-03-04 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: http://www.yaleherald.com/archive/frosh/1998/blue/continue.html">
Continuing traditions: Old Blue meets new | Sum…
Continuing traditions: Old Blue meets new

By Molly Ball and Emily Bell
At a school that is almost 300 years old, traditions are a significant force
in students' lives. But a tradition is just a ritual that has stood the test
of time; traditions can be silly or serious, but they're not indelible.
Yale's traditions are our foundation, yet they are constantly shifting as old
ones die out and new ones are formed.

Fresh in the minds of Yale's current undergraduates is the example of Naples
Pizzeria. A famed "traditional" eatery on Wall Street, Naples features walls
of Yale paraphernalia, cheap beer, greasy pizza, and a dance floor. For
years, Yalies flocked there every Thursday night, but in the middle of last
year, a new club called Gecko opened on Crown St. Featuring two bars, pool
tables, and a bigger, flashier dance floor, the new establishment quickly
usurped Naples's place as the premier Thursday night hangout. Now, students
head to Gecko, leaving Naples practically deserted on weekends.

A more serious tradition changed dramatically in 1969, when women were first
admitted to Yale. Today, the Women's Table fountain, designed by Maya Lin, SY
'81, ARCH '86, attests to the speed with which Yale made up for lost time.
Inscribed on its black granite surface are the number of women at Yale each
year, starting with zero in 1701 and ending when the table was built in 1993.
(The class of 1999 is the first undergraduate class with more women than
men.)Yale now has a Women's Center, women's singing groups, and even
all-female secret societies.

Yale's buildings embody the conflict between New and Old Blue. When Morse and
Stiles were erected in the early 1960s, the modern, concrete-molded buildings
caused a stir. Certainly, the peanut brittle structures with no right angles
broke with Yale's established tradition of Gothic and Georgian architecture.
But today, Yale has embraced these colleges, along with the similarly bold
Art and Architecture building and Beinecke Plaza, as dimensions of the
University's innovative spirit.

Indeed, Eli spirit is what creates traditions and what keeps them alive. Even
when the Yale Precision Marching Band stopped playing "The Stripper,"
Saybrugians refused to give up their time-hallowed tradition of shedding
their garments at home football games.

Inter-college rivalries also demonstrate the ever-changing nature of Yale
traditions. While the Silliman-Timothy Dwight competition is as fierce and
entrenched as that between the Yankees and Mets, other battles erupt yearly.
For example, just this year, tension between Davenport and Jonathan Edwards
exploded. After a daring squad of DC patriots absconded with JE's engraved
library plaque, a black-clad JE SWAT team retaliated by stealing the
venerated DC courtyard gnome.

You're never too new to make your mark. It was only September of his freshman
year when Armando Valdez, BK '01, ran off with the coveted Doodle record by
scarfing down 22 burgers in one sitting. When a high schooler tried to steal
Valdez's glory, the freshman responded just weeks later, reclaiming the
Doodle throne with 24.

But does every freshman have to eat a sickening amount of beef to be a part
of Yale tradition? Of course not. We are all part of Yale tradition, and we
all have the power to make new traditions take root. Just as the few brave
women who came to Yale in 1969 opened a new chapter in the school's history,
minority students today struggle to gain recognition of their heritages. This
past year, a petition to offer Hindi and Thai at Yale was evidence of the
continuing effort to add an Eastern flavor to the traditionally Western

Every time you take off your shirt for Saybrook or choose Gecko over Naples
on a Thursday night, Yale traditions, old and new, come to life. And it
doesn't end there; every Yalie has the power to start a new undergraduate
organization, or, like "Richfest" founder Rich Marshall, SM '96, an annual
college carnival. Yalies in every class and every decade make a unique
contribution to the traditions amassed by the generations of students that
have gone before us.
Ariel Pepple contributed to this article.
Back to Something Blue...

All materials © 1998 The Yale Herald, Inc., and its staff.

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being sa

[CTRL] In Yale-Harvard rivalry, politics is the big game

2001-03-04 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: http://www.columbiatribune.com/Elections2000/May/250707.asp">In
Yale-Harvard rivalry, politics is the big ga…

Story ran on May 7, 2000
In Yale-Harvard rivalry, politics is the big game

NEW HAVEN, Conn. (AP) — It’s been 88 years since a Yalie and a Harvard man
squared off for the ultimate Ivy League bragging right — president of the
United States.
Both lost.

That embarrassing outcome is unlikely this year as the schools dust off their
pennants for the contest between Yale grad George W. Bush and Harvard alum Al

The rivalry between the prestigious universities has always been intense.
Sometimes silly, too. Witness this Harvard newspaper headline about a
football game in 1968: "Harvard Beats Yale 29-29."

On receiving an honorary degree from Yale, President John Kennedy — a Harvard
graduate — remarked he had the best of both worlds: a Harvard education and a
Yale diploma.

The scorecard at these elite schools is kept in many ways: Who has the most
distinguished faculty, the most Nobel Prizes, the most accomplished

Into this mix go vice president Gore and Texas Gov. Bush.

Bush is on the alumni mailing list for both universities, having also
graduated from Harvard Business School. But Yale claims the pedigree since
Bush got his undergraduate degree there in 1968. His father and grandfather
also were Yale men.

Gore graduated from Harvard in 1969 with a degree in government.

The last time the two schools faced off in a presidential election was 1912,
when Harvard grad Theodore Roosevelt and Yale alum William Howard Taft were
both candidates.
They were beaten by Princeton’s Woodrow Wilson.

The 2000 presidential contenders’ undergraduate lives were similar in some

Both were bench warmers on college teams: Gore played basketball, Bush played
They came from political families but steered away from the radical politics
of the day when they got to the Ivy League.

They both earned middling grades.

"Both got gentlemen’s C’s, which I found to be very reassuring — that’s what
I got, too," said Victor Ashe, mayor of Knoxville, Tenn., who graduated from
Yale a year before Bush and ran against Gore for the Senate in 1984.

Ashe, who was the political editor of the Yale Daily News, counts the Bushes
as old family friends — their families had homes on the same Florida island.
Bush was not active in campus politics, or in the anti-Vietnam War activism
of the day, Ashe recalled.

"He was active on campus, but more in sports and his fraternity," he said.

Ashe and Bush were members of Skull and Bones, one of the "secret societies"
for Yale seniors.
Gore did not belong to such groups at Harvard — called "final clubs" there —
and his family did not have a Harvard legacy going back generations.

A roommate, Mike Kapetan of Ann Arbor, Mich., said Gore — often portrayed as
wooden and wonkish — was a smart, original thinker.

"The person I read about in the newspaper simply does not exist," Kapetan
said. "He’s a real human being to me — a lively personality and a stimulating

Gore was more involved in politics, including student government as a
freshman, but he shied away from the anti-Vietnam protests that captivated H
arvard the year he graduated.

Unlike most of his college buddies, Gore enlisted in the war after
graduation. Bush served in the Texas Air National Guard.

Gore acknowledges he smoked marijuana in college. Bush won’t go into that,
though he has said he has not used illegal drugs in the past 25 years.

On both campuses, political support is driven more by ideology than school
spirit, students say.
Still, bragging rights help, said Marc Stad, president of the Harvard College
The group has used the Gore-Harvard connection in e-mails and posters to sign
up students to help the vice president’s campaign on campus: "Support your
fellow Harvardian in his pursuit for the White House."

The Yale College Republicans — greatly outnumbered by Democrats on campus —
also have used their candidate’s background to win election support. "George
W. Bush ‘68" and "Yale is Bush Territory" are favorite slogans, said Patrick
Bumatay, a leader of the Texas governor’s campaign at Yale.

"Bush’s going to Yale provides a little more motivation to go out and
campaign for him," Bumatay said.

Copyright 2000 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not
be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outri

[CTRL] Secret societies: Do they still haunt the campus?

2001-03-04 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: http://www.chronicle.duke.edu/story.php?articleID=19382">
The Chronicle Online - Secret societies: Do the…
Secret societies: Do they still haunt the campus?The mystery behind two
societies is revealed after many decades of secrets and silenceBy Ellen
Mielke University Archives

Red Friars from the 1950s and today’s mystery society initiate new members.
Shhh... it's a secret.

You've seen them appear randomly around campus, cloaked in black robes and
moving in a seemingly organized pattern, shouting mysterious words and
gesturing with their arms.
But it is not Halloween they are celebrating.

They are the remnants of a culture that used to be prevalent at Duke-secret
By far, the grandest era of secret societies at Duke came during the '40s and
'50s, when two organizations gained an influential role in campus life.

The Order of the Red Friars sprung up in 1913 at Trinity College with the
mission of creating a spirit of loyalty and interest in the school. Senior
members selected seven new junior initiates during public ceremonies in front
of the Chapel.

"There was a tradition of a lot of this type of stuff on college campuses,"
said University Archivist Bill King. "Duke's were really only quasi-secret.
People knew who they were."

These initiations, or "tappings"-so called because new members were tapped on
the back to signify that they had been chosen-usually took place in late
spring. One shrouded member would stand in front of the Chapel early in the
morning to signify that the tappings would be that day, King said. Soon,
students would gather to see who the new members would be.

Typically, secret society members were campus leaders, and of no surprise to
the rest of the student body.

"One of the functions of a university is to foster leadership, and these
secret societies were a way of recognizing leaders," said Tom Harkins,
associate University archivist.

Members of the society included such campus legends as George Allen, William
Few, Thomas Southgate, William Wannamaker and Hollis Edens, among numerous
others whose names still figure on Duke's campus.

The tapping ceremony each year ended the society's public role, however. All
activities were kept secret, and many students wondered if the group was
active at all. It was not until this decade that an agreement with the Univ
ersity to seal the records ended, and the role of the group was revealed.
Jenny Robinson/The Chronicle

Red Friars from the 1950s and today’s mystery society initiate new members.

According to minutes from the group's meetings, members of the Red Friars
were affiliated with various student organizations, including student
government, The Chronicle and the Undergraduate Judicial Board, where they
could further the society's aims. During its existence, the group helped
create University policies and was, according to the archives, "privy to
information not widely known on campus."
Harkins said that one of the most mysterious efforts of the group was the
creation of the pecularily-placed plaque in front of the Chapel that states
the aims of Duke University. Until the society's minutes were unsealed, no
one knew who had funded the plaque.

One of the more influential steps taken by the group was the founding, in
1925, of the Order of the White Duchy, a female counterpart to their
organization. Initially, the Red Friars selected the seven members of the
Duchy, but connections between the societies ended after that.

The Duchy no longer exists today, but at the time it too helped create
University policies and secretly influenced student life. Members were
usually student leaders, and past ones include such famous names as Mary
Biddle Semans and Elizabeth Dole.

The tappings of the White Duchy were also public, and were characteristically
performed by senior members wearing white robes. The only other public notice
of the group was that members wore white carnations once a month. Harkins
said that according to legend, Dole received six white carnations upon being
named Secretary of Transportation in 1983.

But what happened to the popularity of such groups at Duke? According to
archives at Yale University, for example, there are still eight secret
societies at Yale, including the infamous Skull and Bones, founded in 1832.

"I guess we all like rituals and secrets. To some extent these societies
provide opportunities for exclusiveness... but in this day of inclusiveness,
I think these societies have found that they don't have a very prominent
place," said Sue Wasiolek, assistant dean for student affairs.

When the Red Friars disbanded in 1971, the members, as well as alumni, made
the collective decision to end the group because it seemed too elitist and
student interest had waned.

King added that towards the end of both the Duchy's and the Red Friars'
existence, they were mocked on campus by groups including The Order of the

[CTRL] [Fwd: Silence = Death: AIDS, Africa and Pharmaceuticals]

2001-03-04 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: Silence = Death: AIDS, Africa and Pharmaceuticals
Date: Sat, 3 Mar 2001 23:54:41 -0600 (CST)
From: Corporate Watch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Organization: ?
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

The Watchdog on the Web 

March 2, 2001

Silence = Death: AIDS, Africa and Pharmaceuticals

25 million Africans are living with AIDS. Northern pharmaceutical
companies have the drugs to treat the disease and governments have the
ability to offer them cheaply. Yet they are turning a blind eye to this
global pandemic. After talking with AIDS orphans in Zimbabwe and HIV+
pregnant women in Rwanda, Stephen Lewis, says "I want someone to explain
to me why it isn't called murder." The former Deputy Director of UNICEF
puts a human face on one of the greatest tragedies of our time.

Survivors Target Dow Chemical in India

Three-hundred survivors of the December 1984 Union Carbide disaster in
Bhopal protested at the Bombay office of Dow Chemical International this
week demanding that Dow take on the outstanding liabilities left behind
by the Union Carbide Corporation (which Dow now owns) in Bhopal.
Together with environmental and labor groups, they launched a new
National Campaign for Justice in Bhopal, targeting Dow.


* South Africa: Bush Policy Threatens AIDS Prevention Among Youth
* Mexico: Rocks, Tear Gas at Cancun Protest
* USA: Mom vs. Mastercard
* Canada: Quebec Set to Crackdown on FTAA Protests
* Canada: Government Fights NAFTA Ruling in Court
* Tanzania: World Bank/IMF Refuse to Cancel Africa's Debt
* USA: Supreme Court Sides with American Airlines Over Union
* USA: Bostonians Outraged at Corporate Subway Sponsorship Plan


Protest Environmental Award Honoring Shell!


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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Capitalism ubber alles: America the beautiful.

2001-03-04 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

Published on Friday, March 2, 2001 in the St Paul Pioneer Press

Repealing Rather than Repairing Estate Tax Could Regild America's Gilded Age

by Glenda Holste

Peter Barnes, a self-made wealthy man, was blunt: ``We have an aristocracy
of wealth in this county. Repeal of the estate tax would make that
aristocracy hereditary.''

Barnes, founder of Working Assets, a financial services enterprise that
ties use of its products to socially responsible giving, is one of the
550-plus signers of Responsible Wealth's ``Call to Preserve the Estate
Tax.'' William H. Gates Sr., the co-chair of his son and daughter-in-law's
foundation, got the petition rolling. (Gates' commentary opposing repeal
appeared on these pages Wednesday.)

``There is no conceivable justification for repeal,'' Barnes said in a
briefing with journalists this week. The briefing was conducted by the
Center for Budget and Policy Priorities, a progressive economic think tank.

The center has just analyzed Internal Revenue Service data on after-tax
income in 1998. Most measures of wealth concentration used in the current
tax policy debate are not as recent, so the 1998 information shows an
arguably more accurate picture of a continuing trend in which the rich get
richer -- and do it faster than the rest of us get ahead.

The study found that the top 1 percent of tax filers enjoyed an average
increase in income of $69,000 in that year. The income growth among this 1
percent group grew 40 percent between 1989 and 1998, eight times faster
than for the income of the bottom 90 percent of the U.S. population.
Meanwhile, a drop in the capital gains tax helped the 1 percent at the top
reduce the percentage of income they paid in federal income taxes from 27.9
percent to 27.1 percent.

In his budget speech this week, President Bush devoted only one sentence to
his proposal -- a Republican favorite -- to phase out the federal estate
tax. Of course, he had a lot of material to cover in a short time. But it
is telling that he chose to gloss over the estate tax issue with the stump
speech distortion that to tax estates is to tax the money in them twice.
Unfair, he says.

What would be unfair is to take care of the very rich at the expense of the
rest of us. It is possible to reform the estate tax, increasing exemptions,
as has been done in the past, to protect the assets of family farms and
small businesses. In fact, the exemption -- $675,000 per individual -- is
now rising and will be $1 million in 2006, if the law isn't changed.
Congress certainly can revisit the amount that protects family businesses
without showering the already rich with more cash. In 1997, fewer than
43,000 people of the 2.3 million who died had to pay estate tax.

Repeal would reduce taxes by $55.3 billion in 2010, according to Congress'
Joint Tax Committee. That's almost a fourth of all the money from the
overall tax cut in the Bush plan for that year.

Repeal? No need to use an ax where a legislative scalpel will do the job

Still, the mantra from political proponents has been powerful. They call it
the ``death tax.'' The implication is that because we all will die, we all
will get socked with a confiscatory estate tax.

Not so. In 1997, about 2,400 estates -- the largest 5 percent of estates
even large enough to be taxable -- paid about half of all the estate tax.
If the estate tax had not existed then, each of these 2,400 estates with
assets of more than $5 million would have enjoyed an average of $3.5
million in retained assets.

Nonprofit groups that do charitable work are very concerned that if the
estate tax is repealed, the very wealthy -- who often endow foundations and
other large philanthropies rather than just fork over the money in taxes --
would have no incentive as donors.

Gary Bass, executive director of OMB Watch, a Washington outfit that keeps
track of the White House's fiscal behavior, was in St. Paul this week,
arguing the same case as Barnes.

The concentration of wealth from repeal, he said, would revive a problem
solved almost a century ago when it was apparent that the Gilded Age had
opened an income gap of monumental proportions in America.

Theodore Roosevelt and the Progressives took this on, resulting in
re-establishing the estate tax to keep America from going the way its
founders so despised in the English: a rich aristocracy sustained on
inherited wealth instead of work; a place where the class system created
the very conditions that led Americans to revolt.

Even though the train has been rolling during the past few years for repeal
of the estate tax and even though Republicans who favor repeal are in the
engineer's seat, Bass is optimistic that when the issue is fully evaluated
by a wide array of Americans, the estate tax will be reformed, not repealed.

``I think we can win this (battle against repeal),'' Bass said. ``We had a
meeting last week of about 150 groups. There is a growing sentiment, among
a range of these groups -

[CTRL] S&B funny, apropos

2001-03-04 Thread Kris Millegan


[CTRL] What's really wrong with Skull and Bones - Tomb of Their Own

2001-03-04 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: http://www.thenewrepublic.com/041700/foer041700.html">
TNR Online | Tomb of Their Own by Franklin Foer
What's really wrong with Skull and Bones.
Tomb of Their Own

Issue date: 04.17.00
Post date: 04.06.00

"A secret society so powerful it can give you anything you desire ... at a
--trailer for The Skulls

The skulls is a movie about George W. Bush's wild youth. Of course, it's not
billed that way. No Hollywood studio would explicitly make a picture about a
current presidential contender. But the subject of The Skulls is clear
enough: the corrupting influence of a secret society, blatantly modeled after
Yale's notorious Skull and Bones, of which Bush was once a devoted member.

The depiction of Skull and Bones in the film--just the latest addition to a
minor industry of Bonesiana--pretty much captures the prevailing media view
of the institution: an aristocratic, all-powerful cabal. Membership, at least
according to the movie, entitles the Bonesman to $20,000, a sports car, and a
harem of gorgeous women. The Skulls control the university and the local
cops. The society's alumni--senators and judges--sit around sipping
champagne, chitchatting about hunting, and conspiring to suppress their
enemies. Throughout the film, the Skulls' critics fall back on the same
mantra: "If it's secret and it's elite, it can't be good."

That's half right. Actually, the problem with the Skull and Bones of today
may be that it's not forthrightly elitist enough. Skull and Bones, along with
Yale's other secret societies, isn't the fusty, preppy, creepy conspiracy it
once was. These societies ditched most of the nude wrestling, weird rituals,
and boarding-school elitism long ago. In fact, they've spent the past decade
running hard in the other direction. To put it crudely, Yale's secret
societies--once ground zero of the Eastern establishment--are now high
temples of political correctness, the ultimate in Ivy League identity
politics. This year's class of Bonespeople has more women than men and as
many African Americans as WASPS. Conservatives are scarce.

Skull and Bones has democratized--but not in a very productive way. Back when
the societies were proudly, offensively elitist, they had a purpose and a
paternalistic sense of duty. Bones bragged that it would shape the characters
of those who would shape the world. Today, the students in Skull and Bones
find that kind of noblesse oblige deeply embarrassing. And, in their efforts
to inoculate themselves against charges of elitism, the new elites have
directed their energy to less grandiose concerns: namely, themselves. Skull
and Bones, once a group for public-minded elites, has become the exact
opposite--group therapy.

Skull and Bones' roots can be traced to 1826, when a New York bricklayer
named William Morgan disappeared just as he was preparing to publish a book
that would unveil the secrets of his Masonic lodge. The Morgan case grabbed
headlines and sparked a national backlash against all secret societies. In a
populist whirl, Harvard and Yale Universities forced their most prominent
secret society, Phi Beta Kappa, to ditch its secrecy. The Yale men, angry at
having their mystery stripped away, rebelled and created Skull and Bones in
1832. Again, the faculty campaigned to stamp out the clandestine club, but
this merely increased its cachet. By the 1850s, when it built its spooky,
windowless sepulchre on High Street, Bones had become an exclusive hangout
for Yale's top students. They'd get together to perform goofy gothic rituals
with coffins, robes, and mud, but mainly they would talk about trendy
literature that wasn't covered in Yale's classrooms. Eventually, the guys who
couldn't win spots in Bones went off and started their own secret societies.

Harvard students also responded to the demise of Phi Beta Kappa by
establishing their own exclusive havens: the finals clubs. But these were
never more than a Gold Coast, a place for the richest students to socialize
with one another and turn up their noses at the rest of the student body.
Skull and Bones, on the other hand, steered a more high-minded course. Even
when it admitted only men from Groton and Hotchkiss and some of its members
touted eugenics, Bones bragged of being a meritocracy. If you excelled in
extracurricular activities--as editor of the Yale Daily News or captain of
the football team, for example--Skull and Bones tapped you. It's an ethos
celebrated in the 1911 novel Stover at Yale, which explains that election to
Bones "stands as a reward for merit here." Men spent their college careers
positioning themselves for a tap. Rejection was crushing. Or, as Sinclair
Lewis melodramatically put it, "Some good men always carried away scars. And
the finality and exclusiveness of the choosing created and would continue to
create a faint and enduring fault line in the Yale brotherhood." And, while

[CTRL] Illuminati

2001-03-04 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Here: http://occultopedia.com/i/illuminati.htm">Illuminati
No Frames
Navigation InfoPersons claiming to have superhuman knowledge; those who claim
to posses the 'light' of knowledge directly from a higher source, or due to a
wider measure of human wisdom.
'Illuminism' is applied to the process of direct spiritual and esoteric
enlightenment by means of revelation from a higher source or the inspiration
of human reason. It is associated with various occult sects and secret
orders, including the Rosicrucians and the Freemasons.
Adam Weishaupt, a professor of law, founded the most highly organized sect,
the Order of Illuminati, in Bavaria in 1776. Weishaupt may have created the
order because he aspired to join the Masons, which he did in 1777. In 1780 he
was joined by Baron von Knigge, a respected and high-level Mason, which
enabled him to incorporate Masonic elements into his organizational structure
and rites. The Order aimed to spread a new religion based on enlightened
reason derived from direct contact with Divine Reason. Illuminism was also
antimonarchial, and its identification with republicanism gained it many
members throughout Germany.
In 1784 Masonry was denounced to the Bavarian government as politically
dangerous, which led to the suppression of all secret orders, including the
Masons and Illuminati. The Order of Illuminati included such distinguished
figures as Goethe, Cagliostro, and Franz Anton Mesmer.
Related audio:
Front Men of The Illuminati.
Illuminati Audio CD.
Related video:
Nazi UFOs & The Illuminati Conspiracy.
Related books:
Blood Lines of the Illuminati.
Cosmic Trigger: Final Secret of the Illuminati.
Figures Cut in Sacred Ground: Illuminati in the Double Hook.
GURPS Illuminati.
Illuminati 666: Book 2.
Masks of the Illuminati.
On the Influence Attributed to Philosophers, Free-Masons, and to the
Illuminati, on the Revolution of France (1801).
Proofs of a Conspiracy.
Right Where You Are Sitting Now: Further Tales of the Illuminati.
Saucers of the Illuminati.
Secrets of the Illuminati.
Some Things You Need to Know Before the World Ends(A Final Evening With the
The Dream Illuminati: Vimana Conspiracy.
The Illuminati.
The Illuminati Conspiracy.
The Illuminati of Immortality: Alchemy of Dreams.
The Illuminati Papers.
Click here for more related books.
Further info:
Ancient Rosae Crucis.
Illuminati: New World Order [official].
Rosicrucian Fellowship, The.
The Devil's Dictionary - cunctationes illuminati.
The Rosicrucian Order, AMORC.
Back to I

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2001-03-04 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/14071b.htm">CATHOLIC
ENCYCLOPEDIA: Secret Societies
Secret Societies

A designation of which the exact meaning has varied at different times.
"By a secret society was formerly meant a society which was known to exist,
but whose members and places of meetings were not publicly known. Today, we
understand by a secret society, a society with secrets, having a ritual
demanding an oath of allegiance and secrecy, prescribing ceremonies of a
religious character, such as the use of the Bible, either by extracts
therefrom, or by its being placed an altar within a lodge-room, by the use of
prayers, of hymns, of religious signs and symbols, special funeral services,
etc." (Rosen, "The Catholic Church and Secret Societies," p. 2). Raich gives
a more elaborate description: "Secret societies are those organizations which
completely conceal their rules, corporate activity, the names of their
members, their signs, passwords and usages from outsiders or the 'profane.'
As a rule, the members of these societies are bound to the strictest secrecy
concerning all the business of the association by oath or promise or word of
honour, and often under the threat of severe punishment in case of its
violation. If such secret society has higher and lower degrees, the members
of the higher degree must be equally careful to conceal their secrets from
their brethren of a lower degree. In certain secret societies, the members
are not allowed to know even the names of their highest officers. Secret
societies were founded to promote certain ideal aims, to be obtained not by
violent but by moral measures. By this, they are distinguished from
conspiracies and secret plots which are formed to attain a particular object
through violent means. Secret societies may be religious, scientific,
political or social" (Kirchenlex., V, p. 519). Narrowing the definition still
more to the technical meaning of secret societies (societates clandestinae)
in ecclesiastical documents, Archbishop Katzer in a Pastoral (20 Jan., 1895)
says: "The Catholic Church has declared that she considers those societies
illicit and forbidden which (1) unite their members for the purpose of
conspiring against the State or Church; (2) demand the observance of secrecy
to such an extent that it must be maintained even before the rightful
ecclesiastical authority; (3) exact an oath from their members or a promise
of blind and absolute obedience; (4) make use of a ritual and ceremonies that
constitute them sects."
Though secret societies, in the modern and technical sense, did not exist in
antiquity, yet there were various organizations which boasted an esoteric
doctrine known only to their members, and carefully concealed from the
profane. Some date societies of this kind back to Pythagoras (582-507 B.C.).
The Eleusinian Mysteries, the secret teachings of Egyptian and Druid
hierarchies, the esoteric doctrines of the Magian and Mithraic worshippers
furnished material for such secret organizations. In Christian times, such
heresies as the Gnostic and Manichaean also claimed to possess a knowledge
known only to the illuminated and not to be shared with the vulgar. Likewise,
the enemies of the religious order of Knights Templars maintained that the
brothers of the Temple, while externally professing Christianity, were in
reality pagans who veiled their impiety under orthodox terms to which an
entirely different meaning was given by the initiated. Originally, the
various guilds of the Middle Ages were in no sense secret societies in the
modern acceptation of the term, though some have supposed that symbolic
Freemasonry was gradually developed in those organizations. The fantastic
Rosicrucians are credited with something of the nature of a modern secret
society, but the association, if such it was, can scarcely be said to have
emerged into the clear light of history.
Secret societies in the true sense began with symbolic Freemasonry about the
year 1717 in London (see MASONRY). This widespread oath-bound association
soon became the exemplar or the parent of numerous other fraternities, nearly
all of which have some connexion with Freemasonry, and in almost every
instance were founded by Masons. Among these may be mentioned the Illuminati,
the Carbonari, the Odd-Fellows, the Knights of Pythias, the Sons of
Temperance and similar societies whose number is legion. Based on the same
principles as the secret order to which they are affiliated are the
women-auxiliary lodges, of which almost every secret society has at least
one. These secret societies for women have also their rituals, their oaths,
and their degrees. Institutions of learning are also infected with the
glamour of secret organizations and the "Eleusis" of Chi Omega (Fayetteville,
Ark.) of 1 June, 1900, states that there are twenty-four Greek letter
societies with 

[CTRL] Behind the sacred walls of Yale's secret societies

2001-03-04 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: http://www.yaleherald.com/frosh/blue/p50societies.html">
Behind the sacred walls of Yale's secret societ…

Behind the sacred walls of Yale's secret societies

By Molly Ball and Emily Bell

George Bush, DC '48, William F. Buckley, Jr., DC '50, and Garry Trudeau, DC
'70; some of the most illustrious Elis have been members of Yale's infamous
secret societies. Recent exposure in the big-budget thriller Skulls and a
more intellectual Atlantic Monthly article have only added to the mystique
and notoriety of Yale's exclusive societies. Although associations such as
Skull and Bones, Book and Snake, and Scroll and Key are inextricably linked
to the Yale name, these societies play a small part in the lives of most
undergraduates, since they consist solely of a few seniors. Nonetheless, the
looming presence of their various "tombs" and the mystique they inspire make
secret societies an intriguing part of Yale life.

The windowless tomb of Skull and Bones, Yale's oldest secret society, looms
over High Street.
There are reportedly about a dozen senior-only societies, only a few of which
have tombs. The oldest, Skull and Bones, was founded in 1832. Not all secret
societies date back that far; some formed in response to the entrenched
elitism of their better-known counterparts. Most choose juniors and conduct
interviews at the end of each year (though some do accept applications).
You might not even realize the societies exist until Tap Night, an April
evening during which societies invite select juniors to join their ranks.
Cloaked and hooded seniors lead the blindfolded "taps" around campus in
obscure initiation ceremonies that often involve screaming and bizarre
behavior. This year, one tap had to hump a pole while being fed Nilla Wafers
and exclaiming, "Scooby Snacks!"

The dark, ancient "tombs" where the societies meet add to their air of
bizarre mystery. Hardly noticeable to the casual passer-by, the tombs have
few or no windows and are enclosed by locked gates. You rarely see anyone go
in or out, and the details of what transpires inside are kept as secret as
possible. Rumor has it that Skull and Bones has the highest water bill in all
of New Haven—enough to fill several swimming pools every month. Rumpus,
Yale's campus tabloid, routinely reports on societies' alleged naked parties
and debauched rituals.

Most societies meet Thursdays and Sundays for dinner. Sometimes a guest from
the community, such as a professor or local businessman, is invited to speak.
Often, a member presents his or her "autobiography," revealing personal
details—from childhood scars to sexual exploits—using props or slides.
"Normally you become friends with people and then get to know them; here you
get to know people and then you become friends with them," one tapped junior

All the elitism that surrounds traditional secret societies, however, is
missing in the Pundits. A mock secret society, the Pundits ridicule the
stuffy atmosphere that their counterparts cherish. A traditional Pundit prank
is the once-a-semester streak through Cross Campus and Sterling Memorial
Libraries during finals week. The group also once nearly succeeded in
impersonating the all-senior Whiffenpoofs a cappella group on The Today Show.

The purpose of secret societies is not simply clandestine fun and games—many
members join for the promise of getting to know people they ordinarily would
never meet. "There's just 15 or 16 people depending on each other," one
society member said. "Everyone starts on level ground." The all-male, Old
Blue mold is no longer dominant, and most societies strive to represent the
diverse Yale community.

No matter how hard secret societies try to project a politically correct
image, they are undeniably exclusionist. Tapped juniors have been known to
turn down bids from even the most prestigious societies. One tapped junior
who did accept was nonetheless hesitant; he said, "I was worried that I might
feel it was too elitist, that it would mean I wouldn't be able to spend as
much time with my current group of friends." However, for some of the
"chosen" ones, it is just this exclusivity that makes secret societies so
appealing. According to a senior society member, "The exclusive element of it
makes you have a closer relationship more quickly."
Back to Something Blue...

All materials © 2000 The Yale Herald, Inc., and its staff.

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matt

[CTRL] Who started the Intifada? Not Sharon, Arafat. Not in September. In July.

2001-03-04 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

Hebrew Ha'aretz features story that PA minister said Sharon not responsible
for outbreak of intafada - buried in English edition

4 March 2001 Dr. Aaron Lerner - IMRA

The front page of the Hebrew edition of Ha'aretz features a large story by
Danny Rubenstein and news agencies today that Palestinian Authority
Communications Minister Imad Faluji told a PLO rally in the Ein Hilwe
refugee camp in South Lebanon
on Friday that the five-month-old intifada was planned after the Camp David
talks failed in July. Faluji said that it would be a mistake to think that
the intafada was sparked by teh visit of Ariel Sharon to the Temple Mount.

In sharp contrast, this item is buried in the English edition of Ha'aretz at
the bottom of a item about the deployment of IDF forces on roads in the West
Bank ("They interpret a new disclosure by PA Telecommunications Minister
Imad Faluji in this light - Faluji said that the PA planned the Al Aqsa
Intifada in detail after the Camp David summit.")

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] dot-com darwinism (off topic)

2001-03-04 Thread Kris Millegan

from the wharton school.

New Economy shakeout is old story
>From Knowledge@Wharton
Special to CNET News.com
March 2, 2001, 10:00 a.m. PT
Still wondering why the dot-com bubble burst? And what’s going to happen to
all those smaller bubbles, the approximately 12,000 surviving dot-coms, many
of them afloat solely on their last round of financing?

Back in November 1999, Wharton marketing professor George Day was publicly
predicting the impending e-commerce shakeout, although as he himself says,
he didn’t imagine just how swiftly it would happen. In a paper entitled,
"Shakeouts in the New Economy," Day and co-author Adam Fein, president of
Pembroke Consulting, analyze the causes of the bust and tell how to pick
which companies will survive the downturn.

Based on research on dozens of Old Economy shakeouts--from the invention of
the railroad to the advent of personal computers--Day holds that this New
Economy shakeout is not much different. "Far too many players come in,
there’s lots of excitement, high visibility, low barriers to entry--all
those conditions applied. It was like every other shakeout we studied, just
a lot faster, magnified by free-flowing capital, incubators and a tendency
for everyone to converge in the same business model," he says.

The critical error committed by most dot-com start-ups was to misidentify
the type of market they were entering. Day draws what he feels is a key
distinction between a "breakthrough" and a "re-formed" market. Breakthrough
applications create new products or services that would be impossible
without the new technology; they give rise to totally new industries. "These
situations are rare; less than 10 percent of new products are truly
new-to-the-world products," including, for example, televisions, xerography
and artificial fibers.

By contrast, he says, re-formed applications, while they might enable cost
reductions or other improvements, don’t change the basic functioning and
purpose of the existing market. Most New Economy start-ups thought they had
a once-in-a-lifetime breakthrough with their new exchanges and facilitators,
"so they created what they thought was a breakthrough business model." The
reality, Day says, was more modest.

He offers a cautionary tale from the recent biotechnology phenomenon. Many
industry analysts believed these small start-ups would eventually replace
the pharmaceutical giants. However, says Day, biotechnology was seen as a
breakthrough market when it was actually a re-formed one: While the new
technology improved the drug discovery process, it didn’t cause a wholesale
redefinition of the pharmaceutical business model. As a result, most
biotechnology start-ups--lacking expertise in sales, marketing, regulatory
processes, distribution channels and management--were acquired or failed

The same holds true for many dot-coms: The belief that they were entering a
breakthrough was their downfall. "Misdiagnosing the market has led to three
persistent myths about the sources of competitive advantage in online
markets," Day says:

Dispelling myths
Myth No. 1: First movers will dominate. True in a breakthrough market, not
true in a re-formed one. B2B hubs, for one, have discovered that their
greatest competition is not other B2B hubs but existing ways of doing
business. "First mover advantage" versus another exchange is meaningless if
customers prefer their in-place system of buyers, distributors and others.

Myth No. 2: Behavior will change quickly. In re-formed markets, customers
are slow to abandon older systems that work, even if they’re not optimally
efficient. For example, many B2B auction sites are finding that business
customers care more about getting the right product at the right time than
about saving a few percentage points on price. And Internet banks are
finding out the hard way that consumers are reluctant to give up their ATMs
and move their household banking online.

Myth No. 3: Non-traditional pricing structures will be readily accepted.
According to Day, although the Internet has enabled radically new pricing
schemes, "most consumers still perceive a system of prices posted by sellers
to be more convenient and fair." He cites the much-reduced status of
Priceline.com, with its revolutionary pricing policies, as an outstanding
example. He also highlights the waning of "transaction fees" by B2B
exchanges--a system of charging sellers 2 percent to 5 percent of gross
sales as payment for matching them with buyers. Competition is quickly
cutting these fees to marginal or even lower cost, and exchange operators
are transforming their pricing models into more familiar forms. Ventro, a
pioneer of the transaction fee approach, has become a software and service

Dot-com Darwinism
Day predicts that the 10 percent to 20 percent of dot-com companies left
standing after the shakeout will fall into two categories: strictly-Web
start-ups that managed to capitalize on their early mover advantages in true

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] after prohibition

2001-03-04 Thread Kris Millegan

if someone has already posted this, please disregard..

January 13, 2001
Make Drugs Legal for Adults, Says Former Cop
by David Klinger

David Klinger is professor of criminology at the University of Missouri.
This article is adapted from his chapter in the new Cato Institute book,
"After Prohibition: An Adult Approach to Drug Policies in the 21st Century."
ST. LOUIS--When I joined the Los Angeles Police Department in 1980, I was a
strong supporter of the notion that illegal drugs should stay that way and
that the enforcement of drug laws should be a top priority.

But my views quickly changed once I hit the streets. Assigned to the rugged
77th Street Division in the heart of South Central, I saw firsthand the
social problems one could find in any community awash in the trafficking and
use of marijuana, cocaine, heroin and other controlled substances.

During my first months on patrol, after handling hundreds of drug calls and
arresting scores of people for possessing various illegal substances, I
began to doubt what my peers and I were doing.

I saw violent criminals walking the streets because the jail space they
rightfully deserved was occupied by nonviolent drug offenders. When we
carted small-time drug dealers off to prison, I saw other sellers quickly
step in to fill the void.

I started to view most people involved with drugs either as broken souls who
made self-destructive choices or as harmless people who indulged their
appetites in moderation—not as crooks who needed to be punished.

I tried to reconcile what I saw with my views about firmly enforcing drug
laws. At first I accepted the arguments of politicians, policy wonks and my
peers who asserted that ever harsher laws and firmer enforcement would turn
back the tide of illegal drugs.

But by the end of my tenure with the LAPD I came to believe that
marijuana--a drug I had never seen anyone overdose on or influence anyone to
do anything more violent than attack a bag of potato chips--should be

I held a bifurcated stance toward illicit drugs--legalize pot but strictly
enforce existing laws against the rest of the stuff--through my time with
the Redmond, Wash., police department and into my graduate studies.

As the years passed, however, I saw a nation fighting harder, devoting more
money and jailing increasing numbers of individuals--all the while falling
further behind in the war on drugs.

The price of the drugs didn't rise with increased interdiction, usage rates
didn't fall and the number of lives damaged or destroyed by chronic use,
overdose and drug-related criminal activity mounted. No matter how much I
disliked the idea, I became convinced the United States should legalize
illicit drugs.

Ever since I concluded we should call off the hounds, I have discussed my
ideas with people in many walks of life.

Interestingly, both my hardiest supporters and my harshest critics come from
the same group: my law enforcement associates. Many of them on both sides of
the debate share my views about the futility of the drug war and agree it
carries a substantial downside.

What generally separates those who agree with me from those who don't is
their take on a question they almost invariably put to me: Won't legalizing
drugs lead more people to take them and thus make things worse?

I do not know whether legalizing drugs will increase their popularity. But I
suspect that if we approach legalization thoughtfully and pursue a sensible
post-legalization strategy, then the drug rolls will not swell. They may in
fact decline.

But even if more people do take drugs in the wake of legalization, we would
live in a society where citizens suffer far less from the predatory crimes
spawned by the illicit drug trade.

In the end, we cannot protect free adults from their own poor choices, and
we should not use the force of law to try. In a free society negative
consequences befall people who use their freedom to do foolish things.

Victimless self-destructive behavior is its own punishment, not the business
of the legal system.

Index of Daily Commentaries | Cato Institute Home |

© 2001 Cato Institute

After Prohibition:
An Adult Approach to Drug Policies in the 21st Century

Edited by Timothy Lynch

More than 10 years ago, federal officials boldly claimed that they would
create a 'drug-free America by 1995.' To reach that objective, Congress
spent billions on police, prosecutors, drug courts, and prisons. Despite
millions of arrests and countless seizures, America is not drug free.
Illegal drugs are as readily available today as ever before. Drug
prohibition has proven to be a costly failure. Like alcohol prohibition,
drug prohibition has created more problems than it has solved. The drug war
has destroyed the lives of inner-city residents, corrupted law enforcement,
and distorted our foreign policy. Yet drug prohibition is still seen as a
viable strategy by our political leaders. Paradoxically, alternative drug
policies—such as legaliza

[CTRL] [Fwd: Black Elitism/Black Capitalism: Part II]

2001-03-04 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: Black Elitism/Black Capitalism: Part II
Date: Sat, 3 Mar 2001 23:56:54 -0600 (CST)
From: Lorenzo Ervin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Organization: ?
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

  A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E

Hello Brothers and Sisters:

Thank you for responding to "Black Capitalism" pt. 2.
I am glad to see us really discussing these matters,
which are not in any way mere abstract questions, but
rather go to the fundamental question of what kind of
society do we really want? One which has classes of
desperately poor and excessively rich, one which has
all economic power in the hands of a white [or some
day Black] elite, or one where the needs of the people
are met and we are all on the same economic level.

I do not accept *elitist* arguments of a "talented
tenth", "better class of Blacks", or the "incorrigible
poor". This type of argument shows that it is only
thinking "within the box", that is within the confines
of the present capitalist system, which *creates*
crime and deprivation. Capitalism creates inequality,
and poverty creates a lack of culture. Somebody said
to me a long time ago, ignorance is merely lack of
knowledge, while stupidity is total foolishness. Many
of our people are politically ignorant to the workings
of this system, and they are being debased, but they
are not stupid. Ain't no mystery to this ya'll, don't
get to think that you are something special, you could
be the same as any of the least of our people.

Remove the conditions of oppression, and any of our
people in the most degrading of conditions, can ascend
to any social station in life, even higher than many
of you looking down your noses at the poor. They can
be the next Malcolm X, Martin Luther King or whomever
we exalt as Black leadership. Middle class Black
people have got to put aside their own class blinders
and prejudices against their own people. It is
oppressive, plantation thinking ("house nigger vs.
field niggers"), and keeps us from accepting our
people where they are.

Seems to me, our task as Black activists, people who
say they love Black people, is to fight for the uplift
of *all our people*, not feed them to the white
government and its prisons and graveyards. We cannot
get our liberation without fighting for the liberation
of the poor, so let's organize the 'hood.

Lorenzo Komboa Ervin

=== message truncated ===

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [Fwd: [toeslist] Can tobacco executives be committed?]

2001-03-04 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: [toeslist] Can tobacco executives be committed?
Date: Sun, 4 Mar 2001 00:00:29 -0600 (CST)
From: Michael Givel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Organization: ?
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sat, 3 Mar 2001 12:52:02 -0700
From: Anne Landman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [tp-talk]Can tobacco executives be committed?

My husband is a licensed clinical social worker with a
specialty in addictionology.  He has
been listening to my rantings for a long time and yesterday
announced that he noticed that the
tobacco industry fits the DSM-IV criteria for having
antisocial personality disorder.
Specifically, the diagnosis requires a person to exhibit at
least three of the following
tendencies (and I've highlighted the three I feel apply to
the tobacco industry):

1.  Failure to conform to social norm with respect to lawful
behaviors as indicated by
repeatedly performing acts that are grounds for arrest.

2.  Deceitfulness, as indicated by repeated lying, use of
aliases, or conning others for
personal profit or pleasure.

3.  Impulsivity or failure to plan ahead.

4.  Irritability and aggressiveness, as indicated by
repeated physical fights or assualts.

5.  Reckless disregard for safety of self or others.

6.  Consistent irresponsibility, as indiated by repeated
failure to sustain consistent work
behavior or honor financial obligations.

7.  Lack of remorse, as indicated by being indifferent to or
rationalizing having hurt,
mistreated, or stolen from another.

Increasingly, corporations are afforded the rights of
persons in our society: engaging in free
speech, participating in elections, obtaining and holding
property, engaging in contracts, etc.
We posit that, like people, corporations can also exhibit
personality disorders.  One would
further suppose that the executives are responsible for the
corporation's errant behavior, and
thus are fully accountable for it.

A person who poses a danger to self or others can can be
committed to an institution for
evaluation by someone in a position of authority, for
example a psychiatrist, physician or
police officer.  Once committed, they are held for 72 hours
to assess whether or not they do
indeed pose a threat to self or others.  In order to commit
someone, a person in authority
fills out a form (in Colorado, for example, the form is
called an "M-1") and then the patient
gets picked up, taken to the hospital or other facility, and
confined there for evaluation.  If
they are determined to pose a continuing threat to self or
others, they are ordered to have
further treatment.

So I pose the question:  Could someone in a position of
authority, for example the Surgeon
General or an Attorney General (perhaps even a state
attorney general), issue an "order to
commit" for the executives of the major tobacco companies,
have them held and evaluated in a
psychiatric facility with an eye towards their company's
continued intent to knowingly harm

Anne Landman

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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

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[CTRL] Fwd: 'Subversion In Contemporary Music' Files

2001-03-04 Thread Kris Millegan

The 'Subversion In Contemporary Music' Files



Lennon, Sex Pistols & UB40's spy past
[Jan 25 2000 11:51AM]
Disgraced ex-MI5 agent David Shaylor - currently living in exile in France -
claims that the FBI and MI5 kept files on John Lennon, UB40 and the Sex
Pistols. Shaylor says that the Feds' file on Lennon contains hand-written
lyrics by the late Beatle, plus details of his immigration battles, a
supposed $75,000 donation to a left-wing group, and a wanted poster in case
it was decided to arrest him.

The former agent also maintains that British artists, including dole-form
monikered UB40 and the Sex Pistols were under surveillance by MI5. He says,
"I saw something from the late seventies called 'Subversion In Contemporary
Music'. It was cuttings about bands like the Sex Pistols - but also UB40
strangely enough!" But Shaylor, who campaigns for top secret information to
be declassified, takes a cynical view of the surveillance. He says, "You can
imagine some Colonel Blimp character compiling this file, whereas anybody
with half a brain knew the Sex Pistols talked a good talk - wrote a lot of
songs about it, but when it came to political activism did absolutely
nothing!" Tell that to HRH.

[CTRL] Fwd: Inside The Shadow CIA - SPY Magazine - Sept 1992

2001-03-04 Thread Kris Millegan

Inside The Shadow CIA
By John Connolly - SPY Magazine - Sept 1992 - Volume 6 Formatted
By CammoDude
09-09-99 - Reformatted by Kidd 11/2000

I scanned this in from the Sept 1992 edition of SPY magazine article on
Wackenhut.  This will go a long way into explaining "Who is Wackenhut
and what are they up to?" Not mentioned in this article is the fact that
Wackenhut is also in charge of security at Area-51, the place where UFO
activity has often been sighted.

It's being posted for informational purposes only.

What?  A big private company - one with a board of former CIA, FBI and
Pentagon officials; one in charge of protecting Nuclear-Weapons
facilities, nuclear reactors, the Alaskan oil pipeline and more than a
dozen American embassies abroad; one with long-standing ties to a
radical ring-wing organization; one with 30,000 men and women under arms
- secretly helped IRAQ in its effort to obtain sophisticated weapons?
And fueled unrest in Venezuela?  This is all the plot of a new
best-selling thriller, right?  Or the ravings of some overheated
conspiracy buff,right?  Right?


In the winter of 1990, David Ramirez, a 24 year-old member of the
Special Investigations Division of the Wackenhut Corporation, was sent
by his superiors on an unusual mission.  Ramirez a former Marine Corps
sergeant based in Miami, was told to fly immediately to San Antonio
along with three other members of SID-a unit, known as founder and
chairman George Wackenhut's "private FBI," that provided executive
protection and conducted undercover investigations and sting operations.

Once they arrived, they rented two gray Ford Tauruses and drove four
hours to a desolate town on the Mexican border called Eagle Pass.
There, just after dark, they met two truck drivers who had been flown in
from Houston.  Inside a nearby warehouse was an 18 -wheel
tractor-trailer, which the two truck drivers and the four Wackenhut
agents in their rented cars were supposed to transport to Chicago.  "My
instructions were very clear," Ramirez recalls.  "Do not look into the
trailer, secure it, and make sure it safely gets to Chicago." It went
without saying that no one else was supposed to look in the trailer,
either, which is why the Wackenhut men were armed with fully loaded
Remington 870 pump-action shotguns.

The convoy drove for 30 hours straight, stopping only for gas and food.
Even then, one of the Wackenhut agents had to stay with the truck,
standing by one of the cars, its trunk open, shotgun within easy
reach.   "Whenever we stopped, I bought a shot glass with the name   f
the town on it," Ramirez recalls.  "I have glasses from Oklahoma City,
Kansas City, St.  Louis."

A little before 5:00 on the morning of the third day, they delivered the
trailer to a practically empty warehouse outside Chicago.  A burly man
who had been waiting for them on the loading dock told them to take off
the locks and go home, and that was that.  They were on a plane back to
Miami that afternoon.  Later Ramirez's superiors told him-as they told
other SID agents about similar midnight runs-that the trucks contained
$40 million worth of food stamps.  After considering the secrecy, the
way the team was assembled and the orders not to stop or open the truck,
Ramirez decided he didn't believe that explanation.

Neither do we.  One reason is simple: A Department of Agriculture
official simply denies that food stamps are shipped that way.  "Someone
is blowing smoke," he says.  Another reason is that after a six-month
investigation, in the course of which we spoke to more than 300 people,
we believe we know what the truck did contain-equipment necessary for
the manufacture of chemical weapons-and where it was headed: to Saddam
Hussein's Iraq.  And the Wackenhut Corporation-a publicly traded company
with strong ties to the CIA and federal contracts worth $200 million a
year-was making sure Saddam would be geting his equipment intact.  The
question is why.  In 1954, George Wackenhut, then a 34-year old former
FBI agent, joined up with three other former FBI agents to open a
company in Miami called Special Agent Investigators Inc.  The
partnership was neither successful nor  harmonious-George once knocked
partner Ed Dubois unconscious to end a disagreement over the direction
the company would take-and in 1958, George bought out his partners.

However capable Wackenhut's detectives may have been at their work,
George Wackenhut had two personal attributes that were instrumental in
the company's growth.  First, he got along exceptionally well with
important politicians.  He was a close ally of Florida governor Claude
Kirk, who hired him to combat organized crime in the state; and was also
friends with Senator George Smathers, an intimate of John F.
Kennedy's.  It was Smathers who provided Wackenhut with his big break
when the senator's law firm helped the company find a loophole in the
Pinkerton law, the 1893 federal statute that had made

[CTRL] Fwd: Deeper.txt

2001-03-04 Thread Aleisha Saba

So here is item on Fritz Springmeier - put in under Fred and Fritz and
then put in Illuminati Bloodlines.

So - this man uses the bible a lot and I am wondering one of two things:
to what Secret Society does he belong - in high school and college
fraternities in particular the ones once outlawed in Ohio who use Greek
- all have secret handshakes and these kids are Sons of the Mafia no

Wonder if this man knows of the bible calendar code?   Have a feeling he
may but has never seen it for even my MI6 friend had not seen t only
heard of it and this was in 1970 that I hooked up with this individual.

So I reproduce this item - but if that is true this guy drew marijuana
then he is a frutcake - did he ever hear of "low profile" when it comes
to breaking laws -

High profile on web is one thing, but high profile when writing as he
does - so under Illuminati I am again picking up Fritz aka Fred aka
whoever nothing on the alias but I am Curious Yellowbird and I would
like to know more of this man...is he a plant or is he for
realif he grew Marijuana the guy is a fruitcake.


Deeper Insights into the Illuminati Formula
Part I
  How the control comes about
 by Fritz Springmeier
Part II
  How help comes about
  by Cisco Wheeler
Important Explanation of Contents
A successful treasure hunter of the sea said, "You have to convince
others of what you are looking for, and be incredibly persistent in
looking for it." I, Fritz, could really identify with what he was
saying. I have searched for truth like a treasure hunter, I have sifted
the dusty pages of documents, like a patient miner panning for gold. How
far & deep are you willing to search for truth? Cisco and I feel we are
accountable to tell you the whole truth as far as we know it, what you
do with that is up to you. This book will explain many occult ideas and
beliefs, many of them never before publicly revealed. There is an
important reason why these occult ideas and beliefs are introduced, we
need to study our enemy and know how he thinks. The U.S. Army used
indian scouts to track the indians. Gen. MacArthur learned everything he
could about the Japanese so that he could defeat them. Christ was
extremely savvy as to Satan's tricks. The Apostle said, "We are not
ignorant of Satan's devices." Time and time again, this author has seen
powerful Masonic clergyman do their handshakes, their codewords, etc. in
front of the common people and the Christians do not catch on. On the
one hand the Christians want proof of what is happening, but on the
other hand, they are not willing to learn how to identify what the
opposition is doing. Such doublemindedness has contributed to the
churches becoming, sad-to-say, fronts for the Illuminati. I have
included the Illuminati's understanding of things and other occult
beliefs, because I have witnessed that knowing these things can be
helpful in defeating the mind-control. If I were trying to help a
refugee who was trying to escape the Yakuza, I would study the tactics
of the Yakuza. If I were trying to free a witch of JuJuism, then I would
learn about JuJuism. I strongly recommend that readers always stand on
the foundation of the Word of God, and that they use the Word of God as
a refreshing bath to cleanse their minds. This author has found tapes
with scriptures to be an encouragement.
Some Christians have criticized this author for the content of the
books, because it doesn't portray the lighter side of Christianity
(whatever that is). It seems some people only want enough of God to to
make them cozy, but not so much that their sleep would be disturbed.
Some have even gone so far as to claim this author is not a Christian
because the content of the books is so heavy. It is sad that many
Christians do not know their own Scriptures nor where hope comes from.
True hope is given by the Spirit of God, because hope is the vantage
point that the Spirit of God has for the situation. A therapist may be
optimistic about a victim of mind-control, but the therapist's optimism
only turns to sincere hope when they become involved personally with the
tragedies of the victim through caring and prayer. The Biblical hope is
not a warm fuzzy that has its head in the sand pretending that
everything is "rosy and peachy". Quite to the contrary, if we look at
the following portion of scripture, we will see the Word of God
portraying trauma after trauma with a light still at the end of the
tunnel! Such is the power of our hope, that we have hope in spite of how
fierce evil manifests.
Lamentations chapter 1

1 I am the man that hath seen affliction by the rod of his wrath.
2 He hath led me, and brought me into darkness, but not into light.
3 Surely against me is he turned; he turneth his hand against me all the
4 My flesh and my skin hath he made old; he hath broken my bones.
5 He hath builded against me, and compassed me with gall and travail.
6 He hath set me in dark place

Re: [CTRL] Drunk Like W

2001-03-04 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Well, like the black sheep of old, they will come back to the fold..

Baa, Baa, Baa

Like Hil and Bill,  and little Chelsea - the apple does not fall far,
from the tree .

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/">ctrl

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[CTRL] Fwd: Office of the Sheriff???

2001-03-04 Thread Aleisha Saba

So, I thought I would pull up stuff on Fred Springmeier today and
suddenlythe above is all I could get.yesterday I had read some of
his stuff prior to the story on his arrest - but it was under material
on Knights Templar and bloodlines of Kennedy - and the information
contained therein was wrong and maybe even lies for Rose Fitzgerald
Kennedy's line is our line through Lord Thomas Fitzgerald and this I
knew of the Fitzgerald connection for many, many years prior to death of
JFK and back to when I was 4 or 5 my mother would speak of the
Fitzgerald curse - and masonic matters.

So I kept wondering why suddenly am I only able to get this informationo
here - and it is out ofo my state, Ohio...

After many attempts to find this stuff I had yesterday and day before, I
finally read this stuff and noted the list of the Sheriff's at the
end...Sheriff's are very important people - and a Fitzgerald had
signed the Magna Carta and this is how I ran into Fredls name off and on
connected to this bloodline stuff.

So the name of the Sheriff in this one time frame, was Fred
Springmeiernow note this - there have been illuminati investigators
in this area for a long long time back to when I got into this stuff and
the former Grand Dragon of the KKK had given me Illuminati Records an a
bood Who Is Murdering Angola for nobody else seemed to care.later he
was also arrested for gun running between Canada which surprised me but
he was a brilliant man.

Now this Springmeier used an alias did he not?  What if he is a plant
for I say this, wish I could bring that stuff up I had previously but
the only thing I can bring up today is this.

Not being paranoid yet - when that kept coming up I decided to stay home
and be quiet.

And then I thought of that Meyer Lansky Hit Man - living in a trailor on
the farm of this one doctor who was into guns, murder, with HOffa for a
year and I was told got Hoffa away to Canada (or drumped him with the
fishies).but tht killer was wearing an officia Deputy Sheriff's
Uniform the night the unholy three murdered a black doctor - when golly
gee they only wanted to castrate the guy.

What is wrong here - is Fred Springmeier really Fred Springmeier?   And
if he was stupid enough to grow marijuana - who rat finked however there
was another raid of a similar type the same night.

What about Joe Six Pack..now he only had a copy of the constitution
with him day they put him in the slammer and a six pack no doubt

Ah when night falls and the shadows flee away

Anyway, read this list of Sheriffs..creepy, huh.but
Springmeier did put some information that was NOT accurate and the
reason I know is this - they are family these Fitzgeralds and this guy
had information on web saying they were Italian?   You got to be
kiddingmaybe it was just a link but he said Illuminati Bloodlines -
Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy had same ancestors as mine in Limerick - do not
know omuch about the Kennedy's except they were all murdered virtually -
ah but there is always one who will survive - the idea is to demoralize
a country and by systematic murders of these famous bloodlines - well
that is how the scum also rises but then there will always be a new moon
down the road.


Is Fred Springmeier  a plant?   Nice way to pass on information without
drawing too much attention...or is he a victim?   If that is true
about the marijuana plants - then that guy had really taken roots.

The Office of Sheriff
The office of Sheriff was first established in 1066AD by the Normans.
The word "Sheriff" was derived from "Shire" (the equivalent of today's
County) and "Rieve" (chief law enforcer). Thus, the term "Shire Rieve"
was eventually shortened to simply "Sheriff". At the same time the title
of Constable was also created and this was the position of keeper of the
Rieve's stable of horses. Sheriff and Constable were the first two
titles for police officers in America, and each owe their origins to
English ancestry. 
Thomas Jefferson, in his work called "The Value of Constitutions,"
wrote, "...the office of Sheriff is the most important of all the
executive offices of the country." After two hundred years, experience
has proven that the perspective of Jefferson and other founding fathers
is just as valid today as it was when they first perceived of how a free
society could best be constructed.
The office of Sheriff is certainly significant, and was in fact the
first county office established in the United States. Some very
outstanding Americans have held the office of County Sheriff, from the
earliest days down to our present era. George Washington's father was an
early Sheriff in Colonial Virginia. The history of the position and
functions of a Sheriff, prior to establishment of the position in
America, can reportedly be traced to provisions of the Magna Carta in
England, in the year 1215.
The Sheriffs of America have played a significant role in the history of
our Nation, and the She

[CTRL] Fw: OBRL - Orgasm by Prescription

2001-03-04 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, March 04, 2001 12:19 AM
Subject: OBRL - Orgasm by Prescription

> http://www.orgonelab.org
> Forwarded News Item
> Please copy and distribute to other interested individuals and groups
> **
> More evidence that the "normals" in our society are completely mentally ill.
> Better to fire any physician (like Jocelyn Elders) who dares to say that
> masturbation is OK for young people, and let the impotent adults have
> electrical masturbations, courtesy of the docs  (by prescription only).
> And they called Reich nuts?
> J.D.
> +
> Date: Thu, 15 Feb 2001 11:00:06 PST
> Everyone is being displaced by a machine nowadays.
>  Yahoo - Doctor stumbles onto orgasm machine
> http://biz.yahoo.com/rf/010207/n07281052.html
> Wednesday February 7, 3:44 pm Eastern Time
> Doctor stumbles onto orgasm machine
> By Maggie Fox, Health and Science Correspondent
> WASHINGTON, Feb 7 (Reuters) - All he was trying to do was ease her chronic
> back pain, but when Dr. Stuart Meloy placed an electrode into one patient's
> back, she groaned.
> Not in pain, but in delight.
> ``This is a direct quote -- she said, 'You're going to have to teach my
> husband how to do that','' Meloy, an anesthesiologist and pain specialist
> in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, said in a telephone interview.
> Meloy had stumbled onto an unexpected side-effect of the pain device he was
> using -- an ability to cause orgasm.
> He has just patented this unexpected use of the device, a spinal cord
> stimulator made by device company Medtronic (NYSE:MDT - news). Now he is
> trying to talk Minneapolis-based Medtronic into testing and marketing the
> device for this use.
> It all started with a relatively routine operation for Meloy, who was
> trying to help a patient with severe and untreatable back pain.
> ``She had had a number of back surgeries for degenerative disk disease and
> fusion surgery,'' Meloy said.
> He was trying Medtronic's spinal cord stimulator to see if it might work in
> her case. ``These people are either suffering a lot or there is certainly a
> place for narcotics to be used.''
> The surgeon has to place an electrode very precisely in the patient's
> spine. The idea is to find the specific nerve bundle that is carrying his
> or her pain signals to the brain.
> It requires some trial and error and sometimes, Meloy said, the surgeon
> hurts a patient, who will groan or cry out.
> At first he thought this had happened with this patient.
> ``But the sound that she made was a little bit different. I asked her what
> it was,'' he said. That was when she recommended he teach her husband the
> technique.
> ``The next day in the operating room, the nurses were all asking me how one
> gets that,'' Meloy deadpanned.
> Meloy said he repositioned the electrode and was able to help the patient's
> pain. ``We able to reduce her narcotics usage by about a half,'' he said.
> He was not able to offer her a dual use of the pacemaker-sized device,
> which is implanted under the skin.
> The device works not to block pain but to change the way the patient
> perceives it. ``Instead of feeling pain, they feel what most people
> describe as a buzzing sensation in the affected area,'' Meloy said.
> ``It's not so much a distraction as a change in perception. You are
> altering what they feel.''
> This seemed to work the same way in pushing the a patient's orgasm button.
> ``Yes, she literally got a buzz,'' Meloy sighed. ``Yes, we turned her on.
> The puns can go on and on.''
> But he hopes to turn this to a serious use.
> ``Once you get past the giggles and smirks, as far as orgasmic dysfunction
> goes, it is a very real problem. People don't like to talk about it. But if
> we are going to utilize a device like this, it would be to allow people to
> have more of a normal life than some sort of supernormal life.''
> In other words, no ``Orgasmatron'' as featured in the 1973 Woody Allen
> movie ``Sleeper.''
> Meloy hopes he could develop the device for temporary use, to retrain a
> patient's sexual response. ``You could just get them back in the groove or
> whatever.'' Then the device could be used outside the body via a catheter.
> But Meloy stressed it was no toy.
> ``Even for pain management patients we certainly exhaust all other
> possibilities before we start utilizing this type of technique,'' he said.
> Will it work on all kinds of people, men as well as women? ``I observed it
> twice,'' Meloy said.
> ``I hang out with other people who do pain management, and I have heard of
> it working with men as well,'' he said.
> ``Is it reproducible? I sure hope so.''
> **

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Re: [CTRL] Springmeier has been released on recog/Drugs, hate literature seized in couple's home

2001-03-04 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Tenorlove -  I had never heard of Springmeier but a gentleman on anothre
list said there were no drugs involved .

It is one of two things - Springmeier is a plan (for he does give out a
lot of bad information maybe not deliberately - but was he brought in
for questioning and is he a plant himself.

Firs thing I noted was this 50 marijuana plants - like Timothy McVeigh
running down the road in a car without a license plate at high rate of
speed - now in this day and age this is a good waya to draw attention to
one's self..

So as the shadows fled - in McVeigh's case - we still have this ADL who
warned FBI and BATF to stay home that day.

Now 50 marijuana plants?   Talk about the corn have ears but what if it
is a two way receiver.

It was several years before I realized that people on the assassination
committed headed by Bud Fensterwald were "plants".

So I find hard to believe anyone would be stupid enough to open a door
to possible arrrest unless they wanted the door opened.

The Unsuspected?   That plus some stuff I read about this guy and
maaterial he put out, some just plain lies...

I keep thinking of this Jewish Mafia here in our area who had all the
neo nazi literature to plant at scenes of certain crimeswith the
little red arrows and paths like a Winnie the Pooh Calendarand the
one, the murderer was pardoned by the Govenor of Ohio after admitting he
murdered the "guy" and was dressed like Deputy Sheriff?

So something fishy here and this guy might be one of the fishermen?

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[CTRL] DN: Another New Bill of Sale

2001-03-04 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Another New Bill of Sale

Fund-raiser pushed Prez to pardon perjurer

Daily News Staff Writer

A major fund-raiser for the Clinton library helped get the White
House to pardon convicted perjurer William Fugazy after the
Justice Department shot down the request, the Daily News has

New York supermarket mogul John Catsimatidis is a member of an
elite advisory board to the Clinton library and has pledged to
raise $1 million for the sprawling complex in Little Rock, Ark.

He was one of several prominent people who lobbied for Fugazy's
pardon, but his appeal went straight to President Clinton's chief
of staff John Podesta.  Catsimatidis says his access helped
overcome Justice Department opposition.

"In the last 50 years, I don't know of anyone who's gotten a
pardon who hadn't paid a lot of money to a lawyer or hasn't known
somebody," Catsimatidis said in an interview yesterday.  "How do
you create a pardon other than talking to people?"

Clinton granted Fugazy's pardon in his last hours in office, one
of more than 40 that ran contrary to the Justice Department's
clemency rules.

Fugazy said yesterday that he deserved the pardon.

"I don't think I did anything wrong.  I think I was entitled to
[a pardon]," he said.  "I took a plea.  It's the silliest thing I
ever did, but that's life.  There was really no case.  I just
didn't want to embarrass my family."

Fugazy's pardon is the latest example of a possible connection
between contributions to Clinton's library and the access needed
to obtain presidential clemency.

At a House committee hearing this week, investigators pressed
senior Clinton staffers for any links between library donations
and pardons, but the former aides denied any quid pro quo.

Calls to Clinton's office and Podesta were not returned.

Catsimatidis emphasized that Fugazy had the support of many
powerful people, including Rep.  Charles Rangel (D-N.Y.), Mayor
Giuliani, Manhattan District Attorney Robert Morgenthau, former
White House counsel Bernard Nussbaum and the late John Cardinal

Nussbaum said yesterday that he called the White House counsel's
office to press the Fugazy pardon with people who used to work
for him.  He declined to reveal their names.

"I made a call to the White House counsel's office to people that
I know," he said.  "They said, 'Thank you, good to hear from

Fugazy has long been a prominent fixture in New York's political
and charity scene.  His nonprofit campaigns included fighting
anti-Italian bias and raising money to restore Ellis Island.

But by late 1986, his consulting company, Fugazy International,
faced several suits and owed $10 million to banks and tax
collectors, records show.  He filed for personal bankruptcy.

Prosecutors said he transferred assets to a company held in his
children's names but continued to play a central role in running
the company.

During a deposition in the bankruptcy case, he repeatedly lied
about who owned the firm, prosecutors said.  Under a deal, Fugazy
pleaded guilty to one felony count of perjury.

At his sentencing, he submitted letters of support from Giuliani,
O'Connor and Morgenthau.  He was sentenced in September 1997 to
two years' probation, including six months of home detention.

Fugazy's lawyer, former federal prosecutor Andrew Maloney, soon
began pushing the Justice Department to pardon Fugazy.  He
submitted the Giuliani letter and got new letters from O'Connor
and Morgenthau.

But Justice Department officials insisted they would not support
a pardon for anyone until at least five years after the date of
conviction or release from prison.

"They said, 'Come back in 2003 and we'll be happy to process
it,'" Maloney said.

He said department lawyers suggested he take his case to the
White House, and he submitted the package to Rangel, who took it
to the White House counsel's office.

Meanwhile, Catsimatidis wrote to Podesta, and Nussbaum called his
old colleagues in the White House counsel's office.

"I was aware of the five-year rule, but I was also aware that the
President has discretion," said Nussbaum, who handled the case
for free.  "I did not do this in my capacity as former White
House counsel.  I did this in my capacity as somebody who knew
Bill Fugazy."

Original Publication Date: 3/3/01

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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[CTRL] WP: RNC 'Regrets' Ex-Chair's Words About Sharpton

2001-03-04 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

RNC 'Regrets' Ex-Chair's Words About Sharpton

Associated Press
Saturday, March 3, 2001; Page A04

The Republican National Committee expressed regret yesterday
concerning comments its former chairman made about African
American activist Al Sharpton.

The party said in a joint statement released with Sharpton that
their differences were resolved "without the payment of any

Sharpton had filed a $30 million libel suit last spring against
the RNC after then-Chairman Jim Nicholson wrote a letter to The
Washington Post accusing Sharpton of instigating a deadly riot in
the New York borough of Brooklyn in August 1991 and instigating
arson that killed seven people at a Harlem store in 1995.

Nicholson, who completed his term this winter, said in his letter
last March that The Post's description of Sharpton as a "civil
rights activist" could be attributed only to "a liberal bias" or
political correctness on the newspaper's part. Nicholson's letter
then made his accusations against Sharpton.

"I'm not looking for a dime," Sharpton told the New York Daily
News for yesterday's editions. "I'm looking for history to be
made right. I want to make sure this is straightened out."

"The RNC has confirmed it did not intend to state that Reverend
Sharpton's involvement in the Crown Heights events led to the
death of Yankel Rosenbaum," the joint statement said, referring
to the young Talmudic scholar who died in the 1991 disturbance.
"Nor did the letter mean to imply that Reverend Sharpton had any
direct communication with the person who burned down Freddy's
Fashion Mart in Harlem in a fire that killed several people."

"The RNC regrets any such misunderstanding," the statement added.
"The parties have agreed that they will not make any further
comment about the lawsuit."

© 2001 The Washington Post Company

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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[CTRL] WP: 'Humanitarianism' Cited in Clemency for [drug money-laundering] Lawyer

2001-03-04 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

'Humanitarianism' Cited in Clemency for Lawyer

By John Mintz
Washington Post Staff Writer
Saturday, March 3, 2001; Page A02

Harvey Weinig would not seem to be an obvious candidate for
presidential clemency. The Manhattan lawyer had pleaded guilty to
participating in one of the largest drug money-laundering cases
in New York history -- helping the Cali cartel -- and had even
played a small role in a kidnapping.

But Weinig's name was on the list of 176 people who were pardoned
or had sentences commuted by President Clinton on his last day in
office. It was no random selection, either -- a former Clinton
aide who is a Weinig relative had put in a good word for him with
top administration officials in the president's waning days, and
a lawyer who had represented many administration officials was
hired to press his case.

Weinig's situation has been lost in the shuffle of more
controversial pardons, such as that of fugitive financier Marc
Rich. But the president's grant of clemency to Weinig -- who had
his sentence commuted after serving five years of an 11-year
prison term -- shows that, as in the more celebrated case, access
to the White House can make a critical difference.

The U.S. attorney's office in New York that had prosecuted Weinig
bitterly opposed the commutation, and officials at the Justice
Department's headquarters here weighed in against it as well.

People familiar with the White House deliberations say the
president was swayed by a packet of materials prepared by
Weinig's lawyer that described in detail the emotionally
shattering impact his imprisonment had on his family, in
particular his two teenage sons.

"There's no question the president was moved by arguments of
humanitarianism," said Reid Weingarten, Weinig's attorney. "A
commutation of Harvey Weinig's sentence was justified."

Sentenced in 1996 after pleading guilty to two counts in
connection with the money-laundering case, Weinig will now be
released in April from his cell at the federal prison in Fort
Dix, N.J.

The pardon has inflamed the Colombian public, which for years has
resented U.S. pressure that the Bogota government crack down on
cocaine dealers there. "This situation is quite disappointing and
delivers the wrong message," Alfonso Valdivieso, Colombia's
ambassador to the United Nations and a former top narcotics
prosecutor, said in a radio interview.

The U.S. prosecutors who investigated Weinig, led by U.S.
Attorney Mary Jo White in Manhattan, were also furious with
Clinton's commutation. Days later, they got the judge in the case
to unseal a document they had written for his sentencing five
years ago. It described Weinig's nonchalance upon learning that
one of his fellow conspirators had kidnapped a man to demand
payment of a debt. "Weinig's conduct, particularly as a lawyer,
was chilling," said the prosecutors' 1996 sentencing report.

Weinig's appeal certainly was helped by the easy access his
lawyer, Weingarten, enjoyed at the White House. Having
represented former agriculture secretary Mike Espy in his
corruption trial, and other high-ranking Clinton aides,
Weingarten knew many top administration officials. After
prosecutors shot down his clemency petition, he took it to White
House counsel Beth Nolan and deputy counsel Bruce Lindsey, one of
the president's closest friends.

But the strongest arguments for Weinig were advanced by David
Dreyer, who was deputy White House communications director in
Clinton's first term and was later a top aide to Treasury
Secretary Robert E. Rubin. Weinig is Dreyer's cousin by marriage,
and the two have been close for years. He spoke about his
relative to Nolan and John D. Podesta, Clinton's chief of staff.

Former White House officials say that like many other pardon
requests, the Weinig appeal set off a debate.

"It was done on the basis of a humanitarian plea that was made to
us by someone we knew who had rendered good public service and
was a relative of Mr. Weinig," Podesta said on NBC News's "Meet
the Press." "Some of the people in the office thought it was a
bad call, that it tilted the other way, but for me it was a close
call and, on a humanitarian basis, I recommended it to the
president, and he granted it."

"Harvey is a good person who was extremely involved in the lives
of his sons," said Dreyer, now a corporate consultant,
summarizing the arguments he made to his former colleagues. "No
one's saying Harvey didn't commit any crimes and didn't make any

Moreover, Dreyer and Weingarten noted that Weinig was less
involved in running the money-laundering ring than his two main
co-conspirators -- Weinig's former law partner, Robert Hirsch,
and a former firefighter, Richard Spence -- but that he received
a sentence almost four times longer than theirs.

Mark Goodman, who prosecuted Weinig, said: "It's wrong to say
Harvey was treated unfairly" because, unlike his two

[CTRL] LT: Mad Swan Disease?

2001-03-04 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

March 4 2001

Swans crash to their deaths on rainy roads

Edin Hamzic and Guy Dennis

WILDLIFE organisations are investigating why growing numbers of
Britain's swans are dying as they mistake rain-soaked roads for
rivers and crash-land on them.

Conservationists believe one of the wettest winters on record may
be to blame for an increase of up to 25% in the number of swans
injured or killed in this way.

The birds are deceived by wet roads, which look like open water
from a height or in low light. When the tarmac is wet, and at
dawn or dusk, they see its smooth black surface as a placid
river, and car parks as lakes. Problems also arise in hot
weather, when heat from the dark surface of roads creates a

Swans, weighing about 8kg (18lb), come in to land with their feet
outstretched, expecting a gentle touchdown. Instead they crash to
a halt, leading to sprains, cut feet, injured backs and wings,
and broken legs. Many injured birds are then run over and killed.

Graham Madge, of the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds,
said: "Sadly, it is happening with some regularity. As their
habitat is constantly invaded by people and altered, it is
becoming harder for the birds to find their way around."

Conservationists say it is hard to put an exact number on the
accidents because most deaths are not reported. However, they
estimate that up to 1,000 swans crash each year.

The Swan Sanctuary, Britain's largest refuge for the birds with
five sites, treats more than 3,000 birds a year. It claims that
130 to 140 of these are crash-landing victims- a quarter more
than five years ago.

Steve Knight, director of operations, said the number of injuries
rises during the autumn and winter when young swans leave their
nests and go in search of new territories.

"You get a young swan just out of the parental nest - with
L-plates, so to speak - flying for the first time, getting into

While the mute swan was almost perfectly designed for altitude
flying, the birds were vulnerable during take-off and descent,
making it difficult for them to abort a landing even if they
realised their mistake, he said. According to Knight, an added
danger is at points where roads cross rivers.

A warm thermal from the road mixes with a cold one from the
river, creating a crosswind. As swans have a wingspan of about
6ft, it is easy for them to get caught in it and crash into the

"Only last week we were called to an accident on Chiswick flyover
on the M4 in west London," Knight said. "A large adult swan
appeared to have confused the motorway for a river and attempted
to land.

"It crashed through the windscreen of a minibus taking passengers
to Heathrow airport. Luckily the bird survived and is now

In another incident, last July, a female swan crash-landed on a
busy road in Coventry city centre in the middle of the morning
rush-hour. Police had to close the road while RSPCA officers
collected the bird and took it to a vet.

Hessilhead Wildlife Rescue Trust in Scotland reports a tenfold
increase in the number of injured swans, to between 200 and 250 a
year, over the past 10 years.

A quarter of the incidents involve swans landing on roads. In the
past week alone the trust has taken in three birds injured in
this way.

Meanwhile, naturalists are struggling to stop a decline in
Britain's 30,000 swan population. According to figures from the
RSPB, the number fell by 15%

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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[CTRL] FAVISH: New Filing in Vincent Foster FOIA Case (fwd)

2001-03-04 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sat, 03 Mar 2001 16:52:51 -0800
From: Allan Favish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: New Filing in Vincent Foster FOIA Case

Foster's former wife and one of his sisters have filed a reply to
my opposition to their motion asking the judge to reverse his
decision to release five photos.  It's in the Foster section of
my web site.

The direct link to the 628KB pdf file is:


Allan J. Favish

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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[CTRL] National Enquirer and Globe stories on Clintons

2001-03-04 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] CNS: Navy, Shipbuilders Prepare Reagan Carrier for Christening

2001-03-04 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Navy, Shipbuilders Prepare Reagan Carrier for Christening

By Lawrence Morahan

CNS Senior Staff Writer March 02, 2001

Newport News, Va.  (CNSNews.com) - Top Navy brass and Newport
News Shipbuilding executives are busily preparing for the
christening of the Ronald Reagan, the ninth nuclear powered
Nimitz-class aircraft carrier to be built at Newport News and the
first to bear the name of a living former president.

Former First Lady Nancy Reagan will christen the $5 billion
carrier Sunday, the 49th anniversary of her wedding to the former
president, at a public ceremony here that is expected to draw
20,000 people.

President George Bush will be the principle speaker at the
ceremony.  Guests will include: Virginia Gov.  Jim Gilmore,
Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, and Virginia Sens.  John
Warner and George Allen.

Former President Reagan will not attend the event.  He withdrew
from public life in 1994 after he was diagnosed with Alzheimer's

Mrs.  Reagan will break the traditional bottle of champagne
against the ship's hull and officially christen the ship in the
name of the 40th president.

The Reagan is about 60 percent complete.  It will undergo 2 more
years of construction before it joins the Navy's fleet in 2003.

The state-of-the-art Reagan is 1,092 feet long and towers 20
stories above the water line.  When complete, the Reagan will
have a full compliment of 6,000 personnel and 80 aircraft aboard.

Capt.  J.W.  Goodwin, 47, is the prospective commanding officer.

"Two weeks ago, early on a Saturday morning, they opened the
valves at the end of the dry dock here and we filled it up for
the first time - then you know you're one step closer to taking
the ship to sea," he said.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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[CTRL] OS: Democrats' silence is the true shock about pardon scandal

2001-03-04 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Democrats' silence is the true shock about pardon scandal

Published March 4, 2001

Mike Griffin

I've never understood the Republican obsession with Bill Clinton.

>From the minute Clinton was elected president in 1992 until this
very day, the Grand Old Party remains fixated on ruining a man
who, if left to his own devices, shows an uncanny ability to ruin
himself. Like Captain Ahab relentlessly pursuing the great white
whale, the Republicans' desire to destroy Clinton became a blind
obsession that led to the destruction of several of the party's
own leaders.

So the Republican outcry over Clinton's final days and a list of
dubious pardons issued from the Oval Office were predictable. The
shocking thing about the latest Clinton scandal isn't the
screaming of Republicans but the total silence of Democrats.

Leading Democrats -- particularly in Florida -- haven't had much
to say about Clinton's disgraceful exit from public life. The
silence is surprising, given that Democrats have far more reason
to be furious at Clinton than Republicans do.

Republicans expected Clinton to be an immoral scoundrel and were
not disappointed.

Democrats, on the other hand, had higher expectations of the Man
from Hope. They expected Camelot. They got Bithlo on a bad day.

Democrats hungered for Jack and Bobby Kennedy. They got Bill and
Roger Clinton.

And Hugh Rodham.

Rodham, Hillary Rodham Clinton's brother, collected a nifty
$400,000 from dubious pals hoping to win a presidential pardon.
Rodham, you may remember, ran the worst statewide political
campaign in Florida history in 1994 when he challenged incumbent
U.S. Sen. Connie Mack.

Obviously, Rodham's political skills haven't improved. Not only
did none of his clients get pardons -- how much pull does this
guy have? -- but he also was too dimwitted to see long in advance
the damage that the scandal would do to his sister's political

Rodham returned the money, and both Clintons apologized. Bill
denied wrongdoing, and Hillary expressed outrage. It is the
time-honored Clinton formula: stonewall, deny, apologize, express
outrage. If they could bottle the recipe, Hillary wouldn't need
the $8 million book deal.

But apparently, the presidential-pardon business can be pretty
lucrative as well. Songwriter Denise Rich has donated millions of
dollars to the Democratic Party and to Clinton's presidential
library, and lavished gifts on the former first family. Her
ex-husband, fugitive commodities dealer Marc Rich, got his
pardon. Marc Rich fled the country rather than face racketeering,
wire-fraud and tax-evasion charges.

Although the Rich pardon raises serious questions of propriety,
it also calls into question Clinton's commitment to Democratic
Party philosophy.

Rich, who is accused of stealing millions of dollars, gets a
pardon. But Roger Clinton, the president's half-brother, couldn't
deliver pardons for a half-dozen of his friends. These guys were
small-time hoods, some of them drug dealers who did time with the
younger Clinton.

A bailout for a millionaire but squat for the first brother's
cellblock buddies. What happened to the Democratic Party's
long-held commitment to help the little guy?

Republicans will insist on digging into this sordid mess because
Bill Clinton remains their passion. The unintended consequence
also happens to be that the focus on the Clintons seems to be
helping President George W. Bush. The new administration has been
spared the barbs that often fly in a president's first few

Second, although any president would seem a moral giant standing
next to Clinton, Bush particularly flourishes in the comparison.
The new president is a humble straight-talker, and the longer the
Clinton mess continues, the better and better Bush looks.

Michael Griffin can be reach at 407-420-6229 or

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as alw

Re: [CTRL] PC privacy 4 alert

2001-03-04 Thread c.

-Caveat Lector-

well- if it was all installed (as advised)  together then it would be false
positive city - as well being *more* than enough information to protect
yourself with. the advice in the series of postings is *sometimes* sound-
but more confusing than ever for a newbie looking to secure his/ her puter
and there is something tabloidy and scaremongery about it that smells fishy

if you want a secure puter get ONE firewall and ONE virus checker. nothing
more is needed to stop anything coming in the way.

the biggest threat to anyone is a remote administration tool (RAT) that can
control your puter from afar-  one of the true computer conspiracies last
year was the obscuring by the media of the fact that the "i love you" virus
was a small server for a RAT- bad for confidence in ecommerce if everyone
and his brother is open all hours, y'know?
RATs themselves are generally swept under the carpet and are portrayed as
possible urban myth.
as byron mentions- SUBSEVEN is the most popular and most sophisticated-
everyone should try it- until you have been hit by someone using subseven
against you- you haven't felt insecure online LOL
it is scarey. but nothing a firewall can't deal with.

- Original Message -
From: "byron wahl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, March 04, 2001 3:46 AM
Subject: [CTRL] PC privacy 4 alert

> -Caveat Lector-
> --- byron wahl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Date: Sat, 3 Mar 2001 19:44:52 -0800 (PST)
> > From: byron wahl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Subject: PC privacy 4 alert
> >
> > The firewalls/port probe blockers described in
> > earlier
> > posts may NOT be reliable. Test them carefully
> > before
> > placing full reliance upon them.
> >
> > We are searching for something 100% reliable. Will
> > report what we find.
> >
> > __
> > Do You Yahoo!?
> > Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail.
> > http://personal.mail.yahoo.com/
> >
> __
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail.
> http://personal.mail.yahoo.com/
> http://www.ctrl.org/">www.ctrl.org
> ==
> CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing
> screeds are unwelcomed. Substancenot soap-boxingplease!  These are
> sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'with its many half-truths, mis-
> directions and outright fraudsis used politically by different groups with
> major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and
> That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
> always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
> credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
> Archives Available at:
> http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html
>  http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of
>  http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/">ctrl
> To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
> To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
> Om

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/">ctrl

To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

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[CTRL] Drunk Like W

2001-03-04 Thread p

W to the rescue or just a urban legend?  

drunk like dubya-- sf gatE
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[CTRL] The "Good" NWO

2001-03-04 Thread Taercel

-Caveat Lector-

>From http://www.lewrockwell.com/yates/yates28.html

>>Embedded linques at site<<

  Wrong With the New World Order?
  Steven Yates
  no attention to that man behind the curtain!"
  the Wizard, to Dorothy
  Wizard of Oz
  days I get quite a bit of email, some of it from readers of my columns
here on LewRockwell.com. Judging from the vast majority of
  the responses, it is gratifying to know that however politically
  correct the dominant culture gets, there is intelligent life
  on the Internet. I try to answer whatever is sent my way personally.
  I don’t always succeed. A few of my articles have elicited as many
  as 60 emails in less than 24 hours, and for one or two, the number
  went well over a hundred. When this happens, demands on my time
  don’t permit me to reply to everyone; I’m a "one man operation"
  here, and nothing else would get done. I sincerely regret this,
  but I do read everything sent to me. Eventually.
  of those unanswered waifs concerned an
  article I wrote a few months back on Carroll Quigley’s detailed
  documentation of the rise of what some of us have been calling the
  New World Order: a diabolical triad of global government, global
  economics (masquerading under such labels as "free trade"), and
  global, ecumenical religion (which would be resolutely hostile to
  Christianity). This article was one that received a flood of email.
  I answered what I could, but at some point had to give up. Received
  long after this point was a brief missive with two questions: "What’s
  wrong with the New World Order?" And then: "Don’t you think it will
  make the world a better place for the majority of people on the
  the one hand, these questions are refreshingly direct. On the other,
  they are scary. After the past ten years researching political 
  and turning up abundant evidence of increasing control of global
  politics, financial resources and information by a superelite with
  no loyalty to anything except money and power, I receive a well-meaning
  query from someone who not only senses no danger but wonders if
  such control might not be a good thing. There are no doubt
  others who believe that if we could just set aside all the differences 
represented by such things as national boundaries and regional loyalties,
  it really would issue in global peace and prosperity.
  left the email to sit in a subdirectory. Where, after all, do I
  begin? But the questions ring with fundamental concerns of those
  sort that don’t often get raised, and are almost never raised in
  the dominant media today. Asked in good faith, the questions are
  worth taking up and answering, if only because few others will do
  it. I do so here.
  the best place to begin is by reviewing the nature of government.
  Is government a "good thing," a "bad thing,"
  or somewhere in between? To answer this question, many writers refer
  to the oft-quoted statement by George Washington, our first President:
  "Government is not reason; it is not eloquence; it is force!
  Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master."

  Washington, of course, was an entirely different breed from the
  kind of opportunist that tends to inhabit the land of politics today.
  He had a healthy sense that government was indeed a danger to freedom.
  And why not? After all, he’d just played a central role in the war
  of secession from the British Empire, which at the time was 
  centralized government at its greatest height. Government has been
  properly characterized by libertarian writers as having a legal
  monopoly on the use of force to achieve its ends. The Framers of our 
Constitutional republic realized this, and took steps to limit
  government’s growth. This was what the U.S. Constitution was all
  about. It had its critics who favored a still more limited,
  weaker central government: history has mislabeled them the 

  goes without saying that this is not the vision of government presented
  in today’s "public schools." As products of government,
  they are places where students are brainwashed into near-worship
  of government. 

[CTRL] U.S. Thinks Agent Revealed Tunnel at Soviet Embassy

2001-03-04 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

March 4, 2001

U.S. Thinks Agent Revealed Tunnel at Soviet Embassy


The New York Times

WASHINGTON, March 3 — The United States government constructed a
secret tunnel under the Soviet Union's embassy in Washington to
eavesdrop, but federal investigators now believe the operation was
betrayed by the F.B.I. agent who was arrested last month on charges of
spying for Moscow, current and former United States intelligence and law
enforcement officials say.

The secret tunnel operation, which officials indicated was run jointly by the
F.B.I. and the National Security Agency, was part of a broad United States
effort to eavesdrop on and track Soviet — later Russian — facilities and
personnel operating in the United States.

Spokesmen at the F.B.I. and the White House declined to comment on the
tunnel operation today.

Current and former United States officials estimated that the tunnel
construction and related intelligence-gathering activities cost several
hundred million dollars, apparently making it the most expensive
clandestine intelligence operation that the agent, Robert Philip Hanssen, is
accused of betraying. The tunnel was designed to aid in a sophisticated
operation to eavesdrop on communications and conversations in the
Soviet Embassy complex, which was built in the 1970's and 1980's but was
not fully occupied until the 1990's.

In the 1980's, at about the time the tunnel operation was under way, the
United States and the Soviet Union argued bitterly over their respective
embassies in Moscow and Washington, with the United States accusing
Moscow of spying at both locations.

The government has never publicly disclosed the existence of the tunnel
operation. But in an F.B.I. affidavit in the Hanssen case, the government
stated that Mr. Hanssen "compromised an entire technical program of
enormous value, expense and importance to the United States
government." Officials said that was a reference to the tunnel operation and
related intelligence activities.

The government charges that Mr. Hanssen, a 25-year veteran of the F.B.I.
and a counterintelligence expert, volunteered to spy for Moscow in October
1985. He was arrested on Feb. 18 in a Virginia park after leaving a
package containing classified documents for his Russian handlers,
according to the affidavit.

It could not be determined when the government believes Mr. Hanssen
betrayed the tunnel operation and related intelligence-gathering activities
targeting the embassy complex. Nor are many details known about how
and when the operation was mounted, or whether it ever succeeded in
collecting useful intelligence.

But the emerging belief that the tunnel program had been compromised
was a factor in the government's decision to keep looking for additional
spies after the 1994 arrest of the C.I.A. officer Aldrich H. Ames, according
to current and former officials.

A secret investigative team was established to identify the source of a
series of damaging intelligence losses, including the tunnel and related
activities against the embassy, that could not be explained by Mr. Ames.
Other unexplained intelligence losses — including other technical
intelligence programs, as well as the 1989 disclosure to Moscow that the
F.B.I. was conducting an espionage investigation of a State Department
official, Felix S. Bloch — also prompted officials to begin a new mole hunt,
officials added.

That mole-hunt team played a critical role in the counterespionage probe
that led to Mr. Hanssen's arrest, United States officials said. It was a
successor to an earlier C.I.A. mole-hunt team that helped uncover Mr.
Ames. The tunnel was built under Moscow's embassy complex on
Washington's Wisconsin Avenue, a hilltop location known as Mount Alto,
officials said.

The Soviets were prevented for years from fully occupying the embassy
complex as a result of a long- running dispute with the United States about
charges that the American Embassy in Moscow had been thoroughly
bugged. Soviet diplomats occupied apartments there in 1979, and
Congressional critics charged that they were using those buildings as
espionage outposts. In the mid- 1980's, some American lawmakers
claimed that the hilltop location would give the Soviets an edge in
intelligence gathering against United States government buildings in
Washington. The new embassy complex was not fully occupied until after
the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Meanwhile, the American intelligence offensive against the embassy
remained hidden from public view even as the United States publicly
protested a Soviet campaign to lace the new United States Embassy in
Moscow with listening devices. Construction on the new American
Embassy in Moscow was halted in 1985 after the Reagan administration
protested that Soviet construction crews were imbedding eavesdropping
equipment within the walls of the new chancery building. The disclosure that
the United States believed that the new embassy was bugg