Re: Debian breaks commitment to support Lenny until after Wheezy is released

2012-02-14 Thread Arcady Genkin
On Tue, Feb 14, 2012 at 18:53, Scott Ferguson

> And subsequently noted that Squeeze was *not* released when anticipated.
> I presumed that meant the upgrade from Lenny to Wheezy would not be
> happening. (I'm cynical about release schedules and "skip" upgrades)

I wish we saw this coming, too.

> NOTE: this subject has come up many times on various Debian lists over
> the last year. I'm truly sorry you've not been aware of it.

We are subscribed to the announcements list, but we don't generally
monitor any other Debian lists.

> I'm not sure there wasn't an official announcement subsequently - or
> that the "skip" upgrade is no longer going to be available.

I just went over the archives of debian-announce for 200{9,10,11} and
found nothing.  Perhaps I'm not seeing something that's there, though.

> I also don't
> understand your concern - Squeeze still has plenty of life, we don't
> intend beginning the process of testing moves to Wheezy for another year
> as we like to wait until teething problems are sorted first.

If Wheezy comes out in Feb 2013, then Squeeze will become unsupported
in Feb 2014, right?  Since summer is the only convenient time for us
to do an upgrade, we'll have to do it in the summer of 2013, which is
a year from now.

> AFAIK it was always going to be the case that Lenny support would end
> two years after it's release.

Not according to the announcement I linked to in the original post.
The promise for extended support for Lenny was worded relative to the
release date of Wheezy, and not as a certain number of additional

> No where in the original announcement was an extended support lifetime
> for Lenny discussed - only a "skip" upgrade *if* Squeeze was released early.

Quoting from the announcement once again:
"To accommodate the needs of larger organisations and other users with
a long upgrade process, the Debian project commits to provide the
possibility to skip the upcoming release and do a skip-upgrade
straight from Debian GNU/Linux 5.0 ("Lenny") to Debian GNU/Linux 7.0
(not yet codenamed)."

I don't see any ifs there, it's all worded pretty straight forwardly.

Secondly, do you mean to say that "possibility to skip the upcoming
release" does not include promise of support?  That would be totally
ridiculous, especially given that the exception is offered with
"larger organisations" in mind.  Do you mean to say that the Debian
project was supposing that the larger organisations might want to
operate without security support for a year or two?!

> And I can't account for why you did not know of the Lenny end of support
> date.

My colleagues from a sibling network were equally surprised.  Why
wouldn't we be if there was no announcement made?
Arcady Genkin

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Re: Debian breaks commitment to support Lenny until after Wheezy is released

2012-02-14 Thread Arcady Genkin
On Tue, Feb 14, 2012 at 18:29, Andrei POPESCU  wrote:
> This announcement was made in the context of the plan to freeze (and
> consequently release) squeeze very fast (one year after lenny). Plans
> were changed (as mentioned in subsequent announcements) and squeeze had
> the typical Debian release cycle, which is why support for oldstable
> ends as usual.

Thanks for your reply, Andrei.

Plans for *Squeeze* were later changed (it was delayed), but I have
not seen any announcements referring to any change of plans as far as
support for Lenny was concerned.  The plans for Lenny support were
relative to the release date of Wheezy and was not promised as any
concrete (absolute) number of years.  Even if your interpretation of
what happened is correct, I don't think that it would be reasonable to
expect that the users were to infer the change of plans for support
for Lenny without an explicit announcement.
Arcady Genkin

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Debian breaks commitment to support Lenny until after Wheezy is released

2012-02-14 Thread Arcady Genkin
In an announcement[1] from 2009, Debian promised to support Lenny at
least until the release of Wheezy:

"To accommodate the needs of larger organisations and other users with
a long upgrade process, the Debian project commits to provide the
possibility to skip the upcoming release and do a skip-upgrade
straight from Debian GNU/Linux 5.0 ("Lenny") to Debian GNU/Linux 7.0
(not yet codenamed)."

Now Debian announces[2] that it stops security support for Lenny.

We are a mid-sized University subnet, with Debian Lenny on almost
every computer.  That's about 150 workstations and a couple of dozens
of servers, both user-accessible and infrastructure.  It generally
takes us two or three months to implement, test, and deploy a release
upgrade.  We have lots of stuff that requires special attention when
moving to a new release, like auto installer, configuration management
system, 7GB of locally managed software in /usr/local/, etc.  On top
of that, we usually do distribution upgrades in the summer, between
the terms, because we have students and instructors relying on our
systems almost year round.

We chose not to upgrade from Lenny last summer, for various reasons,
knowing that we should be safe because there should still be support
for Lenny at least all the way until Wheezy.

Debian dropping support to Lenny so unexpectedly is an enormous
problem for our organization.  This means that we need to live without
security updates in the time being, drop all of our other projects on
the floor, and start working on upgrading to Squeeze between the
Winter and the Summer terms.  On top of that, we will be upgrading to
Squeeze for only a year, because it is likely that Wheezy will be out
by this time next year, so we'll have to spend a couple of months next
year as well on another release upgrade.

We are quite surprised by and upset with Debian deciding to terminate
support for Lenny.  We know that there are other networks at our
university affected by the latest announcement just the same way we
are.  I am sure that there must be other organisations out there who
are stuck in the same situation.

I wonder what it would take to make Debian reconsider their decision
with regards to termination of Lenny support, and stick with the
promise from 2009.

Arcady Genkin

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Re: Very slow LVM performance

2010-07-12 Thread Arcady Genkin
On Mon, Jul 12, 2010 at 22:28, Stan Hoeppner  wrote:
> I'm curious as to why you're (apparently) wasting 2/3 of your storage for
> redundancy.  Have you considered a straight RAID 10 across those 30
> disks/LUNs?

This is a very good question.  And the answer is: because Linux's MD
does not implement RAID10 the way we expected (as you have found out
for yourself).  We started out thinking exactly that we'd have a
RAID10 stripe with cardinality of 3, instead of the multi-layered MD
design.  But for us it's important to have full control over what
physical disks form the triplets (see below for discussion); instead,
MD's so-called RAID10 only guarantees that there will be exactly N
copies of each chunk on N different drives, but makes on promise as to
on *which* drives.

The reason the drive assignment is important to us is that we can
achieve more data redundancy if we form each triplet from an iSCSI
disk that lives on a different iSCSI target (host).

Suppose that you have six iSCSI target hosts h0 through h5, and each
of them has five disks d0 through d4.  Then if you form the first
triplet as (h0:d0, h1:d0, h2:d0), and so forth until (h3:d4, h4:d4,
h5:d4), then if any iSCSI host goes down for whatever reason, then all
triplets still stay up and are still redundant, only running on two
copies instead of three.

Linux's RAID10 implementation did not allow us to do this.  So we had
to layer by first creating RAID1 (or RAID10 with n=3) triplets, and
striping them in a higher layer.

> I'm also curious as to why you're running software RAID at all given the fact
> than pretty much every iSCSI target is itself an array controller with built
> in hardware RAID.  Can you tell us a little bit about your iSCSI target 
> devices?

Our boss wanted us to only use commodity hardware to build this
solution, so we don't employ any fancy RAID controllers - all drives
are connected to on-board SATA ports.  Staying away from the "black
box" implementations as much as possible was also part of the wish

After dealing with all the idiosyncrasies of iSCSI and software RAID
under Linux I am a bit skeptical whether what we are building is going
to actually be better than a black-box fiber-attached RAID solution,
but it surely is cheaper and more expandable.
Arcady Genkin

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Re: Very slow LVM performance

2010-07-12 Thread Arcady Genkin
On Mon, Jul 12, 2010 at 20:06, Stan Hoeppner  wrote:

> I had the same reaction Mike.  Turns out mdadm actually performs RAID 1E with
> 3 disks when you specify RAID 10.  I'm not sure what, if any, benefit RAID 1E
> yields here--almost nobody uses it.

The people who are surprised to see us do RAID10 over three devices
probably overlooked that we do RAID10 with cardinality of 3, which, in
combination with "--layout=n3" is almost an equivalent of creating a
three-way RAID1 mirror.  I'm saying "almost" because it's equivalent
in as much as each of the three disks is an exact copy of the others,
but the difference is in performance.

We found out empirically (and then confirmed by reading a number of
posts on the 'net) that MD does not implement RAID1 in, let's say, the
most desirable way.  In particular, it does not make use of the data
redundancy for reading when you have only one process doing the
reading.  In other words, if you have a three-way RAID1 mirror, and
only one reader process, MD would read from only one of the disks, so
you don't get performance benefit from using the mirror.  If you have
more than one large read, or more than one process reading, then MD
does the right thing and uses the disks in what seems to be a round
robin algorithm (I may be wrong about this).

When we tried using RAID10 with n=3 instead of RAID1, we saw much
better performance.  And we verified that all
three disks are bit-to-bit exact copies.

> I just hope the OP gets prompt and concise drive failure information the
> instant one goes down, and has a tested array rebuild procedure in place.
> Rebuilding a failed drive in this kind of setup may get a bit hairy.

Actually, it's the other way around because you get quite a bit of
redundancy from doing the three-way mirroring.  You are still
redundant if you loose just one drive, and we are planning to have
about four global hot spares standing by in case a drive fails.
Arcady Genkin

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Re: Very slow LVM performance

2010-07-12 Thread Arcady Genkin
On Mon, Jul 12, 2010 at 14:54, Aaron Toponce  wrote:
> Can you provide the commands from start to finish when building the volume?
> fdisk ...
> mdadm ...
> pvcreate ...
> vgcreate ...
> lvcreate ...

Hi, Aaron, I already provided all of the above commands in earlier
messages (except for fdisk, since we are giving the entire disks to
MD, not partitions).  I'll repeat them here for your convenience:

Creating the ten 3-way RAID1 triplets - for N in 0 through 9:
mdadm --create /dev/mdN -v --raid-devices=3 --level=raid10 \
 --layout=n3 --metadata=0 --bitmap=internal --bitmap-chunk=2048 \
 --chunk=1024 /dev/sdX /dev/sdY /dev/sdZ

Then the big stripe:
mdadm --create /dev/md10 -v --raid-devices=10 --level=stripe \
 --metadata=1.0 --chunk=1024 /dev/md{0,5,1,6,2,7,3,8,4,9}

Then the LVM business:
pvcreate /dev/md10
vgcreate vg0 /dev/md10
lvcreate -l 102389 vg0

Note that the file system is not being created on top of LVM at this
point, and I ran the test by simply dd-ing /dev/vg0/lvol0.

> My experience has been that LVM will introduce about a 1-2% performance
> hit compared to not using it

This is what we were expecting, it's encouraging.

> On a side note, I've never seen any reason to increase or decrease the
> chunk size with software RAID. However, you may want to match your chunk
> size with '-c' for 'lvcreate'.

We have tested a variety of chunk sizes (from 64K to 4MB) with
bonnie++ and found that 1MB chunks worked the best for our usage,
which is a general purpose NFS server, so it's mainly small random
reads.  In this scenario it's best to tune the chunk size to increase
the probability that a small read from the stripe would result in only
one read from the disk.  If the chunk size is too small, then a 1KB
read has a pretty high chance to be fragmented between two chunks,
and, thus, require two I/Os to service instead of one I/O (and, thus,
most likely two drive head seeks instead of just one). Modern
commodity drives can do about only 100-120 seeks per second.  But this
is a side note for your side note. :))

>From the man page to 'lvcreate' it seems that the -c option sets the
chunk size for something snapshot-related, so it should have no
bearing in our performance testing, which involved no snapshots.  Am I
misreading the man page?

Arcady Genkin

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Re: Very slow LVM performance

2010-07-12 Thread Arcady Genkin
I just tried to use LVM for striping the RAID1 triplets together
(instead of MD).  Using the following three commands to create the
logical volume, I get 550 MB/s sequential read speed, which is quite
faster than before, but is still 10% slower than what plain MD RAID0
stripe can do with the same disks (612 MB/s).

  pvcreate /dev/md{0,5,1,6,2,7,3,8,4,9}
  vgcreate vg0 /dev/md{0,5,1,6,2,7,3,8,4,9}
  lvcreate -i 10 -I 1024 -l 102390 vg0

test4:~# dd of=/dev/null bs=8K count=250 if=/dev/vg0/lvol0
250+0 records in
250+0 records out
2048000 bytes (20 GB) copied, 37.2381 s, 550 MB/s

I would still like to know why LVM on top of RAID0 performs so poorly
in our case.
Arcady Genkin

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Re: Very slow LVM performance

2010-07-12 Thread Arcady Genkin
On Mon, Jul 12, 2010 at 02:05, Stan Hoeppner  wrote:

> lvcreate -i 10 -I [stripe_size] -l 102389 vg0
> I believe you're losing 10x performance because you have a 10 "disk" mdadm
> stripe but you didn't inform lvcreate about this fact.

Hi, Stan:

I believe that the -i and -I options are for using *LVM* to do the
striping, am I wrong?  In our case (when LVM sits on top of one RAID0
MD stripe) the option -i does not seem to make sense:

test4:~# lvcreate -i 10 -I 1024 -l 102380 vg0
  Number of stripes (10) must not exceed number of physical volumes (1)

My understanding is that LVM should be agnostic of what's underlying
it as the physical storage, so it should treat the MD stripe as one
large disk, and thus let the MD device to handle the load balancing
(which it seems to be doing fine).

Besides, the speed we are getting from the LVM volume is more than
twice slower than an individual component of the RAID10 stripe.  Even
if we assume that LVM manages somehow distribute its data so that it
always hits only one physical disk (a disk triplet in our case), there
would still be the question why it is doing it *that* slow.  It's 57
MB/s vs 134 MB/s that an individual triplet can do:

test4:~# dd of=/dev/null bs=8K count=250 if=/dev/md0
250+0 records in
250+0 records out
2048000 bytes (20 GB) copied, 153.084 s, 134 MB/s

> If you specified a chunk size when you created the mdadm RAID 0 stripe, then
> use that chunk size for the lvcreate stripe_size.  Again, if performance is
> still lacking, recreate with whatever chunk size you specified in mdadm and
> multiply that by 10.

We are using chunk size of 1024 (i.e. 1MB) with the MD devices.  For
the record, we used the following commands to create the md devices:

For N in 0 through 9:
mdadm --create /dev/mdN -v --raid-devices=3 --level=raid10 \
  --layout=n3 --metadata=0 --bitmap=internal --bitmap-chunk=2048 \
  --chunk=1024 /dev/sdX /dev/sdY /dev/sdZ

Then the big stripe:
mdadm --create /dev/md10 -v --raid-devices=10 --level=stripe \
  --metadata=1.0 --chunk=1024 /dev/md{0,5,1,6,2,7,3,8,4,9}

Arcady Genkin

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Very slow LVM performance

2010-07-11 Thread Arcady Genkin
I'm seeing a 10-fold performance hit when using an LVM2 logical volume
that sits on top of a RAID0 stripe.  Using dd to read directly from
the stripe (i.e. a large sequential read) I get speeds over 600MB/s.
Reading from the logical volume using the same method only gives
around 57MB/s.  I am new to LVM and I need to for the snapshots.
Would anyone suggest where to start looking for the problem?

The server runs the amd64 version of Lenny.  Most packages (including
lvm2) are stock from Lenny, but we had to upgrade the kernel to the
one from lenny-backports (2.6.32).

There are ten RAID1 triplets: md0 through md9 (that's 30 physical
disks arranged into ten 3-way mirrors), connected over iSCSI from six
targets.  The ten triplets are then striped together into a RAID0
stripe /dev/md10.  I don't think we have any issues with the MD
layers, because each of them seems to perform fairly well; it's when
we add LVM into the soup the speeds start getting slow.

test4:~# uname -a
Linux test4 2.6.32-bpo.4-amd64 #1 SMP Thu Apr 8 10:20:24 UTC 2010
x86_64 GNU/Linux

test4:~# dd of=/dev/null bs=8K count=250 if=/dev/md10
250+0 records in
250+0 records out
2048000 bytes (20 GB) copied, 33.4619 s, 612 MB/s

test4:~# dd of=/dev/null bs=8K count=250 if=/dev/vg0/lvol0
250+0 records in
250+0 records out
2048000 bytes (20 GB) copied, 354.951 s, 57.7 MB/s

I used the following commands to create the volume group:

 pvcreate /dev/md10
 vgcreate vg0 /dev/md10
 lvcreate -l 102389 vg0

Here's what LVM reports of its devices:

test4:~# pvdisplay
 --- Physical volume ---
 PV Name   /dev/md10
 VG Name   vg0
 PV Size   399.96 GB / not usable 4.00 MB
 Allocatable   yes (but full)
 PE Size (KByte)   4096
 Total PE  102389
 Free PE   0
 Allocated PE  102389
 PV UUID   ocIGdd-cqcy-GNQl-jxRo-FHmW-THMi-fqofbd

test4:~# vgdisplay
 --- Volume group ---
 VG Name   vg0
 System ID
 Metadata Areas1
 Metadata Sequence No  2
 VG Access read/write
 VG Status resizable
 Cur LV1
 Open LV   0
 Max PV0
 Cur PV1
 Act PV1
 VG Size   399.96 GB
 PE Size   4.00 MB
 Total PE  102389
 Alloc PE / Size   102389 / 399.96 GB
 Free  PE / Size   0 / 0
 VG UUID   o2TeAm-gPmZ-VvJc-OSfU-quvW-OB3a-y1pQaB

test4:~# lvdisplay
 --- Logical volume ---
 LV Name/dev/vg0/lvol0
 VG Namevg0
 LV UUIDQ3nA6w-0jgw-ImWY-IYJK-kvMJ-aybW-GAdoOs
 LV Write Accessread/write
 LV Status  available
 # open 0
 LV Size399.96 GB
 Current LE 102389
 Segments   1
 Allocation inherit
 Read ahead sectors auto
 - currently set to 256
 Block device   254:0

Many thanks in advance for any pointers!
Arcady Genkin

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Customizing a source package (how to patch a deb-src?)

2001-03-20 Thread Arcady Genkin
Suppose that I want to (1) specify my own flags to ./configure, and
(2) apply a patch of my own to an app's source tree before the deb
source package builds.

Is this achievable with debian source packages?  If yes, any pointers
would be highly appreciated.
Many thanks,
Arcady Genkin
Nostalgia isn't what it used to be.

Re: Neet to get PostgreSQL 7.0.X

2001-03-15 Thread Arcady Genkin
Jorge Santos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I need to install PostgreSQL 7.0.X for my job, the version in potato
> is 6.5.X, so what options do I have, I have downloade the .deb from
> unstable but it has unmet dependencies.  So what options do I have?  I
> was thinking about upgrading to unstable but apt-get dist-upgrade
> reports that is going to uninstall several packages and I'm wondering
> if it is such a good idea.  Well, summing it up, what is the best
> option to get PostgreSQL 7.0.X without breaking things?

Make sure you have something like

deb-src unstable main contrib non-free

in your /etc/apt/sources.lis, and then:

   apt-get -b source postgresql

If all goes well, you'll get the .debs of the Postgres 7.0.3, which you
can install with "dpkg -i ...".
Arcady Genkin
Nostalgia isn't what it used to be.

qmail logging (and in which package is accustamp)

2001-03-13 Thread Arcady Genkin
Having replaced exim with qmail yesterday, I'd like to deal with the
loggin issues, since qmail's logging is quite verbose.  I notice that
it logs seemingly identical information to all of the:


and it logs identical error messages to both:


I find this to be a bit excessive.  A look at /etc/init.d/qmail shows
three options of handling the logging, the default one being the one
that produces all this stuff.  What are you guys using to keep the
mail logs sane?

Also, one of the options offers to pipe the logging info through
`accustamp' program.  I cannot find in which package the program is.
A google search reveals that it comes as part of `qmailanalog'
package, but it seems that this one is not available as a deb or a
deb-src package (correct me if I'm wrong).

p.s. Why is the default configuration of a newly-installed qmail (from
package) TOTALLY EMPTY?  Not even a "me" file: qmail-send refuses to
start without it.  Also, anyone know why the auto-configuration
scripts that come with qmail distribution are excluded from the
package?  They are referenced to all over the documentation...

Thanks for any input,
Arcady Genkin
Nostalgia isn't what it used to be.

Re: Need Help Compiling the DFE 530tx+ driver

2001-03-12 Thread Arcady Genkin
"Arlo White" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> gcc -DMODVERSIONS -DMODULE -D__KERNEL__ -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -O6 -c 
> via3043.c

This does not directly address the problem you are having, but AFAIK
you are trying to compile the wrong driver.  The 530TX+ are based on
realtek 8139 chip, not via-rhine.  The driver is in file rtl8139.c or
some such.  I remember that there are actually instructions for
compiling it in the bottom of the file.

Hope this helps,
Arcady Genkin
Nostalgia isn't what it used to be.

Building Xfree 4.0.3 source package on potato (debconf problem?)

2001-03-09 Thread Arcady Genkin
I've been trying to compile my own X4.02 debs using "apt-get source".
The problem is that xfree v4.0.2 has libglide2-dev libglide3-dev as
build dependencies.  I was able to build the .deb's for the libglib,
BUT, they won't install because my debconf is too old for them (they
want debconf (>= 0.3.74) while mine is

I tried building debconf from unstable, but it fails in the following
| dh_clean debian/debconf.changelog
| dh_clean: Sorry, but 2 is the highest compatability level of debhelper \
|   currently supported.
| make: *** [clean] Error 1
| Build command 'cd debconf-0.9.22 && dpkg-buildpackage -b -uc' failed.
| E: Child process failed
This is is because debconf has a build dependency on a newer version
of debhelper...

I would really not like to get system utilities like debconf and
friends from unstable.  I'm wondering if I can get around that
somehow...  Are there apt-able sources for xfree4.0.2?  Any other

Many thanks,
Arcady Genkin
Nostalgia isn't what it used to be.

Perl 5.6 and potato

2001-01-24 Thread Arcady Genkin
I'd like to install Perl 5.6, without upgrading potato's default
5.005.  Do you think that if I installed Perl 5.6 under /usr/local and
renamed the executable to perl-5.6 for instance there would be any
issues with using it or it interfering with Debian's vital utilities?

I'm just starting out with Perl and need 5.6 because that's the
version installed at school.

Many thanks,
Arcady Genkin
Don't read everything you believe.

Re: Control CPU fan's speed

2001-01-22 Thread Arcady Genkin
Nate Amsden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > So I got this new motherboard (ASUS CUSL2-C), and I hear that one of
> > the Windows utilities that come with it can control CPU fan's speed.
> > I thought that it would be very nice (I have no way of checking),
> > since the native Intel's fan on my PIII wants to be a jet-plane
> > turbine.
> for good reason! i got 12 fans in my box and a MASSIVE cpu fan(i think
> it pulls 25cfm or something) and my p3-800 still runs at 50C(AFAIK
> when its idle, as i can't query the cpu from linux yet lm_sensors
> doesn't support the 50C is from the bios)

Hmm... In my case the CPU is barely even warm.  It's a PIII-667 (not
overclocked).  My questions still stands, though: are there any
utilities for interacting with BIOS for this purpose, anyone?
Arcady Genkin
Don't read everything you believe.

Control CPU fan's speed

2001-01-22 Thread Arcady Genkin
So I got this new motherboard (ASUS CUSL2-C), and I hear that one of
the Windows utilities that come with it can control CPU fan's speed.
I thought that it would be very nice (I have no way of checking),
since the native Intel's fan on my PIII wants to be a jet-plane

In short, are there utilities to do such thing from under Linux?

Many thanks,
Arcady Genkin
Don't read everything you believe.

Re: A secure FTP replacement

2001-01-22 Thread Arcady Genkin
Joey Hess <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Arcady Genkin wrote:
> > Is sftp not available as a Debian package?  Couldn't find it in
> > dselect.
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~>dpkg -p sftp
> Package: sftp
> Priority: optional
> Section: non-US

> Filename: dists/woody/non-US/main/binary-i386/sftp_0.9.5-1.deb

Is it only available for woody?  Here on potato I can'g find it:

| tea:/etc/apt$ dpkg -p sftp
| Package `sftp' is not available.

And this is freshly-refreshed package list.  I do have in my sources.list.
Arcady Genkin
Don't read everything you believe.

A secure FTP replacement

2001-01-22 Thread Arcady Genkin
Is sftp not available as a Debian package?  Couldn't find it in

In any case, what are you folks using as a replacement for unsecure
FTP protocol?  I need a solution that would also provide my Windows
users a viable method to transfer files to my server.

Now that I've wrapped POP3 and IMAP in SSL, FTP is my last worry.

Thanks for any input.
Arcady Genkin
Don't read everything you believe.

Re: syslogd and exim cron job every 20 minutes

2001-01-21 Thread Arcady Genkin
mike polniak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > As I wrote in my previous message, ever since I added "cron.!info;" to
> > the line that pipes to /dev/xconsole, I am not seeing the exim cron
> > notifications any more.
>   Did you mean : cron.!=info; ?

Thank you, this seems to be the correct syntax.  However, strangely
my misspelled version cron.!info works too. ;^)
Arcady Genkin
Don't read everything you believe.

Re: syslogd and exim cron job every 20 minutes

2001-01-21 Thread Arcady Genkin
"Noah L. Meyerhans" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> There's no such syslog facility "cron".  Cron logs to the 'daemon'
> facility.  The only way to tweak what cron messages you see is to adjust
> what daemon priorities get logged.  Read the syslog and syslog.conf man
> pages.

Hmm.  And from where did you think I pulled out that one? :^)

,[ syslog.conf(5) ]
|The facility is one of the following keywords: auth, auth╜
|priv, cron, daemon, kern, lpr, mail, mark, news,  security
|(same  as  auth),  syslog,  user,  uucp and local0 through

As I wrote in my previous message, ever since I added "cron.!info;" to
the line that pipes to /dev/xconsole, I am not seeing the exim cron
notifications any more.

Arcady Genkin
Don't read everything you believe.

Re: syslogd and exim cron job every 20 minutes

2001-01-20 Thread Arcady Genkin
"Noah L. Meyerhans" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Well, if you look at the line that's logged, you'll see that it's not
> coming from Exim at all, but from cron.  So changing the way syslog
> handles the mail facility won't help.  

Yes, that's why I tried adding "cron.!*" to the rule.  But it seems
that it was overriden by "*.=info" rule, which was below the

> The cron logs come from the daemon facility.  I have the following line
> is syslog.conf:
> *.notice|/dev/xconsole

The default rule looks like this:

,[ syslog.conf ]
| daemon.*;mail.*;\
| news.crit;news.err;news.notice;\
| *.=debug;*.=info;\
| *.=notice;*.=warn   |/dev/xconsole  

It seems that if I simplify it to the extent you propose, I might lose
some information that I'd rather see.  I *ony* wanted to get rid of cron
logging its normal activities.

In case anyone was following, changing the above to the following
solved my problem.

,[ syslog.conf ]
| daemon.*;mail.!*;\
| news.crit;news.err;news.notice;\
| *.=debug;*.=info;\
|     cron.!info;\
| *.=notice;*.=warn   |/dev/xconsole

Arcady Genkin
Don't read everything you believe.

Re: syslogd and exim cron job every 20 minutes

2001-01-20 Thread Arcady Genkin
mike polniak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > How would I get rid of the message about exim cron job being printed
> > at /dev/xconsole?  This job runs every 20 minutes and I would like not
> > to see reports of it unless there was an error.
> > 
>   Edit /etc/cron.d/exim file.

This would let me turn off or reschedule the exim cron job; but how
would that let me change the logging of its runs?
Arcady Genkin
Don't read everything you believe.

syslogd and exim cron job every 20 minutes

2001-01-20 Thread Arcady Genkin
How would I get rid of the message about exim cron job being printed
at /dev/xconsole?  This job runs every 20 minutes and I would like not
to see reports of it unless there was an error.

,[ /dev/xconsole ]
| Jan 20 14:38:01 tea /USR/SBIN/CRON[5850]: (mail) CMD ( if [ -x \
|  /usr/sbin/exim -a -f /etc/exim.conf ]; then /usr/sbin/exim -q \
|  >/dev/null 2>&1; fi)

I tried changing /etc/syslog.conf in several ways, but it seems like I
can't put my finger on just the right thing to say there.  I tried
putting "mail.!*" and "cron.!*" into the last rule (the one that ends
in "|/dev/xconsole"), but it doesn't do the trick.

Any input greately appreciated!
Arcady Genkin
Don't read everything you believe.

Suspend to RAM on a desktop computer

2001-01-19 Thread Arcady Genkin
I've got this new ASUS CUSL2-C motherboard which supports suspending
to RAM function.  In the manual, though, it says that one needs
Windows operating system to do that.

Is there any chance to utilize this functionality with Linux?

Many thanks,
Arcady Genkin
Don't read everything you believe.

Re: Turning off services SOLVED

2001-01-07 Thread Arcady Genkin
Stefan Frank <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> What i'm doing usually is to rename the init-script under /etc/init.d/ to
> original-filename.NO. This will affect all runlevels but i don't care.
> IMO it's simple and quite obvious (for me at least).
> Anyone got a better idea ?

What I do is ``chmod -x'' on the unwanted file in /etc/init.d/.  This
prevents them from being loaded.  Essentially the same thing as you
do, but I think that this way the script is going to be deleted if
the package it belongs to is removed.
Arcady Genkin
Don't read everything you believe.

Re: ATA-100 disk under 2.2.18 -- horrible performance

2001-01-07 Thread Arcady Genkin
Nate Amsden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > ,[ dmesg ]
> > | PCI_IDE: unknown IDE controller on PCI bus 00 device f9, VID=8086, 
> > DID=244b
> > | PCI_IDE: not 100% native mode: will probe irqs later
> looks like the system doesn't know what kind of controller it is
> try patching from


,[ dmesg ]
| PIIX4: IDE controller on PCI bus 00 dev f9
| PIIX4: chipset revision 1
| ...
| hdc: IBM-DTLA-307030, 29314MB w/1916kB Cache, CHS=59560/16/63, UDMA(100)


The only question is whether I used the right patch.  There seem to be
two different kinds of patches (judging from the filename format), but
no documentation about the difference between them.  Any idea what the
difference would be between:

ide. and ide.2.2.18-27.all.20001208.patch.gz

besides that the first one is newer?

I used the first patch.

Many thanks,
Arcady Genkin
Don't read everything you believe.

Re: Netscape 6 for Linux ?

2001-01-07 Thread Arcady Genkin
irvine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I was reading that there is a netscape 
> version 6 available for Linux. Has anyone
> tried it out? Can anyone foresee any 
> problems in me downloading it and installing 
> on my computer.

I tried it.  No problems installing it at all. BUT, I don't recommend
using it.  NN6 is just a re-packaged Mozilla milestone 18, which is
not very fresh.  There have been at least two more releases of Mozilla
since M18, so NN6 is quite outdated.  Also, you have to register NN6,
which I found a cumbersome pocess; you don't have to register Mozilla.

All that said, either of the browsers is by no means a finished
product.  They are slow, bulky, and buggy.  Gotta say that I love
Mozilla's rendering engine + international languages support.
Arcady Genkin
Don't read everything you believe.

ATA-100 disk under 2.2.18 -- horrible performance

2001-01-07 Thread Arcady Genkin
I have an IBM ATA-100 30G harddrive, attached to a ASUS CUSL2-C (Intel
815EP-based) mobo.

The kernel is not even using the drive in UDMA mode.  The performance
is *horrible*: every time I copy to the disk the CPU usage goes up all
the way and I'm seeing things like "load average: 5.47, 5.02, 3.27",
which is only caused by disk access.

,[ dmesg ]
| PCI_IDE: unknown IDE controller on PCI bus 00 device f9, VID=8086, DID=244b
| PCI_IDE: not 100% native mode: will probe irqs later
| ide0: BM-DMA at 0xa800-0xa807, BIOS settings: hda:DMA, hdb:pio
| ide1: BM-DMA at 0xa808-0xa80f, BIOS settings: hdc:DMA, hdd:pio
| hdc: IBM-DTLA-307030, ATA DISK drive
| ide0 at 0x1f0-0x1f7,0x3f6 on irq 14
| ide1 at 0x170-0x177,0x376 on irq 15
| hda: QUANTUM FIREBALLP LM10.2, 9797MB w/1900kB Cache, CHS=19906/16/63, UDMA
| hdc: IBM-DTLA-307030, 29314MB w/1916kB Cache, CHS=59560/16/63
As you can see, the other HD (which is an ATA-66 Quantum) is at least
used in UDMA mode.

What is the reason the kernel dislikes the drive so much? ;^)
Do you suppose I've missed some option in kernel configuration?  Any
other possible reasons?  Could the fact that the whole drive is one
30G ext2fs partition have anything to do with the slowness?

Many thanks for any suggestions,
Arcady Genkin
Don't read everything you believe.

Re: Printing to legal paper (urgent help needed)

2000-12-16 Thread Arcady Genkin
Chris Gray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> ag>   psnup -plegal -Pletter -10 /tmp/
> First of all, have you tried it without the -Pletter in there?

Yes, I put it in there later in hope that it would make a difference.

> There's not too much output from "apropos paper" -- you might look
> through there.  Paperconfig looks especially promising.

Yep, good call!  Changing /etc/papersize from letter to legal was all
it took.  Funny that the man page for lpr (or man pages for PS
utilities) doesn't mention paper configuration.  Also, it seems
strange that there seems to be no way to override the setting with a
command-line parameter.  All I needed was to print two legal-sized
pages, and then go back to letter-sized...

In any case, thanks for your reply!
Arcady Genkin
Don't read everything you believe.

Printing to legal paper (urgent help needed)

2000-12-11 Thread Arcady Genkin

I *really* need to print a document to a legal-size paper.  I
formatted a document using psnup to fit 10 pages on one side:

  psnup -plegal -Pletter -10 /tmp/

and when I open it with gv, I can see all ten pages, but only if I
choose `legal' from the drop-down list of paper sizes (which shows as
BBox otherwise).  When sent to the printer (regardless if I do it from
`gv' or with plain `lpr'), I only get eight of the pages printed (and
the space for the two other pages is left unoccupied).  I.e. the page
is printed as if on a letter-sized paper.

My understanding is that lpr does not understand that the document is
formatted for legal paper.  I have HP DeskJet 697 for a printer and I
use it with magicfilter, modified to use hpdj driver.

I'm lacking clue as to how to remedy or debug the problem; would
anyone please help?

Many thanks,
Arcady Genkin
Don't read everything you believe.

Re: Long finle names on a CD-ROM not visible

2000-11-25 Thread Arcady Genkin
urbanyon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> have you tried mounting it with vfat support?  sorry i don't have the
> command right now (newbie, me), but i'll look through my notes and send it
> along (assuming somebody doesn't get to it before i do!).

The problem was with the Joliet support.  I had it compiled as a
module, and somehow it went missing.  After I recompiled the modules,
all is good.

Thanks to everyone who answered!
Arcady Genkin
Don't read everything you believe.

Long finle names on a CD-ROM not visible

2000-11-24 Thread Arcady Genkin
All of a sudden when I mount a CD-ROM the long filenames show
messed-up, like:

-r-xr-xr-x1 root root  664 Jan 19  1999 aqf83a~1.m3u
dr-xr-xr-x1 root root 2048 Jan 19  1999 aquari~1.aro/

I am sure that I used to see normal file names on the same CD-ROM
previously.  Any idea what went wrong all of a sudden?

,[ /etc/fstab ]
| /dev/cdrom  /cdrom  iso9660  defaults,ro,user,noauto  0  0

Many thanks,
Arcady Genkin
Don't read everything you believe.

Netscape 6.0

2000-11-16 Thread Arcady Genkin

I've installed Netscape 6.0 for a friend of mine.  It looks pretty
cool, finally the user can change displayed font size without going to
preferences...  The ugly HTML forms' elements are gone, too.  However
the product seems to be too slow; it looks like a lot of debugging
stuff is still in the executable.

We encountered two problems, and I wonder if anyone could help me
fight those.

1.  The activation procedure.  We went throught hte registration stuff
once, but it failed.  Then we restarted, entered the same
username+password, and it wasn't recognizing the pair.  In the end
Netscape gave up and just started the browser.  But now every time it
is started anew, an activation dialog comes up (completely blank) for
a few seconds, then dissappears, and Netscape starts.  Any ideas how
to rerun Activation or get rid of this 15-seconds delay?

2.  In the mail reader the new messages are not bolded.  The Inbox
word is bolded and shows 4 new messages, but in the mailbox summary
panel there is no indication as to what messages are unread.

Many thanks
Arcady Genkin
Don't read everything you believe.

Re: Perl installation problem

2000-11-03 Thread Arcady Genkin
Walt Mankowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > -
> > Tk object version 800.015 does not match bootstrap parameter 800.014 \
> >at /usr/lib/perl5/5.005/i386-linux/ line 
> > 188.
> > BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at (eval 1) line 1.
> > -
> > 
> > I don't know very much about perl internals.  How can I fight this?
> It sounds like you just don't have the Perl Tk module installed.  Try
> apt-get install perl-tk

Walt, thanks for your reply, but I do have perl-tk installed.  It is
clear from the error message that the problem is version mismatch or
something of that sort.

Any further ideas?

Many thanks,
Arcady Genkin
Don't read everything you believe.

Perl installation problem

2000-11-03 Thread Arcady Genkin
I suspect that there is a problem with the perl installation as
packaged with Potato.  I'm trying to install pilotmanager program
(, and am getting the following

Configuring PilotManager...
You do not have the correct binary of the Tk module
installed in either your PilotManager distribution or your
perl installation.

Please read README.porting for information about how to 
download and install this module.

Error details:
Tk object version 800.015 does not match bootstrap parameter 800.014 \
   at /usr/lib/perl5/5.005/i386-linux/ line 188.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at (eval 1) line 1.

I don't know very much about perl internals.  How can I fight this?

Thanks for any input,
Arcady Genkin
Don't read everything you believe.

The list configuration (bounced messages)

2000-09-29 Thread Arcady Genkin
Every time I post to this list I get at least three bounces saying
that this or that user's mailbox is full and the message could not be

Is this a list misconfiguration (which should be reported as a bug) or
can I configure something on my side not to get those messages?
Arcady Genkin
Don't read everything you believe.

Re: forcing D-Link 530 into Full-Duplex

2000-09-29 Thread Arcady Genkin
Alvin Oga <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> try using the RT1839 driver instead ???

Well, I know that I'm using the correct driver.  My question is ``How
do I pass it parameters; and what parameters should I pass to force it
into full-duplex?''

> > I have a D-Link 530 card using a compiled-in via-rhine driver as eth0.
> > The card is talking to an identical card in a computer that runs
> > FreeBSD.  I'm seeing collisions on the Linux side of the link, and am
> > wondering what parameters I should pass the kernel to force the card
> > into Full-duplex 100base mode, and how to pass those params.  (I
> > already did that on the FreeBSD side).
> > 
> > FWIW, here's the output from ifconfig and dmesg:
> > 
> > ,[ dmesg ]
> > | via-rhine.c:v1.01 2/27/99  Written by Donald Becker
> > |
> > | eth0: VIA VT3043 Rhine at 0xe800, 00:50:ba:a9:13:f6, IRQ 10.
> > | eth0: MII PHY found at address 8, status 0x782d advertising 05e1 Link 
> > .
> > |   PCI latency timer (CFLT) is unreasonably low at 32.  Setting to 64 
> > clocks.
> > `
> > 
> > ,[ ifconfig ]
> > | eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:50:BA:A9:13:F6  
> > |   inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
> > |   RX packets:448934 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
> > |       TX packets:266302 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
> > |   collisions:7766 txqueuelen:100 
> > |   Interrupt:10 Base address:0xe800
> > `
Arcady Genkin
Don't read everything you believe.

forcing D-Link 530 into Full-Duplex

2000-09-28 Thread Arcady Genkin
I have a D-Link 530 card using a compiled-in via-rhine driver as eth0.
The card is talking to an identical card in a computer that runs
FreeBSD.  I'm seeing collisions on the Linux side of the link, and am
wondering what parameters I should pass the kernel to force the card
into Full-duplex 100base mode, and how to pass those params.  (I
already did that on the FreeBSD side).

FWIW, here's the output from ifconfig and dmesg:

,[ dmesg ]
| via-rhine.c:v1.01 2/27/99  Written by Donald Becker
| eth0: VIA VT3043 Rhine at 0xe800, 00:50:ba:a9:13:f6, IRQ 10.
| eth0: MII PHY found at address 8, status 0x782d advertising 05e1 Link .
|   PCI latency timer (CFLT) is unreasonably low at 32.  Setting to 64 clocks.

,[ ifconfig ]
| eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:50:BA:A9:13:F6  
|   inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
|   RX packets:448934 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
|   TX packets:266302 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
|   collisions:7766 txqueuelen:100 
|   Interrupt:10 Base address:0xe800

Arcady Genkin
Don't read everything you believe.

Re: Getting CPU load (from /proc/?)

2000-09-28 Thread Arcady Genkin
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Colin Watson) writes:

> You could try 'vmstat 1', which will poll every second. Ignoring the
> first line, which is an "up to the time vmstat was started" figure, the
> last field in each line is the percentage of time the CPU is idle.

Cool!  Where could I get its source code?
Or would anyone tell me if there is a system call or C function to get
the percentage of time the CPU has been idle?

Arcady Genkin
Don't read everything you believe.

Re: Getting CPU load (from /proc/?)

2000-09-26 Thread Arcady Genkin
David Z Maze <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> AG> How would I get a real-time CPU load information?  I found
> AG> /proc/loadavg, but that's not what I need, since it only gives average
> AG> load values.
> My /proc/loadavg looks like
> 0.04 0.06 0.07 3/56 959
> The first three numbers are the average load over the past 1, 5, and
> 15 minutes, as is reported by 'uptime' and what not.  "3/56" means
> that three processes are currently running, out of 56 total.  "959" is 
> the pid of the last process to run, here corresponding to a 'cat'
> process.

Right.  But those are *average* values.  I'd like to be able to read
real-time CPU load info.  For instance, if I run a CPU-intensive
process, the value in /proc/loadavg will change very slowly.  I need
to be able to read that CPU is 100% busy at least one second after
this happens.
Arcady Genkin
Don't read everything you believe.

Getting CPU load (from /proc/?)

2000-09-26 Thread Arcady Genkin
How would I get a real-time CPU load information?  I found
/proc/loadavg, but that's not what I need, since it only gives average
load values.

Arcady Genkin
Don't read everything you believe.

Re: booting with lilo win2k

2000-09-12 Thread Arcady Genkin
Bob McGowan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> This is just a guess on my part, but you may actually need to have
> "other=" pointing somewhere else.  If you have support in your kernel
> for NTFS and/or FAT/VFAT, you could try mounting the Windows/DOS
> filesystems you have and look for the one which has NTLDR on it.

Bob, thanks a lot!  Your guess was absolutely correct.  I had a fat16
partition at hda3 prior to installing w2k in a brand-new NTFS
partition at hda1.  It did install its installer into hda3 for
whatever reason (without prompting).  Pointing other to hda3 resolved
the situation!

Thanks again,
Arcady Genkin
Don't read everything you believe.

Re: booting with lilo win2k

2000-09-11 Thread Arcady Genkin
William Jensen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> other=/dev/hda3  <-- notice hda3, make sure that yours points to the
> label=win  correct is win2k really on hda1?

That's funny.  Is your /dev/hda3 an NTFS partition?  I have the
following in my lilo.conf:

,[ lilo.conf ]
| boot=/dev/hda
| install=/boot/boot.b
| map=/boot/map
| prompt
| vga = normal
| linear
| image = /zImage
|   root = /dev/hdd2
|   label = linux
|   append = "mem=96M"
|   read-only
| other = /dev/hda1
|   label = win
|   table = /dev/hda

LILO comes up OK at boot time, and boots linux just fine.  If I choose
`win', then it attempts to boot Win, but I see a message:
`NTLDR is missing.  Press Cntrl+Alt+Delete.'

win2k *is* on /dev/hda1, which I verified with fdisk just now.

I tried removing the `table=/dev/hda' option, but it made no

Any further ideas?
Arcady Genkin
Don't read everything you believe.

Re: booting with lilo win2k

2000-09-11 Thread Arcady Genkin
Just as a follow-up to myself, in case it matters, the partition where
win2k is installed is in NTFS.
Arcady Genkin
Don't read everything you believe.

booting with lilo win2k

2000-09-11 Thread Arcady Genkin
Yesterday I had to install Win2000; while I suspected that it would
overwrite the MBR (where lilo lives), I had a boot floppy ready and
restored the MBR w/o problems.  However I can't figure out how to
multiboot into it using LILO as my main boot manager.  Searching the
web produced some suggestions on adding linux into the W2K's boot
menu, but I would prefer to stick with lilo all the way.

Adding the following to lilo.conf:
| other = /dev/hda1
|   label = win
doesn't seem to cut it; I get an error message "Cannot find NTBF." or
some such, after which the only optoin is C-A-Del.

Is there a clean solution to this problem?  Will I have to reinstall
Win2K since I hosed its MBR?

Thanks for any pointers,
Arcady Genkin
Don't read everything you believe.

Re: procmail - filtering already received mails

2000-08-14 Thread Arcady Genkin
Florian Friesdorf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > for i in `ls`; do
> >   echo -n "$i: ";
> >   procmail < $i && rm $i;
> >   echo "done.";
> > done
> I still don't understand what was going on, but with this one it worked fine.
> (for i in `ls`; do echo -n "$i: "; procmail < $i && rm $i; echo "done."; 
> done) > ../log 2>&1 &

Not to say that this is the cause of slowness, but you may still want
to change the `ls` to *.  This will save running ls, and opening and
closing a pipe:

for i in *; do
Arcady Genkin
Don't read everything you believe.

Re: Expiring mail

2000-08-14 Thread Arcady Genkin
Christopher Mosley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > I'm looking for something that would be able to:
> > 1.  Delete messages older than a specified date.
> > 2.  Move messages older than a specified date (i.e. archive them
> > away).
> This would be quite easy if your mail is in Maildir format. Since you
> say "mailbox" I assume this is not the case. Qmail used to create mbox by
> default with the option to compile with Maildir.

This is a valid point, but for several reasons I prefer mailboxes.
For one I am subscribed to many maling lists with high traffic, and I
don't want to waste inodes.  Also, I'm not sure if procmail will work
with maildir.  I also use Qmail, but have it deliver to mailboxes.

So, the question is still open; Is there a utility to be run from cron
to go through mailboxes and expire messages by deleting them or
archive them by moving somewhere else?

Arcady Genkin
Don't read everything you believe.

Expiring mail

2000-08-13 Thread Arcady Genkin
Are there any non-interactive tools to expire mail from a mailbox?
I have procmail spliting my mail into many mailboxes, and then use my
mailreader's expiry functionality.  I would like to rather run
something from crontab.

I'm looking for something that would be able to:
1.  Delete messages older than a specified date.
2.  Move messages older than a specified date (i.e. archive them

Thanks for any pointers!
Arcady Genkin
Don't read everything you believe.

alternatives to fdisk

2000-07-30 Thread Arcady Genkin
What alternatives to fdisk are there?  I remember I used one once, but
shoot me if I remember the name. ;^)

Arcady Genkin
Thanks God I'm still an atheist! -- Luis Bunuel

fdisk reports 4.2BSD partitions instead EXT2

2000-07-30 Thread Arcady Genkin
I'm experiencing some problems with fdisk reporting BSD partitions on
a disk with ext2 partitions.  I think that I did have a BSD slice on
there at the very beginning, but I don't remember whether it's still
there.  It could be hdc2, but I couldn't figure out a way to mount the
partitions from it.  Below is the output from fdisk.  I don't know how
to manipulate the partitions this way...

`mount' mounts hdc1, hdc4, hdc5 and hdc6 without a problem.  hdc3 is
linux swap.

How could I get to the partitions from Linux?

Thanks for any hints!

,[ fdisk ]
| Disk /dev/hdc: 16 heads, 63 sectors, 26500 cylinders
| Units = cylinders of 1008 * 512 bytes
| 8 partitions:
| #   start   end  size fstype   [fsize bsize   cpg]
|   a:1 7*6*4.2BSD 1024  819216 
|   b:7*   32*   25*  swap
|   c:1  1663* 1662*unused0 0   
|   e:   32*   57*   25*4.2BSD 1024  819216 
|   f:   57*   83*   25*4.2BSD 1024  819216 
|   g:   83* 1663* 1580*4.2BSD 1024  819216

,[ dmesg ]
| Partition check:
|  hdc: hdc1 hdc2 < hdc5 hdc6 > hdc3 hdc4

,[ mount ]
| /dev/hdc1 on /mnt/hdc1 type ext2 (rw)
| /dev/hdc4 on /mnt/hdc4 type ext2 (rw)
| /dev/hdc6 on /mnt/hdc6 type ext2 (rw)
| /dev/hdc5 on /mnt/hdc5 type ext2 (rw)
Arcady Genkin
Thanks God I'm still an atheist! -- Luis Bunuel

Helix's gimp1.1 deb's and aalib1 out of date

2000-06-30 Thread Arcady Genkin
Hi all:

Trying to install gimp1.1 from the helix'es DEBs, I've run in a
problem that it depends on aalib1 >=1.2-29, but the aalib1 which is
available is version 1.2-25.

Any ideas where this package is available from for potato?

Here's what I have for my sources.list:
,[ sources.list ]
| deb potato main contrib non-free
| deb potato/non-US contrib main non-free
| deb x/
| #deb potato updates
| deb potato/non-US contrib main 
| # deb potato contrib main non-free
| deb unstable main

Arcady Genkin
Thanks God I'm still an atheist! -- Luis Bunuel

Re: Writing man pages in anything other than troff

2000-06-18 Thread Arcady Genkin
John Hasler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > Are there any good tools for writing man pages other than troff?
> Most of us use text editors to write man pages.

I was actually going to do something like `cat /dev/audio > file.1',
but now you got me thinking... ;^)

> While I won't say that it _couldn't_ be done with troff, I certainly
> don't know how.

Oh, we're being *so* witty!

> As for the question in your subject, if it isn't an nroff source
> file, it isn't a man page.

Thank you for pointing out three obvious things, you are very helpful!

Perhaps I wasn't clear enough. It's just that I find writing in
straight troff format a pain.

I was looking for a different _formatting language_ to write a man
page in, later to be converted into troff by some _tool_.

Joey Hess suggested `pod', and after a quick look into the
documentation it seems like the kind of thing I was looking for.
Arcady Genkin
Thanks God I'm still an atheist! -- Luis Bunuel

Writing man pages in anything other than troff

2000-06-18 Thread Arcady Genkin
Are there any good tools for writing man pages other than troff?

Thanks for any info!
Arcady Genkin   
Thanks God I'm still an atheist! -- Luis Bunuel

Linux on Desktops -- Are there stats anywhere?

2000-06-13 Thread Arcady Genkin
My bank rolled out a new version of web banking, which has a bug in
Java Script. I sent them a bug report, to which I got a polite reply
which boils down to ``Tough luck. We don't test on Linux.''

I'm writing a letter to them, and would like to include some
statistics as to how many desktop computers run Linux nowadays.

Is anyone aware of any surveys on this subject?

Arcady Genkin
Thanks God I'm still an atheist! -- Luis Bunuel

Specify dial string for PPP connection with pppconfig

2000-06-11 Thread Arcady Genkin
I'm trying to switch off modem sound when connecting to the ppp
service provider, but can't seem to find a place to stick in M0 in the
dial string... Is there a standard way of doing it?

Arcady Genkin
Thanks God I'm still an atheist! -- Luis Bunuel

Re: qmail

2000-06-07 Thread Arcady Genkin
Jay Kelly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> addresses but not others. For example when I try to mail
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] I receive an error "Host not found" but I can
> mail other email addresses.
> any thoughts will help

It's (note the `s' in the end of `lists').
Arcady Genkin  
Nostalgia isn't what it used to be.

Does Windows regenerate MBR by itself?

2000-06-06 Thread Arcady Genkin
A friend of mine is experiencing a weird situation with multy-booting.
I installed Linux for him on a second harddrive all by itself, and
installed Lilo into MBR on /dev/hda to mutli-boot Linux and Windows
(Windows off /dev/hda1, and Linux off /dev/hdc1).

This worked fine for about a month until today, when he called me and
told that he no longer sees LILO's boot prompt, but the computer boots
straight into Windows every time now (all of a sudden).

A very similar thing happened on the same computer, when he had NT and
Win98 installed (in the same partition).  NT's mutlibooter worked fine
untill some point, and then it just vanished, and the computer started
booting straight into Win98.

My friend claims he did nothing at all that could cause this.

Could it be that Windows "repairs" the MBR by removing a "foreign"
multy-booter and overwriting it with the native one to only boot
Windows?  If so, what could have caused this behavior.  I've never
heard of anything like this.  Granted, I haven't used Windows much,
and know very little about it.

I'm going over tomorrow to reinstall LILO for him.
How can I prevent something like this happening again?

Thanks for any ideas!
Arcady Genkin
Nostalgia isn't what it used to be.

Re: Tool to draw E-R diagrams?

2000-06-01 Thread Arcady Genkin
Preben Randhol <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > Is there a free tool to draw E-R diagrams out there?
> Have you looked at dia?
>  <>

Thanks! Looks cool.

> PS: Why isn't there a reply-to the list address on this list. 

Because they are evil and some RFCs prohibit them. ;^)
Arcady Genkin
Nostalgia isn't what it used to be.

Tool to draw E-R diagrams?

2000-06-01 Thread Arcady Genkin
Is there a free tool to draw E-R diagrams out there?

Arcady Genkin
Nostalgia isn't what it used to be.

Re: php3-mode for xemacs

2000-05-04 Thread Arcady Genkin
martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> short question: does anyone know of a php3 mode for xemacs?
> developing php3 in html-mode is sort of annoying :-)
Arcady Genkin
Nostalgia isn't what it used to be.

Re: Getting Gnome to run (unable to bind port 16001)

2000-05-02 Thread Arcady Genkin
"Eric G . Miller"  writes:

> Think "gnome-wm" wants gnome-name-service, gnome-session running
> first.  I could be wrong.  The docs are not as clear as they could
> be ;)

According to Gnome's docs, if one doesn't want session management, he
can start gnome-wm instead of gnome-session.

Honestly, I can think of little use for session management, but that's
not the main point...

I wonder what that port 16001 thingy is.
Arcady Genkin
Nostalgia isn't what it used to be.

Getting Gnome to run (unable to bind port 16001)

2000-05-02 Thread Arcady Genkin
I'm trying to configure a point-and-click Linux installation for a
friend of mine. I have been trying to get Gnome running, but to no

>From gnome's docs it seems like all it takes is to put "exec gnome-wm"
into X initialization file. I am using wdm, and suspect that it could
be more difficult than that. The installation is a brand-new install
of Potato.

So far I tried three approaches:
1. Chosing "failsafe" (only an xterm displayed, no window manager)
   from wdm, and trying to run gnome-wm from there. I get an error
   "Unable to bind port 16001".
2. Adding "gnome-wm" to the selection of windowmanagers in
   /etc/X11/wdm/wdm-config. This didn't work, and wdm just starts the
   previous windowmanager.
3. Put "exec gnome-wm" into ~/.xsession. This yeilds nothing.

Any suggestions? Like I said, the system is stock Potato with gnome
and the rest installed by apt.

On another note, is gnome-panel an application? I.e. should there be
an executable with name "gnome-panel"? I installed the gnome-panel
package, but the executable with this name is nowhere to be found.

Arcady Genkin
Nostalgia isn't what it used to be.

Re: Installing without rebooting (running the installation proggie from within Linux)

2000-04-29 Thread Arcady Genkin
Brad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> How about downloading base2_1.tgz (or base2_2.tgz if you want to go
> straight to frozen) and untarring that into the new partition before
> chrooting into it?

In case anyone was following this thread, here are a couple of gotchas
that I ran into:

1. I couldn't boot into the new system, getting "You are trying to
boot into unconfigured base system" or somesuch message, which
offered me to boot usint the Rescue disk.
"chmod -x /sbin/" fixed that problem.

2. I had to remove pcmcia and nfs related packages, which are
installed by default.

Apart from those, all went very smooth.
Arcady Genkin
Nostalgia isn't what it used to be.

Re: Installing without rebooting (running the installation proggie from within Linux)

2000-04-28 Thread Arcady Genkin
Brad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Wed, Apr 26, 2000 at 01:37:09PM -0700, wrote:
> > While this is fine for building up a system once the base image has been
> > created, I believe you'll find it easiest to install the base by booting
> > the system.
> How about downloading base2_1.tgz (or base2_2.tgz if you want to go
> straight to frozen) and untarring that into the new partition before
> chrooting into it?

Excellent! Worked like a charm, thanks a lot! The install was quick
and enjoyable. ;^)
Arcady Genkin
Nostalgia isn't what it used to be.

Re: OT: Help! I need emacs html mode

2000-04-26 Thread Arcady Genkin
"Maury R. Merkin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> So, one of my two major remaining problems is that I just need emacs'
> html mode 'cause I maintain some rather large Web sites and I won't know
> what to do without it.

> All I know is that whenever I installed or upgraded xemacs before, it's
> always been there.  I have never understood (or had to understand)
> anything about configuring emacs.  Now the emacs and xemacs installed
> with potato did not have it.

I don't know about xemacs .deb packages, since I have always compiled
my own xemacs, but the reason could be that latest versions of xemacs
use "package" system that allows you automatically download and
install different modes as packages. Read Xemacs's docs on packages,
and make sure that hm--html is installed.

The packages can be managed thru menus Options->Manage Packages.

Apart from that, I find the following in my .emacs:

(autoload 'html-mode "psgml-html" "Load psgml-html-mode" t)
(add-hook 'html-mode-hook 'hm--html-minor-mod)

Arcady Genkin
Nostalgia isn't what it used to be.

Installing without rebooting (running the installation proggie from within Linux)

2000-04-26 Thread Arcady Genkin
Hi all:

Is it possible to run the Debian installation program on a workstation
which runs Linux?

My friend has given me his HD to install Debian onto it, and I hooked
it up and partitioned already. I would like to do an FTP install for
him without losing my productivity (read: without booting off a

Is it possible to simply mount whatever floppy image I need off
/dev/fd0 and run the installation program?
If so, what is the program's name?

If anyone has had experience with doing this, I would appreciate any
Arcady Genkin
Nostalgia isn't what it used to be.

Re: Trouble with toy network

2000-04-24 Thread Arcady Genkin
All seems to be fine.

Are you sure you are using cross-over (not straight-thru) cable
between the cards?

Just a shot in the dark. (BTW, the cable going into the DSL modem is
probably a straight-thru one -- in case you were trying it to
interconnect the machines.)

Also, try running setup/diagnostics programs on the cards and check
that they are both switched to the right medium and pass tests.
Arcady Genkin
Nostalgia isn't what it used to be.

Re: Plextor CD-ROM (was: cd-rom jitter)

2000-04-23 Thread Arcady Genkin
Carel Fellinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Fri, Apr 21, 2000 at 07:26:15PM -0400, Arcady Genkin wrote:
> > Eventually the CD-ROM extracts everything perfectly, but those ":-|"
> > have been annoying me. I have a feeling that the CDROM's firmware
> > might be buggy. I got this 12/20 Plex a year ago (retail box). When I
> you might try a firmware upgrade, you can get it at their webside
> ( There even seems to be a free-third-party linux
> flash program!

Really? That's pretty cool!..
Unfortunately, this drive's firmaware cannot be flashed, as far as I
Arcady Genkin
Nostalgia isn't what it used to be.

Re: /dev/null: permission denied - problem

2000-04-23 Thread Arcady Genkin
"Stephan Hachinger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> /bin/sh: /dev/null: Permission denied

Well, have you actually looked what the permissions to /dev/null look
like? "ls -l /dev/null".

They should be crw-rw-rw- root.root.
Arcady Genkin
Nostalgia isn't what it used to be.

Re: mp3

2000-04-23 Thread Arcady Genkin
"Les Dowthwaite" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> 1.  (*) text/plain  ( ) text/html   
> HiCan you help.Do you know of a free program that will convert MP3 to 
> WAVE.Thanks

Xmms would do it. Just change the output plugin from "OSS driver" to
"Disk writer" or something of that sort.

p.s. Please post in plain text and wrap your lines at 72 characters.
Arcady Genkin
Nostalgia isn't what it used to be.

Re: lpd troubles (can't enable lp2 lp3 spools)

2000-04-23 Thread Arcady Genkin
Bruce Sass <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > My printcap specifies three printers: lp|lp1, lp2, and lp3 with spools
> > in /var/spool/lpd/(lp1|lp2|lp3). These are all for the same printer on
> > /dev/lp0, but with different options (draft, normal, best).
> Hmmm, those are all valid names for lineprinter devices (parallel
> ports), it is probably best to pick some other names to use... just to
> eliminate the possibility that the software thinks you are referring to
> different parallel ports.

Bruce, thanks for your suggestion. I tried renaming the printers in
the printcap to something different, creating their spool directories,
restarting lpd, but the problem persists.

| tea:/etc/init.d# lpc enable lpn
| lpn:
| queuing enabled
| tea:/etc/init.d# lpc start lpn
| lpn:
| printing enabled
| lpc: connect: Connection refused
| couldn't start daemon

I have a feeling that the problem lies with some networking issue
(since the *connection* is refused). Which is kinda weird, since these
are all local printers.
Arcady Genkin
Nostalgia isn't what it used to be.

lpd troubles (can't enable lp2 lp3 spools)

2000-04-23 Thread Arcady Genkin
My printcap specifies three printers: lp|lp1, lp2, and lp3 with spools
in /var/spool/lpd/(lp1|lp2|lp3). These are all for the same printer on
/dev/lp0, but with different options (draft, normal, best).

While lp1's status is always OK, lp2 and lp3 are always disabled (as
follows from `status' files in their spol directories). I can't figure
out why.

I tried using `lpc' command to `clean', `enable', and `start' the
stubborn printers, but to no avail.

,[ Here's a round of `lpc's ]
| tea:/etc# lpc clean lp2
| lp2:
| tea:/etc# lpc enable lp2
| lp2:
| queuing enabled
| tea:/etc# cat /var/spool/lpd/lp2/status 
| printing disabled
| tea:/etc# lpc start lp2
| lp2:
| printing enabled
| lpc: connect: Connection refused
| couldn't start daemon

,[ FWIW, here's my /etc/printcap ]
| lp|lp1|HP Deskjet 697C Draft:\
| :lp=/dev/lp0:sd=/var/spool/lpd/lp1:\
| :sh:pw#80:pl#66:px#1440:mx#0:\
| :if=/etc/hpdj/hpdj-draft:\
| :af=/var/log/lp-acct:lf=/var/log/lp-errs:
| lp2|HP Deskjet 697c Normal:\
| :lp=/dev/lp0:sd=/var/spool/lpd/lp2:\
| :sh:pw#80:pl#66:px#1440:mx#0:\
| :if=/etc/hpdj/hpdj-normal:\
| :af=/var/log/lp-acct:lf=/var/log/lp-errs:
| lp3|HP Deskjet 697c Best:\
| :lp=/dev/lp0:sd=/var/spool/lpd/lp3:\
| :sh:pw#80:pl#66:px#1440:mx#0:\
| :if=/etc/hpdj/hpdj-best:\
| :af=/var/log/lp-acct:lf=/var/log/lp-errs:

Thanks for any ideas!!!
Arcady Genkin
Nostalgia isn't what it used to be.

magicfilter vs. apsfilter

2000-04-23 Thread Arcady Genkin
Has anyone had experience with both of these filter packages? What are
the notable differences?

On another note, I wonder why neither of them seems to support hpdj
driver by default...
Arcady Genkin
Nostalgia isn't what it used to be.

Re: Print & Email the same document

2000-04-23 Thread Arcady Genkin
Kent West <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > I've been trying to do this off-and-on for two years, and although
> > I've had lots of help, nothing has ever worked. Can I assume that
> > it's impossible to print and email a document from one command?

There is a utility that splits a file into two pipes, but I'll be
damned if I can remember how it's called. Anyone?

Other than that, can't you just write a very simple shell script (like
another follow-up suggests)?
Arcady Genkin
Nostalgia isn't what it used to be.

Plextor CD-ROM (was: cd-rom jitter)

2000-04-21 Thread Arcady Genkin
Carel Fellinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I only get + or ! when the disks are severely ruined, normally all bright
> smileys. I've an ultraplex scsi cdrom and a ide plexwriter, both perform
> great under linux and windows, so I guess something is wrong at your
> side. Is it a scsi? is it properly terminated etc? does it work under
> windows? (try for a windows variant of
> cdparanoia) is the cd impecable?

This happens with *any* CD, even brand new ones. I have Tekram DC-390F
for a scsi card. I think that there is no problem with termination, as
everything (the CD-ROM, CDR, and scanner) connected to the card
functions properly.

Eventually the CD-ROM extracts everything perfectly, but those ":-|"
have been annoying me. I have a feeling that the CDROM's firmware
might be buggy. I got this 12/20 Plex a year ago (retail box). When I
got it Plextor already had the Ultraplex out, so the model was kinda
old when I bough it.

I think that I ought to contact Plextor's tech. support. I have heard
that they are usually very good about replacing drives with buggy
firmware (provided that it *is* buggy).

I have no idea how the drive performs under Windows. (I boot there very
rarely only when I absolutely have to.) I might as well try the
proggie that you recommend the next time, though, thanks!

> > Can anyone define `jitter' as applicable to a CD-ROM? (or direct me to
> > a resource where it's explained)
> jitter in this context means that rereads of the same part of an audio-cd
> gives a series of samples that are slightly out of pace, some missing or
> extra at the start and end. But the plextor shouldn't have this problem,
> unless the disk itself is bad.

So I have heard, and that's why I have chosen Plextor over others.

Thanks for your reply.
Arcady Genkin
Nostalgia isn't what it used to be.

installing Debian for an Unix-ignorant user (point-and-click installation)

2000-04-21 Thread Arcady Genkin
Hi all:

A friend of mine in a fit of anger directed to his Window~1
installation called me and asked if I would install Linux for him. We
have discussed with him before, that everything he needs from a
computer (web browsing, document/spreadsheet editing, email) can be
done from within Linux using familiar to him graphical interfaces. His
Win98 has been blue-screening on him way too often.

Next week I'm going to install Debian on his computer. Basically, I am
thinking of setting up Gnome, and stuffing everything he could need in
a root menu and clickable icons. He is no dummy, but has very little
knowledge of computers besides most common applications.

Has anyone done this kind of setup? Are there any things that I should
be forewarned about, perhaps?

How easy is it to configure a ppp connection as a desktop icon? (I'm on
a cable modem, and have never configured ppp under Linux).

I'll be very greatful for any suggestions and ideas!
Arcady Genkin
Nostalgia isn't what it used to be.

cd-rom jitter

2000-04-21 Thread Arcady Genkin
When using cdparanoia, it *always* shows ":-|", which stands for
"Considerable jitter", and often ":-/". I've been wondering, while
having a Plextor CD-ROM, am I getting worth of what I have
payed. Anyone extracting with mostly ":-)"?

Can anyone define `jitter' as applicable to a CD-ROM? (or direct me to
a resource where it's explained)

I'm thinking of contacting Plextor tech. support about it, so I want
to reas something on the topic before I do that.
Arcady Genkin
Nostalgia isn't what it used to be.

Re: dselect: failed to getch in main menu: Success

2000-03-11 Thread Arcady Genkin
Aaron Solochek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I'd like a copy of that too.
> > > There is a problem with dpkg_1.6.10 which gives this error.  Please
> > > downgrade the dpkg file to dpkg_1.6.9.
> > 
> > Could anyone send me the dpkg_1.6.9 package to downgrade with or
> > are they archived on the debian site somewhere ?

Instead, you might want to do "apt-get update", and then "apt-get
upgrade". This will upgrade you to 1.6.11, which works.
Arcady Genkin
Nostalgia isn't what it used to be.

.pfb .pfm font files

2000-03-02 Thread Arcady Genkin
I have an archive of ps fonts from back in 1996. They have pfb and pfm
extensions (for each font name there is a pair of files like foo.pfm
and foo.pfb).

Are these fonts usable with X? I'd imagine they were, because I have a
directory /usr/lib/X11/fonts/freefont with a bunch of .pfb fonts.

If yes, how do I create fonts.dir for them? `mkfontdir' expects pcf,
cnf, or bfd extensions.

Arcady Genkin
Nostalgia isn't what it used to be.

Re: xfs-xtt

2000-03-01 Thread Arcady Genkin
Ethan Benson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> damn, that might be it... do you happen to know of a way to lowercase
> letters in bash or some other way?  i don't really want to mv THIS.TTF
> this.tff 215 times

You can use mmv utility:

mmv '*.TTF' #1.ttf

should do the trick. Note: it will only change the extensions,
i.e. THIS.TTF will become THIS.ttf.
Arcady Genkin  
Nostalgia isn't what it used to be.

xfs-xtt configuration

2000-03-01 Thread Arcady Genkin
Ethan Benson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> there is mkttfdir in fttools package.  

My new question... After I successfully generated the fonts.dir file,
and added
   FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TrueType/"

to XF86Config, X no longer starts, and I'm seeing error messages that
X cannot set default font path. 

Did I have to do some magic in /etc/X11/xfs/config? Here's what mine
looks like.

,[ config ]
| # /etc/X11/xfs/config
| #
| # X font server configuration file
| # allow a maximum of 10 clients to connect to this font server
| client-limit = 10
| # when a font server reaches its limit, start up a new one
| clone-self = on
| # log errors using syslog
| use-syslog = on
| # turn off TCP port listening (Unix domain connections are still permitted)
| no-listen = tcp
| # paths to search for fonts
| catalogue = 
| # in decipoints
| default-point-size = 120
| # x1,y1,x2,y2,...
| default-resolutions = 75,75,100,100
| deferglyphs = all
| # font cache control, specified in KB
| cache-hi-mark = 2048
| cache-low-mark = 1433

Thanks for any input!
Arcady Genkin
Nostalgia isn't what it used to be.


2000-03-01 Thread Arcady Genkin
Under potato, I've installed xfs-xtt.

Are there any stock means to create fonts.dir in a directory with ttf
fonts? The documentation that comes with xfs-xtt says nothing of this.

I tried getting mkttfdir, which is part of perlftlib-1.2.tar.gz,
available from, but it won't
compile... and doesn't work, saying doesn't
exist. ;^(

Another question: Once I create fonts.dir, are there any other steps
to configure the font server to use the ttf fonts?

Thanks a lot for any input!
Arcady Genkin   
Nostalgia isn't what it used to be.

play program -- which package?

2000-03-01 Thread Arcady Genkin
What package is `play' program is in?

Arcady Genkin
Nostalgia isn't what it used to be.

Solved (was: Firewall or router)

2000-02-10 Thread Arcady Genkin
Arcady Genkin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Please never mind my previous message. All workes fine after I added
routing info for to the firewall's routing table.
Arcady Genkin
Nostalgia isn't what it used to be.

Re: Firewall or router

2000-02-10 Thread Arcady Genkin
Matthew Dalton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> The laptop needs the following settings:
> - Gateway - your Debian box (
> - a route to the 192.168.2.x network
> The Debian box needs:
> - forwarding enabled
> - Gateway - your FreeBSD pc (
> - a route to the 192.168.2.x network
> - a route to the 192.168.1.x network

Mathew, thanks for your reply. I'm having a bit of a trouble here. I
did on the Debian box to enable IP forwarding:
echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
echo "0" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/all/rpfilter

Then I did on the laptop:
route add default gw

,[ Debian box's routing table ]
| tea:/usr/home/antipode$ /sbin/route -n
| Kernel IP routing table
| Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric RefUse Iface
|   U 0  00 vmnet1
|   U 0  00 eth1
|   U 0  00 eth0
| UG1  00 eth0

,[ The laptop's routing table ]
| espresso:~$ /sbin/route -n
| Kernel IP routing table
| Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric RefUse Iface
|   U 0  00 eth0
|   U 0  00 lo
| UG0  00 eth0

Then I'm trying to ping from the laptop, and
can't. Traceroute to that address stops at, so I guess
that the request is routed correctly, but the Debian box wouldn't
forward it.

Could somebody point me in the right direction?

Thanks in advance!

> > Hi. I've just got a laptop computer. I already have a two-computer
> > network running with a FreeBSD box doing NAT and firewalling, and a
> > Debian box behind it. I need to obtain means of connecting my notebook
> > to the 'net.
> > 
> > Because I'm too cheap to buy a hub, and also because I have a bunch of
> > networking cards lying around (that don't match), I put an extra NIC
> > into the Debian box and connected the laptop to it. The network works
> > fine. Laptop has IP, Debian box has IPs (to
> > the laptop), and (to the firewall). The FreeBSD box has an
> > IP of on the inside, and a real IP on the outside.
> > 
> > My question is: what do I want to do with my Debian box so that the
> > laptop could talk to the 'net? As far as I understand, I just need to
> > configure it a router (to route all traffict from through
> >, correct?
> > 
> > Also, will I need to modify anything on my firewall? Do I need to add
> > a routing entry for 192.168.2 network? I'm afraid it would try to look
> > for it in the outside...
> > 
> > FWIW, the laptop runs Slackware.

Arcady Genkin
Nostalgia isn't what it used to be.

Firewall or router

2000-02-10 Thread Arcady Genkin
Hi. I've just got a laptop computer. I already have a two-computer
network running with a FreeBSD box doing NAT and firewalling, and a
Debian box behind it. I need to obtain means of connecting my notebook
to the 'net.

Because I'm too cheap to buy a hub, and also because I have a bunch of
networking cards lying around (that don't match), I put an extra NIC
into the Debian box and connected the laptop to it. The network works
fine. Laptop has IP, Debian box has IPs (to
the laptop), and (to the firewall). The FreeBSD box has an
IP of on the inside, and a real IP on the outside.

My question is: what do I want to do with my Debian box so that the
laptop could talk to the 'net? As far as I understand, I just need to
configure it a router (to route all traffict from through, correct?

Also, will I need to modify anything on my firewall? Do I need to add
a routing entry for 192.168.2 network? I'm afraid it would try to look
for it in the outside...

FWIW, the laptop runs Slackware.

Thanks for any comments, suggestions, etc.!
Arcady Genkin
Nostalgia isn't what it used to be.

What do these HD errors mean?

2000-02-09 Thread Arcady Genkin

Feb  9 13:27:45 tea kernel: hdc: dma_intr: error=0x40 { \
   UncorrectableError }, LBAsect=26406865, sector=25038000
Feb  9 13:27:45 tea kernel: end_request: I/O error, dev 16:04 (hdc), \
   sector 25038000 
Feb  9 13:27:50 tea kernel: hdc: dma_intr: status=0x51 { DriveReady \
   SeekComplete Error } 
Feb  9 13:27:50 tea kernel: hdc: dma_intr: error=0x40 { \
   UncorrectableError }, LBAsect=26406852, sector=25037984 
Feb  9 13:27:50 tea kernel: end_request: I/O error, dev 16:04 (hdc), \
   sector 25037984 

And so forth. The drive is an IBM 13G DeskStar (?) with 2M cache. The
kernel is 2.2.14. Thanks!
Arcady Genkin
Nostalgia isn't what it used to be.

Re: can't ftp into box

2000-02-09 Thread Arcady Genkin
Todd Suess <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Once you are connected, try issuing the following commands:
> ftp> user 
> ftp> pass 

Tried that. Doesn't work. ;^( I get the same stuff: "Not connected".

Now, I installed linux onto the laptop. Still can't ftp into the
debian box. Furthermore, I cannot ftp into the laptop either!

I can telnet both ways w/o any problems. Can ping both ways, too. I
can use rcp! Just not ftp.

Something must be rotten with network.

I tried doing "ftp -n", too.

Any ideas?

> On Tue, 08 Feb 2000, Arcady Genkin wrote:
> > Hi. I'm trying to install linux onto my notebook. It has no cdrom, so
> > I'm trying to transfer some files via ftp from my debian box into the
> > laptop (which runs win98 of course ;^( ). I've set up an ethernet link
> > between the boxen, and have the laptop on, and the Debian
> > box has on the interface that talks to the notebook.
> > 
> > I can ping either computer from either one. Moreover, I can telnet
> > from the notebook into the Debian box w/o any problem. It's just to
> > ftp into the debian box that I can't.
> > 
> > I can ftp into the same computer from another box on my network
> > (different subnet, though -- 192.168.1.*) with no problem. And no, I
> > am not trying anonymous connection.
> > 
> > An ftp session from ms-dos window looks like this:
> > c:\>ftp
> > > ftp: connect :10061
> > ftp>
> > 
> > After which I can't execute any ftp command, getting "Not connected"
> > message.
> > 
> > I don't get any prompts to enter my user name or password.

Arcady Genkin
Nostalgia isn't what it used to be.

can't ftp into box

2000-02-09 Thread Arcady Genkin
Hi. I'm trying to install linux onto my notebook. It has no cdrom, so
I'm trying to transfer some files via ftp from my debian box into the
laptop (which runs win98 of course ;^( ). I've set up an ethernet link
between the boxen, and have the laptop on, and the Debian
box has on the interface that talks to the notebook.

I can ping either computer from either one. Moreover, I can telnet
from the notebook into the Debian box w/o any problem. It's just to
ftp into the debian box that I can't.

I can ftp into the same computer from another box on my network
(different subnet, though -- 192.168.1.*) with no problem. And no, I
am not trying anonymous connection.

An ftp session from ms-dos window looks like this:
> ftp: connect :10061

After which I can't execute any ftp command, getting "Not connected"

I don't get any prompts to enter my user name or password.

Any help greatly appreciated!
Arcady Genkin
Nostalgia isn't what it used to be.

DDD 3.1.99 expired

2000-02-01 Thread Arcady Genkin
Hi all:

Whenever I'm running ddd, I get a dialog informing me that ``DDD
version (3.1.99) has expired since Monday, 2000-01-31, at
00:00. Please upgrade to the recent version.''

What's up with that? Running potato here, with ddd installed as a
Arcady Genkin
Nostalgia isn't what it used to be.

Re: Flash + Netscape (autodetection problems)

2000-01-28 Thread Arcady Genkin
"Eric G . Miller"  writes:

> > > I've installed Flash plugin for netscape. Neither of the sites can
> > > autodetect that the plugin is installed. Even at I had
> > > to click on "If you know that you have Flash installed" link.
> > > Typing "about:plugins" in netscape shows Flash installed.
> > 
> > This is my experience also.  I assume (right or wrong) that the web
> > server doesn't interpret linux browsers so well.
> In the README.Linux file, it mentions this type of thing will occur if
> there's some kind of code checking your system or browser which fails to
> recognize it and thus assumes no support.  Also, some sites don't have
> the MIME types configured properly.  However, I have no problem with
> sites like macromedia. 

Well, I forgot to mention that when I had slink installed, the plugin
worked fine with same sites, that are cureently not working under
potato. Of course, this also means an upgrade from navigator 4.61 to
4.7. As an example, an intro at used to work, but
doesn't anymore. ;^(
Arcady Genkin
Nostalgia isn't what it used to be.

Re: help with dselect

2000-01-26 Thread Arcady Genkin
dkphoto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I've managed to install the base system and have gotten to dselect which 
> first asks me to help locate the cd drive, with the prompt to enter: 
> /dev/cdrom
> ...which I do. Then it asks me to help find the the dist on the CD.
> No matter what I enter, it says it can't find it. This is the standard 
> Mac m68k CD #1, so it shouldn't have any trouble. What on earth is it 
> wanting me to input?

David, is the CD mounted?
If not, have a look at mount command.
Arcady Genkin
Nostalgia isn't what it used to be.

Flash + Netscape (autodetection problems)

2000-01-26 Thread Arcady Genkin
Hi all!

I've installed Flash plugin for netscape. Neither of the sites can
autodetect that the plugin is installed. Even at I had
to click on "If you know that you have Flash installed" link.

Is there some trick to properly configure it?

I'm using Navigator 4.7, and all I have done was installed files:


and then created links in /usr/lib/netscape/47/navigator/plugins: -> /usr/lib/netscape/plugins/
ShockwaveFlash.class -> /usr/lib/netscape/plugins/ShockwaveFlash.class

Typing "about:plugins" in netscape shows Flash installed.

Thanks for any input!
Arcady Genkin
Nostalgia isn't what it used to be.

Can't print from Gimp

2000-01-25 Thread Arcady Genkin
Hi all:

I have a problem printing from Gimp 1.1.14 to a "postscript"
printer. My printer doesn't even start printing, although "lpq" shows
the job in the que, and says that it's printing.

I tried printing to a .ps file, and then I can successfully view it
with "gv" and "xv". But if I try "lpr", then, again, nothing

I tried fiddling with postscript levels in Gimp, and that didn't help.

All other applications (such as netscape, for example), print to the
same printer w/o any problems.

FWIW, the printer itself is an HP DeskJet 697c, and I use it with
"hpdj" filter from ghostscript. My printcap looks like this:

,[ printcap ]
| lp|lp1|HP Deskjet 697C Draft:\
| :lp=/dev/lp0:sd=/var/spool/lpd/lp1:\
| :sh:pw#80:pl#66:px#1440:mx#0:\
| :if=/etc/hpdj/hpdj-draft:\
| :af=/var/log/lp-acct:lf=/var/log/lp-errs:
| lp2|HP Deskjet 697c Normal:\
| :lp=/dev/lp0:sd=/var/spool/lpd/lp2:\
| :sh:pw#80:pl#66:px#1440:mx#0:\
| :if=/etc/hpdj/hpdj-normal:\
| :af=/var/log/lp-acct:lf=/var/log/lp-errs:
| lp3|HP Deskjet 697c Best:\
| :lp=/dev/lp0:sd=/var/spool/lpd/lp3:\
| :sh:pw#80:pl#66:px#1440:mx#0:\
| :if=/etc/hpdj/hpdj-best:\
| :af=/var/log/lp-acct:lf=/var/log/lp-errs:
There's nothing at all in /var/log/lp-errs.

I can print using Gimp's own HP DJ driver, but I really don't like
that driver, for it's very inky.

Any help highly appreciated!
Arcady Genkin
Nostalgia isn't what it used to be.

Re: Cannot mount all CDs

2000-01-24 Thread Arcady Genkin
"David J. Kanter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> This is odd: I can only mount some of the CDs I've put into my CD-ROM. Why?
> What gives? The default mount type is iso9660---could that be the problem?
> Are not all CDs iso9660s? I've noticed that when I close the CD tray on the
> working CDs, there is a little spin-up that's absent on the CDs that won't
> mount. 

There are different formats for CDs. Pure audio CDs are known as CD-DA
and have no file system on them -- hence you can't mount them! You
don't need to mount them, though, can play and extract tracks from
them just fine.

There are also mixed-mode CDs, which have both data and audio
tracks. Such CDs can be mounted, but you will only be able to see the
data portion of the CD when you go to /mnt/cdrom or whatever other
mount point you would choose.
Arcady Genkin
Nostalgia isn't what it used to be.

Batch rename files

2000-01-24 Thread Arcady Genkin
What would be the easiest way to rename a bunch of files




Note, that all of the files have identical portions `foo-', `-bar-',
and `.txt' in the filenames. Different are two numerical parts.

For example:
| group-1-member-01.txt
| group-1-member-02.txt
| ...
| group-2-member-01.txt
| ...

The resulting files should have an identical portion `blah', and
retain the original numerical parts.

| result-1-01.txt
| result-1-02.txt
| ...
| result-2-01.txt
| ...

Thanks for any suggestions!
Arcady Genkin
Nostalgia isn't what it used to be.

CD-cataloguing program

2000-01-17 Thread Arcady Genkin
Could somebody recommend a good cd-cataloguing program?

It would be nice if it could handle data and audio cds, as well as
read mp3 tags.

Arcady Genkin
"'What good is my pity? Is not the pity the cross upon which he who
loves man is nailed?..'" (Zarathustra - F. Nietzsche)

Re: ssh encryption

2000-01-16 Thread Arcady Genkin
hypnos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I started sshd with the -d (debug) option to try to
> figure this out, and I think I have my answer, but I
> want to make sure.
> Am I correct in assuming that the encryption between
> client/server is started before any exchange of data
> takes place?  Specifically, I'm wondering if the
> username is passed in clear-text or encrypted when
> using the -l  option to ssh client.

User name and password sent over ssh are encrypted.
Arcady Genkin
"'What good is my pity? Is not the pity the cross upon which he who
loves man is nailed?..'" (Zarathustra - F. Nietzsche)

xcolorsel won't grab colors

2000-01-16 Thread Arcady Genkin

Using the latest XFree packages from Potato, I'm having problems with
xcolorsel not being able to grab a color. It craps out saying:

tea:/usr/home/antipode$ xcolorsel
X Error of failed request:  BadValue (integer parameter out of range for 
  Major opcode of failed request:  91 (X_QueryColors)
  Value in failed request:  0x8000
  Serial number of failed request:  1661
  Current serial number in output stream:  1661

Any idea what this could be?

Arcady Genkin
"'What good is my pity? Is not the pity the cross upon which he who
loves man is nailed?..'" (Zarathustra - F. Nietzsche)

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