Re: Packageinstallation isolation.

2013-06-09 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day, M.Atıf.

Thank you, for your time and answer. On Tue, 04 Jun 2013 17:16:36 +0300
you wrote:

> you need to the chroot.

And i have read there is not real jail except w/ FreeBSD. So no other


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Re: Debian 7 ext4 problem

2013-06-06 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day, Andrei.

On Sat, 1 Jun 2013 21:34:37 +0300 you wrote:

> I have a serious problem with overloading the hard drive.
> I have a website and use MySQL, at that moment began the biggest
> problems the hard drive is under constant load.
> The hard drive is noisy, slow. I think there is a problem with the
> driver for ext4.

I suggest to detect the culprit w/ iotop and then either solve the
problem yourself or make a bug report against the package that provides
the binary that created the process.


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Packageinstallation isolation.

2013-06-04 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day.

Is there a way/trick how i can install a 3rd party package in some kind
of isolation from whole system -- so that its binaries can not access
any files of whole OS -- being confined in usage only to one (list of)

Because there is plenty of software even packaged for Debian, but it
risky to use as is. On other hand compiling is not the easiest solution.

Thanks for your time.


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Re: speller dictionary for claws-mail.

2013-05-29 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day, Claudius.

Thank you, for your time and answer. On Wed, 29 May 2013 18:44:56 +0100
you wrote:

> $ dpkg-query -W -f '${Recommends}\n' claws-mail | grep -o
> '[a-z-]*spell[a-z-]*' aspell-en
> aspell-dictionary

WOW! You are a great Debian user! 8oD

> Claws-Mail uses aspell, so by installing aspell-cs, you should get
> what you want :)

But in my case a restart was just necessary. -- Not evident from the
package installation list though.


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Re: speller dictionary for claws-mail.

2013-05-29 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day, Brad.

Thank you, for your time and answer. On Wed, 29 May 2013 18:53:01 +0100
you wrote:

> >Spell checker could not be started.
> >Couldn't initialize cs dictionary: (null)
> >Couldn't initialize cs speller.
> I got the same error earlier today, too.  A restart of CM solved the
> problem.  I suspect is was something to do with system updates to
> enchant.

Oh! I would long time look for the reason! - Restart really made the
trick! Thanks again!


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speller dictionary for claws-mail.

2013-05-29 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day.

I miss some package that i can not identify, please help me.
When i start to write a letter in claws-mail, it says:

Spell checker could not be started.
Couldn't initialize cs dictionary: (null)
Couldn't initialize cs speller.

What's the package that contains the dictionary that claws-mail uses?

Thanks for your time.


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Re: Searching for process filling root FS.

2013-05-23 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day, Martin.

Thank You, Martin, for Your time and answer. You wrote:

> btrace /dev/dm-0
> on an otherwise idle system might help. If system is not idle
> otherwise you likely get too much output.

At random, I have found who ate the space( or one among others) - I
just catched it! :o)

> blktrace needs to be installed for this. I think I remember some knob
> in /proc or /sys which has a similar effect and you can watch I/O
> accesses in dmesg then, but I didn´t find it right now.

I will try it if there will be such need.
> Otherwise I like the suggestion to watch with iotop. You can run
> iotop in batch mode and output stuff to a file to inspect later (but
> be careful about free space on / :).

Oh! I even did not guess it has such ability! Thank You!
> I´d strongly suggest more than 100 MiB free space on /.
> Usually its good to leave at least 10-20% of the filesystem free to
> avoid fragmentation.

And that makes 10-20% extra money spending on HDD purchase. :o)


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Re: Searching for process filling root FS.

2013-05-20 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day, Darac.

Thank You, Darac, for Your time and answer. You wrote:

> OK, so your directory sizes aren't changing but you're losing space.
> It might be that an application is writing to a deleted file
> (unpacking or streaming to a temporary file, for example).

Shouldn't dir space also grow even having already removed file ?

> Try running "iotop -a" as root, then use cursors to move the sort
> column to "DISK WRITE". Leave that running for a few minutes and
> you'll be able to see which processes are writing the most data.

Not so easy: space can stand the same within an hour! :o)

But i got the point.So it can be an attack: file does not exist
(seen). but occupies whole the free space! - Awesome.


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Re: Searching for process filling root FS.

2013-05-20 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day, Stan.

Thank You, Stan, for Your time and answer. You wrote:

> If you only have 100MiB free space in your root filesystem, that is
> normally a bad situation.

Why ?
> What daemons are running?  What applications are you running?  Desktop
> or server workload?

Well, it is desktop w/ about 20-30 services starting from by init.
Which exactly you are concerned about?

> Temp files of some kind?

I'm trying to figure that out. That i also suppose to be: something
does its work then releases the occupied space. 

> > The interesting point is that though total free disk spaces are
> > different for the amount of MiB, yet every dir. size is the same or
> > 2-3 of it differs no more that 1 MiB.
> > 
> > So question is, how it may be? Is it so large calculations drift ?
> What filesystem is this?
It is ext4 .


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Searching for process filling root FS.

2013-05-19 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day.

I watch carefully disk space on my root device i try to find the
culprit that fills the space.

For example, i have free space only 100 MiB. After 2-3 hours space is
gone. After reboot i see the space again.

What i did is "du -ms" for every dir. on the disk only (not
for /dev, /sys, ...) - before i have the space and after it vanished

The interesting point is that though total free disk spaces are
different for the amount of MiB, yet every dir. size is the same or 2-3
of it differs no more that 1 MiB.

So question is, how it may be? Is it so large calculations drift ?

Thanks for Your time.


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Why wheezy/Jessie kernel does not kill the app. that takes too much RAM ?

2013-05-18 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day.

I have only 2 GB of RAM and a RAM-hungry app.s like chromium (just ~30
tabs) and game "BosWars" that do not run together unless hang my machine

The question is, Why the wheezy/Jessie kernel does not kill the app.
that takes too much RAM instead of letting the app.s to hang the OS
almost completely? -- For though after several minutes i can launch
kill  command i yet can not run it: i get allocation error. Nothing
remains but to reboot w/ reset button.


Thanks for Your time.


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keyboard layout and led monitor.

2013-04-07 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day.

I have to switch keyboard layout often and having Scroll lock led to
monitor that, it annoys me as it looses at some moment its
'synchronization' (may because i also switch from X to consoles, or just
between windows within a single X-session, or between X-sessions)
- i.e. if at the beginning of X session i have

layout-1 w/ the led being turned off,
layout-2 -- the led is turned on,

then at some moment it turn opposite:

layout-1, the led on;
layout-2, the led off.

In other words the led simply confuses me.

So, my question is, Whether there is a way i can fix it, before i turn
the led off completely in /etc/default dir. ?

Thanks for Your time.


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a dovecot TTY

2013-04-06 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day.

How do i close this feature (a dovecot TTY) for the world (got from
auth. log file):

localhost auth: pam_unix(dovecot:auth): authentication failure;
logname= uid=0 euid=0 tty=dovecot ruser=accounts rhost=

Thanks for Your time.


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Re: chrootkit suspicious files and directories

2013-02-03 Thread Sthu Deus
You wrote:

> chrootkit gives following message

Oops! Please excuse - I mixed up chrootkit w/ rkhunter.
Please drop my previous message.


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Re: chrootkit suspicious files and directories

2013-02-03 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day, sp11.

You wrote:

> chrootkit gives following message:
> Searching for suspicious files and dirs, it may take a while...
> The following suspicious files and directories were found: 
> /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/PyQt4/uic/widget-plugins/.noinit 
> /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/.path 
> /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.5/PyQt4/uic/widget-plugins/.noinit 
> /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.5/.path 
> /usr/lib/icedove/.autoreg 
> /usr/lib/xulrunner-1.9.1/.autoreg 
> /usr/lib/iceweasel/.autoreg 
> /usr/lib/iceape/.autoreg 
> /usr/lib/jvm/.java-6-openjdk.jinfo 
> /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-gcj-4.4/.java-gcj-4.4.jinfo 
> /lib/init/rw/.ramfs
> Running Squeeze on amd64.
> Any ideas?

After several false positives I removed the kit years ago, since that
slept peacefully.

Of course it does not mean that nothing should be done instead. All I
want to say is that it is not trustworthy - You just can not judge
right having its results.


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Re: Debian Wheezy freezing

2013-02-03 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day, William.

You wrote:

> 1) Which is better? Keep Debian Wheezy and compile a new kernel, or 
> upgrade to Debian Sid?

As many said, better to use other (newer) Debian repo.s. Consider

> 2) Have you guys compiled a kernel before? How it was? Can you
> provide me a good tutorial about it?

Yes. It is not hard. Even most default options will be OK - just
compile, install and use.


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Re: LibreOffice complete removal.

2013-01-30 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day, Sharon.

You wrote:

> > It was done using synaptic, and then when i went to check in
> > apt-get i saw
> that not all of debian libreoffice had been removed, and to remove it
> with apt-get would take most of gnome with it too.

So You have answered Your own question - You did not remove anything.
All as it was.

I would suggest You to try w/ aptitude - from there You will have
options to choose from - if You have problems (touching Gnome
software). Though it should be tied to Gnome (I have no Gnome at all
though I use LO), consider removing some packages that You do not need


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Re: Network Sniffer

2013-01-29 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day, Roberto.

You wrote:

> you can also try tcpdump. you can capture traffic wothout a GUI and
> then analyze it in wireshark.

By the way do You know how to see the captured packet data w/ tcpdump
w/o using wireshark? - Under the data I mean not technical
communication data but the useful data the packets carry - like
transmitting some text to a web page, etc.


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Re: LibreOffice complete removal.

2013-01-29 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day, Sharon.

You wrote:

> Yesterday I removed the meta-package of LibreOffice, and then
> installed the source package of LibreOffice I now find that
> it wasn't fully removed as I'm still able to open and use documents
> with the old programme.
> So, how do I *completely* remove all of the old LibreOffice
> without removing all or most of Gnome, which I still want to have
> around, please?

This is weird. Can You share exactly what was the removal command?


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Re: OT: pam_unix(dovecot:auth): authentication failure.

2013-01-29 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day, Federico.

Thank You, Federico, for Your time and answer. You wrote:

> > Could You please comment this auth. failure:
> >
> > localhost auth: pam_unix(dovecot:auth): authentication failure;
> > logname= uid=0 euid=0 tty=dovecot ruser=null rhost=
> >
> > ?
> >
> > As I understand this - one tried to login to dovecot - but dovecot
> > was

> What do you mean for "dovecot". Dovecot manages various services:
> 110 POP
> 143 IMAP
> 2000 or 4190 MANAGESIEVE
> Do you are sure you blocked all dovecot ports?

You have understood me absolutely correct! That I meant, and all those
ports were closed for public networks - only for local network
addresses dovecot was accessible.
> Can you make a scan port to your host and verify that your firewall 
> works as you expected?

Sure. Nmap says it is filtered.

> If you saved the logs, then you also have the dovecot logs in
> mail.log, did you find the entry that correspond with this line in
> auth.log? Then you can know to what dovecot process the "attacker"
> connected.

The question is from where (rhost / lprocess) the attack was made -
rather than which dovecot process responded. We see that FW has closed
all the dovecot ports yet the attack had a place. Also we can not
specify what exactly that string of pam_unix mean - the variables it
gives - sure, the one who will be able to intrepret it will shed the
light on the situation.

Thank You for help, Federico.


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Re: OT: pam_unix(dovecot:auth): authentication failure.

2013-01-28 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day, Igor.

Thank You, Igor, for Your time and answer.

If You have any farther ideas, please share it w/ me.

You wrote:

> > > > localhost auth: pam_unix(dovecot:auth): authentication failure;
> > > > logname= uid=0 euid=0 tty=dovecot ruser=null rhost=
> >
> > > It means someone tried to login to your webmail as root from
> > > outside. I get lots of them all the time usually bot attacks.
> >
> > Can You extend a bit Your answer?
> >
> Obviously you have public access to your mail server via webmail of
> kind right? And you have username/password login screen and thats
> where the login as root has failed.

No! And that's the problem - if I had such an access allowed - no
questions, but I manage the server myself directly (changing conf.
files manually). And firewall does not allow access from the IP to
dovecot (see bellow, please).

But let's withdraw from this idea - as how it changed - for there can
be a lot of possible ways. Could please explain exactly what that
string mean OR may You give me a link specifying that? - I've checked
man.s on pam_unix and pam - did not find explanations on those
variables, nor web search gave me the desired explanation.

Here I can not understand: did they connect remotely fooling my
firewall somehow (probably as if from my local network) OR it was done
through a local process and therefore I have probably a back door on
the machine.

> > 1. Here "uid=0" and "ruser=null" - does it mean that the attack was
> > made w/ root privileges and only dovecot user "null" was used? OR
> > It means that dovecot runs w/ root privileges?
> >
> > 2. "rhost=" means that attack was made not by local
> > process?
> >
> > 3. Do You have any idea how firewall could pass that connection
> > since only local network host are permitted to connect on 110 port?
> > - I mean is there any trick by which firewall could be fooled by
> > remote host masking as if it has local IP and at PAM being
> > discovered - it is from remote network?

Again, thank You for You answer/ideas.


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Re: iptables and kvm

2013-01-25 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day, Craig.

Please, do not write to me directly, but through the list.

You wrote:

> I'm afraid I wasn't clear in what I was asking for. I am fairly
> familiar with iptables and how to enable my own rules at start up. I
> am just curious to know where the existing rules came from. Something

Oh, I got it now. But I'm sorry, I do not know the answer on Your
question. :o)

If I had a newly installed system - I would search for the
answer in /etc/network dir. OR iptables package files.

> I installed created a set of rules for the virtual network, and I
> would like to know what caused that and what causes them to be
> enabled.
> $ sudo iptables -L -n --line-numbers
> Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)
> num  target   prot opt source destination 
> 1ACCEPT   udp  -- udp dpt:53
> 2ACCEPT   tcp  -- tcp dpt:53
> 3ACCEPT   udp  -- udp dpt:67
> 4ACCEPT   tcp  -- tcp dpt:67
> Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT)
> num  target   prot opt source destination
> 1ACCEPT   all  --  state
> 3ACCEPT   all  --
> 4REJECT   all  --
> reject-with icmp-port-unreachable 5REJECT   all  --
> reject-with icmp-port-unreachable
> Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT)
> num  target prot opt source   destination

Wow. Interesting. It seems that the software that changes Your iptables
rules awaits that the machine will serve domain and boot requests. May
You will check who listens (processes and hence exetubales/packages if
any) on those ports?


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Re: iptables and kvm

2013-01-24 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day, Craig.

You wrote:

> I am running Debian Wheezy, and have installed kvm. When I list my
> iptables rules there are a set of default rules defined, and
> forwarding is set up for my virtual network. For the life of me I can
> not figure out where these rules are defined, and I would like to
> make some changes that I want to be permanent. Would anyone mind
> enlightening me as where I can find the source of those rules?
> grep -RIil iptables /etc/* returns nothing.

If You want to set Your own rules, You can write it to a file where You
want to hold it, then You can put a script w/ execution bit set in


that will read those files.

As soon as the interface comes up, Your rules will come up too (in case
it is correct - otherwise the defaults will be used).


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OT: pam_unix(dovecot:auth): authentication failure.

2013-01-24 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day.

Excuse me for off-topic.

Could You please comment this auth. failure:

localhost auth: pam_unix(dovecot:auth): authentication failure;
logname= uid=0 euid=0 tty=dovecot ruser=null rhost=


As I understand this - one tried to login to dovecot - but dovecot was
closed by firewall from that IP, or it was tried from local side and
therefore I have a security issue inside of my system?

Thank You for Your time.


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Re: MPD and Last.FM, not connecting or working.

2013-01-24 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day, Morel.

Thank You, Morel, for Your time and answer. You wrote:

> > though it is a bit hard - as diver
> > dependencies of source packages should be satisfied before compiling
> # aptitude build-dep mpd
> This one is quite useful to avoid lack of dependencies when trying to
> compile something which is already in Debian's repo.
> Of course, if mainstream deps have changed, you will have some
> tinkering to do, but I do not think it is highly probable, since
> there is no recent major version change.

It is great! I will save the trick for some future!


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Re: MPD and Last.FM, not connecting or working.

2013-01-23 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day, Sharon.

You wrote:

> I've spent most of today trying to get mpd playing music
> unsucessfully. First some basic facts - version  0.17.1 [from sid],
> mpd.conf

May You will want to download their program(s) directly and compile
Yourself? - My friend did so months ago when the Debian package did not
do what he wanted (did not communicate w/ that site right way or
whatever - do not remember for sure) - though it is a bit hard - as
diver dependencies of source packages should be satisfied before
compiling yet it worth of try - as it can do what You wanted finally +
will give new knowledge that can be of benefit to You/others in some
future. :o)


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Re: OT: Caméleòn WAS Install from DVD set

2013-01-18 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day, Tony.

You wrote:

> > Those were translated to a South American
> > dialect of Spanish. Those documents were translated in the U.S. by
> > someone who had probably been taught Castilian {sp?} Spanish. None
> > of the translators had any technical training that I knew of.
> > 
> Which reminds me of a Spanish lady with excellent English skills.
> Haven't seen her around for a while. I miss her knowledgeable input.
> Anyone know what happened to her?

I read my thoughts! :o)

I too miss her. Though I suppose she may be here under another nick
having rebuilt her manner of acting here... for some in her reason.


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Re: Installing flash player into user's home dir. for chromium.

2013-01-18 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day.

Thank You for Your time and answer. You wrote:

> Pure guessing from me, but I guess that this plugin directory will be 
> located in a subfolder of .local/chromium or .chromium. Maybe you can 
> also check in configuration if there is something like that.

What do You think will be the full path?! - I did make dir.s and put
there the lib:



neither worked.


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Re: Installing flash player into user's home dir. for chromium.

2013-01-18 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day, Patrick.

Thank You, Patrick, for Your time and answer. You wrote:

> - Original Message -
> > From: Sthu Deus 
> > To:
> > Cc: 
> > Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2013 6:24 AM
> > Subject: Installing flash player into user's home dir. for chromium.
> > 
> >G ood time of the day.
> > 
> > 
> > I wonder how a user can install adobe flash player (library?) for
> > chromium himself - in case the OS's one is outdated?!
> > 
> > Currently Debian wiki tells that it can be achieved though
> > update-non-free-something install - but what about users' own
> > "installation"?!
> > 
> > - At adobe web site said that the user has to download a tar.gz from
> > the web site - then put *.so file (the biggest) into chromium
> > plug-in directory. But the problem is that there is no such a dir.
> > 
> > So, question is, Is it possible - for users to put the downloaded
> > player to their homes and thus be happy - w/o a need for root to be
> > involved?!
> Check if the user home directory has a hidden .moziila/plugins
> directory.  This is one of several defaults that browsers search for
> plugins.  If not, add it, place the flash player plugin in it and see
> what happens.

I've downloaded the .tar.gz player, finally I got:


But chromium still asks for new version of FlashPlayer.

> Other places that are searched are /usr/lib (or
> lib64)/mozilla/plugins, the browser's install directory which may be
> in /local or /opt instead of /usr, but they all require root access
> to copy files there.

Putting to


dose the trick whereas


dose not.

Do You have any ideas on local home dir - why it does not work putting
the lib there ( ~/.moziila/plugins )?


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Installing flash player into user's home dir. for chromium.

2013-01-15 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day.

I wonder how a user can install adobe flash player (library?) for
chromium himself - in case the OS's one is outdated?!

Currently Debian wiki tells that it can be achieved though
update-non-free-something install - but what about users' own

- At adobe web site said that the user has to download a tar.gz from
the web site - then put *.so file (the biggest) into chromium plug-in directory.
But the problem is that there is no such a dir.

So, question is, Is it possible - for users to put the downloaded
player to their homes and thus be happy - w/o a need for root to be

Thanks for Your time.


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Re: Sharing sound between users on wheezy.

2013-01-13 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day, Andrei.

Thank You, Andrei, for Your time and answer. You wrote:

> Since as far as I understand you need JACK anyway I suggest you 
> configure the system around it. Let it take control of your sound
> card and make sure any other applications output directly to it. Most
> modern applications should be able to do that (I only checked
> mplayer2 in wheezy though).

Good idea but how to achieve that?! As I understand, the jackd should
be run not under root and then clients connect to it, but by each user
who needs it. Of course - You can guess - it is impossible w/o my
proper setup of multi usage of SB. Hence we return back to my primar
question - how to do that?! - I have cited here ALSA file that allows
or should allow multi-usage of SB but it seems not to work. So, I'm
looking for my set up review - what is wrong/missing and why for some
app.s SB multi-usage seems to work, and for others at the same time -


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Sharing sound between users on wheezy.

2013-01-12 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day, Raffaele.

I could not answer on Your last letter so I have started a new thread.

Among other You wrote:

> you should use dmix with the 'ipc_key_add_uid' parameter set to false
> to let multiple users share the same device.

The problem now is that I can not achieve multi user SB access. Or
rahter I would say it is but working strange way. - I can play FLAC w/
mplayer2 under one user, at the same time I can pause the playing and
start watching movie w/ mplayer2 under another user. - All works. But
in case no app.s are using SB, I run under yet another user jackd, run
an MIDI editor MusE, then quit it (jackd is still running), I start
mplayer2 for FLAC under the first user - it refuses to play until I
kill jackd from under the third user. Please, do not ask me for the
configuration of the three users - just let's suppose this is the
initial situation.

In other words I see: 2 mplayer2 under 2 users at the same time can
share SB, whereas 1 mplayer2 and 1 jackd under 2 users can not share SB.

All these three users are in the audio group that has its record in


/etc/asound.conf :

# This is commented out because if enabled - PCM ceases to work, only
Master works; whereas when disabled - both work. #pcm.!default {
#type plug
#slave.pcm "dmixer"

pcm.dsp0 {
type plug
slave.pcm "dmixer"

pcm.dmixer {
type dmix
ipc_key 1024# the key must be unique
ipc_key_add_uid 0   #
Multiusage ipc_perm 0660   # permissions - octal notation
slave {
pcm "hw:0,0"
period_time 0
period_size 2048
buffer_size 8192
rate 44100

ctl.dmixer {
type hw
card 0

Do You have any comments on my setup?

Thanks for Your help.


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Re: Running jackd.

2013-01-11 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day, Ralf.

Thank You, for Your time and answer. You wrote:

> If jackd runs with no-realtime, then you obviously need to set up your
> Debian to enable realtime. Does PAM work?

It is just me that turned off RT. Actually it works - it was among the
steps to perform in order to make running at all. Now as things become
clearer, I did turn it on and only play-only mode is still on.
> > BUT! I tried again RoseGarden - it again hanged my system!

Ah, purged it finally from my OS - so no system freezes any more.

> Is hr timer/hpet disabled?
> $ lsmod | grep snd_hrtimer

Seems enabled:

snd_hrtimer12604  1 
snd_timer  22917  4 snd_seq,snd_pcm,snd_hrtimer

> If it's enabled, then disable it,
> "modprobe -r snd_hrtimer" might not do the job, since
> hr timer is in use.

It seems working now - I suppose it was RoseGarden that made the
disaster. Now it is gone, and LMMS, MusE seems working.

> I recommend to use a kernel-rt or at least a full preempted kernel
> with threadirqs, when doing MIDI work. If you should use external
> synth to play the MIDI events, then you likely have to tune your
> Debian more, to get rid of MIDI jitter. If you use internal synth
> only, there should be no MIDI jitter.

Oh, thank You for the information. Will be doing more tuning when MIDI
keyboard arrives.

Thank You for Your help!


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Re: Running jackd.

2013-01-08 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day, Rob.

Thank You, for Your time and answer. You wrote:

> It might be worthwhile at this point.  If it is a bug, but doesn't get
> fixed in Wheezy, at least maybe you'll learn of a workaround.
> But before you submit a bug, try on more thing:
> In qjackctl, hit "Setup" and take a look at the right-hand column.
> Specifically, the Interface, Input Device, and Output Device.  You
> have been using hw:0 up until now.  If there are others available
> (hw:1, etc) you may want to try them.

No, there is only one interface.

But You know what, - I followed the steps in some bug report that we
had here a link, - so that I succefully run jackd w/ qjackctl - I had
input and output interfaces.

What I did was (for the history if one ever will follow this thread): I
did turn off RT and set play-only mode (i.e. not record or capture one
- do not remember now).

BUT! I tried again RoseGarden - it again hanged my system! So, I can
not say for now - what is the problem. I understand it is two related
to each other software products, but the culprit I can not identify. So
I will forbear w/ bug report this time.


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Re: Running sequencer software (was Running jackd).

2013-01-08 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day, Dennis.

Thank You, Dennis, for Your time and answer. You wrote:

> Oh, don't worry. jackd will be around then just as it is today. It's
> been here for quite some years now and people are actually quite happy
> with it.

No problem. Then the bugs w/ configuration/running will be fixed in
> Personally I've never started jackd from the command line, yet. But
> granted it takes a few tries in qjackctrl to find the right settings.
> If the jackd process is killed it might be a resource problem with RT
> being the cause or not. In order to try that you can run jackd and all
> audio apps as root user, because the root user may always start RT
> processes.

It's been said that it is bad idea to run it that way, troubleshoots
can be done another way also. For example, jackd param.s can be non-RT

> Either that or as it has been said, it's a problem with the sound

That what I hope will be solved w/ a time - that the server will auto
self configure depending on the s-cards it runs on.

> card. But then, for midi only you don't need jack. If you want, try

That's true - LMMS plays midi or timidity - w/o jack, but other editors
(just want to try it - never used before) would not start OR do not
output sound from .mid files.

> out muse, which is really a fine midi sequencer. Start with -a option
> so it doesn't complain about jackd not running. Than go to settings
> --> midi devices and set up your midi outputs. This setup is working
> for me for at least two years now. Have to say though, that I'm
> running the bleeding edge svn trunk since the muse devs are very
> quick in adding new features and fixing bugs.

Wow! For me too! I just changed the ports to timidity for every track
and works! Thank You Dennis! - I would long time guess that the GUI
app. has command line parameters! - Oh, why the developers are so
users-friendly as to provide not a "fall-back" (-a option) in case of
jackd failure?! - But they rather keep it their app. not usable at all
then themselves turn it to use the mode called w/ -a option on CL !

Have thought to fill a page on some Debian wiki relating to the Muse
and the jackd problem? To simple steps as to magical -a option and the
ports change to timidity running make sense - for the happy jackd users
like me! :o)

How did You fight w/

ls -l /dev/rtc0

crw--- 1 root root 254, 0 Jan  7 19:12 /dev/rtc0

timer permissions?

For me at start time, Muse complains on low timer frequency of ALSA -
250 against its minimum of 500.

> So how are you going to listen to your midi files? What soundcard are
> you using and what midi equipment?

I run timidity.

My sound is old "[AMD] nee ATI SBx00 Azalia (Intel HDA)" built-in
controller on laptop.

That's it. In near future I plan to purchase a MIDI-keyboard for using
w/ the sequencers I will get habit w/ .

Again, big thanks for Your time for me, Dennis!


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Re: Running jackd.

2013-01-08 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day, Rob.

Thank You, Rob, for Your time and answer, again. You wrote:

> I understand that you're giving up for now.  If you decide to try
> again, you might want to try connecting to the jack server with
> mplayer like this:
> mplayer -ao jack somefile.flac

I have run q-ctl under another user (that never used jack, q-ctl -
before) first that would not start in messages window I see again:

ALSA: use 2 periods for playback
15:36:48.827 Could not connect to JACK server as client. - Overall
operation failed. - Server communication error. Please check the messages 
window for more info.
JackPosixProcessSync::LockedTimedWait error usec = 500 err =
Connection timed out
Driver is not running
Cannot read socket fd = 14 err = Success
Cannot create new client
CheckRes error
JackSocketClientChannel read fail
Cannot open qjackctl client
CheckSize error size = -1 Size() = 4
CheckRead error
CheckSize error size = 0 Size() = 12
CheckRead error
15:36:50.677 JACK is stopping...
Jack main caught signal 15

In the LED-like screen of qjackctl is hangin message Stopping

When I ran mpalyer - it also hangs - does not play (no time going, nor
sound heard).

So, not an easy task for me to run.

Rob, do think I should report a bug against jackd? Or in view of wheezy
freeze nobody will pay attention to it (as it is not a RC bug)?

> If you're using qjackctl, you should be able to see new connections
> made from the mplayer application to the jack server -- if it's
> working correctly, that is.  

I have seen ones those - but was not long before that my OS frozen. It
was when I started jackd anew - having removed the config. files.
> Good luck with LMMS.

Thank You! :o)

And thank You for Your great wiliness to help!


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Re: Running jackd.

2013-01-07 Thread Sthu Deus
You wrote:

> I thought it was particularly interesting that an HDMI-capable video
> card could be detected as an audio device and possibly "intercept"
> your jackd command.

I have no such a card! :o) So, not my case.

Thanks again!!


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Re: Running jackd.

2013-01-07 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day, Rob.

Thank You, Rob, for Your time and answer. You wrote:

> You may also want to start qjackctl with its default settings and see
> how that goes.  Delete QjackCtl.conf and .jackdrc

It works some how - but weird. - In messages window it says that the
jack server got signal 15 and stops. Yet it hangs in ps command. Also,
I see then connection or whatever it is called in qjackctl.

When I happily run RoseGarden - it hangs even so well that halts whole
my system - nothing except reset helps. I suspect RT is on arena and
some software conflict so mighty that can halt whole OS.

Honestly, I fear to try. :o) Actually I did not thinks it will be that
hard - to run jackd! :o)

I probably will forbear here, and wait for year or so - may situation
will change w/ jackd - You know it is as w/ PA - terrible, but things
slowly change and something else will come instead. I do not believe
that the jackd similar software should be that hard to use.
> > $ /usr/bin/jackd -dalsa -dhw:0 -r44100 -p512 -n2
> Is this a USB sound device by any chance?  If so, you should use -n3
> (according to the man page).  Is it the only sound card in the
> computer, or are there multiples?  What soundcard do you have (lspci
> can tell you, if it's not a USB device).

No, It is old laptop built-in sound card based on Azalia something.
> -p512 is fairly small, although it works for my M-Audio Delta 1010LT.
> Try -p1024 or -p2048.  I don't think that's the cause of your problem,
> but it's easy to try.

I so tried before - no luck.
> > jackdmp 1.9.9
> > JACK server starting in realtime mode with priority 10
> > control device hw:0
> > control device hw:0
> > audio_reservation_init
> > Acquire audio card Audio0
> > creating alsa driver ...
> > hw:0|hw:0|512|2|44100|0|0|nomon|swmeter|-|32bit control device hw:0
> > configuring for 44100Hz, period = 512 frames (11.6 ms), buffer = 2
> > periods ALSA: final selected sample format for capture: 32bit
> > integer little-endian ALSA: use 2 periods for capture
> > ALSA: final selected sample format for playback: 32bit integer
> > little-endian ALSA: use 2 periods for playback
> These next two lines are what I'd try searching for on the internet:
> > JackPosixProcessSync::LockedTimedWait error usec = 500 err =
> > Connection timed out Driver is not running

Hmm. Getting our thread. :o)

And few others. - All play w/ parameters on hardware basis. OK. I will
quit here. Pardon me, please. I will stay w/ LMMS for now (year or
more). Will see how things go.

> Is pulseaudio running?  I've seen that give problems to some people,
> although it didn't affect my usage.  I can use jackd with or without
> pulseaudio.

No I have only


installed - could not get rid of it at the PA removal time.

> I guess that makes sense.  Even if there is a jackd process, it
> apparently isn't running properly.

For sure.

Thank You, Rob, for Your time and effort!

Please excuse me for quick giving up - I did not meant to give the
problem so much time / effort (reboot each time I try).


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Re: ISO downloads are corrupted

2013-01-06 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day, Markos.

You wrote:

> I made several attempts to download the CD1 and CD2
> debian-6.0.6-i386-CD-1.iso and debian-6.0.6-i386-CD-2.iso but in all 4
> attempts the file presented problems in md5sum check.
> I used Ex: 
> wget -nc
> Is there any other alternative to download these images with lower
> risk of corrupting the file during download?
I can suggest only to recheck everything, then try another mirror.

Check sums should correspond.

Personally, I never had any problem (for years). Otherwise You never can be 
sure what You install.


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Re: Running jackd.

2013-01-06 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day, Rob.

Thank You, Rob, very much for Your time and answer! You wrote:

> > I'm trying diver sound editors, preferably the ones that work w/
> > MIDI files. I hove now hardware sequencer so I use a software one -
> > timidity.
> > 
> > Many editors including Ardour2, Muse, Rosegarden report that have no
> > jack server running OR it is running under another user. But both
> > suggestions are wrong:
> > 
> > $ /bin/ps -AHf |/bin/grep mususer
> > 
> > mususer   3414 1  0 19:32 ?
> > 00:00:00   /usr/lib/gvfs/gvfs-gdu-volume-monitor
> > 
> > mususer3419 1
> > 0 19:32 ?
> > 00:00:00   /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libmenu-cache1/libexec/menu-cached
> > 
> > mususer   4332 1  1 19:49 ?
> > 00:00:04   /usr/bin/jackd -T -ndefault -p 128 -R -P 60 -T -d alsa
> > -n 2 -r 48000 -p 1024 -d hw:0,0
> > 
> > So, how do I make those editors go? OR how do I run jackd? I have
> > search the web but did not find answer for my question. There are a
> > lot of such errors, most related to RT priority. But I think it is
> > not my case - for when I run jackd w/o RT:
> > 
> > /usr/bin/jackd -T -ndefault -p 128 -T -d alsa -n 2 -r 48000 -p 1024
> > -d hw:0,0
> > 
> > Symptoms of the editors are the same.
> > 
> I use ardour and jack on Squeeze.  I start jack from qjackctl.
> /usr/bin/jackd -dalsa -dhw:0 -r44100 -p512 -n2 -H
> (Note that the '-H' requires a certain type of sound card).
> I've attached my .ardour2/ardour.rc
> and .config/ files.

I have put Your config. files as You described.

Did modify QjackCtl.conf removing line w/



So  I started jackd manually:

$ /usr/bin/jackd -dalsa -dhw:0 -r44100 -p512 -n2
jackdmp 1.9.9
JACK server starting in realtime mode with priority 10
control device hw:0
control device hw:0
Acquire audio card Audio0
creating alsa driver ... hw:0|hw:0|512|2|44100|0|0|nomon|swmeter|-|32bit
control device hw:0
configuring for 44100Hz, period = 512 frames (11.6 ms), buffer = 2
periods ALSA: final selected sample format for capture: 32bit integer
little-endian ALSA: use 2 periods for capture
ALSA: final selected sample format for playback: 32bit integer
little-endian ALSA: use 2 periods for playback
JackPosixProcessSync::LockedTimedWait error usec = 500 err =
Connection timed out Driver is not running
Cannot create new client
CheckSize error size = -1 Size() = 4
CheckRead error
CheckSize error size = 0 Size() = 12
CheckRead error
JackPosixProcessSync::LockedTimedWait error usec = 500 err =
Connection timed out Driver is not running
Cannot create new client
CheckSize error size = -1 Size() = 4
CheckRead error
CheckSize error size = 0 Size() = 12
CheckRead error

So, no luck for me. Ardour2 keeps saying of no jackd too:

$ ardour2
Ardour 2.8.14
   (built using 13065 and GCC version 4.7.2)
Copyright (C) 1999-2008 Paul Davis
Some portions Copyright (C) Steve Harris, Ari Johnson, Brett Viren,
Joel Baker

loading default ui configuration
file /etc/ardour2/ardour2_ui_default.conf loading user ui configuration
file /home/mususer/.ardour2/ardour2_ui.conf Loading ui configuration
file /etc/ardour2/ardour2_ui_dark.rc ardour: [INFO]: Ardour will be
limited to 4096 open files loading system configuration
file /etc/ardour2/ardour_system.rc loading user configuration
file /home/mususer/.ardour2/ardour.rc ardour: [INFO]: Using SSE
optimized routines ardour: [INFO]: looking for control protocols
in /home/mususer/.ardour2/surfaces/:/usr/lib/ardour2/surfaces/ ardour:
[INFO]: Control surface protocol discovered: "Mackie" ardour: [INFO]:
Control surface protocol discovered: "Generic MIDI" ardour: [INFO]:
Control protocol Tranzport not usable powermate: Opening of powermate
failed - No such file or directory ardour: [INFO]: Control protocol
powermate not usable Cannot read socket fd = 14 err = Success
CheckRes error
JackSocketClientChannel read fail
Cannot open ardourprobe client
NSD response -5 folder = 
JACK COMMAND: /usr/bin/jackd -p 128 -R -P 60 -T -d alsa -n 2 -r 48000
-p 1024 -d hw:0,0 Cannot read socket fd = 14 err = Success
CheckRes error
JackSocketClientChannel read fail
Cannot open ardour client
NSD response -6 folder = 

From this output I see that Ardour2 does not recognizes my already
running jackd, so it starts its own w/o success.

I can use LMMS - it works even w/o jackd, but I want to setup things as
others (lucky people) do, and LMMS seems to me can not save .mid files.


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Re: Running jackd.

2013-01-05 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day, Joel.

Thank You, Joel, for Your time and answer. You wrote:

> For technical audio questions, you may like to use
> the Linux Audio Users mailing list.

Oh, great idea! Thank You, again. So I will do.


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Re: Running jackd.

2013-01-05 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day, Dennis.

Thank You, Dennis, for Your time and answer. You wrote:

> So you have two options: Either installing jackd and qjackcntrl as a
> gui frontend. Or disabling audio support in your sequencers. Many
> sequencers like rosegarden or muse can use alsa midi if audio isn't
> needed. However this might change anytime in the future as jack can
> also handle midi connections.

I have both installed. Do You know what problem yet can be? I want to
hear sound from MIDI files from rosegarden or muse. For now only LMMS
can play it, though keeps the same saying, Jack server is not running
or run under another user.
> > I'm trying diver sound editors, preferably the ones that work w/
> > MIDI files. I hove now hardware sequencer so I use a software one -
> > timidity.
> > 
> > Many editors including Ardour2, Muse, Rosegarden report that have no
> > jack server running OR it is running under another user. But both
> > suggestions are wrong:
> > 
> > $ /bin/ps -AHf |/bin/grep mususer
> > 
> > mususer   3414 1  0 19:32 ?
> > 00:00:00   /usr/lib/gvfs/gvfs-gdu-volume-monitor
> > 
> > mususer3419 1
> > 0 19:32 ?
> > 00:00:00   /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libmenu-cache1/libexec/menu-cached
> > 
> > mususer   4332 1  1 19:49 ?
> > 00:00:04   /usr/bin/jackd -T -ndefault -p 128 -R -P 60 -T -d alsa
> > -n 2 -r 48000 -p 1024 -d hw:0,0
> > 
> > So, how do I make those editors go? OR how do I run jackd? I have
> > search the web but did not find answer for my question. There are a
> > lot of such errors, most related to RT priority. But I think it is
> > not my case - for when I run jackd w/o RT:
> > 
> > /usr/bin/jackd -T -ndefault -p 128 -T -d alsa -n 2 -r 48000 -p 1024
> > -d hw:0,0
> > 
> > Symptoms of the editors are the same.


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Running jackd.

2013-01-05 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day.

I'm trying diver sound editors, preferably the ones that work w/ MIDI
files. I hove now hardware sequencer so I use a software one -

Many editors including Ardour2, Muse, Rosegarden report that have no
jack server running OR it is running under another user. But both
suggestions are wrong:

$ /bin/ps -AHf |/bin/grep mususer

mususer   3414 1  0 19:32 ?
00:00:00   /usr/lib/gvfs/gvfs-gdu-volume-monitor

mususer3419 1
0 19:32 ?
00:00:00   /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libmenu-cache1/libexec/menu-cached

mususer   4332 1  1 19:49 ?00:00:04   /usr/bin/jackd -T
-ndefault -p 128 -R -P 60 -T -d alsa -n 2 -r 48000 -p 1024 -d hw:0,0

So, how do I make those editors go? OR how do I run jackd? I have
search the web but did not find answer for my question. There are a lot
of such errors, most related to RT priority. But I think it is
not my case - for when I run jackd w/o RT:

/usr/bin/jackd -T -ndefault -p 128 -T -d alsa -n 2 -r 48000 -p 1024 -d

Symptoms of the editors are the same.

Thanks for Your time.


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Re: Sharing sound between users on wheezy - Your recommendation.

2013-01-05 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day, Andrei.

Thank You for Your time and answer. You wrote:

> > What do You recommend for wheezy multi user system for single sound
> > card share: PA, Dmix, another?
> In my experience dmix works fine in most cases, but you don't provide 
> enough information to make a recommendation.

Thanks, again.

> If all you're looking for is a way for multiple users to control the 
> same playlist you should look at mpd.

No. What I want is sharing hardware - the sound card among several
users - i.e. I have several users logged in on a host. some of them use
the card - some play music, or keep it paused currently while another
tries to work w/ MIDI editor - like RoseGarden or LMMS.

Currently I do not use sharing of sound card that results in lockups -
app.s either waiting for hardware to be released or hang up my whole
system - I tried to run ardour2 while mplayer2 was playing a FLAC. -
Had to reset whole OS.


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Sharing sound between users on wheezy - Your recommendation.

2013-01-05 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day.

What do You recommend for wheezy multi user system for single sound
card share: PA, Dmix, another?

Thanks for Your time.


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Re: mplayer2 does not play MIDI files.

2013-01-04 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day, Rob.

Big thanks for Your time and answer! You wrote:

> You can use timidity for midi files.  I wrote this a while back to
> convert a bunch of midi files to ogg.  Beware -- it deletes the midi
> files after conversion.
> #!/bin/bash
> for file in *.mid; do
> WAVFILE=$(basename $file mid)wav
> OGGFILE=$(basename $file mid)ogg
> timidity $file -Ow -o $WAVFILE && rm $file
> ffmpeg -i $WAVFILE -acodec vorbis $OGGFILE && rm $WAVFILE
> done
> I'm sure there are better ways of doing it.  Also, note that it uses
> ffmpeg.  That has been replaced in Debian with something else.
> ffmpeg is still available in the 3rd-party deb-multimedia repo, but I
> think you might as well use oggenc instead of ffmpeg anyway.

No problem, I will solve that convertion myself. I thought I could play
MIDI w/ mplayer2 - I did install/remove a lot of software - thinking it
will help me w/ some sound fonts, etc. I too use timidity for playing


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mplayer2 does not play MIDI files.

2013-01-04 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day.

$ mplayer 1.mid
MPlayer2 UNKNOWN (C) 2000-2012 MPlayer Team
mplayer: could not connect to socket
mplayer: No such file or directory
Failed to open LIRC support. You will not be able to use your remote

Playing 1.mid.
Failed to recognize file format.

Exiting... (End of file)

How do I fix it on Wheezy?!

Thanks for Your time.


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Re: [OT] I wish to have a mentor

2013-01-03 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day, lina, again.

You wrote:

> Indeed, golden time ...

You do agree w/ You! :o)
> BTW, your message is encouraging.

> Last night since I posted I couldn't help following up.
> Hours later I started to realize something, not some epiphany, but
> something like I should take more initiative in doing it even many
> times it's used to be the detour that I pick.
> Frankly speaking, I feel annoyed about myself among abundant road
> information still hard to pick the right way.

I have noticed the very same thing - when I did search for the info I
desired. - I wanted to package a sound software that I use, that is in
DMO but not in Debian. So I sought for info on how to package at the
first - the thing I never did, and I thought I had to join to
multimedia team in order that my packages might be uploaded and
therefore used by others.

By the way of my searching I have found that there is no single
documents that helps me w/ packaging, at least I have found 2
eventually - one speaking about packaging, another - about the way how
the software is inserted into Debian project - i.e. git.

Also, I have found that I have no need to become a member of a team -
there are sponsors/mentors - still mix up these terms - that can upload
those packages for me.

In short, let not this poorly organized documentation - for a new
maintainer - will not discourage You. It is possible that the things
will not go w/ the speed You desired them, yet it is possible and worth
of doing. Also things can be hard at the first, then it will be much
easier as You/me get habit w/ them. Finally, we can organize the
documentation for future "maintainer generations" - once we have doen
our own home work.

Have a good time!


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Re: [OT] I wish to have a mentor

2013-01-02 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day, lina.

Thank You for Your desire to help! You wrote:

> I wish to have a mentor.
> Know something basic about perl, python, bash and C.
> wish to learn more.
> Every time go through the wnpp-alert, don't know which one to pick and
> just put them aside.
> really wish to be involved in some projects, I have some considerable
> free time.
> Thanks ahead for suggestions,

I'm also hew to this yet have found some info. because also want to
make mine contribution in some near future.

There is plenty of info. I have found about the item - how Debian is
organized, what the rules of colloborative work, how to package
software, etc. You can start from here:

Good luck! :o)


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Re: not a valid LUKS device

2012-12-15 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day, J.

You wrote:

> I want to luks encrypt and new external usb based hard-disk.
> So I tried with the command, and it failed with the error as
> following.
> cryptsetup -y --cipher aes-xts-plain --key-size 512
> luksFormat /dev/sdc
> This will overwrite data on /dev/sdc irrevocably.
> Are you sure? (Type uppercase yes): YES
> Enter LUKS passphrase: 
> Verify passphrase: 
> Device /dev/sdc is not a valid LUKS device.
> Error re-reading LUKS header after update on device /dev/sdc
> Any clue ? this is a completely new disk. I have also tried to create
> partition /dev/sdc1 and executed the command on /dev/sdc1 . same
> error !!!

I have no answer on Your question, but unless You find a solution to
Your problem I think You can try w/

cryptsetup luksFormat /dev/sdc1



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Re: Login music in console

2012-10-30 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day, Andrei.

You wrote:

> That's not very difficult to script, one just needs to parse the
> output of 'amixer [sget ]'.

OR Use another player - w/ volume setting preconfigured | set on
command line that invokes the player. As example, mplayer* can be.


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Re: rtorrent on low_disk_space.

2012-10-07 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day, Artifex.

Thank You for Your time and answer.
You wrote:


I saw that! - Do not know why did not use it - probably because at that
point I did not think to write to, but was looking for solution, then
latter when was looking for the list - did not find the list! :o)

> Thanks. Which version are you using? I am using latest git revision on
> FreeBSD and only selected files use disk space others are zero in
> length. I wrote a little script which links rtorrent and libtorrent
> statically and makes easy to use side-by-side with stable version.

I'm using 0.9.2 on wheezy.

> Now I do not understand your logic. Do you want to download bigger
> torrent than your free space? How? You need as much space as your

No. I want to feel the space already reserved for torrents. And make so
that the space check will not prevent it.

> torrent because torrent needs your downloaded chunks. Or just select
> files which you want to download and that occupies (nearly) as much
> space as your selection.

Wow! I did not know that I can choose files to download within single
torrent! Thank You for the tip!


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Re: Screen Aspect Ratio

2012-10-07 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day, Stephen.

You wrote:

> I think that I have located the problem.  The monitor resolution is
> set at 1280x1024 by Debian.  Also there are only four solutions
> listed in System Settings/Size and Orientation.
> I have an OpenSUSE 12.2 installatopn on another hadr drive in the
> systen and it's resolution is 1680x1050 with eleven additional
> different resolutions.

If You want to play w/ resolutions, then try 

xrandr --output VGA-0 --mode 1680x1050

Here You can change VGA w/ LVDS - if it be a laptop.

or using xorg.conf (first generate one for Your system, then adjust
line Modes in something similar):

Section "Screen"
Identifier "Screen0"
Device "Card0"
SubSection "Display"
Depth 24
Modes "1680x1050"


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Re: rtorrent on low_disk_space.

2012-10-07 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day, Chris.

Thank You for Your time and answer.
You wrote:

> Is the line the same? Did you restart rtorrent?

Yes. Of course restarted!

> Version difference. (Although I doubt that is the issue.)
> tal% rtorrent -h
> Rakshasa's BitTorrent client version 0.9.2.

Same here. :o)


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Re: rtorrent on low_disk_space.

2012-10-05 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day, Chris.

Thank You for Your time and answer.
You wrote:

> > > I have:
> > > schedule = low_diskspace,5,60,close_low_diskspace=10M
> > 
> > Does it work for You - meaning if You have 11 MB free space - does
> > it down load still?

> I was tight on space at one stage, and the default was no good for me,
> so I added that to my .rtorrent file which solved it.

Oh, great! I wonder why it does not work for me now...
> > > Examples on google.
> > 
> > Which examples?!
> You need to sharpen your search skills, or do you want me to spend my
> time hunting them out? Hint: I found the above line by searching
> google.
So I did too, but what it profits me in case it does not work?! And
more positive search result. Of course I do not wait that You will
search for me, but to share Your experience You easily could if You
would - IMO.


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Re: rtorrent on low_disk_space.

2012-10-05 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day, Artifex.

Thank You for Your time and answer.
You wrote:

> I think you need registration there.

I can not find the list! May, You know one?

> > I have really low space but:
> >
> > 1. rtorrent prelocates torrents - therefore, torrents can be and
> > really are downloaded except this check that fight w/ in vain.

Here "except this check that fight w/" should be read as "except this
check that *I* fight w/" - missed "I".

> What prelocate means? Preallocate disk space for torrent content?

rtorrent takes disk space before it actually fills it w/ torrent data.
I.e. torrent can be downloaded just 1% while on the disk it is located
for whole 100%. - So, though there is little free space remain, yet the
torrent can be successfully downloaded/uploaded already - but the
amazing (uncontrollable for me) check, prevents that to happen.

> > 3. I would like to manage it, nevertheless, for example, to put
> > limit to 100 MB instead.
> Just change 500M to 100M. Or 1M if you like. But recommended not to
> set it too low because rtorrent checks with a specified interval and
> if your system fills your disk faster than free space within the
> interval your disk becomes full earlier than next check.

Yes, that I know, thank You. But the problem is that it does not work!
- Setting to any lower that 500 MB profits me nothing: it still regards
  500 MB limit (default one?) - so, it seems to me either it is a bug
  or rtorrent just ignores this my setting, though it gives me no
  error, and the other options that are in the same config. file are
  read and are in use as I may see.

So, question for now: can You test it? - Setting the above option to
something less than 500 MB and to use torrent w/ a partition (You may
make one w/ tmpfs, say 300-400 MB, just for the test) that has less than
that free space?

Thank You for Your desire to help!


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Re: rtorrent on low_disk_space.

2012-10-05 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day, Chris.

Thank You for Your time and answer.
You wrote:

> I have:
> schedule = low_diskspace,5,60,close_low_diskspace=10M

Does it work for You - meaning if You have 11 MB free space - does it
down load still?

> Examples on google.

Which examples?!


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Re: rtorrent on low_disk_space.

2012-10-05 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day, Artifex.

Thank You for Your time and answer.
You wrote:

> Better to ask similar question on rtorrent list I think. How much free

OK. I will try unless registration is needed. Otherwise we will wait,
may somebody knows the trick.

> space do you have when rtorrent stops? I have this line in my
> configuration:

> schedule = low_diskspace,5,60,close_low_diskspace=500M
> and working as intended. I do not see any M at the end of your line.
> Might that a problem.

I have really low space but:

1. rtorrent prelocates torrents - therefore, torrents can be and really
are downloaded except this check that fight w/ in vain.

2. So it checks for me too as for You - 500 MB limit, from my
experience, i.e. if I have that amount of free space I can continue
downloading - 499 - no.

3. I would like to manage it, nevertheless, for example, to put limit
to 100 MB instead.


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Compiling handbrake.

2012-10-04 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day.

I'm trying to compile handbrake from source, and make process stops w/ error: possibly undefined macro: AC_DISABLE_SHARED
  If this token and others are legitimate, please use
m4_pattern_allow. See the Autoconf documentation. error: possibly undefined macro: AC_LIBTOOL_WIN32_DLL error: possibly undefined macro: AC_PROG_LIBTOOL
autoreconf: /usr/bin/autoconf failed with exit status: 1
make: *** [contrib/a52dec/.stamp.configure] Error 1

So, I go to


and run


that returns me no error.

Then I go back to


and run


again, but I get that same error. Do I run aclocal in wrong dir.? Or
what's the problem?

Thanks for Your time.


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Re: internet speed

2012-10-04 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day, lina.

You wrote:

> I did nothing.
> I use the resolvconf
> /etc# ls -lrt resolv.conf
> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 31 Jul  2 15:55 resolv.conf ->
> /etc/resolvconf/run/resolv.conf
> # more network/interfaces
> # This file describes the network interfaces available on your system
> # and how to activate them. For more information, see interfaces(5).
> # The loopback network interface
> auto lo
> iface lo inet loopback
> iface eth0 inet dhcp
> dns-nameservers x.x.x.7 x.x.x.225
> dns-search

Oh, it is DHCP - then it depends on it - in which case to change IP.
And we do not know how it configured. But as long as You will have that
good IP - not depended on ports, etc - You will have better connection.

Sorry, can not help more.


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To lock session on wake up.

2012-10-04 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day.

How do I configure x/non-x sessions to be locked up on wake up?

I use KDM and LXDE on wheezy.

Thanks for Your time.


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rtorrent on low_disk_space.

2012-10-04 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day.

I can not configure rtorrent to close on low disk space - it just
closes on start after several seconds. In 


I have:

schedule = watch_low_diskspace,300,1200,close_low_diskspace=1

That is it should start after 300 seconds, then check every 1200
seconds - regarding just 1 MB.

How do I do this?! - startpage did not answer me. :o)

Thanks for Your time.


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Re: can multiarch break my system?

2012-10-04 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day, lee.

You wrote:

> Wine?  I tried that a few years ago and it couldn't even run notepad
> though they're always claiming it can run almost everything.

I recommend You to try again. :o)


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Re: Preventing "Insufficient system storage" problem forpostfix.

2012-10-04 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day, lee.

Thank You for Your time and answer.
You wrote:

> > I'm trying to save postfix from "disk full" problem by moving:
> Isn't there an option in the configuration that makes postfix check
> the available disk space?  Exim has it.

Yes it does, thank You!

Just for a history or others' wisdom: there isa  message limit size
that should be set to free_space/1.5 as maximum size and the service
being restarted.


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Re: Screen Aspect Ratio

2012-10-04 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day, Stephen.

You wrote:

> As a result of my stupidity in attempting to modify the screen
> drivers I have managed to change my display into something really
> ugly.
> The aspect ratio is off and the number of available fonts is really 
> limited. (I also have OpenSUSE 12.2 on another HD and the screen is 
> normal, leading me to conclude that the problem lies in Debian)
> I have switched to Debian and am wondering what display utilities are 
> available?  Google hasn't been on any help

If You did some config. modifications by a normal user, then You can
simply move all the user's home dir. content to another place and then

If did that under root user, then You have to reconfigure those
services, for example by simple removal of the config.s to safe place
and restart the service, OR using debian package reconfigurator, or
download from Internet its options OR reinstall the package having
purged it previously.


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Re: internet speed

2012-10-03 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day, lina.

Thank You for Your time and answer.
You wrote:

> I changed to another cable from another port,
> old IP:
> new one:
> The new one works magic,
> old one sometimes works, sometimes not. especially when I was back
> coming 1 or 2 hours absence.
> Now change the old cable (with different plugin port) back. the ip
> still keep the new one,

How do You get the address?


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Re: can multiarch break my system?

2012-10-02 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day, Gary.

You wrote:

> Anyway, the presence of 32 bit libraries for Wine doesn't seem to
> have a negative impact on my system. Do you have /lib32
> and/or /usr/lib32 currently on your system?

I have wine:i386 1.4.1 installed on 64-bit system and I have no lib32


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Preventing "Insufficient system storage" problem forpostfix.

2012-10-02 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day.

I'm trying to save postfix from "disk full" problem by moving:

1 /var/log

2 /var/lib/postfix

3 /var/spool/postfix

to a separate partition that has spare space. Leaving soft link for 2
and 3 in its place.

Yet it does not work "in a time of need" - I still get

452 4.3.1 Insufficient system storage

What do I miss here? - What more should be done?

Thanks for Your time.


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A DVDtoMKV package.

2012-09-26 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day.

I did not find a package in Debian official repo.s for compressing a DVD
to .mkv . Am I correct in supposing there is no such a tool?

For some time before I did use handbrake-gtk from DMO, but since
recently it ceased working - just keeps crashing and also I would
remove the repo - in favor of the official repo.s.

Thanks for Your time.


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Re: Decompressing .m4a .

2012-09-25 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day, Celejar.

Thank You for Your time and answer.
You wrote:

> As noted ad infinitum on this list, mixing and matching A/V stuff from
> the official repos and dmo can cause just these sorts of headaches.
> Are you doing that? Does playback work using official Debian packages?

You guessed right! :o)

Still I have to use it as there remain the packages missing in official
repo.s. :o|


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Re: Decompressing .m4a .

2012-09-25 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day, Rob.

Thank You for Your time and answer.
You wrote:

> It could be that the file is corrupted.  Or it could be some whacky
> new codec.  I don't think it's required, but just in case you might
> want to make sure w32codecs is installed.

No. In this case it was not the case.

I have solved my problem by simply reinstalling all double packages from
DMO - thus reverting to wheezy official packages. :o)


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Re: Apt-get autoremove question

2012-09-25 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day, Gábor.

You wrote:

> I run the autoremove and I reinstall packages which I need again so
> this question not question now.

Or You could simply mark them as being manually installed.


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Re: privoxy kinda slowish

2012-09-25 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day, Lou.

You wrote:

> If I run privoxy with filtering disabled in the webinterface it still 
> feels a lot slower compared to surfing without a proxy at all.
> Is this to be expected, and can speed improve with config adjustments?
> I just use the default actions on debian/squezze, and no tor.

Unless You use TOR, it should be any slower even if You use filters.


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Decompressing .m4a .

2012-09-25 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day.

I can not decompress .m4a files w/ mplayer2:

/usr/bin/mplayer2 -nolirc -vo null -vc dummy -cache 32768 -cache-min 99
-ao pcm:waveheader:file=./1.wav ./01\ Waiting.m4a

[mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2 @ 0xab6f00]max_analyze_duration

Cannot find codec matching selected -vo and video format 0x47504A4D.

ad_ffmpeg: initial decode failed

Audio decoder init failed for codecs.conf entry "ffalac".

ad_ffmpeg: initial decode failed

Audio decoder init failed for codecs.conf entry "lavc".

Cannot find codec for audio format 0x63616C61.

It is on wheezy packaged from deb-multimedia.

If You have any ideas on how I can solve the problem, please reply.

Thanks for Your time.


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Re: e2fsck errror: Error reading block (Attempt to read block from filesystem resulted in short read)

2012-09-05 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day, Kamaraju.

You wrote:

> Yes, there are I/O errors in syslog such as
> Aug 30 08:27:20 kusumanchi kernel: [118453.218041] Buffer I/O error
> on device sdb7, logical block 5384272
> Aug 30 08:27:20 kusumanchi kernel: [118453.219839] Buffer I/O error
> on device sdb7, logical block 5384273
> Aug 30 08:27:20 kusumanchi kernel: [118453.221584] Buffer I/O error
> on device sdb7, logical block 5384274
> Aug 30 08:27:20 kusumanchi kernel: [118453.223310] Buffer I/O error
> on device sdb7, logical block 5384275
> Aug 30 08:27:20 kusumanchi kernel: [118453.224973] Buffer I/O error
> on device sdb7, logical block 5384276
> Aug 30 08:27:20 kusumanchi kernel: [118453.226582] Buffer I/O error
> on device sdb7, logical block 5384277
> Aug 30 08:27:20 kusumanchi kernel: [118453.228158] Buffer I/O error
> on device sdb7, logical block 5384278
> Aug 30 08:27:20 kusumanchi kernel: [118453.229713] Buffer I/O error
> on device sdb7, logical block 5384279

It seems that the *ATA-USB controller just quitted from its work
- therefore it is not the HDD failure - simply reset the controller.


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Re: e2fsck errror: Error reading block (Attempt to read block from filesystem resulted in short read)

2012-09-05 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day, Jon.

Thank You for Your correction.
You wrote:

> > You have to understand: You have to connect it to the controller
> > directly OR You can not use what the SMART offers to You. That
> > simple.
> This is not actually true. Yes, the majority of USB hard drives do
> not support SMART, but some do. See
> ,
> which tells me that lucky me, my WD Elements Desktop 2TB is supported.

We will hope OP is lucky also.


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Re: e2fsck errror: Error reading block (Attempt to read block from filesystem resulted in short read)

2012-09-04 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day, Andrei.

You wrote:

> To quote an uncle of mine, one only needs a "persuader" (read:
> hammer) :D

You have very wise uncle! :o)


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Re: e2fsck errror: Error reading block (Attempt to read block from filesystem resulted in short read)

2012-09-04 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day, Kamaraju.

You wrote:

> May be I am missing something here. The USB hard drive I am talking
> is very similar to
> SuperSpeed-35192/dp/B004NIAG5E/ref=cm_cr_pr_product_top . The case
> can't be removed.

You have to understand: You have to connect it to the controller
directly OR You can not use what the SMART offers to You. That simple.

Personally, I do not believe that the HDD is not extractable -
speaking in general.


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Re: e2fsck errror: Error reading block (Attempt to read block from filesystem resulted in short read)

2012-08-30 Thread Sthu Deus
Kamaraju, You wrote:

> > You will not be able to do so until You connect Your drive to
> > computer directly - i.e. through PATA/SATA cable.
> > 
> This is an external USB hard drive. The only connection it has is
> USB. So, I guess in this case smartctl is not much useful.

And You can not disassemble it?


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Re: e2fsck errror: Error reading block (Attempt to read block from filesystem resulted in short read)

2012-08-30 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day, Kamaraju.

You wrote:

> $smartctl -a /dev/sdb
> smartctl 5.41 2011-06-09 r3365 [i686-linux-3.0.0-1-686-pae] (local
> build) Copyright (C) 2002-11 by Bruce Allen,
> /dev/sdb: Unknown USB bridge [0x059b:0x0571 (0x000)]
> Smartctl: please specify device type with the -d option.
> Use smartctl -h to get a usage summary
> What device type should I specify? This is what I get from dmesg when
> I connect the hard drive
> [123948.292055] usb 1-1: new high speed USB device number 11 using
> ehci_hcd [123948.425272] usb 1-1: New USB device found,
> idVendor=059b, idProduct=0571 [123948.425280] usb 1-1: New USB device
> strings: Mfr=10, Product=11, SerialNumber=3
> [123948.425287] usb 1-1: Product: Iomega HDD
> [123948.425292] usb 1-1: Manufacturer: Iomega
> [123948.425296] usb 1-1: SerialNumber: 50609854
> [123948.426280] scsi7 : usb-storage 1-1:1.0
> [123949.466729] scsi 7:0:0:0: Direct-Access ST950032
> 5AS PQ: 0 ANSI: 2 CCS
> [123949.493174] sd 7:0:0:0: [sdb] 976773168 512-byte logical blocks:
> (500 GB/465 GiB)
> [123949.493931] sd 7:0:0:0: [sdb] Write Protect is off
> [123949.493936] sd 7:0:0:0: [sdb] Mode Sense: 28 00 00 00
> [123949.494673] sd 7:0:0:0: [sdb] No Caching mode page present
> [123949.494679] sd 7:0:0:0: [sdb] Assuming drive cache: write through
> [123949.497805] sd 7:0:0:0: [sdb] No Caching mode page present
> [123949.497810] sd 7:0:0:0: [sdb] Assuming drive cache: write through
> [123949.733091]  sdb: sdb1 sdb2 sdb3 sdb4 < sdb5 sdb6 sdb7 sdb8 >
> [123949.736964] sd 7:0:0:0: [sdb] No Caching mode page present
> [123949.736969] sd 7:0:0:0: [sdb] Assuming drive cache: write through
> [123949.736973] sd 7:0:0:0: [sdb] Attached SCSI disk
> Also, sometimes when I try to mount the partition, I get
> $pmount /dev/sdb7
> [124321.902673] FAT-fs (sdb7): bogus number of reserved sectors
> [124321.918675] FAT-fs (sdb7): bogus number of reserved sectors
> I am sorry I am a bit naive when it comes to hard drive failures. Any
> help I can get is appreciated.
> thanks
> raju

You will not be able to do so until You connect Your drive to computer
directly - i.e. through PATA/SATA cable.


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Re: sux: "cannot open display: :0".

2012-08-29 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day, Camaleón.

Thank You for Your time and answer!
You wrote:

> I suggested because you seemed to have many X related packages
> udpated and it could be that Xorg needed to be power-cycled.

And that's why I did it. :o)

> > But I have already solved the problem for me - removing all seemed
> > Gconf-related config. garbage accumulated over time in the sux-ed
> > user home dir. - now it works w/o problem - as before - probably,
> > simply inconsistency w/ updated software config.s.
> Mmm... I tend to do an "apt-get -f install" (and also "purge") from
> time to time in my wheezy system and I remember Gconf was removed
> since time ago. Anyway, I can't see a direct relation between having
> the package installed (along with older configuration files) and the
> above errors :-?

And that I do also - I'm HDD space hungry always and also do not like
vain waste! 

> > But I wanted to help to hunt a possible bug here - therefore would
> > to make a report. But do not worry, if no idea which package.
> I can't really tell. If it really was due to old/residual
> configuration files is even harder to find the real culprit :-)
> In such cases, what it helps for debugging the problem is "sux -ing"
> to a different user and test from there to discard something in the
> home profile.

And that what gave the idea - that Gconf could be the problem - I
tried, occasionally to run an app. from another "clean" user.

When I first read Your "sux -ing" I understood it as

$ sux -ing


OK. Doesn't matter. Let's finish here. Thanks for Your help always OR
willingness to help!


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Re: sux: "cannot open display: :0".

2012-08-28 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day, Camaleón.

Thank You for Your time and answer, again.
You wrote:

> This can sound a bit odd but have you tried with a system restart?

It happened right after restart! :o)

But I have already solved the problem for me - removing all seemed
Gconf-related config. garbage accumulated over time in the sux-ed user
home dir. - now it works w/o problem - as before - probably, simply
inconsistency w/ updated software config.s.

But I wanted to help to hunt a possible bug here - therefore would to
make a report. But do not worry, if no idea which package.


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sux: "cannot open display: :0".

2012-08-28 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day.

On wheezy, after upgrade of:

kmod:amd64 8-2 -> 9-1
libgl1-mesa-dri:amd64 8.0.4-1 -> 8.0.4-2
libgl1-mesa-dri:i386 8.0.4-1 -> 8.0.4-2
libgl1-mesa-glx:amd64 8.0.4-1 -> 8.0.4-2
libgl1-mesa-glx:i386 8.0.4-1 -> 8.0.4-2
libglapi-mesa:amd64 8.0.4-1 -> 8.0.4-2
libglapi-mesa:i386 8.0.4-1 -> 8.0.4-2
libglu1-mesa:amd64 8.0.4-1 -> 8.0.4-2
libglu1-mesa:i386 8.0.4-1 -> 8.0.4-2
libkmod2:amd64 8-2 -> 9-1
libspectre1:amd64 0.2.6-2 -> 0.2.7-2
module-init-tools:amd64 8-2 -> 9-1

I can not run several X app.s from sux-ed user:

$ chromium
No protocol specified
(chromium:N): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: :0

$ liferea
(liferea:N): GConf-WARNING **: Client failed to connect to the D-BUS
daemon: /usr/bin/dbus-launch terminated abnormally with the following
error: No protocol specified Autolaunch error: X11 initialization
GConf Error: No D-BUS daemon running

I'm running LXDE for Your notice.

Against which package I should make bug report?

Thanks for Your time.


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Re: how to fix logical bad sectors

2012-08-27 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day, Muhammad.

You wrote:

> i am using RAID 1 on 2x500GB harddrives. and one of my drive shows
> Current_Pending_Sector 154. how can i fix that.

I also did not have such a problem. But I think, that You have not to
worry about this unless huge amount of sectors will become bad in short
period of time. - The HDD will relocate it itself, marking the primary
ones as bad and that's it.


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Re: pulseaudio configuration question

2012-08-26 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day, Jude.

> The Holy Father is neither jude 

Could You please stop This Name in vain?!


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Re: Mic. and softphones [was Voice redirection: from mic. to speakers on wheezy laptop].

2012-08-22 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day, Camaleón.

You wrote:

> > Then, Ekiga - diver versions + other versions of sound software?
> > Just ideas.
> Yes, it can be a mix of all them. 
> Whatever, I find it very close to a regression but of course to prove 
> that point I would have to do the same testing in the same machine :-)

That's what I was about to suggest.

> >> 3 on 3 fails. Wow. I love Linux >:-P
> > 
> > Yet I really love Linux! Just more work needed, more
> > packagers/testers. May, w/ a time I will maintain a package but not
> > for now. But I try to report bugs when notice, though it seems a
> > problem: where to send - often maintainers would not accept it
> > advicing me to talk to developers directly (in my opinion it should
> > not be - because sometimes registration is required for that - that
> > the maintainers for sure have whereas common users - don't). Report
> > just will be lost, and nobody will benefit from it. - It is the
> > rising power of free software, being put down for diver reasons -
> > like that simple denial.
> Reporting bugs is (more times than I like) discouraging but I find it
> a must to make things better, regardless the result of the report
> (fixed/ won't fix/closed/forwarded upstream...).

Right, also "people come, people go" and therefore we never know what
their reflection will be. So, it is worth to try.

> >> > And I saw no more soft phones in Debian from repo.s.
> >> 
> >> There are more (yate, twinkle) but sadly not available for
> >> wheezy :-(
> > 
> > Out of repos/debian security testing is an issue for me here. -
> > Unless I make a VM where I will use all such programs from diver
> > sources.
> That's being a bit paranoic but won't convince to do otherwise. 
> For instance, I do trust Mozilla, LibreOffice repositories (or even
> the kernel sources) as much as I trust Debian's. Of course, I would
> not install a single file in my main system coming from a unknown/
> unreferenced site that provides a ".deb" :-)

I'm really a bit (lot? :o) paranoid - but it comes from sad experience.
> >> > So far, ekiga is the best option for me, and I would say, most
> >> > comfortable its GUI comparing w/ the above.
> >> 
> >> Errr, yes. Although I find more confortable/easy to use the old
> >> interface.
> > 
> > I didn't see those. What do You miss in  new version?
> I miss the way the main window shows the elements, now it's
> confusing. I think I get less information than using the old Ekiga.

Yes, I got same feelings - though I'm new to it - because I think there
are not enough options to choose from or to configure, and it misses
log - to observe connections.

> Maybe is that I'm confusing the terms, let's see... Yes, I can have a 
> normal conversation within Ekiga (I hear the called person's voice
> and he can hear mine and also can take an "echo" test, sound is
> cranky and distorted but it works) what does not work is Ekiga or
> gnome-sound- recorder outputing my one voice from my system speakers
> while I speak.

OK, now it's clear. So echo service proves ability to be heard by
called person!

> In other words: I can't play karaoke but still can have a
> conversation using a softphone :-)

OK. I got it, thanks.


> >> > OK. Thank You. I just would not install software from non-debian
> >> > repo.s. In case I will move it to a VM, then I will try it,
> >> > though do not know when.
> >> 
> >> Fair, but the problem is that not all the packages are available
> >> for all of the flavours :-(
> > 
> > I know, that's why I'll keep fighting w/ Ekiga - as the best option
> > for Debian currently - the most developed out of Debian available.
> > Until new phones come into Debian. Or much time will pass and I
> > will maintain one in Debian.
> Yes, but when something fails is time to jump (or at least consider) 
> another options. Odd thing is that Ekiga (the upstream package) is at 
> 3.2.7, the same version it had Squeeze and Wheezy/Sid... there have
> been no updates for a couple of years? :-?

OK. Good advice. I will think what to do - probably, I will try the
ones You suggested in a VM - will see how well sound card will work

I think let's finish here - as we have considered all available
options, seems to me.

I thank You very much for You precious to me help!


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Re: Mic. and softphones [was Voice redirection: from mic. to speakers on wheezy laptop].

2012-08-21 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day, Camaleón.

Thank You for Your time and answer.
You wrote:

> > May other OS components cause this? Though I do not know what. :o)
> It could be but I can't guess what. 
> The kernel version? Sure, but sound is working fine from the command
> line utilities and also from another programs (e.g.,
> gnome-sound-recorder).
> The network card? My Lenny system uses a wired card while the netbook 
> uses a wireless adapter but I wouldn't give a penny for that argument.

Then, Ekiga - diver versions + other versions of sound software? Just

> 3 on 3 fails. Wow. I love Linux >:-P

Yet I really love Linux! Just more work needed, more packagers/testers.
May, w/ a time I will maintain a package but not for now. But I try to
report bugs when notice, though it seems a problem: where to send -
often maintainers would not accept it advicing me to talk to developers
directly (in my opinion it should not be - because sometimes
registration is required for that - that the maintainers for sure have
whereas common users - don't). Report just will be lost, and nobody
will benefit from it. - It is the rising power of free software, being
put down for diver reasons - like that simple denial.
> > And I saw no more soft phones in Debian from repo.s.
> There are more (yate, twinkle) but sadly not available for wheezy :-(

Out of repos/debian security testing is an issue for me here. - Unless
I make a VM where I will use all such programs from diver sources.

> > So far, ekiga is the best option for me, and I would say, most
> > comfortable its GUI comparing w/ the above.
> Errr, yes. Although I find more confortable/easy to use the old
> interface.

I didn't see those. What do You miss in  new version?

I think they have to have an option of logging network connection -
similar like email clients do.
> > But was is bad to me w/ ekiga is - its doc.s do not specify my
> > problem - as what is expected to not work and therefore a fix is
> > offered - works for me and therefore the fix works not for me -
> > though the problem is listed by those fix makers but diagnostic is
> > applicable for me and so their solution.
> > 
> > Thus, both modes - mono and stereo, 8/16 kHz work w/ my SB:
> > 
> > $ arecord -D plughw:0,0 -c 1 -r 16000 -f S16_LE - | aplay -D
> > plughw:0,0 -c 1 -r 16000 -f S16_LE -
> > 
> > BTW, as a workaround w/ latency for redirection of my voice (from
> > mic. to speakers) :o) Not what I wanted, but better than nothing.
> > 
> > But ekiga does not echos my voice though as I have mentioned in
> > other messages - mic. volume reflects my speech.
> I've never had Ekiga echoing my voice, that's for sure. And not just 
> Ekiga but any other capture audio application I can remember. I don't 
> think this is the default, though, so you will have to fight hard to
> get that working for you :-)

Do I recall right saying, You could speak w/ a softphone w/ a person -
but voice transmission was horrible? - Though echo service did not
return Your voice back? - In other words, echo service is not a prove
whither a particular softphone can be of use or not?

> >> > . Voice redirection from mic. to speakers (they have mentioned on
> >> > simplification of SB circuits - and I believe it is my case -
> >> > therefore another mic. type is needed - do not know when - if
> >> > ever - I obtain one);
> >> 
> >>
> >> 
> >> Google suggests using "jackd" to get this working (mic going
> >> through speakers) among other solutions but I don't know if it's
> >> worth the effort. In the end, what's your goal for having this?
> > 
> > Sometimes, for singing is good. :o)
> Ah, karaoke, yes X-)

YES! :o)

> > Thank You for link but sends me google start page.
> Uh? :-?
> Okay, I'll put the long URI (you will have to reconstruct it on your 
> side):
> (search keyword: mic out speakers linux)
>  complete=0&hl=en#hl=en&complete=0&site=webhp&source=hp&q=mic+out+speakers
> +linux&oq=mic+out+speakers
> +linux&gs_l=hp.3...2187.6675.0.6902.;..0.0...1c.d3pM2VuSJ1E&pbx=1&fp=1&biw=1280&bih=888&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&cad=b>

Oh, OK, thank You.

> >> I have in my radar "Jitsi" (, it was an
> >> application I've been following very close because I like the fact
> >> it's written in Java thus can be used also from a windows system,
> >> although still not tested :-P
> > 
> > OK. Thank You. I just would not install software from non-debian
> > repo.s. In case I will move it to a VM, then I will try it, though
> > do not know when.
> Fair, but the problem is that not all the packages are available for
> all of the flavours :-(

I know, that's why I'll keep fighting w/ Ekiga - as the best option for
Debian currently - the most developed out of Debian available. Until
new phones come into Debian. Or much time will pass and I will maintain
one in Debian.

> >> > I guess ekiga people should make a diagnostic to

Re: Mic. and softphones [was Voice redirection: from mic. to speakers on wheezy laptop].

2012-08-20 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day, Camaleón.

Thank You for Your time and answer.
You wrote:

> Tested. And not good news ;-(
> I managed to place a call with Ekiga with my usual SIP account and
> using the integrated mic/speakers from the netbook and it works...
> but sadly the overall sound was simply terrible, unusuable to keep a
> conversation.
> Thinking the problem could be the bad quality of the sound card, I 
> attached my usual Plantronics USB headset, which was detected by the 
> system without problems but still the call sound was very bad (very 
> cranky with a loud background sound).
> I'm starting to think the problem can be Ekiga itself, because using
> the same SIP account, with the same headset, going out from the same
> DSL router and calling the same phone number, in my Lenny system this
> setup works very well but in Wheezy is impossible to use.

May other OS components cause this? Though I do not know what. :o)
> In brief: consider testing a different SIP/VOIP program.

I have searched Debian on soft phones and found 

ihu (would call sip for me)

linphone - fails to run w/

ALSA lib conf.c:4687:(snd_config_expand) Unknown parameters 0
ALSA lib control.c:951:(snd_ctl_open_noupdate) Invalid CTL default:0


sflphone - calls but I do not here sound though all volumes on ALSA
mixer were high.

And I saw no more soft phones in Debian from repo.s.

So far, ekiga is the best option for me, and I would say, most
comfortable its GUI comparing w/ the above.

But was is bad to me w/ ekiga is - its doc.s do not specify my problem
- as what is expected to not work and therefore a fix is offered -
  works for me and therefore the fix works not for me - though the
  problem is listed by those fix makers but diagnostic is
  applicable for me and so their solution.

Thus, both modes - mono and stereo, 8/16 kHz work w/ my SB:

$ arecord -D plughw:0,0 -c 1 -r 16000 -f S16_LE - | aplay -D plughw:0,0
-c 1 -r 16000 -f S16_LE -

BTW, as a workaround w/ latency for redirection of my voice (from mic.
to speakers) :o) Not what I wanted, but better than nothing.

But ekiga does not echos my voice though as I have mentioned in other
messages - mic. volume reflects my speech.

> > . Voice redirection from mic. to speakers (they have mentioned on
> > simplification of SB circuits - and I believe it is my case -
> > therefore another mic. type is needed - do not know when - if ever
> > - I obtain one);
> Google suggests using "jackd" to get this working (mic going through 
> speakers) among other solutions but I don't know if it's worth the 
> effort. In the end, what's your goal for having this?

Sometimes, for singing is good. :o)

Thank You for link but sends me google start page.

> > . Can not here my voice back from ekiga test numbers nor from the
> > link above that You gave. - For both calls I can hear sound but it
> > seems they do not hear me - though mic. volume meter of ekiga -
> > changes as I speak, so mic. probably works but either it is not
> > send over network (I checked my firewall and did not see relevelent
> > droppings in my logs), or ekiga does not get mic. signal - but as
> > its meter reflects when I speak, then I suppose it is wrong
> > suggestion.
> It works on my side but as I already told you, is almost unusable. I 
> don't know if Ekiga is the one to blame here but trying with a
> different softphone won't neither hurt.
> I have in my radar "Jitsi" (, it was an
> application I've been following very close because I like the fact
> it's written in Java thus can be used also from a windows system,
> although still not tested :-P

OK. Thank You. I just would not install software from non-debian
repo.s. In case I will move it to a VM, then I will try it, though do
not know when.

> > I guess ekiga people should make a diagnostic tool - that audio/net
> > problems might be inspected more accurate.
> Sure. And what is worse, now there is no way to tell Ekiga what input/
> output hardware device to choose, it has to be done from the GNOME
> sound applet first :-/

That's what I think is bad in DEs: they develop their software only in
conjunction w/ whole DE instead of making working standing alone
functionality - like konsole or kate from KDE, ekiga, evince from
gnome, etc. Who prevents them from feeding command line parameters to
the GUI programs - at least?!

I will look for ekiga list - may they will shed some light on the problem.


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Re: Voice redirection: from mic. to speakers on wheezy laptop [was Mic. does not work...].

2012-08-17 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day, Camaleón.

Thank You, again, for Your time and answer!
You wrote:

> > Oh, what similarity! :o) Have You ever used Your mic. w/ Ekiga -like
> > software - i.e. can You use Your mic. for talking on Internet? -
> > Meaning this chipset hardware.
> Not from the netbook but from my desktop.
> I started to use Ekiga with a simple $2.00 microhone that I plugged
> to the mic input jack located in front of the case. So far so good,
> this worked fine. As time passed and I found VOIP to be working very
> good, I then "upgraded" (bought) a new device (and USB headset) that
> I simply plugged to one of the USB ports and provided a very high
> voice quality.

Wow! What a setup! I thought You use it w/ 2 jacks.
> Now, back to the netbook, let me try it.
> (configuring a sip account)
> Mmm, I must have some sort of network problem because:
> - Register is okay
> - Sound test from Ekiga is okay (ring, incoming calls...)
> - Placing a call fails ("host is not connected")
> I will have to debug this in deep -time permitting- and tell you the 
> results.


> >> > I try to use my mic. w/ Ekiga - tried to test it w/ its test
> >> > numbers
> >> > - one should echo my speech but I hear nothing - only robot's
> >> > voice. Though I see local volume meter changes as I speak - do
> >> > not know whither it comes to ekiga side...
> >> 
> >> Ekiga provides some tips for configuring the audio:
> >> 
> >>
> >>
> > 
> > I'm convinced - I need to take a couple of Your lessons on web
> > searching! :o)
> They're for free :-P

Wow! It is awesome!! :o) I really appreciate Your contribution You
make for Debian project in general, and me - in particular!
> > OK, in process.
> > 
> >> Anyway, I wouldn't test the mic using Ekiga. I say this because the
> >> voice quality can be severely affected not just by the
> >> application/sound configuration/mic but the SIP/VOIP number you're
> >> calling because not all ISTP provide low jitter and packet loss
> >> levels which are vital to obtain a crystal clear audio.
> > 
> > No, I'm not testing it. I just want to make it using for it now.
> Ah, good then :-)
> But as I told you, your sound/voice quality problem can have
> different sources. As you seem to be able to dial from Ekiga, you can
> try with these test numbers:
> I use (+44)148-360-4781, it's very good to test you mic/echo (menu
> "1") and your overall voip quality (menu "3" will give music on hold
> and careful because the two song samples they provide are very
> addictive :-P)

I have read a link from above, yet can not find solution for
my two, now, problems - according to the links it just should work -
because of the new versions of kernel and ALSA:

. Voice redirection from mic. to speakers (they have mentioned on
simplification of SB circuits - and I believe it is my case - therefore
another mic. type is needed - do not know when - if ever - I obtain

. Can not here my voice back from ekiga test numbers nor from the link
above that You gave. - For both calls I can hear sound but it seems
they do not hear me - though mic. volume meter of ekiga - changes as I
speak, so mic. probably works but either it is not send over network (I
checked my firewall and did not see relevelent droppings in my logs),
or ekiga does not get mic. signal - but as its meter reflects when I
speak, then I suppose it is wrong suggestion.

I guess ekiga people should make a diagnostic tool - that audio/net
problems might be inspected more accurate.


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Re: Voice redirection: from mic. to speakers on wheezy laptop [was Mic. does not work...].

2012-08-16 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day, Camaleón.

Thank You for Your time and answer.
You wrote:

> I have none set, I use the stock "alsa-base.conf" file with no added 
> tweaks but despite I can see several devices when I choose the Intel
> HDA card from alsamixer, I can't make the Mic to goes out from
> Speakers.

Oh, what similarity! :o) Have You ever used Your mic. w/ Ekiga -like
software - i.e. can You use Your mic. for talking on Internet? -
Meaning this chipset hardware.

> > I try to use my mic. w/ Ekiga - tried to test it w/ its test
> > numbers - one should echo my speech but I hear nothing - only
> > robot's voice. Though I see local volume meter changes as I speak -
> > do not know whither it comes to ekiga side...
> Ekiga provides some tips for configuring the audio:

I'm convinced - I need to take a couple of Your lessons on web
searching! :o)

OK, in process.

> Anyway, I wouldn't test the mic using Ekiga. I say this because the
> voice quality can be severely affected not just by the
> application/sound configuration/mic but the SIP/VOIP number you're
> calling because not all ISTP provide low jitter and packet loss
> levels which are vital to obtain a crystal clear audio.

No, I'm not testing it. I just want to make it using for it now.

OK. I have found that setting model to ref - adds more controls but it
does not add more functionality - so returned to defaults - i.e. no
manual specification of module to use.

> Also, note that for these kind of services (Internet calling) is
> better to use a well-engineered and quality headset/device (I'm very
> happy with my Plantronics ".Audio 626 DSP"). There's a highly
> noticeable difference :-)

Personally, I prefer acoustic sound.


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Re: Voice redirection: from mic. to speakers on wheezy laptop [was Mic. does not work...].

2012-08-15 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day, Camaleón.

Thank You for Your time and answer, again!
You wrote:

> Sure, it's far from an intuitive way for a user to guess how to
> toggle on/ off the selected input. Although "Help" (F1) can indeed
> "help" to find out ;-)

Yea. But for me to use help - I have to feel need of it - and I didn't
as I thought it is enough - to set high volume. F.e. Master has MM at
its bottom meaning that it is muted or not - why that did not put the
same at the capture control switch?! - So it might be evident even for
me :o) - that it has additional control besides volume.
> > OK, I've finished! :o)
> Good to know it is working now for you.

Thank You!
> > N, I have another problem - sound is recorded by ALSA recorder and
> > played by ALSA player. But, I can not hear my voice directly - that
> > is from mic. to speakers - only through recorded file. Do You have
> > any clue on this? What can be the problem?

N -> Now (typo).

> Mmm... no idea but Google seems to provide some hits (keyword: "mic 
> output speaker linux") but I can't find an easy way to get this from
> my netbook. I guess there should be an additional "output" control
> for the Mic and selecting this as the default "output" should create
> the loop but I can only see one general output listed in alsamixer.

> Wait... I just have discovered that by running alsamixer and
> selecting the real sound card (Intel HDA) instead PulseAudio (which
> is selected by default) now I have lots of controls available:
> Master, Headphone, Speaker, PCM, Front Mic, Mic, Beep, Capture,
> Digital and Internal Mic. How can that be? Is PA is monopolizing the
> audio I/O? I'm stumped :-?

I do not like PA. I have only one card (have wiped all I could that was once 
related to
PulseAudio) - and it is the Intel HDA.

Camaleón, what is the ALSA module line in the base file that loads Your
driver? - I'm going to try to add several additional switches - that
occasionally appeared during turning on the mic. :o)

I try to use my mic. w/ Ekiga - tried to test it w/ its test numbers -
one should echo my speech but I hear nothing - only robot's voice.
Though I see local volume meter changes as I speak - do not know
whither it comes to ekiga side...


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Re: Voice redirection: from mic. to speakers on wheezy laptop [was Mic. does not work...].

2012-08-15 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day, Eike.

Thank You for Your time and answer.
You wrote:

> > N, I have another problem - sound is recorded by ALSA recorder and
> > played by ALSA player. But, I can not hear my voice directly - that
> > is from mic. to speakers - only through recorded file. Do You have
> > any clue on this? What can be the problem?

> Is the microphone switched on in the playback controls [F3]? Is the
> volume set to a reasonable level?

On this screen I have only Master and PCM. So, No.

> Switching on or off with "." (period or fullstop)
> Mic can be off on playback but on on record to avoid feedback.

I got it. Just have no controls for mic. on playback screen. Does it
mean no luck for the system?

I will try to play w/ ALSA modules for my lap. - For then more controls
appeared. May, one of them was the mic. playback.

How strange is laptop's hardware!

> With [F4] you switch alsamixer to the capture controls. Capture
> should be correctly on Mic because you are able to record your voice..
> [F5] shows all controls
> [F1] help


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Re: Voice redirection: from mic. to speakers on wheezy laptop [was Mic. does not work...].

2012-08-14 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day, Camaleón.

Thank You for Your time and answer.
You wrote:

> > Simple mixer control 'Capture',0
> >   Capabilities: cvolume cswitch penum
> >   Capture channels: Front Left - Front Right Limits: Capture 0 - 15
> >   Front Left: Capture 15 [100%] [22.50dB] [off] Front Right:
> > Capture 15 [100%] [22.50dB] [off]
> > 
> > So. volume 100%, but both channels are off! May, You have an idea
> > how to turn it on?
> (...)
> I don't know how to engage your Capture ports *but* I can tell you
> how I can turn off mines on the fly: by opening the GNOME applet
> sound mixer and moving the "Microphone" slide to "Off" :-)
> So I guess that there has to be a tool to do this from command line.
> Let me do some search... got it:
> amixer set Capture cap → will toggle on Capture ports (L/R)
> amixer set Capture nocap → will toggle off Capture ports (L/R)

Oh! I have read the links You have provided me w/ and You will lough
probably - how simple the solution was! - The problem did lay in need
to press space on capture switch and that's it! - That turned the
above in question status "off" to "on". That simple! - For sure ALSA
developers did not go from the point of usability (i.e. volumes higher
than zero means on and vise versa) - Or at least they could inform user
that space key should be pressed in order the ALSA mixer will turn mic.

Wow! About 10 years I did not use that mic. - just for that wonderful
ALSA mixer feature! - You know it is not easy to guess - because of the
rumors of poorly supported hardware by linux OS - especially laptops! -
Sure, ALSA developers did add some oil to that fire.

OK, I've finished! :o)

N, I have another problem - sound is recorded by ALSA recorder and
played by ALSA player. But, I can not hear my voice directly - that is
from mic. to speakers - only through recorded file. Do You have any
clue on this? What can be the problem?

> >> options snd-hda-intel model=dell-m6-dmic
> > 
> > I did try so and rebooted. Result is no mic and some errors at boot
> > time
> > - but I have sound, still.
> > 
> > By the way, extra channels gone. - I tried then different
> > parameters for ALSA modules and restarted alsa-utils each time -
> > but it did not appear. So, I suppose at boot time something else
> > changes.
> Okay, then you can leave the alsa configuration file untouched as it
> was by default as this seems not to be the problem here.

Yes, that I did.

Camaleón, thank You very much for Your help - You can understand if
remind You about 10 years of not working mic.


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Re: Microphone does not work on wheezy laptop.

2012-08-13 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day, Camaleón.

Thank You for Your time and answer, again!
You wrote:


> > And w/ this I have problem. I use console only tool - therefore I
> > use ALSA mixer, and my mic refuses to work unless in it is the
> > built-in (ROM?) testing program. May it worked under windoze - but
> > I had never such a one on the lap.
> Mmm... is it possible that you can you load a LiveCD (choose whatever
> you prefer, it does not have to be Debian or Debian related) and
> check if the microphone is present there? I mean, that you can
> controll it from the sound applet.

OK. I will try and write back, latter.

> > Does Your mic. work?!
> Good question as I don't use it so much :-). Hold on, going to test
> it...
> Yes, it works. I have launched the gnome-sound-recorder application
> and from there I can only select one device ("master") from where to
> get the input. I start recording and after stopping and playing I can
> hear exactly the recorded sample.
> Let's see how it goes with the "arecord" utility. Hold on...
> Yup, it also works fine. 

Lucky person! :o)

> Hint: when you're in alsamixer, press F6 to be sure you are
> controlling the right card (Intel HDA) in the event there is more
> than one listed. Also, from here, press F4 to put at 100% the Capture
> swicth.

That I have done already...
> >> And now I realized I share the same chipset as yours and we also
> >> share the same kernel version, I can run more tests from my side.
> >> Run "dmesg | grep -i mic", I can see a line referencing the
> >> microphone device, check if you also have it.
> > 
> > Oh! Me too!
> > 
> (...)
> > [9.441402] input: HDA ATI SB Mic
> > as /devices/pci:00/:00:14.2/sound/card0/input13
> > [9.441589] input: HDA ATI SB Mic
> > as /devices/pci:00/:00:14.2/sound/card0/input14
> > [9.441751] input: HDA ATI SB Mic
> > as /devices/pci:00/:00:14.2/sound/card0/input15 
> (...)
> > So, how to use it ?!!! I got excited! :o)
> Three (3) inputs? I only get one. I wonder if the mess can be from
> here :-?

May UDEV works wrong? In ALSA mixer I have 3 mic.s: Line, Rear, Front -
switched every one - no sound in speakers.

> >> Okay, have you checked for the input (mic) volume levels? What kind
> >> sound controller are you using (gnome/kde volume applet...)? Also,
> >> test with the usual command line utility to test the mic:
> > 
> > Of course. I just checked now and to my amasement I saw additional
> > channels appeared. 
> Uh? Magic strikes back? :-)

I suppose it came because we changed model to ref, may. On changing
back - I will see if it is still there.
> > Simple mixer control 'IEC958',0
> >   Capabilities: pswitch pswitch-joined cswitch cswitch-joined penum
> >   Playback channels: Mono
> >   Capture channels: Mono
> >   Mono: Playback [on] Capture [off]
> Capture is "off".
> > Simple mixer control 'Capture',0
> >   Capabilities: cvolume cswitch penum
> >   Capture channels: Front Left - Front Right 
> >   Limits: Capture 0 - 15
> >   Front Left: Capture 15 [100%] [22.50dB] [off] 
> >   Front Right: Capture 15 [100%] [22.50dB] [off]
> Here there's a difference with mine: I have both (front left/right) 
> turned [on].

I think this is the reason. - I have turned all to maximum and unmutted
in ALSA mixer (capture screen), whereas amixer still shows.

Simple mixer control 'Capture',0
  Capabilities: cvolume cswitch penum
  Capture channels: Front Left - Front Right
  Limits: Capture 0 - 15
  Front Left: Capture 15 [100%] [22.50dB] [off]
  Front Right: Capture 15 [100%] [22.50dB] [off]

So. volume 100%, but both channels are off!
May, You have an idea how to turn it on?

> > Simple mixer control 'Digital',0
> >   Capabilities: cvolume penum
> >   Capture channels: Front Left - Front Right 
> >   Limits: Capture 0 - 120   
> >   Front Left: Capture 120 [100%] [30.00dB] 
> >   Front Right: Capture 120 [100%] [30.00dB]
> > Simple mixer control 'Input Source',0
> >   Capabilities: cenum
> >   Items: 'Front Mic' 'Rear Mic' 'Line'
> >   Item0: 'Rear Mic'
> > Simple mixer control 'Mux',0
> >   Capabilities: cvolume penum
> >   Capture channels: Front Left - Front Right 
> >   Limits: Capture 0 - 4   
> >   Front Left: Capture 4 [100%] [40.00dB] 
> >   Front Right: Capture 4 [100%] [40.00dB]
> For these ones there's no info about if they're on/off.

And I have no idea what it means. Just have turned on everything.
> > Yet, no sound from the mic.
> >  
> >> arecord -d 10 /tmp/mic.wav
> > 
> > This command hangs - I think it can not use/open mic. device if any.
> Mmm... that's curious. If the mic is not detected (not your case) or
> not enabled (this seems to be your problem) I would have expected an
> error from arecord but not to hang :-?
> While Googling around, I found this:
> You can try what it says, that is:
> ***
> Many Dell laptops need "-

Re: Microphone does not work on wheezy laptop.

2012-08-11 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day, Camaleón.

Thank You for Your time and answer.
You wrote:

> >> Then why the "head" command returned void? :-?
> > 
> > May this is the reason?
> What do you mean? :-?

That "the "head" command returned void" - therefore no microphone?


> > Actually, I never saw it. :o) - Only on desktops - w/o any problems.
> Shhh! Be quiet, your netbook can be listening and won't like seeing 
> you're in doubt about it :-)

No, it doesn't here - the mic. does not function! I can say
anything about for the present time. :o)

> >> Wait. I must have missed this line from your very first post, but
> >> this has to be your mic input (this is what I also get from my
> >> netbook and I can from the mixer applet the "mic" is there) :-?
> > 
> > Hmm. On desktops I see exactly word microphone or mic - do not
> > remember correctly. Then alsa mixer has appropriate handle w/ which
> > I can change its gain. - Here, on laptop, I miss all this.
> Yes, I also see a "Mic" device in desktops but not in my netbook (and
> you know what? My netbook also has a STAC92xx chipset, I didn't
> notice until now :-P). I mean, this can be normal and not an error
> per se. Of course, despite not being displayed, the microphone has to
> be visible/ controllable from the sound applet and has work :-)

And w/ this I have problem. I use console only tool - therefore I use
ALSA mixer, and my mic refuses to work unless in it is the built-in
(ROM?) testing program. May it worked under windoze - but I had never
such a one on the lap.

Does Your mic. work?!

> And now I realized I share the same chipset as yours and we also
> share the same kernel version, I can run more tests from my side. Run
> "dmesg | grep -i mic", I can see a line referencing the microphone
> device, check if you also have it.

Oh! Me too!

[8.544369] [drm] Loading R300 Microcode
[9.441402] input: HDA ATI SB Mic
as /devices/pci:00/:00:14.2/sound/card0/input13 [9.441589]
input: HDA ATI SB Mic
as /devices/pci:00/:00:14.2/sound/card0/input14 [9.441751]
input: HDA ATI SB Mic
as /devices/pci:00/:00:14.2/sound/card0/input15 [ 9632.081262]
usb 1-7.1: Manufacturer: JMicron [16671.093223] usb 1-7.1:
Manufacturer: JMicron

So, how to use it ?!!! I got excited! :o)


> Okay, have you checked for the input (mic) volume levels? What kind
> sound controller are you using (gnome/kde volume applet...)? Also,
> test with the usual command line utility to test the mic:

Of course. I just checked now and to my amasement I saw additional
channels appeared. So, I have turned on all of them w/ maximum gain:

Simple mixer control 'Master',0
  Capabilities: pvolume pswitch penum
  Playback channels: Front Left - Front Right
  Limits: Playback 0 - 31
  Front Left: Playback 31 [100%] [0.00dB] [on]
  Front Right: Playback 31 [100%] [0.00dB] [on]
Simple mixer control 'PCM',0
  Capabilities: pvolume penum
  Playback channels: Front Left - Front Right
  Limits: Playback 0 - 255
  Front Left: Playback 255 [100%] [0.00dB]
  Front Right: Playback 255 [100%] [0.00dB]
Simple mixer control 'LFE',0
  Capabilities: pvolume pvolume-joined pswitch pswitch-joined penum
  Playback channels: Mono
  Limits: Playback 0 - 31
  Mono: Playback 31 [100%] [0.00dB] [on]
Simple mixer control 'IEC958',0
  Capabilities: pswitch pswitch-joined cswitch cswitch-joined penum
  Playback channels: Mono
  Capture channels: Mono
  Mono: Playback [on] Capture [off]
Simple mixer control 'IEC958 Default PCM',0
  Capabilities: pswitch pswitch-joined penum
  Playback channels: Mono
  Mono: Playback [on]
Simple mixer control 'Capture',0
  Capabilities: cvolume cswitch penum
  Capture channels: Front Left - Front Right
  Limits: Capture 0 - 15
  Front Left: Capture 15 [100%] [22.50dB] [off]
  Front Right: Capture 15 [100%] [22.50dB] [off]
Simple mixer control 'Digital',0
  Capabilities: cvolume penum
  Capture channels: Front Left - Front Right
  Limits: Capture 0 - 120
  Front Left: Capture 120 [100%] [30.00dB]
  Front Right: Capture 120 [100%] [30.00dB]
Simple mixer control 'Input Source',0
  Capabilities: cenum
  Items: 'Front Mic' 'Rear Mic' 'Line'
  Item0: 'Rear Mic'
Simple mixer control 'Mux',0
  Capabilities: cvolume penum
  Capture channels: Front Left - Front Right
  Limits: Capture 0 - 4
  Front Left: Capture 4 [100%] [40.00dB]
  Front Right: Capture 4 [100%] [40.00dB]

Yet, no sound from the mic.
> arecord -d 10 /tmp/mic.wav

This command hangs - I think it can not use/open mic. device if any.



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Re: Microphone does not work on wheezy laptop.

2012-08-09 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day, Camaleón.

Thank You for Your time and answer, again.
You wrote:

> >> >> head -n 1 /proc/asound/card0/codec*
> >> > 
> >> > head: cannot open `/proc/asound/card0/codec' for reading: No such
> >> > file or directory
> >> > 
> >> > What do I miss here?
> >> 
> >> I don't know... I just have run the above command from my wheezy
> >> (installed in a netbook) and I got a reply ("codec: IDT
> >> 92HD88B1") :-?
> >> 
> >> Check if there's something of interest in the directory, try with:
> >> 
> >> ls -la /proc/asound/card[0-9]/*
> > 
> > That's what I get:
> > ls -la /proc/asound/card[0-9]/*
> > -r--r--r-- 1 root root 0 Aug  7 14:32 /proc/asound/card0/codec#0
> > -r--r--r-- 1 root root 0 Aug  7 14:32 /proc/asound/card0/codec#1
> (...)
> Then why the "head" command returned void? :-?

May this is the reason?
> > cat /proc/asound/card0/codec#0
> > Codec: Conexant ID 2bfa
> But also run: 
> cat /proc/asound/card0/codec#* | grep Codec

Codec: Conexant ID 2bfa
Codec: SigmaTel STAC9200

$ cat /proc/asound/card0/codec#* |grep -i mic
  Pin Default 0x04a11020: [Jack] Mic at Ext Right

Probably, says about connector only?
> Because you seem to have two different codecs listed.

May one for modem, another - sound card?

> >> And also run "aplay -l".
> >  List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices  
> > card 0: SB [HDA ATI SB], device 0: STAC92xx Analog [STAC92xx Analog]
> >   Subdevices: 0/1
> >   Subdevice #0: subdevice #0


> > dell-m26
> Mmm... Now run, juts to be sure:
> arecord -l

 List of CAPTURE Hardware Devices 
card 0: SB [HDA ATI SB], device 0: STAC92xx Analog [STAC92xx Analog]
  Subdevices: 1/1
  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
> > I do! :o) I have told it is an old laptop that works very well
> > still.
> Okay, okay... let's try then to restore the honour of your oldie
> laptop. 

Actually, I never saw it. :o) - Only on desktops - w/o any problems.

> > Thank You very much! - What did You check to find out that
> > "snd-hda-intel" should be specified here? - I understand that
> > "HDA-Intel" tells about this - but what about exact "snd-hda-intel"
> > cypher? :o)
> Mmm... that's the usual value for intel HDA chipset (the full list of 
> available modules are documented here):
> (yours is and HDA ATI SB)

Oh, thanks again!
> > Simple mixer control 'Capture',0
> >   Capabilities: cvolume cswitch penum
> >   Capture channels: Front Left - Front Right 
> >   Limits: Capture 0 - 15   
> >   Front Left: Capture 0 [0%] [0.00dB] [off] 
> >   Front Right: Capture 0 [0%] [0.00dB] [off]
> (...)
> Wait. I must have missed this line from your very first post, but
> this has to be your mic input (this is what I also get from my
> netbook and I can from the mixer applet the "mic" is there) :-?

Hmm. On desktops I see exactly word microphone or mic - do not remember
correctly. Then alsa mixer has appropriate handle w/ which I can change
its gain. - Here, on laptop, I miss all this.

> How are you testing your microphone?

Eventually, knocking on microphone gives no any sound in speakers.
Whereas on desktops - it does.

The microphone is working - tested on desktops.

> > - no mic. nor mic. working. :o(
> Well, you can also try with a different one as this won't hurt:
> options snd-hda-intel model=ref

> And so on... (remember to reboot or restart alsa service after
> editing the file to changes take effect)

Done, restarted w/

# /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart

correct? - But nothing.
> >> Mmm... if it was working before the chances that the card is still
> >> supported are higher. It could be just that now it requires some
> >> tweaking or specific settings to make it to work :-?
> > 
> > Hmm. I do not think the lap. is too old that the code will be
> > removed from kernel/ALSA to support the HW. 
> Neither I do. That would be going very (very) backwards.

OK, thank You! :o) - It inspired me!
> > You know at the time laptop was new and latter - I thought, When
> > will kernel support my mic. ? And You say it is old. I think it is
> > misconfiguration on ALSA/whatever side that withheld mic. from
> > working rather than a support issue.
> Yup.
> > If You will not get borried w/ the thread, I will supply any info
> > needed in order to solve the mic. problem.
> Bored because of problems... never! That makes things even more 
> interesting :-)

Wow! Great spirit! Thank You for Your help! - No matter what will be
its result!



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Re: Microphone does not work on wheezy laptop.

2012-08-07 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day, Camaleón.

Thank You for Your time and answer.
You wrote:

> >> head -n 1 /proc/asound/card0/codec*
> > 
> > head: cannot open `/proc/asound/card0/codec' for reading: No such
> > file or directory
> > 
> > What do I miss here?
> I don't know... I just have run the above command from my wheezy 
> (installed in a netbook) and I got a reply ("codec: IDT 92HD88B1") :-?
> Check if there's something of interest in the directory, try with:
> ls -la /proc/asound/card[0-9]/*

That's what I get:
ls -la /proc/asound/card[0-9]/*
-r--r--r-- 1 root root 0 Aug  7 14:32 /proc/asound/card0/codec#0
-r--r--r-- 1 root root 0 Aug  7 14:32 /proc/asound/card0/codec#1
-r--r--r-- 1 root root 0 Aug  7 14:32 /proc/asound/card0/id
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Aug  7 14:32 /proc/asound/card0/oss_mixer

dr-xr-xr-x 3 root root 0 Aug  7 14:32 .
dr-xr-xr-x 4 root root 0 Aug  7 14:32 ..
-r--r--r-- 1 root root 0 Aug  7 14:32 info
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Aug  7 14:32 oss
dr-xr-xr-x 2 root root 0 Aug  7 14:32 sub0

dr-xr-xr-x 3 root root 0 Aug  7 14:32 .
dr-xr-xr-x 4 root root 0 Aug  7 14:32 ..
-r--r--r-- 1 root root 0 Aug  7 14:32 info
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Aug  7 14:32 oss
dr-xr-xr-x 2 root root 0 Aug  7 14:32 sub0

cat /proc/asound/card0/codec#0
Codec: Conexant ID 2bfa
Address: 0
MFG Function Id: 0x2 (unsol 1)
Vendor Id: 0x14f12bfa
Subsystem Id: 0x14f100c3
Revision Id: 0x9
Modem Function Group: 0x2

Any ideas? :o)
> And also run "aplay -l".

Oh, it's better:

 List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices 
card 0: SB [HDA ATI SB], device 0: STAC92xx Analog [STAC92xx Analog]
  Subdevices: 0/1
  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0

That gives us same


module from

> >>
> > 
> > I have searched through the list for "HDA-Intel" - but did not find
> > it,
> Before going to the list of HD Intel codecs and select one, you have 
> first to know what codec uses your soundcard :-)

OK :o)
> > but at the same time I have found corresponding line for my laptop
> > model, so I've got the module is called
> > 
> > dell-m26
> Oh, good catch, you can try with that but do you really have an
> "Inspiron 1501"? :-?

I do! :o) I have told it is an old laptop that works very well still.

> > Now, where should I put it? Can You bring here the line example?
> This has to be placed in "/etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf", at the end
> of the file add new line similar to this:
> options snd-hda-intel enable=1 index=0 model=dell-m26 

Thank You very much! - What did You check to find out that
"snd-hda-intel" should be specified here? - I understand that
"HDA-Intel" tells about this - but what about exact "snd-hda-intel"
cypher? :o)

> After editing the file restart the alsa service or reboot, which is 
> usually easier.

I have done as You said:

cat /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf
# autoloader aliases
install sound-slot-0 /sbin/modprobe snd-card-0
install sound-slot-1 /sbin/modprobe snd-card-1
install sound-slot-2 /sbin/modprobe snd-card-2
install sound-slot-3 /sbin/modprobe snd-card-3
install sound-slot-4 /sbin/modprobe snd-card-4
install sound-slot-5 /sbin/modprobe snd-card-5
install sound-slot-6 /sbin/modprobe snd-card-6
install sound-slot-7 /sbin/modprobe snd-card-7
# Cause optional modules to be loaded above generic modules
install snd /sbin/modprobe --ignore-install snd && { /sbin/modprobe
--quiet snd-ioctl32 ; /sbin/modprobe --quiet snd-seq ; } install
snd-rawmidi /sbin/modprobe --ignore-install snd-rawmidi &&
{ /sbin/modprobe --quiet snd-seq-midi ; : ; } install
snd-emu10k1 /sbin/modprobe --ignore-install snd-emu10k1 &&
{ /sbin/modprobe --quiet snd-emu10k1-synth ; : ; }

# Prevent abnormal drivers from grabbing index 0
options bt87x index=-2
options cx88_alsa index=-2
options snd-atiixp-modem index=-2
options snd-intel8x0m index=-2
options snd-via82xx-modem index=-2
# Keep snd-pcsp from beeing loaded as first soundcard
options snd-pcsp index=-2
# Keep snd-usb-audio from beeing loaded as first soundcard
options snd-usb-audio index=-2
options snd-hda-intel enable=1 index=0 model=dell-m26

Then rebooted, but w/o luck:

Simple mixer control 'Master',0
  Capabilities: pvolume pswitch penum
  Playback channels: Front Left - Front Right
  Limits: Playback 0 - 31
  Front Left: Playback 27 [87%] [-6.00dB] [on]
  Front Right: Playback 27 [87%] [-6.00dB] [on]
Simple mixer control 'PCM',0
  Capabilities: pvolume penum
  Playback channels: Front Left - Front Right
  Limits: Playback 0 - 255
  Front Left: Playback 110 [43%] [-29.00dB]
  Front Right: Playback 110 [43%] [-29.00dB]
Simple mixer control 'Capture',0
  Capabilities: cvolume cswitch penum
  Capture channels: Front Left - Front Right
  Limits: Capture 0 - 15
  Front Left: Capture 0 [0%] [0.00dB] [off]
  Front Right: Capture 0 [0%] [0.00dB] [off]

Re: Microphone does not work on wheezy laptop.

2012-08-05 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day, Camaleón.

Thank You for Your time and answer.
You wrote:

> > [AMD] nee ATI SBx00 Azalia (Intel HDA)
> That info is not enough to identify your hardware properly :-)
> Run these command and put here the ouput:

OK, here it comes:
> cat /proc/asound/cards

 0 [SB ]: HDA-Intel - HDA ATI SB
  HDA ATI SB at 0xc000 irq 16

> head -n 1 /proc/asound/card0/codec*

head: cannot open `/proc/asound/card0/codec' for reading: No such file
or directory

What do I miss here?

> > sound card. Though mic work in laptop built-in test suite (called
> > on key press at boot), amixer shows no mic:
> (...)
> > - this is complete its output.
> > 
> > Please share any ideas on what can be done to make mic. working.
> It can be that sound card is not being properly detected and you need
> to pass the "model=" parameter to the ALSA config file. Depending on
> the codec and your kernel verion, you can edit the alsa configuration
> file and append to the "options" line a value that matches with your
> sound card hardware settings:

I have searched through the list for "HDA-Intel" - but did not find it,
but at the same time I have found corresponding line for my laptop
model, so I've got the module is called


Now, where should I put it? Can You bring here the line example?

My kernel is 3.2.0-3-amd64.

> It can also be that your sound card chipset is too new for your
> kernel or alsa version but that would be strange given that your're
> on wheezy. Was the mic detected before or has never worked?

Opposite, it is old laptop. And the situation w/ mic was ever that way.
I'm just trying again to make it working.


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Re: Strange network activity after updates

2012-08-03 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day, Paul.

You wrote:
> My Debian box is staying offline until I find out what is going on.

You can simply allow only desired output traffic - rather than staying
off line - until You solve Your problem OR everafter.


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Microphone does not work on wheezy laptop.

2012-08-02 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day.

Please help me to make my mic. working on wheezy laptop. It has

[AMD] nee ATI SBx00 Azalia (Intel HDA)

sound card. Though mic work in laptop built-in test suite (called on
key press at boot), amixer shows no mic:

Simple mixer control 'Master',0
  Capabilities: pvolume pswitch penum
  Playback channels: Front Left - Front Right
  Limits: Playback 0 - 31
  Front Left: Playback 24 [77%] [-10.50dB] [on]
  Front Right: Playback 24 [77%] [-10.50dB] [on]
Simple mixer control 'PCM',0
  Capabilities: pvolume penum
  Playback channels: Front Left - Front Right
  Limits: Playback 0 - 255
  Front Left: Playback 103 [40%] [-30.40dB]
  Front Right: Playback 103 [40%] [-30.40dB]
Simple mixer control 'Capture',0
  Capabilities: cvolume cswitch penum
  Capture channels: Front Left - Front Right
  Limits: Capture 0 - 15
  Front Left: Capture 0 [0%] [0.00dB] [off]
  Front Right: Capture 0 [0%] [0.00dB] [off]
Simple mixer control 'Digital',0
  Capabilities: cvolume penum
  Capture channels: Front Left - Front Right
  Limits: Capture 0 - 120
  Front Left: Capture 0 [0%] [-30.00dB]
  Front Right: Capture 0 [0%] [-30.00dB]
Simple mixer control 'Mux',0
  Capabilities: cvolume penum
  Capture channels: Front Left - Front Right
  Limits: Capture 0 - 4
  Front Left: Capture 0 [0%] [0.00dB]
  Front Right: Capture 0 [0%] [0.00dB]

- this is complete its output.

Please share any ideas on what can be done to make mic. working.

Thanks for Your time.


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