Re: Please welcome Piotr Karwasz as a committer

2024-08-27 Thread Piotr P. Karwasz
Hi Gary,

On Tue, 27 Aug 2024 at 15:14, Gary Gregory  wrote:
> Please welcome Piotr Karwasz as a committer.

Thank You for the invite.

> Piotr (Apache ID ppkarwasz) is no stranger to those of us also
> involved with Apache Logging's Log4j component :-)
> Piotr: Please subscribe to our mailing lists:

I am already subscribed to `dev@commons` and I'll be watching the
COMMONS-LOGGING tickets from time to time.


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Re: [VOTE] Release Apache Commons Logging 1.3.2 based on RC2

2024-05-11 Thread Piotr P. Karwasz
Hi Gary,

On Sat, 11 May 2024 at 19:55, Gary Gregory  wrote:
> Details of changes since 1.3.1 are in the release notes:

The `RELEASE-NOTES.txt` file contains the changes for 1.3.1 twice and
does not contain the changes for 1.3.2.


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Re: [ALL] GitHub is done with Java 8

2024-04-29 Thread Piotr P. Karwasz
Hi Gary,

On Mon, 29 Apr 2024 at 13:58, Gary Gregory  wrote:
> To resolve this issue in the least disruptive manner, I updated builds
> that need Java 8 AND macOS from "macos-lateset" to "macos-13".

In Log4j I updated all builds that require Java 8 + another JDK to use
`zulu` as distribution if `runner.os == 'macOS'`.

Another solution that might work is to use `x64` as architecture for
`macos-latest`, but the runners we be slower and might throw an OOM.


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Re: Is there a blog for commons?

2024-04-19 Thread Piotr P. Karwasz
Hi Bruno,

On Fri, 19 Apr 2024 at 13:30, Bruno Kinoshita  wrote:
> Maybe an option would be to just have it under
>, as part of the project website in Git,
> published with the site manually/ASF CRM/etc? I think that way INFRA would
> not have to be involved?

The Logging Services blog[1] uses Jekyll under the hood. This is
already supported by INFRA through an `.asf.yaml` configuration



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Re: [VOTE] Release Apache Commons Logging 1.4.0 based on RC1

2024-03-17 Thread Piotr P. Karwasz
Hi Gary,

On Sun, 17 Mar 2024 at 13:45, Gary Gregory  wrote:
> For example? The Logback PR requires Java 11. What else? Logkit? Maybe but
> I've never heard anyone ask for that.

The two OSGi PRs are important:

* fixes a typo in
the OSGi descriptor that prevented OSGi frameworks to correctly find
* allows the
`ServletContextCleaner` to be used with modern servlet containers in


PS: Why did you choose 1.4.0 as version instead of 1.3.1, since the
release contains only bug fixes?

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Re: commons-compress 1.26.0 optional dependency on commons-codec causes runtime failure.

2024-02-29 Thread Piotr P. Karwasz
Hi sebb,

On Thu, 29 Feb 2024 at 10:25, sebb  wrote:
> > but dependency management can be used to
> > prevent version mismatches.
> What dependency management is that? Does Maven manage this?
> Seems like users would be forced to use extra controls to ensure only
> comaptible combinations of artifacts were used.

Maven users would be forced to add a new `commons-compress-bom`
artifact (in my PR) to their dependency management. As far as I know
other build systems (Gradle, Coursier, probably Apache Ivy) resolve
version conflicts with a "highest version wins strategy", so the
change will be a no-op for them.

Yes, this change might require a developer to supervise the upgrade,
so it might require a major version bump to drive their attention.
However personally I find it less problematic than having half the
dependency stack using `o.a.c.compress` and half of it using

The necessity to align the versions of a multi-module project is
something many users are aware of (and the others use Spring Boot
dependency management ;-) ).


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Re: commons-compress 1.26.0 optional dependency on commons-codec causes runtime failure.

2024-02-28 Thread Piotr P. Karwasz
Hi sebb,

On Wed, 28 Feb 2024 at 23:48, sebb  wrote:
> > Remark that I am talking about moving whole packages to new artifacts.
> Will these packages be renamed?
> If not, then I don't see how you can prevent possible class duplication.

Do they need to be renamed? This breaks backward compatibility.

A user could have duplicated classes if he has an old
`commons-compress` 1.26.0 together with a newer
`commons-compress-core`, but dependency management can be used to
prevent version mismatches.

Since an example is better than a thousand words I submitted a PoC on
how to split Commons Compress:

A simple `mvn clean verify` succeeds. I just need to smoothen out the
CI's failures.


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Re: commons-compress 1.26.0 optional dependency on commons-codec causes runtime failure.

2024-02-28 Thread Piotr P. Karwasz
Hi Romain,

On Wed, 28 Feb 2024 at 16:30, Romain Manni-Bucau  wrote:
> Hmm, splitting will require a package change at least for osgi.

OSGi should be painless: the common practice is to use
`Import-Package` instead of `Require-Bundle`, this way it is up to the
OSGi environment to figure out that a certain package is in
`commons-compress-core` instead of `commons-compress`.

Remark that I am talking about moving whole packages to new artifacts.
If we were to split a package in two parts, I agree with the previous
posts that a new major version, Maven coordinates and package names
are required.


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Re: commons-compress 1.26.0 optional dependency on commons-codec causes runtime failure.

2024-02-28 Thread Piotr P. Karwasz
Hi Elliotte,

On Wed, 28 Feb 2024 at 13:44, Elliotte Rusty Harold  wrote:
> I'm not quite sure what you're proposing. This works if you also
> change the package to something like org.apache.commons.compress2. It
> does not work without changing the package names. The bottom line is:
> 1. A classpath MUST NOT have the same fully package qualified name in
> more than one JAR. This is a hard requirement in Java 9+ with JPMS.
> The JVM will not run a program that violates this. It is a very
> important requirement in Java 8.
> 2. Maven and Gradle cannot resolve dependency conflicts between jars
> with different groupID:artifactID. They both treat them as fully
> independent artifacts, even if they're not, and will add both to a
> classpath, thereby violating rule #1.

Currently Commons Compress 1.26.0 has:

* a single `commons-compress` artifact with packages:
o.a.c.c.compressors, o.a.c.c.compressors.brotli, etc.

What I am proposing is for 1.27.0 to have:

* an (almost) empty `commons-compress` artifact that depends on
`commons-compress-core`, `commons-compress-brotli`, etc. This artifact
should only have a JPMS module descriptor with `requires transitive`
* a `commons-compress-brotli` artifact that depends on
`org.brotli:dec` and a single package: o.a.c.c.compressors.brotli,
* a `commons-compress-core` artifact with packages o.a.c.c.compressors, etc.

JPMS does not really care which module has which package. As long as
they are disjoint it will be fine. Also, since `commons-compress` will
have `requires transitive` directives, libraries compiled against
1.26.0 that use `requires o.a.c.compress;` will still be able to read
the `o.a.c.compress.core` module.


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Re: commons-compress 1.26.0 optional dependency on commons-codec causes runtime failure.

2024-02-27 Thread Piotr P. Karwasz
Hi Elliotte,

On Tue, 27 Feb 2024 at 13:20, Elliotte Rusty Harold  wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 27, 2024 at 8:27 AM Piotr P. Karwasz
>  wrote:
> e will not be loaded even if it is available.
> >
> > Fortunately Commons Compress is well-engineered and easy to split. The
> > code that depends on:
> >
> > * com.github.luben:zstd-jni,
> > * org.brotli:dec,
> > * org.ow2.asm:asm,
> > * org.tukaani:xz.
> >
> > is already nicely separated in packages. IMHO those packages could be
> > moved to separate artifacts **without** requiring a major version bump
> I wish. It's not that commons-compress is badly factored. It's that
> Maven and Java don't really allow for compatible upgrades that split
> existing artifacts into new artifacts. This causes big, hard-to-debug
> runtime failures. The problem is bad in Java 8 and earlier. It got
> much worse in Java 9+ with JPMS.
> The only compatible path that splits artifacts is to rename both the
> Maven coordinates AND the packages. Otherwise there will be multiple
> copies of the same class in the classpath, and either the wrong one
> will be chosen some of the time causing hard to debug runtime failures
> or (with JPMS) the JVM will simply refuse to run the program at all.

Changing Maven coordinates is in my opinion not a good solution in
this case. It causes the existence of dependency stacks that feature
HTTP client 3.x through 5.x and users are not eager to choose a single

What about creating:
 * separate `commons-compress-zstd`, `commons-compress-brotli`,
`commons-compress-pack200`, `commons-compress-xz` artifacts with the
packages that require external dependencies,
 * a new `commons-compress-core` (or `-api` and `-impl`) with the rest
of the code,
 * an empty `commons-compress` artifact with a hard dependency on the
remaining ones. It just needs a JPMS module descriptor with `requires
transitive` directives to the other modules.

This way won't have problems when they automatically upgrade
`commons-compress`. They'll just end up with many additional


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Re: commons-compress 1.26.0 optional dependency on commons-codec causes runtime failure.

2024-02-27 Thread Piotr P. Karwasz
Hi Gary,

On Thu, 22 Feb 2024 at 17:14, Gary Gregory  wrote:
> What I've been going in some projects is to never use Maven optional
> dependencies and split Maven projects into multi-module ones and never use
> optional dependencies when I care about what depends on what.

I totally agree. Maven optional dependencies provide, as far as I
know, no value to the users of the artifact. Even the
`requireUpperBoundDeps` Maven Enforcer rule seems to disregard those
dependencies, i.e. if the version of an optional transitive dependency
is higher than the version of a non-optional one, no error is
reported. Same for `dependencyConvergence`.

Also, according to my inquiries on the Jigsaw mailing list, the JPMS
`require static` directive that makes a module optional should only be
used for annotation-only modules (and IMHO for standard Java SE
modules). For other kinds of modules the directive becomes
problematic: a JPMS Commons Compress user not only needs to add
`commons-codec` to its Maven dependencies, but also needs to add
`org.apache.commons.codec` to its required modules. If he fails to do
so the module will not be loaded even if it is available.

Fortunately Commons Compress is well-engineered and easy to split. The
code that depends on:

* com.github.luben:zstd-jni,
* org.brotli:dec,
* org.ow2.asm:asm,
* org.tukaani:xz.

is already nicely separated in packages. IMHO those packages could be
moved to separate artifacts **without** requiring a major version bump
and connected to the rest of the code through a
`CompressorStreamProvider` registered as `ServiceLoader` service. At
least HotSpot loads all the additional JPMS modules that provide a
required service.

The rest of optional deps should in my opinion either be removed or
made non-optional.


PS: Splitting artifacts has also a beneficial effect on security
alerts: if you don't use a certain dependency, you don't get a
security alert when that dependency has a CVE. Unlike Maven, SBOMs
usually also follow optional dependencies.

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Re: [LOGGING] 2.0

2024-02-13 Thread Piotr P. Karwasz
Hi Gary,

On Sat, 10 Feb 2024 at 17:26, Gary Gregory  wrote:
> The package would change from org.apache.commons.logging to
> org.apache.commons.logging2.
> The Maven coordinates would change from
> commons-logging:commons-logging to org.apache.commons:commons-logging2

The only case in which such a change would be useful is if all the
logging API maintainers can sit down around a table and decide to
adopt `org.apache.commons.logging2.L
ogger` as the common denominator
of their APIs.

Currently logging faces new challenges that could be solved with a new
(minimal) API, such as:

 * tracing should be an integral part of the API,
 * thread-bound contexts are problematic, so there should be an easy
way to retrieve context data from the processing flux (Spring Reactor
Flow, Akka Actor, etc) and not the current thread.

If such a thing is even possible, it would be nice if we can get
`jakarta.logging` as the package prefix.


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Re: [LOGGING] 2.0

2024-02-10 Thread Piotr P. Karwasz
Hi Gary,

On Sat, 10 Feb 2024 at 17:26, Gary Gregory  wrote:
> My main driver for the next version is to drop support and dependency
> on the Log4j 1.x JARs file(s). I speak of JAR files here as opposed to
> APIs, see below.

Log4JLogger is disabled by default in version 1.3.0 (cf. [1]) and the
dependency on `log4j:log4j` is optional, so it is a compile-only

If any security expert complains that there is a mention of
`log4j:log4j:1.2.17` in the POM file, I would suggest changing
security expert. ;-)

> I see several ways to drop Log4j 1.x JARs.
> 1) Replace the dependency on Log4j 1.x with the Log4j 2 compatibility
> JAR for 1.2: org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-1.2-api
> This maintains BC and can become 1.4.0.

It shouldn't really matter what JAR we use to compile Commons Logging.
People will still use `log4j/reload4j` at runtime.

> 2) A re-implementation of Log4JLogger where all methods call Log4j 2 APIs.
> This maintains BC and can become 1.4.0.
> It looks like this is not possible in a straightforward manner
> because we have Log4j 1 classes in the public API, specifically
> org.apache.commons.logging.impl.Log4JLogger.Log4JLogger(Logger). It
> might not be worth hacking around that if that's even possible.

The dependency on `log4j-api` is also optional, so this will break
user projects.
If users are willing to upgrade to a more modern logging backend than
Log4j 1.x, they can do it right now.

Release 1.3.0 binds to Log4j API as first choice (followed by SLF4J
and JUL), so we already short circuited many logging configurations
that were using:

1. commons-logging -> log4j-over-slf4j -> slf4j-api,
2. commons-logging -> log4j-1.2-api -> log4j-api.

> 3) A hard delete of org.apache.commons.logging.impl.Log4JLogger (the
> class is deprecated in 1.3.0 FWIW).
> This breaks BC and requires a 2.0.0 with a package name and Maven
> coordinate change.
> The package would change from org.apache.commons.logging to
> org.apache.commons.logging2.
> The Maven coordinates would change from
> commons-logging:commons-logging to org.apache.commons:commons-logging2

+1 on removing the class. This seems the only solution, where we make
a stand against using 20 years old logging frameworks. Users will
still be able to use Log4j 1.x/Reload4J through the `slf4j-reload4j`
bridge that Ceki still maintains.

I wouldn't change the Maven coordinates/Java package though: Apache
Commons Logging is a very primitive interface compared to the
alternatives. I doubt anybody will recompile against the new package
and legacy libraries will still be stuck at 1.3.0.

If a user has to make changes in his code, he might as well migrate to
Log4j API (which is a superset of JCL) or SLF4J (which does not allow
to log objects, but is mostly "source compatible"). There are
automatic recipes for both migrations[2].

> 4) A gutting of Log4JLogger where all methods are no-ops.
>  This maintains BC and can become 1.4.0.

I wouldn't do that. Technically this is not a breaking change, but in
practice it breaks user applications.



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Re: Reproducibility of Commons artifacts was: [VOTE] Release Apache Commons Logging 1.3.0 based on RC1

2024-01-05 Thread Piotr P. Karwasz
Hi Hervé,

On Fri, 5 Jan 2024 at 08:14, Herve Boutemy  wrote:
> Piotr found the issue about the second run of bundle plugin and about 
> moditect 1.1.0 sensitivity to TZ: I don't know how hard it was to learn this, 
> nor how.
> Do you have any idea on how to ease such discovery?

The first time we encountered a difference in a zipfile metadata, it
was hard. We knew from the binary diff from diffoscope that the
difference is in the metadata, but it took us some time to notice that
the file listings differed by an executable flag.
For the Moditect problem I already knew where to look and I noticed
that the timestamps from Gary's official artifacts and mine differed
by 6 hours. Since the UNIX `unzip` utility does not support the
"Extended Timestamp" I used Commons Compress to list all the
extensions in the ZIP entries.

In general I think that diffoscope could be improved by:
 * listing all the extensions of ZIP entries explicitly and in order,
 * adding some basic properties for each file, e.g. "Java class file,
bytecode 52" or "Text file, CRLF line endings".


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Re: Reproducibility of Commons artifacts was: [VOTE] Release Apache Commons Logging 1.3.0 based on RC1

2023-12-29 Thread Piotr P. Karwasz
Hi Gary,

On Fri, 29 Dec 2023 at 15:11, Gary Gregory  wrote:
> I run, copied from the
> mvn -Prelease clean package package -DskipTests -Dmaven.javadoc.skip
> -Dgpg.skip -Dcyclonedx.skip -Dcommons.release.dryRun
> -Dcommons.release.isDistModule=false
> Then:
> mvn package package artifact:compare

Maven has a short guide to check reproducibility:

If you want to check a local artifact vs a previous local artifact you
need to use:

mvn clean install
mvn clean package artifact:compare -DskipTests

The first run install the artifact into the local Maven repo, the
second one generates new ones and compares them with those installed.

To check local vs remote you just need the second part. I am able to
reproduce the current Commons Compress snapshot with:

export TZ=UTC
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-17-openjdk-amd64
mvn clean package artifact:compare \
-Dreference.repo=apache.snapshots \
-DskipTests \
-Dcommons.spdx.version=0.7.1 -Dspdx.skip

I have no idea how those snapshots are generated, but they match my
local ones. The last line bumps the SPDX Maven Plugin to a version
that supports `-Dspdx.skip` ;-)


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Re: Reproducibility of Commons artifacts was: [VOTE] Release Apache Commons Logging 1.3.0 based on RC1

2023-12-29 Thread Piotr P. Karwasz
Hi Gary,

On Fri, 29 Dec 2023 at 13:37, Gary Gregory  wrote:
> I do appreciate the fact that I can ask "Am I reproducible" but the
> output is... cryptic.

Yes, unfortunately if the check fails, finding the reason of the
failure is hard.

> For example:
> ...
> │ @@ -65,11 +65,12 @@
> │   b.asm;resolution:=optional,javax.crypto;resolution:=optional,javax.cryp
> │   to.spec;resolution:=optional,org.apache.commons.codec.digest,org.apache
> │,,
> │   input,,org.apache.commons.commons-codec;res
> │   olution:=optional,org.apache.commons.commons-io;resolution:=optional
> │  Include-Resource: META-INF/LICENSE.txt=LICENSE.txt,META-INF/NOTICE.txt=N
> │   OTICE.txt
> │ +Originally-Created-By: Apache Maven Bundle Plugin 5.1.9
> │  Require-Capability:;filter:="(&("
> │  Tool: Bnd-
> │  Multi-Release: true

You have a difference in the MANIFEST.MF that consists of an
additional "Originally-Created-By" header.

Hervé already solved this mystery and you can find the Maven command
line required here:

The reproducibility problem is caused by multiple executions of the
Apache Maven Bundle Plugin. If you start with an empty `target`

 * the first execution creates a MANIFEST.MF file, notably a
"Created-By" header,
 * the second execution reads the MANIFEST.MF file, changes it and
renames the "Created-By" header from the first execution into

TL;DR: Running `mvn package package artifact:compare` solves the problem.


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Re: Reproducibility of Commons artifacts was: [VOTE] Release Apache Commons Logging 1.3.0 based on RC1

2023-12-28 Thread Piotr P. Karwasz
Hi Gary,

On Thu, 28 Dec 2023 at 16:03, Gary Gregory  wrote:
> What value for $NEXUS_REPO would one use to verify repro _after_ a
> release? I want to experiment with Apache Commons components...

The `reference.repo` system variable is used by the `referenceRepo`
parameter of `artifact:compare`:

with a default value of `central`, so you can skip setting the parameter.

I can reproduce most of the artifacts in your latest Commons
Fileupload release with this incantation:

export TZ=UTC
export JAVA_HOME=...path to JDK 17...
mvn package artifact:compare \
-DskipTests \
-Dcyclonedx.skip \
-Dcommons.spdx.version=0.7.1 -Dspdx.skip

The Maven Artifact Plugin only compares those artifacts, which are
attached to the current build, so skipping CycloneDX and SPDX
generation effectively prevents performing a reproducibility check on
those artifacts.
This is not ideal, but:

 * SPDX has a lot of reproducibility problems,
 * CycloneDX is usually reproducible, but I am probably affected by
issue#410 [2],
 * we actually only care about the binary artifacts and POMs, the rest
is a bonus.



PS: We are mixing threads from multiple lists. For those following
dev@commons, NEXUS_REPO is a reference to this thread from

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Re: [ALL] Deploying SNAPSHOTS from GH workflows

2023-12-20 Thread Piotr P. Karwasz
Hi Gary,

On Wed, 20 Dec 2023 at 14:57, Gary Gregory  wrote:
> Also FYI, over at Log4j, we (Volkan and Piotr are the drivers) have been
> creating releases from GitHub. I'm not sure we need to go this far here,
> but there might be tidbits there that may prove useful.

Thanks for mentioning it. I think we could put all our scripts
together and create something better without reinventing the wheel in
each project.

For example:

 * We all receive Dependabot PRs. Volkan did a tremendous amount of
work to find a way to merge them automatically (there are GHA
permissions everywhere that make it a complex operation, especially if
we want to keep the Github token's permissions to a minimum). Commons
could reuse that.
 * At Log4j we use a Beanshell script to create bin and src archives.
Personally I find the results acceptable, but somehow lacking (e.g. it
fails in Git worktrees). For this task the `commons-release-plugin`
together with the `maven-assembly-plugin` and a list of files from the
`maven-scm-plugin` could be a better choice.
 * If we were to start publishing VEX files, a common Github Actions
bot could help inter-project coordination. For example if a
`commons-compress` dependency publishes a CVE (let's say `snappy-java`
to make it real), the bot could open an issue in `commons-compress`.
After the Commons team analyses the issue with a justification, the
bot could open an issue with `log4j-core` (which uses
`commons-compress`) and attach the analysis performed by the Commons
team, thus greatly simplifying the process.


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Reproducibility of Commons artifacts was: [VOTE] Release Apache Commons Logging 1.3.0 based on RC1

2023-12-16 Thread Piotr P. Karwasz
Hi all,

On Mon, 27 Nov 2023 at 00:15, Piotr P. Karwasz  wrote:
>  2. For some strange reason I had to set `TZ=America/New_York` to make
> the main JAR reproducible. Either the Moditect or the Maven JAR plugin
> are responsible for that.

The recent Commons artifacts are hard to reproduce, since one of the
environment variables required by reproducibility is the timezone of
the system that generated the artifacts.

The problem is due to the Moditect plugin issue#222.

Until this problem is resolved, could you provide you timezone in the
vote e-mails?



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Re: [VOTE] Release Apache Commons Validator 1.8.0 based on RC1

2023-12-03 Thread Piotr P. Karwasz
Hi Elliotte,

On Sun, 3 Dec 2023 at 14:13, Elliotte Rusty Harold  wrote:
> and
> are both open dependency upgrades with security implications. If
> they've already been fixed, then please close the issues.
> If they haven't been fixed, I vote -1 until they are. Looking at head,
> I think VALIDATOR-357 has been fixed and should be closed, but
> VALIDATOR-390 is still open.

Looking at the SBOM, the only dependencies (including transitive ones) are:

* commons-beanutils 1.9.4,
* commons-digester 2.1,
* commons-logging 1.3.0,
* commons-collections 3.3.2.

None of them have CVEs.


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Re: [VOTE] Release Apache Commons Logging 1.3.0 based on RC1

2023-11-26 Thread Piotr P. Karwasz
Hi Gary,

> Please review the release candidate and vote.
> This vote will close no sooner than 72 hours from now.
>   [ ] +1 Release these artifacts
>   [ ] +0 OK, but...
>   [ ] -0 OK, but really should fix...
>   [ ] -1 I oppose this release because...

I performed the following tests:
 * I tested the signature and hashes of the ZIP archives,
 * I tested the source archive and the reproducibility of binaries with:
   mvn clean verify artifact:compare
 * I tested 4 simple JLink runtimes: JCL + Log4j Core 2.x, JCL + Log4j
Core 3.x, JCL + `java.logging` and just JCL.

+1 (non binding): everything works correctly with the following remarks:

 1. the SPDX artifact is not reproducible,
 2. For some strange reason I had to set `TZ=America/New_York` to make
the main JAR reproducible. Either the Moditect or the Maven JAR plugin
are responsible for that.
 3. The SHA512 sums in the distribution can not be used with
`sha512sum -c` (they lack the file name).


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