Re: [Elecraft] Succumbing to temptation

2005-11-04 Thread Margaret Leber

Lloyd Lachow wrote:

  Before I could really
think through the implications, I had reached out and cranked that
power to 11...So I got a 339... But at what cost to my soul? Who was it, really,
at the controls just then?

Well, we can hazard a guess:

Nigel Tufnel: The numbers all go to eleven. Look, right across the
board, eleven, eleven, eleven and...
Marty DiBergi: Oh, I see. And most amps go up to ten?
Nigel Tufnel: Exactly.
Marty DiBergi: Does that mean it's louder? Is it any louder?
Nigel Tufnel: Well, it's one louder, isn't it? It's not ten. You see, 
most blokes, you know, will be playing at ten. You're on ten here, all 
the way up, all the way up, all the way up, you're on ten on your 
guitar. Where can you go from there? Where?

Marty DiBergi: I don't know.
Nigel Tufnel: Nowhere. Exactly. What we do is, if we need that extra 
push over the cliff, you know what we do?

Marty DiBergi: Put it up to eleven.
Nigel Tufnel: Eleven. Exactly. One louder.
Marty DiBergi: Why don't you just make ten louder and make ten be the 
top number and make that a little louder?

Nigel Tufnel: [pause] These go to eleven.
---"This is Spinal Tap"

-/___.   _)Margaret Stephanie Leber CCP, SCJP/"The art of progress /
/(, /|  /| SCWCD/ is to preserve order/
---/   / | / |  _   _   _`  _  AOPA 925383/ amid change and to  /
--/ ) /  |/  |_(_(_(_/_(_/__(__(/_  K3XS / preserve change amid/
-/ (_/   '.-/ .-/ARRL 39280 /order."-A.N.Whitehead/
/(_/_(_/___AMSAT 32844_/<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/

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Re: FW: [Elecraft] MicroHam microkeyer

2005-10-24 Thread Margaret Leber

Don Wilhelm wrote:

One should not assume that any particular connector implies any kind of
standard.  As an example, the 25 pin DB25 connector is used both for a real
RS232 serial port and on most PCs  as a printer port.

And to make matters worse, the real RS-232 standard calls for DB-25P 
(the "plug" or "male" connector) on cables and DB-25S 
("female"/"socket") on equipment, on the plausible theory that if a pin 
is broken it's easier to repair/replace a cable than a device.

When IBM belatedly decided to design a serial port card on the first 
PCs, the engineers discovered that using DB25-Ss on PC cards was already 
preempted by the printer port card people, who had already discovered 
that the parallel port standard "Centroncis" connector was too wide to 
fit on a standard PC card. Unfortunately they chose to use the -S 
connector on the card. Since it was felt that a typical PC user couldn't 
be relied upon to not plug their modem cable into their printer port if 
the connectrors would fit, DB-25P was adopted as the connector on serial 
port cards for PCs.

So much for "standards".

There *is* a commonly used convention for DB-9 pinouts for serial ports 
on PCs...which imitates the serial card (pardon me, "asynchronous 
communications adapter card") selection of the male connector. But its 
more a convention than a standard. Certainly "the plug fits so it must 
work" was never a safe assumption even with the original RS-232, because 
there were two ends to the conversation: DCE (read "modem") and DTE 
(read "terminal")...leading to the widespread need for "break-out 
boxes", "modem eliminators" and "gender changers".

Guess which end the IBM card implemented?

Of course Don (who worked for IBM at that time) knows this little bit of 
history, but I figure some of you young-uns might not...

 73 de Maggie K3XS, who will be presenting her K2 talk at the R.F.Hill 
club in Perkasie next month

-/___.   _)Margaret Stephanie Leber CCP, SCJP/"The art of progress /
/(, /|  /| SCWCD/ is to preserve order/
---/   / | / |  _   _   _`  _  AOPA 925383/ amid change and to  /
--/ ) /  |/  |_(_(_(_/_(_/__(__(/_  K3XS / preserve change amid/
-/ (_/   '.-/ .-/ARRL 39280 /order."-A.N.Whitehead/
/(_/_(_/___AMSAT 32844_/<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/

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Re: [Elecraft] POW Receiver

2005-10-12 Thread Margaret Leber

Fred Jensen wrote:

2.  "Razor blades" and "campus" don't sound like they belong in the same 
sentence.  Any suggestions for substitutes that would pass the "campus 
security test?"

Things sure have changed since I was on the rifle team in college. I 
don't recall the men shaving much back then though. Or the women, come 
to think of it.

You could always take a Dremel and dull the edge; they don't have to be 
sharp to rectify.

Further resources:

 Maggie K3XS K2 1641

-/___.   _)Margaret Stephanie Leber CCP, SCJP/"The art of progress /
/(, /|  /| SCWCD/ is to preserve order/
---/   / | / |  _   _   _`  _  AOPA 925383/ amid change and to  /
--/ ) /  |/  |_(_(_(_/_(_/__(__(/_  K3XS / preserve change amid/
-/ (_/   '.-/ .-/ARRL 39280 /order."-A.N.Whitehead/
/(_/_(_/___AMSAT 32844_/<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/

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Re: [Elecraft] Detaching the K2 Faceplate

2005-09-13 Thread Margaret Leber

James Kern wrote:

  Check in the Elecraft photo archives on Elecraft's website. Someone
detached the front faceplate (as well as some other things) to make the K2
bicycle mobile. Perhaps you can get in contact with that person and get some
tips. Good luck!

also see

-/___.   _)Margaret Stephanie Leber CCP, SCJP/"The art of progress /
/(, /|  /| SCWCD/ is to preserve order/
---/   / | / |  _   _   _`  _  AOPA 925383/ amid change and to  /
--/ ) /  |/  |_(_(_(_/_(_/__(__(/_  K3XS / preserve change amid/
-/ (_/   '.-/ .-/ARRL 39280 /order."-A.N.Whitehead/
/(_/_(_/___AMSAT 32844_/<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/

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Re: [Elecraft] long-haired, dope-smoking, free-software hippie

2005-08-24 Thread Margaret Leber
NZ0R wrote :

> """I'm not a long-haired, dope-smoking, free-software hippie so if I have to
> spend some money for good software I don't mind. (As a professional
> programmer I've never understood why the product of my hard work should be
> free when I have to pay for the product of everyone else's work.)"""
> Any recommendations?

Second Craig's recommendation. I've been a software professional myself as long 
you've been a ham (and you started when you were 12), and in my experience 
there's room for both free (as in either "free beer" *or* "free speech" or 
and for-profit software in the the world. 

I've used free code that was of excellent quality. I've also encountered 
allegedly "professional" programming that was utter garbage. And while I use 
free tools quite a
bit, I just spent $500 for a Java development environment because it will help 
me do a better
job than the equivalant free products, some of which are quite good.

I suppose it would be nice if the quality of software could be judged soley on 
its price. But
Elecraft owners know that rule doesn't apply to radios either.  

Deprecating comments about free-software advocates associate you with the likes 
of the
scoundrels at SCO. Consider that it does not do you credit.  

 73 de Maggie Leber K3XS 
 Elecraft K2 s/n 1641
 Editor, the Phil-Mont Mobile Radio Club "Blurb"   

-/___.   _)Margaret Stephanie Leber CCP, SCJP/"The art of progress /
/(, /|  /| SCWCD/ is to preserve order/
---/   / | / |  _   _   _`  _  AOPA 925383/ amid change and to  /
--/ ) /  |/  |_(_(_(_/_(_/__(__(/_  K3XS / preserve change amid/
-/ (_/   '.-/ .-/ARRL 39280 /order."-A.N.Whitehead/
/(_/_(_/___AMSAT 32844_/<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/

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Re: [Elecraft] If you were to do it all over again

2005-07-27 Thread Margaret Leber

Lee Buller wrote:

If you were going to build another K2 (and I know
there are many of you who have built quite a few) what
things would you do differently from the first build?

I'd buy the KAT2 kit also. :-)

Good news: I finally (after four years essentially on the bench (now 
have a job, and will have the money to buy one, and a KIO2 too.

Bad news: I won't have as much building time available as I did this 
winter. :-)

 73 de Maggie K3XS

Editor, Phil-Mont Mobile Radio Club Blurb -
Elecraft K2 #1641

-/___.   _)Margaret Stephanie Leber CCP, SCJP/"The art of progress /
/(, /|  /| SCWCD/ is to preserve order/
---/   / | / |  _   _   _`  _  AOPA 925383/ amid change and to  /
--/ ) /  |/  |_(_(_(_/_(_/__(__(/_  K3XS / preserve change amid/
-/ (_/   '.-/ .-/ARRL 39280 /order."-A.N.Whitehead/
/(_/_(_/___AMSAT 32844_/<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/

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Re: [Elecraft] Kio2 cablength

2005-07-07 Thread Margaret Leber

W3FPR - Don Wilhelm wrote:

...what I learned in large system computer design and testing
experience was that shields are only DC grounded at one end, and that
end is the 'driving' device or in the RS-232 world, that would be the
box defined as the DCE - in the DTE devices, the shield would be
grounded through a  capacitor, or alternately left open... 
Differences in the potential of the chassis...of a box on one side of

a raised floor computer room as compared with a box on the other side
could be substantial enough to cause current to flow

When I was working for a very large IBM mainframe shop in the mid-1970s, 
we had the Mother Of All Serial Devices: an IBM 3705 communications 
controller. This beast was rolled into our raised-floor machine room and 
left standing on its shipping wheels next to the Comten controller it 
was intended to replace.

The controller, a computer in it's own right, woul not run for more than 
a day or so without halting due to a hardware-detected fault...denoted 
by the illumination of one or more of the dreaded "red light" 
indications on it's Star Trek TOS-like front panel (and the immediate 
sessation of any data flow though it from the modem bank to the 
processor complex it was attached to).

After field-replacing every circuit board in the box (and it was a very 
big box) and scheduling the replacement of the 370 Motherboard Itself 
(which was more of a "passive backplane" than what we call a 
"motherboard" in a PC today), IBM Field Engineering began to notice that 
every time they went to place a scope probe on signal lines in the box, 
it would crash. This was odd enough, until the time their tech reached 
out to place the scope probe on a line, and the box crashed just 
*before* he touched it.

Subsequent investigation disclosed that the weight of the 3705 had 
caused the alignment of the panels of the raised floor to shift slighly, 
 creating two huge insulated sections of floor in a room that was 
easily 1,000 sq ft. Standing on one of the floor panels on the boarder 
of the two sections could cause the panel to rock slightly in place like 
a table with uneven legs (which is effectively what it was), closing a 
circuit between two huge capacitor plates (which is effectively what 
*it* was), and causing a surge of static to race into the surprisingly 
delicate device. Of course one of the "landmine" floorplates was right 
in front of the light-bedecked console...

 73 de Maggie K3XS

-/___.   _)Margaret Stephanie Leber CCP, SCJP/"The art of progress /
/(, /|  /| SCWCD/ is to preserve order/
---/   / | / |  _   _   _`  _  AOPA 925383/ amid change and to  /
--/ ) /  |/  |_(_(_(_/_(_/__(__(/_  K3XS / preserve change amid/
-/ (_/   '.-/ .-/ARRL 39280 /order."-A.N.Whitehead/
/(_/_(_/___AMSAT 32844_/<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/

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Re: [Elecraft] K2 Build Question

2005-07-02 Thread Margaret Leber

tom.w3qs wrote:

1.  Resistance checks for U1 pins 1 & 2 are out of spec.  Chart says 25 - 35
K for both pins.  DMM reads 17 K for both.  Old analog meter reads 8 - 9 K
for both.

2.  Resistance checks for J1 pin 15 is out of spec.  Chart says 10 - 60 K.
Analog meter reads 80 K.

Perhaps the resistance chart does not take the added SSB stuff into account?
U1 pin 1 and J1 pin 15 are both associated with this added circuitry.

I did the same build you did (well, on S/N 1641 anyway)...and noted the 
resistance check values after adding the KSB2 components using a 
Triplett 2030A DMM.

U1 pins 1 & 2 : 30Kohm
J1 pin 15: 31Kohm

So whatever the reason for what you're seeing, I don't think we can 
blame it on the KSB components being present. You might want to inspect 
things again. It's *very* easy to overlook soldering a pin or two on the 
LCD or one of the processor chips, and have things sorta almost work 
anyway because the pin's in a plated-through hole making intermittant 
contact. I did that more than once.

 73 de Maggie K3XS

-/___.   _)Margaret Stephanie Leber CCP, SCJP/"The art of progress /
/(, /|  /| SCWCD/ is to preserve order/
---/   / | / |  _   _   _`  _  AOPA 925383/ amid change and to  /
--/ ) /  |/  |_(_(_(_/_(_/__(__(/_  K3XS / preserve change amid/
-/ (_/   '.-/ .-/ARRL 39280 /order."-A.N.Whitehead/
/(_/_(_/___AMSAT 32844_/<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/

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[Elecraft] " Back to the Future - Morse Code and Cellular Phones"

2005-06-29 Thread Margaret Leber

 Published on The O'Reilly Network (

Back to the Future - Morse Code and Cellular Phones
by Brian McConnell
Jun. 28, 2005

I've spent most of the past five or so years thinking about handheld 
devices, their limitations and how to work around them. Having worked 
with telephones since I was in high school, this has been something of 
an obsession.

The hot trend today is to cram every feature imaginable into mobile 
telephone handsets. This has led to some cool things like camera phones, 
mobile gaming, and such. The problem is that a lot of designers overlook 
some basic limitations in these devices, and more importantly, the 
situations in which people use them.

Cellular phones are all about mobility. Good mobility applications 
recognize that the user is often in motion (walking, driving, etc). 
Safety and convenience require that the application should demand as 
little visual attention as possible. Badly designed applications force 
the user to stare at the telephone's display instead of paying attention 
to surrounding environs. This is why speech user interfaces work so well 
for mobile users. They allow the user to interact with a service in a 
"heads up" stance, without looking at the phone. Unfortunately, most 
mobile applications are of the badly designed "let's take a PC interface 
and shrink it down" category.

Text messaging is an enormously popular service, but it too suffers from 
this basic user interface conflict. Sending and receiving text messages 
requires the user to look at the display. Receiving messages can be done 
at a glance, so this is not such a burden. Sending them is another 
story. Some people are adept at tapping messages on numeric keypads, but 
doing so requires the user to pay attention to the display. Try writing 
a text message without looking at the phone. Not easy.


Morse Code, or a derivative of it, could be one way to solve this 
problem. With Morse Code, one could tap text messages out without 
looking at the telephone, and without having to fumble with ever smaller 
keypads. I'll admit that the idea of resurrecting Morse Code seems 
improbable, but then it's worth remembering that only a few years ago, 
the idea of people typing with their thumbs also seemed absurd.

How might Morse be incorporated into a telephone handset. I sketched out 
a fairly simple interface. Here's what I came up with.

The telephone would have a fairly large pressure sensitive panel on its 
back side, big enough that you would not have to look at the phone to 
locate it. It might also be possible to use the telephone's existing 
microphone to sense taps (although discriminating between short and long 
pulses could be a problem).

You'd send messages in a couple of different ways depending on how you 
were carrying the phone at the time. I devised a couple of tweaks to 
make the process of sending messages faster.

When carrying the phone at your side, you could send messages with one 
hand by tapping on the back of the phone in the convention dot (short) 
and dash (notation). The panel would interpret a brief pulse as a dot, a 
longer pulse as a dash. Timing is important, so this method of sending 
messages takes more practice.

With both hands free or with the phone resting on a surface, you could 
use a slightly different method to tap messages. Holding the phone in 
one hand and tapping with the other, you'd tap the panel with your 
fingernail to send a dot, and with your whole fingertip to send a dash. 
Timing is much less important here, so this method will be easier for 
people to learn.

Receiving messages is less of an issue, since they'll arrive as text 
messages. The sending telephone will convert the tapped dots and dashes 
into alphanumeric messages to be sent via SMS or IP. The receiving 
telephone will display these in the usual way (an option to play 
messages via text to speech synthesis would be a nice add-on, and as 
mobile phones become more powerful, should be easy enough to do).

Hands-Free Mobile Phone Features

Incorporating a Morse Code key into the back of a telephone handset has 
other uses besides tapping text messages. One of the things this enables 
you to do is to make it easier to control a telephone in hands-free mode.

For example, you could design the phone so that it recognizes certain 
codes as keypad commands, primarily for deciding how to deal with 
incoming calls.

.. = answer call
... = send call to voice mail
 = forward call to preprogrammed number

So while you're driving along, you could dispatch incoming calls as 
desired by tapping on the back of the handset, something you could do 
heads up, without taking your eyes off the road.

While this isn't Morse Code per se, it's the same idea, and it should be 
easy to train users to learn a handful of short two or three digit codes 
as in the example above. This is probably more reali

Re: [Elecraft] For SSB op's only, T/R delay K2

2005-06-29 Thread Margaret Leber


When you release the PTT switch, do you hear audio instantly or is
there a small delay.  As a comparison, there is virtually no delay
when I use my ICOM radio.

On S/N 1641 there is no perceptable delay whatsoever. Perhaps you might 
want to check stuff in the AGC section?

 73 de Maggie K3XS

-/___.   _)Margaret Stephanie Leber CCP, SCJP/"The art of progress /
/(, /|  /| SCWCD/ is to preserve order/
---/   / | / |  _   _   _`  _  AOPA 925383/ amid change and to  /
--/ ) /  |/  |_(_(_(_/_(_/__(__(/_  K3XS / preserve change amid/
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/(_/_(_/___AMSAT 32844_/<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/

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Re: [Elecraft] Battery vs Ultracapacitor

2005-06-28 Thread Margaret Leber

wayne burdick wrote:

There are also bacteria that produce hydrogen, when properly "trained."

The problem with that so far has been the feasibility of the 
nanotech-based whip and chair. :-)

 73 de Maggie K3XS -- K2 1641

-/___.   _)Margaret Stephanie Leber CCP, SCJP/"The art of progress /
/(, /|  /| SCWCD/ is to preserve order/
---/   / | / |  _   _   _`  _  AOPA 925383/ amid change and to  /
--/ ) /  |/  |_(_(_(_/_(_/__(__(/_  K3XS / preserve change amid/
-/ (_/   '.-/ .-/ARRL 39280 /order."-A.N.Whitehead/
/(_/_(_/___AMSAT 32844_/<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/

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Re: [Elecraft] Maggie's Presentation

2005-06-27 Thread Margaret Leber

Steven Pituch wrote:

PLEASE!  I need to use your presentation at my club soon.  Is that OK? I 
can send you back the add ons that I will do to it.  I need to add 
pictures to the end of your report on the KAT/KPA100 in the EC2 
enclosure, and also the KPA100 in the K2 chassis version.  Also I need 
to show the radio performance comparison chart... 

Well, it's ceratinly OK with me if you use *my* stuff. Of course I can't 
clear you to use the images that *I* used without permission; so you're 
kind of on your own there. Most of them came from the Elecraft site, but 
others came from other ham radio websites--- the sequence dealing with 
the history of amateur radio building in particular...a total of three 
or four images, as I recall.

Also, to make changes you probably need to understand that this was 
*not* a Microsoft Powerpoint presentation. It was done with Huckster, a 
very lightweight open-source slideshow tool written in Java. So if 
you're happy to use what's posted on the web, that's fine. If you need 
to alter the Huckster scripting, you'll need the script, the Huckster 
JAR file (kind of a portable Java executable package, downloadable from 
the Huckster site) and you'll need to install the Java runtime on your 
computer (if it isn't there already).

The laptop I built the presentation on is currently in the shop for 
service (backlight quit on me) the backup of the Huckster script I 
have immediately available here on my Linux server isn't *quite* the one 
I used to generate the slides you see online. When I get the laptop back 
(assuming HP hasn't found it necessary to clobber the hard disk to fix 
the backlight) I may be able to track down the source of the images from 
my browser history and retroactively ask for permission to 
republish...or at least know who to ask. That will be at least a week 
from today, maybe two.

So that's the situation. Summary:
 () Use what I wrote, fine.
 () Use the images: you're on your own as to intellectual property 
issues...*I* think illustrating my lecture with them was within "fair 
use" but your milage may vary.

 () Modifying the presentation could be tricky.

 73 de Maggie K3XS

-/___.   _)Margaret Stephanie Leber CCP, SCJP/"The art of progress /
/(, /|  /| SCWCD/ is to preserve order/
---/   / | / |  _   _   _`  _  AOPA 925383/ amid change and to  /
--/ ) /  |/  |_(_(_(_/_(_/__(__(/_  K3XS / preserve change amid/
-/ (_/   '.-/ .-/ARRL 39280 /order."-A.N.Whitehead/
/(_/_(_/___AMSAT 32844_/<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/

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Re: [Elecraft] Elecraft Kit suggestion and other stuff

2005-06-27 Thread Margaret Leber

Margaret Leber wrote:

Oh, yeah...that part that was missing during inventory "phase 1"? I 
found it stuck to an envelope flap later on...

Just in case anybody thought this was an argument in favor of *not* 
doing the inventory, when I finished the RF board inventory I came up 
shy one shoulder washer, one of the ones that keeps the final 
transistors from shorting out.

By discovering this early during the inventory I was able to request a 
replacement from [EMAIL PROTECTED] soon enough to avoid holding up 
construction. Still not sure if it was left out or I managed to lose it, 
but what *is* certain is

 1) I couldn't find it
 2) I needed it
 3) trying to do without it would probably have been disasterous.

 73 de Maggie K3XS S/N 1641

-/___.   _)Margaret Stephanie Leber CCP, SCJP/"The art of progress /
/(, /|  /| SCWCD/ is to preserve order/
---/   / | / |  _   _   _`  _  AOPA 925383/ amid change and to  /
--/ ) /  |/  |_(_(_(_/_(_/__(__(/_  K3XS / preserve change amid/
-/ (_/   '.-/ .-/ARRL 39280 /order."-A.N.Whitehead/
/(_/_(_/___AMSAT 32844_/<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/

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Re: [Elecraft] Elecraft Kit suggestion and other stuff

2005-06-27 Thread Margaret Leber

W3FPR - Don Wilhelm wrote:

I do arrange all the capacitors, diodes, resistors and
other long leaded components in value order in the holes along the edges of
a corrugated cardboard tray (old Heathkit method) so each one is in a known
place where I can lay my hands on it when it is needed.  I cut the USPS
shipping box in half along the narrow sides to produce 2 parts trays, your
method may be different, but it is quite helpful to know where to find any
particular part quickly.

While I had a rather prolonged parts inventory phase (started the 
inventory, discovered a part was missing halfway through, put project on 
the shelf for four years), I still think the parts inventory is very 

I used green plastic school cafeteria trays (the kind with three 
smallish compartments and one large one) for holding various parts 
during construction. These could be stacked on each other (the "wrong" 
way) to conserve workbench space.

And for some reason (totally unexplainable by the amount of breadboard 
work I do: none) I happened to have a "QT socket" type breadboard on the 
bench. This turns out to be an excellent way to sort a bunch of 
components that all look the same (like the Whizzio Quality Capacitor 
Assortment from the RF board) into cute little orderly rows.

Just plugging one lead (or several) from each component into the socket, 
and they'll stand up nicely so you can hold the whole mess under the 
illuminated magnifier to find a particular value and pluck it out for 

Did I mention the presentation I did at Phil-Mont Mobile Radio Club 
about K2s? You can view the slides at

 or see the whole thing as a single page at

The illustrations are stolen shamelessly from the Elecraft site (and a 
few other places, like PA3CEVs wonderful construction photos) so if 
anybody complains that I'm outside the scope of "fair use" I'll have to 
take it down. But it was fun to do.

Oh, yeah...that part that was missing during inventory "phase 1"? I 
found it stuck to an envelope flap later on...

 73 de Maggie K3XS K2 S/N 1641

P.S. I did operate briefly during FD as K3XS 1E EPA...logged four SSB 
contacts: K5FD 3A WTX, N0GF 3A ND and AA0AA 1A Missouri. W3NWA 4A EPA 
was just a few miles away.

-/___.   _)Margaret Stephanie Leber CCP, SCJP/"The art of progress /
/(, /|  /| SCWCD/ is to preserve order/
---/   / | / |  _   _   _`  _  AOPA 925383/ amid change and to  /
--/ ) /  |/  |_(_(_(_/_(_/__(__(/_  K3XS / preserve change amid/
-/ (_/   '.-/ .-/ARRL 39280 /order."-A.N.Whitehead/
/(_/_(_/___AMSAT 32844_/<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/

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[Elecraft] Interesting words from another domain -- K2 presentation

2005-06-10 Thread Margaret Leber
I was reading my daily RSS feed and happened to encounter the following. 
While the author isn't an operator (to my knowlege), I was struck by the 
strong resonance with the *craft* part of "Elecraft". So many of these 
points apply to the Elecraft experience that I though I'd share it with 
you folks.


 Draft Craft Manifesto

I’ve been trying to pin down what is driving the increasing popularity 
of crafting for a while now. This is what I’ve got so far:

1. People get satisfaction for being able to create/craft things because 
they can see themselves in the objects they make. This is not possible 
in purchased products.

2. The things that people have made themselves have magic powers. They 
have hidden meanings that other people can’t see.

3. The things people make they usually want to keep and update. Crafting 
is not against consumption. It is against throwing things away.

4. People seek recognition for the things they have made. Primarily it 
comes from their friends and family. This manifests as an economy of gifts.

5. People who believe they are producing genuinely cool things seek 
broader exposure for their products. This creates opportunities for 
alternative publishing channels.

6. Work inspires work. Seeing what other people have made generates new 
ideas and designs.

7. Essential for crafting are tools, which are accessible, portable, and 
easy to learn.

8. Materials become important. Knowledge of what they are made of and 
where to get them becomes essential.

9. Recipes become important. The ability to create and distribute 
interesting recipes becomes valuable.

10. Learning techniques brings people together. This creates online and 
offline communities of practice.

11. Craft-oriented people seek opportunities to discover interesting 
things and meet their makers. This creates marketplaces.

12. At the bottom, crafting is a form of play.

By the way, next Wednesday I'll be doing a presentation at the Phil-Mont 
Mobile Radio club meeting on my K2 experience. Folks who are in the 
Philadelphia area that evening who might like to attend can contact me 
for information.

73 de Maggie K3XS
Editor, Phil-Mont Mobile Radio Club Blurb -
Elecraft K2 #1641

-/___.   _)Margaret Stephanie Leber CCP, SCJP/"The art of progress /
/(, /|  /| SCWCD/ is to preserve order/
---/   / | / |  _   _   _`  _  AOPA 925383/ amid change and to  /
--/ ) /  |/  |_(_(_(_/_(_/__(__(/_  K3XS / preserve change amid/
-/ (_/   '.-/ .-/ARRL 39280 /order."-A.N.Whitehead/
/(_/_(_/___AMSAT 32844_/<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/

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Re: [Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Report for June 6th, 2005

2005-06-06 Thread Margaret Leber

Kevin Rock wrote:

On 7045 kHz at 0200z:...
K3XS - Maggie - PA - K2 - 2847 ??  checked in with a Yaesu device however.

My K2 is S/N 1641, but as you note, I was running a Yaesu FT-847 at 50w 
or so, both to make sure I penetrated the substantial QRN and also so I 
could use my KAMPlus to back up my RX follow the net.

 Here's a diagram of the station I used:

73 de Maggie K3XS
Editor, Phil-Mont Mobile Radio Club Blurb -
Elecraft K2 #1641

-/___.   _)Margaret Stephanie Leber CCP, SCJP/"The art of progress /
/(, /|  /| SCWCD/ is to preserve order/
---/   / | / |  _   _   _`  _  AOPA 925383/ amid change and to  /
--/ ) /  |/  |_(_(_(_/_(_/__(__(/_  K3XS / preserve change amid/
-/ (_/   '.-/ .-/ARRL 39280 /order."-A.N.Whitehead/
/(_/_(_/___AMSAT 32844_/<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/

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[Elecraft] Finally managed QNI on ECN on 40m

2005-06-05 Thread Margaret Leber
...although I really had oodles of artificial help on a very noisy 
night. Ended up using my FT-847 at 50 watts CW (a real light-dimmer 
around here) and KAMPlus on RX to decode the other traffic I could 
hear--because my CW RX skills just really aren't net quality as yet.

Apparently I send OK because Tom N0SS checked me in (after I remebered 
to retune my recently repaired G5RV antenna system from 75m to 40m :-) ) 
with me sending using one side of my Bencher paddle as a straight 
key...the keyer still tends to run away on me a bit when my attention 
wanders momentarily.

(I *am* practicing my CW RX and I don't use the KAM for CW RX--except 
here where I think my inability to copy faster would interfere with net 

So it was nice to finally manage to be heard on ECN, even if it wasn't 
with the K2. Earlier today with the K2, I had a long phone QSO with a 
local ham after signing into our local club's 75m phone net (3.993 MHz @ 
10:20am et Sundays)  and he was quite impressed with the K2 (although 
apparently at max power he could hear some key chirp when I tested my CW 
signal). On the club's  "Ten-on-ten" net (28.383 MHz 10:00am et Sundays) 
I could barely copy signals that the FT-847 heard easily, so obviously I 
still have some work to do on the 10m or 10m-12m sections of the radio; 
on 20m and lower this K2 clearly way outperforms the FT-847 on RX using 
the same antenna system.

 73 de Maggie K3XS

-/___.   _)Margaret Stephanie Leber CCP, SCJP/"The art of progress /
/(, /|  /| SCWCD/ is to preserve order/
---/   / | / |  _   _   _`  _  AOPA 925383/ amid change and to  /
--/ ) /  |/  |_(_(_(_/_(_/__(__(/_  K3XS / preserve change amid/
-/ (_/   '.-/ .-/ARRL 39280 /order."-A.N.Whitehead/
/(_/_(_/___AMSAT 32844_/<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/

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Re: [Elecraft] Preamp, Attenuator on K2 #4901

2005-05-30 Thread Margaret Leber

W3FPR - Don Wilhelm wrote:

Other than a faulty solder connection or an incorrect resistor value
(R74, R75, R76, R77), I can think of only 2 things that might cause
the PreAmp to not work - T6 could be connected incorrectly or the
windings shorted together, or C146 may be faulty.  Try tacking a 0.01
uF capacitor across R77 (bottom of the board) as a check for an open
C146 and if that doesn't fix things, try rewinding T6.

-Original Message- I just finished K2 #4901 and it works
great.  The only thing I have a question on is the preamp setting.
When the annunciator is on over the preamp, it seems as though
background noise goes down and the signal strength is reduced.


Definately what Don said. I was in exactly the same situation as you:

Margaret Leber wrote:
After reworking a couple of suspect joints in the preamp section and
removing and reinstalling T6, the preamp in K2 1641 is now working.

73 de Maggie K3XS
Editor, Phil-Mont Mobile Radio Club Blurb -
Elecraft K2 #1641

-/___.   _)Margaret Stephanie Leber CCP, SCJP/"The art of progress /
/(, /|  /| SCWCD/ is to preserve order/
---/   / | / |  _   _   _`  _  AOPA 925383/ amid change and to  /
--/ ) /  |/  |_(_(_(_/_(_/__(__(/_  K3XS / preserve change amid/
-/ (_/   '.-/ .-/ARRL 39280 /order."-A.N.Whitehead/
/(_/_(_/___AMSAT 32844_/<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/

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Webbeacons, and some on-topic stuff too [was: Re: [Elecraft] Yahoo Group Snoop]

2005-05-23 Thread Margaret Leber


[K2 related stuff included, scroll down]

The upshot of this "webbeacons" thing (they're also known as "webbugs") 
is that email from Yahoogroups that is in HTML format can do anything a 
web page can do...and this includes requesting that images be downloaded 
to your computer. A webbug is an invisible image having a specially 
crafted image name that is specific to you personally, and thus lets the 
server that the request goes to know that the Internet address that the 
request is made from is being used by the person whose the account the 
email was sent to.

There's a few good ways to combat this:

Don't use HTML mail.

Don't allow Yahoo to convert mail sent to you to HTML format (this 
allows them to send you banner ads embedded in the email too).

And most importantly, use an email client that woun't automatically load 
remote images even if somebody sends you one. I use Thunderbird and 
Firebird for email and web browsing respecively on both Linux and 
Windows for this reason among others.

And just to keep things on-topic...

My lifepartener NG3P yesterday finished the K2SB, we installed it in K2 
S/N 1641, and it worked like a champ from our basement to my station 
upstairs. While I was taking my Sunday afternoon nap, NG3P worked 
#1641's first QSO down into TN someplace with a 20m dipole in the front 
yard. I used that same antenna to work K3SUE (who's only a few miles 
away). I discovered that I could barely work Sue at all through my 
regular HF antenna, a G5RV in the back yard, which had recently been moved.

Long story short, I discovered that the window pass-through I've been 
using with the G5RV for several years has a serious flaw: the ground 
side of the coax connection is not passed through the pass-through. At 
all. Considering that th emain function of a pass-though is to pass 
stuff through, I consider that a major shortcoming. :-)

I think this explains some of the odd performance problems I've been 
having running the K2 from my shack, and demonstrates that, while an LDG 
autotuner will indeed tune almost anything to almost any frequency 
within its rated range, it can also cover up some truly nasty problems 
in your antenna system if you're not paying attention.

73 de Maggie K3XS
Editor, Phil-Mont Mobile Radio Club Blurb -
Elecraft K2 #1641

-/___.   _)Margaret Stephanie Leber CCP, SCJP/"The art of progress /
/(, /|  /| SCWCD/ is to preserve order/
---/   / | / |  _   _   _`  _  AOPA 925383/ amid change and to  /
--/ ) /  |/  |_(_(_(_/_(_/__(__(/_  K3XS / preserve change amid/
-/ (_/   '.-/ .-/ARRL 39280 /order."-A.N.Whitehead/
/(_/_(_/___AMSAT 32844_/<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/

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Re: [Elecraft] Elecraft Net Report for May 15-16th, 2005

2005-05-15 Thread Margaret Leber

Kevin Rock wrote:

Once again the Elecraft net was not skunked.  Conditions were rather 
weak but a few folks braved them and were recognized.  I am sure there 
were others out there under the noise but I was not able to hear you.  

Well, I was faithfully listening but heard exactly zero...afraid the 
conditions weren't quite a match for last time.

Next time I'm able to hear you, I'll check in with my FT-847 @100W for 
the initial contact, and if you can hear me I'll switch to the K2 on the 
same antenna system and we'll see if that makes the trip.

73 de Maggie K3XS
Editor, Phil-Mont Mobile Radio Club Blurb -
Elecraft K2 #1641

-/___.   _)Margaret Stephanie Leber CCP, SCJP/"The art of progress /
/(, /|  /| SCWCD/ is to preserve order/
---/   / | / |  _   _   _`  _  AOPA 925383/ amid change and to  /
--/ ) /  |/  |_(_(_(_/_(_/__(__(/_  K3XS / preserve change amid/
-/ (_/   '.-/ .-/ARRL 39280 /order."-A.N.Whitehead/
/(_/_(_/___AMSAT 32844_/<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/

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Re: [Elecraft] Morse on the Tonight Show, Tonight, Friday the 13th

2005-05-14 Thread Margaret Leber

Tim Jones wrote:

I caught the segment you guys smoked em
Great job of staying with the message even thru the crowd noise 
When you raised your hand that you were done the kids expression was amazing
He could not believe you guys were already done 
Thanks for the great exposure about morse code 
Oh and the telegrapher outfits were great !!

-Original Message-
On Behalf Of Ken Miller, K6CTW
It's a great chance for us to plug Morse, telegraphy and ham radio!  Thanks.

It *was* a great segment...

But speaking from our experience working with publicity and media 
relations for the Pink Pistols ( ) over the 
last few years, I just think it's sad that the Leno people managed to 
almost completely bury the ham radio connection, although one of you (I 
missed which one) managed to punch up that point despite the overall 
spin of the segment.

I wonder how many people watching even knew that radios were being used?

I also think the costumes (and they *were* really cute) helped 
contriubute to the perception that Morse is something that's not done 
outside museums anymore.

When you only have two or three minutes to work with it's hard to do 
everything you might want to. But a valiant effort nontheless!

 Congratulations es 73 de Maggie K3XS

-/___.   _)Margaret Stephanie Leber CCP, SCJP/"The art of progress /
/(, /|  /| SCWCD/ is to preserve order/
---/   / | / |  _   _   _`  _  AOPA 925383/ amid change and to  /
--/ ) /  |/  |_(_(_(_/_(_/__(__(/_  K3XS / preserve change amid/
-/ (_/   '.-/ .-/ARRL 39280 /order."-A.N.Whitehead/
/(_/_(_/___AMSAT 32844_/<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/

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Re: [Elecraft] A Morse PDA/communicator and other uses for Morse code [was: Tonight Show]

2005-05-13 Thread Margaret Leber

wayne burdick wrote:

It worked quite well, and some day (in my copious spare time) I hope to 
pack it into a keychain-sized device. This PDA would be the world's 
smallest, would go with you everwhere, and would cost almost nothing 
since it would need no display or keyboard. It would have a small audio 
transducer so you could hold it up to your ear when using it, or an 
inductively-coupled wireless link from the keychain unit to a 
lightweight earbud. The rest of the device requires just one chip -- an 
MCU with a lot of EEPROM and/or flash memory. (If anyone wants to help 
me prototype or write firmware for this unit, let me know. I'm a bit busy!)

I just have this voice whispering to me as I read this that keeps saying 
"bluetooth, J2ME, cellphone"...

After all, the smallest chip is no chip, and the next smallest is one 
you're already carrying and powering for another reason. Maybe I'll 
create some Java classes that translate between Morse and character 
strings for starters.

 73 de Maggie K3XS

-/___.   _)Margaret Stephanie Leber CCP, SCJP/"The art of progress /
/(, /|  /| SCWCD/ is to preserve order/
---/   / | / |  _   _   _`  _  AOPA 925383/ amid change and to  /
--/ ) /  |/  |_(_(_(_/_(_/__(__(/_  K3XS / preserve change amid/
-/ (_/   '.-/ .-/ARRL 39280 /order."-A.N.Whitehead/
/(_/_(_/___AMSAT 32844_/<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/

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Re: [Elecraft] QST: CW vs Text Message Contest on NBC's "Tonight Show" Friday

2005-05-12 Thread Margaret Leber

Art - W6KY wrote:

I know Chip. Why do I think the 'CW' will easily beat the cell phone message

Because it already has:,,1-2-1571664,00.html

And in other news, would you believe "broadband over gas line"?

Ya can't make this stuff up...

73 de Maggie K3XS

-/___.   _)Margaret Stephanie Leber CCP, SCJP/"The art of progress /
/(, /|  /| SCWCD/ is to preserve order/
---/   / | / |  _   _   _`  _  AOPA 925383/ amid change and to  /
--/ ) /  |/  |_(_(_(_/_(_/__(__(/_  K3XS / preserve change amid/
-/ (_/   '.-/ .-/ARRL 39280 /order."-A.N.Whitehead/
/(_/_(_/___AMSAT 32844_/<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/

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Re: [Elecraft] WTD: Hi-Mound BK-100 Manual

2005-05-09 Thread Margaret Leber

Andy GM0NWI wrote:

Was at a rally this weekend in the town of Irvine (Scotland). Picked 
up one of the above keys, in "good" shape, for the fantastic sum of 
?10.00 (British Pounds) at the "bring n buy/junk sale" seems to be 
all in working order,

Was wondering if anyone has a manual for this little babe...?I'm new 
to "bug" type keys of any kind, and not sure on how to set her up for 
operation properley would also like to check out that there are no 
defective, or missing parts

Some adjusting information available at

 73 de Maggie K3XS

-/___.   _)Margaret Stephanie Leber CCP, SCJP/"The art of progress /
/(, /|  /| SCWCD/ is to preserve order/
---/   / | / |  _   _   _`  _  AOPA 925383/ amid change and to  /
--/ ) /  |/  |_(_(_(_/_(_/__(__(/_  K3XS / preserve change amid/
-/ (_/   '.-/ .-/ARRL 39280 /order."-A.N.Whitehead/
/(_/_(_/___AMSAT 32844_/<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/

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Re: [Elecraft] Elecraft Net Report for May 8-9th, 2005

2005-05-09 Thread Margaret Leber

Kevin Rock wrote:

   20 meters was almost like cotton batting in my ears but I worked 
across the continent.  Ray, as always had a great signal.  But who 
should start the net but my old (not really so old) friend Carter.  
Reminds me, I owe him a note ;)  His signal from PA was running hot.  
But then he had his linear cranked up to 100 watts so the ionosphere did 
not stand a chance! 

You had a solid signal into my QTH in Jeffersonville (about 8 miles from 
Carter's in Paoli) when the net opened. But by the time you two finished 
your exchange, you had pretty much disappeared into a deep QSB as heard 
from here, about an hour before local sunset.

Hope to have my speed up enough to participate soon, this time I was 
using the CW function of my KAMplus to follow the goings on.

73 de Maggie K3XS
editor, The PMRC Blurb
K2 #1641

-/___.   _)Margaret Stephanie Leber CCP, SCJP/"The art of progress /
/(, /|  /| SCWCD/ is to preserve order/
---/   / | / |  _   _   _`  _  AOPA 925383/ amid change and to  /
--/ ) /  |/  |_(_(_(_/_(_/__(__(/_  K3XS / preserve change amid/
-/ (_/   '.-/ .-/ARRL 39280 /order."-A.N.Whitehead/
/(_/_(_/___AMSAT 32844_/<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/

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Re: [Elecraft] start with straight key or paddles?

2005-05-08 Thread Margaret Leber


Comrades, I'm working on my code to get my licenses soon.  I will
want to do CW with the k2 I will buy and build on board our trawler.
1st mate and CFO watches expenses like a hawk and will catch me if I
(gasp) buy two things which appear to do same thing. You can't hide
much from her on the 36 boat we live on. 

Once again, we see the wisdom of lifepartnering with someone with 
compatible interests (not to mention separate finances).

Mine (NG3P) wanted in so bad after we went on a picnic with K2 #1641 
yesterday that she's now building the KSB2.

If I ultimately intend to use paddles as most of you appear to be
doing, why is it a bad idea simply to start with a set? 

While I'm still working on getting my own speed up, I suspect that the 
keyer vs. straight key argument is a bit of a red herring. The 
important/central/difficult thing is building receive skills, and once 
you have that rhythm down I can't see the keying method making much 
difference...except that a keyer might make it possible for someone to 
try to send much faster than he's able to send well. Or recieve, for 
that matter.

Those who hew to the "no pain no gain" school of thought will insist you 
start with a straight key because it will improve your character. But if 
the thought of "starting out wrong" worries you, and having both a 
straight key and paddles is an issue, get paddles, set the menu INP HAND 
and send straight key with one paddle.

I hope your CFOs anti-redundancy policy doesn't apply to other parts of 
your ship's gear. Life jackets, oars, rudders, etc. :-)

 73 de Maggie K3XS

-/___.   _)Margaret Stephanie Leber CCP, SCJP/"The art of progress /
/(, /|  /| SCWCD/ is to preserve order/
---/   / | / |  _   _   _`  _  AOPA 925383/ amid change and to  /
--/ ) /  |/  |_(_(_(_/_(_/__(__(/_  K3XS / preserve change amid/
-/ (_/   '.-/ .-/ARRL 39280 /order."-A.N.Whitehead/
/(_/_(_/___AMSAT 32844_/<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/

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Re: [Elecraft] Audio Volume

2005-04-29 Thread Margaret Leber

W3FPR - Don Wilhelm wrote:

In my quick reply earlier, I failed to mention the AGC setting - even if it
is set for the manual recommendation of 3.8 volts, it may be too high and
hold the gain down.  Test by turning the AGC off and on with no signals on
the band (if band noise is present, disconnect the antenna), and make
certain the DSP de-noiser is not running.  If you hear a change in the noise
level, the AGC Threshold is set too high. 

Imagine my surprise in discovering that later K2s have an adjustable AGC 
threshold. ;-) *My* control board R1 is a 51K ohm fixed resistor ;-)

For those following the saga of K2 1641, it's pretty much completely in 
operation. I need to retweak the 20m BPF a bit, but otherwise it's 
rockin' out. Doing Don's AGC on/off test above might give an 
almost-perceptible change in noise level, I'm not sure. Doesn't seem 
like an issue.

It works better than my CW does, anywaygotta work on that.

Now I have the battery and SSB mods to work on. We'll see how well the 
battery has weathered several years storage; it may well need to be 

73 de Maggie K3XS

-/___.   _)Margaret Stephanie Leber CCP, SCJP/"The art of progress /
/(, /|  /| SCWCD/ is to preserve order/
---/   / | / |  _   _   _`  _  AOPA 925383/ amid change and to  /
--/ ) /  |/  |_(_(_(_/_(_/__(__(/_  K3XS / preserve change amid/
-/ (_/   '.-/ .-/ARRL 39280 /order."-A.N.Whitehead/
/(_/_(_/___AMSAT 32844_/<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/

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Re: [Elecraft] New Amp??

2005-04-25 Thread Margaret Leber

W2AGN wrote:

All I can say is, Sure hate to see so many going over to the Dark Side...

I'm sure they said that about the KSB2. :-)

 73 de Maggie, K2 1641 (almost finished, some small bugs yet to squash)

-/___.   _)Margaret Stephanie Leber CCP, SCJP/"The art of progress /
/(, /|  /| SCWCD/ is to preserve order/
---/   / | / |  _   _   _`  _  AOPA 925383/ amid change and to  /
--/ ) /  |/  |_(_(_(_/_(_/__(__(/_  K3XS / preserve change amid/
-/ (_/   '.-/ .-/ARRL 39280 /order."-A.N.Whitehead/
/(_/_(_/___AMSAT 32844_/<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/

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Re: [Elecraft] VCO Oscillator Test Problem

2005-04-18 Thread Margaret Leber

W3FPR - Don Wilhelm wrote:

I can understand Q1 and Q2 getting hot from a shortcircuit somewhere on the
8T and 8R lines, but I just don't understand how Q3 and Q4 would get hot -
they are just switches and should be fully conducting or fully
non-conducting (and therefore should dissipate very little heat). 

Yes, I recently was dealing with a shorted 8R and was quite convinced 
that all four transistors were hot.

In fact it was just that Q2 was so hot it was heating up the other 
transistors nearbyand it was hard to tell Q2 was hotter than the 
others because it was too hot to touch for long enough to tell.

  73 de Maggie K3XS

-/___.   _)Margaret Stephanie Leber CCP, SCJP/"The art of progress /
/(, /|  /| SCWCD/ is to preserve order/
---/   / | / |  _   _   _`  _  AOPA 925383/ amid change and to  /
--/ ) /  |/  |_(_(_(_/_(_/__(__(/_  K3XS / preserve change amid/
-/ (_/   '.-/ .-/ARRL 39280 /order."-A.N.Whitehead/
/(_/_(_/___AMSAT 32844_/<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/

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Re: [Elecraft] K2 1641 -- first signals received, preamp working

2005-04-18 Thread Margaret Leber

Margaret Leber wrote:

One thing though...I'm certain I heard somebody here on the list 
recently who had louder signals with the preamp *off*. 

After reworking a couple of suspect joints in the preamp section and 
removing and reinstalling T6, the preamp in K2 1641 is now working.

Gawd...there sure are a lot of signals on 40m I've been missing on my 
Yaesu FT-847. ;-)

 73 de Maggie K3XS

-/___.   _)Margaret Stephanie Leber CCP, SCJP/"The art of progress /
/(, /|  /| SCWCD/ is to preserve order/
---/   / | / |  _   _   _`  _  AOPA 925383/ amid change and to  /
--/ ) /  |/  |_(_(_(_/_(_/__(__(/_  K3XS / preserve change amid/
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Re: [Elecraft] FORTH

2005-04-18 Thread Margaret Leber

Chris wrote:

Are there any decent modern RPN calcs?...I have soft RPN calc on my palm...

 Don't forget Quartus ( ), a complete FORTH 
implementation for Palm.

By the way, the on-board computer on the AMSAT/Oscar-40 amateur radio 
satellite (may it rest in peace) ran IPS, a multithreaded version of 
FORTH that used German keywords.

 73 de Maggie K3XS, who will be looking closely at her K2's T6 when she 
gets home from flying today

-/___.   _)Margaret Stephanie Leber CCP, SCJP/"The art of progress /
/(, /|  /| SCWCD/ is to preserve order/
---/   / | / |  _   _   _`  _  AOPA 925383/ amid change and to  /
--/ ) /  |/  |_(_(_(_/_(_/__(__(/_  K3XS / preserve change amid/
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Re: [Elecraft] K2 1641 -- first signals received

2005-04-17 Thread Margaret Leber

Margaret Leber wrote:

And furthermore although RX is high, 8R is floating. Looks like 
something's keeping Q4 on the control board from turning on Q2. The 
audio is awfully quiet with no 8R voltage. :-)

Replaced Q2 twice and got .5v on 8R both times before concluding 
something had to be shorting 8R to ground. Found a little filament of 
untrimmed toroid wire making a bridge, trimmed it, now we're though the 
alignment and receiving 40m signals just fine.

One thing though...I'm certain I heard somebody here on the list 
recently who had louder signals with the preamp *off*. And I'm pretty 
sure Don told him what the likely reason was.

I just can't find the threadanybody remeber? Don?

73 de Maggie K3XS, who will spare the "Now that we know" thread a 
recital of her 30-yr computing career. ;-)

-/___.   _)Margaret Stephanie Leber CCP, SCJP/"The art of progress /
/(, /|  /| SCWCD/ is to preserve order/
---/   / | / |  _   _   _`  _  AOPA 925383/ amid change and to  /
--/ ) /  |/  |_(_(_(_/_(_/__(__(/_  K3XS / preserve change amid/
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[Elecraft] K2 1641 -- BFO now OK at TP2, but no 8R

2005-04-17 Thread Margaret Leber

Margaret Leber wrote:

Margaret Leber wrote:

There's just plain no signal that CAL Fctr can find at TP2, even
though there *is* a 4918 kHz or so signal at U11 pin...

...becuse there was no V ALC. J7 pin 32 wasn't soldered correctly, so 
now that's fixed.

One more observation for the detecK2ives out there: On the control
board Q1-Q4 seem to be running quite warm...

And furthermore although RX is high, 8R is floating. Looks like 
something's keeping Q4 on the control board from turning on Q2. The 
audio is awfully quiet with no 8R voltage. :-)

Suggestions welcome...

 73 de Maggie K3XS

-/___.   _)Margaret Stephanie Leber CCP, SCJP/"The art of progress /
/(, /|  /| SCWCD/ is to preserve order/
---/   / | / |  _   _   _`  _  AOPA 925383/ amid change and to  /
--/ ) /  |/  |_(_(_(_/_(_/__(__(/_  K3XS / preserve change amid/
-/ (_/   '.-/ .-/ARRL 39280 /order."-A.N.Whitehead/
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[Elecraft] Re: K2 1641 -- no BFO at TP2

2005-04-16 Thread Margaret Leber

Margaret Leber wrote:

With that corrected, the VCO voltage readings on each band fell into 
line, and I'm now up to the BFO test. There's just plain no signal that 
CAL Fctr can find at TP2, even though there *is* a 4918 kHz or so signal 
at U11 pin 6, and even at the ungrounded side of C169. Q24 *looks*  OK, 
but what can you tell by looking? :-)

I also noted that something has the S-meter calibration in an uproar; it 
set up with completely nominal values originally but now requires 
extreme settings to unpin it from the top end and the RF gain doesn't 
move the lit bar around like it used to.

Suggested avenues of investigation are welcome...

One more observation for the detecK2ives out there: On the control board 
Q1-Q4 seem to be running quite warm; rather warmer than I would expect 
for a device designed for low power consumption--is that normal?

 73 de Maggie K3XS, who's about to start checking DC voltages throughout

-/___.   _)Margaret Stephanie Leber CCP, SCJP/"The art of progress /
/(, /|  /| SCWCD/ is to preserve order/
---/   / | / |  _   _   _`  _  AOPA 925383/ amid change and to  /
--/ ) /  |/  |_(_(_(_/_(_/__(__(/_  K3XS / preserve change amid/
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/(_/_(_/___AMSAT 32844_/<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/

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[Elecraft] K2 1641 update - alignment and test II, no BFO at TP2

2005-04-15 Thread Margaret Leber
Well, I thought it might be time to update you folks on where my K2 
build stands.

Yesterday I began Alignment and Test Part II. Things were nominal until 
it came time to do the VCO voltage readings, some of which were fine and 
some were way out of wack. Following the helpful guidance in the book, I 
discovered that C73 on the RF board was occupied with that 4.7pf cap I 
couldn't find (as opposed to the 47pf cap that's supposed to be there).

With that corrected, the VCO voltage readings on each band fell into 
line, and I'm now up to the BFO test. There's just plain no signal that 
CAL Fctr can find at TP2, even though there *is* a 4918 kHz or so signal 
at U11 pin 6, and even at the ungrounded side of C169. Q24 *looks*  OK, 
but what can you tell by looking? :-)

I've just started squinting at the schematic to see where I should be 
looking for other possible sources of the problem. Of course, I'm 
looking for the perpetual prime suspects: solder bridges and 
cold-soldered joints, but haven't found any yet.

I also noted that something has the S-meter calibration in an uproar; it 
 set up with completely nominal values originally but now requires 
extreme settings to unpin it from the top end and the RF gain doesn't 
move the lit bar around like it used to.

Suggested avenues of investigation are welcome...

 73 de Maggie K3XS

-/___.   _)Margaret Stephanie Leber CCP, SCJP/"The art of progress /
/(, /|  /| SCWCD/ is to preserve order/
---/   / | / |  _   _   _`  _  AOPA 925383/ amid change and to  /
--/ ) /  |/  |_(_(_(_/_(_/__(__(/_  K3XS / preserve change amid/
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Re: [Elecraft] Resistor Color Code Guide

2005-04-09 Thread Margaret Leber

Thom R Lacosta wrote:

On Sat, 9 Apr 2005, Sandy wrote:

Color code is easy!  Remember the rhyme we learned in radio school:
Bad Boys Rape Our Young Girls But Violet Gives Willingly! 

May not be Politically Correct!

Clearly not politically correct...but I still use it anyway :-)
But bless Elecraft for printing part codes in the manual.


-/___.   _)Margaret Stephanie Leber CCP, SCJP/"The art of progress /
/(, /|  /| SCWCD/ is to preserve order/
---/   / | / |  _   _   _`  _  AOPA 925383/ amid change and to  /
--/ ) /  |/  |_(_(_(_/_(_/__(__(/_  K3XS / preserve change amid/
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Re: [Elecraft] RS wire

2005-04-07 Thread Margaret Leber

Jeremiah McCarthy wrote:

The wire RS sells will not heat strip if heat stripping is your method...

Thanks...that's good information. Generous and helpful folks have 
volunteered off-list to provide me any replacement wire I should need, 
so I should be in good shape.

 Thanks again es 73
 Maggie K3XS

-/___.   _)Margaret Stephanie Leber CCP, SCJP/"The art of progress /
/(, /|  /| SCWCD/ is to preserve order/
---/   / | / |  _   _   _`  _  AOPA 925383/ amid change and to  /
--/ ) /  |/  |_(_(_(_/_(_/__(__(/_  K3XS / preserve change amid/
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Re: [Elecraft] K2 manual suggestions

2005-04-06 Thread Margaret Leber

Mike Markowski wrote:

It's also helpful to know how much extra you have so that when
you make a mistake, you have the info to know whether to cut a fresh
piece or conserve and work with what you've got.

Ain't that the truth.

Just before I succumbed to the flu last month my last act in building K2 
1641 was to wind T7 and T6. In my foggy mental state I ended up 
installing T7 in the location for T6, and didn't realize my error until 
I went to install T6.

I got T7 out without damaging the board (I think), but had to cut the 
red leads fairly close to the toroid, then downed-tools before I ended 
up doing any more "negative work". I'm just now emerging from my 
post-flu funk enough to want to resume work.

I may have to rewind T7. I'm not sure whether there's enough red 26ga 
wire left to get away with that without reusing what's left of the 20" I 
used on the first incarnation of T7 on one of the smaller LPF inductors 
later on.

(The good news is Radio Shack has 26ga magnet wire. The bad news is it 
comes in a pack of three gauges but the 26ga is only in one color. :-)

I suppose I should just suck it up and press on, and throw myself on the 
mercy of "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" should I come up short.

(My experience so far has been that cutting the wire to the recommended 
length leaves about three inches of extra wire when done winding.)

 73 de Maggie K3XS

-/___.   _)Margaret Stephanie Leber CCP, SCJP/"The art of progress /
/(, /|  /| SCWCD/ is to preserve order/
---/   / | / |  _   _   _`  _  AOPA 925383/ amid change and to  /
--/ ) /  |/  |_(_(_(_/_(_/__(__(/_  K3XS / preserve change amid/
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Re: [Elecraft] The "d" at 7038 is growing

2005-03-31 Thread Margaret Leber

V Cortina wrote:

I've been meaning to ask about this for months.  Not continuously,
but consistently, there is a CW signal which just sends the letter
"d" over and over, with an occasional other letter.  This goes on day
and night literally at any time.  Now today at about 7038 I hear my
old "d" friend, and now somebody else at nearly the same frequency
sending "p".  Does anyone have any idea what the heck is going on?

You're probably hearing Russian military HF channel marker or 
propigation beacons.

More information at:

or use

..if the other URL is mangled in the email...

 73 de Maggie K3XS, who has only been a ham since 1999, but was a SWL 
long before that

-/___.   _)Margaret Stephanie Leber CCP, SCJP/"The art of progress /
/(, /|  /| SCWCD/ is to preserve order/
---/   / | / |  _   _   _`  _  AOPA 925383/ amid change and to  /
--/ ) /  |/  |_(_(_(_/_(_/__(__(/_  K3XS / preserve change amid/
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Re: [Elecraft] The Linus Special

2005-03-27 Thread Margaret Leber

Dave, W7AQK, wrote:

Notwithstanding my dog Linus's efforts to the contrary (trying to eat my  
parts), the T1 is up and running.  Still running tests though, but it tunes

That's good...the "dog ate my tuner" excuse is way overused. :-)

 73 de Maggie K3XS

-/___.   _)Margaret Stephanie Leber CCP, SCJP/"The art of progress /
/(, /|  /| SCWCD/ is to preserve order/
---/   / | / |  _   _   _`  _  AOPA 925383/ amid change and to  /
--/ ) /  |/  |_(_(_(_/_(_/__(__(/_  K3XS / preserve change amid/
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Re: [Elecraft] a K2 thought?

2005-03-21 Thread Margaret Leber


I can't watch TV or listen to a radio while working.

Neither can I, but I've discovered that having the MP3 player in my 
computer on shufflle-play is plesant. No commercials thus no distractions...

 73 de Maggie K3XS

-/___.   _)Margaret Stephanie Leber CCP, SCJP/"The art of progress /
/(, /|  /| SCWCD/ is to preserve order/
---/   / | / |  _   _   _`  _  AOPA 925383/ amid change and to  /
--/ ) /  |/  |_(_(_(_/_(_/__(__(/_  K3XS / preserve change amid/
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Re: [Elecraft] Re: magnetic fields and phase noise?

2005-03-20 Thread Margaret Leber

Earl W Cunningham wrote:

It has been suggested that mu-metal shielding might alleviate the
problem.  I'm considering making mu-metal bottom and side covers for my

If I were having that problem, I'd be thinking about shielding the 
*source*...because it would likely affect other equipment in my shack.

 73 de Maggie K3XS

-/___.   _)Margaret Stephanie Leber CCP, SCJP/"The art of progress /
/(, /|  /| SCWCD/ is to preserve order/
---/   / | / |  _   _   _`  _  AOPA 925383/ amid change and to  /
--/ ) /  |/  |_(_(_(_/_(_/__(__(/_  K3XS / preserve change amid/
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Re: [Elecraft] Re: magnetic fields and phase noise?

2005-03-19 Thread Margaret Leber

N2TK, Tony wrote:

My K2/100 sits on top of my TS950SDX. If I go above about 30-50W with the K2
on 80 and 160M I have to reset my router. Was using a Belkin router. Now
using a Netgear wireless router. Both cutout. This doesn't happen all the
time - maybe 50% of the time. Been wrapping ferrite on everything, but no
difference so far. 

Good friend of mine who's triple DXCC (only a few shy of honor roll), 
and runs QRO a lot used to have serious trouble with her DSL modem when 
transmitting. After a lot of playing with ferrites she discovered that 
the path of RF entry was through the "wall wart" outlet transformer 
powering the DSL box.

Easy to overlook...


-/___.   _)Margaret Stephanie Leber CCP, SCJP/"The art of progress /
/(, /|  /| SCWCD/ is to preserve order/
---/   / | / |  _   _   _`  _  AOPA 925383/ amid change and to  /
--/ ) /  |/  |_(_(_(_/_(_/__(__(/_  K3XS / preserve change amid/
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[Elecraft] Re: Acrobat and K2

2005-03-18 Thread Margaret Leber

Pepperdine, Brien (CAB) wrote:

Using Acrobat search function on the PDF of the parts layout is in my
opinion a stroke of genius.
The time I spent looking for component placements yikes.
Everyone who can do this, should. They will be much less stressed...

One of the list residents did warn me that not every part label is 
searchable...that some of the rotated ones are drawn as vectors.

Nontheless, it worked every time I needed it.

 73 de Maggie K3XS

-/___.   _)Margaret Stephanie Leber CCP, SCJP/"The art of progress /
/(, /|  /| SCWCD/ is to preserve order/
---/   / | / |  _   _   _`  _  AOPA 925383/ amid change and to  /
--/ ) /  |/  |_(_(_(_/_(_/__(__(/_  K3XS / preserve change amid/
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Re: [Elecraft] Re: K2 assy: oops: threw out filter bag with alignment # on it

2005-03-17 Thread Margaret Leber

Allen C. Ward wrote:

Several times I have found small parts clinging to the paper debris
after they came up "missing."

So small inhibiting factor acting against me starting K2 1641
(for five years!) was that one resistor pack came up missing during the
initial inventory. While completeing the (much delayed) inventory, I
found the errant RP stuck under the flap of one of the envelopes.

73 de Maggie K3XS

-/___.   _)Margaret Stephanie Leber CCP, SCJP/"The art of progress /
/(, /|  /| SCWCD/ is to preserve order/
---/   / | / |  _   _   _`  _  AOPA 925383/ amid change and to  /
--/ ) /  |/  |_(_(_(_/_(_/__(__(/_  K3XS / preserve change amid/
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/(_/_(_/___AMSAT 32844_/<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/

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[Elecraft] K2 build hints: [was: : oops: threw out xtal filter bag with alignment # on it]

2005-03-16 Thread Margaret Leber

Andrew Moore wrote:

Tomorrow morning is trash day, and the trash is at the curb.  Should I
go start digging, or is it really necessary for me to have this number?

I hope not...I'm using the retrofit "set of matched filter xtals" 
K2KSB2XTALS kit and there's no number on that envelope at all.

I still have the original filter xtals that came with 1641, and the 
number on their envelope is "20", if that helps. :-) I haven't found the 
place in the manual where that number is *used* yet.

By the way...I have a recommendation I don't think I've heard anybody 
else make. While working on my K2 I have my laptop at hand at the bench, 
and I keep a directory full of all kinds of data relevant to the build 
on in...including the PDF copy of the Owner's Manual.

While doing the RF board it ocurred to me in (the middle of that block 
of 75 capacitors) that the bulk of the labor was going into locating the 
places on the PCB where each component went.

So I fired up Acrobat Reader, paged to the parts layout, rotated the 
page on the display, zoomed in a bit, and was able to use the Search 
function to scroll the diagram to the appropriate location for every 
part as I installed it.

Made things *much* easier. Wish I'd thought of it earlier.

Re: winding toroids:

Hey, it's not that bad at all, and reminds me quite a bit of sewing.

If you guys have XYLs who sew you might ask them if they want to help 
you build a radio...they already know that funny multi-finger maneuver 
that lets us pass a needle through cloth one-handed without ever 
completely letting go of it..which is exactly what it takes to wind a 
toroid easily.

73 de Maggie K3XS -- K2 S/N 1641 (build in progress, between T5 and T7)

-/___.   _)Margaret Stephanie Leber CCP, SCJP/"The art of progress /
/(, /|  /| SCWCD/ is to preserve order/
---/   / | / |  _   _   _`  _  AOPA 925383/ amid change and to  /
--/ ) /  |/  |_(_(_(_/_(_/__(__(/_  K3XS / preserve change amid/
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Re: [Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Announcement

2005-03-13 Thread Margaret Leber

Roger Stein wrote:

Well, that was fun! I can hardly wait to see the results.Bob operating
at W0SOC sure was pounding the key on 20 meters!!!

While my K2 is still under construction I did listen in on my FT-847 for 
Tom DK0SU since he was on the #elecraft IRC channel. While I did not 
hear Tom, I sure as heck heard W0SOC...who sounded like he was in my 
front yard, utter gangbuster signal.

 73 de Maggie K3XS

-/___.   _)Margaret Stephanie Leber CCP, SCJP/"The art of progress /
/(, /|  /| SCWCD/ is to preserve order/
---/   / | / |  _   _   _`  _  AOPA 925383/ amid change and to  /
--/ ) /  |/  |_(_(_(_/_(_/__(__(/_  K3XS / preserve change amid/
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Re: [Elecraft] CW

2005-03-08 Thread Margaret Leber

Phil LaMarche wrote:

My last proficient operating time was in 1958 at the North Pole on a IGY
expedition, Drift Station Alpha.  Haven't used CW since.  I have a K2 and
KX-1. Have been listening and attempting to get the CW back.  Biggest
problem is concentration at age 67.  It will come, I'm sure.  Are there
tapes at different speeds that can be purchased.  Perhaps that would help


 While there are audio CDs (and, I'm sure, tapes) available from ARRL, 
there is also "Morse Academy", a CW training/practice tool that runs 
under MSDOS (and Windows). It's extremely flexible, and free.

A hint for Windows XP/NT users: I've been unable to get the program to 
drive a sound card under these OSs, but "PC speaker output" works fine.

 73 de Maggie K3XS

-/___.   _)Margaret Stephanie Leber CCP, SCJP/"The art of progress /
/(, /|  /| SCWCD/ is to preserve order/
---/   / | / |  _   _   _`  _  AOPA 925383/ amid change and to  /
--/ ) /  |/  |_(_(_(_/_(_/__(__(/_  K3XS / preserve change amid/
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Re: [Elecraft] K1/K2 Paint Color

2005-03-07 Thread Margaret Leber

Jack Brindle wrote:

I do have to wonder about anyone sniffing spray paint by spraying it up 
their nose. I bet that would be easy to catch... ;-)

It's often sprayed into a paper or plastic bag, which is then used to 
breath from. The addicts can occasionally be identified if they get 
paint on hands/faces.

We're pretty far off topic at this point.

-/___.   _)Margaret Stephanie Leber CCP, SCJP/"The art of progress /
/(, /|  /| SCWCD/ is to preserve order/
---/   / | / |  _   _   _`  _  AOPA 925383/ amid change and to  /
--/ ) /  |/  |_(_(_(_/_(_/__(__(/_  K3XS / preserve change amid/
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Re: [Elecraft] K1/K2 Paint Color

2005-03-07 Thread Margaret Leber

David Katinsky wrote:

My assumption has been that it's an anti-graffiti measure.

Both that, and, sad to say, fighting "huffers", kids addicted to 
inhaling the vaporized solvents to get high.

Remeber "glue sniffing"?

 73 de Maggie K3XS, who has just about figured out how to work the mod 
kits into the build of the RF board for K2 1641

-/___.   _)Margaret Stephanie Leber CCP, SCJP/"The art of progress /
/(, /|  /| SCWCD/ is to preserve order/
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Re: [Elecraft] K2 S/N 4786 Just Arrived

2005-03-07 Thread Margaret Leber


I have plans tonight already, but my XYL is away for the rest of the week...

No connection between those two facts, of course. :-)

 73 de Maggie K3XS  - K2 #1641 (under construction)

-/___.   _)Margaret Stephanie Leber CCP, SCJP/"The art of progress /
/(, /|  /| SCWCD/ is to preserve order/
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Re: [Elecraft] K2 S/N 4787 Build In Progress

2005-03-03 Thread Margaret Leber

Jim Harris wrote:

On the front panel board while trying to add SSB
components after the fact I managed to slightly burn
the edge of a push button.  Wish the instructions had
mentioned to put the low SSB components in before the
higher and vulnerable parts were added.

Having just been through that part of the build too, I agree with Jim... 
the top-of-board soldering for the KSB2 connector is is just the dickens 
to do with the plastic pots and buttons in place; I made it through 
without toasting anything but it would have been *so* much easier to do 
 before the top got crowded with tall meltable things. Is there a 
reason this is where it is in sequence other than "Uh-oh, they're about 
to mate the FP board to the panel and wire the enccoder; drop in the 
KSB2 parts now because it will be inconvenient later"?  If not, I say 
move it to someplace earlier.

Another suggestion: Whenever you cue the installation of the KSB parts 
on the FP, repeat the warning about component height/lead length for Q3 
 that was issued for Q3 and Q2...I forgot about it and I had to monkey 
with Q3 after installation to allow the FP board to fit properly against 
the metal panel.

I'm still delighted with the kit, of course...

 73 de Maggie K3XS (K2 S/N 1641), who needs to go get more solder in 
the morning; that "no-lead" stuff with silver in it stinks.

-/___.   _)Margaret Stephanie Leber CCP, SCJP/"The art of progress /
/(, /|  /| SCWCD/ is to preserve order/
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[Elecraft] K2 S/N 1641 first power-up

2005-03-01 Thread Margaret Leber

Good news department:

K2 S/N 1641 was powered up for the first time today. Everything in the 
initial tests (buttons, optical encoder, relays, voltmeter etc) worked fine.

Onward and upward tomorrow...

 73 de Maggie K3XS, who's delighted to see her new baby waking up

-/___.   _)Margaret Stephanie Leber CCP, SCJP/"The art of progress /
/(, /|  /| SCWCD/ is to preserve order/
---/   / | / |  _   _   _`  _  AOPA 925383/ amid change and to  /
--/ ) /  |/  |_(_(_(_/_(_/__(__(/_  K3XS / preserve change amid/
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Re: [Elecraft] Gary Surrency's Top Ten List of Kit Failures

2005-02-27 Thread Margaret Leber

Ken N4SO wrote:

For those of you building an Elecraft Kit or thinking about building
a kit, suggested reading is  the text file "Top Ten List of Kit 
Failures", by  Gary Surrency, AB7MY. As far as I know it was never

included in the new kit literature (it should be)  and not sure if it
is on the Web site for Elecraft.  It might be down several layers and
hard to find...'s_top_10.htm

 73 de Maggie K3XS, Java fiend and Google black-belt

-/___.   _)Margaret Stephanie Leber CCP, SCJP/"The art of progress /
/(, /|  /| SCWCD/ is to preserve order/
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Re: [Elecraft] K2 upgrade mods tactical planning

2005-02-23 Thread Margaret Leber

designer wrote:
when we reach 70 he says that us guys still chase women, but we'll 
only chase 'em downhill.
Problem is, short term memory is the first to go - and you have that 
name remembering thing in the morning.

Yeah, but that problem starts around age 22 in guys.

 73 de Maggie K3XS

-/___.   _)Margaret Stephanie Leber CCP, SCJP/"The art of progress /
/(, /|  /| SCWCD/ is to preserve order/
---/   / | / |  _   _   _`  _  AOPA 925383/ amid change and to  /
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Re: [Elecraft] K2 upgrade mods tactical planning [was:Re: Return of the prodigal daughter]

2005-02-23 Thread Margaret Leber

Wayne wrote:

Where are all these mods?

At the Elecraft website.

For those of you who tuned in late, I have a fairly early S/N (1641) K2 
kit that's been languishing in my closet for about four years. I've just 
resumed work on it, and the K2 design has evolved a bit over that period 
of time.

I beleive all of the mods that are being discussed are already 
incorporated in modern K2s as shipped; this discussion is only about 
what it makes sense to do with my antique kit that's a-building now.

 73 de Maggie K3XS

-/___.   _)Margaret Stephanie Leber CCP, SCJP/"The art of progress /
/(, /|  /| SCWCD/ is to preserve order/
---/   / | / |  _   _   _`  _  AOPA 925383/ amid change and to  /
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Re: [Elecraft] K2 upgrade mods tactical planning [was:Re: Return of the prodigal daughter]

2005-02-23 Thread Margaret Leber

Ron D'Eau Claire wrote:

Ha! I avoided getting into the mods, Margaret!

I'd build the basic K2 as you see in the book, see that it is working
 properly, then add the mods one at a time while checking operation
in between. That way, if you do stumble, you'll see where and what
you did much more easily.

Point well-taken.

Sounds like a programmer thinking. Fortunately programming is not done
on double-sided PC boards. Anymore.

I'm still delighted that I've finished the N0SS noise source and the K2
control board and neither looks like the kind of train wreck some of my
earlier ventures into kitbuilding have. Of course, those traumas were
*long* ago and far away; I'm more experienced and have vastly better 
tools now. I think temperature-control on the soldering iron is a big 
factor. So are a Panavise and lighted magnifier...given my current 
vision the latter is just about a necessity.

I would also recommend the AF gain control mod and the PLL and BFO 
oscillator stability mods for a CW op... The new crystals are a good

idea if you are including the SSB adapter.

Yes...definately doing the AF gain mod. and I do have the SSB adapter
in-hand. Interesting thing is, I suspect I'm likely to play more with CW
once I have a K2...I hardly ever do that now.

If you're going to add the KPA100 for QRO operation, it's nice to
install the keying shaping mod as well, although the K2 needs no
apologies without it. And if you do that, you don't need the KIO2.
The KIO2 is part of the KPA100 100 watt upgrade option.

(Vic Rosenthal wrote:)

Ron is correct, but I'd like to add that the VFO stability mod should
be considered a must if you are planning to add a KPA100.  The extra
heat will cause very noticeable drift.

I doubt I'll do the KPA100; I already have a Yaesu FT-847.
But ya never know.

But first, your K2 as it came will work FB. Use it and decide what
you want it to do for you, then choose the  additions and mods that

Yes, that's a good point. I suspect having a K2 will change the kind of
operating I do.

So far, retirement isn't a visible stage of life for me either but
I'm having fun in the meantime. Bob Hope laid out the future as far
as I can see: when we reach 70 he says that us guys still chase
women, but we'll only chase 'em downhill.

Well, I'm just past 50 and already I'll only run downhill anyway. And
even that way not very fast. :-)

 73 de Maggie

-/___.   _)Margaret Stephanie Leber CCP, SCJP/"The art of progress /
/(, /|  /| SCWCD/ is to preserve order/
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[Elecraft] K2 upgrade mods tactical planning [was:Re: Return of the prodigal daughter]

2005-02-23 Thread Margaret Leber
I hope Don doesn't mind me bringing part of this private correspondance 
back onto the reflector; I'm interested in hearing some discussion on my 
own somewhat unique situation.

W3FPR - Don Wilhelm wrote:

...they pay me for NOT working - it is called
retirement, and I'm busier than I ever was when I was working.

I'd be pleased to call this retirement, and I'm quite sufficiently busy, 
between keeping up with tech stuff, job hunting, running our household, 
and keeping up with ham activities (I edit the Phil-Mont Mobile Radio 
Club monthly newsletter, "The Blurb", see )

I just don't have that "getting paid for it" thing worked out, and I've 
still got one more daughter to put through college.

You may want to consider a few of the no cost (or low cost) upgrades while
you are working on that K2 - a couple that come to mind are the AF Gain mod...

Hmmm. That one sure is a no-brainer. When I first got my kit back in 
2000, that issue was just surfacing on the reflector; some people were 
trying all kinds of component cleaners, etc.

and the 2nd crystal filter flattening mod - the AF Gain mod takes only wire
and the 2nd crystal mod takes only a transistor, a cap and a resistor.  I
know there are others, but I just don't recall them at the moment.  Take a
look at the K2 A to B upgrade instructions and see what you can do with the
parts you may have on hand.  

Poop. I thought I knew exactly what I was gonna do, now I've got to make 
*decisions* again. ;-)  Let's see...

XFILMDKT (the flattening mod) is only $10; I'm not *that* poor.

If you can spare $15, I would recommend you buy
a new set of crystals (a set of 14 for both the base K2 and the KSB2) rather
than using the ones in your kit - the crystal specs were improved and result
in a much better filter.  

That would be K2KSB2XTLS? I think I can squeeze that much out too.

So now I should consider the Temperature Compensated PLL Reference 
($20)...which requires BFOMDKT ($10), and calls for FWK2MCIO for full 

So far we're up to $50 total...($51 when I add the speaker cloth. :-) )

I guess the real cost item among all the upgrades is FWK2MCIO. 
Ironically, one of the first things I want to do when the kit is done 
(and I have a job again) is to add a KIO2...especially since I have a 
rig-control software project of my own. (see: and

And if I read the Elecraft site correctly, a KIO2 includes the firmware 
upgrade when ordered for an earlyish S/N K2 like mine.

(Naturally, once I'm working enough to pay for the KIO2, I probably 
won't have as much time to build it, or write a K2 jHamTune driver. :-) )

So I think I'm going to rationalize deferring the firmware upgrade for 
now...even though it gripes me to be nickle-and-dimeing a project this 

But since the cost is nearly equal, I wonder if it would make sense to 
simply order the K2BCOMPKT instead of XFILMDKT, K2KSB2XTLS and BFOMDKT? 
I would have done that already except K2BCOMPKT says it *requires* 
FWK2MCIO...which nearly doubles the cost.

Furthermore, I'll probably finish the Rev A control board todayI 
wonder if a Rev A control board plays nice with Rev B RF and/or Front Panel?

 73 all de Maggie K3XS

-/___.   _)Margaret Stephanie Leber CCP, SCJP/"The art of progress /
/(, /|  /| SCWCD/ is to preserve order/
---/   / | / |  _   _   _`  _  AOPA 925383/ amid change and to  /
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Re: [Elecraft] Return of the prodigal daughter

2005-02-22 Thread Margaret Leber

W3FPR - Don Wilhelm wrote:

Welcome back and have fun building. The upgrades are nice, but not
required - you will still have a fine working K2 when you are finished. 

-Original Message-
Just thought you folks might like to know that I've resumed construction
of K2 S/N 1341, after more than four year's hiatus.

Thanks. :-)

Oh, before somebody freaks, the actual serial is #1641, not #1341.

(I've made that mistake before. 1341 was my SAT score. Don't ask when 
that was.)

 -Maggie K3XS, who is almost done the Control Board

 (start on the ICs tomorrow)

-/___.   _)Margaret Stephanie Leber CCP, SCJP/"The art of progress /
/(, /|  /| SCWCD/ is to preserve order/
---/   / | / |  _   _   _`  _  AOPA 925383/ amid change and to  /
--/ ) /  |/  |_(_(_(_/_(_/__(__(/_  K3XS / preserve change amid/
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[Elecraft] Return of the prodigal daughter

2005-02-22 Thread Margaret Leber
Just thought you folks might like to know that I've resumed construction 
of K2 S/N 1341, after more than four year's hiatus.

Stuff happens.

 Oh, my callsign is now K3XS...ex-KB3DXS.

 73 to all


(Yes, I know there have been a lot of improvements to the kit in the 
intervening years...but I'm currently unemployed and can't see spending 
nearly $100 to upgrade it. Resume at )

-/___.   _)Margaret Stephanie Leber CCP, SCJP/"The art of progress /
/(, /|  /| SCWCD/ is to preserve order/
---/   / | / |  _   _   _`  _  AOPA 925383/ amid change and to  /
--/ ) /  |/  |_(_(_(_/_(_/__(__(/_  K3XS / preserve change amid/
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/(_/_(_/___AMSAT 32844_/<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/

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