Re: [O] Links sorting and exporting.

2014-02-03 Thread Matthew Sauer

What I am thinking is of a way to save a web bookmark in a file or two and
then based on meta-tag have them exported into a html file.  In other
words, if I have a file with bookmarks that has tags: apple, fruit, orange,
dog, horse, pet, animal, etc then it would create a html page named for the
tag and any bookmark that has that tag would be present in it.   The last
piece would be to generate a front page that would have a relative link to
those pages.  This would be a way of publishing links for others in my
group to use.

On Mon, Feb 3, 2014 at 3:22 AM, Bastien  wrote:

> Hi Matthew,
> Matthew Sauer  writes:
> > Thoughts on this?
> I didn't get the idea.  Can you restate it with a few words?
> Thanks!
> --
>  Bastien

[O] Links sorting and exporting.

2014-02-01 Thread Matthew Sauer
I have conceived of an idea that I want to build into the ORG framework.

The problem I am trying to solve: I have a variety of links that I use on a
regular basis.  I am wanting to be able to invoke a link generation command
that will store them in a file (or it could be a user defined
file).  However, searching them isn't always easy and I want to be able to
publish them as a resource for a group of users.  I can search them easy
enough in org but others can't.

Idea I have:  It would be interesting to have org, or maybe it would have
to be an external function, that would go through a file or set of
files(user defined list?) (work, group @ work, home) and generate a main
bookmark page (in the example, one for work, one for group @ work, and one
for home) that links to a file that is named for that tag and contains an
html file of each link that contains that tag.  This could cause some
things too appear in more than one file, for example, something might
appear in CIFS and performance but it's related to each topic.   This could
be manually triggered or scheduled for updating and publishing out to a web

I am thinking that we would have a user defined file list in the
configuration, would need to go find all the unique tags in each file and
make the launch page for each file by generating relative links to the sub
pages, the collect the list of links for each tag generating the sub page.
 Thinking it would be best to generate these in .org format and then
publish them out in html to a user defined location.

Thoughts on this?  Is this already done?  I know some parts of it are
already present and I just need to make glue for those parts.  I think the
part that will need to be constructed outside of the glue is the sorting
and generation of separate files

[O] [MobileOrg] Thought about sync with [Gcal] for orgmode and mobileorg

2012-03-23 Thread Matthew Sauer
This could probably also work without the mobile element and might be
easier to develop the initial part if it is a solid design.   I just
have to get this out of my head so I can focus on school and work
without worrying about forgetting the idea.  I also wanted to get some
feedback to see what people think.  I know it isn't the most elegant
idea but it might work.

I do know it has to have a few problems but I thought I would throw it out.

So, now that I have an android tablet using mobileorg and wanting to
use org-mode on the desktop I have run into a problem. My spouse is
not at the technical level to work with me on this. I know I can use
orgmode to organize my tasks and leave emacs running at home to do
pushes and pulls and sort things via tags once it gets to the home
machine. The problem comes at the calendar level.

At this point I have finally gotten my wife to use google calendar so
that she can see what I am doing and she pushes her items into google
calendar so we can plan easier.

So, here is my thought -- I have an android tablet, I am okay with
putting my calendar data in google calendar and I can schedule pulls
via emacs out of google calendar into org-mode and then as long as I
have my sync set up correctly, when I look at my org-mobile agenda, my
calendar is populated with my stuff and my wife's stuff  and
eventually some of my children's stuff.

What I am wondering, if I can set up the google calendar api
correctly. Could I, pull down the google calendar (2 months of data or
some other arbitrary common sense timeframe), pull from org-mobile.
The google file would be converted to org and have all the org data
from 2 months forward (or after whatever time period we pulled from
google EDIT*** Actually would need to download all data from
current time forward due to possible data loss*ENDEDIT***) put
on the end. These two files would be two branches of the same git
repository and then merged (any added google data from the time period
pulled and any added org data) into one file that would make up the
calendar part of the org agenda. This would then be pushed back to
mobileorg and then the first two months of the google calendar being
synced with would be deleted and an ics from the org data would be
re-uploaded with the name of the google calendar on it.

The git repo would track all changes, so you wouldn't have to worry
about losing data and I imagine any changes could be sent to an email
or added to an orgfile as an archive -- also, any conflicts in the git
merge (could we retain both sides of the data if conflicting changes
occured) could be emailed and/or set as a task for resolution in org
before repushing to mobile.

I imagine this could be scripted to run at different intervals during
different day periods.

Just trying to get some feedback and make a note of the thought before
I return to my work and school projects. Cross posted on G+

Matthew Sauer

Re: [O] ICS import?

2012-01-25 Thread Matthew Sauer
Forgot to add the list in -- I know that the last time I remember
seeing google-calendar to org-sync the problem was that it wasn't a
true sync but just an import.  In other words you could download but
couldn't change something and have it auto-update on the other.
Anyone have a better update?
>> Well, Google has a feature that I use called Google Calendar Sync.  It
>> takes my default Google Calendar and syncs it with my outlook that is
>> running off my exchange at work.
> Yup - that half of it is no problem. The problem is the
> google-calendar-to-org sync which presumably does not exist yet and
> would have to be written - or maybe someone has done that already?
> There has been some discussion about google calendar on the list but I
> haven't followed it too closely: is there anybody who does the
> google-calendar-to-org sync routinely?
> Nick
>> > Matthew Sauer  wrote:
>> >
>> >> I almost wonder if it would be easier to complete a good sync with
>> >> google calendar and just sync outlook with google calendar and sync
>> >> org with the google calendar -- or is that too many steps?
>> >>
>> >
>> > Does google calendar use something other than ics? If so, what?
>> >
>> > I don't think the number of steps is excessive, but if it does
>> > use ics, then cutting out the middleman makes sense. If not, it
>> > would depend on whether the org-to-google calendar sync is easier.
>> >
>> > Nick
>> >

Re: [O] Orgmode performance problem and "solution"

2011-10-26 Thread Matthew Sauer
Yes, after the pull, cleaning, then making would have to be done.   I
believe everyone wass aware of that but the concern here was how to switch
grom a lagging repo to the more up to date repo for the pull.

On Wednesday, October 26, 2011, Dave Abrahams  wrote:
> on Wed Oct 26 2011, suvayu ali  wrote:
>> On Wed, Oct 26, 2011 at 10:07, Rainer Stengele
>>  wrote:
>>> Lacking knowledge of git I deleted everything, cloned from the new repo
and compiled the files.
>>> Result was a significantly faster Org experience.
>> For future reference, a sinple `git pull` would have sufficed.
> Not if there were compiled files.
> --
> Dave Abrahams
> BoostPro Computing

Re: [O] Hiding "future" tasks in tags-todo agenda view

2011-10-15 Thread Matthew Sauer

One of my favorite agenda custom commands is the following:

(("s" "Startup View" ((agenda "" ((org-agenda-ndays 3)
(org-deadline-warning-days 1))) (agenda ""((org-agenda-time-grid nil)
(org-deadline-warning-days 365) (org-agenda-entry-types (quote
(:deadline))) (org-agenda-skip-entry-if (quote
scheduled)) (org-agenda-ndays 1) (org-agenda-overriding-header
"Unscheduled upcoming deadlines:"))) (todo ""
(quote(org-agenda-overriding-header "Unscheduled No Deadline TODO:
(org-agenda-ndays 3) gives me a 3 day calendar for this view
(org-deadline-warning-days 1) gives me a 1 day warning for deadlines
(you should be able to set it to 0 to get just today).  Also, if you
set a custom deadline warning on the individual task it overrides the
1 day.
I also use a seperate section to show all my unscheduled TODO items
down below so they are in a separate area but on the same agenda.
If you had a custom command set to 0 and then added
 (todo "" (quote(org-agenda-overriding-header "Unscheduled No Deadline
TODO: ")))
it would give you a second section that has all your unscheduled TODO
items at the bottom (at least it does for me in the agenda I have)

Hope this helps.

On Fri, Oct 14, 2011 at 3:09 PM, Neilen Marais  wrote:
> Hi,
> I've recently switched from using tracks ( to
> org mode for GTD task management. One neat tracks feature that I am
> struggling to reproduce is the "show task from date". If you add a
> task with no date set, they show up immediately in the context next
> action lists, but if you have a "show from" date in the future, it
> only shows the task from that date onwards.
> Scheduling timestamps (
> seem like they should do exactly that, but they don't seem to work in
> my custom org-agenda that I use to show only items with a NEXT todo
> state and an assigned context. However, it shows all items
> irrespective of the scheduling setting.
> (setq org-agenda-custom-commands
>      '(
>        ("c" "Context Next Tasks"
>         tags-todo (mapconcat 'car my-org-context-tag-alist "|")
>         ((org-agenda-skip-function '(org-agenda-skip-entry-if
>                                      'nottodo '("NEXT")))
>          (org-agenda-sorting-strategy '(tag-up))
>          (org-agenda-overriding-header "Context Next Tasks")
>          ))
> ))
> How can I make this custom agenda skip items that are scheduled in the
> future, while also keeping unscheduled tasks? I have also tried adding
>          (org-agenda-entry-types '(:scheduled))
> but that did not seem to make any difference.

Re: [O] Recursive org-agenda-files

2011-10-04 Thread Matthew Sauer
My understanding is that you want a file that gets moved into the
active directory to be automatically included in the agenda?
>From worg:
You can simply include the directory (as one of the items) in the
value of the variable org-agenda-files:

(setq org-agenda-files '("/my/special/path/org/active/"))
There is another way of accomplishing the same end:

(setq org-agenda-files (file-expand-wildcards

The other files/directories could be in the extended text search if
needed but not part of the automatic agenda.  Just my two cents.  Not
that playing with agenda hooks might have some advantages.

Matt Sauer
On Tue, Oct 4, 2011 at 9:12 AM, Nick Dokos  wrote:
> Neilen Marais  wrote:
>> Jambunatha,
>> > > Have you considered adding it to say org-mode-hook?
>> >
>> > Seems like a Wrong suggestion to me.
>> >
>> > Try using `C-c [' to add the current org file. I am assuming that org
>> > files are created by hand and not by some daemon that spits out agenda
>> > files when you are away from emacs.
>> Not a daemon, no, but I do tend to move files around. I.e. I'll move a 
>> project
>> file/dir from my "someday" folder to my "active" folder. I would like to 
>> avoid
>> any further manual steps to get it integrated in my agenda.
>> Is there a hook function that gets called every time an agenda view is 
>> opened or
>> refreshed? I could probably use that to update the agenda list.
> Seek and ye shall find:
> C-h v org-agenda--hook RET
> will list all the matching hooks. Which one to choose? I'll leave that up
> to the interested reader :-) Or try
> C-h v org--hook RET
> to get a list of *all* the org hooks.
> Nick

Re: [O] Not merging org-lparse, org-xhtml & org-odt to the core

2011-08-25 Thread Matthew Sauer
To all,

I would just like to, at this point, say that I am honored to have
read this discussion.  I was very worried that a major blowout was
going to occur but you have shown me something that I appreciate about
OSS, it not only attempts to make the world better through Freedom but
it makes us better as we work together across divides.

Hopefully I will be able to become more active, I just finished making
the web version of Practical Common Lisp into an e-book to sit on my
Nook for me to peruse and study as I continue working on some of my
DEV ideas.

Thank you to all of you and I am glad that org-odt is still here and
everyone involved is as well.


Re: [O] [DEV] Org-Startup.el concept

2011-07-27 Thread Matthew Sauer
Bastien and the group,

I am thinking that to successfully pull this off I am going to have to
do two separate files for what I am wanting to do.  One that will be
called in .emacs through load that will load the custom agenda view.

So, my question is, I have my custom agenda command in a .el file that
I call from .emacs like this :
start code-start code---
(load "Org-Startup-Agenda-Views")
end code -- end code --

I should be able to in the Org-Startup-Agenda-Views.el  have a command
that appends/cons/adds to the custom agenda views so that the agenda
views I want are available (at first going to be one but I think this
will expand to more than one) to be called for the startup view that
gets called after this.

I am thinking this will go at the end of a .emacs file and then call
the function to open the selected view (variables already set for it
in configuration (remember this is for beginners who use the GUI to
make it easy to customize out of the box)) for the startup with the
agenda in it.

Also, what will happen if I run the command to append the custom
agenda views and none have been defined?



On Mon, Jul 25, 2011 at 7:58 PM, Bastien  wrote:
> Hi Matthew,
> Matthew Sauer  writes:
>> The agenda view will be a user definable number of days calendar with
>> a user defined number of days in the future view of upcoming deadlines
>> or just unscheduled deadlines (a choice between the two may have to be
>> implemented in the future as my skills grow and more contribute?) and
>> at the bottom we would find TODO keywords (maybe I need to change this
>> to != all not done keywords in the future) that are not scheduled and
>> do not have a deadline on them (kind of a someday/sometime todos).
> Mmhh... an interactive interface for building custom agenda views?
> I'd be curious about the result, but that'd probably be useful!
>> What I am needing to know is about adding an agenda view via a .el
>> file to the custom agenda views.  Could I do that, something like
>> this:
>> -Cut here---start code---cut here---start code-
>> (add-to-list
>>  '(org-agenda-custom-commands
>>    (quote
>>     (
>>      ("s" "Startup View"
>> --Cut Here---end codecut hereend code
> Did you try this?  It should not work.
> In this file in Worg
> you can see this example:
> #+begin_src emacs-lisp
>  (add-to-list 'org-agenda-custom-commands
>               '("b" "Big books" tags "+BIB_PAGES>1000"))
> #+end_src
>> When I get my basic idea for the package outlined a little more I will
>> ask for some help with testing on it at the github I have setup.
> Keep us posted!
> Thanks,
> --
>  Bastien

[O] [DEV]

2011-07-22 Thread Matthew Sauer
Hello all,

I have decided to work on a startup dot el package geared around
orgmode.  I want to get it up to a basic functionality before I allow
it to be distributed and I know I still have some work to do to get it
to that point.

My first goal is have a file open on either the left or the right and
a somewhat customizable agenda buffer on the other side.  What I am
trying to accomplish is the providing of a easy to use interface for
beginners in org-mode to get started and use it for task/project

The agenda view will be a user definable number of days calendar with
a user defined number of days in the future view of upcoming deadlines
or just unscheduled deadlines (a choice between the two may have to be
implemented in the future as my skills grow and more contribute?) and
at the bottom we would find TODO keywords (maybe I need to change this
to != all not done keywords in the future) that are not scheduled and
do not have a deadline on them (kind of a someday/sometime todos).

What I am needing to know is about adding an agenda view via a .el
file to the custom agenda views.  Could I do that, something like
-Cut here---start code---cut here---start code-
 ("s" "Startup View"
--Cut Here---end codecut hereend code
When I get my basic idea for the package outlined a little more I will
ask for some help with testing on it at the github I have setup.

Thank you in advance for your suggestions/support and feedback.



Re: [O] New backend for org-agenda: (Was Calendar-like view of the org-agenda)

2011-07-18 Thread Matthew Sauer

What I am hearing is that an API that allows caching could be built
that could benefit extensions and then once that is deemed stable
enough an optional or separate track would be rebuilding the Agenda as
it is today into that API?


On Mon, Jul 18, 2011 at 6:06 PM, Bastien  wrote:
> Hi Masashi,
> SAKURAI Masashi  writes:
>> I'm sure that the caching mechanism is useful, but I'm not sure that
>> we should do it with paying the large cost of rewrite whole codes.
> FWIW, this is a two separate steps process: 1) write a usable cache,
> then 2) re-implement (parts of) the agenda by using it.
> I think (1) could be interesting /per-se/ and if it helps calfw, then
> it's even more interesting.
> 2 cents,
> --
>  Bastien

[O] [HELP} trying to figure out how to figure out?

2011-07-18 Thread Matthew Sauer
I just pulled and upon making noticed several compiler errors.  None
of them appear to be fatal but as I am learning elisp it might be
helpful for me to be able to see what is being done (and also for
maybe me to be able to learn what is being worked on so I can test
it?) and then maybe I can also help more with patches and I think
possibly I am going to try to design an org-startup.el file and I
really want to try to learn before I just jump blindly into that

So, can someone email me (on or off list) some commands that would be
helpful (I think bisect, maybe) or a website to reference to learn the
commands to start digging into those situations?  I don't know what
has changed each time I do a git pull and I don't know if that is the
best time to look for it either?

The points that grabbed my attention are listed here, didn't know
exactly how one would go about finding other than going to the line in
the  files noted? :

In org-cycle:
org.el:5932:47:Warning: attempt to let-bind constant `org-outline-regexp'

In org-promote-subtree:
org.el:7088:4:Warning: attempt to let-bind constant `org-outline-regexp'

In org-demote-subtree:
org.el:7096:4:Warning: attempt to let-bind constant `org-outline-regexp'

In org-current-level:
org.el:7135:8:Warning: attempt to let-bind constant `org-outline-regexp'

In org-narrow-to-subtree:
org.el:7660:4:Warning: attempt to let-bind constant `org-outline-regexp'

In org-store-link:
org.el:8450:30:Warning: attempt to let-bind constant `org-outline-regexp'

In org-metaleft:
org.el:17333:6:Warning: attempt to let-bind constant `org-outline-regexp'

In org-metaright:
org.el:17354:43:Warning: attempt to let-bind constant `org-outline-regexp'

In org-toggle-item:
org.el:17956:28:Warning: attempt to let-bind constant `org-outline-regexp'

In org-toggle-heading:
org.el:18064:26:Warning: attempt to let-bind constant `org-outline-regexp'

In org-mark-subtree:
org.el:19282:28:Warning: attempt to let-bind constant `org-outline-regexp'

Thanks for the help, trying to give back to a wonderful community.


Re: [O] Worg update

2011-07-16 Thread Matthew Sauer
I just did a pull and org-issues updated (about 10K some deletions and
around the same amount of insertions.

On Sat, Jul 16, 2011 at 11:02 AM, Nick Dokos  wrote:
> Nick Dokos  wrote:
>> Also, even though somehow I had ``'' in my clone of worg, it
>> does not seem to be git-controlled, but it also does not seem to be a
>> derived file. What's up with that?
> Scratch this: org-publish creates if :makeindex is set.
> Nick

[O] [PATCH] fix compiler warning in org-footnote.el for not known to be defined function org-combine-plists defined in org.el but not declared in org-footnote.el

2011-07-15 Thread Matthew Sauer
diff --git a/lisp/org-footnote.el b/lisp/org-footnote.el
index 03e6369..3a30575 100644
--- a/lisp/org-footnote.el
+++ b/lisp/org-footnote.el
@@ -54,6 +54,7 @@
 (declare-function org-fill-paragraph "org" (&optional justify))
 (declare-function org-export-preprocess-string "org-exp"
  (string &rest parameters))
+(declare-function org-combine-plists "org" (&rest plists))
 (defvar org-odd-levels-only) ;; defined in org.el
 (defvar org-bracket-link-regexp) ; defined in org.el
 (defvar message-signature-separator) ;; defined in message.el

Re: [O] 7.6 and Thanks

2011-07-08 Thread Matthew Sauer

Thanks!  I was just hoping to make sure that I had made the correction
in an appropriate fashion for those on this project (having it require
the file that had the function defined instead of re-defining the
file).  I am still relatively new here, new to elisp and git.   Again,
thanks for all you do.

On Fri, Jul 8, 2011 at 10:35 AM, Bastien  wrote:
> Hi Matthew,
> Matthew Sauer  writes:
>> Thanks for all the work everyone puts in on this list and on this
>> project.  Org-Mode has really gotten me squared away and keeps things
>> organized for me.  In an effort to try and start help giving back I
>> just submitted a patch reference a compiler error.  I know they aren't
>> high priority necessarily but I do know they have to get cleaned up
>> from time to time.
> Every contribution is welcome - thanks!
> --
>  Bastien

[O] 7.6 and Thanks

2011-07-08 Thread Matthew Sauer
Thanks for all the work everyone puts in on this list and on this
project.  Org-Mode has really gotten me squared away and keeps things
organized for me.  In an effort to try and start help giving back I
just submitted a patch reference a compiler error.  I know they aren't
high priority necessarily but I do know they have to get cleaned up
from time to time.  I applied it on my local branch and it appears to
have fixed the problem :
-cut here--cut

In end of data:
ob-lilypond.el:447:1:Warning: the function `org-babel-tangle' is not known to
be defined.
any feedback reference the patch I just submitted (better ways to have
accomplished eliminating this error, etc are greatly appreciated as I
am new to using git and working in a community and I am trying to

Again, thanks to everyone for the help.


[O] [PATCH] ob-lilypond.el compiler error fix org-babel-tangle not defined function

2011-07-08 Thread Matthew Sauer
diff --git a/lisp/ob-lilypond.el b/lisp/ob-lilypond.el
index 6971a69..5a08ca4 100644
--- a/lisp/ob-lilypond.el
+++ b/lisp/ob-lilypond.el
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
 ;;; Code:
 (require 'ob)
 (require 'ob-eval)
+(require 'ob-tangle) ;;compiler requesting fun org-babel-tangle
 (defalias 'lilypond-mode 'LilyPond-mode)

 (declare-function show-all "outline" ())

Description: Binary data

Re: [O] [Use Question] Capture and long lines

2011-06-26 Thread Matthew Sauer
I can refile into the longlines format buffer and it looks fine until
I close and reopen the buffer, then it is all drawn out into one long
line, the headline instead of broken up.   One other behavior I have
noticed is that when I change state it generates the logbook and
changes the state but then changes it from
- state changed from etc
to all being in one long line like
:LOGBOOK - state changed from etc :END: . . .

I have attatched a sample buffer with some sample TODO's refiled in
from capture and the capture templates out of my .emacs in it as well.


On Wed, Jun 22, 2011 at 1:09 PM, Nick Dokos  wrote:
> Matthew Sauer  wrote:
>> I have one structured org file I use for school that I leave in long
>> lines.  The capture template I have setup has \n at the end of what I
>> would want to be a line but is still stringing them together in one
>> long line until i reach my wrap point.  My headline has my deadline in
>> it and org recognizes the deadline but that isn't working to get a new
>> line inserted (an actual hard return).  Org is recongnizing it as a
>> new line but it just runs in one long line.  Am I missing something
>> obvious or     If it isn't something obvious I will make up a
>> sample target file, example of a capture and send them out to the
>> group
>> * WORKING Read Chapter 9  :ENGL102: \n
>> DEADLINE:<2011-06-28 Tue 18:30>\n  ADDEND:<2011-06-28 Tue
>>  00:00>\n :
>> Also the logbook just keeps adding in as one long line
>> :LOGBOOK: -State "STARTED  from "TODO" [2011-06-22 Wed 09:56] :END:
> Looks as if you are escaping the newlines - are you using \\n in your
> templates? If so, try losing one of the backslashes - or put explicit
> newlines in the string which should amount to the same thing:
> (setq org-capture-templates
> '(                   ("t" "" entry (file+headline "~/lib/org/" 
> "Tasks") "* TODO %?
>  %U %a" :prepend t)
>                     ...
> ))
> Nick
Description: Binary data

[O] [Use Question] Capture and long lines

2011-06-22 Thread Matthew Sauer
I have one structured org file I use for school that I leave in long
lines.  The capture template I have setup has \n at the end of what I
would want to be a line but is still stringing them together in one
long line until i reach my wrap point.  My headline has my deadline in
it and org recognizes the deadline but that isn't working to get a new
line inserted (an actual hard return).  Org is recongnizing it as a
new line but it just runs in one long line.  Am I missing something
obvious or If it isn't something obvious I will make up a
sample target file, example of a capture and send them out to the

* WORKING Read Chapter 9  :ENGL102: \n
DEADLINE:<2011-06-28 Tue 18:30>\n  ADDEND:<2011-06-28 Tue
 00:00>\n :

Also the logbook just keeps adding in as one long line
:LOGBOOK: -State "STARTED  from "TODO" [2011-06-22 Wed 09:56] :END:

Is this inherent in the way it works with longlines or is their a way
to insert: ¶
when I want an actual hard return in the template that is going into
the longlines file?


[O] [Feature Functionality Question]

2011-06-12 Thread Matthew Sauer
I am using a file variable to invoke Longlines mode for a particular
file that I am using for editing college papers (it's an experiment to
help me get formats of papers a certain way).

The structure is and under visual wrap it looks like this folded:

* Assignments. . .
* Class Calendar . . .
* Notes . . .
* Papers . .

When I add the file variable to invoke Longlines it does the following:

* Assignments¶
. . .¶
* Class Calendar ¶
. . . ¶
* Notes ¶
. . .¶
* Papers ¶
. . .¶

I think what it is doing is seeing the Hard line at the end of the
headline and putting the . . .  to show a folded headline on the next
line and then the final ¶ after the . . .  is the one at the end of
the underlying data that is folded up?

Anyone know of something I am missing to get it to look more like:
*Assignments . . . ¶
* Class Calendar . . .¶
* Notes . . . ¶
* Papers . . .¶

It is somewhat an aesthetics issue but I didn't know if I am missing a
switch in fill, longlines or file structure that I can play with to
get a prettier look for the file?

Description: Binary data

Re: [O] Cloning tasks subtrees when repeating?

2011-05-16 Thread Matthew Sauer
Have you looked into:
C-c C-x c (org-clone-subtree-with-time-shift)
Clone a subtree by making a number of sibling copies of it. You will
be prompted for the number of copies to make, and you can also specify
if any timestamps in the entry should be shifted. This can be useful,
for example, to create a number of tasks related to a series of
lectures to prepare. For more details, see the docstring of the
command org-clone-subtree-with-time-shift.

Your usecase may need some modification or adding this to a custom
function for it to work.

On Mon, May 16, 2011 at 1:35 PM, Lindsay Todd  wrote:
> Folks: I am looking for a nice org-mode-ish way to manage a task check
> list that repeats regularly.  I would like to log, then archive, which
> items actually are completed when I close the task.  (It isn't
> uncommon to have a few open.)
> Here is the situation: Every couple of weeks, I have an opportunity to
> work through a checklist of about 40-50 system maintenance tasks,
> organized under a repeating TODO-task item.  At the end of the
> maintenance time period, I close the task (which reschedules nicely),
> then cut-n-paste the partly-marked list to the LOGBOOK drawer (as well
> as any additional notes I want to log).  Then I manually clear out the
> check list...
> This is not too much work, but of course it would be nice if the
> checklist could automatically be saved, then cleared.  But there is
> another problem: my LOGBOOK drawer is getting very large, and
> checklist processing has been slowing (I can no longer use it).
> What would be nice is if I could close the task, the repeated entry
> would be an entirely new task.  Perhaps it is a clone of the task I
> just closed (with a new date), or perhaps it is populated from some
> sort of template.  The important thing is I need a new task entry, so
> I can archive the old entry, and still have a new entry with a new
> date.
> Has anyone else had a similar use-case that could suggest an approach
> they've used?
> Thanks!
> /Lindsay

Re: [O] Begginer using orgmode

2011-04-15 Thread Matthew Sauer
do you have your section of .emacs or site file customizations that
you used to set it up with?  also what version of Ogmode and emacs?

On Wed, Apr 13, 2011 at 10:31 PM, Arnold, Travis  wrote:
> Hi all after much googling and searching I came across org mode while trying 
> to find a system for my mac on which I could take notes for my school 
> classes. I've read the manual and taken a look at the worg tutorials but  
> seem to keep messing up my .emacs config file, I seemed to have borked the 
> sequence, or work flow of my TODO states, I started with the ones in the 
> example but just took out the next step and added some short cuts, t, s, d 
> and c, but C-t just cycles from TODO ->DONE and since I know every little 
> about coding, or lisp I am unsure of what I did wrong.  I cannot also seem to 
> find a a way to just get bolded section headings with out the 1.x.x etc etc 
> for my notes, if anything I wonder if there is a way to get list the sections 
> with roman numerals?
> As the note taking system I have so far enjoyed it and would love to tinker 
> and tweak it for an agenda but am fearful of messing up. Might anyone know of 
> a tutorial for luddites like myself who are just starting out? I am unsure if 
> I even set up my .emacs file correctly: I basically copied and pasted the 
> relevant bits that I thought I needed.
> Respectfully and thank you for the time,
> Travis

Re: [O] My new favorite custom agenda command

2011-04-15 Thread Matthew Sauer
However, now looking at it, maybe my top agenda calendar should skip
deadlines or just have todays since I have a larger list below.  Hmm,
going to have to think about this some more but I am really liking
this start.


On Fri, Apr 15, 2011 at 8:59 AM, Matthew Sauer
> I have been working on learning and playing with some lisp and looking
> through the amazing powerfulness of orgmode.  This is my new favorite
> agenda command.  I use it as the right hand side of my startup buffers
> (I have two).  On the left I have my file (the "I am not
> sure where I am putting this item but I need a container for it") that
> is a temporary storage buffer I need to try to keep empty except for
> my refile headlines and a dynamic block showing recently updated
> files.  On the right is the following calendar, gives me a good
> overview.  Of course for some users the deadline warning days might
> need to be smaller for unscheduled deadlines.
> Thanks for all the help and good ideas I have seen flowing through the
> list that has helped me get to where I can start hacking orgmode to be
> what I want/need it to be.
> Matt
> --cut here--cut here-start
> '(org-agenda-custom-commands
>   (quote (
>           ("s" "Startup View" (
>                                (agenda "" ;;short calendar
>                                        '(org-agenda-ndays 2) ;;
> Number of Days of Agenda Calendar to Display
>                                        '(org-deadline-warning-days
> 7)) ;; Show all deadlines for next week
>                                (agenda ""  ;; how many days until an
> item is due if I haven't scheduled to work on it
>                                        ((org-agenda-time-grid nil)
>                                         (org-deadline-warning-days
> 365)        ;; Shows all deadlines for next nnn days
>                                         (org-agenda-entry-types
> '(:deadline))  ;; Look just for items if they have a deadline
>                                         (org-agenda-skip-entry-if
> 'scheduled)  ;; Skips items that are scheduled
>                                         (org-agenda-ndays 1) ;; Show just 
> today
>                                         (org-agenda-overriding-header
> "Unscheduled upcoming deadlines:") ;;Meaningful name
>                                         ))
>                                (todo ""
> '(org-agenda-overriding-header "Unscheduled No Deadline TODO:
> "));;TODO items not scheduled nor
> deadlined
>                                )
> --cut herecut hereend-

[O] My new favorite custom agenda command

2011-04-15 Thread Matthew Sauer
I have been working on learning and playing with some lisp and looking
through the amazing powerfulness of orgmode.  This is my new favorite
agenda command.  I use it as the right hand side of my startup buffers
(I have two).  On the left I have my file (the "I am not
sure where I am putting this item but I need a container for it") that
is a temporary storage buffer I need to try to keep empty except for
my refile headlines and a dynamic block showing recently updated
files.  On the right is the following calendar, gives me a good
overview.  Of course for some users the deadline warning days might
need to be smaller for unscheduled deadlines.

Thanks for all the help and good ideas I have seen flowing through the
list that has helped me get to where I can start hacking orgmode to be
what I want/need it to be.


--cut here--cut here-start

   (quote (
   ("s" "Startup View" (
(agenda "" ;;short calendar
'(org-agenda-ndays 2) ;;
Number of Days of Agenda Calendar to Display
7)) ;; Show all deadlines for next week
(agenda ""  ;; how many days until an
item is due if I haven't scheduled to work on it
((org-agenda-time-grid nil)
365);; Shows all deadlines for next nnn days
'(:deadline))  ;; Look just for items if they have a deadline
'scheduled)  ;; Skips items that are scheduled
 (org-agenda-ndays 1) ;; Show just today
"Unscheduled upcoming deadlines:") ;;Meaningful name
(todo ""
'(org-agenda-overriding-header "Unscheduled No Deadline TODO:
"));;TODO items not scheduled nor
--cut herecut hereend-

Re: [O] create new files from capture

2011-04-04 Thread Matthew Sauer
Could one not have it go into a temporary file and then have an exit
hook attatched to a particular template that if a particular property
had been filled in that it would create a new file with that name and
either refile to or cut to and then paste from the kill ring?


obviously would require some modification/hacking

On Mon, Apr 4, 2011 at 2:12 PM, David Maus  wrote:
> At Fri, 1 Apr 2011 13:43:06 -0400,
> Buck Brody wrote:
>> Is there a way to use capture to create new files?  Can I fill out
>> the name of the file, and add a date stamp, from within the capture
>> template?
> Prompting in the templates happens after the template is placed in the
> target buffer.  So AFAIK there is no way to achive this without a
> little bit hacking: You could specify a target function
> target       Specification of where the captured item should be placed.
>             In Org-mode files, targets usually define a node.  Entries will
>             become children of this node, other types will be added to the
>             table or list in the body of this node.
>             Most target specifications contain a file name.  If that file
>             name is the empty string, it defaults to `org-default-notes-file'.
>             A file can also be given as a variable, function, or Emacs Lisp
>             form.
>             ...
>             (function function-finding-location)
>                Most general way, write your own function to find both
>                file and location
> That could read the target file name with a prompt.
>> I also considered creating a new headline and then exporting the
>> subtree.  The problem is that I need to have the title of the new
>> file automatically created based upon the headline, and I can't
>> figure out how to do this.
> Same here. The function `org-heading-components' (C-h f
> org-heading-components RET) will get you the title of the headline
> which you would have to transform to a valid file name
> (i.e. `replace-regexp-in-string').
> Best,
>  -- David
> --
> OpenPGP... 0x99ADB83B5A4478E6
> Jabber
> Email.

[O] Org-clone-subtree-with-time-shift

2011-03-25 Thread Matthew Sauer
Hash: SHA1

Question on the usage of this function or maybe I need to look into
another function?

I am trying to work on a project (journal for a class) that requires me
to write 75 pages of handwritten text.  Every week I will go put in a
TODO to journal, use M-x Org-clone-subtree-with-time-shift 4 copies +1d
shift . . .Is it possible to have the headline increment the page number
1 or show how many are completed.  I would still want to be able to
press t in the agenda and mark it completed when done . . I know I could
put a cookie and make a project "journal" that all the iterations would
fall under but then it would be more difficult to mark the function as
done.  I guess I am just trying to figure out a way to iterate through a
progressive project that I am wanting a daily reminder to track the
progress (but it has limited scope in reccurence) and I didn't know if I
should make a custom function or if something already existed?

** TODO Jounral pg 45  :ENGL101:
** TODO Journal [/]
*** TODO Journal page 1

p.s.  I am thinking of using something like this to help plan a novel
text that I am outlining and inserting text into in orgmode

Version: GnuPG v2.0.17 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


Re: [O] Re: Making GTD more mangeable with org

2011-03-23 Thread Matthew Sauer
In terms of the unfolded startup try:

#+STARTUP: nofold


On Wed, Mar 23, 2011 at 12:40 PM, Marcelo de Moraes Serpa
> Hi Thomas,
> Glad you liked it. The code is really simple:
> (global-set-key (kbd "")  (lambda()  (interactive) (find-file
> "~/org/")))
> (defun set-index-read-only () ""
>  (if (equal (buffer-name) "")
>      (toggle-read-only)
>    )
>  )
> I've changed the to look like this:
> * tags 
> * Daily General GTD Checklist
>  * What do want do do today? What to do now? Where am I in my life
> regarding the goals and wishes I chose?
> 1) Check if is full -- too much items? Delay until next friday,
> otherwise process them.
> 2) Check agenda for today. What is there needs to be done.
> 3) Get perspective: Review
> [[file:gtd/*Horizons%20Of%20Focus%20/%20GTD%20Overview][Horizons
> Of Focus]]
>   Horizons of focus list the main levels of my life. I can navigate
> from there if I want and get
>   the so needed perspective.
> 3) Get perspective and setup the ground for the day: Check list of
> @work projects - mark them for today as needed.
>   I can also mark next actions (TODOs)
> 4) Get perspective and setup teh ground for the day: Check list of
> @personal projects - mark them for today as needed.
>   I can also mark next actions (TODOs)
> By the way, does anyone know how I could get the org file opened
> unfolded? I've tried adding (show-all) and, when this hasn't worked
> (org-cycle '(16)) just after (toggle-read-only) in the body of the def
> but it did not work.
> The point is to have quick access to a main checklist (I'd say this is
> a GTD review checklist) so I can regain perspective fast (I loose
> perspective too often). It's also good when you are braindead and want
> to go ahead and don't know where to start, and although I have
> internalized the GTD workflow, having a reference like this helps. I'm
> planning to add a list of other ("domain"-specific) checklist in this
> file as well.
> Cheers,
> Marcelo.
> On Wed, Mar 23, 2011 at 8:21 AM, Thomas Renkert  wrote:
>>> However, I started noticing I was getting lost in my own system. This
>>> is partly because I still don't have the habit of reviewing it all
>>> very often, but I also found out that my main file (the one
>>> that has projects and next actions/tasks) was getting really long. I
>>> know I could just use use the visibility functions to make it more
>>> mangeable, but somehow I was still getting confused about what to do
>>> at certain points in the day.
>>> Then I had the idea of creating a braindead index. Something that I
>>> could access quickly and that would give me *perspective* and help me
>>> decide what path to take. Here's how it looks like:
>>> It can be thought of as a:
>>>  * A dashboard
>>>  * Overview of my system - a way to glue the most important parts
>>>  * A way to trigger my mind and help me stay on track (avoid 
>>> procrastination)
>>>  * A "cache" area where I can list the projects or files that matter
>>> the most *now*
>>>  * A checklist / workflow
>>>  * A quick way to regain perspective and help you go back to the "zone"
>>> Anyway, I know it might sound like a stupid small thing, but I found
>>> that this entry-point to my system actually helps me stay focused.
>>> What do you think ? Share your thoughts ;)
>>> Marcelo.
>> Hi Marcelo,
>> this looks really great! Do you think you could share your code here?
>> My ideas would be to start with one "Most important task" at the top of the
>> list, to include recent emails that need action (links from wanderlust) and 
>> so
>> on. Maybe one could also include things like 5-Minute/10-minute tasks for 
>> small
>> breaks and so on.
>> Your code would be a great starting point for a more capable dashboard/home
>> screen. (I have some more ideas on this topic but would rather try your code
>> first - but maybe this would be a great addition to orgmode, especially for 
>> new
>> users?)
>> Thomas

[O] Extracting information with Agenda functions

2011-03-18 Thread Matthew Sauer
I am trying to create a dynamic block on a page that will contain the
information and/or functionality of
C-c a t
The agenda todo list.  I have that setup to pull all unscheduled
todo's.  Does anyone know if it possible to replicate the agenda
inside a dynamic block on a page or a way that I could pull this
information and put it inside a dynamic block?


Re: [O] Re: [Orgmode] Startup page

2011-03-17 Thread Matthew Sauer
Sorry, at times I forget about this when I use webmail (When I am at
school that is the only option due to wi-fi restrictions of the
university).  Hope this is better.

Here is what I have landed on so far, it works great:

---clip herecurrently in .emacs
(defun org-dblock-write:recently-modified (params) ;Credit to Ido
Magal for this function
 (insert (mapconcat (lambda (arg) (concat "[[file:" arg "][" arg "]]"
)) (split-string (shell-command-to-string "ls -t
/cygdrive/c/Dropbox/org *.org | head -10")) "\n")))
(let ((org-agenda-window-setup 'current-window));Thanks Nick, let me
eliminate the delete
 (org-agenda nil "a"))
(find-file "/cygdrive/c/Dropbox/Org/")
-clip here currently in .emacs

Below is the basic file, some of my captures will fall
directly into here unless I refile them out to a specific place, it's
a land of things that need dealt with but I just did a quick capture.
Now I just need to work out a fun for the Unscheduled todo block and I
will have everything how I want it, well for now anyway.  I may also
add some links or a reminder, and eventually a random quote of the day
in a dynamic block from an RSS feed I pull, hmmm, maybe I should pull
the last 5 from one or two of the feeds into this block from the   This is kind of becoming an aggregator set of buffers.

-clip here current file
* Config
 #+STARTUP: nofold
 #+STARTUP: indent
 #+STARTUP: align
 #+STARTUP: hidestars
 #-*- eval:(org-update-all-dblocks) -*-
* Tasks
* Refile
* Recently modified org files
 #+BEGIN: recently-modified

* Unscheduled todo items
 #+BEGIN: unsched-todo

-clip here  current

On Thu, Mar 17, 2011 at 7:08 PM, Bastien  wrote:
> Filippo, Matthew,
> please use plain text emails, otherwise the code you send is not
> readable.  You can manually turn off rich-formatted (=HTML) emails
> in gmail for each email.
> Thanks,
> --
>  Bastien

Re: [O] Re: [Orgmode] Startup page

2011-03-17 Thread Matthew Sauer
Sigh, at times it's the small things that you miss that bite you in the

(defun org-dblock-write:recently-modified (params)
 (insert (mapconcat (lambda (arg) (concat "[[file:" arg "][" arg "]]" ))
(split-string (shell-command-to-string "ls -t
/cygdrive/c/Dropbox/org *.org | head -10")) "\n")))
(org-agenda nil "a")
(find-file "/cygdrive/c/Dropbox/org/")

I forgot (delete-other-windows), I don't know if it the default behavior but
my agenda opens up 1/2 height and I have to run C-x 1  to make it full
screen after C-c a a. . .now to get my next dynamic block function
(another thread to be started) working and I will have my weekly agenda on
one side of the screen.  On the tother I will have recently modified files
on the other, needing filed captures and Unscheduled TODO items.

Thanks for all the help everyone has thrown my way.  I am going to look at
Filippos' code to see if I can even make this a bit more elegant.


On Thu, Mar 17, 2011 at 5:52 AM, Filippo A. Salustri wrote:

> Here's what I do:
> (let ((initial-buffer (current-buffer))
>   (agenda-window (selected-window))
>   right-window)
>   ;; We're still in the root window.
>   (set-frame-size (selected-frame) 162 50) ; resize the aquamacs
> window.
>   (org-agenda nil "0")
>   (tabbar-close-tab ; close *scratch* tab.
>(tabbar-get-tab (get-buffer "*scratch*")
>   (setq right-window (split-window-horizontally 80)) ; make the right
> window.
>   (select-window right-window)
>   ;; whatever buffer we started in, make it appear in the right side.
>   (switch-to-buffer initial-buffer)
>   (select-window agenda-window) ; go back to the agenda.
>   )
> The call to org-agenda is just a custom block view.
> I end up with the agenda on the left, and some initial, other buffer on the
> right.  No scratch or anything else visible.
> Seems to work for me.
> Cheers.
> Fil
> On 17 March 2011 06:34, Matthew Sauer  wrote:
>> No, that still gives me the scratch buffer over the top and the the two
>> windows I want down below.  When I had the startup page activated it would
>> override one of the two buffers that I had selected but for some reason the
>> scratch buffer is dividing the screen horizontally and place itself over the
>> top of the two buffers I open at the end of .emacs
>> Going to have to look at some of the emacs documentation.   What I am
>> trying to create is a bit of elisp magic that will open the agenda on the
>> right buffer and my (with everything I have captured that
>> needs sent to a home and some dblocks with recently opened items and maybe
>> another one with my unscheduled todo's.
>> Matthew
>> On Wed, Mar 16, 2011 at 11:45 AM, Nick Dokos wrote:
>>> Matthew Sauer  wrote:
>>> > Okay, so I have been working on some ideas for a customization file for
>>> startup, an org-agenda,
>>> > recently modified and maybe unscheduled todo's . . accessible via a
>>> function key and at startup.
>>> > Kind of a "home screen".   I have it working fine when I run the code
>>> but my problem is that when I
>>> > have it run in .emacs on startup it comes up (agenda on the right and
>>> my other chosen buffer on the
>>> > left (last code in my .emacs to be run) and then the screen is split
>>> horizontal and the scratch
>>> > buffer opens on the top.  For me this isn't the desired behavior,
>>> didn't know if anyone knew how to
>>> > turn off emacs opening into a file or if I should move this code to
>>> another location because emacs
>>> > is running something to open that after it goes through .emacs???  or
>>> is that just a behavior that
>>> > is going to occur?
>>> >
>>> Add
>>>  (setq inhibit-splash-screen t)
>>> to your .emacs and see if that solves your problem. You might also need
>>> one
>>> of the packages that can restore a saved window configuration on startup
>>> if you have complicated goings-on.
>>> Nick
> --
> Filippo A. Salustri, Ph.D., P.Eng.
> Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
> Ryerson University
> 350 Victoria St, Toronto, ON
> M5B 2K3, Canada
> Tel: 416/979-5000 ext 7749
> Fax: 416/979-5265
> Email:

Re: [O] Re: [Orgmode] Startup page

2011-03-17 Thread Matthew Sauer
No, that still gives me the scratch buffer over the top and the the two
windows I want down below.  When I had the startup page activated it would
override one of the two buffers that I had selected but for some reason the
scratch buffer is dividing the screen horizontally and place itself over the
top of the two buffers I open at the end of .emacs

Going to have to look at some of the emacs documentation.   What I am trying
to create is a bit of elisp magic that will open the agenda on the right
buffer and my (with everything I have captured that needs sent to
a home and some dblocks with recently opened items and maybe another one
with my unscheduled todo's.


On Wed, Mar 16, 2011 at 11:45 AM, Nick Dokos  wrote:

> Matthew Sauer  wrote:
> > Okay, so I have been working on some ideas for a customization file for
> startup, an org-agenda,
> > recently modified and maybe unscheduled todo's . . accessible via a
> function key and at startup.
> > Kind of a "home screen".   I have it working fine when I run the code but
> my problem is that when I
> > have it run in .emacs on startup it comes up (agenda on the right and my
> other chosen buffer on the
> > left (last code in my .emacs to be run) and then the screen is split
> horizontal and the scratch
> > buffer opens on the top.  For me this isn't the desired behavior, didn't
> know if anyone knew how to
> > turn off emacs opening into a file or if I should move this code to
> another location because emacs
> > is running something to open that after it goes through .emacs???  or is
> that just a behavior that
> > is going to occur?
> >
> Add
>  (setq inhibit-splash-screen t)
> to your .emacs and see if that solves your problem. You might also need one
> of the packages that can restore a saved window configuration on startup
> if you have complicated goings-on.
> Nick

Re: [O] Re: [Orgmode] Startup page

2011-03-16 Thread Matthew Sauer
Okay, so I have been working on some ideas for a customization file for
startup, an org-agenda, recently modified and maybe unscheduled todo's . .
accessible via a function key and at startup.  Kind of a "home screen".   I
have it working fine when I run the code but my problem is that when I have
it run in .emacs on startup it comes up (agenda on the right and my other
chosen buffer on the left (last code in my .emacs to be run) and then the
screen is split horizontal and the scratch buffer opens on the top.  For me
this isn't the desired behavior, didn't know if anyone knew how to turn off
emacs opening into a file or if I should move this code to another location
because emacs is running something to open that after it goes through
.emacs???  or is that just a behavior that is going to occur?


On Fri, Mar 11, 2011 at 1:56 AM, Rainer M Krug  wrote:

>  On Fri, Mar 11, 2011 at 6:59 AM, Ido Magal  wrote:
> > On Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 03:51, Konrad Hinsen <
> > wrote:
> >>
> >> 1) An org-mode file that contains links to everything I am currently
> >> working on, and which I change as projects start and end. This gives me
> >> instant access to almost everything I need.
> >>
> >> 2) A buffer containing my agenda and to-do list.
> >>
> >> Translated to .emacs, this means:
> >>
> >> (find-file "~/org/")
> >> (split-window-vertically)
> >> (org-agenda nil "g")
> >>
> >> Konrad.
> >
> >  Same here, except I also have a dblock that links to my most recently
> > modified files to remind myself what I was working on last.
> > In .emacs I have:
> > (defun org-dblock-write:recently-modified (params)
> >   (insert (mapconcat (lambda (arg) (concat "[[file:" arg "][" arg "]]" ))
> > (split-string (shell-command-to-string "ls -t ~/org *.org | head -5"))
> > "\n")))
> > and my startup page looks like this:
> > --
> > # -*- eval: (org-update-all-dblocks) -*-
> > stuff...
> > #+BEGIN: recently-modified
> > #+END
> >
> I have a completelty different approach: As I use emacs / org mode
> effectively exclusively for literate programming and as I am usually
> working on two or three projects, I have created startup scripts (sh)
> and put them into my ~/bin directory - these are called
> emacs.PROJECTNAME and they change into the base directory of the
> project and start emacs. Emacs is configured to load all buffers which
> were open the lat time when started from this location, so I can
> effectively continue where I left.
> Cheers,
> Rainer
> --
> Rainer M. Krug, PhD (Conservation Ecology, SUN), MSc (Conservation
> Biology, UCT), Dipl. Phys. (Germany)
> Centre of Excellence for Invasion Biology
> Natural Sciences Building
> Office Suite 2039
> Stellenbosch University
> Main Campus, Merriman Avenue
> Stellenbosch
> South Africa
> Cell:   +27 - (0)83 9479 042
> Fax:+27 - (0)86 516 2782
> Fax:+49 - (0)321 2125 2244
> email:
> Skype:  RMkrug
> Google:

[O] Elisp Primer?

2011-03-11 Thread Matthew Sauer
I am wanting to learn about/have a reference guide for elisp.  I am a huge
fan of the O'Reilly books for the other languages I have worked with but I
was wondering if someone knew of an online repository (possibly like Worg)
that might be available to pull onto my system that I could read right in



Re: [O] Org expert mode?

2011-03-10 Thread Matthew Sauer
So maybe different custom functions that are developed to allow people to
use ORG in different ways.  Some with more help for basic features, some for
GTD, some for publishing, some for advanced features or programming.   All
of the features would always be available but maybe the suggest order for
auto-completion or help functions would be different?


On Thu, Mar 10, 2011 at 7:44 AM, Rainer M Krug  wrote:

>  On Thu, Mar 10, 2011 at 2:12 PM, Rustom Mody 
> wrote:
> > Bastien wrote:
> >> I've just added the ability to run a custom function for bulk agenda
> actions (thanks to Puneeth for the patch!)  This is clearly for
> >> power users -- or those who are willing to take the time to find
> functions that we might document in Worg.
> >
> >> So I naturally thought of something like an "Org Expert mode": when
> turned off, the UI would *not* give access to complex features
> >> and perhaps display more helpful messages on simple ones; when turned
> on, Org would have a less verbose UI (think of the C-c C-e
> >> window, do we really want to *read* it all the times?) and give access
> to all the complex features.
> >
> > Org is a large and diverse system and something to help (us perennial
> > :-) newbies is always welcome.
> >
> > But I wonder if there are really too many experts as against users
> > whose patterns of usage are expert in one area and noob in others.
> > For example consider: Using org for:
> > * Brainstorming
> > * GTD, mobile org
> > * Publishing
> > * Literate Programming (via babel)
> > * Statistical analysis (spreadsheet, R)
> >
> > Is it not likely that most people are going to be expert in (at most)
> > a few of these and not really expert in the others?
> I completely agree - and that is the direction my suggestion is aiming at.
> Somebody using org mode for literate programming might be an expert in
> literal programming with R, but no idea (yet?) about GTD and mobile
> org.
> So a system which provides usage pattern specific menues and enabled /
> disabled functions, would be from my point of view the perfect
> solutions.
> And if this could be set on a file basis, that would even be better.
> Rainer
> >
> >
> --
> Rainer M. Krug, PhD (Conservation Ecology, SUN), MSc (Conservation
> Biology, UCT), Dipl. Phys. (Germany)
> Centre of Excellence for Invasion Biology
> Natural Sciences Building
> Office Suite 2039
> Stellenbosch University
> Main Campus, Merriman Avenue
> Stellenbosch
> South Africa
> Cell:   +27 - (0)83 9479 042
> Fax:+27 - (0)86 516 2782
> Fax:+49 - (0)321 2125 2244
> email:
> Skype:  RMkrug
> Google:

[O] [Use ?] Capture and Refile behavior

2011-03-08 Thread Matthew Sauer
I have a capture template set to file to (my default container
for TODO tasks, notes (private, work, journal, blog) or other things.  That
way I can file them out to the right spot later . . especially if I don't
have the file or location setup or am not sure which location I am going to
handle that item under.  However, at times I use C-c C-w and refile them
directly to the location I want them . . . Capture worked different than I
am used to remember working.

So, I used C-c c last night to put a TODO in my agenda for my english

* TODO English Reading Assignments:ENGL101:
** TODO Reading assignment 1
   DEADLINE:<2011-03-14 19:05>
** TODO Reading assignment 2
   DEADLINE:<2011-03-14 19:05>
** TODO Reding assignment 3
   DEADLINE:<2011-03-14 19:05>

When I type C-c C-w to refile it into Homework ( it files
 ** TODO Reding assignment 3
   DEADLINE:<2011-03-14 19:05>
the last assignement, to the right location
but the
 * TODO English Reading Assignments:ENGL101:
** TODO Reading assignment 1
   DEADLINE:<2011-03-14 19:05>
** TODO Reading assignment 2
   DEADLINE:<2011-03-14 19:05>

goes into the (the default target for the capture template)

In other words, it is only sending, like it is reading from the bottom up
until it hits a headline and then refiling that part but throwing the rest
to the default?  Odd behavior as at times I will catch assignments and make
multiple TODO's (same headline level or lower) in a remember and now that I
am on capture unless I have a TODO for each bucket their isn't a way to pick
the destination..  Or at times I use it for class notes and make a hiearchy
out of that and have the heiarchy it refiled in a date-tree.

Thoughts?  or am I just goofing something up?


Re: [O] Bug: Org-Contacts.el [7.4]

2011-03-06 Thread Matthew Sauer
Nick was gracious enough to help me dig through a few things with my .emacs
. . . it appears I had been able to update the emacs lisp in
lispdir   = $ usr/share/emacs/23.2/lisp/org
once so that I was running 7.4 but that wasn't getting updated when I did
pulls (need to look into that once)
so, I just had to change my .emacs and add a load path to /org-mode/elisp
so that it would find everything I was updating (I go into /org-mode  to run
git pull && make clean && make && make install && make doc

oh, and if anyone has experience on getting make doc to work on cygwin
(texi2dvi) it would be appreciated as I haven't quite got that to work

Thanks to all on the list, especially Nick for the help, it works great now
. . .now to get google weather to work the way I want it to.


On Sun, Mar 6, 2011 at 5:20 PM, Bastien  wrote:

> Matthew Sauer  writes:
> > Should I be able to find org-property-set-functions-alist listed in
> > org.el?
> Yes:
> C-h v org-property-set-functions-alist RET
> --
>  Bastien

Re: [O] Bug: Org-Contacts.el [7.4]

2011-03-06 Thread Matthew Sauer
I am aware of the issue of emacs (that comes with cygwin) coming with I
think it was org 6.3 and I have already (prior to this) cloned a branch,
made my own branch so I could modify the makefile to have the org files land
in the correct location to load (it kept loading 6.3 and not 7.4).  I double
checked (org-version) and I am definitely on 7.4 (when I was on 6.3 I had to
use remember as Capture wasn't in the release? and now I have switched over
to capture now and love it).  I do regular pulls from the git as explained
in the instructions (part of me is loving working in/on a growing updating

It is loading from the correct spot and I opened the .el version of the .elc
and it says 7.4 and if I load the .el or the .elc org-version shows 7.4.

I know about needing to clean up the emacs, I originally started using
org-mode from an episode of FLOSS weekly and didn't come to,
worg or this mailing list as my first stop to learn how to update my .emacs
and make things work.  I am going to work on it some more and make sure I
have tidied up everything I need to do and then I am going to try reloading
org-contacts, I think I have something floating around somewhere that is
keeping me from loading it correctly.

Thanks for the feedback and hopefully I can get this knocked out, I am
trying to migrate more and more of my stuff to working in emacs as it and
org-mode speak to the way my brain functions.  Hopefully, I will have an
update soon as it still doesn't work but I want to weed through my .emacs
before re-submitting everything.  However, if anyone reads through my .emacs
and sees an error or something I should look at, I would greatly appreciate
it.  You guys are amazing, hopefully in a few months I can start
contributing more to this project.


On Sat, Mar 5, 2011 at 10:47 PM, Nick Dokos  wrote:

> U-SWEETSAUERPORT\\Matthew Sauer  wrote:
> ,
> | Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-variable
> org-property-set-functions-alist)
> |   add-to-list(org-property-set-functions-alist ("BIRTHDAY" .
> org-completing-read-date))
> |   eval-buffer(# nil "/elisp/org-contacts/org-contacts.el"
> nil t)  ; Reading at buffer position 12430
> |   load-with-code-conversion("/elisp/org-contacts/org-contacts.el"
> "/elisp/org-contacts/org-contacts.el" nil t)
> |   require(org-contacts)
> `
> org-property-set-functions-alist is a variable in org.el, so it seems
> you are loading org-contacts.el before loading org.el (and the autoloads
> in your .emacs seem to confirm that).
> Problems:
> o org-contacts requires a recent version (> 7.4) of org. The version
>  that came with your emacs is not going to cut it.
> o you are probably loading the version of org that came with your emacs.
>  To check, say M-x locate-library  org  and see where it loads
>  org.el (or org.elc) from.
> o if you are using the built-in version, download the version from git (if
>  you have not already) and follow the instructions in section 1.2,
>  "Installation", of the Org manual to install it.
> And please clean up your .emacs: the autoload section that goes
> ,
> | ;; These lines only if org-mode is not part of the X/Emacs distribution.
> | (autoload 'org-mode "org" "Org mode" t)
> | (autoload 'org-diary "org" "Diary entries from Org mode" t)
> | (autoload 'org-agenda "org" "Multi-file agenda from Org mode" t)
> | (autoload 'org-store-link "org" "Store a link to the current location" t)
> | (autoload 'orgtbl-mode "org" "Org tables as a minor mode" t)
> | (autoload 'turn-on-orgtbl "org" "Org tables as a minor mode")
> `
> should be *replaced* by what the doc says. Don't leave it hanging around.
> If you still have problems, submit another problem report (btw, the
> information you included in this one was spot-on: both the .emacs and
> the backtrace were needed for diagnosis).
> HTH,
> Nick

Re: [O] Bug: Org-Contacts.el [7.4]

2011-03-06 Thread Matthew Sauer
Should I be able to find org-property-set-functions-alist listed in org.el?
 Because I don't, maybe I have an issue, it says 7.4 in the comments at the
top of the file but I am not finding that phrase anywhere in the file, maybe
I do have an pull, update or patch issue I need to look into?


On Sun, Mar 6, 2011 at 1:50 PM, Matthew Sauer

> I am aware of the issue of emacs (that comes with cygwin) coming with I
> think it was org 6.3 and I have already (prior to this) cloned a branch,
> made my own branch so I could modify the makefile to have the org files land
> in the correct location to load (it kept loading 6.3 and not 7.4).  I double
> checked (org-version) and I am definitely on 7.4 (when I was on 6.3 I had to
> use remember as Capture wasn't in the release? and now I have switched over
> to capture now and love it).  I do regular pulls from the git as explained
> in the instructions (part of me is loving working in/on a growing updating
> project).
> It is loading from the correct spot and I opened the .el version of the
> .elc and it says 7.4 and if I load the .el or the .elc org-version shows
> 7.4.
> I know about needing to clean up the emacs, I originally started using
> org-mode from an episode of FLOSS weekly and didn't come to,
> worg or this mailing list as my first stop to learn how to update my .emacs
> and make things work.  I am going to work on it some more and make sure I
> have tidied up everything I need to do and then I am going to try reloading
> org-contacts, I think I have something floating around somewhere that is
> keeping me from loading it correctly.
> Thanks for the feedback and hopefully I can get this knocked out, I am
> trying to migrate more and more of my stuff to working in emacs as it and
> org-mode speak to the way my brain functions.  Hopefully, I will have an
> update soon as it still doesn't work but I want to weed through my .emacs
> before re-submitting everything.  However, if anyone reads through my .emacs
> and sees an error or something I should look at, I would greatly appreciate
> it.  You guys are amazing, hopefully in a few months I can start
> contributing more to this project.
> Matthew
> On Sat, Mar 5, 2011 at 10:47 PM, Nick Dokos  wrote:
>> U-SWEETSAUERPORT\\Matthew Sauer  wrote:
>> ,
>> | Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-variable
>> org-property-set-functions-alist)
>> |   add-to-list(org-property-set-functions-alist ("BIRTHDAY" .
>> org-completing-read-date))
>> |   eval-buffer(# nil
>> "/elisp/org-contacts/org-contacts.el" nil t)  ; Reading at buffer position
>> 12430
>> |   load-with-code-conversion("/elisp/org-contacts/org-contacts.el"
>> "/elisp/org-contacts/org-contacts.el" nil t)
>> |   require(org-contacts)
>> `
>> org-property-set-functions-alist is a variable in org.el, so it seems
>> you are loading org-contacts.el before loading org.el (and the autoloads
>> in your .emacs seem to confirm that).
>> Problems:
>> o org-contacts requires a recent version (> 7.4) of org. The version
>>  that came with your emacs is not going to cut it.
>> o you are probably loading the version of org that came with your emacs.
>>  To check, say M-x locate-library  org  and see where it loads
>>  org.el (or org.elc) from.
>> o if you are using the built-in version, download the version from git (if
>>  you have not already) and follow the instructions in section 1.2,
>>  "Installation", of the Org manual to install it.
>> And please clean up your .emacs: the autoload section that goes
>> ,
>> | ;; These lines only if org-mode is not part of the X/Emacs distribution.
>> | (autoload 'org-mode "org" "Org mode" t)
>> | (autoload 'org-diary "org" "Diary entries from Org mode" t)
>> | (autoload 'org-agenda "org" "Multi-file agenda from Org mode" t)
>> | (autoload 'org-store-link "org" "Store a link to the current location"
>> t)
>> | (autoload 'orgtbl-mode "org" "Org tables as a minor mode" t)
>> | (autoload 'turn-on-orgtbl "org" "Org tables as a minor mode")
>> `
>> should be *replaced* by what the doc says. Don't leave it hanging around.
>> If you still have problems, submit another problem report (btw, the
>> information you included in this one was spot-on: both the .emacs and
>> the backtrace were needed for diagnosis).
>> HTH,
>> Nick

[O] Bug: Org-Contacts.el [7.4]

2011-03-05 Thread U-SWEETSAUERPORT\Matthew Sauer
uot; "Appt" entry (file+headline "/cygdrive/c/Dropbox/Org/" 
"Refile") "* %^{Brief Description}  %^g
Added: %U %") ("s" "Someday" entry (file+headline 
"/cygdrive/c/Dropbox/Org/" "Someday") "** %^{Someday Heading} %U
") ("c" "Contact" entry (file+headline "/cygdrive/c/Dropbox/Org/" 
"Contacts") "* %^{Contact Name}
:EMAIL: %^{Contact Email}
:PHONE: %^{Contact Phone}
:NOTES: %^{Notes?}
:END:") ("e" "English" entry (file+datetree 
"/cygdrive/c/Dropbox/Org/") "* %^{Class Session:} %^g
Added: %T
* ?") ("u" "Theatre" entry (file+datetree 
"/cygdrive/c/Dropbox/Org/") "* %^{Class Session:} %^g
Added: %T
* ?") ("l" "Clock This" entry (file+headline 
"/cygdrive/c/Dropbox/Org/" "Refile") "* %^{What to clock}
 '(org-clock-in-resume t)
 '(org-clock-in-switch-to-state nil)
 '(org-clock-out-switch-to-state nil)
 '(org-clock-persist t)
 '(org-clock-persist-query-save t)
 '(org-clock-sound t)
 '(org-complete-tags-always-offer-all-agenda-tags nil)
 '(org-contacts-files (quote ("/cygdrive/C/Dropbox/Org/")))
 '(org-deadline-warning-days 7)
 '(org-directory "/cygdrive/C/Dropbox/Org/")
 '(org-enforce-todo-checkbox-dependencies t)
 '(org-enforce-todo-dependencies t)
 '(org-export-html-style "")
 '(org-fast-tag-selection-single-key t)
 '(org-feed-alist (quote (("Catholic" ""; 
"/cygdrive/c/Dropbox/Org/" "The Catholic Lane") ("qotd" 
 "/cygdrive/c/Dropbox/Org/" "Quote of the Day"
 '(org-google-weather-display-icon-p nil)
 '(org-hide-block-startup nil)
 '(org-hide-leading-stars t)
 '(org-hierarchical-checkbox-statistics nil)
 '(org-indent-boundary-char 32)
 '(org-indent-indentation-per-level 1)
 '(org-insert-heading-respect-content t)
 '(org-log-done (quote note))
 '(org-log-into-drawer t)
 '(org-log-note-clock-out t)
 '(org-log-redeadline (quote note))
 '(org-log-refile (quote note))
 '(org-log-repeat (quote note))
 '(org-log-reschedule (quote note))
 '(org-log-state-notes-insert-after-drawers t)
 '(org-log-states-order-reversed nil)
 '(org-modules (quote (org-bbdb org-bibtex org-gnus org-info org-jsinfo org-irc 
org-mew org-mhe org-rmail org-vm org-wl org-w3m org-mouse)))
 '(org-mouse-features (quote (context-menu move-tree yank-link activate-stars 
activate-bullets activate-checkboxes)))
 '(org-plain-list-ordered-item-terminator t)
 '(org-provide-todo-statistics (quote (quote all-headlines)))
 '(org-refile-targets (quote (("" :maxlevel . 1) ("" 
:maxlevel . 1) ("" :maxlevel . 1) ("" :maxlevel . 2) 
("" :maxlevel . 1) ("" :level . 1) ("" 
:maxlevel . 1
 '(org-replace-disputed-keys t)
 '(org-return-follows-link t)
 '(org-reverse-note-order nil)
 '(org-startup-align-all-tables t)
 '(org-startup-indented nil)
 '(org-support-shift-select (quote always))
 '(org-tag-alist (quote (("ARCHIVE" . 65
 '(org-tag-faces nil)
 '(org-tags-column -78)
 '(org-tags-exclude-from-inheritance (quote ("ARCHIVE")))
 '(org-tags-match-list-sublevels nil)
 '(org-tags-sort-function nil)
 '(org-time-stamp-rounding-minutes 5)
 '(org-todo-keyword-faces (quote (("\"TODO\"" :foreground "red") ("\"NEXT\"" 
:foreground "steelblue") ("\"WORKING\"" :foreground "sienna") ("\"REVIEW\"" 
:foreground "olivedrab") ("\"DONE\"" :foreground "dimgrey") ("\"DEFFERED\"" 
:foreground "dimgrey") ("\"CANCEL\"" :foreground "dimgrey"
 '(org-todo-keywords (quote ((sequence "TODO" "NEXT" "WORKING" "REVIEW" "DONE" 
 '(org-todo-state-tags-triggers (quote ((todo ("ARCHIVE")) (done ("ARCHIVE" . 
 '(org-use-extra-keys t)
 '(org-use-fast-todo-selection t)
 '(org-use-speed-commands t)
 '(org-use-tag-inheritance nil)
 '(org2blog/wp-confirm-post t)

Re: [O] org google weather

2011-03-05 Thread Matthew Sauer
Thanks that worked, as I said Noob, somethings get the quote and some
don't.  Now if I can just get org-contacts to load correctly, void variable
value, life will be great.  I think I am starting to get the hang of this

On Sat, Mar 5, 2011 at 9:23 AM, Nick Dokos  wrote:

> Matthew Sauer  wrote:
> > '(require 'google-weather)
> > '(require 'org-google-weather)
> That should be
> (require 'google-weather)
> (require 'org-google-weather)
> without a quote.
> Nick

Re: [O] org google weather

2011-03-05 Thread Matthew Sauer

Being an elisp noob I had forgotten about the provide code in the .el file.
That fixed that problem, THANK YOU so much.   Now if I can figure out why I
have to
M-x load-library RET google-weather RET
M-x load-library RET org-google-weather RET
to get google weather to work with my agenda (though I am debating on
leaving it this way and having a function load these two files as I am not
always internet connected and it is annoying to wait for the network
connection attempt to timeout 4 times for each day it attempts to retrieve
the weather or maybe I should look and see if I can patch it to make it skip
the other attempts if the first fails? but then I need to figure out how to
get them to load automatically).  I should just need to use the code in my
dot emacs
'(require 'google-weather)
'(require 'org-google-weather)
for it to work but that doesn't seem to do the trick, maybe i need to look
in the code in those .el files.

to your question, I am trying to set some functions in other .el files so
that I can break up differnt parts of code for the different parts of my
.emacs file intsead of just adding more and more code.


On Sat, Mar 5, 2011 at 7:26 AM, Konrad Hinsen wrote:

> On 5 Mar 2011, at 12:44, Matthew Sauer wrote:
>> I put the diary-sunset and diary-sunrise functions in a file called
>> sunrisesunset.el in my elisp directory, it is part of my load path and put
>> '(require 'sunrisesunset)
>> in my .emacs
> Did you put a
>(provide 'sunrisesunset)
> at the end of sunrisesunset.el? That's what tells Emacs that the
> requirement is now fulfilled.
> Konrad.

Re: [O] org google weather

2011-03-05 Thread Matthew Sauer
I put the diary-sunset and diary-sunrise functions in a file called
sunrisesunset.el in my elisp directory, it is part of my load path and put
'(require 'sunrisesunset)
in my .emacs
It only loads if I type
M-x load-library   RET   sunrisesunset RET
I am not sure why it isn't automatically loading like other files I have set
the same way, the same holds true for org-google-weather, I ran the git,
have it in my home directory and have it set up for require in my dotemacs
but i still have to
M-x load-library RET org-google-weather RET
to get it to work in my agenda.

I am running on cygwin with emacs 23.2 and with Org 7.4 (updated to make
sure), I ended up putting the diary-sunrise and diary-sunset functions in my
dot emacs and they work just fine but putting the contents of different .el
files in my dotemacs file isn't a good long term solution.  Any suggestions
as to what I might look at or for?

Matthew S

[Orgmode] Re: Org-Remember C-1 C-c C-c

2011-02-27 Thread Matthew Sauer
Yes, I was using remember as when I first started using orgmode I didn't
have capture because emacs 23.2 in cygwin came with a series 6 version of
org.  Now that I have upgraded to the main development version I realized I
can switch to capture, which I have and I LOVE much better, it has solved
many of the problems I was having.

The problem I was getting when I was pressing C-1 still exists but I believe
is due to incorrect mapping of Mintty/Cygwin (I am running on XP on the
laptop) as it works correctly in the windows version of emacs I have
installed.  (it also has issues with C-3 and other C-number combinations but
that is a function of Mintty I believe.


On Sun, Feb 27, 2011 at 5:41 PM, Bernt Hansen  wrote:

> Matthew Sauer  writes:
> > Whenever I use Remember to shoot a note to a specific location I
> > press C-1 and get the following error:
> > M-[ 1 ; 5 q is undefined
> >
> > I changed my .emacs to make the default refiling and C-1 C-c C-c is
> > now the template location specified.  At times I would still like to
> > use the C-1 C-c C-c behavior.  I thought about setting a 1 press
> > function key binding but I haven't been able to determine what
> > function is called (either direction depending on the setup I have in
> > my .emacs) and I haven't been able to figure out what is causing the
> > error when i press C-1  (it happens whenever I press the key combo).
> >
> > I am using cygwin in mintty, with emacs and orgmode 7.4 (I pull off
> > the git every few days, don't remember which exact commit I have).
> > GNU Emacs 23.2.1 (i686-pc-cygwin, GTK+ Version 2.20.1) of 2010-10-01
> >
> >
> >
> > This happened even before I upgraded from the version of orgmode that
> > comes with emacs 23.2.1   I am just not sure which direction to go to
> > find the problem and I know how to work around it by calling the
> > correct function and/or binding it to a key.   Any input is most
> > appreciated as the more college classes I take the more class files I
> > have to file into.
> Hi Matthew,
> Please provide details of your remember/capture template (are you really
> using remember mode instead of capture mode?), the keys sequence you are
> using, and what you expect to happen.
> Regards,
> Bernt
Emacs-orgmode mailing list
Please use `Reply All' to send replies to the list.

Re: [Orgmode] Splitting mailing list

2011-02-27 Thread Matthew Sauer
I think that if it was kept as a single list the use of tags could allow (as
long as people respect the tags) to filter and read only the types of
threads they want to use.

If we split the lists I would tag both with the same tag in my gmail box and
read them all together, so it wouldn't really appear to be any different for
me other than the people only reading dev tags or on the dev channel
wouldn't see the user discussions.

On Sun, Feb 27, 2011 at 6:15 PM, Alan L Tyree  wrote:

> On Sun, 27 Feb 2011 17:53:44 -0500
> "Andrew J. Korty"  wrote:
> > Alan L Tyree  wrote:
> >
> > > I'm purely a user, but I would not be in favour of splitting the
> > > list. I find it interesting to have an insight into what the
> > > developers are doing, where org is headed.  Use of a DEV tag would
> > > be good.
> >
> > I don't understand.  If you like to read the development posts, why
> > not subscribe to both lists?  My concerns with a DEV tag are twofold:
> > people would forget to add it, and it clutters the subject line.
> The development list wouldn't be very interesting without the intense
> interaction that it now has with users. The org list seems unique in
> this, at least for the lists that I have sometimes monitored.
> I take your point about the tags, however. No happy answer to any of
> this.
> Cheers,
> Alan
> >
> > Samuel Wales  wrote:
> >
> > > The thing that is most difficult for me is the fact that I almost
> > > never can read the entire subject header.  Often I get to read only
> > > the first word.  Tags will make that worse.
> >
> > It was suggested once that we shorten the [Orgmode] tag to [Org].
> > That seems like a change everyone can agree with.  Could one of the
> > mailing list admins please make that change?
> >
> > Thanks,
> > ajk
> >
> > ___
> > Emacs-orgmode mailing list
> > Please use `Reply All' to send replies to the list.
> >
> >
> >
> --
> Alan L Tyree
> Tel:  04 2748 6206
> ___
> Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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Re: [Orgmode] Splitting mailing list

2011-02-27 Thread Matthew Sauer
Even though I am not much into development I enjoy reading them as they are
teaching me about how this works and hopefully I can move to doing DEV
further down the road.

Even if we had two lists I would just add a filter tag like I do now and
sort them all into the same tag (well, maybe, maybe not).   Maybe the
DEV channel should be something that you are invited to join with send
access but anyone could have read access too.  If a question in the user
channel fit the bill it could be resent or re-proposed into the DEV channel?
 Maybe that's too constricted for open development?

I agree, two channels so you can get what you want but they need to have
reference to each other and at least a few people on both.

On Sun, Feb 27, 2011 at 5:43 AM, Bastien  wrote:

> Hi Julien,
> Julien Danjou  writes:
> > How about splitting the mailing list in a user and a development list?
> I am in favor of using a [DEV] tag and stick to one single list.
> The path from users to developers (and to core Org developers) is
> a continuum, keeping this continuum on one list is a good thing.
> What other people think?
> --
>  Bastien
> ___
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[Orgmode] Startup page

2011-02-26 Thread Matthew Sauer
As a relatively newer emacs and org-mode user I have found it very
interesting to see what people have in their .emacs file.   This has spawned
my curiosity, what do you have for a startup page?  Do you just have it go
to the scratch buffer, the standard page or something else?  Maybe a custom
designed page with links or something else?  Might be something interesting
to share on worg as well if you have a unique start page for emacs.

Just a thought/curiosity as I am working on designing one for my emacs for
my use as a student/father/employee.

Matthew Sauer
Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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[Orgmode] Org-Remember C-1 C-c C-c

2011-02-24 Thread Matthew Sauer
Whenever I use Remember to shoot a note to a specific location I press C-1
and get the following error:
M-[ 1 ; 5 q is undefined

I changed my .emacs to make the default refiling and C-1 C-c C-c is now the
template location specified.  At times I would still like to use the C-1 C-c
C-c behavior.  I thought about setting a 1 press function key binding but I
haven't been able to determine what function is called (either direction
depending on the setup I have in my .emacs) and I haven't been able to
figure out what is causing the error when i press C-1  (it happens whenever
I press the key combo).

I am using cygwin in mintty, with emacs and orgmode 7.4 (I pull off the git
every few days, don't remember which exact commit I have).
GNU Emacs 23.2.1 (i686-pc-cygwin, GTK+ Version 2.20.1) of 2010-10-01

This happened even before I upgraded from the version of orgmode that comes
with emacs 23.2.1   I am just not sure which direction to go to find the
problem and I know how to work around it by calling the correct function
and/or binding it to a key.   Any input is most appreciated as the more
college classes I take the more class files I have to file into.

Matthew Sauer
Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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Re: [Orgmode] question about capture templates

2011-02-21 Thread Matthew Sauer

Correction , it is C-1 C-c C-c to go to the default location.  

C-u C-c C-c goes into the interactive mode and then visits the location


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Re: [Orgmode] question about capture templates

2011-02-21 Thread Matthew Sauer
I use remember and I set the org-remember-interactive-interface variable
to refile.  Now if I C-c it prompts me for my refile location I want to
send the item to land at.  If I C-u C-c C-c it goes to the default
listed in the capture template.  Handy since I have one TODO template
but it could land in one of four files, one Homework Template for school
and two files (taking two classes) that it could land in.  Especially
handy since I can't seem to have more than 5 remember templates causing
it to become more about style of capture going to any destination I
choose than style and destination for the templates.   Oh, and I made my
default destination a Refile bucket that then has to be sorted to the
appropriate location.

Matthew Sauer
Sent From GNUS in emacs
"Did I mention I love this thing?"

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Re: [Orgmode] Sending TODO items automatically to a specified email address

2011-02-19 Thread Matthew Sauer
What format of an attachment would you want to be hooked to the e-mail
(html, xml, txt, pdf)?   I think that once you figure that out, write the
function to generate that the rest is downhill.  I have just started using
GNUS but I imagine it or one of the email programs in emacs or through a
python script an email could easily be sent.


On Sat, Feb 19, 2011 at 2:36 PM, Marvin Doyley  wrote:

> Hi there,
> Does anybody know how to send TODO as email attachment. What would be nice
> is if the TODO item is in the message and the text below it is an
> attachment. Basically, this is how I remind myself of things that I need to
> get done.
> Actually, what would be nice is if I could configured org to send TODOs
> within next week (or some other  time frame) automatically to specified
> email address.
> Best  wishes
> Marvin
> ___
> Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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Re: [Orgmode] Re: Something like SETUPFILE, but in .emacs?

2011-02-14 Thread Matthew Sauer
Would this be the full list of variables?
Possible completions are:
org-export-allow-BIND  org-export-author-info
org-export-babel-evaluate  org-export-blocks
org-export-blocks-postblock-hook   org-export-blocks-witheld
org-export-copy-to-kill-ring   org-export-creator-info
org-export-highlight-first-table-line  org-export-html-coding-system
org-export-html-expand org-export-html-extension
org-export-html-home/up-format org-export-html-html-helper-timestamp
org-export-html-inline-image-extensions org-export-html-inline-images
org-export-html-mathjax-template   org-export-html-style
org-export-html-tag-class-prefix   org-export-html-title-format
org-export-html-todo-kwd-class-prefix  org-export-html-toplevel-hlevel
org-export-html-use-infojs org-export-html-validation-link
org-export-html-with-timestamp org-export-html-xml-declaration
org-export-htmlize-css-font-prefix org-export-htmlize-output-type
org-export-preserve-breaks org-export-remove-timestamps-from-toc
org-export-run-in-background   org-export-section-number-format
org-export-skip-text-before-1st-heading org-export-table-data-tags
org-export-table-header-tags   org-export-table-remove-special-lines
org-export-table-row-tags  org-export-time-stamp-file
org-export-with-archived-trees org-export-with-drawers
org-export-with-emphasize  org-export-with-fixed-width
org-export-with-footnotes  org-export-with-priority
org-export-with-sub-superscripts   org-export-with-tables
org-export-with-tags   org-export-with-timestamps

On Mon, Feb 14, 2011 at 9:07 AM, Matthew Sauer

> Question, would something like the following work?
> For .emacs
> ---start of .emacs 
> --snip---snip---snip---
>  (setq load-path (append '("/home/usr/emacs/load/") load-path))
>  (setq load-path (append '("/home/usr/emacs") load-path))
>  (load "export-setup" nil t )  ; Org-Export settings
> ---end   of .emacs 
> --snip---snip---snip---
> --- Start of export-setup.el --snip---snip-snip---
> (setq  . . . . . .
>  . . . . . Set the variables you want here but they can be overrode in
> specific files with specific buffer overrides #+STARTUP
> --end Export-setup.el
> Got the idea from
> Matthew S
> On Sun, Feb 13, 2011 at 8:08 PM, Gary Oberbrunner 
> wrote:
>> Yes, that's definitely what I'm looking for.  If I get some time I may
>> write a function to allow autoloading a setupfile-syntax version (just
>> for consistency/simplicity), but given shortness of time I'll probably
>> just track down the vars and set them in my .emacs. :-)
>> thanks!
>> On Sun, Feb 13, 2011 at 4:16 PM, Dan Davison 
>> wrote:
>> > Gary Oberbrunner  writes:
>> >
>> >> On Sun, Feb 13, 2011 at 10:53 AM, Darlan Cavalcante Moreira
>> >>  wrote:
>> >>> You can use auto-insert for this.
>> >>
>> >> I guess I'm really not using org-mode in the way it was intended --
>> >> everyone thinks I should put these values into each one of my org-mode
>> >> files.
>> >
>> > Hi Gary,
>> >
>> > What did you think of the suggestion I made?
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > I believe it poi

Re: [Orgmode] Re: Something like SETUPFILE, but in .emacs?

2011-02-14 Thread Matthew Sauer
Question, would something like the following work?

For .emacs

---start of .emacs

 (setq load-path (append '("/home/usr/emacs/load/") load-path))
 (setq load-path (append '("/home/usr/emacs") load-path))

 (load "export-setup" nil t )  ; Org-Export settings

Matthew S

On Sun, Feb 13, 2011 at 8:08 PM, Gary Oberbrunner wrote:

> Yes, that's definitely what I'm looking for.  If I get some time I may
> write a function to allow autoloading a setupfile-syntax version (just
> for consistency/simplicity), but given shortness of time I'll probably
> just track down the vars and set them in my .emacs. :-)
> thanks!
> On Sun, Feb 13, 2011 at 4:16 PM, Dan Davison 
> wrote:
> > Gary Oberbrunner  writes:
> >
> >> On Sun, Feb 13, 2011 at 10:53 AM, Darlan Cavalcante Moreira
> >>  wrote:
> >>> You can use auto-insert for this.
> >>
> >> I guess I'm really not using org-mode in the way it was intended --
> >> everyone thinks I should put these values into each one of my org-mode
> >> files.
> >
> > Hi Gary,
> >
> > What did you think of the suggestion I made?
> >
> >
> >
> > I believe it pointed you in the right direction. You need to (a) find
> > the variables that control the export behavior in question, and (b) set
> > those variables in your .emacs. My reply gave a source of many of the
> > relevant variables, i.e. the default value of the variable
> > `org-export-plist-vars'. An example of one of those variables is
> >
> > [...]
> >
> >> As an example, I *never* want to export the creator line.
> >
> > `org-export-creator-info'.
> >
> > Let us know if you have trouble finding the appropriate variable for
> > something, or if setting the variables isn't behaving the way you want.
> >
> > Dan
> >
> >
> >>  But most of the comments on this list seem to say I should
> >> modify my .org files (at least to include #+SETUPFILE), so I guess
> >> I'll consider that as standard practice.
> >>
> >> Would anyone be interested if I were to create a way to specify export
> >> values in a global file somewhere (~/.org-site-defaults or something)
> >> in the same syntax as SETUPFILE (#+kwd: value) that would set up all
> >> the defaults for _every_ org file?
> >
> --
> -- Gary
> ___
> Emacs-orgmode mailing list
> Please use `Reply All' to send replies to the list.
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Re: [Orgmode] Something like SETUPFILE, but in .emacs?

2011-02-10 Thread Matthew Sauer
First time poster as well.  Clarification.  You are wanting to have these
options only inflict themselve on .org files?   I am wondering if they could
be in .emacs or called from .emacs or auto inserted, or maybe like the text
export options are via a shortcut command?   I think I might want a generic
set insertable into a new .org file when I make it via a C-c  command if I
want it in but not necessarily automatically.  That way I have to think
about it and just want something vanilla (if I am writing a book for
instance and not just a project list?) or can customize for a particular
file since I am thnking of it?

Matthew S

On Thu, Feb 10, 2011 at 3:40 PM, Gary Oberbrunner wrote:

> First time poster on this list, but old-school Emacs user since 1982.  And
> I have to say, org-mode is amazing.  I'm running current git master on emacs
> on Windows.
> I've put all my org-mode export template stuff into a setup file in my home
> dir, and I make all my org-mode files use it by putting
>  #+SETUPFILE: ~/
> My question is can I make this totally automatic, so every .org file I load
> gets that setupfile automatically?
> btw, here's my settings in my setup file in case anyone's interested.
>  Mostly export stuff for HTML and LaTeX so the output comes out nice.
> ## Emacs org-mode settings.  Include into a .org file at the end like this:
> ## #+SETUPFILE: ~/
> #+AUTHOR:me
> #+EMAIL:
> #+DATE:
> #+LANGUAGE:  en
> #+OPTIONS:   H:2 num:nil toc:nil \n:nil @:t ::t |:t ^:t -:t f:t *:t <:t
> author:nil email:nil creator:nil timestamp:nil
> #+OPTIONS:   TeX:t LaTeX:auto skip:nil d:nil todo:t pri:nil tags:not-in-toc
> #+INFOJS_OPT: view:nil toc:nil ltoc:t mouse:underline buttons:0 path:
> #+LINK_UP:
> # Page formatting, use full page w/ less whitespace:
> #+LaTeX_HEADER: \usepackage[cm]{fullpage}
> #+LaTeX_HEADER: \usepackage[compact]{titlesec}
> # Snug up lists:
> #+LaTeX_HEADER: \usepackage{paralist}
> #+LaTeX_HEADER: \let\itemize\compactitem
> #+LaTeX_HEADER: \let\description\compactdesc
> #+LaTeX_HEADER: \let\enumerate\compactenum
> # Colors:
> #+LaTeX_HEADER: \usepackage{color}
> --
> -- Gary
> ___
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