Re: [fpc-pascal] SqlDB TSQLQuery sqoAutoApplyUpdates does not work with ExecSQL

2022-12-15 Thread Andreas Frieß via fpc-pascal

Am 15.12.2022 um 11:15 schrieb Michael Van Canneyt via fpc-pascal:

On Thu, 15 Dec 2022, Andreas Frieß via fpc-pascal wrote:

On MSSQL i use a stroed procedure to count a value in a table and use
the following statement in Lazarus

      SQL:='EXECUTE [dbo].[GetNextZaehler] :TagNr,:ProduktNr ';
      Query.Options:=[sqoAutoApplyUpdates,sqoAutoCommit];// <--
    AutoApplyUpdates doesnt work !?

          Memo1.Append('Kein Wert');
    //Query.ApplyUpdates; // <-- If i use this it works

But you are not modifying anything or posting any data, why do you need an
applyupdates ?

What do you want ApplyUpdates to do ?

        on E:Exceptiondobegin
          Memo1.Append('BuExecuteClick Exception =>'+E.Message);

I must extra write an ApplyUpdates, because the sqoAutoApplyUpdates  is
ignored by the ExecSQL of the query.

There is no relation between ExecSQL and applyupdates, so your solution is
definitely faulty. An ApplyUpdates only makes sense in the context of the
Post operation.

No, if you use a stored procedure on the MSSQL Server there can be
changes on tables. Without the ApplyUpdates these changes are not
persitent. If you close and reopen the connection ALL is lost. With
ApplyUpdates it works.
If you test the SP in the MSSQL-Studio it works, with Lazarus without
the ApplyUpdates not.


fpc-pascal maillist  -

Code for Stored Procedure on MS-SQL Server including the tabledefinition

USE [CounterTestDB]



CREATE TABLE [dbo].[B_AktStueck](
[TagNr] [int] NOT NULL,
[Produkt] [int] NOT NULL,
[Stueckzaehler] [int] NOT NULL,
[TagNr] ASC,
[Produkt] ASC

ALTER TABLE [dbo].[B_AktStueck] ADD  CONSTRAINT [DF_B_AktStueck_TagNr]
DEFAULT ((0)) FOR [TagNr]

ALTER TABLE [dbo].[B_AktStueck] ADD  CONSTRAINT [DF_B_AktStueck_Produkt]
 DEFAULT ((0)) FOR [Produkt]

[DF_B_AktStueck_Stueckzaehler]  DEFAULT ((0)) FOR [Stueckzaehler]

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[GetNextZaehler]
-- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here
@TagNr integer,
@ProduktNr integer
-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
-- interfering with SELECT statements.

DECLARE @NewCnt integer

Set @NewCnt = 0;


SELECT TOP 1 @NewCnt = [StueckZaehler]
  FROM [B_AktStueck]
  WHERE ([TagNr] = @TagNr) AND ([Produkt] = @ProduktNr)

   print ' old CounterValue '
   print @NewCnt

   if @NewCnt = 0 begin
 print '-- No entry -> created '
 INSERT INTO [B_AktStueck] ([TagNr], [Produkt], [StueckZaehler])
   VALUES (@TagNr, @ProduktNr, @NewCnt)

   UPDATE [B_AktStueck] SET
[StueckZaehler] = [StueckZaehler] + 1
WHERE ([TagNr] = @TagNr) AND ([Produkt] = @ProduktNr)


   SELECT TOP 1 [StueckZaehler]
  FROM [B_AktStueck]
  WHERE ([TagNr] = @TagNr) AND ([Produkt] = @ProduktNr)


fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] SqlDB TSQLQuery sqoAutoApplyUpdates does not work with ExecSQL

2022-12-15 Thread Andreas Frieß via fpc-pascal

On MSSQL i use a stroed procedure to count a value in a table and use
the following statement in Lazarus

  SQL:='EXECUTE [dbo].[GetNextZaehler] :TagNr,:ProduktNr ';
  Query.Options:=[sqoAutoApplyUpdates,sqoAutoCommit];// <--
AutoApplyUpdates doesnt work !?
      Memo1.Append('Kein Wert');
//Query.ApplyUpdates; // <-- If i use this it works
    on E:Exceptiondobegin
      Memo1.Append('BuExecuteClick Exception =>'+E.Message);

I must extra write an ApplyUpdates, because the sqoAutoApplyUpdates  is
ignored by the ExecSQL of the query.

in sqldb.pp the following code is executed

procedure TCustomSQLQuery.ExecSQL;

    // Always retrieve rows affected
    If sqoAutoCommit in Options then
    // if not Prepared and (assigned(Database)) and (assigned(Cursor))
then SQLConnection.UnPrepareStatement(Cursor);

I see the autocommit is configured, but  sqoAutoApplyUpdates is missing.
It hink it should be

procedure TCustomSQLQuery.ExecSQL;

    // Always retrieve rows affected
    If sqoAutoCommit in Options then
    If (sqoAutoApplyUpdates in Options) then
    // if not Prepared and (assigned(Database)) and (assigned(Cursor))
then SQLConnection.UnPrepareStatement(Cursor);

to get the correct behavior. Actual only Post and Delete fire the
ApplyUpdates correct if sqoAutoApplyUpdates is activated. Should i file
a Bug or is the actual behavior by design ?! (and cannot be changed)


fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] fpreport: can not use two ObjectLists as datasource in one report

2021-03-19 Thread Andreas Frieß via fpc-pascal

Am 19.03.2021 um 13:34 schrieb Michael Van Canneyt via fpc-pascal:

On Fri, 19 Mar 2021, Andreas Frieß via fpc-pascal wrote:

If it is not
a bug, so a featurerequest must be possible, because other reports can
handle this without a problem.

You can definitely submit a feature request. For severity, simply
select 'feature'.

Done: 0038639 , but i am not able to set the severity to 'feature'

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] fpreport: can not use two ObjectLists as datasource in one report

2021-03-19 Thread Andreas Frieß via fpc-pascal

Am 19.03.2021 um 11:07 schrieb Michael Van Canneyt via fpc-pascal:

On Fri, 19 Mar 2021, Michael Van Canneyt via fpc-pascal wrote:

On Fri, 19 Mar 2021, Andreas Frieß via fpc-pascal wrote:

Make a Report Preview -> only the contend of the first dataset is

I will file a bug

No need, because this is as designed.

For clarity: it's as designed, but that doesn't mean I won't consider
changing the design. Just don't report it as a bug, because it is not.


For the record, is this written downwhat is 'by design' ?

For me it is a bug, because i can design a unuseable not working second
Databand and i got no message. Nor Designtime, nor runtime. If it is not
a bug, so a featurerequest must be possible, because other reports can
handle this without a problem.


fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] fpreport: can not use two ObjectLists as datasource in one report

2021-03-19 Thread Andreas Frieß via fpc-pascal

Am 18.03.2021 um 16:06 schrieb Andreas Frieß via fpc-pascal:

Am 18.03.2021 um 14:24 schrieb Michael Van Canneyt via fpc-pascal:

In that case, you must put lReportOLData2 on a separate design page.

* Add a design page (page 1) to the report.
* Do what you need with lReportOLData1 on this page.
* Add a second design page (page 2) to the report
* Do what you need with lReportOLData2 on this page.

That should be it.


It is a joke, every ReportData need a new page.

The issue is, fpreport handle the Databand not correct.

All have no Masterband set

A ) If i bound no Data to a Databand, automatic the dataset of the
parent (Page) is used  -> Ok yet -> Dataloop of parent is used

B ) If i bound Data to a Databand and it is the same like the parent
(page) -> Ok -> Dataloop of parent is used

C ) If i bound Data to a Databand and it is not the same like the parent
-> Not Ok  -> the first it is handled like B  - it should use their own

You can make this with a fake working. Make a dummy Databand with a
Dataset with ONE entry only. Then bound the datasets as childdatasets
and it works.

You see the problem with the FPReport Designer too.

- Make a new report

- add two datasets (eg, csv with valid data)

- add PageheaderBand, TitleBand and PageFooterband

- add a Databand bound the Data1 to it

- add a Databand bound the Data2 to it

Make a Report Preview -> only the contend of the first dataset is shown.

I will file a bug


fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] fpreport: can not use two ObjectLists as datasource in one report

2021-03-19 Thread Andreas Frieß via fpc-pascal

If i load the design created by the demo in the FPReportDesigner i see
the expected layout. DBBand01 should show the the data of the first
Objectlist,  DBBand02 the data from the second Objectlist.

Actual changed demo included.

Am 18.03.2021 um 14:13 schrieb Andreas Frieß via fpc-pascal:

The expected layout is in the demo.

Description: application/json
fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] fpreport: can not use two ObjectLists as datasource in one report

2021-03-18 Thread Andreas Frieß via fpc-pascal

Am 18.03.2021 um 14:24 schrieb Michael Van Canneyt via fpc-pascal:

On Thu, 18 Mar 2021, Andreas Frieß via fpc-pascal wrote:

The expected layout is in the demo.

'Expected layout' for me is a PDF, screenshot image of some finished
document, showing what you want to see printed.

I have data inside of ObjectsList=OL (here in the demo two) and i want
to report one OL by one. This should be done continuos and each OL have
their own layout. There is no master-detail. After one OL is finished
the next should be processed and appended, if the one page is finished,
it should continued on the next page. This works for lReportOLData1 ok,
but lReportOLData2 is never used/seen/reported.

In that case, you must put lReportOLData2 on a separate design page.

* Add a design page (page 1) to the report.
* Do what you need with lReportOLData1 on this page.
* Add a second design page (page 2) to the report
* Do what you need with lReportOLData2 on this page.

That should be it.


It is a joke, every ReportData need a new page.

I have tested it yet in the FPReportdesigner with a new project. I can
add two ReportDatasources on a new report (eg. csv) and add to a report
two Databands and connect every Databand with a datasource. If i press
preview, i see the first data shown and the second is missing.

I thinks this is a issue in fpreport not to handle this correct. With
LazReport i have done this without a problem.



fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] fpreport: can not use two ObjectLists as datasource in one report

2021-03-18 Thread Andreas Frieß via fpc-pascal

The expected layout is in the demo.

I have data inside of ObjectsList=OL (here in the demo two) and i want
to report one OL by one. This should be done continuos and each OL have
their own layout. There is no master-detail. After one OL is finished
the next should be processed and appended, if the one page is finished,
it should continued on the next page. This works for lReportOLData1 ok,
but lReportOLData2 is never used/seen/reported.


Am 18.03.2021 um 13:05 schrieb Michael Van Canneyt via fpc-pascal:


I can't advise you on what bands you must place memo and how to
advance the 2nd
data list, because for that I would need to know the expected layout.


fpc-pascal maillist  -
fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] fpreport: can not use two ObjectLists as datasource in one report

2021-03-18 Thread Andreas Frieß via fpc-pascal

I have a sample attached to show the problem.

I want in the report (created a runtime) to use more than one report
datasource. I create a databand and connect this with a
TFPReportObjectListData object. Each TFPReportObjectListData object
works. But i want to have the data of the first, then the data of the
other object. But i am not able to combine this two Data in one Report.

  DataBand := TFPReportDataBand.Create(p);
  DataBand.Name:= 'DBBand01';
  DataBand.Layout.Height := 10;
  DataBand.Data:= lReportOLData1;   // First Data ! This is shown

  Memo := TFPReportMemo.Create(DataBand);
  Memo.Layout.Left := 5;
  Memo.Layout.Top := 0;
  Memo.Layout.Width := 60;
  Memo.Layout.Height := 5;
  Memo.Font.Name := defaultFont;
  Memo.Text := '[InfoA] - [ValueA]';

  DataBand2 := TFPReportDataBand.Create(p);
  DataBand2.Name:= 'DBBand02';
  DataBand2.Layout.Height := 10;
  DataBand2.Data:= lReportOLData2;   // Second Data ! This is not shown

  Memo2 := TFPReportMemo.Create(DataBand2);
  Memo2.Layout.Left := 5;
  Memo2.Layout.Top := 0;
  Memo2.Layout.Width := 60;
  Memo2.Layout.Height := 5;
  Memo2.Font.Name := defaultFont;
  Memo2.Text := '[InfoB] - [ValueB]';

Any Hint for this problem to solve ?

fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] go32 tcp

2020-08-27 Thread Andreas via fpc-pascal
I would like to use TCP in a DOS FPC project. I see in go32-v2 download 
page under "Optional-Files" the unit ufclndos. I downloaded it but have 
not managed to find any documentation for it.

1) Is there any documentation for this unit?

2) Can this unit be used to create a server for a TCP connection?

3) How does the unit "talk" with the 16-bit DOS packet driver?


fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] go32 tcp

2020-08-27 Thread Andreas via fpc-pascal
I would like to use TCP in a DOS FPC project. I see in go32-v2 download 
page under "Optional-Files" the unit ufclndos. I downloaded it but have 
not managed to find any documentation for it.

1) Is there any documentation for this unit?

2) Can this unit be used to create a server for a TCP connection?

3) How does the unit "talk" with the 16-bit DOS packet driver?


fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] BSON formatter

2020-05-07 Thread Andreas Schneider

Am 2020-05-07 15:26, schrieb Ryan Joseph via fpc-pascal:

The amount of redundant information being sent around is ridiculous.
Mainly, the spec gives no way for the client to cache results and
refer to them later in various requests. We're literally sending
around mega bytes of data for no reason whatsoever, except lazy
programmers I guess.

Computers just keep getting slower and slower sometimes it feels...

That's the normal approach now. Why should you optimize anything if
you can simply buy better hardware? So I end up with a machine ten
times as fast as a few years ago and still cannot run much more in
parallel than back then, because even calendar apps are now written
with a full browser stack (looking at electron here).

As someone who still is happy when a GUI is a statically compiled
app that is < 10MB and doesn't take more than that as memory when
starting up, I am disgusted by the current "state of the art"
development. It's no longer an art.

(I am even more pissed off about this on my smartphone. Why does
a messenger app have to be 100 MB in size?! We had whole operating
systems in just 1% of that size. Even a full oracle database is
just around 30 MB if you strip away the java based management
console stuff ... and that thing is a feature monster for data

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] BSON formatter

2020-05-07 Thread Andreas Schneider

Am 2020-05-07 08:40, schrieb Ryan Joseph via fpc-pascal:

Working on the language server it's become clear that JSON is going to
be a killer bottleneck, but that's what Microsoft decided to use. It's
almost a deal breaker just because of the sheer size of the data due
to JSON's verbose plain text formatting.

I've seen there is such thing as BSON
( which could be implemented over
JSON without disrupting the underlying architecture. Is there any BSON
formatters for the FPC JSON libraries? It's just serializing in a
different text format so it's probably pretty easy to implement but I
thought I would ask first.

I would go with ProtoBuf for something like this. If you really want to
be flexibel in the datastructure, look at msgpack/messagepack. Both
(protobuf and msgpack) are pretty good in benchmarks.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] "Hello world" syscalls

2020-01-09 Thread Andreas Schneider

Am 2020-01-09 00:30, schrieb Graeme Geldenhuys:

So the resulting Java.class is 16 MByte in size!!! How?

No it's not. I quote:

The size of all files which must be present at runtime (interpreters,
stdlib, libraries, loader, etc) are included.

So 16mb is pretty generous. I wouldn't immediately know how to strip
down the JRE to 16mb. Mine is ~300mb.
fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] fcl-report demos not working on windows10/64 with win64 compiled - Font Arial not found

2019-12-29 Thread Andreas Frieß


both fonts are on the system, see attached textfile. It was the content
of the Windows Font Directory only.

But where in the sample is setting this path on a windows machine? No
one. I have inserted a printout of the actual Font search path. The path
(for windows) is NOT SET by default. This is the first issue. And where
should the fallback found ? It can not be found too, because no path to
the system font dir was set.


D:\data\lazdev\trunk64\fpcsrc\packages\fcl-report\demos>fcldemo -d
jsondata -f pdf
 Fontspath start -
 Fontspath end -
0 : Name -> Afghanistan
0 : Population -> 31628000
0 : Name -> Afghanistan
0 : Population -> 31628000
0 : Name -> Afghanistan
0 : Population -> 31628000
Exception at 00010004C44F: EReportFontNotFound:
Font not found: "Arial".
Heap dump by heaptrc unit of
4895 memory blocks allocated : 1547952/1562136
4895 memory blocks freed : 1547952/1562136
0 unfreed memory blocks : 0
True heap size : 262144 (320 used in System startup)
True free heap : 261824


Am 27.12.2019 um 23:03 schrieb Michael Van Canneyt:


Can we please tackle one problem at a time ?

The first problem is: Why is the "liberation sans" not found ?

Once we've established that, we can check why the fallback is not
found, and
perhaps the error message.


On Fri, 27 Dec 2019, Andreas Frieß wrote:

Hello Michael,

if the font is not found, why is there not the correct indication of the
missing font ? The errormessage is in this case completly wrong.

If a fallback should be possible, it should work and not mask the
problem and create a false errormessage.

Maybe the font liberation Sans is not on a Windows10/64 machine, if this
is true i should see the message -> fpreport: Could not find the font
 in the font cache.
-> EReportFontNotFound: >> Font not found: "Liberation Sans".


Am 27.12.2019 um 16:00 schrieb Michael Van Canneyt:

As I said:

The demos do not use Arial on purpose. Probably it is used as a
fallback somewhere.

So the question is: why is the demo falling back to Arial ?

It means the actually used font (Liberation Sans, line 74 of rptjson)
is not found.


On Fri, 27 Dec 2019, Andreas Frieß wrote:

The reason (with ReadStandardfonts inserted):

D:\data\lazdev\trunk64\fpcsrc\packages\fcl-report\demos>fcldemo -d
jsondata -f pdf
0 : Name -> Afghanistan
0 : Population -> 31628000
0 : Name -> Afghanistan
0 : Population -> 31628000
0 : Name -> Afghanistan
0 : Population -> 31628000
1 : Name -> Albania
1 : Population -> 2894000
2 : Name -> Algeria
2 : Population -> 38934000
3 : Name -> Angola
3 : Population -> 24228000
 some lines skipped .
155 : Name -> Zambia
155 : Population -> 15721000
156 : Name -> Zimbabwe
156 : Population -> 15246000
Exception at 0001000631E0: Exception:
fpreport: Could not find the font  in the font cache.
Heap dump by heaptrc unit of
74069 memory blocks allocated : 101484860/101702272
74069 memory blocks freed : 101484860/101702272
0 unfreed memory blocks : 0
True heap size : 2785280 (320 used in System startup)
True free heap : 2784960

Original (without ReadStandardfonts) = Original

D:\data\lazdev\trunk64\fpcsrc\packages\fcl-report\demos>fcldemo -d
jsondata -f pdf
0 : Name -> Afghanistan
0 : Population -> 31628000
0 : Name -> Afghanistan
0 : Population -> 31628000
0 : Name -> Afghanistan
0 : Population -> 31628000
Exception at 00010004C36F: EReportFontNotFound:
Font not found: "Arial".
Heap dump by heaptrc unit of
4894 memory blocks allocated : 1547732/1561920
4894 memory blocks freed : 1547732/1561920
0 unfreed memory blocks : 0
True heap size : 262144 (320 used in System startup)
True free heap : 261824

Michael Van Canneyt wrote:

> On Fri, 27 Dec 2019, Andreas Frieß wrote:
> > I have now built the fcl-fpreport demos on win64 on a Windows10/64
> > machine. But the demo is not running (comandline with -d
jsondata -f
> > pdf), because the font Arial is not found. It looks like the demos
> > didnt use the gTTFontCache.ReadStandardFonts and so the standard
> > font is not found.
> Why do you think Arial is needed ?
> All demos explicitly use a font, but never Arial. That is why
> gTTFontCache

[fpc-pascal] fcl-report demos - expressions - have problem with [RecNo]

2019-12-27 Thread Andreas Frieß

There is more not working in the report demos. The expressionparser have
problems with a simple [RecNo]

D:\data\lazdev\trunk64\fpcsrc\packages\fcl-report\demos>fcldemo -d
Exception at 000100096E0D: EExprParser:
Expected ( bracket at position 12, but got -.
Heap dump by heaptrc unit of
1708 memory blocks allocated : 149127/155288
1708 memory blocks freed : 149127/155288
0 unfreed memory blocks : 0
True heap size : 196608 (256 used in System startup)
True free heap : 196352

fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] Fwd: Re: fcl-report demos not working on windows10/64 with win64 compiled - Font Arial not found

2019-12-27 Thread Andreas Frieß

Hello Michael,

if the font is not found, why is there not the correct indication of the
missing font ? The errormessage is in this case completly wrong.

If a fallback should be possible, it should work and not mask the
problem and create a false errormessage.

Maybe the font liberation Sans is not on a Windows10/64 machine, if this
is true i should see the message -> fpreport: Could not find the font
 in the font cache.
-> EReportFontNotFound: >> Font not found: "Liberation Sans".


Am 27.12.2019 um 16:00 schrieb Michael Van Canneyt:

As I said:

The demos do not use Arial on purpose. Probably it is used as a
fallback somewhere.

So the question is: why is the demo falling back to Arial ?

It means the actually used font (Liberation Sans, line 74 of rptjson)
is not found.


On Fri, 27 Dec 2019, Andreas Frieß wrote:

The reason (with ReadStandardfonts inserted):

D:\data\lazdev\trunk64\fpcsrc\packages\fcl-report\demos>fcldemo -d
jsondata -f pdf
0 : Name -> Afghanistan
0 : Population -> 31628000
0 : Name -> Afghanistan
0 : Population -> 31628000
0 : Name -> Afghanistan
0 : Population -> 31628000
1 : Name -> Albania
1 : Population -> 2894000
2 : Name -> Algeria
2 : Population -> 38934000
3 : Name -> Angola
3 : Population -> 24228000
 some lines skipped .
155 : Name -> Zambia
155 : Population -> 15721000
156 : Name -> Zimbabwe
156 : Population -> 15246000
Exception at 0001000631E0: Exception:
fpreport: Could not find the font  in the font cache.
Heap dump by heaptrc unit of
74069 memory blocks allocated : 101484860/101702272
74069 memory blocks freed : 101484860/101702272
0 unfreed memory blocks : 0
True heap size : 2785280 (320 used in System startup)
True free heap : 2784960

Original (without ReadStandardfonts) = Original

D:\data\lazdev\trunk64\fpcsrc\packages\fcl-report\demos>fcldemo -d
jsondata -f pdf
0 : Name -> Afghanistan
0 : Population -> 31628000
0 : Name -> Afghanistan
0 : Population -> 31628000
0 : Name -> Afghanistan
0 : Population -> 31628000
Exception at 00010004C36F: EReportFontNotFound:
Font not found: "Arial".
Heap dump by heaptrc unit of
4894 memory blocks allocated : 1547732/1561920
4894 memory blocks freed : 1547732/1561920
0 unfreed memory blocks : 0
True heap size : 262144 (320 used in System startup)
True free heap : 261824

Michael Van Canneyt wrote:

> On Fri, 27 Dec 2019, Andreas Frieß wrote:
> > I have now built the fcl-fpreport demos on win64 on a Windows10/64
> > machine. But the demo is not running (comandline with -d jsondata -f
> > pdf), because the font Arial is not found. It looks like the demos
> > didnt use the gTTFontCache.ReadStandardFonts and so the standard
> > font is not found.
> Why do you think Arial is needed ?
> All demos explicitly use a font, but never Arial. That is why
> gTTFontCache.ReadStandardFonts should not be necessary.
> Most demos use the LiberationSans font. Some use DejaVuSans or the
> Ubuntu font.  You must of course have these fonts installed in your
> system. The LiberationSans font is included in the fonts subdirectory
> of the demo dir.
> So the question is, why does not the demo program find these fonts ?
> Michael.
> ___
> fpc-pascal maillist  -

fpc-pascal maillist  -

fpc-pascal maillist -

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] fcl-report demos not working on windows10/64 with win64 compiled - Font Arial not found

2019-12-27 Thread Andreas Frieß

The reason (with ReadStandardfonts inserted):

D:\data\lazdev\trunk64\fpcsrc\packages\fcl-report\demos>fcldemo -d
jsondata -f pdf
0 : Name -> Afghanistan
0 : Population -> 31628000
0 : Name -> Afghanistan
0 : Population -> 31628000
0 : Name -> Afghanistan
0 : Population -> 31628000
1 : Name -> Albania
1 : Population -> 2894000
2 : Name -> Algeria
2 : Population -> 38934000
3 : Name -> Angola
3 : Population -> 24228000
 some lines skipped .
155 : Name -> Zambia
155 : Population -> 15721000
156 : Name -> Zimbabwe
156 : Population -> 15246000
Exception at 0001000631E0: Exception:
fpreport: Could not find the font  in the font cache.
Heap dump by heaptrc unit of
74069 memory blocks allocated : 101484860/101702272
74069 memory blocks freed : 101484860/101702272
0 unfreed memory blocks : 0
True heap size : 2785280 (320 used in System startup)
True free heap : 2784960

Original (without ReadStandardfonts) = Original

D:\data\lazdev\trunk64\fpcsrc\packages\fcl-report\demos>fcldemo -d
jsondata -f pdf
0 : Name -> Afghanistan
0 : Population -> 31628000
0 : Name -> Afghanistan
0 : Population -> 31628000
0 : Name -> Afghanistan
0 : Population -> 31628000
Exception at 00010004C36F: EReportFontNotFound:
Font not found: "Arial".
Heap dump by heaptrc unit of
4894 memory blocks allocated : 1547732/1561920
4894 memory blocks freed : 1547732/1561920
0 unfreed memory blocks : 0
True heap size : 262144 (320 used in System startup)
True free heap : 261824

Michael Van Canneyt wrote:

> On Fri, 27 Dec 2019, Andreas Frieß wrote:
> > I have now built the fcl-fpreport demos on win64 on a Windows10/64
> > machine. But the demo is not running (comandline with -d jsondata -f
> > pdf), because the font Arial is not found. It looks like the demos
> > didnt use the gTTFontCache.ReadStandardFonts and so the standard
> > font is not found.
> Why do you think Arial is needed ?
> All demos explicitly use a font, but never Arial. That is why
> gTTFontCache.ReadStandardFonts should not be necessary.
> Most demos use the LiberationSans font. Some use DejaVuSans or the
> Ubuntu font.  You must of course have these fonts installed in your
> system. The LiberationSans font is included in the fonts subdirectory
> of the demo dir.
> So the question is, why does not the demo program find these fonts ?
> Michael.
> ___
> fpc-pascal maillist  -

fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] fcl-report demos not working on windows10/64 with win64 compiled - Font Arial not found

2019-12-27 Thread Andreas Frieß

I have now built the fcl-fpreport demos on win64 on a Windows10/64
machine. But the demo is not running (comandline with -d jsondata -f
pdf), because the font Arial is not found. It looks like the demos didnt
use the gTTFontCache.ReadStandardFonts and so the standard font is not

If i change in udapp.pp procedure TReportRunner.RunReport(AFileName :


  // ask to generate the font cache
  gTTFontCache.ReadStandardFonts;  // implies gTTFontCache.BuildFontCache;

the report is now built, but the rendere of pdf in fpreportpdfexport.pp
have the same issue with not find font arial. It is not logical for me.
gTTFontCache is built correct for the report, why is the renderer not
found the font ? Is the renderer use another fontcache ?!


fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] fcl-fpreport not built complete, missing fpreport.dom

2019-12-26 Thread Andreas Frieß

Actual Debian x64 with fpc & lazarus from svn (with fpcupdeluxe)

if you compile fpreportdesign.lpr on a x64 system (i386 works) windows
and linux
Hint: (11030) Start of reading config file
Hint: (11031) End of reading config file
Free Pascal Compiler version 3.2.0-beta-r43633 [2019/12/03] for x86_64
Copyright (c) 1993-2018 by Florian Klaempfl and others
(1002) Target OS: Win64 for x64
(3104) Compiling lclfpreport.pas
(3104) Compiling lclfpreportbuild.pp
Fatal: (10024) Unit fpreportdom searched but fpreport found
Fatal: (1018) Compilation aborted
Error: D:\data\lazdev\work64ft\fpc\bin\x86_64-win64\ppcx64.exe returned
an error exitcode
if i activate show debug infos and show unit infos in fpc.cfg i see

(FPREPORTDB) (10048) Adding dependency: FPREPORTDB depends on DB
(FPREPORTDB) (10056) Finished loading unit FPREPORTDB
(LCLFPREPORTBUILD) (10048) Adding dependency: LCLFPREPORTBUILD depends
(LCLFPREPORTBUILD) (10027) Load from LCLFPREPORTBUILD (interface) unit
(FPREPORTDOM) (10055) Loading unit FPREPORTDOM
(FPREPORTDOM) (10002) PPU Name:
(FPREPORTDOM) (10005) PPU Time: 2019/12/23 14:53:48
(FPREPORTDOM) (10003) PPU Flags: 4224
(FPREPORTDOM) (10004) PPU Crc: 083B0CC3
(FPREPORTDOM) (10004) PPU Crc: 50A62B54 (intfc)
(FPREPORTDOM) (10004) PPU Crc: 6196D615 (indc)
(FPREPORTDOM) Number of definitions: 3227
(FPREPORTDOM) Number of symbols: 10461
Fatal: (10024) Unit fpreportdom searched but fpreport found
Fatal: (1018) Compilation aborted
Error: /home/andi/data/lazdev/trunk/fpc/bin/x86_64-linux/ppcx64
returned an error exitcode

l#msg344017 and,47889.msg344069.html#msg344069


Michael Van Canneyt wrote:

> On Thu, 26 Dec 2019, Andreas Frieß wrote:
> > I have get fpc from actual svn trunk for x64 on windows and x64 on
> > linux (debian) and i have seen, some parts of fcl-fpreport are not
> > built and i found no ppu's for it. maybe the makefiles for fpreport
> > have to be refreshed.
> >
> > I am missing fpreportdom.pp compiled, there is no fpreportdom.ppu.
> > In the fpmake.pp it is commented out !!! But, if you want to
> > compile in (win64, linux) Lazarus the standalone designer and/or
> > the fpreport package, the ppu is searched. So it breaks building of
> > Lazarus.
> fpreportdom is not needed, has never been since it is in FPC.
> Where is it used ?
> Michael.
> ___
> fpc-pascal maillist  -

fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] fcl-fpreport not built complete, missing fpreport.dom

2019-12-26 Thread Andreas Frieß

I have get fpc from actual svn trunk for x64 on windows and x64 on linux
(debian) and i have seen, some parts of fcl-fpreport are not built and i
found no ppu's for it. maybe the makefiles for fpreport have to be

I am missing fpreportdom.pp compiled, there is no fpreportdom.ppu. In
the fpmake.pp it is commented out !!! But, if you want to compile in
(win64, linux) Lazarus the standalone designer and/or the fpreport
package, the ppu is searched. So it breaks building of Lazarus.

Start compiling package fcl-report for target x86_64-win64.
   Compiling fcl-report\BuildUnit_fcl_report.pp
   Compiling .\fcl-report\src\fpreportstreamer.pp
   Compiling .\fcl-report\src\fpreporthtmlparser.pp
   Compiling .\fcl-report\src\fpreport.pp
   Compiling .\fcl-report\src\fpreportdata.pp
   Compiling .\fcl-report\src\fpreportdb.pp
   Compiling .\fcl-report\src\fpreportdatacsv.pp
   Compiling .\fcl-report\src\fpreportdatadbf.pp
   Compiling .\fcl-report\src\fpreportdatajson.pp
   Compiling .\fcl-report\src\fpreportdatasqldb.pp
   Compiling .\fcl-report\src\fpjsonreport.pp
   Compiling .\fcl-report\src\fplazreport.pp
   Compiling .\fcl-report\src\fpreportbarcode.pp
   Compiling .\fcl-report\src\fpreportjson.pp
   Compiling .\fcl-report\src\fpextfuncs.pp
   Compiling .\fcl-report\src\fpreportcontnr.pp
   Compiling .\fcl-report\src\fpreportcanvashelper.pp
   Compiling .\fcl-report\src\fpreporthtmlutil.pp
   Compiling .\fcl-report\src\fpreportpdfexport.pp
   Compiling .\fcl-report\src\fpreporthtmlexport.pp
   Compiling .\fcl-report\src\fpreportfpimageexport.pp
   Compiling .\fcl-report\src\fpreportqrcode.pp

Should i file a bug for FPC ?


fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] linking Openwatcom object files (DOS)

2019-08-20 Thread Andreas Berger
While reading some old FPC posts I saw that the old DOS compiler (3.0.4) 
used the OpenWatcom linker. Does this mean that I can link object files 
and libraries created with the OpenWatcom C++ compiler? If this is so, 
it would be very good for me. I could finally port one of the main 
programs still in use by the company I work for from C++ to Freepascal.

Andreas Berger

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Link with GCC object files

2018-08-22 Thread Andreas Berger

Thank you Sven, this will be a big help


On 22/08/2018 12:12, Sven Barth via fpc-pascal wrote:
Andreas <>> schrieb am Mi., 22. Aug. 2018, 

Hi, I have a question. Is it possible to link FPC for Linux (PC
and ARM)
with GCC or other C++ object files?

You can use the $L directive for this ( 
If you use C++ it's recommended to use "extern "C"" however even 
though FPC supports cppdecl (as it can't handle all cases currently). 
And classes won't work either.


fpc-pascal maillist  -

fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] Link with GCC object files

2018-08-22 Thread Andreas
Hi, I have a question. Is it possible to link FPC for Linux (PC and ARM) 
with GCC or other C++ object files?

Andreas Berger

fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] Backport of Bugfix 0031517 possible

2018-03-22 Thread Andreas Frieß


it looks the fix Bug 0031517 is more and more visible, if you compile an 
actual stable Lazarus with the actual stable fpc.

You see with a Lazarus with more packages, the Error - No memory left - 
rises. See e.g. the thread,40351.0.html about 

My question is, is it possible to make a backport of this fix? Should i 
reopen the Bugreport oder create a new one ?

The soloution is now one year in trunk and i have seen no problems with it.


fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] fpreport rangeerrors with TFPReportColor

2018-02-24 Thread Andreas Frieß
Depending on the Information of the list here i have created some 
patches and an Bug-Report

The heats of my changes is a more typesafe conversion and to use QWord 
for the JSON. So nothing is broken and it rangechecksafe now.

- a small snippet 

function QWordToReportColor(AQWord: QWord):TFPReportColor;
  Result := TFPReportColor(AQWord and $);

The second, i foung a not created Font, if you are not using 
Parent-Fonts. Also fixed.

Thx to all who have some things more clear to me AND why.


Am 22.02.2018 um 08:05 schrieb Michael Van Canneyt:

On Thu, 22 Feb 2018, Andreas Frieß wrote:

Another possible Problem with the definition

TFPColor (fpc)  record with word <> TColor (lazarus) 
-$7FFF-1..$7FFF <> TFPReportColor (fpreport) UInt32

So you cannot use in Lazarus the 'well known' TColors. With TColor it 
is also Delphi compatible.

Using TColor is not an option, it is windows specific and depeds on 


fpc-pascal maillist  -

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] fpreport rangeerrors with TFPReportColor

2018-02-21 Thread Andreas Frieß

Another possible Problem with the definition

TFPColor (fpc)  record with word <> TColor (lazarus) 
-$7FFF-1..$7FFF <> TFPReportColor (fpreport) UInt32

So you cannot use in Lazarus the 'well known' TColors. With TColor it is 
also Delphi compatible.

If the defines are Lazarus compatible. It works for both systems. I can 
make a patch if needed. But the teams have to IMHO to decide the best 
way :-)


Am 21.02.2018 um 23:53 schrieb Michael Van Canneyt:

On Wed, 21 Feb 2018, Mattias Gaertner wrote:

On Wed, 21 Feb 2018 19:54:55 +
Graeme Geldenhuys  wrote:

> Because UInt32 is not a JSON dataformat.
Well, then I'll say that FPC's JSON needs to be extended to support 
UInt32, as it is a perfectly valid Object Pascal data type.

How should FPC's JSON support something, that is not supported by

The problem is not in JSON.

Native Javascript supports 2^52 (or so) integer values, so every 
UInt32 value should fit

if written properly.

FPC's JSON supports Int64 and even QWord in FPC, so a UInt32 is 
definitely supported.

If the colors (a UInt32) is currently written as Longint (signed 
32-bit) then of course a range check will follow, and this needs to be 

The easiest solution is simply to read/write it as Int64.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] fpreport rangeerrors with TFPReportColor

2018-02-21 Thread Andreas Frieß

Andreas Frieß wrote:

> when i compile in Lazarus the Reportdesigner with activated
> RangeCheck it gives a lot of runtimeerror with rangeerrors.

For explanation what i mean in my previous post, UInt32 is not an
integer or JSON compatible size (and actual rangecheck unsafe).




  maxLongint  = $7fff;

in objectpas.pp
   MaxInt  = MaxLongint;
   Integer  = longint;

in fpreport.pp

  TFPReportColor  = type UInt32;


  Cardinal = LongWord;
  UInt32  = Cardinal;

in fpreport.pp

  { The format is always RRGGBB (Red, Green, Blue) - no alpha channel }
  clNone  = TFPReportColor($8000);  // a special condition:
$80 00 00 00

    AWriter.WriteInteger('FontColor', Font.Color);
    Font.Color := AReader.ReadInteger('FontColor', Font.Color);

in fpReportStreamer.pp

function TFPReportJSONStreamer.ReadInteger(AName: String; ADefault:
Integer): Integer;
  d: TJSONData;
  d := FindChild(AName) as TJSONData;
  if d = nil then
    Result := ADefault
    if d.JSONType = jtNumber then
  Result := d.AsInt64
  Result := ADefault;

fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] fpreport rangeerrors with TFPReportColor

2018-02-21 Thread Andreas Frieß
when i compile in Lazarus the Reportdesigner with activated RangeCheck 
it gives a lot of runtimeerror with rangeerrors.

The definition is TFPReportColor  = type UInt32;

Loading and saving in JSON is done by

function ReadInteger(AName: String; ADefault: Integer): Integer; override;
function WriteInteger(AName: String; ADefault: Integer): Integer; override;

internally of write and read there is a cast from d.AsInt64 to integer.

This means you have at reading a AsInt64 -> Integer -> UInt32. Actual i 
have a value of  2147483648 ($‭8000‬) wich make a rangecheckerror :-)

Should the definition for TFPReportColor not better TFPColor ( I KNOW 
THE DIFFENCES) or QWord with the according routines. Because UInt32 is 
not a JSON dataformat. Integer seems to be to small, so QWord fits this 
better. TFPColor is more FPC-Compatible (with the overhead of the needed 

I am wrong ?


fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] MSEide+MSEgui 4.6 for FPC 3.0.4

2017-11-28 Thread Andreas

On 25/11/2017 14:43, Martin Schreiber wrote:

On Saturday 25 November 2017 15:04:05 Andreas Berger wrote:

On the Android side I actually only need a graphical app with access to
the Bluetooth and possibly be a TCP client.

And why Free Pascal to develop the android application? What would be the
advantages instead to use the tools of the platform?

The architecture of MSEgui would allow to make widgets for Android in RAD
style development, either ownerdrawn or wrapper for native widgets
with 'ifi'-data- and event-connections to the business logic in the

Today much of the maintenance at the client is done using netbooks. We 
wish to use cell phone exclusively. We have a large program base with 
many programs all written in FPC and/or Delphi. The company is migrating 
all FPC to Rad Studio 10.2 so that the same code base can be used when 
we migrate some of these programs to android. I would rather migrate our 
last delphi programs to FPC.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] MSEide+MSEgui 4.6 for FPC 3.0.4

2017-11-28 Thread Andreas Berger

On 25/11/2017 14:43, Martin Schreiber wrote:

On Saturday 25 November 2017 15:04:05 Andreas Berger wrote:

On the Android side I actually only need a graphical app with access to
the Bluetooth and possibly be a TCP client.

And why Free Pascal to develop the android application? What would be the
advantages instead to use the tools of the platform?

The architecture of MSEgui would allow to make widgets for Android in RAD
style development, either ownerdrawn or wrapper for native widgets
with 'ifi'-data- and event-connections to the business logic in the

Today much of the maintenance at the client is done using netbooks. We 
wish to use cell phone exclusively. We have a large program base with 
many programs all written in FPC and/or Delphi. The company is migrating 
all FPC to Rad Studio 10.2 so that the same code base can be used when 
we migrate some of these programs to android. I would rather migrate our 
last delphi programs to FPC.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] MSEide+MSEgui 4.6 for FPC 3.0.4

2017-11-25 Thread Andreas Berger
On the Android side I actually only need a graphical app with access to 
the Bluetooth and possibly be a TCP client.

On 25/11/2017 10:28, Martin Schreiber wrote:

On Saturday 25 November 2017 11:52:39 Andreas Berger wrote:

I went back to Delphi because our company is converting all programs
that the maintenance uses to work on cell phones. Rad Studio 10.2 was
bought and even our desktop programs are being converted form
FPS/Delphi7 to Delphi 10. If FPC for Android worked off the shelf I
probably could convince the company to go back to FPC since all our
current projects work with it.

Can you elaborate a bit what you actually need? Do you need a Firemonkey
equivalent? Something other?

fpc-pascal maillist  -

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] MSEide+MSEgui 4.6 for FPC 3.0.4

2017-11-25 Thread Andreas Berger
I went back to Delphi because our company is converting all programs 
that the maintenance uses to work on cell phones. Rad Studio 10.2 was 
bought and even our desktop programs are being converted form 
FPS/Delphi7 to Delphi 10. If FPC for Android worked off the shelf I 
probably could convince the company to go back to FPC since all our 
current projects work with it. I Never used MGE but have been keeping an 
eye on it and know what you do is very stable.

On 25/11/2017 04:25, Martin Schreiber wrote:

On Friday 24 November 2017 18:38:39 Andreas wrote:

Hi Martin, do you have any plans to cross compile to android?

Maybe if there is enough interrest or a sponsor. What do you need?

fpc-pascal maillist  -

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] MSEide+MSEgui 4.6 for FPC 3.0.4

2017-11-24 Thread Andreas

Hi Martin, do you have any plans to cross compile to android?

On 24/11/2017 06:08, Martin Schreiber wrote:


MSEide+MSEgui version 4.6 has been released:

There are also new versions of MSEgit, MSErun, MSEspice and MSEkicadBOM:

the cross environment for Raspberry Pi:

and FPC for Raspberry Pi:

fpc-pascal maillist  -

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Food for thought - language string improvement

2017-07-06 Thread Andreas
Graeme, I am a big fan of your messages. You have many good ideas and I 
sometimes read a theme that I am not interested in just to see your 

In this case however I think you are wrong. Pascal has fantastic 
inherent type and error checking in its structure. It would be wrong to 
have an editor that can introduce unwanted errors. Just one way that I 
can see potential problems in you code style is the line end. Not every 
string is a SQL text which is very flexible in it's interpretation. 
Other string may want one or more spaces between the last symbol on the 
top line and the first on the second, today the editor normally strips 
these spaces away. If they are left in, they are spaces that visually I 
can not determine just by looking at the code. A mess.

For this reason I would be against this implementation. Maybe taking 
away the need for the + sign at the end of the line. The strings are 
concatenated until a semi-colon or other symbol is encountered

On 06/07/2017 11:13, Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:

Ever had a problem like this?  You have some SQL, say:

SELECT Customers.CustomerName, Orders.OrderID
FROM Customers
ON Customers.CustomerID = Orders.CustomerID
ORDER BY Customers.CustomerName;

and you want to add that SQL to the SQL property of a query at 
runtime. You end up either having to turn this into a string like this:

'SELECT Customers.CustomerName, Orders.OrderID' +
'FROM Customers' +
'ON Customers.CustomerID = Orders.CustomerID' +
'ORDER BY Customers.CustomerName;'

or manually in each line like this (oh please NEVER do this!):

FDQuery1.SQL.Add('SELECT Customers.CustomerName, Orders.OrderID');
FDQuery1.SQL.Add('FROM Customers');
FDQuery1.SQL.Add('FULL OUTER JOIN Orders');
FDQuery1.SQL.Add('ON Customers.CustomerID = Orders.CustomerID');
FDQuery1.SQL.Add('ORDER BY Customers.CustomerName;');

Now this has normally not been much of a problem for me, because part 
of tiOPF's support tools, there is a tool name tiSQLEditor that does 
bi-directional conversions for you - to and from quoted strings for 
SQL. And even straight from/to the clipboard. This tool has been 
around for 17+ years. But why must this be a tool problem or a IDE 
problem? Why can't the Object Pascal language solve this for us!

[the following part quoted from a online discussion by somebody else - 
I fully agree with his thoughts though]

Imagine if FPC had type inference and multi-line strings, neither very 
exotic features. The code then becomes:

var query := '''SELECT Customers.CustomerName, Orders.OrderID
FROM Customers
ON Customers.CustomerID = Orders.CustomerID
ORDER BY Customers.CustomerName;'''


Easier to read, easier to edit, no need for a IDE wizard or external 

Language features like this is what increases productivity. But 
unfortunately it seems we all rather rely on a specific tool or IDE to 
improve our productivity - thus also locking us into using those tools 


fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Serial to TCP gateway in FPC?

2017-06-18 Thread Andreas
I know this is off topic, but does Synapse work on Android? I am 
planning on using FpcUpDeluxe to write an android app that has a TCP 
client, but am still looking for the TCP component.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] googleapiconv raises ERESTAPI error

2016-11-08 Thread Andreas Frieß
I think the same problem will appear in Lazarus with the gooleapis 
components (and examples), because they based on the fpc.

... Exception-Class >>ERESTAPI<< 
TTasklist: unsopported array element type


Am 06.11.2016 um 16:00 schrieb Michael Van Canneyt:

On Sun, 6 Nov 2016, Andreas Frieß wrote:


i will try to use the googleapiconverter from the gooleapi examples 
directory. I got some excepions, so i reduced the problem to a 
generic one.
I use the trunc of FPC and compile the googleapiconv without a 
problem (inside lazarus). If i run it direct from commandline with -A 
-k ig ot the following infos. The stored json file look wellformed 
and ok.

> C:\Data\development\fpctrunk\fpc\packages\googleapi\examples\generator
> >googleapiconv.exe -A -k Exception at 0043DF98: ERESTAPI:
> Unknown class : "¼F ÿ¼F ý¼F »F °│F T┤FTTypeDef      ê█E
> TTypeDefä`F ÉF   googlediscoverytopas TRestMethodParam
> ê█E ÿ   ê█E á TRestMethodParams   É".

Any hint 4 me ?

There has been a change in the RTTI, which has not yet been corrected 
in the

restbase unit. This needs to be done still, it is on my TODO list.


fpc-pascal maillist  -

fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] googleapiconv raises ERESTAPI error

2016-11-06 Thread Andreas Frieß


i will try to use the googleapiconverter from the gooleapi examples 
directory. I got some excepions, so i reduced the problem to a generic one.
I use the trunc of FPC and compile the googleapiconv without a problem 
(inside lazarus). If i run it direct from commandline with -A -k ig ot 
the following infos. The stored json file look wellformed and ok.

> C:\Data\development\fpctrunk\fpc\packages\googleapi\examples\generator
> >googleapiconv.exe -A -k Exception at 0043DF98: ERESTAPI:
> Unknown class : "¼F ÿ¼F ý¼F »F °│F T┤FTTypeDef      ê█E
> TTypeDefä`F ÉF   googlediscoverytopas   TRestMethodParam
> ê█E ÿ   ê█E á TRestMethodParams   É".

Any hint 4 me ?


fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] code example where AnsiString used in FCL (SqlDB) causes data loss

2016-05-11 Thread Andreas Dorn
All in all Graeme is right. FPC looks pretty much broken to me, too.

For my projects I pulled the emergency-break on anything FPC.


The most serious flaws for me of FPC 3.0 are:

- assuming that it's possible to assign an encoding to every string

- using an (unsafe) guess about the encoding for auto-conversions


It's not possible to assign a valid encoding to every string (not automatically, and not even manually).


Some examples:

1) String-Buffers

Split a UTF-8 String into chunks of 1024 bytes. Trying to assign an encoding to

those chunks, and allowing auto-conversions will just lead to corruption.


Where is the string-type for string-buffers gone?


2) Most programming languages out there use something like "sequence of UTF-16 codepoints" as a string-type.

(That's not the same as UTF-16 string !)

It's a proper string type for "UTF-16 buffer" - pretty much nobody out there uses a low-level string-type that assumes

that the content is a complete UTF-16 string.

3) Filenames on Windows

You can't convert any random filename on Windows to UTF8 and back without dataloss.

There simply isn't any encoding that correctly fits to all possible filenames.


A lot of APIs use buffers. You can try to assign an encoding to a buffer, but if you use that encoding

to auto-convert anything you made a blatant mistake. Assuming that anything from the outside world

(WindowsAPI, C#, Java...) is UTF-16 is yet another blatant mistake...


4) some Barcodes,

5) Various File-Format-Standards,

6) anything that uses ASCII + some Control-Bytes for communication,

7) some encodings used in databases, ...

all that won't fit into the FCP scheme of 'known encodings'..


The most obvious showstoppers for FPC 3.0 are:

FPC 3.0 doesn't have a useful type for string-buffers.

FPC 3.0 doesn't have a useful type for Filenames

FPC 3.0 adds unsafe auto-conversions
fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Linux: resolving hostnames in local network

2016-04-23 Thread Andreas Klausmann
Thanks, cnetdb.gethostbyname() works fine (at least on my raspberry).   :)
Creating a wrapper function is recently my work-around for an actual
ping component (since linux doesn't seem to have a corresponding
component like ping.dll and I want to ping as non-root)

Am 23.04.2016 um 12:42 schrieb Marco van de Voort:
> In our previous episode, Michael Van Canneyt said:
>> You will need to use the C library routines for this.
> (which is in unit cnetdb in somewhat recent FPC's)
> ___
> fpc-pascal maillist  -

fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] Linux: resolving hostnames in local network

2016-04-23 Thread Andreas Klausmann
how can I resolve hostnames in a local (private) network under linux?
Both gethostbyname() and THostResolver work fine for etc, but
not for local hostnames like testhost.local.
Testhost is reachable from console by hostname: ping testhost.local ->
success (resolved in background by avahi)

gethostbyname() works fine under Windows even for LAN resolution
(resolved in background by Netbios name service).

Currently I'm working on Ubuntu 15.10 on a raspberry, fpc 3.0.

Best regards!

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] heaptrc and high RAM usage

2016-03-30 Thread Andreas Schneider

Am 2016-03-30 13:35, schrieb Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho:

Any ideas if I should try something else instead of heaptrc? Or any
other ideas about what to do?

I think valgrind could be of more use in this case, since it has 
specific tools for profiling (not just error/leak detection):

Best regards,
fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Please someone explain this to me

2016-02-15 Thread Andreas Schneider

Am 2016-02-14 12:42, schrieb Jürgen Hestermann:

Here we differ:
I expect that a documentation *fully* explains
a behaviour of a certain function (or something else),
not just some part of it.

IMHO that would be insane. To a programmer (like you and me) the RTL and 
the Compiler are just interfaces. Therefore the documentation describes 
the contract. I need not and should not need to know the inner workings. 
All I need to know is the required inputs to get a specific output.
The more of the internals you guarantee, the less you can change later 
on which might even make platform portability impossible.

Look for example at Java. You rarely found details about the JVM. If you 
do, they are from "hackers", in blogs or the like. Oracle doesn't 
guarantee you how the interfaces (RTL) are implemented. There are 
certain constraints every RTL implementation has to fulfill and they are 
documented. The rest is open to the one implementing it. And in reality 
there are indeed quite a lot differences. The HotSpot VM works different 
from JRockit which again works much different from IBMs implementations.

So again - in my opinion - internals are best left out of documentation. 
Therefore *fully* explaining the behavior would be wrong.

Best regards,
fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Assign() vs AssignTo()

2016-02-11 Thread Andreas Schneider

Am 2016-02-11 16:13, schrieb Graeme Geldenhuys:


In TPersistent, we have two virtual methods. Assign() which calls

1) Why are they both virtual? It seems like Assign() is what I call a
template method, farming its work out to other helper methods - in this
case, AssignTo(). Normally template methods are not virtual, but their
helper methods (the ones doing the actual work) are. So again, why is
Assign() virtual?

They are two different directions. AssignTo assigns *from* your current 
instance onto another, while Assign assigns *from* the other instance 
into yours.
Sure, by default that should be the same, that's why it's sane to have 
Assign simply call the other object's AssignTo with Self as target.
But IMHO it can't hurt to have the ability to override that behavior for 
only one direction.

2) Now seeing that both are virtual, and that is probably not going to
change in the RTL, which method is the preferred method to override so
you have the ability to do MyObject.Assign(MySource)? I've been
overriding Assign(), but thinking that maybe I should have overridden
AssignTo() instead.

I think that really depends on what direction you want to usually 
handle. As far as I understand the code, the call in TPersistent is only 
a fallback, intended like that:
if it is not possible to assign some instance onto another instance 
(because no class along the hierarchy down to TPersistent implemented an 
override for Assign that handles the specific case) it tries, if the 
other side maybe can handle it by calling their AssignTo method.

That way you can allow your class to have some 
standard/thirdparty/whatever class assigned, while you certainly can't 
modify the standard/thirdparty/whatever class to allow assigning *to* 
your class (since it doesn't even know your class).
The same goes for the other way around. If you know a foreign class will 
try to assign your class, which it doesn't know anything about, it will 
ultimately come back calling your AssignTo method which will allow your 
class to handle the assignment onto the foreign class.

Best regards,
fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] IfThen() intrinsic removed

2016-02-05 Thread Andreas

On Fri 05/02/2016 07:49, Lukasz Sokol wrote:

That it's C, not Pascal ;) and, um. sorry I do not have a c spec on hand,
does it really work that way in C - only evaluates truevalue or falsevalue not 

I wrote another one in another email, maybe actually having new keyword or 2 is 
ok ?
and require it to be an assignment, like

x := ( condition; whentrue:=true_value; whenfalse:=false_value);

so syntactic sugar but not abusing function calls, but an assignment instead.

Well then how about: x *:=* *when* condition true_condition *otherwise* 

How this is pascalish.


fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] New feature: IfThen() intrinsic

2016-02-02 Thread Andreas Berger

On Tue 02/02/2016 10:52, Serguei TARASSOV wrote:

On 02/02/2016 13:41, wrote:

Date: Tue, 02 Feb 2016 10:32:28 -0200
From: Andreas Berger

On Tue 02/02/2016 09:27, Jonas Maebe wrote:

>The parameter evaluation order issue is irrelevant in this context:
>Delphi guarantees left-to-right (or used to anyway, this may have
>changed), FPC doesn't guarantee anything.

Wow, what's this? I never knew this. I have been using Borland products
since TP 1.0 and for me left-to-right is automatic, I don't even think
about it. If FPC doesn't guarantee this my code is full of potential
You confuse left-to-right operator's precedence with function 
arguments evaluation.

You are totally correct Serguei, I overlooked the parameter evaluation 
and saw operator precedence. My code is safe :)

Sorry everyone for my posts.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Parameter evaluation order

2016-02-02 Thread Andreas Berger

On Tue 02/02/2016 10:41, Jonas Maebe wrote:

Andreas Berger wrote on Tue, 02 Feb 2016:

On Tue 02/02/2016 09:27, Jonas Maebe wrote:

The parameter evaluation order issue is irrelevant in this context: 
Delphi guarantees left-to-right (or used to anyway, this may have 
changed), FPC doesn't guarantee anything.

Wow, what's this? I never knew this. I have been using Borland 
products since TP 1.0 and for me left-to-right is automatic, I don't 
even think about it. If FPC doesn't guarantee this my code is full of 
potential problems.

It also may have problems when compiling with the Delphi "NextGen" 

Like Graeme said "I guess I have been lucky"! I have all printed 
documentation for the versions I bought from TP1 to Delphi 7, and it was 
always guaranteed. This sucks!!!


fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] New feature: IfThen() intrinsic

2016-02-02 Thread Andreas Berger

On Tue 02/02/2016 09:27, Jonas Maebe wrote:

The parameter evaluation order issue is irrelevant in this context: 
Delphi guarantees left-to-right (or used to anyway, this may have 
changed), FPC doesn't guarantee anything.

Wow, what's this? I never knew this. I have been using Borland products 
since TP 1.0 and for me left-to-right is automatic, I don't even think 
about it. If FPC doesn't guarantee this my code is full of potential 

BTW using left-to-right does not mean non-robust code if it is guaranteed.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] CrossFPC

2016-01-24 Thread Andreas
I tried it with XE6 since it said it should work with versions above 
XE4. Guess I was wrong. Will try it with XE3 which I also have.


On Sun 24/01/2016 13:23, Michael Ring wrote:

What version of Delphi do you use?

CrossFPC is compatible to only rather 'old' Versions, the 
documentation on main page says XE4.

I was subscribed to the Mailinglist but have not received a single 
mail for the last years so propably the mailinglist is dead.


Am 24.01.16 um 16:03 schrieb Andreas:
CrossFPC recently released a new update and I decided to test it. 
Howerver it fails to install on either of my two machine. I tried 
subscribing the their email list (twice) but with no success. I never 
received the confirmation email.

I know this is not the CrossFPC list, and most on this list are 
probably contrary two it, but I would still like to know if someone 
here knows how I can get on the CrossFPC list, or how to install it.


fpc-pascal maillist  -

fpc-pascal maillist  -

fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] CrossFPC

2016-01-24 Thread Andreas
CrossFPC recently released a new update and I decided to test it. 
Howerver it fails to install on either of my two machine. I tried 
subscribing the their email list (twice) but with no success. I never 
received the confirmation email.

I know this is not the CrossFPC list, and most on this list are probably 
contrary two it, but I would still like to know if someone here knows 
how I can get on the CrossFPC list, or how to install it.


fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] unit for PHostEnt definition

2015-12-16 Thread Andreas Klausmann

after a whole night of unsuccessful googling I'm still wondering, which
unit(s) I have to use to find a type definition of PHostEnt in linux. I need
it for the gethostbyname function.

In Windows it's defined in winsock and there should be an equivalent record
in linux according to systems "man gethostbyname".





Working on fpc 2.6.4 (from ubuntu repository) on ubuntu (raspberry 2).

fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] using eventfd

2015-10-22 Thread Andreas Klausmann

which unit(s) do I have to include to use eventfd() under Linux?

Is this function used internally by TEvent? Or where does TEvent end up on
Linux level to create the event handle?


I'm looking for a way to wait for >=2 events without polling. A thread
should yield until one of them has been set.


Best regards



fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] FileIO in FPC 3.0

2015-09-25 Thread Andreas Dorn
On Fri, 25 Sep 2015, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:

> It uses UTF16 on windows, not a codepage aware string.
> So if you use widestring for all your filename strings, there will be no 
> problem. No conversions will happen.
If I understand that correctly, it stores the filename in a string that
has been tagged as valid UTF-16.

Do I then have to be careful about any automagic conversions?
Of course anything that assumes that a conversion of an UTF-16 tagged string to 
UTF-8 one is lossless has to be avoided.

Is it safe to pass the Filename to procedures from the RTL without risking 

For me this is more a general problem when dealing with external data.
Should I tag raw external data as UTF-16/UTF-8 and be super-careful,
or should I tag it as some kind of "raw" string (which one?) and handle
any conversions manually.

For me Filenames are more a type that has some kind of affinity to an
encoding for display, but I'd rather not tag its content as valid UTF-16
- any magic internal conversion is potentially lossy.

All in all I think if everything works for filenames, everything else will 

(Now lets better not start about the encoding of Filenames on non-Windows OS... 
fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] FileIO in FPC 3.0

2015-09-25 Thread Andreas Dorn
Hi there,
In the discussion about resourcestrings I read that the RTL now uses 
codepage-aware strings for FileIO.
So I wonder what kind of codepages do you use for FileIO?

The Windows-documentation calls Filenames "opaque sequence of WCHARs".

So e.g. converting a Filename from the Windows-API to UTF-8 can be lossy.
Does the new FPC-FileApi work correctly if a Filename contains invalid UTF-16 

Assigning a codepage to something that basically is just some raw sequence of 
bytes from an 
external source sounds dangerous to me.
fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] libxml on MacOS X

2015-02-22 Thread Andreas Schneider

Oh god, that must have been tunnel vision. Yeah, that was the obvious 
next step. Thanks :-)

I compiled all the supplied examples and ran them, and they seem to 
print plausible results.
The only hurdle is, that ld doesn't pick up libxml2.dylib on its own - 
for whatever reason.

I had to explicitly add {$linklib xml2} to the code to get it to link.
(Although in the code it explicitly references 
"'libxml2.'+sharedsuffix;" already, which should have the same result, 

Can I easily install the libxml package into my installed fpc for the 
given target? (by using fppkg, fpmake, or whatever?)

Marco van de Voort 
21. Februar 2015 20:33

Copy libxml/src/* simply to your working dir and compile your demo ?
fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] libxml on MacOS X

2015-02-21 Thread Andreas Schneider


is there a specific reason why libxml is not built for MacOS X / darwin?
My first instinct was to "just try it" and but then I found out the hard 
way, that I have no idea how to correctly use fpmake ...

So in case there is simply no one who tried libxml on OSX, I would be 
willing to do. However, how to correctly build it?
I modified fpmake.pp to include "darwin" as possible target, but calling 
fpmake fails:

The installer encountered the following error:
Could not find unit directory for dependency package "rtl"

What would be the best next step from here?


fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] SetLength procedure

2014-07-27 Thread Andreas Berger
I very seldom comment on this, or any, forum unless I have a good answer 
and no one else seem to have one. This case is different. I have noticed 
quit often here that instead of answering the question people try to 
reason why in the world the author of the question would even want to do 
this. Would it not be better to tell him how to do it or at the most say 
"I don't know". I know there are times when you want to prevent someone 
from making a serious mistake, but this is not the case here.
Sometimes the question is placed by someone new to programming and it is 
important to learn from your own work, mistakes and all. Often the 
question also comes from people migrating from, or knowledgeable with, 
another language where a similar functionality exits. This type of 
argument will only discourage them away from our beloved Pascal.

Nur mein Senf.

On Sun 27/07/2014 11:18, Jürgen Hestermann wrote:

Am 2014-07-27 12:51, schrieb Steve Gatenby:

I would find code in the form of
  ArrayLen := IncLength(ArrayName, 1);
to be much more readable then
   SetLength(ArrayName, Length(ArrayName)+1);
   ArrayLen:= High(ArrayName);

Why? It is not clear which index ArrayLen will receive from IncLength.
You need to look up (or remember) what exactly this function does
while in the two-line version it is all clear and unambiguous.
Especially, if you not only add 1 element but more as in

  ArrayLen := IncLength(ArrayName,2);

   SetLength(ArrayName, Length(ArrayName)+2);
   ArrayLen:= High(ArrayName);

In the first version, which value will ArrayLen be set to?
High(ArrayName) or High(ArrayName)-1?
This is very clear in the second version.

IMO it is not worth investing time into writing a function
that obscures the code. If you look at it months later
you may no longer know what IncLength does exactly,
not to talk about if someone else has/wants to read
your code.
fpc-pascal maillist  -

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] SourceForge April 2014 Project of the Month: Free Pascal

2014-04-15 Thread Andreas Schneider

Hash: SHA256

On 15.04.2014 14:43, João Marcelo Vaz wrote:
> Congratulations, FreePascal!
I just saw that news too in the SourceForge newsletter :-) That's really

Hopefully this pushes FreePascal further. It's such a great compiler and
platform to work with.

Thanks to all developers and contributors for offering us such a
fantastic toolset (especially Lazarus is outstanding in regards to RAD
GUI development).


- -- 
Best Regards,
Version: GnuPG v2.0.22 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -


fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Cloning objects?

2014-03-19 Thread Andreas Schneider
On 19.03.2014 23:01, Timothy Groves wrote:
> Is there a drop-dead simple way to clone an object?
> I've got a small tree of classes (tBaseProfile, and four descendants
> of such).  Only the descendant classes are instantiated.  I need to be
> able to create new copies of these objects for use in other lists.
> At the moment, I am writing a Duplicate method that returns the new
> object.  But this means assigning all of the data to the duplicated
> object.  There must be an easier way!
There is usually a good reason to NOT do it blindly for all members and
why you don't find a default "clone" method in any programming language
in can think of right now.

Just think about it: you clone a database object (from an ORM or
similar). How far does the clone/copy go? Will you also clone the
associated database connection object? Probably not, so your manual code
would only assign the same reference to the clone. However the table
name, field name, sql statement etc. will be copied.

Or think about file access: your object has a TFileStream as member.
Will you clone that? What if the access was read/write and maybe even

IMHO there is no one-size-fits-all here.

Best regards,

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Re: Objects in dynamic arrays

2013-11-27 Thread Andreas Schneider
On Saturday, November 16, 2013, at 02:36 Martin wrote:
> On 16/11/2013 01:03, Timothy Groves wrote:
>> Here's the code I *actually* have in the method:
>> var
>>   index,
>>   last : integer;
>> begin
>>   last := length (t_volumes) - 1;
>>   index := 0;
>>   while ((t_volumes [index] <> t_current_volume) and (index < last)) do
>>   inc (index);
>>   if (index < last) then begin
>> t_volumes [index] := t_volumes [last];
> Objects are actually stored via a reference (internal pointer)
> So t_volumes [last] just points to the objects data
> The above statement duplicates the reference
>> t_volumes [last].Destroy;
> destroys the object pointed to by both: t_volumes [last] and t_volumes
> [index]
> You should have destroyed t_volumes [index] *before* copying the value

Maybe a bit late, but that might not be true.
If  Timothy  really talks about _object_ (and not _class(TObject)_) it
should work as he does it. Also Destroy would probably be appropriate.

Just saying :-)

The actual type defs used are missing.

Best Regards,

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Bootstrap binaries

2013-03-04 Thread Andreas Schneider
On Monday, March 4, 2013, at 01:59 Joao Morais wrote:
> Hello list. How
> like lists are built? I missed at least i386-linux and i386-win32
> binaries. Just to know how I will update my drafts.

> Joao Morais

I guess bootstrap isn't necessary when the full compiler is available.
Which it is for i386-linux and i386-win32 (see directory above).

Best Regards,

Description: PGP signature
fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] CrossFPC is finally released

2012-12-31 Thread Andreas Berger
Simon, If I use CrossFPC with D7 or XE3 + FPC for windows, will the 
Delphi IDE use it's built-in debugger? The main reason I don't use 
Lazarus is because of the lousy debugging in Windows.

Regards,  Andreas

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Re: Cross platform signal handler?

2012-07-16 Thread Andreas Schneider
On Sunday, July 15, 2012, at 14:48 leledumbo wrote:
>> It will depend on what you want to achive. So, what do you need it for?

> Handle Ctrl+C and other kinds of forced program termination.

Take a look here

and here

Best Regards,

Description: PGP signature
fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Re: Help!!

2012-01-18 Thread Andreas Schneider
Title: Re: [fpc-pascal] Re: Help!!

On Tuesday, January 17, 2012, at 16:24 Mattias Gaertner wrote:

Andreas Schneider  hat am 17. Januar 2012 um 16:08 geschrieben:  
> My current use case is: 
> - show a login form 
> - when login succeeds, show a progress form (connection  initialization) and close login 
> - on failure: go back to login 
> - on success: show the actual application form and close the login form 
Instead of Application.CreateForm create the form directly. For example:
while LoginForm.ShowModal<>mrOk do ;

Interesting idea ... that didn't occur to me yet. So I guess my use case IS covered already. Thanks :-)

Best Regards,

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Re: Help!!

2012-01-17 Thread Andreas Schneider
On Tuesday, January 17, 2012, at 13:15 Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho wrote:
> If the use case is closing the main form without quitting the
> application, then I would prefer a property
> TApplication.QuitApplicationWhenMainFormCloses or something like that.

My current use case is:
- show a login form
- when login succeeds, show a progress form (connection  initialization) and 
close login
- on failure: go back to login
- on success: show the actual application form and close the login form

Showing the "main" form always wouldn't seem nice. Starting the application 
with the
mainform hidden doesn't work afaik. You can hide it manually AFTER it was shown 
but Visible=False is ignored on startup. This just doesn't look nice if the 
main form
pops up for a second to be hidden again. So I use the workflow described above, 
changes the current Application.MainForm several times.

Best Regards,

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Re: Help!!

2012-01-17 Thread Andreas Schneider
On Sunday, January 15, 2012, at 15:04 Mattias Gaertner wrote:
> On Sun, 15 Jan 2012 05:58:21 -0800 (PST)
> Malvin  wrote:

>> So far i've managed to do the program quite well, and I was wondering, can
>> i close the main form (form1) whils opening form2 and not closing the app?
>> Is there any way that I can do it?

> If you mean LCL forms: The MainForm can not be closed, but you can hide
> it.

But  you can trick the LCL into changing what Form is considered to be
the MainForm.

Btw.  is  there any chance for having an official way to do this? i.e.
making  TApplication.MainForm  a  writable  property? (I ask this here
instead  of  opening  a ticket because I suspect there's a good reason
why this isn't available yet, which you will tell me now. :-))

Best Regards,

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Why is Random(255) some 529x slower compared to Delphi 7?

2011-12-07 Thread Andreas Berger

FPC uses MT at least for 10 years and nobody complained about
performance yet. So I suspect the cases might be very rare when random
performance matters and having good random numbers is always a good
thing ... I prefer not to change it but it's fine for me for delphi
compatibility's sake ;)
Or maybe it's because no one had anything to compare it to. I have a 
program that sends encrypted data every night to our data base. The 
encryption part (which I wrote with random numbers) is VERY slow. I 
never gave it much thought since it is running at a time where not much 
else is happening. But I will look into it now.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Division by Zero

2011-08-23 Thread Andreas Schneider

At Tuesday, 23.08.2011 on 8:57 Michael Fuchs wrote:
> Hello,
>WriteLn(FloatToStr(100 / 0));
> This code prints on the screen "+Inf", but I think it should be "NaN".
> Is this a bug or a special case in computer arithmetic?

Best Regards,
fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: RE : [fpc-pascal] compiling turbo power lockbox on ubuntu 64

2011-07-26 Thread Andreas Schneider
At Tuesday, 26.07.2011 on 15:31 herux wrote:
> thanks for the info for you guys, 
> where can I read the complete freepascal asm document for 64bit ?

Assembler is not FreePascal specific.

But before you rewrite that Assembler into x86_64 compatible Intel assembler, 
you better rewrite it into native (Object)Pascal and get rid of the assembler 
code at all. It's a lot easier to write and to maintain. Plus you also get rid 
of platform specific code and most likely even gain performance, since the old 
code probably doesn't utilize all the current extensions like SSE(2, 3, 4, ...) 
and other things the compiler MIGHT do better.

Best Regards,
fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] compiling turbo power lockbox on ubuntu 64

2011-07-26 Thread Andreas Schneider
At Tuesday, 26.07.2011 on 10:13 herux wrote:
> Hi,
> I use RSA encryption library lockbox turbo power.
> in a windows environment I managed to compile and the apps working well, I
> use {$ mode delphi}. 
> but when I compile it on ubuntu 64bit, there is an error when compiling
> component/LockBox/LbCipher.pas(708,10) Error: Unknown identifier "EBX"
> component/LockBox/LbCipher.pas(708,10) Warning: No size specified and unable
> to determine the size of the operands, using DWORD as default
> component/LockBox/LbCipher.pas(709,10) Error: Unknown identifier "EAX"
> component/LockBox/LbCipher.pas(709,10) Warning: No size specified and unable
> to determine the size of the operands, using DWORD as default
> component/LockBox/LbCipher.pas(710,13) Error: Unknown identifier "EAX"
> component/LockBox/LbCipher.pas(710,15) Error: Assembler syntax error in
> operand
> component/LockBox/LbCipher.pas(710,19) Error: Unknown identifier "EAX"
> component/LockBox/LbCipher.pas(710,19) Error: Assembler syntax error in
> operand
> component/LockBox/LbCipher.pas(711,12) Error: Unknown identifier "BH"
> component/LockBox/LbCipher.pas(711,14) Error: Unknown identifier "AL"
> component/LockBox/LbCipher.pas(712,12) Error: Unknown identifier "BL"
> component/LockBox/LbCipher.pas(712,14) Error: Unknown identifier "AH"
> component/LockBox/LbCipher.pas(713,13) Error: Unknown identifier "EBX"
> so on ...
> asm delphi like code doesn't compiled right ? but why on windows compiled ?
> I am trying to cross compile it in windows, for linux x86_64, and produces
> the same error.
> whether the asm code is not supported for 64bit?

Assembler code is (highly) processor dependent. x86_64 is a different 
architecture from x86 (well, it's actually an extension, but with certain 
restrictions/changes). x86_64 can still execute 32bit code, but if you want a 
64bit application, the assembler code has to be written for 64bit aswell. If 
you want to compile for ARM, you have to write assembler for ARM. Same 
procedure with SPARC, POWER, etc.

In other words: you can't use that 32bit ASM when compiling as/for 64bit.

That's one of the reasons why you should avoid assembler whenever possible - 
and for LockBox it certainly was possible, but TurboPower liked to "optimize" 
their code by using loads of assembler.

Best Regards,
fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] FPC for ARM-7

2011-07-23 Thread Andreas Berger
I am hoping to use FPC for ARM-7, compiling and debugging on a Windows 
machine. At the moment I am using Keil C + ULink2. Is it possible to use 
FPC from Windows and debug via the ULink2?


fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] Inherit interface from 2 interfaces

2011-04-12 Thread Andreas Dorn

On Tue Apr 12, michael.vancanneyt worte:

On Tue, 12 Apr 2011, Andreas Dorn wrote:

On Fri, 8 Apr 2011, michael.vancanneyt worte:

The whole idea of interfaces is to avoid multiple inheritance.

Hm. I don't believe that.

One of the major points of interfaces is indeed to avoid the problems
of multiple class inheritance (diamond problems - i.e. problems caused by
conflicting implementations of a method in different ancestor classes).

But Interfaces themselves don't have an implementation, so those
diamond problems simply don't exist for them.

Of course they do. If they inherit from 2 interfaces that have the same
method with a different signature, you have a problem.

InterfaceA = Interface
   Function IsValid : Integer;

InterfaceB = Interface
   Function IsValid : String;

Good point.

Well, I don't see a diamond here as such a serious problem as it is
for multiple class inheritance. (where eventually trying to override
the conflicting methods in descendant classes will bite...)

C# handles multiple interface inheritance quite well, so I'm quite
confident that it's possible to get it done right.

As far as I've seen the "diamond problem for interface inheritance"
there just means that it's not directly possible to call an
ambigous method directly from InterfaceC without first casting to
Interface A or B - and that sounds rational to me. What's important is
that you can get from C to A and B without a blind cast and then call
the method you like.

How to define :

InterfaceC = Interface(InterfaceA,InterfaceB)

Let's give it a try:

Interface A and B are sets of pointers to Methods, InterfaceC then
simply is the union of those sets. (As a pure contract InterfaceC
itself doesn't really have to contain non-ambiguous signatures)

It's no problem for a class to implement Interface A and B at
the same time anyway...

TTest = class(TObject, InterfaceA, InterfaceB)
  function InterfaceA.IsValid = IsValid_A;
  function InterfaceB.IsValid = IsValid_B;

  function IsValid_A: Integer;
  function IsValid_B: String;

All ambiguities regarding implementation can be resolved by the 
implementing class. It just has to map all the pointers to 
(non-conflicting) method implementations.


Finally I'd like to mention one usecases for interface inheritance I'd 
like to have:

1) Splitting a big IDataInterface into smaller ones, like:
IDataInterface = Interface(IInitMethods, IReadMethods, IEditMethods, ...)

This would allow me to pass an IDataInterface into Factories, Loggers, 
etc. without passing too many methods and without ugly runtime casts

or artificial single-inheritance chains...

2) Containers. Without multiple inheritance it's a pain to get
some things like:
IMyContainer = Interface(ISortableContainer, IVectorList, IEditableList, 

Practically for me not having multiple interface inheritance sometimes 
leads to:

 a) artificial (single) inheritance chains
 b) blind runtime casts instead of casts to a known parent
 c) having to pass parameters that are bigger than necessary
(IQuery instead of IReadOnlyQuery)

All in all I'd really like to have multiple interface inheritance...


fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Inherit interface from 2 interfaces

2011-04-12 Thread Andreas Dorn

On Fri, 8 Apr 2011,michael.vancanneyt worte:

The whole idea of interfaces is to avoid multiple inheritance.

Hm. I don't believe that.

One of the major points of interfaces is indeed to avoid the problems
of multiple class inheritance (diamond problems - i.e. problems caused by
conflicting implementations of a method in different ancestor classes).

But Interfaces themselves don't have an implementation, so those
diamond problems simply don't exist for them.

I don't think there's a good reason against multiple interface inheritance.

Not having multiple interface inheritance complicated certain situations
for myself.. forcing me to put runtime interface-casts into my code that
a compiler with multiple interface inheritance could have checked at 


fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Memory leak or object destruction?

2011-02-03 Thread Andreas Schneider

On Wed, 2 Feb 2011 21:09:42 -0800, Andrew Hall wrote:

Interfaces support reference counting.

Only COM interfaces, but they are currently the default anyway.
fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Re: How to use GetElementById?

2011-01-30 Thread Andreas Schneider
Title: Re: [fpc-pascal] Re: How to use GetElementById?

On Sunday, January 30, 2011 13:52 silvioprog wrote:

Sorry... but nobody? :(

Well, when you crosspost to two mailing lists (which you shouldn't ...), then also check both of them ;-) There was an answer on the Lazarus ML.

Best Regards,

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Converting .doc and/or .html to .pdf

2011-01-28 Thread Andreas Schneider
On Friday, January 28, 2011 15:52 Marcos Douglas wrote:
>> You're right. The command line is more simple.
>> Thanks for the tip, I will try this.

> I have not found

Since  you also mentioned that you need to access it from ASP, I guess
that one might offer you the most flexibility:

...  because you can run it as webservice. Or you can simply invoke it
from commandline.

Best Regards,

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Converting .doc and/or .html to .pdf

2011-01-15 Thread Andreas Schneider
On Saturday, January 15, 2011 22:18 Marcos Douglas wrote:
> Hi,
> There are libs, in Pascal,  to convert .doc and/or .html files to .pdf?

I   don't   think   so,   but  I  would  suggest  to  use  a  headless  for  the  conversion. Using the Pascal UNO
Bridge  you  may even be able to control it from a Pascal application,
but  for a simple conversion it's probably a lot easier to just invoke
it via commandline.

Best Regards,

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] How to convert a large integer to base64

2011-01-15 Thread Andreas Schneider
On Saturday, January 15, 2011 21:42 Frank Church wrote:
> I mean int64 into base64 encoding, as in the mime type. 

Oops,  my  bad.  Then yeah, as Henry said the base64 unit should help.
Depending  on  who and how the number is to be decoded then, you could
also  take  a look at strutils.Dec2Numb which can convert from decimal
into any given number system. (... and the opposite Numb2Dec)

Best Regards,

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] How to convert a large integer to base64

2011-01-15 Thread Andreas Schneider
On Saturday, January 15, 2011 18:52 Frank Church wrote:

> Is there a FCL library that can be used to convert a large integer into 
> base64 format?

Define  "large  integer"  ... in case you mean a normal integer/int64:

Best Regards,

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] The new Delphi compatible unicode string

2011-01-04 Thread Andreas Schneider

On Tue, 4 Jan 2011 14:20:55 +0200, Juha Manninen wrote:

If I told to a Java programmer that Object Pascal features match Java
features, how would I prove it? By showing him the HTML component 

IFDEFs and self-made conversion funcs just to support different 
string types.

The Java guy would ask if there is any common unicode string type. I
would say
"Not yet but it's coming, but we can't use it because we must support
the old
compiler versions".

The code also has lots of containers and thousands of typecasts to 
their elements which could be eliminated by using generics 

I would explain to the Java person: "Object Pascal already has
generics but we
can't use them because we must support the historical Pascal syntax".

I would also laugh if I was the Java developer.
So, the minimum requirements for the modernized HTML component would
be Delphi
2009 / FPC with the new unicode support.

If a Java developer ever pulls that argument, slap him in the face. 
Just look at some of the common Java libraries ... for example SWT. It 
is probably still compatible to Java 1.4 or even 1.3 (hell it could even 
be 1.2). For that reason it doesn't use generics and not even enums 
(which came with Java 1.5 ... yeah, no real type safety in that regard 
until then). It also took until Java 1.5 to have a for-each loop, so 
even in that regard FPC isn't really behind.

But Java is a bad example anyway ... if you read the fine "Execution in 
the Kingdom of Nouns"[1] by Steve Yegge, FPC will get a pretty good look 
;-) (Although he doesn't mention FPC, the points he makes with C++ match 
FPC just as well).

Best Regards,


fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Re: Reading MDB (MS-Access) data under Linux

2010-11-01 Thread Andreas Schneider

On Mon, 01 Nov 2010 13:34:00 +0100, Bo Berglund 
> Just tacking on the other MS database MSSQLServer:
> Is it possible to also work with MS SQLServer databases via ODBC on
> FPC from Linux? Obviously the SQLServer must be running on Windows so
> this is about network access to the database engine.
> When I make data sources in Windows for these databases I do not use
> ODBC but a native SQLServer driver, is such available also on Linux?
> Bo Berglund

I only know of a unixodbc driver called FreeTDS. I successfully
connected to a MSSQL Server 2008 from my FPC application on Linux, using
unixodbc, freetds and sqldb :)

Best Regards,
Andreas Schneider.
fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Can variables be declared within a block?

2010-10-18 Thread Andreas Berger

But it should make you wonder why this is no longer allowed in the
latest C++ standards.

What do you mean?

The current C++ standard (ISO 1998+TR1) permits short scope
declarations.  Indeed, C++ permits declarations to appear anywhere, not
just after a { to open a function or compound statement.  It has done
since the A.R.M. days, and in some implementations before that.
You are correct. Been a while since I programmed in C++. The new 
standard enforces that the short scope variable declared in a for loop 
goes out of scope at the end of the loop. Older implementations did not 
always enforce this. My bad.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Can variables be declared within a block?

2010-10-18 Thread Andreas Berger

for (int i = 0;...)
Can't see anything wrong. I use declaration of variables inside blocks quite 
often in Java and C++ but have never missed it in pascal. Please enlighten me. 
What is so bad about creating temporary variables inside blocks instead of the 
beginning of a function in a language that supports it?

But it should make you wonder why this is no longer allowed in the 
latest C++ standards.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] TFileStream and stdin - how to make this work?

2010-10-03 Thread Andreas Schneider

On Sun, 03 Oct 2010 15:05:10 +0200, Bernd Kreuss
> Hi,
> this might be a stupid question but I find myself again struggling with
> file IO and stdin/stdout. I am trying to do the following:
> StdIn := TFileStream.Create('/dev/stdin', fmOpenRead);
> and later on i want to poll whether there is something to read. I want
> to try reading binary data that will be piped to my application and i
> need to poll (non blocking!) and in case of incoming data read the first
> byte to determine the type of message that has arrived and then read the
> rest.
> The Stream seems to be able to read when there is something to read on
> stdin but I cannot find any way to actually test whether the ReadByte()
> will block (nothing to read) or whether there is data available.
> the properties size and position both are always $ and
> the stream has no eof property.
> Can this be done at all? And is my way of opening the stream correct?
> What would be a more platform independent way of opening the stdin as a
> stream to read binary data or is there a different and better way to do
> this, maybe a stream is not the correct thing for this at all? How do I
> poll and read binary data from stdin?
> Bernd

You could use TIOStream from the unit iostream. AFAICS that should do
exactly what you want - i.e. opening stdin/out/err as a TStream
I don't know however, if that fixes the problem you have with the
stream blocking when nothing is to be read. If nothing else helps I
guess you could use a thread to read the data from stdin, then it
shouldn't matter if it blocks.

Best regards,
fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] ARM-Cortex port

2010-08-23 Thread Andreas Berger
 Thanks Jonas and Jeppe for your answers. I will probably wait then to 
switch (or try to convince the company to use an ARM-9)

On 23/8/2010 11:21 AM, Jeppe Johansen wrote:

 Den 23-08-2010 16:09, Andreas Berger skrev:
 I know that FPC works under ARM+Linux. Is this also true for the 
Cortex version of ARM? One of our major applications is written in 
C++ simply because it is to run in the future on an embedded system 
as well as the PC. Well the embedded processor has been chosen - the 
Luminary (TI) ARM-Cortex processor.

Will FPC run on this processor? Does anyone have experience? If FPC 
runs I may be able to convert my last C++ app to pascal.


fpc-pascal maillist  -
From my findings Luminary is Cortex-M3 based, in which case there's 
needed a base code RTL for it. FPC will generate code for it, and it 
should generally work, but it's not very optimized yet(other than 
generic optimization), and there are many unsupported inline assembler 
instructions(primarily special system instructions). But there are 
ofcourse workarounds for the assembler code

Currently there's only half working stub code for the STM32F103 
Cortex-M3 based chip, but I'll gladly help if you have any questions

fpc-pascal maillist  -

fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] ARM-Cortex port

2010-08-23 Thread Andreas Berger
 I know that FPC works under ARM+Linux. Is this also true for the 
Cortex version of ARM? One of our major applications is written in C++ 
simply because it is to run in the future on an embedded system as well 
as the PC. Well the embedded processor has been chosen - the Luminary 
(TI) ARM-Cortex processor.

Will FPC run on this processor? Does anyone have experience? If FPC runs 
I may be able to convert my last C++ app to pascal.


fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Hashmap for integers

2010-08-22 Thread Andreas Schneider

On Sun, 22 Aug 2010 18:36:23 +0300, "Juha Manninen (gmail)"
> My prog has a big amount of integers, thats why an integer list is not
> enough. 
> A binary search from a sorted list is pretty fast but the problem is
> I am adding items to the list and it must be sorted after every
> My experience from string hashmaps says that the speed difference can be
> huge, compared to any list implementation.

Afaik, inserting items into a sorted List is done via InsertSort, which is
the fastest way (O(n))to go (IMHO), so you do /not/ have to resort the
list. I am not really sure, how else you would implement a hash map ...
internally you always have to have some list like structure, be it an array
or a linked list. A tree wouldn't be really fast for lots of inserts, since
rebalancing a tree isn't that cheap either.
Ok, sure, you could have a huge array of buckets that are either assigned
or not, but IMHO that would waste too much memory or would have too much
overlapping items/hashes.

Also I think "map" is the right term for what the TFPGMap does, even if it
inherits from a list. A mapping is simply a relation from some key to some
data, and thats exactly what TFPGMap does.
fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Hashmap for integers

2010-08-22 Thread Andreas Schneider

On Sun, 22 Aug 2010 17:05:21 +0300, "Juha Manninen (gmail)"
> Hi
> Is there an implementation of a hash map where the keys are integers. It
> is 
> needed when the integers are too big for a lookup array.
> I only need check the existence of keys so the data type is not
> About like this:

uses fgl;

  TIntMap = specialize TFPGMap; //Maps Int --> Int

> var
>   Len: integer;
>   SeenLen: TIntMap; // or whatever the type is called
>   ...
>   if not SeenLen.Has(Len) then begin
> ... work with Len ...
> SeenLen[Len] := nil;  // If the data type is pointer
>   end;
> A related question:
> What is the state of the generic containers now?

FPC 2.4.x should be fine with generics, although 2.5 is still more
advanced in that sector.

Best regards,
fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] OFF TOPIC - how I can migrate of Delphi to FPC

2010-08-15 Thread Andreas Schneider

On Sun, 15 Aug 2010 09:59:10 -0300, Marcos Douglas  wrote:
> Zeoslib uses ADO too. So, it could be used with MS SQLServer.
> I think Zeoslib is more faster than ODBC.

That depends on the platforms you want to target. AFAIK ADO is
Windows-only, so you bind yourself to Microsoft platforms. If you intend to
use *nix too, ODBC is the safer way to go, thanks to unixodbc (which can
use FreeTDS, a free implementation of the Sybase protocol as used by Sybase
and SQL Server). If you have the necessary time at hand, you can maybe
implement your own backend for SQLDB/ZEOS that directly uses FreeTDS,
completely skipping ODBC/ADO and still being platform independent.
fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] LNet

2010-06-11 Thread Andreas Schneider
Am Freitag 11 Juni 2010, 18:50:56 schrieb Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho:

> And from my tests Get is indeed returning the amount read. I still
> don't know if half a packet could be received in the OnReceive event
> or if it only returns an integer amount of packets. That makes
> difference in the algorithm to separate the packets.

IMHO your packets (not the TCP ones, I mean you own protocol) should always 
account for incomplete packets. Advantages: you can send more than the TCP 
window allows (which is usually around 60k bytes IIRC), and it doesn't matter 
if you get more than one packet with your Get - which also can happen.

I usually keep a pretty simple binary protocol. A Packet consists of a Packet 
ID (byte or word or whatever amount of possible packets you need), and if that 
doesn't imply the size, that one too.
So let's say packet IDs 1 to 5 are fixed size, I wouldn't need to supply their 
size too - would be a waste of bandwidth. Packet ID 6 however contains a text, 
so right after the packet ID I also send the expected packet size.

On Receive, I write all that Get returns into a buffer (a queue to be more 
precise). Then I loop through that buffer for as long as it contains data and 
as the size of the buffer is equal or greater than the size of the next packet. 
Once I'm out of that loop, I get back to the wait-for-more state (i.e. Get, 
Get, Get :D)

I do the same when sending: I put everything to send into a buffer, and then 
send it in as much chunks as necessary - Send will return how much it actually 
sent, that's the amount I take out of my send-buffer, and repeat, until the 
buffer hits zero or until the amount Send returns equals the amount in the 
buffer (whatever you prefer).

If you want to see that implementation, let me know, it's opensource anyway.

Best Regards,
fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Crosscompile FPC from Win32 to Linux

2010-06-07 Thread Andreas Berger

Sven Barth wrote:
Someone on Delphi-PRAXiS has prepared Linux VMs with OpenSUSE and a 
preinstalled Lazarus (and thus FPC). You need either VMWare (the 
Player is free) or VirtualBox (which can run such disks) to use it. 
Also its language is German, so you might need to change the language 
settings if you don't speak German (judging by your name only, I'd say 
yes, but names aren't everything ^^).

You can download them from here:
Thanks Sven, I will try this with VMPlayer. And, as you thought, German 
is no problem.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Crosscompile FPC from Win32 to Linux

2010-06-07 Thread Andreas Berger

Henry Vermaak wrote:

Luckily, someone else has built mingw cross tools here:

Thanks, I downloaded the package. However, I will try Sven's approach first.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] Crosscompile FPC from Win32 to Linux

2010-06-04 Thread Andreas Berger
I have a stable cgi program running in windows (no libraries - simple 
writeln). However, our web host is in linux. Is there a simple way for 
me to cross-compile the app? or is it easier to learn how to use linux 
and do it there? I saw a page how to crosscompile lazarus, but it seamed 
very complex.

P.S. fp.exe lets you select a linux output, but it doesn't work.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] FPC class syntax was extended to support delphi code

2010-01-14 Thread Andreas Schneider
I think they come in very handy for the Singleton OOP concept. You need to 
have a "factory" that handles the object query/instantiation. If no instance 
is available, it creates a new one (and stores it) and if one is already 
available, it just returns that.
Naturally that looks better to have TSomeClass.GetInstance() instead of 
GetInstanceOfSomeClass() ...
Sure, it's possible to do without class methods, but from an OOP viewpoint it 
just looks and feels wrong ;-) (imho)

Am Donnerstag 14 Januar 2010 01:50:02 schrieb Doug Chamberlin:
> Oh, I can imagine such methods also. And I've used them before. I just
> don't see the big advantage over having them be global
> functions/procedures located in the same unit as the class they operate
> on. So, as often as not, I go and create the global functions instead.
> Never could decide either way to go.
fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Re: creating a standalone executable (eg: application installation file)

2010-01-12 Thread Andreas Schneider
I think if digital signing is required, using Windows Resources would be the 
better way. Now that I think about it, with FPC 2.4 that should even be 
possible on Linux (and other platforms). Many roads lead to rome :D

Am Dienstag 12 Januar 2010 14:17:21 schrieb Milan Marusinec:
> Andreas Schneider wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > that works the same as in Windows and can probably be done with every
> > executable format. Simply append the data to the end of the file and
> > store the offset or length of that data at the end. All you have to do
> > then is to let the program open "itself" (ParamStr(0)), seek to the end -
> > SizeOf(Integer), read that integer to know the offset of the data, seek
> > to that position, and read all you need from there. So essentially your
> > file looks like: 
> Andreas,
> Will this method work when the exe is digitally
> signed afterwards (or before) ?
> (tough, for linux it doesn't matter)
> Milan
> ___
> fpc-pascal maillist  -
fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] creating a standalone executable (eg: application installation file)

2010-01-12 Thread Andreas Schneider

that works the same as in Windows and can probably be done with every 
executable format. Simply append the data to the end of the file and store the 
offset or length of that data at the end. All you have to do then is to let 
the program open "itself" (ParamStr(0)), seek to the end - SizeOf(Integer), 
read that integer to know the offset of the data, seek to that position, and 
read all you need from there. So essentially your file looks like:

(Of course you can also include the data offset "hardcoded" into the 
executable, but that's a bit harder to manage ... first compile to know the 
exe size, then change the constant storing that size, and recompile again ...)

Best regards,

Am Dienstag 12 Januar 2010 13:37:26 schrieb Graeme Geldenhuys:
> Hi,
> I have seen a few Linux application that have standalone executables
> that are installation programs. Once run, it installs the application
> in the appropriate directory location, can run as root or normal user
> and creates a desktop and Application menu icon. Similar to Windows's
> setup.exe idea. An example of such a Linux application is
> 'installpixel32' from the Pixel32 project, or Kylix 3 installation.
> * How does one create such a standalone application?
> * How do you include the application executable and other resources
> (text, image, sound files etc) inside such an installation executable?
> I'm trying to create (mainly for our company, but probably open-source
> in the end) such a standalone setup creation for our projects. This
> way it will be Linux distro independent. I also don't want to go the
> route of projects like AutoPackage that first requires a setup runtime
> to be installed. I want a installation file like what Pixel32 did. One
> installation executable without any installation runtime etc. and
> after the installation, I can simply click on 'uninstall' or run
> 'setup -u' and a graphical uninstaller is launched.
> I'm going to look at Loki Games's setup program to see if I can port
> it to fpGUI Toolkit, or at least get some ideas of how to create such
> a setup application. Basically I'm trying to create a "InstallShield
> Lite" but for Linux. :-)  The nice thing of Loki Games is that it run
> run as a console installation or a GUI installation - again, no idea
> how they managed that, but it was possible (Kylix 3 installation did
> that).
> Anybody have pointers or internet links I can read up on the subject?
fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Forum merger

2009-12-16 Thread Andreas Berger

If I made one, then I'll make it using Powtils (fully CGI) or 
ExtPascal (fully Ajax) because that's what I know and have been 
experience with. I myself prefer to use fpWeb since it's provided by 
FPC's FCL. No third party dependency is good for new comers, and it's 
also better FPC/Lazarus promotion. I also intend to study fpWeb and 
would try to combine it with ExtPascal, if possible.
I vote for a CGI approach (Then I could help). A sub-vote would go for 
fpWeb (Just need to find some good documentation for it), but I would 
accept Powtils.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Forum merger

2009-12-15 Thread Andreas Berger

Yes, this is it. I don't have any experience in building web-applications
with Pascal, but if someone registers a new project at Gitorious or
somewhere else I would like to help as far as I can.
As would I. I will soon need to write a CGI program, and this would be a 
great way.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] Class Operators

2009-12-11 Thread Andreas Schneider

since my reported "bug" ( seems 
to turn out to be "by design", a question came up:
are there any plans to implement class operators? In delphi they are 
implemented to allow operators to affect instances of classes. This would also 
enable to write operator overloads that work with generics. A good example of 
that would be smartpointers. A small snippet from an example in delphi:

  TSmartPointer = record
  strict private
FValue: T;
FLifetime: IInterface;
constructor Create(const AValue: T); overload;
class operator Implicit(const AValue: T): TSmartPointer;
property Value: T read FValue;

There are surely other cases where class operators would fit in nice. They 
could for example allow to build something like TPersistent.Assign as := 

Is this already on a todo-list or am I out of luck here?

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Free Pascal created libraries used by other languages

2009-12-09 Thread Andreas Schneider
Am Mittwoch 09 Dezember 2009 15:26:11 schrieb Graeme Geldenhuys:

> But clearly this language relationship is a very one-sided thing. We use
> their (C/C++) libraries, they don't use ours. :-(

Just look at the QT bindings. The LCL can't simply use QT, it has to use a 
wrapper library that flattens the object oriented structure of QT. You have 
similar problems with most languages. Writing bindings to foreign language 
libraries is always problematic. C (i.e. a flat API) is usually the common 

Best Regards,
fpc-pascal maillist  -

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