Re: free sco unix

2011-06-16 Thread Bernt Hansson

2011-06-16 20:30, Chad Perrin skrev:

On Thu, Jun 16, 2011 at 02:22:43PM +0100, Matthew Seaman wrote:

On 16/06/2011 13:52, Peter Vereshagin wrote:

unix is a trademark of

Unix (note capitalization) is actually a trademark of the Open Group:

In EU there are 12 registred trademarks of unix.

Lydelse: unix
Sortering på: Ingivningsdatum

 Antal träffar 12

IR-varumärken markerade med  är inte giltiga i Sverige

Lydelse Innehavare  Ombud Klasser 
Ingivningsdatum Figur   Typ
UnixApama Medical, Inc. GASTÃO DA CUNHA FERREIRA, LDA.  

UNIXSunrise Medical Limited JONES DAY   

12, 16, 37

270501  2006-10-19  X   
UNIXWielobran¿owe Przedsiêbiorstwo Ogólnokrajowe UNIX Sp. z.o.o.

UNIXX/Open Company Limited  MARKS & CLERK LLP   

9, 16, 35, 37, 41, 42
UNIXX/Open Company Limited  MARKS & CLERK LLP   

9, 16, 38, 42

UNIXHANS DAHLQVIST  Groth & Co Kommanditbolag   

1, 3, 40
UNIXSyngenta Participations AG  Groth & Co Kommanditbolag   

UNIX 	X/Open Company Limited 	Nihlmark & Zacharoff Advokatbyrå AB 
(Transpf. V-2051/02 T) 	

011524 261325   1993-03-08  X   
UNIX 	X/Open Company Limited 	Nihlmark & Zacharoff Advokatbyrå AB 
(Transpf. V-2051/02 T) 	

9, 16
UNIX 	X/Open Company Limited 	Nihlmark & Zacharoff Advokatbyrå AB 
(Transpf. V-2051/02 T) 	

9, 38
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Re: free sco unix

2011-06-16 Thread Bernt Hansson

2011-06-17 06:53, Adam Vande More skrev:

On Thu, Jun 16, 2011 at 11:23 PM, Bernt Hanssonwrote:

Unless you work the trademark in you have to pay to register the name.

I'm not sure by what mean by "work the trademark in" but every business is
entitled to use tm or sm identification without registration.

Not where i live, if you whant a TM or "registrerat varumärke" then you
have to pay up.

Copyright you get without registration and without payment, and one
can't give it up.

Again, registration is pretty important if you want to an expanded ability
to legally enforce it.

Where i live no need to register, you get copyright if the stuff
fulfills certain criteria, originality is one.

 And you can assign your copyright away.

Only the monetary. The creator can sell the right to make copys of the 
work but the creator still retains the copyright.

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Re: free sco unix

2011-06-16 Thread Bernt Hansson

2011-06-17 00:20, Daniel Staal skrev:

--As of June 16, 2011 11:21:34 PM +0400, Peter Vereshagin is alleged to
have said:

(And note that a pure list of facts can't be copyrighted: The phone book
is often an example. It's just a list of names and numbers.)

Which is copyrighted, all databases are copyrighted where i live.
Even the .se whois database.

# The information obtained through searches, or otherwise, is protected
# by the Swedish Copyright Act (1960:729) and international conventions.
# It is also subject to database protection according to the Swedish
# Copyright Act.
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Re: free sco unix

2011-06-16 Thread Adam Vande More
On Thu, Jun 16, 2011 at 11:23 PM, Bernt Hansson wrote:

> Unless you work the trademark in you have to pay to register the name.

I'm not sure by what mean by "work the trademark in" but every business is
entitled to use tm or sm identification without registration.  However by
officially registering it, the business is afforded additional legal rights
and is in a much more defensible position.  Also as most IP lawyers would
say, trademark law is the law of the jungle.  That is to say the biggest
gorilla wins.

> Copyright you get without registration and without payment, and one
> can't give it up.

Again, registration is pretty important if you want to an expanded ability
to legally enforce it.  And you can assign your copyright away.  In fact, I
would recommend to anyone seeking a 3rd party to create content for them to
have copyright assignment to them for basically any project.  You don't want
your web design company to come after you when there's been a falling out
and you're with a different company.  A company owns the copyright when an
employee creates the work, however by default a contracted 3rd party retains
it for any works they created under the contract.

And while we're on the topic of clearing up IP laws, there are two basic
types of patents and they are good for a maxium of 14 or 20 years.  There is
no renewal of patents, when they expire they expire.  Additionally, the
creator(s) of the patent is entitled to the right to patent it regardless of
their employment status.  This means in theory it's possible for your
employer to own the copyright to some code you have created, yet you retain
the patent rights.

This is not official legal advice and you should consult a legal expert who
assumes liability for advice, as I do not.

Adam Vande More
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Re: free sco unix

2011-06-16 Thread Bernt Hansson

2011-06-16 19:36, Daniel Staal skrev:

On Thu, June 16, 2011 12:20 pm, Peter Vereshagin wrote:

You can't take no for an answer, freebsd-questions!
2011/06/16 11:54:05 -0400 Robert Simmons  =>  To :

I'll surely will when I'll have some to trade ;-)

RS>  Copyright pertains to the source code.  Trademark pertains to the use
RS>  signs, symbols, names, logos, etc.

Source code itself can have 'signs, symbols, names, logos, etc.' and
consist in terms of its usability of them, doesn't it just use to?
'signs, symbols, names, logos, etc.' same way can have their source code
and consist in terms of their usability of it, doesn't they just use to?

Trademark is for 'this is made by me.  I put my name on it.'  Copyright is
for the content of a book/speech/whatever.

'Trademark' is a _maker's mark._  The point is not encouraging the
creation of works (like copyright): The point is so that a maker/seller
can build a reputation with their customers.

They are very different in terms, uses, and requirements.  In theory it is
possible to hold both a trademark and a copyright on the same thing, but
it is hard.  (You will likely fail applicability tests for one or the
other.)  It is of course possible to put a trademark on something you've
copyrighted, so people know who created it.

Daniel T. Staal

Unless you work the trademark in you have to pay to register the name.
Copyright you get without registration and without payment, and one
can't give it up.
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Re: free sco unix

2011-06-16 Thread Polytropon
On Thu, 16 Jun 2011 21:35:54 -0600, Chad Perrin wrote:
> I've noticed that your mail user agent is including quoted parties' email
> addresses in the quote notification.  In the text immediately following
> this brief paragraph, for instance, my email address was included after
> my name.  I would appreciate it if you would configure your mail user
> agent to no longer do this, for not only my sake but that of others who
> would probably like to see archives that strip such information from
> headers before publicly posting them actually do some good.  When the
> email address also appears in the text of the email because your mail
> user agent is adding it in, you are creating a crop of victims for spam
> email list spiders to reap.

Thanks for the advice, I've just made the setting (I'm using
the Sylpheed MUA). I didn't pay much attention to that (although
I'm aware of the topic) as mailing list publishing systems
put in the "From:" datafield (directed at the list) automatically,
so all the names and addresses are already in there.

I will keep that setting as it sounds the right thing to do.
Other possibly needed information (like addresses) are in
the mail header anyway.

> On Fri, Jun 17, 2011 at 05:38:42AM +0200, Polytropon wrote:
> > On Thu, 16 Jun 2011 21:03:16 -0600, Chad Perrin wrote:
> > > On Fri, Jun 17, 2011 at 02:50:40AM +0200, Polytropon wrote:
> > > > Software publishing and licensing terms are very different,
> > > > considering today's software. On one hand, there is code without
> > > > mentioning of author, copyright or ownership. Then there is the
> > > > "rape me" BSD-style licenses, the "contribute back" GPL licenses,
> > > > and proprietary EULAs that traditionally do not take code into
> > > > mind, but restrict the users in what they are allowed to do with
> > > > programs.
> > > 
> > > I find this a particularly biased description.  Would you like to rethink
> > > the phrasing "rape me" as a description of copyfree licensing terms as
> > > embodied in a BSD License?
> > 
> > It's not _my_ interpretation of the license. The term originates from
> > the repeated discussion of "the BSD license being not free" with the
> > counterposition that the BSD license is even _so_ free that it allows
> > the "post-usage" of the material - i. e. take it for free, change it,
> > give it another name, sell it for money. If a developer is FINE with
> > this kind of "post-usage", he can use the BSD license.
> > 
> > Luckily, developers can choose from many licenses, or write their own
> > ones, so everyone will be satisfied according to his individual
> > requirements.
> Unlike choices in software (a matter purely of preference), I find too
> many choices of licensing problematic.  Just one reason among several for
> my perspective is that of hindering further advancement of the state of
> the art, as explained here:
> Code Reuse and Technological Advancement

Interesting article, and helpful for further argumentation.
Thank you! Exactly my point of view. Bookmarked.

> > > Contracts only depend on other laws not prohibiting them.
> > 
> > Correct. That's why a contract cannot make the parties signing it "do
> > unlawful things". But if no explicit laws exist... well, you can almost
> > write _anything_ in the EULA, and if people do accept it, gotcha!
> Now you're mixing up EULAs and contracts again.  EULAs are licenses.

The part "LA" in EULA means "license agreement", so I assume this
indicates that I have to agree to something, and an agreement between
two parties is a... contract. The vendor allows me to do certain
things with the software _if_ I agree to the terms. If I do _not_,
I am not legally allowed to use the software, will loose warranty
or am even forced to return the whole computer system.

Keep in mind that I'm not a lawyer and may therefore cultivate
just one opinion about one topic (instead of two opinions). :-)

Magdeburg, Germany
Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
Andra moi ennepe, Mousa, ...
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Re: free sco unix

2011-06-16 Thread Chad Perrin
I've noticed that your mail user agent is including quoted parties' email
addresses in the quote notification.  In the text immediately following
this brief paragraph, for instance, my email address was included after
my name.  I would appreciate it if you would configure your mail user
agent to no longer do this, for not only my sake but that of others who
would probably like to see archives that strip such information from
headers before publicly posting them actually do some good.  When the
email address also appears in the text of the email because your mail
user agent is adding it in, you are creating a crop of victims for spam
email list spiders to reap.

On Fri, Jun 17, 2011 at 05:38:42AM +0200, Polytropon wrote:
> On Thu, 16 Jun 2011 21:03:16 -0600, Chad Perrin wrote:
> > On Fri, Jun 17, 2011 at 02:50:40AM +0200, Polytropon wrote:
> > > 
> > > Copyright and ownership of creation just makes sure that someone
> > > can't express OTHER's work as his own, as it is currently in the
> > > media in Germany - "honorable" academics (now politicians) got
> > > convicted having copied massive amounts (>50%) in their thesis,
> > > without STATING that they copied them (proper quoting with
> > > identification of the source).
> > 
> > This is not really true.  Plagiarism is not the focus of copyright;
> > copying is.  That's why it's called "copyright" (at least in
> > English), and not "attributionright".  There is, in fact, no law that
> > specifically relates to attribution per se, at least in most
> > countries.  To deal with plagiarism, one must look at the specific
> > case of plagiarism and see where the act requires running afoul of
> > some other law as well.
> > 
> > Fraud would be the most obvious case, except for the fact that in
> > most jurisdictions one can generally only effectively pursue a fraud
> > case if there is money involved in the act of fraud.  Copyright
> > itself is, absent any associated side-effects, reducible to one of
> > two things (depending on perspective): monopoly or censorship.  It is
> > sometimes used to punish people who plagiarize, but only because it
> > is often difficult to plagiarize something without copying and
> > distributing it somehow.
> Yes - fraud is exactly the word I was searching for. Sorry if I was
> cmp(apples, oranges); :-)

Glad we cleared that up, then.

> > >
> > > Software publishing and licensing terms are very different,
> > > considering today's software. On one hand, there is code without
> > > mentioning of author, copyright or ownership. Then there is the
> > > "rape me" BSD-style licenses, the "contribute back" GPL licenses,
> > > and proprietary EULAs that traditionally do not take code into
> > > mind, but restrict the users in what they are allowed to do with
> > > programs.
> > 
> > I find this a particularly biased description.  Would you like to rethink
> > the phrasing "rape me" as a description of copyfree licensing terms as
> > embodied in a BSD License?
> It's not _my_ interpretation of the license. The term originates from
> the repeated discussion of "the BSD license being not free" with the
> counterposition that the BSD license is even _so_ free that it allows
> the "post-usage" of the material - i. e. take it for free, change it,
> give it another name, sell it for money. If a developer is FINE with
> this kind of "post-usage", he can use the BSD license.
> Luckily, developers can choose from many licenses, or write their own
> ones, so everyone will be satisfied according to his individual
> requirements.

Unlike choices in software (a matter purely of preference), I find too
many choices of licensing problematic.  Just one reason among several for
my perspective is that of hindering further advancement of the state of
the art, as explained here:

Code Reuse and Technological Advancement

> > 
> > They're not really contracts unless you explicitly agree to them.
> > Implicit "agreement" is a matter of licensing, because it depends on
> > copyright law.
> As I said, it's _highly_ debatable if the EULAs as we know them do have
> _any_ value. How can you make an opinion about IF to sign a contract
> when you've signed it the moment you opened the box (in order to GET
> the contract)?

They have plenty of value to those who wish to have the power to force
others to "agree" to terms to which they would never, if they were aware
of them, agree.

> >
> > Contracts only depend on other laws not prohibiting them.
> Correct. That's why a contract cannot make the parties signing it "do
> unlawful things". But if no explicit laws exist... well, you can almost
> write _anything_ in the EULA, and if people do accept it, gotcha!

Now you're mixing up EULAs and contracts again.  EULAs are licenses.
They are not contracts, specifically because there is no explicit
agreement prior to they (presumably) apply.

Chad Perrin [ original content licensed OWL: http://owl.a

Re: free sco unix

2011-06-16 Thread Polytropon
On Thu, 16 Jun 2011 21:03:16 -0600, Chad Perrin  wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 17, 2011 at 02:50:40AM +0200, Polytropon wrote:
> > On Fri, 17 Jun 2011 04:07:08 +0400, Peter Vereshagin wrote:
> > >
> > > It's just a matter of a freedom to speech to me. And to everyone else
> > > I believe.
> > 
> > Copyright and ownership of creation just makes sure that someone can't
> > express OTHER's work as his own, as it is currently in the media in
> > Germany - "honorable" academics (now politicians) got convicted having
> > copied massive amounts (>50%) in their thesis, without STATING that
> > they copied them (proper quoting with identification of the source).
> This is not really true.  Plagiarism is not the focus of copyright;
> copying is.  That's why it's called "copyright" (at least in English),
> and not "attributionright".  There is, in fact, no law that specifically
> relates to attribution per se, at least in most countries.  To deal with
> plagiarism, one must look at the specific case of plagiarism and see
> where the act requires running afoul of some other law as well.
> Fraud would be the most obvious case, except for the fact that in most
> jurisdictions one can generally only effectively pursue a fraud case if
> there is money involved in the act of fraud.  Copyright itself is, absent
> any associated side-effects, reducible to one of two things (depending on
> perspective): monopoly or censorship.  It is sometimes used to punish
> people who plagiarize, but only because it is often difficult to
> plagiarize something without copying and distributing it somehow.

Yes - fraud is exactly the word I was searching for. Sorry if
I was cmp(apples, oranges); :-)

> > Software publishing and licensing terms are very different, considering
> > today's software. On one hand, there is code without mentioning of
> > author, copyright or ownership. Then there is the "rape me" BSD-style
> > licenses, the "contribute back" GPL licenses, and proprietary EULAs
> > that traditionally do not take code into mind, but restrict the users
> > in what they are allowed to do with programs.
> I find this a particularly biased description.  Would you like to rethink
> the phrasing "rape me" as a description of copyfree licensing terms as
> embodied in a BSD License?

It's not _my_ interpretation of the license. The term originates
from the repeated discussion of "the BSD license being not free"
with the counterposition that the BSD license is even _so_ free
that it allows the "post-usage" of the material - i. e. take it
for free, change it, give it another name, sell it for money. If
a developer is FINE with this kind of "post-usage", he can use
the BSD license.

Luckily, developers can choose from many licenses, or write their
own ones, so everyone will be satisfied according to his individual

> > Keep in mind that _those_ are not licenses as the previous ones - they
> > are a _contract_ that you implicitely sign (by using, by opening the
> > package, by buying the software or the like).
> They're not really contracts unless you explicitly agree to them.
> Implicit "agreement" is a matter of licensing, because it depends on
> copyright law.

As I said, it's _highly_ debatable if the EULAs as we know them
do have _any_ value. How can you make an opinion about IF to sign
a contract when you've signed it the moment you opened the box
(in order to GET the contract)?

> Contracts only depend on other laws not prohibiting them.

Correct. That's why a contract cannot make the parties signing
it "do unlawful things". But if no explicit laws exist... well,
you can almost write _anything_ in the EULA, and if people do
accept it, gotcha!

> Organizations such as Microsoft, however, certainly do work hard to get
> the courts to accord the same enforceability as contracts to EULAs, but
> that does not mean they *are* contracts.

Finally, court decisions (at least in Germany) are _individual_
decisions. Different judge, different statement. EULAs go hand
in hand with mass licensing and support contracts, traditionally
targeted at governments and "big business" that run legal
departments where the lawyers express what they are told. :-)

Magdeburg, Germany
Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
Andra moi ennepe, Mousa, ...
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Re: free sco unix

2011-06-16 Thread Chad Perrin
On Fri, Jun 17, 2011 at 02:50:40AM +0200, Polytropon wrote:
> On Fri, 17 Jun 2011 04:07:08 +0400, Peter Vereshagin wrote:
> >
> > It's just a matter of a freedom to speech to me. And to everyone else
> > I believe.
> Copyright and ownership of creation just makes sure that someone can't
> express OTHER's work as his own, as it is currently in the media in
> Germany - "honorable" academics (now politicians) got convicted having
> copied massive amounts (>50%) in their thesis, without STATING that
> they copied them (proper quoting with identification of the source).

This is not really true.  Plagiarism is not the focus of copyright;
copying is.  That's why it's called "copyright" (at least in English),
and not "attributionright".  There is, in fact, no law that specifically
relates to attribution per se, at least in most countries.  To deal with
plagiarism, one must look at the specific case of plagiarism and see
where the act requires running afoul of some other law as well.

Fraud would be the most obvious case, except for the fact that in most
jurisdictions one can generally only effectively pursue a fraud case if
there is money involved in the act of fraud.  Copyright itself is, absent
any associated side-effects, reducible to one of two things (depending on
perspective): monopoly or censorship.  It is sometimes used to punish
people who plagiarize, but only because it is often difficult to
plagiarize something without copying and distributing it somehow.

> Software publishing and licensing terms are very different, considering
> today's software. On one hand, there is code without mentioning of
> author, copyright or ownership. Then there is the "rape me" BSD-style
> licenses, the "contribute back" GPL licenses, and proprietary EULAs
> that traditionally do not take code into mind, but restrict the users
> in what they are allowed to do with programs.

I find this a particularly biased description.  Would you like to rethink
the phrasing "rape me" as a description of copyfree licensing terms as
embodied in a BSD License?

> Keep in mind that _those_ are not licenses as the previous ones - they
> are a _contract_ that you implicitely sign (by using, by opening the
> package, by buying the software or the like).

They're not really contracts unless you explicitly agree to them.
Implicit "agreement" is a matter of licensing, because it depends on
copyright law.  Contracts only depend on other laws not prohibiting them.

Organizations such as Microsoft, however, certainly do work hard to get
the courts to accord the same enforceability as contracts to EULAs, but
that does not mean they *are* contracts.

Chad Perrin [ original content licensed OWL: ]

Description: PGP signature

Re: free sco unix

2011-06-16 Thread Chad Perrin
On Thu, Jun 16, 2011 at 07:43:59PM -0400, Daniel Staal wrote:
> (The other common case in the USA is road maps.  A simple 'lines following 
> their geographic contours, labeled' is a set of facts.  One result of this 
> is that most road maps in the US either are missing some minor roads, or 
> have minor roads on them that don't exist.  It makes them copyrightable.)

This tactic has been used by dictionary publishers as well.

Chad Perrin [ original content licensed OWL: ]

Description: PGP signature

Training To Improve Women's Admin. Competence

2011-06-16 Thread WOMEN DEVELOPMENT

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PROGRAM OBJECTIVES are to provide effective manpower training that
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NEWManagement Training Program holding in Lagos Nigeria:


Date: -  April  26-28, 2011 (Three-Days)
Fee: -N25, 000.00 (Twenty Five Thousand Naira Only) per head

Venue : WODIA Training Institute (WOTI)
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At the end of the Training Program, Participants will lean how to :

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Re: free sco unix

2011-06-16 Thread Polytropon
On Fri, 17 Jun 2011 04:07:08 +0400, Peter Vereshagin  
> And does FreeBSD Foundation own its FreeBSD UNIX then? If it does, did it pay
> for it? Does it certify its FreeBSD as a UNIX and how much does it pay?

Basically, the main page says "based on", this states a
fact and does not say anything about ownership or a
certificate ("is a certified UNIX").

> Is there a way to define what
> set of bytes can (or not) be the identification and/or copyrighted material? I
> supposed the length can be such a criteria, no?

I think basically you own the copyright about ANYTHING
you create. In how far this is to be considered a
"creational act at a certain level" is still debatable.

> How is it possible to sell the what you do not have?

In a licensing context, you don't sell something material.
You give permission to do something, usually for a certain
fee. So you could say you "sell the right to do something".

Selling things you don't own... big business in banking
and stock trade. :-)

> And if you have it that means you hold it and it means you own it.

Not neccessarily. Even if you have power over something,
it doesn't imply that you own it (like a rental car), as
just by having power over it it doesn't become one's property.

> For example, you can pass that as an inheritance and change that something
> according to your needs. Isn't it what the ownership is, by definition?

Ownership focused on the creational act maybe (the changing).
Wow, it gets complicated... :-)

> I believe Unix was such a word in 19[67]0s? 
> How about that same 'Morphtkdlfgjfjdsksjfnmvmdkedkfjgjg' from this thread? is 
> it?
> How much the trouble must it be? What units it can be measured? For example, 
> no
> any monkey of those performing typewriters theorem:
> no any single monkey of them I believe shall not have any trouble at all with 
> a
> task?

As soon as commercial interests enter the field, money talks.
When you can use a name, even "as simple as UNIX", has the
power to make the big bucks, control over it is important.

> DS> A longer work, a story or a section of code, is much more original, so 
> you 
> DS> can take out a copyright on it.
> But in scientific world, the cases are known when the whole theorems are being
> invented simultaneously.

In this world, the "winner" writes history, so inventions get
attributed to the person who first made it public.

> 'story or a section of code' is a somewhat less original.

Depends on the story and the code. Of course, implementing
a bubblesort algorithm in Java isn't any original, but still
the coder owns the copyright for this portion of code. It's
debatable in how far this code can be distinguished from
example code, e. g. if he uses the same style and identifiers
as in a public example.

> There are many modern languages I believe with a very long words. German
> probably isn't the best instance to showcast but is a good hint.

It is. Donaudampfschiffahrtsgesellschaftskapitaensmuetzenhalter.
And you can construct even longer ones. In Russian, there's the
most famous gOCTOnPNME4ATEJIbHOCTb (dostoprimetshatyelnost).

> It's just a matter of a freedom to speech to me. And to everyone else I 
> believe.

Copyright and ownership of creation just makes sure that someone
can't express OTHER's work as his own, as it is currently in the
media in Germany - "honorable" academics (now politicians) got
convicted having copied massive amounts (>50%) in their thesis,
without STATING that they copied them (proper quoting with
identification of the source).

> I mean why anyone should just care about who made the copy of the bytes from
> one place to another?

The media industry cares a lot. As soon as they can profit from
every byte copied, still stating that those are "their bytes"...

> Words themselves --- aren't they a national property? Those are my in the 
> exact
> moment I use them, but it's only the right to use them, not the ownership,
> right?

I would say that as soon as you use words (that live in "public
domain") to form your thoughts (which _you_ "own") into
sentences, you will be attributed the creation of those
sentences, so yes, I would even guess that this can be seen
as an immaterial ownership.

> DS> A trademark is a mark: It marks a product as having come from a person or 
> DS> company.
> Fiction.
> If product is unique then people use to mark it with different name(s)

Not neccessarily. If products are similar, people will use one
stereotypic product name to address all products of that kind,
just thing about the Walkman (which is a product by Sony), which
got the "default name" for any portable cassette player.

> Fioction too. Nothing allows me to control what other people do. And it's not
> only me to be able to allow.
> Rich and armored people are allowed, of course. But this is not because of the
> law. They can make the law to allow them do what they just use to 

Re: free sco unix

2011-06-16 Thread Chuck Swiger
On Jun 16, 2011, at 5:07 PM, Peter Vereshagin wrote:
> And does FreeBSD Foundation own its FreeBSD UNIX then? If it does, did it pay
> for it? Does it certify its FreeBSD as a UNIX and how much does it pay?

The FreeBSD Foundation is a non-profit organization which supports and 
represents the FreeBSD project.  FreeBSD is a BSD Unix operating system; but it 
isn't Open Group certified UNIX(tm) primarily because people don't feel it's 
worth paying for such certification. [1]

As for the rest of the commentary, it's drifting wildly off-topic.  If you want 
legal advice, you need to talk to your lawyer, not to random folks on a mailing 
list who aren't qualified to practice law.


[1]: AIX, HP/UX, Mac OS X, and Solaris are the only certified UNIX(tm) 2003 
platforms.  None of the freely available BSDs (ie, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, 
and so forth) are certified UNIX.

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Re: free sco unix

2011-06-16 Thread Peter Vereshagin
You can't take no for an answer, freebsd-questions!
2011/06/16 18:20:43 -0400 Daniel Staal  => To Peter Vereshagin :
DS> > CP> UNIX, the name, is a trademark.  We can use it all we like here,
DS> > speaking
DS> >
DS> > Do we need a license to use it? ;-)
DS> According to what I recall of my 'business law for managers' classes: As 
DS> long as we don't claim we own it,

And does FreeBSD Foundation own its FreeBSD UNIX then? If it does, did it pay
for it? Does it certify its FreeBSD as a UNIX and how much does it pay?

> and only *referring* to the company who 
DS> does or it's products, no.  It's an identifying mark: You can use it to 
DS> identify.

No, I can't. I use 2 things: paper ID and a face.
The difference is those are not the set of the bytes. But both the trademark
and a copyrighted mnaterial are. Well, use to be. Is there a way to define what
set of bytes can (or not) be the identification and/or copyrighted material? I
supposed the length can be such a criteria, no?

DS> I don't need a license to talk about Peter Vershagain, as long as I don't 
DS> claim that *I* am Peter Vershagain.  ;)

But who knows if you really are. I'm not, for example. ;) If you claim that you
are, and I claim that I am not, which of us is presumed to prove the own point?

DS> If I wanted to say that something I was selling was something you had made 
DS> or endorsed, I'd want to pay you for a licence to use your name in that 
DS> context.

How is it possible to sell the what you do not have?
And if you have it that means you hold it and it means you own it.
For example, you can pass that as an inheritance and change that something
according to your needs. Isn't it what the ownership is, by definition?

DS> Your name isn't copyrighted: Anyone can copy it.  But we can't *claim* it.

Or what?
Is my name that bad that we can't claim it?
Is your name that same bad?
what's the matter about my name, anyway?

DS> > CP> about the UNIX trademark, its applicability, who owns the trademark,
DS> > and CP> so on.  We just can't claim *we* own it, misapply it to things to
DS> > which
DS> >
DS> > So it's just enough to reserve a copyright on this word usage and we will
DS> > have just another reason why we can't claim we own it ;-)
DS> >
DS> > Sorry my confusion, it's just a new thing to me and it seems as absurd as
DS> > those ideas.
DS> It's extremely hard to claim a copyright on a single word: You have to meet 
DS> an orgininality requirement that a single word is going to have trouble 
DS> meeting.

I believe Unix was such a word in 19[67]0s? 
How about that same 'Morphtkdlfgjfjdsksjfnmvmdkedkfjgjg' from this thread? is 
How much the trouble must it be? What units it can be measured? For example, no
any monkey of those performing typewriters theorem:

no any single monkey of them I believe shall not have any trouble at all with a

DS> A longer work, a story or a section of code, is much more original, so you 
DS> can take out a copyright on it.

But in scientific world, the cases are known when the whole theorems are being
invented simultaneously.
'story or a section of code' is a somewhat less original.
How much longer such a work must be? 
For example redskin Indians may had the one word or at least very few of them
to mean the whole speech.
There are many modern languages I believe with a very long words. German
probably isn't the best instance to showcast but is a good hint.

Why me again?  I know I can not take out any right like this because it's never
implemented in terms of reality for any single regular someone, although it's
not a fiction for the big organizations but a nice tool to point and shoot.

> This means you have the right to say who 
DS> can and cannot make copies.  (Mostly cannot...)

It's just a matter of a freedom to speech to me. And to everyone else I believe.

> But if you give someone 
DS> the right to make a copy, they still can't say that *you* made that copy. 

Do you mean anyone cares about who exactly handmade everyday cosumerics?
I mean why anyone should just care about who made the copy of the bytes from
one place to another?
This can be a machine, or a network of them, without any human intervention, by
And they even can belong to absolutely nobody. Why not?

DS> (But they must say that the words are yours, unless you've given them the 
DS> right to do otherwise.)

Words themselves --- aren't they a national property? Those are my in the exact
moment I use them, but it's only the right to use them, not the ownership,

DS> (And note that a pure list of facts can't be copyrighted: The phone book is 
DS> often an example.  It's just a list of names and numbers.)

So if 'roses are roses are roses' were written nowadays they could not been
sold and thus become famous and thus to be a culture contribution?
Is it of any good to be so restricted and morally poor like that?

DS> A trademark is a mark: It marks a pro

Re: free sco unix

2011-06-16 Thread Daniel Staal

--As of June 17, 2011 12:47:45 AM +0200, Polytropon is alleged to have said:

(And note that a pure list of facts can't be copyrighted: The phone book
is  often an example.  It's just a list of names and numbers.)

Interesting, never tought of that, but sounds obvious.

--As for the rest, it is mine.

I should be careful with that one actually; It's fairly recent case law in 
the US that set that particular barrier.  I can't guarantee that it's the 
case elsewhere in the world.

In the USA, you have to do something more than just compile the data and 
present it in a simplistic fashion to gain a copyright.  If you have an 
*interesting* sorting scheme that could do it, or if you add value some 
other way, but if all you've done are presented the basic facts, you 
haven't advanced the state of the art.

(The other common case in the USA is road maps.  A simple 'lines following 
their geographic contours, labeled' is a set of facts.  One result of this 
is that most road maps in the US either are missing some minor roads, or 
have minor roads on them that don't exist.  It makes them copyrightable.)

Daniel T. Staal

This email copyright the author.  Unless otherwise noted, you
are expressly allowed to retransmit, quote, or otherwise use
the contents for non-commercial purposes.  This copyright will
expire 5 years after the author's death, or in 30 years,
whichever is longer, unless such a period is in excess of
local copyright law.
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Re: OT: Strange memory reading (hardware)

2011-06-16 Thread Robert Bonomi
> From  Thu Jun 16 16:56:48 2011
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> Date: Thu, 16 Jun 2011 14:10:30 -0700
> From: Robert 
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> Subject: OT: Strange memory reading (hardware)
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> Greetings 
> I have a strange problem with memory on one of my computers. I have
> recently converted this computer to a NAS server. It is an Asus
> A8N-VM MB running freenas amd64. I have 4 one Gig memory sticks
> installed and as well as I can remember, it had always seen the 4 Gig
> of RAM. Most recently I had 9 current installed.
> The problem is not with freenas as it is absolutely hardware. 
> I have tested with all of the sticks installed and with one at a time.
> When all of the sticks are installed, BIOS show a total of 2752 MB of
> RAM. If any of the sticks are installed alone in any of the four slots,
> BIOS then shows 960 MB instead of the 1024 one would expect.
> Quickly subtracting 960 from 1024 gets 64 MB missing. Hmmm, perhaps an
> address lead or data lead on the MB is open. This I can understand, but
> using any finagling factors I can think of, I can't get close to the
> missing total of 1344 MB (4096-2752).
> The freenas system runs quite well with the available memory but I was
> wondering if anyone could help me understand this problem.
> Thank you for reading this and i hope you are having a great day.
> Robert
> ___
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Re: OT: Strange memory reading (hardware)

2011-06-16 Thread Adam Vande More
On Thu, Jun 16, 2011 at 5:11 PM, Chuck Swiger  wrote:

> As for not being able to access all 4GB, this is a FAQ.
> If you run a 32-bit system, the top gigabyte or so of address space is
> reserved for memory mapped I/O reservations like AGP, PCIe, etc.
> If your hardware is capable of running in 64-bit mode, do that.

If the issue is present at POST, then it's not related to the FAQ you are
referring too.  In that case, the only fix I'm aware of it to update the
BIOS which isn't always possible.

Adam Vande More
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Re: OT: Strange memory reading (hardware)

2011-06-16 Thread Robert
On Thu, 16 Jun 2011 15:11:22 -0700
Chuck Swiger  wrote:

> On Jun 16, 2011, at 2:10 PM, Robert wrote:
> > I have tested with all of the sticks installed and with one at a
> > time. When all of the sticks are installed, BIOS show a total of
> > 2752 MB of RAM. If any of the sticks are installed alone in any of
> > the four slots, BIOS then shows 960 MB instead of the 1024 one
> > would expect.
> Sounds like the BIOS is stealing 64MB for video RAM.
> There's likely a BIOS setting which governs the size of this.
> As for not being able to access all 4GB, this is a FAQ.
> If you run a 32-bit system, the top gigabyte or so of address space is
> reserved for memory mapped I/O reservations like AGP, PCIe, etc.
> If your hardware is capable of running in 64-bit mode, do that.
> Regards,


Thanks for the reply. I should have been clearer. During POST only 2752
MB is shown.

Also, I am running the amd64 version of freenas.

As I said, I am 100% sure this is a MOBO hardware problem and I was
just trying to compute the math.

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Re: Strange memory reading (hardware)

2011-06-16 Thread Robert
On Thu, 16 Jun 2011 17:09:30 -0500
Gary Gatten  wrote:

> It's quite simple really, it's another hidden tax - "Redistribution
> of RAM".  You see, even with all the entitlement programs "poor"
> people can't afford more than 512MB of RAM.  As you are certainly
> aware that's not enough to watch YouTube and Hulu on their government
> funded (tax payer funded) ultra high speed internet connections.  So,
> the government has taken some of your RAM (as you obviously can
> afford to buy more if needed) and will give it to those who really
> NEED it - so while they sit around collecting government aid (tax
> payer earnings) their streaming video's will play smoothly.

What! I didn't even vote for those guys. :-)
> Woa - I guess I digressed a bit...
> Ummm, sorry - I don't know why this would be.  Is there some memory
> mapped video (or disk controller?) stealing RAM?
I guess I wasn't clear. Only 2752 MB is show during POST instead 0f
4096. It has always shown 4096 on this MB.

Thanks for lighting up my day with the above humor. :-)

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Auto Reply: Re: free sco unix

2011-06-16 Thread dave . segleau
I am out of the office until June 20th. I will only have intermittent access to 
email. I will read and reply to your message when I get back to the office. 

If you need assistance with a Berkeley DB or Product Management issue while I 
am away, please contact 
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Re: free sco unix

2011-06-16 Thread Polytropon
On Thu, 16 Jun 2011 18:20:43 -0400, Daniel Staal  wrote:
> According to what I recall of my 'business law for managers' classes: As 
> long as we don't claim we own it, and only *referring* to the company who 
> does or it's products, no.  It's an identifying mark: You can use it to 
> identify.

That's correct, and you can see an evidence directly on
the FreeBSD main web page:

Based on BSD UNIX(R)

This indicates that the name "UNIX" is a registered
trademark (which is registered to its owner).

> It's extremely hard to claim a copyright on a single word: You have to meet 
> an orgininality requirement that a single word is going to have trouble 
> meeting.

There is another important term, but I'm not sure how to
translate it properly. In German, it's "Schaffenshoehe",
refering to the "level of work you put into creating it".
This finalizes in patent law. To make sure nobody can make
money out of "trivial patents", such as patenting the
word "or" and forcing everybody to pay a license fee for
using it, there is a certain barrier that prohibits
copyright claims on "too simple things".

> A longer work, a story or a section of code, is much more original, so you 
> can take out a copyright on it.  This means you have the right to say who 
> can and cannot make copies.  (Mostly cannot...)

Correct, those are the "licensing terms" common to software
licenses, but they basically apply everywhere where permissions
to do something are granted, or vice versa.

> But if you give someone 
> the right to make a copy, they still can't say that *you* made that copy. 
> (But they must say that the words are yours, unless you've given them the 
> right to do otherwise.)

This topic is currently in the news in Germany: "Intellectual
theft" - where you claim other's persons words (and work) to
be your own, i. e. quoting without indicating so.

> (And note that a pure list of facts can't be copyrighted: The phone book is 
> often an example.  It's just a list of names and numbers.)

Interesting, never tought of that, but sounds obvious.

> A trademark is a mark: It marks a product as having come from a person or 
> company.
> A copyright is a license/right: It allows you to control what other people 
> do with your work.  (Or some of it.)
> They are two very different, if somewhat confusing, things.
> Another example:  If you wrote a program, you'd probably want to say who 
> can sell it (or give it away) and under what conditions.  That's copyright. 
> (Even if your conditions are just 'don't take off my trademark'.)
> You'd probably also want people to know who wrote it, so you'd put your 
> name on it.  That's a trademark.

Thanks for making this important difference clear.

Magdeburg, Germany
Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
Andra moi ennepe, Mousa, ...
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Re: free sco unix

2011-06-16 Thread Daniel Staal
--As of June 16, 2011 11:21:34 PM +0400, Peter Vereshagin is alleged to 
have said:

CP> UNIX, the name, is a trademark.  We can use it all we like here,

Do we need a license to use it? ;-)

According to what I recall of my 'business law for managers' classes: As 
long as we don't claim we own it, and only *referring* to the company who 
does or it's products, no.  It's an identifying mark: You can use it to 

I don't need a license to talk about Peter Vershagain, as long as I don't 
claim that *I* am Peter Vershagain.  ;)

If I wanted to say that something I was selling was something you had made 
or endorsed, I'd want to pay you for a licence to use your name in that 

Your name isn't copyrighted: Anyone can copy it.  But we can't *claim* it.

CP> about the UNIX trademark, its applicability, who owns the trademark,
and CP> so on.  We just can't claim *we* own it, misapply it to things to

So it's just enough to reserve a copyright on this word usage and we will
have just another reason why we can't claim we own it ;-)

Sorry my confusion, it's just a new thing to me and it seems as absurd as
those ideas.

It's extremely hard to claim a copyright on a single word: You have to meet 
an orgininality requirement that a single word is going to have trouble 

A longer work, a story or a section of code, is much more original, so you 
can take out a copyright on it.  This means you have the right to say who 
can and cannot make copies.  (Mostly cannot...)  But if you give someone 
the right to make a copy, they still can't say that *you* made that copy. 
(But they must say that the words are yours, unless you've given them the 
right to do otherwise.)

(And note that a pure list of facts can't be copyrighted: The phone book is 
often an example.  It's just a list of names and numbers.)

A trademark is a mark: It marks a product as having come from a person or 

A copyright is a license/right: It allows you to control what other people 
do with your work.  (Or some of it.)

They are two very different, if somewhat confusing, things.

Another example:  If you wrote a program, you'd probably want to say who 
can sell it (or give it away) and under what conditions.  That's copyright. 
(Even if your conditions are just 'don't take off my trademark'.)

You'd probably also want people to know who wrote it, so you'd put your 
name on it.  That's a trademark.

Daniel T. Staal

CP> Chad Perrin [ original content licensed OWL: ]

This email copyright the author.  Unless otherwise noted, you
are expressly allowed to retransmit, quote, or otherwise use
the contents for non-commercial purposes.  This copyright will
expire 5 years after the author's death, or in 30 years,
whichever is longer, unless such a period is in excess of
local copyright law.
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RE: Strange memory reading (hardware)

2011-06-16 Thread Gary Gatten
It's quite simple really, it's another hidden tax - "Redistribution of RAM".  
You see, even with all the entitlement programs "poor" people can't afford more 
than 512MB of RAM.  As you are certainly aware that's not enough to watch 
YouTube and Hulu on their government funded (tax payer funded) ultra high speed 
internet connections.  So, the government has taken some of your RAM (as you 
obviously can afford to buy more if needed) and will give it to those who 
really NEED it - so while they sit around collecting government aid (tax payer 
earnings) their streaming video's will play smoothly.

Woa - I guess I digressed a bit...

Ummm, sorry - I don't know why this would be.  Is there some memory mapped 
video (or disk controller?) stealing RAM?


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Robert
Sent: Thursday, June 16, 2011 4:11 PM
To: freebsd-questions@
Subject: OT: Strange memory reading (hardware)


I have a strange problem with memory on one of my computers. I have
recently converted this computer to a NAS server. It is an Asus
A8N-VM MB running freenas amd64. I have 4 one Gig memory sticks
installed and as well as I can remember, it had always seen the 4 Gig
of RAM. Most recently I had 9 current installed.

The problem is not with freenas as it is absolutely hardware. 

I have tested with all of the sticks installed and with one at a time.
When all of the sticks are installed, BIOS show a total of 2752 MB of
RAM. If any of the sticks are installed alone in any of the four slots,
BIOS then shows 960 MB instead of the 1024 one would expect.

Quickly subtracting 960 from 1024 gets 64 MB missing. Hmmm, perhaps an
address lead or data lead on the MB is open. This I can understand, but
using any finagling factors I can think of, I can't get close to the
missing total of 1344 MB (4096-2752).

The freenas system runs quite well with the available memory but I was
wondering if anyone could help me understand this problem.

Thank you for reading this and i hope you are having a great day.

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Re: OT: Strange memory reading (hardware)

2011-06-16 Thread Chuck Swiger
On Jun 16, 2011, at 2:10 PM, Robert wrote:
> I have tested with all of the sticks installed and with one at a time.
> When all of the sticks are installed, BIOS show a total of 2752 MB of
> RAM. If any of the sticks are installed alone in any of the four slots,
> BIOS then shows 960 MB instead of the 1024 one would expect.

Sounds like the BIOS is stealing 64MB for video RAM.
There's likely a BIOS setting which governs the size of this.

As for not being able to access all 4GB, this is a FAQ.
If you run a 32-bit system, the top gigabyte or so of address space is
reserved for memory mapped I/O reservations like AGP, PCIe, etc.

If your hardware is capable of running in 64-bit mode, do that.


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OT: Strange memory reading (hardware)

2011-06-16 Thread Robert

I have a strange problem with memory on one of my computers. I have
recently converted this computer to a NAS server. It is an Asus
A8N-VM MB running freenas amd64. I have 4 one Gig memory sticks
installed and as well as I can remember, it had always seen the 4 Gig
of RAM. Most recently I had 9 current installed.

The problem is not with freenas as it is absolutely hardware. 

I have tested with all of the sticks installed and with one at a time.
When all of the sticks are installed, BIOS show a total of 2752 MB of
RAM. If any of the sticks are installed alone in any of the four slots,
BIOS then shows 960 MB instead of the 1024 one would expect.

Quickly subtracting 960 from 1024 gets 64 MB missing. Hmmm, perhaps an
address lead or data lead on the MB is open. This I can understand, but
using any finagling factors I can think of, I can't get close to the
missing total of 1344 MB (4096-2752).

The freenas system runs quite well with the available memory but I was
wondering if anyone could help me understand this problem.

Thank you for reading this and i hope you are having a great day.

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Re: free sco unix

2011-06-16 Thread Polytropon
On Thu, 16 Jun 2011 19:29:42 +0400, Peter Vereshagin  
> Lawyers are so lawyers ;-)

Two lawyers, three opinions. :-)

Magdeburg, Germany
Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
Andra moi ennepe, Mousa, ...
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Re: OT: printer, our cups port, and is-there-a-generic-laser?

2011-06-16 Thread Polytropon
On Thu, 16 Jun 2011 07:00:30 -0600 (MDT), Warren Block  
> Also, see "lpd Printing With FreeBSD"

It's worth mentioning that real office printers (those that
come with Ethernet) traditionally contain their own "lpd
subsystem", so you can submit printing jobs directly into
the printer and manipulate _that_ queue using the system's
lp* tools.

This is very comfortable when you have more than one computer
in the house. You don't need to mess with silly "drivers", you
simply point to the printer's IP. Yes, it _is_ that simple.
Now all PCs in the (home) network can send their jobs directly
into the printer.

Another point is that office hardware, if old enough, lasts
nearly forever. I know that my experience is very limited,
but the HP Laserjet 4 which I do own for nearly 20 years now
is the best example. I got it as a used (!) printer, so I can't
tell what the former owner did to it. I did excessively use
that printer for many years now, and it is STILL WORKING. I
can even get spare parts for that old device if needed.

But go ahead, buy a "cheap" USB inkpee printer, and we'll
discuss in 20 years if it is still working. :-)

Magdeburg, Germany
Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
Andra moi ennepe, Mousa, ...
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Re: Another PHP5 problem

2011-06-16 Thread Jack L. Stone
At 10:57 PM 6/16/2011 +0300, Reko Turja wrote:
>>>The no-accf.conf under includes is for if you do not desire to use 
>>>either of
>>>the AcceptFilter choices, one for httpd the other for SSL traffic. 
>>>can be loaded as kernel modules in /boot/loader.conf as such:
>You can also build the modules into kernel itself with:
>#Apache kernel modules
>I reckon that the thing you are missing is kernel rebuild and 

Hi, Reko:

Was hoping to avoid that, but really no biggie.



Happy trails,
Jack L. Stone

System Admin
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Re: Another PHP5 problem

2011-06-16 Thread Michael Powell
Jack L. Stone wrote:

> At 12:56 PM 6/16/2011 -0400, Michael Powell wrote:
>>Jack L. Stone wrote:
>>The no-accf.conf under includes is for if you do not desire to use either
>>the AcceptFilter choices, one for httpd the other for SSL traffic.  These
>>can be loaded as kernel modules in /boot/loader.conf as such:
>> Mike
> Mike:
> Got the apache22 configured on the test server with one exception being
> the error I keep getting regarding this one:
> "[warn] (22)Invalid argument: Failed to enable the 'httpready' Accept
> Filter"
> I first loaded it in the kernel via kldload:
> # kldload accf_http
> The first apache22 restart didn't have the error, but returned on other
> restarts. Can't seem to unload the line from the kernel and add to the
> boot loader.conf. What did I do wrong?
The /boot/loader.conf is just a text file that you add lines of text. It is 
read and stuff done only at boot. When these modules are loaded at boot you 
do not need to kldload them. Nearest thing I can figure is they need to be 
loaded at boot, then Apache gets started right after. When this sequence 
applies there will not be these messages. For a server that stays up and 
online all the time this is not a problem. The only time I've ever seen this 
error is on apachectl restarts at times other than booting. And I don't 
really know why either. 

Strictly speaking these thing are not required, they are only supposedly 
some small performance enhancer. I have also never seen Apache actually fail 
or exhibit any problems even in spite of this error message. But I don't 
apachectl restart (or reboot for that matter) very often.  You could just as 
easily forgo this, e.g. not load the kernel modules and leave the 
Include etc/apache22/Includes/*.conf line in your httpd.conf and never 
notice any difference. This will load the no-accf.conf files from the 
includes directory and tell Apache not to look for these modules. 

Whether and/or how much these actually help Apache is probably debatable. 
They are supposed to be helpful performance-wise, but as to how much I 
couldn't say. But I have never seen this error/warning message actually be 
related to any problem, and since I don't reboot or restart all the time I 
don't get them. You could just as easily forego using them and probably 
never notice.


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Re: Another PHP5 problem

2011-06-16 Thread Reko Turja
The no-accf.conf under includes is for if you do not desire to use 
either of
the AcceptFilter choices, one for httpd the other for SSL traffic. 

can be loaded as kernel modules in /boot/loader.conf as such:


You can also build the modules into kernel itself with:

#Apache kernel modules

I reckon that the thing you are missing is kernel rebuild and 


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Re: startup postgresql 9.0.3

2011-06-16 Thread Michael Powell
Jeff Hamann wrote:

> I've installed and tested postgresql just fine on FreeBSD 8.2.
> I've been trying to get postgresql (the server) to start on bootup using
> /etc/rc.conf system.

Sometime quite a while back FreeBSD imported the rc.subr startup subsystem 
from NetBSD.

> I'm using the script from the tarball (found in the
> contrib/start-scripts/freebsd of postreges tarball)

This script is not in rc.subr format, looks a tad "Linuxy" at first glance.

> I can't seem to get it to work on FreeBSD 8.2 amd64 (I don't think the
> arch is important here, but you never know).
> As instructed in the script, I've moved the file to
> /usr/local/etc/rc.d/postgresql

This is definitely the right location.

There are some instructions on a couple of other things to look at first in 
the ports build output. These can be examined in the port directory for 
> I've added the "postgresql_enable=YES" to /etc/rc/conf.

As a non rc.subr script it will never pick up this variable.
> I know I'm missing some magic here
> (
> perhaps?)
> I've /usr/local/pgsql/bin./postgres --help'd too and can't seem to get
> traction.

If everything else seems OK, like you can start it without the script and 
all you need to do is convert the script over so it will start with boot, 
look over the port patchset and some of the other startup scripts. It's not 
too difficult once you see how the other rc.subr scripts are put together.

I thought a sysvinit script would still work as a fallback as long as it was 
marked executable, and perhaps with a .sh at the end. I remember needing the 
.sh for a while and discovering they were supposed to work anyway without 
it. Upon investigation that turned out to be something I missed/ignored with 
mergemaster during a system update. Maybe this has fallen by the wayside.

> Can you please help? I'm sure this is something simple I'm neglecting.

I'm pretty "simple" myself. If I can install it with the ports system where 
all the hard stuff has been handled for me by people smarter than me, well, 
that's a no-brainer.  :-)
> Please don't respond with "Why don't you just use the ports collection?"

My first inclination. Postgresql is a fairly complicated thing and using the 
ports to install it "makes it go". Too many other pressing issues...

> There's reasons - like: 
> 1) need to build from source

Uhmmm - ports build from source.

> 3) it's for a  tutorial 

- non-sequitur

> 3) postgresql90-server isn't building.

I would be more concerned by this. I just went to the postgresql90-server 
port and it built just fine.  If it isn't for you it indicates other 
problems with your system. Another thing you'll find eventually, that when 
you don't use the ports system maintenance will soon become a nightmare. As 
a sysadmin I make it a point to not shoot myself in the foot. Building stuff 
from tarballs is for the birds from a sysadmins point of view. It's called: 
"Ready! Fire! Aim!"



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Re: Another PHP5 problem

2011-06-16 Thread Jack L. Stone
At 12:56 PM 6/16/2011 -0400, Michael Powell wrote:
>Jack L. Stone wrote:
>The no-accf.conf under includes is for if you do not desire to use either of 
>the AcceptFilter choices, one for httpd the other for SSL traffic.  These 
>can be loaded as kernel modules in /boot/loader.conf as such:
> Mike


Got the apache22 configured on the test server with one exception being the
error I keep getting regarding this one:

"[warn] (22)Invalid argument: Failed to enable the 'httpready' Accept Filter"

I first loaded it in the kernel via kldload:
# kldload accf_http

The first apache22 restart didn't have the error, but returned on other
restarts. Can't seem to unload the line from the kernel and add to the boot
loader.conf. What did I do wrong?


Happy trails,
Jack L. Stone

System Admin
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Re: free sco unix

2011-06-16 Thread Peter Vereshagin
You can't take no for an answer, freebsd-questions!
2011/06/16 12:30:07 -0600 Chad Perrin  => To :
CP> * The UNIX source code's copyright is held by . . . damn.  It keeps

I always told this name is a kind of Black Label. Companies to hold it use to
meet fatal troubles, even if it's not a trademark ownership, e. g., in the case
of Sun.

CP> For any of the above to be called UNIX, it must meet the Open Group's
CP> certification standards and (more importantly) have some certification
CP> fee paid, as I understand it.

I believe Linus, on some stage, wouldn't refuse to certify his 'minix clone' in
the case it was for free. In his 'Just for fun' he tells he was following by
Solaris specs, so the well-known truth he started it from scratch may appear to
be not the all the truth in terms of legacy?  Anyway the price of 'unix
certification' service from the open group seem to be deeper than I can
challenge, is it normal?
Meanwhile, the same thing from LMI, the 'sublicensing' of the trademarks, even
up to internet domains required in certain cases, seem to be paid in certain
cases but there is no price I can find. What a dark forest is all that legal

73! Peter pgp: A0E26627 (4A42 6841 2871 5EA7 52AB  12F8 0CE1 4AAC A0E2 6627)
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Re: free sco unix

2011-06-16 Thread Peter Vereshagin
You can't take no for an answer, freebsd-questions!
2011/06/16 12:46:20 -0600 Chad Perrin  => To :
CP> > But both are just words/phrases, right?
CP> Here's an example of the difference:

Good example, it's on-topic ;-)

CP> UNIX, the name, is a trademark.  We can use it all we like here, speaking

Do we need a license to use it? ;-)

CP> about the UNIX trademark, its applicability, who owns the trademark, and
CP> so on.  We just can't claim *we* own it, misapply it to things to which

So it's just enough to reserve a copyright on this word usage and we will have
just another reason why we can't claim we own it ;-)

Sorry my confusion, it's just a new thing to me and it seems as absurd as those

CP> it does not legally apply, and so on (subject to some fair use
CP> exceptions, such as parodies).
CP> The source code of a closed source UNIX operating system such as HP-UX is
CP> not trademarked, because it is not an identifying mark.  Because it is
CP> subject to copyright, if one of us has legally gained access to it, we
CP> cannot just post it all in its entirety to the mailing list (assuming
CP> that posting that much source to the list wasn't a problem in and of
CP> itself) without violating copyright laws of most industrialized
CP> countries -- regardless of what we said about it.
CP> The difference is that trademarks are used to identify some entity and
CP> its creations, while copyrights are used to censor the redistribution of
CP> creations themselves.
CP> -- 
CP> Chad Perrin [ original content licensed OWL: ]

73! Peter pgp: A0E26627 (4A42 6841 2871 5EA7 52AB  12F8 0CE1 4AAC A0E2 6627)
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Re: startup postgresql 9.0.3

2011-06-16 Thread Chuck Swiger
On Jun 16, 2011, at 10:26 AM, Jeff Hamann wrote:
> I've installed and tested postgresql just fine on FreeBSD 8.2.

I gather this means running the database manually via "postgres -D 
/usr/local/pgsql/data" works normally?

> As instructed in the script, I've moved the file to 
> /usr/local/etc/rc.d/postgresql
> I've added the "postgresql_enable=YES" to /etc/rc/conf.

Is /usr/local/etc/rc.d/postgresql executable?

What does "/usr/local/etc/rc.d/postgresql start" do?
(If you don't get a useful answer, running it via sh -x might be more 

> Please don't respond with "Why don't you just use the ports collection?" 
> There's reasons - like: 1) need to build from source, 3) it's for a tutorial, 
> and 3) postgresql90-server isn't building.

You've counted to three rather oddly there.
Obviously, building from ports is building from source.

I don't see how the first "3)" is relevant, but the errors reported from the 
second "3)" might be more interesting.


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Re: free sco unix

2011-06-16 Thread Chad Perrin
On Thu, Jun 16, 2011 at 10:20:11PM +0400, Peter Vereshagin wrote:
> But both are just words/phrases, right?

Here's an example of the difference:

UNIX, the name, is a trademark.  We can use it all we like here, speaking
about the UNIX trademark, its applicability, who owns the trademark, and
so on.  We just can't claim *we* own it, misapply it to things to which
it does not legally apply, and so on (subject to some fair use
exceptions, such as parodies).

The source code of a closed source UNIX operating system such as HP-UX is
not trademarked, because it is not an identifying mark.  Because it is
subject to copyright, if one of us has legally gained access to it, we
cannot just post it all in its entirety to the mailing list (assuming
that posting that much source to the list wasn't a problem in and of
itself) without violating copyright laws of most industrialized
countries -- regardless of what we said about it.

The difference is that trademarks are used to identify some entity and
its creations, while copyrights are used to censor the redistribution of
creations themselves.

Chad Perrin [ original content licensed OWL: ]

Description: PGP signature

Re: free sco unix

2011-06-16 Thread Chad Perrin
On Thu, Jun 16, 2011 at 02:22:43PM +0100, Matthew Seaman wrote:
> On 16/06/2011 13:52, Peter Vereshagin wrote:
> > 
> > unix is a trademark of
> Unix (note capitalization) is actually a trademark of the Open Group:

In case it was lost in the informative explanations of others, here's the
short version:

* UNIX is a trademark of the Open Group.  Unix is not.

* The UNIX source code's copyright is held by . . . damn.  It keeps
  changing.  I remember that it was once owned by Novell, but I think
  they might have sold it after the whole SCO fiasco.

FreeBSD uses BSD Unix source, not SysV Unix source, both of which are
descended from original AT&T UNIX source -- but the BSD Unix source is
distributed under the BSD License, while the SysV Unix source copyright
is tightly controlled under proprietary terms.

For any of the above to be called UNIX, it must meet the Open Group's
certification standards and (more importantly) have some certification
fee paid, as I understand it.

Chad Perrin [ original content licensed OWL: ]

Description: PGP signature

Re: free sco unix

2011-06-16 Thread Peter Vereshagin
You can't take no for an answer, freebsd-questions!
2011/06/16 13:36:32 -0400 Daniel Staal  => To :
DS> > RS> Copyright pertains to the source code.  Trademark pertains to the use
DS> > of
DS> > RS> signs, symbols, names, logos, etc.
DS> >
DS> > Source code itself can have 'signs, symbols, names, logos, etc.' and
DS> > consist in terms of its usability of them, doesn't it just use to?
DS> > 'signs, symbols, names, logos, etc.' same way can have their source code
DS> > and consist in terms of their usability of it, doesn't they just use to?
DS> Trademark is for 'this is made by me.  I put my name on it.'  Copyright is
DS> for the content of a book/speech/whatever.

But both are just words/phrases, right?
How one can be sure the trademark is allowed to copy? It is a thing to be
How one can be sure the copyrighted work itself is not a trademark? It can be
that strange word the one suggested to rebrand Linux in this thread. Of course
it doesn't sound to be a trademark yet so right now I can restrict its
copyright. But years later it may happen to be a recognized brand and to be a
trademark, right? ;-)
There should be a threshold of "up to N bytes/characters it is a trademark, but
more than it it is a work to be copyrighted', right?

DS> 'Trademark' is a _maker's mark._  The point is not encouraging the
DS> creation of works (like copyright): The point is so that a maker/seller

so 'Trademark' is ought to be nothing creative? But companies use to spend a
lots to invent them...

DS> can build a reputation with their customers.
DS> They are very different in terms, uses, and requirements.  In theory it is
DS> possible to hold both a trademark and a copyright on the same thing, but
DS> it is hard.  (You will likely fail applicability tests for one or the
DS> other.)  It is of course possible to put a trademark on something you've
DS> copyrighted, so people know who created it.
DS> Daniel T. Staal
DS> ---
DS> This email copyright the author.  Unless otherwise noted, you
DS> are expressly allowed to retransmit, quote, or otherwise use
DS> the contents for non-commercial purposes.  This copyright will
DS> expire 5 years after the author's death, or in 30 years,
DS> whichever is longer, unless such a period is in excess of
DS> local copyright law.
DS> ---
DS> ___
DS> mailing list
DS> To unsubscribe, send any mail to ""
73! Peter pgp: A0E26627 (4A42 6841 2871 5EA7 52AB  12F8 0CE1 4AAC A0E2 6627)
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startup postgresql 9.0.3

2011-06-16 Thread Jeff Hamann
I've installed and tested postgresql just fine on FreeBSD 8.2.

I've been trying to get postgresql (the server) to start on bootup using 
/etc/rc.conf system.

I'm using the script from the tarball (found in the 
contrib/start-scripts/freebsd of postreges tarball)

I can't seem to get it to work on FreeBSD 8.2 amd64 (I don't think the arch is 
important here, but you never know).

As instructed in the script, I've moved the file to 

I've added the "postgresql_enable=YES" to /etc/rc/conf.

I know I'm missing some magic here 

I've /usr/local/pgsql/bin./postgres --help'd too and can't seem to get traction.

Can you please help? I'm sure this is something simple I'm neglecting.

Please don't respond with "Why don't you just use the ports collection?" 
There's reasons - like: 1) need to build from source, 3) it's for a tutorial, 
and 3) postgresql90-server isn't building.


Jeff Hamann, PhD
PO Box 1421
Corvallis, Oregon 97339-1421

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Re: free sco unix

2011-06-16 Thread Daniel Staal

On Thu, June 16, 2011 12:20 pm, Peter Vereshagin wrote:
> You can't take no for an answer, freebsd-questions!
> 2011/06/16 11:54:05 -0400 Robert Simmons  => To
> :
> RS>
> RS>
> I'll surely will when I'll have some to trade ;-)
> RS> Copyright pertains to the source code.  Trademark pertains to the use
> of
> RS> signs, symbols, names, logos, etc.
> Source code itself can have 'signs, symbols, names, logos, etc.' and
> consist in terms of its usability of them, doesn't it just use to?
> 'signs, symbols, names, logos, etc.' same way can have their source code
> and consist in terms of their usability of it, doesn't they just use to?

Trademark is for 'this is made by me.  I put my name on it.'  Copyright is
for the content of a book/speech/whatever.

'Trademark' is a _maker's mark._  The point is not encouraging the
creation of works (like copyright): The point is so that a maker/seller
can build a reputation with their customers.

They are very different in terms, uses, and requirements.  In theory it is
possible to hold both a trademark and a copyright on the same thing, but
it is hard.  (You will likely fail applicability tests for one or the
other.)  It is of course possible to put a trademark on something you've
copyrighted, so people know who created it.

Daniel T. Staal

This email copyright the author.  Unless otherwise noted, you
are expressly allowed to retransmit, quote, or otherwise use
the contents for non-commercial purposes.  This copyright will
expire 5 years after the author's death, or in 30 years,
whichever is longer, unless such a period is in excess of
local copyright law.

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Re: Another PHP5 problem

2011-06-16 Thread Jack L. Stone
At 12:56 PM 6/16/2011 -0400, Michael Powell wrote:
>Jack L. Stone wrote:

Mike, very useful info. I had surmised about the "extra .configs" to reduce
the size of the main config file. I had already started doing that with

Have been studying the files and comparing to my present httpd.conf and do
see some changes that I suppose will emerge should they be needed. Some
lines/sections just have been moved around.

Again, thanks for taking the time with the info.


Happy trails,
Jack L. Stone

System Admin
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Re: free sco unix

2011-06-16 Thread Chris Rees
On 16 June 2011 17:47, Robert Simmons  wrote:
> On Thursday, June 16, 2011 12:31:19 PM Reko Turja wrote:
>> In that fictional world MySQL needed a fork and some GPL'd programs
>> have been retroactively made completely closed source, forking denied
>> after taking the issue into court...
> I thought that Sun reversed that decision in 2008.  Can you give some
> examples?
> There are two major GPL forks of MySQL right now:
> and
> MariaDB is the drop-in replacement for MySQL for people who want to get away
> from Oracle/MySQL AB.

This thread appears to have drifted off topic.

Perhaps move to chat?

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Re: Another PHP5 problem

2011-06-16 Thread Michael Powell
Jack L. Stone wrote:

> Thanks to both you and Mike for the advice. I've already installed
> apache22 on a test server and trying to allocate time to it as and when.
> Looks like this apr thing is going to raise the priority.

You shouldn't have any of these apr problems with 22. 
> Also, I see the sqlite3 is tacked on the apr you have. I only have:
> apr-ipv6-devrandom-gdbm-db46-mysql50-

>>The name depends completely on the knobs you have used with
>>portbuild - my apr is:

Depends on what knobs you chose during the make config stage.

> What are all of those "conf" files in the apache22/extra directory? Any
> includes needed there besides perhaps the ssl if used?

These are essentially just the big httpd.conf of old broken into separate 
sections. Many are not needed. You'll probably need httpd-default.conf, 
httpd-ssl.conf, httpd-mpm.conf at the bare minimum. If you are running any 
vhosts their configs will be in httpd-vhosts.conf. 

The no-accf.conf under includes is for if you do not desire to use either of 
the AcceptFilter choices, one for httpd the other for SSL traffic.  These 
can be loaded as kernel modules in /boot/loader.conf as such:


When there is a problem with these Apache will emit an error warning, but 
will operate OK. They are supposed to provide some small measure of 
performance improvement. What I've noticed is I never seem to get any 
warning when I boot a machine and Apache starts right up. I've only ever 
seen a warning occassionally when restarting. the no-accf.conf is simply 
telling Apache not to look for these modules. If you load these kernel 
modules simply comment out the 'Include' line at the bottom of httpd.conf.

The structure of the .conf file storage has changed, but once you look at 
the individual files themselves a lot of it is familiar, just divided up 
into pieces. There have been new and changed Directives from Apache 13, 20, 
and 22. What I did was to let apache22 install all it's default files and 
then just migrated over settings from backup copies of what I had in place 

One thing you'll want to know for the future - When you did make config to 
set the options for the Apache build the config gets saved as an 'options' 
file under /var/db/ports/apache22. There is a corresponding one for apr. Any 
additional extra build options not set here should be set in /etc/make.conf. 
Now I am remiss at going over and comparing mine for dupes and misfits, but 
by way of example my make.conf has this section in it:

#For Apache-2.2.9 Build

As you can see it's old. The advantage of having these 2 configs stored is 
from now on out when you do a portupgrade it will be pretty automagical. 
I've portupgraded since 2.2.9 and never had to mess with fixing anything!

Also, I would suspect your apr was just built with whatever the port 
maintainer has set as defaults if you just launched the Apache build and it 
built the apr port as a dependency. You can set your own if you build and do 
a 'make config' in the apr port first, or you could also do 'make config 
recursive' when beginning the Apache build and this allows to set dependency 
options ahead of time. The first time a port is built and there are no saved 
'options' file it will display the build options for you to choose. Once 
this file exists you need to do 'make config' to bring that screen up again. 
A 'make config recursive' will walk the dependency tree and show you them 


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Re: Another PHP5 problem

2011-06-16 Thread Reko Turja

From: "Jack L. Stone" 

Also, I see the sqlite3 is tacked on the apr you have. I only have:

Yeah when I ran make config for apr I selected sqlite as I had it 
already installed for stuff where I might need SQL capabilities, but 
full blown server is too 'heavy'.

What are all of those "conf" files in the apache22/extra directory? 

includes needed there besides perhaps the ssl if used?

Check those through, just in case there are some options you might 
want to include or are already using. I've moved the ones I needed to 
the Includes subdir and kept extra purely as a storage for originals. 
But sadly can't help more with the needed extra includes as those are 
so much dependent on your needs and setup.


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Re: free sco unix

2011-06-16 Thread Robert Simmons
On Thursday, June 16, 2011 12:31:19 PM Reko Turja wrote:
> In that fictional world MySQL needed a fork and some GPL'd programs
> have been retroactively made completely closed source, forking denied
> after taking the issue into court...

I thought that Sun reversed that decision in 2008.  Can you give some 

There are two major GPL forks of MySQL right now:

MariaDB is the drop-in replacement for MySQL for people who want to get away 
from Oracle/MySQL AB.
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Re: free sco unix

2011-06-16 Thread Reko Turja

From: "Robert Simmons" 

thrown out of court.  Additionally, the source code is GPL, so even 
if in the
fictional world of Linus taking the trademark elsewhere, you can 
fork the code
and call it Morphtkdlfgjfjdsksjfnmvmdkedkfjgjg, and you would be 

In that fictional world MySQL needed a fork and some GPL'd programs 
have been retroactively made completely closed source, forking denied 
after taking the issue into court...


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Re: free sco unix

2011-06-16 Thread Peter Vereshagin
You can't take no for an answer, freebsd-questions!
2011/06/16 11:54:05 -0400 Robert Simmons  => To :

I'll surely will when I'll have some to trade ;-)

RS> Copyright pertains to the source code.  Trademark pertains to the use of 
RS> signs, symbols, names, logos, etc.

Source code itself can have 'signs, symbols, names, logos, etc.' and consist in
terms of its usability of them, doesn't it just use to?
'signs, symbols, names, logos, etc.' same way can have their source code and
consist in terms of their usability of it, doesn't they just use to?

Such a relationships system will just ruin into ashes droven by such a kinds of
the internal controversions. Murphy's rule for that case is: all of that will
happen just in time I'll be ready to use it. Don't just make this moment come
sooner with my understanding. ;-)

73! Peter pgp: A0E26627 (4A42 6841 2871 5EA7 52AB  12F8 0CE1 4AAC A0E2 6627)
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Re: free sco unix

2011-06-16 Thread Robert Simmons
On Thursday, June 16, 2011 11:47:32 AM Peter Vereshagin wrote:
> This will require some efforts from Open Group. Does FreeBSD Foundation pay
> for that?

Not necessary.  FreeBSD does not use (want to use/need to use) the UNIX 
trademark and according to the USL vs. BSDi court case, FreeBSD does not have 
to worry about copyright either.

> So nobody knows if Lunus will once upon a time split Linux code from
> himself de jure as he did de facto nowadays and just have an income from
> such a regular trademark sales from, say, Linux Foundation, Attachmate,
> etc.?

No.  The linux trademark in the US is held by Linus.  The Linux Trademark 
Institute licenses the trademark to organizations under a free, perpetual, 
worldwide sublicense.  So, even if Linus were to change his mind and try to 
start suing everyone using the trademark, (pigs fly first) it would all be 
thrown out of court.  Additionally, the source code is GPL, so even if in the 
fictional world of Linus taking the trademark elsewhere, you can fork the code 
and call it Morphtkdlfgjfjdsksjfnmvmdkedkfjgjg, and you would be fine.
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Re: Going STABLE in 64bit

2011-06-16 Thread Mike Tancsa
On 6/16/2011 11:49 AM, Andy Wodfer wrote:
> Hi, I'm running 8.2 REL. Are there any specific things to be aware of when 
> compiling kernel and making world in 64bit? Required kernel modules etc?

I sometimes forget that the kernel config is in
 cd /usr/src/sys/amd64/conf/
and not
 cd /usr/src/sys/i386/conf/

... so I will be editing the wrong kernel config file, rebuilding, and
not understanding why the changes are not reflected in my kernel as
loaded.  But other than that and a little longer build times, all is
pretty much the same

Just to be clear, you have an existing 64bit 8.2 system you are just
updating to stable right ?


> I've only done this in 32bit.
> Thanks!
> Andreas
> ---
> Mvh/Rgds,
> Andreas Wideroe 
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Mike Tancsa, tel +1 519 651 3400
Sentex Communications,
Providing Internet services since 1994
Cambridge, Ontario Canada
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Re: Another PHP5 problem

2011-06-16 Thread Jack L. Stone
At 06:18 PM 6/16/2011 +0300, Reko Turja wrote:
>From: "Michael Powell" 
>> pulls in a few more dependencies than I'd really like, especially 
>> the apr1
>> (now named apr-ipv6-devrandom-gdbm-db42- port 
>> installing
>The name depends completely on the knobs you have used with 
>portbuild - my apr is: 
>> At any rate take a gander at /usr/ports/Mk/ for more 
>> info. But
>> if it were me instead of fighting I'd just go with the apache22 
>> default
>Yeah - the configuration differences are pretty minimal and even the 
>2.0 port makefile states now: DEPRECATED= will be unsupported by 
>ASF when 2.4.0 is release, migrate to 2.2.x+ now

Thanks to both you and Mike for the advice. I've already installed apache22
on a test server and trying to allocate time to it as and when. Looks like
this apr thing is going to raise the priority.

Also, I see the sqlite3 is tacked on the apr you have. I only have:

What are all of those "conf" files in the apache22/extra directory? Any
includes needed there besides perhaps the ssl if used?

Thanks guys!


Happy trails,
Jack L. Stone

System Admin
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Re: free sco unix

2011-06-16 Thread Robert Simmons
On Thursday, June 16, 2011 11:29:42 AM Peter Vereshagin wrote:
> There should be a difference recognized between "own a Unix trademark" by
> and "ownership of the Unix copyrights"
> by  where I'm
> pass.

There is a difference (see my post earlier), or:

Copyright pertains to the source code.  Trademark pertains to the use of 
signs, symbols, names, logos, etc.
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Going STABLE in 64bit

2011-06-16 Thread Andy Wodfer
Hi, I'm running 8.2 REL. Are there any specific things to be aware of when 
compiling kernel and making world in 64bit? Required kernel modules etc?

I've only done this in 32bit.


Andreas Wideroe 

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Re: free sco unix

2011-06-16 Thread Peter Vereshagin
You can't take no for an answer, freebsd-questions!
2011/06/16 10:06:42 -0400 Robert Simmons  => To :
RS> I think the confusion that you all are having is between the idea of 
RS> "copyright" and "trademark".  They are different.  Copyright applies to the 

As I suspected ;-)

RS> So, if you wanted to call your software "UNIX" you would need to contact 
RS> Group and make sure that your software licences the trademark, and complies 

This will require some efforts from Open Group. Does FreeBSD Foundation pay for

RS> with the standard.  If you want to use the source code of UNIX itself, you 
RS> would license that from Attachmate.

So nobody knows if Lunus will once upon a time split Linux code from himself de
jure as he did de facto nowadays and just have an income from such a regular
trademark sales from, say, Linux Foundation, Attachmate, etc.?  

73! Peter pgp: A0E26627 (4A42 6841 2871 5EA7 52AB  12F8 0CE1 4AAC A0E2 6627)
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Re: free sco unix

2011-06-16 Thread Peter Vereshagin
You can't take no for an answer, freebsd-questions!
2011/06/16 14:22:43 +0100 Matthew Seaman  => 
To :
MS> > CB> FreeBSD is a UNIX-like clone, which is indeed free, whereas UNIX is 
MS> > CB> still the proprietary property of AT&T/Bell Labs.
MS> > 
MS> > unix is a trademark of
MS> Unix (note capitalization) is actually a trademark of the Open Group:

But not of AT&T/Bell Labs.

MS> It's been owned by them for more than ten years, but it was passed
MS> around between various owners quite a bit before that.

There should be a difference recognized between "own a Unix trademark" by and "ownership of the Unix copyrights" by  where I'm pass.

Lawyers are so lawyers ;-)

73! Peter pgp: A0E26627 (4A42 6841 2871 5EA7 52AB  12F8 0CE1 4AAC A0E2 6627)
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Re: Another PHP5 problem

2011-06-16 Thread Reko Turja

From: "Michael Powell" 
pulls in a few more dependencies than I'd really like, especially 
the apr1
(now named apr-ipv6-devrandom-gdbm-db42- port 

The name depends completely on the knobs you have used with 
portbuild - my apr is: 

At any rate take a gander at /usr/ports/Mk/ for more 
info. But
if it were me instead of fighting I'd just go with the apache22 

Yeah - the configuration differences are pretty minimal and even the 
2.0 port makefile states now: DEPRECATED= will be unsupported by 
ASF when 2.4.0 is release, migrate to 2.2.x+ now


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Re: Another PHP5 problem

2011-06-16 Thread Michael Powell
Jack L. Stone wrote:

> Now, I wrestling with the apache2 and apr0 issue. The apache port Makefile
> wants apr0, but it now has vulnablilities. Ports UPDATING says to do this
> with apr:
> - remove apache2 and then: portupgrade -f -o devel/apr1 devel/apr
> ...and then reinstall apache2. That didn't work because the Makefile in
> apache still wants apr0. I changed the Makefile to apr1 but the build
> failed after it looked again for that apr0 later in the build. I didn't
> find another call for apr0.
> What have others done for this? This is about the last issue I know about
> after the major upgrade of the ports.
> Thanks for all the help so far -- just any other help on the apr thingy
> would be nice. Yes, I have googled and always do before going to the
> trough here.

I seem to remember vaguely going through this once upon a time, I believe it 
was circa trying to move from apache 1.3.xx to apache 2.0. apr0 was for 1.3 
and apr1 was for apache 2.0. I seem to recall a chicken and egg scenario 
about installing the apr(x) port first, then during the apache install it 
tried to install it again. Back then the apache 2.0 would mistakenly go 
looking for apr0 the second time unless there was something like a 
USE_APACHE= 20 (or something like that) in make.conf. I remember chasing my 
tail on that one. I think later the USE_APACHE= 20 became deprecated and  
APACHE_PORT=www/apache22 replaced it. 

Really, apache2 is dated. Apache22 is now the default. You would only 
require the make.conf entries described above to force a change from 
default(22). It doesn't have the problems you're having. If you are at this 
stage you should really make the move to apache22. Be advised though, it 
pulls in a few more dependencies than I'd really like, especially the apr1 
(now named apr-ipv6-devrandom-gdbm-db42- port installing 
Python27.  You might have to make a couple of twiddles on .conf files but it 
is something easy to do.

But the sticky point is the apr-ipv6-devrandom-gdbm-db42- is the 
new apr1 port for apache22 installs, not the old devel/apr(x) - those are 
for 1.3 and 2.0 and will need the make.conf entry (22 won't need anything).

At any rate take a gander at /usr/ports/Mk/ for more info. But 
if it were me instead of fighting I'd just go with the apache22 default 
instead of struggling with apache20.


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Re: Another PHP5 problem

2011-06-16 Thread Reko Turja

I updated my ports > tree, but a new apr version was not there
yet. So, stuck between a rock and a hard place.

And the fix for APR 0.x might be long way coming, see, looks like 
0.x branch hasn't been updated in ages. Nor any action has been done 
to fix the issues. Apache 2.2. uses APR 1.x by default so having APR 
1.x installed from ports and then installing Apache2.2 etc. does work.


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Re: OT: printer, our cups port, and is-there-a-generic-laser?

2011-06-16 Thread Arthur Chance

On 06/16/11 07:28, Gary Kline wrote:

is there a laser other than the brother {tm}?  i mean, that the
members of this org would go for?

It depends how much printing you need it for, so check the 
manufacturer's specs. I've got a Kyocera FS-C5200DN, which is rated as a 
workgroup printer good for 1000s of pages a month. It gets used 
regularly for printing leaflets, brochures, etc in 100s at a time and 
works out considerably cheaper than Staples or other local copy shops 
for that sort of thing - below 2p per page ($0.03) for b&w, below 7p 
($0.11) for colour according to the reviews.

Reasonably fast (except on stuff from the Mac's word processor program 
for some reason), seems reliable but we've only had it about 8 months so 
not long enough to see any long term problems.

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Re: Another PHP5 problem

2011-06-16 Thread Jack L. Stone
At 05:09 PM 6/16/2011 +0300, Reko Turja wrote:
>> Now, I wrestling with the apache2 and apr0 issue. The apache port 
>> Makefile
>> wants apr0, but it now has vulnablilities. Ports UPDATING says to do 
>> this
>> with apr:
>> - remove apache2 and then: portupgrade -f -o devel/apr1 devel/apr
>> ...and then reinstall apache2. That didn't work because the Makefile 
>> in
>> apache still wants apr0. I changed the Makefile to apr1 but the 
>> build
>> failed after it looked again for that apr0 later in the build. I 
>> didn't
>> find another call for apr0.
>Apache 2, not Apache 2.2? Could you consider upgrade - haven't had any 
>problems with that version in several years now. Of course, everything 
>depending on apache needs recompile afterwards.

No, UPDATING sez the apr thing applies to both apache2 and 22. Yes, aware
of need to recompile the dependencies. Apache2 port specifically still
wants the vulnerable apr0 which cannot be updated yet. I updated my ports
tree, but a new apr version was not there yet. So, stuck between a rock and
a hard place.


Happy trails,
Jack L. Stone

System Admin
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Re: finding kernel 'r' number

2011-06-16 Thread Bas Smeelen
On 06/16/2011 03:37 PM, Damien Fleuriot wrote:
> On 6/16/11 3:17 PM, Bas Smeelen wrote:
>> On 06/16/2011 02:32 PM, Brandon Gooch wrote:
>>> That would be uname(1):
>>> $ uname -v
>>> FreeBSD 9.0-CURRENT #0 r223017: Sun Jun 12 13:55:34 CDT 2011
>>> root@m6500.local:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/GENERIC
>>> where r223017 is the current svn revision number from which my
>>> system is compiled (kernel and userland).
>> Does this only apply if you checkout with svn ?
>> I run current on a machine, update with csup and have get r number with uname
> Obviously only works if you checked out with SVN:
> # uname -a
> FreeBSD mybsd 8.2-PRERELEASE FreeBSD 8.2-PRERELEASE #2: Mon Feb 21
> 12:08:09 CET 2011 root@mybsd:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/DAM  amd64
Hmm, I better setup devel/subversion-freebsd on the current machine then

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Re: Another PHP5 problem

2011-06-16 Thread Reko Turja
Now, I wrestling with the apache2 and apr0 issue. The apache port 
wants apr0, but it now has vulnablilities. Ports UPDATING says to do 

with apr:
- remove apache2 and then: portupgrade -f -o devel/apr1 devel/apr
...and then reinstall apache2. That didn't work because the Makefile 
apache still wants apr0. I changed the Makefile to apr1 but the 
failed after it looked again for that apr0 later in the build. I 

find another call for apr0.

Apache 2, not Apache 2.2? Could you consider upgrade - haven't had any 
problems with that version in several years now. Of course, everything 
depending on apache needs recompile afterwards.


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Re: free sco unix

2011-06-16 Thread Robert Simmons
On Thursday, June 16, 2011 09:22:43 AM Matthew Seaman wrote:
> On 16/06/2011 13:52, Peter Vereshagin wrote:
> > You can't take no for an answer, freebsd-questions!
> > 2011/06/15 17:08:31 -0400 Chris Brennan  => To
> > Thomas Hansen : CB> FreeBSD is a UNIX-like clone, which is indeed free,
> > whereas UNIX is CB> still the proprietary property of AT&T/Bell Labs.
> > 
> > unix is a trademark of
> Unix (note capitalization) is actually a trademark of the Open Group:
> It's been owned by them for more than ten years, but it was passed
> around between various owners quite a bit before that.

I think the confusion that you all are having is between the idea of 
"copyright" and "trademark".  They are different.  Copyright applies to the 
code base, and trademark applies to the usage of the word UNIX and its 
associated symbols along with the right to use said symbols once your product 
complies with a set of specified standards.

The copyright for UNIX is owned by Attachmate, which bought Novell recently 
(which has scared the pants off the OpenSUSE community, but that's a different 
tale).  This has been proven in court.  You can see the verdict on groklaw:

Open Group, however, is a completely different animal.  They are a trademark 
certification organization.  They do not own the UNIX copyright, they own the 
trademark and the specification.  According to their website, "The Open Group 
has separated the UNIX trademark from any actual code stream itself, thus 
allowing multiple implementations."

So, if you wanted to call your software "UNIX" you would need to contact Open 
Group and make sure that your software licences the trademark, and complies 
with the standard.  If you want to use the source code of UNIX itself, you 
would license that from Attachmate.

Groklaw is a good place to start if you want to read about the whole debacle:
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Re: Another PHP5 problem

2011-06-16 Thread Jack L. Stone
At 03:41 PM 6/16/2011 +0300, Reko Turja wrote:
>> I have very few uses for sqlite3 but I still have them. And PDO? 
>> Never seen anything run it.
>Some pretty big projects including Drupal CMS are moving to PDO. I 
>reckon that having other options without reinventing the wheel, than 
>one certain Oracle controlled DB-backend is starting to gain momentum.
>Just as a sidenote, PHP 5.3.6 so far seems to be unaffected by 
>extension loading order, but looks like that any upgrade of apache, 
>apr, php etc. means that every dependent module downstream has to be 
>recompiled as well.

With upgrade to php5-5.3.6 is the first time ever (many years) I've had any
problem with php. The order of the extensions never came up as an issue,
nor did it once I found the extensions causing the seg faults and core
dumps. Ryan's suggestion of commenting out all of the extensions and then
adding back 1 by 1 enabled me to find the offenders quickly.

The 2 sqlite extensions caused the problem for me there also was a 3rd one
and I removed them all as I don't use that database. For ports, I usually
go with the defaults on options unless I KNOW what they do or don't do.
Have used the same options and didn't know why the sqlites were added this
time. That further cause an install of the core sqlite port. Without
removing it, I couldn't delete the inclusion of the sqlite extensions.

Now, I wrestling with the apache2 and apr0 issue. The apache port Makefile
wants apr0, but it now has vulnablilities. Ports UPDATING says to do this
with apr:
- remove apache2 and then: portupgrade -f -o devel/apr1 devel/apr
...and then reinstall apache2. That didn't work because the Makefile in
apache still wants apr0. I changed the Makefile to apr1 but the build
failed after it looked again for that apr0 later in the build. I didn't
find another call for apr0.

What have others done for this? This is about the last issue I know about
after the major upgrade of the ports.

Thanks for all the help so far -- just any other help on the apr thingy
would be nice. Yes, I have googled and always do before going to the trough

Thanks again!


Happy trails,
Jack L. Stone

System Admin
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Re: Read/Dump Bios chip info

2011-06-16 Thread Devin Teske

On Jun 16, 2011, at 6:23 AM, Jean-Paul Natola  

> Is there any program that can read  and or dump the info written in a BIOS 
> chip?

pkg_add -r dmidecode


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Re: finding kernel 'r' number

2011-06-16 Thread Damien Fleuriot
On 6/16/11 3:17 PM, Bas Smeelen wrote:
> On 06/16/2011 02:32 PM, Brandon Gooch wrote:
>> That would be uname(1):
>> $ uname -v
>> FreeBSD 9.0-CURRENT #0 r223017: Sun Jun 12 13:55:34 CDT 2011
>> root@m6500.local:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/GENERIC
>> where r223017 is the current svn revision number from which my
>> system is compiled (kernel and userland).
> Does this only apply if you checkout with svn ?
> I run current on a machine, update with csup and have get r number with uname

Obviously only works if you checked out with SVN:
# uname -a
FreeBSD mybsd 8.2-PRERELEASE FreeBSD 8.2-PRERELEASE #2: Mon Feb 21
12:08:09 CET 2011 root@mybsd:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/DAM  amd64
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Read/Dump Bios chip info

2011-06-16 Thread Jean-Paul Natola
Is there any program that can read  and or dump the info written in a BIOS chip?


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ZFS and cp -x

2011-06-16 Thread Eir Nym
Does `cp -x` works correctly on ZFS?

-- Eir Nym
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Re: free sco unix

2011-06-16 Thread Matthew Seaman
On 16/06/2011 13:52, Peter Vereshagin wrote:
> You can't take no for an answer, freebsd-questions!
> 2011/06/15 17:08:31 -0400 Chris Brennan  => To Thomas 
> Hansen :
> CB> FreeBSD is a UNIX-like clone, which is indeed free, whereas UNIX is 
> CB> still the proprietary property of AT&T/Bell Labs.
> unix is a trademark of

Unix (note capitalization) is actually a trademark of the Open Group:

It's been owned by them for more than ten years, but it was passed
around between various owners quite a bit before that.



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.   7 Priory Courtyard
  Flat 3
PGP: Ramsgate
JID:   Kent, CT11 9PW

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: finding kernel 'r' number

2011-06-16 Thread Bas Smeelen
On 06/16/2011 02:32 PM, Brandon Gooch wrote:
> That would be uname(1):
> $ uname -v
> FreeBSD 9.0-CURRENT #0 r223017: Sun Jun 12 13:55:34 CDT 2011
> root@m6500.local:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/GENERIC
> where r223017 is the current svn revision number from which my
> system is compiled (kernel and userland).
Does this only apply if you checkout with svn ?
I run current on a machine, update with csup and have get r number with uname

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Re: OT: printer, our cups port, and is-there-a-generic-laser?

2011-06-16 Thread Warren Block

On Wed, 15 Jun 2011, Gary Kline wrote:

we had a power out here this morning and besides it costing most of
my day, it blew out my Brother laser printer.  i just got it working
FINALLY with our cups stuff.  don't asked me how; other than i was
using our olden lpr/lpd and had /etc/printcap.

is there a laser other than the brother {tm}?  i mean, that the
members of this org would go for?

I prefer used HP business-class lasers with instant-on fusers.

Also, see "lpd Printing With FreeBSD"
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Re: finding kernel 'r' number

2011-06-16 Thread Brandon Gooch
On Thu, Jun 16, 2011 at 7:16 AM, Robert Huff  wrote:
>        For some time now, people have been referring to what build
> they're using by the 'r' number, which I believe to be part of svn.
>        How would one go about determining this value for the installed
> kernel?
>                                        Robert Huff

That would be uname(1):

$ uname -v
FreeBSD 9.0-CURRENT #0 r223017: Sun Jun 12 13:55:34 CDT 2011

where r223017 is the current svn revision number from which my
system is compiled (kernel and userland).

For more options, see `man uname`.

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Re: finding kernel 'r' number

2011-06-16 Thread Bas Smeelen
On 06/16/2011 02:28 PM, Bruce Cran wrote:
> On Thu, 16 Jun 2011 08:16:45 -0400
> Robert Huff  wrote:
>>  For some time now, people have been referring to what build
>> they're using by the 'r' number, which I believe to be part of svn.
>>  How would one go about determining this value for the
>> installed kernel?
> I'm not sure you can: the revision only shows up if you have svn
> installed (devel/subversion-freebsd) and have built the kernel from code
> checked out from the svn server.
You might want to read:

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Re: free sco unix

2011-06-16 Thread Peter Vereshagin
You can't take no for an answer, freebsd-questions!
2011/06/15 17:08:31 -0400 Chris Brennan  => To Thomas 
Hansen :
CB> FreeBSD is a UNIX-like clone, which is indeed free, whereas UNIX is 
CB> still the proprietary property of AT&T/Bell Labs.

unix is a trademark of

73! Peter pgp: A0E26627 (4A42 6841 2871 5EA7 52AB  12F8 0CE1 4AAC A0E2 6627)
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Re: Another PHP5 problem

2011-06-16 Thread Reko Turja
I have very few uses for sqlite3 but I still have them. And PDO? 
Never seen anything run it.

Some pretty big projects including Drupal CMS are moving to PDO. I 
reckon that having other options without reinventing the wheel, than 
one certain Oracle controlled DB-backend is starting to gain momentum.

Just as a sidenote, PHP 5.3.6 so far seems to be unaffected by 
extension loading order, but looks like that any upgrade of apache, 
apr, php etc. means that every dependent module downstream has to be 
recompiled as well.


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Re: finding kernel 'r' number

2011-06-16 Thread Bruce Cran
On Thu, 16 Jun 2011 08:16:45 -0400
Robert Huff  wrote:

>   For some time now, people have been referring to what build
> they're using by the 'r' number, which I believe to be part of svn.
>   How would one go about determining this value for the
> installed kernel?

I'm not sure you can: the revision only shows up if you have svn
installed (devel/subversion-freebsd) and have built the kernel from code
checked out from the svn server.

Bruce Cran
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finding kernel 'r' number

2011-06-16 Thread Robert Huff

For some time now, people have been referring to what build
they're using by the 'r' number, which I believe to be part of svn.
How would one go about determining this value for the installed

Robert Huff

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Re: how do i fsck my server?

2011-06-16 Thread Julian H. Stacey
  8.2-RELEASE man fsck
-B ...
background fsck is limited to checking for only the most commonly
occurring file system abnormalities.  Under certain circumstances,
some errors can escape background fsck.  It is recommended that you
perform foreground fsck on your systems periodically and whenever
you encounter file-system-related panics.


   for specialist list discussion

  8.2-RELEASE /usr/src/etc/defaults/rc.conf
fsck_y_enable="NO" ; background_fsck="YES"

My opinion:
Some machines merit addition of /etc/rc.conf fsck_y_enable="YES" 
Machines where data is mastered elsewhere:
(some http & ftp servers, routers, firewalls, name
& boot & X servers, test boxes, laptops on day trips).
Remote servers where a boot time interactive fsck "Shall I
fix ?" , or failure to fix, could hang unreachably.
( If background_fsck="NO", more chance of interactive hang )
Some machines merit addition of /etc/rc.confbackground_fsck="NO"
For fuller fsck checking, examples:
Machines with master copies of data.
Laptops traveling for a week, where one can't return early to repair.

One would avoid bothfsck_y_enable="YES" &  background_fsck="YES" 
if one has local access to console & wants (if necessary) to be able
to break out of fsck & manually run fsdb.

Julian Stacey, BSD Unix Linux C Sys Eng Consultants Munich
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Re: OT: printer, our cups port, and is-there-a-generic-laser?

2011-06-16 Thread C. P. Ghost
On Thu, Jun 16, 2011 at 8:28 AM, Gary Kline  wrote:
> we had a power out here this morning and besides it costing most of
> my day, it blew out my Brother laser printer.  i just got it working
> FINALLY with our cups stuff.  don't asked me how; other than i was
> using our olden lpr/lpd and had /etc/printcap.
> is there a laser other than the brother {tm}?  i mean, that the
> members of this org would go for?

At home, I'm using an HP LaserJet 1320 over USB on FreeBSD
with CUPS. I understand that the networked version would be
even easier to install and use, but the 1320 was what I got, and
it's okay for light non-commercial use. Of course, with native
Postscript support (I've upgraded the RAM on the unit so that
it prints very complex graphics faster, but that's not strictly

BTW, I fully agree with Polytropon: those old HP LaserJet 4000s
are absolutely GREAT, even if used. It's a shame that they don't
make 'em anymore: they were simply too good and didn't comply
with the current standard of crappiness, cheap plastics and badly
engineered trays etc... so obviously, they had to go. :-(


Cordula's Web.
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Re: free sco unix

2011-06-16 Thread Albert Shih
 Le 15/06/2011 à 22:34:23+0200, Thomas Hansen a écrit
> one of my mates teacher says that unix is free and your system running 
> like UnixWare / SCO UNIX and  and that unix is free
> Do your BSD kernel run the same unix kernel as unixware

Take a look :


Albert SHIH
DIO batiment 15
Observatoire de Paris Meudon
5 Place Jules Janssen
92195 Meudon Cedex
Téléphone : 01 45 07 76 26/06 86 69 95 71
Heure local/Local time:
jeu 16 jui 2011 11:19:21 CEST
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Re: how do i fsck my server?

2011-06-16 Thread RW
> From: Chuck Swiger 
> To: Gary Kline 
> Cc: FreeBSD Mailing List 
> Sent: Wed, June 15, 2011 4:04:23 PM
> Subject: Re: how do i fsck my server?

> You can set fsck_y_enable="YES" in /etc/rc.conf, but it shouldn't be
> necessary. The system can figure out for itself whether it shutdown
> cleanly or whether a fsck is necessary.

fsck_y_enable="YES" doesn't mean do an unconditional fsck, it means do
an fsck -y if the preen fails.

On Wed, 15 Jun 2011 15:25:33 -0700 (PDT)
Bill Tillman  wrote:

> The correct reply to this IMHO should 
> have been "HELL YES, your server will check for a clean exit on every
> reboot. It will count to 60 seconds and then if the last shutdown was
> not clean it will start running fsck all by itself and this will tie
> up your system's resources for quite a while 

You can avoid that with gjournal.
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Re: OT: printer, our cups port, and is-there-a-generic-laser?

2011-06-16 Thread Svein Skogen (Listmail account)
On 16.06.2011 08:28, Gary Kline wrote:
> we had a power out here this morning and besides it costing most of
> my day, it blew out my Brother laser printer.  i just got it working 
> FINALLY with our cups stuff.  don't asked me how; other than i was
> using our olden lpr/lpd and had /etc/printcap.
> is there a laser other than the brother {tm}?  i mean, that the
> members of this org would go for?

I'm very happy with my Xerox Phaser 6180 (color), but I've also used the
Phaser 3250. Both handle postscript + lpr just fine (and most other
standards), and priced affordable.

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Re: OT: printer, our cups port, and is-there-a-generic-laser?

2011-06-16 Thread Polytropon
On Wed, 15 Jun 2011 23:28:08 -0700, Gary Kline  wrote:
> is there a laser other than the brother {tm}?  i mean, that the
> members of this org would go for?

Yes: Office printers, even used ones are fine. Pay attention
that they have:
- ethernet port
- postscript
- if not: PCL

I'm using a HP Laserjet 4000 with duplex unit myself for many
years now - HAPPILY, as I can honestly admit, and in the past,
I've been using a HP Laserjet 4 attached to the parellel port.
All those "old" printers work wonderfully using just system
tools (lpr), as they speak PS, which is the default output
format for printing from any UNIX application. If they don't
speak PS or are slow processing it, use apsfilter from ports
together with gs (Ghosescript) to make PCL from any input.
You can do funny things like add "pretty printing" to any
text input (e. g. LaTeX), or even issue "lpr picture.jpg"
from the command line. Integration of the system tools to
image processing or office software is no problem.

Don't mess with USB and inkpee, it will cost you more in the
final calculation.

I also read that some of the brother printers are quite good,
as well as Kyocera, but I don't have own experience with them,
so I traditionally suggest getting a HP printer. Office printer.
Used office printer. For cheap. Really. :-)

Magdeburg, Germany
Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
Andra moi ennepe, Mousa, ...
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