FVWM: Fvwm in Ubuntu?

2009-01-10 Thread Erik Steffl
Just curious whether anybody uses fvwm in Ubuntu, specifically how to 
get all the automatic things that gnome does (at least I think it's 
gnome) in Ubuntu, it has various programs that show in panels, e.g. 
system update, network status, pidgin shows status there etc.

I have read the Ubuntu docs so I know how to set it up so that fvwm is 
used but it doesn't talk about these other things (I think most of them 
are more gnome specific then Ubuntu specific)

Should I be looking at how to make fvwm and gnome work together? Or?



FVWM: when will fvwm go openGL?

2006-09-19 Thread Erik Steffl
ok so it's kinda ridiculous question but given that sort of soon desktop 
will go openGL the window manager will have to do the same - will fvwm 
do the transition?


Re: FVWM: Fvwm forum replacing the mailing list

2006-01-30 Thread Erik Steffl

seventh guardian wrote:


I've been in the mailing list for some time (both fvwm and
fvwm-workers), and also in other mailing lists. It really fills my
inbox, as I believe it does to most of you..

The lists are already separated in two subjects, general and
development, and it indeed helps us to organize things. But I
believe that having a forum would help to further organize things. For
those that are interested in the latest CVS snapshots there could be a
place where they are anounced, and for those who just want to ask for
a feature or inquire about a bug, there would be sections for that
too. Also general questions like how do I do that could be in yet
another section.

That way if someone wants to help he wouldn't need to scroll thru lots
of incomming mails to find the one that says how do I do this mixed
up with please add that feature and cvs migo.

I currently use gmail, and it really helps to filter things out. But
it's still difficult, so I can only imagine the trouble it is now for
those with less robust mail tools. Or worst, for the devs..

Currently fvwm lair has a great forum, wich could be used for this.
This is my suggestion, please feel free to criticize (constructivelly

   err... so you are suggesting to replace the media that I can view 
using whatever my preferred method to view it (using email clients, with 
search, threading, folders and virtual folders etc.) with some 
predefined user interface of web forum??? Well, if the forums send 
emails too it might be acceptable :-)

  maybe you need a better mail client:-)


Re: FVWM: how to define any key

2005-01-17 Thread Erik Steffl

Xue Ruini wrote:

hello, everyone

As we know, pressing on the Windows key brings up the StartMenu in Microsoft
Windows boxes. Windows keys can be used in fvwm, however, they are defined as
modifiers. That is to say, you can bind actions to them. I do not know whether
any key exists in fvwm or not, or any other trick to bind a certain action
to the windows keys.

for example :) 

Key ANY KEY A N 3 Maxmize

  usually the win key is already bound to some key (not a modifier), 
use xev to figure out what it is. If xev does not show anything 
configure your keyboard. Keyobard configuration depends on distro but 
one way or another you need to figure out what to use in X config file 
which is usually /etc/X11/XF86Config or /etc/X11/XF86Config-4. Look for 
section that looks somewhat like this:

Section InputDevice
Identifier  Logitech Cordless iTouch
Driver  keyboard
Option  CoreKeyboard
Option  XkbRules  xfree86
# OptionXkbModel  logicordless
Option  XkbModel  itouch
Option  XkbLayout us

  and choose your XkbModel appropriately (see files in /etc/X11/xkb)

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Re: FVWM: How to bind other key as Modifiers?

2005-01-10 Thread Erik Steffl

jianqiu wrote:

I refer to man page and got this

Key [(window)] Keyname Context Modifiers Function
Key F11 A SCM   WindowList

now how to bind other key rather than Alt Shift Shift ,
I try Key F1A   Super_L WindowList but fail.

  use xev to find out what are the keysyms, use xmodmap to change 
modifiers (or set up your keyboard using xkb - see /etc/X11/xkb/)

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Re: FVWM: FVWM as a Display Manager

2004-07-23 Thread Erik Steffl

Stephen Dennison wrote:

Out of curiosity has anyone ever thought about using fvwm in place of
a display manager?  Have any developers thought about creating an fvwm
config that would act as a display manager, or implementing a display
manager that is fvwm driven?

Basically I just want a display manager that will allow either user
selection from a menu or a user name and password entry, but I dont'
want to have to rely on gnome or kde under-pinings.  I was thinking
that I could probably just start up a stripped down window session
with fvwm and remove all of the default key-bindings.  (Or maybe start
up a non-privelaged user account that doesn't have a shell entry and
have it present the menu...)  I could then decorate it with all the
eye candy and functionality that gdm provides, but I'm not sure how to
go about replacing the currently running fvwm session with an fvwm
session running as a different user.

So I guess in all of my rambling my question isn't really fvwm
specific, but it does relate to fvwm.  How do I create a new fvwm
session from a currently running fvwm session with different user


  if you don't want to use kdm or gdm you can use xdm, that's plain X 
(default is kinda ugly but you can configure the look).


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Re: FVWM: New Debian package, second try

2004-03-17 Thread Erik Steffl

Adam Sjøgren wrote:

On Mon, 15 Mar 2004 01:37:25 -0600, Manoj wrote:

   I am hoping that the debianistas on this list can take the
package for a spin; it is scheduled to head into Debian proper at
the end of the week.

Works fine for me, upgrading from a locally compiled/installed 2.5.7 -
after putting my old system.fvwm2rc in ~/.fvwm/.fvwm2rc

I'm not getting anti-aliased fonts (I am in, for instance, Mozilla and
Gnumeric; I didn't with my homebrew 2.5.7 either, though).

  AFAIK anti-aliasing fonts in applications is not related to WM


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Re: FVWM: Ctrl-Alt-Backspace and other key issue

2004-03-11 Thread Erik Steffl

Peter Münster wrote:

after an update from SuSE-Linux-8.2 to 9.0, that is from fvwm-2.4.15 to
2.5.7, the following strange things happen:

- the line
Key BackSpace   A   CM  Some action
has no more effect.

- when pressing the Alt-key at last (after Shift and Ctrl), the action of
the line
Key LeftA   SCM Action with Alt
shows the same action as the line
Key LeftA   SC  Action without Alt
But when pressing the Alt-key at first, and then Shift and Ctrl, the action
is ok.

  this looks more like X server issue (xev might help). also, 
ctrl-alt-backspace is default key combination to exit X so it doesn't 
seem like a good shortcut to use.


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Re: FVWM: customizable .. very much at fvwm.org, how about?

2004-03-08 Thread Erik Steffl

calmar wrote:

maybe when someone tries out fvwm in it's default settings, he
won't be impressed. (The same, I was also reading at Suzanne
Skinners' site when I remember properly). So something what let's
him know, that there is MUCH do to with that default setup. That
he won't just check it out for 10 seconds, and leave then, because
the default setup is NOT impressive compared to other wm's,  It

  yeah, it hides the real fvwm very well:-)

looks not 'modern' at least IMO, and new users really can't see
the power, nor obviously will suspect what they could do with it.

Actually I like fvwm because I can build my very own setup + it
has about every feature (also eyecandy ones even) what others wm's
`are', or it's possible to implement it. That 'build your own wm'

  I don't think you can do shaped titles/borders, all the borders are 
the same etc.


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Re: FVWM: Binding 3 mystery keys

2004-02-17 Thread Erik Steffl

Dominik Vogt wrote:

On Tue, Feb 17, 2004 at 10:36:31AM +0200, stu wrote:

Hi everyone

I'm running fvwm 2.5.8, XFree86 4.3.0, Debian unstable.

I have a 106 key keyboard. There are 3 keys(top row, to right of
function keys) which I wish to bind. There appears to be no entry in
/usr/include/X11/keysymdef.h for any of these keys. The keys have
symbols on them - my interpretation of them is that they represent
a 'No lock' key, a 'sleep' key (symbol of a moon) and an 'alarm'

Does anyone have any advice as to how would I go about getting the
Keyname of these keys(or creating ones) so I could then bind them to my
desired functions?

According to the xev output below, they have no names attached to
them yet.  To be able to bind anything to them, you need to assign
KeySyms to them first.  You can use xkeycaps to find a keyboard
layout that activates them and then let it generate an Xmodmap
file for it.  Or you can do that manually with the xmodmap

  you can also look for the given keyboard model and if you can't find 
one create a new one, it's fairly simple (see xkb, config files in 
/etc/X11, probably, depends on distro)


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Re: FVWM: key to prelude a fvwm command

2003-12-22 Thread Erik Steffl

Frank Gruellich wrote:


I go now for several weeks with fvwm (now 2.5.8) and really love it.
But I'm still a beginner (I've said it, okay?).  I'm used to operate my
pc with keyboard mostly.  Now I'm confronted with the lack of keys.
Several times it happens, that I strike a programs internal hotkey and
realize immediatelly, that I bound a fvwm command to it.  As I don't
know, what programs I will use (let alone, which hotkeys they use) in
future times, I would like to remedy this problem at all.

My former 'window manager' (screen) has a neat feature: any screen
command is introduced by a special escape key (C-a by default). E.g. I
use C-a  to get my windowlist, C-a C-c to get a new window and so on.
Can I do something similar in fvwm?  Any resources where somebody had
done something like this?

  if this is a PC (or at least you are using a PC keyboard) you can use 
win key, AFAIK no apps use it. e.g. win key + arros move between virtual 
screens, win key + delete closes the window etc.

  use xev to find out what your win key is (mine is Super_L) and use 
that or use xmodmap to make it whatever you want.


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Re: FVWM: Grabbing window edges and handles

2003-12-02 Thread Erik Steffl

Shay Hill wrote:
Does fvwm have any mechanism for making the grabbing of window edges and 
handles any easier? MS Windows, for instance, has a barbell shaped 
cursor which allows a little bit of play when grabbing an edge. I 
believe that Afterstep will snap the cursor to a window border.

  I find it convenient to bind resize to right click/drag on title (and 
have no or almost no borders).

  another option is to bind resize to click/drag anywhere in the window 
with win key modifier (use xev to find out which modifier win key is).

  yet another option is to use non standard button, but that only works 
with some version of fvwm (not sure about the details, there's some 
problem in how X processes the mouse clicks) - I used to have (my 
favourite setup): side button click anywhere in the window - rise/lower, 
side button drag (move) anywhere in the window - move, side button with 
win key modifier drag - resize (it doesn't work with current stable 
version of fvwm, might work with development version).


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Re: FVWM: Transparency - almost done

2003-11-05 Thread Erik Steffl

Ryan Daly wrote:

Mikhael Goikhman wrote:

Do you mean like this (the screenshot is one year old):


  btw there is a transparent theme for gkrellm:-)


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Re: FVWM: events on root window in fvwm/nautilus (gnome)

2003-09-19 Thread Erik Steffl

Thomas Adam wrote:
 --- Filip Hroch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  

Hi All,


There is a way to not propagate events from fvwm to nautilus or to
mask the xroot nautilus window for fvwm as a plain xroot window? 
Is this question for fvwm comunity people or for nautilus developers?

(Or there is a another file manager for gnome2 with support of icons
on the desktop? :-))

ROX-Filer can have a similar problem. What happens is that Nautilus is
taking over control of the root-window. There is probably a setting in
there (as there is for ROX-Filer) to pass mouse bindings back to the
underlying WM.

  IIRC there is a setting in nautilus about desktop (root window) control


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Re: FVWM: fvwm for Debian

2003-09-05 Thread Erik Steffl

Remko Troncon wrote:
 debian unstable is called unstable because it's not stable yet, not 
because it includes unstable (development) versions of apps. Generally 
debian unstable includes latest stable versions of apps (or at least 
that's the goal, as far as I can say).

That's correct. Although that doesn't prevent them from adding the development 
version as well, but under a different name (such as they do with a lot

of packages). And i too am longing for the FVWM development versions in
Debian unstable, because FVWM is about the only package i still have to
install from source.

  that's true. did you try to ask maintainer?


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Re: FVWM: fvwm for Debian

2003-09-04 Thread Erik Steffl

stu wrote:

Hi everyone

Possibly this is the wrong forum for this question, but I'll risk asking
it here first. Is there any reason why Debian unstable only provides
fvwm 2.4.16, and not fvwm 2.5.7?

  debian unstable is called unstable because it's not stable yet, not 
because it includes unstable (development) versions of apps. Generally 
debian unstable includes latest stable versions of apps (or at least 
that's the goal, as far as I can say).


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Re: FVWM: Emacs-like key sequences

2003-08-31 Thread Erik Steffl

Dan Espen wrote:

Erik Steffl [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Mario Domg=F6rgen wrote:

Hallo list!

Will emacs-like key sequences find their way in fvwm somewhen? I
really  like to see such bindings like Mod4 m s for maximize to
and Mod4 m v for maxmize vertically...

  you can specify any keybindings you want... all of them are =
in config files.

He's asking for key sequences, not just a single key with a modifier.

  oops, didn't notice. but IIRC there's a way in X windows to specify 
multi-key events - that might make it impossible to use those keys as 
separate keys though (so emacs might not work)


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Re: FVWM: Emacs-like key sequences

2003-08-30 Thread Erik Steffl

Mario Domgörgen wrote:

Hallo list!

Will emacs-like key sequences find their way in fvwm somewhen? I would
really  like to see such bindings like Mod4 m s for maximize to screen
and Mod4 m v for maxmize vertically...

  you can specify any keybindings you want... all of them are specified 
in config files.


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Re: FVWM: How do you shutdown to power down the computer?

2003-08-08 Thread Erik Steffl

jon kersten wrote:

I just installed Red Hat 5.2.  Logged on to root.  typed xdm, got the log in
screen.  Logged in as root again.  I now can not seem to shut down the
computer.  ctrlaltdel doesn't work.  Shutdown -h  now in the term window
doesn't seem to work, it just goes back to the xwindow log in screen.  Is it
safe to power down at this point?  I have FVWM2  window manager.
Thanks in advance, I have searched all 1020 pages of the SAMS book Red Hat
Linux Unleashed  and 861 pages of QUE's Using Unix.

  shutdown -h now

  man shutdown for more info

  ctrl-alt-del usually works only from text console (not from X 
windows), use ctrl-alt-F1 to get to text console (usually F1 - F6 are 
text consoles, F7 is your X windows session)

  you have better chances for good responses in more general linux 
mailing list/newsgroup, possibly specific to your distro.


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Re: FVWM: question...

2003-07-09 Thread Erik Steffl

Tabetha Boyajian wrote:

i am a beginner trying to use fvwm.  when i start it
up, a background flashes (a pic  of a galaxy) then it
changes to a splattered gray background.  how does one
go about changing this gray background to something
they like better, or the previous one that dissappears
in a flash?

  I like chbg, unrelated to fvwm, you don't have to have your WM to 
change the root window picture. There are other programs as well (check 
your distro or freshmeat), you can start any of them from X startup 
scripts (probably ~/.xinitrc or ~/.xsession)

  there's also FvwmBacker module that makes it possible to have 
different backgrounds on different virtual screens


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Re: FVWM: fvwm for debian

2003-06-03 Thread Erik Steffl

Fernando Poza wrote:

Hi there!

I'm new in the list, but not in fvwm. I'm running debian in my box, and
I wanted to update to the last stable fvwm version. But the thing is
that it seems there is no debian package with fvwm.(fvwm*.deb) in

Am I right?, or I'm just not looked for correctly. Then, where can I
find it?.

Otherwise, I'm thinking in packagin it for debian.

  there's fvwm 2.4.15-2 in debian unstable

  you might want to contact current maintainer if you need/want 2.4.16


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FVWM: window list does not make chosen window active

2003-05-29 Thread Erik Steffl
  I have the window list sort of working but it does not make the 
window active, no matter what I do the previous window remains active. I 
tried to use both keys and mouse to select item from window list.

here are what I think re relevant parts of my config file

Key TabA   MWindowList Root c c
Key TabA   M2WindowList Root c c
Mouse 3 R   A   WindowList

  fvwm 2.4.0
  freeBSD 4.8, 20030410 build

  any ideas? TIA!


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Re: FVWM: extra mouse button cannot be used

2003-04-28 Thread Erik Steffl


On Sun, Apr 27, 2003 at 02:13:27AM -0700, Erik Steffl wrote:

 buttons 1 - 5 work as expected in fvwm but when I try to bind 
something to side button (6) it doesn't work and I get this error message:

[FVWM][ParseBinding]: ERROR Illegal mouse button in line 6 
WTSFI0123456789 N  rrrFunction


In versions before 2.5.x this sometimes worked, but not reliably
and only by coincidence.


Buttons 1 to 5 fully supported
Buttons 6 and above not supported at all


Buttons 1 to 5 fully supported
Buttons 6 to 9 partially supported (as far as X allows)
Buttons 10 and above not supported at all

  wow! I had it working before, I think it was 2.2.x, I thought it's 
not a big deal, a button is a button is a ... any chances it will be 
supported in 2.4?

  what do you mean by partially supported? can you bind functions to 
click/doubleclick/drag in 2.5? [any docs on this?]



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FVWM: extra mouse button cannot be used

2003-04-27 Thread Erik Steffl
  I have a logitech mouse with four buttons and a wheel. all the 
buttons work when tested using xev:

  left button:  button 1
  pressing wheel:   button 2
  right button: button 3
  turning wheel:buttons 45
  side button:  button 6

  buttons 1 - 5 work as expected in fvwm but when I try to bind 
something to side button (6) it doesn't work and I get this error message:

[FVWM][ParseBinding]: ERROR Illegal mouse button in line 6 
WTSFI0123456789 N  rrrFunction

  here are relevant lines from the line from config file:

Mouse 6 WTSFI0123456789 N  testFunction

DestroyFunc testFunction
AddToFunc   testFunction
+ M Move
+ M Raise
+ C RaiseLower

  if I use e.g. 2 instead of 6 there's no error message and it works as 

  fvwm verion is 2.4.15 (debian unstable)

  I used to have the button 6 working before, I don't remember which 
fvwm version... (I don't have that config file anymore but I don't 
remember doing anything special)

  any ideas? TIA!


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Re: FVWM: no borders for inactive windows

2003-04-02 Thread Erik Steffl

Cameron Simpson wrote:

On 00:30 31 Mar 2003, Klaus Umbach [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| On Sun, Mar 30, 2003 at 11:41:00PM +0200, martin sepulveda wrote:
|  for many years i've used (and still use) borderless windows only.
| well, borders for active windows are usefull to resize them manualy (if

| usefull - normaly fvwm does that for me)

Personally I find aiming at borders very tedious. I have alt-mouse-1 bound
to Resize in the Window context, and no borders at all. Aiming is _much_
easier (indeed, with focus-follows-mouse much of the time I don't need
to aim at all because the mouse is already there because I'm thinking
about that window already).

 I used to have the side button on logitech mouse reserved for 'whole 
window' operations (click = raise/lower, drag = move, drag with window 
key = resize)

 another way: find right click in title and drag tobe useful for resizing.

 having to hit the borders is pretty annoying... even more so when you 
have auto-raise:-)


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FVWM: using FvwmButtons without fvwm?

2002-12-23 Thread Erik Steffl
  does FvwmButton depend on fvwm in a way that would make it impossible
to use it without fvwm? I understand that some code changes would be
needed since now it's fvwm module, my question is how much it depends on
fvwm for its functionality.

  any pointers to where to rtfm appreciated,


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Re: FVWM: Everything stops when moving around windows

2002-12-02 Thread Erik Steffl
Dominik Vogt wrote:
 On Sun, Dec 01, 2002 at 11:01:57PM -0800, Erik Steffl wrote:
  Mikhael Goikhman wrote:
  On 30 Nov 2002 15:52:05 +0100, Tor Stormwall wrote:
  When I for example play a movie and at the same time moving a window
  the movie stops, so do the rest of the screen. Everything stops
  completely. After I've moved the window to my wanted location
  everything works fine again.
  The problem occurs not only when playing movies but all the times I
  move something on the screen.
  Do I need a special configuration or something?
  I'm using the latest stable release of fvwm2 on a NetBSD 1.6 machine.
  The following should solve your problem:
OpaqueMoveSize 200
  The outline move, although a bit faster, grabs X, so don't use it
  if you run real-time updating applications (video, monitors).
does outline move have to grab X? it seems like most evil thing (in
  context given context:-), turning nice multitasking system into a one
  task dos piece of crap, even  if it's for few moments only (mostly).
 The reason is mainly backward compatibility.  We could also draw
 the wire frame into separate windows and fill it with a pattern
 that gives a good contrast.  But we could not have the current
 Xor effect.

  :-) considering how ugly the xor effect looks it funny that it's (part
of) a reason why the nasty grab X is used by fvwm

the move could be excusable but the bigger problem is placement of
  new windows - if you have manual placement, the new window (e.g. browser
  popup add) stops the whole system (well, all X programs) from working.
  that's quite nasty. IIRC the placement of new windows always uses
  outline so your workaround wouldn't work. [yes, I know I can disable
  popups:-) that's not the point]
 In Windoze, they have solved the problem by simply aborting
 moving/resizing when a new window appears.  Personally I wonder
 why people want manual placement at all.  I think it is a big

  yes it is but why wouldn't it use opaque window when given window
qualifies for opaque move?

OT: am I the only one (ignorant of details of X internals:-) wishing
  grabbing the server was not introduced at all?
 Sometimes it can hardly be avoided, but I agree that grabbing the
 server for more than a few milliseconds is not such a good idea.
 The whole grabbing implementation (server, keyboard, mouse) is
 flawed and a rich source of problems.  It is definitely overused
 in fvwm and probably in many other window managers and
 applications too.

  it looks like something in gnome apps is doing it too, after double
click (not sure if it's still a problem but few months ago a double
click in gnome app froze everything (all X programs, I could still
switch to anoth virtual console) for about 10 seconds) - VERY annoying.

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FVWM: vanishing WindowList

2002-11-28 Thread Erik Steffl
  when I hit the keyboard shortcut that brings up the WindowList 
appears but as soon as I let go Alt (part of keyboard shortcut) the 
WindowList disappears (therefore I cannot use it to switch focus to 
another window).

  not sure when this behaviour started, some time ago it worked 
properly (I hit keyboard shortcut, the WindowList appears and stays on 
the screen until I hit esp or number letter ...)

  it works properly when invoked via mouseclick or via popup menu.


debian unstable (and default debian fvwm config)
fvwm 2.4.10

  the only relevant config items (as far as I can tell, I grepped for 

  in menu definition:

+ Alt-F4:  Window List WindowList


Mouse 3   R  A  WindowList
Key F4AMWindowList

  any ideas? (I just re-read WindowList part of manpage, didn't find a 



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Re: FVWM: Key bindings not working

2002-11-28 Thread Erik Steffl

Tim Hanson wrote:
My root window key bindings have never worked.  This is the set of 
bindings currently shipped with SuSE, with the exception of PointerKey 

  numLock? see faq


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Re: FVWM: Windows without borders

2002-11-24 Thread Erik Steffl

Dan Espen wrote:

Chris Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Is there a way to launch programs withouth title bars and borders?
Some applications don't look right without them, like XMMS.

I guess you mean, some applications don't look right with them.

For xmms, use:

Style xmms NoTitle, Handlewidth 0

  xmms also allows you to set it in its own preferences, fvwm honors it...


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Re: FVWM: moving xmms around the screen

2002-11-09 Thread Erik Steffl

Denis Perelyubskiy wrote:


I think I had a configuration where I could move xmms around
the screen by simply clicking in its window and moving it.
This is with an Easy Move option turned on.

  isn't this function of xmms, independent of window manager?

  btw I found the fourth mouse button to be perfect for this - I 
configure it to move windows or resize windows with windows key pressed...


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FVWM: 'No such key' for valid keys?

2002-09-29 Thread Erik Steffl
  when starting fvwm 2.4.8 (debian unstable) on vncserver 3.3.3r2 I get 
bunch of errors even though the keys are valid, as verified by xev and 
also by fvwm - they actually work!

  here are the error messages:

[FVWM][ParseBinding]: ERROR No such key: XF86Standby
[FVWM][ParseBinding]: ERROR No such key: XF86AudioMute
[FVWM][ParseBinding]: ERROR No such key: XF86AudioLowerVolume
[FVWM][ParseBinding]: ERROR No such key: XF86AudioRaiseVolume
[FVWM][ParseBinding]: ERROR No such key: XF86AudioPlay
[FVWM][ParseBinding]: ERROR No such key: XF86AudioStop
[FVWM][ParseBinding]: ERROR No such key: XF86AudioPrev
[FVWM][ParseBinding]: ERROR No such key: XF86AudioNext
[FVWM][ParseBinding]: ERROR No such key: XF86Mail
[FVWM][ParseBinding]: ERROR No such key: XF86Search
[FVWM][ParseBinding]: ERROR No such key: XF86HomePage
[FVWM][ParseBinding]: ERROR No such key: XF86Start

  here's example of config (all the lines are like this one, just 
different key and different text after -T):

Key XF86AudioNext   A   A   Exec exec xterm -T next

  and it gets even stranger: when I run xev (just run it, not hitting 
those keys while it's running) the messages disappear - next time I 
start fvwm on the same server it works! yes, I tried to restart fvwm 
before I run xev, the messages are there everytime it is started, until 
I run xev.

  these bogus messages are NOT printed when using X 4.x (XFree86)

  any ideas?



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Re: FVWM: Re: planning the 10th fvwm birthday event

2002-09-19 Thread Erik Steffl

Dominik Vogt wrote:

On Wed, Sep 18, 2002 at 10:10:34AM +0200, Riswick, J.G.A. van wrote:

yes, are there any special features planned for 2.6?

Other than what we do anyway?  No.  What exactly would a special
feature be?  All menus being decorated with a birthday cake in
the backgroung on that day?

  shaped windows decorations?


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Re: FVWM: Re: planning the 10th fvwm birthday event

2002-09-19 Thread Erik Steffl

Dominik Vogt wrote:

On Wed, Sep 18, 2002 at 10:10:34AM +0200, Riswick, J.G.A. van wrote:

yes, are there any special features planned for 2.6?

Other than what we do anyway?  No.  What exactly would a special
feature be?  All menus being decorated with a birthday cake in
the backgroung on that day?

  shaped windows decorations?


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Re: FVWM: Geometry

2002-08-19 Thread Erik Steffl
Johan Svedberg wrote:
 + I Exec exec xbuffy -geometry x-0+270 -bg black -fg white -fn 5x7
 -boxfile $HOME/.xbuffyrc -fill 
 What should I set x to if I want it to be all the way down to the buttom
 of the screen except for the last 133 pixels? Maybe that can't be done,

  -133 (it's y)

  see man X for more info on geometry options.

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Re: FVWM: What is the history of FVWM?

2002-08-19 Thread Erik Steffl
Charles Hines wrote:
  DV == Dominik Vogt [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 DV ((Chuck, are you still lurking?  Can you fill in the gaps before
 DV 1998?))
 I am still lurking, yes, but not sure how much I can fill in as my memory is
 getting a little fuzzy in my old age...I'll see what I can do... :)
 pre-2.0-patchlevel-33 if I remember correctly.

  fuzzy indeed:-)

 DV After that there are plans for a version 3.0 that would change a
 DV lot of the syntax and introduce fantastic new features, but that's
 DV too far from now.
 Ah the future...scary and exciting... :)
  Perhaps it'd be worthy of a page on the FVWM website too?
 DV That is definitely going to be done for fvwm's birthday.

  this definitely has to go to a fvwm webpage (just my 2 haliere, in
case you had any doubts:-)


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Re: FVWM: Pager improvement suggestion

2002-08-17 Thread Erik Steffl
Cameron Simpson wrote:
 On 01:58 17 Aug 2002, Dominik Vogt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 | On Fri, Aug 16, 2002 at 12:02:45PM +, Saku Sammakko wrote:
 |  A humble suggestion for pager:
 |  [... app thumbnails in pager ...]
 | I'm afrai, but that feature cannot be written in X in a fashion
 | that would be actually usable.  When a window is not currently
 | visible, its contents may not be anywhere in memory, so the pager
 | cannot find out what to draw in the mini window.  And even if the
 | window is on screen, this would need ridiculous amounts of memory
 | and take so long to update that nobody would use it.  I'm sorry to
 | say this, but X simply doesn't provide an interface for background
 | drawing.
 I think E (or Evolution? I forget) has such a pager.

  yes, enlightenment

  I just started E and it seems to be updated with small delay
(seconds), quite impressive. Another nice (as in good looking, not sure
how useful it is) feature is the zooming of the window in pager when the
mouse is over it.

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Re: FVWM: What is the history of FVWM?

2002-08-16 Thread Erik Steffl
Andy Arbon wrote:
 I was having a discussion with a mate about our respective choices of
 window manager and it occurred to me that I know very little about where
 FVWM came from..
 Who started it? When? What was it based on? I'd find info on this sort
 of thing quite interesting if anyone knows anything about it.
 Perhaps it'd be worthy of a page on the FVWM website too?

  hey! slow down! next thing you'll be asking what does 'f' stand for!

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Re: FVWM: Direct Draw?

2002-08-13 Thread Erik Steffl
David wrote:
 I hope someone else is also asking for direct draw fvwm.
 As it is now, when I start X11 in a cygwin shell, the xwindow
 comes up and the fvwm2 comes up.
 However, when I quit the cygwin shell, the window manager goes
 away and so do its child xterms.
 It used to be that the X11 root when away but now it survives.
 I hope an fvwm2 upgrade will enable the window manager to
 survive loss of the cygwin shell parent.
 ps. Or, is there a workaround?

  it depends on how you start fvwm. some shells leave the kids running,
some kill them (it might be configurable). if you want the program to
run after you exit the shell regardles of which shell you are running
use nohup (see man nohup).

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Re: FVWM: fvwm2 dropped from Red Hat Linux!

2002-07-24 Thread Erik Steffl
Cameron Simpson wrote:
 On 02:11 05 Jul 2002, parv [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 | in message [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 | wrote E Frank Ball thusly...
 |  RedHat also dropped tin and xv starting with 7.1, two other
 |  programs I can't live without.
 | i can't imagine how could anyone to drop xv if it had been regular
 | part of an os install/distribution previously! [...]
 xv is shareware - I don't think RedHat were really allowed to ship it.

  debian dropped it too, there's some problem with the licence...

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Re: FVWM: front key dies?

2002-07-23 Thread Erik Steffl
Louis Rayman wrote:
 I'm running:
 FVWM version 2.4.6 compiled on Apr 23 2002 at 09:11:36
 with support for: XPM, GNOME WM hints, Shape, SM
 on Solaris 8, 2 monitors, no xinerama.
 Every so often, fvwm stops responding to key presses, like alt-tab or front
 (F15).  I can't find any pattern as to when it happens.
 any ideas??

  it's probably numlock (or some other modifier), check the faq

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Re: FVWM: Graphical configuration tool for FVWM

2002-05-29 Thread Erik Steffl
Mikhael Goikhman wrote:
 Just think about this. Some statistics about FVWM. We have as of now:
   * 166 commands (and the number grows)
   * 199 Style options (and the number grows)
   * 54 MenuStyle options
   * a lot of TitleStyle/ButtonStyle/BorderStyle options
   * 33 window circulation options
   * 37 WindowList options
   * each Colorset has 23 options (probably 30+ in 2.6.x)
   * 28 modules, some are very configurable with dozens of options each
   * 13 menu placement hints, 7 bug-options, 24 cursor contexts
   * 26 binding contexts, 2^8 modifiers and so on
 Now, consider a user configuration that includes dozens of global feel
 lines (Style *), many individual Style patterns, several MenuStyle
 patterns, dozens of colorsets, dozens of fonts, dozens of menus, dozens
 of functions, dozens of keyboard, mouse and stroke bindings. Window
 decorations is another endless story. Now, modules. Even if a user is
 limited to one FvwmButtons with one FvwmIconMan and FvwmPager swallowed
 and several other applications swallowed, there are still millions of
 combinations to create such FvwmButtons panel.

  and user defined functions - how would one add functions in gui tool?
and make gui tool aware of them? the tool would have to be something
like delphi/c++builder/visual basic programming environment. not
impossible but it would be a BIG project...

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fvwm asked me to report this

2001-09-17 Thread Erik Steffl
  here's what I've got after going to a page requiring authorization (I
think the window it refers to is the login/password dialog).

[FVWM][GetWindowSizeHints]: WARNING Authorization Dialog window
0x640008b has broken (max_height) size hints
Please report this to fvwm-workers@fvwm.org
hint override = 0
flags = 23f
min_width = 307, min_height = 177, max_width = 307, max_height = 152
width_inc = 1088235872, height_inc = 307
min_aspect = 177/487, max_aspect = 436/487
base_width = 436, base_height = 793
win_gravity = 1

  I am not subscriped to fvwm so if you need further info please CC me
or contact me directly.

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