Re: [Goanet] Myths about ancient and modern societies

2006-08-06 Thread Santosh Helekar

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
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--- Gilbert Lawrence [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 You make me do a lot of research. This is because,
as I have discovered, that you present only part of
the data to support your agenda.  But goanetters are
lucky. I love to look at data. :=))


Did you read the rest of what you wrote, and notice
your double standards? Did you notice that you have
not changed the luck of Goanetters at all because you
have provided extremely selective and limited data,
even less than me? Moreover, you have claimed that
Japan is a traditional country as opposed to a
modern one. You have also made up your own rules, and
modified them with each post according to your
convenience. But since you imply that traditional
societies have lower incarceration rates than modern
ones, why stop at only 3 countries, namely India,
Pakistan and Sri Lanka? Why not take the mean of the
incarceration rates of all traditional countries and
compare it with that of all modern countries?

The mean incarceration rate of all 183 traditional
countries for which these data are available is 167.8
per 100,000 people. 

The mean incarceration rate of all 25 modern
countries for which these data are available is 126.2
per 100,000 people.

The standard errors of the mean for the two sets of
countries are 9.5 and 25.8, respectively. These data
should settle the question of whether traditional
countries have a lower incarceration rate than
modern countries or not. Unless, of course, you want
to move the goal post further, and modify the
definitions again, or claim something else.

Now regarding the apples and oranges confusion that
you have presented with regard to divorce rates, here
is the U.S. divorce rate trend for the last 34 years
again, this time denoted as rate per 1000 people.

1972 – 4.1 divorces per 1000 people
1981 – 5.3 divorces per 1000 people
2000 – 4.1 divorces per 1000 people

Furthermore, in 1946 the divorce rate had peaked at
4.3 divorces per 1000 people. I have also noted
earlier that divorce is not considered immoral by
modern secular society, and by at least one ancient
religion, namely Islam.

 You are indeed a friend.  So you continue to refuse
to name your religious or non-religious path.

I told you to refer to the 10-year Goanet and Goa-Goan
archives to find out about my views on religious
issues. If you had done that you would have noticed
that my path is that of a naturalist and a realist.
You would have also noticed that I do not claim to
have any reason to either disbelieve or believe in
innocuous spiritual beliefs, and that I practice
desirable practices and expose harmful ones.



Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] Myths about ancient and modern societies- to Gilbert L. Kevin S.

2006-08-04 Thread George Pinto

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
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NO to all 4 questions. George

--- Aristo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 1) Do you sincerely believe that Theists (which, since you clearly
 failed in theology,  means those who believe in God, including
 non-religious Agnostics), ARE MORE LIKELY THAN ATHEISTS to be morally
 good, or commit less crimes? In other words, are criminals in prisons
 2) Do you sincerely believe that the world requires more Theists
 rather than Atheists?
 1) Do you believe that Theists are ignorant and everyone should
 convert to Atheism for the greater good of humanity?
 2) Do you intend on enlightening Goanet in the future about how
 Atheism is better than Theism?
Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] Myths about ancient and modern societies

2006-08-03 Thread Santosh Helekar

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit for details/booking/confirmation.

Gilbert wrote:

I am a bit tired of Goanetters who preach one thing
(to appear intellectual) and personally practice
another philosophy.  I do hope you and others do not
reap what you preach.  Yet it is useful to remember
that a seed does not fall far from the tree.


Almost everything you have written in response to the
data that I provided in reply to your own request, is
inconsequential, erroneous or trite (Please see the
above quote for example). I will just point out some
misrepresentations and misconceptions in it. 

You started by saying you were not going to respond
to innuendo (good).  Then you went on to provide a
whole bunch of innuendos (not good). In supplying the
statistics, you intermixed the US data with India
data. The latter appeared to be a combination of
contemporary data with what existed 100 years ago
(grandmother's era).

I suspect you don’t understand the meaning of the word
innuendo. Please look it up in a standard English
dictionary. Your assertion that I mixed Indian data
with U.S. data is utterly bogus. I only provided U.S.
data. I do not have access to Indian data as yet. The
statements regarding my grandmother and great
grandmother were made because you asked for
information about India, and what I have stated is
common knowledge among Indians. They are also
pertinent facts with regard to morality because
child-marriage is now regarded as inappropriate,
immoral and abusive.

As an example you refer to US data on teen-age
mothers (likely school dropouts) who have children
out of wedlock (some with multiple fathers) living in
single parent homes surviving on the government's
safety net.  This is compared (favorably)  to our
(Indian) grandmother's social structure where the
young girls were married and living in a joint-family
system with an immense amount of near and extended
family and social support system.

Pure garbage. I have made no such comparison. I
provided actual numbers only for the U.S.

You also find a good similarity of single-parent
homes (mistakenly termed single family homes) due to
divorce in modern society to widowed parents in
traditional societies. 

Hogwash. There are widowed parents in all societies.
Divorce is also present in all societies. Some old
religions have allowed divorce (indeed, made it easy
to obtain a divorce) for the past hundreds of years
e.g. Islam.

In the U.S., according to the 2001 census, 10.6% of
the women are currently widowed and 10.8% divorced.

I did not include rape etc as a separate end-point
because I had to stop somewhere to make it easier on

Sorry that the actual numbers I provided are harder
for you to digest. Sorry for making things
uncomfortable for you.

Yet that and other social situations would be
reflected under prison population. This statistic
(per thousand population) is much higher in the
modern / western world that in traditional societies.

Nonsense. The incarceration rates are much lower for
all other western or technologically advanced
countries. U.S. is an exception. Here are the
incarceration rates for several developed countries.

U.S. – 714 per 100,000 population 
Canada – 116 per 100,000 population
England and Wales – 142 per 100,000 population
France – 91 per 100,000 population
Germany – 96 per 100,000 population
Spain – 140 per 100,000 population
Netherlands – 123 per 100,000 population
Denmark – 70 per 100,000 population
Norway – 65 per 100,000 population
Sweden – 75 per 100,000 population
Japan – 58 per 100,000 population
Australia – 117 per 100,000 population

- These are February 2005 numbers obtained from the
International Centre for Prison Studies
King’s College London – School of Law (Sunith Velho
had nothing to do with this information).

So with due respects, using your pro-science and
logical bent, your comparative statistical
conclusions, have little meaning. You have on purpose
chosen to make sarkem goddxem zalam.

Gilbert, Do you remember that the numbers I provided
were requested by you? Are you now disappointed that
they do not support your case?

Contrary to your understated numbers, in contemporary
western societies, the divorce rates is close to 50%
of all marriages.

A bogus assertion even from the standpoint of the U.S.

The numbers I obtained were from a graph provided by
the U.S. Census Bureau and National Center for Health
Statistics. The commonly misreported and misconceived
50% value refers to the annual 

Re: [Goanet] Myths about ancient and modern societies

2006-08-02 Thread Gilbert Lawrence

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit for details/booking/confirmation.

Hi Santosh, 
Thanks for your response.  It was helpful though confusing.  Given the heat 
wave we are having across the USA, I was wondering if that was due to the heat 
in Houston on New York.  You started by saying you were not going to respond to 
innuendo (good).  Then you went on to provide a whole bunch of innuendos (not 
good). In supplying the statistics, you intermixed the US data with India data. 
The latter appeared to be a combination of contemporary data with what existed 
100 years ago (grandmother's era). 
As an example you refer to US data on teen-age mothers (likely school dropouts) 
who have children out of wedlock (some with multiple fathers) living in single 
parent homes surviving on the government's safety net.  This is compared 
(favorably)  to our (Indian) grandmother's social structure where the young 
girls were married and living in a joint-family system with an immense amount 
of near and extended family and social support system. 
You also find a good similarity of single-parent homes (mistakenly termed 
single family homes) due to divorce in modern society to widowed parents in 
traditional societies. In the latter, there are grandparents and social support 
systems of both sides of the family. This is not to mention that in the former 
cases the situation can be generally forestalled while in the latter case, it 
was tragic.  
I did not include rape etc as a separate end-point because I had to stop 
somewhere to make it easier on you.  Yet that and other social situations would 
be reflected under prison population. This statistic (per thousand population) 
is much higher in the modern / western world that in traditional societies. 
So with due respects, using your pro-science and logical bent, your comparative 
statistical conclusions, have little meaning. You have on purpose chosen to 
make sarkem goddxem zalam.  

Contrary to your understated numbers, in contemporary western societies, the 
divorce rates  is close to 50% of all marriages. And one in three children grow 
in single-parent homes.  I will not quote to you what happens in Goa TODAY, 
lest Sunith accuses me again of living in a bygone era.  He of course will not 
provide us with factual data of the three communities, rather relying on 
impressions. and insinuations 
The point of this dialogue is that you and other atheists claim, the lack of 
religious beliefs in today's society is great.  And the rock solid moral 
codes of a community are irrelevant to modern society. While I and others 
submit to you that lack of those cohesive forces (on the mob) is taking a 
tremendous assault on the family, which is the basic unit of any community and 
social structure.  I concede that modern society is economically ahead of 
traditional society. Yet I disagree with you that modern communities is 
socially head of traditional communities because of their more liberal 
attitudes. I continue to maintain that modern societies' social fabric is being 
torn apart. 
Finally, instead of asking me to read about Atheism which is not what you 
believe in, perhaps you need to give us the title / name of your belief. Thus 
we have a better understanding of your philosophic perspectives from 
independent sources. And make sure it is consistent with your writings. I am a 
bit tired of Goanetters who preach one thing (to appear intellectual) and 
personally practice another philosophy.  I do hope you and others do not reap 
what you preach.  Yet it is useful to remember that a seed does not fall far 
from the tree. 
Kind Regards, GL

- Santosh Helekar wrote:
Sorry, I will not respond in kind to your innuendo in the above post. 
Most common medical problems have causes that have nothing to do with morality 
e.g. heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, cancer and stroke. 
What is the relationship between morality and psychological problems, stress 
and depression? 
I am curious as to why you did not include homicides, rapes and the number of 
executed prisoners. 
But here are the actual numbers for your list and more: 
1. Divorce rates: 1945 ? 18 per 1000 married women; 1973 ? 23 per 1000 married 
women; 2001 ? 18 per 1000 married women.
Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] Myths about ancient and modern societies

2006-08-01 Thread cornel

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit for details/booking/confirmation.

Hi Gilbert
I saw Santosh's statistical date supplied to you. This is enough for me.
As to me challenging Santosh about anything, a need has not arisen.
I regret I will have not have time to address the remaining points you had 
posed for Santosh.
Good wishes
- Original Message - 
From: Gilbert Lawrence [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, July 30, 2006 3:50 AM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Myths about ancient and modern societies

 Hi Cornel,

 Thanks for your long reply.  Thanks for waiting for my response. Sunith 
 thinks I work with the same efficiency as my computer.  Now he knows, that 
 my e-mail response is a little faster than snail mail.  He is actually 
 lucky, because some don’t even get my response.  Only the respected ones 
 do. (half of the 10% of e-mails that I read).

Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] Myths about ancient and modern societies

2006-07-31 Thread velho

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit for details/booking/confirmation.

Gibert Lawrence:
Sunith thinks I work with the same efficiency as my computer.  Now he knows,
that my e-mail response is a little faster than snail mail.  He is actually
lucky, because some don?t even get my response.  Only the respected ones do.
(half of the 10% of e-mails that I read).

Sunith Responds:
No offence intended Mr. Lawrence. Just that I forget I'm probably the only
lucky goa-netter who is idle throughtout the day and will be so till I
commence my studies in September. I quit my job (after two years without
leave...) so I really dont know what to do with my free time, after all one
can only spend so many hours on swimming, trekking, sudoku, feni and food.

Sunith Velho
Goanet mailing list

[Goanet] Myths about ancient and modern societies (S)

2006-07-31 Thread Gilbert Lawrence

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit for details/booking/confirmation.

Hi Sunith, 

Some of us, mortals, have to earn a living. The last line of my first response 
to you, stated that the second part of the response was coming.  

From your hasty response, we now know, you have access to all data all over 
the world. So, please let's work the assignment.  I am indeed waiting for my 
whole ill structured argument will collapse.  Please keep your responses 
short, sweet and to the point.  Please do not duck the questions with 
historical societies and those we are not fully familiar with.  Keep that, and 
the verbosity for your English profs when you get to England.

Likely, the only thing you know about Hill Billies and Hamish societies is 
perhaps how to spell their names... even that's suspect.  (It should be 
Hillbilly and Amish). In your emotional reaction to respond, you have totally 
failed again to understand the gist of my posts.  I am requesting you to 
compare CURRENT traditional societies and socio-economically advanced 
societies.  These are the best terms that most goanetters will understand for 
the two groups.  Please do not be argumentative about the semantics, in an 
attempt to duck the issue.  Ami Goenkars are very good at this.

Congrats for going to Kings College, London, for your Masters.  Long before you 
were born, I've been there (London) and done that (got my Royal College 
degrees).  Do not be too excited till you have passed those competitive exams. 
So for now, your plans to go to Kings College, London will impress only your 
Mundkars and other tenements. :=))

Aum / Ami rautam tujea borea respostak.  
Kind Regards, GL

--- velho  wrote
Sunith responds: 
please point out a single source of information (except for Fox News of 
course!!) that you, Santosh or Elisabeth have access to and I dont, I would 
highly appreciate it. 
I'm moving to Kings College, London in September to do my masters. I will then 
sign off London, UK instead of Panjim, Goa. Bad news buddy One of the 
pillars of your whole ill structured argument will collapse.
Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] Myths about ancient and modern societies

2006-07-31 Thread velho

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit for details/booking/confirmation.

Gilbert Lawrence wrote:
I was completely flabbergasted to have recently discovered, three Goanetters 
(and likely a few
more) who masquerade as atheists.

Sunith reponds:
Gilbert please wake up to the times because you seem to be horrified, 
flabbergasted and upset a great deal when you hear views which oppose you 
own. Obviously, I beleive your views belong to the dark ages.

Gilbert Lawrence wrote:
 I will excuse Sunith, as the guy is too young to know about
Catholicism or atheism. At his age, many are atheists. It helps with their 
social life. Remember
amchem tempar? :=))

Sunith reponds:
The above statement implies.
1. That you accuse me of  living an immoral lifestlye and seem to know 
alot about my social life.
2. In tumchem tempar, either you were an atheist and/or your 
friends(acquaintances) were.
3. It clearly proves my point that your attitude is found mostly in old 
people. The only reason I said I was young was to prove my point and not for 
any kind  of sympathy from fellow netters.

Well the bomb has dropped, and this is going to seriously affect your 
chances of cannonisation. Please remember that I will not be cowed by 
insults. It just bores me to stoop to your level.


Sunith Velho

P.S. The Afterlife and soul are also concepts that satanists and other forms 
of non accepted worship hold as their pillars. For the sake of christians 
the world over, don't generalise and be SPECIFIC! Always. 

Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] Myths about ancient and modern societies

2006-07-31 Thread Santosh Helekar

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit for details/booking/confirmation.

--- Gilbert Lawrence [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Look forward to the re-submission. Then we can decide
about the hackneyed notion ani hollow cliches 
ani tea bhair more! Or if this post  is Pro-science
and logical - really?  Aum / Ami rautam tujea borea
Aum tujo Goenkar bhau, GL 


Sorry, I will not respond in kind to your innuendo in
the above post.

Regarding the list you provided, it appears you have
not looked at any of the actual numbers, because they
do not support your case regarding deterioration of
morality at all. Plus, some of the items in your list
are absurd e.g. medical problems in adults,
psychological problems, stress, depression,
single-family homes, children brought up in
single-family homes, and ADS in children. 

Most common medical problems have causes that have
nothing to do with morality e.g. heart disease,
hypertension, diabetes, cancer and stroke. 

What is the relationship between morality and
psychological problems, stress and depression? 

People living in multi-family housing such as
apartment buildings are no more moral than those
living in single-family homes. Don't you live in a
single-family home?

Now if you are referring to single-parent homes then
the one of the most common reasons for single
parenthood is death of one parent, especially in
India, which nobody would consider immoral. Another
non-immoral reason is adoption of a postnatal child or
a frozen human embryo that would otherwise have been
discarded. A third non-immoral reason from the
standpoint of the parent would be a child born as a
consequence of rape, the single parent being the
victim in this case. The three reasons that might be
regarded as immoral but only by a puritanical mind
focussed on certain notions of sexual morality, are
single unwed heterosexual parents, divorced or
separated parents, and single homosexual parents. Do
you regard these latter reasons as immoral? Also, do
you regard divorce because of a failed marriage as

Why is ADS in children immoral? Is it their fault or
their parent’s fault?

The inclusion of teenage motherhood actually backfires
from your standpoint because before the 1950’s,
especially in India, every mother was a teenage
mother. My great grandmother had 4 kids before the age
of 20.

Regarding statistical data on the other items you
listed, I could not find continuous 100-year data on
any of them, except homicide rates. Here are the
available statistics on the items you listed for the
U.S. I don’t have access to Indian data as yet. We can
certainly compare the present generation with the
prior one, viz. 2000 – 2004 with 1970 – 1980. I also
have values for the 1930s, 40s or 50s for some of

I am curious as to why you did not include homicides,
rapes and the number of executed prisoners. 

But here are the actual numbers for your list and

1. Divorce rates: 1945 – 18 per 1000 married women;
1973 – 23 per 1000 married women; 2001 – 18 per 1000
married women.

2. Single family homes: Please see above for why this
is silly and/or confusing.

But regarding single-parent homes:

1970 – 15% of children live in such homes; 1996 – 28%
of children live in such homes;

3. Unwed and teenage mothers: 

Unwed mothers: 1957 – 15.8 live births per 1000 women;
1977 – 25.1 live births per 1000 women; 2004 – 23.7
live births per 1000 women.

Teenage mothers: 1957 - 97.3 live births per 1000
women; 1970 – 69.5 live births per 1000 women; 2004 –
41.9 live births per 1000 women.

4. Children brought up in single family homes: Please
see above for why this is silly and/or confusing.

5. Teenage sex:  My grandmothers, and all my
ancestors, especially the females, had teenage sex. 
But here are the numbers that I could find:

1982 – 46.9% females ever had sex, 55.2% (1988) males
ever had sex; 2002 – 45.5 % ever had sex, 45.7 % males
ever had sex.

Teenage pregnancies:  1976 – 101.4 per 1000 women;
2000 – 84.5 per 1000 women.

STDs: Syphilis/gonorrhea/chancroid – 1950 – 342 per
100,000; 1970 – 343 per 100,000; 2003 – 128 per

6. Drug abuse in adults and children:
Drug abuse in high school seniors – 
Cigarettes: 1980 - 30.5%; 2004 – 25%
Marijuana: 1980 – 33.7%; 2004 – 19.9%
Cocaine: 1980 – 5.2%; 2004 – 2.3%
Inhalants: 1980 – 1.4%; 2004 – 1.5%
Alcohol: 1980 – 72%; 2004 – 48%

7. Abortions on demand: 1976 - 24.2 per 1000 women;
2002 – 20.8 per 1000 women.

8. Psychologic problems in children including ADS

Re: [Goanet] Myths about ancient and modern societies

2006-07-30 Thread velho
Hi Gilbert,

I apologise for nothing.

I will be glad to keep this argument going if that is your wish.


Sunith Velho

P.S. I'm a bit disappointed with the patronising tone of your mail and 
promise to attack your ideas with renewed vigour once they are published.

- Original Message - 
From: Gilbert Lawrence [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, July 29, 2006 10:44 PM
Subject: Myths about ancient and modern societies

 Hi Sunitsh,

 Is this your way of apologizing for your unwarranted outburst?
 I am still working on a suitable response to it  wait for the snail
 e-mail with suspense.:=))

 I welcome intellectual and sometimes humorous responses.
 An poor response  / outburst is a sad reflection of the source rather that
 the target it is aimed at.
 Kind Regards, GL

  Sunith Velho Ponje-Goem:
 Hi Gilbert,

 Thanks for clarifying you position.  I will now rest my case and agree to
 disagree with your views, while I guess you'll do the same with mine.
 Just a word of caution in the future, if you count among your allies big
 bore bofors guns( like MG) and you are a big gun yourslef, at least expect
 some mortar fire in return. Its not personal, just a sustained attack.
 The pleasure was mine. Kind regards and the blessings of all gods in the
 pantheon to you.

 No virus found in this incoming message.
 Checked by AVG Free Edition.
 Version: 7.1.394 / Virus Database: 268.10.5/403 - Release Date: 7/28/2006

Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] Myths about ancient and modern societies

2006-07-30 Thread George Pinto
--- velho [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 P.S. I'm moving to Kings College, London in September to do my masters. I 
 will then
 sign off London, UK instead of Panjim, Goa. 


Good luck in your studies in London. It is always a source of pride and joy to 
see a fellow Goan
do well, especially higher education. Whether it is London or any place else, I 
am sure you will
do Goa proud. In London, I hope you will get a chance to meet Cornel Da Costa, 
Eddie Fernandes and
Gabe Menezes. I have met them in cyberspace and Eddie (in person) and I am sure 
they will extend a
welcoming hand. Eddie even knows a couple of Goan restaurants.

All the best.


Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] Myths about ancient and modern societies

2006-07-29 Thread Gilbert Lawrence

Goanetters visiting Viva Goa 2006 in Toronto, Canada on July 29, can use 
the BMX booth as a meeting point. Please list your name on the message 
board that will be provided, courtesy of BMX.

Hi Sunith,

To your question: Do you accept that some people need religion / written moral 
codes to guide them but others don't? or is it your contention that for society 
to progress everyone has to follow a God/written code? If not.. please list ur 
reasons. (A Yes or No answer to a specific question) 

Answer: YES and NO to your double-barrel question! 
Society needs a set of codes for its members to live by. Morality cannot be 
(always) legislated. And morality cannot be enforced (every where). So society 
has to develop a well recognized and accepted value system. Call that system 
(religion / moral / cultural codes / values) whatever you please.  This is what 
I call the unwritten language of social behavior of a society.

Religion / moral / cultural / value codes are not to pick and choose - though 
we often do it for convenience. Or else, each individual in society will have 
their own codes and rules (like own language) to use, when it is to their 
convenience.  As an example, you may not think you have a responsibility to 
your parents 50+ yrs., or follow their codes / value system.  Yet, that 
thinking will change overnight, if you get seriously ill.  Now you'll expect / 
insist that they care for you - even though you are independent at 20+ yrs.  I 
see this happening every day.  Some parents may also think like their kid (used 
to) and say, Tough luck, kiddo.

I appreciate your honesty in voluntarily informing us about your atheist belief 
and philosophy. That is better than many masqueraders, that we've recently 
encountered.  Yet if you went to church, you would have heard / read this: 
Archbishop Filipe Neri Ferro of Goa and Daman says there is an erosion of 
values and principles in governance and rising corruption in the society and 
that families and schools can help children making citizens in India.   
Connect that to your: A vast majority of young people today (and they are the 
future of society after all!!) .

Finally refraining from writing posts because, you'll receive responses like 
mine is a cop-out.  Goanet is the best way for young Goans (boys and girls) to 
meet  / face and overcome challenges that all (young and old) face in life. I 
find it difficult to correlate your hesitancy to write with  the optimism you 
display below.  

Good wishes. Enjoyed having this exchange of views with you.
Regards, GL

 Sunith Velho, Panjim-Goa, wrote:

As a youngster I find that your views are more prevalent in the above 50 yrs. 
age group. There is hardly anyone I know from my age group( I am in my twenties 
now) who wishes they were born 50 or 100 yrs ago because life was better then. 
A vast majority of young people today (and they are the future of society after 
all!!) are optimistic of what the future holds if we continue on the present 
path of technology and scientific advancement with religion as a completely 
personal choice to provide solace/guidance to those who need it.
Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] Myths about ancient and modern societies

2006-07-29 Thread velho

Happy Birthday: St Britto's, which is 60 years old. Celebrations at St
Jerome's Church Mapusa 11 am on July 30, 2006. Football match Loyola's
vs. Britto's 11 am on July 31, 2006 at the school grounds.

Hi Gilbert,

Thanks for clarifying you position.

I will now rest my case and agree to disagree with your views, while I guess 
you'll do the same with mine.

Just a word of caution in the future, if you count among your allies big 
bore bofors guns( like MG) and you are a big gun yourslef, at least expect 
some mortar fire in return. Its not personal, just a sustained attack.

The pleasure was mine.

Kind regards and the blessings of all gods in the pantheon to you.

Sunith Velho

Goanet mailing list

[Goanet] Myths about ancient and modern societies

2006-07-28 Thread Gilbert Lawrence

Goanetters visiting Viva Goa 2006 in Toronto, Canada on July 29, can use 
the BMX booth as a meeting point. Please list your name on the message 
board that will be provided, courtesy of BMX.

Hi Sunith,

Thanks for your response to my post. I am glad you kept it logical and short. 
Hope we can maintain it that way.

I think you have totally mis-read my post.  You have NOT COMPARED the social 
parameters of Taliban society to modern socio-economically advanced society!  
I am not requesting you to score a society. I am requesting a comparison of two 
societies for the same end-points. 

I suggested to compare the RATES for the various parameters for Modern and 
Traditional society. So the following makes no sense to me, Under Taliban rule 
in Afghanistan. Parameters 1-7 were close to zero. Parameter 8-11 probably 
remained the same. Parameters 12,13 probably decreased or stayed the same. 
Parameters 14-15 decreased dramatically (the Taliban owned all the weapons and 
the killed most of their prisoners). 

BTW, is Taliban rule representative of modern or old society or neither?  Was 
Taliban rule even a society - Muslim or Afghan society?

So before you digress (old Goanet trick), why don’t you check the data for the 
parameters that I outlined. Then compare those end-points for a modern and 
traditional- Goan Muslim, Hindu and Catholic societies?  

That in part may be difficult to research from Panaji. You may not have access 
to western data (or be exposed to it) unless you are well conversant with US or 
UK or EU statistics.  Yet you could do it with the help of Santosh and 
Elisabeth. You live in Panaji-Goa, which may be in transition from old to new 
society. So you may or may not have a glimpse of the issues.

Since you are young, I strongly urge you to look at the hard statistics / data 
/ numbers - no explanations needed!  Do not be satisfied with just giving 
opinions and having impressions; or dismissing other peoples' views (including 
older folks) with terms (not your's)  like hackneyed and cliched 
terminologies.  If the above two US residents do not cooperate in giving you 
the American data, that says a lot. It is perhaps, they are arm-chair 
discussants, or more likely, the statistics are so bad that they do not want to 
frighten you and the rest of us. It is not because they are too intellectual 
to work with you. 
The parameters you outline (2, 4, 5) like wars, self determined democratic 
political systems is a reflection of the government rather than the society 
governed.  So I hope we can talk the same semantics referenced to the same 
subject group. 

I share your optimism for the future. As one progresses socio-economically, the 
skill is to learn from societies and others that have been down that path and 
avoid their pitfalls.  A good modern society to emulate is Japanese and rural 
US society.  Your challenge is how to emulate the good while avoiding the 
potholes. Panjim and Goa is a good incubator to hold-on to the age-tested 
values while also incorporating SOME WELL-TESTED new outlooks.  So the old and 
new is NOT mutually EXCLUSIVE. It is not one OR the other, as some on Goanet 
make it out to be.  One's smartness and innovation is how one can have both!  
It can be done. By the grace of God we and many others have achieved both.  

Response to your other points in another post.
Kind Regards, GL

 Sunith Velho, Panjim-Goa wrote: 
As a supporter of scientific and logical argument will try to disapprove your 
simplistic analysis to support your belief that  today's society is spinning 
out of control  
Under Taliban rule in Afghanistan. Parameters 1-7 were close to zero. 
Parameter 8-11 probably remained the same. Parameters 12,13 probably 
decreased or stayed the same. Parameters 14-15 decreased dramatically (the 
Taliban owned all the weapons and the killed most of their prisoners). 
So we can see that these parameters when used alone tell us nothing 
about the state of a society. 
I submit that some useful parameters for evaluating the state of world 
society would be 
1. Female emancipation and equality. (After all half the world is female) 
2. Number of Major Conflicts/Wars(In terms of number of deaths) 
3. Racial tolerance 
4. Religious/Belief Tolerance 
5. Number of people living in self determined democratic political systems. 
What is your opinion of human progress w.r.t. these parameters(especially 
over the last century)? 
Goanetters can add to that list.
Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] Myths about ancient and modern societies

2006-07-28 Thread velho

Goanetters visiting Viva Goa 2006 in Toronto, Canada on July 29, can use 
the BMX booth as a meeting point. Please list your name on the message 
board that will be provided, courtesy of BMX.

Gilbert Lawrence writes:
Thanks for your response to my post. I am glad you kept it logical and 
short. Hope we can maintain it that way.

Sunith responds:
First of all, you have not answered the very specific question I posed and 
instead responded with a long completely illogical sermon. So lets in the 
future keep it logical and short. Let me repeat that question. Do you 
accept that some people need religion/written moral codes to guide them but 
others don't? or is it your contention that for society to progress everyone 
has to follow a God/written code? If not.. please list your reasons.( A Yes 
or No answer to a specific question)

Gilbert Lawrence writes:
That in part may be difficult to research from Panaji. You may not have 
access to western data (or be exposed to it) unless you are well conversant 
with US or UK or EU statistics.  Yet you could do it with the help of 
Santosh and Elisabeth. You live in Panaji-Goa, which may be in transition 
from old to new society. So you may or may not have a glimpse of the 

BTW, is Taliban rule representative of modern or old society or neither? 
Was Taliban rule even a society - Muslim or Afghan society?

So before you digress (old Goanet trick), why don?t you check the data for 
the parameters that I outlined. Then compare those end-points for a modern 
and traditional- Goan Muslim, Hindu and Catholic societies?

Sunith responds:
All us goans living in Goa( especially Panjim, Goa) are very thankful for 
your sympathy with regards to our lack of access to statistics and data. If 
you could please point out a single source of information(except for Fox 
News of course!!) that you, Santosh or Elisabeth have access to and I dont, 
I would highly appreciate it.(Very specific question deserving of an equally 
specific answer)

If you wish to compare the parameters you mentioned only with respect to the 
the EU, UK and US please state so very explicitly. I'm sorry I was not aware 
the term society referred to Caucasian societies. Many thanks for including 
Goa as an after thought.

My post was only to prove that the parameters you mentioned were more a less 
bogus as a means for evaluating any society be it American, Goan or Afghani. 
Once again you have failed to respond to the main issue and digressed (an 
old Gilbert Lawrence trick!).

Gilbert Lawrence writes:
Good modern society to emulate is Japanese and rural US society.

Sunith responds:
W.r.t. rural US society do you mean Hill Billies, Hamish, Mormons, Quakers, 
the Una-bomber and anarchists, the Ku-Klux klan, rural Alabama?? Please be 
By Japanese do you mean the society that started WWII in Asia and later 
became famous for eating the internal organs of Allied soldiers in their 
prison camps?? Please please be more specific in the future.

Gilbert Lawrence writes:
The parameters you outline (2, 4, 5) like wars, self determined democratic 
political systems is a reflection of the government rather than the society 
governed.  So I hope we can talk the same semantics referenced to the same 
subject group.

Sunith responds:
Is it your contention that governments and societies are mutually exclusive 
or that they share a very high degree of correlation?? Are the terms 
democratic, secular and racist used to describe governments, societies or 
both(Another very specific question). I have heard of the terms 
democratic/secular/racist being used to describe societies (all the while 
being stuck in poor ignorant Panjim, Goa), have you?? Are wars a clash 
between societies or governments??
Your second statement makes no sense because the frame of reference you use 
is bogus as a means for evaluating society(I hate to repeat myself!!).

Please use your parameterss to compare Europe in the dark ages and Europe 
Please use the same parameters to compare the USA(in the slave labour years) 
and the USA of today.
Please use the same parameters to compare the R.S.A society pre and post 

You will find that most of the RATES have increased, so by your logic US 
society was better off with slavery, the South Africans with Apartheid and 
European society was better off believing the earth was flat(among many 
other things).

Today's society is spinning out of control did someone say? If yours were 
the views of the majority I would definitely agree.

Sunith Velho

P.S. I'm moving to Kings College, London in September to do my masters. I 
will then sign off London, UK instead of Panjim, Goa. Bad news buddy One 
of the pillars of your whole ill structured argument will collapse.
P.P.S. I 

Re: [Goanet] Myths about ancient and modern societies (Gilbert Lawrence)

2006-07-27 Thread Santosh Helekar

Goanetters visiting Viva Goa 2006 in Toronto, Canada on July 29, can use 
the BMX booth as a meeting point. Please list your name on the message 
board that will be provided, courtesy of BMX.

--- velho [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Dr Helekar do you accept that many many people(a
very significant portion worldwide) are happier and
more content with their lives because of organised
religion/written codes. If not...please list ur
reasons.( A Yes or No answer to a specific question)



Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] Myths about ancient and modern societies

2006-07-27 Thread cornel
 and this is Govenment 
policy in the UK. But despite this, young girls will choose to have babies 
as it is a mark of status (instead of educational qualifications) for them. 
Moreover, most of their families support them rather than cast them out in 
'outer darkness' for the stigma which was common in past generations.

Well Gilbert, I have typed away non stop and have now decided to stop. 
Perhaps I may continue on your other points at some other time but will not 
promise to do so. However, I should like to suggest that:
 a) you broaden your mind about contemporary life/society. Goanet as a 
learning instrument will most certainly help, particularly if you welcome 
ideas instead of blocking them out.
b) think about society more broadly than only within your rather narrow 
middle class mind set.
c) ask yourself, why you did not include prostitution in your long list of 
woes? Is it because it is supposedly the oldest known profession and that no 
amount of moralising even from within a rock solid moral Christian code on 
this issue has made the slightest dent in it including in most Catholic 
d) explore the possibility that there are many logics and many consequent 
moralities which make this world such a challenging and exciting place. 
Morality also adapts to changing times. At one time, within living memory, a 
single woman having a child was deemed to be a scandalous occurence. Today, 
nobody really worries too much. Was there not a time when it was a mortal 
sin for Catholics to eat meat on a Friday?
e) If indeed you are still troubled after engaging in at least a little 
thought from my long post, consider getting out of the USA! If you check 
with the  recent happiness index ( you will discover 
that, the USA stood at point 150  while India came out at 62. The lower the 
figure, the happier the people. But, even India that you know so well, has 
not done that well. I could therefore recommend the first five for 
happiness: Vanuata, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominica, and Panama. I cannot 
vouch for these but would encourage you to consider them because you seem to 
find the USA so troubling a place.
Best regards. Regret done at speed.
- Original Message - 
From: Gilbert Lawrence [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, July 25, 2006 10:56 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Myths about ancient and modern societies
 Santosh baba,
 Kiteak petoita murre dotor-saab?  You do not object to my claim that you 
 are throwing moral and religion codes out of the window. You object to my 
 claim of the effects of doing so.  You are taking the comment with Thanks
 for calling me pro-science and logical too seriously. We will not 
 question if it was too gratuitous. But before you get carried away, and 
 your Texan hat gets too small for you,  let's put your science ani logic 
 to the test. :=))
 You are good at zapping people's posts without specifics or science. You
 make statements and expect others to do the research to prove you 
 wrong.Perhaps YOU can research the RATES for the following parameters for 
 modern society, and compare them to US and Indian society three 
 generations ago (100 years ago).
 1. Divorce rates.
 2. Single family homes.
 3. Unwed and teenage mothers.
 4. Children brought up in single family homes.
 5. Teenage sex, pregnancies, STDs and school dropout rates.
 6. Drug abuse in adults and children.
 7. Abortions on demand.
 8. Psychologic problems in children including ADS (Attention Deficit
 9. Psychological and medical problems in adults including stress and
 depression rates.
 10. Suicide rates among senior citizens.
 11. Violence against children.
 12. Spousal abuse.
 13. Elder abuse.
 14. Gun violence.
 15. Prisoner / Incarceration rates per 100,000 population. 

Goanet mailing list

[Goanet] Myths about ancient and modern societies

2006-07-22 Thread Santosh Helekar
I submit that the hackneyed notion that today's
society is spinning out of control from a moral
standpoint is not grounded in fact. Basic human
rights, civil rights, rights of women and children,
rights of the under-represented, and even rights of
other animals, are much more valued and respected
today than at any time in the entire history of our
civilization. Contrary to the hollow cliches
propagated here and elsewhere, our morality has indeed
advanced with our technological and socio-economic



--- Gilbert Lawrence [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 So society (youth and adults) in many respects is
 spinning out of control, in spite of our increased
 academic and social-economic advancements. Partly
 because of these advancements, we think we are smart
 to pick and choose what is good / convenient for
 us - for NOW!  This is the argument between Mario
 and Santosh, and what The rock solid moral code
 signifies for current and future Goan society.  
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