Re: IETF-Blog comments (Was Re: setting a goal for an inclusive IETF)

2013-08-02 Thread Sabahattin Gucukoglu
On 2 Aug 2013, at 12:17, Rich Kulawiec  wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 30, 2013 at 04:40:42PM +0200, Arturo Servin wrote:
>>Captchas? Recaptchas?
> Captchas are completely worthless.  They're defeated at will by
> the first adversary who comes along that's willing to expend the minimal
> resources required to overcome them.

Yes, indeed, and in the meantime it excludes many people with limited or no 
vision, including me.  There's a rant here, but you don't want to hear it right 
now. :)

FYI I use the service from for my CAPTCHA-solving 
needs.  Works very well, though you need to be aware that it uses a browser 

> The best methods for blog comment abuse control seem to be combinations
> of network/domain blocks and moderation.  Both have their downsides,
> though; the former needs to be custom-crafted for each particular
> application and the latter can be time-intensive.   The "trick", if
> there is one, is to use layers of these so that each is conservative
> about what it blocks (thus keeping the FP rate down) but that each
> leaves less work for successive layers to handle (thus keeping the
> FN rate down).

Without wishing to kill morale, it's not clear to me how important the IETF is 
to our friendly cockroach neighbourhood.  I'll bet that a simple question and 
answer (whose answer is trivial to find on Google) is all that we really need 
to kill comment spam.  There is the authentication database at Tools too, of 
course, and the IETF is quite versed in sending challenge emails, so at worst 
the combination of a Q&A and a valid email address should scare off the worst, 
while leaving guests the honour of commenting and leaving familiars almost no 
work to do at all.


Re: Bonjour-dev Digest, Vol 10, Issue 19

2013-02-21 Thread Sabahattin Gucukoglu
(Because this was brought up very, very recently.)

On 21 Feb 2013, at 20:28, Rick Mann  wrote:
> On Feb 21, 2013, at 12:24 , David Brower  wrote:
>> It depends on the records.  If you phrase it like you that, you will 
>> probably get the blank stare answer.  When you start talking about the PTR, 
>> SRV and TXT records specifically, then you'll have a case -- but it isn't 
>> really Bonjour that is the proximate force, because those were issues 
>> against interpretations of the previous RFCs.
>> Now, the legalistic point I'm debating at the moment is whether it is proper 
>> and/or legal to have the SRV record use as the target name the string 
>> version of an ip4 address, eg:  "".   That's a perfectly legal 
>> and representable set of characters for a hostname, so maybe OK.   How about 
>> for an ip6 address  with colons, which aren't allowed in hostnames?
> All I know is that a couple years ago, I tried and failed with both DynDNS 
> and DNSMadeEasy to get them to allow me to put spaces in TXT records. I cited 
> all relevant material I could find, but they kept going back to the original 
> DNS specifications saying those didn't allow spaces.

RFC 1035, 2.3.1, wisely advises the use of compatible constraints on labels in 
host names.  I am aware that DNS is binary transparent, and mDNS/DNS-SD make 
use of that feature to be useful, but I can well understand the scepticism of 
your DNS hosts.  Perhaps this is a legitimate call to relax the restrictions, 
*if* the operator/user is aware of the potential consequences.


Re: A Splendid Example Of A Renumbering Disaster

2012-11-26 Thread Sabahattin Gucukoglu
On 26 Nov 2012, at 20:41, Pete Resnick  wrote:
> On 11/23/12 7:46 PM, Sabahattin Gucukoglu wrote:

> Yes, like Benson, I am at a loss for why they do not use RFC 6598 addresses. 
> That's what someone should tell these goofballs to do.

OK, I'm getting the idea.  I've left a comment there.  Hopefully somebody will 
find it.


A Splendid Example Of A Renumbering Disaster

2012-11-23 Thread Sabahattin Gucukoglu
It's Friday.  Time to plug IPv6 some more. :-)

LogMeIn Hamachi is basically a NAT-traversing layer 2 VPN solution.  They 
avoided conflicts with RFC 1918 space by hijacking IPv4 space in 5/8, now 
actively being allocated by LIRs in Europe.  When that didn't work (see link 
above), they moved to 25/8, allocated to the UK MoD.  While I'm almost sure 
that they haven't got it quite so wrong this time, following the comments says 
that the idea was not only a very bad one to start with, it's cost a lot of 
people a lot of grief that IPv6 was clearly going to mitigate in renumbering.  
Perhaps it is why they recommend it per default, if not for the number of 
applications that would be broken by it.

By the way, is this an application that the new shared transition space might 


Re: mailing list memberships reminder -> passwords in the clear

2012-11-03 Thread Sabahattin Gucukoglu
On 2 Nov 2012, at 21:51, John Levine  wrote:
>> Only majordomo2, which has been unmaintained for a while now (and
>> it's author calls it "Dead" holds much of a chance, but I doubt it
> ?would work for the IETF in its current condition.
> Actually, MJ2 works great, I've been using it in production for years,

I completely agree that it's excellent software.

> but I agree that we'd need to locate a perl weenie willing to make
> tweaks, and it's probably not enough better than MM to be worth the
> pain of switching.

I think it's the difference between night and day, personally.  MJ2 is 
technically superior and emphasises the task of actually managing mailing lists 
in a very clean, black-box way.  OTOH, it seems clear that Mailman has won over 
all the web hosters and whatnot because it's "User-friendly".  I guess 
"Integrated with the web" is an adequate sell, even if it practically means 
"Has a simple, inflexible interface that's only accessible using a web browser 
from lynx up.  Certainly, the IETF could benefit from MJ2's more techie 
features (not least, the means to do absolutely everything by email).  
Moderators, in particular.  But it still boils down to having and using 
supported software.

> Sadly this isn't possible with mailman; you will always be mailed
>> your password if you need it and can't remember it.
> If you use a high value password for your IETF list subscriptions, you
> have deeper security issues than a few tweaks to mail software can fix.

Unfortunately though, it happens quite often.  Users want all the benefits 
without any of the inconveniences.  So they use their 
easy-to-remember/crack/used-everywhere-else passwords.


Re: mailing list memberships reminder -> passwords in the clear

2012-11-02 Thread Sabahattin Gucukoglu
On 1 Nov 2012, at 20:20, Paul Aitken  wrote:
> Why does the "mailing list memberships reminder" send passwords in the clear?

Because mailman is brain-dead stupid.  See:

Sadly, and despite my best efforts to find alternative mailing list software, 
mailman wins on popularity (ugh) and hence support with practically no 
competition.  Only majordomo2, which has been unmaintained for a while now (and 
it's author calls it "Dead" holds much of a chance, but I doubt it would work 
for the IETF in its current condition.

But have hope!  The IETF serves the mailman interface over TLS, and it is an 
option that you can exercise *not* to have passwords mailed to you.  Go to your 
membership options page, and in the group containing the option to turn off the 
membership reminders, check the checkbox to make it global.  Later, you can 
have the password mailed to you on demand, or unsubscribe without needing a 
password at all (email confirmation loop).

> For everything else I'm subscribed to, if I forget my details, one click 
> sends a one-time password-reset link.
> Passwords are never mailed out, and never shown.

Yes.  Sadly this isn't possible with mailman; you will always be mailed your 
password if you need it and can't remember it.



Re: Format=flowed quoting (was "Re: IETF...the unconference of SDOs")

2012-10-25 Thread Sabahattin Gucukoglu
On 25 Oct 2012, at 01:25, Michael Richardson  wrote:
> Sabahattin Gucukoglu  wrote:
>SG> * text/paragraphs (or whatever), a completely different identity that 
> violates the length limits
>SG> Apple Mail and Microsoft use this text/paragraphs.
> Do you think it would be worth writing a specification for text/paragraphs?

Only if we can get a whole bunch of defective code reading and writing it.  
There might be a case for that, given the laziness they've demonstrated in 
simply abusing text/plain, but it's also just possible that they might, just 
might implement format=flowed instead.  But it's unlikely. :-(

> Heuristically, it's not that hard to identify, and a small patch for
> mailman would at least mark email as being in that format, so that at
> least, IETF lists could have email that complies to some standard.

It would be easier and simpler and probably more participant-friendly (though 
not, see below, quite as good for changing the running code :-) ) to perform 
imperfect conversions from text/paragraphs to text/plain; format=flowed.  All 
we've got to do is identify any line longer than 80 characters and, assuming 
that it runs to the end of a paragraph at all times, add a forced soft line 
break encoded using F=F's stuffing rules.  Any line terminated before it's too 
long is assumed to be a manually inserted hard line break.

Now that I come to think of it, now is the time to see if the Tcl MIME parser 
will help me out writing a quick and dirty proxy server for my own machine …

> (Whether or not we then drop email that doesn't have a text/plain part
> is a second conversation)

You want to punish Apple and/or Microsoft?  That's how to do it. :-)


Re: the usual mail stuff, was IETF...the unconference of SDOs

2012-10-25 Thread Sabahattin Gucukoglu
Wo!  There's a whole section of the conversation that ended up in "Untidy" that 

On 9 Sep 2012, at 20:25, John Levine  wrote:
> I have to say that I'm baffled at the perverse pride that people seem
> to take in being so technically backward that they're unable to handle
> the mail that 99% of the world uses today.  While not being a fan of
> overdecorated HTML and endless font changes, and strongly preferring a
> mail program that lets me keep my fingers on the keyboard, I can deal
> with it.  (I use Alpine, keep meaning to take another look at mutt.)

This sort of modernist attitude only really works while you're not recovering 
mail from mbox files using less.  Or, in general, while you need to do as 
little work as possible to redisplay or process a message.  Not to say you're 
point isn't essentially valid--we must, of course, be aware of the current 
trends--but popularity doesn't mean correct for the group of people genuinely 
preferring low-overhead or "Technically backward" MUAs, pagers, scripts, etc.  
Those people got there first and have a pretty good leverage for screaming at 
other people who got there later, and failed to regard those others not like 
themselves by flagrantly ignoring standards which would have guaranteed 
interoperability had they not done so, particularly when the primary motivation 
for doing so is ease of implementation with a fundamentally different UI 

Keep using alpine.  Move to mutt and you'll get pretty plus-signs in the left 
column of wrapped mail--that is, unless mutt has also worked around this type 
of breakage (doubtful, they're a pretty puritanical bunch :-) ).  But mutt has 
maildir+ support where alpine doesn't without a load of controversial patching, 
and so while I'm using alpine now it's only because I go through Dovecot as 
intermediary or use external IMAP servers.  (Yes, free email providers accessed 
through IMAP/SMTP in textmode as opposed to /usr/sbin/sendmail are cool when 
they come from Apple.  They're … all shiny. :-) )

> For the large majority of mail that is written in paragraphs rather
> than tables, line wrapping is a useful feature, regardless of the
> character set, particularly for those of us who sometimes read our
> mail on a tablet or phone while changing planes.  For mail that is a
> table and stuff has to line up in columns, use HTML tables. That's
> what they're for.
And Format=Flowed takes care of the first requirement.  Multipart/alternative 
takes care of the latter (when inventive multi-line columns will not suffice) 
(and they don't, with small-screen devices).

> PS: Yes, this is top posted.  You can deal with that, too.

This message bottom-posted for your reading convenience, as opposed to my 
laziness.  It'll render beautifully in alpine, I'm sure. :-)


Re: Format=flowed quoting (was "Re: IETF...the unconference of SDOs")

2012-10-19 Thread Sabahattin Gucukoglu
On 19 Oct 2012, at 17:45, Randall Gellens  wrote:
> At 11:42 AM +0100 10/19/12, Sabahattin Gucukoglu wrote:
>> Warning: this message was generated by Apple Mail.
> But not using Format=Flowed.


> On 16 Oct 2012, at 03:46, Randall Gellens  wrote:
>>> At 9:12 AM -0400 9/5/12, Michael Richardson {quigon} wrote:
>>>> Maybe I'm also concerned because many in the former "elite" have moved to 
>>>> Apple Mail, and it seems that it is bug
>>>> compatible with Outlook in it's assumption that format=flowed is the 
>>>> default, an act which destroys email quoting, and therefore discussion.
>>> I just noticed this assertion, which is quite false.  Format=flowed 
>>> protects and preserved quoting.  It's the only way to avoid ludicrous and 
>>> impossible to read quoting (which happens after quoted passages get 
>>> line-wrapped at odd points).  Also, as far as I know, Exchange does not 
>>> support format=flowed at all.  My understanding is that it insists on HTML 
>>> quoting, which is entirely different.
>> You're right that this is the virtue of F/F, but that's not what Michael 
>> said.  Perhaps it was the context of the quoting, but the discussion refers 
>> to the fact that both LookOut and Apple Mail have (as you can see, by 
>> looking at this message) a nasty habit of *assuming* an F/F semantic by 
>> default.  In other words, they generate hugely long long long long long long 
>> long long long lines that only another equally broken client can interpret 
>> correctly, but dynamically reflowing those lines, by applying consistent 
>> quoting indicators to the lines of such reflowed lines, and so forth.  That, 
>> I believe, is a legitimate complaint, because it e
> This reflects a misunderstanding of Format=Flowed.  Properly generated F=F 
> has lines of no more than 78 characters.  One of the primary goals of F=F is 
> good interoperability between clients that support F=F and those that support 
> traditional pure plain text email.  What you're describing is a symptom of 
> HTML quoting (or a surprisingly poor F=F implementation):

Yes, absolutely.  We do not disagree.

Let's clear up the confusion.  I made two mistakes, firstly by calling this 
"F/F semantics" when what I mean is some sort of long-line-aware reflowing and 
quoting.  We'll have to find a name for it.  The other mistake was to call 
plain text plain text of any description, irrespective of the definition of 

So we are talking about three formats:
* text/plain, 78 characters wide
* format=flowed, text/plain with soft breaks signalled by trailing whitespace, 
78 characters
* text/paragraphs (or whatever), a completely different identity that violates 
the length limits

Apple Mail and Microsoft use this text/paragraphs.  It's not interoperable with 
text/plain (because it *isn't* text/plain, as you very correctly note) and 
therefore it gives everyone a really hard time.  Unless you've not dealt with 
plain text files from Windows or OS X, you may be sure that "Plain text" most 
certainly doesn't conform to RFC 822, either.

We should now all be on the same page, I think. :-)

> When generating Format=Flowed text, lines SHOULD be 78 characters or
>   shorter, including any trailing white space and also including any
>   space added as part of stuffing (see Section 4.4).  As suggested
>   values, any paragraph longer than 78 characters in total length could
>   be wrapped using lines of 72 or fewer characters.  While the specific
>   line length used is a matter of aesthetics and preference, longer
>   lines are more likely to require rewrapping and to encounter
>   difficulties with older mailers.  (It has been suggested that 66
>   character lines are the most readable.)
>   The restriction to 78 or fewer characters between CRLFs on the wire
>   is to conform to [MSG-FMT].
>> At least Apple has the decency to use quoted-printable encoding to protect 
>> the actual transmitted lines,
> Again, this shows a fundamental misunderstanding of F=F.  Properly generated 
> F=F does not use quoted-printable unless otherwise needed:

Yes.  Apple Mail doesn't do this--it uses QP to keep the line lengths valid in 
transmission only.  Some mailers, or gateways, wouldn't do that, but would 
instead spew out long lines that compliant SMTP servers would helpfully 
corrupt, tail-drop, chop into pieces, etc (for lack of robustness or to protect 

>> but it means nothing if competent MIME readers reconstitute the corruption 
>> at the other end, by reassembling long lines, and then failing to reflow 

Re: Format=flowed quoting (was "Re: IETF...the unconference of SDOs")

2012-10-19 Thread Sabahattin Gucukoglu
Warning: this message was generated by Apple Mail.  I just can't stop my 
insatiable appetite for shiny things.  :-( [1]

On 16 Oct 2012, at 03:46, Randall Gellens  wrote:

> At 9:12 AM -0400 9/5/12, Michael Richardson {quigon} wrote:
>> Maybe I'm also concerned because many in the former "elite" have moved to 
>> Apple Mail, and it seems that it is bug
>> compatible with Outlook in it's assumption that format=flowed is the 
>> default, an act which destroys email quoting, and therefore discussion.
> I just noticed this assertion, which is quite false.  Format=flowed protects 
> and preserved quoting.  It's the only way to avoid ludicrous and impossible 
> to read quoting (which happens after quoted passages get line-wrapped at odd 
> points).  Also, as far as I know, Exchange does not support format=flowed at 
> all.  My understanding is that it insists on HTML quoting, which is entirely 
> different.

You're right that this is the virtue of F/F, but that's not what Michael said.  
Perhaps it was the context of the quoting, but the discussion refers to the 
fact that both LookOut and Apple Mail have (as you can see, by looking at this 
message) a nasty habit of *assuming* an F/F semantic by default.  In other 
words, they generate hugely long long long long long long long long long lines 
that only another equally broken client can interpret correctly, but 
dynamically reflowing those lines, by applying consistent quoting indicators to 
the lines of such reflowed lines, and so forth.  That, I believe, is a 
legitimate complaint, because it effectively creates an island between those 
who have support for Format/Flowed and those who do not.  At least Apple has 
the decency to use quoted-printable encoding to protect the actual transmitted 
lines, but it means nothing if competent MIME readers reconstitute the 
corruption at the other end, by reassembling long lines, and then failing to 
reflow them.  And it's worse yet if a news reader without MIME tries to quote 
the lines, complete with Q-P line terminators.  Or if a reply comes from 
somebody whose editor wraps the lines, but using soft line breaks which are 
never generated externally, resulting in whole paragraphs being quoted using a 
single quoting indicator.  And so on, and so on, and so on …

I filed bug 7989556 (Mail uses quoted-printable indiscriminately) with Apple on 
16 May 2010.  It was marked as duplicate of 7547565 on 25 May 2010.  The system 
is closed; you can only see your own bug reports.  I therefore have no idea 
what's going on with that.  Meantime, I apologise for the inconvenience.  No, 
really. :-(


[1] This isn't strictly true.  I'm blind, and Apple are the only guys who have 
stepped up to accessibility in anything approaching a serious manner, by 
including the screen reader in the OS and ensuring accessibility across their 
applications.  For better or worse, they're the only choice for a smartphone, 
and the only choice for a Windows convert (notwithstanding textmode Linux, of 
course, which I still enjoy in VMs for braille support).  I'm objective, so 
this could change, but on both Windows and Mac OS the only really accessible 
choices are the built-in MUAs (I used to use Pegasus Mail under Windows, when I 
had the screen reader support for it, although I now understand that 
Thunderbird has taken its place).

Finally, It's The Year Of Linux^H^H^H^H^HIPv6

2012-05-08 Thread Sabahattin Gucukoglu
I really shouldn't, so soon after his last inflammatory rant, but here:

One month from now, World IPv6 Launch Day with be upon us. Numerous online 
services will be enabling IPv6 and leaving it on.  records will be 
published, and those of us with IPv6 enabled systems will start to use IPv6 
preferentially to IPv4. But what does this all mean? For the short term at 
least, the truth is "not much". …

Ignoring the obvious error with the preceding quote, on this occasion, he does 
at least appear to have one thing right: most people really aren't all that 
motivated, in the short term.  The apathy continues a pace, and most of the 
industry is obliged to help in turn by doing almost nothing.  Whether it will 
after June 6 is an open question, but I don't imagine he'll be far off there, 
either.  What's important here, I think, is simply that the desire to have IPv6 
deployed and running is outpaced by people's ongoing desire to ignore it.  
"Networking nerds" are happy because IPv6 at long last has a sporting chance.  
Everyone else just wants less of the hype. *Grumble*


Re: IPv6 networking: Bad news for small biz

2012-04-05 Thread Sabahattin Gucukoglu
On 5 Apr 2012, at 12:20, Masataka Ohta wrote:
> However, as 8B long addresses cloud have cost 8*B bytes and
> that 6B long addresses with 4B IPv4 addresses and 2B port
> numbers, which is the address space provided by NAT, is more
> than enough, there is no point to have IPv6 ID/LOC separation
> nor IPv6, especially because NAT can be end to end transparent.

How do you propose to make end-to-end crypto of packets possible where NATs are 
involved?  I'm assuming you think everything can be solved with signalling, 
yes?  I ask because NPT could be the end of it if we all agreed to use the 
right kind of signalling.


IPv6 networking: Bad news for small biz

2012-04-03 Thread Sabahattin Gucukoglu
IPv6 networking: Bad news for small biz
### You may not get fired for buying Cisco, but you can go bust

From the comments the author opines (among other things):

The article exists for one reason: to let the high priests of the internet know 
“oh, BTW, that NPT66 thing that? It’s in products and in use in SME shops all 
over the damned place already.” In other words: the utter failure of the 
priesthood to engage care for the issues faced by SME outfits resulted in them 
(shockingly!) going out and choosing the cheap and simple alternative that 
actually already existed! Note the two key words: “cheap” and “simple.”

That's us he's talking about.  It seemed only fair to share that perspective, 
since I don't see any other mention of the article here.  Needless to say, I 
really can't speak in polite terms of some of the shortsightedness demonstrated.

But of course, I'm always delighted to hear your opinions.  Is renumbering 
*really* that big of a deal?  I suppose multihoming is the bigger, more serious 
concern - that's the one we see no viable solution but NAT for, given small 
site constraints and aggregation.  And yet, here we are, on our way to flipping 
the big switch, and nobody seems to be in much of a panic.  I do not operate on 
sites large enough, or disaster-resistant enough, to know one way or the other 
how big of an issue this really is.  My gut feeling is that this article is not 
the whole story and that the author has worked up a good whinge.  But I do 
think the belligerent attitude in this article says we won't be long finding 
out just how far a NAT-free existence will get us.  Especially true given how 
much blame we get for "Not thinking it through properly" or, worse, directly 
compared with OSI protocols with all those fancy network path discovery 
features that we felt we didn't need, application-layer DNS kludges for 
failover, etc, that would have remediated these problems if the naysayers are 
to be believed.  No doubt there's work to be done.  I see already the progress 
made in v6ops of IPv6 multihoming without NAT.  Cool.  And, of course, there's 
HomeNet for putting the title of this article into question.


IPv6 Zone Identifiers Considered Hateful

2012-03-19 Thread Sabahattin Gucukoglu
I've obviously not been doing all my homework, and RFC 4007 slipped my 
attention.  Worse, for all the communication my IPv6 nodes are doing amongst 
themselves using link-local addresses, it's never really been much more than a 
hastily-justified curiosity why, when I ping one from the other using 
link-local-scoped addresses, I have to put in this zone identifier (%ifname on 
BSD and Linux).

Yesterday, I configured a DNS server to listen just using a link-local address, 
the one autoconfigured for an ethernet card accessible to all the nodes.  It's 
a host, not a router, so I'm relying on that address not being routable and 
being filtered at the router.  It didn't work.  The server would not start 
until I specified the zone suffix.  Now I am wondering why, given that there is 
no ambiguous link-local address anywhere around here, I need to do that.  Can't 
it figure it out itself?

What about the other problems with this suffix?  It's host-specific, so it's 
unsafe to share it over the network (I need to share the DNS server using 
stateless DHCPv6).  The format differs between OSes (Windows uses %n).  It 
interferes with URLs, if Wikipedia is to be believed.  It breaks expectations, 
essentially because it's the exception to the rule that the address bits (and 
hence the address format) conveys all the required information.

So zone suffixes are considered hateful.  Yes, it's true, I enjoy a good whinge 
and it's a shame I had to learn this on-demand, but really, their use should be 
limited to just those circs where it's actually necessary, and let's be honest, 
that ought to be very rare.


Re: Netfilter (Linux) Does IPv6 NAT

2011-12-07 Thread Sabahattin Gucukoglu
On 6 Dec 2011, at 16:17, Martin Rex wrote:
> Greg Daley wrote:
>> I do not know if this is a current environment, or what you would like to see
>> (A reference would be good).
> That is the current environment for home DSL subscribers (IPv4) in Germany.
>> One would use DHCPv6-PD to request the lease for a period,
>> Router Advertise it downstream to your devices, which use
>> it only for 24h, and at the end of the time return the prefix
>> to the pool.
> At most 24h, I can get a new DHCP lease on request every 2 minutes
> if I want to.  With a single IPv4 address on the external interface
> of the DSL router, this does affect all connections, of course.
>> If you wish to rotate through address space, you could still use
>> the 24 hour lease either as a replacement for or in addition to
>> your static prefix in IPv6, but you do not need to use NAT.
> I do *NOT* want dynamic addresses on my local network. These
> ought to be static.  This is why IPv4 NAT and rfc1918 private
> address space is so useful.
> An IPv6 NAT would have to offer the same functionality, of course:
> Address assigned through DHCP on the local/home network, but
> extending the leases for the same addresses, and a randomized temporary
> dynamic address on the external interface of the DSL router.
> Renumbering the internal network would be completely silly.
> You certainly do not want any interruptions of the local network traffic
> just because you frequently change the address on the external interface for
> privacy reasons.

1.  If you just want to camouflage internal clients, do it with privacy 
addresses or a socks proxy and clients.

2.  If you want to hide, do it with proper means, i.e., tor.  You needn't 
suppose that the one agent who has the most insight into your network traffic, 
that being your ISP, is trustworthy.  Especially true given that it's the one 
agent with the highest likelihood of actually succeeding in the intercept of 
your Internet traffic.  Or that it often has controls over its routers which 
allow monitoring beyond rightful boundaries.  Best intentions aside.

3.  If you've got to have dynamic external IP addresses (note, not address; for 
that, see 1 above), we'll have to find a way to renumber your network so 
applications running on your hosts know what their new addresses are while 
keeping your preferred topological configuration, every time your PD lease is 
due *.  However, you should be using ULA or LL addresses for intra-network 
traffic, not global.  This has to be the only legitimate use of NAT, but not 
for port translation.

4.  NAT must die.  It is simply a pain in the arse.  We're not stunting another 
decade of growth simply to uphold an illusion caused by address sharing.  Most 
funny has been the many things attributed to it, because the original NAT 
concept specification was written at a time when most traffic was within the 
private realm, not through the translator into the public one.  Please try to 
think outside the box, as the popular expression goes.  We can find solutions 
to your problems that do not include damaging important principles which ensure 
that the Internet actually grows and innovates, groupthink notwithstanding. And 
yes, I realise that this statement is already enough to ruffle some people even 
within the IETF, and definitely within the security community.


* What's renum doing these days? There's got to be a better answer than NAT66 
for this sort of problem.
Ietf mailing list

Re: Consensus Call: draft-weil-shared-transition-space-request

2011-12-01 Thread Sabahattin Gucukoglu
On 1 Dec 2011, at 21:41, Noel Chiappa wrote:
>> From: Sabahattin Gucukoglu 
>> IPv4 is now practically dead. 
> The logic here doesn't seem to follow. If it's basically dead, why do you
> care how the remaining address space is allocated?

I don't.  The marketeers do.  For everybody who says, "Don't worry, the IETF is 
there for us, IPv4 will not go away because there is always going to be a need 
for it," I am happy to oblige the loss of another /8, or /10, for use in some 
horrible NAT4 arrangement.  However, it's true that I'd much rather we had 
botched, but available, IPv4 than full, but scarce, IPv4, because that provides 
the greatest benefit to everybody concerned in the current conditions, i.e., 
mostly IPv4.  So, to the extent that people have *any* working IPv4, I care, 
otherwise, we can just start with the slate the IETF proposed over a decade ago 

Ietf mailing list

Re: Consensus Call: draft-weil-shared-transition-space-request

2011-12-01 Thread Sabahattin Gucukoglu
On 29 Nov 2011, at 18:54, Ronald Bonica wrote:
> I think that our time would be used much more productively if we discussed 
> whether to make the allocation or not. The proposed status of the document is 
> a secondary issue.

yes, it is, and yes, we should.

I've slept on it, but it's no good.  Ultimately, here is how it works: there 
are stupid people, organisations and ISPs who will resist all common sense and 
do the wrong thing no matter what.  It is in our best interests if they do the 
wrong thing at the cost of the least inconvenience to everybody else involved 
when that is at all possible.

IPv4 is now practically dead.  Saving it is a waste of time.  It has market 
value in its reduced form; let those of us who know how to exploit it to the 
last do so.  It does not matter.  It is seppuku to take no action on IPv6.  
Nobody here should be applying their principles to the contrary in standards.  
A lasting strategy to keep what's left of IPv4 is now purely transitional; no 
new entrants will want or need full IPv4 access, at the expense of every other 
legitimate user, even in reduced form, but especially not the grasshoppers who 
will no doubt foolishly try to create market differentiation.  And when they 
do, they can make their case to the regional registries, using only the address 
space that is needed, and benefiting everybody.  Wasting little drops of ARIN's 
resources with this allocation, by extension, is also no problem to the 
"Hastening" of IPv6 deployment; the space is used, whichever way, and to the 
same effect.  Artificially created scarcity through non-prov
 ision of private space will still result in the creation of private spaces and 
lack of addresses.  ISPs will be left communicating their incompetence in 
either case.  Later, we can watch the live executions and tortures of 
management behind the IPv4 crisis.  Just now, though, IPv4 is a market 
requirement for everybody.  Simple as.  We must provide.

Ietf mailing list

Re: Netfilter (Linux) Does IPv6 NAT

2011-11-30 Thread Sabahattin Gucukoglu
On 1 Dec 2011, at 01:20, Brian E Carpenter wrote:
> Does it support RFC 6296?

That was done in a separate, non-official implementation here:

With this one, you can NAT between ranges, and that's it, if I've got this 
right.  Fragmentation is also an issue.  I'm not a netfilter expert, though, so 
I can't say whether it's possible to implement RFC6296 with it.  The checksum 
difference calculation is obviously going to pose a problem.

Ietf mailing list

Netfilter (Linux) Does IPv6 NAT

2011-11-30 Thread Sabahattin Gucukoglu
In case you didn't see this:

It's a complete IPv6 NAT implementation with the functionality of the IPv4 one 
in the same stack.  ALGs.  Port translation.  Connection tracking.  You don't 
need me to tell you why I don't like this.

Ietf mailing list

Re: Last Call: (IANA Reserved IPv4 Prefix for Shared Transition Space) to Informational RFC

2011-09-25 Thread Sabahattin Gucukoglu
On 24 Sep 2011, at 02:20, Keith Moore wrote:
> To me it seems clear that the risks associated with this proposal are less 
> than the other risks.  Software that assumes that IPv4 space other than RFC 
> 1918 space is unambiguous will break in either case.  But at least with this 
> proposal, there's a well-defined and easily-understood path to fix such 
> software to minimize the breakage.   

+1, but I'm a little bit concerned about transition mechanisms which depend on 
exclusively upstream NAT functions rather than in addition to the CPE, i.e. 
DS-Lite.  As it stands, the two cases can be distinguished, and it seems to me 
to be against this proposal, for that situation, since private addresses will 
probably provoke "Find my public address" semantics in existing software rather 
better than "Public-seeming" addresses on directly-attached hosts behind a 
DS-Lite gateway.

Otherwise, yep, it's inevitable.

Ietf mailing list

Re: subject_prefix on IETF Discuss?

2011-08-09 Thread Sabahattin Gucukoglu
n 9 Aug 2011, at 21:56, Barry Leiba  wrote:

> On Tue, Aug 9, 2011 at 1:16 PM, Martin Rex  wrote:
>> If one intends to actually *process* close to all of the Emails hitting
>> one's inbox in near real time, then List-Id:, and any pre-sorting based
>> on it, will _always_ slow down processing (unless the MUA or the processing
>> is flawed).
>> Whereas a subject prefix significantly facilitates tracking of stuff
>> in a single large inbox.  I'm getting 300+/day Emails and try to read >95%
>> of it (my company internal Email is completely seperate at ~30/day, though).
> This makes no sense to me, Martin.  Please explain why sorting based
> on a subject prefix will work, while sorting based on a List-ID header
> field will not.
I think the idea is that having the Subject prefix will allow sorting by visual 
inspection of one folder - the Inbox - where List-id will not.  I'm guilty of 
that habit, too, I won't deny it.  But this is a  red herring - of course, if 
you can sort matching messages into a folder, you can visually tag them, too.  
And you can sort them using headers not usually displayed as with those that 
are.  Using an existing header that's already displayed in an index is just a 
hack, (from majordomo days, not surprisingly, and meant as an aid to broken or 
ineffectual mail software) and the trick is to upgrade your MUA and list 
software, or make do with list folders otherwise.

Ietf mailing list

Re: subject_prefix on IETF Discuss?

2011-08-03 Thread Sabahattin Gucukoglu
On 3 Aug 2011, at 21:21, John Levine wrote:
>>> happy to let those who prefer to not have such a prefix setup their
>>> procmail rules to remove it.<-:)
> Gee, I was about to say I was happy for people who want a subject tag
> to add one using procmail or whatever.
> I'm not unalterably opposed to subject tags, but I believe that the
> IETF's dogfood is of the List-ID: flavor.

Yes.  It follows the same construction, and rationale, of not messing around 
with the Reply-To: field, when enough information is available in list 
software-specific headers to build whatever user indications or reply 
functionality is required.

But I do understand people's desire of these sorts of tags, and I know for a 
fact that many commonly-used UAs simply have neither the filtering nor display 
capabilities to resist them.  So I would not oppose a general motion to make 
this change.  It's one less nice thing about the ietf list, though.

-1 +/- 0.25

Ietf mailing list

Re: draft-ietf-v6ops-6to4-to-historic (yet again)

2011-07-26 Thread Sabahattin Gucukoglu
On 25 Jul 2011, at 17:30, Ronald Bonica wrote:
> draft-ietf-v6ops-6to4-to-historic will obsolete RFCs 3056 and 3068 and 
> convert their status to HISTORIC. It will also contain a new section 
> describing what it means for RFCs 3056 and 3068 to be classified as HISTORIC. 
> The new section will say that:
> - 6-to-4 should not be configured by default on any implementation (hosts, 
> cpe routers, other)
> - vendors will decide whether/when 6-to-4 will be removed from 
> implementations. Likewise, operators will decide whether/when 6-to-4 relays 
> will be removed from their networks. The status of RFCs 3056 and 3068 should 
> not be interpreted as a recommendation to remove 6-to-4 at any particular 
> time.
> draft-ietf-v6ops-6to4-to-historic will not update RFC 2026. While it 
> clarifies the meaning of "HISTORIC" in this particular case, it does not set 
> a precedent for any future case.

This scares me.  I was on the point of saying, "But none of that stuff makes it 
historic!" but you then change what "Historic" means, so that I can no longer 
be certain ...

I'd like to see the text, but my feeling is that, no, I will not approve.  That 
document is too loaded with dubious claims and 6to4 hate for my liking.  And 
the advisory document is already perfect for expressing the _real_ problems, 
that really _do_ exist, for (current) 6to4 deployment.  Once again, "Historic" 
(in whatever sense meant) is just too strong an applied label to something 
which _can_ be used.  I have a very hard time seeing the sense in this document.

But let's see the text.  Perhaps you can redefine the word "Historic" in a new 
and interesting way.

Ietf mailing list

Re: Another look at 6to4 (and other IPv6 transition issues)

2011-07-19 Thread Sabahattin Gucukoglu
On 20 Jul 2011, at 01:41, Joel Jaeggli wrote:
On Jul 19, 2011, at 2:34 PM, Doug Barton wrote:
>> On 07/19/2011 14:01, Sabahattin Gucukoglu wrote:
>>> Clearly, the view that making something historic when it's in active use is 
>>> offensive.  No standards body could seek to stand behind their 
>>> specifications, or to give the impression of doing so, with such a position.
> That's a fairly odd position to take, if we do something which turns out to 
> be a bad idea, should we stand behind it regardless of the validity of the 
> criticism?

No.  But if it's in active use, we have something of an obligation to the 
users.  The fact that it's in use is a fairly clear indication, regardless of 
technical quality (the review process being meant as an aid to identifying the 
more obvious problems before publication) that it is or can be made to be 
useful.  That's an argument in favour.  I don't dispute that protocols can turn 
out to be harmful, and there's a good vs bad benefit analysis to be made for 
lots of different reasons, but as has already been said before, the historic 
label is an *extremely* blunt instrument that is almost always reserved for 
specifications that have actually come to rest, following the logical English 
definition of "Historic" or "Historical".  Better for the community to be 
informed about the good and bad of protocols with troublesome aspects.

> The number of drafts, I've seen over the course of the last decade and a half 
> with the title "foo considered harmful" woulkd tend to indicate otherwise. 
>> Define "active use."
> If in fact no-one were using it there would be little point in engaging in 
> the activity.

Right, precisely.  If the call weren't made, or it were made but happily 
ignored by everyone, I think we can take it as red that nobody minds too much.

> rfc 5095 and 4966 were not created to address issues that were due to 
> protocols being dead to the world...

Well, FWIW, NAT-PT is still implemented and in use, most recently for evil 
purposes.  But once again, the designation means that the protocol has reached 
the end of its useful service life; there is no further use that can't be 
better served with our newer, shinier standards.  That is something we 
explicitly indicate, so implementers can get on and implement the better 
solution.  And in every case, we have "Applicability statements" or "Reasons to 
move" documents, so the community understands.

Ietf mailing list

Re: Another look at 6to4 (and other IPv6 transition issues)

2011-07-19 Thread Sabahattin Gucukoglu
On 20 Jul 2011, at 00:34, Doug Barton wrote:
On 07/19/2011 14:01, Sabahattin Gucukoglu wrote:
>> Clearly, the view that making something historic when it's in active use is 
>> offensive.  No standards body could seek to stand behind their 
>> specifications, or to give the impression of doing so, with such a position.
> Define "active use."

Actively being used.  In production.  So that taking it away would hurt the 
entity using it, threaten the entity's comfort and convenience, or just 
generally go against the stated goals of making the Internet a better place for 
everybody through the instrumentation and maintenance of standards.

But none of us like IPv4 and that's a fact.  Last one to sign the action to 
move it to historic's a yellow-belly.

Ietf mailing list

Re: [v6ops] Another look at 6to4 (and other IPv6 transition issues)

2011-07-19 Thread Sabahattin Gucukoglu
On 19 Jul 2011, at 02:26, Erik Kline wrote:
>> Given that each of us reads something different into the definition of 
>> HISTORIC, is there any hope that this thread will ever converge?
> I don't see any "progress".
> We may just have to blacklist any resolvers that have 6to4 clients
> behind them and leave it at that.

Including Google's very own?

Ietf mailing list

Re: Another look at 6to4 (and other IPv6 transition issues)

2011-07-19 Thread Sabahattin Gucukoglu
On 17 Jul 2011, at 01:52, John C Klensin wrote:
> --On Saturday, July 16, 2011 16:03 -0400 Ronald Bonica
>  wrote:
> A more likely interpretation is as follows:
>> "the IETF is not likely to invest effort in the technology in
>> the future" "the IETF does not encourage (or discourage) new
>> deployments of this technology.
> Noting in passing that these sorts of statements are quite close
> to the uses 2026 prescribes for Applicability Statements (and
> for which we have even more precedent and oral tradition), if
> the first of those is an adequate reason for identifying
> something as historic, I recommend that we immediately move RFC
> 791 to Historic.  Certainly we are likely to invest more effort
> in the development of the technology.  Now, some people would
> read such a move as either an indication, as you suggest above,
> that the IETF thought no one was using it any more, or that
> there were no remaining valid use cases, etc., immediately
> turning us into a laughingstock.  But, by logic that suggests
> moving 6to4 to Historic on the grounds that the IETF is not
> going to invest effort in the technology.

Quite so.  And with that, you've just ruined the best April 1 gag the IETF 
could have hoped for, you. :-)

I stopped to consider, and do again, what exactly would prevent us from taking 
such a radical course of action.  Clearly, the view that making something 
historic when it's in active use is offensive.  No standards body could seek to 
stand behind their specifications, or to give the impression of doing so, with 
such a position.  On the other hand, as you've shown, case-by-case analysis is 
a good thing for document action on historic (or any other status), and there 
are a body of cases where the merits of documents have not shown to be 
sufficient for the IETF to consider it worthwhile improving.  I wasn't about in 
the early days of the IETF so I don't know anything about these oral traditions 
you speak of, except to say that this is a case to be made for the force of the 
written word.

BTW, I am among those not exactly thrilled about the idea of moving of 6to4 to 

Ietf mailing list

Re: Spurious MTU in IPv6 RAs Where WAN is PPPoE

2011-07-09 Thread Sabahattin Gucukoglu
On 6 Jul 2011, at 22:52, Sabahattin Gucukoglu wrote:
On 6 Jul 2011, at 19:03, james woodyatt wrote:
>> You're invited to file a report with <> about 
>> this.  Be sure to explain why fixing the broken path MTU discovery in the 
>> network is not an option and requiring the AirPort user to know enough about 
>> IPv6 router advertisement MTU options to set the value properly is an 
>> appropriate mitigation.
> Thank you, and what should the severity of the bug be?

This is bug #9739722, Airport: Configurable IPv6 RA link-MTU or MSS Clamping.  
Severity 2.

Hurricane Electric very generously lowered my tunnel's MTU to 1476 bytes IPv6 
payload, so I'm now back on the IPv6 Internet again.  (Yay!)

There is still one important detail to clear up, though.  My ISP, BT Infinity 
Business in the UK, seems to be ensuring that its links do not overflow by 
"Clamping" the MSS option in TCPv4 SYN packets to 1400, and no sight of ICMPv4 
"Datagram too large and DF set" messages.  Can I take it for granted that you 
didn't choose the same value, or do a similar terrible thing, in the Airport 
products?  I don't have any other PPPoE servers to try it on.

Ietf mailing list

Re: Why ask for IETF Consensus on a WG document?

2011-07-07 Thread Sabahattin Gucukoglu
On 24 Jun 2011, at 16:54, Keith Moore wrote:
> But one of the important attributes of consensus, one of the things that 
> makes it so powerful, is that ideally, it's visible to everyone.  Take the 
> example where a bunch of people in a room are asked a question and asked to 
> raise hands to indicate yea or nay.   If only one or two people express a 
> particular opinion, they can each see that for themselves, and that the 
> "rough consensus" is clearly against them.   Likewise, the other participants 
> will be able to see that the rough consensus is on their side of things. 

Another aspect, one that perhaps isn't appreciated as much, is one of 
reconciliation. People, given the chance to understand, will wish to understand 
(or at least, the people in the IETF often will).  They will wish to make up 
their differences.  They will wish to make compromises.  That is only possible 
when the consensus is in full public view, and not when it is somehow mediated 
by a potentially less able agent than oneself or ones other peers.

In this case, anybody not in the WG got the short end.  I don't say it's 
entirely my fault, but only because I'm wiser now than when the IESG decided to 
settle in favour of this document.  Of course I don't have to be happy about 
it, but I'll understand, so long as the rationale against is for the good.  A 
conclusion from the IESG would therefore be much appreciated, with details of 
how the decision was reached.  From here, it looks like a bunch of objections 
were raised, in a place no IETF participant would expect to miss, and they were 
not satisfactorily addressed by the claimed supporters.  Those, whoever they 
may be, have retreated to the shadows of some majority I can't see, in the 
v6ops WG which, naturally, I have no reason to be a part of because their 
interests are totally unaligned from mine, legitimately or otherwise.

But certainly there must be some way, some definite way for people in the IETF 
to go to thrash out the last call period.  It simply can't be all about 
majority, much less unseen majority.  That isn't consensus, rough or not.

Ietf mailing list

Re: [v6ops] Last Call: (Request to move Connection of IPv6 Domains via IPv4 Clouds (6to4) to Historic status) to Informational RFC

2011-06-15 Thread Sabahattin Gucukoglu
On 14 Jun 2011, at 18:59, Lorenzo Colitti wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 14, 2011 at 10:30 AM, james woodyatt  wrote:
>> Very few of the people using 6to4 in this way will show up in Google's user
>> behavior analysis, of course, because Google doesn't run its own 6to4
>> return-path relay as I-D.ietf-v6ops-6to4-advisory recommends.
> We would not see these users even if we operated reverse path relays as
> recommended in the draft - from the point of view of the server, in both
> cases it's just a TCP connection to a 2002::/16 address, regardless of
> whether the relay is inside the Google network or outside it.

Running the relay inside your network lets you correlate the failure rate you 
observe to the direction of the path the failures occur in, though.  That data 
may be valuable to you.  And since it's HTTP we're talking about, it might be a 
consolation to know that it's your side of the network generating the most 

> Those users would become visible if we added  records with 6to4
> addresses, but that's a bad plan because it would likely lead to the
> double-digit connection failure rates that Geoff observes. It would also
> become visible if Google operated an open anycast relay, which we do not
> plan to do.

Your (Google's) problem is the relays.  So, if we take this thought a step 
further, by deploying (no, I'm not suggesting you do this, obviously) a 
6to4-reachable presence you may actually reduce the total traffic by volume 
reaching you over native IPv6, if it transpires that 6to4 is a good portion of 
the majority of tunnel traffic, the vast majority of IPv6 traffic reaching you. 
 That's not to speak of address selection algorithms which would do the right 
thing (in theory) given the choice of native or 6to4, of course.

> The way to find these people is to crawl the BitTorrent networks.  What's
>> that old maxim?  "You can't test what you don't measure."  Do you measure
>> the BitTorrent networks?
> No, we don't. The measurements we conduct have the purpose of determining
> the impact of adding  records to web sites, so we don't measure the
> population of users that has 6to4 but does not use it to make HTTP
> connections to dual-stack websites. We do measure the impact of 6to4 on the
> reliability of websites indirectly, e.g., by observing the difference
> between OSes that prefer IPv4 over 6to4 and OSes that don't.

That's a real shame, because the use of peer-to-peer applications is a solid 
reason to turn various tunnel techniques on.  One popular Windows BitTorrent 
client makes it a single-button operation; others simply take the IPv6 
connectivity for granted, when available.  See:

> Also, is there a way we can put this debate to rest using real data? What if
> we asked someone like Hurricane Electric how much traffic on their network
> is native IPv6 vs. 6to4?

I agree, this would be a good thing.

> That said, I would argue that most or all 6to4 traffic could just as well
> use IPv4, since both parties to the communication obviously have access to a
> public IPv4 address. What is the advantage of using 6to4 over IPv4 that
> makes it worth suffering an 80% failure rate?

Others have beaten me to this one but I will say one thing in your favour: NAT 
traversal techniques are ubiquitous and, curse them, actually fairly 
transparent.  This is probably a good thing and it does support your view that 
at least in the case of BitTorrent or other vanilla address-neutral protocols 
the end-user transparency really doesn't usually justify the added tunnels for 
v4-to-v4 communication, regardless of technical impropriety.  However this does 
nothing to address other real concerns, most of them brought up by Keith 
already.  Most importantly, new protocols or uses of the Internet shouldn't be 
sabotaged by the need for some sort of imaginary all-or-nothing transition to 

One final thought: assuming we ever get to the stage of minority native IPv6 
worth service providers' time to set up IPv6 reachability for, and not just the 
big ones either, what exactly do all the tunnel brokers of the world do about 
the sudden demand for their services?

Ietf mailing list

Re: one data point regarding native IPv6 support

2011-06-10 Thread Sabahattin Gucukoglu
The situation in the UK appears similar to the US, with the exception of some 
really tech-friendly, passionate and clueful ISPs: either flat-out denial that 
IPv6 is important, in the smaller and well-off case, or else complete 
cluelessness, in the larger case.  For larger ISPs, especially the resident 
cable pigopolist, you have to go to their user support forums to read the staff 
opinion, i.e., IPv6 is alarmist tripe and it'll wait, no plans to support, etc. 
 My personal opinion is that they are simply afraid; they have too much 
invested in a young market, and now they're overpowered by the changes 
required, but without progress made or anticipated, it's a vicious circle, with 
investors in the lead.

Ietf mailing list

Re: Last Call: (Request to move Connection of IPv6 Domains via IPv4 Clouds (6to4) to Historic status) to Informational RFC

2011-06-06 Thread Sabahattin Gucukoglu
Nothing to say here that Keith hasn't already said in so many fine words.  In 

+-1.  Heck, no, -1000.  I especially dislike the registry changes; those are 
deeply, *deeply* irresponsible.

On 6 Jun 2011, at 18:22, Keith Moore wrote:
> I strongly object to the proposed reclassification of these documents as 
> Historic.  
> 6to4 still has many valid use cases, and there is not a suitable replacement 
> for it that has been deployed.  Until there is a suitable replacement, or 
> until there is widespread ISP support for native IPv6, reclassification of 
> this document to Historic is premature.  (6rd is not a suitable replacement 
> for 6to4, as it is intended for very different use cases than 6to4.)
> (It could be argued that reclassification of RFC 3068 (by itself) to Historic 
> is appropriate, but that would require a separate document and last call.)
> In addition, this document is misleading and perhaps even vituperative.
> For instance:
> "There would appear to be no evidence of any substantial deployment of the 
> variant of 6to4 described in [RFC3056]."
> This statement is blatantly false. 6to4 is supported by every major desktop 
> and server platfrom that is shipping today, and has been supported for 
> several years.
> "The IETF sees no evolutionary future for the mechanism and it is not 
> recommended to include this mechanism in new implementations."
> 6to4 never was intended to have an "evolutionary future".  It was always 
> intended as a near-term solution to allow consenting hosts and networks to 
> interchange IPv6 traffic without prior support from the IPv4 networks that 
> carry the traffic.   It is premature to recommend that 6to4 be removed from 
> implementations.  We do not know how long it will take ISPs to universally 
> deploy IPv6.  Until they do, there will be a need for individuals and 
> enterprises using IPv6-based applications to be able to exchange IPv6 traffic 
> with hosts that only have IPv4 connectivity.  
> All of the criticisms in section 3 have to do with the use of relays to 
> exchange traffic between 6to4 and native IPv6.   In many cases the criticisms 
> are overbroad.   Not all uses of 6to4 involve relays.  For some of those that 
> do need to use relays, it is not necessarily the case that the relay is 
> operated by an unknown third-party.  
> The fact that some firewalls block protocol 41 traffic causes problems for 
> many tunneling solutions, not just 6to4; yet this document appears to 
> recommend some tunneling solutions while trashing 6to4.
> The recommendations to treat 6to4 as a service of last resort will do harm to 
> users and applications using it.   A better recommendation is for hosts to 
> disable 6to4 by default.  
> This document appears to make the mistake of assuming that the purpose of 
> applications using IPv6 is to interoperate with the existing Internet.  I 
> have maintained for many years that it is new applications, or existing 
> applications that can't tolerate widespread deployment of IPv4 NAT, that will 
> drive use of IPv6.   I therefore believe that it is inappropriate to judge 
> 6to4 merely by how well it works in scenarios where it is being used to talk 
> to applications that work well over IPv4 NAT such as HTTP.   The Internet is 
> much more diverse than that, and will become even more diverse as IPv6 enjoys 
> wider deployment.
> It is also premature to remove references to 6to4 from RFC 5156bis, for IANA 
> to mark the prefix and DNS zones as deprecated.  This will only cause 
> confusion and difficulty for legitimate continued uses of 6to4.
> Keith
> On Jun 6, 2011, at 12:23 PM, The IESG wrote:
>> The IESG has received a request from the IPv6 Operations WG (v6ops) to
>> consider the following document:
>> - 'Request to move Connection of IPv6 Domains via IPv4 Clouds (6to4) to
>>  Historic status'
>>  as an Informational RFC
>> The IESG plans to make a decision in the next few weeks, and solicits
>> final comments on this action. Please send substantive comments to the
>> mailing lists by 2011-06-20. Exceptionally, comments may be
>> sent to instead. In either case, please retain the
>> beginning of the Subject line to allow automated sorting.
>> Abstract
>>  Experience with the "Connection of IPv6 Domains via IPv4 Clouds
>>  (6to4)" IPv6 transitioning mechanism has shown that the mechanism is
>>  unsuitable for widespread deployment and use in the Internet.  This
>>  document requests that RFC3056 and the companion document "An Anycast
>>  Prefix for 6to4 Relay Routers" RFC3068 are moved to historic status.
>> The file can be obtained via
>> IESG discussion can be tracked via
>> No IPR declarations have been submitted directly on this I-D.

Adventures in IPv6

2011-04-11 Thread Sabahattin Gucukoglu
This is just a blog posting, but I think it has valid illustrative points of 
the general frustration in it:

Of course, I think the conclusion is basically wrong, *not* doing IPv6 is much 
worse than breaking the finger-pointing circle, and making it work by whatever 
means necessary.  We won't make the situation better by not doing anything.  
And yes, I know how tired this all is, but it's starting to look like some 
people in this world just aren't going to be convinced until there's an actual, 
real crisis on top of us.

Ietf mailing list

Alternative to IPv6 in the Works

2011-04-01 Thread Sabahattin Gucukoglu
Hey, we do all the good gags!

Well, it's good to know IDs make headlines before they've even made it into the 
repository directories, a sign of changing times no doubt ...

Ietf mailing list

IPv6 on home routers and DSL/cable modems: FAIL

2011-03-07 Thread Sabahattin Gucukoglu
>From Network World:

Apple (except for their broken DHCPv6 client on OS X), DLink, and (although not 
listed in the fine article) Mikrotik RouterBoard and some models of the 
Fritz!Box are apparently the only contenders at the moment.

Ietf mailing list

Re: MHonArc mail archive line wrapping

2011-02-17 Thread Sabahattin Gucukoglu
On 17 Feb 2011, at 20:34, Stuart Cheshire wrote:
> On 15 Feb, 2011, at 13:32, Bjoern Hoehrmann wrote:
>> That is the result of some clients and users violating netiquette and mail 
>> standards, for instance, RFC 1855, section 2.1.1:
>>  - Limit line length to fewer than 65 characters and end a line
>>with a carriage return.
> I'm sure that was all wonderful back in the century of teletypes and (if you 
> were very lucky) a 80-column VT100 terminal, but these days I read email on 
> devices ranging from my phone at one end of the spectrum to my desktop 
> computer with dual 30-inch displays at the other.
> On my 30-inch displays your hard-wrapped text appears as a thin narrow ribbon 
> of text no matter how wide the window is, and on my phone your hard-wrapped 
> lines are too long to fit so they get re-wrapped to that charming 
> long/short/long/short pattern so characteristic of hard-wrapped text 
> displayed on any device other than the one it was created on.

Yes.  So the people who send you messages without information in their messages 
for helping you to reflow the lines, in a way that does not interfere with 
email clients and netnews reading clients which do not support those notions, 
should be enticed to do so.  And since you're sending such an email message, 
and using the same platform as I am, and since you are using all the right 
standards while I regularly get flamed to volcanic ash every time I dare to 
post to Usenet through a netnews-by-mail gateway, I wonder if perhaps you could 

Ietf mailing list

Re: World IPv6 Day and Us

2011-02-15 Thread Sabahattin Gucukoglu
On 15 Feb 2011, at 18:56, Shumon Huque wrote:
> Maybe it's because IETF/IRTF already have their outward facing
> services available over IPv6 (Web, Mail, &, DNS at least - I checked 
> only for and

Perhaps, but the same is true for  Anyway, I'm not questioning ISOC's 
policy on the event, just making an observation.

Ietf mailing list

World IPv6 Day and Us

2011-02-15 Thread Sabahattin Gucukoglu
Noting the increasing length of the list at (now with many former staunch 
nay-sayers on it, pleasingly), and that the ISOC considers itself a member, I 
think it only right to point out that we (IETF, IRTF, IESG, IAB, ICANN, IANA, 
et al) are not listed.

I don't suppose now is the time for an April 1 RFC discussing our commitment to 
the IPv6 protocol, and our intent to be present on World IPv6 day . is 

Yes, I think we probably deserve a small slice of that publicity pie, too. :-)

Ietf mailing list

Re: Final IPv4 Unicast Address Allocations

2011-02-03 Thread Sabahattin Gucukoglu
On 3 Feb 2011, at 19:44, IETF Chair wrote:
> There is no crisis, but there is a need for action so that the Internet can 
> continue to grow.  The transition to IPv6 requires the attention of many 
> actors.  However, our parents, spouses, and children will be largely unaware 
> of the transition.  They will continue to be amazed of the endless 
> possibilities offered by the growing Internet.  For them, this milestone will 
> remain insignificant.

Putting aside any bumps in the transition itself, and noting that I'm quite 
sure the IETF is capable of sensible decision-making in times of crisis and 
would wish the transition to be as transparent as possible, I think it's more 
often the case that reconciliation to those who do not immediately see our 
passions is sometimes difficult, but ultimately possible.

I explained it to my social worker today, and he bookmarked the test IPv6 site, 
while connected to my home network with IPv6 enabled, and said he'd try it at 
work.  I explained it to my brother and sister-in-law, and prepared them for 
IPv6 from their ISP.  I urged every person who I was in contact with to give 
attention to the issues, and to be selective about who they did business with, 
as a precondition of acquiring new services and hardware, in order the better 
to further IPv6 wherever possible, and rightly so.  You want to be able to 
explain why this milestone is such a great achievement - maybe not with any 
immediate effect, but an achievement nonetheless - and make your unfortunate 
hearer understand it.  Perhaps then they'll understand what all the wasted time 
in revery of a great community of technical friends and colleagues is really 
all about.  It isn't for nothing that IPv6 is such great news; it will mean a 
better and more fulfilling Internet for everybody who it t
 ouches, including every member of your circle, and will bring them even closer 
together.  It is even quite surprising how many of them, inspired with that 
urgency, wish to understand it more completely than they might have otherwise, 
or try to imagine how a dotted-decimal address can actually be made longer. :-)

Ietf mailing list

Re: Just Thinking (About the Nightmare Transition Ahead)

2011-01-22 Thread Sabahattin Gucukoglu
On 22 Jan 2011, at 18:48, Brian E Carpenter wrote:
> What nightmare? I find IPv6 dual stack works just fine.

It does, when your connectivity is working.  Unfortunately, the 0.1% (or 
whatever it is) of users whose connectivity isn't working seem to be sufficient 
in number to prevent large sites from deploying, and a number of others to just 
turn IPv6 off.  Not news, except I'd hate for this to be justification in 
keeping dual-stack from happening (the effects of which must be considerably 
worse than just losing 0.1% of users), especially since the publicity about 
"World IPv6 Day" has brought the whole issue to light.

Of course, I'd also like Google to run IPv6 (on its main web servers) for 
longer than 24 hours at a time. :-)

> However, see draft-wing-v6ops-happy-eyeballs-ipv6

Yes.  I'd love there to be some sort of consensus on it, or something like it.  
I'd focus more on testing connectivity, though, rather than optimal calculation 
of IPv6 reachability using one protocol/application to any given place at the 
time (i.e. rough and ready determination at OS boot whether we're on a broken 
network, EG).  It would not be foolproof, but it would not need to be in order 
to be useful in the short-term.  Perhaps Happy Eyeballs is the answer.

Ietf mailing list

Just Thinking (About the Nightmare Transition Ahead)

2011-01-22 Thread Sabahattin Gucukoglu
My thought right now is perhaps of an OS update that includes a background 
client which tries very hard to reduce the effect of breakage or delay caused 
by IPv6 routes that are dead, DNS queries that don't go anywhere, and delays 
caused by slow transition techniques.  It couldn't be comprehensive, but I 
think it'd go a long way at this point.  The software vendors could, for 
instance, provide the test sites that receive IPv6 probes and/or traffic, and 
respond to them.  Not scalable? ...

Ietf mailing list

Fwd: [Full-disclosure] IPv6 security myths

2010-10-25 Thread Sabahattin Gucukoglu
In the interest of fair and balanced discussion.

--- Begin Message ---

I thought you might enjoy the slides of a talk about IPv6 security I
gave last week at LACNOG ( The slides are
available at:

They are also available at the LACNOG 2010 web site


Kind regards,
Fernando Gont
e-mail: ||
PGP Fingerprint: 7809 84F5 322E 45C7 F1C9 3945 96EE A9EF D076 FFF1

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia -
--- End Message ---
Ietf mailing list Test Your IPv6 Connectivity

2010-10-12 Thread Sabahattin Gucukoglu
Some content provider or other got busy.  The tests are somewhat more 
real-world and exhaustive.  The site doesn't merely list where you connect 
from, it actually gives you information (over an IPv4-only-accessible page) 
about the various ways you (well, your browser) can reach IPv6 resources.

Requires javascript.

It's too bad Windows+Teredo isn't enabled by default for resolved names.


Ietf mailing list

Re: US DoD and IPv6

2010-10-10 Thread Sabahattin Gucukoglu
On 8 Oct 2010, at 23:51, Dave Cridland wrote:
> On Fri Oct  8 16:14:02 2010, Phillip Hallam-Baker wrote:
>> If the application is going to use the AA record it has to have an IPv4.1
>> stack. This causes it to emit IPv4 packets where the first four bytes are
>> sent in the IPv4 header and the remaining four bytes are sent as a header
>> option.
> Can't one then use a DNS lookup which tells it a tunnel endpoint for an 
> IPv6-in-IPv4 tunnel, and provide transparent IPv6 at both ends? This could be 
> implemented entirely at the network edge, eliminating the need for special 
> stacks at the endpoints.

I think this should be possible, today, with 6to4 and NAT64/46 in combination 
without any changes for the IPv4 host at all.  6to4 has the nice property that 
it is instantly compatible with every other 6to4 user, without any kind 
intermediate choke points (assuming that the non-tunneled IPv4 Internet remains 
reasonably flat and NAT-free, of course).  Sooner or later you're going to need 
IPv6 on the wire, though, because your IPv4-only hosts aren't capable of 
encoding more bits into their packets than they know how (address and port).  
Besides that, quite a few apps do not fair well with NAT64, but I suppose if 
we're dead-set on keeping it alive, then we had better get to work fixing 
those.  Should work for any DNS-addressible resource running over straight 
TCP/UDP without any payload modifications.  We just need some spare addresses 
to implement our NAT state table, no DNSSec and minimal caching, and a strong 

Just FTR, I'm not advocating this direction.  I really think we're worrying 
about the wrong problem - it isn't really the end nodes where the IPv6 is 
lacking, it's the blasted middleboxes.  Having said that, I just got an Epson 
Photo Stylus PX710W which is IPv4 only, unfortunately.

Ietf mailing list

Fwd: iOS IMAP IDLE (Standard "Push Email") Deficiency, Explanation?

2010-10-04 Thread Sabahattin Gucukoglu
Maybe my hubris got the better of me, but I didn't bargain for a complete 
surprise.  Well, anyway, we know now why Apple does not implement IMAP IDLE in 
iOS.  I've clearly been spending too much time around the IETF, to find Mr. 
Job's explanation to be completely incomprehensible. :-)

(Please let me know if the Message/RFC822 part didn't come through right - 

I want to ask anybody who feels strongly to the contrary to please not attack 
the sender (and the messenger either if you can help it :-) ).  I guess I'm 
stuck waiting 15 minutes for new mail notifications, and running my battery 
down.  I'm not forwarding my mail anywhere or running Exchange (or a clone).  
The latter, in particular, is a power-hungry option ...

--- Begin Message ---
Purely technical. IMAP IDLE is a power hungry standard that is not great for 
mobile devices. 

Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 4, 2010, at 3:29 AM, Sabahattin Gucukoglu 

> If you can't tell me much, I'll understand, but please tell me at least one 
> thing: is iOS's distinctive lack of support of IMAP IDLE (and future open 
> push standards) driven mostly by business agenda, mostly by technical agenda, 
> or both?  I know Apple would hate to lower the bar for no good reason, and 
> yet, somehow, this is the situation with push email notification on iOS 
> devices, where the open standards have clear advantages.  This cannot be 
> right, and I would love to know there was a reason I've overlooked or just 
> don't know about.
> Confidence assured upon request.
> Cheers,
> Sabahattin
--- End Message ---
Ietf mailing list

Re: Fisking vs Top-Posting

2010-09-23 Thread Sabahattin Gucukoglu
On 22 Sep 2010, at 19:48, Tony Finch wrote:
> On Wed, 22 Sep 2010, Dave Cridland wrote:
>> Possibly. It's worth noting that format-flowed, for instance, is well
>> supported
>  with the notable exception of Outlook. Apple's MUAs have stopped using
> format=flowed and now use really long lines instead, because that give
> better interop with the market leader. This is rather sad.

It is very sad.  So I wasn't mistaken - Apple Mail used to do the right thing, 
and now no longer does. Please file bug reports at .  With enough "Duplicates" it's possible Apple 
will listen to reason, but ...  Meantime I'll have to post to netnews using a 
newsreader in order to avoid being flamed to death by users of readers which 
decode the QP-encoding but then don't wrap the long lines, or don't do MIME.

Just out of curiosity, where did you get confirmation that Apple Mail behaves 
the way it does for the reason it does?

Ietf mailing list

Re: Fisking vs Top-Posting

2010-09-21 Thread Sabahattin Gucukoglu
On 21 Sep 2010, at 09:44, Nathaniel Borenstein wrote:
> On Sep 20, 2010, at 7:20 PM, Phillip Hallam-Baker wrote:
> One of the problems I have seen emerge on many IETF mailing lists is the 
> habit of fisking.
> Please clarify what you mean by fisking.
>> By fisking I mean responding to a post  line by line *while reading it for 
>> the first time*.
> Thanks.  And why is this a bad thing, in your view?

[Snip the rest of this brilliant and audacious take.]
You, sir, are owed a beer.  And I am owed a new keyboard, because the coffee I 
was drinking is suddenly and mysteriously absent from both my cup and my 
stomach ...
> In all seriousness, forcing any particular approach is the real issue.  I 
> can't imagine how it would be accomplished.  What I'd really like to force 
> people to do is be more thoughtful and restrained; if they did that, it 
> wouldn't much matter what approach they took to replies.  -- Nathaniel

+1.  I do generally prefer an in-line style, and that because I wish to give 
full attention to the post and leave no chance of ambiguity - but I accept the 
utility of top-posting, on very, very rare occasions.  In particular, 
high-volume blindness-only lists tend to prefer top-posting heavily because the 
readers can get quickly to the answers using linear top-down reading by speech 
synthesis.  (No doubt it is not a coincidence that I am on very few such lists.)

> PS for the humor impaired -- only my last paragraph was intended to be 
> serious.  -- 

Oh, and now you've gone and ruined it. :-)

Ietf mailing list

Re: What does a privacy policy mean ?

2010-07-07 Thread Sabahattin Gucukoglu
On 7 Jul 2010, at 04:51, John Levine wrote:
> Then what happens?  Is a privacy policy a contract, and if it is, what
> remedies do IETF participants have for non-performance?  And if it's
> not, and there aren't remedies, what's the point?


We've got to be honest and, even if it doesn't explicitly get stated in this 
BCP, say that there is uncertainty around what IETF participants expect to 
happen to their data.  That's been true with particular emphasis on the 

Ietf mailing list

Re: The IPv6 Transitional Preference Problem

2010-06-17 Thread Sabahattin Gucukoglu
On 17 Jun 2010, at 13:30, Arnt Gulbrandsen wrote:
> On 06/17/2010 01:38 PM, Sabahattin Gucukoglu wrote:
>> Just in case someone here wants to take sides, have a look at this thread on 
>> the IPv6 discussion list at Apple:
>> (the thread actually goes back earlier than that, but I can't be bothered 
>> going looking for it because I can't stand that awful PiperMail interface)
> What I've never understood is why (almost) everyone tries addresses in 
> sequence instead of in parallel.
> Even applications that routinely open two or more concurrent connections to 
> the server first try IPvX, then wait many seconds, then try IPvY. Why not try 
> both in parallel and use whatever address answers first?

It's Apple we're talking about here.  Have a look at this for some nasty 

Admittedly this is just for DNS, but I think it illustrates the general 
problem, you can't win, you can't break even, and you can't even quit the game 
with this one.

Ietf mailing list

The IPv6 Transitional Preference Problem

2010-06-17 Thread Sabahattin Gucukoglu
Just in case someone here wants to take sides, have a look at this thread on 
the IPv6 discussion list at Apple:
(the thread actually goes back earlier than that, but I can't be bothered going 
looking for it because I can't stand that awful PiperMail interface)

Summary: it is a problem for some people, notably content providers, that 
connectivity losses result from a preference to use (advertised) v6 routes.  
Mac OS X, in particular, has this habit of treating even the commonplace 6to4 
routes, which of course fail occasionally for a number of reasons, just as 
native IPv6, and preferring them.  It has no address selection table, so it 
will flunk even when IPv4 would have worked fine, i.e., will not treat common 
v4-NAT environment as global scope.

My take: it's not their fault.  Transition mechanisms must improve, because 
they're needed even into the IPv4 twilight.  However, it's been noted before 
that an API for selection of the protocol based on application requirements is 
a solution to this particular paradox, and I agree with that.

Ietf mailing list

Re: The point is to change it: Was: IPv4 depletion makes CNN

2010-06-01 Thread Sabahattin Gucukoglu
On 1 Jun 2010, at 18:19, wrote:
> As I've stated previously, I believe the main piece that's missing is a
> SOHO-grade router that has full IPv6 support, 6to4 support, full
> IPv4/NAT/firewall support, plus a readonably intuitive GUI to administer it
> all. If such a product exists I continue to be unaware of it.

I agree.

With the exception (g) of a non-configurable packet filter (besides the NAT 
function and per-port-based IPv6), Apple's Airport Extreme and Time Capsule do 
IPv6 very nearly out of the box (it was disabled by default because a load of 
"Security researchers" took issue with exposing computers to the IPv6 Internet 
by default).  In about ten clicks, and assuming your Internet connection is 
provided by ethernet to a global IPv4 address, these base stations will set up 
and advertise a 6to4 routed block for your network, and handle transparent 
v4/v6 DNS from one proxy.  They're supposed to be able to handle custom 
tunnels, but bugs prevent it from working; it also works as a native router, a 
host on an existing v6 network, and link-local for configuration (no more 
slipping/forgotten netmasks).

So all in all, I'm quite pleased with them, and they're the reason I decided 
IPv6 was no longer hard for anybody.  No doubt there are others out there, or 
should be (IE, from ISPs) and of course there's Teredo or custom protocols if 
you want to stay behind an existing legacy NAT.  And of course, if you want to, 
you can build your own with a Linux box, though I agree that sort of misses the 
deployability aspect, and is more toward the enthusiast, though that's how my 
original setup went for my DSL provider.

Ietf mailing list

Re: IPv4 depletion makes CNN

2010-06-01 Thread Sabahattin Gucukoglu
On 31 May 2010, at 02:49, Phillip Hallam-Baker wrote:
> Or we could do what we did last time and pretend that nobody will
> deploy carrier grade NAT if we don't specify a way that it can work
> without pain.

Well, I'd be interested to know what your plan is.  Do you think we should use 
DNS for everything, SRV to specify the location of every service, and make port 
numbers insignificant?  Do you think this is better than IPv6, or that it will 
take any more time to deploy IPv6?  And, what do you think of the NAT scaling 
problem that you are proposing we mutely suffer in perpetuity?

I don't like IPv4+NAT for sure (my favourite has got to be A+P) however I 
really don't see anything but good coming of (A) not delaying IPv6 deployment 
any further and (B) making every arrangement to avoid NAT in future.  This 
seems to work for everybody except the end-users, for whom this whole thing is 
completely insignificant, who drag the market with them into a state of 
complacency.  They don't care.  Therefore, I think we must elongate IPv4's life 
as much as possible, so as to give the unfortunate time to transition, but no 
more.  Then, content providers and end-users can continue enjoying the 'net 
(albeit more slowly than usual due to all that translation load for all the 
usual purposes) while the faster and more capable Internet gradually 
transitions into use.  This is the best we can do given that the dual-stack 
opportunity passed over a decade ago, and even then it was important enough to 
commence work on what was, and I think is, the obvious (if a little imperfect)
  plan for the future.  That's where we stand today, everybody capable of IPv6, 
and nobody connected, while the red alert signs all begin to flash.

Ietf mailing list

Re: IPv4 depletion makes CNN

2010-05-30 Thread Sabahattin Gucukoglu
On 30 May 2010, at 16:02, Arnt Gulbrandsen wrote:
> On 05/30/2010 04:44 PM, Sabahattin Gucukoglu wrote:
>> BitTorrent is popular, yes.  People at home *are* behind NAT boxes, with all 
>> the usual pain that implies *.  It's just that BitTorrent, being a 
>> straightforward TCP protocol with no embedded payload addresses **, can 
>> operate behind NATs, and those NATs can be configured either manually or 
>> automatically by users or their client software ***.  If the NAT should move 
>> to the ISP, it seems possible that this is no longer true.
> Not quite.
> 1. Bittorrent clients connect to each other via TCP. Each connection is 
> incoming at one end. Torrent clients mostly use UPNP to accept incoming 
> connections.
> 2. UPNP is an ethernet-level protocol (it uses UDP/IP broadcasts), so it 
> works only if the USER is on the public internet. Hence, NAT within the 
> user's network is now very different from NAT within the ISP's network.
> That's why I said the wide popularity of bittorrent shows that USERS are on 
> the public internet.

Right, yes, I didn't see it from that standpoint.  However UPnP can of course 
be substituted by NAT-PMP/PCP or something else that doesn't have the same 
discovery problem, and ISP-level NATs will no longer be a "Problem" for clients 
needing incoming connections even though they can no longer be said to be 
"Public".  Of course we're assuming that clients are in direct contact with 
their gateway here, I'm not sure how true that is, there may need to be added 
proxying to replicate requests otherwise.  It certainly isn't impossible to do.

Ietf mailing list

Re: IPv4 depletion makes CNN

2010-05-30 Thread Sabahattin Gucukoglu
On 28 May 2010, at 17:39, David Conrad wrote:
> On May 28, 2010, at 8:57 AM, Arnt Gulbrandsen wrote:
>> Consider bittorrent. Bittorrent clients generally can run behind NAT, but in 
>> that case they have to be on the same ethernet as the NATbox, so it's a safe 
>> bet that the bittorrent USER has a real address. Am I stepping out on a limb 
>> if I state that most users can run bittorrent?
> No idea. No clue how popular bittorrent is. I was under the impression that 
> the vast majority of folks on residential-level connections were sitting 
> behind a NAT box. Perhaps my impression is wrong?

BitTorrent is popular, yes.  People at home *are* behind NAT boxes, with all 
the usual pain that implies *.  It's just that BitTorrent, being a 
straightforward TCP protocol with no embedded payload addresses **, can operate 
behind NATs, and those NATs can be configured either manually or automatically 
by users or their client software ***.  If the NAT should move to the ISP, it 
seems possible that this is no longer true.


* Subjective, I know, but people for whom NAT is not a problem are not full 
participants of the Internet, and do not use it to full potential.  Most of 
them think the web is the Internet.  I regret losing my public addresses to the 
** Actually, BitTorrent does allow clients to tell trackers their addresses, 
for example to get around proxies; in such cases dynamic addresses are a 
problem, as are cases where tracker and client live on the same machine, as 
happens when publishing.  This doesn't affect most users though, because 
trackers default to taking the public IP address of the connecting client as 
the peer address given to other clients.
*** Of course, there's still a learning curve, in which users will sooner or 
later become acquainted with the mechanics of port forwarding and all that; it 
rarely "Just works".  I'm reluctant to admit everybody capable of comprehending 
this stuff at first blush; certainly there are many peers who are firewalled 
and thus get reduced speeds.
Ietf mailing list

Re: another document categorization suggestion

2010-04-21 Thread Sabahattin Gucukoglu
On 22 Apr 2010, at 01:55, james woodyatt wrote:
> After just now finding the root cause of yet another stupid interoperability 
> problem to be an interaction between a client not choosing a sufficiently 
> unique host/session identifier and a server being overly clever about using 
> said identifiers for purposes other than intended in the protocol 
> specification...
> WHEREAS the IETF has no document category for dealing with material that is 
> unfit for Standards Track, that does not in any way describe Best Current 
> Practice, provides Information of questionable utility, which is neither yet 
> limited to Historical interest nor of merely Experimental nature...
> BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that IETF should create a new document category for 
> Disinformation, and that RFC 2516 should immediately and with extreme 
> prejudice be reclassified as such without further discussion.

I think what we're really looking for in cases like this is a document subset 
called RWD, or Real World Deployment.  This subset comprises of notes stating 
the necessary information that couldn't possible be included in specifications 
for any number of good reasons, but which assist those implementing those 
specifications to avoid the next incoming arrow of misfortune that results from 
trying to interoperate with the incredible array of brain-dead implementations 
using the dubious interpretations that exist, perhaps just to the benefit of 
the IETF, for whom these concerns are perhaps greater than those of the vendor.

As a concession to avoiding further bureaucracy, because we get enough of that 
as it is, and as an aid to IETF sponsorship, special offers should be made 
concerning vendor recognition in such documents.  The hopeful consequence of 
this is that the subset should be modest in size, if not purpose, and will 
remain so for the foreseeable future.


Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature
Ietf mailing list

Re: Public musing on the nature of IETF membership and employment status

2010-04-06 Thread Sabahattin Gucukoglu
On 6 Apr 2010, at 17:16, Mark Atwood wrote:
> Only individual people can be "members" of the IETF.  And "membership" is 
> mostly defined as "who shows up on the mailing list" and "who shows up at the 
> meetings".
> There have been many cases in the history of the IETF where well known 
> members who are in the middle of writing standards or of chairing various 
> important working groups, who have worked for well-known large companies, 
> will change employers, to other companies, to startups, or to personal 
> sabbaticals switch around between industry, academia, research, and 
> government, and this will not, does not, and should not, affect their 
> position inside the IETF at all.

I don't see any meaningful relationship between employment status and IETF 
participation.  That's all.  As a student and as of now unemployed, I have 
never ceased to be a participant in the IETF, because I have wanted to be a 
participant in the IETF.  And, as far as possible given the necessities of 
life, I think that's how it should be.  We are all a bunch of socialists. :-)

In the meantime my next job might well be decided by first my intrigue of 
networking, and the Internet, and next by my employer's appreciation of these 
same principles.  Until then, my ongoing certification has a lot to do with 
networking.  In any event, it is the IETF's wholly open nature that contributed 
to my involvement and interest in it, and all of the work and people that do 
it, so that it's very possible that these principles are why I'm in this field 
at all.

Ietf mailing list

Re: Ok .. I want my IETF app for my iPad ..

2010-04-04 Thread Sabahattin Gucukoglu
On 4 Apr 2010, at 21:58, Tony Finch wrote:
On Sun, 4 Apr 2010, Jorge Amodio wrote:
>> On Sun, Apr 4, 2010 at 2:48 PM, Tim Bray  wrote:
>>> Anyhow, it has to be an iPad app, rather than iPhone/iPod-touch,
>>> because the smaller devices can't display 80-char-66-line ASCII
>>> properly.  -T
>> You have not seen iSSH in action then.
> Tim's complaint is that mobile Safari's rendering of text/plain is
> braindead.
> Compare
> with

Does that tool reflow the indented lines to paragraphs?  I am seeing each text 
section as what looks like one long pre element.

Ietf mailing list

Re: Ok .. I want my IETF app for my iPad ..

2010-04-03 Thread Sabahattin Gucukoglu
On 4 Apr 2010, at 03:32, Dave CROCKER wrote:
On 4/3/2010 6:51 PM, Jorge Amodio wrote:
>>> And what, pray tell, does an IETF app actually do?
>> The 10 commandments of the IETF in a tablet  sort to speak.
> One commandment for each layer?

The layered model is obsolete, Dave.

Everybody knows the future is web 2.0, and web 2.0 is now.


Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature
Ietf mailing list

Re: NAT Traversal With ICMP Replies

2010-04-02 Thread Sabahattin Gucukoglu
On 2 Apr 2010, at 18:08, Dan Wing wrote:
-Original Message-
>> From: Sabahattin Gucukoglu [] 
>> Sent: Friday, April 02, 2010 9:48 AM
>> To: Dan Wing
>> Cc:
>> Subject: Re: NAT Traversal With ICMP Replies
>> On 2 Apr 2010, at 17:18, Dan Wing wrote:
>> -Original Message-
>>>> From: [] On 
>>>> Behalf Of Sabahattin Gucukoglu
>>>> Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2010 5:43 PM
>>>> To:
>>>> Subject: NAT Traversal With ICMP Replies
>>>> The idea is that NATs let back ICMP replies and send them to 
>>>> hosts behind them if they suspect them to be responses to 
>>>> messages sent from those hosts.  So, by making the reply 
>>>> fixed and having a server behind a NAT continuously sending 
>>>> the ICMP query that would elicit it, a server can learn a 
>>>> client's IP address, and thus begin communication without a 
>>>> central rendezvous server.
>>>> An interesting idea, for sure. 
>>> Several drawbacks, though, including no provision for multiple
>>> PWNAT devices behind the same NAT.  Varying the ICMP query 
>>> address could resolve that, to some degree (modulo birthday 
>>> collisions).
>>>> It might not be super 
>>>> efficient, and there's the question of whose network gets all 
>>>> these ICMP messages. 
>> Yes.  We could solve the worst of both problems by assigning 
>> a *small* IANA block and arranging a blackhole for it.  We 
>> only need to trigger NAT behaviour, and we get to control the 
>> ICMP payload that should be expected.  Hamachi has nicked the 
>> 5/8 assignment, for its own use, to avoid overlapping private 
>> spaces (they aren't routed, of course, it's just for the 
>> communicating nodes on the UDP-encapsulated, NAT-traversing network).
>> Although I'm absolutely no fan of NAT, I can't help thinking 
>> this little technique might just help some, considering the 
>> only alternative is peer-mediated communications. 
> Not sure what you mean by 'peer-mediated communications'.

Communications mediated by a peer, like STUN or TURN.  It should really be 
"Third-party peer-mediated communications".  It's nice to remove dependence on 
another peer is what I was trying to say.

> It should 
>> even work for DSLite deployment since the NATs are upstream.
> As written, pwnat won't work for a large shared NAT, because
> all of the pwnat 'servers' are sending ICMP queries using
> the same address.  To make pwnat work in such an
> environment, each pwnat 'server' would have to choose its
> own, non-colliding IP address to send its ICMP queries to,
> and the pwnat client would need to be told that IP address
> (and also the pwnat's publicly-visible IP address).

Of course, yes, sorry.  Friday-night brain flab.  Somehow I got the idea we had 
the entire ICMP packet payload, but of course we only have the headers.  Would 
unsolicited ICMP echo replies, containing payload, work?


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Ietf mailing list

Re: NAT Traversal With ICMP Replies

2010-04-02 Thread Sabahattin Gucukoglu
On 2 Apr 2010, at 17:18, Dan Wing wrote:
-Original Message-
>> From: [] On 
>> Behalf Of Sabahattin Gucukoglu
>> Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2010 5:43 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: NAT Traversal With ICMP Replies
>> The idea is that NATs let back ICMP replies and send them to 
>> hosts behind them if they suspect them to be responses to 
>> messages sent from those hosts.  So, by making the reply 
>> fixed and having a server behind a NAT continuously sending 
>> the ICMP query that would elicit it, a server can learn a 
>> client's IP address, and thus begin communication without a 
>> central rendezvous server.
>> An interesting idea, for sure. 
> Several drawbacks, though, including no provision for multiple
> PWNAT devices behind the same NAT.  Varying the ICMP query 
> address could resolve that, to some degree (modulo birthday 
> collisions).
>> It might not be super 
>> efficient, and there's the question of whose network gets all 
>> these ICMP messages. 

Yes.  We could solve the worst of both problems by assigning a *small* IANA 
block and arranging a blackhole for it.  We only need to trigger NAT behaviour, 
and we get to control the ICMP payload that should be expected.  Hamachi has 
nicked the 5/8 assignment, for its own use, to avoid overlapping private spaces 
(they aren't routed, of course, it's just for the communicating nodes on the 
UDP-encapsulated, NAT-traversing network).

Although I'm absolutely no fan of NAT, I can't help thinking this little 
technique might just help some, considering the only alternative is 
peer-mediated communications.  It should even work for DSLite deployment since 
the NATs are upstream.


Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature
Ietf mailing list

NAT Traversal With ICMP Replies

2010-03-31 Thread Sabahattin Gucukoglu

The idea is that NATs let back ICMP replies and send them to hosts behind them 
if they suspect them to be responses to messages sent from those hosts.  So, by 
making the reply fixed and having a server behind a NAT continuously sending 
the ICMP query that would elicit it, a server can learn a client's IP address, 
and thus begin communication without a central rendezvous server.

An interesting idea, for sure.  It might not be super efficient, and there's 
the question of whose network gets all these ICMP messages.  Are we using it 
anywhere already?


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Ietf mailing list

Re: What day is 2010-01-02

2010-03-14 Thread Sabahattin Gucukoglu
On 13 Mar 2010, at 14:51, Cullen Jennings wrote:
I just got abused by someone reading the IESG web pages and pointing out dates 
like 2010-01-02 , are confusing. Is there a better way to do dates that we 
should be using on the web pages?

Incredible discussion so far notwithstanding, I have long since given up trying 
to coach people using any form of numeric date representations and now just use 
RFC 5322 format for everything (even when doing so is inconveniently verbose 
sometimes).  It probably isn't suitable for an international audience for whom 
the non-use or partial-use of English is a genuine concern, but it by far beats 
trying to unify the great divide among for instance British and American 
notations.  I am an email junky anyway.  Otherwise, of course the -mm-dd 
makes the most sense, especially in scripts or directory listings.


Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature
Ietf mailing list

Re: [ #24364] is, Remove MX Records For Less Spam

2010-02-27 Thread Sabahattin Gucukoglu
On 27 Feb 2010, at 13:49, John R. Levine wrote:
there is an MX.  Where did you get the idea that not having an MX
>>> offers protection from spambots?
>> That's interesting, but not what I described.
> Well, OK.  Let me rephrase my question: why do you believe that removing the 
> IETF's MX record will
> a) decrease the amount of spam it receives?
> b) not damage its legitimate mail flow?

Because, on inspection, both now and in the past, that is what it seems to do, 
for my personal domains.  The difference in spam, and the apparent lack of lost 
mail, leads me to the conclusion that this small hack is worth the keeping, for 
now.  Of course, I am more concerned about the lost mail, and I suspect that 
the IETF is more exposed to that possibility.  In that case, it would be 
unwise.  But it works for me, and given that it's in no way improper or 
non-standard, I don't see why it shouldn't for the IETF.

> Based on my experience and that of other people, neither is true.

O.K.  I must be very lucky indeed.


Ietf mailing list

Re: [ #24364] is, Remove MX Records For Less Spam

2010-02-27 Thread Sabahattin Gucukoglu
On 26 Feb 2010, at 16:45, SM wrote:
At 20:11 25-02-10, Sabahattin Gucukoglu wrote:
>> Discussion, please.  See below for my take; the IETF is one host, MX is 
>> really meaningless, and there are benefits to avoiding a ton of spambot 
>> zombie spam.
> While we are on this topic, which of the following methods would you 
> recommend for a point of contact:
>  1. mailto [1] [2] [7] [8] [10] [12] [13]
>  2. email address without mailto [9]
>  3. AT [3]
>  4. at [4] [11]
>  5. & [5]
>  6. email address as an image [6]

The only one I object to strongly is 6, and that's because I can't see it and 
nor can anybody using a textmode browser.  Other than that, it makes sense to 
avoid spam by not doing 1 or 2, although I would sooner not hide from spammers 
by breaking functionality, which 2-5 implies.


Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature
Ietf mailing list

Re: [ #24364] is, Remove MX Records For Less Spam

2010-02-26 Thread Sabahattin Gucukoglu
On 26 Feb 2010, at 15:42, John Levine wrote: is, so you can remove your MX records for  This should cut down on spam since a lot of spambots
  will skip over domains whose MX list cannot be obtained.  Real
  mailers will of course fall back to A/ as per RFC 2821/5321.  A
  few hosts will have trouble, but very, very few indeed, and that
  isn't your (our?) fault.
> I checked with some people who run mail for a lot of domains, and they
> assure me that spambots will try to deliver to the A record even if
> there is an MX.  Where did you get the idea that not having an MX
> offers protection from spambots?

That's interesting, but not what I described.

To answer your question, you'd have to try that for yourself.  I am now getting 
mostly phishes and scams, but very few member enhancement, expensive watches, 
wonder cures or viral mails.  A few, of course - but not many.  And yes, some 
of them are originated from PBL-listed addresses.

Oh, and an IPv6-enabled foreign language spam or three.  Lovely.  The spammers 
have got there first.

Brief and superficial inspection shows that the scams and phishes are submitted 
mostly via webmails and legit relays.  I'm not sure why that is, though I have 
read stories about hijacked Internet cafes.


Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature
Ietf mailing list

Re: [ #24364] is, Remove MX Records For Less Spam

2010-02-26 Thread Sabahattin Gucukoglu
On 26 Feb 2010, at 05:19, Dean Anderson wrote:
I get spam to hosts with MX records. I don't think removing MX records
> will have any effect on spam.  Spambots, aren't fully autonomous agents

I just transitioned my email host for a few small domains, and didn't trouble 
to bring along the MX records, because I didn't have to.  I noticed the IETF 
didn't have to either, when it kept rejecting my IPv6 connections for not 
having Reverse DNS (fixed by preferring IPv4 for now).

It's not the first time, and this technique is still damned effective.  I added 
MX records just to reassure myself, and indeed I was being spammed at my usual 
300/day level within almost half an hour of my name servers being updated.  Now 
I'm waiting for the TTL to expire the record on caches.  I'm convinced that is 
useful, anyway.  Sure, it's a short-term hack (like all spam countermeasures), 
but it works.  And why should we be afraid of standards compliance, in the very 
organisation that standardises?

> existing independently, they are programs written by people who want to
> conduct abuse for some purpose (annoyance, extortion, etc).
The ones I'm talking about are distributed by viruses and trojan horses.  They 
run on Windows, of course.  They receive their instructions from the botmaster 
to spam a list of addresses with the spam content, and they do it directly 
using the MX resolution process.  They barf when MX records fail to appear in a 
query result for MXs of a domain, for the most.

> Regarding the effect (if there even is one) of skipping domains without
> MX records, there are only two cases to analyze: Its either an oversight
> in the program, or its done on purpose.  Even supposing their current
> programs skip domains without MX records by some oversight, the spambot
> programmers will easily fix that.  Supposing the current programs skip
> domains without MX records on purpose, then do you really want to go
> along with whatever purpose that might be?  I wouldn't.
Spam is a social problem that cannot be solved by technical means to any degree 
of satisfaction; we only put up with the methods available because they're all 
we have.  Every filtering technique other than manual inspection is subject to 
attacks, even the best ones, and as long as there's a gain in doing so that 
will continue to be the case.  On that basis, even if there were something 
wrong with removing MX records for a single-host domain that just happens to be 
called "" and have aliases of mail and www, and I personally don't 
think there is apart from the possibility that it may lose some broken MTAs, it 
is a valid spam prevention technique until spammers take their dozy time (and, 
if we're honest, quite low cunning as well) to fix their agents, just as they 
do with every other kind of filtering out there.  The IETF is one domain 
inhabited by a bunch of guys, so frankly I don't think it will be all that soon 
when so much of the world is happily being spammed to d
 eath on redundantly-hosted mail servers.  And even if it isn't a silver bullet 
tomorrow, it's a useful metric nonetheless, just as graylisting was before it 
was totally failed and made blacklists the only way to use it conveniently.

> But I do find it noteworthy that the IETF doesn't even follow its own
> recommendations on email.  The level of IETF spew, by which I mean
> telling other people what to do by issuing standards while not doing it
> themselves, grows more ever day.  This incident is another discredit to
> the IETF, particularly to the leadership of the IETF or perhaps the IETF
> secretariat, that I will have to document at IETF watch.

I want to say that I would *prefer* that MX records be published for host which 
*do not* receive mail.  This is considerate since it allows mail originating 
from a host to be answered, or for postmaster to be reached.  I also want to 
say that I am in support of the "Purist" point of view with regard to fallback 
since it allows any host with a name to be part of the SMTP infrastructure with 
no added configuration in DNS by properly using the semantics of addresses in 
DNS, before the use of MX muddied the waters sufficiently.  There can therefore 
be no doubt that any software relying on the existence or not of MX records as 
license to *send* mail is broken since RFC 974.  I don't want to start a debate 
on these points, at least outside of ietf-smtp, since in neither case does it 
wrong the secretariat with regard to the use or not of MX records, but I will 
say I have been a little bit surprised by the force of responses so far.  I 
would be much obliged if the required work were 
 done for clarifying any opposing view to current standards.


Ietf mailing list

Fwd: [ #24364] is, Remove MX Records For Less Spam

2010-02-25 Thread Sabahattin Gucukoglu
Discussion, please.  See below for my take; the IETF is one host, MX is really 
meaningless, and there are benefits to avoiding a ton of spambot zombie spam.

Begin forwarded message:
> From: "Glen via RT" 
> Date: 25 February 2010 18:16:44 GMT
> To:
> Subject: [ #24364] is, Remove MX Records 
> For Less Spam 
> Reply-To:
> in-reply-to: <>
> references:  
> <>
> message-id: 
> rt-ticket: #24364
> rt-originator:
> Thank you!
> Regrettably, we got many MANY complaints in the past from IETF community
> members who objected strongly to the absence of MX records.  So although
> I personally feel as you do, I cannot make the suggested change at this
> time.
> Perhaps the spirit of things has changed.  You are welcome to bring this
> up on the IETF list if you want, and to quote this response.  Having
> been beaten down once, I'm not prepared to fight that battle again just
> yet.  :-)
> Glen
> On Thu Feb 25 06:08:22 2010, wrote:
>> In the spirit of abiding by the rules we strive so hard to write ...
>>   :-)
>> is, so you can remove your MX records for
>>  This should cut down on spam since a lot of spambots
>>   will skip over domains whose MX list cannot be obtained.  Real
>>   mailers will of course fall back to A/ as per RFC 2821/5321.  A
>>   few hosts will have trouble, but very, very few indeed, and that
>>   isn't your (our?) fault.
>> Cheers,
>> Sabahattin

Ietf mailing list

Re: Stub DNSSec Resolution, Or Use DNSScurve

2010-02-25 Thread Sabahattin Gucukoglu
On 25 Feb 2010, at 14:14, Tony Finch wrote:
On Thu, 25 Feb 2010, Sabahattin Gucukoglu wrote:
>> I'm thinking that maybe there's something in having DNSCurve be used for
>> one leg of the journey, between customer and cache.
> That won't work because DNScurve gets its key from the server name, but
> recursive servers are configured by IP address not by name.

We would have to initialise clients, perhaps with a local DHCP option, giving 
the initial key.  I don't see how you get full trust any other way.


Ietf mailing list

Stub DNSSec Resolution, Or Use DNSScurve

2010-02-25 Thread Sabahattin Gucukoglu
I'm thinking that maybe there's something in having DNSCurve be used for one 
leg of the journey, between customer and cache.  Then the cache can use DNSSec 
to get the desired validity of data, withstanding all attempts to subvert it, 
and not needing to depend on any tricky key retrieval process that is out of 
band of the security mechanism.

Will it work?  Should it work?  Is it reasonable?  And why aren't stub 
resolvers being encouraged to do their own DNSSec validation?


Ietf mailing list

Re: IAB statement on the RPKI.

2010-02-17 Thread Sabahattin Gucukoglu
On 17 Feb 2010, at 22:24, Masataka Ohta wrote:
> Martin Rex wrote:
>> DNSsec, as far as I can see, does not use a PKI in the traditional
>> sense.  There are _NO_ persons involved in the process,
> FYI, zones are operated by people.
> I can forge a key of your zone. I can, then, ask a person operating a
> parent zone of yours to issue a valid signature over the forged key.

Yeah, but at least now we know the difference between the subversion of the 
"Chain of trust" and some bloke with a packet sniffer.  As soon as the 
"Integrity" of the "Chain of trust" becomes obviously broken, for whatever 
reason, it's totally within our power to do what we do now, and ignore it.

The point here is, we now have a way to verify the technical functions we 
depend on today are working properly.  It isn't about reputation or the trust 
of any given person or entity, any more than it is now. I can *still* find 
ingenious ways to bribe or subvert or otherwise make your registrar publish 
records of my control and design that pertain to your domains, with or without 
that verification function.  Well, I could if I were sitting at the top with 
lots of money and nothing else to do.  But when the data we receive is 
authentic from the intended, authenticated source, we have a chance to assign 
our own trust policies as we see fit (and it may be, though I doubt it, that I 
find the bloke with a packet sniffer a more reliable source than ICANN).  The 
utility of online banking and shopping, as certified by some sort of 
certification authority about whom we know next to nothing, suggests that we 
prefer some - any - degree of accountability, and the result of some CA being s
 loppy has always (and will continue to be) grounds for distrust.  And the same 
has applied as well to webs of trust, like those of PGP, where some degree of 
fuzzy logic is applied to make multiple vouches constitute more solid evidence 
of "Trustworthiness".  Single roots may present problems when there is no other 
root, but never to the extent of being an unchallenged authority, and certainly 
not to the degree that the Internet would experience an irreparable divide.  
The problems only really show up when people get involved, and that's why 
certification authorities are so rich.


Ietf mailing list

Re: Last Call: rfc3848 (ESMTP and LMTP Transmission Types Registration) to Draft Standard

2009-11-26 Thread Sabahattin Gucukoglu
On 25 Nov 2009, at 19:34, The IESG wrote:
> The IESG has received a request from an individual submitter to consider 
> the following document:
> - 'ESMTP and LMTP Transmission Types Registration '
>  RFC 3848 as a Draft Standard
> The IESG plans to make a decision in the next few weeks, and solicits
> final comments on this action.

This is good.

Sendmail's covered with the standard cf rules, except that LMTP only works 
without extensions (I haven't checked whether that's relevant for Sendmail, or 
indeed how one might change it without rewriting the header lines by hand, but 
I'll say it's probably possible).

I still can't think what use the keywords are, actually, for receivers.  
Perhaps somebody could explain it to me?


Ietf mailing list

Re: RIM patents using a mime body in a message (and ignores IETF IPRrules)

2009-11-24 Thread Sabahattin Gucukoglu
On 19 Nov 2009, at 19:32, Dan Wing wrote:
>> Rescinding RFCs-to-be only based on late disclosures may set 
>> a precedence for the future we may not like.
> Doing so would provide an incentive for the patent holder to delay disclosure
> until after the RFC is issued.
> IETF lacks a censure policy for such violations.  Maybe we need one.

I have a suspicion that part of the problem is that in cases like this one, the 
IETF has demonstrated a will to validate IPR all by itself, which is fine 
except that nowhere that I know of have we publicly expressed our 
dissatisfaction with the vast majority of what passes for "Rescindable", 
preferring instead to do without at the time the disclosure is made.  A BCP 
stating, "Patents are a nuisance, be told, and we'd sooner be without them." 
would seem to suit us well in cases where outsiders might otherwise be tempted 
to play fast and loose with the rules, perhaps this would encourage more 
upfront disclosures and, thereby, acceptance of reasonable and 
non-discriminatory IPR.  And can the IETF deny its preference for non-patented 

I take no sides myself, I just want us to live in peace and harmony.


Ietf mailing list

Re: NAT Not Needed To Make Renumbering Easy

2009-11-09 Thread Sabahattin Gucukoglu

On 8 Nov 2009, at 16:22, Phillip Hallam-Baker wrote:

There are two typical modes of deployment for IPSEC, the first is as a
lousy remote access protocol where the lack of NAT support makes it
far more effort than other solutions. SSL and SSH remote access just
works, IPSEC VPN may or may not work depending on the phase of the
moon. The third party clients are terrible, the built in support in
the O/S is unusable because it does not have the tweaks necessary to
get through the firewall. So we do not really have a standard for
IPSEC remote access.

There's at least one product making actual money in this space,  
Hamachi ( ).  Basically third-party-mediated  
IPSec-lite that goes over NAT.  If you must use NAT, at least be aware  
of what can come back to your network due to NAT behaviour and  
internally initiated connections.  I don't think NAT is providing the  
right kind of security here.  But I must be careful not to start  
another flame war.

But anyway, IPv6/Teredo does the same thing, and better; Microsoft is  
working on going that extra mile with IP over HTTPS, too, so soon  
we'll have peer-to-peer VPNs that really do "Just work".  In every  
case it is better than Hamachi's use of unassigned address space, and  
in no case better than fixing the trouble at the root, and shredding  

But, if NAT's your thing ...


Ietf mailing list

Re: OK, final NAT66 argument (Was: NAT Not Needed To Make Renumbering Easy

2009-11-09 Thread Sabahattin Gucukoglu
Sorry in advance for the length of the post and, in parts, the  
rudeness of my spleen.

On 8 Nov 2009, at 17:55, Phillip Hallam-Baker wrote:

I assert that regardless of whether NAT66 is a good or a bad thing,
anything that layers on IPv6 must be NAT66 tolerant.

In the whole of the foregoing discussion about NAT and IPv6, the  
question that I'm only really left with is whether or not we actually  
lost anything by doing NAT.  I have never seen the link between the  
application layer and the network layer (or whatever you call these  
things, "Layer" being a highly inadequate term), and taking the  
effects of NAT and the resultant protocol drain by way of example, now  
no longer "See" what end-to-end connectivity is good for ...

Until I remember FTP.

And SIP.

And IKE...

And I question the quality expectations and degraded service the  
Internet's users have endured.  The attitude is no longer that  
"Address exhaust came, NAT pushes back the emergency" but "If it  
weren't for NAT, we'd have run out of addresses by now".  You know, as  
if the botches we take for granted today are in any way good, as  
though the strategies we know and love to get around NAT are in any  
way acceptable, as though replacements for NAT-unfriendly protocols  
are somehow heavenly and divine.  And whose idea was it to make the  
above protocols easily dependent on universal addressing, anyway?  Was  
it necessary?

It would only be fair to wonder how FTP and SIP would be, if designed  
today.  It would be a shame not to mention WebDAV and, oh, Skype.  And  
SIP, done today, would probably depend on connection reuse, fixed  
ports and no payload rewriting to get around NAT, those features being  
both desirable in NAT and of presumably great use in circumstances  
where realm translation happens, as with proxying where translating  
the IP or application header is absolutely the most you can do and  
where, presumably, NAT or similar can actually be justified for those  
who simply must have it.

But one thing's damn certain, I will never, ever, ever configure a  
passive-mode FTP server behind a NAT ever again - not so long as the  
gateway supports FTP ALG but only if the behind-NAT FTP server  
pretends to be oblivious to the existence of NAT, while flopping  
completely if you try to be clever and set up ports and addresses to  
be given to clients.  Worse yet, if it uses UPnP to open the needed  
holes.  Do you care for a healthy Internet?  I do.  That sort of thing  
is beyond me, and I want somebody to tell me it's okay and it will all  
be over soon.  And really, a lot of the excuses people give for  
keeping NAT are highly lame, in many instances suboptimal even for  
their intended purpose (source address spoofing behind NAT is my  
favourite argument against security held to be a value of NAT) and  
generally miss one or two points about the initial, healthy  
development of the 'net unencumbered by NAT.  For a particularly  
aggressive take: link

And, of course, RFC 2993 is standard reading.

So yes, I need to know why we put up with NAT, or why you think others  
should.  I also need any justification you may have about why end-to- 
end is wrong or never held for the Internet's design, and if it did,  
why it did.

While folk can postulate alternative universes in which enterprises
will not demand or vendors refuse to implement NAT66, there is another
area that is harder to wish away.

Observation: Without NAT44 the internet would already have run out of
address space.

I don't think this can be seriously disputed.

But see above.

Observation: Without NAT46 and NAT64, we cannot transition from IPv4  
to IPv6.

Not now, no.  It was the grand master plan though, back when.  And,  
yes, capitalism and managers are to blame and, no, I don't feel the  
slightest sympathy for the slow movers who end in hot water because  
they didn't plan ahead.  Really, it's a crisis whose only quandary is  
money and is entirely of their own making, and if they can't see  
beyond that point, it doesn't matter if they lose business.  I don't  
know why the IETF keeps its hands out like that, when for years the  
clean start proposal was, while perhaps rather optimistic, perfectly  
adequate and, on the whole, of sound engineering.  But now, vendors  
have begun pedalling the latest in CGN, and I'm tempted to imagine  
that if the transition had begun sooner there's a very real  
possibility the impetus and usefulness of IPv6 would have made the  
notion of CGN infeasible and unsellable.  And don't get me started on  
the silly proposals to recycle unused IPv4 address space, they won't  
work longer than five minutes a time.  Any market value those  
addresses may have is significantly outperformed by the real benefit  
of IPv6, when IPv6 is all there is to give.

Still, FWIW, I see the transition this way: CGN (carrier-grade NAT)  
will happen now and in response to future demand 

Re: NAT Not Needed To Make Renumbering Easy

2009-10-25 Thread Sabahattin Gucukoglu

On 25 Oct 2009, at 17:42, Noel Chiappa wrote:

From: Sabahattin Gucukoglu 

in particular: we need a simple way to express host relationships
inside an organisation that is independent of external homing.

Well, it would really help if we had more namespaces available to name
things in. Oh, wait...

It needn't be so bad.  There are basically two solutions:

1.  We rely on everybody to instantly fall in love with NND+SAC,  
taking care of the "Network" layer.  We devise a language, syntax,  
rules or whatever it is to describe nodes inside a variable-length  
prefix assigned by an RIR, that people who ought to know better can  
write their firewall rules and their DHCP server configurations and  
their management tools and whatever with.  This happens at the  
"Application" layer, and applies the simplicity of rehoming (or maybe  
even multihoming) to every situation where the primary prefix is the  
only variable.  Since it performs its duties on a presumably  
infrequent basis, the implementation does not have to be at all low- 


2.  We give up all hope of avoiding NAT, even point-to-point NAT, and  
either devise the ultimate NAT-PMP replacement to make the application  
layer know about the deception happening (or write an API overload  
that makes the same thing happen in sockets) or rewrite or adjust all  
protocols, or replacements for protocols, so that they don't have to  
know or care about translation.

I'm for 1, though perhaps somebody could explain why the latter option  
in 2 is infeasible and/or principally violates good protocol design  
(encryption, performance loss and all that notwithstanding).  Did FTP  
really need to be so damned inconvenient to run behind a NAT?


Ietf mailing list

NAT Not Needed To Make Renumbering Easy

2009-10-25 Thread Sabahattin Gucukoglu
Not in the IPv6 address space, anyway.  And if it is, there's  
something wrong and we should put it right.

Just been reading IAB's commentary on IPv6 NAT.  It seems to me that  
we are perpetuating the worst technology in existence *simply* for one  
feature, network mobility, that is better served by proposing new  
techniques and technologies and, in particular: we need a simple way  
to express host relationships inside an organisation that is  
independent of external homing.  I refuse to suffer because of NAT any  
longer and don't want to accommodate those that prefer it.  If IPv6  
does ever get wide enough deployment, and I truly hope it does, I  
might just *give up* things to accommodate the trouble-free life that  
is no NAT.

What do we have right now, first?


Ietf mailing list

Re: RFC archival format, was: Re: More liberal draft formatting standards required

2009-07-12 Thread Sabahattin Gucukoglu

I just *knew* it was a mistake to "Leave this thread for later ..."

On 3 Jul 2009, at 18:04, Pete Resnick wrote:

On 7/3/09 at 10:16 AM +0200, Iljitsch van Beijnum wrote:
On 3 jul 2009, at 0:35, Pete Resnick wrote:
A much better solution would be HTML, if it's sufficiently  

Or, gee, we could generalize to a very constrained XML format

XML isn't a display format.

And how is this responsive to what I said?  Applications of XML  
(e.g., XHTML, xml2rfc with associated XSL files) provide perfectly  
good display info that are currently in use by all sorts of display  

The choice of a particular markup language is irrelevant to the  
overall issue: We need to have text and semantic markup, instead of  
text with spaces and control characters to do page formatting as our  
canonical format.

Hmm.  Generalisation is good.  Semantic markup is also good.  But  
ASCII has a good standing and a thoroughly good reason for being, and  
probably continuing to be, a canonical format.  We are at nobody's  

Now, I'm not for disputing the usefulness of XML or whatever other  
format becomes popular.  For HTML, for example, my screen reader has  
keystrokes to jump to the next heading, or to list them for me to  
select.  I would want whatever we choose as the alternative markup  
stored in the same repository, and to have the same chances of being  
used as the ASCII by those who need preprocessed output, for whatever  
purpose, on whatever device.  I think this is somewhat optimistic,  
though; either it creates more work for people who have quite enough  
to do already just writing this stuff, else it precludes many existing  
and perfectly good historical documents whose chance of conversion to  
other formats now are somewhat limited by, for example, wishwash in  
the current format variations.

On the other hand, as a writer I am not exactly enamoured by the  
choices available.  I just want to write.  I'm blind; without my £5000  
(sorry, l5000 :-) ) braille display on hand, and without brltty on  
Linux, I cannot feel my way around the document; get the indentations  
right, the line count right, the line width right.  And even if I  
could, it's very tiresome.  xml2rfc does peculiar things all of its  
own; even as a Tcl lover I'm not happy with its weird tendency to add  
extra whitespace where it shouldn't be, or to make bold assumptions  
about the author's ecstatic desire to write perfect XML, or the  
somewhat less semantic HTML it generates, or ...  I just want to  
write, straight long lines, one a paragraph, with YAML-style section  
delimiters, no boilerplate.  All that pretty-printing is someone  
else's problem, I just want to put an idea into a starting-point  
draft.  So I'd be much gratified if somebody could, or could give me  
the encouragement to, write such a scheme up and then code it,  
probably in Tcl.

As Dave put it, the current RFC format is "unfriendly,  
unnecessary, possibly unethical and just plain wrong." I'd remove  
the "possibly."

Please elaborate; this statement goes far beyond the inconvenience  
of having fixed line and page breaks and the lack of non-7-bit- 
ASCII characters.

You bet it goes further: The current format is a horror to anyone  
who has to "read" the document on anything that does not visually  
display 80 columns of fixed-width text. Try "reading" the text on a  
small handheld device. Try doing so with a text-to-speech  
application. Try magnifying it using apps meant for folks with  
limited vision. We have the ability to create text in a format that  
is easily interpreted by all of these devices and presented to the  
user with no loss of information. Using a page-layout format for our  
standards when page layout is completely unnecessary is at a minimum  
"unfriendly" to folks who want to use such devices, and (given that  
it is unnecessary to use page-layout) it is downright unethical and  
wrong to make it harder for folks who must use such devices.

Wo!  Brave assumptions!

For me, ASCII is *why* I read IETF standards, almost in preference to  
other organisations.  Clean, one-spec-a-file, consistent naming, can  
be further preprocessed if desired (as above: to an extent), 7-bit for  
display using all known braille codes on all braille displays.  Truly,  
as I've said, ASCII is a splendid lowest-common-denominator choice of  
format.  About the only hindrance for text-to-speech and braille alike  
is the headers and footers; they make no sense even on common textmode  
terminals, interrupt the perfect flow of speech for no reason, and are  
just annoyingly redundant.  Remove those, and I think we have a  
perfect ASCII representation.

Not being able to use characters in documents outside of the US- 
ASCII set is inconvenient (when they are part of the data stream of  
a protocol you wish to describe) and unfriendly (when the personal  
information about contributors cannot be properly provided). I'll Blacklisting Complications

2009-06-26 Thread Sabahattin Gucukoglu is hosted at, which uses blacklists from the MAPS.

I take no position on either MAPS or the external hosting, but I  
object to the use of RBLs for filtering IETF traffic.  This seems to  
go against the IESG spam policy statement, which makes it quite clear  
that participants should not be disrupted (although not necessarily to  
the extent that it forbids RBL use).

My mail to itself isn't filtered, but my mail to  
is.  I am using a Google smarthost with Google Apps.  I do not  
consider myself a spammer and don't reflect my neighbours reputations,  
good or bad, upon myself, in order the better to assist the agenda of  
RBL operators.  I don't know what Google's reputation is, but I am  
using their service because I find it reliable.  There is simply no  
reason to block the legitimate traffic.  But processes mailing  
list requests for, and every time I want to send mail to I have to carefully rewrite it.

If nothing else, I want people to be aware of the situation.  I would,  
of course, like to fall under proper IETF administration  


Ietf mailing list

Re: Decentralising the DNS

2009-06-12 Thread Sabahattin Gucukoglu

On 12 Jun 2009, at 16:43, Tschofenig, Hannes (NSN - FI/Espoo) wrote:

The idea to put something into a DHT has been suggest for almost
everything by now, including the DNS. If you search for "DHT DNS" then
you can find a couple of papers.

Thanks, but it actually occurred to me that it didn't solve the  
problem of authority, which is really the source of the DNSSec  
trouble.  (Can't say I'm all bothered about the current situation;  
it's been this way for years, after all, and there's still a release  
mechanism.)  The issue was trust, and the need for delegaters to  
control what they delegated, unless of course we change the whole  
registration model.  Hmm - might be more than the 'net can stand just  
at the moment.


Ietf mailing list

Decentralising the DNS

2009-06-12 Thread Sabahattin Gucukoglu
Silly question, I'm sure - any chance of putting the DNS into a  
gigantic DHT and spreading the entry nodes liberally about the planet?


PS: No political agenda implied.

Ietf mailing list

Re: DNS Additional Section Processing Globally Wrong

2009-06-03 Thread Sabahattin Gucukoglu

On 4 Jun 2009, at 04:06, Mark Andrews wrote:
In message >, Sabahattin Gucukoglu writes:
The problem is this: the authoritative servers for a domain can  

never be consulted for DNS data if the resource being looked up
happens to be available at the parent zone.  That is,'s address and the RR's TTL can never be as
specified by the zone master unless he or she has control over the
parent zone's delegation to if happens
to be serving for  (Registries give you address control,
of course, but often they fix on large TTLs.)

As far as I can tell, every public recursive server I can reach,
dnscache and BIND9, and one Microsoft cache and one of whatever
OpenDNS uses, all do the wrong thing (TM) and never look up true data
from authoritative name servers.  They hang on to additional section
data from the delegating name server and pass this on as truth, the
whole truth, and nothing but the truth to everybody who asks.

Except they don't.  What you may be seeing is parent servers
returning glue as answers and that being accepted.

Glue data, additional and non-authoritative by design, intent and  
specification, aren't what I want caches to keep.  The data I spent my  
lunch hour putting into my zone file is. :-)

As a matter of fact, it never occurred to me to wonder at this  
misbehaviour - it clearly wasn't that much of a big deal when I was  
running things myself - but the 2008 cache-poison attacks found me  
surprised that this is how it is.  In particular, they only worked  
because the cache was happy to keep additional data for hosts that  
were pertinent to the query, but in which it had no business caching.   
If it had instead chased up the referal, the attacker would at least  
have had to run a nameserver to answer the "Is it really you?" query.


Ietf mailing list

DNS Additional Section Processing Globally Wrong

2009-06-03 Thread Sabahattin Gucukoglu

... it's that, or my reading of RFC 2181 has gone horribly wrong.

The problem is this: the authoritative servers for a domain can easily  
never be consulted for DNS data if the resource being looked up  
happens to be available at the parent zone.  That is,'s address and the RR's TTL can never be as  
specified by the zone master unless he or she has control over the  
parent zone's delegation to if happens  
to be serving for  (Registries give you address control,  
of course, but often they fix on large TTLs.)

As far as I can tell, every public recursive server I can reach,  
dnscache and BIND9, and one Microsoft cache and one of whatever  
OpenDNS uses, all do the wrong thing (TM) and never look up true data  
from authoritative name servers.  They hang on to additional section  
data from the delegating name server and pass this on as truth, the  
whole truth, and nothing but the truth to everybody who asks.  This  
means that if my machine happens to be serving for my domain, I'll  
never be able to reduce the TTL to a reasonable value for my dynamic  
conditions.  Even if, in all seriousness, going ahead with a dynamic  
address is a nuisance, is this use of additional data not  
fundamentally broken?

If there is consensus on the wrong behaviour, I'd like it written  
somewhere, so I can feel happy about it just being the way it is by  
implementation, common sense, performance, or whatever.  Then I can  
conform to reality by just using a separate name in delegations.

Alternatively, if *I* wrote a DNS cache, I'd simply use non- 
authoritative data, and expect it, only when necessary: as soon as  
I've chased whatever referals are necessary, I can throw it away.  I  
can rely on two things that make this reasonable: (I) that it's the  
requested RRs I'm interested in and not the delegation, and (II) that  
I can get, and will often get, better additional data from  
authoritative name servers that I have no reason not to hang on to  
and, as needed, to propagate.  Besides, it's easier this way to detect  
discrepancies between the delegation and the zone master.


Ietf mailing list

Re: Proposed IESG Statement Regarding RFC Errata for IETF Sream RFCs

2008-04-18 Thread Sabahattin Gucukoglu
Hash: SHA1


How does Joe Implementer become aware of RFC errata available?  I don't 
recall seeing anything in the standard boilerplate to point them out.  
(And although I'm aware of them myself, I'd quite forgotten about them.)


- -- 
Sabahattin Gucukoglu sabahattingucukoglucom>
Address harvesters, snag this: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Phone: +44 20 88008915
Mobile: +44 7986 053399

Version: PGP 8
Comment: QDPGP -

IETF mailing list

Re: Proposal For Token-Based Authentication In Mail Submission As Anti-Forgery Effort

2004-03-07 Thread Sabahattin Gucukoglu
On 6 Mar 2004 at 8:08, Vernon Schryver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> spoke, thus:

> > From: "Sabahattin Gucukoglu" 
> > ...
> > and important catch in this proposal, that being a modification to all
> > MUAs and MTAs to allow the acceptance and carrying of a password token
> > which should persist throughout the entire mail delivery, ...
> > My proposal is a scheme for anti-forgery, which makes use of a non-blank
> > token, or password, which can be verified by a recipient system ...
> How does your scheme prevent forgery better than SMTP-AUTH, SMTP-TLS,
> S/MIME, or PGP?  Most MTAs support SMTP-AUTH and SMTP-TLS.

That should, you're right, be "Sender forgery".  SMTP Auth is not carried 
from host to host and only guarantees some privileged user his rights, 
such as relaying or submission, during any given transaction; it doesn't 
permit an end-to-end verification of sender across multiple hosts, 
necessary for normal mail delivery.  It doesn't (or shouldn't) prevent any 
mail from being delivered at all to a domain if the destination host is an 
MX for that particular domain, regardless of any details of the mail.  
There are issues concerning today's worms/viruses that make port 25-
blockage on all but the local smarthost more plausible and reasonable, 
too, and the submission port won't take long to follow when the next gen 
of worms flood the net.  I don't like it, y'know, but I'm ready to *g* 
face it.  It is, in summary, useless as a measure against sender forgery 
in short term, and I'm ready to bet long term as well, despite having its 
real uses as a trusted submitter/relay-permitted client authentication 
method.  Good security practice to keep hackers from hopping your firewall 
and trying to relay through your system from a local vantage.  PGP is 
strictly per-user, and isn't practical for mail delivery.  Use of it for 
quality spam detection to any useful worth is akin to whitelisting, and 
PKI infrastructures and corporation-determined trust are a point of 
weakness (as you say, below).  Same for StartTLS and S/MIME, even if TLS 
*were* encouraged to global use.  If any of these were at all useful, they 
would either need to be updated and/or used and deployed almost 
immediately, which is obviously impractical.  At least this means holds as 
much configuration and balanced (and uncontrolled) distribution as DNS 
itself, not to mention gentle backward compatibility.

> The difficulties in preventing spam sender forgery are not in defining
> token protocols but in
>  - defining forgery in a way that excludes common, legitimate practices.

This proposal attempts exactly that!  Other proposals we've seen all 
depend on administrative configuration which predetermines some particular 
aspect of mail delivery, i.e. IP addresses from which any given mail 
should emerge for a particular domain, all of which harm - as you say - 
legitimate transactions.  This scheme leaves that choice to the user.  
Admins simply maintain a list of user-chosen passwords, and it is the user 
who, by providing the correct password to his MUA when submitting mail 
through his work's MTA under his Hotmail address, guarantees its delivery 
when, at the other end, the user's password (not his domain name, not his 
IP address) is verified against the same password at the user's home 
domain - Hotmail - by a query from his mate's MTA a moment later.

> Why isn't sending mail with your Hotmail account as sender while
> sitting at your desk at work or with your work sender address while in
> a customer site, hotel room, or airplane "forgery" that would be
> prevented by the proposed sender-verifying mechanism?

Again: only the password is verified!  Forgery is now dependent only upon 
the misuse of the password.  The administration of the domain referenced 
in the envelope sender is now soley responsible for any of its spamming 
users, case by case, and there is no opportunity for a domain to be 
misrepresented provided those passwords are the cause of the mail's 
acceptance.  That is the whole point!  I *do* hope you read my entire 
message ... but let's suppose you didn't.  If you are suggesting that all 
those things really *are* forgery, then I'm afraid I'm addressing the 
wrong person for comments.  I'm going to suppose - to hope - that you 
don't.  I appreciate your need for good sense and conservatism, all the 
while encouraging good and useful inovations in SMTP, and I'm trying hard 
to strike that balance.  The sacrifice, and there always is one, is an 
additional piece of user information, a token.  Only difference between 
that and the SPF is that the token is supplied by a user, not an 
administrator, and goes wherever the user goes.  I believe in

Proposal For Token-Based Authentication In Mail Submission As Anti-Forgery Effort

2004-03-05 Thread Sabahattin Gucukoglu
ar to DNS, to assist in 
keeping traffic minimal and/or use a very minimal password protocol and 
2.  Sender designates stok (Submittal Token) upon creating his/her account 
with his/her ISP.  MUA of user must add a submittal password field in its 
configuration.  User must be permitted to change stok whenever he wants 
with his provider, perhaps using a provided protocol/service as in POP3PW.
3.  Security depends on the protection and unguessability (sophistication) 
of passwords.  Those tokens will contain no whitespace characters but may 
contain legally permitted characters in SMTP transactions.  If a spammer 
gets hold of someone's password, we're back on square one.  Thing is, the 
password tells us, without a doubt, who the abusing (or abused victim of 
identity theft) was.  ISP disables that password, all is good again, and 
we can also trace abused/abuser with much greater ease.  Naturally, we 
don't want to put the password out to the public.
4.  MX policy decides whether stok is sufficient enough both to 
accept/reject/tag/whatever mail, and also whether it is now safe to lower 
open relay or other barriers.  However, I personally advise caution - 
unless you can be sure that spam from other than forged domain envelopes 
will not in big part emerge through your server, perhaps because you 
bother to do the A-RR check and also check the existence of a given 
domain, don't do it.  The short is that this is intended to be forgery 
protection to go hand in hand with other means of spam detection and help 
alleviate the awful blockage of loads of innocent hosts, and maintain your 
freedom to use any relay in your power, not to encourage open relays; I 
just hope one day the usefullness of such a system will make it plausible 
in the future to do so again.
5.  A password query was picked rather than a password list because it 
does away with both too much complexity and the whole issue of how to keep 
the list away from one pair of eyes and available to another.
6.  The insentive to move to this type of standard would be that final MXs 
will start refusing, or marking as spam, any unauthenticated submittals.
7.  The use of the envelope is yet to be dreamed up by enthusiastic minds; 
needless to say we want an audience here and may not be able to depend 
easily on ESMTP (though this seems unlikely).
8.  This won't stop all spam.  If a spammer sets up shop, we're all in 
for, especially since standard domain name checks by most modern MTas 
won't work neither.  Still, tracing these virmin suddenly becomes a bit 

Right, I think that's everything.  Any questions?  What do you reckon?

Thought for the day:
Bagpipes (n): an octopus wearing a kilt.

Latest PGP Public key blocks?  Send any mail to:

Sabahattin Gucukoglu
Phone: +44 (0)20 7,502-1615
Mobile: +44 (0)7986 053399

ESMTP Services Advertisement Requirements? RFC 821 Esoteric Commands Exclusion Permitted?

2004-01-19 Thread Sabahattin Gucukoglu
Hi people,

For STD 10, RFC 1869, SMTP Service Extensions, it is not made clear, 
except possibly in a pair of examples provided by that memo, exactly 
whether or not the commands defined as optional and not required for a 
minimum implementation of SMTP (RFC 821), should or should not be 
advertised as described by the Service Extensions listings maintained by 
IANA in the manner described by RFC 1869.  In fact, no mandates are set 
upon the specific advertisement of any service, be it supported or not, of 
RFC 821 origin or otherwise.  Specifically, since the standard 
implementation of SMTP in RFC 821 makes no requirement for advertising 
optional commands that may be implemented (HELP, EXPN, SAML, SOML, etc), 
is it a violation of RFC 1869 that the server, despite supporting those 
features of RFC 821, does not advertise any or some of those supported 
commands in the ESMTP ehlo response, even if they are available for 
service in normal use of SMTP?  Since they were defined as extensions only 
when the extensions framework was built, it seems unreasonable to expect 
implementations which may support the ESMTP framework to necessarily 
advertise those commands, rather than the few new ESMTP extensions such as 
Auth and StartTLS that the framework support was probably designed to 
cater for and for which developers have incorporated support into their 
mail transports.  Not advertising features of SMTP will slightly decrease 
the transaction overhead without impact, in all probability, since the 
assumption can safely be made that those esoteric features of SMTP that 
are of any use to a specific client are called usually with prior 
knowledge of the features provided by the server, as in the use of turn or 
help in normal RFC 821 usage.  Finally, many SMTP services out there 
exhibit this exact behaviour, not advertising supported features of SMTP 
in their ESMTP synopsis, so it is of interest to me to know whether, as 
part of the configurability of a mail transport, the option to advertise 
any, all, or all except RFC821 specific optional commands should be made 
available, or even whether or not the advertising of any service, of 
whatever origin, is required at all in any case.  The help verb may then 
list all verbs which are supported, inclusive of those defined by RFC 821 
or otherwise excluded for administrative reasons.  

What are your thoughts?  

Thought for the day:
A penny saved is ridiculous.

Latest PGP Public key blocks?  Send any mail to:

Sabahattin Gucukoglu
Phone: +44 (0)20 7,502-1615
Mobile: +44 (0)7986 053399

Re: SMTP Minimum Retry Period - Proposal To Modify Mx

2004-01-09 Thread Sabahattin Gucukoglu
On 9 Jan 2004 at 9:18, Harald Tveit Alvestrand <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> spoke, thus:

> Why doesn't your friend use ETRN to trigger delivery of his queued mail
> from his mate whenever he gets online?

He doesn't want his mate getting his mail while he's not available if he 
will be available shortly after.  The idea is to restrain clients from 
passing onto the next MX, and thereby let his mail fall into his own 
responsibility when the unavailability of his host is either known to be 
temporary or is simply not long enough to justify any resulting policy 
differences between hosts.  His mate could, if this were a dynamic DNS 
provider, be half-way across the world when the client only needed to wait 
a few minutes before it could deliver to the final destination.  This is 
just an example.  Also, etrn/similar don't solve the RBL problem.

> That way, the 4-hour delay is avoided without requiring global changes to
> the Internet infrastructure

The unilateral thought of all of us, no doubt. :-)  It is quite outrageous 
as far as requirements go for such a simple feature, but I honestly can't 
see a simple way otherwise that doesn't involve inter-host communication 
which, obviously, can't happen if the backed-up host is out, or other 
scheduled checking.  If his mate could somehow know that he (my friend) 
were down, his mate could serve him, and when he returned his mate could, 
upon instruction by him, give an appropriate number and message to the 
effect that the primary was up, go and deliver to him, when all clients 
tried sending to my friend through his mate.  Would implementation of such 
a system be worthwhile, even if it meant periodic checks by his mate that 
my friend was down?  The MX concept is very good, but very heavy-handed 
and served a time long ago when it really was necessary.  Also, the demand 
on the speed of mail delivery has gone up with the number of email users 
on the net and their expectations of it.  In terms of saved bandwidth, 
there's a slight argument for the cost of a DNS query.  I would be willing 
to implement it either way, though preferably the least destructive one.

Thought for the day:
Dictatorship (n): a form of government under which everything 
which is not prohibited is compulsory.

Latest PGP Public key blocks?  Send any mail to:

Sabahattin Gucukoglu
Phone: +44 (0)20 7,502-1615
Mobile: +44 (0)7986 053399

SMTP Minimum Retry Period - Proposal To Modify Mx

2004-01-09 Thread Sabahattin Gucukoglu

Of course, this little flash of brilliance ( :-P ) is only going to work 
if we can bend the DNS without anyone noticing.  Which, chances are, they 
will.  RFC 2821 which replaced RFC 974 before it on this matter makes no 
reference to the exact way in which MX records should be parsed, so that 
it could be chancy.

Still, what do you all think?

- -- 
Thought for the day:
Book (n): a utensil used to pass time while waiting
for the TV repairman.

Latest PGP Public key blocks?  Send any mail to:

Sabahattin Gucukoglu
Phone: +44 (0)20 7,502-1615
Mobile: +44 (0)7986 053399

Version: PGP 8.0 -- QDPGP 2.70 
Comment: Previous key for <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> revoked due to invalidated primary 


SMTP Minimum Retry Period - Proposal To Modify Mx

2004-01-09 Thread Sabahattin Gucukoglu

Of course, this little flash of brilliance ( :-P ) is only going to work 
if we can bend the DNS without anyone noticing.  Which, chances are, they 
will.  RFC 2821 which replaced RFC 974 before it on this matter makes no 
reference to the exact way in which MX records should be parsed, so that 
it could be chancy.

Still, what do you all think?

- -- 
Thought for the day:
The only thing that hurts more than paying income tax
is not having to pay income tax.

Latest PGP Public key blocks?  Send any mail to:

Sabahattin Gucukoglu
Phone: +44 (0)20 7,502-1615
Mobile: +44 (0)7986 053399

Version: PGP 8.0 -- QDPGP 2.70 
Comment: Previous key for <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> revoked due to invalidated primary 


SMTP Minimum Retry Period - Proposal To Modify Mx

2004-01-09 Thread Sabahattin Gucukoglu

Of course, this little flash of brilliance ( :-P ) is only going to work 
if we can bend the DNS without anyone noticing.  Which, chances are, they 
will.  RFC 2821 which replaced RFC 974 before it on this matter makes no 
reference to the exact way in which MX records should be parsed, so that 
it could be chancy.

Still, what do you all think?

- -- 
Thought for the day:
Bagpipes (n): an octopus wearing a kilt.

Latest PGP Public key blocks?  Send any mail to:

Sabahattin Gucukoglu
Phone: +44 (0)20 7,502-1615
Mobile: +44 (0)7986 053399

Version: PGP 8.0 -- QDPGP 2.70 
Comment: Previous key for <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> revoked due to invalidated primary 


Trouble Interpreting RFC 2142

2003-10-01 Thread Sabahattin Gucukoglu
Hash: SHA1

Hi all,

I'm sure this has been raised before, and have done my fair share of 
searching - I think - on the matter.  Trouble is, I can't seem to 
interpret RFC 2142 properly and reach a firm conclusion.  I've seen 
variations on the interpretation of Suggestion Vs Compulsion for a while 
now, and no apparent clarification.  Perhaps the author's view would be 
particularly helpful.  The availability of the "Abuse" mailbox is the 
subject of exceptional debate.

Part of the abstract runs thus:

"Additional mailbox names and aliases are not prohibited, but 
organizations which support email exchanges with the Internet are 
encouraged to support AT LEAST each mailbox name for  
which the associated function exists within the organization."

Great.  So, while I'm not prevented from inventing fab new mailboxes for 
the same or even more services, business roles, etc., I'm at least 
tentatively asked to support the listed mailboxes for services I run, with 
the implicitly understood exception that all services for which mailboxes 
are mandated in their respective standards must be available regardless.  

Then, part of the Rationale says:

"However, if a given service is offerred, then the associated mailbox 
name(es) must be supported, resulting in delivery to a recipient 
appropriate for the referenced service or   

Okay, I'm confused at this point.  I must support at least the addresses 
for services running at my domain, in contradiction to the mere 
encouragement we were getting earlier.  This statement alone is not a 
suggestion, as seems to be commonly believed (see policy at http://www.rfc- 's Abuse list, for instance), and while no mention is made 
of a definition for "Must" or any further RFC in which the definition may 
be sought (and for which probable reason the word is therefore not in 
capital letters in the text of the RFC, as is often found in RFCs making 
such references), there seems to be a strong assumption that this 
resembles, quite understandably, a compulsion to support the minimal set 
of mailboxes, regardless (again, understood implicitly) of the definition 
of the protocol by its respective standard.

So, please, can someone help me figure this out?  To me, this is very, 
very shaky, and I wouldn't be willing to take sides without a better grasp 
on the situation and knowledge of the author's intentions in both pieces 
of the text.  Perhaps an updating RFC might help the situation, especially 
in light of today's mail usage and needs (for example, heavily of the 
aforementioned "Abuse" mailbox)?  Is some of my own understanding 
incorrect with regards to RFC precedence?


- -- 

Thought for the day:
Communist (n): one who has given up all hope
of becoming a Capitalist.

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Sabahattin Gucukoglu
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