Moscow Anti-War demo - 5th Feb - report

2000-02-07 Thread heikki sipilä

Date: Mon, 7 Feb 2000 02:59:47 EST

from International Solidarity with Workers in Russia - ISWoR

On Saturday 5 February, an antiwar demonstration took place in Moscow’Äôs
Pushkin square. The demonstration was called jointly by a number of anarchist
and ecologist groups including Anarchist Antiwar Movement, Dikobraz Group,
Ecologist Movement "Rainbow Keepers", Localization Program of
Socio-Ecological Union.

The Movement for a Workers Party  (MWP - Moscow branch, a collective of
socialist groups who have been highly active in most of the recent workers
struggles), and who have called a demonstration against the war later this
month (for which ISWoR has been raising support), attended the demonstration
too with their slogan "If you vote for Putin you vote for war".

A member of the MWP who was present reported how the  demonstrators condemned
"the police state" in Russia, all forms of racism, repressions etc. "They
also spoke about high costs of the Chechen war, about those wounded and
killed, about casualties among women, children, old people. They also
stressed that the war was broken in the interests of the ruling classes and
that poor people are facing the consequencies."

Because they knew that right-wing elements were included among the organisers
of this demo, the Movement for a Workers Party had decided in advance to
participate with their own separate slogans. Fortunately as already described
much of the slogans and ideas advanced by the other groups were
anti-capitalist and in harmony with the MWP’Äôs own.

Nevertheless, some right-wing pro-US capital elements were present too. They
raised slogans in defence of Babitsky, the Radio Free Europe journalist who
was the object of media attention worldwide when he disappeared recently in
Chechnya. Radio Free Europe is the notorious  right-wing US-funded
broadcasting network which played a major role in promoting McCarthyite
politics in the Soviet Union during the Cold War. One of the original
organisers of the 5 February demo was a group attached to the
Socio-Ecological Union (SEU). The SEU is a major conduit for US capitalist
money aimed at manipulating sincere anarchist and ecologist activists to
serve the economic and strategic interests of US big business against threats
from the Russian capitalist elite, (much of which has become hostile to the
US in the last two years and especially since the US intervention in the

In a previous Russia Info List message, we mentioned that Zaschita trade
union had voted to participate in the antiwar demo later this month organised
by militant workers. We are now informed that this is an error. Although many
of the union’Äôs most active militants belong to the MWP, (the collective of
groups who have called the demo), nevertheless no official representative of
Zaschita was not present at the meeting in which this decision was made.

We are further informed that although Oleg Shein and other prominent
activists of Zaschita have publically opposed the war, nevertheless the union
itself has yet to take an official position. We apologise for any confusion

Lisa Taylor

puts out information and analysis from a wide range of sources. Messages
posted to  Russia Info-List do not necessarily reflect the views of ISWoR.
We are a broad united front of individuals and organisations internationally
who support Russian workers struggles, who oppose the IMF-Yeltsinite
privatisation project, who oppose racism and fascism, and who want to
build international solidarity between workers of all nations.

If you have something you would like to distribute on Russia Info-List, or
want to help in our practical solidarity work, contact:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Box R,  46 Denmark Hill, London, SE5 8RZ, England
ISWoR website -


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2000-02-07 Thread heikki sipilä

From: "aiaif" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Published in 'Proletarian Era', (Vol. 33 No. 12, February 1,2000) the
English organ of Socialist Unity Centre of  India

Events in Seattle And After

The ministerial conference of WTO ended in a fiasco in Seattle.  There was
confusion both within and outside the venue of the conference.  This
conference was marked by violent demonstrations by an odd combination of
protesters with widely varying motives.  But the protesters were all united
against the WTO.
All ports in the USA were paralyzed by strikes called by the dockworkers in
protest against the WTO.  The protests spilled over to the other side of
the Atlantic. A massive protest demonstration was organized in London
against the privatization of railways leading to a big accident in London
suburb because of slackening of safety norms with profit motive.  The
protesters converged in Seattle with a rare show of solidarity.  They
included those with genuine anti-imperialist leanings and they stood by the
people of the less developed countries in their struggle against WTO and
the powerful multinational corporations.  There were groups among the
protesters whose objective was to wrest concessions within the ambit of WTO
and there were spokesmen from the protectionist ''trade'' unions of the USA
like AFL (American Federation of Labour), COL (Congress of Labour) which
wanted measures to protect the US industries from competition from the less
developed countries.
The leadership of these trade unions is controlled by the agents of the US
ruling class having still a big support from the workers. This leadership
is trying to divert the attention of the workers by making use of their
genuine sense of job insecurity and redundancy from the real cause i.e. the
US capitalist system.  This leadership is showing to them that the cause of
their redundancy lies in cheap labour, child labour and women labour of the
countries of Asia, Africa, and Latin America.  This leadership is trying to
create a division between the workers of the developed and of the
developing capitalist countries.
But despite this, one aspect was common among them all, and that is, an
acute sense of job insecurity as a result of the implementation of the WTO
measures.  The attempts to create a rift between the workers of the
developed and developing capitalist countries notwithstanding, the spirit
of international solidarity was marked in the speeches of labour leaders of
different countries. The Head of the US Longshoremen's Union said in his
address : ''there will be no business as usual today. (We are)
demonstrating to the corporate CEOs (Chief Executive Officers) that the
global economy will not run without the consent of the workers
everywhere... The interest of the working people transcends international
boundaries.'' This spirit of international solidarity was repeated by a
South African labour leader when he said : "Freedom is under a new threat
today, the threat of corporate greed... a new form of terrorism led by the
WTO, a new form of colonialism led by globalization...(They are) attempting
to throw a new wedge between workers of the developed and workers of the
developing countries." (Source : EPW, 17-24 Dec'99)
Militant protest by working people
More than 50,000 protesters marched, sang, shouted slogans and made
speeches.  The International was sung in three languages.  The police of
the Clinton administration pounced upon the protesters with ferocity.  They
used batons, bullets, grenades, tear gas shells, irritant chemical weapons
and unconventional gases medically affecting the demonstrators. The
arrested persons were beaten and tortured in jails by throwing all canons
of human rights to the wind.  Finally, emergency was clamped in Seattle.
Cause of collapse of Seattle talks
While this was the scene outside the venue of the conference, the picture
inside was equally stormy.  The Seattle Conference was convened to finalize
the agenda for the next round of talk, euphemistically called the
millennium round, to be held in Geneva.  The 1 of 9Uruguay Round of talks,
concluded in Marakash, had many unresolved issues, on which the Uruguay
Round itself mandated further negotiation.  These include critical issues
like agriculture, financial services, maritime services and infotech
services. Besides, some of the existing agreements need to be further
reviewed in the light of the experience in implementing them during the
last five years.  The developed capitalist-imperialist countries have not
opened up their markets to the extent they are required to though the less
developed capitalist countries have opened up their markets to a large
extent and fulfilled the commitment of WTO provisions to a large measure.
Many developed capitalist-imperialist countries have failed to implement
the Special and Differential (SD) treatment clause as incorporated in the
GATT agreement. The third world countries were opposing a new round of talk
with new agenda, and insisting 

[Fwd: represión masiva a estudiantes en la UNAM (México) 900 detenidos reenviar información]

2000-02-07 Thread Pablo Yánez

 Original Message 
Asunto: represión masiva a estudiantes en la UNAM (México) 900 detenidos
reenviar información
 Fecha: Sun, 6 Feb 2000 16:50:13 -0600 (CST)
De: Vanguardia Proletaria [EMAIL PROTECTED]


El 6 de Febrero del 2000, la Policía Federal Preventiva (PFP)incursionó
en las instalaciones de la Ciudad Universitaria, hecho que viola la
autonomía de esa institución.. En clara violación a las garantías
individuales y a los derechos políticos consagrados en la Constitución
Política de la Estados Unidos Mexicanos, la PFP desalojó con lujo de
fuerza al Consejo General de Huelga (CGH) de la UNAM, que se encontraba
en sesión, para evaluar la conducta a adoptar en las condiciones de un
nuevo rompimiento del diálogo que el propio Rector de la UNAM había
convocado el 4 de febrero.

Como se sabe, después de más de nueve meses de huelga, el conflicto se
encontraba empantanado debido a la intransigencia gubernamental y a su
persistencia a preparar una salida violenta, como se comprueba en su
actuación a lo largo del conflicto donde sobresalen, hostigamiento,
persecución, secuestro, violación, lesiones, represión masiva y
selectiva, hasta los arrestos masivos el pasado primero y el 6 de

Pero ¿cual es el delito que han cometido los estudiantes?

Por encima de lo que diga y acuse el gobierno, lo cierto es que se les
reprime solo por oponerse al proyecto de privatización de la educación

Más de 900 estudiantes han sido apresados en esas dos acciones
represivas, muchos de ellos jóvenes menores de edad que han sido
encarcelados por motivos políticos. Entre los detenidos se encuentran
militantes de nuestro partido y de la Unión de la Juventud
Revolucionaria de México, hasta el momento sólo contamos con los nombres
de algunos: Alberto Pachecho Guizar (el diablo) uno de los principales
dirigentes del CGH, Manuel Vergara Cobarrubias, José Manuel González
Niño, Omar Fernández Ordoñez, Elizabeth Maley Díaz de León.. Están
también detenidos los principales dirigentes del CGH, de diferentes
organizaciones de Izquierda: Mario Benítez, (el gato), Alejandro
Echeverría (el Mosh), Leticia Contreras, Higinio Muñoz, Víctor Alejo
Platas, etc.

El Partido Comunista de México (marxista-leninista) repudia esta nueva
escalada represiva y sostiene que el verdadero culpable del alargamiento
de la huelga es el propio gobierno. El uso de la violencia no resuelve
el problema, pues no puede reanudarse la vida académica teniendo en la
cárcel a casi un millar de estudiantes. Esto muestra que la
implementación de las medidas neoliberales se harán a toda costa,
incluso por la vía violenta,

El Rector Juan Ramón De la Fuente ha asumido un papel fascistoide como
instrumento de la Dirección General de Seguridad Nacional que depende de
la Secretaría de Gobernación.

La PFP es un grupo paramilitar que está al margen de la Constitución
Política Mexicana por lo que se debe demandar su disolución.

No es posible permanecer impávidos ante tales agravios, por ello
llamamos al pueblo de México a incorporarse a la lucha por la defensa de
nuestras garantías individuales y derechos políticos.

Que se liberen de manera inmediata e incondicional a todos los presos
políticos de la UNAM.

También exigimos la libertad de los 61 estudiantes de la Normal Rural
"Luis Villarreal" del Mexe, Hidalgo; quienes han sido brutalmente
reprimidos, por las mismas causas, es decir, por oponerse a la política
privatizadora en el terreno educativo.

A las organizaciones internacionales les llamamos a que se manifiesten
en repudio a la intervención de la policía en la UNAM, en repudio a la
detención de los universitarios y por la defensa de sus derechos

 No a la privatización de la educación.
 Fuera la PFP de las instalaciones de la UNAM.
 Alto a la escalada represiva.
   Presos políticos libertad,
   Desaparición de la anticonstitucional PFP

Partido Comunista de México (marxista-leninista).


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[Cuba SI] Emergency Alert

2000-02-07 Thread heikki sipilä

 Subject: 2/4/00: Emergency alert on pro-NATO coup in Ukraine
 Date: Sat, 5 Feb 2000 12:16:14 -0500



 IAC Delegation Back from Kiev Charges US Gov't Role, Calls for
 Protests to Break US Media Information Blockade

 Feb. 4, 2000—Troops have surrounded Ukraine's parliament. Inside
 the main hall are nearly 200 opposition deputies, some of them on
 hunger strike. They oppose rightwing president Kuchma's plan to
 abolish Ukraine's elected legislature (Verkhovnye Rada) and replace it
 with a body more compliant to his wishes. Those include bringing
 Ukraine into NATO as well as privatizing land and other measures
 demanded by the International Monetary Fund. On Feb. 1, protesters
 gathered to defend parliament were attacked by rightwing groups
 organized by the regime.

 Before moving against his country's parliament, Kuchma held a private
 meeting with US vice president Al Gore in Washington, D.C. Kuchma
 was first elected in 1996 with considerable financial aid from the
 Soros Foundation. He was reelected last November in a vote the
 opposition charges was plagued with fraud. European Union electoral
 observers confirm many of their charges.

 The current confrontation began Jan. 21, when pro-NATO, pro-IMF
 deputies and their allies held an extralegal gathering in a non-
 government building at the same time as an official Rada session was
 in progress. The unconstitutional meeting voted to oust elected Rada
 speaker Oleksandr Tkachenko and deputy speaker Adam Martynyuk
 and replace them with Kuchma supporters. Attempts to remove
 Tkachenko and Martynyuk by constitutional procedures had failed in
 the Rada. Today armed guards escorting Ivan Plyush, the pro-
 Kuchma grouping's choice for speaker, forcibly seized the speaker's
 office from Tkachenko, who had refused to leave.

 International Action Center representatives Larissa Kritskaya and Bill
 Doares were in Kiev last week, where they visited the Rada and met
 with Tkachenko and other opposition leaders. "This crisis comes not
 from the deputies but from the president," Kuchma told the IAC
 representatives. "There is an attempt to forcibly Westernize Ukraine.
 The presidential election was determined by force, and now the
 president is using force against parliament. Kuchma's rule has brought
 ruin to our people. Now he is staging a coup d'etat to concentrate
 absolute power in his hands. Our constitution has been violated at
 every step."

 "Kuchma is trying to make a coup to gain absolute power," said
 Ukraine Socialist Party leader Oleksandr Moroz. "He is acting on
 behalf of powerful private groups that support him. Since Kuchma
 came to office, Ukraine has gotten poorer but his friends have gotten
 rich. They now want to get even richer by selling shares in land and
 grabbing control of basic industries like steel, petrochemicals and even
 oil and gas, which is now forbidden to be privatized."
 "It is obvious that the United States has designed the Ukraine's
 political landscape," Oleg Grachev, Kiev regional secretary of the
 Communist Party of Ukraine (KPU), told Kritskaya and Doares.
 "You cannot speak about injustice and electoral falsification in this
 country without speaking of the domination of the International
 Monetary Fund."

 "The US-backed presidential coup in Ukraine is of a piece with the
 bloody war against Yugoslavia and the occupation of Kosovo," the
 International Action Center charged in a statement issued today. "It is
 part of NATO's drive to the east. The White House and Pentagon
 want to bring Ukraine into NATO, which is a dangerous step toward
 a new and larger war. This must be seen in the context of the revival
 of Star Wars and the plans to base nuclear weapons in Hungary.
 Washington also wants to crush any opposition in to the dictates of the
 International Monetary Fund in Ukraine and the other former Soviet
 republics. We must not allow a repeat of the events in Chile in 1973,
 with Kuchma as Pinochet."

 With nearly 50 million people, Ukraine is the second-largest former
 Soviet republic. It was one of the USSR's most productive agricultural
 and industrial regions. Today, like other former Soviet republics, it has
 been devastated by "economic restructuring" dictated by the
 International Monetary Fund. Since the fall of the USSR, Ukraine's
 industrial production has dropped 70 percent. Its population has fallen
 by 2 million in just the past two years. The old-age pension is $13 a
 month and millions of workers are not being paid. While hunger stalks
 many regions, one-third of the state budget goes in interest payments
 to Western banks. The country's debt has risen 30 times since
 Kuchma took office in 1996.

 The Kuchma regime has tried to create a 

What's in the latest Green Left Weekly? #392, February 9, 2000

2000-02-07 Thread heikki sipilä


Green Left Weekly,
 Issue #392
  February 9, 2000
Green Left Weekly provides news, information, opinion and debate from an
environmental and left perspective.


The Indonesian and United Nations commissions have released their reports
on the massive human rights violations that occurred in East Timor last
year. However, while some of those responsible are named, it is far from
certain that they will be tried for their crimes.


 * Indonesia's generals may still get away with murder


 * Why the West allows Russia to butcher Chechens
 * The end of privacy


 * Burmese demand justice
 * ANC leadership's class agenda
 * Regional day of protest against Elian's kidnapping
 * Elian not the first Cuban child kidnapped
 * What about Suharto's crimes?
 * CPI-ML on the way forward for the Indian left
 * Herri Batasuna leaders arrested
 * Biosafety protocol signed
 * Philippines revolutionaries begin peace talks
 * Conference in Cuba: Globalisation -- understanding and resisting the
 * International news briefs
 * Organising East Timor's working people
 * Anti-debt protest in Indonesia


 * Three Kings and a million dead
 * John Pilger wins gold
 * The Torch
 * Theme park


 * Blaming the unemployed
 * The changes
 * Lies and reality
 * Howard runs the gauntlet in Lismore
 * Students decide on action to defend education
 * Queensland student union refuses solidarity with staff
 * Resistance is everywhere


 * Lupin You
 * SA government's outsourcing will hurt workers
 * Bracks threatens unions
 * NSW teachers vote to fight
 * University plan is no solution
 * Yanner forced to stand down
 * BHP digs in over individual contracts
 * Geelong solidarity rally for Pilbara workers
 * Genocide protest camp to return to Roxby
 * Battle for the Mater heats up
 * Laboring on land rights
 * Action updates
 * Homeless people evicted
 * National Textiles workers confront Howard
 * Opposition mounts to NSW pay offer
 * 1240 asylum seekers on hunger strike in WA


 * GST: a blank cheque for ripoffs
 * 36 reasons for action
 * CFMEU can win 36 hours, but what's next?
 * Networker: Cybersquatters


 * Loose cannons
 * and ain't i a woman?: Are men biologically programmed to rape?
 * Looking out: From that moment on
 * Life of Riley: Winston
 * On the box
 * Editorial: Washing the blood from their hands
 * Write on: letters to the editor
 * Chris Kelly cartoon
 * Jaybee's cartoon
 * From Leftfield (cartoon)

Articles posted are as they were before proofreading, and prior to any
final changes in the printed version.

All articles appearing in Green Left Weekly, and reprinted here, are
copyright by their authors. However, most regular contributors have granted
permission for their work to be republished by non-profit green, left,
human rights or generally progressive publications.

Where such permission has NOT been granted, articles are marked with the
symbol  in the index above. Before reprinting such an article, or if
uncertain whether your publication is allowed to reprint, please inquire by

ALL cartoons are copyright and must not be reproduced without permission of
the artist.

  We like to know what audiences we are reaching, and would therefore
appreciate being informed of any republication (in print or



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2000-02-07 Thread heikki sipilä


Via NY Transfer News Collective * All the News that Doesn't Fit

(Third of 3 articles)


The Walloon Industrial Union Looks for
Cuban Pharmaceutical Contacts

Interview with Pierre Goffin, executive of the General Bank of
Brussels and president of the Belgian entrepreneurial mission that
visited Cuba at the end of January, 2000.

Q: Mr. Goffin, what prospects for trade and investment do you see in
the Cuban pharmaceutical industry?

A: From the presentations I attended here and the visits we have
made, we think that the pharmaceutical industry in Cuba is very
strong. There are a lot of new projects, and there certainly are
opportunities for collaboration between Belgian and Cuban companies.
In Belgium, we also have a very strong pharmaceutical industry;
that's why I think there are possibilities for the large Belgian
companies, or those doing business in Belgium, like Smith Klein
Beecham, Lilly and others, to supply equipment and services here in
Cuba. We are very confident about doing business here in the near

Q: Are the entrepreneurs visiting also interested in Cuban
pharmaceutical products ?

A: First, we are interested in giving to Cuban entrepreneurs all the
knowledge and technology needed to be able to upgrade the quality of
Cuban products to permit them to be exported. Although this time we
brought a group of companies whose major interest is in selling,
there's great interest back in Belgium to explore in depth Cuba's
successful biotechnology and especially the Finlay Institutes. We
have brought ten companies from all kinds of areas in the
pharmaceutical field.

Q: You said in your presentation that in your region of Belgium, you
have formed an association for foreign trade and export, on behalf of
which you have organized this trip to Cuba. What are the objectives
of this association?

A: This is the Union Wallonne des Enterprises, from the
Walloon-speaking region of Belgium. It is an entrepreneurial
organization presided over by Mr. Jean Stephenne, Smith-Kline Beecham
Biologicals' General Director, who was in Cuba last September. The
organization is the International Marketing Department of the Union,
created in February 1998 under the auspices of Michel Hahn, Chairman
of the board of Magoteaux International and former president of the
Walloon Business Federation. Its objective is to promote exports for
the small and medium-sized Walloon companies. with the support of
multinational groups that are leaders in their sector. The department
is sponsored by a number of large Walloon financial or industrial
multinationals, which provide its budget and ensure its independence
-- among them the banks Brussels Lamber (Group ING), Fortis, and
Cridit Communal; insurance companies like Gerling Namur,
manufacturers like Italcementi Group, Ciments d'Obourg, Glaceries
Sanit Roch and Smith-Kline Beecham.

Q: How does this department work?

A: The department organizes export promotion events for small- and
medium-sized Walloon companies, which are grouped in "clusters,"
based on their end customers. The approach is to target a specific
sector, or a particular foreign investment. One of the major new
clusters is the pharmaceutical industry, and so manufacturers and
entrepreneurs in that field accompanied us to Cuba on this visit.

Q: How does it work specifically in Cuba ?

A: The missions organized by the Department staff begin by presenting
the cluster to potential decision-makers abroad and arranging a visit
from all or part of the cluster related to their needs.  Then we set
up formal presentations, or bilateral contacts between buyers and
sellers or prospective investors. In Cuba, we are clearly now in the
second phase. For Cuba, the advantage of this approach is that it
allows Cuban entrepreneurs to diversify and improve their suppliers
and to discover new technological solutions. Secondly, it presents
the opportunity to develop joint ventures, similar to the one formed
by Smith-Kline Beecham with the Finlay Institute, to improve, develop
and commercialize products of interest. There's great interest back
in Belgium for other products of the Finlay Institute and the Cuban
Biotechnology Center.


  NY Transfer News Collective   *   A Service of Blythe Systems
   Since 1985 - Information for the Rest of Us
  339 Lafayette St., New York, NY 10012  e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Cuba SI:
Imperialism NO! Venceramos!
Information and discussion about Cuba.
Discussion of the 

Conference in Cuba

2000-02-07 Thread heikki sipilä

From: Louis Proyect [EMAIL PROTECTED]


(Second Call)

The Center for Development Studies (CDS) and la Facultad Latinoamericana
de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO), Programa Cuba, are sponsoring an
international symposium on "The State of Social and Economic Thought:
Marxist, Third World and Feminist Perspectives" in Havana, Cuba from June
7 to June 9, 2000.

The international symposium seeks an interchange and reflection among
social scientists and historians from various countries on themes related
to the situation of global revolutionary movements in light of recent
developments in the world economy.  The symposium is calling for
presentations on the themes of the world economy, including new
imperialist strategies, and/or movements of social change from the
perspectives of the national and international movements of workers and
women as well as Third World national liberation movements.  Also, the
symposium will have interchanges among Cubans and scientists of various
countries focusing on the dominant currents in their particular
disciplines (economics, sociology, political science or history) in their
particular countries. The organizers solicit proposals related to these
themes.  The symposium will be bilingual and presentations can be made in
English or Spanish.

The conference will be preceded by an educational program,
"Peripheralization and National Liberation in Cuba," that includes two
components.  (1) Prior to travel to Cuba, there will be an eight-week
program from March 19 to May 12 of reading and electronic discussion among
group participants, including reading on Cuban history and the Cuban
electoral and political system.   (2) Upon arrival in Cuba, there will be
a nine-day experiential program in Havana from May 27 to June 6 (or
participants may select an abbreviated educational program from June 3 to
June 6).  The experiential program includes activities such as visits to
an urban neighborhood, to the national office of the Federation of Cuban
Women, to scientific research centers, schools and hospitals and centers
of health as well as lectures by the faculty of FLACSO on the project of
the Cuban Revolution, women in Cuba, the political process, rural
development and the special period.  Many lectures are tied to an
experience.  For example, a visit to a popular council follows a
presentation at the university concerning the political process in Cuba.
There will be English and Spanish versions of the electronic discussion,
and the experiential program will be bilingual.

For more information on the program, contact Charles McKelvey at

Louis Proyect

(The Marxism mailing list:


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Fresh Crises hovering over the Market

2000-02-07 Thread Bill Howard

Communist Web
Monday 7th February 2000 9.30pm gmt

Fresh Crises hovering over the Market

. Third international economists' conference convened for early next year

WHEN the potential for crisis is present, flight of capital is the next
step, warned
President  Fidel Castro in the final session of the 2nd International
Conference in Havana,   attended by specialists from close to 60 countries.

Making an analysis of the world economic situation, the Cuban president
noted that the
International Monetary Fund (IMF) is the backbone of the current
international economic
order established and developed in the wake of the Bretton Woods agreement.
He maintained that Cuba has been able to resist the economic blockade
imposed by the
United States for more than 40 years and 10 years of special period, without
any credits
whatsoever from the IMF, the World Bank...

People's Voice - Articles - Feb. 15-30, 2000

2000-02-07 Thread heikki sipilä



(These articles below are from the Feb. 15-29/2000 issue of People’s Voice,
Canada’s leading communist newspaper. Articles can be reprinted free if the
source is credited. Subscription rates in Canada: $25/year, or $12 low
income rate; for U.S. readers - $25 US per year; other overseas readers -
$25 US or $35 CDN per year. Send to: People’s Voice, 706 Clark Drive,
Vancouver, Canada, V5L 3J1.)




CANADA’S MEDICARE system has been in critical condition for several years;
now it’s on life support. Hospital closures, lengthy waiting lists for
urgent operations, and overflowing emergency departments are already
costing lives across the country. By suggesting that Medicare should be
scaled back to insure only “basic” medical services, the ten premiers have
started yanking on the plug. It won’t be long before working class and poor
Canadians get a couple of pain-killers and a band-aid for serious medical
problems, while the wealthy get gold-plated treatment for their hangnails.
Unless we rise up in anger, we can say goodbye to the system of
universally-accessible medical care won through the struggles of Norman
Bethune, Tommy Douglas and many others.

Without a doubt, the worst villains in this situation are the two
“ReformaTory” premiers. Ontario’s Mike Harris helped get the ball rolling
with his government’s savage health care cutbacks. Ralph Klein did likewise
in Alberta, then started to privatise big chunks of the province’s hospital

But nobody should let the rest of the anti-Medicare gang off the hook. The
Chrétien Liberals slashed billions of dollars from spending on health care,
social programs and education, then did nothing to block provincial attacks
on hospitals and health care workers. By caving in to this Liberal/Tory
alliance, the NDP premiers of BC, Saskatchewan and Manitoba are selling out
their own party’s proudest historical achievement. Behind these politicians
are the corporate interests carving out the most profitable chunks of the
health care system.

The Canadian Health Coalition did a useful job of raising this crucial
issue at the Quebec City meeting of the premiers in early February, but the
outcome of that gathering shows that mass action is necessary. Every
people’s organization should get into this struggle - union locals, student
unions, seniors’ organizations, the women’s movement, anti-poverty groups
and others. Warn the federal and every provincial governments that we
simply will not accept the destruction of Medicare! Every possible tactic
should be used to drive this message home: letters, petitions,
demonstrations, occupations of government offices.


HISTORY NEVER repeats itself in precisely the same ways, but events in
Austria are cause for considerable alarm. It may be the case that Joerg
Haider is no Adolf Hitler, but the Nazi leader also made promises to
preserve democracy... until he was in power. It’s also true that Austria
today has less potential to launch a devastating war than the Germany of
the 1930s, but this is no reason to be complacent.

The chilling fact is that Haider’s ultra-right “Freedom Party” is now part
of the government in a European country, controlling the ministries of
defence, finance, justice and social affairs. For the working people of
Austria, especially immigrants and minorities, this can only mean serious
trouble. Racist, neo-fascist, and anti-immigrant parties in other countries
will certainly be encouraged to step up their own campaigns to win power,
posing enormous dangers for Europe and the entire world.

There are two ways to fight the neo-fascist menace. One is to expose the
modern day followers of Hitler whenever they crawl out from under their
rocks, before they gain substantial voter support, and while they are in
office. Since fascism thrives on cynicism and despair, the second
imperative is to campaign for genuine people’s alternatives to unemployment
and declining living standards, based on the needs of working people and
the environment, not corporate greed.

  Annual Organized Robbery of the Working Class

As Canada’s ruling parties carry on a staged public debate on fiscal policy
before the February 28 federal budget, more basic economic problems
affecting the working class and jeopardizing Canadian sovereignty remain in
the shadows.

Canada’s ruling class as a whole is pleased with finance minister Paul
Martin. So are the bond raters in New York, who play a large role in
determining the solvency and fate of governments around the world.

It matters little to the bond raters, from their class point of view, if
Martin “balances” the budget with money plundered from the unemployment
insurance or with $30 billion looted from the pension funds of federal
civil servants.

The bourgeois