Re: way to add code before \documentclass{}

2012-01-02 Thread Bogdan

On 03-Jan-12 3:18 am, Bogdan wrote:

Whenever the converter is called (view, update, export, etc), the
wrapper will parse and replace the \documentclass[]{} definition
accordingly. In my example above, LyX would output the following tex code:

%% LyX 2.0.2 created this file.  For more info, see
%% Do not edit unless you really know what you are doing.


Sorry, the above code should read:

%% LyX 2.0.2 created this file.  For more info, see
%% Do not edit unless you really know what you are doing.

Re: problem with custom converter (bug?) - workaround provided

2012-01-02 Thread Richard Heck

On 01/02/2012 06:57 PM, Bogdan wrote:

On 02-Jan-12 10:32 pm, Richard Heck wrote:

On 01/02/2012 05:10 PM, Richard Heck wrote:

On 01/02/2012 04:35 PM, Bogdan Roman wrote:

- create format "foo" with short name "pdf7" and extension "pdf" and
check all 3 checkboxes
- create a converter Latex (pdflatex) -> foo with the command
"pdflatexfoo $$i 20 20" and the extra flag "latex=pdflatex"
- create a batch file pdflatexfoo.bat and place it in lyx\bin with
the following contents:
@echo off
echo %* > c:\args.txt

save, make a change and then do "Update foo". If you look in
c:\args.txt you'll see "20 20 file.tex"

I did exactly the above steps and that's what I see on Win7 x64 with
latest stable LyX 2.0.2 which is consistent with my findings from

It seems to be the latex=pdflatex flag that is triggering the bug.
Please file a bug.

Actually, I think you do not want this latex flag here at all. That
means you want LyX to run LaTeX for you, and the argument (if any) tells
LyX which flavor to run. Lots of magic happens then. If you are running
LaTeX on your own, you don't want this flag.

I might be misunderstanding you so please correct me if I'm wrong.

But according to the docs, the "latex=pdflatex" only informs LyX about 
the output type of the tool in order to parse errors. If I remove the 
flag, LyX won't even execute the converter and gives a crude error "An 
error occured while running: pdflatex "sheet.tex"". It seems we need 
that flag ...

I had my dummy converter running without it, and most converters don't 
have it.

Also, if you look at my last message in the other thread about code 
before \documentclass{}, you will see that I defined a converter that 
is in fact a shell script which launches an executable itself and it 
runs just fine with the "latex=pdflatex" flag present.

My converter is lyxwrap.bat and looking at what happens with Process 
Explorer, it doesn't seem that LyX would try to execute pdflatex but 
correctly executes lyxwrap.bat.

Yes, but a lot else is going on behind the scenes in LyX.

Regardless, I think the above quoted behavior is still a bug that 
should be fixed, i.e. the $$i placeholder should not be moved around 
to the end of the argument list.

You're welcome to send a note to the devel list about this and see if 
anyone there has thoughts. I'm not an expert on this part of the LyX 
code. But if you have a look at Converter.cpp, at the convert() routine, 
you will see an if-else that tests on conv.latex, which is set when the 
latex flag is present, and what a huge difference that ends up making. I 
don't think it's as easy as it seems.


Slow scrolling

2012-01-02 Thread Jerry
I'm evaluating LyX for a major project and am mightily impressed.

However, there is one problem that stands out: Scrolling the main LyX window is 
excruciatingly slow. I'm using LyX 2.0.2 and OS X 10.6.8. It doesn't seem to 
matter how I scroll--two-finger swipe on MacBook Pro trackpad or using the 
thumb bar or clicking on the normal scrolling arrows. When scrolling rather 
fast or using the two-finger "ballistic scrolling", there are large jumps 
between screen updates; sometimes the jump is more than an entire screenful so 
there is little hope of reliably spotting things as they go by. While 
scrolling, processor usage goes to 100%

The problem seems to be (just guessing here) that text rendering is slowing 
things down, as if screen drawing is not being buffered. If I make the window 
narrower, things seem to improve a little, also if there is a part of the 
document that has less text because of graphics or white space. Also, making 
the text larger seems to help--again, pointing to problems rendering text

Enabling "pixmap cache" helps a little but it makes the on-screen fonts hard to 
read because it does away with sub-pixel antialiasing, which I hate.

I'm actually kind of distressed about this because of the prospect of spending 
months writing in LyX, and I'm surprised that this problem exists as 
prominently as it does.

Is there a work-around? I've tried a few different fonts but that doesn't seem 
to help.


Re: way to add code before \documentclass{}

2012-01-02 Thread Bogdan

On 02-Jan-12 12:46 am, Richard Heck wrote:

On 01/01/2012 06:46 PM, Bogdan wrote:

On 01-Jan-12 10:00 pm, Richard Heck wrote:

On 01/01/2012 04:27 PM, Bogdan wrote:

pdflatex "\def\myvar{true}\input{myfile.tex}"

One way to do this, then, would be (a) to define a new file format, call
it pdfx (more or less copy over the definition of the PDF (pdflatex)
format, but making that one change from pdf2 to pdfx) and then define a
custom converter for latex --> pdfx. The one for latex --> pdf2 is:
pdflatex $$i
so you'd have to get the quotes right, etc, to make that work.

Not ideal, I know. But if we fix this, it will be 2.1 before the fix is
out, since it will definitely change the file format (probably of layout

Thanks for replying Richard. I already defined a new converter like
the above. I use it to compile two versions of the same problem sheet,
one with answers, one without (there is a bug with defining that
converter for which I found a workaround but I'll make a separate post
about it).

However, as you say, it's quite far from ideal for the purpose of
paper margins since I'd have to keep modifying the converter and/or
file format to fit each document margin requirements etc. Gets the job
done for now but it would quite nice to have the possibility of adding
code before calling \documentclass{} in the future. Shall I file an
enhancement request about this, pointing to this discussion?


I hacked a nice workaround for this that works transparently and safely 
in all cases. I created a converter wrapper (works for any latex 
converter) which replaces the \documentclass[...]{...} after searching 
for the string "predocclass=" inside [...] and then prepends 
that to \documentclass{}. This is safe, doesn't break anything as far as 
I've seen and works on the fly whenever the converter is invoked 
(update, view, export etc).

I uploaded the windows package at (unzip it into 
$LyXDir\bin). I provide the code and explanations below as well. The 
*nix folks would find it trivial to port since I'm using sed in windows 

In LyX I modify the document class options in Document > Options > 
Document Class > Class options to read for example:


The windows shell script lyxwrap.bat which I placed in $LyXDir\bin has 
the following contents (you can download sed for windows from the 
unxutils or gnuwin32 projects on sourceforge):

@echo off
for %%a in (%*) do set last=%%~a
sed -i -r -e "s/^(\\documentclass\[.*?)predocclass=([^],]+)/\2\n\1/" 


In LyX, I change the Latex (pdflatex) -> PDF (pdflatex) converter from:

pdflatex --synctex=-1 $$i


lyxwrap pdflatex --synctex=-1 $$i

All *tex ones can be changed, including those that do not have 
placeholders like $$i, e.g. from "pdflatex" into "lyxwrap pdflatex", 
from "xelatex" into "lyxwrap xelatex", etc.

Whenever the converter is called (view, update, export, etc), the 
wrapper will parse and replace the \documentclass[]{} definition 
accordingly. In my example above, LyX would output the following tex code:

%% LyX 2.0.2 created this file.  For more info, see
%% Do not edit unless you really know what you are doing.

and the lyxwrap script replaces it on the fly with

%% LyX 2.0.2 created this file.  For more info, see
%% Do not edit unless you really know what you are doing.

The dangling "," hasn't been a problem until now and should't be. I 
couldn't get rid of it with sed since sed can't do non-greedy matching. 
If you have Perl installed then use that since the PCREs are better. 
There is an issue if your predocclass=<...> contains a comma "," but you 
can fix that if you need to by encoding it into "{COMMA}" and replacing 
it back into "," inside lyxwrap (I couldn't be bothered that far).

I think the devs could add an extra text field next to "Class options" 
(called, say, Pre documentclass code) that would be parsed in the same 
way that my hack does, which doesn't break anything and would not need 
any alteration of the LyX layout format or anything, it's perfectly 

Hopefully this is useful for others too.

Re: problem with custom converter (bug?) - workaround provided

2012-01-02 Thread Bogdan

On 02-Jan-12 10:32 pm, Richard Heck wrote:

On 01/02/2012 05:10 PM, Richard Heck wrote:

On 01/02/2012 04:35 PM, Bogdan Roman wrote:

- create format "foo" with short name "pdf7" and extension "pdf" and
check all 3 checkboxes
- create a converter Latex (pdflatex) -> foo with the command
"pdflatexfoo $$i 20 20" and the extra flag "latex=pdflatex"
- create a batch file pdflatexfoo.bat and place it in lyx\bin with
the following contents:
@echo off
echo %* > c:\args.txt

save, make a change and then do "Update foo". If you look in
c:\args.txt you'll see "20 20 file.tex"

I did exactly the above steps and that's what I see on Win7 x64 with
latest stable LyX 2.0.2 which is consistent with my findings from

It seems to be the latex=pdflatex flag that is triggering the bug.
Please file a bug.

Actually, I think you do not want this latex flag here at all. That
means you want LyX to run LaTeX for you, and the argument (if any) tells
LyX which flavor to run. Lots of magic happens then. If you are running
LaTeX on your own, you don't want this flag.

I might be misunderstanding you so please correct me if I'm wrong.

But according to the docs, the "latex=pdflatex" only informs LyX about 
the output type of the tool in order to parse errors. If I remove the 
flag, LyX won't even execute the converter and gives a crude error "An 
error occured while running: pdflatex "sheet.tex"". It seems we need 
that flag ...

Also, if you look at my last message in the other thread about code 
before \documentclass{}, you will see that I defined a converter that is 
in fact a shell script which launches an executable itself and it runs 
just fine with the "latex=pdflatex" flag present.

My converter is lyxwrap.bat and looking at what happens with Process 
Explorer, it doesn't seem that LyX would try to execute pdflatex but 
correctly executes lyxwrap.bat.

Regardless, I think the above quoted behavior is still a bug that should 
be fixed, i.e. the $$i placeholder should not be moved around to the end 
of the argument list.


Re: UserDir Ui settings NOT overriding LyXDir Ui setting

2012-01-02 Thread Richard Heck

On 01/02/2012 02:18 PM, stefano franchi wrote:

Since Lyx 2.0  I am having troubles customizing LyX Ui. In particular,
I cannot get LyX to let the Ui preferences set in my .lyx/ui dir
override the system-wide settings (which are in /usr/share/lyx/ui on
my archlinux box). My temporary workaround is to edit the system files
themselves, but that's obviously a nuisance, 'cause they'll be
overwritten on updates.

Is anyone else experiencing this problem?
I've just tried copying to ~/.lyx/ui/ and making a small 
change (commenting out one of the items). It worked fine.

I'd try starting with clean files, if you haven't already.


Re: problem with custom converter (bug?) - workaround provided

2012-01-02 Thread Richard Heck

On 01/02/2012 05:10 PM, Richard Heck wrote:

On 01/02/2012 04:35 PM, Bogdan Roman wrote:
- create format "foo" with short name "pdf7" and extension "pdf" and 
check all 3 checkboxes
- create a converter Latex (pdflatex) -> foo with the command 
"pdflatexfoo $$i 20 20" and the extra flag "latex=pdflatex"
- create a batch file pdflatexfoo.bat and place it in lyx\bin with 
the following contents:

@echo off
echo %* > c:\args.txt

save, make a change and then do "Update foo". If you look in 
c:\args.txt you'll see "20 20 file.tex"

I did exactly the above steps and that's what I see on Win7 x64 with 
latest stable LyX 2.0.2 which is consistent with my findings from 

It seems to be the latex=pdflatex flag that is triggering the bug. 
Please file a bug.

Actually, I think you do not want this latex flag here at all. That 
means you want LyX to run LaTeX for you, and the argument (if any) tells 
LyX which flavor to run. Lots of magic happens then. If you are running 
LaTeX on your own, you don't want this flag.


Re: problem with custom converter (bug?) - workaround provided

2012-01-02 Thread Bogdan

On 02-Jan-12 9:23 pm, Richard Heck wrote:

On 01/01/2012 07:43 PM, Bogdan wrote:

Actually, I just discovered that the expansion of $$i is put at the
end of the actual command LyX launches no matter what I use for the
converter command, e.g. if the converter command is:

pdflatexna $$i 20 20

then LyX is actually executing:

pdflatexna 20 20 sheet.tex

Nasty :)

I don't see this. I have defined a Dummy format and a LyX --> Dummy
converter that does this:
dummy $$p $$i $$o 30 30
The dummy program just prints its arguments, so I get eg:
I get the same output if I instead define a LaTeX --> Dummy converter,
so that we have to go through LaTeX to get to Dummy.


Are you using windows? If yes, try this:

- create format "foo" with short name "pdf7" and extension "pdf" and 
check all 3 checkboxes
- create a converter Latex (pdflatex) -> foo with the command 
"pdflatexfoo $$i 20 20" and the extra flag "latex=pdflatex"
- create a batch file pdflatexfoo.bat and place it in lyx\bin with the 
following contents:

@echo off
echo %* > c:\args.txt

save, make a change and then do "Update foo". If you look in c:\args.txt 
you'll see "20 20 file.tex"

I did exactly the above steps and that's what I see on Win7 x64 with 
latest stable LyX 2.0.2 which is consistent with my findings from yesterday.

Would you like me to submit any debug/conf files?


Re: problem with custom converter (bug?) - workaround provided

2012-01-02 Thread Richard Heck

On 01/01/2012 07:43 PM, Bogdan wrote:
Actually, I just discovered that the expansion of $$i is put at the 
end of the actual command LyX launches no matter what I use for the 
converter command, e.g. if the converter command is:

pdflatexna $$i 20 20

then LyX is actually executing:

pdflatexna 20 20 sheet.tex

Nasty :)

I don't see this. I have defined a Dummy format and a LyX --> Dummy 
converter that does this:

dummy $$p $$i $$o 30 30
The dummy program just prints its arguments, so I get eg:
I get the same output if I instead define a LaTeX --> Dummy converter, 
so that we have to go through LaTeX to get to Dummy.


UserDir Ui settings NOT overriding LyXDir Ui setting

2012-01-02 Thread stefano franchi
Since Lyx 2.0  I am having troubles customizing LyX Ui. In particular,
I cannot get LyX to let the Ui preferences set in my .lyx/ui dir
override the system-wide settings (which are in /usr/share/lyx/ui on
my archlinux box). My temporary workaround is to edit the system files
themselves, but that's obviously a nuisance, 'cause they'll be
overwritten on updates.

Is anyone else experiencing this problem?

Cheers, and Happy New Year to everyone.

Stefano Franchi
Associate Research Professor
Department of Hispanic Studies            Ph:   +1 (979) 845-2125
Texas A&M University                          Fax:  +1 (979) 845-6421
College Station, Texas, USA

Image width in figure floats

2012-01-02 Thread Maria Gouskova
Hi everyone,

Would someone please explain this odd behavior in how images are
handled? (If you can reproduce it, of course--I am on an Intel Mac OS
10.6.8 with LyX 2.0.2.)

I want to insert a high-resolution pdf image into a figure float. I
specify the width of the image in the figure properties as "100% of
line width". Typesetting via pdflatex works fine, with the image
scaled appropriately. Typesetting via ps2pdf or dvipdfm does not scale
the image--it spills over onto the margin and off the page.

DVI didn't produce a pdf at all, even though LyX claimed successful
import to pdf.

I tried the same with an .eps figure and did not encounter these
issues, so it seems to be a combination of using a .pdf image and
certain output formats.


Re: problem with custom converter (bug?) - workaround provided

2012-01-02 Thread Bogdan
Hi Murat, thanks for replying. My example was only to illustrate that 
there seems to be a bug when defining converters.

Thanks for reminding me about branches though.


On 02-Jan-12 6:30 am, Murat Yildizoglu wrote:

Hi Bogdan,

I have not yet used it myself but, it seems that this is a typical
situation to be handled with branches in Lyx, no?
One branch for only the questions and another one for questions and
answers? SO, you can selectively compile the branch that interests you.

2012/1/2 Bogdan>>

Actually, I just discovered that the expansion of $$i is put at the
end of the actual command LyX launches no matter what I use for the
converter command, e.g. if the converter command is:

pdflatexna $$i 20 20

then LyX is actually executing:

pdflatexna 20 20 sheet.tex

Nasty :)


On 02-Jan-12 12:08 am, Bogdan wrote:

As part of my course, I've been traditionally maintaining a problem
sheet in latex and compile two versions, one with answers, and one
without. To achieve that, I hide the answers based on whether a
variable was defined in latex or not and then compile it

with answers: pdflatex sheet.tex
without answers: pdflatex "\def\noanswers{yes}\input{__sheet.tex}"

I defined a new converter in LyX do achieve the same but I could
not do
it without wrapping the 2nd command in a shell script (I'm using
windows). What I did:

- defined a new file format pdf6: PDF (pdflatex-na) with the same
settings as pdf2: PDF (pdflatex).
- defined a converter Latex (pdflatex) -> PDF (pdflatex-na) with the
following for converter: pdflatex "\def\noanswers{yes}\input{$$__i}"

Checking the lyx preferences file, I see it correctly escaped as:

\converter "pdflatex" "pdf6" "pdflatex
\"\\def\\noanswers{yes}\\__input{$$i}\"" "latex=pdflatex"

However, when I try to use it (update or export) then LyX
launches the
converter and keeps waiting for it to terminate. Investigating the
matter with a task manager like Process Hacker or Process
Explorer, in
order to see what command was actually executed, I notice that LyX
started a cmd shell which in fact executed the following:

pdflatex "\def\noanswers{yes}\input{ }" sheet.tex

Note the empty \input{} and the file name sheet.tex at the end,
of inside \input{sheet.tex}.

I tried with the other variables $$b.tex, $$p, $$r etc, to no avail.

Unless I'm missing something, this looks like a bug. Is there a
script anywhere that launches the cmd shell? It's probably there
and I
could fix it.

My workaround is to wrap the whole thing in a cmd script
placed in lyx/bin with the contents:

@pdflatex "\def\noanswers{yes}\input{%~__1}"

(the %~1 instead of %1 is to strip any double quotes)

... and then use the following command for the converter:
pdflatexna $$i


Prof. Murat Yildizoglu

Université Montesquieu Bordeaux IV
Avenue Léon Duguit
33608 Pessac cedex

Bureau : F-331

Re: Happy new year dear Lyxer friends!

2012-01-02 Thread Abdelrazak Younes

On 01/01/2012 01:51, Murat Yildizoglu wrote:


For the first time on this list, I wanted to clutter your mail boxes by
sending you my best wishes.

Thinking it over again, this year has been a Lyx year for me. From an
occasional Lyx user, I became a Lyx addict who exclusively uses it for
all LateX and text needs.
All my courses have been converted to Lyx and writing with it has become
a second nature for me (even if I am not completely using all of its
possibilities yet).

Thank you very much all. Lyx community is a very efficient, helpful and
kind one.

Happy new year!

Happy new year to all users, contributors and developers. Hopefully this 
will be another successful year for LyX. Continue to spread the word 
about LyX!


Re: Roman Section-Letter subsection numbering

2012-01-02 Thread Victor
BcBob> writes:

> I am writing a paper for a journal that wants the sections numbered in
> capital roman numerals and the subsections as capital letters. The
> subsubsections are numbers. As an example, II.B.3
> I found a discussion on roman numbering and adding the following to the
> document Latex Preamble does change the section numbers to capital roman
> numerals:
> \usepackage{remreset}
> \renewcommand{\thesection}{\Roman{section}}
> This produces, for example II.2.3
> How can I change the subsections to letters so II.2.3 -> II.B.3?
> TIA for any help.
> Bob

Hi Bob. As I had to do the same I ran into your question. I don't know if you 
solved it already but I added this:


to the preamble and it worked.
Also I don't know if it's important but I am using the version LyX2.0.2 
(25/Nov/2012), and MiKTeX2.9. No funny packages installed, only the default 
from the bundle at MiKTeX website. =]

Re: Re: Re: Broken lines in tables

2012-01-02 Thread Bianca Schöne
2011/12/6 Kornel Benko :
> Am Montag, 5. Dezember 2011 um 20:20:12, schrieb Bianca Kranzusch 
>> 2011/12/3 Kornel Benko :
>> > Am Samstag, 3. Dezember 2011 um 10:53:00, schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann 
>> > 
>> >> Am Freitag, 2. Dezember 2011, 12:47:14 schrieb Bianca Kranzusch:
>> >> > Hi!
>> >> >
>> >> > I'm still working on my diploma thesis, and another issue has come up.
>> >> >
>> >> > In some of my tables, I get broken horizontal lines. I have not been
>> >> > able so far to find out why this happens in some tables, and in others
>> >> > it doesn't. But it's really annoying.
>> >> > I have appended an example file with one of the tables that do this.
>> >> >
>> >> > Can anyone tell me how to avoid or fix this?
>> >> > Any help, as always, greatly appreciated!
>> >> >
>> >> > Thank you!
>> >> > Bianca
>> >>
>> >> If I open your file the line you complain about is NOT broken. I am using
>> >> Lyx 2.0.1
>> >>
>> >> Wolfgang
>> >
>> > It is the dvi/pdf display which is broken.
>> >
>> >        Kornel
>> But when I export to pdf, it's still broken.
> That is what I meant.
>> Do you mean it won't be
>> broken in the print version? (I don't have a printer here.)
> No.
>> Or is it something about my pdf/dvi settings that I can fix?
> I don't know what is causing this. As a bypass You may try
> to set the table-width indirectly (e.g. setting width of individual cells)
>        Kornel

The bypass worked, though it was a hassle to do it for all tables individually.
When the thesis is done, I'll try running a Lyx-update (am using
2.0.0), maybe that will help.


Re: Biblatex-biber citation problem

2012-01-02 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
Peter Baumgartner wrote:
> I'm not sure if this is the right place for my question. In that case please
> either ignore my mail or give me a hint where to place the following
> problem:
> I'm using biblatex with backend=bibtex8 and wanted to change to
> backend=biber. The change went fine but the output of the some of the
> in-text citation references is now different:
> I'm using Natbib author/year style. In cases of electronic references (entry
> type "online") where no author and year are provided (but title, url and
> urldate) backend=bibtex8 produces the in-text citation (correctly) just
> with the title. But biber now adds the year of the urldate.

You should ask in the biber forum:
