Re: Help wanted with locations / configuration

2003-09-09 Thread Xavier Noria
On Tuesday 09 September 2003 11:16, Steve Hay wrote:

> Those were actually my very frist ideas, but I decided that I prefer
> to have all the URL's to begin with /myproject.  I don't necessarily
> require that URL to be related to the filesystem structure, but I
> just want all the URL's (dynamic and static) to begin the same.

I have achieved that using the configuration Perrin suggested. The prefix
(/myproject) is a parameter of the configuration of the application called
"apache_location_root", and the config script fills a mod_perl.conf.tt2
like this:

Alias [% apache_location_root %]/views   [% prj_root %]/www/htdocs/views
Alias [% apache_location_root %]/images  [% prj_root %]/www/htdocs/images
Alias [% apache_location_root %]/scripts [% prj_root %]/www/htdocs/scripts
Alias [% apache_location_root %]/styles  [% prj_root %]/www/htdocs/styles

   # Nothing to do with the filesystem, just handlers available in @INC.

In our case the motivation for that is that we don't know whether our
application will run in its own Apache server, so you can hard-code that
stuff, or will need to be added to an already functioning Apache.

-- fxn

Re: Apache::Session and pnotes

2003-09-02 Thread Xavier Noria
On Tuesday 02 September 2003 07:28, Perrin Harkins wrote:

> Sorry, I don't understand what you're saying here.  What you should
> be doing is fetching the session once, putting it in pnotes, and
> getting it from pnotes for the rest of the request.

I am sorry, I'll try to reword it.

Let's assume a new user comes to the website. We set up a session for 
him and put the session id in a cookie to be sent in the response. As 
you know, somewhere in the request cycle of that particular request 
Apache::Session::Oracle stores the session in the database.

When later that very user comes back to the website with a valid session 
id in the cookie, one reads the session from the database.

The problem I am facing is that if the session is stored in pnotes() it 
doesn't end up in the database. When the user comes back that id 
corresponds to no row in the sessions table.

Is it better now?

-- fxn

Reporting bugs:
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Re: Apache::Session and pnotes

2003-09-02 Thread Xavier Noria
On Tuesday 02 September 2003 07:46, you wrote:

(I am sorry I am not replying to the actual email, but to a forwarded 
copy from my desktop at home.)

> > It seems, however, that Apache::Session objects stop being stored
> > when I put the session in pnotes() with a code analogous to this:
> Can you tell us more about the problem is?  What do you see when you
> take the session hash back out of pnotes?

I have dumped the hash in a content handler and it seems to be OK.

> > my $r = Apache::Request->instance(shift);
> No need to involve Apache::Request just for this.  Your handler
> should be getting $r passed to it.

Apache::Request is used because the authenticator handles login via 
param(), and more handlers need the parameters afterwards. 

> > tie my (%session), 'Apache::Session::Oracle', undef,
> >   {Handle => $class->dbh(), Commit => 1};
> >
> > $r->pnotes(session => \%session);
> Show us the code you use to get it back.

When a request is received the session id is retrieved from a cookie. 
The schema (with some irrelevant checks removed) would be this:

my %cookies = Apache::Cookie->fetch;
my $cookie = $cookies{COOKIE_NAME()};
my $session_id = $cookie->value;
my %session;
eval {
tie %session, 'Apache::Session::Oracle', $session_id,
  {Handle => $class->dbh(), Commit => 1};

The eval block is there now because it seems Apache::Session::Oracle 
dies if it cannot retrieve the session.

That code works all right if \%session is not stored in pnotes(), but if 
it is put the session is not read back from the database and I have 
checked from a database client that there is no new row written.

I am doing basic stuff with this, so if it sounds strange it is likely 
that I doing something wrong.

-- fxn

Reporting bugs:
Mail list info:

Apache::Session and pnotes

2003-09-01 Thread Xavier Noria
I am trying to retrieve/create an Apache::Session object for a given 
user in the authentication phase, so the following handlers have them 
available via pnotes. Sessions are stored in an Oracle database.

It seems, however, that Apache::Session objects stop being stored when I 
put the session in pnotes() with a code analogous to this:

my $r = Apache::Request->instance(shift);

tie my (%session), 'Apache::Session::Oracle', undef,
  {Handle => $class->dbh(), Commit => 1};

$r->pnotes(session => \%session);

Is there any gotcha regarding the kind of objects that can be passed 
with pnotes? Or do you know what can be happening anyway if not?

-- fxn

Reporting bugs:
Mail list info:

help on setting up a PerlFixupHandler

2003-08-14 Thread Xavier Noria
I am trying to write a "Hello World!"-like set up involving a 
PerlFixupHandler but cannot get it to work. What I want to 
accomplish is:

1. Configure as a PerlFixupHandler for

2. Let set as the content
   handler for that request.

3. Have called in the corresponding phase.

but in the Apache log I see:

File does not exist: /home/fxn/prj/bw/buscawap/www/htdocs/admin

so looks like Apache is running the default handler looking under the
document root, which is /home/fxn/prj/bw/buscawap/www/htdocs.

This is mod_perl.conf:

# Just change @INC
PerlRequire /home/fxn/prj/bw/buscawap/etc/

PerlModule Dispatcher

PerlFixupHandler Dispatcher

package Dispatcher;

use Apache::Constants ':common';

sub handler {
my $r = shift;

return DECLINED if $r->content_type ne 'text/html';
return SERVER_ERROR unless $r->can_stack_handlers;

$r->set_handlers(PerlHandler => ['ContentHandler']);

return OK;


package ContentHandler;

use Apache::Constants qw(OK);

sub handler {
my $r = shift;


return OK;


What am I missing?

-- fxn

Re: help on setting up a PerlFixupHandler

2003-08-14 Thread Xavier Noria
On Wednesday 06 August 2003 19:53, Christopher Grau wrote:

> Are you sure the content-type is "text/html"?  Since you have your
> own  handler, Apache is probably using the value from the
> DefaultType directive which, I think, defaults to "text/plain" when
> Apache is installed.

That's it,

$r->content_type ne 'text/html';

succeeds because $r->content_type is undef, so we return DECLINED and
the default content handler is run AFAICT.

DefaultType is text/plain in httpd.conf, why that method returns undef?

To fix that, is it safe to change the test to 

defined $r->content_type and $r->content_type ne 'text/html';

or is there a better way?

-- fxn

Re: help on setting up a PerlFixupHandler

2003-08-14 Thread Xavier Noria
On Wednesday 06 August 2003 20:26, Christopher Grau wrote:

> On Wed, Aug 06, 2003 at 08:24:30PM +0200, Xavier Noria wrote:
> > To fix that, is it safe to change the test to
> >
> > defined $r->content_type and $r->content_type ne 'text/html';
> >
> > or is there a better way?
> I usually don't concern myself with the previous content type when
> writing -based content handlers.  My output is always
> "text/html" anyway.  Would it be safe in your application to just
> leave it out completely?

Hmmm, you are right, now that I think about it /admin will only
serve HTML and since I don't understand that undef I'll remove
that line altogether, the "test" is performed by  anyway.

Now that I understand what happens I will try to figure out in the
docs when $r->content_type returns something.

Thank you very much to all, I was somewhat stuck with this.

-- fxn

Re: help on setting up a PerlFixupHandler

2003-08-06 Thread Xavier Noria

It seems to me that $r->content-type is for what your server sends to the
client, which is probably undef in the Fixup stage, where you test it.
You probaly meant to test for the
$ct = $r->header_in("Content-type")
if you wanted to see whats requested from the client.
But then, there are examples in the books that use that method that way.

For instance, in recipe 14.1 of the Cookbook, which is about how to 
disable a configured mod_perl PerlHandler, the "Technique" section says:

  Set the handler back to the default Apache content handler from a
  # Only run the PerlHandler for HTML.
  # For everything else, run the default Apache content handler.
  $r->handler('default-handler') unless $r->content_type eq 'text/html';
I think in the Eagle book there is some code like that as well, cannot 
check it right now however.

So, looks like that test makes sense, or can make sense, in that handler.

-- fxn

Re: help on setting up a PerlFixupHandler

2003-08-06 Thread Xavier Noria
On Wednesday 06 August 2003 18:29, Geoffrey Young wrote:

> > sub handler {
> > my $r = shift;
> >
> > return DECLINED if $r->content_type ne 'text/html';
> > return SERVER_ERROR unless $r->can_stack_handlers;
> >
> > $r->set_handlers(PerlHandler => ['ContentHandler']);
> >
> > return OK;
> > }
> >
> > What am I missing?
> unlike the other phases of the request cycle, for the content phase
> you need to do two things - tell apache that mod_perl is in charge,
> and tell mod_perl which Perl handler it should use.  you've done the
> latter.  for the former, use $r->handler('perl-script'), which is
> analogous to SetHandler perl-script that you would ordinarily see for
> a mod_perl setup.

Thank you!

I tried to add that line to the Dispatcher:

package Dispatcher;

use Apache::Constants ':common';

sub handler {
my $r = shift;

return DECLINED if $r->content_type ne 'text/html';
return SERVER_ERROR unless $r->can_stack_handlers;

$r->set_handlers(PerlHandler => ['ContentHandler']);

return OK;


without luck however, keeps on looking under the document root
for /admin. Should that change be enough?

-- fxn

advice on implementing a controller manager

2003-07-01 Thread Xavier Noria
I am writing an application following MVC with Perl Apache modules and 
the Template Toolkit. Apache is 1.x.

I would like to have just one entry point to the application, which 
would play the role of someone who sets everything necessary up and 
forwards the actual request to a selected handler.

From what I have read, looks like implementing that controller as a 
PerlFixupHandler which would use push_handlers() and pass things via 
pnotes() would be fine, but I am not experienced in mod_perl. Would you 
suggest a different approach?

s;$;Barcelona Perl Mongers;;$/=$||gaudi||3;map$,+=(split//)*(-1)**$|++,
=$/^$.;$:=$.+length,[EMAIL PROTECTED]/**$*%$:,$%=$/*$"-$*;print+chr($_<0xA?$.
**$,,$"[EMAIL PROTECTED]/,$**$,,$;,$***$***$*,$***$*,$.,$**$",$***$,,$***$***$**
$,,$.,$"*$*,$"+$.,$***$,,$,-$.,$"[EMAIL PROTECTED]/,$;*$/**$*,$",$.,[EMAIL PROTECTED])

Re: problem building libapreq on Solaris

2003-06-17 Thread Xavier Noria
On Saturday 14 June 2003 20:54, Ged Haywood wrote:

> On Fri, 13 Jun 2003, Xavier Noria wrote:
> > Hello, I've just compiled Apache 1.3.27 with mod_perl 1.27 from
> > their tarballs on Solaris. perl is 5.8.0 packaged for Solaris.
> >
> > The installation of libapreq with cpan(1) stops here:
> [snip]
> > t/httpd -f `pwd`/t/httpd.conf
> > /bin/sh: t/httpd: not found
> [snip]
> > Looks like it's taking t/httpd instead of
> > /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd,
> Don't know if there's anyone who actually knows what's going on here
> but I thought you'd just like to hear from somebody. :)


> You could try a soft link from there to the real httpd - I have no
> idea if something else will then fail.

Thank you very much, the symlink worked for libapreq-1.1.

I first tried to install the just announced 1.2-rc2, but make test 

PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /usr/local/bin/perl "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" 
"test_harness(0, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t 
t/*t/*.t does not exist 
FAILED--1 test script could be run, alas--no output ever seen 
make: *** [test_dynamic] Error 2 

I have a full typescript file and subscribed to the dev mailing list to 
report this, I'll send it right away when I receive the confirmation of 
the subscription from the list manager.

Thank you all!

$_=q;Barcelona Perl Mongers;,$/=y,gaudi,,,;map$,+=(split//)*(-1)**$e++,
$*=$/^$.;$:=$.+length,[EMAIL PROTECTED]/**$*%$:,$%=$/*$"-$*;print+chr($_<012?
,$"[EMAIL PROTECTED]/,$**$,,$;,$***$***$*,$***$*,$.,$**$",$***$,,$***$***$**$,=>
~~$.,$"*$*,$***$/,$***$,,$,-$.,$"[EMAIL PROTECTED]/,$;*$/**$*,$",$.,[EMAIL PROTECTED])

Re: problem building libapreq on Solaris

2003-06-14 Thread Xavier Noria
On Saturday 14 June 2003 20:54, Ged Haywood wrote:

> Don't know if there's anyone who actually knows what's going on here
> but I thought you'd just like to hear from somebody. :)

Sure, thank you :-).

> This is a wild stab in the dark.  Guessing that the libapreq
> installation scripts are assuming that you're building a new
> Apache/mod_perl, you might in that case be expected to have a copy of
> the a httpd in the t directory. When you run 'make test' during an
> Apache build that's where the binary will be, temporarily.
> You could try a soft link from there to the real httpd - I have no
> idea if something else will then fail.

OK. I will try to install libapreq-1.2 next Monday at work. If it does 
not work will try the soft link. In any case I'll say something here to 
let you know how it went.

> You know that your mod_perl and your Perl should really be compiled
> with the same compiler?  I always think it's best to build it
> yourself to be sure.

Hm... I didn't remember that. I installed perl using its package for 
Solaris. Maybe I'd better get the tarball to be sure.

Thank you!

-- fxn

-- fxn

problem building libapreq on Solaris

2003-06-13 Thread Xavier Noria
Hello, I've just compiled Apache 1.3.27 with mod_perl 1.27 from their 
tarballs on Solaris. perl is 5.8.0 packaged for Solaris.

The installation of libapreq with cpan(1) stops here:

Running make test
make[1]: Entering directory `/root/.cpan/build/libapreq-1.1/c'
make[1]: Leaving directory `/root/.cpan/build/libapreq-1.1/c'
make[1]: Entering directory `/root/.cpan/build/libapreq-1.1/Request'
make[1]: Leaving directory `/root/.cpan/build/libapreq-1.1/Request'
make[1]: Entering directory `/root/.cpan/build/libapreq-1.1/Cookie'
make[1]: Leaving directory `/root/.cpan/build/libapreq-1.1/Cookie'
t/httpd -f `pwd`/t/httpd.conf
/bin/sh: t/httpd: not found
make: *** [start_httpd] Error 1
  /usr/local/bin/make test -- NOT OK

Looks like it's taking t/httpd instead of /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd, 
though I entered that full path to httpd in a previous prompt.

With similar settings I've just smoothly installed libapreq on Debian, 
do you know what can be happening?

-- fxn

Re: Propogating Errors / E-Toys

2002-06-30 Thread F . Xavier Noria

On Sun, 30 Jun 2002 12:58:08 -0400
Perrin Harkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

: Well, naturally the answer is "it depends."  Most database errors can't 
: be gracefully recovered from, so we would let them propagate up.  If it 
: was possible for a database error to be caused by user input (say, a 
: duplicate login name) that would need to be caught and handled.  It 
: would also be caught if any special cleanup of non-database resources 
: was needed.

Excellent message, thank you for sharing those experiences once again!

I remember the article has a comment regarding a gotcha of the Error
module that causes memory leaks, but you didn't go into details there. 
I took note of that and am using eval instead of the try/catch syntax
since I do not understand what the problem is and cannot program
avoiding it for sure... I would appreciate very much if you could give
further details (maybe a pointer somewhere) on what origines the leak
and which was your style writing try/catch blocks once aware of the

Thanks, and best regards from template Barcelona,

-- fxn

[OT] what drives Amazon?

2002-06-15 Thread F. Xavier Noria

Does anybody know which is the technology behind Amazon?

-- fxn

Re: separating C from V in MVC

2002-06-14 Thread F . Xavier Noria

On Fri, 14 Jun 2002 10:34:47 +0100 (BST)
Mark Fowler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

: On Fri, 14 Jun 2002, Nigel Hamilton wrote:
: > Generally I try to minimise the layers/tiers/abstraction between
: > the front-end and the database - for me OO/SQL abstraction is something
: > akin to 'GOTO considered harmful'.
: The advantage of this is that we get better reuse in out of our SQL when
: we need the same function called from many places, and we can reuse the
: same SQL on similar tables/databases for different runs.  Another
: advantage is that should we ever want to change the database all our SQL
: is in a few modules and we can make sure that we change all our SQL.

Another useful thing is that you can implement some cache mechanism
there, in one place, and this is transparent to clients who just keep on
calling, say, $category_factory->read_category_tree(), no matter whether
the tree is actually fetched from the database or from shared memory.

-- fxn

Re: MVC advice..?

2002-05-29 Thread F . Xavier Noria

On Wed, 29 May 2002 09:22:00 -0400
"Aaron Ross" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

: > Is there a neat way of dynamically loading in the appropriate control
: > subclass?  Something proven and widely used.
: For what it's worth, I use the eval trick too.  Although it may seem a
: little clunky, I believe it is "proven and widely used".  The
: module uses code like this to load in the DBD drivers:
: my $driver_class = "DBD::$driver";
: eval "package DBI::_firesafe; require $driver_class";

I wonder, why do you program such a central module that dynamic? Why
do you chose that approach instead of this one?

 package Dispatcher;

 use Controller1;
 # ...
 use ControllerN;

 sub handler {
 my $r = Apache::Request->new(shift);
 my $ctl = $r->param('ctl');

 return Controller1::handler($r) if $ctl = 'login';
 # ...
 return ControllerN::handler($r) if $ctl = 'show_cart';

-- fxn

Re: Monitoring the processes

2002-05-21 Thread F . Xavier Noria

On Mon, 20 May 2002 15:50:35 -0500
Gregory Matthews <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

: Thanks to everyone for the great input on Memory Leaks.  Now that I have a 
: good starting point for tracking down the problem, when I TEST for leaks, 
: or simply check for a continued increase in server memory usage, how do I 
: go about monitoring the processes growth?

I have not used it, but it seems Apache::Status can help, see the
documentation about the option StatusTerseSizeMainSummary.

-- fxn

Re: Memory Leaks

2002-05-21 Thread F . Xavier Noria

On Mon, 20 May 2002 16:23:40 -0500
Gregory Matthews <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

: Unfortunately, we only have one machine.  If we did employ the cron job as 
: a clean-up utility once per day, wouldn't the potential impact of a site 
: being unavailable only be for a few seconds (until Apache restarted)?

... provided one is not using memory as unique storage for sessions or
some other data maybe?

-- fxn

Re: Memory Leaks

2002-05-20 Thread F . Xavier Noria

On Mon, 20 May 2002 10:15:02 +0100 (BST)
Matt Sergeant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

: > my $um = UserManager->new;
: > # ...
: > try {
: > $um->write_user($user);
: > $um->dbh->commit;
: > } catch Exception::DB with {
: > my $e = shift;
: > debug "Exception: $e";
: > $um->dbh->rollback;
: > };
: No. $um is caught in a closure, which could potentially leak.

Wow, thank you, I have that pattern repeated in the code many times.

That is the way I would write that try/catch in Java, where you need to
have $um in the scope of the try and the catch blocks, what is the right
way to write that in Perl/

-- fxn

Re: Memory Leaks

2002-05-20 Thread F . Xavier Noria

On Sun, 19 May 2002 23:34:24 -0400
"Perrin Harkins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

: Leaks are caused by circular references, the string form of eval (at
: least it used to leak a little), nested closures (sometimes created
: accidentally with the Error module)

I am using the Error module in my current project, what kind of
constructs should one avoid? Is this safe?

my $um = UserManager->new;
# ...
try {
} catch Exception::DB with {
my $e = shift;
debug "Exception: $e";

-- fxn

Re: [OT] Refs don't work, like I want

2002-05-17 Thread F . Xavier Noria

On Fri, 17 May 2002 17:10:53 +0300 (EEST)
Viljo Marrandi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

: $vars->{'key2'} = "value of second key";

The hash $vars points to has a key named "key2".

: $vars = {
: xxx => "AAA",
: yyy => "BBB",
: zzz => "CCC",
: };

Now you change the reference stored in $var. It points to an entirely
new hash, whose keys are "xxx", "yyy" and "zzz".

: $vars->{'key1'} = "value of first key";

Here you add the key "key1" to the hash $vars points to.

: Problem is, that value of key2 is lost after I set values to xxx, yyy and
: zzz, but key1 is ok.

$vars contains a reference to a hash that has nothing to do with the
first one, you didn't create a key named "key2" in that hash.

-- fxn

Re: Desperate for ePerl fix on 5.6.1

2002-05-12 Thread F . Xavier Noria

On Thu, 9 May 2002 04:29:43 +0100
"Nick Barton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

: I've installed ePerl on FreeBSD 4.5-Stable and have Perl 5.6.1 i386-freebsd.
: Running ePerl standalone it reports 'Can't locate loadable object for module
: Parse::ePerl' i.e. can't find the C extension.
: What I need to do to the Makefile for eperl to get it to run with perl 5.6.1
: (or 0)

Have you installed the ePerl port? It's under /usr/ports/lang/eperl?

-- fxn

convention on logging?

2002-05-07 Thread F . Xavier Noria

I am writing a web application that uses Apache modules and core classes
in a MVC style.  AFAICT using $r->log->debug() is the standard way to
print debug messages in Apache modules, but which would be the right way
to print debug messages in the core classes provided both types of
modules are going to run together?

-- fxn

Re: problems setting up Apache::AuthCookieDBI (solved but no fully understood)

2002-05-06 Thread F . Xavier Noria

On Mon, 06 May 2002 10:04:28 -0400
Fran Fabrizio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

: >Jacob Davies (author of Apache::AuthCookieDBI) confirmed the secret key
: >file has to be set before the PerlModule directive, it is a bug in the
: >documentation.
: >
: Except it doesn't really, because it works fine for me. =)
: I compiled mod_perl static, I tend to avoid DSO if possible.

The Eagle book says (page 58):

Apache processes the configuration directives on a first-come,
first-serve basis, so in certain cases, the order in which
directives appear is important.

So Apache passes PerlModule and PerlSetVar to mod_perl as it finds it in
its configuration file. If mod_perl loaded modules as they come by means
of PerlModule that would explain why variables set with PerlSetVar after
that directive are not seen by the very module at loading time.

As that seems to be the behaviour in my static mod_perl and Jacob Davies
said he had to change the documentation (and he knows more mod_perl than
I for sure), I don't understand why the order does not matter in your
machine. Do we have the same version of the module (v1.18)?

-- fxn 

Re: problems setting up Apache::AuthCookieDBI (solved but no fully understood)

2002-05-03 Thread F . Xavier Noria

On Fri, 3 May 2002 22:02:18 -0700
"Jim Helm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

: I was having the exact same problem 2 days ago... Could it be a
: difference in static vs. dso? I'm running mod_perl as a dso - how about
: you two?  

I compiled httpd. 

Jacob Davies (author of Apache::AuthCookieDBI) confirmed the secret key
file has to be set before the PerlModule directive, it is a bug in the

-- fxn

Re: problems setting up Apache::AuthCookieDBI (solved but no fully understood)

2002-05-03 Thread F . Xavier Noria

On Fri, 03 May 2002 09:09:08 -0400
Fran Fabrizio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

: >
: >
: >Loading Apache::AuthCookieDBI after setting WhatEverDBI_SecretKeyFile
: >has solved the problem. I am doing something wrong or the example in the
: >manual page would need to be modified?
: >
: That's odd, I load my module first before setting the secret key (or any 
: of the other variables) and it works fine for me.

If the module was loaded when the server sees the "PerlModule" directive
I think this code from Apache::AuthCookieDBI (version 1.18) implies that
variable in particular needs to be set before:

# S E R V E R   S T A R T   I N I T I A L I Z A T I O N

my @keyfile_vars = grep {
$_ =~ /DBI_SecretKeyFile$/
} keys %{ Apache->server->dir_config() };
foreach my $keyfile_var ( @keyfile_vars ) {
my $keyfile = Apache->server->dir_config( $keyfile_var );
my $auth_name = $keyfile_var;
$auth_name =~ s/DBI_SecretKeyFile$//;
unless ( open( KEY, "<$keyfile" ) ) {
Apache::log_error( "Could not open keyfile for $auth_name in 
file $keyfile" );
} else {
Apache::warn("Adding key for realm $auth_name");
$SECRET_KEYS{ $auth_name } = ;
close KEY;

Does the server load the module that way?

-- fxn

Re: problems setting up Apache::AuthCookieDBI (solved but no fully understood)

2002-05-03 Thread F . Xavier Noria

On Thu, 2 May 2002 20:10:15 +0200
F. Xavier Noria <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

: I am having problems configuring Apache::AuthCookieDBI and am a bit
: lost, since it seems there is something wrong with the secret key
: file I cannot see, I attach below the configuration in case it can
: help. I have checked the permissions of the file (the server runs
: in by box as "fxn"):

The problem, it seems, was that I was setting the variables used by the
module _after_ loading it, as in the example of its manual page:

PerlModule Apache::AuthCookieDBI
PerlSetVar BuscaWAPPath /
PerlSetVar BuscaWAPLoginScript "/cgi/"

# These must be set
PerlSetVar BuscaWAPDBI_DSN "dbi:Oracle:BW_CATALOG"
PerlSetVar BuscaWAPDBI_SecretKeyFile "/home/fxn/prj/bw/buscawap/etc/auth.key"

Apache::AuthCookieDBI reads its config variables in a BEGIN block. I
inserted a trace there and keys %{ Apache->server->dir_config() };
returned no variable set via PerlSetVar after that PerlModule directive.

So the hash %SECRET_KEYS, initialized there, had no entries.

Moreover, when I tried to access a protected URL as localhost/docs I was
redirected to /cgi/ as configured (as you see, after PerlModule
as well), which confused me. I suppose this is so because the module
sees the variable at runtime, where the config file has been already
fully read.

Loading Apache::AuthCookieDBI after setting WhatEverDBI_SecretKeyFile
has solved the problem. I am doing something wrong or the example in the
manual page would need to be modified?

-- fxn

Re: problems setting up Apache::AuthCookieDBI

2002-05-03 Thread F . Xavier Noria

On Thu, 02 May 2002 15:22:59 -0400
Fran Fabrizio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

: Do you have this in httpd.conf (or mod_perl.conf)
: PerlSetVar BuscaWAPDBI_SecretKeyFile /home/fxn/prj/bw/buscawap/etc/auth.key
: ?

I have all mod_perl-related things in mod_perl.conf, and httpd.conf
ends with this line:

Include /home/fxn/prj/bw/buscawap/etc/mod_perl.conf

Could that matter?

-- fxn

Re: problems setting up Apache::AuthCookieDBI

2002-05-02 Thread F . Xavier Noria

On Thu, 02 May 2002 20:24:10 +0200
Per Einar Ellefsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

: At 20:10 02.05.2002, F.Xavier Noria wrote:
: >PerlModule Apache::AuthCookieDBI
: >
: >PerlSetVar BuscaWAPPath /
: >PerlSetVar BuscaWAPLoginScript "/cgi/"
: >
: ># These must be set
: >PerlSetVar BuscaWAPDBI_DSN "dbi:Oracle:BW_CATALOG"
: >PerlSetVar BuscaWAPDBI_SecretKeyFile "/home/fxn/prj/bw/buscawap/etc/auth.key"
: Have you tried inserting these into the respective  sections? I'm 
: not sure, but I think PerlSetVars aren't merged into location-specific 
: configuration, so they might not actually be caught by Apache::AuthCookieDBI

I guess this is not the problem since /cgi/ gets run by the
module and is configured the same way. Thank you anyway!

-- fxn

problems setting up Apache::AuthCookieDBI

2002-05-02 Thread F . Xavier Noria

I am having problems configuring Apache::AuthCookieDBI and am a bit
lost, since it seems there is something wrong with the secret key
file I cannot see, I attach below the configuration in case it can
help. I have checked the permissions of the file (the server runs
in by box as "fxn"):

$ ls -la /home/fxn/prj/bw/buscawap/etc/auth.key
-rw---1 fxn12 May  2 19:20 /home/fxn/prj/bw/buscawap/etc/auth.key

If I request "/docs" these messages appear in error_log:

[Thu May  2 20:07:19 2002] [error] access to /login failed for, reason: 
Apache::AuthCookieDBI: didn't have the secret key for auth realm Busc
[Thu May  2 20:07:21 2002] [error] access to /docs failed for, reason: 
Apache::AuthCookieDBI: didn't the secret key from for auth realm Busca

Any hint on what could I be doing wrong?

-- fxn

PerlModule Apache::AuthCookieDBI

PerlSetVar BuscaWAPPath /
PerlSetVar BuscaWAPLoginScript "/cgi/"

# These must be set
PerlSetVar BuscaWAPDBI_DSN "dbi:Oracle:BW_CATALOG"
PerlSetVar BuscaWAPDBI_SecretKeyFile "/home/fxn/prj/bw/buscawap/etc/auth.key"

# These are optional, the module sets sensible defaults.
PerlSetVar BuscaWAPDBI_User"wap"
PerlSetVar BuscaWAPDBI_Password"X"
PerlSetVar BuscaWAPDBI_UsersTable  "view_active_users"
PerlSetVar BuscaWAPDBI_UserField   "login"
PerlSetVar BuscaWAPDBI_PasswordField   "password"
PerlSetVar BuscaWAPDBI_CryptType   "none"
PerlSetVar BuscaWAPDBI_GroupsTable "view_active_users"
PerlSetVar BuscaWAPDBI_GroupField  "rol"
PerlSetVar BuscaWAPDBI_GroupUserField  "login"
PerlSetVar BuscaWAPDBI_EncryptionType  "none"
PerlSetVar BuscaWAPDBI_SessionLifetime 00-24-00-00

 SetHandler  perl-script
 PerlHandler Apache::AuthCookieDBI->login

Alias /cgi /home/fxn/prj/bw/buscawap/www/cgi/
PerlModule Apache::Registry

SetHandler   perl-script
PerlHandler  Apache::Registry
Options +ExecCGI

AuthType  Apache::AuthCookieDBI
AuthName  BuscaWAP
PerlAuthenHandler Apache::AuthCookieDBI->authenticate
PerlAuthzHandler  Apache::AuthCookieDBI->authorize
require   valid-user
PerlHandler   BuscaWAP::Apache::Docs

Re: Client capabilities

2002-04-30 Thread F . Xavier Noria

On Tue, 30 Apr 2002 16:26:00 +0400
"Mike V. Andreev" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

: On Tue, 30 Apr 2002 13:00:33 +0100
: Simon Oliver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: SO> The main problem is that a client can be modified from the "standard"
: SO> install to prevent JavaScript, StyleSheets, Images, etc and there is no
: SO> way to detect this server side.
: (and some text-based browsers can be configured to use external program 
: to show images on user request [links for example] )

w3m renders images indeed :-).

-- fxn

Re: How to generate pre-filled forms? (fwd)

2002-04-28 Thread F . Xavier Noria

On 29 Apr 2002 09:16:42 +1000
simran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

: Have a look at the HTML::FillInForm module as well... 

Yeah, thank you, I'll give it a try. I guess this is a natural candidate
for an output chain, the HTML generated by two or three Apache modules
will need that post-process, so I plan to use HTML::FillInForm with
Apache::Filter, it will be the first application of my recent study of
the Cookbook I couldn't have produced before I read it, magnific!

-- fxn

Re: Basic usage of Apache::Session::Oracle

2002-04-28 Thread F . Xavier Noria

On Mon, 29 Apr 2002 01:11:59 +0200
"F.Xavier Noria" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

: If I understand it correctly, Apache::Session::Oracle uses a table
: called "sessions" with at least two columns, one called "id", of type
: "varchar2(32)", and another called "a_session", of type "long". 

I am sorry this question has arrived several times, I didn't receive it
for hours and I thought something went wrong with previous attempts.

-- fxn

Basic usage of Apache::Session::Oracle

2002-04-28 Thread F . Xavier Noria

If I understand it correctly, Apache::Session::Oracle uses a table
called "sessions" with at least two columns, one called "id", of type
"varchar2(32)", and another called "a_session", of type "long". 

Say I want to store a pair of things in sessions: a reference to an
object of type User (which includes a reference to an object of type
UserManager) and a timestamp to know when we received the last request
from that session. Apart from that reference in the user, both classes
consist of primitive attributes, IDs, names, strings with SQL, and the

1. Is the reference to the user storable? (My doubt here is "what
   kind of things are not serializable" indeed, I have a vague idea
   of this, I think I cannot store a reference to a db handler, or
   a file handle, but I cannot respond accurately to that question
   in general.)
2. Do I need to create more columns in the table or everything goes
   to the "a_session" column? 
3. Could one set up things in a way that allows the database to see
   the timestamps and program a trigger to delete old sessions? Or
   is there a standard idiom for doing this in a different way?

Thank you very much,

-- fxn

Basic usage of Apache::Session::Oracle

2002-04-28 Thread F . Xavier Noria

If I understand it correctly, Apache::Session::Oracle uses a table
called "sessions" with at least two columns, one called "id", of type
"varchar2(32)", and another called "a_session", of type "long". 

Say I want to store a pair of things in sessions: a reference to an
object of type User (which includes a reference to an object of type
UserManager) and a timestamp to know when we received the last request
from that session. Apart from that reference in the user, both classes
consist of primitive attributes, IDs, names, strings with SQL, and the

1. Is the reference to the user storable? (My doubt here is "what
   kind of things are not serializable" indeed, I have a vague idea
   of this, I think I cannot store a reference to a db handler, or
   a file handle, but I cannot respond accurately to that question
   in general.)
2. Do I need to create more columns in the table or everything goes
   to the "a_session" column? 
3. Could one set up things in a way that allows the database to see
   the timestamps and program a trigger to delete old sessions? Or
   is there a standard idiom for doing this in a different way?

Thank you very much,

-- fxn

Basic usage of Apache::Session::Oracle

2002-04-28 Thread F . Xavier Noria

If I understand it correctly, Apache::Session::Oracle uses a table
called "sessions" with at least two columns, one called "id", of type
"varchar2(32)", and another called "a_session", of type "long". 

Say I want to store a pair of things in sessions: a reference to an
object of type User (which includes a reference to an object of type
UserManager) and a timestamp to know when we received the last request
from that session. Apart from that reference in the user, both classes
consist of primitive attributes, IDs, names, strings with SQL, and the

1. Is the reference to the user storable? (My doubt here is "what
   kind of things are not serializable" indeed, I have a vague idea
   of this, I think I cannot store a reference to a db handler, or
   a file handle, but I cannot respond accurately to that question
   in general.)
2. Do I need to create more columns in the table or everything goes
   to the "a_session" column? 
3. Could one set up things in a way that allows the database to see
   the timestamps and program a trigger to delete old sessions? Or
   is there a standard idiom for doing this in a different way?

Thank you very much,

-- fxn

Re: How to generate pre-filled forms?

2002-04-26 Thread F . Xavier Noria

On Fri, 26 Apr 2002 16:15:52 +0200
F. Xavier Noria <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

: I am writing some modules that receive a form, process it, and return a
: page that includes that very form. Is there a standard way to fill that
: returned form so the user sees the same data he sent there, as
: does?
: PS: I am using Apache modules + HTML::Template if that matters.

I summarize the approaches I've found:

   * Generating everything in the module as usual, maybe storing
 s or things that complicated in template plain variables
 instead of putting them in the very template.

   * One can pass an object reference to a template as long as it has a
 method called "param" that behaves as CGI::param(). The idea is that
  will be translated to $r->param('color').

   * HTML::FillInForm parses an already constructed HTML page and
 fills its forms out of the box invoking a param() method on a
 passed reference, as above. I think is what I'll choose.

I'd need to know now wheter Apache::Request's param() is OK here.

Thank you!

-- fxn

How to generate pre-filled forms?

2002-04-26 Thread F . Xavier Noria

I am writing some modules that receive a form, process it, and return a
page that includes that very form. Is there a standard way to fill that
returned form so the user sees the same data he sent there, as

-- fxn

PS: I am using Apache modules + HTML::Template if that matters.

[OT] Doubt on directories for development

2002-04-21 Thread F . Xavier Noria

I am working in my first mod_perl real-life project, I would like to ask
you for a directory layout for development.

The fact is that developers in my team have Apache under /usr/local in
Linux machines, but we would prefer to develop as normal users, not as
www or nobody, though that will be the user in production.

What is the standard way to configure things for that? We have created
somehow the Apache directory layout under the root of the project tree
and call httpd -f project_root/conf/httpd.conf, where we customize the
user and group (in my case fxn), full paths to log and pid files
writable but that user, etc. but ServerRoot is /usr/local/apache and the
original modules under /usr/local/apache are there, so we cannot use
$r->server_root_relative to access, say, to application config files
which seems to be standard (and quite natural) idiom. The httpd.conf in
CVS is a template customized once per-machine with a script.

I would appreciate any hint very much, we could begin right with a good
layout next Monday.

Thank you very much!

-- fxn


2002-04-21 Thread F . Xavier Noria

On Sun, 21 Apr 2002 10:50:53 +0100
Matthew Byng-Maddick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

: On Sun, Apr 21, 2002 at 03:16:53AM -0400, Sam Tregar wrote:
: > SOAP::Lite module to be of excelent quality and the SOAP::Lite community
: > to be very helpful.
: Apart from the obvious security bug, you mean? The one where it doesn't
: actually restrict what remote code can be run at all?

SOAP::Lite 0.55 was released some days ago, it addresses that issue
according to

-- fxn

[OT] Doubt on directories for development

2002-04-20 Thread F . Xavier Noria

I am working in my first mod_perl real-life project, I would like to ask
you for a directory layout for development.

The fact is that developers in my team have Apache under /usr/local in
Linux machines, but we would prefer to develop as normal users, not as
www or nobody, though that will be the user in production.

What is the standard way to configure things for that? We have created
somehow the Apache directory layout under the root of the project tree
and call httpd -f project_root/conf/httpd.conf, where we customize the
user and group (in my case fxn), full paths to log and pid files
writable by that user, etc. but ServerRoot is /usr/local/apache and the
original modules under /usr/local/apache are there, so we cannot use
$r->server_root_relative to access, say, to application config files
which seems to be standard (and quite natural) idiom. The httpd.conf in
CVS is a template customized once per-machine with a script.

I would appreciate any hint very much, we could begin right with a good
layout next Monday.

Thank you very much!

-- fxn

doubt on how long the cookbook will apply

2002-04-06 Thread F . Xavier Noria

I have the Eagle book but have not buyed the Cookbook yet. I wonder
whether the way Perl modules are written nowadays is going to be
significantly altered by Apache 2.0. If it won't, I'll definitely buy
it this weekend.

-- fxn

how to identify an interrupted downloads?

2002-03-25 Thread F . Xavier Noria

I would like to know whether in the server side one can figure out if a
user has completed the download of a known file. Would bytes_sent() give
the actual number of bytes sent if the download gets interrumpted by the
client? Would yo know a better approach if not?

-- fxn

Re: how to pass data in internal redirects?

2002-02-26 Thread F . Xavier Noria

On Tue, 26 Feb 2002 08:32:37 -0500
"Henigan, Timothy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

: I don't know if this is the best design, but it works for this application.
: If you made it this far into the email, you might be interested in some
: sample code...let me know.  If you have comments, please speak up.  I'm the
: only developer on the project, so if I've gone off the deep end, I might not
: notice.

Yeah, I am surely biased because in my company everything is done with
Java where servlets act as controllers and forward requests to JSPs. 
Here people basicaly put data in the session object, for instance a User
associated with the session. You have static data shared by everybody...
it's a bit different as you probably know [*].

But I want to learn the multi-processes way of program with Apache and
his related technologies.  I believe, for instance, the Java people here
at work do not completly realize they use the session object both to
store state _and_ as a cache mechanism sometimes.  You are not aware of
what you are taking for granted until you play with other techniques.

So, a controller could in principle perform a call to a template engine
as yours does, conceptually there is no need to do that internal
redirect.  In fact, there is no need to have two different files if I
take the pattern a bit further.  For instance, I believe a page written
in Embperl or PHP could begin with the controller code and once finished
the view code could follow, that would be MVC too in my opinion.

Well, just sharing thoughts.

-- fxn

[*] If needed, load balancing is done taking sessions into account.

how to pass data in internal redirects?

2002-02-25 Thread F . Xavier Noria

As an exercise studying mod_perl I am trying to see how could the MVC
pattern be implemented.  I've thought a possible approach would be to
write the model using normal Perl classes, and controllers and views
with Apache modules.

I suppose that controllers would use internal redirects to call the
views, is there a way to pass Perl data this way?  For example, in the
hangman game in O'Reilly's book a controller would load a session from
the cookie, process user's guest, modify the state and redirect the
request internally to the view.  Ideally the view shouldn't read the
data to display from the database again... could it be passed somehow by
the first content handler?

-- fxn

Re: cleanest way to have globals in a CGI

2002-02-18 Thread F . Xavier Noria

On Mon, 18 Feb 2002 15:04:16 +0100
Me myself <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

: Since there would be just one Perl interpreter I guess plain "use vars"
: would add symbols to a in principle shared by more code main namespace,
: do you know whether there is a standard, clean solution for this?

I somehow was thinking packages are mainly used for writing modules or
classes and that wouldn't be idiomatic to start a CGI with a package
declaration.  Silly me, packages introduce namespaces and that is
precisely what was needed.

Nevertheless, it turns out that Apache::Registry takes care of that
problem wrapping CGIs in corresponding different packages he declares,
so a valid answer to my question appears to be that a standard, clean
solution is to do nothing special to protect globals.

-- fxn

cleanest way to have globals in a CGI

2002-02-18 Thread F . Xavier Noria

Hello, I am the author of a CGI written in Perl (a single file) which is
publicly available.  Currently there are some file-scoped lexicals used
in routines and I would like to change that in the next release in case
anyone wanted to run it under Apache::Registry.

Since there would be just one Perl interpreter I guess plain "use vars"
would add symbols to a in principle shared by more code main namespace,
do you know whether there is a standard, clean solution for this?

-- fxn