Re: Apache::Session permissions problem

2003-09-15 Thread Perrin Harkins

Sorry if I came off overly critical.  Many people have had problems 
trying to use Mason with Apache::Session because of that article.  This 
is why on the Mason website the link to that article describes it as 
outdated and steers people to newer documentation.  (It probably should 
also steer them to the new handler...)

Eric Schwartz wrote:
Beggars can't be choosers, and all that, but would you mind telling me 
what handler you're talking about?  I looked around for session handling 
and Mason, and that article was the best one I found in terms of 
explaining how it worked and how to use it.
Did you look on the Mason site,  That's the best 
place to find information on Mason.  A search for "session" on that site 
includes a reference to MasonX::Request::WithApacheSession, available 
from CPAN.  This is mentioned in the administrator's manual that comes 
with Mason.  It's possible that you have an old version of Mason that 
predates this.

Apache::Session::DBI (which is what the article refers to) is ancient and
should not be used.
How can I know this?  The documentation for Apache::Session::DBIStore 
(which A::S::DBI refers to) doesn't say anything about being obsolete or 
deprecated.  Is there an archive of received wisdom somewhere I should 
be checking to validate articles like the one I found?
The latest Apache::Session on CPAN is version 1.54, released in October 
2001.  The last release that included a module called 
Apache::Session::DBI was version 1.03, released two years earlier.  I'm 
not certain what would do if you told it to install 
Apache::Session::DBI.  It might install the old one, which would be very 
unfortunate.  Is that how you installed it?

You shouldn't use the IPC locking in Apache::Session.  You didn't mention
which database you're using, but most of them have alternative ways of
doing locking.  In my opinion, the locking approach taken in
Apache::Session is not a good one for the average web site and you should
simply turn it off by using the NullLocker.

By using Apache::Session::Flex.  The configuration for 
MasonX::Request::WithApacheSession also lets you do this.

It's not 
particularly obvious from the documentation I can find that it's going 
to be used, or how to select alternative methods.
Look at the source and you'll see it.  It's all much clearer in the more 
recent release though.

I installed 
Apache::Session from CPAN, and the docs refer to PosixFileLocker 
SysVSemaphoreLocker and NullLocker, but no perldocs for those modules 
are on my system.
The Apache::Session::PosixFileLocker and 
Apache::Session::SysVSemaphoreLocker modules are included with 
Apache::Session (although both are obsolete and only part of the old 
version that you installed).  They have no documentation, so perldoc 
will not find them.  The later equivalents (Apache::Session::Lock::File) 
do have docs.

'perldoc Apache::Session::DBI' says it uses A::S::PosixFileLocker, not 
A::S::SysVSemaphoreLocker.  Are the docs wrong, or the code?
The docs are wrong.  You can see it refers to the semaphore locker if 
you look at the source.

Basically, you stumbled across an old article that referred to an 
obsolete version of Apache::Session, and all of your problems stem from 
that.  If you get a later version and check out the Mason handler and 
the newer documentation on, I think it will all start to 
make sense to you.

- Perrin

Re: Apache::Session permissions problem

2003-09-15 Thread Eric Schwartz
On Saturday, Sep 13, 2003, at 09:22 America/Denver, Perrin Harkins 
I found a pretty useful article at on how to use
Apache::Session with Mason.
I'm afraid that is not a very good article.  It's out of date, and 
poor error handling.  If you want to use sessions with Mason, you 
be using the session handler that Mason provides.  That is available on
CPAN and is supported on the Mason list.
Beggars can't be choosers, and all that, but would you mind telling me 
what handler you're talking about?  I looked around for session 
handling and Mason, and that article was the best one I found in terms 
of explaining how it worked and how to use it.

Apache::Session::DBI (which is what the article refers to) is ancient 
should not be used.
How can I know this?  The documentation for Apache::Session::DBIStore 
(which A::S::DBI refers to) doesn't say anything about being obsolete 
or deprecated.  Is there an archive of received wisdom somewhere I 
should be checking to validate articles like the one I found?

You shouldn't use the IPC locking in Apache::Session.  You didn't 
which database you're using, but most of them have alternative ways of
doing locking.  In my opinion, the locking approach taken in
Apache::Session is not a good one for the average web site and you 
simply turn it off by using the NullLocker.
How?  I never asked for IPC locking; it somehow snuck in.  It's not 
particularly obvious from the documentation I can find that it's going 
to be used, or how to select alternative methods.  I installed 
Apache::Session from CPAN, and the docs refer to PosixFileLocker 
SysVSemaphoreLocker and NullLocker, but no perldocs for those modules 
are on my system.  I'm honestly trying to figure out how I can draw 
those conclusions for myself, so I'm not stuck asking this list about 

Suggestions are more than welcome; I'm not quite sure how
Session::SysVSempaphoreLocker got involved in the first place, since I
don't explicitly reference it.
Apache::Session::DBI uses it for locking.
'perldoc Apache::Session::DBI' says it uses A::S::PosixFileLocker, not 
A::S::SysVSemaphoreLocker.  Are the docs wrong, or the code?


Re: Apache::Session permissions problem

2003-09-15 Thread Enrico Sorcinelli
On Fri, 12 Sep 2003 01:01:24 -0600
Eric Schwartz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Eric,

> I found a pretty useful article at 
> on how to use 
> Apache::Session with Mason.  

I wrote a tutorial on session management with HTML::Mason and 
Apache::SessionManager (a wrapper around Apache::Session) available at:

I hope that it will be useful for you.

Yes, I know, now there is a Mason extension to handle sessions (not in the
Mason core), _but_:

1) when I wrote Apache::SessionManager, the extension wasn't yet available :-)
   (moreover A::SM has a session expiration/inactivity built-in cleanup
2) with Apache::SessionManager you can use session object also in other Apache
   life request phases than Response phase (for example I need session
   in Authentication phase). With MasonX::Request::WithApacheSession you cannot
   (if I not mistake)
3) There is no way to use URI session tracking (session id is embedded in left
   side of the URI)

In all other case, MasonX::Request::WithApacheSession works fine.


- Enrico

RE: Apache::Session permissions problem

2003-09-14 Thread Perrin Harkins
> Is there a, or are there initiatives to keep an 'accurate' document
> repository?

The field of knowledge is too broad for any one person to maintain,
especially since the main people who maintain the site docs are quite busy
building mod_perl 2.  This is why we count on individuals stepping up and
sending in corrections to outdated things they find in the docs.
> I personally like as a starting point, but
> it is quite restricted to mod_perl and mod_perl alone. (This is not
> meant as a rude remark!). Should and could this be broader containing
> links to interesting articles on 'well known subjects'?

There are quite a few links to other sources on  My basic
rule of thumb is to start with the most specific source of documentation. 
In your case, since you are trying to use Mason, you should look on the
Mason site.  There you would have found a note that the article you read
is outdated, and a link to the current 

> PS: Apache::Session::DBI might be ancient, when I did some research for
> this mail I stumbled upon
> he__Session__DBI_with_cookies. Perhaps it is a good beginning to try to
> keep/get outdated and ancient stuff from Our Main Source of
> Information?

Yes, it would definitely be good to update or remove that snippet.  A
patch would certainly be appreciated.
- Perrin

RE: Apache::Session permissions problem

2003-09-14 Thread Frank Maas

> I'm afraid that is not a very good article.  It's out of date,
> Apache::Session::DBI (which is what the article refers to) is ancient
> and should not be used.

I stumbled upon this problem quite a few times. Trying to get the hang
of using cookies for authentication and sessions there are tons of
modules and (a bit less...) articles, but they all seem outdated or
simply not useful. So I build something myself, but am not quite sure
this was the way to go.
I had the same experience when (OT, sorry) I looked into things about
using XML in combination with (mod_)perl. Most of the articles are rather
old and I have no clue if they are outdated. Here as well I made some
choices of my own, still thinking I am at least reinventing part of the

Is there a, or are there initiatives to keep an 'accurate' document
repository? I personally like as a starting point, but
it is quite restricted to mod_perl and mod_perl alone. (This is not
meant as a rude remark!). Should and could this be broader containing
links to interesting articles on 'well known subjects'? Should we then
need som (continuous) reviewing and rating mechanism to separate the
good from the bad? Or is Google still the way to go?


PS: Apache::Session::DBI might be ancient, when I did some research for
this mail I stumbled upon
he__Session__DBI_with_cookies. Perhaps it is a good beginning to try to
keep/get outdated and ancient stuff from Our Main Source of Information?

Re: Apache::Session permissions problem

2003-09-13 Thread Perrin Harkins
> I found a pretty useful article at
> on how to use
> Apache::Session with Mason.

I'm afraid that is not a very good article.  It's out of date, and shows
poor error handling.  If you want to use sessions with Mason, you should
be using the session handler that Mason provides.  That is available on
CPAN and is supported on the Mason list.
Apache::Session::DBI (which is what the article refers to) is ancient and
should not be used.
> Permission denied at
> /Library/Perl/Apache/Session/ line 46.
> Which seems to indicate it isn't.  I STFW, and found several people who
>  seem to have had the same problem I have, but the solutions proffered
> involve ipcs and ipcrm, which don't exist on my Mac OS X 10.2.6 system.

You shouldn't use the IPC locking in Apache::Session.  You didn't mention
which database you're using, but most of them have alternative ways of
doing locking.  In my opinion, the locking approach taken in
Apache::Session is not a good one for the average web site and you should
simply turn it off by using the NullLocker.
> Suggestions are more than welcome; I'm not quite sure how
> Session::SysVSempaphoreLocker got involved in the first place, since I
> don't explicitly reference it.

Apache::Session::DBI uses it for locking.

- Perrin

Apache::Session permissions problem

2003-09-12 Thread Eric Schwartz
I found a pretty useful article at on how to use 
Apache::Session with Mason.  I followed the article, more or less, and 
ended up with this bit of code in my to tie() my $session 
variable to an Apache::Session class:

  eval {
tie %HTML::Mason::Commands::session, 'Apache::Session::DBI',
  ($cookies{$session_cookie_name} ? 
$cookies{$session_cookie_name}->value() : undef),
 DataSource => $dbsource,
 UserName => $dbuser,
 Password => $dbpass

All the database variables are correct; I use them elsewhere with no 
problem.  The problem is that the session seems to be intermittent-- 
some pages seem to recognize it, others don't.  This smelled a lot like 
a problem where the session was getting set in one Apache instance and 
not others, so I wondered if the session was getting stored in the 
database correctly; after the previous eval, all I ever get in $@ is:

Permission denied at 
/Library/Perl/Apache/Session/ line 46.

Which seems to indicate it isn't.  I STFW, and found several people who 
seem to have had the same problem I have, but the solutions proffered 
involve ipcs and ipcrm, which don't exist on my Mac OS X 10.2.6 system. 
 Suggestions are more than welcome; I'm not quite sure how 
Session::SysVSempaphoreLocker got involved in the first place, since I 
don't explicitly reference it.

Mightily confused,


Re: Apache::Session and pnotes

2003-09-05 Thread Perrin Harkins
Sorry, I missed this message until now...

On Tue, 2003-09-02 at 14:21, Xavier Noria wrote:
> Let's assume a new user comes to the website. We set up a session for 
> him and put the session id in a cookie to be sent in the response. As 
> you know, somewhere in the request cycle of that particular request 
> Apache::Session::Oracle stores the session in the database.

It happens when the session object gets destroyed.

> The problem I am facing is that if the session is stored in pnotes() it 
> doesn't end up in the database. When the user comes back that id 
> corresponds to no row in the sessions table.

Okay, the problem is not pnotes.  The pnotes stuff gets cleared at the
end of every request, so it would save then, after the user
disconnects.  Probably what's happening is that you have a scoping
problem somewhere in your code that deals with pnotes and it is keeping
the session object from going out of scope.

One thing you can try is explicitly saving the session, using the method
described in the Apache::Session documentation.  If that works, it means
you just have to find your scoping problem.  Maybe you can locate it by
removing code bit by bit until the problem goes away.  If you can make a
very short script that demonstrates the problem, you can post it here
and we'll help you find it.

- Perrin

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Re: Apache::Session and pnotes

2003-09-05 Thread Enrico Sorcinelli
On Tue, 2 Sep 2003 20:21:45 +0200
Xavier Noria <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Tuesday 02 September 2003 07:28, Perrin Harkins wrote:
> > Sorry, I don't understand what you're saying here.  What you should
> > be doing is fetching the session once, putting it in pnotes, and
> > getting it from pnotes for the rest of the request.
> I am sorry, I'll try to reword it.
> Let's assume a new user comes to the website. We set up a session for 
> him and put the session id in a cookie to be sent in the response. As 
> you know, somewhere in the request cycle of that particular request 
> Apache::Session::Oracle stores the session in the database.
> When later that very user comes back to the website with a valid session 
> id in the cookie, one reads the session from the database.
> The problem I am facing is that if the session is stored in pnotes() it 
> doesn't end up in the database. When the user comes back that id 
> corresponds to no row in the sessions table.

Hi Xavier,

If you want a transaparent session management you could also look 
mod_perl extension. No extra code to write but a few lines to add in httpd.conf or



- Enrico

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Re: Apache::Session and pnotes

2003-09-02 Thread Xavier Noria
On Tuesday 02 September 2003 07:28, Perrin Harkins wrote:

> Sorry, I don't understand what you're saying here.  What you should
> be doing is fetching the session once, putting it in pnotes, and
> getting it from pnotes for the rest of the request.

I am sorry, I'll try to reword it.

Let's assume a new user comes to the website. We set up a session for 
him and put the session id in a cookie to be sent in the response. As 
you know, somewhere in the request cycle of that particular request 
Apache::Session::Oracle stores the session in the database.

When later that very user comes back to the website with a valid session 
id in the cookie, one reads the session from the database.

The problem I am facing is that if the session is stored in pnotes() it 
doesn't end up in the database. When the user comes back that id 
corresponds to no row in the sessions table.

Is it better now?

-- fxn

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Re: Apache::Session and pnotes

2003-09-02 Thread Perrin Harkins
On Tue, 2003-09-02 at 05:02, Xavier Noria wrote:
> > Can you tell us more about the problem is?  What do you see when you
> > take the session hash back out of pnotes?
> I have dumped the hash in a content handler and it seems to be OK.

Okay, then what is the problem that you're asking for help with here?

> When a request is received the session id is retrieved from a cookie. 
> The schema (with some irrelevant checks removed) would be this:
> my %cookies = Apache::Cookie->fetch;
> my $cookie = $cookies{COOKIE_NAME()};
> my $session_id = $cookie->value;
> my %session;
> eval {
> tie %session, 'Apache::Session::Oracle', $session_id,
>   {Handle => $class->dbh(), Commit => 1};
> };

Okay, but I was asking how you get it back from pnotes.

> That code works all right if \%session is not stored in pnotes(), but if 
> it is put the session is not read back from the database and I have 
> checked from a database client that there is no new row written.

Sorry, I don't understand what you're saying here.  What you should be
doing is fetching the session once, putting it in pnotes, and getting it
from pnotes for the rest of the request.

- Perrin

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Re: Apache::Session extra record not write to Mysql db.

2003-09-02 Thread Perrin Harkins
On Tue, 2003-09-02 at 00:13, James.Q.L wrote:
> --- Perrin Harkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Did you add code of your own to update the time column?
> > 
> no.

Maybe you added the time column as an automatic timestamp column?  There
is no time column in the schema described in the Apache::Session

> and from my phpmysql, you can see the time record.
> id   a_session time unametest  
> 0543f2dc8dd196c5adeb29f18113f88d  2003090122521800 

Is that a real column, or just a last-modified time that phpmysql adds
in somehow?

> and indeed as you said in record a_session it stores the session data. so if i 
> understand
> correctly, i don't add _new_ column to the sessions table, instead i call 
> $session{'username'} =
> 'username' which add it to the column a_session.

That's right.

> i know Apache::Session can't do session managerment directly. but i found out that 
> when a user
> session timeout, the record also gone tied(%session)->delete; 
> delete the session?

Apache::Session has no concept of timeouts so it never deletes sessions,
but you can delete sessions manually with the delete method that you're
talking about.

By the way, you might find it easier to use CGI::Session.  It works fine
with mod_perl, and it directly supports things like timeouts.

- Perrin

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Re: Apache::Session extra record not write to Mysql db.

2003-09-02 Thread Anton Permyakov
> > > $session{'time'} = time();## this updates 'time' record
> >
> > But it doesn't update the time column in the database unless you hacked
> > the Apache::Session code to do that.
> >
> now i don't know why the time record gets updated. isn't it suppose to
update the one in
> a_session?

I guess 'time' field gets updated because of it is 'timestamp' type, isn't
MySQL has this type for automatically updated field with current date and
time (RTFM :)).

Best wishes,
Anton Permyakov.

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Re: Apache::Session extra record not write to Mysql db.

2003-09-02 Thread James.Q.L

--- Perrin Harkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> James.Q.L wrote:
> > before i had three fields in table sessions : a_session,id,time in the DB.
> Did you add code of your own to update the time column?


> > and updating table etc from the program was working just fine. however, after i 
> > added one more
> > field (username) to the sessions table through phpmysql, updating it in the program
> > seems has no effect on the username record. no problem on others.
> Do you understand what Apache::Session does?  It simply use Storable to 
> turn the whole hash of values into a single binary chunk and stores it 
> all in the a_session field.  It uses the id field to find the session 
> again.  It will not update any other fields unles syou hack the code 
> yourself.

I read the doc of Apache::Session::Store::Mysql but there isn't much in it.
and i tried first to have a 'time' field in the sessions table. and it did get 
updated. so that's why i thought the record get stored just like that.

and from my phpmysql, you can see the time record.

id   a_session time unametest  
0543f2dc8dd196c5adeb29f18113f88d  2003090122521800 

and indeed as you said in record a_session it stores the session data. so if i 
correctly, i don't add _new_ column to the sessions table, instead i call 
$session{'username'} =
'username' which add it to the column a_session.

> > $session{'time'} = time();## this updates 'time' record
> But it doesn't update the time column in the database unless you hacked 
> the Apache::Session code to do that.

now i don't know why the time record gets updated. isn't it suppose to update the one 

one more question if you don't mind.

i know Apache::Session can't do session managerment directly. but i found out that 
when a user
session timeout, the record also gone tied(%session)->delete; delete 
the session?



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Re: Apache::Session extra record not write to Mysql db.

2003-09-02 Thread Perrin Harkins
James.Q.L wrote:
before i had three fields in table sessions : a_session,id,time in the DB.
Did you add code of your own to update the time column?

and updating table etc from the program was working just fine. however, after i added 
one more
field (username) to the sessions table through phpmysql, updating it in the program
seems has no effect on the username record. no problem on others.
Do you understand what Apache::Session does?  It simply use Storable to 
turn the whole hash of values into a single binary chunk and stores it 
all in the a_session field.  It uses the id field to find the session 
again.  It will not update any other fields unles syou hack the code 

$session{'test'} = time();## this doesn't update 'test'
That updates the field "test" in the session, which is stored as part of 
the column a_session in the database.

$session{'uname'} = $uname if $uname;  ## this doesn't update 'uname'
Same as above -- it updates the uname value of the session.

$session{'time'} = time();## this updates 'time' record
But it doesn't update the time column in the database unless you hacked 
the Apache::Session code to do that.

- Perrin

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Re: Apache::Session and pnotes

2003-09-02 Thread Xavier Noria
On Tuesday 02 September 2003 07:46, you wrote:

(I am sorry I am not replying to the actual email, but to a forwarded 
copy from my desktop at home.)

> > It seems, however, that Apache::Session objects stop being stored
> > when I put the session in pnotes() with a code analogous to this:
> Can you tell us more about the problem is?  What do you see when you
> take the session hash back out of pnotes?

I have dumped the hash in a content handler and it seems to be OK.

> > my $r = Apache::Request->instance(shift);
> No need to involve Apache::Request just for this.  Your handler
> should be getting $r passed to it.

Apache::Request is used because the authenticator handles login via 
param(), and more handlers need the parameters afterwards. 

> > tie my (%session), 'Apache::Session::Oracle', undef,
> >   {Handle => $class->dbh(), Commit => 1};
> >
> > $r->pnotes(session => \%session);
> Show us the code you use to get it back.

When a request is received the session id is retrieved from a cookie. 
The schema (with some irrelevant checks removed) would be this:

my %cookies = Apache::Cookie->fetch;
my $cookie = $cookies{COOKIE_NAME()};
my $session_id = $cookie->value;
my %session;
eval {
tie %session, 'Apache::Session::Oracle', $session_id,
      {Handle => $class->dbh(), Commit => 1};

The eval block is there now because it seems Apache::Session::Oracle 
dies if it cannot retrieve the session.

That code works all right if \%session is not stored in pnotes(), but if 
it is put the session is not read back from the database and I have 
checked from a database client that there is no new row written.

I am doing basic stuff with this, so if it sounds strange it is likely 
that I doing something wrong.

-- fxn

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Re: Apache::Session and pnotes

2003-09-02 Thread Perrin Harkins
Xavier Noria wrote:
It seems, however, that Apache::Session objects stop being stored when I 
put the session in pnotes() with a code analogous to this:
Can you tell us more about the problem is?  What do you see when you 
take the session hash back out of pnotes?

my $r = Apache::Request->instance(shift);
No need to involve Apache::Request just for this.  Your handler should 
be getting $r passed to it.

tie my (%session), 'Apache::Session::Oracle', undef,
  {Handle => $class->dbh(), Commit => 1};

$r->pnotes(session => \%session);
Show us the code you use to get it back.

- Perrin

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Apache::Session extra record not write to Mysql db.

2003-09-01 Thread James.Q.L
i am experiencing a weird problem with the use of apache::session::mysql 

before i had three fields in table sessions : a_session,id,time in the DB. 
and updating table etc from the program was working just fine. however, after i added 
one more
field (username) to the sessions table through phpmysql, updating it in the program
seems has no effect on the username record. no problem on others.

i am sure the username is present in the program. and i can add username record by 
hand through
phpmysql without problem. so i dont think it's lack of database rights. 

i also add a test record which just get timestamp. but it still don't get updated. 
here is code.

sub set_cookie {
my $self = shift;
my $sid = shift;
$sid ||= '';
my %session;
&_open_db($self) unless $self->{DBH};

eval {
    tie %session, "Apache::Session::MySQL", $sid,
{Handle => $self->{DBH}, LockHandle => $self->{DBH} };
croak("creating cookie error: [EMAIL PROTECTED]") if ($@);

$sid = $session{'_session_id'};
my $uname = &get_uname($self);
$session{'test'} = time();## this doesn't update 'test'
$session{'uname'} = $uname if $uname;  ## this doesn't update 'uname'
$session{'time'} = time();## this updates 'time' record
my $cookie = Apache::Cookie->new(
-name => 'ID',
-value => $sid,
-expires => $self->{CONFIG}->{cookie}->{cookie_expire},
return $self->{request};

i feel i may have done something stupid but i couldn't find it... 



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Apache::Session and pnotes

2003-09-01 Thread Xavier Noria
I am trying to retrieve/create an Apache::Session object for a given 
user in the authentication phase, so the following handlers have them 
available via pnotes. Sessions are stored in an Oracle database.

It seems, however, that Apache::Session objects stop being stored when I 
put the session in pnotes() with a code analogous to this:

my $r = Apache::Request->instance(shift);

tie my (%session), 'Apache::Session::Oracle', undef,
  {Handle => $class->dbh(), Commit => 1};

$r->pnotes(session => \%session);

Is there any gotcha regarding the kind of objects that can be passed 
with pnotes? Or do you know what can be happening anyway if not?

-- fxn

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Re: Apache::Session

2003-08-22 Thread Marcel Greter
All the information that comes from the user-agent can be faked. So the 
session id is as insecure as any other identifier you get from the 
Browser. The only thing that could be used is the IP address, and as 
somebody said earlier, some ISPs and big company LANs may use different 
proxies for different requests (or use random routes for multiple output 
interfaces with some NAT gateway). Also the MAC address is not an 
option, any routing above layer 2? will loose the MAC address (if I'm 
not wrong).

But there is somehow a way to get it more secure. Basically a key/IP 
combination would be very secure, it's just not useable for all users. 
Therefore you need to allow multiple IPs for the same session key. After 
you see that a user from another IP request a session id, you prompt a 
login again, and after successfull login you allow both IPs to access 
this session ID. Every user then basically has to login for each IP he 
uses; but it could be done more tricky, so the whole subnet that those 
two IPs are in is allowed. The security risk would be, that any other 
user going though the same gateway can steal the session just by knowing 
the correct session id.

If the user is coming through proxies (as it IMHO normally is if you 
have several IPs for a session), you could even do more fancy stuff. 
Proxies should send an x-forwarded-for header, where they will add every 
IP that sent the request (can be multiple hosts). This way you could 
allow all those proxies for the session, but just for the same end IP 
(which should be the last IP from the x-forwarded-for field before any 
internal IP). Now we just have the security hole left, if someone is in 
control of those proxies, then he could steal the session from the 
original user.

IMHO this is really everything you can get out of it; you even get it a 
lot securer for proxied users. The only problem are LANs that use random 
NAT-Gateways, which IMHO aren't widely spread ??.

If you see anything more to make it secure, or if I'm totally wrong, I'm 
glad to hear !?

greets, Marcel Greter

Reporting bugs:
Mail list info:

Re: Apache::Session

2003-08-14 Thread Perrin Harkins
On Thursday 14 August 2003 8:06 am, Joelle Nebbe wrote:
> What i do is store both the remote IP and the user agent HTTP parameters in
> the session when the session is created. Whenever a new request comes in
> with that session I check that those havent changed.

So, you don't care about AOL users then?  They can change IPs on every request 
as they get routed between proxies.

> I also check referrer to make sure people are coming from a page that makes
> sense.

Not much of a barrier to anyone who cares enough to bother coding up a 
cross-site scripting attack.

> If you need even better security there's ssl, or storing unique,
> random'challenge-response' style tokens into pages that have to be sent
> back on the next connection

That's an idea.  You could try making every cookie good for only one use, and 
send a new one out every time.

Ultimately though, I think the answer is that sites with sensitive information 
can't leave themselves open to CSS attacks.

- Perrin

Re: Apache::Session

2003-08-14 Thread Patrick Galbraith
Strip out stuff that could be problematic. This is what we did with 
Slash. We strip out javascript or any tag that can be problematic, or be 
used even to break the layout of the page. It'll make you're life much 
easier ;) Take this from someone who coded tons of features to ward off 

Aleksandr Guidrevitch wrote:
Hi, All

Sorry, this post might be out of scope of this particular list, but 
still... don't punch me heavily :) I just think the people here might 
have met this problem while deploying big public applications.

I use Apache::Session to identify logged in users. However, the users 
are allowed to post html (obviously with javascript) messages viewable 
by others. That could create an XSS vulnerability and allow to steal the 
sessions (cookies) from other users.

Is it possible to uniquely identify the user by some attributes ?
The only thing I consider now is IP, but what about proxies and NATs ?
User Agent string could also be stolen via javascript. That means I tend 
to make stolen session ids non-reusable.

Any thoughts ?

Aleksandr Guidrevitch
Patrick Galbraith
Senior Software Developer

Re: Apache::Session

2003-08-14 Thread Joelle Nebbe
I do a few basic things that improve security - its still not strict security but

What i do is store both the remote IP and the user agent HTTP parameters in the 
session when the session is created.
Whenever a new request comes in with that session I check that those havent changed. 
If they havent I allow access and update the 'last access time' (for expiry) - if not 
they are logged out and the session closed.

This means that any user disconnected from their ISP has to login again, which i 
consider acceptable. It also means that if they copy an url and paste it into another 
browser they will end up logged out, again it does not happen often and people should 
accept it as the price of security.

It does mean that someone on the same proxy and using the same browser could still do 
something but that is already a lot fewer people.

I also check referrer to make sure people are coming from a page that makes sense. If 
you wanted to be more sophisticated you could store where an user has been recently 
(the 5 last URLs maybe) and check that the referrer is one of them. If the referrer is 
not a page where the user has been then things are fishy and you log them out.

If you need even better security there's ssl, or storing unique, 
random'challenge-response' style tokens into pages that have to be sent back on the 
next connection

Probably many people on this list have more sophisticated systems in place. I'd be 
interested to know too :)

Joelle Nebbe

Re: Apache::Session

2003-08-14 Thread Raf
Aleksandr Guidrevitch said:
> Is it possible to uniquely identify the user by some attributes ?
> The only thing I consider now is IP, but what about proxies and NATs ?
> User Agent string could also be stolen via javascript. That means I tend
>  to make stolen session ids non-reusable.

Went through this many years ago and I assure you that there is 'no'
proper heuristic for identifying that user.  UserAgent fails when you have
a building full of people with a standard install.  IP fails with proxies
- and even worse - through crappy isp's where each request appears to be
chained through some different proxy.  imho, you have to accept some level
of insecurity.

Make the walls higher.  Use post, use cookies, make your session id's
short lived, make heuristics for comparing temporaly close subsequent
request's useragent/ip etc.  Perhaps there's someone clever out there who
has found a some chaotic fractal which will reveal the mac address from
the combination of everything else, however besides this, I think it a

Well, good luck,



2003-08-14 Thread Aleksandr Guidrevitch
Hi, All

Sorry, this post might be out of scope of this particular list, but 
still... don't punch me heavily :) I just think the people here might 
have met this problem while deploying big public applications.

I use Apache::Session to identify logged in users. However, the users 
are allowed to post html (obviously with javascript) messages viewable 
by others. That could create an XSS vulnerability and allow to steal the 
sessions (cookies) from other users.

Is it possible to uniquely identify the user by some attributes ?
The only thing I consider now is IP, but what about proxies and NATs ?
User Agent string could also be stolen via javascript. That means I tend 
to make stolen session ids non-reusable.

Any thoughts ?

Aleksandr Guidrevitch

Re: Apache::Session

2003-08-14 Thread Aleksandr Guidrevitch
Hi, All

What have you used to stip out that stuff ? I've reviewied 
HTML::StripScripts, but it seems to be very slow. I've also
considered HTML::Filter to do that but I'm also affraid that 
HTML::Parser is not the fastest thing on the earth, even though
it will be invoked once during initial submission.

Could you also advise on this "safe" subset of html you use ?

Patrick Galbraith wrote:
Strip out stuff that could be problematic. This is what we did with 
Slash. We strip out javascript or any tag that can be problematic, or be 
used even to break the layout of the page. It'll make you're life much 
easier ;) Take this from someone who coded tons of features to ward off 

Re: Apache::Session

2003-08-14 Thread Patrick Galbraith

we had our own stripping methods. Just get the source for slashcode and look for

Slash/Display/   strip_paramattr => \&strip_paramattr,
Slash/Display/   strip_urlattr   => \&strip_urlattr,
Slash/Display/   strip_anchor=> \&strip_anchor,
Slash/Display/   strip_attribute => \&strip_attribute,
Slash/Display/   strip_code  => \&strip_code,
Slash/Display/   strip_extrans   => \&strip_extrans,
Slash/Display/   strip_html  => \&strip_html,
Slash/Display/   strip_literal   => \&strip_literal,
Slash/Display/   strip_nohtml=> \&strip_nohtml,
Slash/Display/   strip_notags=> \&strip_notags,
Slash/Display/   strip_plaintext => \&strip_plaintext,
and this'll give you an idea of what slashcode does to deal with it.

Hope this helps,


Aleksandr Guidrevitch wrote:
Hi, All

What have you used to stip out that stuff ? I've reviewied 
HTML::StripScripts, but it seems to be very slow. I've also
considered HTML::Filter to do that but I'm also affraid that 
HTML::Parser is not the fastest thing on the earth, even though
it will be invoked once during initial submission.

Could you also advise on this "safe" subset of html you use ?

Patrick Galbraith wrote:

Strip out stuff that could be problematic. This is what we did with 
Slash. We strip out javascript or any tag that can be problematic, or 
be used even to break the layout of the page. It'll make you're life 
much easier ;) Take this from someone who coded tons of features to 
ward off trolls!
Patrick Galbraith
Senior Software Developer

Re: Apache::Session

2003-08-14 Thread O'K Web Design

 I might be missing the point but if you already are tracking with
Apache::Session why not encrypt the session id before giving it to the user
in the first place.  You could store a public 'key' for the encryption in a
cookie on the users machine.  That way only that user can give you the right
info to decode the session.  If this sounds reasonable, you may want to
check out Paul DuBois book "MySQL and Perl for the Web" ISBN 0-7357-1054-6.
He outlines a method to encrypt the apache::session id.  Mike

- Original Message -
From: "Aleksandr Guidrevitch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: August 14, 2003 6:54 AM
Subject: Apache::Session

> Hi, All
> Sorry, this post might be out of scope of this particular list, but
> still... don't punch me heavily :) I just think the people here might
> have met this problem while deploying big public applications.
> I use Apache::Session to identify logged in users. However, the users
> are allowed to post html (obviously with javascript) messages viewable
> by others. That could create an XSS vulnerability and allow to steal the
> sessions (cookies) from other users.
> Is it possible to uniquely identify the user by some attributes ?
> The only thing I consider now is IP, but what about proxies and NATs ?
> User Agent string could also be stolen via javascript. That means I tend
> to make stolen session ids non-reusable.
> Any thoughts ?
> Sincerely,
> Aleksandr Guidrevitch

Re: "Magic number checking on storable" error with Apache::Session::MySQL

2003-07-10 Thread Stas Bekman
Dan McCormick wrote:

I'm running a site with Apache, MySQL, Mason, and
Apache::Session::MySQL.  I've been sporadically seeing this message in
my error log:
[Wed Jul  9 20:41:42 2003] [error] Magic number checking on storable
string failed at blib/lib/ (autosplit into
blib/lib/auto/Storable/ line 364, at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/Apache/Session/Serialize/ line
Can anyone provide any clues as to why this might be happening?  Is it
implying the db data is corrupt?
probably most likely unrelated to mod_perl, the error normally happens when 
you upgrade Storable and you try to read files that were created with older 
Storable version. perl users list/newsgroups is probably more appropriate for 
this issue.

FYI, a cronjob deletes sessions that are more than 30 minutes old, but
creating a session and then manually deleting it did not reproduce this
Software specs:
Apache 1.3.27
mod_perl 1.27
Apache::Session 1.54
MySQL 4.0.13


Stas BekmanJAm_pH --> Just Another mod_perl Hacker mod_perl Guide --->

Re: Apache::Session::Lock::File hangs under Windows

2003-07-08 Thread Enrico Sorcinelli
On Tue, 8 Jul 2003 10:26:54 +0400
"Andrew Alakozow" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Andrew

> BTW, 'clean' method of this model hangs as well.

Also Apache::Session::Lock::File (1.54) 'clean' method has a little bug in 
checking lockfiles last access time.

See my post at:

Since I've mailed this to the author with no response, I'll include the 
patch into my next release of Apache::SessionManager (A::S wrapper).


- Enrico

Re: Apache::Session::Lock::File hangs under Windows

2003-07-07 Thread Andrew Alakozow

 PH> On Mon, 2003-07-07 at 07:29, Andrew Alakozow wrote:
>> Apache::Session::Lock::File hangs under Windows if you try to remove
>> session or add data to existing session. This happenes because you
>> cannot "flock($self->{fh}, LOCK_EX)" if you already has
>> "flock($self->{fh}, LOCK_SH)" in Windows.

PH> Under mod_perl 1, there is no need to use locking on Win32 since
PH> mod_perl runs single-threaded there.
I write code that should work on both Unix and Win. More compatible libs I
use, less branching I need in my code. Now it's mod_perl 1, but I'll have to
move it to mod_perl 2 someday.

PH> This patch might be useful for mod_perl 2 on Win32, but LOCK_UN is
PH> tricky.  Have you seen this?
Apache::Session::Lock::File doesn't put any data in lock files.

IMHO, this lib should be patched or contain alarm about Windows, but it
shouldn't just hang. It was first time I've run perl -d on purpose. %)

BTW, 'clean' method of this model hangs as well.


Re: Apache::Session::Lock::File hangs under Windows

2003-07-07 Thread Perrin Harkins
On Mon, 2003-07-07 at 07:29, Andrew Alakozow wrote:
> Apache::Session::Lock::File hangs under Windows if you try to remove
> session or add data to existing session. This happenes because you cannot
> "flock($self->{fh},
> LOCK_EX)" if you already has "flock($self->{fh}, LOCK_SH)" in Windows.

Under mod_perl 1, there is no need to use locking on Win32 since
mod_perl runs single-threaded there.  This patch might be useful for
mod_perl 2 on Win32, but LOCK_UN is tricky.  Have you seen this?

- Perrin

Apache::Session::Lock::File hangs under Windows

2003-07-07 Thread Andrew Alakozow

This may be OT, but may be not though Apache::Session is widely used under

Apache::Session::Lock::File hangs under Windows if you try to remove
session or add data to existing session. This happenes because you cannot
LOCK_EX)" if you already has "flock($self->{fh}, LOCK_SH)" in Windows.

I wrote to Jeffrey Baker a while ago but has no answer.

Possible patch is:

*** File.old Fri Sep 01 21:21:18 2000
--- Tue Apr 01 16:40:52 2003
*** 65,70 
--- 65,72 
  $self->{opened} = 1;

+ if ($^O eq 'MSWin32' && $self->{read}){flock($self->{fh}, LOCK_UN)}
  flock($self->{fh}, LOCK_EX);
  $self->{write} = 1;


Re: [error] Insecure dependency in unlink while running with-Tswitch at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0/Apache/Session/Store/File.pmline106

2003-02-28 Thread Martin Moss
Thanks mate,

Will re-examine the drawing board..

- Original Message -
From: "Perrin Harkins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Martin Moss" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, February 28, 2003 2:52 PM
Subject: Re: [error] Insecure dependency in unlink while running
with-Tswitch at

> On Fri, 2003-02-28 at 09:10, Martin Moss wrote:
> > I can't use Apache::DBI.
> > I have multiple database connections.which are authenticated for
> > users.
> You're pretty much screwed then on the database front.
> > I just wanted to
> > reduce the database lookups.
> If you just want to cache data, don't use Apache::Session for that.  Use
> IPC::MM, Cache::Mmap, Cache::FileCache, or MLDBM::Sync.
> - Perrin

Re: [error] Insecure dependency in unlink while running with-Tswitch at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0/Apache/Session/Store/File.pmline106

2003-02-28 Thread Perrin Harkins
On Fri, 2003-02-28 at 09:10, Martin Moss wrote:
> I can't use Apache::DBI.
> I have multiple database connections.which are authenticated for different
> users.

You're pretty much screwed then on the database front.

> I just wanted to
> reduce the database lookups.

If you just want to cache data, don't use Apache::Session for that.  Use
IPC::MM, Cache::Mmap, Cache::FileCache, or MLDBM::Sync.

- Perrin

Re: [error] Insecure dependency in unlink while running with -Tswitch at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0/Apache/Session/Store/ line106

2003-02-28 Thread Martin Moss

I can't use Apache::DBI.
I have multiple database connections.which are authenticated for different
users. Am wondering whether to bother with the persistance at all, I can
retrieve all the data I need out of the database anyway, I just wanted to
reduce the database lookups. Especially as I could be operating on 100's of

I was using Apache::Session to generate session IDs and allow me to timeout
users etc...


- Original Message -
From: "Perrin Harkins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Martin Moss" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, February 28, 2003 2:03 PM
Subject: Re: [error] Insecure dependency in unlink while running
with -Tswitch at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0/Apache/Session/Store/

> On Fri, 2003-02-28 at 08:47, Martin Moss wrote:
> > Is Apache::Session::DB_type Faster than Apache::Session::File?
> It depends on your disk, OS, and filesystem.  It stores all the files in
> one directory, which is quite slow on some systems and not a problem on
> others.
> > I already use a lot of DB connections and I used Apache::Session::File
> > reduce this,
> Apache::Session::MySQL (or Oracle, etc.) do not require separate
> database connections.  If you already have a connection (which you would
> if you use Apache::DBI), you just pass it to Apache::Session.
> - Perrin

Re: [error] Insecure dependency in unlink while running with -Tswitch at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0/Apache/Session/Store/ line106

2003-02-28 Thread Perrin Harkins
On Fri, 2003-02-28 at 08:47, Martin Moss wrote:
> Is Apache::Session::DB_type Faster than Apache::Session::File?

It depends on your disk, OS, and filesystem.  It stores all the files in
one directory, which is quite slow on some systems and not a problem on

> I already use a lot of DB connections and I used Apache::Session::File to
> reduce this,

Apache::Session::MySQL (or Oracle, etc.) do not require separate
database connections.  If you already have a connection (which you would
if you use Apache::DBI), you just pass it to Apache::Session.

- Perrin

Re: [error] Insecure dependency in unlink while running with -T switch at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0/Apache/Session/Store/ line 106

2003-02-28 Thread Martin Moss
Is Apache::Session::DB_type Faster than Apache::Session::File?

I already use a lot of DB connections and I used Apache::Session::File to
reduce this,

- Original Message -
From: "Cees Hek" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Martin Moss" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, February 28, 2003 5:39 AM
Subject: Re: [error] Insecure dependency in unlink while running with -T
switch at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0/Apache/Session/Store/ line

> Quoting Martin Moss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > All,
> > Can Anybody see what I'm doing wrong here?
> >
> > I have the following error :-
> > [error] Insecure dependency in unlink while running with -T switch at
> > /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0/Apache/Session/Store/ line 106.
>   The problem is not with your code, it is that Apache::Session::File
> not work in Taint mode.  Apache::Session::Store::File gets the session ID
from a
> file (which means session_is is tainted), and then uses the tainted
> to delete a file (hence the unlink error).
>   A quick fix for this is for you to untaint the session ID yourself
> the session has been unserialized. Put the following two lines right after
> tie the session:
> $session{_session_id} =~ /^([a-zA-Z0-9]+)$/;
> $session{_session_id} = $1;
>   This probably should be fixed in Apache::Session itself as I am sure
> people will run into it.
>   By the way, you really shouldn't be using Apache::Session::File
anyway for
> performance reasons. At least use Apache::Session::DB_File which most
> doesn't suffer from this taint problem and will be much quicker.
> Cees
> >
> > When I run the following subroutine:-
> >
> > sub delete_session
> > {
> >   my $self=shift;
> >   my $session_id=shift;
> >
> >   if ($session_id =~ /^(\w\w*)$/)
> >   {
> > $session_id = $1; # $data now untainted
> >   }
> >   else
> >   {
> > die "Bad Tainted data in $session_id";# log this somewhere
> >   }
> >
> >   die $self->{lh}->maketext("No Session_id given") unless ($session_id);
> >
> >   my $t=time;
> >   my %session;
> >
> >   my $Directory = My::Conf::APACHE_SESSIONS_TMPDIR;
> >   my $LockDirectory   = My::Conf::APACHE_SESSIONS_LOCKDIR;
> >
> >   $Directory="XX_GR_XX$Directory"."XX_GR_XX"; #e.g.
> > '/path/to/dir/'
> >   $LockDirectory="XX_GR_XX$LockDirectory"."XX_GR_XX";  #e.g.
> > '/path/to/dir/'
> >
> >   if ($Directory =~ /^XX_GR_XX(.*)XX_GR_XX$/)
> >   {
> > $Directory = $1; # $data now untainted
> >   }
> >   else
> >   {
> > die "Bad Tainted data in $Directory";# log this somewhere
> >   }
> >
> >   if ($LockDirectory =~ /^XX_GR_XX(.*)XX_GR_XX$/)
> >   {
> > $LockDirectory = $1; # $data now untainted
> >   }
> >   else
> >   {
> > die "Bad Tainted data in $LockDirectory";# log this
> >   }
> >
> >   #Load an existing session
> >  eval
> >   {
> > tie %session, 'Apache::Session::File',$session_id,
> > {
> >   Directory => Bficient::Conf::APACHE_SESSIONS_TMPDIR,
> >   LockDirectory   =>
> > };
> >   };
> >   if ($@)
> >   {
> >die $self->{lh}->maketext("Couldn't Load Apache::Session -
> > For '\"[_2]\"'",$@,$self->UserName);
> >   }
> >
> >   print STDERR "Just about to unlink\n";
> >   tied(%session)->delete;
> >   return 1;
> > }
> >
> >

Re: [error] Insecure dependency in unlink while running with -T switchat /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0/Apache/Session/Store/ line 106

2003-02-27 Thread Stas Bekman

Quoting Martin Moss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
just a minor comment regarding untainting techniques.

If do /(.*)/ to launder tainted vars as you did in:

 if ($Directory =~ /^XX_GR_XX(.*)XX_GR_XX$/)
you can as well turn the taint mode off. For more info see:
Stas BekmanJAm_pH --> Just Another mod_perl Hacker mod_perl Guide --->

Re: [error] Insecure dependency in unlink while running with -T switch at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0/Apache/Session/Store/ line 106

2003-02-27 Thread Cees Hek
Quoting Martin Moss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> All,
> Can Anybody see what I'm doing wrong here?
> I have the following error :-
> [error] Insecure dependency in unlink while running with -T switch at
> /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0/Apache/Session/Store/ line 106.

  The problem is not with your code, it is that Apache::Session::File does
not work in Taint mode.  Apache::Session::Store::File gets the session ID from a
file (which means session_is is tainted), and then uses the tainted session_id
to delete a file (hence the unlink error).  

  A quick fix for this is for you to untaint the session ID yourself after
the session has been unserialized. Put the following two lines right after you
tie the session:

$session{_session_id} =~ /^([a-zA-Z0-9]+)$/;
$session{_session_id} = $1;

  This probably should be fixed in Apache::Session itself as I am sure other
people will run into it.

  By the way, you really shouldn't be using Apache::Session::File anyway for
performance reasons. At least use Apache::Session::DB_File which most likely
doesn't suffer from this taint problem and will be much quicker.


> When I run the following subroutine:-
> sub delete_session
> {
>   my $self=shift;
>   my $session_id=shift;
>   if ($session_id =~ /^(\w\w*)$/)
>   {
> $session_id = $1; # $data now untainted
>   }
>   else
>   {
> die "Bad Tainted data in $session_id";# log this somewhere
>   }
>   die $self->{lh}->maketext("No Session_id given") unless ($session_id);
>   my $t=time;
>   my %session;
>   my $Directory = My::Conf::APACHE_SESSIONS_TMPDIR;
>   my $LockDirectory   = My::Conf::APACHE_SESSIONS_LOCKDIR;
>   $Directory="XX_GR_XX$Directory"."XX_GR_XX"; #e.g.
> '/path/to/dir/'
>   $LockDirectory="XX_GR_XX$LockDirectory"."XX_GR_XX";  #e.g.
> '/path/to/dir/'
>   if ($Directory =~ /^XX_GR_XX(.*)XX_GR_XX$/)
>   {
> $Directory = $1; # $data now untainted
>   }
>   else
>   {
> die "Bad Tainted data in $Directory";# log this somewhere
>   }
>   if ($LockDirectory =~ /^XX_GR_XX(.*)XX_GRRRRR_XX$/)
>   {
> $LockDirectory = $1; # $data now untainted
>   }
>   else
>   {
> die "Bad Tainted data in $LockDirectory";# log this somewhere
>   }
>   #Load an existing session
>  eval
>   {
> tie %session, 'Apache::Session::File',$session_id,
> {
>   Directory => Bficient::Conf::APACHE_SESSIONS_TMPDIR,
>   LockDirectory   => Bficient::Conf::APACHE_SESSIONS_LOCKDIR,
> };
>   };
>   if ($@)
>   {
>die $self->{lh}->maketext("Couldn't Load Apache::Session - \"[_1]\"
> For '\"[_2]\"'",$@,$self->UserName);
>   }
>   print STDERR "Just about to unlink\n";
>   tied(%session)->delete;
>   return 1;
> }

[error] Insecure dependency in unlink while running with -T switch at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0/Apache/Session/Store/ line 106

2003-02-27 Thread Martin Moss
Can Anybody see what I'm doing wrong here?

I have the following error :-
[error] Insecure dependency in unlink while running with -T switch at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0/Apache/Session/Store/ line 106.

When I run the following subroutine:-

sub delete_session
  my $self=shift;
  my $session_id=shift;

  if ($session_id =~ /^(\w\w*)$/)
$session_id = $1; # $data now untainted
die "Bad Tainted data in $session_id";# log this somewhere

  die $self->{lh}->maketext("No Session_id given") unless ($session_id);

  my $t=time;
  my %session;

  my $Directory = My::Conf::APACHE_SESSIONS_TMPDIR;
  my $LockDirectory   = My::Conf::APACHE_SESSIONS_LOCKDIR;

  $Directory="XX_GR_XX$Directory"."XX_GR_XX"; #e.g.
  $LockDirectory="XX_GR_XX$LockDirectory"."XX_GR_XX";  #e.g.

  if ($Directory =~ /^XX_GR_XX(.*)XX_GR_XX$/)
$Directory = $1; # $data now untainted
die "Bad Tainted data in $Directory";# log this somewhere

  if ($LockDirectory =~ /^XX_GR_XX(.*)XX_GR_XX$/)
$LockDirectory = $1; # $data now untainted
die "Bad Tainted data in $LockDirectory";# log this somewhere

  #Load an existing session
tie %session, 'Apache::Session::File',$session_id,
  Directory => Bficient::Conf::APACHE_SESSIONS_TMPDIR,
  LockDirectory   => Bficient::Conf::APACHE_SESSIONS_LOCKDIR,
  if ($@)
   die $self->{lh}->maketext("Couldn't Load Apache::Session - \"[_1]\"
For '\"[_2]\"'",$@,$self->UserName);

  print STDERR "Just about to unlink\n";
  return 1;

Re: Table/row locking with Apache::Session::Mysql /Apache::Session::Flex

2003-02-26 Thread Perrin Harkins
md wrote:
--- md <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Is it possible to have row-level locking (as opposed
to table-level or null locker) with MySQL 4.x and
You effectively have that already, since the MySQL locker only locks an 
individual session.  Check the code.

Looks like I get that with InnoDB automatically...
You can use actual transactions there.  Try starting with the 
Apache::Session::Store::Postgres module and hacking it a bit.  There is 
no module available that was designed for use with Innodb MySQL tables.

- Perrin

Re: Table/row locking with Apache::Session::Mysql /Apache::Session::Flex

2003-02-26 Thread md

--- md <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is it possible to have row-level locking (as opposed
> to table-level or null locker) with MySQL 4.x and
> Apache::Session?

Looks like I get that with InnoDB automatically...

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Yahoo! Tax Center - forms, calculators, tips, more

Re: Table/row locking with Apache::Session::Mysql /Apache::Session::Flex

2003-02-26 Thread md

--- Perrin Harkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If you look at the actual contents of
> Apache::Session::MySQL, you'll see 
> that it's essentially just a config file.  There's
> no need to be 
> concerned about using Flex, but you could easilly
> code up your own 
> Apache::Session::MySQLNoLocks by changing a line in
> the current module.

Is it possible to have row-level locking (as opposed
to table-level or null locker) with MySQL 4.x and


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Yahoo! Tax Center - forms, calculators, tips, more

Re: Table/row locking with Apache::Session::Mysql /Apache::Session::Flex

2003-02-25 Thread md

--- Perrin Harkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> It would be.  Frankly, there is no value to the kind
> of mutual exclusion 
> that the Apache::Session locking provides in a
> typical web application. 
>   If you use the null locker you will still get
> atomic updates, but you 
> will have the possibility of someone opening up two
> browser windows, 
> hitting submit in both, and having the last save
> overwrite the values 
> from the first one, possibly losing some changes. 
> In most web apps, 
> that is not a big problem.

We talked about this, but in our case, I don't believe
this will be an issue.

> Note that this could become a problem if you use
> sessions incorrectly by 
> putting tons of data in them.  Most of your data
> should have its own 
> normalized tables and persistence code.  Sessions
> are for storing tiny 
> little bits of data like the user's ID or some form
> data that from a 
> multi-page form that hasn't been committed yet.

We put almost nothing in the session other than the
user id. There are three apps sharing the same session
table, and I believe one app may put two or three
other things other than the user id (like current page
id and affiliate id...both which I should be able to
remove someday:)...but never-the-less, very little
data in the session. I've gotten most of my sessioning
information from this list (and you), so I believe we
are session correctly :)
> If you look at the actual contents of
> Apache::Session::MySQL, you'll see 
> that it's essentially just a config file.  There's
> no need to be 
> concerned about using Flex, but you could easilly
> code up your own 
> Apache::Session::MySQLNoLocks by changing a line in
> the current module.

That's what I figured and that's what I'm going to do.

Thanks again,

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Tax Center - forms, calculators, tips, more

Re: Table/row locking with Apache::Session::Mysql /Apache::Session::Flex

2003-02-25 Thread Perrin Harkins
md wrote:
Also, we'll soon be adding a substantial number of
users to our system and I wonder if it would be wise
to move away from the table locking that is currently
being used with Apache::Session::MySQL.
It would be.  Frankly, there is no value to the kind of mutual exclusion 
that the Apache::Session locking provides in a typical web application. 
 If you use the null locker you will still get atomic updates, but you 
will have the possibility of someone opening up two browser windows, 
hitting submit in both, and having the last save overwrite the values 
from the first one, possibly losing some changes.  In most web apps, 
that is not a big problem.

Note that this could become a problem if you use sessions incorrectly by 
putting tons of data in them.  Most of your data should have its own 
normalized tables and persistence code.  Sessions are for storing tiny 
little bits of data like the user's ID or some form data that from a 
multi-page form that hasn't been committed yet.

I'm looking at Apache::Session::Flex and setting
"Lock=>'Null'"...however, I get the impression from an
old email (see below) that Flex is for debugging only.
If you look at the actual contents of Apache::Session::MySQL, you'll see 
that it's essentially just a config file.  There's no need to be 
concerned about using Flex, but you could easilly code up your own 
Apache::Session::MySQLNoLocks by changing a line in the current module.

First, any benchmarks on what kind of load I can
realistically use with Apache::Session::MySQL?
It all depends on how much data you put in (lots of data in the session 
will slow things down) and how fast your database is.  At eToys we used 
a slightly hacked version of Apache::Session::DBI with Oracle and it 
handled more traffic than most sites will ever see.

- Perrin

Re: Table/row locking with Apache::Session::Mysql /Apache::Session::Flex

2003-02-25 Thread Cory 'G' Watson
On Tuesday, February 25, 2003, at 11:55  AM, md wrote:

We're using Apache::Session::MySQL (Apache::Session
1.54) and occassionaly see long lock times.
I had a similar problem a few months ago with 
Apache::Session::Postgres.  I occasionally had Apache processes hang, 
and a quick ps aux shows a stalled query on the sessions table.  I 
ended up dropping it for Apache::Session::File.
I'm looking at Apache::Session::Flex and setting
"Lock=>'Null'"...however, I get the impression from an
old email (see below) that Flex is for debugging only.
I've not seen the problems since I switched to Apache::Session::File, 
but I would much prefer using the Postgres module, as it complicates my 
user's installation.

Could the MySQL and Pg implementations have the same problem?

Cory 'G' Watson

Table/row locking with Apache::Session::Mysql /Apache::Session::Flex

2003-02-25 Thread md
We're using Apache::Session::MySQL (Apache::Session
1.54) and occassionaly see long lock times. 

Also, we'll soon be adding a substantial number of
users to our system and I wonder if it would be wise
to move away from the table locking that is currently
being used with Apache::Session::MySQL.

I'm looking at Apache::Session::Flex and setting
"Lock=>'Null'"...however, I get the impression from an
old email (see below) that Flex is for debugging only.

First, any benchmarks on what kind of load I can
realistically use with Apache::Session::MySQL? Is
moving to Apache::Session::Flex a good choice (and
then we could also change the session table to
INNODB), or should I create my own
Apache::Session::MySQL-type module by changing Lock =>

I didn't see much discussion on this in the archives,
so if it is there, please point me to the thread...

> On Thu, 11 Oct 2001, Jeffrey W. Baker wrote:
>Regarding Flex, nobody uses it.  It is for debugging.
 >If you have a
>particular variant of Flex that you use all the time
>(very likely), you
>can code up a 6-line module to make a real
>implementation like all the
>other session modules.
>Flex is for debugging, period.

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Tax Center - forms, calculators, tips, more

RE: Apache::Session and Postgres

2003-02-25 Thread Grant McLean
Perrin Harkins wrote:
> On Mon, 2003-02-24 at 07:09, Grant McLean wrote:
> > I get this error:
> > 
> >   Can't locate object method "get_lock_manager" via package
> >   "Apache::Session::Postgres"
> > 
> > And indeed, that method does not seem to be defined in any 
> > of the modules which Apache::Session::Postgres inherits from.
> I don't see anything that calls that method anywhere in the
> Apache::Session distribution.  Either you have some code doing 
> it, or you have an old version.  You should be running the 1.54
> distribution.

Thanks for the advice.  I had installed 1.54 but must have had an 
old version lying around.  Deleting lib/Apache/Session* and
rerunning the make install fixed the problem.

Thanks again

Re: Apache::Session and Postgres

2003-02-24 Thread Perrin Harkins
On Mon, 2003-02-24 at 07:09, Grant McLean wrote:
> I get this error:
>   Can't locate object method "get_lock_manager" via package
>   "Apache::Session::Postgres"
> And indeed, that method does not seem to be defined in any of the modules
> which Apache::Session::Postgres inherits from.

I don't see anything that calls that method anywhere in the
Apache::Session distribution.  Either you have some code doing it, or
you have an old version.  You should be running the 1.54 distribution.

- Perrin

Apache::Session and Postgres

2003-02-24 Thread Grant McLean
I'm trying to use Apache::Session::Postgres and not having much luck.
When I try to create a new session like this:

  use Apache::Session::Postgres;

  tie %sess, 'Apache::Session::Postgres', undef, {
Handle => $self->dbh, Commit => 1

I get this error:

  Can't locate object method "get_lock_manager" via package

And indeed, that method does not seem to be defined in any of the modules
which Apache::Session::Postgres inherits from.  I tried defining the method
like this:

  sub get_lock_manager {
  my $self = shift;
  return $self->{lock_manager};

and the error message changed to:

  Can't call method "acquire_read_lock" on an undefined value

So then I tried:

  sub get_lock_manager {
  my $self = shift;
  return(new Apache::Session::Lock::Null $self)

but got:

  Can't locate object method "get_object_store"

I'm wondering if Apache::Session::Postgres is not actively maintained
and has fallen out of sync with the core Apache::Session API.

The reason I selected Apache::Session::Postgres was twofold, I happened
to be using Postgres and whereas Apache::Session::DBI requires a
DataSource + UserName + Password, Apache::Session::Postgres will
accept an open database handle (according to the docs).  Would I be
better off trying to hack that facility into Apache::Session::DBI?
or is there likely to be some good reason why it doesn't support it


RE: mod_perl 2 apache::session and "or die"

2003-02-21 Thread Chris Faust
Thanks Perrin,

Yes I am using Apache::Registry and you were right, it was just a scoping
problem - I can't believe I didn't see it before.

Everything is finally working as it should!!!


>> -Original Message-
>> From: Perrin Harkins [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Sent: Friday, February 21, 2003 12:02 PM
>> To: Chris Faust
>> Cc: Modperl
>> Subject: Re: mod_perl 2 apache::session and "or die"
>> Chris Faust wrote:
>> > I think it is in the locking as if I let things hang long
>> enough and then
>> > shut down Apache, I get a error of:
>> >
>> > Can't call method "disconnect" on an undefined value at
>> > /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/Apache/Session/Lock/
>> line 89 during
>> > global destruction.
>> That's a good sign.  It is trying to cleanly disconnect from the
>> database when you shut down the server.
>> I think my initial guess was wrong.  This is probably just a scoping
>> problem in your code.  I suspect you are either putting the session
>> object in a global or using it in a closure.  Try to reduce the section
>> of code that uses Apache::Session to a very small example that
>> reproduces this problem and post it here.  Also, are you using
>> Apache::Registry?
>> - Perrin

Re: mod_perl 2 apache::session and "or die"

2003-02-21 Thread Perrin Harkins
Chris Faust wrote:

I think it is in the locking as if I let things hang long enough and then
shut down Apache, I get a error of:

Can't call method "disconnect" on an undefined value at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/Apache/Session/Lock/ line 89 during
global destruction.

That's a good sign.  It is trying to cleanly disconnect from the 
database when you shut down the server.

I think my initial guess was wrong.  This is probably just a scoping 
problem in your code.  I suspect you are either putting the session 
object in a global or using it in a closure.  Try to reduce the section 
of code that uses Apache::Session to a very small example that 
reproduces this problem and post it here.  Also, are you using 

- Perrin

RE: mod_perl 2 apache::session and "or die"

2003-02-21 Thread Chris Faust
Thanks Perrin,

I've been trying to use Apache::DB to track down the problem, but I'm not
having a lot of luck.

I think it is in the locking as if I let things hang long enough and then
shut down Apache, I get a error of:

Can't call method "disconnect" on an undefined value at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/Apache/Session/Lock/ line 89 during
global destruction.

Which is Apache::Session::Lock:MySQL

I'm still no closer as to figuring out why though.


>> -Original Message-
>> From: Perrin Harkins [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>> Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 2003 11:55 AM
>> To: Chris Faust
>> Cc: Modperl
>> Subject: Re: mod_perl 2 apache::session and "or die"
>> Chris Faust wrote:
>> > All works well except when there is any kind of problem in the
>> script where
>> > the condition will die..
>> [...]
>> > When this happens everything to do with that script is
>> unresponsive - I know
>> > that is a little vague but that is the best way I can describe it. What
>> > happens is the error comes up (standard server error) and that
>> is the last
>> > thing that is logged, if you try to go back and refresh the
>> hourglass will
>> > go for hours and nothing happens and nothing is ever logged
>> It sounds like a locking problem to me.  I'm guessing that mod_perl 2 is
>> not calling the right hooks when it traps a die() to trigger the DESTROY
>> method in Apache::Session which releases all locks.  You can find out
>> exactly what's going on if you run it in the debugger (Apache::DB) or
>> throw some debug logging into Apache::Session to find out where it gets
>> stuck.  This is the beauty of having the source code.
>> - Perrin

Re: mod_perl 2 apache::session and "or die"

2003-02-19 Thread Stas Bekman
Perrin Harkins wrote:

Chris Faust wrote:

All works well except when there is any kind of problem in the script 
the condition will die..


When this happens everything to do with that script is unresponsive - 
I know
that is a little vague but that is the best way I can describe it. What
happens is the error comes up (standard server error) and that is the 
thing that is logged, if you try to go back and refresh the hourglass 
go for hours and nothing happens and nothing is ever logged

It sounds like a locking problem to me.  I'm guessing that mod_perl 2 is 
not calling the right hooks when it traps a die() to trigger the DESTROY 
method in Apache::Session which releases all locks.  You can find out 
exactly what's going on if you run it in the debugger (Apache::DB) or 
throw some debug logging into Apache::Session to find out where it gets 
stuck.  This is the beauty of having the source code.

I've noticed that there are several issues with END blocks with the current 
cvs, when the used perl is threaded. Could be that DESTROY misbehaves too. 
I've planned to investigate these issues, but didn't have a chance to yet. 
Hopefully someone will beat me to it.

Stas BekmanJAm_pH --> Just Another mod_perl Hacker mod_perl Guide --->

Re: mod_perl 2 apache::session and "or die"

2003-02-19 Thread Perrin Harkins
Chris Faust wrote:

All works well except when there is any kind of problem in the script where
the condition will die..


When this happens everything to do with that script is unresponsive - I know
that is a little vague but that is the best way I can describe it. What
happens is the error comes up (standard server error) and that is the last
thing that is logged, if you try to go back and refresh the hourglass will
go for hours and nothing happens and nothing is ever logged

It sounds like a locking problem to me.  I'm guessing that mod_perl 2 is 
not calling the right hooks when it traps a die() to trigger the DESTROY 
method in Apache::Session which releases all locks.  You can find out 
exactly what's going on if you run it in the debugger (Apache::DB) or 
throw some debug logging into Apache::Session to find out where it gets 
stuck.  This is the beauty of having the source code.

- Perrin

mod_perl 2 apache::session and "or die"

2003-02-19 Thread Chris Faust
I'm having a problem since installing Apache::Session

All works well except when there is any kind of problem in the script where
the condition will die..

For example:
$db->execute() or die...
open yadda or die..
$db->prepare() or die...

When this happens everything to do with that script is unresponsive - I know
that is a little vague but that is the best way I can describe it. What
happens is the error comes up (standard server error) and that is the last
thing that is logged, if you try to go back and refresh the hourglass will
go for hours and nothing happens and nothing is ever logged - if you close
all windows and try again then the same thing just happens, it goes forever
and nothing happens or is logged.

It doesn't seem to matter where the die is, if I'm using another module (for
example) HTML::Template and it dies on bad params because I didn't define
something some temple var then that is it.. I can't get to that script again
until I reload Apache.

This only happens when I'm using Apache::Session::MySQL and I'm not doing
anything strange with it, I grab the cookie if its there and authenticate
them. There is nothing I'm doing in the session that relates to the errors
so I don't understand why everything just dies as it does.

This happens on my RH7.3/1.3 install and on my RH8/2.0 install.

One other thing I should mention, when this happens it only kills the script
in that specific location that is defined in the httpd.conf, in otherword
something running in /cgi-bin1/ has died and crashed, I can't get to it or
do anything with it - during this time everything running in /cgi-bin2/ is
running along just fine without a issue (although what is in /cgi-bin2/
isn't using Apache::Session but it is using the same mySql DB).

Any ideas?


Re: Apache::Session::File hangs

2003-01-19 Thread Perrin Harkins
Axel Huizinga wrote:

The following code hangs after reloading and the try to tie again the 
previously created session! WHY?

use vars qw(
   $id $sID
   %session $sessionDir

The session variable has to go out of scope for the lock to be released. 
 I know it seems like the untie should do it, but try making %session a 
lexical instead of a global.

- Perrin

Apache::Session::File hangs

2003-01-19 Thread Axel Huizinga

The following code hangs after reloading and the try to tie again the 
previously created session! WHY?

package Loop;

use strict;

use Apache;
use Apache::Session::File;
use CGI qw(:cgi);

use Devel::Symdump;
use Data::Dumper;

use vars qw(
   $id $sID
   %session $sessionDir
sub handler{
   if(defined ($id = param("sID")) && -f 
   print STDERR "found $id :-}\n";
   $sID =1;
   tie %session, 'Apache::Session::File', $id,{
   Directory => '/usr/local/httpd/htdocs/action/sessions',
   LockDirectory => '/usr/local/httpd/htdocs/action/lock'
   tie %session, 'Apache::Session::File', undef,{
   Directory => '/usr/local/httpd/htdocs/action/sessions',
   LockDirectory => '/usr/local/httpd/htdocs/action/lock'
   $id = $session{_session_id};

   if($@){print STDERR "oops $@\n";}
   untie %session;
   print STDERR "$id redirecting2: 
   print redirect "http://$ENV{'HTTP_HOST'}$ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'}?sID=$id";

on STDERR I get:

c838622a5e5ec2b39a26c67b6731188f redirecting2: 
found c838622a5e5ec2b39a26c67b6731188f :-}

my .htaccess :

   SetHandler perl-script
   PerlHandler Loop


Re: Apache::Session

2003-01-16 Thread Randy Kobes
On Thu, 16 Jan 2003, Carl Holm wrote:

> Hello,
> I am looking for a PPM version of Apache::Session for Perl  (v5.8.0 
> built for MSWin32-x86-multi-thread)
> and Apache/2.0.43. Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Carl Holm

I just put one up under
However, some of the tests fail and/or hang under 
ActivePerl 8xx ...

best regards,
randy kobes

RE: Apache::Session

2003-01-16 Thread Wilson, Allen
Have you check the active perl site ( ? It may be available 

-Original Message- 
From: Carl Holm [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Thu 1/16/2003 9:12 PM 
Subject: Apache::Session 


I am looking for a PPM version of Apache::Session for Perl  (v5.8.0
built for MSWin32-x86-multi-thread)
and Apache/2.0.43. Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.


Carl Holm

This message may contain proprietary or confidential company information.
Any unauthorized use or disclosure is prohibited.


2003-01-16 Thread Carl Holm

I am looking for a PPM version of Apache::Session for Perl  (v5.8.0 
built for MSWin32-x86-multi-thread)
and Apache/2.0.43. Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.


Carl Holm

Re: Anyone ever have Apache::Session::File files getting corrupted?

2003-01-09 Thread Larry Leszczynski

> I think most people don't use Apache::Session::File in production.  It's 
> more of a testing thing.  In your situation, you would probably get 
> great performance from MLDBM::Sync with SDBM_File.  I'd suggest trying 
> that if you can't determine the cause of the Apache::Session::File issues.

Not to say that the other options won't work, but we're using
Apache::Session::File in production with no issues, handling in excess of
30 hits per second.  It works fine, and it's easy to keep old session
files cleaned up with a simple cron job that finds and deletes session
files older than some limit.

During development we also noticed race conditions with near-simultaneous
pageloads into framesets.  Try the 'Transaction' option when you tie to
the session - here is how that part of our mod_perl handler looks:

   # NOTE:
   #   At this point, $session_id is either set to some
   #   value from a cookie (for an existing session)
   #   or it is "undef"

   my %session = ();
   my $opts = {
 Directory => "$SESSIONFILEROOT/$site",
 LockDirectory => "$SESSIONLOCKROOT/$site",
     Transaction   => 1,
   eval {
  tie %session, 'Apache::Session::File', $session_id, $opts;
   if ( $@ ) {
  # Session tie failed for some reason.  If it was because
  # an existing session is invalid, create a new session:
  if ( $@ =~ /^Object does not exist in the data store/ ) {
 $session_id = undef;
 eval {
tie %session, 'Apache::Session::File', $session_id, $opts;
  if ( $@ ) {
 # Totally failed to create the session - bail out:
 $r->log_error( "Tie failed: $@");

Larry Leszczynski

Re: Anyone ever have Apache::Session::File files getting corrupted?

2003-01-09 Thread Perrin Harkins

Anyway, my question for now is whether anyone has seen corruption like this
with Apache::Session::File in your typical multi-user mod_perl web app

I think most people don't use Apache::Session::File in production.  It's 
more of a testing thing.  In your situation, you would probably get 
great performance from MLDBM::Sync with SDBM_File.  I'd suggest trying 
that if you can't determine the cause of the Apache::Session::File issues.

- Perrin

Anyone ever have Apache::Session::File files getting corrupted?

2003-01-09 Thread FFabrizio

This is going to be a somewhat preliminary "feeler" post because we are not
yet able to fully describe or recreate the bug we're seeing, but I'm hoping
some of you have seen something similar.

We use Apache::Session::File as the storage module for our Apache::Session
sessions.  I have written an object (RMS::Session where RMS is our app) that
basically is just a wrapper class for the Apache::Sessions.  When I
instantiate a new RMS::Session, it goes and ties to the actual
Apache::Session, gets a hold of the session hash, populates it's member
variables with values from the session hash, and unties/undefs the session
hash.  Thus we end up with a perl object representing our session with a
friendly OO interface for our developers that they are used to, and the real
session is freed for use by other requests.

Everytime I instantiate a new RMS::Session, I timestamp the Apache::Session
and I increment a 'retrievals' variable.  Pretty much every request into our
app needs to look at the session for something, so the end result is that
sessions are being tied and written a lot.  In some cases, a user will click
into an area of our application that has say three frames, and the content
of all three frames will go and look at the session, so three requests for
the same session could come in at the same time, so it's probably exercising
the locking mechanism fairly well.

Here's the basic problem we're seeing...our sessions have a very well
defined set of variables in them so the size of the session file is very
predictable - in our case, they all are between 320-360 bytes at all times.
What seems to be happening is that sometimes (more on this later) the files
get written out in a corrupted state, and I've noticed it's a well-defined
"corruption" to where the session file will shrink to a size of either 150
bytes or 63 bytes. Once this happens, the session is corrupted, in that I
can no longer successfully retrieve any information from it.  The session is
still there, but the contents have been completely garbled.

Unfortunately, it's neither predictable nor easy to reproduce.  First, it
only happens occasionally.  we haven't yet found one set of actions that we
can take and cause it to happen every time.  One test we use to demonstrate
it is to simply log in and out several times.  Sometimes, 7 or 8 logins will
go by without incident, and then the 9th will cause a corrupted session.
Other times, 10 logins in a row will lead to a corrupted session.  Secondly,
it happens far more frequently on our production server than our development
server (same exact code and versions of perl and all modules).  I've begun
to suspect that perhaps it only happens after a certain period of latency.
Since our production server has a lot more data in it's database, operations
tend to take much longer than they would during development. Perhaps this
means that there's more opportunity in production for a request to ask for a
session that's still held/locked by another child request.  Like I said,
it's still very preliminary.

Anyway, my question for now is whether anyone has seen corruption like this
with Apache::Session::File in your typical multi-user mod_perl web app
environment?  We're just trying to narrow down the possibilities since it's
been two days of four engineers trying to come up with any sort of recipe
for reliable reproduction or pattern to the bug with no luck so far.


Re: Apache::Session::MySQL

2002-12-28 Thread Richard
Great, thank you guys!
I am trying to first fix my Apache::Session problem before I open
a whole new bag of candy :o)

Thank you very much for your input, I am grateful!


- Original Message - 
From: "Perrin Harkins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, December 28, 2002 2:32 PM
Subject: Re: Apache::Session::MySQL

> > So by user nobody, you mean in the httpd.conf file in the  > tags the user and group?
> >
> > I have it set to user username and group username for each account,
> > since all of our boxes use SuExec.
> Okay, that may be an issue because SuExec does not work with mod_perl. 
> Each apache daemon can only run mod_perl processes as a single user, but
> that user can be any user you choose.  You would never set them to run as
> root, because that would be a security problem.
> > So mod_perl is safe Ok. one other question. If I do upgrade to
> > Mod_Perl, can I still run regular Perl scripts
> Yes, and you should still be able to run them with SuExec.  As George
> said, there is quite a bit documentation on the site that
> may help you.
> - Perrin

Re: Apache::Session::MySQL

2002-12-28 Thread Perrin Harkins
> So by user nobody, you mean in the httpd.conf file in the  tags the user and group?
> I have it set to user username and group username for each account,
> since all of our boxes use SuExec.

Okay, that may be an issue because SuExec does not work with mod_perl. 
Each apache daemon can only run mod_perl processes as a single user, but
that user can be any user you choose.  You would never set them to run as
root, because that would be a security problem.
> So mod_perl is safe Ok. one other question. If I do upgrade to
> Mod_Perl, can I still run regular Perl scripts

Yes, and you should still be able to run them with SuExec.  As George
said, there is quite a bit documentation on the site that
may help you.
- Perrin

Re: Apache::Session::MySQL

2002-12-28 Thread George Valpak
At 01:25 PM 12/28/2002 -0600, Richard wrote:
>So mod_perl is safe Ok. one other question. If I do upgrade to Mod_Perl,
>can I still run regular Perl scripts, without using Mod_Perl, or do I have
>to use one or the other, only.


Yes,you can still run regular cgi, as with MP you have to explicitly tell (via 
directives in httpd.conf) which files to process using MP handlers.

My guess is if you are going to convert cgi scripts to run under MP, you are going to 
be iinterested in Apache::Registry.

There is probably a ton of good info on and elsewhere about how to do this 


Re: Apache::Session::MySQL

2002-12-28 Thread Richard
So by user nobody, you mean in the httpd.conf file in the  I just replied to the PerlMonks reply you did. Thank you.

- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, December 28, 2002 12:08 PM
Subject: Re: Apache::Session::MySQL

> > Ah. ok. I don't use Mod_Perl, I hear it is a big security risk, since
> > it runs as root. Is this true?
> It's not true.  The parent process runs as root in order to open port 80,
> but that's the same for CGI as well.  The child processes that actually
> handle requests runs as whatever user you specify in httpd.conf (typically
> "nobody").
> > I love how much faster it is, it's not
> > that much faster, but enough to make me upgrade all my boxes if it is
> > not a security risk.
> If you have clean code (use strict and -w) that will run under mod_perl,
> you should definitely take advantage of the speed increase.  Depending on
> what you're doing, it can make a really huge difference in performance.
> I do recommend that you fix your current Apache::Session problem first,
> before thinking about converting to mod_perl.
> - Perrin

Re: Apache::Session::MySQL

2002-12-28 Thread perrin
> Ah. ok. I don't use Mod_Perl, I hear it is a big security risk, since
> it runs as root. Is this true?

It's not true.  The parent process runs as root in order to open port 80,
but that's the same for CGI as well.  The child processes that actually
handle requests runs as whatever user you specify in httpd.conf (typically
> I love how much faster it is, it's not
> that much faster, but enough to make me upgrade all my boxes if it is
> not a security risk.

If you have clean code (use strict and -w) that will run under mod_perl,
you should definitely take advantage of the speed increase.  Depending on
what you're doing, it can make a really huge difference in performance.
I do recommend that you fix your current Apache::Session problem first,
before thinking about converting to mod_perl.
- Perrin

Re: Apache::Session::MySQL

2002-12-28 Thread Richard
Ah. ok. I don't use Mod_Perl, I hear it is a big security risk, since it
runs as root. Is this true? I love how much faster it is, it's not that much
faster, but enough to make me upgrade all my boxes if it is not a security

What do you think?

(I'll go see your reply in a min. Thank you!)

- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, December 28, 2002 11:49 AM
Subject: Re: Apache::Session::MySQL

> > Is this the correct list for help with Apache::Session::MySQL?
> This is a good list for it if you are using mod_perl.  If you're using
> CGI, try one of the CGI resources instead, or stick with  I
> just replied to your post there a few minutes ago.
> - Perrin

Re: Apache::Session::MySQL

2002-12-28 Thread perrin
> Is this the correct list for help with Apache::Session::MySQL?

This is a good list for it if you are using mod_perl.  If you're using
CGI, try one of the CGI resources instead, or stick with  I
just replied to your post there a few minutes ago.
- Perrin


2002-12-28 Thread Richard

Is this the correct list for help with 

Re: Apache::Session and user sessions

2002-12-09 Thread Perrin Harkins
Rafiq Ismail (ADMIN) wrote:

I'm not sure how often a user will attempt to complete one form through
multiple browsers.  To be honest I'm not sure that he/she should.

There are all kind of forms.  An obvious example would be a search. 
Users often open up multiple windows when browsing a site and do 
searches in them.  If you store search-related data in the session, the 
multiple windows will interfere with each other.  These should be stored 
in the HTML instead.

- Perrin

Re: Apache::Session and user sessions

2002-12-09 Thread Rafiq Ismail (ADMIN)

On Mon, 9 Dec 2002, Perrin Harkins wrote:

> md wrote:
> > My question is with regards to whether I need or
> > should put the submitted data into the session as the
> > user navigates the forms (to create an account). The
> > user will be taken through three forms to create an
> > account. So for instance, form one will ask the user
> > to create a username, password, and provide an email
> > address. Before moving on to form two (billing info),
> > should I put this data in the session, or just go
> > ahead and dump it in the database (after making any
> > nec. checks), since I won't need the info until they
> > actually login? Or should I collect all the info from
> > all three screens by putting it in the session as the
> > user traverses the forms and then put it all in the
> > database at once? I'm currently using the first
> > option. BTW, it is possible for a user to create a
> > free account by hitting form one only, so no harm
> > would come if something happened after form one.
> This is really a question of requirements.  In systems where all

I have a golden rule for this:

if (( management are annoying and like to know about incomplete
  you want one point of varifying input so that designers can
  shove in as many intermediary pages as possible)
You don't have a ridiculous amount of fields to process )
place in session
  shove in hiddens.

I wouldn't start populating your real tables until the registration is
complete since you may end up with lots of incomplete junk in there and
your form design will be governed by any database constraints placed on
your table (foreign keys, and stuff).

Then again, I sometimes have to bend my golden rules.  Fortunately Perl
and Gold both bend easily.

> usually don't store form input in the session because it leads to
> strange results if the user has multiple browser windows open on the
> site, but that may not be an issue for your application.

I'm not sure how often a user will attempt to complete one form through
multiple browsers.  To be honest I'm not sure that he/she should.  I think
of a form as one process which may remain persistant due to hiddens or a
session.  Once the form has been completed or a user has logged in, the
session data used for the rest of the site should probably be unrelated
and populated separately.

That's just my 0.02 EU on a cold Monday evening.


Re: Apache::Session and user sessions

2002-12-09 Thread Perrin Harkins
md wrote:

My question is with regards to whether I need or
should put the submitted data into the session as the
user navigates the forms (to create an account). The
user will be taken through three forms to create an
account. So for instance, form one will ask the user
to create a username, password, and provide an email
address. Before moving on to form two (billing info),
should I put this data in the session, or just go
ahead and dump it in the database (after making any
nec. checks), since I won't need the info until they
actually login? Or should I collect all the info from
all three screens by putting it in the session as the
user traverses the forms and then put it all in the
database at once? I'm currently using the first
option. BTW, it is possible for a user to create a
free account by hitting form one only, so no harm
would come if something happened after form one.

This is really a question of requirements.  In systems where all 
information needs to be collected before a valid account can be created, 
you have to wait until the end to put it in the permanent tables.  I 
usually don't store form input in the session because it leads to 
strange results if the user has multiple browser windows open on the 
site, but that may not be an issue for your application.

Another question, while not mod_perl related (sorry:),
is how to taint check input data like usernames,
address fields and email addresses. All info is just
put in the database, no unsafe system calls are run.
I'm curious as to what characters to limit for
usernames in particular.

If you're using bind variables with DBI, there is no technical reason to 
restrict the characters at all.  Just make sure you HTML-escape them 
whenever you display them on a page.

- Perrin

Re: Apache::Session and user sessions

2002-12-07 Thread md

--- Perrin Harkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Todd W wrote:
 > > I have a table with some basic user information
> (first name, last name, 
> > address,
> > phone number, etc...).
> That's permanent data, not session data.  Session
> data is transient.

I was reading through the archives and came across
this. Everyone was so helpful the last time I had a
Apache::Session question (thread "what goes in a
session?") so I'm back with another question. 

The last project I worked on really had no transient
data, so the only thing I put in the session was the
user id (well, there was one transisent item...current
page, so that got put in the session as well). 

The project I'm currently working on (mod_perl, TT,
Apache::Session) is a registration system. Since this
is closer to a shopping cart, I would consider the
data transisent. 

My question is with regards to whether I need or
should put the submitted data into the session as the
user navigates the forms (to create an account). The
user will be taken through three forms to create an
account. So for instance, form one will ask the user
to create a username, password, and provide an email
address. Before moving on to form two (billing info),
should I put this data in the session, or just go
ahead and dump it in the database (after making any
nec. checks), since I won't need the info until they
actually login? Or should I collect all the info from
all three screens by putting it in the session as the
user traverses the forms and then put it all in the
database at once? I'm currently using the first
option. BTW, it is possible for a user to create a
free account by hitting form one only, so no harm
would come if something happened after form one.

Another question, while not mod_perl related (sorry:),
is how to taint check input data like usernames,
address fields and email addresses. All info is just
put in the database, no unsafe system calls are run.
I'm curious as to what characters to limit for
usernames in particular.


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Re: New module : Apache::Session::Manager

2002-11-18 Thread Clinton Gormley

Hi Enrico

After posting, I looked at Apache::AuthCookie for the first time - don't why I hadn't looked at it before - to find that I was, indeed, duplicating a lot of work that has been done before. Didn't I feel foolish!

It looks like Perrin may have to write a "...why not to write your own session manager article..." to compliment his Templating article.

Apologies for this.

I'll haul my sorry ass back to my machine now.


Re: New module : Apache::Session::Manager

2002-11-18 Thread Enrico Sorcinelli
On 16 Nov 2002 13:24:13 +0200
Clinton Gormley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I've written a new module as a wrapper around Apache::Session which
> provides short term (ie session) tracking (which is something that
> Apache::SessionManager and Apache::SessionX provide), but this adds long
> term user tracking, and methods to aid login, logout etc.
> I would appreciate feedback, not least of all, what it should be
> called!  Apache::SessionManager exists already, and I realise that
> calling this module Apache::Session::Manager will cause confusion, so
> please...

Dear Clinton,
I think that the name you've chosen (Apache::Session::Manager) is wrong :-(
not because it will cause confusion with my Apache::SessionManager module,
but because Apache::Session::* namespace is informally reserved to
Apache::Session sub components like data storage, serializers or ID 
generators. Your (and my, of course) session manager module 
hasn't any relationships with these.
This name adds only a little bit of confusion on wrong (historically)
Apache::Session namespace - there is a direct tie between Apache::Session
and mod_perl? ;-)

When I started with my little project I've first searched on CPAN and the 
most similar module I founded was the AxKit-XSP-Session. Unfortunately this 
is a session manager plugin for AxKit and my goal was to develope a module 
with no glue with other applications server that the mod_perl itself.
Then I've chosen Apache::SessionManager (I've discarded 
Apache::Session::Manager name, of course) but before putting the first line of 
code on CPAN, I have sended various RFCs to mod_perl and [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
mailing lists, to comp.lang.perl.misc and comp.lang.perl.modules: this is 
the standard way to contribute to CPAN.
See ml/news archives for the complete threads [...]

I have done a (very) quick look to your code and I've seen some likeness with 
Apache::AuthCookie and/or Apache-AxKit-Plugin-Session. 
If you were doing something like this, you could probably start with one of the 
Auth* modules, which already do a good job of handling things.
I am also working to add this features not to my module but adding 
session management in Apache::AuthCookie!
Moreover, I agree about a possibility of the integration with your additional 
features into my Apache::SessionManager.


- Enrico 

New module : Apache::Session::Manager

2002-11-16 Thread Clinton Gormley
I've written a new module as a wrapper around Apache::Session which
provides short term (ie session) tracking (which is something that
Apache::SessionManager and Apache::SessionX provide), but this adds long
term user tracking, and methods to aid login, logout etc.

It is meant to be subclassed, so that you can add your own database
access methods to the module - full examples included!

I would appreciate feedback, not least of all, what it should be
called!  Apache::SessionManager exists already, and I realise that
calling this module Apache::Session::Manager will cause confusion, so

README is below.  The module is available from :



Apache/Session/Manager version 0.02

Apache::Session::Manager provides a wrapper around Apache::Session which
adds the following :

  * Short term session tracking using cookies or URLs (query string / 
POST data rather than URL munging)
  * Long term user tracking with cookies and query string
  * User recognition through query string (eg from an emailed link)
  * Login, logout, create new account, remove cookies - all operating
with your favourite database and schema!

It needs to be subclassed by your own module, which provides the methods
to interact with your database - ie you can integrate this module into
you own database schema.

Apache::Session::Manager is not a "drop in" module - it requires a bit
of work on your part to make it work - but once that work is done, it
makes a lot of user and session management easy.  Any website that wants
to have any sort of long term relationship with a user needs to be able
to track a user through a session, allow the user to register, and issue
them with a password challenge before allowing them to view restricted
pages... which is exactly what this module does.

All you need to provide is 6 subroutines which speak to your database to
perform a few simple functions (looking up a username etc).

[PATCH] Apache::Session

2002-10-25 Thread Enrico Sorcinelli
Hi Jeffrey,
I've found a little bug in clean method of Apache::Session::Lock::File when
it checks lockfiles last access time.
In effects the result of the expression (file ./Session/Lock/, line 136)

(stat($dir.'/'.$file))[8] - $now

is always negative and lock dir cleanup isn't done.
The patch simply inverts the check (also I've attached it)


PS: Sorry for this re-post, but I've submitted this patch also a few months
ago with no response ;-)


--- Sat Sep  2 00:21:17 2000
+++ Sat Mar 30 10:38:54 2002
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@
 my @files = readdir(DIR);
 foreach my $file (@files) {
     if ($file =~ /^Apache-Session.*\.lock$/) {
-if ((stat($dir.'/'.$file))[8] - $now >= $time) {
+if ($now - (stat($dir.'/'.$file))[8] >= $time) {
 open(FH, "+>$dir/".$file) || next;
 flock(FH, LOCK_EX) || next;
 unlink($dir.'/'.$file) || next;

Description: Binary data

Apache::Session - suggestion for man page

2002-10-16 Thread Rodney Hampton

1)I am using Apache::Session::File to maintain state information (just a 
user_id and a few small items).

2)The man page for Apache::Session indicates that the following regexp 
should be used to find the session cookie.
$cookie =~ s/SESSION_ID=(\w*)/$1/;

3)This $cookie value is then used in a tie statement.  I was having 
intermittant trouble with dying and giving me internal server errors.
The log file looked like this:
[Wed Oct 16 21:45:47 2002] [error] Died at 
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/Apache/Session/Generate/ line 40.

4)I found that when I had multiple cookies MD5 would always bomb out 
because the regexp was just stripping out the words SESSION_ID=

5)I added a few print STDERR statements and the log file looked like this:
in common_session_utility 0
cookie is 
cookie is 
d1a16efb540ac0cb16236f7782183c12 after regexp
in common_session_utility 1
IN GENERATE MD5 session date is 
[Wed Oct 16 21:45:47 2002] [error] Died at 
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/Apache/Session/Generate/ line 40.

6)After I changed the regexp, things started working well enough.
 $cookie =~ s/^.*SESSION_ID=(\w*).*$/$1/;

7)I suggest that the man page for Apache::Session so that the regexp 
example accomodates sites with multiple cookies being set.

I hope this makes some sense.


Rodney Hampton

Re: Apache::Session and user sessions

2002-09-23 Thread Todd W

>It's just a storage mechanism.  Typically the procedure is that one a user 
>identified herself with some kind of login process, you put her user ID (a 
>primary key to a database table) into the session, and keep it as a key for 
>accessing that data.
>>I have a table with some basic user information (first name, last name, 
>>phone number, etc...).
>That's permanent data, not session data.  Session data is transient.

Okay... That makes sense

>>What i did was created the two columns, and hoped it would work without 
>>the id column being the primary key.
>It won't.  All of the Apache::Session data is in a blob in the a_session 
>column.  It has no access to the other columns.

Thats what I was looking for. I ran through the code with ptkdb but since I 
wasnt using it right, it never did a lookup anyway.

>>So now Trying to decide what to do, in a perlHeaderParserHandler Ill just 
>>get an id from Sys::UniqueID, send it to the browser each request in a 
>>cookie or whatever, then use DBI::Tie to reinstate the session for each 
>>request. (Thinking about it, that sounds easier than Apache::Session 
>Isn't your user table referenced by a user ID?

Yeah. I said that in the OP but you snipped it.

>You have to connect the user ID to a browser somewhere.  The normal way to 
>do this is give the browser an ID (the session ID) and then store the 
>relationship with Apache::Session.  If you have no other transient data 
>besides the user ID, you can skip Apache::Session and just send a user ID 
>cookie.  Make sure you have security in place to prevent people from simply 
>entering another user ID in their cookie and gaining access to another 
>person's information.

Yeah, Ill relate the users id and a session id when she logs in. "Writing 
Apache Modules in Perl and C" has some good suggestions about securing the 

This all makes good sense after you distinguished the difference between 
session data and permanent data for me.

>By the way Tie::DBI is slow.  Writing some kind of module for accessing 
>your specific user table would be faster.

Okay. Thanks for all your insight.

Todd W.

MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos:

Re: Apache::Session and user sessions

2002-09-22 Thread Perrin Harkins

Todd W wrote:
> Im looking at Apache::Session and trying to figure out what it does.

It provides shared storage of a hash of data, and gives you a unique ID 
that you can tie to a user.

> From what I
> can tell, Apache::Session will only give generic sessions, of which I know
> nothing about the user untill they give me information during that 
> particular session.

It's just a storage mechanism.  Typically the procedure is that one a 
user identified herself with some kind of login process, you put her 
user ID (a primary key to a database table) into the session, and keep 
it as a key for accessing that data.

> I have a table with some basic user information (first name, last name, 
> address,
> phone number, etc...).

That's permanent data, not session data.  Session data is transient.

> What i did was created the two columns, and hoped it would work without 
> the id column being the primary key.

It won't.  All of the Apache::Session data is in a blob in the a_session 
column.  It has no access to the other columns.

> So now Trying to decide what to do, in a perlHeaderParserHandler Ill 
> just get an
> id from Sys::UniqueID, send it to the browser each request in a cookie or
> whatever, then use DBI::Tie to reinstate the session for each request.
> (Thinking about it, that sounds easier than Apache::Session anyways)

Isn't your user table referenced by a user ID?  You have to connect the 
user ID to a browser somewhere.  The normal way to do this is give the 
browser an ID (the session ID) and then store the relationship with 
Apache::Session.  If you have no other transient data besides the user 
ID, you can skip Apache::Session and just send a user ID cookie.  Make 
sure you have security in place to prevent people from simply entering 
another user ID in their cookie and gaining access to another person's 

By the way Tie::DBI is slow.  Writing some kind of module for accessing 
your specific user table would be faster.

- Perrin

Apache::Session and user sessions

2002-09-20 Thread Todd W

Im looking at Apache::Session and trying to figure out what it does. What I 
to do is tie sessions to a particular record in a database table. From what 
can tell, Apache::Session will only give generic sessions, of which I know
nothing about the user untill they give me information during that 

I have a table with some basic user information (first name, last name, 
phone number, etc...). Apache::Session says I have to have a column named id
and one called a_session. It says that the id column must be primary key, 
my table already has a primary key, an auto-increment column for the userid.

What i did was created the two columns, and hoped it would work without the 
column being the primary key. I stuck a 32 character string I got from
Sys::UniqueID in the id column and tried to do:

my($dbh) = DBI->connect( MISANet::Util::DatabaseOpts::getOpts() );

my($id) = '3D898BE8C0A80125229B0001';

tie %hash, 'Apache::Session::MySQL', $id, {
  Handle => $dbh,
  LockHandle => $dbh


$r->print( "DummyHello,
$hash{firstName} $hash{lastname}" );

in a perlHandler where firstName and lastName are columns in the database. 
never gets defined and $! dosent report anything.

So now Trying to decide what to do, in a perlHeaderParserHandler Ill just 
get an
id from Sys::UniqueID, send it to the browser each request in a cookie or
whatever, then use DBI::Tie to reinstate the session for each request.
(Thinking about it, that sounds easier than Apache::Session anyways) What do
you guys think? Am I using Apache::Session wrong, or are there better
alternatives than what Ive came up with?

Thanks in advance for the input.

Todd W.

MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos:

HTML::Mason + Apache::Session problem

2002-09-11 Thread Ufuk Yuzereroglu


I am running a RedHat 7.3 server with kernel 2.4.18, Apache 1.3.26, 
mod_perl 1.26-5 and Apache::Session and HTML:Mason-1.05 modules. When I 
try to start apache i get the error message

Starting httpd: Subroutine status_mason redefined 
at /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.6.1/i386-linux/Apache/ line 50.

But the server starts and operates. This bug is said to be fixed in 
Mason-0.85 but as you can see I still get it. I have the same 
components and code piece running on RedHat 7.0.

The other problem is, on the same system I have an 
authentication/session information structure on my website built using 
Apache::Session. I manage to log on with the right username and 
password and the Apache-Session file is created under /tmp with owner 
as apache:apache and file rights as 644. When I try to access the 
submenus after the initial login process, the server acts as if it 
cannot read the session files and does not grant me access. Well the 
the strangest thing is I can access the submenus after clicking on the 
link for 2-3 times. The first 1 or 2 does not grant access, but the 
last one always seems to work. This seems to me that apache cannot or 
does not read from the same Session file each time.

Can anyone please help? Thanks.

Mason 1.05 + Apache::Session problem!

2002-09-09 Thread Ufuk Yuzereroglu

HiI am running a RedHat 7.3 server with kernel 2.4.18, Apache 
1.3-26,  mod_perl 1.26-5 and Apache::Session 1.53 and HTML::Mason-1.05 
modules. When I try to start apache i get the error message:Starting 
httpd: Subroutine status_mason redefined at 
/usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.6.1/i386-linux/Apache/ line 50.But 
the server starts and operates. This bug is said to be fixed 
in HTML::Mason-0.85 but as you can see I still get it. BTW I have the same 
components and code piece running on RedHat 7.0, apache 1.3-2x, mod_perl and 
Apache::Session 1.53 an HTML::Mason-1.05 modules.The other problem (and 
the main) is, on the same system I have an authentication/session information 
structure on my website built using Apache::Session. I manage to log on with the 
right username and password. Apache-Session file for the session is created 
under /tmp with owner as apache:apache and file rights as 644. But when I try to 
access the submenus from the main one, after the initial login process, the 
server acts as if it cannot read the session files and does not grant me access. 
The strangest thing is that I can access the submenus after clicking on the 
link for 2-3 times. The first 1 or 2 does not grant access, but the last one 
always seems to work. This seems to me that apache cannot or does not read from 
the same Session file each time.Can anyone please help? 

RE: [OT] Apache::Session and Win32

2002-08-27 Thread Alessandro Forghieri


> Rob Bloodgood wrote:
> >I tried Apache::Session::File, but after MUCH hair-pulling 
> it seems that the
> >Lock mechanism is COMPLETELY hosed (things are either never 
> locked or never
> >unlocked, or something...)
> >  
> >
> AFAIK, Win32 has no flock.

I once ran into the same problem - and my (superficial) analysis was that
locks are not released for a reason that appears related to the
multithreaded nature of
the server...(for me, it was Apache).

However, perlopentut says:

"Perl's most portable locking interface is via the flock function, whose
simplicity is emulated on systems that don't directly support it, such as
SysV or WindowsNT. The underlying semantics may affect how it all works, so
you should learn how flock is implemented on your system's port of Perl."

And perl's flock certainly appear to work between different processes on NT.
FOr the record, I eventually resorted to null locking as well.


Re: Apache::Session - What goes in session?

2002-08-21 Thread Perrin Harkins

Peter J. Schoenster wrote:
> If I'm using Apache::DBI so I have a persistent connection to MySQL, 
> would it not be faster to simply use a table in MySQL?

Probably not, if the MySQL server is on a separate machine.  If it's on 
the same machine, it would be close.  Remember, MySQL has more work to 
do (parse SQL statement, make query plan, etc.) than a simple hash-based 
system like BerkeleyDB does.  Best thing would be to benchmark it though.

- Perrin

Re: Apache::Session - What goes in session?

2002-08-21 Thread Perrin Harkins

Ask Bjoern Hansen wrote:
> The performance?  I don't remember the exact figure, but it was at
> least several times faster than the BerkeleyDB system.  And *much*
> simpler.

In my benchmarks, recent versions of BerkeleyDB, used with the 
BerkeleyDB module and allowed to manage their own locking, beat all 
available flat-file modules.  It may be possible to improve the 
flat-file ones, but it even beat Tie::TextDir which is about as simple 
(and therefore fast) as they come.  The only thing that did better was 

- Perrin

RE: Apache::Session - What goes in session?

2002-08-21 Thread Jesse Erlbaum

Hey James --

> >One way to think about it is this:  MySQL stores its data in
> files.  There
> >are many layers of code between DBI and those files, each of which add
> >processing time.  Going directly to files is far less code, and
> less code is
> >most often faster code.
> MySQL also stores indices.  As soon as you start having to store data
> in files and maintain indices, you might as well start using a
> database.

You bring up a really important point: Scale.  If a custom file-based data
storage system starts growing in both size and functionality it will sooner
or latter reach a point where it is a far worse solution.

Relational databases are optimized for two things:  Ease of access and
management of large data sets.  If the data set is small and the functional
requirements are very narrow then a custom system can outperform a database
most of the time (not including poorly written systems!).  Once you have to
deal with large amounts of data, or you need to have an interface which
allows customizable retrieval of sub-sets of data (a la SQL), a database is
going to be the way to go.

The trick is knowing which path to choose.  Having an idea of the potential
growth of the system and use of the data, combined with a few well chosen
benchmarks come in handy here.




  Jesse Erlbaum
  The Erlbaum Group
  Phone: 212-684-6161
  Fax: 212-684-6226

Re: Apache::Session - What goes in session?

2002-08-21 Thread James G Smith

"Jesse Erlbaum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Hi Peter --
>> > The morale of the story:  Flat files rock!  ;-)
>> If I'm using Apache::DBI so I have a persistent connection to MySQL,
>> would it not be faster to simply use a table in MySQL?
>Unlikely.  Even with cached database connections you are probably not going
>to beat the performance of going to a flat text file.  Accessing files is
>something the OS is optimized to do.  The process of issuing a SQL query,
>having it parsed and retrieving results is probably more time-consuming than
>you think.

All depends on the file structure.  A linear search through a
thousand records can be slower than a binary search through a million
(500 ave. compares vs. about 20 max [10 ave.] compares - hope the
extra overhead for the binary search is worth the savings in

>One way to think about it is this:  MySQL stores its data in files.  There
>are many layers of code between DBI and those files, each of which add
>processing time.  Going directly to files is far less code, and less code is
>most often faster code.

MySQL also stores indices.  As soon as you start having to store data
in files and maintain indices, you might as well start using a

>The best way to be cure is to benchmark the difference yourself.  Try out
>the Benchmark module.  Quantitative data trumps anecdotal data every time.

Definitely.  But before you do, make sure the proper indices are
created on the MySQL side.  Wrong database configurations can kill
any performance gain.
James Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 979-862-3725
Texas A&M CIS Operating Systems Group, Unix

RE: Apache::Session - What goes in session?

2002-08-21 Thread Jesse Erlbaum

Hi Peter --

> > The morale of the story:  Flat files rock!  ;-)
> If I'm using Apache::DBI so I have a persistent connection to MySQL,
> would it not be faster to simply use a table in MySQL?

Unlikely.  Even with cached database connections you are probably not going
to beat the performance of going to a flat text file.  Accessing files is
something the OS is optimized to do.  The process of issuing a SQL query,
having it parsed and retrieving results is probably more time-consuming than
you think.

One way to think about it is this:  MySQL stores its data in files.  There
are many layers of code between DBI and those files, each of which add
processing time.  Going directly to files is far less code, and less code is
most often faster code.

The best way to be cure is to benchmark the difference yourself.  Try out
the Benchmark module.  Quantitative data trumps anecdotal data every time.

Warmest regards,



  Jesse Erlbaum
  The Erlbaum Group
  Phone: 212-684-6161
  Fax: 212-684-6226

Re: Apache::Session - What goes in session?

2002-08-21 Thread Peter J. Schoenster

On 21 Aug 2002 at 2:09, Ask Bjoern Hansen wrote:

> Now using good old Fcntl to control access to simple "flat files".
> (Data serialized with pack("N*", ...); I don't think anything beats
> "pack" and "unpack" for serializing data).
> The expiration went into the data and purging the cache was a simple
> cronjob to find files older than a few minutes and deleting them.
> The performance?  I don't remember the exact figure, but it was at
> least several times faster than the BerkeleyDB system.  And *much*
> simpler.
> The morale of the story:  Flat files rock!  ;-)

If I'm using Apache::DBI so I have a persistent connection to MySQL, 
would it not be faster to simply use a table in MySQL?


"Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go
-- Philip K. Dick

Re: Apache::Session - What goes in session?

2002-08-21 Thread Ask Bjoern Hansen

On Tue, 20 Aug 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> We are investigating using IPC rather then a file based
> structure but its purely investigation at this point.
> What are the speed diffs between an IPC cache and a
> Berkely DB cache. My gut instinct always screams 'Stay Off
> The Disk' but my gut is not always right.. Ok, rarely
> right.. ;)

IPC (for many definitions of that) has all sorts of odd limitations
and isn't that fast.  Don't go there.

The disk is usually much faster than you think.  Often overlooked
for caching is a simple file based cache.

Here's a story about that:

A while ago Graham Barr and I spend some time going through a number
of iterations for a "self cleaning" cache system.  It would take
lots of writes and fewer reads.  In each cache entry a number of
integers would be stored.  Just storing the last thousand entries
would be enough.

We tried quite a few different approaches; the most noteworthy was a
system of semaphores to control access to a number of slots in a
BerkeleyDB.  That should be pretty fast, right?

It got a bit complicated as our systems didn't support that many
semaphores, so we had to come up with a system for sharing the
semaphores across multiple "slots" in the database.

Designing and writing this implementation took a few days.  It was
really cool.

Anyway, after fixing that and a few deadlocks we were benchmarking
away.  The system was so clever.  We thought it was simple and neat.
Okay, neat at least.  And it was really slow. Slow. (~200 writes a
second on a 400MHz Pentium II if I recall correctly).

First we suspected we did something wrong with the semaphores, but
further benchmarking showed that the BerkeleyDB just wasn't that
fast for writing.

30 minutes thinking and 30 minutes typing code later we had a
prototype for a simple filebased system.

Now using good old Fcntl to control access to simple "flat files".
(Data serialized with pack("N*", ...); I don't think anything beats
"pack" and "unpack" for serializing data).

The expiration went into the data and purging the cache was a simple
cronjob to find files older than a few minutes and deleting them.

The performance?  I don't remember the exact figure, but it was at
least several times faster than the BerkeleyDB system.  And *much*

The morale of the story:  Flat files rock!  ;-)

  - ask

ask bjoern hansen, !try; do();

Re: Apache::Session - What goes in session?

2002-08-20 Thread Ian Struble

Not in the MS house that I am living in right now :^(

On Tue, 20 Aug 2002, Perrin Harkins wrote:

> Ian Struble wrote:
> > And just to throw one more wrench into the works.  You could load up only
> > the most popular data at startup and let the rest of the data get loaded
> > on a cache miss.  
> > 
> > That is one technique that we have used for some customer session
> > servers.  It allowed each server to start up in well under a minute
> > instead of in 15-30 minutes while pegging the DB.  The 15-30 minutes was
> > when we were dealing with ~5mil total entries and I would hate to see it
> > now that the size of the table has doubled.  Now we just need to do some
> > batch processing to determine what subset gets loaded at startup.
> You could also just dump the whole thing into a Berkeley DB file every 
> now and then.
> - Perrin

Re: Apache::Session - What goes in session?

2002-08-20 Thread Perrin Harkins

Jie Gao wrote:
> There are cases in which it is desirable to expire an entry which
> hasn't been used for a certain period of time; authenticated sessions
> data, for example.

Okay, so you're looking for a session module rather than a cache. 
Apache::Session doesn't handle expiration, but you could add it, as many 
here have.  You could also just use one of the general-purpose storage 
modules like MLDBM::Sync, BerkeleyDB, or the storage modules in 
Cache::Cache (like Cache::FileBackend) and then add expiration.  Those 
are all generic storage modules with no cache-specific stuff in their APIs.

- Perrin

Re: Apache::Session - What goes in session?

2002-08-20 Thread Jie Gao

On Tue, 20 Aug 2002, Perrin Harkins wrote:

> Jie Gao wrote:
>  > I wish some of these modules would be able to "touch" cached data so that
>  > it would expire cache entries on "last-accessed" rather than on the time
>  > the entries were created.
> Why?  People used to do that with cached because they had limited space
> and wanted to purge the cache with an LRU algorithm to keep size down,
> but disk space is too cheap to worry about now.
> If an item in the cache is okay to stay there as long as people are
> accessing it, you are essentially saying that cached items never become
> invalid.  In that case, why bother ever deleting any of them?

There are cases in which it is desirable to expire an entry which
hasn't been used for a certain period of time; authenticated sessions
data, for example. Absolute expiration is indeed needed, as well.



Re: Apache::Session - What goes in session?

2002-08-20 Thread Perrin Harkins

Jie Gao wrote:
 > I wish some of these modules would be able to "touch" cached data so that
 > it would expire cache entries on "last-accessed" rather than on the time
 > the entries were created.

Why?  People used to do that with cached because they had limited space
and wanted to purge the cache with an LRU algorithm to keep size down,
but disk space is too cheap to worry about now.

If an item in the cache is okay to stay there as long as people are
accessing it, you are essentially saying that cached items never become
invalid.  In that case, why bother ever deleting any of them?

- Perrin

Re: Apache::Session - What goes in session?

2002-08-20 Thread Jie Gao

On Tue, 20 Aug 2002, Perrin Harkins wrote:

> Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2002 13:12:29 -0400
> From: Perrin Harkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: Apache::Session - What goes in session?
> > We are investigating using IPC rather then a file based structure but
> > its purely investigation at this point.
> >
> > What are the speed diffs between an IPC cache and a Berkely DB cache. My
> > gut instinct always screams 'Stay Off The Disk' but my gut is not always
> > right.. Ok, rarely right.. ;)
> Most of the shared memory modules are much slower than Berkeley DB.  The
> fastest option around is IPC::MM, but data you store in that does not
> persist if you restart the server which is a problem for some.
> BerkeleyDB (the new one, not DB_File) is also very fast, and other
> options like Cache::Mmap and Cache::FileCache are much faster than
> anything based on IPC::Sharelite and the like.

I wish some of these modules would be able to "touch" cached data so that
it would expire cache entries on "last-accessed" rather than on the time
the entries were created.



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