Re: [Pharo-users] unsolicited package-cache use

2018-04-03 Thread Hilaire

Thanks for the update.

I will see, I don't use GIT and will not as drgeo code is on Launchpad 
and the CVS is Bazaar. Launchpad comes with handing tooling to ease the 
work of translators.


Le 03/04/2018 à 00:01, Thierry Goubier a écrit :

Hi Hilaire,

a BaselineOf is the same as a baseline method in a ConfigurationOf: a 
list of packages with their prerequisites and groups.

What the BaselineOf does not contain are methods describing versions 
with package versions and author names; instead, what a BaselineOf 
says is: fetch the latest(*) version(**) of each package I have listed 
in my baseline from the repository you found me in(***).


(*) if there is more than one. With git, only one, with smalltalkhub, 
more than one.

(**) a repository is supposed to contain package versions, even if 
that version is -cypress.1 (metadata-less filetree).

(***) A repository here is a http one (i.e. smalltalkhub), a directory 
in a branch in git, a tag in git, a directory on disk, a ftp 
directory, etc...

PS: the power of Baselines + Git comes from the fact that you get a 
repository per branch / per tag.

PS2: it is possible to have multiple repositories, and rewrite as 
"latest version ... in the repositories... ". I have a use case or two 
for that feature. 

Dr. Geo

[Pharo-users] Howto BaselineOf

2018-04-03 Thread Hilaire


I have this enclosed BaselineOfDrGeo which I think contains mostly all I 

How should I load it? This code bellow does not work:

(BaselineOfDrGeo project version: #development) load.

By the way the PharoDebug log file is not recorded along the image, but 
at the user root directory. Is it  wished?


Dr. Geo
Description: application/st-disk-image
#at:ifAbsent: was sent to nil
3 April 2018 10:31:04.368315 am

VM: unix - i686 - linux-gnu - CoInterpreter VMMaker.oscog-eem.2231 uuid: de62947a-7f40-4977-a232-e06a3a80c939 May 31 2017
StackToRegisterMappingCogit VMMaker.oscog-eem.2227 uuid: 7ea146b4-39ce-4de7-afa3-a76ed1d1da35 May 31 2017
VM: 201705310241 $ Date: Tue May 30 19:41:27 2017 -0700 $ Plugins: 201705310241 $

Image: Pharo7.0alpha [Build information: (32 Bit)]

UndefinedObject(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #at:ifAbsent:
	Receiver: nil
	Arguments and temporary variables: 
		aMessage: 	at: #development ifAbsent: [ (MetacelloSymbolicVersionDoesNotExistErr...etc...
		exception: 	MessageNotUnderstood: receiver of "at:ifAbsent:" is nil
		resumeValue: 	nil
	Receiver's instance variables: 

	Receiver: BaselineOfDrGeo(baseline [BaselineOfDrGeo], )
	Arguments and temporary variables: 
		aVersionString: 	#development
		symbolicVersionString: 	nil
	Receiver's instance variables: 
		versionMap: 	<>

	Receiver: nil
	Arguments and temporary variables: 

	Receiver's instance variables: 

	Receiver: an OpalCompiler
	Arguments and temporary variables: 
		value: 	nil
		selectedSource: 	a ReadStream
		itsSelection: 	a Text for ''
		itsSelectionString: 	''
	Receiver's instance variables: 
		ast: 	DoIt
	^ (BaselineOfDrGeo project version: #development) load
		source: 	a ReadStream
		context: 	nil
		receiver: 	nil
		compilationContext: 	a CompilationContext
		compilationContextClass: 	nil

	Receiver: a RubSmalltalkEditor
	Arguments and temporary variables: 
		aStream: 	a ReadStream
		aBlock: 	[ :result | aBlock value: result ]
		result: 	nil
		rcvr: 	nil
		ctxt: 	nil
	Receiver's instance variables: 
		defaultKeymappingIndex: 	an IdentityDictionary(#command->#(#noop: #cursorHome: #...etc...
		textArea: 	a RubEditingArea(448846848)
		selectorChooser: 	nil
		notificationStrategy: 	a GLMPopperNotificationStrategy

	Receiver: a RubSmalltalkEditor
	Arguments and temporary variables: 
		aBlock: 	[ :result |  ]
	Receiver's instance variables: 
		defaultKeymappingIndex: 	an IdentityDictionary(#command->#(#noop: #cursorHome: #...etc...
		textArea: 	a RubEditingArea(448846848)
		selectorChooser: 	nil
		notificationStrategy: 	a GLMPopperNotificationStrategy

[ textMorph textArea editor highlightEvaluateAndDo: ann action.
textMorph shoutStyler style: textMorph text ] in [ textMorph textArea
	handleEdit: [ textMorph textArea editor highlightEvaluateAndDo: ann action.
		textMorph shoutStyler style: textMorph text ] ] in GLMMorphicPharoScriptRenderer(GLMMorphicPharoCodeRenderer)>>actOnHighlightAndEvaluate:
	Receiver: a GLMMorphicPharoScriptRenderer
	Arguments and temporary variables: 
		ann: 	a GLMHighlightAndEvaluate
	Receiver's instance variables: 
		renderer: 	a GLMMorphicRenderer
		textMorph: 	a RubScrolledTextMorph(174743552)
		textModel: 	a GLMRubricSmalltalkTextModel

	Receiver: a RubEditingArea(448846848)
	Arguments and temporary variables: 
		editBlock: 	[ textMorph textArea editor highlightEvaluateAndDo: ann action.
	Receiver's instance variables: 
		bounds: 	(0@0) corner: (837@278)
		owner: 	a TransformWithLayoutMorph(733736192)
		submorphs: 	an Array(a RubPrimarySelectionMorph(212770560) a RubCursor(634764288...etc...
		fullBounds: 	nil
		color: 	Color transparent
		extension: 	a MorphExtension (982522880) [other:  (announcer -> an Announcer) (k...etc...
		model: 	a GLMRubricSmalltalkTextModel
		paragraph: 	a RubShoutStylerDecorator
		editor: 	a RubSmalltalkEditor
		scrollPane: 	a RubTextScrollPane(954475776)
		editingState: 	a RubEditingState
		textStyle: 	a TextStyle Source Code Pro
		textColor: 	Color black
		margins: 	a Margin top: 6 left: 6 bottom: 6 right: 6
		readOnly: 	false
		menuAllowed: 	true
		editingMode: 	a RubSmalltalkScriptingMode
		cursor: 	a RubCursor(634764288)
		segments: 	an OrderedCollection(a RubHighlightSegmentMorph(135380736))
		getMenuPolicy: 	a RubEditingArea(448846848)
		mouseDownPoint: 	nil
		wrapped: 	true
		editorClass: 	RubSmalltalkEditor

[ textMorph textArea
	handleEdit: [ textMorph textArea editor highlightEvaluateAndDo: ann action.
		textMorph shoutStyler style: textMorph text ] ] i

Re: [Pharo-users] Howto BaselineOf

2018-04-03 Thread Thierry Goubier
Hi Hilaire,


Metacello new
baseline: 'DrGeo';
repository: 'tonel://', SmalltalkImage current imageDirectory
pathString, '/src';


2018-04-03 10:34 GMT+02:00 Hilaire :
> Hi,
> I have this enclosed BaselineOfDrGeo which I think contains mostly all I
> need.
> How should I load it? This code bellow does not work:
> (BaselineOfDrGeo project version: #development) load.
> By the way the PharoDebug log file is not recorded along the image, but at
> the user root directory. Is it  wished?
> ...
> --
> Dr. Geo

Re: [Pharo-users] Howto BaselineOf

2018-04-03 Thread Hilaire

Hi Thierry,

Does not work either.

PharoDebug.log is not updated with this error. I paste bellow the stack 
from the debugger (but there is a no attribute values).


[ | references nearestReference cachedReference externalReference 
mcVersion loadedVersionInfos |

cachedReference := nil.
    searchCacheRepositoryForPackage: [ "check to see if mcz file is 
already in cacheRepository"

        cachedReference := self
            resolvePackageSpec: packageSpec
            cachedGofer: self loaderPolicy cacheGofer.
        (cachedReference ~~ nil and: [ packageSpec getFile ~~ nil ])
            ifTrue: [ cachedReference name = packageSpec file
                        [ "exact match between packageSpec file and 
cache" ^ self scheduleFetchFor: packageSpec cachedReference: 
cachedReference ] ] ].

references := self
    retryingResolvePackageSpecReferences: packageSpec
    gofer: gofer.    "look up mcz file"
nearestReference := references last
(cachedReference ~~ nil
    and: [ cachedReference name = nearestReference name ])
    ifTrue: [ "latest reference in repository matches cachedReference ... "
        ^ self
            scheduleFetchFor: packageSpec
            nearestReference: nearestReference ].
(self ignoreImage not
    and: [ (loadedVersionInfos := self ancestorsFor: packageSpec) ~~ nil ])
    ifTrue: [ "If the mcz is already loaded into the image, no need to 

            do: [ :info |
                info name = nearestReference name
                    ifTrue: [ | spc |
                        spc := packageSpec copy.
                        spc file: info name.
                        (MetacelloIgnorePackageLoaded signal: spc)
                            ifFalse: [ ^ self ] ] ] ].
externalReference := (references
    select: [ :ref | ref name = nearestReference name ]) first
self repositoryMap
    at: externalReference name
    put: externalReference repository.
    resolveDependencies: externalReference
    nearest: nearestReference
    into: (OrderedCollection with: nearestReference))
    do: [ :reference |
        | pSpec l |
        mcVersion := reference version.
        (l := (GoferVersionReference name: reference name)
            resolveAllWith: self loaderPolicy cacheGofer) isEmpty
            ifTrue: [ self cacheRepository storeVersion: mcVersion.
                reference == nearestReference
                    ifTrue: [ pSpec := packageSpec ]
                    ifFalse: [ pSpec := packageSpec project packageSpec.
                        pSpec name: mcVersion package name ].
                self loadData
                    addVersion: mcVersion
                    versionInfo: mcVersion info
                    resolvedReference: reference
                    packageSpec: pSpec ] ].
    scheduleFetchFor: packageSpec
    externalReference: externalReference ] in 
MetacelloFetchingMCSpecLoader>>linearLoadPackageSpec:gofer: in Block: [ 
| references nearestReference cachedReference ex...etc...

[ :pkg | pkg loadUsing: self gofer: gofer ] in 
in Block: [ :pkg | pkg loadUsing: self gofer: gofer ]

[ super
    linearLoadPackageSpecs: packageSpecs
    repositories: repositories ] in 
MetacelloFetchingMCSpecLoader>>explicitLoadPackageSpecs:repositories: in 
Block: [ super...

[ spec projectPackage load ] in 
MetacelloScriptEngine>>getBaselineUnconditionalLoad: in Block: [ spec 
projectPackage load ]

[ | version loadedSpec |
self setDefaultsAndValidateProjectSpec.
[ loadedSpec := (self lookupProjectSpecFor: self projectSpec) copy ]
    on: MetacelloAllowProjectDowngrade , MetacelloAllowProjectUpgrade
        [ :ex | ex handleOnDownGrade: onDownGradeBlock onUpgrade: 
onUpgradeBlock ].

version := loadedSpec vers

Re: [Pharo-users] Howto BaselineOf

2018-04-03 Thread Hilaire
Moving the BaselineOfDrGeo out of the ConfigurationOfDrGeo package in 
the file based tonel helps to get over this error. More error followed 
but need to be examined.

Le 03/04/2018 à 11:42, Hilaire a écrit :

Does not work either.

PharoDebug.log is not updated with this error. I paste bellow the 
stack from the debugger (but there is a no attribute values).

Dr. Geo

Re: [Pharo-users] Howto BaselineOf

2018-04-03 Thread Hilaire
Ok, adding the package names was needed in the baseline and resolved the 
remaining errors:

spec package: 'DrGeoII-core'; package: 'DrGeoII-Polymorph'; etc.

Now I would like to insert in the BaselineOf a version number more 
meaningfull than 

I want to extract from 'BaselineOfDrGeo project version' an object with 
a DrGeo release number (aka 18.06, etc.)

How can I insert it in the BaselineOfDrGeo?

Le 03/04/2018 à 12:20, Hilaire a écrit :
Moving the BaselineOfDrGeo out of the ConfigurationOfDrGeo package in 
the file based tonel helps to get over this error. More error followed 
but need to be examined.

Dr. Geo

Re: [Pharo-users] Howto BaselineOf

2018-04-03 Thread Thierry Goubier
Hi Hilaire,

2018-04-03 12:40 GMT+02:00 Hilaire :
> Ok, adding the package names was needed in the baseline and resolved the
> remaining errors:
> spec package: 'DrGeoII-core'; package: 'DrGeoII-Polymorph'; etc.
> Now I would like to insert in the BaselineOf a version number more
> meaningfull than 
> I want to extract from 'BaselineOfDrGeo project version' an object with a
> DrGeo release number (aka 18.06, etc.)
> How can I insert it in the BaselineOfDrGeo?

Normally, you should do it via the repository url. If you use tags in
your repository management and integration
into Monticello (like filetree and gitfiletree), you can retrieve a
branch or tag name by scanning the repository
url: for example, github://XX/DrGeo:18.06/src.


> Le 03/04/2018 à 12:20, Hilaire a écrit :
>> Moving the BaselineOfDrGeo out of the ConfigurationOfDrGeo package in the
>> file based tonel helps to get over this error. More error followed but need
>> to be examined.
> --
> Dr. Geo

[Pharo-users] Proper Monticello (with Iceberg integration) update

2018-04-03 Thread Juraj Kubelka

What is the proper updated mechanism on projects stored on GitHub? To be more 
explicit, the script:

Metacello new
baseline: #DiscordSt;
repository: 'github://JurajKubelka/DiscordSt/src';

With the Iceberg integration, it does not work if an older version is already 
in a Pharo image. 
Doing pull from the Iceberg UI neither works as the new version may have new 
packages and new external dependencies.

Actually it is also tricky if the Iceberg integration is not involved. I use 
this script in such scenario: 

UIManager default
informUserDuring: [ :bar | 
bar label: 'Removing cached DiscordSt repository from 
bar current: 0.
(FileLocator workingDirectory / 'github-cache' / 
'JurajKubelka' / 'DiscordSt')
bar label: 'Updating DiscordSt baseline definition'.
bar current: 0.33.
Iceberg enableMetacelloIntegration ifFalse: [ 
Gofer new 
'github://JurajKubelka/DiscordSt/src' asZnUrl;
package: 'BaselineOfDiscordSt';
load ].
bar label: 'Updating DiscordSt source files'.
bar current: 0.66.
Metacello new
baseline: #DiscordSt;
onConflict: [:ex | ex allow]; 
load: #default.
bar current: 1 ].

I think I need a script that: 
1. updates a local Iceberg repository (if exists)
2. loads new BaselineOfDiscordSt package version to a Pharo image
3. executes the Metacello script.

How can I do properly the first two steps when Iceberg is involved?


Re: [Pharo-users] Howto BaselineOf

2018-04-03 Thread Hilaire
I don't use github. I will just use a class method returning a version 

Le 03/04/2018 à 14:14, Thierry Goubier a écrit :

Normally, you should do it via the repository url. If you use tags in
your repository management and integration
into Monticello (like filetree and gitfiletree), you can retrieve a
branch or tag name by scanning the repository
url: for example, github://XX/DrGeo:18.06/src.

Dr. Geo

Re: [Pharo-users] Howto BaselineOf

2018-04-03 Thread Thierry Goubier
2018-04-03 15:25 GMT+02:00 Hilaire :
> I don't use github. I will just use a class method returning a version
> number.

Couldn't you call a bazaar routine to get that information?

Writing a specific method with the version number on each release is a
bit of a pain, to have practised that before.
Unless you write a release command that adds the code and do the
necessary stuff to package the release.


> Le 03/04/2018 à 14:14, Thierry Goubier a écrit :
>> Normally, you should do it via the repository url. If you use tags in
>> your repository management and integration
>> into Monticello (like filetree and gitfiletree), you can retrieve a
>> branch or tag name by scanning the repository
>> url: for example, github://XX/DrGeo:18.06/src.
> --
> Dr. Geo

Re: [Pharo-users] Howto BaselineOf

2018-04-03 Thread Hilaire

Probably, but my hands are already full.

Le 03/04/2018 à 15:52, Thierry Goubier a écrit :

Couldn't you call a bazaar routine to get that information?

Writing a specific method with the version number on each release is a
bit of a pain, to have practised that before.
Unless you write a release command that adds the code and do the
necessary stuff to package the release.


Dr. Geo

Re: [Pharo-users] Howto BaselineOf

2018-04-03 Thread Thierry Goubier
2018-04-03 16:31 GMT+02:00 Hilaire :
> Probably, but my hands are already full.

Mine as well :(

I still believe a "release" kind of script could help, associated with
a project: update the baselineOf, save everything with a nice commit,
tag the commit, done.

I would need one for OSProcess, and for the GitFileTree-MergeDriver.

But it's kind of specific to the way you package DrGeo, so no single
command would fit.


> Le 03/04/2018 à 15:52, Thierry Goubier a écrit :
>> Couldn't you call a bazaar routine to get that information?
>> Writing a specific method with the version number on each release is a
>> bit of a pain, to have practised that before.
>> Unless you write a release command that adds the code and do the
>> necessary stuff to package the release.
>> Thierry
> --
> Dr. Geo

Re: [Pharo-users] Howto BaselineOf

2018-04-03 Thread Hilaire
I think doing something à la M4, to process macro in the BaselineOf 
files, but it will add confusion to the confusion. Now, in the bazaar 
repo I don't have release version number either.

Le 03/04/2018 à 16:57, Thierry Goubier a écrit :

Mine as well:(

I still believe a "release" kind of script could help, associated with
a project: update the baselineOf, save everything with a nice commit,
tag the commit, done.

I would need one for OSProcess, and for the GitFileTree-MergeDriver.

But it's kind of specific to the way you package DrGeo, so no single
command would fit.


Dr. Geo

Re: [Pharo-users] Calypso error after clean up

2018-04-03 Thread Denis Kudriashov

Try clean Calypso with "ClyNavigationEnvironment reset" and then reopen
If error will not disappear then problem could be related to the state of
RPackageOrganizer in your image. Do you see from debugger what is missing
in the package?

2018-04-03 16:59 GMT+02:00 Hilaire :

> Hello,
> I have this error when opening calypso on a P7 image, likely the critic
> stuff. The image was tightly cleaned. Likely one package was removed and it
> should not. Any idea which package family to look at
> Thanks
> Hilaire
> --
> Dr. Geo

Re: [Pharo-users] Calypso error after clean up

2018-04-03 Thread Denis Kudriashov
Also you can completely disable critiques:

ClyCriticBrowserPlugin disable.ClyCriticEnvironmentPlugin
disable.ClyNavigationEnvironment reset.

And reopen browser.

2018-04-03 17:53 GMT+02:00 Denis Kudriashov :

> Hi.
> Try clean Calypso with "ClyNavigationEnvironment reset" and then reopen
> browser.
> If error will not disappear then problem could be related to the state of
> RPackageOrganizer in your image. Do you see from debugger what is missing
> in the package?
> 2018-04-03 16:59 GMT+02:00 Hilaire :
>> Hello,
>> I have this error when opening calypso on a P7 image, likely the critic
>> stuff. The image was tightly cleaned. Likely one package was removed and it
>> should not. Any idea which package family to look at
>> Thanks
>> Hilaire
>> --
>> Dr. Geo

[Pharo-users] configurable space in XML Writer tag

2018-04-03 Thread Peter Uhnák

what would be the best approach to not generate space at the end of single

Right now it generates

but I would like

The space is added in XMLTagWriter>>writeEpilogue,

but to "cleanly" change it I would need to
* subclass tag writer
* subclass xml writer
* figure out how to provide different writer so it plays with

and that certainly doesn't feel like a nice approach.

Maybe this can be made configurable in similar fashion to indentation?


Re: [Pharo-users] Is Tonel known to eat code?

2018-04-03 Thread Esteban Lorenzano

I think Tonel will not process correctly a method name with a dot at the end 
(which is not valid smalltalk, just a glich in the compiler ;)
if you remove it, it will be fine.


> On 3 Apr 2018, at 18:13, Hilaire  wrote:
> I have method disappearing in my tonel file repo, after save from Monticello.
> See screenshot, difference between what in the image and in file.
> Of course, after that kind of treatment  the DrGeo app built is completely 
> nuts!
> oh man!
> -- 
> Dr. Geo

Re: [Pharo-users] Is Tonel known to eat code?

2018-04-03 Thread Hilaire
Oh man I prefer this :) But it is strange because I have been doing 
build since weeks from tonel repo, and this point seems to have been 
there since years, or maybe some mix up with the package cache, oh but I 
was paying attention to empty it before... Lost in confusion.

Any way now using the trick from Dale.


Le 03/04/2018 à 19:16, Esteban Lorenzano a écrit :

I think Tonel will not process correctly a method name with a dot at the end 
(which is not valid smalltalk, just a glich in the compiler;)
if you remove it, it will be fine.

Dr. Geo

Re: [Pharo-users] Calypso error after clean up

2018-04-03 Thread Hilaire

The Manifest- packages were missing. It resolves the problem.

Le 03/04/2018 à 17:53, Denis Kudriashov a écrit :
Try clean Calypso with "ClyNavigationEnvironment reset" and then 
reopen browser.
If error will not disappear then problem could be related to the state 
of RPackageOrganizer in your image. Do you see from debugger what is 
missing in the package?

Dr. Geo

Re: [Pharo-users] Black screen on Mac OSX

2018-04-03 Thread Stephane Ducasse

I looked at the other bug.
And I would like to know if you are defining extra
methods on SQSurfaceDispatch class.
I do not get why I got an error (may be this is related to the source


On Tue, Apr 3, 2018 at 9:56 PM, Stephane Ducasse
> Hi hilaire
> I got startup errors
> I debugged a bit and you are calling to create a directory
> createDirectory: path
> Path / 'var' / 'folders' / 'gs' /
> '_5w5v50j3m7gl4lcqf9npxhrgq' / 'T' / 'AppTranslocation' /
> '863D37C1-90CD-4901-90DA-F4EC3F4B3080' / 'd' / 'locale'
> the encode pathString is
> '/var/folders/gs/_5w5v50j3m7gl4lcqf9npxhrgq/T/AppTranslocation/863D37C1-90CD-4901-90DA-F4EC3F4B3080/d/locale'
> And this leads to a primitive failure
> createDirectory: path
> "Create a directory for the argument path.
> If the path refers to an existing file, raise FileExists.
> If the path refers to an existing directory, raise DirectoryExists.
> If the parent directory of the path does not exist, raise 
> DirectoryDoesNotExist"
> | parent encodedPathString pathString result |
> pathString := self stringFromPath: path.
> encodedPathString := Primitives encode: pathString.
> result := Primitives createDirectory: encodedPathString.
> result
>ifNil: [
> parent := path parent.
>(self exists: path)
> ifTrue: [
>  (self isFile: path)
>ifTrue: [ self signalFileExists: path ]
>ifFalse: [ self signalDirectoryExists: path ] ].
>   (self isDirectory: parent)
>  ifFalse: [ ^ self signalDirectoryDoesNotExist: parent ].
> self primitiveFailed ].
> ^^
> It fails here
> ^ self
> On my machine I get
> var/folders/gs/_5w5v50j3m7gl4lcqf9npxhrgq/T/AppTranslocation
> and not the folder d
> This comes from reset of the GetTextTranslator
> privateStartUp
> self reset.
> GetTextTranslator reset.
> self localeChanged.
> Tell me how I can help.
> On Tue, Mar 27, 2018 at 7:15 PM, Hilaire  wrote:
>> Thanks for the tip
>> Le 27/03/2018 à 08:59, Christophe Demarey a écrit :
>>> If the VM is too old, it does not work well on recent distributions.
>>> You could try to use the stable VM of Pharo 4 instead and it should work.
>> --
>> Dr. Geo

Re: [Pharo-users] Black screen on Mac OSX

2018-04-03 Thread Hilaire
No I am not defining such extra method. I more or less packaged blindly 
a modified universal VMs for P4. I was able to test it on linux and 
windows (throught wine), but not on Mac osx.

I am doing right now the same for P7 based image, but not there yet.

Le 03/04/2018 à 22:39, Stephane Ducasse a écrit :


I looked at the other bug.
And I would like to know if you are defining extra
methods on SQSurfaceDispatch class.
I do not get why I got an error (may be this is related to the source


Dr. Geo

Re: [Pharo-users] To be there or not to be there

2018-04-03 Thread Ben Coman
On 4 April 2018 at 05:06, Hilaire  wrote:

> Hello,
> I have re-organized the packages and classes in DrGeo with Calypso. An now
> I come to a situation where methods seems to be there without been there.
> For example DrGeoWindow>>newTable: methods,
> - Calypso can browse it and can show its implementor
> - Nautilus can browse it and can NOT show its implementor
> - and more importantly when exported to tonel file, it is missing !
> Who knows what else methods are missing.
> See screenshot.
> Any idea?

I haven't used Calypso much yet, but #newTable: seems tagged an extension
but its not clear which package it belongs to.
In Nautilus, what is the protocol of #newTable: ?

Do you have an original mcz file that loaded into a fresh image and
exported immediately to Tonel shows the same behaviour?
i.e. Is it reproducible to help someone debug, or does it seem to have been
something that has arisen as you are editing or adding new methods?

cheers -ben

[Pharo-users] Plans for XSD in XML(Parser) the foreseeable future?

2018-04-03 Thread Peter Uhnák

are there any plans in the foreseeable future to add support for XSD to the
XML (Parser) ecosystem?


Re: [Pharo-users] To be there or not to be there

2018-04-03 Thread Hilaire
I got the problem gone wtih #newTable: by categorizing it, different 
random attempts were needed.

I still have problem with another method in the same class, named 

This one is an override, Nautilus says there is not such implementor but 
shows it! Calypso says the contrary and insists to show it as an 
extension and as well as belonging to a category, I can eventually change.

There are no such original mcz of this package, the problem occurred in 
the image while renaming one package, this class was already in this 
package. The exported mcz immediately got the problem. Three methods 
were originally categorized oddly (*DrGeoUI-Polymorph-Widgets) and it 
confused the system when the package was renamed, I cause packaging 
rename does not rename the extensions categories, so those methods get 

To resolve the problem with this last one, I just copy method code, 
delete it and paste it as a new method.

I will have to review all the classes before the code re-organization to 
detect the places where scenarios occur.


Le 04/04/2018 à 01:40, Ben Coman a écrit :
I haven't used Calypso much yet, but #newTable: seems tagged an 
extension but its not clear which package it belongs to.

In Nautilus, what is the protocol of #newTable: ?

Do you have an original mcz file that loaded into a fresh image and 
exported immediately to Tonel shows the same behaviour?
i.e. Is it reproducible to help someone debug, or does it seem to have 
been something that has arisen as you are editing or adding new methods?

cheers -ben

Dr. Geo