Re: [RBW] Santa Cruz Randonneurs 200k ride report

2024-06-26 Thread Andrew Letton
 Ah, I remember that ride with fond memories. I rode it several times (as a 
Permanent) when I did my R12 back in 2008. Thanks for the report and the trip 
down memory lane, Toshi!
Andrew, now of Sydney

On Tuesday, June 25, 2024 at 12:37:46 PM GMT+10, Toshi Takeuchi 
 Last Saturday I rode the SCR 200k that rides up to Half Moon Bay and back to 
Santa Cruz, including some miles through San Gregorio/Stage Rd., 
Pescadero/Haskins Hill etc.
I think the best part of the ride was that 8 of the 9 riders stuck together 
throughout the ride and finished the ride together.  This made it a great 
opportunity to ride with friends and make several new friends.
One of the riders, Jim, rode one of the early Riv road bikes (color red) and I 
was riding my red Roadeo, so we had a good presence there.  (Many would argue 
that our red bikes are not as fast as orange ones, but nevertheless...)
The morning started out foggy on the coast, and unlike the previous ride a few 
weeks earlier, I neglected to wipe my lenses with the anti-fog wipes, which 
were effective the previous ride; so unfortunately, I had to windshield wiper 
my lenses with my fingers throughout my jaunt up the coast.

One of my ride mates, Ioannis, didn't know about these anti-fog wipes, and they 
work quite well.  They became especially popular during COVID times when masks 
would cause glasses to fog up, and these wipes helped prevent that. 

Although the temperatures got into the 90s inland, by the coast, it was 
extremely pleasant, especially after the fog burned off mid-morning.  We 
stopped by a bakery in Half Moon Bay, where it was nice and sunny, and I ate a 
delicious ham and cheese croissant as well as a chocolate croissant, although 
in this case, the savory one hit the spot better.  As I mentioned previously, I 
am seriously considering PBP 2027, and feel confident that savory croissants 
can fuel my ride very well.  I'll have to see how I feel about that after 
riding 300 miles, but I remain hopeful.
Usually one of the best parts of the day is when we ride down the coast back to 
Santa Cruz with a tailwind, and we were not disappointed on our return down the 
beautiful coast.  A couple spots had some lingering fog that added to the 
coastal scenery with rugged beaches to the right and some beautiful meadows on 
our left.
I'm thinking that either I should have easier access to my phone, or I should 
bring my camera along, especially on the 200k so I can document the beautiful 
views as I ride.
The 200k is always an enjoyable ride distance because you usually get to end in 
the daylight and have an opportunity to enjoy a nice dinner afterwards.  Many 
of us ate some good Mexican food after the ride, and despite a little traffic 
getting out of Santa Cruz, we took our time and enjoyed the rest of the evening.
I definitely want to give thanks to my fellow riders, whose company made the 
day go by smoothly and delightfully.
Toshi in Oakland, CA

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Re: [RBW] NorCal Coast Tour Route Feedback

2024-02-12 Thread Andrew Letton
 Hi Stephen,Yes, when one sees the "Golden rollin' hills of California" in the 
summertime, it is hard to remember the North Coast rainforests! The hotter it 
gets inland, the foggier the coastline. It can be 100F thirty miles inland and 
a foggy 58F on the coast in July.As for mud, the dirt in the Lost Coast region 
is pretty rocky and drains well, so aside from low areas where rain washed silt 
(that fine dust of the summer) may accumulate, mud probably won't be a big 
issue. I've certainly never experienced the peanut-butter-mud that I've heard 
of in other areas.cheers,Andrew in 31C=88F Sydney, wishing for some North Coast 

On Tuesday, February 13, 2024 at 12:07:07 AM GMT+11, Stephen 
 Thanks for the input Andrew! What a place to grow up! I've been up along the 
Usal Road to camp once before and I remember it being pretty rugged.. Don't 
mind a little extra dirt. I am curious just how wet it will be up thataways, 
and if itll be so muddy as to be problematic. Hard to say I guess, April is 
apparently the tail end of the rainy season. I always think of california as 
such a dry place I kind of forget that this whole route is basically riding 
through a rain forest.
On Sunday, February 11, 2024 at 5:22:42 PM UTC-5 Andrew Letton wrote:

 Hi Stephen,Looks like a great ride!I grew up in the Lost Coast area (Whale 
Gulch), so your first route goes right through my home turf.One thing that I 
find suspicious is that RWGPS seems to show some paved road between Four 
Corners and Dutchman's Flat, and I don't believe that's true. The Usal Road is 
pretty remote and depending on the time of year, not well maintained. I believe 
the county only maintains it during summer months, so in winter it is sometimes 
unpassable in a car. That shouldn't stop a bicycle, but you may find areas 
pretty rutted. YMMV! I've ridden it only once, in summer, and my problem was 
not bringing enough water, so plan accordingly. It's only about 26 miles, but 
as you can see from RWGPS, it's a pretty intense 26 miles! Don't let that scare 
you off, just be prepared. You will be rewarded by some spectacular country.  
You can probably fill water bottles at the Whale Gulch School, just before you 
get to Four Corners. After Four Corners, you'll be heading off into truly 
unpopulated areas and are unlikely to find much water. (Filter what you do 
find!) Oh, and if it is dust season (June-Sep), you may want to have a bandana 
around your neck, ready to pull up over your mouth/nose for when cars (very 
occasionally) pass. Ah, I just saw that you're thinking of April, so dust will 
not likely be an issue, but rain may be; you'll be riding through one of the 
wettest regions in the whole state! ;-) a great ride, and 
I look forward to your ride report...
cheers,Andrew, from Whale Gulch; now in Sydney
(Image from Google Street View at Four Corners)

On Monday, February 12, 2024 at 07:39:01 AM GMT+11, Stephen 
 Hey All,
This week I've been fantasizing about a tour route from Eureka to SF that 
follows the PCH but avoids riding on it as much as possible (within reason). So 
I've been playing around in rwgps and Gaia Gps maps to make some route drafts, 
trying to stay close to the coast but choosing alternate roads and dirt roads 
as much as possible to avoid traffic. 
For the beginning of the route I used part of a Lost Coast tour route that ends 
and begins in Eureka. As for the end, I've done a fair bit of riding in Marin 
and have familiarity with the roads and trails up to Sir Francis Drake Road. 
Will probably make two different route endings, one for east bay and one for 
SF. (the route draft I have now is for eastbay) 
I was wondering if anyone on the list had experience in the other areas up the 
coast, or has done a similar ride, or been on any of the roads I've routed or 
had recommendations? Sometimes you see a road on a map and in reality its 
private access or washed away. Would appreciate any thoughts or feedback or 
anybody who wants to nerd out on maps and routemaking.
Playing with the idea of riding this on my appaloosa in April.

Let me know if theres trouble accessing those.

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Re: [RBW] PSA: Classic TA Zephyr Triple Touring Crankset 172.5 - eBay auction

2023-12-07 Thread Andrew Letton
 Wow! That is a rare one! I've never before seen a crankset with both 74mm and 
58mm (or is it 56mm?) inner ring patterns.Has anyone else ever made such a 
crankset?cheers,Andrew in Sydney
On Friday, December 8, 2023 at 01:34:55 PM GMT+11, Kim H. 
 Here is currently an eBay auction for fine and rare triple crankset:
I have no interest.
Kim Hetzel happy with my crankset and gearing. 2x9.

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Re: [RBW] Silver2 cranks!

2023-11-30 Thread Andrew Letton
 I had that same cracking on a Specialized (Sugino) Flag triple crank, solved 
it with some judicious filing, and have been riding it for a couple of decades 
since with no further sign of cracking.cheers,Andrew in Sydney

On Friday, December 1, 2023 at 09:07:15 AM GMT+11, 'Eric Norris' via RBW 
Owners Bunch  wrote:  
 The crack on Campy Record/Super Record spiders was the result of the very 
sharp edge at that location. A common fix back in the day was a few minutes’ 
work with a round file to take the edge off that part of the crankset.
--Eric Norris
Insta: @CampyOnlyGuy

On Nov 30, 2023, at 1:13 PM, RichS  wrote:
As a long time Sugino hidden bolt user I agree the chainring removel/install 
process can be onerous. Over a period of time and you develop a technique (like 
Bill has kindly shared) I do believe it becomes easier. And, as my wife always 
tells me, "patience is a virtue". A useful mantra for much of the bike 
tinkering I do. Metal fender installation comes to mind here.
Something not mentioned in this discussion is the quality or consistency of 
chainring nuts & bolts. I have sometimes switched out nuts and bolts when the 
nut tool isn't making a tight connection. Steel or aluminum? Does that make a 
difference? I don't know; I've always used steel.
Best,Rich in ATL
On Thursday, November 30, 2023 at 3:35:21 PM UTC-5 Nick Payne wrote:

On Friday, 1 December 2023 at 1:11:08 am UTC+11 Bill Lindsay wrote:

The hidden arm was definitely invented just to make a different look, and we 
were supposed to think that look was preferable.
It does minimise the problem that some cranks have/have had where cracking 
develops at the join between the crank and adjacent spider arm because of the 
acute angle between them. I can remember having to retire a couple of 
Campagnolo Super Record cranks that I was racing on back in the 1980s because 
cracks had developed at this point. e.g. - This image is from, but 
it's identical to the cracks I found.

That said, it works out great for me that so many people seem to have such a 
hard time with hidden bolt cranks, because I've never had a problem with it, 
and your shared struggles has got to help drive the price down for me.  Walking 
around my garage, there are four bikes with hidden arm Ritcheys, three with 
hidden arm Sugino, and two with hidden arm Campy.
Ditto here. There must be half a dozen bikes in our garage using cranks with 
the hidden chainring bolt behind the arm, and I've not had any problems 
changing chainrings on them.
Nick Payne 

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Re: [RBW] Stolen 1995 Rivendell Road Standard recovered!

2023-11-06 Thread Andrew Letton
 Great news, Adrianna! I'm happy for you.
I can't really tell from the resolution of the photo, but it looks like it is 
just the decals that were painted or marked over. If they used a Sharpie pen, 
acetone should remove the pen markings without damaging the paint job (but test 
in a small area to be sure!). If they used paint, some paints may be dissolved 
by acetone as well. I'm fairly certain that the original paint will not be 
harmed by acetone, but again, I would test this in an inconspicuous spot first.
Cheers!Andrew in Sydney
On Tuesday, November 7, 2023 at 09:07:17 AM GMT+11, Adrianna T 
 Hi all,
Just thought to share the good news. A few months ago, my Riv was stolen from 
my garage in San Francisco. I got it back this week.
The gist of the story was that a bike person in my community came across this 
bike, figured it was stolen, got it from the person selling it, and contacted 

All the parts were intact, except bags and lights and bottle cages, and the 
bike was totally fine. Someone had painted over the lugs in a black and blue 
and it's kind of ugly, but that's maybe a good story to tell some day.
I am so happy!

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2023-09-20 Thread Andrew Letton
 Are they ChroMoly or aluminum?cheers,Andrew in Sydney
On Wednesday, September 20, 2023 at 11:50:28 PM GMT+10, Davey Two Shoes 
 Hey Gang,I've got an albatross for sale $90 plus shipping. Shoot me a PM and 
I'll email pics. I cant seem to upload right now.

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Re: [RBW] FS: Nitto Bosco, Nitto Stems, Compass + Schwalbe Tires, Velocity Dyad Front Wheel

2023-09-14 Thread Andrew Letton
 Hi Bryan,I believe the tall stem you have listed is a Periscopa, not a Dirt 
Drop.See: Nitto Stem Comparison

|  |  |


|  | 
Nitto Stem Comparison

Periscopa, DirtDrop 8, DirtDrop 10, Tech Std, Tech Dlx, Lugged. Not pictured is 
the Tallux, but it's the same si...



cheers,Andrew in Sydney

On Friday, September 15, 2023 at 07:06:48 AM GMT+10, Bryan Dalik 
 Hi all,
Listing a few things for sale here:
Nitto Bosco bars 58cm - I believe they're heat treated, in like new condition. 
Comes with original plastic packaging. Neat Nitto logos on these. Looking for 
$100 shipped.
Nitto Technomic Stem 130mm/140mm - For 25.4mm bars. It's quite a long reach. 
Pulled off a Clem, would be great for Bosco bars or anything with a lot of 
sweepback. Like new condition as well. Looking for $45 shipped. Happy to 
package the bars and stem for $130 for both.
Nitto Dirt Drop stem 80mm - For 25.4mm bars. This has a bit of cosmetic wear, 
but is in perfectly fine shape. Looking for $50 shipped. 
Velocity Dyad Front Wheel - 700c. Great rim brake rim, tubes only. Comes with 
Shimano Deore LX hub. Been used some, so some brake wear. In good shape, 
perfectly true. Looking for $110 shipped.
Compass Barlow Pass 38mm tires - Been used some but plenty of tread left. 
Looking for 50$ shipped.
Schwalbe Big Ben 28x2.0 tires - Pulled off a Clem as well. These fit 700c rims. 
Not much use at all on these. Looking for $40 shipped. 
Photos for all parts -
Feel free to reach out. Thank you!

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[RBW] Re: WTB: Rivendell anorak windbreaker XL in orange

2023-08-27 Thread Andrew Letton

Anyone, anyone...?


On Monday, January 23, 2023 at 9:33:45 AM UTC+11 Andrew Letton wrote:

> Hi All,
> I missed out on the one just listed, so I'm asking whether anyone else 
> might want to sell the one gathering dust in their closet...
> [image: Inline image]
> I use the one I have pretty regularly for commuting, and it's getting 
> kinda' ratty. A replacement would be nice.
> Please reply offlist.
> cheers,
> Andrew

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Re: [RBW] Summer Riding in Alberta

2023-08-22 Thread Andrew Letton
 Love it!  Especially the butterfly cameo!cheers from Oz,Andrew
On Wednesday, August 23, 2023 at 01:36:32 AM GMT+10, Mack Penner 
 Hi people,I have been on a small eric rohmer kick this year, and when I 
started watching the tales of the four seasons it occurred to me that it would 
be fun to document a week of riding in every season. I had the idea in the 
summer, so first up is my tale of the summer. Nothin' fancy, I just perched my 
phone on my water bottle like a hundred times during my daily rides in the week 
from 14-18 August. I was gonna put it to music, but then I thought that if the 
goal is to document seasonal riding vibes the sounds that the season makes are 
important! Filmed in southern alberta on my atlantis, my joe, my homer, and 
finally my quickbeam. Vid's here. Hope you find it fun!Enjoy the rest of 

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Re: [RBW] Snoqualmie Pass substitute

2023-06-04 Thread Andrew Letton
 Search back a couple of days. Jeff posted these Soma Supple Vitesse 48mm tires 
here on RBW list.
[RBW] Re: FS: Soma Supple Vitesse SL 700 x 48 Tires (Pair)
On Saturday, 3 June 2023 at 11:23:58 UTC-5 wrote:

Great condition, < 100 miles. These are the superlight casing, weigh 370g each 
and ride like clouds. Asking $65 for both. Please PM for interest, thanks!
Jeff (Alabama)

On Monday, June 5, 2023 at 11:00:48 AM GMT+10, Patrick Moore 
 Segueing off Leah's thread: can anyone recommend a 44 to 48 mm tire as or 
almost as light and supple as the RH Snoqualmie Pass Extralight? For the 1st 
Matthews, pavement, gravel, and sand. I don't need not stinking knobs, but will 
be happy to entertain their suggestion if the tire is ditto as above.
I'll be especially interested in any Schwalbe tires ditto as above since my 
experience with 2 models of EL Schwalbes and 2 models of EL RHs leaves the 
contest neck-and-neck, with Schwalbe perhaps having a slight edge.
Since the newly Hover-barred Monocog is now so much nicer to ride, I will 
happily let it take the place of the #1 Monocog for sandier rides, thus for the 
Monocog I can lose some sand float for the sake of more crisp pavement 
On Sat, Jun 3, 2023 at 2:15 PM Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! 

I love pavement. But I’ve been on two gravel rides in the last month and I rode 
a Platy either time and it wasn’t my favorite for that bike. But, I have my old 
2019 52 cm Clem L, and it doesn’t have a dedicated purpose right now and 
shouldn’t that be the bike for rough and tough stuff like gravel? Also, my 
Platys are prisses. 
BUT. I’m not good at gravel. I have no idea what the kids are doing these days. 
I have questions, and you have answers.
1. Can I keep my VO wavy fenders on a gravel bike? Here’s what I have, and they 
say up to 50 mm tire will fit:2. Slick or knobby? I can’t even get a straight 
answer on this. Which is better? If it matters about the rider, this will be 
for a rider with a healthy fear of crashing.
3. How wide? I have 42s on my bikes now and I don’t feel like they are wide 
4. Tubeless or no? These wheels are tubeless-compatible but I put a tube in 
them because I wasn’t riding enough to keep the sealant circulating. But that 
can be changed right quick.
Here is my Clem in its current configuration, and yes, I know the Backabikes 
gotta go. 

Thanks for your help!Leah 

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MooreAlburquerque, Nuevo Mexico, Etats Unis d'Amerique, Orbis Terrarum

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Re: [RBW] WTB: Roly Poly Tires

2023-05-21 Thread Andrew Letton
 Also keep in mind that the Ruffy-Tuffy (and maybe the Roly-Poly; not sure) 
were made in both steel and kevlar beads, so make sure you're aware of what 
you're buying. I think the steel bead Ruffy-Tuffy was sold (only?) on the 
complete Romulus bikes of the day.cheers,Andrew in Sydney

On Monday, May 22, 2023 at 01:40:49 AM GMT+10, Joe Bernard 
 Correctamundo. I forgot about the kevlar. 

On Sunday, May 21, 2023 at 7:25:56 AM UTC-7 Eric Daume wrote:

I thought the Ruffy Tuffys also had some kind of flat prevention anti-puncture 
strip or casing built into them.
On Sun, May 21, 2023 at 12:13 AM Joe Bernard  wrote:

More rubber at the center track to reduce flatting, thereby a little heavier. 

On Saturday, May 20, 2023 at 6:06:28 PM UTC-7 wrote:

I was going to ask what the difference is. 

–Eric N

> On May 20, 2023, at 6:02 PM, wrote:
> those are ruffy tuffy not roly poly..i seem to recall a difference
> -- 
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Re: [RBW] forthcoming Hillibike "combo" predictions?

2023-05-15 Thread Andrew Letton
 The one feature that I see the Gus/Susie just begging for is a set of triple 
bottle bosses on the rear side of the seat tube. With those long chainstays, it 
seems the perfect place for another big (1 - 2 liter) waterbottle for those of 
us in hot, dry locations.cheers,Andrew in Sydney
On Tuesday, May 16, 2023 at 02:35:56 AM GMT+10, Brian Turner 
 Does anyone know anything specific about this new Hillibike iteration 
scheduled for October? Care to make any speculations or predictions? According 
to the latest Riv IG post, it only says "lugged, green and dark gold".
My main questions are:Will it have a straight top tube like the Platy / Roscoe 
Bubbe, or the nice graceful swoopy one like Gus / Susie / Charlie?
1" threaded or 1-1/8" threadless (like Gus)?
Heavier tubing (like Gus), or lighter duty (like Susie)?

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Re: [RBW] SimWorks KoMA light mount hack

2023-03-25 Thread ANDREW LETTON
Elegant! …but if it was mine, I’d put a simple string tether on it so I didn’t lose the light when the brass fatigued and broke. My AU$.02 (not even worth US$.014 these days)cheers,Andrew in Sydney (Painstakingly pecked out on my iPhone; please pardon my brevity and tpyos.)On 25 Mar 2023, at 12:03 pm, Andrew Turner  wrote:Let's place bets. How long do you reckon some 1/16" brass rod will last as a light mount to my S65 seatpost? Analog sells BlueLug's saddle rail mount for this KoMA light which I purchased but in the meantime, I tried a hack of my own, and after several failed attempts, landed on reusing some leftover brass rod I was planning on melting. Fits like a glove...and it's prttty light...just not sure of it's longevity. Might remake one with 1/8 inch stuff. Might just keep as is. Cheers, Andrew

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Re: [RBW] Old RBW road bike like the Rambouillet?

2023-03-24 Thread ANDREW LETTON
Romulus!cheers,Andrew(Painstakingly pecked out on my iPhone; please pardon my brevity and tpyos.)On 25 Mar 2023, at 12:37 am, Doug Van Cleve  wrote:Howdy folks.Wasn't there an RBW road frame BITD that was basically a more basic Rambouillet?  I think they were blue, and I don't remember if they were offered concurrently or after.  I think there was also a tall version called the Redwood...Thanks, Doug

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Re: [RBW] Re: Let's talk about the All Rounder

2023-03-22 Thread Andrew Letton
 My Joe Stark '99 All-Rounder has rack mounts on the fork blades.  Was it maybe 
just that Curt had not yet done rack mounts on the fork blades for Rivs at that 
point?cheers,Andrew in Sydney
On Thursday, March 23, 2023 at 11:02:02 AM GMT+11, James Valiensi 
 Hi,When I ordered my custom Rivendell in 2002 I requested rack mounts on the 
fork blades. They hadn’t done this before. I had to send a drawing showing what 
I wanted. They agreed and Curt Goodrich made my frame. Joe Stark was supposed 
to be my builder, but he went of the reversvation before he started on it. I 
met Curt a few times and I’m super happy with his work. 
So, front rack mounts were not part of the normal Rivendell catalog 20 years 

On Mar 10, 2023, at 11:31 AM, m f  wrote:
Hi - I'm new here! Not sure how many of you saw this on eBay over the past few 
months, but I was able to work with the seller and found a way to buy this 2000 
All-Rounder (Curt Goodrich). I have a couple updates in mind (sweptback 
handlebar, Brooks saddle), but those will happen with time. First step will be 
new tires and tuning the mechanicals (Dura Ace except for crankset) so I can 
get a ride or two under my belt. If the seller is in this group - thanks again 
for all the help!
Questions for the group: It seems odd to find an All Rounder, or any Riv for 
that matter, without rack mounts on the upper/mid fork blade. Would this have 
been a special request to not have them?What are the markers that indicate the 
frame was painted at Joe Bell's shop?

On Sunday, March 20, 2022 at 8:09:10 PM UTC-5 Patrick Moore wrote:

The All Rounder like the XO-1 before it gets a lot of interest and praise, but 
I think that, like the XO-1 that preceeded it, it is an early design that has 
been superseded and bettered by later Grantian bikes, starting with the 
Atlantis and continuing with the Sam Hillborne and doubtless the more recent 
I say this having owned an XO-1 and having bought a custom Road based on the 
All Rounder, with lighter (753) tubing and slightly more upright hta (IIRC). My 
1999 and 2003 Road customs, also built for 26" wheels, are better "All Round" 
both on pavement and in dirt than either XO-1 and the first Road custom, with 
much longer chainstays, slightly sacker head, and upsloping tts with extended 
head tubes. 
I say again that the later Road customs ride better on dirt, particularly sandy 
surfaces, than the XO-1 and the first gen, AR-based road custom.
I think -- but I am open to reasoned rebuttal -- that an Atlantis or Sam Hill 
would be better for all round riding than either XOs or ARs.

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Re: [RBW] WTB - John’s Strap

2023-03-20 Thread Andrew Letton
 I'd highly recommend Voile straps or similar knock-off ("Grunt" here in 
Australia) urethane straps. Their combination of stretch and grip are, in my 
experience, just right for securing loads on a bouncing, vibrating 
bike.cheers,Andrew in Sydney
On Tuesday, March 21, 2023 at 09:38:47 AM GMT+11, Keith P. 
 Hey gang,
I’m fed up with not having a few good straps around for maintenance and 
securing cargo.
Does anyone have any John’s straps in irish or watermelon to spare?
I would love to purchase a couple if they are out there. 
Also, if anyone has other strap recommendations or favorite solutions, I would 
love to hear your thoughts.

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Re: [RBW] Custom frame bag for Gus

2023-02-22 Thread Andrew Letton
 Nice! I especially like the black patch adjacent to the chain.
(Related to that space behind the seat tube...from the first time I saw it, I 
thought there should be a triple set of bosses there for a big Nalgene or other 
extra water storage.)
cheers,Andrew in Sydney...where more water on the bike is always better!

On Thursday, February 23, 2023 at 02:15:29 AM GMT+11, Brian Turner 
 Photos here:
Ever since taking ownership of my Gus last Fall, I had designs on having a 
custom frame bag made for the space behind the seat tube on the frame. I guess 
it's the bikepacker in me, but it seems like there's just too much usable space 
there to not take advantage of it.
I reached out to Andy Schmidt from Lords Luggage in Portland (he runs in the 
same bike scene circles as Rivelo John and Bantam Cycles Bob), and he 
enthusiastically accepted the challenge. Click the link above to check out the 
I'm super pleased with the results... it's exactly what I was hoping for. I 
mostly keep my tire repair stuff in it; pump, pressure gauge, spare tube, 
puncture repair kit, 2 oz bottle of sealant, shop rag, and still a little room 
to spare.
If you're looking for a custom bag like this, or other bike bags and handmade 
luggage, get in touch with Andy! Thanks for looking!


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Re: [RBW] Single-Bolt Stem Spreading Options

2023-01-26 Thread Andrew Letton
 Hi Brian, 
If your stem has a tapped hole for the clamp bolt (as many steel stems have, 
rather than a loose nut like many aluminum Nittos) you can use this method:
Helpful tip: Take the pinch bolt out. Insert a coin in the slot between the 
clamp area. Thread the bolt in from the back side. Tighten it against the coin. 
It will force the clamp open and it will stay that way during your install.

(I copied this from the net, rather than type up my own description.)
HTH,Andrew in Sydney

On Friday, January 27, 2023 at 09:27:40 AM GMT+11, Brian Forsee 
 I've got some towel rack drop bars on the way to me that will be going on my 
newly acquired AHH. I was planning on picking up one of the tools nitto makes 
specifically for spreading single-bolt stems but Crust was out of stock. I've 
installed plenty of bars using the ole flat head method, which always works, 
but i usually end up with a scratch or two. Anybody got any good alternative 
methods I'm not thinking of?

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Re: [RBW] Re: ISO banana connectors (M and F) or small spade connectors

2023-01-15 Thread Andrew Letton
 Hi Patrick,
If you search for "2mm banana connector" on Aliexpress, there are lots of 
sellers...of course it will take a number of weeks to receive them!

Cheers,Andrew in Sydney
On Saturday, January 14, 2023 at 06:41:52 AM GMT+11, Patrick Moore 
 Laing and Ray: Thank you. If an off-list offer does not turn into things, then 
I will look both of these sources up. Meanwhile they'll go to my archive.

On Fri, Jan 13, 2023 at 12:13 PM Patrick Moore  wrote:

Velolumino is still out of the banana connectors, and I'm still looking for 2 
pairs (ie, 2X male + female), or ditto for small spade connectors -- VL offers 
2.8 mm but no male ones: so, 2X 2.8mm spade connectors, male + female.
Happy to pay outrageous unit retail, tho' also happy to pay less.
Or, point me to a source that has either in cheap bulk lots.


MooreAlburquerque, Nuevo Mexico, Etats Unis d'Amerique, Orbis Terrarum


MooreAlburquerque, Nuevo Mexico, Etats Unis d'Amerique, Orbis Terrarum

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Re: [RBW] Re: Suggestions for smallest-possible reading glasses or monocle

2022-06-02 Thread Andrew Letton
 I forgot to add that I also carry supercheapo folding reading glasses from the 
dollar store as emergency, high magnification backup glasses. The ones I've 
found fold up and go in a case that is about 1" x 1" x 2".HTH,Andrew
On Friday, June 3, 2022, 01:06:07 PM GMT+10, Andrew Letton 
  I've been riding with these cheap "cheaters" from Duluth Trading for years:

They also have a "dark" version:

Available in 1.75 to 3.5 diopter...hard to beat for $20!
On Friday, June 3, 2022, 02:30:57 AM GMT+10, 'thwart' via RBW Owners Bunch 
 Ever since a mid-ride episode of both myself and my riding partner being 
unable to make out the text on our phone's Google maps (on a 60th birthday 
ride, no less), I've been using bifocal cycling glasses. Photosensitive 
Tifosi's is the current fave for a budget-minded rider like me. 1.5 diopters is 
sufficient for the time being. IME the Tifosi placement of the bifocal line is 
very non-intrusive for cycling purposes.
On Wednesday, May 25, 2022 at 3:44:12 PM UTC-5 Patrick Moore wrote:

What do you old people with presbyopia carry for mid-ride close-up looking? 
I've got any number of cheap reading glasses (and one good prescription pair 
that belonged to my father) but I'd like to find something even smaller for 
very, very occasional use. 
Something like the device shown might be just the thing -- fits in pocket and 
even in wallet -- but I'd appreciate others' ideas and opinions before I hit 
"buy." And, the link attached to the image is broken.
I don't need something to fit into the eye; just something to hold with one 
hand while I fiddle with the other.
There are all sorts of folding reading glasses with case in eBay stores but I 
think I'd like something even more compact.
I suppose I could simply break one of my cheap reading glasses in half and 
remove the arm, but that's hardly elegant.


MooreAlburquerque, Nuevo Mexico, Etats Unis d'Amerique, Orbis Terrarum

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Re: [RBW] Re: Suggestions for smallest-possible reading glasses or monocle

2022-06-02 Thread Andrew Letton
 I've been riding with these cheap "cheaters" from Duluth Trading for years:

They also have a "dark" version:

Available in 1.75 to 3.5 diopter...hard to beat for $20!
On Friday, June 3, 2022, 02:30:57 AM GMT+10, 'thwart' via RBW Owners Bunch 
 Ever since a mid-ride episode of both myself and my riding partner being 
unable to make out the text on our phone's Google maps (on a 60th birthday 
ride, no less), I've been using bifocal cycling glasses. Photosensitive 
Tifosi's is the current fave for a budget-minded rider like me. 1.5 diopters is 
sufficient for the time being. IME the Tifosi placement of the bifocal line is 
very non-intrusive for cycling purposes.
On Wednesday, May 25, 2022 at 3:44:12 PM UTC-5 Patrick Moore wrote:

What do you old people with presbyopia carry for mid-ride close-up looking? 
I've got any number of cheap reading glasses (and one good prescription pair 
that belonged to my father) but I'd like to find something even smaller for 
very, very occasional use. 
Something like the device shown might be just the thing -- fits in pocket and 
even in wallet -- but I'd appreciate others' ideas and opinions before I hit 
"buy." And, the link attached to the image is broken.
I don't need something to fit into the eye; just something to hold with one 
hand while I fiddle with the other.
There are all sorts of folding reading glasses with case in eBay stores but I 
think I'd like something even more compact.
I suppose I could simply break one of my cheap reading glasses in half and 
remove the arm, but that's hardly elegant.


MooreAlburquerque, Nuevo Mexico, Etats Unis d'Amerique, Orbis Terrarum

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Re: [RBW] Re: Silver2 shifters -- over the bar, or under?

2022-02-23 Thread Andrew Letton
 Hi Pete,One option that might work is to swap the brake levers left for right, 
so the pinch bolt is on the top, then the shifter could go below.Not seeing the 
entire brake lever, I can't see how visually unpleasing that might 
be...cheers,Andrew in Sydney
On Thursday, February 24, 2022, 07:34:56 AM GMT+11, Pete B 
 Thanks for the pic. Clever mirror placement.

I'm using a Nitto 809 handlebar. It's a low rise, low sweep flat bar that 
really only has one hand position, so I need to mount the brake levers and 
shifters next to each other. Here's a view of the left grip, with the shifter 
on top of the bar, and bell below. As you can see, there's only a few 
millimeters of clearance between the grip and the shifter. Under the bar, the 
brake lever mount bulges around the mounting bolt. I'm pretty sure the bolt 
bulge will interfere with the shifter's throw if I try to mount it below the 
bar. FWIW, the levers are Shimano Tiagras. The newish Deore shifter I have on a 
different bike has the same bulge.

I like these shifters a lot, but the mounts are a bit low profile for my 
situation. Has anyone successfully used the the Silver2 as thumbshifters with a 
different, higher-profile mount? 


On Tuesday, February 22, 2022 at 6:44:33 PM UTC-5 Pancake wrote:

Under works great, here compared to a Sunrace that front shifter. Rainbow in 
background for fun. Unrelated: hailing today on the way to work!

On Tuesday, 22 February 2022 at 12:30:05 UTC-8 Pete B wrote:

Hi all, I'd be curious to see how others have mounted their Silver2 shifters on 
Silver mounts.

I have them on a old Trek Singletrack. I mounted them on the top. I've found 
that the mounts put the shifters quite low -- just above the bar/grip. A bit 
lower than I'd like, compared to others I've used.

I think they might be more comfortable mounted under the bar, and I've read 
that's how they do it in Walnut Creek. I haven't tried this yet. But eyeballing 
it, I think my brake lever mounts might interfere with the shifter's movement. 
I've seen the video on the Riv site, but it doesn't show brake levers or grips 

Anyone else been down this road?
PeteArlington, VA

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Re: [RBW] Specialized Sequoia 68cm!! in Wash DC

2021-12-22 Thread Andrew Letton
 A steal at $350! ...but 3cm too big for me and a big ocean 
away...cheers,Andrew in Sydney
On Thursday, December 23, 2021, 07:10:12 AM GMT+11, Kevin D norcal - santa 
rosa  wrote:  
 Vintage Sequoia 68cm!! in Wash DC

On Sunday, December 19, 2021 at 6:32:31 PM UTC-8 Matthew Williams wrote:

Atlantis F/F/HS59cm$1600Beacon, 

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Re: [RBW] SON Rear Light Brightness?

2021-11-01 Thread Andrew Letton
 Pet peeve rant warning:
Most LED taillights are highly directional, and as such, they need to be 
mounted rigidly and aimed correctly "back down the road" to be most 
effective.Personally, I think that bag makers should stop putting light loops 
on floppy bags, as they give the rider a false sense of security, thinking 
their taillight will make them seen from behind, when in fact, their taillight 
is usually pointing at a spot on the ground 2m behind the bike or somewhere to 
the left of the moon...not at the cars behind them.
Please mount taillights rigidly to your frame, saddle rails, fender, or rack!
/:rant off:/
Thanks and cheers,Andrew in Sydney
On Saturday, October 30, 2021, 07:53:15 AM GMT+11, Sean B. 
 Thank you for all the replies. I would like a SON rear light that's always on, 
and a secondary light. But, I dont have much room to mount a battery powered 
one. I was looking for some kind of hanging light to attach to my North Street 
trunk sack. The only hanging light I can find is Well google "hanging bike 
light" if you'd like.
Anyways, does any one know of a hanging light to attach to a bag?

On Friday, October 29, 2021 at 3:23:56 PM UTC-5 greenteadrinkers wrote:

I have a SON28, Edelux 2, and the SON rear light mounted on the backside of a 
Brooks. I don't feel totally safe with just the SON tail light, it's great that 
it's there, but I def. augment it with something much much stronger, namely a 
Diontte. I've been knocked off my bike three times in Philly, once I started to 
ride with a Dinotte, people def. could see me. The SON is cute, and it's nice 
to always have something on, but it's easy enough to overlook from a driver's 
point of view, and I'm not totally in love with the extra wiring going the rear 
of the bike. if I had this system built out again, I'd just go with a high-end 
battery-powered light, the Diontte is a game-changer in you have to ride in 
heavy traffic day or night.

On Friday, October 29, 2021 at 11:31:54 AM UTC-4 Chris wrote:

I have two bikes with dynamos one has a B&M top light small but the best 
solution I’ve found is the B&M taillight built into my Curana C Lite. I like 
the fender solution so much that that the bike with the top lite will get C 
Lite fenders simply for the ease and cleanliness.


On Oct 26, 2021, at 7:11 PM, Mathieu Brown  wrote:

Good day Sean,

I know that this isn’t the answer to your question but both my local bike shop 
and Rivendell stated, this fall (as I built up my own dyno Riv) that for a lot 
of people, dyno rear lights might be more trouble than they’re worth. 
I ended up with a Cygolight HotRod, based on recommendation.
Nice and bright.
Team, please feel free to tell us we’re soft here by only going dyno in the 
Mathieu Brown
Sent from my iPhone.

On Oct 26, 2021, at 11:48 AM, Sean B.  wrote:

I currently have a SONdelux Wide-Body hub with a SON Edelux II headlightand was 
wanting to get a taillight as well. Does anyone have experience with the SON 
Rear Light? If so, how bright is it and what system are you using it on? I cant 
find many reviews online, so thought I'd ask y'all. 

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Re: [RBW] Re: Fenders for bikes with big tires

2021-10-10 Thread Andrew Letton
 +1 on the 700x60 Berthouds. I've had them on my Bombadil with 2.1 tires for 
about a decade now.cheers,Andrew in Sydney
On Thursday, October 7, 2021, 06:54:10 AM GMT+11, Edwin W 
 I have been very happy with the Berthoud 700x60mm stainless steel fenders on 
my Appaloosa with 50mm 


On Tuesday, October 5, 2021 at 7:23:07 AM UTC-5 ascpgh wrote:

I have a set of Velo Orange Zeppelin fenders (fully fluted) on my rack bait 
commuter that I've been riding year round for seven years. I don't think you'll 
go wrong with the set you linked.
My V.O.s have weathered the seasonal precipitation and clanking in and out of 
industrial bike racks enough to earn the title of being durable. The front is 
long enough that I didn't have to add a ridiculous mudflap for good foot and 
drivetrain slop protection. The rear I installed with the front end below the 
BB for good protection for the drivetrain. No one follows me at my hours and I 
don't ride groups on that bike so I don't have a rear flap.  I do have a fender 
mounted wired tail light. I ran its wire from the left chain stay wrapped 
around the fender stay to use up excess, going under the fender almost where 
the light's mounted. Maybe shonkey for a show bike but I wan't in the cut, 
solder, shrink seal business at the moment. No damage, grounding events in 
seven years.
Andy CheathamPittsburgh
On Sunday, October 3, 2021 at 2:45:34 PM UTC-4 wrote:

Hello,Winter is coming 
And so fenders are needed. I have a Hunqapillar with some big 2.1" tires. My 
fender requirements are that they must fit, be pretty and not too short. I like 
long fenders because long fenders + mud-flaps keep the muck off.  
Here's where I'm at...    
   - Planet Bike fenders are too short, I think. These must be for Californians 
   - PDW Full Metal Fenders are great, i have them on a different bike, but 
unsure if the 55mm will fit my 2.1's
   - The SKS B65 may fit the bill, it's what Riv recommends, but they look 
really short (here is the riv link with pic) and... plastic
   - Velo Orange seems to have some nice fenders in 63mm here they are
These are going to last a really long time so price isn't really a deciding 
factor. I also want them to look good, because I'm vain. After typing all of 
this it appears I'm leaning toward the VO fenders, how do folks here feel about 
them? How's their longevity?
thank you,Johnny B in Portland

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Re: [RBW] Hub area rack without arch or hoop: how does it attach?

2021-08-15 Thread Andrew Letton
 Hi Patrick,I have the gen 1 HAR on my Bombadil, and your question about 
twisting is a valid one!  After no more than ten days of touring, the rack 
twisted the dropout boss right off my fork. :-(  I'm now attaching the bottom 
end of the rack with P-clamp, but I also retrofitted the hoop from an old set 
of Blackburn low-riders to my HAR using four small P-clamps and have not had 
any further issue with the HAR.Sorry to the current seller of the gen 1 HAR, 
but buyer beware...cheers,Andrew...locked down in Sydney and not allowed to 
further (ab)use my HAR!

On Monday, August 16, 2021, 08:32:09 AM GMT+10, Patrick Moore 
 Someone is selling an older pair without arch, and I'm curious how
they attach securely with only a single upper mounting point on the
fork blade and a lower one at the dropout. What keeps them from

How much weight can they carry? -- I just looked (I can find out
myself!!) and the new ones say 7 lb per side. That is close enough to
the 10 lb per side (contents, over bag -- say 12 lb per side) that I

Next question: Can anyone say if they'll fit this 26-inch wheel fork?
Note the relatively low fork boss and the absence of a dedicated
dropout attachment point -- I'd have to attach the bottom to either
the QR or to the fender boss. I daresay they won't reach to the bosses
on the arch, but if they are designed to be sturdy with only top and
bottom attachments, then that's fine.

Note that the lowriders made for the frame have the proper two top
attachment points but nothing at the bottom.

Assistance and photos gratefully received.



Patrick Moore
Alburquerque, Nuevo Mexico, Etats Unis d'Amerique, Orbis Terrarum

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Re: [RBW] Re: Rapid rise polarizing

2021-07-13 Thread Andrew Letton
 For those using bar-end shifters and a RR derailleur, has anyone tried 
flipping the shifter upside down (so cable routes along top of bar)?  Seems 
this could solve the muscle-memory issue...cheers,Andrew
On Tuesday, July 13, 2021, 03:47:12 PM GMT+10, Joe Bernard 
 I had one for a short while and found it finicky to install and 
counterintuitive to shift. I'm sure both of these reactions are based on 
decades of high-normal derailers, I think RapidRise is probably better for new 
riders who've never messed with the other way. 

On Monday, July 12, 2021 at 10:08:30 PM UTC-7 Sam Perez wrote:

Hey guys,
Why is there so little info on rapid rise RD and why is it so polarizing. 
Sources include bike snob grants blog and random internet sources. Takeaways 
were finicky and needing frequent adjustment but also great concept and easy 
down shifting. Any experience thoughts insights? 


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Re: [RBW] Riv-ish Top Tube Protection

2021-07-06 Thread Andrew Letton
 On the two bikes where the bar-end shifters would otherwise contact the top 
tube, I use this JandD pump strap to both secure the pump and protect the 

On my commuter which doesn't have the above issue (and doesn't have a pump 
under the TT), I wrapped the TT with some bar tape in the two locations where I 
commonly lean it to lock it or strap it to a post on the train.
cheers,Andrew in Sydney
On Tuesday, July 6, 2021, 09:31:26 PM GMT+10, Den John 
What do people do for Riv-ish top tube protection for their bikes? 

Clear stickers like helicopter tape don't seem very Riv-ish, tend to peel off 
and look a mess after a while, and possibly aren't the best from an 
environmental perspective. 

BMX/mountain bike pads with velcro fixings seem ok but aren't a very good match 
aesthetically. I'm using an old MTB pad at the moment. 

I've seen some ready made leather top tube covers but they don't seem to fit 
the 31mm diameter tubes on my Atlantis or Clem H. Similarly, Velo Orange had 
some elk skin bar tape but again I don't think it would fit. A home made 
leather TT cover might work I suppose. 

I've seen some people put shellacked bar tape along all or most of their TT but 
that operation looks like a massive PITA IMO and it's not easily removable once 
it's been done. 

What I'd really like is a canvas cover made of something like Carradice waxed 
cotton duck (it would match my bags at least) but I've not found anyone who 
makes something like that.
Any other ideas?

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[RBW] Re: Clem H sizing, availability

2021-04-05 Thread Andrew Letton
That is some truly glorious rack and basket work on your Bubbe! Bravo!
Is it new (hence no rust) or does it have some sort of clearcoat on it?
Andrew in Sydney

On Tuesday, April 6, 2021 at 10:38:59 AM UTC+10 Abcyclehank wrote:

> I heard some people like the jumbo mountain mixte Rosco so much they have 
> more than one in their fleet 🤔👍 🚲 🚲 .
> Wish I had been that smart...
> Ryan Hankinson
> West Michigan
> On Friday, April 2, 2021 at 1:29:55 PM UTC-4 Kainalu V. -Brooklyn NY wrote:
>> Here's the answer to everything- search the world for one of these (the 
>> precious, the Rosco Bubbe) and be forever happy- 
>> Doesn't look as steppy throughy as the Clem L, but still gives some room, 
>> and (risking offense to my fellow Clem 65 owners, sorry folks) rides better 
>> than the Clems.
>> -Kai
>> On Friday, April 2, 2021 at 11:15:26 AM UTC-4 Coal Bee Rye Anne wrote:
>>> I am another 65cm H owner... with approx 97-ish pbh, 6'5" height.  My 
>>> seatpost and bar height are extended nearly the same as in Julian's pic 
>>> except I'm using a vintage B72 saddle which is not as tall has his sprung 
>>> saddle (flyer/conquest?) which likely accounts for some overall saddle 
>>> height difference I expect we'd have.
>>> Sounds like you certainly fall between sizes of 59 and 65H... I forget 
>>> the specific min/max but recall I was right near the minimum recommended 
>>> pbh for the 65H.  I almost went with a 59 with the initial Clem release 
>>> (and was really tempted when the first 59 prototype became a webspecial) 
>>> but hesitated having always been stuck with too small off the shelf bikes 
>>> and knew I wanted a more upright and comfortable sized bike for my casual 
>>> local riding (mixed pavement/gravel/multiuse trails.)  I have very little 
>>> standover clearance with the 65 but once I'm in the saddle I'm perfectly 
>>> content and couldn't imagine wanting to go smaller.  I've swapped from 55cm 
>>> Bosco to Jones Loop(660mm 2.5 Riser) to ChocoMoose like Julian shows and 
>>> now have a regular Bullmoose installed. However, if I did a little more 
>>> rough stuff or off-road riding I think I'd actually prefer a 59cm for 
>>> slightly easier mounting/dismounting and a more aggressive bar position 
>>> using my Jones or Bullmoose bars. 
>>> I also thought it was mentioned they'd at least never do the 65cm H 
>>> again but don't recall where/when specifically.
>>> Best,
>>> Brian Cole
>>> Lawrence NJ
>>> On Friday, April 2, 2021 at 7:34:46 AM UTC-4 wrote:
 I have a 101 pbh and ride a 65 Clem (pic attached).  I really like it, 
 but if my pbh were 5-6 cm smaller I think it would be an issue -- esp. if 
 was not using it primarily as a town bike as you see it set up here. 

 I think the 65 is history. 

 I'm with Kai -- get the L.   I've been seriously tempted to do so 
 myself. It is also a unicorn of sorts

 Julian Westerhout
 Bloomington, IL 

 On Thursday, April 1, 2021 at 2:28:41 PM UTC-5 Kevin wrote:

> Hi folks,
> I am semi in the market for a Clem H and am looking for some first 
> person thoughts on fit. I worry I am in between the 59 and the massive 
> 65. 
> Can anybody who has ridden either or both of those chime in with their 
> measurements and how the bikes felt? I think the proper solution to this 
> problem is to just get the 64 L but I am just not sympatico with the 
> aesthetics there.
> I'm about a 95-96 PBH and ride a 62 Sam pretty comfortably with drops, 
> would prefer more reach every time I've set it up with flats.
> Also, the bike seems to have been excised from the models section of 
> Riv's site. Anyone know if they are planning on only offering the step 
> through model moving forward?
> Thanks!

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Re: [RBW] FS: Wheelset, marathon supreme tires, sugino triple crankset

2021-02-07 Thread Andrew Letton
 PM sent re: wheelset!cheers,Andrew
On Monday, February 8, 2021, 02:36:30 AM GMT+11, 
 Wheelset: 700 silver cr-18 rims, shimano hubs, 36 spokes, 8-10 speed --- 
$95/setSchwalbe Marathon Supreme tires 700 x 50 --- $80/pairSugino triple 
crankset, brand new in box --- $125
JeffMobile, Alabama

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[RBW] Re: Running a Mark's rack/basket....AND a handlebar bag?!?!?!

2020-11-12 Thread Andrew Letton
Doh! Just shows how carefully I'm reading this thread. I see now that you 
expressed concern for the paint in your initial post.
Your concern is well founded. Bikepacking bag straps regularly abrade 
paint. Some people wrap the contact areas with heavy duty clear tape 
("helicopter tape") to protect their paint.

On Friday, November 13, 2020 at 9:10:23 AM UTC+11 Andrew Letton wrote:

> One thing I haven't seen anyone mention yet: I would be afraid that a 
> strap that runs around the head tube, as you have shown, would abrade the 
> paint and edges of the headbadge, especially when the strap picks up a 
> little road grit/grime. If I wanted to run a strap, I would wrap it around 
> the bottom of the stem, right above the headset, which rotates along with 
> the fork/rack so there would not be any tendency to grind up the pain job.
> cheers,
> Andrew in Sydney
> On Monday, November 9, 2020 at 3:54:22 AM UTC+11 wrote:
>> Here's a photo of what I'm thinking about doing with the strap and head 
>> tube...
>> [image: irish.jpg]
>> The strap is looped through each side of the tombstone twice...once 
>> through and around the head tube on the opposite side, and then once though 
>> the inside of the tombstone and back on the same side of the head tube (if 
>> that makes sense).
>> It's snug...but my two concerns are...
>> 1. it won't stop the rack/basket from crashing into the front wheel if 
>> the rack fails (I'm not a physics person...but I'm guessing there's more 
>> holding power vertically than horizontally)
>> 2. The strap is going to dull up or rub off the paint on the head tube.
>> I was typing this, I found this...
>> It looks like lashing the tombstone to the head tube has been an option 
>> for at least Soma and their "Manny Strap". I'm guessing I'm okay with it 
>> the way I have it.
>> Right? 
>> On Saturday, November 7, 2020 at 10:19:16 AM UTC-6 Ben Mihovk wrote:
>>> Hey all!
>>> I recently set up my Atlantis with a Mark's rack and medium Walk 
>>> zip-tied to it. I double strutted the rack and have the Irish strap 
>>> connecting the tombstone to the bars (Chocos). 
>>> I have an x-small saddle sack that I love and was offered a matching one 
>>> at a great price. I love the way the x-small sack looks/fits on my 
>>> handlebars, but I'm having some serious issues figuring out how to strap 
>>> the tombstone for support while having a handlebar bag.
>>> One solution I might have is to strap the tombstone to the headtube 
>>> horizontally. I did it a minute ago and looped the Irish strap a bunch of 
>>> times and tightened it up. Is this good enough for supporting the rack if 
>>> the tange fails? Will the strap on the frame rub off the paint or top/clear 
>>> coat? 
>>> Any ideas on how to have both a Mark's rack and x-small handlebar bag 
>>> are welcome. 
>>> For what it's worth...I don't plan on ever exceeding the 4 pound 
>>> recommendation on the rack. I've used it to carry my 3 pound laptop and 
>>> charger (with a Captain Hook), to grab a 3 pound bag of groceries, etc...I 
>>> may push it to a six pack of beer, but I have a rear rack and panniers if I 
>>> need to carry anything heavy. 
>>> Thanks!
>>> Ben

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[RBW] Re: Running a Mark's rack/basket....AND a handlebar bag?!?!?!

2020-11-12 Thread Andrew Letton
One thing I haven't seen anyone mention yet: I would be afraid that a strap 
that runs around the head tube, as you have shown, would abrade the paint 
and edges of the headbadge, especially when the strap picks up a little 
road grit/grime. If I wanted to run a strap, I would wrap it around the 
bottom of the stem, right above the headset, which rotates along with the 
fork/rack so there would not be any tendency to grind up the pain job.
Andrew in Sydney

On Monday, November 9, 2020 at 3:54:22 AM UTC+11 wrote:

> Here's a photo of what I'm thinking about doing with the strap and head 
> tube...
> [image: irish.jpg]
> The strap is looped through each side of the tombstone twice...once 
> through and around the head tube on the opposite side, and then once though 
> the inside of the tombstone and back on the same side of the head tube (if 
> that makes sense).
> It's snug...but my two concerns are...
> 1. it won't stop the rack/basket from crashing into the front wheel if the 
> rack fails (I'm not a physics person...but I'm guessing there's more 
> holding power vertically than horizontally)
> 2. The strap is going to dull up or rub off the paint on the head tube.
> I was typing this, I found this...
> It looks like lashing the tombstone to the head tube has been an option 
> for at least Soma and their "Manny Strap". I'm guessing I'm okay with it 
> the way I have it.
> Right? 
> On Saturday, November 7, 2020 at 10:19:16 AM UTC-6 Ben Mihovk wrote:
>> Hey all!
>> I recently set up my Atlantis with a Mark's rack and medium Walk zip-tied 
>> to it. I double strutted the rack and have the Irish strap connecting the 
>> tombstone to the bars (Chocos). 
>> I have an x-small saddle sack that I love and was offered a matching one 
>> at a great price. I love the way the x-small sack looks/fits on my 
>> handlebars, but I'm having some serious issues figuring out how to strap 
>> the tombstone for support while having a handlebar bag.
>> One solution I might have is to strap the tombstone to the headtube 
>> horizontally. I did it a minute ago and looped the Irish strap a bunch of 
>> times and tightened it up. Is this good enough for supporting the rack if 
>> the tange fails? Will the strap on the frame rub off the paint or top/clear 
>> coat? 
>> Any ideas on how to have both a Mark's rack and x-small handlebar bag are 
>> welcome. 
>> For what it's worth...I don't plan on ever exceeding the 4 pound 
>> recommendation on the rack. I've used it to carry my 3 pound laptop and 
>> charger (with a Captain Hook), to grab a 3 pound bag of groceries, etc...I 
>> may push it to a six pack of beer, but I have a rear rack and panniers if I 
>> need to carry anything heavy. 
>> Thanks!
>> Ben

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Re: [RBW] Best saddle for very upright posture?

2020-10-15 Thread Andrew Letton
 Hi Ash,I don't actually have that new C67; I just got an email from Brooks 
announcing it as a new product.cheers,Andrew
On Thursday, October 15, 2020, 09:23:21 AM GMT+11, Ash  
 Hey Andrew, 
That's saddle looks fascinating.  I wasn't aware it existed!  Do you mind 
sharing a quick review after a few rides?  
I have B17, C17, B68 and B67, but those pictures make me think this might be 
worth a try.

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Re: [RBW] Best saddle for very upright posture?

2020-10-13 Thread Andrew Letton
 Hi Jesse,This just arrived in my inbox from Brooks this morning. Maybe worth 
consideration...cheers,Andrew in Sydney (where yes, it is the 14th)

Wed, Oct 14 at 1:05 AM
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Carefully designed to meet the needs of e-bike riders, the brand new Brooks C67 
saddle has a wide top and a raised rear surface, which accounts for and lessens 
the forces created by the sudden accelerations of electric bicycles. 


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A special curved shape of the top and saddle nose offers
greater stability during the ride.


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Brooks also presents new e-bike specific grips,
with an ergonomic shape that confers greater
confidence and control.


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On Tuesday, October 13, 2020, 10:42:46 PM GMT+11, Jesse 
 What I really want is a sprung Brooks, but I'm not heavy enough to actuate the 
springs. Can't afford a Berthoud.
The only other option I know of is the Rivet Loveland, which I've heard is 
excellent quality.
Anything else to consider?

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Re: [RBW] It's a Bombadil

2020-09-24 Thread Andrew Letton
 Thanks Roberta!Yes, Zane enjoyed (and continues to enjoy) riding on the bike 
with me since that very first ride. Happy Papa!That cockpit is the 58cm Bosco 
bar on a 12cm Nitto lugged stem.cheers,Andrew
On Thursday, September 24, 2020, 09:21:28 PM GMT+10, Roberta 

Zane looked like he’s having a great time. He’s adorable!  What handlebars are 
on this bike?  


I’m looking forward to to hearing of your ride. 


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Re: [RBW] It's a Bombadil

2020-09-22 Thread Andrew Letton
 Looks great, Joe! Enjoy the ride!
One question: are you certain that it is Toyo-built? My 60cm early 2TT Bombadil 
was built by Waterford. What is the serial number format on yours; that may 
tell us something. (Mine is L080xx. Built in L=12=December of '08.)  Does 
anyone else recall the history of when/where the Bombadils were built?

2009 Rivendell Bombadil

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2009 Rivendell Bombadil

Explore this photo album by letton on Flickr!



cheers,Andrew in Sydney

On Wednesday, September 23, 2020, 11:48:08 AM GMT+10, Joe Bernard 
 I finally finished it! Its a 52cm Toyo, early parallel-tube version (the one I 
like). No paint, which was an interesting experience for a notorious paint 
panicker as I was working. I can't scratch it! 😂

Joe Bernard 

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Re: [RBW] Re: RBW's Banana Sax with inside flap for security is available.

2020-09-22 Thread Andrew Letton
 I have used a wine cork as a standoff with good success. I lashed it to the 
leather strap with hemp twine (of course!)cheers,Andrew
On Tuesday, September 22, 2020, 04:26:10 PM GMT+10, 'Hetchins52' via RBW 
Owners Bunch  wrote:  
 Acorn Bags has an elegant solution to the problem: A cylindrical leather 
stand-off and strap. of the few 
of their products that is not sold out.You could do the same with a toe strap 
and a piece of PVC pipe, as Patrick suggests.
David Lipsky
On Monday, September 21, 2020 at 12:58:59 PM UTC-7, Ash wrote:
I recently got a gray Banana Sax.  When attach it to the saddle though back of 
my thigh hits the bag when I peddle.  Is common?  or maybe it varies with the 
rider's height/seat post length?  After a while it get a bit annoying.

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Re: [RBW] FS - Docena, MKS Allways, Campy, Shimano, Crane Bell

2020-07-29 Thread Andrew Letton
 Sent PM on pedals and bell. Cheers!
On Thursday, July 30, 2020, 12:06:30 PM GMT+10, Sean Steinle 
 All prices shipped. 

Ocean Air Docena MKII Burgundy - $210MKS Allways EZ Superior - $60Campagnolo 
Downtube Cable Housing Stop - $20Shimano Bar End Pods - $20Crane Suzu Bel - $20

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Re: [RBW] Re: Velocity Dyads and 50mm Tires

2020-06-22 Thread Andrew Letton
 Could it be that your Dyads were simply worn thin from the brake pads? I run 
50-57mm tires on Dyads on my Bombadil with no problems...admittedly at low 
pressure; less than 35psi.cheers,Andrew
On Tuesday, June 23, 2020, 09:52:38 AM GMT+10, John Rinker 
 Thanks Adam. The fine people at Velocity have offered to replace the Dyads 
with Cliffhangers, so this may be the route I go.

On Monday, June 22, 2020 at 11:35:50 AM UTC-7, Adam Leibow wrote:
Sorry to hear your rim broke! Cliffhangers are great and can easily handle a 
50mm tire. 

On Monday, June 22, 2020 at 10:50:22 AM UTC-7, John Rinker wrote:
Good morning,
Just wondering if anyone else has had an issue with Velocity Dyad rims 
splitting on the sidewalls while running fatter tires. I have been running some 
Schwalbe Marathon Mondials (28x2.0) and muy rear rim recently split. I am told 
by Velocity (who has been very helpful, indeed) that the tires are too big for 
these rims. 
I love the tires and the rims, but perhaps I need an alternative to the Dyad to 
run these tires. Any recommendations?

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Re: [RBW] Travel bikes

2020-06-18 Thread Andrew Letton
 We have a Bike Friday Pocket Llama and an AirGlide, both mid- to late-90's 
vintage. I grew up on Dad's salmon troller and have spent much of my life 
"messing about in boats", so when I bought the AirGlide, I did not order the BF 
suitcase, but rather a very large Pelican Case. The AirGlide is no longer sold, 
and I don't know which other BFs will fit in a Pelican, but I'm sure some 
models of BF fit in some models of Pelican. If you want a truly waterproof case 
for your bike, Pelican will do it. The Pelicans are admittedly heavy, and I 
sometimes have to put some of the bike (seat/post or crankset) in my other 
luggage to keep it under the airline weight limit, but that's never been a big 
issue for me. Looking at the Pelican site, I see that there are SO many more 
options available now than there were 20+ years ago when I bought mine, 
including a whole new line of lighter weight cases. I think mine is a 1650, but 
the iM2950 seems to be about the same size and 1.5kg lighter, and the Pelican 
Air cases are even lighter. One more thing to note: my AirGlide has 406 wheels, 
and they barely fit in the 1650 case (I must deflate the tires to fit), so a 
451 wheel would probably not fit.
One more plug for Bike Friday: IME, they are great people and provide the best 
customer service of ANY company I've ever purchased anything from...OK; I'll 
say on-par with RBW. :-)
Have fun spec'ing and riding whatever you choose!

On Friday, June 19, 2020, 09:41:32 AM GMT+10, Jay Lonner 
 I'm interested in building up travel bikes for my wife and me. Our intended 
use is credit card touring in continental Europe and the British Isles. We also 
have a developing interest in cruising the Salish Sea, so I'd like something 
small enough to store belowdecks out of the corrosive marine environment, and 
that would be easy to get ashore via dinghy.
It seems that there are many ways to proceed, ranging from S&S couplers to 20" 
wheel designs like Bike Friday to rinko. All have their proponents and 
detractors. My priorities are comfort, ease of assembly/disassembly, avoidance 
of proprietary/specialized parts, and the ability to fit racks, fenders, and 
lights. I prefer plodding utilitarian considerations to zippy performance. 

While our daily rides embrace Riv-approved technologies such as rim brakes and 
friction shifting, I am open to other options for these proposed travel bikes. 
When we're away from home I'm really looking for something bombproof. Rear 
derailleurs strike me as a particular vulnerability, especially on bikes with 
20" wheels. At the moment I'm leaning towards designs that utilize a Rohloff 
Anyway, so many choices, so many tradeoffs - I'm stuck! What would you do 
within the design constraints outlined above, if budget weren't really a 
consideration? (That's one of the nice things about bikes - even an extravagant 
build is super affordable compared to boats.)
Help me RBW collective, you're my only hope!
Jay LonnerBellingham, WA

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Re: [RBW] Re: Admissions of Things You Ought to Have Known But Did Not: A Thread

2020-05-07 Thread Andrew Letton
 I recently had a similar experience with the recommended pressures from the 
Silca tool - for Snoqualmie Pass tires and rocky fire roads - double pinch flat 
on a recent ride.cheers,Andrew
On Friday, May 8, 2020, 04:20:07 AM GMT+10, Corwin  
 I don't think I would trust the Silca tool. Put in my weight and my bike's 
weight - conservatively over estimating both. The tool gave me pressures of 50 
& 48psi for rear and front tires respectively.
At those pressures, I have experienced frequent pinch flats.


On Wednesday, May 6, 2020 at 7:22:25 PM UTC-7, Dave Johnston wrote:
The charts above and Jan's data has been combined with some other testing and 
put in a tool here: professional-pressure- calculator
Enter your bike weight and tire size and it will give you a recommendation that 
is a good start. add or subtract ~ 10% for a feel you like. I gave them my 
email for the pro version but the basic is good enough.
-Dave J

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Re: [RBW] 30 Days of Biking!

2020-04-30 Thread ANDREW LETTON
Why stop at 30 days, Leah?!?!

Just ride. 

(Painstakingly pecked out on my iPhone; please pardon my brevity and tpyos.)

> On 30 Apr 2020, at 2:37 pm, Leah Peterson  wrote:
> Mas - copperheads on your ride? Oh my gosh. Just NO. 
> I’m one of those people who has a family that wants to spend time together 
> and make my plans for me. Weight-lifting and a game of Whist were on the 
> agenda and I’d have to fit a shower in there, too. So, I had to set out 
> earlier than I wanted, sun high in the sky, 91 degrees and miserable. I did 
> 11.5 miles and got to experience twilight the last few miles. I do so love 
> riding in the dark because all the houses on my Top Secret Trail have their 
> windows illuminated - like fish bowls.  I can look in them and see what 
> people are doing. Which sounds voyeuristic and maybe it is, but there is 
> something enthralling about seeing folks sitting down to dinners together and 
> playing with their kids or sitting on their fairy light-lit patios. The world 
> is going on, and people are making their own ways and here we all are, in 
> this together.
> A chain link fence borders one side of my TST, and someone had ripped apart 
> the book The Three Little Pigs, laminated and hole punched it, and zip tied 
> the pages to the chain link fence at intervals. Genius. There were little 
> kids careening on their tiny little bicycles, and one kid on a BMX bike who I 
> thought was for sure going to take me out in a head-on collision. He zoomed 
> into his lane with a couple seconds to spare and I wanted to congratulate 
> him. 
> My iPhone pinged and when I stopped and checked, I discovered I had been the 
> subject of some voyeurism myself! An acquaintance from church saw me from her 
> window and snapped a photo. “Biker in her natural habitat,” the caption read. 
> The roadies mostly ignore me (I’m not like a REAL cyclist) but the mountain 
> bikers are always such bros. Oh, and I forgot to tell you that last night I 
> crossed paths with a woman on a powder blue beach cruiser, decked out with 
> fenders and cup holder and I remembered Grant admonishing us to remark 
> favorably on other people’s bikes. “Hey, we’re twins!” I said. She beamed, “I 
> just got this bike...TODAY!”
> I’m going to miss this thread. Tomorrow is our last day of #30daysofbiking. 
> Leah
> -- 
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> Sent from my iPad
>> On Apr 29, 2020, at 12:58 PM, masmojo  wrote:
>> Google research says Copperhead!?
>> -- 
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Re: [RBW] Tall Arm V-Brakes

2020-04-23 Thread Andrew Letton
 This should help in choosing V's for your rack issue:

cheers,Andrew in Sydney...who can actually sometimes find pages he bookmarked!

On Friday, April 24, 2020, 10:14:55 AM GMT+10, j.schwartz 
 I have some old Tektro V's from the box that I put on my Clem since they were 
laying around.I can not install my Nitto Front rack because the arms aren't 
tall enough to clear the fork crown mount. ..see pic.So I took the rack off, 
but I think it's a less expensive project for me to replace the front brake 
then find another rack solution.I know Riv is working on a V brake but that 
could be awhile...Who makes the tallest arm V brakes (Not Paul please) I want 
to keep this pretty budgety.Should I look at newer Tektro's, Shimano's, 
anything else?See picsThanks so much  

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Re: [RBW] Free Drivetrain cleaning / lubing clinic on Wednesday

2020-04-21 Thread Andrew Letton
 Hi James,Are these live streams recorded and available for later viewing 
anywhere?I'm in Australia, so the live timing doesn't work well for me.An 
archive of them on your website would be great, if that can be 
On Wednesday, April 22, 2020, 12:39:10 AM GMT+10, James / Analog Cycles 
 Free Drivetrain cleaning / lubing / rim care / disc care clinic on Wednesday, 
8pm EST. live stream.  We have a simple, 
non-traditional way to clean your drivetrain that works well.  Come check it 
out!  Monday's bar wrap clinic had about 60 viewers, so come join in the fun.  
You can ask questions, make comments, tell jokes, share what your favorite 
Melvins album is, reminisce about Crystal Pepsi...
 It's like hanging out in a bike shop but without the smell of burritos, rubber 
and stale beer. 
Hope to see you there.  

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Re: [RBW] Re: Tire Recommendations for an All-Rounder

2020-02-12 Thread Andrew Letton
 Larger size All-Rounders were designed around 700c wheels... like my 65cm 
On Thursday, February 13, 2020, 12:41:19 PM GMT+11, Patrick Moore 
 Yes; it was an improvement of the XO-1, in fact.

On Wed, Feb 12, 2020 at 6:24 PM Ian Dickson  wrote:

Did the All-Rounder take 26" tires?

On Wednesday, February 12, 2020 at 5:31:43 PM UTC-7, Kevin Lindsey wrote:
Greetings.I just purchased a 1999-ish All-Rounder frame and am currently 
pulling together the parts to build it up.  I'd appreciate any recommendations 
on the type of tires I should consider; I'll be riding almost exclusively on 
pavement (maybe some off-road somewhere down the line), no heavy loads, and am 
looking for something moderately fast.Thanks,Kevin LindseyAlexandria, VA

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MooreAlburquerque, Nuevo Mexico, Etats Unis d'Amerique, Orbis Terrarum

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Re: [RBW] Re: Riv Atlantis MTB Video

2020-01-29 Thread Andrew Letton
 Great video, Yakeen!Seeing all the redwoods, madrone, and manzanita makes me 
miss my home turf of the Santa Cruz Mountains!Where in the Mountains was that 
filmed?cheers,Andrew in Sydney

On Wednesday, January 29, 2020, 04:08:30 PM GMT+11, YQ 
 Thanks to the group for all the nice comments on the video!
Patrick, I'm in no way a professional videographer; I shot this with my iPhone 
and a small tripod. But I really appreciate your comments. The reason I didn't 
show any climbing is because I wanted the video to just be fast and kind of 
dreamy. I edited out all the climbing (which was basically every time I set up 
the tripod for a shot, I had to quickly climb back up the trail and then ride 
the downhill section a few times to get a good clip). But I will definitely 
keep that it mind if I make another video.
Thanks again,Yakeen

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Re: [RBW] PSA: 65cm Waterford 700c A Homer Hilsen F/F/HS

2019-11-03 Thread Andrew Letton
 Hmmm... priced at $100 MORE than the new price from Riv...

On Monday, November 4, 2019, 01:35:42 PM GMT+11, Chris L 
 I have no connection to this seller, I just stumbled onto the listing on 

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Re: [RBW] Re: Cheviot Wool Sweater Preorder - Anyone In?

2019-09-15 Thread Andrew Letton
 RBW has done pre-orders for wool jerseys in the past...back when they did the 
nice embroidered RBW jerseys.cheers,Andrew
On Monday, September 16, 2019, 12:35:03 PM GMT+10, Mark Roland 
 I don't believe there has ever been a pre-order for Riv clothing, but of 
course I could be wrong. I don't think it's so much a price thing--get a 
discount for early ordering. He made it very clear that they need to buy a 
fairly big quantity (200?) and so before even doing so, needed to get a 
commitment for a decent amount. That said, it might go up a few bucks, or they 
might not get more, or I suppose there is a chance it might not happen if too 
many people hesitate.

On Sunday, September 15, 2019 at 1:20:28 PM UTC-4, SeanMac wrote:
Grant wrote about this a few blahgs ago.  I am intrigued, but a bit hesitant to 
put down $120 without having some idea of the style of the sweater that is 
being produced.  At the same time, I love the color, and the concept.  I also 
remember that Grant did a collection of wool sweaters a few years ago that I 
skipped, but in hindsight wish I had purchased.
Anyway, here is a link to the sweater:  Cheviot Wool Sweater Preorder
If you have placed your order I would love to know your reasoning for doing so.
If any of you remember the previous wool sweaters that Riv. produced, do you 
recall if that was done on a pre-order basis as well?  I'm curious what might 
happen to the price of this sweater after the pre-order period has ended.
Anyway, thanks for your thoughts.
SeanBuffalo, NY

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Re: [RBW] Re: Joe Appaloosa 700c to 650b via Paul motolite barkes

2019-09-06 Thread Andrew Letton
 Hi Jim,Have you ever tried 650Bx42s without fenders on your Road Standard? 
What size is your frame? I've got a 65cm Road Standard that I'd like to convert 
to 650B...someday...cheers,Andrew
On Friday, September 6, 2019, 01:01:45 PM GMT+10, Jim Bronson 
 I've been running my early (road standard or custom) Riv 650B for years, yes 
it's low, but it feels normal to me.  Originally was 700x28 when I got it in 
2005 (short reach brakes even), now 650B x38 with fenders, love it so much this 
JimAustin, TX
On Thu, Sep 5, 2019 at 3:05 PM Joe Bernard  wrote:

There's also the matter of BB height. Riv already designs them low, which 
negates one of the reasons to 650B-ize a 700c bike while creating a major pedal 
strike problem. Your 700c Joe doesn't need the fix. 

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Re: [RBW] Rivendell Touchup Paint

2019-08-25 Thread Andrew Letton
 Hi Charlie,If your frame is the same color as my similar vintage All-Rounder ( ) then there is a 
Testors model paint that is an extremely close match. Sorry, but I've made two 
international moves since I bought the paint, and I can't easily put my hands 
on the bottle to get you the name of the color, but if you go to a model shop 
that has a large selection of Testors paints, you'll probably have no trouble 
finding it. (If you have no luck, ping me again, and I'll dig for the bottle 
and get you the name.)cheers,Andrew

On Monday, August 26, 2019, 10:09:31 AM GMT+10, Charlie 
 I am looking for touchup paint for my Rivendell bike.  It is a light metallic 
blue and the serial number on the frame C97135.  I am wondering what the color 
is to purchase and where to purchase it.

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Re: [RBW] Appreciation of this group

2019-07-01 Thread Andrew Letton
 Glad you still made the ferry in time!
And now the important question ;-)  What is that "Bantam" frame? Looks a lot 
like my first generation 60cm Bombadil, but yours has an extra set of downtube 
bottle bosses and a different pump peg. What's your story?
On Tuesday, July 2, 2019, 09:49:06 AM GMT+10, Curtis McKenzie 
 Hello All,
Busted a chain while riding to catch the train to Seattle from Portland.  Field 
repair with quick link and chain tool allowed us to make the train with just 
minutes to spare.
Thanks to this group I knew the perfect bicycle shop for a repair in Seattle:  
Back Alley Bicycle Repair shop.  Only a short ride from the train station the 
shop fixed us up while we ate lunch.  We made our ferry to Victoria with plenty 
of time.

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Re: [RBW] Two Midsummer Nights' Dream Bikepacking Pikes Peak

2019-06-23 Thread Andrew Letton
 Ah, Patrick!Stunning photos, once again. Thank you for your efforts to take 
them and share them. You obviously did lots of back and forth setting up the 
tripod/camera/timer and then riding past. You've certainly nailed your 
technique at that!I hope your headache recovery was swift. Cheers from winter 
in Oz, such that it is!Andrew

On Sunday, June 23, 2019, 3:29:28 AM GMT+10, 'Deacon Patrick' via RBW 
Owners Bunch  wrote:  
 In which I achieve escape velocity despite my bludgeoned brain to escape the 
noise of construction for the local festival, discover having a TBI headache in 
a tent in a hailstorm with zero count lightening is less fun than it sounds, 
and along the way I get to ride Beorn of Clan Gus Boots Willsen up, down, over 
through rocks, roots, mountains, streams all familier yet remarkable because 
Beorn can ride lines no bike I've ever had can. What a 

With abandon,Patrick

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Re: [RBW] Re: PSA: 2 Gus Boots For Sale on Riv Site

2019-06-22 Thread Andrew Letton
 Such a tease! Looking forward to more photos of that adventure!cheers,Andrew 
in Oz

On Saturday, June 22, 2019, 11:50:02 AM GMT+10, 'Deacon Patrick' via RBW 
Owners Bunch  wrote:  
 Here's a wee preview of this past week's adventure, Boots in his element in 
full gear. Bottom line is I have to recalibrate what is ridable. The geometry 
and plus tires are a delightful combination ... 

With abandon,

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Re: [RBW] Carrying Water on bikes w/ minimal bottle cage mounts

2019-06-18 Thread Andrew Letton
 TwoFish makes an assortment of add-on cages:

I have one of the largest, for a 64oz Kleen Kanteen, on my Bombadil camping 
bike, and it works well. Depending on how rough the terrain you're riding, an 
auxiliary strap may be advised.
cheers,Andrew in Oz 
On Tuesday, June 18, 2019, 9:58:25 PM GMT+10, RDS  
 How do you carry multiple bottles or larger bottles (32 oz) on bikes w/ 
minimal cage mounts?  Clem L as an example.

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Re: [RBW] Quick cockpit swap (say that 10x fast)

2019-04-10 Thread Andrew Letton
 I have multiple cockpits for both my Bombadil and my All-Rounder. As they both 
have canti brakes, I use the BG couplers only for the shift cables. As someone 
else mentioned, I release the brake cables from the straddle cable. Releasing 
the couplers, disconnecting the straddle cables, removing the shifter boss 
cable stops, and removing the stem takes only a couple of minutes. If you're 
careful with shifter cable lengths, you won't have to adjust the adjusters more 
than a fraction of a rotation, if at all, when you swap bars.
My only complaint with the BG couplers is that the chrome on them is really 
lousy and it has flaked off of most of my couplers, resulting in rusty steel 
couplers. It does not affect the function, only the appearance.
I'm presently setting up a new cockpit for the Bombadil based on the Crust 
675mm Towel Rack bars. All that's left to do is the bar tape. They do look a 
bit odd, being so wide, but they're still narrower than modern 700mm MTB bars, 
and the Bombadil is my MTB, so there! :-)
In a few months, when our babe is old enough, I plan to attach a Yepp Mini baby 
seat to the Bosco Bombadil cockpit, so I expect to get lots of practice 
swapping cockpits between "take baby for a ride" and "bike camping" modes.

On Wednesday, April 10, 2019, 11:43:59 PM GMT+10, esoterica etc 
Howdy all,

I’m looking into possible ways on how to construct a “quick release” method for 
easy swapping of cockpits. My Atlantis currently has Choco bars on it which I 
really like and are great for country rambles, but there are often times I wish 
for a different setup, such as drop bars or a Jones bar, etc. Since the 
Atlantis (and most other Riv’s) are billed as all-rounders/multi-purpose bikes, 
I figured one way to really use them to their fullest potential would be to 
have two or more fully-built cockpits ready to swap depending on your mood 
and/or terrain you plan to ride on any given day. Makes sense, right?

So my question to the group is: has anyone tried doing this? I’ve looked at 
using something like the Bruce Gordon couplers, although the BG couplers are 
only for shifter cables and he doesn’t have couplers for brake cables. Or maybe 
the Richey Quick Disconnect, which have both shifter and brake units. But these 
look like they’re designed primarily for a Rinko-type bike or something with 
S&S couplers for easy disassembling, and not necessarily for cockpit swapping. 
Any ideas/suggestions as to how I can pull this off? Or can someone explain to 
me why this doesn’t seem to really be a thing, despite what a brilliant idea it 
sounds like? Am I missing something totally obvious to everyone else?
Thanks y’all,

Raleigh, NC

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Re: [RBW] recommendation for a flared drop bar with 25.4 clamp size

2019-04-03 Thread Andrew Letton
 I've been using and liking an On-One Midge bar on my all-road commute bike, 
and I think it would fit your requirements, but it looks like they now make 
only the 31.8mm clamp version. Mine is an older 25.4mm version...maybe you can 
find old stock somewhere...cheers,Andrew
On Thursday, April 4, 2019, 9:51:22 AM GMT+11, jandrews 
 HiI'm looking for a flared drop bar to use with a periscopa 80mm / 25.4 stem.I 
think the RM-3 may be too narrow at the levers and, according to the Analog 
Cycles website, it's not great for very long rides.So, looking for something a 
little more tour-worthy and comfortable but with minimal drop and a decent 
about of flareany thoughts?

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Re: [RBW] FS: Sackville Saddlesack medium blue

2019-03-17 Thread Andrew Letton
 I resemble that remark!cheers,AndrewInBagLand

On Monday, March 18, 2019, 12:57:34 PM GMT+11, David Bivins 
 I'm sorry, what is "too many bags?" I'm not familiar with this concept.

On Sun, Mar 17, 2019 at 8:35 PM Joe Bernard  wrote:
> I got too many bags (again!). Minimal use, a smidge of tire rub on the thing 
> built to take tire rubbing, I optimistically mounted it on my XO-1 last week 
> and it worked fine 'til I actually put groceries in it!
> Looks great, works great, has the extra pouch thingy, no longer in production,
> $170 shipped.

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Re: [RBW] A Boy, A Bike, and A Benefactor

2018-10-10 Thread Andrew Letton
Tears of joy... :-)Thank you for sharing the story, Leah.And thank you to the 
benefactor for demonstrating that there is still good in this crazy 
world.Cheers,Andrew in Sydney

  From: Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! 
 To: RBW Owners Bunch  
 Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2018 1:59 AM
 Subject: [RBW] A Boy, A Bike, and A Benefactor
A Boy, A Bike, and A Benefactor: A True and Heartwarming Rivendell Tale

If you are living here and now, you probably notice a scarcity of kindness and 
generosity. You aren’t sure how we got here and how to change it, and also, 
you’re exhausted. What can we really do? This is a story that turns one’s 
typical experience on its head - a story that takes the word kind and stretches 
it, tests it, transforms it. In this story, we see the word kindness become 

Generous. When was the last time someone was generous with you? So generous you 
stood there, nonplussed and humbled? Merriam-Webster defines the word generous 
as “liberal in giving: openhanded.” I will tack onto that definition from the 
Book of Leah: “giving until it pinches a bit; the kind of giving that costs one 
something; giving without expectation for something in return; a higher form of 
kindness.” (Also, there would be some stuff about Jesus in there, but this is 
not that forum so I will refrain, but it will be hard.)

Where you find generosity, there you will find kindness, also.

This is a story about a benefactor. This is a story about a boy. And finally, 
this is a story about a bike. Your icing on the cake: this is a story about a 
convergence of the three. 

I had found myself in need of a bigger bike for my 12 year old son, Ethan. He 
had ridden his Specialized Hotrock from 1st grade until now, his 7th grade 
year. In kid years, that’s a coon’s age to have ridden one bike. We ride to 
school every week, 2 miles one way, and we need  dependable, quality bikes to 
do it. Bikes for pre-teens are rare as hen’s teeth; but you know this. The 
company I was depending on for a kids’ bicycle had suddenly closed its doors, 
so I turned to the Riv List, as is my custom. Though disappointed about losing 
my first choice, I knew I’d be shown the right places to shop, and be on my way 
with the problem solved. 

This is exactly what happened. I reached out, people were kind, I took a 
recommendation, and I ordered a bike with a bullet-proof return policy. Several 
days went by, and then one night I decided to clean out my email. In my Junk 
folder, there was an email I had never seen, from several days prior, and this 
is what it said:

“If you are second guessing yourself, and humble enough to accept a generous 
gift for one of my favorite riding families; if you would accept a 45cm Clem to 
pass down to your boys I would happily cover the difference between the Woom 
you ordered and the mini Clem to help RBW. My only request is that if you 
accept; to keep me anonymous.”

Let that sink in. Do you know what he’s saying? Look it a few 
times...see if you can believe it. He had to spell it out for me when I 
couldn’t get my mind around it. Emails. A phone call: Take the money you 
planned to spend on the other bike; put it into a little Clem, the rest is 
covered. This is a Benefactor, proposing a deal that costs him to bless 
another. An openhanded giver, giving so that it pinches. 

When was the last time someone was generous to you? 

Once I understood, there was a choice to make. What did the Benefactor ask? Am 
I humble enough to accept a generous offer - that was his question. 
Reflexively: I am not, and this is pride. I don’t deserve a Benefactor. I 
didn’t earn this bike. I haven’t done anything for this man. I won’t likely 
have a chance to repay him for his kindness. How can I make it equal? Fair to 
him? Say no, said my pride.

When was the last time someone was generous to you? Did you allow it?

So we spoke on the phone. We had a lovely discussion about who he is and how he 
arrived at this idea, and why he sent the email. Then I realized: my Benefactor 
wasn’t looking to make it equal. He was aiming for quite the opposite.

When was the last time someone took less so you could have more? 

I spoke to Ethan this morning, asked him what he thought. It was Christmas in 
October around here - there was actual jumping for joy. “I never thought I’d 
have a Rivendell!”  Humbled, I agreed to the deal. Our Benefactor took care of 
everything. He made the call, placed the order, sent me an email with an order 
confirmation, and now there’s a little silver mini-Clem, pony-like and lovely, 
with a boy’s name on it, sent from a Benefactor he can never repay.

When was the last time you were generous to someone who would never repay you?

Today, inexplicably, we were on the receiving end of a grand gesture. I don’t 
know that our Benefactor can truly know the depths at which we feel this. I 
will tell this story, keep his secret, and he will read about it. There will be 
photos of Peterson boy

Re: [RBW] Re: Heard my first "Hey, nice Riv!" today. Felt chuffed

2018-10-01 Thread Andrew Letton
Not certain, but I think it is much more common in countries with historical 
British influence. In my experience, it's common in NZ and here in 
Oz.,Andrew, a Yank in 

  From: George Schick 
 To: RBW Owners Bunch  
 Sent: Tuesday, October 2, 2018 6:44 AM
 Subject: [RBW] Re: Heard my first "Hey, nice Riv!" today. Felt chuffed
"Chuffed?"  I must have slipped even more generations behind on slang than I 

On Monday, October 1, 2018 at 10:18:57 AM UTC-5, LeRoy wrote:
I've only had my Clem Smith Jr since late spring of this year and have put 
about 750 miles on it. Rivendells of any sort are thin on the ground in my 
Midwestern home. Most of the guys I ride with are only vaguely aware of the 
brand. They do recognize my bike as an interesting curiosity. It's something 
that's at variance with the generally mountain bike-oriented bikes they own. So 
I've been pedaling along and simply enjoying the ride. Thus it was with a bit 
of personal pleasure that I heard another rider call out, "Hey, nice Riv!" as 
he cycled past this morning. I felt pretty chuffed, in a private sort of way, 
that a stranger recognized the bike and called it out. Did I need the 
"validation?" Well, maybe. Whatever. I must say that it was nice to hear. When 
was your first such experience?

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Re: [RBW] Re: Heard my first "Hey, nice Riv!" today. Felt chuffed

2018-10-01 Thread Andrew Letton
Ummm... I'd be careful about handing out "chuffs"! ;-)

  From: BSWP 
 To: RBW Owners Bunch  
 Sent: Tuesday, October 2, 2018 3:44 AM
 Subject: [RBW] Re: Heard my first "Hey, nice Riv!" today. Felt chuffed
I ride in Berkeley and all of the East Bay... it's not uncommon to get chuffed 
several times each day. And as well, to hand out chuffs to fellow Riv riders I 
see. We are part of a not-so-secret not-so-subterranean society, that 
recognizes and embraces, through use, ownership, and promotion, the reverence 
of good things that work simply, and that simply work.

- Andrew, Berkeley

On Monday, October 1, 2018 at 8:18:57 AM UTC-7, LeRoy wrote:
I've only had my Clem Smith Jr since late spring of this year and have put 
about 750 miles on it. Rivendells of any sort are thin on the ground in my 
Midwestern home. Most of the guys I ride with are only vaguely aware of the 
brand. They do recognize my bike as an interesting curiosity. It's something 
that's at variance with the generally mountain bike-oriented bikes they own. So 
I've been pedaling along and simply enjoying the ride. Thus it was with a bit 
of personal pleasure that I heard another rider call out, "Hey, nice Riv!" as 
he cycled past this morning. I felt pretty chuffed, in a private sort of way, 
that a stranger recognized the bike and called it out. Did I need the 
"validation?" Well, maybe. Whatever. I must say that it was nice to hear. When 
was your first such experience?

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Re: [RBW] Full brimmed hat recommendations

2018-08-20 Thread Andrew Letton
I'll second the "like" for DaBrim. I even sometimes have used it in the rain to 
keep the rain off my glasses. As long as you can get over the appearance in 
favor of the function, it's great.cheers,Andrew

  From: Ron Mc 
 To: RBW Owners Bunch  
 Sent: Tuesday, August 21, 2018 12:00 PM
 Subject: Re: [RBW] Full brimmed hat recommendations
my buddy's wife rides with a Da Brim on her helmet and likes it.
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Re: [RBW] Re: Reflections On My Riv and A Weight Loss Program

2018-08-16 Thread Andrew Letton
In lieu of a Bubbe Lifter Tube, you could try one of these:
Bicycle Frame Handle - The "Little Lifter" - Leather Bike Handle

|   ||


Bicycle Frame Handle - The "Little Lifter" - Leather Bike Handle
 Our Little Lifter Frame Handle offers a solution to a common bicycle commuting 
problem: it makes lifting and man...  |   |



Disclaimer: I haven't used one...but they look like they'll work well.

  From: LeRoy 
 To: RBW Owners Bunch  
 Sent: Friday, August 17, 2018 7:04 AM
 Subject: [RBW] Re: Reflections On My Riv and A Weight Loss Program
I may have missed something obvious, but it didn't seem that your issues with 
the bike's weight involved dissatisfaction with the actual riding. The issue 
seemed to rear it's head when it came to physically lifting the bike up a set 
of porch steps. Forgive me if I've misunderstood the root of the weight issue, 
but I wonder it the matter might be solved with something like the "lift 
handle" built into one of the Rosco Bubbe models (called the Bubbe Lifter Tube)?
Lifting a bike can be unwieldy, all the more so when you have to grab it up 
high on the frame (poor leverage position + poor front-to-rear load balance), 
then lift and carry while trying to keep the fork and front wheel pointed in 
the right direction. For most people, lifting with an ergonomically positioned 
"handle" at a low, balanced point on the frame is much easier: Stand on the 
left side, lift with the right hand, stabilize the front wheel with the left 
hand on the bars. 

Might there be some sort of add-on lifting handle or device that makes this 
part of the job easier for you?

On Thursday, August 16, 2018 at 2:56:35 PM UTC-4, Kiley Demond wrote:

... My pimped Cheviot was heavy. Getting it up the three steps to my front 
porch wasn't easy. 

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Re: [RBW] choco clamp size

2018-08-15 Thread Andrew Letton
I find that the Nitto stem pry tool is quite helpful in carefully spreading the 
clamp to get bars into place and reduce scratching.Rivendell used to sell it, 
but they don't seem to stock it any longer. Kinda' pricey, but worth it, in my 
book. Here's one quick source I found, but you might be able to find it cheaper 


  From: jandrews 
 To: RBW Owners Bunch  
 Sent: Thursday, August 16, 2018 1:31 AM
 Subject: [RBW] choco clamp size
GreetingsI'm somewhat baffled by the clamp size on a used choco-norm I picked 
up here on the list.From what I read, the bar is sized at 25.4mm, however I 
seem to only be able to get my 26.0 stems around it. Further the bar as I 
purchased it has scratches all around it from, what looks like, attempting to 
install it on a stem that's too narrow for it.
Did the earlier choco's come in a 26.0mm sleeve size?
Thank you-- 
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[RBW] Deep in your closet...

2018-07-18 Thread Andrew Letton
I know this is a long shot!
Does any of you have a pair of the Rivendell Wooly-Warm super-heavy black wool 
pants, the ones with a drawstring waistband and three zipper pockets, in a size 
L (or XL), that you find you just never wear and that you would like to convert 
to some cash?
I've been wearing my pair every winter for well over a decade now, and they're 
starting to show their age. They are my favorite cold weather riding pants, and 
I sure would like another pair for when these give up the ghost.
Please message me off list.
cheers,Andrew in wintery Sydney

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Re: [RBW] Re: Billie Bar Double Up lever‽

2018-07-17 Thread Andrew Letton
I believe that aluminum bars that will take bar end shifters will also accept 
bar end brakes.  Some will argue that 22.2mm aluminum bars that take bar end 
shifters are such thin wall at the end that they may be too weak for bar end 
brakes. Nitto is particularly conservative about strength of their 
products...and I appreciate this!  
My personal datapoint on this is that I have heat-treated aluminum 58mm Bosco 
bars (22.2mm OD) on my Bombadil, fitted with bar end and interrupter brake 
levers. I ride it as a mountain bike and a fully loaded camping bike, and I've 
had no problems in about 2 years of use. (Knock wood.)
cheers,Andrew in Oz

  From: Garth 
 To: RBW Owners Bunch  
 Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2018 9:30 AM
 Subject: [RBW] Re: Billie Bar Double Up lever‽

  Billie bars are aluminum and unless you used the smaller than normal 
Dia-Compe bar end levers, standard bar end levers not only won't fit, but 
because of the very thin Al thickness of a 22.2 bar, not a great idea.  I have 
bar end levers on my 56cm. steel Alba bars, and when I bought some 55cm. Al 
ones the bar end levers wouldn't fit. I emailed Nitto and they replied to NOT 
put bar end brake levers in 22.2 Al bars due to the lesser strength of the thin 
Al. Steel bars are fine, as are any 23.8 Al bar. 


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Re: [RBW] Bikepacking the Smokey Mountains of the Colorado Rockies

2018-06-12 Thread Andrew Letton
Dear Patrick!I simply love reading and viewing your ride blogs!\My one 
question: Will you share with us your techniques for perfectly framed photos of 
you riding solo? Mini tripod? Timer? Remote control? Hand of God? Cheers 
from Oz,Andrew

  From: Deacon Patrick 
 Sent: Monday, June 11, 2018 9:40 AM
 Subject: [RBW] Bikepacking the Smokey Mountains of the Colorado Rockies
In which I ride through nearly every ecosystem Colorado has, wonder if I’m in 
the Smokey Mountains instead, encounter deer, bear, wild ass, pronghorn 
antelope, heard elk, and if my cloths got dirty I had plenty of washboard to 
scrub them clean. 

With abandon,Patrick 
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Re: [RBW] The Most Disappointing Bike: A Satire

2018-06-07 Thread Andrew Letton
Most excellent story! (Except for the bike theft, of course...)Cheers from 

  From: Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! 
 To: RBW Owners Bunch  
 Sent: Friday, June 8, 2018 12:04 PM
 Subject: [RBW] The Most Disappointing Bike: A Satire
I just got off the phone with my sister. She accompanied a married couple who 
are dear friends from out east to Duluth, MN where they hit the bike trails and 
saw all the sights. Heather knows very little about Rivendell, but is tolerant 
of my enthusiasm for all things Grant and Co. When she told me this story we 
laughed until our sides hurt and I knew I had to retell it to a sympathetic 
audience. Now, here is the DISCLAIMER: Some of you like racy, skinny, 
lightweight bikes. Some of you appreciate the roadie life. Some of you are 
partial to drop bars and clipless pedals. And that’s lovely, and we are among 
friends here, but I’m about to poke fun of all those things. I don’t mean to 
offend, but I do so love to laugh, so I hope you will forgive me for being 
offensive this one time, and just giggle with me for a bit. If you are feeling 
gracious, and you like a little satire in your life, please do read on! If not, 
stop HERE...

It was the first morning, and the plan was to hit the bike trails early and see 
some historic sights in the city. Heather dressed in a breezy, colorful, 
summery outfit, and bounded downstairs to the lobby. Christine and Dan arrived, 
looked at Heather, disbelieving and said, “Is that what you’re wearing?!” 
Heather looked back at them, eyes roving over their unusual outfits. They were 
covered in colorful, skin-tight lycra. They donned shorts that were oddly 
padded and somewhat profane, as their crotches were accentuated and bulging. 
Their shoes were weird, and made sharp clicks on the tile with every step. “Is 
that what YOU’RE wearing?!” Heather gasped. 

Ah, but they are good friends, so everyone shrugged and headed out the door. 
They made their way to their bikes, where they were about to have their next 
mutual shock. Heather has a lovely red Biria, bedecked with racks and a basket 
and capped with a nice, wide saddle. Hers are romantic, swept-back handlebars, 
and her tires are smartly covered with fenders. She has chosen this bike 
because she has commuted downtown for years in several cities and these 
attributes of the bike are the ones that make sense to her. She has never read 
Grant’s book. She doesn’t care about online forums or bike literature. She 
arrived at these conclusions because she knows that they work. Thus, when she 
looked over at her friends’ carbon racing machines, she couldn’t help but gawk. 
Dan’s bike is a 20 year old carbon machine, and Christine’s carbon bike was 
purchased in October. No fenders. No racks (Dan had a giant backpack he was 
carrying like a pack mule, and the day was a sweltering one.). Christine and 
Dan mounted their bikes and suddenly their feet were glued to their pedals. 
What fresh horror was this? My sister kept staring at this couple struggling to 
release their feet from these traps at every intersection and stop. Christine 
was less skilled at this, and at one of their stops she tipped over, padded 
shorts and all. “Why do you use those?” Heather asked incredulously, pointing 
to the pedals. “Oh, these REALLY help with efficiency,” explained Dan, as 
Christine scraped herself off the pavement. 

They reached their first destination. There was a lovely waterfall to 
appreciate, so they dismounted and made their way to it. Clickety-clack, 
clickety-clack went the Efficiency Shoes on the boardwalk. The rest of the 
afternoon was much like that, and 25 miles later, so ended the first day.

The next morning found the couple dithering about what to wear. They were going 
out for a nice lunch and to visit a local museum, and the couple was in a 
quandary about their clothes. They were biking so they needed “bike clothes.” 
But they were also planning to do fun, touristy things, so they needed “normal 
clothes.”  They didn’t want to wear the clickety-clacks, but their pedals 
called for it.  “I don’t know if I can ride my bike without my padded shorts,” 
said Christine. They compromised. They put on normal clothing with their 
clickety-clacks. Then they stuffed extra shoes into Dan’s large backpack. They 
pedaled off, crotches on fire, Dan sweating under the weight strapped to his 

“Why do you have that bike seat if it hurts to ride it?” asked Heather, 
genuinely curious. 

“Oh, well, I probably save 5 grams using this one!” crowed Dan, “And you may 
not think that sounds like much, but a few grams here and a few grams there 
really adds up!” 

They continued on, where their way was impeded by several puddles. Heather 
lifted her legs up and sailed gleefully through the water, outfit intact and 
free of mud. Oddly, she was alone. She looked back and saw her friends, who had 
come almost to a halt, negotiating their way around the puddles. “Do fenders 
add weight too?” Heathe

Re: [RBW] Re: Clicking noise -- About to lose my mind.

2018-06-07 Thread Andrew Letton
Years ago, I had a pedal that clicked like that, and mechanic-extraordinaire 
Jim Langley suggested I remove the pedals, place one face (short edge, i.e. 
front or rear) of the pedal on an anvil or other sturdy metal surface, then 
hammer on the cage rivets on the other face to drive them further into the 
pedal body and flatten them out more. It worked for me! You might try that on 
the pedals you removed...cheers,Andrew

  From: Nathan Neuberger 
 To: RBW Owners Bunch  
 Sent: Friday, June 8, 2018 11:25 AM
 Subject: [RBW] Re: Clicking noise -- About to lose my mind.
Well, they say it's always the last thing you try...
After checking off nearly everything else on the list (see below), I finally 
swapped out the pedals for a new pair of MKS Sylvan Touring.  Problem solved.  
No more clicking.  What a beautiful quiet bike.  The left pedal was on so hard 
that I had to slide a 3 ft long piece of PVC pipe over the pedal wrench to get 
it off!
Thanks everyone for all the help.  Hopefully this list can be helpful to 
someone else in the future.

On Monday, May 28, 2018 at 4:55:00 PM UTC-5, Nathan Neuberger wrote:

Thanks for all of the suggestions everyone.  Tonight I took care of the seat 
post.  No luck.  Here's what I've done and what I've left to do.  I'll let you 
know if I find a solution:
Done so far:New cassette, chain and chainrings (needed at least cassetteand 
chain anyway)New bottom bracket (probably didn’t need it, oh well)Overhaul 
headsetOverhaul hubsOverhaul pedals (replace and grease bearings)Clean and 
grease seatpost, seat rails and bolts Still to do:Check for loose spokes 
DONECrank arm hitting derailleur/cable DONETighten chainrings 
DONEGrease/tighten all bolts (racks; waterbottle cages; brakelever mounting, 
etc.) DONECheck shifter cable housing clearance DONERe-tighten cranks arms 
(shouldn’t be needed, as BB wasreplaced this winter)Try different pedalsReplace 
crank arms

On Friday, May 25, 2018 at 6:52:06 PM UTC-5, Nathan Neuberger wrote:
I'm in need of some help with an aggravating problem. Several years ago my bike 
developed a clicking sound. It occurs at the same spot in the crank rotation. 
Curiously, the click does not always happen (sometimes its sleeping), but tends 
to wake up most often during a climb or when I'm hauling a load. But it occurs 
during easy riding as well.
This winter, my bike was in need of some TLC, so I replaced the chain, 
cassette, chainring set (but not the crank arms) and the bottom bracket. 
Overhauled the hubs too. That covered almost every moving part, so I figured 
that would solve it. Nope.
I think it is likely a pedal issue. The clicking only occurs when my right 
pedal is at about 12:00 (about to start a downstroke) and under relatively 
heavy pressure. Just pedaling with my left foot does not seem to trigger the 

Bike is a Rivendell Homer Hilsen (2009-ish).  The pedals are MKS grip kings. I 
took off both pedals, cleaned them, replaced all bearings, and put in tons of 
grease. I did not see or feel any issues with the races. The click is still 
there, and seems to have gotten a little worse since I overhauled the pedals. 
Could the click be caused by the pedal cone being too tight?
Any other ideas?

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Re: [RBW] What size frame pump fits 60 Bomba?

2018-05-14 Thread Andrew Letton
I use the 5964 Masterblaster Road on my 60cm 2TT Bombadil. It is actually a bit 
loose (i.e. the spring is not compressed very much) so I took a 1" or so piece 
of rubber tubing (maybe 3/8" ID?), cut it down one side lengthwise, and slip it 
onto the shaft of the pump, between the body and the handle, so that it 
compresses the spring an extra inch and holds the pump in place tighter. Oh, 
and I use the velcro strap too...belt and suspenders, ya' know!
I'm quite disappointed to learn that Topeak has discontinued the Masterblaster 
Road line.  Get a spare while you can; I just did.
cheers,Andrew in Oz

  From: Eric Floden 
 Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2018 4:13 AM
 Subject: [RBW] What size frame pump fits 60 Bomba?
Bomba is in BC and measurements are missing (sigh l did write down the size 
between TTs - somewheres...). I can pick up a Masterblaster Road 5964 here at 
Algonquin Park, but will it fit Bomba? I measure pump 58.1 cm insertion length. 
I suppose l could gamble and bring it along, but would prefer to pass if it 
will not fit.
Footless and notebook free
EricFNear Wilno Ont-- 
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Re: [RBW] What do Rivendell Riders use for aerobic base training heart rate monitors?

2018-05-02 Thread Andrew Letton
I've had good results with this cheap one:
Bluetooth 4.0 Heart Rate Monitor Strap for iOS / Iphone - Black

|   ||


|   |  
Bluetooth 4.0 Heart Rate Monitor Strap for iOS / Iphone - Black
 I like this from DX. Find the cool gadgets at a incredibly low price with 
worldwide free shipping here.  |   |




  From: Lum Gim Fong 
 To: RBW Owners Bunch  
 Sent: Thursday, May 3, 2018 1:59 PM
 Subject: [RBW] What do Rivendell Riders use for aerobic base training heart 
rate monitors?
What do Rivendell Riders use for aerobic base training  heart rate monitors?

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[RBW] WTB: Nitto Saddlebag Grip quick release R50

2018-03-01 Thread Andrew Letton
Does anyone have a Nitto Saddlebag Grip quick release R50 gathering dust that 
they'd like to sell.(I know Riv has them new, but the new price is more than I 
can justify right now.)Please reply off-list. letton at flash dot 

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Re: [RBW] S24O Report: Avoiding the Toilet-Eating-Bog by Bikepacking to Another

2017-08-27 Thread Andrew Letton
Hi Patrick,Thanks for another beautiful ride report.What equipment do you use 
to capture the photos of you riding and walking?  Tripod? Timer? Remote 
control?  Well done!cheers,Andrew

  From: Deacon Patrick 
 To: Rivendell Owners Rivendell Owners Group 
 Sent: Monday, August 28, 2017 12:42 AM
 Subject: [RBW] S24O Report: Avoiding the Toilet-Eating-Bog by Bikepacking to 
In which I travel 25 miles round trip, time steak on the barbie perfectly for 
hail tenderized and cooled t-bone, delight in the morning mists rising from the 
dew embraced meadow, and successfully evade the construction due to the sinking 
toilet in the bog.

With abandon,

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[RBW] Re: WTB: Silver Paul Funky Monkey Cable Stop

2017-06-23 Thread Andrew Letton

  From: "Allingham II, Thomas J. (Retired Partner)" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Friday, June 23, 2017 10:31 PM
 Subject: Re: [Ext] [RBW] WTB: Silver Paul Funky Monkey Cable Stop
I think I have one.  I can check this afternoon

Sent from my iPhone
On Jun 22, 2017, at 1:01 AM, Andrew Letton  wrote:

Well, I missed the one that Michael listed recently on iBOB, so I thought I'd 
put it out there...

Anyone have a Silver Paul Funky Monkey Cable Stop (front) that they'd like to 
move on?I'd prefer the 7/8" one (to clamp to quill stem), but I would consider 
the 1" size as well.thanks!Andrew

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[RBW] WTB: Silver Paul Funky Monkey Cable Stop

2017-06-21 Thread Andrew Letton
Well, I missed the one that Michael listed recently on iBOB, so I thought I'd 
put it out there...

Anyone have a Silver Paul Funky Monkey Cable Stop (front) that they'd like to 
move on?I'd prefer the 7/8" one (to clamp to quill stem), but I would consider 
the 1" size as well.thanks!Andrew


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Re: [RBW] The One in Which LeahFoy Races the Carbon Riders Up Killer Hill

2017-05-24 Thread Andrew Letton
Good on ya', Leah! Great story!cheers from Oz,Andrew

  From: LeahFoy 
 To: RBW Owners Bunch  
 Sent: Thursday, May 25, 2017 3:22 AM
 Subject: [RBW] The One in Which LeahFoy Races the Carbon Riders Up Killer Hill
*The following contains anecdotes about pretty bikes and cute clothes and girly 
hashtags. Not suitable for all audiences. Those without sense of humor ought 
not proceed.*

I was feeling pretty good on this breezy and sunny morning as I biked up Killer 
Hill on TBBITW. The boys were safely deposited at school, their bikes in the 
racks and backpacks on their backs. I was unladen and free and feeling the 
contentment one can only feel after one has been shopping the day before and 
bought cute new clothes. I had on a simple tee (new), shorts (also new) and my 
(new) favorite thing (heaven help me, my husband really should make me get a 
job!), a white, wide-brimmed hat in a style I have coined "outdoor chic." On my 
lovely bike, sailing along I felt like #thatsdarling and not even Killer Hill 
could dampen the mood! Towards the worst of the hill I happened to catch 
something in my peripheral vision. Two riders, donning full lycra on fat-tubed 
carbon bikes with helmets and helmet mirrors and clippy shoes, were on the 
other side of the road amidst traffic trying to conquer the hill. I found the 
whole thing hilarious, as I imagined I looked like some sort of caricature of a 
"real" rider to them. I don't know what came over me. The Bike Snob has made 
fun of people who do exactly this, but I lost all control of myself and I did 
it: I shifted into the granny gear and let my legs fly as I raced those guys up 
Killer Hill. 

The older guy beat me, fair and square, but barely. The other guy pushed his 
bike up the hill. He circled the roundabout, passed by and said something about 
"good job on that hill." I told him I do it twice a day, laughed a bit and 
carried on. Moments later, I was aware of someone behind me on the path. There 
he was again! And he wanted a word with me. 

"How many gears does that bike have?" he asked, pulling even with me. 
"I don't know. It's friction shifting." 
"What a cool bike! It's an old one!" he exclaimed, riding abreast of me.
"Actually, I got it in 2012. It's a Rivendell - they take all the best things 
from the past and all the best things from the present, put them together and 
create this awesome bike. It's lugged steel and perfect and I will be riding it 
still in 40 years."

He talked bout the touring he does and how he misses biking in CA (me, too) and 
how he has big plans for an upcoming trip with 38,000 feet of climbing. Then we 
stopped so he could wait for his buddy and really look over TBBITW. He loved 
the grips ("Are they wooden?!"), he loved the bars ("Wow, I really like the 
shape of those!"), he admired the racks ("I love how you have these racks and 
panniers!"). He asked me all about Rivendell, and I did my best to tell him. He 
had never heard of it, so I tried to jog his memory (Do you read the Bike Snob? 
Heard of Bridgestone? No?). I fear we're in different biking worlds, I said. I 
finally hit pay-dirt when I asked if he's ever heard the term "retrogrouch." 
Yeah, in fact he had. "Well that was coined to describe Grant Petersen." I hope 
I told him right; that was my understanding, at least. He continued to notice 
little details on my bike and I continued to purr like a cat on the inside, 
because how often does ANYONE appreciate my retro-beach-cruiser-no gears-bike? 
Finally, someone who was beginning to see it for what it is. A legit bike that 
is beautiful and functional and can beat you up Killer Hill.

His buddy finally arrived and was so worn out he wouldn't even get off his 
bike; he rode it in slow circles as he gasped for breath. He gave me the side 
eye as I stood there in my silly outfit with my silly bike, having beat him by 
a mile. Oh, I hope he has a sense of humor! 

"Come and look at this girl's bike!" said his friend. 
"Let's go get Starbucks, " he said, "I'm burning up." 

You can't win 'em all, folks! But maybe will get a new visitor, and 
possibly a new bike order. 

Yours, Leah

PS. Two photos for visuals to this zany tale. 1. No one can ignore a bike this 
gorgeous! Robin's egg blue with red heart lugs, and all the bags you could 
want, for crying out loud! 2. And this hat, which is 30% off right now and 
would look splendid with your fancy Rivs. #thatsdarling

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Re: [RBW] Is it possible to 'lengthen' cable housing?

2017-03-13 Thread Andrew Letton
They make in-line cable adjusters that would probably do the trick for you. 
Something like these:


  From: Ash A 
 To: RBW Owners Bunch  
 Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2017 11:43 AM
 Subject: [RBW] Is it possible to 'lengthen' cable housing?

I want to raise the handlebar a bit on a road bike own.  This would require 
longer cables.  The bike is relatively new, so I don't feel like unwrapping the 
handlebar tape.  Want to keep the 'original' finish for a little while.  
I'm thinking of adding a small piece of cable housing at the end of housings 
attached to the handlebar. Is there any problem with this hack?  Also, is there 
any product (like a coupling) out there that can close the gap that will exist 
when I add the extra piece.
Thanks! -- 
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[RBW] SOLD: 27" wheelset; Campy NR hubs, Super Champion Gentleman 81 rims, DT spokes, Jim Langley "Built Tough", Suntour 6spd FW

2014-04-04 Thread Andrew Letton
Thank you,

 From: Andrew Letton 
To: iBOB list ; RBW List 
Sent: Thursday, April 3, 2014 8:49 AM
Subject: Re: FS: 27" wheelset; Campy NR hubs, Super Champion Gentleman 81 rims, 
DT spokes, Jim Langley "Built Tough", Suntour 6spd FW 

Price drop to $150.
Moving soon...gotta' move 'em out...

 From: Andrew Letton 
To: iBOB list ; RBW List 
Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2014 9:01 AM
Subject: FS: 27" wheelset; Campy NR hubs, Super Champion Gentleman 81 rims, DT 
spokes, Jim Langley "Built Tough", Suntour 6spd FW

FS: A very nice 27" wheelset

- Campy NR 36 hole hubs that came on my first real bike and are vintage 
1971, with straight quick release levers, smooth bearings
- Rims are Super Champion Gentleman 81 rims running perfectly true, minimal 
sidewall wear
- 14 gauge DT stainless spokes
- Built for me by Jim Langley himself, including his "Built Tough" stickers
- includes a 13-21 Suntour 6spd FW
- includes Specialized 27x1 Turbo S tires, but they're so old that they 
are probably not good for much more than protecting the rims during 
shipping. (They do hold air.)

- A bit dirty from being in storage for many years.

$200 firm, plus shipping.
SF Bay Area meet up preferred.  I live in the Santa Cruz Mountains and work in 
Scotts Valley. 

Photos possible for serious buyers.  Please reply off-list.

Thanks for reading...


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[RBW] Re: FS: 27" wheelset; Campy NR hubs, Super Champion Gentleman 81 rims, DT spokes, Jim Langley "Built Tough", Suntour 6spd FW

2014-04-03 Thread Andrew Letton
Price drop to $150.
Moving soon...gotta' move 'em out...

 From: Andrew Letton 
To: iBOB list ; RBW List 
Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2014 9:01 AM
Subject: FS: 27" wheelset; Campy NR hubs, Super Champion Gentleman 81 rims, DT 
spokes, Jim Langley "Built Tough", Suntour 6spd FW

FS: A very nice 27" wheelset

- Campy NR 36 hole hubs that came on my first real bike and are vintage 
1971, with straight quick release levers, smooth bearings
- Rims are Super Champion Gentleman 81 rims running perfectly true, minimal 
sidewall wear
- 14 gauge DT stainless spokes
- Built for me by Jim Langley himself, including his "Built Tough" stickers
- includes a 13-21 Suntour 6spd FW
- includes Specialized 27x1 Turbo S tires, but they're so old that they 
are probably not good for much more than protecting the rims during 
shipping. (They do hold air.)

- A bit dirty from being in storage for many years.

$200 firm, plus shipping.
SF Bay Area meet up preferred.  I live in the Santa Cruz Mountains and work in 
Scotts Valley. 

Photos possible for serious buyers.  Please reply off-list.

Thanks for reading...


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[RBW] 1971 Hetchins Spyder For Sale - $1800

2014-04-02 Thread Andrew Letton
1971 Hetchins Spyder For Sale
I've owned this Spyder since 1989 and sadly have put only a
couple of hundred miles on it.  About 9
years ago, I overhauled it, installed the 46cm Nitto Noodle handlebars, Nitto
Lugged stem, new salmon brake pads, TruVative seatpost, replaced all cables and
housings (with Campagnolo NOS housing), added the Willow Triplizer to the
crankset and the Rally cage to the Nuovo Record derailleur, and installed the
Bluemels fenders and Silca pump.  I have
a Campy NR seatpost and NR pedals that I will include in the sale.  The one 
installed is obviously far from
original and aesthetically out of place on the bike; it was my attempt at
making the bike fit me.  As shown in the
photos, it fits me, a 6'2" guy with a 93cm PBH.
24" seat tube (center to top)
23" top tube (center to center)
Nitto Noodle 46cm bars
Nitto / Rivendell 10cm lugged stem
Campagnolo Nuovo Record brakes and brake levers (generic gum
Campagnolo bar end shifters
Campagnolo Nuovo Record rear derailleur with long cage from
Rally derailleur
5 speed 14-28T Regina
Phil Wood bottom bracket
Campagnolo 172.5mm Strada cranks
50T Campy ring
42T Willow
triplizer middle ring
28T Sugino (?) small ring
Campagnolo Nuovo Record front derailleur
Brooks Professional saddle with 
Viva saddlebag loops
Phil Wood hubs with Campy skewers, front and rear
700c Super Champion rims
36h front
40h rear
Chrome Silca pump with Campy head included
Includes Campy NR pedals, Cristophe toe clips, Alfredo Binda
toe straps, all well worn. (Not shown.)
Original Hetchins Rack and Frame have matching serial
(Avocet slick tires are from 1989 and should be replaced
before any significant riding.)
(Onza pedals and Nitto waterbottle cage shown are not
Probably considered a Grade 3.
Photos here:
Located near Santa Cruz, CA

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[RBW] FS: 27" wheelset; Campy NR hubs, Super Champion Gentleman 81 rims, DT spokes, Jim Langley "Built Tough", Suntour 6spd FW

2014-03-25 Thread Andrew Letton
FS: A very nice 27" wheelset

- Campy NR 36 hole hubs that came on my first real bike and are vintage 
1971, with straight quick release levers, smooth bearings
- Rims are Super Champion Gentleman 81 rims running perfectly true, minimal 
sidewall wear
- 14 gauge DT stainless spokes
- Built for me by Jim Langley himself, including his "Built Tough" stickers
- includes a 13-21 Suntour 6spd FW
- includes Specialized 27x1 Turbo S tires, but they're so old that they 
are probably not good for much more than protecting the rims during 
shipping. (They do hold air.)

- A bit dirty from being in storage for many years.

$200, plus shipping.
SF Bay Area meet up preferred.  I live in the Santa Cruz Mountains and work in 
Scotts Valley. 

Photos possible for serious buyers.  Please reply off-list.

Thanks for reading...


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[RBW] FS: 27" wheelset; Campy NR hubs, Super Champion Gentleman 81 rims, DT spokes, Jim Langley "Built Tough", Suntour 6spd FW

2014-03-25 Thread Andrew Letton
FS: A very nice 27" wheelset

- Campy NR 36 hole hubs that came on my first real bike and are vintage 
1971, with straight quick release levers, smooth bearings
- Rims are Super Champion Gentleman 81 rims running perfectly true, minimal 
sidewall wear
- 14 gauge DT stainless spokes
- Built for me by Jim Langley himself, including his "Built Tough" stickers
- includes a 13-21 Suntour 6spd FW
- includes Specialized 27x1 Turbo S tires, but they're so old that they 
are probably not good for much more than protecting the rims during 
shipping. (They do hold air.)

- A bit dirty from being in storage for many years.

$200 firm, plus shipping.
SF Bay Area meet up preferred.  I live in the Santa Cruz Mountains and work in 
Scotts Valley. 

Photos possible for serious buyers.  Please reply off-list.

Thanks for reading...


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Re: [RBW] Yet more travel coffee questions!

2014-02-20 Thread Andrew Letton
On an S24O last year with Anne Paulson, I learned from her of using sweetened 
condensed milk that comes in plastic bottles with reclosable lids (rather than 
the tin can style).  Anne said that even without refrigeration, it usually 
lasts her many days without spoilage.
Anne?  Wanna' chime in with any further details/considerations/brand names?

 From: Liesl 
Sent: Thursday, February 20, 2014 10:24 AM
Subject: [RBW] Yet more travel coffee questions!

As a member (I think) in good standing of the Association of Caffeinated 
Wheelmen (and, I'm assuming, Wheelwomen), I am wondering if any other members 
have the solution to traveling with milk/half-n-half/cream.  I am a coffee 
enthusiast (at home I grind with a Rancilio Rocky pull daily shots from a La 
Pavoni, so I am in WAY deep) and am still tinkering with the travel/camp/bike 
set-up.  Now that my work has been taking me to the middle of North Dakota, 
I've found it's prudent to carry the whole dang kit-and-kaboodle with me even 
as I stay in hotels.  I have an Aeropress, a Porlex mini mill, a Trangia, and 
various-sized Snow Peak mugs (double and single-walled; 350 to 700 sizes).  I 
now seek the perfect means to carry, heat and even froth (!) milk that could 
nest, or come close to nesting, with what I have (the aforementioned list).   
If any group would have suggestions on this worthy challenge, it's this group! 

caffeinatingly yours,
RCW in the land where the sky is about to burst with a foot of snow and we 
cheer for our Winter Olympians

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Re: [RBW] Re: BLUG bike

2014-02-20 Thread Andrew Letton
"Which one's Pink?"

Beautiful bike, and I like the twine wire handling.
Andrew_who goes back far enough...

 From: BlueRambouillet 
Sent: Thursday, February 20, 2014 10:19 AM
Subject: [RBW] Re: BLUG bike

Grant on new bike. :)
It has a basket, a bell that rings and things to make it look good. 
(have to go back a ways to get this reference ;)
My rework of the wiring... couldn't just let it go with wire showing and 
ty-wraps. Riv did an excellent job! I don't think this is necessarily better, 
but we like it. Used waxed hemp for the rack and found this awesome red/white 
hemp twine in Healdsburg last weekend (which gave me the idea).
Enjoy the bike porn!! :-)

On Wednesday, February 19, 2014 3:29:54 PM UTC-8, dougP wrote:
"After the ride, my girlfriend hit me for "making" her ride an inferior bike 
for so long. ;)) "
>My wife had a similar reaction after riding her Atlantis for a while, then 
>hopping back onto her old bike.  No good deed goes unpunished :-).
>What a great end to the storyand the beginning of a whole new set of 
>adventures.  Don't neglect to post photos!  
>On Wednesday, February 19, 2014 10:29:05 AM UTC-8, BlueRambouillet wrote:
>The bike is even more beautiful than the pictures can do justice! We took the 
>train out to Riv, but had to get off and ride the last 25 miles. Reports are 
>that it rides like a dream, just wants to go. After the ride, my girlfriend 
>hit me for "making" her ride an inferior bike for so long. ;)) 
>>Special thanks to Grant for personally taking the time to add the head-spacer 
>>bell I brought in!! The Riv bells are excellent, but she needed something a 
>>different tone to mine, so purchased off site. Of course *I* couldn't get out 
>>of there without spending money on my Ram, so hopefully it all worked out. 
>>I am really impressed with the lighting! The SON Delux with the EDeulx II is 
>>a marvelous combination and the rear rack light is fantastic! I was riding 
>>close to her back tire and thought it dim... but backing off a bit, it's 
>>REALLY bright! Awesome combination!
>>I'll try to get some pictures up with her new basket, bell and a special 
>>rework on the wiring I'm thinking on.
>>On Friday, February 14, 2014 8:00:35 PM UTC-8, dougP wrote:
>>"She did all this just so people will stop commenting on my bike. hehehehe"
>>>Prepare to be ignored.  On this bike, she will most certainly be the center 
>>>of attention, even among people who are bike clueless.  
>>>I don't think the timing of the photo was accidental.  The elves in Walnut 
>>>Creek can be quite clever.
>>>On Thursday, February 13, 2014 2:32:50 PM UTC-8, BlueRambouillet wrote:
>>>The bike is my girlfriend's. While I would love to say it's her Valentine's 
>>>present, she ordered it almost a year ago... just good timing. ;) The bike 
>>>uses Glorious lugs, similar geometry to the Betty, but longer chainstays. 
>>>Color is a dark cherry with some flake in it to make it sparkle. She did all 
>>>this just so people will stop commenting on my bike. hehehehe  Now to find 
>>>her equally impressive bags for it!

On Tuesday, February 11, 2014 5:18:07 PM UTC-8, Curtis wrote:
The head tube on the BLUG bicycle is amazing. Wow! 
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Re: [RBW] BLUG bike

2014-02-11 Thread Andrew Letton
Woohoo!  Top shelf, all the way!  

Is the lucky owner on the list?

 From: Curtis McKenzie 
To: ""  
Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2014 5:18 PM
Subject: [RBW] BLUG bike

The head tube on the BLUG bicycle is amazing. Wow!  -- 
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Re: [RBW] Re: Best Rainy footwear/boots

2014-02-10 Thread Andrew Letton
My Lake winter boots are EXTREMELY popular with me!

 From: Steve Palincsar 
To:; Tonester  
Sent: Monday, February 10, 2014 9:18 AM
Subject: Re: [RBW] Re: Best Rainy  footwear/boots

why would it be Unpopular?

Tonester  wrote:
I know it'll be unpopular here, but I broke down and bought a pair of Lake 
winter boots and they're awesome
>On Friday, February 7, 2014 3:19:49 PM UTC-8, Michael Williams wrote:
>Hey all,  so we've finally started getting some rain here in the Bay Area.   I 
>like commuting in the rain and have a pretty good poncho setup,   but Ive 
>always used regular sneakers and some sort of 'waterproof' shoe cover,   but 
>thats just not cutting it.   What are peoples favorite dry boots for riding 
>and  wearing around??   thanks in advance!   -Mike
Sent from my Android phone with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
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Re: [RBW] Mixte frame design question

2014-01-08 Thread Andrew Letton
Maybe it has to do with the angles of available lugs?
(Painstakingly pecked out on my iPhone; please pardon my brevity and tpyos.)

On Jan 8, 2014, at 8:27, BSWP  wrote:

> There's a picture of a 60cm Betty Foy on Riv's blug, and it's the first I 
> remember seeing where the top/diaga-tube looks to meet its rear counterparts 
> in a clean straight line. On others, and I guess smaller sized frames, the 
> top tube meets the rear tubes with a slight kink. Again, I must not have paid 
> attention to other images, or to the frames in person. But why the 
> difference? Is it to keep the step-through height of the top tube identical 
> across frame sizes? It's no doubt identical in rigidity and stoutness, but 
> quite different in appearance, one size to another. I like the look of a 
> single line from top of head tube to rear axle.
> - Andrew, Berkeley
> -- 
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Re: [RBW] Re: How cold was your first day ride?

2014-01-02 Thread Andrew Letton
Clearly, you and Mary raised her right!

 From: grant 
Sent: Thursday, January 2, 2014 3:57 PM
Subject: [RBW] Re: How cold was your first day ride?

My Foy-riding 25-year old told me she chased a bus for eight blocks in minus 
ten weather before catching it for a ride the rest of the way.

On Wednesday, January 1, 2014 8:38:33 AM UTC-8, Bill Fulford wrote:
Kennebunk Maine, 19 degrees, felt like 4. Baby it's cold out there. Rode the 
Hunqapillar and enjoyed the ride.
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Re: [RBW] Last Minute notice. Missing Link 40th Anniversary Party

2013-11-14 Thread Andrew Letton
Wow! That brings back memories...
My mother raced for the Missing Link in 1976.  Being only ten years old at that 
time, I had no idea that the store was only three years old.
I can still picture Mom in her wool Missing Link jersey and leather hairnet 
Go Mom!!!


 From: Bill Lindsay 
Sent: Thursday, November 14, 2013 3:42 PM
Subject: [RBW] Last Minute notice.  Missing Link 40th Anniversary Party

Missing Link in Berkeley is having their 40th Anniversary Party.  It's open to 
the public, with the intent that it's for friends of the Link.  It's $5 at the 
door, but it's free for ex-employee/members like myself (1993-2001).  It's from 
7 to 10PM tonight.  If I see you there then I'll see you there!  
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Re: [RBW] Re: new tires for my Hunqapillar: 2.1x29 Maxxis Crossmark

2013-10-15 Thread Andrew Letton
I brazed that stem myself, 20+ years ago.  It was inspired by the Moulton 
spaceframe bicycles and has lived on a couple of different bikes over the 
years.  When I ordered my Bombadil, I sent Riv the stem to be painted along 
with the frame.  It think it has now found its permanent home...

 From: Christian McMillen 
Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2013 9:12 AM
Subject: Re: [RBW] Re: new tires for my Hunqapillar: 2.1x29 Maxxis Crossmark


What's that stem?  Cool looking.  I looked at some of the photos but did not 
see any details.  



On Oct 15, 2013, at 11:58 AM, Andrew Letton  wrote:

I have the 700c x 60mm Berthoud SS fenders on my Bombadil, and they fit well 
over WTB Nanoraptors and Big Apples.  I admit that they look a bit odd over the 
BG Rock'NRoad's that I have on the Bombadil now, but I want the flexibility of 
putting the big tires back on, so I'm not going to adjust the fender line.
> From: Christian McMillen 
>To: ""  
>Cc: ""  
>Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2013 5:05 AM
>Subject: Re: [RBW] Re: new tires for my Hunqapillar: 2.1x29 Maxxis Crossmark
>29er fenders would be cool Takashi. For me, for now, I'm ok with no fenders on 
>my Hunqapillar. But it'd be nice to have the option. I was impressed with the 
>Crossmarks' performance on pavement. They rolled nicely which for me is really 
>important as I've always got to ride miles of pavement between the gravel. 
>Best wishes,
>From my phone. 
>On Oct 15, 2013, at 12:50 AM, Takashi  wrote:
>>Glad to hear that you have found tires that you like.
>>I also use Maxxis Crossmarks, and like them very much.
>>I use them only occasionally, since fat tires and my wooden fenders don't go 
>>together very well.
>>Velo Orange
 says that they're working on wide 29er fenders. I'm looking forward to them.
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Re: [RBW] Re: new tires for my Hunqapillar: 2.1x29 Maxxis Crossmark

2013-10-15 Thread Andrew Letton
I have the 700c x 60mm Berthoud SS fenders on my Bombadil, and they fit well 
over WTB Nanoraptors and Big Apples.  I admit that they look a bit odd over the 
BG Rock'NRoad's that I have on the Bombadil now, but I want the flexibility of 
putting the big tires back on, so I'm not going to adjust the fender line.


 From: Christian McMillen 
To: ""  
Cc: ""  
Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2013 5:05 AM
Subject: Re: [RBW] Re: new tires for my Hunqapillar: 2.1x29 Maxxis Crossmark

29er fenders would be cool Takashi. For me, for now, I'm ok with no fenders on 
my Hunqapillar. But it'd be nice to have the option. I was impressed with the 
Crossmarks' performance on pavement. They rolled nicely which for me is really 
important as I've always got to ride miles of pavement between the gravel. 

Best wishes,


>From my phone. 

On Oct 15, 2013, at 12:50 AM, Takashi  wrote:

>Glad to hear that you have found tires that you like.
>I also use Maxxis Crossmarks, and like them very much.
>I use them only occasionally, since fat tires and my wooden fenders don't go 
>together very well.
>Velo Orange says that they're working on wide 29er fenders. I'm looking 
>forward to them.
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[RBW] Re: Santa Cruz Mountains S24O - Monday (yes!) Sept. 2nd.

2013-08-30 Thread Andrew Letton
Hi Anne & others,

Yes I'm still planning an S240 for this coming Monday!  Ray W. is on a tour to 
Big Sur and is planning to meet me at camp Monday and the more the merrier!

I've decided on the trail camp on the Butano Fire Road, near the Abandoned 
Landing Strip on this 
The approximate location is 37.223973,-122.293725

This link shows the route from Skyline and Black Rd to the campsite:
It looks like it is at about 1600' elevation, so with luck, we'll be above any 
coastal fog (Though yesterday morning it was foggy all the way to the 
summit...).  Coming down the coast from the north, I'd go inland through 
Pescadero, South on Cloverdale Rd, then up the Butano Fire Road. From Skyline, 
I'll be heading W. on Hwy 9,  turning on Hwy 236 towards Big Basin, and then 
right (North) on China Grade to Butano Fire Trail that leads to the campground.

Both routes involve several miles of dirt road, but it's nothing too rough, and 
the last time my friend and I rode the route (on unladen bikes), he did fine on 
28mm tires (I was riding with 32mm tires).

There are "pit toilets" but no water, so bring all the water you're going to 

Here's an article about the campsite.  These guys hiked in on a hiker-only 
trail, but came back out on the Butano Fire Road.

I'm not sure whether there is cell coverage at the site, but ping me off-list 
for my cell if you want to chat en-route or beforehand.

I'm going to try to get there as early as I can, but knowing me, it will likely 
be getting close to dark before I get to camp.

I hope you can join me!


 From: Anne Paulson 
To: rbw-owners-bunch  
Sent: Thursday, August 29, 2013 10:44 PM
Subject: Re: [RBW] Santa Cruz Mountains S24O - Monday (yes!) Sept. 2nd.


Still planning the s24o Monday? Still want company?

On Wed, Aug 21, 2013 at 3:29 PM, Andrew Letton  wrote:
> Hello Friends,
> I'm planning a birthday celebration S24O campout for Monday Sept. 2nd. and
> would love some company.
> The location is not set in stone and I'm open to suggestions. Mixed terrain
> riding is welcome and desired.   I live near the summit of Highway 17
> (Redwood Estates) and I work in Scotts Valley.  I'm planning to ride
> somewhere within a couple or three hours of home late Monday afternoon and
> then ride from the camp to work on Tuesday morning.
> A few possible camp locations that come to mind:
>     - Castle Rock State Park "hiker/biker" campground (but I've done that
> twice now, so somewhere new is preferred)
>     - I hear that there's a campground between Big Basin and Butano parks
> that's bike accessible
>     - Niscene Marks park in Aptos has a campground that might be suitable
>     - ...and I'm also open to guerrilla camping:  Wilder Ranch?  Other
> options?
> I know the Monday of Labor Day weekend is probably not the best timing for
> most, but it's what works for me, so that's when I'm going. :-)
> Let me know if you're interested in joining me!
> cheers,
> Andrew
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-- Anne Paulson

It isn't a contest. Enjoy the ride.

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Re: [RBW] Santa Cruz Mountains S24O - Monday (yes!) Sept. 2nd.

2013-08-22 Thread Andrew Letton
Thanks Anne!

I hadn't considered New Brighton, but I share your liking of Gayle's; Yum!

I've lived and ridden in the SC Mtns for coming up on 15 years now, and 
surprisingly, I'd never even heard of Little Basin, even though I've ridden 
past it many times.  I checked out their website, and it looks nice, but tent 
campsites are $45/night this time of year, which I consider a bit steep unless 
we get a large crew to split the cost.  The ride from there up to Empire Grade 
sounds painfully fun though!

 From: Anne Paulson 
To: rbw-owners-bunch  
Sent: Wednesday, August 21, 2013 5:42 PM
Subject: Re: [RBW] Santa Cruz Mountains S24O - Monday (yes!) Sept. 2nd.

Happy birthday!

Possible camping spots:

I'm fond of New Brighton Beach, probably because of its excellent
proximity to Gayles.

Is Little Basin too far? I've been curious about camping there. And I
hear that while the road from Highway 236 to Little Basin is paved,
there is a non-paved bikeable exit if you continue on; it takes you to
Empire Grade.

It's possible, I think, to camp guerrilla on Waddell Creek. I don't
recommend it on Labor Day Weekend, though; too busy.

On Wed, Aug 21, 2013 at 3:29 PM, Andrew Letton  wrote:
> Hello Friends,
> I'm planning a birthday celebration S24O campout for Monday Sept. 2nd. and
> would love some company.
> The location is not set in stone and I'm open to suggestions. Mixed terrain
> riding is welcome and desired.   I live near the summit of Highway 17
> (Redwood Estates) and I work in Scotts Valley.  I'm planning to ride
> somewhere within a couple or three hours of home late Monday afternoon and
> then ride from the camp to work on Tuesday morning.
> A few possible camp locations that come to mind:
>     - Castle Rock State Park "hiker/biker" campground (but I've done that
> twice now, so somewhere new is preferred)
>     - I hear that there's a campground between Big Basin and Butano parks
> that's bike accessible
>     - Niscene Marks park in Aptos has a campground that might be suitable
>     - ...and I'm also open to guerrilla camping:  Wilder Ranch?  Other
> options?
> I know the Monday of Labor Day weekend is probably not the best timing for
> most, but it's what works for me, so that's when I'm going. :-)
> Let me know if you're interested in joining me!
> cheers,
> Andrew
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-- Anne Paulson

It isn't a contest. Enjoy the ride.

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[RBW] Santa Cruz Mountains S24O - Monday (yes!) Sept. 2nd.

2013-08-21 Thread Andrew Letton
Hello Friends,
I'm planning a birthday celebration S24O campout for Monday Sept. 2nd. and 
would love some company.
The location is not set in stone and I'm open to suggestions. Mixed terrain 
riding is welcome and desired.   I live near the summit of Highway 17 (Redwood 
Estates) and I work in Scotts Valley.  I'm planning to ride somewhere within a 
couple or three hours of home late Monday afternoon and then ride from the camp 
to work on Tuesday morning.
A few possible camp locations that come to mind:  
    - Castle Rock State Park "hiker/biker" campground (but I've done that twice 
now, so somewhere new is preferred)
    - I hear that there's a campground between Big Basin and Butano parks 
that's bike accessible
    - Niscene Marks park in Aptos has a campground that might be suitable
    - ...and I'm also open to guerrilla camping:  Wilder Ranch?  Other options?
I know the Monday of Labor Day weekend is probably not the best timing 
for most, but it's what works for me, so that's when I'm going. :-)
Let me know if you're interested in joining me!

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Re: [RBW] Terrible News

2013-07-09 Thread Andrew Letton
So sad...
I'll be eying my rear view mirror a little more than usual this evening as I 
ride home with Seth and his family in my heart.
Be careful out there...

 From: Peter Pesce 
Sent: Tuesday, July 9, 2013 12:03 PM
Subject: [RBW] Terrible News

via Twitter:

ThePathLessPedaled @pathlesspedaled   
Just found out a reader from Durham was killed in a hit and run.  RIP Seth 

I do not know if this is the same person who is regular here. I did not know 
him personally. The PLP video they link to features a nice guy on an Atlantis. 
(If not, my apologies for causing undue grief.)

Thoughts and prayers for his family and friends.

-Pete in CT
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Re: [RBW] Re: Getting a Bike on a Plane

2013-07-09 Thread Andrew Letton
Please report back after your trip and share your check-in experience.
(Pocket Llama & Air Glide in the family.)

 From: Eric Norris 
To: ""  
Sent: Tuesday, July 9, 2013 4:52 PM
Subject: Re: [RBW] Re: Getting a Bike on a Plane

It's at 48 pounds, so I'm OK there. I think I'll go with "exercise equipment" 
and check it at the curb. 

–Eric NSent from my iPhone 4S 

On Jul 9, 2013, at 10:49 AM, Tonester  wrote:

Most airlines have written policies on luggage size and weight - check their 
website .  The other posters are correct, there's no reason to state that it's 
a bike.  I've had varying luck (Dahon Speed TR) with sizing surcharges but the 
weight has always been strictly enforced.  51 lbs = $.  Weigh before you go.
>On Tuesday, July 9, 2013 8:20:35 AM UTC-7, Eric Norris wrote:
>I'll be flying on Friday with my folding bike, and I wonder if anyone has tips 
>for dealing with the clerk at the airline counter. My bike (a folding Dahon) 
>fits into a case the size of a large suitcase--if it's measured, it's a few 
>inches too large and qualifies for the "large" surcharge. That, plus the fact 
>that there's a bike inside, sometimes results in a $50 charge on my airline 
>>Any ideas on how to get this thing on the plane without causing the ticket 
>>agent to haul out the tape measure? 
>>If I'm asked what's inside, what should I say (it has been suggested that I 
>>answer, "sporting goods," or "a mobility device" ... even "an inline 
>>wheelchair")? Anyone who flies knows that a "bike" incurs a cost, the same 
>>bag filled with golf clubs or lacrosse equipment wouldn't. 
>>Thanks in advance! 
>>Eric N 
>>Twitter: @CampyOnlyGuy
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[RBW] Re: WTB: bar end shifters

2013-07-03 Thread Andrew Letton
Thanks to all the folks who offered shifters.  We've got a set of Suntours on 
their way for the project.

On Tuesday, July 2, 2013 1:59:50 PM UTC-5, Andrew Letton wrote:
Hi Folks,
>I'm helping my cousin convert his singlespeed Univega back to a triple crank + 
>7 speed drivetrain.  I have most of the parts for him in my parts bins, but 
>we're short on shifters and he's short on cash, so I thought I'd try for some 
>used ones here.
>Does anyone have any bar end shifters they want to part with?  Friction only 
>is fine, or SIS with friction option is fine too.  Old Suntours?  Silvers?  
>Shimano?  Whatchagotfersale?
>Santa Cruz Mtns, CA
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[RBW] WTB: bar end shifters

2013-07-02 Thread Andrew Letton
Hi Folks,
I'm helping my cousin convert his singlespeed Univega back to a triple crank + 
7 speed drivetrain.  I have most of the parts for him in my parts bins, but 
we're short on shifters and he's short on cash, so I thought I'd try for some 
used ones here.

Does anyone have any bar end shifters they want to part with?  Friction only is 
fine, or SIS with friction option is fine too.  Old Suntours?  Silvers?  
Shimano?  Whatchagotfersale?

Santa Cruz Mtns, CA

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[RBW] Re: FS: new Paul Thumbies, 26.0, Shimano style, black, $66 shipped

2013-06-20 Thread Andrew Letton
Sold!  Thanks folks!

 From: Andrew Letton 
To: RBW List ; iBOB list 
Sent: Thursday, June 20, 2013 1:59 AM
Subject: [BOB] FS: new Paul Thumbies, 26.0, Shimano style, black, $66 shipped

Hi Folks,
Seth's WTB for (22.2) Thumbies reminded me that I have a brand new (open 
package, but never installed) set of Shimamo-compatible, black, 26.0 Thumbies 
that I'd like to sell for $66 shipped (within the US). PayPal Friend or Family 
please. Please reply off list.
Santa Cruz Mountains, CA

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[RBW] FS: new Paul Thumbies, 26.0, Shimano style, black, $66 shipped

2013-06-20 Thread Andrew Letton
Hi Folks,
Seth's WTB for (22.2) Thumbies reminded me that I have a brand new (open 
package, but never installed) set of Shimamo-compatible, black, 26.0 Thumbies 
that I'd like to sell for $66 shipped (within the US). PayPal Friend or Family 
please. Please reply off list.
Santa Cruz Mountains, CA

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Re: [RBW] Re: Mark's Hub Area Rack

2013-06-15 Thread Andrew Letton
I spoke with Jared at RBW a couple of days ago, and he said they're "close", 
but when I pressed him as to what "close" meant, he would only say that they'd 
probably be available this summer. ;-). He said that Nitto was working on a 
reinforcing hoop of some sort. 
(Painstakingly pecked out on my iPhone; please pardon my brevity and tpyos.)

On Jun 15, 2013, at 8:59, Mike Schiller  wrote:

> yea!  what happened to the racks I  really want to get one.
> ~mike
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