Re: [code] [for discussion] map-trie

2014-06-14 Thread Robert Collins
FWIW my intent with libTrie was always to head for an LPC Trie
implementation as the only implementation. This should be faster still
than the current naive trie, and faster than the std::map compression
technique you've implemented.

[ IIRC the LPC paper was

Implementing a Dynamic Compressed Trie from Stefan Nilsson, Matti
Tikkanen ]- I have the pdf floating around here somewhere, but a quick
google just hit paywalls these days :(.


On 12 June 2014 10:43, Kinkie  wrote:
> Hi,
>   I've done some benchmarking, here are the results so far:
> The proposal I'm suggesting for dstdomain acl is at
> lp:~kinkie/squid/flexitrie . It uses the level-compact trie approach
> I've described in this thread (NOT a Patricia trie). As a comparison,
> lp:~kinkie/squid/domaindata-benchmark implements the same benchmark
> using the current splay-based implementation.
> I've implemented a quick-n-dirty benchmarking tool
> (src/acl/testDomainDataPerf); it takes as input an acl definition -
> one dstdomain per line, as if it was included in squid.conf, and a
> hostname list file (one destination hostname per line).
> I've run both variants of the code against the same dataset: a 4k
> entries domain list, containing both hostnames and domain names, and a
> 18M entries list of destination hostnames, both matching and not
> matching entries in the domain list (about 7.5M hits, 10.5M misses).
> Tested 10 times on a Core 2 PC with plenty of RAM - source datasets
> are in the fs cache.
> level-compact-trie: the mean time is 11 sec; all runs take between
> 10.782 and 11.354 secs; 18 Mb of core used
> full-trie: mean is 7.5 secs +- 0.2secs; 85 Mb of core.
> splay-based: mean time is 16.3sec; all runs take between 16.193 and
> 16.427 secs; 14 Mb of core
> I expect compact-trie to scale better as the number of entries in the
> list grows and with the number of clients and requests per second;
> furthermore using it removes 50-100 LOC, and makes code more readable.
> IMO it is the best compromise in terms of performance, resources
> useage and expected scalability; before pursuing this further however
> I'd like to have some feedback.
> Thanks
> On Wed, Jun 4, 2014 at 4:11 PM, Alex Rousskov
>  wrote:
>> On 06/04/2014 02:06 AM, Kinkie wrote:
>>> there are use cases
>>> for using a Trie (e.g. prefix matching for dstdomain ACL); these may
>>> be served by other data strcutures, but none we could come up with on
>>> the spot.
>> std::map and StringIdentifier are the ones we came up with on the spot.
>> Both may require some adjustments to address the use case you are after.
>> Alex.
>>> A standard trie uses quite a lot of RAM for those use cases.
>>> There are quite a lot of areas where we can improve so this one is not
>>> urgent. Still I'd like to explore it as it's synchronous code (thus
>>> easier for me to follow) and it's a nice area to tinker with.
>>> On Tue, Jun 3, 2014 at 10:12 PM, Alex Rousskov
>>>  wrote:
>>>> On 06/03/2014 08:40 AM, Kinkie wrote:
>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>   as an experiment and to encourage some discussion I prepared an
>>>>> alternate implementation of TrieNode which uses a std::map instead of
>>>>> an array to store a node's children.
>>>>> The expected result is a worst case performance degradation on insert
>>>>> and delete from O(N) to O(N log R) where N is the length of the
>>>>> c-string being looked up, and R is the size of the alphabet (as R =
>>>>> 256, we're talking about 8x worse).
>>>>> The expected benefit is a noticeable reduction in terms of memory use,
>>>>> especially for sparse key-spaces; it'd be useful e.g. in some lookup
>>>>> cases.
>>>>> Comments?
>>>> To evaluate these optimizations, we need to know the targeted use cases.
>>>> Amos mentioned ESI as the primary Trie user. I am not familiar with ESI
>>>> specifics (and would be surprised to learn you want to optimize ESI!),
>>>> but would recommend investigating a different approach if your goal is
>>>> to optimize search/identification of strings from a known-in-advance set.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Alex.
> --
> Francesco

Robert Collins 
Distinguished Technologist
HP Converged Cloud

Re: BZR local server?repo?

2014-01-23 Thread Robert Collins
Put bzr update in cron?

Or if you want an exact copy of trunk, use 'bzr branch' then 'bzr
pull' to keep it in sync.

On 23 January 2014 20:53, Eliezer Croitoru  wrote:
> Since I do have a local server I want to have an up-to-date bzr replica.
> I can just use checkout or whatever but I want it to be be updated etc.
> I am no bzr expert so any help about the subject is more then welcome.
> Thanks,
> Eliezer

Re: [RFC] Tokenizer API

2013-12-10 Thread Robert Collins
On 10 December 2013 19:13, Amos Jeffries  wrote:

> The problem with comparing input strings to a SBuf of characters is that
> parsing a input of length N againt charset of size M takes O(N*M) time.

Huh? There are linear time parsers with PEGs. Or maybe I don't
understand one of your preconditions to come up with an N*M complexity


Robert Collins 
Distinguished Technologist
HP Converged Cloud

Re: Squid toolchain requirements

2013-10-23 Thread Robert Collins
On 24 October 2013 00:16, Amos Jeffries  wrote:
> I have been thinking about adding a section to the release notes and wiki
> pages about each release detailing the minimum toolchain requirements for
> that version of Squid.
> Any help with the information is helpful. What I have so far is this set as
> of 3.2:

Isn't configure meant to probe these versions? We should be able to
interrogate any hard version checks out of configure.


Robert Collins 
Distinguished Technologist
HP Converged Cloud

Re: Dmitry Kurochkin

2013-07-23 Thread Robert Collins
On 24 July 2013 05:18, Alex Rousskov  wrote:
> It is with great sadness I inform you that Dmitry Kurochkin died in a
> skydiving accident a few days ago. Dmitry was an avid skydiver, with
> more than 360 jumps and some regional records behind him. He loved that
> sport.
> Dmitry's recent contributions to Squid include code related to HTTP/1.1
> compliance, SMP scalability, SMP Rock Store, Large Rock, Collapsed
> Forwarding, and FTP gateway features. He also worked on automating Squid
> compliance testing with Co-Advisor and Squid performance testing with
> Web Polygraph.
> Dmitry was a wonderful person, a talented developer, and a key member of
> the Factory team. He was a pleasure to work with. We miss him badly.

Thats extremely sad news. My condolences and sympathies to his
colleagues, family, and friends.


rackspace offering free compute for open source projects

2013-07-21 Thread Robert Collins

 - this might be useful for jenkins.


Re: Should we remove ESI?

2013-06-11 Thread Robert Collins
On 11 June 2013 20:23, Kinkie  wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 10, 2013 at 7:22 PM, Alex Rousskov
>  wrote:

> From what I understand (Robert, can you come to the rescue?) libTrie
> is a very optimized key- and prefix- lookup engine, trading memory
> useage for speed. It would be great to use in the Http parser to look
> up header keys, for instance.

It is a generic trie implementation, it is very good at some forms of
lookup, and it's used in ESI yes; I had planned to try it in the HTTP
parser, but ETIME.

>> I do not know much about ESI, but IMHO, if somebody has cycles to work
>> on this, it would be best to spend them removing ESI (together with
>> libtTrie) from Squid sources while converting ESI into an eCAP adapter.
>> This will be a big step forward towards making client side code sane
>> (but removing ESI itself does not require making complex changes to the
>> client side code itself).
> Robert is the expert on this. My question right now is, is anyone
> using ESI? ESI requires a specifically-crafted mix of infrastructure
> and application; there are nowadays simpler ways to obtain similar
> results.
> For this reason I would launch an inquiry to our users and to the
> original ESI sponsors to understand whether to simply stop supporting
> ESI. It is ~10kLOC that noone really looks after, and they imply
> dependencies (e.g. on the xml libraries).

We get occasional queries about it on IRC and the lists; I don't know
if it's in use in production or not. I think it would be sad to remove
working code, but if noone is using it, noone is using it.

I think refactoring it to use eCap rather than clientStreams would be
fine, but I can't volunteer to do that myself.


Robert Collins 
Distinguished Technologist
HP Cloud Services

Re: Should we integrate libTrie into our build system?

2013-06-09 Thread Robert Collins
On 10 June 2013 08:40, Kinkie  wrote:
> Hi all,
>   while attempting to increase portability to recent clang releases, I
> noticed that libTrie hasn't benefited from the portability work that
> was done in the past few years.
> I can see three ways to move forward:
> 1- replicate these changes into libTrie
> 2- change libTrie to piggyback squid's configuration variables
> 3- fully integrate libTrie into squid's build system. Unless Robert
> knows otherwise, squid is the only user of this library..

I'm not aware fo it being shipped/used separately. Probably want to
replace it by now, must be a tuned equivalent somewhere :)

> Comments?
> --
> /kinkie

Robert Collins 
Distinguished Technologist
HP Cloud Services

Re: Squid SMP on MacOS

2013-02-24 Thread Robert Collins
On 25 February 2013 18:24, Alex Rousskov
> On 02/24/2013 10:02 PM, Amos Jeffries wrote:
>> I'm trying to get the MacOS builds of Squid going again but having some
>> problems with shm_open() in the Rock storage unit-tests.
>> 1) MacOS defines the max name length we can pass to shm_open() at 30
>> bytes. "/squid-testRock__testRockSearch" being 35 or so bytes.
>>   Cutting the definition in down so it becomes
>> "/squid-testRock_Search" resolves that, but then we hit (2).
> That TESTDIR name is wrong because it is used for more than just
> "search" testing. I bet the Rock name mimicked the UFS test name, but
> the UFS name is wrong too, for the same reason. We should use
> "cppUnitTestRock" and "cppUnitTestUfs" or something similarly unique and
> short, I guess.

We should use a random name; squidtest-10-bytes-of-entropy should do
it. Random because we don't want tests running in parallel to step on
each other on jenkins slaves.

>> 2) With the short string above and the current settings sent to
>> shm_open() in src/ipc/mem/ line 73 MacOS shm_open() starts
>> responding with EINVAL.
>> theFD = shm_open(theName.termedBuf(), O_CREAT | O_RDWR | O_TRUNC,
> Sounds like some of the five shm_open() flags we are using successfully
> elsewhere do not work on MacOS. I do not know which flag(s) do not work,
> and we have no MacOS boxes in the lab, so we cannot experiment or read
> documentation.
> I assume shared segment opening fails with similar symptoms when used
> outside of unit tests (e.g., with a shared memory cache)? If so, please
> feel free to disable shared memory support on MacOS (do not define
> HAVE_SHM?) until somebody who needs it can find the right combination of
> flags.


Robert Collins 
Distinguished Technologist
HP Cloud Services

Re: some notes and help to think is needed + Test results of testing basics in store_url_rewrite.

2012-09-26 Thread Robert Collins
On Thu, Sep 27, 2012 at 4:09 PM, Eliezer Croitoru  wrote:
> Well I was reading here and there the store code and other things then
> started testing some theories about how store_url can be and should be
> implemented.
> If you do remember or not I refactored the source in couple places to use
> originalUrl and original_url to check all the places where original url is
> used and then decide where the store_url should be placed if needed.
> (memobject->original_url and has memobject->store_url)
> the main place of all I have seen that should be used with the store_url is
> the
> which gets requests from couple places and mainly the setPublic for store
> entry
> (Does bazaar has search option in it ?)

bzr grep (if you install the bzr-grep plugin) will search all your source code.
bzr search (if you install the bzr-search plugin) finds references
anywhere in the project history.


Re: [RFC] or ACLs

2012-09-24 Thread Robert Collins
On Tue, Sep 25, 2012 at 10:06 AM, Alex Rousskov
> Hello,
> I would like to add support for explicit OR ACLs:

On the up side i think that this would indeed give us much more
flexability, and its a decent stopgap between this and a more
understandable ACL language.
On the downside, I think it will make things harder to explain, the
current system being itself rather arcane.

I'd like to see, long term, some more complete language - e.g.
something with macros so you can define and reuse complex constructs
without having to repeat them, which I think your OR support will only
partially mitigate against.


Re: [RFC] One helper to rewrite them all

2012-09-11 Thread Robert Collins
On Wed, Sep 12, 2012 at 11:05 AM, Amos Jeffries  wrote:
> IMO the backward compatibility and easy upgrade from 2.7 overrides doing
> this now. It is possible to do a migration to this design later easily
> enough not to worry.

FWIW I wouldn't worry about 2.7 compat. As of precise, squid2 isn't in
Ubuntu at all. Its unlikely that folk will need to write one helper to
support both 3.x and 2.7 installs.


Re: bzr unmerge

2012-08-17 Thread Robert Collins
On Sat, Aug 18, 2012 at 6:58 AM, Henrik Nordström
> fre 2012-08-17 klockan 19:59 +0200 skrev Kinkie:
>> Have you considered "bzr uncommit"?
> uncommit do not cut it. uncommit simply moves the branch head to a given
> revision discarding any later revisions, same as git reset --hard for
> those familiar with git. It's ok to use on a private branch to clean up
> mistakes, but MUST NOT, repeat MUST NOT be used after the revisions have
> been pushed to a shared repository.
> what I want is a unmerge operation that is a commit in itself much like
> revert, preserving full history, but which requires attention to resolve
> when propagated to other branches, enabling other branches to keep the
> changes or revert them per user choice.

bzr merge N..N-1 .

will back out revision N from this branch in the way you describe.

Re: Generic helper I/O format

2012-07-04 Thread Robert Collins
On Thu, Jul 5, 2012 at 4:00 PM, Amos Jeffries  wrote:

Why do we need backwards compat in the new protocol?

As an alternative, consider setting a protocol= option on the helpers,
making the default our latest-and-greatest,a nd folk running
third-party helpers can set protocl=v1 or whatever to get backwards

This lets us also warn when we start deprecating the old protocol,
that its going away.


Re: Geek fun in Squid's source code

2012-06-28 Thread Robert Collins
On Fri, Jun 29, 2012 at 12:53 PM, Amos Jeffries  wrote:
> On 29/06/2012 12:01 a.m., Kinkie wrote:
>> from
>> if (p == np) {
>> (stumbled into this while sweeping the sources changing postincrement
>> to preincrement operators).
>> --
>>     /kinkie
> Why do you bring this up?

Re: squid md5 and fips mode

2012-06-19 Thread Robert Collins
On Tue, Jun 19, 2012 at 9:10 AM, Paul Wouters  wrote:
> Hi,
> I have been looking at FIPS issues with squid in both RHEL5 and RHEL6.
> In fips mode, MD5 is not allowed for securing web traffic (with some TLS
> exceptions) nor user authentication. It is allowed for other things,
> such as hashes for disk objects.
> The problem in older versions of squid was that the cache object code
> used md5, and since openssl did not allow it, it would die. This was
> fixed with a patch by using the squid buildin md5 functions for the
> cache object hashes. See
> Now for recent versions of squid, I have the reverse problem. The
> openssl md5 code is never used, so I had to patch it back to using
> openssl with the exception for the cache object id where I used
> private_MD5_Init()
> It basically undoes most of these commits:
> - Changing 'xMD5' function name to 'SquidMD5'
> - Changing 'MD5_CTX' typedef to 'SquidMD5_CTX'
> - Changing 'MD5_DIGEST_CHARS' define to 'SQUID_MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH'
> - Changing 'MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH' define to 'SQUID_MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH'
> - Removing messy #ifdef logic in include/md5.h that tries to use
>  the system libraries if available.  We'll always use the Squid MD5
>  routines.
> My request is to basically undo this change, and to use openssl again
> where possible, so that fips enforcement does not fail with the custom
> crypto code that goes undetected. A rought patch (that does not take
> into account systems with no crypt()) is attached at:

A few quick thoughts:
 - We'd love patches that make squid explicitly aware of e.g. FIPS
mode, so that we can enforce it ourselves. We've no idea today when we
change something whether its going to impact on such external needs,
and frankly, tracking it is going to be tedious and error prone,
leading to the sort of flip-flop situation you have.
 - as we don't have an OpenSSL exception in our copyright (and its
-hard- to add one today), you can't legally ship a squid binary linked
against openSSL anyway.
Note that our COPYING file says 'version 2' not 'version 2 or later',
though at least some source files say 'version 2 or later' - we'll
need to figure out what to do about *that* in due course. So,
basically every build of squid that uses openSSL has to have been
built by the end user locally, anyway. Yes, this kindof sucks.

That said, if the FIPS standard doesn't like MD5, there is no need for
use to use it at all, we could use sha1 as a build time option for
cache keys (or take the first N bits of sha1), if that helps: that
would allow us to be entirely MD5 free when desired.


Re: [PATCH] fix up external acl type dumping

2012-06-15 Thread Robert Collins
On Sat, Jun 16, 2012 at 7:33 AM, Alex Rousskov
> IMHO, ##__VA_ARGS__  is not worth the trouble in this particular case.
> However, even if you disagree, please use at least one argument (empty
> string with a corresponding %s if needed to prevent compiler warnings?).

The ## is meant to compensate for that, according to the reading I
did. I'm happy to back it out if it causes jenkins failures, but would
like to at least try it as-is.


Re: [PATCH] fix up external acl type dumping

2012-06-15 Thread Robert Collins
On Fri, Jun 15, 2012 at 4:23 AM, Alex Rousskov
> On 06/14/2012 03:06 AM, Robert Collins wrote:
>> +#define DUMP_EXT_ACL_TYPE_FMT(a, fmt, ...) \
>> +            case _external_acl_format::EXT_ACL_##a: \
>> +                storeAppendPrintf(sentry, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__); \
>> +                break
> I do not see Squid using __VA_ARGS__ currently. Are you sure it is
> portable, especially in the ## context? If you have not tested this
> outside Linux, are you OK with us pulling out this patch if it breaks
> the build?

Yes, that would be fine. I'm mainly fixing this because I noticed it
in passing: it has no concrete effect on me.

> If you are not sure, you can rework the macro to always use a single
> argument instead. The calls without a parameter in the format can add
> one and use an empty string (or you can have two macros).
> I do not like how this macro butchers the format code names. I could
> borderline agree with stripping the namespace, but stripping "EXT_ACL_"
> prefix seems excessive. The prefix itself looks excessive (because the
> namespace already has "external_acl" in it!) but that is a different issue.
> I would prefer that the macro takes a real code name constant, without
> mutilating the name. There is an existing similar macro that does the
> same kind of mutilation, but there it is kind of justified because the
> name suffix is actually used.
> The true solution to this mess is to fix the names themselves, I guess.

I think we should make external acls a class, no base class, and ditch
the whole big case statement etc, and we can lose the macro at the
same time. Thats a rather bigger change, and I wanted to fix the
defect in the first instance.


[PATCH] fix up external acl type dumping

2012-06-14 Thread Robert Collins
This patch does four things:
 - adds a helper macro for format strings with external acl type config dumping.
 - uses that to add a missing type dumper for %%, which currently
causes squid to FATAL if mgr:config is invoked.
 - refactors the SSL type dumping to use the macro as well, saving
some redundant code
 - fixes a typo
-case _external_acl_format::EXT_ACL_CA_CERT:
-storeAppendPrintf(sentry, " %%USER_CERT_%s", format->header);

Seeking review, will land in a couple days if there is none :)


=== modified file 'src/'
--- src/ 2012-05-08 01:21:10 +
+++ src/ 2012-06-14 08:58:33 +
@@ -568,6 +568,10 @@
 case _external_acl_format::EXT_ACL_##a: \
 storeAppendPrintf(sentry, " %%%s", #a); \
+#define DUMP_EXT_ACL_TYPE_FMT(a, fmt, ...) \
+case _external_acl_format::EXT_ACL_##a: \
+storeAppendPrintf(sentry, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__); \
@@ -592,28 +596,17 @@
 #if USE_SSL
-case _external_acl_format::EXT_ACL_USER_CERT_RAW:
-storeAppendPrintf(sentry, " %%USER_CERT");
-case _external_acl_format::EXT_ACL_USER_CERTCHAIN_RAW:
-storeAppendPrintf(sentry, " %%USER_CERTCHAIN");
-case _external_acl_format::EXT_ACL_USER_CERT:
-storeAppendPrintf(sentry, " %%USER_CERT_%s", format->header);
-case _external_acl_format::EXT_ACL_CA_CERT:
-storeAppendPrintf(sentry, " %%USER_CERT_%s", format->header);
 fatal("unknown external_acl format error");

Re: Multiple outgoing addresses for squid?

2012-03-29 Thread Robert Collins
2012/3/30 Henrik Nordström :
>>   Can tcp_outgoing_address take multiple addresses now?  Does it just 
>> round-robin through them?
> It can only select one per request at the moment.

Thats probably something we should fix. For now though an external ACL
could deliver round robin answers, one per request - and it could look
a tthe log file to learn about size of objects/ estimate bandwidth


Re: Multiple outgoing addresses for squid?

2012-03-29 Thread Robert Collins
On Fri, Mar 30, 2012 at 4:18 AM, Chris Ross  wrote:
>  So, I suspect someone has looked at this before, but I have an edge device 
> that is multi-homed.  I have multiple WAN connections available, and what I'd 
> really like to do is have a squid that's smart enough to "learn" which web 
> sites are better out of which WAN connection.  But, shy of something that 
> advanced, is it possible to have squid know to bind to N outside addresses, 
> and then either round-robin them, or try one always, and then try the other 
> if there is a failure on the first?
>  I'd be happy to help implement such a thing if it doesn't already exist, but 
> I assume this is the sort of problem that has already been faced and 
> hopefully solved.

'tcp_outgoing_address' in the config ;)


Re: Which projects are most important?

2012-02-15 Thread Robert Collins
Performance is a hot topic at the moment; I would love to see more
time going into that through any of the performance related items you
listed (or other ones you may come up with).


Re: Question regarding ESI Implementation

2011-09-30 Thread Robert Collins
On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 7:38 PM, Jan Algermissen
>> Theres no specific meta documentation that I recall. It should be
>> pretty straight forward (but remember that squid is a single threaded
>> non-blocking program - so its got to work with that style of
>> programming).
> Ah, I did not yet know Squid had an async programming model. Even better. The 
> current ESI Implementation is non-blocking, too?

Yup, for sure.


Re: Question regarding ESI Implementation

2011-09-29 Thread Robert Collins
On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 10:37 AM, Jan Algermissen
> Hi,
> I am thinking about trying out some ideas building upon ESI 1.0 and would 
> like to extend the ESI implementation of Squid. For personal use right now, 
> but if turns out to be valuable I am happy to share it.
> I downloaded the source yesterday and took a short look at the ESI parts.
> Is there any form of documentation about the rationale behind the code 
> snippets and the supported parts of ESI 1.0? What is the best way to get up 
> to speed?

Theres no specific meta documentation that I recall. It should be
pretty straight forward (but remember that squid is a single threaded
non-blocking program - so its got to work with that style of

> Can you remember when the development roughly took place to help me digging 
> through the developer archives?

early 2000's, uhm, I think 2003.


Re: hit a serious blocker on windows

2011-08-11 Thread Robert Collins
DuplicateHandle is how its done.


Re: [RFC] Have-Digest and duplicate transfer suppression

2011-08-10 Thread Robert Collins
How is case B different to If-None-Match ?


Re: [RFC] Have-Digest and duplicate transfer suppression

2011-08-10 Thread Robert Collins
(But for clarity - I'm fine with what you proposed, I just wanted to
consider whether the standards would let us do it more directly, which
they -nearly- do AFAICT).


Re: [RFC] Have-Digest and duplicate transfer suppression

2011-08-10 Thread Robert Collins
On Thu, Aug 11, 2011 at 10:59 AM, Alex Rousskov
> On 08/10/2011 04:18 PM, Robert Collins wrote:
>> How is case B different to If-None-Match ?
> The origin server may not supply enough information for If-None-Match
> request to be possible OR it may lie when responding to If-None-Match
> requests.

The parent squid could handle the case when the origin lies though,
couldn't it ?
client -> child -> parent -> origin
if client asks for url X, child has an old copy, child could add
If-None-Match, parent could detect that origin sends the same bytes
(presumably by spooling the entire response) and then satisfy the
If-None-Match, and child can give an unconditional reply to client,
which hadn't had the original bytes.

That doesn't help with the not-enough-information case, which is I
presume the lack of a strong validator.

So, perhaps we could consider this 'how can intermediaries add strong
validators' - if we do that, and then (in squid - no http standards
violation) - honour If-None-Match on those additional validators, it
seems like we'll get the functionality you want, it a slightly more
generic (and thus reusable) way ?


Re: FYI: http timeout headers

2011-03-10 Thread Robert Collins
On Fri, Mar 11, 2011 at 11:16 AM, Mark Nottingham  wrote:
> Right. I think the authors hope that intermediaries (proxies and gateways) 
> will adapt their policies (within configured limits) based upon what they see 
> in incoming connection-timeout headers, and rewrite the outgoing 
> connection-timeout headers appropriately.
> I'm not sure whether that will happen, hence my question. I'm even less sure 
> about the use cases for request-timeout, for the reasons you mention.

I suspect that this is overengineering : scalable proxies really
shouldn't need special handling for very long requests, and proxies
that need special handling will still want timeouts to guard against
e.g. roaming clients leaving stale connections.

Simply recommending that intermediaries depend on TCP to time out
connections might be sufficient, simpler, and allow room for clean
layering to deal with roaming clients and the like without making
requests larger.


Re: FYI: http timeout headers

2011-03-10 Thread Robert Collins
On Fri, Mar 11, 2011 at 6:22 AM, Mark Nottingham  wrote:
> In a nutshell, this draft introduces two new headers: Request-Timeout, which 
> is an end-to-end declaration of how quickly the client wants the response, 
> and Connection-Timeout, which is a hop-by-hop declaration of how long an idle 
> conn can stay open.
> I'm going to give feedback to Martin about this (I can see a few places where 
> there may be issues, e.g., it doesn't differentiate between a read timeout on 
> an open request and an idle timeout), but I wanted to get a sense of what 
> Squid developers thought; in particular -
> 1) is this interesting enough that you'd implement if it came out?

Not personally, because the sites I'm involved with set timeouts on
the backend as policy: dropping reads early won't save backend
computing overhead (because request threads aren't cleanly
interruptible), and permitting higher timeouts would need guards to
prevent excessive resource consumption being permitted

> 2) if someone submitted a patch for this, would you include it?

If it was clean, sure. But again there will be an interaction with
site policy. e.g. can a client ask for a higher timeout than the squid
admin has configured, or can they solely lower it to give themselves a
snappier responsiveness. (and if the latter, why not just drop the
connection if they don't get an answer soon enough).

> 3) do you see any critical issues, esp. regarding performance impact?

I would worry a little about backend interactions: unless this header
is honoured all the way through it would be easy for multiple backend
workers to be calculating expensive resources for the same client
repeatedly trying something with an inappropriately low timeout.

I guess this just seems a bit odd overall : servers generally have a
very good idea about the urgency of things it can serve based on what
they are delivering.


Re: Early pre-HEAD patch testing

2011-02-07 Thread Robert Collins
On Tue, Feb 8, 2011 at 10:52 AM, Alex Rousskov
> The problem with branches is that you have to commit changes (and,
> later, fixes) _before_ you test. Sometimes, that is not a good idea
> because you may want to simply _reject_ the patch if it fails the test
> instead of committing/fixing it. I suspect it would be OK to abuse lp a
> little and create a "garbage" branch not associated with any specific
> long-term development but used "when I need to test a patch" instead.

You can certainly do that, and LP won't mind at all. Note though that
a parameterised build in hudson can trivially build *any* branch off
of LP, so you can equally push your experiment to


Re: Sharing DNS cache among Squid workers

2011-01-13 Thread Robert Collins
On Fri, Jan 14, 2011 at 11:13 AM, Alex Rousskov
> On 01/13/2011 02:18 PM, Robert Collins wrote:
>> Have you considered just having a caching-only local DNS server
>> colocated on the same machine?
> I am sure that would be an appropriate solution in some environments. On
> the other hand, sometimes the box has no capacity for another server.
> Sometimes the traffic from 8-16 Squids can be too much for a single DNS
> server to handle. And sometimes administration/policy issues would
> prevent using external caching DNS servers on the Squid box.

This surprises me - surely the CPU load for a dedicated caching DNS
server is equivalent to the CPU load for squid maintaining a DNS cache
itself; and DNS servers are also multithreaded?

Anyhow, I've no particular objection to it being in the code base, but
it does seem like something we'd get better results by not doing (or
having a defined IPC mechanism to a single (possibly multi-core) cache
process which isn't a 'squid'. [Even if it is compiled in the squid


Re: Sharing DNS cache among Squid workers

2011-01-13 Thread Robert Collins
Have you considered just having a caching-only local DNS server
colocated on the same machine?

Re: Fwd: OpenSolaris build node for Squid to be updated

2011-01-01 Thread Robert Collins
Their jobs report in subunit however, which we can thunk into hudson
using subunit2junitxml, so I think needing a duplicate build farm is
much more than we'd need. We would need some glue, but thats about


Re: Feature branch launched: deheader

2010-12-05 Thread Robert Collins
On Mon, Dec 6, 2010 at 3:28 AM, Kinkie  wrote:
> Hi all,
>  Eric Raymond recently released a tool named deheader
> ( which goes through c/c++ project
> looking for unneeded includes.
> It does so by trying to compile each source file after removing one
> #include statement at a time, and seeing if it builds.

Thats a fairly flawed approach.

Two reasons:
 - some headers when present affect correctness, not compilation.
 - on some platforms headers are mandatory, on others optional.

So, if you do this, be sure to take the minimal approach after
building on *all* platforms, and then still be conservative.


Re: [PATCH] [RFC] custom error pages

2010-11-21 Thread Robert Collins
Also, symlinks fail on windows :(.


Re: NULL vs 0

2010-09-21 Thread Robert Collins
On Wed, Sep 22, 2010 at 4:58 AM, Alex Rousskov
> Squid will most likely not work if NULL is not false. 0xCDCDCDCD is not
> false. Consider:
>    some_pointer = some_function_that_may_return_NULL();
>    if (!some_pointer)
>        ...

When compilers do that, they also translate the if expression appropriately.

But they are also meant to handle NULL vs 0 transparently in that case, AIUI.


Re: new/delete overloading, why?

2010-08-20 Thread Robert Collins
2010/8/21 Henrik Nordström :
> Why are we overloading new/delete with xmalloc/xfree?
>   include/SquidNew.h
> this is causing "random" linking issues every time some piece of code
> forgets to include SquidNew.h, especially when building helpers etc. And
> I fail to see what benefit we get from overloading the new/delete
> operators in this way.

it was to stop crashes with code that had been cast and was freed with
xfree(); if you don't alloc with a matching allocator, and the
platform has a different default new - *boom*.

There may be nothing like that left to worry about now.


Re: FYI: github

2010-08-15 Thread Robert Collins
Its fine by me; we could push squid3 up as well using bzr-git, if folk
are interested.


Re: Compliance: Improved HTTP Range header field validation.

2010-08-01 Thread Robert Collins

-Ro b

Re: Marking uncached packets with a netfilter mark value

2010-06-21 Thread Robert Collins
On Tue, Jun 22, 2010 at 8:52 AM, Andrew Beverley  wrote:

> 1. Because the marking process needs to be run as root, can this only be
> achieved by putting the mark function within the squid process that
> originally starts up, and stipulate that this has to be run as root?

Consider a dedicated helper like the diskd helper - send it a fd using
shm, and a mark to place, and have it make the call. This can be
started up before squid drops privileges. Better still, to a patch to
netfilter to allow non root capabilities here.

> 2. Is any such patch likely to be accepted?

Yes, modulo code quality, testing, cleanliness etc etc - all the usual concerns.


Re: Bug 2957 - only-if-cached shouldn't count when we're not caching

2010-06-16 Thread Robert Collins
Well it sounds totally fine in principle; I'm wondering (without
reading the patch) how you define 'we are not caching' - just no
cachedirs ? That excludes mem-only caching (or perhaps thats not
supported now).


Re: food for thought?

2010-06-16 Thread Robert Collins
2010/6/16 Kinkie :
> Actually the thing I found the most interesting is that it suggests to
> use page-aware object placements so that big structures traversal is
> easier on the VM. Could it be useful to adopt that for some of our
> low-level indexes? We do have a few hashes and trees laying around
> which maybe could benefit from this; and adopting an alternate
> algorithm for those may not have a big impact code-wise..

page-aware is only part of it - really, dig up cache oblivious
algorithms. Lots of use and benefits :).


Re: food for thought?

2010-06-15 Thread Robert Collins
Well its written in an entertaining and a little condescending style.
The class of algorithmic analysis that is relevant is 'cache oblivious
algorithms' and is a hot topic at the moment.

Well worth reading and thinking about.


Re: How to review a remote bzr branch

2010-05-23 Thread Robert Collins
2010/5/24 Alex Rousskov :

> On 05/22/2010 02:41 AM, Robert Collins wrote:
>> What I do to review is usually 'bzr merge BRANCH'; bzr diff - and then
>> eyeball. Thats roughly what a 'proposed merge' in launchpad will show
>> too. You could do that as an alternative.
> Noted. The merge command may produce conflicts that will not be
> immediately visible in bzr diff, right?

Yes indeed.


Re: Poll: Which bzr versions are you using?

2010-05-22 Thread Robert Collins
What OS are you using? Upgrading to 2.0.x or newer would be advantageous.

If there aren't packages for it, I'm sure we can figure out who to
tickle to get some.


Re: How to review a remote bzr branch

2010-05-22 Thread Robert Collins
What I do to review is usually 'bzr merge BRANCH'; bzr diff - and then
eyeball. Thats roughly what a 'proposed merge' in launchpad will show
too. You could do that as an alternative.


Re: Poll: Which bzr versions are you using?

2010-05-19 Thread Robert Collins
in general No; the .bzr.log in a users homedir will contain some info,
possibly the client version: the server does receive that, I think.
Over HTTP bzr is just another client - the user agent field includes
the bzr version, I think, if you were to look in apache logs.


Re: Poll: Which bzr versions are you using?

2010-05-19 Thread Robert Collins
2.2 :>

Re: [MERGE] [3.1] Fall back on IPv4 if IPv6 is not present

2010-05-13 Thread Robert Collins

Re: Upgrade repository format for trunk?

2010-03-25 Thread Robert Collins
On Thu, 2010-03-25 at 15:29 -0600, Alex Rousskov wrote:

> Sigh. I would rather not upgrade then. I do not know how to move from
> bzr 1.3 to bzr 2.0.x on Red Hat box that I have to use for some of the
> development, and I doubt somebody here would enjoy educating me on that
> process... Besides, even Ubuntu 9.10 only has bzr v2.0.2 by default.
> Thus, we would be cutting it pretty close to bleeding edge for many.

Yes, 2.0.0 was relatively recent.

> Bzr folks are very good at making lots of releases but the world is
> apparently incapable of moving with the same speed!

Well, we try to balance things; and we expect to stay with 2a for quite
some time as a default - probably several years, as we did with 1.0.

> > 2a is much more compact on disk, and faster across the board. But
> > everyone will need to upgrade their own repositories, which can take a
> > bit of time (or delete them and pull anew).
> If nothing else, this will require instruction on how to upgrade the
> everyone repositories. I can support the upgrade once those instructions
> work for me :-).


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Re: Upgrade repository format for trunk?

2010-03-25 Thread Robert Collins
On Thu, 2010-03-25 at 10:40 -0600, Alex Rousskov wrote:
> On 03/25/2010 10:06 AM, Kinkie wrote:
> > I've noticed that the bzr repository for trunk is based on an
> > ancient "pack-0.92" repo format.
> > After a few emails with Robert his recommendation is to upgrade the
> > repo format to format 2a .
> > Does anyone see any reason why this should not be done?
> Has Robert promised no bad side-effects?

Everyone will *need* bzr 2.0.x, or newer. (2.1.0 recommended,
naturally). bzr has moved to a micro-release every month, so 2.0.0 is
now 7 months old.

2a is much more compact on disk, and faster across the board. But
everyone will need to upgrade their own repositories, which can take a
bit of time (or delete them and pull anew).


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Re: SMP: inter-process communication

2010-02-21 Thread Robert Collins
On Sun, 2010-02-21 at 20:18 -0700, Alex Rousskov wrote:
> On 02/21/2010 06:10 PM, Henrik Nordström wrote:
> > sön 2010-02-21 klockan 17:10 -0700 skrev Alex Rousskov:
> > 
> >> The only inter-process cooperation I plan to support initially is "N
> >> processes monitoring the same http_port (and doing everything else)".
> > 
> > I guess there will be no shared cache then?
> Not initially, but that is the second step goal.

I suggest using CARP then, to route to backends.


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Re: [PATCH] immortal helpers

2010-02-21 Thread Robert Collins
On Mon, 2010-02-22 at 02:03 +0100, Henrik Nordström wrote:
> mån 2010-02-22 klockan 11:44 +1100 skrev Robert Collins:
> > command protocol for it would be pretty similar to the SHM disk IO
> > helper, but for processes. Something like:
> > squid->helper: spawn stderrfd argv(escaped/encoded to be line & NULLZ
> >string safe)
> > helper->squid: pid, stdinfd, stdoutfd
> Which requires UNIX domain sockets for fd passing, and unknown
> implementation on Windows..

I thought SHM could pass around fd's. Anyhow, its doable on unix. On
windows you can supply a HANDLE cross process:
BOOL WINAPI DuplicateHandle(
  __in   HANDLE hSourceProcessHandle,
  __in   HANDLE hSourceHandle,
  __in   HANDLE hTargetProcessHandle,
  __out  LPHANDLE lpTargetHandle,
  __in   DWORD dwDesiredAccess,
  __in   BOOL bInheritHandle,
  __in   DWORD dwOptions

So you call that, and then the other process can use the handle.


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Re: [PATCH] immortal helpers

2010-02-21 Thread Robert Collins
On Sun, 2010-02-21 at 22:27 +0100, Henrik Nordström wrote:
> lör 2010-02-20 klockan 18:25 -0700 skrev Alex Rousskov:
> > The reasons you mention seem like a good justification for this option
> > official existence. I do not quite get the "fork bomb" analogy because
> > we are not creating more than a configured number of concurrent forks,
> > are we? We may create processes at a high rate but there is nothing
> > exploding here, is there?
> With our large in-memory cache index even two concurrent forks is kind
> of exploding on a large server. Consider for example the not unrealistic
> case of a 8GB cache index.. I actually have some clients with such
> indexes.

I have an idea about this.

Consider a 'spawn_helper'.

The spawn helper would be started up early, before index parsing. Never
killed and never started again. It would have, oh, several hundred K
footprint, at most.

command protocol for it would be pretty similar to the SHM disk IO
helper, but for processes. Something like:
squid->helper: spawn stderrfd argv(escaped/encoded to be line & NULLZ
   string safe)
helper->squid: pid, stdinfd, stdoutfd

This would permit several interesting things:
 - starting helpers would no longer need massive VM overhead
 - we won't need to worry about vfork, at least for a while
 - starting helpers can be really async from squid core processing (at
   the moment everything gets synchronised)


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Re: [PATCH] icap_oldest_service_failure option

2010-02-19 Thread Robert Collins

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Re: Initial SMP implementation plan

2010-02-11 Thread Robert Collins


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Re: [PATCH] Plain Surrogate/1.0 support

2010-02-07 Thread Robert Collins
On Sun, 2010-02-07 at 00:52 +1300, Amos Jeffries wrote:
> According to the W3C documentation the Surrogate/1.0 capabilities and 
> the Surrogate-Control: header are distinct from the ESI capabilities.
> This patch makes Squid always advertise and perform the Surrogate/1.0 
> capabilities for reverse-proxy requests.
> Full ESI support is no longer required to use the bare-bones 
> Surrogate-Control: capabilities.

A quick check though - is it still only enabled for accel ports? (It
shouldn't be enabled for forward proxying).


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Re: [PATCH] log virgin HTTP request headers

2010-01-29 Thread Robert Collins
On Thu, 2010-01-28 at 09:09 -0700, Alex Rousskov wrote:
> On 01/28/2010 06:07 AM, Robert Collins wrote:
> > Just a small thing: can I suggest s/virgin/pristine/ ? Or
> > s/virgin/received/ ?
> Pristine may work, but we (and other adaptation related documents) use
> virgin in many places already, including APIs.
> Received is a bad idea because an adapted message is also received.
> > virgin has a sexual connotation in some cultures, and can be confusing
> > in a way that is avoidable.
> Tell that to the Virgin Islands folks. :-)

It was a passing thought, I'm not like 'omg must be done' for this: I
certainly knew what it meant, but as its (AFAIK) the first config option
in squid to specify virgins, I see potential for confusion :) Other
 - source
 - external
 - unaltered
 - original

I don't know that the config option has to meet the code, though
obviously it is nice if it does.


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Re: [PATCH] log virgin HTTP request headers

2010-01-28 Thread Robert Collins
Just a small thing: can I suggest s/virgin/pristine/ ? Or
s/virgin/received/ ?

virgin has a sexual connotation in some cultures, and can be confusing
in a way that is avoidable.


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Re: Squid-3 and HTTP/1.1

2010-01-28 Thread Robert Collins
On Wed, 2010-01-27 at 22:49 -0700, Alex Rousskov wrote:

> c) Co-Advisor currently only tests MUST-level requirements. Old Robert's
> checklist contained some SHOULD-level requirements as well. I see that
> Sheet1 on the spreadsheet has SHOULDs. Are we kind of ignoring them (and
> Sheet1) for now, until all MUSTs on Sheet2 are satisfied?
> d) I do not know who created the spreadsheet. Whoever it was, thank you!
> Is there a script that takes Co-Advisor results and produces a
> spreadsheet column for cut-and-pasting?

It looks nice. It might be based on the xls spreadsheet I made, but I
don't know ;)

I would not worry about SHOULD's until the MUSTs are done (but if a
SHOULD is in reach while doing a MUST, doing it would be good).


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Re: [PATCH] Cloned Range memory leak

2010-01-27 Thread Robert Collins
Looks good to me.


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Re: patch to fix debugging output

2009-12-22 Thread Robert Collins
Thanks, applied to trunk.


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Re: [RFC] Micro Benchmarking

2009-12-21 Thread Robert Collins
On Tue, 2009-12-22 at 16:05 +1300, Amos Jeffries wrote:
> The tricky bit appears to be recovering the benchmark output and 
> handling it after a run. 

If you make each thing you want to get a measurement on a separate test,
you could trivially install libcppunit-subunit-dev and use subunits
timing and reporting mechanisms; saving the stream provides a simple
persistence mechanism.


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Re: SMB help needed

2009-12-12 Thread Robert Collins
On Sat, 2009-12-12 at 23:33 +0100, Henrik Nordstrom wrote:
> tor 2009-12-10 klockan 00:34 +1300 skrev Amos Jeffries:
> > A few months ago we had this argument out and decided to keep them for 
> > the people who still don't want to or can't install Samba.
> Indeed. The SMB helpers are easier to get going as one does not need to
> join the domain or anything, just being able to speak to the SMB port of
> a server in the domain.
> But other than that the helpers are in quite crappy shape..

They are easier in that sense, but worse in the following:
 - they put more load on the domain
 - can't do NTLM reliably
 - very old, very crufty code

I know we had the argument, but I'm not at all convinced that keeping
them is the right answer.

I think a better answer is to talk to samba to find out if winbindd can
be used outside a domain, which is the only usecase these helpers are
'better' at, and if it can - or if it could be changed to do so, then do
that, and get rid of the cruft as at that point it won't offer anything.


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Re: SMB help needed

2009-12-09 Thread Robert Collins
On Wed, 2009-12-09 at 17:40 +1300, Amos Jeffries wrote:
> During the helper conversion to C++ I found that the various SMB
> lookup 
> helpers had a lot of duplicate code as each included the entire 
> smbval/smblib validation library as inline code. 

Delete them. Samba project ships helpers that speak to winbindd and do a
hellishly better job :-)


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Re: [squid-users] 'gprof squid squid.gmon' only shows the initial configuration functions

2009-12-09 Thread Robert Collins
On Tue, 2009-12-08 at 15:32 -0800, Guy Bashkansky wrote:
> I've built squid with the -pg flag and run it in the no-daemon mode
> (-N flag), without the initial fork().
> I send it the SIGTERM signal which is caught by the signal handler, to
> flag graceful exit from main().
> I expect to see meaningful squid.gmon, but 'gprof squid squid.gmon'
> only shows the initial configuration functions:

gprof isn't terribly useful anyway - due to squids callback based model,
it will see nearly all the time belonging to the event loop.

oprofile and/or squids built in analytic timers will get much better


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Re: Link convention fixes

2009-11-27 Thread Robert Collins
Can you give an example of what you're talking about, and show the
compiler warning you're getting too? (And what flags are needed to get


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Re: squid-smp: synchronization issue & solutions

2009-11-24 Thread Robert Collins
On Tue, 2009-11-24 at 16:13 -0700, Alex Rousskov wrote:

> For example, I do not think it is a good idea to allow a combination of
> OpenMP, ACE, and something else as a top-level design. Understanding,
> supporting, and tuning such a mix would be a nightmare, IMO.

I think that would be hard, yes.

> See Henrik's email on why it is difficult to use threads at highest
> levels. I am not convinced yet, but I do see Henrik's point, and I
> consider the dangers he cites critical for the right Q1 answer.

> >  - If we do *not* permit multiple approaches, then what approach do we
> > want for parallelisation. E.g. a number of long lived threads that take
> > on work, or many transient threads as particular bits of the code need
> > threads. I favour the former (long lived 'worker' threads).
> For highest-level models, I do not think that "one job per
> thread/process", "one call per thread/process", or any other "one little
> short-lived something per thread/process" is a good idea.

Neither do I. Short lived things have a high overhead. But consider that
a queue of tasks in a single long lived thread doesn't have the high
overhead of making a new thread or process per item in the queue. Using
ACLs as an example, ACL checking is callback based nearly everywhere; we
could have a thread that does ACL checking and free up the main thread
to continue doing work. Later on, with more auditing we could have
multiple concurrent ACL checking threads.


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Re: [PATCH] logdaemon feature import from Squid-2.7

2009-11-21 Thread Robert Collins

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Re: [PATCH] replace RFC2181 magic numbers with POSIX definitions

2009-11-20 Thread Robert Collins
Seems ok at the code  level.

I worry a little that on damaged systems this will reduce our
functionality. At the moment we have our own DNS lookup so the system
host length shouldn't matter at all.


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Re: squid-smp: synchronization issue & solutions

2009-11-20 Thread Robert Collins
On Tue, 2009-11-17 at 08:45 -0700, Alex Rousskov wrote:

> > Important features of  OPENMP, you might be interested in...
> > 
> > ** If your compiler is not supporting OPENMP then you dont have to do
> > any special thing, Compiler simply ignores these #pragmas..
> > and runs codes as if they are in sequential single thread program,
> > without affecting the end goal.

I don't think this is useful to us: all the platforms we consider
important have threading libraries. Support does seem widespread.
> > ** Programmers need not to create any locking mechanism and worry
> > about critical sections,

We have to worry about this because:
 - OpenMP is designed for large data set manipulation
 - few of our datasets are large except for:
   - some ACL's
   - the main hash table

So we'll need separate threads created around large constructs like
'process a request' (unless we take a thread-per-CPU approach and a
queue of jobs). Either approach will require careful synchronisation on
the 20 or so shared data structures.

> > ** By default it creates number threads equals to processors( * cores
> > per processor) in your system.
> All of the above make me think that OPENMP-enabled Squid may be
> significantly slower than multi-instance Squid. I doubt OPENMP is so
> smart that it can correctly and efficiently orchestrate the work of
> Squid "threads" that are often not even visible/identifiable in the
> current code.

I think it could, if we had a shared-nothing model under the hood so
that we could 'simply' parallelise the front end dispatch and let
everything run. However, that doesn't really fit our problem.

> >> - Designed for parallelizing computation-intensive programs such as
> >> various math models running on massively parallel computers. AFAICT, the
> >> OpenMP steering group is comprised of folks that deal with such models
> >> in such environments. Our environment and performance goals are rather
> >> different.
> >>
> > 
> > But that doesnt mean that we can not have independent threads,
> It means that there is a high probability that it will not work well for
> other, very different, problem areas. It may work, but not work well enough.

I agree. From my reading openMP isn't really suitable to our domain.
I've asked around a little and noone has said 'Yes! you should Do It'.
The similar servers I know of like drizzle(Mysql) do not do it.

> >> I think our first questions should instead include:
> >>
> >> Q1. What are the major areas or units of asynchronous code execution?
> >> Some of us may prefer large areas such as "http_port acceptor" or
> >> "cache" or "server side". Others may root for AsyncJob as the largest
> >> asynchronous unit of execution. These two approaches and their
> >> implications differ a lot. There may be other designs worth considering.

I'd like to let people start writing (and perf testing!) patches. To
unblock people. I think the primary questions are:
 - do we permit multiple approaches inside the same code base. E.g.
OpenMP in some bits, pthreads / windows threads elsewhere, and 'job
queues' or some such abstraction elsewhere ?
(I vote yes, but with caution: someone trying something we don't
already do should keep it on a branch and really measure it well until
its got plenty of buy in).

 - If we do *not* permit multiple approaches, then what approach do we
want for parallelisation. E.g. a number of long lived threads that take
on work, or many transient threads as particular bits of the code need
threads. I favour the former (long lived 'worker' threads).

If we can reach either a 'yes' on the first of these two questions or a
decision on the second, then folk can start working on their favourite
part of the code base. As long as its well tested and delivered with
appropriate synchronisation, I think the benefit of letting folk scratch
itches will be considerable.

I know you have processes vs threads as a key question, but I don't
actually think it is.

We *already* have significant experience with threads (threaded disk io
engine) and multiple processes (diskd io engine, helpers). We shouldn't
require a single answer for breaking squid up, rather good analysis by
the person doing the work on breaking a particular bit of it up.

> > 
> > Somebody might implement process model, Then we would merge both
> > process and thread models .. together we could have a better squid..
> > :)
> > What do u think? 
> I doubt we have the resources to do a generic process model so I would
> rather decide on a single primary direction (processes or threads) and
> try to generalize that later if needed. However, a process (if we decide
> to go down that route) may still have lower-level threads, but that is a
> secondary question/decision.

We could simply adopt ACE wholesale and focus on the squid unique bits
of the stack. Squid is a pretty typical 'all in one' bundle at the
moment; I'd like to see us focus and reuse/split ou

Re: /bzr/squid3/trunk/ r10149: skip performing C libTrie unit tests

2009-11-20 Thread Robert Collins
On Sat, 2009-11-21 at 01:19 +0100, Kinkie wrote:

> > And because the motivation is missing, I'm left asking 'why?' Untested
> > code is broken code, so this really can't be the right answer.
> Ok, I'll be more detailed in the future.
> As for this case: the autoconf environment is pretty messy in
> "non-canonicalized" environments such as Solaris. In particular, the C
> tests require linking against libstdc++, which causes two kind of
> issues: finding it (there's at least 6 of the buggers in the test
> zone), and finding the one with the right ABI (gcc/sunstudio cc).
> Since we're not using the C interface anyways, might as well skip the checks.

I'd much rather you delete code that isn't being tested.


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Re: /bzr/squid3/trunk/ r10149: skip performing C libTrie unit tests

2009-11-20 Thread Robert Collins
On Fri, 2009-11-20 at 21:02 +0100, Francesco Chemolli wrote:
> revno: 10149
> committer: Francesco Chemolli 
> branch nick: trunk
> timestamp: Fri 2009-11-20 21:02:00 +0100
> message:
>   skip performing C libTrie unit tests

Please include motivation in commit messages. The diff shows that you
skipped the C tests, but not why.

And because the motivation is missing, I'm left asking 'why?' Untested
code is broken code, so this really can't be the right answer.


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Re: squid-smp: synchronization issue & solutions

2009-11-19 Thread Robert Collins
On Wed, 2009-11-18 at 10:46 +0800, Adrian Chadd wrote:
> Plenty of kernels nowdays do a bit of TCP and socket process in
> process/thread context; so you need to do your socket TX/RX in
> different processes/threads to get parallelism in the networking side
> of things.

Very good point.

> You could fake it somewhat by pushing socket IO into different threads
> but then you have all the overhead of shuffling IO and completed IO
> between threads. This may be .. complicated.

The event loop I put together for -3 should be able to do that without
changing the loop - just extending the modules that hook into it.


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Re: squid-smp: synchronization issue & solutions

2009-11-17 Thread Robert Collins
On Tue, 2009-11-17 at 15:49 -0300, Gonzalo Arana wrote:

> In my limited squid expierence, cpu usage is hardly a bottleneck.  So,
> why not just use smp for the cpu/disk-intensive parts?
> The candidates I can think of are:
>   * evaluating regular expressions (url_regex acls).
>   * aufs/diskd (squid already has support for this).

So, we can drive squid to 100% CPU in production high load environments.
To scale further we need:
 - more cpus
 - more performance from the cpu's we have

Adrian is working on the latter, and the SMP discussion is about the
former. Simply putting each request in its own thread would go a long
way towards getting much more bang for buck - but thats not actually
trivial to do :)


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Re: squid-smp: synchronization issue & solutions

2009-11-15 Thread Robert Collins
On Mon, 2009-11-16 at 00:29 +0530, Sachin Malave wrote:
> Hello,
> Since last few days i am analyzing squid code for smp support, I found
> one big issue regarding debugs() function, It is very hard get rid of
> this issue as it is appearing at almost everywhere in the code. So for
> testing purpose i have disable the debug option in squid.conf as
> follows
> ---
> debug_options 0,0
> ---
> Well this was only way, as did not want to spend time on this issue.

Its very important that debugs works. 

> 1. hash_link  LOCKED

Bad idea, not all hashes will be cross-thread, so making the primitive
lock incurs massive overhead for all threads.

> 2. dlink_list  LOCKED


> 3. ipcache, fqdncache   LOCKED,

Probably important.

> 4. FD / fde handling ---WELL, SEEMS NOT CREATING PROBLEM, If any then
> please discuss.

 we need analysis and proof, not 'seems to work'.

> 5. statistic counters --- NOT LOCKED ( I know this is very important,
> But these are scattered all around squid code, Write now they may be
> holding wrong values)

Will need to be fixed.

> 6. memory manager --- DID NOT FOLLOW

Will need attention, e.g. per thread allocators.

> 7. configuration objects --- DID NOT FOLLOW

ACL's are not threadsafe.

> AND FINALLY, Two sections in are separated and executed
> in two threads simultaneously
> as follows (#pragma lines added in existing code, no other changes)

I'm not at all sure that splitting the event loop like that is sensible.

Better to have the dispatcher dispatch to threads.


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Re: [RFC] Libraries usage in and Makefiles

2009-11-10 Thread Robert Collins
On Wed, 2009-11-11 at 19:43 +1300, Amos Jeffries wrote:
> Robert Collins wrote:
> > On Wed, 2009-11-11 at 18:38 +1300, Amos Jeffries wrote:
> >>
> >> Why?
> >> A: The squid binary is topping 3.5MB in footprint with many of the
> >> small 
> >> tool stopping 500KB each. A small but substantial amount of it is 
> >> libraries inked but unused. 
> > 
> > Really? dynamically linked libraries should be .
> > 
> > -Rob
> In the on-disk binary itself yes ... yet they load into memory under the 
> parent apps footprint.

The pages for the libraries will be shared though, so it really doesn't


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Re: [RFC] Libraries usage in and Makefiles

2009-11-10 Thread Robert Collins
On Wed, 2009-11-11 at 18:38 +1300, Amos Jeffries wrote:
> Why?
> A: The squid binary is topping 3.5MB in footprint with many of the
> small 
> tool stopping 500KB each. A small but substantial amount of it is 
> libraries inked but unused. 

Really? dynamically linked libraries should be .


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Re: /bzr/squid3/trunk/ r10069: Fixed OpenSolaris build issues.

2009-11-02 Thread Robert Collins
On Tue, 2009-11-03 at 13:19 +1300, Amos Jeffries wrote:
> Just a note on this change...
> I'm trying to get rid of XTRA_LIBS entirely. It's adding to the code bloat
> and external library dependencies in Squid.

This isn't clear to me, can you expand on it please. Specifically how
XTRA_LIBS - the list of additional libraries to link against - is
different to COMMON_LIBS.


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Re: WebSockets negotiation over HTTP

2009-10-13 Thread Robert Collins
On Wed, 2009-10-14 at 09:59 +1100, Mark Nottingham wrote:
> On 13/10/2009, at 10:23 PM, "Ian Hickson"  wrote:
> > I want to just use port 80, and I want to make it possible for a  
> > suitably
> > configured HTTP server to pass connections over to WebSocket  
> > servers. It
> > seems to me that using something that looks like an HTTP Upgrade is  
> > better
> > than just having a totally unrelated handshake, but I guess maybe we
> > should just reuse port 80 without doing anything HTTP-like at all.
> To be clear, upgrade is appropriate for changing an existing  
> connection over to a new protocol (ie reusing it). To pass a request  
> over to a different server, a redirect would be more appropriate (and  
> is facilitated by the new uri scheme).

Yup; and the major issue here is that websockets *does not want* the
initial handshake to be HTTP. Rather it wants to be something not-quite
HTTP, specifically reject a number of behaviours and headers that are
legitimate HTTP.


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Re: wiki, bugzilla, feature requests

2009-09-22 Thread Robert Collins
I'm proposing:
 - if there is a bug for something, and a wiki page, link them together.
 - scheduling, assignment, and dependency data should be put in bugs
 - whiteboards to sketch annotate document etc should always be in the


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wiki, bugzilla, feature requests

2009-09-22 Thread Robert Collins
AIUI we use the wiki [over and above being a source of docs] to /design
features/ and manage [the little] scheduling that we, as volunteers can

I think thats great.

However, we also have many bugs that are not strictly-current-defects.
They are wishlist items.

What should we do here?

I've spent quite some time using wikis for trying to manage such things,
I think its a lost cause. Use them for design and notes and so forth,
but not for managing metadata.

I suggest that when there is a bug for a feature that is being designed
in the wiki, just link to bugzilla from that wiki page.

And for management of dependencies and todos, assignees and so forth, we
should do it in bugzilla, which is *designed* for that.


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Re: [MERGE] Clean up htcp cache_peer options collapsing them into a single option with arguments

2009-09-17 Thread Robert Collins
+1 then

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Re: [MERGE] Clean up htcp cache_peer options collapsing them into a single option with arguments

2009-09-17 Thread Robert Collins
On Fri, 2009-09-18 at 00:22 +0200, Henrik Nordstrom wrote:
> the list of HTCP mode options had grown a bit too large. Collapse them
> all into a single htcp= option taking a list of mode flags.

Its not clear from the docs whether folk should do
htcp=foo htcp=bar


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Re: Why does Squid-2 return HTTP_PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED on http_access DENY?

2009-09-14 Thread Robert Collins
On Tue, 2009-09-15 at 16:09 +1000, Adrian Chadd wrote:
> But in that case, ACCESS_REQ_PROXY_AUTH would be returned rather than

Right... so can we have some more details about what is happening and
what you expect?

deny !proxy_auth_group
allow proxy_auth_group

deny proxy_auth_group
allow !proxy_auth_group


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Re: Why does Squid-2 return HTTP_PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED on http_access DENY?

2009-09-14 Thread Robert Collins
On Tue, 2009-09-15 at 15:22 +1000, Adrian Chadd wrote:
> G'day. This question is aimed mostly at Henrik, who I recall replying
> to a similar question years ago but without explaining why.
> Why does Squid-2 return HTTP_PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED on a denied ACL?
> The particular bit in src/client_side.c:
> int require_auth = (answer == ACCESS_REQ_PROXY_AUTH ||
> aclIsProxyAuth(AclMatchedName)) && !http->request->flags.transparent;
> Is there any particular reason why auth is tried again? it forces a
> pop-up on browsers that already have done authentication via NTLM.

Because it should? Perhaps you can expand on where you are seeing this -
I suspect a misconfiguration or some such.

Its entirely appropriate to signal HTTP_PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED
when a user is denied access to a resource *and if they log in
differently they could get access*.


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Re: Squid-smp : Please discuss

2009-09-14 Thread Robert Collins
On Tue, 2009-09-15 at 14:27 +1200, Amos Jeffries wrote:
> RefCounting done properly forms a lock on certain read-only types like
> Config. Though we are currently handling that for Config by leaking
> the
> memory out every gap.
> SquidString is not thread-safe. But StringNG with its separate
> refcounted
> buffers is almost there. Each thread having a copy of StringNG sharing
> a
> SBuf equates to a lock with copy-on-write possibly causing issues we
> need
> to look at if/when we get to that scope. 

General rule: you do /not/ want thread safe objectse for high usage
objects like RefCount and StringNG.

synchronisation is expensive; design to avoid synchronisation and hand
offs as much as possible.


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Re: compute swap_file_sz before packing it

2009-09-14 Thread Robert Collins
Hash: SHA1

Just a small meta point: The new function you're adding looks like it
should be a method to me.

- -Rob
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


Re: Build failed in Hudson: 3.1-amd64-CentOS-5.3 #14

2009-09-07 Thread Robert Collins
Hash: SHA1

Amos Jeffries wrote:

> You misunderstood me.
> On FreeBSD from what I've seen of squid-cache the md5sum 'binary' is:
>   "/path/to/python /path/to/"


- -Rob
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


Re: Build failed in Hudson: 3.1-amd64-CentOS-5.3 #14

2009-09-06 Thread Robert Collins
On Sun, 2009-09-06 at 23:25 +0200, Henrik Nordstrom wrote:
> Not sure I am comfortable with adding dependencies to automakes own
> targets..
> and no, we are not fine with just that. See the rest of previous
> response.. To repeat there is more issues here than uninstall racing, we
> don't even install properly if someone tries to override the default
> locations by make DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE=... DEFAULT_MIME_TABLE=...

We should definitely fix that :). If its plausible that automake should
know and avoid the problem itself, lets file a bug. Otherwise we'll have
to work around it I guess.


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Re: Build failed in Hudson: 3.1-amd64-CentOS-5.3 #14

2009-09-06 Thread Robert Collins
On Sun, 2009-09-06 at 22:52 +0200, Henrik Nordstrom wrote:

> Yes.
> With no dependencies to guide it make reorders as it sees fit for the
> day, especially if running parallel jobs.

We should be fine if we just list the dependencies.


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Re: WebSockets negotiation over HTTP

2009-09-03 Thread Robert Collins
On Fri, 2009-09-04 at 01:44 +, Ian Hickson wrote:

> > One very real example of this would be the web server or an fully 
> > WebSocket capable intermediary sending back bytes
> > example #1  suppose there was an intermediary translating 
> > websockets-over-http
> > to websockets-port-81 which used HTTP to format said headers of 
> > confirmation.
> Here is the problem I have with this: Why would we suppose the existence 
> of such an intermediary? Why would anyone ever implementa 
> WebSocket-specific proxy?

Welcome to the internet :). Seriously, Why would we suppose the
existence of an intermediary that intercepts and MITM's SSL connections?
Or HTTP - its even got a defined proxy facility, there is no need to
take over and insert different behaviour, is there?

We *should* assume that firewall vendors and ISP's will do arguably
insane things, because they have time and again in the past. 

> > example #2 is where the traffic is processed by an HTTP-only 
> > intermediary which sees the 'Upgrade:' header and flags the connection 
> > for transparent pass-thru (This by the way is the desirable method of 
> > making Squid support WebSockets).
> > 
> > Being a good HTTP relay it accepts these bytes:
> >   HTTP/1.1 101 Web Socket Protocol Handshake
> >   Upgrade: WebSocket
> >   Connection: Upgrade
> > 
> > It violates HTTP by omitting the Via and other headers your spec omits to
> > handle.  And passes these on:
> >   HTTP/1.1 101 Web Socket Protocol Handshake
> >   Connection: Upgrade
> >   Upgrade: WebSocket
> > 
> > then moves to tunnel mode for you.
> Why would it violate HTTP in all the ways you mention? If it goes to such 
> extreme lengths to have transparent pass-through to the point of violating 
> HTTP, why would it then go out of its way to reorder header lines?

Because sysadmins do this!  Don't ask us to justify the weird and
wonderful things we run into. Nearly daily we have users asking for help
doing similar things in #squid.

> From my perspective, such a proxy would raise all kinds of alarm bells to 
> me, and I would be _glad_ that the connection failed. If it didn't, I 
> wouldn't be sure we could trust the rest of the data.

Again, welcome to the internet :P. Seriously, if its not digitally
signed, you *can't* trust the rest of the data.

> The MITM isn't the WebSocket client. In this situation, it's a 
> (non-compliant, since it forwarded by-hop headers) HTTP proxy. What's 
> more, in this scenario the server isn't a WebSocket server, either, it's 
> an HTTP server. So what Web Socket says is irrelevant.

Note that there are *still* HTTP/1.0 proxies in deployment that don't
know about hop by hop headers.

> > > WebSockets, even when initiating the connection by talking to an HTTP 
> > > server and then switching to WebSockets, isn't layered on HTTP. It's 
> > > just doing the bare minimum required to allow the HTTP server to 
> > > understand the request and get out of the way. Once the handshake is 
> > > complete, there is no HTTP anywhere on the stack at all.
> > 
> > Its not doing the bare minimum.
> >
> > The bare minimum would be to accept the valid HTTP transforms which the
> > Internet _will_ perform on the handshake. Discard those useless transforms 
> > and
> > validate the handshake status line.
> The "bare minimum" is the least amount of processing possible. What you 
> describe is _more_ processing, not less. Therefore it's not the minimum.

The bare minimum would be to just start the tcp connection with

Stop pretending to be HTTP: use port 80. 

Our whole point has been, if you want to "Use HTTP Upgrade", Do It

If you want to "Use port 80", just do that.

> On Thu, Jul 30 2009, Henrik Nordstrom wrote:

> > But for 2 you need to use HTTP, which essentially boils down to defining
> > that one may switch a webserver to use WebSockets by using the HTTP
> > Upgrade mechanism as defined by HTTP.
> I understand that you disagree with my interpretation, but my 
> interpretation is that this is exactly what the spec does already.

At this point I think we need to go to the HTTP-WG and discuss further.
Most of us are already there...

> > > > 5) Specific mention is made to ignore non-understood headers added 
> > > > randomly by intermediaries.
> > >
> > > So long as that happens after the handshake, that's ok, but we can't 
> > > allow that inside the handshake, it would allow for smuggling data 
> > > through,
> > 
> > If having this view then you CAN NOT use HTTP for the Upgrade handshake, 
> > and MUST use another port and other protocol signatures.
> IANA expert review has informed me that I must use ports 80 and 443, so 
> there I don't have a choice here.

Whats the message id & what list? I'm extremely happy to jump into that


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Re: R: R: Squid 3 build errors on Visual Studio - problem still present

2009-08-30 Thread Robert Collins
On Sun, 2009-08-30 at 18:13 +0200, Guido Serassio wrote:
> Hi,
> I don't know what is std::string::npos, and so I don't know what to look
> for

It should be a static const, which is why I'm so surprised you're
getting an error about it.


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Re: R: Squid 3 build errors on Visual Studio - problem still present

2009-08-30 Thread Robert Collins
On Sun, 2009-08-30 at 09:48 +0200, Guido Serassio wrote:
> c:\work\nt-3.0\src\SquidString.h(98) : error C2057: expected constant
> expression
> The offending code is:
> const static size_type npos = std::string::npos;

Can you find out what std::string::npos is defined as in your compiler's


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Re: [PATCH] DiskIO detection cleanup.

2009-08-25 Thread Robert Collins
I haven't read the patch yet, but I concur with Henrik. We should
default-enable as much as possible: An unused DiskIO module has almost
no footprint - simply a registration entry and a link dependency on
$whatever was needed. Rebuilding your squid because it doesn't have what
you need is _much_ more painful.

Even the smallest embedded devices are pretty huge these days, so the
extra libs don't concern me.


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Re: Alternate http repository for squid3

2009-08-24 Thread Robert Collins
On Tue, 2009-08-25 at 11:09 +1200, Amos Jeffries wrote:
> On Tue, 25 Aug 2009 04:20:31 +1000, Robert Collins
>  wrote:
> > On Fri, 2009-08-21 at 09:35 +0200, Kinkie wrote:
> >> On Fri, Aug 21, 2009 at 7:42 AM, Robert
> >> Collins wrote:
> >> > On Thu, 2009-08-20 at 14:07 +0200, Kinkie wrote:
> >> >> As part of the ongoing buildfarm work, I've published onto http the
> >> >> (read-only) repository mirror that's hosted on eu.
> >> >> It's available at
> >> >
> >> > How often is this synced?
> >> 
> >> 6 hours. rsync-based cron job on eu, user "bzr".
> > 
> > If we're going to build test from it, it probably needs to be synced
> > on-demand.
> Or at least hourly before the SCM polling happens.
> That frequency has worked so far for the SourceForge CVS copy.

The lower the latency the better. That allows change-test cycles to be
short, when dealing with build environments we don't locally have.


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Re: Alternate http repository for squid3

2009-08-24 Thread Robert Collins
On Fri, 2009-08-21 at 09:35 +0200, Kinkie wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 21, 2009 at 7:42 AM, Robert
> Collins wrote:
> > On Thu, 2009-08-20 at 14:07 +0200, Kinkie wrote:
> >> As part of the ongoing buildfarm work, I've published onto http the
> >> (read-only) repository mirror that's hosted on eu.
> >> It's available at
> >
> > How often is this synced?
> 6 hours. rsync-based cron job on eu, user "bzr".

If we're going to build test from it, it probably needs to be synced


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Re: Alternate http repository for squid3

2009-08-20 Thread Robert Collins
On Thu, 2009-08-20 at 14:07 +0200, Kinkie wrote:
> As part of the ongoing buildfarm work, I've published onto http the
> (read-only) repository mirror that's hosted on eu.
> It's available at

How often is this synced?


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Re: RFC: infrastructure product in bugzilla

2009-08-19 Thread Robert Collins
On Thu, 2009-08-20 at 11:33 +1200, Amos Jeffries wrote:
> On Thu, 20 Aug 2009 09:00:15 +1000, Robert Collins
>  wrote:
> > I think we should have an infrastructure product in bugzilla, for
> > tracking list/server/buildfarm etc issues.
> > 
> What sort of extra issues exactly are you thinking need to be bug-tracked?
> We already have websites as a separate 'product' for tracking content
> errors.

Oh hmm, perhaps just renaming websites -> infrastructure.

We have a bunch of services:
 - smtp
 - lists
 - backups?
 - user accounts on machines (eu, us, test vms, others?)
 - VCS
 - code review

And a wide range of webbish services
 - the CDN
 - bugzilla (currently xlmrpc doesn't work)
 - the main site content
 - patch set generation
 - wiki


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