Re: [Biofuel] We The People Stimulus Package

2009-09-08 Thread Keith Addison

quite a presentation

Aarghh!! 6 min 35 secs!

So what should we do, round up all the immigrants and aliens and put 
them in death camps or what? Opt for the military solution? Is that 
what the real Tom Payne would have thought?

Anyway, I wouldn't call it a presentation, it's a production, with a 
script. Do you think the guy in the video wrote the script? If not 
then who did write it? Whoever, it doesn't come cheap. How often do 
you see production values like that on YouTube? Wouldn't it be an 
idea to follow the money, or at least look with some suspicion at 
what all that money paid for? Here again, something pretending to be 
what it's not, and it's obvious. We the people my ass.

The person pretending to be Tom Payne is Bob Basso, an 
actor/presenter who's up for commercial hire. His (?) YouTube offerings created some 
minor flurry when he first uploaded them six months ago.

This should take less than 6 min 35 secs to read:
Tom Paine is a Psyop


YouTube is useful, but IMHO it needs some value-added, some 
assessment, not just a link and three or four words. People are busy, 
they should have some idea of what they're in for. Why is it 
interesting/useful/funny/ridiculous/outrageous/whatever? Something 
like a mini movie review, one pithy paragraph would do.



Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (70,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] U. S. Head of Military Intelligence Publically States 9/11 was Staged Event

2009-09-08 Thread Keith Addison
The stargate project was spook remote viewing.

Does spook mean spy or ghost, in this context?

Stargate was devoted to **psychic** remote viewing, the purported 
ability to psychically 'see' events, sites, or information from a 
great distance. Bit superfluous to say it wasn't exactly successful. 
Echelon works at least, on the other hand, for instance, as opposed 
to pixie dust.

CIA put effort into it.

I know, but I don't think that gives it much cred. The Soviets tried 
it too, that's why the US tried it. It achieved nothing.

Not as woo woo as you might think.

Totally woo woo, IMHO, just as I thought.

Sure, maybe some people are psychic or clairvoyant or even 
telepathic, maybe everybody is, or could be, maybe that's how the 
whole biosphere really works, who knows, but trying to use 
clairvoyance as a reliable technique for intelligence gathering or to 
support conspiracy theories is ludicrous.

Wikipedia will do, very easy, no need to go any further:

Anyway, is this to suggest that a wacko like long-retired ex-Major 
General Stubblebine has some credibility with his 9/11 conspiracy 
theories, or with anything else? Because of Stargate?

Stubblebine was forced to retire in 1984 and was replaced because of 
his obsession with the paranormal.

Not very surprising - The primary mission of military intelligence 
in the United States Army is to provide timely, relevant, accurate, 
and synchronized intelligence and electronic warfare support to 
tactical, operational and strategic-level commanders. Not a trivial 
matter. If you were a field commander would you want someone like 
Stubblebine doing that job for you?

How do you explain the deception in the YouTube title?

   The headline says: U. S. Head of Military Intelligence Publically
   States 9/11 was Staged Event.
   Ah, so he WAS a major general once, and indeed head of army
  intelligence, but he retired **25 years ago**. Not quite the same
   thing eh.
   Why the misleading headline? Not deliberate?

Hey, Kirk, do some checking first, will you, please?




The eyes see what the mind knows

--- On Mon, 9/7/09, Douglas Woodard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: Douglas Woodard [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] U. S. Head of Military Intelligence 
Publically States 9/11 was Staged Event
Date: Monday, September 7, 2009, 9:42 AM

No conspiracy was needed.

Bin Laden knew what the U.S. wanted: an excuse for U.S. armies in the
Middle East.

The U.S. knew what Bin Laden wanted first: a major strike at the U.S.,
by preference at the World Trade centre (they had tried before, and it
was highly symbolic).

They differed on what the result of U.S. armies in the Middle East would
be. Points to Bin Laden.

Doug Woodard
St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada

Keith Addison wrote:

  Aarghh!! Youtube! Who's got 5 min 16 sec to spare?

  This is quicker...

   The headline says: U. S. Head of Military Intelligence Publically
  States 9/11 was Staged Event.

   But is he the Head of US Military Intelligence? No.

  It takes only the first 5 sec of Youtube for him to state that his
   name is Major General Albert Stubblebine, and another 10 sec to find
  this at wikipedia:

  Major General Albert Bert N. Stubblebine III was the commanding
  general of the United States Army Intelligence and Security Command
  from 1981 to 1984, when he retired from the Army. He is known for his
  interest in parapsychology and was a supporter of the Stargate

  Ah, so he WAS a major general once, and indeed head of army
  intelligence, but he retired **25 years ago**. Not quite the same
   thing eh.

  (Walked through any walls lately Bert?)

  That saved 5 min 1 sec, and gave a much better result.

  Why the misleading headline? Not deliberate?
  Matthew Rothschild of the Progressive again: Enough of the 9/11
  Conspiracy Theories, Already

  If it doesn't start off with the preferred conclusion-of-choice and
  then go in search of the facts to prove it, but instead simply
   goes in search of facts, along with all the patient and careful
  cross-checking that takes, and then emerges with a fact-based
  conclusion that checks out, or even with just some hard facts without
  a conclusion... well then, that's different. But AFAIK it hasn't
  happened yet, and don't hold yer breath.



Biofuel mailing list

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[Biofuel] Words Matter

2009-09-08 Thread Keith Addison

Words Matter

By Ralph Nader

September 07, 2009 Information Clearing House -- Ever wonder what's 
happening to words once they fall into the hands of corporate and 
government propagandists? Too often reporters and editors don't 
wonder enough. They ditto the words even when the result is deception 
or doubletalk.

Here are some examples. Day in and day out we read about detainees 
imprisoned for months or years by the federal government in the U.S., 
Guantanamo Bay, Iraq and Afghanistan. Doesn't the media know that the 
correct word is prisoners, regardless of what Bush, Cheney and 
Rumsfeld disseminated?

The raging debate and controversy over health insurance and the $2.5 
trillion spent this year on health care involves consumers and 
providers. How touching to describe sellers or vendors, often 
gouging, denying benefits, manipulating fine print contracts, 
cheating Medicare and Medicaid in the tens of billions as providers.

I always thought providers were persons taking care of their 
families or engaging in charitable service. Somehow, the dictionary 
definition does not fit the frequently avaricious profiles of Aetna, 
United Healthcare, Pfizer and Merck.

Privatization and the private sector are widespread euphemisms 
that the press falls for daily. Moving government owned assets or 
functions into corporate hands, as with Blackwater, Halliburton, and 
the conglomerates now controlling public highways, prisons, and 
drinking water systems is corporatization, not the soft imagery of 
going private or into the private sector. It is the corporate 

Medical malpractice reform is another misnomer. It used to mean 
restricting the legal rights of wrongfully injured people by 
hospitals and doctors, or limiting the liability of these corporate 
vendors when their negligence harms innocent patients. Well, to 
anybody interested in straight talk, medical malpractice reform or 
the medical malpractice crisis should apply to bad or negligent 
practices by medical professionals. After all, about 100,000 people 
die every year from physician/hospital malpractice, according to a 
Harvard School of Public Health report. Hundreds of thousands are 
rendered sick or injured, not to mention even larger tolls from 
hospital-induced infections. Proposed reforms are sticking it to 
the wrong people-the patients-not the sellers.

Free trade is a widely used euphemism. It is corporate managed 
trade as evidenced in hundreds of pages of rules favoring 
corporations in NAFTA and the World Trade Organization. Free trade 
lowers barriers between countries so that cartels, unjustified patent 
monopolies, counterfeiting, contraband, and other harmful practices 
and products can move around the world unhindered.

What is remarkable about the constant use of these words is that they 
permeate the language even if those who stand against the policies of 
those who first coin these euphemisms. You'll read about detainees 
and providers and privatization and private sector and free 
trade in the pages of the Nation and Progressive magazines, at 
progressive conferences with progressive leaders, and during media 
interviews. After people point out these boomeranging words to them, 
still nothing changes. Their habit is chronic.

A lot of who we are, of what we do and think is expressed through the 
language we choose. The word tends to become the thing in our mind as 
Stuart Chase pointed out seventy years ago in his classic work The 
Tyranny of Words. Let us stop disrespecting the dictionary! Let's 
stop succumbing to the propagandists and the public relations 

Frank Luntz-the word wizard for the Republicans who invented the term 
death tax to replace estate tax is so contemptuous of the 
Democratic Party's verbal ineptitude (such as using public option 
instead of public choice and regularly using the above-noted 
misnomers) that he dares them by offering free advice to the 
Democrats. He suggests they could counteract his death tax with 
their own term the billionaires' tax. There were no Democratic 
takers. Remember, words matter.

Using words that are accurate and at face value is one of the 
characteristics of a good book. Three new books stand out for their 
straight talk. In Grand Illusion: The Myth of Voter Choice in a 
Two-party Tyranny, Theresa Amato, my former campaign manager, exposes 
the obstructions that deny voter choice by the two major parties for 
third party and independent candidates. Just out is Empire of 
Illusion: The End of Literacy and the Triumph of Spectacle by 
Pulitzer Prize winner, Chris Hedges. Lastly, the boisterous, 
mischievous short autobiography of that free spirit, Jerry Lee 
Wilson, The Soloflex Story: An American Parable.

Not withstanding their different styles, these authors exercise 
semantic discipline.

Biofuel mailing list

Re: [Biofuel] Your taxes at work (oink alert)

2009-09-08 Thread Kirk McLoren
A comment by spoz22
Anyone who has loyalty to either party is wasting their time. There's
white collar criminals all around us. I say if you can't beat 'em join
'em. Whether anyone wants to admit it or not, in our own little ways
we've all sold our souls at one point, so don't cast a stone because
someone has done it on a more grand scale than you.

This airport is the poster child for social irresponsibility.
Only in America


The eyes see what the mind knows

--- On Tue, 9/8/09, Duncan Long [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: Duncan Long [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Your taxes at work (oink alert)
Date: Tuesday, September 8, 2009, 7:38 AM
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Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

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Re: [Biofuel] U. S. Head of Military Intelligence Publically States 9/11 was Staged Event

2009-09-08 Thread Kirk McLoren
-of-choice and
  then go in search of the facts to prove it, but instead simply
   goes in search of facts, along with all the patient and careful
  cross-checking that takes, and then emerges with a fact-based
  conclusion that checks out, or even with just some hard facts without
  a conclusion... well then, that's different. But AFAIK it hasn't
  happened yet, and don't hold yer breath.



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Re: [Biofuel] We The People Stimulus Package

2009-09-08 Thread Kirk McLoren
Yeah Keith but when you reply we get some meat.
Maybe you dont fully realize how unusual you are.
You surpass my best efforts in your sleep.
I saw that video and was a bit overwhelmed. 
Makes sense somebody paid for it - was well done.
Not an amateur effort.

The eyes see what the mind knows

--- On Tue, 9/8/09, Keith Addison [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: Keith Addison [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] We The People Stimulus Package
Date: Tuesday, September 8, 2009, 3:11 AM

quite a presentation

Aarghh!! 6 min 35 secs!

So what should we do, round up all the immigrants and aliens and put 
them in death camps or what? Opt for the military solution? Is that 
what the real Tom Payne would have thought?

Anyway, I wouldn't call it a presentation, it's a production, with a 
script. Do you think the guy in the video wrote the script? If not 
then who did write it? Whoever, it doesn't come cheap. How often do 
you see production values like that on YouTube? Wouldn't it be an 
idea to follow the money, or at least look with some suspicion at 
what all that money paid for? Here again, something pretending to be 
what it's not, and it's obvious. We the people my ass.

The person pretending to be Tom Payne is Bob Basso, an 
actor/presenter who's up for commercial hire. His (?) YouTube offerings created some 
minor flurry when he first uploaded them six months ago.

This should take less than 6 min 35 secs to read:
Tom Paine is a Psyop


YouTube is useful, but IMHO it needs some value-added, some 
assessment, not just a link and three or four words. People are busy, 
they should have some idea of what they're in for. Why is it 
interesting/useful/funny/ridiculous/outrageous/whatever? Something 
like a mini movie review, one pithy paragraph would do.



Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (70,000 messages):
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[Biofuel] Fw: [Longevity] HIN1 is probably from a laboratory says NEJM

2009-09-08 Thread Kirk McLoren
so they finally admit it.

The eyes see what the mind knows

--- On Tue, 9/8/09, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Subject: [Longevity] HIN1 is probably from a laboratory says NEJM
Date: Tuesday, September 8, 2009, 5:25 AM

Source of HIN1 is probably a laboratory says New England Journal of Medicine

Monday, 07 September 2009 11:11

In a report that appeared in the New England Journal of Medicine, scientists 
say that the reemergence of the H1N1 virus in 1977 is unexplained and 
probably represents reintroduction to humans from a laboratory source.

Figure 1. Emergence of Influenza A (H1N1) Viruses from Birds and Swine into 

The diagram shows the important events and processes in the emergence of 
influenza A (H1N1) viruses during the past 91 years. Avian, swine, and human 
populations are represented in the top, middle, and bottom of the diagram, 
respectively. Epidemic or zoonotic viruses are shown as wide horizontal 
arrows (white for avian viruses, light blue or pink for swine viruses, and 
dark blue for human viruses). Cross-species transmissions are shown as 
vertical dashed lines, with thick lines for transfers that gave rise to 
sustained transmission in the new host and thin lines for those that were 
transient and resulted in a self-limited number of cases. Principal dates 
are shown along the bottom of the diagram. The disappearance of H1N1 in 1957 
most likely represents competition by the emerging pandemic H2N2 strain in 
the face of population immunity to H1N1. The reemergence in 1977 is 
unexplained and probably represents reintroduction to humans from a 
laboratory source.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Note: This forum is for discussion of health related subjects but under no 
circumstances should any information published here be considered a substitute 
for personal medical advice from a qualified physician. -the owner

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Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (70,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] We The People Stimulus Package

2009-09-08 Thread Keith Addison
Yeah Keith but when you reply we get some meat.

I'm not willing to do it for you, I really, really, don't have the 
time, and there's no need anyway. Do it yourself, first, before 
posting, it's your obligation.

Maybe you dont fully realize how unusual you are.

Nonsense, anyone can do it. You can ask simple questions.

You surpass my best efforts in your sleep.

I don't think you're making an effort, that's the whole problem.

I saw that video and was a bit overwhelmed.
Makes sense somebody paid for it - was well done.
Not an amateur effort.

So you learned a lesson then, and next time you'll know, yes? Think 
first, ask questions first. There are a helluva lot of good resources 
here on how to do that, more than anywhere else I know of. Why won't 
you use it?




The eyes see what the mind knows

--- On Tue, 9/8/09, Keith Addison [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: Keith Addison [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] We The People Stimulus Package
Date: Tuesday, September 8, 2009, 3:11 AM

quite a presentation

Aarghh!! 6 min 35 secs!

So what should we do, round up all the immigrants and aliens and put
them in death camps or what? Opt for the military solution? Is that
what the real Tom Payne would have thought?

Anyway, I wouldn't call it a presentation, it's a production, with a
script. Do you think the guy in the video wrote the script? If not
then who did write it? Whoever, it doesn't come cheap. How often do
you see production values like that on YouTube? Wouldn't it be an
idea to follow the money, or at least look with some suspicion at
what all that money paid for? Here again, something pretending to be
what it's not, and it's obvious. We the people my ass.

The person pretending to be Tom Payne is Bob Basso, an
actor/presenter who's up for commercial hire. His (?) YouTube offerings created some
minor flurry when he first uploaded them six months ago.

This should take less than 6 min 35 secs to read:
Tom Paine is a Psyop


YouTube is useful, but IMHO it needs some value-added, some
assessment, not just a link and three or four words. People are busy,
they should have some idea of what they're in for. Why is it
interesting/useful/funny/ridiculous/outrageous/whatever? Something
like a mini movie review, one pithy paragraph would do.



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Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

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Re: [Biofuel] U. S. Head of Military Intelligence Publically States 9/11 was Staged Event

2009-09-08 Thread Keith Addison
No, he is outside the expectation of a military officer. Just too 
free a spirit perhaps.

More like a deluded one perhaps, or a somewhat deranged one perhaps.

Let's put it this way: it's sheer BS, it shouldn't even have been posted.

Who else retired would step up to the plate

No need to put it quite so nobly. Step up with what, is the question. 
Stepping up with fact-free conspiracisms and perhaps not being very 
honest about it isn't a contribution to anything other than confusion.

  - well maybe Benton K. Partin Brigadier Gen. USAF (Ret.) 8908 
Captains Row Alexandria, Virginia 22308 703-780-7652.
oklahoma bombing

My word, Kirk, you will have your conspiracies won't you. Got any 
facts rather than just claims and opinions and assertions? I mean, 
got any that someone like me will accept as facts? The list itself is 
the same, it has a long and honorable tradition of being rigorous, as 
you know. We're quite happy to explore possibilities or we wouldn't 
have achieved what we have, but sheer conjecture dressed up as fact 
isn't included.

Partin was a research scientist - invented the continuous rod warhead.
very qualified guy.

Made bombs, nice. Couldn't we have done without more and better bombs?




The eyes see what the mind knows

--- On Tue, 9/8/09, Keith Addison [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: Keith Addison [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] U. S. Head of Military Intelligence 
Publically States 9/11 was Staged Event
Date: Tuesday, September 8, 2009, 3:11 AM

The stargate project was spook remote viewing.

Does spook mean spy or ghost, in this context?

Stargate was devoted to **psychic** remote viewing, the purported
ability to psychically 'see' events, sites, or information from a
great distance. Bit superfluous to say it wasn't exactly successful.
Echelon works at least, on the other hand, for instance, as opposed
to pixie dust.

CIA put effort into it.

I know, but I don't think that gives it much cred. The Soviets tried
it too, that's why the US tried it. It achieved nothing.

Not as woo woo as you might think.

Totally woo woo, IMHO, just as I thought.

Sure, maybe some people are psychic or clairvoyant or even
telepathic, maybe everybody is, or could be, maybe that's how the
whole biosphere really works, who knows, but trying to use
clairvoyance as a reliable technique for intelligence gathering or to
support conspiracy theories is ludicrous.

Wikipedia will do, very easy, no need to go any further:

Anyway, is this to suggest that a wacko like long-retired ex-Major
General Stubblebine has some credibility with his 9/11 conspiracy
theories, or with anything else? Because of Stargate?

Stubblebine was forced to retire in 1984 and was replaced because of
his obsession with the paranormal.

Not very surprising - The primary mission of military intelligence
in the United States Army is to provide timely, relevant, accurate,
and synchronized intelligence and electronic warfare support to
tactical, operational and strategic-level commanders. Not a trivial
matter. If you were a field commander would you want someone like
Stubblebine doing that job for you?

How do you explain the deception in the YouTube title?

The headline says: U. S. Head of Military Intelligence Publically
States 9/11 was Staged Event.
Ah, so he WAS a major general once, and indeed head of army
   intelligence, but he retired **25 years ago**. Not quite the same
thing eh.
Why the misleading headline? Not deliberate?

Hey, Kirk, do some checking first, will you, please?




The eyes see what the mind knows

--- On Mon, 9/7/09, Douglas Woodard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: Douglas Woodard [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] U. S. Head of Military Intelligence
Publically States 9/11 was Staged Event
Date: Monday, September 7, 2009, 9:42 AM

No conspiracy was needed.

Bin Laden knew what the U.S. wanted: an excuse for U.S. armies in the
Middle East.

The U.S. knew what Bin Laden wanted first: a major strike at the U.S.,
by preference at the World Trade centre (they had tried before, and it
was highly symbolic).

They differed on what the result of U.S. armies in the Middle East would
be. Points to Bin Laden.

Doug Woodard
St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada

Keith Addison wrote:

   Aarghh!! Youtube! Who's got 5 min 16 sec to spare?

   This is quicker...

The headline says: U. S. Head of Military Intelligence Publically
   States 9/11 was Staged Event.

But is he the Head of US Military Intelligence? No.

   It takes only the first 5 sec of Youtube for him to state that his
name is Major General Albert 

Re: [Biofuel] U. S. Head of Military Intelligence Publically States 9/11 was Sta

2009-09-08 Thread Keith Addison
Thankyou Shan, I didn't know about any of this, re the Natural 
Solutions Foundation etc. The very model of a modern major general 
eh? I guess we'll never run out of people like this. Pity some folks 
don't retire when they retire.

I'll give the links to Dr Rath's site a read tomorrow (need some 
shuteye first).

Thanks again, keep up the good work - and confusion to Codex.

All best


Stubblebine is a  lowlife, a fraud and a con.- however he is very good at
his 'professsion' .  Or at least he is if you think he has good will towards
the avarage citizen  or for what is good for the average citizen . His wife,
Rima,  is of the  same caliber - actually she may be worse.  But they work
together. I  personally have a problem with people whose ethics and morals
are for sale - or  whom just do not have any and all that matters to them is
money. However this  man and his wife learn form their mistakes and
frequently are quite smart ... or  cunning , whatever word you want to use.

On the other hand those people whom  support Codex and how it effects
our health and rights, those people will have  no problem with the Natural
Solutions Foundation nor its founders. Or at least  relatively little. Though
realize that if you wish to sign  any so-called 'petitions' on their website,
that frequently  these are bogus and do nowhere - at least  when they are
supposed to be  against Codex and for health freedom. .

 I got most of this  information I have on these two from Health Freedom
Advocates  - both  those in the States as well as couple in Britain.

   The Stubbelbines have also started  a  yahoo 'health' group - about
vaccinations actually. They  even frequently ask for donations of 
the members  -
the only yahoo  health group that I  have ever heard of that does that. Most
groups will  ban you for asking for donations - but I guess as  it is the
'owners' who  do the asking for some reason it is allowed.  A year or so ago,
I joined  their group out of curiousity and was templed to ask for
donations  to  assist the health freedom effrorts - but got disgusted and left
instead.  However, I did discuss this group with health freedom 
advocates in both
the  States as well as Britain though. I am not involved in this effort
myself, I  just know some people whom are and have an interest in trying to
stop Codex from  controlling issues in Canada and the States.

I assume that the  people here  are familiar with Dr Rath and the Rath

A Modern Major General Exposed?
the Natural Solutions Foundation

Codex Meeting in Ottawa- Business as Usual or Stunning Victory for Health 

Codex and Health Freedom- Be Wary of the Instant Experts

Miracle in Rome?


Citizens for Health and Natural  Solutions Foundation are controlled
opposition groups on the Codex issue. We  believe the true purpose of these
groups is to assist the pharma dominated  vitamin trade associations by
recommending grass roots actions which appear  plausible on the surface to the
poorly informed, but which upon close inspection  fail to hold up to careful
scrutiny. IAHF has not been alone in exposing NSF as  a controlled opposition
group- for additional clarification please see these  articles from The Dr.
Rath Health Foundation, The National Health Federation,  and the Alliance
for Natural Health:
Seeing Through Spin of Citizens for  Health and The Natural Solutions
Foundation on the CODEX Vitamin Issue. -  exposes NSF as a controlled
opposition group.They're formally trained in  Neurolingustic Programming, the
Delphi Technique, the Semantic Differential, and  many other tactics of
psychological warfare and disinformation. The pretend to  be on our 
side, but the
reality is that all they ever do is work against us.  

  Here is a little background info more  about Stubblebine plus his wife.

Albert N. Stubblebine III (Maj.  Gen., US Army, Ret) - Croton on Hudson NY
Albert N. Stubblebine III (Maj.  Gen., US Army, Ret) was graduated from The
United States Military Academy (West  Point) and served with distinction in
the US Army for 32 years. Starting his  career as an Armor officer, he had
the opportunity to command troops 

[Biofuel] Stomach Acid Problems

2009-09-08 Thread SurpriseShan2
animal fats, etc. 

-- Good ocean sea salt. 

-- Lemon juice. 

-- _Mineral-Rich Bone Broth_ 

-- Fermented foods, i.e. . _Cabbage Rejuvelac_ 
( , _Sauerkraut, 
( , and 
_Kimchi/Kimchee [Korean 
Sauerkraut]_ ( . 
-- Spices, teas and herbs, i.e. camomile, ginger, cinnamon,  nutmeg, etc. 
All dried spices and herbs must be organic or certified  organic from the 
health store, since most commercial products are irradiated  (zapped with 
radiation) which change and damage the body's cells if consumed. 
How to Increase Stomach Acid  Production 
Nature provides the most effective stomach acid regulator,  which is 
unpasteurized unheated sauerkraut. Sauerkraut is unique because it  raises 
acid if it is too low, and it lowers stomach acid if it is  too high. 
Eating 1/4 to 1/2 cup of sauerkraut with meals is one of the best ways  to 
improve digestion. 
-- Take betaine hydochloric acid supplements (HCl) 30-45  minutes after 
eating – see _How to Take Hydrochloric Acid Supplements_ 
( .  

-- Avoid raw vegetables until digestion improves, except  for fermented raw 
vegetables like sauerkraut, kimchi (kimchee), etc., which are  actually 
pre-digested vegetables. All plant cell walls are made of cellulose  fibers, 
and the human digestive system is incapable of breaking them down.  Therefore, 
the cellulose cell walls of plants must be broken down before they  are 
digestible, and in order for nutrients, including minerals, and enzymes to  be 
available - see _Raw Versus Cooked Vegetables  Fruits_ 
( .  

-- Do not cook meats or eggs  using high heat, and do not overcook them. 
Cooking proteins actually  pre-digests them, called denaturing. However 
overheating or overcooking them  makes them lose moisture and binds the protein 
molecules tighter together which  makes them harder to digest. Meats can also 
be pre-digested (denatured), by  soaking them in acidic mediums such as 
lemon or lime juice, tomato juice, apple  cider vinegar, etc. Marinating meats 
is a good way to pre-digest or pre-cook  them. 

-- Eat protein and good fats with every meal. Protein  stimulates stomach 
acid production, and protein and fats stimulate the gall  bladder to dump 
bile into the small intestines. Good fats also are needed by the  liver in 
order to produce bile. 

-- Use spices liberally, since they stimulate stomach acid  production and 

-- Always have ocean sea salt with meals since salt is  important for 
proper digestion and it also stimulates stomach acid production. 

-- Drink enough fluids with meals so the mixture in the  stomach is able to 
squirt through the small opening from the stomach into the  first part of 
the small intestines. Bee's Electrolyte Drink (freshly squeezed  juice of 1/2 
lemon and 1/4 teaspoon of ocean sea salt in 6 ounces of  non-chlorinated 
water) is excellent for increasing stomach acid production.  Drink a few sips 
just before you begin to eat a meal, and sip the remainder of  the 6 ounces 
throughout the meal. 

-- Chew foods thoroughly to stimulate digestive enzymes in  the mouth, and 
to break up foods into the smallest particles possible for better  

-- Eat enough foods at each meal that includes a good  balance of proteins, 
good fats (coconut oil, butter, lard, etc.) and vegetables. 

-- Eat at least 2 complete meals per day, but not more  than 3 meals. 

-- Avoid snacking in between meals in order to allow time  for your body to 
digest foods properly. 
-- Eat 1/4 to 1/2 cup of unheated sauerkraut or kimchi  (kimchee) with each 
meal. Kimchi contains lots of foods that are antifungal,  antibacterial, 
and antiviral, which can cause healing reactions if you have  candida or any 
kind of bacteria or virus - see  _Healing Foods, Herbs  Spices Cause 
Healing  Reactions_ ( . 
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Re: [Biofuel] U. S. Head of Military Intelligence Publically States 9/11 was Sta

2009-09-08 Thread SurpriseShan2
 of  army
   intelligence, but he retired **25 years ago**.  Not quite the same
thing  eh.

   (Walked through any walls lately  Bert?)

   That saved 5 min 1 sec, and  gave a much better result.

   Why the  misleading headline? Not deliberate?

   Matthew Rothschild of the Progressive again:  Enough of the 9/11
   Conspiracy Theories, Already  
_ ( 

If it doesn't start off with the preferred conclusion-of-choice  and
   then go in search of the facts to prove it,  but instead simply
goes in search of facts, along  with all the patient and careful
   cross-checking that  takes, and then emerges with a fact-based
   conclusion  that checks out, or even with just some hard facts  
   a conclusion... well then, that's different.  But AFAIK it hasn't
   happened yet, and don't hold yer  breath.


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