RE: [JBoss-user] Access InitialContext of Tomcat 4.0.2

2002-05-23 Thread Coetmeur, Alain

> -Message d'origine-
> De: Dirk Storck [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Date: jeudi 23 mai 2002 01:51
> À: Jboss User (E-Mail); Tomcat User (E-Mail)
> Objet: [JBoss-user] Access InitialContext of Tomcat 4.0.2
> Hi,
> I know it doesnt belongs to this mailing list but maybe 
> someone can help.
> How can I access the InitialContext of Tomcat from whithin an 
> external java
> programm?

from the embedded catalina ?

there are no tomcat InitialContext, since jboss
propose it's own InitialContext...
to contact EJB and MBeans resources, just
include the jboss\client\jnp-client.jar, the
and alike as explained in jboss doc

if you want to use a separate Tomcat, in order to
contact Jboss resources you need to add the
same jnp-client.jar, to the server classpath
(I think you can simply put it in the common/lib )

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Are there big reference of tomcat usage in "production"

2002-02-21 Thread Coetmeur, Alain

To convince our hierarchy of 
using tomcat for some sites, I need
to have somme reference of usage in production
for tomcat (catalina or at least tomcat3)

Alain Coetmeur

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Enabling/Disabling cookies usage, crosscontext in webapp (.war)

2002-02-13 Thread Coetmeur, Alain

I'm working on jboss catalina plugin and
I want to know wether the context default values
are usefull for .WAR deployement

can one set those parameters with the web.xml
or with a "catalina.xml" additional deployment file ?

By the way, what does mean the "trusted" attribute ?

thansk in advance.

Alain Coetmeur

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RE: Tomcat 4.0.1 SSL experts, please help.

2002-02-13 Thread Coetmeur, Alain

think about using the address="x.y.z.t" attribute
for each different 

set a separate factory for each connector,
 and all needed parameters as usual..

in theory this should be enough

> -Message d'origine-
> De: n [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

> I have two separate security certificates, one for each 
> virtual host. The 
> tomcat documentation states, "... it is therefore not 
> possible to assign 
> multiple certificates to a single IP address." However, this 
> box that I 
> have tomcat on has two IP addresses. Therefore, I should be 
> able to run 
> both virtual hosts with their own respective security 
> certificates together 
> in the same tomcat instance. I'm unsure of how I would configure my 
> server.xml file to bind each virtual host to it's own IP if 
> it is at all 
> possible. Does anyone have an idea of how to do this without 
> using Apache 
> to take care of SSL? Thanks for any help. Below is my current 
> server.xml file.

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RE: RE: cocoon2.0.1 under tomcat4.0.2LE jdk1.4

2002-02-12 Thread Coetmeur, Alain

> -Message d'origine-
> De: arun desai [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Date: mardi 12 février 2002 13:23
> À: Donald Lee; Tomcat Users List
> Objet: Re: RE: cocoon2.0.1 under tomcat4.0.2LE jdk1.4 
> Please let me know how to create Virtual dirctory using tomcat 4.0.1

do you mean virtual host ? 
for virtual host you must declare each virtual host
in the server.xml in a  directive (look in tomcat4 
config HowTo doc)

... and so on

if you talk of the concept of virtual directry like in IIS/PWS
this is called a "Context"

you create a context by 2 ways:

create a Context entry in a Host entry refering to
a directory and declaring the context path
this one declare the root (home of the site) context
mapped onto the ROOT subdir
note that this path is relative to the appBase :
which is declared in the Host tag around the contect tag, like in

if you put directory or *.war archive in this appBase directory,
a context is automatically created with a path name
identical to the directory name. the .war may be expanded
to the directory if not already and if and allowed by unpackWARs="true"

this is the same for non default virtual hosts like in

which mean that :
any request from an URL or
is redirected to this virtual host object,
whode webapp dir is nike_webapps
the root is nike_webapps/nike_ROOT and may be expanded
from nike_webapps/nike_ROOT.war if not already done.

any file nike_webapps/XXX.war will be associated to a
context path XXX
and may be reach through eg:

hope this helps...

by the way, the error you get on cocoon
(ask to the cocoon user mailing list)
is clearly a problem with the XML parser...

have you put all the xerces and xalan in the
WEB-INF/lib subdirectory of your webapp ?
and so on with all the jar...

there is an option in cocoon to atomagically copy
the jar in WEB-INF/lib (more than 20 jars)

> -Original Message-

> Apparently cocoon still breaks under jdk1.4 with the new release of
> tomcat4.0.2 for jdk1.4.
> Any hints?

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RE: Url Rewriting in Tomcat4.0

2002-02-11 Thread Coetmeur, Alain

look about the Valves...

one limitation in using Valves
is that one cannot change the content of a request
is it has already been used by a previous valve...

this mean that probably you will have to stack
your URL rewriting valve before (over) the 
usual valves which map URL to servlets...

I've never uses valves myself but it looks like
NTKernel Device Drivers and should be very flexible.

> -Message d'origine-
> De: Jiger Java [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Date: lundi 11 février 2002 12:17
> Objet: Url Rewriting in Tomcat4.0
> Hi,
> Is is possible to do url rewriting  in Tomcat. Something 
> such that when 
> a request like
> comes in then the server will
> execute/get/map/etc etc & the final url will become as
> which is then the named servlet be executed. The 
>  allows 
> only Servlet Class file name & alias but not alias with 
> params. Can we do so 
> in Tomcat 4.0.
> Thanks & Awaiting your replies,
> Jiger
> _
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Servicing/relaying HTTP proxy request with tomcat/catalina

2002-01-16 Thread Coetmeur, Alain

Is it possible to make catalina behave like a 
classic HTTP proxy... 
At least to intercept proxy URL and transmit them to
a webapp, that could answer for them...

as far as I know, proxu request deffers from classic request
by the fact the URL don't start with / but with

is it possible to declare that URL
http:/* is serviced by a given servlet ?

I think about a filtering proxy, that log the
requested URL, make statistics, relays, blocks
or modify requests...

Alain Coetmeur

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RE: Regarding support for tomcat server....................

2001-02-15 Thread Coetmeur, Alain

moreover because Servlet may be pooled
in manyseparate instance,
each servlet may have it's own counter...

under low load it is not apparent,
but if you load the server with many concurent accesss
you will see that many different countes
will be incremented separately...

I've read somewhere that servlet should not have static
variable (it could be a solution)...
in fact in clustered servlet engine, there may be many
independent JavaVM that may not share even the class variables.

the solution is to use a singleton class through
a middleware.

one such way is to use a singleton Entity EJB !
sledge hammer to crack a nut! 8>>>

welcome to the strange country of potential multi-threading,
clustering and pooling !

if someone can explain me how to do it
rigourously but much more simply...

> -Message d'origine-
> De: Rick Roberts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Date: jeudi 15 février 2001 16:16
> Objet: Re: Regarding support for tomcat server
> I don't know what's going on with your compile question, but 
> your code is 
> wrong.  It should look like this:
> Take a close look at the ! (bang).
>     <%!
>       int globalCounter = 0;
>     %>
>      This page has been visited: <%= ++globalCounter %> times.
>      <%!
>        int localCounter = 0;
>      %>
>      NOW!  This counter increases its value: <%= ++localCounter %>
> If you set a local variable to 0 everytime you run the code 
> then it's always 
> going to be 0.  So it's never going to increment.  Give 
> localCounter class 
> scope, just like you gave globalCounter class scope and it 
> will increment.
> Rick
> On Thu, 15 Feb 2001, you wrote:
> > > Have you tried to disable browser cache?
> >
> > Attilio
> >   - Original Message -
> >   From: Ravindra
> >   Sent: Thursday, February 15, 1996 10:17 AM
> >   Subject: Regarding support for tomcat server
> >
> >
> >   Hello Sir,
> >  I am Ravindra using tomcat 3.2.1 server in standalone mode
> >   for learning jsp .
> >   but problem is every time when i request for jsp page server
> >   is creating .java file & compiled it into class file .
> >   But this should not happened ,java file& class file should
> >   generate first time after change in jsp file .
> >   so i am facing problems for follwing counter.jsp example.
> >   when same jsp i am running through javawebserver2.0 it
> >   is working fine because java & class file is created after
> >   change in jsp only.not like previous case.
> >
> >   Bellow i am giving code so please help me to solve the
> >   problem
> >
> >  
> > 
> --
> -
> >--
> >
> >
> >   <%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html" %>
> >   
> > 
> >   A page with a counter
> > 
> > 
> >   <%!
> > int globalCounter = 0;
> >   %>
> >
> >   This page has been visited: <%= ++globalCounter %> times.
> >
> >   
> >   <%
> > int localCounter = 0;
> >   %>
> >   This counter never increases its value: <%= ++localCounter %>
> >
> > 
> >   
> >
> >  
> > 
> --
> -
> >--
> >
> >   Thank you very much
> >
> >   Regards
> >
> >  Ravindra
> Content-Type: text/html; name="Attachment: 1"
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
> Content-Description: 
> -
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RE: ajp12 vs ajp13 & mod_jk.conf-auto

2001-02-14 Thread Coetmeur, Alain

> -Message d'origine-
> De: Mel Martinez [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Date: mardi 13 février 2001 23:33
> Objet: ajp12 vs ajp13 & mod_jk.conf-auto
> Question:
> what determines whether ajp12 or ajp13 will be
> specified for a jkmount statement in the
> auto-generated mod_jk.conf-auto file?
> I.E., it always generates statements like:
> JkMount /myapp/servlet/* ajp12
> JkMount /myapp/*.jsp ajp12
> I've even tried disabling all reference to ajp12 from
> server.xml and but that had no
> effect.
> Is the only way to force the use of Ajp13 to manually
> edit the mod_jk.conf file?

as told here you can tweak things, but
the most clean is to use
a separate my-mod_jk.conf include file
that you derivate from the generated mod_jk.conf-auto

if you really want all to be automatic
add a conversion script (sed or perl script) 
to generate the my-mod_jk.conf from the .conf-auto

with cocoon and HTTPS I had to tweak 
thos .conf-auto much more and
nothing is better than manual config when things are stable...

changing the ajp12 alias to point to ajp13 is
really anti-documentation...
on unix try something like

sleep 5 # wait for tomcat to generate the .conf-auto
sed -e 's/ajp12/ajp13/g' conf/my-mod_jk.conf

don't forget to adapt apache conf/httpd.conf to include
the my-mod_jk.conf instead of the conf-auto

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RE: Tomcat standalone SSL, import of certificate

2001-02-13 Thread Coetmeur, Alain

> -Message d'origine-
> De: Drasko Kokic [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Date: lundi 12 février 2001 15:43
> Objet: Tomcat standalone SSL, import of certificate
> Hello,
> I have installed SSL support for Tomcat3.2.1 on
> a Windows NT machine, and it works nicely for a
> dummy certificate generated (according to the
> Tomcat SSL instructions) with keytool.
> Now I want to import an openssl-generated certificate
> (from thawte) which we use already for SSL support of
> the Apache Web Server. But the keytool -import command
> (again from the instructions) gives me
> 'keytool error: Java.lang.Exception: Input not an X509
> certificate'
> What could be the reason for this, since Apache-SSL
> uses the X509 format?

I had a simular ptoblem but now it work...
one problem is the type of codage used
(DER or PEM)... don't remember,
but I think openssl default is an ASCII
firmat (PEM ?) and keytool default is 
a binary format (DER?)

another problem was that my self-certified certs
were not "trusted"...

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RE: SSL Help

2001-02-05 Thread Coetmeur, Alain

browse the archive those recent days/weeks

the secret are:

it is advised to use apache with openssl (mod_ssl or apache+ssl)
as the SSL processor and just configure it
to delegate servlet and JSP to tomcat...
look at
for explanations, install doc, binaries, advices...

anyway you can make tomcat able to serve SSL directly.
install JSSE from SUN as documented
(detail in some of my former messages here)
this include putting the.jar in a lib or lib/ext directory
as explaine, and twickle some

create private key in the java keystore, produce a 
certificate (externaly or auto-certifies) with
and add the certificate to the java keystore...

modify the server.xml as explained
in come comments... (I've send here a working server.xml)

add some options in TOMCAT_OPTS (in tomcat.bat) so that URL Factory
supports SSL, and JSSE can find the truststore...
set TOMCAT_OPTS=%TOMCAT_OPTS%"%TOMCAT_HOME%/../openssl/maui/cacerts" 

may the force be with you.
you can do it!
this can work, I've tested !

> -Message d'origine-
> De: venkatesan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Date: lundi 5 février 2001 12:50
> Objet: SSL Help
> Hi All,
>  I am developing web applications using servlets, 
> Rmi, Sql-server and
> Tomcat in Apache web server under Linux platform. I would 
> like to use SSL. Can
> any body tell that where can i get SSL for tomcat. How can i 
> do it using
> Tomcat..
> Thanks in advance...
> cheers
> Venkateh
> -
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RE: Tomcat and OpenSSL/Keytool

2001-02-02 Thread Coetmeur, Alain

whare security provider are you using...

I've installed JSSE from SUN and
this works...

I've just been unable to load
a private key from openSSL to the JKS keystore...
however the certificates can be imported easily

> -Message d'origine-
> De: Steve Smale [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Date: mercredi 31 janvier 2001 13:27
> Objet: Tomcat and OpenSSL/Keytool
> Hi all,
> I'm a bit confused here with tomcat and SSL.
> I've generated a key using keytool -genkey -alias tomcat 
> -keyalg RSA as
> described in the tomcat faq. This works fine, although the certificate
> appears as "signed by an unknown source", and we really need 
> it to just
> plop straight into https without any warnings appearing on the users
> screens...
> So I've looked at OpenSSL, and generated a key and 
> signing-request, and
> got a certificate via verisign, using openssl req -new -out REQ.csr
> -keyout KEY.key, again, as in the tomcat faqs.
> Whether i put this resulting key through verisign's "free 
> trial" signing
> process, or self-sign it with openssl req -x509 -in REQ.csr 
> -key KEY.key
> -out CERT.pem, i then install it into the keytool using 
> keytool -import -v
> trustcacerts -alias tomcat -file CERT.pem.
> If I then visit the site with netscape, I get the error: 
> Netscape and this
> server cannot communicate securely because they have no 
> common encryptino
> algorithm(s). While internet explorer comes up with no 
> sensible error, but
> doesnt work with https.
> Does anyone have any ideas what I am doing wrong with this method - it
> seems somehow the key generated with openssl is not of the 
> right format
> for netscape/ie to understand, yet the one made with keytool 
> -genkey works
> fine; - but both are exactly to the letter from the tomcat faq's...
> If I cannot get openssl to operate with it correctly, is 
> there a way to
> export the key from keytool? - i've only really found it possible to
> export the certificate, but not the private key, if it is 
> generated that
> way...
> Before I go completely insane, has anyone else had any 
> experience of these
> problems?
> Thanks!!!
> -- 
> Regards
> Steve Smale
> Java Developer
> Hugh Symons Information Management
> Telephone: 0870 849 0220
> Facsimile: 0870 849 0221
> -
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RE: how to enable ssi in tomcat. Urgent plssssssss

2001-01-31 Thread Coetmeur, Alain

I don't really understand all in your problem description.

anyway I had some problem myself by using taglibs that
"include" the result of some other relative URL
(see the XSL taglib, with the include tag)

my problem was multiple:
- I needed JSSE to support SSL 
(as a client), and add it as a security provider
(some properties to change as documented in jsse)
- I needed to set the URLConnectionFactory
 of JSSE as a replacement for the usual one...
it is a -Dsomething, documented in JSSE install doc
this allow tomcat to be an HTTPS client
- now you need to have a valid server certificate
for your HTTPS server (apache in my case)
whose common name is the DNS name
otherwise the HTTPS client in tomcat refuse
to trust the server
- you also need to add the trusted certificate
of your server CA for JSSE to trust the
server received...

not so simple in fact...

> -Message d'origine-
> De: Suresh.S.V [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Date: jeudi 1 février 2001 01:33
> Objet: how to enable ssi in tomcat. Urgent pl
> Hi
> Iam using tomcat 3.2.1+ apache 1.3.14 .In this servlets and 
> jsp are working
> fine. When i stop tomcat  server side includes are working 
> fine in html.But
> when i start tomcat also html includes are not working.Its 
> urgent.Pls
> help me.
> Thanx®ds
> Suresh
> -
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RE: Tomcat and SSL

2001-01-30 Thread Coetmeur, Alain

I've done this
with tomcat 3.2.1
with JSSE (loaded at sun)

I've added jsse jars in the classpach,;
changed few properties about security providers,

in the server.xml I've activated the SSL
connector that is commented out...

it works perfectly with that
section in server.xml

I had more problems than that
because I wanted also to support 
apache redirection, and to allow
tomcat to call itself back in SSL
(needed to run the XSL taglib example using the include tag)

-you need to use  ajp13 protocol version in apache
(this mean not using the conf-auto generated file
but edit it manually under another name, and include it
instead in the httpd.conf of apache)
and nable it in tomcat (uncomment the connector in web.xml)
-to support HTTPS client URL
you need to define a property
so that JSSE URL factory is used instead of standard one.
-you need to set a valid server certificat otherwise
Java HTTPS URL will reject the connection.
-you need to trust the server CA for the same reason

but it does work at the end, even for the most demanding users...

-Message d'origine-
De: Allen Akers [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Nope...I want Tomcat to do SSL directly.  I have it working just fine with
Apache+mod_jk+Tomcat, but I don't need Apache because everything being
served is jsp or servlet, so Apache is unneeded overhead and an extra thing
to maintain.

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A good free IDE for developping for Tomcat

2001-01-24 Thread Coetmeur, Alain

Does anybody know a good environment to develop
JSP+Java under Tomcat...

"Ant" seems to be a Must for the building process...
anything else...

is there some "free" integrated developement environment
that is really comfortable...
Emacs (maybe ultra-edit) seems to be apreciated,
but is there something more integrated...
(anyway I've used Emacs for C++/make/gdb dev
and it deserve to be called an IDE, but
usual IT professionals don't appreciate it much)...
what is your experience for day to day business

is there any good and cheap IDE otherwise ?
any pointers...

what do jakarta-apache developers use commonly ?
CVS+Ant+Emacs ?
WinCVS+Ant+UltraEdit ?

my intention is to place Tomcat 
as a concurent/alternative
to $100k servers (weblogic, websphere), and I need a
coherent (good, cheap) environment with it...

thanks in advance...


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RE: Can Tomcat use XSLT?

2001-01-18 Thread Coetmeur, Alain

it does,
if you install xerces and xalan...

cocoon (an XML framework at 
run on tomcat.

XSL taglib in
works also

I've just done it...

-Message d'origine-
De: David Tinaquero [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Date: jeudi 18 janvier 2001 17:01
Objet: Can Tomcat use XSLT?

Can Tomcat use XSLT?

David Tinaquero Fernández
Ingenieria e Integracion Avanzadas (IngeniA), S.A.
Parque Tecnologico de Andalucia
29590 Campanillas Malaga (Spain)

Tel. 952 02 93 00 Ext. 385
Fax  952 02 93 09

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RE: Verisign Certificate and stand alone tomcat

2001-01-17 Thread Coetmeur, Alain

you only have to
import the certificate into
the "cacerts" keystore used

you have to use keytool java utility
keytool.exe -import   -keystore /path/cacerts -storepass changeit -alias
thecertificate -file /path/thecertificate.cert
in "PEM" format(if i remember correctly)...

note that I have found no way to import the
keypair into the JSSE keystore

the keypair have to be generated (-genkey) by keytool into
the keystore.
then a certificate is "-export"'ed

some use full ressources...

to use openssl on win32 (not necessarily for apache)

-Message d'origine-
De: Fiodir Eissayou [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Date: mardi 16 janvier 2001 23:36
Objet: Verisign Certificate and stand alone tomcat

Please email me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] if there is a way to import
Verisign certificate to a stand alone Tomcat.

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RE: Apache mod_SSL and Tomcat using mod_jk

2001-01-16 Thread Coetmeur, Alain

-Message d'origine-
De: Pete Ehli [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Date: mardi 16 janvier 2001 08:34
Objet: Apache mod_SSL and Tomcat using mod_jk

>Hello I am new to Apache and am using mod_ssl Apache server 
>connected with Tomcat via the mod_jk module - 
I've just done that ... (absolute beginer)

>I get the following
> warning when starting Apache after I start tomcat 
>"Loaded DSO modules/mod_jk.dll uses plain Apache 1.3 API, 
>this module might crash under EAPI! (Please recompile it with -DEAPI)

same for me... it seems to works anyway...

note that I had to install JSSE 102 from sun java site...
I've put it into the JRE 1.3 as documented (jar in lib/ext)
and changed the security provider list in some properties file
as documented...

For tomcat servlet/jsp to be able to call-back HTTPS as a client
I had to add a -D... that sets the implementor of URL...
documented in JSSE also...
I also had to set the keystore of jsse

extract from tomcat.bat:
rem Running Tomcat in this window
if "%2" == "-security" goto runSecure
%_RUNJAVA% %TOMCAT_OPTS% -Dtomcat.home="%TOMCAT_HOME%""%TOMCAT_HOME%/conf/ssl/cacerts"
org.apache.tomcat.startup.Tomcat %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
goto cleanup

> I am trying to get Apache and Tomcat to use SSL . 
>I don't have a certificate configured and get the following error  
>"localhost:443 should be SSL-aware but has no certificate configured 
>[Hint: SSLCertificateFile]" Can someone point me to the exact directions 
>on how to configure a certificate and also will this module 

I had to use the snakeoil certificates an keys as documented...
all is configured in a virtual host on port 443...

the last problem is tha the snakeoil certificate
have a /CN= different from my host DNS name
(sure, it is a dummy certificate),
and thus the HTTPS URL connector refuse to trust
an HTTPS server whose certificat CN is different from
it's DNS name...

I've found example of config files on the web...
note the the ifdefined SSL does not works with the apache/mod_ssl
found on I have used the IfModule mod_ssl.c

I've put parts of the config files at the end...

>mod_jk work with the version of Apache I am using - 
>and Tomcat 3.2.1 I have configured this via the documentation 
>in Tomcat. Any ideas or suggestion on where to go form here
> would be much appreciated

if some one can explai me how to generate
a good server certificat with openssl or
keytool...  8)

here is the SSL config included at the end of the
httpd.conf in apache

##  SSL Support
##  When we also provide SSL we have to listen to the 
##  standard HTTP port (see above) and to the HTTPS port

LoadModule ssl_module modules/ApacheModuleSSL.dll

Listen 8000
Listen 8443
AddType application/x-x509-ca-cert .crt
AddType application/x-pkcs7-crl.crl

#   Pass Phrase Dialog:
#   Configure the pass phrase gathering process.
#   The filtering dialog program (`builtin' is a internal
#   terminal dialog) has to provide the pass phrase on stdout.
SSLPassPhraseDialog  builtin

#   Inter-Process Session Cache:
#   Configure the SSL Session Cache: First either `none'
#   or `dbm:/path/to/file' for the mechanism to use and
#   second the expiring timeout (in seconds).
SSLSessionCache dbm:logs/ssl_scache
SSLSessionCacheTimeout  300

#   Semaphore:
#   Configure the path to the mutual explusion semaphore the
#   SSL engine uses internally for inter-process synchronization. 
#SSLMutex  file:logs/ssl_mutex

#   Pseudo Random Number Generator (PRNG):
#   Configure one or more sources to seed the PRNG of the 
#   SSL library. The seed data should be of good random quality.
#   WARNING! On some platforms /dev/random blocks if not enough entropy
#   is available. This means you then cannot use the /dev/random device
#   because it would lead to very long connection times (as long as
#   it requires to make more entropy available). But usually those
#   platforms additionally provide a /dev/urandom device which doesn't
#   block. So, if available, use this one instead. Read the mod_ssl User
#   Manual for more details.
SSLRandomSeed startup builtin
SSLRandomSeed connect builtin
#SSLRandomSeed startup file:/dev/random  512
#SSLRandomSeed startup file:/dev/urandom 512
#SSLRandomSeed connect file:/dev/random  512
#SSLRandomSeed connect file:/dev/urandom 512

#   Logging:
#   The home of the dedicated SSL protocol logfile. Errors are
#   additionally duplicated in the general error log file.  Put
#   this somewhere where it cannot be used for symlink attacks on
#   a real server (i.e. somewhere where only root can write).
#   Log levels are (ascending order: higher ones include lower ones):
#   none, error, warn, info, trace, debu

RE: Passing SSL info from Apache to tomcat

2001-01-15 Thread Coetmeur, Alain

I'm not sure if it is the problem, but in the documentation
it is told that you need ajp13 protocol
to propagate SSL information to tomcat...

note that you should not include the mod_jk.config-auto itself
since it is regenerated each time tomcat starts,
but copy it and change all you want...

-Message d'origine-
De: Shahed Ali [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
I am using Tomcat 3.2.1 w/Apache 1.3.14. (Stronghold 3.0)

I have set up client certificates on my client (web browser) and set the
Apache directives for
a browser to require client certificates to access the site.

However, when I run the Snoop Servlet, I dont get a request attribute named

I have added the Jk directives wich are present in the mod_jk.conf-auto file
relating to SSL in my httpd.conf

Can anyone tell me what I am missing ?

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RE: XSLT Filter implementation hints?

2001-01-15 Thread Coetmeur, Alain

there is the XSL-TagLib which is a way
to do something like XSP+XSL, but with pure JSP...

in cocoon doc one can read that there is no satisfying  standard
way to chain servlets (the way sun JSP engine does is told
to be a hack, that will probably be abandonned soon...)

XSL-TagLib seems quite simple (a thousand of lines)

If some one have experience with XSL-TagLib, I'm very interested to hear

-Message d'origine-
De: Leong Mun Wai [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

I'm trying to implement an XSLT filter in Tomcat 4.0 for a JSP with XML
content. Any hints on how this can be done?

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RE: Tomcat 3.2.1, taglib demo /examples/jsp/simpletag/foo.jsp throws NoSuchMethodError in TagLibraryInfoImpl.createAttribute

2001-01-09 Thread Coetmeur, Alain

2 days I was working on that, digging into the archives...

the solution was to install the servlet.jar from latest
instead of the servlet2_2.jar found with cocoon, that cocoon 
ask to put in leu of the basic servlet.jar of tomcat...
coccon seems to work perfectly anyway...

nb: at least now there is an article on this problem, with a solution...
sorry for the mess.

-Message d'origine-

I've intalled tomcat 3.2.1 with cocoon1.8,
xerces 1.2, servlet 2.2 jar, ... jdk1.3 SE on Windows NT SP6.

Cocoon and most of the JSP demos work perfectly,
but the taglib demo throws the NoSuchMethoError exception...

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Tomcat 3.2.1, taglib demo /examples/jsp/simpletag/foo.jsp throws NoSuchMethodError in TagLibraryInfoImpl.createAttribute

2001-01-09 Thread Coetmeur, Alain

I've intalled tomcat 3.2.1 with cocoon1.8,
xerces 1.2, servlet 2.2 jar, ... jdk1.3 SE on Windows NT SP6.

Cocoon and most of the JSP demos work perfectly,
but the taglib demo throws the NoSuchMethoError exception...

I have recompiled the examples classes 
but nothing changes...

the TLD seems OK,
and if I change the reference in the web.xml
in WEB-INF, then it throws an error message telling
it cannot read the TLD.
this seems to show that the TLD is correctly designated.

my problem looks like the one related in BugRat Report #246
and BugRat Report # 65

is this a known problem?
with a solution ?
any advices or things to look at...
I've checked everywhere I know, in the mailing list archives,
on the web with google, in dejanews, but
only BugRats reports talk about that with no anwer...

here are : the error message, foo.jsp, web.xml and example-taglib.tld

--- error message
Location: /examples/jsp/simpletag/foo.jsp
Internal Servlet Error:

at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(

Root cause: 
at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Parser.parse(
at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Parser.parse(
at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Parser.parse(
at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Compiler.compile(
at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.loadJSP(
at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at org.apache.tomcat.core.Handler.service(


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