Re: [Trisquel-users] Flidas is here

2018-04-20 Thread taiji_tao
Personal preference, I prefer fresh installs as in place upgrades can have  
unplanned surprises.  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Flidas is here

2018-04-20 Thread taiji_tao
Great job!  Downloading mini version for wifes 12 year old Gateway latpop, I  
prefer fresh installs over upgrades.

I will also test-run the main version on the desktop.  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Who of this community honestly runs Trisquel GNU/Linux?

2017-09-27 Thread taiji_tao
she uses the standard browser (abrowser), and usually has lots of tabs open,  
she loves her tabs...  no problems, temp. usually stays in the 55C range,  
sometimes goes to 60, not too bad.   it suits her needs which is mainly web  
surfing, online research, online videos etc.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Who of this community honestly runs Trisquel GNU/Linux?

2017-09-25 Thread taiji_tao
Trisquel 7 mini on wifes laptop, Slackware/SalixOS on Desktop, Debian 9 on  
other pc.  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Openmailbox is out of service?

2017-02-10 Thread taiji_tao

I came across this regarding

Re: [Trisquel-users] DRM free iPod alternative

2016-12-31 Thread taiji_tao

yes, Libre software/firmware.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Happy GNU Year!

2016-12-31 Thread taiji_tao

Happy New Year Everyone!

Re: [Trisquel-users] DRM free iPod alternative

2016-12-31 Thread taiji_tao

Thank you magic, I will look into this.

[Trisquel-users] DRM free iPod alternative

2016-12-30 Thread taiji_tao
I recall in the past this being available somewhere, perhaps ThinkPenguin,  
but I am unable to locate it.  Any ideas?  I remember it looking similar to  
an iPod but was FOSS.  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 8 iso images updated

2016-12-30 Thread taiji_tao

Wonderful background!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 8 iso images updated

2016-12-30 Thread taiji_tao
Sure it is stable in that sense, I meant "officially".  Also, I was mistaken,  
it is considered Beta now: "Welcome to Devuan Jessie 1.0 Beta2".


Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 8 iso images updated

2016-12-29 Thread taiji_tao
Devuan is still alpha, also no guarantee they will be around in a few years.   
The Devuan dev.'s actually want Debian to merge the two groups together to  
offer choice of init.  So long term Devuan is no guarantee.  IMO.

Re: [Trisquel-users] I did Trisquel Wallpapers

2016-12-29 Thread taiji_tao

Awesome Job!  I like all of them.

Re: [Trisquel-users] New computer specs

2016-12-25 Thread taiji_tao
Just a question of prop. wifi driver or not.  All should be good.  Worse case  
scenario you can pick up a wifi dongle here:

Re: [Trisquel-users] Hello world

2016-12-22 Thread taiji_tao
"Yes, a "Debian Libre" distribution sounds sensible. Why didn't I think of  
this before?"

Round and Round we go.

You were told this already, its called gNewSense, it is Debian Libre or a  
Liberated Debian.  Contact them via iirc and their mailing list and have fun  
with it.  The lead dev. is Sam and he is very approachable.  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Hello world

2016-12-19 Thread taiji_tao

If you want a Libre OS that is based on Ubuntu then use Trisquel.

If you want a Libre OS that is based on Debian then use gNewSense.

Each has its merits, each has its reasons for choosing the distro they are  
based on.

There are a few official FSF/Libre distros and a more distros that are Libre  
but not yet FSF approved.  Two off the top of my head are FreeSlack (more of  
a way to liberate Slackware then its own distro) and ConnocahetOS (based on  
Slackware and SalixOS).


Re: [Trisquel-users] Hi everyone

2016-12-18 Thread taiji_tao

Excellent list.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Please contritube to Trisquel 8!

2016-12-18 Thread taiji_tao
Nano is a very good editor for cli...I also like geany.  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Hello world

2016-12-18 Thread taiji_tao

you nailed it.  Thank You.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Hello world

2016-12-18 Thread taiji_tao
How many times do you plan to repeat yourself?  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Hello world

2016-12-17 Thread taiji_tao
You are making a very easy distinction complex.  Debian in its current form  
is not libre.  It is Debian that would need to make changes to meet that  
standard, stop hosting non-free and contrib, remove recommendations and  
instructions on how to enable them, etc...  You are advocating for FSF to  
change, however, in order for libre software that respects the freedoms of  
the user it is software that needs to change in order for FSF designation.   
You see the standards are there to protect you the user, not the developer or  
the company etc...

If you disagree with FSF then use any distro you likeperhaps you are an  
advocate of opensource and not Libre, there is a clear difference between the  
two and opensource does not equate libre.

I revert back to my original thoughts in my first reply. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Hello world

2016-12-17 Thread taiji_tao
Trisquel is what it is and its a distro for those who value the ethics of  
libre software and more current software, neither too old or too bleeding  
edge.  gNewSense and Parabola fit the other ends of the spectrum.

Sorry, but it will most likely never be a distro for the masses.  Its more of  
an underground "revolution", like computing was back in the day.

Your list of concerns/suggestions are curious, however, given that are  
"trying" the distro.  I'm usually suspect of intentions to change when  
something or someone is new.

There is no grey area for Libre v. proprietary software, it is either one or  
the other. No such thing as partially free.  Is a slave partially free if the  
shackles are on his feet but not hands, or if he can walk the yard but not  
leave the property?  

Re: [Trisquel-users] ublock can replace other addons?

2016-12-15 Thread taiji_tao
Ublock origin is great, ublock origin is from the original dev., ublock is  
someone else.

I also (similar to oysterboy) use this plus:
https everywhere
self destruct cookies
user agent switcher

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 8 is using systemd?!

2016-12-15 Thread taiji_tao
I think your best bet, if trying to avoid systemd, is to use a distro that  
does not have it and is committed to not having it, rather than trying to  
remove it from a distro that is tightly connected to it and has it as a  
dependency for many programs.  It is going to get harder not easier for  
Devuan down the road, and would be harder still for Trisquel to remove it  
from Ubuntu.  Debian offers various init as options for now, but even they  
(mailing lists, iirc etc...) have said this is temporary, going forward they  
are committed to systemd unless something better is widely adopted; path of  
least resistance.

Just my two cents.  

[Trisquel-users] Yahoo suffers world's biggest hack affecting 1 billion users

2016-12-14 Thread taiji_tao

They just discovered an even larger hit

Re: [Trisquel-users] Decent tutorial on setting up Claws-Mail

2016-12-14 Thread taiji_tao

True Superalas this day and age video tutorials serve well.  :)

I have that manual printed and stored in a folder on desk.  hehe

Re: [Trisquel-users] Please contritube to Trisquel 8!

2016-12-14 Thread taiji_tao
Salman, I would like to offer assistance with the wiki and other roles are  
possible as well. ;)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Hi everyone

2016-12-14 Thread taiji_tao

Here is an interesting list...have to check to see if they are Libre as well.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Decent tutorial on setting up Claws-Mail

2016-12-13 Thread taiji_tao
Forgot to add that the video is using Windows, however, the tips apply  
equally to GNU/Linux version.  ;)

[Trisquel-users] Decent tutorial on setting up Claws-Mail

2016-12-13 Thread taiji_tao

Re: [Trisquel-users] GNU IceCat needs updating

2016-12-13 Thread taiji_tao
yeah, i like to use icecat for reg. browsing and abrowser for password  

[Trisquel-users] GNU IceCat needs updating

2016-12-13 Thread taiji_tao

Curious IceCat is still at 38.8, however, 45.5.1 is available on gnuzilla.

Is the update script broken for this package?

Re: [Trisquel-users] First development alpha iso images of Trisquel 8.0 "Flidas"

2016-12-12 Thread taiji_tao

Radeon support as described above!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Hi everyone

2016-12-12 Thread taiji_tao
Nickman, first you should be commended for your interest in Free/Libre  
software and the willingness to place that interest on the table so to speak  
by actually using a distro that is committed to those freedoms.  8)

As already mentioned, virtualization is a great option, although some people  
feel more comfortable dual booting in the beginning.  Personally, the only  
way I use Windows (for one tax program that does not have a GNU version yet),  
is through virtual manager/kvm (virt-manager).  I was a long time user of  
virtualbox, but when they started adding non free things to it, I began to  
explore other options.

Regarding GNU/Linux Mint, their security policy regarding updates is quite  
lacking, so I would not recommend it unless via LiveCD or virtual machine.   
thats my two cents.  

[Trisquel-users] Im back ;)

2016-12-12 Thread taiji_tao
Hello allafter over a year away from the forum/distro, I am back to using  
Trisquel.  Look forward to v.8, however, v7 is still working well.


Re: [Trisquel-users] Hi everyone

2016-12-12 Thread taiji_tao


I know a few people that work on cruise ships (Disney and Norwegian) and they  
like it alot.

What ever distro you decide to use (nod towards Trisquel), perhaps you could  
volunteer some time with Business Admin. tasks as well.  I'm sure Ruben would  
appreciate it.   

Re: [Trisquel-users] Hi everyone

2016-12-12 Thread taiji_tao
If I remember correctly it was the installer which had/has a nonfree  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Hi everyone

2016-12-12 Thread taiji_tao
Parabola is nice, just keep in mind that rolling release requires attention  
and care with regards to updatesalways read the changelog on website  
(latest news section) first or you will be bitten sooner or later.  I've been  
there and done that, bleeding edge is fun but as you get older LTS type  
distros become more appealing.  lol

What year are you in for college?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Offtopic: Assange on google

2015-06-25 Thread taiji_tao
Never said systemd or SELinux was spyware.  That reference was to the  
Unity/Ubuntu search features, and the label was by Stallman, not me.  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Could systemd be an inconvenient on portability?

2015-06-25 Thread taiji_tao

Did you read the links?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Offtopic: Assange on google

2015-06-25 Thread taiji_tao

Jade and Onpon,

A theory is not a fact, the very nature of a theory (scientific or otherwise)  
is a conjecture, that most likely points to the truth but is as yet  
unprovable, thereby it is not yet a fact.  Reference the many "theories" that  
are accepted as fact even though they remain theories.

A hypothesis precedes a theory and begins the investigation.

Nice try though.

One could also presume onpon that the refusal to investigate what the kernel  
developers and others are upset about/concerned about, could make that person  
a (to use your term) a "flat earth" proponent.  It is the refusal or  
unwillingness to investigate even accepted norms that leads one to folly. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Offtopic: Assange on google

2015-06-25 Thread taiji_tao

That is what I meant.  :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Offtopic: Assange on google

2015-06-25 Thread taiji_tao
Oh Jade, not agreeing with evidence provided does not make the evidence any  
less valid.

Also, conspiracies stop being a theory, when they become a fact.  Was Snowden  
a Conspiracy Theorist, how about Assange.  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Offtopic: Assange on google

2015-06-25 Thread taiji_tao

LOL, great picture and excellent point!  Did you make it?

Beginning to think that some people want to turn this forum into a "Carry on  
folks, nothing to see here" kind of forum.

Interesting, how it is ok to question Canonical on their spyware, but you  
cannot question sysytemd or SELinux or now Google either...that is strange.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Offtopic: Assange on google

2015-06-24 Thread taiji_tao
Be careful, posting things like this on here, has been known to have people  
label you a "Conspiracy Theorist".

And yes, it appears that Google does work for them  Seems alot of companies  
do anymore.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Could systemd be an inconvenient on portability?

2015-06-24 Thread taiji_tao

Hi Jade, you beat me to it.  :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Could systemd be an inconvenient on portability?

2015-06-24 Thread taiji_tao

Oct. 6, 2014.

Note in the comment section how many people Pottering blocked just because  
they raised questions regarding systemd.  Similar attitude of some in this  
forum unfortunately.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Could systemd be an inconvenient on portability?

2015-06-24 Thread taiji_tao
Interesting post from one of the top Linux kernel developers regarding  
Pottering and systemd.  Comments are interesting as well.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Security Enhanced Linux Kernel? Eh? What's going on here? O.o!

2015-06-23 Thread taiji_tao

Well, all I can say to both of you is, wow!

As the old saying can take a horse to water but you can't make it  
drink...unless of course its cool-aid, and then its obvious when people drink  

Anyway, it was enjoyable, and perhaps others will read up on it, and learn as  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Security Enhanced Linux Kernel? Eh? What's going on here? O.o!

2015-06-23 Thread taiji_tao

Re: [Trisquel-users] Security Enhanced Linux Kernel? Eh? What's going on here? O.o!

2015-06-23 Thread taiji_tao

Oh, this just keeps getting funnier.

The partnership as a part of the settlement over patents and only patents  
(again why GPL is a great creation, it avoids this nonsense), anyway, also  
had SUSE create their system so it can operate within companies that are  
mainly Microsoft oriented (ie: most companies) and the SUSE OS (SLES) would  
be able to work with the other systems flawlessly.

But to say that SUSE or openSUSE is a Microsoft product is just laughable.   
Their OBS (open build service) is one of the largest repositories for free  
software in the world (Debian has more), however, Debian does not hold  
programs or build programs for other distros, openSUSE does.  You can build  
programs for Debian, Fedora, CentOS, Slackware...etc..., I would say that is  
a pretty darn good commitment to open source.

Again, the settlement was not between SUSE and Microsoft it was between  
Novell and Microsoft.  And yes, I do think they (Novell) copped out and caved  
in to the pressure, which RedHat did not, so cudos to them for that.   
openSUSE is community driven like Fedora, but even more open and autonomy  
then Fedora.

Agreed, this is not the place to discuss that distro. in any detail, but  
wanted to clarify your points.  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Security Enhanced Linux Kernel? Eh? What's going on here? O.o!

2015-06-23 Thread taiji_tao

LOL, where do you get your outdated info.

The Microsoft settlement is one of the oldest sticks and exaggerations one  
could throw.  It was a lawsuit settlement between Novell and Microsoft over  

NEWSBREAK  Novell no longer owns SUSE and they never owned openSUSE.   
Micro Focus International is the new owner of SUSE, and the first thing they  
did was give SUSE autonomy, in other words, SUSE can do their own thing make  
their own decisions and it is not based on Micro Focus.  Also, frees them up  
from the Novell settlement with Microsoft.  Microsoft never owned SUSE anyway  
that is funny.

Good try Magic, would expect better from you though. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Security Enhanced Linux Kernel? Eh? What's going on here? O.o!

2015-06-23 Thread taiji_tao
look down a little lower Magic...I forgot to reply directly to his post.  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Security Enhanced Linux Kernel? Eh? What's going on here? O.o!

2015-06-23 Thread taiji_tao

This is/was the Chairman of the Board
Interesting choice for a technology company, no.

They are mainly a gov. company now, most of their contracts are US gov.  
contracts.  Even USPS uses SUSE/openSUSE apparently out of privacy concerns  
for its customers.  International Stock exchanges, and many European and  
Asian companies and Governments use SUSE/openSUSE, because RedHat is seen as  
being "in bed with" the US Gov.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Security Enhanced Linux Kernel? Eh? What's going on here? O.o!

2015-06-23 Thread taiji_tao
It is very naive to think that "Malicious features simply do not thrive in  
libre software."

More difficult, perhaps, impossible, not by the least.  There are many  
vulnerabilities in any given software.  And yes, Libre, open source software  
can be created with the explicit intention to create holes (bugs).  An  
example is the prior OpenSSH debacle, this only affected systems that ran  
SELinux, if you did not have it installed or enabled then your system was  
fine.  Interesting that a system designed to make your OS more secure created  
a major hole that was wide open!

SELinux is what made OpenSSH insecure!  Similar concerns have been raised  
with systemd.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Security Enhanced Linux Kernel? Eh? What's going on here? O.o!

2015-06-23 Thread taiji_tao
For starters, the official SELinux handbook is hosted by and maintained by  
the NSA.  Also, not the above post in response to onpon, regarding the  
OpenSSH debacle being created by SELinux.

Systems that did not have it installed or enabled were fine.  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Could systemd be an inconvenient on portability?

2015-06-22 Thread taiji_tao
Thanks for reading it Tom.  So many people are quick to comment without  
checking the reference.

That is most certainly his blog, he references it in most of his forum and  
iirc posts.  Check the bottom also:
© Lennart Poettering. Built using Pelican. Theme by Giulio Fidente on  
github. .

Re: [Trisquel-users] Could systemd be an inconvenient on portability?

2015-06-22 Thread taiji_tao

Really onpon!

So you want people to believe that a post on Potterings own blog written by  
him, was not actually posted by him, and that he did not actually say it?  If  
that is not deluded than I am not sure what is.

In that post, he is laying out the foundation for how systemd will be its own  
OS and control all features of the OS from kernel to userland, including  
upgrades.  Read it, its write their in black and white, or what ever font  
choice you choose.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Could systemd be an inconvenient on portability?

2015-06-22 Thread taiji_tao
LOL, this has nothing to do with the prior post.  Read Potterings own words,  
since you like references so much.

Re: [Trisquel-users] New free user

2015-06-22 Thread taiji_tao

Welcome to the community!!!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Could systemd be an inconvenient on portability?

2015-06-22 Thread taiji_tao
For those that think systemd is just an elegant modern init system, consider  
this from Potterings own blog:

"We want a unified solution that ultimately can cover updates for full  
systems, OS containers, end user apps, programming ABIs, and more. These  
updates shall be double-buffered, (at least). This is an absolute necessity  
if we want to prepare the ground for operating systems that manage  
themselves, that can update safely without administrator involvement."

Pottering wants systemd to even take care of updating your entire system, so  
you the end user or administrator never have to!  Can you name one reason why  
an init system would do this, or even need to?  "Prepare the ground for  
operating systems to manage themselves..."  Really!  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Security Enhanced Linux Kernel? Eh? What's going on here? O.o!

2015-06-21 Thread taiji_tao

funny, for what part?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Security Enhanced Linux Kernel? Eh? What's going on here? O.o!

2015-06-21 Thread taiji_tao
SELinux and RedHats connections to the US gov./spy agencies is the main  
reason why SUSE/openSUSE created AppArmor, (Immunix actually).  You also have  
Tomoyo as another alternative and grsec-kernel if you really want security.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Could systemd be an inconvenient on portability?

2015-06-21 Thread taiji_tao

One more from Pat (Slackware founder)
Slackware Maintainer

"Well, the problem with using shell scripts in the boot process is that it  
goes through a lot of PIDs, and it would be "less ugly" to arrive at a usable  
machine state with a PID in the hundreds, or lower. If everything has to  
break in order to achieve that, it seems like a good trade. Eventually all  
the broken stuff will be fixed, right?

I think that's the basic rationale. And maybe shave a few more seconds off  
boot time, but who boots much (or cares)? My servers and desktops remain on,  
and my laptops are usually on, suspended, or hibernated. I would prefer a  
reliable and well-understood boot system like the one we have.

My primary concern is that the systemd cabal is going to be pushing it as a  
dependency wherever possible, but we'll deal with that if it happens. But if  
any major distributions do actually release using systemd, the world will be  
stuck with it forever. If that's the case, I hope it turns out to be a good  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Could systemd be an inconvenient on portability?

2015-06-21 Thread taiji_tao
ok last one from this bunch for now (anyway), but I think this is all very  
educational for many:

(Alien Bob
Slackware Contributor)

"I would not consider systemd for this reason only: it is being written  
specifically to work only on the Linux platform.
I am very much an advocate of cross-platform development, UNIX is bigger than  
Linux alone. Systemd is expected to be used by "userland" programs like KDE  
and Gnome. However these are also used on BSD, Solaris, HP UNIX etcetera. It  
is as if Poettering expects that the userland programmers (KDE/Gnome and  
other desktop environments) and distributors of UNIXes should deal with the  
incompatibilities and patch their code to make it work on non-Linux OS-es  
where systemd will be unavailable.
Code that shows this amount of contempt for anything that is not Linux,  
should be buried without ceremony.

Poettering also said his code is "more efficient" because he does not stick  
to POSIX compliant programming. The programming shortcuts he takes are  
I think "more efficient" and "cross-platform" should not be mutually  
exclusive. Taking shortcuts to make your program do fancy stuff is an  
immature coding style and better suited for the demo scene. You can optimize  
code and still keep it cross-platform, there is a lot of software that proves  
this - look at the multimedia applications that use platform-specific  
assembler code to squeeze all the available performance out of a computer.  
Still those applications compile cleanly and can be used on Linux, UNIX, and  
on several hardware platforms. It takes effort to make software portable and  
you have to be willing to spend that time - you do it for the users of your  
Poettering defends his systemd with vigor, but his comments reflect his  
contempt for any other way of thinking. One of his typical statements is that  
all his critics are "amazingly badly informed". You can not go into a  
dialogue with the guy, he just won't listen to your arguments.

So, what are the advantages of systemd? Using "error-prone shell code"  
instead of systemd is bullshit - it's not as if we have to write new init  
scripts every week. Replaces consolekit? Poettering and Zeuthen are two  
Redhat employees who infest computers with half-assed software that they  
deprecate faster than distros can adopt it. Does it make your computer boot  
faster? Well wow... how many seconds of productive time do you gain per day?.

It is not worth the hassle.


Re: [Trisquel-users] Could systemd be an inconvenient on portability?

2015-06-21 Thread taiji_tao


"From that video he seems to be thinking his software can directly mimic the  
speed, user-friendliness, zero-administration, and core functionality of  
Windows upon the Linux kernel.

Sorry, but Linux and Windows are two different operating systems and systemd  
isn't about free choice and freedom of administration of the system. It's  
about controlled automation and a lack of core principles of system security.

I'm beginning to think we'd be better off gathering up some independent  
developers, or developers from other Linux systems, grabbing the hal, udisks,  
upower, and udev sources we still have and redeveloping a cross-platform INIT  
system that can be not only invisible to the system, but completely modular  
with full control of the system if so desired, works on BSD, Linux, and  
various other UNIX and UNIX-like operating system kernels and distributions,  
before Red Hat and Lennart completely destroy Linux and the various OS  
distributions that use it, and turn it into something it's not and set back  
Linux yet again as a viable OS alternative to Windows."

Re: [Trisquel-users] Could systemd be an inconvenient on portability?

2015-06-21 Thread taiji_tao
I could go on, but it makes for a great read to follow the above link...there  
are many other links if you are interested in seeing both sides of the  
discussion and not just the pro systemd side.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Could systemd be an inconvenient on portability?

2015-06-21 Thread taiji_tao
Pat in response to someone saying that systemd was fine because it made  
things simpler and easier:

"Not even close.

"This is the Unix philosophy: Write programs that do one thing and do it  
well. Write programs to work together. Write programs to handle text streams,  
because that is a universal interface." -- Doug McIlroy, the inventor of Unix  
pipes and one of the founders of the Unix tradition"

Re: [Trisquel-users] Could systemd be an inconvenient on portability?

2015-06-21 Thread taiji_tao

In case you do not look it up here are a few snippets:
 (Alien Bob Slackware Contributor):
"Some things will probably be forced upon Slackware - PAM has been on the  
"carefully circumventing but you never know" list for a long time. PAM is not  
bad to have at all, but it is personal opinion of the Slackware boss which  
keeps it at bay. That is an architectural decision which we can live with as  
a team and as Slackware users.
But systemd is essentially evil. It is invasive, extremely hostile to other  
environments, threatening to kill non-Linux ecosystems which have hal, udev,  
dbus, consolekit, polkit, udisks, upower and friends as dependencies. And  
every iteration of the software written by the Redhat employees who are  
responsible for hal, udev, consiolekit, polkit and now systemd are  
incompatible with previous releases, re-implementing their bad ideas with new  
bad ideas... basically proving that these Redhat employees must be declared  
unfit to work on the core of a Linux distro.

However, the influence of their employer is so big that these products are  
forced upon the wider UNIX community and at some point it will be "assimilate  
or die". I hope we (Slackware) will find a way where we do not have to  
assimilate but still manage to keep the distro working. I have high hopes for  
KDE which has no Redhat ties and so far, manages to stay clear of this mess,  
sticking to widely accepted standards.

An example of impending doom: udev sources for recent releases are no longer  
in existence. They are now part of systemd source tarballs. And udisks? That  
has been deprecated in favour of the new "udisks2". Read and weep.


Re: [Trisquel-users] Could systemd be an inconvenient on portability?

2015-06-21 Thread taiji_tao


"I think that systemd is only a problem that appears along with GNOME. As  
Slackware has never included GNOME, I think it is safe for now. The  
increasing number of applications that require it are likely GNOME-only apps,  
which I have seen many of, and avoid instantly. If you don't know why I avoid  
them, try to install one, the dependencies are endless and hard to build in  
order and if you forget to compile something into one of the dependencies you  
have to go back and do it again."

Re: [Trisquel-users] Could systemd be an inconvenient on portability?

2015-06-21 Thread taiji_tao

Note to Rueben, people should not be able to +1 their own posts.

Magic.  You are correct about when they dropped Gnome, however, you obviously  
cannot tell the difference between Patrick (public voice/P.C.) and how he  
feels about certain things in GNU/Linux.  That is obvious.

Here is a link to several of the Slackware dev's and users discussing  
systemd, pay close attention to Pat's and AlienBob both developers for along  
time...and keep in mind that Slackware is the oldest distro, and has the  
street cred's to back up what they say.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Could systemd be an inconvenient on portability?

2015-06-21 Thread taiji_tao
That's exactly what it was danieru.  An ultimatum not just for Gentoo but for  
anyone not on board with systemd. Nice post by the way.

Pottering's attitude is what has many dev.'s question the intention of his  
project, and the overall scope of his plans.  Never seen anything like it  
before, at least not on this scale and level.

Gentoo will continue to develop OpenRC and give its users the choice during  
install whether they want systemd or openRC or a combination of the two.

Slackware, Crux, BSD's and others are against systemd, and have no plans to  
implement it.  Slackware has gone so far as to drop any support for Gnome and  
its programs as a result of its stance against systemd and RedHat influence  
in general.  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Could systemd be an inconvenient on portability?

2015-06-20 Thread taiji_tao

X, or Wayland are not the same as an init service.

systemd is doing things an init service should not do.  Agree that SysV  
needed to be fixed, but why not fix it, why not replace it with a more modern  
but simple service, why a complex service that continues to grow and consume  
(merge) more and more services?

Again, you use the term "argument", who is arguing, this is a discussion, and  
yes arguing in a discussion is not civil.

Would you accept it if SELinux were a hard dependency or requirement of  
sysytemd for security purposes?  Not saying this will happen, but would you  
be ok if it was?  Who determines the limit of what systemd can and cannot do?

These are the questions that should be asked by kernel coders, programmers,  
and the general GNU/Linux user or student, as it affects the future direction  
of GNU/Linux.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Could systemd be an inconvenient on portability?

2015-06-20 Thread taiji_tao
If you cannot have an intelligent discussion and debate with decorum, then  
you only continue to show the folly that is the future of systemd.

GNU/Linux began with debate/discussion when did that end?

You might enjoy this thread:

Are you not concerned with errors crashing the entire system, rather than one  
component which would have happened with a script based init?  Also, how do  
you feel about systemd running processes that you cannot see, or binary logs  
and the inherent security concerns they pose?

Are we here to discuss this intelligently or only squabble about who is right  
or wrong?  If the later, this long time opensource advocate is not  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Could systemd be an inconvenient on portability?

2015-06-20 Thread taiji_tao

the hyperbole is thick with some.

systemd is as much a practical concern as it is a philosophical concern.  It  
violates the Unix and GNU/Linux principles.  Keep in mind that GNU/Linux was  
designed to "not be Unix, but Unix like", it was not designed to be a free  
and opensource version of Windows or Apple for example.  systemd also has the  
problem of taking GNU/Linux closer towards being more Windowish.  As an  
example, one great feature of Unix and GNU has been the low risk of malware  
and viruses, and if someone does happen upon one, the damage is minimized,  
due to structure of the system.  systemd, however, also introduces some virus  
problems (potential anyway), the autoreloading feature, can cause a malware  
program to continue to reboot/reload creating an endless loop.  This was  
addressed by Linus to Pottering, whose reply was something along the lines of  
who cares, we will fix that in the future.  Besides the benefits outweigh the  

I am not addressing conspiracies, just practical concerns.  SysV was never  
made a requirement, nor OpenRC, nor BSD style scripts etc..., yet systemd is,  
that should raise questions.  If something is great, then why not let people  
and distros, choose to either use it or not.

Onpon, don't be ridiculous, it is the 30+ year developers who are the most  
concerned with systemd, the ones jumping on the bandwagon tend to be the  
under 30 year old group, who were in diapers when the old timers created the  
foundation of the systems that we all enjoy.  Good question, why are the  
older programmers not liking systemd, why are their concerns considered  
conspiratorial and not taken into consideration?

Again, perhaps, more questions should be raised and perhaps, systemd should  
slowly be analysed and introduced rather than pushed on the community.  If it  
is great for RedHat, why not let them keep it like SELinux?  If they want to  
make it a requirement for themselves, have at it...

It is a good thing that Trisquel is LTS perhaps over the next few years  
another alternative will come up, or perhaps systemd will be reigned in and  
return to just being a more modern init system.

It is laughable, that the original idea behind systemd, was to make it easier  
for junior coders and administrators to not have to remember different  
scripts or to even learn scripting in the first place, just tell them to type  
systemctl start... systemctl enable

That alone says alot.  Why onpon and Magic Banana cannot discuss this civilly  
is beyond me.  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Could systemd be an inconvenient on portability?

2015-06-19 Thread taiji_tao


One major program is Gnome DE, it requires systemd as a hard dependency.  
Again, not heresay, it is stated in several places by Pottering and Kay,  
mainly on their own blogs and various iirc's.

The question people should ask, is not is systemd good or bad, but why are  
Pottering and crew making it a "requirement" or hard dependency for so many  
programs, and the list keeps growing!

As an example, systemd started out as, and was promoted as a modern init  
...however, look at the current list (39 programs):

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel Linux Libre and Debian Linux

2015-06-19 Thread taiji_tao
Agreed, if you want to run Debian no real reason for the linux libre kernel,  
unless you want a newer feature of that kernel.  Just do not use the non-free  
and contrib repos.

Cannot recommend Devuan yet, as it is still loosely organized.  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Could systemd be an inconvenient on portability?

2015-06-19 Thread taiji_tao


Is systemd portable: no!

Is it an obstacle to development: yes and no.
Yes, if you want create programs that do not depend on it or can be used on  
BSD etc..., no if you only want to write systemd/Linux programs.

Pottering does not care about BSD, he does not care about the Linux kernel  
team, and he stated many times that he does not care if systemd breaks other  
OS's, or DE's outside of Gnome.  The goal of the systemd team is to create a  
complete OS from the kernel up to the DE.  Again stated by Pottering and Kay  

systemd as only an init system, no problem, but systemd as an uncontollable  
monolithic program will cause many problems.

Pottering and Kay do not care about Unix or POSIX.  With systemd, GNU/Linux  
is no longer POSIX compliant.

Nice thread by the way.  :)  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Could Trisquel 8 switch to MATE?

2015-06-18 Thread taiji_tao
LOL, I think it would be interesting as well.  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Could Trisquel 8 switch to MATE?

2015-06-17 Thread taiji_tao

Magic Banana,

no reason to resort to this level of communication.  I did not mock you, nor  
make fun of you...

Merely stating, facts about systemd, how that led you to conspiracy theories  
and big foot is beyond me.

Regarding Linus, he said "that he does not have have a problem with systemd  
as an init systemd".  He does have a problem with binary logging, systemd  
hiding many of its processes, and the monolithic nature of the software  
suite, which is no longer just concerned about being a modern init system

He has also mentioned in interviews and workshops, that he does not care for  
or support any one distro.  His only concern is the kernel and he uses Fedora  
because it is what he always used, and he does not like to change or  
constantly maintain systems etc...  He hardly ever uses GUI anyway, and works  
mainly from TTY and CLI.  So the distro. does not really matter much to him.

Personally, I and many other long time Unix and GNU/Linux users think that  
systemd was rushed, has grown very large in a short period of time.  The  
process should have been much slower, let some of the bugs work themselves  
out, and it should have remained a "modern" init system, of which many people  
have no complaint. another person said, the OP was asking about MATE DE so...perhaps  
this will need to become a separate post/discussion.

I did not mean to offend you!  :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Gnewsense and Blag

2015-06-17 Thread taiji_tao
Those are not the only lines of communication for the devel team.  LOL.
Alot of the development communication is via those channels plus, email,  
iirc, conference calls etc...

Also, you may find it interesting that Fedora is planning on having LTS  
versions as well, which means Blag, would also be LTS.

One of the things they are dealing with is removing some of the questionable  
software/programs that RedHat/Fedora SELinux and others.

Considering it is a new team and the nature of the beast (Fedora short  
release cycle), I do not think you can compare it to Trisquel yet... Just  
like you cannot compare Parabola to Trisquel, completely different.  If  
Fedora and they go LTS then perhaps it can compare.

Libre distros. in particular need to support one another, not find reasons to  
trash each other.  Blag will find a niche just like Trisquel has, will be  
most interesting if they go LTS.  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Gnewsense and Blag

2015-06-17 Thread taiji_tao

Again read the above post.  Perhaps do a little research before posting.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Gnewsense and Blag

2015-06-17 Thread taiji_tao

Wow onpon, that is harsh.

Blag is still under active development.  20k is out and they are working on  
21k.  There is a new team and a new maintainer.  Forums are up, however, most  
of their development and communication is via mailing lists.  links for info.  

Blag users list:

Blag devel:

They are even working on a unified Libre Forum for Blag, Parabola, gNewSense  
and others.  Trisquels forum is quite active so they did not see a reason to  
have this Forum join the new one.

So I would say that is still actively developed!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Could Trisquel 8 switch to MATE?

2015-06-17 Thread taiji_tao
onpon...not true, they are completely against it.  What they are doing is  
making their version which would be limited to an init system and not the  
entire monolithic software suite that is the ever growing mess of systemd.

BSD will never go for systemd as it violates POSIX, which the BSD's (and  
prior to systemd GNU/Linux did as well), adhere to.

You might enjoy these threads whether you or for or against it:

Interesting to note that you can make Parabola systemd free as well by  
following the tips from the above link.

Debate is good, and debate is the one thing RedHat and Pottering did not  
allow.  But then again this is what happens when people right out of college  
think they know better than people with 30+ years of Unix/GNU/Linux  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Could Trisquel 8 switch to MATE?

2015-06-17 Thread taiji_tao
Oh Magic Banana...The research is all on the internet from people working on  
the projects.

Fact, Linus has blocked Kay from submitting any/all code for the kernel until  
further notice.

Fact, soon systemd will default to gummbiboot as the loader, it has already  
merged with it.  When Lennart and Kay were caught trying to make it require  
gummi, they changed it to default but not required.

Fact, Pottering has stated on his own blog and various mailing lists that he  
detests Linus and the entire kernel team and has mentioned that systemd could  
use its own RedHat kernel.

Fact, Pottering has stated that he does not care if systemd breaks other  
distros, or breaks other desktop environments, he only cares that it works  
with Gnome and the programs they view as being key for further development.

Gentoo, Slackware and Crux are continuing to pursue non-systemd development,  
for how long only time will tell.  Manjaro is also offering Gentoo's OpenRC  
with mixed results.
the BSD's are even helping them, informally, as they are of course  
antisystemd, since any programs hardwired to systemd will break or not be  
included in the BSD repos/ports.

So yes, their end goal as stated by Pottering is to have a complete CoreOS,  
that includes everything from the kernel (Linus' or not) up to the DE  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Could Trisquel 8 switch to MATE?

2015-06-16 Thread taiji_tao

Magic Banana, you can say that again.

According to Pottering and Kay Sievers (systemd developers), their end game  
is to have systemd be a complete OS.  Even Linus had to block all code  
contributions from Kay because they were trying to hardwire the kernel to  
require systemd.  You can search the net for all of this.  Latest news, is  
they are working on systemd also becoming a bootloader (Gummiboot), to make  
the system more secure of course..  Again, search it.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is Belenos Moving to SystemD?

2015-06-02 Thread taiji_tao
I would imagine that Trisquel would have to switch since Ubuntu is switching  
thanks to Debian caving in to RedHat.

Unless Trisquel switches to Devuan (if they ever come together), or to  
another distro that is not systemd, perhaps a libre slackware for  
examplethen they are tied to the fate of Ubuntu and Canonical.  

Re: [Trisquel-users] what repositories in debian 8 are free software?

2015-05-25 Thread taiji_tao
If the goals is FSF libre, then only use main.  As onpon pointed out contrib  
contains a mixture of free and non-free.  Virtualbox is an example, it is  
free, but uses a non-free installer.  You could use 4.1 or older and have a  
libre version as well.

You could also, review the license of each program before installing,  
however, this can be tricky as some programs are free, but the documentation  
might not be...

[Trisquel-users] Nice Trisquel style theme for icewm

2015-05-17 Thread taiji_tao
Found this on box-look, of course it is not the same, but it is one of the  
nicest themes I have seen for good ol icewm!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Microsoft was the biggest presence at a recent Linux conference in Washington. Your thoughts?

2015-05-17 Thread taiji_tao

Just a little update on systemd, since it played a role in this post...

Devuan (Debian fork) is expecting a systemd free version of Jessie to be  
released sometime this summer...

antiX (based on Debian), is currently working on a systemd free version of  
Jessie.  Uses nonfree, however, they provide instructions on how to  
remove/purge the programs and block them so the system is "free/libre"...

Manjaro (based on Arch) offers a version with openRC instead of systemd.

Slackware has no plans on adding systemd, Gentoo gives the user the option of  
using it or notFreeBSD no systemd..

gNewSense not systemd...for now...

Re: [Trisquel-users] Microsoft was the biggest presence at a recent Linux conference in Washington. Your thoughts?

2015-04-27 Thread taiji_tao

Interesting comparison, but not the same thing.

Systemd complaints are not based on a language or X Window System functions.   
It was/is based on the principle that Unix and GNU/Linux programs are  
supposed to be designed to do one thing and do that one thing well.

Systemd is a program that literally runs the entire system, more Microsoft in  
nature than Unix or GNU/Linux.  That is why the old developers are still  
upset and the newer ones are not, because they do not understand the  
underlying fundamental change that occurred, and yes that change came down  
from RedHat.  Even some Debian dev.'s are considering a systemd free fork  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Microsoft was the biggest presence at a recent Linux conference in Washington. Your thoughts?

2015-04-27 Thread taiji_tao

Hey Magic,

One is how quickly programs were tightly integrated into systemd, according  
to some developers the integration was required.  In other words, many  
programs are so tightly integrated with systemd that if you remove systemd  
those new programs will no longer work.  I would qualify that as forcing it  
on the community.

Same with SELinux...Even though SELinux is not enabled by default on Debian  
and its derivatives, it still includes some of the libraries etc...  Why even  
do that, most likely because RedHat is going to force a fork in the road for  
GNU/Linux, those that use SELinux and those that do not.  And Debian seems to  
be moving slowly, their method, towards SELinux.

RedHat has a much larger influence on the larger community than alot of  
people are comfortable with or willing to admit.

Again, not saying that systemd is bad or that SELinux is terrible, just  
stating that they were not community decisions.

This would probably be a seperate post though.  :)  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Microsoft was the biggest presence at a recent Linux conference in Washington. Your thoughts?

2015-04-27 Thread taiji_tao
It is part of their plan and Microsoft is not alone.  Microsoft, Google and  
Apple all use the opensource community for their ideas, they take, take and  
take more, then contribute little to nothing back.  Google contributes some  

The end game for all three is for the opensource world to go back to being  
only for the domain of hackers, fine with that actually.

Look at what Microsoft did several years ago with Novell/SUSE, they still  
control that company and by extension openSUSE as well.

Even RedHat cannot be fully trusted as they are beginning to dictate to the  
opensource community of how things should be, ie systemd, gnome3, SELinux  
etc...  Whether you like systemd or gnome3, you cannot deny they were forced  
on the larger community by RedHat.

This is one more reason why truly free distros need to be supported, and yes,  
I do include Debian in this category.  Their 20+ year stance cannot be argued  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is anyone here from China?

2015-04-23 Thread taiji_tao
Scratching my head on this one...wondering why it seems this forum is getting  
so many strange posts and requests as of late!

Or am I the only one that finds it strange.  

Re: [Trisquel-users] If I install CentOS 6......

2015-04-12 Thread taiji_tao

Here you go Mangy

Start with the Evo/Lution Arch installer, it uses a very easy Installer to  
give you Vanilla Arch with Arch repos.  You choose your DE, DM, etc...  Pay  
attention to your mount points and read each step carefully, it is a breeze  
once you do that.  You may want to run it once through a VM for practice.

Then go to Parabola's site and follow the instructions on converting an Arch  
install to Parabola.  You run a few scripts and switch the repo's to point to  
Parabolas and BAM, you have a GNU/Linux Libre OS that is bleeding edge and  
contrary to popular belief fairly stable.  Not server stable but stable  

Re: [Trisquel-users] How Does linux work? is it fair to all women?

2015-04-08 Thread taiji_tao
Now it makes sense...Ruben really should implement a spam button along with  
the -/+.  

Re: [Trisquel-users] How Does linux work? is it fair to all women?

2015-04-07 Thread taiji_tao

Does this not seem a little "trollish" to anyone?

Re: [Trisquel-users] If I install CentOS 6......

2015-04-07 Thread taiji_tao
No for Freedora, however, "rmmmusical's" reply seems very interesting and  
should work with little trouble.  

Re: [Trisquel-users] If I install CentOS 6......

2015-04-06 Thread taiji_tao
PSS: completely unrelated, but there is a great way to install Parabola via  
an Arch specific GUI installer if anyone is interested I could post it.  

Re: [Trisquel-users] If I install CentOS 6......

2015-04-06 Thread taiji_tao

Hi David,

You could try Freedora, however, I suspect it may break some programs as  
CentOS is, contrary to popular opinion, different from RHEL and Fedora.   
There are quite a few additional programs and scripts they add into the OS  
that RHEL and Fedora do not include.

It could be possible to remove the added programs from these CentOS specific  
repos.: (under section 14 of Q&A)

Also, there are quite a few changes going on over there, they are in the  
process of being taken under the wing, so to speak, of RH, and over the next  
year they will launch a "new" CentOs with changes from this "merger".  You  
may find these links useful.

It will be interesting to see how much it can remain a "community" program  
now that RH has direct influence over its Board of Directors.

PS: Most of the people involved with Blag are running Fedora 21 or 22 with  
Freedora.  Which is basically Blag anyway.  They are working on removing  
SELinux and other items from the next Blag as well.  

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