[Ugnet] Fw: UNAA Convention Boat Sinks - Amidst Double Dealing and Greed (Who is fooling who?)

2006-08-17 Thread Edward Mulindwa

From: Rose Tumusiime 

To: Sara Serubula ; [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Cc: abbas ; Abu Senkayi ; am ; Andrew 
Muwonge ; ang ; 
Mugisha ; annette ; anyo ; Christine Nabukeera ; PATRICK AYOTA ; Prince Abdul 
Kimbugwe ; RICHARD 
KABONERO ; bakojja ; Ben Ziraba Nyende ; Bill M ; buhanga ; Jonathan 
Chadiha ; DR. 
SARA SERUBULA ; EDWARD MULINDWA ; Edith Ssempala ; Edriss Kironde ; J Nyange ; lule ; semambya ; Mitee Kituo ; Fred 
Kalema-Musoke ; Lugemwa FN ; gaburungyi ; Hakim Sendagire ; Hanifa Nakayiwa 
; henrietta ; 
Ssemakula ; James Serumaga ; Johnson 
Mujungu ; Joseph Senyonjo ; juliet ; 
Rev. Joseph Kamugisha ; kavuma ; 
Kaye Martin ; 
Ntege ; kitaka ; kiweewa ; Kyeyune Kyeyune ; Michael Kaluya ; liz ; lwanga ; nsereko ; Sandy L ; Ssali Luwemba ; 
v ; musisi ; namis ; UNAA NET 
; opoko ; 
Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2006 9:10 PM
Subject: Re: UNAA Convention Boat Sinks - Amidst Double Dealing and 
Greed (Who is fooling who?)

Shocking News
Fellow Ugandans I want you to hear the shocking news about the coming 
convention in New York. The voices 
in Uganda have 
made us learn that Mr. Wanda and his team in 
Uganda have 
turned the convention into a scam machine. Ugandans are registering for the 
membership fee 50,000.00 Ugandan shillings a person. That is about $ 30.00 with 
my limited knowledge about the constitution of UNAA I want some clarification 
about this membership fee being charged. 
NRM State Minister, and State House official, working in 
conjunction with the Wanda and the NRMO leadership in New York are 
charging Ugandan citizens $ 100.00 a head as retainer fee. Mr. Wanda is 
collecting $ 600.00 for accommodation that could as well be the problem why we 
can not find rooms at the hotel because Mr. Wanda has the rooms for a scam. We 
all know that no one can guarantee American visas to any Ugandan. 
Desperate Ugandans who want to come to the 
US are paying 
money hoping that these crooks will get visas for them. If most people do not 
get their visas will Wanda be ready to reimburse people’s money? There is a 
catch that some people can’t see, the parent body of the convention is UNAA, and 
if Mr. Wanda’s customers decide to sue the scamist, UNAA can not distance itself 
from financial liabilities of the ripped off people.
My understanding was that Thalma Byenkya was responsible for the 
invitation, then why do we have the Wanda mafia group sending invitations and 
collecting money. Something smells funny, but before this is all over it will be 
a UNAA issue. I would like to caution UNAA not to be blindly led into what could 
end up with legal wrangling. 
Hotel policy is clear if people are not able to show up they have 24 
hours not to be charged for no show. Those who will not receive their visas will 
be entitled to their refunds, including $ 160.00 for their registration fee. The 
question is who will be responsible for their retainer 
money under false pretense is a crime and these are tough times in the 
We do not want to put UNAA in a position where the 
government starts to questions the objectives of people raising funds under the 
auspices of our organization. A quick attention will save the 
organization's reputation and the victims of Mr. Wanda and his 
the way: Madam Sara Gayaza Serubula, the answer to your question below is Ed 
tuned I will bring all the names of the officials involved in the scam in the 
next writing.  

Rose TumusiimeSara Serubula <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

  Before I hit the Del 
  is spying on Ugandans 
  Rose Tumusiime <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Ugandan brothers and sister do not be shocked, 
by the temporary legal maneuvers, by the usual character Mr. Edward Wanda. 
In this country we have no BLACK MAMBAS the system works, the laws that take 
people to jail are the same laws that takes them out. Mr. Wanda acting on 
behalf of the organization without the membership’s consent may cause some 
problems for him to prevail all the way through. 
My two cents worthy is; right away file an 
injunction to stop the boat company from dealing with either side before 
there is a response from the appeal. In the appeal make sure that all the 
facts are presented including the concept a free market. We are not in 
monopoly market. We are entitled to compete we should not be held hostage by 
Wanda because he failed to advertise his boat. This issue is about 
competition, a concept embraced by the American way of life.
Last part is to let everyone know that there 
is no need for panic. Wanda can not be trusted with our money. Soon there 
are legal fights coming over money with all those they are scamming in 
Uganda. The fight is going to be 
nasty, it is better to start it now, before it is too late. I know that the 

[Ugnet] Ssemuvubi

2006-08-17 Thread musamize
  Fishermen survive months at sea eating birds By Gunther HammThu Aug 17, 10:26 AM ET Three Mexican fishermen have been rescued after drifting for about nine months across thousands of miles of the Pacific Ocean in a small boat, an ordeal they survived by eating raw birds and fish and drinking rain water.  The shark fishermen said on Wednesday they left their home town of San Blas on Mexico's Pacific
 coast in November and were blown 5,000 miles off course after their 25-foot (8-meter) fiberglass boat ran out of gas and they were left to the mercy of the winds and the tides.  Their families had given them up for dead, but they found a way to survive in what appeared to be one of the most impressive feats of endurance on the high seas.  "We ate raw fish, ducks, sea gulls. We took down any bird that landed on our boat and we ate it like that, raw," Jesus Vidana, one of the three survivors, said in a Mexican radio interview from the ship that rescued them.  The news stunned friends and relatives.  "It's truly a miracle. Everyone is very happy," said Jose Guadalupe Guerra, a town hall official in San Blas.  "Everyone found out from the television. A cousin of one of them fainted from the shock. His grandfather also got very emotional -- they'd written them off as dead," he said.  The odyssey finally ended
 when Vidana and the other two men, identified as Salvador Ordonez and Lucio Rendon, were rescued a week ago by a Taiwanese tuna fishing trawler in waters between the Marshall Islands and Kiribati.  "They were very skinny and very hungry," Eugene Muller, manager of the fishing firm that found them, said on Wednesday.  NEVER GAVE UP  The three men were sunburned but otherwise in good health. Vidana said they always believed they would be found.  "We never lost hope because we were always seeing boats. They passed us by, but we kept on seeing them. Every week or so, sometimes we'd go a month without seeing one, but we always saw them so we never lost hope," he said.  They were lucky to be picked up in the end because they were fast asleep and only noticed the rescue boat was coming for them when they heard its engine.  Details of the extraordinary journey were sketchy. First reports said they were lost for
 three months but relatives confirmed Vidana's version that they left nine months ago.  "I lived so sad. ... Now that I know my grandson is alive, I am very happy. I just want him to come home soon," Rendon's grandmother, Francisca Perez, told the Televisa news station.  "There are no words to express it. The emotion here is very strong because we thought they were dead," said Efrain Partida, a fellow fisherman in San Blas, which was once a Spanish port and is known for its bird life, tropical jungle and voracious mosquitoes and sand flies.  Mexico is sending an official to meet the survivors in the Marshall Islands and help bring them home when the trawler that picked them up returns to port in a couple of weeks.  San Blas is home to thousands of fishermen and many have battered old boats without radios or life-saving gear, Guerra said. "The fishermen here are very rudimentary. Most don't comply with navigation rules and the
 authorities don't demand it either."   Among other recorded cases of people surviving long periods stranded at sea, in 1942 a Chinese sailor named Poon Lim survived four months alone in the South Atlantic after a German U-boat torpedoed the British merchant ship he was working on.   In 1789, British Vice Adm. William Bligh was set adrift after the famous mutiny on "The Bounty," a merchant ship he commanded. He and 18 loyal crew members then made an impressive six-week journey to safety in Timor.   (Additional reporting by Paul Tait in Sydney and Catherine Bremer in Mexico City) 
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[Ugnet] Pepsi Exec Likens America to Middle Finger

2006-08-17 Thread Semei Zake
On May 15, 2005, Indra Nooyi, Indian Woman, to be PepsiCo's   New Chief Excutive Officer (CEO) gave the following speech to the graduating class of Columbia University Business School. Some in attendance viewed her comments, which compared America's position in the global marketplace to a middle finger, as insulting and unpatriotic. When she gave this commencement speech she was Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of PepsiCo's.     Good evening, everyone.   ...This evening, graduates, I want to share a few thoughts about a topic that should be near and dear to your hearts: the
 world of global business. But I am going to present this topic in a way that you probably haven’t considered before. I’m going to take a look at how the United States is often perceived in global business, what causes this perception, and what we can do about it. To help me, I’m going to make use of a model.   To begin, I’d like you to consider your hand. That’s right: your hand.   Other than the fact that mine desperately needs a manicure, it’s a pretty typical hand. But, what I want you to notice, in particular, is that the five fingers are not the same. One is short and thick, one tiny, and the other three are different as well. And yet, as in perhaps no other part of our bodies, the fingers work in harmony without us even thinking about them individually. Whether we attempt to grasp a dime on a slick, marble surface, a child’s arm as we cross the street, or a financial report, we don’t consciously say, “OK, move these fingers
 here, raise this one, turn this one under, now clamp together. Got it!” We just think about what we want to do and it happens. Our fingers — as different as they are — coexist to create a critically important whole.   This unique way of looking at my hand was just one result of hot summer evenings in my childhood home in Madras, India. My mother, sister, and I would sit at our kitchen table and — for lack of a better phrase — think big thoughts. One of those thoughts was this difference in our fingers and how, despite their differences, they worked together to create a wonderful tool.   As I grew up and started to study geography, I remember being told that the five fingers can be thought of as the five major continents: Europe, Asia, Africa, and North and South America. Now, let me issue a profound apology to both Australia and Antarctica. I bear neither of these continents any ill will. It’s just that we humans have only five
 fingers on each hand, so my analogy doesn’t work with seven continents.   Clearly, the point of my story is more important that geographical accuracy!   First, let’s consider our little finger. Think of this finger as Africa. Africa is the little finger not because of Africa’s size, but because of its place on the world’s stage. From an economic standpoint, Africa has yet to catch up with her sister continents. And yet, when our little finger hurts, it affects the whole hand.   Our thumb is Asia: strong, powerful, and ready to assert herself as a major player on the world’s economic stage.   Our index, or pointer finger, is Europe. Europe is the cradle of democracy and pointed the way for western civilization and the laws we use in conducting global business.   The ring finger is South America, including Latin America. Is this appropriate, or what? The ring finger symbolises
 love and commitment to another person. Both Latin and South America are hot, passionate, and filled with the sensuous beats of the mambo, samba, and tango: three dances that — if done right — can almost guarantee you and your partner will be buying furniture together.   This analogy of the five fingers as the five major continents leaves the long, middle finger for North America, and, in particular, the United States. As the longest of the fingers, it really stands out. The middle finger anchors every function that the hand performs and is the key to all of the fingers working together efficiently and effectively. This is a really good thing, and has given the US a leg up in global business since the end of World War I.   However, if used inappropriately — just like the US itself — the middle finger can convey a negative message and get us in trouble. You know what I’m talking about. In fact, I suspect you’re hoping that I’ll
 demonstrate what I mean. And trust me, I am not looking for volunteers to model.   Discretion being the better part of valour...I think I’ll pass.   What is most crucial to my analogy of the five fingers as the five major continents, is that each of us in the US — the long middle finger — must be careful that when we extend our arm in either a business or political sense, we take pains to assure we are giving a hand...not the finger. Sometimes this is very difficult. Because the U.S. — the middle finger — sticks out so much, we can send the wrong message unintentionally.   Unfortunately, I think this is how the rest of the world looks at the U.S. right now. Not as part of the hand — giving str

[Ugnet] GULU camps !! under Museveni's Uganda supported by the Brits

2006-08-17 Thread Matek Opoko
  IDP Camp, Gulu To take full advantage of Flickr, you should use a _javascript_-enabled browser andinstall the latest version of the Macromedia Flash Player.    
    Would you like to comment?  Sign up for a free account, or sign in (if you're already a member). 
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[Ugnet] The LRA has warned that Uganda's refusal to match its unilateral truce, its insistence

2006-08-17 Thread Matek Opoko
The LRA has warned that Uganda's refusal to match its unilateral truce, its insistence that the rebels disarm and surrender, as well as its death threats to top commanders, were stymieing the talks.  "In order for the Juba negotiations to be meaningful     It apparently clear that the regime in kampala is not interested in the so called peace talks. Otherwise the regime would not be glooting over the said death of "rebel commanders" at the and of Governemnt troops. That sated , Kony should ended to war to other parts of Uganda..iin particluar to Nakabirwa village. It would be interesting to observe Nakabirawa 's people also interned in camps  to "protect them form Kony".. why must only the people of Northern and Eastern Uganda suffer as a result of the 20 year all war.. Kony if you are listening send this your Guerilla warfare  to Mbarara, Bushenyi and ruth Nakabirwa area in Kyadondo. let them also test what war is
 like!!!     MK 
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% UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM http://www.infocom.co.ug/

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[Ugnet] National Resistance Movement’s Obshchin a, Mir!

2006-08-17 Thread d b

To Professor Kiwanuka Ssemakula
  Prof. Kiddu Makubuya
  Dr. Kibirige Ssebunya
  P.M. Professor Apollo Nsibambi
  V.P. Professor Balibaseka Bukyenya
  Major Kinobe James 
 Katikiro Daniel Mulika
 Toro Kingdom MPs
 Buganda Kingdom MPs
  Bunyoro Kingdom MPs

Baganda county chiefs do go to Kyankwanzi

I wrote the article below after many days of thoughts, consultation and trying 
to understand what the NRM leadership meant by

a.  Bonnobaggawale (rich for all, in Russian “Obogaschaites” in France 
b.  Agricultural zoning
c.  Value addition
d.  District creation

What was all this meant to mean and how could the state achieve all? Was it to 
confuse or pointing to a grand design?

What I didn’t understand then, was NRM grand plan to force all muluka chiefs to 
Kyankwanzi in its obscure effort, to turn this country into yet something we 
are to witness.

We must map Buganda and all it boundaries and these maps distributed to all 
Buganda homesteads and children in Buganda schools. It is even becoming more 
crucial to re-write the geography of Buganda to erase some inconsistencies –the 
onus is on Buganda and Baganda to do needful. 

In Buganda, the Baganda have always been agricultural and there is no need to 
enrich their status by taking their village chiefs to Kyankwanzi. In fact, 
there is no need for Buganda and Baganda to borrow money from the 
micro-finances. There has never been food rationing, distribution or scarcity 
in Buganda.

Some of us, have been in economics classes, grew in farming families and we 
know what we are talking about. We even experienced cattle farming. What is it 
we don’t know then?

Coffee, cotton, beans, maize, vanilla, pineapples, mangoes production, even 
cocoa in Bugerere and Kyagwe in Buganda, had never been trigged by Kyankwanzi 
indoctrination and a impractical micro financing ideology but rather market 
rules i.e. prices and demand.

Where does chicken, goats meat, mutton and pork eaten in Buganda come from?

Offer Buganda a good price for their crop or product and see how much they will 
produce it in the most possible shortest time. Wasn’t this the case with 

Most Baganda in trade and commercial businesses, housing, construction, export 
and import businesses, all started off as farmers. Now, where is NRM taking us? 

We in Buganda left on our own, we have a comprehensive programme to develop 
Buganda with or without micro financing. We want our nation back and we’ll get 
it even if it means waiting for another 3000 years. 

Into the past recent, people made a lot of money from Vanilla and there was no 
Kyankwanzi and micro financing. I’ve been checking on prices and they have 
never gone down. Why doesn’t the government build a factory to package vanilla 
and then sell it on commodity exchange markets? 

Remember NRM itself, passed the warehouse system law that could provide the 
most necessary incentive to agricultural production and its so-called 
bonnabagaggaware hogwash.

Why then set up a micro finance ministry? Pour all money their and let economic 
rules determine production. It is quite simple, to channel the micro finance 
money through designated traders who will then buy from farmers and the boom 
will go on.

NRM is not intent to developing Buganda but rather to disorganise Buganda 
through indoctrination in order to achieve their objective of a military East 
Africa and a failed African union.

Buganda, must reject this very dangerous trend.

Buganda has a choice of starting a commodity exchange market where Buganda 
state can sell beans, fruits, maize, coffee, and sugar, virtually anything. 
More still, if the state wanted development it could for example start beef, 
fruit, bean, rice, vanilla canning and packing industry with the micro finance 

Canned beef, beans will be consumed by the soldiers and prisons. Canned fruits 
and beans will be eaten by school children and in hospitals. The rest will be 
sold so cheaply on the northern, central, eastern and southern African markets.

Buganda farmers will be producing then. I want NRM to tell it to the Baganda 
that skimmed milk will lack buyers in the east, central and southern Africa if 
it was produced here? 

Buganda has the richest heritage in agricultural farming and production. That 
heritage can be taken a step further if the warehousing system is establish in 
all counties of Buganda. My parents in Luwero used to sell cotton and coffee in 
Bulemezi in exactly the same way. 

We even used to sell a lot cassava for starch making to a certain trader in 
Jinja. Moreover cassava could be used to make high nitrous biscuits for 
children and the army.

Every home, where I grew up had enough food and produce to sell –Buganda was 
awash with riches. In Masaka people build trading centres as elsewhere they 
bought vespa and motorcycles and built houses. 

Buganda and Baganda chiefs, be warn

[Ugnet] Uganda rebels request South African mediation in peace talks

2006-08-17 Thread Matek Opoko
  Thursday, August 17, 2006      Home Page  Headlines  World News  National  U.S.  Opinions  Business  Politics  Sports  Technology & Science  Health  Entertainment  Travel  Weather    In Depth  World Cup 2006  Bird flu  Zarqawi killed      Turkish Web Directory          About Us   Advertise  Feedback     Uganda rebels request South African mediation in peace talks  08-16-2006, 18h41  JUBA, Sudan (AFP) Uganda's Lord's Resistance Army deputy chief Vincent Otti, seen here in July 2006. Ugandan Lord's Resistance Army rebels asked South Africa to join efforts to mediate faltering peace talks with the Ugandan
 government aimed at ending two decades of fighting. (AFP/File)  Ugandan Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) rebels asked South Africa to join efforts to mediate faltering peace talks with the Ugandan government aimed at ending two decades of fighting.  The announcement from LRA supremo Joseph Kony, through his deputy Vincent Otti, came a day after the rebels won a 72-hour break in peace talks with the government in order to mourn the death of a top commander -- and International Criminal Court fugitive -- killed by the army over the weekend.  In a statement, Otti said South Africa had a successful track record in conflict resolution in Africa.  "I, Lieutenant General Vincent Otti, deputy chairman of the high command and second in command of the Lord's Resistance Army do hereby appeal to the government of the Republic of South
 Africa to come and act as co-mediator," he said.  He said South African mediation would complement the efforts of the government of southern Sudan in the ongoing peace talks, which are taking place in southern Sudan.  Face-to-face talks are expected to resume on Friday, when the insurgents will declare their stand on accountability and reconciliation.  Officials said the rebels chose South Africa in order to exert pressure on Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni's government to be serious in efforts to end the insurgency that has claimed tens of thousands of lives and displaced more than two million others.  In addition, they argued that the chief mediator, southern Sudan Vice President Riak Machar, "was not new in the Ugandan peace process," and thus there was fear of bias, according to an unnamed official.  The LRA has warned that Uganda's refusal to match its unilateral truce, its insistence that the rebels disarm and
 surrender, as well as its death threats to top commanders, were stymieing the talks.  "In order for the Juba negotiations to be meaningful, successful and binding, the (LRA)... calls upon the government of Uganda to respond positively and declare a cessation of hostilities and respect the agenda and code of conduct agreed upon by the negotiating parties, the mediators and facilitators," Otti explained.  The Ugandan government insists any truce agreement with the rebels will be at the end of the peace process, arguing that the insurgents would take advantage of a cessation of hostilities to regroup, re-arm and recruit new fighters.  Last October, the ICC issued arrest warrants for Kony, Otti and three top commanders for war crimes, including hacking of civilians, rape of women and killings at displaced people's camps since the LRA took over a two-year-old insurgency in 1988.  But over the weekend, the army said it had killed Major
 General Raska Lukwiya in northern Uganda, reducing the of fugitives to four.  On Wednesday, meanwhile, the Ugandan army said troops had killed four rebels, including a commander allegedly involved in last year's slaying of a British tourist in northern Uganda.  Army spokesman Lieutenant Chris Magezi said Reagan Akena, a junior LRA commander and three fighters were killed in an ambush on Monday in Amuru district.  "(Akena) was responsible for the killing of Steve Wills, the British tourist who was killed in Murchison Falls Park in November," the spokesman said.  Three New Zealanders were also injured in the November attack after rebels opened fire on their vehicle.  Kony, a self-proclaimed prophet and mystic who says he speaks directly to God, purports to be fighting to replace Museveni's government with one based on the Biblical Ten Commandments.  But the LRA has become better known for atrocities,
 particularly the kidnapping of an estimated 25,000 children -- girls for sex slaves and boys for fighters.  Several previous peace efforts have failed and the Juba talks are seen as the best chance yet to end the conflict that the United Nations and humanitarian groups say is one of the the world's worst and most forgotten humanitarian crises.AFP  
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[Ugnet] Uganda’s hidden genocide

2006-08-17 Thread Matek Opoko
Uganda’s hidden genocideThe world needs to act now to halt the killing fields in northern Uganda By Daniella Boston (August 14, 2006)  IN A BARREN LAND: Northern Uganda is suffering the blight of genocide (Photo: TknoxB/Flickr) Related external information  
   • www.uNight.org   Northern Uganda is a blighted land scarred by 20 years of a brutal, murderous civil war that has claimed more than 250,000 lives. The government that purports to protect the people has played an inexcusable role in the perpetuation of this conflict.   More to the point, Olara Otunna, the former U.N. under-secretary-general for children and armed conflict, has said that “the human rights and humanitarian catastrophe unfolding in northern Uganda is a methodical and comprehensive genocide, conceived and being carried out by the government.”  Since 1986, tens of thousands of civilians have been killed or brutalized by a war fought between the Ugandan government and the murderous Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) rebels. The war has left more than 1.8
 million people displaced. About 95 percent of the Acholi people, the main ethnic group in northern Uganda, have been uprooted from their ancestral homes. More than 25,000 children have been abducted and forced to become rebels who kill and are killed. Each night, to avoid abduction, more than 40,000 children flee their homes to seek relative safety in urban shelters.   The atrocities taking place daily are not only the work of the LRA. Government troops have maimed, raped and killed innocent civilians. Soldiers have engaged in scorched-earth tactics and the deliberate spreading of HIV and AIDS, often without punitive consequence. (In fact, many of the military commanders responsible for these acts have enjoyed long and successful careers.) Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International have documented cases of tortures, rapes, extra-judicial killings, the burning of granaries, the poisoning of wells and instances of burying people alive.   Since 1996,
 the government has forcibly herded more than 1.6 million people into concentration-like camps where, according to the World Health Organization and the United Nations, more than 1,000 people die each week of starvation and preventable diseases. In the first half of 2005 alone, an estimated 30,000 people died in these camps.   Of these, 11,000 were children under five. Rapes and suicides are widespread. Meanwhile, the government refers to the camps as “protected villages.”  The 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (ratified in 1951) describes genocide as a crime constituted by “acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical or racial, or religious group, or destroying conditions of life calculated to destroy a group; killing members of the group; causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; or deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated
 to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part.”   These elements of genocide exist in northern Uganda today. In the Acholi region alone, more than a quarter of the population has been killed since 1986, and the killing has continued with increased intensity, causing the progressive destruction of a culture and a way of life. As a Catholic priest who has worked in the region for the past 50 years maintains, “Everything Acholi is dying.”  Government officials have sanctioned a propaganda campaign that refers to the northern population as “murderous” and “backward.” President Yoweri Museveni himself has consistently referred to the people in the north as “those people,” and during an interview with The Atlantic Monthly in September 1994, he said that those who are stupid deserved to be made into slaves.   If the Ugandan government has not been entirely explicit about its intentions to allow the Acholi people to be
 destroyed, its reluctance to stem the violence is incriminating. When Uganda’s parliament passed a resolution declaring northern Uganda a disaster region, Museveni and his government vetoed it. Whenever the international community has attempted to intervene in northern Uganda to safeguard the population, the government has refused to grant permission. Until recently, the government simply refused to acknowledge that there is a serious humanitarian problem in the north. This is a classic case of an ipso facto genocide.   For more than two decades, the international humanitarian community has remained conspicuously silent about the destruction in northern Uganda. We need to bear witness to the genocide unfolding there and to build an effective constituency abroad to support the generations of children whose culture and way of life is being systematically destroyed in full view of the world.Daniella Boston is co-founder and executive director of
 uNight: for the Children of Uganda, a New York-based nonprofit organization dedicated to ending the humanitarian catastrophe 

[Ugnet] gulu walk

2006-08-17 Thread Matek Opoko
Gulu WalkGuluWalk2006 is a one-day worldwide event, focused on raising awareness and support for the abandoned children of northern Uganda. And this year, we are looking for 10,000 people to be the message of hope.   There will be a guluwalk in Boston on Oct. 21st, so if you are arriving early for the Mono Meeting you should sign up, raise your money and plan on walking.   Update Sponsor Me. Do it! Or I will be pissed off at you. Posted by Jackson Harper on 16 Aug 2006  This is a personal web page. Things said here do not represent the position of my employer 
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[Ugnet] Otafirre Mavi Yakuku expose his greed again.. " he will be hanged by the balls" let him jock around with politics

2006-08-17 Thread Matek Opoko
Uganda: Otafiire Cited in Muslim Land Sale Email This Page Print This Page The Monitor (Kampala)  August 17, 2006Posted to the web August 16, 2006  Al-Mahdi Ssenkabirwa & Ashah NtabaddeKampala  THE committee set up to probe the illicit sale and lease of
 property belonging to the Muslim community yesterday heard that two top government officials played a key role in worsening a land row that is threatens to split Muslims.  A member of the Uganda Muslim Supreme Council (UMSC) Executive Committee, Sheikh Hassan Ibrahim Kiirya, told the commission that the former Minister of Lands, Maj. Gen. Kahinda Otafiire, and the Deputy Presidential Assistant on Political Affairs, Hajjat Anuna Omari were involved in grabbing Muslim land.  "We can't rule out a fact that the government is involved in grabbing Muslim land. Otafiire and Anuna are people I can't leave out," Kiirya said.  The Counsel to the Commission, Mr Bashir Kalenge, insisted that Kiirya explains what he meant with 'government involvement in the Muslim land wrangles.' Kiirya said he had seen a document where Otafiire directed some officials in the Ministry of Lands to lift a caveat they had
 placed on some plots belonging to UMSC.  "When we lodged a caveat on Plots 30,102/104 on William Street and Plots 12 to16 on Port Bell Road, it was lifted after some months because Bassajjabalaba [Hassan] had connived with some Ministry of Lands officials," Kiirya said. Bassajjabalaba is the Vice Chairman of UMSC.  He said he would produce the document. He said lifting the caveat gave Bassajjabalaba a chance to sell Plot 30 on William Street Kampala to another businessman, Ssalongo Drake Lubega at $1.8million (about Shs3.3billion).  The plots under dispute include Plots 30,102,104 on William Street in Kampala, plots 12-16 on Port bell Road Luzira and part of UMSC Headquarters, which were subleased to HAKS Express Ltd, a company owned by Basajjabalaba.Relevant LinksEast Africa Legal and Judicial Affairs Food, Agriculture and Rural Issues Uganda Religion   The land, according to a memorandum of understanding signed on 18 March
 2005, was subleased to HAKS 'for 30 years with effect from April 1, 2005' , Plot 12-16 in Luzira was also subleased for 43 years to HAKS under the same memorandum.  Kiirya said there was also a 'shadow mafia clique' within the UMSC leadership scheming to grab Muslim property. Another witness, Sheikh Mahdi Kakooza, told the commission that the Mufti was a dictator.  Mubajje and Bassajjabalaba are expected to appear anytime this week 
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[Ugnet] Otafirre Mavi Yakuku expose his greed again.. " he will be hanged by the balls" let him jock around with politics

2006-08-17 Thread Matek Opoko
Uganda: Otafiire Cited in Muslim Land Sale Email This Page Print This Page The Monitor (Kampala)  August 17, 2006Posted to the web August 16, 2006  Al-Mahdi Ssenkabirwa & Ashah NtabaddeKampala  THE committee set up to probe the illicit sale and lease of
 property belonging to the Muslim community yesterday heard that two top government officials played a key role in worsening a land row that is threatens to split Muslims.  A member of the Uganda Muslim Supreme Council (UMSC) Executive Committee, Sheikh Hassan Ibrahim Kiirya, told the commission that the former Minister of Lands, Maj. Gen. Kahinda Otafiire, and the Deputy Presidential Assistant on Political Affairs, Hajjat Anuna Omari were involved in grabbing Muslim land.  "We can't rule out a fact that the government is involved in grabbing Muslim land. Otafiire and Anuna are people I can't leave out," Kiirya said.  The Counsel to the Commission, Mr Bashir Kalenge, insisted that Kiirya explains what he meant with 'government involvement in the Muslim land wrangles.' Kiirya said he had seen a document where Otafiire directed some officials in the Ministry of Lands to lift a caveat they had
 placed on some plots belonging to UMSC.  "When we lodged a caveat on Plots 30,102/104 on William Street and Plots 12 to16 on Port Bell Road, it was lifted after some months because Bassajjabalaba [Hassan] had connived with some Ministry of Lands officials," Kiirya said. Bassajjabalaba is the Vice Chairman of UMSC.  He said he would produce the document. He said lifting the caveat gave Bassajjabalaba a chance to sell Plot 30 on William Street Kampala to another businessman, Ssalongo Drake Lubega at $1.8million (about Shs3.3billion).  The plots under dispute include Plots 30,102,104 on William Street in Kampala, plots 12-16 on Port bell Road Luzira and part of UMSC Headquarters, which were subleased to HAKS Express Ltd, a company owned by Basajjabalaba.Relevant LinksEast Africa Legal and Judicial Affairs Food, Agriculture and Rural Issues Uganda Religion   The land, according to a memorandum of understanding signed on 18 March
 2005, was subleased to HAKS 'for 30 years with effect from April 1, 2005' , Plot 12-16 in Luzira was also subleased for 43 years to HAKS under the same memorandum.  Kiirya said there was also a 'shadow mafia clique' within the UMSC leadership scheming to grab Muslim property. Another witness, Sheikh Mahdi Kakooza, told the commission that the Mufti was a dictator.  Mubajje and Bassajjabalaba are expected to appear anytime this week 
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[Ugnet] Uganda: Uganda Asks UN to Monitor Ceasefire

2006-08-17 Thread Matek Opoko
Uganda: Uganda Asks UN to Monitor Ceasefire Email This Page Print This Page The Monitor (Kampala)  August 15, 2006Posted to the web August 15, 2006  Godfrey OlukyaKampala  UGANDA has asked international monitors to observe any ceasefire it reaches with the
 Lord's Resistance Army rebels that have conducted a brutal 20-year insurgency.  Peace negotiations between the government and the rebel group are under way, but Uganda says it is waiting for a comprehensive peace deal before it agrees to a ceasefire.  Uganda's Internal Affairs Minister Ruhakana Rugunda on Sunday said he wants the United States, the Netherlands, Norway and South Africa to be on a monitoring team, as well as the United Nations and the African Union.  The request is meant to "show the whole world that we are engaged genuinely in peace talks for an agreement to end the conflict in northern Uganda," Rugunda said.  The LRA last week announced a ceasefire and called on the government to heed its call for a cessation of hostilities.  The government, however, insisted on a comprehensive deal.  But on
 Sunday, the Defence Minister, Dr Crispus Kiyonga ,confirmed that a rebel commander under indictment by the International Criminal Court was fatally shot by government forces on Saturday.  Raska Lukwiya, was heading one of the "small groups of LRA rebels who are still harassing people in northern Uganda," Kiyonga said.  Lukwiya was shot after his group killed a government soldier and a motorcyclist, Kiyonga said.  The LRA rebels led by Joseph Kony have fought the government since 1986.Relevant LinksEast Africa Peacekeeping and Conflict Resolution Uganda International Organizations and Africa   The group is known for abducting thousands of children and forcing them to fight and become servants or sex slaves.  Thousands of people have been killed in the conflict and more than 1.6 million displaced.  The International Criminal Court has indicted Kony, Lukwiya and three other top rebel commanders on war crimes charges. 
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[Ugnet] Uganda: IDPs Prefer Camps, Says Nankabirwa

2006-08-17 Thread Matek Opoko
"Kony" should raid Nakabirwa's village (where ever that is) and send her people to the camps as wellwe can then state that Nakabirwa's people are "enjoy camp life"      MK     Uganda: IDPs Prefer Camps, Says Nankabirwa Email This Page Print This Page New Vision
 (Kampala)  August 16, 2006Posted to the web August 17, 2006  Apollo MubiruKampala  Internally displaced persons (IDPS) have developed a tendency of enjoying camp life, Parliament heard yesterday.  State minister for defence Ruth Nankabirwa said as a result, the government was finding it hard to convince IDPs in Teso and some parts of northern Uganda to go home.  Flanked by defence minister Dr. Crispus Kiyonga, Nankabirwa told the parliamentary defence committee chaired by Rose Namayanja (Nakaseke) that the Government could not penalise those who wanted to stay because going home was voluntary.  But Kumi MP Patrick Amuriat demanded that the minister retracts her statement.  He said camps in Teso were created due to Karimojong
 cattle rustlers and the Lord's Resistance Army rebel incursions.Relevant LinksEast Africa Uganda Civil War and Communal Conflict Refugees and Displacement Urban Issues and Habitation   "It is not true that those people want to stay there (camps). It is wrong to submit here that there are people in Teso who enjoy camp life. The minister should withdraw her statement," charged Amuriat.  But a stern Nankabirwa said, "why are there people in Teso camps in areas that are free from LRA incursions and cattle rustling? Do we need to say all have left the camps when nobody has left?"  Nankabirwa and other staff had appeared to respond to issues raised by MPs on the ministry's budget and policy statement. 
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[Ugnet] Uganda: Personal Rule in Uganda a Risk Says U.S.

2006-08-17 Thread Matek Opoko
The US and other civilized members of the International Commununity are finally begining to get the light , so to say, regarding The NRM Military dictatorship. All said and done, the Museveni regime, political analysts believe, will end up like the Mobutu dictatorship in the then Zaire, and now  Democratic Republic of the Congo. The question is when will the US jamp ship?     MK  Uganda: Personal Rule in Uganda a Risk Says U.S. Email This Page Print This Page The Monitor (Kampala)  August 16, 2006Posted to the web August 16, 2006  Angelo Izama & Emmanuel GyezahoKampala  PRESIDENT Yoweri Museveni has consolidated personal rule in Uganda, a new report by the United States Agency for International Development, has said.  The 92-page document recommends that US aid should prioritise increasing political competition in the country.  The report titled; "Democracy and Governance Assessment: Republic of Uganda 2005; is a periodic document that guides the country approach of the United States Agency for International Development (Usaid).  "The consolidation of the neo-patrimonial state in Uganda is reminiscent of patterns of regime consolidation in such diverse African contexts as Mobutu Sese Seko's Zaire, Daniel arap Moi's Kenya, and Robert Mugabe's Zimbabwe" the report says.  The report said the NRM government had cleverly adapted to pressure to reform while maintaining the President at the helm and castigates the regime for corruption that benefits a few around the President.  The report said the NRM regime is "one dominated by an individual leader whose personal authority is indistinguishable from that of the State, in which political power is "maintained through a combination of patronage and the selective use of intimidation and force".  But the Director of the government's Media Centre, Mr Robert Kabushenga, said' "These kind of conclusions cause despondency and undermine public confidence in the
 democratic process that we and our partners are trying to promote.  He said the report dwells on "outdated stereotypes about politics on the African continent and should be ignored."Relevant LinksEast Africa United States, Canada and Africa Uganda
   The report recommends that a "consistent effort" should be made by Usaid on " developing capacity in areas which are not subject to the logic of the overarching neo-patrimonial regime, and have a meaningful chance of resisting it".  "At a minimum, efforts should be made to avoid sending signals that suggest that present trends are acceptable," the report notes. It is not clear whether this means that US aid will be focused on democracy and governance targets as a result of the assessment of the report. The report is not officially binding on the agency. While dealing with governance issues, according to Usaids's Ugandan website, current programmes, based on a plan from 2002-7, are focused on supporting the government eliminate poverty.  The reports warns that the consolidation of Museveni's power has come at the
 expense of other institutions meant to check the executive thereby weakening the system as a whole. 
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