Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Visible currency rounding

2013-07-19 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
It's really good to see more people sharing code on this list.  Looks like a 
useful function to have.  

Sometimes it is more useful to have a working bit of code that is a mess rather 
than something elegant that doesn't work.  It follows the philosophy of 
"Release early and release often".  if it's working then people use it and 
maybe look at it and maybe edit it to improve it.  If it's beautiful code but 
doesn't work and doesn't get used then no-one sees it and it may never get 
completed.  So it's great to have something working.  Also i can't see anything 
wrong with the code anyway!  

If anyone can improve it or stream-line it then please post the code back to 
this mailing list, or at least to toodr.  

I noticed a couple of things in the Rem statements, Echos and "commented out" 
bits (that's the ' s, right?),  ie none of which affects the running of the 
program and most never even gets seen by users.  Digits only needs 1 g.  
Accepsts is a tpyo of Accepts.  Exessive a tpyo of excessive.  If Rems and 
stuff are important i'm sure the Docs Team wouldn't mind trying to de-geekify 
them or maybe people here might but i think it really doesn't make much 

Just out of curiosity would it be tough to translate this sort of thing into 
Python and make it into an Extension?  Perhaps joined with other code that has 
been on the mailing list here?  

@ Toodr: Would you mind giving permission to license your code under the 
copyleft licensing used by the rest of the code?  So people could share and 
modify?  Looks like you said it would be fine, informally.  GPL?  LGPL?  

Thanks and regards from 
Tom :)  

> From: toodr 
>Sent: Saturday, 20 July 2013, 0:26
>Subject: [libreoffice-users] Re: Visible currency rounding
>I had the same problem. I needed to implement the so called Bankers' Rounding
>Function, which would round with respect to the 4/5 rule. And finally I
>ended doing it myself in a short Function in LO Basic. I tried my best,
>although math  and programming are not my strong sides. So here it is,
>together with a Subroutine called "rounded_test" and the very Function is
>called "Rounded".
>Sub rounded_test
>N= Rounded(N)
>End Sub
>REM Banker's Rounding Function
>REM Accepsts parameter as Double with or without a sign +/-
>REM Returns Double  with or without a sign +/-,rounded to the second diggit
>after the comma separator
>Function Rounded (NumD As Double)
>Dim NumI as Integer
>Dim position as Integer
>Dim overflow as Integer
>Dim NumS as String
>REM initilize 2 arrays (integer and string) and we save the number into them
>NumS=Format( NumD, "0.")
>Dim Stringarray(len01-1) as String
>Dim Integerarray(len01-1) as Integer
>For i=1 to len01
>    If string0="." Or string0="," Then
>    Stringarray(i-1)="."
>    Integerarray(i-1)=0
>    position=i
>    Else
>    Stringarray(i-1)=string0
>    Integerarray(i-1)=Val(string0)
>    End if
>next i
>string0="" 'Emptying the variable which will be used to return the number -
>REM Rounding
>If position=0 Then 'an integer without a fraction part - return the number
>as it is!
>    Rounded=NumD
>    Exit Function
>End If
>If len01-position>2 Then     'will be rounding
>    For j=1 to len01-position-2        '(len01-position-2) number of diggits 
>till the
>end of the number string which will be dropped out
>        If Integerarray(len01-j)>5 Or overflow=1 Or (Integerarray(len01-j)=5 
>(Stringarray(len01-j-1)="1" Or Stringarray(len01-j-1)="3"  Or
>Stringarray(len01-j-1)="5"  Or Stringarray(len01-j-1)="7"  Or
>Stringarray(len01-j-1)="9")) Then
>            overflow=1
>            If Integerarray(len01-j-1)+overflow<=9 Then 
>            Integerarray(len01-j-1)=Integerarray(len01-j-1)+overflow
>            overflow=0
>            Else
>            Integerarray(len01-j-1)=0
>            overflow=1
>            End if
>        Integerarray(len01-j)=0
>        Stringarray(len01-j)="0"
>        Stringarray(len01-j-1)=CStr(Integerarray(len01-j-1))
>        Else
>        Integerarray(len01-j)=0
>        Stringarray(len01-j)="0"
>        End If
>    Next j
>'If we have some left over, remaining after the removal of the exessive
>diggits, we shall distribute it 
>'among the remaining integer and fractional part
>    If overflow=1 Then
>        For k=position to 0 step -1
>        If k=position-1 Then goto Lbl    'skip this if it is a comma or point
>        If k=0 And (Stringarray(k)="-" Or Stringarray(k)="+") Then goto Lbl    
>this if it is a +/- sign
>            If Integerarray(k)+overflow<=9 Then
>            Integerarray(k)=Integerarray(k)+overflow
>            overflow=0
>            Else
>            Integerarray(k)=0
>            overflow=1
>            End if
>        Stringa

Re: [libreoffice-users] Importing image from LO Draw (ODG) to Writer

2013-07-21 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
You are not yet thinking in the LO way.  The modules/apps (such as Writer, 
Calc, Draw) are not separate programs in the way you seem to be trying to use 
them.  This is very different from MS Office.  With MSO if you open 2 of the 
apps then you pretty much double the amount of space taken up in Ram and double 
the resources used.  

Why not just create the page-breaks in Draw?  Even if you do get the Pdf into 
Writer and save as an Odt rather than an Odg it still doesn't become any more 
editable than it is as an Odg.  Pdf is made to be uneditable.  That is part of 
it's aim.  It's because it is uneditable that it appears the same on every 
machine or printer in any OS or program that displays Pdf, or at least that's 
the aim.  

You might find it helpful to skim quickly through the "Getting Started Guide" 
and see if soem things in there catch your eye
Regards from 
Tom :)  

> From: Cliff Scott 
>Sent: Sunday, 21 July 2013, 3:54
>Subject: [libreoffice-users] Importing image from LO Draw (ODG) to Writer
>I had a one page PDF file that I wanted to break into multiple pages. Opening
>the PDF with LO resulted in LO Draw opening with the file nicely displayed. I
>saved it as a draw image (odg) and then expected to be able to directly
>import it to Writer. Unfortunately I could find no way to do that. Even using
>copy/paste resulted in a black page since the image was larger than one page.
>My hope was to have it come in and naturally break into multiple pages. As a
>last resort I selected a portion of the image in Draw , copy/pasted it into
>Writer, inserted a page break then repeated the action on multiple pages
>until the entire image was in Writer. It seems as if there must be a more
>elegant way to do this. I have never used Draw before so I'm just trying to
>figure out the details. To be useful it seems as if there must be an easy way
>to move from Draw into Writer or Calc. Can someone help me see what I'm
>missing?  Thanks.
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[libreoffice-users] Need a screenshot... LO 4.1.0 on WIn7

2013-07-21 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
Is anyone on Win7 and able to run 4.1.0 alongside whatever they are running at 
the moment?  Any chance of getting a screen-shot?  

In Windows that is the 

1.  Press the "Print screen" button, just above the "insert button, just above 
the arrow keys
2.  Open an image editor, such as Paint
3.  Ctrl V to paste the image from the clipboard into the editor
4.  "Save As" to save in a usable format, preferably Png

In Gnu&Linux that would have been 

1.  Press the "Print screen" button, just above the "insert button, just above 
the arrow keys
Job done.  

Of course if you upload to Nabble and give us the link that would probably be 
the best way to be able to share with a different mailing list.  

Regards from 
Tom :)

> From: Charles-H. Schulz 
>Sent: Sunday, 21 July 2013, 12:55
>Subject: [libreoffice-marketing] Need a screenshot...
>Hello all,
>I'd need some help as I don't run any Windows machine and I need a
>nice screenshot of LibreOffice 4.1 running on Win7. Here's the story:
>our integration to the Windows look and feel just got better and
>while some can always disagree on the interface style we just don't look
>outdated in terms of native look and feel. It's worth mentioning so if
>anyone runs a 4.1 pre release on Windows 7 please let me know here and
>send me the screenshot off list or attach it to a wiki page.
>Charles-H. Schulz 
>Co-founder & Director, The Document Foundation,
>Zimmerstr. 69, 10117 Berlin, Germany
>Rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
>Legal details:
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LO 3.6.x or 4.0.x on WIn7 Re: [libreoffice-users] Need a screenshot... LO 4.1.0 on WIn7

2013-07-21 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)  
Ok, we have the 4.1.0 screenshots but now would like a comparison with an 
earlier version of LO, either 3.6.x or 4.0.x = still on on Win7.  

Imgur might well be better for taking screen-shots on Win7.  I didn't know 
about it.  It sound shed loads better! :)

The Alt+PrintScreen worked on the older Windows method of pasting into another 
app if you prefer to still use that old method.  The Alt+PrintScreen also works 
in the default Gnu&Linux systems which all seem to be a lot more sophisticated 
than the old Windows way.  There are several apps to choose from in Gnu&Linux.  
The Docs Team experimented with a few before deciding on which one to recommend 
to their new members.  I'm not sure if Imgur has a time-delay setting and all 
that sort of thing.  It might do.  

Anyway the point is that Win7 does have a nice screen-shot app but it's just a 
bit hidden.  Whichever way you take a screen-shot of 3.6.x or 4.0.x on Win7 is 
probably fine with the Marketing Team.  
Regards from 
Tom :)  

> From: Gabriel Risterucci 
>Cc: ""  
>Sent: Sunday, 21 July 2013, 18:43
>Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Need a screenshot... LO 4.1.0 on WIn7
>2013/7/21 M Henri Day 
>> PS : Using the Windows screenshot tool, found under «Accessories» is, in my
>>  opinion, far superior to the keyboard technique you mention above
>​Keyboard shortcut aren't that bad if your objective is to upload pics to
>A quick and efficient way of doing it is to use imgur:
>- Open imgur, select "web upload"
>- Capture *only* the currently active windows (by pressing Alt+PrintScreen)
>- ​Go to the imgur window, press Ctrl+V to directly *paste* into the
>website :)
>You can repeat the two final steps to put as many screenshot as you need;
>when done press "Start Upload" in the imgur window and tadaa. It actually
>avoid the need to create temporary image files on your computer, and
>provide you with public links.
>Of course I only cited imgur as an example, there is probably other service
>that handle pasting images nicely.
>I know I'm coming after the battle here, but it's a nice trick to know for
>sending screenshot all around, and surely future versions of LO will also
>need new screenshots :)
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[Solved] Re: LO 3.6.x or 4.0.x on WIn7 Re: [libreoffice-users] Need a screenshot... LO 4.1.0 on WIn7

2013-07-21 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
I think this one has been solved already!!  M Henri seems to have already 
provided screenshot from another system also using Win7.  

Total star!  

Thanks and regards from 

Tom :)  

> From: Tom Davies 
>To: ""  
>Sent: Sunday, 21 July 2013, 22:06
>Subject: LO 3.6.x or 4.0.x on WIn7   Re: [libreoffice-users] Need a 
>screenshot... LO 4.1.0 on WIn7
>Hi :)  
>Ok, we have the 4.1.0 screenshots but now would like a comparison with an 
>earlier version of LO, either 3.6.x or 4.0.x = still on on Win7.  
>Imgur might well be better for taking screen-shots on Win7.  I didn't know 
>about it.  It sound shed loads better! :)
>The Alt+PrintScreen worked on the older Windows method of pasting into another 
>app if you prefer to still use that old method.  The Alt+PrintScreen also 
>works in the default Gnu&Linux systems which all seem to be a lot more 
>sophisticated than the old Windows way.  There are several apps to choose from 
>in Gnu&Linux.  The Docs Team experimented with a few before deciding on which 
>one to recommend to their new members.  I'm not sure if Imgur has a time-delay 
>setting and all that sort of thing.  It might
>Anyway the point is that Win7 does have a nice screen-shot app but it's just a 
>bit hidden.  Whichever way you take a screen-shot of 3.6.x or 4.0.x on Win7 is 
>probably fine with the Marketing Team.  
>Regards from 
>Tom :)  
>> From: Gabriel Risterucci 
>>Cc: ""  
>>Sent: Sunday, 21 July 2013, 18:43
>>Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Need a screenshot... LO 4.1.0 on WIn7
>>2013/7/21 M Henri Day 
>>> PS : Using the Windows screenshot tool, found under «Accessories» is, in my
>>>  opinion, far superior to the keyboard technique you mention above
>>​Keyboard shortcut aren't that bad if your objective is to upload pics to
>>A quick and efficient way of doing it is to use imgur:
>>- Open imgur, select "web upload"
>>- Capture *only* the currently active windows (by pressing Alt+PrintScreen)
 ​Go to the imgur window, press Ctrl+V to directly *paste* into the
>>website :)
>>You can repeat the two final steps to put as many screenshot as you need;
>>when done press "Start Upload" in the imgur window and tadaa. It actually
>>avoid the need to create temporary image files on your computer, and
>>provide you with public links.
>>Of course I only cited imgur as an example, there is probably other service
>>that handle pasting images nicely.
>>I know I'm coming after the battle here, but it's a nice trick to know for
>>sending screenshot all around, and surely future versions of LO will also
>>need new screenshots :)
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: csv files not displaying properly

2013-07-21 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
This guide might help
Regards from 

Tom :)  

> From: Jay Lozier 
>Sent: Sunday, 21 July 2013, 22:09
>Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: csv files not displaying properly
>> Mine say standard.  I just remembered that I loaned my laptop to my  
>> daughter and it is setup the same as my desktop that I am having trouble  
>> with.  Had her bring it over and I tried the problem file on it and it  
>> worked just fine, so something is wrong with my setup.  I opened  
>> tools-->options on both machines and compared them line by line they  
>> were almost exactly the same. I couldn't see how the minor differences  
>> would make any difference but I changed mine to match the laptop but it  
>> still doesn't work correctly.  I guess after a bit if no one else has  
>> any ideas I will reinstall or go the ppa route.
>> Thanks,  Jim
>Rename the hidden LO user folder to something like user-old, it is the  
>home directory either under .libreoffice or .conf folders. When you start  
>LO after the rename the default folder is recreated. You then move any  
>templates, etc. back to the user folder. This is common methood to avoid a  
>full reinstall.
>Jay Lozier
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Re: LO 3.6.x or 4.0.x on WIn7 Re: [libreoffice-users] Need a screenshot... LO 4.1.0 on WIn7

2013-07-21 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
Many thanks :)  Lqtm.  It's been quite a while since i was last involved in 
something that developed so fast that different people were on different 
time-lines and threads got a tad confusing!  

Thanks also to others that contributed to this thread.  

Given how fast all this was done if anyone here is able to join the Docs Team 
to help them with screen-shots that would be great.  To avoid potential 
copyright issues they tend to take almost all screen-shots in Gnu&Linux but i 
think they still need a couple done in Windows.  Some were done in Mac just 
because that happened to be what the author was using at the time but again 
there might be some potential for copyright issues.  So Gnu&Linux is just the 
preferred platform if it's easy enough.  

Regards from
Tom :)  

> From: M Henri Day 
>To: Tom Davies  
>Cc: ""  
>Sent: Sunday, 21 July 2013, 22:14
>Subject: Re: LO 3.6.x or 4.0.x on WIn7 Re: [libreoffice-users] Need a 
>screenshot... LO 4.1.0 on WIn7
>2013/7/21 Tom Davies 
>> Hi :)
>> Ok, we have the 4.1.0 screenshots but now would like a comparison with an
>> earlier version of LO, either 3.6.x or 4.0.x = still on on Win7.
>> Imgur might well be better for taking screen-shots on Win7.  I didn't know
>> about it.  It sound shed loads better! :)
>> The Alt+PrintScreen worked on the older Windows method of pasting into
>> another app if you prefer to still use that old method.  The
>> Alt+PrintScreen also works in the default Gnu&Linux systems which all seem
>> to be a lot more sophisticated than the old Windows way.  There are several
>> apps to choose from in Gnu&Linux.  The Docs Team experimented with a few
>> before deciding on which one to recommend to their new members.  I'm not
>> sure if Imgur has a time-delay setting and all that sort of thing.  It
>> might do.
>> Anyway the point is that Win7 does have a nice screen-shot app but it's
>> just a bit hidden.  Whichever way you take a screen-shot of 3.6.x or 4.0.x
>> on Win7 is probably fine with the Marketing Team.
>> Regards from
>> Tom :)
>> Well, Tom, now you've received the screenshots of the versions
>Calc, Impress, and Writer in Win7 to compare with the ones of the 4.1.0
>versions I sent earlier. I hope they sufficed !...
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Re: [libreoffice-users] opening powerpoint files restart the computer

2013-07-21 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
I think ram issues are the 2nd most likely cause of crashes.  If it is the 
cause then you probably find other programs also seem to cause crashes too.  

The 1st most likely cause has usually been some bad version of Java.  Each time 
Oracle release a version of Java they claim it is safe and that we must all 
upgrade to it asap or experience all sorts of unspeakable horrors.  Then a few 
weeks later they admit there are problems with their newer one too.  Then they 
release yet another and claim we must all upgrade to that.  Rinse and repeat.  
If you are not using a Screen-Reader or other Accessibility tool then you can 
probably switch Java off without noticing any difference except that your 
system is more stable.  

Tools - Options - Advanced / Java

At the top UNtick the box that asks if you want to use Java.  You will see all 
the versions of java currently installed on your system listed in the big white 
box under that.  Really your system should have no more than 2 but preferably 
none.  Note that in the USA their "Homeland security" apparently sent out a 
warning to companies that they should remove Java from their systems because it 
was creating such huge problems so often.  I'm not often in agreement with 
Homeland Security.  I switched Java off in as many apps/programs as possible 
for about a month before i finally uninstalled it from all machines.  I was a 
bit worried that i might have needed it for something but after a month found 
that nothing at my place needed it.  Of course some companies still run job 
adverts for Java programmers ...

Like i said, Ram is probably 2nd and after that is possibly wobbly graphics 
card issues.  Overheating often leads to machines just cutting power.  In the 
bios you might be able to set what temperature causes an automatic shut-down.  
I hooovered one persons laptop grills and keyboard solving that one for her!! 
It was a bit of a risk but worked out well.  For desktops it's usually easier 
to take the side of the case off and gently remove the choking dust.  Be 
careful !!
a) it causes almost unstoppable coughing if inhaled.  Drinking water doesn't 
seem to help but something heavier like mango juice or milk usually does the 
b) the plastic nozzle of the hoover holds enough charge to seriously zap most 
of the components on almost any mbord.  Even fingers hold enough static to 
significantly reduce lifespans of components although normal skin has enough 
unnoticeable oil to create other problems too.  

Generally with those sorts of things you will notice other programs also cause 

Going off on a tangent ... 

Win7 has some new clever way of filling up nearly all available Ram by caching 
what it thinks you will need next or might need quickly (such as things you 
just closed).  So, some of that 35% will just be cached items.  One of the big 
features about Win7 was that it was smaller than it's predecessor.  Each newer 
version of Windows has usually been hugely more demanding in terms of resources 
than any previous version of Windows.  With Win7 one of the boasts was that 
it's almost as small and efficient as Xp.  (ie smaller than Vista).  A 1st for 

Wrt deliberately written malware embedded in documents i think that is usually 
only possible through Macros.  The Macro code has to find a way of being 
executed as "Administrator" (in Gnu&Linux we say SuperUser or Root User  (hence 
commands such as su or sudo)).  I think LO Macros run in some safer way that 
denies them access to that level of privilege even when a Windows user is 
running as Admin all the time.  Win7 is much better at working well as normal 
user so users are not all forced into running as Admin user all the time.  
Again a 1st for MS.  While MS Office macros have been used as an attack-vector 
for quite a lot of malware over the years LO/OOo Macros never have been afaik.  
MS Office macros use a different language so they don't run in LO or any of the 
other competitors to MSO.  

In Windows it seems to be considered ok for apps/programs to suddenly go off 
and download updates and then install them and even force a reboot.  Generally 
programs are polite enough to ask before forcing a reboot but if you dare to 
say no they will keep popping up with the demand every few minutes until you 
obey.  In Gnu&Linux such behaviour would be considered a serious security 

Regards from 
Tom :)  

> From: Andrew Brown 
>To: Gabriel Risterucci  
>Cc: Demétrio Soares ; 
>Sent: Sunday, 21 July 2013, 17:52
>Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] opening powerpoint files restart the computer
>Hi Gabriel
>I agree, you make some valid points, but the MS hive (collection of the 
>boot code plus apps running in memory in one big monolith file, unlike 
>the Linux kernel with separate "clients" communicating with the kernel, 
>all separate), is not as robust as we would like to believe, 

Re: [libreoffice-users] Importing image from LO Draw (ODG) to Writer

2013-07-21 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
Sorry chap!  I was thinking that you could get the cursor beside the image in a 
page and then press 
Ctrl Enter
or from the menus do 
Insert - errr, Slide (surely that should be "page" as in Writer rather than 
slide as in Impress?)

When the cursor is beside a whole-page image it is not the tiny small thing it 
usually is but instead takes up the whole vertical height of the image.  

I'm actually coming around to thinking that you might have had the best method 
after all!
Apols and regards from 
Tom :)  

> From: Cliff Scott 
>To: ""  
>Sent: Monday, 22 July 2013, 0:43
>Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Importing image from LO Draw (ODG) to Writer
>** Reply to message from Tom Davies  on Sun, 21 Jul
>2013 11:21:58 +0100 (BST)
>Hi Tom,
>I appreciate your thoughts. I'm sure I don't understand all the integration
>of the modules. I don't have an internet connection right now so can't look
>at the suggested resource, but will when I can.
>Using the LO help file and trying all the menu options I can find I don't see
>any way to put page breaks in a draw image. I can select different parts of
>the image, but I see nothing regarding page breaks and the cursor will not
>stop anywhere alongside the image to allow one to select a page break even if
>there was an menu item for it as there is in Writer. Could you explain in
>more detail how I would go about doing this? The best I could get from the
>Help was to do it as I did with selecting portions and copy/paste into Writer.
>> Hi :)
>> You are not yet thinking in the LO way.  The modules/apps (such as Writer,
>> Calc, Draw) are not separate programs in the way you seem to be trying to use
>> them.  This is very different from MS Office.  With MSO if you open 2 of the
>> apps then you pretty much double the amount of space taken up in Ram and
>> double the resources used.  
>> Why not just create the page-breaks in Draw?  Even if you do get the Pdf into
>> Writer and save as an Odt rather than an Odg it still doesn't become any more
>> editable than it is as an Odg.  Pdf is made to be uneditable.  That is part
>> of it's aim.  It's because it is uneditable that it appears the same on every
>> machine or printer in any OS or program that displays Pdf, or at least that's
>> the aim.  
>> You might find it helpful to skim quickly through the "Getting Started Guide"
>> and see if some things in there catch your eye
>> Regards from 
>> Tom :)  
>> >
>> > From: Cliff Scott 
>> >To: 
>> >Sent: Sunday, 21 July 2013, 3:54
>> >Subject: [libreoffice-users] Importing image from LO Draw (ODG) to Writer
>> > 
>> >
>> >I had a one page PDF file that I wanted to break into multiple pages. 
>> >Opening
>> >the PDF with LO resulted in LO Draw opening with the file nicely displayed. 
>> >I
>> >saved it as a draw image (odg) and then expected to be able to directly
>> >import it to Writer. Unfortunately I could find no way to do that. Even 
>> >using
>> >copy/paste resulted in a black page since the image was larger than one 
>> >page.
>> >My hope was to have it come in and naturally break into multiple pages. As a
>> >last resort I selected a portion of the image in Draw , copy/pasted it into
>> >Writer, inserted a page break then repeated the action on multiple pages
>> >until the entire image was in Writer. It seems as if there must be a more
>> >elegant way to do this. I have never used Draw before so I'm just trying to
>> >figure out the details. To be useful it seems as if there must be an easy 
>> >way
>> >to move from Draw into Writer or Calc. Can someone help me see what I'm
>> >missing?  Thanks.
>> >
>> >Cliff
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Re: [libreoffice-users] opening powerpoint files restart the computer

2013-07-22 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
As we keep pointing out Win7 and Windows generally is a bit of a resource hog.  

1 more stick of 1Gb Ram would probably help.  Better to get 2 new sticks as a 
matched pair so that you can get an additional 10% bump on performance.  Better 
still if you can get sticks that are about as fast as your mbord can handle.  A 
decent power supply might help but don't go crazy with it unless you plan to 
use it in a future hardware-upgrade.  350 Watt is usually plenty but you might 
find something that is more energy efficient and doesn't draw so much mains 
power if it's not using much.  A new fan might help especially if you can 
re-arrange existing ones to push out more at the back or through the top of the 

Alternatively just install Ubuntu or Mageia or something like that as a 
dual-boot alongside your Win7.  They use so much less resources that you will 
find the machine runs a lot more quietly, less hot, much faster and quiet 
possibly drawing so much less power that your Usb ports become quiet usable 

The 'new' or acquired hardware route should cost under £100.  Trying a 
different OS is likely to be free.  

There are plenty of people on this list that could help you install one of the 
Gnu&Linux OSes although i suspect that each person has their own idea of what 
might be best for you.  Generally i would recommend taking various different 
ones for a test-drive before committing yourself to installing one.  Generally 
it is better to do this using a Usb-stick but it can be done with a Cd or Dvd 
drive.  Most Gnu&Linux "distros" allow you to run a "LiveCd session" to test 
drive their OS.  When you have tried a few then you might notice you prefer the 
look&feel of some but others work better with your hardware.  It doesn't really 
matter which one you install first as they all work much the same as each other 
and it's fairly easy to move from one to another later on, after you have 
become more accustomed to what your needs are.  Some people install a different 
one each week but that's a bit extreme.  Others stay with just one for a 
decade.  Most of us are
 in the middle somewhere.  

A LiveCd session leaves no trace on your computer.  It should pick-up on all 
the hardware that you have plugged in at the time and be able to find your 
internet connection.  Sometimes some of them need a little coaxing.  Some 
people use LiveCd sessions regularly for safer internet banking or to repair 
systems while others use them just to test-drive different systems.  Your ISP 
still logs everything you do in just the same way as they would in Windows so 
avoid breaking any 'local' laws in the same way as normal.  

Oddly i find it's the cheapest blank Cds you can buy that are better for this.  
I think more expensive CDs are more highly tuned for data-storage rather than 
for running an OS.  I've even had really expensive Cds fail and then 1 from a 
cheap pack of 20 (the packs that cost less than a small(ish) lump of bad 
cheese) worked fine.  

On 1 machine the Cd-drive appeared to be almost completely dead in Windows but 
i managed to get a tiny Gnu&Linux distro called SLiTaz (30Mb) onto the Cd.  
Then i booted the "LiveCd" of that.  It's so tiny that you can even take the Cd 
out while still running the "LiveCd session" (it's really running entirely 
inside Ram without even touching your hard-drive or Cd-drive).  With SLiTaz the 
Cd-drive was rock-solid so i was able to make a Cd of Ubuntu.  Then because 
Ubuntu had been made using the same Cd-drive i was finally able to boot-up a 
"LiveCD session" of Ubuntu.  The LiveCd session usually allows you to install 
the OS and if so then it usually allows you to play simple games while you are 
waiting for the installer to do the next thing.  On more advanced hardware you 
could be doing emailing, watching a movie, playing a game and surfing the 
internet all while doing the installing but that's a bit extreme.  

The 1st thing is to try a few different LiveCd sessions so you can find out 
what you prefer the look of, and which works better and which you are happier 
using as your first.  
Regards from 
Tom :)  

> From: Andrew Brown 
>To: Demétrio Soares  
>Cc: Tom Davies ; Gabriel Risterucci 
>; "" 
>Sent: Monday, 22 July 2013, 8:44
>Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] opening powerpoint files restart the computer
>Hi Demétrio
>As I suspected, I've been in IT since 1976, so a lot of experience helps 
>with a good gut feel. Yes an old system, but as you say it suffices for 
>your current needs. I would suspect you system is using DDR2 memory 
>applicable for hardware at the time.
>What you could do, as a cheap and helpful upgrade is see if you can get 

[libreoffice-users] 2 news clippings of interest

2013-07-22 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
2 articles of interest covering topics we frequently discuss at length on this 
list.  These articles provide stats and links to reinforce many of the various 
points of view put forwards by many people here (even (or especially?) the ones 
i disagree with).  

75% (approx) of LO's devs are volunteers, around 12% are paid devs from various 
companies, for some weird reason 12% is attributed to OOo.  Apache OO have 
their own sliver.  Of the paid devs 50% are from SuSE.  (note to self to give 
openSuSE a test drive soon).  It would be interesting to see a similar doughnut 
from Apache

only around 12% of the current code is  untouched OOo code!!  Around 1/3rd of 
the cleaner, newer code has been provided by volunteers.  25% by SuSE employees 
and another 25% by RedHat employees.  The remainder provided by an interesting 
list of companies of which i've only heard of Canonical and Apache (err and 
Codeweavers (oh and Intel of course)) but all seem to be 'quite' important.  

Two of the comments at the bottom of Italos post really kinda bug me
They seem to be trying to turn the debate into being about a single side-issue, 
some irrelevant person's personal agenda.  The response that refutes it just 
draws more attention to the single issue.  It would be great if future posts 
just ignored those and made positive statements about LibreOffice and TDF as a 
whole or addressed points raised in the article itself.  Such a positive and 
informative article deserves respect rather than a flame-war!

Actually looking around at many articles about LibreOffice i notice that quite 
a few are sidelined by blatant attempts to start flame-wars or comments that 
make it difficult to post links to the articles in family-friendly 
environments.  If only the comments were at all related to the articles, 
perhaps developing reasoned debate about the issues discussed!  With the 4.0.0 
release i meant to go around and give supportive User Support to people that 
posted question about how to do this or that or fix something.  Mostly i 
planned to just give them links to AskLO, this mailing list and to the wiki or 
documentation on the official site.  
Regards from 
Tom :)  

> From: Charles-H. Schulz 
>Sent: Monday, 22 July 2013, 9:38
>Subject: [libreoffice-marketing] 2 news clippings of interest
>Today we have Italo's pre-announcement of the 4.1 and a rather personal
>one at that (which I can totally relate to):
>And a TechRepublic article on LibreOffice Base, which is also good:
>Charles-H. Schulz 
>Co-founder & Director, The Document Foundation,
>Zimmerstr. 69, 10117 Berlin, Germany
>Rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
>Legal details:
>Mobile Number: +33 (0)6 98 65 54 24.
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Kerning issue with LIbreOffice 4 and Helvetica font

2013-07-22 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
iow thanks for the report.  No need to file a bug-report about it as there 
already is one.  Please install 4.0.4 to replace your 4.1.0.
Thanks, apols and regards form 
Tom :)  

> From: Alex Thurgood 
>Sent: Monday, 22 July 2013, 7:56
>Subject: [libreoffice-users] Re: Kerning issue with LIbreOffice 4 and 
>Helvetica font
>Le 18/07/2013 20:17, pfrost a écrit :
>Hi Patrick,
>> In LibreOffice, if I open a document containing Helvetica font and
>> export to PDF, the Helvetica font has horrible kerning--almost all spaces
>> between words are removed, making the PDF very difficult to read. If I open
>> the same document in LibreOffice 3.4.5, it exports to PDF just fine--spaces
>> between words are easy to identify making the quote easy to read.Is this a
>> known issue with LibreOffice 4? Is there a simple fix?I'm attaching a sample
>> doc which contains Helvetica font and the resulting PDF.Best regards,Patrick
>There is a known bug report about this for LO, but I don't have 
>it to hand right now.
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[libreoffice-users] CRITBINOM function description is wrong

2013-07-22 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
If anyone could try out this weird function and let us know what the results 
are then the documentation and translators teams might be able to describe it 
correctly.  So far  Oasis doesn't seem to know what it does and MS can't decide 
 what their equivalent function does either!
Regards from 

Tom :)  

> From: Mihovil Stanic 
>Sent: Monday, 22 July 2013, 6:48
>Subject: [libreoffice-documentation] Re: [libreoffice-l10n] CRITBINOM function 
>description is wrong
>Nice catch.
>Oasis says it's "greater then"
>MS Office says "less then" in function title description
>and then it says "greater then" in function description
>LO says "less then".
>Would be nice if someone could actually use this formula and say which 
>is true. :)
>Best regards,
>Dana 22.7.2013. 1:44, Sérgio Marques je napisao:
>> File: scalc/01.po
>> Context: 04060183.xhp par_id3149254 49 help.txt
>> Comments: yXdFy
>> Returns the smallest value for which the
>> cumulative binomial distribution is less than or equal to a criterion value.
>> Should be:
>> Returns the smallest value for which the
>> cumulative binomial distribution is greater than or equal to a criterion
>> value.
>> Also in:
>>   File:
>> sc/source/ui/src.po
>> Context:
>> Comments:
>> o6CUv
>>   Should be:
>>   Context:
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Automatic sizing of documents in single window

2013-07-22 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
Is it a Draw document/picture or an Impress slide-show?  If so the extra panes 
are for fairly crucial things you are likely to need when editing.  

Regards from
Tom :)  

> From: jumper46 
>Sent: Monday, 22 July 2013, 16:50
>Subject: [libreoffice-users] Automatic sizing of documents in single window
>Is there a function to automatically size several documents (as they are
>brought into focus) into a single display window?  In Windows, one is adding
>panes to the window.  I wish  to eliminate having to resize every document
>each time I add or remove another in the display.
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Re: [libreoffice-users] desktop-integration

2013-07-22 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
I think the desktop integration packages normally get added around the time 
that beta-testing is over.  It might have happened earlier in some branches, 
such as the 4.0.0 but when beta testing it's fairly normal to find one or 2 
things are not quite finalised.  Normally you just report problem and get on 
with the rest to see if you can find anything else.  Getting bogged down with 1 
issue means you miss the chance to explore the rest.  

Thanks for testing so far though!  Good work.  Good luck with the rest! :)
Thanks and regards from 
Tom :)  

> From: sun shine 
>Sent: Monday, 22 July 2013, 15:09
>Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] desktop-integration
>This is a topic I have some interest in and have been following.
>While I am aware of the capacity to run the soffice script from the 
>terminal and even creating a custom launcher for the Gnome, XFCE4 and in 
>Mint, Mate panels, what I am curious about is exactly why doing so is 
>even necessary in the first place?
>This will have been the first time in my experience of using OOo and now 
>LibO that doing this manually is necessary, and it makes me wonder what 
>value the desktop-integration package has if the user still needs to do 
>this customised approach to get the application to work.
>Are you able to shine any light on the matter? Is this an oversight from 
>the 4.1. beta developers, a bug, or - a feature? Similarly, any ideas 
>about why this desktop integration (which doesn't) is only geared for 
>the KDE and not for Gnome (and Gnome-like) DEs?
>Thanks for any insights you can share.
>On 21/07/13 20:47, Girvin R. Herr wrote:
>> Heinrich,
>> Have you tried bringing LibreOffice up with "soffice" in a terminal 
>> shell, or unambiguously, "/opt/libreoffice4.1/program/soffice" (less 
>> quotes, of course)?
>> If that works, then you could manually add a link in your menu or at 
>> least an icon on your desktop.
>> soffice is the main libreoffice program or, more accurately, script, 
>> that invokes the other programs (Writer, Calc, etc.). If that program 
>> is not run first, then the others may not be initialized properly to run.
>> You could also run writer, calc, etc. from a terminal and see what 
>> messages are output from it. They may give you a clue as to why it 
>> isn't running properly. But my bet is on soffice.
>> FYI: "soffice" is a legacy name from the StarOffice days. Maybe some 
>> day the devs will get around to changing that - unless it would break 
>> something.
>> Hope this helps.
>> Girvin Herr
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Some content in ODP slide appears only in slide show view of Impress, not in normal view or PDF output

2013-07-22 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
In this sort of situation is it possible to go into the file as a though it's a 
zip-file and fix it by just editing a couple of easy things in there?  


and then edit the xml file in there?

Would that be an easier approach to fixing a LOT of files in a big batch run?  

Regards from 
Tom :)  

> From: Regina Henschel 
>Sent: Friday, 19 July 2013, 20:31
>Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Some content in ODP slide appears only in 
>slide show view of Impress, not in normal view or PDF output
>Hi vi5u0,
>The document has damaged content. The error is not in LO but already in 
>the file.
>In detail: The document contains a lot of objects which has got an 
>attribute svg:viewbox="0 0 0 0". Having a viewbox with width and height 
>zero means, that the object is not displayed. When you try to edit the 
>objects, you will notice, that they vanish in edit view too. If I set a 
>proper width and height manually in the file souce, the upper drawings 
>are shown.
>The question is, how was the file generated? Most of the objects are of 
>draw:type="ooxml-rect". That suggests, that the original file was a 
>.pptx. Which application was used to convert it to .odp?
>Kind regards
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Automatic sizing of documents in single window

2013-07-23 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
Please, when replying do a "Reply to all" or "Group reply" or "Reply to list".  
Thanks for trying to work-around the 'problem' of me getting duplicates of your 
replies but i really don't mind getting duplicates.  It's easy to hit the 
delete key.  I think we are supposed to delete-out individual's addresses from 
the "To" and "CC" fields but sometimes that means the person that posted 
doesn't get any of the replies because they are not properly subscribed to the 
mailing list.  It's easier just to send to the list and everyone and let them 
quickly hit their delete key when they see the same message got through twice.  

The mailing lists used to have a really clever way of handling all this but 
various people prefer it this way around :(  The rest of us have just learned 
to live with it.  

Sorry about all that!! 

It should be possible to "Cascade" any windows that are in a group on your 
taskbar surely?  Don't you just right-click on the 'button' on the taskbar and 
select "Cascade"?  Win Xp and earlier going back to Win98 had something like 
that didn't they?  Vista and Win7 too?  So, is this problem only happening on 

Also which version of LibreOffice are you using?  If you have any trouble at 
all with 4.1.0 then just uninstall it and go back to 4.0.4.  That 3rd digit 
show how many "service packs" the branch has had so about .4 becomes very very 
stable and predictable.  Most people will find even beta-testing versions 
plenty stable enough but some will find odd things that don't quite work for 
them, in which case just go back to the stable branch.  

Regards from 
Tom :)  

> From: "" 
>Sent: Monday, 22 July 2013, 20:57
>Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Automatic sizing of documents in single window
>Hello, Tom, and thanks for replying
>The documents (at this time) are all text and spreadsheet.  The ones that I 
>open as a group all contain different, but related, information that I 
>consolidate or replace. After I get this data together, it will be time for 
>the slide-show (or dog and pony show, depending on whose watching.)
>In MSOffice, I had the option of selecting all or some of these and having 
>them tile or cascade in the window (using the MS terms.)  That's what I'm 
>trying to replicate.  Right now, I'm doing this manually, and anything of 
>three kills a great deal of time.  I may be out of luck or have to wait for 
>another version to roll out.
>BTW, the reply on the LO web site tried to send your answer to me to you 
>again, so I'm replying directly.
>Hi :)
>Is it a Draw document/picture or an Impress slide-show?  If so the extra panes 
>are for fairly crucial things you are likely to need when editing. 
>Regards from
>Tom :) 
>    From: jumper46 
>    To:
>    Sent: Monday, 22 July 2013, 16:50
>    Subject: [libreoffice-users] Automatic sizing of documents in single window
>    Is there a function to automatically size several documents (as they are
>    brought into focus) into a single display window?  In Windows, one is 
>    panes to the window.  I wish  to eliminate having to resize every document
>    each time I add or remove another in the display.
>    Jumper
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: 2 news clippings of interest

2013-07-23 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
What may be trivial to one person is a big deal to another.  Even just 
'trivial' changes have involved reading, understand, possibly translating and 
then re-typing stuff that is wy beyond the ken of most of us.  

A major part of the code clean-up has been taking out comments some of which 
are still there even though the code they were commenting about may have been 
dropped a decade ago.  The download size of LibreOffice is under 70% the size 
it was when the projects forked.  Smaller, lighter, faster might be trivial to 
some but many of us really appreciate the reduction in size and increase in 

Regards from 
Tom :)  

> From: Urmas 
>Sent: Tuesday, 23 July 2013, 13:10
>Subject: [libreoffice-users] Re: 2 news clippings of interest
>> only around 12% of the current code is  untouched OOo code!!
>Do you understand that this comes from an obsolete diff tool which treats 
>trivial changes like indents and comments as an entirely new code? 
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Printing problems

2013-07-23 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
I find that tricky too actually.  Everyone in this country seems to have their 
printers configured to print on US letter despite actually using A4.  Then if 
someone sends them an A4 page to print onto the A4 it comes out as 2 pages with 
just a tiny bit of the page printed at the top of the next sheet.  

On my own machines, well the company's machines, i go around and set them to 
print on A4 but then if a new machine arrives i have no idea whether it's 
trying to print to A4 or what.  Also what about new users logging in at a 
machine they haven't used before?  Are they now on US Letter again or not?  

It seems that with LibreOffice it always seems to know that A4 should be being 
used.  None of this messing around.  
Regards from 
Tom :)  

> From: Jean Milot 
>To: Jay Lozier  
>Sent: Tuesday, 23 July 2013, 15:32
>Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Printing problems
>I haven't problem with the drivers.
>I have about 20 printers configured.
>2013/7/23 Jay Lozier 
>> On Tue, 23 Jul 2013 08:55:07 -0400, Jean Milot 
>> wrote:
>>  Hello,
>>> I search how  to :
>>> - configure all the printers with A4 by defaulr
>>> - configure all the printers with postcript level and not PDF
>>> And somebody know why with CUPS, i need to reload the printers
>>> "Fichier " -> "Paramètrage de l'imprimante"
>>> ( "FIle" -> Printer setting )
>>> Thanks for your help.
>>> I work on debian with CUPS on an other server.
>>> LO : last version
>>> Sincerely,
>>> Jean
>>>  Jean,
>> To manage your printers if the OS is having problems use localhost:631 get
>> to the CUPS admin. Findig the correct driver can be tricking. For example
>> some Konica-Minolta printers have the correct driver listed under Minolta.
>> I do not know why you have to reload the printers unless the wrong driver
>> is installed.
>> --
>> Jay Lozier
>> --
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>Tél. : 0659514624
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Printing problems

2013-07-23 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
Ahhh, right!  So when i have just logged into the printers and set it there it 
should mean all the machines pick-up the A4 setting from there.  So it's not a 
per desktop-machine setting?  
Regards from 
Tom :)  

> From: Kracked_P_P---webmaster 
>Sent: Tuesday, 23 July 2013, 15:00
>Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Printing problems
>On 07/23/2013 08:55 AM, Jean Milot wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I search how  to :
>> - configure all the printers with A4 by defaulr
>> - configure all the printers with postcript level and not PDF
>> And somebody know why with CUPS, i need to reload the printers
>> "Fichier " -> "Paramètrage de l'imprimante"
>> ( "FIle" -> Printer setting )
>> Thanks for your help.
>> I work on debian with CUPS on an other server.
>> LO : last version
>> Sincerely,
>> Jean
>Are you trying to set these printer defaults for LibreOffice only, or 
>for all printer?
>I assume you are using Debian based system, like Ubuntu or Mint, if not 
>Debian itself. I use Ubuntu 12.04 and LO 4.0.4.
>For my system, I would go to
>Applications / Office / Printer Administration
>Then set the printer defaults there.
>See if that helps.
>Since you use a printserver, it seems, on a system you do not have 
>control of, there are not as many options.
>You are in a region of the world that uses A4 paper size, right?  Why 
>would the printers be setup as that size by default?
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Printing problems

2013-07-23 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
So i do that to the printer-server, or to individual desktops?  I kinda like 
the idea of settign the setting at the printer and leaving the desktops to use 
that as their default.  
Regards from 
Tom :)  

> From: Walther Koehler 
>Sent: Tuesday, 23 July 2013, 17:28
>Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Printing problems
>if you are with cups on Debian or similar configuration use
>lpoptions your_printer -o media=A4
>in a shell script
>Am Dienstag, 23. Juli 2013 schrieb Tom Davies:
>> Hi :)
>> I find that tricky too actually.  Everyone in this country seems to have
>> their printers configured to print on US letter despite actually using A4. 
>> Then if someone sends them an A4 page to print onto the A4 it comes out as
>> 2 pages with just a tiny bit of the page printed at the top of the next
>> sheet. 
>> On my own machines, well the company's machines, i go around and set them
>> to print on A4 but then if a new machine arrives i have no idea whether
>> it's trying to print to A4 or what.  Also what about new users logging in
>> at a machine they haven't used before?  Are they now on US Letter again or
>> not? 
>> It seems that with LibreOffice it always seems to know that A4 should be
>> being used.  None of this messing around.  Regards from
>> Tom :) 
>> >
>> > From: Jean Milot 
>> >To: Jay Lozier 
>> >Cc:
>> >Sent: Tuesday, 23 July 2013, 15:32
>> >Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Printing problems
>> >
>> >
>> >Hi,
>> >
>> >I haven't problem with the drivers.
>> >
>> >I have about 20 printers configured.
>> >
>> >Sincerely,
>> >
>> >Jean
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >2013/7/23 Jay Lozier 
>> >
>> >> On Tue, 23 Jul 2013 08:55:07 -0400, Jean Milot 
>> >> wrote:
>> >>
>> >>  Hello,
>> >>
>> >>> I search how  to :
>> >>>
>> >>> - configure all the printers with A4 by defaulr
>> >>> - configure all the printers with postcript level and not PDF
>> >>>
>> >>> And somebody know why with CUPS, i need to reload the printers
>> >>>
>> >>> "Fichier " -> "Paramètrage de l'imprimante"
>> >>> ( "FIle" -> Printer setting )
>> >>>
>> >>> Thanks for your help.
>> >>>
>> >>> I work on debian with CUPS on an other server.
>> >>>
>> >>> LO : last version
>> >>>
>> >>> Sincerely,
>> >>>
>> >>> Jean
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>>  Jean,
>> >>
>> >> To manage your printers if the OS is having problems use localhost:631
>> >> get to the CUPS admin. Findig the correct driver can be tricking. For
>> >> example some Konica-Minolta printers have the correct driver listed
>> >> under Minolta.
>> >>
>> >> I do not know why you have to reload the printers unless the wrong
>> >> driver is installed.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> --
>> >> Jay Lozier
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> --
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Conflicts?

2013-07-23 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
I think it's the same conflicts as between any 2 versions of LibreOffice or any 
2 versions of AOO or OOo.  Basically avoid having both open at the same time.  
That might mean turning off the Quickstarter of both of them.  

This link might help
Regards from 
Tom :)  

> From: Virgil Arrington 
>Sent: Tuesday, 23 July 2013, 20:38
>Subject: [libreoffice-users] Conflicts?
>Are there any known conflicts with having LO 4.0.4 and AOO 4.0 installed on 
>the same computer? In my never-ending, obsessive (and admittedly futile) 
>search for computing perfection, I want to try both programs to see which 
>better meets my techno-needs.
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Unable to change url for persona settings

2013-07-24 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
I think time to post a bug report!

Just copy*paste the old settings over the top of the new ones might mean some 
settings are not quite suitable for the new branch.  It's not very likely imo 
especially for something like personas/themes that have been around for quite a 
while now but it might be a case where you need to reinstall the 4.1.x and let 
it adjust any settings it needs to.  Definitely keep an untweaked copy of your 
4.0.x settings though in case you need to go back to the current stable branch! 
Regards from 
Tom :)  

> From: Scott Castaline 
>Sent: Wednesday, 24 July 2013, 4:31
>Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Unable to change url for persona settings
>Yes 4.1.?.? the persona feature is broke. You can only change it or edit
>it by doing it manually by adding the jpg files to the
>.config/libreoffice/4/user/gallery/persona sub-dirs. If the persona
>sub-dir does not exist than just create it and dump the jpg there. Also
>you will have to manually edit the registrymodifications.xcu file. This
>just an xml file. Look for the 2 lines that have "Persona" and the
>second one has "PersonaSettings" after oor:name=. You will want the 2nd
>line, horizontal scroll to the type and type in the name of the
>jpg file (ie 3.jpg;bas5.jpg;#d5f3fa;#00 is what is in mine for star
>trek image.)
>I got the mentioned values when I tried coping my libreoffic config
>folders from into my 4.1.?.? folders and found that it worked. I
>found the difference based on the comments in the 2 bugs that Peter had
>mentioned. Once I changed the new files I switched back. The xcu files
>are very different in size so I'm not sure if keeping the older version
>in place may disallow some new feature from working properly.
>On 07/23/2013 08:49 PM, Kracked_P_P---webmaster wrote:
>> On 07/23/2013 04:40 PM, Scott Castaline wrote:
>>> On 07/21/2013 04:30 AM, Peter Maunder wrote:
 Bad2theBone wrote
> Just recently started checking out Fedora 19 on another system.
> This version comes with LibreOffice 4.1. I found that I was not
> able to setup my Persona settings in this version. My main system
> has and just on a hunch I copied the libreoffice sub-dir
> in .config to my test system after renaming it on that system. It
> now works, although I haven't tried changing it now that I think
> of it since doing that.
> Anyone know enough about the config db or file to shed some light
> on why this happened. Also is there any major difference between
> config tool in 4.0 verses 4.1 that could create problems? Or is
> it possible to be a Fedora thing and not generic LibreOffice
> problem?
 Have a look at bugs 63498 and 59230 to see whether yours is a
 related problem. I have the same symptoms with 4.1 debian install
 and Ubuntu 12.04 and Mint-Mate Maya... Peter

>> I use Ubuntu 12.04 and MATE desktop and have seen no issues with using
>> the Persona option.  I have no problem in changing it to whatever one I
>> want, as long as I have the URL of the Firefox persona page.  I have
>> made 26 persona "files" and posted them on FF's site and change my 4.0.4
>> version on Ubuntu and Windows every so often.  No problems so far.
>> So are you telling us that 4.1.0.x has given up our ease of
>> using/changing persona[s]?
>> The only thing that 4.0.x had issues with, in the past, was using the
>> font/text color that was defined withing the persona.  In the past, if
>> you had a dark background and light text defined, LO did not pick up the
>> light text color and the text was shown in "default black" text.  There
>> was a move to fix that issue.  Could that work caused the current
>> issues?  I do not know.  Of course, I have to tried 4.1.0.x - since I
>> rarely install a RC version of package.
>>> Yes, that's exactly what I experienced. For now I have the .config
>>> sub-dirs from my system running Fedora 18 and LO copied onto
>>> the system running Fedora 19 and LO 4.1.?.?. Since I saved my original
>>> config on that system I may try restoring it and manually create the
>>> persona sud-dir with the jpg files.

 -- View this message in context:

>>> Sent from the Users mailing list archive at
>Sent from my home PC running Fedora18 to you and NSA, FBI, CIA, HSA
>and God only knows who else
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Conflicts?

2013-07-24 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
I have it on for my colleagues to make LO start-up just that bit faster.  They 
pick on any slightest thing as "a blocker" and slower start-up drives them up 
the wall.  They really have no clue about adding Extensions and haven't used LO 
enough to grumble about any 'missing' functionality.  if they did i would add 
the appropriate Extension for them.  I already do the updates for them anyway.  

Admittedly i am not in a perfect position and it's probably not a good idea to 
copy me.  On my own logins i avoid the quick-starter because there is plenty 
else to get on with while waiting for something to open.  
Regards from 
Tom :)  

> From: Kracked_P_P---webmaster 
>Sent: Wednesday, 24 July 2013, 10:51
>Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Conflicts?
>On 07/24/2013 12:33 AM, Steve Edmonds wrote:
>> Hi.
>> I have 3.6, 4.1dev. and AOO 4.0 installed together on my mac.
>> Steve
>> On 2013-07-24 12:41, V Stuart Foote wrote:
>>> Yes if one or both are fully installed (as opposed to /A administrative 
>>> installs) they will interfere in subtle ways.
>>> Actions to mitigate:
>>> 1) Disable the Quickstarter for both during installation -- the TDF 
>>> LibreOffice and Apache OpenOffice versions will conflict--best if both are 
>>> off. Done from AppWiz.cpl and a modify installation of both.
>I always "disable" the Quickstart option.
>In the past, having it active caused issues to updating some of the add on 
>>> 2) Also, only one or the other should have the Windows Explorer Integration 
>>> enabled (it provides a thumbnail view of ODF documents) in Desktop or 
>>> Thumbnail views in Windows Explorer (Desktop and other folder views). 
>>> Personally I also leave that unchecked when installing.
>>> 3) Finally, if using the "release" rather than development builds. The 
>>> Windows registry will be written with file associations--the two programs 
>>> should coexist to open a file type, but only one can be set as the default 
>>> for any particular ODF or MS Office format.  So keep track of that.
>>> Good luck.
>>> From: Tom Davies []
>>> Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2013 6:13 PM
>>> To: Virgil Arrington;; 
>>> Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Conflicts?
>>> Hi :)
>>> I think it's the same conflicts as between any 2 versions of LibreOffice or 
>>> any 2 versions of AOO or OOo.  Basically avoid having both open at the same 
>>> time.  That might mean turning off the Quickstarter of both of them.
>>> This link might help
>>> Regards from
>>> Tom :)
>>>> From: Virgil Arrington 
>>>> To:;
>>>> Sent: Tuesday, 23 July 2013, 20:38
>>>> Subject: [libreoffice-users] Conflicts?
>>>> Are there any known conflicts with having LO 4.0.4 and AOO 4.0 installed 
>>>> on the same computer? In my never-ending, obsessive (and admittedly 
>>>> futile) search for computing perfection, I want to try both programs to 
>>>> see which better meets my techno-needs.
>>>> Virgil
>>>> -- 
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Calc copy&paste Fw: [libreoffice-users] Help with two issue I am finding in LO

2013-07-24 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
I have had a few issues copy&pating lately.  Not sure i can pin it down to a 
single app or single OS.  

Seems that nowadays if i copy something and then close the document i copied it 
from then paste 'forgets' and goes back to the previous thing i copied/cut.  If 
i keep the document open then paste works just fine.  

Is your current and recent problem likely to be something similar?

Err, because there are 2 separate questions i tried to break this Calc issue 
out into a separate thread by "Forwarding" this email back to this mailing 
list.  "Reply to all" hopefully works  fine now.

Regards from 

Tom :)  

- Forwarded Message -
>From: Andrew Brown 
>To: ""  
>Sent: Wednesday, 24 July 2013, 9:26
>Subject: [libreoffice-users] Help with two issue I am finding in LO
>Hi Everyone
>Well this is now my turn to ask for some help, and to see if any of you 
>have or are experiencing these issues. This applies to both my Windows 
>version, and Ubuntu Raring versions of LO, so a common occurrence. And 
>it has persisted since I migrated over to LO. Your responses will assist 
>me before I send this as a bug report, missing feature.
>In Calc, I cannot copy and paste any data content out of the input line 
>at the top i.e. right click the mouse and copy using the now non 
>existent drop down menu. This goes for an existing spreadsheet or 
>creating a new one. In the past, not sure if it was early versions of LO 
>Calc, or OOo Calc, but I could do this, no problems. I copy from a lot 
>of pricelists and other similiar type spreadsheets, and paste into order 
>sheets or directly into emails for my business, and I find now the only 
>workaround is to highlight the content and Ctrl c to copy it, or using 
>the menu "Edit". This needs to be looked at and added as a feature, or 
>returned as a feature. MS Office Excel has always allowed this as well.
>This next one is in Writer, and many of my clients have this issue as 
>well, and I feel this is a major failure or feature exclusion. Writer 
>cannot handle the copy and paste of multiple image files, such as photos 
>etc, and then automatically space them one below the other. Many of my 
>clients are in the field as motor vehicle assessors and take multiple 
>pictures of vehicle repairs (up to about twenty per vehicle), process 
>them to reduce their physical size, then paste them into a word 
>processor and compile into a PDF before emailing to the insurance 
>houses. MS Office can do this and has always done this with no issues 
>whatsoever, but LO Writer simply dumps the images one on top of the 
>other, with a lot of unnecessary work to have to drag and place each 
>image in order below the previous one. And this is not consistent, 
>sometimes Writer fails with a lot of photos (noticeably more than five). 
>This lack of feature is now forcing many of my customers to return to 
>MSO, and I feel it needs to be addressed and fixed.
>Andrew Brown
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Customizing Number Format of each level in "Writer->Tools->Outline Numbering"

2013-07-25 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)  
Sorry!  I couldn't find the section in the guides but you might find this 
on a side issue you might find Chapter 12 interesting "Creating Tables of 
Contents, Indexes, and Bibliographies".  There is a plug-in/add-on/Extension 
that might help with that, i think "Zotero"?

How rigid is the template?  

Can you create a fresh new Odt document in LibreOffice and follow the 
guidelines of the template without having to copy&paste anything from their 
template into your new document?  If there are bits you need to copy can you 
use paste-special to paste as unformatted text?  
Ctrl  Shift  v
rather than just 
Ctrl  v

A fresh start means you neatly avoid getting stuck with lots of legacy 
formatting codes that might spring surprises on you randomly in the future.  It 
gives you more control over what you do.  

If it is rigid and you can't just start afresh then it might be worth asking 
the University if they could give you an OpenDocument Format (ODF, specifically 
Odt) version rather than the proprietary one.  If not then perhaps be insolent 
and ask them to buy and give you the product, that is made by a foreign 
company, in order to be able to use their template.  Perhaps push further and 
ask them to supply it in a non-American 'local' language.  

Errr, i am guessing you are outside of the USA because most of the world is.  
Also i assumed that your native language is not English (US) because, again, 
most of the world speaks other languages as their 1st language, even inside the 

Also note that ODF is an ISO standard.  ISO meaning it is agreed by an 
international agency made from people of many different nationalities.  While 
DocX also has a version that is an ISO standard that is not the one implemented 
in any version of MS Office so far because they all tweak it some different way 
that is non-compliant with the standards.  

Point out that you already have the necessary tools for the job but the only 
reason you would have to buy product from a foreign company is to complete this 
1 task, the thesis.  The tools you already have do everything else better.  
Regards from 
Tom :)

> From: Sina Momken 
>Sent: Thursday, 25 July 2013, 8:39
>Subject: [libreoffice-users] Customizing Number Format of each level in 
>"Writer->Tools->Outline Numbering"
>Hello, I need help with LibreOffice Writer -> Tools -> Outline Numbering.
>As long as I know Tools -> Outline Numbering in LibreOffice Writer is
>somehow equivalent to defining new Multilevel list in MS Office Word 2010.
>But I need some features in formatting of each level in Outline
>Numbering, which is not available in LibreOffice Writer but is available
>in MS Word -> Multilevel list. I need some more professional formatting
>of each level because I'm writing my thesis based on a template provided
>by my university and I have to obey that template. In that template
>(which is a .doc file) format of each level is defined in a particular
>way that can be shown correctly in MS Word, but not in LibreOffice.
>I need to be able to customize Number format of each level similar to MS
>Word like what you can see here:
>If someone is professional in this issue please help me.
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Re: [libreoffice-users] couple questions

2013-07-25 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
This list is not deliberately giving specific agencies any 
information or posts from individuals.  All your login info is protected
 as much as can reasonably be done (although i'm sure all sensible 
people give wrong information or just leave most of it blank).  The 
posts you make are the only thing that is given out but they are 
publicly available by anyone, anywhere that has a web-browser possibly 

If your posts indicate you are from a specific town then some people might 
remember that or find it in the archives.  So, obviously you would give a fake 
town or just not tell anyone and not hand out business cards or flyers or 
anything unless you wanted people to know.  

I vaguely recall having heard of "Tor" web-browsing
However, i heard it is quite slow.  Also, as "sun shine" pointed out it's a bit 
of a waste of time i you are using Windows.  There are a few OSes, such as 
versions of Gnu&Linux that do an amazing amount to protect your privacy
both use Tor.  If you run either of those on a machine, especially if it's not 
connected to the internet then you can be reasonably sure no-one can snoop.  
Tails has a page at DistroWatch so i feel reasonably confident about suggesting 
Probably others too but i didn't spend long looking.  Whonix doesn't appear on 
DW although does that mean they are not Gnu&Linux (or Bsd) or that they are 
more extremely careful and really don't want to be known?  Mostly i think these 
sorts of things are developed to protect canny journos, or people living in 
dangerous and paranoid countries.  Military organisations seem to have only 
just caught onto the idea that a LiveCd is a pretty neat idea for keeping 
sessions secure but hopefully that is just their public face and they are 
working on these sorts of tools in the back-ground.  

Most people seem quite happy to share almost everything with everyone freely 
on-line through Facebook, MySpace and all the rest.  Not so much a  hidden 
back-door but a wide open front-door and in a "knock all the walls down" type 
of way.  Everyone is spying on everyone else and happily uploading pictures and 
whatnot of everyone anywhere without any regard to any sort of privacy.  We, 
collectively, sold out our right to privacy (in countries that bothered to pay 
lip-service to such concepts that have never really existed anywhere in 
reality) gleefully years ago.  

Btw for the first time in just under a decade the UbuntuForums.Com got hacked 
and all users email addresses got collected.  However, swift action (perhaps 
automated?) shut the whole site down to attempt to prevent any other data 
getting siphoned off.  I changed all my Ubuntu-related passwords quite quickly 
because i get paranoid quite easily so i was expecting other sites to domino 
but that never happened and all other sites have remained safe.  

Regards from 
Tom :)  

> From: sun shine 
>Sent: Thursday, 25 July 2013, 10:03
>Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] couple questions
>On 24/07/13 16:12, Bill Zaffer wrote:
>> I heard about your system on Corbett Report.  The reason I would want to 
>> join is do not want NSA checking my emails or other forms of communications. 
>>  Am I protected with your site.
>> Also, if I join your system, do I drop my Cox Internet Connection or still 
>> keep it plus with emails do I get to keep my Outlook or hotmail accounts?
>> William Zaffer
>> Scottsdale, Arizona
>> 480-201-7387
>> Stop being exploited, learn to eat healthier at home, learn to live a Earth 
>> Friendly lifestyle, shop local, and buy more American but  moderate 
>> consumption.  We need to rethink and restructure the system.  It is not 
>> sustainable.
>>        "If you’re not prepared to be wrong, you’ll never come up with 
>>anything original.”
>Hello Bill
>You may have some misunderstanding about this email list. I'm no tech, 
>but what I can say is this and others will no doubt correct me and give 
>more info too:
>(1) this is an email-based discussion/ support list for people using 
>LibreOffice, an open source alternative to MS Office. It does not 
>require you to join anything (although you can subscribe for nothing to 
>receive replies to your emails - hence I've cc'd you, since I don't know 
>if you subscribed or not). The good news is that because LibO is open 
>source, the chances for the NSA to have a backdoor access to this suite 
>is vanishingly small ... although, of course, using Microsoft as your 
>operating system already means that the NSA have a backdoor into your 
>system - that is to say, that Microsoft is a surveillance enabled system 
>in its own right. This is a link http://ti

Re: [libreoffice-users] couple questions

2013-07-25 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
Errr, ok, i have re-read this and think i misunderstood a few things.  

Yes, people do keep going on about security and the dangers of the internet 
(usually hypocritically)  but we do keep your personal data about 
as safe as, or possibly safer than the Pentagon keeps there's or the 
space station keeps their command&control systems, or the 
stock-exchanges around the world keep their's.  Like all of them we use one of 
many unix-based systems.    
Hmm, not all stock-exchanges are as safe and definitely not all banks!  Windows 
is ok as a desktop but it's not good enough when security is critical.  There 
are many things that would be considered a security problem in unix-based 
systems that Windows doesn't even worry about at all, such as being forced to 
shut-down a machine.  

1.  You keep your existing internet connection.  If you want to use a different 
one from your existing one that has nothing to do with us and if you do change 
then that doesn't affect us at all.  As long as you get access to the internet 
that's all that matters really.  

2.  Your hotmail account or other email accounts remain the same.  Again that 
is nothing to do with us.  if you change to a different email account then you 
would have to re-subscribe with the new one.  So, it's probably easier to just 
keep the one you have.  

Your emails come through your internet connection but if you changed email 
account or got a 2nd one then that would come through your internet connection 
too.  You could have lots of different email accounts with lots of different 
companies or even lots from the same company but it's usually better to keep it 
simple and just have 1 or 2 email accounts.  Your "internet service provider" 
(=isp) does not need to know about what email accounts you have.  If you do 
ever change your isp then they also don't need to know about your email 
accounts.  Your isp might want to know your email address so that they can 
write to you.  

3.  You can keep using Outlook.  It is just a tool for reading emails.  If you 
have lots of email accounts then you can probably get Outlook to collect them 
all for you but you would have to configure Outlook to do that.  If you are 
temporarily without internet access then Outlook can probably show you your old 
emails but it just wont get any of the new ones until you connect again.

People may tell you that you "have to" change to something else for any of 
those 3 things but that is much the same as telling you to eat greens or eat 
more fruit.  They might think other tools are better for you but it's your 
choice as to what you use.  

Please ignore my earlier post!  I thought the question was about something 
Regards from 
Tom :)  

> From: sun shine 
>Sent: Thursday, 25 July 2013, 10:03
>Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] couple questions
>On 24/07/13 16:12, Bill Zaffer wrote:
>> I heard about your system on Corbett Report.  The reason I would want to 
>> join is do not want NSA checking my emails or other forms of communications. 
>>  Am I protected with your site.
>> Also, if I join your system, do I drop my Cox Internet Connection or still 
>> keep it plus with emails do I get to keep my Outlook or hotmail accounts?
>> William Zaffer
>> Scottsdale, Arizona
>> 480-201-7387
>> Stop being exploited, learn to eat healthier at home, learn to live a Earth 
>> Friendly lifestyle, shop local, and buy more American but  moderate 
>> consumption.  We need to rethink and restructure the system.  It is not 
>> sustainable.
>>        "If you’re not prepared to be wrong, you’ll never come up with 
>>anything original.”
>Hello Bill
>You may have some misunderstanding about this email list. I'm no tech, 
>but what I can say is this and others will no doubt correct me and give 
>more info too:
>(1) this is an email-based discussion/ support list for people using 
>LibreOffice, an open source alternative to MS Office. It does not 
>require you to join anything (although you can subscribe for nothing to 
>receive replies to your emails - hence I've cc'd you, since I don't know 
>if you subscribed or not). The good news is that because LibO is open 
>source, the chances for the NSA to have a backdoor access to this suite 
>is vanishingly small ... although, of course, using Microsoft as your 
>operating system already means that the NSA have a backdoor into your 
>system - that is to say, that Microsoft is a surveillance enabled system 
>in its own right. This is a link to a google 
>search for microsoft nsa backdoor giving 524,000 results.
>(2) this will in no way stop the NSA from reading your emails. If you 
>want to do that, you have some options. One is to review 
> find out who voted

Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Customizing Number Format of each level in "Writer->Tools->Outline Numbering"

2013-07-25 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
Please don't bother to translate the document or the template!  

It's not the contents that we are interested in so much as the formatting.  

Errr, since we might not understand the Farsi instructions it might be good to 
just translate the bit about outline numbering.  You already did that in a 
previous email but the formatting went wrong.  So if you could copy&paste your 
earlier explanation into a fresh document and then upload that it might help 

It was this sort of thing 
>> Level    Example(desired output)    Associated Paragraph Style
>> 1     Chapter 3:        Chapter
>> 2      3.2-            Heading 1
>> 3       3.2.5-        Heading 2
>> 4        Heading 3
>> 5         (b)        none
>> 6          Fig (3.12)    Fig Caption
>> 7           (3.27)        Formula
>> 8        Table (3.20)    Table Caption
that i think needs to go into a fresh document.  Was it a table?  Was it 3 
columns?  I think i can just about see what it was meant to be but i cold 
easily be wrong.

Regards from 
Tom :)  

> From: Sina Momken 
>Sent: Thursday, 25 July 2013, 11:30
>Subject: [libreoffice-users] Re: Customizing Number Format of each level in 
>"Writer->Tools->Outline Numbering"
>Dear Tom, Thank you very very much for taking time trying to help me.
>The .doc file I'm currently working on is ~200 pages, is in Farsi
>language and is heavy enough that I think is not useful for you.
>I can share the university template too, but its main problem is that
>the template is mostly in Farsi and not understandable to others.
>But I'm sure that my problem is not because of the template or its language.
>So I'll translate the template to English (especially those parts of the
>template that are related to this problem), then I'll write an example
>with the translated template and I'll upload that example file. Using
>that example file you will exactly understand what is my problem. I
>guess that LO Writer UI doesn't support the exact Outline Numbering
>format that I want, or there is a trick or point that I don't know. But
>even if LO Writer doesn't support my requested feature, I believe there
>should be an alternative solution to make the same output, because the
>Outline Numbering format that I want is famous and is used in many other
>Please wait, I'll make and upload the file and then post its link in
>reply to this message.
>On 07/25/2013 01:27 PM, Tom wrote:
>> Hi :)
>> Please could you "upload" the .doc template to Nabble so everyone can have a
>> look and see if we can modify it ourselves?  Is there anything confidential
>> in it that should not be displayed to the world-wide general public?  If so
>> then don't upload it!  
>> In Nabble start your reply and notice the "More" button just above where you
>> type the message of your reply.  The top option in the "More" button is to
>> upload a file in much the same way that you would for attaching a file to an
>> email.  
>> I think your formatting got messed up by the emailing system so it might be
>> better to just upload a file showing roughly how you want it although the
>> template might explain it fully enough.
>> Regards from 
>> Tom :)  
>> Sina Momken wrote
>>> Let me show you what exact Outline Numbering I want using the example
>>> below:
>>> Level    Example(desired output)    Associated Paragraph Style
>>> 1     Chapter 3:        Chapter
>>> 2      3.2-            Heading 1
>>> 3       3.2.5-        Heading 2
>>> 4        Heading 3
>>> 5         (b)        none
>>> 6          Fig (3.12)    Fig Caption
>>> 7           (3.27)        Formula
>>> 8        Table (3.20)    Table Caption
>>> As you can see in the example above the '3' in "Fig (3.12)", "(3.27)"
>>> and "Table (3.20)" is the chapter number at level 1.
>>> But in Writer->Tools->Outline_Numbering the first digit is not '3'
>>> (level1 number) but the first digit in level 'n' with "Show sublevels =
>>> 2" will be number of level 'n-1'.
>>> Therefor also in the .doc template everything is stored correctly using
>>> MS Word, but when I open it with LO Writer I see Outline Numberings as
>>> below:
>>> Level    Example(Writer result)    Associated Paragraph Style
>>> 1     Chapter 3:        Chapter
>>> 2      3.2-            Heading 1
>>> 3       3.2.5-        Heading 2
>>> 4        Heading 3
>>> 5         (b)        none
>>> 6          Fig (b.12)    Fig Caption
>>> 7           (12.27)        Formula
>>> 8        Table (27.20)    Table Caption
>>> How can I achieve my desired output I mentioned in first example using
>>> LO Writer?
 In that template
 (which is a .doc file) format of each level is defined in a particular
 way that can be shown correctly in MS Word, but not in LibreOffice.
 I need to be able to customize Number form

Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Customizing Number Format of each level in "Writer->Tools->Outline Numbering"

2013-07-25 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
Ok, i had misunderstood due to some prejudices of my own.  

It is good to hear of a University that provides non-MS formats!  In my country 
it is hard-work trying to get them to accept anything else.   TeX is good.  TeX 
might do the outline numbering you want by default.  If you can use TeX it 
might be better than Writer.  it might let you copy&paste everything into TeX 
fairly easily?  If you are not already familiar with TeX (most people aren't 
and i'm one of them) then Writer should be able to do it.  I don't know how but 
others on the list might be able to help.  

Since you are already using Zotero and Writer it sounds like you are already 
using the best tools and already know plenty about them.  The link to Chapter 
12 assumed you were just about to start writing rather than being well into the 
middle of it already.  

I am not sure how to do 
Even if I want to make a .odt specific version, I must be able to make "Figure" 
and "Table" numberings with Chapter numbers in themselves. How
could I do that?
but hopefully someone else might be able to give you a good answer later.  

The problem with going backwards and forwards between different formats is that 
sometimes you get extra codes/mark-up hidden inside the document.  Usually the 
best way is to keep "an original" in Odt and just edit that.  Obviously old 
versions and backups of it are a good plan!  Then make a copy of the document 
in Doc only when you need to show it to others.  Any changes made in Doc are 
probably better copy&pasted back into the original Odt.  it's not very 
convenient though!  Hopefully everyone will be happy editing in Odt one day!  

I don't think that is the reason you are having troubles with numbering though 
and like you say it might well not have affected your document at all.

There are many countries where most people prefer to use pirated software 
rather than pay for it.  It's good to see some places beginning to use 
OpenSource more to get out of that trap.  In my country i remember people being 
quite happy to use pirated software but now being keen to buy that software 
instead.  It might be just because i  am now working in a more corporate 

Regards from 
Tom :)  

> From: Sina Momken 
>Cc: ""  
>Sent: Thursday, 25 July 2013, 11:09
>Subject: [libreoffice-users] Re: Customizing Number Format of each level in 
>"Writer->Tools->Outline Numbering"
>Dear Tom,
>Thank you for reading my question and trying to help.
>On 07/25/2013 01:17 PM, Tom Davies wrote:
>> Hi :)  
>> Sorry!  I couldn't find the section in the guides but you might find this 
>> helpful
>About the documentation and its chapter 12 I don't think it's useful for me 
>> on a side issue you might find Chapter 12 interesting "Creating Tables
>of Contents, Indexes, and Bibliographies".  There is a
>plug-in/add-on/Extension that might help with that, i think "Zotero"?
>About Zotero, I currently use Zotero for making bibliography of my
>thesis. It's very convenient to use, integrates very well with
>LibreOffice and MS Word and is even better than its proprietary
>equivalent "Endnote".
>> How rigid is the template?  
>> Can you create a fresh new Odt document in LibreOffice and follow the 
>> guidelines of the template without having to copy&paste anything from their 
>> template into your new document?  If there are bits you need to copy can you 
>> use paste-special to paste as unformatted text?  
>> Ctrl  Shift  v
>> rather than just 
>> Ctrl  v
>About using the template I can say that using the .doc template is not
>necessary and my university also has provided the TeX equivalent of that
>template, but not .odt format. However also using the specific .doc or
>.tex format is not necessary but my thesis must follow its guidelines
>(e.g. The fonts and sizes of headers, body, figs, tables, etc.)
>But fortunately I could successfully import and use the .doc template
>and only some minor problems like what I'm asking about is still
>present. Actually there is no need to create a new .odt file from
>scratch because most of the things work well.
>> A fresh start means you neatly avoid getting stuck with lots of legacy 
>> formatting codes that might spring surprises on you randomly in the future.  
>> It gives you more control ove

Re: [libreoffice-users] LO 4 install deletes 3.6

2013-07-25 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
'Fortunate' like 99.99% of people!  Upgrading from 3.x.x to 4.0.x produced a 
startling lack of bump in traffic on this list, except old die-hards remarking 
on how well it went.  The 4.1.0-beta gave more of a bump but still nothing like 
the start of a new branch used to produce here.  

If we take the ancient figure of 60milion users (am i remembering correctly?) 
world-wide and that this is the international list and gets emails from Japan, 
India, Iran, even New Zealand and all around the globe i think we can safely 
say that 
1.  not so many are upgrading and/or
2.  not many are having troubles  of course there is another possiblity but LO 
usage seems to be growing rapidly, not dwindling!  

Regards from 
Tom :)  

> From: Dave Liesse 
>Sent: Wednesday, 24 July 2013, 18:51
>Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] LO 4 install deletes 3.6
>Thanks, Andrew; I hadn't noticed this before.  My LO 3.4 directory is 
>still present, but practically empty.  This is NOT good behavior if the 
>user is not notified first.  I'll be sure to go back and find your 
>earlier message and save it, for future use.  When there's an upgrade 
>(as opposed to a patch), I want the ability to test it before abandoning 
>my old software.  Guess I'm fortunate not to have had issues going from 
>3.4 to 4.0!
>On 7/24/2013 08:13, Andrew Brown wrote:
>> Hi Virgil
>> You have observed correctly. I have just done a test of installing two 
>> version of AOO under Windows 7, and quite correctly, it installs it's 
>> own local cache/store of settings, per version, thus allowing two 
>> copies to work side by side, as long as you create two distinct 
>> install folders (by default I never allow any installing program's 
>> defaults in Windows 7, many known issues with virtual links to folders 
>> etc). And correct in your observation, as well as my earlier supplied 
>> info, LO does not do this, rather opting for a single user settings 
>> store, detecting another install of LO, and uninstalling it, before 
>> installing the upgrade (or possible downgrade). But this is not a bad 
>> thing though, as covered by other respondees.
>> The link I supplied in my earlier email shows one how to overcome this 
>> issue of LO and a universal store, allowing for two versions 
>> simultaneous and operational on Windows 7.
>> Regards
>> Andrew
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Unable to change url for persona settings

2013-07-25 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
Thanks.  Nicely handled.  :)  
Regards from 
Tom :)  

> From: Scott Castaline 
>To: Tom Davies  
>Cc: ""  
>Sent: Wednesday, 24 July 2013, 17:15
>Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Unable to change url for persona settings
>Tom, there's already 2 bug reports open on this as mentioned by Peter in
>another post in this thread. Although I think one of them has or had
>been closed as it was a duplicate bug report to the original one.
>On 07/24/2013 03:59 AM, Tom Davies wrote:
>> Hi :)
>> I think time to post a bug report!
>> Just copy*paste the old settings over the top of the new ones might mean
>> some settings are not quite suitable for the new branch.  It's not very
>> likely imo especially for something like personas/themes that have been
>> around for quite a while now but it might be a case where you need to
>> reinstall the 4.1.x and let it adjust any settings it needs to. 
>> Definitely keep an untweaked copy of your 4.0.x settings though in case
>> you need to go back to the current stable branch! 
>> Regards from
>> Tom :) 
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Conflicts?

2013-07-25 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
Thanks :)  

It's actually easier for me to go from machine to machine and do 
1.  Open LibreOffice
2.  Switch off quick starter
3.  Install newer version of LO
4.  Check for updates 
5.  switch on quick starter again
than to listen to them go on and on about how slow LO is to start-up.  it is a 
little slower than MSO but not by much.  perhaps if the spalsh screen and 
progress bar appeared earlier to give them something to look at.  Anyway i 
really should get on and install the 4.0.4 today if i can.  

Regards from 
Tom :)  

> From: Kracked_P_P---webmaster 
>Sent: Wednesday, 24 July 2013, 11:58
>Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Conflicts?
>There is an option in the Extension Manager to find updates.  That is 
>where I get the issue when I want to install the updates and sometimes 
>the quickstarter will "block" the update, since you cannot shut down and 
>restart LO completely with that option enabled.  I do not know if it is 
>still true with the 4.x versions, but it has been at least a year since 
>I enabled the quickstarter option on my Ubuntu desktop and/or my Windows 
>On 07/24/2013 06:21 AM, Tom Davies wrote:
>> Hi :)
>> I have it on for my colleagues to make LO start-up just that bit faster.  
>> They pick on any slightest thing as "a blocker" and slower start-up drives 
>> them up the wall.  They really have no clue about adding Extensions and 
>> haven't used LO enough to grumble about any 'missing' functionality.  if 
>> they did i would add the appropriate Extension for them.  I already do the 
>> updates for them anyway.
>> Admittedly i am not in a perfect position and it's probably not a good idea 
>> to copy me.  On my own logins i avoid the quick-starter because there is 
>> plenty else to get on with while waiting for something to open.
>> Regards from
>> Tom :)
>>> From: Kracked_P_P---webmaster 
>>> To:
>>> Sent: Wednesday, 24 July 2013, 10:51
>>> Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Conflicts?
>>> On 07/24/2013 12:33 AM, Steve Edmonds wrote:
>>>> Hi.
>>>> I have 3.6, 4.1dev. and AOO 4.0 installed together on my mac.
>>>> Steve
>>>> On 2013-07-24 12:41, V Stuart Foote wrote:
>>>>> Yes if one or both are fully installed (as opposed to /A administrative 
>>>>> installs) they will interfere in subtle ways.
>>>>> Actions to mitigate:
>>>>> 1) Disable the Quickstarter for both during installation -- the TDF 
>>>>> LibreOffice and Apache OpenOffice versions will conflict--best if both 
>>>>> are off. Done from AppWiz.cpl and a modify installation of both.
>>> I always "disable" the Quickstart option.
>>> In the past, having it active caused issues to updating some of the add on 
>>> extensions.
>>>>> 2) Also, only one or the other should have the Windows Explorer 
>>>>> Integration enabled (it provides a thumbnail view of ODF documents) in 
>>>>> Desktop or Thumbnail views in Windows Explorer (Desktop and other folder 
>>>>> views). Personally I also leave that unchecked when installing.
>>>>> 3) Finally, if using the "release" rather than development builds. The 
>>>>> Windows registry will be written with file associations--the two programs 
>>>>> should coexist to open a file type, but only one can be set as the 
>>>>> default for any particular ODF or MS Office format.  So keep track of 
>>>>> that.
>>>>> Good luck.
>>>>> From: Tom Davies []
>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2013 6:13 PM
>>>>> To: Virgil Arrington;; 
>>>>> Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Conflicts?
>>>>> Hi :)
>>>>> I think it's the same conflicts as between any 2 versions of LibreOffice 
>>>>> or any 2 versions of AOO or OOo.  Basically avoid having both open at the 
>>>>> same time.  That might mean turning off the Quickstarter of both of them.

Re: [libreoffice-users] LO 4 install deletes 3.6

2013-07-25 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
You are assuming a static number of users.  LO is growing rapidly such that 
most of the users are new users that haven't had time to be disappointed yet.  

I think you are right though and that this issue should be reported as a bug 
unless it already has been.

Personally i quite like that i don't have to worry about what happens to the 
3.x.x folder and just let the installer grab all my old settings and move them 
into the new folder.  I do have plenty of space but don't really want stray 
bits dupliacted all over the place leaving future users uncertain of what they 
can't delete.  

On one machine with MSO 2007 i found MSO 2000 and uninstalled it only to find 
that took the 2007 with it.  The 2007 was an upgrade on the 2000 and hadn't 
bothered to change any names.  Frankly i prefer the 4.0.0s way to that!! :)
Regards from 
Tom :)  

> From: Virgil Arrington 
>To: Tom Davies ;; 
>Sent: Thursday, 25 July 2013, 14:06
>Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] LO 4 install deletes 3.6
>Or, people have upgraded, have had problems, and are too disappointed to 
>keep reporting them.
>For example, as I reported before, LO properly loads the style list 
>in the format it was in on the last close out. For me that is 
>"hierarchical," my preferred way of displaying styles.
>LO 4.0 went back to the "old" behavior of defaulting to another view 
>LO 4.0.4 has really strange behavior. When a document loads with the style 
>list, the notation at the bottom of the list *says* it's hierarchical (just 
>as I wanted), but the actual list is not arranged hierarchically; it is 
>arranged alphabetically. Admittedly, it's a minor irritation, but one that I 
>didn't have with LO 3.6
>As we now know, upgrades sometimes contain bug regressions. That being the 
>case, an upgrade to LO 4 should politely leave LO 3.6 alone, so those of us 
>who prefer the older version wouldn't have to reinstall it. AOO has done 
>this; TDF should be able to as well.
>-Original Message- 
>From: Tom Davies
>Sent: Thursday, July 25, 2013 7:58 AM
>To: ;
>Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] LO 4 install deletes 3.6
>Hi :)
>'Fortunate' like 99.99% of people!  Upgrading from 3.x.x to 4.0.x produced a 
>startling lack of bump in traffic on this list, except old die-hards 
>remarking on how well it went.  The 4.1.0-beta gave more of a bump but still 
>nothing like the start of a new branch used to produce here.
>If we take the ancient figure of 60milion users (am i remembering 
>correctly?) world-wide and that this is the international list and gets 
>emails from Japan, India, Iran, even New Zealand and all around the globe i 
>think we can safely say that
>1.  not so many are upgrading and/or
>2.  not many are having troubles  of course there is another possiblity but 
>LO usage seems to be growing rapidly, not dwindling!
>Regards from
>Tom :)
>> From: Dave Liesse 
>>Sent: Wednesday, 24 July 2013, 18:51
>>Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] LO 4 install deletes 3.6
>>Thanks, Andrew; I hadn't noticed this before.  My LO 3.4 directory is
>>still present, but practically empty.  This is NOT good behavior if the
>>user is not notified first.  I'll be sure to go back and find your
>>earlier message and save it, for future use.  When there's an upgrade
>>(as opposed to a patch), I want the ability to test it before abandoning
>>my old software.  Guess I'm fortunate not to have had issues going from
>>3.4 to 4.0!
>>On 7/24/2013 08:13, Andrew Brown wrote:
>>> Hi Virgil
>>> You have observed correctly. I have just done a test of installing two
>>> version of AOO under Windows 7, and quite correctly, it installs it's
>>> own local cache/store of settings, per version, thus allowing two
>>> copies to work side by side, as long as you create two distinct
>>> install folders (by default I never allow any installing program's
>>> defaults in Windows 7, many known issues with virtual links to folders
>>> etc). And correct in your observation, as well as my earlier supplied
>>> info, LO does not do this, rather opting for a single user settings
>>> store, detecting another install of LO, and uninstalling it, before
>>> installing the upgrade (or possible d

Re: [libreoffice-users] Creating non-printable pages in Writer

2013-07-25 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
I don't know so i'm going to make a guess and see what others say about it.  

Can the 1st 2 pages be a separate section?  Is that the best approach?  
Regards from 
Tom :)  

> From: Thom Brown 
>Sent: Thursday, 25 July 2013, 16:49
>Subject: [libreoffice-users] Creating non-printable pages in Writer
>Hi all,
>I have a Writer template (OTT) that I wish colleagues to use, but I would
>like the first couple pages to contain instructions on how to use the
>template.  Naturally I wouldn't want these to be printed or exported to a
>PDF.  Is there any way to mark pages as unprintable/non-exportable in a
>template so that I don't have to include an instruction to users to delete
>those 2 pages before exporting?  I don't want to mark just the text as
>non-printable as this will still occupy space, and I also have a header and
>footer that would be produced on those 2 pages anyway.
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[libreoffice-users] desktop integration working now? Re: [tdf-announce] LibreOffice 4.1: a landmark for interoperability

2013-07-25 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
Now that the 4.1.0 has been properly released you might find the proper release 
has all the desktop integration sorted out now.  it might be worth checking if 
you are keen and have the time
Good luck and regards from 

Tom :)  

> From: Italo Vignoli 
>Sent: Thursday, 25 July 2013, 13:00
>Subject: [tdf-announce] LibreOffice 4.1: a landmark for interoperability
>The office suite features a large number of improvements which bring
>compatibility with proprietary and legacy file formats to the next level
>Berlin, July 25, 2013 - The Document Foundation announces LibreOffice
>4.1, not only the best but also the most interoperable free office suite
>ever. LibreOffice 4.1 features a large number of improvements in the
>area of document compatibility, which increases the opportunities of
>sharing knowledge with users of proprietary software while retaining the
>original layout and contents.
>Interoperability is a key asset for LibreOffice, which is the de facto
>standard for migrations to free office suites since early 2012. Numerous
>improvements have been made to Microsoft OOXML import and export
>filters, as well as to legacy Microsoft Office and RTF file filters.
>Most of these improvements derive from the fundamental activity of
>certified developers backing migration projects, based on a professional
>support agreement.
>Instrumental for interoperability are also new features such as font
>embedding in Writer, Calc, Impress and Draw - which helps in retaining
>the visual aspect when fonts used to produce the document are not
>installed on the target PC - and import and export functions new in
>Excel 2013 for ODF OpenFormula compatibility.
>In addition to interoperability, LibreOffice 4.1 offers a very large
>number of new features and improvements also in other areas of the
>suite, which are listed here:
>LibreOffice 4.1 is also importing some AOO features, including the
>Symphony sidebar, which is considered experimental. LibreOffice
>developers are working at the integration with the widget layout
>technique (which will make it dynamically resizeable and consistent with
>the behaviour of LibreOffice dialog windows).
>LibreOffice 4.1 arrives at the end of a significant development process,
>which has just been outlined on the foundation blog:
> Feature wise, the summary is here:
>In just two months, on September 25, 2013, the LibreOffice community
>will gather in Italy at the Third LibreOffice Conference, hosted by the
>Department of Computer Science of Milan State University. More
>information on the conference web site at the following address:
> The Call for Paper is open
>until Sunday, August 4.
>Downloading LibreOffice
>LibreOffice 4.1 is immediately available for download from the following
>link: Extensions for LibreOffice
>are available from the following link:
>Changelogs are available at
> (changed in
>(changed in and
> (changed in
> and
>(changed in
>Support The Document Foundation
>LibreOffice users, free software advocates and community members can
>support The Document Foundation with a donation at
> Money collected will be used to grow the
>infrastructure, and support marketing activities to increase the
>awareness of the project, both at global and local level.
>Short link to post on TDF blog:
>Italo Vignoli - Director
>mob +39.348.5653829 - sip
>The Document Foundation
>Zimmerstraße 69, 10117 Berlin, Germany
>Rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Customizing Number Format of each level in "Writer->Tools->Outline Numbering"

2013-07-25 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
You translated plenty.  i just don't know how to do any of that!  

I think Regina gave an excellent response.  At least i see a message from her 
in my inbox and she is usually excellent.  Did she solve it already?    
Regards from 
Tom :)

> From: masterman 
>Sent: Thursday, 25 July 2013, 13:15
>Subject: [libreoffice-users] Re: Customizing Number Format of each level in 
>"Writer->Tools->Outline Numbering"
>Ok Tom,
>It's the partially translated template, I was speaking about.
>Because of lack of time I only translated Chapter 1 and Chpater 2. I also
>translated the used paragraph styles and put '_' in front of those
>translated paragraph styles. (e.g. _Chpater, _Fig_Caption, etc.).
>Some digits are still in Farsi. (۱۲۳۴۵۶۷۸۹۰=1234567890)
>As I described in the translated Chapter 2, the Numberings are incorrect.
>You can see the incorrect numberings plus the expected correct numberings
>above each Fig, Table or Formula.
>The main reason for numberings being incorrect is Tools->Outline_Numbering
>not being flexible enough.
>If Tools->Outline_Numbering in LO Writer was as flexible as Multilevel List
>Numberings of MS Word (as you can see in
>this problem could be fixed.
>After seeing this document if you still has any question about the reason of
>this incorrect numberings in LO Writer, don't hesitate to ask. Likewise, if
>you have any idea or possible solution I'll be more than glad to know.
>Sina Momken
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>Sent from the Users mailing list archive at
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Customizing Number Format of each level in "Writer->Tools->Outline Numbering"

2013-07-25 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
Ahh, found Regina's answer and copied it directly to you.  

I am not sure how you are still not properly subscribed to the mailing list but 
yet ARE able to post to Nabble!  Congrats on doing that btw and if you find out 
how you did it please let the rest of us know because it could be about the 
best way to view this mailing list!! :)

Thanks, congrats (well, partial congrats) and regards from 
Tom :)  

> From: Regina Henschel 
>Sent: Thursday, 25 July 2013, 12:59
>Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Customizing Number Format of each level 
>in "Writer->Tools->Outline Numbering"
>You do the outline numbering with Chapter, Heading 1 , ... with normal 
>outline numbering. You need to define a paragraph style "Chapter" and 
>alter the assignment between paragraph style and level in the outline 
>numbering dialog.
>LibreOffice uses the field "Number range" for numbering in captions. 
>Therefore these are not at all in the outline numbering. But when you 
>insert a caption to a table or figure, you will see a Options-buttons. 
>There you can tell LibreOffice to count newly for each chapter.
>The "caption" item in the context menu is only a shortened way to set a 
>caption. You can also write your own caption inserting the field "Number 
>range" manually. That will be the right way for numbering formulas.
>The Autotext FN puts the formula and the formula-numbering in a table. I 
>would not use it, because it is not easily possible to move paragraphs, 
>when the movement crosses a table. I would position the formula number 
>using a tab. For display formulas in own paragraphs you can define a 
>suitable paragraph style.
>The captions are normal paragraphs, so you can add the needed brackets 
>manually as you need them.
>Each "Number range" will generate its own index later on.
>The numbers of the outline can be inserted using fields.
>Do not try to mimic the way things are done in Word, the concepts are 
>different. But you can be sure, that you can write well formatted 
>academic papers in LibreOffice.
>Kind regards
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Re: [libreoffice-users] 4.0.3

2013-07-26 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
That 3rd digit is roughly the equivalent of "Service pack".  So usually the 
higher it is the more stable it is.  Of course even just bug-patches and fixes 
can sometimes introduce unexpected problems that might not get caught by QA.  

The best answer, imo, is to keep a very stable version that you are happy 
enough with on all the machines you look after especially ones that have 
limited access or that you can't reach easily.  Then on 1 machine find some way 
of being able to test-drive an occasional beta-test versions before it gets 
released.  Preferably do about 1 per branch.  The problem is that things you 
might care about deeply might not even be getting used by other people at all.  
So it's only you that might notice.  So if you didn't test-drive then the 
problem might never be found.  Also it's better to do your testing on a beta 
release rather than a full release because it's during the early beta stage 
that the most devs are the most focussed on the 1 single version and trying to 
solve the most problems quickly.  Also it's when the fewest other people are 
making bug-reports.  

There are various ways you could make sure you have access to 1 version for use 
for work that has a dead-line and another version that you can just use to try 
things out and make sure it all works.  

Regards from 
Tom :)  

> From: Amit Choudhary 
>To: ""  
>Sent: Friday, 26 July 2013, 3:35
>Subject: [libreoffice-users] 4.0.3
>I was using 4.0.2 and then I downloaded 4.0.3 but 4.0.3 is not as stable as
>4.0.2. So, now I am downloading 4.0.4.
>I am more interested in stable and feature rich (optional) software rather
>than frequently released software.
>Stablility is very important because a non-stable software / software
>having many bugs results in loss of time and frustartion.
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Help with two issue I am finding in LO

2013-07-26 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)I had not really noticed that because it was what i expected anyway.  I 
kinda like it this way because i right-click one pic go to "picture" change the 
size, anchor point, wrap, maybe add a url to make it clickable.  Then drag it 
away and grab the next pic.  So, i like it because i know where all the pics 
are and it help me track which i have done and which i haven't.  

There might be some mileage in working out how to use "position" in the same 
dialogue-box to move the pic to roughly the right position, or even exactly 
right spot if i ever knew that in advance.  

Has this behaviour changed in LO recently?  If it's always been like this then 
it's a feature request isn't it?  Otherwise it's a bug report and might help to 
find out which version changed the behaviour?

Regards from 
Tom :)  

> From: Andrew Brown 
>To: Tim Lloyd  
>Cc: ""  
>Sent: Friday, 26 July 2013, 8:30
>Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Help with two issue I am finding in LO
>Hi Tim
>That's it, you got it, what I (and all of my customers using LO) are 
>And this behaviour happens whether posting from the web or locally from 
>the hard drive. What I find strange, is that if there is already a laid 
>out document (locally), or a web page with text and pictures, they will 
>cut/copy and paste correctly and lay out in the new document. LO seems 
>to preserve (within reason for the different formats) the format of a 
>previously created document.
>This seems to only happen when one is creating a "new" document with 
>text, and one wants to paste in images of any sort. And as I iterated in 
>my post, if you choose too many images, it seems to stall and sometime 
>crash LO Writer, I think because they are being stacked on top of each 
>other, it causes a resource overflow (my opinion of what I think is 
>On 26/07/2013 02:51 AM, Tim Lloyd wrote:
>> Hi Andrew,
>> I just had a look at the writer issue. Keeping it simple I downloaded 
>> 2 images from the web into my downloads folder.
>> I opened a new writer document, went to my file browser and selected 
>> both images (FWIW a jpg & a gif). When I pasted into writer the 2nd 
>> image was pasted on top of the first. Is that what you see? I expected 
>> to see the images separated in some way.
>> Cheers
>> On 07/25/2013 06:13 PM, Andrew Brown wrote:
>>> Hi Tim
>>> Ok, at least I have a comrade with the same observation and non 
>>> function. Yes I am aware of the cell right click, but I suppose force 
>>> of continuous habit on my behalf in using this in the input line, and 
>>> a family raised from school level on MSO, as well as my wife very 
>>> proficient in MSO, all pointed this out to me. So I find it not 
>>> sufficient to leave it out, as I said it works in other versions of 
>>> spreadsheet programs, so why not LO.
>>> Have you tried the Writer issue I have, with pasting multiple images 
>>> into it, try it. Another program non-feature/problem that needs to be 
>>> fixed.
>>> Thanks for the feedback.
>>> Andrew Brown
>>> On 25/07/2013 09:50 AM, Tim Lloyd wrote:
 Hi Andrew,

 I agree regarding the calc issue. I tried this on under 
 Fedora and portable under Windows. Neither allow you to 
 right click on the input line. As you noted, CTRL-C works. So, I 
 cranked up LO3.6.2.2 under XP. Same.

 The only thing I noticed is that you can right click on the cell 
 itself. No need to go up to the input line. I wonder if this is 
 deemed to be sufficient.


 On 07/24/2013 06:26 PM, Andrew Brown wrote:
> Hi Everyone
> Well this is now my turn to ask for some help, and to see if any of 
> you have or are experiencing these issues. This applies to both my 
> Windows version, and Ubuntu Raring versions of LO, so a common 
> occurrence. And it has persisted since I migrated over to LO. Your 
> responses will assist me before I send this as a bug report, 
> missing feature.
> In Calc, I cannot copy and paste any data content out of the input 
> line at the top i.e. right click the mouse and copy using the now 
> non existent drop down menu. This goes for an existing spreadsheet 
> or creating a new one. In the past, not sure if it was early 
> versions of LO Calc, or OOo Calc, but I could do this, no problems. 
> I copy from a lot of pricelists and other similiar type 
> spreadsheets, and paste into order sheets or directly into emails 
> for my business, and I find now the only workaround is to highlight 
> the content and Ctrl c to copy it, or using the menu "Edit". This 
> needs to be looked at and added as a feature, or returned as a 
> feature. MS Office Excel has always allowed this as well.
> This next one is in Writer, and many of my clients h

Re: [libreoffice-users] Help with two issue I am finding in LO

2013-07-26 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
Just because 1 person likes it doesn't mean anyone else should.  

Even if you don't know exactly when the behaviour changed you can still post a 
bug-report and just try to let them know roughly the last time you remember the 
behaviour being the way you liked.  It can be pinned down more precisely later. 
 People are on quite a few different versions of LO at the moment so maybe some 
help from others might do it.  

Really bug-reports and "feature requests" all get posted the same way.  The 
option to post as "feature request" is at the bottom of one of the drop-downs 
in the bug-report.  So it's reasonably easy to change that later too! :)  The 
important thing is to post something.  It can be finessed later.  

I've not looked into memory settings but that has to be worth exploring, maybe 
after posting the bug-report.  If the memory issue or something else fixes it 
you can always close the bug.  
Regards from 
Tom :)  

> From: Kracked_P_P---webmaster 
>Sent: Friday, 26 July 2013, 11:16
>Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Help with two issue I am finding in LO
>I want to jump in here and ask - have you changed the memory settings to 
>handle the "many images"?  If you do not have enough memory for the 
>number of images you are using for the document, then you may have some 
>of the image issues you talked about.
>Tools / Options / LibreOffice / Memory
>The "Graphics cache" listings should be increased - all of them.
>The "Number of objects" should also be increased
>Reduce the "Undo - Number of steps" figure to 20 or 30.
>Are you having problems with images moving from the place you put them 
>on the document?  Then you need to anchor the image to the "page", 
>instead of the default of "paragraph".  I find that if I want to make a 
>page that is mostly images, this is the only way to keep them in place.
>I use to be a heavy MSO user, but I ended with MSO 2003.  After that I 
>went to OOo and then LO when it first came out.  I learned about OOo 
>when it was mentioned in an Author's Note in the back of a book I was 
>reading.  The author needed macros and other things to help him with 
>writing his 4+ books a year.  He did not like MSO's options and features 
>for what he needed.  He now uses LO on his Linux system.  He uses a 
>Windows system for the Internet, since he could not get his Linux 
>computers to use the dial-up modem properly.  He lives on a "tree farm", 
>as he calls it, and cannot get broadband service.
>For me, I am no longer using as much of an office suite as I use to.  
>Mostly Writer and a little Calc these days.  I had to slow down after 
>several debilitating injuries and 3 small strokes, or my doctors would 
>make sure my meds would slow me down.  But, even in my "forced 
>retirement" I still do some work for not-for-profit organizations and 
>friends and family.  I also do as much as I can to get locals to see 
>that there is an alternative to the MS and MSO option.  Soon, I will be 
>passing out a number of 4.0.5 DVDs to the locals.  Have to get some to 
>the local and State government officials that I have had contact with 
>recently but did not have any DVDs or brochures with me.
>On 07/26/2013 04:52 AM, Andrew Brown wrote:
>> Hi Tom
>> I see for you it works, but the method I am talking about has always 
>> been my mentioned process in ALL other version of word processors. As 
>> you indicate, you like it this way, and probably have many years of 
>> experience in word processing, and have adapted and adopted the way it 
>> works for you.
>> I have found newbies, and those not computer literate, but are able to 
>> operate an app quite proficiently, don't like it at all, especially 
>> when trying to migrate them from MSO ot other Office suites. My wife 
>> who is a very proficient MSO user, does not like using LO Writer as it 
>> does not do certain things she is used to in MSO.
>> These are all hindrances for an effective migration to LO from a 
>> closed source payware world, the comment is the same from laymen "can 
>> it do this, No, then thanks but no thanks, I'll stay with what I know, 
>> and can work with". With all respect, it is the users/laymen that 
>> dictate a success or failure of an app or suite of apps. And I 
>> personally like the way MSO does it too, so a hindrance, especially as 
>> I mentioned when one is working with many images. Once the images are 
>> placed, and self sorted one below the other, it

Re: [libreoffice-users] 4.0.3

2013-07-26 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
I think with Base it's better to stay with older branches.  The 3.6.7 might be 
better.  if the 4.0.3 works for you then stick with that.  

Sadly there are still not many devs working on Base.  It's not flashy enough!  
Regards from 
Tom :)  

> From: "" 
>Sent: Friday, 26 July 2013, 10:31
>Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] 4.0.3
>Unfortunately, the "3rd digit rule" doesn't work as goog as expected...
>    I use report builder in base, version. Download 4.0.4 and
>report builder no more works (crash in opening).
>    thanks anyway for developers work, I remember this is a free sw, at the
>    Federico Quadri
>    Tom Davies  ha scritto:
>> Hi :)
>>   That 3rd digit is roughly the equivalent of "Service pack".  So  
>> usually the higher it is the more stable it is.  Of course even just  
>> bug-patches and fixes can sometimes introduce unexpected problems  
>> that might not get caught by QA. 
>>   The best answer, imo, is to keep a very stable version that you  
>> are happy enough with on all the machines you look after especially  
>> ones that have limited access or that you can't reach easily.  Then  
>> on 1 machine find some way of being able to test-drive an occasional  
>> beta-test versions before it gets released.  Preferably do about 1  
>> per branch.  The problem is that things you might care about deeply  
>> might not even be getting used by other people at all.  So it's only  
>> you that might notice.  So if you didn't test-drive then the problem  
>> might never be found.  Also it's better to do your testing on a beta  
>> release rather than a full release because it's during the early  
>> beta stage that the most devs are the most focussed on the 1 single  
>> version and trying to solve the most problems quickly.  Also it's  
>> when the fewest other people are making bug-reports. 
>>   There are various ways you could make sure you have access to 1  
>> version for use for work that has a dead-line and another version  
>> that you can just use to try things out and make sure it all works. 
>>   Regards from
>>   Tom :) 
>>>    From: Amit Choudhary 
>>>    To: "" 
>>>    Sent: Friday, 26 July 2013, 3:35
>>>    Subject: [libreoffice-users] 4.0.3
>>>    Hi,
>>>    I was using 4.0.2 and then I downloaded 4.0.3 but 4.0.3 is not  
>>> as stable as
>>>    4.0.2. So, now I am downloading 4.0.4.
>>>    I am more interested in stable and feature rich (optional)  
>>> software rather
>>>    than frequently released software.
>>>    Stablility is very important because a non-stable software / software
>>>    having many bugs results in loss of time and frustartion.
>>>    Amit
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Re: [libreoffice-users] LO 4.1 upgrade from 4.0.4 - now does not find Java

2013-07-26 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
My guess is that the default is 64bit or else other apps might need the 64bit 
version.  It's generally not a good idea to have more than 1 version of Java 
although even 1 might well be more than you need now.  

Accessibility and Base (using the internal back-end) still need it.  Fewer and 
fewer wizards and extensions need it.
Regards from 

Tom :)  

> From: Tanstaafl 
>Sent: Friday, 26 July 2013, 11:33
>Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] LO 4.1 upgrade from 4.0.4 - now does not find 
>On 2013-07-26 3:15 AM, Andrew Brown  wrote:
>> So with that bit of tech-ed above out of the way, what this means is it
>> looks like you have only installed the 64bit version of JRE (Java
>> Runtime Edition). LO Base cannot see or use it, hence it showing up in
>> the settings but Base not able to use it. My advice is install both the
>> 32bit version and 64 bit version of JRE 1.7.0_27, problem solved. LO
>> will sort out which version to use as each app is run.
>Why install a 64 bit version of Java if you don't need it?
>Just install the 32 bit version...
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Attempting to open any Microsoft XML document causes General I/O error after upgrade to 4.1

2013-07-26 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
I sometimes get that from files "on the network" but when i copy them to local 
desktop machine they work fine.  I've not really been tracking which versions 
it happens with.  There seems to be something about the memory settings as 
higher spec machines with memory settings radically bumped right up seem to 
suffer this a lot less.  They still get it occasionally tho.

I thought it was my inexperience with networking or something
Regard from 
Tom :)  

> From: Tanstaafl 
>Sent: Friday, 26 July 2013, 11:33
>Subject: [libreoffice-users] Attempting to open any Microsoft XML document 
>causes General I/O error after upgrade to 4.1
>Just wanted to check here before I go open a bug...
>I just upgraded to 4.1, everything seemed fine, but I encountered a 
>.docx document this morning, and got the dreaded 'General I/O' error.
>I then tried a bunch of different XML documents (.docx, .xslx, and 
>.pptx), and every one resulted in the same error.
>These are all docs that opened fine in 4.0.4
>Will go back to 4.0.4 and confirm it resolves the problem...
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Help with two issue I am finding in LO

2013-07-26 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
I think that is the 'problem' isn't it?  Like i said it works out fine for me 
because i quite like that way but i can easily understand that people might 
prefer something different!
Regards from 
Tom :)  

> From: Tim Lloyd 
>To: Andrew Brown  
>Cc: ""  
>Sent: Friday, 26 July 2013, 1:51
>Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Help with two issue I am finding in LO
>Hi Andrew,
>I just had a look at the writer issue. Keeping it simple I downloaded 2 
>images from the web into my downloads folder.
>I opened a new writer document, went to my file browser and selected 
>both images (FWIW a jpg & a gif). When I pasted into writer the 2nd 
>image was pasted on top of the first. Is that what you see? I expected 
>to see the images separated in some way.
>On 07/25/2013 06:13 PM, Andrew Brown wrote:
>> Hi Tim
>> Ok, at least I have a comrade with the same observation and non 
>> function. Yes I am aware of the cell right click, but I suppose force 
>> of continuous habit on my behalf in using this in the input line, and 
>> a family raised from school level on MSO, as well as my wife very 
>> proficient in MSO, all pointed this out to me. So I find it not 
>> sufficient to leave it out, as I said it works in other versions of 
>> spreadsheet programs, so why not LO.
>> Have you tried the Writer issue I have, with pasting multiple images 
>> into it, try it. Another program non-feature/problem that needs to be 
>> fixed.
>> Thanks for the feedback.
>> Andrew Brown
>> On 25/07/2013 09:50 AM, Tim Lloyd wrote:
>>> Hi Andrew,
>>> I agree regarding the calc issue. I tried this on under 
>>> Fedora and portable under Windows. Neither allow you to right 
>>> click on the input line. As you noted, CTRL-C works. So, I cranked up 
>>> LO3.6.2.2 under XP. Same.
>>> The only thing I noticed is that you can right click on the cell 
>>> itself. No need to go up to the input line. I wonder if this is 
>>> deemed to be sufficient.
>>> Cheers
>>> On 07/24/2013 06:26 PM, Andrew Brown wrote:
 Hi Everyone

 Well this is now my turn to ask for some help, and to see if any of 
 you have or are experiencing these issues. This applies to both my 
 Windows version, and Ubuntu Raring versions of LO, so a common 
 occurrence. And it has persisted since I migrated over to LO. Your 
 responses will assist me before I send this as a bug report, missing 

 In Calc, I cannot copy and paste any data content out of the input 
 line at the top i.e. right click the mouse and copy using the now 
 non existent drop down menu. This goes for an existing spreadsheet 
 or creating a new one. In the past, not sure if it was early 
 versions of LO Calc, or OOo Calc, but I could do this, no problems. 
 I copy from a lot of pricelists and other similiar type 
 spreadsheets, and paste into order sheets or directly into emails 
 for my business, and I find now the only workaround is to highlight 
 the content and Ctrl c to copy it, or using the menu "Edit". This 
 needs to be looked at and added as a feature, or returned as a 
 feature. MS Office Excel has always allowed this as well.

 This next one is in Writer, and many of my clients have this issue 
 as well, and I feel this is a major failure or feature exclusion. 
 Writer cannot handle the copy and paste of multiple image files, 
 such as photos etc, and then automatically space them one below the 
 other. Many of my clients are in the field as motor vehicle 
 assessors and take multiple pictures of vehicle repairs (up to about 
 twenty per vehicle), process them to reduce their physical size, 
 then paste them into a word processor and compile into a PDF before 
 emailing to the insurance houses. MS Office can do this and has 
 always done this with no issues whatsoever, but LO Writer simply 
 dumps the images one on top of the other, with a lot of unnecessary 
 work to have to drag and place each image in order below the 
 previous one. And this is not consistent, sometimes Writer fails 
 with a lot of photos (noticeably more than five). This lack of 
 feature is now forcing many of my customers to return to MSO, and I 
 feel it needs to be addressed and fixed.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Attempting to open any Microsoft XML document causes General I/O error after upgrade to 4.1

2013-07-26 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
I am not 100% sure but LO has quietly dealt with a couple of potential threats 
of that nature quite a long time ago.  The 3.4.0 and i think another in that 
same line were both quietly being pushed due to some known issue in the 3.3.x 
line.  Most of us just ignored it and carried on using the supposedly 
problematic versions and had no problems though.  

Also i know that some of the code and patches have been quietly shared between 
the projects even when Oracle were being all stuffy about it so i really don't 
know if they are fixing something that LO already fixed ages ago or if this is 
something new.  The 2 projects are very divergent now.  Only around 12% of the 
code hasn't been touched at all.  Although, as Umas said some of the changes 
may have been just removal or rewrites of commented-out lines.  

Regards from 

Tom :)

> From: Girvin R. Herr 
>To: Tom Davies  
>Cc: Tanstaafl ; "" 
>Sent: Friday, 26 July 2013, 21:57
>Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Attempting to open any Microsoft XML document 
>causes General I/O error after upgrade to 4.1
>I do not know the correlation of versions between LO and AOO, but today 
>I got the following two security reports from the AOO users forum:
>OpenOffice DOC Memory Corruption Vulnerability
>Severity: Important
>Vendor: The Apache Software Foundation
>Versions Affected:
>     Apache OpenOffice 3.4.0 to 3.4.1 on all platforms.
>     Predecessor versions of may be also affected.
>     The vulnerability is caused by operating on invalid PLCF (Plex of
>Character Positions in File) data when parsing a malformed DOC document
>file. Specially crafted documents can be used for denial-of-service
>attacks. Further exploits are possible but have not been verified.
>     Apache OpenOffice 3.4 users are advised to upgrade to Apache
>OpenOffice 4.0. Users who are unable to upgrade immediately should be
>cautious when opening untrusted documents.
>     The Apache OpenOffice Security Team credits Jeremy Brown of
>Microsoft Vulnerability Research as the discoverer of this flaw.
>Herbert Dürr
>Member of the Apache OpenOffice Security Team
>OpenOffice DOCM Memory Corruption Vulnerability
>Severity: Important
>Vendor: The Apache Software Foundation
>Versions Affected:
>     Apache OpenOffice 3.4.0 and 3.4.1, on all platforms.
>     Predecessor versions of may be also affected.
>     The vulnerability is caused by mishandling of unknown XML elements
>when parsing a OOXML document file. Specially crafted documents can be
>used for memory-corruption attacks. Further exploits are possible but
>have not been verified.
>     Apache OpenOffice 3.4.0 and 3.4.1 users are advised to upgrade to
>Apache OpenOffice 4.0. Users who are unable to upgrade immediately
>should be cautious when opening untrusted documents.
>     The Apache OpenOffice Security Team credits Jeremy Brown of
>Microsoft Vulnerability Research as the discoverer of this flaw.
>Herbert Dürr
>Member of the Apache OpenOffice Security Team
>Could this be related, in that now LO 4.1 rejects such files where LO 
>4.0 did not?
>Just a messenger.
>Girvin Herr
>Tom Davies wrote:
>> Hi :)
>> I sometimes get that from files "on the network" but when i copy them to 
>> local desktop machine they work fine.  I've not really been tracking which 
>> versions it happens with.  There seems to be something about the memory 
>> settings as higher spec machines with memory settings radically bumped right 
>> up seem to suffer this a lot less.  They still get it occasionally tho.
>> I thought it was my inexperience with networking or something
>> Regard from 
>> Tom :)  
>>> From: Tanstaafl 
>>> To: 
>>> Sent: Friday, 26 July 2013, 11:33
>>> Subject: [libreoffice-users] Attempting to open any Microsoft XML document 
>>> causes General I/O error after upgrade to 4.1
>>> Just wanted to check here before I go open a bug...
>>> I just upgraded to 4.1, everything seemed fine, but I encountered a 
>>> .docx document this mor

Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Password protected documents in 4.1 - error messages

2013-07-29 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)  

This might help you post a bug-report

Just out of curiosity, did you get the "General input/output error" when 
dealing with files on the network shares or on your local machine?
Regards from 

Tom :)  

> From: sun shine 
>To: ""  
>Sent: Monday, 29 July 2013, 21:07
>Subject: [libreoffice-users] Re: Password protected documents in 4.1 - error 
>On 29/07/13 20:12, sun shine wrote:
>> On 29/07/13 20:03, sun shine wrote:
>>> Hi list
>>> I've recently installed 4.1 for a Deb system, and I am unable to open 
>>> password protected writer documents written in earlier versions of LibO.
>>> I've double-checked the password, even typed it in plain text and copied it 
>>> over, and it still throws back an incorrect password message.
>>> Has anyone else found this?
>>> Has anyone figured a workaround?
>>> Thanks
>> Actually - this seems to be a larger issue, at least on my machine: I have 
>> attempted to create a document and then to save it with a password and it 
>> throws back this error message:
>> Error saving the document Untitled1:
>> General Error.
>> General input/output error.
>> I suspect therefore, that there is something wrong with the broader security 
>> related issues of passwords and 4.1
>> Can anyone else confirm this please?
>> Cheers
>Sorry to keep replying to my own email - I have just installed 4.0.4 and I 
>cannot reproduce either of the errors - this is therefore a 4.1 specific bug.  
>How would I report it?
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[libreoffice-users] IT World

2013-07-30 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
I have just had an email that looks like spam.  It's allegedly a survey being 
done by IT World.  So, if it is not spam then it is going to be used in some 
article to say things like 99% of people prefer something bloated and old and 
only 1% like something shiny and new.  I thought we did a good job with the 
About.Com survey.  We had just enough people to make it clear that LibreOffice 
does have a bigger fan-base than other competitors without going completely 
overboard with it.  

So, any suggestions on finding out if this survey is legit or spam would be 
Regards from 

Tom :)  

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Uninstall ?

2013-07-30 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
You can run 2 versions of LibreOffice alongside each other if you really want 
to.  Quite a few people do and they might be able to give you a link to help 
with that.  

On most machines i uninstall and then reinstall just to make certain but i 
believe Cliff is right that the newer install wipes out the previous. 

However, i think it might be better to stick with the 4.0.3 because it is more 
stable than the 4.1.0.  That 3rd digit is roughly the equivalent of a "service 
pack" number.  Generally the higher that 3rd number the more stable the 
version.  So the .3 is more stable than the .0.  Of course the 4.1.0 does 
introduce new features and greater compatibility with the newer versions of MS 
formats currently in use, (the 2010 and 2013 ones) however the introduction of 
the newer, improved functionality can mean some unexpected things might 
misbehave.  Service Packs are not always perfect themselves, for example the 
Sp1 for Xp famously broke quite a lot of stuff.  So, it might be good to update 
to the 4.0.4 rather than upgrade to the 4.1.0. 

It is your choice and you can always come back to the 4.0.x branch if the 4.1.x 
doesn't work out well enough for you.  Many people do keep up with even the 
beta-releases without any troubles but many others never upgrade until a branch 
reaches x.x.3-5

Regards from 
Tom :)  

> From: Cliff Scott 
>Sent: Tuesday, 30 July 2013, 1:13
>Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Uninstall ?
>** Reply to message from Sheafe Ewing  on Sat, 27 Jul
>2013 13:08:15 -0700
>> Have read the ReadMe Notes after downloading LibreOffice 4.1.0
>> Is it necessary to uninstall  version before installing the newest 
>> version 4.1.0
>> Using Mac OS 10.8.4
>> Thx
>Just install and it will ask you if you want to overwrite the old one or keep
>two copies. I usually keep both for a while in case there are problems with
>the new one. Each one runs independently of the other.
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Re: [libreoffice-users] IT World

2013-07-30 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
Thanks!! :)   Ok, i'll just junk it as spam then.  The "Reply to" address 
wasn't anyhting like or anything sensible like that.

Thanks for hunting around for me!
Thanks and regards from 
Tom :)  

> From: Andrew Brown 
>To: Tom Davies  
>Cc: Users@Global.LibreOffice.Org 
>Sent: Tuesday, 30 July 2013, 10:16
>Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] IT World
>Hi Tom
>I spent quite a bit of time on the official IT Web site and could find 
>no reference to the article you mention. I would consider this as spam. 
>Not use which email app you use but if it's Thunderbird, you can hover 
>you mouse over any links supplied in the email to see where they 
>actually return to, look at the bottom left of Thunderbird. If it does 
>not show I would then become very suspicious.
>Also you can expand the headers to see further where this mail 
>originated, and where it "phones home" i.e. return to server/s by going 
>to your compact header (divider between mail pane and message pane), 
>click on far right hand gear cog icon "Other actions - headers - all" 
>and scroll down in this more revealing bar to see what is hidden by default.
>Remember to return your headers to "normal" otherwise every subsequent 
>email will be sent out with all headers exposed in the email, generally 
>loking like garbage.
>Andrew Brown
>On 30/07/2013 10:39 AM, Tom Davies wrote:
>> Hi :)
>> I have just had an email that looks like spam.  It's allegedly a survey 
>> being done by IT World.  So, if it is not spam then it is going to be used 
>> in some article to say things like 99% of people prefer something bloated 
>> and old and only 1% like something shiny and new.  I thought we did a good 
>> job with the About.Com survey.  We had just enough people to make it clear 
>> that LibreOffice does have a bigger fan-base than other competitors without 
>> going completely overboard with it.
>> So, any suggestions on finding out if this survey is legit or spam would be 
>> great
>> Regards from
>> Tom :)
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Password protected documents in 4.1 - error messages

2013-07-30 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
To "start the ball rolling" you could just post a quick bug-report without 
going through much of the guide there.  It's not much different from posting an 

You need a sensible subject-line that gives a VERY brief idea of what the 
actual problem is.  The Users List can cope with appalling subject-lines such 
as "Problem with LibreOffice on my machine", which is long and fails to tell us 
anything at all.  However for a bug report you really need something better.  
Perhaps "General input/output error with 4.1.0" or something.  Also keep the 
contents of the message as on-point as possible too.  

Then later on you can return with extra "strace" reports or whatnot and add 
them to your report, again in much the same way as you can reply to your own 
messages in the threads in the emailing list.  It helps to do that quite 
quickly to try to make sure that any QA staff have as much info as you 
reasonably can to save them from having to add a new message saying "Needs more 
info".  If you really do needs help producing the t4echie info they want then 
they are probably really helpful with that but it's best to avoid taking up too 
much of their time, if possible.  

Actually that does bring up the point about Marc's email earlier.  Many people 
here could easily help with QA because there are a lot of reportrs that need 
the same type of help as each other so you can copy&paste similar responses and 
gradually learn yor way in.  Also there are many tasks that really don't need 
any technical skill at all.  Any little bit that anyone can do, especially 
regularly, even if it's an hour/week or something, would be a huge help.  
Regards from
Tom :)  

> From: sun shine 
>To: ""  
>Cc: Tom Davies  
>Sent: Tuesday, 30 July 2013, 7:45
>Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Password protected documents in 4.1 - 
>error messages
>Hello Tom
>Thanks for the link - when I have the time during the day I'll
  look into that.
>These were files on my own drive - not networked - and files
  originally created with LibO.
>On 30/07/13 00:37, Tom Davies wrote:
>Hi :)  
>>This might help you post a bug-report
>>Just out of curiosity, did you get the "General input/output error" when 
>>dealing with files on the network shares or on your local machine?
>>Regards from 
>>Tom :)  
>>> From: sun shine 
>>>To: ""  
>>>Sent: Monday, 29 July 2013, 21:07
>>>Subject: [libreoffice-users] Re: Password protected documents in 4.1 - error 
>>>On 29/07/13 20:12, sun shine wrote:
>>>> On 29/07/13 20:03, sun shine wrote:
>>>>> Hi list
>>>>> I've recently installed 4.1 for a Deb system,
  and I am unable to open password protected writer
  documents written in earlier versions of LibO.
>>>>> I've double-checked the password, even typed
  it in plain text and copied it over, and it still
  throws back an incorrect password message.
>>>>> Has anyone else found this?
>>>>> Has anyone figured a workaround?
>>>>> Thanks
>>>> Actually - this seems to be a larger issue, at
  least on my machine: I have attempted to create a
  document and then to save it with a password and it
  throws back this error message:
>>>> Error saving the document Untitled1:
>>>> General Error.
>>>> General input/output error.
>>>> I suspect therefore, that there is something
  wrong with the broader security related issues of
  passwords and 4.1
>>>> Can anyone else confirm this please?
>>>> Cheers
>>>Sorry to keep replying to my own email - I have just
  installed 4.0.4 and I cannot reproduce either of the
  errors - this is therefore a 4.1 specific bug.  How
  would I report it?
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Password protected documents in 4.1 - error messages

2013-07-30 Thread Tom Davies
Hi Tanstaafl :)
Are you trying to open those documents in LibreOffice and getting those error 
messages or getting them in MSO?  Also are they local files or on a Cloud or 
networked machine?  

Also is that using LO 4.1.0 (in which case you might be able to help sun-shine 
post a bug-report) or on a different version of LO?  
Regards from 
Tom :)  

> From: Tanstaafl 
>Sent: Monday, 29 July 2013, 20:18
>Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Password protected documents in 4.1 - 
>error messages
>On 2013-07-29 3:12 PM, sun shine  wrote:
>> Actually - this seems to be a larger issue, at least on my machine: I
>> have attempted to create a document and then to save it with a password
>> and it throws back this error message:
>> Error saving the document Untitled1:
>> General Error.
>> General input/output error.
>> I suspect therefore, that there is something wrong with the broader
>> security related issues of passwords and 4.1
>> Can anyone else confirm this please?
>That is the exact error message I get when trying to open OpenXML 
>documents (.docx, .xlsx or .pptx)...
>Interesting 'coincidence' (I don't believe in coincidences)...
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Re: [libreoffice-users] 4.0.3

2013-07-30 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
I think disdain is possibly closer than hatred.  I think bioth are quite far 
away from the reality though.  I think it's simply that people would rather 
develop tools that are more robust and less susceptible   to malware and 

I think once you start using OpenSource tools you begin to realise that MS seem 
to have deliberately built-in vulnerabilities and their slow-downs.  FOSS 
doesn't seem to suffer anything like as much, although a bit of "system rot" is 
inevitable in almost any system.  

I'm just installing Win7 on a handfull of machines and am able to make a couple 
of tweaks that prevent their "Virtual Memory" from getting so heavily 
fragmented.  In previous versions of their OS i have found it significantly 
reduces the slow-downs if you can do this early on.  On Win7 it takes an extra 
couple of clicks but it's still really easy.  I always wonder why the default 
is to set it to fragment as quickly as possible.  It's only with Win7 that 
their de-fragger tool can defrag system files such as the Virtual Memory (err 
that is Swap to Gnu&Linux geeks lol).  

Regards from 
Tom :)  

> From: Virgil Arrington 
>To: Amit Choudhary ; 
>Sent: Monday, 29 July 2013, 20:30
>Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] 4.0.3
>I certainly hope the primary motive for FOSS such as LO is not a disdain for 
>MS. I personally don't care how much money MS makes. I hope the LO 
>developers are motivated by a desire to produce a great product that can be 
>used worldwide. Hatred usually doesn't provide a very effective motive for 
>productive action.
>-Original Message- 
>From: Amit Choudhary
>Sent: Monday, July 29, 2013 10:47 AM
>Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] 4.0.3
>On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 8:14 PM, Amit Choudhary
> wrote:
>> On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 2:51 PM, Andrew Brown  wrote:
>>> Hi Amit
>>> I understand where you are coming from, and the good news is, in your 
>>> favour, that MS in both it's O/S and office suite are losing market share 
>>> in a big way. Here's an article from Ubuntu founder and my countryman 
>>> Mark Shuttelworth on his take on MS and Ubuntu. I like his statement that 
>>> the no.1 bug in Linux has now been
 fixed/closed, in that MS no longer 
>>> dominates majority market share.
>> But the numbers don't lie. I checked MS revenues and profits on 
>> and it doesn't look like MS is losing market share. MS 
>> losing share might be an illusion.
>Period Ending                                           Jun 30, 2012
>Jun 30, 2011       Jun 30, 2010
>Net Income Applicable To Common Shares $16,978,000       $23,150,000
>      $18,760,000  (All numbers in thousands)
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Automatic Backup in LibreOffice Base

2013-07-30 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)

I guess 1st thing is to try looking in the folder that the document itself is 
stored in to see if there is a back-up there.  It should be in the Back-up 
folder that you looked in but the documents own folder might be worth checking. 
 Ignore the ~lock-file as i don't think that has anyhting useful.  (hmm, i 
would poke in there "just in case" (if i could))

Have you tried re-opening LibreOffice?  Often when you re-open LibreOffice it 
asks if you want to recover the document(s) you had open last time.  it doesn't 
always recover the document properly but it might be worth trying.  

Have you emailed anyone a recent version?  or saved to usb-stick or other 
different place?  When i lose things i tend to find re-typing or re-doing the 
thing takes a LOT less time because i have more idea of the end point and when 
i stumble into the same decisions i somehow remember roughly waht i chose last 
time.  However, i hope you are able to recover the document!  

Tools - Options - General 
have you got the 
"Save auto-recover information" box ticked as well as the 
"Save backup copy"?  
Regards from 
Tom :)  

> From: E.Ibertis 
>Sent: Tuesday, 30 July 2013, 16:06
>Subject: [libreoffice-users] Automatic Backup in LibreOffice Base
>vi informo che LibreOffice Base, usato insieme a Linux/Xubuntu 12.04 
>LTS, durante la fase di immissione di nuovi record non ha eseguito il previsto 
>backup automatico (ad esempio ogni 15 minuti). Ho controllato l'opzione ed era 
>regolarmente selezionata; il programma si è improvvisamente chiuso senza 
>segnalare nulla. La cartella "Backup" era vuota.
>Ho perso così mezza giornata di lavoro.
>           ---         TRANSLATION      
>I'd like inform you that in LibreOffice Base (platform Linux/Xubuntu 
>12.04 LTS) the Automatic Backup, I expected to start every 10/15 minutes, does 
>not work, in my experience at least. The option was selected 
>(Option>Save>General) but, when the program suddenly closed for a unknown 
>reason, the program did'nt ask anything and saved not even one record of my 
>work (a morning of record immission!).
>The folder "Backup" was empty.
>Thank you very much for your assistance, greetings.
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Printing specific pages in 4.1 writer

2013-07-30 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
The "uses LibreOffice dialogues" is just in one place rather than being 
scattered around all over the place.  You set it for the entirety of 
LibreOffice, not on a per-function basis.  

Toolos - Options - General

Regards from
Tom :)  

> From: Kracked_P_P---webmaster 
>Sent: Tuesday, 30 July 2013, 15:26
>Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Printing specific pages in 4.1 writer
>Last time I checked, Windows version did not have the --- "Use 
>LibreOffice dialogs" in the "Print dialogs" section.
>I do not think the Print dialogs would be, or should be, listed under 
>open/save dialogs section.  That would not make sense.   Are you saying 
>the "print dialogs" check box is actually listed in that section of the 
>"General" dialog box?
>Well, I have not installed 4.1 yet, but the "Print dialogs" option was 
>shown on the DEB 64-bit version [Ubuntu 12.04 and 13.04 installed] and 
>not on the Windows version [Win7 professional and home premium installed]
>When I was having all my issues with my printer[s] not duplexing 
>correctly, it seemed that most of the people who tried to help were 
>Windows users.  None of the even suggested the "print dialog" 
>check/uncheck option.  After a few weeks, I just started experimenting 
>and found that checking the "print dialogs" option would make the Epson 
>Artisan 810 printer duplex correctly.  The HP Laserjet 2300dn duplexing 
>worked either way.  Now that I have a Cannon MG6220 to replace the 
>Epson, I have not unchecked that box to see if the duplexing still worked.
>On 07/30/2013 03:05 AM, Andrew Brown wrote:
>> Hi Kracked_P_P
>> One correction, your last statement, the option to check "Use 
>> LiberOffice dialogues" is available for Windows users under the same 
>> "Tools / Options / LibreOffice / General". In this part of the 
>> "General" settings it's under the heading "Open/Save dialogues".
>> Regards
>> Andrew Brown
>> On 30/07/2013 02:11 AM, Kracked_P_P---webmaster wrote:
>>> On 07/29/2013 03:36 PM, sun shine wrote:
 Hello list

 On a Debian like system (Mint 14), my newly installed 32-bit 
 LibO-4.1. is creating a bit of problems for me. This latest issue is 
 trying to print specific pages within a Writer document: the print 
 dialog box does not allow editing the specific pages text box. In 
 order to make this work - i.e. to select the pages I wanted - I 
 closed LibO4.1. and re-opened it, then it worked.

 Anybody else experienced this?

 I've had two relatively minor issues with Writer LibO-4.1 
 (password-related and the page selection for printing mentioned 
 here) which don't really inspire confidence as these are features 
 that have been preserved since the OOo days ... so not at all sure 
 why they don't work as expected with the 4.1 release.

 Anyway, will continue to test 4.1 for a while, but am inclined to 
 roll back to 4.0.4 for doing work at this point.


>>> I do not use Mint due to printer issues.  The biggest one wasthatit 
>>> would not recognizeor even find it on my network my main network 
>>> color printer that Ubuntu has not problems finding/using. But it 
>>> would see it via a USB cable.  I had other printer/driver issues for 
>>> it to print "properly" on the other printers on my network.
>>> You are running 32-bit Mint 14?  Mate or Cinnamon desktop?
>>> You removed the previously installed version of LO, correct?
>>> Did you have any problems with 4.0.4 printing page selections?
>>> In Tools / Options / LibreOffice / General
>>> have you checked "Use LibreOffice dialogs" in the "Print dialogs" 
>>> section?
>>> Check it if not.  If already checked [which I used for Ubuntu 
>>> 12.04LTS] then un-check it.  See if that changes anything.  This 
>>> option does not show up with the Windows users, so they would not 
>>> know this.  I had to check it to get one of my printers to duplex 
>>> properly.  I am told others need to have it unchecked for their 
>>> printer[s].
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Error on booting LibreOffice

2013-07-30 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
So, this is a Base database using the internal back-end?  

Is there anyone here that could help move the op to an external back-end to try 
to avoid problems in the future?  Is it likely to be better to use Postgresql 
or MySql?  

Regards from 
Tom :)  

> From: E.Ibertis 
>Sent: Tuesday, 30 July 2013, 17:26
>Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Error on booting LibreOffice
>On Tue, 30 Jul 2013 09:10:01 -0700 (PDT)
>Tom  wrote:
>> Btw does the error say "Do you want to recover a previously worked-on
>> document" or something like that?  
>No, no request.
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Re: [libreoffice-users] 4.0.3

2013-07-30 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
Many projects have 2 branches so that;  

1 is stable (because it has been around for longer and received more "service 
packs", bug-fixes, patches and all the rest).  Generally it continues to 
recieve more updates and people do continue to work on it because whatever 
issue they were working on is easier to finish without starting again from 
scratch or radically re-thinking it.  Hopefully after their work has been 
completed they and others are able to convert it to work on another branch.  
It's difficult to drag people away just as it's difficult to drag a gamer away 
from "just completing ths 1 more level.  I'm nearly there, honest"

The other takes whatever is already done or near enough finished and then adds 
tons of new features without having to worry to much about how usable the 
new branch is going to be.  It's where new devs are initially attracted to, 
where the greatest excitement and activity is generated.  

Then once that new branch has been around a while, and the people working on 
the newer features have fixed any problems they hadn't anticipated or solved 
completely unrelated breakages, then that starts to become "the stable branch". 
 That usually seems to happen around x.x.3.  The x.x.4 is usually fairly 
rock-solid.  Big cheers all round.  

So there are 2 very different types of devs at any 1 time and if we don't 
supply the type of activity they get a real buzz from then many  may well  just 
wander off to some other project that does.  It's not really the case that 
taking people off one thing means they will focus on what you want them to do.  
It's better to just have them all and make the most of what they do 'enjoy'.  

Regards from 
Tom :)  

> From: Amit Choudhary 
>To: Andrew Brown  
>Cc: Tom Davies ;; 
>Sent: Monday, 29 July 2013, 9:33
>Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] 4.0.3
>On Sun, Jul 28, 2013 at 4:06 PM, Andrew Brown  wrote:
>> Amit
>> Your knowledge of the document standards is limited by your reply here.
>> This issue of the document standards and naming convention was covered by a
>> world body of multinationals and the preservation of all things in human
>> digital text etc. This was to allow anyone, alien or earthly, thousands of
>> years from now, to decode and read and modify the history in the digital
>> world of mankind. So the open document standards were born and ratified and
>> accpeted by the majority of the world that counts. MS did not agree and
>> tried to introduce their own so-called opens standard with the .xml base,
>> i.e.x docx, xlsx, and so forth.
>> But it has not been accepted by the world bodies, even though the MS
>> document standard does survive. As you will now notice MSO 2007
>> (partially), MSO 2010 and 2013 all can reads and write in the ODS standard
>> used by OOo, AOO and LO. MS had no choice but to fit in and follow suit, so
>> it's not the other way around that we and all other s outside of the use of
>> MSO, must fit in. The ODS standard is here to stayt and will dominate over
>> time, no matter what the masses say and want. It's about education that we
>> all have choices and many efficient and useful alternatives in the digital
>> world.
>I might be out-of-date of what had been decided. But what I see is this: MS
>Office everywhere I worked which translates to possibly billions of
>doallars in MS pcokets.
>My agenda with whatever I have wrote till now is: Why should MS get
>billions of dollars?
>The open formats should be supported, I am not against that, I am against
>the timing.
>MS Office will win because 90% of computers have Windosws on them. Until
>Linux desktops/laptops become popular people will not switch to open
>document format.
>My strategy would be similar to MS: Make users switch to LO and then give
>them open dcoument format and remove MS formats. Since 90% of the
>installations will have LO, no one is going to complain and they will
>happily settle for open document format and MS can't do anything.
>It is the strategy and timing I am talking about. Doing both together (MS
>compatibility + Open document) is a strain on developers and QA.
>Given that LO has very few developers and QA, then why should LO focus on
>two product lines. It is not correct strategy.
>PS: I am not pushing my ideas but I do not want to pay MS. Also, I will be
>using LO but if the person who is receiving my document has MS Office, then
>MS is a clever, arm-twisting company. You never know what they can co

Re: [libreoffice-users] Printing specific pages in 4.1 writer

2013-07-30 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
Ahhh.  Sorry, i missed that part.  Also i was wrong anyway because what i 
pointed to was only the "Load/Save" dialogues.  It's not all the different 
dialogues at all! :(  

Apols and regards from 
Tom :)  

> From: Kracked_P_P---webmaster 
>Sent: Tuesday, 30 July 2013, 22:24
>Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Printing specific pages in 4.1 writer
>Yes, but as I said, the "printer dialog" one shows up on my Linux 
>version and not on my Windows version.
>That was part of my point.
>On 07/30/2013 11:41 AM, Tom Davies wrote:
>> Hi :)
>> The "uses LibreOffice dialogues" is just in one place rather than being 
>> scattered around all over the place.  You set it for the entirety of 
>> LibreOffice, not on a per-function basis.
>> Toolos - Options - General
>> Regards from
>> Tom :)
>>> From: Kracked_P_P---webmaster 
>>> To:
>>> Sent: Tuesday, 30 July 2013, 15:26
>>> Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Printing specific pages in 4.1 writer
>>> Last time I checked, Windows version did not have the --- "Use
>>> LibreOffice dialogs" in the "Print dialogs" section.
>>> I do not think the Print dialogs would be, or should be, listed under
>>> open/save dialogs section.  That would not make sense.   Are you saying
>>> the "print dialogs" check box is actually listed in that section of the
>>> "General" dialog box?
>>> Well, I have not installed 4.1 yet, but the "Print dialogs" option was
>>> shown on the DEB 64-bit version [Ubuntu 12.04 and 13.04 installed] and
>>> not on the Windows version [Win7 professional and home premium installed]
>>> When I was having all my issues with my printer[s] not duplexing
>>> correctly, it seemed that most of the people who tried to help were
>>> Windows users.  None of the even suggested the "print dialog"
>>> check/uncheck option.  After a few weeks, I just started experimenting
>>> and found that checking the "print dialogs" option would make the Epson
>>> Artisan 810 printer duplex correctly.  The HP Laserjet 2300dn duplexing
>>> worked either way.  Now that I have a Cannon MG6220 to replace the
>>> Epson, I have not unchecked that box to see if the duplexing still worked.
>>> On 07/30/2013 03:05 AM, Andrew Brown wrote:
>>>> Hi Kracked_P_P
>>>> One correction, your last statement, the option to check "Use
>>>> LiberOffice dialogues" is available for Windows users under the same
>>>> "Tools / Options / LibreOffice / General". In this part of the
>>>> "General" settings it's under the heading "Open/Save dialogues".
>>>> Regards
>>>> Andrew Brown
>>>> On 30/07/2013 02:11 AM, Kracked_P_P---webmaster wrote:
>>>>> On 07/29/2013 03:36 PM, sun shine wrote:
>>>>>> Hello list
>>>>>> On a Debian like system (Mint 14), my newly installed 32-bit
>>>>>> LibO-4.1. is creating a bit of problems for me. This latest issue is
>>>>>> trying to print specific pages within a Writer document: the print
>>>>>> dialog box does not allow editing the specific pages text box. In
>>>>>> order to make this work - i.e. to select the pages I wanted - I
>>>>>> closed LibO4.1. and re-opened it, then it worked.
>>>>>> Anybody else experienced this?
>>>>>> I've had two relatively minor issues with Writer LibO-4.1
>>>>>> (password-related and the page selection for printing mentioned
>>>>>> here) which don't really inspire confidence as these are features
>>>>>> that have been preserved since the OOo days ... so not at all sure
>>>>>> why they don't work as expected with the 4.1 release.
>>>>>> Anyway, will continue to test 4.1 for a while, but am inclined to
>>>>>> roll back to 4.0.4 for doing work at this point.
>>>>>> Cheers

Re: [libreoffice-users] License for a LO Calc document?

2013-07-30 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
The sealed envelope trick to prove "prior art" (or something) is pretty neat.  
I think it does depend on the laws of your country though.  I think it might be 
valid in the Uk but it might be worth looking up "Creative Commons" to see a 
more technical and modern approach
Regards from 
Tom :)

> From: Kracked_P_P---webmaster 
>Sent: Tuesday, 30 July 2013, 22:48
>Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] License for a LO Calc document?
>On 07/30/2013 02:33 PM, Jay Lozier wrote:
>> On Tue, 30 Jul 2013 14:16:39 -0400, csanyipal  
>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> how can ( if can ) one protect her/his LO Calc document ( spreadsheet 
>>> ) with
>>> a copyright license?
>>> What is the preferred way to eg.: share a Calc document, but 
>>> protecting it
>>> from expropriate?
>>> Or is it sufficient to protect a Calc document with a password?
>>> -
>>> Best Regards from
>>> Pál
>>> -- 
>> You set a password for opening a document and another for editting. 
>> You need to set them when saving the document. For a limited 
>> distribution document this is probably adequate. You then need to 
>> distribute the passwords. In theory you know who has access and thus 
>> could be the source of any misuse.
>> If you want the document to be readily accessible, read-only there is 
>> a risk for someone to expropriate your work.
>If you take a printed copy and a CD copy of the spreadsheet.  Add all of 
>the documentation about how, and when you made it.  Then mail it to 
>yourself.  Make sure it is sealed very, very well, so no one could say 
>you placed the stuff in the envelope at a later date.
>When you get it in the mail, do not open it.  Give it to your lawyer 
>inside another envelope with the same printer and CD copies and all the 
>The sealed mailing will show a postal date.  That gives you a time line 
>showing you developed it as late as such and such date.  Giving it to a 
>lawyer, or having the lawyer mail it to you can help with some later 
>legal issues that may come up.  Make sure you get input from a lawyer as 
>soon in the process as possible.
>That is the cheapest way of proving you came up with the "idea". But, 
>you need more, I think.  You want people to use the sheet but not steal 
>the code, right?
>That is a different issue.
>Copyright and licensing a "set of code" can be different in many ways on 
>how to protect you rights.  You should do the "simple protection" of the 
>mailing to start and then get involved with a copyright lawyer.  Next is 
>the "securing" of you spread sheet "codes" and macros.  That could be 
>done in some cases with password protections to stop people from 
>editing, or listing out, all of the cell contents and the macros 
>involved.  Some type of "execute only" option is needed.  Also, having 
>the only the cells that need to be changeable be able to be edited is a 
>good idea.
>How a spread sheet can do all of this.?. . . Well, I would have made a 
>program and compiled it and had it run just like the spreadsheet would 
>for showing the rows and columns.  That is one of the only ways I could 
>make sure my work not get its internal "coding" available for others to 
>read, copy, etc..
>Now the question a lawyer would ask. . .  What are you going to 
>licensing and for want purpose.  Are you going to allow users to 
>download the file and require them to pay you for a key or password to 
>allow it to run?  Or are you going to license the intellectual property 
>of the coding of the cells and macros?  Will you hold the copyright or 
>the "code base" and allow others to use it or are you wanting to keep 
>others from seeing what you have created but have a way to use it.
>There are a lot of things you need to ask yourself and these are just 
>some of the things I remember a lawyer asking me when I created an item 
>I wanted to protect as my intellectual property and stop others from 
>claiming it was theirs.
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Re: [libreoffice-users] How to define a dictionary for new language?

2013-07-31 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)  
1.  Have you been in contact with the translators mailing list?  The one 
international one brings together people with a lot of skills from most of the 
various languages on offer.  They might be able to help with this sort of thing.

2.  Which language?

3.  Congrats on an amazing amount of good work so far! :D  Nicely done! :))

Regards from 
Tom :)  

> From: Sergio Martino 
>Sent: Wednesday, 31 July 2013, 9:07
>Subject: [libreoffice-users] How to define a dictionary for  new language?
>a friend of mine would like to build a dictionary for a local dialect
>and he asked for my help.
>First I build the aff and dic files and I tested them with hunspell. It
>Next I was able to construct an oxt which install correctly. However the
>new language do not appear in the list of the installed ones so I was
>not able to use it for checking the open document.
>As a quick hack, I chose an existing language, replaced the aff and dic
>file and installed it. It works.
>So the step I am missing to accomplish my task, it  is how to "register"
>a new language in order to be seen in the combo box in the spelling
>checker dialog.
>Can someone help me with instruction or a pointer to a guide?
>Sergio Martino
>ing Sergio Martino
>InnovaPuglia S.p.A.
>SP Casamassima km 3
>I-70010 Valenzano (BA)
>Phone: +39-080-4670540
>FAX:   +39-080-4670242
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: 4.0.3

2013-07-31 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
I think Windows will continue to dominate the desktops and full laptops, maybe 
even down to notebooks.  

Netbooks died off for 1 reason only.  That was because people wanted Windows on 
them and then found that the machines ran ridiculously slowly.  Any version of 
Gnu&Linux, even Ubuntu, made the machines really fast and seemingly powerful.  
People weren't ready for non-Windows back then.  However they were a good 
ice-breaker.  Now people are happy with even smaller and less powerful devices. 

So, while Windows dominates the desktops we keep hearing that the "age of the 
desktop is over" and it's already being reported that comparing the amount of 
time people spend on desktops compared to using hand-helds has already tipped 
in favour of the hand-helds and other mobile devices.  

Regards from 
Tom :)  

> From: Andrew Brown 
>To: Urmas  
>Sent: Wednesday, 31 July 2013, 9:37
>Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: 4.0.3
>And some more info and statics with charts, to refudiate your claims of 
>Windows XP and Vista (the latter also a disaster for MS) of combined 
>market share.
>And it shows what you know of Linux. FACT, it along with various 
>flavours of Unix, power the known global Internet servers, 
>Observatories, MET/weather offices, Space exploration, the Mars 
>machines, the majority of military machines/equipment, medical 
>equipment, and lo and behold a good number of desktop, laptops around 
>the world, and the no.1 O/S for mobile - Android, followed shortly by 
>Firefox O/S and Ubuntu Touch.
>You like many, incorrectly and simply refer to the desktop/laptop use of 
>an O/S, yes where MS currently dominates, but not for long.
>Good Day
>Andrew Brown
>On 31/07/2013 10:20 AM, Andrew Brown wrote:
>> Again, you troll with no supply of facts. My response was out by 2% 
>> WOW!!! but this article includes tablets and Windows RT
>> Andrew Brown
>> On 31/07/2013 04:45 AM, Urmas wrote:
>>> Just know that they are taking a knock, what with Windows 8 only
>>> migrating into less than 2% of the world market of their existing XP and
>>> Windows 7 base
>>> Windows 8 already has a market share of Windows XP and Vista combined 
>>> on newer hardware (It's about 9 times of Linux marketshare, btw.).
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Re: [libreoffice-users] 4.0.3

2013-07-31 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
I have to disagree.  Amit does have some good points even if some minor details 
are not entirely accurate.  

It's a subject we often argue about here.  Yes we do need to follow MS's lead 
and keep working at greater and greater compatibility with their formats and 
their ways of doing things.  That is why we do invest a LOT of time and 
resources into doing exactly that.  Amit is right.  

However their format does keep changing around a bit between one release of 
their program and the next.  It's unpredictable despite the name of their 
format staying the same and despite them having acquired the ISO stamp of 
approval for the name of their ever-changing format.  So they make 1 small 
tweak here or there and keep everyone busy trying to guess where the change is 
and how to read it now.  

The main problem is that if we always follow MSO's lead then they will always 
be in the lead.  

Regards from 
Tom :)  

> From: Andrew Brown 
>To: Amit Choudhary  
>Cc: Tom Davies ;; 
>Sent: Sunday, 28 July 2013, 11:36
>Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] 4.0.3
>Your knowledge of the document standards is limited by your reply here. 
>This issue of the document standards and naming convention was covered 
>by a world body of multinationals and the preservation of all things in 
>human digital text etc. This was to allow anyone, alien or earthly, 
>thousands of years from now, to decode and read and modify the history 
>in the digital world of mankind. So the open document standards were 
>born and ratified and accepted by the majority of the world that counts. 
>MS did not agree and tried to introduce their own so-called opens 
>standard with the .xml base, i.e.x docx, xlsx, and so forth.
>But it has not been accepted by the world bodies, even though the MS 
>document standard does survive. As you will now notice MSO 2007 
>(partially), MSO 2010 and 2013 all can reads and write in the ODS 
>standard used by OOo, AOO and LO. MS had no choice but to fit in and 
>follow suit, so it's not the other way around that we and all other s 
>outside of the use of MSO, must fit in. The ODS standard is here to 
>stayt and will dominate over time, no matter what the masses say and 
>want. It's about education that we all have choices and many efficient 
>and useful alternatives in the digital world.
>Andrew Brown
>On 27/07/2013 12:46 PM, Amit Choudhary wrote:
>> If we have to beat Microsoft then we need to focus only on what Microsoft
>> provides and not on .odt format, etc. We cannot beat Microsoft by
>> introducing a new format and expecting customers to use new formats (I use
>> Microsoft formats only and whatever other formats is suported by Microsoft).
>> We need to beat Microsoft at its own game by doing what they are doing in
>> office suite. A new format is not going to change the game but being
>> totally compatible and stable with the formats that Micorosoft supports
>> (xls, xlsx, doc, docx, save as pdf, text, etc.) is going to change the game.
>> Amit
>> On Sat, Jul 27, 2013 at 3:21 PM, Amit Choudhary <
>>> wrote:
>>> Hi Tom,
>>> I have been programming since 1987. I have all my degrees in computer
>>> science/networking. I have worked for companies like Cisco systems, Juniper
>>> networks and have turned down offers from companies like Google and
>>> Microsoft for one reason or other.
>>> This whole software industry is going in the wrong direction. Actually, by
>>> now we should have been done by all the software (all the necessary
>>> software developed and installed and used, no bugs, etc.
>>> We need to beat Microsoft because we do not want to pay for Office suite.
>>> The best way of doing this is to release stable versions only and this can
>>> be done by increasing the QA cycle period.
>>> I do not release buggy software unless it has been approved by management.
>>> And I have not released any software that's gonna hurt the customer even if
>>> I have to get into discussions with managers, directors, etc.
>>> This whole idea of releasing software frequently is a scam, because work
>>> doesn't get done properly in a small time window. No one gets any time for
>>> innovation and everyone is just interested in the release. And in the end,
>>> the software dies down because the frequent release does not fix things
>>> properly and introduces new

Re: [libreoffice-users] IT World

2013-07-31 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
Thanks all!! :D

A very informative thread and i feel i have learned quite a lot from this.  It 
was a tad off-topic to start with so thanks for helping me out anyway.  I like 
this list quite a lot these days.  It's almost like a family, complete with all 
the arguments and everything ;)  

Regards from 
Tom :)  

> From: Tanstaafl 
>Sent: Wednesday, 31 July 2013, 13:14
>Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] IT World
>On 2013-07-31 3:20 AM, Andrew Brown  wrote:
>> Not what I am referring to, I think you have misunderstood my content.
>> Agreed and I know the headers (or should I say mail body code)
>I assure you I have a very good understanding of this, and 'mail body 
>code' is certainly *not* another way of saying 'email headers'.
>> What I am referring to is that the header information is hidden by
>> default, but one can reveal this hidden info to trace where the mail
>> has come from or going to. It's used by security officers like myself
>> and online Service Providers to trace emails, spam, malicious content
>> etc.
>Been there/done that many times.
>> if you ever launch a complaint to your SP over spam mail received, they
>> ask you to send a copy of the email with "All" headers revealed. In
>> Thunderbird this is a relatively easy thing to do, just two clicks, as I
>> explained to Tom in my email. In MS Outlook a bit more involved "Email
>> opened in new window - expand Tags toolbar lower right (you will also
>> see "Follow up" and "Mark as unread" option there) - Options - Internet
>> headers.
>Or, you can just do as I *always* have done - and what every lawyer or 
>'security officer' I have ever worked with requests - and forward the 
>email in question *as an attachment* - which *always* includes the full 
>Forwarding in-line (as you are discussing), the headers that are 
>included in the mail body text are way too easily modified (either 
>accidental or by intent), and should *never* be relied on by a 'security 
>officer' tasked with investigating such things.
>> What I was simply replying to Tom, was how to reveal the headers to see
>> if the email was spam. And no if your headers are in their normal
>> state/setting, hidden by default, they are never revealed in any emails
>> sent, that is the body text of the sender. Only if you leave the option
>> to reveal the headers on, will the sent emails show all of the code and
>> make the email look like garbage.
>And again, this is only true when replying, and when forwarding 
>*in-line*. When forwarding as an attachment, the full headers are 
>*always* included.
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Re: [libreoffice-users] How to define a dictionary for new language?

2013-07-31 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
It seems to be for a fairly specific area of Italy.  I'm not even sure if the 
dialect has a separate name.  

In England we have a lot of different types of 'English' some of which are 
completely incomprehensible to an outsider living as far as 30miles away.  None 
of my family ever understood my Gran for example, but she was always there 
offering cups of tea with a rock-hard scone or porridge only slightly less 
runny than cement (actually it was all good stuff really but don't tell her 
that).  In the case of cockney that was a deliberate attempt to avoid passing 
anything onto "the old bill" by accident.  Liverpudlian and Geordie are perhaps 
due to different peoples having invaded us at different times and different 
kingdoms all over the place or different tribes claiming different parts.  I'm 
sure it's much the same in any other country.

Regards from 
Tom :)  

> From: Kracked_P_P---webmaster 
>Sent: Wednesday, 31 July 2013, 20:27
>Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] How to define a dictionary for new language?
>On 07/31/2013 06:24 AM, Krunoslav Šebetić wrote:
>> On 07/31/2013 10:07 AM, Sergio Martino wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> a friend of mine would like to build a dictionary for a local dialect
>>> and he asked for my help.
>>> First I build the aff and dic files and I tested them with hunspell. It
>>> works.
>> Can you help me to do this, is there any tutorial or something? How to 
>> build aff and dic so it can be tested?
>> Kruno
>I have made variations on the en_US dictionaries, but I used existing 
>.aff files.  I never have found any references to creating one.  Never 
>really found one for the .dic file and the .oxt file[s] as well.
>So I experimented wit the .dic and .oxt files till I got them to work 
>You never listed whatthe local dialect of what language you were 
>creating the .oxt dictionary for, or at least I have not seen it listed.
>I am a little behind the "game" right now, but I tried to make a list of 
>all of the different .oxt language files [dictionaries, thesaurus, etc.] 
>on my dictionary page listing.
>I hope to have some time in the next month to check for updates to the 
>listed files.  As I update the files, I try to remember to listthe last 
>change of the word list or the thesaurus files. With 180 +/- listings, 
>it can take a lot of time to work on finding the updates.  But hopefully 
>I will be able to take time in August to do some of them.
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Re: [libreoffice-users] 4.0.3

2013-07-31 Thread Tom Davies
hard-drive from your data.  i mean a proper hard-drive not just a different 
partition on the same physical device.  The main reason for putting your data 
(all in /home) on a separate partition is not to do with routine performance.  
it's more about making the system more robust.  it allows you to install a 
completely new OS without any risk to your data (but still back-up anyway of 
course).  In theory you can have several different OSes all using the same 
/home although that gets a bit messy if they have the same DE.  it works a bit 
better if you have 1 KDE one, 1 Gnome(ish), and maybe 1 of any of the rarer 
ones (does Unity count as 1 of the rarer ones? i'd say it does but i'm sure 
others disagree).  Otherwise you find all your different OSes use the same 
wallpaper and look the same (big yawn that
 is) and you don't get the benefit of the different design teams interesting 

Something i haven't really tried much, or at least can't remember the result, 
is putting all the Virtual Memory on a separate physical hard-drive.  There is 
an option to split Virtual Memory across several different 
hard-drives/partitions some of which might be physically different drives but 
i'm not sure whether doing that is good or bad.  

Errr, i haven't mentioned Bsd or Apple because i just haven't played around 
with them that much.  They don't seem to slow down as much as Windows so i 
guess they have a similar set-up to Gnu&Linux or have some neat work-around 
that might not translate well to Gnu&Linux let alone Windows.  

Regards from 
Tom :)  

> From: Andrew Brown 
>To: Tom Davies  
>Cc: Virgil Arrington ; 
>Sent: Wednesday, 31 July 2013, 8:48
>Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] 4.0.3
>Hi Tom
>Interesting post. Agree, sometimes these software wars becomes irksome, 
>as my late mother and father used to say and raised us with this motto 
>"how do you know you don't like it if you have not tried it". This was 
>from our young years with foodstuffs that traditionally many young 
>children don't / have never tried, up to the real things in life. But I 
>am in a similiar vein in what MS charge for their O/S and Office suites 
>when they are riddled with known and unknown bugs.
>At least I have always tried to keep an open mind, and thankfully was 
>raised on other O/S's (not necessarily desktop/workstation friendly) and 
>systems pre-dating MS. I cut my teeth on IBM VAX, Pick, LISP, FORTRAN, 
>COBOL, AT&T and SCO Unix, CP/M, BASIC and Xerox GEM, before the 
>adventure into IBM and MS systems with the very first and crude DOS, and 
>then Apple O/S starting some 36 years ago.
>I can with experience say I have tried them all, and why my entire 
>business and home office is OSS and FOSS, even to desktop. I give my 
>staff the choice of MS or FOSS, thankfully they all eventually migrate 
>to FOSS, which allows me to plow the monies recovered from ongoing and 
>unnecessary licensing fees into better, faster and more up to date 
>hardware. Even to the level of my servers.
>To end off, the major difference I have between MS software and FOSS, 
>and you covered briefly in your reply, is that when one discovers a bug, 
>or has a problem, one can get a solution or have it fixed promptly 
>without waiting for a major release or service pack, unlike proprietory 
>and closed code. This is the same for malware, it takes so long for the 
>commercial software to produce a fix and prevention compared to it 
>almost being a non-entity in FOSS.
>I would be intrigued and grateful, if you could email me privately, your 
>tweaks you do for the virtual memory slowdown of it's fragmentation (by 
>the way MS refers to it as the pagefile). And that's another feather in 
>FOSS's cap, one never has fragmentation or needs to defragment it, 
>unlike MS. I might know or remember them, but it's not coming to memory 
>as I type this.
>On 30/07/2013 03:27 PM, Tom Davies wrote:
>> Hi :)
>> I think disdain is possibly closer than hatred.  I think bioth are quite far 
>> away from the reality though.  I think it's simply that people would rather 
>> develop tools that are more robust and less susceptible   to malware and 
>> slow-downs.
>> I think once you start using OpenSource tools you begin to realise that MS 
>> seem to have deliberately built-in vulnerabilities and their slow-downs.  
>> FOSS doesn't seem to suffer anything like as much, although a bit of "system 
>> rot" is inevitable in almost any system.
>> I'm just installing Win7 on a handfull of machines and am able 

Re: [libreoffice-users] 4.0.3

2013-07-31 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
Is Disktrix UltimateDefrag free?  FOSS?  Lol, somehow i doubt it but i keep an 
ear out jic.  

I tend to use the inbuilt Windows one.  I don't really care enough anymore to 
go beyond that.  When i did used to care i used  PerfectDisk.  it usually has a 
1 month free trial and that was usually enough for me.  Nowadays i just really 
prefer to just do a reasonably good job and since that is far, far ahead of the 
way most systems are set-up i just settle for that.  I've even found a tendency 
for ones in England to be set to US localisation and such.  

If i want a fast system i just reboot into Gnu&Linux.  Windows has other 
advantages but speed and security are not top of the list!  

Eskimos have a lot of words for snow and ice because they see a lot of it all.  
Windows has a lot of words for different security issues because it suffers 
from tons of different things.  [shrugs]  I still use Windows quite a bit 
though because when you know a thing's flaws it's usually easier to cope.  Like 
going round to see a cat owner who insists their cat is always free of fleas, 
you just know you are going to get bitten so you just deal with it.   
Regards from 
Tom :)  

> From: Andrew Brown 
>To: Tom Davies  
>Sent: Wednesday, 31 July 2013, 23:01
>Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] 4.0.3
>Hi Tom
>Ah Ok, I see, this is the same methodology I'm using. I generally turn off the 
>swap file for a badly defragged drive, including any hibernation files etc if 
>active or used on a laptop, then defrag (Disktrix UltimateDefrag, possibly the 
>best I've used to date). After a good clean-up I then set the pagefile and any 
>hibernation files if necessary.
>With UD's FragProtect, this only has to be done every few months, and they are 
>one of the few defraggers that can defrag and place the MFT at the beginning 
>of the drive along with the folders entries, ahead of any data. But this has 
>to be done with a reboot and MS pre-install mode (UD does it all 
>automatically) to complete this task. And I've benched my drives on all of my 
>systems, it certainly makes for very fast boot and shutdown times, and better 
>Andrew Brown
>On 31/07/2013 10:52 PM, Tom Davies wrote:
>> Hi :)
>> wrt Virtual Memory/pagefile.sys/Swap on Windows the trick seems to be to set 
>> it as a fixed value.
>> Find
>> "System Properties" - Advanced tab - Performance (top 3rd) Settings - 
>> Performance Settings - Advanced tab here too - Virtual Memory (bottom 
>> section) Change
>> There will be about 3 pop-ups open around now.
>> Use the radio buttons there to change to a "Custom size".  This really needs 
>> to be greater than Ram but not more than 2xRam (else it gets confused and 
>> may even reduce performance while tripping over it's own shoelaces).  It has 
>> to be greater than Ram because when hibernating (perhaps sleeping too?) the 
>> contents of Ram gets written to Virtual Memory.  But giving it too much just 
>> confuses space just confuses things so just under 2xRam is good but over 
>> that might get annoying.  Make sure the same number is in both the top and 
>> bottom boxes.  Often there is a recommendation for how much to set it too 
>> and it's usually not a bad idea to follow that advice.  I've only seen it 
>> give a crazy suggestion once or twice out of hundreds of machines.
>> Ok, now it gets a bit fiddly.  You have to click on the "Set" button before 
>> clicking on "Ok" otherwise it forgets and you have to re-type the numbers 
>> again.  Then you click "Ok" on each of the pop-ups in turn.  Again if you 
>> don't it's not harmful, just annoying because it forgets.
>> Of course if you have already been using your machine for a while then 
>> Virtual Memory is already quite fragmented so this will only 'stop' it 
>> getting worse.  It wont improve things. Also when i say 'stop' it will 
>> continue to suffer normal system rot and there are other factors such as 
>> registry fragmentation that will continue.  So, it fixes just 1 problem out 
>> of many.
>> When trying to resurrect an ancient and much used machine i would initially 
>> set Virtual Memory to 0.  Then defrag quite a lot and then plonk a fairly 
>> huge file onto the system.  Then reset the Virtual Memory to a respectable 
>> size and get rid of the huge file.  In theory i hoped that would force all 
>> the Virtual Memory file to be contiguous and out of the way.

Re: [libreoffice-users] How to define a dictionary for new language?

2013-07-31 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
I still hear a lot of differences in even very common phrases used in different 
areas of the US.  I think it's inevitable whenever people group together in any 
way.  The media seems to average things out a bit but it's more like a trading 
language that doesn't really belong to anywhere and isn't really anyone's 
"native" language but is added to be all sorts and then made instantly bland.   
Baltimore sounds different from other places, even phrases are different.  
Regards from 
Tom :)  

> From: Doug 
>Sent: Thursday, 1 August 2013, 1:16
>Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] How to define a dictionary for new language?
>On 07/31/2013 03:50 PM, Tom Davies wrote:
>> Hi :)
>> In England we have a lot of different types of 'English' some of which are 
>> completely incomprehensible to an outsider living as far as 30miles away.  
>> None of my family ever understood my Gran for example, but she was always 
>> there offering cups of tea with a rock-hard scone or porridge only slightly 
>> less runny than cement (actually it was all good stuff really but don't tell 
>> her that).  In the case of cockney that was a deliberate attempt to avoid 
>> passing anything onto "the old bill" by accident.  Liverpudlian and Geordie 
>> are perhaps due to different peoples having invaded us at different times 
>> and different kingdoms all over the place or different tribes claiming 
>> different parts.  I'm sure it's much the same in any other country.
>> Regards from 
>> Tom 
>Is this still true? I am aware that it was true in the past, but I would
>have thought that with radio, TV and movies, that the local
>dialects would have mostly disappeared.  But what do I know. sitting
>here on the other side of the pond, where dialects really have pretty
>much disappeared.
>(55 years ago, when I was in the Air Force here, I ran into some boys
>from the backwoods of Kentucky, and they spoke a dialect that was
>reminiscent of what you read in Shakespeare. I'm pretty sure that's
>all gone, now. We get news reports with interviews of the locals from
>all over the US, and there's very little "drawl" even. Probably those
>of us in New York or Boston have more of a unique accent today. Altho
>there is a woman reading commercials on KSEY-FM, in Seymore, TX, who
>really sounds hillbilly! [KSEY is accessible by the Net, and plays
>classic country music.])
>I ask this OT question because I have been interested in language
>all my life, and I notice accents. And of course, if _you_ can't
>understand some folks in Merry Olde, surely I couldn't!
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Re: [libreoffice-users] License for a LO Calc document?

2013-08-01 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
Nice answer!  Good to have links in there too.  I really thought that the 
poor-man's copyright was a legit way but now it';s obvious that it couldn't be. 
 It's waaay too easy to fake it.  

That was interesting about the Berne Convention.  Next time the issue crops up 
i might look into that more.  

My boss was asking about how to apply copyright to something a couple weeks ago 
so i just pointed him to "Creative Commons" without really knowing what i was 

Thanks and regards from 
Tom :)  

> From: Toki Kantoor 
>Sent: Wednesday, 31 July 2013, 3:04
>Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] License for a LO Calc document?
>On 30/07/13 21:48, Kracked_P_P---webmaster wrote:
>> If you take a printed copy and a CD copy of the spreadsheet.  Add all of
>> the documentation about how, and when you made it.  Then mail it to
>> yourself.  Make sure it is sealed very, very well, so no one could say
>> you placed the stuff in the envelope at a later date.
>What you describing is usually referred to as _The Poor Man's
>Copyright_. is
>description of its validity in the United States.
> describes issues with using it
>in the United States.
> provides examples
>of why it usually is not accepted as proof of copyright.
>> mailing to start and then get involved with a copyright lawyer. 
>If the idea is to prove dates, then have somebody other than your lawyer
>notarise each page, and give the resulting notarised on each page
>document to your attorney.  But this only works in countries in which
>there is no central registration, _and_ where such registration is not
>mandatory for pursuit of damages in a court of law.
>LibreOffice in a Multi-Lingual Environment.
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Setting default template

2013-08-01 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
The published official guides are much better

The in-built help (at least the English version of it) is not always completely 
up to date or accurate.  The international translators team work at it before 
translating it and i don't think their version is the one we get.  There is 
something mighty odd going on there which i've never understood
Regards from 
Tom :)  

> From: Andrew 
>Sent: Thursday, 1 August 2013, 10:07
>Subject: [libreoffice-users] Setting default template
>Trying to set a default template.  I modified some styles and want to make 
>them my default styles.  I have followed the instructions in the help file as 
>detailed below.  It doesn't work for me.  Steps 1-3, no problem.  Step 4 is 
>unclear at best and seemingly inaccurate at worst.  After step 3 the "My 
>Templates" category cannot be selected or "entered".  The "button" is 
>inoperative.  I used the file name "myTemplate" (no extension) for my newly 
>saved template name.
>Since I can't do step 4, I'm unclear as to whether step 5 is a continuation 
>from step 4, or if it means to close the template manager (the only option 
>available to me) and then proceed fresh from the File menu.  I did the only 
>thing possible, proceed fresh from the File menu, but *_there is no 
>"Templates" submenu under "File"_*.  I include a couple of screenshots further 
>below.  The first one shows that there is no "templates" submenu, only "save 
>as template".  The second one shows the template manager screen where I'm 
>unable to select/push the "My Templates" button, which you can't actually see 
>that I can't select it, but at least you know I'm where I say I am.
>So anyone know why it's not working for me?  I will point out that 1) it's 
>an HTML file and 2) I'm using writer/web.  Perhaps that's the reason?  Maybe 
>someone could check and see if it works for them under those conditions?
>Thank you in advance.
>   To Create a Default Template
>   Create a document and the content and formatting styles that you want.
>   Choose *File - Templates - Save*.
>   In the *New Template* box, type a name for the new template.
>   In the *Categories* list, select "My Templates", and then click *OK*.
>   Choose *File - Templates - Organize*
>   In the *Templates* list, double-click the "My Templates" folder.
>   Right-click the template that you created, and choose *Set as
>   Default Template*.
>   Click *Close*.
>   To Reset the Default Template
>   Choose *File - Templates - Organize*
>   Right-click a text file in any of the two lists, choose *Reset
>   Default Template - Text Document*.
>   Click *Close*.
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[libreoffice-users] Need screenshots and proofread for FAQ referenced in Help

2013-08-01 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)  

Any chance of more screen-shots for Sophie? (translations and documentation 

I think just these 3 pages in the wiki
Regards from 
Tom :)  

> From: Sophie 
>Sent: Thursday, 1 August 2013, 9:28
>Subject: [libreoffice-documentation] Need screenshots and proofread for FAQ 
>referenced in Help
>Hi all,
>I'm currently working on documenting the new conditional formatting 
>feature for the help files, issue is here
>Inside the help text, I've incorporated 3 FAQs articles that were
>existent in French and that I'm translating, see here :
>->only the first is written but I'll be over today
>Could one of you adapt the screenshots and proof read the text?
>There is also the text on the issue that has to be proof readed
>I'll take care of the the sample spreadsheets attached to the FAQs.
>Thanks in advance
>Kind regards
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Re: OT: Defraggers...Re: [libreoffice-users] 4.0.3

2013-08-01 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)  
It is awkward but it's the way the list has been set-up.  We just need to 
delete twice per message rather than just once.  We can't really expect people 
to change email-clients just in order to post to this list!  That would be 

It might be good to start-up a petition about getting the list set-up back to 
the way it was when it all worked magically whichever emailer people used.  

Btw good call re: NOT feeding the troll.  

Regards from 
Tom :)  

> From: Tanstaafl 
>Sent: Thursday, 1 August 2013, 13:36
>Subject: Re: OT: Defraggers...Re: [libreoffice-users] 4.0.3
>And you did it again.
>Best is to use an email client that actually supports Reply-To-List 
>(like Thunderbird).
>On 2013-08-01 8:11 AM, Andrew Brown  wrote:
>> Apologies Tanstaafl, I replied to all. I must have replied directly to
>> you as well as the list
>> Regards
>> Andrew Brown
>> On 01/08/2013 01:51 PM, Tanstaafl wrote:
>>> Please don't send to me directly, I'm on the list.
>>> Thanks
>>> On 2013-08-01 7:44 AM, Andrew Brown  wrote:
 Hi Tanstaafl

 Yes, a good choice, I forgot about UltraDefrag.


 Andrew Brown

 On 01/08/2013 01:26 PM, Tanstaafl wrote:
> Someone had asked about a free/FOSS defragger...
> There is UltraDefrag:
> I don't use it much, but thats only because disk fragmentation is not
> nearly as big of a problem on modern systems as it used to be.
> Windows7+ does a pretty good job of avoiding fragmentation all on its
> own.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: License for a LO Calc document?

2013-08-01 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
There are many options depending on how quickly and easily you want people to 
see it.  

Once you have chosen which license you want to use there is a logo that you can 
copy&paste directly onto the page.  Then right-click on the logo to get the 
"Picture" dialogue box and hunt for the place to put a url address.  Copy&paste 
the link to the CreativeCommons page about the license you have chosen.  

For example the link to the "CC by SA" license (as used for the Published 
Guides) is
errr, that's the English (GB) page for it anyway (obviously).  

Tbh i hadn't realised that CC did a lot of different languages.  I'd kinda 
assumed they just wrote it up in just Eng (US) so that was a nice surprise :)  

If you do it that way and then Export to Pdf when people see the little logo 
they find they can click on it and that opens a new tab in their web-browser or 
opens their default web-browser at the right page.  

You could, either in addition to that or instead of doing it, just add the url 
into the document so that people can read the url before clicking on it.  

Another way might be to use 
File - Properties - Description 
to hide the links or/and full description in there.  Just copy&pasted from the 
Creative Commons page perhaps?  

Regards from 
Tom :)  

> From: csanyipal 
>Sent: Thursday, 1 August 2013, 12:50
>Subject: [libreoffice-users] Re: License for a LO Calc document?
>Hi Joel,
>I have plan to sharing it say on the Internet, or say on a flesh drive that
>I bring in to the school where I'm working.
>I want to use Creative Commons License ( CC ).
>In this case I will put the License for myLO Calc Spreadsheet file on my
>( one can see how to do that here:
>  ) ,
>but I think I should to give some information for the future users of the
>spreadsheet about CC License for this work.
>Can I give this information in the Calc spreadsheet itself?
>Best Regards from
>View this message in context: 
>Sent from the Users mailing list archive at
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: 4.0.3

2013-08-01 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
On the space station it's only the laptops that are going to have Gnu&Linux put 
on them.  All the command&control systems are already Gnu&Linux.  I was 
listening to one of the ground-crew giving instructions on what to type in and 
it was roughly like
"ls", "LS, it says ... roger"
"cd ..", "cd ..., err nothing happened, roger"
"That's ok.  it shouldn't have said anything" "[sigh of relief]"

and then a command that my network administrator had emailed to me for me to do 
on our network!!  :)))

About 80% desktop machines here have Xp, the other 20% have Win7.  All have 
Ubuntu.  So do they count as Window machines or Gnu&Linux when they have both?  
2/3 servers have Debian (including the firewall box), 1/3 is Windows Exchange 
(that's the noisy one that keeps weirding out).  The Routers and switches seem 
to use a Linux.  Most hand-helds are Android, couple Blackberry, couple 
iThings, 1 Windows phone.  

All counts are unreliable.  Most are paid-for research with MS paying the bill. 
 If a machine is bought with Windows on it and the Windows gets wiped and 
replaced by Gnu&Linux then that gets counted as a Windows machine by pretty 
much all researchers.  Hence Bug1 in Ubuntu.  
Regards from 
Tom :)  

> From: James Knott 
>To: LibreOffice  
>Sent: Thursday, 1 August 2013, 12:50
>Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: 4.0.3
>Urmas wrote:
>> According to, Windows 8 is
>> working on 14% of computers.
>> It's more than 10 times Linux marketshare.
>Lessee now.  I have 5 computers here.  Only one has Windows on it and it
>spends most of it's time running Linux.  I have a tablet and a smart
>phone.  Both run Android (Linux).  I have a TV, A/V receiver & Bluray
>player, all running Linux.  I also have an Asus Eee PC (borrowed by a
>friend) that runs Linux and even my WiFi access point runs Linux.  Also,
>how do you get W8 is on 14% of computers, when the facts show
>otherwise?  Windows 7 and XP are both used on many more computers.  In
>fact, computer manufactures were claiming W8 was responsible for much of
>the decline in computer sales.  Look at how well Nokia is doing since
>switching to Windows Phone.  They went from industry leader to also ran.
>BTW, did you hear the news item recently about how all the computers on
>the International Space Station have all been converted to Linux.  Or
>how just about all the top 500 supercomputers run Linux?  Or how most of
>the servers on the Internet run Linux?  Or...
>You might also be interested in reading this article:
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[libreoffice-users] Re: [libreoffice-marketing] Time for Linux Journal's Readers' Choice Awards nominations

2013-08-01 Thread Tom Davies

> From: Jean Weber 
>To: LibreO - Marketing Global  
>Sent: Thursday, 1 August 2013, 19:50
>Subject: [libreoffice-marketing] Time for Linux Journal's Readers' Choice 
>Awards nominations
>Item 29 is Best Office Suite, but you may also wish to nominate your
>preferred programs in other categories as well.
>Voting occurs later in August.
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Re: [libreoffice-users] desktop-integration

2013-08-02 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
WOW!! :D  Top marks to the devs that were involved with this and many thanks to 
Petr for letting us know too.  

I think it would be good to publicise this a bit more widely.  Surprisingly few 
people ever seem to read Readmes.  it's a good place to start obviously.  

Perhaps someone could pass it on to the Marketing List to nominate it as an 
entry in the next announcement?  I don't think there is a formal process for 
that yet but it might help the person that puts the announcements together.  
There's always a list of things that could go in but it's tricky to pick on the 
1 or 2 'killer' features.  

Regards from
Tom :)  

> From: Petr Mladek 
>Cc: ""  
>Sent: Friday, 2 August 2013, 11:37
>Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] desktop-integration
>Heinrich Stoellinger píše v So 20. 07. 2013 v 17:26 +0200:
>> Hello,
>> I downloaded LO 4.1.0-RC3 yesterday. Looking at the files after tar -xvf ...
>> I find that there still is no desktop-integration directory in the main
>> installation tree of files. Is it meant to be like that?
>The "desktop-integration" directory has been removed in LO-4.1. It was
>there from historical reasons:
>    1. There was different desktop integration for different RPM-based Linux 
>       They were not longer needed because Linux distros switched to the 
>       standard, so the freedestop-menus package should work on all RPM-based 
>     2. The desktop integration packages for different Lo version conflicted. 
>This was solved
>        by versioning  the package names, filenames, menu entries. So, you 
>could install
>        the desktop integration for LO 4.1 in parallel with the desktop 
>integration for LO 4.0
>We removed the subdirectory to make it easier to install the package. 
>we forgot to update the installation instructions in the README file. It will 
>be fixed
>in the 1st bugfix release, 4.1.1, see
>Well, the is still one problem with files and directories ownership in the 
>.deb packages.
>It might cause problems with the desktop integration. See
>Best Regards,
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Printing specific pages in 4.1 writer

2013-08-02 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
We just got an Oki MB471

Dead easy to set-up to print and does all the duplexing and everything just 
fine.  Oki had a ppd driver on their website.  

There is no driver for faxing and i haven't tried scanning yet either.  

I thought the whole thing was going to be a total nightmare in Gnu&Linux 
because our Oki C810 still doesn't work.  There was a ppd for the C610 but that 
doesn't work for the 810.  The main problem for me is that there seems to be 
hundreds of drivers that are listed through OpenPrinting and places 
specifically for the C810 but none of the ones i have tried so far work at all. 

So, i was quite surprised that it took about 10mins per machine to sort the 
MB471 in Gnu&Linux but about an hour to go through the Windows installer.  

Hewlett Packard just seem to be easy whichever system you are using.  They seem 
to last longer and even appear in  2nd hand listings which hardly any other 
printers do.  Ages ago i asked this list for advice about the best printer to 
choose and got some good advice which my boss ignored.  

Regards from 
Tom :)  

> From: Andrew Brown 
>To: Kracked_P_P---webmaster  
>Sent: Wednesday, 31 July 2013, 22:46
>Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Printing specific pages in 4.1 writer
>Hi Kracked_P_P
>You have me all quizzy now about it too. I own a Brother MFC-J6510DW 
>large format multifunction printer, quite a process to set it up in 
>Ubuntu (like you from 10.04 to present 13.04) and this box was ticked by 
>default in LO's settings. I will experiment with it unticked and see if 
>it affects my printer.
>Andrew Brown
>On 31/07/2013 09:33 PM, Kracked_P_P---webmaster wrote:
>> When I had the issue with the duplexing on one printer, it seemed that 
>> everyone who was "helping" must have been on Windows, since they did 
>> not know what I was talking about with the "extra" dialog check box.  
>> Why it is listed in the Linux [Ubuntu 10.04LTS and 12.04LTS for me 
>> back then] and not in the Windows installs, I was never given a good 
>> answer.  I was told that "it was just needed for Linux and not for 
>> Windows".  Then the fact that for some printers the check box needed 
>> to be checked, while other did not, tended to make the issue a little 
>> worse to figure out.
>> On 07/31/2013 06:21 AM, Andrew Brown wrote:
>>> Hi Kracked_P_P
>>> OK, you are correct in that there is an extra dialogue box for the 
>>> Linux version of LO, in my case LO running under Ubuntu 
>>> 130.04 Raring Ringtail. See the screenshots below now from Linux. If 
>>> others want to see this then I will make an entry on Nabble.
>>> The print settings seem the same except for the extra tick box to do 
>>> "PDF as Standard Print Job Format"
>>> Regards
>>> Andrew Brown
>>> On 31/07/2013 09:56 AM, Andrew Brown wrote:
 HI Kracked_P_P

 As to my statement, here is a screenshot of the Windows version of 
 LO indicating the option to check "Use LiberOffice 
 dialogues" under "General". I'll look under my Linux (dual boot) to 
 see what you are referring to. You should see these screenshot, but 
 it will be stripped when forwarded onto the global mail.

 Nothing under the "Print"  section


 On 30/07/2013 04:26 PM, Kracked_P_P---webmaster wrote:
> Last time I checked, Windows version did not have the --- "Use 
> LibreOffice dialogs" in the "Print dialogs" section.
> I do not think the Print dialogs would be, or should be, listed 
> under open/save dialogs section.  That would not make sense. Are 
> you saying the "print dialogs" check box is actually listed in that 
> section of the "General" dialog box?
> Well, I have not installed 4.1 yet, but the "Print dialogs" option 
> was shown on the DEB 64-bit version [Ubuntu 12.04 and 13.04 
> installed] and not on the Windows version [Win7 professional and 
> home premium installed]
> When I was having all my issues with my printer[s] not duplexing 
> correctly, it seemed that most of the people who tried to help were 
> Windows users.  None of the even suggested the "print dialog" 
> check/uncheck option.  After a few weeks, I just started 
> experimenting and found that checking the "print dialogs" option 
> would make the Epson Artisan 810 printer duplex correctly.  The HP 
> Laserjet 2300dn duplexing worked either way.  Now that I have a 
> Cannon MG6220 to replace the Epson, I have not unchecked that box 
> to see if the duplexing still worked.
> On 07/30/2013 03:05 AM, Andrew Brown wrote:
>> Hi Kracked_P_P
>> One correction, your last statement, the option to check "Use 
>> LiberOffice dialogues" is available for Windows users under the 
>> same "Tools / Options

Re: [libreoffice-users] Fwd: Tavutus [= Hyphenation]

2013-08-02 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
Personally i am glad to hear the the 2 communities do still work together from 
time to time and that some people help in both projects.  It feels much better 
that way rather than feeling like it's us against them when we are all really 
aiming for much the same thing and that is Freedom OF Choice.  

Both project offer slightly different things so it makes more sense to work 
together.  "Together we stand. Divided we .." err well in this case we still do 
well but it's better with 2 of us than just 1.  
Regards from 
Tom :)  

> From: Brian Barker 
>Cc: Timo Kivelä  
>Sent: Friday, 2 August 2013, 16:33
>Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Fwd: Tavutus [= Hyphenation]
>At 16:25 02/08/2013 +0100, Brian Barker wrote:
>>From: Timo Kivelä  (not subscribed)
>>>Latasin OpenOffice version 4. Writer ei osaa t[a]vuttaa.
>Aaargh!  This message was originally sent to the 
>Apache OpenOffice Users list.  I forwarded the 
>translation to this LibreOffice Users list by mistake.
>Many apologies.
>Brian Barker
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: [libreoffice-marketing] Time for Linux Journal's Readers' Choice Awards nominations

2013-08-02 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
Often feels like they haven't quite reached 1998 yet in this country 
Regards from 
Tom :)  

> From: Johnny Rosenberg 
>To: Tom Davies  
>Cc: "Users@Global.LibreOffice.Org"  
>Sent: Friday, 2 August 2013, 18:44
>Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: [libreoffice-marketing] Time for Linux 
>Journal's Readers' Choice Awards nominations
>2013/8/1 Tom Davies :
>>> From: Jean Weber
>>>To: LibreO - Marketing Global 
>>>Sent: Thursday, 1 August 2013, 19:50
>>>Subject: [libreoffice-marketing] Time for Linux Journal's Readers' Choice 
>>>Awards nominations
>>>Item 29 is Best Office Suite, but you may also wish to nominate your
>>>preferred programs in other categories as well.
>Thanks. I just nominated Apache OpenOffice in that category. I have
>had much less problems with it than with LibreOffice. It even fixed a
>spreadsheet of mine that LibreOffice corrupted…
>>>Voting occurs later in August.
>Yes, but what year? I quote:
>”Remember, voting will open on August 2, 2011. Please be sure to visit
> after that time to cast your vote in the
>2011 Readers' Choice Awards!”
>Okay, maybe they live in a special time zone. Here in Sweden it has
>been 2013 for quite a while now. I guess we are a little bit ahead… :P
>Johnny Rosenberg
>> --
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Calc - Matching Up Text Fields

2013-08-03 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
Regards from 
Tom :)  

> From: Errol Goetsch 
>Sent: Saturday, 3 August 2013, 8:07
>Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Calc - Matching Up Text Fields
>I looked at the many contributions you have made on this list (and 
>others) over the years. I'd like to take this chance to publicly honour 
>you for caring for and committing to a  community made up mostly of 
>strangers far away.
>Thank you for your ongoing sacrifice.
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Re: [libreoffice-users] writer macro record function missing

2013-08-03 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
The Published Guides are much better than the in-built help

The in-built help is quick as a quick reminder or for quickly experimenting but 
the English one tends to be very out-of-date.  In the Published Guides try the 
"Getting Started Guide"s chapter on getting started with macros.  (free to 

If you let us know what you are trying to get the macro to do then someone here 
might be able to help.  If it's just that you want to learn macro programming 
or convert existing skills  then Andrew Pitonyak's guide to macro programming 
is apparently well worth the money.  
Regards from 
Tom :)  

> From: Johnny Rosenberg 
>Sent: Saturday, 3 August 2013, 18:17
>Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] writer macro record function missing
>2013/8/3 MissKeating :
>> Using LO-writer Version (Build ID: e29a214), the unhelpful "help"
>> says that in order to record a macro, one should: Choose *Tools - Macros -
>> Record Macro*.
>> Under *Tools - Macros -- *there are just 3 live options: *Run Macro --
>> Organize Macros -- Organize Dialogs. *A fourth, "Digital Signature", is
>> grayed out.
>> There is no *Record *facility, either at the expected menu level, or under
>> *Run*or *Organize*.
>> It is hard to see the relevance, but for completeness:this is all happening
>> on an Acer laptop running Curtains 7; 2 GHz P6100; 3 mB L3 cache; 4 gB.
>> If one ever managed to generate a macro, then there would be this problem:
>> "*To save the macro, first select the object where you want the macro to be
>> saved in the Save macro in list box.*" What is an "object" in this context?
>> Is it what we would know as a subdirectory, or is there yet another new
>> level of understanding to be mastered here?
>> trj
>They probably hide it because the macro recorder is crap anyway. Just
>don't use it. Write your code manually instead. There is a slightly
>better macro recorder available somewhere, though.
>Johnny Rosenberg
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Notes in Impress vs. PowerPoint

2013-08-03 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
It's often best to keep documents in ODF formats, in this case Odp, and just 
edit that version.  

Just use the MS formats when you need to share with other people or when you 
need to use them on a machine where you might not have access to LibreOffice, 
OpenOffice, Google-docs, NeoOffice, KOffice, Caligra, IBM Lotus Symphony, GNome 
Office, MS Office 2013 or any of the other office programs that can read/write 
ODF formats.  

Note that you could carry LibreOffice (and many other programs) around with you 
on a Usb-stick so that you can use them on any Windows machine without having 
to actually install them there
there are other companies offering a similar service and a similar range of 
software.  1 is even faster at getting the newer versions of LibreOffice then 
the people listed on the official LibreOffice page.  

Regards from 
Tom :)  

> From: Jeffrey Deutsch 
>Cc: ""  
>Sent: Saturday, 3 August 2013, 17:35
>Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Notes in Impress vs. PowerPoint
>Thank you very much for your help Tim!
>Jeff Deutsch
>Speaker & Life Coach
>A SPLINT - ASPies LInking with NTs
>"Listen to the universe while it whispers before it has to shout."
>Marion Grobb Finkelstein, Communication Catalyst --
>On Tue, Jul 30, 2013 at 2:42 PM, Tim Deaton  wrote:
>> Yes, you would save to the .ppt format in BOTH programs.
>> -- Tim
>> ===
>> I know the plans I have for you:
>> Plans to prosper you and not to harm you;
>> Plans to give you hope and a future.
>>                --- God (Jeremiah 29:11)
>> On 7/28/2013 9:50 AM, Jeffrey Deutsch wrote:
>> Hello Dave,
>> You said: "It's not clear to me what you mean by 'how to start or use
>> Notes'."
>> That's really the long and the short of it. My wife does not know how
>> to start or to use Notes, period. So I really appreciate your giving
>> me the links to the Documentation page -- including the Getting
>> Started and Impress guides -- and to Chapter 8 which includes
>> information about Notes.
>> Also thank you for seconding Clarence's advice about saving the LibO
>> Impress file as .ppt. (Do you also recommend saving it within
>> PowerPoint as .ppt?)
>> Jeff Deutsch
>> Speaker & Life Coach
>> A SPLINT - ASPies LInking with NTs
>> "Listen to the universe while it whispers before it has to shout."
>> Marion Grobb Finkelstein, Communication Catalyst --
>> On Sun, Jul 28, 2013 at 3:19 AM, Dave Barton  wrote:
>> Hi Jeff,
>> Sorry you got a less than welcoming response to your question on the
>> Apache list, but let's see what we can do to help you.
>> My suggestions are given in-line with your original message.
>>  Original Message  
>> From: Jeffrey Deutsch 
>> To:
>> Date: Sat, 27 Jul 2013 23:49:03 -0400
>> Hello,
>> My wife is willing to consider converting to LibreOffice 4
>> permanently. Here's her major issue, in two parts:
>> (1) She does not know how to start or use Notes in LibO Impress (the
>> presentation part).
>> It's not clear to me what you mean by "how to start or use Notes".
>> You will find it helpful to read the "Getting Started" and "User"
>> guides, available from:
>> Specific information about Notes can be found in chapter 8 of the
>> Impress User Guide:
>> (2) When she starts (and saves) Notes in PowerPoint, and then works on
>> the presentation in LibO -- even if she does not touch the Notes while
>> in LibO -- when she re-opens the presentation in PowerPoint the Notes
>> are all fouled up every which way.
>> When she uses LibO, it's version 4.0, on Windows 7 Home Premium, and
>> she saves the file as PowerPoint 2007/2010 (.pptx). And she uses
>> PowerPoint 2010, also on Windows (she thinks Windows 7 for Government
>> but is not certain).
>> Unfortunately, MS XML file formats are something of a moving target.
>> Although there have been many improvements in LO/MS XML compatibility
>> there is still work to be done.
>> As previously suggested to you by Clarence M Weaver, try using the older
>> ".ppt" format to move presentations between Powerpoint and Impress.
>> Clarence & I have both tested this and it appears to be a reliable
>> work-around.
>> What does she need to do?
>> Thank you very much!
>> Jeff Deutsch
>> Hope this helps.
>> Dave
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: LibreOffice installation issue.

2013-08-03 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
Oh, i assumed it was just another troll or else just someone a bit rushed and 
unable to do a simple google-search or quick visit of the LibreOffice or "The 
Document Foundation" websites.  It's unusually hot in the UK right now so 
people are unusually irritable here at the moment.  

On the downloads page it does give the 4.1.0 by default which i tend to think 
is a bit of a mistake.  I think it should be the latest stable version at least 
until the newer branch reaches x.x.3.  However, they do clearly state (just 
above the downloads 'buttons') that 
"This version of LibreOffice is prepared with care and presented with 
pride by the LibreOffice community. PLEASE NOTE that, since this is the 
very first version in the series, make sure to read the release notes (under 
"Handy resources")."
The bit after the "PLEASE NOTE" is worth taking notice of.  Perhaps making it a 
bit clearer by saying "in the NEW series" might have helped but however careful 
one is about things like that someone will find a way of not noticing it or of 
misunderstanding it.  

From what Sandor Marton wrote it's quite possible he got a corrupted version of 
LibreOffice from some 3rd party site rather than from the official website.  
Normally 3rd party sites are also careful and good as they often have their own 
reputation to maintain.  Of course it might be possible to find some dodgy blog 
site but hopefully people have more sense than to go out looking for trouble.  
I was a bit surprised Sandor Marton didn't give a link to where he downloaded 
from but i've seen people forget that sort of detail before so it wasn't a huge 
surprise.  Similarly with OS, and error messages.  He did mention that he tried 
to install it without any language, which i hadn't thought of trying.  

I didn't think it was possible to install just 2 or 3 of the modules.  The 
question has come up a few times in the mailing list and i'm sure other places 
too and the answer is almost always "No".  Usually giving the reason why not.  
Again it might be possible to find some dodgy site or place that have people 
giving hopelessly wrong answers such as Staples, Kioskea, Yahoo Answers but a 
quick look at a couple of other  answers on their sites usually indicates how 
reliable they are.  Sadly Staples probably looks legit, although at the end of 
the day it is just a warehouse-shop so the sales staff are likely to be 
desperately low paid and clueless.  

It might be tricky for some people to find this mailing list.  It's 3 clicks 
from any of the slides on the home-page
1.  Click on whichever slides' link
2.  Click on "Get Help"
3.  Click on Nabble or "Mailing Lists" although some of the other options would 
have also reached people, notably the IRC or "Ask LibreOffice"

Actually one of the links leads to the "The Document Foundation"s website and 
that has a "Contact us" page which leads to the mailing list and to our 
Facebook fan page, the official blog, twitter,, an email address to 
reach the Board of Directors and 4 named individuals that have official 
"" email addresses.  

So, i just ignored the original post but i keep considering passing it on 
because it throws up a few concerns that it might be possible to prevent in the 
future = such as adding "NEW" in before "series" on the downloads page or doing 
something else to make it even clearer that there is a more stable 

Regards from 
Tom :)  

> From: Werner F. Bruhin 
>Sent: Saturday, 3 August 2013, 15:00
>Subject: [libreoffice-users] Re: LibreOffice installation issue.
>Hi Sandor,
>I am just a user of LibreOffice but seeing that you are a Senior 
>Software Developer I have to react to this post.
>For someone who is involved in software development it is shocking for 
>me to see how little useful information you provide for anyone to do 
>anything with.
>Things like:
>- what OS
>- what language pack of the OS
>- what error messages did you see
>- was any prior version of LibreOffice installed
>might be useful to a support person and/or a developer.
>On 03/08/2013 09:37, Sandor Marton wrote:
>> To Whom it May Concern,
>> I've installed the latest version of Libre Office to my PC. Version
>> 4.1.04.
>> I selected only calc and draw programs to be installed, along with
>> language English (UK) only.
>> Doing that the program wouldn't run after successful installation.
>> After the failure I uninstalled it and I could see only invalid
>> characters in the uninstall dialogue box.
>> I think unselecting the language English (US) or English (South Africa
>> ?) was a mistake but I was able to do it and it is wrong.
>> If the language is essential for the application to run it shouldn't be
>> an option to install.
>> I also find very hard to find this email address on your website. I bit
>> frustrating
>> Needless to say, the progr

Re: [libreoffice-users] LibreOffice installation issue.

2013-08-03 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
Err, just 1 correction.  

It's the 4.0.4 that is the most recent stable version.  There is a 3.6.7 which 
is also stable but i would go for the 4.0.4 in almost all cases now.  

The 4.1.0 is the first in the newer series and as such it brings in newer 
functionality and features.  Most people will find it plenty stable enough.  
Even the alpha-test and beta-test versions were plenty stable enough for most 
people that used them but many people will be avoiding the 4.1.x branch until 
it reaches at least 4.1.3.  Right now it's the best choice if you want 
cutting-edge or new features.  

It's described on

There is a little graphic on the "Release Plan" page
although the colour-coding is possibly confusing.  It might do better to use 
red, amber, green = as traffic lights do.  Reducing it down to 3 colours might 
help anyway.  It used to be much larger on the page which made it much easier 
to understand at a glance.  I think it's been made too small now.  However the 
graphic was an inspired stroke of genius when it was first created.  

Regards from 
Tom :)  

> From: Andrew Brown 
>To: Sandor Marton  
>Sent: Saturday, 3 August 2013, 22:01
>Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] LibreOffice installation issue.
>Hi Sandor
>As a long time successful user of Star Office, OpenOffice, and now 
>settled on LibreOffice in Windows and Linux, I am saddened to hear your 
>bad luck with the installation. Version is the stable version so 
>it should not (not for me anyway) give any language issues with it's 
>Firstly make sure that you have downloaded the correct language base 
>file and it's assistant. Go to the download page here 
> and then just below the green bars 
>"Main Installer" and "LibreOffice built-in help" click on the link "Not 
>the version you wanted? Change the language". On this next page go down 
>the list, left column until you see the one "English (GB)" and click on 
>it. A page will show with your two needed files and the correct language 
>you are looking for. Click in the green bars mentioned to download your 
>What you can do is install it the same way you did, with just the apps 
>you want i.e. the Calc and Draw as per your previous install. To make 
>sure your language is the one you need open Calc, and go to the menu bar 
>"Tools - Options - Language Settings - Languages". On the right you can 
>set the "User Interface" "Locale setting" to English UK, and your 
>"Default Currency" as well if you so choose, You would also need to 
>change you "Date acceptance patterns" as well for your language and 
>country pattern, Date month Year etc.
>That should sort you out and give a better experience with LO. If you 
>need furhter help and assistance, please reply. I can send you 
>screenshots of what I am referring to as well, as I live in South 
>Africa, and have set mine to work perfectly with my country locale and 
>language settings.
>Andrew Brown
>On 03/08/2013 09:37 AM, Sandor Marton wrote:
>> To Whom it May Concern,
>> I've installed the latest version of Libre Office to my PC. Version
>> 4.1.04.
>> I selected only calc and draw programs to be installed, along with
>> language English (UK) only.
>> Doing that the program wouldn't run after successful installation.
>> After the failure I uninstalled it and I could see only invalid
>> characters in the uninstall dialogue box.
>> I think unselecting the language English (US) or English (South Africa
>> ?) was a mistake but I was able to do it and it is wrong.
>> If the language is essential for the application to run it shouldn't be
>> an option to install.
>> I also find very hard to find this email address on your website. I bit
>> frustrating
>> Needless to say, the program is off the PC and not going back for a
>> while.
>> Good luck next time.
>> Regards,
>>      Sandor Marton
>>   Sandor MartonSenior Software DeveloperSparc Systems Ltd.—-
>> IMPORTANT NOTE: This email and any files transmitted with it are
>> confidential and intended
>> solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are
>> addressed.
>> If you have received this email in error please notify the originator
>> of the message.
>> Any views expressed in this message are those of the individual
>> sender,
>> except where the sender specifies and with authority, states them to be
>> the views of
>> Sparc Systems Ltd.
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Re: [libreoffice-users] eastern front in new version

2013-08-03 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
Game.  It was a tpyo.  It's an odd name imo because everywhere has somewhere 
else that is east and to some people "the eastern font" was actually to their 
west (unless going the longer way around).  

Someone recently sent me a link to a Steam Game that is on special offer at £30 
but i am still quite enjoying Glest and Wesnoth.  I do quite like the idea of 
the Humble Bundle collections that come out from time to time.  I think if more 
Gnu&Linux people did buy games then the Games industry might take more notice 
and that might have a domino effect resulting in better drivers.  
Regards from 
Tom :)  

> From: Kracked_P_P---webmaster 
>Sent: Saturday, 3 August 2013, 22:36
>Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] eastern font in new version
>On 08/03/2013 01:29 AM, Doug wrote:
>> On 08/02/2013 09:03 AM, Mark Stanton wrote:
>>> All quiet on the eastern font, then... :-)
>>> Mark
>> Does anybody know if the old Atari game, "Eastern Front" has been
>> ported to Linux, or even to Windows?
>> --doug
>You looking for the font used on the Atari system or a game?
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Libreoffice- No Label Formats

2013-08-04 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
Any chance of going back to the 4.0.4?  

It might be worth trying to rename your User Profile to see if that fixes it

Is there any chance of uploading the label.xml to Nabble so that people here 
can have a look?  

It might be good to make a bug-report about this
one of the steps helps you look for duplicates and if something does already 
exist that might help you work-around the problem

Good luck and regards from 
Tom :)  

> From: Frank Peters 
>Sent: Saturday, 3 August 2013, 22:04
>Subject: [libreoffice-users] Libreoffice- No Label Formats
>After installing libreoffice- I tried to create mailing labels
>using File --> New --> Labels.
>When I get the dialog screen, every pre-defined label format that is
>shown has all formatting fields set to zero with 1x1 for columns x rows.
>For example, Avery Letter 5160 shows all margins 0" with 1x1 columns x rows.
>This, of course, is not correct.  The same values appear for *every* 
>label of every type.
>What is happening?  Why can't libreoffice retrieve the correct format values
>for these pre-defined labels.
>I checked for the share/labels/labels.xml and it is present.  This file
>presumably contains all the format information for the pre-defined labels.
>How can I fix this problem?
>Frank Peters
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Re: [libreoffice-users] LibreOffice installation issue.

2013-08-04 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)  
LibreOffice is tightly integrated and attempting to install only 1 or 2 
components doesn't save you much disk-space.  They all use the main core.  Each 
module/component/'program'/'app' adds only a tiny bit extra on top.  

If all you want is a spreadsheet then Gnumeric is a standalone spreadsheet 
program and is sometimes faster or more sophisticated than Calc or Excel.  It 
might look rudimentary on the surface but only because all their work goes into 
the under-the-bonnet stuff

For picture editing you might find a dedicated scalar-vector graphics program 
or a photo-editor that looks a bit like Photoshop
for which the Windows down-loader is here
Personally although i really like Gimp in Gnu&Linux i find it's Windows version 
a pain.  In Gnu&Linux when you want to save in a different format you just 
change the file-ending from .jpg or .gif or .png or whatever to the format you 
do want.  It then gives a pop-up listing lots of options but the defaults are 
fine so just "Ok" and job-done.  In the Windows version you can only save in 
xcf format and have to use 
File - Export - and then choose the format, and then deal with the same pop-up. 

So, if you are  doing graphic design then inkscape is probably one of the best. 
 If you are doing photo-editing on Windows then possibly Gimp.  If you are on 
Gnu&Linux, such as Ubuntu, SuSE or other then definitely Gimp.  

However there are lots of  different programs for drawing so it really depends 
on what you are doing.  Apparently if you are uploading your photos to picassa 
then they have a pretty neat drawing tool that you can use without even 
installing it on your machine (ie it's a Cloud-based app).  

Regards from 
Tom :)  

> From: Sandor Marton 
>Sent: Saturday, 3 August 2013, 8:37
>Subject: [libreoffice-users] LibreOffice installation issue.
>To Whom it May Concern,
>I've installed the latest version of Libre Office to my PC. Version
>I selected only calc and draw programs to be installed, along with
>language English (UK) only.
>Doing that the program wouldn't run after successful installation.
>After the failure I uninstalled it and I could see only invalid
>characters in the uninstall dialogue box.
>I think unselecting the language English (US) or English (South Africa
>?) was a mistake but I was able to do it and it is wrong.
>If the language is essential for the application to run it shouldn't be
>an option to install.
>I also find very hard to find this email address on your website. I bit
>Needless to say, the program is off the PC and not going back for a
>Good luck next time.
>    Sandor Marton
>Sandor MartonSenior Software DeveloperSparc Systems Ltd.—-
>IMPORTANT NOTE: This email and any files transmitted with it are
>confidential and intended
>solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are
>If you have received this email in error please notify the originator
>of the message.
>Any views expressed in this message are those of the individual
>except where the sender specifies and with authority, states them to be
>the views of
>Sparc Systems Ltd.  
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Dimensions not working

2013-08-04 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
Did you get good answers to this and/or have you solved the problem now?  

If not then please let us know the current situation and if anything has 
changed.  If you did fix it then it would be nice to know that too but it's not 
really necessary to tell us if you don't have the time for it.
Regards from 
Tom :)  

> From: Joseph Hesse 
>Sent: Saturday, 27 July 2013, 20:01
>Subject: [libreoffice-users] Dimensions not working
>I am using writer 4.x.
>I formatted an 8.5 x 11 page as follows:
>Top, Bottom margin = 0.25"
>Body is a table with 1 column and 3 rows.
>The top row has a height of 5".
>The middle row has a height of 0.5".
>The bottom row has a height of 5".
>The numbers 0.25+5+0.5+5+0.25 add up to 11.
>The table will not fit on one page, the bottom row goes to a new page.
>How do I fix this?
>Thank you,
>Joe Hesse
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[libreoffice-users] stable vs new

2013-08-04 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
To put it as simply as possible ...  

A new branch starts off full of new stuff and some of that new stuff might 
cause unexpected problems on some machines.  There is no way around it.  It's 
not possible to test a new program on all possible combinations of hardware, 
OSes, programs and configurations.  During alpha and beta testing the new 
release is tested on as many systems as reasonably possible.  More people could 
help with that by running pre-release versions early on and reporting back any 
issues.  I try to but never seem to have the time and never really try out many 
different features anyway.  So, the 


gets released and people start using it and reporting back some of the issues 
they find with it.  Some of those along with "known issues" and even obscure 
issues get fixed.  Instead of doing little updates every couple of days, like 
some programs do, these all get wrapped up into the next release, the 

rinse and repeat to get the 

and again for the 

At this point most people say the branch is about as stable as possible so it 
starts being called stable branch.  However nothing new has been added for some 
time and some people have lots of exciting new ideas or have been working on 
something for years and finally got it working, others have been getting bored 
and started looking at other projects to get involved with to do more exciting 
things there.  So, while a lot of the devs stick with bug-fixes there are also 
a lot that move to an even newer branch.  So we have

x.x.4  = now called stable branch although earlier release in the same branch 
are not any more stable than they were before

x.y.0  = newer branch

then both branches develop alongside each other for a while giving us

x.x.5 = stable

x.y.1 = new(ish)

and then 

x.x.6 = very stable

x.y.2 = getting there

for the 1st time ever we ended up getting 

x.x.7 = very stable
x.y.3 = stable

x.z.0 = new branch

all at the same time.  Normally we don't bother with the .7 but the end of the 
3.blah.blah was a bit momentous.  ( 3 has been around for years and years and 
moving to the 4 meant some significant changes.  I hadn't realised about the 
desktop-integration being pulled in and probably missed all the other changes 
too.  I was more concerned about java&accessibility issues but i think Stuart 
informed us that the newer java-access-bridge does now work with the newer LO 
releases.  So people don't need to stick with the 3.6.x branch to get their 
screen-readers working. )

Of course that is a bit simplistic.  The x.y.0 includes all the fixes that go 
into the x.x.4(ish) and maybe more as well.  However because of all the new 
stuff it might also suffer (or benefit from) regressions, some old problem 
might re-emerge, some new issues might arise.  "You can't make an omelette 
without breaking eggs".  Also the x.z.0 might introduce some "killer feature" 
that you just can't do without.  It's often better to start with a x.z.0 
release because if you do find flaws and post bug-reports it catches the most 
devs attention and it's the point where the least number of users are posting 
bug-reports.  You are something like >25% more likely to get your pet-peeves 
dealt with at that time than at any other time or for any other release.  

So, the 3.6.7 is extremely stable.  The 4.0.3 and now the 4.0.4 'should be' 
plenty stable enough that hardly anyone has problems.  I gather the 4.0.3 was a 
bit of a let down but the 4.0.4 made up for that.  We 'should' initially try 
the 4.1.0 on our own machines but roll out the 4.0.4 (or wait for the 4.0.5) 
for machines that need to be stable.  Of course of the 4.1.0 has no problems in 
your environment then roll that one out.  It should be stable enough for almost 
every set-up even though stability is not it's main aim.  

Regards from 

Tom :)  

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: LibreOffice installation issue.

2013-08-04 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
Was that just on Gnu&Linux (and presumably Bsd) or on Windows too?
Regards from 
Tom :)  

> From: James Knott 
>To: LibreOffice  
>Sent: Sunday, 4 August 2013, 12:43
>Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: LibreOffice installation issue.
>Tom Davies wrote:
>> I didn't think it was possible to install just 2 or 3 of the modules.
>I haven't checked recently, but for years, with OpenOffice, it has been
>an option, though it didn't save much disk space.
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Unsubscribe

2013-08-04 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
Annoyingly in my email 'client' the address

is shown looking like

is the email address and the "users+" as being some strange extra bit that is 
not really part of the address.  I'm guessing that happens with some other 
email 'clients' that are in common usage these days.  The "users+" part is an 
important part of the address so it really needs to be the entire line

Also it's fairly rare to find a signature that is actually helpful.  Mostly we 
get so used to completely ignoring useless disclaimers and hopeful messages 
about having been scanned by some embarrassingly ancient antivirus them that we 
don't even bother to read even the good ones.  

Regards from 

Tom :)  

> From: James Knott 
>To: LibreOffice ; 
>Sent: Sunday, 4 August 2013, 12:40
>Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Unsubscribe
>Nicholas Micalone wrote:
>> To unsubscribe e-mail to:
>This should be at the bottom of the messages
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: LibreOffice installation issue.

2013-08-04 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
Ahh, interesting.  I've never noticed it.  At least i don't remember noticing 
it but then 
a.  i don't notice much anyway
b.  my memory is not as good as it used to be, i think.  At least i think it 
used to be better but it's difficult to remember that far back now

Regards from 
Tom :)  

> From: James Knott 
>To: LibreOffice  
>Sent: Sunday, 4 August 2013, 13:05
>Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: LibreOffice installation issue.
>Tom Davies wrote:
>> Was that just on Gnu&Linux (and presumably Bsd) or on Windows too?
>Both, IIRC, but I've never installed just part of it.
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[Solved] Re: [libreoffice-users] Dimensions not working

2013-08-04 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
Thanks and congrats :)  Nicely done
Regards from
Tom :)  

> From: Joseph Hesse 
>To: Tom Davies  
>Sent: Sunday, 4 August 2013, 13:26
>Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Dimensions not working
>Your answers helped, I decreased some of the dimensions by a tiny
  fraction of an inch to get it all to fit.
>Thank you,
>On 08/04/2013 05:55 AM, Tom Davies wrote:
>Hi :)
>>Did you get good answers to this and/or have you solved the
problem now?  
>>If not then please let us know the current situation and if
anything has changed.  If you did fix it then it would be nice
to know that too but it's not really necessary to tell us if you
don't have the time for it.
>>Regards from 
>>Tom :)  
>>> From: Joseph Hesse 
>>>Sent: Saturday, 27 July 2013, 20:01
>>>Subject: [libreoffice-users] Dimensions not working
>>>I am using writer 4.x.
>>>I formatted an 8.5 x 11 page as follows:
>>>Top, Bottom margin = 0.25"
>>>Body is a table with 1 column and 3 rows.
>>>The top row has a height of 5".
>>>The middle row has a height of 0.5".
>>>The bottom row has a height of 5".
>>>The numbers 0.25+5+0.5+5+0.25 add up to 11.
>>>The table will not fit on one page, the bottom row
  goes to a new page.
>>>How do I fix this?
>>>Thank you,
>>>Joe Hesse
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Re: [libreoffice-users] stable vs new

2013-08-04 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
Yes, i was trying to keep it simple and practical by  avoiding side issues or 
detail.  Even so my post turned out to be a lot longer than planned!  

For some projects 
stability = stagnation

ie that the 3.0.0 could be considered stable because pretty much all the bugs 
are known issues and mostly written-up somewhere.  That has never been 
considered good enough in LO.  The earlier releases in a branch are not 
considered "more stable" after the branch reaches .3 or .4.  It's only the .3 
or .4 and onwards that are considered more stable.  

Time-based releases vs "release when ready".  Whichever methodology is used 
it's only after initial proper release that the thing gets used on the mad 
set-ups out in the real world that most problems surface and get fixed.  With 
MS products many corporates wouldn't consider installing before Service Pack 1 
got released, which means it's only after SP 1 that many  problems come to 
light!  So, i agree with Stuart and most of the rest of the project on this 
issue.  I'm sure the arguments about which is best will continue for another 7 
years  in most projects (and possibly longer).  

We all get to play ginea pig but we would with proprietary software too.  The 
difference is that if a problem we reported does get fixed we get the fix for 
free along with all the updates that we didn't help with.  There is no paying 
for upgrades or being pushed into buying a different bundle by some salesman.  

Regards from 
Tom :)  

> From: V Stuart Foote 
>To: ""  
>Sent: Sunday, 4 August 2013, 16:58
>Subject: RE: [libreoffice-users] stable vs new
>In opening this thread ( Nabble  
> ) Tom is 
>correct in a practical sense.  Stability is an inherent component of a mature 
>product. And testing during the development cycles by more potential user 
>willing to invest a little time in QA is essential to the health of the 
>But a key aspect Tom omits is that LibreOffice development and release stages 
>are tightly timed--and by proxy so is its support. Nor does he mention that 
>the project has stayed on schedule since inception--synchronizing to a six 
>month minor release cycle implemented in a broader ecosystem of Free and Open 
>Source Software. 
>The Release Plan for LibreOffice publishes the release schedule, current 
>status and a historical record of the project, worth a read:
>Keeping to the time based release plan means that the delay between initial 
>release on a minor version and the next minor version release is just six 
>months.  And that the delay between the x.x.0 release and each bug fix release 
>has been and will continue to be  just one month.  So, while I don't 
>completely agree Toms' assessment of how far along each bug fix takes 
>things--it is just not the way the user feedback, QA,and development work 
>proceeds--but it is not unreasonable practical advise.
>Support has kept to the same cycle--for the most part--user documentation 
>(static HTML or wiki based, and published) can always use more active 
>contributors and lags a bit as a result.
>This is not just development churn, there is solid User eXperience, QA and 
>development work at every tick of the release cycle. And as a minor release 
>nears end of its development life it gets less and less development 
>attention--QA and development resources long since shifted to new development 
>and bug fixes.  Enhancements and bug fixes become more and more costly to push 
>backward with each tick in development cycle--so less likely to occur. In a 
>sense that also is stability, or maybe stagnation.
>The project is on sound footings as a time based release, that is not going to 
>change so no sense in debating it here. Rather, if you have specific questions 
>or comments about its implementation or how best to make use of software from 
>time based release managed project  that would be a worthwhile discussion.
>a LibreOffice QA volunteer, focusing on accessibility issues.
>p.s.  For use Accessibility and Assistive Technology tools the use of a Java 
>7, Java Runtime Environment and the Java Access Bridge v2.0.3 was not ported 
>backward to the 3.6.x branch.  It was included in the  4.1.0 release, and has 
>been patched for the upcoming 4.0.5 release.  Users of 3.6.x must continue to 
>use a Java 6 JRE (e.g. 1.6u45) and  manual install of Java Access Bridge 
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Libreoffice- No Label Formats

2013-08-04 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
Thanks :)  Ok, i guess it's time for a bug-report
Good luck with that and happy hunting
Regards from 
Tom :) 

> From: Upscope 
>Sent: Sunday, 4 August 2013, 19:49
>Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Libreoffice- No Label Formats
>On Sunday, August 04, 2013 12:34:24 PM Frank Peters wrote:
>> On Sun, 4 Aug 2013 10:56:51 +0100 (BST)
>> Tom Davies  wrote:
>> > It might be worth trying to rename your User Profile to see if that
>> > fixes it
>> The first thing I did was to delete the User Profile and then
>> reinstall. It did not fix the problem.
>> I need to find reports of others having this problem.  If none exist
>> then it must be some fault of my system.
>> Anyway, I only use a few label types out of the hundreds available.
>> For these I can create some custom definitions that contain the
>> correct parameters.  I'll use this work around until I get more
>> information.
>> Thanks for your assistance.
>> Frank Peters
>> --
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>I'm using the openSUSE version of LO.
>Build ID: 410m0(Build:4)
>I can confirm there are no label formats on even label shown in writer. 
>I selected new-->label, then brand "Avery Letter size" type 5163.
>openSUSE 12.3(Linux 3.9.8-1.gf3348a8-desktop)|KDE 4.10.5
>"release 4"|Intel core2duo 2.5 MHZ,|8GB DDR3|GeForce
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Notes in Impress vs. PowerPoint

2013-08-04 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
Any idea which version of MS Office they have at her work-place?  If 2013 then 
stick to Odp.  If an earlier version then it might be worth saving in Ppt 
format for work but then using the Odp outside of there.  

Using the Usb-stick method means she doesn't actually install anything at work. 
 It's just being used as a data-storage device but with an added extra.  
Regards from 
Tom :)  

> From: Jeffrey Deutsch 
>To: Andrew Brown  
>Cc: Tom Davies ;; 
>Sent: Sunday, 4 August 2013, 19:08
>Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Notes in Impress vs. PowerPoint
>Hello Andrew and Tom,
>Thank you very much for your advice. (Unfortunately, it may not be
>applicable in this specific instance, since my wife cannot use any of
>the ODF programs you mentioned at work, and she does indeed need to
>share her files there. Also, she does not know whether her workplace's
>strict security requirements allow for her installing her own programs
>there or even using her own USB sticks.)
>I will definitely keep this information in mind for when it will do
>the most good. Thanks again!
>Jeff Deutsch
>Speaker & Life Coach
>A SPLINT - ASPies LInking with NTs
>"Listen to the universe while it whispers before it has to shout."
>Marion Grobb Finkelstein, Communication Catalyst --
>On Sat, Aug 3, 2013 at 5:18 PM, Andrew Brown  wrote:
>> Hi Folks
>> To follow on Tom's flash drive apps, I use a collection of apps that has a
>> self installer and updater for flash drives, called PortableApps
>> Depending on what you want out of the collection
>> of apps, it will install automatically onto a flash drive for you, from
>> anything the size of around 2GB up to 16GB (full apps is 9GB). And they
>> cover LibreOffice, along with other suites.
>> I carry my stick with me everywhere, as long as I have access to a PC, I cam
>> do everything without leaving any trail or file behind on the PC I use. A
>> 16GB stick gives enough space to carry personal or work related docs too.
>> You can even surf the web with nothing left on the host PC.
>> Hope this helps
>> Regards
>> Andrew Brown
>> On 03/08/2013 09:49 PM, Tom Davies wrote:
>>> Hi :)
>>> It's often best to keep documents in ODF formats, in this case Odp, and
>>> just edit that version.
>>> Just use the MS formats when you need to share with other people or when
>>> you need to use them on a machine where you might not have access to
>>> LibreOffice, OpenOffice, Google-docs, NeoOffice, KOffice, Caligra, IBM Lotus
>>> Symphony, GNome Office, MS Office 2013 or any of the other office programs
>>> that can read/write ODF formats.
>>> Note that you could carry LibreOffice (and many other programs) around
>>> with you on a Usb-stick so that you can use them on any Windows machine
>>> without having to actually install them there
>>> there are other companies offering a similar service and a similar range
>>> of software.  1 is even faster at getting the newer versions of LibreOffice
>>> then the people listed on the official LibreOffice page.
>>> Regards from
>>> Tom :)
>>>> From: Jeffrey Deutsch 
>>>> To:
>>>> Cc: "" 
>>>> Sent: Saturday, 3 August 2013, 17:35
>>>> Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Notes in Impress vs. PowerPoint
>>>> Thank you very much for your help Tim!
>>>> Jeff Deutsch
>>>> Speaker & Life Coach
>>>> A SPLINT - ASPies LInking with NTs
>>>> "Listen to the universe while it whispers before it has to shout."
>>>> Marion Grobb Finkelstein, Communication Catalyst --
>>>> On Tue, Jul 30, 2013 at 2:42 PM, Tim Deaton  wrote:
>>>>> Yes, you would save to the .ppt format in BOTH programs.
>>>>> -- Tim
>>>>> ===
>>>>> I know the plans I have for you:

Re: [libreoffice-users] 4.0.3

2013-08-04 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
This kinda reminds me of the story about 2 bulls on top of a hill both looking 
down at a herd of cows.  The younger one says "Lets race down the hill and 
dance with one of those ladies".  The older one replies "Lets walk down and 
dance with them all".  

If we follow MS's lead in keeping up with their latest formats then we might 
get short-term gains but we really stuff ourselves up in the longer term.  Plus 
we end up trailing a long way behind MS.  We need to work towards getting ahead 
of them in more and more ways.  At the moment we already beat them in quite a 
few ways but we need more in order for more people to take notice.  

Regards from 
Tom :)  

> From: Amit Choudhary 
>To: Tom Davies  
>Cc: "" ; 
>Sent: Saturday, 27 July 2013, 11:46
>Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] 4.0.3
>If we have to beat Microsoft then we need to focus only on what Microsoft
>provides and not on .odt format, etc. We cannot beat Microsoft by
>introducing a new format and expecting customers to use new formats (I use
>Microsoft formats only and whatever other formats is suported by Microsoft).
>We need to beat Microsoft at its own game by doing what they are doing in
>office suite. A new format is not going to change the game but being
>totally compatible and stable with the formats that Micorosoft supports
>(xls, xlsx, doc, docx, save as pdf, text, etc.) is going to change the game.
>On Sat, Jul 27, 2013 at 3:21 PM, Amit Choudhary <
>> wrote:
>> Hi Tom,
>> I have been programming since 1987. I have all my degrees in computer
>> science/networking. I have worked for companies like Cisco systems, Juniper
>> networks and have turned down offers from companies like Google and
>> Microsoft for one reason or other.
>> This whole software industry is going in the wrong direction. Actually, by
>> now we should have been done by all the software (all the necessary
>> software developed and installed and used, no bugs, etc.
>> We need to beat Microsoft because we do not want to pay for Office suite.
>> The best way of doing this is to release stable versions only and this can
>> be done by increasing the QA cycle period.
>> I do not release buggy software unless it has been approved by management.
>> And I have not released any software that's gonna hurt the customer even if
>> I have to get into discussions with managers, directors, etc.
>> This whole idea of releasing software frequently is a scam, because work
>> doesn't get done properly in a small time window. No one gets any time for
>> innovation and everyone is just interested in the release. And in the end,
>> the software dies down because the frequent release does not fix things
>> properly and introduces new bugs and over time all these quickfixes kill
>> the product.
>> I use around 5-6 external softwares and if everyone is releasing something
>> every month then it becomes a headache to me.
>> Amit
>> On Fri, Jul 26, 2013 at 4:07 PM, Tom Davies wrote:
>>> Hi :)
>>> I think with Base it's better to stay with older branches.  The 3.6.7
>>> might be better.  if the 4.0.3 works for you then stick with that.
>>> Sadly there are still not many devs working on Base.  It's not flashy
>>> enough!
>>> Regards from
>>> Tom :)
>>> >________
>>> > From: "" 
>>> >To:
>>> >Sent: Friday, 26 July 2013, 10:31
>>> >Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] 4.0.3
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >Unfortunately, the "3rd digit rule" doesn't work as goog as expected...
>>> >    I use report builder in base, version. Download 4.0.4 and

Re: [libreoffice-users] Conflicts?

2013-08-04 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)  
Just out of curiosity has anyone tried the Apache OpenOffice 4.0 yet?  

I really liked the sound of the toolbar down the side so i just gave it a quick 
go.  I was a tad disappointed to find that toolbar was in addition to the ones 
we both already have at the top and mostly was just a duplication of many of 
those buttons.  However 1st time try-outs of new things seldom go completely 
smoothly!  lol

I would really like to see both LO and AOO go this route and faster.  At the 
moment all programs seem intent on making the screen more and more like a 
letter-box slit with more and more wasted space at the sides and more and more 
crammed in at the top&bottom.  

It's becoming tougher and tougher to see a whole document all at the same time. 
Regards from
Tom :)  

> From: Virgil Arrington 
>To: Tom Davies ;; 
>Sent: Wednesday, 24 July 2013, 1:29
>Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Conflicts?
>Thanks, Tom. I always disable quickstarter as a matter of course.
>-Original Message- 
>From: Tom Davies
>Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2013 7:13 PM
>To: Virgil Arrington ; ; 
>Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Conflicts?
>Hi :)
>I think it's the same conflicts as between any 2 versions of LibreOffice or 
>any 2 versions of AOO or OOo.  Basically avoid having both open at the same 
>time.  That might mean turning off the Quickstarter of both of them.
>This link might help
>Regards from
>Tom :)
>> From: Virgil Arrington 
>>Sent: Tuesday, 23 July 2013, 20:38
>>Subject: [libreoffice-users] Conflicts?
>>Are there any known conflicts with having LO 4.0.4 and AOO 4.0 installed on 
>>the same computer? In my never-ending, obsessive (and admittedly futile) 
>>search for computing perfection, I want to try both programs to see which 
>>better meets my techno-needs.
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[libreoffice-users] side-bar

2013-08-04 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)

Oops, did a bit of thread hijacking there along with other crimes!  Thought i 
would quickly get it onto a new thread.  

Regards from
Tom :)  

- Forwarded Message -
>From: Tom Davies 
>To: Virgil Arrington ; "" 
>; "" 
>Sent: Sunday, 4 August 2013, 20:35
>Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Conflicts?
>Hi :)  
>Just out of curiosity has anyone tried the Apache OpenOffice 4.0 yet?  
>I really liked the sound of the toolbar down the side so i just gave it a 
>quick go.  I was a tad disappointed to find that toolbar was in addition to 
>the ones we both already have at the top and mostly was just a duplication of 
>many of those buttons.  However 1st time try-outs of new things seldom go 
>completely smoothly!  lol
>I would really like to see both LO and AOO go this route and faster.  At the 
>moment all programs seem intent on making the screen more and more like a 
>letter-box slit with more and more wasted space at the sides and more and more 
>crammed in at the top&bottom.  
>It's becoming tougher and tougher to see a whole document all at the same 
>Regards from
>> From: Virgil Arrington 
>>To: Tom Davies ;; 
>>Sent: Wednesday, 24 July 2013, 1:29
>>Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Conflicts?
>>Thanks, Tom. I always disable quickstarter as a matter of
>>-Original Message- 
>>From: Tom Davies
>>Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2013 7:13 PM
>>To: Virgil Arrington ; ; 
>>Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Conflicts?
>>Hi :)
>>I think it's the same conflicts as between any 2 versions of LibreOffice or 
>>any 2 versions of AOO or OOo.  Basically avoid having both open at the same 
>>time.  That might mean turning off the Quickstarter of both of them.
>>This link might help
>>Regards from
>>> From: Virgil Arrington 
>>>Sent: Tuesday, 23 July 2013, 20:38
>>>Subject: [libreoffice-users] Conflicts?
>>>Are there any known conflicts with having LO 4.0.4 and AOO 4.0 installed on 
>>>the same computer? In my never-ending, obsessive (and admittedly futile) 
>>>search for computing perfection, I want to try both programs to see which 
>>>better meets my techno-needs.
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Attempting to open any Microsoft XML document causes General I/O error after upgrade to 4.1

2013-08-04 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
Nice to see these got fixed before almost anyone knew there was even a problem 
and wy before AOO dealt with the issues! :))
Good work and congrats to the devs, yet again :)
Regards from 
Tom :)  

> From: Cor Nouws 
>To: Girvin R. Herr  
>Cc: Tom Davies ; Tanstaafl 
>; "" 
>Sent: Friday, 26 July 2013, 22:54
>Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Attempting to open any Microsoft XML document 
>causes General I/O error after upgrade to 4.1
>Girvin R. Herr wrote (26-07-13 22:57)
>> FWIW:
>> I do not know the correlation of versions between LO and AOO, but today
>> I got the following two security reports from the AOO users forum:
>  - Cor Nouws
>  -
>  - The Document Foundation Membership Committee Member
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Most stable version right now Fw: [libreoffice-users] stable vs new

2013-08-04 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
I would only go with the 3.6.7 if you are currently on the 3.6.x branch and 
need to stay there or if you have need of staying with the accessibility 
java-bridge, older version for other programs.  

I think everyone else is better off with 4.0.4 and perhaps update in that 
branch as it steadily marches onwards.  

On the other hand i still have plenty of machines on 3.5.something and it's a 
free world so you can do as you please.  

Regards from 

Tom :)  

- Forwarded Message -
>From: Girvin R. Herr 
>To: Tom Davies  
>Cc: V Stuart Foote ; "" 
>Sent: Sunday, 4 August 2013, 21:23
>Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] stable vs new
>To me:
>stability = productivity
>But I am just a lowly user.
>Nice description!  I saved it for future reference.
>Now I know why I keep getting 3.x update notices when 4.x has been 
>released some time ago.  That surprised, but pleased, me.  As a result 
>of your description, I will have to repackage and install 3.6.7 after my 
>monthly backup today.
>Girvin Herr
>On 08/04/2013 10:35 AM, Tom Davies wrote:
>> Hi :)
>> Yes, i was trying to keep it simple and practical by  avoiding side issues 
>> or detail.  Even so my post turned out to be a lot longer than planned!
>> For some projects
>> stability = stagnation
>> ie that the 3.0.0 could be considered stable because pretty much all the 
>> bugs are known issues and mostly written-up somewhere.  That has never been 
>> considered good enough in LO.  The earlier releases in a branch are not 
>> considered "more stable" after the branch reaches .3 or .4.  It's only the 
>> .3 or .4 and onwards that are considered more stable.
>> Time-based releases vs "release when ready".  Whichever methodology is used 
>> it's only after initial proper release that the thing gets used on the mad 
>> set-ups out in the real world that most problems surface and get fixed.  
>> With MS products many corporates wouldn't consider installing before Service 
>> Pack 1 got released, which means it's only after SP 1 that many  problems 
>> come to light!  So, i agree with Stuart and most of the rest of the project 
>> on this issue.  I'm sure the arguments about which is best will continue for 
>> another 7 years  in most projects (and possibly longer).
>> We all get to play ginea pig but we would with proprietary software too.  
>> The difference is that if a problem we reported does get fixed we get the 
>> fix for free along with all the updates that we didn't help with.  There is 
>> no paying for upgrades or being pushed into buying a different bundle by 
>> some salesman.
>> Regards from
>> Tom :)
>>> From: V Stuart Foote 
>>> To: "" 
>>> Sent: Sunday, 4 August 2013, 16:58
>>> Subject: RE: [libreoffice-users] stable vs new
>>> Folks,
>>> In opening this thread ( Nabble  
>>> ) Tom is 
>>> correct in a practical sense.  Stability is an inherent component of a 
>>> mature product. And testing during the development cycles by more potential 
>>> user willing to invest a little time in QA is essential to the health of 
>>> the project.
>>> But a key aspect Tom omits is that LibreOffice development and release 
>>> stages are tightly timed--and by proxy so is its support. Nor does he 
>>> mention that the project has stayed on schedule since 
>>> inception--synchronizing to a six month minor release cycle implemented in 
>>> a broader ecosystem of Free and Open Source Software.
>>> The Release Plan for LibreOffice publishes the release schedule, current 
>>> status and a historical record of the project, worth a read:
>>> Keeping to the time based release plan means that the delay between initial 
>>> release on a minor version and the next minor version release is just six 
>>> months.  And that the delay between the x.x.0 release and each bug fix 
>>> release has been and will continue to be  just one month.  So, while I 
>>> don't completely agree Toms' assessment of how far along each bug fix takes 
>>> things--it is just not the way the user feedback, QA,and development work 

<    3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   >