Re: [Vo]:Super-radiance 2.0 Was: comment on Violante data

2010-02-08 Thread Stephen A. Lawrence

On 02/08/2010 05:10 PM, Jones Beene wrote:
> -Original Message-
> From: Stephen A. Lawrence 
>> My comments all addressed the issue of a BB spectrum shift, and were not
> related to superradiance.
> Aha. I see, this is a miscommunication more than just being argumentative.
> I'll take that as an unintended apology, since you must have noticed the
> subject heading :)

Ah, no, I didn't really read the subject line, I skipped right to the
first paragraph; all that actually caught my eye was the bit about
upshifting the spectrum.

What I overlooked was the fact that the rest of the message dealt
execlusively with superradiance, and no further mention of the spectrum
shift was made.

So, I'm sorry, Jones, I guess I pretty well missed the point of the post.

In any case I had no intention of using sophistry to cover a mistake --
if I'm wrong, then I'm wrong, and if I'm confused (as I often am), well,
too bad for me.

In any case superradiance is interesting, if confusing, and I wasn't
aware of it before chasing your references; thanks.  And some time after
the fact I finally realized why you were talking about CoE, while all I
was thinking of was the Second Law, which is, of course, the law which
says all blackbodies have the same spectrum.

Sorry again for the confusion.

Re: [Vo]:comment on New Energy Times' editorial about MeV/He-4

2010-02-08 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

At 04:55 PM 2/8/2010, wrote:

In reply to  Abd ul-Rahman Lomax's message of Mon, 01 Feb 2010 15:44:23 -0500:
>This was not an MeV/He-4 chart, actually, and it was not, contrary to
>Krivit's assertions, used to "prove" the 24 MeV correlation. What the
>paper was asserting was that there was a correlation between excess
>heat and He-4, and this was merely recent (in 2004) confirmation of it.

BTW 24 MeV is not necessarily a sign of DD fusion to He4.

Well, it's not an exclusive sign, let's put it that way. It's 
remarkable, though, if that is the actual Q factor. What people like 
McKubre have said about the results is that they are "consistent" 
with 23.8 MeV, the expectd Q factor for reactions starting with 
deuterium and ending with helium

In that reaction two
D's fuse to create He4, releasing 23.8 MeV, so the energy release is 
about 6 MeV

/ nucleon. However that is typical of almost all fusion reactions because the
binding energy of most nuclei is on the order of 6 MeV / nucleon. Hence almost
any fusion reaction involving D will release about 10-12 MeV / D.

I have no quarrel with that. However, what's interesting here is that 
we know helium is being produced.

Interesting to see what Huizenga said about Bush and Lagowski's 
results back in roughly 1991. He claimed that the there was not 
enough helium to explain the energy. But that, of course, would have 
assumed that all the helium was being measured, and, as well, that 
there were no other reactions. Obviously, Huizenga was indeed paying 
attention to further research, but busy inventing reasons why the 
results were impossible. He was upset that Bush and Lagowski didn't 
look for gamma rays.

As if that mattered. It was already known that there wasn't enough 
gamma radiation to be significant, nor enough neutrons, etc. Quite 
obviously, the reaction was not straight, ordinary, brute-force hot 
fusion, so playing up expected hot fusion signatures was, by this 
time, thoroughly obtuse.

Anyway, I saw this in an old Science News article. So I decided to 
look in Huizenga's book, Cold Fusion, which was, after all, published 
after this.

His "Epilogue," p. 243:

The invited paper by Miles, Bush, et al. made the most spectacular 
claim at the conference. It was reported that,

The amount of helium [4He] detected correlated approximately with 
the amount of excess heat and was within an order of magnitude of 
the theoretical estimate of helium production based upon fusion of 
deuterium to form 4He.

This claim has been published elsewhere by Miles, Bush, et al., [J. 
Electroanal. Chem. 304 271 (1991); 346 99 (1993)] and I have 
commented on it previously ( see pp. 136 and 212). If it were true 
that 4He was produced from room-temperature fusion in amounts very 
nearly commensurate with excess heat, one of the great puzzles of 
cold fusion would have been solved! However, as is the case with so 
many cold fusion claims, this one is unsubstantiated and conflicts 
with other well-established experimental findings. First, the 
failure of Miles, Bush, et al. to detect 3He in their experiments 
requires that the branching ratio of 4He/3He from D+D cold fusion be 
increased by a facgtor of more than a hundred million compared to 
low-energy (>=2 keV) and muon-catalyzed fusion (a type of cold 
fusion). Hence, it is highly likely that the 4He is a contaminant 
from the atmosphere. In accition, if 4He is produced in the amount 
claimed (for earlier claimw of 4He, see Chapter VIII, Part B), it 
must be accompanied by large intensities (in fact, lethal 
intensities) of the associated 23.8 MeV gamma ray. Only when the 
23.8 MeV gamma rays are observed on-line, can one be sure that the 
4He is produced by fusion and is not an artifact. Finally, the 23.8 
MeV gamma ray transfers essentially all of the D=D -> 4He + gamma 
reaction energy outside the cell and destroys the relationship 
between the helium production and the excess heat based on the 
assumption that all the reaction energy stays inside the cell. More 
recently, Miles, Bush et al reported that they can produce neither 
excess power nor 4He from their electrolysis experiments (Abstracts 
of the Third International Conference, p. 93)

Beautiful, John. Too bad you aren't still cogent enough to understand 
what you did. If, indeed, you ever were.

He discounted experimental results on the basis that they did not 
match a theory that it was D-D fusion of the kind he was familiar 
with. And it wasn't! If there is any 3He produced, or gamma rays, 
it's very little. He-4 is produced, and the report that he said must 
be artifact didn't claim that it was fusion. It claimed that the 
helium was "correlated" with the excess heat, and that it was within 
an order of magnitude of what D-D fusion would produce if it formed 
4He. And that is not only true, but it's been much more closely 
confirmed. And, obviously, if the energy did not escape in the form 
of gam

Re: [Vo]:Super-radiance 2.0 Was: comment on Violante data

2010-02-08 Thread Stephen A. Lawrence

On 02/08/2010 05:01 PM, Jones Beene wrote:
> Stephen 
> It's clear that you are trying to re-characterize a mistaken understanding
> on your part, in order to try to win an argument that can only be won if you
> get to rephrase it your own terms.

Totally false.

> For instance: "CoE has *nothing* to do with the issues here. CoE is first
> law.  We're
> talking about second law."
> Wrong. We're talking about super-radiance, Stephen. I never mentioned the
> second law, and I started the thread.

You talked about upshifting the spectrum of a radiator.  That is what I
was responding to.

RE: [Vo]:Super-radiance 2.0 Was: comment on Violante data

2010-02-08 Thread Jones Beene
-Original Message-
From: Stephen A. Lawrence 

> My comments all addressed the issue of a BB spectrum shift, and were not
related to superradiance.

Aha. I see, this is a miscommunication more than just being argumentative.

I'll take that as an unintended apology, since you must have noticed the
subject heading :)


Re: [Vo]:Super-radiance 2.0 Was: comment on Violante data

2010-02-08 Thread Horace Heffner

On Feb 8, 2010, at 11:38 AM, Jones Beene wrote:

-Original Message-
From: Stephen A. Lawrence

I'm not going to pretend I can follow the reasoning here.  Sorry...

Well, you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.

If it helps to slake your thirst for nano-insight on this subject,  
here is
the same story from a different slant - the breakdown of Planck's  
"law" at

the nanoscale:

"For the first time, however, MIT researchers have achieved this  
feat, and
determined that the heat transfer can be 1,000 times greater than  

law predicts."

This statement strikes me as rather nonsensical. Why would anyone  
expect near field effects, virtual photon exchange, to operate in the  
same manner as far field effects, photon exchange?

Note: no one suggests a violation of CoE, and therefore greater  
emission on
the nano-structured surface (superradiance) will be compensated  

That can't be too difficult to grasp, once you get past the false  
that Planck's "law" is really a Law, instead of a general  
observation that

proved correct within the limitations of its relevant time frame.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

RE: [Vo]:Super-radiance 2.0 Was: comment on Violante data

2010-02-08 Thread Jones Beene

It's clear that you are trying to re-characterize a mistaken understanding
on your part, in order to try to win an argument that can only be won if you
get to rephrase it your own terms.

For instance: "CoE has *nothing* to do with the issues here. CoE is first
law.  We're
talking about second law."

Wrong. We're talking about super-radiance, Stephen. I never mentioned the
second law, and I started the thread. Why do you think that this has
relevance to super-radiance? Do you understand what super-radiance is about?
Let me give you a hint or what it is not: it is not about an ongoing
thermodynamic system or process.

> and therefore greater emission on the nano-structured surface
(superradiance) will be compensated elsewhere. 

In particular, you snipped this question:

> SL: How do you propose to "compensate" the alleged violation by
"elsewhere" if an object is uniformly coated with nanoparticles?  Where
is "elsewhere"? ... Do you know the answer?

Yes and I mentioned it clearly. The answer is subradiance, but one cannot be
permitted to define a hypothetical situation in a way that will only allow
one factor to be operational, without the other and then expect that it will
represent reality in any relevant way. Again you seem to be trying to
convert a "feature of a system" into the "whole system". Do you see the
logical error?

> SL: You also snipped the observation that nanoparticles won't radiate long
wavelengths, but also won't absorb them, so a surface consisting of
nanoparticles will be transparent to long wavelengths.  Did you overlook
that, or dismiss it?

I dismissed it ! at least to the extent that "long" is defined as something
outside the range of blackbody radiation (terahertz to far microwave).
Nanoparticles will absorb and emit radiation at wavelengths that are many
times their diameter - well up into the microwave range. But if you want to
define "long" as something else unrelated to heat, then that is symptomatic
of exactly the problem we are having. 

You seem to be trying to tailor a partially flawed understanding, post hoc,
for the only apparent purpose of trying to win an argument based on a
straw-man invention that was never proposed.

SL: You also snipped the bit where I questioned your apparent attribution of
my argument (very slightly paraphrased) to someone else.  Did you
overlook that?

I have no idea what you are talking about. 

> SL: The conclusion is that if you can make a surface which radiates a
different spectrum from a normal blackbody, but is none the less not
transparent or reflective at the "missing" wavelengths, then you can
build a perpetual motion machine of the second kind using that surface.

That is the false straw-man argument. You must know that, so why do you
persist? It is false, for one thing, because of the assumption that heat can
only be transferred by radiation. It is false for a second reason in that it
"tries" to extend a short term or instantaneous effect into an ongoing

Do you understand that this is not about an ongoing process, per se? It is
about a type of radiation effect that was relatively unknown until Robert
Dicke got involved. Yes, it might eventually lead to a way to accelerate
LENR and yes, that could connote a type of "perpetual motion machine of the
second kind" to some observers, even though you and I know that if a nuclear
reaction is taking place - there could be a limited type of perpetual motion
without a violation of any thermodynamic law or interpretation.

I understand "how" you are trying to warp the very relevant finding into
something that it was never intended to be. The "why" is what I do not


Re: [Vo]:comment on New Energy Times' editorial about MeV/He-4

2010-02-08 Thread mixent
In reply to  Abd ul-Rahman Lomax's message of Mon, 01 Feb 2010 15:44:23 -0500:
>This was not an MeV/He-4 chart, actually, and it was not, contrary to 
>Krivit's assertions, used to "prove" the 24 MeV correlation. What the 
>paper was asserting was that there was a correlation between excess 
>heat and He-4, and this was merely recent (in 2004) confirmation of it.
BTW 24 MeV is not necessarily a sign of DD fusion to He4. In that reaction two
D's fuse to create He4, releasing 23.8 MeV, so the energy release is about 6 MeV
/ nucleon. However that is typical of almost all fusion reactions because the
binding energy of most nuclei is on the order of 6 MeV / nucleon. Hence almost
any fusion reaction involving D will release about 10-12 MeV / D.


Robin van Spaandonk

Re: [Vo]:Super-radiance 2.0 Was: comment on Violante data

2010-02-08 Thread Stephen A. Lawrence
I think you may be confusing two effects here.

On 02/08/2010 01:07 PM, Jones Beene wrote:
> -Original Message- From: Stephen A. Lawrence
> Jones Beene wrote:
>> I have lost the citation from a few weeks ago that claimed that
>> below a threshold of about 10 nm, the expected blackbody frequency is
>> upshifted for nanostructures, in general.

This is to say the spectrum shifts -- the spectrum of a mass of
nanoparticles won't be a BB spectrum.

>> SAL: If I understand you, and if this is true, then it's a
>> violation of the second law of thermodynamics.
> No, not if other parts of the structure compensate, so that the net 
> energy is unchanged.
> IOW sub-radiance compensates for super-radiance ...

As far as I can tell, super-radiance is something quite different from a
spectrum shift.  It has to do with stronger radiation than predicted for
a blackbody, typically for a short period of time due to special
circumstances.  A laser may provide an example of this.

My comments all addressed the issue of a BB spectrum shift, and were not
related to superradiance.

Re: [Vo]:Super-radiance 2.0 Was: comment on Violante data

2010-02-08 Thread Stephen A. Lawrence

On 02/08/2010 03:38 PM, Jones Beene wrote:
> -Original Message-
> From: Stephen A. Lawrence 
>> I'm not going to pretend I can follow the reasoning here.  Sorry...
> Well, you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink. 
> If it helps to slake your thirst for nano-insight on this subject, here is
> the same story from a different slant - the breakdown of Planck's "law" at
> the nanoscale:
> "For the first time, however, MIT researchers have achieved this feat, and
> determined that the heat transfer can be 1,000 times greater than [Planck's]
> law predicts."
> Note: no one suggests a violation of CoE,

CoE has *nothing* to do with the issues here. CoE is first law.  We're
talking about second law.

> and therefore greater emission on
> the nano-structured surface (superradiance) will be compensated elsewhere. 

Jones, you snipped all but the bit where I said I didn't understand the
analogy with oscillators.  (Do you understand it?)  In any event it's an
analogy, nothing more, and doesn't directly address the issue of
blackbody radiation and second law violations.

In particular, you snipped this question:

How do you propose to "compensate" the alleged violation by subradiance
"elsewhere" if an object is uniformly coated with nanoparticles?  Where
is "elsewhere"?

Do you know the answer?

You also snipped the observation that nanoparticles won't radiate long
wavelengths, but also won't absorb them, so a surface consisting of
nanoparticles will be transparent to long wavelengths.  Did you overlook
that, or dismiss it?

You also snipped the bit where I questioned your apparent attribution of
my argument (very slightly paraphrased) to someone else.  Did you
overlook that?

> That can't be too difficult to grasp, once you get past the false belief
> that Planck's "law" is really a Law, instead of a general observation that
> proved correct within the limitations of its relevant time frame. 

As you may not have noticed, I wasn't quoting Planck's law.  Rather, I
gave the argument, based directly on the second law of thermodynamics,
which you attributed to Brian Ahern.

The conclusion is that if you can make a surface which radiates a
different spectrum from a normal blackbody, but is none the less not
transparent or reflective at the "missing" wavelengths, then you can
build a perpetual motion machine of the second kind using that surface.
 Do you understand that?


[Vo]:Liquid Glass

2010-02-08 Thread Ron Wormus

This sounds very cool.


RE: [Vo]:Super-radiance 2.0 Was: comment on Violante data

2010-02-08 Thread Jones Beene
-Original Message-
From: Stephen A. Lawrence 

> I'm not going to pretend I can follow the reasoning here.  Sorry...

Well, you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink. 

If it helps to slake your thirst for nano-insight on this subject, here is
the same story from a different slant - the breakdown of Planck's "law" at
the nanoscale:

"For the first time, however, MIT researchers have achieved this feat, and
determined that the heat transfer can be 1,000 times greater than [Planck's]
law predicts."

Note: no one suggests a violation of CoE, and therefore greater emission on
the nano-structured surface (superradiance) will be compensated elsewhere. 

That can't be too difficult to grasp, once you get past the false belief
that Planck's "law" is really a Law, instead of a general observation that
proved correct within the limitations of its relevant time frame. 

Re: [Vo]:Super-radiance 2.0 Was: comment on Violante data

2010-02-08 Thread Stephen A. Lawrence

On 02/08/2010 01:07 PM, Jones Beene wrote:
> -Original Message- From: Stephen A. Lawrence
> Jones Beene wrote:
>> I have lost the citation from a few weeks ago that claimed that
>> below a threshold of about 10 nm, the expected blackbody frequency is
>> upshifted for nanostructures, in general.
>> SAL: If I understand you, and if this is true, then it's a
>> violation of the second law of thermodynamics.
> No, not if other parts of the structure compensate, so that the net 
> energy is unchanged.

Your description makes this sound like a local surface phenomenon.  In
that case, I can coat the whole thing with identical nanoparticles, and
the argument that other parts of the structure will somehow compensate
is nulled out.

I suspect the answer's actually somewhat simpler:  Small particles are
"invisible" to wavelengths which are on the order of the particle size
or longer.  Consequently, nanostructures don't just cease to radiate at
long wavelengths -- they also become transparent to those wavelengths.

And that's all that's needed to avoid a second law violation.

> IOW sub-radiance compensates for super-radiance so that net energy
> is conserved. This what Brian Ahern calls energy "localization". It
> is usually a surface effect, and that is due to nanostructure.
> This all goes back to simulations done by Fermi, Pasta and Ulam on
> one of the first supercomputers at LANL. According to Brian, they
> simulated a one-dimensional array of masses connected by ideal
> springs obeying Hooke's Law. They gave the system x-amount of
> vibrational energy and then followed oscillators over time. The
> simulation showed that all of the masses got the same amount of
> vibrational energy. This was important as it verified one of the most
> basic tenets of statistical Thermodynamics. However, this is NOT the
> end of story, and they quickly found exceptions to the rule.

I'm not going to pretend I can follow the reasoning here.  Sorry...

> Ulam changed the equation from F = -k1X  to F = -k1x + k2X*2.  He
> kept the constant k2 small so that he was adding only a small
> nonlinear component.  Surprisingly, even a small amount of
> nonlinearity caused the energy to become highly localized. A small
> number of the masses went into permanent large amplitude oscillations
> and the remaining masses became 'vibrationally cold'. Note: there is
> no violation of CoE – at least not until abnormally large vibrations
> are able to cause another reaction – such as LENR (possibly).
> Later all of this was picked up in the context of LENR by Preperata
> and has been called DPSR = Dicke-Preparata Super-radiance. Robert
> Dicke is the original genius behind it all, prior to LENR. Here is an
> earlier posting on vortex (which you commented on, so don't say you
> never heard of it :)
> _
> There's another argument (from Brian): 

The text you quote here is very slightly paraphrased version of what I
said in the post to which you're responding, up to and including the
placement of the parentheses.  Since I typed that in off the top of my
head, as a paraphrase of something I'd said previously on one of my web
pages (which was also off the top of my head, quoting nobody else) I
find it surprising to read that the following text originated with Brian
Ahern.  Seems like a remarkable coincidence.

> When two objects with
> different surface characteristics are placed next to each other in a
> uniformly hot oven and a dichroic filter is placed between them, if
> one radiates more strongly at the filter's peak reflection frequency
> than the other, their relative temperatures will change.  (The one
> which radiates more strongly at the mirror's reflection frequency
> will "see" more radiation coming in than the other object, and so
> will get warmer.)

Now the next sentence, which seems to have been appended to my words, is
not from me, and in fact I don't understand it.

> You can analogize that to a single layered material
> with a surface that has greater vibrational mobility.

> But alas, I still have not found the paper in question, but am still 
> looking. Here is one that is close:
> _
> Jones

[Vo]:Super-radiance 2.0 Was: comment on Violante data

2010-02-08 Thread Jones Beene
-Original Message-
From: Stephen A. Lawrence 

Jones Beene wrote:
> I have lost the citation from a few weeks ago that claimed that below a
> threshold of about 10 nm, the expected blackbody frequency is upshifted
> nanostructures, in general.

> SAL: If I understand you, and if this is true, then it's a violation of
second law of thermodynamics.

No, not if other parts of the structure compensate, so that the net energy
is unchanged.

IOW sub-radiance compensates for super-radiance so that net energy is
conserved. This what Brian Ahern calls energy "localization". It is usually
a surface effect, and that is due to nanostructure.

This all goes back to simulations done by Fermi, Pasta and Ulam on one of
the first supercomputers at LANL. According to Brian, they simulated a
one-dimensional array of masses connected by ideal springs obeying Hooke's
Law. They gave the system x-amount of vibrational energy and then followed
oscillators over time. The simulation showed that all of the masses got the
same amount of vibrational energy. This was important as it verified one of
the most basic tenets of statistical Thermodynamics. However, this is NOT
the end of story, and they quickly found exceptions to the rule.
Ulam changed the equation from F = -k1X  to F = -k1x + k2X*2.  He kept the
constant k2 small so that he was adding only a small nonlinear component.
Surprisingly, even a small amount of nonlinearity caused the energy to
become highly localized. A small number of the masses went into permanent
large amplitude oscillations and the remaining masses became 'vibrationally
cold'. Note: there is no violation of CoE - at least not until abnormally
large vibrations are able to cause another reaction - such as LENR

Later all of this was picked up in the context of LENR by Preperata and has
been called DPSR = Dicke-Preparata Super-radiance. Robert Dicke is the
original genius behind it all, prior to LENR. Here is an earlier posting on
vortex (which you commented on, so don't say you never heard of it :)

There's another argument (from Brian): When two objects with different
surface characteristics are placed next to each other in a uniformly hot
oven and a dichroic filter is placed between them, if one radiates more
strongly at the filter's peak reflection frequency than the other, their
relative temperatures will change.  (The one which radiates more strongly at
the mirror's reflection frequency will "see" more radiation coming in than
the other object, and so will get warmer.) You can analogize that to a
single layered material with a surface that has greater vibrational

But alas, I still have not found the paper in question, but am still
looking. Here is one that is close:


[Vo]:When Holraum-Works/"If you build it they. . ."Kewl"

2010-02-08 Thread Jack Harbach-O'Sullivan

'T'--> *From Holraum to Relativistic-Gravity to Casimir to&from the Big Bang*

> Date: Thu, 4 Feb 2010 14:50:23 -0500
> Subject: Re: FW: [Vo]:The Hohlraum Works
> From:
> To:
> Kewl! Let's build one!



*"If you build it . . . STAND BACK!":  The observation circuitry (especially) 
the inititial R&D up-boot 'experience' should be all fibre-optic,
lensing & heavily heat-shielded signal-carrier due to EM interference and the
distinct possibility that 'controlled-fusion' should precipitously 'graduate' 
WHITE-HOLE STATUS.  This would be brief because AexoDarkEnergy Parallel-Spectrum
'tapping' reponds to 'trans-spectrum fluid dynamics' which tends strongly to 
the 'breach.' And this is primarily because we are permeated perforce by the 
relatively much-larger PLASMA-GRAVIONIC field of our 'Planet's' ambient 
MASS-CENTRIFIC-GRAVIONIC-TENSOR-field equilibrium. (this project would be 
somewhat likely to accomplish this version of CROSS-SPECTRUM-VORTICULAR 
DIALATION escalating 'UP' a bit from mere 'fusion').  
And for our purposes, 'a bit' is a bunch. . .
And this EARTH TENSOR-GRAVIONIC-field 'shutting' effect is DETERMINATE, and 
exactly the reason why the CERN-HADRON hysteria/paranoia syndrome over the 
NON-possibility of their creating ROGUE-BLACK-HOLE singularities is BUNK.  
Hense sketchy 'reports' & CERN-HADRON of certain EXPLOSIVE ACCIDENTS which they 
explained rather lamely and incompletely publicized. . . aka . . . 'red-herring 
SINGULARITY as a multi-level COSMIC ENERGY-FLOW equilibrium fluid-dynamics is 
the SYSTEMIC-PROCESS-RULE of physics through-out as Super-M-Brane/SuperGravity 
models indicate. 
GRAVITY IS NOT A CONSTANT; but rather, GRAVITY is a relativistic 
QUANTUM-ENERGY-DENSITY-FLOW 'indicator' of those fractallating Cross-Spectrum 
M-Brane directional-flow fluid-dynamics.  More energy 'density' equals more 
energy-speed equals hyper-energy-fluidity which is makes said 
'greater-energy-density-field'  hyper viscous/GRAVIONIC to adjacent relatively 
'lesser density energy fields.  
Higher density 'objects' are literally toroidally-REELING-IN and also 
toroidally compressing the ADJACENT ENERGY-MEMBRANE SPACE. Greater 
speed-density overwhelms 'lesser' speed-density via higher-viscosity 
toroidal-(spindal-like)compression. And because ALL OTHER FOCUSED ENERGY 
DENSITY 'OBJECTS' are doing likewise WE THUSLY OBSERVE that they are thus ALL 
PULLING THE SAME SHEET like a tug-of-war the thusly 'PULL TOWARD EACHOTHER' at 
THIS OBSERVATION is NEWTONIAN but with a Super-M-Brane/Super Gravity twist.
OF COURSE it 'must' also perforce acknowledge that the Super-M-Brane 
multi-spectrum/wave-infini-sheet is identifiable as BOTH the UBIQUITOUS 
AEXO-TACHYON-Speed Carrier Wave, and also definable as Parallel-Adjacent ROOT 
Aexo-DarkEnergy Space.
So in Super-M-Brane/AexoTachyonSpeedCarrierWave/AexoDarkEnergy Space theory,  
the micro-singularity of all atom's protons taps AexoDarkEnergySpace as a 
Balanced-Gray-Whole Singularity Electro-Valent-Flow system.  And thusly 
accounting for the SOURCE OF THE PROTON'S/Atom's quantum-energy-density & 
field tapped from Adjacent-TachyonSpeedWave quasi-DarkEnergy Adjacent-Spectrum 

VOILA:  "The Casimir Effect."

AND AexoDarkSpace REELING-IN 'itself' TO 'itself' via Atom-Proton Singularity 
action, and also to 'itself' causing  ALL-Mass/Galaxies to our Universe to RACE 
to the Outer Borders where the HYPER-FRACTALLATING/HyperFluidicSpeedDensity is 
also REELING in the BAE-Constant/Base Ambient Universe-Energy sheet as a 
AEXOTACHYONWAVE DarkEnergySpace originally forms from a low-density centre 
inverse/singularity/plasma-breach of a AexoDARKENERGY TOROID de FRACTAL.  This 
characterize AexoDarkEnergySpace/Spectrum as a 'Current System of HYPER 
FACTALATING 'Storms/Maelstroms.' whose 'eyes' breed relativistic 'low 
density-pin-wholes where the Base Energy Level of DarkSpace is 'under-breached' 
an begins the SYPHON SYSTEM which is the very BIG BAND creating the 'bubble' of 
our Universe and everything that we subsequently observe as 'Creation.'

SPIN-TWIST relative Speed-Density Compression function determines RATE OF 
GRAVITATIONAL/GRAVIONIC ATTRACTION.  And DarkSpace Fractallating 'spin-twist' 
is beyond imagining nearly & hense those MYSTERIOUS DARK ENERGY dynamics that 
we 'know must-be out-there; and which also we detect in part a la' the 


IN SHORT:  'Singularity Equibrium Dynamics' as a massive SYSTEM/Process is the 
TransSpectrum/TransDimensional Singula

Re: [Vo]:comment on Violante data as covered by Steve Krivit

2010-02-08 Thread Stephen A. Lawrence

On 02/08/2010 11:41 AM, Jones Beene wrote:
> I have lost the citation from a few weeks ago that claimed that below a
> threshold of about 10 nm, the expected blackbody frequency is upshifted for
> nanostructures, in general.

If I understand you, and if this is true, then it's a violation of the
second law of thermodynamics.

It's provable by a direct, simple second law argument that all thermal
radiators of the same temperature have the same spectrum, with the
caveat that radiation is reduced proportionally at frequencies at which
the object is reflective or transparent.

Here's the argument:

When two objects at the same temperature are placed next to each other
in a uniformly hot oven (with everything at the same temperature to
start with), and a dichroic filter is placed between them, if one
radiates more strongly at the filter's peak reflection frequency than
the other, their temperatures will change.  (The one which radiates more
strongly at the mirror's reflection frequency will "see" more radiation
coming in than the other object, and so will get warmer.)

RE: [Vo]:comment on Violante data as covered by Steve Krivit

2010-02-08 Thread Jones Beene
-Original Message-

If lattice resonance is a factor, then some depth may be required to build
up a strong enough resonance effect that the mechanism can operate.
(analogous to adding more dipoles to a TV antenna)

Hi Robin,

Lattice resonance and depth below the surface could be a factor. However, it
is also possible that depth is counterproductive for a certain kind of
resonance effect - which only works on the surface layer itself, and only
with hydrogen.

There is a provocative animation on the Wiki entry:

... which shows an animated visualization (if you have html tuned on) of the
many vibration modes that only operate at the surface layer and probably
only operate with a very mobile atom like H or D. 

Simple diatomic molecules like deuterium, which have only one bond, may
stretch and contort at high frequencies, but apparently there are large
frequency gaps which are forbidden, leading to either super-radiance or

I have lost the citation from a few weeks ago that claimed that below a
threshold of about 10 nm, the expected blackbody frequency is upshifted for
nanostructures, in general. If anyone has that cite (site) handy please post
it. All of these issues could overlap, based on geometry and super-radiance.

In the animation above, the atoms in a CH2 group can vibrate in six
different ways: stretching, scissoring, rocking, wagging and twisting. What
the animation does not show is the distinct possibility of coherence
(semi-coherence) in vibration - such as if these atoms (deuterons) were
moving together in a tuning fork analogy. That situation would be expected
to self-reinforce.

If the actual frequency of vibration were to exceed the blackbody rate at
the surface layer, then we might expect it to be coherent. Don't ask me why
yet, but it relates to super-radiance and seems to involve atoms that are
inactive in the parts of the IR spectrum unless they are stimulated by
external agents. 

I found some published information that hydrogen fits the bill and will not
emit in the IR in certain ranges - absent special circumstances. It is
Russian and may not be accurate information, since it does not sound logical
to me yet. More on that later.


RE: Re: [Vo]:CF in Physics Today

2010-02-08 Thread Frank
I appended a conclusion to my original reply from last night. 
 thank you for the answer. It appears relativistic velocities like
the muon are not as common as I imagined but even these lesser velocities
you mention would accumulate into time dilation like the protracted decay of
the muon just on a smaller scale. Normally this dilation is intangible as
the atoms must exist in a different inertial frame only briefly passing our
frame of observation. If we can accept time dilation due to mass
acceleration relative to the time axis then we should also allow for the
opposite case of a moving time frame relative to a stationary mass. I think
this is already the case for equivalent acceleration when a crushproof
spacecraft sits on a collapsed star but instead of inhibiting the flow of
time like the dead star, the Casimir cavity takes that same sort of
inhibition (accumulated pressure) and exhausts it out of a tiny cavity too
small to exhaust the reservoir. This creates a steady stream many times
faster than the isotropic field it is breaching. My point is this represents
a difference in acceleration between inhabitants of the cavity vs outside
the cavity such that "velocity" accumulates -I put velocity in quotes since
from our perspective it is time dilation but from the local perspective of
the gas atoms inside the cavity it is feeling equivalent acceleration and
sees the cavity walls shrinking away into the distance even though its
spatial coordinates are unchanged. This makes time dilation tangible in that
We can use gas atoms in a stationary catalyst/reactor to exploit this

In conclusion the temporal "rate" of the Casimir cavity by virtue of its
vector should be considered immediately "relativistic". It doesn't have to
achieve a right angle relationship on the scale of C because it is directly
altering the time axis. Relative to the isotropic time flow outside the
cavity there is an absolute difference in "equivalent" acceleration meaning
that gas atoms diffusing between the 2 frames will experience abrupt changes
in time and gravity we refer to as catalytic action (change in Casimir

Best Regards