[web2py] Database auditing - comments please

2011-07-21 Thread nick name
Attached you'll find my first go at a database audit module for web2py. It 
will log every change to a table. The crud versioning system is nice, but it 
only versions stuff that happens on crud. If you insert/modify records not 
through crud, you'd need to manually update it -- the attached code will do 
that automatically for you.

The app I'm developing needs a searchable, browseable audit of all changes 
to database, for which simple SQL logging is not sufficient.

WARNING: only very lightly tested code, probably doing everything the wrong 
way. Use at your own risk.

To use: place audit.py in your models directory; then, after defining a 
table with 

mytable = db.define_table('mytable', )



It will create a table called 'audit_mytable', which has in addition to all 
your fields, 4 more: oid (original id), time, user, and action 

any modification to the original table will result in a record being added; 
inserted records are copied after insertion; updated records are copied 
after update; deleted records are copied before delete.

* audit table is placed on the same adapter as the audited table - I want to 
allow the audit to be on a different db/dal/adapter (needs distributed 
transaction to work properly!)
* old id is always integer for lack of a better type; it should be a "weak" 
reference type
* reference types are still reference type, so when deleting linked records, 
"on delete cascade" will remove audit records, this is bad! other integrity 
constraints (notnull, validators etc.) are not copied to audit table -- only 
* action type is int, no way to specify efficient char(1) in web2py
* audit happens within same transaction as original update, so you commit or 
rollback both -- I think that's expected behaviour.
* On first use, it patches the adapter *class*. This means that, unlike 
usual web2py debugging, if you edit audit.py, you'll have to restart web2py. 
Writing it now, I can't think of a good reason why I did that rather than 
patch the adapter *instance* -- but that's the case for the attached code.

A better solution would probably be to add pre/post hooks to 
insert/update/delete in BaseAdapter, but for now the audit.py approach seems 
to work on 1.95 - 1.97
# General audit support for web2py:
#  When a table is set to be "audited", a shadow table is defined for
#  it, with 3 additional fields: "oid" (for original id), "audit_time", "audit_user", "audit_type" (insert/update/delete)
# on insert: after insert, the new record is copied to audit table
# on update: after update, the new records are copied to the audit table
# on delete: before deleting, records are copied to the audit table with audit_delete=true
# no new/additional transactions. that is, rollback will also roll back the audit; commit
# will also commit the audit.

# TODO: deactivate "on delete cascade" actions -> turn them to "restrict" or even drop the reference?
# TODO: add "idtype" to adapter - a type that can be used to store id - a "weak" reference
# TODO: is there a char(1) record type? audit_type would benefit from that

class AuditError(RuntimeError): 

AUDIT_OID = Field("audit_oid", "integer") # -> switch to idtype/weak reference
AUDIT_TIME = Field("audit_time", "datetime")
AUDIT_USER = Field("audit_user", "string") # or auth_user
AUDIT_TYPE  = Field("audit_type", "integer") # 1=insert, 2=update, 3=delete 

AUDIT_TEMPLATE = 'audit_%s'

def audited_record(shadow, record, audit_type):
"""Make a record into the audit record with a given type in place"""
record[AUDIT_OID.name] = record.id
del record['id'] # audit records gets their own id
del record['update_record'] # since we retrieve id, we get this ?!!?
del record['delete_record'] # since we retrieve id, we get this ?!?!
record[AUDIT_TIME.name] = request.now
record[AUDIT_USER.name] = 'unknown'
record[AUDIT_TYPE.name] = audit_type

def audited_insert(self, table, fields):
shadow = self.shadow.get(table._tablename)
if not shadow: return self.unaudited_insert(table, fields)

rid = self.unaudited_insert(table, fields)
if isinstance(rid, int): # either int or Reference
record = table[int(rid)] # retrieve just inserted record
audited_record(shadow, record, AUDIT_TYPE_INSERT)
return rid
raise AuditError, "Cannot audit inserts to table %s"%table

# TODO: how do we audit a change to id? should we block it?
def audited_update(self, tablename, query, fields):
shadow = self.shadow.get(tablename)
if not shadow: return self.unaudited_update(tablename, query, fields)
db = self.db
table = db[tablename]

# find which records are about to be updated by this 
rows = self.select(query, ['id'], {})
rows = [x['id'] 

Re: [web2py] Re: Tiny example on uwsgidecorators+web2py

2011-07-21 Thread Roberto De Ioris

> How can i create the spoller directory?

mkdir myspool

It is a normal, empty directory

> thks in advance
> On Jul 21, 6:06 pm, "Roberto De Ioris"  wrote:
>> > Hello Roberto,
>> > I've tried to start web2py has you demonstrated:
>> >      uwsgi --socket :3031 --spooler myspool --master --processes 4 --
>> > import mytasks --module web2py.wsgihandler
>> > but I got this error:
>> >     [spooler directory] access(): No such file or directory [uwsgi.c
>> > line 2994]
>> > What is wrong?
>> the spooler directory must exists (it is a security measure)
>> --
>> Roberto De Iorishttp://unbit.it

Roberto De Ioris

[web2py] deploying web2py app on gae

2011-07-21 Thread amr negm
i deployed my application using the gae sdk. when I browse the app it
just shows "hello world" message. why?

[web2py] Re: Passing None to controller functions with urllib.urlencode

2011-07-21 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
The problem is that get vars userd to pass json arguments are always

On Jul 21, 2:38 pm, Michael Ellis  wrote:
> In a data acquisition system, I need to handle reports for sensor
> channels that may not have anything connected to them.  The relevant
> fields in my table definition look like:
>     Field('f_ch1_value_double', type = 'double', default = None,
>           label = T("CH1")),
>     Field('f_ch2_value_double', type = 'double', default = None,
>           label = T("CH2")),
>     Field('f_ch3_value_double', type = 'double', default = None,
>            label = T("CH3")),
>     Field('f_ch4_value_double', type = 'double', default = None,
>            label = T("CH4")),
>     Field('f_ch5_value_double', type = 'double', default = None,
>            label = T("CH5")),
>     Field('f_ch6_value_double', type = 'double', default = None,
>            label = T("CH6")),
> and I have a function that starts like this:
> @service.json
> def v2_data_insert(timestamp, sensorid,
>                    ch1=None, ch2=None, ch3=None, ch4=None, ch5=None,
> ch6=None,
>                    flowrate=None, flowtemp=None, erate=None,
>                    chargev=None, battv=None, sensorv=None):
>     db.t_v2_data[0] = dict(f_timestamp_datetime = timestamp,
>                            f_sensor_reference = sensorid,
>                            f_ch1_value_double = ch1,
>                            f_ch2_value_double = ch2,
>                            f_ch3_value_double = ch3,
>                            f_ch4_value_double = ch4,
>                            f_ch5_value_double = ch5,
>                            f_ch6_value_double = ch6,
>                            f_flow_rate_double = flowrate,
>                            f_flow_temp_double = flowtemp,
>                            f_energy_rate_double = erate,
>                            f_battery_charger_double = chargev,
>                            f_battery_volts_double = battv,
>                            f_sensor_volts_double = sensorv)
> Passing None to any of the channel arguments, e.g. ch1 = None, is
> raising
> ValueError: could not convert string to float: None
> on the insert call even though null is allowed by the field
> definition.  I suspect this must be an issue with the way
> urllib.urlencode() the dictionary containing the channel values before
> the data is posted to my controller.
> The process that sends the data is doing the following:
>     encodeddata = urllib.urlencode(data)
>     response = urllib2.urlopen(server + url, encodeddata)
> where data is the dictionary that maps to the keyword arguments of
> v2_data_insert().
> I can hack around this issue by testing for 'None' as a string value
> in the controller, but I'd be grateful for a more elegant soution.
> Thanks,
> Mike

[web2py] Re: Localising decimal values in form fields

2011-07-21 Thread JanoPales
I'm getting same error (gluaon/validators.py, line 807), version
1.97.1. Debugger says this.dot is type lazyT, so I made a test and
added str(). Line now looks:

def formatter(self, value):
return str(value).replace('.',str(self.dot))

also line 793

if isinstance(value,decimal.Decimal):
v = value
v =

and it seems to work, but I'm new to Python and not sure it is

Sorry for my english

On 30. Jún, 11:19 h., tomtom5  wrote:
> Thanks for this hint, but that doesn't seem to work.
> If I apply this to the field in either model or controller, i get
> following error:
>   File "gluon/sqlhtml.py", line 782, in __init__
>   File "gluon/dal.py", line 5247, in formatter
>   File "gluon/validators.py", line 807, in formatter
> TypeError: expected a character buffer object
> If I use fixed value (eg .. requires=IS_DECIMAL_IN_RANGE(dot=",") ...)
> the conversion seems to work.
> On 29 Jun., 17:46, Massimo Di Pierro 
> wrote:
> > IS_DECIMAL_IN_RANGE and IS_FLOAT take a an attribute called dot="."
> > which you can internationalize
> > IS_DECIMAL_IN_RANGE(dot=T("."))
> > On Jun 29, 5:39 am, tomtom5  wrote:
> > > I'm currently diving into web2py and got a problemlocalisinginput/
> > > output ofDecimal/Doubleformfields according to the users (browsers)
> > > locale. I understand the mechanism of internationalising messages with
> > > T(..), but that doesn't seem to help me further. What I need is, that
> > > for example a german user may input adecimalvalue as 123.456,78
> > > while an american user will use 123 456.78 as input/output format. I
> > > found methods to define thedecimalseparator char in the constructor
> > > of the IS_DECIMAL_IN_RANGE validator, but this is very rudimentary and
> > > will not be user-locale aware. Is there a way to solve the problem out
> > > of the box or should I create new validators or widgets for such a
> > > task?
> > > Thanks for advise

[web2py] Re: MongoDb and web2py

2011-07-21 Thread Karthik
Hi Massimo,

Thanks for this. Do you know if it will hold up in a high performance
situation though?
As in, if multiple connections originate at the same time, won't there
be a queue?
Is it possible to simulate the connection pooling mechanism in
web2py's DAL?


On Jul 31 2010, 4:13 am, mdipierro  wrote:
> how about this? (None below means cache forever)
> def make_connection():
>     from pymongo import Connection
>     connection = Connection('localhost', 27017)
>     return connection
> connection = cache.ram('mongodb',make_connection,None)
> On Jul 31, 3:11 am, David Marko  wrote:
> > Hi Massimo, can you give ua a hint how to impelement persistent
> > connection in web2py for pyMongo? PyMongo requires database connection
> > and to use it efficiently the connection has to be persistent and
> > shared among requests like a connection pool for database connections
> > as DAL has. But how to do it in web2py?
> > e.g.
> > from pymongo import Connection
> > connection = Connection('localhost', 27017)
> > ### how to keep this connection object?
> > David
> > On 31 čnc, 09:57, mdipierro  wrote:
> > > yes. Just set dbio=False in forms and do your own mymongo IO after
> > > accepts:
> > > On Jul 30, 11:18 am, Amit Ambardekar  wrote:
> > > > I want to use web2py with pymongo.
> > > > I don't need ORM or or anything. I just want to connect use pymongo
> > > > from Web2Py.
> > > > How can I use it inside web2py. I need it for high performance use.
> > > > Amit

[web2py] Re: any windows user want to help with this...

2011-07-21 Thread Brian M

What specifically are you looking for? All that is needed is to use the 
already included setup_exe.py  The new setup_exe.py from issue 
224 which 
was merged in April (rev 
should take care of doing the compile & bundling the default apps (btw 
setup_exe.conf doesn't appear to be in the latest stable source release tho 
it is in the google repo).  Do you just need somebody to run the build 
script one a windows machine for you?  I can certainly do that if needed.

As far as licensing issues I'm no expert.  pyODBC is under the MIT license. 
 pymysql is also under the MIT license and web2py is already including it, 
so I'd think* that we're OK.


*I am not a lawyer nor have I every played on one TV.

[web2py] Re: No CallBack (Onaccept) When using facebook or Twitter Connect for loging.

2011-07-21 Thread howesc
i use this:


together with the custom facebook and twitter classes, and an extension to 
the web2py auth module i can get the best of both worlds.


[web2py] Re: AttributeError: 'thread._local' with wsgiref.simple_server or similar

2011-07-21 Thread Christopher F
Well, I solved it somehow.

If I import web2py.gluon.main and use web2py.gluon.main.wsgibase, "exec 
ccode in environment" will reimport web2py and web2py.gluon.globals.current 
will be created within the environment each time. If I import gluon.main and 
use gluon.main.wsgibase, "current" will be reused from outside the 
environment and the application works. 

However, during debugging with the built-in Rocket server, it seems like 
only one gluon.globals.current is used for all the threads. When a 
breakpoint is set in Auth.__init__(), "current" seems to have the same id() 
in all the threads. I thought it "current" should be different objects for 
each thread. I'm using Eclipse for the debugging and maybe it's being wrong. 
Still, I'm confused at the Python environment within environment and all the 
module namespace importing stuff. Maybe someone can explain what is going on 
and how I solved it?

Otherwise, web2py is working now.

[web2py] Re: Unable to install application "kpax"

2011-07-21 Thread neilrobau2
VERSION says Version 1.97.1 (2011-06-26 19:25:44). Downloaded as
"Current (for everybody)
Version 1.97.1 (2011-06-26 19:25:44)", Windows version.

On Jul 22, 3:45 am, Massimo Di Pierro 
> Did you get admin from stable or trunk? What is the date in your
> web2py/VERSION file?
> On Jul 21, 11:15 am, neilrobau2  wrote:
> > Following the web2py book, chapter 03 Overview, I try to install KPAX
> > via the Admin page.
> > Admin show version 1.97.1.
> > Under "upload and install packed application" I provide 
> > URLhttp://web2py.com/appliances/default/download/app.source.221663266939...
> > as in the book - I get "Unable to install apllication "kpax".
> > If I download web2py.app.kpax_cms.w2p, and supply that file in the
> > Upload a Package field, I get the same message.
> > I can view the source file applications\admin\controllers\default.py
> > and see where app_install is called and that error message is
> > produced, but grep in the web2py and contained directories for
> > "app_install" does not show me the definition of app_install.
> > Any ideas?

[web2py] virtual fields multiple execution

2011-07-21 Thread howesc
hi all,

can someone take a peek 
at http://code.google.com/p/web2py/issues/detail?id=345 and tell me if that 
sounds reasonable?  i made the patch and it seems to help me, but i would 
like some validation that this won't break things more.

problem is that the list of virtual tables ends up with duplicates in it 
(one per row in the result set) and then setvirtualfields() is called many 
times, and on GAE that causes my request to be terminated for taking too 
long to complete.

thanks for the sanity check!


[web2py] Re: export data to OOO and Excel

2011-07-21 Thread Dave
I added these two lines and its working now!



On Jul 21, 4:48 pm, Dave  wrote:
> I added it to default.py controller, so it is working as an action
> there.
> When i go to that URL  (.../default/excel_report), the file downloads
> as "excel_report" with no extension.  I am testing using Mac OS, so
> not sure if that matters.  The file is fine.  When i rename it with
> the .xls extension it opens in my spreadsheet application.
> Thanks,
> Dave
> On Jul 21, 1:51 pm, Joaquin Orbe  wrote:
> > On Thu, Jul 21, 2011 at 3:40 PM, Dave  wrote:
> > > This works great, but when i download the file it is missing the 
> > > extension.
> > > Is there an easy way to add '.xls' to the file name?
> > > Thanks,
> > > Dave
> > Hi Dave,
> > how do you download the file? This method is an action in one controller, 
> > ie:
> >
> > and the file is downloaded as XLS.
> > Joaco.

[web2py] Re: OS X Lion & Python

2011-07-21 Thread pbreit
I installed Lion + Xcode 4.1 and things have been OK so far.

I had a lot of trouble before installing PIL and lxml but they both 
installed without a hitch on Lion.

[web2py] OS X Lion & Python

2011-07-21 Thread Jonathan Lundell
Ned Deily posted the following on Pythonmac-SIG just now. It's probably of 
interest to many of us on this list. Note that Lion ships with *three* versions 
of Python installed.

> Here's my take on things after installing and some quick testing with 
> 10.7 Lion:
> - If you were satisfied with using the Apple-supplied Pythons in 
> previous OS X releases, you'll probably be satisfied with the 2.7, 2.6, 
> or 2.5 system Pythons in 10.7.
> - You should not rely on the Apple-suppled Pythons if you want to use 
>   http://www.python.org/download/mac/tcltk/
> - If you prefer to use more recent Pythons and have been satisfied with 
> python.org OS X installers, use the most recent 3.2.1 or 2.7.2 
> 64-bit/32-bit (x86-64 / i386) installers for Mac OS X:
>   http://www.python.org/download/
> As with 10.6, if you are planning to use IDLE or Tkinter with these 
> installers, you should also install the most recent ActiveTcl 8.5 if you 
> can (check the license terms):
>   http://www.activestate.com/activetcl/downloads
> - If you need to install any Python packages that build C extension 
> modules, you'll need to install Xcode for Lion (currently 4.1 and now 
> available for free download through the Mac App store).
> - The traditional python.org 32-bit-only 10.3+ (i386/PPC) Pythons can be 
> installed on 10.7 and do work in general; however, it is not practical 
> to build C extension modules on 10.7 that will work with them (since 
> Xcode 4 no longer includes the 10.4u SDK nor gcc-4.0).  Unless you have 
> specialized needs and know what you are doing, you should avoid using 
> the traditional 32-bit-only installers on 10.7 in favor of either using 
> the 64-bit/32-bit variants, using versions from a different distributor, 
> or building your own.  As on 10.6, if you need to run in 32-bit mode, 
> you can use "python3.2-32" or "python2.7-32" with the 64-bit/32-bit 
> variants.
> Random details:
> Apple ships 10.7 with 3 system Pythons:
> /usr/bin/python2.7
> Python 2.7.1 (r271:86832, Jun 16 2011, 16:59:05) 
> [GCC 4.2.1 (Based on Apple Inc. build 5658) (LLVM build 2335.15.00)] on 
> darwin
> /usr/bin/python2.6
> Python 2.6.6 (r266:84292, Jun 16 2011, 16:59:16) 
> [GCC 4.2.1 (Based on Apple Inc. build 5658) (LLVM build 2335.15.00)] on 
> darwin
> /usr/bin/python2.5
> Python 2.5.5 (r255:77872, Jun 16 2011, 16:58:16) 
> [GCC 4.2.1 (Based on Apple Inc. build 5658) (LLVM build 2335.15.00)] on 
> darwin
> The 2.7 and 2.6 instances are 2-way Intel universal binaries (x86_64 and 
> i386); the 2.5 one is i386 (32-bit) only.  The 2.7 version, at least, 
> comes pre-installed with various 3rd-party packages, like setupttols, 
> PyObjC, py2app, numpy, twisted, Zope, etc, similar to what was shipped 
> for 2.6 in 10.6.  (I didn't look at the 2.6 and 2.5 frameworks.)  The 
> downside of shipping these packages is that some, including Python 
> itself, are not the latest versions.
> Tcl/Tk:  As in 10.6, Apple ships two versions of Tcl/Tk: a Cocoa Tk 8.5 
> and the venerable Carbon Tk 8.4.  The 8.5 version has been updated to 
> 8.5.9.  The Tkinters in all three Apple-supplied Pythons are linked with 
> 8.5.  The good news is that the updated 8.5 is not the disaster that the 
> 10.6 version was.  The bad news is that it is missing at least one fix 
> to Tk from earlier this year:
> Cocoa Tk crashes when typing a composite character into a text field 
> (http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=2907388&group_i
> d=12997&atid=112997).  The fix for this crash is incorporated into the 
> most recent ActiveTcl 8.5 releases for OS X.  However, the system 
> Pythons will not attempt to dynamically link to user-installed Tcl/Tk 
> frameworks in /Library (where the ActiveState frameowrks are installed), 
> unlike the Pythons installed by python.org installers.  So, out of the 
> box, the IDLE versions that come with the system Pythons are vulnerable 
> to this.  But at least they aren't totally unusable as was the case with 
> 10.6.  And I suppose if there are enough bug reports this fix might get 
> applied in a future 10.7 update.
> Although it's not practical to build packages with C extension modules 
> on 10.7 for the traditional 32-bit-only python.org Pythons (as explained 
> above), it is possible to build such packages with the same Python 
> installed on a 10.6, 10.5, or even 10.4 system, create a Distutils bdist 
> or setuptools/Distribute bdist-egg and then install the binary 
> distribution on the 10.7 system.  I would avoid going down that path if 
> possible, unless it is needed as a temporary transition phase.
> -- 
> Ned Deily,
> n...@acm.org
> ___
> Pythonmac-SIG maillist  -  pythonmac-...@python.org
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/pythonmac-sig
> unsubscribe: http://mail.python.org/mailman/options/Pythonmac-SIG

[web2py] Integrity errors DAL - insert, bulk insert

2011-07-21 Thread nick name
Documenting for others a behaviour I found surprising:

Database insert for one record eats integrity errors and returns a None key 
for the inserted record. It doesn't tell you what the integrity problem is 
(I guess it is ok for code, because there is no reasonable to describe the 
integrity problem -- but I would appreciate some way to log that for 

Doing a bulk_insert is simply a loop over single insert; that is, if you 
bulk_insert 10 records and 5 violate integrity, you will have 5 inserted, 5 
not inserted, and the return will be a list of 5 new primary keys and 5 None 

I would have expected bulk_insert to either succeed or fail completely, like 
it usually does in SQL. (This behaviour could be emulated by issuing a db 
rollback if the return from bulk_insert() contains a Non value).

Furthermore, I would have expected it to use a multiple-insert syntax if 
supported by the back end  -- e.g. in MySQL, you can do 

INSERT INTO *tbl_name* (a,b,c) VALUES(1,2,3),(4,5,6),(7,8,9);

which is generally faster than multiple individual inserts. However, because 
of the way bulk_insert is implemented by default, it is impossible for a 
specific adapter to implement this, because in that case the bulk_insert *
does* become an all-or-nothing.

I'm a little confused about this, and am therefore avoiding bulk_insert 

[web2py] Re: export data to OOO and Excel

2011-07-21 Thread Dave
I added it to default.py controller, so it is working as an action

When i go to that URL  (.../default/excel_report), the file downloads
as "excel_report" with no extension.  I am testing using Mac OS, so
not sure if that matters.  The file is fine.  When i rename it with
the .xls extension it opens in my spreadsheet application.


On Jul 21, 1:51 pm, Joaquin Orbe  wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 21, 2011 at 3:40 PM, Dave  wrote:
> > This works great, but when i download the file it is missing the extension.
> > Is there an easy way to add '.xls' to the file name?
> > Thanks,
> > Dave
> Hi Dave,
> how do you download the file? This method is an action in one controller, ie:
> and the file is downloaded as XLS.
> Joaco.

[web2py] web2py Talks - spreading the love

2011-07-21 Thread Francisco Costa
I would love to do a presentation about web2py at Codebits 2011

Is there any central repository with web2py presentations/videos that
I'm not aware of?

I'm going to perform a standard search (slideshare, vimeo, etc) but if
you guys have more data related to web2py I would love to take a look.

If you got some benchmarks that would be great because this is a very
technical conference.

I think it is good idea to have something like that for spreading the

Re: [web2py] web2py vs Drupal

2011-07-21 Thread Bruno Rocha
Absolutelly different projects.

Drupal is a cms and web2py is a framework.

We do not have. Yet. A complete cms like Drupal.

Em 21/07/2011 17:58, "elffikk"  escreveu:
> hi,
> soon I will have a conversation with a client and it is possible that
> we will discuss this thing too,
> I have good experience with php, but not with Drupal,
> if some of you have some experience and migrated to web2py please
> share that
> thank you

[web2py] Re: In app wizard where are the themes and plug ins?

2011-07-21 Thread Anthony
It's supposed to pull those lists from 
http://www.web2py.com/layouts/default/layouts.json and 
http://www.web2py.com/plugins/default/plugins.json. Those URLs currently 
return an invalid view error, so I'm guessing the code was relying on the 
generic.json view, which is now disabled by default. If that's the case, 
Massimo will have to enable generic.json for those functions in those apps.

On Thursday, July 21, 2011 4:53:30 PM UTC-4, Ramos wrote:

> The subject says it all
> Where are they?
> I saw a video from Massimo and in the wizard i saw a lot of themes and plug 
> ins.
> thank you
> António

[web2py] web2py vs Drupal

2011-07-21 Thread elffikk

soon I will have a conversation with a client and it is possible that
we will discuss this thing too,
I have good experience with php, but not with Drupal,
if some of you have some experience and migrated to web2py please
share that

thank you

[web2py] In app wizard where are the themes and plug ins?

2011-07-21 Thread António Ramos
The subject says it all

Where are they?

I saw a video from Massimo and in the wizard i saw a lot of themes and plug

thank you

[web2py] Re: database replication

2011-07-21 Thread Anthony
That's just some (incomplete) example code. You have to define 
'read_only_actions' yourself. In that example, it would be a list functions 
that only need to read (but not write) the database and can therefore be 
given access to one of the slave databases.
Actually, it looks like the code has an error -- it should say 
request.function, not request.action -- I'll make the change.

On Thursday, July 21, 2011 3:54:20 PM UTC-4, Nils Olofsson wrote:

> Hi, 
> I did this but i got : 
> Traceback (most recent call last): 
>   File "/var/www/web2py/gluon/restricted.py", line 192, in restricted 
> exec ccode in environment 
>   File "/var/www/web2py/applications/Event/models/db.py", line 18, in 
> if request.action in read_only_actions: 
> NameError: name 'read_only_actions' is not defined 
> (name 'read_only_actions' is not defined) 
> This error is the reason i asked where it should go. 
> Maybe some one could shed some light on it ? 
> Regards, 
> Nils 
> On Jul 21, 7:44 pm, Anthony  wrote: 
> > It would go in your model file -- the same place where you would normally 
> > define the db connection. 
> > 
> > Anthony 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > On Thursday, July 21, 2011 2:29:45 PM UTC-4, Nils Olofsson wrote: 
> > > Hi Massimo, 
> > 
> > > I'm testing amazon's RDS and EC2 , 1 master many slaves. 
> > 
> > > I could not find out where exactly I am suppose to be putting this 
> > > code. 
> > 
> > > Regards, 
> > 
> > > Nils 
> > 
> > > On Jul 21, 6:48 pm, Massimo Di Pierro  
> > > wrote: 
> > > > You would only use this if you have a replicated database. I.e. you 
> > > > are running many database servers synced with each other. For 
> example: 
> > >http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multi-master_replication 
> > 
> > > > On Jul 21, 12:44 pm, Nils Olofsson  wrote: 
> > 
> > > > > Hi, 
> > 
> > > > > I see this in the Documentation: 
> > 
> > > > > if request.action in read_only_actions: 
> > > > >db = 
> DAL(shuffle(['mysql://...1','mysql://...2','mysql://...3'])) 
> > > > > else: 
> > > > >db = 
> DAL(shuffle(['mysql://...3','mysql://...4','mysql://...5'])) 
> > 
> > > > > I'm not sure where exactly I should be using this ? 
> > 
> > > > > And does anyone have some sample code as to how it should be used ? 
> > 
> > > > > Nils

[web2py] Re: database replication

2011-07-21 Thread Nils Olofsson

I did this but i got :

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/var/www/web2py/gluon/restricted.py", line 192, in restricted
exec ccode in environment
  File "/var/www/web2py/applications/Event/models/db.py", line 18, in

if request.action in read_only_actions:
NameError: name 'read_only_actions' is not defined

(name 'read_only_actions' is not defined)

This error is the reason i asked where it should go.

Maybe some one could shed some light on it ?


On Jul 21, 7:44 pm, Anthony  wrote:
> It would go in your model file -- the same place where you would normally
> define the db connection.
> Anthony
> On Thursday, July 21, 2011 2:29:45 PM UTC-4, Nils Olofsson wrote:
> > Hi Massimo,
> > I'm testing amazon's RDS and EC2 , 1 master many slaves.
> > I could not find out where exactly I am suppose to be putting this
> > code.
> > Regards,
> > Nils
> > On Jul 21, 6:48 pm, Massimo Di Pierro 
> > wrote:
> > > You would only use this if you have a replicated database. I.e. you
> > > are running many database servers synced with each other. For example:
> >http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multi-master_replication
> > > On Jul 21, 12:44 pm, Nils Olofsson  wrote:
> > > > Hi,
> > > > I see this in the Documentation:
> > > > if request.action in read_only_actions:
> > > >    db = DAL(shuffle(['mysql://...1','mysql://...2','mysql://...3']))
> > > > else:
> > > >    db = DAL(shuffle(['mysql://...3','mysql://...4','mysql://...5']))
> > > > I'm not sure where exactly I should be using this ?
> > > > And does anyone have some sample code as to how it should be used ?
> > > > Nils

Re: [web2py] export data to OOO and Excel

2011-07-21 Thread Joaquin Orbe
On Thu, Jul 21, 2011 at 3:40 PM, Dave  wrote:
> This works great, but when i download the file it is missing the extension.
> Is there an easy way to add '.xls' to the file name?
> Thanks,
> Dave

Hi Dave,
how do you download the file? This method is an action in one controller, ie:

and the file is downloaded as XLS.


[web2py] Passing None to controller functions with urllib.urlencode

2011-07-21 Thread Michael Ellis
In a data acquisition system, I need to handle reports for sensor
channels that may not have anything connected to them.  The relevant
fields in my table definition look like:

Field('f_ch1_value_double', type = 'double', default = None,
  label = T("CH1")),
Field('f_ch2_value_double', type = 'double', default = None,
  label = T("CH2")),
Field('f_ch3_value_double', type = 'double', default = None,
   label = T("CH3")),
Field('f_ch4_value_double', type = 'double', default = None,
   label = T("CH4")),
Field('f_ch5_value_double', type = 'double', default = None,
   label = T("CH5")),
Field('f_ch6_value_double', type = 'double', default = None,
   label = T("CH6")),

and I have a function that starts like this:

def v2_data_insert(timestamp, sensorid,
   ch1=None, ch2=None, ch3=None, ch4=None, ch5=None,
   flowrate=None, flowtemp=None, erate=None,
   chargev=None, battv=None, sensorv=None):

db.t_v2_data[0] = dict(f_timestamp_datetime = timestamp,
   f_sensor_reference = sensorid,
   f_ch1_value_double = ch1,
   f_ch2_value_double = ch2,
   f_ch3_value_double = ch3,
   f_ch4_value_double = ch4,
   f_ch5_value_double = ch5,
   f_ch6_value_double = ch6,
   f_flow_rate_double = flowrate,
   f_flow_temp_double = flowtemp,
   f_energy_rate_double = erate,
   f_battery_charger_double = chargev,
   f_battery_volts_double = battv,
   f_sensor_volts_double = sensorv)

Passing None to any of the channel arguments, e.g. ch1 = None, is

ValueError: could not convert string to float: None

on the insert call even though null is allowed by the field
definition.  I suspect this must be an issue with the way
urllib.urlencode() the dictionary containing the channel values before
the data is posted to my controller.

The process that sends the data is doing the following:

encodeddata = urllib.urlencode(data)
response = urllib2.urlopen(server + url, encodeddata)

where data is the dictionary that maps to the keyword arguments of

I can hack around this issue by testing for 'None' as a string value
in the controller, but I'd be grateful for a more elegant soution.


[web2py] Re: http://www.web2py.com/book/default/chapter/11

2011-07-21 Thread noelrv

Following reference URL is probably a better and more stable link.



On Jul 21, 11:33 pm, Massimo Di Pierro 
> You cannot but add a note and I will fix it soon.
> On Jul 21, 2:12 am, cjrh  wrote:
> > On Thursday, 21 July 2011 05:38:47 UTC+2, noelrv wrote:
> > > URL for ref.83 is broken -http://sial.org/howto/openssl/self-signed
> > Massimo: what do I do with "ref.``openssl``:cite"?  Where can I fix the
> > target of the cite ref in the book?

[web2py] Re: database replication

2011-07-21 Thread Anthony
It would go in your model file -- the same place where you would normally 
define the db connection.

On Thursday, July 21, 2011 2:29:45 PM UTC-4, Nils Olofsson wrote:

> Hi Massimo, 
> I'm testing amazon's RDS and EC2 , 1 master many slaves. 
> I could not find out where exactly I am suppose to be putting this 
> code. 
> Regards, 
> Nils 
> On Jul 21, 6:48 pm, Massimo Di Pierro  
> wrote: 
> > You would only use this if you have a replicated database. I.e. you 
> > are running many database servers synced with each other. For example:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multi-master_replication 
> > 
> > On Jul 21, 12:44 pm, Nils Olofsson  wrote: 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > > Hi, 
> > 
> > > I see this in the Documentation: 
> > 
> > > if request.action in read_only_actions: 
> > >db = DAL(shuffle(['mysql://...1','mysql://...2','mysql://...3'])) 
> > > else: 
> > >db = DAL(shuffle(['mysql://...3','mysql://...4','mysql://...5'])) 
> > 
> > > I'm not sure where exactly I should be using this ? 
> > 
> > > And does anyone have some sample code as to how it should be used ? 
> > 
> > > Nils

[web2py] Re: web2py on github

2011-07-21 Thread luckysmack
yea i have it installed already. Im thinking maybe at this point it
might be easier to just use hg. But there is an app out there that
will take a mercurial repos and convert everything into a git repo
including commits and the full history. I tried it at home and it
works great. cant think of the name. ill have to get back to you on
the name. but it worked well.

On Jul 21, 11:25 am, pbreit  wrote:
> A lot of code is stored in mercurial so it might be worthwhile to learn it.
> It's quite easy.
> If you don't have mercurial installed, install in your preferred way
> (apt-get, easy_install, pip).
> Then you only need a couple commands:
> To grab Web2py:
> $ hg clonehttps://code.google.com/p/web2py/web2py
> To pull all new changes (but not update your working directory):
> $ hg pull
> To update your working directory to the latest:
> $ hg update
> To update your working directory to a specific changeset:
> $ hg update [changeset id]
> You can use git for your applications, no problem.
> This will be *much* easier than trying to sync in git.
> Good tutorials:http://hginit.comhttp://mercurial.selenic.com

Re: [web2py] export data to OOO and Excel

2011-07-21 Thread Dave
This works great, but when i download the file it is missing the extension.  
Is there an easy way to add '.xls' to the file name?


[web2py] Re: database replication

2011-07-21 Thread Nils Olofsson
Hi Massimo,

I'm testing amazon's RDS and EC2 , 1 master many slaves.

I could not find out where exactly I am suppose to be putting this



On Jul 21, 6:48 pm, Massimo Di Pierro 
> You would only use this if you have a replicated database. I.e. you
> are running many database servers synced with each other. For 
> example:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multi-master_replication
> On Jul 21, 12:44 pm, Nils Olofsson  wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I see this in the Documentation:
> > if request.action in read_only_actions:
> >    db = DAL(shuffle(['mysql://...1','mysql://...2','mysql://...3']))
> > else:
> >    db = DAL(shuffle(['mysql://...3','mysql://...4','mysql://...5']))
> > I'm not sure where exactly I should be using this ?
> > And does anyone have some sample code as to how it should be used ?
> > Nils

[web2py] Re: web2py on github

2011-07-21 Thread pbreit
A lot of code is stored in mercurial so it might be worthwhile to learn it. 
It's quite easy.

If you don't have mercurial installed, install in your preferred way 
(apt-get, easy_install, pip).

Then you only need a couple commands:

To grab Web2py:
$ hg clone https://code.google.com/p/web2py/ web2py

To pull all new changes (but not update your working directory):
$ hg pull

To update your working directory to the latest:
$ hg update

To update your working directory to a specific changeset:
$ hg update [changeset id]

You can use git for your applications, no problem.

This will be *much* easier than trying to sync in git.

Good tutorials:

Re: [web2py] Re: Adding date() and time() to Field object

2011-07-21 Thread Angelo Compagnucci
I'll try to explain better.

I have to exctract some statistics from a radius accounting table that
is generally a really big table.

After exctracting tha data, i pass it to jqplot.com via a json service
to be rendered.

For some graphics, I have to exctract a big amount of dates from
accounting timestamps, and I cannot make it every other way. I have to
exctract a list of dates + something else like counts avarages.

I made a test:

def test():
from datetime import datetime
tstart = datetime.now()
rows = dbradius(dbradius.radacct).select(dbradius.radacct.AcctStartTime)
for row in rows: row.AcctStartTime = row.AcctStartTime.date()
tstop = datetime.now()
print tstop - tstart
return rows

def test1():
from datetime import datetime
tstart = datetime.now()
rows = dbradius.executesql('''SELECT DATE(AcctStartTime) FROM radacct''')
tstop = datetime.now()
print tstop - tstart
return rows

In my test with 6 records, test1 function completes in around 30
secs. The second one in about 15. As you can see the only visible
difference is traversing the list insted of use sql to excract the
I think that the problem get worse with many more records. I think
it's wasteful use a for cycle to excrtact dates or time when an sql
construct could be better.

Anyway I think I'm stick with the sql version, thank you to all of you
for the help!


2011/7/21 Massimo Di Pierro :
> You can just call row.data.date() instead of row.data when you need
> the value.
> On Jul 21, 10:49 am, Angelo Compagnucci 
> wrote:
>> Thanks Massimo!
>> So I must traverse the list at least one time. I dont know how much
>> time is spent in this operation, but I have a very large number of
>> records, so I'll test this solution.
>> Thank you!
>> 2011/7/21 Massimo Di Pierro :
>> > No that does not work for the reasons discussed above but this does
>> > def getcommentsbydate():
>> >     rows = db(db.test).select(db.test.data.comment, db.test.data)
>> >    for row in rows: row.data = row.data.date()
>> >     return dict(rows=rows)
>> > On Jul 21, 8:06 am, Angelo Compagnucci 
>> > wrote:
>> >> Sorry for being retarted!
>> >> I have this:
>> >> db.define_table('test', Field('comment','string'), 
>> >> Field('data','datetime'))
>> >> but the function:
>> >> def getcommentsbydate():
>> >>    rows = db(db.test).select(db.test.data.comment, db.test.data.date())
>> >>    return dict(rows=rows)
>> >> throws an exception complaining that the date() method does not exist.
>> >> How can I exctract the date without traverse the rows object? I dont
>> >> want to use a list comprehension or something else because with
>> >> thousands of records is painfull slow (I'm thinking of a radius
>> >> accounting table ...)!
>> >> I think there is nothing in the DAL that translates to a "DATE()" sql
>> >> function, am I wrong?
>> >> Thank you for your suggestion!

[web2py] Re: Tiny example on uwsgidecorators+web2py

2011-07-21 Thread Tiago Moutinho
How can i create the spoller directory?

thks in advance

On Jul 21, 6:06 pm, "Roberto De Ioris"  wrote:
> > Hello Roberto,
> > I've tried to start web2py has you demonstrated:
> >      uwsgi --socket :3031 --spooler myspool --master --processes 4 --
> > import mytasks --module web2py.wsgihandler
> > but I got this error:
> >     [spooler directory] access(): No such file or directory [uwsgi.c
> > line 2994]
> > What is wrong?
> the spooler directory must exists (it is a security measure)
> --
> Roberto De Iorishttp://unbit.it

[web2py] Re: database replication

2011-07-21 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
You would only use this if you have a replicated database. I.e. you
are running many database servers synced with each other. For example:

On Jul 21, 12:44 pm, Nils Olofsson  wrote:
> Hi,
> I see this in the Documentation:
> if request.action in read_only_actions:
>    db = DAL(shuffle(['mysql://...1','mysql://...2','mysql://...3']))
> else:
>    db = DAL(shuffle(['mysql://...3','mysql://...4','mysql://...5']))
> I'm not sure where exactly I should be using this ?
> And does anyone have some sample code as to how it should be used ?
> Nils

[web2py] Re: Unable to install application "kpax"

2011-07-21 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
Did you get admin from stable or trunk? What is the date in your
web2py/VERSION file?

On Jul 21, 11:15 am, neilrobau2  wrote:
> Following the web2py book, chapter 03 Overview, I try to install KPAX
> via the Admin page.
> Admin show version 1.97.1.
> Under "upload and install packed application" I provide 
> URLhttp://web2py.com/appliances/default/download/app.source.221663266939...
> as in the book - I get "Unable to install apllication "kpax".
> If I download web2py.app.kpax_cms.w2p, and supply that file in the
> Upload a Package field, I get the same message.
> I can view the source file applications\admin\controllers\default.py
> and see where app_install is called and that error message is
> produced, but grep in the web2py and contained directories for
> "app_install" does not show me the definition of app_install.
> Any ideas?

[web2py] database replication

2011-07-21 Thread Nils Olofsson

I see this in the Documentation:

if request.action in read_only_actions:
   db = DAL(shuffle(['mysql://...1','mysql://...2','mysql://...3']))
   db = DAL(shuffle(['mysql://...3','mysql://...4','mysql://...5']))

I'm not sure where exactly I should be using this ?

And does anyone have some sample code as to how it should be used ?


[web2py] Re: upgrading from 1.95.1 to 1.96.1 breaks cross app authentication

2011-07-21 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
This change should not break it. Can you please show us the code that
breaks and we will check what is going on? It is possible that one of
the auth modules has not been patched correctly.


On Jul 21, 11:02 am, zeng  wrote:
> Hey guys,
> I'm currently running version 1.95.1 and have 3 application,
> "AppAuth", "AppA", "AppB", AppA and AppB is using "AppAuth" to
> authenticate logged in user and it has been working great.
> After upgrading 1.96.1 and cross app authentication no longer works,
> some debuging lead to:
> - web2py.gluon.tools.Auth 
> self.environment = current
> request = current.request
> session = current.session
> - web2py.gluon.tools.Auth 
> and "current" is a threading.local() in gluon.globals.py !!!
> In the good'o 1.95.1 the session and auth object is retrieved from
> global() ,
> Question is, why is this changed? this seems to break the backward
> compatibility "feature" of web2py, and what are the recommended
> solutions now that global() is no longer used?
> Thanks!

[web2py] Unable to install application "kpax"

2011-07-21 Thread neilrobau2
Following the web2py book, chapter 03 Overview, I try to install KPAX
via the Admin page.
Admin show version 1.97.1.

Under "upload and install packed application" I provide URL
as in the book - I get "Unable to install apllication "kpax".

If I download web2py.app.kpax_cms.w2p, and supply that file in the
Upload a Package field, I get the same message.

I can view the source file applications\admin\controllers\default.py
and see where app_install is called and that error message is
produced, but grep in the web2py and contained directories for
"app_install" does not show me the definition of app_install.

Any ideas?

[web2py] upgrading from 1.95.1 to 1.96.1 breaks cross app authentication

2011-07-21 Thread zeng
Hey guys,

I'm currently running version 1.95.1 and have 3 application,
"AppAuth", "AppA", "AppB", AppA and AppB is using "AppAuth" to
authenticate logged in user and it has been working great.

After upgrading 1.96.1 and cross app authentication no longer works,
some debuging lead to:
- web2py.gluon.tools.Auth 
self.environment = current
request = current.request
session = current.session
- web2py.gluon.tools.Auth 

and "current" is a threading.local() in gluon.globals.py !!!

In the good'o 1.95.1 the session and auth object is retrieved from
global() ,

Question is, why is this changed? this seems to break the backward
compatibility "feature" of web2py, and what are the recommended
solutions now that global() is no longer used?


[web2py] Re: GAE deploy only on UNIX Systems?

2011-07-21 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
The web interface to GAE deployment yes it only works on Unix systems.
But the fact is whether on windows or not, you still need to download
the google sdk and run dev_appserver.
The web2py deployment page would only save you form typing "appcfg.py
deploy web2py" and on windows you do not have to do it because you can
use the launcher: https://github.com/makotokw/GoogleAppEngineLauncher.NET


On Jul 21, 12:27 pm, António Ramos  wrote:
> why is that?
> It does not work on windows?
> thank you

[web2py] GAE deploy only on UNIX Systems?

2011-07-21 Thread António Ramos
why is that?

It does not work on windows?

thank you

[web2py] Re: web2py on github

2011-07-21 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
In the past a user has posted a version of web2py on bitbucket. The
user did not keep it in sync not updated and this has confused some
prospective users.
So please add a clear notice that links the official page and declares
when your code is updated manually (I so assume) and may get out of


On Jul 21, 12:01 pm, luckysmack  wrote:
> because i already know and use git everyday for personal use and at
> work. So i know it. in mercurial i kinda know how to pull the updates.
> heh. just never really used it much. Not saying it isnt easy to learn
> or better/worse. Just that im already using git. if the core was in
> git i could so git submodules for the individual applications so all i
> would have to do is checkout web2py and update the app and i have
> everything. I have no idea how to set that up in mercurial or even how
> to mercurial in general.
> On Jul 20, 9:12 pm, Jonathan Lundell  wrote:
> > On Jul 20, 2011, at 7:05 PM, luckysmack wrote:
> > > oh yea? well thats handy. am i able to fork/clone a mercurial repo as
> > > a git repo?
> > Why git, btw? Seems like sticking with hg would be more straightforward.
> > > On Jul 20, 4:33 am, blackthorne  wrote:
> > >> be aware that google code hosting now supports git..
> > >> On Jul 20, 4:44 am, luckysmack  wrote:
> > >>> Well i was going to for the original. But it being so out of date, i
> > >>> thought i would just take the mercurial branch and use a tool to
> > >>> convert the code and its branches with history to git. that way it is
> > >>> exactly what is in the mercurial repos. But doing that i cant fork it.
> > >>> i would need to create my own repo. which would mean there would be
> > >>> duplicate repos for web2py. is there a way i can for the one on github
> > >>> and then merge in the converted mercurial to git copy? since they
> > >>> essentially have separate remotes. Anyone know of a way i could do
> > >>> this?
> > >>> On Jul 19, 8:31 pm, luckysmack  wrote:
> >  Letting those users out there know that I will forking the web2py on
> >  github (which is outdated) and will be updating it as I will need it
> >  and its easier (for me at least) to keep all my repos in one location.
> >  Ive already forked it and will be updating it shortly.
> > https://github.com/luckysmack/web2py

[web2py] Re: Adding date() and time() to Field object

2011-07-21 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
You can just call row.data.date() instead of row.data when you need
the value.

On Jul 21, 10:49 am, Angelo Compagnucci 
> Thanks Massimo!
> So I must traverse the list at least one time. I dont know how much
> time is spent in this operation, but I have a very large number of
> records, so I'll test this solution.
> Thank you!
> 2011/7/21 Massimo Di Pierro :
> > No that does not work for the reasons discussed above but this does
> > def getcommentsbydate():
> >     rows = db(db.test).select(db.test.data.comment, db.test.data)
> >    for row in rows: row.data = row.data.date()
> >     return dict(rows=rows)
> > On Jul 21, 8:06 am, Angelo Compagnucci 
> > wrote:
> >> Sorry for being retarted!
> >> I have this:
> >> db.define_table('test', Field('comment','string'), 
> >> Field('data','datetime'))
> >> but the function:
> >> def getcommentsbydate():
> >>    rows = db(db.test).select(db.test.data.comment, db.test.data.date())
> >>    return dict(rows=rows)
> >> throws an exception complaining that the date() method does not exist.
> >> How can I exctract the date without traverse the rows object? I dont
> >> want to use a list comprehension or something else because with
> >> thousands of records is painfull slow (I'm thinking of a radius
> >> accounting table ...)!
> >> I think there is nothing in the DAL that translates to a "DATE()" sql
> >> function, am I wrong?
> >> Thank you for your suggestion!

[web2py] Re: Can't get linkto working in SQLFORM

2011-07-21 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
I cannot reproduce this. Can anybody else?

On Jul 18, 8:13 pm, tcab  wrote:
> Ok - added issue ashttp://code.google.com/p/web2py/issues/detail?id=340
> On Jul 15, 9:45 am, Anthony  wrote:
> > Please submit an issue on Google 
> > Code:http://code.google.com/p/web2py/issues/list
> > On Friday, July 15, 2011 1:33:22 AM UTC-4, tcab wrote:
> > > I get this too - a spurious "list_records." prepended to the query.
> > > Latest web2py 1.97.1
> > > -Andy
> > > On Jul 12, 10:08 pm, jc  wrote:
> > > > Hi,
> > > > Trying to uselinkto, so following example in web2py book<
> > >http://www.web2py.com/book/default/chapter/07#Links-to-Referencing-Re...>
> > > first,
> > > > to try to understand.
> > > > I have copied the example with person and dog tables, in particular in
> > > def
> > > > display_form(): I have
> > > > link = URL('list_records')
> > > > form = SQLFORM(db.person, record, deletable=True,
> > > >                   upload=url,linkto=link, labels = {'dog.owner':"This
> > > > person's dogs"})
> > > > as described in the book.
> > > > The books says the link generated will be
> > > > "/test/default/list_records/dog?query=dog.owner%3D5" but in fact the 
> > > > link
> > > > which appears when I visit /test/default/display_form/1 is
> > > >  "/test/default/list_records/dog?query=list_records.dog.owner%3D%3D1",
> > > i.e.
> > > > there is a spurious list.records and a spurious %3D. Not surprisingly 
> > > > the
> > > > link doesn't work. Can anybody tell me what I am doing wrong?
> > > > Thanks.

Re: [web2py] Re: Tiny example on uwsgidecorators+web2py

2011-07-21 Thread Roberto De Ioris

> Hello Roberto,
> I've tried to start web2py has you demonstrated:
>  uwsgi --socket :3031 --spooler myspool --master --processes 4 --
> import mytasks --module web2py.wsgihandler
> but I got this error:
> [spooler directory] access(): No such file or directory [uwsgi.c
> line 2994]
> What is wrong?

the spooler directory must exists (it is a security measure)

Roberto De Ioris

[web2py] Re: Tiny example on uwsgidecorators+web2py

2011-07-21 Thread Tiago Moutinho
Hello Roberto,

I've tried to start web2py has you demonstrated:

 uwsgi --socket :3031 --spooler myspool --master --processes 4 --
import mytasks --module web2py.wsgihandler

but I got this error:

[spooler directory] access(): No such file or directory [uwsgi.c
line 2994]

What is wrong?

On Jul 12, 6:01 am, "Roberto De Ioris"  wrote:
> > Robeto;
> > I am not exactly sure how I would start my application in the background
> > using this method;
> The spooler is started (and managed) by uWSGI, you do not need to
> daemonize it. If you want to daemonize all of your stack, simply add
> --daemonize  to uWSGI options.
> > I think I need to run my app in the background and then access it to
> > add_tasks etc;
> > Thanks.
> > David.
> If i have understand correctly, you want some kind of daemon receiving
> messages from your workers. You cannot use threads (or their queue) as you
> will lose communication between processes (a thread created in process 1
> is obviously not available on process 2).
> This example:
> http://projects.unbit.it/uwsgi/wiki/Example#threadqueue
> can be of interest for you, but you can use it only in multithreaded
> environment (no multiple processes) otherwise you will need to create a
> independent threadpool for each process (as the example does)
> The Spooler is a process receiving messages, you can configure it to work
> in the way you need without using decorators:
> # create the spooler code server
> def receive_request(dictionary_message):
>     print("i have received a message")
>     ...do something...
> # attach the function to the spooler
> uwsgi.spooler = receive_request
> Then from your workers/threads send messages (dictionary of strings) to it:
> uwsgi.spool({'name':'foo','surname':'bar'})
> If i have not understand correctly probably it is better for you to send a
> real example of what you want to do.
> --
> Roberto De Iorishttp://unbit.it

[web2py] Re: web2py on github

2011-07-21 Thread luckysmack
because i already know and use git everyday for personal use and at
work. So i know it. in mercurial i kinda know how to pull the updates.
heh. just never really used it much. Not saying it isnt easy to learn
or better/worse. Just that im already using git. if the core was in
git i could so git submodules for the individual applications so all i
would have to do is checkout web2py and update the app and i have
everything. I have no idea how to set that up in mercurial or even how
to mercurial in general.

On Jul 20, 9:12 pm, Jonathan Lundell  wrote:
> On Jul 20, 2011, at 7:05 PM, luckysmack wrote:
> > oh yea? well thats handy. am i able to fork/clone a mercurial repo as
> > a git repo?
> Why git, btw? Seems like sticking with hg would be more straightforward.
> > On Jul 20, 4:33 am, blackthorne  wrote:
> >> be aware that google code hosting now supports git..
> >> On Jul 20, 4:44 am, luckysmack  wrote:
> >>> Well i was going to for the original. But it being so out of date, i
> >>> thought i would just take the mercurial branch and use a tool to
> >>> convert the code and its branches with history to git. that way it is
> >>> exactly what is in the mercurial repos. But doing that i cant fork it.
> >>> i would need to create my own repo. which would mean there would be
> >>> duplicate repos for web2py. is there a way i can for the one on github
> >>> and then merge in the converted mercurial to git copy? since they
> >>> essentially have separate remotes. Anyone know of a way i could do
> >>> this?
> >>> On Jul 19, 8:31 pm, luckysmack  wrote:
>  Letting those users out there know that I will forking the web2py on
>  github (which is outdated) and will be updating it as I will need it
>  and its easier (for me at least) to keep all my repos in one location.
>  Ive already forked it and will be updating it shortly.
> https://github.com/luckysmack/web2py

Re: [web2py] Re: what to put in models besides models?

2011-07-21 Thread António Ramos
My traceback gives this in line 109

*  for db in sorted(databases):*

2011/7/21 Anthony 

> On Thursday, July 21, 2011 12:01:56 PM UTC-4, pbreit wrote:
>> I think in theory you should be able to do that, but do you really want to
>> be opening all those files on every page request?
>> Can you show what code generated the error? My line 109 in appadmin is
>> blank.
> Note, in tracebacks for view errors, I believe the line numbers refer to
> the view code _after_ it has been converted to Python, not the original
> template code.
> Anthony

Re: [web2py] passing dictionary in URL not working. I Get a string

2011-07-21 Thread pbreit
Do you plan to save the data to the DB or elsewhere at some point? I would 
suggest putting it in the DB or stuffing it insto session. The JSON thing is 
more for inter-application communication.

[web2py] Re: what to put in models besides models?

2011-07-21 Thread Anthony
On Thursday, July 21, 2011 12:01:56 PM UTC-4, pbreit wrote: 
> I think in theory you should be able to do that, but do you really want to 
> be opening all those files on every page request? 
> Can you show what code generated the error? My line 109 in appadmin is 
> blank.
Note, in tracebacks for view errors, I believe the line numbers refer to the 
view code _after_ it has been converted to Python, not the original template 

Re: [web2py] Re: what to put in models besides models?

2011-07-21 Thread António Ramos
Thank you!

2011/7/21 Anthony 

> 'sorted' is a Python builtin, and it happens to be called in the
> appadmin.html view. All variables/objects created in the model files are
> available in the view environment as well, so you have redefined the Python
> builtin sorted() function as a dictionary -- *sorted=Analises*. To be
> safe, try to avoid using Python keywords as variable names.
> Anthony
> On Thursday, July 21, 2011 11:53:19 AM UTC-4, Ramos wrote:
>> hello, i have some startup variables that i defined in db.py
>> when i go to database administration i get an error.
>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>> File "gluon/restricted.py", line 192, in restricted
>> File "D:/web2py10/web2py/applications/Lims/views/appadmin.html", line 109,
>> in 
>> TypeError: 'dict' object is not callable
>> the code i added to db.py is this
>> import pickle
>> file = open("d:\\Analises.pck", "r")
>> *Analises = pickle.load(file)*
>> file.close()
>> file = open("d:\\Unidades.pck", "r")
>> Unidades= pickle.load(file)
>> file.close()
>> file = open("d:\\Templates.pck", "r")
>> *Templates = pickle.load(file)*
>> file.close()
>> file = open("d:\\Tipo.pck", "r")
>> Tipo = pickle.load(file)
>> file.close()
>> *sorted=Analises*
>> What could be the cause for the error? and again, what can i not declare
>> in models?
>> thank you
>> António

Re: [web2py] Re: Adding date() and time() to Field object

2011-07-21 Thread pbreit
I don't know exactly how virtual fields are implemented (if it would prevent 
another run through the result set) but might be another approach.

[web2py] Re: what to put in models besides models?

2011-07-21 Thread Anthony
'sorted' is a Python builtin, and it happens to be called in the 
appadmin.html view. All variables/objects created in the model files are 
available in the view environment as well, so you have redefined the Python 
builtin sorted() function as a dictionary -- *sorted=Analises*. To be safe, 
try to avoid using Python keywords as variable names.

On Thursday, July 21, 2011 11:53:19 AM UTC-4, Ramos wrote:

> hello, i have some startup variables that i defined in db.py
> when i go to database administration i get an error.
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> File "gluon/restricted.py", line 192, in restricted
> File "D:/web2py10/web2py/applications/Lims/views/appadmin.html", line 109, 
> in 
> TypeError: 'dict' object is not callable
> the code i added to db.py is this
> import pickle
> file = open("d:\\Analises.pck", "r") 
> *Analises = pickle.load(file)*
> file.close()
> file = open("d:\\Unidades.pck", "r") 
> Unidades= pickle.load(file)
> file.close()
> file = open("d:\\Templates.pck", "r") 
> *Templates = pickle.load(file)*
> file.close()
> file = open("d:\\Tipo.pck", "r") 
> Tipo = pickle.load(file)
> file.close()
> *sorted=Analises*
> What could be the cause for the error? and again, what can i not declare in 
> models?
> thank you
> António

[web2py] Re: what to put in models besides models?

2011-07-21 Thread pbreit
I think in theory you should be able to do that, but do you really want to 
be opening all those files on every page request?

Can you show what code generated the error? My line 109 in appadmin is 

[web2py] what to put in models besides models?

2011-07-21 Thread António Ramos
hello, i have some startup variables that i defined in db.py

when i go to database administration i get an error.

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "gluon/restricted.py", line 192, in restricted
File "D:/web2py10/web2py/applications/Lims/views/appadmin.html", line 109,
TypeError: 'dict' object is not callable

the code i added to db.py is this

import pickle
file = open("d:\\Analises.pck", "r")
*Analises = pickle.load(file)*
file = open("d:\\Unidades.pck", "r")
Unidades= pickle.load(file)
file = open("d:\\Templates.pck", "r")
*Templates = pickle.load(file)*
file = open("d:\\Tipo.pck", "r")
Tipo = pickle.load(file)

What could be the cause for the error? and again, what can i not declare in

thank you

Re: [web2py] Re: Adding date() and time() to Field object

2011-07-21 Thread Angelo Compagnucci
Thanks Massimo!

So I must traverse the list at least one time. I dont know how much
time is spent in this operation, but I have a very large number of
records, so I'll test this solution.

Thank you!

2011/7/21 Massimo Di Pierro :
> No that does not work for the reasons discussed above but this does
> def getcommentsbydate():
>     rows = db(db.test).select(db.test.data.comment, db.test.data)
>    for row in rows: row.data = row.data.date()
>     return dict(rows=rows)
> On Jul 21, 8:06 am, Angelo Compagnucci 
> wrote:
>> Sorry for being retarted!
>> I have this:
>> db.define_table('test', Field('comment','string'), Field('data','datetime'))
>> but the function:
>> def getcommentsbydate():
>>    rows = db(db.test).select(db.test.data.comment, db.test.data.date())
>>    return dict(rows=rows)
>> throws an exception complaining that the date() method does not exist.
>> How can I exctract the date without traverse the rows object? I dont
>> want to use a list comprehension or something else because with
>> thousands of records is painfull slow (I'm thinking of a radius
>> accounting table ...)!
>> I think there is nothing in the DAL that translates to a "DATE()" sql
>> function, am I wrong?
>> Thank you for your suggestion!

[web2py] Re: Two fields with autocomplete in a single form fail

2011-07-21 Thread Jim Karsten
This was posted awhile ago but in case anyone else runs into this, the 
problem is the cities and categories fields have both the same name 'name'. 
The AutocompleteWidget *keyword* property gets set to the same value. The 
solution is to provide distinct *keyword* arguments.


db.categories.name , 
id_field=db.categories.id ,

I wonder if the default keyword argument should include the table name.

keyword = '_autocomplete_%(tablename)s_%(fieldname)s'
self.keyword = keyword % dict(tablename=field.tablename, 

[web2py] Re: form.errors problem.

2011-07-21 Thread annet
I mailed Pengoworks, this is their reply:

I'm not well versed in Python, but I think you're problem is that the
results from the AJAX call are not in the expected format. By default,
they're expected to be the format:

Spring Valley|899

Where each line is separated by a pipe and each line is delimited with
a line feed. You can change these values lineSeparator and
cellSeparator options. See the docs:


However, I'd really recommend migrating to the official jQuery
autocomplete plug-in as it's in active development:


Has anyone in the group been using this plug-in? How would I implement
it in the case above?

Kind regards,


Re: [web2py] Re: loading image in A(cid=request.cid) within a component

2011-07-21 Thread Anthony
On Thursday, July 21, 2011 10:38:32 AM UTC-4, sebastian wrote: 
> that would be great Anthony...!
>  are you tracking this new enhancement via google issue list ?

No, it's just on my personal to-do list.

Re: [web2py] Re: loading image in A(cid=request.cid) within a component

2011-07-21 Thread Sebastian E. Ovide
that would be great Anthony...!

 are you tracking this new enhancement via google issue list ?

On Thu, Jul 21, 2011 at 3:03 PM, Anthony  wrote:

> For now, I think you'd have to handle that on your own via
> Javascript/jQuery on the client side. I'll probably submit a patch soon to
> allow this option directly from the A() helper.
> Anthony
> On Thursday, July 21, 2011 4:21:44 AM UTC-4, sebastian wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> (probably this is kind of Off Topic)
>> In a page with a lot of components which have a lot of slow
>> A(cid=request.cid) links, how do you display a "loading " every time that a
>> link is clicked (within each link) ?  (I'm talking about A links with
>> cid=request.cid, not about LOAD)
>> thanks
>> --
>> Sebastian E. Ovide

Sebastian E. Ovide

[web2py] any windows user want to help with this...

2011-07-21 Thread Massimo Di Pierro

[web2py] Re: loading image in A(cid=request.cid) within a component

2011-07-21 Thread Anthony
For now, I think you'd have to handle that on your own via Javascript/jQuery 
on the client side. I'll probably submit a patch soon to allow this option 
directly from the A() helper.

On Thursday, July 21, 2011 4:21:44 AM UTC-4, sebastian wrote:

> Hi All,
> (probably this is kind of Off Topic)
> In a page with a lot of components which have a lot of slow 
> A(cid=request.cid) links, how do you display a "loading " every time that a 
> link is clicked (within each link) ?  (I'm talking about A links with 
> cid=request.cid, not about LOAD)
> thanks
> -- 
> Sebastian E. Ovide

[web2py] Re: Adding date() and time() to Field object

2011-07-21 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
No that does not work for the reasons discussed above but this does
def getcommentsbydate():
    rows = db(db.test).select(db.test.data.comment, db.test.data)
for row in rows: row.data = row.data.date()
    return dict(rows=rows)

On Jul 21, 8:06 am, Angelo Compagnucci 
> Sorry for being retarted!
> I have this:
> db.define_table('test', Field('comment','string'), Field('data','datetime'))
> but the function:
> def getcommentsbydate():
>    rows = db(db.test).select(db.test.data.comment, db.test.data.date())
>    return dict(rows=rows)
> throws an exception complaining that the date() method does not exist.
> How can I exctract the date without traverse the rows object? I dont
> want to use a list comprehension or something else because with
> thousands of records is painfull slow (I'm thinking of a radius
> accounting table ...)!
> I think there is nothing in the DAL that translates to a "DATE()" sql
> function, am I wrong?
> Thank you for your suggestion!

Re: [web2py] Re: Adding date() and time() to Field object

2011-07-21 Thread Angelo Compagnucci
Sorry for being retarted!

I have this:

db.define_table('test', Field('comment','string'), Field('data','datetime'))

but the function:

def getcommentsbydate():
   rows = db(db.test).select(db.test.data.comment, db.test.data.date())
   return dict(rows=rows)

throws an exception complaining that the date() method does not exist.

How can I exctract the date without traverse the rows object? I dont
want to use a list comprehension or something else because with
thousands of records is painfull slow (I'm thinking of a radius
accounting table ...)!

I think there is nothing in the DAL that translates to a "DATE()" sql
function, am I wrong?

Thank you for your suggestion!

[web2py] Re: Adding date() and time() to Field object

2011-07-21 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
True. I just checked and this already works . :-)

On Jul 21, 4:36 am, Vasile Ermicioi  wrote:
> I think row.field.date()  already works because row.field is a datetime
> object

[web2py] Re: http://www.web2py.com/book/default/chapter/11

2011-07-21 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
You cannot but add a note and I will fix it soon.

On Jul 21, 2:12 am, cjrh  wrote:
> On Thursday, 21 July 2011 05:38:47 UTC+2, noelrv wrote:
> > URL for ref.83 is broken -http://sial.org/howto/openssl/self-signed
> Massimo: what do I do with "ref.``openssl``:cite"?  Where can I fix the
> target of the cite ref in the book?

Re: [web2py] Re: Limitation in template system

2011-07-21 Thread Miguel Lopes
Actually I began by using functions too. But had some problems (can't
remember exactly what), and view functions, even if comprised exclusively of
view code didn't really tick my fancy. I much rather extract those snippets
of HTML to a module or model file exclusively dedicated to html snippets. In
terms of code organization I find that to be a better way of centralizing
templates and such - thus making it much simpler to find them for
maintenance. Actually, I recently been playing with plugin_wiki and found
the same strategy applied. So you just:


Since I mainly use blocks for sidebars I want to conditionally render two
alternatives suit me:

{{if renderSiderbar:}}

Which is nice and clean. But I like to have expressed in the main layout
that such sidebar may exist. Hence the using template block:
{{block right_sidebar}}
{{if renderSidebar:  # comes from controller right ;-) }}

Anyway, it is possible the best solution may depend on the situation and
individual preferences.

On Tue, Jul 19, 2011 at 9:26 PM, Bruno Rocha  wrote:

> I prefer to work in the old way, used when web2py had no block in views. It
> is very easy and pure Python code.
> {{def myblock():}}
> {{return}}
> So, in any place of views...
> {{=myblock()}}
> Obviouslly in this way you cannot have {{super}} and other cool things, but
> it is easy to adjust in pure Python, even using classes..

Re: [web2py] Re: Limitation in template system

2011-07-21 Thread Miguel Lopes
No problem be as criticl as you wish.

> Please do not take my critique in a bad way, but be very careful when
> adding "blocks of code" in your views, I understand the example above
> is just a "code sample" to illustrate a perceived deficiency in the
> view templating system, but unless you are a PHP developer, this just
> looks "ugly", If you have to define variables inside your views, there
> most likely is a problem with the design IMO.  In the general sense,
> variables _control[ler]_ program flow, please place them where they
> belong, even though web2py allows this, and there is even a section
> for this in the book (adding full-fledged python code inside a view
> (html) page), it doesn't mean you "must" use it.
> There are exceptions as always, you may need to use python code in a
> view, or html code in a controller, there is nothing "wrong" with
> that, but it should be that, exceptions, please do not turn web2py
> into another PHP-like web development environment and further fuel
> those that want to see us struggle... Thanks.

Re: [web2py] passing dictionary in URL not working. I Get a string

2011-07-21 Thread António Ramos
Thank you a lot.

2011/7/21 Manuele Pesenti 

> On 19/07/2011 19:37, António Ramos wrote:
>> So what is the best way to pass a dictionary from one page to the other?
>> can i do session.dictvar=mydictvar?
> http://docs.python.org/library/json.html
> this is a solution I adopted sometimes... I hope it could be usefull :)

Re: [web2py] Re: Adding date() and time() to Field object

2011-07-21 Thread Vasile Ermicioi
I think row.field.date()  already works because row.field is a datetime

[web2py] Re: How can we support standard url in web2py ?

2011-07-21 Thread sabbir
Thanks a lot Jonathan.

I have tested this in app engine also.
It is working fine.


On Jul 20, 11:49 am, Jonathan Lundell  wrote:
> On Jul 19, 2011, at 1:05 AM, sabbir wrote:
> > A Clickatell call back url can be like this:
> >http://www.mysite.com/callback.php?api_id=xxx&apiMsgId=xxx&cliMsgId=x...
> > where I provide the base url:
> >http://www.mysite.com/callback.php
> > and clickatell will add this part:
> > ?
> > api_id=xxx&apiMsgId=xxx&cliMsgId=xxx&status=xxx×tamp=xxx&to=xxx&from=xxx&charge=xxx
> > is there anyway to support this.
> > Thanks and regards,
> Sure. All that will show up in request.vars.

Re: [web2py] passing dictionary in URL not working. I Get a string

2011-07-21 Thread Manuele Pesenti

On 19/07/2011 19:37, António Ramos wrote:

So what is the best way to pass a dictionary from one page to the other?
can i do session.dictvar=mydictvar?


this is a solution I adopted sometimes... I hope it could be usefull :)


Re: [web2py] Re: CAS Auth with other technologies

2011-07-21 Thread António Ramos
I have Novell EDirectory, can i use web2py with Novell auth?

How to to use it?

thank you

2011/7/20 Massimo Di Pierro 

> The CAS server supports but 1 and 2 but defaults to 2 which is more
> portable. It should work with third party clients out of the box.
> On Jul 19, 8:09 pm, Bruno Bemfica  wrote:
> > Hi, I'm new on Web2Py and Python, and I have a question: There's any
> > way to make apps developed with other technologies (in my case, PHP
> > and ASP.NET) authenticate with the web2py CAS server? I need to
> > integrate some apps to my company and we have systems made in a lot of
> > different technologies. What we need is, for example: Login into the
> > web2py app, and if the user click in a link to an ASP.NET or PHP
> > application, he doesn't need to login again, and vice-versa.
> >
> > Thanks!

[web2py] loading image in A(cid=request.cid) within a component

2011-07-21 Thread Sebastian E. Ovide
Hi All,

(probably this is kind of Off Topic)

In a page with a lot of components which have a lot of slow
A(cid=request.cid) links, how do you display a "loading " every time that a
link is clicked (within each link) ?  (I'm talking about A links with
cid=request.cid, not about LOAD)


Sebastian E. Ovide

Re: [web2py] Re: Simultaneous multi-language system.

2011-07-21 Thread Daniel Gonzalez Zaballos
i'll start with the Anthony suggestion.
I've opened the ticket:

Thank you to everybody

2011/7/21 Massimo Di Pierro 

> I think for now Anthony's proposal is the way to go. Open a ticket in
> google code and we can think of other options.
> On Jul 20, 5:53 pm, Anthony  wrote:
> > I think there are a few possibilities. First, your MultiT function could
> > work, but you'd have to use str(T(text)) instead of T(text). The reason
> is
> > that T() returns a lazyT object, not the translated string (it isn't
> > translated until rendering). You can force the translation by calling the
> > lazyT.__str__ method via str(T(text)).
> >
> > Another option is to define your own T() objects for each language and
> force
> > them to use the specific language. For example:
> >
> > In a model file:
> > from gluon.languages import translator
> > enT=translator(request)
> > enT.force('en-en')
> > esT=translator(request)
> > esT.force('es-es')
> >
> > In a view:
> > {{=esT('House')}} / {{=enT('House')}}
> >
> > It would probably be easy to abstract the above by defining a class that
> > stores multiple T objects and lets you easily add additional ones.
> >
> > A third option might be to create a special multi-language translation
> file.
> > For example, you could create a file called es-en.py, which could include
> > translations such as:
> >
> > 'House': 'Casa / House'
> >
> > Hope that helps.
> >
> > Anthony
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > On Wednesday, July 13, 2011 1:22:23 PM UTC-4, demetrio wrote:
> > > Hi everyone, i don't know if "Simultaneous multi-language system" is
> > > the correct way to say what i need... i'll explain myself.
> >
> > > I'm developing an application that by request of our customer, needs
> > > to have 2 languages at the same time. For example, if this app were in
> > > spanish and english, in the navigator should appear something like:
> >
> > > Casa / House
> >
> > > In the view we want to do something like this
> >
> > > {{=T("House", "es-es")}} / {{=T("House", "en-en")}}
> >
> > > But i don't know if web2py can permit to do this or something like
> > > that.
> >
> > > I was thinking of writing a function like this:
> >
> > > def MultiT(text,separator=" / "):
> > > T.force("es-es")
> > > ret_text = T(text)
> > > T.force("en-en")
> > > ret_text += separator + T(text)
> > > return ret_text
> >
> > > But it does not work. Also, do not know how this affects the system
> > > when updating the language files with the strings to translate (now
> > > the files are updated automatically when pressing the "update
> > > languages" button in admin, and I guess that it would make it on run
> > > time.
> >
> > > Any sugestions?
> >
> > > Best regards
> > > Daniel

Re: [web2py] Re: Adding date() and time() to Field object

2011-07-21 Thread Angelo Compagnucci
Thanks Massimo!

2011/7/21 Massimo Di Pierro :
> it  would be much easier to just provide a function row.field.asdate()
> or row.field.astime()

How this could be done? Give me an hint and I'll procede by myself!

Thank you!

[web2py] Re: http://www.web2py.com/book/default/chapter/11

2011-07-21 Thread cjrh
On Thursday, 21 July 2011 05:38:47 UTC+2, noelrv wrote:
> URL for ref.83 is broken - http://sial.org/howto/openssl/self-signed

Massimo: what do I do with "ref.``openssl``:cite"?  Where can I fix the 
target of the cite ref in the book? 

[web2py] Re: typo: http://www.web2py.com/book/default/chapter/11

2011-07-21 Thread cjrh
On Jul 21, 5:33 am, noelrv  wrote:
> typo in apt-get below:

Fixed, many thanks.