[Xastir] Xastir on LinuxMint 7

2009-06-16 Thread David

Hi All.have Xastir running on LinuxMint7
this distro is based on Ubuntu 9.04 and uses the repositories to get all 
the needed files.

looks very good and works well

73 David VK4BDJ

Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] dual port TNC

2009-06-16 Thread Tom Russo
On Tue, Jun 16, 2009 at 11:58:11AM -0600, we recorded a bogon-computron 
collision of the  flavor, containing:
> On Tue, Jun 16, 2009 at 11:15:13AM -0600, we recorded a bogon-computron 
> collision of the  flavor, containing:
> [TNC sharing]
> > 
> > I have been trying to figure out ways to do this without ldsped, and they
> > all seem to revolve around "kissnetd" and remserial.
> > 
> > The thing that's missing is a simple program that can tie together two
> > ax.25 network ports.  Digi_ned's web page describes a way of doing it with 
> > digi_ned, but since I don't really want to do any digipeating that seems the
> > wrong approach.
> > 
> > Here's what I've thought might do the trick if that one piece were 
> > available:
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >+--- ax25bridge---+2   3   4
> >| |pty pty pty
> >  ax25p1ax25p2 |   |   |
> >| ||   |   |
> >  KISS TNC   PTY1  |   |   |
> >  ||   |   |
> >  +--kissnetd--+---+---+
> > 
> > That is, there's an AX.25 kernel interface to a real tnc, bridged simply
> > to a second ax.25 interface that talks KISS on a PTY.  kissnetd creates
> > a fake network of PTYs that all talk KISS to one-another.  The ptys can be
> > attached to applications, or to remserial.  Obviously, the PTYs are really
> > pairs of devices, I'm just showing them as one for simplicity of the figure.
> [...]
> > 
> > It's that simple bridge that doesn't seem to exist.  
> [...]
> Someone here just mentioned socat in this thread.  I've never used it, but
> it appears that it could possibly be exactly the tool for the job:
>  socat INTERFACE:ax25p1 INTERFACE:ax25p2
> Has anyone used socat to connect interfaces directly this way?  If it works
> then perhaps the little ugly ascii graphic above can be implemented trivially
> with existing tools (socat, kissnetd, remserial, and ax.25 kernel networking).

Cha-CHING!  W00T!!!1! and all that sort of silliness.

Got it working with only socat and ax.25 kernel networking in the toolbox.  I 
am currently running my Xastir station on FreeBSD attached to a KISS TNC on my 
SheevaPlug.  Xastir is also running in a VNC server on the Sheeva, talking to 
the same TNC through an AX.25 kernel port.  So far it works like a charm.

Here's what I did:

- Built a custom 2.6.30 kernel on the Sheeva to add several modules, including
  USB Serial support (so the serial adapter would be recognized), and of course
  enabling AX25 networking).  The sheeva ships with a 2.6.22 kernel with
  almost no modules.  Building a custom kernel is almost a required first 
- apt-get install libax25-dev ax25-apps ax25-tools
- download and build socat from source

> cat /etc/ax25/axports
aprsKM5VY-5 19200   256 7   144.39 APRS (1200 bps)
fakeKM5VY-6 19200   256 7   to be attached to ptys

> /usr/sbin/kissattach /dev/ttyUSB0 aprs
> /usr/sbin/kissparms -p aprs -t 500 -s 200 -r 32 -l 100 -f n
> /sbin/route add -net 444.0.0.0 netmask dev ax0

These steps enable the ax.25 interface ax0, known as "aprs" to Xastir.

I'm really not sure why I need to add the route, but that's there in all
the ax.25 instructions I've seen so far.  Since I have no need to do 
TCP/IP on these network interfaces, I don't know that this is necessary.

Would be delighted to find out it isn't.

> (a "modprobe mkiss" would be necessary here, but I built mkiss into my
  custom kernel without it being a module)

> /usr/sbin/kissnetd /dev/ptyp1 /dev/ptyp2 &

This sets up two pseudo ttys talking KISS to each other.  Add more ptys to
taste if you're gonna share the port with more than one program or machine.

> /usr/sbin/kissattach /dev/ttyp1 fake
> /usr/sbin/kissparms -p fake  -t 500 -s 200 -r 32 -l 100 -f n

This enables ax.25 interface ax1, known as fake, and attaches it to one of
the two PTYs on the virtual kiss network created by kissnetd.


This ties the two ax.25 interfaces together.  Unfortunately, this requires 
version 1.7.0 of socat (or later), and the version in the Ubuntu repositories
is 1.6.0 even on Jaunty 9.04 --- so I had to build socat from source.
1.6.0 does not provide the capability of connecting raw network interfaces
like this.

By doing this, all the traffic on the real TNC is now showing up on the
PTYs connected through "fake" and kissnetd.

Now there's a pty, /dev/ptyp2 that is sitting there talking KISS with nobody
attached to it.  All traffic received by the TNC is being fed from ax0 to 
ax1, which then talks to the fake KISS tnc on /dev/ttyp1, which traffic is
relayed through kissnetd to the fake serial port on /dev/ptyp2.  Tne last step 
is on my FreeBSD machine:

BSD> socat PTY,link=$HOME/.xastir/dev/faketnc0,raw,echo=0,waitslave EXEC:'"ssh 
sheevaplug socat - /dev/ttyp2,nonbloc

Re: [Xastir] Shapefile help

2009-06-16 Thread Kevin Ratcliff
On Tue, Jun 16, 2009 at 1:02 PM, Richard Polivka
> You will have to edit the file in a GIS program, such as Quantum GIS.

Thanks Richard. I installed qgis and opened the original shapefile. No
connecting lines at all when I view it in qgis. Qgis had an export
function that allowed me to do the conversion from the NAD83 UTM to
the WGS84 LatLong shapefile format, but when I try to display that
converted file in Xastir I still get the connecting line segments. I
can open it back up in qgis and it still looks fine (no connecting

> There may be structure links in the file that should not be there or the 
> conversion went wonky. I have some shapefiles that I have had to go in and 
> clean up as the labels were in the wrong places.

I'm not sure what I might need to edit or clean up, but there's 1200+
trails in this file so hopefully it can be automated!

Any additional help would be greatly appreciated.

Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] dual port TNC

2009-06-16 Thread Alex Carver

--- On Tue, 6/16/09, Tom Russo  wrote:

> From: Tom Russo 
> Someone here just mentioned socat in this thread. 
> I've never used it, but
> it appears that it could possibly be exactly the tool for
> the job:
>  socat INTERFACE:ax25p1 INTERFACE:ax25p2
> Has anyone used socat to connect interfaces directly this
> way?  If it works
> then perhaps the little ugly ascii graphic above can be
> implemented trivially
> with existing tools (socat, kissnetd, remserial, and ax.25
> kernel networking).

I've used socat in a one-to-one connection for a TNC all the time.  The TNC is 
sitting on one machine and Xastir was on another.  The first socat instance on 
the TNC system opened the TNC and presented a network port.  The second 
instance on the Xastir machine opened that port and presented the local system 
with a virtual serial port.  As far as Xastir was concerned it was a serial 
TNC.  In that case you might be able to just use socat to bridge the machines 
and then use something else (ax25, kissnetd) to distribute among the 
applications on the remote system.

Socat will not, however, accept multiple connections to the port.  So if you 
wanted to distribute to multiple machines you'd have to somehow fan-out the 
serial port, attach a socat session to each fanned-out port and then feed the 
remote machines that way.


Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] Xubuntu/Xastir for events

2009-06-16 Thread Peter Gamache/KC0TFB
The image is available at http://luno.org/node/66, however it's a pretty
slow download.  Right now, it's available as a torrent, but all seeds
except mine are no longer available.  I'm going to suggest NOT downloading
it, if all you want are the scripts.

I'll be breaking out three things from the image and making them available

1. The package list from Xubuntu - it took several tries to keep things
unbroken when peeling off supposedly unneeded packages from the distro. 
There may be more that can be pared down, but I haven't yet found it.

2. The configure script (pending N0RPM's permission).   This is the
"Xastir for dummies" assistant that makes proper station setup as simple
as selecting the site name and clicking "Go!".

3. The update script.  I want to work toward an eventual "Event Selector"
model, where multiple states can use the same Xastir/Xubuntu image. After
installing, the user would initially select which event they were
participating in, and thereafter, updates would come from whatever URL was
specified for that event - allowing coordinators for each event to specify
maps for pre-loading, configuration presets, etc.

I'm going to chat with Jason, N0RPM, tonight about releasing his script
for general use.  I should have the smaller bits uploaded in a day or two.
 I'll post a follow-up to the list when these are available.

Caveat:  If you *do* decide it's worth it to download >600Mb just to get
1Mb worth of scripts, be sure to run the Get Update script - its first
move is to update itself!  You won't see the most current scripts unless
you do this.

Thanks & 73,

William McKeehan wrote:
> Peter, Thanks for sharing this story; I love hearing how other people use
> as a tool in their event management toolbox.
> Do you plan to make either the VM or the scripts available for others to
> use?
> On Tue, June 16, 2009 8:20 am, peter+a...@duonet.net wrote:
>> Hello, this is KC0TFB, Peter Gamache.  I coordinated APRS operations for
>> the
>> Minnesota Multiple Sclerosis Society's MS-150 fundraising bicycle tour
>> ...

Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] dual port TNC

2009-06-16 Thread Jason KG4WSV
The problem with ax25 solutions (and it's a show-stopper for me) is
that it's linux-only - I run macs.  My theoretical MKISS daemon would
be independent of ax25 kernel support.

I've got an arduino mega (an ATmega1280, 4 hardware UARTs), and an
ethernet interface for it.  It would be simple to implement a socat
style network interface for 4 devices using the mega + ethernet
shield.  This would eliminate the need for an MKISS daemon.

Of course, one could probably implement the network interface with
APRS-IS server style connections and a non-KISS TNC interface, but
that creates an igate configuration issue getting traffic from xastir
to RF.

Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] dual port TNC

2009-06-16 Thread Curt, WE7U

On Tue, 16 Jun 2009, Tom Russo wrote:

Someone here just mentioned socat in this thread.  I've never used it, but
it appears that it could possibly be exactly the tool for the job:

socat INTERFACE:ax25p1 INTERFACE:ax25p2

Has anyone used socat to connect interfaces directly this way?  If it works
then perhaps the little ugly ascii graphic above can be implemented trivially
with existing tools (socat, kissnetd, remserial, and ax.25 kernel networking).

Actually if anyone has _any_ of the possible solutions tested and
working, document them on the Wiki for the rest of us.

Curt, WE7U. archer at eskimo dot com
  Lotto:  A tax on people who are bad at math. - unknown
Windows:  Microsoft's tax on computer illiterates. - WE7U.
The world DOES revolve around me:  I picked the coordinate system!"
Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] TOPO MapXchange data, was: Shapefile help

2009-06-16 Thread Curt, WE7U

On Tue, 16 Jun 2009, Kevin Ratcliff wrote:

I'm not familiar with the TOPO! sharing site, but there are a lot of
popular trail/trackfile sharing sites now, and many/most of them
provide GPX export capability.

I looked at that Explorer site and they have an extensive licensing
agreement whereas the mapXchange site did not.  The Explorer site is
most likely unusable for that reason to anyone wishing to use trail
data submitted by TOPO users there.

I'm glad to see that the open GPX format is getting used!
Darned-near anything can be converted to/from GPX these days, by
commercial software and by "gpsbabel".

Curt, WE7U. archer at eskimo dot com
  Lotto:  A tax on people who are bad at math. - unknown
Windows:  Microsoft's tax on computer illiterates. - WE7U.
The world DOES revolve around me:  I picked the coordinate system!"
Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] dual port TNC

2009-06-16 Thread Tom Russo
On Tue, Jun 16, 2009 at 11:15:13AM -0600, we recorded a bogon-computron 
collision of the  flavor, containing:
[TNC sharing]
> I have been trying to figure out ways to do this without ldsped, and they
> all seem to revolve around "kissnetd" and remserial.
> The thing that's missing is a simple program that can tie together two
> ax.25 network ports.  Digi_ned's web page describes a way of doing it with 
> digi_ned, but since I don't really want to do any digipeating that seems the
> wrong approach.
> Here's what I've thought might do the trick if that one piece were available:
>+--- ax25bridge---+2   3   4
>| |pty pty pty
>  ax25p1ax25p2 |   |   |
>| ||   |   |
>  KISS TNC   PTY1  |   |   |
>  ||   |   |
>  +--kissnetd--+---+---+
> That is, there's an AX.25 kernel interface to a real tnc, bridged simply
> to a second ax.25 interface that talks KISS on a PTY.  kissnetd creates
> a fake network of PTYs that all talk KISS to one-another.  The ptys can be
> attached to applications, or to remserial.  Obviously, the PTYs are really
> pairs of devices, I'm just showing them as one for simplicity of the figure.
> It's that simple bridge that doesn't seem to exist.  

Someone here just mentioned socat in this thread.  I've never used it, but
it appears that it could possibly be exactly the tool for the job:

 socat INTERFACE:ax25p1 INTERFACE:ax25p2

Has anyone used socat to connect interfaces directly this way?  If it works
then perhaps the little ugly ascii graphic above can be implemented trivially
with existing tools (socat, kissnetd, remserial, and ax.25 kernel networking).

Tom RussoKM5VY   SAR502   DM64ux  http://www.swcp.com/~russo/
Tijeras, NM  QRPL#1592 K2#398  SOC#236http://kevan.org/brain.cgi?DDTNM
  In some cultures what I do would be considered normal. 
  -- Ineffective daily affirmation 

Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] Thanks for helping us have a successful event!

2009-06-16 Thread Curt, WE7U

On Tue, 16 Jun 2009, Bob Donnell wrote:

If I need to find a specific non-identified intersection, then I
turn on the Tiger Map layer, with labels, to find the street.  And it sounds
like I can improve on that this fall, too.

Plus we have 2008 Tiger Shapefiles available to work with.

Curt, WE7U. archer at eskimo dot com
  Lotto:  A tax on people who are bad at math. - unknown
Windows:  Microsoft's tax on computer illiterates. - WE7U.
The world DOES revolve around me:  I picked the coordinate system!"
Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] TOPO MapXchange data, was: Shapefile help

2009-06-16 Thread Kevin Ratcliff
On Tue, Jun 16, 2009 at 1:29 PM, Curt, WE7U wrote:
> Speaking of "useful for SAR", I've done a cool trick with files from
> mapXchange, which is the National Geographic "TOPO!" site where
> people share their recorded GPS trails with others.  The trick is:
> Use a very recent "gpsbabel" to convert the data to "GPX" format,
> then use xastir/scripts/gpx2shape to convert to Shapefiles.

Thanks Curt.

I have used a similar tool called "gpx2shp"
(http://gpx2shp.sourceforge.jp/) for converting GPX files to
shapefiles. It's in the Ubuntu repositories so it's a piece of cake to
install. I tried the Xastir gpx2shape script once on Ubuntu 9.04 but
it couldn't find a required perl module, I think, and I didn't bother
to track it down. It's been a little while since I tried it, so I
don't recall exactly what the error was.

I'm not familiar with the TOPO! sharing site, but there are a lot of
popular trail/trackfile sharing sites now, and many/most of them
provide GPX export capability.

Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] Thanks for helping us have a successful event!

2009-06-16 Thread Bob Donnell
One of the things that came to mind, reading Mike's post is that IF the VM
installation can be set up to do soundmodem packet, then all that's needed
is the right stuff for operating the rig dedicated to packet.  No TNC
needed.  At one time I had a Pentium 150 laptop with a Baycom modem set up -
which uses a lot of the same pieces as the soundmodem - and it handled
Xastir OK, other than it took a very long time to pan and zoom topo maps.
Local Tiger vector maps would likely be a lot faster.  

If the ham involved has any interest in using digital modes, a USB sound
card device designed for radio interface, like a TigerTronics SignalLink
USB, could be set up with the radio in question, providing packet operations
with the virtual machine, or when used with the native operating system, to
do HF digital modes, like PSK-31 - basicly a not-too-expensive way to get a
"two-fer" - APRS support via Xastir and the VM, and the many digital modes
via the native operating system and software available for it.

Receive-only stations could also be set up to use the computer's soundcard
as the audio source.  Transmit might be managed, but the trick with most
laptops becomes how to key the radio.  Most soundmodem software and hardware
uses one of the hardware handshake lines from a serial port to key the rig.
That's where the SignalLink USB is sneaky.  It uses a fast-acting VOX
circuit to key the radio.  The only down side is that any sound sent to that
port will key the rig - but since it's going into the system as a secondary
audio device, that's somewhat less risky - though careful configuration
might be needed.

By the way, Curt, WE7U, and I have used Xastir for several years in
dispatching SAG drivers, all APRS tracker equipped, to pick up runners
unable to complete the run.  Curt works behind the scenes in the main net
control, taking reports from the nets that communicate with hams at each
mile marker and rest stop, then sending them to me.  I operate the SAG net,
on a different frequency, from across the Seattle Center, which gives us
enough seperation to not interfere with eachother, and I'm located just
outside the recovery area (which being built to Cold War standards, is
difficult to get RF in and out of) so when there's a runner being delivered,
as their SAG driver arrives, the hams in the medical area can send a wheel
chair, if needed, to meet the runner at the street, and get he or she
delivered to the medicos helping the mildly injured.  We have successfully
used instant messaging to pass this info back and forth, but have also
planned on using Xastir for APRS one-liner's if our IM circuit fails.  

Placing objects for each stopped runner is a good idea, and one I'll see if
I can remember to adopt.  It seems like a good idea, and provides a
graphical status board.  Editing the object also allows those watching to
see which SAG unit is enroute to pick up each participant.  And rather than
having each SAG driver reconfigure their tracker (always risky), we use the
tactical call sign assignment capability to make each SAG show up with the
tactical identifier that was assigned.  The area of the event is small
enough that it's not usually necessary to limit the display to only tactical
calls - anyone going by on the freeway isn't in the picture long enough to
be of concern.

One the other things I did some time ago was to take the race map, clean all
of the extraneous text out of it, rotate it to north-up orientation, and
generate a .geo file for it.  That places the rest stops and mile markers on
the map.  If I need to find a specific non-identified intersection, then I
turn on the Tiger Map layer, with labels, to find the street.  And it sounds
like I can improve on that this fall, too.

73, Bob, KD7NM

-Original Message-
From: xastir-boun...@lists.xastir.org
[mailto:xastir-boun...@lists.xastir.org] On Behalf Of Mike Benonis
Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 2009 9:16 AM
To: Xastir - APRS client software discussion
Subject: Re: [Xastir] Thanks for helping us have a successful event!

Hi Peter,

We too used Xastir this past weekend for our MS-150 Bike Tour in central
Virginia.  It worked quite well, though we did not deploy it nearly as
extensively as you did.  I primarily used it as a vehicle tracking system,
though I did create objects for each rest stop.  Next year, I think I will
take many of your suggestions and use APRS to track fallen riders and other
situations on the course - and perhaps we can convince our club members to
get a TNC and a laptop setup for their rest stops.

Thanks to the Xastir team for a great program!

Best regards,

Mike Benonis
Heritage Theatre Festival Sound Engineer Elec. Engr. '09, The University of
Virginia mj...@virginia.edu KI4RIX

On Jun 16, 2009, at 08:20, peter+a...@duonet.net wrote:

> Hello, this is KC0TFB, Peter Gamache.  I coordinated APRS operations 
> for the Minnesota Multiple Sclerosis Society's MS-150 fundraising 
> bicycle tour this year, last Friday, Saturday and 

[Xastir] TOPO MapXchange data, was: Shapefile help

2009-06-16 Thread Curt, WE7U

On Tue, 16 Jun 2009, Kevin Ratcliff wrote:

The Indiana Department of Natural Resources produces a shapefile (and
associated metadata) of public recreational trails in Indiana. This is
very useful for SAR, and I'm trying to use this shapefile in Xastir.

Speaking of "useful for SAR", I've done a cool trick with files from
mapXchange, which is the National Geographic "TOPO!" site where
people share their recorded GPS trails with others.  The trick is:
Use a very recent "gpsbabel" to convert the data to "GPX" format,
then use xastir/scripts/gpx2shape to convert to Shapefiles.

A few years back we started creating pre-plans for our most
"popular" search areas in our county.  For the first test case the
team decided to draw the search segments on a large paper map, draw
those into "TOPO!", and ultimately drew 511 lines and saved them to
a file.  A lot of work, but it would have been a lot more work to
hand-draw the exact same lines into Xastir myself.

Somewhere along the way a new module got written for "gpsbabel" that
knew how to read "TOPO!" version 3.x and 4.x save files...  I was
unhappy that they had used a proprietary program so that was my

So...  If you find a trail or trails that you'd like to hike and
want to see it in Xastir on top of Xastir maps or satellite images,
use the above method to convert the data.

NOTE:  This does NOT allow you to do anything with the maps in topo,
just the saved user data which is freely shared via the above site.
No maps involved, just trails/waypoints/routes.

Now that I try to find mapXchange again, I can't, so perhaps the
trails are available at another site now.  Looks like _maybe_ TOPO
Explorer at topo.com is the new site?  Anyone know?

Curt, WE7U. archer at eskimo dot com
  Lotto:  A tax on people who are bad at math. - unknown
Windows:  Microsoft's tax on computer illiterates. - WE7U.
The world DOES revolve around me:  I picked the coordinate system!"
Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] dual port TNC

2009-06-16 Thread Tom Russo
On Tue, Jun 16, 2009 at 09:51:13AM -0700, we recorded a bogon-computron 
collision of the  flavor, containing:
> On Tue, 16 Jun 2009, Curt, WE7U wrote:
> > On Tue, 16 Jun 2009, Jason KG4WSV wrote:
> >
> >> An alternative idea was to add a KISS network interface, for use with
> >> things like socat et al.  Would allow the MKISS daemon to talk to
> >> network ports instead of named pipes, and has the added benefit of
> >> allowing xastir to talk to network serial ports.
> >
> > That would be sweet.  I hear there's a possible solution to the
> > remote TNC problem coming out soon from someone else.  I don't know
> > details but I know someone who's beta-testing it.  If it's
> > open-source it'd be a shame for you to duplicate effort along those
> > lines, that's why I'm mentioning it.
> Looked it up, it was in a message to this list from Tom Russo just
> this week:
> > While running Xastir this way is cute, ultimately I'm planning on
> > using the plug mostly as a central TNC server using AX.25
> > networking and a currently-unreleased piece of code called
> > "ldsped" that is a Linux daemon that talks AX.25 networking and
> > the AGWPE protocol (currently in beta, the author provided me with
> > an x86 binary and says he expects to release source in July or
> > August, at which time I plan to try it on the Sheeva).
> So, a slightly different idea from yours.  Says "expects to release
> source" so we can hope it's under a reasonable open-source license.

The author says GPL.  He also says (after a little begging) that he thinks he
might have it on sourceforge in the next few days.  

I have been trying to figure out ways to do this without ldsped, and they
all seem to revolve around "kissnetd" and remserial.

The thing that's missing is a simple program that can tie together two
ax.25 network ports.  Digi_ned's web page describes a way of doing it with 
digi_ned, but since I don't really want to do any digipeating that seems the
wrong approach.

Here's what I've thought might do the trick if that one piece were available:

   +--- ax25bridge---+2   3   4
   | |pty pty pty
 ax25p1ax25p2 |   |   |
   | ||   |   |
 KISS TNC   PTY1  |   |   |
 ||   |   |

That is, there's an AX.25 kernel interface to a real tnc, bridged simply
to a second ax.25 interface that talks KISS on a PTY.  kissnetd creates
a fake network of PTYs that all talk KISS to one-another.  The ptys can be
attached to applications, or to remserial.  Obviously, the PTYs are really
pairs of devices, I'm just showing them as one for simplicity of the figure.

Digi_ned's page shows this with digi_ned where I have the bridge.  But
using Digi_ned only as a bridge seems like overkill.

It's that simple bridge that doesn't seem to exist.  It would merely take all 
packets appearing on one AX.25 interface and send them over to the other, in
both directions.  In this way, the three PTYs left free should be a reasonable
sharing of the one real tnc to any application that speaks kiss, and could
be remotable with remserial.

I had briefly thought that one could use kissnetd alone in this trick:

+ kissnetd+++
| |||
   Real TNC  PTY1  PTY2 PTY3

so that you could share the TNC between two PTYs (attached to remserial), and
still have an AX25 network on the machine for sharing it among local programs.
But kissnetd won't talk to real serial ports, only PTYs.

But perhaps ldsped will be out as soon as its author says and all this will be
unnecessary.  I have tried it out on my linux laptop and it works great --- a 
drop-in replacement for AGWPE for sharing a TNC, and locally run programs 
still get to talk to the TNC through the kernel AX.25 stuff.  I need the 
source, though, to get it running on the SheevaPlug, which is currently 
sitting alone and turned off until I have time to get this working.

Tom RussoKM5VY   SAR502   DM64ux  http://www.swcp.com/~russo/
Tijeras, NM  QRPL#1592 K2#398  SOC#236http://kevan.org/brain.cgi?DDTNM
  In some cultures what I do would be considered normal. 
  -- Ineffective daily affirmation 
Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] Shapefile help

2009-06-16 Thread Richard Polivka
You will have to edit the file in a GIS program, such as Quantum GIS. 

There may be structure links in the file that should not be there or the 
conversion went wonky. I have some shapefiles that I have had to go in and 
clean up as the labels were in the wrong places.

73 from 807,

Richard, N6NKO

--- On Tue, 6/16/09, Kevin Ratcliff  wrote:

From: Kevin Ratcliff 
Subject: [Xastir] Shapefile help
To: "Xastir - APRS client software discussion" 
Date: Tuesday, June 16, 2009, 11:54 AM

Greetings all,

I have a question for the GIS people on the list.

The Indiana Department of Natural Resources produces a shapefile (and
associated metadata) of public recreational trails in Indiana. This is
very useful for SAR, and I'm trying to use this shapefile in Xastir.
I've done the ogr2ogr to convert/reproject it, and that seemed to work
as the trails now show up on my Xastir map in the correct locations.

However, my problem is that I also see "connecting" lines between
trail endpoints. When one trail ends I see a straight line that goes
to the start of another trail. I can post a screenshot if you need to
see what I mean.

I realize this may not be 100% Xastir-related, but is there some way I
can resolve this using free or open source tools? ArcGIS does not show
the connecting lines between trails.

Here is the source shapefile if anyone wants to take a look:
http://inmap.indiana.edu/downloads/TRAILS_IDNR_IN.zip (1.3MB)

Thanks in advance!

Xastir mailing list
Xastir mailing list

[Xastir] Shapefile help

2009-06-16 Thread Kevin Ratcliff
Greetings all,

I have a question for the GIS people on the list.

The Indiana Department of Natural Resources produces a shapefile (and
associated metadata) of public recreational trails in Indiana. This is
very useful for SAR, and I'm trying to use this shapefile in Xastir.
I've done the ogr2ogr to convert/reproject it, and that seemed to work
as the trails now show up on my Xastir map in the correct locations.

However, my problem is that I also see "connecting" lines between
trail endpoints. When one trail ends I see a straight line that goes
to the start of another trail. I can post a screenshot if you need to
see what I mean.

I realize this may not be 100% Xastir-related, but is there some way I
can resolve this using free or open source tools? ArcGIS does not show
the connecting lines between trails.

Here is the source shapefile if anyone wants to take a look:
http://inmap.indiana.edu/downloads/TRAILS_IDNR_IN.zip (1.3MB)

Thanks in advance!

Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] dual port TNC

2009-06-16 Thread Curt, WE7U

On Tue, 16 Jun 2009, Curt, WE7U wrote:

On Tue, 16 Jun 2009, Jason KG4WSV wrote:

An alternative idea was to add a KISS network interface, for use with
things like socat et al.  Would allow the MKISS daemon to talk to
network ports instead of named pipes, and has the added benefit of
allowing xastir to talk to network serial ports.

That would be sweet.  I hear there's a possible solution to the
remote TNC problem coming out soon from someone else.  I don't know
details but I know someone who's beta-testing it.  If it's
open-source it'd be a shame for you to duplicate effort along those
lines, that's why I'm mentioning it.

Looked it up, it was in a message to this list from Tom Russo just
this week:

While running Xastir this way is cute, ultimately I'm planning on
using the plug mostly as a central TNC server using AX.25
networking and a currently-unreleased piece of code called
"ldsped" that is a Linux daemon that talks AX.25 networking and
the AGWPE protocol (currently in beta, the author provided me with
an x86 binary and says he expects to release source in July or
August, at which time I plan to try it on the Sheeva).

So, a slightly different idea from yours.  Says "expects to release
source" so we can hope it's under a reasonable open-source license.

Curt, WE7U. archer at eskimo dot com
  Lotto:  A tax on people who are bad at math. - unknown
Windows:  Microsoft's tax on computer illiterates. - WE7U.
The world DOES revolve around me:  I picked the coordinate system!"
Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] dual port TNC

2009-06-16 Thread Curt, WE7U

On Tue, 16 Jun 2009, Jason KG4WSV wrote:

Will xastir read from a pipe instead of a serial port device special
file in the TNC interface code?

It's not set up to do so right now.  We use pipes inside Xastir, but
not there.

You could try a named pipe.  I don't know how the serial code would
handle that.

I had the idea of a simple daemon that would speak MKISS to the TNC,
then break out individual streams over named pipes and let xastir talk
to them.

You could also create pty's that Xastir could talk to.  Might
require zero or few changes to Xastir in that case.

An alternative idea was to add a KISS network interface, for use with
things like socat et al.  Would allow the MKISS daemon to talk to
network ports instead of named pipes, and has the added benefit of
allowing xastir to talk to network serial ports.

That would be sweet.  I hear there's a possible solution to the
remote TNC problem coming out soon from someone else.  I don't know
details but I know someone who's beta-testing it.  If it's
open-source it'd be a shame for you to duplicate effort along those
lines, that's why I'm mentioning it.

Curt, WE7U. archer at eskimo dot com
  Lotto:  A tax on people who are bad at math. - unknown
Windows:  Microsoft's tax on computer illiterates. - WE7U.
The world DOES revolve around me:  I picked the coordinate system!"
Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] dual port TNC

2009-06-16 Thread Jason KG4WSV
Will xastir read from a pipe instead of a serial port device special
file in the TNC interface code?

I had the idea of a simple daemon that would speak MKISS to the TNC,
then break out individual streams over named pipes and let xastir talk
to them.

An alternative idea was to add a KISS network interface, for use with
things like socat et al.  Would allow the MKISS daemon to talk to
network ports instead of named pipes, and has the added benefit of
allowing xastir to talk to network serial ports.

Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] Thanks for helping us have a successful event!

2009-06-16 Thread Lee Bengston
Interesting that the write-up about using VirtualBox came up now.
Even with the latest version of VMware Server, I have found that
VMware Tools doesn't want to install properly in Ubuntu 9.04.
Furthermore, while VMware Tools does install successfully in Mepis
8.0, mouse clicks don't work immediately after the installation.
Although there is a shell script available online that is able to
install what a appears to be a modified version of VMware tools in
Ubuntu 9.04, it only solves the problem for Ubuntu 9.04.

Enter Sun VirtualBox.  After playing with it for the past 4-5 days,
I've found it to be very easy to create VM's, and the VBoxAdditions
(VBox equivalent to VMware Tools) has installed without issues on
several Linux distros so far.  Once installed, it allows seamless
mouse transition in and out of the VM and autosizes the guest OS's
video resolution based on the Window size of the VirtualBox playback.
So far the only limitation I have encountered with VBoxAdditions is
that it requires a 2.6.27 kernel or later for the auto-window sizing
to work, so, for example, Debian Lenny on 2.6.26 won't work.  The
latest versions of most distros are on 2.6.27 or 2.6.28, though, so
for the most part it is not a problem.

Given more time, I would like to update the Windows portion of the
Wiki to include a HowTo on VirtualBox and also provide 1 or 2
pre-built VMs with Xastir installed.  I just created a new VM of
Eeebuntu 3.0, which is based on Ubuntu 9.04.  My thought was that a
version of Linux that is optimized for the smaller screen of a netbook
would lend itself to a VM where it could be operated in a Window that
is smaller than the full screen of the host OS.


Lee - K5DAT
Murphy, TX

On 6/16/09, William McKeehan  wrote:
> Peter, Thanks for sharing this story; I love hearing how other people use
> as a tool in their event management toolbox.
> Do you plan to make either the VM or the scripts available for others to
> use?
> --
> William McKeehan
> http://mckeehan.homeip.net
> On Tue, June 16, 2009 8:20 am, peter+a...@duonet.net wrote:
>> Hello, this is KC0TFB, Peter Gamache.  I coordinated APRS operations for
>> the
>> Minnesota Multiple Sclerosis Society's MS-150 fundraising bicycle tour
>> this
>> year, last Friday, Saturday and Sunday.  As part of the safety team
>> (dozens
>> of dedicated and skilled ham operators), we ensured the safety of
>> thousands
>> of event participants during their 150-mile ride from Duluth, Minnesota to
>> the Twin Cities.  It was an exciting event and I'm glad that Xastir helped
>> make it happen.  Here's how it worked:
>> Planning and preparation for APRS use during the event started about 5-6
>> weeks ago. In Sun VirtualBox (http://virtualbox.org/), I installed Xubuntu
>> GNU/Linux 9.04, then stripped out the non-essential packages.  I then
>> added
>> the Xastir package and the TigerLine 2006 maps (from ftp://aprs.tamu.edu)
>> for all the MN counties that the event passed through.  This laid the
>> foundation for our APRS operations.
>> Since this VM image would be used by all the Rest Stop operators on
>> whatever
>> laptop they provided, I wanted an easy-to-use interface.  On the desktop,
>> I
>> added a icon for my "Get Updates" script.  This script "phoned home" to a
>> server that could run commands on each system to cover my tracks, had I
>> forgot anything.
>> Jason, N0RPM (also our Net Control APRS op), contributed an excellent
>> tool,
>> in the form of the other desktop script.  It configured Xastir for each
>> station, inserting the appropriate callsign, coordinates, comment and
>> symbol
>> for each rest stop in the configuration file, then launched Xastir.
>> Prior to the event, we distributed the VM image to all the Rest Stop radio
>> operators.  In VirtualBox, you can "Export" a VM.  This compresses the
>> filesystem and gives you two files as output: one that describes the VM
>> settings and another that represents the disk image.  For us, this
>> totalled
>> about 600Mb, which fit perfectly on a CD-R.
>> Several revisions occurred after the CD-Rs were distributed, however the
>> "Get Update" script took care of this.  Various updates added the GNIS
>> file
>> for MN (ftp://aprs.tamu.edu) to support street address location searches,
>> re-configured the map selector and removed the .xastir/config/object.log,
>> so
>> all our stations wouldn't try to beacon the same objects.
>> Most importantly, we had a training meeting for all the Rest Stop APRS
>> operators.  In training, we discussed the important features we'd need to
>> use: Messaging, locating map features, the basics of zooming, panning and
>> how to configure Xastir for whatever TNC each operator had available.
>> At the event, cyclists had each been issued a wristband which identified
>> their rider number, as well as listed a "Rider Helpline" telephone number.
>> That number went to our net control telephone op, the person responsible
>> for
>> provi

Re: [Xastir] Thanks for helping us have a successful event!

2009-06-16 Thread Mike Benonis

Hi Peter,

We too used Xastir this past weekend for our MS-150 Bike Tour in  
central Virginia.  It worked quite well, though we did not deploy it  
nearly as extensively as you did.  I primarily used it as a vehicle  
tracking system, though I did create objects for each rest stop.  Next  
year, I think I will take many of your suggestions and use APRS to  
track fallen riders and other situations on the course - and perhaps  
we can convince our club members to get a TNC and a laptop setup for  
their rest stops.

Thanks to the Xastir team for a great program!

Best regards,

Mike Benonis
Heritage Theatre Festival Sound Engineer
Elec. Engr. '09, The University of Virginia

On Jun 16, 2009, at 08:20, peter+a...@duonet.net wrote:

Hello, this is KC0TFB, Peter Gamache.  I coordinated APRS operations  
for the
Minnesota Multiple Sclerosis Society's MS-150 fundraising bicycle  
tour this
year, last Friday, Saturday and Sunday.  As part of the safety team  
of dedicated and skilled ham operators), we ensured the safety of  
of event participants during their 150-mile ride from Duluth,  
Minnesota to
the Twin Cities.  It was an exciting event and I'm glad that Xastir  

make it happen.  Here's how it worked:

Planning and preparation for APRS use during the event started about  
weeks ago. In Sun VirtualBox (http://virtualbox.org/), I installed  
GNU/Linux 9.04, then stripped out the non-essential packages.  I  
then added
the Xastir package and the TigerLine 2006 maps (from ftp://aprs.tamu.edu 

for all the MN counties that the event passed through.  This laid the
foundation for our APRS operations.

Since this VM image would be used by all the Rest Stop operators on  
laptop they provided, I wanted an easy-to-use interface.  On the  
desktop, I
added a icon for my "Get Updates" script.  This script "phoned home"  
to a
server that could run commands on each system to cover my tracks,  
had I

forgot anything.

Jason, N0RPM (also our Net Control APRS op), contributed an  
excellent tool,
in the form of the other desktop script.  It configured Xastir for  
station, inserting the appropriate callsign, coordinates, comment  
and symbol

for each rest stop in the configuration file, then launched Xastir.

Prior to the event, we distributed the VM image to all the Rest Stop  

operators.  In VirtualBox, you can "Export" a VM.  This compresses the
filesystem and gives you two files as output: one that describes the  
settings and another that represents the disk image.  For us, this  

about 600Mb, which fit perfectly on a CD-R.

Several revisions occurred after the CD-Rs were distributed, however  
"Get Update" script took care of this.  Various updates added the  
GNIS file
for MN (ftp://aprs.tamu.edu) to support street address location  
re-configured the map selector and removed the .xastir/config/ 
object.log, so

all our stations wouldn't try to beacon the same objects.

Most importantly, we had a training meeting for all the Rest Stop APRS
operators.  In training, we discussed the important features we'd  
need to
use: Messaging, locating map features, the basics of zooming,  
panning and

how to configure Xastir for whatever TNC each operator had available.

At the event, cyclists had each been issued a wristband which  
their rider number, as well as listed a "Rider Helpline" telephone  
That number went to our net control telephone op, the person  
responsible for

providing the "end-user interface" to our support radio network.

If a rider needed assistance, the telephone op would pass the  
message to our

APRS operator, who would place an object (using the rider number as an
object name) on the map.  The Net Control voice operator would then  
the nearest rest stop, "Rest Stop X, pick up rider #1234 at Fourth  
Ave and

Main Street."

The voice operator at the specified rest stop would confirm receipt  
of the
request, and the rest stop APRS operator would adopt the rider  
object on the

map.  The rest stop communicators would then dispatch the nearest SAG
(support and gear) van to pick up the rider along the route.  The  
SAGs all
had tracking beacons installed (see http://map.findu.com/mssag*)  
prior to

the event, so finding the nearest one was easy.

When the SAG reported back via 2m simplex to the rest stop,  
informing them
that the rider was picked up, the rest stop would then delete the  
object for
the rider, removing it from everyone's map.  The rest stop would  
then inform
Net Control via either our 70cm repeater or APRS messaging that  
"Rider #1234

was picked up".

The event ended with all the thousands (around 4000, if my estimates  
correct) of riders making it safely home.  Once again, Xastir helped  

this possible.  Thanks to all the developers and users who make up the
Xastir community - we couldn't have done this without you!


Re: [Xastir] dual port TNC

2009-06-16 Thread Wes Johnston, AI4PX
Yup, sounds like a solution.  Thanks guys.

On 2009-06-16, Curt, WE7U  wrote:
> On Tue, 16 Jun 2009, jerut...@gmail.com wrote:
> AX.25 kernel can handle multi-port TNC's like the KPC-4 and Kam by means of
>> the "mkiss" binary - it's kind of tricky, but it does work - I've done it in
>> the past. See the AX.25 howto for some info on how to set it up.
> There ya' go!
> The next person to set this up should take notes and then add a
> section to the Xastir AX.25 Wiki page describing the procedure, or
> send the notes to one of us with Wiki-editing permissions.
> --
> Curt, WE7U. archer at eskimo dot com
> http://www.eskimo.com/~archer
>  Lotto:  A tax on people who are bad at math. - unknown
> Windows:  Microsoft's tax on computer illiterates. - WE7U.
> The world DOES revolve around me:  I picked the coordinate system!"
> ___
> Xastir mailing list
> Xastir@lists.xastir.org
> http://lists.xastir.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/xastir

Where there's silence, there is no Hope.
Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] dual port TNC

2009-06-16 Thread Curt, WE7U

On Tue, 16 Jun 2009, jerut...@gmail.com wrote:

AX.25 kernel can handle multi-port TNC's like the KPC-4 and Kam by means of 
the "mkiss" binary - it's kind of tricky, but it does work - I've done it in 
the past. See the AX.25 howto for some info on how to set it up.

There ya' go!

The next person to set this up should take notes and then add a
section to the Xastir AX.25 Wiki page describing the procedure, or
send the notes to one of us with Wiki-editing permissions.

Curt, WE7U. archer at eskimo dot com
  Lotto:  A tax on people who are bad at math. - unknown
Windows:  Microsoft's tax on computer illiterates. - WE7U.
The world DOES revolve around me:  I picked the coordinate system!"
Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] dual port TNC

2009-06-16 Thread jerutley

On Jun 16, 2009 10:40am, "Curt, WE7U"  wrote:

Investigate whether the AX.25 kernel networking configuration can

handle multi-port TNC's, then for Xastir you'd end up with separate

AX.25 ports for each TNC port.

AX.25 kernel can handle multi-port TNC's like the KPC-4 and Kam by means of  
the "mkiss" binary - it's kind of tricky, but it does work - I've done it  
in the past. See the AX.25 howto for some info on how to set it up.

Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] dual port TNC

2009-06-16 Thread Curt, WE7U

On Tue, 16 Jun 2009, Wes Johnston, AI4PX wrote:

How does xastir deal with a dual port TNC such as the KPC4?  Incoming
packets are ID'ed by port number (ie 0 or 1).  When they are digipeated are
they digipeated out on same port they were heard on, or is the port ID
stripped and port 0 substituted?  Can ports be "bridged"?

The multi-port TNC interface in Xastir was never finished.  The best
you can do is identify which port you wish to use and Xastir then
uses that one port and I believe ignores the others, or it might
transmit out that one port but receive on all.  I can't recall
so would have to look at the code to see how it handles that case.

Investigate whether the AX.25 kernel networking configuration can
handle multi-port TNC's, then for Xastir you'd end up with separate
AX.25 ports for each TNC port.

As far as bridging between them, investigate whether Digi_NED can do
this for AX.25 kernel networking ports.  It might be able to.
There are also aprsr? and aprsd to check out.

Curt, WE7U. archer at eskimo dot com
  Lotto:  A tax on people who are bad at math. - unknown
Windows:  Microsoft's tax on computer illiterates. - WE7U.
The world DOES revolve around me:  I picked the coordinate system!"
Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] Thanks for helping us have a successful event!

2009-06-16 Thread William McKeehan
Peter, Thanks for sharing this story; I love hearing how other people use APRS
as a tool in their event management toolbox.

Do you plan to make either the VM or the scripts available for others to use?
William McKeehan

On Tue, June 16, 2009 8:20 am, peter+a...@duonet.net wrote:
> Hello, this is KC0TFB, Peter Gamache.  I coordinated APRS operations for the
> Minnesota Multiple Sclerosis Society's MS-150 fundraising bicycle tour this
> year, last Friday, Saturday and Sunday.  As part of the safety team (dozens
> of dedicated and skilled ham operators), we ensured the safety of thousands
> of event participants during their 150-mile ride from Duluth, Minnesota to
> the Twin Cities.  It was an exciting event and I'm glad that Xastir helped
> make it happen.  Here's how it worked:
> Planning and preparation for APRS use during the event started about 5-6
> weeks ago. In Sun VirtualBox (http://virtualbox.org/), I installed Xubuntu
> GNU/Linux 9.04, then stripped out the non-essential packages.  I then added
> the Xastir package and the TigerLine 2006 maps (from ftp://aprs.tamu.edu)
> for all the MN counties that the event passed through.  This laid the
> foundation for our APRS operations.
> Since this VM image would be used by all the Rest Stop operators on whatever
> laptop they provided, I wanted an easy-to-use interface.  On the desktop, I
> added a icon for my "Get Updates" script.  This script "phoned home" to a
> server that could run commands on each system to cover my tracks, had I
> forgot anything.
> Jason, N0RPM (also our Net Control APRS op), contributed an excellent tool,
> in the form of the other desktop script.  It configured Xastir for each
> station, inserting the appropriate callsign, coordinates, comment and symbol
> for each rest stop in the configuration file, then launched Xastir.
> Prior to the event, we distributed the VM image to all the Rest Stop radio
> operators.  In VirtualBox, you can "Export" a VM.  This compresses the
> filesystem and gives you two files as output: one that describes the VM
> settings and another that represents the disk image.  For us, this totalled
> about 600Mb, which fit perfectly on a CD-R.
> Several revisions occurred after the CD-Rs were distributed, however the
> "Get Update" script took care of this.  Various updates added the GNIS file
> for MN (ftp://aprs.tamu.edu) to support street address location searches,
> re-configured the map selector and removed the .xastir/config/object.log, so
> all our stations wouldn't try to beacon the same objects.
> Most importantly, we had a training meeting for all the Rest Stop APRS
> operators.  In training, we discussed the important features we'd need to
> use: Messaging, locating map features, the basics of zooming, panning and
> how to configure Xastir for whatever TNC each operator had available.
> At the event, cyclists had each been issued a wristband which identified
> their rider number, as well as listed a "Rider Helpline" telephone number.
> That number went to our net control telephone op, the person responsible for
> providing the "end-user interface" to our support radio network.
> If a rider needed assistance, the telephone op would pass the message to our
> APRS operator, who would place an object (using the rider number as an
> object name) on the map.  The Net Control voice operator would then contact
> the nearest rest stop, "Rest Stop X, pick up rider #1234 at Fourth Ave and
> Main Street."
> The voice operator at the specified rest stop would confirm receipt of the
> request, and the rest stop APRS operator would adopt the rider object on the
> map.  The rest stop communicators would then dispatch the nearest SAG
> (support and gear) van to pick up the rider along the route.  The SAGs all
> had tracking beacons installed (see http://map.findu.com/mssag*) prior to
> the event, so finding the nearest one was easy.
> When the SAG reported back via 2m simplex to the rest stop, informing them
> that the rider was picked up, the rest stop would then delete the object for
> the rider, removing it from everyone's map.  The rest stop would then inform
> Net Control via either our 70cm repeater or APRS messaging that "Rider #1234
> was picked up".
> The event ended with all the thousands (around 4000, if my estimates are
> correct) of riders making it safely home.  Once again, Xastir helped make
> this possible.  Thanks to all the developers and users who make up the
> Xastir community - we couldn't have done this without you!
> 73,
> Peter / KC0TFB
> ___
> Xastir mailing list
> Xastir@lists.xastir.org
> http://lists.xastir.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/xastir

Xastir mailing list

[Xastir] dual port TNC

2009-06-16 Thread Wes Johnston, AI4PX
How does xastir deal with a dual port TNC such as the KPC4?  Incoming
packets are ID'ed by port number (ie 0 or 1).  When they are digipeated are
they digipeated out on same port they were heard on, or is the port ID
stripped and port 0 substituted?  Can ports be "bridged"?

I'm asking because I'm considering using such a dual port TNC that would
allow us to work regular aprs on 144.39 and track aircraft on another
frequency and I may want to bridge them at times and not other times.

Where there's silence, there is no Hope.
Xastir mailing list

[Xastir] Thanks for helping us have a successful event!

2009-06-16 Thread peter+aprs
Hello, this is KC0TFB, Peter Gamache.  I coordinated APRS operations for the
Minnesota Multiple Sclerosis Society's MS-150 fundraising bicycle tour this
year, last Friday, Saturday and Sunday.  As part of the safety team (dozens
of dedicated and skilled ham operators), we ensured the safety of thousands
of event participants during their 150-mile ride from Duluth, Minnesota to
the Twin Cities.  It was an exciting event and I'm glad that Xastir helped
make it happen.  Here's how it worked:

Planning and preparation for APRS use during the event started about 5-6
weeks ago. In Sun VirtualBox (http://virtualbox.org/), I installed Xubuntu
GNU/Linux 9.04, then stripped out the non-essential packages.  I then added
the Xastir package and the TigerLine 2006 maps (from ftp://aprs.tamu.edu)
for all the MN counties that the event passed through.  This laid the
foundation for our APRS operations.

Since this VM image would be used by all the Rest Stop operators on whatever
laptop they provided, I wanted an easy-to-use interface.  On the desktop, I
added a icon for my "Get Updates" script.  This script "phoned home" to a
server that could run commands on each system to cover my tracks, had I
forgot anything.

Jason, N0RPM (also our Net Control APRS op), contributed an excellent tool,
in the form of the other desktop script.  It configured Xastir for each
station, inserting the appropriate callsign, coordinates, comment and symbol
for each rest stop in the configuration file, then launched Xastir.

Prior to the event, we distributed the VM image to all the Rest Stop radio
operators.  In VirtualBox, you can "Export" a VM.  This compresses the
filesystem and gives you two files as output: one that describes the VM
settings and another that represents the disk image.  For us, this totalled
about 600Mb, which fit perfectly on a CD-R.

Several revisions occurred after the CD-Rs were distributed, however the
"Get Update" script took care of this.  Various updates added the GNIS file
for MN (ftp://aprs.tamu.edu) to support street address location searches,
re-configured the map selector and removed the .xastir/config/object.log, so
all our stations wouldn't try to beacon the same objects.

Most importantly, we had a training meeting for all the Rest Stop APRS
operators.  In training, we discussed the important features we'd need to
use: Messaging, locating map features, the basics of zooming, panning and
how to configure Xastir for whatever TNC each operator had available.

At the event, cyclists had each been issued a wristband which identified
their rider number, as well as listed a "Rider Helpline" telephone number. 
That number went to our net control telephone op, the person responsible for
providing the "end-user interface" to our support radio network.

If a rider needed assistance, the telephone op would pass the message to our
APRS operator, who would place an object (using the rider number as an
object name) on the map.  The Net Control voice operator would then contact
the nearest rest stop, "Rest Stop X, pick up rider #1234 at Fourth Ave and
Main Street."

The voice operator at the specified rest stop would confirm receipt of the
request, and the rest stop APRS operator would adopt the rider object on the
map.  The rest stop communicators would then dispatch the nearest SAG
(support and gear) van to pick up the rider along the route.  The SAGs all
had tracking beacons installed (see http://map.findu.com/mssag*) prior to
the event, so finding the nearest one was easy.

When the SAG reported back via 2m simplex to the rest stop, informing them
that the rider was picked up, the rest stop would then delete the object for
the rider, removing it from everyone's map.  The rest stop would then inform
Net Control via either our 70cm repeater or APRS messaging that "Rider #1234
was picked up".

The event ended with all the thousands (around 4000, if my estimates are
correct) of riders making it safely home.  Once again, Xastir helped make
this possible.  Thanks to all the developers and users who make up the
Xastir community - we couldn't have done this without you!

Peter / KC0TFB
Xastir mailing list