Re: [ZION] The Two Towers (LOTR)

2002-12-16 Thread Marc A. Schindler
I'm not a Tolkien fan -- nothing negative. I did read The Hobbit years ago but just 
never got around to any of the trilogy. So maybe this is funny, and maybe it isn't, 
but there was a cartoon in the latest New Yorker. You don't really need to see it to 
get it, I wouldn't think.


NOGO: the agoraphobic hobbit
FINARFINGOL: the elf dentist
SMIG: the miniature dragon

Mark Gregson wrote:

> SPOILERS, don't read further, warning, show off about to be exposed as a fraud, 
>humbug and charlatan:

Marc A. Schindler
Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada -- Gateway to the Boreal Parkland

“Man will occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of the time he will pick 
himself up and continue on” – Winston Churchill

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Re: [ZION] The Two Towers (LOTR)

2002-12-16 Thread Mark Gregson

SPOILERS, don't read further, warning, show off about to be exposed as a fraud, humbug 
and charlatan:

> 1) What is Gollum's real name?

Smeagol (no last name given).  And he wasn't a hobbit, despite what many have said in 
their reviews of the movie.  He was a hobbit-like creature, not an actual hobbit.  His 
cousin was Deagol but his grandmother's name was not given.

> 2) What is the name of the king's evil advisor?

Grima Wormtongue (okay, I forget the rest of his names)

> 3) What is an Ent?

Too easy.  They were originally trees.  But back in the dawn of Middle Earth (or 
perhaps I should say back in the starlight) things could be woken up more easily.

> 4) Who is Gollum's friend that helps him?

He didn't have any friends.  He _claimed_ to have powerful friends, meaning of course 
Sauron and his evil minions.  They did help him escape the Elves but it wasn't an act 
of friendship.

> 5) How does Frodo escape the tower?

This was a little bit contrived on Tolkien's part but the Professor wanted to show 
just how nasty the Orcs were in that they couldn't get along at all with each other.

I have to shake my head at the modern whiners who disparage Tolkien's depiction of 
Orcs as genetically bad.  They apparently want Orcs to be redeemable because its just 
so specist of Tolkien to make Orcs bad by birth.  Strangely, these same people do not 
try to redeem gorillas.

> 6) How many palantiri are there total, and how many are known of by the
> end of book 3?

Hmm, I'm running through the Rhymes of Lore and I believe it goes: Seven stones and 
one white tree.  End of book three: that would have to be two; Saruman's and Sauron's. 
   I've forgotten what happened to the other four.  Lost or destroyed, but how?

> 7) What army does Aragorn raise to help him win a major battle?

You are probably referring to the Paths of the Dead, but there are other things that 
could be argued.

> My wife says no cheating by
> peeking in a book for the answers, 

All straight from memory.  It has been over three years since I last read the books.  
Grima had a last name that wasn't Wormtongue, but I can't recall it.  Must be getting 

=  Mark Gregson  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  =

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Re: [ZION] The Two Towers (LOTR)

2002-12-14 Thread Jon Spencer
Off of the top of my head, I only know the answer to three of these

But what I do remember is the significant impact these books (and Ayn Rand's
books) had on me.  I remember:

1.  The tremendous gratitude I had toward Sam.
2.  The soul-wrenching sadness I felt for Frodo.
3.  The absence of fairness in the world.
4.  The understanding I gained that things change, and some things fade into
the past without regard for their goodness or evil.
5.  The anger I felt for the common man and his self-absorption and total
lack of gratitude.
6.  The love I felt for the Fellowship, and for the many good beings who
came and went in the books.

Tolkien always maintained that there was no message in this trilogy+1, that
it was just a story.  I do not believe this, but this approach certainly
kept him out of a lot of stupid discussions.  There was a message there for
me, and I am grateful for that.


- Original Message -
From: "Gary Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, December 12, 2002 6:34 PM
Subject: [ZION] The Two Towers (LOTR)

> Okay, then let me give you this test and see how well  you really
> remember them...
> 1) What is Gollum's real name?
> 2) What is the name of the king's evil advisor?
> 3) What is an Ent?
> 4) Who is Gollum's friend that helps him?
> 5) How does Frodo escape the tower?
> 6) How many palantiri are there total, and how many are known of by the
> end of book 3?
> 7) What army does Aragorn raise to help him win a major battle?
> That should do it. If you can answer these questions, then I agree that
> you remember the books remarkably well. My wife says no cheating by
> peeking in a book for the answers, or asking any other source. Also, if
> you send the answers to this list, make sure to warn everyone that there
> is spoiler information involved.
> K'aya K'ama,
> Gerald/gary  Smithgszion1 @juno.comhttp://www
> "No one is as hopelessly enslaved as the person who thinks he's free."  -
> Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
> Jon:
> Look, I read these books 39 years ago.  I still remember them very well,
> thank you.  I don't have to read them this year.  Stop picking on me!
> (Let's see: 19-11 = 8)
> Jon
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RE: [ZION] The Two Towers (LOTR)

2002-12-14 Thread Chet
No spoilers in my answers!

Gary Smith wrote:
> Okay, then let me give you this test and see how well  you really
> remember them...
> 1) What is Gollum's real name?
> 2) What is the name of the king's evil advisor?
> 3) What is an Ent?
> 4) Who is Gollum's friend that helps him?
> 5) How does Frodo escape the tower?
> 6) How many palantiri are there total, and how many are known of by the
> end of book 3?
> 7) What army does Aragorn raise to help him win a major battle?

Gary, you are doing Jon-Boy a disservice by using trick questions on 
him.  Let me explain to Jon:

1-3 & 7) "What" is the name of the man on second base.
4) "Who" is on first.
5 & 6) "How" has been on the bench since he got off Gilligan's Island.

"Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible, and suddenly you 
are doing the impossible."

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RE: [ZION] The Two Towers (LOTR)

2002-12-14 Thread Stephen Beecroft
> Also, if you send the answers to this list, make sure to warn
> everyone that there is spoiler information involved.

Good call.

WARNING!! This message contains SPOILER INFORMATION!! Don't read it 
unless you already know everything it says! In which case, reading it is 
superfluous. But then, I'm talking to a bunch of people that participate 
in an email discussion list, so I'm being redundant.

> 1) What is Gollum's real name?


> 2) What is the name of the king's evil advisor?

Francie Ducros.

> 3) What is an Ent?

The wife of an Ooncle.

> 4) Who is Gollum's friend that helps him?

That would be Mr. Valium.

> 5) How does Frodo escape the tower?

The firemen get him with their ladder rig.

> 6) How many palantiri are there total, and how many are known
> of by the end of book 3?

The same number as before I got here. If you've lost some of your 
palantiri, don't try to pin the blame on me.

> 7) What army does Aragorn raise to help him win a major battle?

An army of those fast-growing Star Wars clones.

Just kidding! He probably just raised himself some army Ents. As you 
know, they are social ensects, and can thrive in one of those 
glass-sided Ent farms.

> That should do it. If you can answer these questions, then I
> agree that you remember the books remarkably well.

About time you made that admission. (By the way, which books are we 
talking about?)


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[ZION] The Two Towers (LOTR)

2002-12-14 Thread Gary Smith
Okay, then let me give you this test and see how well  you really
remember them...

1) What is Gollum's real name?
2) What is the name of the king's evil advisor?
3) What is an Ent?
4) Who is Gollum's friend that helps him?
5) How does Frodo escape the tower?
6) How many palantiri are there total, and how many are known of by the
end of book 3?
7) What army does Aragorn raise to help him win a major battle?

That should do it. If you can answer these questions, then I agree that
you remember the books remarkably well. My wife says no cheating by
peeking in a book for the answers, or asking any other source. Also, if
you send the answers to this list, make sure to warn everyone that there
is spoiler information involved.

K'aya K'ama,
Gerald/gary  Smithgszion1 @juno.comhttp://www
"No one is as hopelessly enslaved as the person who thinks he's free."  -
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Look, I read these books 39 years ago.  I still remember them very well,
thank you.  I don't have to read them this year.  Stop picking on me!
(Let's see: 19-11 = 8)

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Re: [ZION] The Two Towers (LOTR)

2002-12-11 Thread John W. Redelfs
Gary Smith favored us with:

Unless you've read at least two of the LOTR books this year to prepare
for it, I don't think you are really excited about the movie coming out.
Last year to prepare for the first movie, I read the Hobbit and
Fellowship. This year, I've read both Two Towers and Return of the King
(I was going to wait until next year, but just couldn't leave Sam hanging
there for an entire year. Won't say anything more so as not to give away
the ending of this movie).

I read The Hobbit and The Fellowship of the Ring in 1969.  Halfway through 
Fellowship I started to get Bored of the Rings.  Not so with these 
movies.  For me the movie was much better than the book.

John W. Redelfs   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"Atheistic humanism is the opiate of the self-described
intellectuals" --Uncle Bob
All my opinions are tentative pending further data. --JWR

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Re: [ZION] The Two Towers (LOTR)

2002-12-11 Thread Jon Spencer
Look, I read these books 39 years ago.  I still remember them very well,
thank you.  I don't have to read them this year.  Stop picking on me!
(Let's see: 19-11 = 8)


Gary Smith wrote:

> Unless you've read at least two of the LOTR books this year to prepare
> for it, I don't think you are really excited about the movie coming out.
> Last year to prepare for the first movie, I read the Hobbit and
> Fellowship. This year, I've read both Two Towers and Return of the King
> (I was going to wait until next year, but just couldn't leave Sam hanging
> there for an entire year. Won't say anything more so as not to give away
> the ending of this movie).

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[ZION] The Two Towers (LOTR)

2002-12-11 Thread Gary Smith
Unless you've read at least two of the LOTR books this year to prepare
for it, I don't think you are really excited about the movie coming out. 
Last year to prepare for the first movie, I read the Hobbit and
Fellowship. This year, I've read both Two Towers and Return of the King
(I was going to wait until next year, but just couldn't leave Sam hanging
there for an entire year. Won't say anything more so as not to give away
the ending of this movie).

BTW, I can now be classified as a Harry Potter fan. I read all 4 HP books
in 8 days, books 3 and 4 in the last three days (and book 4 is 750
pages). I'm really impressed. JK Rowling's first book is a little weak
(movie is better, though the book explains a lot), but the rest of the
books are much stronger. I can't believe I'm going to have to wait for
book 5 to see what comes next, now that Voldemoort is as strong as he is.

K'aya K'ama,
Gerald/gary  Smithgszion1 @juno.comhttp://www
"No one is as hopelessly enslaved as the person who thinks he's free."  -
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

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