[JOYnet] STOP YOUR MAILS or...Joshua_Bahrain

2001-08-20 Thread joshua paul
STOP YOUR MAILS orJoshua_Bah(Achayan) I praise and thank Jesus for getting an opportunity to interact with you. Glory to God. Hi JY leaders- from day one you were hunting for my blood and scalp. Now I think you succeeded to some extent, by knowing who I am. You did smart work to reach me, to fi

[JOYnet] B4 You build the Tower Of Babylon-Achayan

2001-08-19 Thread joshua paul
B4 You build the Tower Of Babylon-Achayan In the beginning, there was only one language, but now we have so many- html, COBOL, c+, visual basic and so on. You know how we lost the language of the angels and God?. Genesis11: 1-7. At first people had only one language. They said to one another

[JOYnet] "You Hypocrites"-Achayan

2001-08-18 Thread joshua paul
You Hypocrites.Achayan Forgive me; I am not calling you Hypocrites. Jesus used this word several times, when he saw the insincerity of the Pharisees and others. Let me come to the context, I see a lot of Prayer Request  on our websites, (can I use term our-am I in or out, with you?). Just ho

[JOYnet] A Forethought for Salvation-Achayan

2001-08-18 Thread joshua paul
Forethought for Salvation_Achayan With ref. to my previous e mail-Syrian or Latin? A follow up- Most Catholics proudly boast that they are the direct descendants of those 7 Brahmin families St. Thomas converted in 70 AD. (Iam talking about the vain heritage and the tradition of the Catholics i

[JOYnet] "oops- you need a live update-Achayan

2001-08-18 Thread joshua paul
Oops-You need live update-Achayan Hi guys, Have you got any of the following symptoms on your system-? Oppression Obsession Possessiveness Satan is then infected your system. What you need is an Live update on your Spiritual Armory, sort of anti Satan Software Install them if not you have

[JOYnet] 'Cyber-Inquisition'-Joshua_bah

2001-08-17 Thread joshua paul
"Cyber-Inquisition"-Joshua(bahrain) Many of your JY kids are sending me personal emails giving warnings, not to be critical about your leaders and talking about some injustice around us, though not personal. Let me say to you, I can be serious too, so far I was very polite, apologetic, asked your

[JOYnet] Pls Drop Your Rods-Achayan

2001-08-17 Thread joshua paul
Please Drop your Rods: Joy netters-Achayan Hi guys, Dont beat me more with your Rods, I beg Eddy Chettan ,Mathew and other Heads of JYs, to take it easy, Stop beating me with your "Amsavadi-(I donot know the English word 4 it. ) It brings me the verse 1 Corinth.4:21, St paul asking the Cori

[JOYnet] "Deliver me from email"-Achayan

2001-08-17 Thread joshua paul
Deliver us (me) from evil (emails)_Achayan Wow, what is happening?? Hi guys, be cool. Take it easy guys. Why you are all so upset? I did not meant to hurt any one personally, if any one hurt by my letters, I apologized, once some one apologized, you have to forgive him, you cannot keep on cruc

[JOYnet] Bye 4 now- Achayan

2001-08-16 Thread joshua paul
Bye 4 now..-Achayan Some one asked me what is the meaning of Achayan- it means elder brother in Malayalam. An elder brother in Christ. Bye for nowI wont bother you with any more mails. If I hurt any one by my silly messages, I ask your forgiveness, if any of the messages were inspiring to you

[JOYnet] Syrian or Latin? Achayan

2001-08-16 Thread joshua paul
Are you Syrian or Latin? _ Achayan With ref. to George Fernandez letter Call for Unity- Catholic and Protestant can find unity in Christ.- I must say, it is a very good article. I wish and pray that day of one Shepard and one flock will come true. But be realistic; look at what is happening in

[JOYnet] "I wish, I wish...'Achayan

2001-08-16 Thread joshua paul
I wishI wishAchayan 1 Thessalonians 5:16 Rejoice always, Pray without ceasing, in EVERYTHING give thanks to the Lord, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus Hi everyone, We always forget to thank God for what all-good things he had given us. Still we keep on grumbling, for betterwe kee

[JOYnet] "Poor Malchus"-Reply to Mathew Joseph- Achayan

2001-08-16 Thread joshua paul
Poor Malcus- Achayan This is in reply to Mathew Joseph, the Co-coordinator of Joy net, Bangalore. My dear Mathew, Thanks for your letter. I am sorry if I hurt anyones feeling by speaking out the truth, if so, I apologies. Let me add, I feel like the poor Malchus whose ear was cut off that night

[JOYnet] Eddy chettan's coconuts-Achayan

2001-08-15 Thread joshua paul
Eddy chettan's coconuts-Achayan Hi eddy chetto, I saw the appreciation of the JY web site, including the Bishop of Kanjirappally. I see the changing face of the Youth but dont see many changes in some of your web pages. Its high time you change the metaphor to convey your valuable message. Li

[JOYnet] Can you be really happy today?-Achayan

2001-08-14 Thread joshua paul
How can you be happy today?-Achayan August15th-Indias Independence Day from the British. 50+ years on, look at our country. Hi guys, can you be really, truly be happy, and celebrate this day with joy? Look at the state of affairs in our motherland now, 1.Total, carnal, blatant corruption of t

[JOYnet] Confession-Achayan

2001-08-14 Thread joshua paul
Confession-Achayan Unlike most of you guys, Achayan, is very shy to make confession to the priest you know well. So I was looking for a chance to make a clean, good, honest confession. I was visiting a college hostel where there was a retreat going on. The retreat priest announced, there are two p

[JOYnet] Is charisatic renewal loosing heat?Achayan

2001-08-14 Thread joshua paul
Is charismatic renewal loosing its heat? -Achayan Achayan is attending the charismatic prayer meetings for the last 10 years, regularly. In the last year or so we find the numbers of faithful declining in our prayer meetings. We dont know is it the trend all over? or just where we are. As in any

[JOYnet] "Labour pain has started"-Achayan

2001-08-09 Thread joshua paul
Labour Pain_Achayan Many of our ladies know that once Labour pain starts, it never reverse, it gets more frequent and painful, until she gives birth. You must have seen and heard what all things happening in Gods own country-Kerala, in the last few months. Colored rains-red, yellow, acid rains

[JOYnet] "CYBER...is sinn" - Achayan

2001-08-09 Thread joshua paul
CYBERis SINN- Achayan My dear brothers and sisters in Jesus, If any one indulges in Cybersex it is a Sinn. It all starts wit a chat- hi, hello, then asl???. with anonymous and attractive nicknames to get instant response from the opposite sex. Chatting goes on and indulge in immoral and pe

[JOYnet] "Drink and relax"-joshua_bah

2001-08-08 Thread joshua paul
Proverbs-chapter31:1,6,7 1 The words of king Lemuel, the prophecy that his mother taught him. 6 Give strong drink unto him that is ready to perish, and wine unto those that be of heavy hearts. 7 Let him drink, and forget his poverty, and remember his misery no more. --