Re: orion-list The Hirschfeld Ein Gedi excavations

2001-03-01 Thread Ian Hutchesson
re he says it was likely that balsam bushes and date palms were grown. >trace analysis of dehydrated moss (salt >content)and/or algae (former redox-potential)? Hirschfeld doesn't supply any information on these points. Ian Hutches

orion-list The Hirschfeld Ein Gedi excavations

2001-03-04 Thread Ian Hutchesson
smaller, site at Nahal Kidron South excavated by U. Dahari of the I.A.A., where 10 cells were found. Ian Hutchesson For private reply, e-mail to "Ian Hutchesson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To unsubscribe from Orion,

orion-list Mishnaic Hebrew in the DSS

2001-04-09 Thread Ian Hutchesson
analyses of the Hebrew of the Copper Scroll? Thanks for any opinions or pointers. Ian Ian Hutchesson mc2499(at) For private reply, e-mail to "Ian Hutchesson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To unsubscribe from Or

Re: orion-list Mishnaic Hebrew in the DSS

2001-04-13 Thread Ian Hutchesson
graphic work in Mishnaic Hebrew". Does anyone know what makes this text MH? Thanks for the comment, Ian Ian Hutchesson mc2499(at) For private reply, e-mail to "Ian Hutchesson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To

Re: orion-list Replies to Greg, Rochelle, Russell, in my own words

2001-04-13 Thread Ian Hutchesson
tions under the carpet, complaining that they "skew the issues". I don't see how they skewed the "issues". Perhaps you could explain. They seem like relevant philological problems which you could clarify. It's not too late. Ian For private reply, e-mail to

Re: orion-list difference of opinion on paleographic dating and

2001-05-27 Thread Ian Hutchesson
eni, you needed to launch into another attack on the 63 BCE hypothesis, especially an attack which is apparently so unsupported. Ian For private reply, e-mail to "Ian Hutchesson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To unsubscribe from Orion, e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the message: "unsubscribe Orion." Archives are on the Orion Web site,

Re: orion-list difference of opinion etc. Clarification

2001-05-29 Thread Ian Hutchesson
rry about any confusion. Ian Ian Hutchesson 27/05/01 For private reply, e-mail to Ian Hutchesson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To unsubscribe from Orion, e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the message: "unsubscribe Orion." Archiv

Re: orion-list Sectarian Essene or not?

2001-05-29 Thread Ian Hutchesson
kewise. Some real evidence? We are at the starting point on that with the Essenes nothing has come along. We have to stop fantasizing about them and go for the facts that are available. Ian Ian Hutchesson mc2499(at) 28/05/01 For private r

orion-list more on Qumran Essene polis; gens; etc.

2001-06-07 Thread Ian Hutchesson
the site. But the only reason I can see to suggest "the **north**-west Dead Sea shore" is on a priori grounds, ie one believes that Qumran must be what Pliny was talking about. He merely says, "Ab occidente [to the west] litora Esseni fugiunt usque qua nocent". Ian For priv

Re: orion-list Sodom and the Essenes

2001-06-08 Thread Ian Hutchesson
h we have evidence of a destruction at the site specifically at the necessary time. Ian For private reply, e-mail to "Ian Hutchesson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To unsubscribe from Orion, e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the message: "unsubscribe Orion." Archives are on the Orion Web site,

Re: orion-list Sodom and the Essenes

2001-06-09 Thread Ian Hutchesson
ttempt at a general dating. Ian For private reply, e-mail to "Ian Hutchesson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To unsubscribe from Orion, e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the message: "unsubscribe Orion." Archives are on the Orion Web site,

Re: orion-list more on Qumran Essene polis; (correction)

2001-06-10 Thread Ian Hutchesson
t;intrinsic understanding of the term (according to Lewis & Short). Naturally that should have been "(according to Liddell & Scott)". (I was also dealing with a Greek text at the time!) Ian For private reply, e-mail to "Ian Hutchesson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -

Re: orion-list more on Qumran Essene polis; gens; etc.

2001-06-11 Thread Ian Hutchesson
ve kilometres, rather than the 30 km from Ein Gedi to Qumran -- Pliny doesn't say. So your reading of Strack doesn't appear to be derived from what he wrote. You will remember the debate in RB 68 & 69 between Audet, Burchard and Laperoussez in which three pro-Essene scholars negate

orion-list Pliny, Essenes, Hirschfeld

2001-06-12 Thread Ian Hutchesson
olinus doesn't mention Asphaltatis at all in this passage about the Essenes, but says that they are found in the interior of Judea. Solinus wasn't describing Qumran (as it is not in the interior, and its major locating factor is the Dead Sea), but he could have bee

orion-list Pliny yet again

2001-06-14 Thread Ian Hutchesson
in this passage, one would naturally expect an "a meridie" if the writer were to be consistent, but as "infra" is being used it is probably indicating something else. >Otherwise one would expect a >specification like 'infra... ...inter septentriones et occasium solis >(s

orion-list Column 11 of the Genesis Apocryphon

2001-06-14 Thread Ian Hutchesson
Univ. Has this been written up anywhere accessible? Thanks, Ian For private reply, e-mail to "Ian Hutchesson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To unsubscribe from Orion, e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the message: "unsubs

orion-list Column 11 of the Genesis Apocryphon

2001-06-15 Thread Ian Hutchesson
Univ. Has this been written up anywhere accessible? Thanks, Ian For private reply, e-mail to "Ian Hutchesson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To unsubscribe from Orion, e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the message: "un

Re: orion-list The spigot and the 1st century BCE deposit

2001-06-15 Thread Ian Hutchesson
roshi's analysis. With only these two lines and no historical context with which to make sense of the unidentified name pwtl'ys, I think people have been grasping at straws over this tiny fragment. I don't feel much for arguments from silence, like, "there is no better candi

Re: orion-list 63 BCE deposit proposal: comment and a question

2001-06-16 Thread Ian Hutchesson
osted evidence that Ein Gedi had a large structure which was in use in the first century thought by its excavators to have been an official building, eventually destroyed during the Jewish War. Ian 15/06/01 For private reply, e-mail to "Ian Hutchesson" <[EMAIL PROTEC

Re: orion-list Goranson on Pliny

2001-06-20 Thread Ian Hutchesson
on the first day of the hypothesis. I see no way for the scrolls at present to offer any direct information about the Essenes at all. As for: >Last but not least, please see the >numerous careful, well-informed publications of Emanuel Tov, which give >multiple indications or "tra

orion-list 1Q28b, the high priest and the sons of Aaron

2001-10-10 Thread Ian Hutchesson
ommunity" y$]' pnyw 'l kwl `dtkh. The absence of a mention of the sons of Aaron is noteworthy. Any thoughts will be appreciated. Ian For private reply, e-mail to "Ian Hutchesson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -

Re: orion-list 1QSb

2001-10-13 Thread Ian Hutchesson
the high priest, but about another sort of priest, ie a son of Aaron. I hope this has clarified the idea. (As it seems relatively obvious to me, I still might not have made it clear to other people.) Ian For private reply, e-mail to "Ian Hutchesson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

orion-list son of Zadok

2002-02-10 Thread Ian Hutchesson
n the time between the writing of Ezekiel with his sons of Zadok as temple leaders and of the references to the sons of Zadok in the DSS. As high priests, they had access to God through the holy of holies, as one expects from the sons of Zadok who wer

Re: orion-list women in Qumran

2002-02-13 Thread Ian Hutchesson
t Bedouin burials? Ian For private reply, e-mail to "Ian Hutchesson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To unsubscribe from Orion, e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the message: "unsubscribe Orion." Archives are on the O

orion-list Qumran Cemetery and el-Ghuweir

2002-02-17 Thread Ian Hutchesson
ot; (If anyone knows what this is about I would be rather interested.) Ian Bar-Adon in BASOR 227 (1977) pp.1-25, especially p.12, & 16ff. For private reply, e-mail to "Ian Hutchesson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To

Re: orion-list Qumran Cemetery and el-Ghuweir

2002-02-20 Thread Ian Hutchesson
umstances of this cemetery and the problems concerning it as relatively exhaustive. And thanks for the information about the use of madder. It didn't make much sense before. Cheers, Ian For private reply, e-mail to "Ian Hutchesson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> --

Re: orion-list Qumran Hebrew

2002-05-28 Thread Ian Hutchesson
in Abegg, "The Hebrew of the Dead Sea Scrolls", in The DSS after 50 Years, eds Flint & VanderKam, Brill, 1998. Ian For private reply, e-mail to "Ian Hutchesson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To unsubscrib

Re: orion-list Jeremiah's Eternal Priesthood, the Rechabim

2002-05-28 Thread Ian Hutchesson
s) where the information is found, which is normal procedure. Ian Ian Hutchesson Rome mc2499(at) For private reply, e-mail to "Ian Hutchesson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To unsubscribe from Orion, e-mail to

Re: orion-list Essene cemetery at Jericho?

2002-06-08 Thread Ian Hutchesson
he details at hand -- perhaps someone else has read it. It suggests a very low literacy rate. Why should this not also be true of the Essenes, who were after all of a class of people from whom one wouldn't expect people with the necessary education? Ian For private reply, e-mail to "Ia

orion-list Manors, bones, beads & orientations

2002-06-10 Thread Ian Hutchesson
th ample space at each end suggesting that it was not intrusive and nothing else indicates that it was extraneous. (It gave Bar-Adon some doubts because of its orientation, but apparently resembled the rest of the graves in other respects. He also mentions another,

Re: orion-list Essene cemetery at Jericho?

2002-06-10 Thread Ian Hutchesson
rael. The is nothing particularly suggestive that the site had any other special usage. The animal various bones buried in pottery suggest very little religious activity at the site. All there is left is your analysis of the cemetery, which does not confront Steckoll's data front on, b

orion-list Onias son of Onias

2002-06-11 Thread Ian Hutchesson
lowed older religious traditions and did not adhere to the "innovations" of the Pharisees.) Ian For private reply, e-mail to "Ian Hutchesson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To unsubscribe from Orion, e-mai

Re: orion-list Essene cemetery at Jericho?

2002-06-13 Thread Ian Hutchesson
. And I don't think you have enough data from the cemetery -- seeing that the vast majority of it has not been excavated -- to make your claims about it (add to the problem your apparent shaping of the data by ignoring Steckoll's

Re: orion-list Onias and the Sons of Zadok

2002-06-15 Thread Ian Hutchesson
kite, to him not being the son of the >previous Hight Priest as was the custom at that time, to him not >being off aaronite descent. 1 Macc 7:14 has the Hasidaeans saying of Alcimus, "A priest of the line of Aaron ... will not harm us." Ian For private reply, e-mail to "Ian Hutche

Re: orion-list Onias and the Sons of Zadok

2002-06-18 Thread Ian Hutchesson
at least someone else has arrived at the same point from some other direction! Ian For private reply, e-mail to "Ian Hutchesson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To unsubscribe from Orion, e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the mess

Re: orion-list "Water, Water everywhere..."

2002-06-18 Thread Ian Hutchesson
t what height that >forms an open basin feeder system for micro-climate 'B'. There's also the >point that Ein Feshka is an open basin. This may be interesting theoretically, but have there been any signs of drastic change anywhere along the western side of the Dead Sea?

Re: orion-list Onias and the Sons of Zadok

2002-06-23 Thread Ian Hutchesson
temple purity -- which had its own possessions, while individuals maintained theirs, which was a male-only association, while individuals were almost certainly married (there is a lot about marriage in the scrolls). Ian For private reply, e-mail to "Ian Hutchesson" <[EMAIL PROT

Re: orion-list "Water, Water everywhere..."

2002-06-23 Thread Ian Hutchesson
We can't start with the -- in this case -- unlearned opinion of de Vaux, who after all was not an architect or a geologist. (See p.20 of Archaeology and the DSS.) >-- and then get back to me. I think the ball is still in your court: what a

Re: orion-list "Water, Water everywhere..."

2002-06-24 Thread Ian Hutchesson
ne period of habitation and/or water-level does not >necessarily apply to the other. What are the sources that indicate that the water level was noticeably different between the two periods? (This is interesting, though I would be happy even with just a quotable indication of the general