Re: AD_PERFORMANCE_REPORT coming back empty for certain accounts

2012-01-27 Thread pete
I think I'm getting the same problem.

Using an AdPerformance Report I cannot return rows relating to 3rd Party 
Ads (ENUM:  THIRD_PARTY_REDIRECT_AD) in a paused adgroup of an active 

I can see the metrics via AdWords, I can retrieve them using auto placement 
report, but no matter what fields/predicates I set in the selector (even 
down to the relevant campaign, adgroup status and adtype for a single day), 
they don't return in the Ad Performance report.

I've only recently migrated from v13 to v201109 and this missing data has 
coincided with that.

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Re: API Reports Not Returning Historical Data for Currently Paused Campaigns/AdGroups in v201109

2012-01-27 Thread pete
Hi Chris - do you specify the AdGroup Status, Campaign Status and Ad Status 
in the selector predicate? I got some joy when I explicitly set all 
possible variants.


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Re: Google.Api.Ads.AdWords.Util.ReportsException: Report contents are invalid. using API v201101

2012-01-27 Thread Marius Toma
Thank you Anash, 

I solved the problem by installing the new version of my software using 
Google Adword API v201109. 

Marius Toma

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Re: how to get Search volume and Competition value of keyword

2012-01-27 Thread Hasitha Eranga
sorry my mistake.  i didn't  see u r post and thank u so mach for u r

I want it from php


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Re: explain how to get Get Search volume and Competition value of keyword

2012-01-27 Thread Hasitha Eranga

thanks for u r help sorry for my second post



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Re: Error handling in Perl

2012-01-27 Thread Ovid
Hi Etienne,

I've actually wrapped the *SOAP::WSDL::Client::call call in my Moose 
classes to trap various errors with Try::Tiny. I've had to set 
die_on_faults to true because I don't want to accidentally forget to trap 
an error. I fall back to regex tests. My actual code winds up looking like 

sub _override_soap_wsdl_client_call {
my $self  = shift;
no warnings 'redefine';
*SOAP::WSDL::Client::call = sub {
my ( $soap_object, $method, @data_from ) = @_;

 # throttling to avoid the RateExceededError
 # it doesn't allow requests more often than .6 seconds

$self-_try_soap_call( $soap_object, $method, \@data_from );

sub _try_soap_call {
my ( $self, $soap, $method, $data_from ) = @_;
my $client = $self-third_party; # Google::Ads::AdWords::Client
my $call   = $self-_original_soap_wsdl_client_call;

try {
$soap-$call( $method, @$data_from );
catch {

# For each of these error conditions, we take some action and try 
# call again. If it fails at that point, we don't trap the error.
if (/AuthenticationError.GOOGLE_ACCOUNT_COOKIE_INVALID/) {
log(AuthenticationError: refreshing authentication token);
elsif (/RateExceededError/) {   
log(Sleeping for 30 seconds due to RateExceededError);
sleep 30;
elsif (/InternalApiError.UNEXPECTED_INTERNAL_API_ERROR/) {
log(Unexpected internal API error on Google's side);
sleep 10;
else {
croak $_;
$soap-$call( $method, @$data_from );

(Note that I'm skipping a lot of code here. I'm just showing the structure 
of my approach)

Feedback welcome.


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I have not getting the competition value?

2012-01-27 Thread Pawan Sharma
Hello Friends,

I have not getting the competition value. if any use this api and version 
of 201109 than please help me step by step.

i have below information:- 

Keyword with text 'mars cruise e903fb0c', 
match type 'BROAD', 
global monthly searches '301000', 
*competition '0' *
average monthly search volume '301000'

Please help me.

Pawan Sharma


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Re: PHP API v201109 - Set scheduling for campaign

2012-01-27 Thread Kevin Winter
Hi Alistair,
  Unfortunately, we don't have an example in the client libraries to cover 
this use case.  We do have an article with Java code snippets - the PHP 
version should be pretty similar:

- Kevin Winter
AdWords API Team

On Wednesday, January 25, 2012 4:20:56 AM UTC-5, Alistair Austen wrote:


 Does anyone have a code snippet to show how to set the schedule for a 
 campaign?  For example I need to set the campaign to run;

 Mon-Thurs 7am-8pm
 Fri 7am-5pm
 Sat-Sun Not run

 I've looked through the examples included in the API and didn't spot this 
 one and also found another reference to this question in the forum but the 
 content the answer links to doesn't exist anymore.

 Many thanks in advance,


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Re: Get reports by day and month

2012-01-27 Thread Kevin Winter
  We have an example in the Java Client Library that demonstrates how to 
download reports:

That example specifically uses the Keyword Performance Report, but we have 
documentation here covering all report types:

- Kevin Winter
AdWords API Team

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Re: Keyword Performance Report: Get data for all clients and campaigns

2012-01-27 Thread Kevin Winter
Hi Keith,
  v201108 is sunsetting permanently on February 29th.  We recommend you 
develop with v201109 instead.

Unfortunately, it is not currently possible to download reports for ALL 
clients at once with the AdWords API.  We've published a blog post 
discussing how to accomplish this use case using features the API does 

- Kevin Winter
AdWords API Team

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Re: ServicedAccountService - failed to get account information for some accounts (getting an empty account)

2012-01-27 Thread Kevin Winter
Hi Roee,
  Since you have the clientCustomerId, you should be able to get this 
information using AdHoc reports.  If the account has impressions, you can 
use an Account Performance Report to obtain the CurrencyCode and Account 
Descriptive Name:

If it doesn't have impressions but at least one campaign, the same fields 
are available in the Campaign Performance Report.

- Kevin Winter
AdWords API Team

On Tuesday, January 24, 2012 2:12:08 AM UTC-5, Dr.g. wrote:

 Hey Anash, 

 Thank you for you quick response. 

 Unfortunately it didn't help. 
 I tried to remove the ClientCustomerId from the header, but got the 
 same result. 
 Also I could not benefit from the code you post a link to. It help 
 retrieving the ClientCostumerId using the user e-mail. 
 But I have both the ClientCustomerId and the e-mail (For test reasons, 
 I'm using my own account) what I need and can't receive is the 
 CurrencyCode and the CompanyName. 

 The only different I can find between this test account, which doesn't 
 work, to other accounts that works just fine is that this is a new 
 account with payments set to manual and I didn't make a first 
 deposit. I don't see any documentation saying it shouldn't work, but 
 except that it's like any other account. 

 Is there anything else I should try? 
 Is there any more information I can provide which may help to 
 understand this strange behavior? 


 On Jan 24, 4:49 am, Anash P. Oommen anash.p.oommen wrote: 
  Try making the call without mentioning the clientCustomerId headers. If 
  that doesn't work, here's an alternate approach using InfoService: 
  Anash P. Oommen, 
  AdWords API Advisor.

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Using AdGroupAdOperation 'SET' instead of Add

2012-01-27 Thread Peter Crowley
I got my token (after 4 months! - I think Anash helped get me across
the line, thx).
My app is published to the live system after a few tweaks - Hurray!

I have a question about whether you can use SET in AdGroupAdOperation
rather then ADD when updating the content of a textAd?
I made the changes outlined below, the code executes without error but
the ad did not change

I took my 'ADD' code which works fine (but costs 40 units  you have
to delete the old ad), changed the operator to 'SET' and added a id to

 Original 'ADD' code

// Create text ad.
$textAd = new TextAd();
$textAd-headline = 'My headline';
$textAd-description1 = 'description 1';
$textAd-description2 = 'description 2';
$textAd-displayUrl = '';
$textAd-url = '';

// Create ad group ad.
$textAdGroupAd = new AdGroupAd();
$textAdGroupAd-adGroupId = 123456789;
$textAdGroupAd-ad = $textAd;
$textAdGroupAd-status = 'ENABLED';

// Create operations.
$operation = new AdGroupAdOperation();
$operation-operand = $textAdGroupAd;
$operation-operator = 'ADD';

 New  'SET' variant

// Create text ad.
$textAd = new TextAd();
$textAd-id = 987654321;
$textAd-headline = 'My headline';
$textAd-description1 = 'description 1';
$textAd-description2 = 'description 2';
$textAd-displayUrl = '';
$textAd-url = '';

// Create ad group ad.
$textAdGroupAd = new AdGroupAd();
$textAdGroupAd-adGroupId = 123456789;
$textAdGroupAd-ad = $textAd;
$textAdGroupAd-status = 'ENABLED';

// Create operations.
$operation = new AdGroupAdOperation();
$operation-operand = $textAdGroupAd;
$operation-operator = 'SET';

These 2 URLS only give the lightest information
Is there anywhere with more complete docmentation?

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Re: PHP API v201109 - Set scheduling for campaign

2012-01-27 Thread Evgeniy Bogdanov
I've created code for you (it assumes that file located in lib/
examples/v201109/ directory:

error_reporting(E_STRICT | E_ALL);

// You can set the include path to src directory or reference
// AdWordsUser.php directly via require_once.
// $path = '/path/to/aw_api_php_lib/src';
$path = dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../src';
set_include_path(get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR . $path);

require_once 'Google/Api/Ads/AdWords/Lib/AdWordsUser.php';

try {
  // Get AdWordsUser from credentials in ../auth.ini
  // relative to the AdWordsUser.php file's directory.
  $user = new AdWordsUser();

  // Log SOAP XML request and response.

  // Get the CampaignCriterionService.
  $campaignCriterionService =
  $user-GetService('CampaignTargetService', 'v201109');


  $bidMutliplier = 1.0; // This mean that we should use usual bid
  $adScheduleDays = array();
  // Mon-Thur 7 a.m -
  foreach(array('MONDAY', 'TUESDAY', 'WEDNESDAY', 'THURSDAY') as $day)
$adScheduleDays[] = new AdScheduleTarget($day, 7, 'ZERO', 20,
'ZERO', $bidMutliplier);
  // Fri 7 am - 5 pm
  $adScheduleDays[] = new AdScheduleTarget('FRIDAY', 7, 'ZERO',
17,'ZERO', $bidMutliplier);
  // Sat, sun - not run
  // Do not set it at all

  $adSchedule = array();
  $adSchedule[] = new AdScheduleTargetList($adScheduleDays,

  // 'SET' new schedule operations. (Not ADD)
  $operations = array();
  foreach ($adSchedule as $adScheduleOperation) {
  $operations[] = new
CampaignTargetOperation($adScheduleOperation,  'SET');

  // Make the mutate request.
  $result = $campaignCriterionService-mutate($operations);
} catch (Exception $e) {
  print $e-getMessage();

On 25 янв, 12:20, Alistair Austen wrote:

 Does anyone have a code snippet to show how to set the schedule for a
 campaign?  For example I need to set the campaign to run;

 Mon-Thurs 7am-8pm
 Fri 7am-5pm
 Sat-Sun Not run

 I've looked through the examples included in the API and didn't spot this
 one and also found another reference to this question in the forum but the
 content the answer links to doesn't exist anymore.

 Many thanks in advance,


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Re: InfoService usage for reporting quota usage on v13, v20xx

2012-01-27 Thread cefc

Thanks for the clarification. Much appreciated!

On Jan 26, 7:52 am, Kevin Winter wrote:
   The InfoService returns information about units spent overall - not tied
 to the version used.  For example, you can use v201109 InfoService and see
 all units spent across all versions (such as v13 or v201101).  Data will
 not be affected by the sunset.

 - Kevin Winter
 AdWords API Team

 On Tuesday, January 24, 2012 3:33:35 PM UTC-5, cefc wrote:

  Since everything is transitioning to v201109, will the previous
  version of the InfoService (specifically v13, v200909, v201101) be
  available for reporting quota usage on those services and if so, for
  how long after the transition date will the data for previous version
  be available?

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Re: Using AdGroupAdOperation 'SET' instead of Add

2012-01-27 Thread Evgeniy Bogdanov
Hi Peter.

Glad to hear that your application is live now :)

Please, read carefully specification -
I'll quote here for you:
Set - Updates an ad group ad. Except for status, ad group ad fields
are not mutable. Status updates are straightforward - the status of
the ad group ad is updated as specified. If any other field has
changed, it will be ignored. If you want to change any of the fields
other than status, you must make a new ad and then delete the old

So you can't update ad with you way.

I do not remeber if I've told you - but in your case you should use
Bulk operation service (MutateJobService) in v201109.
While you've 10-100 ads your way is good, but when count of ads will
grow you will get a lot of problems - speed of update and total bill
will be not good. :)


On 27 янв, 18:39, Peter Crowley wrote:
 I got my token (after 4 months! - I think Anash helped get me across
 the line, thx).
 My app is published to the live system after a few tweaks - Hurray!

 I have a question about whether you can use SET in AdGroupAdOperation
 rather then ADD when updating the content of a textAd?
 I made the changes outlined below, the code executes without error but
 the ad did not change

 I took my 'ADD' code which works fine (but costs 40 units  you have
 to delete the old ad), changed the operator to 'SET' and added a id to

  Original 'ADD' code

 // Create text ad.
 $textAd = new TextAd();
 $textAd-headline = 'My headline';
 $textAd-description1 = 'description 1';
 $textAd-description2 = 'description 2';
 $textAd-displayUrl = '';
 $textAd-url = '';

 // Create ad group ad.
 $textAdGroupAd = new AdGroupAd();
 $textAdGroupAd-adGroupId = 123456789;
 $textAdGroupAd-ad = $textAd;
 $textAdGroupAd-status = 'ENABLED';

 // Create operations.
 $operation = new AdGroupAdOperation();
 $operation-operand = $textAdGroupAd;
 $operation-operator = 'ADD';

  New  'SET' variant

 // Create text ad.
 $textAd = new TextAd();
 $textAd-id = 987654321;
 $textAd-headline = 'My headline';
 $textAd-description1 = 'description 1';
 $textAd-description2 = 'description 2';
 $textAd-displayUrl = '';
 $textAd-url = '';

 // Create ad group ad.
 $textAdGroupAd = new AdGroupAd();
 $textAdGroupAd-adGroupId = 123456789;
 $textAdGroupAd-ad = $textAd;
 $textAdGroupAd-status = 'ENABLED';

 // Create operations.
 $operation = new AdGroupAdOperation();
 $operation-operand = $textAdGroupAd;
 $operation-operator = 'SET';

 These 2 URLS only give the lightest 
 Is there anywhere with more complete docmentation?

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Re: Using AdGroupAdOperation 'SET' instead of Add

2012-01-27 Thread Evgeniy Bogdanov
Seems that my message is lost if not - sorry for double :)

Hi Peter.
Glad to hear that your project is live now. :)

About your question.
Please, read carefully this
I'll quote here for you:
Set - Updates an ad group ad. Except for status, ad group ad fields
are not mutable. Status updates are straightforward - the status of
the ad group ad is updated as specified. If any other field has
changed, it will be ignored. If you want to change any of the fields
other than status, you must make a new ad and then delete the old

So your way with SET will not work.

If you want to save API units - you better to take a look (and use)
On a lot of ads you will get a headache with cost and speed of update.
Using this service will help you to save nerves and your money.


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Re: AccountService is only available on a whitelist basis

2012-01-27 Thread Rob
Thanks Eric - having the time zones in a known standard would be much 
easier.  The time zone Europe/Berlin would be the same string value in 
summer or winter, so taking it from the current state of the account 
wouldn't be a problem.

It's bad enough that I have to pull reports to get the time zone, but I 
also need a translation function to strip the GMT offsets and convert those 
non-standard locations into standard ones.

Really not impressed that you're dropping the V13 account service without a 
suitable replacement.

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Re: Using AdGroupAdOperation 'SET' instead of Add

2012-01-27 Thread Peter Crowley
Thanks for the quick response.
I had not seen that page.
All is working again - my 'messing' arose, because I was not REMOVEing
the old ad before ADDing the new one.

I am actually already using GetBulkMutateJobService.
Someone not to far from you (in Russian terms!) helped me out using
the example code as a starting point.

громне спасибо!


On Jan 27, 4:34 pm, Evgeniy Bogdanov wrote:
 Hi Peter.

 Glad to hear that your application is live now :)

 Please, read carefully specification 
 I'll quote here for you:
 Set - Updates an ad group ad. Except for status, ad group ad fields
 are not mutable. Status updates are straightforward - the status of
 the ad group ad is updated as specified. If any other field has
 changed, it will be ignored. If you want to change any of the fields
 other than status, you must make a new ad and then delete the old

 So you can't update ad with you way.

 I do not remeber if I've told you - but in your case you should use
 Bulk operation service (MutateJobService) in v201109.
 While you've 10-100 ads your way is good, but when count of ads will
 grow you will get a lot of problems - speed of update and total bill
 will be not good. :)


 On 27 янв, 18:39, Peter Crowley wrote:

  I got my token (after 4 months! - I think Anash helped get me across
  the line, thx).
  My app is published to the live system after a few tweaks - Hurray!

  I have a question about whether you can use SET in AdGroupAdOperation
  rather then ADD when updating the content of a textAd?
  I made the changes outlined below, the code executes without error but
  the ad did not change

  I took my 'ADD' code which works fine (but costs 40 units  you have
  to delete the old ad), changed the operator to 'SET' and added a id to

   Original 'ADD' code

  // Create text ad.
  $textAd = new TextAd();
  $textAd-headline = 'My headline';
  $textAd-description1 = 'description 1';
  $textAd-description2 = 'description 2';
  $textAd-displayUrl = '';
  $textAd-url = '';

  // Create ad group ad.
  $textAdGroupAd = new AdGroupAd();
  $textAdGroupAd-adGroupId = 123456789;
  $textAdGroupAd-ad = $textAd;
  $textAdGroupAd-status = 'ENABLED';

  // Create operations.
  $operation = new AdGroupAdOperation();
  $operation-operand = $textAdGroupAd;
  $operation-operator = 'ADD';

   New  'SET' variant

  // Create text ad.
  $textAd = new TextAd();
  $textAd-id = 987654321;
  $textAd-headline = 'My headline';
  $textAd-description1 = 'description 1';
  $textAd-description2 = 'description 2';
  $textAd-displayUrl = '';
  $textAd-url = '';

  // Create ad group ad.
  $textAdGroupAd = new AdGroupAd();
  $textAdGroupAd-adGroupId = 123456789;
  $textAdGroupAd-ad = $textAd;
  $textAdGroupAd-status = 'ENABLED';

  // Create operations.
  $operation = new AdGroupAdOperation();
  $operation-operand = $textAdGroupAd;
  $operation-operator = 'SET';

  These 2 URLS only give the lightest 
  Is there anywhere with more complete docmentation?

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Re: AuthToken (v201109): VB.NET example to get?

2012-01-27 Thread bgraves
Thanks Anash!  I couldn't find a VB.NET example but C# works for
me!  :)

On Jan 26, 7:41 pm, Anash P. Oommen anash.p.oommen wrote:

 There's the AuthToken class. You could use it like:

 new AuthToken(config, adwords, email, password).GetToken();

 For config, you could either use user.Config, or new AdWordsAppConfig().

 Anash P. Oommen,
 Adwords API Advisor.

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Re: Using AdGroupAdOperation 'SET' instead of Add

2012-01-27 Thread Evgeniy Bogdanov
Yes, Alex is really good.

BulkMutateJobService is marked to deprecation, you need to move your
code for use new service MutataJobService.


On 27 янв, 21:22, Peter Crowley wrote:
 Thanks for the quick response.
 I had not seen that page.
 All is working again - my 'messing' arose, because I was not REMOVEing
 the old ad before ADDing the new one.

 I am actually already using GetBulkMutateJobService.
 Someone not to far from you (in Russian terms!) helped me out using
 the example code as a starting point.

 громне спасибо!


 On Jan 27, 4:34 pm, Evgeniy Bogdanov wrote:

  Hi Peter.

  Glad to hear that your application is live now :)

  Please, read carefully specification 
  I'll quote here for you:
  Set - Updates an ad group ad. Except for status, ad group ad fields
  are not mutable. Status updates are straightforward - the status of
  the ad group ad is updated as specified. If any other field has
  changed, it will be ignored. If you want to change any of the fields
  other than status, you must make a new ad and then delete the old

  So you can't update ad with you way.

  I do not remeber if I've told you - but in your case you should use
  Bulk operation service (MutateJobService) in v201109.
  While you've 10-100 ads your way is good, but when count of ads will
  grow you will get a lot of problems - speed of update and total bill
  will be not good. :)


  On 27 янв, 18:39, Peter Crowley wrote:

   I got my token (after 4 months! - I think Anash helped get me across
   the line, thx).
   My app is published to the live system after a few tweaks - Hurray!

   I have a question about whether you can use SET in AdGroupAdOperation
   rather then ADD when updating the content of a textAd?
   I made the changes outlined below, the code executes without error but
   the ad did not change

   I took my 'ADD' code which works fine (but costs 40 units  you have
   to delete the old ad), changed the operator to 'SET' and added a id to

    Original 'ADD' code

   // Create text ad.
   $textAd = new TextAd();
   $textAd-headline = 'My headline';
   $textAd-description1 = 'description 1';
   $textAd-description2 = 'description 2';
   $textAd-displayUrl = '';
   $textAd-url = '';

   // Create ad group ad.
   $textAdGroupAd = new AdGroupAd();
   $textAdGroupAd-adGroupId = 123456789;
   $textAdGroupAd-ad = $textAd;
   $textAdGroupAd-status = 'ENABLED';

   // Create operations.
   $operation = new AdGroupAdOperation();
   $operation-operand = $textAdGroupAd;
   $operation-operator = 'ADD';

    New  'SET' variant

   // Create text ad.
   $textAd = new TextAd();
   $textAd-id = 987654321;
   $textAd-headline = 'My headline';
   $textAd-description1 = 'description 1';
   $textAd-description2 = 'description 2';
   $textAd-displayUrl = '';
   $textAd-url = '';

   // Create ad group ad.
   $textAdGroupAd = new AdGroupAd();
   $textAdGroupAd-adGroupId = 123456789;
   $textAdGroupAd-ad = $textAd;
   $textAdGroupAd-status = 'ENABLED';

   // Create operations.
   $operation = new AdGroupAdOperation();
   $operation-operand = $textAdGroupAd;
   $operation-operator = 'SET';

   These 2 URLS only give the lightest 
   Is there anywhere with more complete docmentation?

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XML Schema for downloaded reports?

2012-01-27 Thread Crosby Grant
Please pardon the noobish question here?

I'm looking for a way to get the XSD of the 201109 AdHoc reports.
The actual reports that we can download.

I'm not looking for the XML for the report definitions that we send to
request the report.  I'm looking for the Schema of the report that
gets downloaded.


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Re: XML Schema for downloaded reports?

2012-01-27 Thread Crosby Grant
sorry, to clarify:
When I download a report using XML in v201109 adhoc reporting, is
there a way to get an XSD document for that too?
using the .net library.

On Jan 27, 7:35 pm, Crosby Grant wrote:
 Please pardon the noobish question here?

 I'm looking for a way to get the XSD of the 201109 AdHoc reports.
 The actual reports that we can download.

 I'm not looking for the XML for the report definitions that we send to
 request the report.  I'm looking for the Schema of the report that
 gets downloaded.


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