Re: [AOLSERVER] AOLserver 4.5.1 (CVS) crashing bug on x64 with fix

2011-08-18 Thread Gustaf Neumann
Many thanks for the patch. it looks good. it applied with 
some minor related cleanups.

-gustaf neumann

On 17.08.11 19:06, Jin Choi wrote:

Hello. I've tracked down and fixed a crashing bug in AOLserver on x64. I 
believe it is correct.

AOLserver was crashing with
Fatal: munmap(0x, 0) failed: Invalid argument

I tracked down the only call to munmap in NsUnMap in nsd/fastpath.c. It takes 
the return value of NsMap and tests it against NULL. NsMap is just returning 
the return value from mmap(). The man page says:

   On success, mmap() returns a pointer to the mapped area.  On error, the
   value MAP_FAILED (that is, (void *) -1) is returned, and errno  is  set

Index: nsd/fastpath.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/aolserver/aolserver/nsd/fastpath.c,v
retrieving revision 1.26
diff -u -r1.26 fastpath.c
--- nsd/fastpath.c  19 Apr 2006 17:48:47 -  1.26
+++ nsd/fastpath.c  16 Aug 2011 17:40:51 -
@@ -521,7 +521,7 @@
if (servPtr-fastpath.mmap) {
map = NsMap(fd, 0, stPtr-st_size, 0,arg);
-   if (map != NULL) {
+   if (map != MAP_FAILED) {
fd = -1;
result = Ns_ConnReturnData(conn, status, map,

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Re: [AOLSERVER] Aolserver Progress - Some few examples....

2011-08-07 Thread Gustaf Neumann

Dear all,

i did some more digging/googling in this issue and i share 
the opinion that - at least for the time being - 
Tcl_Finalize() could be omitted on windows versions without 
too much harm. Some background:

The Tcl manpage says:

   *Tcl_Finalize*  is similar to*Tcl_Exit*  except that it does not  exit  
   the  current  process.   It is useful for cleaning up when a process is
   finished using*Tcl*  but wishes to continue executing, and  when*Tcl*   
   used  in  a  dynamically loaded extension that is about to be unloaded.
   On some  systems*Tcl*   is  automatically  notified  when  it  is  being
   unloaded, and it calls*Tcl_Finalize*  internally; on these systems it not
   necessary for the caller to explicitly call*Tcl_Finalize*.  However,  to
   ensure  portability,  your  code should always invoke*Tcl_Finalize*  when
   *Tcl*  is being unloaded, to ensure that the code will work on  all  
   forms.*Tcl_Finalize*  can be safely called more than once.

For aolserver, it is questionable for me why we need 
Tcl_Finalize() (the primarily purpose for Tcl_Finalize 
according to its documentation is that the process wants to 
continue without Tcl), furthermore there seems to be 
some magic involved, that some systems  call 
Tcl_Finalize() ... automatically (hinting most likely the 
windows situation with the assembly code). Since finalize 
tries to unload Tcl, there seems to be some race conditions 
in this area on windows, at least when there are still are 
multiple threads around. E.g. [1] says: Because DLL 
notifications are serialized, entry-point functions should 
not attempt to communicate with other threads or processes. 
Deadlocks may occur as a result.

Neither aolserver 4.0.10 nor naviserver call Tcl_Finalize(), 
so i guess we can live with a 4.5.1+ version under windows 
without it.

-gustaf neumann


On 06.08.11 16:28, Maurizio Martignano wrote:

It is me again...

Well I noticed that the change I suggested about 
Tcl_Finalize did not make it into CVS HEAD.

If it doesn't go there, I am afraid I will have to anyhow 
introduce it myself in my distribution.

I need to have a working system. With that call still in, 
the service can't (CANNOT) be stopped gracefully.

This is a matter of testing:

Take the system, make it run with a real OpenACS based 
application (how about ]po[, or xowiki) and see how it 
works and see how it interacts with the system... Does it 
start? Does it run? Does it stop properly?

For the time being in Windows 64 that function needs to be 

Thanks a lot,


Thank you,


*From:*AOLserver Discussion 
[mailto:AOLSERVER@LISTSERV.AOL.COM] *On Behalf Of *Gustaf 

*Sent:* 06 August 2011 10:28
*Subject:* Re: [AOLSERVER] Aolserver Progress - Some few 


Tcl_Finalize() is supposed to work, and if it does now 
work something is still broken in the windows version. 
Omitting Tcl_Finalize() is removeing the symptom, not the 
cause. It is not unlikely that something else will have 
the same problem due to this cause.

When Tcl_Finalize() is not run, the registered exit 
handlers are not executed. How serious this is depends on 
the exit handlers. You are right, that the memory leak 
does not matter due to the shutdown. The difference is 
like between a graceful and an ungraceful shutdown.


On 05.08.11 16:29, Maurizio Martignano wrote:

Dear Gustav,

I understand your concerns about 
Tcl_Finalize... but it is called just when the 
process/service is about to end.

Once it ends the OS takes charges and releases the 
process/service resources (memory included).

You can make an easy test Have Aolserver / nsd running 
on a big application... observe the OS resources given to 
the process

and released when I finishes. Do this twice: with 
Tcl_Finalize on and Tcl_Finalize commented out. And see if 
you can find any difference.




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Re: [AOLSERVER] Aolserver Progress - Some few examples.... All's well that ends well

2011-08-07 Thread Gustaf Neumann

On 07.08.11 17:37, Maurizio Martignano wrote:

Dear Gustav,

Thank you.

All's well that ends well...

I'm not sure all the changes I suggested are still in the 
codebase... especially the ones in RED

The reason, i have not committed theses two suggested 
changes to the code base is that these are incorrect and 
would break compilation on the non-windows platforms. Both 
suggested changes are in #ifdef branches for compilations 
without _WIN32 set (therefore irrelevant for Win32 and 
Win64). Please check more carefully first.

-gustaf neumann

It is not up to Aolserver/nsd include system to define 
SOCKET as int on Windows.

Thank you again,


*include/ns.h -- 222 **ß***


// Commented out by M. _Martignano_ on the 05/08/2011

// #define SOCKET _int_

*#define*INVALID_SOCKET  (-1)

I removed the define, in Windows (32/64)  SOCKET should be 
defined somewhere else, and not redefined here.

*include/ns.h -- 674*

// Type changed from _int_ to SOCKET by M. _Martignano_ on 
the 05/08/2011

NS_EXTERN SOCKET *Ns_ConnSock*(Ns_Conn*conn);

Self explanatory.

*nsd/conn.c - 615*

// Type changed from _int_ to SOCKET by M. _Martignano_ on 
the 05/08/2011




Self explanatory

*nsd/nsd.h - 75*

// Conditional compilation clause added by M. _Martignano_ 
on the 05/08/2011


*struct*pollfd {






struct pollfd is already defined

*nsd/nsd.h - 312*

// _int_ trigger[2] changed into SOCKET trigger[2] by M. 
_Martignano_ on the 05/08/2011

SOCKET trigger[2]; /* _Wakeup_ trigger socket. */

Well, we all know about this... don't we?

*nsd/nsmain.c -- 633*

// Conditional compilation clause added by M. _Martignano_ 
on the 05/08/2011




Semantic. Tcl_Finalize never ends on Windows so I removed it.

*nsd/queue.c -- 42*

// Function added by M. _Martignano_ on the 05/08/2011


*static**double*round(*double*x) { *return*floor(x + 0.5); }


Well believe it or not round does not exist. So I ehm 
re-implemented it based on floor.

*nspd/listen.c -- 80
*// Type changed from _int_ to SOCKET by M. _Martignano_ 
on the 05/08/2011

SOCKETsock, new;

Self explanatory

*nspd/pd.h -- 52 **ß***


// Conditional compilation added by M. _Martignano_ on the 


Well this follows the same reasoning used for ns.h. Anyhow 
this is the weakest of all my changes and all the module 
should be carefully looked at. I am personally not using 
it in my Windows distributions.

*nsperm/nsperm.c -- 583*

// Conditional compilation added by M. _Martignano_ on the 


*if*(inet_aton(net, ip) == 0 || inet_aton(slash+1, mask) 
== 0) {


*if*(inet_pton(AF_INET,net, ip) == 0 || 
inet_pton(AF_INET,slash+1, mask) == 0) {


Well with Micosoft Visual C 10 inet_aton seems not to be 
there any longer. Luckily we can still rely on inet_pton.

*From:*AOLserver Discussion 
[mailto:AOLSERVER@LISTSERV.AOL.COM] *On Behalf Of *Gustaf 

*Sent:* 07 August 2011 15:23
*Subject:* Re: [AOLSERVER] Aolserver Progress - Some few 

Dear all,

i did some more digging/googling in this issue and i share 
the opinion that - at least for the time being - 
Tcl_Finalize() could be omitted on windows versions 
without too much harm. Some background:

The Tcl manpage says:

*Tcl_Finalize*  is similar to*Tcl_Exit*  except that it does not  exit  
the  current  process.   It is useful for cleaning up when a process is
finished using*Tcl*  but wishes to continue executing, and  when*Tcl*   
used  in  a  dynamically loaded extension that is about to be unloaded.
On some  systems*Tcl*   is  automatically  notified  when  it  is  being
unloaded, and it calls*Tcl_Finalize*  internally; on these systems it 
necessary for the caller to explicitly call*Tcl_Finalize*.  However,  to
ensure  portability,  your  code should always invoke*Tcl_Finalize*  
*Tcl*  is being unloaded, to ensure that the code will work on  all  
forms.*Tcl_Finalize*  can be safely called more than once.

For aolserver, it is questionable for me why we need 
Tcl_Finalize() (the primarily purpose for Tcl_Finalize 
according to its documentation is that the process wants 
to continue without Tcl), furthermore there seems to 
be some magic involved, that some systems  call 
Tcl_Finalize() ... automatically (hinting most likely the 
windows situation with the assembly code). Since finalize 
tries to unload Tcl, there seems to be some race 
conditions in this area on windows, at least when there 
are still are multiple threads around. E.g. [1] says: 
Because DLL notifications are serialized, entry-point

Re: [AOLSERVER] Aolserver Progress - Some few examples....

2011-08-06 Thread Gustaf Neumann


Tcl_Finalize() is supposed to work, and if it does now work 
something is still broken in the windows version. Omitting 
Tcl_Finalize() is removeing the symptom, not the cause. It 
is not unlikely that something else will have the same 
problem due to this cause.

When Tcl_Finalize() is not run, the registered exit handlers 
are not executed. How serious this is depends on the exit 
handlers. You are right, that the memory leak does not 
matter due to the shutdown. The difference is like between a 
graceful and an ungraceful shutdown.


On 05.08.11 16:29, Maurizio Martignano wrote:

Dear Gustav,

I understand your concerns about 
Tcl_Finalize... but it is called just when the 
process/service is about to end.

Once it ends the OS takes charges and releases the 
process/service resources (memory included).

You can make an easy test Have Aolserver / nsd running 
on a big application... observe the OS resources given to 
the process

and released when I finishes. Do this twice: with 
Tcl_Finalize on and Tcl_Finalize commented out. And see if 
you can find any difference.



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Re: [AOLSERVER] Aolserver Progress - Some few examples....

2011-08-05 Thread Gustaf Neumann

Dear Maurizio and all...

i have updated cvs on sourceforge with most of your patches. 
A few points are questionable (see below).
For me, it is still unclear, why 4.5.1 worked for you, but 
not the head version not. As far i can see,
all socket usages were int the same way in 4.5.1, the 
variable triggers in nsd.h was defined like this at least 
since 2004. Maybe it was luck that the win version worked 
in 4.5.1 (different memory layout, different compilers / 
compiler options, ...)

A few comments to the patches (i have omitted these):

+#ifndef _WIN32

=== If one does no Tcl_Finalize() one introduces a memory leak.


=== The call to Tcl_FindExecutable() is required (at least 
in Tcl 8.5), otherwise tcl will crash (at least under unix 
like operating systems)

+#define uint32_t unsigned long
+#define uint16_t unsigned short
+typedef void * caddr_t;

=== These defines should be most probably within  an #ifdef

 static void
-FatalExit(char *func)
+NSP_FatalExit(char *func)

=== What's wrong with the static name FatalExit()?

-static Proc *firstClosePtr = NULL;
+static Proc *firstClosePtr;

=== What's wrong with the initialization of the static 

I have not updated the nsproxy changes, since these need 
more work.

-gustaf neumann

On 05.08.11 08:14, Maurizio Martignano wrote:

Dear all,

here you are with a first patch file and the zip 
containing the code base I'm using.

The nspd module requires more work, but I'm not using it.

The files in the zip archive do compile and seems to be 
working Windows 32 and Windows 64.

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Re: [AOLSERVER] Aolserver Progress - Some few examples....

2011-08-05 Thread Gustaf Neumann

Dear Maurizio,

i guess, everything is fine with you with the head version 
on sourceforge.

For me, it is still unclear, why 4.5.1 worked for you, but 
not the head version not. As far i can see,
all socket usages were int the same way in 4.5.1, the 
variable triggers in nsd.h was defined like this at least 
since 2004. Maybe it was luck that the win version 
worked in 4.5.1 (different memory layout, different 
compilers / compiler options, ...)
[MM] No Just Alzheimer... Me. When I first did the 
compilation I spotted the problem and I fixed it by 
changing int trigger[2] into SOCKET trigger[2]. Then I 
forgot completely about it Then the issue showed up 
again. when I downloaded the code again

ok, this explains it.

=== If one does no Tcl_Finalize() one introduces a memory 

[MM] The process/service is about to end anyhow. I believe 
that mo matter what the poor process/service does all its 
memory will be released by the OS. So this is not an issue.

Tcl_finalize shuts down Tcl; it calls the registered exit 
handlers and then it shuts down various Tcl subsystems. It 
is certainly not recommended to to omit, but i have not 
checked the exact consequences for aolserver. If it hangs, 
it is an indication that there is still something wrong in 
tcl and/or aolserver. Keep an eye open in this respect.


=== The call to Tcl_FindExecutable() is required (at 
least in Tcl 8.5), otherwise tcl will crash (at least 
under unix like operating systems)

[MM] Not my change, please look at my newest email and 
sorry if I cause you some inconvenience.

It was included in your first patch (maybe erratic). If this 
is not needed, fine.

All the best, and many thanks for the feedback
-gustaf neumann

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Re: [AOLSERVER] Problem with file uploads larger than maxinput

2011-07-16 Thread Gustaf Neumann
Brian many thanks, i commited your change to the CVS on 

-gustaf neumann

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Re: [AOLSERVER] Problem with file uploads larger than maxinput

2011-07-09 Thread Gustaf Neumann

Dear all,

A few minutes ago, i have committed a change to the 
sourceforge aolserver repository that should should fix the 
problem finally. The primary problem was not that the driver 
replied directly to the client, but the fact that client 
(e.g. firefox) has not yet sent the full request while the 
server had already replied and closed the connection. Since 
the handling of the header happens in aolserver before the 
full request from the client is received, the server could 
close the connection before the client has sent the full 
request. So, although the client (e.g. firefox) has already 
received a proper reply from aolserver, it complained about 
the fact, that it could not sent the full request.

This explains, why the error handling worked reliably with 
small upload files but not with large ones in current 
browsers; it explains as well, that simple clients (like 
nc) worked always reliable.

Additionally, i have moved the reply handling to the 
connection threads, and made some more cosmetical changes.

Brian, please check again.

-gustaf neumann

On 08.07.11 13:49, Fenton, Brian wrote:

Dear Gustaf

many thanks for the reply. Yes, I can confirm your results - if I set a limit 
of 10k and upload a file of 15k, it works perfectly for me.

Would be great if you could look into this. If not, maybe you could give me a few 
pointers where to change the request handling thread.

many thanks

From: AOLserver Discussion [AOLSERVER@LISTSERV.AOL.COM] On Behalf Of Gustaf 
Neumann []
Sent: 08 July 2011 12:20
Subject: Re: [AOLSERVER] Problem with file uploads larger than maxinput

Dear Brian,

Thanks with the config files, they are fine. With some more
testing, i found some more insights: The version in CVS head
returns always the right result to a client (tested with nc
-v localhost 8006  POST.txt), no matter of the size of the
uploaded content, but works only reliably in browsers
(firefox, chrome) for rather small requests (set your
maxupload to 5k, upload a 10 k file), and does reliable NOT
work with upload files  20MB (which is the interesting
case). So, the problem looks like a timing/buffering problem
to me. RFC 2616 says e.g.

 If the server chooses to close the connection immediately after sending the
 response, it SHOULD send a Connection header including the
 connection-token close.

The reply of aolserver contains the connection: close, so
this seems standard compliant. The driver has to close the
connection immediately after sending the reply, so, the
moral of the story seems to be that we have to get the
response handling out of the driver and require a solution
via the request handling thread - what's the best solution
anyhow. So far, i don't understand, why the size of the
upload request changes the behavior.

maybe, i can look into this next week.

-gustaf neumann

On 06.07.11 13:08, Fenton, Brian wrote:

Dear Gustaf

thanks for the reply. I have tried it with the latest OpenACS config.tcl and 
also another older one I use (both attached). I just assumed I was doing 
something wrong, didn't want to sound as though I was criticising your work.

kind regards

From: AOLserver Discussion [AOLSERVER@LISTSERV.AOL.COM] On Behalf Of Gustaf 
Neumann []
Sent: 05 July 2011 23:47
Subject: Re: [AOLSERVER] Problem with file uploads larger than maxinput

Strange, it works for me. can you send me your config file?
Concerning the right place: As it was discussed here, it
would be certainly better to move the reply-sending to a
request handling thread (or a spooling thread like in
naviserver), simply to be sure that the driver is never
blocking. This should not be complicated, but i simply did
not have to time, and i see no reason, why replying from the
driver should not work.


AOLserver -

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Re: [AOLSERVER] Problem with file uploads larger than maxinput

2011-07-08 Thread Gustaf Neumann

Dear Brian,

Thanks with the config files, they are fine. With some more 
testing, i found some more insights: The version in CVS head 
returns always the right result to a client (tested with nc 
-v localhost 8006  POST.txt), no matter of the size of the 
uploaded content, but works only reliably in browsers 
(firefox, chrome) for rather small requests (set your 
maxupload to 5k, upload a 10 k file), and does reliable NOT 
work with upload files  20MB (which is the interesting 
case). So, the problem looks like a timing/buffering problem 
to me. RFC 2616 says e.g.

   If the server chooses to close the connection immediately after sending the
   response, it SHOULD send a Connection header including the
   connection-token close.

The reply of aolserver contains the connection: close, so 
this seems standard compliant. The driver has to close the 
connection immediately after sending the reply, so, the 
moral of the story seems to be that we have to get the 
response handling out of the driver and require a solution 
via the request handling thread - what's the best solution 
anyhow. So far, i don't understand, why the size of the 
upload request changes the behavior.

maybe, i can look into this next week.

-gustaf neumann

On 06.07.11 13:08, Fenton, Brian wrote:

Dear Gustaf

thanks for the reply. I have tried it with the latest OpenACS config.tcl and 
also another older one I use (both attached). I just assumed I was doing 
something wrong, didn't want to sound as though I was criticising your work.

kind regards

From: AOLserver Discussion [AOLSERVER@LISTSERV.AOL.COM] On Behalf Of Gustaf 
Neumann []
Sent: 05 July 2011 23:47
Subject: Re: [AOLSERVER] Problem with file uploads larger than maxinput

Strange, it works for me. can you send me your config file?
Concerning the right place: As it was discussed here, it
would be certainly better to move the reply-sending to a
request handling thread (or a spooling thread like in
naviserver), simply to be sure that the driver is never
blocking. This should not be complicated, but i simply did
not have to time, and i see no reason, why replying from the
driver should not work.


AOLserver -

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Re: [AOLSERVER] URL handling produce segfault

2011-07-05 Thread Gustaf Neumann


both URLs work nicely for me (using 4.5.1 from sourceforge under
Mac OS X); the URLs are rewritten finally into
Can it be that you have some unusual encoding settings?

-gustaf neumann

On 04.07.11 11:54, Alexey Pechnikov wrote:

1. It's work fine:

2. It's fail:


AOL Log:
[-default:0-] Fatal: received fatal signal 11

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Re: [AOLSERVER] URL handling produce segfault

2011-07-05 Thread Gustaf Neumann
a segfault is a segfault is a segfault  no matter 
whether is happens in aolserver, in tcl or in an extension. 
you might have a chance to recover from segfaults in 
nsproxy, but certainly, the best approach is to get rid of 
these... -gn

On 05.07.11 21:25, Alexey Pechnikov wrote:

Is it possible to prevent (or detailed logging) the AOL segfault in case
of tcl extension segfault? I use runit supervisor and AOL is restarting
automatically but debugging in this situation is not easy.

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Re: [AOLSERVER] Problem with file uploads larger than maxinput

2011-07-05 Thread Gustaf Neumann
Strange, it works for me. can you send me your config file? 
Concerning the right place: As it was discussed here, it 
would be certainly better to move the reply-sending to a 
request handling thread (or a spooling thread like in 
naviserver), simply to be sure that the driver is never 
blocking. This should not be complicated, but i simply did 
not have to time, and i see no reason, why replying from the 
driver should not work.


AOLserver -

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Re: [AOLSERVER] Problem with file uploads larger than maxinput

2011-06-24 Thread Gustaf Neumann

Dear all,

As a small contribution, i added a patch to sourceforge cvs. 
The patch returns the 413 error message via a new function 
Ns_ConnReturnEntityToLarge(), which is written in the same 
style as Ns_ConnReturnNotFound(). The patch is somewhat 
minimal and handles this issue entirely in the driver (also, 
forcing the log entry). I have paid no special attention to 
the custom response page.


On 23.06.11 19:14, Dossy Shiobara wrote:
That was what I was thinking -- driver marks the request 
as exceeding the limit, and setting the response status 
code to 413.  The benefits that I see (if implemented the 
way I'm imagining) --

1) access logging of requests w/ 413 status code

2) custom response page via ns/server/${server}/redirects.

If you and Brian could work up a patch, that'd be wonderful!

Does anyone see any problems with this approach?  Any 
reason not to do it?  I don't suppose it can possibly 
break any kind of backward compatibility, as no code right 
now can even be written to handle such a scenario, anyway.

Of course, once we decide on a behavior, and folks code 
against the implementation ... changing/fixing it becomes 
more expensive for everyone, so if there's any kind of 
worry about how this is going to work, lets iron out the 
details now ;)

On 6/23/11 12:29 PM, Enrique Catalan wrote:
IMHO, I agree with Dossy, to use the driver thread to 
check the hard
limits and instead of dropping the connection, just mark 
the HTTP
request and let the request handler to return the 413. I 
also think

the template could be configured in the 'ns_section
ns/server/${server}/redirects' ,  isn't it ?

If you all agree with this, Brian and I can help to get a 

AOLserver -

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Re: [AOLSERVER] Feature request: ns_querygetarray function

2011-05-11 Thread Gustaf Neumann

Am 10.05.11 17:59, schrieb Alexey Pechnikov:


1. When names and number of the array elements are not known we can't
use ns_querygetall

why not using ns_getform? like e.g.:

foreach {att value} [ns_set array [ns_getform]] {
lappend a($att) $value
ns_return 200 text/plain keys: [array names a]\nkeys+values: [array get a]

-gustaf neumann

Univ.Prof. Dr. Gustaf Neumann
Institute of Information Systems and New Media
WU Vienna
Augasse 2-6, A-1090 Vienna, AUSTRIA

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Re: [AOLSERVER] maxrun setting in aol4.5.1

2011-04-16 Thread Gustaf Neumann

Hi Majid,

maxrun is one way to limit the maximum number of concurrent 
connections. It allows to limit certain kinds of requests 
(actually the queueing of incoming requests). See the 
naviserver man page for an example

If you have max_threads set to 40, you won't have at any 
time more than 40 connection threads running (no matter, 
whether you set the default maxrun to 40 or 500 or leave the 
default of 100). If you have no special intentions with 
maxruns, i would recommend to leave it to the default.

In your snippet, you set just some Tcl variables. In several 
cases it is not obvious how these are used to set the actual 
config variables of aolserver. For example, the setting of 
max_keep_alive wonders me: The keep-alive of the server is 
controlled via the config variable keepwait, which is a 
value specified in secs. It is somewhat strange that you 
seem to bring this in relation with max_threads, ... but 
maybe, your naming is just misleading.

-gustaf neumann

On 15.04.11 23:48, Majid Khan wrote:

Hi All,

I am done with the basic understanding of the 
configuration of aol4.5.1 and I have set the following 
variable for my configuration. Since we have full openACS 
files with alot of customization and too much additional 
TCL files so I have set the connecitons per threads 1000 
and after that it will destroy which to me initially looks 
good enough though I didn't go live but I am planning to 
go with that. I was just confused on one of the parameter 
that is maxruns which I read is that it is the concurrent 
connection to the server and I found one of the example 
where they set maxruns=maxthreads so my question is should 
I do the same thing doesn't it mean that it will just 
accept 40 concurrent connections in my case? however we 
have a very busy site and we don't want that it should be 
just limited to 40 so I am planing to set it to 500 please 
correct me if my understanding is incorrect also suggest 
me if there is anything which needs to be tuned more in my 
below settings.

set max_threads 40
set max_conns 1000 ;# or ConnsPerThread, i.e. after how 
many requests processed by a given thread should it be 
destroyed, 0 means never.

set min_threads 5
set thread_timeout 120 ;# destroy an idle thread after 
this many idle seconds

set max_busy_threads 10
set max_wait 100 ;# max number of threads waiting to be 
set max_wait_time 120 ;# seconds to timeout while waiting 
to be serviced

set max_keep_alive [expr $max_threads * 3]
set stack_size 2097152 ;# 2 MB
set max_upload_limit [expr 20 * 1024 * 1024] ;# 20 MB limit
set max_socks [expr $max_threads + $max_wait + 
$max_busy_threads] ;# MaxSock setting to max_threads sum 
plus MaxWait plus MaxBusyThreads

set nsv_buckets 48

Best Regards,


-- AOLserver -

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Re: [AOLSERVER] maxrun setting in aol4.5.1

2011-04-16 Thread Gustaf Neumann
I still don't get, what your are doing with MaxKeepAlive, 
but i don't have to. Be aware, that aolserver does not use 
it as a config variable (just do a fgrep -Ri MaxKeepAlive 
. in the src directory). If your application uses 
MaxKeepAlive (from tcl, or from one of your c-modules), it 
is fine. -gustaf

On 16.04.11 12:05, Majid Khan wrote:

Hi Gaustaf,

Thanks for clarifying the maxrun param. About Tcl 
variables this is how I am using them:

ns_section ns/encodings
ns_param   .adp   utf-8
ns_param   .byt   utf-8

set myserver_root /myserver
set max_threads 40
set max_conns 1000 ;# or ConnsPerThread, i.e. after how 
many requests processed by a given thread should it be 
destroyed, 0 means never.

set min_threads 5
set thread_timeout 120 ;# destroy a thread after this many 
idle seconds

set max_busy_threads 10
set max_wait 100 ;# max number of threads waiting to be 
set max_wait_time 120 ;# seconds to timeout while waiting 
to be serviced

set max_keep_alive [expr $max_threads * 3]
set stack_size 2097152 ;# 2MB Limit
set max_upload_limit [expr 20 * 1024 * 1024] ;# 20 MB limit
set max_socks [expr $max_threads + $max_wait + 
$max_busy_threads] ;# MaxSock setting to max_threads sum 
plus MaxWait plus MaxBusyThreads

set nsv_buckets 48

ns_section ns/parameters
ns_param User myuser
ns_param ServerLog /myserver/log/error.log
ns_param LogRoll on
*ns_param MaxKeepAlive $max_keep_alive*
ns_param LogMaxBackup 10
ns_param ListenBacklog 32
ns_param Home /myserver
ns_param StackSize $stack_size
ns_param auxconfigdir /myserver/parameters
ns_param crashcmd ns_crash
ns_param OutputCharset utf-8
ns_param dnscache off
ns_param smtphost $smtphost
ns_param inputcharset utf-8
ns_param URLCharset utf-8

ns_section ns/threads
# use more than 1 processor (Solaris)
ns_param SystemScope on
ns_param mutexmeter true

ns_section ns/server/myserver
ns_param MinThreads $min_threads
ns_param MaxThreads $max_threads
ns_param MaxConns $max_conns
ns_param ThreadTimeout $thread_timeout
ns_param MaxBusyThreads $max_busy_threads
ns_param MaxWait $max_wait
ns_param MaxWaitTime $max_wait_time
ns_param DirectoryFile { index.html }
ns_param UrlStats off
ns_param MaxUrlStats 1000
ns_param PageRoot $myserver_root/www
ns_param globalstats false
ns_param enabletclpages true
ns_param checkmodifiedsince off

ns_section ns/server/myserver/fastpath
ns_param cache false
ns_param cachemaxentry 16384
ns_param cachemaxsize 512

ns_section ns/server/myserver/redirects
ns_param 404 /404.adp
#ns_param 500 /500.htm

ns_section ns/server/myserver/adp/parsers
ns_param adp {.adp   ;# The simple parser looks for \% 
... \%}

#fancy=.adp   ;# The fancy parser does a lot more.

ns_section ns/server/bayt/module/nssock
ns_param Address $ip
ns_param Hostname $domain
ns_param Port $port
ns_param maxinput $max_upload_limit
ns_param MaxSock $max_socks

About KeepWait what you mentioned is different then 
maxkeepalive. The idea is if any client which uses a 
keep-alive connection (For HTTP/1.1 clients, persistent 
connections or keep-alive are the default unless otherwise 
specified.) it will be counted as a single request 
regardless of how many request has been sent using the 
same connection which improves the performance because it 
would not use any new TCP connection instead. So  in my 
case I have set maxkeepalive as 120 and there is no such 
relation between max_threads variable with that it is just 
my logic to have it multiply by 3 otherwise you can ignore 
and set it as whatever you want. I didn't set keepwait 
which I should thanks for mentioning that I will set it up 
to 30 sec which means after 30 secs hang up clients while 
waiting for an HTTP request in a connection in a 
keep-alive situation. Setting to a high value may cause 
performance problems in heavily loaded servers. The higher 
the timeout, the more server connections will be kept 
occupied waiting on connections with idle clients. The 
purpose of writing Gustaf in such a detailed way is just 
because I wanted to make sure what I understand is correct 
and others can benefit of it in our community to 
understand the logic of the config params.

One last thing which I found I should do is about the DNS 
tuning, so I have taken the following code from 
and will put it in my config file.

# DNS tuning
ns_param   dnscachetrue  ;# In-memory cache of 
DNS lookups
ns_param   dnscachetimeout 60;# How long to keep 
hostnames in cache

dnscachetimeout is I think in mins.



On Sat, Apr 16, 2011 at 11:02 AM, Gustaf Neumann wrote:

Hi Majid,

maxrun is one way to limit the maximum number of
concurrent connections. It allows to limit certain
kinds of requests (actually the queueing of incoming
requests). See the naviserver man page for an example

Re: [AOLSERVER] What does 'exiting: exceeded max connections per thread' mean?

2011-02-20 Thread Gustaf Neumann
Aolserver uses maxconns (set via ns_pools), naviserver 
uses connsperthread. If this configuration parameter is 
set to 0, a connection thread will never exit due to an 
exceeded number of connections handled by this thread. The 
spread value does not change this.


On 20.02.11 08:55, aT wrote:

Does  ConnsPerThread = 0  , have any affect on this ?
Should it be 0 , meaning as many connection per thread as 
possible ?

On 02/16/2011 08:26 AM, Gustaf Neumann wrote:
The thread exiting code is based on maxconns and 
timeout. If e.g. maxconns is is very low (e.g. 20),
the default spread of 20 does not make a lot of change. 
Furthermore it is more important, when many
connection threads are configured (e.g. 80), and the 
there is much library code (e.g. fully configured

OpenACS). We use maxconns 1000 + the default spread.


On 16.02.11 00:26, Peter Sadlon wrote:
If you have a lot of .tcl files then it will take longer 
for the new threads to be created (so if you are using 
OpenACS then it can take awhile depending on the RAM and 
CPU power of your server)

Increase the connections per thread to 1000 and see how 
that works for you.  There is (in theory) a way to set 
each thread to be +/- 20% the number of max 
connections.  This would prevent all the threads from 
exiting and being recreated at around the same time, 
however, even when I tried using that (and I forget how 
to do it off the top of my head) it never seemed to 
work, all my connections would exit at the same time so 
I never looked into it further since I don't really have 
a lot of .tcl files to load and new thread creation was 
rather fast.  Perhaps someone else can speak to varying 
the number of connections per thread.

Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2011 15:17:08 -0800
Subject: Re: [AOLSERVER] What does 'exiting: exceeded 
max connections per thread' mean?


From my own experience, it seems that I get a ton of 
that like all the threads (or a majority of them) have 
exceeded max connections and it seems that it does take 
a while before they start serving again.  I'd like to 
know if this is normal or should the turn around time be 
a lot quicker...


AOLserver -

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Re: [AOLSERVER] What does 'exiting: exceeded max connections per thread' mean?

2011-02-15 Thread Gustaf Neumann
The thread exiting code is based on maxconns and 
timeout. If e.g. maxconns is is very low (e.g. 20),
the default spread of 20 does not make a lot of change. 
Furthermore it is more important, when many
connection threads are configured (e.g. 80), and the there 
is much library code (e.g. fully configured

OpenACS). We use maxconns 1000 + the default spread.


On 16.02.11 00:26, Peter Sadlon wrote:
If you have a lot of .tcl files then it will take longer 
for the new threads to be created (so if you are using 
OpenACS then it can take awhile depending on the RAM and 
CPU power of your server)

Increase the connections per thread to 1000 and see how 
that works for you.  There is (in theory) a way to set 
each thread to be +/- 20% the number of max connections.  
This would prevent all the threads from exiting and being 
recreated at around the same time, however, even when I 
tried using that (and I forget how to do it off the top of 
my head) it never seemed to work, all my connections would 
exit at the same time so I never looked into it further 
since I don't really have a lot of .tcl files to load and 
new thread creation was rather fast.  Perhaps someone else 
can speak to varying the number of connections per thread.

Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2011 15:17:08 -0800
Subject: Re: [AOLSERVER] What does 'exiting: exceeded max 
connections per thread' mean?


From my own experience, it seems that I get a ton of that 
like all the threads (or a majority of them) have exceeded 
max connections and it seems that it does take a while 
before they start serving again.  I'd like to know if this 
is normal or should the turn around time be a lot quicker...

AOLserver -

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-- AOLserver -

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Re: [AOLSERVER] nsproxy

2011-01-30 Thread Gustaf Neumann

Do you have /usr/lib/aolserver4/bin/nsproxy installed?
   file /usr/lib/aolserver4/bin/nsproxy

OpenACS has a wrapper for exec to redirect every exec-call 
to nsproxy.

Works pretty well.

-gustaf neumann

On 29.01.11 19:14, Bernhard van Woerden wrote:
I'm trying to run ns_proxy from the control port on 
AOLserver 4.5.1 Tcl 8.5

but get

nsd:nscp 61 set handle [ns_proxy get myproxy]
exec failed: no such file or directorycould not get 1 
handle from pool myproxy: could not create child process

and in the log
[-nscp:1-] Notice: nscp: nsd 61: set handle [ns_proxy get 
[-nscp:1-] Error: exec /usr/lib/aolserver4/bin/nsproxy: 
execve() failed: No such file or directory

I was hoping to use nsproxy to run some TclCurl stuff that 
I think is segfaulting and taking down the nsd process but 
also some exec's to other binaries.

Any ideas as to how can I get this working ?

Many Thanks

-- AOLserver -

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Re: [AOLSERVER] Does not work ns_return + zlib

2010-12-02 Thread Gustaf Neumann

On 01.12.10 21:31, Tom Jackson wrote:

Personally I also wouldn't assume that AOLserver works perfectly with

Me neither, but Tcl 8.6 is still in an early state.

Unless you absolutely need 8.5, I would stick with the latest
8.4 version. For one thing 8.4 is faster than either.

Well, it depends. My recommendation is to use Tcl 8.5.
From our experience from running large OpenACS apps
(600.000 loc Tcl on our production environment, delivering
up to 220 GB/day, up to 2.500+ concurrent users), the
performance difference between 8.4 and 8.5 is very little
as long one is using just 8.4 functionality. Tcl 8.5 has several
improvements to make programs more readably (e.g.
the in operator in expressions), more safe (e.g. the expand
operator) and leads to more stable multi-threaded programs
(e.g. c-stack protection, checking stack boundaries instead
of plain crashing as in 8.4), provides bignums, and many
many more really useful fixes and improvements.

The OpenACS community has decided some time ago
to require 8.5 for future releases.

Please don't listen to the Tcl gurus, they are behind the
curve...actually they are actively slowing down the curve.

Come on, stop that bashing. Jeff was referring to

On real problems, the Tcl-core people are very helpful
and highly responsive...

-gustaf neumann

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Re: [AOLSERVER] Charset differences between 3.3+ad13 and 4.0.10?

2010-12-02 Thread Gustaf Neumann

It seems as if you have invalid character data in your database.

it is most probably the easiest approach to fix these in the 
With postgres, you could make a dump, change the quotes in 
the dump and


-gustaf neumann

On 02.12.10 08:39, Janine Ohmer wrote:
Sort of... the column in question is of type text, and the 
only function I can find that will convert from text to 
bytea is decode, not encode.  So here's what I did:

select decode(answer_3, 'escape') from public_places where 

The interesting part of the result is  Park\302\222s, 
which is supposed to be Park's.

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Re: [AOLSERVER] AOLserver 4.5.1 crashing with max connections per thread messages

2010-12-02 Thread Gustaf Neumann

Dear Björn,

While i don't see the direct connection between your changed 
settings and error with EAGAIN, there are apparently 
misconfiguration in the snippet of your config file which 
are related to the changed settings:

1) If you have maxthreads defined as 10, then your first 
db-pool should have at least 10 db-connections. Note, that 
you might have in your app as well scheduled procs that will 
use as well  db-connections; 15 might be a good value.

2) In the pools parameter, you have to enlist you pools 
(pools * is not allowed for new aolservers, use in your 
example pool1,pool2,pool3 instead of the *).

For an example of the config file, see:

-gustaf neumann

On 01.12.10 16:25, Björn Þór Jónsson wrote:


The server has been rock stable since I changed

ns_param   maxconnections 5


ns_param   maxconnections 100

and from

ns_param   maxthreads 5


ns_param   maxthreads 10

ulimit -u says:  unlimited
and /etc/security/limits.conf has all lines commented out.

Thanks for the help :)

2010/11/22 Gustaf Neumann

Dear Björn,

The error indicates that /pthread_create /returned EAGAIN
(paraphrased as Resource temporarily unavailable).
This error indicates that

   the system lacked the necessary resources to create
another thread, or the system-imposed limit on the
number of threads in a process {PTHREAD_THREADS_MAX}
would be exceeded.  (from

so, for the user, under which the server runs, check
ulimit -u,
limits.conf, etc. Can it be that you switched to a new
machine with lower
limits than before?

What is you setting of maxthreads?

-gustaf neumann

Am 18.11.10 17:13, schrieb Björn Þór Jónsson:


After recently upgrading from AOLserver 4.5.0 to
4.5.1 and from nspostgres-4.0 to nspostgres-4.1 the
server is repeatedly crashing (when it gets hammered
by the google bots).  The error.log has many entries
like these before the server dies:

[17/Nov/2010:02:18:42][700.3218660208][-default:6195-] Notice:
exiting: exceeded max connections per thread
[17/Nov/2010:02:18:43][700.3217636208][-default:6193-] Notice:
exiting: exceeded max connections per thread
[17/Nov/2010:02:18:44][700.3219172208][-default:6196-] Notice:
exiting: exceeded max connections per thread
[17/Nov/2010:02:18:45][700.3218148208][-default:6194-] Error:
Tcl exception:
adp flush failed: connection closed
abort exception raised
while processing connection #31907:
GET ...
Host: localhost:8006
nsthreads: pthread_create failed in NsCreateThread:
Resource temporarily unavailable   [this is the last
line in the log before the crash]

This is the database section of the AOLserver config

ns_section ns/db/drivers
ns_param postgres

ns_section ns/db/pools
ns_param   pool1  Pool 1
ns_param   pool2  Pool 2
ns_param   pool3  Pool 3

ns_section ns/db/pool/pool1
ns_param   maxidle10
ns_param   maxopen10
ns_param   connections5
ns_param   extendedtableinfo  true
ns_param   driver postgres
ns_param   datasource localhost::${db_name}
ns_param   user   $user_account

ns_section ns/db/pool/pool2
ns_param   maxidle10
ns_param   maxopen10
ns_param   connections5
ns_param   extendedtableinfo  true
ns_param   driver postgres
ns_param   datasource localhost::${db_name}
ns_param   user   $user_account

ns_section ns/db/pool/pool3
ns_param   maxidle10
ns_param   maxopen10
ns_param   connections5
ns_param   extendedtableinfo  true
ns_param   driver postgres
ns_param   datasource localhost::${db_name}
ns_param   user   $user_account

ns_section ns/server/${server}/db
ns_param   pools  *
ns_param   defaultpoolpool1

The server is running on Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS
2.6.32-25-generic-pae #45-Ubuntu SMP Sat Oct 16
21:01:33 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux

Is there anything I should configure differently or
has any other ideas what might be causing this?


Björn Þór Jónsson

-- AOLserver -

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Re: [AOLSERVER] AOLserver 4.5.1 crashing with max connections per thread messages

2010-11-22 Thread Gustaf Neumann

Dear Björn,

The error indicates that /pthread_create /returned EAGAIN
(paraphrased as Resource temporarily unavailable).
This error indicates that

   the system lacked the necessary resources to create
another thread, or the system-imposed limit on the total
number of threads in a process {PTHREAD_THREADS_MAX}
would be exceeded.  (from

so, for the user, under which the server runs, check ulimit -u,
limits.conf, etc. Can it be that you switched to a new machine with lower
limits than before?

What is you setting of maxthreads?

-gustaf neumann

Am 18.11.10 17:13, schrieb Björn Þór Jónsson:


After recently upgrading from AOLserver 4.5.0 to 4.5.1 and from 
nspostgres-4.0 to nspostgres-4.1 the server is repeatedly crashing 
(when it gets hammered by the google bots).  The error.log has many 
entries like these before the server dies:

[17/Nov/2010:02:18:42][700.3218660208][-default:6195-] Notice: 
exiting: exceeded max connections per thread
[17/Nov/2010:02:18:43][700.3217636208][-default:6193-] Notice: 
exiting: exceeded max connections per thread
[17/Nov/2010:02:18:44][700.3219172208][-default:6196-] Notice: 
exiting: exceeded max connections per thread
[17/Nov/2010:02:18:45][700.3218148208][-default:6194-] Error: Tcl 

adp flush failed: connection closed
abort exception raised
while processing connection #31907:
GET ...
Host: localhost:8006
nsthreads: pthread_create failed in NsCreateThread: Resource 
temporarily unavailable   [this is the last line in the log before the 

This is the database section of the AOLserver config file:

ns_section ns/db/drivers
ns_param postgres

ns_section ns/db/pools
ns_param   pool1  Pool 1
ns_param   pool2  Pool 2
ns_param   pool3  Pool 3

ns_section ns/db/pool/pool1
ns_param   maxidle10
ns_param   maxopen10
ns_param   connections5
ns_param   extendedtableinfo  true
ns_param   driver postgres
ns_param   datasource localhost::${db_name}
ns_param   user   $user_account

ns_section ns/db/pool/pool2
ns_param   maxidle10
ns_param   maxopen10
ns_param   connections5
ns_param   extendedtableinfo  true
ns_param   driver postgres
ns_param   datasource localhost::${db_name}
ns_param   user   $user_account

ns_section ns/db/pool/pool3
ns_param   maxidle10
ns_param   maxopen10
ns_param   connections5
ns_param   extendedtableinfo  true
ns_param   driver postgres
ns_param   datasource localhost::${db_name}
ns_param   user   $user_account

ns_section ns/server/${server}/db
ns_param   pools  *
ns_param   defaultpoolpool1

The server is running on Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS
2.6.32-25-generic-pae #45-Ubuntu SMP Sat Oct 16 21:01:33 UTC 2010 i686 

Is there anything I should configure differently or has any other 
ideas what might be causing this?


Björn Þór Jónsson

-- AOLserver -

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Univ.Prof. Dr. Gustaf Neumann
Institute of Information Systems and New Media
WU Vienna
Augasse 2-6, A-1090 Vienna, AUSTRIA

AOLserver -

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body of SIGNOFF AOLSERVER in the email message. You can leave the Subject: 
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Re: [AOLSERVER] Site hanging

2010-11-08 Thread Gustaf Neumann

Dear Janine

The symptoms sound  similar to bug #1615787
this bug is fixed in the 4.0 branch (not sure, if you are using
a version before this fix) and in aolserver 4.5.1

best regards
-gustaf neumann

2007-10-19 Gustaf Neumann

* nsd/driver.c:
* nsd/queue.c:

  Better fix for BUG #1615787 in aolserver 4.5. 
Although the

  original fix apparently helped for, it
  appears to simply change the timing, but did not fix the
  problem itself. The problem was that under limited 

  configurations (e.g. maxthreads 5, maxconnections 3) and
  heavy traffic, incoming requests were queued but not
  processed in new connection threads. The situation was
  especially bad, when the number of queued requests was
  larger than maxconnections, since after processing n
  requests the server was idling with a high number of 


2006-12-15 Dossy Shiobara

* nsd/driver.c: [BUG #1615787] Fix deadlock bug when driver
  thread stalls under specific conditions.  Thanks to Jeff
  Rogers and Gustaf Neumann.

On 06.11.10 17:23, Janine Ohmer wrote:

Another day, another problem. ;)

This time it's a somewhat more recent (but still old) OpenACS site, that has 
always run under AOLserver 4.0.10.  Overnight it got hit pretty hard by the 
Yahoo crawler, and it has stopped responding.  Netstat shows 117 connections, 
78 in CLOSE_WAIT state and the rest in SYN_RECV.

This site would hang up very occasionally on my old system;  I would just 
restart it, since it didn't happen often enough to worry about.  But it has 
only been running for about 16 hours, and that is way too soon to be doing this.

The new system is more powerful than the old one, and runs a much newer 64 bit 
Linux, vs a very old 32 bit one.  It's entirely possible that my configuration 
(connections) is not ideal, but it hasn't changed so I would expect it to run 
at least as well on the new system as it did on the old.

For now I will just restart it but I'm sure this will happen again.  Any 
suggestions on how to troubleshoot?  I have never had much luck over the years 
figuring this out;  I usually just end up installing keepalive to restart, but 
that is really not ideal.



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Re: [AOLSERVER] Has anyone built nsd3.3+ad13 on 64-bit Linux?

2010-11-06 Thread Gustaf Neumann
If you want to compile the vintage version, i would will 
have to compile either
with -m32 or to backport the 64bit fixes of the last 10 
years, which are most

likely necessary for aolserver33 as well.

Search e.g. through
and similar search patterns

best regards
-gustaf neumann

On 05.11.10 23:03, Janine Ohmer wrote:

Followup to this...

The original build error was:

(cd /usr/local/src/aol33+ad13/aolserver/tcl7.6/unix; make CFLAGS='-I../include 
-D_REENTRANT=1 -DNDEBUG=1 -g -fPIC -Wall -Wno-unused -mcpu=x86_64 
make[2]: Entering directory `/usr/local/src/aol33+ad13/aolserver/tcl7.6/unix'
gcc -c -I../include -D_REENTRANT=1 -DNDEBUG=1 -g -fPIC -Wall -Wno-unused -mcpu=x86_64 
-DTCL_SHLIB_EXT=\.so\ ./../generic/panic.c
`-mcpu=' is deprecated. Use `-mtune=' or '-march=' instead.
./../generic/panic.c:1: error: bad value (x86_64) for -mtune= switch

I fixed this with:

#CFLAGS+=$(GCCOPT) -mcpu=$(shell uname -m)
 CFLAGS+=$(GCCOPT) -m64 -mtune=generic

in aolserver/include/

Now everything builds, but it starts to run and then seg faults.  *sigh*

I also tried

 CFLAGS+=$(GCCOPT) -O2 -pipe -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions 
-fstack-protector --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -m64 -mtune=generic

(everything from the new that the old one doesn't have)  But it 
still seg faults.


On Nov 5, 2010, at 1:58 PM, Janine Ohmer wrote:

I just posted the following to at, and wanted to see if anyone who 
lurks here but not there might have any ideas:

Due to unforeseen circumstances (server death :) I'm moving some very old sites 
to a new system running 64 bit Redhat (old system was 32 bit).  A couple of 
these sites were running under nsd3.3+ad13.  To my great surprise most of nsd 
worked without having to be rebuilt, but the postgres driver did not work and I 
was unsuccessful at building a new one.

Not wanting to invest a lot of time on an ancient webserver, I went ahead with 
the move and set the 3.2.5 sites up under AOLserver 4.0.10, also quite old but 
the client didn't want me to upgrade anything more than was absolutely 

Unfortunately, they don't work.  There are no errors in the error log on 
startup but the page load dies with:

invalid command name template::adp_parse

There don't seem to be many people reporting this error.  I've seen this thread:

But have double-checked the config file (several times!) and Home is set 
correctly.  However, this makes me think that the problem is probably due to 
changes to AOLserver's module/tcl scripts.

So does anyone know how to either a) run 3.2.5 under AOLserver 4 or b) get 
nsd3.3+ad13 built and working on 64 bit Linux?

Thanks in advance!

Janine Ohmer (formerly Sisk)
President/CEO of furfly, LLC

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Janine Ohmer (formerly Sisk)
President/CEO of furfly, LLC

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Re: [AOLSERVER] AOLServer Terminal Escape Sequence in Logs Command Injection Vulnerability

2010-09-10 Thread Gustaf Neumann

 as i said, a quick fix to close the logging exploit.

The information loss (changing ESC to the bell character 7) 
is very little;
under normal operation, you should never have a bell 
character in the

log file, and now, if you see one, it should ring a bell

the incoming url might be url-encoded or not. if one url-encodes
the logged url, then there is as well an information loss. One
could certainly just url-encode the escape character, but 
there is

as well an information loss on these. One could grep safely for
the bell character, but this is probably not very intuitive. 
that it is not only sufficient to escape the url, the attack 
could as

well come from other http reply header fields.

One should implement a DStringAppendSanitized() function
in nslog.c to allow multi-character substitutions.


On 09.09.10 14:41, Dossy Shiobara wrote:

  As a short-term solution, this is probably adequate, but there's
information loss -- it'd be nice to indicate the original byte sequence
somehow in the log entry by escaping characters so that log analysis
tools could detect such attacks, etc.

Perhaps the right answer is to log the URI with proper URL-encoding, so
that it would be logged as %1B instead of the literal byte.

On 9/9/10 8:18 AM, Gustaf Neumann wrote:

i have just now committed a quick fix for the problem into the
into the sourceforge module. please check, if this is in all cases

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Re: [AOLSERVER] AOLServer Terminal Escape Sequence in Logs Command Injection Vulnerability

2010-09-10 Thread Gustaf Neumann

 The problem is a very old one, known at least since the
1980ies. There are discussions, whether this qualifies
as a security problem of some software writing to a logfile or
as a problem of the terminal emulators (which it actually is).
IMHO, this discussion is worthless. Some vendors of
webservers even seem to refuse to fix this.

Actually, every software writing unfiltered to some terminals
is dangerous, even a grep. The real security problem are
some terminal emulations,  but there are many of these.
The evil thing is that writing to the log file at the first
place does nothing bad, but looking at the logfile with
some standard tools can rise the problem - it is
a sleeper attack. If the log file is e.g. accessible via NFS,
the machines of developer developers watching the log file
are under attack.

As mentioned above this is not only a problem of
aolserver, but potentially of more or less all logging
programs or programs writing unfiltered to a terminal,
such as e.g. database management systems, etc.

If you're super-paranoid, don't tail -f access log files or other
files that an attacker can write to through accessing a service on your
system.  Get into the habit of cat -v $FILENAME to make sure
non-printable characters are escaped, intead of being fed unfiltered to
your terminal program.

or  tail -f ... | cat -v

-gustaf neumann

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Re: [AOLSERVER] Handling threads the right way

2010-06-29 Thread Gustaf Neumann

Am 30.06.10 00:23, schrieb Sep Ng:

Basically we had aolservers running and while serving pages, it's also
doing some heavy load processing from a ton of scheduled custom
written procedures.  Aolserver crashes and segmentation faults are
fairly frequent and the logs at the time pointed to these running
threads as a probable cause.  Possibly a configuration issue, but I
remember we tried fiddling with those numbers and it never really
From my experience, the two most common causes for crashes in aolserver 
 a) c-based extensions (tcl extensions and/or aolserver modules) which 
are not thread
 safe (e.g. using non thread-safe libraries) or which have bugs 
(e.g. double frees of

 memory), or
  b) running out of memory. The aolserver threads are typically 

 the zippy memory allocator over-allocates memory and does not
 free it. All threads use the same memory block, which is limited 
on most

 32bit machines to 2GB. When you hit the limit, the server crashes.

A solution for (b) is to compile everything (tcl, aolserver, modules) 
with 64 bit.
If you are using just Tcl + Aolserver commands, the server should never 

with recent versions of aolserver and tcl (e.g. tcl 8.4.19, 8.5.8).
What C extensions or aolserver modules are you using?

The following heuristic might help in the search of the problem.
If your crashes are random and independent of the load (e.g. happen with 
a little load) then bugs in the C code of the extensions are likely. If 
happens during thread end, bugs in the memory management of the 
are likely (tcl deletes an interpreter with all associated memory). If 
the crashes

happen under heavy load, thread-safety of some component is likely to
be the problem (e.g. we had a long time problems with our aolserver, which
ran stable up to about 600 concurrent users, then it started to crash. 
One of

the problem was the kerberos library, which was not reentrant, although
it claimed to be so).

So basically, what I'm currently beating my head over is to
build a much cleaner and better way of handling all the load but in so
doing, I'm not entirely sure whether or not to spawn a lot of threads
for the jobs, or basically keep it to a minimum.

Judging from Andrew's post, it would likely be better to reuse threads
but I'm not entirely sure how that happens.  I mean, everytime you'd
invoke ns_thread begin/begindetached, you are creating a new thread
already, no?  How do you reuse them?

In general, you have two options: you can use aolserver-threads and threads
created by the tcl thread library (libthread), which can be loaded as a 

into the aolserver (when compiled with the appropriate flags).
I prefer libthread, since all such threads run in an event loop.
This makes it very easy to send to these threads commands which are
implemented via event-loops. One can as well to implement this way
easy communication between the threads. It is essentially the same
programming model that can be used by using tcl+libthread outside
of the aolserver.

This is probably a stupid question, but is there a distinction between
the threads and connection threads in aolserver?  I know the
connection threads are probably the connections to the database (I
no, the connection threads handle incoming HTTP requests, they have a 

to the web-client. These are the threads controlled in the config file via
e.g, maxthreads. Typically, a connection thread is created on demand 
request) and lives, until either it times out (it received no requests 
for a
certain time) or it has served a maximum number of requests (all 
in the config file). When it reaches the end of its live-cycle, it is 

(and maybe recreated afterwards by new demand).

The threads of aolserver are typically heavyweight, since every thread
contains a full tcl interpreter. The weight depends on the size of the
blueprint, which is determined essentially by all tcl-procs available
at runtime. If you are using e.g. OpenACS with many OpenACS
packages defined, these might be several thousand procs. When a
thread starts, it reads the blue-print with all procs, which might take
a while. If you are using just Aolserver with a few tcl-modules,
the cost of starting a new thread (essentially loading the blueprint)
might not be so bad, and you might start for every jobs a new thread.
But this certainly depends on your needs and the kind of performance
you might want to reach.

-gustaf neumann

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Re: [AOLSERVER] Has anyone had experience on 64-bit AOLserver for possible memory leaks?

2010-06-15 Thread Gustaf Neumann

Am 14.06.10 09:24, schrieb Sep Ng:

Thanks for the swift reply Gustaf.  I have Debian Etch on 64-bit as
the OS platform and I'm thinking that OS choice should not
particularly affect performance, right?

i doubt that there will be a perceivable difference between Linux versions,
but this depends, how fine you measure :). runs aolserver 4.5.1
with Ubuntu 8.04.3 LTS since more than a year without any problems.

$ file /usr/local/aolserver/bin/nsd
/usr/local/aolserver/bin/nsd: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 
1 (SYSV), for GNU/Linux 2.6.8, dynamically linked (uses shared libs), 
not stripped


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Re: [AOLSERVER] how to parse Content-Type text/xml form post

2010-04-07 Thread Gustaf Neumann

Grab the post data and use an xml parser to get the content
There are multiple xml parsers for tcl available that you can use.
I would recommend tdom, which supports among other
things xpath (see

-gustaf neumann

Am 07.04.10 06:40, schrieb Brad Chick:

This should be fairly simple, but I having issues parsing a form post that is
of Content-Type text/xml.

The methods I see to handle the form data all try to parse the body into
key/value pairs.

This is not what I need.

Rather, I just need the xml payload.

any help would be appreciated.


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Re: [AOLSERVER] how to parse Content-Type text/xml form post

2010-04-07 Thread Gustaf Neumann

Is there something wrong with ns_conn content ?

Am 07.04.10 09:03, schrieb Bas Scheffers:

I think the question is *how* to grab the raw post data?

On Wednesday, April 7, 2010 4:12pm, Gustaf  

Grab the post data and use an xml parser to get the content
There are multiple xml parsers for tcl available that you can use.
I would recommend tdom, which supports among other
things xpath (see

-gustaf neumann

Am 07.04.10 06:40, schrieb Brad Chick:

This should be fairly simple, but I having issues parsing a form post that is
of Content-Type text/xml.

The methods I see to handle the form data all try to parse the body into
key/value pairs.

This is not what I need.

Rather, I just need the xml payload.

any help would be appreciated.


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Re: [AOLSERVER] differences between ns_httppost and sockets? (fix/insight for thread: SSL data truncation?)

2010-02-07 Thread Gustaf Neumann

Am 04.02.10 11:46, schrieb Torben Brosten:

John Caruso et al,

Could xotcl-core[2] be the work around/solution to this SSL 
ns_httpsget bug[1]?

The mentioned bug [1] looks like a buffering problem to me.
Since OpenSSL has its own buffering layer, the interaction
can be tricky and might as well differ depending on the OpenSSL
version. It has been a while, since i fiddled with this in another
context (pound + streaming connections).

I am not aware of the problem in the tls implementation,
but we are not using tls intensively. In general, the http-client
functions of xotcl-core provide an alternative
http/https implementation based directly on the Tcl I/O
functionality.  So, this is indeed a different integration
with OpenSSL, which can be tested/debugged also outside
of aolserver.

While the aolserver built-in functions work
mostly without add-ons (nsopenssl), xotcl-core functions require
(1) the tcl thread library (in this context for event
driven I/O and mutex functionality),  (2) tls
and (3) xotcl.

-gustaf neumann



1.  On July 15 2009 John Caruso wrote:
 We've run into a bug with AOLserver 4.5.1 / nsopenssl 3.0beta26.  The
 bug is fully documented here: 

 But the short version is that when using the nsopenssl client-side
 routines (e.g. ns_httpsget), the result may be truncated if the
 client starts reading before all of the data has been received.  This
 bug ONLY occurs with an AOLserver client (any version) running
 against an AOLserver 4 / nsopenssl 3.0beta26 server.  We've
 reproduced the bug on RHEL4, RHEL5, and Mac OS X.

 The bug is easily demonstrated by copying the file I've attached to
 this message (sslbug.tcl) to the top-level context of a web server
 running AOLserver 4.x/nsopenssl 3.0beta26 and then navigating to
 https://server/sslbug.tcl. If you comment out the ns_httpsget and
 use ns_httpget instead, you'll see that the bug disappears.

 We've done a lot of instrumenting of nsopenssl/AOLserver, but haven't
 been able to track down the root cause.  It seems likely that it's
 related to data buffering, which seems like it would be occurring
 within AOLserver or Tcl...but the issue is definitely specific to
 SSL, which implies that it's something in nsopenssl 3.0beta26.

 Does anyone have any idea what might be causing this problem?

 - John

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2.  On Feb 4, 2010, at 1:21 AM, Gustaf Neumann wrote:

Dear Brian and all,

xotcl-core of OpenACS contains a full set of HTTP client
support, including POST requests and https (via the
tcl tls package). Below is the description included in the

best regards
-gustaf neumann


  # Defined classes
  #  1) HttpCore (common base class)
  #  2) HttpRequest (for blocking requests + timeout support)
  #  3) AsyncHttpRequest (for non-blocking requests + timeout support)
  #  4) HttpRequestTrace (mixin class)
  #  5) Tls (mixin class, applicable to various protocols)
  # 1 HttpRequest
  # HttpRequest is a class to implement the client side
  # for the HTTP methods GET and POST.
  # Example of a GET request:
  #  set r [::xo::HttpRequest new -url]
  # The resulting object $r contains all information
  # about the requests, such as e.g. status_code or
  # data (the response body from the server). For details
  # look into the output of [$r serialize]. The result
  # object $r is automatically deleted at cleanup of
  # a connection thread.
  # Example of a POST request with a form with var1 and var2
  # (providing post_data causes the POST request).
  #  set r [::xo::HttpRequest new \
  # -url http://yourhost.yourdomain/yourpath \
  # -post_data [export_vars {var1 var2}] \
  # -content_type application/x-www-form-urlencoded]
  # More recently, we added timeout support for blocking http
  # requests. By passing a timeout parameter, you gain control
  # on the total roundtrip time (in milliseconds, ms):
  #  set r [::xo::HttpRequest new \
  #  -url \
  #  -timeout 1500]
  # Please, make sure that you use a recent distribution of tclthread
  # (  2.6.5 ) to have the blocking-timeout feature working
  # safely. This newly introduced feature makes use of advanced thread
  # synchronisation offered by tclthread that needed to be fixed in
  # tclthread = 2.6.5. At the time of this writing, there was no
  # post-2.6.5 release of tclthread, hence, you are required to obtain a
  # CVS snapshot, dating at least 2008-05-23. E.g.:
  # cvs -z3

Re: [AOLSERVER] differences between ns_httppost and sockets?

2010-02-04 Thread Gustaf Neumann

Dear Brian and all,

xotcl-core of OpenACS contains a full set of HTTP client
support, including POST requests and https (via the
tcl tls package). Below is the description included in the

best regards
-gustaf neumann


  # Defined classes
  #  1) HttpCore (common base class)
  #  2) HttpRequest (for blocking requests + timeout support)
  #  3) AsyncHttpRequest (for non-blocking requests + timeout support)
  #  4) HttpRequestTrace (mixin class)
  #  5) Tls (mixin class, applicable to various protocols)
  # 1 HttpRequest
  # HttpRequest is a class to implement the client side
  # for the HTTP methods GET and POST.
  # Example of a GET request:
  #  set r [::xo::HttpRequest new -url]
  # The resulting object $r contains all information
  # about the requests, such as e.g. status_code or
  # data (the response body from the server). For details
  # look into the output of [$r serialize]. The result
  # object $r is automatically deleted at cleanup of
  # a connection thread.
  # Example of a POST request with a form with var1 and var2
  # (providing post_data causes the POST request).
  #  set r [::xo::HttpRequest new \
  # -url http://yourhost.yourdomain/yourpath \
  # -post_data [export_vars {var1 var2}] \
  # -content_type application/x-www-form-urlencoded]
  # More recently, we added timeout support for blocking http
  # requests. By passing a timeout parameter, you gain control
  # on the total roundtrip time (in milliseconds, ms):
  #  set r [::xo::HttpRequest new \
  #  -url \
  #  -timeout 1500]
  # Please, make sure that you use a recent distribution of tclthread
  # (  2.6.5 ) to have the blocking-timeout feature working
  # safely. This newly introduced feature makes use of advanced thread
  # synchronisation offered by tclthread that needed to be fixed in
  # tclthread = 2.6.5. At the time of this writing, there was no
  # post-2.6.5 release of tclthread, hence, you are required to obtain a
  # CVS snapshot, dating at least 2008-05-23. E.g.:
  # cvs -z3 co \
  # -D 20080523 -d thread2.6.5~20080523 thread
  # Provided that the Tcl module tls (see e.g.
  # is available and can be loaded via package require tls into
  # the aolserver, you can use both TLS/SSL secured or unsecured requests
  # in the synchronous/ asynchronous mode by using an
  # https url.
  #  set r [::xo::HttpRequest new -url]
  # 2 AsyncHttpRequest
  # AsyncHttpRequest is a subclass for HttpCore implementing
  # asynchronous HTTP requests without vwait (vwait causes
  # stalls on aolserver). AsyncHttpRequest requires to provide a listener
  # or callback object that will be notified upon success or failure of
  # the request.
  # Asynchronous requests are much more complex to handle, since
  # an application (a connection thread) can submit multiple
  # asynchronous requests in parallel, which are likely to
  # finish after the current request is done. The advantages
  # are that the spooling of data can be delegated to a spooling
  # thead and the connection thread is available for handling more
  # incoming connections. The disadvantage is the higher
  # complexity, one needs means to collect the received data.
  # The following example uses the background delivery thread for
  # spooling and defines in this thread a listener. This generic
  # listener can be subclasses in applications.
  # When using asynchronous requests, make sure to specify a listener
  # for the callbacks and delete finally the request object in the
  # bgdelivery thread.
  #  ::bgdelivery do ::xo::AsyncHttpRequest new \
  # -url; \
  # -mixin ::xo::AsyncHttpRequest::SimpleListener
  # -proc finalize {obj status value} { my destroy }
  # 3 HttpRequestTrace
  # HttpRequestTrace can be used to trace one or all requests.
  # If activated, the class writes protocol data into
  # /tmp/req-somenumber.
  # Use
  #  ::xo::HttpCore instmixin add ::xo::HttpRequestTrace
  # to activate trace for all requests,
  # or mixin the class into a single request to trace it.

Am 03.02.10 14:50, schrieb Fenton, Brian:

Good news - I found a public webservice at 
and ns_http works great with that with my AOLserver version.

So, does anybody have any advice re using an SSL version? Are sockets the way 
to go to do this?


From: AOLserver Discussion [] On Behalf Of Fenton, 
Brian []
Sent: 03 February 2010 11:58

Re: [AOLSERVER] differences between ns_httppost and sockets?

2010-02-04 Thread Gustaf Neumann


we started using OpenACS around 5.0, so i cannot comment
on version 4.6 (actually, i am wondering, what reasons you have for
not upgrading to a more recent version). In general, xotcl-core
has very little dependencies on OpenACS, the http client
support has none. There is a dependency in the integration
of xotcl-core with the OpenACS object system
(it requires OpenACS 5.2), so loading the package
might require some fiddleing around.

all the best
-gustaf neumann

Am 04.02.10 12:26, schrieb Fenton, Brian:

Dear Gustaf,

I would dearly love to avail of the xotcl functionality but I suspect my system 
won't meet the dependencies.
The system is running an OpenACS 4.6 system (8 years old) and I know the 
OpenACS xotcl package arrived later than that.

What are the dependencies for xotcl-core?

I wasn't aware of the tcl tls package - I'll take a look at that.

many thanks!

From: AOLserver Discussion [] On Behalf Of Gustaf 
Neumann []
Sent: 04 February 2010 09:21
Subject: Re: [AOLSERVER] differences between ns_httppost  and sockets?

Dear Brian and all,

xotcl-core of OpenACS contains a full set of HTTP client
support, including POST requests and https (via the
tcl tls package). Below is the description included in the

best regards
-gustaf neumann


# Defined classes
#  1) HttpCore (common base class)
#  2) HttpRequest (for blocking requests + timeout support)
#  3) AsyncHttpRequest (for non-blocking requests + timeout support)
#  4) HttpRequestTrace (mixin class)
#  5) Tls (mixin class, applicable to various protocols)
# 1 HttpRequest
# HttpRequest is a class to implement the client side
# for the HTTP methods GET and POST.
# Example of a GET request:
#  set r [::xo::HttpRequest new -url]
# The resulting object $r contains all information
# about the requests, such as e.g. status_code or
# data (the response body from the server). For details
# look into the output of [$r serialize]. The result
# object $r is automatically deleted at cleanup of
# a connection thread.
# Example of a POST request with a form with var1 and var2
# (providing post_data causes the POST request).
#  set r [::xo::HttpRequest new \
# -url http://yourhost.yourdomain/yourpath \
# -post_data [export_vars {var1 var2}] \
# -content_type application/x-www-form-urlencoded]
# More recently, we added timeout support for blocking http
# requests. By passing a timeout parameter, you gain control
# on the total roundtrip time (in milliseconds, ms):
#  set r [::xo::HttpRequest new \
#  -url \
#  -timeout 1500]
# Please, make sure that you use a recent distribution of tclthread
# (  2.6.5 ) to have the blocking-timeout feature working
# safely. This newly introduced feature makes use of advanced thread
# synchronisation offered by tclthread that needed to be fixed in
# tclthread= 2.6.5. At the time of this writing, there was no
# post-2.6.5 release of tclthread, hence, you are required to obtain a
# CVS snapshot, dating at least 2008-05-23. E.g.:
# cvs -z3 co \
# -D 20080523 -d thread2.6.5~20080523 thread
# Provided that the Tcl module tls (see e.g.
# is available and can be loaded via package require tls into
# the aolserver, you can use both TLS/SSL secured or unsecured requests
# in the synchronous/ asynchronous mode by using an
# https url.
#  set r [::xo::HttpRequest new -url]
# 2 AsyncHttpRequest
# AsyncHttpRequest is a subclass for HttpCore implementing
# asynchronous HTTP requests without vwait (vwait causes
# stalls on aolserver). AsyncHttpRequest requires to provide a listener
# or callback object that will be notified upon success or failure of
# the request.
# Asynchronous requests are much more complex to handle, since
# an application (a connection thread) can submit multiple
# asynchronous requests in parallel, which are likely to
# finish after the current request is done. The advantages
# are that the spooling of data can be delegated to a spooling
# thead and the connection thread is available for handling more
# incoming connections. The disadvantage is the higher
# complexity, one needs means to collect the received data.
# The following example uses the background delivery thread for
# spooling and defines

Re: [AOLSERVER] upload progress

2009-11-25 Thread Gustaf Neumann

Tom Jackson schrieb:


I'm just going to venture a guess. I hope that Jim D. or someone else
more familiar with the internals will set me straight.

The problem with upload progress monitoring is that uploads are
finished before a conn thread is allocated.

Uploads are done in the driver thread, or a worker thread before the
conn thread is given control.


the typical meachnism for upload progress bars is that separate (ajax) 
are used to query the state of an running upload, which is identified by 
unique ID (e.g. X-Progress-ID in,

or some other heuristics. e.g. based on URL and peer addr).
So, one needs just a thread-safe introspection meachnism, which
checks in the spooler the state (such as ns_upload_stats
in naviserver) and returns it back. The spooler hast just to update
these statistics when it recieves data.

-gustaf neumann

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Re: [AOLSERVER] large file uploads

2009-11-19 Thread Gustaf Neumann

bgdelivery - as implemented - works only for downloads, not for uploads.
uploads are technically different, since the c-level driver
handles these already. Acually, i tend to believe, that naviserver
does the right thing (i have not tried, since we are running in
64bit mode since a while).

what naviserver version have you tried?
Have you set the driver parameter maxupload to 0 to
enable file spooling? Acutally, if the upload sizemaxupload,
spooling to file happens in naviserver. When the spooler
finishes, the file are available under [ns_conn contentfile],
which returns the name of the spooled file.

Without looking into the details, i would not be wondering,
if the spooling to disc works fine, but the multipart processing
happens in memory (what you mentioned as form-handler)
You might be able to use an exernal mime-decoder such as
(possibly via nsproxy).

-gustaf neumann

Steve Manning schrieb:

Don't think you can use it for uploads but Gustaf's Background 
Delivery thread might help you to serve these files more efficiently. 
Its discussed here

- Steve

On Wed, 2009-11-18 at 18:20 -0800, John Buckman wrote:

On Nov 18, 2009, at 4:34 PM, Hossein Sharifi wrote:

 Are you using AOLserver 4.5x on a 64-bit platform?  nsd will crash on 32-bit 
platforms when memory usage (or log files) exceed 2GB.  I had to upgrade for a 
similar issue involving memory usage.
 Although I think that it would be ideal to port the Naviserver code at some point. 

No, I'm on a 32bit linux.  I guess the solution is to upgrade to a 64bit OS and 
have way more memory than the max file size.

I built naviserver today, with their spooler thread, and tested large file 
uploads.  Naviserver is very efficient at memory when handling the file upload, 
but it does hold the entire uploaded file in memory as it hands the file off to 
my form handler.  So, it has the same peak memory usage as aolserver, though it 
needs the peak memory for less time.  Still, not an optimal solution.


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Re: [AOLSERVER] Problems Installing on Leopard (Mac 10.5.8)

2009-10-19 Thread Gustaf Neumann

Dear Cesáreo,

for compiling under Mac OS X Leopard or newer,
use the following flags to compile Tcl:

./configure --prefix=/opt/aolserver --enable-threads 
--disable-corefoundation --enable-symbols

best regards
-gustaf neumann

Cesáreo García Rodicio schrieb:


I'm trying to build from source Aolserver 4.5.1 in 
/usr/local/aolserver under Mac OS X Leopard. First of all, I had 
problems with make (it didn't find tclsh), but it was solved as in

Finally I did get to install it in /usr/local/aolserver (bare 
aolserver, so far, no extra modules). My problem is when I test nsd:

roraima:aolserver root# ./bin/nsd -t base.tcl -u nobody -g web
roraima:aolserver root# The process has forked and you cannot use this 
CoreFoundation functionality safely. You MUST exec().

Break on __THE_PROCESS  

I added --enable-64bit to tcl configure script and I rebuilt it. Same 
problem ( forked )

I was seeking it in this list (some things) but I've only found the 
--enable-64bit thing and it didn't work for me

Some clues?


PD: Macports had some problems with make (suppose tcl executable)

roraima:aolserver-4.5.1 root# uname -a
Darwin roraima.local 9.8.0 Darwin Kernel Version 9.8.0: Wed Jul 15 
16:55:01 PDT 2009; root:xnu-1228.15.4~1/RELEASE_I386 i386

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Re: [AOLSERVER] Problems Installing on Leopard (Mac 10.5.8)

2009-10-19 Thread Gustaf Neumann
You have to compile Tcl and all tcl based modules with 

and you have to make sure that you are linking against this version of tcl.

best regards
-gustaf neumann

Cesáreo García Rodicio schrieb:

Dear Gustaf,

Thanks for your answer but, sadly, it didn't work. Same problem:

 ... The process has forked and you cannot use this CoreFoundation 
functionality safely. You MUST exec(). ... 

The building process ends, apparently, OK. This is what I'm doing:

 TCL building -
1. ./configure --prefix=$AOLSERVER_INST --enable-threads 
--disable-corefoundation --enable-symbols

2. make test
3. make  make install

 AOS building -
1. ./configure --with-tcl=$TCL_LIB --prefix=$AOLSERVER_INST 

2. $TCL_EXEC/tclsh8.4 nsconfig.tcl -install $AOLSERVER_INST -debug
4. make  make install

¿More ideas?


El 19/octubre/09 1:42, Gustaf Neumann escribió:

Dear Cesáreo,

for compiling under Mac OS X Leopard or newer,
use the following flags to compile Tcl:

./configure --prefix=/opt/aolserver --enable-threads
--disable-corefoundation --enable-symbols

best regards
-gustaf neumann

Cesáreo García Rodicio schrieb:


I'm trying to build from source Aolserver 4.5.1 in
/usr/local/aolserver under Mac OS X Leopard. First of all, I had
problems with make (it didn't find tclsh), but it was solved as in

Finally I did get to install it in /usr/local/aolserver (bare
aolserver, so far, no extra modules). My problem is when I test nsd:

roraima:aolserver root# ./bin/nsd -t base.tcl -u nobody -g web
roraima:aolserver root# The process has forked and you cannot use this
CoreFoundation functionality safely. You MUST exec().
Break on __THE_PROCESS  

I added --enable-64bit to tcl configure script and I rebuilt it. Same
problem ( forked )

I was seeking it in this list (some things) but I've only found the
--enable-64bit thing and it didn't work for me

Some clues?


PD: Macports had some problems with make (suppose tcl executable)

roraima:aolserver-4.5.1 root# uname -a
Darwin roraima.local 9.8.0 Darwin Kernel Version 9.8.0: Wed Jul 15
16:55:01 PDT 2009; root:xnu-1228.15.4~1/RELEASE_I386 i386

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Univ.Prof. Dr. Gustaf Neumann
Institute of Information Systems and New Media
WU Vienna
Augasse 2-6, A-1090 Vienna, AUSTRIA

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Re: [AOLSERVER] Fatal signal 11 error?

2009-09-08 Thread Gustaf Neumann


you might be interested in following the discussion on the thread

Fatal: received fatal signal 11 - new error after years!

on the OpenACS forums.allthough, the discussion there has
nothing to do with virtualization.

best regards
-gustaf neumann

Jade Rubick schrieb:

Hi Paul:

We found that to debug these, it's best to recompile with debug 
symbols on -- that way you can get an idea of what is causing the 


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On Mon, Sep 7, 2009 at 8:18 AM, Paul Griffiths wrote:

We are running a custom version of acs 4.3 and the aolserver keeps
restarting at random times throughout the day. We noticed this as
we have upgraded to new virtualized hardware.  The server comes
right back so it's not evident from a user perspective.  


I was looking at the error logs and see that the ‘fatal signal 11’
shows up just before the restart.   (grep 'fatal signal 11' -C 5

Any insight, experience, or suggestions are welcome.



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Re: [AOLSERVER] AOLserver Crash

2009-07-02 Thread Gustaf Neumann

William Scott Jordan schrieb:

Hey all!

I've had a few times recently where AOLserver has crashed under high 
loads.  Each time, I see a line in the logs that looks something like 
unable to alloc 4895393 bytes.

What was the size of AOLserver before the crash (most likely around 2GB)?
What is the footprint per connection thread (how many packages are you 
loading, are you using OpenACS, DotLrn)?

How many connection threads did you define?

Any guesses on what's causing this?

In most cases, reduction on the numer of max connection threads helps.
One can certainly create even with a single thread this problem (e.g.
inifinite loop appending to a tcl variable).
Once, you are close to 2GB, an exec of an external program can cause
crossing this boundary.

In general, there the following ways to proceed:
- find the memory wasting loop like above (rather unlikely problem)
- reduce memory consumption
- compile tcl, aolserver and all used modules with 64bit

-gustaf neumann


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Univ.Prof. Dr. Gustaf Neumann
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WU Vienna
Augasse 2-6, A-1090 Vienna, AUSTRIA

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Re: [AOLSERVER] ns_adp_parse issue

2009-06-09 Thread Gustaf Neumann

Francesco Petrarch schrieb:
Thanks for the suggestions, however they have not provided any 
positive results. 
ns_param StackSize 2048000 - only succeeding in causing aolserver to 
crash with could not allocate memory' errors after a day of running

i would not give up fast on that. What ist your stack-size setting,
when the system crashes? Set it to a value between your current
value and 2mb.

From your other posting i conclude, that it normally crashes more
frequent, since you mentioned  ... estimate about 100
times from 100,000 page requests a day right now..

The could not allocate memory shows that you are most likely
running a 32bit version which gets a size close to 2GB. You could
reduce resource consumption (e.g. less connection threads) or compile
with 64 bit.

best regards
-gustaf neumann

Univ.Prof. Dr. Gustaf Neumann
Institute of Information Systems and New Media
WU Vienna
Augasse 2-6, A-1090 Vienna, AUSTRIA

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Re: [AOLSERVER] Is ns_info threads safe to use?

2009-06-02 Thread Gustaf Neumann

Sep Ng schrieb:

  Is there a way in AOLserver to do live monitoring on
threads?  We're sort of hoping to get info on what thread ids are
running as of the moment on aolserver.

The xotcl-request-monitor watches running requests,
essentially via defining filters/traces for requsts and
using a monitor thread for keeping track of the
starts and ends of requests. If there are starts
recorded without ends, it knows these requests are still
running in some threads. This approach does not depened
on ns_info, we use it on all our production sites.

Originally i had one version for pure aolserver and one for
OpenACS; since a while i just work on the OpenACS version
(which is available via the public cvs repository of

best regards
-gustaf neumann

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Re: [AOLSERVER] Question on two AOLserver tickets

2009-05-15 Thread Gustaf Neumann

Tom Jackson schrieb:

On Thu, 2009-05-14 at 18:08 -0400, Jim Davidson wrote:
Good idea.  Maybe it would make sense to disable it by default with  
some config flag to enable?

I was thinking the same, but I wasn't sure how many people actually use
this command. 

i would even recommend to push this to a compile option.

The (sub)command could be always available but return in
installed versions an empty result. The docs could say that

... this (sub)command is intended for debugging/developing
aolserver and is normally deactivated. In order to avtivate
it, compile aolsever with flag XXX. Be aware that this
(sub)command is not thread save and can kill the aolserver
when used with multiple threads 

-gustaf neumann

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Re: [AOLSERVER] Diagnosing an AOLserver performance problem

2009-05-14 Thread Gustaf Neumann

Janine Sisk wrote:

Unfortunately I have no idea;  they process their own stats and so far 
have not shared (I have asked but they keep forgetting).


With just those changes I'm still seeing the nsd process consume 50%+ 
of the CPU from time to time but it looks like it's happening for a 
shorter period of time most of the time, so that is at least an 

From my experience, you can obtain much more improvement by
looking for bottlenecks in the application than by tuning a few
parameter in the aolserver configuration. So far, i did not see any
case of slow behavior like you are describing attributable to aolserver.
Your problem is most likely more an application performance problem
than a aolserver performance problem.
If you have an application running since several years, it is
not unlikely that some tables have grown quite large, such
that missing indices and sequentual scans might have become
a problem over the years. Furthermore, many OpenACS user don't
care much about the performance of scheduled jobs, but these can lead
exactly to the behavior you are observing.

I would recommend to monitor the behavior more closely,
by using e.g.  the xotcl request monitor and the aolserver statistics 

Since you seem to run quite an old version of OpenACS:
Another option, i would consider is to upgrade OpenACS.
We fixed many performance problems over the last years
in the base framework.

-gustaf neumann

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Re: [AOLSERVER] ns_httptime format error in AOL 4.5.1 [solved]

2009-05-13 Thread Gustaf Neumann

Dear Alexey,

Glad the problem is resolved. i commited a slightly
modified version of the patch (moved the static definition
to the right place in the file, made sure that year is always
4 digits) to CVS head on sourceforge. The patch makes
perfectly sense for non en* locale settings.

It would have saved all of us time if you would have
told us earlier that you are using a patched version.
I have checked the debian patches, there are no
other .c or .h files in the change set, so hopefully
this source of confusion is closed.

Many thanks for your help.

best regards
-gustaf neumann

PS: Tom, can you commit your improvements to queue.c
as well to cvs head?

Alexey Pechnikov schrieb:


I'm sorry but the problem is produced by patch for non-english locale. 
This patch use wrong format string:

snprintf(buf, 40, %s, %d %s %d %02d:%02d:%02d GMT,

I did fix the bug and I'm think this patch may be added to upstream.

Patch is here:

Thanks for help!

--- httptime.c.orig 2003-01-18 22:24:20.0 +0300
+++ httptime.c  2009-05-12 20:14:24.0 +0400
@@ -27,6 +27,9 @@
  * version of this file under either the License or the GPL.

+static char *weekdays_names[7] =
+{ Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat };

  * time.c --
@@ -92,11 +95,14 @@

- * This will most likely break if the locale is not an english one.
+ * Using snprintf instead of strftime to always use english names
  * The format is RFC 1123: Sun, 06 Nov 1997 09:12:45 GMT

-strftime(buf, 40, %a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT, tmPtr);
+snprintf(buf, 40, %s, %02d %s %d %02d:%02d:%02d GMT,
+weekdays_names[tmPtr-tm_wday], tmPtr-tm_mday,
+month_names[tmPtr-tm_mon], tmPtr-tm_year + 1900,
+tmPtr-tm_hour, tmPtr-tm_min, tmPtr-tm_sec);

 Ns_DStringAppend(pds, buf);
 return pds-string;

Best regards, Alexey Pechnikov.

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Re: [AOLSERVER] Fwd: [AOLSERVER] ns_httptime format error in AOL 4.5.1

2009-05-12 Thread Gustaf Neumann

Mr Spock would say: fascinating.

We know at least, that the environment is indeed
not the problem. Can you check, whether both programs
use the same strftime function?

such as:

$ nm  time-format| fgrep strftime
U strftime@@GLIBC_2.2.5

$ nm /usr/local/src/aolserver-4.5.1/nsd/ | fgrep strf
U strftime@@GLIBC_2.2.5

-gustaf neumann

Alexey Pechnikov schrieb:

This return the correct result:

catch {exec /tmp/time-format} msg
ns_log Notice $msg

[12/May/2009:14:56:47][15868.3082901168][-main-] Notice: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT   

Best regards, Alexey Pechnikov.

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Univ.Prof. Dr. Gustaf Neumann
Institute of Information Systems and New Media
WU Vienna
Augasse 2-6, A-1090 Vienna, AUSTRIA

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Re: [AOLSERVER] Diagnosing an AOLserver performance problem

2009-05-12 Thread Gustaf Neumann

Janine Sisk schrieb:

When I first started working on this problem, the settings were

ns_param   maxconnections 5
ns_param   maxthreads 5
ns_param   minthreads 5

maxconnections of 5 is for most applications to small. The term
maxconnections is misleading since it does not mean maximum
number of incoming connections, but is a counter per thread, when
it will shut down. With the value above, every thread will exit
and be recreated after 5 requests. If the application is well written,
no garbage should be left after the request, therefore the value can
be set to e.g. 1000.

I changed minthreads to 0, which dramatically sped up server restart 
time, and increased connections/threads first to 50/10 and then 
100/20.  I didn't see much of an increase in the last change so I left 
it there.
when start with minthreads 5 takes long, you seem to have quite a slow 

Do you have some usage figures, how many concurrent users you have to serve?
By concurrent, i mean running requests at the same time.

You can as well increase the threadtimeout to reduce the number of 
thread restarts

ns_param   threadtimeout  120

regarding the pools:

I would recommend to comment out the maxidle and maxopen
values (were needed for old aolserver versions) and - more important -
to reduce the number of connections. When you have maxthreads
at a low value (e.g. 20), you should not need more than e.g. 20
connections for the first two pools.

ns_section ns/db/pool/pool1
ns_param   maxidle10
ns_param   maxopen10
ns_param   connections300
ns_param   verbose$debug

maybe the 600+ connections you have makes things slower than

best regards
-gustaf neumann

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Re: [AOLSERVER] Fwd: [AOLSERVER] ns_httptime format error in AOL 4.5.1

2009-05-11 Thread Gustaf Neumann

Dear Alexey,

From the output, i start to believe that the setting of
LANG/LOCALE is not the problem, but i am getting the
suspicion that there is a bug in the c-library of your
operating system. What operating system do you use?

Rationale: aolserver uses strftime(..., ..., ... %d ..., ...)
to format the day of month. Since strftime() is defined
in the C-library, the bug should be there.

-gustaf neumann

Alexey Pechnikov schrieb:


On Sunday 10 May 2009 23:42:08 Tom Jackson wrote:

I wonder if you have to set this before your start nstclsh?

$ LANG=en_US.UTF-8 nstclsh
% ns_httptime 0
Thu, 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT


You might also see what my replacement proc produces, or just try in

$ nstclsh
% set seconds 0
% clock format $seconds -format %a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z -gmt 3
Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT


But I just noticed something strange:

% ns_parsehttptime [ns_httptime 0] 
invalid time: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT

% ns_parsehttptime Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT
invalid time: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT
% ns_parsehttptime Thu, 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT
invalid time: Thu, 1 JAn 1970 00:00:00 GMT

On the last one, notice that the month gets converted to JAn. 

Hm, I'm get the same result for my ru_RU.UTF-8 locale.

Best regards, Alexey Pechnikov.

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Re: [AOLSERVER] Diagnosing an AOLserver performance problem

2009-05-11 Thread Gustaf Neumann


the values make sense, since the 4.5.1 does not omit the cleanups
but instead of doing these at the same time, it distributes these
(by default by a randomization factor of 20%). The longer the
server runs the spikes should go down, since the cleanup
times will differ more.

Can you post the config file from that site?

-gustaf neumann

Janine Sisk schrieb:

Ok... I just upgraded all of the sites on this system.

Things look a bit better, but I still occasionally see an nsd pop up 
to 50%+ for a few seconds.  It doesn't seem to last as long, but that 
may just be because it's Sunday (and Mother's Day in the US), so 
traffic is always going to be a bit lighter.

Is there anything else I can try?


On May 10, 2009, at 4:54 AM, Gustaf Neumann wrote:


my recommendation is to give aolserver 4.5.1 a try. We had a similar 

especially when many connection threads are configured. Depending on
your query-patterns, it might easily happen with earlier versions
that more or less all connection threads will be refreshed
(restarted) at the same time. The more threads are defined the
worse it will become. Aolserver 4.5.1 addresses this problem by
providing a randomization spread.

best regards
-gustaf neumann

Janine Sisk schrieb:
I host a couple of sites based on an old version of OpenACS with a 
proprietary (and fairly primitive) CMS.  I didn't write any of it, 
and up to now have not had to look at things very closely.  But a 
combination of increased traffic and more stuff running on the 
system has made performance problems that were there all along rear 
some really ugly heads, and I need to figure out what's going on.

From watching the output of top I can see that both Postgres and 
AOLserver are doing their share of CPU hogging.  I've just turned on 
log_min_duration_statement in Postgres, to see where it's spending 
most of its time.  I'm less sure of what to do for AOLserver.  I've 
increased maxconnections and maxthreads and that seemed to help a 
little, but not enough.  It has been a long time since I last needed 
to tune AOLserver and I'm a bit at a loss.  Any suggestions on where 
to start?  I'd love to know what it's doing when it suddenly jumps 
up to using 86% of the cpu, then drops back to almost nothing again.

BTW, this is AOLserver 4.0.10, with this patch applied: 

(it didn't seem to help)  I can try upgrading if necessary but 
nothing I've read has made me think that 4.5 will give me any better 
performance, so for the moment I'm erring on the side of changing as 
little as possible.



Janine Sisk
President/CEO of furfly, LLC

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Janine Sisk
President/CEO of furfly, LLC

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Re: [AOLSERVER] Error after AOLserver upgrade

2009-05-11 Thread Gustaf Neumann

Dear Janine,

please check:
The problem was fixed in OpenACS more than 2 years ago.

Hope this helps,
-gustaf neumann

Janine Sisk schrieb:
Apologies in advance for posting with no research... was just checking 
email  before running out the door and found an error report from the 
client I upgraded over the weekend.  When I get back I will employ The 
Google and look at the code and all that, but I wanted to toss this 
out to see if anyone knew the answer.  This is in the proprietary CMS 
code that I didn't write, so it's possible they are doing something 
that no-one has run into before.

bad variable name af_to_sql(form_name__publish_date): upvar won't 
create a scalar variable that looks like an array element

   while executing
global $name
   (procedure ad_form line 308)
   invoked from within
ad_form -extend -name form_name -form {
big snip

Janine Sisk
President/CEO of furfly, LLC

-- AOLserver -

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Univ.Prof. Dr. Gustaf Neumann
Institute of Information Systems and New Media
WU Vienna
Augasse 2-6, A-1090 Vienna, AUSTRIA

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Re: [AOLSERVER] Fwd: [AOLSERVER] ns_httptime format error in AOL 4.5.1

2009-05-11 Thread Gustaf Neumann

Alexey Pechnikov schrieb:

My operation system is debian lenny.

Indeed, very strange.

To pin down the problem, compile the progam below and check
the output. It should show the same bug on your system.

I don't have a lenny system around to test, but at least in Ubuntu
8.0.4, everything works as expected.

I don't see, how the locale settings can influence the %d formatting
of stftime. But anyhow, it might be worth to check the output of

locale -k ru_RU.UTF-8 LC_TIME

on your system

hope, we are getting closer
-gustaf neumann

== time-format.c
#include time.h
#include stdio.h

int main() {
   time_t clock = 0;
   struct tm  time, *tmPtr=time;
   char   buf[40];

   tmPtr = gmtime_r(clock,tmPtr);
   strftime(buf, 40, %a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT, tmPtr);

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Re: [AOLSERVER] AOLServer+pound problem

2009-04-30 Thread Gustaf Neumann

Dear Alexey,

my recommendation is to try nginx. We have up to 3000 concurrently open 
the systems is very reponsive. On the same system we ran into problems 
at about 800
connections with pound; then we reduced the stack size, that helped 
until 1500

connections, then we switched.

nginx is more work to configure. at least the english documentation is 
tough to read, but here you have an advantage. nginx is very stable and 


-gustaf neumann

Alexey Pechnikov schrieb:


I'm now have problem with AOLServer (version 4.5.1) and pound ( For 
500+ active users my pound SSL proxy is not effective (for Core Quad server 
Load Average = 2.0 and system idle is about 0.5 but response time is more 
than 1 second! AOL can serve pages fast but pound is bottle neck). I need 
cookie-based virtual hosts. Is nginx good for me? 

P.S. Russian is my own language and can read nginx documentation.

As example my pound configuration:

HeadDeny X-SSL-.*
HeadRequire Host:.**
HeadRequire Cookie: .*session=branch%3Dstableunit%3D1

HeadDeny X-SSL-.* 
HeadRequire Host:.** 
HeadRequire Cookie: .*session=branch%3Dstableunit%3D3


HeadDeny X-SSL-.*  
HeadRequire Host:.**  


Best regards, Alexey Pechnikov.

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Re: [AOLSERVER] Problems with aolserver and memory crash

2009-04-29 Thread Gustaf Neumann
If the limit is ok (ayan's mail), you might run into the maximum segment 
size on 32bit.

If this is the case, recompile everything with 64bit enabled.

-gustaf neumann

Agustin Lopez schrieb:


I have in production six aolserver serving one OpenACS cluster.
The aolserver works well. We have only one big problem.
When I try to do some big memory operations which
need  400 MB, probably the server crash with the log message
unable to realloc XX bytes or unable to alloc XX bytes

Why this crash? The server have memory for that operation.
Any way to check the free memory?
Any solution?

My versions are:
  aolserver 4.5.1

If you need some more info, please tell me.

Best regards,

AOLserver -

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Univ.Prof. Dr. Gustaf Neumann
Institut of Information Systems and New Media
WU Vienna
Augasse 2-6, A-1090 Vienna, AUSTRIA

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Re: [AOLSERVER] missing access log entries

2009-04-15 Thread Gustaf Neumann

Dear Tom,

your rewrite of the two functions below look fine to me. The structure
is much clearer now, results of the authorization handling are handled
now consistently. I am useing these functions since a few days on one
of my servers and found nothing unusual. Many thanks to Tom!

Andrew, did you test this version as well for your test-cases?
If thise works for you as well (i would assume so), i would think
that version should go into CVS.

best regards
-gustaf neumann

Tom Jackson schrieb:

I think I finally figured it out, and it now appears to me that
including the access logging trace where it is makes perfect sense. What
didn't make sense, and was a bug, was the meaning of the value of
status at the point trace filters, server traces and void traces ran. 

In effect, status must indicate the success/failure of sending a
response to the client. The current code didn't do that. Here is my
rewrite of the two affected functions, with comments added:

 * ConnAuthorize --
 *  Try to authorize a connection.
 * Results:
 *  NS_OK on successful authorization,
 *  NS_FILTER_RETURN on authorization failure, or
 *  NS_ERROR on error.
 * Side effects:
 *  Connection request is authorized. On failure an alternative
 *  response may be sent to the client.

static int
ConnAuthorize(Conn *connPtr)
Ns_Conn   *conn = (Ns_Conn *) connPtr;
NsServer  *servPtr = connPtr-servPtr;

status = Ns_AuthorizeRequest(servPtr-server,
		connPtr-request-method, connPtr-request-url, 
		connPtr-authUser, connPtr-authPasswd, connPtr-peer);

switch (status) {
case NS_OK:
 * NS_OK indicates that a response was sent to the client
 * a this point, we must fast-forward to traces,
 * so we convert the NS_OK to NS_FILTER_RETURN.
if ((status = Ns_ConnReturnForbidden(conn)) == NS_OK) {
 * NS_OK indicates that a response was sent to the client
 * a this point, we must fast-forward to traces,
 * so we convert the NS_OK to NS_FILTER_RETURN.
if ((status = Ns_ConnReturnUnauthorized(conn)) == NS_OK) {
case NS_ERROR:
status = NS_ERROR;

return status;

 * ConnRun --
 *  Run a valid connection.
 * Results:
 *  None.
 * Side effects:
 *  Connection request is read and parsed and the cooresponding
 *  service routine is called.

static void
ConnRun(Conn *connPtr)
Ns_Conn   *conn = (Ns_Conn *) connPtr;
NsServer  *servPtr = connPtr-servPtr;
inti, status;
Tcl_Encodingencoding = NULL;

 * Initialize the connection encodings and headers. 

connPtr-outputheaders = Ns_SetCreate(NULL);

encoding = NsGetInputEncoding(connPtr);
if (encoding == NULL) {
encoding = NsGetOutputEncoding(connPtr);
if (encoding == NULL) {
encoding = connPtr-servPtr-urlEncoding;
Ns_ConnSetUrlEncoding(conn, encoding);
if (servPtr-opts.hdrcase != Preserve) {
for (i = 0; i  Ns_SetSize(connPtr-headers); ++i) {
if (servPtr-opts.hdrcase == ToLower) {
Ns_StrToLower(Ns_SetKey(connPtr-headers, i));
} else {
Ns_StrToUpper(Ns_SetKey(connPtr-headers, i));

 * Run the request.

while (1) {

 * Proxy requests replace request logic

if (connPtr-request-protocol != NULL
 connPtr-request-host != NULL) {

status = NsConnRunProxyRequest((Ns_Conn *) connPtr);

 * Each stage of request processing can return one of three
 * possible results:
 * NS_OK means continue to next stage
 * NS_FILTER_RETURN means skip to traces
 * NS_ERROR means skip to 500 response attempt

status = NsRunFilters(conn, NS_FILTER_PRE_AUTH);
if (status != NS_OK) {

status = ConnAuthorize(connPtr);
if (status != NS_OK) {

status = NsRunFilters(conn, NS_FILTER_POST_AUTH);
if (status != NS_OK) {

status = Ns_ConnRunRequest(conn);

if (status == NS_ERROR) {

Re: [AOLSERVER] missing access log entries

2009-04-12 Thread Gustaf Neumann

Tom Jackson schrieb:

I just noticed that my patch to queue.c misses one case. If an

authorization proc returns NS_ERROR, a 500 response is returned, but no
trace filters run. This seems like a bug, ...

i was as well looking at the result of Ns_AuthorizeRequest, and
not at the result of a filter proc.

 More filters and the traces are run, when the status is NS_OK
 or NS_FILTER_RETURN. If i look at the code, i wonder,
 what happens with filters and traces for status codes like

Since the status code is handled in the same proc,
we have to deal with it consistently

To be consistent, the NS_ERROR/default block should be:
case NS_ERROR:
status = NS_OK;

That is still just one case. If i read the code correctly even with
the patch above, the trace filters and the traces are not run
when AuthorizeRequest returns  NS_FORBIDDEN or
NS_UNAUTHORIZED. Therefore, these entries won't
show up in the access log-file, which looks as a bug to me.

The return codes NS_OK and NS_FILTER_RETURN (which
can be set by a filter, by the request or the authorization)
mean in the 4.5 code-line:

 run filters with NS_FILTER_TRACE,
 run filters with NS_FILTER_VOID_TRACE,
 run traces

 run filters with NS_FILTER_TRACE,

which is something i don't understand.

By looking into the code, i see that a VOID_TRACE
filter is registered by the NsTclRegisterTraceObjCmd
(when a trace is registered). Why we have actually

Wouldn't be a single TRACE enough?

Shouln't be servertraces marked as deprecated
in favor of TRACE filters? (or vice versa)?

nslog is the only place, in the common code,
where a servertrace is registered.  This could
be replaced by a call to register a TRACE filter.

Then, we should simplify the distinction
to a single case, where the traces are always
run. That would be a nice simplificaton
and would make it easier to achieve a
consitent behavior.

-gustaf neumann

PS: i wrote this just by reading the code.
There might be certainly some imporant
cases/reasones missing.

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Re: [AOLSERVER] missing access log entries

2009-04-10 Thread Gustaf Neumann

Tom Jackson schrieb:


Okay, great! The changes should probably be divided into two patches:

good idea.

While the changes in queue.c are somewhat non-obvious
the changes related to adprequest.c and adpeval.c are more
clear to me. They address the original problem.

i was not able to follow the full discussion and most likely one needs
more thoughts and largers test cases to consider. Do i understand correctly:
- when either the POST_AUTH filter or the request returns != NS_OK
  the server returns a 500 error
- if there was an earlier ns_return XXX, it is ignored.

NsRunFilters retuns either NS_OK or NS_FILTER_BREAK, NS_FILTER_TRACE or
NS_FILTER_RETURN. Don't we have to deal with the other non-ok cases?

More filters and the traces are run, when the status is NS_OK
or NS_FILTER_RETURN. If i look at the code, i wonder,
what happens with filters and traces for status codes like

Have you checked what happens, when a Ns_ConnRunRequest
ended in Tcl with a  return, break or  continue?

-gustaf neumann

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Re: [AOLSERVER] missing access log entries

2009-04-02 Thread Gustaf Neumann

Andrew Steets schrieb:

The patch I sent earlier seems to fulfill these needs, but I am
worried about corner cases where LogTrace (from the nslog module)
could blow up.  Nothing about the state of the Conn * seems to be
guaranteed when the ConnCleanup callbacks are called.

Dear Andrew,

i think most (all?) of the repondents seems to agree that writing in the 
about case to

the access log file. For me there are still two quesions open:

a) is it possoble to call ns_adp_abort at some time, where the server 
might crash
  (in normal operations, everthing looks fine to me, problems might 
occur in
  when called from some traces; other calls are likely to have similar 

b) the patch replaces the call to the regular server trace by a 
connection cleanup call.
  this means, at least in 4.5.*, ns_adp_abort seems to cancel all 
traces (also

  these registered with ns_register_trace). Is this desired?
  From Tom's website:

  the doc of ns_adp_abort says

  ... Every ns_returnxxx call in an ADP should be followed with a call
   to ns_adp_abort

  With this recommendation, cancelling traces seem wrong to me; or at 

  this should be documented.

We don't use traces, all of OpenACS does not use it, so this is no
current issue for us.

-gustaf neumann

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Re: [AOLSERVER] missing access log entries

2009-03-27 Thread Gustaf Neumann

Andrew Steets schrieb:

I'm inclined to agree with you that the current behavior is a bug, but it
raises the question: should there be such a function that says this
connection wasn't handled, don't even log it - or, should ALL connections
always be logged, even if it's aborted?

As Scott suggested, we should probably log everything, at least for
some reasonable value of everything.  Even if you switch the access
log trace to the cleanup callback, you still don't get access entries
for clients who connect but don't issue a well formed HTTP request.  I
don't have a huge problem with that, and I think it would be difficult
to log those types of events.
i am as well in favor of loging the adp_aborts, since this seems a used 
There is no advantage in omitting such entries in the log file, but it 
might be
hard to figure out what happens without that. 

For example, in our production system, we use nginx, which logs these
requests on its own. A problem show up, when we try to debug a situation,
where some requests present in the nginx log are missing in the 
aolserver log.

-gustaf neumann

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Re: [AOLSERVER] TCL 8.5 and ns_proxy segfault [closed] + 2 new non-critical bugs

2009-03-08 Thread Gustaf Neumann

Alexey Pechnikov schrieb:
Patch really did solve the problem. I did test AOL4.5.1+Tcl8.5.6 build on one 
my low-loaded productions server by 4 hour now and this work. Thank you very 

Good to get confirmation. I have commited the changes for
both discussed problems (buffer overflow and 8.5 initialization problem)
to CVS HEAD at sourceforge.

But I did find a few additional problems:
Currently, i have two tough deadlines, so i can't look into these in 
more depth.

It might be a good idea to report the two bugs on the tracker to keep
them on the radar

-gustaf neumann

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Re: [AOLSERVER] TCL 8.5 and ns_proxy segfault

2009-03-07 Thread Gustaf Neumann

Alexey Pechnikov schrieb:


I did try to build AOL 4.5.1 with TCL 8.5. AOL is work, but nsproxy module now 
doesn't work. 

$ /usr/lib/aolserver4/bin/nsproxy
Segmentation fault

I did copy strace for no-work nspoxy (TCL 8.5) and work (TCL 8.4).

i can confirm, that aolserver 4.5.1 compiled with tcl 8.5 crashes, when
nsproxy is being called.

The strace is not very informative. gdb is better. The stack trace below
indicates that the problem might point to a problem with the
thread associated data. GetData() in nsd/tclinit.c calls
Tcl_AsyncCreate(), which crashes when it tries to get the thread data.

#1  0x0a094807 in ThreadStorageGetHashTable ()
#2  0x0a09490e in TclpThreadDataKeyGet ()
#3  0x0a093961 in Tcl_GetThreadData ()
#4  0x0a00be49 in Tcl_AsyncCreate ()
#5  0x000adb75 in GetData () at tclinit.c:1850
#6  0x000ad8e9 in GetCacheEntry (servPtr=0x2a010) at tclinit.c:1654
#7  0x000ad738 in PopInterp (server=0x0) at tclinit.c:1547
#8  0x000abeee in Ns_TclAllocateInterp (server=0x0) at tclinit.c:368
#9  0x000abe03 in Ns_TclCreateInterp () at tclinit.c:250
#10 0x7f0a in Ns_ProxyMain (argc=1, argv=0xb71c, init=0x3f69 
MyInit) at nsproxylib.c:329

#11 0x3f63 in main (argc=1, argv=0xb71c) at nsproxy.c:45

not good.

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Re: [AOLSERVER] TCL 8.5 and ns_proxy segfault

2009-03-07 Thread Gustaf Neumann
Well, i found at least one problem in ns_proxy so far, but it seems 

to Tcl 8.5 and Alexey's problem.

nsproxy defines the structure Proxy as follows:

typedef struct Proxy {
   char id[16];/* Proxy unique string id. */
   Proc *procPtr;/* Running child process, if any. */
} Proxy;

later, the id is initialized by

  sprintf(proxyPtr-id, %s-proxy-%d, poolPtr-name, poolPtr-nextid++);

The sprintf will cause a problem, if the pool name has more than 16-9 = 
7 bytes.
Since pool name is passed in via tcl, and its length is not checked, 
wierd things

are likely to happen (the procPtr will be overwritten).

For example, OpenACS does a

   set handle [ns_proxy get exec_proxy]

where len(exec_proxy)7.

The quick fix is to change char id[16] to id[32], but actually, one should
check the length...

Unfortunately, this does not help in the original problem.

-gustaf neumann

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Re: [AOLSERVER] TCL 8.5 and ns_proxy segfault

2009-03-07 Thread Gustaf Neumann

Dear Alexey,

below is a fix for the nsproxy problem that you reported.
The problem comes from a different initialization semantics
in Tcl 8.5, that hits the nsproxy binary. The added call
should work with Tcl 8.4 as well; please report back
such i can commit the fix to CVS.

best regards
-gustaf neumann

RCS file: /cvsroot/aolserver/aolserver/nsproxy/nsproxy.c,v
retrieving revision 1.1
diff -u -r1.1 nsproxy.c
--- nsproxy.c19 Apr 2006 18:55:09 -1.1
+++ nsproxy.c7 Mar 2009 23:45:04 -
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@
main(int argc, char **argv)
return Ns_ProxyMain(argc, argv, MyInit);

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Re: [AOLSERVER] AOL + SQLite+nsproxy question

2009-03-01 Thread Gustaf Neumann


don't use binaries of drivers compiled for 4.0.* with  4.5.* and vice versa;
this can easily lead to crashes. Make as well sure, that all involved 

are compiled against the same version of tcl. nspostgres does work with
4.0.10 and 4.5.0 and 4.5.1 with all recent versions of postgres.
We use it in 20+ installations without any problems.

-gustaf neumann

Alexey Pechnikov schrieb:


On Sunday 01 March 2009 21:05:30 Don Baccus wrote:

nspostgres doesn't work as you can see.
I know for a fact that Iuri, the last person who shows up for that  
search, got it working and in fact has used it in a development  
project in which I was mentoring him.

I did find advise to set pgbin variable in config but this didn't help.

ns_section ns/db/driver/postgres
ns_parampgbin   /usr/lib/postgresql/8.1/bin/psql

AOL 4.0.10 + nspostgres work fine. But AOL 4.5 + nspostgres (I did try to use 
versions nspostgres compiled for AOL 4.0 and 4.5) doesn't work.

There is AOL log:

[01/Mar/2009:20:49:09][746.3057605520][-conn:1-] Notice: dbinit: 
sql( 'select count(*) as count fromnotice.messages 
where not is_send and user_id=2954 and type='user''
[01/Mar/2009:20:49:09][746.3057744784][-conn:0-] Notice: Querying 'select 
count(*) as count from notice.messages where not is_send and user_id=2955 and 
[01/Mar/2009:20:49:09][746.3057744784][-conn:0-] Notice: dbinit: 
sql( 'select count(*) as count fromnotice.messages 
where not is_send and user_id=2955 and type='user''
[01/Mar/2009:20:49:11][746.3057605520][-conn:1-] Fatal: received fatal signal 

Best regards.

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Re: [AOLSERVER] Exec error produce error Fatal: received fatal signal 11.

2009-03-01 Thread Gustaf Neumann

dear alexey,

Strange, both commands behave as expected on my machine with aolserver 
Can it be that your machine is running out of memory? Can it be that you 

mixed tcl versions during compilation?

btw, you should use nsproxy instead of exec to call soffice.

best regards
-gustaf neumann

Alexey Pechnikov schrieb:


AOL version 4.5 may be killed my simple code:

catch {exec soffice -invisible -headless -norestore 
macro:///Standard.Converter.ConvertToPDF($tmpdocname) -display :10}

I rewrite command as
exec soffice -invisible -headless -norestore 
macro:///Standard.Converter.ConvertToPDF($tmpdocname) -display :10  

It's work but is not stable.

And this code work wrong:

if {[file exists $tmpresname]==1} {
ns_returnfile 200 [ns_guesstype $tmpresname] $tmpresname
} else {
puts File $tmpresname not exists

We can see message in AOL log:

File /tmp/fileiBmXN0/doc.pdf not exists

$ ls -lh /tmp/fileiBmXN0/doc.pdf
-rw-r--r-- 1 www-data www-data 81K 2009-03-02 00:38 /tmp/fileiBmXN0/doc.pdf

Is AOL 4.5 development and unstable release? I did think AOL 4.5 is production 
but AOL 4.0.10 work fine and AOL 4.5 generate a lot of different errors.

Best regards.

AOLserver -

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Re: [AOLSERVER] AOLserver 4.5.1 released on February 2, 2009

2009-02-09 Thread Gustaf Neumann

Fenton, Brian schrieb:

Congratulations indeed.

On a related note, doesn't appear to be responding.
Can someone bring it up please?
i can't help here, but i noticed that (or works.
For documentation, please use for the time being.

-gustaf neumann

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Re: [AOLSERVER] Virtual hosting

2009-02-07 Thread Gustaf Neumann
While it is true that for plain proxing, pound is simpler and easier to 

nginx scales better (e.g. when you have e.g. 1000+ concurrent connecitions)
and offers a large scale of modules etc. We switched from pound to nginx
two years ago, and the decision was right for us. While for pound, every
connection is a separate thread, nginx uses asynchronous connecitions
(+ configurable multiple threads).

best regards
-gustaf neumann

Alexey Pechnikov schrieb:


В сообщении от Saturday 07 February 2009 06:00:39 Alex написал(а):

Apache for proxying

nginx for proxing?!!

Best regards, Alexey.


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Re: [AOLSERVER] Error code: ssl_error_rx_record_too_long

2008-11-05 Thread Gustaf Neumann

Check out
aolserver 4.5 head and naviserver has this built in.

best regards
-gustaf neumann

Scott Goodwin schrieb:
Thank you for posting the resolution to this problem. The bgdelivery 
capability in OpenACS looks interesting, and I noticed this in the 
OpenACS bgdelivery code:

ns_log notice AOLserver is not patched for bgdelivery, NOT loading bgdelivery
Are there patches to the AOLserver executable required to make bgdelivery 

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Re: [AOLSERVER] AOLserver Crash!

2008-10-29 Thread Gustaf Neumann


it looks to me as if the problem is due to a c-extension you are using
and happens after a thread exit. When a thread exists, it frees among
other things the associated tcl interpreter. At this time, all c
extensions have to unload cleanly as well. Note that ns_eval creates
and destroys as well a thread. The problem might be due to some leftover,
due to uninitialized memory, etc. This is inherently cumbersome to
debug in C code, since sometimes, you might be lucky and
the server survives the real bug, some other times not. Furthermore,
the bug and the crash  are often in two different parts of the code.
Maybe, you have simply luck on the other machines.

i would recommend the following:
a) try to make the crash happen reproducible, in as simple as
   possible setup. I would recommend to stress thread destroys
   (e.g. setting maxconnections  to e.g. 2, test with calls
   doing an ns_eval)
b) reduce all c-extensions (do you have to use nsmysql and nsoracle?)
   In the best of all possible worlds, you might not need all
   c-modules in the crash case, so dropping might help
   to detect the culprit.

From some distant, my first suspicion falls to nsmysql, i am not
sure how frequent this is used.

hope this help a little
-gustaf neumann

Rami Jadaa schrieb:

Hi Scott,
Thanks for your reply.

I don't think that I can send the log as it will be so big , as 
AOlserver initiates and load a lot of ACS code...

And for the checksum, we did the following:
Using pound, we shifted the load going to this webserver to another 
server on another machine where it uses a different local copy of the 
same application, and then after the reload, the server were we 
shifted the load to crashed, and the old one didn't!!

So i can take out he doubt on file corruption, right?

Environment :
Aolserver 4.0.10 , fetched from CVS almost 6 months back .
nsoracle Oracle Driver version 2.8a1
nsmysql CVS
Oracle 10gR2  Libraries
AMD x86_64 RHEL 4
Curently tcl 8.4.16 also tried tcl 8.4.11

Please help as this is driving me crazy :(

Thanks in advance

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Re: [AOLSERVER] Data corruption with fastpath caching

2008-08-20 Thread Gustaf Neumann

Titi Alailima schrieb:

This sounds like the problem.  Not a bug with fastpath, 

Come on folks, the discussion wether or the behavior shown by John Caruso
is a bug or not is completely fruitless. Most aolserver users are not 

and if it takes some of us several weeks to find, what the problem is,
we should act and not insist, that it is no bug.

In my opinion, switching the caching index from inodes to file names 
(like in windows)
is a very reasonable solution getting rid of most problems (although 
less cache efficient).

It would be additionally a nice feature to provide a configuration 
option for getting

back the current behavior (for people with tons of links). This option would
guarantee backward compatibiity. This way, one could savely let fastpath
switched on by default.

-gustaf neumann

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Re: [AOLSERVER] Fun, free applications for building personal sites.

2008-05-07 Thread Gustaf Neumann

Jeff Rogers schrieb:

One starting point I'd be willing to help on here is an openid client 
(since I've already started work on it).

Hi Jeff,

A few weeks ago i have made as well a small openid client
(using OpenACS, but not integrated with OpenACS authorities, cookies, etc).

git clone git://

Currently, this is just an openid 1.* implementation. Our goal is to provide
support for openID 2.0 in the near future and integrate it with the
OpenACS authorization system. Martin Matuska (working in my institute)
is now looking into these matters.

To use it, you need OpenACS 5.4 (maybe 5.3 is sufficient as well) and
a recent version of xotcl-core and tdom.

-gustaf neumann

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Re: [AOLSERVER] Fix for ns_tmpnam under Windows

2008-05-06 Thread Gustaf Neumann

-gustaf neumann

Titi Alailima schrieb:

There is a missing variable declaration in this patch for i, the for-loop 
index.  Anyone want to make this fix and commit it?

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[AOLSERVER] Fix for ns_tmpnam under Windows

2008-04-24 Thread Gustaf Neumann

Dear AOLserver community

There was a problem with ns_tmpnam, when the aolserver was compiled under
windows (esp. Vista). The Tcl commandns_tmpnam is implemented in C
using tmpnam(), which exists under WIN32, but behaves differently
as on unix counterparts and is practically unusable. The problem is
that tmnam() under Windows generates a filename for the root directory 
of the
actual drive (at least under Vista, no permissions under normal 
conditions) and

ignores the TMP environment variable.

See some background info form Microsoft:

I have commited a patch to CVS head to address this problem.
The patch is local and documents the intended behavior and background in 

Please crosscheck.

best regards
-gustaf neumann

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Re: [AOLSERVER] ns_share (was Active participation)

2008-04-18 Thread Gustaf Neumann

Brett Schwarz schrieb:

Just curious...did you have to do anything special to get it working inside 

There are two ways of using tcl libthread in aolsever:
 (a) configure it for plain tcl (standard), load into aolserver with 
package require;

   you get tsv:: etc.
 (b) configure with --with-aolserver, load it as an aolserver module 
from the startup script;

   in this case libthread overloads nsv etc.

with (a) you have the advantage with standard tcl compatibility, with 
(b) one
can run existing aolserver applications (OpenACS, ...) on it, still 
getting the

performance gain, and - for me the most important benefit - you get
threads that can easily communitcate via the event-loop used in the tcl 


-gustaf neumann

- Original Message 
Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2008 2:17:38 PM
Subject: Re: [AOLSERVER] ns_share (was Active participation)

just FYI

I am using the tsv (from the thread package) functions within aolserver 
and, at least for my uses, it is faster than the nsv equivalents. (and 
it is a namespace :-)) It also has a number of  advantages, I can run 
the same code outside of aolserver, the tsv::lock allows me to run a 
block of code under the shared mutex, and it has a more complete set of 
list functions.


Jim Davidson wrote:


Brent Welch wrote some ns_share code which worked with Tcl variable 
traces to emulate the original code.  It works except for a few edge 
cases but is generally considered less efficient and flexible than the 
new nsv_* commands.   So, when I say we gave up on ns_share I mean we 
stopped applying our patches to the Tcl core for ns_share, allowing us 
to use the Tcl source un-altered.


On Apr 14, 2008, at 1:37 PM, Brett Schwarz wrote:

True -- the original threading in AOLserver 2.0 way back in 1995 (yes,
1995) was based on a thread-safe hacked Tcl 7.3.  I can't recall where
I got it -- I think someone at UCB did the work.  We later hacked Tcl
7.4 and 8.1 on our own before enough support was in the Tcl core and
we were ready to give up on ns_share which was a significant hack
that couldn't reasonably be brought forward.

I was just looking at file.tcl, and it still uses ns_share. Is that 
ok? Or should that be changed?


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Re: [AOLSERVER] can someone make this change

2008-04-09 Thread Gustaf Neumann

John Buckman schrieb:

the utils/*.tcl files in CVS all need:


prepended at the top. Currently, they don't have this, and thus are 
run as shell scripts.

hmm, shouldn't this be a /usr/bin/env tclsh instead?


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Re: [AOLSERVER] can someone make this change

2008-04-09 Thread Gustaf Neumann

Cite from

 There seems to be a growing consensus that the best way to
 make a Tcl script executable as if it were a Bash or Sh script is to
 put the following on the very top line of your Tcl (or Tk) script:

#!/usr/bin/env tclsh

 well, the hack with the Tcl comment with the continuation
 line works as well, but i am not sure that i would call it
 the way it should be done.

-gustaf neumann

John Buckman schrieb:

This looks to be the way it should be done (from tests/new/all.tcl)

$ more tests/new/all.tcl

# the next line restarts using tclsh \
exec tclsh $0 $@

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Re: [AOLSERVER] writing an aolserver 4 module frustration

2008-03-23 Thread Gustaf Neumann


i have compiled and installed your posted version of nsperl2 on
Mac OS X 10.5.2 against aolserver 4.5 from head, and it does not crash.

Are you sure, you linked nsperl2 against the same tcl version, with the
same alloc implementation? What other modules are you loading?
The invalid block message shows typically up, when there is a double
free issued.


Mark Aufflick schrieb:

Slight prototype fix to my .c file, but no change to the issue/

On Sun, Mar 23, 2008 at 7:45 PM, Mark Aufflick

Hi all,

 So I'm trying to write a new loadable module. From a combination of
 example modules I thought I was set, but I have this frustrating
 roadblock I can't figure out.

 As soon as I have a Tcl_CreateCommand in my code, the server startup
 crashes with alloc: invalid block. I have attached my .c and Makefile
 if anyone has time to cast their eye over it? I think I'm missing some
 difference with Aolserver 4 since Vlad's nsfortune shows the same
 issue and I assume that used to work once! Unless I have a problem
 with my aolserver still, but nslog works fine and that obviously does

 Here is my log output:

 [23/Mar/2008:19:31:28][79157.2691797108][-main-] Notice: nslog: opened
 [23/Mar/2008:19:31:28][79157.2691797108][-main-] Notice: modload:
 loading '/opt/aolserver/bin/'
 [23/Mar/2008:19:31:28][79157.2691797108][-main-] Notice: nscp:
 listening on
 [23/Mar/2008:19:31:28][79157.2691797108][-main-] Notice: nscp: added user:
 [23/Mar/2008:19:31:28][79157.2691797108][-main-] Notice: modload:
 loading '/opt/aolserver/bin/'
 [23/Mar/2008:19:31:28][79157.2691797108][-main-] Notice: nsperl2: loaded
 [23/Mar/2008:19:31:28][79157.2691797108][-main-] Notice: before
 [23/Mar/2008:19:31:28][79157.2691797108][-main-] Notice: after
 [23/Mar/2008:19:31:28][79157.2691797108][-main-] Notice: conf:
 [ns/server/server1]enabletclpages = 0
 [23/Mar/2008:19:31:28][79157.2691797108][-main-] Notice: default
 thread pool: minthreads 5 maxthreads 20 idle 0 current 0 maxconns 20
 queued 0 timeout 1
 alloc: invalid block: 0x207740: 0 0 0

 Abort trap

 The before, after shows the Tcl_CreateCommand returns. The stack on
 exit looks something like:

 #0  0x93ef6cb8 in __kill ()
 #1  0x93f9b7c8 in abort ()
 #2  0x0a05b428 in Tcl_PanicVA ()
 #3  0x0a05b460 in Tcl_Panic ()
 #4  0x0a0697a8 in TclpFree ()
 #5  0x0a0105b0 in Tcl_DeleteCommandFromToken ()
 #6  0x0a055c38 in TclTeardownNamespace ()
 #7  0x0a010d94 in DeleteInterpProc ()
 #8  0x000cfe4c in Ns_TclDestroyInterp (interp=0x38410) at tclinit.c:521
 #9  0x000d1be8 in PushInterp (itPtr=0x48810) at tclinit.c:1625
 #10 0x000cfc9c in Ns_TclDeAllocateInterp (interp=0x38410) at tclinit.c:402
 #11 0x000d17c0 in NsTclInitServer (server=0x4c0d0 server1) at tclinit.c:1405
 #12 0x000c1d20 in NsInitServer (server=0x4c0d0 server1,
 initProc=0x3f38 ServerInit) at server.c:219
 #13 0x000b7ba0 in Ns_Main (argc=3, argv=0xba4c, initProc=0x3f38
 ServerInit) at nsmain.c:524
 #14 0x3f1c in main (argc=3, argv=0xba4c) at main.c:64

 Unfortunately as I mentioned in my compile issue email I have not been
 able to compile against a debug-symbol Tcl so I can't trace past

 Thanks for your time - I'm going nuts here!


 Mark Aufflick
  contact info at


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Re: [AOLSERVER] Compiling 4.5 on Mac OS X 10.5 leopard issues

2008-03-22 Thread Gustaf Neumann

Dear Mark,

this problem was discussed earlier here in the mailing list.
I have commited a fix to the head version in the sourceforge cvs
for the problem, which changes the semantics for setrlimit
for compiles on Leopard and above. It passes now in case
of unlimited number of open files OPEN_MAX files to

-gustaf neumann

Mark Aufflick schrieb:

Anyhoo - once built, nsd segfaults, predictably in the dynamic loading stage:


I get this even if I just try nsd --help

I need some --help :)

It seems that people have this running on Intel ok, and I have
compiled Aolserver 4.x on earlier Mac OS X versions ok, but the huge
string of defines to gcc has me a bit stumped about where to look.



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Re: [AOLSERVER] 32- vs. 64-bit mem bloat

2008-03-17 Thread Gustaf Neumann

Dear Alex,

Didn't you mention earlier, that the bloat happens only on
one of your machines? Was this a wrong indication?

If you have a well behaved system, you can increase maxconnections to
e.g. 1 (the parameter denotes the number of connections to be
served by a connection thread before it restarts) and set minthreads to eg.
5. This does not solve the memory-leak problem but should
slowdown the memory hunger, if connection thread restart
causes the growth. I assume, you are using the standard
zippy memory allocator from tcl.

I would not recommend to restart based on the size, since the server
will do this at a time you might not want it (e.g. during a demo). A
nightly reboot is the better option. The size certainly depends on
the amount of tcl code times number of threads and the state management
(use of connection-spanning tcl vars, or use of nsv).

Concerning tcllib and MD5:
tcllib contains actually 3 versions of md5:
a) a tcl-based code
b) a version based on critcl (see tcllib*/md5/md5c.tcl)
c) a version based on trf

During startup, it tries to use the best version.
(b) and (c) are accelerated versions using c-code, this might
explain the speed differences you are experiencing. I would
recommend to test first with the tcl-only version and check
the memory growth. If it has no effect, it seems safe to
use the accelerated versions.

Concerning xotcl:

- there is no special handling needed concening memory freeing.
  as long you take care, that only those objects survive a connection
  that you want. Typical applications load the frequently uses
  classes during startup to speed processing of requests.

- xotcl-core of OpenACS has support to ease deallocation
  of temporary objects at the end of a connection (e.g.
  Object o  -destroy_on_cleanup)

- [Class allinstances] returns the classes. To check the objects,
  use [Object allinstances]

Concerning Sig 11:
This seems to come from I am not sure,
how frequently this is used (we don't use it). It seems as
if the source for the crash is there.

Is it possible for you to test without nssession (crashes,
memory consumption)?


Hello Tom, Gustaf

I am still trying to pin down the memory leak problem. Could you
answer few more questions, please?

1. It looks like that nsd process grows ~1.5 - 2.0 MB every time a
thread dies due to timeout or number of connections (and new one
Changing configuration just makes the bloating process slower of faster.
I restart the nsd process when it reaches 0.5GB in size, but I hope
that's a reasonable number.
I tried valgrind it, but couldn't make any conclusions. Any better
ideas how to debug it?

2. TclLib shall not harm IMHO, it's Tcl- only, no binary code. Please
confirm that.
Besides, I need it only for MD5, and standalone md5 Tcl
implementations for some reason seems to be much slower.
If TclLib is risky, what would be the best package/module for MD5 ?
mhash may be?

3. XoTcl - I verified that I do not leave any objects which I created,
they all destroyed. (at least that's what [Class allinstances]
However, Gustaf noted that it still may need special handling. What
kind of handling? Could you point me to the code in openacs that does
For me it would be a big hit if I need to rewrite without XoTcl, so I
would like to make it working.

4. Memory leaks aside, nsd quite frequently dies on Sig 11. Sometimes
just a few seconds after being started.
I remember having similar issues some year+ ago, but those were fixed
quickly. Anyone experiences the same?

I didnt' debug it in depth yet, that's what gdb said when I quickly tried it:

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
[Switching to Thread -1296041040 (LWP 32284)]
0xb7338ba5 in Ns_CookieGet () from

~ Alex.

On Tue, Mar 4, 2008 at 3:29 AM, Gustaf Neumann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Dear Alex,

 The good news is that it bloats only on one server,
 so the problem must on that configuration.

 There were a couple of memory leaks reported for postgres 7.4,
 not sure if these hit you (google around):

 do you have a chance to install on the affected machine
 as well postgres 8.2 (maybe in addition to 7.4)?
 it would be interesting to see, if you still see a bloat.

 i found a small glitch in your crude script:
 The last line of the xotcl install should read:

  execute make install-aol

 instead of

  execute make install

 -gustaf neumann

 Alex schrieb:

Tom, Gustaf, All

  Yes, that happens even if the same page is requested.
  Could you tell me more about pre-queue filters?
  The interesting thing is that I only see this memory leak issue on one
  of my servers.
  All servers run x86 Debian, though might be slightly differently
  dist-upgraded, Postgres version differs 7.4 vs 8.2
  The website code itself, nsd config files are exactly the same on all 

Re: [AOLSERVER] Install problem

2008-03-05 Thread Gustaf Neumann

Dossy Shiobara schrieb:

On 2008.03.04, Michael Andrews [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
OK - I'll take a look tonight. I think that a 0 as the threadtimeout  
value use to mean no timeout. I guess I'll need to look at the C to  
see what the changes were.

Is this file even needed anymore?

IMHO, the semantics around timeouts should ALWAYS be:

  = -1 == infinite
  0 == immediate
  =  1 == n units

this value is used in queue.c, where incoming connections
are enqueued. Not sure, if 0 is desirable (busy server, when
nothing arrives) or -1 (block would make shutdown more

If i remember correct, my check was done in consistency with
socktimeout, which is checked as well for n1

   if (!Ns_ConfigGetInt(path, socktimeout, n) || n  1) {
   n = 30;/* 30 seconds. */

For implementing -1 for infinite - if desired - more changes
would be needed, since the value is used in Ns_IncrTime() which
is agnostic for the timeout value semantics mentioned above.

Not checking the input values (as it was before) is not
a good idea either, since these values will break the server.

best regards
-gustaf neumann

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Re: [AOLSERVER] authuser

2008-03-05 Thread Gustaf Neumann

Jeff Rogers schrieb:
 Does anyone (other than me) think there would be value in allowing 
the conn username to be updated, i.e., by a new 'ns_conn setauthuser' 

i would appreciate it.

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Re: [AOLSERVER] 32- vs. 64-bit mem bloat

2008-03-04 Thread Gustaf Neumann

Dear Alex,

The good news is that it bloats only on one server,
so the problem must on that configuration.

There were a couple of memory leaks reported for postgres 7.4,
not sure if these hit you (google around):

do you have a chance to install on the affected machine
as well postgres 8.2 (maybe in addition to 7.4)?
it would be interesting to see, if you still see a bloat.

i found a small glitch in your crude script:
The last line of the xotcl install should read:

 execute make install-aol

instead of 

 execute make install

-gustaf neumann

Alex schrieb:

Tom, Gustaf, All

Yes, that happens even if the same page is requested.
Could you tell me more about pre-queue filters?

The interesting thing is that I only see this memory leak issue on one
of my servers.
All servers run x86 Debian, though might be slightly differently
dist-upgraded, Postgres version differs 7.4 vs 8.2
The website code itself, nsd config files are exactly the same on all servers.

Over the weekend I tried to rebuild tcl, tcllib, xotcl, aolserver.
The details how I did it can be found here
I used latest versions however, tcl 8.4.18, tcllib 1.10, xotcl 1.6.0

I even made a crude script that fetches the sources and builds a
stand-alone aolserver installation,
in order to make sure the build results are reproducible.

Still, even when all [hopefully] binaries are being copied to all
servers, only one of them
experience the same issue with huge memory leak on each page request.

Any insightful thoughts?

~ Alex.

On Fri, Feb 29, 2008 at 6:23 PM, Tom Jackson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Actually 2MB / request sounds like a massive memory leak. Maybe something
 isn't getting cleaned up?

 Question: does this happen if you request the same page over and over?

 I discovered one way to get a massive leak in 4.5: register a prequeue filter.

 Note that both XoTCL and tcllib are compiled third party modules, which is
 usually where you get memory leaks, not in the modules which have been used
 with AOLserver for years. My guess would be tcllib, or just failing to
 release something big.

 tom jackson

 On Friday 29 February 2008 11:47, Alex wrote:
  What would be a normal size of 32 bit nsd process? How can it be reduced?
  One of my servers only has 1G or ram, and I am forced to restart nsd
  every so often, when it uses up almost all the memory.
  Running 4.5 + XoTCL + tcllib, it seams to grow up to 2MB on each page
  request .

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Re: [AOLSERVER] Install problem

2008-03-04 Thread Gustaf Neumann

Xavier Bourguignon schrieb:

Hello Gustaf,

yes I compiled tcl8.4.18 myself with --enable-threads.

I will redo everything and see what happens, will keep you guys posted on this.

what do you get when doing a

nm /home/xbourgui/programs/tcl8.4//lib/ | fgrep Tcl_GetMemory

You should see something like
0a064e91 T Tcl_GetMemoryInfo

The problem occurs in your listing with nstrheadtest, which is just
a testing routine, not needed for using aolserver. If only this
linkage fails, it would be no problem. But, if Tcl_GetMemoryInfo()
is not defined in libtcl8.4, you will have as well problems with linking
nsd, which would be serious.

-gustaf neumann

Thank you

On 04/03/2008, Gustaf Neumann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Dear Xavier,

 There is a known problem with Tcl_GetMemoryInfo()  in
 Tcl 8.5 (see e.g.

 however, since you are using tcl 8.5, this seems wierd. Did you
 compile Tcl yourself? Did you compile with --enable-threads?

 best regards
 -gustaf neumann

 Xavier Bourguignon schrieb:

I ran make clean, then make all and I got this on make all:

  gcc -O2 -Wall -Wno-implicit-int -fno-strict-aliasing -fPIC -O2
  -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -nostartfiles
  -I/home/xbourgui/programs/tcl8.4//include  -DNO_CONST
  nsthreadtest.c: In function 'DumperThread':
  nsthreadtest.c:336: warning: implicit declaration of function
  nsthreadtest.c: At top level:
  nsthreadtest.c:51: warning: 'RCSID' defined but not used
  /home/xbourgui/Desktop/aolserver-4.5.0/util/nsremove.tcl nsthreadtest
  gcc  -o nsthreadtest nsthreadtest.o \
  -L. -lnsthread -L/home/xbourgui/programs/tcl8.4//lib
  -ltcl8.4 -ldl  -lpthread -lieee -lm  -lgcc_s   -Wl,--export-dynamic
  -Wl,-rpath,/home/xbourgui/programs/tcl8.4/lib -Wl,-rpath,/lib
  nsthreadtest.o: In function `DumperThread':
  nsthreadtest.c:(.text+0x2a8): undefined reference to `Tcl_GetMemoryInfo'
  collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
  make[1]: *** [nsthreadtest] Error 1
  make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/xbourgui/Desktop/aolserver-4.5.0/nsthread'
  make: *** [build] Error 1
  So I don't know what is going on, but it seems that something is wrong
  with one of the files.

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Re: [AOLSERVER] Install problem

2008-03-04 Thread Gustaf Neumann

Tom Jackson schrieb:

Gustaf, is the intent just to flag potentially dangerous values?


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Re: [AOLSERVER] Install problem

2008-03-03 Thread Gustaf Neumann

Dear Xavier,

There is a known problem with Tcl_GetMemoryInfo()  in
Tcl 8.5 (see e.g.

however, since you are using tcl 8.5, this seems wierd. Did you
compile Tcl yourself? Did you compile with --enable-threads?

best regards
-gustaf neumann

Xavier Bourguignon schrieb:

I ran make clean, then make all and I got this on make all:

gcc -O2 -Wall -Wno-implicit-int -fno-strict-aliasing -fPIC -O2
-fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -nostartfiles
-I/home/xbourgui/programs/tcl8.4//include  -DNO_CONST
nsthreadtest.c: In function 'DumperThread':
nsthreadtest.c:336: warning: implicit declaration of function
nsthreadtest.c: At top level:
nsthreadtest.c:51: warning: 'RCSID' defined but not used
/home/xbourgui/Desktop/aolserver-4.5.0/util/nsremove.tcl nsthreadtest
gcc  -o nsthreadtest nsthreadtest.o \
-L. -lnsthread -L/home/xbourgui/programs/tcl8.4//lib
-ltcl8.4 -ldl  -lpthread -lieee -lm  -lgcc_s   -Wl,--export-dynamic
-Wl,-rpath,/home/xbourgui/programs/tcl8.4/lib -Wl,-rpath,/lib
nsthreadtest.o: In function `DumperThread':
nsthreadtest.c:(.text+0x2a8): undefined reference to `Tcl_GetMemoryInfo'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[1]: *** [nsthreadtest] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/xbourgui/Desktop/aolserver-4.5.0/nsthread'
make: *** [build] Error 1

So I don't know what is going on, but it seems that something is wrong
with one of the files.


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Re: [AOLSERVER] Not sure if aolserver compile correclty

2008-02-26 Thread Gustaf Neumann


how large is the nsd, when it dies? If the server is really compiled 
with 64bit,

and it eats up all memory, then either you have not much memory+swap, or
it must be really huge.

Maybe you can add something like

 ps -eo pid,user,vsize,args | awk 'aolserver-current\/bin\/nsd/ {print $3}'

into a crontab entry, running every 10 minutes, to monitor the size,
appending the size to some log file.

What do you get, if you do a

  file  your-aolserver/bin/nsd

-gustaf neumann

Nima Mazloumi schrieb:
I've been using aolserver 64bit now for 2 weeks. After 5 days it crashes 
because all memory was consumed. therefore I restart the server every night.

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Re: [AOLSERVER] Ns_RegisterAtReady, NsRunAtReadyProcs

2007-10-27 Thread Gustaf Neumann

Tom Jackson schrieb:
I'm not sure if you are disputing the bug or not, but I'm somewhat tired of 
this. I've been testing various patches for the last few weeks in addition to 
my own code. It seems that everyone knows I've been working on this for a few 
weeks or more, and everytime I identify a problem, a new patch with a new 
problem is placed into CVS. 
Well, i think, i have identified and pinpointed a couple of bugs, and 
you did as well.
Your are probably as well aware, that i am working on the code, so i 

over time a couple of improvements based on different load scenarios etc.
Yes, i tried rather to fix the code than to come up with a different 

(and was as well surprised the original code has much problems).
Each time I try to point out that this isn't a simple issue,  but patches show 
up with a one dimensional solution or no testing to back them up. 

I'll commit my code over the weekend replacing the current code. My fix will 
be a bug fix. The bugs are these:

1. unable to respond to load changes (up and down)
2. unable to respond to configuration changes (up and down)
3. poor, incorrect or missing synchronization code.
4. queued doesn't reflect current queued requests.
5. threads exit unnecessarily on timeout, then new threads to replace
6. current patches cause signal 11 under easily repeated conditions. 

If anyone wants to stick to the current code, let me know, and I'll just keep 
my changes here. 
well, this list of issues is not complete (e.g. queuing in the driver) 
and rather
vague (1-3). For (4) you seem to propose a change in semantics for the 
value, for (5) you proposal seems to be ignore maxconns, (6) is not 
easy to repeat,

i was not able to do so.

What makes you believe that (4) is a bug? The total number of processed
queries is certainly interested for e.g. implementing a performance
monitor. If you siltently change the semantics, you will break such
applications. Therefore, it is better to add another variable (e.g.
currently_queued) than altering something you find not useful.

Btw, with the current code, i get on my home pc (intel imac,
mac os x)  up to 5000 to 6000 requests per second on small files
(maxhreads 5) in cases without driver stalls. With maxthreads 10
i get about twice the value (e.g.g 10169.49 [#/sec]).
Certainly, these values are hard to compare since they
depend on OS and hardware.

Server Software:AOLserver/4.5.0   
Server Hostname:localhost

Server Port:8001

Document Path:  /hires_image-learn.gif
Document Length:6339 bytes

Concurrency Level:  10
Time taken for tests:   2.111 seconds
Complete requests:  12000
Failed requests:0
Broken pipe errors: 0
Total transferred:  78638204 bytes
HTML transferred:   76093356 bytes
Requests per second:5684.51 [#/sec] (mean)
Time per request:   1.76 [ms] (mean)
Time per request:   0.18 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent requests)
Transfer rate:  37251.64 [Kbytes/sec] received

Connnection Times (ms)
 min  mean[+/-sd] median   max
Connect:0 00.0  0 2
Processing: 0 10.3  1 6
Waiting:0 10.3  1 6
Total:  0 10.4  1 6

My code is well tested with small, large and very large 
files, low, and high maxconns, low-high threads, and also using [ns_conn 
channel] to send the sock to a worker thread. I run the queue under 
continuous loads and vary the threads/maxconns to see the response. 
note that different load it is not primarily an issue of small and large 
but more an issue of fast and slow requests (fast requests are typically 

files, but slow requests might return as well small responses, but require
a many CPU cycles) and as well an issue of slow and fast thread start up 
(aolserver vs. openacs). I have observed quite different issues in such 

I have no objections in replacing the current code in CVS, as long
- it fixes the issues we have discussed,
- it does not introduce new issues,
- it respects configuration values,
- it is performance-wise no drawback.

best regards
-gustaf neumann

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Re: [AOLSERVER] Ns_RegisterAtReady, NsRunAtReadyProcs

2007-10-26 Thread Gustaf Neumann

Tom Jackson schrieb:
I've pointed out several times that I'm looking at the operation of the queue 
from the point of view of performance (both economy and responsiveness), not 
the specific numbers (min, max, timeout, maxconns) being maintained. 

So for instance, if Andrew thinks it is a bug for minthreads to be violated, 
it is best to not use a thread timeout. That fixes the issue instantly. 
to obey minthreads helps to improve performance, since when all 
connection threads are
gone, there will be a delay for thread creation upon a new request. I 
agree with
Andrew that it is a bug if  - as it was before - minthreads are only 
available at server start,

and disappear as soon the threads timeout.

If minthreads is taken as a sacred number, then your solution doesn't cut it. 
The thread exits and then recreates another one. This is merely cosmetic, and 
it only appears correct if you don't notice that the number actually went 
below minthreads. 

If there was a correct solution, it would prevent the violation of this lower 
limit, not fix it up after it happens. 
i do not agree here. maxconns should be obeyed as well. If a thread has 
served the
specified number of items, it should exit. If the number of threads is 
below minthreads, a fresh thread should be created. Keeping the thread 

alife is not correct. If one does not like the behavior, one could
specify maxconns=99.

As an example, just look at the original code. How did threads escape exit at 
startup if there is a timeout? 

  388  if (poolPtr-threads.current = poolPtr-threads.min) {
  389   timePtr = NULL;
  390   } ...

So there was already some thought at preventing thread exit based upon a 
timeout, if minthreads would be violated. So the question is: why isn't this 
code working? 
simply because it does not consider that maxconn cycles may lead as well 
to thread exits.
There are a number of bugs in this code, and fixing it up at the end, after a 
thread has exited doesn't remove the actual bugs. 

An individual thread sits in a while loop waiting for a queued request this 
loop, and the following check is currently:

status = NS_OK;
while (!poolPtr-shutdown
status == NS_OK
poolPtr-queue.wait.firstPtr == NULL) {
   nothing is queued, we wait for a queue entry 

status = Ns_CondTimedWait(poolPtr-cond, poolPtr-lock, timePtr);

if (poolPtr-queue.wait.firstPtr == NULL) {
msg = timeout waiting for connection;

Status starts out as NS_OK, the entire while loop is skipped if there is a 
waiting request, poolPtr-queue.wait.firstPtr != NULL. 
this is fine, since the waiting request can be immediately processed 
without the

Once the wait is done, the conditions are again checked, the loop is skipped 
if status becomes NS_TIMEOUT, or if there is a waiting request (or shutdown).

The problem is that we made the decision to exit on timeout before we knew if 
exiting would violate the minthread condition. 

So we could do a wait, then again check if we will violate this condition, and 
if so, update status to NS_OK, and avoid unnecessary exit. If we move the 
timeout code inside the loop, we also avoid repeating/executing this anywhere 
this won't get rid of the exits due to maxconns. The code after your 
snippet assumes, that

it will be reached only when there is a request ready for processing.
This is what was 
happening under Apache Bench. Send a 1000 requests, as long as concurrency is 
a little bigger than current threads, things get stuck. It doesn't 
necessarily appear to be a thread exit issue. Other problems also show up. 
The driver thread also does sock cleanup, which gets stuck. These stuck socks 
are dropped connections, they just appear to be in a queue. In fact, they are 
not waiting to be serviced, the sock is just waiting for cleanup. 
I have noticed this as well, but have not tried to fix this. Sometimes 
the driver

stops queueing requests, although some connection threads are idling around.
Maybe this is the problem that jeff rogers had already fixed for 4.0?
Another issue was the fact that the driver thread was not doing a 
condBroadcast on thread create, and if thread create is skipped, it just does 
a condSignal. Apparently it is not a good idea to just do condSignal. 
there was another problem in the book-keeping of idle etc. which i have 

today (committed to cvs). The problem was that under heavy concurrency,
NsQueueConn() did not know if there are conneciton threads in a cond
wait or not. A condSignal  is the right thing. It does not make sense to
broadcast and wake up multiple waiting threads for a single request.

i was not able to recreate the crash that you have reported in the other 

However, with ab with small files and pure aolserver (without openacs),
i could verify that some of the counters were wrong. The decision to

Re: [AOLSERVER] Ns_RegisterAtReady, NsRunAtReadyProcs

2007-10-24 Thread Gustaf Neumann

Tom Jackson schrieb:
I've been working on a slightly different angle here, trying to avoid thread 
exit, and to allow threads to range usefully between min and max. 

The current code in CVS has a number of problems which lead to the server not 
creating more threads when there are queued requests and the number of 
threads is below max (sometimes below min!). 

concerning the code in cvs head:
the server creates now worker threads when a
- thread exits and more requests are queued,
 and no other thread is idle, or when a
- thread exits and the number of connection threads
 falls below minthreads,
both cases unless shutdown. The handled thread
exists are typically due to exceeding maxconns
or the idle timeout.

This is what my tests show. What are the problems? Or are
you taking about the version in cvs before these changes?
Of course, before these changes, minthreads was respected
only at startup, queued requests were not processed.

My first solution was based on a strategy, where a
thread did not exit, when there was more to do (more
queued requests), allthough it should exit due to maxconns.
However, a user specifying maxconns might have good
reasons for doing so, therefore the value must be respected.
Avoiding exit in this situation is not viable option IMHO.

It can be discussed, whether the idle timeout should be
obeyed e.g. in situations where number of threads is
below minthreads. In the code in cvs the thread exits
and is recreated as in other cases, when it falls below
minthreads. It would be more efficient to avoid the
timeout in such situations, but one might end up
with quite old worker threads, which are more
sensitive to growth.

-gustaf neumann

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Re: [AOLSERVER] Ns_RegisterAtReady, NsRunAtReadyProcs

2007-10-22 Thread Gustaf Neumann

Tom Jackson schrieb:
But there was something a little more interesting to track down: what happens 
when a thread exits? ...

Apparently, all the interps associated with the thread exit. 
certainly, every worker thread has its own tcl interpreter associated. 
When the interpreter

exits, the tcl interpreter with all its state exists as well.
This impacts the current discussion because I'm having trouble finding an easy 
way to avoid thread exit because of a timeout. But this information seems to 
simplify the problem. Why exit a thread just because of a timeout? 
i don't understand. what timeouts exactly are you taking about? In the 
code are several timeouts for

various purposes...

-gustaf neumann

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Re: [AOLSERVER] Ns_RegisterAtReady, NsRunAtReadyProcs

2007-10-22 Thread Gustaf Neumann

Andrew Piskorski schrieb:

My only point here was that I'm going to stop looking at the timeout 
parameter, and timed out threads as an issue. If threads timeout, the number 
of threads in a threadpool will drop below minthreads, usually to zero. 

But isn't that a bug?  If not, just what is minthreads supposed to
really mean?

you are right, if someone specified minthreads, they should be maintained.
i have added an additional condition to the thread recreation to
maintain the specified minimal number of threads.
maybe Tom has something more sophisticated in mind. this is again
a minimal invasive fix, similar to the fix for assuring the processing
of the queued requests, when all connection threads exit.

for more details, see:

best regards
-gustaf neumann

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Re: [AOLSERVER] Ns_RegisterAtReady, NsRunAtReadyProcs

2007-10-21 Thread Gustaf Neumann

Tom Jackson schrieb:
The if statement on line 507 checks the Pool structure outside of a mutex 

Good observation.
The code was not correct, although the potential damage was small.
Fixed by now.


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Re: [AOLSERVER] Ns_RegisterAtReady, NsRunAtReadyProcs

2007-10-20 Thread Gustaf Neumann

Tom Jackson schrieb:

On Friday 19 October 2007 09:12, Gustaf Neumann wrote:

Actually, if minthreads is set to a value  0 (it was not set), then idle
threads should care about queued requests. Maybe the
easier fix is to set minthreads per default to 1. I will
try this, when i am back home (in a couple of hours).

AOLserver does not respect minthreads except at startup. This is part of the 
same issue: Nothing except a request can create a thread. It seems like on 
thread exit, a little accounting process could go on to bring threads.current 
up to threads.min, this might require more than one thread creation, maybe 

fully agreed.

i continued a little on the isue and commited a patch
to CVS, which respects
maxconns always. Instead of performing
in boundary situations in the worst case more than the
configured maxconns requests, the code creates now

a new connection thread automatically after the exit of a thread
coming to the end of it work cycle, when jobs are pending
and no other thread is able to process these.

i made as well a small variant of this (not in CVS), which
defines a new command NsCheckPools() in pools.c
which iterates over pools and starts a thread in the
same situation as above.
NsCheckPools could be extended to check for the existance of
minthreads etc. However, for this patch, i wanted to be
as little invasive as necessary, and added the thread-revival
code to the place, where a thread exits.

For the new thread generation, i had to parameterize
NsCreateConnThread() to avoid a resource deadlock
in Ns_ThreadJoin().

In your patch, you change the while loop test:
+   while (poolPtr-threads.maxconns = 0 
+	|| ncons--  0 
+	|| poolPtr-queue.wait.num  1) { 

Shouldn't the loop continue with poolPtr-queue.wait.num  0 ?
0 or 1, both is fine here. the condition trigger for the new cases only 
when  1 is used.
Your patch looks like a great fix...I just still don't understand why the 
server would completely lock up. As long as you have requests coming in, 
seems like a new thread would get created. I wonder if what is happening is 
that Apache Bench simple stops sending new requests because none of the 
requests are finishing. If it can block, I wonder if simply visiting with a 
browser would kick things off again? 
one can use the browser to kick things off again, but if there are 
already say 50 requests
in the queue, and the browser hangs in the first request. The bad thing 
is, that in the
meantime, some other bulky requests are queued as well. So the queue 
might be

acutally permanently growing.

for my testing, i use:

ab -c 20 -n 35 http://localhost:8003/file-storage/view/dotlrn-2.3.1.tgz

with maxthreads 5 and maxconns 3 I get reliable hangs, where
the last thread exists with about 5 to 15 queued requests. Without the
recent patches, the queue is processed until it is empty.

btw, the reason, when the patch helps, is no miracle. It is completely
clear why the server hangs. This bug is not a classical deadlock (it
is possible that the queued reuests are processed), but shares some
properties of a life lock (some other requests prevent the processing
of some other requests, at least for a while). It is not a race condition
either. I don't believe that TriggerDriver() is the right place to
handle the problem, since the driver is happily accepting requests
in the bug situation. It can certainly be, that the fixed bug is different
from the bug the Jeff Rogers fixed originally.

-gustaf neumann

PS: i am pretty sure that this is the same bug as on
Around the time of the bug, somebody in spain was apparently
benchmarking his internet connection, downloading dotlrn*.tar*
in multiple parallel sessions. Once i saw that the user
was trying to download 1200 copies of dotlrn.tar in about 10 minutes.

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Re: [AOLSERVER] Ns_RegisterAtReady, NsRunAtReadyProcs

2007-10-19 Thread Gustaf Neumann

Dossy Shiobara schrieb:

On 2007.10.13, Tom Jackson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

This all looks great, except for the fact that the NsRunAtReadyProcs
proc is never called. 

But, you're absolutely right: we need to figure this out, one way or
another.  Thanks for finding this.

The question, why the patch helped is indeed a miracle. Maybe it
changed the timing or causes a different serialization due to a mutex.
However, it did NOT solve the underlying problem.

Activated by Tom's question, i spent some more time on the problem
and managed to reproduce the problem reliably. The problem
actually happend when the number of available connection threads
is configured very low, as well as the the number of requests
per connection thread (e.g. 5 and 3). When the server accepts a
high number of requests, these are queued even without
guaranteeing resources to process these. The situation
is especially bad with bursty requests. When a connection thread
exits e.g. after 3 requests, and there are still many requests queued,
there is no mechanism to automatically trigger new
connection threads in this situation. When a client connects
in this situation to the server, some old (maybe obsolete) requests
are taken from the queue, but after this, the server might sit idle
even with a high number of requests queued.

I have commited a patch to cvs head, that processes these pending
requests, even when maxconns is exceeded. Maybe it is better to
restart exiting connection threads automatically or to limit the
number of queued requests at first hand; or maybe there is a callback
solution. However. I have removed the  old - useless - patch
from the head version in CVS.

best regards
-gustaf neumann

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Re: [AOLSERVER] Ns_RegisterAtReady, NsRunAtReadyProcs

2007-10-19 Thread Gustaf Neumann

Tom Jackson schrieb:
I can try running my tests again with 3-5 threads, what other parameters were 
there? Does this get stuck running OpenACS on any machine, or just on 
As written before, i set maxthreads to 5 and maxconnections to 3 to 
trigger the problem.

I did not mess with, but reproduced the problem under mac os x.
Also, Gustaf, the maxconnections should be higher...with maxconnections=3 you 
are exiting a connection thread every three requests, is this how you want it 
to work? 
yes, i wanted to trigger the bug. When the problem occured, 
had different settings

(maxthreads 5 maxconnections 10).

Very interesting, I'll look into this more today. One thing I didn't try was a 
configuration where maxconnections was lower than the number of simultaneous 
requests from Apache Bench. 
That is not the point. Run ab with more parallel requests than 
maxthreads, such
that requests queue up. As long as maxconnections is high enough, the 
threads will process the queued requests. If the number of queued 
requests is

higher than the number of maxconns, matters degrade. Having one or two
queued requests on a thread exit (due to maxconn exceeded) is no real 
since on the next request, a new thread is started, which will care 
about the
queued request as well. That means, that under good conditions, it is 

that there are e.g. 10 requests queued, but a slow and steady heartbeat of
request will cause the queue to empty itself, such that aolserver recovers.

The worst case scenario is actually maxconnections 1 (stop every
connection thread after every request). In this situation (without
my patch) if a queue piles up, it is never shrinking.

Actually, if minthreads is set to a value  0 (it was not set), then idle
threads should care about queued requests. Maybe the
easier fix is to set minthreads per default to 1. I will
try this, when i am back home (in a couple of hours).

How exactly does the patch work? It appears to simply 
extend the tour-of-duty for a thread, 


but does the exiting thread ever get to trigger the queue to 
create new threads?

no, i have not modified anything in this regard. When a thread
processes all queued requests before exiting, there is no
urgent need to create a new connection request. The next
incoming request will create a new thread on demand.

Once threads die, 
it is nearly impossible to get the number of threads 
back up, 

i have not observed this in my test, the problem appears
with reaching maxthreads. This does not exclude, that there
might be another problem.

-gustaf neumann

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Re: [AOLSERVER] More on lost of memory of aolserver process

2007-10-08 Thread Gustaf Neumann

Hi Brian,

Fenton, Brian schrieb:

Thanks very much for the replies. The developers reported back that the crashes 
were caused by a report getting repeatedly called that was returning massive 
amounts of data to the browser. Sounds a bit odd to me, but I don't have any 
more data at the moment. When I get more, I'll report back here.

if this large amount of data is not a bug, you will run always into
such memory problems, since all aolserver threads run in the same
(limited) address space of a single process. I would suggest to
considerate the following options:
 - spool data to a file and return the file
 - use HTTP streaming via ns_write
 - move to 64bit

-gustaf neumann

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Re: [AOLSERVER] More on lost of memory of aolserver process

2007-10-05 Thread Gustaf Neumann

Hi Brian,

Fenton, Brian schrieb:

I hope nobody minds me bumping this old thread. Gustaf, I used your script on a 
production server that appears to be leaking memory. Can you please help me 
interpret it?
This was the total at startup

TOTAL: pid 10686 vsz 592489 namespaces 543 vars 96 var_bytes 10118 
array_elements 313 cmds 266 procs 4511

then just before the crash
TOTAL: pid 10686 vsz 1112509 namespaces 543 vars 86 var_bytes 8771 
array_elements 256 cmds 266 procs 4469
unable to alloc 495960171 bytes
well the script was written to detect, if someone adds variables into 
namespaces, or
appends permanently to variables, which are not reclaimed during cleanup 
of a

connection. This is what i called application level leaks.

in your case, this does not seem to be the case (no additional name 
spaces or vars, all figures

are rather less than at start-time).

The growth in vsz is not good (but not unusual) but the size
of the alloc is something to worry.

Growth of vsz might be due to fragmentation of memory (zippy is optimized
for minimal locks, not minimal memory footprint) or due to the number
of threads you are using (maybe there were less threads at startup time
than on crash time?)

Would you consider the less than double vsz figure a significant change? Is 
it of any significance that the other values decreased (vars var_bytes etc)?
So would this suggest a C-level or application-level problem?

The main question is: why does it try to allocate 500MB?
what was the last request?
do you  use some image libraries?

The strange thing about this particular case is that the developers tell me that 
nothing changed on this server in quite some time. And yet it mysteriously 
started crashing last week.

if the allocation of 500MB sounds for your apps unusual to you,
i would suggest to try to figure out, what happens here in the last
request in deail.

Hope this helps

-gustaf neumann

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Re: [AOLSERVER] aolserver vs lighthttpd, benchmarks

2007-10-02 Thread Gustaf Neumann
 to detach a stream from a connection thread and
- transfer it to a spooling thread and
- reimplement there something like an ns_fcopy working on streams
without making the visible to the user. But why?

The committed changes aka this mess is working since a few
years reliably in production. i just looked it up: yesterday
background delivery was used more than 200.000 times on a
single server here. Are you trying to argue that the change is
reducing the reliability of  the aolserver/openacs?
Talk to to nima, who was close to giving up on openacs due to
performance problems, especially on days when many file downloads

I should also mention that the code in the aolserver module works
together with the request-monitor modules of openacs, where you
see the ongoing foreground and background activities.

And how does this mess change, if there is a module just implementing
the two subcommands? you just end up with more maintenance,
more installation effort (updating aolserver startup scripts, updating
build processes, updating FAQs). Maybe it helps the ego of some
developer if one can say use my module, something, i don't care
Using the code as a module (minus the ability to transfer the channel), here 
is an example of use (the string bgwrite could easily be changed to anything 
else, I chose it before I realized that the code doesn't do any bgwriting.):

How about trying to understand what the code does before making a module?

-gustaf neumann

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Re: [AOLSERVER] aolserver vs lighthttpd, benchmarks

2007-09-29 Thread Gustaf Neumann

Tom Jackson schrieb:
Okay, after looking further into this patch, I see that it doesn't actually 
add any functionality to AOLserver. It looks like you would have to install a 
newer version of OpenACS to use this. 
as i wrote in my earlier mail, the patch is simple and small and adds 
just two

subcommands to ns_conn. Thanks to dossy, the patch is commited to cvs. head.

The applications to ns_conn channel are on the tcl layer and
are quite simple to use. Look into the xotcl-core package
(xotcl-core/tcl/bgdelivery-procs.tcl) in the openacs cvs repository.
With the patch, xotcl-core and libthread, one can replace e.g.
ns_returnfile 200 $mime_type $filename
ad_returnfile_background 200 $mime_type $filename
in cr_write_content in acs-content-repository/tcl/revision-procs.tcl
to use the background delivery for content sent from the
content repository (e.g. file store).

best regards
-gustaf neumann

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Re: [AOLSERVER] aolserver vs lighthttpd, benchmarks

2007-09-28 Thread Gustaf Neumann

Dossy Shiobara schrieb:

On 2007.09.27, Jeff Rogers [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

[...] It seems at first glance that it would make more sense to hand
the task of writing to the connection back to the driver thread once
the connection thread is done with it, [...]

I don't know if the change was attempted, but it was certainly
considered and acknowledged as ultimately the right thing to do but as
I mentioned in a previous message, AOLserver's write speed hasn't been a
significant bottleneck for AOL, so the work was not pursued.

If anyone has real and actual needs to do large file serving out of
AOLserver directly and would like to either (a) make the change and
contribute it, or (b) fund its development, I would think it would be

This is very similar what the background delivery in openacs does.

Most of this can be done on the tcl layer with little effort.
I have developed a small patch for the aolserver that extends
ns_conn by two additional subcommands channel
and contentsentlength, where the first one returns
the tcl channel name for a connection and the second
one is for passing the content-length to the log file.
The background delivery code passes the channel
to a event aware thread (using tcl libthread), which spools the file
to via tcl fcopy. The single delivery thread can easily handle
a few hundred simultaneous deliveries without sweat (probably
much more).

The motivation of the patch was mostly to avoid blocking of connection
threads, especially, when large files are delivered to users with slow
connections. This is especially important for openacs, where the
threads are rather fat (a few thousand tcl procs are in the blueprint),
such that the number of configured threads is rather small.

There are as well other useful applications for the patch, see e.g.

I have asked dossy for commit permissions to add my patches to
the aolserver  on Sept 22, 2006 and sent him the patches as well,
but my impression was that there was very little or no interest. 

The patch is as well incoporated in naviserver since about this time.

The most developed install script of openacs adds the patch by default

-gustaf neumann

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Re: [AOLSERVER] aolserver focus

2007-08-08 Thread Gustaf Neumann

Daniël Mantione schrieb:
Again, a practical situation: How many PHP packages support such headers? 
(Even OpenACS doesn't support them, so you would have to fix OpenACS too.) 
i am not sure, where this discussion is supposed to lead to. A couple of 
years ago, i argued
here on the list to have support on the aolserver side for exactly this 
task. The
argument was, it is simple enough to do it on the application layer, no 
need for direct
support in aolserver. Up to a certain point, this was true,  i ended up 
with te following

code for openacs, which maintains its own variant of ns_conn.

   ad_conn -set peer_addr [ns_conn peeraddr]

   if { [ns_config -bool ns/parameters ReverseProxyMode 0] } {
   set addr [lindex [ns_set iget [ns_conn headers] x-forwarded-for] end]
   if {[string length $addr]  0} {
   ad_conn -set peeraddr $addr

two points: 

a) i still believe, that a aolserver newbies (if this species exists) will
  have troubles to handle this case: they rather look for a configure 
  option than for a doit-yourself solution

b) the power of aolserver + tcl is that once it is done it works
  for all apps, no need to load a certain PHP/Perl/Ruby/... modules 
  etc. Having Tcl as a basic glue language ensures that e.g. the

  loaded modules work together, which is in a multi-language environment
  not always the case

Can you (socially) convince those users to rewrite the PHP apps for you to 
use your OpenACS?

most certainly not. It is as well not easy the other way around.
To achieve good code, this is most likely a complete re-design
matching the framework.


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