Re: [Assam] What a response!!

2007-10-09 Thread Mridul Bhuyan
There are many, who are real disappointed finding their apple cart, drawn by 
golden horses being upset by ULFA. They believe that they are better off in the 
golden era under GoI with the lavish life bestowed upon them, which is they 
think is due to them for their sheer intelligence. While serving the people in 
their heydays (in influencial posts), they never gave a damn about Assam or 
Assamese people but after retirement, those same people are standing tall as 
sole protector of Assam and Assamese people. Hope I am not hurting many.
  Mridul Bhuyan
Chan Mahanta [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
That I must leave to the imagination of Netters, A .

  I  am not certain who or how many listen to us, around the world.  And even 
if I did, I certainly won't be the one to gloat about the numbers . It is not 
the numbers that count in a forum like ours, it is the quality of the 
discourse. It ain't no desi-demokrasy here A, you know that, don't you :-)?












  At 3:04 PM -0500 10/8/07, Alpana B. Sarangapani wrote:
I am sure that there are more than two who are for 'Sovereignity of 
Assam', but may not think it to be fruitful enough to engage in this debate  
   That is one of the most incisive perceptions I have seen in this net in 
a very long time, Mridul.  
Yes, there must be!
Pise` xonkhya-tu aangulir murot lekhib pora jaabo ne` baaru?

  In order to make spiritual progress you must be patient like a tree and 
humble like a blade of grass
  - Lakshmana

Date: Mon, 8 Oct 2007 08:23:58 -0500
Subject: Re: [Assam] What a response!!

.ExternalClass blockquote, .ExternalClass dl, .ExternalClass ul, .ExternalClass 
ol, .ExternalClass li {padding-top:0;padding-bottom:0;}   I am sure that there 
are more than two who are for 'Sovereignity of Assam', but may not think it to 
be fruitful enough to engage in this debate  
   That is one of the most incisive perceptions I have seen in this net in 
a very long time, Mridul.  
  At 2:40 AM -0700 10/8/07, Mridul Bhuyan wrote:
  Yes, it's a sad thing indeed. There's nothing personal involved in this 
debate. Everybody is free to express their opinion in good spirit. When things 
started to become personal it's no longer a debate. Contrary to what you said, 
I am sure that there are more than two who are for 'Sovereignity of Assam', but 
may not think it to be fruitful enough to engage in this debate, which very 
well starts roaming here and there instead of sticking to the subject.
   Mridul Bhuyan

Dilip/Dil Deka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I am sorry to say that it is degenerating into personal attack. Is there a 
need to continue it?
  let's stop and count how many are arguing for Assam's sovereignty in this net 
and how many are against. I count two for (not counting Rubi Bhuyan),  and many 
against. What amazes me is how the big group that is against is allowing the 
two to rile them up. Is the big group trying to reach unanimity? Differences 
will always exist, and it is also a great quality to agree to disagree and move 
  As for debating on  facts, It does not seem to stick, on this subject. It 
looks like a cat and mouse game.
  Is the debate worth the hurt feelings it is causing? I have my doubts. How 
about you?
  Dilip Deka
Shantikam Hazarika [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Next time whenever any one has a query, the questioner would have to
qualify each question with the rationale behind each question. I think
I would give your argument to the Students' Union so that they can
agitate that in future, every question paper in examinations must have
a page explaining what the question setter had in mind while setting
the question.

Wah.When you have no answers to Uttam's questions, you first
insist what is the purpose without which you are not willing to

 But I' will give you one more chance to redeem yourself. We all make
 bad decisions every now and then. So, even though you have been
 evading the points I raised, you can correct yourself, and tell us,
 that Utpal's ploy was not a constructive one. A far better one would
 have been to engage in a sincere DIALOGUE, of give and take; ask,
 answer and vice-versa.

I have much more important and better things to do than to redeem
myself before you. Our purpose was a DIALOGUE, and that too of the
sincere variety and the best way we could have started was by  seeking 
answers to questions that are plaguing the minds of most
educated, middle class Assamese people. You took the
responsibility of holding the fort on their behalf while, as it seems,
they have scooted, leaving you to hold the baby. Well, you deserve our
pity, which we extend in unbound lots.

Its not that we did not get all

Re: [Assam] What a response!!

2007-10-08 Thread Mridul Bhuyan
 of pillars-of society
  do not think so and thus the eloquent outpourings of disappointment, not to
  mention the offenses to their genteel sensitivities . Not just that, the
  self-fulfilling prophecies too of the band of braves indulging in the hola
  gosot baagi kuthar mora enterprise, justification why their masters don't
  talk to them, or should not.
  AIM of GOALS, what a fantastically creative phrase. Frankly I have come
  across this phrase for the first time in my life. May I add, AIM of GOALS 
  If one has beliefs, one must be ready to face INQUISITIONS. In fact, the
  mistakes we made during the Assam Movement was that we did not subject the
  leaders to frequent inquisitions, which resulted in the movement being led
  Apologists, awake, arise and continue to give proxies for those who have
  lost the way long ago. After all you have nothing to lose.
  Shantikam Hazarika
  Date: Wed, 3 Oct 2007 08:33:27 -0500
  Subject: Re: [Assam] What a response!!
  .ExternalClass blockquote, .ExternalClass dl, .ExternalClass ul,
  .ExternalClass ol, .ExternalClass li
  Before we pass judgement on the response, we also ought to be able to judge
  What were the questions posed by Utpal designed to ?
  To help him and others decide, if what ULFA has been fighting for, Assam's
  sovereignty, is a sound and beneficial move for Assam? And if they are
   persuaded by ULFA's response that they are sound, Utpal and others would
  Or were they designed to extract an admission from ULFA, that their own
  notions and beliefs, that it is
  patently bad for Assam, never mind HOW or WHY they have concluded that
  their notions and beliefs are the truly wise and considered opinions?
  Is it therefore REASONABLE to evaluate INTENT for ULFA before submitting
  itself to the INQUISITION?
  Where is the ORDINARY integrity expected of the intelligentsia here, if one
  can misuse the English word under the circumstances? The sincerity of
  It is obvious that those who consider themselves the 'educated' and'wise',
  unlike ULFA, and who parade around wearing the garbs of pillars-of society
   do not think so and thus the eloquent outpourings of
 disappointment, not to
  mention the offenses to their genteel sensitivities . Not just that, the
  self-fulfilling prophecies too of the band of braves indulging in the hola
  gosot baagi kuthar mora enterprise, justification why their masters don't
  talk to them, or should not.
  What is missing from the exercises is a rudimentary element of AIM of
  GOALS. Never mind the need to explore the reasons WHY ten thousand plus
  Oxomiyas have given their lives. No doubt their lives were nearly not as
  valuable as one Sanjoy Ghosh's.
  Aimless exercises unfortunately lead to nowhere. With such pillars of
  society looking after its well-being, one hardly needs enemies to tear it
  At 11:19 AM +0530 10/3/07, shantikam hazarika wrote:
  It seems that some of us are being branded as part of an unhappy gang with
  their so-called education. And they would be 'selective' in answering 
  questions; which means they would only reply to 'sincere' questions, from
  'real questioners' after their 'background check done'.
  Well, in case they have to do a background check in my case, let me tell
  you that my life has been an open book and if a background check is requird
  in my case, it simly shows how much these people are in touch with reality
  or the ground situations.
  Incidentally, let me also tell, that there has been enough background
  checks done about these people, their cohorts, sympathisers, beneficiaries,
  supporters, hangers one and what not. Lot of people already know who
  benefits from their actions, who are actually propping them up. For example
  when they killed Sanjay Ghosh, it did not require much background check to
  find out why they did so, what was the nexus behind that sordid deal and 
  would be the real losers if Majuli is genuinely saved in a very cost
  effective manner. Obviously, they are buying time to prepare some
  obfuscating response, what we may call saale bere kobowa reply in the
  name of background checks and what not.
  Also they have already said that they would ignore halfwit questions and
  questioners. How more selective can your comfort zone be...
  Interestingly, I was reading something today and I came across the
  follwoing phrase: The truth is that many terrorists are doing very well out
  of violence. Extortion rackets give them a lifestyle they cannot aspire in
  times of peace. They have money, excitement and status: what more you seek
  in life?
  Mantabya nisproyojan.
  Shantikam Hazarika
  Assam Institute

Re: [Assam] What a response!!

2007-10-08 Thread Chan Mahanta
  Where is the ORDINARY integrity expected of the intelligentsia 
here, if one

  can misuse the English word under the circumstances? The sincerity of
  It is obvious that those who consider themselves the 'educated' 
  unlike ULFA, and who parade around wearing the garbs of 
pillars-of society
  do not think so and thus the eloquent outpourings of 
disappointment, not to

  mention the offenses to their genteel sensitivities . Not just that, the
  self-fulfilling prophecies too of the band of braves indulging 
in the hola
  gosot baagi kuthar mora enterprise, justification why their 
masters don't

  talk to them, or should not.
  AIM of GOALS, what a fantastically creative phrase. Frankly I have come
  across this phrase for the first time in my life. May I add, 

  If one has beliefs, one must be ready to face INQUISITIONS. In fact, the
  mistakes we made during the Assam Movement was that we did not 
subject the
  leaders to frequent inquisitions, which resulted in the 
movement being led

  Apologists, awake, arise and continue to give proxies for those who have
  lost the way long ago. After all you have nothing to lose.
  Shantikam Hazarika
  Date: Wed, 3 Oct 2007 08:33:27 -0500
  Subject: Re: [Assam] What a response!!
  .ExternalClass blockquote, .ExternalClass dl, .ExternalClass ul,
  .ExternalClass ol, .ExternalClass li
  Before we pass judgement on the response, we also ought to be 
able to judge



  What were the questions posed by Utpal designed to ?
  To help him and others decide, if what ULFA has been fighting 
for, Assam's

  sovereignty, is a sound and beneficial move for Assam? And if they are
   persuaded by ULFA's response that they are sound, Utpal and others would
  Or were they designed to extract an admission from ULFA, that their own
  notions and beliefs, that it is
  patently bad for Assam, never mind HOW or WHY they have concluded that
  their notions and beliefs are the truly wise and considered opinions?
  Is it therefore REASONABLE to evaluate INTENT for ULFA before submitting
  itself to the INQUISITION?
  Where is the ORDINARY integrity expected of the intelligentsia 
here, if one

  can misuse the English word under the circumstances? The sincerity of
  It is obvious that those who consider themselves the 'educated' 
  unlike ULFA, and who parade around wearing the garbs of 
pillars-of society

   do not think so and thus the eloquent outpourings of
 disappointment, not to
  mention the offenses to their genteel sensitivities . Not just that, the
  self-fulfilling prophecies too of the band of braves indulging 
in the hola
  gosot baagi kuthar mora enterprise, justification why their 
masters don't

  talk to them, or should not.
  What is missing from the exercises is a rudimentary element of AIM of
  GOALS. Never mind the need to explore the reasons WHY ten thousand plus
  Oxomiyas have given their lives. No doubt their lives were nearly not as
  valuable as one Sanjoy Ghosh's.
  Aimless exercises unfortunately lead to nowhere. With such pillars of
  society looking after its well-being, one hardly needs enemies to tear it
  At 11:19 AM +0530 10/3/07, shantikam hazarika wrote:
  It seems that some of us are being branded as part of an 
unhappy gang with
  their so-called education. And they would be 'selective' in 
answering their

  questions; which means they would only reply to 'sincere' questions, from
  'real questioners' after their 'background check done'.
  Well, in case they have to do a background check in my case, let me tell
  you that my life has been an open book and if a background 
check is requird
  in my case, it simly shows how much these people are in touch 
with reality

  or the ground situations.
  Incidentally, let me also tell, that there has been enough background
  checks done about these people, their cohorts, sympathisers, 

  supporters, hangers one and what not. Lot of people already know who
  benefits from their actions, who are actually propping them up. 
For example
  when they killed Sanjay Ghosh, it did not require much 
background check to
  find out why they did so, what was the nexus behind that sordid 
deal and who

  would be the real losers if Majuli is genuinely saved in a very cost
  effective manner. Obviously, they are buying time to prepare some
  obfuscating response, what we may call saale bere kobowa reply in the
  name of background checks and what not.
  Also they have already said that they would ignore halfwit questions and
  questioners. How more selective can your comfort zone be...
  Interestingly, I was reading something today and I came across

Re: [Assam] What a response!!

2007-10-08 Thread Alpana B. Sarangapani

 I am sure that there are more than two who are for 'Sovereignity of Assam', 
 but may not think it to be fruitful enough to engage in this debate

 That is one of the most incisive perceptions I have seen in this net in a 
very long time, Mridul.
Yes, there must be! 
Pise` xonkhya-tu aangulir murot lekhib pora jaabo ne` baaru?

“In order to make spiritual progress you must be patient like a tree and humble 
like a blade of grass”
- Lakshmana

Date: Mon, 8 Oct 2007 08:23:58 -0500To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: 
Re: [Assam] What a response!!

 I am sure that there are more than two who are for 'Sovereignity of Assam', 
 but may not think it to be fruitful enough to engage in this debate

 That is one of the most incisive perceptions I have seen in this net in a 
very long time, Mridul.

At 2:40 AM -0700 10/8/07, Mridul Bhuyan wrote:
Yes, it's a sad thing indeed. There's nothing personal involved in this debate. 
Everybody is free to express their opinion in good spirit. When things started 
to become personal it's no longer a debate. Contrary to what you said, I am 
sure that there are more than two who are for 'Sovereignity of Assam', but may 
not think it to be fruitful enough to engage in this debate, which very well 
starts roaming here and there instead of sticking to the subject.
Mridul BhuyanDilip/Dil Deka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I am sorry to say that it is degenerating into personal attack. Is there a need 
to continue it?
let's stop and count how many are arguing for Assam's sovereignty in this net 
and how many are against. I count two for (not counting Rubi Bhuyan),  and many 
against. What amazes me is how the big group that is against is allowing the 
two to rile them up. Is the big group trying to reach unanimity? Differences 
will always exist, and it is also a great quality to agree to disagree and move 
As for debating on  facts, It does not seem to stick, on this subject. It looks 
like a cat and mouse game.
Is the debate worth the hurt feelings it is causing? I have my doubts. How 
about you?
Dilip Deka
===Shantikam Hazarika 
Next time whenever any one has a query, the questioner would have toqualify 
each question with the rationale behind each question. I thinkI would give your 
argument to the Students' Union so that they canagitate that in future, every 
question paper in examinations must havea page explaining what the question 
setter had in mind while settingthe question.Wah.When you have no answers 
to Uttam's questions, you firstinsist what is the purpose without which you are 
not willing toanswer. But I' will give you one more chance to redeem yourself. 
We all make bad decisions every now and then. So, even though you have been 
evading the points I raised, you can correct yourself, and tell us, that 
Utpal's ploy was not a constructive one. A far better one would have been to 
engage in a sincere DIALOGUE, of give and take; ask, answer and vice-versa.I 
have much more important and better things to do than to redeemmyself before 
you. Our purpose was a DIALOGUE, and that too of thesincere variety and the 
best way we could have started was byseeking answers to questions that are 
plaguing the minds of mosteducated, middle class Assamese people. You took 
theresponsibility of holding the fort on their behalf while, as it seems,they 
have scooted, leaving you to hold the baby. Well, you deserve ourpity, which we 
extend in unbound lots.Its not that we did not get all the answers. One we got 
right from thehorse's mouth was the boundary of the Independent Assam, 
wherecuriously Bangladesh did not feature. Is it because the IndependentAssam 
you are extolling would be a part of Bangladesh, so how does itmatter?Second 
answer YOU gave was that the purpose behind all the mayhem,disturbance of 
peace, killing of innocent daily labourers, is toliberate Assam..obviously 
from the poor people who are beingregularly killed, or to liberate Assam from 
peace and tranquility inwhich case it may be difficult to sustain the comfort 
zones in whichthe leaders (and their cohorts) are dwelling?Lot of netters have 
patience, I being sixty, do not have it. Also, time.Shantikam hazarikaOn 
10/5/07, Chan Mahanta wrote: Dear Hazarika: I am sorry that you , a well 
educated man, a pillar of your society,
 is unable to deal with a very simple issue: *** Why can't Utpal or 
 yourself, or anybody else, are able to tell us what objective they had? Why 
 can't you admit the truth with the COURAGE of your convictions? Not that it 
 is a secret. Anyone with half a working brain can see right thru it. And if 
 it was not so, and had a more honorable objective, you and a bunch of 
 others here in this forum would have come out baying for my blood, for 
 having the temerity to doubt the inquisitors' integrity. They have NOT, 
 only because

Re: [Assam] What a response!!

2007-10-08 Thread Chan Mahanta

That I must leave to the imagination of Netters, A .

I  am not certain who or how many listen to us, around the world. 
And even if I did, I certainly won't be the one to gloat about the 
numbers . It is not the numbers that count in a forum like ours, it 
is the quality of the discourse. It ain't no desi-demokrasy here A, 
you know that, don't you :-)?

At 3:04 PM -0500 10/8/07, Alpana B. Sarangapani wrote:

  I am sure that there are more than two who are for 'Sovereignity 
of Assam', but may not think it to be fruitful enough to engage in 
this debate

  That is one of the most incisive perceptions I have seen in 
this net in a very long time, Mridul.

Yes, there must be!
Pise` xonkhya-tu aangulir murot lekhib pora jaabo ne` baaru?

In order to make spiritual progress you must be patient like a tree 
and humble like a blade of grass

- Lakshmana

Date: Mon, 8 Oct 2007 08:23:58 -0500
Subject: Re: [Assam] What a response!!

.ExternalClass blockquote, .ExternalClass dl, .ExternalClass ul, 
.ExternalClass ol, .ExternalClass li 
  I am sure that there are more than two who are for 'Sovereignity 
of Assam', but may not think it to be fruitful enough to engage in 
this debate

 That is one of the most incisive perceptions I have seen in 
this net in a very long time, Mridul.

At 2:40 AM -0700 10/8/07, Mridul Bhuyan wrote:

Yes, it's a sad thing indeed. There's nothing personal involved in 
this debate. Everybody is free to express their opinion in good 
spirit. When things started to become personal it's no longer a 
debate. Contrary to what you said, I am sure that there are more 
than two who are for 'Sovereignity of Assam', but may not think it 
to be fruitful enough to engage in this debate, which very well 
starts roaming here and there instead of sticking to the subject.


Mridul Bhuyan

Dilip/Dil Deka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I am sorry to say that it is degenerating into personal attack. Is 
there a need to continue it?

let's stop and count how many are arguing for Assam's sovereignty in 
this net and how many are against. I count two for (not counting 
Rubi Bhuyan),  and many against. What amazes me is how the big group 
that is against is allowing the two to rile them up. Is the big 
group trying to reach unanimity? Differences will always exist, and 
it is also a great quality to agree to disagree and move on.

As for debating on  facts, It does not seem to stick, on this 
subject. It looks like a cat and mouse game.

Is the debate worth the hurt feelings it is causing? I have my 
doubts. How about you?

Dilip Deka

Shantikam Hazarika [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Next time whenever any one has a query, the questioner would have to
qualify each question with the rationale behind each question. I think
I would give your argument to the Students' Union so that they can
agitate that in future, every question paper in examinations must have
a page explaining what the question setter had in mind while setting
the question.

Wah.When you have no answers to Uttam's questions, you first
insist what is the purpose without which you are not willing to

 But I' will give you one more chance to redeem yourself. We all make
 bad decisions every now and then. So, even though you have been
 evading the points I raised, you can correct yourself, and tell us,
 that Utpal's ploy was not a constructive one. A far better one would
 have been to engage in a sincere DIALOGUE, of give and take; ask,
 answer and vice-versa.

I have much more important and better things to do than to redeem
myself before you. Our purpose was a DIALOGUE, and that too of the
sincere variety and the best way we could have started was by
seeking answers to questions that are plaguing the minds of most
educated, middle class Assamese people. You took the
responsibility of holding the fort on their behalf while, as it seems,
they have scooted, leaving you to hold the baby. Well, you deserve our
pity, which we extend in unbound lots.

Its not that we did not get all the answers. One we got right from the
horse's mouth was the boundary of the Independent Assam, where
curiously Bangladesh did not feature. Is it because the Independent
Assam you are extolling would be a part of Bangladesh, so how does it

Second answer YOU gave was that the purpose behind all the mayhem,
disturbance of peace, killing of innocent daily labourers, is to
liberate Assam..obviously from the poor people who are being
regularly killed, or to liberate Assam from peace and tranquility in
which case it may be difficult to sustain the comfort zones in which
the leaders (and their cohorts) are dwelling?

Lot of netters have patience, I being sixty, do not have it. Also, time.

Shantikam hazarika

On 10/5/07, Chan Mahanta wrote

Re: [Assam] What a response!!

2007-10-07 Thread utpal borpujari

Chandan-da, I have been reading with great curiosity your mails arising 
out of Shantikam Hazarika’s comments on my questions posted to ULFA on another 
online group of Assamese people. I don’t wish to join you in a debate on the 
exchanges you have been having with Hazarika or others, but I would be grateful 
if you let me know:


1. How you deduced that my questions to ULFA were constructive (as you put it, 
“So, even though you have been evading the points I raised, you can correct 
yourself, and tell us, that Utpal's ploy was not a constructive one”). 

2. I had asked ULFA some stratightforward questions, and HAD given the reasons 
why I was asking them. I am not sure if you saw / have seen the questions while 
questioning the motive behind them, because I have posted them on another group 
and on this group it just took off on the basis of Hazarika’s comments. (I am 
also not sure if you are a member of the other group, since you have not 
participated in the debate on the other group, though you have said in this 
forum “As I wrote earlier, Utpal's questions were virtually the same as those 
posed to this writer by Chittaranjan in May of this year.”)


3. How did you arrive at the conclusion that the questions were an 
“inquisition” and “an interrogator's talking points”, and that it was not 
designed to have a “SINCERE DIALOGUE”? 


4. If the “ULFA dispatcher” “might have been farther handicapped by not being 
in on ULFA's policy making or communicating team” (I would like to know how you 
arrived at that conclusion, or whether you are privy to some inside information 
on this, since Ruby Bhuyan is a member of ULFA’s central publicity committee, 
as is mentioned in the ULFA press release emails), s/he should have told me 
that. My questions were not directed at him/her, but at the ULFA, so s/he could 
have taken some time – maybe even collecting all the questions of all varieties 
(pro/anti/whatever) from more questioners and come up with an overall response 
from the leadership, the one which makes the policies. If the ULFA dispatcher 
is not part of ULFA’s policy making or communication team, n that context, 
there is no use in sending any question to ULFA through Ruby Bhuyan


5. ULFA, for your kind information, did not even attempt to reply to a single 
question in a straightforward manner – it just inserted some words in different 
colours, adding some caustic comments and remarks. I would have appreciated if 
it had replied to my questions even if it had been in the manner you had argued 
with Chittaranjan Pathak. I am not sure if you have seen the so-called reply 
before questioning my motive.


6. Since you say you “do not speak for ULFA and am NOT PRIVY to 

its policy-making”, would not it be better if ULFA talks directly to all of us? 

with regards,

Utpal Borpujari 



  Message: 2
Date: Sat, 6 Oct 2007 08:52:39 -0500
From: Chan Mahanta 
Subject: Re: [Assam] What a response!!
To: A Mailing list for people interested in Assam from around the
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Is the debate worth the hurt feelings it is causing?

Personally, I don't have any problem with anyone calling me names or 
personally attacking me. My feelings could not be hurt by people who 
make fun of me or my views. Those who indulge in it, really expose 
their own inability to articulate a coherent response, much less a 
credible one.

But I do realize, that those whose feelings are founded on how others 
perceive them and if they end up being presented in an unflattering 
light for what they say or imply, that might cause humiliation, 
lashing out with personal attacks, parodying and caricaturing, 
attributing manufactured quotes and such other less than honorable 
or mature reactions.

But there is a good way to prevent it: It requires a bit i of careful 
thinking before shooting off one's mouth in anger or annoyance.

Do we need to continue the discussions and debates? Absolutely.

Just because a majority of the participants here sing the chorus of 
Assam's continued servitude, does not make it the last word. Silence 
merely helps shove the dirt, the issues, under the rug, and does not 
lead either to thinking critically, nor informing that vast majority 
of the audience who observe in a silence. While the term 
'sovereignty' is an easy pill to reject for the nay-sayers, it has 
ingredients that everyone needs to look at and decide if they are NOT 
needed for their well-being. That is why it is of critical 
importance, for the able and the willing, to analyze and examine them 
and let the chips fall where they may.

What amazes me is how the big group that is against is allowing the 
two to rile them up.

*** I explained that a number of times, didn't I ? Hard to accept 
that however, isn't it :-)?

 Differences will always exist, and it is also a great quality to 
agree to disagree and move on.

*** That will be a very simplistic

Re: [Assam] What a response!!

2007-10-07 Thread Chan Mahanta

Hi Utpal:

I was afraid we won't hear from you at all :-). 
Nice of you to respond. Now we can talk.

But before we do, will you be kind enough to post 
the full text of what you wrote to Ruby Bhuyan in 
Esom ? It is very difficult to follow the thread 
from  what Hazarika and Nayan Medhi forwarded.

I will get beck to you shortly.


At 12:35 PM +0100 10/7/07, utpal borpujari wrote:
Chandan-da, I have been reading with 
great curiosity your mails arising out of 
Shantikam Hazarika’s comments on my questions 
posted to ULFA on another online group of 
Assamese people. I don’t wish to join you in a 
debate on the exchanges you have been having 
with Hazarika or others, but I would be grateful 
if you let me know:

1. How you deduced that my questions to ULFA 
were constructive (as you put it, “So, even 
though you have been evading the points I 
raised, you can correct yourself, and tell us, 
that Utpal's

 ploy was not a constructive one”).

2. I had asked ULFA some stratightforward 
questions, and HAD given the reasons why I was 
asking them. I am not sure if you saw / have 
seen the questions while questioning the motive 
behind them, because I have posted them on 
another group and on this group it just took off 
on the basis of Hazarika’s comments. (I am also 
not sure if you are a member of the other group, 
since you have not participated in the debate on 
the other group, though you have said in this 
forum “As I wrote earlier, Utpal's questions 
were virtually the same as those posed to this 
writer by Chittaranjan in May of this year.”)

3. How did you arrive at the conclusion that the 
questions were an “inquisition” and “an 
interrogator's talking points”, and that it was 
not designed to have a “SINCERE DIALOGUE”?

4. If the “ULFA dispatcher” “might have been 
farther handicapped by not being in on ULFA's 
policy making or communicating team” (I would 
like to know how you arrived at that conclusion, 
or whether you are privy to some inside 
information on this, since Ruby Bhuyan is a 
member of ULFA’s central publicity committee, as 
is mentioned in the ULFA press release emails), 
s/he should
 have told me that. My questions were not 
directed at him/her, but at the ULFA, so s/he 
could have taken some time – maybe even 
collecting all the questions of all varieties 
(pro/anti/whatever) from more questioners and 
come up with an overall response from the 
leadership, the one which makes the policies. If 
the ULFA dispatcher is not part of ULFA’s policy 
making or communication team, n that context, 
there is no use in sending any question to ULFA 
through Ruby Bhuyan

5. ULFA, for your kind information, did not even 
attempt to reply to a single question in a 
straightforward manner – it just inserted some 
words in different colours, adding some caustic 
comments and remarks. I would have appreciated 
if it had replied to my questions even if it had
 been in the manner you had argued with 
Chittaranjan Pathak. I am not sure if you have 
seen the so-called reply before questioning my 

6. Since you say you “do not speak for ULFA and am NOT PRIVY to
its policy-making”, would not it be better if 
ULFA talks directly to all of us?

with regards,
Utpal Borpujari

Message: 2
Date: Sat, 6 Oct 2007 08:52:39 -0500
From: Chan Mahanta
Subject: Re: [Assam] What a response!!
To: A Mailing list for people interested in Assam from around the
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Is the debate worth the hurt feelings it is causing?

Personally, I don't have any problem with anyone calling me names or
personally attacking me. My feelings could not be hurt by people who
make fun of me or my views. Those who indulge in it, really expose
their own inability to articulate a coherent response, much less a
credible one.

But I do realize, that those whose feelings are founded on how others
perceive them and if they end up being presented in an unflattering
light for what they say or imply, that might cause humiliation,
lashing out with personal attacks, parodying and caricaturing,
attributing manufactured quotes and such other less than honorable
or mature reactions.

But there is a good way to prevent it: It requires a bit i of careful
thinking before shooting off one's mouth in anger or annoyance.

Do we need to continue the discussions and debates? Absolutely.

Just because a majority of the participants here sing the chorus of
Assam's continued servitude, does not make it the last word. Silence
merely helps shove the dirt, the issues, under the rug, and does not
lead either to thinking critically, nor informing that vast majority
of the audience who observe in a silence. While the term
'sovereignty' is an easy pill to reject for the nay-sayers, it has
ingredients that everyone needs to look at and decide if they are NOT
needed for their well-being. That is why it is of critical
importance, for the able and the willing, to analyze

Re: [Assam] What a response?

2007-10-07 Thread Chan Mahanta
What you are trying to say is that ULFA is not in a position to or 
incapable of enter into a dialogue or answer questions posed to it.

 I have fair ability to say EXACTLY what I want to say, and I do. 
And the above is NOT it.

What I said that Ruby Bhuyan may NOT be able to do that.

Let us assume for a moment, for discussion's sake , that ULFA is 
indeed incapable of doing so.  That they are little more than 
low-class and uneducated people as you so implied and as others in 
that sordid exchange did.

But, would that mean that there are NO good answers to the questions 
asked?  Would that be yours and others considered conclusion and thus 
you can wave that as proof to anyone caring to watch that YOU the 
wise, educated folks are RIGHT and ULFA is WRONG as was just played 
out in Esomonline?

Is that what you concluded?

I am not interested in anything else.

 That is very understandable. Because  you seem only to  seek 
simple minded, black and white answers to complex issues with many 
shades of grey, not just the blacks and the whites.

That, sir, is nothing less than tragic.

At 8:48 AM +0530 10/7/07, shantikam hazarika wrote:
You go on splitting hair, it does not bother me. What you are trying 
to say is that ULFA is not in a position to or incapable of enter 
into a dialogue or answer questions posed to it.
Unfortunately these questions are being asked by everyone in Assam 
and we are perplexed why they cannot answer.

I am not interested in anything else.
Shantikam Hazarika

Date: Sat, 6 Oct 2007 09:31:49 -0500
Subject: Re: [Assam] What a response? My Conclusions: PART 1

.ExternalClass blockquote, .ExternalClass dl, .ExternalClass ul, 
.ExternalClass ol, .ExternalClass li 

I will stay to the main issue in this part, and avoid dealing with 
the extraneous issues, which I will try to address in Part 2.

I thank Hazarika for changing his earlier position expressed in the comment

BTW Mahanta, if you are thinking that I am trying to reach out to
those whose apologist you are, forget about it, 

with the following  clarification:

Our purpose was a DIALOGUE, and that too of the
sincere variety and the best way we could have started was by
seeking answers to questions that are plaguing the minds of most

educated, middle class Assamese people.

The only things we need to decide now are:

A: Whether the questions posed by Utpal were they designed to 
generate a dialogue, of give and take, of understanding each other's 
concerns and actions; or subject the ULFA dispatcher to an 
inquisition to extract an admission from ULFA, that their goals and 
objectives are all bad for Assam, while the inquisitors' ( Utpal's , 
Hazarika's and those I fondly call the 'righteous block's ) own 
notions and beliefs are the right ones?

B: If the ULFA dispatcher did not or could not answer Utpal and 
other's interrogations to their satisfaction, whether any 
satisfactory or credible answers are at all possible, whether they 

Why this arises is for the simple reason that not everyone amongst 
us is capable of articulating a coherent response. It is hardly a 
mystery that our  communicative skills, by and large, are , shall we 
say--a work in progress?

Utpal, a journalist, wrote his  piece quite well as an 
interrogator's talking points.  But was it  designed to understand 
the whole issue, as a SINCERE DIALOGUE, as Hazarika wants us to 

I will let netters decide that.

It was obvious that the ULFA dispatcher was not someone used to or 
experienced in effective written communication. He/she might have 
been farther handicapped by not being in on ULFA's policy making

or communicating team.

He is hardly an exception. Most of those of the 'righteous block' 
that made fun of  Ruby Bhuyan's  English language skills would not 
fare much higher on the communication skills scale either.

BUT, does that mean, that there can be no good answers to the questions?

I would submit there are. As I wrote earlier, Utpal's questions were 
virtually the same as those posed to this writer by Chittaranjan in 
May of this year. And I addressed those in considerable detail, in 
mY PERSONAL CAPACITY, since I do not speak for ULFA  and am NOT 
PRIVY to its policy-making .

If anyone is curious enough about it, I will be pleased to revisit 
them, as time permits.

Finally,  I would ask 'the righteous block'  and other netters this again:

Can they seriously expect ULFA to participate in a dialogue, if all 
they are interested in is extracting an admission from it that  what 
they have fought for a quarter century and gave thousands of their 
lives, is all WRONG?

At 5:52 AM +0530 10/6/07, Shantikam Hazarika wrote:

Next time whenever any one has a query, the questioner would have to
qualify each question with the rationale behind each question. I

Re: [Assam] What a response!!

2007-10-06 Thread Chan Mahanta
  At 10:53 PM +0530 10/3/07, shantikam hazarika wrote:
  What a wonderful deflection from the main issue. Chandan Mahanta, you are
  really a master at it. If there is a Nobel equivalent, I would strongly
  recommend you for the same.
  Poor Utpal. I am sure he, and many like him, have been itching 
to ask them
  some questions which are lurking in the minds of almost all 
Assamese people.
  He got a chance and asked them, in plain, straight forward 
English language,

  without any ambiguity. So, attack his design in asking these questions,
  since, frankly, they and their sympathisers have no answers.
  I remember, in one of the seminars organised by the students of the Assam
  Institute of Management on Assam's current critical problems, Sanjib
  Sabhapandit used a curious phrase: Don't intellectualise 
Assam's problems.
  Well, here we are seeing an effort to intellectualise even 
simple and honest

  queries to those who seem to have solutions to Assam's problems.
  No one in Assam is quite clear as to what these people are 
fighting for. A
  large number of the people of Assam believe that there is a big 
nexus that

  sustains them, that they are anything but revolutionaries, and when
  opportunities are provided to them to justify their actions, 
they run away
  and leave it to people like Chandan mahanta, ensconced in the 
middle of the

  USA, to obfuscate the issues on their behalf. This is indeed a gem:
  Where is the ORDINARY integrity expected of the intelligentsia 
here, if one

  can misuse the English word under the circumstances? The sincerity of
  It is obvious that those who consider themselves the 'educated' 
   unlike ULFA, and who parade around wearing the garbs of 
pillars-of society
  do not think so and thus the eloquent outpourings of 
disappointment, not to

  mention the offenses to their genteel sensitivities . Not just that, the
  self-fulfilling prophecies too of the band of braves indulging 
in the hola
  gosot baagi kuthar mora enterprise, justification why their 
masters don't

  talk to them, or should not.
  AIM of GOALS, what a fantastically creative phrase. Frankly I have come
  across this phrase for the first time in my life. May I add, 

  If one has beliefs, one must be ready to face INQUISITIONS. In fact, the
  mistakes we made during the Assam Movement was that we did not 
subject the
  leaders to frequent inquisitions, which resulted in the 
movement being led

  Apologists, awake, arise and continue to give proxies for those who have
  lost the way long ago. After all you have nothing to lose.
  Shantikam Hazarika
  Date: Wed, 3 Oct 2007 08:33:27 -0500
  Subject: Re: [Assam] What a response!!
  .ExternalClass blockquote, .ExternalClass dl, .ExternalClass ul,
  .ExternalClass ol, .ExternalClass li
  Before we pass judgement on the response, we also ought to be 
able to judge

  What were the questions posed by Utpal designed to ?
  To help him and others decide, if what ULFA has been fighting 
for, Assam's

  sovereignty, is a sound and beneficial move for Assam? And if they are
   persuaded by ULFA's response that they are sound, Utpal and others would
  Or were they designed to extract an admission from ULFA, that their own
  notions and beliefs, that it is
  patently bad for Assam, never mind HOW or WHY they have concluded that
  their notions and beliefs are the truly wise and considered opinions?
  Is it therefore REASONABLE to evaluate INTENT for ULFA before submitting
  itself to the INQUISITION?
  Where is the ORDINARY integrity expected of the intelligentsia 
here, if one

  can misuse the English word under the circumstances? The sincerity of
  It is obvious that those who consider themselves the 'educated' 
  unlike ULFA, and who parade around wearing the garbs of 
pillars-of society

   do not think so and thus the eloquent outpourings of
 disappointment, not to
  mention the offenses to their genteel sensitivities . Not just that, the
  self-fulfilling prophecies too of the band of braves indulging 
in the hola
  gosot baagi kuthar mora enterprise, justification why their 
masters don't

  talk to them, or should not.
  What is missing from the exercises is a rudimentary element of AIM of
  GOALS. Never mind the need to explore the reasons WHY ten thousand plus
  Oxomiyas have given their lives. No doubt their lives were nearly not as
  valuable as one Sanjoy Ghosh's.
  Aimless exercises unfortunately lead to nowhere. With such pillars of
  society looking after its well-being, one hardly needs enemies to tear it

Re: [Assam] What a response? My Conclusions: PART 1

2007-10-06 Thread Chan Mahanta


   At 10:53 PM +0530 10/3/07, shantikam hazarika wrote:
   What a wonderful deflection from the main issue. Chandan 
Mahanta, you are

   really a master at it. If there is a Nobel equivalent, I would strongly
   recommend you for the same.
   Poor Utpal. I am sure he, and many like him, have been itching 
to ask them
   some questions which are lurking in the minds of almost all 
Assamese people.
   He got a chance and asked them, in plain, straight forward 
English language,
   without any ambiguity. So, attack his design in asking these 

   since, frankly, they and their sympathisers have no answers.
   I remember, in one of the seminars organised by the students 
of the Assam

   Institute of Management on Assam's current critical problems, Sanjib
   Sabhapandit used a curious phrase: Don't intellectualise 
Assam's problems.
   Well, here we are seeing an effort to intellectualise even 
simple and honest

   queries to those who seem to have solutions to Assam's problems.
   No one in Assam is quite clear as to what these people are 
fighting for. A
   large number of the people of Assam believe that there is a 
big nexus that

   sustains them, that they are anything but revolutionaries, and when
   opportunities are provided to them to justify their actions, 
they run away
   and leave it to people like Chandan mahanta, ensconced in the 
middle of the

   USA, to obfuscate the issues on their behalf. This is indeed a gem:
   Where is the ORDINARY integrity expected of  the 
intelligentsia here, if one

   can misuse the English word under the circumstances? The sincerity of
   It is obvious that those who consider themselves the 
'educated' and'wise',
unlike ULFA, and  who parade around wearing the garbs of 
pillars-of society
   do not think so and thus the eloquent outpourings  of 
disappointment, not to

   mention the offenses to their genteel sensitivities . Not just that, the
   self-fulfilling prophecies too of the band of braves indulging 
in the hola
   gosot baagi kuthar mora enterprise, justification why their 
masters don't

   talk to them, or should not.
   AIM of GOALS, what a fantastically creative phrase. Frankly I have come
   across this phrase for the first time in my life. May I add, 

   If one has beliefs, one must be ready to face INQUISITIONS. In fact, the
   mistakes we made during the Assam  Movement was that we did 
not subject the
   leaders to frequent inquisitions, which resulted in the 
movement being led

   Apologists, awake, arise and continue to give proxies for those who have
   lost the way long ago. After all you have nothing to lose.
   Shantikam Hazarika

   Date: Wed, 3 Oct 2007 08:33:27 -0500
Subject: Re: [Assam] What a response!!
.ExternalClass blockquote, .ExternalClass dl, .ExternalClass ul,
   .ExternalClass ol, .ExternalClass li
   Before we pass judgement on the response, we also ought to be 
able to judge

   the QUESTION.
   What were the questions posed by Utpal designed to ?
   To help him and others decide, if what ULFA has been fighting 
for, Assam's
   sovereignty,  is a  sound and beneficial  move for Assam? And 
if they are
persuaded by ULFA's response that they are sound,  Utpal and 
others would

   SUPPORT it?
   Or were they designed to extract an admission from ULFA, that their own
   notions and beliefs, that it is
   patently bad  for Assam, never mind HOW or WHY they have concluded that
   their notions and beliefs are the truly wise and considered opinions?
   Is it therefore REASONABLE  to evaluate INTENT for ULFA before 

itself to the INQUISITION?

   Where is the ORDINARY integrity expected of  the 
intelligentsia here, if one

   can misuse the English word under the circumstances? The sincerity of
   It is obvious that those who consider themselves the 
'educated' and'wise',
   unlike ULFA, and  who parade around wearing the garbs of 
pillars-of society

do not think so and thus the eloquent outpourings  of
 disappointment, not to
   mention the offenses to their genteel sensitivities . Not just that, the
   self-fulfilling prophecies too of the band of braves indulging 
in the hola
   gosot baagi kuthar mora enterprise, justification why their 
masters don't

   talk to them, or should not.
   What  is missing from the exercises is a rudimentary  element of AIM of
   GOALS.  Never mind the need to explore the reasons WHY ten thousand plus
   Oxomiyas have given their lives. No doubt their lives were nearly not as
   valuable as one Sanjoy Ghosh's.
   Aimless exercises

Re: [Assam] What a response!!

2007-10-06 Thread SANDIP DUTTA
 Those who indulge in it, really expose their own inability to articulate a 
 coherent response, much less a credible one.

And what about the recipients inability to READ a coherent response?


- Original Message 
From: Chan Mahanta [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: A Mailing list for people interested in Assam from around the world
Sent: Saturday, October 6, 2007 11:52:39 PM
Subject: Re: [Assam] What a response!!

Is the debate worth the hurt feelings it is causing?

Personally, I don't have any  problem with anyone calling me names or 
personally attacking me.  My feelings could not be hurt by people who make fun 
of me or my views.  Those who indulge in it, really expose their own inability 
to articulate a coherent response, much less a credible one.

But I do realize, that those whose feelings are founded on how others perceive 
them and if they end up being presented in an unflattering light for what they 
say or imply, that might  cause  humiliation, anger,
lashing out with personal attacks, parodying and caricaturing, attributing 
manufactured quotes and such other less than honorable  or mature reactions.

But there is a good way to prevent it: It requires a bit i of careful thinking 
before shooting off one's mouth in anger or annoyance.

Do we need to continue the discussions and debates? Absolutely.

Just because a majority of the  participants here sing the chorus of Assam's 
continued servitude, does not make it the last word. Silence merely helps shove 
 the dirt, the issues, under the rug, and does not lead either to thinking 
critically, nor informing that vast majority of the audience who observe in a 
silence. While the term 'sovereignty' is an easy pill to reject for the 
nay-sayers, it has ingredients that everyone needs to look at and decide if 
they are NOT needed for their well-being.  That is why it is of critical 
importance, for the able and the willing, to analyze and examine them and let 
the chips fall where they may.

What amazes me is how the big group that is against is allowing the two to 
rile them up.

*** I explained that a number of times, didn't I ? Hard to accept that however, 
isn't it :-)?

 Differences will always exist, and it is also a great quality to agree to 
 disagree and move on.

*** That will be a very simplistic conclusion, to agree to disagree and move 
on, particularly on THIS issue of enormous importance to Assam's present and 
its future. We all have a stake in its many ramifications.

As for debating on  facts, It does not seem to stick, on this subject.

*** I don't get it. But if I agree we cannot depend upon FACTS, since there 
is no telling how trustworthy the facts presented might be.  That is why I 
always resort to looking at the basic principles.

At 7:42 PM -0700 10/5/07, Dilip/Dil Deka wrote:
I am sorry to say that it is degenerating into personal attack. Is there a need 
to continue it?
let's stop and count how many are arguing for Assam's sovereignty in this net 
and how many are against. I count two for (not counting Rubi Bhuyan),  and many 
against. What amazes me is how the big group that is against is allowing the 
two to rile them up. Is the big group trying to reach unanimity? Differences 
will always exist, and it is also a great quality to agree to disagree and move 
As for debating on  facts, It does not seem to stick, on this subject. It looks 
like a cat and mouse game.
Is the debate worth the hurt feelings it is causing? I have my doubts. How 
about you?
Dilip Deka
Shantikam Hazarika [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Next time whenever any one has a query, the questioner would have to
qualify each question with the rationale behind each question. I think
I would give your argument to the Students' Union so that they can
agitate that in future, every question paper in examinations must have
a page explaining what the question setter had in mind while setting
the question.

Wah.When you have no answers to Uttam's questions, you first
insist what is the purpose without which you are not willing to

 But I' will give you one more chance to redeem yourself. We all make
 bad decisions every now and then. So, even though you have been
 evading the points I raised, you can correct yourself, and tell us,
 that Utpal's ploy was not a constructive one. A far better one would
 have been to engage in a sincere DIALOGUE, of give and take; ask,
 answer and vice-versa.

I have much more important and better things to do than to redeem
myself before you. Our purpose was a DIALOGUE, and that too of the
sincere variety and the best way we could have started was by
seeking answers to questions that are plaguing the minds of most
educated, middle class Assamese people. You took the
responsibility of holding the fort on their behalf while, as it seems,
they have scooted, leaving you to hold the baby. Well, you deserve

Re: [Assam] What a response!!

2007-10-06 Thread Chan Mahanta

And what about the recipients inability to READ a coherent response?

 What about them?

At 7:47 AM -0700 10/6/07, SANDIP DUTTA wrote:
  Those who indulge in it, really expose their own inability to 
articulate a coherent response, much less a credible one.

And what about the recipients inability to READ a coherent response?


- Original Message 
From: Chan Mahanta [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: A Mailing list for people interested in Assam from around the 

Sent: Saturday, October 6, 2007 11:52:39 PM
Subject: Re: [Assam] What a response!!

 Is the debate worth the hurt feelings it is causing?

Personally, I don't have any  problem with anyone calling me names 
or personally attacking me.  My feelings could not be hurt by people 
who make fun of me or my views.  Those who indulge in it, really 
expose their own inability to articulate a coherent response, much 
less a credible one.

But I do realize, that those whose feelings are founded on how 
others perceive them and if they end up being presented in an 
unflattering light for what they say or imply, that might  cause 
humiliation, anger,
lashing out with personal attacks, parodying and caricaturing, 
attributing manufactured quotes and such other less than honorable 
or mature reactions.

But there is a good way to prevent it: It requires a bit i of 
careful thinking before shooting off one's mouth in anger or 

Do we need to continue the discussions and debates? Absolutely.

Just because a majority of the  participants here sing the chorus of 
Assam's continued servitude, does not make it the last word. Silence 
merely helps shove  the dirt, the issues, under the rug, and does 
not lead either to thinking critically, nor informing that vast 
majority of the audience who observe in a silence. While the term 
'sovereignty' is an easy pill to reject for the nay-sayers, it has 
ingredients that everyone needs to look at and decide if they are 
NOT needed for their well-being.  That is why it is of critical 
importance, for the able and the willing, to analyze and examine 
them and let the chips fall where they may.

 What amazes me is how the big group that is against is allowing 
the two to rile them up.

*** I explained that a number of times, didn't I ? Hard to accept 
that however, isn't it :-)?

  Differences will always exist, and it is also a great quality to 
agree to disagree and move on.

*** That will be a very simplistic conclusion, to agree to disagree 
and move on, particularly on THIS issue of enormous importance to 
Assam's present and its future. We all have a stake in its many 

 As for debating on  facts, It does not seem to stick, on this subject.

*** I don't get it. But if I agree we cannot depend upon FACTS, 
since there is no telling how trustworthy the facts presented might 
be.  That is why I always resort to looking at the basic principles.

At 7:42 PM -0700 10/5/07, Dilip/Dil Deka wrote:


I am sorry to say that it is degenerating into personal attack. Is 
there a need to continue it?

let's stop and count how many are arguing for Assam's sovereignty 
in this net and how many are against. I count two for (not counting 
Rubi Bhuyan),  and many against. What amazes me is how the big 
group that is against is allowing the two to rile them up. Is the 
big group trying to reach unanimity? Differences will always exist, 
and it is also a great quality to agree to disagree and move on.

As for debating on  facts, It does not seem to stick, on this 
subject. It looks like a cat and mouse game.

Is the debate worth the hurt feelings it is causing? I have my 
doubts. How about you?

Dilip Deka

Shantikam Hazarika [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Next time whenever any one has a query, the questioner would have to
qualify each question with the rationale behind each question. I think
I would give your argument to the Students' Union so that they can
agitate that in future, every question paper in examinations must have
a page explaining what the question setter had in mind while setting
the question.

Wah.When you have no answers to Uttam's questions, you first
insist what is the purpose without which you are not willing to

 But I' will give you one more chance to redeem yourself. We all make
 bad decisions every now and then. So, even though you have been
 evading the points I raised, you can correct yourself, and tell us,

  that Utpal's ploy was not a constructive one. A far better one would

 have been to engage in a sincere DIALOGUE, of give and take; ask,
 answer and vice-versa.

I have much more important and better things to do than to redeem
myself before you. Our purpose was a DIALOGUE, and that too of the
sincere variety and the best way we could have started was by
seeking answers to questions that are plaguing the minds of most
educated, middle class

Re: [Assam] What a response? My Conclusions: PART 1

2007-10-06 Thread uttam borthakur
   AIM of GOALS. 
   I did however miss the comma between the two.  That I remain guilty of.  
   to attempt to use that bit of typo, or solecism if you prefer, is riskier
   than groping at straws, won't you think?
If one has beliefs, one must be ready to face INQUISITIONS.
   Is that your best argument here H?
   Good sermon, I am sure. But you need a flock to listen to it.  I may be 
   the wall here, but somehow I get this feeling that ULFA is not about to 
   a beeline to listen to or pay heed to your sermon. What do you think?
   BTW, the meaning of the word INQUISITION, as you understand it and use it 
   ---that we did not subject the leaders to frequent inquisitions,  is NOT
   what it is. If you look it up, you will know that  it means: A rigorous,
   harsh, interrogation, one that disregards the privacy rights, feelings 
   of the target. One that does not allow the target to ask questions, one
   sided inquiry.
   Therefore, had you attempted to subject them to your 'inquisition', the
   results might have been less than what you have hoped for.  Just like it
   won't work with ULFA today . To disregard it merely displays one's 
   that's all.

   At 10:53 PM +0530 10/3/07, shantikam hazarika wrote:
   What a wonderful deflection from the main issue. Chandan Mahanta, you are
   really a master at it. If there is a Nobel equivalent, I would strongly
   recommend you for the same.
   Poor Utpal. I am sure he, and many like him, have been itching to ask them
   some questions which are lurking in the minds of almost all Assamese 
   He got a chance and asked them, in plain, straight forward English 
   without any ambiguity. So, attack his design in asking these questions,
   since, frankly, they and their sympathisers have no answers.
   I remember, in one of the seminars organised by the students of the Assam
   Institute of Management on Assam's current critical problems, Sanjib
   Sabhapandit used a curious phrase: Don't intellectualise Assam's 
   Well, here we are seeing an effort to intellectualise even simple and 
   queries to those who seem to have solutions to Assam's problems.
   No one in Assam is quite clear as to what these people are fighting for. A
   large number of the people of Assam believe that there is a big nexus that
   sustains them, that they are anything but revolutionaries, and when
   opportunities are provided to them to justify their actions, they run away
   and leave it to people like Chandan mahanta, ensconced in the middle of 
   USA, to obfuscate the issues on their behalf. This is indeed a gem:
   Where is the ORDINARY integrity expected of  the intelligentsia here, if 
   can misuse the English word under the circumstances? The sincerity of
   It is obvious that those who consider themselves the 'educated' 
  and'wise', unlike ULFA, and  who parade around wearing the garbs of 
   pillars-of society
   do not think so and thus the eloquent outpourings  of disappointment, not 
   mention the offenses to their genteel sensitivities . Not just that, the
   self-fulfilling prophecies too of the band of braves indulging in the 
   gosot baagi kuthar mora enterprise, justification why their masters don't
   talk to them, or should not.
   AIM of GOALS, what a fantastically creative phrase. Frankly I have come
   across this phrase for the first time in my life. May I add, AIM of GOALS 
   If one has beliefs, one must be ready to face INQUISITIONS. In fact, the
   mistakes we made during the Assam  Movement was that we did not subject 
   leaders to frequent inquisitions, which resulted in the movement being led
   Apologists, awake, arise and continue to give proxies for those who have
   lost the way long ago. After all you have nothing to lose.
   Shantikam Hazarika

   Date: Wed, 3 Oct 2007 08:33:27 -0500
Subject: Re: [Assam] What a response!!
.ExternalClass blockquote, .ExternalClass dl, .ExternalClass ul,
   .ExternalClass ol, .ExternalClass li
   Before we pass judgement on the response, we also ought to be able to 
   the QUESTION.
   What were the questions posed by Utpal designed to ?
   To help him and others decide, if what ULFA has been fighting for, Assam's
   sovereignty,  is a  sound and beneficial  move for Assam? And if they are
persuaded by ULFA's response that they are sound,  Utpal and others would
   SUPPORT it?
   Or were they designed to extract an admission from ULFA, that their own

Re: [Assam] What a response!!

2007-10-05 Thread Shantikam Hazarika
 as some of our friends do right here in assamnet with
   the pomposity and certitude  of God himself.
   Am I spinning here?  Is it an irrelevant question?  An unreasonable one? 
   designed to obfuscate and muddy some higher truths?
   Tell us H.  Go right ahead and mince no words. Educate us.
   AIM of GOALS , what a fantastically creative phrase. Frankly I have come
   across this phrase for the first time in my life.
   *** Sorry H, but conveniently cut and pasted  words of mine to devalue 
   I wrote does not rescue your sinking effort  here. I wrote:
   What  is missing from the exercises is a rudimentary  element of
   AIM of GOALS. 
   I did however miss the comma between the two.  That I remain guilty of.  
   to attempt to use that bit of typo, or solecism if you prefer, is riskier
   than groping at straws, won't you think?
If one has beliefs, one must be ready to face INQUISITIONS.
   Is that your best argument here H?
   Good sermon, I am sure. But you need a flock to listen to it.  I may be 
   the wall here, but somehow I get this feeling that ULFA is not about to 
   a beeline to listen to or pay heed to your sermon. What do you think?
   BTW, the meaning of the word INQUISITION, as you understand it and use it 
   ---that we did not subject the leaders to frequent inquisitions,  is NOT
   what it is. If you look it up, you will know that  it means: A rigorous,
   harsh, interrogation, one that disregards the privacy rights, feelings 
   of the target. One that does not allow the target to ask questions, one
   sided inquiry.
   Therefore, had you attempted to subject them to your 'inquisition', the
   results might have been less than what you have hoped for.  Just like it
   won't work with ULFA today . To disregard it merely displays one's 
   that's all.
   At 10:53 PM +0530 10/3/07, shantikam hazarika wrote:
   What a wonderful deflection from the main issue. Chandan Mahanta, you are
   really a master at it. If there is a Nobel equivalent, I would strongly
   recommend you for the same.
   Poor Utpal. I am sure he, and many like him, have been itching to ask them
   some questions which are lurking in the minds of almost all Assamese 
   He got a chance and asked them, in plain, straight forward English 
   without any ambiguity. So, attack his design in asking these questions,
   since, frankly, they and their sympathisers have no answers.
   I remember, in one of the seminars organised by the students of the Assam
   Institute of Management on Assam's current critical problems, Sanjib
   Sabhapandit used a curious phrase: Don't intellectualise Assam's 
   Well, here we are seeing an effort to intellectualise even simple and 
   queries to those who seem to have solutions to Assam's problems.
   No one in Assam is quite clear as to what these people are fighting for. A
   large number of the people of Assam believe that there is a big nexus that
   sustains them, that they are anything but revolutionaries, and when
   opportunities are provided to them to justify their actions, they run away
   and leave it to people like Chandan mahanta, ensconced in the middle of 
   USA, to obfuscate the issues on their behalf. This is indeed a gem:
   Where is the ORDINARY integrity expected of  the intelligentsia here, if 
   can misuse the English word under the circumstances? The sincerity of
   It is obvious that those who consider themselves the 'educated' and'wise',
   unlike ULFA, and  who parade around wearing the garbs of  pillars-of 
   do not think so and thus the eloquent outpourings  of disappointment, not 
   mention the offenses to their genteel sensitivities . Not just that, the
   self-fulfilling prophecies too of the band of braves indulging in the 
   gosot baagi kuthar mora enterprise, justification why their masters don't
   talk to them, or should not.
   AIM of GOALS, what a fantastically creative phrase. Frankly I have come
   across this phrase for the first time in my life. May I add, AIM of GOALS 
   If one has beliefs, one must be ready to face INQUISITIONS. In fact, the
   mistakes we made during the Assam  Movement was that we did not subject 
   leaders to frequent inquisitions, which resulted in the movement being led
   Apologists, awake, arise and continue to give proxies for those who have
   lost the way long ago. After all you have nothing to lose.
   Shantikam Hazarika

   Date: Wed, 3 Oct 2007 08:33:27 -0500
Subject: Re: [Assam

Re: [Assam] What a response!!

2007-10-05 Thread Dilip/Dil Deka
 has beliefs, one must be ready to face INQUISITIONS. In fact, the
  mistakes we made during the Assam Movement was that we did not subject the
  leaders to frequent inquisitions, which resulted in the movement being led
  Apologists, awake, arise and continue to give proxies for those who have
  lost the way long ago. After all you have nothing to lose.
  Shantikam Hazarika
  Date: Wed, 3 Oct 2007 08:33:27 -0500
  Subject: Re: [Assam] What a response!!
  .ExternalClass blockquote, .ExternalClass dl, .ExternalClass ul,
  .ExternalClass ol, .ExternalClass li
  Before we pass judgement on the response, we also ought to be able to judge
  What were the questions posed by Utpal designed to ?
  To help him and others decide, if what ULFA has been fighting for, Assam's
  sovereignty, is a sound and beneficial move for Assam? And if they are
   persuaded by ULFA's response that they are sound, Utpal and others would
  Or were they designed to extract an admission from ULFA, that their own
  notions and beliefs, that it is
  patently bad for Assam, never mind HOW or WHY they have concluded that
  their notions and beliefs are the truly wise and considered opinions?
  Is it therefore REASONABLE to evaluate INTENT for ULFA before submitting
  itself to the INQUISITION?
  Where is the ORDINARY integrity expected of the intelligentsia here, if one
  can misuse the English word under the circumstances? The sincerity of
  It is obvious that those who consider themselves the 'educated' and'wise',
  unlike ULFA, and who parade around wearing the garbs of pillars-of society
   do not think so and thus the eloquent outpourings of
 disappointment, not to
  mention the offenses to their genteel sensitivities . Not just that, the
  self-fulfilling prophecies too of the band of braves indulging in the hola
  gosot baagi kuthar mora enterprise, justification why their masters don't
  talk to them, or should not.
  What is missing from the exercises is a rudimentary element of AIM of
  GOALS. Never mind the need to explore the reasons WHY ten thousand plus
  Oxomiyas have given their lives. No doubt their lives were nearly not as
  valuable as one Sanjoy Ghosh's.
  Aimless exercises unfortunately lead to nowhere. With such pillars of
  society looking after its well-being, one hardly needs enemies to tear it
  At 11:19 AM +0530 10/3/07, shantikam hazarika wrote:
  It seems that some of us are being branded as part of an unhappy gang with
  their so-called education. And they would be 'selective' in answering 
  questions; which means they would only reply to 'sincere' questions, from
  'real questioners' after their 'background check done'.
  Well, in case they have to do a background check in my case, let me tell
  you that my life has been an open book and if a background check is requird
  in my case, it simly shows how much these people are in touch with reality
  or the ground situations.
  Incidentally, let me also tell, that there has been enough background
  checks done about these people, their cohorts, sympathisers, beneficiaries,
  supporters, hangers one and what not. Lot of people already know who
  benefits from their actions, who are actually propping them up. For example
  when they killed Sanjay Ghosh, it did not require much background check to
  find out why they did so, what was the nexus behind that sordid deal and 
  would be the real losers if Majuli is genuinely saved in a very cost
  effective manner. Obviously, they are buying time to prepare some
  obfuscating response, what we may call saale bere kobowa reply in the
  name of background checks and what not.
  Also they have already said that they would ignore halfwit questions and
  questioners. How more selective can your comfort zone be...
  Interestingly, I was reading something today and I came across the
  follwoing phrase: The truth is that many terrorists are doing very well out
  of violence. Extortion rackets give them a lifestyle they cannot aspire in
  times of peace. They have money, excitement and status: what more you seek
  in life?
  Mantabya nisproyojan.
  Shantikam Hazarika
  Assam Institute of Management
  PO Box 30, GUWAHATI 781001, India
  Date: Mon, 1 Oct 2007 17:17:14 +0100
  Subject: Re: [Assam] assam Digest, Vol 26, Issue 66
  To: assamonline
  ULFA invites genuine sincere questions from persons(not gangs) not
  happy with their so-called education ,wanting to KNOW how to fight and win
  their great future in sovereign Assam .
  Firstly we will have background checks done on real

Re: [Assam] What a response!!

2007-10-04 Thread Shantikam Hazarika
 prophecies too of the band of braves indulging in the hola
 gosot baagi kuthar mora enterprise, justification why their masters don't
 talk to them, or should not.
 AIM of GOALS, what a fantastically creative phrase. Frankly I have come
 across this phrase for the first time in my life. May I add, AIM of GOALS of

 If one has beliefs, one must be ready to face INQUISITIONS. In fact, the
 mistakes we made during the Assam  Movement was that we did not subject the
 leaders to frequent inquisitions, which resulted in the movement being led

 Apologists, awake, arise and continue to give proxies for those who have
 lost the way long ago. After all you have nothing to lose.

 Shantikam Hazarika


 Date: Wed, 3 Oct 2007 08:33:27 -0500
  Subject: Re: [Assam] What a response!!

  .ExternalClass blockquote, .ExternalClass dl, .ExternalClass ul,
 .ExternalClass ol, .ExternalClass li

 Before we pass judgement on the response, we also ought to be able to judge

 What were the questions posed by Utpal designed to ?

 To help him and others decide, if what ULFA has been fighting for, Assam's
 sovereignty,  is a  sound and beneficial  move for Assam? And if they are
 persuaded by ULFA's response that they are sound,  Utpal and others would

 Or were they designed to extract an admission from ULFA, that their own
 notions and beliefs, that it is
 patently bad  for Assam, never mind HOW or WHY they have concluded that
 their notions and beliefs are the truly wise and considered opinions?

 Is it therefore REASONABLE  to evaluate INTENT for ULFA before submitting
 itself to the INQUISITION?

 Where is the ORDINARY integrity expected of  the intelligentsia here, if one
 can misuse the English word under the circumstances? The sincerity of
 It is obvious that those who consider themselves the 'educated' and'wise',
 unlike ULFA, and  who parade around wearing the garbs of  pillars-of society
 do not think so and thus the eloquent outpourings  of disappointment, not to
 mention the offenses to their genteel sensitivities . Not just that, the
 self-fulfilling prophecies too of the band of braves indulging in the hola
 gosot baagi kuthar mora enterprise, justification why their masters don't
 talk to them, or should not.

 What  is missing from the exercises is a rudimentary  element of AIM of
 GOALS.  Never mind the need to explore the reasons WHY ten thousand plus
 Oxomiyas have given their lives. No doubt their lives were nearly not as
 valuable as one Sanjoy Ghosh's.

 Aimless exercises unfortunately  lead to nowhere.  With such pillars of
 society looking after its well-being, one hardly needs enemies to tear it


 At 11:19 AM +0530 10/3/07, shantikam hazarika wrote:

 It seems that some of us are being branded as part of an unhappy gang with
 their so-called education. And they would be 'selective' in answering their
 questions; which means they would only reply to 'sincere' questions, from
 'real questioners' after their 'background check done'.

  Well, in case they have to do a background check in my case, let me tell
 you that my life has been an open book and if a background check is requird
 in my case, it simly shows how much these people are in touch with reality
 or the ground situations.

  Incidentally, let me also tell, that there has been enough background
 checks done about these people, their cohorts, sympathisers, beneficiaries,
 supporters, hangers one and what not. Lot of people already know who
 benefits from their actions, who are actually propping them up. For example
 when they killed Sanjay Ghosh, it did not require much background check to
 find out why they did so, what was the nexus behind that sordid deal and who
 would be the real losers if Majuli is genuinely saved in a very cost
 effective manner. Obviously, they are buying time to prepare some
 obfuscating response, what we may call saale bere kobowa  reply in the
 name of background checks and what not.

  Also they have already said that they would ignore halfwit questions and
 questioners. How more selective can your comfort zone be...

  Interestingly, I was reading something today and I came across the
 follwoing phrase: The truth is that many terrorists are doing very well out
 of violence. Extortion rackets give them a lifestyle they cannot aspire in
 times of peace. They have money, excitement and status: what more you seek
 in life?

  Mantabya nisproyojan.

 Shantikam Hazarika


 Assam Institute of Management

 PO Box 30, GUWAHATI 781001, India



 Date: Mon, 1 Oct 2007 17:17:14 +0100
  Subject: Re: [Assam] assam Digest, Vol 26, Issue 66

 To:  assamonline

   ULFA  invites

Re: [Assam] What a response!!

2007-10-04 Thread Chan Mahanta
  Poor Utpal. I am sure he, and many like him, have been itching to ask them
  some questions which are lurking in the minds of almost all Assamese people.
  He got a chance and asked them, in plain, straight forward English language,
  without any ambiguity. So, attack his design in asking these questions,
  since, frankly, they and their sympathisers have no answers.

  I remember, in one of the seminars organised by the students of the Assam
  Institute of Management on Assam's current critical problems, Sanjib
  Sabhapandit used a curious phrase: Don't intellectualise Assam's problems.
  Well, here we are seeing an effort to intellectualise even simple and honest
  queries to those who seem to have solutions to Assam's problems.

  No one in Assam is quite clear as to what these people are fighting for. A
  large number of the people of Assam believe that there is a big nexus that
  sustains them, that they are anything but revolutionaries, and when
  opportunities are provided to them to justify their actions, they run away
  and leave it to people like Chandan mahanta, ensconced in the middle of the
  USA, to obfuscate the issues on their behalf. This is indeed a gem:
  Where is the ORDINARY integrity expected of  the intelligentsia here, if one
  can misuse the English word under the circumstances? The sincerity of
  It is obvious that those who consider themselves the 'educated' and'wise',
  unlike ULFA, and  who parade around wearing the garbs of  pillars-of society
  do not think so and thus the eloquent outpourings  of disappointment, not to
  mention the offenses to their genteel sensitivities . Not just that, the
  self-fulfilling prophecies too of the band of braves indulging in the hola
  gosot baagi kuthar mora enterprise, justification why their masters don't
  talk to them, or should not.
  AIM of GOALS, what a fantastically creative phrase. Frankly I have come
  across this phrase for the first time in my life. May I add, AIM of GOALS of

  If one has beliefs, one must be ready to face INQUISITIONS. In fact, the
  mistakes we made during the Assam  Movement was that we did not subject the
  leaders to frequent inquisitions, which resulted in the movement being led

  Apologists, awake, arise and continue to give proxies for those who have
  lost the way long ago. After all you have nothing to lose.

  Shantikam Hazarika


  Date: Wed, 3 Oct 2007 08:33:27 -0500
   Subject: Re: [Assam] What a response!!

   .ExternalClass blockquote, .ExternalClass dl, .ExternalClass ul,
  .ExternalClass ol, .ExternalClass li

  Before we pass judgement on the response, we also ought to be able to judge

  What were the questions posed by Utpal designed to ?

  To help him and others decide, if what ULFA has been fighting for, Assam's
  sovereignty,  is a  sound and beneficial  move for Assam? And if they are
   persuaded by ULFA's response that they are sound,  Utpal and others would

  Or were they designed to extract an admission from ULFA, that their own
  notions and beliefs, that it is
  patently bad  for Assam, never mind HOW or WHY they have concluded that
  their notions and beliefs are the truly wise and considered opinions?

  Is it therefore REASONABLE  to evaluate INTENT for ULFA before submitting
  itself to the INQUISITION?

  Where is the ORDINARY integrity expected of  the intelligentsia here, if one
  can misuse the English word under the circumstances? The sincerity of
  It is obvious that those who consider themselves the 'educated' and'wise',
  unlike ULFA, and  who parade around wearing the garbs of  pillars-of society
   do not think so and thus the eloquent outpourings  of 
disappointment, not to
  mention the offenses to their genteel sensitivities . Not just that, the
  self-fulfilling prophecies too of the band of braves indulging in the hola
  gosot baagi kuthar mora enterprise, justification why their masters don't
  talk to them, or should not.

  What  is missing from the exercises is a rudimentary  element of AIM of
  GOALS.  Never mind the need to explore the reasons WHY ten thousand plus
  Oxomiyas have given their lives. No doubt their lives were nearly not as
  valuable as one Sanjoy Ghosh's.

  Aimless exercises unfortunately  lead to nowhere.  With such pillars of
  society looking after its well-being, one hardly needs enemies to tear it


  At 11:19 AM +0530 10/3/07, shantikam hazarika wrote:

  It seems that some of us are being branded as part of an unhappy gang with
  their so-called education. And they would be 'selective' in answering their
  questions; which means they would only reply to 'sincere' questions, from
  'real questioners' after their 'background check done'.

   Well, in case they have to do

Re: [Assam] What a response!!

2007-10-03 Thread uttam borthakur
I have come to believe that 'terrorism' subsists because it serves 'vested 
interest' all around. 
  It serves the arm supplying nations.
  It serves the nations having an axe to grind.
  It serves the gun runners.
  It serves the drug dealers.
  It serves the corrupt army as it can do anything with the funds made 
available, fund found and confiscated and also materials made available 
including medicines. I have been told that the Indian army  destroy cancer 
drugs each year that could have catered to the needs of the patient in entire 
north east region. Not only that, such 'destroyed' medicines find their way 
back into the market:-).
  It serves the police making hay in disturbed situation.
  It serves the bureaucrats making hay in disturbed situation.
  It serves the politicians... they use part of the loot for funding elections 
and then take share of the loot out of counter insurgency fund as well and can 
misappropriate developmental fund too for personal gains.
It serves a part of the journalists who claim special privilege . from 
both sides. (Some body described them to me as Giant Storks pinning the 
vultures (politicians) down to vomit the semi-digested carcass and then gulping 
that vomit). 
  It serves criminals.
  It serves the terrorists maintaining a life style that they could not have 
afforded in the normal circumstances.
shantikam hazarika [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  .hmmessage P  {  margin:0px;  padding:0px  }  body.hmmessage  {  
FONT-SIZE: 10pt;  FONT-FAMILY:Tahoma  }It seems that some of us are being 
branded as part of an unhappy gang with their so-called education. And they 
would be 'selective' in answering their questions; which means they would only 
reply to 'sincere' questions, from 'real questioners' after their 'background 
check done'.
Well, in case they have to do a background check in my case, let me tell you 
that my life has been an open book and if a background check is requird in my 
case, it simly shows how much these people are in touch with reality or the 
ground situations.
Incidentally, let me also tell, that there has been enough background checks 
done about these people, their cohorts, sympathisers, beneficiaries, 
supporters, hangers one and what not. Lot of people already know who benefits 
from their actions, who are actually propping them up. For example when they 
killed Sanjay Ghosh, it did not require much background check to find out why 
they did so, what was the nexus behind that sordid deal and who would be the 
real losers if Majuli is genuinely saved in a very cost effective manner. 
Obviously, they are buying time to prepare some obfuscating response, what we 
may call saale bere kobowa  reply in the name of background checks and what 
Also they have already said that they would ignore halfwit questions and 
questioners. How more selective can your comfort zone be...
Interestingly, I was reading something today and I came across the follwoing 
phrase: The truth is that many terrorists are doing very well out of violence. 
Extortion rackets give them a lifestyle they cannot aspire in times of peace. 
They have money, excitement and status: what more you seek in life?
Mantabya nisproyojan.
Shantikam Hazarika
  Assam Institute of Management
  PO Box 30, GUWAHATI 781001, India

  Date: Mon, 1 Oct 2007 17:17:14 +0100
Subject: Re: [Assam] assam Digest, Vol 26, Issue 66

  To:  assamonline
ULFA  invites  genuine  sincere questions  from persons(not gangs)  not 
happy with their  so-called education ,wanting  to KNOW how to fight and win 
their great future in sovereign Assam .
Firstly we will have background checks  done on  real (?) questioners. Please 
tolerate delays.
  ULFA will ignore halfwit questions and questioners who think they already 
know and  are already bonded mentally or monetarily. 
 With  Best Regards to  respectable  Assamonliners,

  Call friends with PC-to-PC calling -- FREE Try it now! 
assam mailing list

Uttam Kumar Borthakur

 Forgot the famous last words? Access your message archive online. Click here.___
assam mailing list

Re: [Assam] What a response!!

2007-10-03 Thread Chan Mahanta
Before we pass judgement on the response, we also ought to be able to 
judge the QUESTION.

What were the questions posed by Utpal designed to ?

To help him and others decide, if what ULFA has been fighting for, 
Assam's sovereignty,  is a  sound and beneficial  move for Assam? And 
if they are persuaded by ULFA's response that they are sound,  Utpal 
and others would SUPPORT it?

Or were they designed to extract an admission from ULFA, that their 
own notions and beliefs, that it is
patently bad  for Assam, never mind HOW or WHY they have concluded 
that their notions and beliefs are the truly wise and considered 

Is it therefore REASONABLE  to evaluate INTENT for ULFA before 
submitting itself to the INQUISITION?

Where is the ORDINARY integrity expected of  the intelligentsia here, 
if one can misuse the English word under the circumstances? The 
sincerity of purpose?
It is obvious that those who consider themselves the 'educated' 
and'wise', unlike ULFA, and  who parade around wearing the garbs of 
pillars-of society do not think so and thus the eloquent outpourings 
of disappointment, not to mention the offenses to their genteel 
sensitivities . Not just that, the self-fulfilling prophecies too of 
the band of braves indulging in the hola gosot baagi kuthar mora 
enterprise, justification why their masters don't talk to them, or 
should not.

What  is missing from the exercises is a rudimentary  element of AIM 
of GOALS.  Never mind the need to explore the reasons WHY ten 
thousand plus Oxomiyas have given their lives. No doubt their lives 
were nearly not as valuable as one Sanjoy Ghosh's.

Aimless exercises unfortunately  lead to nowhere.  With such pillars 
of society looking after its well-being, one hardly needs enemies to 
tear it down.


At 11:19 AM +0530 10/3/07, shantikam hazarika wrote:
It seems that some of us are being branded as part of an unhappy 
gang with their so-called education. And they would be 'selective' 
in answering their questions; which means they would only reply to 
'sincere' questions, from 'real questioners' after their 'background 
check done'.

Well, in case they have to do a background check in my case, let me 
tell you that my life has been an open book and if a background 
check is requird in my case, it simly shows how much these people 
are in touch with reality or the ground situations.

Incidentally, let me also tell, that there has been enough 
background checks done about these people, their cohorts, 
sympathisers, beneficiaries, supporters, hangers one and what not. 
Lot of people already know who benefits from their actions, who are 
actually propping them up. For example when they killed Sanjay 
Ghosh, it did not require much background check to find out why they 
did so, what was the nexus behind that sordid deal and who would be 
the real losers if Majuli is genuinely saved in a very cost 
effective manner. Obviously, they are buying time to prepare some 
obfuscating response, what we may call saale bere kobowa  reply in 
the name of background checks and what not.

Also they have already said that they would ignore halfwit 
questions and questioners. How more selective can your comfort zone 

Interestingly, I was reading something today and I came across the 
follwoing phrase: The truth is that many terrorists are doing very 
well out of violence. Extortion rackets give them a lifestyle they 
cannot aspire in times of peace. They have money, excitement and 
status: what more you seek in life?

Mantabya nisproyojan.

Shantikam Hazarika
Assam Institute of Management
PO Box 30, GUWAHATI 781001, India

Date: Mon, 1 Oct 2007 17:17:14 +0100
Subject: Re: [Assam] assam Digest, Vol 26, Issue 66

To:  assamonline

  ULFA  invites  genuine  sincere questions  from persons(not gangs) 
not happy with their  so-called education ,wanting  to KNOW how to 
fight and win their great future in sovereign Assam .

Firstly we will have background checks  done on  real (?) 
questioners. Please tolerate delays.

  ULFA will ignore halfwit questions and questioners who think they 
already know and  are already bonded mentally or monetarily.

 With  Best Regards to  respectable  Assamonliners,


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Re: [Assam] What a response!!

2007-10-03 Thread uttam borthakur
When two parties talk, be it in catechism mode or a dialogue, it is inevitable 
that they would represent divers interests. Is there any pre-condition for 
  Now, if the interests are so antgonistic that there is no point in beginning 
the discourse, then why should someone start a response cycle at all?
   Does Pakistan have to run a check on India while entering a dialogue or 
impose a pre-condition for conversion? Let everyone have his say. Each would 
find for himself, what is acceptable and what is not? I do not find any 
substance in the search for sincerity or any comment thereon.
   Intelligentsia or not, every human being capable of communicating through 
the net is intelligent enough to find what is good for him and what is not. 
What is saintly sermon for Mr. Laden may be blasphemy for Mr. Bush. 
Intelligentsia is not a defined monolith. What is intelligentsia for one may 
not be so for another. 
  Is there  any scope for normative preachings here? 

Chan Mahanta [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Before we pass judgement on the response, we also ought to be able to 
judge the QUESTION.


  What were the questions posed by Utpal designed to ?

  To help him and others decide, if what ULFA has been fighting for, Assam's 
sovereignty,  is a  sound and beneficial  move for Assam? And if they are 
persuaded by ULFA's response that they are sound,  Utpal and others would 

  Or were they designed to extract an admission from ULFA, that their own 
notions and beliefs, that it is
  patently bad  for Assam, never mind HOW or WHY they have concluded that their 
notions and beliefs are the truly wise and considered opinions?

  Is it therefore REASONABLE  to evaluate INTENT for ULFA before submitting 
itself to the INQUISITION?

  Where is the ORDINARY integrity expected of  the intelligentsia here, if one 
can misuse the English word under the circumstances? The sincerity of purpose?
  It is obvious that those who consider themselves the 'educated' and'wise', 
unlike ULFA, and  who parade around wearing the garbs of  pillars-of society do 
not think so and thus the eloquent outpourings  of disappointment, not to 
mention the offenses to their genteel sensitivities . Not just that, the 
self-fulfilling prophecies too of the band of braves indulging in the hola 
gosot baagi kuthar mora enterprise, justification why their masters don't talk 
to them, or should not.

  What  is missing from the exercises is a rudimentary  element of AIM of 
GOALS.  Never mind the need to explore the reasons WHY ten thousand plus 
Oxomiyas have given their lives. No doubt their lives were nearly not as 
valuable as one Sanjoy Ghosh's. 

  Aimless exercises unfortunately  lead to nowhere.  With such pillars of 
society looking after its well-being, one hardly needs enemies to tear it down.







  At 11:19 AM +0530 10/3/07, shantikam hazarika wrote:
  It seems that some of us are being branded as part of an unhappy gang with 
their so-called education. And they would be 'selective' in answering their 
questions; which means they would only reply to 'sincere' questions, from 'real 
questioners' after their 'background check done'.
Well, in case they have to do a background check in my case, let me tell you 
that my life has been an open book and if a background check is requird in my 
case, it simly shows how much these people are in touch with reality or the 
ground situations.
Incidentally, let me also tell, that there has been enough background checks 
done about these people, their cohorts, sympathisers, beneficiaries, 
supporters, hangers one and what not. Lot of people already know who benefits 
from their actions, who are actually propping them up. For example when they 
killed Sanjay Ghosh, it did not require much background check to find out why 
they did so, what was the nexus behind that sordid deal and who would be the 
real losers if Majuli is genuinely saved in a very cost effective manner. 
Obviously, they are buying time to prepare some obfuscating response, what we 
may call saale bere kobowa  reply in the name of background checks and what 
Also they have already said that they would ignore halfwit questions and 
questioners. How more selective can your comfort zone be...
Interestingly, I was reading something today and I came across the follwoing 
phrase: The truth is that many terrorists are doing very well out of violence. 
Extortion rackets give them a lifestyle they cannot aspire in times of peace. 
They have money, excitement and status: what more you seek in life?
Mantabya nisproyojan.
  Shantikam Hazarika  Director,  Assam Institute of Management  PO Box 30, 
GUWAHATI 781001, India  HOME PAGE:  

Date: Mon, 1 Oct 2007 17:17:14 +0100
Subject: Re: [Assam] assam Digest, Vol 26, Issue 

Re: [Assam] What a response!!

2007-10-03 Thread Dilip/Dil Deka
Don't be afraid of the screamers and the preachers in the net. Say your piece 
when you want to.
  Dilip Deka

uttam borthakur [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
When two parties talk, be it in catechism mode or a dialogue, it is 
inevitable that they would represent divers interests. Is there any 
pre-condition for proselytisation? 
  Now, if the interests are so antgonistic that there is no point in beginning 
the discourse, then why should someone start a response cycle at all?
   Does Pakistan have to run a check on India while entering a dialogue or 
impose a pre-condition for conversion? Let everyone have his say. Each would 
find for himself, what is acceptable and what is not? I do not find any 
substance in the search for sincerity or any comment thereon.
   Intelligentsia or not, every human being capable of communicating through 
the net is intelligent enough to find what is good for him and what is not. 
What is saintly sermon for Mr. Laden may be blasphemy for Mr. Bush. 
Intelligentsia is not a defined monolith. What is intelligentsia for one may 
not be so for another. 
  Is there  any scope for normative preachings here? 

Chan Mahanta [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Before we pass judgement on the response, we also ought to be able to 
judge the QUESTION.


  What were the questions posed by Utpal designed to ?

  To help him and others decide, if what ULFA has been fighting for, Assam's 
sovereignty,  is a  sound and beneficial  move for Assam? And if they are 
persuaded by ULFA's response that they are sound,  Utpal and others would 

  Or were they designed to extract an admission from ULFA, that their own 
notions and beliefs, that it is
  patently bad  for Assam, never mind HOW or WHY they have concluded that their 
notions and beliefs are the truly wise and considered opinions?

  Is it therefore REASONABLE  to evaluate INTENT for ULFA before submitting 
itself to the INQUISITION?

  Where is the ORDINARY integrity expected of  the intelligentsia here, if one 
can misuse the English word under the circumstances? The sincerity of purpose?
  It is obvious that those who consider themselves the 'educated' and'wise', 
unlike ULFA, and  who parade around wearing the garbs of  pillars-of society do 
not think so and thus the eloquent outpourings  of disappointment, not to 
mention the offenses to their genteel sensitivities . Not just that, the 
self-fulfilling prophecies too of the band of braves indulging in the hola 
gosot baagi kuthar mora enterprise, justification why their masters don't talk 
to them, or should not.

  What  is missing from the exercises is a rudimentary  element of AIM of 
GOALS.  Never mind the need to explore the reasons WHY ten thousand plus 
Oxomiyas have given their lives. No doubt their lives were nearly not as 
valuable as one Sanjoy Ghosh's. 

  Aimless exercises unfortunately  lead to nowhere.  With such pillars of 
society looking after its well-being, one hardly needs enemies to tear it down.







  At 11:19 AM +0530 10/3/07, shantikam hazarika wrote:
  It seems that some of us are being branded as part of an unhappy gang with 
their so-called education. And they would be 'selective' in answering their 
questions; which means they would only reply to 'sincere' questions, from 'real 
questioners' after their 'background check done'.
Well, in case they have to do a background check in my case, let me tell you 
that my life has been an open book and if a background check is requird in my 
case, it simly shows how much these people are in touch with reality or the 
ground situations.
Incidentally, let me also tell, that there has been enough background checks 
done about these people, their cohorts, sympathisers, beneficiaries, 
supporters, hangers one and what not. Lot of people already know who benefits 
from their actions, who are actually propping them up. For example when they 
killed Sanjay Ghosh, it did not require much background check to find out why 
they did so, what was the nexus behind that sordid deal and who would be the 
real losers if Majuli is genuinely saved in a very cost effective manner. 
Obviously, they are buying time to prepare some obfuscating response, what we 
may call saale bere kobowa  reply in the name of background checks and what 
Also they have already said that they would ignore halfwit questions and 
questioners. How more selective can your comfort zone be...
Interestingly, I was reading something today and I came across the follwoing 
phrase: The truth is that many terrorists are doing very well out of violence. 
Extortion rackets give them a lifestyle they cannot aspire in times of peace. 
They have money, excitement and status: what more you seek in life?
Mantabya nisproyojan.
  Shantikam Hazarika  Director,  Assam Institute of Management  PO Box 30, 
GUWAHATI 781001, India  HOME PAGE:  

Re: [Assam] What a response!!

2007-10-03 Thread Chan Mahanta

When a dialog was being sought,  one would have hope it had an aim, a goal.

In this instance, what was Utpal's  aim?

Would  it be reasonable to assume that for the kind of people 
involved here it was to help find a solution for the impasse of a 
quarter century?

And what did it turn out to be?

Did the questions posed have a sincerity of purpose, of discussing 
the merits of each side's positions, hopefully to find common ground 
and a solution?

Can  an  observer not reasonably conclude  that it was in its 
entirety , without exceptions,  an inquisition;  of a dispatcher, by 
a band of obviously immature  and self-righteous  and self-impressed 
intellectual goons intent only on devaluing and insulting the 
hapless, messenger ill equipped to dish out in kind?

The start of the response cycle obviously  could very well have been 
an honorable one, to have a honest and sincere dialog, with some of 
Assam's most privileged and purportedly 'educated'.  Some education 
that must have been!  It could in no way, shape or form have been 
interpreted by the inquisitors  or well meaning observers  to have 
been a signal to submit to being insulted and to surrender the goals 
that thousands of their fellow men had given their lives for  or to 
concede that they have all been  wrong while their inquisitors alone 
are right.

Was it?

 Intelligentsia or not, every human being capable of communicating 
through the net is intelligent enough to find what is good for him 
and what is not.

*** If the aim was merely to assert one's own righteousness,  it 
played out just as expected. But  who needs it?

What is intelligentsia for one may not be so for another.

*** That is profound.

At 4:52 PM +0100 10/3/07, uttam borthakur wrote:
When two parties talk, be it in catechism mode or a dialogue, it is 
inevitable that they would represent divers interests. Is there any 
pre-condition for proselytisation?

Now, if the interests are so antgonistic that there is no point in 
beginning the discourse, then why should someone start a response 
cycle at all?

 Does Pakistan have to run a check on India while entering a 
dialogue or impose a pre-condition for conversion? Let everyone have 
his say. Each would find for himself, what is acceptable and what is 
not? I do not find any substance in the search for sincerity or any 
comment thereon.

 Intelligentsia or not, every human being capable of communicating 
through the net is intelligent enough to find what is good for him 
and what is not. What is saintly sermon for Mr. Laden may be 
blasphemy for Mr. Bush. Intelligentsia is not a defined monolith. 
What is intelligentsia for one may not be so for another.

Is there  any scope for normative preachings here? 

Chan Mahanta [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Before we pass judgement on the response, we also ought to be able 
to judge the QUESTION.

What were the questions posed by Utpal designed to ?

To help him and others decide, if what ULFA has been fighting for, 
Assam's sovereignty,  is a  sound and beneficial  move for Assam? 
And if they are persuaded by ULFA's response that they are sound, 
Utpal and others would SUPPORT it?

Or were they designed to extract an admission from ULFA, that their 
own notions and beliefs, that it is
patently bad  for Assam, never mind HOW or WHY they have concluded 
that their notions and beliefs are the truly wise and considered 

Is it therefore REASONABLE  to evaluate INTENT for ULFA before 
submitting itself to the INQUISITION?

Where is the ORDINARY integrity expected of  the intelligentsia 
here, if one can misuse the English word under the circumstances? 
The sincerity of purpose?
It is obvious that those who consider themselves the 'educated' 
and'wise', unlike ULFA, and  who parade around wearing the garbs of 
pillars-of society do not think so and thus the eloquent outpourings 
of disappointment, not to mention the offenses to their genteel 
sensitivities . Not just that, the self-fulfilling prophecies too of 
the band of braves indulging in the hola gosot baagi kuthar mora 
enterprise, justification why their masters don't talk to them, or 
should not.

What  is missing from the exercises is a rudimentary  element of AIM 
of GOALS.  Never mind the need to explore the reasons WHY ten 
thousand plus Oxomiyas have given their lives. No doubt their lives 
were nearly not as valuable as one Sanjoy Ghosh's.

Aimless exercises unfortunately  lead to nowhere.  With such pillars 
of society looking after its well-being, one hardly needs enemies to 
tear it down.


At 11:19 AM +0530 10/3/07, shantikam hazarika wrote:

It seems that some of us are being branded as part of an unhappy 
gang with their so-called education. And they would be 'selective' 
in answering their questions; which means they would only reply to 
'sincere' questions, from 'real questioners' after their 
'background check done'.

Well, in case they have to do a background check 

Re: [Assam] What a response!!

2007-10-03 Thread Alpana B. Sarangapani

What  is missing from the exercises is a rudimentary  element of AIM of GOALS. 
 Never mind the need to explore the reasons WHY ten thousand plus Oxomiyas 
have given their lives. No doubt their lives were nearly not as valuable as 
one Sanjoy Ghosh's. 
Example, C'da, example!
What if one considers Sanjoy Ghosh as one of those ten thousand plus Oxomiyas?
It reminds of this line from one of Bhupen Hazarika's songs: 
  Mur Aaik bhaal pao bulile aanor Aaik  jaanu ghin koratu 
Bujaabo? (When I say 'l love my mother', would it mean that 'I hate somebody 
else's mother?)

“In order to make spiritual progress you must be patient like a tree and humble 
like a blade of grass”
- Lakshmana

Date: Wed, 3 Oct 2007 08:33:27 -0500To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: 
Re: [Assam] What a response!!

Before we pass judgement on the response, we also ought to be able to judge the 

What were the questions posed by Utpal designed to ?

To help him and others decide, if what ULFA has been fighting for, Assam's 
sovereignty,  is a  sound and beneficial  move for Assam? And if they are 
persuaded by ULFA's response that they are sound,  Utpal and others would 

Or were they designed to extract an admission from ULFA, that their own notions 
and beliefs, that it is
patently bad  for Assam, never mind HOW or WHY they have concluded that their 
notions and beliefs are the truly wise and considered opinions?

Is it therefore REASONABLE  to evaluate INTENT for ULFA before submitting 
itself to the INQUISITION?

Where is the ORDINARY integrity expected of  the intelligentsia here, if one 
can misuse the English word under the circumstances? The sincerity of purpose?
It is obvious that those who consider themselves the 'educated' and'wise', 
unlike ULFA, and  who parade around wearing the garbs of  pillars-of society do 
not think so and thus the eloquent outpourings  of disappointment, not to 
mention the offenses to their genteel sensitivities . Not just that, the 
self-fulfilling prophecies too of the band of braves indulging in the hola 
gosot baagi kuthar mora enterprise, justification why their masters don't talk 
to them, or should not.

What  is missing from the exercises is a rudimentary  element of AIM of GOALS.  
Never mind the need to explore the reasons WHY ten thousand plus Oxomiyas have 
given their lives. No doubt their lives were nearly not as valuable as one 
Sanjoy Ghosh's. 

Aimless exercises unfortunately  lead to nowhere.  With such pillars of society 
looking after its well-being, one hardly needs enemies to tear it down.


At 11:19 AM +0530 10/3/07, shantikam hazarika wrote:
It seems that some of us are being branded as part of an unhappy gang with 
their so-called education. And they would be 'selective' in answering their 
questions; which means they would only reply to 'sincere' questions, from 'real 
questioners' after their 'background check done'. Well, in case they have to do 
a background check in my case, let me tell you that my life has been an open 
book and if a background check is requird in my case, it simly shows how much 
these people are in touch with reality or the ground situations. Incidentally, 
let me also tell, that there has been enough background checks done about these 
people, their cohorts, sympathisers, beneficiaries, supporters, hangers one and 
what not. Lot of people already know who benefits from their actions, who are 
actually propping them up. For example when they killed Sanjay Ghosh, it did 
not require much background check to find out why they did so, what was the 
nexus behind that sordid deal and who would be the real losers if Majuli is 
genuinely saved in a very cost effective manner. Obviously, they are buying 
time to prepare some obfuscating response, what we may call saale bere kobowa 
 reply in the name of background checks and what not. Also they have already 
said that they would ignore halfwit questions and questioners. How more 
selective can your comfort zone be... Interestingly, I was reading something 
today and I came across the follwoing phrase: The truth is that many terrorists 
are doing very well out of violence. Extortion rackets give them a lifestyle 
they cannot aspire in times of peace. They have money, excitement and status: 
what more you seek in life? Mantabya nisproyojan. 
Shantikam Hazarika
Assam Institute of Management
PO Box 30, GUWAHATI 781001, India

Date: Mon, 1 Oct 2007 17:17:14 +0100From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: 
Re: [Assam] assam Digest, Vol 26, Issue 66
To:  assamonline
  ULFA  invites  genuine  sincere questions  from persons(not gangs)  not happy 
with their  so-called education ,wanting  to KNOW how to fight and win their 
great future in sovereign Assam .
 Firstly we will have background checks  done on  real (?) questioners. Please 
tolerate delays.   ULFA will ignore halfwit questions

Re: [Assam] What a response!!

2007-10-03 Thread shantikam hazarika
What a wonderful deflection from the main issue. Chandan Mahanta, you are 
really a master at it. If there is a Nobel equivalent, I would strongly 
recommend you for the same. 

Poor Utpal. I am sure he, and many like him, have been itching to ask them some 
questions which are lurking in the minds of almost all Assamese people. He got 
a chance and asked them, in plain, straight forward English language, without 
any ambiguity. So, attack his design in asking these questions, since, 
frankly, they and their sympathisers have no answers. 
I remember, in one of the seminars organised by the students of the Assam 
Institute of Management on Assam's current critical problems, Sanjib 
Sabhapandit used a curious phrase: Don't intellectualise Assam's problems. 
Well, here we are seeing an effort to intellectualise even simple and honest 
queries to those who seem to have solutions to Assam's problems. 
No one in Assam is quite clear as to what these people are fighting for. A 
large number of the people of Assam believe that there is a big nexus that 
sustains them, that they are anything but revolutionaries, and when 
opportunities are provided to them to justify their actions, they run away and 
leave it to people like Chandan mahanta, ensconced in the middle of the USA, to 
obfuscate the issues on their behalf. This is indeed a gem:  
Where is the ORDINARY integrity expected of  the intelligentsia here, if one 
can misuse the English word under the circumstances? The sincerity of purpose?
It is obvious that those who consider themselves the 'educated' and'wise', 
unlike ULFA, and  who parade around wearing the garbs of  pillars-of society do 
not think so and thus the eloquent outpourings  of disappointment, not to 
mention the offenses to their genteel sensitivities . Not just that, the 
self-fulfilling prophecies too of the band of braves indulging in the hola 
gosot baagi kuthar mora enterprise, justification why their masters don't talk 
to them, or should not.
AIM of GOALS, what a fantastically creative phrase. Frankly I have come across 
this phrase for the first time in my life. May I add, AIM of GOALS of 
If one has beliefs, one must be ready to face INQUISITIONS. In fact, the 
mistakes we made during the Assam  Movement was that we did not subject the 
leaders to frequent inquisitions, which resulted in the movement being led 
Apologists, awake, arise and continue to give proxies for those who have lost 
the way long ago. After all you have nothing to lose.
Shantikam Hazarika

Date: Wed, 3 Oct 2007 08:33:27 -0500To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: 
Re: [Assam] What a response!!

Before we pass judgement on the response, we also ought to be able to judge the 

What were the questions posed by Utpal designed to ?

To help him and others decide, if what ULFA has been fighting for, Assam's 
sovereignty,  is a  sound and beneficial  move for Assam? And if they are 
persuaded by ULFA's response that they are sound,  Utpal and others would 

Or were they designed to extract an admission from ULFA, that their own notions 
and beliefs, that it is
patently bad  for Assam, never mind HOW or WHY they have concluded that their 
notions and beliefs are the truly wise and considered opinions?

Is it therefore REASONABLE  to evaluate INTENT for ULFA before submitting 
itself to the INQUISITION?

Where is the ORDINARY integrity expected of  the intelligentsia here, if one 
can misuse the English word under the circumstances? The sincerity of purpose?
It is obvious that those who consider themselves the 'educated' and'wise', 
unlike ULFA, and  who parade around wearing the garbs of  pillars-of society do 
not think so and thus the eloquent outpourings  of disappointment, not to 
mention the offenses to their genteel sensitivities . Not just that, the 
self-fulfilling prophecies too of the band of braves indulging in the hola 
gosot baagi kuthar mora enterprise, justification why their masters don't talk 
to them, or should not.

What  is missing from the exercises is a rudimentary  element of AIM of GOALS.  
Never mind the need to explore the reasons WHY ten thousand plus Oxomiyas have 
given their lives. No doubt their lives were nearly not as valuable as one 
Sanjoy Ghosh's. 

Aimless exercises unfortunately  lead to nowhere.  With such pillars of society 
looking after its well-being, one hardly needs enemies to tear it down.


At 11:19 AM +0530 10/3/07, shantikam hazarika wrote:
It seems that some of us are being branded as part of an unhappy gang with 
their so-called education. And they would be 'selective' in answering their 
questions; which means they would only reply to 'sincere' questions, from 'real 
questioners' after their 'background check done'. Well, in case they have to do 
a background check in my case, let me tell you that my life has been an open 
book and if a background check is requird in my case, it simly

Re: [Assam] What a response!!

2007-10-03 Thread Chan Mahanta
for. A large number of the people of Assam believe that there is a 
big nexus that sustains them, that they are anything but 
revolutionaries, and when opportunities are provided to them to 
justify their actions, they run away and leave it to people like 
Chandan mahanta, ensconced in the middle of the USA, to obfuscate 
the issues on their behalf. This is indeed a gem:


Where is the ORDINARY integrity expected of  the intelligentsia 
here, if one can misuse the English word under the circumstances? 
The sincerity of purpose?

It is obvious that those who consider themselves the 'educated' 
and'wise', unlike ULFA, and  who parade around wearing the garbs of 
pillars-of society do not think so and thus the eloquent outpourings 
of disappointment, not to mention the offenses to their genteel 
sensitivities . Not just that, the self-fulfilling prophecies too of 
the band of braves indulging in the hola gosot baagi kuthar mora 
enterprise, justification why their masters don't talk to them, or 
should not.


AIM of GOALS, what a fantastically creative phrase. Frankly I have 
come across this phrase for the first time in my life. May I add, 

If one has beliefs, one must be ready to face INQUISITIONS. In fact, 
the mistakes we made during the Assam  Movement was that we did not 
subject the leaders to frequent inquisitions, which resulted in the 
movement being led astray.

Apologists, awake, arise and continue to give proxies for those who 
have lost the way long ago. After all you have nothing to lose.

Shantikam Hazarika

Date: Wed, 3 Oct 2007 08:33:27 -0500
Subject: Re: [Assam] What a response!!

.ExternalClass blockquote, .ExternalClass dl, .ExternalClass ul, 
.ExternalClass ol, .ExternalClass li 

Before we pass judgement on the response, we also ought to be able 
to judge the QUESTION.

What were the questions posed by Utpal designed to ?

To help him and others decide, if what ULFA has been fighting for, 
Assam's sovereignty,  is a  sound and beneficial  move for Assam? 
And if they are persuaded by ULFA's response that they are sound, 
Utpal and others would SUPPORT it?

Or were they designed to extract an admission from ULFA, that their 
own notions and beliefs, that it is

patently bad  for Assam, never mind HOW or WHY they have concluded 
that their notions and beliefs are the truly wise and considered 

Is it therefore REASONABLE  to evaluate INTENT for ULFA before 
submitting itself to the INQUISITION?

Where is the ORDINARY integrity expected of  the intelligentsia 
here, if one can misuse the English word under the circumstances? 
The sincerity of purpose?

It is obvious that those who consider themselves the 'educated' 
and'wise', unlike ULFA, and  who parade around wearing the garbs of 
pillars-of society do not think so and thus the eloquent outpourings 
of disappointment, not to mention the offenses to their genteel 
sensitivities . Not just that, the self-fulfilling prophecies too of 
the band of braves indulging in the hola gosot baagi kuthar mora 
enterprise, justification why their masters don't talk to them, or 
should not.

What  is missing from the exercises is a rudimentary  element of AIM 
of GOALS.  Never mind the need to explore the reasons WHY ten 
thousand plus Oxomiyas have given their lives. No doubt their lives 
were nearly not as valuable as one Sanjoy Ghosh's.

Aimless exercises unfortunately  lead to nowhere.  With such pillars 
of society looking after its well-being, one hardly needs enemies to 
tear it down.


At 11:19 AM +0530 10/3/07, shantikam hazarika wrote:

It seems that some of us are being branded as part of an unhappy 
gang with their so-called education. And they would be 'selective' 
in answering their questions; which means they would only reply to 
'sincere' questions, from 'real questioners' after their 'background 
check done'.

Well, in case they have to do a background check in my case, let me 
tell you that my life has been an open book and if a background 
check is requird in my case, it simly shows how much these people 
are in touch with reality or the ground situations.

Incidentally, let me also tell, that there has been enough 
background checks done about these people, their cohorts, 
sympathisers, beneficiaries, supporters, hangers one and what not. 
Lot of people already know who benefits from their actions, who are 
actually propping them up. For example when they killed Sanjay 
Ghosh, it did not require much background check to find out why they 
did so, what was the nexus behind that sordid deal and who would be 
the real losers if Majuli is genuinely saved in a very cost 
effective manner. Obviously, they are buying time to prepare some 
obfuscating response, what we may call saale bere kobowa  reply in 
the name

Re: [Assam] What a response!!

2007-10-03 Thread Chan Mahanta
, arise and continue to give proxies for those who 
have lost the way long ago. After all you have nothing to lose.

Shantikam Hazarika

Date: Wed, 3 Oct 2007 08:33:27 -0500
Subject: Re: [Assam] What a response!!

.ExternalClass blockquote, .ExternalClass dl, .ExternalClass ul, 
.ExternalClass ol, .ExternalClass li 
Before we pass judgement on the response, we also ought to be able 
to judge the QUESTION.

What were the questions posed by Utpal designed to ?

To help him and others decide, if what ULFA has been fighting for, 
Assam's sovereignty,  is a  sound and beneficial  move for Assam? 
And if they are persuaded by ULFA's response that they are sound, 
Utpal and others would SUPPORT it?

Or were they designed to extract an admission from ULFA, that their 
own notions and beliefs, that it is
patently bad  for Assam, never mind HOW or WHY they have concluded 
that their notions and beliefs are the truly wise and considered 

Is it therefore REASONABLE  to evaluate INTENT for ULFA before 
submitting itself to the INQUISITION?

Where is the ORDINARY integrity expected of  the intelligentsia 
here, if one can misuse the English word under the circumstances? 
The sincerity of purpose?
It is obvious that those who consider themselves the 'educated' 
and'wise', unlike ULFA, and  who parade around wearing the garbs of 
pillars-of society do not think so and thus the eloquent outpourings 
of disappointment, not to mention the offenses to their genteel 
sensitivities . Not just that, the self-fulfilling prophecies too of 
the band of braves indulging in the hola gosot baagi kuthar mora 
enterprise, justification why their masters don't talk to them, or 
should not.

What  is missing from the exercises is a rudimentary  element of AIM 
of GOALS.  Never mind the need to explore the reasons WHY ten 
thousand plus Oxomiyas have given their lives. No doubt their lives 
were nearly not as valuable as one Sanjoy Ghosh's.

Aimless exercises unfortunately  lead to nowhere.  With such pillars 
of society looking after its well-being, one hardly needs enemies to 
tear it down.


At 11:19 AM +0530 10/3/07, shantikam hazarika wrote:

It seems that some of us are being branded as part of an unhappy 
gang with their so-called education. And they would be 'selective' 
in answering their questions; which means they would only reply to 
'sincere' questions, from 'real questioners' after their 'background 
check done'.

Well, in case they have to do a background check in my case, let me 
tell you that my life has been an open book and if a background 
check is requird in my case, it simly shows how much these people 
are in touch with reality or the ground situations.

Incidentally, let me also tell, that there has been enough 
background checks done about these people, their cohorts, 
sympathisers, beneficiaries, supporters, hangers one and what not. 
Lot of people already know who benefits from their actions, who are 
actually propping them up. For example when they killed Sanjay 
Ghosh, it did not require much background check to find out why they 
did so, what was the nexus behind that sordid deal and who would be 
the real losers if Majuli is genuinely saved in a very cost 
effective manner. Obviously, they are buying time to prepare some 
obfuscating response, what we may call saale bere kobowa  reply in 
the name of background checks and what not.

Also they have already said that they would ignore halfwit 
questions and questioners. How more selective can your comfort zone 

Interestingly, I was reading something today and I came across the 
follwoing phrase: The truth is that many terrorists are doing very 
well out of violence. Extortion rackets give them a lifestyle they 
cannot aspire in times of peace. They have money, excitement and 
status: what more you seek in life?

Mantabya nisproyojan.

Shantikam Hazarika


Assam Institute of Management

PO Box 30, GUWAHATI 781001, India


Date: Mon, 1 Oct 2007 17:17:14 +0100
Subject: Re: [Assam] assam Digest, Vol 26, Issue 66

To:  assamonline

  ULFA  invites  genuine  sincere questions  from persons(not gangs) 
not happy with their  so-called education ,wanting  to KNOW how to 
fight and win their great future in sovereign Assam .

Firstly we will have background checks  done on  real (?) 
questioners. Please tolerate delays.

  ULFA will ignore halfwit questions and questioners who think they 
already know and  are already bonded mentally or monetarily.

 With  Best Regards to  respectable  Assamonliners,


Call friends with PC-to-PC calling -- FREE it now!

assam mailing list

Re: [Assam] What a response!!

2007-10-03 Thread Chan Mahanta

Isn't that an exhaustive litany of Kharkhowa woes?

But tell us something we DON'T KNOW :-).

The big mystery remains untouched: What is a body to do about it? How 
could they be resolved ?

That is the issue, isn't it?

At 8:35 AM +0100 10/3/07, uttam borthakur wrote:
I have come to believe that 'terrorism' subsists because it serves 
'vested interest' all around.

It serves the arm supplying nations.

It serves the nations having an axe to grind.

It serves the gun runners.

It serves the drug dealers.

It serves the corrupt army as it can do anything with the funds made 
available, fund found and confiscated and also materials made 
available including medicines. I have been told that the Indian army 
destroy cancer drugs each year that could have catered to the needs 
of the patient in entire north east region. Not only that, 
such 'destroyed' medicines find their way back into the market:-).

It serves the police making hay in disturbed situation.

It serves the bureaucrats making hay in disturbed situation.

It serves the politicians... they use part of the loot for funding 
elections and then take share of the loot out of counter insurgency 
fund as well and can misappropriate developmental fund too for 
personal gains.

It serves a part of the journalists who claim special privilege 
. from both sides. (Some body described them to me as Giant 
Storks pinning the vultures (politicians) down to vomit the 
semi-digested carcass and then gulping that vomit).

It serves criminals.

It serves the terrorists maintaining a life style that they could 
not have afforded in the normal circumstances.


shantikam hazarika [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

.hmmessage P { margin:0px; padding:0px } body.hmmessage { FONT-SIZE: 
10pt; FONT-FAMILY:Tahoma } It seems that some of us are being 
branded as part of an unhappy gang with their so-called education. 
And they would be 'selective' in answering their questions; which 
means they would only reply to 'sincere' questions, from 'real 
questioners' after their 'background check done'.

Well, in case they have to do a background check in my case, let me 
tell you that my life has been an open book and if a background 
check is requird in my case, it simly shows how much these people 
are in touch with reality or the ground situations.

Incidentally, let me also tell, that there has been enough 
background checks done about these people, their cohorts, 
sympathisers, beneficiaries, supporters, hangers one and what not. 
Lot of people already know who benefits from their actions, who are 
actually propping them up. For example when they killed Sanjay 
Ghosh, it did not require much background check to find out why they 
did so, what was the nexus behind that sordid deal and who would be 
the real losers if Majuli is genuinely saved in a very cost 
effective manner. Obviously, they are buying time to prepare some 
obfuscating response, what we may call saale bere kobowa  reply in 
the name of background checks and what not.

Also they have already said that they would ignore halfwit 
questions and questioners. How more selective can your comfort zone 

Interestingly, I was reading something today and I came across the 
follwoing phrase: The truth is that many terrorists are doing very 
well out of violence. Extortion rackets give them a lifestyle they 
cannot aspire in times of peace. They have money, excitement and 
status: what more you seek in life?

Mantabya nisproyojan.

Shantikam Hazarika
Assam Institute of Management
PO Box 30, GUWAHATI 781001, India

Date: Mon, 1 Oct 2007 17:17:14 +0100
Subject: Re: [Assam] assam Digest, Vol 26, Issue 66

To:  assamonline

  ULFA  invites  genuine  sincere questions  from persons(not gangs) 
not happy with their  so-called education ,wanting  to KNOW how to 
fight and win their great future in sovereign Assam .

Firstly we will have background checks  done on  real (?) 
questioners. Please tolerate delays.

  ULFA will ignore halfwit questions and questioners who think they 
already know and  are already bonded mentally or monetarily.

 With  Best Regards to  respectable  Assamonliners,


Call friends with PC-to-PC calling -- FREE it now! 

assam mailing list

Uttam Kumar Borthakur

Forgot the famous last words? Access your message archive online.* 

assam mailing list

Re: [Assam] What a response!!

2007-10-03 Thread Chan Mahanta
Don't be afraid of the screamers and the preachers in the net. Say 
your piece when you want to.

If I had access to such insightful advice, I would SELL them, for a 
big fat fee, by the word.

What a shame you give it away, for FREE.


PS:  O' Pai, Kelei baaru eneke mwk eneke 'chance' di thako, koswn.

At 9:09 AM -0700 10/3/07, Dilip/Dil Deka wrote:
Don't be afraid of the screamers and the preachers in the net. Say 
your piece when you want to.

Dilip Deka

uttam borthakur [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

When two parties talk, be it in catechism mode or a dialogue, it is 
inevitable that they would represent divers interests. Is there any 
pre-condition for proselytisation?

Now, if the interests are so antgonistic that there is no point in 
beginning the discourse, then why should someone start a response 
cycle at all?

 Does Pakistan have to run a check on India while entering a 
dialogue or impose a pre-condition for conversion? Let everyone have 
his say. Each would find for himself, what is acceptable and what is 
not? I do not find any substance in the search for sincerity or any 
comment thereon.

 Intelligentsia or not, every human being capable of communicating 
through the net is intelligent enough to find what is good for him 
and what is not. What is saintly sermon for Mr. Laden may be 
blasphemy for Mr. Bush. Intelligentsia is not a defined monolith. 
What is intelligentsia for one may not be so for another.

Is there  any scope for normative preachings here? 

Chan Mahanta [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Before we pass judgement on the response, we also ought to be able 
to judge the QUESTION.

What were the questions posed by Utpal designed to ?

To help him and others decide, if what ULFA has been fighting for, 
Assam's sovereignty,  is a  sound and beneficial  move for Assam? 
And if they are persuaded by ULFA's response that they are sound, 
Utpal and others would SUPPORT it?

Or were they designed to extract an admission from ULFA, that their 
own notions and beliefs, that it is
patently bad  for Assam, never mind HOW or WHY they have concluded 
that their notions and beliefs are the truly wise and considered 

Is it therefore REASONABLE  to evaluate INTENT for ULFA before 
submitting itself to the INQUISITION?

Where is the ORDINARY integrity expected of  the intelligentsia 
here, if one can misuse the English word under the circumstances? 
The sincerity of purpose?
It is obvious that those who consider themselves the 'educated' 
and'wise', unlike ULFA, and  who parade around wearing the garbs of 
pillars-of society do not think so and thus the eloquent outpourings 
of disappointment, not to mention the offenses to their genteel 
sensitivities . Not just that, the self-fulfilling prophecies too of 
the band of braves indulging in the hola gosot baagi kuthar mora 
enterprise, justification why their masters don't talk to them, or 
should not.

What  is missing from the exercises is a rudimentary  element of AIM 
of GOALS.  Never mind the need to explore the reasons WHY ten 
thousand plus Oxomiyas have given their lives. No doubt their lives 
were nearly not as valuable as one Sanjoy Ghosh's.

Aimless exercises unfortunately  lead to nowhere.  With such pillars 
of society looking after its well-being, one hardly needs enemies to 
tear it down.


At 11:19 AM +0530 10/3/07, shantikam hazarika wrote:

It seems that some of us are being branded as part of an unhappy 
gang with their so-called education. And they would be 'selective' 
in answering their questions; which means they would only reply to 
'sincere' questions, from 'real questioners' after their 
'background check done'.

Well, in case they have to do a background check in my case, let me 
tell you that my life has been an open book and if a background 
check is requird in my case, it simly shows how much these people 
are in touch with reality or the ground situations.

Incidentally, let me also tell, that there has been enough 
background checks done about these people, their cohorts, 
sympathisers, beneficiaries, supporters, hangers one and what not. 
Lot of people already know who benefits from their actions, who are 
actually propping them up. For example when they killed Sanjay 
Ghosh, it did not require much background check to find out why 
they did so, what was the nexus behind that sordid deal and who 
would be the real losers if Majuli is genuinely saved in a very 
cost effective manner. Obviously, they are buying time to prepare 
some obfuscating response, what we may call saale bere kobowa 
reply in the name of background checks and what not.

Also they have already said that they would ignore halfwit 
questions and questioners. How more selective can your comfort 
zone be...

Interestingly, I was reading something today and I came across the 
follwoing phrase: The truth is that many terrorists are doing very 
well out of violence. Extortion rackets give them a lifestyle they 

Re: [Assam] What a response!!

2007-10-03 Thread Chan Mahanta

At 11:03 PM +0530 10/3/07, shantikam hazarika wrote:
It does not require any intellectual prattle to find out what has 
been the AIM of those who have raised the queries. They want to know 
what is the purpose of all the mayhem, that has disturbed the peace, 
have projected Assam in unfavourable light to the whole world and 
does not seem to end.

 That , if  I might say so in so many words, is a no-brainer . I 
don't recall ULFA has ever made a secret of their GOAL, that is to 
make Assam a sovereign nation. Did some folks here miss that?

I hope I did not make it difficult to comprehend with intellectual prattle :-).

If you have answers, provide them. If you do not have the answers, say so.

 Well? Does the above help?  Please don't hesitate to ask if I 
need to translate it  or anything :-).


Shantikam Hazarika

Date: Wed, 3 Oct 2007 11:30:02 -0500
Subject: Re: [Assam] What a response!!

.ExternalClass blockquote, .ExternalClass dl, .ExternalClass ul, 
.ExternalClass ol, .ExternalClass li 

When a dialog was being sought,  one would have hope it had an aim, a goal.

In this instance, what was Utpal's  aim?

Would  it be reasonable to assume that for the kind of people 
involved here it was to help find a solution for the impasse of a 
quarter century?

And what did it turn out to be?

Did the questions posed have a sincerity of purpose, of discussing 
the merits of each side's positions, hopefully to find common ground 
and a solution?

Can  an  observer not reasonably conclude  that it was in its 
entirety , without exceptions,  an inquisition;  of a dispatcher, by 
a band of obviously immature  and self-righteous  and self-impressed 
intellectual goons intent only on devaluing and insulting the 
hapless, messenger ill equipped to dish out in kind?

The start of the response cycle obviously  could very well have been 
an honorable one, to have a honest and sincere dialog, with some of 
Assam's most privileged and purportedly 'educated'.  Some education 
that must have been!  It could in no way, shape or form have been 
interpreted by the inquisitors  or well meaning observers  to have 
been a signal to submit to being insulted and to surrender the goals 
that thousands of their fellow men had given their lives for  or to 
concede that they have all been  wrong while their inquisitors alone 
are right.

Was it?

  Intelligentsia or not, every human being capable of communicating 
through the net is intelligent enough to find what is good for him 
and what is not.

*** If the aim was merely to assert one's own righteousness,  it 
played out just as expected. But  who needs it?

 What is intelligentsia for one may not be so for another.

*** That is profound.

At 4:52 PM +0100 10/3/07, uttam borthakur wrote:

When two parties talk, be it in catechism mode or a dialogue, it is 
inevitable that they would represent divers interests. Is there any 
pre-condition for proselytisation?

Now, if the interests are so antgonistic that there is no point in 
beginning the discourse, then why should someone start a response 
cycle at all?

 Does Pakistan have to run a check on India while entering a 
dialogue or impose a pre-condition for conversion? Let everyone have 
his say. Each would find for himself, what is acceptable and what is 
not? I do not find any substance in the search for sincerity or any 
comment thereon.

 Intelligentsia or not, every human being capable of communicating 
through the net is intelligent enough to find what is good for him 
and what is not. What is saintly sermon for Mr. Laden may be 
blasphemy for Mr. Bush. Intelligentsia is not a defined monolith. 
What is intelligentsia for one may not be so for another.

Is there  any scope for normative preachings here? 

Chan Mahanta [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Before we pass judgement on the response, we also ought to be able 
to judge the QUESTION.

What were the questions posed by Utpal designed to ?

To help him and others decide, if what ULFA has been fighting for, 
Assam's sovereignty,  is a  sound and beneficial  move for Assam? 
And if they are persuaded by ULFA's response that they are sound, 
Utpal and others would SUPPORT it?

Or were they designed to extract an admission from ULFA, that their 
own notions and beliefs, that it is

patently bad  for Assam, never mind HOW or WHY they have concluded 
that their notions and beliefs are the truly wise and considered 

Is it therefore REASONABLE  to evaluate INTENT for ULFA before 
submitting itself to the INQUISITION?

Where is the ORDINARY integrity expected of  the intelligentsia 
here, if one can misuse the English word under the circumstances? 
The sincerity of purpose?

It is obvious that those who consider themselves the 'educated' 
and'wise', unlike ULFA, and  who parade around wearing the garbs of 
pillars-of society do

Re: [Assam] What a response!!

2007-10-03 Thread Dilip/Dil Deka
PS:  O' Pai, Kelei baaru eneke mwk eneke 'chance' di thako, koswn. ---
  That is half the fun. Ene usotwa budhi xorute uzanbozarot xika.

Chan Mahanta [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Don't be afraid of the screamers and the preachers in the net. Say 
your piece when you want to.



  If I had access to such insightful advice, I would SELL them, for a big fat 
fee, by the word.

  What a shame you give it away, for FREE.


  PS:  O' Pai, Kelei baaru eneke mwk eneke 'chance' di thako, koswn.







  At 9:09 AM -0700 10/3/07, Dilip/Dil Deka wrote:
  Don't be afraid of the screamers and the preachers in the net. Say your piece 
when you want to.  Dilip Deka

uttam borthakur [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  When two parties talk, be it in catechism mode or a dialogue, it is 
inevitable that they would represent divers interests. Is there any 
pre-condition for proselytisation? Now, if the interests are so antgonistic 
that there is no point in beginning the discourse, then why should someone 
start a response cycle at all?  Does Pakistan have to run a check on India 
while entering a dialogue or impose a pre-condition for conversion? Let 
everyone have his say. Each would find for himself, what is acceptable and what 
is not? I do not find any substance in the search for sincerity or any comment 
thereon.  Intelligentsia or not, every human being capable of communicating 
through the net is intelligent enough to find what is good for him and what is 
not. What is saintly sermon for Mr. Laden may be blasphemy for Mr. Bush. 
Intelligentsia is not a defined monolith. What is intelligentsia for one may 
not be so for another. Is there  any scope for normative preachings

Chan Mahanta [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Before we pass judgement on the response, we also ought to be able to judge 
  What were the questions posed by Utpal designed to ?  
  To help him and others decide, if what ULFA has been fighting for, Assam's 
sovereignty,  is a  sound and beneficial  move for Assam? And if they are 
persuaded by ULFA's response that they are sound,  Utpal and others would 
  Or were they designed to extract an admission from ULFA, that their own 
notions and beliefs, that it is  patently bad  for Assam, never mind HOW or WHY 
they have concluded that their notions and beliefs are the truly wise and 
considered opinions?  
  Is it therefore REASONABLE  to evaluate INTENT for ULFA before submitting 
itself to the INQUISITION?  
  Where is the ORDINARY integrity expected of  the intelligentsia here, if one 
can misuse the English word under the circumstances? The sincerity of purpose?  
It is obvious that those who consider themselves the 'educated' and'wise', 
unlike ULFA, and  who parade around wearing the garbs of  pillars-of society do 
not think so and thus the eloquent outpourings  of disappointment, not to 
mention the offenses to their genteel sensitivities . Not just that, the 
self-fulfilling prophecies too of the band of braves indulging in the hola 
gosot baagi kuthar mora enterprise, justification why their masters don't talk 
to them, or should not.  
  What  is missing from the exercises is a rudimentary  element of AIM of 
GOALS.  Never mind the need to explore the reasons WHY ten thousand plus 
Oxomiyas have given their lives. No doubt their lives were nearly not as 
valuable as one Sanjoy Ghosh's.  
  Aimless exercises unfortunately  lead to nowhere.  With such pillars of 
society looking after its well-being, one hardly needs enemies to tear it down. 
  At 11:19 AM +0530 10/3/07, shantikam hazarika wrote:
  It seems that some of us are being branded as part of an unhappy gang with 
their so-called education. And they would be 'selective' in answering their 
questions; which means they would only reply to 'sincere' questions, from 'real 
questioners' after their 'background check done'.
Well, in case they have to do a background check in my case, let me tell you 
that my life has been an open book and if a background check is requird in my 
case, it simly shows how much these people are in touch with reality or the 
ground situations.  
Incidentally, let me also tell, that there has been enough background checks 
done about these people, their cohorts, sympathisers, beneficiaries, 
supporters, hangers one and what not. Lot of people already know who benefits 
from their actions, who are actually propping them up. For example when they 
killed Sanjay Ghosh, it did not require much background check to find out why 
they did so, what was the nexus behind that sordid deal and who would be the 
real losers if Majuli is genuinely saved in a very cost effective manner. 
Obviously, they are buying time to prepare some obfuscating response, what we 
may call saale bere kobowa  reply in the name of background checks and what 
Also they have already said that they would ignore halfwit 

Re: [Assam] What a response!!

2007-10-03 Thread uttam borthakur
Have you got all answers to riddles of life, except this, sir!
  Not a litany of Kharkhowa woes, I presume some of us are not aware of these; 
else they would stopped doing things that they do to prolong the list of woes 
from safe distance.

Chan Mahanta [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Isn't that an exhaustive litany of Kharkhowa woes?

  But tell us something we DON'T KNOW :-).

  The big mystery remains untouched: What is a body to do about it? How could 
they be resolved ?

  That is the issue, isn't it?










  At 8:35 AM +0100 10/3/07, uttam borthakur wrote:
  I have come to believe that 'terrorism' subsists because it serves 'vested 
interest' all around. It serves the arm supplying nations. It serves 
the nations having an axe to grind. It serves the gun runners. It 
serves the drug dealers. It serves the corrupt army as it can do anything 
with the funds made available, fund found and confiscated and also materials 
made available including medicines. I have been told that the Indian army  
destroy cancer drugs each year that could have catered to the needs of the 
patient in entire north east region. Not only that, such 'destroyed' medicines 
find their way back into the market:-). It serves the police making hay in 
disturbed situation. It serves the bureaucrats making hay in disturbed 
situation. It serves the politicians... they use part of the loot for 
funding elections and then take share of the loot out of counter insurgency 
fund as well and can misappropriate developmental fund too for personal
It serves a part of the journalists who claim special privilege . from 
both sides. (Some body described them to me as Giant Storks pinning the 
vultures (politicians) down to vomit the semi-digested carcass and then gulping 
that vomit). It serves criminals. It serves the terrorists maintaining 
a life style that they could not have afforded in the normal circumstances. 
shantikam hazarika [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  .hmmessage P { margin:0px; padding:0px } body.hmmessage { FONT-SIZE: 10pt; 
FONT-FAMILY:Tahoma } It seems that some of us are being branded as part of an 
unhappy gang with their so-called education. And they would be 'selective' in 
answering their questions; which means they would only reply to 'sincere' 
questions, from 'real questioners' after their 'background check done'.
Well, in case they have to do a background check in my case, let me tell you 
that my life has been an open book and if a background check is requird in my 
case, it simly shows how much these people are in touch with reality or the 
ground situations.
Incidentally, let me also tell, that there has been enough background checks 
done about these people, their cohorts, sympathisers, beneficiaries, 
supporters, hangers one and what not. Lot of people already know who benefits 
from their actions, who are actually propping them up. For example when they 
killed Sanjay Ghosh, it did not require much background check to find out why 
they did so, what was the nexus behind that sordid deal and who would be the 
real losers if Majuli is genuinely saved in a very cost effective manner. 
Obviously, they are buying time to prepare some obfuscating response, what we 
may call saale bere kobowa  reply in the name of background checks and what 
Also they have already said that they would ignore halfwit questions and 
questioners. How more selective can your comfort zone be...
Interestingly, I was reading something today and I came across the follwoing 
phrase: The truth is that many terrorists are doing very well out of violence. 
Extortion rackets give them a lifestyle they cannot aspire in times of peace. 
They have money, excitement and status: what more you seek in life?
Mantabya nisproyojan.
  Shantikam Hazarika  Director,  Assam Institute of Management  PO Box 30, 
GUWAHATI 781001, India  HOME PAGE:  

Date: Mon, 1 Oct 2007 17:17:14 +0100
Subject: Re: [Assam] assam Digest, Vol 26, Issue 66
  To:  assamonline   ULFA  invites  genuine  sincere questions  from 
persons(not gangs)  not happy with their  so-called education ,wanting  to KNOW 
how to fight and win their great future in sovereign Assam .  
Firstly we will have background checks  done on  real (?) questioners. Please 
tolerate delays.
  ULFA will ignore halfwit questions and questioners who think they already 
know and  are already bonded mentally or monetarily.
 With  Best Regards to  respectable  Assamonliners,


Call friends with PC-to-PC calling -- FREE Try it now! 
assam mailing list

Re: [Assam] What a response!!

2007-10-03 Thread Chan Mahanta
When  the unfortunate killing of Sanjoy Ghosh keeps appearing as the 
sole argument against ULFA's struggles, it is legitimate and 
appropriate to weigh it against those who willingly gave their lives 
in pursuit of their cause. And to attempt to compare the cause of 
FREEDOM with that of genocide by Nazis or 9/11 or what have you harks 
of either an absence of ordinary reasoning ability or an intentional 
abuse of it. That simple.

At 3:11 AM +0100 10/4/07, uttam borthakur wrote:
Should the number of people laying down their lives be a bulwark of 
any argument? So, did Nazis, so did 9/11 hijackers, . 
should I try to prolong the list where people might have laid down 
their lives for a retrgrade cause. I am not commenting on the 
legitimacy of the claim of ULFA here. I'm just saying, please do not 
bring number of death as index of the genuineness of any cause. Such 
arguments are placed in a political meeting.

Chan Mahanta [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

When a dialog was being sought,  one would have hope it had an aim, a goal.

In this instance, what was Utpal's  aim?

Would  it be reasonable to assume that for the kind of people 
involved here it was to help find a solution for the impasse of a 
quarter century?

And what did it turn out to be?

Did the questions posed have a sincerity of purpose, of discussing 
the merits of each side's positions, hopefully to find common ground 
and a solution?

Can  an  observer not reasonably conclude  that it was in its 
entirety , without exceptions,  an inquisition;  of a dispatcher, by 
a band of obviously immature  and self-righteous  and self-impressed 
intellectual goons intent only on devaluing and insulting the 
hapless, messenger ill equipped to dish out in kind?

The start of the response cycle obviously  could very well have been 
an honorable one, to have a honest and sincere dialog, with some of 
Assam's most privileged and purportedly 'educated'.  Some education 
that must have been!  It could in no way, shape or form have been 
interpreted by the inquisitors  or well meaning observers  to have 
been a signal to submit to being insulted and to surrender the goals 
that thousands of their fellow men had given their lives for  or to 
concede that they have all been  wrong while their inquisitors alone 
are right.

Was it?

  Intelligentsia or not, every human being capable of communicating 
through the net is intelligent enough to find what is good for him 
and what is not.

*** If the aim was merely to assert one's own righteousness,  it 
played out just as expected. But  who needs it?

 What is intelligentsia for one may not be so for another.

*** That is profound.

At 4:52 PM +0100 10/3/07, uttam borthakur wrote:

When two parties talk, be it in catechism mode or a dialogue, it is 
inevitable that they would represent divers interests. Is there any 
pre-condition for proselytisation?

Now, if the interests are so antgonistic that there is no point in 
beginning the discourse, then why should someone start a response 
cycle at all?

 Does Pakistan have to run a check on India while entering a 
dialogue or impose a pre-condition for conversion? Let everyone have 
his say. Each would find for himself, what is acceptable and what is 
not? I do not find any substance in the search for sincerity or any 
comment thereon.

 Intelligentsia or not, every human being capable of communicating 
through the net is intelligent enough to find what is good for him 
and what is not. What is saintly sermon for Mr. Laden may be 
blasphemy for Mr. Bush. Intelligentsia is not a defined monolith. 
What is intelligentsia for one may not be so for another.

Is there  any scope for normative preachings here? 

Chan Mahanta [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Before we pass judgement on the response, we also ought to be able 
to judge the QUESTION.

What were the questions posed by Utpal designed to ?

To help him and others decide, if what ULFA has been fighting for, 
Assam's sovereignty,  is a  sound and beneficial  move for Assam? 
And if they are persuaded by ULFA's response that they are sound, 
Utpal and others would SUPPORT it?

Or were they designed to extract an admission from ULFA, that their 
own notions and beliefs, that it is

patently bad  for Assam, never mind HOW or WHY they have concluded 
that their notions and beliefs are the truly wise and considered 

Is it therefore REASONABLE  to evaluate INTENT for ULFA before 
submitting itself to the INQUISITION?

Where is the ORDINARY integrity expected of  the intelligentsia 
here, if one can misuse the English word under the circumstances? 
The sincerity of purpose?

It is obvious that those who consider themselves the 'educated' 
and'wise', unlike ULFA, and  who parade around wearing the garbs of 
pillars-of society do not think so and thus the eloquent outpourings 
of disappointment, not to mention the offenses to their genteel 
sensitivities . Not just 

Re: [Assam] What a response!!

2007-10-03 Thread uttam borthakur
Sorry to interrupt. By proximity, I should have taken the cue from the 
otherside. Quirk of fate made me fall prey to the guiles of Uzanbazar.

Dilip/Dil Deka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:PS:  O' Pai, Kelei baaru eneke 
mwk eneke 'chance' di thako, koswn. ---
  That is half the fun. Ene usotwa budhi xorute uzanbozarot xika.

Chan Mahanta [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Don't be afraid of the screamers and the preachers in the net. Say 
your piece when you want to.



  If I had access to such insightful advice, I would SELL them, for a big fat 
fee, by the word.

  What a shame you give it away, for FREE.


  PS:  O' Pai, Kelei baaru eneke mwk eneke 'chance' di thako, koswn.







  At 9:09 AM -0700 10/3/07, Dilip/Dil Deka wrote:
  Don't be afraid of the screamers and the preachers in the net. Say your piece 
when you want to.  Dilip Deka

uttam borthakur [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  When two parties talk, be it in catechism mode or a dialogue, it is 
inevitable that they would represent divers interests. Is there any 
pre-condition for proselytisation? Now, if the interests are so antgonistic 
that there is no point in beginning the discourse, then why should someone 
start a response cycle at all?  Does Pakistan have to run a check on India 
while entering a dialogue or impose a pre-condition for conversion? Let 
everyone have his say. Each would find for himself, what is acceptable and what 
is not? I do not find any substance in the search for sincerity or any comment 
thereon.  Intelligentsia or not, every human being capable of communicating 
through the net is intelligent enough to find what is good for him and what is 
not. What is saintly sermon for Mr. Laden may be blasphemy for Mr. Bush. 
Intelligentsia is not a defined monolith. What is intelligentsia for one may 
not be so for another. Is there  any scope for normative preachings

Chan Mahanta [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Before we pass judgement on the response, we also ought to be able to judge 
  What were the questions posed by Utpal designed to ?  
  To help him and others decide, if what ULFA has been fighting for, Assam's 
sovereignty,  is a  sound and beneficial  move for Assam? And if they are 
persuaded by ULFA's response that they are sound,  Utpal and others would 
  Or were they designed to extract an admission from ULFA, that their own 
notions and beliefs, that it is  patently bad  for Assam, never mind HOW or WHY 
they have concluded that their notions and beliefs are the truly wise and 
considered opinions?  
  Is it therefore REASONABLE  to evaluate INTENT for ULFA before submitting 
itself to the INQUISITION?  
  Where is the ORDINARY integrity expected of  the intelligentsia here, if one 
can misuse the English word under the circumstances? The sincerity of purpose?  
It is obvious that those who consider themselves the 'educated' and'wise', 
unlike ULFA, and  who parade around wearing the garbs of  pillars-of society do 
not think so and thus the eloquent outpourings  of disappointment, not to 
mention the offenses to their genteel sensitivities . Not just that, the 
self-fulfilling prophecies too of the band of braves indulging in the hola 
gosot baagi kuthar mora enterprise, justification why their masters don't talk 
to them, or should not.  
  What  is missing from the exercises is a rudimentary  element of AIM of 
GOALS.  Never mind the need to explore the reasons WHY ten thousand plus 
Oxomiyas have given their lives. No doubt their lives were nearly not as 
valuable as one Sanjoy Ghosh's.  
  Aimless exercises unfortunately  lead to nowhere.  With such pillars of 
society looking after its well-being, one hardly needs enemies to tear it down. 
  At 11:19 AM +0530 10/3/07, shantikam hazarika wrote:
  It seems that some of us are being branded as part of an unhappy gang with 
their so-called education. And they would be 'selective' in answering their 
questions; which means they would only reply to 'sincere' questions, from 'real 
questioners' after their 'background check done'.
Well, in case they have to do a background check in my case, let me tell you 
that my life has been an open book and if a background check is requird in my 
case, it simly shows how much these people are in touch with reality or the 
ground situations.  
Incidentally, let me also tell, that there has been enough background checks 
done about these people, their cohorts, sympathisers, beneficiaries, 
supporters, hangers one and what not. Lot of people already know who benefits 
from their actions, who are actually propping them up. For example when they 
killed Sanjay Ghosh, it did not require much background check to find out why 
they did so, what was the nexus behind that sordid deal and who would be the 
real losers if Majuli is genuinely saved in a very cost effective manner. 
Obviously, they are buying time to 

Re: [Assam] What a response!!

2007-10-03 Thread Dilip/Dil Deka
Dear Uttam,
  That was too cryptic. Please explain proximity, other side and guiles of 
Uzanbazar. Would you?

uttam borthakur [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Sorry to interrupt. By proximity, I should have taken the cue from the 
otherside. Quirk of fate made me fall prey to the guiles of Uzanbazar.

Dilip/Dil Deka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: PS:  O' Pai, Kelei baaru eneke 
mwk eneke 'chance' di thako, koswn. ---
  That is half the fun. Ene usotwa budhi xorute uzanbozarot xika.

Chan Mahanta [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Don't be afraid of the screamers and the preachers in the net. Say 
your piece when you want to.



  If I had access to such insightful advice, I would SELL them, for a big fat 
fee, by the word.

  What a shame you give it away, for FREE.


  PS:  O' Pai, Kelei baaru eneke mwk eneke 'chance' di thako, koswn.







  At 9:09 AM -0700 10/3/07, Dilip/Dil Deka wrote:
  Don't be afraid of the screamers and the preachers in the net. Say your piece 
when you want to.  Dilip Deka

uttam borthakur [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  When two parties talk, be it in catechism mode or a dialogue, it is 
inevitable that they would represent divers interests. Is there any 
pre-condition for proselytisation? Now, if the interests are so antgonistic 
that there is no point in beginning the discourse, then why should someone 
start a response cycle at all?  Does Pakistan have to run a check on India 
while entering a dialogue or impose a pre-condition for conversion? Let 
everyone have his say. Each would find for himself, what is acceptable and what 
is not? I do not find any substance in the search for sincerity or any comment 
thereon.  Intelligentsia or not, every human being capable of communicating 
through the net is intelligent enough to find what is good for him and what is 
not. What is saintly sermon for Mr. Laden may be blasphemy for Mr. Bush. 
Intelligentsia is not a defined monolith. What is intelligentsia for one may 
not be so for another. Is there  any scope for normative preachings

Chan Mahanta [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Before we pass judgement on the response, we also ought to be able to judge 
  What were the questions posed by Utpal designed to ?  
  To help him and others decide, if what ULFA has been fighting for, Assam's 
sovereignty,  is a  sound and beneficial  move for Assam? And if they are 
persuaded by ULFA's response that they are sound,  Utpal and others would 
  Or were they designed to extract an admission from ULFA, that their own 
notions and beliefs, that it is  patently bad  for Assam, never mind HOW or WHY 
they have concluded that their notions and beliefs are the truly wise and 
considered opinions?  
  Is it therefore REASONABLE  to evaluate INTENT for ULFA before submitting 
itself to the INQUISITION?  
  Where is the ORDINARY integrity expected of  the intelligentsia here, if one 
can misuse the English word under the circumstances? The sincerity of purpose?  
It is obvious that those who consider themselves the 'educated' and'wise', 
unlike ULFA, and  who parade around wearing the garbs of  pillars-of society do 
not think so and thus the eloquent outpourings  of disappointment, not to 
mention the offenses to their genteel sensitivities . Not just that, the 
self-fulfilling prophecies too of the band of braves indulging in the hola 
gosot baagi kuthar mora enterprise, justification why their masters don't talk 
to them, or should not.  
  What  is missing from the exercises is a rudimentary  element of AIM of 
GOALS.  Never mind the need to explore the reasons WHY ten thousand plus 
Oxomiyas have given their lives. No doubt their lives were nearly not as 
valuable as one Sanjoy Ghosh's.  
  Aimless exercises unfortunately  lead to nowhere.  With such pillars of 
society looking after its well-being, one hardly needs enemies to tear it down. 
  At 11:19 AM +0530 10/3/07, shantikam hazarika wrote:
  It seems that some of us are being branded as part of an unhappy gang with 
their so-called education. And they would be 'selective' in answering their 
questions; which means they would only reply to 'sincere' questions, from 'real 
questioners' after their 'background check done'.
Well, in case they have to do a background check in my case, let me tell you 
that my life has been an open book and if a background check is requird in my 
case, it simly shows how much these people are in touch with reality or the 
ground situations.  
Incidentally, let me also tell, that there has been enough background checks 
done about these people, their cohorts, sympathisers, beneficiaries, 
supporters, hangers one and what not. Lot of people already know who benefits 
from their actions, who are actually propping them up. For example when they 
killed Sanjay Ghosh, it did not require much background check to find out why 
they did so, what was the 

Re: [Assam] What a response!!

2007-10-03 Thread Chan Mahanta

At 3:22 AM +0100 10/4/07, uttam borthakur wrote:

Have you got all answers to riddles of life, except this, sir!

*** Do I HAVE to? I would submit I don't owe anyone any answer to 
anything, much less the answers to all of life's riddles. And I do 
not demand  that of others either.

Not a litany of Kharkhowa woes, I presume some of us are not aware 
of these; else they would stopped doing things that they do to 
prolong the list of woes from safe distance.

*** Huh?   That was too complex for my little mind to grasp.

*** But the mystery persists: WHAT is a body to do about the litany 
of the Kharkhowa  woes laid bare here ? How could they be resolved? 
I have no problem with the aim to educate those in as deep a torpor 
as to be unaware of these, even though one could argue  that those 
who are comatose  are not worth the attempt  to  revive :-) . But to 
enlighten us on  how solutions could be found  would mean something. 
Repetitions of what we all know, does not.  It is little more  than 
an abject   display of  bewilderment.

Same for those who go ga-ga over it :-).

Having said that, I would argue that there is nothing mysterious 
about the problems cited. They are not new to the human condition. 
Others have encountered them, conquered them and are on the paths to 
progress.  Therefore it does not even require INVENTING or 
DISCOVERING hitherto unknown ways to deal with the issues cited. All 
it takes is a DESIRE to keep our eyes and ears opened and a 
willingness to learn from others and a determination to get it done.


Chan Mahanta [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Isn't that an exhaustive litany of Kharkhowa woes?

But tell us something we DON'T KNOW :-).

The big mystery remains untouched: What is a body to do about it? 
How could they be resolved ?

That is the issue, isn't it?

At 8:35 AM +0100 10/3/07, uttam borthakur wrote:

I have come to believe that 'terrorism' subsists because it serves 
'vested interest' all around.

It serves the arm supplying nations.

It serves the nations having an axe to grind.

It serves the gun runners.

It serves the drug dealers.

It serves the corrupt army as it can do anything with the funds made 
available, fund found and confiscated and also materials made 
available including medicines. I have been told that the Indian army 
destroy cancer drugs each year that could have catered to the needs 
of the patient in entire north east region. Not only that, 
such 'destroyed' medicines find their way back into the market:-).

It serves the police making hay in disturbed situation.

It serves the bureaucrats making hay in disturbed situation.

It serves the politicians... they use part of the loot for funding 
elections and then take share of the loot out of counter insurgency 
fund as well and can misappropriate developmental fund too for 
personal gains.

It serves a part of the journalists who claim special privilege 
. from both sides. (Some body described them to me as Giant 
Storks pinning the vultures (politicians) down to vomit the 
semi-digested carcass and then gulping that vomit).

It serves criminals.

It serves the terrorists maintaining a life style that they could 
not have afforded in the normal circumstances.


shantikam hazarika [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

.hmmessage P { margin:0px; padding:0px } body.hmmessage { FONT-SIZE: 
10pt; FONT-FAMILY:Tahoma } It seems that some of us are being 
branded as part of an unhappy gang with their so-called education. 
And they would be 'selective' in answering their questions; which 
means they would only reply to 'sincere' questions, from 'real 
questioners' after their 'background check done'.

Well, in case they have to do a background check in my case, let me 
tell you that my life has been an open book and if a background 
check is requird in my case, it simly shows how much these people 
are in touch with reality or the ground situations.

Incidentally, let me also tell, that there has been enough 
background checks done about these people, their cohorts, 
sympathisers, beneficiaries, supporters, hangers one and what not. 
Lot of people already know who benefits from their actions, who are 
actually propping them up. For example when they killed Sanjay 
Ghosh, it did not require much background check to find out why they 
did so, what was the nexus behind that sordid deal and who would be 
the real losers if Majuli is genuinely saved in a very cost 
effective manner. Obviously, they are buying time to prepare some 
obfuscating response, what we may call saale bere kobowa  reply in 
the name of background checks and what not.

Also they have already said that they would ignore halfwit 
questions and questioners. How more selective can your comfort zone 

Re: [Assam] What a response!!

2007-10-03 Thread Chan Mahanta
 I'm just saying, please do not bring number of death as index of 
the genuineness of any cause. Such arguments are placed in a 
political meeting.

*** NOT ALL such examples are EQUAL. Those of us who are awake  and 
are endowed with an ability to reason, cannot  paint them all with 
the same brush. To do so will be abdicating our responsibilities as 
productive and involved members of society.

At 3:39 AM +0100 10/4/07, uttam borthakur wrote:
I simply add the example of Kamala Saikia for your consideration, 
despite my unwillingness. He did not such macabre death for any 

 Nazis too considered their cause 'holy' and now you are commenting 
on it as genocide. I have stated unequivocally that I am not 
questioning the legitimacy of ULFA's claim.

Kindly re-read what I have said: -

I'm just saying, please do not bring number of death as index of the 
genuineness of any cause. Such arguments are placed in a political 

Chan Mahanta [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

When  the unfortunate killing of Sanjoy Ghosh keeps appearing as the 
sole argument against ULFA's struggles, it is legitimate and 
appropriate to weigh it against those who willingly gave their lives 
in pursuit of their cause. And to attempt to compare the cause of 
FREEDOM with that of genocide by Nazis or 9/11 or what have you 
harks of either an absence of ordinary reasoning ability or an 
intentional abuse of it. That simple.

At 3:11 AM +0100 10/4/07, uttam borthakur wrote:

Should the number of people laying down their lives be a bulwark of 
any argument? So, did Nazis, so did 9/11 hijackers, . 
should I try to prolong the list where people might have laid down 
their lives for a retrgrade cause. I am not commenting on the 
legitimacy of the claim of ULFA here. I'm just saying, please do 
not bring number of death as index of the genuineness of any cause. 
Such arguments are placed in a political meeting.

Chan Mahanta [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

When a dialog was being sought,  one would have hope it had an aim, a goal.

In this instance, what was Utpal's  aim?

Would  it be reasonable to assume that for the kind of people 
involved here it was to help find a solution for the impasse of a 
quarter century?

And what did it turn out to be?

Did the questions posed have a sincerity of purpose, of discussing 
the merits of each side's positions, hopefully to find common 
ground and a solution?

Can  an  observer not reasonably conclude  that it was in its 
entirety , without exceptions,  an inquisition;  of a dispatcher, 
by a band of obviously immature  and self-righteous  and 
self-impressed intellectual goons intent only on devaluing and 
insulting the hapless, messenger ill equipped to dish out in kind?

The start of the response cycle obviously  could very well have 
been an honorable one, to have a honest and sincere dialog, with 
some of Assam's most privileged and purportedly 'educated'.  Some 
education that must have been!  It could in no way, shape or form 
have been interpreted by the inquisitors  or well meaning observers 
to have been a signal to submit to being insulted and to surrender 
the goals that thousands of their fellow men had given their lives 
for  or to concede that they have all been  wrong while their 
inquisitors alone are right.

Was it?

  Intelligentsia or not, every human being capable of 
communicating through the net is intelligent enough to find what 
is good for him and what is not.

*** If the aim was merely to assert one's own righteousness,  it 
played out just as expected. But  who needs it?

 What is intelligentsia for one may not be so for another.

*** That is profound.

At 4:52 PM +0100 10/3/07, uttam borthakur wrote:

When two parties talk, be it in catechism mode or a dialogue, it 
is inevitable that they would represent divers interests. Is there 
any pre-condition for proselytisation?

Now, if the interests are so antgonistic that there is no point in 
beginning the discourse, then why should someone start a response 
cycle at all?

 Does Pakistan have to run a check on India while entering a 
dialogue or impose a pre-condition for conversion? Let everyone have 
his say. Each would find for himself, what is acceptable and what is 
not? I do not find any substance in the search for sincerity or any 
comment thereon.

 Intelligentsia or not, every human being capable of communicating 
through the net is intelligent enough to find what is good for him 
and what is not. What is saintly sermon for Mr. Laden may be 
blasphemy for Mr. Bush. Intelligentsia is not a defined monolith. 
What is intelligentsia for one may not be so for another.

Is there  any scope for normative preachings here? 

Chan Mahanta [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Before we pass judgement on the response, we also ought to be able 
to judge the QUESTION.

What were the questions posed by Utpal designed to ?

To help him and others decide, if