Re: [Audiogames-reflector] shadow gate?

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: goran yasin

Re: shadow gate?

sswwaaiikkee, did you download and played it?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] a video editor

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: burak

Re: a video editor

Hi, does total video recorder capture visuals from the screen of the computer?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Adventure At C:

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — New releases room: audioracer

Re: Adventure At C:

Ok. Your stats needs to total 500. Im not sure if this includes your health or not. But your attack and defense I believe need to total 500 or more to unlock the sound test. Im not sure where it would be when you unlock it because I have not accomplished this yet. And the weapons flag is accessed with w. This was not mentioned in the documentation. I just found this out myself.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] shadow rine full voice version released

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — New releases room: assault_freak

Re: shadow rine full voice version released

It has to give you a reason... and if you speak Japanese as youve said a couple times before, it shouldnt be too difficult. Otherwise just instant translate it. Maybe it just wont take the same email twice... which, while a little odd, makes sense... just remember to keep the install file next time.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] 2d adventure

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — New releases room: keyIsFull

Re: 2d adventure

invite me too! sleepio (numeral one) a/t hotmail d0t comURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Optaining the link to an app to the appstore

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: burak

Re: Optaining  the link to an app to the appstore"

Thanks for all the replies.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] MAINSTREAM GAMES - list of accessible video games - update 27/01/14

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: SLJ

Re: MAINSTREAM GAMES - list of accessible video games - update 27/01/14

Hi.In Shank 1, do you mean you find my tips helpful? Im not sure if you need more help or not.I cant help with Shank 2 since I havent played it. I hope the people who say Shank 2 is accessible would help those who are having trouble, but properly not. I dont remember this place in Sacred where a monster throws you to the left. Try to hold down the block button while running to it and slash it.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] 2d adventure

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — New releases room: burak

Re: 2d adventure

Burakyuksek252 at Hotmail dot comPlease replace the scymbolsURL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] resident evil 6 (ps3)

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: SLJ

Re: resident evil 6 (ps3)

I havent been forced to aim yet. The parts where you are forced to shoot a zombie for example, the character automatically aims, so you just have to tab the shoot button without aiming. I cant speak for the later chapters though. You know what? Driving a car and drive over zombies in an accessible way is awesome!  I wont spoil more in chapter 1 though.How far have you got in the game yet?I have no idea on how to configure the controler to the pc version.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] User Guide for Accessible Second Life Client

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: simba

Re: User Guide for Accessible Second Life Client

Hi, i created a accound yesturday and logged in successfully with the radegast client. But now i am somewhere and i cant do anything. I cant move or do something like that. Do i need to contact a mentor or what do i need to do?I also couldnt create a accound from the site, i had to create a accound on the standard SL webbsite.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] shadow gate?

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Socheat

Re: shadow gate?

hi,Thanks for your repliesURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] a video editor

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Socheat

Re: a video editor

I havent try that though. But I know the interface is accessible.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Blind square?

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: lukas

Re: Blind square?

Hi Dark,I see now. Sorry for mentioning things like Foursquare or Navigon so casually and taking for granted that you were already familiar with them to some extent. Guess Im less of a beginner when it comes to nav apps than I thought I really was. :-D Ive been using Blindsquare for at least a year now, and Navigon even longer, so I think Ill be able to answer your questions.Turn by turn navigation is the kind of system youre probably looking for. It announces the exact changes in direction that you should make to proceed along your route as you walk, so it tells you, for instance, turn left in 150 meters, then reminds you turn left in 50 meters as you get closer, and finally turn left now when you get there. Seems cool at first glance but keep in mind the few drawbacks: These apps either require an internet connection, besides GPS turned on but that should be obvious, to retrieve their map data, or they download the maps for the countries you need directly to the device before you head out so that it can work with them off-line from that point and you dont need any internet, just GPS, when you are actually travelling. Even Blindsquare uses the former approach where it fetches data from the internet along the way, whereas Navigon, which is one of the many available turn by turn nav apps, by the way, and pretty expensive too (€89, I believe, and you have to buy a different version of the app for the specific region youre interested in )(Europe, North America, etc)). That means that the later approach where it downloads all the needed data in advance requires you to keep your maps up to date. For instance, Navigon usually releases new maps for all the supported European countries every three months, so I then always redownload the map for Czech Republic. Then, there is the fact that even up-to-date maps can be inaccurate or lack enough detail in places, so basically you should always be able to get to the required address if you do believe the nav instructions and follow them strictly but it can sometimes lead you to an inefficient detour or something like that. Thats not a problem if you go to places where youve never been before though, and if you know youll be going there more often, you should usually be able to build your own understanding of the route and of the other possibilities to get to the point of interest if any in due time.Finally, GPS itself is only accurate up to 5 meters or so, and thats under the best circumstances - good weather conditions, when not walking through the city center which is full of very high buildings that block the signal, etc. So you should always be tolerant to the instructions to some degree. This is usually not a problem with a guide dog though. To complete the list of drawbacks, I should probably also honestly mention that GPS can in deed lose its signal completely in some situations, and it then takes a while, a few minutes or so, until it regains it. And it gets completely lost and confused inside buildings, of course, so if you need to go somewhere, do your job there and then head out again, its probably best to just turn the GPS off completely before you actually enter the desired building and then turn it on again before you plan your next route - enter the address into the app and start navigation.None of the turn by turn nav apps Ive seen so far announce the street crossings or POIs you pass though, they just tell you where and when to turn. I seem to remember having heard somewhere that Apple Maps should be able to do this since iOS6 but Ive never used them myself as I had already purchased Navigon before the app was made this accessible and usable, supposedly. Announcing crossings and POIs is what Blindsquare does, along with the distance and clock marking of the POI you might happen to be tracking, so youll know roughly where the location is in relation to you, youll know exactly how far away it is from your current position, and youll know exactly which streets and other places of interest youre passing. However, you wont know anything at all about where exactly to cross what street and where exactly to turn which way if going to a place youve never visited before. So, using Blindsquare on its own would only work if you know the area but not the exact placement of the address. Using an app like Navigon on its own would tell you exactly where and which way to turn and exactly how far away the place is in relation to your current position ,but you would know nothing about the streets and other POIs you pass. Thats the reason why its best and most secure to use Blindsquare for general orientation together with a turn by turn nav app like Navigon or perhaps Apple Maps for the exact directions, and Blindsquare is designed to work seamlessly together with some of the most popular turn by turn nav apps. Blindsquare is also great to search for a place by category (restaurant, office etc) up to a certain distance, you can combine various 

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Training Centers

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: arqmeister

Re: Training Centers

At rstrunk: Sorry for my ranting, I see your much more level headed and aware than most NFB officials I have had the pleasure of talking to. My acultist comment was a little over the top, ill just put that on the table right now. But it would seem from the outside, that the NFB does indeed want to train lemmings, and I say this more of the individuals who have noted this in there stories of personal experiences at training centers. I personaly was very mainstreamed my whole life, only going to one local training center in my state for a month, which did help me brush up on some basic living skills. Believe me, I realize I am far from perfect, and could probably use more training, but it is difficult to stay positive when you hear of others not having the best quality NFB experience. Im sure if you poke around forums like this one for NFB topics, you will realize my point. I simply feel that blind people would be in the best situation if they attempted to integrate with
  the sighted world as much, and as soon as possible, so that we as a society will have one less area that devides us. I knew a blind woman who told me that going to schools for the blind until she was an adult was the worst thing she ever did, as only hanging around only blind people gave her a very limited view of the real world. Those schools and training centers did not give her the social skills that she needed to interact with sighted peers effectively, and she applauded my efforts at public school and beyond. Again, im not down on the NFB as a whole, I realize that people need training, but perhaps, there needs to be a new approach that includes society integration and preparation for harsher challenges like avoiding being stereotyped, and placed in a nice little box to be labeled by society.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Skype and a strange thing

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: mikerschs2

Re: Skype and a strange thing

On my android I choose the option sign out, its making the sign out sound and then closing, and on my iPod the same. And it still does not work.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] girls and adolt women

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: kamochek

Re: girls and adolt women

hi.yes, im not only looking at the physical.but for example: all the girls, and generally the people which i know (i living in israel) are jews.they are or a religes jews, which wearing kipa, talith/talit (from hebrew), tfilin, going to the sinagog.but im also a jew, but a messianic jew which celebrating jewish holydays and traditions, but beleeving in jesus christ, the new testament and etc.the jews arent beleeving in all that things, but i can find and never met a messianic girl, so i have to be with jewish girl.but there are also atheist jews, who doesnt beleev in god and in the bible, but iin science and etc.but if i love someone who doesnt beleev in jesus, i can try to convert her if the lord will want that.if there is someone who have a big body, good voice but she is bad, i dont trying anything with her.curentlly, i thinking about one woman who is 20 years old. her name is aviva/avivah
 , she had a high=pitched voice but a big body how i like, i touched her bag 2 days ago under her was atraction for me, but my fathers aunt and my mother told me to stop touching her, and aviva/avivah told that it is ok.kamochekURL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] resident evil 6 (ps3)

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: bradp

Re: resident evil 6 (ps3)

I got to pretty much the end of chapter 1 of leon. and i got up to the part on criss where you need to rescue the hostages.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Strategy For Beating The Oil Platform In Zombie Exodus:

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Dark

Re: Strategy For Beating The Oil Platform In Zombie Exodus:

Well well see if it turns up.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] A question about a game for the iPhone

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Dark

Re: A question about a game for the iPhone

Ive not heard of something like thatmyself, but you might want to check on applevis, since they have a lot more information on Iphone stuff generally.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] a question about the windows versions of the choiceofgames titles

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Dark

Re: a question about the windows versions of the choiceofgames titles

Well Violinist, as I said it is a shame that that is the one option which Choiceofgames doesnt really give you full access to, since that would be accessible to everyone. I will say I also appreciate the ability to put an Iphone version down and come back to it later rather than having to play through the hole thing. I dont believe you can play through the browser version of zombi exodous all the way through (certainly not chapter 3), but its such a long game that would take quite a bit of time.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] shadow rine full voice version released

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — New releases room: harrylst

Re: shadow rine full voice version released

It was a dumb mistake. I was doing it without reading, and there were two boxes for e-mail. E-mail, and enter e-mail again. Now Im having other issues... shadow rine just hates me. Time to move on to BK. Im getting an error thats showing up in idiotic messed up chars, even when on Japanese locale.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — New releases room: DarkKnight

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

Hi AproneToday I came across a bug which I thought was fixed.Its the one where you lose your equipment. However, I only appear to have lost ammunition and med kits.I didnt go on any missions. I have loged in and out several times to see if the problem is resolved, but nothing.please helpthanksDarkKnightURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Blind square?

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Dark

Re: Blind square?

Hi Lukas. That makes sense and thanks for the explanation. I am familiar with how the gps can change in signal strength from my experiments with the trecker (when I can get all the random bits of equipment to work), so that aspect doesnt bother me as much, particularly because as you said I can rey on Reever to find specific things for me (shes very good at doors, steps, bus stops and the like). Similarly, the phone deal I have has unlimited internet downloads, which I got specifically because! I knew Id want to use my phone for lots of things, so that side isnt worrying either. If I can start with blindsquare on its own Ill likely do that and then see which turn by turn ap is recommended, though i do find it a little strange that blindscquare wouldnt give more by way of search capbilities, however Ill check their site. One thing I am not clear on however, do you need forsquare for b
 lindsquare to work? or will itrun on its own. Ill see about checking their site to see if there is an instruction manual or similar I can read.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Adventure At C:

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — New releases room: Aftershock

Re: Adventure At C:

The sound test is in the options menu when you press shift and oURL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Adventure At C:

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — New releases room: audioracer

Re: Adventure At C:

Hey Aftershock. Are there anyother achievements for owning certain amounts of bits? I have the one for 25000.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] shadow gate?

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: sswwaaiikkee

Re: shadow gate?

yes I m download but dont playURL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] shadow rine full voice version released

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — New releases room: assault_freak

Re: shadow rine full voice version released

I wouldnt give up just because of errors... when are you getting it? Im not quite understanding so many of the errors that are coming up... the games are portable programs. It isnt like they have tons of complicated registry or deep stuff that they have to install. lolURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Training Centers

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Dark

Re: Training Centers

@Arq, on the last intigration point I can agree, I have mentioned my own issues with specialist i education and those who have been through it. That being said, if the intention of the Nfb is for people to live in training centers completely and the training center to provide everything, then they would fulfill this model. If their intention is thata person goes for a training course for say a couple of months, then leaves to continue in their life, and has low to minimal contact with the nfb and other blind people from then on, then I dont see a problem. I am not sure how all pervading the nfb group or mindset is, not being in the same country or organization, but this is the crytical question to me. As I said, Ive seen far too many blind people who went to specialist schools or colidges, did courses (including independence training), then spend the rest of their lives sitting at home talking to
  those few friends they made in their specialist colidge filling out job applictions for a job they dont want, or if they get it wil have minimal impact on their life, friendships or indeed anything else.I can see the logic of teaching skills and mobility courses, heck I attended one myself at one point just for a week, (primarily becuase I knew the lady running it). and it is true that most people are less lucky than I am in terms of having one blind parent to learn things. The problem however is that several blind organizations and professionals I have encountered have had one and only one method of doing things, and if you dont adhere to that they fail you or deme that you will fail. I had one mobility instructor who told me I was not safe out on my own because I didnt step count and relied on landmarks. Similarly, I once knew a woman who had been convinced by her school that cooking without a liquid level indica
 tor was down right criminal. this is my concern with the nfb, especially with their black sleep shades moddality. I have some working vision, it will remain stable, therefore for me, why should! I take extra time to learn things without vision just because a given organization have a specific way of doing things that requires it. For example, i tell apart the tins in my cupboard by colour. did I not see colour I would not need to do this, however equally I type with two hands, if Id had one hand chopped off Id not need to do this either. While I can see the logic as a teaching tool for people who have recently lost their vision or who have a degenrative condition, even then I am certain forcing people to do things one way and one way only is legitimate. I have encountered people who have again been haarmed by this mentality in England, although nobody to my knolidge does it in quite an extreme way as the nfb. For 
 instance, I have used my vision to play a lot of graphical mainstream games such as mario, yet Ive met people with more vision than me who state that they cannot do the same becase they cant see.The other thing that concerns me with the sleep shades thing is the iea that it is automaticaly better to have minimal vision than none. There are circumstances I actually choose! not to use a visual clue when I can use a tactile one, for example on stage while I could! see the center of the stage and judge positon relative to other people on stage, its far easier to just use a tactile line of tape up the center of the floor, so that I can concentrate on my performance, just as it is much easier to use my vision to tell red tins of beans from green tins of pees rather than labelling them with my penfriend or using different cupboard positionns. The sleep shades idea strikes me very much the same way as that I remember from a
 n ocasion in my boarding school in which all the boys were playing football with a ball with a ringing bell, but decided to make the game fair by making it four vs two, on the basis that the two people had some remaining vision, irrispective of the fact that three out of the four on the other side were a year older, far larger and faster and far more experienced football players, and the fact that the ball itself was dull red and contrasted horribly with the concrete we were playing on making this amazing visual advantage practically useless, (needless to say I think the game finished up 8 1). Id say personallyits up to each individual and his/her circumstances to determine what information is necessary in each situation and how to get it. Regarding the confidence from woodworking etc, I dont disagree that such confidence building needs to happen, my only personal issue is making them part of the course requir
 ements. One of the few Vi organizations I used to regularly meet was a group called guide dog holidays. As you would expect, they took a bunch of Vi people off somewhere in the world with sighted guides t do something. Their holidays ranged in difficulty (they had a class system), from basic stuff such as light t tourism and just sunning 

[Audiogames-reflector] Grizzly gulch walkthrough?

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Socheat

Grizzly gulch walkthrough?

Hi all,could anyone writing step by step to help me get started on Grizzly gulch?Thanks.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — New releases room: Haramir

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

Same happened to me a few days ago. The only thing different I did is log out out of a safe zone. I didnt post here before telling about this because theres a new version on the way so it would probably be fixed.Best regards, Haramir.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Blind square?

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: grryfindore

Re: Blind square?

Hi and thanks lukas for the explaination. There were a few points I wasnt clear on before,as well. I.E what exactly was ment by turn by turn navigation and how they worked and so on.Wouldnt google maps in intigration with blind square work as a turn by turn navigation app just as Navigon does? as thats the only option I have. havent heard of a Navigon for asia yet.  although I could be confuseing the name with another app. hmm.grryfURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — New releases room: goran yasin

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

when the new version arrives to solve new character creation? I wish I wouldnt know anything before the next release.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — New releases room: goran yasin

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

when the new version arrives to solve new character creation problem? I wish I wouldnt know anything about swamp before the next release.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Adventure At C:

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — New releases room: Aftershock

Re: Adventure At C:

theres one for 5 and one for 10URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Training Centers

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: rstrunk

Re: Training Centers

@ArqmeisterI completely understand a good rant. I appreciate your apology.The situation you described for yourself is the ideal one. I myself received such good training growing up that I only went to a training center--not even an NFB one--for three months, and even then, the biggest reason I went was to have a Summer with my long-distance girlfriend. I also agree with your friend that going to schools for the blind can leave one pretty maladjusted when it comes to integrating into society.NFB centers, though, arent long-term stays. Training typically lasts 6 to 9 months to complete, and then the person gets back to his or her life. In the case of people born blind or those who went blind while young, this training usually happens immediately before or after college.By far, however, the lions share of students at NFB centers are those who went blind later in life and want to re-integrate into society. Perhaps they lost their sight in their 30

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] User Guide for Accessible Second Life Client

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Andy93

Re: User Guide for Accessible Second Life Client

well, I think everything is absolutely explained clearely in the user guide. if you dont read it, go check it out cuzz thats gonna be your starting point. Ive noticed that most of you guys are making questions, about things that were already explained in the accessibility time. So, just take time to read it if you wanna have a startup guide. Now, if you have other questions regarding Seccond life, you can contact abilitty life for mentorship, or you can find people to guide you in the virtual ability island. or you can contact me in SL, I am Andy highwaterURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Optaining the link to an app to the appstore

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Dark

Re: Optaining  the link to an app to the appstore"

well I really hate using Itunes on pc, since I just find its layout completely stupid and its functions barely accessible, one reason why I only use it when I want to stick books or media onto my phone (and even that uses a rather random workaroun because of Apples stupid ignoring of files and folders).Thats why Id personally always go through the ap store directly whenever possible.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Training Centers

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: rstrunk

Re: Training Centers

@DarkSorry for the double-posting, but given the amount you covered in your post, I want to address it separately.At first blush, Id say youre right about us agreeing to disagree. Both of us, Id imagine, can construct some pretty convincing arguments for our side of things and throw out some decent refutations of the others. I might suggest that, if you labeled your cans, you could cook in kitchens with varying degrees of light, or you could cook even during a power outage. You could respond that you have enough vision that varying light levels isnt an issue, and in the case of a power outage, you could use a torch. Im perfectly willing to avoid that back and forth if you are. If not, have at you, rogue! (cordially, of course)Let me suggest that learning to cook a giant meal can have a pretty real impact on life experiences. Everything from volunteering in soup kitchens or shelters to preparing a meal for a family holiday or ch
 urch function will require the ability to multi-task, develop an action plan, and work with lots of ingredients. I havent heard too many stories yet where people regretted the time they spent in the kitchen, up to and including the large meal. In fact, most people enjoy the large meal as a means of showing off just how much they learned to their peers.Wood shop, I think, is a good catch-all for confidence boosting, and it was probably chosen because of its perceived potential for danger. It says to students, Look. If you can safely use a band saw to cut a fraction of an inch off your board, then situation X isnt such a big deal after all, right? It would be nice if we had lots of different avenues like this, but the man power/resources just arent there. Its not a matter of forcing everyone to the best way of doing things; its choosing the option that affects the greatest number of people.Youre right, though, about it coming
  down to personal choice. I have personally seen many instances in which sleepshades helped people. You have likely heard numerous instances of them failing people. Luckily for both camps, there are lots of training options out there. I personally feel, based on my experience, that an NFB center provides the best possible experience for the highest amount of people, but I would be daft to suggest that it is the best for everyone.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Grizzly gulch walkthrough?

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Dark

Re: Grizzly gulch walkthrough?

There really isnt much to it. Visit the bank until it is robbed and the banker says should get yourself a gun couldve helped us out then go to the store and buy a gun, (if you dont have enough money go to the saloon and win some).Then go back to the bank and there will be a gun fight, shoot all the bad guys by pointing the gun in the correct sterrio direction and hitting up arrow (but dont shoot anyone who says Dont shoot sinse those are innocent civilians and will lose you the fight if you shoot them), then go and see the martial. After that you pretty much alternate going to see the martial to get missions, then being told you need to buy something from the store, , then going to the saloon to win enough money to get it, then going off for the mission and having a few gunfights until you win. Occasionally instead of buying what you need from the store you might need to go and ask people for items or information, but everyone you need to talk to is around town, mostly in the saloon.Really the game is rather simple, though the sounds are quite humerous, and if you play on gunslinger level and turn the speed up it can get quite challenging.Hth.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] MAINSTREAM GAMES - list of accessible video games - update 27/01/14

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: hanif

Re: MAINSTREAM GAMES - list of accessible video games - update 27/01/14

I havent tried your advice for shank 1.Ill try it now and will see if youre right.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — New releases room: the blasting gd

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

DarkKnight, It happened to me too, but only after I had lost connection - whether in a mission or on one of the maps. It didnt happen always, though.I have another bug to report: If you kill a bunch of zombies at the same time with a grenade, your kill streak cant be shown until you kill another zombie.goran yasin, Only Aprone knows when the next update will be ready. In the meantime, we can do nothing more than waiting.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] MAINSTREAM GAMES - list of accessible video games - update 27/01/14

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: hanif

Re: MAINSTREAM GAMES - list of accessible video games - update 27/01/14

hi, SLJ, your instruction to get to the factory is right, thanks man.I need help again.when I landed on the factory, I kill the enemies, but when I go right I always crushed by the blender machine.what should I do on the factory?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] shadow rine full voice version released

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — New releases room: assault_freak

Re: shadow rine full voice version released

Need help with the last dungeon... could someone give a description of where the key items are and how to get there? Dont need a verbose step by step walkthrough on how to get there, just general location and tips. Managed to get to the third floor, but dont have a key to the door with the keyhole that looks like a tree, and have no way of getting past the teleporters to access the switches in that room that warps you all over the place. And there are some boxes that I just cant seem find a way to get to on all three floors. Help would be appreciated. Thanks!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] MAINSTREAM GAMES - list of accessible video games - update 27/01/14

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: SLJ

Re: MAINSTREAM GAMES - list of accessible video games - update 27/01/14

[[wow]], Im glad I still remember how to get into the factory that well. In the factory, you just have to jump over the blender machine to avoid it. if you die, youll respawn next to the machine, and you just have to count your footsteps and jump when running to jump over it.A lot, and I really mean, a lot of platforming is in the factory. The only really difficult thing I remember is the following: In one area, you have to let the character slide down a sealing. Just let him slide for a half second, and then jump to catch an other sealing. thats the only thing I remember. Otherwise, you have to do lots of combinations like running and time your jumps, jump to catch sealings, climb the sealings, slide down at the other side until you land on the ground, wall runs and other stuff to fight you through the factory.I hope youll make it. If not, th
 en dont give up and get som sighted help in this level. I tell you its worth it. The rest of the game up to the last boss in the game is totally accessible. Quite difficult, but accessible.Good luck.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] girls and adolt women

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: harrylst

Re: girls and adolt women

[[wow]]... where to begin, where to begin.I think you are feeling lust, not love. Love is something intangible (I havent found it yet, but Im waiting...). Lust is something that you want at the moment, based on a first impression or one particular characteristic, such as physical. What you should be lookking for is love, the emotional connection that you feel towards a woman as a human, not as a sex object. Women, like men, are made up of many different qualities, faults, experiences, temporary physical traits, ETC. If you go for them for only their physical beauty, you are lusting for them. If you go for them for the complete package, then you really love them.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] resident evil 6 (ps3)

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: SLJ

Re: resident evil 6 (ps3)

Well, Im not there yet.Ive just noticed something really strange, and I feel Ive just waisted like one hour!In Leons campaign in chapter 1, I survived the big zombie fight and I got into the house where a tv monitor is broadcasting some news. I found the locked door and I had to search for a key. I wandered around there for more than one hour, but never found it, and I finally gave up! The weird thing is that I got hurt a lot in the battle, and I think that have something to do with not being able to grab the key. Thats freaking annoying! I used the PDA all the time, but I couldnt get the key.Have you seen my previous questions regarding to the campaigns and how to choose them?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Training Centers

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: CAE_Jones

Re: Training Centers

rstrunk wrote:Im sorry for anyone who has a bad experience at a training center. Deciding to go for training is usually a pretty big step for people, so when it goes sour, it goes really, really sour. Ive heard my fair share of horror stories. Keep in mind, though, how these things tend to shake out. Someone goes to a center and has a bad experience. They come to a forum or a mailing list or what have you, and they tell the world about it to warn others to avoid that center. These types of discussions often--though not always--devolve into a lot of shouting and condemning. When it comes to good experiences, though, I can honestly say I have never seen a forum or mailing list post about them. What I almost always see in those cases is people writing articles about their great experience--the same articles that later get pointed to as propaganda.This was my biggest problem when doing research. I onl
 y managed to find one training center with any negative reviews that were thorough, detailed, and posted somewhere other than a forum (Thats currently where I am. Its improved dramatically since those reviewers--all of whom seemed to have been here around 2006-2007--but it isnt really doing anything for me, other than providing someplace away from my parents that also includes a gym. Ah, and a tiny bit of cooking.).Meanwhile, everything negative I could find about the NFB was mostly people using a forum thread as an echo chamber / a giant flame war, in which, surprisingly enough, the ranting and arguing almost never involved anyone who actually had experiences with the centers to share. (They mostly just complained about people they met at conventions or something.). Literally the only solid matter I could question was the sleepshades (and if I wanted to do that, the Wikipedia article would suffice. The Wiki article is actually what left me conce
 rned about them, since it makes it sound like medical professionals have advised against overuse of sleepshades with certain eye conditions, and this was mostly dismissed.)What Id much rather know is if the training is actually worth it, and its incredibly difficult to evaluate that when the only well-written articles I can find are written by members of the organization.The descriptions of the NFB centers in this thread are actually more encouraging than most of what Ive found before.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] resident evil 6 (ps3)

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: seb2314

Re: resident evil 6 (ps3)

SLJ, hold the PDA button and walk forward you will be at the locked door. Then, press the button to face your partner, you will then turn around. Then, walk forward and try to return where you hear the tv while pressing the button to pick up items, you will eventually grab the key. Glad you like this game!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] MAINSTREAM GAMES - list of accessible video games - update 27/01/14

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: hanif

Re: MAINSTREAM GAMES - list of accessible video games - update 27/01/14

i respaun in the place when the window shadders and 1 enemy dieing.I go right after killing the enemies, I hold down the right arrow key while I jump and I still fried by the blender.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] accessible usenetclient

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: fastfinge

Re: accessible usenetclient

@sebby: Unfortunately, the association between file sharing and Usenet has caused nearly all universities, and the 3 major ISPs, at least in Canada, to shut off usenet access entirely. Because the PHBs are not interested in hearing about peering arrangements, and that it is possible to run a text-only usenet server, nearly all of the educational and research communities on Usenet are dead. I think even was shut down last year. And yes, I endorse not letting people make file sharing choices that destroy vast, healthy, and active communities. It looks like having to request posting access is a thing that my ISP does; I get giganews through them, and so I assumed that was a giganews thing. I *do* know that paying easynews customers have to request posting access:Posting is disabled by default on all Easynews accounts. This is the same for newly created and accounts that have been reopened. To see if your account is eligible to ha
 ve posting enabled and to have it turned on, contact support and include your username and either the last 8 digits of the card used on the account or the answer to your security question (if you supplied one) for account verification. from:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] SKULLGIRLS - fully accessible mainstream fighting game [PC]

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — New releases room: Atlan

Re: SKULLGIRLS - fully accessible mainstream fighting game [PC]

hi,i have a problem i try to defit the skullgirl with mrs fortune but i cant kill her. i beat her one time but i dont know how smile.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] MAINSTREAM GAMES - list of accessible video games - update 27/01/14

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: SLJ

Re: MAINSTREAM GAMES - list of accessible video games - update 27/01/14

Thats because you either jump too early or too late.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

[Audiogames-reflector] a plague

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: the terminator

a plague

yes. Do you remember this guy witch was trying to make his free game engine? i think he has hacked swamp. I camed to his best friend n so i recommend you be careful guys because hes attacking my computer. since i said hem this. I might think he also hacked some swamp players and/or banned them. Aw and im saying this because i know hem im hes best friend even if i dont want it. He was gaving me hes hacking programs (off course i did not used them), but he hacked even bgt i think. And this... im not lying guys. I might be also a plague in the past but i think it was because i had 11 or 12 years old. My caracter, was in a kid, throwing fits, saying bad words and all this baby stuff. And i apsolutelly admitted it. I might get banned from swamp, dont know if it was by aprone or by those hackers like: AMIR.FJ yes its his name. And as i said, i am his best friend, aw and i might bluck hem but i had fear so he can hack my computer. Hes
  hiding in some forums even in the spanish one who was just hacking us there, and or spamming there. He even doesnt know spanish! but well i might pass your contacts to hem so we can talk to hem about this. He also tryed to kill my computer by massive hitting with i dont know what! i was playing battle zone, and suddenly it crashed, like having something attacking it. And i think he was trying to make it a i dont know what. so guys, can you all help me?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] resident evil 6 (ps3)

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: SLJ

Re: resident evil 6 (ps3)

Well, that was what I was doing for more than one our. Lol. I dont know if something was bugged in the game. Ill try again later on though.Yeah, I really love the game, and im still amazed that we can play it that well.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Training Centers

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Dark

Re: Training Centers

@Cae, well the medical bit is actually true, since there are various eye conditions such as Retinita pygmentosa where a persons eyes will atrophy if not used. I assume if the NFb is a reasonable organization there is some way to come to an arrangement in these circumstances whereby someone could use their vision to keep it going, and if not, then the NFb truly are! unreasonable though Id be surprised if there werent some sort of provision in these circumstances. Regarding evaluating testimony, well one intrinsic problem you have is that crytically people will only speak about something if it is very good or very bad, and only tend to use one measurement one way or the other. Its the same if you look at most review sscores, a good %70 are either 9-10 or 10-10, or 1 or 2 -10.Myself, my opinions of the nfb are based on the evidence Ive gleaned from various testim
 onies including their own site, but even that is slightly inaccurate since I have had no contact with the organization itself, and I also confess I havent looked at quite as much evidence as you have sinse obviously for me its a very casual interest at best.Id personally recommend you go to an Nfb center, get a tour or whatever, be very nosy and ask a lot of questions and then see what you think.@Ryan, well it is true we are not going to agree, particularly on the sleep shades, however as I said i do see these sorts of discussions as valuable.While I can see the arguement that you can do it without vision so you can do it normally work for people with degenerative conditions, in most cases of people with stable limited vision such as myself I just dont see how it helps, particularly because it assumes you can separate out the visual elements of a task rather than fully intigrating all information. For exampl
 e, while I do use colour to tell tins apart, it is not the only measure. For example, rice pudding and tinned soop are blue, however the rice pudding tins are much larger than the soop ones, while though kidney beans are red, they have a very different feeling when shaken to baked beans. Vision is not something that can be separated, but part of over all sensory indication, --- as Ive said before, when navigatio navigating, some of my landmarks can be visual, some tactile, some even smell! its a matter of using everything, not of using a few set techniques then putting vision on the top. As I said the confidence thing is logical, but why stop at sleep shades? why not tie everyones right hand behind their back, or strap them into wheel chairs, sinse surely if you can do something in that position sight los isnt that bad, and given that the nfb refrain from those sort of restrictions Im afraid it strikes me that
  their thinking is coloured by a little more than a level playing field particularly with some of the opinions Ive seen in their literature which are very much of the social prejudice model of disability.Im afraid to me, the sleep shades idea just strikes me as far too much organizational straight jackets, and I would personally much prefer a training scheme that worked to the individual strengths and goals of each person, than went on a one size fits all approach of the kind Ive seen harm so many blind people in this country. Im also afraid that to me, I really cant get away from the thought that the sleep shades thing isnt a symptom of exactly the sort of thinking of those total boys who sought to make themselves better than anyone with sight by making everyone the same. Of course, for people who are total this likely makes no difference, and while
  it is extreme it might be a help for people with degenerative conditions, though Its everyone else Im more concerned about.Regarding the wood shop or catering, my issue isnt that giving people confidence through attempting those sort of activities is a bad thing, its that forcing people to learn an activity simply for purposes of passing a course and because it is one which the Nfb has demed a good thing for blind people to do is not really a good enough reason. For me, I gained a great deal of confidence when i realized that contrary to some comments I have had, it is not! necessary to make eye contact with another person on stage, and that I can act, dance, and even do physical comedy without being able to see. this was thanks to some very nice directors and instructors on staging, however it meant a lot to me because it was concerned with something I was heavily concerned with. Were I a
  keen sailer, I would gain confidence through learning to sale and navigate without the need for instruments, while a chap I knew who was recently blind got a lot f from owning a crock pot and being able to cook the things he used to make before he lost his vision. I similarly once met a boy who gained a great deal from simply learning to jump on a trampoline since even free movement without a guide for him was difficult.To me at least, wood working would only be of value as a 

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] New dice game in development

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — New releases room: hellosailor

Re: New dice game in development

Hi, Galaxy Stranger!Im from England and we learnt this game from a Swiss couple in Madagascar last November. Played with 6 dice, its very similar to the game you describe. The only difference is you create your own starting number by throwing all six dice. Then, when you lose all your points, using the same rules concerning 30 + or - you are swimming. Your opponent(s) can then sink you by scoring over 30 (taking at least one die at each throw). Alternatively, if youre lucky, or you can climb out of the water again by throwing more than 30 (taking at least one die each throw). In that case, you carry on playing again, zapping four opponent with the number scored over 30. Its a great game and we still play it, but I dont think you invented it. Sorry! This Swiss couple had been playing it for many years and its already shown on the internet on several sites... but it may not be Swiss, even though they gave it a S
 wiss name meaning 30, but its a slang word. I cant remember it exactly, but its something like Driesele.HellosailorURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] new stage for Adventure at C; remnant chapter 1, is live!

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — New releases room: Chris

Re: new stage for Adventure at C; remnant chapter 1, is live!

Hi.[[wow]], pretty cool stage!Is it supposed to end after you kill that weird silent boss thing and pick up all the items?It was really hard. Almost lost all my lives on the platforming stuff.Great job!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Adventure At C:

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — New releases room: audioracer

Re: Adventure At C:

For some reason, thats what I thaught. Ok. Thanks for confirming that. I wont consume anymore bits until I make it to those points. Im at 24000 right now.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Anyone into Friendship is Magic?

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: aaron

Re: Anyone into Friendship is Magic?

Hi,Another interesting discovery is that Tara Strong is involved with this series, and, for one episode, Weird Al even voices a character.Regarding my previous point though, I was wondering if there was a video that introduced the characters. With Pinky Pie i know she has a couple of songs and you can sort of tell its her due to her voice, but I dont actually know what the other characters sound like. The only acception to this is Apple Jack.Unfortunately I havent seen any of the episodes accept for Canterlot Wedding, as Im not sure a: what channel this program is on in the UK, and b: if the mediafire link from earlier has the new seasons uploaded.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] User Guide for Accessible Second Life Client

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Cinnamon

Re: User Guide for Accessible Second Life Client

I checked out the SL client for fun yesterday, and yes, I did read through the accessibility guide.1. Ive noticed an annoying lagtime with Jaws when you tab or arrow through the client. Maybe this isnt present with NVDA. I havent tried.2. How do I change the look of my avatar? I saw animations and bodyparts in the inventory menu, but couldnt figure out how to really manipulate them.3. Is your username the same as your character in SL? So if Im riding a horse down the street, will my username be the character? Im used to RPGs, so this may be a bit of a switch in thinking for me.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Anyone into Friendship is Magic?

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: aaron

Re: Anyone into Friendship is Magic?

Hi,Another interesting discovery is that Tara Strong is involved with this series, and, for one episode, Weird Al even voices a character.Regarding my previous post, disregard my point. I was going to ask if there was a way I could introduce myself to the characters, but I discovered that the link in post 5, well, lets just say, its going to be a goldmine. Thanks darkabomination. Also, a random question: do you have twitter or anything? one brony to another, Id like to keep in contact.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Training Centers

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: rstrunk

Re: Training Centers

[ a-t ] CAE_JonesI have never heard of research stating that sleepshades can further vision loss, but I would be interested in getting my hands on it. I did see mention made of such research in the Wikipedia article for National federation of the Blind, but it was never cited. Another user even pointed this out in the article. (Also, there are so many inaccuracies in that article that I dont even know where to begin.) Nevertheless, I would be very interested in reading any research on the harm caused by sleepshades.I think the best advice I could give you has already been given. Take a tour or have a call and decide for yourself if youre interested. All 3 centers have a marketing/outreach director that would be happy to talk to you. You can decide for yourself what is spin and what is real and then make your choice.If I can help, please dont hesitate to reach out. I can only speak from my own experiences, but I solemnly swear not to BS you.<
 p>@DarkIm sorry you cant get away from your conception that sleepshades are a way for totally blind people to feel better about themselves. If you feel this despite the fact that I aspouse them with my limited vision and despite the fact that other instructors, who are themselves not totally blind, require their use, I dont know what to tell you. Certainly there are blind people who have sight envy, but I can assure you that sleepshades are not, nor have they ever been, about making totally blind people feel better. There are even articles and discussions, available on the internet, in which members talk about the inherent usefulness of sight.Let me reiterate yet again that sleepshades are also not about helping people with degenerative conditions, regardless of what the Wikipedia entry says. Certainly they can help with that, but thats not their purpose.Solely for the sake of illustration, lets say I wanted to teach a blind person to 
 deep-fry food in hot oil. Given the propensity for some of my past students with low vision to lean close to their work to see it better, I would want them to use sleepshades, if for no other reason than to protect them from burning themselves. I would teach them to feel for the food with a spatula and show them exactly how deep-frying can be done easily and safely with no vision. If they go home and attempt the same task with their sleepshades off, and if they find they can see the food in the oil without having to use a spatula as a guide, more power to them. If you have vision, and you can use it safely, use it. Far too often, though, people who use their vision do so to avoid the stigma of blindness, and no small amount of heartache and physical injury can result from that.I unfortunately dont know how to quote posts directly like CAE did above, so excuse the sloppiness. Parenthetically, Id love to know how.To me at least, wood working would o
 nly be of value as a confidence boost if it were something that the individual themselves had a deep desire to do and a conviction that they could not without vision, rather the same way I had an issue with my acting ability. Sometimes the desire isnt present because the fear is so high. You have an interest in acting because its something you want to do. Some people, though, sell themselves out of an activity because they think they cant, or theyre afraid they cant. Wood shop is a catch all for those people.Myself, if I were etting up some sort of training course, Id have those sorts of courses as options, not as requirements, and stick them along side other things that Vi people dont traditionally do such as martial arts, dance, extreme sports or electronics.All good things for blind people to do, but as I said above, centers just dont have the resources for that. I would al
 so make the argument that, if one has the skills and confidence, that person should go out into the community to learn those skills. Why would anyone need a blindness organization to teach dance, theater, or martial arts?Wood shop is not about teaching a marketable skill--though some people turn it into that. Its about overcoming fears and misconceptions in a highly visible, public way. I cannot tell you how many people have been absolutely blown away by the six-foot, two-hundred pound, solid oak China hutch sitting in my living room when they realize my wife built it completely without sight. Those conversations are rife with the opportunity for public education, and they can help the public to realize that blind people can do the exact same things the sighted do.With home management class the goal on the table is never about catering. Its about learning the skills of home management, including cooking and cleaning, so that people can practice them in 
 their daily lives. The big meal, which takes place at the end of the students training, is a chance for them to show off their newfound skills to their peers. Again, its not about learning a marketable skill; its about instilling confidence. 

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Anyone into Friendship is Magic?

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: aaron

Re: Anyone into Friendship is Magic?

Hi,Another interesting discovery is that Tara Strong is involved with this series, and, for one episode, Weird Al even voices a character.Regarding my previous post, disregard my point. I was going to ask if there was a way I could introduce myself to the characters, but I discovered a goldmine. Thanks darkabomination. Also, a random question: do you have twitter or anything? one brony to another, Id like to keep in contact.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] girls and adolt women

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: tward

Re: girls and adolt women

Kamochek, let me begin with the point that I realize your situation is tough. It must be difficult being a Messianic Jew in a country with so many religious or orthodox Jews. However, you cant really enter into a relationship with religious Jew expecting to try and convert her to your religious views. I can say from personal experience that does not usually work, and for many reasons she will likely find it disrespectful and perhaps a bit rude.The reason that for most people, at least many people, their religious beliefs are very personal, gives then a sense of identity, and for someone of a differing faith or belief to come along and change their mind can and sometimes will be seen as rude or disrespectful. At the very least they will not think you care or respect them, because you are trying to undermine what they consider to be the truth as they see it.It is one thing if you are out with a girl on a date and she asks you about your beliefs, wants to know mor
 e about it, but if you just start preaching or proselytizing in the hopes that you will convert her that will likely be offensive to her. So dont go there.To give you an example I consider myself to be a freethinker interested in science and humanism. I myself am not religious. I am not a Messianic Jew or a Christian. As such I have read a good number of books written by historians, scientists, etc who do not believe in the existence of God and of course I have read some books etc that argue the point that Jesus is a myth. However, weather God and Jesus existed or not is not my point.How would you feel if every time you wrote something about your beliefs on this forum and I came back with saying you are wrong, that I dont agree with you, and then began listing websites, books, and other documentation attempting to undermine your beliefs?I am fairly certain you would likely feel very upset, become frustrated, and may even begin to dislike me for my at
 tempt to force my religious opinions on you. It isnt like you chose to ask me about atheism, why I dont believe the way I do, but if I just started proselytizing atheism to you I think you would resent it regardless of how well intentioned I may or may not be. Further more you might think I was being arrogant and rude for trying to express my opinions to you.It is not all that different if you are dating a religious Jew. I know that Jews dont accept Jesus as the Messiah, and she probably has a life time of growing up in that belief. If you come along and try and convince her otherwise it isnt that much different than for someone like myself to try and convince you there is no God or Jesus in the first place. Does that make sense?The one thing I can say here is just relax. You are only 15 and eventually the right person will come along. It may not happen tomorrow and it might not even happen next year. As others have told you relationships 
 often happen when you least expect it and right now you are trying too hard and wanting a relationship too much. Just relax, dont worry about it, and eventually things will just fall into place. If you try too hard to make things happen you will just put yourself through a lot of unnecessary stress and heartache trying to make something happen that isnt meant to be.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] User Guide for Accessible Second Life Client

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Andy93

Re: User Guide for Accessible Second Life Client

Hi.About the lagging problem, Ive not experimented that kind of lagg with JAWS. however, it is recommended to use the radegast client with NVDA, cuzz it still have some annoying problems with JAWS. And yes, your username is actually your character, and in order to change your avatar youll need a few avatars, that you might wanna get from a freebies store.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] girls and adolt women

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: kyle12

Re: girls and adolt women

Hi,@camocheck,Speaking from personal experience, I know it can be tough being young. You want people to like you, you want to pass your exams, you want to have a girl friend. Young and blind? Even harder. You just want to be like everyone else. I can speak from personal experience because Ive been there (and in some forms, I still am), but im told on a dayly basis im more mature for my age than I ought to be. This is largely because of personal experiences in my past (which im not going to go in to here), that sort of destroyed my childhood.My advice to you, there for, is to enjoy being a child, or a teen, while you still can. Trust me, when you leave school, it all hits home that youre not as independent as you first thought. In short, lifes a bitch, so live while youre young.Thanks,K.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] girls and adolt women

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: themadviolinist

Re: girls and adolt women

A few things from the discussion. First, there is nothing wrong with having lust for someone you find attractive. (Ok, hmmm, that may not be true for you in your religious tradition; being a pagan, I am encouraged to scromp anything that gives consent, but it may be different for you.) So lets say that it is perfectly natural for you to feel lust, and to me there is no shame in that. If you meet someone who returns that feeling, there is nothing wrong with experimenting with those feelings, so long as she consents without any hint of threat or force on your part. Have at it, be careful, use birth control, (youre not ready to be a dad, trust me on this one) and knock your socks, panties and anything else that gets in the way off.If you find this, do not treat her like a blow-up sex doll. Do not make any claim over her that she has not specifically told you you may. And do not expect it to last. And do not mistake i
 t for love. Not that love couldnt start this way, but if youre more concerned with getting to touch her back than you are with how shes feeling, whether shes happy and what are her dreams, then accept it as lust, and move on.This is different from love, which is a lot harder, a lot scarier and to me a lot more rewarding. But then Im 46, not 15. I cant orgasm twelve times in an hour anymore, and I dont get a hard-on when the breeze blows just right as once I did. (btw, its an untaught but valuable social skill to strategically deploy your backpack to avoid social embarrassment on a bus.) My relationship with sex has changed from thirty years ago.As for the specifics of being a religious minority in a country that has a specifically religious identity (watch me sit on my hands and not tell you what I think of that) thats hard. It may be that you will simply have to wait a whil
 e until you can get out into a wider world at university or other places where the pool of young women you can meet is larger. Im given to understand that Israel is a quite laid-back place where love and sex are concerned unless you are a member of one of the more observant social groups, so you are likely to be around the sort of woman youre seeking. Give yourself time. I didnt meet my soul mate until I was 36, though I sure had a good time looking, as well as going through a lot of emotional hell along the way.I dont know how your own religious community affects all this. Is it a community where sex outside of marriage is a sin?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Training Centers

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: tward

Re: Training Centers

CAE, while I personally have not gone to the WSB or NFB training centers I did go to a training center here in Ohio, the Cleveland Sight Center, and I would assume some of those other training centers may have something analogous to my own experience at the Cleveland Sight Center. I have answered the questions below with that in mind.1. Efficiency. 6 months is a long time. I expect Ive got a chunk of the starting skills. Can I expect my time will be used efficiently?Answer: You may do a fair amount of review at first because not all of their students are likely to have the same skills as you have and some may be further ahead or further behind. Usually these training centers arent tailored for any specific persons needs and so it all depends on what you know and dont know when starting out if all of your time will be productive or not.2. On the other hand, free time. Will I have to put aside software / networking / creative aspirations,
  or will there be time for those?Answer: Absolutely. When I was at the Cleveland Sight Center free time was free time. I could do anything I wanted within reason. I could hang out with the other students in the lounge, hang out in my room listening to music, listen to audio books, bring a laptop along and work on it, etc. At the time I was there I didnt have a laptop but I did bring my BNS along and spent hours of free time writing stories.3. Over-the-top scenario: someone dumps me in the middle of Ontario, and I have to find my way back to campus. Can I gain this power?Answer: They probably wont expect you to do that, definitely not in the beginning, but you will likely learn many OM skills that will help you be able to handle a situation like that. A lot of mobility for a blind person comes down to motivation and determination, and weather or not you have the tools to get the job done.4. My only support network is immediate relatives, w
 hich is unpleasant. Will I be able to break away from this?Answer: That all depends on a lot of factors not yet in evidence. Although, I live alone and have mostly broken free of my parents they still are a major part of my support system in terms of shopping, filling out paperwork, and other things when I need them. However, complete independence comes down mostly on where you live and what services are available in your area in terms of public transportation, if you can possibly apply for a home health aid, if you are comfortable with cooking and cleaning on your own, and many other factors. Training centers will try and help you get to that point, but nothing will help you more than gaining useful experience by doing it.6. Rules and restrictions. Just in general. One can learn a lot about the people theyll deal with from their rules.Answer: Not having spent any time in the NFB or WSB ran centers I cant really speak to this one. When I was in the C
 leveland Sight Center I was in a program for blind teenagers and the rules were what you would expect for that age group like girls were not aloud in the boys apartments, and boys were not aloud in the girls apartments. No sex, drugs, or alcohol was permitted.7. WSB hasnt even touched cleaning and repairs. My property is a spider/ant/mold haven. Will I learn how to correct this?Answer: Well, I suppose that depends on the training center, but I am sure if you ask them they should be able to help you with that. When I was at CSB we had a life skills class in which we were taught to do our own laundry, to bake cookies, cook on a stove, fold laundry, and so on. You may need to request someone to come to your home and teach you more life skills if you dont already know how to vacuum, do dishes, clean your toilet, etc. those are generally skills one should learn from their parents, but I guess some parents are either lazy or reluctant to teach their blind child h
 ow to perform those basic tasks.8. On average, how many people are enrolled at a given time, and what are the demographics like? Age, gender, education, home state, etc.Answer: I suppose that depends on the training center in question, and how many people enroll at that time etc. All I can say is when I was in CSB in the late 90s we had around 15 teens between 17 and 19. One teen was from Lebanon and he roomed with me for the entire four week period. All the others were from the same basic area as myself such as Ohio and Pennsylvania. All were in high school or just graduated so that is about all I can tell you. My group was a summer program for teens getting prepared to go to college and were there to learn basic life skills such as cooking, cleaning, get extra mobility training, etc. A national NFB training center would probably have a bigger and more diverse group.9. (Addendum to 2) Whats internet access like? I dont object to not much
 , if theres, like, a Starbux I can use ~once or twice a day.Answer: I have no idea.10. Culture. I am highly resistant to assimilation (which has its ups and downs, IME). Whats 

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] User Guide for Accessible Second Life Client

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: bradp

Re: User Guide for Accessible Second Life Client

I have gotten a few things. But when I generate them, how toget them to be used? and how do i fly? and the arrow keys arent moving for me.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] a question about the windows versions of the choiceofgames titles

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: themadviolinist

Re: a question about the windows versions of the choiceofgames titles

Yes, Im not sure why, since so far as I know, the ChoiceScript that a developer writes is just converted into XML that could be run on any platform. That said, Im playing Tin Star all the way through in the browser, so I dont know why one game would be available and another not. Oh, and Firefox works much better than Chrome, which gives you the radio buttons but without their labels. Makes playing the game harder, that does.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] User Guide for Accessible Second Life Client

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: bradp

Re: User Guide for Accessible Second Life Client

And How do I contact Abilitty life?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Anyone into Friendship is Magic?

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: AlexN94

Re: Anyone into Friendship is Magic?

Even though I cant call myself a fan of this series in anyway Im kinda glad to see that the topic starter has had success in finding others Then Again, its not really that surprising Id say. Even though our group/community/whatever you call the World of blind people, is not that huge pretty much everything still seem to be represented. I myself have found a few other furries after I started a topic kinda similar to this.@Dark: I have a feeling I missunderstood your post, but I believe hentai is the... ehh... what shall we calle it? Adult artwork in the anime fandom. I cant remember what that kind of FIM art would be called though, but youre definitely right, you can find such stuff in every fandom... Ive read a few HP fanfics that were like that. Quite odd pairings however, but anyways.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] 2d adventure

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — New releases room: masonarm1999

Re: 2d adventure

Invited both of youURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Scrolling Battles

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — New releases room: masonarm1999

Re: Scrolling Battles

Hmm. Let me take a look.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

[Audiogames-reflector] Computer simulator is finally here!

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — New releases room: burak

Computer simulator is finally here!

Hi, finally, I found computer simülatör from one of my best friends, so here it is! I have made a setup version. You can download this at HereEnjoy!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

[Audiogames-reflector] Computer simulator is finally here!

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — New releases room: burak

Computer simulator is finally here!

Hi, finally, I found computer simulator from one of my best friends, so here it is! I have made a setup version. You can download this at HereEnjoy!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Scrolling Battles

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — New releases room: masonarm1999

Re: Scrolling Battles

OK, I just fixed it. I also released sb 9.5!New in 9.5Tried again to fix event logs randomly appending the date twice.Fixed where you couldnt spawn a water pitFixed where money would go into negatives.Added enemy and character customizations!Added 2d jumping!Removed buying of some stuff so people can make customizeable characters.Ripped out the old leveling system, in order to implement the new create your own enemy system.Attempted to fix the event log date add bug where it kept adding right onto the end of the date.Made the data folder go into appdata now. Just copy your existing data folder into there.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] bokurano daiboukenn 3

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — New releases room: Hayri Tulumcu

Re: bokurano daiboukenn 3

what is the the max level for the Spirit Sword? my Spirit Sword is on level 76URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] resident evil 6 (ps3)

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: seb2314

Re: resident evil 6 (ps3)

Also, keep in mind that the key only appears when Leon says that the door is locked, so you have to try and open it firstURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] girls and adolt women

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: kamochek

Re: girls and adolt women

hi.yes, sex outside of marrigian is a sin.kamochek.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] resident evil 6 (ps3)

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: bradp

Re: resident evil 6 (ps3)

yeah, its on the side where the tv is to your left. at least i think so. what about getting the key from the dog?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Training Centers

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Dark

Re: Training Centers

@Ryan, Im afraid Im still not convinced on the sleep shades issue. If a person is peering too close to something in a pan, well thatt tells me they should be using safety goggles not being banned from using their vision. Again, if the question is to prove a person can do something without vision, well why not also have a person tied into a wheel chair and do something without legs? Or maybe you should plug up a persons nostrels while theyre cooking so that they can do it without a sense of smell. Frankly, limited vision is another sense and part of a persons life, and denying it just seems pointless to me. Far better to teach a person to make the most of what they have, rather than deny it for some misconcieved attempt at equality. I have actually been in situations myself where I have had professionals attempt to teach me to do something denying! what my vision is capable of and often relying on things like my spacial
 sp; coordination which as Ive said is pretty dire. Having a mobility instructor tell me to step count to find a door when i repeatedly tell her I can find the door because it is painted bright blue and is the only one on a road is a very irritating situation, and one which, were I less stubborn than I am couldve put me in a bad situation. I suspect this is something were not going to agree on however.Regarding your statement about skills and teaching, and doing things like martial arts in the community, well firstly for a lot of people who arent able to advocate for themselves, or find a good teacher who can explain without visual reference or make correct alterations in training this isnt an option, and secondly, well why not do carpentry in the community? my issue is not that carpentry isnt a marketable skill, it is just that it seems a little random to force people to pass a course based only on that. <
 p>I fully well agree learning basic life skills such as normal cooking, cleaning, laundry etc for those who do not know them or havent been taught as Tom said above,is a good thing, but once you go beyond that basic set you seem fairly arbitrary to pick wood working. If it were an optional extra at the centers or if people could pass the course without it, fair enough, but it is having it as an absolute requirement as if it is an essential skil on par with doing laundry that I object to. Ditto with mass catering, though in some ways that is at lest slightly less arbitrary, albeit unless your working in the food industry or volunteering you usually will only have at most 10 people to cook for (certainly outisde my own position as philosophy society president the most people Ive ever had to cook for is 8).I think as I said my major issue with Nfb from the sound of it is the institutionalization of skills and practices which should
  be personal. Of saying a successful blind person must tick our boxes or else and leaving little room for individualiation in that. That some blind people need a good kick up the arse for motivation i dont disagree with, but this has to be a very individualized kick, engaging in something tht would interest them specifically not attempting to make them fit an external criteria.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Anyone into Friendship is Magic?

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Dark

Re: Anyone into Friendship is Magic?

@Alex, Hentai is the dodgy stuf, though as Hentai is japanese in origin it usually refers specifically to graphic artwork, (and thats graphic in the adult sense not in the visual sense).I have heard of a number of friendship is magic Hentai, but again this is no different from the dodgy Harry potter fics you mention, and I do think every fandom has some of this (Ive never personally come across any dodgy Doctor who stuff, but then again Ive never looked).Either way its not a reflection on the thing itself. If I did see the series though to make my mind up Id actually like to see it from the start, to get the best impressionand make up my own mind on whe hwether it was something interesting or not. Oh and Btw I agree on diversity. As Ive said before there isnt really anything that much that people on this forum intrinsically have in common other than enjoying audio (or spoken text), 
 computer games and mostly being blind, other than that everything else is pretty much up in the air. Ive certainly run into some fellow Whovians and tolkien nuts on here, .URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] MAINSTREAM GAMES - list of accessible video games - update 27/01/14

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: hanif

Re: MAINSTREAM GAMES - list of accessible video games - update 27/01/14

how many steps that K have to count before jumping?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Anyone into Friendship is Magic?

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: AlexN94

Re: Anyone into Friendship is Magic?

@Dark: I was just under the impression that hentai reered to grphic anime related stuff, just like youd use the word yiff if it was something from the furry fandom... Looks like Im learning something new everyday stll Anyways, I have a feeling this is getting a bit off track.And yeah, watching a series from the beginning is, IMO, always the best idea... Theres probably a lot of things you wont get if you start with episode 20 or another high number. However since the primary audience for FIM is so young I dont really know how much of a long term plot thing there is to find. I remember that the two first episodes were kinda tied together, but besides that, I dont know. Then agan, I only watched seven episodes out of something like 65, so I guess I cant really speak about it. URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] a question about the windows versions of the choiceofgames titles

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Dark

Re: a question about the windows versions of the choiceofgames titles

Well Violinist, the only reason to use chrome is that the only viable way to buy the games that can only be played in a commercial version on windows is in the Chrome web store, this is part of the reason access is a problem since chrome is not exactly accessible. Regarding payment however, well i can explain that. All the demo versions of the games, and those games that are intrinsically free like choice of the dragon are free on the website. I also believe this goes for several of the hosted games too. however, in many cases these arent the full versions and youll get to a point where the game will stop and youll need to buy the full version to keep going. Im not sure whether tinstar is one of these, or whether the hole game is freely available on the site, though more of the hosted games tend to be freely available than choiceofgames own titles. This is why the license for 
 choiceofgames in the db says various since they have streight up retail stuff, some demos, and some games that are entirely free.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — New releases room: gece

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

Mr Aprone you do realize that this is just not a game ?Have you tried to clean the uzay and the gece is over and over again.You do not want to understand why.Please remove the ban on gece and uzay haveURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — New releases room: mehgcap

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

If I may save Aprone some time: no bans will be removed if they were legitimately given out. In your case it sounds like they were, so you will not be un-banned. In fact, saying this is not a game makes it sound like you are threatening Aprone, which is not a good way to ask anyone for anything. So, in short, you will not be un-banned.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Computer simulator is finally here!

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — New releases room: the terminator

Re: Computer simulator is finally here!

hay Burak.well gonna try it and see what happened. Well thanks a lot!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Training Centers

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: tward

Re: Training Centers

Dark, regarding the sleep shades issue I am sure this is simply an issue you will have to agree to disagree with as I dont think there is any way to convince you of the necessity of this in training. While I am totally blind now when I was loosing my sight I had to wear them for some of my mobility training, and while I disagreed with it then I am glad for it now.As has been stressed before the sleep shades are not being used to make the total blind students feel better or to limit the low vision students abilities by making them totally blind. the primary purpose is to train them to do things a different way, in their opinion, a better way without using their limited vision. Think of it as showing them a way to do things more efficiently with or without sight.For example, a low vision student might be able to tell if meet is done by leaning over and looking at if the meet is brown or still has a little red in it. Thats great. Nobody is going to deprive h
 im/her of that ability. The idea behind the sleep shades is to teach him/her how to tell if the meet is done by sticking a fork in it and seeing if it is fully cooked or not. That sort of training can only enhance his/her abilities not take away the one they already have.I think, and this is only my opinion, your primary objection is that you have some sight so you should be able to use it in training. On the surface that makes sense, is a reasonable request, accept not everyone who walks into those training centers has stable vision. In fact, I know a woman in her mid 50s whos vision changes on a day to day basis. One day she can read a print book, watch TV, etc and the next everything is blurry and she cant do anything without assistance. In a case like that using sleep shades makes sense, because the training center has to deprive her of any remaining sight to keep her from the temptation of relying on her vision when doing training so she is able to do t
 hings on days when her sight is unreliable.The issue here is NFB, WSB, and whoever generally create a one-size fits all solution to the problem, and it is that more than anything you are objecting too. While I understand your arguments it does not mean many people can not and do not find their methods useful on some level. Many people do, and more power to them. If people absolutely can not stand or will not use the sleep shades they have two feet and they can walk away from the program. Ultimately weather they believe it or not, like it or not, I think the sleep shades are usually a benefit to most people who go through those training centers.The other reason why sleep shades are often helpful for low vision users is it can build self-confidence in his/her own abilities. If some one can cook, clean, fold clothing, etc with sleep shades on they will be able to do it better when the sleep shades comes off. They will grow confident because if they can do this or that tas
 k blindfolded then they can probably do it when they are not blindfolded.Again, it seems you are impressing your own experience on people who dont have the same experiences. what I mean by that it sounds like you had a lot of life skills training from your mom growing up, and are a fairly confident person in your own abilities and skills. However, sad to say I cant say that for many blind people I have met in my life.The fact is I have met many at training centers, summer camps, etc that had little to know life skills training and no self-confidence in themselves at all. The low vision users were often times more less self-assured than the totally blind students/campers because they could see to get around and do somethings, but often pretended there was nothing wrong with them even though they clearly could not do whatever they were suppose to do because they were not use to being totally blind and their vision wasnt good enough so they were ca
 ught in the middle. In cases like that using sleep shades would be helpful because it forces them not to rely on their sight and trains them how to do it blind, builds confidence in their own abilities, and makes them feel like the are able to do stuff despite their poor eye sight.To give you a practical example take crossing the street at a busy intersection. Here in America the stop lights flash green when cars can go and flash red when they have to stop. Unfortunately, those two colors are the most difficult for people with color blindness and low vision users to see. The crosswalk signs may not be easy to read when they say walk or stop. One thing that could or would help a low vision user in that situation is to teach them how to cross the intersection using the flow of traffic the way a blind person does meaning they follow the parallel traffic. Using sleep shades would forfeit any attempt to read the crosswalk signs or use the stoplights when cr
 ossing the streets, and they would stop and go using their parallel traffic as their guide not the stoplights. So 

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Computer simulator is finally here!

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — New releases room: the terminator

Re: Computer simulator is finally here!

well i find it so tedious. Sorry but can you make an update for it? well the games doesnt work and some other things i tryed. Sorry.Just,en,joy!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Sengoku Jidai 2.6 (+Kamikaze map)

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — New releases room: the terminator

Re: Sengoku Jidai 2.6 (+Kamikaze map)

hay folks the links broken.Just,en,joy!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] User Guide for Accessible Second Life Client

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: heartssong

Re: User Guide for Accessible Second Life Client

Andy93 wrote:Hey, Im so glad to see this, cuzz as you know of course I love SL! and I can really tell everybody to give it a try, SL is pretty awesome! good job!Ive not been able to enter SL since the last time for some reasons, but Im gonna check this out and update my client. Again, nice Job!Oh, and please say hi to Roxy, Aaron and all the guysGlad to see you were able to update Radegast and rejoin us in SL Andy! URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] User Guide for Accessible Second Life Client

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: heartssong

Re: User Guide for Accessible Second Life Client

kyle12 wrote:Hi,One thing Ive been wondering. Is their any way to access the building tools from this client?ThanksHi, Kyle. Currently, Radegast has minimal support for script editing and no building tool is available within the client. However, a new version of Radegast is on the horizon so I would check the Issues page of, Radegasts official website, for some idea of what they might be working on.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] User Guide for Accessible Second Life Client

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: heartssong

Re: User Guide for Accessible Second Life Client

simba wrote:Hi, i got a problem. I logged in successfully in to my accound and now i am standing there and i just can hear the clicking of computer keys in the background. Can someone help?Hi, Simba. The clicking you are hearing is people typing in what we call nearby chat. You should read over the guide so you will no how to interact when you enter Second Life. We created it for this purpose.  Good luck!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] User Guide for Accessible Second Life Client

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: heartssong

Re: User Guide for Accessible Second Life Client

bradp wrote:I try to sign up but it says that the registration is currently unavailable, and it says at the bottom of the page that they have sent me an email but they never do. Do I need to select an avatar?That might be a glitch. I would try to sign up again.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] User Guide for Accessible Second Life Client

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: heartssong

Re: User Guide for Accessible Second Life Client

Bogdan wrote:Hi all. I tryed the sl but I have impression that we are so limited to play it. You can not ride, drive or things like that and to use this tipe of client only for chat, I find it boring. An other problem is buying things. It is hard to make money on this simulator, so I find it not so realistic. I dont want to descourage people, dont understand me wrong, but that is the reality.Bogdan, you can ride things in Second Life, and you can interact with the world very well using Radegast. And, money is not required in Second Life. Linden dollars, the Second Life currency, are only there for those who wish to use them. I have well over 22,000 items in my inventory and 99.99 percent of them were obtained at freebie stores. My advice to you is to read the accessibility guide so you will know how to move around in Second Life. There is so much more to it than just chatting. I am a blind user an
 d I go ice skating, have rode horses, swim, participate in trivia games and tournaments, participate in groups, shop, explore, dance, etc.It is true, driving in SL is difficult without being able to see, but you can find assistance to take car rides, or jet ski rides if you choose. Virtual Ability has lots of community members and they are friendly. Also, Radegast is very-much still in development and who knows what kind of abilities we may have in the future.Second Life is a 3D world and it is amazing that we can access it at all. There will always be some limitations for us because we use a text-based client, but these limitations are few.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] User Guide for Accessible Second Life Client

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: heartssong

Re: User Guide for Accessible Second Life Client

venom wrote:`i couldnt access the virtuability website so i had to create the account from the text sl site for the sounds do i have to activate them from within the client?In-world sounds should already be activated, but you will have to activate voice, etc.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] User Guide for Accessible Second Life Client

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: heartssong

Re: User Guide for Accessible Second Life Client

bradp wrote:So I got my account created. but now when i try and log in, it says I have the wrong password. I had to go through the normal second life site.Im sorry you had so much trouble. Sounds like it was just a glitch. Those happen sometimes. Hope you have it fixed now!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] User Guide for Accessible Second Life Client

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: heartssong

Re: User Guide for Accessible Second Life Client

bradp wrote:So I got my account created. but now when i try and log in, it says I have the wrong password. I had to go through the normal second life site.Im sorry you had so much trouble. Sounds like it was just a glitch. Those happen sometimes. Hope it is fixed now!URL:

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