Re: the Wastes update pack

2018-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : john via Audiogames-reflector


Re: the Wastes update pack

@Stirlock:Either way, my point (a) above still stands. Its a clear effort of the Mush-z development team to press for Mush-z only being used with Alter aeon, and since I fully understand their reasons for this, I've chosen to support them in that effort. You are, of course, free to configure your version any way you want, and the pack will work fine either way.@Dark:Towns were actually one of the driving reasons behind my original idea for this project. The output window handles them beautifully.Since the source for the Wastes itself no longer exists, it is *impossible* to modify the game directly. Thus, MushClient (or some other wrapping layer) is the only way to make any of these updates. Because of its flexibility and ease of use, I've chosen to use MushClient as that wrapping layer. Its technically possible for any equally capable software, if configured to work with socketwrap, to do the same thing (see … Notes.html for more details on exactly how everything works together). If you want to play without redesigning the entire pack yourself though, you'll need to install a copy of MushClient.@JasonBlaze:The full pack including all core Wastes files is currently around 30mb. This is because, as I mention on the project homepage, all of the ambience is now handled by MushClient, reducing its size by about 95%.


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Re: Once Upon A time described

2018-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Orin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Once Upon A time described

I don't think it is described on any network anywhere.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: adventure at c stage Remnant V 3.0 Final rC is now released!

2018-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : threeblacknoises via Audiogames-reflector


Re: adventure at c stage Remnant V 3.0 Final rC is now released!

aaron, you were correct about the sound range, because that's exactly what it does.As for your other question, you do have to actually commit to going right before the teleporters do their dance.I did this so a player wouldn't be screwed out of collecting the bonuses if they went back through the teleporter before collecting anything.So, that's why they don't move directly after you exit the first teleporter.I'm actually glad someone is finally asking questions about how this works, because that's the exact reason I made Remnant in the first place, to show people what the AAC stage builder could do.It just, kind of, blew up bigger than I ever expected a proof of concept demo to.Their is actually a vary detailed manual I wrote and included with Remnant that explains how the stage builder works.Whenever you decide to start playing with it, do just that, play with it.Don't start out with a big vision, just make dumb levels that you never intend to publish and go crazy!At least, that's what I did.Most of the things you'll se in Remnant, and read about in the manual, I found out just by playing around and going, "Hmm, wonder what'd happen if I did this?"Later!


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Re: Chinese swordsmen games Lingyun immortal Brigade

2018-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Chinese swordsmen games Lingyun immortal Brigade

Microtransactions are nothing new in the gaming world. And as sad as it is, I'm not quite sure why everyone is so surprised at a game coming out of mainland China that requires some, um, extra hastle to get working properly, or why the developer cares only about profit. This is very typical of my culture, unfortunately... if there's nothing in it for you, then there's no reason to do it. Same goes for network related things and why they block virtual machines... everything produced there has to work with government restrictions, and this is why so many workarounds have to be gotten around on the online end of things.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

just about had it with joystick implementation errors

2018-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : jack via Audiogames-reflector


just about had it with joystick implementation errors

Hi folks. Well, we're trying to implement joystick support into battlezone. And an entry-level implementation that we've done involves this.void main() {joystick stick;show_game_window("Battle Zone Pro, (build 1.0 beta 1)");if(stick.joysticks==0){alert("Error", "No joysticks seem to be attached.");}fast forward to where we try to implement an action button.if(key_down(KEY_SPACE)&==4) shootsword();works fine. But when I put this right below it,if(stick.button_down(1)&==4)I go to run the code and it says...stick is not declared. What do you mean not declared, we declared it right below void main. And if you say it isn't declared, where were you when the game checked for joysticks?Any help would be appreciated, as this clearly should not be happening.


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Re: Star Conquest soundpack?

2018-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Star Conquest soundpack?

Concept approved!  Now, we'll see about the profile


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: the Wastes update pack

2018-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : JasonBlaze via Audiogames-reflector


Re: the Wastes update pack

I wonder how big the file that the client downloading currenly? , is it more then 100mb?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: desafio mortal

2018-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : MasterChief via Audiogames-reflector


Re: desafio mortal

Hi guys,Can someone help?I have some questions about the game:How can I get more coins in the game?The passport needs 3 coins, and if I want to collect coins by items only, it will take ages.One other thing is: I tried messing with the phone but no luck, is there any use for it?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Restricted/new users: introduce yourself!

2018-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Introduce Yourself to Gain Access : ansmith via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Restricted/new users: introduce yourself!

I'm ansmith. I'm a new member of the forum audiogames, very pleased to be acquainted and make friends to share everything in life with people. Especially learned from the forum.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Waves Plugins

2018-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : G-Rad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Waves Plugins

There's also more versatility with bass tones and  setups with it.  Especially incorporating the amp, the bass units, and  te stomp boxes.  I have some pretty nifty sounds so far and of course making a track template saves time.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: desafio mortal

2018-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : MasterChief via Audiogames-reflector


Re: desafio mortal

Hi guys,Can someone help?I have some questions about the game:How can I get more coins in the game?The passport needs 3 coins, and if I want to collect coins by items only, it will take ages.I have an other question:Where can I buy food and drink and healing items?One other thing is: I tried messing with the phone but no luck, is there any use for it?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: desafio mortal

2018-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : MasterChief via Audiogames-reflector


Re: desafio mortal

Hi guys,Can someone help?How can I get more coins in the game?The passport needs 3 coins, and if I want to collect coins by items only, it will take ages.I have an other question:Where can I buy food and drink?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Questions about America

2018-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Questions about America

@Turtlepower, I actually think the status of "will anyone want me, I haven't found a relationship  is something that happens to pretty much everyone of both genders in their late twenties to early thirties if they're not already in a perminant relationship. I took it further than most myself, believing that at 25 I was already past it and turning into a jaded old man at 27. Manifestly I found the truth of that not to be so, indeed for me the old story about things literally falling out of the blue and changing your life was absolutely true, indeed the hole "tale as old as time" song pretty much could have been written for my lady and I. I'm not going to be trite and say "you'll find someone" or any such crap, but however old you feel in your mid twenties, there's plenty of time to go.interestingly enough, one thing I recall from the Britpicker's guide (the one I posted a link to in the england topic), is apparently people get married sooner in terms of relationships in the states. In England it's not uncommon for people to live together five, ten or even twenty years before getting married, heck a good friend of mine lived with her husband for 26 years before deciding to have the final ceremony, and my brother, though he's definitely engaged isn't planning any weddings in the near future.This probably contributes on all the pressure to "settle down and have babies" and probably at the other end makes for a lot of divorces since marriage is  revenge, a dish best served cold, - says the man who moved in with his wife scarcely four months after we admited we had feelings for each other, was engaged a month later and married literally one year after that :d.Then again, for Mrs. Dark and I things were, and indeed are so right it's frankly terrifying!


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Re: loreaon link seems to be dead

2018-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: loreaon link seems to be dead

I've changed Loraeon's license to unknown. Though I'm not sure what the problem was with lockpick as it still seems to be working fine. The homepage however was incorrect since it was still pointing at the old location on Lwork's site, I've altered that now.


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the Wastes update pack

2018-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : john via Audiogames-reflector


the Wastes update pack

Hi All,Those of you who were following the Warsim thread a while ago may remember my making a post about an expansion/update pack for the Wastes. At long last, the pack is at a state where I feel comfortable releasing it to public beta.In short, this is a MushClient-powered set of scripts that tries to bring a little life back to the game. It includes a bunch of typo/wording fixes, some new sounds (more hopefully to come), smoothes over some glitches, and even finishes adding a feature or two.The pack runs the anniversary mod, and more content may be added as time goes on.I do want to emphasize that this is most certainly a beta product. I'm posting it here so that it can get some wider exposure than the couple people I've shared it with, but expect bugs and crashes while that exposure does what its supposed to and helps me iron out the kinks.For more info or to give it a shot, check out the homepage: you have feedback, thoughts, new content or find bugs, do drop me line, at: you're planning to repost or share this elsewhere, I do ask that you let me know first. The pack is complicated, and until I've had some time to make sure everything works smoothly under load, I'd like to keep the rollout somewhat gradual.A note for Mush-z users: if you plan to use this pack, you should download and install a separate copy of MushClient. Do not use the one that comes with Mush-z, as it is not designed to play nicely with other worlds. The Wastes should install alongside any other muds you have without issue, though.Best,John


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: the Wastes update pack

2018-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : john via Audiogames-reflector


Re: the Wastes update pack

@Defender:This isn't a code update to the wastes, so any crash bugs in the game are there to stay. All I'm really doing under the hood is text processing.There are two primary reasons for my recommending you not use Mush-z. Firstly, is that the development team is making a dedicated effort to ensure that mush-z is only used for Alter Aeon, and its rude of me to work against them.Secondly, is that as I said, mush-z is configured to work with Alter Aeon, and not other worlds. A stock copy of Mush-z will cause a fair bit of user frustration if you try to add my pack to it (I know this from experience setting the pack up for a tester). The two can be meshed, but only fairly advanced MushClient/computer users should be attempting it. If this is something you want to do, drop me a line through my contact page and I can help you set it up on an individual basis (damage to your copy of mush-z, including a possible need to reinstall since I'm not familiar with the most recent iterations, is hereby disclaimed).


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: the Wastes update pack

2018-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : stirlock via Audiogames-reflector


Re: the Wastes update pack

I use a mushZ config with other muds all the time and haven't had any of the problems you're describing, save removing the automatic connection thing. shrug


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: the Wastes update pack

2018-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : john via Audiogames-reflector


Re: the Wastes update pack

@Aaron:That's only half the battle. Once you remove the automatic connecting, you'll need to reconfigure all of the shortcuts installed by Mush-z.  Thus I'm recommending that people just install a separate copy of MushClient, since its quite a bit faster and less painful.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: the Wastes update pack

2018-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: the Wastes update pack

Hot damn this is awesome! great work you guys!I do wonder though if the bug where after you get to a really high level, the game tends to crash is fixed though? because that's why I stopped playing the wastes...The worst part about that bug is that I can't seem to pin it down, it's happened when going into new areas, when encountering enemies ETC and usually at LVL50 or above, it even gets rid of your graveyard file!You just get a runtime error and the game has no choice but to close and it sucks.Either way though this is really cool, especially the ability to check stats on the fly, not to mention the added sounds!I do wonder why you can't use it with Mush Z though? I thought you could just open a new world and import the plugins you needed no problem...


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: the Wastes update pack

2018-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: the Wastes update pack

Hi,I've been able to create several worlds with mush-z, just make sure that the alter aeon world does not open on startup. You can then seemingly just create new worlds, although I have not tried it with this pack yet, and I don't know if I have the latest version of mush-z, so things may have changed.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: the Wastes update pack

2018-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: the Wastes update pack

Moderation! Though neither the Wastes nor Mushclient are new things, methinks  this still should go in the new releases room . Great that some work is going into the wastes, I admit I would like a better way of handling towns since Nvda doesn't play as well with the  windows as I would've liked it to. one very lazy question I have is, are there any plans for a stand alone copy of this? I don't currently have mushclient on my pc, just MushZ since I tend to use Vipmud for general mud things (and please lets not open up that can of worms again). Also, its possible others who are interested in the wastes outside this community might find this handy as well especially in text processing.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: the Wastes update pack

2018-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : stirlock via Audiogames-reflector


Re: the Wastes update pack

I use a mushZ config with other muds all the time and haven't had any of the problems you're describing, save removing the automatic connection thing. shrug


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Once Upon A time described

2018-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : MasterChief via Audiogames-reflector


Once Upon A time described

Hi all,I am searching for the audio described version of the TV series Once Upon a Time.I tried searching on Netflix, but it's not there.I am sure it is on the US Netflix though, but I am not sure if it is audio described or not.Does anyone have it?It is very good from what I herd.Can someone upload it for me?or at least point me to where I can download it.As for trying on blind mice, every time I create an account there, it gets suspended after awhile for some reason.I have tried it more than once and still the same result, and it doesn't look like that there is any way to get your account back when it gets suspended.I am not sure why they do that exactly, but whatever.I am sick of creating accounts over and over there.It would be really appreciated if someone can help me find a described version of this thing.Thanks.


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Re: Is the HomePod really worth it?

2018-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : stevejobs via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Is the HomePod really worth it?

I believe the speaker you need is dependent on your music tastes. I don't like loud music, so the Echo dot is perfect for me. Even Bob Dylan sounds decent through that speaker. 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: desafio mortal

2018-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : animal metal via Audiogames-reflector


Re: desafio mortal

their reason for blocking cheat engine  is that it was making the  game slowand also new version of desafio is out


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: adventure at c stage Remnant V 3.0 Final rC is now released!

2018-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: adventure at c stage Remnant V 3.0 Final rC is now released!

Hi,@Threeblacknoises thank you for the info. [[wow]], it looks like I was right about how returning to the hub worked after a level, so I was already on the right track for that.The teleporter thing is completely new to me though and also equally interesting. However I'm wondering if we could describe it with an example.minispoileraheadforfirsthubWhen I enter the first teleporter, at location 18, I am put at location 61. The teleporter, back to the hub, is already on the left when I am at 61. The extra life is to the right.So, my curious side came out. Firstly, tried just going left back into the teleporter, from my current location 61. Nothing seemed to change, mario was on the right, and low and behold, the teleporter was unchanged too, location 18. So, back in I go, and land on61. However, move a few steps toward the extra life, and then go back to the hub, and the teleporter started moving indeed, because this time, it chaced me! But I am wondering, how does the player, at 65 or whatever, not hear the teleporter moving, and also, when does this second moving teleporter, if any, come into play? I don't quite get that one because when I arrive at 61, there's already a teleporter on the left that goes back to the hub.Does it just put you right outside of the teleporter's sound range?


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Re: Firefight needs your opinians!

2018-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Fox via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Firefight needs your opinians!

so how would we go about applying for adminship?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Opinions on what makes an audio game engaging

2018-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SwankyGoose via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Opinions on what makes an audio game engaging

@Dark, I'll give six swords a try, thanks for the suggestion!  Also, thanks for playing Thornhill with the updates, glad the "dun dun dun" got a laugh .Makes sense on trimming the narration back now that there are sound effects.  Let me see what I can turn up on crunching and a missed shot clunk noise.  The bat sound was a bit of a miss then - I was hoping it sounded like a bat's wings as it was flying.  Let me try a sort of chirping noise instead and see how that sounds.  Oh [[wow]]!  I'd forgotten about Dark Tower but I can see where that could work well as a game for Alexa.  I'll have to give Talisman a look as well.


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Re: Reviving Battle Zone, With Your Help

2018-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : shotgunshell via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Reviving Battle Zone, With Your Help

Hey folks, I have something for you all to vote on. Do you guys think BZP should have native joystick support? Why and/or why not?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Is the HomePod really worth it?

2018-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Is the HomePod really worth it?

That's fair enough. Like I said, some people will prefer it, some won't. But if I was paranoyed about viruses and hacking, I wouldn't be using windows either. But everyone has levels of risk they're willing to take... I personally love Talkback and how snappy it is. But it all comes to preference and if you did try it for that long, then that's that. Android and IOS and their merits are subjective... I just know that I personally won't switch back unless IOS does something big is done by apple to convince me.


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Re: Speak up in Debian?

2018-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : greaver via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Speak up in Debian?

I am trying to install Debian as a new system


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: the Wastes update pack

2018-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : john via Audiogames-reflector


Re: the Wastes update pack

@Aaron:That's only half the battle. Once you remove the automatic connecting, you'll need to reconfigure all of the shortcuts installed by Mush-z.  Thus I'm recommending that people just install a separate copy of MushClient, since its quite a bit faster and less painful.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: the Wastes update pack

2018-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : john via Audiogames-reflector


Re: the Wastes update pack

@Defender:This isn't a code update to the wastes, so any crash bugs in the game are there to stay. All I'm really doing under the hood is text processing.There are two primary reasons for my recommending you not use Mush-z. Firstly, is that the development team is making a dedicated effort to ensure that mush-z is only used for Alter Aeon, and its rude of me to work against them.Secondly, is that as I said, mush-z is configured to work with Alter Aeon, and not other worlds. A stock copy of Mush-z will cause a fair bit of user frustration if you try to add my pack to it (I know this from experience setting the pack up for a tester). The two can be meshed, but only fairly advanced MushClient/computer users should be attempting it. If this is something you want to do, drop me a line through my contact page and I can help you set it up on an individual basis (damage to your copy of mush-z, including a possible need to reinstall since I'm not familiar with the most recent iterations, is hereby disclaimed).


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: the Wastes update pack

2018-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: the Wastes update pack

Hi,I've been able to create several worlds with mush-z, just make sure that the alter aeon world does not open on startup. You can then seemingly just create new worlds, although I have not tried it with this pack yet, and I don't know if I have the latest version of mush-z, so things may have changed.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Reviving Battle Zone, With Your Help

2018-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : electro via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Reviving Battle Zone, With Your Help

Now I finished my music classes, yeh!I think I may make an enemy somehow.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: the Wastes update pack

2018-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: the Wastes update pack

Hot damn this is awesome! great work you guys!I do wonder though if the bug where after you get to a really high level, the game tends to crash is fixed though? because that's why I stopped playing the wastes...The worst part about that bug is that I can't seem to pin it down, it's happened when going into new areas, when encountering enemies ETC and usually at LVL50 or above, it even gets rid of your graveyard file!You just get a runtime error and the game has no choice but to close and it sucks.Either way though this is really cool, especially the ability to check stats on the fly, not to mention the added sounds!I do wonder why you can't use it with Mush Z though? I thought you could just open a new world and import the plugins you needed no problem...


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: the Wastes update pack

2018-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: the Wastes update pack

Hot damn this is awesome! great work you guys!I do wonder though if the bug where after you get to a really high level, the game tends to crash is fixed though? because that's why I stopped playing the wastes...The worst part about that bug is that I can't seem to pin it down, it's happened when going into new areas, when encountering enemies ETC and usually at LVL50 or above, it even gets rid of your graveyard file!You just get a runtime error and the game has no choice but to close and it sucks.Either way though this is really cool, especially the ability to check stats on the fly.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: adventure at c stage Remnant V 3.0 Final rC is now released!

2018-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : threeblacknoises via Audiogames-reflector


Re: adventure at c stage Remnant V 3.0 Final rC is now released!

aaron, the hub isn't really a feature programmed into the builder itself.In fact, most of Remnant is actually rigged.I don't mean that in a bad sence of the word, but; to use your example...To make a hub area where you press enter on a spot to get to another level, you only need add a stage transition and tell the builder that the player should press enter on the spot to activate the transition,which loads the new level.Now, when you go back to the hub, that's actually an entirely different level. I just added sound sources and move steal datas around to make it seem like it was the same area even though most of it is pretty much cloned from a base level I made at the start with the different game sound sourses and the like.Fun fact, Aaron baker did actually try to make a hubb level system in the stage builder at my request, but that caused so many bugs that he and I decided to abandon the concept.With regard to the teleporters,That's actually vary tricky, but the gyst is this.when placing a teleporter you tell the game to make it start moving at a position after at takes the player somewhere.So in the first hub level for example, the teleporter starts moving once you land ont and arrive at your destenation, or somewhere around their.This causes it to move out of the first area you can access, vary rapidly.Now at the same time, another teleporter, placed where you arrive, starts moving at about the same time you reach the extra life, That's why its waiting for you when you start heading back.Once you take that teleporter, it sends you back to the beginning, but the first teleporter is no longer their because it jumped ahead passed the steal data blocking your way forward.It's actually somewhere near the Metroid level sound source, but you can't get their, or you'd probably land on it and mess everything up.Your brain fried yet?I don't blame you, because it took me about a week to get that working properly.Well, that took about 10 minutes to write, but I hope it helped you out.PS: don't get used to espeak, he's gone in the new update. and replaced by a real person.Later!


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Re: Chinese swordsmen games Lingyun immortal Brigade

2018-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : nuno69 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Chinese swordsmen games Lingyun immortal Brigade

Oh believe me there is. I can for example hack ag network with involving a virtual machine.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Waves Plugins

2018-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : flackers via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Waves Plugins

Yep, I like GTR for all the same reasons. I feel as if some of the distorted tones are a little smoother than guitar rig. Though guitar rig has tons more components, for just a decent basic guitar sound, GTR is pretty great for the price. Not too convinced by the reverb that comes with it though, seems a bit cloudy if you know what I mean, but I have waves IR1 permanently set up  as a send for much subtler and cleaner reverb sounds.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

the Wastes update pack

2018-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : john via Audiogames-reflector


the Wastes update pack

Hi All,Those of you who were following the Warsim thread a while ago may remember my making a post about an expansion/update pack for the Wastes. At long last, the pack is at a state where I feel comfortable releasing it to public beta.In short, this is a MushClient-powered set of scripts that tries to bring a little life back to the game. It includes a bunch of typo/wording fixes, some new sounds (more hopefully to come), smoothes over some glitches, and even finishes adding a feature or two.The pack runs the anniversary mod, and more content may be added as time goes on.I do want to emphasize that this is most certainly a beta product. I'm posting it here so that it can get some wider exposure than the couple people I've shared it with, but expect bugs and crashes while that exposure does what its supposed to and helps me iron out the kinks.For more info or to give it a shot, check out the homepage: you have feedback, thoughts, new content or find bugs, do drop me line, at: you're planning to repost or share this elsewhere, I do ask that you let me know first. The pack is complicated, and until I've had some time to make sure everything works smoothly under load, I'd like to keep the rollout somewhat gradual.A note for Mush-z users: if you plan to use this pack, you should download and install a separate copy of MushClient. Do not use the one that comes with Mush-z, as it is not designed to play nicely with other worlds. The Wastes should install alongside any other muds you have without issue, though.Best,John


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Re: Firefight needs your opinians!

2018-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Muhammad Hajjar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Firefight needs your opinians!

Hi there,I have nothing more to say about the admin matter, but do not (and I say do not) repeat Sam's bad mistake. Not everyone who helped something in the game or even have an intimate friendship with you or did the impossible to enhance the game is a worthy of becoming an admin. Adminship isn't an award for those who have done a great job, but a responsibility that is given only to who are worthy of the task. Beware, many people want the privileges of the adminship only so that they feel that they have the power of an admin and build themselves power and fame.And finally, wish you a good luck in your project, you've developed wonderfully, I wish you and your project success.


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Re: Does Anyone Know Where I Can Find an Accessible Speakandspell Imulator

2018-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : shotgunshell via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Does Anyone Know Where I Can Find an Accessible Speakandspell Imulator

I just found a mac plus rom for mame. Unfortunately I don't think it works, because when I press enter it plays a chime but doesn't do anything afterwards. I've been told that the screen is blank by a sited person. Is there a special thing you have to do to get it working and turn on the tts, or am I screwed entirely?


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Sonos discussion

2018-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Sonos discussion

Hey everyone.So not to spam the Homepod topic with this, I thought it would be better to create a seperate topic for the discussion of Sonos products.This way it should be easier for people asking questions and the like.Greetings Moritz.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Is the HomePod really worth it?

2018-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Is the HomePod really worth it?

Good evening.@Assault, just to make one thing clear, I am not one of those people dropping something after an hour because it doesn't work or it works differntly compared to a product I used up to this point.What you suggested is what I actually did. I got myself a cheap Galaxy s7 edge and tested it two weeks, I told myself to put the iPhone away and just use the android phone to do my daily tasks so I could simulate what the phone would need to do in my daily life.This was like, hmm, let's say about half a year ago. My impression was a lot more positive than some years ago where I didn't have the stamina and patience to get into android fully. but still, there are these fiew things that still bug me and convince me that personally speaking, I am not comfortable to switch to an android device as my main mobile device just yet.Greetings Moritz.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Firefight needs your opinians!

2018-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Firefight needs your opinians!

Think very carefully about admins, just because someone is your friend, doesn't make them a good choice for adminship. I can tell you this for certain. I would make them apply just as anyone else would, to keep the process fair, and don't give them any higher consideration than anyone else does, unless you are very very sure they would make a good admin. Keep in mind that people you think you know over the net, you don't really know. Hell, people have been betrayed by their friends in real life and over many years, so just keep this in mind. The reason I bring this up is because the admins can make or break good gameplay experiences for everyone. If they do shady bullshit like giving themselves items, playing favorite and giving their friends shit, its not good, its not fair, and its not right. Admins should be bound to a set of rules just as the players should. I'm not saying admins shouldn't be able to hand out items where appropriate, but for sure they shouldn't be doing it on a willy nilly basis. Hey bud here ya go, 20K health, 20K shielded shot, etc.I also agree about no persistence. If you're trying to learn the game, its very discouraging when you get off like 10 shots at someone and they don't die meanwhile you are jumping out of the way of their grenades and stuff only to be snuffed out in 2 or three shots by them.My opinion, true, but I fucking hate the redspot turning system, the tracking isn't half bad, but the stupid little messages about being a fair distance off to the right, or a little ways off to the left, shit drives me nuts. For one thing, the  messages aren't even that accurate, as the range of each message is pretty big, and you moving and them moving, and you're spamming the key while you spam your arrows etc.One thing, the up and down arrows, I don't know what you mean by traide, that isn't an english word. Trade or train is, trade meaning nothing in this context, train being closest to aim, which is what I'm guessing you meant, but I'm uncertain, which is why I'm asking for clarification.Oh, and one more follow up to the admin thing, just remember that you're going to get people flocking to your side, they want nothing more than a piece of this power you have. They want to feel the rush of this power, so they'll act really friendly hoping that you'll give them an admin position. They'll flock to you, talk to you on skype whatever, just remember that and make your choices very carefully.


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Some exciting programs for lovers of fan fiction.

2018-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Some exciting programs for lovers of fan fiction.

Hello.I've been talking to and helping a guy called frederik create some programs.The first one I'd like to bring your attention to is a fan fiction downloader. I always wanted a fan fiction downloader that could download authors stories just by putting their URL into it and pressing enter and that is what I have for you to download.This program is a dos stile program so it runs in a command line window.All you need to do is put the URL into the program and press enter. The program will create a folder where you've stored the program. For example, if my author name is brad and i've stored the program in my downloads folder, the brad folder with all brads stories in it will appear there. All the stories are in plain text.Here's the dropbox link. … 1.exe?dl=1The second program is a bit of an odd one, it's a quote replacer. have you ever been reading a story and you hear 'hello' instead of "hello?" Well this program fixes that. Put it in the directory where the stories are located and all the apostrafies will turn into quotes. Don't worry, words like don't, isn't, can't and won't, will remain the same.Here's the link. … n.exe?dl=1


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Firefight needs your opinians!

2018-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : monkey999 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Firefight needs your opinians!

Mayby, is it handy to add a tracking sistom for zones in the map like the store.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Is the HomePod really worth it?

2018-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Angel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Is the HomePod really worth it?

Hi.I used Alexa on the phone, Cortana on the pc, but how can I use google assistant on the pc?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Firefight needs your opinians!

2018-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : monkey999 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Firefight needs your opinians!

mayby, is it handy to add a tracking sistom for zones in the map like the stor


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Firefight needs your opinians!

2018-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : connor142 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Firefight needs your opinians!

I will address these points 1 by 1.1: The controls look good, at least from a keyboard viewpoint. Now, all I'd love to see is some sort of gamepad implementation, so people don't have to use joy to key to make a profile.2: Personally, the way I prefer the most is what rtr did. You basically don't have a tracking system, but what you do have is a radar that beeps if you are facing someone. Now, it wouldn't be a perfect crosshare which means you couldn't hit them all the time even if it beeped, if you want to make sure you hit someone you have to have good accuracy. On the other hand, if your map is large, rs's tracker is a better alternative.3: Right now, I don't really have any speciffic requests, but I will address another point here. You said that your game is going to leave lots of room for character improvement and apparently, permanent development. I don't agree with this, unless it is either very finely tuned and balanced or you create different maps for people with different stats like ultrapower did in one of its countless versions. An fps shouldn't have persistent char development like up or tk, because all that does is encourage grinding and all newbies typically end up giving up out of frustration because someone who has been playing for years utterly destroys them without a thought all the time.4: All I ask here is that you think carefully about your admin choices. Look up the history of people who apply, consider if they are really the kind of person you are looking for to enforce your game's policies. Speaking of rules, make a coherent set of rules, for both players and admins,  that are easily accessible. Don't do it like in stw and wait half a year before eventually writing up some crude rules. Keep a log of admin and player actions, so you can easily find out if admins are doing their jobs correctly and also follow their own rules.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Is the HomePod really worth it?

2018-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : pitermach via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Is the HomePod really worth it?

@hadi.gsf me neither. Though I found the single play:5 more than satisfactory enough to fill this somewhat large bedroom. It may not have as much stereo separation as my old 2.1 speaker setup that it replaced, but over all it's louder, can fill the room better and has more than enough bass for my needs that I don't really need a sub.Anyway we're getting way OT for this thread. Might be worth starting a new topic for Sonos if you want to keep this  discussion going.


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Re: Booby testers wanted

2018-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Rocky Waters via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Booby testers wanted

Aaron, if the pausing for 2 spaces had just happened once or twice, then I would be hunting down an extra space in the text of the exercises.  Clearly that's not the issue.  Perhaps, and I'm only guessing here, you are a quick typist already, and might be getting ahead of the program.  try turning the general speed setting to max fast and see what happens.  Perhaps also try the advanced word exercises and see if the same happens, there's no letter spelling on those.  Hmn, as I type this I remember the key capture for the space bar should still work ahead of the letter by letter feedback anyhow, so I'll have to go and think a bit.  Let me know if you get any more clues on this, cheers.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Booby testers wanted

2018-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Rocky Waters via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Booby testers wanted

Thanks Brad for the positives, and great ideas too.  It sometimes feels like I'm beavering away in the dark as I mostly get so little feedback.  My website has now had 9000 downloads but for all I know there might be just a dozen people out there actually enjoying them.  Telling me its worthy of your time and money, is worth heaps.  Let me buy you a beer!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Is the HomePod really worth it?

2018-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : hadi . gsf via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Is the HomePod really worth it?

I unfortunately can't afford a pare of play 5s, i've heard that they sound pretty amazing's a pity that  the  sonos one doesn't  have an input for a 3.5mm jack


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Opinions on what makes an audio game engaging

2018-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Opinions on what makes an audio game engaging

I think this makes 3 action platformers I've released with more attention to realistic movement, and 3 which no one has been able to understand, and I cannot figure out why it keeps turning out this way. (The next time I hear "I don't know when to jump", ...)And at this point, I'm pretty sure I can't solve it without a team, and I fail at managing teams so I'd need a producer, and this is where the budget can no longer be ignored. This comes long before paying for sounds, hosting, voices, etc.My failures don't tell me "people want this and you're doing it wrong"; they tell me "people don't want this, or you can't do it, and either way there's no point".But BK3 tells me that the problem is probably me. So hopefully someone else will do it right at some point. (Why am I feeling pessimistic about that?)


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Re: Land of Livia: An IOS game which has been made accessible

2018-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : nolly via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Land of Livia: An IOS game which has been made accessible

My battery seems to drain faster if I am doing a quest while the app is running in the background. If I completely close it out, the issue seems to go away. I don't often close out the app completely though, so there isn't enough to say if it does really go away. It does seem to go away if I cut the app off from celular or Wi-Fi access though, in fact I don't allow most of my apps to run off of cellular, but until recently forgot to turn off Land of Livia, which was eating up my bandwidth.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Land of Livia: An IOS game which has been made accessible

2018-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : nolly via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Land of Livia: An IOS game which has been made accessible

My battery seems to drain faster if I am doing a quest while the app is running in the background. If I completely close it out, the issue seems to go away. I don't often close out the app completely though, so there isn't enough to say if it does really go away. It does seem to go away if I cut the app off from celular or Wi-Fi access though, in fact I don't allow most of my apps to run off of cellular, but until recently forgot to turn off Land of Livivia.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Opinions on what makes an audio game engaging

2018-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Opinions on what makes an audio game engaging

I would agree you can learn audio reaction times in a mainstream game, however, my point was not specifically to do with whether playing mainstream games with effort was worthwhile or even possible (heck I've done so from a low vision perspective myself), my point was more about the sorts! of information and spacial judgements that players of mainstream games will instinctively make which have been thus  been lacking in audiogames, judgements which are based around apprehending current information and translating it into the physics of the game world.the cutman battle in mega man is a good example since it only involves three basic objects. The player, the boss, and his weapon, in  entirely 2d field. There is no earthly reason why! such a battle could not be programmed in audio. However, though a game like superliam appropriated some of the basic elements of this battle for bosses like airbot, the physics, the need to make judgements, the apprehention of information just was not present precisely for the reasons I stated, that audiogames have not featured the basic mechanics. For instance, how much harder would a boss like Airbot be if instead of Superliam's jump property simply being either A, walking on the ground and thus being hit, or B, off the ground. How much harder if superliam actually jumped in an arc. meaning that to jump over Airbot's charge you wouldn't just need to hit jump when he gets close, but calculate the relative running speed of the boss vs the relative arc of Liam's jump. Explaining this makes it sound a little cumbersome, but you see what I mean. Most so called "video games" with any sort of action focus from Pong to gears of wor essentially work on the same principle. They present the gamer with a situation contining a number of moving  with a simulated physics and movement patterns, and work on the user's ability to understand that physics and react according to it. it is the physics, ie, the movement of objects and players that in audiogames to me has been so severely lacking and the thing I'd most like to see more often as far as action titles go.A similar principle I believe also applies for textual games or turn based games in terms of calculation of factors vs learning the mechanics of the world, though since the sorts of engagement players have with a game like final fantasy ora hero's call are so vastly different from any action title that would likely take another discussion, quite aside from the audio/text distinction, a distinction which is admitedly becoming a little less serious these days I'm glad to say now that games using text aren't confined to old dos console affairs, interactive fiction or browser games.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Firefight needs your opinians!

2018-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : kianoosh via Audiogames-reflector


Firefight needs your opinians!

Hi there. As some of you might know, we have half released a game to the blind comunity whose name is firefight. It's an fps based on getting scores and impruving your character. Before I explain more about the game's perpous I want to ask you a fiew questions and we'll be so thankful of you if you spend a fiew seconds and help us impruving the game and decreasing the time that we're going to release the game into this forum:1. Per requests from some of our current playership game controls are changed to something special(but the update is not released yet, Do not be surprised! ). I'm discrybing some of the controls here and please let us know if you like any of them change.firing your weapon is done with left control, enabling right control as a firing key is available as jumps.w, a, s and d are used to walk in coresponding directions.left arrow key turns by 45 degrees, right arrow does the same. They turn in the coresponding directions as well.holding shift and holding left and right arrow keys along keeps turning in coresponding directions.using up and down arrow keys makes you be able to traide your weapon half down, forward and half up.r reloads your weapon and holding shift along with it unloads your weaponholding alt with some keys brings certain menus to check some of your stats and tracking nearby corpses, etcclimbing is done with page up and down.These were some of the keys. Let me know if you want any of them be changed or adding keys to different features you want.2. We coded the tracking system like the one on redspot and tk because we thought most of the people are familiar with such a system. Let us know if you want it changed as well.3. We need you guys to tell us what features do you want to be included in the game. While not promicing to add them all in the right version which is going to be released, but if the request make sense with the system we coded and stuff, that feature should be included in the do time.4. Administration. The admin staff of a game is one of the most important things and should be gotten serious, really serious. So we need you to tell us what kind of people you would like to be promoted and what kind of them you don't want to be administrator. You also can tell us some names if you'd like though.So here's a bit explanation of the game. This game is an FPS, as said. It's about killing your aponents get some dollars, impruve your character by spending them to by equipments/weapons/etc and finally getting your name go shining on the first positions! There's a huge map like a jungle with an almost big valley at the center of it and things are around the map, of course! Different weapons and good sound effects made the game even more better(as the players said)some hightech things like MRI brain hackers are getting included to the game by the time and with your helps and opinians it's going to be much much more better from it's current stage!Thank you for your attention and reading this post. We are trying to do our best to bring just a bit fun and joy to our comunity so why not you be a partner!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Firefight needs your opinians!

2018-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : kianoosh via Audiogames-reflector


Firefight needs your opinians!

Hi there. As some of you might know, we have half released a game to the blind comunity whose name is firefight. It's an fps based on getting scores and impruving your character. Before I explain more about the game's perpous I want to ask you a fiew questions and we'll be so thankful of you if you spend a fiew seconds and help us impruving the game and decreasing the time that we're going to release the game into this forum:1. Per requests from some of our current playership game controls are changed to something special(but the update is not released yet, Do not be surprised! ). I'm discrybing some of the controls here and please let us know if you like any of them change.firing your weapon is done with left control, enabling right control as a firing key is available as jumps.w, a, s and d are used to walk in coresponding directions.left arrow key turns by 45 degrees, right arrow does the same. They turn in the coresponding directions as well.holding shift and holding left and right arrow keys along keeps turning in coresponding directions.using up and down arrow keys makes you be able to traide your weapon half down, forward and half up.r reloads your weapon and holding shift along with it unloads your weaponholding alt with some keys brings certain menus to check some of your stats and tracking nearby corpses, etcclimbing is done with page up and down.These were some of the keys. Let me know if you want any of them be changed or adding keys to different features you want.2. We coded the tracking system like the one on redspot and tk because we thought most of the people are familiar with such a system. Let us know if you want it changed as well.3. We need you guys to tell us what features do you want to be included in the game. While not promicing to add them all in the right version which is going to be released, but if the request make sense with the system we coded and stuff, that feature should be included in the do time.4. Administration. The admin staff of a game is one of the most important things and should be gotten serious, really serious. So we need you to tell us what kind of people you would like to be promoted and what kind of them you don't want to be administrator. You also can tell us some names if you'd like though.Thank you for your attention and reading with post. We are trying to do our best to bring just a bit fun and joy to our comunity so why not you be a partner!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Opinions on what makes an audio game engaging

2018-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Opinions on what makes an audio game engaging

I would agree you can learn audio reaction times in a mainstream game, however, my point was not specifically to do with whether playing mainstream games with effort was worthwhile or even possible (heck I've done so from a low vision perspective myself), my point was more about the sorts! of information and spacial judgements that players of mainstream games will instinctively make which have been thus  been lacking in audiogames, judgements which are based around apprehending current information and translating it into the physics of the game world.the cutman battle in mega man is a good example since it only involves three basic objects. The player, the boss, and his weapon, in  entirely 2d field. There is no earthly reason why! such a battle could not be programmed in audio. However, though a game like superliam appropriated some of the basic elements of this battle for bosses like airbot, the physics, the need to make judgements, the apprehention of information just was not present precisely for the reasons I stated, that audiogames have not featured the basic mechanics. For instance, how much harder would a boss like Airbot be if instead of Superliam's jump property simply being either A, walking on the ground and thus being hit, or B, off the ground. How much harder if superliam actually jumped in an arc. meaning that to jump over Airbot's charge you wouldn't just need to hit jump when he gets close, but calculate the relative running speed of the boss vs the relative arc of Liam's jump. Explaining this makes it sound a little cumbersome, but you see what I mean. Most so called "video games" with any sort of action focus from Pong to gears of wor essentially work on the same principle. They present the gamer with a situation contining a number of moving  with a simulated physics and movement patterns, and work on the user's ability to understand that physics and react according to it. it is the physics, ie, the movement of objects and players that in audiogames to me has been so severely lacking and the thing I'd most like to see more often as far as action titles go.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Is the HomePod really worth it?

2018-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : pitermach via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Is the HomePod really worth it?

@Simba Well isn't that fun, we both got drawn into Sonos by the same person! Yes. The play:5 does have a jack at the back. It's one of the reasons I opted to get a play:5, rather than a stereo pair of sonos ones which don't have one. I think Ghorth uses or at least used his play:5 in combination with an echo dot exactly the way you just brought up, so it should work. If the Sonos google integration doesn't include google cast support then I'll probably use it this way as well.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Booby testers wanted

2018-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Booby testers wanted

Hello.[[wow]]! I'm very impressed with this program.I learnt to touchtype using a program called touch type in school. It uses similar excersizes to that program, this doesn't make it bad at all in fact it's great!I've not been this excited over a free program in a long time. Well done!Now to the things i'd like to see.A speech clip of eatch woman when you go to the settings would be great, so that you can hear what they sound like instead of having to go to the excersizes.I think, l to jump to load  typing exersizes might be a good idea. Perhaps have the shortcuts as a toggle you can turn on and off in the programs settings so that new users to typing wouldn't get confused.I'm really impressed with this program and even though I don't really need it, i'd gladly pay for it.The track i'm listening to, the first one you hear when in the menus is amazing and i think if you added that to your next game, it would be awesome!Being able to walk around a village and do things to upgrade it and have people go on quests for you to by things to upgrade the village then have harder quests would be awesome.I can't get over how pleased I am with this program. I would have loved this as a young kid, I do now but younger me would have been using this for hours.Thanks for making this program, those who find it hard to type will hopefully find it a little easier now.


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Re: Grand Theft Auto V

2018-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : techmaster20 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Grand Theft Auto V

@ethin, I'm curious about the status of the trainer. What's up?


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Re: Full version of DragonBall FighterZ Discussion

2018-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : BlindNinja via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Full version of DragonBall FighterZ Discussion

I feel I must disagree,  but hey, they're called subjective opinions for a reason. And for anyone who cares, Bardock and Broly are now live. Broly's an interesting one so far, can't seem to figure out many combos with him but Bardock's fun, aside from the fact that he has a two-hit air medium, which may throw off timing a bit.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Opinions on what makes an audio game engaging

2018-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Sightless Kombat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Opinions on what makes an audio game engaging

@15Ok.  I think a couple of wires might've got slightly crossed during my explanation.I believe there is a misconception that in order to even enjoy a mainstream game, you have to have a sighted co-op partner for the entire experience.  However, I have had success within multiplayer environments with indirect sighted assistance, with things like Gears of War 4's Horde mode, doing my own thing strategics-wise and doing relatively well.  I've even had sighted players compliment me on my skill considering my lack of sight as well.I did also mention in my previous post that the market has been stagnant aside from a few innovations.  One such is A Hero's Call.  I would not leave a game like AHC out of the list of innovations, believe me, as it is a product worthy of the price and more in my opinion.It is certainly a subjective topic, as games that run on speech-enabled devices I often think of as a more novel experience rather than something fully serious, if that makes sense, similar to some games on IOS where you pick it up, put it down, come back to it after months because you forgot you had it then realise you might be better starting again (see Zombie Exodus Part 5, though the Choice Of games are very much a different type of game that's in a class of its own for numerous different reasons).  It's also dependant on what kind of experience players are looking for but I won't go into that here for fear of insighting some kind of flamewar, something that you and I and certainly others here don't want to occur.However, I appreciate your example and calculating where objects are in 3d space is a very satisfying process even if the figures you work with are educated guesses.  Take, for example, when you throw a grenade in a game like Gears or Halo.  The grenade won't necessarily go straight ahead.  If you have, for instance, a couple of enemies a distance away, you have to work with the enemy audio and figure out what direction it's in and how far the enemy is away, as well as whether there's cover between yourself and the enemies in question.That then leads to how far you need to look up, which can be dictated amongst other things by sensitivity of controls and how close the enemy actually is.  What I'm trying to say during this rather longwinded example is that mainstream games, whether played with a sighted player or not, still allow the learning process to change from hear sound/push button to hear sound/figure out distances and other attributes/line up as best as possible/fire weapon.That's of course not counting the additions of any accessibility features to future games in any genre, including FPS games, side scrollers etc and the efforts that devs are going to in order to accommodate those with visual impairments or without sight. Take, as my final example, Way Of The Passive Fist.  The game, whilst it did have an accessibility consultant, was mainly focused on everything but players without sight.  This, the developer has admitted was due to a lack of knowledge of a segment of the potential market who would really enjoy the game.The game, by the way, is a side-scrolling +up/down movement brawler, in the style of arcade games like Streets of Rage and Double Dragon.  It is currently mono-only combat audio-wise, but the developer does want to, if they can, implement directional audio and other accessibility tweaks and if they can't, they intend to keep accessibility to players without sight in mind for future projects from the beginning at least.


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Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2018-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : bookrage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

actually can't be sure, but it looks like my boogieman problem might take care of itself. From what I can tell, despite having the strongest units, they are not only failing in their attacks but are actually losing ground to several computer opponents. Even so I'm probably going to wait until I've gotten other enemies under my thumb and go after them later if they let me. They are at war with me and my relationship with them is bad, but they've left me alone so far and have been sparring with several other independent kingdoms instead of me, and the vampires aren't as powerful, but they have 10x the army size.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Does Anyone Know Where I Can Find an Accessible Speakandspell Imulator

2018-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jaybird via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Does Anyone Know Where I Can Find an Accessible Speakandspell Imulator

Someone should make a collection of ROMs and instructions for games/handhelds/toys/etc. emulated by MAME which have been tested and are known to work well, and are known to be accessible by the blind. As an example, most of Speak and Spell and as far as I know all of Speak and Math is usable by a totally blind person, however, some modes in Speak and Read are not since they rely on visual information either on the display or probably in an included booklet.


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Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2018-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Wastelander via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

@Bookrage, glad you're getting on well. As for the custom generated races, that's a bug I'll have to investgate with the 55 battlescore but generally they should all be different, independent kingdoms have their own financials usually, but some more savage societies don't use money


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Re: Is the HomePod really worth it?

2018-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Is the HomePod really worth it?

Unfortunately I have less experience of this sort of thing  windows 10 refuses to talk to a microphone when I try it so I've not tried either google assistant or cortanna on the pc, and I just have an echo dot because my brother bought one for christmas . I like the idea of a voice assistant that can intigrate with your existing music library though, although given I've just spent £1600 on 5.1 cambridge audio speakers I'd rather play directly from my pc at the second .


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Re: Booby testers wanted

2018-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Booby testers wanted

Hi,This is a nice program.I have noticed, when using NVDA, that occasionally after doing a few combinations, I have to press spacebar twice to continue the exercise. I am wondering what is happening ther. It's in the home keys exercise after every three combinations or so, or after the repeats. It's a bit hard to explain.


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Re: desafio mortal

2018-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: desafio mortal

yeah that's stupid, you can't expect everyone to have the skill to find and eliminate all of cheat engine's keys from their registry. Also, I don't see how having cheat engine installed is reason enough to stop you from playing. I could understand checking for its process being run, etc. but to just have it installed. Bah. I'll install whatever the hell I want on my system thank you very fucking much.


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Re: Booby testers wanted

2018-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Rocky Waters via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Booby testers wanted

The typing tutor is definitely up there on the website.  There are 3 web pages, which are the home page, the games page and the VI friendly software page.  The games downloads are on the games page and the typing tutor and diary and password manager etc are on the software page, hope that helps.


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Re: SAPI4 dll for bgt

2018-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SAPI4 dll for bgt

Its an add-on library in PureBASIC that allows you to use TTS. (Problem with that is you'd need to learn PureBASIC to export the DLL. And you'd need to pay for PureBASIC)


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Re: Recording simultaneously from two soundcards?

2018-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : tmstuff000 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Recording simultaneously from two soundcards?

Virtual recorder removes all the silence on the recordings I make with it. It's like when you have "sound activate recording" turned on in Audacity. So Virtual Recorder doesn't work for me.


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Re: Is the HomePod really worth it?

2018-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Is the HomePod really worth it?

simba wrote:Hi.Multiple things.At steve, yeah I remember the Nuton, haven't used that on my own though, just heard from people that it wasn't all that good.@Assault freak, you know, I am still sticking to apple as my phone provider because, from the latest experiences I had with Android, this isn't the system for me.I have the most problems with the responsivness of talkback, problems while web browsing on the phone, and the general problem of viruses getting to you easier than if you would use an apple device.I know, there are Viruses and hacking methods for Apple devices, but when you look at the genral market, the hackers, virus developers and so on concentrate on the Android user base.If there would be an alternative which has the same or a better screen reader than Apple and if the phone has features which would interest me, a change of phone brands would be an option.Greetings Moritz.When wasyour most experience with Android? I ask only because on the latest software, even on the previous android 7.0, Talkback is far more responsive than Voiceover on my iphone, I can wiz around the screen much faster, and talkback reports changes as fast as my finger moves, as opposed to Voiceover which still has a tiny bit of delay when you start trying to speed things up. Browsing the web is also far better than previous versions of android, though as I don't do much browsing on the web on my phone anyway, I may not be the perfect person to comment on it. But all I'm going to tell you is if you only spent a few minutes playing with Android, of course it's not going to be for you... I'm sick people saying that Android isn't for them because they try it for an hour and then drop it because everything doesn't work the same way as IOS. Viruses and hacking are also something I have never experienced in the year I've been using Android phones, so that argument holds no water, either. My best advice? Find a decent Android phone and not a horrible one, play with it for a good few weeks, and put your iphone down. You may like it or you may not, I'm not here to convince people to switch camps. I simply wish that people would give something a decent chance before ditching something. But I digress..@61, you may hve just convinced me to go with the sonos 1... at least as one of my speakers. With both assistants, as my central hub this means I can stretch into whichever ecosystem I want, Amazon or Google, or one of each if I so choose... but I'm curious to know when Google Assistant will be coming.


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Re: Is the HomePod really worth it?

2018-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Is the HomePod really worth it?

Hi.Yeah, my next big investment audio wise will also be a new sonos setup, I was talking to Ghorthalon in the office yesturday and well, we came to the topic of sonos speaker, my plan is to put two sonos play 5s together as a sterio pair and put a supwoover under the desk to get the base down there, sure, it's expensive, but from what I have heard, it's worth the price, and with 24 month financing, it should be a doable task.@Pitermach, one question remains for me though, does the play 5 have a headphone jack? I currently have a play 3 and it doesn't, what I want to do is get rid of my big amazon echo and after setting up the sonos system, just plug the echo dot into the sonos system and use alexa over the big speaker, would that be possible?Greetings Moritz


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Re: SAPI4 dll for bgt

2018-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : tmstuff000 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SAPI4 dll for bgt

What is PureTTS?


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Re: Booby testers wanted

2018-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Booby testers wanted

I would definitely like to be a booby tester for this program. Who knows, maybe if I could run it through wine we may see a good solution for mac users.


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Waves Plugins

2018-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : G-Rad via Audiogames-reflector


Waves Plugins

Waves GTR is really starting to make a very happy camper out of me.Although it's not as preset heavy as Guitar Rig, it's more accessible in general.  I do like GUitar Rig though so I'm keeping it until we can get SIbiac working, but Waves works very nice as a VST3 plugin.  When loaded in VST3 mode, you can actually see the preset selection as an option in the parameters list.  That, and everything else is doable around the plugin.  I may scoop more of these up if they're this good.  Plus, it has a  more clearer tone than guitar rig.


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Re: desafio mortal

2018-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : monkey999 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: desafio mortal

I don't realie like the payed items becouse it wil instantlie kil you and that is stupid becouse you don't have any chanse of surviving.


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Re: Is the HomePod really worth it?

2018-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : pitermach via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Is the HomePod really worth it?

Your local music just has to be accessible on your network, IE on a NAS. In my case I just have a hard drive hooked up to a raspberry pi running Samba and have my music and other audio like books on there. Then in the Sonos app you just add any folders you want it to scan (which can also just include folders on your computer although then obviously it'll have to be on for the music to be playable) and it'll go out and index them. Then you can browse and search them either by the usual tags like artist, album, genre, or browse by folder which is great if your music isn't tagged well or you are picky about the way you organise stuff. Then you can set any folder to be played in sequence or shuffled. The Sonos app can also stream any Music from an iPhone or Android.On that note of buying the Sonos One, I'd absolutely recommend grabbing one if you're looking into getting a voice assistant, but aren't sure which one will work better for you. Because Sonos is an audio company first and formost, the speaker sounds great, and you can use either Alexa or Google Assistant (which is coming this spring) in one speaker and just go back and forth between them.


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Re: Accessing the internal disk of Digital Book Players

2018-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Accessing the internal disk of Digital Book Players

Nicads to be exact. not sure how common Batteries Plus's were at the time of the MPower's release, they probably had to be somewhat lesser known than they are now to justify HUmanware telling you to send it back to them for replacement. That being said, they use 6 nicad double-a's, so you do need to buy them from a shop - you won't have these lying around. And you can get them replaced, all upwards of $30. I know this because my braille-n-speak used the same batteries. $20 and the thing was good as new. Apex is where things get more custom-built as we do have a lithium ion battery, but at least it's user replaceable. By the way I will say that at the time of Nicad batteries it wasn't just HUmanware that asked you to send it back, pretty much everyone would. Those batteries can be dangerous if not disposed of properly, so companies could not advocate self-replacement. That being said though a lot of trusted shops are around that know exactly what they're doing.


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Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2018-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : bookrage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

Thanks, that's helpful, I might go after the boogiemen then when things start to settle down with some of my current enemies. I can put way more men into the field than they can and can probably overwhelm their stronger units even though they are crazy powerful units. It also explains how the goblin nation is holding its own against them. The boogiemen have tough units  but have fewer than 250 total soldiers while the  goblins have over 5000.also, so I can estimate: if a race has really powerful units, should I expect fewer of the high-tier ones? For example, the boogiemen have a super-strong 3rd tier with 658 attack rating.  but I imagine if other countries also have to pay for their own soldiers that that is a huge drain on their funds and they probably don't have many, or is a shadowmaster as expensive for them as a knight is for me?also, if there's some formula, I'm wondering about some of the animal races. As you listed the millipede and python races above and there are several standardized  versions of those animal races, as I saw the same way back when you did armadillos, which ones of those are the strong ones? I had some evolved beetles in my first game and they were a joke. It didn't matter with them which tier enemy you had for their troops, all three of their tiers were combat rating 55 and that included their strongest guys.


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Re: Is the HomePod really worth it?

2018-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : hadi . gsf via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Is the HomePod really worth it?

pitermach that's a great post.How do you play local music with sonos?i'm considering to buy a pare of sonos one.


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Re: Land of Livia: An IOS game which has been made accessible

2018-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : avernon via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Land of Livia: An IOS game which has been made accessible

Thanks SLJ and amerikranian, this is really helpful to know!


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Re: SAPI4 dll for bgt

2018-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SAPI4 dll for bgt

Might I also ask that you stop cluttering topics with this sort of nonconstructive feedback whenever someone inquires about BGT? I'm fairly certain most everyone understands that it has it's limitations, or at least most everyone who has attempted adding features such as this. Nothing learned here.In regard to the topic at hand, I don't think the COM interface is accessible with BGT. However I'm sure you could throw a DLL together exporting the needed functions.Have a look at PureTTS, that might work.


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Re: Opinions on what makes an audio game engaging

2018-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Opinions on what makes an audio game engaging

I'm afraid sightless combat, that playing a mainstream game with sighted assistance wouldn't convey the sort of mechanics I'm talking about.Lets take a simple example because the sort of thing I mean is not something that can be explained, but something that needs to be seen and take a simple example, in original mega man from 1986, the boss cutman would react to your movements. If you were close to cutman, he'd jump away, if you were a distance away he'd throw his rolling cutters. The rolling cutters fly in an arc like a boomerang, thus meaning if your too far away they'll arc up and hit you. So what you need to do is constantly adjust your position to cutman's. When he comes towards you you move back, when he throws his cutters you need to judge their angle relative to you and jump them. Also bare in mind Mega man's jumping mechanics are as complex as marrio's, that being that you don't just get a fixed hight jump, you need to hold the jump button and the left or right buttons. Now, theoretically you could have a sighted person saying "hay he's in front of you, jump back. Now shoot! now run backwards" or the like, but you would always be working on that person's reactions, you would not have the experience of tracking the position of cutman, and mega man and cutman's rolling cutters, and the potential firing range of mega man's megabuster. This is what I mean by "mainstream" mechanics, and playing with a sighted person just won't cover it since you need that instant capacity for judgement, to actually experience all that spacial data going to your brain, which is just not something you'd be able to experience if someone else were describing.The other problem with mainstream games, as a yardstick for audiogame development is of course the resource problem. Most people say "mainstream games" and mean something huge and complex, and bemoan the lack of hugeness and complexity in audiogames. In all the time I've been here though, what strikes me is that audiogames need to get the simple things right first, and the basic design down, after that we can worry about not having millions to spend on development .I'll also say though that the situation of audiogame development isn't half as dire as it was in 2006, indeed the word "stagnent" is one I'd disagree with, not with the amount of games produced now,  recent games like A hero's call, manamon  and crazy party, not to mention all the releases of games on platforms like Ios and alexa that run with speech.


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Re: loreaon is down.

2018-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: loreaon is down.

Conor is correct which is why I never got further involved with Loraeon myself, despite it having an interesting and coherent world and lots of activities. That being said, Loraeon was essentially a heavily modified version of Alien adoption agency. if your looking for a similar game I'd suggest trying that, or perhaps Rotto x found here another a3 mod, though one with lots of customization such as explorable areas etc (its probably going to get a db page in the future).


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Opinions on what makes an audio game engaging

2018-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Opinions on what makes an audio game engaging

I'm afraid sightless combat, that playing a mainstream game with sighted assistance wouldn't convey the sort of mechanics I'm talking about.Lets take a simple example because the sort of thing I mean is not something that can be explained, but something that needs to be seen and take a simple example, in original mega man from 1986, the boss cutman would react to your movements. If you were close to cutman, he'd jump away, if you were a distance away he'd throw his rolling cutters. The rolling cutters fly in an arc like a boomerang, thus meaning if your too far away they'll arc up and hit you. So what you need to do is constantly adjust your position to cutman's. When he comes towards you you move back, when he throws his cutters you need to judge their angle relative to you and jump them. Also bare in mind Mega man's jumping mechanics are as complex as marrio's, that being that you don't just get a fixed hight jump, you need to hold the jump button and the left or right buttons. Now, theoretically you could have a sighted person saying "hay he's in front of you, jump back. Now shoot! now run backwards" or the like, but you would always be working on that person's reactions, you would not have the experience of tracking the position of cutman, and mega man and cutman's rolling cutters, and the potential firing range of mega man's megabuster. This is what I mean by "mainstream" mechanics, and playing with a sighted person just won't cover it since you need that instant capacity for judgement, to actually experience all that spacial data going to your brain, which is just not something you'd be able to experience if someone else were describing.The other problem with mainstream games, as a yardstick for audiogame development is of course the resource problem. Most people say "mainstream games" and mean something huge and complex, and bemoan the lack of hugeness and complexity in audiogames. In all the time I've been here though, what strikes me is that audiogames need to get the simple things right first, and the basic design down, after that we can worry about not having millions to spend on development .


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Re: Accessing the internal disk of Digital Book Players

2018-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Chris via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Accessing the internal disk of Digital Book Players

I'd like to know the specifications of the MPower and Apex. I heard the MPower uses Double A batteries. Is this true?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Does Anyone Know Where I Can Find an Accessible Speakandspell Imulator

2018-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : FamilyMario via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Does Anyone Know Where I Can Find an Accessible Speakandspell Imulator

Hi.I knew that newer versions of MAME were being published, in fact I'm downloading the latest version that was released this month, 0.196. Been following their development stuff more often than I did previously, and IMO they are making good progress in emulating more consoles and computers.I didn't know that newer versions of MAME UI were being available, as I just use vanilla MAME. I figured they did publish new versions as new versions of MAME were released every month, but I wasn't sure.Thanks.


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Re: Does Anyone Know Where I Can Find an Accessible Speakandspell Imulator

2018-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : pitermach via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Does Anyone Know Where I Can Find an Accessible Speakandspell Imulator

New MameUI builds are still being released along with regular mame. You should be able to find them further down the downloads page, though unless you want to start a huge collection of games that you'd want to filter, getting that is probably more trouble than it's worth considering it's quite a bit larger and takes some time to do a ROM scan. But if you want to play a lot of games, or configure advanced options for a system without reading up on advanced command line parameters and making INI files, than it might be useful for you.


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Re: Booby testers wanted

2018-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Sean-Terry01 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Booby testers wanted

Hi there, I would like to test out this typing tutor program as well. When I went to the website, I don’t see a link for it.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Opinions on what makes an audio game engaging

2018-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Rocky Waters via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Opinions on what makes an audio game engaging

As I sit here and muse on my next project, got to say, this discussion is extremely valuable.  I am still very much a beginner, with limited knowledge and limited time.  Dark and folks, your views are helping me in my current thoughts on choosing my next direction.  Any thoughts on real time versus turn based? Also while a team can bring forward an engaging game in a year, do you consider a worthwhile contribution can be made with 2 months free time of one individual?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Booby testers wanted

2018-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Booby testers wanted

[[wow]]. Seems really awesome...


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Re: Booby testers wanted

2018-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Rocky Waters via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Booby testers wanted

There's been a lot of people looking at this topic, and while its understandable to look, what is really needed is a more hands on approach.  Seriously though folks, I do need this program testing and then I can finally move back to doing some more games.  If this public beta trial works, then I'll do the same for my next game also.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Land of Livia: An IOS game which has been made accessible

2018-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Land of Livia: An IOS game which has been made accessible

I don't know any apps which drains that much power from the battery because Voiceover is running.I start a quest, lock my phone and opens the app again when a quest has finished. However, if I'm not doing any quests and the app is just running in the background, it still seems to drain a lot of battery. I'm not sure if it drains more battery when doing quests when not doing quests.


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Re: Chinese swordsmen games Lingyun immortal Brigade

2018-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Chinese swordsmen games Lingyun immortal Brigade

nuno69 wrote:But in ROTK, developer at least tries to fix everything he can.Accept for opening up for virtual machines. I don't feel like using Wine at the moment, and there is no reason for blocking virtual machines.


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