Re: Blindcraft release, is it possible?

2017-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Swagtastic via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blindcraft release, is it possible?

I don't think it would be too unnatural looking from my own perspective. Cows will move around from time to time, finding different grass to chew on, different places to lay, etc. So as long as it's not just moving nonstop, i think it would be okay. As said above, a sort of chewing or bell-ringing sound would also be really easy to identify.All of the hard work is greatly appreciated, this is something I am really excited about.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Marvel VS Capcom Infinite discussion thread

2017-09-19 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Swagtastic via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Marvel VS Capcom Infinite discussion thread

I'll be purchasing infinite once the price drops a little bit. I'm a (self proclaimed) god of UMVC3, and love MVC games in general. The roster's a bit light for my taste, but I'm fairly sure mechanic-wise the game seems pretty sound and should be loads of fun. I just can't afford the $60 right now.Frankly, the thing that annoys me the most about infinite is the marketing surrounding it. They're alienating old school marvel fans like myself pretty severely. They pretty much said, "Nobody cares about the X Men. Nobody even knows who the X men are anymore. People who liked X Men characters will like Guardians characters just as much-- they're almost the same. mechanically" As a comic fan.. It's not just about the mechanics. It's about playing as the incredible hulk and knowing that, being the bad-ass hulk that you are, you can smash everything if you learn the mechanics of that character. It's half mechanics, half fan
  service. But that's another can of worms entirely lol. Long story short: i'm eagerly awaiting to play it, and I'll definitely be posting a guide myself once I have it.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Diablo 3 accessibility

2017-09-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Swagtastic via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Diablo 3 accessibility

assault_freak wrote:I wouldn't say slightly accessible... this just sounds like a game where you can't play on your own, period. Any game that requires piggybacking from a sighted helper isn't playable in my book... enjoyable, sure, but not playable. Not that I object to those if I really am into it... I beat two games in the Yakuza series this way. lolI get your point. I'm not going to act like i'm really familiar with the popular opinion on the term "accessible" as it applies to mainstream games, anyway. You're completely correct though. One definitely needs visual assistance for this one. But it's not like it's a bad thing. If a friend has it, you can play it! But.. Don't buy it for yourself lol. Waste of cash unless you're gonna play with sighted friends often.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Roleplay Request Thread

2017-09-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Swagtastic via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Roleplay Request Thread

Dragomier wrote:So, here's the thing. I do lots of RP. If you want to see some of my RP at work, go on Twitter and take a look @ASanguineDevil, @AdroitIntensity, and maybe some others. Sometimes my RPs are off because of muse issues but I don't know if I could RP on an audiogame. For one, I'm not good at STW. At all. I've never played and probably never will. But on games like Alter Aeon, I'd love to do that.Gosh, I never really play MUDs myself. I just never really got into them. But I can't believe I forgot to mention them! I'm absolutely, 100% game to RP through MUDs as well. I haven't played too much of Alter Eon (I found it while I was testing out a large variety of different games) but I still have the client on my desktop. If you're interested in that type of thing, I can't really see any reason not to dip my toes into the MUD gaming world again. I neve
 r really gave the game a fair chance, anyway.EDIT: I added a section near the beginning of the post referencing my interest in RP on MUDs, and also removed the roleplaying radio channel information. It's not exactly necesary, considering I don't have any interest yet.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Roleplay Request Thread

2017-09-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Swagtastic via Audiogames-reflector


Roleplay Request Thread

Howdy there everybody. You'll find a current character list at the bottom of this post as they're submitted and approved.    I'm feeling that familiar roleplay craving, and I was wondering if anyone here on the forum might be interested in some roleplaying on either Survive the Wild, Swamp, or any other audio game of that sort. I have a starting point and an idea for both of the games I mentioned, and I've been thinking about the right way of starting out for a few weeks. Now that I have enough background together, I figured i'd throw my ideas out here on the forum to see if I could gather anyone's interest.Also, if you aren't very interested in roleplaying through the medium of audio games, (i'm new to it myself) I'm also completely open to roleplaying on MUDs, though they aren't usually the type of games that I play. I don't have much exposure to them. However, if you can be patient with a new player,
  I can absolutely assure you that my writing skills are up to the challenge.Don't know what Roleplay is? Read this:' Rules:1) Be respectful OOC. It's one thing to have an argument between characters IC, it's another completely to get rude and nasty OOC because of IC antics. In-fighting and troublemaking will not be tolerated. If all you want to do is ruin other people's experience, this isn't the place for you.2) It isn't all about you. A roleplay revolves around a CAST of characters. In the user's eye, their player is the hero. But one thing to keep in mind is that.. We're all heroes. We're all protagonists. Do everything you can, do everything you want to, just don't infringe upon another player's right to have fun. They're just as entitled to it as you are.3) Don
 39;t meta-game, please. Meta-gaming is taking OOC information that your character wouldn't know, and acting as though your character has that information when it would normally be impossible for them to do so. Here's an example.    Ok, so Player A and Player B are at war. Player A doesn't know where Player B is in character, but is trying to search for him. Player B says something in the OOC chat that he's in the desert. Player A sees this message, and though his character doesn't actually know that his target is in the desert in character, he goes to the desert anyway and kills him, even though his character would have no knowledge of that character's location. That's just.. Not cool. It's one thing to discover someone or something organically, and make it make sense with your character. For example, if Player A knew that Player B spent a majority of his time in the desert previously, he could logically assume that would be w
 here to find him. It's another thing completely to just use meta-information to give yourself an edge over the other players. Long story short, just don't do this. It ruins the fun for everybody.4) In most instances, player death is permanant. Death is permanent in reality, so it is in roleplay as well. Glitches and bugs excluded, for obvious reasons. If your character dies, you can still make another character and keep going in the roleplay. But if a character dies, they're dead. No respawns. Adds more flavor to the whole experience, and makes death actually feel impactful and meaningful.5) Be as creative as possible. If you have an idea-- let me and the others in the group know! It might just be the best idea we've had for the game up to that point. Creative ideas are literally what keep an RP going.6) Commitment is ideal. Real life obviously takes priority over a game, but you should do your best to be in it for the long haul. You can leav
 e at any time, that's no problem-- I just like long-term games.7) DM (me) holds the final say on disputes. If nobody can logically decide how to resolve a situation, I'll figure it out myself. If I can't decide, outcome will be decided via roll of a twenty-sided dye, a coin flip, or some other similar method dependent on situation.8) Rules will be updated as I see fit.    IdeasThey're actually pretty straightforward. I want to really get in character with these games. First things first, Survive the Wild. STW has this huge, expansive world to explore, quests to complete, resources to gather and items to craft. The mechanics of the game really speak for themselves, and provide the players the perfect avenue for roleplaying within it. With that being said, my idea is to simply create a character with a basic backstory, and take the roles of newly shipwrecked survivors who are trying to make their way through a tough
  an inhospitable world. We'll treat the game as reality-- speak only in character (when possible, obviously) and do our best to form a survival plan that will benefit the group as a whole. Building shelter, hunting, fishing, crafting-- our whole goal is the goal of the game, survival. However, as we go on, we'll collaboratively create new objectives for our little tribe to overcome. 

Re: Roleplay Request Thread

2017-09-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Swagtastic via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Roleplay Request Thread

DracoSelene89 wrote:All criticism?Okay, since you threw that bit in there:It's a niche within a niche. I...don't think many people would be leaping at the idea, honestly, I think yu'd be better off doing a play by post thing on a forum, like set up your own forum somewhere as that is more accessible than any audiogame. That being said I applaud your efforts butbutI hate to be that guy, butI don't see this ending well short of private servers whichh I can't remember if STW/Swamp do, if only to provide a fair playing field.Also, I'll take issue with your rules, I personally...dislike somebody holding all  the power, this sounds like a sterotypical I am the DM so do it my way or get out, type of situation. Now that may not be the case, I'm merely saying what it comes off as, like you're forcing people to play a certain way which takes away from creativit
 y.By the way you can be way, WAY more creative if you do the forum idea and spend a bit of time crafting a world, trust me on this and some of the best plots aret the ones nobody is expecting to happen. IMHO, forget the audiogame RP idea, do it on a forum, I mean if you go to somewhere like rpg-directory, if that's still up and put your idea out there the regulars there will pretty much assume Swamp and STW are forums and suchI just don't feel it'll work well on games that aren't specificallly designed for it with the zombies/other players in Swamp, and the stufff in STW.That's my thoughtsP.S. Also don't think this is the right area for it, maybe ask to have it moved to off-topic too honestl I feel as it'd sit better there.y.1) Criticism greatly appreciated, I just want to get this out of the way right away.2) I'm totally aware it's a niche-- it's exactly why I figured i'
 d put something up and test the waters a little bit. I'm a huge fan of forum-based games, and I happen to go on this site to do so'm already involved in a few forum-based roleplays, and I totally understand the creativity factor there. I'm basically just trying to shake things up a bit and try roleplaying over a medium that I haven't really screwed around with alongside other individuals before. I've had a few brief, short stints of RP through Swamp, but it was pretty short-lived. Just figured i'd give her another shot, know what I mean?3) Whether it ends well or not? Well, it is what it is. If I find even one person that's interested, I'd consider that a success. The whole idea for keeping everybody on a similar playing field and a similar level would be to create new characters specifically for the roleplay in question. However, I understand the tediu
 m of that and totally understand that from the outside looking in, it doesn't exactly look very viable.  It's why I asked for committed players-- I figured if someone out there was interested, they wouldn't mind taking that extra step.4) Every single roleplay i've been involved in that doesn't have a DM falls apart in a matter of days. The whole, "I have final say" thing doesn't apply to literally everything. Just disputes in between players, and if I, or any of the players noticed a roleplayer doing something that would really, really break the flow of the game. It's the equivalent role of a Dungeon master at a D table-- sometimes, that DM just needs to nudge people back on track, or keep one individual player from ruining it for everybody. Rule sets like the above are extremely common in forum based RP especially, as I'm sure you're aware. 5) I'd say it's fairly obvious to those that play it 
 that Swamp isn't exactly designed with roleplaying in mind. But it literally says in the readme of Survive the Wild that RP is actively encouraged and welcome. There's an IC and OOC chat for that specific reason. With enough creativity, one can look past the raw mechanics of a game and immerse themselves in a roleplay if they're into it. Seriously though, I appreciate the criticism. I don't want to come off as negative at all-- i'm just of a different mentality. If I don't find any interest, that's that and i'll move on with my life. It's not like i'm going to make a big deal about it or anything.Oh, and also;I'm not opposed to the thread being moved. If any of the mods see this and feel as though it'd sit better in Off-topic, I'm totally okay with that. I just figured... Well, if I'm asking about roleplaying on audio games, and the general discussion forum is for general discussion about audio games
 .. Seemed like the right place to me personally. But i'm also relatively new to the forum, so I could be completely wrong, haha.Again, thanks for the opinions though. Greatly appreciated.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Roleplay Request Thread

2017-09-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Swagtastic via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Roleplay Request Thread

DracoSelene89 wrote:All criticism?Okay, since you threw that bit in there:It's a niche within a niche. I...don't think many people would be leaping at the idea, honestly, I think yu'd be better off doing a play by post thing on a forum, like set up your own forum somewhere as that is more accessible than any audiogame. That being said I applaud your efforts butbutI hate to be that guy, butI don't see this ending well short of private servers whichh I can't remember if STW/Swamp do, if only to provide a fair playing field.Also, I'll take issue with your rules, I personally...dislike somebody holding all  the power, this sounds like a sterotypical I am the DM so do it my way or get out, type of situation. Now that may not be the case, I'm merely saying what it comes off as, like you're forcing people to play a certain way which takes away from creativit
 y.By the way you can be way, WAY more creative if you do the forum idea and spend a bit of time crafting a world, trust me on this and some of the best plots aret the ones nobody is expecting to happen. IMHO, forget the audiogame RP idea, do it on a forum, I mean if you go to somewhere like rpg-directory, if that's still up and put your idea out there the regulars there will pretty much assume Swamp and STW are forums and suchI just don't feel it'll work well on games that aren't specificallly designed for it with the zombies/other players in Swamp, and the stufff in STW.That's my thoughtsP.S. Also don't think this is the right area for it, maybe ask to have it moved to off-topic too honestl I feel as it'd sit better there.y.1) Criticism greatly appreciated, I just want to get this out of the way right away.2) I'm totally aware it's a niche-- it's exactly why I figured i'
 d put something up and test the waters a little bit. I'm a huge fan of forum-based games, and I happen to go on this site to do so'm already involved in a few forum-based roleplays, and I totally understand the creativity factor there. I'm basically just trying to shake things up a bit and try roleplaying over a medium that I haven't really screwed around with alongside other individuals before. I've had a few brief, short stints of RP through Swamp, but it was pretty short-lived. Just figured i'd give her another shot, know what I mean?3) Whether it ends well or not? Well, it is what it is. If I find even one person that's interested, I'd consider that a success. The whole idea for keeping everybody on a similar playing field and a similar level would be to create new characters specifically for the roleplay in question. However, I understand the tediu
 m of that and totally understand that from the outside looking in, it doesn't exactly look very viable.  It's why I asked for committed players-- I figured if someone out there was interested, they wouldn't mind taking that extra step.4) Every single roleplay i've been involved in that doesn't have a DM falls apart in a matter of days. The whole, "I have final say" thing doesn't apply to literally everything. Just disputes in between players, and if I, or any of the players noticed a roleplayer doing something that would really, really break the flow of the game. It's the equivalent role of a Dungeon master at a D table-- sometimes, that DM just needs to nudge people back on track, or keep one individual player from ruining it for everybody. Rule sets like the above are extremely common in forum based RP especially, as I'm sure you're aware. 5) I'd say it's fairly obvious to those that play it 
 that Swamp isn't exactly designed with roleplaying in mind. But it literally says in the readme of Survive the Wild that RP is actively encouraged and welcome. There's an IC and OOC chat for that specific reason. With enough creativity, one can look past the raw mechanics of a game and immerse themselves in a roleplay if they're into it. Seriously though, I appreciate the criticism. I don't want to come off as negative at all-- i'm just of a different mentality. If I don't find any interest, that's that and i'll move on with my life. It's not like i'm going to make a big deal about it or anything.Oh, and also-- I'm not opposed to the thread being moved. If any of the mods see this and feel as though it'd sit better in Off-topic, I'm totally okay with that. I just figured... Well, if I'm asking about roleplaying on audio games, and the general discussion forum is for general discussion about audio gam
 es.. Seemed like the right place to me personally. But i'm also relatively new to the forum, so I could be completely wrong, haha.Again, thanks for the opinions though. Greatly appreciated.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Roleplay Request Thread

2017-09-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Swagtastic via Audiogames-reflector


Roleplay Request Thread

Howdy there everybody. You'll find a current character list at the bottom of this post as they're submitted and approved.    I'm feeling that familiar roleplay craving, and I was wondering if anyone here on the forum might be interested in some roleplaying on either Survive the Wild, Swamp, or any other audio game of that sort. I have a starting point and an idea for both of the games I mentioned, and I've been thinking about the right way of starting out for a few weeks. Now that I have enough background together, I figured i'd throw my ideas out here on the forum to see if I could gather anyone's interest.Don't know what Roleplay is? Read this:' Rules:1) Be respectful OOC. It's one thing to have an argument between characters IC, it's another completely to get rude and nasty O
 OC because of IC antics. In-fighting and troublemaking will not be tolerated. If all you want to do is ruin other people's experience, this isn't the place for you.2) It isn't all about you. A roleplay revolves around a CAST of characters. In the user's eye, their player is the hero. But one thing to keep in mind is that.. We're all heroes. We're all protagonists. Do everything you can, do everything you want to, just don't infringe upon another player's right to have fun. They're just as entitled to it as you are.3) Don't meta-game, please. Meta-gaming is taking OOC information that your character wouldn't know, and acting as though your character has that information when it would normally be impossible for them to do so. Here's an example.    Ok, so Player A and Player B are at war. Player A doesn't know where Player B is in character, but is trying to search for him. Player B says som
 ething in the OOC chat that he's in the desert. Player A sees this message, and though his character doesn't actually know that his target is in the desert in character, he goes to the desert anyway and kills him, even though his character would have no knowledge of that character's location. That's just.. Not cool. It's one thing to discover someone or something organically, and make it make sense with your character. For example, if Player A knew that Player B spent a majority of his time in the desert previously, he could logically assume that would be where to find him. It's another thing completely to just use meta-information to give yourself an edge over the other players. Long story short, just don't do this. It ruins the fun for everybody.4) In most instances, player death is permanant. Death is permanent in reality, so it is in roleplay as well. Glitches and bugs excluded, for obvious reasons. If your character dies, you can still 
 make another character and keep going in the roleplay. But if a character dies, they're dead. No respawns. Adds more flavor to the whole experience, and makes death actually feel impactful and meaningful.5) Be as creative as possible. If you have an idea-- let me and the others in the group know! It might just be the best idea we've had for the game up to that point. Creative ideas are literally what keep an RP going.6) Commitment is ideal. Real life obviously takes priority over a game, but you should do your best to be in it for the long haul. You can leave at any time, that's no problem-- I just like long-term games.7) DM (me) holds the final say on disputes. If nobody can logically decide how to resolve a situation, I'll figure it out myself. If I can't decide, outcome will be decided via roll of a twenty-sided dye, a coin flip, or some other similar method dependent on situation.8) Rules will be updated as I see fit.
    IdeasThey're actually pretty straightforward. I want to really get in character with these games. First things first, Survive the Wild. STW has this huge, expansive world to explore, quests to complete, resources to gather and items to craft. The mechanics of the game really speak for themselves, and provide the players the perfect avenue for roleplaying within it. With that being said, my idea is to simply create a character with a basic backstory, and take the roles of newly shipwrecked survivors who are trying to make their way through a tough an inhospitable world. We'll treat the game as reality-- speak only in character (when possible, obviously) and do our best to form a survival plan that will benefit the group as a whole. Building shelter, hunting, fishing, crafting-- our whole goal is the goal of the game, survival. However, as we go on, we'll collaboratively create new objectives for our little tribe to overcome. Perhaps one o f the characters contracts some sort of illness, and we have to venture toward the hospital in search of life-saving antibiotics. Maybe one of the characters gets sick of all of us and ventures off on their own, and the rest of the tribe takes up the task of tracking them down and convincing them that there's strength in numbers. As long as we're creative, the

Re: Diablo 3 accessibility

2017-09-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Swagtastic via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Diablo 3 accessibility

I can say from personal experience that this game isn't playable solo-- you'll need sighted assistance for navigation. However, as previously stated in this thread, you have a few options for that.1) Play online with a sighted friend who can kind of shepard you through the dungeon. They can also help with your skill loadout.2) Play split-screen with a friend in person, and your character will follow theirs as they move around. That friend can also help you with your inventory and skill load out as needed.     Visual barrier aside, it's a really fun game. You can lock on to enemies by holding down the left trigger (on Xbox 1) so that takes a lot of the guess-work out of the equation in regard to aiming.     Aside from that, I don't really know a good way of navigating the dungeons. It's not something that you can exactly put a guide together for, either. There are static areas that always stay the same, but fo
 r the most part, the dungeons are randomly generated as you walk on to the floor. So, to use one in-game example, your Catacombs won't be the same thing as my catacombs-- my dungeon might have two branching passages, while yours is just one giant straight-shot room.    Therefore, my final verdict on this is.. Slightly accessible? The combat and teamwork is great, the story is fantastic, and the character classes are really fun to play around with. However, you absolutely need sighted assistance to play this game. There's no way around that. And really, it's only playable to the extent i'm talking about on console versions as far as i'm aware. The PC version is more of a  point-and-click sort of affair.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Blindcraft release, is it possible?

2017-09-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Swagtastic via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blindcraft release, is it possible?

SilverMoon wrote:Swagtastic wrote:So excited for this project, keep up the amazing work.As an alternative note.. All of the people complaining about the mouse? It's not hard. It's just different. It only takes around 20 minutes to get used to, and they're literally only 5 dollars. If I can play swamp on the trackpad of a laptop from 2010, you can definitely play it with a wireless $10 mouse from 2017. The only people who don't want mouse functionality are people who have literally never played with a mouse or controller.I feel like this last statement regarding the mouse is rather an over generalization.To be quite honest, I have played with a mouse, and back when I used to play console games, did in fact, play with a controller.However, I still find it easier to play with the keyboard, rather than a mouse. I don't thin
 k it boils down to experience, but rather people's preferences. So then to say that people haven't used the mouse/controller, and therefore don't want the mouse/controller, I think is a bit of an over generalization.Also, I think this game should try an be as accessible, to as many people as possible. Not to just the gaming aficionados, but to the newbie as well, who genuinely hasn't used a mouse before, or doesn't possess a controller.I get what you're saying, and I won't deny it was a bit of a generalization. I enjoy playing with just the keyboard when bpactical as well, but with a game like this, there's a certain degree of precision thatt's ging ot be involved. Minecraft is a much more complex game than, say, Entombed. So personally, I feel like having the option to use a mouse to give yourself that extra little bit of precision when possible would be.. Pretty nice. Do I think it should be absolutely ne
 cesary? No, probably not. But I think the option should definitely exist.Niklas wrote:I think the best way to satisfi anyone is to make the Mouse and Controller Support optional, so the People who wants it, including me, can use it but not everyone has to do it.Pretty much this.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Blindcraft release, is it possible?

2017-09-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Swagtastic via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blindcraft release, is it possible?

So excited for this project, keep up the amazing work.As an alternative note.. All of the people complaining about the mouse? It's not hard. It's just different. It only takes around 20 minutes to get used to, and they're literally only 5 dollars. If I can play swamp on the trackpad of a laptop from 2010, you can definitely play it with a wireless $10 mouse from 2017. The only people who don't want mouse functionality are people who have literally never played with a mouse or controller.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Tentative Entombed 2 Design Decisions

2017-09-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Swagtastic via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Tentative Entombed 2 Design Decisions

An update from the dev would be greatly appreciated, considering how much I love entombed.Alternatively, I'll mention this.. The original game should probably be made open-source or reclassified as abandonware. All of the bugs in that thing are nowhere near worth $40. It's pretty shitty business operation  to charge people so much for a clearly abandoned, half-finished product that doesn't, and probably won't receive, any additional updates. Though it's not the same type of game... Survive the Wild costs around a third of that at $15 for a premium account, and that game has 10x the depth, functions properly,  and actually receives updates. If the code for Entombed was put out there, i'm pretty sure there'd be a few people in the community that would jump at the oppurtunity to try to fix some of it's more irritating bugs. (Like the inability to use great swords that are incredibly overpriced.)Not trying to be a downer 
 or be Mr. Negative. Just putting my two cents in. People who disagree are entitled to that. Just my opinion.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Role-playing, and RPGs: An explanation

2017-08-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Swagtastic via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Role-playing, and RPGs: An explanation

Haramir wrote:Swagtastic, nice work out there. I sort of had an idea, not sure how catastrophic may it be. But what if we recruit people whiling to participate in  a forum driven narrative? We can use this topic to decide who's going to join us, what rules, if any, would be used, and create another topic either somewhere else, or here at the forums to start playing. What say you?Best regards, Haramir.Thanks, really appreciate tha compliment. I'm not exactly feeling quite up to a forum based RP right now-- i'm a bit tapped out on them. But my feelings on these things change pretty frequently, so I might be up for one in the future. In the mean time I can reccomend you to a pretty good website that's chock full of people blind and sighted alike who love forum RPing. wrote:most of the players use OOC chat to insult others and say words like ba**s f**ck you's the online version of swamp? is it good?It seems people's experience with the STW chat seems to vary. People dont' take it very seriously, but I don't think it's bad. I've been trying to look for people to roleplay with me on that game since I downloaded though. No such luck yet, unfortunately.In regard to swamp, I think the online is brilliant. The chat's not incredibly active, and it's definitely not active in terms of roleplay, but I find a person who goes along with it every now and again. I usually just RP on a different radio channel than the standard. In terms of gameplay, the missions are fun if you find the right people to do them with. I'd say it's worth the cash, but it's not a game that I can play endlessly in it's 
 base form. I had to give it my own polish to make it more replayable.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Role-playing, and RPGs: An explanation

2017-08-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Swagtastic via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Role-playing, and RPGs: An explanation

Haramir wrote:Swagtastic, nice work out there. I sort of had an idea, not sure how catastrophic may it be. But what if we recruit people whiling to participate in  a forum driven narrative? We can use this topic to decide who's going to join us, what rules, if any, would be used, and create another topic either somewhere else, or here at the forums to start playing. What say you?Best regards, Haramir.Thanks, really appreciate tha compliment. I'm not exactly feeling quite up to a forum based RP right now-- i'm a bit tapped out on them. But my feelings on these things change pretty frequently, so I might be up for one in the future. In the mean time I can reccomend you to a pretty good website that's chock full of people blind and sighted alike who love forum RPing. wrote:most of the players use OOC chat to insult others and say words like ba**s f**ck you's the online version of swamp? is it good?It seems people's experience with the STW chat seems to vary. People dont' take it very seriously, but I don't think it's bad. I've been trying to look for people to roleplay with me on that game since I downloaded though. No such luck yet, unfortunately.In regard to swamp, I think the online is brilliant. The chat's not incredibly active, and it's definitely not active in terms of roleplay, but I find a person who goes along with it every now and again. I usually just RP on a different radio channel than the standard. In terms of gameplay, the missions are fun if you find the right people to do them with. I'd say it's worth the cash, but it's not a game that I can bplay ndlessly in it's 
 base form. I had to give it my own polish to make it more replayable.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Role-playing, and RPGs: An explanation

2017-08-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Swagtastic via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Role-playing, and RPGs: An explanation

AlirezaNosrati wrote:most of the players use OOC chat to insult others and say words like ba**s f**ck you's the online version of swamp? is it good?It seems people's experience with the STW chat seems to vary. People dont' take it very seriously, but I don't think it's bad. I've been trying to look for people to roleplay with me on that game since I downloaded though. No such luck yet, unfortunately.In regard to swamp, I think the online is brilliant. The chat's not incredibly active, and it's definitely not active in terms of roleplay, but I find a person who goes along with it every now and again. I usually just RP on a different radio channel than the standard. In terms of gameplay, the missions are fun if you find the right people to do them with. I'd say it's worth the cash, but it's not a game that I can bplay ndlessly in it&
 #039;s base form. I had to give it my own polish to make it more replayable.


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Role-playing, and RPGs: An explanation

2017-08-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Swagtastic via Audiogames-reflector


Role-playing, and RPGs: An explanation

Fair warning to you all-- this is a novel of a post. It's huge. The reason I decided to write it out was simple. I noticed a lot of confusion revolving around the topic of RPing, so I figured I'd give as in-depth an explanation I could on the concept. Read at your own risk.As an avid gamer, i'm always gaming in a variety of ways. Whether i'm playing resource management games, text based MMOs, side-scrolling arcade games, first-person shooters, or a hell of a lot of tabletop dice rollers, i'm always playing something. However, one particular form of gaming that i've become quite accustomed to enjoying is the role-playing game. But what exactly is role-playing, and what is a roleplaying game?    In it's simplest terms, roleplaying games are exactly as they sound. They're games in which the players assume the role of a fictional character within a fictional setting, and create a narritive for entertainment . They come in
  a variety of forms. From text based forum posts like the one you're reading right now, to MUDs like Alter Eon, and even through audio games like Survive the Wild. It's popular among blind and sighted communities a like, and is totally open to people of all skill levels. Casuals, hardcore players, anyone and everyone in between. It's a concept that dates back to tabletop games like Dungeons and Dragons, the Call of Cthulu, Pathfinder, etcetera, but what exactly is it all about?     Fun is the goal    Whether you're a group of scavengers upon a stallward space frigate mining for minerals, soldiers on the run from bloodthirsty robots, or survivors waging a war of attrition against an endless zombie horde, you all have one thing in common. You're having fun! Ultimately, the reason people roleplay is because they're looking for a little bit of fun in their life. Some individuals want to accomplish a goal for themselves
 -- reach the highest level, beat the final boss, and explore every inch of the games they play. Others take it a step further, and enjoy that game on a different level with their own narritive and characters thrown into the mix.     Take swamp, for example. The game in and of itself is great-- level progression, a horde of enemies to slay, a series of huge and accessible maps to explore, and a difficulty and learning curve that's up there with the best of them. As you level up and slay the horde, you can actually feel your progress in your hands, especially in the first few missions you get under your belt. But the longer you play the game, the more routine it becomes. Death becomes less frequent, you learn the layout of the maps, and you discover which weapons are the most effective at maintaining your survival. However, one can really experience a lot of what the game has to offer relatively quickly if one really wanted to. Though the story is there, it'
 s very light. You get a brief glimpse of what the world has become in the wake of the zombie apocalypse, but not much more than the brief snippets you read inside of the safe zones, outposts and forts. I personally love a story in a game, light or not. The bits that were there got my imagination going, and as the game began to lose it's appeal for me, I started a new character and began playing the game in a bit of a different way.    With this character, i've taken to attempting to experience this game in a different light. Not from the perspective of myself, at my computer, playing the game and levelling up, but as my own character within the narrative of the world. He's human; Isaac has his own past, experiences, and problems alongside the ever-present infected. In addition to playing out the personality of this character to the best of my ability, I tend to add a few more self-set rules into the equation as well. To use a brief example, Isaac is a
  human being, and in real life, human beings can't efficiently travel while carrying 16 weapons and several thousand rounds of ammunition. So, I limit myself to what I think Isaac is capable of carrying as the individual he is. He usually sticks to the shopkeeper's glock, an old (yet serviceable) Remmington 30-06 rifle, and a sledgehammer in the event that something gets too close. Believe it or not, actively playing in a limiting fashion like this, challenging as it may be, adds so much more depth into the gameplay. Obviously rules like that aren't for everybody, but I've always gotten a certain satisfaction out of it when I'm able to challenge myself in this manner and successfully overcome the odds. Immersing myself in this game from the perspective of this character is just fun for me. It's nice to escape my own relatively mundane life for a change and step into the shoes of what, to my perception, is an interesting character who has an interesting 
 story to tell. I do this out of my love for the game i'm playing, and out of the desire to get as much out of it as possible. It's a little bit different than what i'm used to, 

Re: Survive the Wild (STW) Role playing

2017-08-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Swagtastic via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Survive the Wild (STW) Role playing

SLJ wrote:Hi.A lot of the players seem to rollplay, but they do it on and off, and do it in the out of character chat as well. Therefore, you don't know when they speak as their character, or as the real person behind.An other thing to have in mind: When using the in character chat, the text is being broken if you are too far away from the player. It took a while for me to notice that, and I thought it was spam. I'm up for more roll playing, but I think we need to focus on getting more people to understand what roll playing really is about, and the difference between OUC and INC.I seemed to have trouble distinguishing when people were roleplaying or not too-- that was the primary reason I wanted to start this thread. In regard to conversations being broken up the further you are away f
 rom them... I had no idea, haha. As I said, i'm relatively new to the game, and have only been playing it actively for a bout two or three days, so i'm still learning a ton of stuff. In regard to informing people what roleplaying itself is actually about, i'm totally on board. I might actually write up a little something as a sort of explanation as to what it is, and why people do it now that i'm thinking about it.aaron wrote:I don't have any interest in roleplaying while playing audiogames. I had really bad experiences when I tried roleplaying muds ages ago, and it's permenantly given me a sour taste.That's a real shame, honestly. I've had a lot of really pleasant experience roleplaying through other means. I've had a few negative experiences myself, but overall it's been posetive and fun. I totally understand how a particularly negative experienc
 e can leave a bad taste in your mouth though.Amine wrote:It's not that people don't role play, cause everything you say via radio, tts or voice chat is concidered as role play. But if your message contain something not related to the game's time line using any of those items, there is a chance you could get warned about it and probably get your radios taken out if you keep doing so. But the problem is that the current stw storie is just old and not detailed, so people can hardly role play basing on it.It might be a little old, and it might be lacking on the details, but for the purposes of having fun with it all, I'm sure that i'm not the only one who could whip up some fan-fiction of sorts to give a better background to what happened, and what thrust our respective characters into  the situation we're in. I'm a writer in my spare time, and absolutely love doing th
 ings of that sort. Obviously it wouldn't be canonical, but it's a thought. I've spent a great deal of time roleplaying, and am definitely no stranger to world-building and lorecraft. Obviously I wouldn't want to be doing it if it would get me in trouble, though. That's not my intention at all. I'm merely a seeker of fun.AlirezaNosrati wrote:i'd like to join you.  most of stw players are stupids.  when you ask a question they are starting to laugh at you because they think they knew everything from  the time when they borned. if you dont have trash players on your team, i'll join you guysWell, i've certainly had the exact opposite experience. Every other player i've necountered in the chat has been nothing but friendly, respectful, and he
 lpful to their best ability.


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