Re: Does anyone know of a game that is like Red Spot but does not trigger

2018-03-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : alec via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Does anyone know of a game that is like Red Spot but does not trigger

Hello, whoever you are. I've never seen you here before. A couple things for you.First, it is not redspot that is griggering your windows defender, it is the BGT engine. I'd like to know who started that rumor. Someone must have written some kind of virus in BGT and been stupid enough to use it on someone. The victim reported it to Microsoft, so now windows defender thinks many bgt executables are viruses. My windows defender goes wild when I run crazy party on a new machine and I have to add an exclusion for the entire drive that it's on to get it to stop.Second, you're talking like game development is something anyone can pick up and do just like that. Every published developer on this forum learned a programming language (yes folks, bgt is a real, all be it  not great, programming language). Just learning the language requires a gigantic effort. I'm in the process of learning python right now, and I can tell you, even simple scripts won't come easy to you at first. I've been at it basically non stop in my spare time for a couple weeks, and i'm just now getting to the point where I can write a basic battleship game. Mind you, not a battleship game that speaks and plays sounds in a pretty audiogame interface, no sir. A battleship game that you play in the command line by typing x, y to fire at a coordinate and receive a visual of the board in ascii showing you if you hit or missed. But even that took work, and if I asked most of you to write one for me right now you'd shrug helplessly and ask me what function to write first. I'd of course reply that you don't write a function first, you import other classes first, namely the random class so you can use it to generate random integers to place the ship. And that's just learning the language, and getting comfortable enough with it to know how to write it. It takes years of practice to learn all the intricacies of programming and write real revenue generating content. And you mentioned finding awesome weapon sounds and balancing the game, again like they're no big deal. Getting sounds, legally, costs money, and game balancing is a constant struggle for developers that huge game companies pay designers hundreds of stacks a year to get just right, and still not everyone's happy. I'm not saying any of this to show off my knowledge but merely to slam the point home that game development, just like anything worth doing, is not easy, and that's vastly understating it.


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Re: An accessible, browser-based horse racing manager MMO?

2018-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : alec via Audiogames-reflector


Re: An accessible, browser-based horse racing manager MMO?

@dark: I've never been one for sports silliness either. The talk of who was drafted into NFL this season, who cheated in the super bowl, and what an awesome play that was last night makes me roll my eyes and tune out. I play those games for the strategic element. WeBL is just one big numbers game, so honestly I wouldn't really recommend it for sports fans as much as I would for math or strategy nerds. Basically you're just writing up a massive script for your fighters to use, throwing them at someone else's script and watching the result. It's rather a shame for the db to be missing some pretty good games for bias reasons I would think.


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Re: The racing auditory display (RAD)

2018-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : alec via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The racing auditory display (RAD)

Ok here's the deal.@2: You do raise some valid points about hardcore gamers, and I personally don't really understand how blind people can drive in a simulation if we can't drive in real life. However, this is not my field of expertese. I don't pretend to know how I would get something like that working, so that's why I'm not just going to come out and criticize this guy's work before I know what I'm talking about. Passive-aggressiveness aside, it's no wonder why this community rarely gets any love from the mainstream. Everyone shoots down the ideas of the thinkers and dreamers, using words like "always," "never," and "impossible." Maybe we won't raise to the same level as sited people, but wouldn't it be cool to play the same racing games even if it was just with each other? I've always hated the negativity that new ideas attract here. I'm not going to say I'm not skeptical as that's the natural human reaction to new things, but to say it's "impossible" is the reason there's very little innovation as of late, not just in this community, but in society in general. I'll be tentatively following this development to see what happens, if anything.


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Re: An accessible, browser-based horse racing manager MMO?

2018-03-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : alec via Audiogames-reflector


Re: An accessible, browser-based horse racing manager MMO?

Hi,Sorry I don't have an answer to your question, but I just wanted to comment that I got curious and tried the boxing game you mentioned, and it's pretty freaking cool. I love the types of games where you have to design the best combination of stats and effects and throw them at someone else's build. It takes all the random number generation and pointless grinding out of games and focuses on pure strategy. The one fight per week thing is a tad annoying because once I get going on something I don't want to stop for a while, but I think the ability to design sparring partners exactly how I want and use my own fight plans with them for testing purposes gives me about as good a chance as I could hope for to improve my strategy. If any mods are reading this, I really think this game deserves a db entry. The simulation is really quite one of a kind, and the accessibility is top notch with minimal graphics and entertaining textual commentary.


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Re: Looking for redspot feedback

2017-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : alec via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Looking for redspot feedback

First of all, since Sam has been surprisingly quiet about this massive update, not even bothering to post on here, spread the word about it. Tell your friends that stopped playing redspot before because of the imbalance. I bet you guys see what I meant now about your suggestions already being in .A couple things.@62: Making the p key dependent on range was already suggested by a beta member a long time ago. Not only is this insanely unrealistic (Using a shotgun doesn't cause you to only see 15 feet) it also blatantly gives away weapon ranges, something that Sam wanted to avoid, thus why specific weapon stats aren't listed in the readme. He wanted you guys to have to play with the many weapons as you find them and figure out what's cool about them and what isn't. You should be able to silence any screen reader by pressing alt. And yes, the camera is fi
 xed. It's right there in the changelog. Have you even played the update?@70: I believe there is a /mute command to mute a person's pm's, but if there is that's all we have for now. I'll bring it up.@71: It's a bug. Believe me, no one would ever intend to do something that irritating. It'll be fixed in the next client update.@72: the ban list was cleared except for a few extreme offenders, and your name doesn't leap out as being one of them. The server has unfortunately been having many lag issues since the update, any of which could have caused your connection to go unnoticed by it. Sam's trying his absolute best to tackle them as they appear, and he's been doing a bang up job, but they're still all not entirely gone. I will say it's at least 10 times better than it was 12 hours ago, so if you tried before then I'm not surprised you weren't able to connect.@73: Can I ask what imaginary game
  you were playing? I saw you on redspot, but you must have been playing another one in your head. As far as I have ever been made aware, there are no proper buildings in redspot, at least not yet, and when there will be, I highly doubt they will be set up like that. Sam was tossing around the possibility of them being destructables, and they can't easily be destroyed if they're like stw buildings. I agree, shift enter would be a dumb way to make redspot buildings because you wouldn't be able to use them tactically at all. Unfortunately, we don't have precision aiming yet, so sniping out of windows would be tricky if not impossible, but you can still throw a pipe bomb out a window :d.Finally, to the people having problems unzipping the file, you have joined an alarmingly large subset of players with this issue. Several beta members and UKA players reported having the same problem, however they must have gotten it fixed because if they didn't we'd s
 till be hearing about it. I'm not sure what to say other than try downloading it and unzipping it again on the off chance that it downloaded it incorrectly.


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Re: Ontoys online game platform

2017-03-27 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : alec via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Ontoys online game platform

In deed you can, but it really is the most difficult way of winning. Keep in mind that all cards means all, the cards. A player needs to have 0 generals, 0 armies, 0 cities and nothing in his or her hand to be considered eliminated from the game. Multiply that by the number of players, and it's really not worth it. What I tend to do is knock out the guy that looks like his days are numbered to reduce competition, then go for one of the other two methods. It's fun and satisfying to nail people though, if the dice are rolling in your favor.


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Re: Ontoys online game platform

2017-03-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : alec via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Ontoys online game platform

@smoothgunner I played it, but that doesn't mean it makes any sense lol. All I know is you're supposed to get every color in the rainbow to complete it, but how to do that is beyond me. In AOH, if it says your opponent interrupted the exchange, it just means they pressed the stop button and didn't want to trade. Games with only two players usually don't have any trading going on since most of the stuff you'll have in your hand is trash. 3 players is the absolute minimum for this game in my opinion. Remember that trading for monument materials isn't the only way to win the game; you can also win by building 5 cities or stealing all your opponents' stuff, much more exciting alternatives.@key when connected to someone, press alt+3 for the connections list. There should be two lists; connections and players. Press applications on the person you want to add, and one of the options should be offer friendship.


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Re: Ontoys online game platform

2017-03-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : alec via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Ontoys online game platform

This platform is in deed quite interesting. The rumors about it being from a Russian hacker sound like BS at first, but I was a bit shocked when the registration page asked me for my first and last name, city and country, and announced cheerfully that this would be displayed on my profile. That's a bit too specific for my liking. I ended up putting my State in place of the city. What horrified me more though was that the password you give them is not encrypted. The confirmation email displayed the password I gave them in plain text for everyone to see. Not exactly a company I would immediately trust with my credit card info, but I guess we'll wait and see if someone else gets hacked by these guys.I also hope that the open source nature of these games is cheat proof, meaning someone can't just tweak some values and be unbeatable. Simply checking the game file against the server's version would fix this, although it seems to already do this, so that's 
 good. So far I've played age of heroes, table tennis, battleship and rainbow, and I'll be messing with it more in the coming days.Oh, and to the people saying the link is broken, I thought that as well. The misleading 503 in the page title weirded me out, but just look at the page. I guarantee it's not broken.Battleship is utterly broken as well guys. I should not be able to play an entire game without getting hit once. just not possible lol.


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Re: operation redspot. The final debriefing.

2017-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : alec via Audiogames-reflector


Re: operation redspot. The final debriefing.

Right. To the people not liking the game's focus on collecting. First, you don't *have to* collect for a million years to have fun, just to seriously attack bases and big stuff like that. As I briefly stated in post 111, a lot of the time I play rs, I just log on for a few brief rounds. If you encounter a walking base of a player, who cares, you're just playing casually. Come back and keep going. Yet more reason to implament some type of separation between the two groups,. Preferably not two separate servers as, like I said earlier, problems with administration and updates and such. I have a feeling player separation will solve the majority's dislike, and whatever there is left unfortunately will just have to deal. Player separation would eliminate new player's frustration from being overpowered, allow them to get better and let them enjoy killing each other with little commitment while still letting the hardcore players do there thing. I'm done heari
 ng about resets. It's just a zero sum thing that isn't gonna happen. I'm getting a little annoyed that people are just ignoring my posts as if they're not even being written and restating the same stupid resetting and limiting ideas over and over.As for spiraling wivern's concerns, I still don't understand how one can play the game properly by spamming weapons. The vast majority of people at least move well enough to make hammering your control key at least a moderate waste of ammo, and most people are good enough to make you just look stupid by doing that, as you'll miss 9 out of 10 times. I've never seen someone play rs successfully by going ape shit on their fire button, but I'd be glad to believe you if I can hear a recording of that caveman technique working for someone. I don't see clips helping newbies either. How does reloading stop a newbie from mindlessly firing close range rockets at you. All it takes is for you to f
 ire one rocket and stand stupidly thinking it's the end of me while I calmly force lead down your throat. and yes guys, many people just stand there after they've fired a rocket, even if I'm charging full speed at them. Most people use grenades now, but it's the same concept.As for runners, if you take the time to stat ping people that do that, they've got nothing. How are you supposed to hoard items if you can't defend yourself? Impossible. Unimaginable. Unthinkable. I don't bother with most runners as I know they're just noobish cowards, unless I have specific intelligence that they're powerful and they're a target of mine who's being smart and doesn't want to die. When I have a pile in my inventory though, and someone attacks me, i fight back, and so do most others because they see you as a small problem that they can easily deal with. Why run when you're an easy kill? So yeah, almost all consistent runners ar
 e noobs.


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Re: operation redspot. The final debriefing.

2017-02-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : alec via Audiogames-reflector


Re: operation redspot. The final debriefing.

Like I said, I am not among the group of admins that has a twitchy ban finger. In deed, I've only banned one person, and that was a reban of a known idiot. I can't control the actions of others. All I can do is appoligize for them and be ashamed at what this makes the rs admin team look like.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: operation redspot. The final debriefing.

2017-02-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : alec via Audiogames-reflector


Re: operation redspot. The final debriefing.

Spiraling Wyvern, you bring up some good points, but here's why I think these changes were never made. We keep circling back to what my point has been all along. Most people just don't know how to play the game well. I will admit something. Over the past week, I've noticed people getting smarter and better, and as a result, rs has become much harder and more enjoyable. However, the amount of people that still do shockingly dumb things like mindlessly rocketing at close range, not checking before grabbing, running away in a straight line, not using their bikes to move faster and a host of other things still make it hard for me to believe the game is unbalanced. All the people who aren't on the RTU who play well don't seem to be complaining about how unbalanced the game is. From what I'm reading, it doesn't seem like you've ever played. The shotgun, although wide spreading and hard hitting, fires slowly, and ammo for it spawns in small packs, 
 so spamming it isn't going to help you. It also only hits 20 tiles away or less I believe, so you're going to have to switch weapons at some point to finish off the guy if he's a runner.  I use the shotgun to slam people's shields if I can get close or damage them hard, grenades or rockets to nail people from afar, crossbow, throwing knives or, if I can get a little closer, machinegun as other ways to wittle  away at they're shields or health if they're getting away, cyanide for a quick kill if they have a lot of shields, you get the point. I think some of the weapons are just there for color, but many of them have their uses, so please don't be like everyone else here and talk about stuff you don't know. all weapons lag a bit as well depending on their damage, so no control hammering. I think weapon lag and availability of ammo balances the need for reloading weapons, since all that is is a form of weapon lag, which rtr did not have
 .My agreement with you about how fair it is for bases to be constantly alive is mixed. I don't have the time to stay up all night messaging the RTU and checking up on the base to make sure it's still there. In fact I just announced to them that I wouldn't be logging on to  redspot for a while because of just that. I think the definition  of fps has always been log on for half an hour, kill and get on with your life, and I'm starting to think rs has gone down a different path from a traditional fps, and not one that is healthy to people with lives. Once I finish my redspot fast, I'll have a talk with Sam about ways to make it so this thing isn't so much a competition of who can constantly stay online and guard. I'm thinking bases who's teams were deleted, that is, everyone logged off, become transparent, meaning nothing can hit them, or even better, are moved to a separate map, called or something, where obviously no
  one will ever be able to access. I'm thinking to retrieve your base, when you create your team again, you'll type in the door code for the base to get it back. That sounds pretty fair to me.Because here's the problem with resets guys, and I said this in post 111. It ruins the game for the people with no lives; the people that actually want to have all that health and all those items and spend half a million years to get it all, and they've spent all that time only to have their work just, deleted. I believe there are other ways to make the game fair to people who are just starting out without ruining the game for the veterans. We have to try to appeal to both sides as much as possible. No one ever commented on my ideas in post 111 about separating teams from solos or newbie flags for people so they have an item collecting grace, both things which I think allow people to get better.Here's my disagreement part. Again, there's always a balance
  between the features of the game and the willingness of people to actually try. The night the RTU got revenge on the thieves, yes, it was two against three or four, but the only, and I mean only reason why we were even allowed to get close was because they slackened their defenses massively. One of the guys was doing a fine job keeping me away, and he had lots of stuff, so I pretty much didn't have a chance. That is, until he slipped and didn't check before placing a barricade bomb, undoubtedly trying to undo the damage we were doing to their wall. I'm betting the guy had half a million air because, well, RTU stash, so the fact that he didn't even put his mask on before placing it knowing that I was being a determined son of a bitch was a stupid move in deed. He learned very quickly that the damage over time effect from 13 cyanide shots, well, it really doesn't feel good to the lungs. The other guy was even dumber. He fricken starved. Guys, we had over 4000
  food in the fridge when we were raided. That's enough to keep a two man team fed for weeks of play. The only conceivable way that could have happened is if he was 

Re: operation redspot. The final debriefing.

2017-02-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : alec via Audiogames-reflector


Re: operation redspot. The final debriefing.

So Mr. Steve, basically what you're saying is that if any game that stored any sort of long term data that you collect over time didn't have passwords of some kind, it's perfectly ok to log into people's accounts, take they're shit and transfer it to you, and that's not considered unfair at all. That's basically what you're saying. Logging in as another player in order to fool the game into thinking you're someone else and just walking out with their items is playing the game properly? [[wow]], sounds like a fun game to me. There's a reason why we have lockpicks and are able to break down the base's doors; probably so we can get people's items by actually playing the game how it was intended. Saying that using an exploit to steal everyone's items is the proper way to play redspot is the stupidest thing I have heard all night, and I think we're just arguing for absolutely no reason now. If someone did that to you
 r team, you would be mad, as, hell. I know you well enough to know that you would probably break your computer in anger, so have a bit of empathy will you?One more thing. I never said there was anything wrong with you leaving the RTU or deciding you didn't want to play redspot. As far as I know, no one ever did. I didn't have a single problem with you at all until you start spewing this brainless shit about how it's ok to play redspot in unbelievably unfair ways. If you had left politely and not joined the Connor bitch session, I would have continued to accept it with no problem whatsoever. Honestly, I might follow Sam and just stop posting here because the excuses and points that are being given have no logic behind them, and they're just shots for no reason. Next excuse, please.Edit: I do have to agree, Sam, that although your points are valid and your messages meaningful, your word choice really isn't great. I believe what stirlock was getting
  at was not that your points mean nothing because of your age, but your language makes them sound more bitchy than they may have intended to sound. Just something to keep in mind.


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Re: operation redspot. The final debriefing.

2017-02-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : alec via Audiogames-reflector


Re: operation redspot. The final debriefing.

Well, I thought you guys were finally out of things to complain about , but such is this community that that will never happen. Should have known. Here's the thing, Steve. First of all, why did you just publicly post the exploit after I said it was a terrible idea? Thank god Sam hotfixed it, or teams would be useless now. Let's all just switch teams whenever the hell we want and steal each other's crap, cuz that's how we play the game right. Totally not cheating to use an oversight by the developer to our advantage, right? Right! Just because the developer makes a mistake and it's not an actual bug, but the code  just isn't there, it's automatically ok to play the game unfairly and be a complete dick. Honestly, what has this community come to? Your other examples are not valid either. Robots can't shoot up at you anymore. That bug needed to be fixed badly once the new map chunk was added and people were just getting randomly murdered fr
 om miles away, and there was nothing they could do. Blowing up barricades with concussives is most certainly not a bug. It's just tricking the detonator on the bomb to blow up and moving away too quickly for it to harm you. It's a way to, extremely slowly I might add, get rid of bombs. There's nothing wrong in the code, and it doesn't unbalance the bomb's protective effects anyway since it's very hard to do and only blows up one or, if they're very close, two at a time. I have been bugging Sam for weeks to properly fix the m key because yes, that is the one thing that is actually still a bug, but there is also this thing called punishable crimes. You cannot punish everyone, or really anyone, who uses the m key to look through the ceiling; just not gonna work. Lastly, did you not just read that I am regretful of some people banning without warning? No need to keep saying it once it's been said. Next excuse please.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: operation redspot. The final debriefing.

2017-02-22 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : alec via Audiogames-reflector


Re: operation redspot. The final debriefing.

Aah yes, forgot about the cheating son of a bitch. Little shit probably got mad cuz i gave him a bit a hell the other night, along with the rest of the server. I was the only RTU member online, middle of the night, I rocked redspot for two straight hours and independently raided 4 bases before people started getting smart and annoying and I had to call for backup. The fact that one player ruled the game for that long is yet more proof of redspot's need for skill, like we need any more.Yeah, can't disclose publicly what he did because the exploit has not been fixed, dear god Sam, please fix it, redspot would be anarchy if that gets out. All I will say is that it was a blatant, heartless cheat, he tried and failed to hide himself with a VPN, and he was roldvole on the forums and rs. If we're really going to resort to cheating to show our hatred of the RTU, then listen to Americranian, this topic is indeed over. Speaking of Americranian, I'm sorry that happe
 ned. I wish Sam and some of the other admins would at least pm the people who go online/offline or warn them before perm banning. You seem like a legit guy, unfortunately  editing the bans file is the only way to remove that, which of course is something only the dev can do, so sorry bud.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: operation redspot. The final debriefing.

2017-02-22 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : alec via Audiogames-reflector


Re: operation redspot. The final debriefing.

Yes connor, we know exactly who did what, and it doesn't matter because everyone's dead now thanks to our ownage last night. No hard feelings anywhere.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: operation redspot. The final debriefing.

2017-02-22 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : alec via Audiogames-reflector


Re: operation redspot. The final debriefing.

Right guys, here's one for yall. I'll do my best to remember everything I was going to say. Oh, and If everything I'm saying is just going to be skipped over because I'm a member of the RTU, a beta member and an admin, let me know now so I don't have to waste my time sharing my feelings. It disgusts me to see this. I thought we were over the whole judging a person by the group thing, but I guess not, so if no one's going to listen to me because I'm a member of the opposition, politely tell me and I won't bother talking.Posts 64, you know what you're talking about. That is always what teams are going to do when they're on top, no matter who it is. I don't see anything wrong with it either. It's just a game, so as long as nobody starts firing personal insults at one another, I don't see the problem with a little power struggle. That's not my main point however.My main point is this, and this is why I s
 aid above that no one should even read this post if they're not going to take me seriously. Limiting bases, players or putting any kind of power ceiling on the game just ruins it for people. I am a fan of the zero sum principle, the idea that we should avoid doing something to please one group and displease another, which is exactly what a power ceiling would do. What about the other group? The group that wants to have the constant challenge of keeping that stuff fortified. I do agree that something needs to be done. The amount of people that has said that in this topic has made that clear to me, but a power ceiling is not the way to do it. Separating the players into different groups seems to be the most fair and least objectionable method, I and the rest of the team are just discussing how best to do that. One idea included setting a timer when you logged in where you would have, maybe, 15 minutes to collect items and be invincible. Being added to a team, creating a base or a
 ttacking anyone would all be things that would void that timer. The timer could also be voided when you hit a certain health cap, but that is exploitable. All you would have  to do then is collect health items and never use any of them until you had thousands of everything, but from what I've been reading, many people don't want to do that.I would also not say no to the idea of a separate server for people who want the simple log on and kill game we had before, though a downside to that would be that you guys might not get as many updates because the code would be out of date to begin with. Also, I'd be willing to bet that cheating and spamming would run rampant unless a couple of the admins would be willing to monitor the other server. I have a feeling it would make a lot of people happy though.Something really insane happened yesterday. Are you ready for this guys? The RTU got destroyed, again. We had 3 million health on our base, a cabinet groaning
  with items and a fridge with thousands of food cooling in it, and not only did someone manage to destroy the base, I'm pretty sure they took all our stuff! I'm betting they did it while no one was online. A smart guy probably figured out how to use a lockpick, took all our store quads and slashed the base to wooden fragments, that is, after he managed to blast a hole in the barricade. But here's the awesome part I wanted to share. We still, with no items and no power, managed to take him out, and it only took two insanely fun hours. You have no idea how many times I died. First, we had to blast our way through his barricade, which was very very annoying and involved lots and lots of dying. Once we could finally see his base, it had 800k health. Oh dear, how would we ever manage to do that? Well, simple. The guy wasn't being smart. He was going completely on the defensive, sitting in front of his computer and firing at us with the turret whenever he saw us get cl
 ose, and he didn't see us very often. So basically we were able to pile more and more fire onto his base until it was dropping by 800 health per second. Of course we also nailed it with everything we could possibly find, which wasn't much, because I forgot to mention that there was this guy, dard, who was extremely determined to get into that base. He was like a fricken magnet. Every time we fought him off, he'd come right back and give us issues. Eventually, the guy with the base went offline. I'm not sure why. But at that point the base was in ruins, only 200k health, so we lockpicked it. Of course there were half a million barricades inside, so we kept lockpicking it and suiciding until the base was destroyed internally.The moral of the story is, again, this. The game, requires, skill, to play. Not items, not health, but skill. The guy literally had everything the RTU had, and he still went down, all because he did stupid stuff that brought him down. Dar
 d was a solo player, so he didn't succeed, but he had the right idea. Dard was a massive thorn in our side. He kept 

Re: operation redspot. The final debriefing.

2017-02-17 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : alec via Audiogames-reflector


Re: operation redspot. The final debriefing.

First I am going to say this. I'm blaze on the game. I'm an admin, an RTU member, and proud of both things. I will try to voice my opinion without restating what others have said, but as I agree with them, it's almost inevitable. I will start by admitting that although I'm good, I'm not excellent. Most of my teammates are able to kill me when we both have default stats. All of my kills, however, come from being good, not from collecting or cheating. Some of you may recall that a fair number of the times I've logged in, I do it just to take my anger out on a few people. I don't even stop at the base for items. Why waste the team's resources when I'm just going to die anyway. I kill a few people, some guy gets smart with a shotgun, ouch, I'm dead, just like anyone else. I didn't have any shields or items, so because some guy figured I didn't have much health, he whipped out his most damaging weapon, took a shot and nailed m
 e. It's all about skill guys. Let me use this example to prove it. I'm not making this up.A guy asked me if he could join the RTU the other day. I'm not sure why he asked me. I'm not the leader after all. Anyway, I sent this back to him: "Give me one good reason why you would make a good RTU member." After having a good think, his response was something like, "I have items to protect the base, and I can fight well." "Let's see about that," I sent back. Here's how the fight went.First fight: 150 tiles away, I fire grenade 1. Miss. grenade 2: ping. Grenade 3: ping. Splat. Dead.At this point I sent, "You don't have items because you're dead, but I'll give you another chance to prove yourself."Second fight. 150 tiles: grenade. Ping. Grenade. Ping. 100 tiles. Grenade. Ping, grenade. Ping. 50 tiles. Grenade. Ping. 30 tiles. Rocket coming my way. Move to the left. Rocket dodged. Tar
 get centered. 10 tiles. Shotgun drawn. Shot, shot, splat, dead. "You can't fight," was the message he received upon reconnecting.If that account doesn't prove it, I don't know what to tell you guys. Would an item collecting drone know that firing rockets at 30 tiles and standing there waiting for them to hit is bad? Would a cheater be able to dodge said rocket, slide in and murder so easily? If I was cheating, I would just walk up to you, not worry that I'm being hammered in the face by a million shells and grenades and tase you right dead. Actually, scratch that, I wouldn't even be able to catch you because I wouldn't know how to track properly, and yes kids, there is a proper way to track. And speaking of item collecting drones, a person with no skill who just collected items for hours wouldn't live long enough to deposit anything of use in the base, especially with the dramatically increased player base where you can't be an
 ywhere, except maybe in the underground, without having a player 130 tiles away from you or less.Now, let's talk for a bit about why everyone's base keeps getting destroyed by us. An example I will use is Mr. Jason Blaze who, despite being a pretty decent player, decided it would be a good idea to announce on public chat that he was about to create a base. Does that sound like a particularly good idea? Nah, didn't think so. This is an FPS we're talking about. There are no laws, strictly speaking, so people can just destroy whoever and whatever they want. So saying you've just created something that could make you powerful is like inviting the entire game to kick your ass. Since he hadn't yet created his base, I just happened to be the only one who took notice of this, so naturally I chased him down and took care of him before he got to create his base. That took the skilled use of a bike, knowledge of the ledges and towers of the map, and very goo
 d tracking skills by the way.Now you might be thinking, "The game tells everyone you've created a base anyway, so couldn't they just kick my ass anyway?" Aah, but you're wrong. If you're scared of being found out, think carefully about the name of your base and its location so people won't find it right away, and you have a chance to get powerful, especially if your team is small. That leads me to my next point.Where on the bloody fields of redspot did people scavenge up the idea that bases are a solo thing? Everything about them screams "TEAM PLAY!" You can't collect enough bitcoins to buy anything useful without help, which means you'll never be able to fend off the hoards of irritants shooting your treasure with their pesky weapons. And since it's just you, you can't fight 10 people by yourself, which means sadly for you, the work you just spent on your base will be gone in a matter of minutes all becaus
 e you didn't find a few people to help you. It even says in the readme, which I helped write by the way, in case anyone cares, "Bases are a new feature to encourage TEAM PLAY in RS." I remember about a week ago, when the update was first pushed, there was a team called RTR that dominated 

Re: Lords and Knights new server: Who wants to join us?

2015-10-25 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : alec via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Lords and Knights new server: Who wants to join us?

@BCS993: You could, but it would be rather difficult, as i have spent the last few weeks using snippets of spare time and sometimes even class time to build up what i have, and to just throw that all away would be very sad in deed. If there was a way to transfer my stats over to another server, I would gladly do it, but as far as I know that's not possible. It would probably present its own share of security risks anyway. I guess the best I can hope for is that some huge alliance moves into my currently uninhabited area and wipes my existence off the face of the game, at which point I would have no reason to stay on USA10. That's probably not going to happen though, as like I said before, I live on the edge of a sea of players which are either part of my alliance or part of some other alliance who we are friends with. I suppose you could say I live in the suburbs of our chunk of land. A beautiful part of the map where there is nothing but small, independent communities w
 ho have little knowledge that they are more than likely going to become controlled by the almighty flashmaster55. Mewahahahahaha!Not like I can't play on two worlds at once though, but I fear that this will become too daunting a task for me. Correct me if I'm wrong, but one can only be connected to one server at a time, therefore one will only get pushes from one server at a time, so I will have to check on both worlds to keep both of my empires alive. Some people might find this hard to believe, but I also play another game, and this game is called life, and I'm actually quite addicted to it. School needs to be attended, homework needs to be done, two sports need to be practiced, friends need to be talked to and girlfriend needs to be loved. Very long story short, I think I will stick to just one world for now, and if I find a way to transfer my stuff, let us rejoice.


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Re: narrator on xbox one: little tidbits

2015-10-25 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : alec via Audiogames-reflector


Re: narrator on xbox one: little tidbits

[[wow]]. A screen reader on the Xbox is something I've been thinking about for years. I mean, we know the deal. Sighted help for initial setup, manage our Xbox live account and buy games on, go through our game list and open each one until we've memorized it, etc. But as we all know, an Xbox does a lot more than just play games now, and I've wanted to be able to use these features for a long time. In addition, not having to have my computer next to me while playing games would be another plus. I'm starting to reconsider my purchase of an Xbox1. I still have my 360 as I saw no point in buying the next gen console if I couldn't use the new features, and the improved graphics rendering obviously makes no difference to me. One thing holds me back though, and that is the performance of narrator on windows. Yes, it has gotten better. It has gotten to the point where we can actually stumble through windows setup without sighted assistance. That's al
 l great. But from that point forward, it is still a very strange setup, and nothing like conventional readers like JAWS or NVDA. Those readers use the system carrot which is, and always will be, controlled by the arrows. Up is up, down is down, left is left and right is right. Narrator however, in an attempt to copy apple's voiceover, has a form of object navigation with the left and right arrows combined with a few modifiers, can't remember what they are. It, like voiceover, highlights everything it's reading with a black outline called the narrator cursor. This works well for Mac OSX, iOS, watch OS and TvOS, but it doesn't work with windows. Having used all of them, I know what I'm talking about. I did watch the above video, and it sounded like it worked OK. However, and someone can correct me if I'm wrong on this, something sounded unlabeled. I heard the cursor moving around, but narrator sounded like it was only saying 1 of 3, 2 of 3 etc. Then again
 , this was recorded on iOS and from a decent distance away. I'll keep looking for more updates on this. I'm hoping that at some point a decent demo is done with the audio from the Xbox patched in and the user describing what he/she is doing. Maybe Liam will do one, although he did say in his last demo of the Xbox that he is a "Soni fanboy", so maybe he won't buy the next gen console.


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Re: Lords and Knights new server: Who wants to join us?

2015-10-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : alec via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Lords and Knights new server: Who wants to join us?

Hi,I myself am a big fan of LNK, and I've always wanted to start my own alliance of blind players, build it up, and show everyone that we're not the bunch of pushovers they see us as. How fun that would be! However, as seen in this topic and just in the general blind net, people are all over the world, and thus, like to use different servers. My empire, however small, resides on USA10, which has actually seen quite a bit of decline in activity over the last couple of months. So much so, in fact, that a huge discount was placed on Annexing castles so that more of the map would be inhabited by actual players. I'm still fairly new to the game, but I used to play Celtic tribes, so I'm familiar with the mechanics of this one. If anyone would join it, I might consider creating an alliance on USA10 after I build up my defenses a bit. I only have two castles at the moment, and neither of them are fully upgraded or well defended. So I've decided to hide behin
 d another massive alliance with a lot of nonaggression pacts with other people until I at least have a chance of not being flattened.Edit: I read through the old topic created by Jeselivo, and I noticed there was a lot of confusion about watching videos to gain gold. Although a time consuming, annoying and sometimes daunting task, it can actually save you quite a bit of time in the long run. It has for me. Unfortunately, the ads are hardly accessible with VO. If you get used to the pattern though, it's not too difficult.There are a few types of ads. The first, and perhaps the most annoying, are videos advertising free apps. There is no accessible way, at least not one that I know of, to close the window that comes up after those videos. You'll just have to double tap anywhere on the screen, and it will either open the app store API in the game, or it'll open a link in safari which will redirect you to the real app store. Just close out of all that crap, g
 o back into the game, and you should have your gold. The second type you'll come across are ads with external sources attached, usually websites. When using object navigation (left and right swiping), the very first thing VO will come across is an unlabeled link which will close that page right down and hand you your gold. The third type of ads are usually longer clips, such as movie trailers. There are only two buttons after this type of video finishes playing. The first replays it (does not credit you again), and the second closes it down. The fourth, and my favorite, just closes itself. These usually include ads in other languages or ads without given URLs or ad tracking.Oh, and if your gold doesn't appear right away, be patient. I don't know if it's the server or my internet or what the hell, but sometimes it takes a few seconds or even minutes to appear.Hope my lengthy explanation helps you all rise to glory faster.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Lords and Knights new server: Who wants to join us?

2015-10-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : alec via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Lords and Knights new server: Who wants to join us?

Hi,I myself am a big fan of LNK, and I've always wanted to start my own alliance of blind players, build it up, and show everyone that we're not the bunch of pushovers they see us as. How fun that would be! However, as seen in this topic and just in the general blind net, people are all over the world, and thus, like to use different servers. My empire, however small, resides on USA10, which has actually seen quite a bit of decline in activity over the last couple of months. So much so, in fact, that a huge discount was placed on Annexing castles so that more of the map would be inhabited by actual players. I'm still fairly new to the game, but I used to play Celtic tribes, so I'm familiar with the mechanics of this one. If anyone would join it, I might consider creating an alliance on USA10 after I build up my defenses a bit. I only have two castles at the moment, and neither of them are fully upgraded or well defended. So I've decided to hide behin
 d another massive alliance with a lot of nonaggression pacts with other people until I at least have a chance of not being flattened.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Lords and Knights new server: Who wants to join us?

2015-10-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : alec via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Lords and Knights new server: Who wants to join us?

Hi,I myself am a big fan of LNK, and I've always wanted to start my own alliance of blind players, build it up, and show everyone that we're not the bunch of pushovers they see us as. How fun that would be! However, as seen in this topic and just in the general blind net, people are all over the world, and thus, like to use different servers. My empire, however small, resides on USA10, which has actually seen quite a bit of decline in activity over the last couple of months. So much so, in fact, that a huge discount was placed on Annexing castles so that more of the map would be inhabited by actual players. I'm still fairly new to the game, but I used to play Celtic tribes, so I'm familiar with the mechanics of this one.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Lords and Knights new server: Who wants to join us?

2015-10-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : alec via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Lords and Knights new server: Who wants to join us?

Hi,I myself am a big fan of LNK, and I've always wanted to start my own alliance of blind players, build it up, and show everyone that we're not the bunch of pushovers they see us as. How fun that would be! However, as seen in this topic and just in the general blind net, people are all over the world, and thus, like to use different servers. My empire, however small, resides on USA10, which has actually seen quite a bit of decline in activity over the last couple of months. So much so, in fact, that a huge discount was placed on Annexing castles so that more of the map would be inhabited by actual players. I'm still fairly new to the game, but I used to play Celtic tribes, so I'm familiar with the mechanics of this one. If anyone would join it, I might consider creating an alliance on USA10 after I build up my defenses a bit. I only have two castles at the moment, and neither of them are fully upgraded or well defended. So I've decided to hide behin
 d another massive alliance with a lot of nonaggression pacts with other people until I at least have a chance of not being flattened.Edit: I read through the old topic created by Jeselivo, and I noticed there was a lot of confusion about watching videos to gain gold. Although a time consuming, annoying and sometimes daunting task, it can actually save you quite a bit of time in the long run. It has for me. Unfortunately, the ads are hardly accessible with VO. If you get used to the pattern though, it's not too difficult.There are a few types of ads. The first, and perhaps the most annoying, are videos advertising free apps. There is no accessible way, at least not one that I know of, to close the window that comes up after those videos. You'll just have to double tap anywhere on the screen, and it will either open the app store API in the game, or it'll open a link in safari which will redirect you to the real app store. Just close out of all that crap, g
 o back into the game, and you should have your gold. The second type you'll come across are ads with external sources attached, usually websites. When using object navigation (left and right swiping), the very first thing VO will come across is an unlabeled link which will close that page right down and hand you your gold. The third type of ads are usually longer clips, such as movie trailers. There are only two buttons after this type of video finishes playing. The first replays it (does not credit you again), and the second closes it down. The fourth, and my favorite, just closes itself. These usually include ads in other languages or ads without given URLs or ad tracking.Hoope my lengthy explanation helps you all rise to glory faster.


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Re: Edge of Winter - New Castle Adventure Audio Game

2015-09-04 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : alec via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Edge of Winter - New Castle Adventure Audio Game

Oh god, that fricken guy? That little son of a bitch ran off with $35 of mine a few years ago. He was all like, haha, monkey business? That game totally doesn't exist. thanks for the money. Anyway, that's good to hear. I check my email many times a day because I get a lot of important things emailed to me, so I will definitely not miss it.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Playing games like Palace Punch-up and Top Speed over the internet

2015-09-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : alec via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Playing games like Palace Punch-up and Top Speed over the internet

Ok Chris, here's the deal. in my experience, virtual machines don't work well with those kinds of things. Like, not at all. So my suggestion would be, just don't use a vm for that because the bridge adapters in VM wear are just horrible, and they once screwed up my whole adapter driver so badly that a system restore was needed to get it working again. I used to think it was a great idea to host games on my network directly, but then realized that it was a huge security risk. You are essentially removing the protection of your router and your firewall and opening yourself up for big trouble. This is why even if you are able to forward ports and have people connect directly, I seriously just wouldn't. I personally use hamachi for direct connect games such as the ones mentioned here, and they all work wonders. To answer a common question about hamachi that has come up a bunch here, most of the management you will do will be done on your log me in account on the we
 bsite. From there you can add or remove clients, create installation links for people each with their own expiration dates, networks the user is added to upon installation, labels and usage limits, manage your networks, change individual client rights to a network or change them all at once, change your subscription, and a ton more. You can do a few things with the interface, but not much. It really is a cool system though. This is getting a little out of the scope of general game discussion, so I think any further questions about networking should be taken to the off topic room. i am glad to help though.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Edge of Winter - New Castle Adventure Audio Game

2015-09-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : alec via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Edge of Winter - New Castle Adventure Audio Game

I agree with Staindaddict as well, which is I have decided to wait until Friday the 12th to do anything about it. That is fair in my mind, and if Jake doesn't think so, he can express his concerns to me privately in the paypal resolution center on or after that date if something hasn't happened by then. I totally understand that jyro22 is developing pretty much by himself and therefore needs a bit more time to get things done, but knowing all of this, I think he should have waited to say anything until the game was all tied up in a neat little bow and ready for release. Knowing his own sales history might also be a sign that he should try something different this time around. Just know that this is not a rant, but rather a suggestion that you can choose to follow or not. It's not time to rant quite yet, so I'm not going to intentionally say something that will set everyone ranting and get what sounds like a great game off to a bad start.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Edge of Winter - New Castle Adventure Audio Game

2015-09-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : alec via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Edge of Winter - New Castle Adventure Audio Game

Personally, I find the notion of sending out download links to a zip file of the game to be laughably insecure. I am almost positive that within a few weeks of this thing being posted, dropbox links to the file will be passed around like vollyballs at a beach party. Not by me of course. I have no reason to do something like that, seeing as I've already pre-ordered the game. I am sure this will happen though, which is why I strongly recommend a different form of validation. Perhaps an automated server that, upon receiving a paypal email about a completed payment, generates a one time use key and sends it out to the buyer. Additional keys could be generated manually by contacting you with the email the buyer used to pay. I'm not trying to be critical, but as an honest customer, i would not take kindly to something I pay $15 for to be passed around freely, and I doubt you would either.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Edge of Winter - New Castle Adventure Audio Game

2015-08-31 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : alec via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Edge of Winter - New Castle Adventure Audio Game

Well Harrylst, your timezone is GMT+7. i can't quite pinpoint where in the world that is, but that's pretty far ahead of everyone else. The time you wrote that post was 5:40 AM from where I am, which is 13 hours behind you. My point, be mindful of geography.All chronology aside, I am getting a bit annoyed myself. The day this topic was initially created, the first or second week in August, it was said that the game was in it's final development and just needed  a little bug stray to clean it up. It's been quite a while since then. I will continue to wait, possibly a week or two longer because I'm nice, but I'm not above issuing a chargeback if things aren't happening by, say, mid September.Still looking forwaard to this thing though.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Edge of Winter - New Castle Adventure Audio Game

2015-08-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : alec via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Edge of Winter - New Castle Adventure Audio Game

Once the thing comes out, Id be willing to do a demo of it. I actually thought about it before you said anything. Might convince others to buy the game that havent pre-ordered.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Edge of Winter - New Mystery Castle Adventure Audio Game

2015-08-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : alec via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Edge of Winter - New Mystery Castle Adventure Audio Game

Thats great to hear. I am now $14.99 poorer and hopefully one game richer in a week or two.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Edge of Winter - New Mystery Castle Adventure Audio Game

2015-08-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : alec via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Edge of Winter - New Mystery Castle Adventure Audio Game

Hello jyro breakerbox guy (lol),This sounds like a great game and is in my list of possible purchases, but I would just like to know one thing. What are the game mechanics like? Im sorry to say it, but the concept of a puzzle solving, menu driven, choice based audio drama immediately comes to mind upon hearing your description, and this concept is way, way, way overdone. I have been looking for good games lately, but all of the ones I find with good descriptions that have been coming out are either entirely text based gamebooks, muds or browser things, or more similar to this, choice based audio dramas such as the inquisitor series or codename signas. If this game is another one of those, its not for me. I mean no harm in what Ive said, I would just like to know what Im getting into since there appears to be no playable demo.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Some Swamp beginner questions

2015-08-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : alec via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some Swamp beginner questions

Hello Daniel,First and foremost, if you havent read the manual cover to cover, I very strongly recommend doing so. It goes into a lot of detail about what tools are available to you in terms of navigation and even walks you through picking up loot and shooting things. Its probably one of the most detailed manuals for an audio game Ive ever seen, so be sure to give it a read. Anyway, here are my answers to your questions:1. Radars help a lot. You should almost always have one sweeping the area when your indoors in case you miss an opening in a wall you would otherwise have no clue about. Thats really the only way to find your way around, unless you feel like smashing into walls all day. Its quite similar to being blind in real life actually. Yes, there is a graphics mode for people like me so I can actually tell where Im going without having to use radars, but if you cant see anything, youve gotta use your cane to tell whe
 re the walls and openings are. And if youre hopelessly lost and you just want to get out, remember that the building helper can get you out of any building anywhere.2. Again, think of it as though youre blind, and you have only your hearing to tell you where enemies are. You cant see, so a sight on a gun isnt going to help you. Thus, theres no targeting tones or anything. Youve just got to listen, aim, and shoot. Turn up the zombie steps if it helps. As for your concern about range, just use the volume of the target, and common sense. For example, an SMG class weapon isnt going to shoot quite as far as a full machine gun, and a machine gun isnt going to shoot as far as a rifle. Finally, about behind and in front, it took me a while to realize the difference as well. The farther away from the center something is, the quieter itll be overall. So if something is centered behind you, itll be a lot quieter and could sneak 
 up on you without you realizing it. Be careful of that.3. Honestly, I wouldnt worry about quests for the moment. A brand new system was just implemented for quests that was a lot better than the old one, but as of now the only reward for completing one is quest credits which serve no purpose yet. Just give Aprone a month or two to write up some more quests and finish the new system before trying it out again.Sorry for the long post. i hope I answered your questions thoroughly, and dont hesitate to ask more.


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