Re: A New MOO Core work in progress!

2020-05-28 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sorressean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A New MOO Core work in progress!

Who in their right mind would choose to use gamma out of all the servers available? You gain nothing over stunt except bugs. Also, what's the point of the double account system? choose one, go with it, don't overcomplicate.


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Re: why bgt dont continus

2019-02-06 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sorressean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why bgt dont continus

@Jayde/moderation: I'm not going to dispute my caution. I'm really really over him hulking out and screaming at people, and "retarded bullshit" wasn't the first time in this thread. If by turning up the heat you mean I called him down for some of the things he was saying after the fact, I was just now getting to and reading through this thread (and the heat was turned up, if you will and then died down when people didn't respond to the abuse above and then below). I'm mostly just fed up with the amount of abuse he heaps on people who don't deserve it, and when someone responds and says something, no matter how they approach it he doubles down on the abuse and accuses people of targetting him. Many of these people don't know a lot, and many of them don't speak or write English as a first language. Most of them just want to learn, and there are so many ways to teach (or just to not teach, if you do indeed think that people are idiots) rather than just screaming because they don't know what someone thinks they should know. I will attempt to be more civil in my responses, but I'm not particularly sure where that's going to get us.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: why bgt dont continus

2019-02-06 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sorressean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why bgt dont continus

No, you really didn't appologise for calling someone's response "retarded bullshit." Even if you had, I'm a little over you throwing a raging fit every time someone disagrees with you, then tearfully saying sorry when someone calls you down for it. Perhaps you should go back to trying to create the next best multithreaded sqlite based MOO... Oh wait, you can't. I guess you're stuck here trying to be superior to everyone else. Enjoy. 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: why bgt dont continus

2019-02-06 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sorressean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why bgt dont continus

It appears to me that someone has resorted to their old ways, accusations and claims. So buckle up folks, because I'm about to get some crayons out to do some xplaining. The only thing I can promise at the end is the likelyhood of salty tears and another #9: The fact that something hasn't been updated in 8 years does not mean that it won't be updated. He could get bored, he apparently handed it to someone last I spoke to him. There are all kinds of ways that BGT could get updates, so don't just assume t hat it won't until there's evidence to support that. This doesn't mean that you should throw all your eggs in the BGT basket, just that you shouldn't be making such #19: This is where you start screaming that the person is making themselves look like an idiot and throwing insults around. You know, the ones you always accuse others of targetting you with. A language is a language, and there's no need what so ever to comply with the sighted realm and make games in python and c++ simply because they do. I have thoughts on BGT, but I'll get to them when someone who has taken the time to write a grown-up post makes their comments heard. PS: this is coming, hold on to your socks.#22: the PE size being different certainly does prove something, but you attack this later, so I'm just going to stick with saying screaming someone is wrong is yet again wrong, and I'll happily disprove everything later, to add to what Carter has already done and said.#38: Wowee, finally a post with some substance. I like this, we should talk. I don't really mind BGT in that people write things in it. I have multiple issues which really aren't issues in and of themselves with BGT in general.1) This virus flag is kind of annoying and makes it really really hard to run in a lot of places. It will pretty much kill your ability to widely distribute, and I've seen all kinds of people turn away when they either couldn't get around the issue or rightfully don't feel comfortable running something flagged as a virus.2) It doesn't really seem to have spawned all that many good developer practices. Maybe the ease of use brought the copypaste coders out of the woodwork, I truly don't know. It does bridge the gap between compiling a ton of dependencies, dealing with python packaging, etc, but most people copy code and have repos of code that are not checked or haven't really had much work done on them. I present to you as exhibit B, sam's rotation code which is very flawed and which all kinds of people use rather than bothering to do their own math and research. More mainstream languages provide this kind of code in libraries written by people who know what they're doing for the most part, and it's not super hard to find rotation code, or a library that will help you with it.3) There are a lot of issues with extending games. One of the things I witnessed a lot was Sam saying "Well BGT sucks for X, but redspot is already x lines of code and I don't want to restart." At the point where you start running into issues imposed by a very old and outdated scripting engine or a terrible networking library, you've probably already sunk a lot of time and effort into writing your game and simply don't want to restart. This just makes the decision to continue bolting things on to an already project more viable, and it makes the likelyhood of bugs and issues persisting much higher.4) Finally, programming has a decent learning curve. I don't know particularly how I feel about that, I don't want to say that facedesking until you figure out just which magic words to say to make python work properly in a nice compiled package should be required for everyone, but the complaint I usually see is people moving from a language where everything is handed to them to a language where they might have to write their own things like a game menu. There are things that solve this problem, but unfortunately the python library that most of the people I know are working on isn't going to be public, so that problem won't ever be solved until someone steps up and does the same song and dance to create an audio game toolkit in Python or something similar.All of this said, I do agree that there is an advantage which you'd only get through a high level language in that BGT is easy to rapidly develop, prototype and create your ideas in and doesn't require a PHD in smart pointer management. I think Python would somewhat serve as a solution to this as well.#39: I agree with most of this except for the single threaded application bit. Unless you're using a language that truly supports threads, this doesn't matter anyway. Usually multithreading is not the solution to performance.#41: You're comparing apples to oranges here. He's saying the BGT stub is a different size, and you are arguing this point and saying that this doesn't mean anything. There are ways to verify if things were added or removed, some of which Carter already explain

Re: Stay the hell away from EmpireMud (appology to Athlon enclosed)

2018-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sorressean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Stay the hell away from EmpireMud (appology to Athlon enclosed)

Alter is really not a good idea of being able to play solo as you want. You pretty much are forced to group at higher levels or you're useless and/or just won't progress at a decent speed.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Redspot: The destruction of UKA and the rise of hypocrisy

2018-01-21 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sorressean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Redspot: The destruction of UKA and the rise of hypocrisy

Yeah, a dev not suffering from cranium anal insertion and who is actually skilled... now we just need to hope he can have the string to do what needs to be done. When I contributed briefly it was always "finish up and send me the code so I can edit it again" and dam any idea of a version control system because well, hackers.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Stay the hell away from EmpireMud (appology to Athlon enclosed)

2018-01-21 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sorressean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Stay the hell away from EmpireMud (appology to Athlon enclosed)

Chances are you can't. with my shit being gone she's probably finally decided to claim that land. Hell, it wouldn't even shock me if he just seeded everything I own including assloads of resources to her.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Redspot: The destruction of UKA and the rise of hypocrisy

2017-10-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sorressean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Redspot: The destruction of UKA and the rise of hypocrisy

I understand what you mean sort of. and I'm saying that there are a lot of good people in the community who will play the games and not cause trouble; but for those that do, it's down to the developer to deal with the issue. I'm obviously spilling issues from RS into the forums, but the number of issues and problem players on a game can be a reflection of how that developer handles that game.Lets take redspot for example:Lots of players cheat and lots of others have an issue with it. This creates a ton of problems for the game, etc. Solution: tools can be given to admins (I suggested an admin console long ago) and fixes can be put in place to help prevent this. I didn't say fully prevent, but help.Lots of players cheat by abusing bugs. This again creates issues; bugs can and should be fixed, not determined to be to hard to fix every iteration of the update. For example, one of the most common bugs is that of putting in any kind of input; whether using the menu for storage lockers, putting in base codes. This will sometimes depending on lag move you back and forth across a base, or you can hear players drawing weapons (now doing combos) sometimes wihle they put in their base code. I've mentioned this issue on two consecutive updates and it was decided to be to hard; the only bugs that get fixed shouldn't be the low hanging fruit that you can clean up in 30 seconds or less.Things like this, proper management etc make the community a better place to be. The one negative that Redspot has going for it is that this is a pk game, so feelings and egos will get hurt more often than anywhere else, but there's nothing to be done about that; with better management solutions that would just be the usual for any kind of PK game.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Redspot: The destruction of UKA and the rise of hypocrisy

2017-10-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sorressean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Redspot: The destruction of UKA and the rise of hypocrisy

at #20: why do you pretend you're better than the community? A game and the community is what the developer lets it be. Many choices made by the person running the game are what creates the community around that kind of game. Lots of drama surrounds Redspot, stw and etc because they don't take steps to prevent such issues from occuring, but come up with excuses and keep adding items to try to keep people interested in playing. It's a matter of how the developer handles him or herself; I play many games that are managed much better and have many less issues. While i dislike alter aeon for example, Dentin handles issues as they present themselves and keeps working on the game; I can log on and play right now and not experience a lot of issues that I might by logging on and playing Redspot or STW. This of course is a bit of a bad comparison as Alter isn't PK mandatory, but hoepfully my meaning is clear.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Redspot: The destruction of UKA and the rise of hypocrisy

2017-10-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sorressean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Redspot: The destruction of UKA and the rise of hypocrisy

The admin powers are to kick/ban and to see compinfo (this includes username, computer name, path of executable (C:\users\foobar\redspot\redspot), etc. That's literally all. Sam has any other commands he writes, but admins can't cheat. I've seen sam gather items as well, and I've seen him get killed by people so I can gaurantee he doesn't also cheat. He should be able to play his own games without being accused of that, and that's not even the point of this topic.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Redspot: The destruction of UKA and the rise of hypocrisy

2017-10-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sorressean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Redspot: The destruction of UKA and the rise of hypocrisy

Well, this topic makes two things clear to me. First redspot will never change. It will continue to be a power trip for you and those who stroke your ego will get the farthest in making changes. I'm sorry I can't be that person. It's also blatently obvious that you can't give up the power of having a team for the betterment of the game; you through your actions and excuses have made this pretty apparent. I've said what I wanted to say, and I'll leave those hollo excuses to make my case for me. I am of the oppinion that it won't take long for people to start trickling away. Unfortunately redspot is the only larger game that allows for PVP fps; I can only hope that someone will build something else so that people don't have to choose that or nothing, because it is that new game, should it ever appear that will do the most to show you just how much your players really like the game. My points can stand on their own, those who will understand them will, but it's obvious that excuses will flow forth and nothing what so ever will actually change. Enjoy your new UKA.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Redspot: The destruction of UKA and the rise of hypocrisy

2017-10-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sorressean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Redspot: The destruction of UKA and the rise of hypocrisy

I don't have a problem with you playing your own game, adding beta members.I have a problem with you destroying a team because you didn't like it, then deciding shortly thereafter that you were going to build another team just as big and use the same excuses we started with for why UKA shouldn't be destroyed for why your team should exist. I have a problem with us all coming to an agreement and making a choice that we thought was for the betterment of redspot for you to then take it and shatter it and build your own team. If you want to play, play... But you quite literally are once again the most powerful team with members with exponentially more kills than anyone else in the game, simply because you didn't bother to hold to any of the points that we discussed and decided would make Redspot a better game for everyone. If you want a fight, team caps would let you have fights, and your team caps would let those multiple people on your team build smaller ones to make the game more fun for everyone. The issues aren't that you specifically are playing, just that literally nothing has been done to combat a lot of the issues which we spoke about. You seem to be under the impression that you have to have a base, despite the fact that most people who aren't you and/or your team don't keep bases for long. The concept we spoke of when we had that big long talk was that bases are not constants; they're something you fight for and hold; if you go offline and it gets destroyed, you build another one. Simply put, you wanted a system that would not allow for another base like dabs to be created, yet you are trying to state that you need 17 people on a team to protect your team. You've also not really bothered to address the fact that one of your developers ragequit because of UKA but is now part of the biggest team in the game; I guess that only matters when you're not on the receiving end of getting killed.Lets do some math here. In order to simply destroy your base you claim needs 20k throwing stars, you need:3500=5000 dollars2/3500 = 5.715.71 * 5000 =28550IIRC, bitcoins give between 200 and 240 a pop. I'm going to call it 220 for the sake of calculation:2220*20 = 4400.28550/4400 = 6.48that's 6.48 packs (call it 7 since you can't get .48 of a pack) bitcoins just to destroy your base. one would also need to shield up, get lots of health and not be uninterrupted by any of 17 players in order to make this happen.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Redspot: The destruction of UKA and the rise of hypocrisy

2017-10-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sorressean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Redspot: The destruction of UKA and the rise of hypocrisy

I find it interesting that the team you're defending also consists of both developers, one of which ragequit when he died twice to UKA because UKA is op. There are solutions to bases being destroyed while members are offline, many of which have been implemented in other games. If you were less obsessed with adding 500 weapons and achievements that require you stand on your head and spin counter clockwise while chanting the national anthem backwards while also computing the square root of 1321221 in your head and spent more time solving balance issues through code, this wouldn't be an issue and you wouldn't have the excuse that your team needs to consist of 17 members to support all 5 of your bases.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Redspot: The destruction of UKA and the rise of hypocrisy

2017-10-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sorressean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Redspot: The destruction of UKA and the rise of hypocrisy

Is that how you have 2600 kills, by fighting people who are geared up? These sound like lots of excuses to me, you should know how hard it is to get 2 throwing stars, I'd imagine that you guys are on the island defending those bitcoins (because why not), etc.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Redspot: The destruction of UKA and the rise of hypocrisy

2017-10-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sorressean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Redspot: The destruction of UKA and the rise of hypocrisy

Naw, my goal wasn't to try to get people to return. I'm finished making excuses for sam's poor choices and narcissistic attitude. I just wanted to highlight how what was supposed to be the game moving in a great direction has failed, and done so in such a spectacular manner.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Redspot: The destruction of UKA and the rise of hypocrisy

2017-10-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sorressean via Audiogames-reflector


Redspot: The destruction of UKA and the rise of hypocrisy

I'd decided to take a break from Redspot and have moved on to other games, but I logged on today between homework problems for some mindless killing and noticed that Sam Tupy himself is now the leader of another huge team, so I wanted to bring all of this out into the public, because everyone should know how this game is ran.Prior to the update and even after, there was lots of discussion about certain members being removed from UKA that people didn't like. For example Luke (You'reFucked/Luccianno) was a top pick because people didn't particularly like him, as was Sito. UKA decided to hold a vote, but there was also a lot of contention at times with Nakon as team leader and some of the decisions he was making. I initially thought that we were on the right track to unifying the team and we staged a team vote to determine who should be left out of the team, but before the vote could become finalized, it was decided that the team should be dissolved through a sequence of events which I will do my best to explain below. Before I do so however, it is also worth note that during this vote Sam himself accrued three collective votes from Amine, Sito and Hamada who voted for him to be removed because they did not believe that the developer should be on the team; or at least that he should be playing as sam, as that opened us up to a lot of accusations of favoritism and cheating.After this last big release, one of the big topics of discussion in the beta team and in UKA itself was simply how to deal with the team and make the game more fun for everyone. We all agreed on chopping tons of health off our base and spent a lot of time determining how to balance the game itself through the team; whether that included making 100% sure that nonagression pacts were followed or just splitting up. What brought about this discussion at least for me, was the destruction of Spectra's base, which included a lot of those from UKA who were beta members, and most notably (although it never had a chance to be deployed) included two people with mini guns. This event took place  less than a day after the release of the game. This was problematic for me and many others simply because we as a team were using our knowledge as beta members to destroy another team, when information on how to get the minigun was not known to anyone else at the time, and it was our resources that allowed us to have this gun in the first place. A lot of us agreed on cutting the base health down to 50 million, which would be around where the addition of mettle and would started to diminish in the amount of health it would add to the base, and would have resulted in us losing a net of about 136 million hp all told. The second issue however was what to do with all of the items inside the base, as now that item grabbers were much less effective, we basically had a ton of items that noone could get. Lots of ideas were eventually proposed, but none really surfaced as a great solution.During this discussion, multiple STW admins got on teamtalk with a few of the UKA members, and we hashed out some of the issues that were apparent and collectively decided on a few things. first, sam came to the revelation that he's not much of a gamer and more of a developer, and realized that having all his friends as beta members on the most powerful team in the game was detremental to the progress of the game. Here, I am not sure why this was an issue because we're essentially losing things for being acquainted with Sam, but we'll move beyond that. This discussion resulted in a few points being raised:* Many of the people on UKA were admins, if not all. This is simply because we were friendly with Sam and thus were around and could make sure that people weren't cheating.* Many (save maybe one member) of the beta members were on UKA. The only exception I can think of to this is JimmyDub.* UKA's size (16 at the time, if I remember correctly) was quite literally more than 50% of the player base, and thus it was hard for others to build up.Given these points, we decided that ultimately it would make sense if a few things were to occur:* The UKA base would be destroyed, as we weren't able to come to any other consensus on how to best manage the base and the items inside. This would allow us to give a better prospective on what it's like and help sam better direct the game.* The team cap would be limited to 5, to prevent huge teams like UKA from growing again.After the UKA base destruction was to take place, we had a team member (Luke) who was magically and randomly kicked from the team. No one understands who did it or why, but this essentially solved the problem of what to do with the resources. Sam then decided that he couldn't wait for the team and bases to be destroyed, because in his words "the team was ripping itself apart from the inside" and decided to stage a huge show of blowing it up, which caused tons and tons o

Redspot: The destruction of UKA and the rise of hypocrisy

2017-10-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sorressean via Audiogames-reflector


Redspot: The destruction of UKA and the rise of hypocrisy

I'd decided to take a break from Redspot and have moved on to other games, but I logged on today between homework problems for some mindless killing and noticed that Sam Tupy himself is now the leader of another huge team, so I wanted to bring all of this out into the public, because everyone should know how this game is ran.Prior to the update and even after, there was lots of discussion about certain members going that people didn't like. For example Luke (You'reFucked/Luccianno) was a top pick because people didn't particularly like him, as was Sito. UKA decided to hold a vote, but there was also a lot of contention at times with Nakon as team leader and some of the decisions he was making. I initially thought that we were on the right track to unifying the team and we staged a team vote to determine who should be left out of the team, but before the vote could become finalized, it was decided that the team should be dissolved through a sequence of events which I will do my best to explain below.After this last big release, one of the big topics of discussion in the beta team and in UKA itself was simply how to deal with the team and make the game more fun for everyone. We all agreed on chopping tons of health off our base and spent a lot of time determining how to balance the game itself. What brought about this discussion at least for me, was the destruction of Spectra's base, which included a lot of those who were beta members, and most notably (although it never had a chance to be deployed) included two people with mini guns, literally I think less than a day after the release of the game. This was problematic for me and many others simply because we as a team were using our knowledge as beta members to destroy another team, when information on how to get the minigun was not known to anyone else at the time, and it was our resources that allowed us to have this gun in the first place. A lot of us agreed on cutting the base health down to 50 million, which would be around where the cap would start returning and would have resulted in us losing a net of about 136 million hp all told. The second issue however was what to do with all of the items inside the base, as now that item grabbers were much less affective, we basically had a ton of items that noone could get. Lots of ideas were eventually tossed out, but none really surfaced as a great solution.During this discussion, multiple STW admins got on teamtalk with us (the UKA members) or at least a few of us, and we hashed out some of the issues that were apparent and collectively decided on a few things. first, sam came to the revelation that he's not much of a gamer and more of a developer, and realized that having all his friends as beta members on the most powerful team in the game was detremental to the progress of the game. Here, I am not sure why this was an issue because we're essentially losing things for being acquainted with Sam, but we'll move beyond that. This discussion resulted in a few points being raised:* Many of the people on UKA were admins, if not all. This is simply because we were friendly with Sam and thus were around and could make sure that people weren't cheating.* Many (save maybe one member) of the beta members were on UKA. The only exception I can think of to this is JimmyDub.* UKA's size (16 at the time, if I remember correctly) was quite literally more than 50% of the player base, and thus it was hard for others to build up.Given these points, we decided that ultimately it would make sense if a few things were to occur:* The UKA base would be destroyed, as we weren't able to come to any other consensus on how to best manage the base and the items inside. This would allow us to give a better prospective on what it's like and help sam better direct the game.* The team cap would be limited to 5, to prevent huge teams like UKA from growing again.After the UKA base destruction was to take place, we had a team member (Luke) who was magically and randomly kicked from the team. No one understands who did it or why, but this essentially solved the problem of what to do with the resources. Sam then decided that he couldn't wait for the team and bases to be destroyed, because in his words "the team was ripping itself apart from the inside" and decided to stage a huge show of blowing it up, which caused tons and tons of lag for the server while he detonated massive amounts of sat bombs while receiveing lavish praise from the player base about how cool it was that UKA was going down and thanking him for doing that.Interestingly enough, none of the points we agreed on have occured. Part of the reason for destroying the team was that we had beta members, admins, and a developer all on board as well as a huge member limit. This hasn't stopped Sam from recruiting a couple more people and building yet another huge team, consisting interestingly enough with beta members, ad

Re: Redspot: Blood and dumpsterfire.

2017-10-19 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sorressean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Redspot: Blood and dumpsterfire.

I would imagine that you're held to a higher standard because you were on the beta team and should know better. You've also apparently gotten around the ban according to some of your posts, so I'm not particularly sure why this is a question or discussion. You were warned for repeatedly using robots to lag players, and you should've known that going LD to avoid a stun is a clear cheat. There's not a warning for that, and there's really no way to make that fair. Sure I could've warned you, but the stun was landed fairly, so there's that and you'd have been rewarded for cheating either way.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Fake speed hack ditection in STW

2017-10-18 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sorressean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Fake speed hack ditection in STW

Honestly the thing that depresses me most about the blind game community is the utter lack of good content. I think Redspot is a good game in and of itself, but there are a lot of issues that make it a problem. Some of it can be attributed to maturity, some of it can be attributed to the drama that seems to follow Sam around like the plague, some can be attributed to many many other things. I fully agree with the comment that you should vote with what you choose to do with your time though, and until recently I always had this idea that I would only play a bit with friends, then stop. Unfortunately there were always things I wanted to do and even though I disliked a lot of where the game was going in some points, i kept coming back. If you disagree with things that are happening with anything, whether it be Sam's game or quite literally anything else, and if that relies on you and others to play to keep it interesting, your choice to not play is important. Also important thou
 gh is constructive feedback. While I do think a lot of these issues boil down to maturity (Just look at the Redspot changelog for the fuck you cheaters lines), I also think this specific sound and issue stems from sam's problem with said cheaters. I can imagine that when he created this scheme he was going for physical discomfort and intending to punish the cheaters who plague his games. So lets see how long it takes for there to be a change now that he admits it's a bad thing to do, and go from there. Sam has said that he wants to learn and do better, so lets move this from sam's a kid to what can be done better. Maybe that needs to be in another thread, but it's something that can be done. Then, I suggest you judge him on how he handles the constructive feedback and how he grows rather than on his past. You don't have to start playing his games tomorrow, but maybe in 6 months things can change and there will be a difference. It is my hope that his games wi
 ll get better over time, and I plan to give it a shot in a few months to see how that plays out.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Fake speed hack ditection in STW

2017-10-18 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sorressean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Fake speed hack ditection in STW

I want to respond to the post made by @raygrote.I realize and fully admit my handling of comments on this thread was worse than it needed to be. I love software development and it's something I'm admittedly pretty good at. I also really respect people like Sam, who want to learn, want to get better and have this strive to do so. It doesn't mean I agree with everything he does--as a matter of fact I'd probably say Sam doesn't like me much at the moment, and that's perfectly fine. I have issue with people who just make things up to try to make someone look bad, in this case Sam. Those who don't develop will look at it because it falls in line with their preconceived notions that sam is just stupid for choosing BGT or any other idea; this in essence is how issues get started that are hard to stamp out. Ask me to explain something programming related and I'm game, but ask me to politely refute bad information that keeps building, and I�
 39;m clearly not your guy.I am a professional developer with lots of experience in a few different fields and I can tell you that BGT is limited in many ways, but speedhack detection is not one, at least in terms of clamping on upper bounds like we already suggested. I don't know why speedhack detection is enabled in the main menu, and I can't really defend that. Every programmer has multiple ways to write something, and one implementation of speedhack detection is not always going to be as good as another. Just because Sam does something different, wrong, right or great doesn't mean that everyone will do the same, nor does it reflect on the language at hand. There are many issues with BGT, but unfortunately in a discussion of the limits of BGT we didn't touch on most of them.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Redspot: Blood and dumpsterfire.

2017-10-18 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sorressean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Redspot: Blood and dumpsterfire.

[ a-t ]#35 I'm not really sure what you're asking, if you rephrase I'll try to answer.@connor: Stop being salty you got banned, you cheated and that's that. If you had wanted you could've came after the UKA base and done some damage, but you decided that your solution was to cheat twice in one day. UKA might have two other bases, but that doesn't mean that they're built with the same HP as Dabs, nor does it mean they're loaded with the same amount of stuff. Move on already.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Redspot: Blood and dumpsterfire.

2017-10-17 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sorressean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Redspot: Blood and dumpsterfire.

I'd like to clear some things up, so please take a trip down wtf road with me, if you will.First, I want to start by saying that I haven't left UKA and/or Redspot because the base was destroyed. I soloed quite often and am just as good solo as I am with a base--a base just gave us an edge when it came to fighting people like vape and chiller who would get up 350k and 5k shields, then attack everyone. This is also the case for most of our members. It's also worth note that when I was doing said dirty work, people didn't have issues. A lot of us, although not all tried to make truces and fight the bigger people; I've also lost track of how many teams have gottne started thanks to me handing them a few thousand wood. There were a lot of good points to UKA, but I can understand why people wanted them gone (and honestly I'm totally fine with it). It's worth note that despite the rumors, we never at any point cheated--I would've left before
  I stayed in a team that cheated. As a matter of fact, there were multiple times when people used bugs that sam refused to fix for multiple weeks to cheat. the most memorable comes after a player named Power destroyed a base that I was helping protect for someone, and I fought him. I killed him, then he returned the next day, built up and we had one hell of a fight. He won that fight, and when I ran back to base after I died and got past him, I got in while he was 230 some odd feet away. Somehow magically he was with us in the base, and we lost quite literally everything that day, as well as had to repair everything in the base because it had -75 health. After we spent hours working on getting stuff and repelling attacks, someone impersonated a team member, somehow got on the team, got the code because we knew he didn't have the new one, walked in and took everything again. We yet again rebuilt to again have the same thing happen the next day. We had a lot, because we worke
 d for it and we worked pretty hard to make that happen. We were overpowered simply because people didn't band together to kill us effectively. For example, RSA together at one point had about 1.2 million hp, but they kindly stood on the base tile and let me blast them all in one go with the 400 sat bombs I'd put there for their arrival rather than learning from the last 4 times I had killed them that way. There were many people who either by cheating and many others by playing the game that managed to do an absurd amount of damage to a base. I know specifically the best I've pulled off is about 9 mil solo on another base, so it can be done and is doable.There are multiple issues and I don't claim to know them all, but lots of people never at any point adopted their fighting strategy. Someone posted that I made a comment like feel free to break barricades because I'll just rebuild them in another thread, and that was pretty much the case, simply becaus
 e people did not attack in a way that would have mattered apart from those who went crazy and did some serious destruction. One specific event comes to mind; I decided that I wanted to see if I could get the player base all on one tile so I could get a huge mass kill with sat bombs. So I started a campaign called Make Redspot Great again and convinced everyone that I was leaving UKA and wanted to destroy the base, so if they could get on the base tile I'd let us all split everything from the base and I would be placing explosives until then, after which we'd set off the boom. It literally took 20 minutes trying to convince everyone to make a passage through the east side, and took two of us from UKA making the hole to get everyone together before we got the 15 person kill. This unfortunately says a lot; if I can't get the base to rally behind free stuff but they would follow through barricades once there was a hole (some didn't even get that there was a hole and 
 died on barricades while we were all trooping through this hole), why would people be able to form up and attack the base? I spent a lot of time teaching people how to fight, and Nakon and myself specifically pretty early on even gave people tips on how to destroy or attack us and make a good fight.So, long story short the game is getting pretty old fast. Add to this the vast amount of bugs, issues like people droppping sandbags on islands to prevent people from getting up there, and a player base who seems like they'll do quite literally anything to get ahead and are happy to throw a good fight out the window and the game loses its appeal. The lag isn't an issue so much as it's that everyone will use it to their advantage. The newbie shield isn't an issue so much as people will find every possible way to get around it, from dieing and retrieving their corpses so their timer resets to using it to come after barricades, and if it takes weeks to get updates 
 on systems that are used to cheat larger teams out of things, my hopes aren't high that many

Re: Redspot: Blood and dumpsterfire.

2017-10-17 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sorressean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Redspot: Blood and dumpsterfire.

I'd like to clear some things up, so please take a trip down wtf road with me, if you will.First, I want to start by saying that I haven't left UKA and/or Redspot because the base was destroyed. I soloed quite often and am just as good solo as I am with a base--a base just gave us an edge when it came to fighting people like vape and chiller who would get up 350k and 5k shields, then attack everyone. It's also worth note that when I was doing said dirty work, pepole didn't have issues. A lot of us, although not all tried to make truces and fight the bigger people; I've also lost track of how many teams have gottne started thanks to me handing them a few thousand wood. There were a lot of good points to UKA, but I can understand why people wanted them gone (and honestly I'm totally fine with it). It's worth note that despite the rumors, we never at any point cheated--I would've left before I stayed in a team that cheated. As a matter o
 f fact, there were multiple times when people used bugs that sam refused to fix for multiple weeks to cheat. the most memorable comes after a player named Power destroyed a base, and I fought him. I killed him, then he returned the next day, built up and we had one hell of a fight. He won that fight, and when I ran back to base after I died and got past him, I got in while he was 230 some odd feet away. Somehow magically he was with us in the base, and we lost quite literally everything that day, as well as had to repair everything in the base because it had -75 health. After we spent hours working on getting stuff and repelling attacks, someone impersonated a team member, somehow got on the team, got the code because we knew he didn't have the new one, walked in and took everything again. We yet again rebulit to again have the same thing happen the next day. We had a lot, because we worked for it and we worked pretty hard to make that happen. We were overpowered simply bec
 ause people didn't band together to kill us effectively. For example, RSA together at one point had about 1.2 million hp, but they kindly stood on the base tile and let me blast them all in one go with the 400 sat bombs I'd put there for their arrival rather than learning from the last 4 times I had killed them that way. There were many people who either by cheating and many others by playing the game that managed to do an absurd amount of damage to a base. i know specifically the best I've pulled off is about 9 mil solo on another base, so it can be done and is doable.There are multiple issues and I don't claim to know them all, but lots of people never at any point adopted their fighting strategy. Someone posted that I made a comment like feel free to break barricades because I'll just rebuild them in another thread, and that was pretty much the case, simply because people did not attack in a way that would have mattered apart from those who went cr
 azy and did some serious destruction. One specific event comes to mind; I decided that I wanted to see if I could get the player base all on one tile so I could get a huge mass kill with sat bombs. So I started a campaign called Make Redspot Great again and convinced everyone that I was leaving UKA and wanted to destroy the base, so if they could get on the base tile I'd let us all split everything from the base and we'd set off the boom. It literally took 20 minutes trying to convince everyone to make a passage through the east side, and took two uf us from UKA making the hole to get everyone together before we got the 15 person kill. This unfortunately says a lot; if I can't get the base to rally behind free stuff but they would follow through barricades once there was a hole (some didn't even get that there was a hole and died on barricades while we were all trooping through this hole), why would people be able to form up and attack the base? I spent a lot of 
 time teaching people how to fight, and Nakon and myself specifically pretty early on even gave people tips on how to destroy or attack us and make a good fight.So, long story short the game is getting pretty old fast. Add to this the vast amount of bugs, issues like people droppping sandbags on islands to prevent people from getting up there, and a player base who seems like they'll do quite literally anything to get ahead and are happy to throw a good fight out the window and the game loses its appeal. The lag isn't an issue so much as it's that everyone will use it to their advantage. The newbie shield isn't an issue so much as people will find every possible way to get around it, from dieing and retrieving their corpses so their timer resets to using it to come after barricades, and if it takes weeks to get updates on systems that are used to cheat larger teams out of things, my hopes aren't high that many of these will be fixed in a timely order. 
 There are so many simple things that can be done to make the game a better place; from small thin

Re: Fake speed hack ditection in STW

2017-10-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sorressean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Fake speed hack ditection in STW

I've developed quite a lot of stuff actually--I have code in the FreeBSD kernel, i have developed a mud engine (which is fairly messy, I must admit), I'm working on a pretty big app right now, etc. I don't care how often someone is on the first page of new releases. I care about someone who throws terminology around and goes after a developer for everything without proper backing. I'd really love it if other devs would chime in who know what they're doing to comment on Ethin's solutions for speedhack detection, but chances are they've realized this is a waste of time already. I'm tired of trying to deal with someone who thinks that they need to assert their knowledge, or lack there of to try to make points which are blatently false. You don't have to show your skills to have skills, but I'm arguing very basic concepts in this thread, many of which Ethin should already know if he knows as much as he's projecting. Is Ethin a goo
 d dev? He might be, I've never worked with him and the conversations I've had with him did not lead anywhere quickly, but there's also a point where you just admit you might not know something. Every post that I've seen that might be slightly skewed against Sam has Ethin tossing around programming terms and telling the world what can and can't be done in BGT and why Sam is wrong to do x, y, and z when many of these claims have no validity.


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Re: Redspot: Blood and dumpsterfire.

2017-10-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sorressean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Redspot: Blood and dumpsterfire.

[ a-t ]#14:First please don't use exclaimation marks to make your point, it just irritates most readers and doesn't actually make your point better than just writing a single cogent sentence would.Secondly and most importantly, I am probably one of sam's biggest critics. I knit pick at a lot of things, and I honestly think there's a lot that needs changing, but what I will say is I've seen the code for redspot, I've been in a channel with sam when he's debugging things. Sam is a good coder in his own right, and he learns dam quick. Please do not conflate his handling of issues with his development skilll; while i understand it might be easy to draw conclusions, his skills as a coder can stand on their own. There are just a lot of choices being made that make the game hard to play. I've witnessed him and Mason work on RS together, and I've witnessed Mason specifically say he hasn't used bgt in a really long time--during 
 which Sam was fixing bugs and adding features.


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Re: Fake speed hack ditection in STW

2017-10-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sorressean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Fake speed hack ditection in STW

Honestly my issue is that you're nothing but a small potatoes developer with nothing to show but a liking for big words and a hate for Sam, so get off your horse already, will you? I'll address, yet again your points.First, with regards to Google: that's a totally valid method of research, if you bother to read the articles you find that you claim back up your opinion. When the first one isn't even related what so ever to your point (an article about how people pay to cheat) when you're trying to prove that cheating prevention creates more of a drive for cheating, don't expect me to take anything else you've posted seriously. Information overload with 25 links that might or might not back up your point is in no way, shape or form considered legitimate proof or valid research.I understand that this isn't the -only- thing to stop with speed hacks, but it's one solution to one problem. As the lauded developer that you are, you
  should know and understand that when dealing with issues on a higher scale, you tend to solve individual problems one at a time.With regards to not trusting the client: why exactly would you need multithreading? Surely you can think of a way to time the last coordinate update packet and when the next one is received and then determine if a player has moved to far without while loops (as opposed to say, a for loop that will work within bounds) and multithreading? If not, I propose it as a great learning exercise.With regard to CPU registers:If you have any idea how assembly works, you'd understand where you're going wildly off base here. You do not need to change values in CPU registers to change them, and indeed changing values in registers is fairly hard as you would have to catch them. More importantly, these values may not even be in cpu registers very often--if you're working with a pointer to a block of data, for example. Most cheat engines wo
 rk by modifying the stack and heap, which are not in the same ballpark as CPU registers. Yes, it's a great way to cheat apps, especially single player games. But as you yourself said, "Don't trust the client," as in the client should always check for validity the data being sent to it.My point in terms of DLL injection is that prevention might be nice, but it's nearly impossible to do so and there are other solutions to getting your code into the processes space anyway. I was simply stating that it might be great if it could be done, but it's not the end-all solution, as in there are other ways to limit and/or help prevent speedhacking that don't do with automatically jumping to preventing DLL injections, many of which can be accomplished in BGT.


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Re: Redspot: Blood and dumpsterfire.

2017-10-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sorressean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Redspot: Blood and dumpsterfire.

I'm going to respond to certain points here:1) the lag.Apparently the lag has been fixed with machine guns specifically. I do not know if this is the same for everything, but hopefully having the mg lag fixed will make everything else less of an issue.2) The newbie system:I was pretty irritated when this came in, simply because it's a really weird solution. The point of this system is that you're supposed to have time to gather items to fight with, which I am fine with. The issue, as it turns out isn't in the concept, but in implementation; the server was rebooted multiple times to fix some small bug, when this could've been tested and then implemented with less issues on the live server, which would've resulted in many less issues for the player base. I haven't played in a few days, but as I understand it, fixes are in the pipeline, although players shouldn't have had to go multiple days getting attacked by people wh
 o will abuse the hell out of this system. When I was playing, I seen so many ways around this and people using them, so I can only hope they get patched, but there are always going to be edgecases.3. These again are being investigated. While I understand many of your points, there's not much that can be done about this, unfortunately.4. The admin was yours truly. I left over a difference of oppinion; I refuse to work on bettering a game where the time effort and work put into said administration is not appreciated.5. The readme was a bastardized copy from Connor who I will admit has a fairly odd way of writing and could be cleaner. I'm not going to argue that this document shows the preparation of this update. Something small like frequency scramblers can be overlooked, but lots of things (including the fact that you could fall down the back side of the mountain with future plans to allow players to get back to the other 1/3 of the map that were not actua
 lly implemented) says something to the playerbase. Couple that with lag and you start to have issues. Fortunately these were fixed, but the release of this update felt like a really bumpy jet ride, where the next round of turbulence could result in 30 seconds of lag, losing all your stuff or zombies spawning to eat your children. There were multiple small things, from the file being corrupt for a ton of people to people thinking they were banned because the client doesn't communicate the version number to show that there is an update, which can and should be fixed at some point.6) documentation and favoritism:Most of the beta team admits that it's a bit odd for them to know about things without it being documented. I don't really know the solutions for this, short of better documentation. Perhaps the docs don't need to include exact stats, but I will admit a list of achievements and docs on relative information on weapons would be nice.9) Cheati
 ng and friends with beta members:I like to think that beta have been helpful. I know I tried at many points to help people with information and showed people how to get to sky island, and so have many others. This is a small community, so you can't expect beta members to not also play; indeed, beta members have to play to suggest issues and report bugs.


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Re: Empire Mud: A misguided Admin is the cause of my departure

2017-10-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sorressean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Empire Mud: A misguided Admin is the cause of my departure

Here's the issue I have with this log. It looks to have been heavily edited... There are certain gaps in the conversation that feel weird to me, the dev asks him to stop the conversation on channels, for example and that's left in there but you don't know any of what he said on channels. You see some random lines that just don't make sense.The OP admits that he had at some point bullied the people of that empire and caused them issues, and a dev stepping in to prevent harassment is not a problem. I've been playing for a while and I find the admins and the main dev himself helpful and have yet to see anything of this power hunger that the OP wants us to see. Basically this stinks of someone throwing a fit because they were asked to do something, the dev says he wants to flesh out the war stuff and makes a request until that is done, and that is somehow a problem. It's also worth note that this game is beta and in pretty constant development; you
  can follow all kinds of topics on the dev channel. This dev, as far as I can tell is engaged with his game base (having discussions with players on how things should work), for example.


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Re: Empire Mud: A misguided Admin is the cause of my departure

2017-10-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sorressean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Empire Mud: A misguided Admin is the cause of my departure

If you look at the log of this conversation, it doesn't in any way back up what the OP said. The admin simply asked OP to not bully people, and it seems (and was admitted by OP himself) that there was a past of bullying...


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Re: Fake speed hack ditection in STW

2017-10-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sorressean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Fake speed hack ditection in STW

I would expect someone to be a bit more sympathetic about this. To be honest, this speedhack thing is broken, I've seen it falsely flag me (and then not even flag when I was speedhacking) to try to test... Playing a sound like that is not the best solution; it's about the same as making someone's screen flicker super fast. I've heard of people who say they've had hearing loss after, and it certainly has potential to damage someone's hearing depending on the volume at which it's played. There is no reason what so ever to hurt someone's ears or intentionally try to cause damage because they speedhacked, especially if you can't even be sure that you do not have false positives. Simply telling someone not to use XP really isn't the way to go, and people shouldn't have to switch operating systems just to avoid physical discomfort.


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Re: redspot review

2017-09-10 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sorressean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: redspot review

I'm kind of astonished at this. If you have to steal code to make a game and then admit it, it proves you're not worth all that much. I respect people who create things without ripping off others, then making money from it. The fact that you had to steal sam's work and now attempt to shove it under the rug is pretty pathetic. You can try to pretend that you add items (just because players ask for things doesn't mean they're a good idea), but the reality is, you wouldn't be where you are without your dishonesty and theft. You can view that however you may, but if you could've written your own engine you would have done so without stealing from someone else.


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Re: redspot review

2017-09-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sorressean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: redspot review

There is currently a base with somewhere between 18 and 28 mil hp (they fought someone last night, not sure where that stood). Sending random explosives is not the solution, nor is grenading our base. You can keep insulting us and saying we have no lives, but the reality is you suck and bluster doesn't account for skill.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: redspot review

2017-09-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sorressean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: redspot review

I'm an ass because I'm tired of people suggesting that just because they don't have the skill to damage our base means we're cheating. I also have many many years and official jobs as a developer. I know what it's like to manage a team and to be a solo developer, and these are things that I think sam grasps as well. It's not as simple as creating a team, anyone can do that. A dev team needs to be handled properly. It's not just about letting people change your code, it's about reviewing that code to make sure that there are no security implications, and making sure that the code is what you want. The simple fact that you say you can "just remove it" shows your experience in this field, and I don't say that to be rude. Managing a team of developers is hard work for the most part and if sam doesn't want to do that, then Sam shouldn't have to answer to someone throwing around assertions about what a good developer does.
  He starts off by saying:"People rave about Sam and his supposed amazing product development skills and forget that just because someonecan develop something does not immediately make that particular someone better than someone else, or the best developer in an entire community of approximately23,076 members."This right off the bat tells me he has an issue with Sam, which is fine, but don't be quite so obvious about it. The initial poster's topic didn't talk about sam's skills, and using "supposed amazing product development skills" is already right off the bat setting the tone for the rest of the message. nor does the initial post (or any other post but #4) talk about whether or not sam is the best developer in a community of . This in and of itself is not even an accurate statement, as all of the registerd users of this forum are not developers and as I've
  previously stated, sam's skills are not being called into question by the initial poster, certainly not to the extent of discussing whether or not his skills are amazing or whether or not he's the best developer in this community.He says: "And I'd like to add that good developers do notdevelop sloppy things (i.e. things that have lots of bugs that are easily fixed, etc)."I'm not really sure where any of this comes from, but I guess we have vastly different ideas on what makes a good developer a good developer. What might appear easily fixable from the outside might not be an easily fixable bug on the inside and vice versa. So again we're casting aspersions at sam's skills by saying that "good developers fix bugs right away."he says:"Sam may have developed an online game, but he certainly isn't the first who's done this, nor is he the greatest (thefact that he fails to fix bugs that 
 degrade the games overall quality when he is notified about their existence proves this)."We keep discussing whether or not sam is the greatest, which leads me to think #4 didn't bother reading the initial post, or he's taking this as an opportunity to attack Sam. Just because he does not fix bugs right away does not make him or anyone else a bad developer. See also: real life.I'm not going to cover the rest of the post, as it's just useless bluster to bolster the initial invalid points to begin with while trying in vain to establish #4 as the authority on a topic of which he clearly is clueless. The fact that we're attacking the character of a developer of a game and insinuating that they are not good developers because they do not immediately fix bugs is a problem, so I hope you'll excuse me for being a bit irritable.As someone who has spoken to sam, who has written a tiny bit on redspot and who has heard and discussed some of 
 the proposed solutions for certain bugs, I understand that it can be frustrating to deal with them in the game. I get frustrated myself and I know that things are coming eventually, so I fully realize what this feels like to most people. Complaints thus far to my experience fall into three categories: troll, unskilled and issues that need to be fixed. You can place the first two in a group together, because it's people like BlindJedi who lose or who fail to employ a modicum of strategy in a game, then suggest Sotto voce that the reason they're losing is not because they could get better at the game, but because everyone is cheating. While I understand that people do cheat (and everyone here admits that), it's also worth realizing that most games that are of any complexity are of the type that can be started and where you can become master within 30 seconds or even 30 minutes. It took me a decent amount of time to learn Redspot, and it took everyone on UKA a while as w
 ell; many of our members are still getting better.It's really easy to suggest that the solutions could just be fixed if sam does X, but the solutions are generally much deeper than that. Believe me, if he could implement a one-size-fits-all solution he would do it, because it would make the game better, but it would also lessen the headach

Re: redspot review

2017-09-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sorressean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: redspot review

@15: you made a lot of assertions, most of them beginning with "a good developer does" and pushed your viewpoints. Have you stopped to consider what creation of a development team would mean? It means that you have to trust implicitly everyone with your code so that there's not another TK, it means that you have to do a code review to make sure that everything is up to your standards and works the way you want, and it means more code is added that you need to be aware of. It simply converts the time spent working on code to time spent managing a team that can work on code. I've been in a position where I had to choose to make a development team, and I simply did not want the hastle of dealing with that and relying on others.@16: you talk about trying to damage our base, yet everything you've done thus far has been pathetic. When you say that one barricade goes down and 10 go up, that's simply not true, because we have a pattern to place our barr
 icades. The only thing you've ever done is land on our barricades and talk a lot of trash to the team, then whine when you get killed. Get some skill, gain some strategy and attack and then we'll talk. Until then, your attacks show you know little to nothing of game mechanics, and your claims that you're respected, a great player and you will single handedly destroy this base because you've supposedly done so to others is blatantly false and your very loud persistent complaints back that up.


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Re: redspot review

2017-09-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sorressean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: redspot review

I'd like to point out one more thing in response to post #6. Our team as the initial post has lost items due to cheats. We have not gotten the items back and had to work to get them back. Someone at one point cheated to get themselves into our base and dropped tons of barricade bombs. I know we worked up to full strength again because I helped item grab for 5 hours straight after we repaired all the equipment with -70 hp. We have been hit harder than anyone because of these cheats and exploits, and it's utterly absurd to suggest that admins could cheat, because I wouldn't have had to spend 5 hours grabbing. Of course if you're going to by default believe that the admins cheat, you're probably not going to believe anything I'm saying and I'm just wasting space typing all of this out, but my points still stand.


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Re: redspot review

2017-09-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sorressean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: redspot review

@post 6, I want to address your say:"Sam is part of a team on his game, so its clear thatthat team is the best team in the game."Just because sam is part of the team doesn't make it the best team. I and many others have put hours of work into building the team and building the base. Just because Sam is on (sam hardly plays to be honest) does not make it the best team, nor the fact that we have stuff from hours of work does not mean that we cheat. If you're going to say so, please provide proof. I agree that admins should not play as admins and most systems have a way to deal with this, but RS does not, so therefore admins have to play as themselves. It's important for those who work on a game to also play, otherwise it will be say: >"Sam knows this, but continues to constantly have somebody online from uka guarding their base, and there's always so many baracade bombs around it that nobod
 y could even try to attack it."First of all, Nakon stays around because Nakon wants to stay around, not because Sam requests it. He built the team before Sam or anyone else joined, and he continues to run the team. If nakon says something about how UKA runs, Sam, and any admins listen to him because it's his team. There are times when people attack that we don't even do anything simply because it's not worth leaving. In regards to the barricade bombs, every team puts bar bombs around their base. People can and do get through them, almost daily if not much proclaim: "Honestly i'm starting to thinkthe admins abuse their powers so that they can basicly have unlimited health and items."What gives you that impression? Post #1 already suggested it, and I'll verify that admins do not have the abillity to give themselves items. It's sort of funny that they're being accused of all kinds of things they didn
 9;t do. We work to get the items, and just because you don't understand the basics of a game (and it's clear you don't because you speak of barricade bombs being unbreakable), does not mean by any stretch of the imagenation that the team is cheating and that Nakon stays afk to keep the team alive at Sam's bidding. As I've said before and as I'll say again, these are very weighty claims you're making, and I would like to ask that you don't accuse people of cheating simply because you don't know game mechanics.


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Re: hvr

2017-08-20 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sorressean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: hvr

It's back as of yesterday, but they must be hosting on a dialup connection. it's laggy as all hell and bullets keep hitting it like 30 seconds after you fire. I don't know contact info for the dev to message them.


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Re: hvr

2017-08-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sorressean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: hvr



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Re: hvr

2017-08-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sorressean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: hvr

I just sold a weapon, sold all the 5.56 MM ammo because why not, then realized I didn't get any of the money back for it. I ended up buying more 5.56 because I bought another gun that used it, but still. also pms don't show in buffer. not really sure why that is. Also this would probably be for a dev or admin over another player.


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Re: Unable To Download Sam Tupi's Games

2017-05-31 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sorressean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Unable To Download Sam Tupi's Games

It doesn't matter. Like I told him last night, even having a terms of service isn't going to protect him. There are legal issues with hosting content like that, and he should've been aware. Also he got dinged because he had a store (purchase stuff for his games) and that was against their ToS too. Not being aware of the ToS of services like you use as a registrar is not an excuse.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Unable To Download Sam Tupi's Games

2017-05-31 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sorressean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Unable To Download Sam Tupi's Games

It was not wrongful reporting. Sam violated the ToS, someone reported it. It's that simple.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Top 5 MUD list

2017-05-18 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sorressean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Top 5 MUD list

I've played probably hundreds of muds in the past few years. Sadly some of my favorite muds are ones that aren't complete or have vanished. Dark legacy, for example would be amazing if things wer fleshed out. Godwars II is always and forever probably going to be at the top of the list, project bob was great and GWSE is still my all-time favorite abandoned mud.As someone who has done dev work on PROMO, I'm a bit depressed with that place. I love the staff but it needs Jack to care to get things done. We did get some really cool stuff in though like better star research and relics are pretty dam amazing right now, so that's always fun. CR just felt really grindy to me and I couldn't be interested in progressing. I botted what I could and still it was boring. (Yes, I know I broke the rules).AA has always felt like it suffers from a ton of balance issues, and I'm not a fan of the staff, but it's not a bad game really if there's nowh
 ere else to go. I'll spend hours on Godwars grinding or minmaxing eq before I'll spend 30 minutes on AA, though.Awakenedworlds is fun, lots of exploring. I spent a good long while there and enjoyed it. There are some pretty big issues, but it's not awful.Nothing else is coming to mind right away.


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Prometheus MOO: the bad, the broken and the ugly; review from staff an

2016-11-21 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sorressean via Audiogames-reflector


Prometheus MOO: the bad, the broken and the ugly; review from staff an

It's uncommon that I stumble on to a game like Promo and even more uncommon that I end up becoming staff and trying to help the game out. Initially this looked like a fun game, all be it with a few issues here and there, so I got farther in. I was quickly struck by the sheer tedium of playing at times; for example mining vehicles are all manually operated until level 20 at which point you qualify for all mining upgrades. You literally need to excevate, repair if you take damage, move to the next mineral, wash rinse repeat. At level 20, you only need to type excavate after you've purchased the requisite upgrades and you're free to go make coffee or do whatever you want to do. If your miner takes damage you repair but that's most of the intervention required before you return to offload your material and return to mine.I also liked the atmosphere with the players which was what kept me as a member of staff for the time I was there. The players connect well
 , everyone seems to get along most of the time and there's a really cool family-like environment that most have established. People feel comfortable sharing their accomplishments outside of the game and many players provide encouragement and good discussion.My issues start appearing as a player when dealing with staff and as a staff member watching how people are treated and the game is ran. Travis Baker was and continues to be a rather prominent staff member on Promo, which gives him a lot of power to veto and/or accept suggestions and changes as he sees fit. Generally there's nothing wrong with a setup like this as someone needs to be in charge of triage. This becomes a problem when players come into contact with his caustic abrasive attitude. My first dealings with him was when I reported a bug; typing c (for coords) outside of a ship gives you the message that the starship is not powered. My report was deleted less than a minute after I sent it, with the respons
 e that typing c was just stupid when you weren't in a ship and thus that message was to be expected. While I was a staff member, we had a player who reported issues with vehicle bays, which are rooms in which your vehicles are stored in individual ships. A player had added a vehicle bay to a ship which apparently didn't accept it. When she requested assistance because she was essentially stuck with no way from her vehicle bay to another room in her ship, Travis berated her for doing something as stupid as putting a vehicle bay in that ship. Yet another common talking point with players and mostly a laughing point is someone saying "I should just disable the help command" when players look for something Travis believes to be in help files and ask questions, or ask questions without looking. To be clear, the help files are many times nonexistent or inaccurate. While there does exist some documentation, many times it's fairly hard to find and takes someone look
 ing a few times to find it, which should not be the case.I write this not to shed a bad light on the game itself, because the game and staff do this all by themselves, but to tell people that I recommend staying away. While I'll not go into many internal details, players are able to donate for items which until fairly recently was backlogged for multiple months, so this is as much to tell players who do decide to give this a try to verify that their donation will be received and awarded as required.I left as player and as staff member despite the atmosphere of good players due to many of these issues. My final straw was watching Travis ridicule and belittle a player on public channels and on Twitter for not agreeing with his stance on a policy which he thought up and implemented without any logic or reason. While I myself have been snappy at times (I think everyone has from time to time), I believe that players should be treated professionally and not belittled or
  berated when they report bugs. Only with bug reports and suggestions from players in the trenches playing the game will the game get better and refusing to fix something as minimal as the c command returning a message about an unpowered spaceship from any room in the game does not begin down the proper path. While staff members do put in a lot of time and effort in presumably almost every game, there is a tradeoff which needs to be acknowledged; for only with players will there be a game worth playing, and only with staff will the game continue to grow. I am sad that the mud is going the direction it is and that the owner has not seemed to acknowledge any of these issues; Travis is just the tip of the dungheap so to speak.I also want to note that none of this is a personal attack on Travis himself. I get along with him outside of the game (although he might not think so highly of me after this), and I think he's a great person and does care a lot about the game. I refus
 e however, to continue to w

Re: Project Bob game review

2014-06-25 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sorressean via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Project Bob game review

I don't really know that it ruened someone's life. it took a game away from them certainly, but it's more the response to criticism I complain about. If you're going to ban someone for speaking out or having discussions, great. If you want your MUD to be the great wall of China, great. But there's no sense in passive-aggressively changing passwords and deleting notes; I don't know what that gained anyone.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Project Bob game review

2014-06-25 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sorressean via Audiogames-reflector

Project Bob game review

Hello:I'm reposting this here because I've had a lot of similar treatment in the past. I'm glad it isn't just me, but this really caught me off because it's the same sort of attitude I was seeing. The player was banned, but he made another char, pasted the URL to this (since PB isn't accepting reviews) and left again.Please do us all a favor and make sure this review circulates.I started playing projectbob a few years ago; the first thing that struck me was the vast amount of character customization available. I started getting into the game and noticing bugs, which I reported, but which were never actually fixed. it is 2-3 years on from when I started playing, and PB has experienced downtime for months on end at times and has not seen anything new since I've played.I've asked if the admins would let me help out through coding or building or anything and was basically told they weren't interested. I was critic
 ised for requesting changes or anything, rather than a game that's just left up to make them feel better. At one point, I lost the ability to speak to anyone in the game for ~4-5 months. I noted the admins a few times, even asking when she was around if it could be fixed. I was told that the more I asked, the longer it would take and that she was to busy. As multiplay is allowed if you are using a solo character (bot) and a non-solo character (and the bot can't interact with the non-solo character), I was running a bot anyway and decided that he could talk for me. I set up an alias that would send all my ooc messages through to the bot and he'd just say them for me. It didn't hurt the mud, but eventually suddenly both accounts (and all created chars) couldn't use any channels. The messages would look like they went through, but nothing would happen and they wouldn't appear in history.I've taken to logging on, chatting some, and logging off w
 hen I didn't see any changes because I've hit a point in the game where everything else I could gain would just require a ton of grinding. My biggest fear was that this game is going to go down, or something else is going to happen as a passive-aggressive measure against my character and I won't be able to play.Today, it seems that my concerns were well founded. I tried to log in, to find out that I can't. I logged in from a shell account I have, messaged the admins and left a note. When I went to log back in, my account's password no longer worked and my note had been deleted, along with the note of someone else remarking on noone being around to answer questions and the mud not really being newbie friendly. As I write this, another character's password was randomly changed and he was booted off. I created another char to ask what was going on, since usually you would possibly get a notice that you were being banned. Eventually Ariana revoked my
  OOC priviledges, and the only tell I'm getting is this: "Ariana tells you 'I'm saying something now  We've had enough. Time to move on." She didn't bother responding to any of my tells and just booted me after I tried asking why I was getting this treatment. I do want to reiterate this fact: I was perfectly willing to go with glitch, as weird as it may seem, because I assumed that anyone running a mud would at least have the decency to say "I'm banning you, here's why, peace." Instead she just played games with me all day, changing passwords and booting my character; couldn't that time have been spent say, fixing bugs?I really like the amount of customization that comes with a mud. I do, however refuse to play a mud in which the admin takes a vendictive pleasure in disabling my characters and removing notes they don
 9;t agree with. I was never rude, mean or did anything that would harm the mud; I just spoke out about the broken bugs and lack of changes. The admins (ariana mostly, I've not seen matrim in ages) views this mud as her kingdom; if you don't like it, you can leave. She seems to feel that she's doing the world a service by hosting the mud itself and anyone who disagrees with anything she might say or thinks anything should happen is in the wrong. I believe this is a two way street: I am incredibly greatful for the time I have had on PB and I have also really enjoyed it, but without the players the mud would be nothing; just as without the admins the mud would be nothing. Below is a log I've posted of our last conversation on this matter.[10:06:28] Ethanol OOC: 'saw your note.  not sure what to make of it'[10:06:38] Sneak OOC: 'what do you mean?'[10:07:08] Ethanol OOC: 'what the admins are thinking'[10:07:2
 9] Sneak OOC: 'yeah, I'm honestly not sure. I'm glad they leave this up, but it's a ghost town.'[10:07:41] Sneak OOC: 'and we really can't expect new people to want to play if nothing gets fixed.'[10:07:51] Ethanol OOC: 'it's mostly me afk-ing these days'[15:42:26] Fury OOC: 'hello everyone'[22:23:20] Sneak OOC: 'I see admins! hii!'[22:27:07] Ariana OOC: 'hello Sneak'[22:2