Re: SoniFight v1.2 Alpha 3 available

2020-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : r3dux via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SoniFight v1.2 Alpha 3 available

#5 (Death) - the documentation can be found on the main github for the project, this was just an alpha (and one with problems that need to be fixed). Here's the link to the documentation in HTML format: … _Guide.htmI think you'll want to download it and then open it in a browser, otherwise GitHub might just show you it as text within its own weird GitHub universe...#6 (Rastislav Kish) - Yes, absolutely - you can trigger both watches and triggers via hotkeys. It makes a lot of sense to trigger a watch via hotkey (i.e. tell me what the value is on demand), but it makes less sense to use a hotkey to activate a trigger (which is usually when a value crosses a threshold or meets some criteria). But... just in case, and because I just wanted this to be as flexible as possible, I wrote it in a way that you can activate both watches and triggers via hotkey.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: SoniFight v1.2 Alpha 3 available

2020-08-10 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : r3dux via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SoniFight v1.2 Alpha 3 available

Unfortunately the Killer Instinct config is really basic at the moment (and not included with the above Alpha Test 3 as that's just the x86 / 32-bit version of SoniFight and KI is 64-bit) - but I can try to flesh the config out a bit more for the next release.Will do my best!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

SoniFight v1.2 Alpha 3 available

2020-08-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : r3dux via Audiogames-reflector


SoniFight v1.2 Alpha 3 available

Hi all,Lets start with the goods, here's a link to: SoniFight v1.2 Alpha 3I'm hoping to get a proper v1.2 release together within the next few weeks - but I thought you might like to have a play with an alpha release in the mean time.  Also, if you have a play with it and find any issues I'm not aware of then if you post them here I can fix them before release. A rising tide lifts all ships...The main change in v1.2 (and yes, we are jumping from v1.1.5 to v1.2 because it's a big change - or at least it took a lot of effort to write!) is the provision of configurable global hotkeys to announce any Watches or Triggers on demand.So, if you went to the Edit Config tab for any given config, you'll now find a "Add Hotkey" button - you can click this, and then pick a watch or trigger from the dropdown, and then you have to click in the "Hotkey Activation Key Sequence" textbox (wow, I should totally rename that to just "Hotkey Activation Sequence") and press a key which may include any combination of Alt, Control, and Shift. The textbox will just hold you there and you can happily try out different key sequences until you're happy.Once happy, click the "Save Game Configuration" button, launch the config and the game & try out your hotkey.There's also a new "Read Config Notes" button on the main tab, because configs have notes - but hardly anyone ever reads them because they don't want to look under the hood, haha. Admittedly, the config notes are pretty rubbish at the moment - mainly consisting of the date I last modified the config and some notes to myself etc. - but I will have a go at writing up some proper notes for each config before the v1.2 release proper.If you want to contribute config notes then please feel free to have at it & post 'em here and I'll merge them in.Oh, and there's new start running / stop running config sounds courtesy of SirBadger - thanks, bro!I've added some hotkeys to the MK9 config in this alpha:h = Announce Watch 2 - Player 1 Healthn = Announce Watch 4 - Player 2 Healthj = Activate trigger 90, which announces player 1 and player 2 health via an (otherwise useless) trigger (i.e. this trigger will never activate except via hotkey)m = Play an audio sample, for absolutely no reason other than I needed to check if a trigger pointing at a sample would work. It does.I think that's about it. If you try creating any hotkeys and it works or doesn't it would be great to get some feedback, like yeah that worked nicely, or if you have any issues or glitches or whatever then just let me know and I'll look into it.What IS NOT fixed presently is some of the current issues with configs like the MK9 menus not knowing where they are and responding appropriately, that's why it's going to take me a few weeks to sort out - but I did go nuts on the MK9 P1 health pointer chain today and took it through 6 filtering steps down to about 39 pointer chains, so that should be rock solid. I'll do the same with the P2 tomorrow.Cheers!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

SoniFight v1.2 Alpha 3 available

2020-08-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : r3dux via Audiogames-reflector


SoniFight v1.2 Alpha 3 available

Hi all,Lets start with the goods, here's a link to: SoniFight v1.2 Alpha 3I'm hoping to get a proper v1.2 release together within the next few weeks - but I thought you might like to have a play with an alpha release in the mean time.  Also, if you have a play with it and find any issues I'm not aware of then if you post them here I can fix them before release. A rising tide lifts all ships, and so on...The main change in v1.2 (and yes, we are jumping from v1.1.5 to v1.2 because it's a big change - or at least it took a lot of effort to write!) is the provision of configurable global hotkeys to announce any Watches or Triggers on demand.So, if you went to the Edit Config tab for any given config, you'll now find a "Add Hotkey" button - you can click this, and then pick a watch or trigger from the dropdown, and then you have to click in the "Hotkey Activation Key Sequence" textbox (wow, I should totally rename that to just "Hotkey Activation Sequence") and press a key which may include any combination of Alt, Control, and Shift. The textbox will just hold you there and you can happily try out different key sequences until you're happy.Once happy, click the "Save Game Configuration" button, launch the config and the game & try out your hotkey.There's also a new "Read Config Notes" button on the main tab, because configs have notes - but hardly anyone ever reads them because they don't want to look under the hood, haha. Admittedly, the config notes are pretty rubbish at the moment - mainly consisting of the date I last modified the config and some notes to myself etc. - but I will have a go at writing up some proper notes for each config before the v1.2 release proper.If you want to contribute config notes then please feel free to have at it & post 'em here and I'll merge them in.Oh, and there's new start running / stop running config sounds courtesy of SirBadger - thanks, bro!I've added some hotkeys to the MK9 config in this alpha:h = Announce Watch 2 - Player 1 Healthn = Announce Watch 4 - Player 2 Healthj = Activate trigger 90, which announces player 1 and player 2 health via an (otherwise useless) trigger (i.e. this trigger will never activate except via hotkey)m = Play an audio sample, for absolutely no reason other than I needed to check if a trigger pointing at a sample would work. It does.I think that's about it. If you try creating any hotkeys and it works or doesn't it would be great to get some feedback, like yeah that worked nicely, or if you have any issues or glitches or whatever then just let me know and I'll look into it.What IS NOT fixed presently is some of the current issues with configs like the MK9 menus not knowing where they are and responding appropriately, that's why it's going to take me a few weeks to sort out - but I did go nuts on the MK9 P1 health pointer chain today and took it through 6 filtering steps down to about 39 pointer chains, so that should be rock solid. I'll do the same with the P2 tomorrow.Cheers!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Super quick YES / NO SoniFight poll

2020-05-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : r3dux via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Super quick YES / NO SoniFight poll

Thanks for the feedback, all. To answer some comments, yeah - the configs are typically for the Steam versions of games (like SF4, MK9, BlazBlue Contiuum Shift Extend, Day of the Tentacle etc), the reason behind it being that when I first started writing configs I thought that targetting the Steam versions would help keep everyone's versions in sync rather than me targetting one version and then someone else has got a slightly older version that they haven't updated etc.As for the box versions of games, that's a great question - and one I don't have an answer for. If the game's patched to be the same revision as the latest Steam version there's a chance a Steam config would work for a non-Steam version of a game, but then again if there's some Steam-specific stuff in the Steam version (and that's the version I've developed the config for) then I can see the SoniFight config not working due to changes in the memory layout of the non-Steam executable. If you've got a non-Steam version of a game there's a SoniFight config for maybe give it a shot and let me know whether it worked out or not. Cheers!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Super quick YES / NO SoniFight poll

2020-04-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : r3dux via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Super quick YES / NO SoniFight poll

I definitely know one person who SoniFight doesn't work for, and we had a good look at it live in chat and worked out that the pointer chains simply aren't pointing to useful addresses for them (both on their desktop and their laptop PCs). This confuses the heck out of me - but now there are two "Nope, SoniFight doesn't work at all" votes and 14 "Yes, it works at least to some extent" - so am I really looking at a 12.5% complete and utter failure rate, or is it just a small sample size?If you're the second person it doesn't work for I would genuinely love to have a chat with you on Skype and maybe double-check that there's nothing I can do to make it work properly - please feel free to hit me up as al.lansley / if you'd be interested in a quick chat about it. I don't want SoniFight to be some kind of lottery - if it doesn't work then I really want to try to figure out why that might be so I can change it and try my best to make sure it works for everyone.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Super quick YES / NO SoniFight poll

2020-04-27 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : r3dux via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Super quick YES / NO SoniFight poll

@Xvordan - Yeah, I think the multiplayer menus and character selection must use different addresses. These things are all on my list of stuff to fix, so hopefully I'll have a chance to get to it in the next week or two.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Super quick YES / NO SoniFight poll

2020-04-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : r3dux via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Super quick YES / NO SoniFight poll

@Arkandia - Yeah, that's on my list of things to re-fix. I assure you that it used to work, but then things slightly changed and it stopped working. Also, I twiddled with the config a bit... perhaps over-agressively so v1.1.4 might be more successful until I get the time to work on v1.1.6 and fix things up.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Super quick YES / NO SoniFight poll

2020-04-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : r3dux via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Super quick YES / NO SoniFight poll

For sure. Just looking to find a quick Yay or Nay from people because I'm really confused as to why it simply doesn't work at all, like ever, for one particular person - so I'm wondering if / how many other people out there it just flat-out refuses to work at all for.I've got several post-it notes full of areas for fixes cluttering my desk at the moment so v1.1.6 should be a good one, lol.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Super quick YES / NO SoniFight poll

2020-04-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : r3dux via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Super quick YES / NO SoniFight poll

For sure. Just looking to find a quick Yay or Nay from people because I'm really confused as to why it simply doesn't work at all, like ever, for one particular person - so I'm wondering if / how many other people out there it just flat-out refuses to work at all for.I've got several post-it notes of full of areas for fixes cluttering my desk at the moment so v1.1.6 should be a good one, lol.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Super quick YES / NO SoniFight poll

2020-04-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : r3dux via Audiogames-reflector


Super quick YES / NO SoniFight poll

Hi all,I was just wondering if you've used SoniFight if it had ever completely and utterly failed to do anything useful at all for you?The reason I ask is that I've done a small number of interviews (9 so far), and for one person SoniFight just didn't work. Nothing. Zip. Zero. Zilch. The pointer chains were not pointing at the relevant memory addresses for the game (Street Fighter 4 in this instance) so it wasn't providing any additional sonification.So if you've used SoniFight would it be possible for you to give a quick "Yes, it has worked for me" or "No, it's never worked for me"?This is just so I can try to get a very rough idea of what percentage of people it's simply not working for. I would hope that it's a very low percentage but I genuinely don't know - so if you're happy to give a quick Yay or Nay so I can get a 'ballpark' figure that would be greatly appreciated.Many thanks,Al


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Super quick YES / NO SoniFight poll

2020-04-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : r3dux via Audiogames-reflector


Super quick YES / NO SoniFight poll

Hi all,I was just wondering if you've used SoniFight if it had ever completely and utterly failed to do anything useful at all for you?The reason I ask is that I've done a small number of interviews (9 so far), and for one person SoniFight just didn't work. Nothing. Zip. Zero. Zilch. The pointer chains were not pointing at the relevant memory addresses for the game (Street Fighter 4 in this instance) so it wasn't providing any additional sonification.So if you've used SoniFight would it be possible for you to give a quick "Yes, it has worked for me" or "No, it's never worked for me"?This is just so I can try to get a very rough idea of what percentage of people it's simply not working for. I would hope that it's a very low percentage but I genuinely don't know - so if you're happy to give a quick Yay or Nay so I can get a 'ballpark' figure that would be greatly appreciated.Many thanks,Al


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Super quick YES / NO SoniFight poll

2020-04-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : r3dux via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Super quick YES / NO SoniFight poll

Sorry for missing poll - poll now attached and hopefully working! Sheesh!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Super quick YES / NO SoniFight poll

2020-04-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : r3dux via Audiogames-reflector


Super quick YES / NO SoniFight poll

Hi all,I was just wondering if you've used SoniFight if it had ever completely and utterly failed to do anything useful at all for you?The reason I ask is that I've done a small number of interviews (9 so far), and for one person SoniFight just didn't work. Nothing. Zip. Zero. Zilch. The pointer chains were not pointing at the relevant memory addresses for the game (Street Fighter 4 in this instance) so it wasn't providing any additional sonification.So if you've used SoniFight would it be possible for you to give a quick Yes or No as to whether it's worked at all for you or not?This is just so I can try to get a very rough idea of what percentage of people it's simply not working for. I would hope that it's a very low percentage but I genuinely don't know - so if you're happy to give a quick Yay or Nay so I can get a 'ballpark' figure that would be greatly appreciated.Many thanks,Al


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: New SoniFight, Paid User Trials and maybe MK 10 and 11

2020-04-20 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : r3dux via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New SoniFight, Paid User Trials and maybe MK 10 and 11

@Atlan - Unfortunately the Killer Instinct config is just proof of concept and only speaks the menus & provides clock warnings.@BlindJay - You may need to stop the config and re-run it because there's a bug that sometimes doesn't connect to the process in SoniFight v1.1.5. The Beneath a Steel Sky (BaSS) config does work, but it'll have the same issues as Day of the Tentacle in that it will only announce object / hotspots when you mouse over them, so unfortunately it's not a very successful example of a SoniFight config - but I didn't know what would work and what wouldn't when I was making it so I just went ahead and did it while hoping for the best.You CAN use a joypad with BaSS if you wanted to because it runs on ScummVM - to do so locate the beneath.ini file in the directory you installed BaSS and add the following line somewhere in the [scummvm] section:joystick_num=0You may also want to change fullscreen=true to fullscreen=false in the same section while you're there so it doesn't take up your entire screen. With the above joystick_num change you can move the mouse cursor using a joypad (on an xbox 360 controller the A button is "Look At" and the X button is "Use", but again, it doesn't jump between objects on screen - you're just moving the cursor with the joypad.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: New SoniFight, Paid User Trials and maybe MK 10 and 11

2020-04-18 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : r3dux via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New SoniFight, Paid User Trials and maybe MK 10 and 11

Five interviews down and two planned for the near future. Thank's so much to all the wonderful the people who've taken the time to catch up for a chat - you're the best!Also thanks to those who sent in questionnaires - very much appreciated.I was originally aiming for 20 interviews, but I don't think that's going to to happen or that I could even handle transcribing that much audio, it takes ages! What would really help me is to get 12 interviews. So if could get 5 more people who are willing to catch up for a brief chat (and get paid for their time) then that would mean the world to me.I promise you that I'm not scary, and that it's just a simple, good-natured conversation about what works and what doesn't.  If you were "on the fence" about it, then please consider getting in touch on Skype - I'm al.lansley / so much,-Al


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: SoniFight v1.1.5 released and paid user trial starts Monday

2020-04-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : r3dux via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SoniFight v1.1.5 released and paid user trial starts Monday

@Xvordan - Sounds like a nice fight stick! I have a stock Mad Katz (RIP) for Xbox 360 and then had to get another one for PS4!@Tiki / animal / Cupcake / Jack - yeah, it looks like I've somehow managed to break the process connection code - it sees the process but then doesn't jump to loading the samples and setting up triggers and watches. The fix, as you mention, is to stop the config and re-run it with the game running. Sorry about that - I'll aim to get it fixed as soon as possible and push out a point release.@michaelhoffman1976 - SoniFight aims to provide additional sonification (like reading the menus, letting you know when your health is low or you've gained a section of super or ultra bar etc) for a small number of games such as street fighter 4, mortal kombat 9, blazblue continnum extentend and to a more limited extent Day of the Tentacle Remastered.@kianoosh - Unfortunately the MK 9 config won't work with MK 10, but as @deng mentioned there's a poll in a different thread asking which game people would like me to work out, and if I get enough people willing to help out with the paid user trials on skype then whichever is the most popular game will be the one I'll purchase a copy of and do my best to write a config for starting in May (I can't do any earlier as I have to get a bunch of academic stuff written and submitted by the 30th of April).


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: SoniFight v1.1.5 released and paid user trial starts Monday

2020-04-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : r3dux via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SoniFight v1.1.5 released and paid user trial starts Monday

@Xvordan - Sounds like a nice fight stick! I have a stock Mad Katz (RIP) for Xbox 360 and then had to get another one for PS4!@Tiki / Cupcake / Jack - yeah, it looks like I've somehow managed to break the process connection code - it sees the process but then doesn't jump to loading the samples and setting up triggers and watches. The fix, as you mention, is to stop the config and re-run it with the game running. Sorry about that - I'll aim to get it fixed as soon as possible and push out a point release.@michaelhoffman1976 - SoniFight aims to provide additional sonification (like reading the menus, letting you know when your health is low or you've gained a section of super or ultra bar etc) for a small number of games such as street fighter 4, mortal kombat 9, blazblue continnum extentend and to a more limited extent Day of the Tentacle Remastered.@kianoosh - Unfortunately the MK 9 config won't work with MK 10, but as @deng mentioned there's a poll in a different thread asking which game people would like me to work out, and if I get enough people willing to help out with the paid user trials on skype then whichever is the most popular game will be the one I'll purchase a copy of and do my best to write a config for starting in May (I can't do any earlier as I have to get a bunch of academic stuff written and submitted by the 30th of April).


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: SoniFight v1.1.5 released and paid user trial starts Monday

2020-04-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : r3dux via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SoniFight v1.1.5 released and paid user trial starts Monday

Cool. Let me know if something that should work doesn't!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: SoniFight v1.1.5 released and paid user trial starts Monday

2020-04-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : r3dux via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SoniFight v1.1.5 released and paid user trial starts Monday

Any changes are interesting - you write something and it works. 3 months later - nope. Life is hard.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: New SoniFight, Paid User Trials and maybe MK 10 and 11

2020-04-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : r3dux via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New SoniFight, Paid User Trials and maybe MK 10 and 11

@Sightless - I understand what you mean, but reticules in games don't always change when targetting friendlies or enemies, in fact most dont change at all.For games that do provide reticule changes, what happens behinds the scenes is that the "lookup" process uses an inverse of the projection matrix to determine if the 2D reticule location is within or outside the 2D boundary of the 2D projection of an on-screen element such as an enemy. You might have heard this described as "hit-scan" - but commonly it's only invoked when you actually shoot the gun rather than continuously. Further reading: (2016) doesn't change reticule apart from when you change weapon, but it does allow you to push buttons on in-game displays, so it must constantly keep track of projection distance. Finding that specific memory address will be tough going though - I've just narrowed it down to 50,000 different addresses by looking into the distance then scanning then looking at the floor (decreased) then looking at the distance (increased) etc. over and over. As a 64-bit process, Doom has a LOT of memory to scan, and it's likely to be tamper resistent with rolling pointers just like Killer Instinct is.There are many ways to solve any given problem. If I had a dev-kit and a signature so I could sign a copy of Cheat Engine on the xbox (or just a Microsoft signed copy of Cheat Engine) then I could find pointer chains to work with Microsoft Narrator on the Xbox. I've emailed Microsoft's chief of accessibility Jenny Lay-Flurrie many times, asking (paraphrased) "This is what I can do to help you - will you allow me to help your users?" and I just get ignored every single time.Maybe you have Microsoft's ear - I certainly don't. Worth a thought.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: New SoniFight, Paid User Trials and maybe MK 10 and 11

2020-04-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : r3dux via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New SoniFight, Paid User Trials and maybe MK 10 and 11

I made an initial attempt at getting access to Street Fighter V today - it did not go well.I'll explain how it could work:1 - Run SFV.2 - Attach a debugger to the game process (there are two StreetFighterV.exe processes - one's a stub though so pick the latter).3 - Find SFV's calls to GetProcAddress in the symbol table (there are none - but there are calls through userenv.dll and user32.dll - set breakpoints on them both).4 - Launch Cheat Engine and let SFV attempt to go ballistic.5 - Let x64dbg catch any calls to GetProcAddress and return something like 0 or null just to pacify it.6 - Patch game exe to keep bypassing calls to GetProcAddress so you can use Cheat Engine to locate pointer chains to values of interest.7 - With access to the game process attempt to write new sonifight config for SFV.Sounds good in theory - but theory and practice are different things.Here's what really happens: You attach the debugger to SFV and try to breakpoint on calls to GetProcAddress but SFV commits suicide before that breakpoint is called. So perhaps I need another earlier breakpoint - perhaps one using CURL from what I see from the symbol table. I was at and beyond my technical limit of understanding when I started writing sonifight... and this is beyond my current technical limit. It's perfectly do-able if you have the skills, I just don't have sufficient skills at the moment - and I don't know who to ask or who would help. Thoughts welcome, lol.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: SoniFight v1.1.5 released and paid user trial starts Monday

2020-04-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : r3dux via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SoniFight v1.1.5 released and paid user trial starts Monday

Forgot to add that I've added the Ultra Combo selection items and Handicap Health Percentages (0% / 25% / 50% handicap etc) to the Street Fighter 4 config - when you add/fix/modify a dozen things it's easy to forget one of them!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

SoniFight v1.1.5 released and paid user trial starts Monday

2020-04-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : r3dux via Audiogames-reflector


SoniFight v1.1.5 released and paid user trial starts Monday

Hi all,Just thought I'd let you know the new version of SoniFight is now live and can be downloaded from the following URL: … v1.1.5.zipIf you'd like to participate in the paid user trial ($20AUD for skype catch up, $10AUD for questionnaire only) then you can download the SoniFight User Study Pack with all the details from the following Microsoft OneDrive link:!AgNgmHfffDa7gbBd_Tx … A?e=4UXry0The user trial will be live from Monday the 13th to Sunday the 25th of April 2020.And if you'd just like to know what's new in SoniFight v1.1.5 here's a list of all the the changes:- Added this whatsnew.txt document to the repo which will be updated with each release (following MAME on this).- The SoniFight process will now reconnect to your game process and resume sonification if you close the game and restart it (previously you had to stop and then re-start the running config).- Added byte and unsigned integer data types to SoniFight and the Pointer Chain Tester apps.- Preliminary work on hotkeys (this breaks previous configs with this version of the software - the GameConfig class has changed and hence the XML describing a config has changed)...however, I've obviously updated all the configs in this release to cater for this, and if you have your own custom config you may be able to load and then save it to overwrite in the new format - please make a backup of your config first though, I'd hate for you to lose any work.- Street Fighter 4 - broken watches fixed with new or adjusted pointer chains.- Street Fighter 4 config has been reworked to remove many menu samples and use speech synthesis via tolk / screen readers instead.- Street Fighter 4 config trigger count decreased significantly by using single "changed" triggers instead of many individual triggers where possible.- Street Fighter 4 triggers exist for combo count (triggers 454 and 455). I'm tempted to disable them as you can hear if you've made a "pow-pow-pow" 3-hit combo. Let me know if you want them to be on or off by default!- Street Fighter 4 "wind sound" disabled by default - this was a continuous trigger meant to indicate distance between players, but we could probably use a chat about it before making it enabled as default!- Mortal Kombat 9 config checked - everything still working / nothing to do.- Day of the Tentacle Remastered config updated, there's two configs now - one that speaks the voice options as "speech option 0" / "speech option 1" etc. and a second one that speaks the actual text but is not the same as the previous [Speech Fix] config which didn't update the speech option when it was multiple choices into a conversation. This one DOES update the live selected speech option to say the first 33 chars of the option text BUT - it only works sometimes. It's bizarre - it'll work 5 reboots in a row, then on the 6th reboot - nothing. Then it'll work again on the 7th reboot. If it keeps not working for you then please use the [Speech Option as Number] version of the config.- Beneath A Steel Sky config updated to fix any broken watches.- Minor documentation updates.That's it. If you have any issues using the software then maybe check out the docs in the documentation folder first, and if that doesn't help you out then please feel free to post any issues here and I'll do my best to assist.Cheers!-Al


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: New SoniFight, Paid User Trials and maybe MK 10 and 11

2020-04-10 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : r3dux via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New SoniFight, Paid User Trials and maybe MK 10 and 11

@sightless - Hey fella! Do you mean how a reticule would change to indicate that you're currently lined up to shoot someone? That's an interesting one that I hadn't thought of. Come to think of it back when I used to play CoD I remember the reticule turning green if you were lined up on an a friendly and red if you were lined up on an enemy. I think that would be perfectly do-able - but the sonification would likely need to be a looped tone that plays so it can start up really quickly. Could maybe have one tone for friendlies and another for enemies. Also, at present most configs poll memory 10 times per second so there could be up to 100ms delay - but this is per-config modifiable so maybe could drop the poll delay to 10ms or maybe even lower. I don't think I have a PC shooter that currently changes reticule when lined up - just tried out Quake Champions and that doesn't seem to have such friendly/enemy reticule changes. Do you happen to know of any non-CoD games that do that?@flameAlchemist - SoniFight could quite likely help to make some RPG games more accessible (there's already some configs for adventure games such as Day of the Tentacle Remastered and Beneath A Steel Sky), but as mentioned previously creating configs for games can be a tricky process and takes quite a lot of time and effort.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: New SoniFight, Paid User Trials and maybe MK 10 and 11

2020-04-10 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : r3dux via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New SoniFight, Paid User Trials and maybe MK 10 and 11

SF4 combo count pointer chains as integers.For player 1:6A7DD8, 20, 38, A0, 24, DC, F74For player 2:6A7DD8, 1C, 18, 28, 20, 1C, 1C, 394There's already a way to check if players are counter-hitable in watches 36 and 37 (p1 and p2 status). The comments I have in the watch are:"Crouching = 2, Airborne = 4, Counterhit-able = 16. Works as int but likely a bitfield." Don't worry about that last bit - if the value's 16 then the opponent is currently counterhit-able. Since this window of opportunity is incredibly small I'm not sure how well sonifying it would work, if at all. Maybe have a think about it and let me know.I can't provide the updated config right now because the config format has changed and won't work with SoniFight v1.1.4 - and if I release v1.1.5 right now I'll stuff it up because I've been at this for 8 hours today and am knackered, haha! So I'll aim to release new version tomorrow and will down tools for this evening. Cheers!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: New SoniFight, Paid User Trials and maybe MK 10 and 11

2020-04-10 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : r3dux via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New SoniFight, Paid User Trials and maybe MK 10 and 11

@Xvordan - Just had a look into it via training mode - combo hit count turns up as an integer and short (int is prolly best choice). I don't think strings or byte arrays will work as its likely that just the text "hit combo" exists and they prepend a number to it to make it "2 hit combo" / "3 hit combo" etc.Will have a look and see what I can find in the way of pointer chains to combo counts and counter hits.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: New SoniFight, Paid User Trials and maybe MK 10 and 11

2020-04-10 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : r3dux via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New SoniFight, Paid User Trials and maybe MK 10 and 11

@Xvordan - Just had a look into it via training mode - combo hit count turns up as a short (i.e. a 2 byte value). I don't think strings or byte arrays will work as its likely that just the text "hit combo" exists and they prepend a number to it to make it "2 hit combo" / "3 hit combo" etc.Will have a look and see what I can find in the way of pointer chains to combo counts and counter hits.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: New SoniFight, Paid User Trials and maybe MK 10 and 11

2020-04-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : r3dux via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New SoniFight, Paid User Trials and maybe MK 10 and 11

@flameAlchemist - yup, it's a difficult problem.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: New SoniFight, Paid User Trials and maybe MK 10 and 11

2020-04-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : r3dux via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New SoniFight, Paid User Trials and maybe MK 10 and 11

@Xvordan - yeah, I should have put SF 5 in that list. I'm actually going to see if I can make a start on that config today as it's a game I already own.@gryfindore - Yeah, lots of games could be made more accessible with a sonifight config, the problem is though that it can take some serious time and effort to actually make a config - and to do so I need to own the game. I was looking at a program called Pokemon Crystal Access that already adds some sonification to the emulated game Pokemon Crystal. Here's a link in case you wanted to check it out: - Got your message and messaged you back!@flameAlchemist - While racing games and shooting games could potentially have additional sonification added via sonifight, it's a difficult problem in that you need to consider what information you want to convey and how best to convey it. Things like game menus and move lists are more do-able - and that's what the existing configs tend to add (along with monitoring and announcing key in-game values).


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: New SoniFight, Paid User Trials and maybe MK 10 and 11

2020-04-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : r3dux via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New SoniFight, Paid User Trials and maybe MK 10 and 11

MK 11 is looking keen in the polls - cool.Happy to spend a week smashing out a config if I get 20 people to chat.3 wonderful people already in - 17 to go.Tell your friends, then tell your friends to tell their friends, then tell... oh, we already understand CoViD-19Seriously though - everyone is welcome, it's 20 bucks (woo!) and it's basically just a chat.What else are going to do stuck indoors?-Al


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: New SoniFight, Paid User Trials and maybe MK 10 and 11

2020-04-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : r3dux via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New SoniFight, Paid User Trials and maybe MK 10 and 11

Firefly82 - Hey fella - I'll take a look at Niffelheim, but that's going to have to go under "Other" on the poll 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: New SoniFight, Paid User Trials and maybe MK 10 and 11

2020-04-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : r3dux via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New SoniFight, Paid User Trials and maybe MK 10 and 11

Modding a street fighter 5 exe to jump process list checks has got me interested now.We're all in this together:


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: New SoniFight, Paid User Trials and maybe MK 10 and 11

2020-04-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : r3dux via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New SoniFight, Paid User Trials and maybe MK 10 and 11

If you don't have Street Fighter 4, MK 9 or Day of the Tentacle Remastered on Steam but would like to see how it goes - then I'll buy whichever game you chose for you. Here comes trouble.But in all honesty - I want trouble. I want to know how things don't work, how it f**ks up, how it's frustrating and useless. You can't just go "7 out of 10 cats found my software most enjoyable" - what were the other 3 cats doing and things?Screaming?!Who knows. That's what I'm asking.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: New SoniFight, Paid User Trials and maybe MK 10 and 11

2020-04-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : r3dux via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New SoniFight, Paid User Trials and maybe MK 10 and 11

If you don't have Street Fighter 4, MK 9 or Day of the Tentacle Remastered on Steam but would like to see how it goes - then I'll buy whichever game you chose for you. Here comes trouble.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: New SoniFight, Paid User Trials and maybe MK 10 and 11

2020-04-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : r3dux via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New SoniFight, Paid User Trials and maybe MK 10 and 11

Would it be ethically bancrupt for me to buy a game for someone who did not have one of the three games SoniFight has good configs for? Or would it be okay if I subtracted the game cost from the chat/study cost?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: New SoniFight, Paid User Trials and maybe MK 10 and 11

2020-04-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : r3dux via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New SoniFight, Paid User Trials and maybe MK 10 and 11

I can afford video games. Buying a video game and spending a week finding pointer chains to values of interest in video games are two different things though.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: New SoniFight, Paid User Trials and maybe MK 10 and 11

2020-04-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : r3dux via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New SoniFight, Paid User Trials and maybe MK 10 and 11

Xvorgan - You're SPOT on - it's 0/1/2Player 1 Ultra combo pointer chain: 8B89DC, 20, 14, 4, A8Player 2 Ultra combo pointer chain: 8B8860, 14, 4, 44, 40, 294Everything is on github - so in theory you could pull and build, but I wouldn't bother - let me work it out for a few more daysI'll get it nice for you.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: New SoniFight, Paid User Trials and maybe MK 10 and 11

2020-04-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : r3dux via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New SoniFight, Paid User Trials and maybe MK 10 and 11

Xvordan - you are PERFECT for a sonifight trial - and guess who just added all the ultra combo selections and handicap settings today?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: New SoniFight, Paid User Trials and maybe MK 10 and 11

2020-04-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : r3dux via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New SoniFight, Paid User Trials and maybe MK 10 and 11

SoniFight is software that can add sonification to proprietary, closed-source video games that do not cater to visualy impaired users.It's free, open-source software available from: to latest: … v1.1.4.zipThere'll be a new release by the end of the week. How do I know? Because I'll be upset if I don't push the latest release by Saturday 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: New SoniFight, Paid User Trials and maybe MK 10 and 11

2020-04-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : r3dux via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New SoniFight, Paid User Trials and maybe MK 10 and 11

SoniFight is software that can add sonification to proprietary, closed-source video games that do not cater to visualy impaired users.It's free, open-source software available from: to latest: … v1.1.4.zipThere'll be a new release by the end of the week. How do I know? Because I'll be upset if I don't push the latest release by Saturday at the latest 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: New SoniFight, Paid User Trials and maybe MK 10 and 11

2020-04-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : r3dux via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New SoniFight, Paid User Trials and maybe MK 10 and 11

A brilliant start! Thanks guys - you're the best!Rather than me messaging you, ping me at aclansley at hotmail dot com or my skype is al.lansley - say hi and we can work out a date / time. But please give me a day or two to get everything lined up, because I want you to use the latest and greatest SoniFight and I'm still working on it! 2 people already? Absolutely awesome. Only 18 to go. We can do this!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: New SoniFight, Paid User Trials and maybe MK 10 and 11

2020-04-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : r3dux via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New SoniFight, Paid User Trials and maybe MK 10 and 11

Just occurred that the exe patching would likely work for street fighter 5 as well. I wouldn't mind working on that at all.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

New SoniFight, Paid User Trials and maybe MK 10 and 11

2020-04-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : r3dux via Audiogames-reflector


New SoniFight, Paid User Trials and maybe MK 10 and 11

Hi all,I've had the chance to work on SoniFight over the last week so there's a nice new version coming. It has a few additions such as being able to re-connect to processes without you having to stop and start a config, plus expanded data types, plus all the current configs being re-worked/fixed and expanded upon.Also, I'll be launching a second user trial of SoniFight toward the end of this week - and it's paid this time! Think money!If you're willing to answer a questionnaire you'll get 10 bucks Australian, or if you're willing to catch up on Skype with me and use screen-sharing (so I can see what works and what doesn't) then you'll get 20 bucks Australian and not have to fill out the questionnaire because I'll fill it out while we're having a chat! Technically it's a "Semi-structured Interview" - but as far as I'm concerned it's just a chat about SoniFight so we can figure out what works well, what doesn't, and how we can make things better. You don't have to say nice things - we can just use the software and discuss it.Moving onto our third topic - Mortal Kombat 10 and 11 on PC are likely very scared of Cheat Engine because the games contain micro-transactions - as soon as Cheat Engine exists in memory the game closes so you can't buy a new outfit for yourself by changing a value. However, I've recently learnt that it's possible to patch a legitimate copy of a game to bypass the checks for Cheat Engine. This would mean that if I bought a copy of the game then I could backup the exe, patch my copy, and then use that patched copy to find pointer chains which I could then provide to you to use with your non-patched copy (the entire change is simply modifying a jump to a no-op - you basically SKIP checking for other processes)Could be useful.I'm looking for 20 brief chats with people that I can record. Does it work? Does it not? What works? What doesn't?If I get 20 pieces of feedback then I'd be happy to spend a week working on sonification regarding the attached poll. You choose.Cheers,AlP.S. All 5 of you who previously replied to my questionnaire in 2019 (thank you) get ten dollars for previous work. I know who you are, you know who I am. Message me your paypal and I'll send it through.P.P.S. Sightless (Kombat) is the entire reason SoniFight exists - you're allowed to join in! grin


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

New SoniFight, Paid User Trials and maybe MK 10 and 11

2020-04-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : r3dux via Audiogames-reflector


New SoniFight, Paid User Trials and maybe MK 10 and 11

Hi all,I've had the chance to work on SoniFight over the last week so there's a nice new version coming. It has a few additions such as being able to re-connect to processes without you having to stop and start a config, plus expanded data types, plus all the current configs being re-worked/fixed and expanded upon.Also, I'll be launching a second user trial of SoniFight toward the end of this week - and it's paid this time! Think money!If you're willing to answer a questionnaire you'll get 10 bucks Australian, or if you're willing to catch up on Skype with me and use screen-sharing (so I can see what works and what doesn't) then you'll get 20 bucks Australian and not have to fill out the questionnaire because I'll fill it out while we're having a chat! Technically it's a "Semi-structured Interview" - but as far as I'm concerned it's just a chat about SoniFight so we can figure out what works well, what doesn't, and how we can make things better. You don't have to say nice things - we can just use the software and discuss it.Moving onto our third topic - Mortal Kombat 10 and 11 on PC are likely very scared of Cheat Engine because the games contain micro-transactions - as soon as Cheat Engine exists in memory the game closes so you can't buy a new outfit for yourself by changing a value. However, I've recently learnt that it's possible to patch a legitimate copy of a game to bypass the checks for Cheat Engine. This would mean that if I bought a copy of the game then I could backup the exe, patch my copy, and then use that patched copy to find pointer chains which I could then provide to you to use with your non-patched copy (the entire change is simply modifying a jump to a no-op - you basically SKIP checking for other processes)Could be useful.I'm looking for 20 brief chats with people that I can record. Does it work? Does it not? What works? What doesn't?If I get 20 pieces of feedback then I'd be happy to spend a week working on sonification regarding the attached poll. You choose.Cheers,AlP.S. All 5 of you who previously replied to my questionnaire in 2019 (thank you) get ten dollars for previous work. I know who you are, you know who I am. Message me your paypal and I'll send it through.P.P.S. Sightless (Kombat) is the entire reason SoniFight exists. It would be great if you engaged.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

New SoniFight, Paid User Trials and maybe MK 10 and 11

2020-04-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : r3dux via Audiogames-reflector


New SoniFight, Paid User Trials and maybe MK 10 and 11

Hi all,I've had the chance to work on SoniFight over the last week so there's a nice new version coming. It has a few additions such as being able to re-connect to processes without you having to stop and start a config, plus expanded data types, plus all the current configs being re-worked/fixed and expanded upon.Also, I'll be launching a second user trial of SoniFight toward the end of this week - and it's paid this time! Think money!If you're willing to answer a questionnaire you'll get 10 bucks Australian, or if you're willing to catch up on Skype with me and use screen-sharing (so I can see what works and what doesn't) then you'll get 20 bucks Australian and not have to fill out the questionnaire because I'll fill it out while we're having a chat! Technically it's a "Semi-structured Interview" - but as far as I'm concerned it's just a chat about SoniFight so we can figure out what works well, what doesn't, and how we can make things better. You don't have to say nice things - we can just use the software and discuss it.Moving onto our third topic - Mortal Kombat 10 and 11 on PC are likely very scared of Cheat Engine because the games contain micro-transactions - as soon as Cheat Engine exists in memory the game closes so you can't buy a new outfit for yourself by changing a value. However, I've recently learnt that it's possible to patch a legitimate copy of a game to bypass the checks for Cheat Engine. This would mean that if I bought a copy of the game then I could backup the exe, patch my copy, and then use that patched copy to find pointer chains which I could then provide to you to use with your non-patched copy (the entire change is simply modifying a jump to a no-op - you basically SKIP checking for other processes)Could be useful.I'm looking for 20 brief chats with people that I can record. Does it work? Does it not? What works? What doesn't?On top of the 10 or 20 dollars (as you decide) - there's a poll below - click something if you're interested.Cheers,AlP.S. All 5 of you who previously replied to my questionnaire in 2019 (thank you) get ten dollars for previous work. I know who you are, you know who I am. Message me your paypal and I'll send it through.P.P.S. Sightless (Kombat) is the entire reason SoniFight exists. It would be great if you engaged.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

New SoniFight, Paid User Trials and maybe MK 10 and 11

2020-04-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : r3dux via Audiogames-reflector


New SoniFight, Paid User Trials and maybe MK 10 and 11

Hi all,I've had the chance to work on SoniFight over the last week so there's a nice new version coming. It has a few additions such as being able to re-connect to processes without you having to stop and start a config, plus expanded data types, plus all the current configs being re-worked/fixed and expanded upon.Also, I'll be launching a second user trial of SoniFight toward the end of this week - and it's paid this time! Think money!If you're willing to answer a questionnaire you'll get 10 bucks Australian, or if you're willing to catch up on Skype with me and use screen-sharing (so I can see what works and what doesn't) then you'll get 20 bucks Australian and not have to fill out the questionnaire because I'll fill it out while we're having a chat! Technically it's a "Semi-structurered Interview" - but as far as I'm concerned it's just a chat about SoniFight so we can figure out what works well, what doesn't, and how we can make things better. You don't have to say nice things - we can just use the software and discuss it.Moving onto our third topic - Mortal Kombat 10 and 11 on PC are likely very scared of Cheat Engine because the games contain micro-transactions - as soon as Cheat Engine exists in memory the game closes so you can't buy a new outfit for yourself by changing a value. However, I've recently learnt that it's possible to patch a legitimate copy of a game to bypass the checks for Cheat Engine. This would mean that if I bought a copy of the game then I could backup the exe, patch my copy, and then use that patched copy to find pointer chains which I could then provide to you to use with your non-patched copy (the entire change is simply modifying a jump to a no-op - you basically SKIP checking for other processes)Could be useful.I'm looking for 20 brief chats with people that I can record. Does it work? Does it not? What works? What doesn't?On top of the 10 or 20 dollars (as you decide) - there's a poll below - click something if you're interested.Cheers,AlP.S. All 5 of you who previously replied to my questionnaire in 2019 (thank you) get ten dollars for previous work. I know who you are, you know who I am. Message me your paypal and I'll send it through.P.P.S. Sightless (Kombat) is the entire reason SoniFight exists. It would be great if you engaged.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: SoniFight - Day of the Tentacle config update

2020-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : r3dux via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SoniFight - Day of the Tentacle config update

Sorry guys - I ducked out for months because I was finishing off other work.You can always contact me at thanks to Arkandias I've been prodded to rework the SoniFight GitHub readme to point to the releases and how to use SoniFight easily (run the SoniFight_x86.bat file). Sorry if it wasn't as clear as I'd intended.-Al


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: SoniFight - Day of the Tentacle config update

2019-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : r3dux via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SoniFight - Day of the Tentacle config update

Another thought I had was about regions within maps - let's give this a shot as simply as possible.When you start the game Doom (the original game, from way back when) - you start in a region with a few pillars and some water.Let's draw a box around this small region and call it "start".If you go forward a little and then left you end up in a region with two pillars either side and some stairs going up to green armour. Let's draw a box around this region and call it "start-left"From the start, if you go forward and to the right, there's a door which you need to open to reach 1 or more enemies. Forward from which there's a U-shaped block that you would run into if you ran straight ahead, and escaping the 'U' to the right moves on to the next section (which we don't care about for now). Drawing a block around this section allows us to call it "start-right".So we have the regions "start", "start-left", and "start-right".Starting from our spawn point ("start") we could go to the left and it would be possible to announce "start-left", or going to the right it would be possible to announce "start-right" as we entered each area defined by a rectangle. If we went from "start-left" to the right then it might announce:  "start. start-right" as we entered each area.This can also be used to find the regions involved with keys/doors/items. For a specific example involving a key and a door, regions around red keys could be in a region named "Red get", and places using red keys could be named Red door.Is this making sense? Any suggestions


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: SoniFight - Day of the Tentacle config update

2019-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : r3dux via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SoniFight - Day of the Tentacle config update

Here's the SoniFight v1.1.5 work-in-progress change log - it's not finished, but here's what I've done so far:Software:- Added 'Increased' and 'Decreased' comparison types available for Normal and Dependent triggers, so you can trigger a sonification event when a value has specifically increased or decreased, rather than if it crosses some comparison threshold or has merely 'Changed'.Configs:- Fixed / updated Ultra Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition config (some memory locations had changed without the exe changing, which is super odd...). All key elements of the config now restored.- Fixed / updated Mortal Kombat 9 config. Some new menu options added such as 1 Player "Fight" submenu and 2 Players "Versus" submenu.- Added new game: ZDoom v2.6.1! Health announced when increased (pick up) or decreased (shot / sludge), armour announced when increased, ammo announced when increased, 5/4/3/2/1 remaining ammo announcements for current weapon.- Currently unused but potentially interesting: ZDoom X and Y map coordinates tracked and available... could be used in the future to say when you're near a key, or a door or such? This won't work at present because you'd need to calculate the distance between current coordinates and some marked coordinates (keys/doors) via standard math 2D distance forumula - but there's no reason it couldn't in the future work to announce when you're within roughly 10m of a key or door that requires that key, or even a door to a secret area or such. Would need the map name for all this (e.g. 'e1m1', 'e2m5' etc. so comparisons / distance calcs can be made for elements of specific maps etc).So far, so good - more to do before a proper v1.1.5 release. I'm working on it.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: SoniFight - Day of the Tentacle config update

2019-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : r3dux via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SoniFight - Day of the Tentacle config update

Here's the SoniFight v1.1.5 work-in-progress change log - it's not finished, but here's what I've done so far:Software:- Added 'Increased' and 'Decreased' comparison types available for Normal and Dependent triggers, so you can trigger a sonification event when a value has specifically increased or decreased, rather than if it crosses some comparison threshold or has merely 'Changed'.Configs:- Fixed / updated Ultra Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition config (some memory locations had changed without the exe changing, which is super odd...). All key elements of the config now restored.- Fixed / updated Mortal Kombat 9 config. Some new menu options added such as 1 Player "Fight" submenu and 2 Players "Versus" submenu.- Added new game: ZDoom v2.6.1! Health announced when increased (pick up) or decreased (shot / sludge), armour announced when increased, ammo announced when increased, 5/4/3/2/1 remaining ammo announcements for current weapon.- Currently unused but potentially interesting: ZDoom X and Y map coordinates tracked and available... could be used in the future to say when you're near a key, or a door or such? This won't work at present because you'd need to calculate the distance between current coordinates and some marked coordinates (keys/doors) via standard math 2D distance forumula - but there's no reason it couldn't in the future work to announce when you're within roughly 10m of a key or door that requires that key, or even a door to a secret area or such. Would need the map name for all this (e.g. 'e1m1', 'e2m5' etc. so comparisons / distance calcs can be made for elements of specific maps etc).So far, so good - more do do before a proper v1.1.5 release. I'm working on it.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: SoniFight - Day of the Tentacle config update

2019-06-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : r3dux via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SoniFight - Day of the Tentacle config update

I'll be going through everything and releasing a new version of SoniFight in the very near future.Planned updates:- Config checks and updates,- Additional generic 'Increased' and 'Decreased' Trigger criteria,- Cleaning the code (sadly it posesses 'technical debt' - if you don't know the term, it's an interesting one: Wikipedia - Technical Debt), Planned for next relase:- Hotkeys to trigger watches (i.e. announce health value when you push 'H' etc.)


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: SoniFight - Day of the Tentacle config update

2019-06-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : r3dux via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SoniFight - Day of the Tentacle config update

I'll be going through everything and releasing a new version of SoniFight in the very near future.Planned updates:- Config checks and updates,- Additional generic 'Increased' and 'Decreased' Trigger criteria,- Cleaning the code (sadly it posesses 'technical debt' - if you don't know the term, it's an interesting one: Wikipedia - Technical Debt), - [Potentially] Hotkeys to trigger watches (i.e. announce health value when you push 'H' etc.) I've looked into this, but I'm not sure if I can 100% it straight away.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: SoniFight - Day of the Tentacle config update

2019-06-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : r3dux via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SoniFight - Day of the Tentacle config update

I'll be going through everything and releasing a new version of SoniFight in the very near future.Planned updates:- Config checks and updates,- Additional generic 'Increased' and 'Decreased' Trigger criteria,- Cleaning the code (sadly it posesses 'technical debt'), - [Potentially] Hotkeys to trigger watches (i.e. announce health value when you push 'H' etc.) I've looked into this, but I'm not sure if I can 100% it straight away.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: SoniFight - Day of the Tentacle config update

2019-06-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : r3dux via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SoniFight - Day of the Tentacle config update

I'll be going through everything and releasing a new version of SoniFight in the very near future.Planned updates:- Config checks and updates,- Additional generic 'Increased' and 'Decreased' Trigger criteria,- [Potentially] Hotkeys to trigger watches (i.e. announce health value when you push 'H' etc.) I've looked into this, but I'm not sure if I can 100% it straight away.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: SoniFight - Day of the Tentacle config update

2019-06-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : r3dux via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SoniFight - Day of the Tentacle config update

@simba - All the Mortal Kombat config details are numerical, so that doesn't surprise me that it worked in German (13 in English is the same as 13 in German - and all of the CultureInsensitive comparisons should work, too). But it's nice to know I'll be going through everything and releasing a new version of SoniFight in the very near future.Planned updates:- Config checks and updates,- Additional generic 'Increased' and 'Decreased' Trigger criteria,- [Potentially] Hotkeys to trigger watches (i.e. announce health value when you push 'H' etc.) I've looked into this, but I'm not sure if I can 100% it straight away.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: SoniFight - Day of the Tentacle config update

2019-06-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : r3dux via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SoniFight - Day of the Tentacle config update

@simba - All the Mortal Kombat config details are numerical, so that doesn't surprise me that it worked in German (13 in English is the same as 13 in German). But it's nice to know I'll be going through everything and releasing a new version of SoniFight in the very near future.Planned updates:- Config checks and updates,- Additional generic 'Increased' and 'Decreased' Trigger criteria,- [Potentially] Hotkeys to trigger watches (i.e. announce health value when you push 'H' etc.) I've looked into this, but I'm not sure if I can 100% it straight away.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: SoniFight - Day of the Tentacle config update

2019-06-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : r3dux via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SoniFight - Day of the Tentacle config update

Hey Simba,Although I have The Golf Club 2019 on Xbox One (it came free in with Xbox Live in May 2019), I don't own it on PC.I completely understand what you mean though - naming the clubs, shot-types, distance from hole etc. That all sounds very reasonable and do-able. But I don't own the game on PC - also, modern games sometimes have 'anti-tampering' mechanisms that don't like you reading the process memory, and may close if you attempt it (such as Street Fighter 5). Does The Golf Club have such a mechanism to stop you changing your round score to an eagle each hole? Who knows!How about a free PC golf game? I used to love PGA Tour Golf, and some of the "Links" games were good. However, to explain something like the three-tap hit system through NVDA you'd need to say "Back" or such when you tap the bar to start your backswing, then as bar increases until it gets to the top you could say "Stop {}" (meaning the word 'Stop' followed by the swing percentage) and then the third tap controls the hook or slice (or hopefully you get it in the middle and experience neither). That could say -5 or +8 or whatever value left or right it was from a 'true' hit. This could even be changed from -8 to saying "hard hook", -6 to "medium hook", -4 to "mild hook", -2 to "slight hook" etc.Another option would be rising and falling tones, but SoniFight doesn't do that and it would take some significant reworking to make it do that AND handle what it already does (the location and matching of values).So, can it be done? Yes.Is it done? No.Who is willing to do the work? No-one, at the moment - and there-in lies the rub.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: SoniFight - Day of the Tentacle config update

2019-06-04 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : r3dux via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SoniFight - Day of the Tentacle config update

Hey Tikki,Yay! Glad those changes helped - at least I now know that something has changed (although I don't know what).However, I do know that it's not a big job to update the config because I've previously tracked down all the data types and ranges, so it's just a matter of 'going through the pointer finding process'. While this is massive pain in the ass for most people, it took me around 2 years to write SoniFight, so believe me - I've had a lot of practice...I'm finishing off some scholarly gymnastics that I've been working on part-time for the last 9 years at the moment, and the brunt of the documentation is due this Monday the 10th of June - so you're going to have to forgive me if I put any SF fixes on the back burner until everything's submitted!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: SoniFight - Day of the Tentacle config update

2019-06-04 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : r3dux via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SoniFight - Day of the Tentacle config update

I've also just gone through to check and some of the menu options in the SF4 config that used to work are now broken, however all the in-game sonification still works, and the above "170" change will fix the main menu.I'll have to back through it all and perhaps (from what we've seen so far) subtract 16 bytes from the watches that are looking for submenu text, but I won't have the time to get to this until probably Tuesday the 11th, soz.Not sure why this has happened, but it's not a difficult fix - just hoping it's not a common occurence!Update: Okay, it's not going to be a 16-byte offset across the board, the values will need to be refound. However, the existing config states their data type and the associated triggers state the values to look for so that's the vast majority of the work still done. Going from the existing data it only took me about 2 mins to find the updated arcade menu difficulty settings (watch 8) and then all the associated triggers 'just work' again. The new chain for watch 8 is: DD9D8, BCAs mentioned I'll go back through and update them in the next few days when I have some free time.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: SoniFight - Day of the Tentacle config update

2019-06-04 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : r3dux via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SoniFight - Day of the Tentacle config update

I've also just gone through to check and some of the menu options in the SF4 config that used to work are now broken, however all the in-game sonification still works, and the above "170" change will fix the main menu.I'll have to back through it all all and perhaps (from what we've seen so far) subtract 16 bytes from the watches that are looking for submenu text.Not sure why this has happened, but it's not a difficult fix - just hoping it's not a common occurence!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: SoniFight - Day of the Tentacle config update

2019-06-04 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : r3dux via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SoniFight - Day of the Tentacle config update

I've just gone through to check and some of the menu options in the SF4 config that used to work are now broken, however all the in-game sonification still works.I'll have to back through it all all, and perhaps (from what we've seen so far) subtract 16 bytes from the watches that are looking for submenu text.Not sure why this has happened, but it's not a difficult fix - just hoping it's not a common occurence!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: SoniFight - Day of the Tentacle config update

2019-06-04 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : r3dux via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SoniFight - Day of the Tentacle config update

I've just gone back to look at the "blame" revision history of the SFIV config.xml in GitHub just in case I'd accidentally modified it between releases and uploaded the inadvertantly modified version - but nope! No changes made.The subtext pointer chain always ended with 180 - but now it doesn't work, and you're the first person to report it not working. So when I just looked it up and browsed the memory around where the text used to start, it turns out that the text now starts 16-bytes previously in memory (final offset 170 instead of 180, in hexadecimal).Why has it changed? I have no idea. The SSFIV.exe file has a last modified date of the 25th of May 2015 - so it's not that.My guess would be more towards some subtle "padding" issue, whether this is Steam based or (more likely) operating system based.Anyways, have a crack and see what happens. Fingers crossed.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: SoniFight - Day of the Tentacle config update

2019-06-04 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : r3dux via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SoniFight - Day of the Tentacle config update

I've just gone and looked into it - and my sonification didn't work either! How bizarre!However it might be something simple to fix.Could you launch SoniFight, select the Street Fighter 4 config and then click on the "Edit Config" tab.In that tab are all the details of the config that specify where to look (watches) and what to do when a value meets a given criteria (triggers). What I'd like you to do is click on Watch 7 (Submenu-Text), and then in the "Pointer Chain (in hex with commas)" field, change the value FROM: 132FDC, 180 to the new value 132FDC, 170 - so basically you just change the 180 to 170 on the end.Once you've done that, click the "Save Game Configuration" button and then go back to the Main tab and give it a shot.Let me know how you get on!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: SoniFight - Day of the Tentacle config update

2019-06-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : r3dux via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SoniFight - Day of the Tentacle config update

Hi Tikki,Sorry to hear things aren't working out for you. Just so we're clear, you've got the latest Steam version of Ultra Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition (Steam Build ID 834219), but the German executable is different?The version of the SSFIV.exe file I have is 7,026,688 bytes in size and has a MD5 hash of 63de108cbf2b1861b14867bbd846a2d7.You should be able to find this executable in your Steam directory's steamapps/common/Super Street Fighter IV - Arcade Edition folder.Are you able to confirm that your version is the same or different? You can use the online MD5 hash generator at the following URL to generate the MD5 sum of the SSFIV.exe file: the MD5 sums are the same, could you try changing your operating system's language from German to English (if that's how it's currently set up) and give it another shot?If the files are the same and setting your OS to work in English doesn't work then there may be an issue with the CultureInvariant string comparisons SoniFight is performing so I may need to go back and revisit them.Cheers!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: SoniFight - Day of the Tentacle config update

2019-06-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : r3dux via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SoniFight - Day of the Tentacle config update

Hi Tikki,Sorry to hear things are working out for you. Just so we're clear, you've got the latest Steam version of Ultra Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition (Steam Build ID 834219), but the German executable is different?The version of the SSFIV.exe file I have is 7,026,688 bytes in size and has a MD5 hash of 63de108cbf2b1861b14867bbd846a2d7.You should be able to find this executable in your Steam directory's steamapps/common/Super Street Fighter IV - Arcade Edition folder.Are you able to confirm that your version is the same or different? You can use the online MD5 hash generator at the following URL to generate the MD5 sum of the SSFIV.exe file: the MD5 sums are the same, could you try changing your operating system's language from German to English (if that's how it's currently set up) and give it another shot?If the files are the same and setting your OS to work in English doesn't work then there may be an issue with the CultureInvariant string comparisons SoniFight is performing so I may need to go back and revisit them.Cheers!


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Re: SoniFight - Day of the Tentacle config update

2019-05-31 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : r3dux via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SoniFight - Day of the Tentacle config update

Hey @SLJ,The reason you were unable to find addresses in Doom 95 (which I personally couldn't even run - it said I was missing DLLs) wasn't to do with the game process. Sorry bro, it's just non-trivial to find pointer chains. Also ZDoom isn't an emulator, it's a client - that is, it's a modified version of the (now open-sourced) original Doom source code.However, let me be really clear about this - YOU are not the problem - the problem is that finding pointer chains is a technical process, and that finding pointer chains using CheatEngine (which doesn't play nicely with screen readers) makes that task even more difficult.It's a real bind.I wrote SoniFight with the goal that the people who would benefit the most from it would be able to help themselves and write configs for the games they were interested in, but so far that hasn't panned out in the way that I'd hoped it might.So we had 1 problem (lack of sonification), then I did my best to fix that problem (here's software to provide sonification), but that software introduced a new problem (how to find pointer chains for the software that provides sonification).1 step forward, 1 step back.Anyone sighted with a reasonable grounding in Computer Science can create configs because it's just following a series of steps, but as mentioned, the problem is the accessibility of the tools. So to me, it looks like the accessibility of CheatEngine is the bottleneck here, not the capacity of SoniFight to perform useful work.How do we go about making CheatEngine more accessible? I don't know. But it's probably the same way that we can go about climbing a mountain - one step at a time.


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Re: SoniFight - Day of the Tentacle config update

2019-05-31 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : r3dux via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SoniFight - Day of the Tentacle config update

@Lirin - I didn't know Phoenix Wright was on Steam, how cool! Unfortunately, I don't own it and have no idea if the current text / options could be found. In the emulated Nintendo DS version I looked at I couldn't find any text, even when it was there written on the screen in front of me! I think this is because the text is stored as connections to a series of bitmaps rather than raw ASCII characters.If I knew the numerical designations for each character bitmap I could likely find the text and work from that - but unfortunately I don't!


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Re: SoniFight - Day of the Tentacle config update

2019-05-31 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : r3dux via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SoniFight - Day of the Tentacle config update

@firefly82 - no worries.What website do you mean? You can find the newest version of SoniFight in the Releases section of the SoniFight GitHub. Here's a direct link to the latest v1.1.4: SoniFight v1.1.4If you meant my personal '' vanity website then I've recently taken it down after 20 years because I have neither the time nor inclination to maintain it.It's possible to use Cheat Engine to find pointer chains for use with SoniFight, however it's not very accessible and that's the real drawback of the system as a whole at the moment.Doom can be made more accessible than it currently is, but it would be very difficult to use the current SoniFight software to provide navigation hints because I didn't design SoniFight to assist in navigation, it was built to assist users playing fighting games.However, thinking about it, in theory SoniFight's continuous triggers COULD 'abused' to provide navigational assistance (which is kind of funny, because we'd be abusing the game to provide accessibility, and then abusing the accessibility software to provide further accessibility).But the short answer is no - SoniFight isn't built to help you to navigate an area.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: SoniFight - Day of the Tentacle config update

2019-05-31 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : r3dux via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SoniFight - Day of the Tentacle config update

@firefly82 - no worries.What website do you mean? You can find the newest version of SoniFight in the Releases section of the SoniFight GitHub. Here's a direct link to the latest v1.1.4: SoniFight v1.1.4It's possible to use Cheat Engine to find pointer chains for use with SoniFight, however it's not very accessible and that's the real drawback of the system as a whole at the moment.Doom can be made more accessible than it currently is, but it would be very difficult to use the current SoniFight software to provide navigation hints because I didn't design SoniFight to assist in navigation, it was built to assist users playing fighting games.However, thinking about it, in theory SoniFight's continuous triggers COULD 'abused' to provide navigational assistance (which is kind of funny, because we'd be abusing the game to provide accessibility, and then abusing the accessibility software to provide further accessibility).But the short answer is no - SoniFight isn't built to help you to navigate an area.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: SoniFight - Day of the Tentacle config update

2019-05-31 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : r3dux via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SoniFight - Day of the Tentacle config update

@SLJ - No probs! I did have a quick look last night, but Doom 95 is so incredibly old (in software terms) that I don't believe it's the right choice of Doom client to be making a config for. I did a little research and found a Doom client called ZDoom that I think is probably going to give us the best results.Here's some information about ZDoom (it's the 'about' page) | about.But, ZDoom comes in 3 'flavours' - and we'll need to pick one carefully. Each of these flavours can be found at the following URL:ZDoom DownloadsFlavour 1 - GZDoomGZDoom is the latest and greatest version of the client and sports 'advanced hardware (OpenGL) and enhanced software rendering capabilities'. The latest release of GZDoom at the time of writing is v4.1.2 released on 2019-05-14 (i.e. only 17 days ago!)Flavour 2 - QZDoomQZDoom is a testbed for new features, we probably don't want this.Flavour 3 - ZDoomZDoom is the parent, legacy code-base that was discontinued, with a final version of v2.8.1 released on 2016-02-21 (so a little over 3 years ago).Here's where we have to make our decision between GZDoom and ZDoom.If we use ZDoom, then the ZDoom client is set in stone and will never move or be updated. This way, any SoniFight config that targets ZDoom will always work because there are no client updates. So that's the argument for ZDoom.However, the argument could also be made to target GZDoom (the 'latest and greatest') - but if that is the choice made, then the SoniFight config will likely be tied to that specific version of GZDoom, so when newer versions come out they will likely not work with the SoniFight config.Regardless of the option chosen we are ALWAYS tying ourselves to a specific version of a specific Doom client, it's just that ZDoom is not going to change, while GZDoom will change, and we would have to 'lock it in, final answer' to a specific version of GZDoom such as the latest v4.1.2.I hope that makes sense! I genuinely don't know which is the best option, so if you've got any thoughts about it I'd love to hear them.Regardless, I gave the 'legacy' ZDoom a quick crack last night and found the current ammo pointer. Here's a link to the test config I made:ZDoom v2.8.1To use it extract the zip then move the "ZDoom v2.8.1" folder into your SoniFight/bin/x86/configs folder.ZDoom doesn't come with the shareware version of Doom (i.e. the free first chapter called "Knee Deep in the Dead"), but the version of Doom 95 I initially tried did come with it so I just copied the DOOM1.WAD file into the ZDoom folderThis test config does basically nothing of use - it just says "Ammo 45" when you have 45 bullets left (you start with 50) - and the pointer chain is simply applying the following to the zdoom process:3AA420, 5CBut, because the config has just 1 watch and 1 trigger, perhaps it's something to take a look at and maybe try cloning that first trigger and have it say "Ammo low" when you only have 10 bullets left or such? Just to get the hang of things? Anyways, just a thought.I'm happy to put a bit more time into the config to handle health, pick-ups, menus etc. but not until we decide if we're targeting ZDoom or GZDoom, and I probably won't get a chance to get around to putting some real time into it until near the end of next week.Cheers!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: SoniFight - Day of the Tentacle config update

2019-05-31 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : r3dux via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SoniFight - Day of the Tentacle config update

@SLJ - No probs! I did have a quick look last night, but Doom 95 is so incredibly old (in software terms) that I don't believe it's the right choice of Doom client to be making a config for. I did a little research and found a Doom client called ZDoom that I think is probably going to give us the best results.Here's some information about ZDoom (it's the 'about' page) | about.But, ZDoom comes in 3 'flavours' - and we'll need to pick one carefully. Each of these flavours can be found at the following URL:ZDoom Downloads)Flavour 1 - GZDoomGZDoom is the latest and greatest version of the client and sports 'advanced hardware (OpenGL) and enhanced software rendering capabilities'. The latest release of GZDoom at the time of writing is v4.1.2 released on 2019-05-14 (i.e. only 17 days ago!)Flavour 2 - QZDoomQZDoom is a testbed for new features, we probably don't want this.Flavour 3 - ZDoomZDoom is the parent, legacy code-base that was discontinued, with a final version of v2.8.1 released on 2016-02-21 (so a little over 3 years ago).Here's where we have to make our decision between GZDoom and ZDoom.If we use ZDoom, then the ZDoom client is set in stone and will never move or be updated. This way, any SoniFight config that targets ZDoom will always work because there are no client updates. So that's the argument for ZDoom.However, the argument could also be made to target GZDoom (the 'latest and greatest') - but if that is the choice made, then the SoniFight config will likely be tied to that specific version of GZDoom, so when newer versions come out they will likely not work with the SoniFight config.Regardless of the option chosen we are ALWAYS tying ourselves to a specific version of a specific Doom client, it's just that ZDoom is not going to change, while GZDoom will change, and we would have to 'lock it in, final answer' to a specific version of GZDoom such as the latest v4.1.2.I hope that makes sense! I genuinely don't know which is the best option, so if you've got any thoughts about it I'd love to hear them.Regardless, I gave the 'legacy' ZDoom a quick crack last night and found the current ammo pointer. Here's a link to the test config I made:ZDoom v2.8.1To use it extract the zip then move the "ZDoom v2.8.1" folder into your SoniFight/bin/x86/configs folder.ZDoom doesn't come with the shareware version of Doom (i.e. the free first chapter called "Knee Deep in the Dead"), but the version of Doom 95 I initially tried did come with it so I just copied the DOOM1.WAD file into the ZDoom folderThis test config does basically nothing of use - it just says "Ammo 45" when you have 45 bullets left (you start with 50) - and the pointer chain is simply applying the following to the zdoom process:3AA420, 5CBut, because the config has just 1 watch and 1 trigger, perhaps it's something to take a look at and maybe try cloning that first trigger and have it say "Ammo low" when you only have 10 bullets left or such? Just to get the hang of things? Anyways, just a thought.I'm happy to put a bit more time into the config to handle health, pick-ups, menus etc. but not until we decide if we're targeting ZDoom or GZDoom, and I probably won't get a chance to get around to putting some real time into it until near the end of next week.Cheers!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: SoniFight - Day of the Tentacle config update

2019-05-30 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : r3dux via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SoniFight - Day of the Tentacle config update

Hi Simba,Okay this is a bit of a long one, but I'll do my best to explain. For menus and any other options that you don't know the initial value of you have to use some Sherlock Holmes style deduction.In Cheat Engine, just like you can choose to search for exact values you can also choose to search for an unknown initial value - so in your game you might highlight / have as the selected item the very first menu option, and then in cheat engine you can search for 'unknown initial value' and click the New Scan button - this gives you the list of all values in the memory of the process.Next, you would move the game's highlighted menu option to the next option down (being careful not to change any other state of the game - that is, only change the highlighted menu option, don't push any other buttons or anything) and then back in cheat engine you would change the matching criteria from Unknown initial value to Increased by and then enter the value 1 in the text input and click Next Scan this time (rather than clicking New Scan like you did initially).As you might imagine, this will go through the massive list of values (i.e. the value at each and every memory location) and it will discard all values in the list that haven't increased by 1, leaving only the values in the list that have. This means the list is now significantly smaller.You don't have to JUST go to the next item then scan for values that have increased by 1, you could go ahead 3 menu items then scan for values that have increased by 3, or you could go upwards 2 items in the game menu then scan for values that have decreased by 2 (change the drop down from "increased by" to "decreased by"). You can even go down a few menu items then scan for "increased", or up a few items then scan for "decreased", just be careful you don't wrap around on the menu from the top to the bottom or this will screw up your results.Repeat this step highlighting the next menu option in the game then filtering to only values that have gone up by 1 in CheatEngine and it will narrow down the list each time you do it - you keep doing this until you only have a few values remaining (ideally just one - but often there are a few addresses tracking the same data). One of these few remaining memory addresses can then be double-clicked to place them into the lower 'list of memory addresses' area, where you can right-click on the address and scan for pointers to that address.Assuming you find some pointers to that address, you then close the game, re-open it, find the menu address again using unknown initial scan followed by a series of narrowing-down scans like we've just discussed, and then you FILTER the list of pointers you previously found to contain ONLY the pointers that now point to the NEW address!You may need to do this pointer filtering a few times to get from what can be millions of potential pointer chains to just a few. When they've been filtered down to just one, or maybe up to a dozen, typically any one of them that relates to the game process exe (some pointers might be relative to DLLs - we only want one's relative to the game executable) can be used in SoniFight.To get the pointer details, double click one of the remaining results in the pointer list, then when you right click on it to check its properties it will have stuff like, for example, "x3.exe+3fc801" then above that might be "2fc" then above that maybe "55a". This would make the entire pointer chain for use in SoniFight those values comma separated, so: "3fc801, 2fc, 55a". This is obviously just an example of a pointer chain, not an actual pointer chain that does any thing in x3.Hope this helps.There are a couple of other SoniFight threads on the forums here, so if you have further questions it might be best going through and reading some of those as most questions will likely have already been answered, so rather than me answering them again here you could use what I've previously written.Cheers!


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Re: SoniFight - Day of the Tentacle config update

2019-05-30 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : r3dux via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SoniFight - Day of the Tentacle config update

@SLJ - I'll take a look at Doom 95 and see what I can find.@gamer95440 - Yes, you can buy Day of the Tentacle Remastered on Steam - and it has to be the Steam version because that's the version I used to develop the config. I just tried it out after setting the the game language to French (right-click on game in steam, choose properties, languages tab, and choose language from drop-down) - however nothing was actually in French, it was all still in English! However, this is likely to be because my operating system is configured for English and it's using that setting.Also, I noticed that the game options screen elements aren't being read out anymore - things like "New Game", "Load Game", "Save Game" etc. Not sure why this is, but I'll look into it and fix it up shortly. I probably won't have a chance to get to it until next week though.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: SoniFight - Day of the Tentacle config update

2019-05-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : r3dux via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SoniFight - Day of the Tentacle config update

@simba - SoniFight works using what I've called watches and triggers, where you can think of a watch as a memory address (although really it's the instructions to get to a memory address) and a trigger is a matching criteria, like is the value at this memory address 123, if so then say something.It's likely that in x3's galaxy map there is a single memory address that holds the currently selected sector as some kind of numerical value (so in SoniFight terms that means we need 1 watch) and if there are 200 distinct values that may be at that memory address then we'll need 200 triggers. So we might have a trigger that checks if the value is 0, and if so then we might say "Terran system", then another trigger to check if the value is 1, and if so we might say "Magellan system" and so on.Creating the triggers is the easy part, it's just a bit of donkey work - it's finding the pointer chains for watches that's a bit more of an involved process.@zkline - The day of the tentacle config should announce things in the main menu (the one you get to when you hit escape) so it should say things like "New game" / "Save game" / "Load game" etc. I'll go back and check it soon but probably won't get a chance to get to it until next week. If it's not behaving as expected I'll see what I can do to fix it up.@BlindJay - In SoniFight only the top-level menu of Killer Instinct is sonified unfortunately so you're not really missing much (and this was a bit of a proof-of-concept for me because KI is a 64-bit process so SoniFight had to be modified to work in a 64-bit manner).KI is a bit of a dog to work with because it has internal obfuscation of data. To make it harder for people to cheat, the game internally moves data about every few seconds - which makes life difficult when you want to keep track of values as you might imagine. I've seen this catered for though, so someone with a strong knowledge of using interactive disassemblers would be able to find the address of the redirection code and use it to construct a pointer chain that tracks these changes, but unfortunately that person is not me!The problem with requests for configs for games, even if it's just simple menu stuff, is that if I don't own the game then I can't even take a look at it to guage feasability! In terms of fighting games Street Fighter 4, Mortal Kombat 9 and BlazBlue Continuum Shift Extend currently have working configs though, so there are a few options.Cheers!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: SoniFight - Day of the Tentacle config update

2019-05-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : r3dux via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SoniFight - Day of the Tentacle config update

@Liam - I had a quick look at Phoenix Wright running in the DesMume Nintendo DS emulator today and couldn't even find the on-screen text! I have a feeling it's stored in memory as references to character bitmaps or something rather than plain text (I could be wrong though, it's just a hunch). You're spot on through - I think Phoenix Wright would probably be a terrific fit for SoniFight as it's so heavily text based and relies on small numbers of options to drive each case.@SLJ - Sorry to hear you had a tough time of it. What kind of values of interest were you looking to find in Doom 95? Perhaps I can help.


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Re: SoniFight - Day of the Tentacle config update

2019-05-27 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : r3dux via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SoniFight - Day of the Tentacle config update

BlindJay - yeah, that's pretty much it! And yes, all the main menu options are read out in the MK config, and there are announcements when you or your opponents health is low, when the round timer is half way or close to running out etc.To play DotT or Beneath a Steel Sky you can move the mouse around and as the mouse cursor is on top of an object, like a door or a person or whatever, it will be announced. For DotT you can use a controller to move the mouse cursor and it will 'snap' to objects as you push different directions, however there are some scenes where you have to move your character to the sides of the screen and unfortunately this involves clicking on a blank space. With the help of a walkthrough you could likely find out which rooms / areas need this though because the walkthrough will likely say things like "Move to the right and go up the stairs", so moving to the right will not be announced ('blank space') but when the screen scrolls across to your new location the 'stairs' object will be visible and will be announced on hover because it's something that you can interact with.zkline - I've never played the X3 series, but if the menu text becomes highlighted when it is hovered over then the chances are good that the game contains a memory address with the text of the currently highlighted option which can be found and announced when the text at this address changes.Alternatively, if the text can't be found in memory on highlight sometimes there's a numerical value that can be found that uniquely identifies that menu option, and this can be matched and announced. For example, if there was a menu option that was "Deploy landing gear" (just an example, I don't know the game!) and this menu option always corresponded to some value in memory being 123, then that would be a suitable candidate to be able to announce "Deploy landing gear" when that option was highlighted.


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SoniFight - Day of the Tentacle config update

2019-05-27 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : r3dux via Audiogames-reflector


SoniFight - Day of the Tentacle config update

Hi all,I've updated the SoniFight Day of the Tentacle config to speak voice options. Previously I could only find pointers to numerical values for which speech option was highlighted so SoniFight would say things like "Speech option 0", "Speech option 1" when talking to people. However, I think I've now found suitable pointer chains to announce the actual text that the character will say, for example option 0 might be "Are you cold?", option 1 "Where'd you get that great hat?", option 2 "Well, see you later".I haven't tested it beyond a few reboots and half a dozen different in-game conversations, but it seems to work pretty well. Also, I haven't updated SoniFight with a new release including this config quite yet (but one is in the pipe, 5 by 5). If you'd like to give the updated Day of the Tentacle config a shot then you can do so by:1.) Creating a new folder in your SoniFight/bin/x86/configs/ folder called "DotTR_test" or something, then2.) Downloading the following config.xml file (Right-click and save) into it: config.xml.If you give it a crack then please let me know how you get on.Cheers!


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Re: SoniFight - Any interest in BlazBlue: Continuum Shift Extend (Steam)

2018-11-18 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : r3dux via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SoniFight - Any interest in BlazBlue: Continuum Shift Extend (Steam)

If the game renders the actual text that says "buy a fluffy pillow", "buy a flat pillow" etc using a font, then YES - that text will exist in memory.However, if the game has a picture of the words "buy a fluffy pillow", "buy a flat pillow" etc. then that text will NOT be stored in memory because the information is being conveyed by an image rather than drawing the text.While the latter case of image-based information can and does occur, it's far more common for the text to be drawn as text so it will be possible to find that text in memory.


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Re: SoniFight - Any interest in BlazBlue: Continuum Shift Extend (Steam)

2018-11-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : r3dux via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SoniFight - Any interest in BlazBlue: Continuum Shift Extend (Steam)

@JLove - The KI config is very bare bones as we've previously discussed - it's just the main menu and clock / round-timer alerts at present.The reason there's only one config displaying is that KI is a 64-bit process - and for SoniFight to be able to connect to it SoniFight itself needs to be 64-bit - which is why the release ships with two versions: 32-bit (x86) and 64-bit (x64). Only matching "bitness" processes can communicate.There is only one 64-bit config and that's the KI one. If you launch the 32-bit version of SoniFight then you'll see the rest of the configs for Street Fighter 4, Mortal Kombat 9, BlazBlue etc.All configs are stored on a per-folder basis in the "Configs" folder right next to each SoniFight executable (it's just a config.xml file along with, optionally, some audio samples).


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Re: SoniFight - Any interest in BlazBlue: Continuum Shift Extend (Steam)

2018-11-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : r3dux via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SoniFight - Any interest in BlazBlue: Continuum Shift Extend (Steam)

@JLove - I can replicate and confirm the KI lack of sonification. I've found the updated chains, but the new Single Player time-limit is infinite - it's not 99 seconds anymore, so there's no easy way to tell when you're in game or in the menus, which leads to some innapropriate sonification events.Anyway, rather than getting you to change files I've pushed SoniFight v1.1.4 with the updated KI menu and clock chains.Link: …


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Re: SoniFight - Any interest in BlazBlue: Continuum Shift Extend (Steam)

2018-11-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : r3dux via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SoniFight - Any interest in BlazBlue: Continuum Shift Extend (Steam)

@JLove - it's likely the KI executable has been updated since the config was created around mid-2017 and the addresses have changed. I'll look into it and get back to you.Also, thanks for the log-output - at least we now know it's connecting to the process, finding the screen reader and nothing is going wrong with the sound output libs.


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Re: SoniFight - Any interest in BlazBlue: Continuum Shift Extend (Steam)

2018-11-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : r3dux via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SoniFight - Any interest in BlazBlue: Continuum Shift Extend (Steam)

Read the that I linked above or the documentation.


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Re: SoniFight - Any interest in BlazBlue: Continuum Shift Extend (Steam)

2018-11-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : r3dux via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SoniFight - Any interest in BlazBlue: Continuum Shift Extend (Steam)

@JLove - it provides sonification cues to video games on the Windows platform via user creatable / customisable config files. However, while in theory people can create configs, the process to do so is unfortunately a bit of a pig for visually impaired or non-sighted users.Releases come with a user guide in PDF and HTML format, but you may prefer to just read the GitHub to get a slightly expanded overview: … /README.mdIf you'd rather hear what it does than read about it then the original demonstration video is here: this is the link to the discussion of the recent BlazBlue config that I recorded this morning:


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Re: SoniFight - Any interest in BlazBlue: Continuum Shift Extend (Steam)

2018-11-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : r3dux via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SoniFight - Any interest in BlazBlue: Continuum Shift Extend (Steam)

@JLove - it provides sonification cues to video games on the Windows platform via user creatable / customisable config files. However, while in theory people can create configs, the process to do so is unfortunately a bit of a pig for visually impaired or non-sighted users.The release comes with a user guide in PDF and HTML format. Page 3 (Introduction) will give you a one-page overview including the list of games covered. Be aware the Killer Instinct and DiveKick configs are very bare bones.If you'd rather hear what it does, then the original demonstration video is here: this is the link to the discussion of the recent BlazBlue config that I recorded this morning:


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: SoniFight - Any interest in BlazBlue: Continuum Shift Extend (Steam)

2018-11-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : r3dux via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SoniFight - Any interest in BlazBlue: Continuum Shift Extend (Steam)

@SLJ - Glad you got BlazBlue installed.I've put together a YouTube video of what the config does, and it also includes some details on how to potentially speed up the game so it might run better on your machine (by turning off light bloom and anti-aliasing, and running in minimum resolution in a window). You can find the video here were a few glitches with the config that I've just fixed, these are:- The "Return to main menu" option in the pause menu was not announced (this was the one leading you to the OK / Cancel prompts),- There were some non-sensical On / Off sonification events which stemmed from the Display FPS On / Off memory being re-used. I've de-activated these triggers and made the "Display FPS" option now say "Display FPS is 0" for off and "Display FPS is 1" for on.- Story mode in-game triggers (P1 half health etc) didn't work because in story mode the rounds have infinite time rather than a clock, so SoniFight never allowed the triggers to play. I've swapped these triggers to be of type "Any" rather than just "In-Game" which means it's possible you may get some non-sensical events in the menus, but without that there will be no useful triggers in story mode at all.With regard to your post:I entered the arcade mode, got three menu items.I think this is just the select to play as player 1 or player 2. Simply push left then a button for P1 or right then a button for P2.I entered the story mode, got lots of choices, but nothing was read as well.Yup, I hadn't even tried story mode until about 5 minutes ago. Most of it is spoken, but I may be able to push the non-spoken text to screen reader. However, to do this the criteria would have to be "Changed", which means if the data at that memory address changes then it triggers it being spoken. Can you imagine the cacophony it would make if this memory is re-used for gameplay stuff in arcade mode etc? I'll look into it, but no promises it can be done properly.I messed up the game so much on my PlaystationI assume you're talking about a PS3 version of this game you have (nothing to do with SoniFight). You could get sighted assistance to restore default options, or perhaps just delete any save data and it should generate a set of sane config options on startup.If I can get my computer to play nicely, then I'l hook up my XBox controller, see if I can map the buttonsYou don't need to do any mapping for an Xbox 360 joypad - it works just fine out of the box. An Xbox fight stick should be fine as well because it operates with the same signals just from a different type of physical controller.Here's a link to the "WIP2" BlazBlue SoniFight config with the corrections above if you want to try it out: …!


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Re: SoniFight - Any interest in BlazBlue: Continuum Shift Extend (Steam)

2018-11-10 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : r3dux via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SoniFight - Any interest in BlazBlue: Continuum Shift Extend (Steam)

Anyone tried the config? Working? Not working?


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Re: SoniFight v1.0 now available

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : r3dux via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SoniFight v1.0 now available

@SirBadger - That alt+tilda doesn't work?! Here's a version I've just modified to use alt and the plus slash equals key. So along the top row of numbers (not the keypad), it goes 7 8 9 0 minus plus. THAT plus key is the one you want to hold alt and push to swap active windows within Cheat Engine.Here's the link to the modified lua script - right click and save rather than just clicking (as it opened the lua text in the browser when I tried): … s.lua?dl=0Oh, and probably remove the original one - both might work or it might get confused, I don't know. Probably easier to remove the original script.You're right that there may be issues between fullscreen and windowed modes in games changing memory addresses - for example, I've had to find equivalent pointer trails for the menus in Day of the Tentacle for full and windowed - they just aren't the same otherwise (although the matching criteria is obviously the same to announce the options).In terms of finding pointers, there could be so much going on that I just even guess what the issue is - but, if we could catch up on some kind of screen-sharing thing I could help you to find a few pointers and we could record the entire process - I don't know, would that be helpful? It's genuinely not rocket-science, I just think the tools are a bit of a nuisance at the moment and a little more guidance on how to approach the entire process would help a lot.Thoughts always welcome.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: SoniFight v1.0 now available

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : r3dux via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SoniFight v1.0 now available

@SirBadger - That alt+tilda doesn't work?! Here's a version I've just modified to use alt and the plus slash equals key. So along the top row of numbers (not the keypad), it goes 7 8 9 0 minus plus. THAT plus key is the one you want to hold alt and push to swap active windows within Cheat Engine.Here's the link to the modified lua script: … s.lua?dl=0You're right that there may be issues between fullscreen and windowed modes in games changing memory addresses - for example, I've had to find equivalent pointer trails for the menus in Day of the Tentacle for full and windowed - they just aren't the same otherwise (although the matching criteria is obviously the same to announce the options).In terms of finding pointers, there could be so much going on that I just even guess what the issue is - but, if we could catch up on some kind of screen-sharing thing I could help you to find a few pointers and we could record the entire process - I don't know, would that be helpful? It's genuinely not rocket-science, I just think the tools are a bit of a nuisance at the moment and a little more guidance on how to approach the entire process would help a lot.Thoughts always welcome.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: SoniFight v1.0 now available

2018-01-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : r3dux via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SoniFight v1.0 now available

@arturminyazev - The SF4 config works by matching the subtext (i.e. smaller text describing each menu option). Could you perhaps get sighted assistance to confirm that on the very top level menu, when you have "Arcade" selected the first 33 characters of the submenu text is "Fight against the CPU in this single", and when you have "Versus" selected the first 33 characters of the submenu text is "Choose your character, select a s".While the menu options are identified by the submenu text, the character selections are identified by numerical values (0 is Ryu, 1 is Ken, 2 is Chun-Li etc). As such, are the in-game notifications working? Like those about health or super or ultra gauge status?@SirBadger - So the MK4 config is working in Windows 7, but the SF4 menus aren't? I'm perplexed...I've uploaded the lua script to change sub-windows in cheat engine 6.7 for you here - hit Alt+tilda with any subwindows open and it'll cycle through them (place in C:\Program Files (x86)\Cheat Engine 6.7\autorun): … s.lua?dl=0@AlirezaNosrati - I'm really sorry it's not working for you. I'm completely out of ideas as to why this might be. Just as an aside, you can select the MK config in SoniFight and click the [Run Selected Config] button - and it will sit there looking for the MKKE process until it finds it or you click stop - when it locates the process it'll kick off the sonification. So what I'm saying is you don't have to launch the game then Alt-Tab back to SoniFight and start the config and then Alt-Tab back to the game - but seeing as SoniFight doesn't seem to be working for you at all that's not especially helpful, is it?I really wish I knew what the problem was... have you tried briefly disabling any anti-virus or anti-malware software that might interfere with the SoniFight process accessing another processes memory?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: SoniFight v1.0 now available

2018-01-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : r3dux via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SoniFight v1.0 now available

@arturminyazev - The SF4 config works by matching the subtext (i.e. smaller text describing each menu option). Could you perhaps get sighted assistance to confirm that on the very top level menu, when you have "Arcade" selected the first 33 characters of the submenu text is "Fight against the CPU in this single", and when you have "Versus" selected the first 33 characters of the submenu text is "Choose your character, select a s".@SirBadger - So the MK4 config is working in Windows 7, but the SF4 menus aren't? I'm perplexed...I've uploaded the lua script to change sub-windows in cheat engine 6.7 for you here - hit Alt+tilda with any subwindows open and it'll cycle through them (place in C:\Program Files (x86)\Cheat Engine 6.7\autorun): … s.lua?dl=0@AlirezaNosrati - I'm really sorry it's not working for you. I'm completely out of ideas as to why this might be. Just as an aside, you can select the MK config in SoniFight and click the [Run Selected Config] button - and it will sit there looking for the MKKE process until it finds it or you click stop - when it locates the process it'll kick off the sonification. So what I'm saying is you don't have to launch the game then Alt-Tab back to SoniFight and start the config and then Alt-Tab back to the game - but seeing as SoniFight doesn't seem to be working for you at all that's not especially helpful, is it?I really wish I knew what the problem was... have you tried briefly disabling any anti-virus or anti-malware software that might interfere with the SoniFight process accessing another processes memory?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: SoniFight v1.0 now available

2018-01-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : r3dux via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SoniFight v1.0 now available

@arturminyazev - The SF4 config works by matching the subtext (i.e. smaller text describing each menu option). Could you perhaps get sighted assistance to confirm that on the very top level menu, when you have "Arcade" selected the first 33 characters of the submenu text is "Fight against the CPU in this single", and when you have "Versus" selected the first 33 characters of the submenu text is "Choose your character, select a s".@SirBadger - So the MK4 config is working in Windows 7, but the SF4 menus aren't? I'm perplexed...I've uploaded the lua script to change sub-windows in cheat engine 6.7 for you here: … s.lua?dl=0


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: SoniFight v1.0 now available

2018-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : r3dux via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SoniFight v1.0 now available

@AlirezaNosrati - Hmm. Are you using Windows 7 or Windows 8/8.1 by any chance? It certainly works with Windows 10.@arturminyazev - 1.) To change the game language in steam you need to right-click on the game and bring up the Properties window, then in the game properties window go to the Language tab and change the game language from the drop down menu to "English".2.) When SoniFight is running it will give you audio feedback on menu options, character selections as well as some in-game cues about health, super and ultra bar statuses for you and the opponent. It doesn't cover everything, but it has a fair amount of triggers to make life a lot easier for the visually impaired.3.) Unfortunately I only have the Steam version of the game so am not able to create a config for a non-steam version at this time.@SirBadger - I've tried out the script and it works great. Just copy and paste the code into a new file with a dot L U A extension, so maybe call it window_switcher.lua or something. Then save the file and copy and paste it into the autorun folder of Cheat Engine. If you installed Cheat Engine in the default location (and assuming you have version 6.7) then this will be:C:\Program Files (x86)\Cheat Engine 6.7\autorunThen, when you run Cheat Engine and do a pointer scan and it opens a pointer scan results window, you'll be able to "Alt+Tab" between Cheat Engine's windows by using Alt+Tilda (tilda being the key just to the left of the 1 key on wester keyboards).


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: SoniFight v1.0 now available

2018-01-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : r3dux via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SoniFight v1.0 now available

@SirBadger - You're absolutely right - that's a nuisance. I tried finding software to cycle subwindows but without much success, so I've raised an issue on the Cheat Engine github page about it. Hopefully it's something that can be remedied. GitHub issue url: - I'm so sorry but I have no idea why the Mortal Kombat config isn't working for you. The exact version of Mortal Kombat Komplete Edition that the config was created for is the most recent version on Steam, which when you right-click and select properties on the game shows in the lower-left corner: "Current content buildID 344915" - however it's unlikely a screen reader will say this to you - the MKKE.exe file is 11,352,064 bytes if you look at its properties in file explorer.If that's not the version you have, then that could be the reason why the MK config isn't working for you.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: SoniFight v1.0 now available

2018-01-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : r3dux via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SoniFight v1.0 now available

@Lirin - To flush an object in DoTT bring up the inventory (when using a mouse that can be done by clicking the middle mouse button), then right click on the object you want and select 'Use', then click on either 'Chron-O-John' or 'Toilet' (either will work) and it'll be ready to be picked up by a different character. I don't think Hoagie can flush anything until his Chron-O-John is powered up.@SirBadger - Yeah, the pointer window needs to stay open. It's a nuisance. Alt-Tab not helping?@AlirezaNosrati - I don't get why it would say no configs when the log shows that it's found the config directories, it finds NVDA, it finds a valid (DirectSound 8) sound driver - and the Mortal Kombat 9 config was started. Could you explain the issue you're experiencing again, please?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: SoniFight v1.0 now available

2017-12-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : r3dux via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SoniFight v1.0 now available

@SirBadger - That's exactly what's happening! Each time the game loads the current state of your PC's memory is slightly different, and there are also other aspects that affect the memory layout - so essentially every time you load the game the memory addresses for health or ammo or whatever are different. There isn't anything that you can do to change this - it's just how it all works. This is why SoniFight uses pointer chains as a 'series of hops' to locate the values of interest in a manner which allows it to consistently work across different runs/reboots/PCs.So unless your cheat engine .CHT files contain pointers to the values, instead of just where the values happen to be on the specific run of the game when you found them then they're unlikely to be of much use, unfortunately.@Atlan - I replied to you in the user trial thread, and yeah - it could be that Windows 7 is loading things slightly different and breaking the pointer chains. If the SF4 config doesn't work for you in Windows 7 then it's quite likely it doesn't work for anyone in Windows 7. I can try to look into it. It would be great if someone other than me was able to create a modified Windows 7 version of the SF4 config, considering that the values to be found will all exist in the existing config (i.e. it's just the watch pointer chains that would need to be updated), but if not I'll see what I can do - although I won't be able to get to it right away.


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Re: SoniFight v1.0 now available

2017-12-06 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : r3dux via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SoniFight v1.0 now available

@Stewie - Unfortunately nothing highlights in-game when you mouse over the VCR buttons. As you say, they're all in a straight line and from left to right are: Eject, Rewind, Play, Fast-Forward, Record, and finally Stop. Just to the right of the Stop button is the Standard Play / Extended Play toggle switch.To solve the puzzle you'll need something to record... rather than putting spoilers here I've written up some hints that should point you in the right direction. You can find the hints at the following address:


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: SoniFight v1.0 now available

2017-11-30 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : r3dux via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SoniFight v1.0 now available

@Stewie, when you talk to people it should say speech option x, where x is a value between 0 and 3. If there's only one speech option then obviously only speech option 0 will be available.I've just added an updated DoTT config which add a trigger for the Standard / Extended play modes of the VCR (which is a verticle toggle switch on the right hand side of the controls). This will act as the slow-motion toggle - but I've yet to get the game to the point where it's recording anything. Also, I can't seem to locate what buttons are being pressed as nothing gets highlighted on mouse-over - I haven't tried using a joypad for it yet though, perhaps that'll help me track it down.With regards to the safe combination, I'm pretty sure it's hard-coded as it uses a sequence of drawn frames to display the combination, so you might just be able to look it up if it's being a nuisance.The new DoTT config can be found at the SoniFightConfigs repo. Just download and extract the zip and copy the DoTT config.xml over the one in your sonifight folder, then start/restart SoniFight and it should be available.I thought that safe would turn out to be trouble - unfortunately I was right.@hadi.gsf - Yeah, just ping me an email through the forum and I'll get back to you.With regard to using a hex editor, one of the simple features of one is that it can find and replace text without breaking the executable if you do it correctly. Probably easier if I have a go at making "discoengine.exe" and I can ping it to you if it works.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: SoniFight v1.0 now available

2017-11-28 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : r3dux via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SoniFight v1.0 now available

@hadi.gsf - Have you tried "discoengine"? i.e. Use a hex editor to replace all occurances of "cheat" with another 5 letter word in the "cheatengine" exe?Also, SFV exits immediately if you start it with CE running. I didn't try starting it later, but it's probably the same, and I didn't try discoengine (although I like the concept).


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: SoniFight v1.0 now available

2017-11-28 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : r3dux via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SoniFight v1.0 now available

@hadi.gsf - Have you tried "discoengine"? i.e. Use a hex edittor to replace all occurances of "cheat" with another 5 letter word in the "cheatengine" exe?


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