Re: I am affronted by the presence of god

2021-03-05 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I am affronted by the presence of god

Hey OP, I'm really sorry for what you, and your grandma of course, are going through. This world, God, whatever, it can all be very cruel.And of all the posts in this discussion, I find 141 to be the most spot on from my perspective.I guess my beliefs are ore agnostic in nature. I lean toward believing in something, only because I've experienced things in my life that would lead me to believe something has extremely positive influence over my existence. I know, I know, everyone says that. But I don't care if people side with me or not. I know what I've experienced, and I know what I believe.But time and time again, I see people of religion falter because of their blind followings. And some are actually intellects, people who actually study science, with PhDs and all. Similarly, I've seen people of science, too unwilling to accept that even some things can't be explained, falter at the hands of their arrogance.You can get philosophical about this. You can get scientific about this. You can even study high degrees of theology. But at the end of the day, what really counts is how you handle being challenged by others' beliefs.All this science vs religion vs other stuff. I honestly think it's ridiculous.They each have benefits. Proving, disproving, theories, axioms, etc.We're all just here to figure it out. Yes, science has a bit of an upper hand in that regard. But that doesn't mean science can answer everything. And if you really think that, well, that's just too bad and I am truly sorry you feel that way. Likewise for religion. If someone actually thinks that religion is unwavering in its teachings, and you absolutely reject everything else, again, that's just too bad.But I think some of us are too smart for that. I'd like to believe we offer acceptance and critical thinking.Anyway, for what it's worth, I still appreciate a good back and forth every once in a while. 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Anyone Heard of The Pomodoro Technique?

2021-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Anyone Heard of The Pomodoro Technique?

So this won't be a long message, but here is some information on it.Essentially, it is said to help with productivity by breaking your time into work and break chunks.I debated putting this in dev room since this is kind of experimental, but I hacked a program together using Python's standard TKinter library, with some help from screen reader libs, and I thought maybe it might be of use to someone. This is my program.Note: Use Space key to interact with buttons. This was kind of rushed and didn't put Enter as an activation key.It is currently only for Windows. Sorry others using different OS.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Anyone Heard of The Pomodoro Technique?

2021-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Anyone Heard of The Pomodoro Technique?

So this won't be a long message, but here is some information on it.Essentially, it is said to help with productivity by breaking your time into work and break chunks.I debated putting this in dev room since this is kind of experimental, but I hacked a program together using Python's standard TKinter library, with some help from screen reader libs, and I thought maybe it might be of use to someone. This is my program.It is currently only for Windows. Sorry others using different OS.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Tips for safely walking on ice?

2021-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Tips for safely walking on ice?

Oh a fellow Texan! Hope your doing alright and you haven't lost power or water.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: spanish tts voices

2021-02-10 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: spanish tts voices

I think recommendations as to what Spanish to listen to are too subjective.I am a native Spanish speaker, who grew up in the US, and most people speak Latin American Spanish, of which Mexican is arguably more prevalent, depending on region.It really just depends on learning goals.There will always be bias, but I personally think Mexican Spanish is easier to understand.And many variants of Latin American Spanish do not pronounce c, z, and s the same.Some variants will omit s, some will exaggerate z, etc.But yes, the two common Spanish voices available are common Mexican and common European Spanish voices, with one or two Argentina voices, and even a Puerto Rican voice around somewhere.And typically, the TTS Latin American voices are more of a Mexican Spanish sound.When I learned all the other languages I speak, I actually started reading the language in Braille before picking a text-to-speech voice. This got me reading and pronouncing on my own from an early start, which helps more in the long run.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: spanish tts voices

2021-02-10 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: spanish tts voices

eSpeak or Eloquence Latin American Spanish voices work just fine. lol This is probably only true if you actually know the language fully though, as I do.


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Re: AccessiBe ADA Overlay Webservice

2021-02-10 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: AccessiBe ADA Overlay Webservice

I'm very skeptical about this company!This article is good to read. Many other web accessibility experts who know what they're talking about tend to generally agree.


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Re: AccessiBe ADA Overlay Webservice

2021-02-10 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: AccessiBe ADA Overlay Webservice

I'm very skeptical about this company!This article is good to read. Many other accessibility experts who know what they're talking about tend to generally agree.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: what should we do if the forum, Whent down with out any warning?

2021-02-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what should we do if the forum, Whent down with out any warning?

All I know is that if the forum went down without warning, things would not be the same for AudioGames. Because I think, as many times implied, if the forum goes down, so does the AudioGame database.I agree with those that say if we should restore anything, it's the game database. The forum was something of a side effect of the games, and it does contain valuable content, but I think back to when I was like 10 or 11 and finding the main website, and I would want future blind people to experience a similar resource of games.I have a strong feeling that when the website finally goes down, people will go their separate ways. We can try our best to try to retain the community, but think about it, the forum is a collective that began years ago, building up ever-so gradually, culminating in a resource that could be found by all who looked with a bit of effort. Such a platform could potentially be rebuilt, but I imagine it would take many years, many iterations before it could become anything like this. And if anyone could do it, I dare say it would probably be more successful if the pioneers of audio games did it. I'm thinking of a few individuals at the top of my head, a number of which, sadly, may not be with us no longer.I highly doubt a full migration is possible in which everyone agrees with rules, environment, platform, and community.But although I am hoping this does not happen soon, I am sadly ready to accept that this forum, the people in it, and some of these valuable and entertaining posts, may just be memories of an era I have come to appreciate.So, yeah, we could move to Discord, we could move to Reddit, etc. But how long before even those services are around. And some make good points: How long before they become inaccessible to us.Some streamers have managed to make communities of their own. I'll be sticking to those. But what about the rest of us?Anyway, just some food for thought, as negative as it may be. Besides, haven't we all been accused of slippery-slope thinking? 


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Re: how much does blindness effect employment

2021-01-27 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how much does blindness effect employment

I think this is a good topic. I know time and time again, we hear, or at least I do, about the blind person who is doing this and that, and how successful they might be. And these stories are motivating, to a point. And then you dig a little deeper, and you find out all the accommodations necessary to even do that thing. Not saying those people shouldn't be considered successful, but usually, struggles were faced, and discriminations were surely confronted. Ultimately, in many cases, compromises had to be made such that full participation is reduced to being able to do something with restrictions or with much aid from someone else.I'm not saying this to be pessimistic or de-motivating, but I feel strongly that this is how our world works. I work in the technology field developing software, and while it is a rewarding and well-paying job, at a time, I had aspirations to be a practicing electrical engineer, working to manufacture electronics, down to the literal wire or transistor. I did study EE in college, and perhaps I could've found a way, and in fact I did for a little while, working on Embedded Systems. But even that didn't feel like actual Electrical Engineering work. Fortunately, I also had an interest in computers and got a computer science degree, but I can't help to think back every once in a while. Did I give up too soon? Probably. And I even spoke to blind engineers, but I kept facing dead-ends with how certain things may as well be out of my reach. Wow, that was kind of depressing. But I don't mean it to be. I actually enjoy my current job.Anyway, at least in the software engineering sector, I feel people are becoming more accepting of others with different backgrounds. Most interviews I've had were fine, with some skepticism at first, of course, but once the chat begins, interviewers are generally nice and willing to give me a chance. And many good results out of it too. So I can't speak on other professions, but as a programmer looking for work, if you can show you know your stuff, and you don't BS your way through responses, and you can work well talking to people, many opportunities are waiting for you.On the job, when dealing with more visual aspects, I still have the flexibility of doing the work myself and having a fellow peer verify my work, which is part of a job anyway, to work on a team.In terms of what are our opportunities for employment, I would say the spectrum is a bit wider than we might think, but not wide enough to kid ourselves in telling us that we can do everything. It's sad and kind of interesting how jobs that teenagers will often get here in the US, such as work in fast food, retail stores, or even baby sitting, are jobs where people would not give us the benefit of the doubt. And these are jobs that would give us a quick dollar!I do think there are several factors that contribute to someone being employed as a blind person. They are: access to resources, networking, motivation, and luck. Without these, I feel it would just be very challenging to get far in general. People without disabilities might have a bit more leeway to mess up, but it isn't as straightforward for us.


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Re: Multi Linguists of the Forum...

2021-01-25 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Multi Linguists of the Forum...

I know about Phoenician. But even Phoenician has its basis in hieroglyphs. This is an interesting video to watch about history of Latin alphabets.Anyway, regardless of where English comes from, or Latin script, admittedly, it's all very interesting and I do wish I could have studied linguistics more in depth. But I'm only a language speaker with knowledge of 7 languages. Also, the Langfocus channel on YouTube is a good one to subscribe to if you're into this stuff.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Multi Linguists of the Forum...

2021-01-25 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Multi Linguists of the Forum...

I do understand English is a Germanic language. That's why I said it is Latin-based, as in, it uses the Latin alphabet. Perhaps clarification would've been helpful. The Latin alphabet influenced many European families of languages. And going back further, Latin alphabet was influenced by Egyptian hieroglyphs. I find this all very interesting. And of course, due to colonization, undeniably, now the Latin alphabet is pretty much used all over the world!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Multi Linguists of the Forum...

2021-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Multi Linguists of the Forum...

Ooo good to know there are more people who speak multiple languages! I agree with what has already been said here. Latin-based languages certainly have a concept of lowercase and uppercase characters. It also depends on what language family from which the language is derived. Sino-Tibetan languages, for example, would not have this concept as their characters are ideographic in nature.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: It's time to try something new

2021-01-18 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: It's time to try something new

OP, I don't know you and to be honest, I haven't played your games. But one thing I strongly agree with that you wrote is that people often think they can try to analyze and speculate about others' decisions and behaviors. I have a philosophy in life, let each person do as they please. As long as they're not bringing harm onto others or being bullies, I am perfectly fine accepting people's decisions. do I agree with all of them? Of course not all of them. But I'm not going to sit here and type out an essay-long post about how so-and-so is mad because some ancient psychologist or other wrote a treatise on theoretical something or other which points to the fact that the decisions you are making is bad. lol Just expand that sort of analytical thinking mindset, and all of a sudden, you have a forum that is no longer fun and which people will not want to frequent anymore. But to be fair, this is not the only community by far that does this. All in all, I personally don't care about the drama and other such things going on here. I'm generally just glad a forum like this one exists. And I'll continue to comment and post about things that interest me.


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Re: An inquiry about Mathematics courses and Braille

2021-01-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: An inquiry about Mathematics courses and Braille

Graph PaperDraftsman toolFilm for DraftsmanAlternatively, here is a graph board toolkitNice tool for graphing shapes and such and you can feel the paths, especially useful for demonstration purposes. It uses rubber bands, push pins, and a grid-like surface on which you can draw out paths.These items are available for purchase through quota funds, meaning government can purchase them for you with right justification.Hope this helps.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: An inquiry about Mathematics courses and Braille

2021-01-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: An inquiry about Mathematics courses and Braille

Graph PaperDraftsman toolFilm for DraftsmanAlternatively, here is a graph board toolkitNice tool for graphing shapes and such and you can feel the paths, especially useful for demonstration purposes. It uses rubber bands, push pins, and a grid-like surface on which you can draw out paths.These items are available for purchase through quota funds, meaning school can purchase them for you with right justification.Hope this helps.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: An inquiry about Mathematics courses and Braille

2021-01-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: An inquiry about Mathematics courses and Braille

Graph PaperDraftsman toolFilm for DraftsmanThese items are available for purchase through quota funds, meaning school can purchase them for you with right justification.Hope this helps.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: An inquiry about Mathematics courses and Braille

2021-01-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: An inquiry about Mathematics courses and Braille

No error in communication. I was just giving advice as I have taken high level math courses in college. And also, might serve as some pointers of when indeed you do end up in college. I'm not sure where you are located, but in my response, I pointed to the fact that, at least in the US, you should have a much easier time getting access to Braille material in k-12 public schooling. That still doesn't make the subjects easier by any means. However, if you have access to teachers of the visually impaired or something similar, you can certainly talk to them about your options.I feel my techniques for graphs are still applicable. Buying a draftsman and graph paper are still a good way to go. I also had an Orion TI-84 Plus with the talking module, which can provide some assistance such as telling you intercepts, stats evaluations, etc.Also, getting ahead of your class does wonders sometimes. I know it takes effort, but reading from free textbooks like the ones on openstax, and familiarizing yourself with notation, even with a Braille display if you have one, will help you minimize challenges in understanding when the time comes around in dealing with the material.And another tip, I found that watching videos on Khan Academy helped solidify understanding of things. Just listening to them will help a little. And I hope you have access to Nemeth Braille material. Because UEB Math Braille is not so great. I co-authored a CSUN paper with some justifications from a Computer Science perspective on that topic with respect to developing mathematical software that supports Braille IO.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: An inquiry about Mathematics courses and Braille

2021-01-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: An inquiry about Mathematics courses and Braille

No error in communication. I was just giving advice as I have taken high level math courses in college. And also, might serve as some pointers of when indeed you do end up in college. I'm not sure where you are located, but in my response, I pointed to the fact that, at least in the US, you should have a much easier time getting access to Braille material in k-12 public schooling. That still doesn't make the subjects easier by any means. However, if you have access to teachers of the visually impaired or something similar, you can certainly talk to them about your options.I feel my techniques for graphs are still applicable. Buying a draftsman and graph paper are still a good way to go. I also had an Orion TI-84 Plus with the talking module, which can provide some assistance such as telling you intercepts, stats evaluations, etc.Also, getting ahead of your class does wonders sometimes. I know it takes effort, but reading from free textbooks like the ones on openstax, and familiarizing yourself with notation, even with a Braille display if you have one, will help you minimize challenges in understanding when the time comes around in dealing with the material.And another tip, I found that watching videos on Khan Academy helped solidify understanding of things. Just listening to them will help a little. And I hope you have access to Nemeth Braille material. Because UEB Braille is not so great. I co-authored a CSUN paper with some justifications from a Computer Science perspective on that topic with respect to developing mathematical software that supports Braille IO.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Blind humans and living situations?

2021-01-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blind humans and living situations?

I'm totally blind. I live with my fiancée. I have a pretty good job earning six-figure salary in the US and have no difficulties paying bills. Admittedly, I'm not good at cooking. But I am taking time to learn. For now, my partner cooks most of the meals.  But I'd like to say we compliment each other so she doesn't usually mind. And maybe once or twice a week, we get food delivered. A couple years ago, I was living by myself but in college and working. That was brutal! But glad to say it paid off!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: An inquiry about Mathematics courses and Braille

2021-01-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: An inquiry about Mathematics courses and Braille

I didn't read through all of your post, as I skipped right to the questions.But to answer them in a sort of haphazard kind of way, here I go.I went through high level math in courses such as Calculus 1 through 3, Differential Equations, Analysis, number theory, etc etc. I know different universities call their courses differently sometimes, but I minored in math, and for that, I took almost all the courses a regular math major would take, except for maybe 2 or 3 extra courses usually taken by a fourth year undergraduate math student.I know many people will push back when I say this, but learn LaTeX. Braille is certainly a way to go, but there is no guarantee that you can get access to all the material you'll need in Braille. While still in regular k-12 schooling, we have more room to ask for things and have help from Braille specialists. Once you get to higher education, however, things aren't so straightforward.So there is my partial answer. For much of my work, I used LaTeX and had no problems with 1.5 testing time. For graphs, I bought tactile graph paper and the draftsman tool from APH for non-graph shapes. BTW, I was also Electrical Engineering major, so that definitely came in handy for my circuit work.Graph paper came in handy for both creating and receiving graphs. Close communication with professors came in handy for sure!As for notetaking, I just used a laptop and wrote in my own little notation for taking notes, int for integral, lim for limits, etc. Pretty much adopting LaTeX format.Also, and this is kind of me cheating, but I was actually working for a publishing company while in college, and at the time, I just so happened to be working as a main developer on a math tool that served as an editor of equations, and I leveraged it to generate math notations for me for things like homework assignments.I wouldn't say Braille is obsolete when it comes to math. In fact, if you can ever get math under your fingers, it's a refreshing feeling and helps dissect equations a bit faster, at least for me.But I have to say, if you want more independence, really try to stick to using a Laptop.I will warn you though, Physics is a bit more complicated. If I had to pick which courses to hire a reader for, I would definitely recommend it for Physics courses. But definitely someone who knows Physics. It's not so difficult for the first few semesters in courses like Mechanics or Electricity and Magnitism, but once you get into higher level Physics, find a partner or a reader. Of course, this assumes you'll be doing a lot of these courses.Anyway, these are the answers I can provide for now. Hope this helps even a little. If this was a few years ago, I would have even offered to help you learn some of these things. However, I can no longer dedicate myself to that task.


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Re: Introducing an accessible graph viewr for the web

2021-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Introducing an accessible graph viewr for the web

I've been looking for something like this! I'm certainly interested in receiving updates or learning more about this project.I thought of working on an application such as this. I sometimes think, why doesn't a simple graph viewer exist? Would've been really helpful in my engineering classes.I noticed graph theory terminology, such as directed and undirected, is used. Maybe simpler language might be useful? Anyway, hope this continues.


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Re: Anybody use a tactile watch?

2021-01-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anybody use a tactile watch?

@7, I've been looking for that setting on iOS to prevent alarms from being turned down with VoiceOver on. Glad to know it actually exists. Now to find it!


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Re: [Resolved] How to read books on my Braille display in today's age

2021-01-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: [Resolved] How to read books on my Braille display in today's age

I'm glad I'm not the only one to have the desire to read a book with a Braille display. I am a fan of reading fiction books in Braille, but non-fiction books with TTS. I guess I'm weird like that.And although I am not a hard-core Braille supporter, I do defend it strongly as being foundational to literacy. After a good foundation, it really doesn't matter what you use!


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Re: views about 2020

2020-12-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: views about 2020

You know, this is a good question.I saw from the sidelines all the misery that the world has had to endure. Honestly, many people did suffer. The virus is what really took prevalence in the cause of most of it!And yet, it's not until now that I, personally, am feeling its effects. I was very fortunate in many ways this year. And quite frankly, I really feel like nothing went wrong with my circumstances. I even got a new job! And even in my old job, I had all the luxuries of a remote position.But I'm starting to feel something like a looming darkness, especially now that in the holiday season we are not able to spend the time with our families which we would normally spend were it not for the virus.And now, I sit here, contemplating the events of this year. The city in which I live is being put under certain restrictions, some of my family is coming down with sickness (virus not confirmed), and the holiday cheer of which I would normally find annoying has taken a backseat, almost like something is missing.If my partner wasn't living with me, I would've probably already gone crazy.I encourage all of you to find a way to communicate with family, friends, or really anyone. Call people on Zoom or Facetime. Or even if you have some good blind friends online, hop on Teamtalk! Do people still use that? Also if any of you stream, I intend to have you in the background because hearing some light gaming, or some light conversation from the community will relieve my seemingly silent household, even though it contains me, my partner, and a puppy. 


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Re: family/future. Need advice

2020-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: family/future. Need advice

Wow! camlorn, in post 12, pretty much gave a decent path to follow! And it's all out here, in the open. This is what I'll miss if the forum does ever go down for good.But I'll say, I have been really fortunate in that I was never in such a situation as OP. So I couldn't say definitely if the outlined path is feasible, and even works for OP. It certainly looks doable on paper though.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I just got the most awesome keyboard ever!! buckeling spring switches

2020-12-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I just got the most awesome keyboard ever!! buckeling spring switches

Yeah. I have contemplated time and time again if I should buy a mechanical keyboard. Admittedly, I'm not the fastest typist with a regular keyboard, but if I can improve my productivity immensely with a mechanical, I would really like to try. Money isn't the issue, but I'm just trying to figure out best introduction model. I got some ideas from a previous topic on here, so it's just a matter of pulling the trigger as it were. And I like the sounds. They sound like a lot is being done with minimal effort.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Braille: do you guys still use it in this digitalized world?

2020-11-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Braille: do you guys still use it in this digitalized world?

I don't really use Braille anymore. I will take out my Braille displays from time to time to read a book, an article, or even help a little with my coding. But over all, I just use speech. I won't dismiss how important Braille is though. I will say, Braille will give blind people a good foundation for being able to read, write, and understand the basics of language. After some time using it, however, I believe it gradually becomes a personal thing if you want to use it or not.I will also say that I took advanced Maths and Engineering courses, but never had to rely on Braille really. I may be the exception rather than the rule. Either way, I credit Braille for all the knowledge in my language reading and writing abilities.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Media Players that Read Subtitles, and a Legal Way to Download Anime

2020-10-25 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Media Players that Read Subtitles, and a Legal Way to Download Anime

Well, I will just say, most places where they hosted subs and Anime are either voluntarily or otherwise shutting down. So, yeah! And BTW, KM player worked just fine. Just slap on eSpeak, turn up the rate to 100, and the speech will keep up with the dialog. I've never heard of Lion, but if this thing is supposed to do a similar thing, then it's worth trying with more quote, legal, end quote, sources. lol


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Media Players that Read Subtitles, and a Legal Way to Download Anime

2020-10-25 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Media Players that Read Subtitles, and a Legal Way to Download Anime

I'll probably be giving myself away here, but Naruto Shippuden is one of those series that if you don't want to go through questionable means to watch with accessible subs, then you might as well not watch it. All I will say, because I don't want to get into trouble, is that I used KM Player and found the Subs online in .mkv format. After learning and pretty much speaking fluent Japanese, I resorted to Hulu, where I didn't need subs so much anymore. Also, I wonder if CrunchyRoll has improved it's accessibility on which this Lion addon will work? Highly doubt it! Well, I should have started by saying that they have, or used to have at least, a good portion of Naruto available on Netflix. Of course this depends on country.Anyway, best of luck.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: How hard was it for you to learn english as a non english speaker.

2020-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How hard was it for you to learn english as a non english speaker.

Seems this topic was resurrected. Either way, I'll explain my experience here.I was born into a Spanish-speaking family in the US. For the first 5 or so years of my life, I only spoke Spanish at home with my parents and other family. After about 2 or 3 years enrolled in the US education system, I started to pick up English. So, although English is not my first language, I did have the luxury of living in the US, which afforded me easy access to immersion, while simultaneously maintaining my Spanish-speaking abilities. Now I can read and write in both languages at a collegiate level, while also knowing other languages.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Can the Orbit Writer be used on a iPad?

2020-10-18 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Can the Orbit Writer be used on a iPad?

If interested, you can read an Orbit Writer review here.


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Re: Writing a Resume Blind, the dreaded visual aspects

2020-10-17 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Writing a Resume Blind, the dreaded visual aspects

@5, good thing there are options. And NVDA report formatting doesn't give all information needed, not to mention there are other things to consider such as conciseness, relevant skill highlighting, etc.I put my idea out here because it works for me, and having sighted confirmation and having received many offers just based on my LaTeX method, perhaps I'm doing something right. Or not. Either way, I'm getting results. lolBut seriously, at the end of the day, whatever works. We're all trying to get jobs out here.Like I said, Aira, BeMyEyes, resume templating. It's never been easier to get a resume written, and iteratively improving upon it of course makes it even better!Cool thing about the Aira technique is that you can have someone remote into your computer with TeamViewer, and have them help with speeding up the formatting process in whatever tool you are comfortable using like Word.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Writing a Resume Blind, the dreaded visual aspects

2020-10-17 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Writing a Resume Blind, the dreaded visual aspects

@5, good thing there are options. And NVDA report formatting doesn't give all information needed, not to mention there are other things to consider such as conciseness, relevant skill highlighting, etc.I put my idea out here because it works for me, and having sighted confirmation and having received many offers just based on my LaTeX method, perhaps I'm doing something right. Or not. Either way, I'm getting results. lolBut seriously, at the end of the day, whatever works. We're all trying to get jobs out here.Like I said, Aira, BeMyEyes, resume templating. It's never been easier to get a resume written, and iteratively improving upon it of course makes it even better!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Writing a Resume Blind, the dreaded visual aspects

2020-10-17 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Writing a Resume Blind, the dreaded visual aspects

Search for LaTeX templates of resumes. It really isn't too difficult to pick up where you can enter your information so that you don't have to fiddle with the actual code. Then, you download something like MiKTeX to compile it to PDF, HTML, etc.My setup is that I have different source files for different job types (one for Python, one for _javascript_, and so on). And then I just run it through the software to generate my PDF, and I watched the interviews happen back when I was looking for a job.I recommend using LaTeX because with something like Word, you have no real way of knowing if you mess up the formatting when you modify or add your information. LaTeX has stuff that will hopefully handle the formatting, depending on template or if you know how to adjust the code yourself.If you go the template route, be cautious in making sure the template you are downloading has all the sections you need and is appropriate for the type of job for which you are searching (software engineer, language interpreter, etc).If you don't want to deal with LaTeX, because it can be kind of intimidating, then you could always call Aira. Just make a free account, and they have free offers where you can use their service solely for resume writing assistance (with some time limit of course).


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: jaws anual licencing question

2020-10-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: jaws anual licencing question

Wait, you can get JAWS by paying $90 USD per year? When did this happen? This is great! I'm still an NVDA user, but that's good to know they did that!


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Re: was this a bad idea?

2020-08-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: was this a bad idea?

I'm a native Spanish speaker, raised in the United States. So I don't know first hand the problems of learning the language as a second language. However, I do know what it's like to have a passion for learning a language, and putting myself out there. As I've said before in other topics, I was able to learn 7 languages because of this passion.There is one simple thing to keep in mind when learning a language, regardless of what it is. Be prepared to sound stupid, make mistakes, and feel maximum awkwardness. That's just part of the learning process. Yes, it's good to stay in your comfort zone at the beginning to learn vocabulary and grammar. This will only take you so far. The next step up is to listen to material in the language, even though you may not be able to understand any of it. Finally, find people that are truly able to commit to speaking to you on a schedule. This is where you truly have to get out of your comfort zone. Go out to local meet ups, find people on the street, or even download some language-practicing apps like iTalkie.Trust me, when you come across an unsuspecting individual out on the street, and just start talking to them in their language, there is a feeling of accomplishment because they probably never thought you would speak their language. That happened to me time and time again when I was learning Korean.Anyway, that being said, my recommendation is to probably not talk to family members or loved ones who are already familiar with your way of speaking. Some might disagree, but that family member doesn't want to see you fail, and so they will revert to speaking to you in English, for example, if you speak to them in Spanish and it's out of the norm for them.I am certainly struggling with this with my fiancee. She is trying to learn spanish in order to speak to my parents, but I can't bring myself to help her learn because I will always want to talk back to her in English.Finally, specific to Spanish, I'm sure you already know what variant you want to speak. My recommendation is to find people who are native to that variant, or who can speak to you in that variant. As an example, if you want to learn Mexican Spanish, and you try talking to someone from Spain, you may be able to understand some of the basics, but they'll probably use slang and other terminology you've never heard. This is not good for the learning process.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Nvda is in the windows store

2020-07-30 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Nvda is in the windows store

@13, perhaps you're right.They also won't allow addons to be installed. I tried running an addon at some point, and the firewall straight up blocked it. Needless to say, I'm stuck on NVDA 2018.3. lol And I don't want to go to great lengths to upgrade it by having to contact IT and such.If it says anything, for all the libraries and stuff I need because I'm a dev, they run a custom registry of dependencies and developer tools. Understandable really since they handle private and confidential information. It's just annoying when I want to get my nice screen reader tools running on my machine. Not that I use many really.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Nvda is in the windows store

2020-07-30 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Nvda is in the windows store

I work for a corporate environment. And I'm not saying it's the same for all such environments, but you can best believe they lock down the Windows Store. I won't say which company, as you could probably get that info if you really looked hard, but in place of the store, they have a software portal. and users can only download apps from that portal. I had to get JAWS/NVDA approved to be on it.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Accessible free online college websites for the blind

2020-07-27 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Accessible free online college websites for the blind

I'm not sure this question makes sense. I think post 2 gave you the answer I would think you were seeking. College is not free, especially from an accredited institution. Now, you can get free courses from accredited colleges, but it wouldn't be an actual degree. I think they'll give you certificates. If you want to learn to program in general, try freeCodeCamp. You can get certificates from there as well.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Your choice? Would you restore your vision?

2020-07-27 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Your choice? Would you restore your vision?

Some of you have great and in-depth responses.Sadly, my desire to get vision is very one-sided. I would give anything to be sighted!I'd like to point out that I consider myself to be a successful person. I have a job, I have a partner, I have money... Things people see as being successful, I have them. And I managed to do it all being completely blind.That being said, I know there is something missing in my life. Perhaps I have mild depression. Perhaps I'm bitter. Quick side note, I was born with vision. Unfortunately, I caught an immune-deficiency that made me need medication and ultimately damaged my optic nerve. The point is, I had vision at some point, and I recognize I am very bitter toward the whole thing.My partner is very understanding, and she tells me that I still haven't come to complete terms with my blindness, despite having lived with it for almost my entire life. And I agree.It's just so tempting to want to be able to drive, to do things without difficulty or fear of being judged or stared at solely because of my blindness, or even to visit unfamiliar areas without getting lost or asking too many people for directions.Sometimes, I think, wouldn't it be great to hop in a car, pay a quick visit to a local fast-food restaurant, and grab a quick refreshment or two, without dependence on transit systems or drivers?And sadly, I have hesitantly accepted my fate, knowing very well that the opportunity for me to get vision is non-existent. I've also come to terms with the fact I may never be satisfied with my lack of vision. I just try to live with it day by day.As you can see, I'm very happy. lol No but in all seriousness, I am happy all things considered. It's just that my blindness, and my feelings toward it, have always been a weak point. But this topic is a good discussion.


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Re: do you guys play any instromints

2020-07-22 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: do you guys play any instromints

Guitar, violin, drums (electric and acoustic kits), bass, trumpet, some accordion, and back in my teen years (which was only about 9 years ago) I played sax (baritone and tenor).


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Virtual Audio Cable help

2020-07-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Virtual Audio Cable help

Not sure what the question is, but my advice for using VAC properly, probably reading the help files that come with it is a good place to start. Not trying to be that guy. lol But essentially, it depends on your use case. Virtual audio cable is just like a virtual mixer. You route inputs to outputs, and output to other outputs, etc. It's a neat program once you figure out the logical flow of your ideal audio setup. And the cool thing is, you can write batch files to automate the process for you. You first specify how many cables you want, and then you launch multiple instances of the VAC Audio Repeater program to facilitate the routing process. The Line number devices are essentially dummy connectors that don't do anything until you have device routing specified, like routing Microphone to a line, and routing a line to your speaker, and routing Skype to another line, etc.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Phones without touchscreen

2020-07-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Phones without touchscreen

Hey, I get it. You want a phone that doesn't use a touch screen.Check out the Blind Shell classic (it's relatively cheap): recommend you read this for yourself because I don't know much about it myself. I'm not sure where you're located, but this is in Europe. There are also US distributors.Otherwise, you will be limited in what you can buy. Other phones are not as accessible. If you just want to be able to call people, you might get away with buying a simple phone with buttons.I know touch screen is the thing right now, but you do what makes you comfortable. Just know, phones without touch screens are slowly going away completely, so it might be a good idea to consider learning. But if not, that's fine too!


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Re: Commtech USA is now hiring!

2020-07-10 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Commtech USA is now hiring!

Hi. Thank you for letting us know about this opportunity. I have a friend who may be a good fit. Just curious, is there a deadline for application submission?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: How do you learn using Duolingo

2020-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How do you learn using Duolingo

Duolingo uses a combination of spaced repetition, positive reinforcement, and some rote learning. These are proven methods to help someone acquire the basics of a language. Unfortunately, I found Duolingo is very slow in revealing context and relies on the user to go through the curriculum in a discovery-based methodology. In other words, guess and check until you have the word and context down. This may be useful in the beginning stages of learning vocabulary as others have said, but if you're serious about learning a language, I would recommend other methods perhaps coupled with Duolingo. I'm not disqualifying it quite yet. When I learned Japanese, for example, I reached out to friends who were native speakers. And as cliche as it may sound, I had a motivator. I wanted to learn Japanese to understand Anime. Now, I can play Bokurano Daiboukenn games without translation, Shadow Rine, and of course, listen to Anime.When I learned Mandarin, I wanted to walk into a Chinese restaurant and talk to some of the people there. That also motivated me to learn Korean. When I learned French, I thought, why not add a second Romance language to my skill set?In my opinion, there are four kinds of people who learn a language: people who learn it as a hobby, people who learn it for professional reasons, people who are just interested in linguistics and enjoy the thrill of being able to speak to others in their language, and people who actually need it to communicate to others around them. Neither is better or worse. That is just a measurement by which people should take into consideration to determine dedication and level of fluency.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Accessible lessons for learning classical guitar

2020-07-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Accessible lessons for learning classical guitar

Unfortunately, I can't imagine classical guitar being taught any other way other than visually through an online video. I learned many styles of guitar, but if I didn't have a teacher there with me, showing me finger positions on strings and frets, and good practices, I wouldn't have been able to learn as well as I did. If you want to play basic guitar with simple cord progressions, then you can look up simple guitar cord references for music online. But classical guitar requires a bit more coordination in positional transitions, which is initially taught visually. I think I heard, in passing, that there were some guitar classes taught by a blind musician somewhere. I wouldn't know the first place to look for those however.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Accessible lessons for learning classical guitar

2020-07-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Accessible lessons for learning classical guitar

Unfortunately, I can't imagine classical guitar being taught any other way other than visual. I learned many styles of guitar, but if I didn't have a teacher there with me, showing me finger positions on strings and frets, and good practices, I wouldn't have been able to learn as well as I did. If you want to play basic guitar with simple cord progressions, then you can look up simple guitar cord references for music online. But classical guitar requires a bit more coordination in positional transitions, which is initially taught visually. I think I heard, in passing, that there were some guitar classes taught by a blind musician somewhere. I wouldn't know the first place to look for those however.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Language learning.

2020-07-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Language learning.

What language do you want to learn? I'm fluent in 4, and do well in 3 others. I used a combination of language learning podcasts, books, news, TV shows, music, and websites. Popular ones are Duolingo, and I like Innovative Language podcasts to get started.Well, I cheated with the first two languages. lol I am a native Spanish and English speaker because I had the privilege of growing up in the US where those languages, depending on location, are prevalent.It's also good to get on apps like iTalki or similar. Last I checked, iTalki was pretty accessible.As for listening to media in a new language, I recommend it because although you may not be able to understand any of it, you can get some good exposure to the sounds made. That will facilitate your pronunciation.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Setting up Raspberry Pi

2020-07-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Setting up Raspberry Pi

If you're feeling up to exploring a bit and building yourself, this is the project I used to get SpeakUp working. It requires manual build and helps with some software hacks to get eSpeakUp working. I think the guy also wrote some scripts to build an accessible Arch image as well. The eSpeakUp software can work on Raspberry Pi images provided on the main RaspberryPi website. Another thing worth exploring is fenrir.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Setting up Raspberry Pi

2020-07-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Setting up Raspberry Pi

I actually did a podcast for beginners who want to use the Raspberry Pi a long time ago. It was aired on Main Menu and I had it on an old website. I don't know if it is still relevant, or even if it is still hosted. It's been a while since I've used my Raspberry Pi. There is one main site I used for accessibility of Raspberry Pi for the blind, and that's, there are two ways to use the Pi: you can SSH into it, or you can install a screen reader to read the terminal output. I think current versions of the Pi allow for Orca. Not the most reliable though.Anyway, browse the RaspberryVi website and hopefully you find some more current information.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I never thought I'd see the day when...

2020-07-06 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I never thought I'd see the day when...

You guys have some good ones!33. I am still relatively young and I was able to grow up, knowing that the Internet existed, but I sure didn't know how to use it until I was around 17. But generally speaking, I never thought to see the day when I would be able to browse the Internet and say I have a good paying job because of it. And on the same note, about the internet thing, I mean, seriously! The Internet is such an accomplishment that humanity should take some time to celebrate. So many things had to go right to get to this point. Same with computers and modern phones!34. I don't really want to argue about our current situation in the United States, but I certainly never thought we would reach this point. I mean, it's almost as if history is repeating itself.35. I never thought I would see the day when I, in my personal life, would be so happy. I have a fiance, I'm at a good job, and my skills are in great demand that I don't see myself struggling to find employment any time soon if any misfortunes should come my way.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: should I get an Apple developer account?

2020-06-17 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: should I get an Apple developer account?

Yeah, enrolling into the developer program just for betas is overrated in my opinion. I think people could afford to wait it out, unless you are an actual developer. When I spoke to an accessibility iOS engineer during an engineering interview, they said they have blind testers, and others with other disabilities, so I think they have some form of accessibility validation. But still a lot could be said for many missed bugs, but until they get addressed, adding your voice to the mix might help, but more likely not.And I too am not so keen on developing apps for iOS! The apple way of developing apps is just so much too handle in my opinion. There's alternative solutions to rolling out native apps, but even those require a tedious process of setting things up. I decided iOS development is not for me. But that's ok because computing and engineering is such a broad field, I always find other things to dig into.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Blind services agencies

2020-06-17 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blind services agencies

I have an old Braille labeller I received from a blindness agency way back when I was a child. That thing came in handy when I moved into my first apartment to label microwaves, stoves, etc. Fortunately, things like BeMyEyes and SeeingAI existed by that time, and so I didn't need O or blindness agencies, but they can be helpful if you need some extra lowtech supplies like bump dots or even stuff to cook. Now I can rely on my partner. lol Well, I try not to rely on her since I still want to maintain my independence. Although, not going to lie, I let her do most of the cooking now. 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Blind services agencies

2020-06-17 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blind services agencies

I have an old Braille labeller I received from a blindness agency way back when I was a child. That thing came in handy when I moved into my first apartment to label microwaves, stoves, etc. Fortunately, things like BeMyEyes and SeeingAI existed by that time, and so I didn't need O or blindness agencies, but they can be helpful if you need some extra lowtech supplies like bump dots or even stuff to cook. Now I can rely on my partner. lol Well, I try not to rely on her since I still want to maintain my independence. Although, not going to lie, I let her do all the cooking now. 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: What do you think of this video?

2020-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What do you think of this video?

Wow 49! Can't believe you feel that way. But you're entitled to it, but misleading for sure. Minorities don't get everything handed to them on a "silver platter," and that's the point of all protests, diversity efforts, etc!and I agree, skin color should be trivial, but it's not! Skin color has dictated many unfairness. Skin color has naturally been associated to a group of people, who unfortunately have been the recipients of racial profiling and many other misfortunes. It's not so much the skin color as it is the associations that majority of society has developed over time with respect to it.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: What do you think of this video?

2020-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What do you think of this video?

As another minority living in the US, I understand the cause behind BLM. Many of my thoughts have already been articulated here, but ultimately, and unfortunately, I understand that black people in the US, and many other countries, have mostly had it worse than many others with different skin color.Whether or not race and skin color is equivalent is arguably irrelevant. That would just be a quibble over terminology, which may have its place in linguistic circles, but we have taken "race" to colloquially refer to a group of people, commonly sharing the characteristic of skin color.I think all lives matter as well, but it's almost as if history is repeating itself. It is truly sad.Many of us feel safe behind a keyboard, typing away our theories and speculations, but those facing these problems need a voice, and I appreciate the protests taking place in support of that. Protests should also not be confused with riots. Because I agree that rioting is not helping anyone!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Blindie Connect Radio. Any ideas?

2020-06-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blindie Connect Radio. Any ideas?

I agree with post 2 about starting a new station. Perhaps you'll have a good following, but there are many blindness-related stations out there already. It might be hard to find something that'll make a new one stand out. Just my thoughts.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Anti-Virus Software for Windows 10

2020-06-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anti-Virus Software for Windows 10

Yeah. Just as long as you don't do anything too risky with your Internet browsing, Defender is perfectly fine!I'd probably even recommend ad blockers for good measure, but that's another topic.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I need a bit of help with my flash drive.

2020-06-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I need a bit of help with my flash drive.

Look up how to use Diskpart on windows. I don't really remember the commands, so please don't do this unless you look up how to use it! I won't take responsibility for recklessly using it.You can launch diskpart, a command line program. You could then type "select disk number" then "clean" and then "format quick fs=ntfs"Again, be careful with this tool!This tool always worked to clean my flashdrives.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I need a bit of help with my flash drive.

2020-06-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I need a bit of help with my flash drive.

I remember that if you use Windows, you can launch diskpart, a command line program. You could then type "select disk number" then "clean" and then "format quick fs=ntfs"Actually, don't really remember the commands, so please don't do this unless you look up how to use it! I won't take responsibility for recklessly using it.Anyway, this tool always worked to clean my flashdrives.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Screen readers that are not popular?

2020-06-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Screen readers that are not popular?

There used to be something called WebAnywhere I think. I used it once and thought it was kind of neat. Interesting fact, I learned to use the computer by using SaToGo, which was free at the time and worked surprisingly well with the con being that you had to have Internet Explorer running. Gosh that thing was my best friend up until NVDA matured a bit!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Funniest high school experiences?

2020-06-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Funniest high school experiences?

One time, I reached out to grab the door handle, and as I'm sure many blind people have experienced at one time or another, my hand came into contact with a classmate's bra. Gosh! And she didn't let me forget because it turns out, that little bit of gossip soon spread to other classmates. I still cringe with embarrassment.I've had a few others that have happened with the opposite sex, but probably will refrain from telling as they might not be so appropriate. 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Using Slang is Homophobic now?

2020-06-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Using Slang is Homophobic now?

I kind of get all sides of this topic. I can understand why saying certain things can be taken to be offensive. However, someone made an argument earlier about cultural differences and how assumptions shouldn't be made regarding language and their meanings. I'd argue it would be offensive to stifle, so to speak, the written vernacular used by certain groups and cultures based on inability to evaluate context. In other words, I feel there is much more to written text than just literal interpretations as we've seen time and time again. We could do best to inform ourselves of different cultures and their vernacular, which is fancy way of saying stuff that certain groups say based on regions or countries.For the record, my significant other enjoys hearing about our little drama-filled community. So be my guest with these posts. 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

2020-06-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

I appreciate inactive moderators voluntarily stepping down.Admittedly, I find little things to complain to myself about from time to time on the site, but I understand the trade-offs my suggestions and complaints might ultimately bring. I was a bit dismayed at some of the conversations taking place on that CrazyParty sounds topic. Suffice it to say that after reading through those posts, I now have a better outlook on where things stand.I won't praise or shame anything about the moderation status. However, I am in agreement that there should ideally be more leadership, collaboration, and mutual reinforcement. My observation is that collaboration is limited and actions are primarily left to one, maybe two, individuals.This is a very tricky area because I don't know if existing moderators should allow just anyone to moderate. I feel qualification criteria might be something to consider.Believe it or not, the AG forum means a lot to me, and I'm sure to many others as well. It would be a shame if our little community fell apart.Another part of my concern lies in how this website might fail to adapt to newer technologies. We have some great history here on these pages. I can't imagine what would happen if all of a sudden the forum software gave out due to irreparable damage, or the infrastructure just falls apart. Wonder if we can get rights to the domain, source code, databases, etc. Perhaps a financial agreement?So many thoughts, so little time to write them down. Anyway, my best contribution at the moment is to offer this food for thought. I unfortunately lack the time, like many others I'm sure, to provide assistance I very much wish I could offer.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

2020-06-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

I appreciate inactive moderators stepping down.Admittedly, I find little things to complain to myself about from time to time on the site, but I understand the trade-offs my suggestions and complaints might ultimately bring. I was a bit dismayed at some of the conversations taking place on that CrazyParty sounds topic. Suffice it to say that after reading through those posts, I now have a better outlook on where things stand.I won't praise or shame anything about the moderation status. However, I am in agreement that there should ideally be more leadership, collaboration, and mutual reinforcement. My observation is that collaboration is limited and actions are primarily left to one, maybe two, individuals.This is a very tricky area because I don't know if existing moderators should allow just anyone to moderate. I feel qualification criteria might be something to consider.Believe it or not, the AG forum means a lot to me, and I'm sure to many others as well. It would be a shame if our little community fell apart.Another part of my concern lies in how this website might fail to adapt to newer technologies. We have some great history here on these pages. I can't imagine what would happen if all of a sudden the forum software gave out due to irreparable damage, or the infrastructure just falls apart. Wonder if we can get rights to the domain, source code, databases, etc. Perhaps a financial agreement?So many thoughts, so little time to write them down. Anyway, my best contribution at the moment is to offer this food for thought. I unfortunately lack the time, like many others I'm sure, to provide assistance I very much wish I could offer.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Open Stacks SE Accessibility?

2020-06-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Open Stacks SE Accessibility?

I can totally relate regarding MathPlayer. When I was working on a Math tool for an educational company in a previous job, we quickly found that relying on MathPlayer speech was very limited! We rolled out our own speech rules based on MathSpeak if I remember, and generated our own Nemeth. Wish more websites could adopt it but it was a company-specific tool. I need to dig up a paper I co-authored for CSUN about different speech rules!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Problem this task manager

2020-06-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Problem this task manager

Sometimes it's slow to load though if you have all open processes showing.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Anyone else experiencing this annoying bug when using youtube on ios?

2020-06-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone else experiencing this annoying bug when using youtube on ios?

Yes! It's annoying! It happens to me too. They keep changing the Youtube app.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Open Stacks SE Accessibility?

2020-06-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Open Stacks SE Accessibility?

Yeah. If you download MathPlayer from DesignScience and use NVDA, the MathML should render in speech and even Nemeth. These are helpful books. Especially the Physics ones.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

2020-05-31 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

I'm just saying, have you guys considered this is easy money? Ethical dilemmas and all is fine, but the guy is willing to pay for something that literally requires minimal effort! And I might offend, but we know many members of this community could use some extra cash.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: How can i make a logo for my website?

2020-05-25 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How can i make a logo for my website?

My recommendation is to find someone who can help you create a logo. Unfortunately, if you try to do it yourself, whether that's download pre-made logo or create one yourself, you don't know how it will fit in with your website. Or, at the very least, once you've found a logo, verify with someone it conveys the website's purpose.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I'm not happy with overcast, here's the email I sent to the dev.

2020-05-25 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I'm not happy with overcast, here's the email I sent to the dev.

I don't think I understand the issue. From your first post, I gather you are just trying to play episodes in order from oldest to newest? That is something that can be done in Apple Podcast app. Just go into the podcast in question, and under the podcast settings, there is a custom playback option. You select that, set the playback to "oldest to newest" and "download all unplayed", and that should allow you to download all episodes for a podcast. This obviously will download all unplayed, which is needed in order for the episodes to be added to your feed. Otherwise, you'd have to go back into each episode and add it to feed.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: An interesting issue with NVDA

2020-05-19 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: An interesting issue with NVDA

For what it's worth, when I post, I just write my text in notepad and paste into the forum form fields. It's getting tricky to track my output if I type directly into the post/reply field.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: icecast and accessible source clients?

2020-05-19 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: icecast and accessible source clients?

As the website recommends, you can use the docker installation for AzuraCast. That'll basically take care of all the setup for you. It's recommended you have enough space on a computer and that docker can run. Also, they can deploy everything for you quickly if you use DigitalOcean or Linode.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Audio Based Social Media App

2020-05-19 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Audio Based Social Media App

ZoneBBS was an old website that was basically an online chatting platform with a small gaming component. It was primarily text chat via refreshable-dynamically-updating webpages accessed by the browser. Games were simple, but they allowed you to accumulate points. Games included things like HangMan, BlackJack, etc.Klango was a desktop application that hosted various features like user forums, voice chat, and it even had a simplified browser if I remember correctly. I believe it also had games specific to the platform, but don't remember much about those.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Audio Based Social Media App

2020-05-19 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Audio Based Social Media App

Do you mean something like what ZoneBBS used to be? I know there are services like Voraille and Dabble I think. But these are only for iOS.


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Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

2020-05-19 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

@53, I'm just expressing my concern about mods editing posts. Nothing wrong with that! Unfortunately, not sure they have much control of the forum code and its APIs anyway. Or at least put a warning system in place to flag potentially controversial posts or replies.Also, about audio dramas, AlexN94 and I pretty much have the same tastes. Not much into Westerns or heavy political plots. You can PM me if you want, or even just having it out here for others to see is fine. Up to you.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

2020-05-19 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

@53, I'm just expressing my concern about mods editing posts. Nothing wrong with that! And I suggested an alternative if you read carefully. Unfortunately, not sure they have much control of the forum code and its APIs anyway.Also, about audio dramas, AlexN94 and I pretty much have the same tastes. Not much into Westerns or heavy political plots. You can PM me if you want, or even just having it out here for others to see is fine. Up to you.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: icecast and accessible source clients?

2020-05-18 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: icecast and accessible source clients?

Take a look at AzuraCast. It offers a web interface to set up autoDj and other stuff. I think Station Playlist is still the standard for broadcasting. That, or Edcast if you want to do live shows.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: What IOS podcast downloader do you use?

2020-05-18 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What IOS podcast downloader do you use?

Appl Podcasts works just fine for me. If I want to know what a podcast is about, I'll just search for it in the app. Episode descriptions can still be accessed under the details part of the roter. I will say though, it is sometimes really slow!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

2020-05-18 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

Here we go again!It's been a while since I read the rules, but it gives me some concern that a mod can potentially just edit my posts. I know this wouldn't be done maliciously, at least I hope not, but just the idea that it could be done makes me feel uneasy. If only we had a filter system in place that could filter out words, links, etc, instead of giving this much power to a user group, I'd feel better.I mean, an idea would be to program a system with a database of words, URLs, plagiarism, and more that would pre-analyze a post before posting to the website. Then we run into the issue of censorship of course. Well, whatever! I'm not one to break rules anyway, usually.I'm not agreeing or disagreeing with any of that spoiler stuff, but it just something I thought to bring up.Also simba, could you give me a list of German audio dramas? I'm actually learning some German.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Checking out podcasts.

2020-05-17 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Checking out podcasts.

Good lists! Let me see if I can remember my subscriptions since I don't have my iOS device nearby. I have a lot that are listed in posts 1 and 2. My podcasts include:AppleVisBlindBargainsBlindAbilities13 LettersThe BeMyEyes PodcastHackerPublicRadioGeekSpeakRadio Drama RevivalBlack TapesThe Leviathan chroniclesMagnus ArchivesApple Keynotes RSSK-Pop Top 10J-Pop Top 10PG13 (shout out lol)BSG (another shout out lol)The No Holds Barred Radio ShowStuff You Should KnowStuff You Missed in History ClassMyths and LegendsTed TalksThe FreecodeCamp PodcastEyes On SuccessMystic AccessA16Z PodcastSoftwareEngineeringDailySoftwareEngineeringRadioAiraCastMagnetic Memory Method PodcastAsk a Space ManBase.CS PodcastCode NewbieChange Makers by APHChange LogCodePen RadioCoexistenceCooking in the DarkDevChatFreedom Scientific FSCastFull Stack RadioHidden BrainI Will Teach You a LanguageK-Pod (local feed of morning show I like)Main MenuMosen At LargeScience FridayTech Talk ArchivesThe Actual Fluency PodcastThe Ted InterviewThere are probably a few I'm missing, but that's almost all of them. I know, that's probably a lot! I usually just filter for each podcast to download the latest 2 episodes only. That way my phone won't get bombarded with too many audio files.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: urban legends

2020-05-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: urban legends

There is a common legend told to children in Mexico. It's called La Llorona.The story tells of a married woman whose husband fell out of love with her. The two, the woman and her husband, had two children. There are some variations, but the common one is that her husband cheated on her, leading her to drown their children out of spite. She then proceeds to drown herself. She is said to roam rivers in Mexico, in search of her children.There is also an interesting one that comes from the city in which I grew up in Texas. It is said that a train ran into a school bus one evening, killing about 10 children. Some drivers tell of experiences in which they find themselves on the train tracks in which the accident took place, and if they would turn off their vehicle for a moment, the drivers would feel forces pushing against their vehicle, seemingly away from the train tracks. When the drivers examine their vehicles some time later, they tell of hand prints being seen, presumably from the ghostly children that roam the tracks.Edit:Oh, and another one I forgot to mention is an account told to me by one of my family members, who lives in Mexico. Keep in mind, I'm generally skeptical about some of these things, but that doesn't mean they're not fun to listen to. Anyway, my family member was traveling down a desolate road one night, when all of a sudden, he encountered a young woman. This young woman was in the most unlikely of places. My family member stopped to ask if she was lost and needed help. The young woman replied she did, and that she was trying to get home.My family member gave her a ride to her supposed home and dropped her off without getting out of his vehicle. He went home for the night, good deed in hand for the day. He got the idea the next day to return to the young woman's home to make sure she arrived safely. My family member arrived at her house, and came face-to-face with her father. My family member asked her father if the young woman, his daughter, was fine. The father told him that his daughter had died a year ago, and that she never made it home.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: urban legends

2020-05-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: urban legends

There is a common legend told to children in Mexico. It's called La Llorona.The story tells of a married woman whose husband fell out of love with her. The two, the woman and her husband, had two children. There are some variations, but the common one is that her husband cheated on her, leading her to drown their children out of spite. She then proceeds to drown herself. She is said to roam rivers in Mexico, in search of her children.There is also an interesting one that comes from the city in which I grew up in Texas. It is said that a train ran into a school bus one evening, killing about 10 children. Some drivers tell of experiences in which they find themselves on the train tracks in which the accident took place, and if they would turn off their vehicle for a moment, the drivers would feel forces pushing against their vehicle, seemingly away from the train tracks. When the drivers examine their vehicles some time later, they tell of hand prints being seen, presumably from the ghostly children that roam the tracks.Edit:Oh, and another one I forgot to mention is an account told to me by one of my family members, who lives in Mexico. Keep in mind, I'm generally skeptical about some of these things, but that doesn't mean they're not fun to listen to. Anyway, my family member was traveling down a desolate road one night, when all of a sudden, he encountered a young woman. This young woman was in the most unlikely of places. My family member stopped to ask if she was lost and needed help. The young woman replied she did, and that she was trying to get home.My family member gave her a ride to her supposed home and dropped her off without getting out of his vehicle. He went home for the night, good deed in hand for the day. He got the idea one day to return to the young woman's home to make sure she arrived safely. My family member arrived at her house, and came face-to-face with her father. My family member asked her father if the you woman, his daughter, was fine. The father told him that his daughter had died a year ago, and that she never made it home.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: urban legends

2020-05-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: urban legends

There is a common legend told to children in Mexico. It's called La Llorona.The story tells of a married woman whose husband fell out of love with her. The two, the woman and her husband, had two children. There are some variations, but the common one is that her husband cheated on her, leading her to drown their children out of spite. She then proceeds to drown herself. She is said to roam rivers in Mexico, in search of her children.There is also an interesting one that comes from the city in which I grew up in Texas. It is said that a train ran into a school bus one evening, killing about 10 children. Some drivers tell of experiences in which they find themselves on the train tracks in which the accident took place, and if they would turn off their vehicle for a moment, the drivers would feel forces pushing against their vehicle, seemingly away from the train tracks. When the drivers examine their vehicles some time later, they tell of hand prints being seen, presumably from the ghostly children that roam the tracks.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

2020-05-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

@19, I listen to horror, Science Fiction, mystery... Honestly, I like most things except heavy political plots.Also, Westerns, not really my thing.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

2020-05-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Leviathan Chronicles Season 3 is here!

Oh nice! Thanks for this update! I now have something to listen to at night.I'm curious to know what German audio dramas are out there. Someone said they're high quality. That'll probably give me the motivation to learn German.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Adding a domain to a server on Linode?

2020-05-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Adding a domain to a server on Linode?

Not related to this post, but oh boy do I remember those long days trying to set up Dovecot and Postfix back in high school! lol I was kind of happy when I got an email server up and running, but way too much to maintain. Interesting learning experience though!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Why Trump is afraid of china?

2020-05-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Why Trump is afraid of china?

I have many thoughts about China I could never write about coherently. I do think some of you expressed them, and this discussion only reinforces my general line of thinking with respect to the US president, China, and tragedies, past and present. So this discussion is appreciated.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Free spanish synthesizer that works on nvda 2019.3 and higher?

2020-05-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Free spanish synthesizer that works on nvda 2019.3 and higher?

Honestly, I'm happy with Eloquence or eSpeak Spanish. I also have a Braille display when I read Spanish, so it doesn't bother me too much. Of course, if the Vocalizer voices are still around for the newer version of NVDA, those are probably as high quality as you're going to get. Of course, they're not so cheap though.Take what I say with a grain of salt, however, as I'm a fluent Spanish speaker and reader. These solutions may not be so great if you're just learning the language. For that, I recommend trying to read using an iOS device, as the voices on there are good quality and built into the system.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Where i can find accessible guides related to reaper or gold wave?

2020-05-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Where i can find accessible guides related to reaper or gold wave?

Which version of GoldWave? The latest one is probably different since it has multitrack editing capabilities. I learned the single-track version from way back in the day. lol Actually, about 10 years ago.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Distance Learning and Math Courses

2020-04-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Distance Learning and Math Courses

leibylucw wrote:Some blind students take the "spend 6-8 hours a week writing everything down in LaTeX" approach in their math classes which is ridiculously wasteful to me, but as long as they're happy in doing so, more power to those folks.I feel triggered! lol Just kidding, kind of! I do get this though, but sometimes you just got to do what it takes. And I didn't have access to Braille, and quite frankly didn't feel like advocating for it. I wrote a program to convert plain text to various formats, but still was somewhat time consuming. As already said, we're just going to be slower than our sighted peers, even if we use Braille or some fancy programs. At the end of the day, the aim is to get that little piece of paper that says we are competent enough to stick by an unforgiving subject such as Math, Physics, or engineering.


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Re: Declining Mental Health, Do You Need to Vent?

2020-04-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Declining Mental Health, Do You Need to Vent?

@1, thanks for making a post like this. I myself am no stranger to declining mental health. It was especially strong in college because I had so much going on. So I completely understand why this post is valuable in more ways than one.I am happy to say my mental health has significantly improved since that time in my life. Recent changes and updates have left me happier than I've ever been. I know people often say happiness shouldn't be based on, or reinforced by other people, but I think a reason I haven't gone mad yet is because of my significant other living with me.  And in general, I imagine it's a bit easier to deal with this isolation when living with someone. I would be happy to talk to people as well on Skype or possibly other social media. Just get in touch in PM or reply to this post. I work on week days so can't promise a chat during the day (US Central Time), but would be happy to have a chat after work.And I know, it's so much easier said than done when people try to encourage good health and wish the best for others, but I know our situation is much scarier than people might believe. *no politics here but watching news may not contribute well to health*And it truly makes me sad that some people aren't able to pay bills and rent. In the US, I've heard some scary statistics about our unemployment rate going up and smaller businesses shutting down. That's disheartening. I won't lie, this thing is all around a bad event, leaving a mark in our history. But one thing I take comfort in is that we're all having to go through this together. I know that's a bit of a cliche, but it's true and to the point. The best I can offer at the moment in this reply is reassurance that this thing will pass, and we can hopefully look back on this in the future with a better outlook on life. Finances are always a tricky subject to address, so I won't go there, but one can only hope things in the US get better with the support of our leaders. But perhaps another thing I can offer, but not promise, is some help with college work. I'd like to think I'm well-versed in a lot of the trickier subjects, and may be able to provide some insight into explaining certain concepts, help solve a homework problem or two, and other arrangements. I wouldn't ask for anything in return. I just want to do a little in the way of helping out my fellow community.Anyway, I want to wish you all the best, and know my words will do little to comfort you, but am offering to make an effort in helping out where I can.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Is Microsoft Teams accessible?

2020-04-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Is Microsoft Teams accessible?

I generally agree with that last post. I do want to ask though, have you guys experienced some difficulties navigating Teams lately?At my job, we have Enterprise Systems, and latest versions of Teams, and I have noticed that many of my screen readers don't work with the UI. It worked well a few months ago, and then, all of a sudden, it's like accessibility dropped!I briefly remember someone mentioning that Electron itself has lost a bit in the way of accessibility. I wonder if this is why I've been experiencing some difficulties with the Windows version.Funnily enough, today people have been seriously talking about switching things over to Microsoft Teams over from Skype.Note: I'm talking about Skype for Business not regular desktop application. Not sure if Teams has a similar Business versionThis topic is kind of on point for me at the moment. lolI have workarounds, but just wondering if you guys have faced similar issues.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Resources to learn spanish accessibly?

2020-04-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Resources to learn spanish accessibly?

@11: Glad to know there are others who are enthusiastic about languages! Man, I feel bad because for the longest time, we've been meaning to connect. But I'm sure you're busy, and I find myself busy a lot of times as well. But certainly a good conversation among some of us VI polyglots would be really great.Anyway, OP, I hope some of these resources help.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Distance Learning and Math Courses

2020-04-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Distance Learning and Math Courses

Wow! You guys are making me miss Math. NOT! lol I was a straight A student in Math, but still hated it. It hasn't been too long since I graduated, so still remember quite a lot. I'm hoping these equations will leave my brain soon. Especially those damn Differential Equations used in Circuits and other electrical Engineering courses.I hope you guys are getting along well with these remote classes. Someone mentioned using a Pearson product? I wonder what version of MyMath Lab is being used. I worked on an equation editor and made it accessible consumed by some of Pearson's math products, so don't know if it's been pulled in yet. I know it is for some stuff.OpenStax is a really good resource, which some already mentioned. And don't dismiss the material on Khan Academy. That stuff is good for refreshing up on topics or building on good foundation for some concepts.For me, I think the challenging Calculus was II, which I think is Integral Calculus. I still have nightmares of Integration by Parts. lolMultivariable calculus, surprisingly, was a lot easier.I also took a probability and statistics class. Definitely a lot of Calculus, useful for Machine Learning stuff. Also, don't dismiss the Limits stuff you guys learn, especially if you're CS students. *cough* Big-O Notation *cough*Although, you can probably pick it up in discrete math courses if you take that.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Resources to learn spanish accessibly?

2020-04-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Resources to learn spanish accessibly?

@6:Yes the basics are the same in all variants of Spanish. You're also correct about that one difference you noted between Mexican and European Spanish. There are other slight subtleties, like differences in pronunciations of z and c, the French-sounding j and g, and a few others. Additionally, many Latin American versions of Spanish are also different in pronunciation from one another, such as some countries omitting the letter s, or over-exaggeration of the letter y. A video I thought was pretty good in showing off some differences is this one.For reference, the video will go through a few rounds of some people from Spanish-speaking countries talking about their country and the language. The order is: Mexico, Chili, Spain, Venezuela, Colombia. There'll be about 3 rounds of this.I love languages so have done some pretty good research on this, and many other languages and their dialects and variants.Also, quick aside, I've listened to my fair share of people speaking Portuguese, Italian, and even Catalan, and I have to say, knowing Spanish and French fluently really helps! I was surprised how much I am able to understand. And yes, I am aware they're all in the same family of languages.  But I just find it interesting.


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Re: Do you want to be able to develop in, or understand, HTML?

2020-03-31 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Do you want to be able to develop in, or understand, HTML?

I'd be interested to see a series on CSS like this, and your take on it as a visually impaired developer.


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Re: online jobs for the blind

2020-03-31 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: online jobs for the blind

Somebody on another topic suggested you could do transcription services and it is accessible. Someone briefly mentioned to me you could earn money from Amazon filling out surveys and doing random tasks. Not sure if that's accessible though.


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